#'cause how can I expect them to be able to listen to and take seriously what happened to me?
coockie8 · 6 months
I don't know if I've mentioned it on here before, but I've mentioned it elsewhere, that I probably wouldn't be able to maintain a relationship, romantic or otherwise, with an anti. Whether they're the feral ''kys'' type anti or not.
A lot of people seem to misinterpret that as me letting pointless fandom drama control my relationships, but that's genuinely not the reality. Fictional squicks are not the issue here; the treating fictional anything like it's comparable to my lived trauma is, and that is a thing that all antis do.
I don't care if lolicon and incest fiction makes you uncomfortable, you are allowed to be uncomfortable, but the reality is this shit is fiction, and fiction is not the same as 13-17 year old me getting sexually assaulted by multiple different adults on multiple different occasions.
I simply would not be able to maintain a relationship of any kind with someone who thinks a fucking drawing is in any way comparable to what those men did to me!
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alchemie-tarot · 10 months
How To Walk Your Talk
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Hello! It’s been a while. I felt like this slightly ambitious (for me) pick-a-card topic needed a ton of energy and discernment to execute, and so I really took my time with it. I intended it for Aries season but, oh well... Look, another fire season Leo is just around the corner!
Take a breath. Feel free to choose the pile/s that call out to you. Some details may not make the mark and that’s natural, since this is a general reading. Please don’t take it too seriously as well. Nothing is set in stone. My objective has always been to channel messages that may help its readers in any way.
Yes, these are more sunset pictures from my sunset photography cache.
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Pile 1
Cards: 5 of Swords, Queen of Cups, Death, 8 of Wands, Page of Cups, 10 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles
Your Talk is about overcoming conflict with other people. You’re proud of being able to defend yourself at all costs, from those who “attack” you and don’t believe in you, in particular. When you do, there’s a winner takes all kind of feeling. Proving yourself against any kind of criticism is a win. You definitely are not one to hold back and, if worse comes to worst, you can cut deep if you feel like you need to.
You think that this is the way to prioritize yourself. The way to show yourself love. It doesn’t seem to matter to you if you end up not having a lot of intimate ties because of this. You believe that the worst betrayal is the betrayal of your own self. 
I think this Talk of yours usually comes out when it has all been said and done. Something about you making sure you have the last word. You may wait to strike when the other party has their guard down. You may also want your Talk to have a potent and instantaneous effect on its listener. You tend to make sure there’s no room for them to say more, to potentially dismiss or disprove you. You’ll cut the conversation if you have to. 
What you may not realize is that this hurts your objective either way. Yes, you’re an advocate of yourself, but this behavior makes them see you as a “child” who doesn’t really seem to know what they’re saying and thinks little of consequences.
Under this bravado of yours, I sense an expectation to be understood. It may be that a part of you hopes that someone with an x-ray vision meets you with empathy, instead of the dismissal or outright opposition you know so well. Sometimes, other people’s emotions simply do not run as deeply and strongly as yours. What matters to you may be something they don’t personally read too much meaning into. 
Pile 1, your Talk seems to be taking a toll on you more than you would like to admit. This kind of vigilance is a lonely burden to carry. Do not get me wrong, though, it has paid off somehow when you learned to protect yourself. You’re impenetrable, but at what cost? You leave out the potential good that can touch you in significant ways.
Spirit urges you to put the sword down for a bit and look around you. You can’t make the most out of your life by always being on the defense. To truly Walk your Talk, you need to uncover the root cause of all this defensiveness. Do you think that being alone is worth turning away the compassion that you can receive? Is that what you really want? Continuing down this path will only push that possibility further away. 
Try to look over everything that you have gone through so far, but with curiosity to understand rather than a restless need to justify. I hear a suggestion, to redefine your boundaries. Take a rest, too, Pile 1, I believe you really need it. It will all pay off either way, but there is room for grace that may benefit you more than you could imagine.
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Pile 2
Cards: 7 of Cups, 10 of Wands, 2 of Wands, The Hanged Man, 8 of Wands, The Emperor, Death
You think that daydreams get in the way of real life. Fantasy is a way to escape responsibilities and that it ultimately ends up being a burden since it’s technically not really a “way to live.” You think having too many choices is more inconvenient than it is exciting. Most of them are simply distractions, temptations to veer off course. 
You may be a really pragmatic person for the most part. For some, though, I see that you are not necessarily repulsed by the rose-tinted perspective, but that this kind of ambition is too much work to actualize. It’s something that would force you to choose between what is necessary and what is ideal. Grounded, longer term goals are more important to you, anyway. Not letting yourself get carried away is an act of bravery to face reality.
I sense that you’re surrounded by people who don’t really agree with your way of thinking. Perhaps a lot of the people around you have quite lofty dreams and, maybe at times, have too much faith in their abilities. You may think that they could learn a thing or two about staying in one’s lane. On the other side of that, they may think that you’re self-righteous and quick to judge. They see you as a person of action and laser focus in your own right, but your Talk about achieving such goals suffers because, well…some goals are idealistic and unlikely by nature. That’s what makes them goals! 
As far as it goes, you seem to be really Walking your Talk. To a tee, in fact. A little too firmly, perhaps, to the point where you may be getting complacent. 
Something you should know about this Emperor's energy that you have is that, no matter how strictly the Emperor follows a certain system, he would still strive for something beyond him. Why would he need to stick to the current reality if it could be changed and improved? With his power and position, why not seek what would commonly be thought of as “impossible”? What is good, and for good, is always worth a try.
There can be more than logic to make the most out of the goals we form– a touch of compassion on yourself and your circumstances can truly transform those goals into more than ticks off a to-do list, you know? Instead of resisting changes in plans, welcome them as a potential channel for breakthroughs. Even if they entail a little imagination from your part to materialize. Nothing wrong with letting yourself dream a little, Pile 2.
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Pile 3
Cards: The Hermit, King of Cups, 8 of Cups, The Star, Justice, The Sun, The Empress
You keep this Talk mostly to yourself. You’re in quite a period of serious introspection, Pile 3. Gathering strength and gaining inner wisdom. You want to master yourself: your inner workings, your emotions, your psyche, the subconscious– and you believe that this is the way. You’re trying to find balance by going within and spending time with yourself. 
You carry out this Talk in the times you walk away from things you determine no longer serve you. Things you don’t see developing positively or going anywhere. Leaving behind those spilled and empty cups. For now you have been withdrawing a lot on an intentional and well-meant level. To be honest, the Talk here is Not Talking, and so it manifests that way… through silence. Focusing on what you would like to move ahead towards.
You want people to see this as what it is: your way of healing. You want to be seen as someone taking their time at the moment. There’s a factor of distance, the not wanting to be disturbed by outside energy. Minimizing your availability. This is all about you right now. There is also something about  finding yourself that you may have lost connection with at an earlier point. You want to achieve that peace and somehow let that energy seep through and act as its own protective barrier.
And you know what? The people around you believe that you are undergoing what you rightfully need. They see and understand what you’re trying to do. You have their support, and many are even cheering you on from afar. This is such a positive message, Pile 3! They believe it’s a victory in itself to see you in the process of bouncing back. The way you are holding everyone, including yourself, accountable for the things that should be so. They think that events are finally turning in your favor.
Getting The Sun for asking how your Walk looks right now is really one of the best things I have seen for this pick-a-card. It is so lovely to see that this is making you happy. I am happy for you, too! If you’re not quite there yet, trust that you will be. You will find that light you’ve been seeking in the dark depths of yourself that you bravely traversed. I’m telling you, what a shining light it is that you will find. You’re genuinely finding your way back to your inner child. Keep going and they will have more blessings to give you.
If you are feeling up for it, Spirit offers that you can take it up a notch by exploring more ways to nurture your soul. I see letting your imagination expand, creating things with your hands, pampering your body. Whatever has happened, Pile 3, know that it’s not too big for you to overcome. Your Walk is such a profound journey to a revival… You’re very close to experiencing the fruits of your labor. Sending you my warmth, Pile 3!
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Pile 4
Cards: Death, Ace of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands Rx, 5 of Cups, The Hanged Man, The Star
Change starts in your head. Change starts from within. Your Talk is giving me coach or counselor vibes, mostly of the spiritual kind. You may have gone through a major life event at some point in your life, however it applies to you. This may have pushed you then to speak about these major, life-changing events. You think that they are opportunities to grow. Signs to cultivate a new mindset. The best way to ride with it is to be sharp and alert, and to fight with all your might.
You seem to be quite methodical and stubborn about it. I hear you could have catchphrases of some sort, along the lines of “everything happens for a reason,” or that “you can get through anything if you just tried and worked hard enough.” Like I said, you may have experienced such events in your life already and it seems like you’ve seen enough to point out certain patterns. You developed a sense of anticipating how long something may last, where it is likely to lead, what’s next, etcetera. 
You want others to see how humbled you are because of these experiences. You want to gain their support, partly because you feel that it solidifies the validation of your Talk. Here’s the thing, though: the insistence of your experiences have been rubbing some people off the wrong way. You’ve been taking your narrative to an unclear length. It’s not your bravery and openness that they have reservations about, but the fact that it’s starting to sound like a broken record. At the end of your anecdotes, what message does it all lead to? Some are getting the impression that you’re stuck in some way with that period in your life instead of presenting solutions or forward steps to move on from it.
I think you see yourself as a champion for these life-changing experiences, to the point where your way of expressing or living out the empowerment you preach seems like an effect of the hold it still has on you. Deep down, you may feel some level of uncertainty to step out from its familiarity. Where were you supposed to go next? Maybe a part of you is also wondering, is this all I'm ever gonna be talking about and be known for?
I can’t help but notice the comparison of the cards Death and The Star: Death, clad in armor, and The Star, shining in their nakedness. Spirit urges you to take off that armor. You don’t have to justify yourself anymore. It won’t always be a battle. Yes, what happened has happened, and it has affected you deeply. It helped you be stronger as a person, but you have to realize that you’re still wielding it in a way. You can’t truly move on even if you simply turned the weapon around– you’re still holding it. There comes a point where you have to take it out of your hands.
Your Talk will become more potent and natural that way. You will find a calm about yourself and this Walk will draw you the support that you need and deserve.
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Pile 5
Cards: Ace of Cups, Justice, The Fool, Judgment, 7 of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, The Devil
All is fair in love and war is the first thing I heard. This is seriously your Talk. You’re a go-getter, especially the emotional, creative, watery kind. Not just a go-getter, but a kind of rule-breaker, too. You focus your sights far, far ahead. I’m seeing that you don’t really read too much or think too deeply into most things. When something catches your attention, you just take it and make a run for it, I’m hearing. What an interesting Talk.
You want people to realize how awakened you feel and how liberating it feels in general to be in that mindset. You want people to see how many paths and options it opens up for them. To you, even though it sounds contrary, it actually narrows down and leads to what you really want– and then absolutely taking it at all costs. You see this as a road to inner wisdom and taking responsibility for one's own life. You think this is a primal kind of behavior and it’s only natural to give in to it as humans.
However, people mostly just see that you’re setting yourself up to be in a constant, if not lifelong, struggle. They think you’re too high up in your worldview and that you could be taken down a notch. Even if they won’t necessarily call you out or actively try to humble you, they believe there will always be something or someone to challenge you, and that it’s not really a worthwhile thing to keep up forever. 
As far as it’s going right now, your Talk is coming to be your Walk, quite naturally. As chaotic as this mindset is perceived, there is a diligent and grounded way that you’re implementing it. You really believe in its value and it shows in your actions. Not much can shake you about it, I see.
In order to achieve your wants and goals in the best way, Spirit urges you to take some time to look at your shadow. Try to take a look if you’re acting out fully aligned with those goals, or are you simply carried away from the addictive feeling it brings? There’s a benefit to taking everything with a sense of moderation, no matter how you choose to live your life. Is there something deep-seated that you ought to acknowledge, that instead of giving you that “freedom” it could actually be a kind of blockage? Do you really believe that these are the rules of the world or did you impose them on yourself? Reevaluate what freedom is to you.
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Pile 6
Cards: Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, Page of Swords, Knight of Cups
You believe that financial stability and reaching certainty in physical comfort are easy come, easy go. One should always be maximizing their time to be productive. Opportunities shouldn’t be wasted and the only things worth aligning with are those that lead to this state of living. Anybody you encounter is a potential for your network. There is no time for sitting back. You should always be ready. Go past or eradicate anything and everything standing in your way.
While your Talk is one that is supposed to be motivating by nature, the way you deliver it seems imbued with an element of fear. “Do this or leave yourself vulnerable. Hardships eventually catch up, so you better keep on moving.” I think you may be one to say that no matter how secure one is, one shouldn’t be chilling out too much. It can easily be lost in a blink of an eye.
You want to be seen as someone who means well and is only doing everything they do to help. You want to be seen as an embodiment of your Talk: always on the move and, for some reason I heard, looks cool while doing it. Willing to do whatever it takes.
Others see that your Talk is clouding quite a bit of your actual vision of it. They do see that you do not give up easily. Your directness is admirable, if not a little bound to the notion of having to always be on the next thing after finishing the previous. You look so far ahead you’re practically living in the future than the present. You’re also hardly paying full attention to the things you currently have, born from all the hard work you’ve put in.
Well, you seem to be using a lot of your words at the moment, I hear. Talking and talking. To people with like-minded goals, and to yourself? I'm getting that it’s because you feel quite flighty at the moment. Are you okay? When was the last time you took a breath? There’s a bit of anxious, running-on-fumes energy. You seem to be highly inspired, though. Bursting with ideas, in fact. For now, these plans mostly stay as plans.
Like all things, balance helps with feeling stable within yourself. Spirit urges you to get in touch with your emotions at the moment. Access what’s behind that flighty energy. You have the goals, the plans, and the direction. What you lack right now is a sense of being grounded enough not to run yourself ragged. Intuition plays a big role in this– yours wants to tell you something. It also won’t hurt to learn how to handle things, especially yourself, with more grace and compassion. Appreciate your ideas as themselves and not just a means to go somewhere else. It’s okay to not think about the goods right now. Think about what genuinely fills your cup.
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Thank you for interacting with this post of mine. Always take care of yourself. 💜✨
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mcflymemes · 1 year
if you’re looking for something specific, i might be able to help.
it’s not as easy as people think.
what on earth are you doing here?
i could point you in the right direction.
feel like grabbing dinner?
is that the answer you wanted?
fortunately i don’t mind a smushed cake, so long as it still tastes like cake.
feels like you might be lying.
you’re alive. you listened to me.
i don’t agree with what you said back there.
i like you too much to hurt a single hair on your head.
we should have gone the other way.
we’re a team. we’re in this together.
we can sneak out the back.
i should have listened to you.
i couldn’t have done this without you.
are you implying we have more than one killer on the loose?
you don’t look startled to see a dead body.
can’t promise i won’t bash his face in.
i want to hear all about your adventures.
thank god you said yes to getting food.
was that supposed to make things better?
i’ll let you sleep after this. you can rest.
i’m so happy to see you, but i take it something went terribly wrong if you’re here.
am i the only thrilling part of your life?
sorry if this hurts.
i thought you were going for a swim.
you have come into my life when i needed you most.
you should probably clean yourself up a bit.
are you asking if i’m lucky in love?
i’d like to hear your truth.
we should talk to them.
perfectly all right if you’d rather not talk about it.
i’ll deal with my heartbreak later.
you seem totally unaffected by my misery... and, honestly, good for you.
some find that ridiculously annoying.
notice how no one gives a damn.
it makes me very happy to hear that.
you’re the smart one here, after all.
if you’re not eager for company, i understand.
how angry will you be if i insist on carrying you?
it’s okay to lean on a friend at a time like this.
you are glowing in this light.
it’s not your first time, either, huh.
maybe there’s hope for you yet.
do you remember what it was like?
would you dance with me? i promise not to step on your toes.
do i look okay? not too bloody or beaten?
i think i’m gonna be sick.
you’re easy to love.
don’t you look lovely.
you are so very lucky i love you so.
i recommend everything on the menu.
this sounds worse than i thought.
we deserve the opposite of pain.
i can get you to safety.
some fresh air might be nice.
of course you’re on the top floor.
humor me. what are you drinking?
did we lose them?
i can be pretty intimidating.
where did you learn how to do this so well?
you can save my ass again, right?
how much did you see?
can’t believe we’ve got the whole place to ourselves.
you need to be quick if you want to save their life.
if you were out causing problems, there’s no judgement.
i’m good at keeping secrets! i’ll shut my mouth!
does any of that make sense?
i can’t do this. i can’t let you go.
you look like the mysteries of the universe have sustained you.
you have to promise me you won’t give up on that dream of yours.
you’ve got really bad timing.
they’ll expect you downstairs soon.
are you all right? you just look... off.
i never understood people who don’t take you seriously from the start.
you should probably call the police.
let’s bug his office.
what am i supposed to do without you?
i think i enjoy your company too much to actually kill you.
it sounds like you made it up.
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usermischief · 11 months
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♚ Pairing: Sterek ♚ Warnings: — ♚ Words: 907 ♚ Dialogue Prompt: “You're right.” - "I know... about what?" ♚ Mini Fic Roulette: 33/∞
Rolling over in the middle of the night to find one side of their bed empty is not unusual, yet Stiles still sits upright with panic when he notices Derek’s absence. Because Derek isn’t the one who leaves the bed in the middle of the night. He is the one who shuffles into the living room or the office to try and coax Stiles back to bed. That’s how their nights are, that’s their routine. Changes from the routine are never a good sign. 
Stiles rubs his eyes, listening to the silence of the night. At first, he doesn’t hear anything other than his heart pounding in his chest then he catches the soft murmur of voices. Derek watching TV in the middle of the night is almost more unnerving than the prospect of someone breaking into their apartment which is probably saying a lot something about him. However, it’s hard to be scared of criminals while living under the same roof as an alpha werewolf. 
Huffing out a breath, Stiles rolls out of bed. Even after years of being together, having to coax Derek back to bed is still very much unchartered territory. But on the rare occasions it happens, Stiles at the very least has an inkling as to what’s going on. Today, however, he has no clue what could possibly keep Derek up at night. There are no monsters causing mayhem in Beacon Hills. Nobody in the pack is in any sort of danger. Everything should be fine. 
But apparently not. 
Stiles tiptoes out of their bedroom and down the short hallway towards the voices coming from the TV. By the sound of it, Derek put on a rerun of Friends. He pushes the door open, not entirely sure what to expect — and he sure didn’t think he’d find a wolf curled up on the couch. “Derek, seriously.” Annoyed, Stiles flicks on the lights in the open-plan kitchen. “Get your filthy paws off my furniture.”
Derek’s ears flick in his direction. He doesn’t move immediately but decides to follow the command after a few seconds of contemplation. Judging by the way he stretches languidly, it seems like he doesn’t have a care in the world. 
If Stiles has woken up in an empty bed for nothing, he’s going to be pissed. He grabs the sweatpants from the backrest of the armchair and tosses them at Derek. “Unwolf and explain yourself, Mister.” His least favorite past-time is forcing his fiance to talk to him about feelings. No matter how long they’re going to be together, Stiles doubts Derek will ever be able to communicate freely about the shit that bothering him. So, occasionally Stiles has to get a little mean to make Derek open up. Cuddles can come after. 
The enormous wolf makes a sound akin to a huff. However, he shifts back into a human — not without a disgruntled rumble though. He still cooperated a lot faster than Stiles expected. Nothing would’ve stopped him from simply staring him down as a wolf, looking adorable as hell. Well, nothing but the knowledge that not even Derek, as emotionally constipated as he might be, is able to out-stubborn Stiles. 
“So?” Stiles asks and switches the TV off. “What’s going on?” 
Derek studies him as he slips into his sweatpants, head slightly cocked in a way that’s reminiscent of an animal. It always takes a few moments to leave his wolf behind. He blinks slowly, once then twice, and flares his nostrils just enough to be noticeable; almost as if he’s trying to figure out how mad Stiles really is — and truth be told, he isn’t mad, just a little frustrated that Derek decided to eat his feelings instead of waking him up. A conclusion his dear fiance clearly came to as well because his shoulders slump and he crosses the distance between them. “You’re right,” he says almost reluctantly before pulling Stiles into a hug. 
“I know.” The response is more instinct than anything else. After all, when is he wrong? Stiles wraps his arms around Derek’s waist and squints at him. “About what?” 
“Peter doesn’t have an emergency.” 
Stiles rolls his eyes. “She’s not going to eat you alive.” His grandmother has always been more bark than bite, but since Stiles is her favorite grandchild, she might be a little bit overprotective. 
“I’m not sure about that,” Derek mutters, and he looks genuinely worried. 
It takes everything in him not to bring Red Riding Hood into this conversation. “Babcia knows you make me happy,” Stiles reminds him, wrapping his arms tightly around Derek’s middle, and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “That’s all she needs to know to approve of our marriage.”  
Derek doesn’t reply immediately, instead, he leans back a little and studies Stiles’ face again. “Am I?” 
“What?” Stiles raises his brows. 
“Am I making you happy?” That question could’ve only come from Derek. They’re engaged, about to be married in three months, and have lived together for the last four years. Still, he questions whether or not Stiles is happy, as if he’s the one burying his emotions under abs of steel. 
After kissing Derek once again, Stiles leans back and sighs. “That depends.” His attempt at keeping his face straight fails almost immediately. He grins slightly and cups Derek’s face. “Are you coming to bed?” 
Laughing softly, Derek hoists him into his arms and carries him back to the bedroom.
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raythekiller · 1 year
may i request masky nsfw alphabet? and can i be 🫀 anon?? :D
🗒 ❛ NSFW Alphabet ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Masky
#Notes: ofc!! welcome to the family <3
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
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Honestly, at first he just gets up to go clean himself, but will hug and cuddle you after. He gets a bit in his feelings for a change.
Absolutely an ass man, which is why he likes spanking you so much.
ADORES coming on your face, like seriously. Seeing his cum dripping down your cheek and chin gets him hard all over again.
He enjoys soft, passionate sex as well, but thinks that he has to maintain this tough, mean dom persona.
Very experienced. He's been to college, people, he's fucked people before 100% and knows what he's doing.
Either doggy or face-off. Fucking you from behind is a gift from God in it's own and face-off cause then he can hold you close as you ride him.
Very serious, aside from one cheeky remark or two. Will tease you, but that's as fair as he'll go.
Doesn't bother much with shaving, just grooms it every few weeks or so. It's darker than his hair, almost black.
Unfortunately, unless you're dating, he's gonna try to be as emotionally distant as possible. If you're dating, however, he'll be a lot more gentle, telling you how much he loves you.
Does it fairly often, mostly to relief some stress. He's pent up almost all of the time and masturbation is a great way to get rid of it. K - KINK
Here's a full post on his kinks.
Mostly his bedroom, but honestly he'll bend you over just about anywhere. Loves to do it in his car as well.
Doesn't take much to get him worked up, but it does take some effort to have him act on it. He has a surprisingly good amount of self control in this situation.
N - NO
Anything that makes him not feel in control is a hard no, so him subbing is out of the question.
Prefers receiving, loves grabbing your head and fucking your throat. When giving, he's actually pretty good, definitely knows what he's doing.
Normally slow and rough. Wants you to savour every inch of his cock.
As mentioned, quickies in his car are very much a thing, especially you giving him head as he's driving.
Doesn't experiment around much, he's satisfied with the way he does things already. Might budge if you ask nicely, depending on what it is.
Normally only one round, but he drags it for hours by edging and denying the both of you.
Quite a big fan of vibrators, loves using them on you. If you count belts and paddles as sex toys too, he's also super into it.
Oh, Tim is a professional tease. Will rile you up during the entire day only to 1. not pleasure you at all or 2. give you the dick down of your life.
Doesn't moan much, mostly groans and grunts. His voice is super low as raspy.
Definitely wants to try out putting a vibrator in you as you go on about your day and he has the controller to the intensity of it.
X - X-RAY 
Around 7.8, but extremely thick. You're definitely gonna need some intense foreplay to be able to take all of him in.
Doesn't get horny very often, but when he does, expect him to do something about it. He's not the type to try and repress it.
Listen, he's an old guy, okay? He needs his nap afterwards as you lie down with him on his chest.
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hailarabbit281 · 2 months
Shirlulu hints from Lelouch of the Rebellion Exhibition Pamphlet Book
I don't know Japanese so it's done by all Google Translate. If anyone knows Japanese and would like to translate these, please feel free to do so
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Pretty and lively. Although she is busy with both the swimming club and the student council, her eyes are always fixed on Lelouch. She notices the dangerous expression he sometimes shows, and no matter what difficulties she faces, her feelings for him always win out in the end.
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好きという気持ちは強制されて成立するものではない。分かってはいる。だけどカップル認定してもらえるのなら、誰もが思 いを寄せる人の元へ走るのではないか。ミレイによって開かれた「キューピッドの日」。シャーリーはルルーシュを追った。彼 のいそうな場所へ・・・・・・。そして2人はとても自然に、イベント内でカップルとなった。
Feelings of love cannot be forced. Everyone knows that. But if they could be recognized as a couple, wouldn't everyone run to the person they have a crush on? Milly held "Cupid's Day." Shirley followed Lelouch. To the place where he was likely to be... And the two of them became a couple very naturally during the event.
Personal note: I like how it's obvious to the student body and very natural/expected for them to become a couple. There are always these cases where two people evidently care about each other enough for everyone around to think "It wouldn't be a surprise if they started dating any time soon", and Lelouch and Shirley is one example of such cases, showing that Shirley's feelings were definitely not one-sided at all.
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いつもそばにいた。平和な世界の象徴だった。疎 ましく思ったこともある。だけどそれは、本当に心 を許せる相手だったから。ありのままでいられる 相手だった。代わりの存在などどこにもいない。 目の前で消えていくその声を、姿をただ、見てい ることしかできなかった。ギアスは命を奪ってい く。大切な人を奪っていく。
Don't die, don't die!
She was always by his side. She was a symbol of a peaceful world. There were times when he felt lonely, but that was because she was someone he could truly open up to. She was someone he could be himself with. There is no replacement for her. All he could do was to watch her voice and figure disappearing before his eyes. Geass takes away lives. Taking away someone important to you.
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ギアスのためにシャーリーを失った悲しみがルルーシュの中で憎悪へ変換さ れ、その矛先がギアス嚮団に向けられた。
Lelouch's grief over losing Shirley to Geass transformed into hatred, and he directed that hatred at the Geass Order.
The script writer direction of the work
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Script by Ichiro Okouchi
I had decided to make the main character of my new show a cool hero.
He has supernatural powers, is full of talent, and has a great appearance. A super character who seems to have the whole world in his hands.
But even though he has everything, he can't get the things that are close to him that everyone else can have.
I wrote Lelouch as a boy with such a curse.
He has the absolute power of Geass, and is a great villain who has access to organizations, military power, power, and eventually even the world.
But he can't get small human happiness - friendship, family, or a lover. He has access to everything else.
But in the end, he gets friendship and a family.
In exchange for his life...
That was the character of Lelouch that I had in mind when I first started planning the show.
I worked on the character with the director and many other staff members, and it took the form of an animation.
How did it reach you all?
The trajectory of Lelouch exhibited here exceeded my initial imagination, becoming much more expansive and richer, almost like the life of a single person.
I believe this exhibition will not be complete until all of you who know Lelouch have seen it.
Thank you all for coming to see Lelouch this time.
I hope to be able to repay this gratitude by one day appearing before you all in person.
CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion
Personal note: In the OG anime series, Shirley is the only one that becomes Lelouch 's girlfriend after the Cupid Day event (if you listen to the outro of R2 Ep12, you will hear Lelouch trying to balance his Zero acitivies and planning out his date with Shirley at the same time). Lelouch has always taken Shirley's feelings seriously, and that's why he erased her love for him in R1 ( to relieve her of the pain he had caused her for killing her father) and then in R2, he didn't want to let Shirley take his hat at first out of fear of getting her involved in his shit again.
I have always taken Lelouch's vehement "NO!" when Shirley accused him of not being serious when he said that he liked her as him admitting that he liked her, just that he was being weighed down by many dangerous things to properly reciprocate her feelings. But Lelouch gave in to Shirley's straightforward sincerity, accepted Shirley's feelings and his own feelings as well at the end of the Cupid Day event.
And guess what, Shirley was taken away from him immediately in the next episode. And it's clearly the intention of the script writer: Lelouch seemed to have the whole world in his hands, seemed to have everything, except for the little normal happiness like friendship, family, or a lover. In the end, he got friendship (Suzaku) and family (Nunally), in exchange for his life. Notice that the "lover" part is still missing? Because Shirley is gone...
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dumpsterlmao · 2 years
... Hey bestie!!! I saw your requests are open!!! So, I wanted to request something!!!
May I request: Lilia reacting to a motherly/fatherly reader? Reader simply likes to take care of the 1st year students!
(You knew I was going to request for Lilia lol!!! Take your time btw!)
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how lilia would react to mc being a parent-figure to the first years ?
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genre - pure fluff!
notes - LMAOOOOO BESTIEEEEE i knew your ass would request for lilia damn, what a simp 🤨🙄 jkjk, here's your dilf lilia request! i hope it fits to your liking. i HOPE.
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• lilia finds it cute. not even kidding, i have a feeling he would that goes the point where he gains a soft spot over you.  he was surprised to know that you act like a parent-figure with the first years. but you're only doing that cause you genuinely care for them. still, they would consider you as a parent just for laughs. 
• he is impressed by it. his reactions say it all. like for this one situation here with you and sebek: "don't run too fast sebek, you might get hurt." you picked up the papers he had drop while sebek helps you out. "it's for emergency purposes, human! i can't afford to bring over these copies at a late hour!"
• you sighed at his response since you already expected how he would react. you just only wanted to remind him to be careful next time. lilia was there nodding in impression as he witnessed all of that. silver looked at him and wondered if his father was okay hence the look on his face. "father, are you alright?"
• he won't hesitate to throw a compliment at you. like, on any every opportunity, he won't hesitate to take it down. he'd find a way to say it to you immediately. 
• "ah, now i'm darn hungry! magift practice made me drain my stomach out." epel groans while stretching his arms out. you were lucky to have brought a spare snack to give epel for his empty stomach.
• "here epel, you can have my spare sandwhich." epel was surprised as he looked at the sandwhich in your hands. "thank you mc! i've been starvin!" he says as he took a bite off the sandwhich after.
• "epel, you are really lucky to have the prefect act like a parent-figure towards you." the two of you stopped in your tracks as you both saw lilia who was standing in the middle of the corridors. "lilia?!" epel gasps.
• "parent-figure?" you questioned him as he nods. "you seem to care for the first year students and prevent them from doing harm. i must say, it's rather impressive of you to do so mc." you began to blush at his words.
• "oh, that's nothing at all! i only did it cause i truly care for them, y'know?" epel looks at you with an surprise. "is that why you're a bit too overprotective?" you nodded at his question. "well, you could say that." you told him. then you began to grap epel by the hand. "but, we'd best be going now lilia. see ya!" lilia waves back at you before you and epel finally left.
• "AAAH-" deuce lost a hold of his grip that resulted him into falling off the tree. "DEUCE!" jack ran off to catch him but you were in the way. he was about to land on the ground until you succesfully catched him. deuce departed from your arms after you managed to catch him from falling off the ground.
• "please don't do any of this next time, you guys. i would actually pass out on the ground if you guys were seriously injured." you let out a loud sigh with worry in your voice. "i'm impressed with how you are able to catch deuce from falling, mc." you heard lilia's voice so you turned to him. "MR. LILIA?!" jack, deuce, and ace gasped in surprise upon seeing him. "oh, lilia. so you saw all of that, huh?" lilia nods.
• "mhm, i heard a commotion nearby which turned out to be the three of you." he answers. "now, all of you ought to listen to the prefect here. they are always cautious of your safety." lilia says. "oh good, the boomers are talking." ace lets out a sigh. both deuce and jack smacked him by the shoulder because of his response. "hey, i was just kidding!" he curses out.
• "heck, even trey isn't on the same level as mc!" he randomly called him out as he saw him. trey heard his name being called by ace. "heh, what did you just say, ace?" he stopped picking up the apples that were dropped on the ground. someone was definitely not getting their slice of apple pie.
•his expression was priceless which lead to everyone laughing. "might this mean that i have a chance?" lilia hummed as he wonders. "what chance?" ace bluntly points it out as lilia shook his head. "whoops, you hear nothing trappola." 
• oh, and lilia would be glad to take you in as silver's other parent. just kidding. though he is still in favor for that, you're gonna have to sort that up with him; if you're interested. (ehem)
• "father, must you be serious about it?!" silver gasps in shock. you were on the same boat as him as well. lilia said something about wanting you to be silver's other parent.
• "the look on my face says it all, son. i am in fact serious." you didn't know how to react at all. but you knew lilia would be joking since that's how he usually is. the cheeky one.
• "i, i don't know how to respond to that." you sighed. lilia lets out a loud laugh. "HAHAHAHA, i was rather joking mc. no need to feel pressured now." he assures you.
• but before letting out another word his mouth, he looks at you with a smirk and leans over the wall with his arms crossed. "but, if you do happen to change your mind.... feel free to inform me right away-"
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audhdnight · 6 months
On the topic of gentle parenting (I’ve said all this before but not here and it bears repeating anyway) the counter argument of “well I would gentle parent if it worked but try that with my kid and you’ll see they don’t care” is so asinine
Like you wouldn’t sit a six year old down with their first primer and then expect them to be able to read fluently from that day forward. You wouldn’t only take your child to ONE swim lesson and then be done for the rest of the summer. You wouldn’t expect your dog to follow the “sit” or “shake” commands after one day of training. This is just not how learning works.
So yes, after one single instance where you tried gentle parenting techniques, your child is not going to respond automatically. That’s why we teach. That’s why we keep doing it, over and over, until they learn.
I used to nanny for a family of twelve. My main responsibilities were taking care of the four youngest - three little boys and an eleven year old girl. Every single one of them was rowdy and loud and over-energetic all the time - the exact kinds of kids I usually see described as “demon spawn”. The boys were pretty easy to calm down, but the girl had a mean streak and she liked to cause problems.
It didn’t take me long to realize why, though. Her brothers were the babies of the family, and they were used to getting all the love and toys and granted desires they could want. By contrast, she was usually overlooked. All of the times she came and wrecked a board game I was playing with the boys, or the times she unplugged the tv so we couldn’t watch the movie she didn’t like, or the times she ran screaming in circles around the room because her baby brother was crying and my focus was on him - it all made sense.
And so the next time she came and tried to ruin our game, I told her calmly that if she wanted my attention that was okay and I was happy to give it to her, but she wasn’t allowed to be mean to her brothers to get it. If she wanted to play a game with me one on one, all she had to do was pick one out and ask.
This girl, who was normally angry and weepy and refused to listen to any kind of reason, looked like her entire world had just flipped inside out. She dropped the board game piece she’d taken, turned around, and walked out of the room. Fifteen minutes later she was back with a bag of Uno cards, hanging her head and asking me quietly if I would please play with her.
That was one of our best moments. Yes, she was still prone to tantrums and lashing out. No, things weren’t always perfect after that. But seriously, most of the time “bad” kids are genuinely just starved for something - attention, instruction, validation, or even just some damn peace and quiet (which none of these kids ever got having ten siblings). You’d be amazed how far a loving word and a firm boundary can go for any kid. Especially when they rarely get those things at home.
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powderpinkprincess · 1 year
Battle [Legolas x human!reader]
description: You were born and raised in a town of warriors, and by the way, Legolas is your partner. You decided to go on a journey with him.
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This journey was not supposed to end like this.
It was only the adrenaline that kept you on your feet still. In the distance you spotted Gimli sitting on a rock, serenely blowing out the smoke of his pipe. His form looked surreal between the army of Men running around like ants, shouting at each other, and trying to find familiar faces between the corpses of Orcs. Your heart hurt for them. They left their home in hope of finding safety and peace. Most of them were not even soldiers. They were not prepared for a battle, especially not for one like this.
You saw Aragorn waving at you, so you stopped and waited until he approached you. He looked exhausted. You sent him a small, sad smile.
 “You look half-alive,” you noted as soon as he got closer. His lips curled up a little at your comment, and you did not miss how he carefully observed your form, looking for a sign of injury. All you scored were a few bruises, nothing life-threatening.
 “I feel half-alive, but it’s nothing a good nap can not fix,” Aragorn answered eventually, making eye contact with you. You nodded, however, you seriously doubted a nap would be enough for him at this point. A whole week of sleep, maybe. He always gave in so much of his energy.
 “Have you seen Legolas?” you asked finally which troubled you the most. At the beginning of the battle, the two of you tried to stay close to each other, though it was impossible to keep that up. He disappeared somewhere in the middle, and you have not heard about him ever since. Of course, he was an Elf, perfectly able to look after himself, but that did not mean you worried less for him.
Aragorn only shook his head. You bit on your lower lip and furrowed your brows. Where was he?
 “Are you alright?” Aragorn asked doubtfully.
 “Yes, I am,” you reassured him quickly. “It is just that my sword is broken, and I have no idea where Legolas is.”
You knew it was a terrible idea to take that weapon with you, but you just loved it so much. It was the one Legolas gifted you. Neither you, nor Aragon understood how an Orc could break an Elvish blade as easily as it happened, though the harm was already done, and you could not turn back the time. Without a weapon, you decided to stick with Aragorn, hoping that your way will somehow cross Legolas’s.
And you did not even have to wait long.
However, you expected him to spot you first. That did not happen. When you noticed the look of horror on his face, your breath hitched, and you started to run. He heard your footsteps, and when he raised his head, his blue eyes widened. Within a second, he held you in his arms.
 “What is going on?” you mumbled into his chest, surprised by his strength. Legolas remained silent. You forcefully pushed him away, so that you could take a look at his expression again. His eyes held so much emotion, and you could not place them anywhere. “Legolas?”
 “They told me that they took you,” he whispered. You could feel how fast his heart was beating, and it scared you. You held his gaze, desperately trying to understand him.
 “Who? Who told you that?” you asked, confused.
 “The enemy. Those filthy little- They told me they had you. I- I did not know what to do,” he rambled, and you reached out to take his hand in yours. “I can not lose you, Y/N. You don’t understand, I can not lose you.”
Your heart softened. Still, you could not fathom what may have caused a heavy reaction like this from him. He was not the one to lose his head easily, and yet now he seemed terrified. He should have known that no one had the chance to take you away. He was an Elf, he would have noticed in an instant. He always knew when you were in trouble.
You stepped closer to him and hugged his waist, so he could wrap his arms around you again. You listened to his breathing for a while and just enjoyed the closeness of his body to yours. He placed his chin on the top of your head and tightened his hold around you.
 “I don’t want to disturb your peace, but we don’t really have time for cuddling right now,” you heard Aragorn’s voice behind your back. He patted Legolas on the shoulder as he walked by, sending him a short smile. Legolas nodded.
The two of you shared a tent for the night. It was almost completely dark inside. You could barely make out Legolas’s features as he observed your broken sword. He held it up, then he lowered it and looked up at you.
 “It can be fixed,” he stated. Though you could not see, you heard him smiling.
 “But when? It is an Elvish blade, and we are far from your home. I have nothing,” you complained. He held out your weapon and you took it from his hand.
 “Use mine,” he offered.
 “There is no way,” you shook your head immediately. “I am not taking yours, Legolas. You need it. I will just buy one here.”
 “I would still have both my daggers, and I mostly use my bow anyway,” he shrugged. “My sword is made from the same material as yours. I do not want you to fight with a weapon you don’t know.”
You sighed. He had always been protective over you, but since the battle, something has changed. He did not take his eyes off you for a second.
 “What?” he asked, noticing your silence immediately.
 “You are acting strange,” you answered honestly, and lowered your voice until it was nothing more than a whisper. “I may seem fragile to you, Legolas, but I am able to handle any kind of a sword, and you know that. What ails you, my love?”
You desperately tried to make out his expression, though it was too dark for your Human eyes.
 “I- I know it may sound foolish,” he inhaled deeply. “I just had this dream the other night that you got wounded, and- I do not feel good about allowing you to come here with me, Y/N. If something happened to you, I would never forgive myself. You could be safe at home.”
 “I could be, but I would much rather be with you anywhere than apart from you, Legolas,” you shook your head.
 “You are in danger.”
 “And so are you. So is Aragorn. So are all these people that need any help they can get. I do not wish to sit at home when I know that you are out on a battlefield. I am a warrior, I have always been. This is where I come from,” you explained. For some reason, your chest felt heavy. You swallowed.
 “I know, yet I fear for your safety, meleth-nin.” Legolas lowered his head. You knew what he thought about. You were a Human. He was an Elf. You were doomed to die one day, and he was terrified of losing you.
There was no point in having that conversation again in circumstances like this.
You placed your sword next to his, and then reached out to grab his arm. He understood your wish. The two of you shared a blanket as there was not enough for everyone, but neither of you really minded. The warmth of his body was better for you than another blanket, anyway.
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flwoie · 1 year
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🫂﹒ One way for gems to fuse is by dancing. Heeseung can’t really fuse but at least he can help you get over your fear of dancing in front of someone. ﹒♡
P. half-gem! heeseung x human!reader G. fluff steven universe au S.S. « so i was listening to the ost and i got reminded of this episode from the show so i felt like writing it. a certain someone told me to biased and just write about heeseung so i did 😁 also thank uu soph for proofreading (literally the best beta reader to ever exist 🖤🖤) WC. 0.6k
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Because Heeseung is half-gem, he can practically do anything a gem can, including summoning weapons, bubbling, shape-shifting, and other inhumane abilities. But when it came to fusing, he was convinced he couldn't do it.
"Synchronize!" Pearl declares as she observes Heeseung's attempt to fuse with Amethyst. Amethyst lifts him, causing her to drop him inadvertently afterward. They laugh it off before Pearl commands them to take it seriously. A second attempt was made, but no fusion could be made as she lifted him again.
As the gems lead him through their fusing choreography, he pays close attention to them. While carefully following along, he finds it difficult to copy the choreography. Regardless of how challenging it may seem, he still manages to keep up with the gems despite their rapid pace.
"I don’t understand; I nearly had it!" Heeseung exclaims during his break. As he settles onto a stool, he wipes the sweat from his face. "Nobody expects you to form fusion right away," Pearl says, sitting down next to him as she explains. She muses over the possibility of Heeseung fusing. She questions whether his body is capable of fusing. Fusion merges the physical forms of gems, but Heeseung is half-human; although his body takes the form of a human, the only physical component of him is the gem in his navel.
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Heeseung joins you in the sand and begins to complain about how tough fusing is. "Can you get them to write out the steps?" you suggest while facing him. He adds that it is not about the dance, with a dejected look on his face. He says while interlocking his fingers, "When they fuse, they illuminate and melt into one another. He says hesitantly, "I am not even sure whether I am capable of that.”
You exclaim with enthusiasm, "Well, I think it's amazing how you're able to dance with them! I could never." He acknowledges your presence and approaches you. "What do you mean?" he asks. As you explain your predicament to him, you turn away to avoid looking embarrassed. "I've never danced in front of anyone at all," you mutter. His eyes enlarge as you continue. "My school had a dance, and I was really looking forward to it! "But I couldn't bring myself to go," you admit, your expression showing dissatisfaction as you close your eyes. "I couldn't stop thinking about people staring at me."
"No one is staring right now," he utters. You open your eyes to see him staring right into your eyes. "Um, you are," you deadpan. He chuckles while averting his eyes. He gets his phone out and starts to play a soothing song. He moves away from you and speaks as he stands up. He covers his eyes with one hand and extends the other to you. "What I was trying to say was, come dance with me," he says, smiling.
You got flustered at his antics but eventually held his hand. He uncovers his eyes, and you two make eye contact. He brings you in closer, and you two move your feet back and forth to the beat of the song. He twirls you around and backs up. He sways to the melody, and you follow along. He could feel his face blushing, and you two came closer and turned each time you swayed.
Heeseung accidentally trips, which causes him to almost fall. You quickly catch him and hold him by his waist. Your faces have small proximity and form eye contact. You press your foreheads together and laugh it off.
You open your eyes as if you just woke up from a nap. You were still on the beach, sitting down. You noticed how your feet were a lot larger than Heeseung’s sandals. You picked up the sandal and compared it to your foot. "Heeseung, how come your sandals are too small for my—" you paused and suddenly realized what was going on, "your feet?" You quickly checked your navel, and there it was—Heeseung’s gem.
Heeseung finally fused, and he fused with you.
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enhypen masterlist
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valentine ~ h.s
i listened to valentine by laufey while writing this. and i highly recommend you do as well. this got me all in my feels and i hope it does the same for you &lt;3
i've rejected affection for years
and years
"you absolutely amaze me. you can't just do that to people, y/n"
"and why not? it's my life- and last i checked i could do whatever the hell i wanted." you retorted back at your best friend who was shaking her head at you. you were spending your day off of work with one of your closest friends, secretly trying to make her head explode with your mind from all of her cristisim. your feet dangling on the back of the couch swiping through your phone, popping another grape into your mouth.
the tall girl was getting onto you for rejecting a guy who had been pining over you since you were 15. you guys had been playfully flirting with one another for some time, but you personally didn't take him seriously up until last year.
the two of you had gone on a couple dates, and while he thought things were going great, you just couldn't see yourself with him. hence the beginnings of this conversation because she had just found out that you had flat out stopped responding to the guy after he had said something that had irked you the week before.
"he's literally perfect for you! he's got the same sense of humor as you. he loves being outside. AND he wants kids."
"honey, i know you're trying to be helpful, but it's not that simple. i tried. i really did, but i couldn't. i just know when things click. i can feel them falling into place. but we were just a little too similar. we were butting heads, even this early into the relationship. he was hardheaded, so am i," sighing as you threw your phone down on the floor, your fluffy rug cushioning its fall. bringing yourself to get off the comfort of your sofa. padding into the kitchen, while speaking over your shoulder as you refilled your bowl with more snacks. "i'm indecisive, and so is he. the entire car ride would be spent with us saying 'oh i don't mind' 'whatever you want' 'it's up to you'. it drove me INSANE. and i figured he would finally get the message. hey! I really don't like you, and maybe next time think about what you're saying before telling me you were expecting something different with me. stupid asshole..."
"i think it's just cause you're picky. you guys would have made cute babies,"
"if you like him so much, then why don't you date him?" the slight jab made her throw her pillow at you, a loud laugh leaving your lips. grabbing the biggest cube of cheese you could find on your bowl, chunking it at her face a cackle leaving the both of you guys' lips.
now i have, and damn it
its kind of weird
"hey, honey..." the sound of your nickname rolling off your boys tongue made you smile softly, turning to face the brunette whose face was currently smushed against the sofa. you eyed his sleepy frame, feeling your heart melt as you saw all of his bouncy curls sticking out from his headband. "i miss you."
a soft scoff left your lips, quirking an eyebrow up at him. you set down your batter covered spoon, crossing your arms across your chest feigning annoyance. harry had just woken up from a nap, his eyes still puffy. he just kept on smiling up at you, your facade crumbling with every second you spent looking at his face. shaking your head at the boy, strands of your hair falling onto your forehead.
"you're crazy, h."
"crazy for you." it was almost laughable how quickly that boy was able to respond to your comments with cheesy lines. even after a year, he still treated you exactly like he had in the early weeks of your relationship. taking it upon himself to woo you every chance he got.
you tossed the rag you had used to wipe off cookie dough from your arms, the dark red fabric plopping on his head of curls. "mmm. those cookies smell delicious, honey…red velvet?"
"your favorite." making your way over to harry, running your arms over his as you wrapped them around him. swatting the rag off his head, his green eyes popping out from behind the rag a playful glint in them. he adjusted his position to where he was sitting up, trying to drag you closer to him. "h, baby, i'm trying not to burn cookies over here."
"the quicker you get over here the quicker you get back to the cookies," he teased, his voice still raspy from having woken up. you allowed the brunette to tug you onto his lap, your knees on either side of his waist nearly melting into him due to how warm and cozy he was. his hands quickly finding their place on the small of your back, his thumbs rubbing over the exposed skin a small shiver made its way up your spine.
"you know- i feel like you do this on purpose. you get all nice and comfy, so whenever you wanna cuddle me you just pull me in; knowing damn well i can't resist you. and next thing you know, i'll never want to leave."
"that's the plan, lovey." a small flutter made its way to your chest, blush dusting your cheeks as you nuzzled into his face pressing a soft kiss onto his forehead. harry let out a noise of appreciation, nudging your nose with his as he tugged you closer. "your mouth smells like chocolate... were you eating the batter?"
"shut it,"
he tells me i'm pretty
don't know how to respond
bright. so damn bright. a soft whine left your lips as you attempted to twist away from the sunlight burning your eyelids. after spending a couple minutes of trying to ignore the bright white light, you decided to make a better use of your day and attempting to get up. your bleary eyes making eye contact with an inked chest, stiffening slightly. a small sound left your lips, as you rubbed your eyes to see if it was truly real life or if it was just a dream.
"pretty girl... did i wake you?" a soft flutter erupted in your stomach, smiling sleepily at his choice of words. he wrapped his arm around your frame, tugging you close to him laying your head on his chest. a soft whine left your lips as you nuzzled further into his warmth, allowing your legs to entwine with his. "still sleepy?"
"mhmm... so warm."
"then go back to bed, pretty girl." the sound of his morning voice, and with your head on his chest made him sound so good. so unreal. it was heavenly. you lifted your head up just to press a soft kiss on his startled lips, a chuckle leaving the brunette. you locked eyes with his bright green ones, wanting nothing more than to just spend all day staring at him.
"you're so pretty..." the brightest shade of pink dusted your cheeks, shying away from his stare. he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss onto your face.
i tell him that he's pretty too
can i say that?i don't have a clue
it truly didn't matter how many times your eyes looked onto that man, you were absolutely breath taken every time. he was gorgeous. absolutely beautiful. every tiny little scar, and the dark ink coating his toned skin. slowly lifting your hand up to trail it over the exposed skin. you traced the outline of every tattoo you could get your hands on, leaving featherlike kisses on his chest after you had finished a tattoo.
harry had told you many times about how insecure he got at times, especially after being on tour and most of his outfits being quite tight on him. so if he did have something he wasn't happy with, he knew his fans would end up capturing it from every possible angle.
but you couldn't see it.
you just couldn't.
he always told you about how sometimes his hair annoyed him because it never wanted to style just how he wanted it. his curls were always sticking out, every which way. he didn't like the little wrinkles by his eyes, that showed that he wasn't as young as he was whenever he first started. but you loved every inch of that man.
you made it your mission to shower that man in as much love and endless compliments, knowing it not only made him feel good but you would be able to see his cheeks flare up a bright red.
which was huge plus in your book.
one things you did every once in a while whenever you felt he was a little down; press a chaste kiss on his forehead, down to his left cheek, and then to his right, and then a nibble on his nose. if he hadn't already interrupted your nibble with his own lips, you would press a much awaited kiss onto his awaiting ones.
with every passing moment, i surprise myself
im scared of flies
im scared of guys
someone please help
"you have to get your shit together,"
"you think i'm not trying? i'm fucking terrified..."
"of what..?"
"of falling in love. i'm scared to let myself fall in love, cause i know the second i let that wall fall down he's gonna leave."
"you can't think like this-”
"i know! trust me i know. i just can't stop... every single person that i've dated, has always broken my heart like this. its only whenever i allow myself to relax, that's when they do it." your voice wavered at the end of that statement, tugging at the loose hairs that were falling out of your bun. your best friend was currently trying to get you to calm down, her worried eyes scanning your distressed figure.
you and harry's 1 year anniversary was coming up, right after valentines day and you were absolutely stressed. everything felt too good.
a little too good.
you were scared shitless. you felt like everything in the relationship was great. amazing, even. but you couldn't stop your anxiety from being at an all time high. harry had been a little distance, not incredibly, but enough for you to be stressed.
"he could just be busy, hon."
"he always tells me whenever he's busy. i just- what if i did something wrong?" she pursed her lips as she eyed you, her demeanor softening as she was realizing how worked up this was getting you. she wrapped her arm around you, allowing you to lay your head against her. "i'm sorry i get like this."
"no need to apologize. we just need to work on your fight or flight mode. and hopefully turn the flight off of auto."
"it's not my fault-"
"i know, sweets. but you can't just prepare for the worst whenever you get the slightest thought that he could be 'leaving'."
"i know... i'm just so scared of getting my heart broken, that my defense mechanism goes a little haywire."
cause i think i've fallen in love this time
i blinked, and suddenly i had a valentine
the sound of something crashing behind you made you jump, hastily turning around in fear of what the sound was. a groan leaving your lips as you realized your basket had fallen over.
you were in the middle of trying to build your boyfriend a gift for valentine's day, and things were going pretty good. well. they were.
you had taken it upon yourself to make him a goody basket with all of his favorite things; some throws for his house, a couple of his favorite brand of candles, his favorite sweets, and even a little crochet cow that you had made yourself as a spur in the moment decision. all you needed to do was throw them in the basket in an organized manner.
as a spontaneous decision you wanted to tie some balloons on the back of the basket; awful choice truly. for some reason you weren't thinking about using something to weigh down the basket before attaching the balloons, and next thing you knew the basket was laying sideways in a puddle of paint.
"you've got to be kidding me," you uttered some curse words, hurrying to grab some paper towels from the kitchen and trying to wipe the red blob of paint on the front of the basket. to no avail.
"everything okay in there, lovey?" the sound of harry's voice made you stiffen, halting your hurried movements. you scrambled to chuck the basket into the empty coat closet, struggling to get the balloons to cooperate with the door. you could give two shits about the paint getting on your clothes, successfully getting the door to shut.
the sound of harry making his way down the stairs made you jump into hyper speed, hastily grabbing a half done project of yours and plopping some of the bright paint on it and smearing it around with your hands to make it look like you were doing something. harry stopped as he spotted you sitting criss-cross on the floor, a smile making its way onto his face once he realized the mess you had made on yourself.
"lovey... you do know the paint goes on the canvas, right?"
"jesus, honey you scared me. and for your information, yes i do. the paint just doesn't like to stay on the canvas." you pouted, looking up at your boyfriend who was dressed in nothing but a pair of black sweatpants. you offered the brunette a paintbrush, a cheeky smile sported on your face. "wanna join? i can't make any promises that the paint won't get on you."
what if he's the last one i kiss?
a soft gasp left your lips. a small chuckle left harry, his face buried against your neck as he covered every inch of your neck in wet kisses. your hands buried themselves in his curls, tugging softly.
"lovey..." the warning tone in his voice made you giggle, allowing your thoughts to encourage him. tug. "don't tell me that i didn't warn you,"
a loud squeal left your lips as he hoisted you into the air. his hands finding their place on your waist your legs wrapping around his waist as he made his way towards your made bed.
what if he's the only one i'll ever miss?
"i don't want to go on tour,"
"then don't" you bluntly stated, a small smile tugging at your lips. harry just shook his head at you, chuckling at your statement. the brunette was currently packing all of his belongings from his closet that he had wanted to bring with him on tour, stuffing the last of his toiletries in a small bag.
"you know its not that easy-"
"i know, h. i'm just joking"
"but i wish you weren't... i don't want to have to miss you." he mumbled, running his fingers over the exposed skin on your torso.
today was the last day before he went back on tour, one of his biggest yet. while he was excited, the thought of leaving you behind still made him want to second guess himself. he was choosing today to take advantage of seeing you.
spent the morning cooking you breakfast, bringing it to you in bed where the pair of you cuddled and ate some delicious pancakes. and for lunch he insisted on cooking some pasta for the two of you to share, which was delicious.
and now as the sun was hiding behind the horizon, streams of purple, pink and orange coating half of the sky. you guys were in your favorite lounge chair, with his head on your lap watching the sun go down. your hands were running through his locks wanting to remember every second of this.
his lips.
his smile.
his dimples.
and even just his scent.
maybe i should run, im only 21
i don't even know who i want to become
"i feel like i don't have my life together, whatsoever. all i do is paint, and substitute teach like a couple times a week..i'm not doing what i wish i was doing. i just feel like i'm back in high school again. trying to kill time by picking up a job so i could at least make money and be bored."
"honey, if you're not happy, then why don't you just go out and try to find a job in what you like doing." harry's words sounded muffled over the phone, but the message was still clear. you nibbled on your bottom lip deep in thought as you were looking at your last paystub.
"it's not that, h. i just don't want to be a burden for you-"
i've lost all control of my heartbeat now
got caught in a romance with him somehow
i still feel a shock through every bone
when i hear an 'i love you'
cause now i got someone to lose
god damn it say it back.
stop looking at him like a fucking guppy.
"i love you too." a soft voice emitted from the tip of your mouth, feeling a warm sensation course through your body. you hadn't even noticed that your eyes had watered until a tear escaped and made its way down your cheek. harry's face lit up, bringing you by wrapping his arms around your waist. the warmth of your bodies pressed up against each other made the room 10x hotter, wanting nothing more than to remove your puffer jacket and toss it across the room. the second your lips touched, you felt a small shock. like electricity making its way through every little vein in your body. allowing yourself to melt into his embrace.
that was the first time he had ever uttered those words and dear god if those were the most holy words you had ever heard in your life.
"i love you so much." harry mumbled those words onto your lips, his breath fanning your face feeling your knees buckled slightly as he tightened his grip on you. "are you glad i didn't say it months into us getting together?"
"i would have done it the first day if you let me," you teased, a rumble of laughter coming from harry who threw his head back in laughter. you joined in on his teasing, knocking into his shoulder. even though this moment was everything you could have ever hoped for and more.
there was the tiniest little voice whispering to you that harry could leave you at any second, and absolutely destroy you.
the first one to ever like me back
i'm seconds away from a heart attack
how the hell did i fall in love this time?
and honestly, i can't believe i get to call you mine
i blinked and suddenly
today was valentine's day, or as you liked to call it; one long ass anniversary day. you guys had officially been dating for over 3 years now, the best three years of your life. nevertheless, you were still terrified to see how harry would react to the gift you had made him.
that was your whole thing.
you love giving gifts.
absolutely loved it.
but you also took gifts incredibly serious. you just want everything to be perfect.
"before we went to dinner, i wanted to give you your gift. if you're okay with that." he chuckled, knowing you had been begging to shower him in gifts since you had woken up. but he wouldn't let you. he wanted to wait until after you guys had dinner.
you practically jumped into the air, almost breaking your ankle from your shoes. he just smiled at your newfound energy, practically vibrating from excitement.
"can i give you mine first?"
"absolutely you can, lovey."
after he had finished the first word you spun on your heels and made a break towards the couch. you would pay money to see what his expression looked him, as you proceeded to toss the cushions to the floor making small signs of approval as you found exactly what you were looking for. a small book; a beautiful leather cover that you had engraved yourself. h's initials were at the bottom of the spine. along with the title of the book; valentine.
"what in the world did you hide in the couch-"
his words were cut off by you spinning around with a nervous smile, showing the book to him. you felt like a toddler whenever they hold up something to their parents, a cheesy grin on their features. harry took the book from your hands as tenderly as he could, his fingers running over the intricate detail on the cover.
"love... wow. this is- this is beautiful. where in the hell did you find this?"
"i-i made it. i started working on it a couple months ago... i know how you're always trying to find new things to read. and to find inspiration for your songs. so i wrote you a book."
"you wrote me a book?!" the flabbergasted look on his face made you giggle. you went around the other side of the book so you could show him, turning the cover over so he could see that you had written it by hand. you had practiced over and over to make sure you didn't mess up the ink on the paper, or to ensure that you didn't misspell anything. "honey... i... my gift is gonna look like rubbish compared to this-this is amazing. this is the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me. thank you so much, i love you so much"
"oh hush. and of course honey, it’s no biggie... i love you most,"
"well... i- i don't even know how to follow that up." you giggled at what he said, pressing a soft kiss onto his cheek. his eyes were doe eyed as he stared at your face in complete adoration. you noticed a small movement from his hand, flickering down to a small box he had in his left hand. "y/n... i love you so much. you have been one of the best constants in my life. i've never been this happy; ever. seeing your face every morning when i wake up just further proves my point. i know that you're the last person i ever want to miss. the last person i want to have to kiss. you have made me into a better person. you taught me patience, and learning how not to take things for granted... and i really can't imagine being able to see you walk down the isle with anyone other than me."
he took that as his cue to drop down on one knee, his eyes brimming with tears. a small sob left your lips, drawing your shaking hands up to your mouth. he propped the box open, your eyes falling on the prettiest and daintiest ring you had ever seen in your life.
this can't be real.
"will you please... make me the happiest person on this planet- no... in existence and do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?"
a second passed by.
"i-what- of course! yes. yes! a million times yes!" you struggled to choke out, throwing your arms around the brunette who just let out a small cry as he held you tightly against his chest. he struggled to get the ring on with both of your hands trembling, small laughs leaving both of your tear stained lips.
and at that moment... your mind was silent.
there was no little voice.
no anxiety.
no second thoughts.
you knew. you knew that this is exactly as it should be.
i had a valentine
a/n: ahhhh! i haven’t written about the loml in forever, so please lemme know if you have any feedback. my requests are also open! feel free to spam me. thank you lovelies 🫶🏼
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raayllum · 7 months
I know you love The dragon prince and that’s great. I binged the show after season three released. I listened to podcasts about the show . I listened to yours and felt really happy when I found people who also liked the show. Unfortunately I fell of during the hiatus between season three and four. I am patient person but three years was long. Also I watched the show for rallylum and through the moon just kind killed my love for them.Then I found your blog and was really happy. Then I saw how you felt about the owl house and it bothered me. As a neurodivergent person the show made me feel really seen. I know it’s stupid to be upset about an opinion. As a person who wants to be an English major how do find parallels between relationships and characters. You talk about certain ones and I don’t see them at all. Your probably more seasoned as a writer than I am so
Ps : sorry this is long and hope tdp ends well in your opinion
Few things:
1) I'm also neurodivergent (hi!) - specifically Autistic - and I have also largely wanted to be understood my whole life, much like Luz (according to S3). While a show making you feel seen can certainly be wonderful, meaningful, and sometimes even life changing, to me that's not enough to make it a Good (per my subjective tastes) Show. That's not to say TOH is a bad show - far from it - but it's one that didn't appeal to my particular tastes due to 1) too many characters and not enough screentime, 2) a lack of theme (which many kids shows don't have a ton of because they're, y'know, for kids), and 3) all of the characters have very black and white morality, and that's just less interesting to me.
Being upset about opinions is very natural, and it's not stupid, but it is also important to acknowledge that 1) you can't control how anyone else feels or interprets things and 2) no one else can control how you feel or interpret things.
2) I adored Through the Moon. Rayla's tendency to leave (and why) is always a hurdle I expected them to have to tackle at one point, and given that it's her main character flaw, I'm really excited and happy with the way it's been handled so far and how TTM kicked it off. The graphic novel also really resonated with me in Callum's place, as I too have loved many of my loved ones through incredibly difficult periods regarding their mental health, and the graphic novel felt very honest about the toll that can take on both parties in different ways, and how love/support can help, but ultimately isn't enough if the person isn't ready (or willing) to start trying to get better. It's not an easy pill to swallow, but it is a realistic and important one and I've enjoyed how the show has continued that storyline with Rayla (and Callum) into S4 and S5
3) Being an English major is not for everyone! I know many people who love to read and who are very good writers where an English degree would not suit them at all. It's a lot of reading (by my final year, there were some weeks where I was reading an entire 400 page book roughly every week, if not multiple at the same time). It is also a lot of writing (and my professors regularly chewed me out for my grammar). You also tend to kind of double being a history major as depending on what you're reading, you learn a lot of the religious/historical/cultural context in order to understand the language, references, and messaging intended by the author (and then whether or how much to disregard it, lmao). Being able to analyze — to see connections between characters and themes in particular, but other forms of symbolism and messaging — quickly is probably the main thing that saved my ass and let me stay on Honour Roll throughout my undergrad.
I have also been writing pretty seriously for a long time (I 'started' at age 10 but only really count age 12 onwards, cause that's when I first started writing 70k+ drafts every 1-2 years for original WIP stuff). A lot of what makes a good writer is being a good reader, taking your favourite stories (books or otherwise — movies, musicals, tv shows, etc can be gold mines) and figuring out what works in them and why, or why you like them (or don't like them), etc.
For example: The Owl House is a primarily character driven > plot driven story. In book form, it'd likely be Middle Grade to early YA. It's interested in character relationships among the main cast (any of the more villainous characters like Belos are never given the same amount of development or screentime) and some mild worldbuilding. It has some social commentary (mostly on the school systems through Luz and mental health through Eda) and an overall theme of "being different is good," breaking away from abusive systems/dynamics, and the importance of solidarity.
If I compare and contrast this to TDP, The Dragon Prince is far driven in equal parts by the plot (because it's wholly serialized) and by character. It is also very thematically driven — most notably how to break intergenerational cycles of trauma and violence, but also self-destructive tendencies, abuse, responsibility, power, grief, and concepts of justice and punishment. This is also reflected in the fact numerous villainous characters (Viren, Claudia, etc.) share close to equal screentime with the 'good guy' protagonists and heavily explores morality across a decently wide spectrum. It thereby has a more mature tone in its subject matter and would easily be YA in book form.
Which is to say: the best way to get better at analyzing is to break characters down to their basic plot structures (Character A does this, they want that, Character B does this, they want that, etc.) and see what pops up (for example, in Avatar The Last Airbender, Aang and Zuko both cannot go home, and duel Ozai when they're 13 years old, ultimately refusing to be violent against their opponent). You can also look at similar personality traits (curiosity, selflessness, carelessness, etc). Practice looking at the stories you love and figuring out what works and doesn't work for you personally — and then go beyond relatability to look more at subtext and symbols. Some of the best things I've ever read were books that had nothing relatable to my personal experiences in them (like The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini), and that was why I loved them because they got to broaden my horizons.
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niiine · 2 years
Your relationship with them as Taylor Swift's songs. And oh, I've rushed some of them so please don't expect much. Love these guys so much. Enjoy? MESS AHEAD.
Scaramouche, Xiao, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Karma Akabane, Gakushu Asano, Nakahara Chuuya x Reader (Separate)
Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
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Scaramouche – Safe and Sound
People think it’s gonna be toxic. They think it’s gonna break you, that it’s wrong, That you’re wrong. That Scaramouche can never do things right. You sighed, it’s normal after all. The lad is giant a ball of anger and hatred. There’s no second thought about hurting his subordinates, about murdering his enemies — There’s no second thought when it comes to causing destruction, so of course, your friends would say that dating him is like putting a knife on your throat.
But they’re not there every time the sunset comes. On nights you feel his body crumbles before yours, how his arms held your figure tighter and tighter as nightmares devour his dreams, how he melts as your words assure him that you’re not leaving, that you’ll never let him go. It’s when everything that they’ve said is proven wrong.
But Archons, a knife on your throat is more enticing than witnessing the man you love so much breaks. Hearing his quivers and sobs are more terrifying than everything they’ve warned you about.
“I’m here. I’m not leaving,” he nodded, head planting deeper in your chest. You combed his hair with your gentle digits, whispering a soft phrase “Close your eyes, no one can hurt you now.”
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Xiao – Enchanted
Xiao is immortal. Xiao will live forever, unless battle take away his breath. Xiao will leave without you. A bitter laugh left your lips at the thought, followed by his name.
“You called?” He greeted you, eyes scanning your body before meeting yours. Ah, since when did you become so selfish? “I just wanna see you.” you stated, reaching out for his arms and guiding him near your figure. “You have a lifetime to see me.” you giggled at how his lips pouted, a small protest for his lies.
“Is it wrong for me to call out your name?” he shook his head, words failing to form. Only you have this power on him. Your head fall on his shoulders, and he enjoyed the warmth. It’s something he’s new to, something he’s not familiar with. “Xiao,” he hummed in response, ears focused on your voice alone. “Meeting you in this lifetime, is enchanting—” Xiao’s eyes widened, his golden orbs began to tear up. “Until I see you again, all I will be able to think of is your name.” Once again, you laugh at how selfish you are;
“Please, don’t be in love with someone else.” Your tender eyes fluttered close, and Xiao tightened his grip around your body. Silent screams echoing inside his head, screaming at fate for taking away all the things that keep him warm.
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Bakugou Katsuki – Exile
It’s a punishment, a lesson, and he knows that the two of you have ended up months ago. But he can’t keep his death stares away from you and the man you’re with. It used to be him.
“It’s Class A’s reunion, why’d she brought that shithead” Bakugo growled at Kirishima, piercing eyes directed at Monoma who’s holding your hand. “If you don’t like it, you should’ve work better” the redhead waived, turning towards your other classmates.
It’s peaceful night, really. But you can’t just shake off the feeling that he’s watching you. A glimpse on his direction and you’re right. Your eyes met, crimson ones softening for a moment, before whipping away. You sighed, are you being unfaithful to your lover? No, but you’re a liar.
You decided to have a refresher, unwinding a little outside wouldn’t be too bad. But Katsuki being Katsuki, he decided to ruin it. “That dumbhead? Seriously” he started, startling you. “He’s better than you” It’s an attack he can’t dodge, all because it’s true “And what? Like he can listen?” You looked him dead in the eye, whispering the words he’s oh so scared to hear. “Yes, Katsuki—” He’s searching for any sign of wavering in your tone. Of a chance for another try, but he knows that the two of you have always walked a very thin line, and it’s impossible.
“He’s the home I’m looking for.” And with that, he decided to help you walk out.
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Todoroki Shouto – Red
Adoring the number one hero’s son is a feat anyone can do, but loving him is only for you. Some claims that they do, some professed that they do, but only you can pull off a stunt so stupid as to love the two-toned hero. And if asked what it feels like being in a relationship with him, you’d say it’s the color wheel. A myriad of emotions and feelings that can be described by the shade or deep or softness of hues.
“You shouldn’t have.” You rolled your eyes on him as he gives you a stoic expression. “Yeah, I shouldn’t have, but the girls want to work this out.” You huffed, thoughts running back on how Ochako and Jiro pushed you to come and bring the lectures for today’s class to Todoroki. “We’re long done” You hate how calm he said it. As if accepting the fact that you’re no longer together is as easy as breathing.
Your mind hate how fast things are between the two of you. One day you’re happy in his arms, with red roses, beating heart, and crimson cheeks – and then the next it’s raining, grey skies and salty tears and monochromatic sadness. “I have to go, make sure you read the notes.”
“(Y/N),” He called your name and your movement was halted. How come your heart still hopes for something?
“Take care” You nodded, burning fire blazing in the back of your mind. You really gotta let go now.
He’s all you want, but you have to move on. A colorful autumn, fleeting, young, and fading.
Loving him was red.
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Akabane Karma – All you had to do was stay
It’s unfair. It’s so unfair. How can you love him so much it’s physically painful? How can he break and break and break you and still you want him with every piece he has made?
“I’m sorry, (y/n). I swear, I promise. I will not do it again. Please” You look at his eyes and regretted it in an instant. His apologies, his tears, it looks so real. Your heart wants to believe his words, to fall once again, to be his home again— but you can’t be dumb anymore. “One more, one more chance and I’ll prove that I’ve changed” He tried to reach out to your hand, but he has said goodbye before, and goodbye you will give.
“Akabane-san,” you started, and Karma’s heart sank at how you call him. Where’s the usual Karma? Where’s the you that is his? “You were all I wanted,” You smiled, but it’s a smile he never knew he’s be so scared seeing. “—but this? this is what you want.” His world crumbles at your words. He thought it’ll be easy having you back, that you love him so much you’ll forgive him no matter what, and God was he so wrong.
“It would’ve been easy for the two of us” you paused, trying to keep yourself together, before finally letting him go, “If only you’ve stayed” Your eyes sent daggers in his soul. Regret washed over his body as he looked at the girl who he used you to have.
“Because that’s all you have to do, stay.” Oh sweetheart, if only he knew.
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Gakushu Asano – Cold as you
He is perfect. A model student, a strong individual, he’s everything good in this world. And who are you to decline a flawless gift? He came barging and claiming you— a typical normal girl and a popular guy. But what could go wrong? Everything.
You’ve aimed too high, too far, but your feet never left the ground. How dare you desire Asano Gakushu? And now what seems to be a perfect day for you comes crashing down, rain pouring from your eyes. A few feet away, the flawless lad looks anything but perfect. His arms in the back of another girl, his gentle digits caressing her cheeks, doing what he wants because you’re not what he wanted.
So you walked away, ain't no use defending him in your thoughts, leaving a whimper enough for him to hear. Oh, how you wish he’d follow you. What a mess you are of a dreamer to hope he would.
And now you’re pulling yourself up, Asano decided to crash once again. Coming with a great little story of how sorry he was and that he really loved you. Fuck him and the way he comes easily to you. “(Y/N), please.” His lilac eyes pleading for your forgiveness, for another chance, as if the scars he left weren’t as obvious as it is. He says there’s no night he doesn’t think of you, that for days it’s always about you, that he needs you back, and you could’ve accepted him once more, but thinking back, you’re done being in a place as cold as him.
With the sternest look you could muster, with a façade you’re not so sure that could fool him, you answer his plea “You never did give a damn thing, but I cried for you—” more than a few nights, more than numbered days. “And that won’t happen again.”
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Nakahara Chuuya – Gorgeous
To say that Chuuya’s pissed is understatement. This guy’s patience is as short as him, and there’s no was in hell that he could last your teasing and taunting. And look at you, enjoying your night as if you’re not getting on his nerves. You caught his eyes staring at your, and it sent shiver down your spine— It’s Ocean blue and you’re drowning. With the alcohol kicking in, it’s easier to come near him and not feel so agitated.
“Enjoying the party babe?” Your voiced dragged at the last part, and ohh how his eyes looked so shocked and flustered. “Shut up.” He bites his lips, preventing the curses to escape. “Aww, you don’t wanna hear me speak? fine” you gave him a wink before walking away, trying to see if he can handle more of your antics. You spent the next few hours paying him no attention. One minute you’re all over him and then the next he’s invisible. It’s infuriating him how you’re talking to anyone but him. You’re really like your brother when it comes to pissing him off.
Dragging you out of the room, he berated you with questions. But God, you can’t say anything to his face, he’s just so gorgeous. “Come on, I won’t be able to control myself if I keep talking to you” You smiled flirtatiously, and Chuuya could feel his face burning up. “Take it as a compliment shorty.” You giggled, and all he knew is that he’s kissing you. Taking in the warmth of your lips and the taste of the whiskey you’ve been drinking. “I hate you for making me feel this way” his voice’s husky and deep, and you’re all over him again. The feelings you do nothing but suppress coming out in a wild song of emotions. “But what can I say?” He continued, pecking your lips once more “You’re so gorgeous.”
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] Spider / A Nightmare Downtown 3
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HiMERU: --......
Niki: ......
Rinne: ........
Kohaku: ......Ummm
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HiMERU: HiMERU thought he'd lose his lunch...
Niki: I somehow found myself sticking out of the floorboards too...
Rinne: ...Augh. My body, it feels like it's bent at an angle it shouldn't bend. Can anyone see it?
Kohaku: E-everyone, sorry...I just got a liiiiitle surprised~...
HiMERU: That can't be. The cause of shock weren't the ghosts inside, but Oukawa right beside us...We were blindsided.
Niki: Kohaku-chan's fists would be thrown whenever he was jumpscared by a ghost~. Even a skilled fighter would turn pale, that was a crazy barrage.
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Kohaku: That was...um...that was an accident…
Rinne: That's no good, that's just no good! At this rate our "ES Halloween" attendance is seriously gonna be in danger!
Niki: You're not wrong, if he was to go bonkers every time he's jumpscared then there's a chance he'd just do that the same day of the event~
HiMERU: --Also, at this rate the live performance may be impeded. This year the event is supposed to be made with attention to realistic details, after all. HiMERU doesn't suppose our costumes will be an exception to that.
Kohaku: There's no way you're expecting me to react like that at the live...
Rinne: Really? What's to say our costumes aren't gonna be like the ones in the haunted house? Are you gonna be able to keep a cool head when you're surrounded by a bunch of ghosts? Can you promise that you're gonna perform like normal?
Kohaku: Th-that's...well...
Rinne: Alright! In that case, we'll do some special training! No matter what motif or stage comes our way, we're gonna help you out Kohaku-chan!
Kohaku: Hah?! Special training...?!
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Kohaku: Jeez….why was I pulled into this mess….Not to mention, I don’t care if you call it training but staying at ES to tell stories is ridiculous! This is all for Rinne-han’s amusement, so why do I have to be put through all this….?! You think so too right, Niki-han?!
Niki: Unn….Uuuunnnn…
Kohaku: Hey, are you even listening to me? Niki-han.
Niki: Ah, just wait a sec! I’m trying to seriously think of what snacks I wanna bring with me here. Ummumumum…this is such a life or death matter~
Kohaku: What’s with you and your worrying. If you really can’t choose then isn’t it okay to choose both?
Niki: Kohaku-chan, aren’t you a genius?! You’re right! When in doubt, I can just take it all!
Kohaku: You were wondering which of these two to pick from, but why exactly did you need to bring all this?
Niki: Even if I picked from these two, I was still gonna struggle with picking from the two kinds of sweets. But, if I take everything with me, then I'm not gonna have that issue anymore. So! What's up? Didn't you want to say something earlier?
Kohaku: As I was saying. I don't get why we're getting pulled along Rinne-han's whims so easily.
Niki: Nyaha, that's true. Well, Rinne-kun offered me dinner so that's why I went with it~.
Kohaku: He said that he'd feed you but Niki-han aren't you the one that makes the food anyways? That's just being competent.
Niki: Nono, the issue is the cost of everything, not the fact that I'm making the food. Rinne-kun said he'd cover that for me!
Kohaku: I'm sure he's just gonna use "Crazy:B"s funds or whatever else he can get his hands on to cover that.
Niki: If I can eat a big full meal for free then I'll follow you anywhere, no matter what it takes~
Kohaku: Niki-han...Don't go being lured away now, ok? And don't go following some stranger either.
Niki: Nyaha. Don't expect me to be that greedy~ There's no way, Kohaku-chan.
Kohaku: That's unconvincing...Now then, since you've got all of your snacks and stuff ready, let's go to the practice room. I'm pretty sure Rinne-han and HiMERU-han are getting it ready. Actually, how did we get permission to stay here at ES anyway? It's unusual.
Niki: Rinne-kun went and talked to the Vice President then got special permission. I have no idea how he managed to convince them, but now that we have the permission can't we sit and train for "ES Halloween"?
Kohaku: Fuu~un. I'm more amazed at the fact that Rinne-han managed to convince the Vice President. Actually, why are we even training to begin with! I told you tons of times, I'm not scared. If I'm caught a little of guard, then a defensive instinct kicks up and my fists lash out. It's just a natural reaction.
Niki: Kohaku-chan, why are you so scared of monsters--I mean...why do you have that defensive instinct? I'm actually surprised...I didn't think you'd be bugged by those kinds of stuff.
Kohaku: ......
Kohaku: It's not that I'm scared, but maybe I'm so hypersensitive because of the time I spent in the zashikirou.
Niki: Zashikirou? Well, just hearing about it does make it seem kind of scary.
Kohaku: That's not it. It's not the place itself. When I was in the zashikirou, my only way to connect to the world was the internet. So I was always surfing the net. One day, I'd wandered onto a popular occult forum. All the threads there were full of disturbing expressions...my instincts just knew I was in the wrong place...but then a huge tragedy happened.
Niki: Tr...tragedy...?
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Kohaku: All my instincts wanted me to close the browser, but I really couldn't help but look around. Then there it was, a bunch of horrifying stories. There was one about a monster that took the form of a 2-meter tall woman*, and another about a seance that would happen if you played hide-n-seek alone**. Then there was an entire story about a vacant station that nobody knew anything about***.
Niki: Ohhh, so that's what you meant by "tragedy". So you saw it and got scared?
Kohaku: Arrgh. Niki-han, don't you think this is bad?! You idiot! All of these ghost stories take place in old-style Japanese houses or the countryside. Niki-han, do you even understand what it's like to read those kinds of stories in such a low light place?! You just don't get it!
Niki: That's....
Niki: (If it was that scary, then you really didn't have to see it...that's what I think...is this what they mean when they say "curiosity kills the cat"?)
Kohaku: This talk. If Rinne-han was to find out about it there's no way he wouldn't make fun of me. So keep it hush.
Niki: Nyaha. I won't say anything~. It's gonna be me and Kohaku-chan's secret!
(*): Kohaku here I think is talking about "Hachishakusama", a Japanese horror myth about an 8ft tall ghost woman dressed in a white hat and dress that abducts children. It's a little confusing because I'm not sure if 2-meters=8ft but it's the closest thing I could think of off the top of my head.
(**): What Kohaku is talking about here is more familiar to me. He's talking about "Hitori Kakurenbo", literally meaning "Lone Hide-n-Seek". The general idea of it is that it's a ritual set up involving a ghost possess a doll/stuffed animal, and you play hide-n-seek with that spirit. If you win then you survive, if not then the spirit possesses/kills you.
(***): If Kohaku here is talking about "Kisaragi Eki" then I think this is just a basic horror legend that surfaced in 2005(?) about a woman that takes a train and arrives at an empty train station (Kisaragi Station) that with no known activity and had no record of its existence. The story was told through an online comment thread somewhere but I'm pretty sure it's a famous story and there's movies made on it.
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peste-bubonica · 1 year
In the corpse spouse AU how did y/n and eclipse first interaction go? (I need drawing material haha)
Eclipse: *exists*
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It was loathe at first sight
But in all seriousness, I was gonna touch on this on next chapter, so I guess you can have this as a preview or something
Looking at him now, you can’t help but go back to when you first met him. You note, with no small amount of distaste, that despite the years that have passed, how little he has change.
The memories come unwillingly, feeling like hours in what were actually a few seconds. Images of a blue sky with white, fluffy clouds, people waking around minding their own business; screams of terror coming from children running out the forest, slight tremors beneath your feet in their wake. Your parents taking you home in a desperate run.
It wasn't until a few days later, when things had calmed down, that you saw what had caused such panic in the people.
You were called to deal with a new wealthy folk, one that apparently had made your town their home during the panic that had occurred. You didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't... whatever this was.
Giant machinery with two legs and two arms, and while the fact that it had managed to get clothes that fit, the thing that most captured your attention was its head in the shape of a sun.
You would even go to so far as to call its face mesmerizing were it not for the dark scowl being aimed directly at you.
You don't notice the sneer you aim back.
Scoffing, it looks behind you, to the messenger that came to fetch you.
"This is the best this town had to offer?" He? It sounded like a he, spit out, as if disgusted he was even talking to them. The audacity! "I wasn't even expecting much, but this is just embarrassing."
Now normally, you would avoid most negative comments to rude people that sought your help, but this... this thing just directly insulted your abilities to your face, and was being unnecessary unpleasant! There was a lot you were willing to endure; this wasn't it.
"–Whatever. Fleshling, you will do-"
"Shut up." You spat, voice positively venomous; so much, in fact, the machine recoiled slightly, before narrowing his eyes, insulted by the audacity of the small (to him) human.
"What," He lowered his head slightly to look at you directly in the eyes, an you swore that even at a distance, you felt heat coming off of him in waves, "did you say?"
Unfazed, you stare back unblinkingly before taking a step forward and pointing at his face. "I said, 'Shut. Up'."
Growling, the unnamed thing shoves his head even closer, so much that if you extended your arm, it would touch him, and you had no doubt you would get burnt.
"Now listen here, you pest!-" Not giving him a second to continue, you shove yourself even further, hand just hovering a few inches off his face.
"No, you listen here!" You exclaim, interrupting him again. "You asked for me, not the other way around. You do not get to boss me around as you wish. My services only include advice and an easier way to form relationships in this community, I will not tolerate another insult." Taking a deep breath, you try and calm yourself before you say something you shouldn't, "If you have a problem with it, then you are free to do whatever you need on your own."
Never had someone made you feel so pissed in your life. Honestly, you had received worse from the older generations at the beginning of your job, but it was as if he activated the fight response in you. Now, you were starting to get a little worried at the lack of an answer.
He doesn't speak and his face is blank; you don't know what he is thinking, and you honestly can't decide if that's a good thing or not.
Had you been able to read his mind, you would definitely settle on the latter.
In his mind, it's as if he is just now truly seeing you.
When he first came those few days ago, he immediately rose to the top; no one dared question him. What he demanded was done, and so help anyone that showed any rebellious attitude; a glare, then he wouldn't get any more trouble from them.
Yet now, here you stood, young, foolish, weak human, criticizing his manners, having the nerve to interrupt him, even after all the intimidation he did; standing your ground despite the fact that you could undoubtedly tell he could burn you if you got any closer.
'This feeling...' Whatever it was, he hadn't ever felt it before, and by god, he didn't want it to stop. The closest he had felt to this was that fateful night when he became free.
Making up his mind, he finally connects back to his body, noting that your eyes were less irritated but no less fierce. Smirking, he goes back to his full height, easily towering above most of the houses.
"Fine, then. Let's get to work, miss...?"
The sudden change takes you off guard, he can tell, if only because he was looking so intensely at you, otherwise he would have missed it. He didn't really need your name, the pathetic human that had gone to get you had only told him your surname, however.
Pity, he was hoping to get your name. No matter, he will get it from you one way or another. For now, he would enjoy this new feeling that seemed to be related to you.
"Pleasure. You will call me Eclipse."
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elirastudio · 2 years
Shadow King Au
Ok l'Il come clean! Im very proud of this mini story! Hope you enjoy it!!
Sun Wukong was finally free! He was out if that dreadful cell! He away from those chains!
Away from…
from him
He was conflicted and somewhat sad… why? Why was he so sad? This is what he wanted!! Wukong growled
“Can you leave me alone” he turns to the small monkey king, who’s leaning on the side of the peak of the mountain he was on, twirling his tail around “FOR FIVE MINUTES?!?”
“Nope, I just want you to see what you’re doing is wrong!!”
“Why because its not the path to enlightenment?”
“No, because you are hurting the one you so say we love”
“ARGH stop making me feel bad!!”
The young monkey smiled at the fact that his talk was working. But it wasn’t enough, he need something or someone to bring his older self back to earth…thats it…
“You know…you’ve became impolite”
“Seriously?” Said Wukong with a irritated tone
“You haven’t thanked the kid…for freeing us…”
Wukong was shocked at the young king’s wording. He chuckles and smirks. The young king felt bad for what he suggested but it needed to be done.
He didn’t wanted to leave home he wanted to stay with his dad and be a family with him…he feels like he disappointed him so much! Hiding from his father, the generals, his friends and the pilgrims. He didn’t wanted to be seen right now not by his friends and especially not by his father
‘Stupid…why didn’t you listen?’ Mk thought to himself bringing his knees towards his face.
“Xiaotian!! Xiaotian come back!!” He heard Macaque from far far away worried about him. “Xiaotian please I’m not mad!! Xiaotian!!”
‘Im sorry, dad’ Mk thought, he knew his dad’s ability to hear from afar no matter where he was.
Mk suddenly got a headache and everything went gold. He knew what this meant. Looking at the shoes of of the monkey who caused all this pain.
“HEY BUD!! How you doing?!”
Mk looked at Wukong with a look he never would’ve imagined he’d use, complete and utter venomous glare. Wukong smirked and held his hands up.
“Woah now kiddo, you still upset about what happened? Yeah I moved from that like…immediately” Wukong said with a chuckle and a shrug.
Mk looked away and Wukong continued
“Listen, I forgot to thank you properly for freeing me! Boy, without you I wouldn’t be able to see the sun!”
“Thank me?…you MADE me free you and you made me DISAPPOINT EVERYONE AND MADE EVERYONE ANGRY AT ME and all you can say is THANK YOU?!” Mk shouted not caring at all if his father heard him or not. He was tired, hurt, angry, confused and had enough lies and secrets!
“W-why are you angry at me? I never lied to you, kid”
“YOU HURT ME!! HOW IS THAT BETTER THAN LYING?! AT LEAST MY DAD LIED TO KEEP ME SAFE!!” Mk shouted crying his eyes out. Wukong looked shocked at the boy. He didn’t expect the kid to shout like this…it had feelings that he relates towards. Nevertheless he continued.
“Your ‘dad’ lied to you…he doesn’t trust you enough to know what happened”
“My dad trust me…he LOVES me! That’s why he lied! thats why he kept secrets! It was to protect ME” Mk stood up and looked at Wukong’s shocked and stunned face.
“Xiaotian, I was with you all the way…I helped you with a lot of things”
Mk just held his head and growled at the monkey. His eyes filled with tears falling down.
Wukong didn’t expected those words to hurt more than- well at all. He had this planned for the last 18 years of the boy’s life and now that it’s complete he should be happy and move on, take revenge on those who hurt him, revenge on Macaque for sealing him, revenge on Guanyin for creating the migraine spell and the cursed fillet, and revenge on the the monk, the Golden Cicada, no matter how many times the bastard reincarnates he will kill them. But seeing the boy cry like this reminded him of himself and how much pain he was in during his time with the cursed monk…
“I DID EVERYTHING FOR YEARS TO HELP YOU SEE THAT THE SIX EARED MACAQUE ISN’T TO BE TRUSTED! IT’S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!” Wukong stopped as he shouted at the boy. He said the dreadful frase that the monk used to use.
Wukong was about to respond when he heard Macaque’s call to the boy.
“XIAOTIAN!! XIAOTIAN YOURE OK!” Macaque ran to the crying boy not noticing his golden eyes where still activated.
“Dad…Dad I’m so sorry..”
Macaque looked at his son and noticed his golden vision was activated. He hugged Xiaotian, his tearful face on the king’s chest, he looked at where his son was facing before he got there and glared knowing fully that Wukong was watching them. Wukong saw the tears on the king’s face. His stomach fell.
“Why did you do this to him?…He did NOTHING TO YOU!…and yet you hurt him…”
Wukong stopped the astral projection and took a minute to reflect on what the kid told him.
“So…was it worth it?”
I love this you should be super proud 💕✨
It’s so soft ~ in a way.
Like little spoiler.
When wukong will be free, he and macaque will beat the shit out of each other like emotionally and physically
“Oh no you’re not “
Obviously guys macaque can’t leave wukong be free in the wild, or the wild will implode.
And they will almost level FFM
MK? You may ask
Well he will try to not get involve, to obviously get involved and then there is going to be so much angst to write about uhh
When I’m done with commissions I will make this comic I swear
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