#'I haven't eaten this type of food in a few days so having it now won't hurt'
heartshattering · 5 months
Today is an IBS flare day and I'm regretting all of my life decisions
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pomefioredove · 2 months
if its ok can i request a overblot boys and ruggie and kamil with a reader that just forgets to eat? like they can go the whole day without eating then suddenly they just get dizzy cause they haven't eaten and when they get asked why they passed out/not ate they're like "lol yeah i forgot to eat my bad gang🧍🏻" they're just so nonchalant and act like its whatever😭its ok if not if this makes you uncomfortable!! Love your blog pookie and make sure YOU eat properly💥💥
ahh... just like me fr. this ask actually reminded me to eat, thank you!
summary: reader who forgets to eat type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, ruggie, azul, jamil, kalim, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, mentions of food and not eating!
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Riddle is also guilty of this
it's not that he's neglectful, it's just that...
...well... he's a little neglectful
it's usually Trey who has to remind him to take breaks from studying
none of that will stop him from scolding you, though
"What were you thinking, going a whole day without a meal? It's no wonder you're always so tired!"
expect lots of snacks from him after he's done berating you
he sends someone every day to make sure you've had something
(both a blessing and a curse)
you'll be in your room then suddenly Che'nya is there asking if you had lunch yet
and if not, you'll be recieving an invitation to Heartslabyul for tea
Leona can't be bothered to ask why you're always so... out of it
he just assumes that's your personality
he even teases you for it, once or twice
then Jack offhandedly mentions that you rarely eat until dinner, and he gets all... worried
suddenly, his room is always stocked with your favorite snacks from Sam's
what? no, they're not for you. he's just taken a liking to 'em. but you're welcome to have some if you'd like
his act is unconvincing
"What? Stop looking at me like that. I'm not some sap. I'm just making sure you don't go passing out on me,"
Ruggie is worried that Crowley's cut your food rations
he'd been mooching off of you for a few months now, after all
plus, he knows what it's like to go hungry
of course, he doesn't outright ask. he doesn't want to embarrass you or anything
he just... casually offers to split meals and comes over once a week with half of his forage greens
"What, this? Nah, I just had extra. What, you're complaining about free food? Shishishi,"
you repay the gesture by making him a few meals, and it becomes a little tradition between the two of you
why, oh why, does Azul have to care about you so much?
he's become familiar that exact look on your face; distant, dizzy, disoriented...
and he's caught himself mid-scold far too many times
"Have you no sense of self-preservation? You can't keep relying on others to care for you; you'll only be taken advantage of,"
...and, of course, he's the poor soul who cares for you
he convinces himself that verbal reminders cost nothing
then he starts sending the tweels to make sure you've eaten
and then he insists you drop by the Mostro Lounge at least once a day
it's not that he's giving you his time and energy for free
he's just making an investment in you!
that's it. NOTHING ELSE! (<- lies)
(cue tweels giggling in the background)
poor Jamil
first Kalim, and now he has you to worry about, too?
of course; he has no obligation to help. that's what he tells himself
nothing will happen if he just ignores you
...except that sinking feeling in his stomach
Sevens, help him...
he starts letting you help around the kitchen
just... tidying up, doing the dishes, etc
and if you happen to want a bite of what he's cooking? ohoho, who is he to deny you the chance to test for poison?
(feigns to mention that these dishes have already been tasted)
"Good? Why, I'm flattered. You're welcome to help any time- how about tomorrow?"
Kalim will never pass a chance to host
you offhandedly mention that you forget to eat sometimes? just come over for breakfast!
and lunch
and dinner!
and you'll stay for dessert, too, won't you?
he's nothing if not gracious, and he has a penchant for taking care of others
he likes feeling useful, after all
just be ready to give him your full thoughts and feelings on every dish; he's already making a mental list of your favorites to serve every time you come over
"Hungry? No problem! We have all your faves waiting for you. What music do you want to listen to while we eat?"
you know that Vil loves you, right?
so, so much?
good. because that love makes him want to shake you
of all the stupid things...
it's no use trying to hide it from him; you could look and act completely normal and he'd still see right through you
he can just tell
he has to restrain himself from threatening Crowley into letting you stay at Pomefiore so he can care for you
Vil believes you're capable, after all. you just need a little push
"I've set a daily reminder and stocked your kitchen. Remember that some food is better than none. If you need me for anything, I'll see to it as soon as possible,"
you can expect Epel and Rook to ask if you've eaten, on his behalf, every time you run into each other
Idia sets like, 30 reminders in your phone
he knows as well as you do that three measly alarms won't be enough
...he, too, is guilty of forgetting to eat
he probably makes you a custom alarm sound and everything
a little pavlovian conditioning never hurt anyone, right? it's basically no different than training an AI
...or something like that
will send Ortho over to check your vitals every once in a while
"it's NBD. can't have u losing all your lives on me. who would tolerate me then?"
thank your lucky stars it's Malleus who notices your drowsiness first and not Lilia
Malleus, at least, will find you something edible to eat
he's trying to keep you alive, after all
he's very sweet and gentle about it
soft little reminders, nudges to keep you awake... he will up and leave a dorm meeting if he realizes he doesn't know if you'd had anything yet today
Malleus is very conscious about human mortality, and is very... delicate about it
he's just a little overprotective, that's all
it mostly comes to sharing little treats together every now and then. it feels less awkward when you're together, after all
"There is no need to thank me. I'm simply happy to spend my time with you,"
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
this isn’t me (m.s)
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master list
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: slight gore/strong language/mentions blood/death/throw up
preview: Matt has recently started changing. the way he looks, the way he acts, and his demeanor in general. you slowly notice how distant he’s become. you were worried, a long with his brothers, so you all see what he's been up to. the scene left you, Chris, and Nick in shock.
a/n: this type of writing is different for me so i hope it lives up to your guys liking! likes and reblogs are appreciated!
it was a foggy morning in Boston. you were waiting at a post lamp for your best friend, Matt. you both walked to school together every morning ever since he asked to join you a few years back. now, you guys were attached to the hip. you had your hands in your pocket keeping them warm. you let out a breath which caused air to be visible in front of your face. that's how cold it was. you were starting to wonder what took Matt so long.
eventually you gave up waiting and texted him saying you'll just meet him there. you then headed over to the dreadful place. once you got to your first class. you noticed Chris and Nick were at their seats but, Matt was no where to be seen. you sat at your seat as you looked at Nick, "where is he?" you asked putting your back pack down. all he did was give you a confused face, "Matt? I thought he was with you?" he asks. you ended up giving him the same confused look. "what do you mean?" "I saw him head out before us. I assumed he was already going to meet up with you." Chris adds on. you turn your head towards him, "well I never saw him." you let out still confused.
you picked up your phone checking to see if Matt responded to your text. nothing. the text wasn't even seen.
Matt what are you up to? Chris and Nick said they saw you head out to meet me. where are you?
"maybe he's just ditching?" Chris says. "you know that's not like-" your voice trails off when you see Matt walk into class. "you’re late Matthew." you hear the teacher say. "do you have a tardy slip?" all Matt does is shake his head and walk over to his seat right next to you. "why are you late?" you whisper to him. "It was nice out. I took the long way." he says avoiding eye contact. that's unlike him. plus, you didn't even know there was a long way.
the whole day at school, Matt was quiet. which he usually is but today? not a single word at all. even at lunch, he just sat there not even touching his food. "Matt eat your lunch." Nick says. "not hungry." Matt responds with a tone that was different. you, Nick, and Chris just look at each other. "okay then?" Nick responds quietly. "more for me." Chris says taking the hamburger off Matt's tray before eating it. you and Nick just let out a small laugh.
at the end of the day, you followed behind Matt as you spoke, "what happened?" all Matt did was stay quiet as he walks. "Matt are you listening?" you add on. he still just continues walking. you step in front of him as you look at his face. it seemed different. his skin looked more pale, his eyes were tired, and they were dark. "what's the matter with you?" he just stares into your eyes with a blank face. nothing came out of his mouth except for one word, "move." walking past you. you just stood there in shock. what is his problem?
later at home, you receive a text.
i'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier. it's complicated.
you sigh texting back.
can you talk to me about it?
not yet.
it's too much.
your face turns into confusion before texting back. what does that even mean?
can you just tell me?
you text but soon after you were left on read.
meanwhile at the triplets house, Matt was sitting at the kitchen table quietly. "Matt you haven't eaten all day. you need to eat something." Marylou says sliding the plate in front of him. Nick and Chris look at him as Matt just stays still with the same blank face from earlier. "Mom it's not going to work. he's been quiet all day. he didn't even meet with Y/n this morning. he was late to class." Nick says. "what?" Marylou says looking back at Matt. "what is up with you sweetheart?" she says with a worried look. Matt just gets up and walks out the house. "Matt!" Marylou shouts but it was already too late.
something is wrong with Matt. it's starting to worry us. has he told you anything yet?
you look at the text with a saddened expression before texting back.
he texted me earlier apologizing but that was all. I'm currently left on read.
well he just walked out the house not too long ago.
you and Nick text all night, discussing what could possibly be wrong with Matt before heading to bed.
later that night, Matt arrives home, rushing to his bathroom. he was breathing heavily as he panicked washing his hands. "Matt?" Nick knocks on the door. Matt stopped in his place as he slowly looks up at himself in the mirror with his dark eyes. he had blood smeared across his mouth as he snaps back to reality. "what the fuck." Matt whispers to himself before hurrying to wash his face. "Matt! can we talk!" Nick yells from the other side of the door. "hold on!" Matt responds cleaning off the remaining blood that was smeared on the sink before opening the door. "where were you all night? all of us, including Y/n, are worried." Nick says, trying to read his face. "I was just trying to clear my head." Matt says. "well can you let us know what's wrong? you're acting so strange." Nick says with a somber look. he really wanted to figure out what was eating up his brother. if only he knew the truth. it would freak him out. so Matt stayed quiet, walking past him, straight to his room closing the door and locking it.
Nick just lets out a sigh as he does the same. The next day, Matt didn't show up to school at all. "he's not answering his phone." Chris says putting his phone done on the lunch table.
Matt's POV
it's been a few days since the unthinkable happened to me. it was late one night when I rushed to the bathroom throwing up an unusual amount into the toilet. I felt like I was releasing my whole insides. by the time I was done, I woke up confused on the bathroom floor. I felt something different within me. I couldn't comprehend all of of this. I started to ignore everyone. not because I wanted to, but because I needed to protect them from what i've been doing. who knows what could potentially happen next. I don't need the people I love to be in between, especially Y/n. it's been so hard staying away from her, but I have to.
i let out a breath as I drop the shovel onto the ground. I can't believe this is happening to me. I thought this type of shit only happened in movies or TV shows. i take off my gloves as I throw them into a trash can near by. I throw my hood over my head as I head home skipping school. I have to wash myself up.
End of Matt's POV
please Matt. whatever you’re going through, I don't want you to feel like you're alone. I miss you. text me when you have the chance.
you sat anxiously waiting for a response. "he's not going to respond." you say biting your lip softly. "then lets find out what's wrong with him." Nick says looking at both you and Chris. "how?" You respond. "we follow him. he's been heading out with no explanation. let's see what he's been up to." Nick says. you and Chris look at each other and nod. "let's do it." You reply.
You, Chris, and Nick create a group chat where you've been coming up with plans to spy on Matt. you guys wanted to time it perfectly. a plan was made for the next few days. You will sleep over at their house, in Nick's room, without Matt finding out. Chris will slip an air tag into Matt's jacket so you guys can keep track of where he goes.
alright. we have a plan. come over Friday night.
got it. see you guys then.
see you.
when Friday hits, you pack your clothes into a small backpack as you sigh. "I really hope this works." you whisper to yourself before throwing it on your shoulder. you head down the stairs and slide on your shoes as you head out the door. eventually, you arrive at their house. walking to the back door so Matt doesn't see you.
you text as you wait for someone to let you in. Chris opens the door and greets you. "Matt is in the bathroom so we have to be quiet heading upstairs." he says whispering. you nod and head upstairs quietly. Chris and You both head into Nick's room, shutting the door locking it. "Chris just placed the air tag in Matt's jacket. so all we have to do now is wait till he leaves." Nick says sitting down on his bed. you nod and you three talk, killing time until it hits 10 p.m. "does he usually head out later?" you say with a yawn. "it'll be anytime now." Nick responds looking at the time. he was right. you three hear a door open, indicating Matt getting out of his room. you hear slight foot steps going down the stairs, hearing the front door open and shut.
Chris pulls out his phone as he watches the little dot on his screen move. You get up and throw on a hoodie as you watch the little dot as well. after a bit, the dot stops moving. Nick's eyes widen, "that can't be right..." Chris whispers. "Abandoned house on Imperial Street." you whisper. you three look at each other and don't hesitate getting up before heading out the door.
"why would he be here?" you ask whispering. "I don't know." Nick responds as you three walk up to the worn down house. you look at the two of them and gulp, "what if we see something we shouldn't?" you ask. "we have no choice. we need to know what he's been hiding." Nick adds on. you look at the broken door and let out a breath. "come on." Chris says as you and Nick follow behind quietly. your heart was racing. what could he be possibly doing? as soon as you head inside, you couldn't help but shudder. it was cold and you knew something wasn't right. Chris looks at his phone as he follows where the dot is.
which it lead you three to a horrifying sight in the broke down kitchen. before you let out a sound, Chris covers your mouth and pulls you to the side. Nick follows as he hits his back against the wall with his face in shock. "w-what was that?" Nick whispers. your heart was now pounding out of your chest as you replay what you saw in your head. Matt was leaned over a limp body that was clearly torn open. you could hear the noises come from his mouth around the corner. was he actually indulging someone’s insides right now? you thought to yourself as you felt your stomach twist in a knot. “h-how is that even possible?” you whisper shakily. “what do we do?” Nick says clutching his chest, breathing unsteadily. “what could we even do Nick? this is fucking terrifying.” Chris responds. “no shit! but that’s our brother! what do we do?” Nick responds quietly freaking out.
"we need to get out of here." Chris whispers. Nick agrees as he walks with Chris towards the door. Chris looks at you indicating for you to follow but you just stay frozen. "come on" he mouths. but the two brothers then rush out when a noise from the air tag plays in Matt's jacket.
you peek your head around the corner as you watch Matt stop what he's doing to reach into his pocket, pulling out the small device. he shoots his head up as he looks around. "fuck." he mutters out. he stands up and looks at the body on the ground. you let out a small gasp as you get a clearer view of the person. Matt then locks eyes with you as he speaks, "who's there?" you step out slowly as you gulp, standing there in shock. you see his eyes soften as he stares at you. "Y-Y/n... what are you doing here?" he stutters out. all you do is look down at the body again shaking. "Y/n please listen to me." he says stepping closer to you but he stops when he sees you back away terrified. you clutch onto your stomach as tears roll down your eyes, "w-what is this?" you say as your breath hitches. "It's not what it looks like-" he says but you interrupt him. "t-to me it looks as clear as day. y-you were just fucking eating some innocent person's insides."
all he does is shake his head before responding, "y/n, you know I would never do something like this." "then what is this?!" you shout in fear. "I-i don't know!" Matt shouts back. "I don't know what made me like this. it's scaring me Y/n. I kept myself distant because I know how this looks. it's unbelievable." he continues. "I know your scared. but this isn't me Y/n. you know this." he says but suddenly hold his head in pain. "fuck!" he yells out. "Y/n please..." he weakly mutters. your heart aches at his voice. he was right. you knew he would never do this. you could tell he didn't want any of this to happen.
"I need help y/n." he says with a sadden expression. you look around on the floor, stepping into a puddle of blood. "please help me." he whispers desperately. you look up at him and gulp. "this is bad…" you whisper. “i know! but i can’t function without doing this. i can’t eat real food.” he says wiping his mouth. your eyes are still on the deceased person. still trying to wrap your head around it. “who even is this Matt?” you say before gulping. “i-i don’t know. that’s the thing. i don’t even realize i’m doing all this until last minute. so i don’t know any of the people.” he replies. “please y/n just help me.” he adds on. you look at him as you give him a blank stare. “tell me what to do…” you whisper.
you couldn’t just let him deal with all of this alone. you needed to find out more. he nods and next thing you know, you were helping him drag a big trash bag into the back yard of the abandoned house.
Y/n?! are you okay?!
"fuck Nick she's not responding!" Chris says freaking out. "Chris calm down! Matt would never hurt her." Nick says reassuring his shaking brother. “that was not Matt!” Chris exclaims. “that was some type of creature. that wasn’t our brother.” Nick shakes his head before responding, “no matter what he turned to, he’s still our brother!” Chris looks at him as he stops pacing around, “if someone catches him, people might mistake us for him.” Chris says. Nick’s face drops as he thinks about it. “you’re right…” he replies.
the bag hits the dirt with a thud. you stand there quietly as you watch Matt handle this situation. you flinch when you hear the shovel hit the ground. "don't tell anyone Y/n." Matt says looking at you with a look you remembered. you just stand there still in shock with a blank expression. "come on lets go home." Matt says taking your hand softly as he walks the both of you out. when you look down at your shoes, you notice how dirty they were from helping and the fresh red stains. you look up straight ahead as you ask a question in your mind, "what did i just get myself into?"
when you arrive at his house, Chris and Nick right away jump at the sight. you and Matt were hand in hand with your clothes dirty and bloodied. you gulp as you let go of Matt’s hand. “i need a shower.” you whisper out, walking past the two boys and straight to the bathroom. Chris and Nick’s eyes stare at Matt nervously. “so you saw?” Matt says not breaking eye contact. all the boys could do was stare at him and nod hesitantly. Matt was about to speak but, he decided to just head straight to his room, leaving the brothers with unanswered questions.
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a/n: this is different from my usual stuff. let me know if you guys enjoyed reading!
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n4giism · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ in a trance by malcolm todd ࿐ྂ
blue lock x fem!reader
characters: reo mikage, kenyu yukimiya, shouei barou
content: part 3 of weird/bad habits they have. reader wears glasses in reo's, also a bit of cursing (reo), aged up (yukimiya) and yukki can drive lol, barou is a secret swiftie in denial.
ari's note: i looove yukki sm he's my second fav after nagi omg i love yukimiya i love him sm he is so underrated <3333
part 1. part 2.
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reo mikage: eating pizza with cutlery
"hey, i'm hungry." reo said as he rolled on the bed, landing next to you. he lay on his tummy and rested his face on his palms, looking up at you as you did work on your laptop beside him on your bed.
"hm, me too." you replied, feeling your stomach grumble a little.
"whaddya wanna eat?" he asked, sitting up cross-legged, resting his chin on your shoulder as an attempt to peek at the work you were doing.
"it's up to you. i'm still busy, so you can choose." you mumbled, pushing up your glasses and continued typing away on your laptop. reo kept quiet until he decided on what he wanted to eat.
"let's eat caviar."
"what the fuck? that's so expensive, reo." you shook your head, your attention now on reo after he suggested that ridiculously expensive food for a normal lunch.
"what? i had it for dinner a few nights ago with my parents." he said, confused. you sighed. he was from a rich family, after all. of course he had fancy meals 3 times a day.
"we can eat caviar." he pouted.
"we should save caviar and any other fancy meal for an important day; like our anniversary, or our birthdays." you suggested. you couldn't imagine eating things like caviar, foie grass and other expensive meats on a daily basis. reo hummed in reply, "alright, fine. caviar is good though."
"let's just eat pizza, is that okay?" you asked and reo nodded excitedly.
"yes! i haven't had pizza in sooooo long!"
you rolled your eyes playfully and chuckled. he had steak and other fancy foods everyday, but something as simple and delicious as pizza was a rarity to him.
you pulled out your phone and ordered some pizza to be delivered to your house and continued with your work. reo stayed with you the entire time, changing his position ever so often; from laying his head on your lap, or wrapping his arms around your waist.
soon, the doorbell rung and reo went to answer it. the pizza had arrived. you asked him to bring the pizza to your room and that you'd eat there. reo took quite awhile though. did he trip and fall on his way or something?
you were completely immersed in your work in your laptop, until you heard the clinking of cutlery and plates.
"reo?" you called, looking up from your laptop.
he emerged from the door, holding the pizza box and 2 plates, along with forks and knives.
"reo, why the heck did you bring the fork and knives? and what's with the plates?" you questioned, puzzled.
"what? it's to eat the pizza with, of course." he replied nonchalantly and settled on your bed.
he placed a slice of pizza on his plate and begun cutting it with his fork and knife. he was eating the pizza like how he'd eat steak. you watched silently, mouth parted as you watched your purple haired boyfriend continue with his meal.
"y/n? come on, eat up! i'll cut up a slice for you!"
you couldn't say anything and reo took the silence as an 'okay, i allow you to cut up my pizza.'
you didn't have the heart to tell him that pizza could just be eaten with your barehands just like that, and that there was no need for plates or cutlery. you'd have to teach him about the way average people do, and how it's different from the way the rich do.
kenyu yukimiya: speeding up when driving over a bridge
the day had finally come for the long awaited road trip you and your boyfriend, yukimiya, have planned! it was a day trip on the road to a resort somewhere very far from where the two of you lived. it was a 24 hour car ride, but you didn't mind it since you would be with yukki throughout. he's gotten his license a few months ago and he drives really well!
he rarely gets road rage, and he knows when to slow down or speed up. he would drive you to school, or anywhere in general and it was perfect since he'd let you handle the music. you knew this road trip with him would be perfect. nothing sounds better than being in a car with your loved one, music filling your ears, the ac turned on and just being in the lovely presence that yukki radiated.
everything was going fine. you were 2 hours in the trip and had made 2 stops at previous gas stations to get food and water, as well as use the bathroom and get a stretch break from being seated in the car.
soon, you looked up ahead and noticed a bridge. with water underneath it. it was like a reservoir and there were many other cars driving across the big bridge. you could see tall buildings in the distance across the bridge and it excited you that you would be driving past a nearby city!
the stereo was playing your shared playlist with yukki and he was humming along to the song while you told him some funny stories.
upon reaching the bridge, however, you almost. almost. met your death.
okay, that may be an exaggeration. but it truly felt like you almost saw the light.
yukki, who was driving at a speed of 50km/h, suddenly increased it to 102km/h, as he sped across the bridge.
"it was so funny, i almost died of laughter- h-hey! yukki?!" you jolted as he suddenly sped up halfway through one of your stories.
"hold on!" he replied, pushing his glasses up and running a hand through his hair.
"y-yukki!? what's gotten into you! oh my god, be careful! you almost hit that truck!" you screamed a bit as he accelerated even more and more. you didn't even dare to look over to his side to see what his speed was.
it already felt like he was going at 1000km/h, even though that was not possible, but it really felt that way. you could hear the zooming of your car tires on the road, all the other cars passing by you swiftly. if the car windows were open, you're sure your hair would be flying everywhere.
he was changing lanes quickly, going left, right, then left again, then staying in the middle, then going left and right and so on. he was dodging all the cars in his way, speeding up even faster as he did so.
"yukki! oh my god, slow down! you're gonna get us killed!" you wailed, clutching the pillow on your lap and holding it tight. yukki showed no signs of slowing down. his face remained calm and focused as he continued his pursuit.
he might as well become a race car driver if he wants to drive at this ridiculous speed, you thought.
as soon as the car got off the long bridge, yukki slowed down to the normal 50km/h speed once more.
"you idiot! what was that all about? fantasizing being a race car driver, yukki?!" you scolded, catching your breath and wiping the beads of sweat that had formed on your forehead. it was so intense, the ac was turned on yet you were sweating and panting from that drive.
"race car driver? i was just driving normally, silly." he chuckled, pulling over at the nearest gas station and parked the car. you had never, ever, seen yukki drive at anything more than 80km/h.
"you've never drove that fast before..." you whined, meeting his eyes.
"yeah? that's 'cause we've never had to drive over a bridge back at home." he chuckled light-heartedly and pushed his glasses up.
you looked at him, confusion written all over your face, "what's that supposed to mean? why do we need to speed up over a bridge?"
"in case it collapses." he answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
you sucked in air through gritted teeth and frowned, "you stupid four eyes."
he tilted his head as you got out of the car, walking to the bathroom, leaving a confused yukki.
"what? y/n! are you not anxious that the bridge might fall!?" he called out from behind you, locking the car and chasing after you.
shouei barou: using songs as timers
"hm? not going to the gym today?" you asked as you saw your boyfriend still at home. it was 11am and normally by now, barou would be at the gym until 1pm.
he shook his head, "nah, decided to stay home and work out instead. i'm gonna start now, actually."
you shrugged and gave him a thumbs up. you left him to do his workout in peace so you went to the kitchen to make something to eat. however, you started hearing familiar lyrics and a tune...
they sounded like... shake it off? by taylor swift?
you thought you were going crazy and was just hallucinating her voice in your head until you realised the song was actually playing. leaving the kitchen, you followed the muffled tune of the song which led you to the living room where barou would be working out.
and there, you saw the music video playing on the tv, along with barou lifting weights and doing squats as taylor continued singing in the back.
"sho? i didn't know you listened to taylor swift..." you choked down a laugh at the thought of barou singing to taylor's songs.
"what? i don't!" he replied mid-squat. "just usin' her songs as a timer. once she reaches the second verse i'll switch to another workout." he explained, red forming on his cheeks and ears.
"heh, whatever you say. nothing wrong with enjoying taylor, though." you giggled, whispering that last part but just loud enough for him to ear. he clicked his tongue.
"tch, whatever. she's okay."
you waved your hand, dismissing the topic and retreating back to the kitchen. as you cooked a meal, you heard different songs from taylor swift playing. maybe he really is a fan.
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hey queens sorry for the late upload😍 this took awhile cus my back really hurts when typing on my laptop omd so i just kept putting this on hold but here it is!!!
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howlsofbloodhounds · 29 days
Delta anon here and I've got more headcanons, this time based around Delta/Beta's ADHD.
So since they have ADHD (I'd imagine that Sans would have the inattentive type and Beta would have the hyperactuve type, causing Delta to have the combo), they are insanely good at reading people (this is also because of their combined trauma but we don't gotta worry about that right now). Literally first meeting with someone and they've already figured out the person's intentions. And if the person angers them? Then they'd better be prepared to get the biggest, most brutal callout of their lives. This applies to everyone.
Another thing I'd imagine that affects them is the processing time and memory issues that come with ADHD (excuse me while I project here). Their reaction time is incredibly quick because that's what they've trained themselves to do, but their processing time for literally anything else is so SLOW. And because of this, they both have memory issues (they have it reguardless of ADHD, but the ADHD definetly amplifies it).
They have good enough memory to remember basic and important things, but some things slip their minds. Take birthdays, for example. They will know what your birthday is and if it's coming up. But will totally forget the day of because in their mind, it's still months or weeks away. Time usually slips away from their memory. He also forgets his age sometimes. It will surprise them every time.
However, they're forgetful enough with time that it will always surprise them. They will wonder why they feel sick, and then realize they haven't eaten all day. But since when was it the next day already? When did the day even start? This is why the Epic Sanses all have alarms to remind themselves and each other to take breaks, eat, and drink.
Speaking of eating. Do NOT let these motherfuckers cook. And I mean that literally. They get distracted incredibly easy, and will 100% forget they left the oven on. When they remember to focus on cooking, then they're very good at it. But on the days where they're incredibly distracted? Don't let their asses in the kitchen unless it's to get a snack or make coffee.
Again speaking of eating, if they are presented with a new food, they will at the very least try it, no matter how it looks or smells. But if they dont like it, you're never gonna get them to take a second bite. They will most likely never eat that food again. (However, they will be polite about it. They won't be an ass unless they know you personally enough to know that they can be.)
Another thing is, they are both incredibly good at masking their emotions. Beta is used to it from the abuse he suffered, but it takes Delta a lot longer to fully master, since he usually acts out on his emotions. But now that they've mastered it, they are capable at displaying a totally different emotion than how they actually feel. They can also mask the glow at will, but the burn from hiding it hurts them immensely. Once they get to a safe space for them to lash out with no one around, they do.
When they get overstimulated, they either shut down or have to restrain themselves from getting violent. It depends on what is bothering them, but usually it's one or the other. They will immediately begin searching for the nearest 'out' so they don't get too angry and accidentally hurt anyone.
Along with that, they have no filter. Zero. If they want to say something, they will say it and not think twice - until it's too late. Which is why the method of Color or Epic whacking them in some way to correct them was implemented.
I also think that they might have heightened empathy. Not to the extent of Color's, but enough that they'd put everyone before themselves, even people they don't like at times. Because of this, they don't handle grief well.
Executive dysfunction hits them like a bitch. Every time.
Hyperfixations. Oh boy. They definitely have those. (Maybe a few too many.) Beta, being what I'd assume to be the hyperactive type, most likely fixates on anything that makes him happy or gives him a sense of safety/security. This also goes for ideas. Delta is greatly influenced by these things, but also has hyperfixations of his own, such as his workshop and engineering things.
(They share the same hyperfixation of wanting to always be there for people and protect them, no matter who or what it's from. Hyperfixations can last years, and theirs definitely did, and will probably continue. And although it is the main motive for why they do what they do, it is most definitely a hyperfixation.)
They stim. So much. Usually it involves taking something apart and putting it back together (such as a pen), playing with their hands or tapping patterns on something, or getting up and moving around.
Also, all those little details you think they'd miss when interacting with them? Thanks to Beta's hypervigilance, they notice everything. They'll have memorized your talking pattern, some of your interests, and the sound of your footsteps/the way you walk within the first month of knowing them.
They LOVE strategy games. Absolutely love them. Unfortunately, they take them too seriously sometimes (they are banned from UNO, Sorry, and Monopoly).
They have mild sensory issues that can heighten if they're overstimulated. Usually it revolves around touch and noise, which is why they like to stay in familiar environments with people they know well. It's also is why they often don't get new clothes, both because they don't like shopping and because it can be much too loud for them sometimes, especially if they get caught off guard by the feel of something (ex; something looked soft, and they touch it, and it turns out to be scratchy, and they will LOSE it).
They are so friendly. Like really friendly. They definitely have a RBF, and are obviously intimidating, but if someone manages to get past that and approach them for whatever reason, they will be friendly at first as long as the other person isn't trying to start a fight. This goes for everyone except people they dislike. In spite of this, they don't have many friends, but definitely have TONS of acquaintances.
They are so dramatic. They are incredibly sassy, but know how to make it funny rather than annoying. They get away with a lot of things due to this. But Beta is definetly the most dramatic.
Their main thought process when doing something crazy, stupid, or chaotic is basically; 'hey, wouldn't this be so fucking funny??' And sometimes, they're right.
There are specific textures and sounds that they love. Smooth, soft textures? Love it. Anything they wear must be soft to some extent. Background noise? Literally cannot work without it. If they're in the workshop, some sort of background noise must be on at all times.
Anyways, that's all I got. Thoughts?
My thoughts are that this is honestly so relatable it’s scary. I can see both myself and my entire immediate family in these two goobers wtf.
Anyway, I love the idea of protecting and saving people becoming a hyperfixation its very cool to me.
And I also fuck with the idea that have tons of acquaintances but very few friends, probably in large part because people find them a little intimidating and then once someone sticks around long enough to get past that, they find them “too friendly” or “too much.”
Which is why I think they hold Color and Epic very closely to them because they were Delta’s first friends since he lost in his home and went to the Omega Timeline, and probably is an even bigger reason why Color and Epic’s equally close but no less somehow different relationships with Killer and Cross probably make them feel a little scared and perhaps worried about being left or about them being hurt.
Which would likely play into that protecting/saving fixation a lot more.
And also their anger problems. I’d imagine that’s something they often feel around Killer when Killer is still going through his “socialization” period lmao. There’s probably many a time where they just had to straight up leave a room Killer was in or else they’d probably do something they might regret later, and would hurt Color. Everyday they’re grateful that at least Cross isn’t this difficult to deal with.
But also if they try everything at least once, id like to imagine that if they and Killer get on better terms and Killer is starting to get back into the swing of things like cooking or using stoves and stuff, that they function as like his taste tester. Once they manage to trust that Killer hasn’t tampered with the food somehow, of course. (although I wouldn’t really trust these two adhd dissociative fuckers alone together in a kitchen with a stove something will go wrong somehow lmao)
And if they both love strategy games maybe that’s something they can bond with Killer on and possibly Cross. I do think Killer and Nightmare used to play chess sometimes, a little headcanon I have. Maybe he can engage in the nostalgia a bit without having to worry about upsetting Color by talking about Nightmare (Color is just rightfully pissed and hates Nightmare, he doesn’t have an issue with Killer talking about him or his feelings about his captivity and treatment by Nightmare ofc)
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jenniferjareauwife · 6 months
Jj x fem reader with AFRID its a type of eating disorder type thing.
Completely fine if you don't want to write xx
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: eating disorder
word count: 800
summary: you suffer from arfid and your girlfriend helps you through it
I paced around the conference room with Spence while we tried to come up with the geographical profile. We had managed to narrow it down between ten miles but that was it. We couldn't have police patrol 10 square miles, there aren't enough troops. I could feel the anxiety radiating off of Spence which wasn't making anything better.
"Come on. You two take a break." I heard JJ's voice once the door opened and I knew it was going to be ok. "You've been at it for hours and I haven't seen any of you eat or take a break." She gave me a side eye and I looked at the ground.
Spence left the room, giving JJ and I the space. "So...how are you doing?" I asked her.
"Good. We're getting further in the case. How are you?"
"I'm ok."
"Have you eaten anything yet?"
"Um...no." She knew my struggles with eating and she understood them but she also looked out for me, kept me in a good place. She knew I was struggling right now and wanted to make sure I was staying healthy.
"Well then let's take a break, eat something?"
"JJ..." I let out a sigh and gripped the back of one of the chairs, feeling anxiety bubble in my stomach.
"How long has it been since you ate?"
"Just like...I don't know...3 days-"
"3 days-"
"But I had smoothies!"
"Ok but smoothies have no protein or fat. You need solid food too. Come on honey, let's get to a sandwich or something." I shook my head. "Y/n I'm not asking."
"Can you just give me a minute?" I gripped the chair even tighter.
"Yeah...yeah of course. Can I go get a sandwich or do you want me to stay with you?" I nodded.
"Ok. Do you want a hug?" I shook my head.
"It's just gonna...I'm gonna...what if I like choke or something or what if I get sick-"
"Shh, honey that's not gonna happen." Her voice softened as she reached for my hands. "The odds of all of that happening-"
"But it can still happen." I breathed out. "And I...when I was younger I was eating an onion ring and the onion got stuck in my throat and I almost died."
"Shh, I know. I know." She caressed my hands softly and slowly, trying to keep eye contact with me. "Just take a few deep breaths, calm down."
"I can't- can't I just make a smoothie-"
"My love you haven't had solid food in 3 days and you've lost weight-"
"But I didn't mean to!"
"I know you didn't mean to." She kept her voice soft. "And I'm not mad at you, I just want to be here for you."
"But I-"
"Shh. Just breathe. It's ok." She held my face in her hands and caressed my cheeks. "It's ok. I'm gonna go downstairs and get your sandwich and then I'll stay with you as you eat it, yeah?" I gave a reluctant nod and sat down.
She came back with a BLT, watching me carefully as I tried to get all the bad thoughts out of my head. "It's ok. If you do end up choking I'll be here the whole time." I gave her a small nod and took a small bite of the sandwich. I chewed it slowly, making sure that there was no choking hazard before swallowing it. JJ kept her hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly. "Just like that. Take it one bite at a time."
"One bite at a time?" I laughed softly and looked at her.
"Yes my love. One bite at a time." She moved closer to me, kissing my cheek. I took another small bite, feeling a little bit better. "There you go. See? It's not so hard is it." I shrugged and took another bite, still making sure to chew thoroughly.
"Thank you." I whispered, feeling my stomach thank me so I figured I should thank JJ.
"Of course baby. You know I'm always here for you. Now finish your sandwich, I'm not leaving until you do, ok?" I nodded.
"I'm gonna make you a smoothie when we get back home."
"Mm. Can I have a strawberry banana smoothie?"
"Of course. Those are my favorite too." She laughed and kissed my temple and before I knew it I had finished my sandwich. I took a deep breath, leaning back in my chair.
"You ok?" She reached for my hand instead.
"Yeah...yeah I'm good. Just hope I don't throw up." I joked weakly.
"You won't." She helped me stand up and then wrapped her arms around me. "I've gotta get back to work but call me or text me if you need anything."
"I will."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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notmaplemable · 2 years
I missed a space while typing the phrase "A Ranged Option" and wrote 'ARAnged option" Which feels like it could be something, but I can't figure it out so I'm giving this potentially cursed idea to you.
Jaune: I'm thinking about getting a gun-
Summer, a weapons expert: Ara Ara~
Weapons of Summer Love Part 1
Jaune: How's it looking Ren?
Ren: *Via scroll* Not great. The tower is mostly destroyed and grimm are swarming around the petrified Wyvern.
Jaune: No chance of getting close?
Ren: We got a few veteran huntsmen to agree to escort us to the tower to look for Pyrrha's weapons. Said they understood wanting to recover the weapons of a lost teammate.
Jaune: But not to get our hopes up?
Ren: ...Correct.
Jaune: Right... Try to stay as safe as you can. Both of you. If things start looking too hairy-
Ren: We'll retreat if we feel it's necessary.
Jaune: Thanks Ren. I-I'm sorry that I can't be out there with you guys.
Ren: With Ruby in the condition she is, and Yang... We understand that you need to be there for them.
Jaune: ...I'll see you both soon. *Ends call*
Jaune: *Puts his scroll away, walks into Ruby's room, sits down on a chair next to a still unconscious Ruby's red*
Jaune: Sorry Ruby, I had to step out a second to talk to Ren.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Ren and Nora are going to go up with some other huntsmen to try to find Pyrrha's weapons and some of her armor. Since apparently she... well I guess you would know. Since you saw her when she...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I'm sorry Ruby. If I was just stronger, you wouldn't have had to see that... Pyrrha would still be here... Yang wouldn't have... *Sighs*
Summer: *Standing in the doorway* Jaune?
Jaune: Oh! Sorry Ms. Rose. I didn't see your there.
Summer: Hmm, well I'm done with lunch if you want any.
Jaune: I don't think I'm hungry.
Summer: You haven't eaten anything since you got here Jaune. Come down and eat.
Jaune: I'm fine, really.
Summer: You got here three day ago. Now, come down and eat before I drag your butt down to the kitchen.
Jaune: ...You'd really do that?
Summer: Follow me and you won't have to find out.
Jaune: *Chuckles* Okay... I guess I could eat a little.
Summer: Good.
***Later in the kitchen***
Summer: *Eating quietly at the kitchen table, watching Jaune*
Jaune: *Moving his food around with a fork*
Summer: So, how are your parents doing? It's been awhile since I got to talk with Blanche.
Jaune: I don't know... I haven't talked to them since I left for Beacon.
Summer: You haven't talked with your parents for nearly a year?
Jaune: Guess not.
Summer: You should call them then. At least send a letter.
Jaune: ...What would I even tell them? That I got one of team killed and need them to come pick me up.
Summer: That you were in Vale when the fall occurred. You're safe, but you lost one of your friends and that you're staying somewhere safe while everything is sorted out.
Jaune: ...Right.
Summer: But I think there's something else on your mind, isn't there?
Jaune: ...
Summer: I know you send your friends, Ren and Nora, up to find Pyrrha's weapons and armor.
Jaune: How do you know?
Summer: I heard your call earlier.
Jaune: Oh.
Summer: And Qrow is one of the huntsmen going up with them. He told me.
Jaune: ...
Summer: What do you plan on doing with them after you recover them?
Jaune: ...I was thinking of using some parts to upgrade Crocea Mors and my armor. Give her circlet to Yang. Hopefully send something back to her parents after the travel restrictions are lifted.
Summer: *Nods* Anything else?
Jaune: ...I might also be considering some sort of ranged option, and since Ruby mentioned that you were a weapons expert, I was hoping that maybe you could give me some tips.
Summer: Hmm, well since you're kind of brick wall fighter, hard to break through your defenses but not the fastest, I'd say you'd want to get a weapon with some decent range. Probably not a full sniper like Ruby and I, but something that would be effective at medium and short ranges. Something you could switch to and from quickly so you can ready your shield to block oncoming attacks. Assuming you want to keep using Crocea Mors as your primary weapon.
Jaune: Umm, yeah I do, but-
Summer: We could also add some modifications to your shield so that you can use it as a bipod, which should add some extra stability for shots at range.
Jaune: Ms. Rose I-
Summer: You'd also need to be able to operate the weapon with one hand in that case. So not bold action, pump action, or lever action weapons. Semi-automatic or automatic would be best.
Jaune: ...
Summer: I think either a shotgun or a carbine would be your best choice.
Jaune: ...Okay... There's a small problem though.
Summer: Yeah?
Jaune: I've never actually fired a gun.
Summer: No problem. We have a firing range in the back yard.
Jaune: Of course you do.
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lordfreg · 1 month
hi feg :)
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HRU?? I havent been able to chat or talk 2 u or even CHECK UP in on u in awhile and im sorry 😞😞mb chat—
ANYWAYS. Here to checkup on the awesome wonderful talented amazing extraordinary artist and friend.
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When I got this yesterday I basically said I was fine, but I'm going to be absolutely transparent; I am extremely unhappy
(tw su!c!de)
I think I don't think I'll be able to make it through next year. If I do, amazing! Epic!
But if I dont; it's not anyone's fault. Shit just happens sometimes and it's fine
I'm growing more and more exhausted and I'm breaking out in autoimmune rashes. My mental health has been on a decline, and I'm thinking about just dropping everything
I'm not getting help or the treatment I need. It hasn't been fun so far. As lexie can confirm, I freaked out a few days ago because of spiders
I'm working on saving to move out and go away for college because the mental health resources here are unhelpful, judgmental and gossipy
And im now finding out I may or may not have extreme psychosis and ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) and I don't want anyone to look at me differently for it. And I especially don't want people in this town knowing that.
My hallucinations are getting worse, I'm literally getting so exhausted I can't bare to draw for more than an hour a day. I want to draw nonstop, but I get tired like I just did gymnastics when I do.
So in conclusion; I'm not doing good and it hasn't been fun for me.
I might have parasites(???), but I haven't bene to the doctor in over 2 years because last time I went he took anxiety from my diagnosis because "I didn't look like I have anxiety"
I eat one meal a day, usually chicken, and have two protein shakes. I'm getting too exhausted to even get food anymore
I have powered through unhelpful lectures, exercise, daily chores, babysitting, work, family, etc.
It hasn't been fun to only work out because I'm angry. I've had 0 energy to do anything, and I haven't been motivated enough to do anything <- I literally had to put my phone down to rest
I literally am just typing my best to duck tape myself together so I can last a little longer. It's been really, really rough and I've been pacing in circles talking to myself because I don't have anyone to talk to.
Sure I have friends, but like, why would I ever say anything to them? Probably when I'm open and honest I sound like a complete pyscho hbhjjjjjkjjjnnj
I think the only thing keeping me from snapping is the fact I'm too tired to do anything.
Look, I'm really sorry if I disappointed you, or I seem like a cry baby, or I'm just a downer, I am in extreme mental turmoil constantly.
I am trying my best to keep it together.
Thank you for your time
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @nczaversnick!
Big OC Questionaire
I kinda feel like talking about someone I haven't discussed much, so let's go with Kaulakri, my neurotic little selkie cartographer! Since this is gonna be a long one, I'll put my answers under a cut. I'll also tag @just-emis-blog @mr-orion @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy and anyone else who wants in :)
Questions are also under the cut in a block
What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?
It's rare, but I do get burnt out on occasion. When I was alive, I would go for a swim and enjoy a night on the beach. That's a little harder now, so I practice my flute instead.
If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?
What was the worst day of your life?
What's so special about a sibling? I suppose I like Pash well enough, though he stresses me out, and Faalgun makes for good company. But why would I hang out with my siblings especially? That's so odd.
What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?
Maybe it's a little strange for one of the halawemavish, but I love sugar. Most surface foods turn my stomach, so people are always surprised by that. The best, sweetest thing I've ever eaten was this singular Cantran dessert. They called it a marshed mallow.
Well, the last one, I suppose. I never knew what disease killed me, but it was sudden and miserable and spread like a flood through the crew I traveled with. Even in the midst of that agony, watching then all fall around me, it wasn't the idea of death that scared me, but the knowledge that my life would be for nothing. Hopefully, my afterlife will be different....
What’s your worst nightmare?
If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?
Like, literally or metaphorically? The worst nightmare I've ever had was when I was ten. I stood with my back to an endless drop while a wave of frothing rats skittered towards me, aiming to sweep me away with them. My 'worst nightmare' in a broader sense is leaving things incomplete. Projects, relationships, all of it. I dread being unable to finish what I've started.
I wouldn't tell it anything. Why does a monster want to know what my worst nightmare is? ....Wait is this the sort of thing I'm supposed to lie for? I suppose I could say my worst nightmare is meringue tarts, but that doesn't seem very convincing.
Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.
Who could you trust most with a secret?
What sort of torture? I don't think waterboarding is all it's cracked up to be, but if you tore out my fingernails or, I don't know, ripped up my maps, I'd probably talk.
Myself, obviously. I have the most stake in keeping my own secrets a secret. But in terms of others, probably Anarac. He hardly talks at all, so I doubt he'd repeat anything I told him.
Uhhhhh.... I'm... I'm lost?
You have been caught somewhere you should be! Quick, what is your excuse?
How good is your sleep schedule?
People always say you can sleep when you're dead, but that's patently false. You don't need to sleep at all when you're dead. I still do most nights, just to keep a semblance of order, but even if I only get a few hours, it doesn't really affect much.
Do you have any siblings? If so, is your relationship good?
Siblings? Oh yes, I forgot you humans are superstitious about blood relations. I suppose I had a few, but I was never especially close with any of the enclave kids. I was a bit more of the... indoor type.
What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?
Deciding to leave my enclave. It was all I had ever known, and I was apprenticed to our shaman. I was terrified that I was making the biggest mistake of my life by going to study on the surface. For those first few nights away from home, I thought I was the loneliest person on Illaros.
Again with these blood relation superstitions. As you would think of it, my entire enclave was my family. The person I was closest to was Lishvan, the shaman. He indulged my many, many questions and, I think, took a bit of pity on me for my difficulties socializing. I still remember all the songs he taught me.
What’s your relationship with your family like?
Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?
Cartography and natural history are my passions. Yes, they're also my job, but nothing brings me more joy than cataloging a new island species or watching a map slowly spring from a blank page. Apart from that, I've always enjoyed music and storytelling. The crews I sailed with always compliment my flute playing as quite good.
No. I did in life, but now that I think about it, I've never had a dream while dead. I suppose they aren't for us.
Do you dream often?
What do you dream about?
Have you ever been in love?
When I was alive, my dreams were mostly nonsense. Usually, they took place on ships, which makes sense considering where I spent much of my time. Some were anxious, others were happy, but overall, most of my dreams were about doing something that made no sense upon waking.
Who's to say? I... I'm not good at being close to people. My work has always taken priority and I can be distant even when I'm not on assignment. The closest I ever came was a three month long fling with a sea captain whose ship I had chartered with a sizable grant. She was the perfect partner - everything I could've asked for. Attentive, not overly touchy, and a superb conversationalist. I think she really liked me and I... I might’ve loved her. Of course, I only realized that when I'd finished my mapping trip and by that time, her ship had long sailed over the horizon.
Rats. You wouldn't think it's possible for someone to hate an animal to such a degree, but believe me, I fucking do. They're disgusting creatures who get shit everywhere, eat rations, and eat my damn maps! Not only do they do all of that, but they carry disease everywhere they go. Considering how I died, you shouldn't be surprised when I tell you that I'll kill any rat I see.
What is your least favorite thing in the world?
What is your pet peeve?
Poor organization rubs me the wrong way no matter the scale. This world runs on order and efficiency, and there's no reason to make everything more difficult for everyone else just because you can't be bothered to take notes.
Would you consider yourself different?
How far would you go to save a loved one?
I.... Oh, what a question. I've always been... apart from my peers. Too serious, too obedient, too off in my own world. I didn't have many friends as a kid for all of those reasons. No one outright bullied me, but even I'm not oblivious enough to miss hands going up to cover whispers every time I'm around. It was better when I went to school. The people there were more like-minded. But by then though, I'd learned to hold myself apart from others. It's not as if I crave company. I'm perfectly happy to keep to myself and my maps. It's just... sometimes I wish I could find someone with passions that matched my own. We could share a journal and know that every annotation actually means I love you.
Murder. Anything below that is fair game, but I think one murder would be my limit. I'd find another way.
I don't really have a worst enemy. Should I? Could it be rats? I think I could team up with rats if my crew was on the line, though I might wear gloves and a mask the whole time. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned with hygiene.
Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?
What is the worst insult you can give?
I don't really like giving insults - I'd rather just walk away. There was one time though, that I told Nyda she'd set Illari progress back by centuries due to her own idiocy, and that countless sailors had probably died because she'd been too busy chasing pointless glory to write down her damn equations. Oh, and also that she was a fool for trying so hard to be a warrior when it was clear she would never have the skill to fight off more than a frog. Maybe I went a little overboard there, now that I think about it.
What is the nicest thing someone could say to you?
Are you a jealous person?
Oh spirits, I'm not sure. I think if someone said my maps had saved them from being lost at sea, I'd just lay down and cry.
I don't know, what constitutes jealous? I'm going to go with a tentative no.
Have you ever committed a crime?
Why would I tell you that? ...Well, I suppose I'm dead now, so it won't make much of a difference. I, uh, would loot money from shipwrecks sometimes, to pay for my expeditions. Technically, scavanged goods are supposed to go to the company the ship belonged to, but they won't miss it. I hope.
Are you neat or messy?
Neat. Messy things stress me out.
How do you feel about crying? Let it out or hold it in?
Crying is a very important emotional release and you should never be ashamed of it. Not for me though - I'm ashamed.
Who do you live for? Why?
First off, I'm not alive. Secondly, when I was alive, I lived to finish my maps and chart every island in Janaz. Part of that was to help other people sail more safely, yes, but part was because I simply had to know what was out there. So... I guess I don't know.
Who has betrayed you most?
My own health. Right when I was nearly finished with my work, my own damn body gave out on me. Now it and my maps are rotting on a deserted island somewhere, never to be seen by a living soul again.
What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?
I don't like the feel of jewelry. Anything on my hands at all makes me uncomfortable, really. I suppose I still have the little belt bag I died with. That's a pretty handy accessory.
What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?What was the worst day of your life?What’s your worst nightmare?If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.Who could you trust most with a secret?You have been caught somewhere you should be! Quick, what is your excuse?How good is your sleep schedule?Do you have any siblings? If so, is your relationship good?What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?What’s your relationship with your family like?Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?Do you dream often? What do you dream about?Have you ever been in love?What is your least favorite thing in the world?What is your pet peeve?Would you consider yourself different?How far would you go to save a loved one?Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?What is the worst insult you can give?What is the nicest thing someone could say to you?Are you a jealous person?Have you ever committed a crime?Are you neat or messy?How do you feel about crying? Let it out or hold it in?Who do you live for? Why?Who has betrayed you most?What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?
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silverynight · 1 year
Part VI
Tenya can see the concern in All Might's features as soon as he tells him about the situation regarding the demigod, Midoriya Izuku.
"We can't have an endless winter. Everything will die if this stays the same."
Yes, that's exactly what Tenya was thinking about when Todoroki told him about his powers; it makes sense for him to have so much control on the mortal realm, since he's the son of a very strong god. But he knows All Might can't and won't let this to escalate even more.
"Midoriya is not dead," he suddenly says, surprising Tenya. "I've seen the boy before because his mother prays for him a lot in my temple. She's a nice woman and has asked me to keep an eye on him. And so I have. He's really kind to everyone and more powerful than he thinks."
"Do you know where he is, Sir?"
All Might sighs, looking sad. That's more than enough to know the answer, but the king of the gods still says: "Unfortunately, no. I wasn't looking at him when he disappeared. However, I know he is alive because I can feel his life force now. It's quite strong."
"So perhaps he just ran away?"
"Young Midoriya would never leave his mother... At least not like that."
"What do we do now?"
"Call all the gods and tell them to meet me here."
"Do you think one of them is involved in this, Sir?"
"Most likely. Hurry up, before winter gets worse."
Izuku feels bad for leaving the cute dog to sleep on the floor, but he's too big to sleep on the bed next to him. However, he stays for a while with him, until Dynamight relaxes before Izuku jumps on the bed and goes back to sleep.
In the morning a soft knock at the door wakes him up, Dynamight is wagging his tail excitedly, although to Izuku's momentarily confusion, the big dog is staring at the side door instead of the entrance.
That's when Izuku realizes it must be Bakugo.
"Just a second!" He says before quickly putting on a new dress. That one doesn't cover his back at all, but it's okay because the place is warm that day. "You can come in now, Kacchan!"
Bakugo gets "attacked" by a very happy Dynamight who ends up licking his cheeks even though the god tells him not to.
The scene makes Izuku chuckle and realize, that even though he misses the mortal realm, he really enjoys being in the underworld. It has started to feel like home, although he's aware he'll have to get on a ship eventually...
"You two are really cute!" He beams, knowing Bakugo doesn't like to hear those types of compliments.
"Cute? I'm anything but–" Bakugo chokes as soon as he notices what Izuku's wearing. He seems to have forgotten he was irritated a few seconds ago. "It looks good on you."
"Thanks, Kacchan!" Izuku says before turning around to start petting each of the dog's head. He gets a little bit startled when he feels a warm hand on his lower back for a moment. Bakugo has gotten used to put his hands on his waist very often, although this time it feels a little bit different because there's no fabric in between his skin and the god's palm.
"You also have freckles on your back," Bakugo comments. To Izuku's surprise, he's blushing to the tip of his ears.
"Yes," Izuku giggles. "I told you my body is covered in them!"
Bakugo seems to get flustered at that, but he doesn't move his hand away. It's okay actually, Izuku doesn't mind.
"Are we going to cheer up some souls today?" He asks, excited; he's already thinking about all the flower crowns he's going to make. "I can't wait to see the children!"
Bakugo looks at him fondly, he cups Izuku's face with one hand, making him feel small; the king of the underworld is very tall.
"That sounds like an excellent idea, but we must have breakfast first... You haven't eaten–"
"I have," Izuku cuts him off, pointing at the basket. There's still a couple of food inside, but not much. Everything was absolutely delicious.
For some reason, Bakugo looks relieved; Izuku thinks that maybe he was worried about him, although... He's not supposed to feel hungry, right? He remembers Kirishima explained to him that the people in the underworld still eat though, just for the pleasure of it; they still can taste the food after all. However, they only eat food from that place.
Now that he thinks about it, Ashido brought that basket from the mortal realm for him. For a second he thinks about asking Bakugo, but something tells him he shouldn't.
"Ha! I bet the food here is better than anything you have ever tasted, isn't that so, nerd?"
"Y-Yes!" Izuku says, feeling like a terrible person for lying.
"Well... I think we can see a couple of souls before leaving Dynamight back in–"
There's a knock at the entrance door. Bakugo narrows his eyes immediately and opens it with irritation.
"I hope it's important because I was–"
"It is," Kirishima cuts him off, looking pale. Izuku immediately worries and gets closer to him.
"Are you alright?"
"Of course, Midoriya!" He says, although he doesn't look okay at all. He's clearly nervous, almost afraid. "Everything's fine! It's just... There's someone who wants to talk with Bakugo in the throne room."
"Alright," Bakugo nods, looking suddenly tense. However, when he turns around he tries to smile at Izuku. "Why don't you go ahead and wait for me at the docks with Dynamight. I'll be with you soon."
Izuku nods, knowing it's probably none of his business, but still a little bit worried.
There's something going on.
Mina tries not to look nervous in front of the herald; he hasn't say a word about what he's doing there, but she knows. It's about Midoriya.
It has to be.
When Kirishima and Bakugo walk in the throne room, Iida moves his head down as a form of respect.
To Bakugo's credit, he doesn't look nervous, it's almost like he's bored, although Mina knows him and she can tell when he's not quite relaxed.
He must know what this is about.
"I have a lot of things to do here so spit it out," the King of the underworld grumbles like he usually does.
Iida rolls his eyes; he's used to Bakugo's personality at this point, even though he doesn't go down to the underworld quite often.
"All Might requests your presence. He has something important to tell you."
"To me?"
"To all the gods," Iida says.
"What does he want to tell us?" Bakugo huffs with irritation or that's the impression he wants to give, but he must be as distressed as Mina is at the moment.
"I'm not allowed to say. You must attend the meeting."
"Right now?"
"At noon."
"Tell the old man I'll be there."
Iida nods, although he grimaces when Bakugo refers to All Might as "the old man" however, he doesn't say anything about that. It's not the first time Bakugo calls him that.
When Iida goes... Mina feels like she can breathe again. Kirishima still looks pale though. She's glad they told Kaminari to stay with Midoriya because no matter how much she loves him, Kaminari is not known for keeping secrets, especially when he's nervous.
"Bakugo, this is your opportunity to let Midoriya go..."
"No," the king almost growls at Kirishima.
"Come on! You can still fix this!" Mina says, almost desperate and a little bit upset because of how stubborn and stupid that god is. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't know it's you, but he knows it's one of the gods already."
"You don't know if this about my Izuku," Bakugo growls, however, he starts pacing around the room like he's in distress.
"She's right, Bakubro..." Kirishima cuts in, with a worried expression on his face. "You'll get in trouble for this. Listen, even if Midoriya goes back, you can still visit him in the mortal realm and court him there!"
"No! That half and half bastard is gonna try to steal him from me!" The god retorts as his palms emit little explosions, he's getting angrier.
Mina knows he's suffered without Midoriya; when he thought the best thing for the demigod was to stay away from the underworld, but no matter how much Bakugo needs him, he can't get himself in this kind of trouble.
"Midoriya will find out eventually... And when he does he'll get mad at you," she hates to point that out, but Bakugo needs an emotional slap to do what's right. He needs to snap out of his madness.
The king's expression twists in pain, Mina doesn't like it, but he's her friend and she has to help him.
"He won't find out," he blurts out, stubbornly. Bakugo is so afraid of losing Midoriya he can't see the right path at the moment. "Besides, it's too late now because he ate something from my realm, which means he can't go back now. Those are the rules."
"Did you give him food? That's not manly, Bakubro, you should've told him."
"There was a basket in his room, I didn't actually give him anything..." However, Bakugo still looks guilty because he probably wanted Midoriya to eat, he wanted him to stay.
Mina knows that's her basket though, which means Midoriya is still free to go, but she can't tell that to the king of the dead at the moment.
"They'll find out..."
"They won't."
Mina sighs; she's not Nighteye, which means she can't actually see the future, but she's sure this isn't going to end well. Bakugo and Midoriya will end up hurt.
She knows her friend is not bad, but he had never been in love before and this feeling hit him way too hard for him to think of the consequences. Bakugo is so terrified of losing Midoriya... that he's doing everything the wrong way...
But she doesn't know what to do. She wishes there was a way to fix this.
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Synopsis: a slow burn love story of my favorite chaotic mess of a man Dieter Brave and F!reader. 18+ eventually, minors dni
Trigger warnings: mentions of drugs, death, death by overdose, domestic abuse. Eventually smut.
Authors Note: I haven't written in years, but I have fallen down the rabbit hole of so many talented writers here on tumblr with Pedro Pascal character fanfics. I’m a sucker for a good slow burn, smutty, fluffy love story. Goal is to keep it around or under ten chapters. Any feedback would be appreciated! Also I’m new to tumblr and don’t really know how to use the platform so any advice on that would be nice too.
Chapter One
You cringe when your phone rang for the fourth time today. This is what it was like when Dieter had nothing to do. He’d constantly be blowing up your phone asking you where you put the sex toys that he’d ordered, what's next on his schedule for press or shoots or sometimes it’d be even something more ridiculous like if you believed that Octopuses were really aliens that landed on earth from a meteor. He’d be like this whenever he didn’t have someone to keep him company or in between projects.
“Yes boss?” You answered as you placed your iphone on speaker as you continued typing away at your MacBook finishing up Deiter’s reservation at a resort up in Canada for a project next year.
“What am I doing this weekend?” Dieter asks not bothering to greet you first, this was normal.
You clocked on the calendar on your MacBook, “You have a podcast with Stephen from Vanity Fair Saturday morning at eleven. Other than that your day is free.”
“Hey set me up a reservation for the Marriott in the Marina,” Dieter began barking, “and book two seats for the sunset cruise and dinner on the bay.”
You opened up google typing in the resort, you were used to Dieter giving you demands like this.
“Two seats?” You questioned him and you clicked book now, “who are you going with?”
“A friend,” Dieter replied sheepishly.
“A friend?” You repeated with a raised eyebrow, “Who is it? I’m gonna have to put her name on the second seat for the cruise so you’re gonna have to tell me anyways.”
Dieter was quiet for a moment, “Lola.”
“You gotta be kidding me,” You said, rolling your eyes, “her again?”
“What she’s hot,” Dieter responded, you could practically see her pouty puppy dog eyes he had as he spoke, “and her and her ex just broke up.”
“Yes, again,” Dieter said dramatically, “she’s on the rebound and slumming it and I’m loving it.”
You rolled your eyes again, “you know you don’t have to pick women who are slumming it just to get laid you know. There’s plenty of beautiful women all over L.A. who would happily spend an evening on a sunset cruise. Why do you need to pick the wicked witch of the L.A.?”
“See that’s where you’re wrong,” Dieter began to say, “Those women only wanna hang out with me because I’m a big time movie star. They dont really give a fuck about me.”
“And you think Lola does?” You pointed out.
“No not really,” Dieter said with a hint of sadness in his voice, “but honestly fuck it. I just wanna go out on the ocean, eat some good food and then eat some good pussy. Lola’s good for that.”
“Alright,” you said, conceding knowing that this was a time old argument the two of you have had many times. You knew that it wouldn’t go anywhere and you still had too much to do today to spend the time arguing.
“Do you want the all inclusive romantic suite with, jacuzzi bathtub with an ocean view or would you rather have the scintillating views of downtown LA with the wood burning fireplace?” You asked reading through the options of the luxury suites that were offered.
“Hm they both sound nice,” Dieter said mulling it over in his head, “where would you rather get eaten out? In front of the fireplace or on the edge of the jacuzzi tub?”
Neither, you thought to yourself. Your boyfriend that you’ve been dating for the last few months didn’t really like eating you out and wasn’t all that good at it.
“It’s the middle of June,” you pointed out, “it’s too hot for a fire. But then again knowing you and Lola you’ll be all over that room before the nights over.”
“I know,” Dieter said with a small growl of anticipation in his voice as he palmed himself through his sweats thinking about it, “Fuck it, give me the jacuzzi ocean room.”
“You got it boss,” you said, selecting the room.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the only sounds were the clicking of the keyboard on your MacBook and Dieter’s low breathing. Once you finished all the bookings you said, “I’m forwarding your reservation and the tickets to your email.”
“Thanks,” Dieter muses and then mechanically says, “what are you doing this weekend?”
“Matt’s taking me to that new Italian place 7th St,” you responded.
“Oh so Matty Cakes finally decided to step up his game and take you someplace nicer than Wok n’ Roll?” Dieter teased.
“Hey I love Wok n’ Roll,” you pushed back, “And not everyone can afford a sunset dinner cruise for dinner. Some of us are just regular people instead of big superstar actors.”
“Urgh thank God I’m not one of those,” Dieter responded.
You and Dieter had been friends for nearly ten years now. You met for the first time at your drug dealer's house, the two of you happened to be buying cocaine at the same time. Honestly you don’t even really remember the details the first time you met. You had come to LA to try to be a dancer while also attending UCLA. You had spent most of your early twenties shamelessly partying, doing drugs to keep your energy up to dance, working as a bartender, and going to school. You hadn’t declared a major in anything, you had a long list of ideas of what you wanted to do but couldn't decide on any one thing.
You and Dieter would spend a year running into each other before you two really became friends. You ran into each other at your dealer's house, at the bar where you worked and even a few parties. At the time Dieter had been a smaller actor, getting a few small parts as a supporting cast in a few movies and a handful of appearances on Law and Order. You two would make small talk, giving life updates in between weeks or months of not seeing each other.
One thing was perfectly clear from the moment you met Dieter. He was absolutely handsome and he knew it and was a total slut. But despite that he never did hit on you. Albeit you had a different circle of friends and there was a never ending line of hot women that threw themselves at Dieter. He was also twelve years your senior which may have played a part in why he never hit on you.
Your life had come crashing down one night in October. When you had moved out to LA to attend school you already had a brother living out here. He had left your home town a few years back. He was the one that had convinced you to move out here and to apply for UCLA. Your brother was your best friend, you had been so mad when he announced that he was moving out to LA when you were still a teenager stuck at home.
Then everything went to shit. You had gotten a call from Cedar Sinai letting you know that Brandon had overdosed. You were beyond devastated and catatonic for months after that. You had stopped eating, gotten fired from the bar you worked at because you kept calling out and dropped out of classes because you couldn't keep up with the work anymore. You spent endless months in your tiny shitty apartment, only ever leaving for groceries. It was then and there that you had decided to quit. You flushed everything you had and never did any drugs since then.
Then about six months after Brandon’s death you were sitting at an Ihop at 3am. You needed to get out of your apartment after months of being a recluse and you only picked his Ihop because there was no one else in it. Then Dieter walked in alone and went to sit at the counter and ordered a coffee. You sat in the booth, minding your own business until Dieter saw you.
He exclaimed excitedly about how he hasn’t seen you in awhile. How he even went to the bar you worked at asking for you. Your drug dealer had told Dieter that it’d been months since he had seen you. You were surprised to hear this from the eccentric actor. However a few breaths in Dieter had picked up that something was wrong. He sat in the booth across from you, inquiring what happened.
The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. You had told him everything that had happened. He stared at you with those damn puppy dog eyes and listened diligently. He was deeply sympathetic and kind to you that night. You had told him about how you were about to get kicked out of your apartment because you were behind on the rent and out of money. How you had considered moving back home.
Dieter had talked you out of it. He ended up getting you a job as his personal assistant and let you live in his guest house that was off the main house up on the hill in Sherman Oaks. He paid you well, even set you up with his therapist that apparently made house calls. His therapist would come visit Dieter at the main house and then send him to the guest house for you. You always gushed to Dieter about how you couldn't afford to live in Sherman Oaks and a therapist who made house calls. But Dieter insisted, that was the thing about Dieter. If you could get into his inner circle he was loyal to the death. You weren’t exactly sure how you got there but you did.
As the years had dawned on you two had developed a deep friendship. He never once attempted to hit on you which you kind of appreciated. You appreciated Dieter as a friend far more than a lover. That was the curious irony of Dieter, he was loyal to a fault but also went through lovers and girlfriends like you went through your socks. Dieter was far too chaotic for your tastes. It was entertaining to sit on the side lines and watch him make a total ass of himself. He also landed a few dream roles over the years and became a superstar and you were thankful that you got to play a part of that. He really was a brilliant actor and a good friend when he wasn’t being a pain in the ass.
Hours later you were standing in front of the mirror near the front door, putting on the finishing touches to your make up. Matt had texted you saying he was a few minutes away. You grabbed your light blue denim coat and threw it over your black dress and made your way out the guest house. The main house was attached to a long paved driveway that was about thirty feet away from the guest house. A black SUV was parked near the door, a man in a suit was opening the back passenger door.
Lola stepped out wearing a short white skirt with a red tank top with a deep V neck, her bleach blond hair was styled in big curls and an ostentatious diamond necklace laid gently between her tits. She had her face hidden behind big sunglasses and didn’t even give you a second glance. Dieter quickly appeared at the front door making his way down the front steps.
“Damn baby,” He said eyeing her up and down quickly, “You looking fuckin’ amazing.”
“Thank’s hun,” she said, throwing her arms around him as he came down to her.
Dieter immediately placed his hand on her ass as he kissed her deeply. Afterward he looked up at you.
“Damn little black dress tonight?” Dieter said, looking you over while he kept his hand on her Lola’s ass, “Matty Cakes finally getting lucky tonight?”
“You better not call him that when he gets here,” you shot him a warning look, “You know he hates it.”
“I know that's why I keep calling him that,” Dieter smirked playfully, “it’s funny to see him get all pissed.”
You couldn’t tell but you were pretty sure that Lola was rolling her eyes behind her Armani sunglasses.
“So did Dieter tell you that he’s taking me on a sunset cruise tonight?” She chimed in, running her hands up and down Dieters chest while keeping her eyes on you.
“Nope sounds romantic,” you smirked while Deiter looked down at his pleather shoes sheepishly.
“He really is,” Lola said, glancing between him and you, “and then we’re staying at the Marriott near the marina. He really is the sweetest.”
This was something Lola had done from the beginning. You could tell she was the jealous type, she always made a bit of a scene of staking her claim in Dieter in front of you. Despite the fact that you and Dieter had repeatedly told her you two were just friends, Lola still liked to dangle Dieter in front of your face like a shiny toy. Dieter always seemed to tune out whenever she did, he didn’t care for the drama that Lola always seemed to start.
“So where’s Matt taking you tonight? That tacky Chinese place down by the beach?” Lola questioned while still hanging off Dieter.
“Um no we’re going to that new Italian place that just opened up,” You replied trying to be civil.
“Oh I’ve been there so many times already,” Lola purred as if she were bored with the conversation, “word of advice if you wanna fit into that dress of your come summer order a salad. Their pasta dishes are huge.”
“Thanks Lola,” you nodded sarcastically, you were used to her many backhanded compliments.
“Alright well I’m bored,” Dieter said turning back in, “let’s go baby, I wanna go get on the boat already.”
He turned her around and slapped her ass as the two of them climbed into the SUV. As they were pulling out of the driveway Matt’s car drove up and pulled to a stop near you. You went to go get in until he turned the car off and got out.
”Hey, you ready to go?” You asked curiously as he got out.
“Actually we need to talk,” he said as he placed his arms on the hood of the car.
You felt your stomach flip at his words but also wasn’t surprised. In fact you were surprised by the fact that you weren’t surprised by what he was saying, “Okay.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I don’t think this is working out for me.”
“Okay,” you said glumly, “why?”
“I just can’t stop thinking about what you had said last time you were over at my apartment when we were watching that movie,” he went on to explain.
“What I said when?” You said trying to rack your brain that night.
“What you said after I finally got you to go down on me,” Matt stated, “about how you used to have a reputation for giving the best blowjobs at UCLA.”
“It was a joke Matt,” you replied with feeling your anger build, “I told you the actual story behind it. It was a stupid rumor that went around my dorm building but everyone knew the truth, they were saying that about me ironically.”
The truth was that you had been blowing this guy you were seeing but you were so drunk that you had ended up puking mid job. It was definitely not funny at the time and embarrassing as hell but over the years you’ve learned to not take life too seriously and it was a little funny now looking back on it. You were young and dumb and luckily made it through those days relatively in one piece.
“Really? Because Travis has been asking me a lot of questions about you lately,” Matt continued on, “he asked me if your reputation still holds up and if I’d be willing to share you with him.”
“What?” You asked shocked, “what the fuck, why would he ask you that?”
“Have you been flirting with him?” Matt questioned.
“No,” you shot back, “he DM’d that one night at like 3 am and sent me a dick pic which I told you about by the way and I blocked him after that.”
“Well now I’ve been hearing from all my friends that they all wanna bone you and I don’t like it,” Matt ranted on, “and now they all know about your UCLA dorm reputation of being a slut and now they wont stop asking me about it.”
“How did they hear that story?” You asked, crossing your arms.
“How’d they hear that story?” You repeat yourself, “I only told you that story because you’re the one who brought up embarrassing stories after telling me yours. Did you tell them?”
“Look it doesn’t matter how they know,” Matt redirected, “the point is that I don’t want a hoe for a girlfriend and no one’s that good at giving head unless there’s some truth to it.”
“Oh so that’s what this is about?” You asked amused, “so you liked the head I gave you?”
“Well not anymore because now I’m just wondering how many other guys' dicks you’ve had in your mouth and now I’m just grossed out,” Matt said, throwing his hands up, “and I don’t need to hear it from my friends or whatever other dudes you’ve had.”
You stood there in a stunned silence as he got back into his car and drove out the driveway to the gate. Did you just get dumped for being too good at giving head? There’s no way. You didn’t believe that was the real reason, sure you may be alright at it but you didn’t think that you were extraordinarily talented at it or anything. But you could tell from the beginning that Matt’s friends were all douchebags and Matt kind of was too. You wanted to give him a fair chance but you weren’t very attached to him, you didn't even really care that you had just gotten dumped you were just surprised that you were.
Well fuck it, you thought to your self. You had been looking forward to going to that Italian restaurant. Even if it meant going alone and eating a whole damn bowl of pasta by yourself, you’d find a way to have a good evening.
You sipped the red wine from your glass slowly, scrolling on instagram mindlessly. You had blocked Matt and all his douchebag friends. An empty bowl of Alfredo mushroom pasta laid next to you. It had been delicious and well worth the trip. The restaurant was definitely one of sophistication and romance. You had tried to ignore all the couples or families that were out together. You ended up not being able to get a table without having to wait forty five minutes so you opted for the bar. It did you better anyways because then you could have your back to everyone around you and try to ignore the sting of being out alone on a Friday night.
Then out of nowhere a familiar voice came from behind you, “this seat taken?”
Before you even had a chance to respond Dieter slid into the chair next to you. He had his sunglasses on and avoided your gaze, he was rubbing his temple in discomfort.
“What are you doing here?” You question him, “I thought you and Lola were gonna have a cunilingis party in your jacuzzi tub.”
“Yep we didn’t make it that far,” Dieter confessed and got the bartender's attention, “crown whiskey please, neat.”
The bartender nodded and turned to get a tumbler glass.
“Where’s Matty cakes?” Dieter asks, still avoiding your gaze.
It’s only now with Dieter sitting besides you being aloof that you thought to really look at him. The side of his face was a little pinker than normal and there was a small cut on his cheek. You went to grab for his sunglasses, taking them off delicately. His eyes snapped at you with anger while you sighed frustratedly.
“Did she hit you again?” You say hushed toned.
“Well it’s not like I didn’t deserve it,” Dieter replied taking the sunglasses back from you and sliding them up his face, “she was being a bitch, I was being a dick. You know the same old story.”
“You still shouldn’t be allowing her to hit you,” You say sternly, “it’s not right.”
“Eh fuck it,” Dieter said shrugging, “it was more of a bitch slap anyways. I’ve had worse, besides the girls a total psycho. She’s out there throwing a temper tantrum because her rich lawyer boyfriend won’t shell out the $135,000 she needs to go to New York for fashion week.”
“And let me guess, instead she asked you for the money?” You asked unsurprised, taking a sip of wine.
“I would have done it if she didn’t have such a stick up her ass,” Dieter went on to explain, “we were on the dinner cruise and a group of women came up to me and asked for a selfie. She sat at the table and pouted the rest of dinner and before we even got the Marriott she blew up on me because she thought I was eye fucking those women that wanted the picture.”
You weren’t surprised, Lola was incredibly jealous of every other woman that was in Dieter’s vicinity. She had even tried to convince Dieter to kick you out of the guest house even though you and Dieter had always had set a boundary early on of not entering each other’s spaces without notice.
“I don't understand why you put up with her,” you grumbled, “yea she’s hot but there’s plenty of hot women that would line up for you. She’s a selfish manipulative gold digger who’s going to throw a toddler-like tantrum every time she doesn’t get her way. You could do much better.”
“But she’s the one that keeps coming back,” Dieter explained, “and besides when she is in the middle of her temper tantrums the sex is crazy good. We were in the lobby of the Marriott, I tried to off to take her upstairs to make her legs shake all the way to New York, she asked me if I’d give her the money and I made a joke about how she’s like my own personal Vivian Ward and she slapped me and left.”
You rolled your eyes, it sounded like a typical fight between the two of them.
“So where’s Matty Cakes?” Dieter asked now just noticing, “Why you sitting at a bar alone?”
“We’re done,” you said bluntly.
“Good for you!” Dieter said, placing his hand on your shoulder affectionately, “I was hoping you’d wise up and leave his sorry ass.”
“Oh you mean just like how I tell you all the time to forget about Lola?” You pointed out.
“Yeah but you’re a lot smarter than me,” Dieter retorted, “besides you definitely could do better than that ass hat.”
“I’m not sure how true that is,” you responded, swirling the wine in your glass around, “he broke up with me.”
“Why?” Dieter asked, looking over towards you behind the shades.
“Well first off I don’t believe what he said,” you began to explain, “I think he’s full of shit but I don’t know why he’d lie about it. Probably just has a stick up his ass too like Lola.”
“We ought to hook the two of them up,” Dieter responded.
“Please Matt can't afford her,” you retorted simply.
“So what did he say?” Dieter questioned further.
“He said that he’s pissed because a couple of his friends are into me a guess and he told them the story about how I used to have that reputation for giving the best at giving head at UCLA,” you started to explain.
“From that time you ralphed all over that guy when you were drunk?” Dieter questioned, recalling one of the many late night talks you two had over the years, “What did you puke all over him when you were going down on him tonight?”
“No,” you said flatly.
“Hm too bad,” Dieter replied, “he deserves it. So he's pissed that his boys are into you? That’s stupid, if that were me I’d just make it clear to my friends that you're mine and show you off like you deserve instead of being a little bitch about it.”
“You’d think so,” you agreed, “but he said that he agrees with my reputation and doesn’t want a girlfriend that’s too good at giving head because obviously that means that I’m a hoe.”
“Wait so he actually broke up with you for being too good at giving head?” Dieter asked with a furrowed brow. A few people around the restaurant started giving you two funny looks, but you were used to getting stares from Dieter’s blunt openness even in public, “That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard! If you’re that good at it he should be on his knees begging for your mouth every night.”
You shrugged, unsure how to respond. You didn’t really think you were that good at and also agreed that it was a stupid thing to get dumped over. But there wasn’t enough attachment to Matt. You were getting sleepy off the wine, you were ready to put this day to rest.
“Was he good at going down on you?” Dieter continued to question.
“Not really,” you confessed, “he didn’t really like to do it. Even when we were dating I tried to tell him if he wouldn’t do it to me that I wouldn’t do it to him but he bitched, moaned and complained if i wouldn’t.”
“Jesus,” Dieter said, running his hands through his hair, “Alright let’s go back to the Marriott.”
“Go back to your hotel with you?” You asked surprised.
“C’mon,” Dieter said, standing from the bar and tossing a fifty dollar bill on the counter, “let’s drown our sorrows in Mary Jane and we can play scrabble all night.”
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stowaway-society · 2 years
Mechs & Torchwood Crossover AU dump!
So, a few days ago I came up with this very silly niche little crossover AU of The Mechanisms meets Torchwood (essentially human/mortal Mechs & they work for Torchwood Cardiff instead of the Canon team) and I've been yelling about it since because it's my two biggest Special Interests in one so here's a list of what I think everyone's role on the team would be and how they'd do-
-Carmilla was the 'original' team leader and the one who hired everyone (with the exception of Marius, Raphaella and Lyf). 'Mysteriously' dissappeared one day, everyone has their own little theories about the where and how. Until her disappearance she also functioned as the team's doctor/medic
-Jonny was the first she hired, probably because she saw him fist fight a weevil or something. Originally Second-in-command but since the Docs disappeared he's officially in charge now. He has no clue what he's doing, he doesn't know how to properly lead, but still refuses to give up being in charge
-Nastya was hired for her technological knowledge and engineering skills but ends up doing most of the actual leading after Jonny was put in charge (she's their braincell /lh). She also developed and installed a fully sentient AI, Aurora, into the Hub (think Hera from Wolf 359).
-Aurora is,, just taking care of her silly little humans blocking off their PCs if they work on them for too long, ordering food online if they haven't eaten in a while etc, because yes, those are her silly little humans and they keep forgetting their self care or basic human needs
-Ashes was hired for Hub security and finances (aka copious safety hazards and tax fraud the first months, no one knows what Carmilla was thinking when hiring them or keeping them around, but Jonny and Nastya were fond of them enough not to question it too much) but eventually ended up mostly being a field agent
-Ivy naturally works as their archivist and along with Raphaella does most of the research. She's also in charge of the Hubs artifact storage and typing up reports
-Brian didn't actually get hired, he came through the rift (like in "Out Of Time") from the past (very far past), where he worked as a sort-of "witch" doctor. Carmilla decided to let him stay at the Hub for a while as they didn't know where he could go and she decided retconning him might be too risky (as he doesn't know anything about the modern age and retcon wouldn't change that). Eventually he ended up being an actual part of the team, mostly as a field agent. Somehow he ends up driving (he does not know how to properly drive, but their captain can't captain and their doctor can't doctor so he thinks it's fair enough, no one's died *yet* it's fine /lh). Despite having worked as a doctor before he doesn't on the team, as his knowledge in modern medicine is near non-existent for the first while, and they still had Carmilla
-The Toy Soldier isn't officially part of the team, it's more like. That One Alien-Or-Whatever-It-Is (None of them are really sure) that everyone just looked at and went "Yea OK so it's not dangerous so it doesn't need to be locked up or neutralized and it DOES need a place to stay so let's just keep it". While not being an official employee, it does do work around the Hub, which mostly consists of bringing people tea or food while they work or tidying up after the ADHD Gremlins that is most of the team (it finds a lot of joy in both, truly, it's just happy to be involved /lh)
-Tim got hired for his knowledge and experience with weapons, mostly by Jonny's request, after he saw Tim and his best friend Bertie handle themselves in a gunfight against an alien. Bertie died in the gunfight and Tim blames Jonny for not helping sooner (Cue them recreating that one scene from Fragments where Owen just tries to beat the living shit out of Jack) but they eventually manage to get along
-Marius was the first to be hired after Carmillas disappearance, originally to replace her as medic, though Jonny didn't really care about proper procedure or professionalism enough at the time to notice that his medical degree was entirely forged (nor did he care too much after it was discovered by Ivy). He does have medical experience, but it's just barely enough to patch someone up in case of emergency. While he does officially function as the team's medic, he more often works as a field agent working with Raph on the experimenting part of research (like the Rat Jam thing, because I can very very much see him have the exact same delighted reaction as Owen /lh)
-Raphaella was hired out of a UNIT cell (similar to Tosh), that she was in for a history of highly unethical experiments, including on human and alien subjects. Jonny mostly hired her for that, having gotten the recommendation from Ivy after she found Raphs file and being fascinated by it. Also because they were very much in need of an actual scientist.
-Lyfrassir pretty much get hired the same way Gwen did, still working as a cop when they run into Torchwood. They run into Marius, Ivy and Raphaella while those three are on a field research mission, and the trio takes quick liking to them after they help catch an alien specimen with surprising casuallity. They end up getting dragged back to the hub and Marius pesters and convinces Jonny that the team could really use their abilities and contacts until he actually hires them. They are more or less the least fucked up (morals wise) person on the team and much like Gwen help to "humanize" the team a bit more
(if this does well or people actually wanna hear more about this silly little crossover AU I have a lot more thoughts about it and am currently trying to write this into a fanfiction /lh)
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Have you ever seen an emu in real life, whether in captivity or the wild? I have never.
When was the last time you visited your state’s biggest city? I live in it.
Do you remember what colour the eyes were of the last person you spoke to? Dark brown, as all Filipinos have.
Have you eaten pasta in the past week? Sure. It was fast food spaghetti but still.
Did you pierce your ears yourself or have it done by a professional? I'm pretty sure my parents had it done by a professional. I had been a few weeks or months old after all.
Are you wearing any shoes right now? No.
How many letters are in your surname? Six.
Do you enjoy Burger King? Their burgers are good but Burger King is honestly something I just never seem to look for? Idk, lol. Like I'll never say no to it, but I also don't ever go, "I think I'll get Burger King today." In general I guess I'm also not into fast food burgers much, unless it's Jollibee.
Have you ever worn bell bottom jeans? I don't think I've ever, actually.
How far away from your house is the nearest ice cream place? The nearest one I know of is around a 30 minute drive away.
What colour is your kitchen counter? It's a shade of peach.
When was the last time you washed the dishes? Not a plate but I washed my glass around half an hour ago before I settled in my room.
Do you own a lot of cookbooks? We don't have, like, a bookshelf's worth of cookbooks if that's what you mean by 'a lot,' but I'd say we have more than average. My dad's a chef, so he liked to collect them early on in his career.
How many rooms are in your house? Four.
Have you ever seen American Pie? I haven't. I heard of it a lot as a kid but was also always warned not to watch it, so I kind of brought that with me until now. I still have no clue what that show(?) is about haha.
What do you think of Leonardo DiCaprio? He's really good-looking and an even better actor but I do find his dating choices quite weird given his age.
Do you stay in touch with many people from high school or college? It's a good number. Most of my current circles are from my years in school.
Are you feeling nervous about anything right now? Just a little bit, but I'm trying not to think of it now so I can focus on my weekend and free time.
How many cars can your driveway and garage hold? Technically just one, but we have some extra space around the backyard area and our front yard so we're able to have our two other cars fit in those slots. Mainly so that we don't block the road because it's so annoying that most of the nighbors do that.
When was the last time you were late for something? Around a month ago for one of our events. My teammates arrived earlier to cover for me first so I wasn't too worried, and I was mostly stressed because of the traffic and because the driver kept on heading towards turns that led to more traffic.
Do you own an iPod, and if so, what type? I have not used an iPod since high school.
Did you ever play Stardoll when you were younger? I don't think I've ever heard of that.
Is there a university in your town or city? Yes. There's a small local one literally right beside our village gate.
What’s your father’s handwriting like? The hilarious thing is I don't even know what his handwriting looks like because he writes so rarely. He just...signs. I should hand him a blank piece of paper one of these days and just ask him to write random phrases so I can finally know hah.
Have you ever lived on a farm? Haven't.
Are you hung up on anybody right now? No.
Do you eat fries one by one or in big bunches? Just one each, every time. I always eat stuff like fries by piece.
Did you wash your hair last time you showered? Yeah I never skip anything when I take a bath.
Has anyone ever ransacked your bedroom? Apparently my mom did because that's how she came to read my diary when I wasn't around. I've always been a bit peeved about her entering my room since then.
Do you have any weird sleeping habits that people have told you about? No. I also don't like sleeping with people around, so that's also probably why no one has ever told me anything.
Do you enjoy That 70s Show? I tried getting into it but couldn't understand the humor right from the first episode - either that or I just simply found it unfunny, idk - so I didn't really care to watch the rest.
Are there any clouds in the sky, and what colour are they? Well right now it's 2:01 AM so everything looks black/super sper super dark blue.
Do you think you’re fast at typing? I know I'm fast, haha.
What was the last type of pizza you ate? Pepperoni, but I removed all the pepperoni from the slices I took as I don't like it.
How old are you? 25. WOW I can't believe I'm 25
Do you know anyone with an unusual middle name? Yes.
Would you consider yourself to be intelligent? Only in select aspects.
Have you ever waxed your eyebrows? Nope.
What does your shampoo smell like? Just...idk like a refreshing one?? It doesn't have a distinct scent.
Have you ever passed gas in front of your significant other? I don't like farting hahaha I always suppress mine. Only my sister has heard me do it and that's because those got out accidentally.
Do you have any big regrets in your life? I wouldn't say big, but there have been a few medium-sized regrets here and there.
What colour is the ground or floor where you are right now? Brown.
Do you live on a street, avenue, road etc.? Street.
Can you taste anything right now? Just the remnants of my coffee.
What was the last board game you played? I don't play board games but I played Anomia with my family the other night.
Are you renting the house you’re currently living in? No.
Do you listen to Guns n Roses? Other than the like two songs I know of theirs, no.
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? I was uhhhhhhh 16, I think.
Have you ever been a bridesmaid? A junior bridesmaid, if that counts; my aunt had that kind of gimmick during her wedding. I was 8 and didn't actually do anything in the role.
Has the sun already set for the day? Forever ago. It's about to rise in a couple of hours or so.
Do you know how to tie a tie? No. I had to wear a necktie from kinder to high school but since I didn't know how to tie ties I just kept the knot and wore it like I would a necklace for the 14 years I studied there hahah.
What are the age gaps between you and your siblings? 2 and 5.
Does your birthday come before June 19th in a calendar year? No, before.
Do you pay attention to the FIFA World Cup? If so, what team do you go for? I'm paying attention to the Women's World Cup right now because 1) one of my clients is the Philippine team's official outfitter so we have had a million and one events related to the World Cup; and 2) THE PHILIPPINES IS (well, was now since we're out...but still) IN THE WORLD CUP FOR THE FIRST TIME. Made the entire country turn into rabid football fans overnight lol it's so surreal to see it all unfold. I love our girls :')
Even if PH got booted though I catch up whenever I can! Some narratives have been super heartwarming, like Jamaica's who apparently had to do crowdfunding to even get to the tournament in the first place.
Are you on any medications right now? I am not.
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40sandfabulousaf · 2 months
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大家好! Like everyone else, I have food cravings except they're not for fastfood. I haven't eaten tomato egg la mian (hand-pulled noodles) for some time. All of a sudden, I was reminded of them and had to have some, because, why not? Back it was to the stall owned and operated by the middle-aged couple from China. Ahh, those vibrant colours and chewy noodles! A very long queue formed in front of the stall as I enjoyed my meal. Looks like they're doing very well and they deserve it. Their dishes are delicious!
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We had some crazy hot afternoons this week. What can be better than conveyor belt sushi for WFH lunch? It's moderately healthy, delicious and quick and keeps me cool in this insane heat. Off it was to a popular restaurant chain for some bite-sized yumminess. I chose tuna gunkan which came with chopped tomato, shoyu tuna (admittedly a wrong order because I wanted maguro), conger eel, botan ebi (giant shrimp), squid, 2 servings of salmon belly and a green tea. The first order of 5 plates and green tea were served under 5 minutes. Now THIS is MY kinda fastfood. YUM!
ML had been raving about the Hakka yong tau foo stall she frequents for quite some time, so this week, I finally joined her, SC and MI when they went to get their fix. The moment I saw they offered meepok amongst other types of noodles, I was sold. There were only 4 pieces - stuffed bittergourd, brinjal, fu pi juan (tofu skin roll) and tau kwa (firm tofu) but they were pretty large. Mannnnn, this was DELICIOUS! The pork stuffing was perfectly seasoned and had a bouncy texture, their chilli sauce was divine, the light clear broth was tasty yet not too salty and meepok is always yummy. Definitely something I wanna have again.
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I hardly buy sterling silver jewellery because they tarnish easily and require more regular cleaning than solid gold. Because my wrists are small, bolo bracelets are pretty much the few types of bracelets that fit. Yeah, inclusivity and all, but I find it too emotionally taxing to have to demand that stores cater to my size. More fun and less stressful to shop around and discover gems in different places. Anyway, there aren't many bolo bracelets in solid gold here, so I turned to sterling silver which I can wear with athleisure outfits. Whilst at it, I also wanted to support local small businesses. Well, I found my bracelet and bought earrings too! I didn't opt for gemstones so that cleaning would be easier - just dunk them in cleaning solution, rinse, pat dry and voila! These gleaming pieces are so lovely. Can't wait to wear them.
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I haven't written much about the genocidal war in Gaza simply because events are unfolding so quickly that by the time I post, something new has happened. But I follow the news as well as continue to pray for the Palestinians. Perhaps what is happening to Biden is the punishment he deserves? May parties supplying weapons to Israel all feel the power of God's wrath. Thou shalt not kill. 下次见!
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magidoggie · 6 months
just a heads up this is going to be some type of vent post about disability
so I haven't been very active on social media in the last few months for a simple reason. agony. and I don't just mean the mental type of agony, I mean my body has been sick for a year now, and it only keeps getting worse.
in early 2023 I started to get a lot of unexplainable mucus in my throat that eventually caused me to gag and throw up multiple times a month. in May it got so bad that I couldn't eat very much for a few weeks. that seemed to get better, but the Mystery Mucus stayed. Swallowing has been extremely difficult from that point on, and I can pretty much only eat if I have a mouth full of fluid to help the food down.
I lost some weight, and promptly regained it once I started eating a normal amount again. however I gained more weight back than I wanted to and it triggered some kind of eating disorder. I tried dieting, and it worked.. for a few days at least
it seems like something inside my body just kinda broke from that point on. I would get heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, hot flashes, stomach pains and often times feel like I was about to faint if I hadn't eaten for a couple hours, or if I had just eaten. it's linked with ravenous hunger that just would not go away, and only increased over the months. I couldn't sleep for days at one point because my heart was beating at an insane speed for days at a time for an unknown reason
I'm now on appetite suppressing medication, which takes the edge off the hunger, but it still feels like it's getting worse. I've been to countless doctor's appointments to no avail to the point where my own doctor straight up said "I can't do anything for you"
I've had so much blood works done and nothing ever came up that would indicate anything
every single day has become a struggle and it feels harder and harder to cope with living with this unknown disability that makes me feel sick almost every hour of every day, and now having my own doctor giving up on me. it feels like it's never going to get better
it's really difficult for me to do anything or enjoy anything I used to do and I cant count how many times I've thought of suicide because of it
my options are shrinking
if I ever stop posting for good, there's a reason
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timeoverload · 10 months
I wish I could come see you today but I can't. I miss you and I'm sorry. I have an idea of what I want but I'm not sure about it yet. I want it to be meaningful and I don't want to just settle on something random. My goal is to make a decision by tomorrow night.
I haven't felt very good the past 2 days but every weekend is the same. I had a hard time moving yesterday. Work is kicking my ass right now. I had to stay over an hour late on Thursday night because they had to open 10 trays for one eye case. I'm not super familiar with those sets so it took me a while to sort out and get them all wrapped. There has just been a lot to deal with in general and it's very draining. I was so tired after that and I fell asleep early. It takes a lot of time for my body to recover and I usually don't start feeling like myself until Sunday afternoon.
I am nervous about Friday. I don't want to feel like shit that day but I probably will. I will still come see you regardless. I have been looking forward to seeing you. I am going to do my best not to be tired and crabby. I'm not going to let myself have an episode if things don't go the way I want them to.
I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be yesterday but I still got a few things done. I have accomplished quite a bit so far today and I'm proud of myself.
I paid off over $1800 in bills so I can't spend too much right now. I think I have pretty much everything paid off from this year aside from one appointment that was $200. I need to have enough to cover my $300 monthly payment because that's going to get taken out soon plus my other expenses. I am going to be broke for a while but at least I don't have as much to worry about and people should stop calling me.
I also got my car insurance renewed. I made Soupy and Salazaar a vet appointment for the 16th. I made myself an eye appointment for the 15th. I am way overdue to have my eyes checked. I feel like I am going blind. My right eye has been twitching a lot and everything looks a little blurry. It's hard to look at the screen for extended periods of time. I'm having a tough time typing right now because my eye is twitching again.
I think I need to rest my eyes for a little while because they are very strained and it's uncomfortable. I am going to try to get more stuff done after that. I probably should get some food soon because I haven't eaten enough today. I am going to try to enjoy the rest of my day.
I hope everyone else is having a good day too! I'm sorry I can't be there today but thank you for thinking of me again. :) 💖💖💖
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