#''why has this gone bad'' i say as if life is like a video game inventory and things will wait for u indefinitely
mildswearingat4am · 6 months
Some weird texture stuff is going on with my acrylics -- like, it's thin but has tiny lumps and crud in it, which is super obvious in a yellow paint :/
... perhaps you are not meant to hang on to 99 cent nontoxic kid acrylics for like 10 years
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avatar-anna · 2 years
The Newlywed Game
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
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young dad!harry and young mom!reader play the newlywed game!
wc: 5k
“Okay, Mom, Dad, please state your names for the video.”
Harry and Y/n shared a look like they couldn’t actually believe they were doing this. It was a quick one, though, and Harry was the first to snap his head back towards the phone propped up on a tripod. “Hello, I’m Harry. Collette’s dad.”
Y/n resisted the urge to roll her eyes. As long as she’d known him, Harry always introduced himself like he was some random guy that taught at the local high school and not a world famous musician. Harry caught his wife’s stare and raised his eyebrows at her, a question in his eyes. Y/n ignored it and proceeded to introduce herself as Collette’s mom.
A few months ago, Collette decided she wanted to start a YouTube channel. Since they tried to keep all six of their kids out of the limelight, it wasn’t something that Harry or Y/n were exactly thrilled to hear about. At first, Y/n had said no, telling her second oldest daughter that she was too young and didn’t have any business making videos on the Internet for the general public. She felt bad at how quickly she shut it down, especially since Collette was rather upset about being told no, but her mind was still made up.
What was most surprising was that Harry was the one who convinced her to say yes. Y/n couldn’t believe it. In all the time they’d been together, her husband appeared on his social media accounts only a handful of times. He was practically anti-social media, yet here he was, encouraging her to change her mind. “I talked to Jeff, and he said he would help keep an eye on things.”
“I don’t know, Harry. She’s seventeen. And the internet can be so cruel. We’ve done such a good job keeping them away from all of that.” Every one of their kids’ social media accounts had their comments turned off. Most, if not all, of their social media posts were pre-approved before getting posted, though that was becoming harder and harder the older they got. Simone, who was in college now, was still careful, but she wasn’t telling her parents about each picture she posted on her Instagram either.
“I think it’ll be fine,” Harry had insisted, kissing her cheek as she got the next day’s lunches ready for the twins, Collette, and Natalia a couple of hours after she had said no. Her daughter had groaned and looked like she was about to stomp her foot in frustration, but instead she told Y/n that she was the worst mom in the world and was ruining her life. Y/n was more than ready to tell her daughter that she better not be speaking to her that way, that fiery, argumentative side rising to the surface of her typically calm demeanor. They argued for a few minutes, then eventually left each other alone to blow off some steam. Collette stomped up to her room, but knew better than to slam her bedroom door, and that appeared to be that.
Harry had come home to a tense house, his wife and daughter in their separate corners and not talking to each other. He’d gone to Y/n first, asking her why the house was so quiet when it was usually buzzing with some sort of chatter. That’s when Y/n told him about Collette’s request, her answer, and the blow up that followed. Harry had gone upstairs a little while later to smooth things over with Lettie, who was quick to rest her head on his shoulder and vent about her mom.
“She doesn’t get it, she never does,” she’d said.
Harry ran his hand through his daughter’s hair, careful not to pull too hard on any knots. “Did you ever stop to think that she said no because she loves you and wants to keep you safe? Your mum has been on the receiving end of a lot of hate,” he said gently. “We don’t want to see that happen to you or your brother or sisters, peanut. It feels extreme, but we’re just looking out for you.”
Collette didn’t have anything to say in response to that until she eventually grumbled, “She didn’t have to be so mean about it.”
“Maybe not. Did you try to explain why you want to do this?”
“She didn’t even give me a chance! She just flat out told me no.”
He could hear the shakiness in Collette’s voice, the same shakiness that always appeared when she was frustrated. Whether she liked it or not, she was like her mom in more ways than she would ever know. It made a small smile flicker on Harry’s face to see a reflection of the woman he loved so much sitting next to him. His daughter.
“Your mum and I want to do what we think is best for you. You know that our lives aren’t as normal as we’d maybe like them to be.”
“Dad, I know, but I really want to do this. All my friends get to post about their lives whenever they want and I have to check with you or Mom first. It’s suffocating sometimes. It just feels like you don’t trust me sometimes.” Collette stopped for a moment, and Harry knew that this was something that had been on her mind for a while.
“That’s not why we have these rules, Collette. Not at all.”
Harry wanted to give her the world, and in a lot of ways he had, but he’d never really thought about how their rules might feel restricting, having only ever wanted to keep their children safe. And Simone never really had a problem with it, so Harry and Y/n figured it would be the same for the rest of their kids. But of course it wasn’t the same. All their kids were different and dealt with things differently.
Simone was more on the introverted side, had a close group of friends that were okay with keeping to themselves—although as Harry thought back, perhaps his oldest daughter was just going along with their rules but felt different on the inside, he would have to ask her about it later. Collette was the opposite, though. She had a large group of friends that liked to go to school sports games and parties and the beach. She’d always liked photography and taking pictures of her family if they were willing, Natalia usually her main subject; it was a feat if she managed to get Harry or Y/n in front of her camera, though. In a way, he shouldn’t have been surprised that this was something Collette wanted.
“Tell me more about it,” he’d said then, and his daughter’s responding smile was enough to make him crack. But he couldn’t say yes yet, he had to talk to his wife first.
So after making good on his promise and talking to his manager, making sure his little girl was safe and happy, they let her make her videos.
They were mostly pretty short, just of her doing her makeup in front of her camera and answering questions about her family. Sometimes she would ask Harry if she could borrow his clothes, and he would say yes because she was always borrowing something of his to wear to school, but to his surprise, it ended up being for a video, something with a title along the lines of turning her dad’s grandpa sweaters into something “cute.” He frowned when he watched it with Y/n in their bedroom one night, but she just laughed, more on board with her daughter’s hobby than ever. In other videos, she let her siblings join in—she’d do their hair or makeup or take them shopping or making food in the kitchen.
It wasn’t until Y/n appeared quickly in one of Lettie’s videos to do her hair for homecoming that requests came in to see more of her parents. She’d come to them and asked if they would sit down and play a game for one, and after lots of begging, they eventually caved.
“Tell us what you’re going to be doing today,” Collette said from behind the camera, a set of questions ready to go in her lap.
Harry looked relaxed in jeans and a sweater, his hair artfully messy as it always was. Y/n was in a pair of leggings and one of Harry’s old sweatshirts. It was black with the print faded to the point where it was barely visible, but through the sharp lens of Collete’s camera picked up what looked like a picture of the earth with words printed over it. Collette had frowned at her parents’ casual attire, but she decided not to comment on it seeing as she got them to film this video in the first place. And not that it really mattered anyway; in pajamas or dressed up for one of Harry’s events, her parents always looked fantastic.
“Erm, we are here to play the…sorry, peanut, what’s it called?” Harry said. His brows furrowed, like he was trying to recall the title Collette had given the video a few days ago.
She’d printed out a list of questions that they were going to answer today with the title printed in bold at the top. Like Y/n, Collette was very organized and had a list for practically every little thing that she did. Y/n looked over the list thoroughly while Harry decided to wing it on the day Collette said they were meant to film her video.
“Babe, don’t call her peanut on camera,” Y/n chided, shoving her husband’s arm lightly. She saw Collette’s frown from behind the camera when the name left Harry’s lips and was quick to correct him. She knew that all the stuff her daughter didn’t like could just be edited out, but Y/n figured things would go a lot smoother if their daughter didn’t get flustered and upset with them in the first five minutes of filming this video. Smiling cheerfully at the camera, Y/n said, “We’re playing the newlywed game, remember?”
“Right!” Harry said, his face lighting up at the familiar name. “Right, I remember because we’re playing a game for newlyweds even though we’ve been married for years.”
“Yeah, well, this will be a test to see how well you know each other after being together for so long,” Collette replied.
After that, they recorded the rules of the game—writing their answers to a number of questions about each other on little individual white boards, each right answer won them a point, and the one with the most points won the game.
“Okay, first question,” Collette said, looking down at her list. “When is your spouse’s birthday?”
“Spouse?” Y/n muttered, writing her answer down without hesitation. “Kind of formal, but alright.”
“But isn’t that what we are, love?” Harry asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
Y/n merely hummed before turning her whiteboard over. “Easy. February first, nineteen ninety-four.”
Harry flipped his own board over, his answer correct, too. From there they answered more trivia about their relationship—anniversaries, favorite colors, zodiac signs, how old they were, and so on.
“Who’s the better driver?” Collette asked.
Both of them were quick to jot down their answers. When they lifted their boards up to show their answers, Harry scoffed. “That is not even true.”
Y/n looked at her husband’s board, and saw that he’d written himself instead of her. “Not even! I’m a much better driver.”
“Y/n, I love you, but every time you get behind the wheel you drive like we’re in a high-speed chase.”
“I do not!”
Looking beyond the camera, Harry asked Collette, “Lettie, back me up here. I’m the better driver, right?”
“No, no. That’s not how that works. You can’t ask her,” Y/n said. “And besides, she’d disagree with you anyway.”
“It’s not that deep,” Collette said, trying to diffuse the argument before her parents could get started. Over the years, she realized that her parents didn’t fight very much, but their silly arguments could get quite intense, as both her mom and dad liked to be right. “Can we just move on, please?”
“I can’t believe you think I drive like a fugitive,” Y/n muttered as she wiped her answer away in preparation for the next question.
“I love you,” he said in reply, kissing her cheek when she grunted at him.
“What is the best gift you ever gave to Dad?”
“Oh, I know exactly what he’s going to put,” Y/n said confidently.
“No you don’t,” Harry pouted.
Y/n resisted the urge to tease him. “That’s the whole point of this game, H.”
“Okay, show your answers,” Collette said before they could get into another little tiff over nothing.
Harry flipped his first, his messy scrawl reading, 6 beautiful children. Y/n grinned and showed her answer, revealing that she had in fact written the exact same thing. “What did I tell you?”
“Must you be right all the time?”
Y/n pretended to think about it before saying. “Mm…Yes.”
“Who is the better dancer?”
Harry rolled his eyes at Y/n’s smug smile, but scribbled down his answer anyway. After Collette counted down from three, they showed their answers, both whiteboards saying Y/n.
“To be fair, you have improved a lot since we first met,” Y/n amended, having seen the bashful look on Harry’s face.
There was a time when Harry used to be embarrassed by his lack of coordination. He was okay at dancing onstage to his own songs, but outside of that, he had trouble finding the beat. Y/n was no professional by any means, but she was definitely better than him.
That all changed though when they managed to sneak off to some club together. Once a month, one or two or all of the boys agreed to watch Simone while Harry and Y/n went out on a date. They usually didn’t stay out long, but it was nice to feel their age once in a while, to let go of responsibilities for just a couple hours.
All night, Y/n kept trying to pull Harry out onto the dance floor, perhaps a little tipsy and feeling the bass a little too much, frowning every time he said no. Harry felt bad, but the fear of looking like an idiot was stronger, despite the club being so dark. So he told her to go and dance while he went to the restroom. Y/n sighed, clearly not happy with him. This was their one night of the month to let loose and spend some alone time together, and he was being so grumpy. Not wanting to let him ruin the night for her, she turned and went anyway.
When Harry came back, it took him a minute to find Y/n, but when he did, a wave of jealousy washed over him. She found a partner to dance with, which could only be Harry’s fault, but he didn’t like how close his then girlfriend at the time was to the other guy. He knew Y/n would never cheat and that she really was on the dance floor to just dance, but he just couldn’t handle seeing her with someone else like that.
Harry pulled Y/n off the dance floor, saying he wasn’t feeling well and that he wanted to go back to the hotel. Y/n saw right through his bullshit, but she left with him anyway.
“Okay, what is going on with you?” she asked once they were in the confines of their car. “You didn’t want to dance, so I found someone to dance with.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“I appreciate the apology, Harry, but I want to know what’s wrong. Talk to me.”
They were so young, and yet Y/n was so mature about the whole thing. Having a baby before twenty would do that, he supposed.
Harry sighed. He knew it wasn’t really a big deal, and the fact that he was making it one made him even more embarrassed. “I can’t dance.”
Knowing this was obviously a touchy subject for him, she tried to keep a straight face. “Okay…What parts do you have trouble with?”
“I don’t know, all of it? I just feel so awkward.”
Taking his hand in hers, she asked, “Why have you never told me this? We could’ve gone somewhere else.”
“I know, but you seemed excited about tonight. And it’s just embarrassing when you’re…you know…”
“Love, respectfully? You’re fucking sexy.”
Y/n blushed. There weren’t very many moments where she felt even remotely desirable sometimes, let alone sexy. “Oh stop.”
“It’s true. I’d look like an idiot dancing with you.”
Harry pulled into the back of the hotel and put the car in park, but neither of them got out. Leaning across the middle, Y/n gently took his face in her hands and kissed him, running her thumb across his cheek the way he liked when he needed to be comforted.
“I think you’re exaggerating a little. You’re not as bad as you’re making yourself out to be.”
“Gee, thanks,” he said, frowning.
Y/n kissed away the wrinkle between his brows. “I’ll teach you, baby. Don’t worry.”
“Right now?”
“Mm, sure, why not.”
Both of them got out of the car, Y/n leading Harry to her hotel room. Simone was in Zayn’s room, so they had the place to themselves for just a little bit longer. From her phone, she queued up a song, something slow and easier to dance to.
“Okay, so you’re dancing to the beat of the song, not the what’s being sung,” she said, resting her hands on Harry’s hips. “Just feel the music. Let it move you.”
Harry started off a little awkwardly, but the longer Y/n coached him, the better he got. He followed her lead, stepping when and where she said. “See?” she said, smiling up at him. “You’re so good.”
He couldn’t hide his smile. Now that he was getting the hang of it, Harry couldn’t believe he didn’t dance with Y/n more often. His hands were on her hips, she was moving against him sensually, and in the heels she was wearing, she was just tall enough to kiss him whenever she wanted.
It was safe to say that Harry was Y/n’s forever dance partner after that. Y/n was obviously still better, but he’d come a long way. He took each and every one of his daughters to their respective Daddy/Daughter dances and never left his wife alone on any dance floor.
Collette, of course, didn’t know much about her dad’s dancing, just that he danced like dads often did. “Yeah, Dad, you’re not bad, Mom is just better.”
Harry shrugged and sighed playfully. “Can’t argue with that, can I?”
“Okay, Mom, what is your favorite Harry Styles song?”
“Oh that’s hard, there’s just so many to pick from,” Y/n said, holding the board close to her chest. In truth, she had one in mind, but she was also thinking about what her husband would write as his answer, which made her hesitate.
She looked up, only to find that Harry was already waiting to meet her eyes. From behind the camera, Collette watched as her parents had a silent conversation. They stared at each other for a couple seconds, then finally seemed to end their conversation and went back to their whiteboards.
“Dad, you first,” Collette said, gesturing behind the camera for him to show his answer.
Harry flipped his board around revealing the words, “Track 15.”
Y/n flipped hers around to reveal the same thing.
“Do you want to explain?” Collette asked. She knew the song of course, but seeing as it was an unreleased song, she felt her parents should elaborate for the video.
“It’s a song H recorded for our what? Third wedding anniversary?” Y/n said. “It’s a love song, and little JuJu is on it, and it’s so sweet. I cry every time I listen to it, I think.”
Harry smiled at her. “You do.” Then to the camera, he said, “I play it when she’s cross with me too. Reminds her why she loves me.”
Y/n’s mouth opened in shock, clearly unaware of her husband’s make-up tactics. But then she closed it and gave Harry a look. “We’ll talk about it later.”
A look of fear crossed Harry’s face, and Collette just shook her head behind the camera before moving onto the next question.
“How did the two of you meet?”
Harry and Y/n were quick to answer on their boards, and when they flipped, they had the same answer.
“Her friend was an extra on the What Make You Beautiful video, and Y/n came too. Caught my eye immediately.”
“That is not what happened,” Y/n replied. “Zayn buried him in sand while he was taking a nap on the beach and I was the only one who wanted to wake him up.”
“I remember it differently,” was all Harry said.
“But,” Y/n added. “He and the boys joined my friend and me for a game of beach volleyball, which they’d never played before, and I will say you were quite flirtatious.”
“Knew what I wanted,” he said with a confident grin.
In truth, Y/n was surprised when Harry approached her. Her friend was the one who thought he was cute, and she was the one who was in the music video, so Y/n didn’t think any of the boys would notice her, much less take an interest in her. And he didn’t really talk to her until much later in the day. Niall and Louis were kind of the only ones who talked to her between shoots, and she thought Niall was quite funny.
To be fair, all of the One Direction boys were cute and funny and charming, but Niall was the one she had drifted toward at first, if only because he made her feel the most welcome. Later on, Harry had attached himself at Y/n’s hip while they played volleyball together. And long after too. He pulled her toward the shore and walked with her, asking her all sorts of questions from where she was from to what she was doing the next day. It was unexpected after he hadn’t spoken to her most of the day, but Y/n became more and more smitten the longer they talked.
As someone who wasn’t flirted with often, Y/n, for lack of better word, ate it all up. She thought he was so kind and she liked his smile and his pretty green eyes. She remembered feeling so light when her friend dropped her off at home, Harry’s number scribbled on a piece of paper in her back pocket. In the back of her mind, she knew she probably wouldn’t see him again, but he texted her that same night and asked if she was free tomorrow, and it just kind of spiraled from there.
Y/n never expected one little afternoon would turn into a lifetime with Harry, but she sometimes felt like it had been fate that she’d been there that day, even if her friend didn’t speak to her for a week for stealing Harry’s attention.
“Which of you tends to get the most jealous?”
“I’d say neither of us get very jealous,” Harry said thoughtfully.
“Not anymore. You’ve always had a bit of a jealous streak,” Y/n amended. “Remember at the video shoot and Niall was chatting with me?”
Harry scratched his head and looked away from his wife. “No.”
Y/n laughed as she recalled the memory. “He was kind of the only one that day who would stop and talk to me before Harry did, and I remember looking over and thinking about your dad,” she said to Collette, “who pissed in his cereal this morning? Because he had this frown on his face whenever I caught his eye, and I’d hardly even spoken to him!”
“Uncle Niall was hitting on you?” Collette asked, unable to hide her disbelief and slight disgust.
“The correct response, thank you,” Harry said.
Y/n shook her head as if they’d had this conversation a million times. “He was talking you up, babe.”
“Yeah. He said you were too shy to make the first move, but you ‘fancied’ me. It was so cute.”
Harry had been nervous to talk to Y/n. She’d woken him up at the beach earlier in the afternoon, but she hadn’t spoken to him since, and Harry didn’t know how to strike up a conversation with her. She was this beautiful American girl who just seemed so cool, so out of his league. Harry was slowly gaining confidence from being in the band, but he still got tongue tied around girls he fancied, and Y/n was no different. It wasn't until Zayn pushed him over to the volleyball courts that he felt confident enough to be more charming. Y/n made him comfortable enough to be himself, and he knew he needed to do as much as he could to let him give her his number so he could see her again. Harry wasn’t going to be in LA very long, so he knew he had to make those couple days count.
Boy did he ever.
“We used to get a little jealous, but,” Y/n shrugged, “I don’t know I think we just grew out of it, don’t you think?”
“I’d say that’s pretty fair,” Harry agreed, though he knew how much of a hard time his wife had the first year or two they were together. It was hard for her to watch him flirt and be cheeky with other women on national television or go on fake dates when she was home with Simone. Harry was never tempted, not once, but he knew that he would’ve felt similarly if the roles were reversed.
“What is Mom’s favorite tattoo of Dad’s?”
“I don’t even think I know,” Y/n said as she tapped her marker against her whiteboard.
“Definitely not the butterfly,” Harry muttered, scribbling something down.
“That’s not true! It was just jarring to see at first. You didn’t even tell me you were gonna get it!”
Harry shrugged and winked at the camera. “I like to be spontaneous.”
Collette waited for her parents to finish writing their answers, though she was surprised that this was the one that took the longest for Y/n to answer. When it looked like they were done, she said, “Okay, three, two, one, flip!”
Harry’s board read, Brazil. When he saw Y/n’s answer, he scoffed. “Really?”
“I don’t know, I think it’s cute!” she said when he judged her answer if, palm tree. “You’re like a little California girl at heart.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “I figured Brazil one because, you know, you actually did that one.”
The truth they refused to admit was that deep down Y/n’s favorite were the fern tattoos. She always took extra time kissing them whenever they were intimate, but neither of them were willing to admit that in front of their daughter or on camera.
“Close second,” Y/n said with a knowing glance at Harry.
“Who said I love you first?”
Harry and Y/n answered with a resounding, “Harry” and “H.”
Y/n leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I was quick to follow, to be fair.”
Harry shrugged, a smug little grin on his face. “I was still first.”
Y/n just rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were flushed, as if she was remembering the day right then.
“Okay, and last couple questions. What is Dad’s drink of choice?”
When asked to reveal her board, Y/n turned it around, the words “neat tequila” written on it. She felt pretty confident about it, but when Harry turned his board around, she frowned. “Since when?”
“Your dad turned me onto Scotch years ago,” he said, looking at her incredulously.
“Babe, every Christmas your dad and I share a drink together. It’s like our thing.”
“You have a tequila reposado every time we go out.”
“That‘s…also true,” Harry admitted, grinning sheepishly.
Collette decided that was a good time to move on. “And what’s Mom’s?”
“Okay, everyone! That was my parents playing the newlywed game!” Collette said, now sitting between Harry and Y/n.
She did her usual sign-off with her parents, though both insisted that they revealed who won the game. It was close, but Harry beat Y/n by two points, which Collette knew would be the topic of conversation the next couple days. Her parents were weirdly competitive with each other.
It was safe to say that that video was Collette’s most viewed. People went crazy over seeing Harry and Y/n together like that when the didn’t normally make public appearances unless it had to do with Harry’s music. They were often dubbed “Hollywood’s Most Elusive Couple” for a reason, so to see them in a video together, and one where they talked about their relationship, at that, was a pleasant surprise for everyone.
Request after request came in to see more of Harry and Y/n, but Collette knew it would be a while before her parents agreed. Not that she minded, she was just glad they agreed in the first place.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 8 months
a shitload of incorrect quotes
Tech: *clicks pen* Crosshair: *clicks pen in response* Wrecker: Stop that. Tech: Stop what? Wrecker: You’re talking about me in Morse code! Tech: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out! *later* Crosshair, to Omega: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
Hunter: What’s something you guys are better than Crosshair at? Wrecker: Mario Kart. Omega: Yeah, all video games except first-person shooters and The Last Of Us. Tech: Emotional vulnerability.
Tech: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Hunter: Maybe a bit tipsy? Echo: Drunk. Wrecker: Wasted. Crosshair: Dead.
Echo, setting down a card: Ace of spades. Tech, pulling out an Uno card: +4. Crosshair, pulling out a Pokémon card: Absol, I choose you! Hunter, trembling: What are we playing?!
Wrecker: What is love? Hunter: An emotional minefield. Tech: A neurochemical reaction. Omega: Baby don't hurt me.
Crosshair: What starts with F and ends with Uck? Echo: No it doesn't. Tech: Firetruck! Omega: FUCK!
Omega: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies. Hunter: You’re too young to have enemies. Omega: You don’t even know.
Crosshair: If I die, you can have what little I own. Hunter: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die? Crosshair: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. Hunter: Hunter: *Sigh* Let me call your therapist again.
Nexu: I’m not a doctor, I’m a medic. Wrecker: What’s the difference then? Nexu: Well doctors actually save lives, medics just make you feel more comfortable as you die. Crosshair: Note to self; never get shot.
Crosshair: Hand me the people opener. Hunter: ... Hunter: Pardon? Crosshair, annoyed: The people opener! Just hand it to me! Hunter, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER? Crosshair: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle? Hunter: Knife. It's called a knife.
Omega, hugging Crosshair: Do you feel any better? Crosshair: I feel much better now that you're here with me. *Hunter walks in* Crosshair: I feel half better.
Hunter: Would you rather kill Tech, or— Echo: Yes, kill them. Hunter: I didn’t say the other thing— Echo: I don’t need to hear it. Tech: …I’m feeling a little unsafe.
Benji, to cadet Crosshair: Oh my stars you are so cute and small! Crosshair: *proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away* Hunter, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call Crosshair cute or small.
Hunter: Omega is at that very special age where a kid only has one thing on their mind. Crosshair: Murder? Omega: Murder.
Hunter: How high are you? Crosshair: 6'4". Tech: No, he's asking what drugs are you on. Crosshair: Oh, antidepressants, why?
Crosshair: Hey, do you know the password to Hunter’s computer? Omega: Fuck you, Crosshair. Crosshair: Hey!! Omega: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouCrosshair". Crosshair: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Omega: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Echo: Wasn’t Crosshair with you? Crosshair: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Tech: I will find us a ride. Tech: If you two can manage to not kill each other while I'm gone. Omega: Oh, please. We're not children. *Tech leaves* Omega, casually: ...Eat shit and die. Crosshair, also casually: Yes, fuck you.
Omega: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Crosshair: I'm a knife. Wrecker, from across the room: He's the little spoon.
Crosshair: Fun Fact! The average person will walk by 36 murderers in their lifetime. Echo: I like how this is a "fun" fact. Hunter: It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: video gamer Steve who is very very private & constantly has competitions with his friends/followers. But one day he does & q&a and someone asks him about his ring/necklace (or something that is noticeable) & he talks about his partner. & Eddie who is a well known musician who talks about his partner Steve. And somehow their fans put it together that Steddie are together. Then they do a really cute q&a on Steve's channel all about their relationship & its really cute
MY LOVE!!! Honestly, if Liam didn't watch so many gamers on YouTube, I would be so clueless. I never got into video games (because I'm so so bad at them you guys it is actually embarrassing) and I never really watched streamers on YouTube or anything. But I know that some of them have like a cult following and so I am picturing Steve to be one of those here. Please don't ask what games he would play because this is a choose your own adventure part of the story. - Mickala ❤️
Everyone made fun of Steve for how much he talked with his hands. Even on camera, his hands were constantly in the frame, moving and emphasizing his passion for whatever game he was playing for that stream.
He should have realized that wearing a ring on his usually bare hands would have given him away.
It was his first livestream competition since Eddie proposed on their trip to the Maldives.
He was still a little high off of, well, everything, and he wasn’t thinking clearly.
He ignored the first question that popped up.
who got you that ring?
He shared some basic personal stuff with his fans and followers, but he kept most things private, especially his relationship.
But then questions kept coming in.
usually the girl wears the ring right
If you’re taken I might have to unsubscribe
The last one made him pause.
It’s not like he was an idiot, he knew that there would always be a handful of people who followed him because he was attractive. He didn’t mind, especially because some of them would message him and explain that they ended up getting into games because of him.
“Okay, wait. Sorry guys. Um. I wanna address something before we start the actual stream.” He held his hand up, looking over at the ring Eddie proposed with. “I share a lot with you guys. I came out about a year ago during a stream as bisexual, and it really shouldn’t have been much of a shock, but it caused a bit of a…thing.” He grimaced. “And I guess most of the reason that I came out then was because my boyfriend had come out as well, and it felt like something we could do together without actually doing it together. Most of you know I was just gone for a week on a much needed vacation. I was with my boyfriend, and he proposed while we were there. I said yes because he is the only person I’ve ever wanted to spend my life with.”
Steve put his hand down, sighing.
“I understand if that makes some of you unfollow me, but I do hope you look at yourself and try to come to terms with why that is what makes you unfollow someone you enjoy watching. Anyways, the ring is beautiful, and it's a simpler version of one he wears every day, so it means even more.”
He felt relieved, but also a little stressed, and knew he’d be calling Eddie as soon as this was over to talk to him about everything.
“Let’s get gaming!” He gave his best smile to the camera.
“Yeah, we had a nice week off together, alone, and I finally got to propose. I don’t think we left the bed for 24 hours after that,” Eddie laughed.
The interviewer laughed too, used to Eddie’s jokes and blunt answers.
“I’m glad you got to spend some time just the two of you. This has been a busy world tour for you and Corroded Coffin and you’re only halfway through!” The interviewer, Hannah, stated. She smiled at him when he nodded. “Anything new planned for the second half of the tour?”
“We can’t give out secrets, Hannah, you know that,” Eddie smirked. “But Gareth did say I should tell you about one thing.”
Gareth definitely had a crush on Hannah and had pouted endlessly about being scheduled for a different interview at the same time as Eddie’s interview with her.
“Oh?” she leaned forward, eyes gleaming.
She maybe had a crush on him, too.
“He actually wrote a song that’ll be on our next album. He doesn’t usually get bit with the writing bug, but someone’s inspired him,” he winked at her, smiling at her blush. “Anyway, it’s been added to the setlist for the second leg of the tour and we’re all really excited for everyone to hear it.”
Eddie felt his phone vibrating in his pocket multiple times. All the guys knew he was in an interview and couldn’t answer a call, so who the hell was calling him?
It was easy enough to ignore through Hannah’s next question, until it started again.
He reached in his pocket and checked to see who it was, eyes going wide when he saw ‘Stevie’ with a picture of them on their vacation lighting up his screen.
Steve never called twice in a row unless it was an emergency. He knew if Eddie didn’t answer, he was truly busy.
He felt his heart racing as he looked back up at Hannah, who instantly seemed to catch on to something happening.
“We’re going to a commercial break, but when we’re back, Eddie’s gonna share a few hints about the next album!” Hannah said, immediately shutting the mics off and gesturing for him to get up.
Eddie took off his headphones and stood, walking out of the room as he answered the phone.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, I just-”
“Hey, no, it’s not bothering me. I was just in a radio interview with Hannah so we had to cut to commercial break before I could answer. What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned that something terrible had happened.
“Fuck, I forgot that was right now. I’m sorry. Call me back when you get to the bus,” Steve seemed like he was trying to rush off the phone.
“No, Stevie, wait. What’s wrong?” his tone was firm enough to let Steve know he wasn’t going to let this drop.
“Um. I just had a livestream thing. And like, people asked about the ring, so I told them I was engaged and some people just didn’t take it that well and then I went online and some people have apparently put it together that the Steve you talk about is me because of something I mentioned about my vacation and something you posted about the vacation and so I think everyone’s gonna know and I’m sorry,” Steve was panting by the end, speaking a million miles an hour literally taking the breath from him.
“Okay, well, we knew this would probably happen eventually, my love. I’ll just call the guys and we can talk to Chrissy about it if it gets picked up by the media. No reason to panic,” Eddie tried to calm him down while watching through the window to the recording booth where Hannah seemed to be introducing a song to kill more time.
“But I ruined our plan!”
“No, love. People ruined our plan. And it’s okay, anyway. We’ll figure it out.”
“But your fans will be mad that it’s me. I’m just…me!”
“You’re not just anything and any fan of mine who says or thinks that, isn’t a fan,” Eddie sighed. “I love you, and we will figure this out. Whatever we gotta do, okay?”
Steve let out a long breath before responding.
“I love you too. Tell Hannah I said hi?”
“Of course. I love you so much, okay? ‘Til death and beyond.”
Steve let out a small laugh.
“You’re not allowed to use those lyrics in the vows. But I love you so much, too.”
“We can discuss that later. I wrote you a very metal love song that I fully intend to use some of in the vows. Okay, bye!”
He hung up before Steve could argue and walked back into the studio, mouthing an apology to Hannah, who just waved it off with a smile.
Everything would be fine.
“The lighting isn’t ideal, but it’ll be fine,” Steve was pacing, double checking his set up while Eddie watched.
He tried helping, but kept being told not to touch things, so he ended up just sitting on the hotel bed.
Steve had traveled halfway across the country to do this, his stress was at an all-time high, and Eddie didn’t need to get his head bitten off.
“Five minutes,” Steve said, shaking his hands nervously.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Eddie said, waving him over to the bed.
“No, you’ll distract me.”
“Yes, which is exactly what you need for a minute. Come here.”
Steve sighed, but went over to him, dropping onto the bed and resting his head against Eddie’s shoulder.
“What’s got you so worried?”
Eddie sighed.
“But specifically.”
“I just don’t want you or the guys to lose fans because of me,” Steve was playing with the edges of the hole in Eddie’s jeans absentmindedly.
“Sweet boy, we lose fans because we endorse a certain amp brand over another. We’ll be fine.”
“This is bigger, though. I’m just a nobody who got lucky on YouTube playing some games,” Steve whined.
“And I loved you before that. If they don’t want me to be happy, they aren’t real fans anyway. You’re my future, not whatever woman still thinks she has a shot with my gay ass,” Eddie said.
“But it isn’t just you who suffers.”
“None of us suffer. We lose some homophobic, idiotic fans who shouldn’t ever have claimed to be fans at all. None of us want people like that around.”
Steve’s alarm went off to signal one minute before the livestream started.
He jumped up and pulled Eddie up with him.
They’d already gone over everything together, discussed it with Chrissy and the guys, even Steve’s manager, Robin, about how this would work.
Steve would pretty much act like it was any other livestream, but Eddie would be there for the first five minutes or so so they could do a quick explanation of things.
Eddie would do a phone interview with Hannah in 30 minutes while Steve was gaming, covering a bit more and answering some questions about their relationship.
Then they’d both have a night off to decompress in the hotel before Steve had to fly back home and Eddie had to head to the next tour stop.
Hopefully, the buzz would die down relatively quickly.
Steve did his normal intro, but Eddie’s hand rested on his knee out of sight, squeezing once when he heard his voice start to shake a little while introducing Eddie.
“There’s been some rumors about us, and we just wanna be completely honest about things so that the rumors stop,” Steve continued. “First of all, we’ve been together for almost four years. Way before I got anywhere with YouTube, before Corroded Coffin had even released their first album. And we were friends long before that.”
“Even though I had the biggest crush on him in high school, I didn’t admit I was in love with him until we both moved to Chicago. Wasted years,” Eddie shook his head.
“Second,” Steve smirked, looking over at him for a moment. “The week off in the middle of his tour had been planned for Jeff to go home and be with his family for his wife’s birthday and daughter’s graduation.”
“Anyone who thinks Steve threw a fit about needing a vacation and made the band take a break is just saying so out of spite that we had to move around one of the tour dates to make the week off work. It’s not up to you to come up with a narrative,” Eddie added, brow raised like he was chastising children.
“And finally, most importantly, what either of us choose to share is up to us. We do not owe anyone any explanations. Our relationship is ours. Being public figures already takes away a lot of our autonomy, and this is something neither of us will budge on. We are willing to share our happiness, but we are not willing to let everyone become a part of our life together.”
Sometimes, Steve said things in such a way that Eddie couldn’t do anything but stare at him in awe. He loved him more than anything, and sometimes the only thing he could do was kiss him.
He did so now, not exactly forgetting they were live streaming, just not really caring.
Steve tensed for a second, but then relaxed, cupping his cheek and smiling into the kiss.
Eddie pulled away and looked back at the camera.
“On that note, I’m gonna leave Steve here to his gaming. If you aren’t nice, I’ll ban you from Corroded Coffin shows for life,” he waved before standing and leaving the camera’s view.
Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly as Eddie walked out of the bedroom, blowing kisses back at Steve the entire way.
After that, Eddie made random appearances on Steve’s live streams, and Steve flew out to a handful of shows to support Eddie.
It’s not that they were hiding before, but they just hadn’t felt like they should have to try to.
Now they didn’t.
Steve even did a Q&A with the band on tour while playing games with them.
They were all pretty terrible at it, complaining most of the time about how D&D was so much easier than this. Eddie didn’t play, but he sat next to Steve and braided his hair while he kicked their asses, asking them all the questions that popped up from people watching.
When he got to one for him, he smiled and kissed the top of Steve’s head.
“This question is for me. How did you know Steve was the one?” The guys all groaned, but they were smiling. “Well, I knew he was the one back in my first senior year. I tripped on the step into the gym and Steve was the only one there. He helped me up and smiled at me, and I was a goner.”
“He’s lying to you all,” Steve said without looking away from the game. “He knew when I made him homemade banana bread. His exact words were, ‘I’m gonna marry you so hard someday, Harrington.’ and then six months later he proposed.”
“Both can be true,” Eddie pouted.
Steve paused the game and turned to him, kissing the tip of his nose.
“Every moment I have with you proves you’re the one for me,” he said before turning back to the game and leaving Eddie silently shocked.
“This is the last time we come on this thing, Steve,” Gareth said.
“Yeah. You broke him,” Jeff agreed.
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wayfayrr · 8 months
By your side from day one <3
finally set aside some time to finish off wilds turn for being self aware, the smartest one who found a way to get out without breaking your tv and getting the glass shards of screen everywhere. I'll be back on requests and such soon though!! <3
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“Come on [name], you can’t be serious about missing out on plans just to talk to someone you don’t even know is real.”
“You say like I would want to go clubbing tonight either way, besides he’s said he’s just been working up the courage to video call.”
“And you trust that?”
They’ve got enough of a conscious to look a bit ashamed when I look at them, I know they’re worried for me but of all the things to be so worked up about this seems harmless. 
“What if I told you that he was messaging me and telling me to stop talking to you.”
“Can you show me the proof.”
“Well… no. he deleted them immediately afterwards.”
Are they just jealous? This is so unlike them that it’s offputting. I know they can get a little worked up when I get close to other people but accusing my online friend - accusing wild - of threatening them? It’s petty and childish. Are they afraid I’ll replace them or something? 
“Okay, alright. This isn’t going to make me cut him off you know?”
“Reach out when you don’t feel like senselessly trying to cut me off from others. I’ll see you around.”
Hopefully, it’s sooner rather than later, but if they don’t? It’s their own fault they thought they would need to sabotage my other relationships to get closer to me. They even have the audacity to call out after me as I’m leaving, still trying to warn me about him, like they can’t accept I would dare get close to anyone else. Not like it doesn’t feel awful potentially losing a friend like this, but what can I really do?
The trip home seems to pass in a blur, until I’m already collapsed onto my couch with a familiar notif going off on my phone. Opening it proves it is exactly what I expected it to be, a message from him, asking me how my day has gone showing me more care than nearly every other person in my life ever has. Not expecting me to drop everything on a dime for him, even if recently he’s been getting more possessive in his messages like he wants to be serious when I’ve never seen his face. 
- I’ve been decent, met up with a friend. Not much really, you? - 
- Had to do chores for someone I don’t like >:( wanna get away from everything tbh - 
- why not just up and leave? - 
- I mean, it’s not like I haven’t been planning something - 
Seems like the possessive streak has worn off now then, so I don’t have to worry about mentioning friends again. There isn’t even a reason he should be possessive of me though, unless he’s got a secret crush or something. Which I hope he doesn’t, he’s been speaking to me for barely a couple of weeks. 
- You free to call tonight? It’s been a while. - 
- I’m good rn if you are. I’ll just grab my headphones - one sec - 
- :DD perf perf - 
Honestly a call will be nice, I can just zone out for a bit, play some games and chat. It’s the perfect way to destress after everything that happened earlier, I still can’t believe they threw away our friendship over something so small. Maybe I should just block their number and drop them even if they do try and apologise, I don’t really need people like that in my life. 
“So then love, any plans for tonight?”
“I thought you said you were gonna drop calling me that?”
“It’s silly and you didn’t answer my question anyway.”
“Nah not really. I’m just loading up breath of the wild, been a bit since I’ve -”
“Oh shit.”
Has wild been link this whole time, wait - how did he get access to the internet, HOW IS HE SENTIENT?  
He’s just sitting in his hateno house, holding the sheikah slate like a phone and silently, through the switch anyway, talking. The look of horror on his face is gut-wrenching though.
“You - you…”
“Oh - uh - I mean. Come on love it’s not that bad is it? I - I’m not going to hurt you, I swear.”
“I don’t think I want to deal with this right now… I’m sorry I just.”
The look of horror and shame shifted terrifyingly fast when he noticed me moving to turn off the switch, replacing itself with fear and anger before he steeled himself, and presses his hand against the slate’s screen?
He - he’s reached through my phone to grab onto my wrist. 
“No, don’t turn me off, I can’t go back to being just a voice. Please”
“How… how are you DOING THIS?”
“That… Isn’t what matters right now.”
His grip feels so nervous, he looks it too - which makes sense, I would probably be petrified if I lost my body just because I was trapped in a game. I can’t turn him off that would be cruel… he deserves better than that. 
It instantly lightened as I moved to sit back down, a sigh of relief echoing through both my tv speakers and my phone, as he let go the second I sat with his hand retreating through my unbroken phone. 
“Okay, you promise you won’t try to turn me off?”
“I won’t if you’ll explain.”
“That - that’s fair, I can do that for you love and - if I told you that I think I’ve figured out a way to get out? Would you let me live with you?”
“So that’s why you were so forward abou- yes you can. When you’ve explained everything. And made it certain you’re not planning to kill me because you’re scared of me sending you back.”
The reverb’s stopped now, which makes talking a lot more pleasant and less like he’s trying to intimidate me now, not that I blame him for it if I was about to condemn him back to that hellscape. I just, I really hope he isn’t trying to get out just to kill me, I don’t think I would ever be able to get over my childhood crush wanting to kill me even if he has every right to want that.
“What- No no I don’t - why - why would you think I would ever want to even hurt you let alone KILL. I - love I. I love you. That’s why I’m doing all of this - I - I.”
He’s crying. I should’ve known that he wouldn’t do anything like that - it’s within his right to - but he’s link, he’s the hero, the protagonist who was stuck to my side through it all. I know I shouldn’t have said that it wasn’t meant to be cruel but it was careless enough to hurt him. 
“I’m sorry, I came on to strong, you - you have every right to be scared of me. I promise though love I - I will never hurt you ever.”
“I know… I just panicked. You can explain now I won’t overreact again I swear. Or if you’d prefer -”
“If I would prefer..?”
“Why not get out first, then explain?”
Lighting up a firework in my face would have been less blinding than his smile in that moment, it’s such a sweet smile - a genuine one too. Meaning that I said the right thing, that I’m doing the right thing by giving him this chance. 
Hopefully, I won’t regret it.
“Really? You’ll let me do that?”
“I think it’s a good idea, it’ll be easier to talk to you as well. Just - how are you going to go this?”
“Um, oh, well uh, I think I could possibly make your switch into a mock version of a warp medallion? Then link my slate to it and just well”
“That makes sense, you can go ahead then, shouldn’t take long right?”
“No, no it won’t.”
A couple of seconds was all the wait it needed for him to stumble out of the blue lights and right onto me, clearly disorientated by the shift into reality. Probably not as bad as any of the 2d links would have struggled to be fair to him. It was an even shorter wait for him to jump onto me and cling even tighter than a koala could ever hope to, nuzzling up against my neck like it’s the only - because - it’s the only real touch he’s ever felt. 
“So you want to explain then?”
“Could we wait? That took much more effort than I thought. I just want to rest a bit if that’s alright.”
“As soon as you’re rested enough to. You going to sleep for a bit then?”
“No I still want to talk, just about something less taxing?”
Seems like he’s more dodging the topic than anything, which is fine I can get him to talk about it later, there really isn’t a rush for anything. It’s fine. Besides he’s like an excited kid that’s staying up way past his bedtime right now, where’s the harm in staying like this for a bit?
“Mind if I ask why you’re so determined to call me ‘love’ then?” 
“Because you’re everything to me, my light, my love, my life - you’ve been with me through everything. From when I woke to killing ganon and you didn’t abandon me there. You’ve shown me your favourite cities, stuck with me when you had the choice to choose others because you said I am you favourite, so really? How could I not love you?”
“You were aware even in Mariokart?” 
His giggle is sweet, he’s so charming right now, especially with how unaware of it he is. It’s so earnest and unfiltered, just so raw, I could go the rest of my life with that being the only thing I ever hear again. Compared to how he acted in cutscenes as well? He’s happy. Tired but happy.
“Oh before I forget, You should be expecting a delivery actually!”
“I’ve been wanting to get out of the game for a while so I ordered some things to try make myself more appealing to you.”
“Like what? Link you didn't need to do anything like that.”
He just shrugged, seems like I won’t be getting an answer to that till whatever arrives whenever it does. Seems he really wasn’t lying about being tired though, he’s already starting to fall asleep laying against me like this. Thankfully he’s light enough to move to a more comfortable position, although theres nothing I can do about how tightly he’s holding me and truthfully? There’s nothing I want to do about it.
“Y’know I think I could get used to this.”
“Yo’ will I pr’mise, I’ll make you addicted to m’.”
“Well that isn’t ominous at all… and you’re already asleep.” 
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lesbianrobin · 3 months
ok since people r very into my chris fic i shall share some of my random behind the scenes thoughts while writing it:
adriana has literally been waiting her entire life for her obviously gay older brother who joined the army to avoid his wife and then moved to los angeles to be a sexy firefighter to COME OUT ALREADY and by the time we meet her in this fic she is like Vibrating with the need to be like EDDIE IS GAYYYYYYY ARE YOU PEOPLE BLIND??? which is why it takes like absolutely zero prodding from chris for her to spill all of eddie's business. i think when eddie was little he was a very obviously gay little boy and as he grew up he learned how to Be Normal but adriana never forgot and she's like deeply sad about it.
chris is So fucking miserable at his grandparents' house he misses video games so bad. i couldn't find a way to really incorporate this without it feeling like a cheap "look he's a TEEN BOY" thing but yeah the second he gets back home he is slamming that headset on and gaming until eddie tells him he has to take a break or he'll burn his eyes out of his sockets.
there are a Lot of songs on buck and eddie's joint depression playlist that i listed and then cut for practicality's sake but if there's any like interest in that i could maybe put together + link the full playlist for y'all?
buck's "maddie" playlist is entirely music he listened to growing up bc it makes him think of her. as a younger sibling my music taste from birth to like. age fifteen ish. was just wholly whatever my older sister listened to and i think buck is the same way. i don't think buck necessarily listens to this playlist on his own very often but if he's hanging out with maddie and/or babysitting jee-yun he'll put it on because it makes him happy to enjoy some 90s/00s nostalgia with his best girls. sometimes he'll play it in the car when he's driving chris somewhere because he wants to carry forward some of those good memories he has with maddie with chris.
buck and eddie's texts were written in order to coincide with each other! eddie texts more frequently than buck but i think if you pay attention you can sometimes tell which days buck Also sent chris a text bc they match. some of them were sent specifically in the wake of very emotionally taxing shifts where they both wanted so badly to call chris and beg him to come home but they knew that wouldn't go well and they didn't want to make chris feel guilty so they tried to play it cool.
speaking of buck and eddie: i don't think that eddie's conversation with chris is necessarily the First step in eddie realizing he's gay or moving toward something romantic with buck. keep in mind that chris has been gone for at least two weeks by the time he talks to either of them, and buck and eddie spend the vast majority of their time together. this fic is restricted to chris' pov, and he has no way of knowing whether, say, buck and tommy broke up, or whether his dad has been thinking about some things differently since he's been gone. buck and eddie Also have to spend twelve hours in a car together just the two of them between the end of the fic and their reunion with chris. this is not me saying that buck and tommy DID break up or that buddie got together while chris was away (i don't actually have a solid "canon" for where they're at), just that i intentionally left space for a wide range of possibilities due to chris' limited knowledge of what's going on with them!!
i kinda intentionally did not delve too deeply into the psychology of the diaz parents here because i think their behavior is a bit inscrutable to chris. the vast majority of his memories of them are from when he was really little, and therefore i think he doesn't actually know them very well as people. he knows that there's some tension between them and eddie, but prior to this fic he never really bothered to question Why. all he knows is that his grandparents will probably come and get him if he calls, and that it'll hurt his dad's feelings, and in the immediate aftermath of the kim debacle that's all he cares about. once he's in el paso, he starts noticing some things that make him a bit uncomfortable, but he never does determine for sure what their motivations and opinions are about this whole situation, whether they're treating him a certain way bc he's the grandkid or bc of his cerebral palsy, and whether their treatment of eddie really does stem from homophobia or not. at the end of the day he's thirteen years old and i wanted to leave his grandparents' True Selves as a bit of a mystery because 1. i don't think They necessarily know why they do what they do and 2. i don't think there's any one answer that would be satisfying.
chris literally had zero intention of saying anything to eddie about the Gay Thing he just is very much thirteen years old and emotional and he fundamentally Trusts his father to never like. lash out at him for saying something like that. so he doesn't try too hard to hold it back and impulsively says Hey Dad Are You Gay Maybe because he's never gone so long without talking to his dad before and he's just bursting with thoughts and feelings. he's not even trying to do a buddie matchmaking thing it's just that the easiest way to make his argument is to be like (points at buck).
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neat-crows · 10 months
For some reason I've seen a lot of people disliking the way Jessica Jones season 1 ends. The vibe I've seen is that it wasn't epic enough, it was underwhelming, and that it was too simple and fast and Killgrave would be too smart to fall for it. etc etc.
I think these takes miss the point though. This is the only way he could have gone out, BECAUSE it wasn't an attempt to outsmart him at all.
The whole point is that Killgrave wasn't an epic villain, he was a weird misogynistic little control freak that was obsessed with owning Jessica because he couldn't stand that she was her own person.
The whole season is a game of cat and mouse between them, and you can see just how smart both of them are - they are both equally powerful and intelligent, BUT killgrave literally didn’t need to be doing this at all! He could have left ANY time, he didn’t have to send Hope after her, he could have left before the house, or after he escaped, or after the nightclub, literally WHENEVER
His obsession with controlling Jessica was always his downfall
She was the executioner, but in the end he brought it all on himself
He didn’t get an epic ending because it’s not ABOUT him and because he didn’t need one. It was never about outsmarting or overpowering him, it was about his incessant need for control and Jessica making a decision.
And it works SO WELL not just because it makes good commentary, but also because it mirrors exactly how Killgrave tried to get her to bend to his will; both of them aimed for each other’s emotional weak point - but killgrave failed because he doesn’t actually know or understand Jessica at all, just the version of her he made up in his head and made her play act like a little doll for him
He thinks her weakness is a hero complex, because the first time they meet she’s saving Malcolm from some muggers and killgrave asks her if it felt good to beat up those men, she says yes, and when he asks why she says
“Because I helped someone”
And he’s such an inherently selfish person that to him that translates to a hero complex - He can’t imagine a person who just wants to save people, not to bolster their self worth or to in some way help theme selves. He’s spent his entire life only doing things because he wanted to, because it brought HIM satisfaction, that the idea that someone might willingly do Anything that’s not to make them feel better doesn’t even cross his mind.
And that’s why at the house he shows her the (curated) videos of his childhood, why he “respects” her wishes about not hurting the nosy neighbor, why he goes and saves that family with her, and is genuinely helpful. His tactic to get her to stay with him is to show her how his powers can be used for good, show her he’s also a person who can experience pain and love and joy, and then make her ‘realize’ if she stays with him she could make him a hero and good person. Because he thinks she will sacrifice herself for him and for society if he presents it as a way to atone and heal her guilt.
But Jessica refuses. She betrays him and takes her own route while knowing if she had given up all her autonomy she could have made him a good person and saved countless lives. (I don’t think this was ever actually achievable but she believed it was so the point stands)
Jessica jones has a lot of problems, but a hero complex isn’t one of them.
But Jessica jones DOES know his weakness, his real weakness, her. Controlling the only person who could defy him. And yes it is an obvious and see through plan - Killgrave even calls it out! But then in order to prove she’s faking what does he do? He assaults Trish - and when she continues following his orders he FULLY believes it and completely lets down his guard.
Why? It’s such an obvious trick! He’s supposed to be clever!!!! Well it worked so well because he clearly WANTED to believe it so bad (self admittedly), he was drunk on his own power, he wanted to believe his own strength and he wanted to own Jessica again. But also because again
He thinks Jessica has a hero complex
Her allowing this to happen to her friend ? Jessica jones would never do this! He knows her so well! She just Can’t Help but Help people! If she was faking her helplessness this would have broken her out of it! (Also there’s the whole level of the jealousy he has of Trish and the love Jessica and Trish share but that’s for another post)
And so he dies, small, unable to speak, not being told he’s loved, with a simple snapped neck from a cheap, unplanned ploy, that was thought up on the spot. Just as he deserved.
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knyontop · 4 months
Hello! Hope you're having a good day! And I was wondering if the creepypastas could react to your death but if you're a child pasta? Like say it's from a bullet wound since the enemy defended themselves? Take your time:)
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Creepypasta x Child!reader.
Tw: gore, depression and stuff, starving, self sabotage, and other stuff.
Ft: Jeff the killer, Sally, Ticci toby, Ben drowned, Nina the killer, and our beautiful, amazing, handsome, reader.
・He doesn’t know what to say, he only feels anger. Rage.
・The rage of Jeff the killer is something I hope my worst enemy never experiences😭
・He will not sleep until he finds whoever killed you, he will go to the depths of hell to find them.
・He cant even think straight when looking for them the only thing he wants to do is kill.
・he starts to isolate himself from everything and everyone, he will just sit in his room or just go out and kill.
・he killings are much more brutal from the anger.
・taking all his anger and emotion out on his victims.
・cry laughing while he carves em’ up.
・he thought he would be happy if you just randomly disappeared or something but I guess not. ☹️
・He lost his some what friend and sibling.
・He will drink, and drink, and maybe drink some more and drink while killing.
・This just makes him less of human then he already was. He cant do it, he just cant.
・He still refuses to say he cares about you btw. (We all know the truth)
・”Damit kid… you dumbass. Why did you have to die?”
・Life is all fun and games to him, playing pranks on people, killing people, torturing people, just the usual!
・This news just hits him like hes being drowned all over again. Hes panicking, feeling like he cant breathe, just losing it.
・Hes glitching all over the place, saying its not true, its not true. You cant be dead! NO YOU JUST CANT!
・Please come back.
・Please just come back.
・He doesn’t find video games fun anymore. He doesn’t annoy people like he used to. He gets more aggressive with his pranks.
・He like jeff takes his anger out on his victims, getting all his anger and frustration out.
・he just wants you back. Please. Come back. Come. Back. Now.
・Hes more glitchy and on edge now, you were like his dumb, little sibling.. but your gone now.
・He just doesn’t get why kids are always the ones who have to suffer, why did you have to die? Your just a kid. You shouldn’t have been dragged into this mess.
・”W-W-Why d-did you h-have to die… y-y-your just a k-k-kid im so sorry.”
・oh, oh this poor boy. Hes already lost his older sister, imagine what this is like.
・The worse part is he was there when it happened, and he couldn’t protect you. He couldn’t protect you. HE COULD NOT PROTECT. YOU.
・He will never forgive himself this is like Lara all over again. He cant do this anymore.
・He will eat less and less, just sit in bed. Having random outbursts in the middle of the day, just breaking down absolutely losing it. But who can blame him? Everyone missed you.
・Toby just wished he could have died instead of you, its not fair.
・Hes mad at you, hes mad at himself, hes mad at everyone. Hes now more violent then ever. Hes easy to anger, just everything.
・Hes over here lashingout at everyone, even sally!
・oh and you have no idea how this has affected sally. Omg. 😭
・oh this poor sweet baby :C
・She just cries, cries and cries and cries.
・You helped heed forget about all the bad, she had someone to care for and someone to care for her. But your gone now.. why?
・She just misses you so much, shes mad at the world for this. Shes mad at Slender and even Mr. Charlie!
・Sally is now more clingy then ever. She needs more attention and starts to get more “annoying” to everyone.
・visitsyour grave everyday to have tea partys with you, like old times yk? She cant go there without crying.
・She misses when you would brush her hair and tell her about your mission and how there head would go splat splat splat! The sound is so silly to her!
・Sally just wants you back! She wants her parents back, she wants everything back!
・Nina is no longer her sadistic silly self.
・She doesn’t have anyone to rant to anymore, she doesn’t have anyone to practice shots on, she doesn’t have anyone to try make up looks on! Her little sibling is gone again! Just like she lost her little brother.
・She didn’t trust herself with you, she thought she would hurt you like she hurt her little brother. But you just ended up hurting her…
・Nina just like toby starts to pass on food, she literally loves food tho! But she just cant anymore…
・”You were my best friend and now.. and now your gone.”
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eggyrocks · 6 months
alright mommy issues lore let’s go
content warnings: bad mom lore
yn and her mother did not ever have a good relationship
she didnt ever want to be a mom in the first place.
she was young when she got pregnant and did not have the support of her family
it was yn’s father that talked her into raising their child together
and for the first few years of yn’s life it was okay. fine.
her earliest memory is the blurry face of her father holding her hand as they walked down the street
but then her dad decided that maybe that he was too young for the life of a father and one day yn realized he was just gone
& that’s kinda when it started going downhill
yn’s mother sort of felt abandoned by everyone in her life and took the hurt and pain from that and placed it on her daughter
and instead of loving her she felt jealous and resentful and hateful
and yn could always tell from the time she was really young that she was not loved by her mother
it was obvious
mostly yn’s memories of her mom are just screaming matches
her mom would pick fights at random and criticize her and would always push her to fight back
and could be very controlling and possessive of yn
so as a result yn became very argumentative and defiant
she would bite back and it would just get worse and worse
and it was just that for her whole life
so she moved out with nishinoya and tanaka literally as soon as she could
and has been roommates with them since
the last knock out drag down fight she had with her mom wad on the day she moved out
and her mom was alone and did not have anyone else she could take her anger out on
when things get bad for her is when she starts to track down yn again to torment her to feel better abt herself
nishinoya has always known about yn’s mom
he’s seen firsthand the way her mother would treat her
like she had no issue belittling her daughter in front of others
and as a result nishinoya became pretty defensive and protective when it came to yn
he’s always had her back
nishinoya always spent as much time with her as possible so she wouldn’t have to deal with it alone
he always wanted to stand up to her mother but was always worried she would find a way to separate them if he did
so he just almost became aggressively defensive of her at school or in public
even if someone wanted to try to bully her they’d have to pick someone else bc nishinoya was not going to let anyone else make her life worse
and he felt bad that he never said anything to her mom when they were kids
which is why he has no issue screaming at her now as adults
tanaka got banned from yn’s house the first time he came over
her mother tried tried to pick a fight and tanaka said something along the lines of “why would you talk to your kid like that”
he didn’t really get the full picture and didn’t realize that he kinda made things worse
after that he never really knew what to do about the whole situation & was afraid to make it worse again
so he had sort of an open door policy when it came to yn
whenever a fight got bad or yn was kicked out for the night it was tanaka’s house she went to
and he didn’t know what to say but he would stay up at night playing shitty songs or watching movies or playing video games until yn started to feel better
and saeko started calling yn her honorary little sister
tanaka could always lighten the mood for her and make her forget about everything bad that happened
and his house became her safe space
tanaka still feels a bit guilty that maybe he didn’t do or say the right thing but he’s glad she was able to go his place when she needed a break
yachi started to suspect something was weird when yn’s mom would call or text during band practices and yn’s mood would take a 180
but it wasn’t until a few months into their friendship yn started gradually telling her about what her relationship was like with her mom
yachi was aghast and genuinely almost cried
she’s had issues with her mom before so she thought she could relate a bit but it wasn’t really the same situation
yachi was just heartbroken and has a difficult time imagining what it was like for yn
but she always lends an ear whenever yn wants to cry or complain or yell about it
she admires yn for the way she endures it and yn admires yachi for her patience and understanding
and talking about it sort of strengths their bond a lot
and grows their trust with each other
the older yachi gets the less scared she gets of the situation and more angry
but always buries the anger down whenever yn needs to talk
kiyoko didn’t really need to be told their relationship was poor to say the least, she just kind of put the pieces together observationally
she didn’t really talk much about it to yn and yn didn’t really bring it up too often other than to say something like “i hate my mom” or “my moms the worst”
but kiyoko would subtly try to get away from her mom as much as she could
clubs, study groups, volunteer work, whatever it was, kiyoko would drag yn into it
not that she expected her to participate but just bc she knew yn was in a better mood whenever she wasn’t around her mom
like kiyoko was always eager to have a sleepover at her place whenever possible and invited yn over almost every weekend
and yn always went along bc she knew what kiyoko was doing
and was also honestly grateful to have that much extra time with her friend
so even though they were all young they did their best to look out for her
and yn is grateful that through the difficulty they kind of became more like a family than any actual family she had
so even though things were rocky in the first part of her life she’s very grateful for how her life ended up
and is excited to see what growth she’ll have in the future
and she thinks she has that chance to grow because she had people looking out for her
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ladybugsimblr · 1 year
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Rolling Stone - Fall Bailey Kay, One of One
Shoutout to @soulsimmin for the other musical artists noted on the cover and general Team BK shenanigans. Somebody cut the check.
Article Below
Category: Baaad Bitch
10.59pm The initials BK pop on the screen indicating Bailey Kay has joined the Soom call. The camera flashes on and my heart skips a beat. I hear her soft but firm voice say “Kiss” and another face appears in the view. Bailey’s husband Quinton leans in for a kiss as requested. The two quickly exchange “Love you’s” and adoring looks and then he’s gone as fast as he appeared. Bailey Kay turns to me and I now have her undivided attention. She flashes that gorgeous smile and my heart skips a beat again.
“Sorry. Hi! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me this late. I hope you’re a night owl too.” Absolutely not. I’m normally in bed by 10pm, but who says no to the Queen B when she agrees at the last possible second to her first interview in ages. I awkwardly reply “I am tonight!” and she laughs, exclaiming “I like you!” Phew! Any remaining tension and nerves are gone. Let’s get into this.
Channeling my glitteriest of kitties I jump right in and ask “Where are the visuals? We the butterflies are begging for the music videos and performances.” Honestly I expected a glare or an eye roll in return, but I get a sly smirk instead. “You are the visual”
I instinctively look at the small image of myself on the screen thinking I did too much with my look for this call. Bailey must have sensed my confusion and continues: “Butterfly is about celebrating life, love, and freedom, overcoming struggles and transforming into your best, highest self. I didn’t want to dictate how anyone experienced those things with the typical visuals. But I did want to get the party started so I gave you the first step- the music.”
“So you dropped the album and bounced to let us party and figure it out for ourselves?”
“You are funny! But yes, kinda. And look what happened! You all started your own challenge and created the visuals, and all I had to do was sit back and watch. Also I really didn’t leave y’all empty handed. I thought we killed it with the pics in the Butterfly Box. But I can’t forget the hive is the hardest to please and I love that. Keeps me on my toes.”
“Ok, I see the vision, but why literally leave the country and go on vacation during an album rollout? That’s unheard of!”
“Ok two reasons. The first is that was what I needed to do. That was my way of celebrating. I told my baby girl that putting out an album was like graduating. I fought hard to overcome my own issues and dark places and now that the project was out to the world, I needed to release and just be with my family, my babies.”
“And the second?”
“Because I can. I’m THAT girl! Deadass!” Again with a smile and a laugh. BK might be the nicest bad bitch I’ve ever met.
“What do you say to the critics who say the album is going to fail? There are rules to the game if you want to succeed.”
“I say check the streaming numbers and sales.” That eye twinkle and smile return one more time. “Rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes. Note to self: Redact that line before my terrors read this. But seriously if we did the same thing, the same way, every time, art, music, life would all be extremely boring. Tackling the unheard of and never been done before is my shit. I live for that. As far as succeeding… I’ve been lucky enough to have more success in my entertainment career than I ever dreamed of. Whatever I do from here on is the extra sauce and will not be measured by industry standards.”
“Speaking of the future, what more can we expect for Butterfly? Please say tour.”
“Ha! Ummm performances are coming. It’s time for me to party with the butterflies.”
“Ok, will they be on multiple stages in cities near all of us?”
“I can't with you! But I can say I’ll perform songs from Butterfly and the rest of the catalogue, on stage, soon. Stay ready.”
And ready we will stay. Ready for the Queen BK. One of One. Number One. The Only One.
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spicyclover · 2 years
Ultimatum | Part three
Summary: You give Charles an ultimatum. His apartment or you.  
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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You decided to leave Monaco. You can’t take all the pressure your friends put on you to talk to Charles. You don’t want to see him, talk or even think of him. That’s why you left. Your maternal grandmother has a house in the South West of France. Away from all the hustle and bustle of Monaco and away from him. You never talk about the existence of this house to anyone, so you hope to find calm and serenity there.
You rushed out during the night with two large suitcases, several travel bags and all the necessary documents for your extended stay there. You drove all night, and it was only at sunrise that you reached the house. It’s a small country house on the border with Spain. The smell of the Atlantic Ocean has always done you good, and returning to the holiday home of your childhood allows memories to resurface.
Charles came back from Paris. He tried to get in touch with you, but you blocked all communication with him. In fact, you blocked his entire family and any relative who could give him any kind of information. After the video, you didn’t know what to think or say. But you promise yourself that you won't fall for his stupid game again. 
You spend the night after you see the video arguing with him.
“What did I do to you? What did I do to you?” You yell at him on the phone. 
“Nothing.” He says, defeated. 
“D’accord, donc t’es une merde!” You assert by cutting communication. Okay, so you’re a piece of shit.
Your seven-month-old tummy keeps you from fixing the house as you wish, but you make a mental note to get there. You don’t want to contact anyone because you don’t want to tell Charles. You blame yourself for cutting him out of your life this way, but he hurt you, and you don’t want your baby to be born in this atmosphere.
You want a loving and welcoming home for that little being you’ve been keeping warm all this time.
“You’re going to be so loved, baby, even if dad an asshole. I am going to make sure you have the best life.” 
He found out you were leaving only hours after you left. The janitor brought him into the building after hearing him bellowing for about 20 minutes for you to open up.
He is the one who informed Charles of your departure. You told him nothing, only that you would not return. Charles looks at him in disbelief, asking the see the apartment. He rushes inside only to find it empty of you. All your clothes, electronics, vinyl, and books are gone.
He went around several times, hoping it was a dream, a bad dream. Yet, you’re off to a good start. You made sure to leave Charles' things behind. All your photos, his clothes, jewelry, perfume, everything. 
He discovered the room you had prepared for your daughter. A beautiful room with a warm tone, neither feminine nor masculine. A perfect blend of colour and texture.
There is still the onesie you had prepared in the cradle with a small cap, tiny socks, and some comforters surrounding the bed. Tears rise in his eyes, and he bursts into tears taking the clothes in his hands.
“J’ai merdé. J’ai tellement merdé.” he cries out. I fucked up. I fucked up hard. 
Charles knows you found out about the video. It wasn’t hard to know because when he went out of the bathroom with that girl, one of your best friends was waiting for him. She’s staring at him like hell, threatening to make him miserable for making you suffer, and she yells at him to never talk to her again.
He came to your apartment that night. Looking completely distraught and determined. He knocked on your door several times before you came to open it, pissed.
"I warn you if you slam the door on me. I sleep on the doormat."
“Goodnight, then.”You slam the door violently without saying anything more.
And you left him there all night. He looked miserable the next day when Max came to dislodge him at your request. You didn’t call the police to avoid a scandal, but you didn’t want to deport him yourself.
You cried on the phone to Max so he could come and help you, knowing full well that Max would not let himself be stepped on by your boyfriend. And he pulled him out hard, forced him down the stairs and took it home. Large black pockets were present under Charles' eyes.
Christmas arrives, and Charles still has no news of you; where you are, how you are, how the baby is, nothing. Your friends don't have anything information either. Everyone is worried, and Charles is about to explode. Not knowing kills him more and more each day. And his family fills him with more and more crazy ideas.
For your part, you got your last ultrasound a few days before Christmas with a new doctor and your mom as your partner. You contacted your old doctor two weeks after you arrived. You had heartburn and pain in your lower abdomen, so he asked you what you did, and you explained briefly what happened. He advised you to rest for the rest of the pregnancy without going into too much detail. At least until the baby’s born in February.
For the holiday season, your parents came with your brother to give you a little help. To fix the house and prepare a new room for the baby. It feels good to have them near you. You missed your parents terribly.
You and your mom have been talking a lot about Charles' case, and you’re feeling more and more guilty about leaving, but ever since you got here. You feel more comfortable and less stressed. You have no desire to return to Monaco.
She, however, advised you to contact him. Tell him that you are well and that the baby is too because, after all, he is the father. You were frustrated with her words, but you knew deep down that she was right.
You didn’t find the courage to unblock his contact, but you still sent a message to his assistant, telling her that you were fine and the baby was fine too. You didn’t add anything more. Only you don’t want to see him anymore and need to think.
A little embarrassed you couldn’t talk to him, but you wanted to hurt him like he hurt you.
It was only on the morning of Christmas Eve, the 24th, that you received a notification from your lawyer.
To be continued... 
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ehh-is-the-name · 6 months
TPOT 10 spoilers 'cause BH makes me insane
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I mean, c'mon. You can't see this thumbnail and think things are gonna be ok for you mentally if you like blackhole. Like you know what's coming to you.
First things first, let me just scream into the void for a second-
Man- I love Blackhole and this episode just drove the stake into my heart. The fact that he, himself, is a being who causes death by getting too close to people made me writhe in BFB. But actively showing the extent of how it affects him—ack! He knows he causes death, which is why it's so important for him not to kill people, and why he's so strict about the pact rules!!
It makes so much sense... BFB 1 had it all laid out, and TPOT 10 sewed it together.
From the way he was hesitant about helping Flower!!! We know- he knows he's gonna end the world by getting closer, but he gives into it anyway. Instead of putting his foot down to Flower, he gives in to his feeling of wanting to be closer to people—from the way he's so happy about being shrunk—and more later. Then we get that whole thing with everyone about to die.
We know if Four never came, everyone would've died. Blackhole knows that too, from the end of his nightmare. More specific to this clip though, from the scene with Pie and LIY, since he literally just gave in to the urge to get closer and he wants that to never happen again. As a singularity in space, he could appreciate the planet, and life on it, more than other objects. He could see them all interact but never actually interact with them (besides talking), so at this chance of being beckoned, it makes sense that he'd just go "eh, fuck it, alright" then IMMEDIATELY regret his actions. Although his nightmare was about being afraid he'll "give into murderous urges", it can also be interpreted as him being afraid to let go. Something clearly stated in the last scene of his nightmare...
Queue TPOT 10 scene from clip above (I'm so mad that it's only 1 video per post on here)
Over the season we've seen him go from preventing death to just not killing people. It's morphed into his own cut-throat rule for the pact, which, in this context, is fair to see why. He joined the game via him not caring about the consequences, and it's stuck with him, so seeing everyone over and over get away with things made him HAVE to re-enforce to himself that he wasn't allowed. Death PACT doesn't kill people. HE doesn't kill people. He can't allow himself to let go of that regiment.
Obviously, this causes problems in the team- we see the clip. The thing that gets me the most is that this is bona fide trauma we're working with—Fanny telling him to #get-over-it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. And OK! I know- I know that's not exactly what she's saying but that's how it felt, and I know she has every right to be upset 'cause he was fuckin' over his team, but again that's just me! (The fact they got on the same page was enough for me anyway.) I digress, his "obsessive nature" was essentially just a response to everything that's happened to him—it's what makes him feel in control of himself. Poor BH's got trauma bad :(
I think what really twists that knife for me is that... the guy really just wants to connect with his peers normally- He wants everything to go back to normal, and that's one of the reasons he compromises with Fanny. On some level, he knows he's gone too far, but he's just afraid. Even at the end, he can't bring himself to kill Tree, even though he knows it'd be better with the new "focusing on life" angle. Did you hear that shakey exhale? Man's going through the wringer. Obviously, he won't overcome his trauma in an episode, but it's a good step to just playing and enjoying the game.
Anyway... There is probably a shitton of fans that are looking at this like "Yeah no shit Sherlock" but hey! Be nice. Some of us are slower than the others, and by some of us, I mean me. I needed this punch in the face to really see how death was impacting Blackhole's mental state and now I've word vomited my thoughts out.
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oh-theatre · 1 year
I wamna hear about timbart
Why thank u I have so much about them I love them bart is my blorbo
Tim always notices when Bart is getting quiet or overstimulated in conversation or other such situations. He offers comfort or grounding, whether it’s a distraction, fidget or removing him from the conversation
Tim is Barts lightning rod, when part gets really in his head and is speeding around or talking too fast or blurring and he’s not really there Tim can ground him (he offers physical touch, if Bart needs/wants it)
Counter: sometimes bart needs to run or pace around and just exhaust himself but tim never leaves, he will sit and watch and wait he���s there for bart
Tim calls Bart goose and lightning bug and Bart calls him Timmy
Bart has a lot of nicknames for Tim actually, most of them funny (Timtam, Timbit, Timothy Chalamet)
Bart is just about the only person who can get tim away from his work, and he’s got a sense for it.
Every time they get spotted in public they make up a different role for Bart in Tim’s life.
personal assistant, chauffeur (does not have a car, should not drive), his chef, bag carrier, etc.
Bart mindlessly fidgets with Tim’s hands and fingers, Tim let’s him
Tim frequently falls asleep on Bart and he does not move, he also makes a point to make sure no one else disturbs Tim
Tim stocks his utility belt with new snacks for Bart every week
Tim will flirt incessantly with Bart on missions and he just short circuits
They!! Wear !! Each others!! clothes!! “Isn’t that Tim’s hoodie?” “Not anymore”
Bart will go all around the world to bring Tim food and when asked about it he lies and says it was just a restaurant in central, Tim knows he’s lying
Bart thinks alot more then he says things out loud, Tim notices this and coaxes his thoughts out
Tim loves Barts hair, he will consistently put his hands in Barts hair sometimes without knowing and Bart just lets him, sometimes he’ll find tiny braids that must have come from tim
Tim gets really quiet after a mission gone badly, he’ll isolate himself or pour himself into work. Bart will sit in silence with him, he can sit still for this, for tim. He waits as long as he needs until Tim reaches out he always doea
They are so smart and often on the same wavelength and on missions rarely do they need to talk they just know what the other is thinking.
Bart is one of the few people who can boss tim around or challenge him without fallout
They listen to eachother ramble and rant fully invested and offering questions. They are autistic and adhd <3
I think it takes a really long time before they kiss. It’s a lot of “we don’t like each other we’re just really close besties, pals even” but then they almost lose each other on a mission or one gets badly hurt and oh no they are so much more then best friends, this is their person, the mere thought of losing the other person makes them completely break
Bart is the type of person to come up with a wild solution to something and Tim lets him try it
They like to be in each other’s presence even if they aren’t talking, sometimes they can’t talk but they want to be in eachothers space. Tim will be reading or studying while Bart lays on him playing a video game
Bart has a warped sense of life and death, and he doesn’t see death as a bad thing but more of an escape (he has trauma from his past (time in the future)) but the thought of losing Tim will send him into a spiral
whenever Tim gets sick or injured (like needs bed rest) bart will stay with him at the manor or in his room at the tower the entire time
bart speaks so many languages and loves to call tim petnames in other languages, tim melts everytime.
they love to cook for eachother and together, alfred has banned them both from the kitchen however
bart loves forehead kisses tim wil cradle his face and its so gentle, tim can feel when bart speeds by him and gives him a kiss it tickles but hes gotten used to the feeling and loves it
Tim hates when Bart gets stuck in the speedforce but hes always the one to bring him back (lightning rod!!!!!!!)
Bart, on multiple occasions, has stood up to Bruce after him and tim have a confrontation.
With that, hes always there to combat everything Bruce has said and uplift tim and reassure him in very plain blunt words that he is enough, and he is a person worth the world
i have so much please keep talking to me about bart allen, timbart, bart allen **bart allen**
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imoenhatesthis · 1 month
Lily Orchard and Imoen: Is the Mod Popular?
So unfortunately, Lily Orchard talks about the Imoen Romance mod in her 'Addressing Allegations' video (starting at 39:31, ending at 41:13) in regards to Courtney, whose made allegations against Lily you can hear for yourself here. Please heed the trigger warnings in both videos, though I won't be going in-depth here.
In this video, Lily describes that Gorion's Ward and Imoen are "the best of friends whose closeness borders on romantic at times...", (40:13) who discover being siblings in BGII. That isn't true but whatever, I'm not here to talk about the game itself. After going through her other sister OCs, she ends by going, "[I] talked about one of the most infamous and positively received mods for one of the most popular RPGs ever made," (41:05) end quote, so clearly this doesn't have anything to do with the real life allegations.
Two issues: One is that this is a deflection that does not address Courtney's allegations at all, or why she would find the fascination with those characters suspect. But the second is that this idea that the mod is popular and well-loved is just not true, and I'm going to spend time arguing against. If anything, how decidedly unpopular it is says that Lily is the one actively seeking out this content.
So why didn't Lily show proof about the mod's popularity in her debunking video? Maybe include a positive review? Well...
There was once a forum dedicated to the mod, populated only by people who'd want to play this kind of thing. So, if Lily is remembering this forum, that information is going to be skewed one way with any negative reviews chased out. It's long gone now, so I can't pull numbers. Instead, I'll be using general forum spaces that are probably the most popular with general BG fans, Beamdog and Reddit.
On the official EE mod release thread on the Beamdog forum... the total combination of posts from the author/coder and players only total 30 pages, with posts as recent as this month. 25 posts a page equals 750 posts altogether from across 10 years, though the most recent page is just 1 post, so 726. If we're SUPER charitable and say that's about 700 people playing and posting there throughout 10 years, not including mod authors, that's a minuscule audience. Especially when the original BGII game sold about 2 million copies, as well as Steam estimated selling about a million copies of the Steam release of the Enhanced Edition. Let's say the old deleted forum had about 1 thousand, maybe 2 thousand members, let's say there may be 10,000 downloads of the mod--that's still such a small percentage as to not matter. Definitely not enough to call it popular in the community.
Googling for lists of the best mods for BGII will bring up mods for the UI, general tweaks, difficulty, visuals, and portraits/voices. Especially portraits, people really like portrait mods. Sometimes the BG1 NPC Project is mentioned (which has it's own controversies, it's just probably the most talked about of any of these), but all of these will come long before a mention of NPC mods. So, NPC mods, especially romantic ones, are a niche of a niche.
On a few forums where I do see someone recommend the Imoen Romance as a "required mod"... most of the time they get a negative response.
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Just straight Googling Imoen Romance mod or mod reviews will bring up forums with pages in the single digits, with general discussion devoted to "Is this incest?" questions. It's impossible to go onto any forum post about the romance without at least one person weirded out by it's existence. So, there's at least a variety of opinions on the mod, it's not overwhelmingly positive.
But fine, that's general forums. What about BG mod reviewers? ONCE AGAIN, never ever reach out to these people.
Lily uses the Smoldering Mod Bar's review of Saerilith Romance to condemn that specific mod for its bad writing and taboo themes. It sure would be something if the mod reviewer also had a negative view on Imoen Romance...Oh wait:
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Okay, well, let's look at positive reviews instead. Lily has also quoted a Beamdog forum review to defend her views on the mod:
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Why didn't Lily link to the review in question? It would prove to everyone people love her favorite mod just as much as she does, right? Well, I can link it below:
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(Source; scored on a 5/5 scale)
Oh, that's not quite as positive as she'd have you believe. Still liked it, but not quite to the level Lily does.
Here's another Beamdog mod reviewer making similar negative points, despite overall loving the mod:
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(Source) Even reviewers who champion the mod as great can point out "Wow, this talks about incest quite a lot in a way it didn't even have to." And about it's other flaws too, things Lily never does.
I'm not saying NO ONE thinks the mod is good or that no one has ever mentioned it. I included positive reviews for a reason.
The issue is lying about how popular and well-liked the mod is in order to paint her sister as a crazy obsessed stalker whose just overreading into things. Especially saying this in a video about those allegations, and especially after saying the Gorion's Ward and Imoen are "romantic at times" all in the same breath. Putting ANY lie in this specific video is a serious stain on the credibility of Lily, thus it's important to call it out.
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bistaxx · 11 months
Anyway, Jinx random wartime q!hgduo spitball ramblings/ headcanons/ off-the-cuff analysis ig cuz I like thinking about them ^_^
I think they didn't meet at the start of the games but maybe a few months to a year or two in- I'd say either when Cellbit is about 15 or close to being 15.
By that time both Bad and the currently nameless teenager both had some sort of reputation as dangerous, ruthless, and maybe even downright cruel killers on the battlefield. One way or another they ended up becoming partners much to the horror of everyone else.
For Cellbit he'd recognize that sticking by Bad increased his chances of survival by a LOT and this dude doesn't even get mad when he takes bites out of him which is great.
For Bad I feel like he could've gone through the games alone with not much trouble but staying solo gets stale and lonely after while- he'd have teamed up with other players in the past but they all either died or left him eventually- he thinks it's gonna be no different with Cellbit but is pleasantly surprised when he's proven wrong.
And boy was that a good thing, because Bad has a bad habit of getting attached! He fed this stray cat a few times and now it's following after him and Bad doesn't have the heart to shoo the poor beast away!
Although Bad has much more experience and is vastly older he respects how much fighting skill his teenage partner has- he can hold his own on the battlefield- which is why he doesn't view him as his 'child' or a dependent but somewhere in-between an equal and a protege. Cellbit deferred to his leadership during fights, but theirs still a mutual respect between them.
Later on their bond would end up in a sort of vague area in the middle of a triangle between mentor & protege, equals, and something dangerously close to familial.
I find it hard to doubt that there were times when Bad would be shockingly reminded that his partner is in fact still a child... and perhaps times where Cellbit would find himself relying on Bad the ways a child would their parent or older sibling... Maybe at some point letting his funny little friend eat his flesh or spending resources healing him became less about keeping him healthy for the next battle and more about keeping him alive just a little bit longer- Maybe sticking by this powerful ally became less about pragmatism and more about companionship.
That said, as far as Cellbit's concerned he never had a family, as far as Bad's concerned his children are Dapper and Pomme... Cellbit's all grown-up now and so much time has passed that they see one another as something more akin to just 'old friends' who know what the other is capable of and thus know better then to underestimate each other... but I feel as they spend more time with each other again the echoes of the dynamic they once had become more tangible- especially given the major toll of the eggs being missing. Cellbit knows he can turn to Bad if he needs him and Bad will look out for Cellbit when he can even as he is (quite ltierally) falling apart.
Maybe sometimes even now he still can't help but see that nameless kid when he looks at Cellbit.
I honestly don't think Bad regrets the way he guided Cellbit during the war- nor do I believe that Cellbit harbors any resentment over Bad's influence in his life- even if it's left him with the same sort of fucked morals his former guardian has, his terrible self-sacrificial tendencies, and who knows what else. The reality of their situation during the games could never allow for softer forms of kindness- there was no time for them to be a 'family' and no time to think about what happens 'next' after this is all over. Bad couldn't teach Cellbit how to live, but he could teach him how to survive.
I haven't really settled on what I think happened at the end of the 'war' when they part ways... but sometimes I do think about how in the actual video Cellbit dies at the very end and man that can be interpreted in a lot of interesting ways- like obviously in qsmp canon Cellbit survives the war but it's still fun to take that into consideration!
Anyway, you know those images of predator animals with blood covered on their faces after eating a tasty meal- yeah that's them during the hunger games to me LOL
... Also does anyone else find it really funny that Foolish's adopted son and Badboyhalo's protege ended up getting married like- something about that is just really funny to me... Also I'm surprised no one has done anything about how the dude taken in by a totem of undying found love with the guy who was guided by a grim reaper like- I feel like there's some cool potential there!
Ty for reading all of that- or skimming it that's cool too! I just wanna say despite liking q!Bad and q!Cellbit a lot I do NOT consider myself to be super knowledgeable about them as characters, I just have a major soft spot for dynamics like theirs and wanted to ramble LOL so um yeah:
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The grandest game: Chapter 1
I took a sip out of my cup of black coffee, glancing at my watch to see what time it was and whether or not Avery would be getting up soon, when I heard footsteps behind me.
“Good morning, Grayson. Did you bring the files from the interviews?” Avery asked, appearing beside me and taking the seat next to me at the table.
“Yes,” I said, pulling them out and placing them in front of her. “Have you found anybody yet?” She makes a face but pulls out her own folder and hands me some pieces of paper.
“Only two people, a girl named Hana Beaumont and a guy named Matthew Monroe. If you take a look at their grades, education, and patents, they’re really talented.” She says. I flipped through them, reading its contents, and was really surprised. Hana had been going to public schools for a good part of her life, until she had caught the attention of a fancy private school that created a program for low income students with spectacular grades. She started going there until students started finding out that she wasn’t actually paying to go to school, and only payed for school supplies. That’s when the bullying started. It was only a couple girls, at first, but then it became groups of people. A girl at her school went to Hana’s dad’s tiny shop and posted the video online, and that’s when it got really bad. It got to the point where the school had to kick her out, because she was causing “too much attention”. She continued going to public schools afterwards, but has yet to apply to college. Probably waiting to see if she got into The Game or not before applying. She’s 20 years old.
“And she wrote this in her admission?” I asked, feeling bad for poor Hana, who couldn’t control how much money she had. Avery nodded.
“I added a section where they could write why they wanted to be in The Game, but it was optional.” She said frowning, and I could tell she too felt upset about the way Hana was treated. Flipping to the next page, I read about Matthew Monroe. Matthew was 20 as well, but he hadn’t gone to a private school. He was in public school all his life, but was known for setting the curve and acing all his classes. He had wanted to apply to a fancy college so he could study criminology, but he didn’t have the money and if he borrowed money he would have to be in major debt all his life. And he applied to The Game, I thought, So he wouldn’t have to worry about debt. Obviously, if he were to win then he would probably be set for life, but something told me Matthew wanted to be a criminologist because he genuinely liked the field.
“So, do you think they’re good?” Avery asks, cutting into my thoughts.
“I think they’re amazing. Both smart, hardworking individuals who I’d like to see in The Game.” I said with a smile. Avery smiled back and opened her mouth to speak, when my phone suddenly rang. I excused myself before getting up and going into the hall. Once I was there, I answered the phone.
“Hello?” I say, remembering what Xander had said to me a few weeks ago. I heard silence on the other end, but only for a few seconds.
“I thought you said you would be working on my riddle.” The girl, the one that had called him before, was on the other end of the line. She had been demanding so much of me, but I had yet to even know her name.
“I was. And I have a few theories that I took from the riddle,” I said, matching her sly tone. “My first one is that a handshake begins a bet, and the not that could mean the opposite of a handshake. The opposite of a handshake is disagreement, misunderstanding, and refusal. So maybe your father and Tobias had gotten into a disagreement, or my grandfather had gone ahead and done something that your father may not have approved of or was aware of yet, which would make the misunderstanding factor make sense. But there’s also another theory that I had come up with. What if you didn’t hear “a bet”, what if you had heard ‘What begins abet’ instead?” I paused to hear her reaction, and on the other end of the phone I heard a sharp inhale.
“It’s possible.” She said. I waited for her to go on, but it seemed she wanted me to explain more. So I did.
“Abet means to aid a crime, so maybe your father had aided one of Tobias’ crimes but was the only one who got any of the blame. Or maybe he did the crime for Tobias and was so guilty that he-“ I cut myself off. I didn’t know her reaction to any of this, and I had no clue if she was still affected by her father’s death. She breathed in slowly, before speaking.
“Are you suggesting that my father and your grandfather had been caught up in some nasty business, and the guilt of it all led my father into taking his own life?” She asked me. I didn’t have to answer, and she seemed to already know the answer herself. There was silence, and I thought for a second that she might hang up, when suddenly she begins speaking again.
“Thank you for your help, Grayson Hawthorne, but I’m sure you have other things to tend to now. You are one of the game makers in “The Game”, are you not?” She asked me.
“I am. And you’re right, I do have things to tend to.” He said, thinking back to the folder that was sitting on the dining room table at this very moment. Suddenly, I realized that this was the end of our conversation. Probably for good. In a split second, I held my phone tighter and spoke before she could hang up.
“Wait,” I said, my voice cutting into the silence. “Whats your name?” I heard a sudden laugh on the other end of the line, before she replies.
“Im afraid I can’t disclose that information, Mr. Hawthorne.” She said, her voice sweet. And then she finally hung up. I still have my phone held up to my ear when Xander bursts into the room.
“Grayson, you missed, like, the entire conversation me and Jameson had with Avery! You need to stay off your phone more, you iPad kid.” He said, walking over to me and grabbing my phone out of my hands. I quickly grabbed it back and shoved it in my pocket, the phone call I just had still lingering in my mind.
“And what was the conversation about?” I asked, raising a brow at him. He grins.
“A masquerade ball! We’ve decided that we’re going to invite a hundred or so people who enlisted in The Game to mingle, and then we can narrow down who we want to be in The Game better. Obviously there will be a limit, and those who don’t want to be in The Game will still have an opportunity to come, but it’ll be a fun opportunity to get to know potential contestants better!” He said, beaming. I mulled it over, and came to the conclusion that it wasn’t such a bad idea.
“That actually might be nice. When will it take place?” I ask Xander.
“A week from now. You better wear a fancy suit! Although I wouldn’t have to tell you twice. Oh, and, don’t forget, but it’s a masquerade ball, so don’t forget to bring a face or eye mask!” He said, shouting while walking away. A masquerade ball? Full of potential contestants? How were we supposed to narrow down just 5 more people? Questions swarmed around inside my head, but I ignored them and walked towards the kitchen, where Avery and Jameson still were. I had contestant applications to go over, after all, and there were still 5 more to go.
My TV was on, the man on it mindlessly droning about the news and being perfect background noise, when suddenly a reporter comes on, talking about Avery Kylie Grambs. There wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t hear of her. Suddenly, I was paying much more attention to what was on TV. The reporter claimed that Avery was hosting a masquerade ball, and if you wanted to be a contestant in The Game, then you had an opportunity to come. About a hundred or so people who sent admissions for The Game would be invited to Hawthorne island to mingle with other “potential contestants”, and have a better chance at getting in by speaking with the people who actually ran The Game. While the reporter was still speaking, I heard my phone ring. Fully knowing who it was, I picked it up.
“Hello?” I say.
“I assume you saw the news as well.” She said, her voice low.
“You assumed right. A masquerade ball, huh?” I say, knowing exactly what she’s planning.
“It’d be the perfect time. Not only would they not be able to see your face, but I’m sure your voice would be different too, due to the mask.” She said. It was true. A masquerade ball was the best time to do it. But still, doubt and suspicion crept into my mind.
“Im not doing this if I end up not getting my end of the deal.” I say, my voice low and dangerous. She makes a hmm noise, before speaking.
“Trust me, you will get all the information you’ll need about your father, and some money too. All you need to do is get in The Game, and leave the rest to me. Can you do that?” She asks. I knew that doing this was risky, that she could screw up at anytime and easily drag me into her mess. But I also knew what was in it for me, my end of the bargain. And in the end, it would be worth it.
“I can, Eve.”
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