#'04 line
shiningstar-byulxx · 1 year
Second Choice No More
Kim Gyuvin X Female Reader ft Shen Ricky / Shen Quanrui
Genre - Angst / Royal au / Bridgeton au
Requested - No
Word Count - 797
Synopsis - Y/n had enough of being the second option. She changed but Gyuvin cannot accept the new situation that has occurred. Y/n decides her own path and fate with or without Gyuvin.
Mobile Masterlist Website Masterlist
Disclaimer - Please do note that this is work of fiction, and it does not reflect on the members personalities or how they are in real life.
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐾𝑖𝑚'𝑠 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒
Two people can be heard from the young duke's study room, many maids were curious but knew not to over step the boundaries of the young duke and the lady conversation and went off to do their duties.
Y/n whose looking at Gyuvin who is looking out from his window and sighed then said with frustration emitted from her voice "Gyuvin, you cannot decide when you want to love me..."
Tears began to appear glistening from her shining eyes, but Y/n continued as she was replied with silence "You had all these years, and now I am tired of waiting for you... You could have escorted me to the ball, but you had refused my invitation and came with another!"
Letting out a breath and softly said "You cannot act like you love me now!..."
She sniffles "I have already decided to take the Crown Prince Ricky's hand in marriage, my parents has already approved of the marriage so does the majesties... the invitations of our wedding will be sent out soon and preparation has already begun."
With that Y/n stood up from the sofa and turns away from Gyuvin walking towards the door, but as she reaches for the door, Gyuivin grabs her wrist to stop her from leaving, but Y/n continues to look ahead refusing to look at Gyuvin.
Gyuvin who speaks with despair underlying in his voice "Y/n please rethink about it... about us! You know how much you mean to me!" But with a cold voice piercing through Gyuvin's ears Y/n replies, "Sorry does not work anymore Gyuvin, you have already made your choice and it was not me..." Y/n's voice breaks but continues "it was never me who is going to be your first choice... I cannot keep being your second choice when you were my first..."
Y/n turned around in which Gyuvin is faced with a tear-stained appearance from Y/n and she looked into his eyes and said "I am not going to be an option or a last-minute solution to your problems anymore... and frankly I believe I deserve worthy of love and Crown Prince Ricky has shown me his sincerity and love towards me..."
Y/n let out a breath "I fell in love with a man who truly cherishes me and loves me for the way I am. I am his first choice and his last love, and I tend to the same for him because I love him!"
Her eyes softens which showed Gyuvin she held deep love for her new lover.
Y/n takes her other hand and gently removes Gyuvin hand away from her wrist and said "Gyuvin, I am finally happy now so please do not make this any harder for me anymore" whilst giving him a weak smile and tears are flowing down her face.
Once again Y/n looks up towards Gyuvin with sincerity "Maybe in another life time, it could have been us but now let us be each other's first love who became strangers that were childhood friends".
This in turn made Y/n tears flow even more and Gyuvin tears rolls down his face.
Y/n quickly wipe her face with her handkerchief and proceeded to walk out through the doors of Gyuvin's studies to return home. But before leaving Y/n look back towards Gyuvin tear-stained face and curtsied whilst saying "It was a pleasure to meet you Young Duke Gyuvin" giving him a weak smile with glistening eyes.
Once again Y/n softly says, "goodbye Vinny" and walked out the door with Gyuvin's heart and love.
Gyuvin stood still with shock running through his body. He reminisces the late-night shenanigans they have been through, escaping from their studies and being each other's escorts to get their parents off their back about potential partners.
Remembering Y/n's smiling face whilst saying his name softly and lovingly in amides of the flower meadow where the escape from their strict classes.
Gyuvin just had realised that he really had lost his only love... He was too busy changing himself to fit his social circle with his friends that he forgot the person he was with since the beginning especially his first love, but now it is all in vain he lost his love who has already left him to be with someone who puts her first, unlike him who he had forgotten about her.
He always thought Y/n and him would always be with each other, but he never imagined she would ever leave him.
Hearing the trotting and plodding of the horses hooves and the carriage leaving the estate that is when he knew he has lost her.. he lost his first and last love... and it will be forever engrained in his mind for a long time, his tears cannot bring back his love.
Hello everyone, I hope you have enjoyed this imagine. I haven't written in a long time so I hope this was alright, sorry if its not perfect, but its practically imperfect to me haha. But let me know if I had made a mistake.
I actually wanted to make this a series of how it came to this scene, but I don't know if anyone will be interested in other parts of this story could lead to haha. I had this idea since a while before boys planet and I thought it would go nicely with the '04 line.
©shiningstar-byulxx; all my work is made by me, please don't copy, translate, repost and steal my work!
You're more than welcome to like, comment and reblog, Thank you! I hope everyone will have a lovely day!
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You share stories, feelings, toys ?
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mr-payjay · 17 days
Paper Stream Interview Transcript!!!!!!!
This took me forever. But I like transcribing. The transcript is under the cut ❤️
Fan: We have… the next best thing. That's right. OJ's... righthand man! Uh—well—some could say. Um. In—uh—uh—our guest of honor, tonight, that's right, you've all been waiting for it: PAPER!
Paper: Haha, hey everyone! Um... I wasn't really expecting to, come on out tonight!
Fan: Neither was I.
Paper: It was a—it was a bit of a change in schedule! What was that?
Fan: Nei—yeah—neither was I. I mean, look, I-I always love to see you Paper, um...
Paper: Hehe!
Fan: I'll be g—I'll be—
Paper: We're besties! Paper pals!
Fan: Yeah! No we are paper pals. I—I mean I'll be completely frank with you... all of my questions I prepared were for OJ, so...
Paper: Oh!
Fan: Um... I don't know if you'll be able to answer any—like cause like I mean look at the—alright like first card here that I have is like—what, you see, like what's it like running a hotel—see, like that doesn't apply to you at all, like cause you're just a guest here at Hotel OJ, you don't have any responsibilities, so we could just—we could just crumple that up—
Paper: Wha—uh—about that, I mean I d—I…
Fan: Oh!
Paper: I do do quite a… bit for Hotel OJ.
Fan: Oh really?
Paper: I mean like, whenever OJ's over to—over to the left, some fire's gotta be put out on the right, you know what I mean?
Fan: Okay… I didn't realize that you were invol—so what's like—what's your ro—do you have like an official title? Here? In the hotel?
Paper: Um… well, well no, well, my title is…
Fan: Oh!
Paper: Paper! You know? Um…
Fan: Well, Paper—yeah well, that's your name! But like do you have like a… you know, a position, a role?
Paper: Well…
Fan: A job?
Paper: OJ's… in charge, and…
Fan: Right.
Paper: I-I don't really have a title? Because, you know, in *theory,* I'm supposed to just be, a guest who gets all the accommodations and, you know, same as everyone else without having to do the *work* for it…
Fan: Right. Yeah.
Paper: But. You know. I also have to… you know. Clean up everything, and, and, and, you know, I'll—I'll cook some meals, and do the dishes, and… and organize all the… the reconstruction and, whenever we had the Hotel OJ casino, you know, when we were doing that big project that we loved and did for… many, many, many months… um… tsk, you know, I-I was running things there, and…
Fan: Wow…
Paper: You know, construction…
Fan: The hotel casino, I lost a lot of money on that…
Paper: And… planting some flowers… and… you know, I-I mean, I kinda do… everything around here!
Fan: Now I wanna—
Paper: [noise]
Fan: Yeah… okay… I wanna return to one thing that you sai—ah—my… I perked up when you said this, cause you said you *have* to do these things. What do you mean have to—like who's making you do these things? How did this start?
Paper: Um, I suppose, “have to” is, you know… not the exact perfect wording for it.
Fan: Okay…
Paper: But um… you know…
Paper: Wha—uh… I saw that OJ needed, you know, just a little bit of help once, you know, and, um… Yinyang was like… causing a big scene, and—and throwing things around… and then I just—
Fan: And OJ came to you? He came to you to—for help? Or did you approach OJ?
Paper: Well kinda—kinda not, I just, I stepped in—
Fan: You approached him.
Paper: I-I did the job, I-I got things figured out, sorted through, made everyone feel all comfortable, and then OJ said: You did really good with that. You should do that maybe a… a little bit more often! And I'm like, oh, i-if you, if you think I did a really good job, I-I guess I could… I could do it some more, and… you know that you kinda tumble on into these kinds of things!
Fan: Kay, I need you to hold that thought Paper, because look, there has been a—a COSMIC shift in the poll. Knife is now leading f—oh sorry. Oh wait, no, oh, oh we're going back and forth!
Paper: What's going on?
Fan: Knife is leading fifty-one to forty-nine and then it went to fifty fifty AND THEN IT WENT BACK! Knife fifty-one forty-nine AND NOW IT'S BACK! Fifty fifty—oh my goodness, Paper—OH MY GOODNESS, WAIT, KNIFE FIFTY-ONE FORTY—OH AND IT'S BACK TO FIFTY FIFTY—OH WAIT IT'S FIFTY-ONE FORTY-NINE—I'M NOT EVEN JOKING FOLKS! I-I'm taking so many screenshots, but I can't keep up, I can't keep up folks, it's—it's gonna… I'm gonna be logging all of these, I'm gonna have a whole scrapbook. Oh my gosh. Oh that—wait that's right, oh hold on, you're still here.
Paper: This is a once in a lifetime event! Assuming, you know. There's only… one… event.
Fan: Right.
Paper: But here, at the, Hotel OJ party! Hop hop hop! We are, hopping ready for a big exciting finale! So, it seems, that uh, there's a, fifty percent chance, that the person who wins, is going to get YOU all hopping excited!
Fan: Now—you're—you're really keying in on this hop thing, I-I have to ask, like—
Paper: Yeah!
Fan: Is it like—
Paper: Oh I love it.
Fan: It's the Hotel OJ party, so like, I mean the acronym would be like… H-O-J-P, like—ho—ho—hojp?
Paper: Wha—the name is OJ, so… I-I—
Fan: Well it's Orange Juice, so it'd be HOJP, not HOP.
Paper: [incomprehensible]—of the name, like, I don't, you know, ho… hotel, I don't do HT for that, I—
Fan: But there's no space. Orange Juice has a nice space, it's two words. So I think it's HOJP.
Paper: There's a space?!
Fan: No question. Yeah! In Orange Juice, are you kidding me?!
Paper: W-Well he goes by OJ!
Fan: Alright, I-I know that came off rude—
Paper: What—you type out the letters O, J, you put a space in the between them?!
Fan: No—okay, no—n-n-now, now, now, now you're—you're mixing it up. No, OJ in and of itself—
Paper: I'm mixing it up? You're getting so confused, you think you know OJ better than *I* know OJ?!
Fan: I did not say that, Paper. I did not—okay, I've clearly touched a nerve here. Listen. When you do an acronym, you put all of the letters together, no spaces. But when you actually *say* what the acronym is, out loud, then the spaces come into play! You see? So—
Paper: You don't—
Fan: —it would be—
Paper: But—Y-You don't type the letters—
Fan: HOJP!
Paper: —as you say them!
Fan: IT'S HOJP! PAPER! IT'S HOJP! IT'S HOJP! It's HOJP. I'm sorry.
Paper: HOJP? What?
Fan: I'm sorry, Paper. It's HOJP. Alright, you know what? Enough of this poll. I'm gonna end this poll.
Paper: B-b-but it doesn't—it doesn't roll off the tongue! Like, wha…
Fan: Well, that's exactly my point!
Paper: What?
Fan: Why would you have done that? Why would you have done that.
Paper: HOP! HOP is fun! HOP is fun!
Fan: Alright—I'm gonna—you know what? I—before I-I-I'm going to set up a new poll. To see what people—what people say about this. But I also just wanna, like, anecdotally ask the chat: what—is it—is it HOP or HOJP? When you're—when you're talking about the Hotel *OJ* party? Hotel Orange Juice party.
Paper: I think—I-I think you're trying to sway people in one sort of direction!
Fan: I'm not swaying, I'm just saying what it—how—what is it called? What is the party called?
Paper: The… Hotel, OJ! Party…
Fan: And what does OJ—st—oh—wait, OJ—wait! Wait! OJ in and of itself is an acronym, so go on, say what OJ stands for.
Paper: But—we're not saying Orange Juice, are we?! Are we saying Orange Juice right now?! Or are we saying, OJ?!
Fan: Alright, a lot—
Paper: Come on!
Fan: A lot—a lot of the chat is saying HOP, I'm just gonna let you have this one.
Paper: Hahaha, that's a hopping win for us! Hahaha! Well, c-come on, you wouldn't wanna be at the HOJP party!
Fan: No, I wouldn't.
Paper: They—this kinda just works out for everyone!
Fan: Alright, whatever, okay. Ugh… Alright, well—
Paper: Okay, let's just, let's take a break, and—hehe—usually I like to, sort things out, and, make things all calm and chill, but uh… heh, you know, I understand that I caused quite the ruckus today, so let's—[inhale]—ahmumumumum.
Fan: Okay, so—
Paper: C-Can you make that noise?
Fan: No. So, Paper, uh, I want to know. Who do you think should win the second season of Inanimate Insanity? Uh, I know obviously you have some history with Knife, and you kinda have none with Suitcase. So, go ahead!
Paper: Wha—well—uh, y-you beat me to it, Fan! I mean—
Fan: Yeah!
Paper: —here's the issue, right?
Fan: Yeah.
Paper: I don't know a thing about Suitcase! I mean I-I-I didn't compete with her, I-I suppose when—when some people come back to the hotel who have a history with her, they're like: yeah! She’s… pretty nice! And I'm like, oh I like when people are nice that's pretty cool. Um… so, you would think that, you know, kinda just makes sense that by default, since we have, you know, history and all, you know, we—we've… had a lot of time together and such—just makes sense, go for Knife!
Fan: Wow, I'm—
Fan: I… I feel like I'm getting some mixed messages from you right now, Paper. Because like you… really have a lot of issues with Knife, but you—you actually would be rooting for Knife!
Paper: Oh no, absolutely not. I'm saying despite the fact, that I don't know a *thing* about Suitcase, of course I'm gonna root for her! Cause, Knife is—
Fan: I'm sorry, I'm only half paying attention, sorry. Continue.
Paper: I appreciate you anyway. Knife is mean, Knife is a bully, why—why would anyone WANT to root for him!? Yeah, oh maybe he beat—did a few challenges well, or whatever, but—Knife will RIP ME APART given the chance! I don't get it! But, you know, maybe I don't need to get it, because, fifty percent of the chat thinks it's, just okay to root for the guy!
Fan: Does that—does that bother you?
Paper: Mn… a little bit, but, you know… I don't wanna tell people what to do.
Fan: No, go ahead.
Paper: You're a fan of him, you know… [at the audience]
Fan: It's not bad, tell them.
Paper: I just know who to… not ever interact with!
Fan: Go ahead and tell them how you feel. I mean, that's why you're here. Share your opinion.
Paper: What? I don't… In front of all eight people listening?
Fan: Yeah—well… there's more than eight. That's a little insulting. You think I can't get a crowd more than eight?
Paper: More than eight? How many more than eight are there?
Fan: Let's… not say, for your own sake.
Paper: Okay… okay, just have to, say this as though there's ten people here and be, be prepared for such a big—
Fan: That's gonna be hard cause it's over eight thousand—sorry! Just slipped out.
Paper: WHAT!? AAH!!!
Fan: Slipped out! Slipped out.
Paper: Um…
Fan: Slipped out, slipped out, slipped out! Sorry.
Paper: Uh… well, for the four thousand who rooted, you know, voted for Knife, just know that you are, supporting a… do I say this word?
Fan: Uh, I don't…
Paper: Is it okay, am I allowed to say this on stream?
Fan: I don't know what word you're going to say!
Paper: It's the P-word!
Fan: What? I don't know what word you're—whisper it in my ear.
Paper: Pbtpbtpbtpbtpbtpbtpbt.
Fan: You just made some nonsense sounds right now, can you actually whisper the word in my ear, please.
Paper: There was a little faith, that you would hear it.
Paper: BULLY!!!
Fan: What?
Paper: He's a bully!
Fan: I thought you said P-word. Bully starts with a B.
Paper: B-word. B-word!
Fan: Oh. I thought you said P-word. I was like—
Paper: No, no, P would be like a, puh! You, know like a—puh!
Fan: Ugh. This has been very educational, Paper, I have to say.
Paper: I appreciate it!
Fan: Yeah! Um… Yeah! No I mean… I-I-I enjoy the fact that you have your opinions, and I certainly have mine, and you know, we don't have to agree, on everything, just what's important.
Paper: Oh, so you *do* have an opinion? On who should win?
Fan: Well, it's not my place to say! This—I'm the moderator of the event so it would insult the—
Paper: Exactly, so it's—it's very specifically *your* place!
Fan: —would insult the integrity of the, uh, livestream, if I were to share my opinion, I established this upfront, you know. I think it makes sense to me. This is my own internal logic and it's my show so, if that is the call that I made, then I don't think that I should have to disclose any opinion, one way or another. I think that's fair.
Paper: Fine. Then I don't very much care either!
Fan: Oh you don't care to hear my opinion? Well that much I knew.
Paper: Ah, wa—I-I-I-I didn't mean it, I just… I just kinda, you know, tried to be… a funny person, who… goes with the bit! I mean…
Fan: Yeah, yeah… Go with the bit, alright… Yeah, you really go with the bit, Paper. You know what? Yeah. Just go with the bit! Yeah, I-I'll go with the bit too. Yeah—th-this has really, this has been such a—such a *great* time. Talking to each other. I think. Yeah, I really enjoyed it—
Paper: Well, I think so too!
Fan: —everyone's been waiting for a long time, for like, the FFF Paper interview, you know, there was a lot of—there was a lot of controversy about this and I—
Paper: And why didn't it happen, huh?
Fan: I—look, I wanted to do it! Salt and Pepper encroached upon my territory, you saw! I was happy to have it happen! I invited you for a reason! We were sharing a laugh—
Paper: And then we had it scheduled, a Paper interview, and then you just—you just sail on off to some concert!
Fan: Hey, hey, hey, hey, we're not gonna talk about that right now. We're not gonna talk about that right now. Okay?
Paper: Hmph.
Fan: We're not gonna talk about that right now. Please. Paper. Come on. This is not—that's not—that's not what this night is about. This night is about, we are a-approaching the end, of Inanimate Insanity 2. You understand that? You understand how big of a deal that is? Do you know how long everyone has been waiting? For this resolution? This is huge, this is massive! Okay? It's not about you, or me…
Paper: It's been—it's been going around, uh… almost as long as I've… lived in this hotel! You know, so I suppose that makes sense!
Fan: Yeah! Yeah no, it is a very, look, it is a very—
Paper: It's like our entire lives by this point!
Fan: It is a very, very big deal. Um… so, yeah, and I-I-I for one am excited to see how it all turns out—I'm sorry, everyone else who's watching is also very much interested to see. Uh, how it'll—how it'll play out too! And I hope, you know, I hope we all are satisfied, you know, it's hard, sometimes, like cause you can't—can't always a-a-a-appeal to everyone, but. You know, it's definitely… it… Yeah. It's been great, finally having this interview with you Paper—I am—I *am* sorry that it took this long, I think I had very understandable reasons that were outside of my control! For why I took this long. But. You know. It's… yeah, it's uh… it—it is what it is. Okay? Do you accept that? Can you accept that? Or no.
Paper: Mm. I do, Fan. I do.
Fan: Okay. Okay, that's all I'm asking. That—that is all I'm asking. And uh… by the way the chat—the chat is—
Paper: [incomprehensible]
Fan: What's that?
Paper: Are we—are we still gonna be paper puppet pals going forward?
Fan: We will be, I-I just wanted to let you know that the chat is saying, like, it—it's HOJP in their heart. So, I think they're trying to turn—
Paper: You said they were saying HOP before! What changed?!
Fan: Well, they—look, I'm seeing, I-I'm trying to pull up an example, i-it won't let me—I'm trying to scroll up, but it won't let me pick it! Jay, I see you in the chat, Jay, I'm trying to click your comment! Wait, no, it—it zoomed away! Hold on I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it! You watch, hold on. I have evidence. I have evidence. I have evidence. I will show you.
Paper: Well. You know what? If we can't, you know, figure out all this with the audience that sounds like it's, more than ten people, I mean… we do have a whole bunch of other people, you know, out back, who could give their opinions.
Fan: Well, I-I mean, Paper, I scheduled them all—they only had time to speak individually, I-I don't think that we're gonna be able to get them all again. You know, running a show like this, it's—it's—it's very difficult, it takes a lot of coordination, I know you call that talent, coordination. But—oh wait oh they're all back there. Oh they're all back there. Oh.
Paper: Oh hey guys?
Fan: Oh, wait, hold on, hold on, wait. They wanna all c—oh wait, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm gonna—wait—I'm gonna invite them all—eh yeah! Everyone! Yeah! Come back! Come back! Come back!
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backjustforberena · 1 month
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"It is ill luck to look upon the face of death." RHAENYS TARGARYEN, 1x8 & 2x3
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screaming crying throwing up, @no-thanks-bro pure concentrated piers
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Thoughts on akutagawa being drawn with no highlights in his eyes, hair, coat, or on rashomon,,,like everything is drawn pure black? I like when he's drawn a little bit like not-human--contrasts real well with Atsushi's dilemma of being a tiger, personally thinking. Also like when he's drawn like a void. Little bit like the cryptid creachur he is. I think you wrote something about it in the tags on panels in his introduction in the Manga. I like to think other characters also see him the way we see him so his void ass scares the fuck out of others too. Man's skeevin and tweakin even in his design
I'm OBSESSED with Akutagawa's design. Look at him. This is what he looks like on a white background:
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And this is what he looks like on a black background:
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It's BRILLIANT. He literally disappears in the black. He's the ultimate monster. In his appearance, he embodies what above all is most scary for the human psyche: the darkness, the unknown. The way Harukawa took advantage of the the art rule of never using pure black by breaking it in the most clever way! No light gets reflected on him, because his form absorbs everything– is absolute darkness. Visually, his figure itself is Rashomon eating everything it encounters, and it's genius.
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He is so nightmare coded. I love his big, inscrutable eyes that look like two voids, two black holes. I love how oftentimes you can't tell where Rashomon ends and where he starts, I love how sick and unhealthy he looks. I love how he looks scruffy like an abandoned dog. I love how young he looks– way younger than he is. It gives the impression of a ghost, someone who was killed before growing up and is now stuck with his young appearance no matter how many centuries pass.
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I adore everything about these chapter 33 pages. The way he initially appears as just a single black shape, hardly resembling a human. His crunched, unnatural stance. The staggering. The way you can feel with your senses the thick and sticky blood. The top picture is the left page of the manga, so just imagine the visual impact of turning the page to be hit with an almost full-black page- it's meant to impress, it's meant to shake. The way he's one with the darkness: no textures on him, only white making out his outlines. The way you can't tell where his coat ends. His left arm hanging numb, limp, lifeless, inhuman. The spurts of blood on his face. His smile, how you won't notice it at first and how that makes it all the more disquieting; its juxtaposition with the violence that surrounds him and that he is the cause of. The way he covers his face, the impressions of hiding and looming. His face being split, which only adds to the horror elements. Akutagawa's character design as a whole is an ode to the gothic and grotesque.
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And then this. Hello??????????????? The progression from how Akutagawa used to be to the last time we saw him alive is astonishing. It's upsetting. It really makes me wanna cry from a technical execution standpoint alone (imagine from a plot related standpoint). All the black is now replaced with predominant white, everywhere. His shirt is white and candid and pure, emphasizing contrast with the splash of blood in a way that almost results sickening. The blood on him is his this time. His face looks rounder, and healthier, and he overall looks more mature. His smile is sincere and genuine, it's light, it's affectionate. This scene is the culmination of Akutagawa's character both visually and thematically: the monster, Akutagawa, too, can be good, and arguably had good within him since the very start. Does it really matter if he lives after this? His character already developed to be the best version of himself‚ and this panel here is the proof.
Further readings: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
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nmixxedquotes · 25 days
Sullyoon: Welcome to our YouTube video where we’ll be trying different hair products.
Bae: *Takes hairspray and sprays it directly into her mouth*
Bae: Well I can tell you right off the bat that this one isn’t very good.
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iamthemovie · 1 year
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drive-thru records merch catalog, 2003-2004
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carbone14 · 4 months
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Artillerie allemande pilonnant la ligne Métaxas avec un obusier Skoda de 150 mm sFH 37(t) – Bataille de Grèce – Campagne des Balkans – Grèce – Avril 1941
Photographe : Bauer
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 101I-163-0319-07A
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nokaru · 4 months
ZenYuki in flower language
Zenyuki Week 2024 Appreciation Post @zenyuki-festival
Day 1: Pick a flower and its meaning that you feel most represents ZenYuki.
Okay, so this is an impossible task - I simply can't pink only ONE flower that represents Zenyuki for me. So I'll make a bouquet! mind you all of these together is a mess but I love it nonetheless
Firstly, I would pick typical red carnations; literally meaning "My Heart Aches For You", admiration, deep romantic love, and passion. When I think of ZenYuki I automatically think of deep devotion and admiration from both sides so carnations are perfect for them. *also zenyuki owns every cheesy romantic line ever so*
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Next, bluebells! Their meanings are loyalty, constancy, and humility. These are all traits I associate with ZenYuki both as a couple and as individuals. There's steadiness in Shirayuki and Zen, especially when they are together.
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Another flower that just screams ZenYuki to me is the azalea. I like this one for them visually a lot - I think it matches their vibe a lot, there's this softness about ZenYuki and azaleas uknow. Azaleas mean "Take Care of Yourself for Me" and if that isn't the cutest thing ever idk what is. It plays nicely into their long-distance relationship.
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Similar to bluebells, bellflowers are so ZenYuki coded. I like to imagine ZenYuki being all noble and castle-vibey but simple wild flowers suit them so much too! Bellflowers mean unwavering love and a constant heart - I will simply die it's so them AAAA DO YOU SEE MY VISION!!?? It naturally goes hand in hand with meaning of gratitude which I associate with Shirayuki's gratitude towards everyone she met in Clarines and Zen's gratitude towards his closest friends/found family (also his gratitude to being a prince as well??!! hes so grateful he can be of service to Clarines)
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This is my ZenYuki bouquet that is all over the place! Loved picking these and ofc there are way more flowers I associate with ZenYuki but I couldn't fit them all here ://
also honorable mentions:
Daffodils (regard, "You're the Only One", "The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You")
Dandelions (overcoming hardship; faithfulness)
Blue Violets (watchfulness, "I'll always be true")
Wisteria (im cheesy) (new beginnings, transformation, passage of time)
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fallevs · 8 months
day nine – lover, taylor swift
Christmas lights in a ghost town
Have I known you for twenty seconds
or twenty years?
You are here
I look at you
and I love you like never before but
you are far away.
Far away.
It's a pain that rises, and
it hurts.
I feel it inside
in the blood
that gets warm if you touch me
the way you used to touch me.
The way I hope
you didn't touch
that someone else.
When the night comes
and I'm alone
with the Christmas lights on,
I think back
to when we were something more.
When we danced in your room and no one could hurt us,
no one was watching us;
you would hold me
the way you used to hold me.
The way I hope
you didn't hold
that someone else.
It's a pain that rises, and
it hurts.
A thousand fallen tears
but I am still here
anchored to you.
I tried to run away
I tried to despise you,
to turn the frames
and burn away the pains;
but now you are here
close to me
with your scent that smells like home,
like something I still need.
But are you still my home?
Only yesterday
we were together and
at the same time
we were far apart,
like on two different planets.
Sometimes the thought takes me
of what we were and
what we could have been;
I, who after you,
don't want anyone else.
I hear you leaving this house,
hear the sound of your footsteps,
your smell fading on the pillow, and I think
life may tear us apart
but love
will continue.
I always carry you with me
because you taste of memory.
I don't know if I get used to the pain.
Let's wait.
Wait for me.
Maybe you and I
have another time.
You, the cold of my mornings,
that lump in my throat that won't
go down.
Without you I feel
like a ghost town.
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Brothers and Sisters, welcome to the HOUSE of the Lord
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
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TFW today, November 6th 2022, happens to be the canonical start date of Reki Kawahara's anime sensation Sword Art Online, a show you and your friends ironically watched and ironically enjoyed by riff-tracking over the entire experience
and no one in the sea of thousands of half-marathon runners has that context as your friend holds up a "DO IT FOR HIM [BOTTOM TEXT]" Kirito sign at the finish line for you
Bonus there was a Naruto
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Heal my Wounds now as ebook!
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[ID: The cover of the book Heal my Wounds by Elli Eberle on an iPad. It shows the silhouettes of a man and a woman embracing each other in front of a body of water. Water and sky are very bright, almost white, with a hint of orange. End ID.]
Genre: Fantasy Romance Approx. Length: 44.000 words Content Warnings: There's lots of angst, a few graphic injuries, and a bit too much alcohol.
Synopsis: Retrieving some possibly magic rocks should have been an easy mission. Unfortunately, the rocks turn out to be not magic, and the mercenaries assigned to protect Josephine’s group are a nuisance. And while their leader’s refusal to follow her orders starts out as a mere annoyance, it culminates in a tragic accident.
Between grievous injury and disgrace, both of their lives fall apart. Josephine might never hold a sword again, and Valadan is back on the streets with nothing to his name. As he insists on helping her get back on her feet, Josephine realizes that there’s more to him than his rude behavior. Similarly, he finds that she isn’t the spoiled princess he thought her to be.
Together, both of them might heal — if they can overcome the damage they've done to each other's lives.
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Heal my Wounds is available for free, as epub or pdf, on my website.
Please note: Heal my Wounds is now called Second Chances. The story is the same.
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nmixxedquotes · 1 month
Lily: you're in love with Sullyoon, aren't you?
Bae: listen. i never said that. you may have heard it. i may have thought it. it may be true. but i never said it.
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setteidreams · 2 years
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One Piece Movie 04: Dead End no Bouken (110 sheets) is now available in the settei section.
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