#'If that was a real life person that'd be weird to say'
anothermonikan · 8 months
God made me aro so I wouldn't have the opportunity to be weird over an actual real life person, only computers and the rain <3
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bucephaly · 4 months
Hi, um. I am very confused by this: why would people lie about being Cherokee? I'm white, I don't mean to overstep here, I just kind of flashed back to my History of Native Americans class and from what I can tell, being Native means a shit ton of mistreatment in the past and present, a lot of absolutely absurd stereotypes, weird fetishization and creepy dehumanizing language. My great grandfather was Cherokee and he hid that pretty consistently because he knew it was going to be an obstacle to his education, his career and basically his life in general. While some digging into genealogy later confirmed it was legit, I kind of already knew from the start because people don't usually lie about something they forbid you from mentioning outside the family and which they knew would take them from "one of the brightest minds in your field" to "[insert comment about being One Of The Good Ones here]". So why would someone lie about this? It feels like that'd backfire pretty hard given how racist everyone was/is in the US. I'm not doubting it happens - people are jackasses who'll lie about most things - but I just flat-out don't get why it happens. Why, of all the lies to pick, would someone go with a lie about their ethnicity? I know this might be veering into "please explain to whitey about racism" territory but if there's an article or a book or something on this, please let me know because this is so baffling to me. Who would want to be oppressed when oppression is so awful?
So I'm from the south. Everyone and their dog here claims to have cherokee ancestry and there are a number of origins for the stories. I think there's a factor of white people playing Indian being more accepted than real natives. To many of them it's a novelty or fun fact, some of them take it farther and establish fake 'tribes', usually recognized at the state level but not federally because they have no actual history.
During the confederacy, it actually became sorta a weird show of white southern pride to claim to have cherokee ancestry, basically saying 'my family has been here in the south long enough that we were here before the cherokees were removed.' So it was a way to show 'deep roots' in the south.
There was the Guion Miller roll, where cherokees were given a payout of $133 each because of a lawsuit. A lot of people applied knowing full well they weren't cherokee, just hoping to get some money. We even see lawyers advertising the payout to get people to apply just to see if they could get some. 2/3rds of the applicants were declined for having no proof of Cherokee ancestry, and I figure some family stories may have started there. If it wasnt the applicant themself keeping up the lie, maybe it was someone later finding the application and thinking it must have been truth.
In some cases, the cherokee land lotteries could be the origin. Once cherokees were forced out of north Georgia, their land and everything on it, including their houses and personal belongings, was raffled off. Settler families made themselves at home and even started passing down the cherokees belongings as heirlooms. Eventually the story got twisted into the family being cherokee instead of stealing from them.
Then there are some other things. Mixed people claiming to be native because it was less stigmatized than being mixed, ancestors that could've lived in a place called cherokee or near the cherokee and that got misunderstood. The stupidest origin was an ancestor that lived in the 1700s who had a funny name, so she got recorded as being cherokee in the family Bible despite being from Virginia and having sounds in her name that aren't present in the cherokee language.
And I imagine there are plenty that were just tall tales someone told a kid for fun and it got passed down.
I'm not sure about the history of when these fakes started cropping up more, but I know it's been on the rise a lot in the last few decades.
And of course, nowadays, people love hiring people that give them diversity points without actually being diverse. And fake state tribes can make money. Here in the south, there isn't that much of a legitimate native presence. There is one real tribe in my state, none in two neighboring states. People here don't really figure real natives still exist outside those people with a cherokee gg grandmother that gave them high cheekbones. You'd be surprised how many people I hear saying 'oh yea but I doubt there are actually any fullblood cherokees left' and shit like that.
Oh, and also. Nowadays people love to avoid having to accept that their ancestors were colonizers. Hell, even my aunt who is also cherokee has said stuff like 'I'm sad that we have English ancestry, I was hoping we'd be Irish. I don't wanna be descended from colonizers' like.. auntie the Irish were colonizers here too. People love to be seen as less white. Youll hear pretendians saying 'no don't call me white, I'm not white I'm cherokee!' Etc. And ofc there are the hippie types.
Idk. I hope that helps somewhat, basically society is a lot more willing to accept a pretendian than a real native in a lot of cases. Plus I think a chunk of the modern issues faced by native communities is generational from past oppression [on top of the very real current oppression in native communities] and pretendians just cannot understand that.
And ofc the obligatory disclaimer that I'm reconnecting, I'm new to this too so im not an expert.
If you wanna see how many fakes there are [note: many many from Alabama and Kentucky], join the cherokee research and genealogy Facebook. Just for fun, I'm putting a post of theirs under the cut [it's long] that lists all the wild excuses and stories people have given for why their ancestors don't show up as native in research.
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yois2aki · 6 months
੭୧ chishiya with a reader who likes gift giving... . ۫
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chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader (requested)
— warnings: fluff, ooc chishiya, beach arc, love confession, shy chishiya ohhh....
— summary: your gift giving and weird fact telling habit seemed to catch chishiya's attention. that was until it got too much to him.
— word count: 1.3k
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people could tell you had a habit of collecting things that caught your interest in the most random occurrences. the motive had never been elucidated, as you wouldn't mind the others staring.
coming home from games tired and exhausted was part of your weekly routine. sometimes, you would refuse to take the car back to the beach just to breathe some air and later walk back by yourself.
it was unusual for you to come back empty-handed. during your time in the borderlands, you found out that gift giving was a pretty easy way for you to show your affection towards others. and even though sometimes you'd look at a pretty rock and mention it to kuina, or tell mira a random fact you heard about some time back in the real world, nothing compared to the surprises you'd prepare, chishiya.
you have noticed, way before even getting close to him, that he does not seem to get fazed by anything. if he complimented you, that'd be a reason for your sleep to be slightly better than the other nights.
knowing that about him, you made it your daily goal to try and steal a reaction from him. from the littlest things, like telling him all about how you learned that cheetahs don't roar but instead meow and purr. to more thoughtful stuff, like gifting him a personally handmade butterfly origami you spent an hour trying to figure out.
chishiya didn't understand the point of all this effort you took to catch him by surprise. why you were so devoted to making him seem happier. he had lost interest in life a long time ago. so why did he look forward to your every day's information?
"it's for you," you said, handing him a roughly made bouquet of red, white, and yellow flowers you plucked from a garden. "i don't have a place to keep them, and you seem like a much more responsible person for treating flowers."
chishiya knew that wasn't the real reasoning behind it, since your little presents and surprises every day had already become something he expected. he took the poorly made bouquet in his hands, which didn't really look like a bouquet, just a bunch of flowers gathered around.
he kept his eyes on them for a while, almost becoming philosophical from looking at them. he seemed to recognize this kind of plant; however, his memory betrayed him.
"these flowers are called chrysanthemus," you started, biting your lip in apprehension, in case he thought the idea of gifting him a bouquet was stupid. "or simply mums, or chrysanths."
chishiya didn't really know what to say. every single gift you had given him so far were simple things he found amusing but didn't pay much attention to. however, for some reason, being gifted a bouquet seemed to make his heart throb a little faster. he couldn't help but imagine the scenario in his head. you, contently plucking the flowers out of their natural spot and wrapping them together, thinking of him while doing so.
if he were with you at that moment, he probably wouldn't have minded it as much as he does now. instead complaining about the fact you're disturbing the eco system and urging you to leave the plants be. but he couldn't bring himself to be upset with you right now, not while you were so shyly giving him a bouquet of flowers.
"did you know these are native to east asia?" you commented, and he started listening intently. "however, the center of diversity is in china. i was quite lucky to find them."
chishiya felt like he should say something. perhaps a snarky remark on how you really gave yourself the need to study flowers well enough to recognize them, or maybe a lighter response like a simple thank you and a smile. but no coherent sentences could be formed in his mind, let alone out of his mouth.
at this point, he felt like even the flowers were judging him, given how silent the whole room felt. chishiya knew of the habit of giving others plants, obviously, but he had never even been on the giving end. how was he supposed to react to the receiving one?
it's necessary to mention that he also felt foolish. normally, it's the more serious person on both ends that gives the bouquet, as a way to show their appreciation towards the other if the physical touch or the words of affirmation are too tough. not the other way around.
"i also heard that the white variant of this species means truth, the yellow one means slighted love, and the red one means—" you suddenly stopped your words, your eyes opening like you had just seen a ghost, your line of thinking interrupting itself without your demanding.
"chishiya," you couldn't help but stand still, trying to make sure what you were seeing was true. the rosy tint present on his cheeks is getting more perceptible by the second. "are you blushing?"
he could only turn his head to the side in an attempt to avoid your attention. if he had the ability to sense others's feelings, he would be certain of the biggest smile on your face without even looking. this was definitely the largest process you had made so far, ever since you started this habit of yours. pride filled your chest as you finally realized you were the one capable of teasing him and getting revenge for all the times he made you feel like an idiot.
"why are you so shy?" you asked with a present smirk on your face. your voice alone was a sign you were smiling, not going easy on the teasing. "it's just flowers; have you never been given some?"
"shut up." chishiya managed to mumble out, seemingly not caring about whether you heard it or not.
he turned around, still with the flowers in hand, standing in an awkward position as he tried to remember who he even was and what he was doing here. he suddenly stared at an empty jar on his desk, his movements returning to usual as he seemed to have calmed down a bit, away from your gaze.
"hey!" you scurried after him, the smile unable to leave your face as your mind repeated the image of chishiya shuntaro speechless for once. "i wasn't done; don't run away!"
he ignored your protests, grabbing the handle with strength and almost kicking the bathroom door open, seemingly using anger to cope with the embarrassment he just presented you with. you could only imagine what was going on inside his mind. probably a ton of insulting words running towards him for looking like an idiot once in his life.
he filled the jar with water to a certain point, shoving the flowers inside it, and left the bathroom as he threw the item back on his desk.
"there you go," he began. back to that sharp tone of voice he normally uses, he still refused to turn around and look at you. "your plants are safe and sound."
"you still shouldn't have plucked them out of a garden." he sourly informed. you wondered if he was trying to save the littlest bit of dignity he had left on his soul; unfortunately, you were feeling quite mean that night.
"they were so pretty, though!" you whined out, your hands sitting at your hips. "oh, by the way..."
"the red variant of the chrysanths means i love you." you said with that devious voice again. the only thing that changed in chishiya's posture was the red tint of the flowers, now matching the color present on the tips of his ears.
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— n/a: KANDKSJFKEJFNSJDN THIS WAS SO CUTEEEE!! i love writing shy chishiya or stupid chishiya in love he's such a loser....... (i say about a man who's 13 times smarter than me) :cc it's quite sad i have to get a bit outside his character to make it better but i still loved writing this. i hope you guys like it as much!!!
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cyberpunk-20xx · 1 year
Hey hey
Johnny Silverhand's not cool
Johnny's disabled. Johnny had a military issued chrome forced onto him. Johnny treated himself like shit and probably smelled like shit too for it.
Do you think he got therapy for it? No I don't mean mental therapy I mean physical therapy, for the arm, I mean do you think he got physical therapy for a metal arm shoved onto a wound (I don't expect the wound was taken care of anymore than what was strictly practical no of course not), no no he wasn't given therapy, he wasn't given time to adapt, his trauma at losing a trustworthy friend on the field was just stacked with the trauma of just being weaponized even more before being put back on the field for a fucking pointless war, so that means-
I mean you know about amputation? No? No, right, of course not, it'd be weird, right? To know about amputation and implants and prothesis and the psychological impacts in detail you'd need to have read up on it, pretty obsessively at that, too, that's not normal, normal people don't do that, what kind of weirdo has hyperfixations about that because of OCD right? Right.
Well amputations are so fucking traumatizing even if they save your life. Of course they are. It's a part of your body. Your body is not supposed to see its insides and it's not supposed to lose parts either, your brain can't actually compute that, like let's say, cutting your nails?
They put a metal arm on him like cutting nails, they didn't care, he wasn't a person to them he was a tool.
He never got physical therapy for it. He never went to have it recalibrated or maintained. Why would he? I don't even think he knows what model it is. Do you think they bothered telling him? Do you think they gave him a little booklet for "how to take care of your new implant"? Ahahahah of course not that'd be so fucking silly and kind and thoughtful. Of course not.
Johnny needs his addictions. Do you think he has prescribed medicine for the chronic pains that the arm causes him? No of course not. Do you think he started drinking and taking Lace because it was fun? Because it was cool? Because he was gonna be a rockerboy? And he wanted to impress girls.
In the real world, as of 2020, the first cause of mortality in the USA is opiates, and the main demographic is white men, aged 30 to 60, roughly, a large amount of those men war veterans, cumulating psychological trauma even prior to the addiction, even prior to the army itself, cus the majority of people who join the military do it to escape poverty and a dysfunctional household. It's a well oiled machine because at worse they go back to the motherland and die quietly of OD or something else, or best case scenario they have kids! And some of those kids are boys, and out of middle class recrutes, a good part are from military families!
It's a system that works just as designed really.
America, abuse and neglect of your chronically ill and chronically in pain is part of your DNA currently.
Johnny's not cool. He runs hot, he's a fucking spoonie who ran out of spoons before he even joined the military so now all he's got is knives. Knives knives nothing else nothing but knives. Johnny's a man overheating on constant, he's been dying for years, he likely has fevers from his port inflammatory's issues due to neglect, he doesn't know how to take care of himself, he wasn't taught, it's not expected of him, no one in his entourage sees him as what he is, do you remember for one second someone treating him like he was disabled and needed accomodation?
Disabled people whose chronic pains are not given the deserved care are most likely to develop the hardest addictions to cope with it, with the physical pain, and the psychological consequences- namely, psychosis, psychosis is a common consequence for having your pain ignored because this kind of neglect breaks your psyche at its core, at its sense of self.
Johnny has all the symptoms of a man in pain but because American soft power made drug abuse cool people think he's cool for drinking and fucking and killing and coking himself up until he blows himself up. Johnny's not cool, he's a tragedy, he's hurt, he's self-medicating, no he's not going to go cold turkey because he loves Kerry or because he loves your V, love isn't going to fucking save him, if you just erase Johnny's addictions because you think love fixes that honestly fuck you, because I'm tired of people just treating addiction like a bad spot to bleach out of sight, like it's got no roots and it's got no continuation, to no longer need self-medication Johnny would need reparation and better treatment, especially if he's brought back with that fucking arm, why do people not get that he didn't reclaim the arm, he let it take over, for fuck's sake he canonically blames all HIS bad deeds on The Hand, that's not reclaiming, that's self-sabotage.
Johnny dies like a pathetic pawn in Blackhand's plan, and even among people who were supposed to be his own, he's not seen as anything but a hero or a monster. No inbetween. He's not a man to them. He's something to workship, and if he doesn't grant them miracles he's the Devil.
What a load of bullshit.
Fuck, Johnny's not cool. Johnny needed help but didn't even want it because he was so full of violence and hatred he killed himself. But he deserved better nonetheless.
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omghallucinations · 2 months
ateez gemini moon squad: same bitch, different vibes
you know how 7/8 members of ateez have either a gemini or a cancer moon--what a hilarious combination btw--well seems like a fun way to explore how the same ingredient (the moon in a sign) can express itself totally differently depending on the chart!
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gemini moon: a feeling? sure would love to psychoanalyze her uh what do you mean "feel it" a physical body sounds fake :) just think about 500 other things ur anxiety will save u from pain that's how it works :) girl i do not want to know about the deep mysteries of life or your feelings are you nuts??? bye!!!!! reality isn't cute my imagination of reality is cute do not get it twisted
ateez gemini moon squad:
hongjoong, yunho, san
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hongjoong expresses gemini moon energy fairly straightforwardly, since the things that affect the moon all mix pretty well with gemini. his moon is in the 3rd decan, ruled by uranus (aquarius vibes, an air sign so they are compatible) and quincunx (a thinky aspect) to his ascendant (an earth sign, so not the most complimentary but the thinky aspect is in alignment) and in the 5th house--the leo house, so fire, and fire and air famously get along.
gemini moon: man i love thinking thoughts and creating and idealized world in my head where i can move everything around like a little paper doll :) i love to communicate with people!!! tell me everything you heard about everyone. but also don't get too real, it freaks me out bro in the fifth house: yes and wouldn't it be cool to express urself creatively :) wouldn't that make u feel safe and like u belong :) i mean sure tying ur emotions to your creativity can cause how you say... le dépression, but when it's going well isn't it great??? in the uranus-gemini decan: thinking is great, u know what is even better, thinking outside the box trine aquarius south node in the 1st: yes and your past lives and general foundational self really throws wood into this fire isn't that chill :) man it is so easy to abstract reality and just thinky think about everything including myself :) ur identity is ur philosophy about the world and the way u express it :) safety!!! also... le dépression if u feel ur being inauthentic.... .... sextile north node in leo in the 7th: u know what's dope, ur coping mechanisms are not completely at odds with your soul's journey :) it is important to express yourself and be creative!!! the aesthetic is a vibe!! sextile aries saturn in the 3rd house: hey girl :) it's me :) a big life lesson i'm at 29 degrees so i'm gonna really cause some fun trouble but on the bright side u truly Get this energy on another level, so i'm gonna bless you with a great work ethic, a duty towards the people around u and the ability to start things and execute them :) dope to be a planet about earth but in a fire sign in an air house so we really get each other ur welcome :) do NOT open this box labeled workaholic: but why???? until your saturn return k? quincunx capricorn ascendant: well. on the bright side. thinky thinky!!! we love thinking!!! uhhh but also... maybe it's really cool to overthink everything and deny ur feelings because it's important to Produce Work...... ... hmmm that ole depresh makes a lot of intellectual sense... ... .. .. . to me...// / // and my Life Direction... .. aha ha ha sextile hygeia in leo in the 7th, who is an asteroid and not a super mega one but we'll still talk about it: ever... compound your feelings so hard that they become one with ur body and u manifest stress through physical illness? haha that'd be fun. anyway u really love caring for people in a generous fun way but also... .... . could u not grind all of your feelings into your teeth every night hahaha? gemini ruled by mercury in sagittarius in the 10th house: let's crank up your ideals and personal philosophy to 11 and give it a real Work Flavor, huh? express urself!!! intellectually. artistically. nothing weird and emotional. full moon: i'm just gonna sprinkle in some illumination for u, some culmination of a cycle, some need for higher meaning, some searching, some power, some witchery, some fertility as in creation, incredibly strong Pulls from different directions that you're gonna have to reconcile with each other, enjoy!!!
pros: The Aesthetic, Smarty Pants, I Love Think and Create, Damn am I an Iconoclastic Thinker and Creative, Generous Spirit and Ability to Demonstrate Care
cons: le dépression, le back problems from hunching over a laptop for 72 hours in a row
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moon in gemini: man i love thinking thoughts and creating and idealized world in my head where i can move everything around like a little paper doll :) i love to communicate with people!!! tell me everything you heard about everyone. but also don't get too real, it freaks me out bro in the 7th house: yeah let's really, really not get too real haha. we're just about the vibe, man, like let's all chill together and make sure everything is equitable and fair and whatever, let's be super balanced because the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD IS TO KEEP THE PEACE!! my childhood reaaaaally taught me to deny my emotions haha but in a chill way ok don't get it twisted in the uranus-gemini decan: thinking is great, u know what is even better, thinking outside the box square mercury in pisces in the 5th house: but have u ever thought about how other people are sad???????? and ur sad??? and u actually have some very sensitive feelings??? so!! looks like u can't always keep it "chill" by "denying your feelings and the feelings of others"!! SO!!! don't make a decision it's mean :( semisquare venus in taurus in the 6th: ok let's all calm down, huh? let's just be practical and sensible for a minute, okay? let's just get along with people and be chill through life. it's just not that deep. exactly trine south node in aquarius in the 3rd house: damn don't worry i can really back you up there gemini moon, i see ur emotional abstraction and raise you like a bunch of past lives and shit of more intellectual abstraction of aquarius in a gemini house. i am gently curious about other people but i can always see them like i'm looking down from space because i am an alien. loosely trine uranus in aquarius in the 3rd house: #same, no need to follow conventional paths bro do your own thing quincunx scorpio ascendant: u ever thinky think about always being of service to others and calmly accepting the depths of other people while denying ur own like... fairly substantial depths haha ha bc i do sextile hygeia in leo in the 9th, who is an asteroid and not a super mega one but we'll still talk about it: ever... compound your feelings so hard that they become one with ur body and u manifest stress through physical illness? haha that'd be fun. anyway u really love caring for people in a benefic like wise sage on the mountain way... .... . could u not grind all of your feelings into your teeth every night hahaha? sextile north node in leo in the 9th: ur soul would really love for u to like. love humanity in a vibey way. observe the world without judgement but also value ur own ego and self-expression and not judge how much u love attention and everything? cool? quintile jupiter in aries in the 5th house: i bless u with the gift of good vibes. don't get too anxious or sad man ur vibes are so good and people like u so much bro crescent moon: u could be anything :) for better or worse :) ur youthful and also kind of tied to the past and ur gonna have to deal with that, but damn girl ur potential!!
pros: good vibes, peace-keeper, great listener, probably a truly amazing person to gossip with, not too concerned with being normal or anything
cons: hypnotizes himself daily so he never has one feeling, desperately attached to calm and consistent social dynamics, freaks out (internally, by developing health problems) when his friends are fighting
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hm. well. hm. his sun is in cancer so. that's really gonna make his moon confused right off the bat. most of his moon aspects are more fire and air energy that align with his gemini moon, so it's like his moon and his sun are fighting all the time. yoopies. his moon is strong but his deep emotions are really clawing their way out of where they're buried!!
moon in gemini: man i love thinking thoughts and creating and idealized world in my head where i can move everything around like a little paper doll :) i love to communicate with people!!! tell me everything you heard about everyone. but also don't get too real, it freaks me out bro in the 9th house: let's add some idealism and detached philosophy and roaming vibes :) all your thinky delusions about reality are actually true, because u believe them :) idealism and traveling and LEAVING make you feel safe! feel free to ghost!! live out of a suitcase for months, you love it! in the mercury-gemini decan: u know what's also fun. gossip :) trine neptune in aquarius in the 5th: +1 to idealism and living in a fantasy world, also let's express yourself creatively and maybe become entirely different people? wouldn't that be cool??? also ur sensitive but in a fun way!! no one knows what ur gonna do next!! opposite pluto in sagittarius in the 3rd house: hey uh remember when u had a ton of conflict with like a parent or a sibling as a kid and it tended to make u fall into love-hate patterns with people? and how u always feel misunderstood??? haha yeah me too. awkward to have a moon who hates feeling things tethered to pluto, huh. sure have a lot of deeply buried feelings, right? man that's gotta be awkward. better hide those deeeeeeep down until they only express themselves in weird unconscious ways :) square vesta in virgo in the 12th, again an asteroid and not one of the huge biggie ones but still gonna touch on it: ever try... ... going home? establishing healthy routines that are not super intense and extreme? no? really? yikes. u probably should bud. conjunct pallas, repeat what i said about asteroids: hm u know how you love idealizing people and denying reality in favor of ur own reality in which ur a pure white knight or whatever? let's add to that by being very protective and giving and compassionate bc ur super emotionally intelligent :) also ever try channelling ur thinky thoughts and emotions through ur art??? could be cool! gemini ruled by mercury in leo in the 11th house: it is very very very important that people see you, lots of people, and lots of people validate you, so jot that down. balsamic dark moon: here is some karma for u, hey but with karma comes wisdom!!!, you felt different from other people when you were a kid probably not in a good way and you're gonna have to work thru some stuff for closure!!
pros: Artsy Ass Bitch, shape-shifter, empathetic most of the time, Wow Isn't Life Beautiful, lookin on the bright side most of the time
cons: no idea who he is at any given moment, deep repressed shit that make him feel misunderstood all the time, ghosts reality 24/7
it's like hongjoong has the smarty pants thinky thought intellectual abstraction artsy fartsy gemini moon, yunho has the emotional abstraction keep it chill chitty chatty no shirt no shoes just vibes gemini moon and san's got the jeckyll and hyde gemini moon. fellow gemini placements u know what i mean, it's not a moral thing it's just the energy! no wonder he's such a good performer he doesn't know who he is half the time, and that is valid.
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allwormdiet · 19 days
Agitation 3.1
Got waylaid by work and brain weather, but we're back to it. Let's see how Taylor's life is going
Her routine has come up before, but it bears saying that I think Taylor's actual superpower might just be that she's a morning person who can hold herself to accomplish daily goals, like goddamn girl
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The constant, casual cruelty that makes up so much of Taylor's history is equal parts saddening and infuriating. I'm sure we'll get an explanation for why the bullies do this to her, I think I've said as much in previous posts, but also as mentioned in previous posts I find it aggravating to endure.
...I don't know if this is quite the right place in my reading to speculate on it, but I'm not sure if Taylor even has a shot at university at this point, even setting aside the cape thing. The bullies are all in her year, which means they'd never be separated from her by graduation. Their constant sabotage and harassment would mean her grades are low, so even if she gets into a college with whatever GPA she can bodge together (and no extracurriculars to pad her application out), she's probably not going to earn any scholarships and money's already pretty tight for the Heberts. That means student loans, and probably shit rates considering the world they're in.
Maybe this is my bitter ass reflecting on how the greatest benefits I got out of going to college were completely incidental to the courses I took or the degree I earned, but... Taylor, I know college meant a lot to your mom, I just don't think that path is nearly as open to you as it used to be. I think it's fine to just learn a trade, and I think it's fine if the trade is armed robbery.
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So you're telling me Taylor's self-image used to be worse? Jeeesus
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I like that Brian knows how to blend into an environment as the situation calls for it. That speaks to a pretty keen observational ability, and also is maybe tied to his need to act more grown-up than he is. And now I'm sad again.
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"I want" is cute, embarrassment is for suckers (I say, easily embarrassed)
I don't even like coffee, but a fifteen dollar coffee had better be the best coffee you've ever had, oh my god
And honestly that must have been weird for every member of the team, just suddenly having money not be a problem anymore. Taylor's holding out for now, although I suspect it won't be that way forever, and everyone else either wants or needs it bad enough for their own ends that I don't think they're gonna think about it too hard (except for Lisa, who has the full context and whose power is thinking too hard)
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Taylor please don't undersell your injuries to your teammates, I don't like you doing it with your dad but I understand it. Here though? Come onnnnn
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Yeah there we go
Violence is an easy language to understand. Cruel, obviously, and painful, but if Rachel is already struggling with other people's words and feelings (five bucks says she's autistic tbh) then getting the shit kicked out of her is probably a better sell on the new recruit than any pretty speech
...Ideally they move past that pretty quick so words can be used again
Also poor Rachel, for real. Ten years in the system and then whatever it was that triggered her powers, which is obviously never good. No wonder she came out the other end more willing to trust dogs than people.
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Ugh, my heart
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Is she showing off for the guy she's crushing on? That's adorable
Curious that the limits of her power seem to be based on complexity of the brain. I assume there has to be a brain at all or else she could just shoot germs at people, although that'd also be a little bit inefficient as a power unless she started getting into disease warfare and holy shit this would be a very different story if Taylor could give people smallpox
Gotta be a weird day for the crab though
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Couple things here
Brian you're not even eighteen yet as far as I know, what the hell
Of course Lisa cheated, she's built to cheat, at that point I'm not sure it even counts as cheating
Knowing what I know about Alec, somehow I doubt he was ever in school to drop out in the first place
...on the flipside I'm a little surprised that Rachel never went during her time in the system, you'd figure that'd be a condition of her fostering but either the guardians didn't give a shit or she fought her way out of ever actually attending
Also, I know it's a matter of course that she'd have a key to the base, but it's sweet all the same
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It's nice of Brian to make this offer, although I'm willing to bet it's because he's the only Undersider who would get up before 6 AM. It's also a pretty smart call to keep her up to date this way
Also very funny that Taylor is like "Oh I like Lisa just fine but she scares the shit out of me"
...Also also, for real, Lisa has to already know what's going on with Taylor right? There's no way Taylor's good enough at lying to bury that one.
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Girl I'm dreading it and I'm just reading about it
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This is just. So goddamn sad. And maddening, to boot.
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Gee Taylor you sure to seem to spend a fair amount of time thinking about the comparative attractiveness of other women
Agonizing, though, for real. Wildbow has knocked every school scene out of the park and I hate it.
I wonder if Taylor's gonna even bother coming back to school at this point. First day she left mid lunch, second day she left right after lunch started, here she's splitting before first period. As much as she clings to this side of her life... I don't know if it's any healthier than full-time villainy.
Go blow off steam with your new friends Taylor
Current Thoughts
I actually don't have any real expectations for this arc going into it. Obviously Arc 1 is the start of... I mean kind of everything, and Arc 2 is made up of the immediate aftermath from those events. This one? I dunno. I was a little worried I'd have to deal with another chapter of Winslow, but it looks like Taylor decided she was sick of that shit
I like Brian, but I think mostly I'm worried for him? This is a lot of effort so far made to seem mature and normal, and I don't know if that's possible for a teenager who goes out to be a supervillain. It's admirable in a sense, but I'm worried about how fragile it leaves him.
I don't love that Rachel seems satisfied by an exchange of violence but that's more bc I don't want these kids beating the shit out of each other, not any kind of "this is bad actually" sense.
Other than that I'm mostly just curious what the rest of this arc looks like. Thank fuck it's not more high school.
Oh, yeah, I'm gonna try and read more at work today, I might take my screenshots then and see if they drive me up a wall, but even if so I'll just retake them when I get home. Fingers crossed work is slow enough for it.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Hey I have a question I read some takes that Adrien is a supposedly good liar? How though are there any examples..I always just assumed people never put two and two together with his identity is because he doesn't connect much with the class nor does Gabriel so it made sense in my head. I'm sorry if I don't actually make sense I just assumed that if even one of the classmates kept getting closer with him maybe he'll open up. I thought that'd be Nino but like I feel that he's so much more closer to his girlfriend and with Kagami that scene where she backed him into the wall and she said that wasn't the real him when he did goofy poses made me uncomfortable and sad for him. Marinette kind of disappoints me as a love interest like that time he was in the park on the bench and she decided that this was the perfect time to give him a present made me annoyed like I understood she has such a huge admiration for the guy and will climb mountains for him but I thought she'd get past that and they'd have like a one on one you know a talk. Usually the love interest would start to bond and grow closer but like I feel she's more into the relationship for herself because of this whole fantasy she builds up in her head it's why their relationship kind of a bummer.
I don't think Adrien that hard to get him to open up to but again this is my own opinion. I don't know really I just feel if someone like a teacher, classmate or even Master Fu get him to open up more and more and they start to bond. I feel like all he wants is a relationship to not be so conditional if someone kind enough allowed him a shoulder to cry on or even acknowlege his habits or when he's in a bad mood I think it'd work I ain't sure though. I wish the dude had more male friends.
I don't really get why the classmates just think Gabriel a strict dude when he seems pretty abusive. Marinette especially she knows how strict he is especially in season 5 and the whole adrigami thing and even with Chloe mom lol I think abuse or parental abuse just doesn't register an actual thing in her mind which is weird lol.
I don't watch Miraculous religiously lol I just watch it sometimes so if my takes and memories are wrong please forgive me. I am so sorry for this being a long ask I ramble way to much.
No need to apologize anon! Feel free to ask me anything.
Personally, when I say that Adrien is a good liar, I don't mean lying in the traditional sense. He doesn't do a lot of actual lying (except when it comes to his secret identity), but it's more than he doesn't really reveal his true self to anybody. He doesn't fake his personality per se, but he only shows people the parts of himself that he thinks they will like because he's been conditioned to believe that he has to conform to everybody's expectations of him and be perfect for them. It's why Chat Noir is so different from Adrien Agreste™, because he's always performing in every part of his life. And putting on a mask at all times isn't the best way to connect on a deeper and intimate level with the people around him. I think Adrien's friendships with Nino and Kagami and everyone else is real, and whatever he shows them is genuine, but it's still not all of him, and he still feels the need to hide the parts of him that he feels they won't like. His relationship with Ladybug is an exception (obligatory until Season 4 disclaimer) because while he's still putting on a performance, it's not for the sake of pleasing her.
You mentioned his closeness with Nino, and I always felt that Adrien was more at ease with Nino than anyone save Plagg. He was more relaxed and at ease with Nino in like, Seasons 1 and 2, enough to show a little more of himself, and I got the sense that he was a little more open with Nino. Then Rocketear happened and Adrien pretty much shut down on that front and started to put on the mask even more, and their friendship never was the same after that.
The thing with Kagami is that she was right about Adrien. Chat Noir isn't his "true self," it's a persona based on him acting out in the way he's never allowed to as Adrien. And the model Adrien is a persona crafted based on the demands from his abusive father who expects him to be perfect. Kagami isn't able to see under Adrien's mask, but she's able to understand that he's putting on a front, and she wants him to quit it.
Marinette kind of disappoints me as a love interest like that time he was in the park on the bench and she decided that this was the perfect time to give him a present made me annoyed like I understood she has such a huge admiration for the guy and will climb mountains for him but I thought she'd get past that and they'd have like a one on one you know a talk. Usually the love interest would start to bond and grow closer but like I feel she's more into the relationship for herself because of this whole fantasy she builds up in her head it's why their relationship kind of a bummer.
This is exactly the problem I have with canon Adrienette. Marinette literally doesn't even know that Adrien is putting on an act, and she literally thinks he's perfect. It was so funny to me when Pretension made Gabe out to be so wrong and evil when he accused Marinette of falling wholesale for Adrien's performance, because Gabe was fucking right, damn it.
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The problem is that the show never challenges Marinette's view of Adrien. She doesn't have to learn to look past his masks and see him for who he really is, he just up and tells her thanks to an Akuma's influence, and then he spends the rest of the time in Season 5 pursuing her, so she just gets handed her trophy boyfriend without having to put in the effort of getting to know him as a person. The show never wants Marinette to be inconvenienced by *checks notes* learning to see Adrien as a person, and it just wants her to get her dream relationship without an effort on her part to truly understand him. She's not much different from the rest of her class or any of Adrien's fans, because they all just see what they want to see and what he shows them. By virtue of them being the endgame, Marinette should have been special in that she tried to look past the masks to understand the real Adrien once she realized his "perfection" was a front and an act, but she didn't. She remained as delusional about him as she always was and got the relationship dropped in her lap. Thanks, I hate it.
I don't think Adrien that hard to get him to open up to but again this is my own opinion. I don't know really I just feel if someone like a teacher, classmate or even Master Fu get him to open up more and more and they start to bond. I feel like all he wants is a relationship to not be so conditional if someone kind enough allowed him a shoulder to cry on or even acknowlege his habits or when he's in a bad mood I think it'd work I ain't sure though. I wish the dude had more male friends.
I don't think it's that simple for him to break out years of being conditioned to conform to other people's needs, but the fact remains that, you know, no one even cares. Kagami was literally the only one who cared enough to try and understand him, and even she was made to spend Season 4 as Adrien's bitter ex (not Kagami salt, I love Kagami, this is just writing salt). The rest of the class admits in Felix that they don't really know him, and they never really seem to try to get to know him either. They do care about him, but not that much, you know? Everyone is honestly content to keep seeing him as the perfect guy, and no one tries to see the real him. Like I said, I feel like he was a little more open with Nino in the earlier seasons, and he's more open with Plagg, but that's about it. He was a little more open with Ladybug, but that also went down the drain in Season 4 because of the Ladynoir conflict. It took an Akuma for him to open up to Marinette. I don't blame anyone for falling for his act, but they clearly don't really care to get to know him either. I think you're right in a way, that he would be a little more willing to drop the act if someone tried to understand him, like Nino and Plagg. But no one cares, unfortunately.
I don't really get why the classmates just think Gabriel a strict dude when he seems pretty abusive. Marinette especially she knows how strict he is especially in season 5 and the whole adrigami thing and even with Chloe mom lol I think abuse or parental abuse just doesn't register an actual thing in her mind which is weird lol.
Tbf they don't know much about what goes on inside the Agreste household, and they are just kids, so I understand that they wouldn't be able to completely recognize what's going on with Adrien. But the show itself doesn't think Audrey and Gabriel are abusive, and Marinette is basically the mouthpiece for all that, hence the solution is that apparently Chloe and Audrey should just bond, and Adrien should be fed a lie that Gabriel is not a bad guy actually. Marinette seems to have a pretty black and white view of the matter, and since she comes from a loving home, it doesn't really register to her that parents can be so awful. But the show frames Marinette as in the right to push Chloe and Audrey together when what Chloe needs is to get the hell away from that abusive person. It tries to frame her as right for gaslighting Adrien into loving his abuser. It's pretty nasty stuff.
But that's just my opinion. Honestly, I think the best meta on this subject is this excellent post by @fearlessinger. It's a wonderful analysis, I highly recommend it.
Thank you for your ask!
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pagodazz · 8 months
THESE TWO ARE ABSOLUTELY MY EVERYTHING. like. Absolutely top two favorite characters. I know I talk about Vinnie and HABIT quite a bit but I assure you, I love Evan and Vinnie more.
These two are so perfect for each other and they fit so well, like a puzzle piece clicking together.
They're always gonna be together and there for each other in every single universe. in every single life. It's always gonna be them two. They'll always be the last two to remain.
Their souls are just intertwined together, and they'll always find each other.
While Vinnie was locked up in the apartment, Evan showed up, and he stayed there for a little while. Vinnie says that Evan stayed on the couch, but I know that is absolutely UNTRUE.
I think Vinnie let Evan inside, instantly checking him over for any wounds, more panicked than excited to see his friend. It would only be when Evan grabs his hands and makes him stop, that'd he finally remember to be relieved that it's Evan he's touching.
Evan would pull him into his arms, hugging him tighter than he EVER has before, pushing his face into his neck, breathing him in. Vinnie is the only thing he has left, the only real thing Evan has and he's so fucking thankful for that. Normally he wouldn't cry, but he's just so happy to see that vinnie is okay.
Vinnie would take a minute to hug back, his mind running too slow for it's own good. But once he had his arms around Evan he's squeezing him in his arms like a snake constricting it's prey.
They'd stand there for way too long, but once they pulled apart Evan would point to Vinnies septum piercing, and Vinnie would get embarrassed, because he knows he seems like the last person to get one, if you didn't know him right.
But Evan would just smile at him and tell him it looks good, that he looks good.
Evan would end up taking a hot shower, and probably end up having to wear some of Vinnie's clothes, and Vinnie would make them both dinner with whatever he had left.
Neither of them would bring up anything of the things they've gone through. It's not that they aren't AWARE. it's just that they both know this is going to be the only time they get to pretend that they have normal lives again.
Then after awhile, Vinnie would catch Evan up on everything, and then Vinnie would offer up the bed and Evan would shake his head and say he'd rather not be alone anymore, and Vinnie couldn't agree more. they would lay in bed holding each other, nothing any more than that happening, and Evan would have his head against Vinnie's chest, counting every beat until he falls asleep, meanwhile Vinnie has his hand in Evans hair, thinking about all his secrets that Evan doesn't know.
He could never tell Evan about the things he's done, he doesn't want Evan to stop loving him, he can't risk that. Evan is all he's ever needed.
Evan is cis(??? honestly his gender is. not binary but it's not exactly. non binary. HES SO WEIRD.) and bisexual.
Vinnie is FTM and gay/maybe also bi... (I get sad about him and Lexi sometimes) (also YES I'm projecting. I'm ALLOWED)
I think that Evan is alot more open and proud of himself than Vinnie is, he's not like obnoxious over his sexuality of course, but he isn't afraid of it.
Vinnie however gets really in his head over it, Probably having alot to do with his religious trauma (every iteration of Vinnie has it), He'll probably wonder if he's "man" enough, but Evan is always very quick to remind him just how "man" he thinks he Vinnie is.
I think that Evan would give Vinnie his T-shots and he would tell Vinnie to stop being a baby about it and Vinnie would just be gripping onto Evans arm until his knuckles turn white. Evan doesn't mind at all, if anything gives him the perfect opportunity to flex his arms so Vinnie can feel his muscles.
they YEARN for each other. they are a SLOW BURN GUYS!!!!!
It's only when they're left with just each other that they're forced to deal with their feelings for each other.
and I don't even think that they would talk about their feelings, they'd probably get really frustrated with each other, probably over Evan having yet another suicidal plan, and then Vinnie would just grab Evan and kiss him and the dam holding back their years of forgotten love would just immediately break. they wouldn't even have to say I love you, because this was already enough.
Evan is Vinnie's muse, he's always filming him and making sure he's the center of attention. Even through Vinnie's eyes Evan is this great hero, even when it's not Evan anymore, and it's HABIT. Vinnie still adores that vessel. Vinnie can play pretend.
Vinnie is Evans all. his everything. his only. his life. especially after he loses everything else. He NEEDS Vinnie, Vinnie has always been there, Vinnie has never lied, Vinnie never lead him astray (even tho that's all Vinnie did), Vinnie always took care of Evan, and Evan wants to do the same.
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possiblylando · 2 years
Chainsaw Man 123 'Early' Analsys.
This chapter gives us a lot to chew on unlike the previous ones which where just fully mystery. Which is why I'm not really sure where we start. I guess at the beginning of the chapter? Yeah.
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So this chapter we meet the falling devil. I can't say I was expecting this but I was right about this current body she's using being made from the corpses of the people that jumped off the apartment complex. She's got rather weird theming as she's a Primal Fear who is also a Chef despite it not really fitting with her fear. I guess Primal Fears can have hobbies?
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"Hor D'oeuvre, La Root Vonla" is french for something. Someone who speaks french probably has a better translation (If you speak French lemme know the correct translation in the comment or reblogs) but I have to use google translate which was really shitting itself on this one. So the rough translation is: "Appetizers, The Will Route" It being an Appetizer means that this is probably the weakest of her attacks. Things are gonna get a lot worse from here on out. "The Will Route" is clearly in reference to the attack's affects.
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It appears the way to overcome this first attack is to come to terms with your past Trauma so that it doesn't weigh on you as much if at all. Falling says "A word of warning- Those who don't finish their food will taste death." which seems like it's directly referring to the way to escape the attack Then we get a flashback of Asa's life soon after the Typhoon Devil attack. This probably only takes place a few Days-Weeks after the event due to Asa's hair still being about the same length as it was in the original flashback.
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Left 102 Flashback, Right 123 Flashback. It's pretty clear that Asa has been using the Cat (Crambon) as a substitute for her mother. She's become anti-social and solitary only spending time with Crambon. (Which is fair by the way). At this point Crambon and her School Uniform are the only things she has left of her mother. Then we get this evil fucking bitch
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She is easily one of, If not the most evil human character we've ever met.
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Up until this point everything seems fine. Asa is willing to try to move on from her mother's death for the good of those around her by letting Crambon move on as well. It's a moment of personal growth.
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This bastard could've easily said "Yes, Crambon's fine" even if it was a lie. But instead:
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I don't know if this is Asa's mind making the situation worse than it actually was. She might not have even said this but the way Chainsaw Man does it's flashback they're rarely if ever wrong due to human memory being at fault. This demon of a person was so upset about Asa having literally anything to find comfort in that she killed Crambon. Back to the real world we get some more information on the attack.
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Reading through this chapter I thought they this was going to be a literal falling attack. Where Falling just lifts up a bunch of people and drops them to die. But the reality is much worse. Anyone who is unable to deal with their Trauma is dragged straight into hell. This is a Therapy Session by Fire. You WILL overcome your emotional baggage or die. Which is why it's important it's Asa in control of the body right now. Since Asa is the one who has to overcome her Trauma to escape this situation. Thats the end of 123. Time to the-- Uh.. I don't know what to call this section. Post-Chapter analyses? Whatever. Now I think the solution to Falling's attack has already been revealed. Chapter 102 was when we got the flashback of Asa's Mother's Death. In the same chapter we get a flashback of Yuko giving Asa her shoes. It's the same chapter when Asa resolves to try and be better.
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Even if Yuko is gone now she'll still have an affect on Asa. I hope this is the case cause that'd be nice. Here's what I think we're gonna be seeing in the coming chapter(s) 1. Asa is able to accept that her past Trauma can't be changed and that it wasn't her fault. (Hopefully we get that Yuko mention in some way cmon) 2. Denji shows up and has to deal with his own issues fully (Unless the attack has ended by then) This last one I'm not confident will happen but it'd be cool. We see the first death of a Primal Fear at the hands of Denji & Asa/Yoru. Additionally I wanna know what the deal with Falling is. Her whole theming is rather weird. She's the falling devil yet she's a chef? It doesn't quite seem like something a Primal Fear would do. But I guess they can have hobbies as well? That's all I've got for now. 123 End Question:
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Would you?
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Hello! Weird ask, but I’ve been toying with this idea for awhile.
Out of personal experiences, I’ve always wondered how the cast of OM (more specifically the brothers) would react to a human MC who’s a devout follower of God. Even if they’re not super strict about their beliefs, they did grow up in a religious household and had experiences praying to God. (or some kind of god, any specifics of religion can be vague to fit the MC’s background and culture).
I think it’d make for an interesting and weird dynamic between all the brothers, especially Lucifer. Because it’d be hard to ignore why he and his brothers + his sister were outcasted from heaven, when it’s not only essential to the plot of the game, but the brothers entire narrative. Their trauma and collective grief is a big part of their identity. And the way I see it, if MC is religious, having to actually face with the real tangible truth that God is real (like actually, and not some mystified being) but also that they must face a question of their own faith.
Qhosojbejaodlwllspxps not to get existential here 😭 But I fell down a rabbit hole of religion and read a few interpretations of religious texts. There was this one quote about Jesus being a son of a carpenter, that when when he smelled the cross made out of wood, he must’ve thought of home. Not exactly relevant, but it did lead me to a spiral of revelation that Jesus was a human being after all, and he was very much like everyone else; despite how certain biblical texts hail him as a mythical figure. Religious themes and symbolism are my TEA! So I was wondering how the brothers of OM would react to an MC who’s religious.
Man, I wonder how Lucifer would feel. Knowing that the person he’s grown to love believes and loves his very own father that has sent him down from Heaven after he avenged his sister. Would there be spite or shame on his part? Could he and his brothers stay cordial for an MC who worships their father that’s forsaken them? Would they, the brothers, beg MC to worship them—to believe in them as much as they love their god?
Or possibly, how would staying in the Devildom affect an already questioning MC? Would it only reaffirm that the idea of God is not someone humans should mystify as a force of good? All the while, that after meeting the brothers and learning about Lilith, also rectifies that God IS real and very much a being capable of not only miracles, but punishment? Would it even be worth to questioning believing God?
Hope this makes sense 🫶
Hello there, anon!
I wouldn't say this is a weird ask at all. In fact, I think it's something that it makes sense to explore considering the game's source material.
I feel the need to begin by saying that I am agnostic myself. I had a religious upbringing in my younger childhood, so I had a foundation of Christianity. But I've been agnostic for years. I might also add that for most of my life, I lived in a place that had a very dominant religion that I was not part of. So I have a bit of an outsider's perspective on devout religion.
All that being said, I have very much thought about what it'd be like if the human who had been chosen was religious, specifically Christian.
Because yo, if I personally ended up in the Devildom and discovered that demons, angels, and God are real and exist, I would have a HUGE crisis about it. I've spent a stupid amount of time questioning the existence of God and coming up empty on answers, so to finally have an answer that I couldn't deny? That'd be difficult for me personally.
So I'm trying to imagine what it'd be like for someone who has always believed. Where instead of finding the truth they were always seeking but never found, this person finds the truth that they knew all along.
If you truly believed in God, you prayed to him and maybe even to his angels, and then you found out they were all real? I think that MC would either take it all in stride like, yes I always knew, or they would be like so overwhelmed by it that they would go through their own crisis for a bit.
But once things settled down, can you imagine an MC who is a devout believer in God and has prayed regularly even able to handle being with the brothers at all? And I don't mean in a romantic context. I mean even just living with them or being near them. They're demons. They're the definition of God's enemies.
My MC's mother is a devout Catholic, so my MC deliberately does not tell her that they live with Lucifer. Because to her, she's going to hear that name and think her child has been taken by the devil and dragged into hell and that their soul is forfeit. (Most of that would be true lol, technically MC did get taken by the devil and dragged into hell... but anyway...)
The issue is that she would believe that her child's soul was going to be damned for all eternity. If she really believed that her child would spend the rest of forever being tortured, wouldn't she do anything she could to save them?
This is how I think it'd go for religious MC, specifically Christian. Because associating with demons and living in the Devildom would likely be enough to cause MC to be damned for eternity.
Now. Is it possible that Diavolo, as the next demon king, has some sway in this regard? I would assume that it's the Celestial Realm that is passing judgement on souls. That they're the ones deciding who gets damned and who doesn't. So you could argue that MC wouldn't end up in hell because the Devildom and Diavolo have an agreement with the Celestial Realm to have a human representative in their exchange program.
So let's assume this is the case and MC isn't going to be damned for eternity simply for associating with demons.
The next issue is absolutely what all of this means for Lucifer & his brothers. Depending on MC's religion and how devout they are, they themselves might take issue with being the roommate of Lucifer and his brothers. But even if we put that aside, too, then there's the issue of MC likely loving what they consider a benevolent God that Lucifer and his brothers see as the one who betrayed them.
It's been my experience that people are very good at pretending religion doesn't exist. Even when they truly believe. They're able to put it aside temporarily or in the name of preserving friendships. How much of this a person can do depends on how much they believe.
So let's say that MC is at a place where they believe, but it isn't so prominent in their life that they can't put it aside just to get to know the brothers. To do all the things OM's MC does in the story and to develop feelings for one or more of them.
Imagine MC and Lucifer fall in love, but deep down MC has this nagging feeling about it. And Lucifer does, too. He knows that MC prays to his Father. He knows how MC feels about it.
I think in the end they'd have to confront that directly. They'd have to discuss it. Could Lucifer put aside his own trauma and grief over his sister and the fall of his brothers in order to accept this part of MC's identity? I don't know for sure, but my first thought is probably not. So it might come down to how much of their own beliefs MC is willing to give up.
I kind of think all of the brothers would feel awkward about it. Lucifer is the most mature and stoic, so he might be able to just not say anything if he's not in a relationship with MC. But imagine if it was Mammon we were talking about.
Imagine religious MC falling in love with Mammon instead. I don't know, maybe people will disagree with me on this, but I really don't think he would be okay with it. I feel like Mammon fell with his brothers not just because he will always follow Lucifer, but because he saw that they were going to need him. They needed his strength, his protection, the way he was able to keep it together better than any of them. They needed him to hold them together. Lucifer needed him to take charge when he was too injured physically and emotionally himself. Think of all that Mammon had to shoulder in the fall and then imagine an MC who loves and prays to the God that caused all of that suffering to begin with.
Lucifer blames himself for what happened. He has daddy issues, sure, but I think he could look past it. And we saw in the latest lesson that he's willing to accept his Father's love again.
But Mammon? I just don't see it.
I kind of think everyone else could manage to get past it. They might all struggle with it to a certain extent, but I don't know how much it would interfere with their feelings for MC. I think it would vary a little bit for each of them. And maybe some of them would want MC to worship them instead (I could see both Levi, Asmo, and Belphie all kind of getting into that territory lol).
Now, I also think it's interesting to consider a questioning MC.
Because the thing about this is that yeah, you can no longer question whether or not God exists. But you get to decide whether or not you worship him.
If it was me, I'd be like okay well I can't be agnostic anymore because God obviously exists, but there is no way I'm going to worship him. I would refuse. I would side against him every time. I find him and the Celestial Realm's love to be toxic and oppressive and I would never be able to forgive him for what he did (or didn't stop) to Lucifer and his brothers and sister. That whole situation is way too fucked up for me to be like oh well okay, God exists therefore I must worship him. Like hell no lol.
But of course it's going to be different for every MC. And I think it depends partly on what their religion means to them. How much of it are they willing to question or to give up or to compromise on?
OOF sorry this was a really long response. I could probably write a whole lot more lol. But this is just a very interesting topic and I think it really runs deep. I didn't really consider religions outside of Christianity, so there's also that, but that was mostly because that's where my experience lies.
Anyway, I hope this answered some of your questions! I kinda ended up all over the place. And of course this is all just my personal opinion. Other people might think about it differently!
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steakout-05 · 1 month
drawing my Craig fan design for REAL!!!!! + stupid little doodles
earlier i made a post talking about how i was planning on making my own canon where Crarry could still feasibly exist (as well as having other story beats and whatnot) and i mentioned how i refined my Craig design a little bit from the last time i drew him. i finally got around to actually drawing a proper full-body sketch of him and what he's supposed to look like!!! i think i drew his eyes a little more far apart than i intended but. whatever.
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he's my skrunkly. he's my baby. he's got perpetually bored resting face and a phd in Pocketbeasts lore. he's got messy hair and a few stray whiskers as he tends to forget his own personal hygiene, what with being a hardworking scientist who usually doesn't show his face and all. i redesigned his eye to have more of a prominent scratch on it that warps and distorts his pupil, as i felt like that'd be the most fitting for his facial scar and the type of injury he has!
and for fun i'm gonna do a general timeline of the evolution of how i've drawn this design over time, because it's actually changed quite a bit since i first drew him back in 2022!! (click for better quality)
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god it is. so weird looking back at that first design. it's so..... why is he so square shaped............. lol
now, in terms of differentiating this Craig from Canon Craig, i've thought of giving him some slight personality enhancements that i've always thought would fit him. i haven't seriously thought about it yet (i am tired) but here's some basic little traits i want to make more apparent in his character:
Logical Knowledgeable Creative Naive Perfectionist Fearful and Cowardly Not a very high self-esteem; Afraid to take charge Easily exhausted Not physically strong; Makes up for it with his quick-thinking skills Easily irritated when presented with inaccurate/false information Easily embarrassed; Tends to erase memories when this happens Reliable Honest Earnest Nerdy; LOVES to infodump about any given special interest he has Focused, sometimes to a fault Detail-oriented Introverted
this will likely be expanded on and developed more, but these general personality traits are quite fitting for how i headcanon Craig to be as a person!
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i love how whenever i get attached to a character or even just really like them, i always bestow my best headcanon onto them in high regard: the autism headcanon. gonna try to keep this short so i don't infodump for 12 hours but the major autism traits i like to imagine Craig displaying are issues with social skills (unaware of many cues, accidentally says things in an inappropriate way/unintended tone, takes things literally, misconstrues sarcasm as genuine statements), a speech affect (monotone affect), low empathy (doesn't feel what other people feel and has trouble reacting to and feels uncomfortable with certain emotions), has special interests (robotics and engineering, Pocketbeasts, cats, and he loves infodumping about them!!), stimming (rubbing the back of his head when uncomfortable, fidgeting with and studying a particularly intriguing object or tool very closely, doing little puzzles that make little clicky noises that are very pleasant to listen to), experiences sensory issues (joint pain, eye strain, sensitivity to loud and sudden noises, despises certain tastes and textures, often experiences shutdowns), has a strong need for a solidified routine (sudden routine changes can cause distress for him, as he needs more time to process his surroundings and has a strong need for structure in his daily life), a few motor control issues (he's quite clumsy and has issues with spatial awareness, causing him to bump into stuff. this has unfortunately resulted in him bumping his thigh on the edge of a table way too many times.) and a few other things i've probably forgotten about. a lot of these are inspired by a few of my own traits as an autistic guy myself. the dude's like a combo of Data, Barclay and Geordi mixed into one dorky nerd (apologies for any non-trekkie followers who don't know who those characters are :skull:)
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Craig seems like the type of person who, once you get him started, will infodump to you about his special interests for HOURS and he still wouldn't even be done yet. just like me fr. also tiny little Craig getting his face smooshed
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get squoshed idiot
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this is an older sketch i did when i was still finalising Craig's design along with doodling other stuff on the page. this was a little expression test of Craig blowing his face up with chemicals because 1. i thought it'd be funny. and it was. and 2. i've never really drawn him with big wacky expressions before, and i LOVE drawing big wacky expressions lol. it will be a rare sight to see Craig making a face like that but it'll still be funny nonetheless lol
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no comment. only moob. i feel the same way about barry tbh HAHAHAAH what who said that
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i fucking LOVE the Yababaina music video so much, it's absolutely insane and fun to watch, although it does put my eyes out of focus when i look at it for too long. heavy eyestrain and seizure warning for anyone who wants to check the video out, it's extremely fast-paced and has a lot of bright saturated colours. here are my three boys drawn doing that little handholding thing Miku, Teto and Zundamon do in the video. also first drawing of Prince Runingunin!!! he's so silly <3
that's everything i have today. i'm excited to draw this version of Craig more and make more art of him and Barry together!! just sucks i have to sorta swerve around canon with a convoluted solution but whatever. i like diverging from canon and making stuff up into my own thing anyway lol. blond nerd craig my beloved
#jetpack joyride#jetpack joyride 2#craig the scientist#barry steakfries#prince runingunin#alternate canon#i'm sure gonna have an excuse to draw this craig a lot more aren't i#heheheheehehee#also if you are wondering. i'm just gonna start shipping prince runingunin with barry in canon#it's the next best thing really and i've liked the idea of shipping them for a while so#unless HE also gets confirmed to be barry's second dad out of nowhere 😭 /jjjjjjjjjjjj#do not jinx it#anyway yeah. in my canon barry and craig are autistic and gay#not only because I Said So but also there's actually a surprising amount of justification to them being neurodivergent if you read into it-#-a lot and have a think about it#like i wasn't even looking for evidence of them being autistic on purpose and yet. i have crafted a whole entire headcanon that fits#and it fits shockingly well#anyway uueeuerem. really tired right now so not much else to say#craig is my little guy and i'm probably gonna make some super gay art with him and barry#it's what i do best :D#just a shame it has to be restricted to my AUs and self-contained canon but like. what are you gonna do about it.#craig's gonna end up being a whole fucking oc at this point loooolll#kinda don't want him to end up being an oc though.... like i still want him to be recognisable as craig before the jj2 shorts#i want him to be craig but different from canon basically. take everything i knew and loved about craig until the reveal and keep that goin#-in a separate canon where the silly dad reveal never happened#hueueugghhuh im gonna go sleep now#ignore the barry moob sketch. forget i said anything. what that wasn't me who said that what are you talking about. sshshhhhshh
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
Oh, you want some angst, huh? 😏
How about gn! Reader who gets tainted by Xiao's karmic debt but decides to not tell him bc they doesn't want to scare him?
But, unfortunately for them, they will not be able to hide their condition for long: they will die in front of Xiao, while suffering and screaming in agony, and he'll can't do anything to stop it, bc there's no cure for it.
love and it's sacrifices
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synopsis: love makes you and xiao naive and selfish.
warnings: mc death, description of pain, angst with no comfort
character: xiao
notes: i edited this really late and i can't say it's any good but i hope ppl enjoy anyways
"you're so silly," your arms wrapped around his slender neck, a smile dancing on your lips as you littered his neck with loving kisses. "i love you too much to let something like that deter me." you rest your head on his shoulder as you spoke.
the sun shone on your glistening skin, warm to the touch. it felt nice- all of this- being in xiao's arms, the wind playing around the two of you as you stood atop one of liyue's mountains. you had begged the adeptus to set aside his duties for once and indulge you in a nice picnic after hearing that he hadn't had one in almost 500 years. you couldn't let an opportunity to bask in the sun with him go. yet, as you were enjoying this moment, something was weighing on xiaos mind,
"you shouldn't be so naive. i've told you countless times that i have karmic debt. its dangerous. im dangerous." his words were softly muttered into the crown of your hair, he sighed, taking in your sacchrine vanilla scent. "...i don't want to hurt you." he moved long strokes against your back, relishing in the comfort you brought him. you felt so soft compared to him and he felt as you were so fragile he would break you.
"xiao, even if i loose my sight, or my lungs shrivel up and i can't breathe anymore. i'll still be by your side and love you all the same. it just makes my life all the more worth it."
he knew how stubborn you were and that no matter how much he wanted you to change your mind, you wouldn't. maybe he could be selfish just this once and bring you with him into his melancholy reality rust was his immortal life. he had a slimmer of hope that you could break his curse and maybe you'd be that one person who would stay by his side.
how naive he was.
one chilling night, xiao was out fufling his duties - and he had left you home alone. when he was gone, you would take short walks around the inn, the serenity of the flowing water and bright laterns gave you a relaxing feeling, which was something you seldom felt these days. night were longer and days were shorter with your chest constantly growing heavier with each breathe and every step you take more painful than the other. you never thought your adeptus boyfriend's debt to be real until you'd spend lonely nights sobbing at how your body burned, after having kept a facade all day to xiao that you were okay. that he wasn't slowly killing you every time he was near you.
you resented him, but you mostly resented yourself for lying to him. telling xiao you were okay when you were fucking not.
"hah-ha" your chest stung as you gripped at it as you were huddled over on the ground ears ringing your head being tugged and pulled by the horrid sensation. a dark swirl of green had surround you, enveloping you in a suffocating anguish. 'xiao' his name rolled of your tongue like a silent plea that you incoherently babble over and over, but your begs turned into whistles in the air. just when the pain began, it was over.
xiao had found you, passed out on the wood flooring the next morning, his eye wide and brows kneaded with concern. you'd simply told him that the wood was seemingly comfortable that night, he'd shrugged it off as 'weird human behavior'. you never told him what happened that night, leaving it as a bitter memory that'd bring you to tears on your pillow in the night.
since then, days begun to feel longer; the sun lost its shine and the moon seemed to mock you high up in the sky. you'd give it a longing look at the wee hours of the night, pondering endlessly.
was it worth it? the question would come up every now and then.
of course it was, you respond.
your stomach churn and grind, your legs turn into lead as you plummeted onto jagged ground, the grass cradling your abused body. eyes bleary as you hyperventilated. you said- no- screamed his name with winded breath. uncontrollable sobs falling from you. your body burned with a gnawing feeling, like your whole body was being spilt and torn in half. the draft of air became all too familar, that suffocating feeling returned, you felt the weight of all of your sins crawl through you. not only yours, but his. his karmic debt that you oh so tried to deny that was real. yet, every waking day when a sense of yours slowly deplted, your eyes sight worsening and blurrying, your hearing weakened and smells that you once loved had nothing but an empty sense of joy, inside you knew, that it was his karma affeccting you. you had turned into a product of his sins, he'd never be able to truly love someone, and you were so foolish to think you could defy the law of the adepti. that the rule didn't apply to you,.
you were naive just as he said, and you'd pay for your ignorance.
"no-no...please" xiao stumbled over to your mutturing and confused body. his knees scraping against the terrain as he pulled your body to his. you clutched to his shirt, shouting into his chest. he cupped your face, searching all over at your tormented expression. your face was red, stress lines scattered as you babbled and scream into him.
your cries became louder, the pain you felt was something no human should ever experience, and in his attempt to console you and save you. his presence made the air thicker, your lungs completely overtaken by his dark energy. you clawed at his shirt, practically ripping it open. you wanted to thrash at him, blame him for what he had done to you. he couldn't understand the horrendous feeling it was what he was causing.
"yn..." he spat your name out like venom, his cheeks red with anger and eyes full of tears. "why didn't you listen to me?" he shrieked, his fists balled up to your collar as he curled over your weakened corpse. he watched as the color left your skin that once glistened in the sun, your eyes soulless as m tears that had flown down your checks were dry. the yakshas's yells turned into quiet sobs, as he slowly realized what he has caused. darkness devoured him whole, eating at his heart and his mind. his light faded in his arms, it was then he became a husk of a man with no drive left in him. his motivation and ambition, his love and reason for living died in his arms.
he was left alone again in the world with only his debt to console him.
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸, 𝔻, 𝔼, 𝔽, ℤ ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: I shall request for a Yandere Alphabet headcanons:
A, D, E, F, and Z with Mafuyu and Ena
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Okeyy~ So happy to see alphabet is still something people are interested in because oh my gosh I love writing it!! Anwyay, hope you like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, mental and physical abuse, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions and descriptions of death
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✧ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Mafuyu already set her goal to protect you, thinking you're too pure for this world... it's gonna be hard to make her hurt you in any way when she wants to protect you. But not impossible...
When you disobey her words and for example go out alone, she'll show you herself what the means when she said the world is cruel. She doesn't mind using any kind of blades, even fire... she's good from chemistry too so might use it as well... she's not gonna kill you. But she'll only stop when you end up crying and admitting YOU were wrong.
"I'm just showing you that this world is indeed brutal and you need my protection. Most won't give you a break this easily. You see my point now?"
✧ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
Depending on what Mafuyu you know, you'll notice different traits in her over time.
If you knew her as the "good girl", you'll notice she's appearing in your life more and more often and sometimes her eyes just... go dark for no reason... it's weird she's so cheerful but around you she sometimes breaks into emotionless state without even realizing it, blaming it on tiredness...
I'd you know her from her real self tho, you'll notice how she's claiming her life suddenly has meaning now that you're here. Even Nightcord will tell you they're worried about their friend if you contact them... And she really is staring at you with those empty eyes as if you couldn't make any millimeter move without her noticing.
"Me? Weird? Oh no, you must be imagining! I'm simply tired. Don't worry you're little head about me... instead, may I ask if I can join you on lunch break?"
✧ Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they're doing to you, your life and people around you? Do they show it?
Mafuyu doesn't even realize what she's doing is bad. She's finally feeling emotions and she's sure it's love! And love is a good feeling, right? She's not even aware that something like loving TOO much exists...
So you could say she's indeed enjoying what she's doing. She's just protecting you... and if she can gain some feelings and meaning alongside, why should that be a bad thing?
"I simply love you. That'd it, isn't it? When you feel like your heart's gonna shread to pieces if you see the person you love hurt. I'm sure that's it."
✧ Force = Are they willing to force you into loving them? How will they do it?
Mafuyu doesn't get emotions much herself... so no, she's not gonna force you to love her. All she cares about is your trust and obedience. If she can get that, she'll have no reason to force you into anything.
Well... if she can't force you trust and obey her tho... she might be a bit forceful... maybe she can't keep you hostage at home because of her mother, but that's why she has her SEKAI. She'll keep you there, not knowing how many days have passed. Other Nighrcord members can't even get in the SEKAI because she told Miku to not let anyone in and out except for herself. When you're in such a creepy place for so long... might as well obey her, right?
"You'll understand one day... I'm doing all of this for your own good. I'd you just learn to trust my words, you're gonna me truly safe and happy, all thanks to me.."
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Mafuyu's not gonna kill you, she wouldn't be able to do that... but she won't be able to let go either. She's simply gonna keep you in her SEKAI forever. Maybe make a little comfu corner for you so you won't go crazy completely... of course she'll visit you with games and food... and she knows you don't have any choice but accept it because you have no one else than her.
"Oh? I'm afraid I won't believe your lies again. Not after the 'You're a monster' speech. Now you're stuck here, because it's the only place where no one can hurt you."
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your aquarium lover~
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✧ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Ena doesn't even like the thought of hurting you physically! How could she ever damage that precious skin of yours when you're already so cute it'd be a crime?
As for mental abuse tho... if she'll have to, she doesn't mind... It's your fault for saying harsh words for her when she's just trying to love you! Now, she'll drop a harsh comment on everything you do basically.
"You're eating like that?! Ugh... you should let me teach you hi ow to way elegantly! I'm your girlfriend after all, I have no problem teaching you that."
✧ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
It was actually quite easy to notice something changed in Ena if you saw how she behaved around others before... She was so much more clingier and annoyed with you at the same time... usually it's one but with you? It's both!
She's usually clingy, but OVERALLY clingy... even her friends told you she rambled about you all the time but get's annoyed whenever someone talks about you! Similar rule goes for you... as long as you talk about her and you, and only that, she'll be calm.
"Y/N! Let's hold hands while walking~ I want to take few cute photos for me socials!"
✧ Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they're doing to you, your life and people around you? Do they show it?
You bet Ena's enjoying every second of it~ She just knows what she wants! And she's not afraid to make it known. Especially when it comes to you!
And she's not afraid to show it either... by it by straightly telling you she's upset, being a bit mean for next few days or any other form... she'll make sure you know very well why she's upset at you and what she wants at the moment.
"I don't want you talking with them! Of course I'm straightforward!! There's nothing to hide when I know you'll treat my worries and doubts seriously..."
✧ Force = Are they willing to force you into loving them? How will they do it?
Ena actually had it planned even before she claimed you as yours! To be honest... she became so clingy so others won't try to get close to you as everyone will think you two are together! And it just stayed because she enjoyed being this clingy a bit too much~
But later on, she plans on not letting you away by step~ So you'll have no other choice but accept her presence, that alone should make you fall, right? And if not... she's ready to block EVERYONE on every socials you have except for her. Be it millions of people... and she doesn't care how much it takes her... she will be the only one you see and can interact with~
"Here I found your phone from our last sleepover! Yeah I know it was like 3 days ago but at least you have it back and don't need to buy new one! It'd be a waste after all!"
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Ena trears "till death do us part" a bit too literally... She goes with classic yandere rule "if she can't have you, no one fan". So of course, once you make it clear there's no way for you two to live together and that you hate her, she sees no hope for peaceful life without getting her hands dirty...
She wants the two of you to die at the same time, by the same weapon tho... so she might prepare some easier mechanism that'll go through both of you at the same time when she gives you last kiss while you can do nothing because of ropes tying you~
"Shh~ Soon everything will be fine. And the end won't even hurt, I promise! Now close your eyes and let me hear your voice one last time~"
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @qxmmi - come get your cheesecake lover!
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Yo really weird ID scenario here but, work with me and let me microwave some leftovers for a bit: what if like how I said a few days ago with the Lewyn/Terri idea, what if that also involved Astoria in some way?
My expansion on this: ↓
Imagine if both Coven Leaders decided to be a bit closer to Terri just to spy on her AND Mc?
I can see Astoria getting close to Terri with having just principal & parent conferences over some (half true half lie) 'concerns brought to her attention over MC's behaviour in school', and then she gets in touch with Terri and starts a fake friendship with her.
Lewyn would probably try a fake friendship with Terri gradually too, slowly with having lively conversations with her when they're both overworking at the hospital and all that.
And I'd like the idea that depending on the interactions MC has with the coven leaders surrounding her mum or with her mother about befriending Dr. Junius & Principal Yao, that it could affect which route they go with? Like platonic or romantic?
Like if you make a choice that accidentally slips up a romantic thing that they could do for Terri, then they'd try that to get closer to her (and possibly succeed)
And also if you did say choices to mama Terri that leaned towards 1 over the other, then Terri would pay attention to the coven leader you were 'preferring' the majority of the time.
I'd imagine if you did that over the book/s, then something romantic between them and Terri would happen. And if it did, I'd like to think of it as a real slow-burn romance with Lewyn/Astoria to Terri. And at the end- if Terri ends up with one, then the chosen person would start having a REAL difficult time trying to not protect Terri all the time in The Nexus.
Imagine if there were diamond scenes with Astoria/Lewyn where you had to 'bond' with them while Terri was around, and depending on how many you did and how much you impressed them- then they'd slowly see your MC as less of an annoyance and possibly a child figure to some extent.
Like pls, imagine Lewyn slipping up and calling you something endearing like 'my child' and then MC had to run with it since Terri was nearby.
Imagine Astoria being slightly less annoyed with you around and giving you a genuine smile while taking of Terri in endearment?
Imagine a scene where you find Astoria/Lewyn at your house doing something like having coffee at the dining table, or something of the sort? And MC is hit with "THEY'RE GETTING WITH MY MUM WTF-"
CMON PEOPLE- extra tension in the house, more drama, more complexity within the relationships of the characters, more insight to their characters (when they're not being horrible bitches)...
I need to see Astoria/Lewyn get scared for MC's safety after seeing you outside during chapter 14-15 in the battle of Crimson Beech. PLEASE.
It'd also add another parallel to Cassy/Gabby & MC and their dynamic, the Human & Vampire dynamic.
I can see MC reminding them of Esme and Louis when she confronts them on what they're doing.
Imagine you get an option to call them "Mom/Dad" as a way to mess with them or at chapter 16 during the 'Celebration of Life' event to be nice to them, or MC slips up and says it during an argument at The Nexus with them? That'd be such a bittersweet comedy I think.
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woodchipp · 5 months
Hii, to be honest I don't really care that much about criticizing the game, I think people can have whatever interpretation they want, personally I adore the game because I played it during a tough time in my life!
The only thing I wanna point out is that in your most recent post about Sunny recieving the violin, a lot of your points feel kinda off to me? I'd just like to mention that it makes sense that his friends had to tell him about their jobs rather than flashbacks because that'd mean a double flashback, show don't tell is great and all but it doesn't mean only show and no tell! I do think the game can be heavy handed but that scene feels justified and natural as it was a surprise for Sunny and they're telling him about it.
The other thing I'd like to mention is that I feel like picking apart Sunny's reaction can go into some dangerous territory. As someone with autism, I don't react the way people expect, when I am given gifts I don't always express my emotions about it. Sunny is characterized as quiet, maybe nonverbal, and not very expressive, and I relate to him a lot because of that! I'm not saying you're able ableist at all, just suggesting you keep in mind that just because he isn't portrayed in a normal neurotypical sense doesn't mean he is characterized as an asshole. There are real people who act like that when given gifts, and to say he is a bad person because of that can hurt the real life people who don't express emotion the way people expect!
Thanks for reading this, sorry if my tone came off weird at all, I am genuinely trying to be positive and give my silly little input as a neurodivergent person myself <3
Hi! Thank you for such a civil ask. I appreciate it a lot :D
it makes sense that his friends had to tell him about their jobs rather than flashbacks because that'd mean a double flashback
The flashbacks I was talking about could've been spread throughout the game and foreshadowed his friends buying the violin, not nested in the Christmas flashback. Of course, that'd necessitate changes to the story's structure and all that entails.
Said Christmas flashback could've been foreshadowed even without changing the story too much by having characters say something to the effect of "Oh hey, I used to work for that place! Back when..." and then abruptly stopping since further elaboration would require them to bring up the time when Mari was still alive.
that scene feels justified and natural as it was a surprise for Sunny and they're telling him about it.
My issue was more that the infodump feels incredibly awkward since it's the first time the player is ever told all of that information, and it's right before the final boss fight at that. Additionally, the phrasing still implies that Sunny is completely uninvolved in everyone's lives to the point he wouldn't notice or care that his own sister got a job.
The other thing I'd like to mention is that I feel like picking apart Sunny's reaction can go into some dangerous territory. As someone with autism, I don't react the way people expect, when I am given gifts I don't always express my emotions about it. Sunny is characterized as quiet, maybe nonverbal, and not very expressive, and I relate to him a lot because of that! I'm not saying you're able ableist at all, just suggesting you keep in mind that just because he isn't portrayed in a normal neurotypical sense doesn't mean he is characterized as an asshole. There are real people who act like that when given gifts, and to say he is a bad person because of that can hurt the real life people who don't express emotion the way people expect!
If you relate to Sunny or interpret him as autistic, more power to you! I'd rather not use unsubstantiated interpretations as arguments when discussing what happens in the game proper, though.
There is no definitive canonical evidence to confirm Sunny himself is autistic, nor was it ever confirmed by the writer or anyone else out of the developer team. As far as I know, it's just a headcanon.
My issue with Sunny's reaction isn't that he's not outwardly happy. It pertains to a bigger problem with how he's characterized - I can't tell what he's feeling most of the time because he has no real personality to speak of. Nothing about him shows that he genuinely cares for his friends deep down (Headspace doesn't count), and his actions in the real world paint him as profoundly unpleasant at best. That problem, in conjunction with the fact we're never told what he actually wanted for that Christmas (or whether he wanted anything in the first place), means I can only read his "reaction" as him being displeased with his friends' heartfelt gift but accepting it just because he needed to look polite.
All in all, I think this has nothing to do with autism. He's really just an asshole.
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sh1-n0bu · 5 months
saying that something 'is fictional' does not equal condoning it in real life. People say that their dark content stories are fictional because .. they are. These are not real scenarios or wishful thinking, they're exploring a dark subject in a fictional environment with characters that are not real, and it's really messed up how folks (including you) will dogpile on and attack just because someone saw a post they didn't like the tags and content warnings of, then decided to take it public.
This is evidenced by the fact that the original op hasn't even *read* the fic in question. It was tagged properly, they could've avoided it if they filtered out content they didn't like, yet they CHOSE to engage with it and take it public.
Imagine if your posts were taken out of context in that way. What if people started calling you a zo/ophile because of your dragon posts, despite the fact that dragons aren't real? I doubt that'd feel great for you, especially if you suddenly had a bunch of outraged people in your inbox accusing you of animal abuse because you ... Wrote a story.
And honestly, if you feel the need to participate in these sorts of discussions by jumping in headfirst on the first callout post you see disparaging people then it might be time to take a step back from Tumblr for a while. In most cases, social media like this is not a productive conduit for conversations and it just winds up being a slapfight about who can send the most petty, mean messages to one another or coerce more people into harassing the other until they delete or deactivate.
i havent seen the writers blog but a mutual of mine did and they said that the writer seemed to be in a not so okay mental state as they had said smt smt abt being in love with their own brother who is a real person and was trying to defend their fic. as ive said, in my current opinion, dark content writing and consuming is fine if its done in a healthy manner. but defending it just seems wrong yknow?
and yeah, like youve said, i am done with tumblr. i dont understand why you decided to come here anon when i stated in my latest anon answer that i was finished with talking about this thing. tumblr is becoming a not so safe place it seems. i am sorry if the things ive said/write were harmful or negative, i was simply trying to say that condoning dark content bc it was simply fiction and romanticizing it was weird. that was all i wanted to say
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