#'cause it's always just. nice to see happy ending alternatives
fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
Good Omens graphic novel update: May 2024
Happy 34th birthday to Good Omens - published in May 1990. We don't need any extra reasons to celebrate Aziraphale and Crowley, but we're always happy to find some.
Thank you to everyone who has completed the PledgeManager so far; as mentioned, this will be open through 2024 into early 2025 to complete. A few key queries that have arisen in the past month:
I ordered via Kickstarter, but when I go onto PledgeManager, it is setting me to Human Tier and/or asking me to pay again. Please check the email that you are using on PledgeManager. The email to access PledgeManager must be the same as the one you used on Kickstarter for the system to connect your account to the order; if your email is not showing a prior order, please try your other emails, or drop us a message from the account you pledged on (and are, presumably, reading this from!) and we can confirm the email address linked to your pledge.  
I have been charged twice for shipping. What do I do? We have raised this with PledgeManager, and they say it is a known issue that can occur via Stripe, but it is easily fixed. Please contact [email protected] with information on your order, and note that your shipping has been charged twice, and their system can verify this and process the refund swiftly and easily.  
I need to change my address. How do I do that? We have left the option to update your shipping address open on PledgeManager and will do so for as long as possible. Per PledgeManager, here is a step-by-step on how to change your address: Return to your survey (which you can also do by visiting my.pledgemanager.com and using the ‘Forgotten Password’ option if needed) and scroll down on the receipt page. There, you will see the below button. After clicking that, you will be taken to the first page of the survey and will just need to click through to the shipping page. On the shipping page, you can use the ‘Create New Address’ button to enter their updated address. 
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If you have any further issues or queries, visit the central FAQ page as your first port of call.
Good Omens items...
The desk at Good Omens HQ is slowly filling up with prototypes, the latest of which appears to be as popular as Aziraphale and Crowley, and for good reason. We are, of course, talking about the ducks. Here's an early version of the duck mug:
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We've got some early prototype designs of the trading cards too. Illustrator Steve Gregson has begun work on the base card deck illustrations, to be unveiled in future, and designs for some of the variants are fully underway. Here are some early samples of graphic novel variant cards from Colleen Doran, and Rachael Stott's Crowley:
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The base packs (Hellhound+) currently include 80 cards, and have caused quite heated games with those who have test-played it so far on their attempts to thwart (or indeed cause) the apocalypse. Hellhound+ backers will also get a booster pack alongside the main game. Rarities for sharing at random in these orders are shaping up nicely too. Hoping to share some of the base pack design imminently.
If you've been wondering what your other alternative cover choice is, alongside Rachael Stott's (Serpent+), then wonder no more: here is Frank Quitely's take on Aziraphale and Crowley, ready to shine on your shelves.
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Update from Colleen
We often end with an update from Colleen, whether that's her art, or her shots from her studio. However, we thought it was about time we invite Colleen to update you herself, so we are handing the rest of this month's over to your ineffable artist for a glimpse inside the process of making Good Omens. Enjoy.
As you may imagine, I’m having a wonderful time working on the Good Omens graphic novel. The Dunmanifestin team asked me to pop in and give you a look at my process.
The task of adapting a beloved novel into graphic novel format is a complex, wonderful sort of pressure cooker. Even without the well-publicized complications I got smacked with over the last year, it promised to be an intense, time-consuming project.
The graphic novel is about the book and not the show. Getting Michael Sheen and David Tennant out of my head was quite a task. I’ve seen it dozens of times and I adore it, but I to had devote a lot of time to re-reading the novel and listening to the audiobook to clear my head of them. 
The few times I allowed myself to watch the show again screwed me up a bit. So, I won’t watch it again until I am completely finished with every drawing. Maybe a view-a-thon will be my reward for finishing the book. 
But I’m getting ahead of myself. There’s still a lot to do, so let me show you it.
Before we knew the Kickstarter fundraiser would do well, the graphic novel was to clock in at 164 pages. After the good news of the Kickstarter success, I got permission to take the story to 200 pages. That meant a major rewrite and redraw on some dozens of thumbnails and layouts.
And you guys are getting a much longer book.
Not complaining one bit. I was so happy to get more space to give breathing room to the ending.
Anyway, here's a look at my workspace.
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To the left is my laptop computer with the script. The laptop is connected to my graphics computer via ethernet, and all my reference is on the main system, from which I share files.
On my older projects, I dutifully printed out every bit of reference. I think this is the first project where I’ve done all reference and organizing on my MAC.
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As you can see, I draw comics the old-fashioned way – by hand – and there is my script on the computer.
But I do all the coloring on this project on the MAC. I know some people hate Photoshop, but even if I wanted to switch, I don’t have the time to dive into a new system.
That entire box with all the narrow drawers in it you see there contain Good Omens pages in varying degrees of completion. Finished pages are at the bottom with layouts, pencils, and partial inks toward the top. The middle drawer contains templates, French curves, and a ruler.
The box isn’t fancy art studio equipment. It’s just a Childcraft brand puzzle storage rack. I realized a long time ago the heavy wooden bookcases, puzzle racks, and construction paper storage made for children’s classrooms made great modular storage for professional art spaces. It’s solid as a rock, heavy so little children can’t tip it, and I can move it and rearrange my space however I like.
The final art is drawn on 11”X14” Strathmore 500 acid free Bristol.
I do all my prelims as tiny “thumbnail” sketches, some in ink, some in very loose pencil. I keep them organized in this Levenger notebook. The thumbnail paper is both Canson brand, and Blue Line Pro, and both are acid free. Blue Line Pro is good for ink, but Canson is better for pencil because it has more tooth. I usually use Canson.
Using the Levenger hole puncher, I perforate my pages and keep them organized in a Levenger Circa system. It’s pricey, but I love it. There are other brands far less expensive, however.
The ruler shows how tiny the thumbnails are.
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If the storytelling is clear at this small size, then it will be clear in the final.
I redo quite a bit as I go along, as you can see from the sequence below.
From thumbnail:
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To pencils:
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Since I did multiple rewrites, adding a large section at the end and popping in earlier scenes I originally had to skip, this meant redoing almost all the page numbers about 4 times.
Nearly went barmy.
I use the construction method of drawing, as you see. This is an old-school technique. Some people seem to assume that artists always use computers and tracing for their drawings, but most cartoonists of my generation work extemporaneously. There’s quite a bit of noodling around and searching in the sketches. Using too much reference often results in stiff, dead work.
In comics, it’s very important to make sure you’ve considered word balloon placement when designing a page. The script for Good Omens is more copy-heavy than most modern comic book scripts because I want to preserve as much of the clever original language as I can.
Here I scramble about working out the word balloon space allowance.
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Here’s a deeper look at the process for page 2 from thumbnails to final color.
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Now here is where things get a little weird. What you’re about to see is a process called flatting.
If you color a comic without first flatting the art, you are consigning yourself to many extra hours of labor and frustration.
Flatting is a way to tell the computer to select areas inside the black lines so that whenever you click on that particular color, you can paint inside that area perfectly. Since the computer only understands 1 and 2 - or on and off - when you tell that computer to stick to that area, that is what it will do.
There are computer programs that you can use to create your flats. I use Multi-Fill. The results are uniquely ugly, but they get the job done. Here is what that looks like.
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Absolutely hideous.
But pretty much all I have to do from this point on is click each block of color and change it to whatever I like. The result is this:
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I also experimented with selecting areas of the line work as color holds, but I’m getting into more complicated color technique than we may have time for at this point. But from here, I can start painting.
And the painting stage looks like this.
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Since I wasn’t entirely sure exactly how I wanted to approach this color style, I took screen shots of some of the changes I made as I went along. In the shot at the left, I’ve given Aziraphale’s heavenly self a golden glow by using a color hold on the line. But I found it needed more contrast to make his figure pop, so I darkened it in the next shot.
I use the computer to create the initial flats, but I either do the final flats myself, or I have help from Julmae Kristoff and/or Dee Cunniffe.
The flats are (usually) not intended to be part of the final work. They are a technical tool.
For example, here are the original, computer-generated flats for one scene in Good Omens.
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And here are the secondary flats by Julmae Kristoff.
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And here is my final color work.
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Since I’m running behind on the book, I’ve brought in Dee Cunniffe to do some extra color work. He is a wonderful colorist, as well as an excellent flatter. I’m not sure to what extent I’ll be handing pages to Dee at this point, because I’m very controlling, and I want to make absolutely certain there are no stylistic anomalies in the art, and I want all the Crowley and Aziraphale pages for myself, is that too much to ask?
I use Faber Castell Pitt Artist pens for my inking. I sometimes use an old-fashioned crowquill as well, but Faber Castells are easier to control, and the ink uses real pigment instead of dye like many markers. All of my originals are created with longevity in mind: acid-free and lightfast. I want the drawings to be fade-proof.
And that is a quick tour of the work so far.
A thousand thanks to Neil Gaiman and the Dunmanifestin team for their incredible kindness and patience, and that goes double for all Good Omens supporters out there. Your indulgence is appreciated more than I can adequately express. I am truly sorry to have been the cause of the delay in the book, but I can only make it up to you by doing my very best.
And that is what I am doing.
BTW, many years ago, I found a little yellow duckling who was getting beaten up by the other ducks, so I saved him and took him to my home to live until my parents adopted him, since they had a nice yard and a pond, and I didn’t.
He had a birth defect and could not fly, which is probably why the other ducks were pecking at him.
He got to stay in the family house, and eat goldfish crackers, and swim in the tub. Eventually they built him his own house. We called it the Duck Majal.
He lived for ten years.
I named him Fred because I’d been watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s when I heard him quacking for help that day we met, and Holly Golightly’s brother was named Fred.
So, here’s to you Fred.
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Until next time.
651 notes · View notes
heizlut · 7 months
Me & The Devil
*an alternative (and more toxic) version of the original
TW: dark content, heavy manipulation, twisted behavior, gaslighting, somnophilia, dacryphilia, proceed with caution
tags: switch yandere fem!reader, yandere dom!dottore, mostly proofread sry for any mistakes
word count: 4.5k
nsfw under the cut
a/n: this is an alternative version of the original which means some things are the same but with new additions and a different ending. both versions are equally fucked up.
check out my masterlist here!
Who would have thought that you would be the one to bring Dottore to his knees? He would do anything and everything for you. No one can recall just when you managed to get him wrapped around your finger. You both were the objects of each other’s depraved desires whether either of you knew each other’s intentions from the start or not. It’s hard to believe that anyone could match up to Dottore’s level of twisted manipulation, but you did, deliciously so.
You were always such a curious akademiya student; always off on your own and researching whatever you pleased. Your curiosity for the forbidden was becoming quite the talk at the akademiya. Your interest piqued when you found left over research notes from a previous student named Zandik. After asking around and getting strange looks from others, you were about to give up on your search for the man. You bumped into something hard causing you to drop the notes and files you had found and you land hard on your ass. When you looked up, you saw a tall man with blue hair wearing a mask that hid his features. You were immediately entranced by his mysterious aura.
He didn’t think much of you at first until he saw what had scattered on the ground. With a smirk, he held out his hand to you, “I apologize. I must not have been paying attention to where I was going.” You felt your heart race as your thoughts began to twist. You grabbed his hand, pretending to wince as though the pain from your fall was bit much to bear, “I should be the one to apologize. I’m the one who ran into you.” The man laughed it off and bent down to help you gather your papers to which you tried to quickly hide what they contained.
Your reaction made him raise an eyebrow under his mask, “What’s this? Do you have something to hide, little one?” You felt your face heat up at the accusation and the nickname. It felt like he could see right through you, but oh did it send delicious tingles right up your spine, “N-no.. It’s just-“ You sighed as you gathered your thoughts. “If you’d like, we could go somewhere else if you’d like to tell me about it?”, he offered with a smile that you couldn’t quite decipher. You nodded and gave a small smile in return setting your own plans in motion, “It would be nice to have someone to share this with. Thank you.”
You learned that the man was named Dottore. He listened to everything you explained with just a sly smirk on his face. The mask he wore made it hard for you to decipher his true feelings, but the fact that he had sat there and listened with some sort of intrigue to what you were saying made you feel like you were finally understood. He made no move to berate you for what you chose to have an interest in.
Little did you know that the files and notes you had found were all from him and his previous research from before he was expelled from the akademiya and changed his name. He was more than happy to entertain your curiosity. Initially, it shocked you when he offered his hand to you for the second time that day and asked if you would like to pursue your curiosities further with him as your mentor. Your shock morphed into secret satisfaction when you realized that you were getting the chance to act on your twisting thoughts. You gave him an innocent smile as you took his hand. That’s where it all began.
At first, Dottore kept some distance from you. You didn’t like that he did this. You wanted to be desired by him in the same way that you desired him. Little by little he began to cut you off from the rest of the world without you paying it any mind. It started with him offering for you to stay one night since it had gotten late and you had carefully feigned your worry about going home alone in the dark. You held back your giddy feelings and graciously accepted to stay.
Soon it became a habit to stay with him after long days of researching and experimenting together. You had your own sleeping quarters, which you had found to be a disappointment, but you knew you could turn this in your favor. Dottore was good at hiding his true intentions and the dark things he was doing without your knowledge. He was so careful to show you only what he wanted you to see. But he didn’t know you had been doing the very same since the moment you laid eyes on him.
Next, he made an offhand comment about you just dropping out of the akademiya and studying under him full time. He had only said it when you came to his place after yet another tough day at the akademiya. You had walked in with a dark and tired look in your eyes, dropping your heavy bag to the ground with a loud thud. Dottore tilted his head slightly at your demeanor, “Would you like to share what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” His words felt like it had lit you on fire from the inside. You wanted to take what was just your typical tough day of study and craft your words in such a way that would keep you even closer to him.
You walked up to the table between the two of you and let out a dramatic sigh. You leaned forward, your elbows propped up on the table and your hand resting under your chin. You made sure to arch your back just enough to give off the appeal you wanted to portray and looked up at him innocently through your lashes. From there, you began to go on and on about how you wish you could fully pursue your true interests without interference. He listened to you intently; his eyes travelled subtly across your features, drinking them in. As soon as you finished, he told you to simply drop out and he would take care of you. You took a moment to realize your plan had worked and looked at him with such admiration when he made his suggestion. Your silence made him want to comfort you, so with his own carefully crafted words he smiled, “It’s all up to you. But just know… You’ll never reach your true potential if you’re trapped under the akademiya’s thumb.” You acted as though you were mulling over his words when in reality your fantasies were running rampant in your mind.
“I can give you everything you need. All you need to do is say the word.”, is what he said as he watched the gears turn in your head. You looked up at him in such a way that made his heart skip, “I’ll drop out. Just promise me that you’ll help me pursue what I want.” To anyone else, it would have seemed as though you meant that you wanted to pursue your true interests in your research, but in truth, your strongest pursuit was him.
The smile on his face grew as he made his promise to you. If you could see the look in his eyes without the mask obscuring your view, you would have noticed that his smile held insanity and obsession. He wanted you all to himself and he was finally getting closer to what he wanted. So were you.
Days turned to weeks, which turned to months. You and Dottore had each other so caught up in one's web of manipulation. Both of you were none the wiser of what the other was doing. You acted as though you were dependent on him, letting him cut you off from the world. When was the last time you had been outside with the sun warming your skin? You laugh at the thought. Why would you care when you had everything you wanted right here? You would do literally anything to have Dottore all to yourself. You both kept each other close as he helped you get further along with your research. He gave you everything you wanted, no questions asked. He was oh so good to you. He never even asked for anything in return, to your own dismay...
It actually bothered you. Why wouldn't he ask anything of you? He could demand you to get on your knees for him and choke on his cock in return for what he's done for you and you'd do it happily. But he never did... You began to hint that you would like to return his many favors, but Dottore would just brush you off with a laugh and a smile saying that seeing you happy with what you were accomplishing together was more than enough. You felt conflicted at the words. They were sweet which must mean he felt something for you right? But you were also conflicted because you wanted him to just take what he wanted from you. One thing you failed to notice as the way his gaze on you would change when your back was turned from him. The way it travelled down your body, taking in every inch and curve, committing it to memory... It was dark and hungry...
You formulated a sly little plan in hopes of getting his attention. You reached up to grab a new test tube from a shelf that was just out of your reach. Making sure the little skirt you wore rose up to expose a bit of the roundness of your ass. Your breath hitched with excitement when you felt a hand touch your waist. A hard chest pressed up against your back. Hot breath on your neck... "Let me get that for you." His voice sent tingles straight to your aching cunt. Dottore had never touched you like this before... Your thoughts swirled in a frenzy in your mind. Fantasizing about him bending you over right there and fucking you senseless. You must have been silent for too long because he let out a breathy laugh, the test tube held in front of your heated face, "Aren't you going to take it, dear?" Your cunt clenched around nothing as you bit your lip and took the test tube from his hands, muttering your thanks.
His hands lingered, moving down your body. You tried to contain yourself when you swore you felt something hard poking your ass. Did he really want you as much as you wanted him? You wanted to look at him, see what kind of expression he had. You began to try and turn around only to be pushed further into the shelf, the spare glassware rattled from the impact. Dottore's sly smile that played upon his lips. The dark look in his eyes... Everything that was happening made your breath quicken. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours, huh? Anything you want to share?", he was taunting you. He wanted to push the boundaries with you. You blushed hard. You were finally getting the attention you desired but you couldn't get the words out. He stepped away from you with a small laugh, "You don't have to tell me. Your face says it all." With one last smirk, he walked away, leaving you flustered.
Nothing else happened for awhile after that. This bothered you greatly. Fuck... You were so close to getting exactly what you wanted, yet you had to go and fuck it up by being unable to speak. But with what had happened, your fantasies ran rampant in your mind. You felt yourself grow slick with arousal as you lay in your bed. You kept replaying the way he had looked at you, the way he touched you... You let out a frustrated groan when your fingers just weren't enough to bring you over the edge. You wondered if he was laid up in his bed fantasizing about you in the way you were of him. You let yourself fall asleep, frustrated, sexually and emotionally.
Dottore stood there over your sleeping form. His cock stirring to life as he rubbed himself through his pants at just how innocent you looked as you slept. You rolled onto your back in your sleep, muttering his name. His eyes squeezed shut as he palmed himself with more pressure. You had said his name in your sleep. You must have been dreaming about him. Dottore lets out a groan of satisfaction. His sweet little student was thinking of him in their sleep... He pulled his heavy cock from his pants, pumping his length over your sleeping form. Little did he know, the slick sound of him jerking off and his soft deep grunts woke you. You opened one eye just enough to see his eyes tightly shut and his large hand wrapped around his cock. You wanted to use this to your advantage. You wanted his cum. Needed it.
You let out a soft breathy moan of his name, causing him to release all over your face with a choked groan. You did your best to act as though you were still asleep and simply dreaming of him. He smirked as he kneeled down next to you, tucking himself back into his pants. He admired how much prettier you looked with his cum splattered across your sweet face. Dottore takes his finger, running it through his release. Once he gathered enough on his finger, he gently pressed it into your slightly parted mouth. It took everything in you to not suck his finger and swirl your tongue around it to taste everything he was giving you. He hoped you would wake up with the taste of his essence still on your tongue. He removed his shirt and used it to gently wipe the remaining cum off of your face (much to your dissatisfaction). He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead and whispered, "Sweet dreams, little one."
You woke up the next day with the taste of his cum still on your tongue. Your needy little pussy was soaked and aching to be filled by his cock. Images of Dottore touching you even more than he did that day in the lab up against the shelves, kissing your neck and down your body as his hands gripped your hips. These fantasies were eating you alive, but now you knew for sure he felt the same. Why else would he do what he did last night? You got up from your bed and make your way to the shower. Your clothes dropped to the floor and you let the water run down your body as your thoughts flood your mind. He consumed your life and you hoped you consumed his just as much. You were in so deep now, there was no going back. Not like you wanted things to end right when they had started getting good. You needed him. He needed to be yours. No one else's.
The days passed by and you felt as though you were going fucking insane. He made no new moves on you and things felt as though they took several steps back from the progress you thought you had made. Little did you know that Dottore was planning even more in his twisted mind. He was being so careful with his manipulation. Giving then pulling away. He wanted to drive you crazy and make you feel like you needed him in order to survive. He wanted your thoughts to be on him and only him. It didn't take long for you to notice him touching you more frequently. His fingers lingering as if he wanted to memorize the way you felt against his fingertips. He began pressing himself against you as he passed behind you. The feeling made you almost feral. Did he not realize your cunt was constantly soaked and dripping because of him?!
You made sure to dress a little more provocatively to keep his attention and his touches frequent. You were subtle enough to keep him guessing if you were dressing like this for him or if your style was simply changing as time when on. Archons did he hope you were doing it for him. One evening you sat across from Dottore, pushing your food around your plate with your chopsticks, caught up in thoughts of him pushing the dishes off the table and fucking you right there. He studied you curiously, wanting to pry into your sick little mind, "Is everything alright, dear? You know you can tell me anything. I'll listen." You snapped out of your dirty thoughts, looking up at him with a dazed expression. You rubbed your thighs together to ease your aching pussy, the frustration bubbling up to the surface, tired of playing fucking mind games, "What are we doing." He tilted his head slightly at your words, he sensed the frustration and wanted to push you further, "Whatever do you mean? We are research partners. I am your mentor. Does that not satisfy you?"
Your face heated up and you clenched your jaw. What was his deal? Didn't he want you like you wanted him? You took a deep breath and tried to compose yourself, "Thank you for everything you've done for me. I.. I guess I am satisfied." Before you could continue, Dottore cut you off, his palms pressed against the table as he leans over it, "Always so humble.." He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and leaned in even closer to your face. Your expression a mix of frustration and confusion. "Too bad I'm not satisfied", his tone dark. Your thoughts run wild yet again and he smirks, "Be mine. I can give you even more than what I give you now. After all... It's only fair... You owe me so much..."
You swore your pupils dilated, your breath quickened, and fuck, you were dripping. Dottore thought he was so clever for everything that had happened leading to this point. A sick smirk on his face which turns to slight confusion when your lips curl into a smile. You looked just as crazed as him. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to decipher just what exactly was going on. Before he could ask you, you closed the gap, slamming your lips against his in a heated kiss. Dottore gasped in surprise but it slowly morphed into a low groan as you gently bit down on his bottom lip. As you finally broke away, breathing heavily, he got up and quickly made his way over to your side of the table. He grabbed your wrist pulling you up and pinned you roughly against the wall.
The look on his face should have scared you, but it only served to make you even more wild for him. Dottore pinned your wrists above your head with one hand and caressed your cheek with the other, "What a turn of events, little one..." He leaned in, his lips grazing yours as he looked into your eyes with deep intensity, "You're not going to leave me. Not now..." He paused, his tongue flicking out to lick your lips, "Not ever." You let out a breathy moan. This is all you've ever wanted. Fuck, it was finally happening. You were practically shaking against him, not to be mistaken for fear but of unbridled arousal and desperate need. "I'm yours... and you're mine", your breath danced across his lips as you spoke. You rolled your hips forward to grind against his hardness. Your words and every sensation he felt with you in that moment made him snap.
Dottore tore open your blouse, buttons flying across the room. He let go of your wrists to cup your breasts, a sick sense of pleasure washes over both of you. If only you could see the deeply depraved looks you showed the other in this moment. You bit down on your lip as he pinched and rolled your pebbled nipples between his fingertips. He couldn't get enough of every little expression you made. He wanted to see more... One hand travelled down your curves and makes its way to your aching center, moving your drenched panties to the side. He tilted his head a bit, giving you a dark smirk as he gently and slowly pressed a finger to your clit, drawing a small, frustrated whimper from you, "Your little cunt is absolutely soaked... It's just begging for me to claim it."
Your gaze danced between his eyes, lips, and down to where he was toying with your swollen clit, "It's yours to take. Always has been." Your voice a mere breath, drawing a growl from his lips as he plunged two fingers into your cunt. Tears of arousal and relief slipped down your soft cheeks, your jaw hanging open in a soundless moan. Dottore leaned forward, licking the salty tears from your cheeks. Archons, it was such a disgusting act yet it made you pulse around his digits. "Did it feel like this in your little fantasies of me?", his tone was teasing and dark. A small depraved smile tugs at your lips as you let out a breathy reply, "This is even better." There was a glint in your eyes, a dangerous one, "I need more."
You pushed him away and a stumbles slightly, caught off guard and his fingers leave you empty. You didn't care so much as you were now quickly getting to your knees and fumbling with getting his pants undone. Dottore looked down in surprise. Everything you've been doing has been throwing him off. Did his careful manipulation actually work on you to make you like this or did you play your own little games with him as well? You smirked up at him as you free his heavy cock, pumping it in your small hand. He wished he could take a picture of how you looked right then. So fucking devious, as if you planned this whole thing. He was the one who was supposed to be playing you to get what he wanted... His thoughts were interrupted when you took his length into your mouth, a rumbling groan rips from his chest as he took in the sensation of your hot mouth and your your tongue swirling around his cock.
He gripped onto your hair, tangling his fingers in it as he began thrusting into your throat. You choked, your throat tightening around his thick length made his eyes roll back, "Thaaat's it... Take it." You felt so much bliss in this moment. Your object of desire was finally where you wanted him to be. Letting him throat fuck you was just too good. You felt his grip tighten and you knew he was about to cum. You fought to gain control again, pulling away and digging your nails into his thighs. He winced slightly and let go, allowing you to remove your mouth from his throbbing cock. Dottore narrowed his eyes down at you, getting pissed at the smug look on your face as you begun to stand up, "You're not cumming unless you're filling up my cunt." Your lips grazed his as you whisper, "Breed me. Make me yours, Zandik."
That was fucking it. Hearing his real name fall from your gorgeous lips was the final straw. Dottore grabbed you harshly, pushing all the dishes from the table and onto the floor. The sound of glass breaking was barely registered by either of you as he bent you over the table. One hand pushed the middle of your back down, pressing you harder against the rough wood as the other hand lined his leaking cock up with your dripping entrance, "This is going to hurt, dear." No words could describe the absolute fucking pleasure you both felt as he forced his way inside your tight cunt. Drawn out moans fell from both of you as Dottore sank deeper into you. Once he was fully sheathed, he gripped your hair tugging your head up and using his other hand to grasp your chin so you were looking towards him, "Open your mouth." His command had you immediately obeying. He smirked as spat into your mouth, "Don't swallow. Keep it until I tell you otherwise."
You nodded, the taste of his saliva sitting on your tongue made you wish it was his cum instead. He gave your ass a harsh smack and released his grip on your hair. Your head involuntarily thrown back in pleasure from the smack and your wet pussy clenched tightly around his cock. A dark, crazed chuckles left Dottore's lips as he grabs onto the fat of your hips and begins slowly dragging his cock from your core. With just the tip left inside, he pauses, making you wiggle your hips in desperation. His grip tightens, "Ah ah, you get what I give you, little one." A whine leaves your lips, but before you could make more noise of protest, he slammed roughly into you. His pace was unwavering as tears of pleasure rolled down your cheeks, trying your best not to let his saliva he had given you earlier be swallowed or fall through your lips you were struggling to keep closed.
The way your gummy walls gripped and lubed his cock was highly intoxicating to him. He was finally having his way with you and he wasn't about to let this be a one time session. Depraved thoughts clouded his mind as he fucked into you, the tip of his dick hitting your cervix, making you cry out through closed lips. Dottore's thoughts ranged from impregnating you, keeping you naked and restrained to his bed, making you free use for him and only him. What made this somewhat funny in a fucked up way was that you were thinking the exact same thing. You were so desperate for him. Just the mere thought of his name made you insane. He was snapped from his twisted musings when he felt something gush down his cock on all over the floor. The absolute crazed smile on his face would be terrifying to any outsider, but he couldn't contain his emotions at the fact that he made you squirt all over his dick.
Dottore gripped your hair tightly yet again, yanking your head up to look up at him from over your shoulder. Fuck, you were so perfect with tears running down your reddened cheeks, your mouth obediently closed to hold the saliva that he considered a fucking gift to you. From that alone, his eyes rolled back and his cock throbbed inside of you, releasing thick, hot ropes of cum right up against your cervix. After letting his orgasm subside, he opened his eyes, looking directly into your fucked out gaze, "What a good little pet you've been... You may swallow." You swallowed the spit you had been holding in your mouth, not daring to break your gaze from his. The corners of your lips tugged into a sick smile, "Now you're mine and I am yours. You're never getting rid of me."
a/n: the long awaited alternative version is here! i wanted to do so much more with this but it would’ve ended up as a short novel. hope you all enjoyed it😘
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mothisamess · 1 year
Bakusquad x Insecure! Reader
or alternatively a reader that's just not confident bare faced
(more platonic but could be seen as romantic! more fem centric. sorry for weird formatting I wrote on my phone lol and not proof read I wrote this in less that 10 mins)
- It was no secret that you were one of the prettiest people in class 1-A.
- You were always put together.
- having your hair clean and always wearing at least some makeup.
- it was a very very rare occurrence that you wouldn't be wearing any. practically no one had ever seen you without it.
- the closest they got was after training or villain attacks.
- one night, you, Mina, Kirishima, Jirou, Sero, Denki, and Bakugo were having a sleepover in Mina's dorm.
- It was around 12am and everyone was winding down for the night. (Bakugo is not very happy about it. but it's the weekend so they managed to convince him)
- mina handed you a makeup wipe so you could sleep barefaced.
- you politely refused.
- mina pryed a bit more, she didn't want her pretty best friend to break out!
- you laughed a bit and made a joke about how you 'look like one of those old diseased hairless cats' without makeup.
Mina - ✩⁠
- she's shook.
- you're literally her perfect best friend like huh?
- she'll pester you about it for a while
- and if you say that it was caused by others at your old school...
- she loses her MINDDD
- bc youre gorgeous like what?
- she always hyped you but before but now it's extra!
- will 100% spread rumors about anyone who talks bad about you.
(and they're vileee 💀)
Kirishima - ✩⁠
- he's so surprised
- you look like that and think you look bad??
- aggressive positivity. literally shoving it down your throat.
- hype man!!
- he hypes you up more than Bakugo at this point
- if anyone's trying to be rude to you he will immediately stop them.
- he will not hold back in training and will definitely tell other people that they aren't nice
- and you know it's bad when even Kirishima isn't nice to you. before the person knows it all of class 1-A hates them.
Jirou - ✩⁠
- she's so surprised!!
- you're like a goddess in her eyes
- she doesn't say much about it that night but over time she subtly hypes you up!
- just small things like 'you're hair looks nice today's or 'where did you get that shirt?'
- she's a little nervous that she'll offend you so she tries her best to not seem as blunt as normal.
- if anyone says anything bad about you (in general but especially about how you look) she goes crazy 💀
- she will not hold back during training.
- (she has gotten scolded by Aizawa for it before)
Sero - ✩⁠
- he has to take a moment to take in what you said
- like huh?!
- how are you insecure?
- you'll def end up having one of those deep conversations another night where he finds out everything.
- def hypes you up
- practically everytime you walk into the common room he'll tell you you're outfit is nice
- you could be dressed like Adam Sandler and he'd still eat that up
- if anyone is rude to you he'll shoot a small piece of tape onto the ground so they face plant 😭
Denki - ✩⁠
- he side eyes you immediately and does one of those slow head turns 💀
- he'll pester you for a bit about it but after Bakugo slapps him over the head because he wants to sleep he drops it for the night
- hypes you up about everything, your handwriting, cooking, baking, drawing, grades, quirk, strength, everything.
- if anyone's every rude he will 100% give the person small shocks.
- especially in quiet rooms.
Bakugo - ✩⁠
- even though he might be bad at showing it, he didn't want his friend to break out either!
- but he hid it behind him not wanting to hear you complain about your skin
- won't hype you up but once he sees you with out makeup he'd definitely do a really sarcastic fake shock
- like 'gasp oh my god-! you- you- look perfectly fucking fine. say some dumbass shit like that again and I'm beating your ass.'
- will immediately scream insults at whoever talks about about you
- it could literally be a medical professional next to you on your death bed saying that you over estimated yourself in a fight and he'd still do it
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ironstrange1991 · 2 months
Baby, I'm the lucky one
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Pairing: Defender!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Defender is having a rough day and his wife comes to help him to relax.
Word Count: 5,9k
Warnings: SMUT: Thigh riding, blow job, cum eating, p n v sex, creampie.
A/N: It's finally here! It took me a long time to finish this one and I really hope it's worth the wait. I made it very romantic and although it had already appeared in some of my headcanons, seeing Eric inspired me with the glasses thing and is Vincent in the pic, but I can only see Defender in it so bare with me and have a nice reading ;)
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The sound of approaching footsteps in the hallway informed Stephen that he was no longer alone in the Sanctum. He thought he heard the creaking of a portal and now the sound of boots on the floor confirmed it. Sighing, he closed the huge old book he was reading and took off his glasses, placing them on the desk and pressing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.
Defender Strange was having a rough day, to say the least. It was actually a rough week that came right after a terrible mission. It seemed that the problems were piling up and he could no longer keep up with them, much less solve them before another one came up. To make matters worse, in addition to the feeling of helplessness he felt with each new impossible situation that was brought to him hoping he would magically find a solution for them, he also felt guilty for being so busy the last few days that he could barely pay attention to his pregnant wife.
The recently discovered pregnancy had been quite a surprise and was definitely not planned, but Stephen was happy with it, he just wished it had happened at a calmer time, but then again, there would ever be some calmer time in his life since he took on the position of Sorcerer Supreme and leader of the Defenders? Of course not.
The sound of footsteps got closer then stopped and Stephen heard a soft knock on the door to which he responded with a quick "Come in."
Wong entered the room with an expression in his face that told Stephen the master was bringing bad news.
"Tell me" Defender asked, putting on his glasses again and rummaging through the desk drawers for the pack of painkillers he had left there days before. It was true to say that excessive work combined with worries and poor diet over the last few days were contributing to his migraines. This time he decided to take a pill as soon as the first symptoms appeared in the hope of being spared of another terrible one.
Upon finding the pack, he took the pill and got up, heading towards the small corner table where he left a bottle of whiskey and two glasses arranged on a tray. He poured a dose and took it in one gulp along with the pill while listening to Wong explaining how preparations for the next mission had been halted because two of the masters who were supposed to go with the Defenders ended up injured in a battle against an interdimensional entity that had been released into the Kamar Taj by a curious student.
"I'm afraid we'll have to postpone it or else..."
Wong didn't finish what he was going to say, but Stephen added, "I'll have to go."
Wong sighed "It's been a rough few days for sure, but things will calm down like they always do."
Defender sat down again and pointed to the book he was reading "I haven't found any spell that can repair the damage caused by Nightmare in the passages of the Dream Realm. If we can't fix that we will have more problems in our world and that is something that I cannot allow. Lives have already been lost."
"It was not your fault." Wong stated and then suggested the same thing that Stephen had spent all afternoon considering.
"Perhaps it is time to request an audience with the Vishanti. You are the Sorcerer Supreme and only you can do it."
He nodded, "I don't think there will be any other alternative, but in any case I will continue my research into the night. Why would I rest, right?" He said bitterly and watched Wong's lips form a thin line.
"I feel like I'm failing you, my friend, especially at this time when your personal life is changing."
"But a Sorcerer Supreme must place his duties above his personal life, Wong. You know this very well because you were the one who told me this so many times." Defender responded dryly and then shook his head and spoke again in a calmer voice. "I'm sorry. You're a good mentor and a great friend, Wong. You've never failed me. You never could."
Wong nodded but pressed the issue "Strange, you need to take care of your pregnant wife. She needs you now more than ever."
Stephen ran his hand over his face, sighing heavily. "And how do you suggest I do that while jumping from mission to mission, meeting to meeting, and spending days and nights studying magic books in this office?"
Wong's answer was firm and decisive, "You need to delegate some tasks, Strange. These books, I can take them to the Kamar Taj with me and have them examined by our librarian. If anything important is found, you will be notified. Regarding the mission... I can go in your place if you wish."
Stephen shook his head "You belong at the Kamar Taj, Wong. The place would be a mess without you."
"Do you have a better idea? Besides, Master Hamir can take care of the place in my absense;." Wong insisted. "You already said you don't trust anyone else to do the job. Let me take over this mission and you can have some calmer days to rest."
Stephen knew his friend was right and no matter how much his pride and sense of duty said no, he ended up giving in.
"Fine, but I'll stick with the books tonight. I doubt I'll be able to sleep anyway. You can come get them by the morning."
Wong nodded "I will immediately return to the Kamar Taj to finish the preparations."
"What about the student?"
"Oh, he'll be punished. Don't worry."
Defender nodded watching Wong leave the office and close the door. The footsteps moved further away until they disappeared and the Sanctum was once again plunged into complete silence. IStephen sighed feeling the tiredness of the day hitting him. His eyes felt heavy as he tried to return to his reading, but it wasn't sleep that afflicted him, but an exhaustion so great that it seemed to consume him. He turned his attention back to his books, anyway, and barely noticed the hours passing by.
The Sanctum was plunged into darkness when you got home from work and you wondered if Stephen was still at the Kamar Taj at that hour. It was way past 8pm and you were working overtime almost everyday of the week since last week. It was safe to say that the last few weeks had been challenging for you as much it had been for your husband, but although you said everything was okay and that you understood, you knew he blamed himself for spending so little time with you, especially now that you found out about the pregnancy.
It was recent. Your belly wasn’t  showing yet and you hadn't told anyone. Not even your parents knew because you wanted to complete your first trimester before telling the news. Stephen had promised that he would try to spend more time with you, but since then so many things had been happening and demanding his immediate attention that it had become impossible for him to keep his promise and although you said you understood, you knew he blamed himself.
You went straight up to your room, took a shower and changed into comfortable pajamas before looking for Stephen around  the Sanctum and finally finding him in his office leaning over one of his huge books reading until exhaustion.
He tried to smile at you when you opened the door, but you could clearly see that he was not well, tiredness taking over every expression on his beautiful face, his always blue eyes, now darkened behind the lenses of his reading glasses.
"Don't tell me you spent all day here." You said, already knowing the answer.
"Pretty much." He replied sheepishly watching you approach, but instead of sitting in one of the chairs facing him, you walked around the desk and stood next to him waiting for him to turn around and then bending down to kiss him. You tasted whiskey on his lips which wasn't a good sign. Stephen only drank if he was very happy or very upset.
"Tell me how your day was, baby." He said before you had time to ask anything.
You grimaced, “Tiring and boring, but okay.”
He chuckled, "I guess that sums mine up too. Don't we make quite a pair?"
You nodded, watching him bring his hand to your belly and gently feel it. "And the baby?"
You smiled, "You know it's too early for me to feel anything, right? But overall I think it's okay. The morning sickness is killing me though."
He nodded, bending forward and placing a small kiss on your belly that made your heart flutter in your chest.
"I know I've been really busy the last few days, but I promise things will calm down." He said looking away as if he felt too guilty to look at you. You cupped his face and lifted his chin making him look at you.
"Stephen, it's okay. I get it. We've been together long enough for me to understand how things work." You assured "Besides, I have been working a lot too."
"I made you a promise..." He started to say, but you interrupted him by placing your index finger on his lip.
"I won't hold it against you, baby. I knew full well what I was getting myself into when I married the Sorcerer Supreme. It's not a job you drop anytime you want and get vacations from."
He allowed himself a sigh and you realized how much he needed to hear those words. In fact, looking at him closely you noticed how much more tired he seemed, how dark circles were appearing under his eyes and the lines on his forehead seemed deeper.
"Did you eat something?" You asked, again, already knowing the answer. He just shook his head.
"You've barely slept lately, Stephen. You know you need to rest or your body will end up forcing you to stay in bed one way or another." You said as your hand tugged on his hair tie and let his soft hair fall down his shoulders in a cascade of dark and silver strands.
"I care about you, baby." You confessed, placing the hair tie on your wrist and combing the strands with your fingers, gently undoing the knots. That small gesture that you had already repeated countless times was always enough to disarm him and as you expected, he hummed contently and moved the chair away from the desk, enough to pull you by the wait waist to position you in front of him. You straddled one of his thighs and he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and leaned forward to kiss you harder this time.  You cupped his face feeling your body melt before him and your stomach turned in that specific way that only he made you feel.
When you broke the kiss he glanced at you from behind the lenses of his glasses and you smiled "You look super cute with glasses, you know that?"
He blushed and instinctively reached to take them off as if only at that moment he had realized that he was wearing them in front of you, but you stopped him and kissed him again, feeling his hands return to your waist and the sensation in your stomach increased. You buried your face in his neck admitting. "I miss you, baby. You've barely touched me this last week and I know it's not your fault, but I really miss it."
"I know. I miss you too. Come here, kiss me."
You kissed him hard, your fingers immediately tangling themselves in his hair and a soft moan escaped his throat. The sound made you lose your composure. Without you realizing exactly what you were doing, your hips began to move back and forth, riding his muscular thigh and desperately looking for some friction.
You and Stephen had an amazing sex life and you weren't used to going without sex for a long time and eight days was a lot for you.  You needed him like air to breathe and your body searched for him instinctively.
He sighed contentedly as his hands slid from your waist to your bare thighs, his fingers digging into the soft fat there helping you move.
"You know I wasn't absent for lack of desire, don't you? I was just very tired." Stephen made a point of explaining and you smiled and bit your lower lip as you increased the movements of your hips and a moan escaped your lips. "I know. But I can help you relax a little if you let me."
Stephen nodded, raising one of his hands to your ass and squeezing your cheek as he lifted your chin and made you look into his eyes while grinding yourself shamelessly in his thigh. "I'm sure you can, but right now it seems like you're more interested in seeking your own pleasure, right?"
You knew he was just teasing. Stephen's altruism extended to bed as well. He was always more concerned about satisfying you than satisfying himself.
"Its been too long" You complained. "I spent the whole week thinking about making love to you. You barely slept by side this week. I even tried to resolve the issue myself, but I couldn't cum, it's as if my body refused to have pleasure without you there."
Stephen eyes glanced at you in complete awe "That's so beautiful, baby. You have no idea how happy you make me by telling me this."
"But now I want to make you relax, to give a little bit of a special attention to my beloved husband." You insisted, cupping his face and moaning again, but contradicting what you just said, you started to move faster, rotating your hips and looking for the delicious pressure that Stephen's thigh muscle provided on your clit and feeling yourself getting wetter between your legs, the wetness soaking his pants and making him hiss in pure surprise and satisfaction.
"It's okay love, you know I love providing pleasure for you. You have no idea how hard I am right now." He confessed lacing his fingers in your hair and tugging then a little bit.
"You're going to show me, aren't you? Tell me what you want me to do to make you feel better, baby."
Stephen smiled humming contemplatively to himself. "You're already doing it."
Resting both hands on Stephen's shoulders, you forced yourself against him, increasing the intensity of the friction and moaning, surrendering to your pleasure and a wave of heat took over you as your body found the ecstasy you were so desperately looking for.
Stephen kissed you passionately, his tongue searching for yours, sucking it lightly. He broke the kiss with a teasing bite on your lower lip and when you finally opened your eyes and allowed yourself to look at him there was a beautiful smile on his face that showed perfect teeth while also showing the crow's feet around his eyes. God, your man was so handsome.
"Satisfied?" He teased to which you immediately shook your head.
"Not until I make you forget all your worries."
"And who said I'm worried?" He replied, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand.
"The whiskey I tasted in your tongue."
He hummed "You know me way too much for me to lie to you, isn't it?"
"I don't even know why you try." You said, placing a strand of hair behind his ear.
"Want to tell me about it? I know there's not much I can do to help, but I can listen. You don't have to be the leader of the Defenders or the Sorcerer Supreme when you're with me. You can be just Stephen."
He listened silently glancing at you with tenderness and then nodded "I thank you every day for that." He said and then smiled and you noticed a slight flush in his cheeks. "I know it's cheesy to say this, but I really am a lucky man to have you as my wife, Y/n. I could never ask for a better woman."
You smiled broadly. You were used to your husband's constant compliments and it was safe to say that although he wasn't given to public displays of affection, behind close doors he was the most affectionate man in the world.
"Maybe it's a little cheesy, but I never get tired of hearing you say it." You confessed, getting up from his lap and feeling your face heat up when you saw the wet circle on his pants.
"Let's go to bed. You need to rest." You said, taking his hand and pulling lightly, hoping he would agree easily, but he didn't move a muscle and shoot you an apologetical glance.
"I promised Wong I would finish this tonight."
You sighed "Stephen..."
"I know, but Wong will take my place on the next mission and that will give me a few days off to rest. I promise things will be calmer and we will have plenty of time for both of us."
You smiled, surrendering to his charm, but not completely convinced.
"Sounds good, but it doesn't change the fact that you need some rest tonight." You said looking angrily at the gigantic books on his desk as if they were your most hated enemies and then you smiled to yourself "Perhaps... I think I can help you with that."
"With my reading?" He asked, knowing full well that it wasn't what you meant.
But you just smile, pushing his chair back to give you more space and kneeling between his legs. The act itself was self-explanatory and Stephen let out a satisfied groan.
"Will you give me your mouth, baby girl?" He asked with a dose of extra sweetness in his voice.
You bit your lower lip feeling your heart flutter with the pet name. "Do you want it?"
"Always." Defender replied watching you unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. The gesture was enough to make his dick throb.
"You're so hard, Stephen." You said taking it in your hands. His cock was so beautiful, big and thick, veiny with a red tip. There was a drop of precum leaking from his slit and you licked it slowly, letting it stick to your tongue in a string and then sucking it into your mouth.
"You did this to me, baby. Seeing you ride my thigh left me like this." He said caressing your face and moving his fingers down to your chin, lifting your face to make you look directly at him. "You are so beautiful. From the moment I met you I knew I would be yours."
You smiled and as if you wanted to prove to him that he was right, you gave a slow and long lick on the back of his cock ending with a light suck on the sensitive head and you kept your eyes locked with his all the time. He moaned and his hips jolted against your mouth involuntarily. You placed light kisses on the side of his length, teasing him.
"Such a tease..." He whimpered, giving in to the desire. "I need to be inside your mouth. I want to feel the heat, the wetness. Such a sweet mouth."
You surrendered to his pleas and took him into your mouth, sucking him slowly and bobbing your head up and down while swirling your tongue around him to give him maximum pleasure.
Maybe Stephen didn't know, maybe he was so selfless that he lacked the ability to understand that you loved him just the same. That he was worthy of being loved in that proportion and even more.
He considered himself the luckiest man in the world to have you in his life, but you knew that in reality, you were the lucky one to have the love of a man so decent, so courageous and most importantly, so caring and attentive.
His moans filled the room and reached your ears like music as you pleasured him slowly, rotating your hand along what you couldn't take in your mouth without gagging.
"So good to me, baby... doing so good to me." He muttered softly almost as if speaking to himself.
You let go of his cock to use both hands to brush your hair out of your face and twist it into a bun and then direct one of Stephen's hands to your head to keep it there. Stephen complied by grabbing your hair in a fistful, but he didn't push, he just accepted what was being given to him willingly.
You returned your attention to your work, working your mouth and tongue along the entire length of his cock, stopping only to draw a breath of air into your lungs and then returning to pleasure him.
"Oh baby it's so good." He said as his dick pulsed in your mouth. "Can I cum in your mouth?" He asked. He always asked even if the answer was always yes.
You hummed positively feeling the weight of his other hand on your head and hot cum filling your mouth as he moaned and gasped for air. "Oh baby..." He let out a loud groan when you took him out of your mouth. "Fuck, such a sweet mouth. You are so good to me." He said caressing your cheek affectionately. "This was amazing. Thank you."
You gulped his cum down unceremoniously and responded with a proud smile as you put his cock back inside his pants.   You stood up, taking his hand again and pulling him to stand up too, but he gave you that apologetical look again making you roll your eyes.
"I know you don't want to leave here before you finish your work, but we can stay. Your office is comfortable enough. I just need you and I think you need me too."
He hesitated for a moment, but then something in your face, probably the way you batted your eyelashes at him, made him chuckle and get up from the chair.
"You know you can get anything from me when you give me that look, don't you?" He said pinching your cheek.
"Anything? Really?" You confirmed.
"Anything." He said wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly. "Then leave work for later and make love to me."
Stephen hummed allowing himself to be pulled across the room. There was a small two-seater recamier in front of the unlit fireplace and that was exactly where you led him.
The night was particularly cold so Stephen lit the fireplace with a quick and almost imperceptible gesture of his fingers and in the same way he locked the door to his office. At the beginning of your relationship he tried not to use magic in front of you, but now, years later, you were used to small things like this.
You touched his face and pulled him to your lips, kissing him like you haven't done it in days, hungrily, thirstily and most of all passionately. And oh, how he loved it when you kissed him like that.
Your hands began to unbuckle his belts and he let himself be undressed slowly, piece by piece while you devoured him with your eyes. There was something about the passion with which you looked at him that made him feel like the luckiest man on earth.
Stephen never had trouble getting a lay. Women used to throw themselves into his arms in the days when he worked as a surgeon at the hospital and he had fucked pretty much every woman that worked there, but none of that could be compared to what he had with you. You were the first woman Stephen made love to. And before, he swore that the term was nothing more than a silly romanticization of sex, but you changed his mind. You changed him completely and he knew that no sex in the world could compare to making love with someone who truly loves you.
"What is it?" You asked, probably noticing the way he looked at you as you helped him get rid of his underwear, leaving him completely naked for you. Your eyes left his for a second to see what you should already know. He was ready for you again. In fact, there was no way he wouldn't be when your eyes seemed to burn his skin with desire.
"I love you, Y/n. I know I've said this a million times, but I..."
You kissed him again, interrupting him and then nodded "And I love you. You have no idea how in love I am with you and every day I feel like I love you more."
He smiled feeling your hand running down his chest and going to where he needed you most at that moment. You grabbed him and pumped him slowly up and down and he cupped your face with both hands resting his forehead on yours "These hands..."
You just smiled, squeezing your hand around him a little tighter and then gently pushing him to sit down and proceeding to undress yourself for him. You were so beautiful. Your hair, Your eyes, the shape of your body, everything was so inviting.
You started by taking off your pajama top. You weren't wearing anything underneath it, so he was treated to the wonderful view of your breasts, the nipples hardened by the cold night air. You caressed one of your breasts to tease him, knowing full well how much he loved them. Then you reached down and took off your shorts and panties, quickly kicking them to the side on the floor and walked over to him with a proud smile on your lips. 
You knew. You knew exactly what the sight of your naked body did to your husband and you liked it.
"Come here, baby. Let me touch you. You said you miss my touch." He said.
You nodded holding the hand he extended to you and straddling his thighs.
You took both hands to the temples of his glasses and gently took them off and put them on with a smile plastered on your face. Stephen couldn't help his own smile.
"What do you think?" You asked with a cute pout.
"Charming. It looks much better on you than it does on me, that's for sure."
You shook your head, removing the glasses and placing them to the side. "I like you with glasses, even though you don't like me to see you wearing them."
Stephen stroked your cheek. "I'm a vain man. It's hard to accept that I have to wear them, let alone that you see me with them."
 "Silly." You said, leaning in to kiss him and Stephen wasted no time, he needed to be inside you. He missed you as much as you missed him.
He spat into his hand and rubbed the saliva over the red, extremely sensitive head and directed it towards your entrance. You both moaned loudly as you let yourself sink down onto his cock, the penetration easy but tight. Stephen loved how you felt so warm and wet around him, it felt so good. To be inside you always felt like home.
There was nothing in the world that compared to the feeling of having Stephen inside you. He was big, thick, but not only that, he was the love of your life.
His hands grabbed your waist as you began to move slowly, rotating your hips sensually and feeling him fill every inch of you. You closed your eyes and increased the pace, your hand seeking support on his shoulder, the other twisting a nipple between your fingers.
"Just like that, baby. You look so beautiful riding me like this. Feels so good."
He pulled you to his lips and kissed you hard, his hips thrusting up which made you moan between his lips. He brought one hand between you and started circling your clit with it which made your entire body shake on top of his and he hummed in satisfaction. "So sensitive. Tell me, was it that touch you were missing so much?"
You nodded vehemently "Oh yes" You responded increasing the pace of your hips as you moved up and down, fucking him, but it didn't feel like It was enough, you needed more.
"Baby please..." You murmured between countless tireless kisses "...need more."
He immediately held your waist and started thrusting up, going deep and giving you the relief you wanted. A little scream left your lips as he reached that special spot inside you.
"Yes, yes, yes..." You screamed amid the sound of your bodies colliding "Oh my god, baby..." But he interrupted your cries with a hungry kiss as he held you tight in his arms and got up dragging you to the floor.  Your back touched the plush rug and his lips trailed down your chin and neck until they found their destination on your breasts. He held them with both trembling hands as he sucked one nipple and then the other and gave small bites to your skin, hiding his face between them and moaning as he did so.
"Stephen..." You begged and he surrendered. He directed his dick back to your entrance and slowly penetrated you, burying his face in the crook of your neck while your legs were intertwined behind his back and he began to thrust slowly, but putting more strength and intensity with each thrust until he reached a hard rhythm.
You wrapped your arm around his back, nails digging into his flesh while the other got lost in the sea of ​​dark and silver hair, fingers tangling in the soft strands, pulling them with each thrust that was quickly taking you to your limit.
Your moans right in his ear and your fingers tugging at his hair in rhythm with each thrust were triggers that were driving Stephen to his limit. He could feel his balls tightening, his cock was pulsing deliciously and he didn't want to fight it. He was in paradise, lost between your legs he felt like the happiest man in the world. He searched for your lips and kissed you hard feeling your walls contract around him.
"Baby tell me you're close" He asked between your lips and you nodded.
"Yes baby, so close. No need to hold it. Just give it to me." You said between desperate kisses on his lips. You knew him so well, he even needed to tell you that he was about to cum. You simply knew how to read all the signs on his body.
Stephen moaned loudly surrendering to his own pleasure. He gave three more strong thrusts and then stopped, burying his face in your neck and moaning deliciously in your ear. The sound was the ultimate trigger that launched you straight into your high as you felt him filling you with hot cum and your walls contracted around him as your legs trembled beneath him.
"Oh baby I love you." He whispered in your ear before allowing himself to look at you. There was a beautiful smile on his lips and tenderness in his blue eyes. All the tiredness you saw in them seemed to have disappeared.
The Sanctum was dark and silent when Wong stepped through the portal into the main hall. However, the light emanating through Defender's office door showed that the Sorcerer Supreme was still engrossed in his tireless work.
That made Wong sigh. A man needed to recognize that he was just a man and needed rest like any other human being.
Wong devoted himself to the duty that brought him there in the first place and was about to leave when he decided to beg Stephen to go to sleep. He knocked and waited. The sorcerer's voice came soon after.
Wong tried the handle, but the door was locked, which was strange.
"Can I come in?" He asked and when he heard a chuckle coming from the room he understood.
"I don't think it would be appropriate at the moment." Defender replied and another chuckle was heard. "Is it something important? Give me two minutes. I'll meet you in the lounge."
Wong smiled to himself. All his worries melting away. "No. It's okay. I talked to everyone involved and we managed to work out the latest plans for the mission. We'll leave tomorrow night. I'll keep you informed. Take the opportunity to rest, Stephen."
He turned to leave and then he heard Y/n's familiar voice "Good night, Wong."
"Indeed, my dear." He muttered to himself opening a portal back to Kamar Taj. The Sorcerer Supreme would be fine as long as he had his wife to make sure that happened."
"He's going to be traumatized." You said, laughing softly.
Although the night was cold, the heat coming from the fireplace combined with the heavy blanket Stephen had conjured and his own body heat were more than enough to keep you warm.
He was lying with his back on the rug and his arm extended to support your shoulders. Your legs were tangled with his lazily.
"He should be pretty used to it by now." He responded caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. "He was worried about me, just like you. That's why he offered to go on the mission in my place."
You nodded, lifting your head to stare at him. "I know things get difficult sometimes, but you need to learn to delegate, Stephen. Especially now."
"I know." He sighed and you noticed how he looked less tired now. You didn’t really think you could save him of all his problems, but it was undeniable that he felt better when he spent quality time with you.
"He knows." Stephen confessed.
You smirked knowing exactly what he was talking about. "I thought we agreed to keep it a secret until the end of the first trimester."
He nodded. "I needed to tell him. Wong is my best friend and my right-hand man. He helps me manage this madness that is Kamar Taj. He needed to know and besides, I know you two are going to be okay and I can't wait to see it growing inside of you."  He said, lowering his hand to your belly and keeping it there.
"Still, I'd rather wait before telling anyone else. Promise me you won't tell anyone else."
"I promise."
You smiled "Are you really happy with it? I know we weren't planning on it."
"I'm very happy. And terrified." He said chuckling and you cupped his face and kissed him.
"Me too. But I know we can do this because we have each other."
Stephen nodded and tilted his head up to kiss you again, this time harder and then turned around putting you underneath him, his hips pushing his way between your legs, his face lost in the sea of ​​your hair taking a deep breath and then kissing you again .
"You're like medicine to me, you know? It's incredible how you can make me feel better when I'm having a hard day. I was on the verge of a terrible migraine, but now I'm cured."
You held his face in your hands and smiled proudly "It's good to know that I have such power over the great Sorcerer Supreme."
He kissed you and lightly bit your lower lip "You have no idea" He said grounding his fast hardening cock against your core, which made you moan softly into his lips.
"Again?" You confirmed, watching him bring a hand between you. He rubbed himself a few times and then entered you again.
“Fuck yes.” He responded with a groan.
It seemed that the books had been long forgotten.
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dirtyvulture · 1 year
I Will Never Have You
??? x Beefy!Fem!Reader
“I Will Always Love You” - Alternate Ending 
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: After the traumatic events of IWALY, you find solace with someone else.
Word count: 4386
AN: I wrote this ages ago, but didn’t have the courage to post it until now. Enjoy? 😬
“So, I heard Kate has a girlfriend now,” Natasha says, coming up behind Yelena who beats furiously at a punching bag.
“Oh, yeah, she does. I didn’t know you wanted any updates about her,” Yelena responds.
“Is it you?”
Yelena stops mid-punch, causing the bag to swing back and crash into her body. She’s nearly knocked off her feet but grabs onto it to steady herself. “What?” She looks at her sister almost offensively. “No.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t be upset if you were,” Natasha deflects. 
“It’s not me, Nat.” Yelena slams her fist into the punching bag with so much force Natasha swears she hears her knuckles crack.
“Okay, okay,” Natasha backs off. 
“You’ll see for yourself,” Yelena says. “Kate is bringing her to Stark’s party next week.”
“That’s where I first heard about her,” Natasha replies. “Is it true she’s from California?”
“Something like that.” Yelena doesn’t seem entirely comfortable admitting to more details, meaning that she knows more than she’s letting on.
“Well, good for Kate.” Natasha is genuinely happy to hear that Kate has finally found someone for herself. Natasha knew Clint’s protegee had always been intensely interested in you when she was with you, but hopefully now that you two were broken and you had moved away, Kate’s been able to stop pining, just as Natasha’s had to do.
After the poorest choice of judgment she’s ever experienced in her life, which resulted in Natasha assaulting you and damaging your relationship beyond repair, she has never been the same. She knows she doesn’t deserve better and her actions still haunt her despite the dozens of therapy sessions she’s been to. Fury had you reassigned to a different division at SHIELD and after you moved away, you never made contact with her again. Natasha knew it was best for the two of you to keep your space, but part of her wishes she could see you again, talk to you again, even though she knows she would never be able to have you in the way she had before.
“Well, I guess it’ll be nice to meet her then,” Natasha says.
“Yes, for you and me both,” Yelena agrees.  
After a long week, Natasha reunites with Yelena to attend Stark’s party. She had been surprised her invite hadn’t been canceled, especially since she hadn’t seen any of her co-workers in almost six months since Fury removed her from the team. While she had long since adjusted to her new position, nothing could compare to the chemistry and energy of her old team. Sometimes she misses it so much she considers asking him to move her back, but she knows she wouldn’t be accepted back.
They don’t want to work with a rapist. 
Although she hadn’t been convicted for her crime and it was never publicly announced what she did, it seemed that everyone knew that was the reason you and her broke up. She would still stumble across cruel notes slipped into her locker, some threatening to out her and some threatening violent physical harm and occasionally death. There was no point in reporting any of them, since they all spoke the truth. So instead, she kept them all. 
The thrumming environment makes her just as uncomfortable as the familiar faces do. No one dares to talk to Natasha longer than a mandatory “long time, no see,” most of them turning instantly to her sister and engaging in conversation with her instead. Natasha feels the loneliness in her chest deepen. It could not be more apparent that no one wants her here, but as much as she wants to leave, being here is punishment enough for her.
Natasha follows Yelena around like a shadow, literally lurking behind her where she thinks no one will notice. They’re picking at a plate of crab rangoons when suddenly Yelena jabs her elbow into Natasha’s side. Natasha almost chokes on her food when Yelena says, “Kate’s here.”
Yelena points to the bar. Kate is standing there in a flowy purple dress that reminds Natasha of what teenagers wore to prom. Towering next to her is a familiar broad-shouldered figure, wearing a polo shirt in the same shade of purple. When both of them turn towards her and Yelena, Natasha almost faints.
It’s you.
How did you become Kate’s new girlfriend? Why did you say yes to her? A million thoughts swirl in Natasha’s head. You had told her a hundred times that you had no interest in Kate and even viewed her as a younger sister. Then how could this have happened? Did Kate slip something into your drink or hit you on the head? Maybe the trauma Natasha had caused you inadvertently gave you memory loss, and now you couldn’t remember that you didn’t even like–
“Sestra, are you okay?” Yelena interrupts as Natasha turns on her angrily.
“You knew,” she snaps. “You knew Kate was dating Y/N.”
“I was the first person she told,” Yelena admits. “And you know how Kate always felt about Y/N…”
“But it wasn’t returned!” Natasha hisses, although you standing next to Kate with your arm around her waist says otherwise. “How could you let this happen?”
“Let this happen?” Yelena’s eyes blaze with fury. “You’re the one who fucked up the relationship! Not me, not anyone else. And you know Kate would never hurt Y/N the way you did.”
Natasha swallows her anger because she knows Yelena is right. Because despite her faults, Kate would never do what she did to you.
Kate leans against you, her hand squeezing your bicep so hard Natasha is sure her nail marks are going to be imprinted into your skin all night. Marking her territory, Natasha scoffs, although how many times did she do the same to you before? She treated you like a piece of meat, like a possession she had ownership of, never like the human being you actually were. 
But Kate has never looked happier as she pulls you around in tow, although you look just as uninterested in being here as Natasha feels. However, when you make eye contact with Natasha, you freeze and Kate jerks back because she isn’t strong enough to move you on her own. 
Kate looks around frantically until she notices that you’re staring at Natasha, then she tugs you down to her level so she can whisper something in your ear. You shake your head, then nod and Kate kisses your cheek. Natasha wants to dissolve on the spot. Kate readjusts her grip on your arm and leads you over to Natasha and Yelena.
“Hi, Yelena! Hi, Nat,” Kate says first, waving to both of them in turn. “It’s good to see you both again, especially you, Nat. I know it’s been…a while.”
“Yes, hello, Kate.” Natasha notices Yelena move closer to her side, as if her sister is afraid she’ll try strangling Kate. 
“And you both already know Y/N, I think…”
You grin as though it pains you, your teeth clenched as though you’re purposely preventing yourself from saying something. 
“Anyway, we’ll be around if you want to catch up!” Kate says, and Natasha doesn’t miss the way she implies that if she wants to talk to you, she’ll have to talk to Kate too. Kate steers you off in another direction before Natasha can get a chance to say good-bye. Seeing Kate with you now makes Natasha wonder if this is how she felt every time she saw you with Natasha attached to your arm. It’s a sucky feeling. 
Thinking about Kate being with you drives Natasha crazy. Maybe it’s that Kate gets to spend every moment with you. Maybe it’s that Kate gets to call you hers now. Maybe it’s that Kate gets to take you to bed. Natasha remembers when that had been her; she had never been happier in her life. No wonder Kate looked so happy with you. There was just something about you that brightened something in everyone. 
And maybe Kate hadn’t had to do anything for you to turn to her. Maybe her carefree, simple nature was what you needed in your life after such a traumatic event. Natasha feels ashamed for thinking that Kate had to pull mind tricks to get you to fall for her. You deserved happiness, and if you found that with Kate, Natasha wouldn’t judge you or her for that.
Because one thing was clear now: there was no chance in the world Natasha was ever going to have you back.
“You okay, babe?” Kate says, resting her head on your shoulder. “We can get you a stronger drink if you–” She stops herself, her cheeks reddening as you stare down at the non-alcoholic margarita in your hands. You had given up alcohol since the assault and were surprised that Kate still didn’t remember this, especially after being with you for almost two months now.
“Uh, I’m sorry,” Kate rushes to apologize. “I’ll just get us some water.” Her hand brushes your arm as she turns away, waving down a waiter and turning back to push an icy glass of water in front of you.
“Thanks.” You take a sip, your hand shaking as you bring the glass to your mouth.
“Maybe we should go back to our room upstairs,” Kate suggests. 
“I’m fine,” you insist. Kate keeps rubbing your forearm, which you assume is supposed to be a comforting gesture, but she’s holding on too hard, almost like she’s afraid that if she lets go of you you’ll walk right back into Natasha’s arms. But that’s an unlikely possibility, even more unlikely than you getting with Kate in the first place.
You’re still not totally sure how it happened, but within the first few months of you being stationed out in California, Kate had texted you. It had started out completely innocent, with her simply checking in to see how you were adjusting, and you were grateful to have someone to talk to. It escalated one week when you admitted to having a really hard time with life and without being prompted, Kate flew over from New York to be with you. She stayed with you longer than she should have, but when she finally went back, you felt you couldn’t be without her. So, you soon moved back to New York and the rest was history. 
But it wasn’t perfect, as no relationship is, and sometimes you’re unsure if you made the right decision to come back to New York exclusively to be with Kate. She was a very nice girl, and since it was no secret how smitten she had been with you the entire time you were Natasha, you’re not surprised at how fast she warmed up to you. You, on the other hand, were facing some very complicated emotions and trauma, and it was difficult to tell if you had genuine feelings for Kate or were just using her as a crutch.
“Did seeing Nat upset you?” Kate asks, taking you out of your thoughts. 
“What?” You hadn’t even said a single word to Natasha. Yelena had warned you both that she would be in attendance tonight, so you had prepared an entire speech of how to confront her, but when you finally saw her again, you choked up. 
“It’s okay if it did,” Kate says, putting her arm around your shoulder now and pressing herself closer to you. “She really should be in jail for what she did to you–”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you snap, feeling immediately guilty when you see Kate’s hurt expression. “I…just…maybe later,” you add lamely. 
Your therapist told you that opening up to a new relationship after what happened with Natasha would be difficult. Luckily, Kate had the advantage of knowing you before the assault, and what happened, so you didn’t have to fully relive the trauma and explain to her why you had trust issues or why you were now so guarded in bed. 
You hadn’t expected to do it so soon, and while Kate would’ve eaten you alive the first chance she got, to her credit, she waited until you were ready. The first time you two had sex, you were certain that Kate was going to pass out when she saw you lying shirtless on her bed, and then she asked you to take her in every position you could ever think of until neither of you could move the next day. But as much passion as there was, the whispered “I love yous” and kisses and cuddles felt meaningless and empty. You didn’t know what it would take to get to that level of emotion, and you wonder at all if you’ll find it with Kate.
“Do you want to go back upstairs?” Kate asks again. “Maybe we can do something to clear your mind a little…”
While Kate’s appetite was worse than a burgeoning teenager, she respected your boundaries and never pushed you into doing something you didn’t want to. You found that your libido was significantly lower than it had been before the assault, but once in a while it spiked, which Kate couldn’t be happier for.
And tonight was one of those moments. Seeing Natasha again was not only traumatic but frustrating, and you needed something to get your mind off her.
You grab Kate’s hand suddenly. “Let’s go,” you say, pulling her out of her seat and scooping her up in your strong arms. She squeaks as her feet leave the floor, wrapping her arms around your neck to steady herself. You ignore the burning eyes on your back as you walk out carrying Kate. 
You’re utterly impatient waiting for the elevator to take the two of you up to the suites. Every second that passes and you don’t have Kate underneath you makes your skin hot with need. By the time you finally make it to Kate’s room, you throw her onto the bed and take off your shirt and pants. Kate watches you in awe for a moment, like she’s still in disbelief that she gets to have you like this, before struggling with the zipper of her dress behind her neck. 
Once you’re undressed, you climb onto the bed with her and flip her over by her hips, ripping the zipper down so roughly you’re sure you’ve ruined the fabric, but neither of you seem to care. Kate quickly sheds the gown and pushes it off onto the floor, turning back over and looping her arms around your neck to pull you down into a heated kiss. 
When your teeth knock together, you wonder if you’re being too rough with Kate, but she doesn’t let you pull away. Instead, she wraps her legs around your waist, her ankles locking over your lower back. One of your hands finds her breasts in an effort to steady yourself over her, and she moans when your hand closes around the swell of her flesh. 
“Is this okay?” you finally break away from her lips to ask.
“Yes, yes,” Kate gasps. Her hands trace over your back muscles, before finally digging into your shoulder blades to encourage you to arch into her. She tucks her head against your chest and you feel her lips scraping against your collarbone, bruising your skin and marking her claim on you.
“Oh God, Kate,” you say, your center pulsing with need. You feel her hands come around your sides, brushing across your tensed abs.
“I want to ride you,” Kate demands, but quickly changes her tone of voice when she sees you glaring down at her. “I mean, can I…Can I ride you, baby?” 
It’s not a power play thing, you just don’t like Kate being forceful with her requests because it makes you feel like you don’t have a choice. Although you could say “no” at any point and Kate would stop, part of you is still subconsciously fearful that if you do, Kate won’t respect you and take advantage of you like Natasha did. You stopped drinking alcohol to make sure you were always in control of all your faculties, and your time with Kate so far had proved that she was a mindful and respectful partner, but the fear was still there. You wondered if it would ever truly go away or if you would be stuck battling it every single time you were in bed with someone. 
“Hop on, baby,” you tell Kate, switching positions with her and relaxing with your back flat on the bed. Kate throws one leg over your waist, placing her hands on your chest and slowly lowering herself onto your chiseled stomach. Her core is hot and wet and it excites you to see how desperate she is for you. 
“You feel so good,” Kate pants, slowly rocking back and forth. You take hold of her hips to guide her, flexing your abs until you feel like you can’t even take a breath. Kate moans as she bumps across the defined muscles of your stomach. 
“Look at me, Kate,” you grunt as her nails curve into the skin of your chest. You want to see the light in her eyes when she comes undone, hear the moans she releases because she’s used your perfect body to get off. 
Kate loses some of her rhythm as she forces herself to lift her head. Her blue eyes, swirling with lust and desire, lock onto yours, and you buck your hips suddenly, trying to angle your body to stimulate her into an orgasm. Kate grinds down on you, like she’s trying to stay seated on a bucking bull, but the movement is too much for her and she gushes across your stomach. You keep your firm grip on her waist so she doesn’t fall off, lowering your hips back onto the bed as she falls on top of you, panting hard. 
You stroke the back of her head until she calms down, and then Kate sits up with a mischievous look in her eye.
“Can I clean you up?” she asks.
You smirk at her. “Sure, baby. Make sure you get every drop.”
Almost as if your words alone were enough to reinvigorate her, Kate crawls down your body and you spread your legs apart to let her lie between them. She puts a hand on each of your muscular thighs to balance herself and lower her head to lap at the stickiness coating your abs. You moan as her tongue slides across your muscles, collecting up every bit of the mess she made. Your skin shines not with her cum anymore but her saliva and the heat in your stomach rages hotter as you watch her, her head dipping lower and lower until suddenly her mouth finds the heat between your legs and your back arches with a moan.
“Fuck, Kate,” you gasp, moving your hands to the blankets instead so you don’t accidentally pull her hair out. Her tongue pushes into you with some hesitance at first, but as soon as she tastes you, she dives in deeper for more. Her head bobs up and down as she sets a pace that’s a little too quick for your liking and you try to roll your hips to indicate a better rhythm, but Kate is too drunk on your taste, too excited to be in this position, to pay you much attention. And as hot as her mouth is, as flexible as her tongue is, it’s not enough to get you off. 
Kate may not be as experienced as your past partners, but sometimes you feel like she doesn’t even want or care to know what you actually like and what you don’t. While she’s never done anything to make you feel outright uncomfortable, you aren’t always satisfied with her efforts either–although she does try her best, that much is certain. 
Your excitement begins to dwindle as the minutes tick by and you’re no closer to orgasm than when Kate was still on top of you. You’re surprised she hasn’t gotten a jaw cramp yet, and you don’t want her to, so you move your hand onto her head and push her back. 
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” you say, pretending to pant like you’re coming down from an amazing high. Kate sits back on her heels, wiping her lips with a grin. You know you’re just as guilty for not being honest with her, but for some reason, you just don’t have it in you to tell her the truth. This poor girl had waited years to be with you and probably thought she never had a chance in the world. You could give her this moment. There might not be more of them, anyway.
Kate crawls up to you to kiss you sloppily and you shy away, reaching over to the nightstand and twisting your elbow awkwardly to open the top drawer. Your fingers close around the rubber toy you’re looking for and you pull it out with a flourish, watching the way Kate’s eyes darken when she sees what you’re holding. 
“Think you can handle one more?” you ask.
“Anything for you, baby.” She kisses you again and gets off of you so you can sit up and pull the straps over your legs, positioning the toy between them. 
“Lie down,” you tell Kate, maneuvering yourself on top of her again. You can see the glistening wetness of her center and you know you won’t need any more lube, despite how large the toy is. Even in the beginning, you insisted on using a smaller size but Kate didn’t want that, saying that you looked the best with a big one between your legs. You didn’t argue with her on that and fucked her into the mattress until you were so exhausted you fell asleep with the strap still in her. 
You grab onto each of Kate’s ankles and hoist her legs up, holding them in a wide V and tilting her butt up just a few inches off the bed. Scooting forward until the tip of your cock presses against her entrance, you look down at her and ask if she’s ready. 
“Fuck me until I can’t walk,” Kate says, and she knows you’ll keep your side of the deal. 
You thrust your hips forward, gliding into her almost entirely in one smooth motion, and Kate throws her head back and moans shamelessly. You use your grip on her ankles to pull her forward as your hips move, increasing the power of your thrusts and the entire bed shakes with your strength. Kate bounces along the mattress, trying to reach for you, desperate for something solid to hold onto while you fuck her brains out. 
“I think I saw them head out earlier,” Natasha says, trying to act like she hadn’t had her eyes on you the whole time.
“So soon?” Yelena says. “Well, I think the only reason they showed up was to see you anyway–”
“I barely spoke to either of them.”
Yelena shrugs. “Did you expect them to hang around? After what you did?”
Sometimes, Natasha wonders whose side her sister is on. Then she remembers how Yelena had been ready to (justifiably) beat her to a pulp after she found out what Natasha had done. 
“Do you want to go now?” Yelena asks, although she senses that Natasha wanted to leave hours ago.
“Yeah, I think I’m done here.”
Natasha plans on spending the night in her sister’s room, since it’s too far of a drive back to her place in Rochester. She goes up the elevator with Yelena, feeling a wave of sadness fill her as she remembered the thousands of times she had gone up to the suites with you, with her teammates. Those days were long gone. 
“Do you remember where my room is?” Yelena asks. “I have to grab something from the kitchen, so you can meet me there.”
“Sure.” But Natasha does not have the faintest memory of where Yelena’s suite is. She only remembers where yours and hers was. She wonders who’s moved in now and if they know the history of that room. It would probably be better if they didn’t. 
She wanders down the dark hallway, nervous to realize that all the doors look the same. In a moment of panicked judgment, she reaches for a random door handle and pushes it open. 
Just her luck, Natasha doesn’t stumble into Yelena’s empty room. It’s Kate’s.
Kate is lying naked on her bed with you equally naked and between her legs, holding them open at such a wide angle that even Natasha is impressed by her flexibility. Your abs flex as you jog your hips forward, slapping your thighs against Kate’s loudly. Natasha has a fleeting thought of being in Kate’s position before, but it is quickly replaced by shame and embarrassment.
“Uh, shit…” Natasha says, blush creeping up to the tips of her ears. She doesn’t know if either of you even notice her and quickly backs out, her heart pounding. She would never have you like that again, and it hurts her like a knife in her chest to know that she lost you to Kate.
Kate had seen Natasha peek into her room and never thought she would be so happy to be caught in a position like this. When Natasha leaves, Kate begs you to pound into her harder and faster, until you fear you’ll actually rip her in half. You don’t, but you do break the bedframe when it slams into the wall one too many times. Tony will not be happy to hear he has to order another bed for Kate. 
Kate practically screams when she comes undone, tearing at the sheets and pillows with clawed hands. You finally drop her legs, pulling your cock out and falling on top of her, your body slick with sweat as you lay flat against her. Kate rolls you to the side as you wrap your arms around her and she tangles her legs with yours, resting her head on your chest and telling you to hold her tighter. 
No other words are said, but the silence seems to communicate that both of you know this is a dream reaching its end.
AN: Oh how the tables have turned...
This was a very different fic for me. I’d love to hear what you think! Especially from those who were anti-Nat endgame with the original. 👀
Please like, reblog, and comment! Follow for more content. 🥰
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cowgurrrl · 7 months
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: The BuzzFeed Puppy Interview [1.6k]
Warnings: mentions of a pet passing away, grief, puppy shenanigans, a happy ending (and surprises)
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"The last time we were here, I was pregnant." You say as you settle onto the ground next to Joel. 
"I know, it's been a minute! How old are the twins now?" The same producer from the last time you and Joel did a Buzzfeed promo video asks.
"They'll be six in July," Joel says, beaming with pride, and you nod. 
"Is this your way of announcing something?"
"No!" You and Joel say at the same time, making everyone laugh. Once things settle, you introduce each other to the camera and wait excitedly for the puppies to come clamoring onto the sound stage. It only took six years, but you're finally getting to do the puppy interview with Joel, and you both immediately melt when the little baby pit bulls pad their way over to you. 
You specifically asked if you could work with pit bull puppies to raise awareness about the misconceptions surrounding the breed in memory of Daisy. It's been six months since she passed after fifteen years of belly rubs, snuggles, and love, and you've felt the ache since then. Seeing the tiny versions of her makes you feel a little better.
"C'mere, honey," Joel coaxes as he half-lays on the floor and scoops up the tan one. "Oh, look at that little face." He murmurs as he kisses her head and tucks her safely in his arms. Meanwhile, you're working on getting a shy black one to toddle over to you with little whistles and kissing sounds.
"It's okay. You don't have to be scared." You say, but he doesn't budge. The other two puppies, one grey and one brown, cuddle between you and Joel, and you take turns leaning down to kiss their heads and petting them.
"What was the process like working together on this film?" The producer asks.
"It was really fun! I always like having him work with me on things, and he just has an ear for scores and music in a way that I don't, so I think bringing him on for that was a perfect choice." You say, your eyes flitting to the black puppy who's still hesitant at your presence.
"Havin' her direct me and make notes was different than how we've worked together before because this is the first time she's been a director and producer, but it was a really cool environment. Our kids got to come to set with us and raid the craft station, so it was a good time." He's always been guilty of talking with his hands, but the puppy whining at a lack of attention really highlights it and makes you laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you feelin' neglected?"
"Joel, do you have any favorite movies or shows of hers?" 
"What a great question!" He exclaims, and you laugh. "I love everythin' she's been in and done, but that's 'cause I love her so much, and seein' someone you love do somethin' they love is just… the most special thing in the world. But I do have a special place in my heart for Self Made Men 'cause that's the first thing I ever saw of hers, and she's just so pretty in it. I mean, c'mon." He says, and you pretend to roll your eyes. The grey puppy climbs into Joel's lap and begins nipping at his arm to get him to put the tan one down and hold him instead. "Oh, don't be like that. I've got two hands for a reason." 
"What's your favorite album or piece of music Joel's made?" The producer asks you as Joel holds the puppies, alternating between head scratches and lightly pushing at their chests to get them to play. 
"I still really love the album he was making when we first started dating." 
"Glass House?" Joel asks, and you nod. 
"Sometimes, I'll put it on in the background while reading or doing something. It's just so nice, and it's so beautiful, both lyrically and sonically."
"Look at you with your vocabulary." He teases. 
"I married a musician a couple years ago. I hope I'd sound like I know what I'm talking about." You say as the two puppies in his lap finally have enough of him, riling them up, and they run off to play. The brown one joins them quickly, but the black one still lingers around you. You open your hands to him to let him smell, but he doesn't actually sit with you until his siblings come skating by and spook him. "Oh, sweet angel! Are you just so shy and little?" You coo as he snuggles into your chest, hiding his face like he got caught. You pet him gently and adjust so he can rest comfortably in your arms, and something in your chest settles for the first time in months. There's a fleeting thought, but you dismiss it quickly as the producer asks another question. 
"What is your love language?" She asks, and you laugh.
"Joel's is acts of service and touch."
"Hers is… I wanna say," Joel squints at you as he thinks. "Words of affirmation, and I'm gonna say touch." 
"You got it." You say, holding out your hand for a high-five. The trio of puppies start playing a little rough, and you and Joel immediately go into parent mode. He disengages the fight by picking them up while you protect the whimpering puppy in your arms. 
"Woah, woah, woah!" Joel says. "I understand that you wanna play and you're explorin' different things, but that's not how we treat other puppies, okay?"
"I can't believe you're gentle-parenting a pair of puppies." You laugh, and he shrugs as he puts them back down before reaching out and scratching the ear of the puppy you're holding. He makes a content noise and leans into Joel's hand. You smile as you look down at him. 
"It worked on the five animals we raised."
"What's one thing you could give a lengthy PowerPoint presentation on with no prep?" The producer asks.
"New York City history," you answer quickly. "I lived there for several years when I was in my late teens/early twenties, and it's kind of mandatory if you're gonna live there to know different bits of history. I just found it so fascinating."
"I think mine would probably have to do with guitars or somethin'. Especially since I started makin' them." Joel says.
"Oh, yeah. He made one for Ellie's birthday recently. It was just gorgeous, and it sounded perfect, too. You could probably teach classes at this point." 
"I don't know bout all that, but I do know a lot bout it." He says.
"Tell us a little bit about the Big Dreamer Foundation." The producer says. You and Joel each say a little bit about the foundation you created together to support arts programs and give kids scholarships to go to the programs of their dreams. Since you've started it, you've been able to send hundreds of kids to school and provide them with resources they wouldn't have had access to before. You even hint a little bit at the community center you're planning on building in your hometowns to support the arts there and help bring the community together. Starting the Big Dreamer Foundation with him is by far the most rewarding of everything you've ever done. 
As the interview goes on, you continue cuddling the black puppy as the others play and eventually fall asleep on Joel. When you come to the end and you're promoting the movie, you look at the people who brought the puppies from the shelter. "Are these guys available for adoption?" You ask, and someone nods. You look back at Joel and see him already looking at you and the puppy. 
"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" 
"I don't know. What are you thinking?" 
"I'm thinkin' there's no way we're goin' home without a puppy." He says, and you take a deep breath. You've been hesitant to bring another dog home since Daisy died. You weren't ready to love something else as much as you loved her. You also weren't ready to admit that she was really gone. But the kids miss having a dog around, and, honestly, you miss it, too. You didn't know you could even consider adopting another pet until the tiny black puppy captured your heart. 
"What's this one's name?" You ask the people from the shelter.
"That one's Bug."
"Bug." You echo in a baby voice. You look between Bug and Joel and feel tears spring in your eyes for some reason. "Baby, I think we need to take Bug home." You say. He makes a sympathetic noise and pulls you and Bug into his side.
"Then, Bug needs to come home with us." He murmurs. 
By the time the video goes live, Bug has come out of his shell and adjusted to the chaos of the Miller home. It turns out he loves music and will often sing along if Joel hits the right note on his guitar. He also loves cuddling up in bed when you're doing story time with the kids and is exceptionally patient when they try to put costumes on him to act in their plays. He's perfect. BuzzFeed includes pictures and videos of Bug with your family and a sweet memorial to Daisy at the end of the video.
You'll miss Daisy for the rest of your life but you know she would want you to love again. Her mysterious entrance into your life still baffles you, but you like to think she sent Bug your way in an equally baffling experience. You like to think she's still watching over you and the kids in her own way. You like to think she's just as happy as you are when Bug settles into your family like he was always meant to be there. 
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aloevhello · 1 year
Spoilers for Spider-Man 2099 comic run
Considering that the Spiderverse trilogy acts as a meta commentary on Spider-Man comics, I find it interesting in how this commentary applies to Miguel in both his comics and the films.
(Note: Everything is speculation).
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At the end of Into the Spiderverse, we see Miguel in his Spiderman 2099 suit that’s based on the original 90’s run of his series. From that the audience can conclude that this particular Miguel is from the original 90’s run of Spiderman 2099. Also important to note that this 90’s run was cancelled, causing the series to end on a cliffhanger with many of Miguel’s interpersonal relationships being unresolved and him ending up alone. With Miguel in the post-credit scene of “Into” jumping into another dimension to form the Spider Society, the film is providing an in universe explanation on why the Spiderman 2099 90’s run ended on a cliffhanger, which is that Miguel essentially opted out of the narrative being written for him. Instead of dealing with the messiness of his relationships from his civilian life, Miguel prioritizes his duties as Spider-Man by going dimension hopping and starting the Spider Society to stop multiversal threats.
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Connecting to Across the Spiderverse, we see Miguel reminiscing on how he went to an alternate dimension and took on the identity of another version of himself that has a family (ie. his daughter Gabriella). This could be referencing the 2014-2015 comic run of Spiderman 2099 where Miguel has a family (ie. his son Gabriel). The flashback not only shows more depth for Miguel’s character, but also alludes to his lack of a stable family life from the 90’s comics and him trying to rectify that in this alternate dimension (ie. Miguel fixing his relationship with his brother Gabriel by having a child named after him). This could extend to Miguel resolving his romantic relationships, that’s always been a point of contention, by potentially ending up with Tempest Monroe (from the 2015 run), Dana D’Angelo (his Gwen Stacy from the 90’s run), or Xina Kwan (his MJ from the 90’s run).
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Despite Miguel’s insistence on “canon,” the fact that he exists is antithetical to this belief since his story should have ended due to the 90’s series’ cancellation. This could also explain why this Miguel dons a completely new physique and suit, along with having sketch lines in his design as he’s essentially writing a new narrative for himself.
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I have not read the 2014-2015 volumes of the 2099 series, but from what I heard, these volumes completely deviated from the original 90’s run, with the majority of series being set in 2015 with Miguel having a happy ending with Tempest and their son by living on a remote island after his reality has been destroyed (an inverse on how ASTV Miguel inadvertently destroyed the alternate dimension). From a writing standpoint, it’s interesting to see a futuristic character adapt to modern times, but from a character standpoint (where the 90’s and 2014-2015 issues are in tandem with one another), Miguel seems like he’s going to the past to escape his past that takes place in the future. With ATSV Miguel choosing to live in an alternate dimension where he’s happy and has a stable family life, it parallels the way the 2015 run kinda ignores the 90’s run and just lets Miguel be happy. While it’s a nice sentiment, it prevents ATSV Miguel from fixing the interpersonal issues that plagued him in his home dimension and thus truly achieving a balance between responsibility and love that all Spiderpeople learn.
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Beyond the Spiderverse will likely end with Miguel joining Miles’s side or the two finding a healthy balance point regarding canon events. However, I figure that besides Miles (and Gwen!), out of anyone who should oppose the idea of canon events, it would be Miguel as his canon story that is likely based on his 90’s run and has already been set in stone due the comics’ real-life cancellation. This in turn causes his character to end up alone and his narrative to end on an unfulfilling note (kinda mirroring Peter B’s starting point in Into the Spiderverse). By lacking a resolution, combined with the guilt of destroying an entire universe for the sake of achieving such, ATSV Miguel is left jaded and gives into the fatalism of the Spider-Man narrative by living a life based on sacrifice. But just like how Miles inspired Peter B and Gwen to no longer be constrained by the narrative of isolation that entails from being Spiderman, maybe Miguel can learn from Miles that he can move beyond the constraints of his cancelled run and in live his own universe where he can write his own happy ending.
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viperwhispered · 3 months
*barges in like a maniac* THE DAY that school let's out and I am greeted with this! And now I'm THINKING!
So we've discussed before Jamil letting it all out and storming out but all the endings are super angsty cause Scarabia angst is the best angst in all of Twisted Wonderland. I have come suggesting an alternate ending since Jamil deserves to be happy:
After the break ends, Jamil finally picks up Najma's calls and she puts it on speaker. Jamil proceeds like this: he's sorry for yelling and storming out but not for what he said. As soon as he graduates he is flying off the see the world like he's always wanted and there's nothing they can do to stop him. Eventually he'll get a permanent job and settle somewhere nice where he isn't stuck at the mercy of the local tyrants. There is no working for the Asims and no servitude. This is happening whether they like it or not and the Vipers can just accept it and move on or he will never speak to his parents ever again and only Najma gets to meet any of his future children. Then he hangs up.
You'd think Jamil would be nervous while this is happening, but no. Why? Cause he just spent the best vacation of his life living in domestic bliss with his lover and now he's determined to make it last the rest of his life. It also come with the extra promise of "my children will not be slaves".
Another reason he's so confident is because he's eavesdropped on Kalim's secret meetings with Riddle where they study the laws of the Scalding Sands for legal support for Jamil's freedom.
I'd imagine Jamil's parents would be quite conflicted. However, the second they start leaning towards disowning him Najma flips out asking wtf is wrong with them and that if they disown Jamil for daring to have boundaries/a life outside of Kalim then they might as well disown her too.
So now the Vipers are really screwed cause there's no point in enforcing the time honored tradition on endentured servitude when you have no kids to sell into slavery. So the parents are quiet for now.
Also doesn't help that, when this whole fiasco started, Kalim loudly declared that Jamil was getting the whole vacation off and dared anyone to argue with him. Fortunately, Malleus had taught Kalim how to perfect a poison detection spell, so there weren't any worries about the food.
Najma had gotten really curious over Jamil's secret lover and, when a school event happened, she pounced. Honestly, it was pretty easy finding her in-law since they were wearing Jamil's hair tie. Of course, great minds think alike and fools rarely differ so now Najma is also platonically head over heels with Jamil's s/o. So now the poor reader is stuck in a tug of war between siblings.
So now the Vipers are stuck with their daughter going on and on about how the person they blame for "corrupting" Jamil is the most wonderful being who ever graced Twisted Wonderland. The awkwardness gets even worse when Najma starts nagging Jamil to just bring them over for the next fireworks festival.
So the Vipers agree to at least meet the famed charmer and Jamil responds by laying down the law: 1.There is to be no insulting or passive aggressiveness, be it directly or behind their back, towards my beloved. 2.There is to be no hostility whatsoever towards my dearest. 3.My future spouse shall be sleeping in my room. 4.My heart and soul will be treated just as well as any other guest. 5.If any of these rules are violated, don't expect me to talk to you until after I graduate.
So d-day roles around and the Vipers are forced to welcome the "homewrecker" into their home. Najma just tackles the reader the second they open the door and starts the tug of war with Jamil. With this visit, the Vipers are now cursing under their breaths because 1.Jamil and the reader might as well already be married 2.Najma adores the reader 3.They're a damn good in-law to have (*insert good personality trait here*, does chores, is supportive, etc). They're are now fully aware that no way in hell they were winning this and either have no legacy to speak of or they admit defeat.
They admit defeat.
What's Kalim doing while this goes down? He's given Jamil official orders to "be a good host" and invited friends over to have a week long slumber party. While Jamil battles his parents, Kalim is living it up with Malleus, Lilia, Trey, and Cater and everyone is just having a blast. Best part is that Malleus makes for an excellent assassin deterrent and anyone caught trying gets struck by lightning.
Nikki bonus: The thing about "x reader" fics is that we never get any in-law drama and it's arguably some of funniest shit ever. So let me ramble on about Jamil's encounters with the Deshna Bhavsar.
So some backstory: Nikki's grandparents has trouble conceiving, so they raised Deshna to possibly inherit their taleem (mud wrestling school). Even after Nikki's uncle was born, Deshna still kept on wrestling and could take down fully grown men twice her weight at 18. So Deshna goes to nursing school, but instead of going straight to work she decides to accept an arranged marriage proposal from Nikki's father who was the son of an old acquaintance of her grandfather who had gotten very rich. Now Nikki's bio dad was fine, but he was also a complete wimp who did nothing against his brother who was an abusive ass. Deshna took none of it but none of her in-laws ever supported her. When she realized she was pregnant, she had a major moment of clarity and she divorced her spineless husband. This caused everyone but her immediate family to disown her and she immigrated to Canada. Deshna started off working as the caretaker for an elderly man named Nicholas, who would go on to give some massive support and be the person Nikki was named after. Deshna got her nursing license and proceeded to devote everything into raising Nikki. When Nikki started experiencing their genders during puberty, this woman put herself in therapy and educated herself so her child would never fell abandoned. Deshna does resent the gods the gods she spent her whole life devoted to for putting her child through living hell at least one a week, but she knows Nikki is very stubborn and does her best to support them.
So Jamil is essentially facing off someone who's won the "Mom of the century" award 12 consecutive times and could fold him like a lawn chair if her ever so much as thought about disrespecting her child.
Deshna is a woman who is far too intelligent and observant for her own good and has neither the patient nor the tolerance for anyone's bullshit. So Jamil's flattery and masking will not fly with her. If you want a reference for what Deshna's attitude is like check out Sindhu Vee, this is woman I modeled Deshna after.
Nikki has been upfront about their relationship with Jamil since the beginning, so Deshna has heard everything from the overblot to the arguments over Kalim to "he's a hot asshole and I want to kiss his smug face". Like any good parent, Deshna has already come up with 101 reasons why Jamil is not good enough and is also dreading a repeat of Nikki's previous relationships.
So Nikki and Jamil get together and Deshna is shocked they lasted more than a week and have had almost no issues. Cut to one month later and they're still together and Deshna's like "ok bring him over I gotta see what's so special".
Nikki warns him that no masking will work with their mother but habits are hard to break. Long story short, Deshna baits him into an hour long debate which Jamil loses spectacularly (makes sense since he's never won a debate against Nikki either).
Deshna's conclusion: He's entertaining enough to argue with, lets see how this goes.
Jamil's conclusion: Mother in law or not, I will find a way to destroy this woman.
Nikki’s conclusion: This went much better than expected.
So now Nikki's kidnapping Jamil to hang out every weekend and Deshna has gotten to now Jamil so much better. Point is, Deshna is now bragging whenever possible about the absolute gold mine she has for a son in law. How could she not? He's smart, resourceful, got top grades at a top school, he cooks well, he cleans well, he loves her child, he knows how condoms work, he respects her child, ambitious, has powerful connections, etc.
Eventually, Jamil opens up about his home life and Deshna's response is to assure him that his parents suck anyways and that "Jamil Bhavsar" sounds so much better than Jamil Viper. Ngl tho no way in hell is Deshna letting this good of a catch slip through her fingers nor is she letting her child be turned into a slave.
Fun fact: in Bengali families, it is very common for family members to call you anything but your name. These nicknames are called Dhak names.
So, Deshna tends to call Nikki "Noni" and playfully refers to Jamil as "Daini" (which I've been told is the Bangla word for witch).
It certainly is not easy, putting up such boundaries with one’s parents, but I certainly would love for Jamil to be in such a position to do it with confidence, if it is something that needs to be done.
Hasdfs Najma spotting reader from the hair tie, tho. (Maybe I should’ve indeed sat down with this ask before doing the anything goes story prompt, since I didn’t even see this part but I love the idea. I mean, it’s not exactly inconspicuous, now is it?)
It is so sweet to think of Najma getting along with Jamil’s s/o, too. Plus, then there’s the potential of teaming up with Najma to tease Jamil, which, of course you gotta (I may or may not be the target of this with my partner and sibling irl, so, you know, definitely can see it happening).
Plus I’m sure Najma would also very purposefully be talking reader up to her parents, to try to convince them that they should just let it happen.
I do wonder, though… Surely Jamil should be laying down some rules regarding the treatment towards himself, too, not just s/o? (Basically, silly snek man, don’t just be protective of reader, consider yourself too, if you need to.) But perhaps that’s a matter for another time, once he himself gets a clearer idea of how he does (or doesn’t) want to proceed with his parents in general.
Oh boy though if it wouldn’t be nerve-wrecking to enter the Viper household in these circumstances (I’d be so ready to fight and throw punches for Jamil, ngl). Though now I’m also thinking of reader being extra sugary sweet, like southern US backhanded compliment style… Or just kill them with kindness in general, even while gritting one’s teeth.
Hasdfs I love Kalim’s slumber party tho. I can definitely imagine all sorts of hijinks, I mean with Lilia there too, of more or less “accidentally” dispatching any problems.
Deshna sure is an absolute badass and I want only the best for her.
Also those conclusions after the first meeting hasdfsdf I love these. What a dynamic.
(Also re: in-law drama, I have made up parents for the reader before so you know, can happen, but yeah, only something I’ve done in a longfic and not something you see that often.)
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clairethecutepup · 2 months
Tykes at Heart: Getting Your Goat (Ch. 2)
Our tykes try to find out what exactly is causing Cio's new goat to be so... "homicidal," to put it nicely (and it is the nicest way to describe it). Unfortunately, Cio faces some bad news on top of his goat's attitude...
Alternative sites for reading (and better keeping track of the whole story), if preferred:
[Chapter Title: Antidote for an Angry Goat…?]
It took some time-- and all of the poor hybrids' well-being --but everyone managed to get the goat into the pen. Claire and Cio lay atop each other, panting while their canid ears and tails hang over themselves. Poor little Faxie found his small body sandwiched in between them. Suru found his head stuck in the building's back wall, his fox tail twitching around in anticipation of his head's freedom; while Kage drags herself back outside from the door that she previously flew past, her fox ears and tail hanging limply on her. Only Ryuketsu could be the still-standing triplet-- and generally standing person --as the large fox-man managed to hold the repeatedly rammed gate in place. Speaking of “twins,” what of the Winnings' fate?
"Leena, stay still!" Sparky cries, "Whatever you do, don't panic!"
"Sparky, look!" Leena points, "I can see our apartment from here!"
Sparky gazes around for something to help, while Leena looks on from the billboard that managed to hook the flying girl's shirt. Even literally, as she's hanging in the ending curve of a giant rod's line. Unfortunately, even those on the slimmer side can be doomed by gravity: Leena stops wagging her tail and screams, plummeting toward the ground with a ripped shirt bottom. Sparky also screams and hurries to catch his sibling, paws and furry arms outstretched. His attempts are thwarted by the long top of a street light: Leena's front-- face and all --emit a metallic, Clang! after the harsh landing.
"... Leena, are you--"
She slides off and lands atop her grimacing brother, laying them both on the sidewalk.
Everyone later recovers within the booths of the dining area, while Ryuketsu still remains as guard of the pen’s gate outside. Everyone takes a turn with the aspirin bottle, whether for their sore head or other aching body parts. Faxie didn’t require any, being a mechanical pet that lacked proper “feeling,” but his receptors and otherwise still remained dazed by the goat’s assault: the poor little thing just laid upon the table, his eyes spinning during his stay beside Cio.
“Cio, I know you want to make your own ingredients,” Sparky sighs, “but I think it’s safe to say that it’s a little… dangerous.”
“Look man,” Cio sighs back, “she’s probably just nervous, that’s all… I’m sure that once she gets settled in, she’ll stop trying to commit mass murder.”
“Maybe you’re better off getting a new goat…?” Sparky continues, “Who knows when that one will finally calm down…”
Claire mentally seconded the idea… She loves goats, but this would end with them all in the hospital. In her eyes, it seemed the animal just hated everyone, instead of it simply being afraid. She even thinks it tried to impale Cio and everyone else, instead of simply launching them! … Would Cio be upset if she preferred ordering takeout, instead of eating anywhere near the building now? Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind keeping video gaming and whatnot to strictly “long distance” measures… Or, he could always just come to her or the twins’ places-- in fact, maybe he should just live with either of them for now? Grayson would be happy to have his brother back under the same roof.
“Um, Cio?” Kage raises her braceleted hand, “Can I please do deliveries from now on, instead of the cash register?”
Kage also shuddered at the thought of Satan’s-Fitting-Symbol leveling the place.
“Come on, man,” Cio assures, “Kenny’s got her under control, and I’m sure she’ll calm down.”
“Um, can I work from home instead then…?” Kage still tries, “I think I heard it’s possible to do cashier jobs from far away…”
“Dude, everyone’s staying at the pizzeria…”
"Cio, please,”  Sparky interjects and stands, “it should honestly be everyone but that awful goat! I'm sorry, but I really think you shouldn't just 'give her time'..."
"Well, I don't really have much choice, man!" Cio shrugs, "They said that all 'livestock' sales are final... To be honest, I don't like it either, but I gotta now."
"Why can you not give her back?" Leena asks, "I am allowed to give things back to the store if I do not like them..."
"It was something about not wanting to risk 'sick' or 'injured' inventory," Cio sighs, "Even if that second part’s probably gonna happen to us instead..."
Sparky sighs, "Well, I guess you never do know what could happen to them..."
"I know what’ll happen to us!” Suru puffs his cheeks out, “That mean goat’s gonna give me another headache and do even worse stuff to everyone!”
"Maybe not, man..." Cio shrugs, "We just gotta find some way to help her relax and maybe she'll be nicer."
"Oh, I think I can help!" Leena stands proudly, "I am already good at calming my little buddy here."
Leena pats Claire's head, before giving her hair the most affectionate ruffle. Claire smiles and wags her tail, reaching a paw up to the hair-messing hand. Leena demonstrates her point through visually enacting her next words.
"Petting, scratching and especially hugs always make sad or nervous people happy again."
"Don't put her to sleep, man," Cio requests, "I'd like everyone to help me with that goat."
Claire simply laid back in Leena's arms, until the taller girl lightly patted her cheek.
"Wake up, Little Buddy, it was meant as an example and not to be an actual nap-starter."
Claire fully sits up, moving her glasses upward to slightly rub her right eye. It was always hard for a touch-sensitive pup to not pass out from all that.
"Uh, I don't think you should get close enough to do all that..." Sparky gulps, "That goat would only need you inside the pen to do even worse... I already had to worry about you falling from a three-story billboard, Leena. And, of course, the painful aftermath..."
"Pi-shaw, Sparky," she waves him off, "for nothing can be worse than that."
"What about actually dying this time, Leena...?"
“But people die all the time, Sparky, and for Cio’s sake--” Leena pats the mentioned friend’s head, “I must do my duty as a friend and not be stopped by what will happen to me anyway.”
"You can prolong your death, though, Leena..." Sparky then looks at Cio, "But I guess you’ve got a point: if you really are stuck with this goat, then we would have to find some way to make things work out..."
"It is time for me to shine!" Leena heads toward the outdoor pen, "Beware, little goat, for you shall become nice and friendly!"
Sparky immediately chases after.
"Leena, don't just walk back in there...!!"
Everyone else hastily follows as well, Kage carrying the still-sleepy Claire along, before they all dogpile the husky-hybrid.
"Sorry Leena," Sparky sighs, "but we really need a better plan than just walking back in..."
"You are right, Sparky," Leena pops her head out, "I should get a carrot first. Goats like them as much as horses, right?"
Everyone had to agree: perhaps some treats could help soothe the savage beast. Although, a salt lick was deemed more a goat's desired snack. Everyone leans back in anticipation, hiding behind the tallest that is Ryuketsu, as the giant fox-man holds the long pole that the treat is tied onto. It didn't take a genius to realize it’d result in a bitten-off end that looked like a woodchipper's aftermath, so everyone only felt more fear than any surprise.
Leena suggests, "Should we try another one?"
Cio gulps, "Uh, I think she'd rather eat our souls next instead..."
Cio certainly felt his pierced by those glaring eyes above the chewing maw.
Suru asks, "What's after ‘treats’?"
"Scented candles," Leena nods, "our mom always says that they relax her during baths."
"Dude, I don't want fire anywhere near her!" Cio protests, "She's already dangerous without some kind of hazard around...!"
"Do not worry, as I can hold the candle away," Leena continues, "or we can use canned air freshener instead."
"I think we'd better stick to more standard means for animals," Sparky suggests, "Maybe we're also rushing things a bit: we're probably better off approaching her and making peace, after she's had a day or two to take in her new environment."
"I guess that makes sense..." Cio sighs, "I just hope she'll eventually let me get close enough to milk her..."
"I suggest wearing a helmet-- one with a face guard, too," Sparky gulps, "Sure, you're usually beside the animal, but you never know..."
A couple days pass… and it’s a good thing Leena is arguably “braindead” already, otherwise she’d have become permanently comatosed: being the only one brave enough (or likelier stupid enough) to enter the pen, she’d often find herself being struck in the head or hitting it after each launch. Everyone insisted she get Ryuketsu’s help in restraining the goat, thus reducing the risk of injury and death; but Leena felt it would “build better trust” if the goat didn’t feel like it was “bullied into also being nice.” Well, they all supposed they could understand the logic, especially Claire: the pup would hate it herself if she was held in place, and forced to let someone untrusted come near her and especially do anything with her. This time, the ground breaks Leena’s fall, as her face slides along it and creates a small trench. Everyone else winces at the scene.
"I think I am getting somewhere, guys," Leena keeps her face down, "She did not launch me out of the pen that time, so she is starting to like me being in it."
The goat then crushes her spine underneath all four pouncing hooves.
"... Nope, I have not done it yet."
"Aw man," Cio sighs, his fox ears hanging, "we're never getting her to calm down..."
"I've been thinking that maybe we should get a vet?" Sparky suggests, "There could be an underlying issue."
"Nah man, she’s clearly healthy and fine if she’s able to attack us so easily… She’d probably be more defensive, too, instead of offensive.”
Leena is flipped over the fence and crushes Cio, making his face slam into the grass. With Faxie being in his front overall pocket, the poor little critter whimpers and finds himself unable to move under the weight.
“Are my legs still there?” Leena asks, “I cannot feel them…”
“... You know…” Cio keeps his face down, “I’m willing to try anything, even if it seems unnecessary...”
Unfortunately, the local vet is familiar with more “traditional” pets: cats, dogs, birds… It also doesn’t help that she can’t be thorough with such an antagonizing creature. If not for Ryuketsu still managing to restrain the beast, a doctor would’ve been needed instead.
“Well, everything seems to be fine…” the terrified woman backs away, hiding her face behind her clipboard, “No signs of illness or injury, but I did make a discovery…” she feels for the pen entrance, not taking her eyes off the horned menace, “Your doe isn’t actually one, but a buck… I guess that would explain the terrifying streng-- GÜTIGER HIMMEL!!!”
The full-human barely had time to exit and slam the gate shut, before the goat’s horns practically impaled the portion of fencing.
“Sorry…” Ryuketsu pulls him away, “He got free…”
“If that’s all you need of me…” the lady continues backing away, “I’ll send you a bill later…”
She turns around and runs, while Cio stands about in wide-eyed disbelief.
“... Are you freakin’ kidding me, man?!” he throws his hands up, “Even if I do somehow get that crazy goat to calm down, I won’t be able to use her-- him like I need to?!”
“Okay, that does make things a bit harder…” Sparky rubs the back of his head, “But even if ‘sales are final,’ they still have to fix any mistakes on their part, right?”
“I sure hope so, man…”
However, was it a mistake on the company’s part…?
[End Chapter]
Keyword of advice: if you EVER have a question pop into your head when writing, look up the answer immediately. I just realized that I almost repeated a plothole that's present in the original draft of this story, back when it was "Claire's Companions" instead: I wondered if "all sales are final" means it includes any possible errors on the company's part, so I looked it up in ChatGPT and learned that a company CANNOT actually get away with denying exchanges/refunds/etc. if there was a proven error on their end of things-- "sales final" or not. Yeah, in the original draft of both that series and TAH, Cio wouldn't be able to do anything because the site claimed for legal protection: "Sales are final, no matter what."
PS: remember that for general legal help, in case you ever actually find yourself in such a situation and especially if some seller tries convincing you, "Oh, well, we warned you it was 'final' regardless and now we'd like you to be naive enough to assume you can't do jack about it." Believe me, some people WILL try to use a general lack of knowledge against you if you're not careful.
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cherrynwinesk · 9 months
Ok hear me out-
happy Halloween first off all
🍒: Too late for Halloween but I still want to write something scary (⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~
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As u sleep ~ Cellbit
Story g: horror (no love), not safe
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: supernatural creatures, blood, murders, horror. This is too violent, minors or sensitive people do not read, NOT SAFE, ONLY +18, (no sex, only violence)
CC's: Cellbit, Pac mention
Reader g: Neutral reader
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and accept corrections to improve the quality of the content pt.2
Master List
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Autumn had begun and you had just arrived in the city, starting a new stage of your life after not having found a job in your hometown after graduating from university, walking through completely unfamiliar streets at noon. While waiting for the traffic light to give way to pedestrians, a black-haired boy stood next to you, looking at his cell phone, completely distracted from his surroundings. "Hey how are you!?"
You were able to recognize him, he was a classmate of yours from university that you hadn't seen in a long time, his name was Pac, you didn't have much contact with him but you remember him perfectly participating in some classes.
"Hello, very good and what are you doing here?"
And you ended up walking around while talking about how life had treated u, apparently Pac ended up working for the government courts, he lived in an apartment shared with a friend and that he was on his day off. Meanwhile, you talked to him about how you had not been able to work in your specialty, and that you had left the nest looking for other alternatives to improve your quality of life, but that for the moment you were looking for a place to stay or maybe get a roommate so that the rent of an apartment does not fall completely on your shoulders. Pac told you that he had a friend who was looking for a roommate precisely because of the rent, if you were interested he could introduce you to him and you felt a momentary relief. You accepted and he took you to the nearest hospital, with Pac's identification u were able to enter the operating room areas, you walked to the end of the hallway where there was a sign with "Morgue", you entered and the place was very cold, your arms had goosebumps the moment you enter. You passed by several desks to the end of the place where there were some huge metal refrigerators, and there was a boy, dressed in a completely white insulating suit, white latex gloves that were now red, and with this a scalpel. "Cellbit I want to introduce you to a friend" The boy turned around revealing the body on the metal table, completely open from his chest, from that distance you could not see the body well, you only saw how the skin was stretched with hooks outwards, leaving the center free to be able to work. "Hello, I'm sorry, allow me a moment," the blue eyed boy wiped off the blood a little and took off his latex gloves, "Nice to meet you, I'm Cellbit" he held out his hand to you as he introduced himself with a nice smile. "Nice to meet you, y/n." "I'm sorry you know me so dirty and working, if Pac had told me you were coming I would have kept the body. Does it make you uncomfortable?" "No, I am fine Thank you" "And what do you think of the apartments in the northern part of the city?" You looked at Pac "I haven't told him anything" he told you in response to your look. "Who said about apartments?" "Well, Pac was one of the only people I mentioned to that he was looking for a roommate and a few days later he's here introducing me to a person I didn't even know he knew." "Logical" "The place I found is cheap, it has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, we would only share the bathroom, it is very spacious, maybe if you want to go see it before making a decision, tell me and I'll take you" And so it happened, you both agreed on a date and time to go see the available apartment, the place was good, very nice and comfortable in fact, it was spacious but not huge. You hadn't secured a job yet but from what you knew Cellbit works all day at the morgue, so maybe you would only see each other at night or in the mornings. You began the move, the apartment was already furnished so it was only necessary to have each person's personal things. In less than a week you got a job where the pay was good and you felt comfortable with the place. Your relationship with Cellbit was very good, a friendship of trust and security was immediately formed when you found in the same home, sometimes if one of the two cooked and there was a little food left over you would share it or agree to buy a burger on Saturday night. Of course, you never ate in the dining room together, most of the time Cellbit took his food to his bedroom and ate there. And you understood it, his work was very tiring and most likely he wanted his space. Because you were good friends, Cellbit gave you a special hospital pass so you could enter the morgue without any problem. So one Friday morning you agreed to go to the supermarket together to buy what they needed for the apartment. You would go that same day at night so after leaving work you went to the hospital, you went deep inside to look for your friend.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
My Next Life As a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Pirates of the Disturbance - Game Alan Stuart Review
Will Include Spoilers
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Oh thank you creators for making this guy my type he is a sad boy/tsundere who is shy and blushes alot and is easily flustered. This is the kinda guy that I'm sweet on easy. From his greyish/white hair to the way he wears his sexy earrings... yeah Alan is my guy in this game. Rozy still has me curious though so we shall see. Anyways Alan is a good guy to the point he is always worried about hurting his brother if he was to let Catarina know he loved her. Its funny because he didn't even realize he loved her until she got sick then he realized a world without her he just couldn't live in. I also respect him cause as soon as he knew he was in love with her he went straight to Mary to call off the engagement they had. I mean she didn't want to at the moment until they could be with the person they wanted then she said she would bow out.
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He is just so protective of Catarina, like when they get attacked by pirates he is willing to fight to his death if nothing but to keep her safe. He is a prince but he never lets it get to his head, he is still same boy that grew up with her. He picks on her about not being lady like and all but at the same time these are the things he loves about her more. He is adorable when he realizes she kissed him by accident. He gets on her and seems mad when she does something that can hurt her but I honestly feel like its to prevent from breaking down. He finally gets through to her how he feels and even in his last fight with Frederic I was so not expecting him to push her back and catch the sword with his hand. Like seriously dude is bleeding out yelling at Frederic that he will not let him harm Catarina cause she is the only on the matters to him and she is important. That was such a declaration of love that should make most girls swoon.
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The CG's were beautiful in Alan's route and I really love how both of them eventually expressed their love for each other it was so sweet especially with blushing Alan awww he is always swoon worthy. I love in best happy ending they end up engaged though. I hated how Mary and Geordo made them wait almost a year to be together because everyone else selfishness of wanting her. I do love Geordo was willing to let her be happy with Alan however I agree with Alan his last words may have sounded nice but he was practically saying my brother fucks up and I will be there. I love his special show he puts on for her in the lounge as well. I don't know everything about this couple I love and I love Alan so much.
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The alternate ending with Mary abducting her was plain creepy. I mean I always knew the bitch was psycho but she really proved it now. She would rather kidnap Caterina than let her be with the man she loves that was sickening to watch. The sweet love story in the mix of Ryle and Liliana was sweet to watch unfold as well. I hate on good ending although together its more in secret because Caterina has yet to call off her engagement to Geordo. Plus on this ending when she told Geordo he wanted more time he sounded more selfish in this part cause he made it sound like he didn't believe Alan could make her happy. I dont see how this was a good ending because Caterina talks about Alan being a dunce and not sure she romantically loves him. The doom ending being killed by Frederic was anticlimactic though if it was a doom ending would be more entertaining.
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Alan really is a special kinda guy and I would say he is like tsundere, meets sad boy, meets best friend/big brother trope. He is a bit of them all and every interaction I had with him was either sweet, intimate, or I could feel how much he cared. I posted alot of his pictures but some of the things he says is even sweeter take a look at the video its the last scene where they announce their love. If your ok with the spoiler you will see how adorable they really are together.
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limonlife · 2 months
My thoughts on Umbrella Academy season 4 !!!!! FULL SPOILERS !!!!!
I'm going to preface this by saying both that this will be a complete ramble and that I enjoyed the season as a whole.
Ep 1- I really love where everyone is without their powers it literally makes so much sense in all ways. I think Luther being a bad stripper is both hilarious and so accurate -also the comic accurate name makes this 100 times better. Viktor running a bar is also something I didn't realise I needed. Klaus being a germaphobe has my heartt!!! It also set up the show nicely.
The plot seems, to me, has seemed to get bigger and bigger every season but it's kind of mixed feelings on that but I did like the conspiracy theory element. Also, the fact that the timelines were bleeding into each other is a really cool concept.
Ben- I thought his characterisation was alright this season. I thought seeing him as more of a main character was a great addition and that alternate ben was - to be honest- a more complex and interesting character than original ben (but that doesn't stop me from missing him). I loved seeing how much of his self worth and view of the umbrellas self worth is tied to his powers. Also I'm a sucker for characters who are doomed by the plot™ as he is to fall for jennifer. I'm soso happy we got to see how and why he died and reginald killing was actually so in character. However, WHY DIDN'T GHOST BEN TELL KLAUS HOW HE DIED!?!?!?!
Time to address the elephant in the room- Five and Lila. I hated it. Although, that is mainly in relation to their ages and relationships to diego. Imo Lila would never cheat and ,more importantly, five would never do that to his brother. Also, unless I did the maths wrong five IS 70 MENTALLY and Lila is 41 after the six years in the subway. Especially given the age difference physically I just feel like it's weird. I also wish that writers could just let people BE FRIEND FOR GOD'S SAKE. However, I do think that if it weren't for Diego they could be more of a right person wrong time. Either way I wish is didn't happen.
Viktor- I feel like he took a lot more of a backseat this season and it was refreshing to see him bond with Reggie with no backstabbing. One thing is that he seemed way more aggressive than in previous seasons and his character just generally feels different from seasons 1, 2, and 3. It's not necessarily bad just weird.
I enjoyed meeting Claire properly and her and Klaus' relationship is everything to me. Klaus is such a fun uncle.
The ending- honestly it kind of makes sense that the umbrellas are always the cause of the doomsday and always will be so I don't know why everyone hates it so much. I was devastated though at the time. Despite this there are several plotholes, like why didn't the other 43 children also have to give their marigold to the cleanse. But tbh I can kind of see that they did anyway given that they were on Earth and were consumed.
I'm in love with seeing loads of the old cast just chilling in the original timeline and the swedes playing frisbee is everything. I also thought that the Marigolds in the end credit scene was a lovely touch.
I probably missed so much and it also may have some errors but I hope you enjoyed my ramble :). Overall, the season was still quite fun and vibey (if you ignore five and lila) and I don't think it deserves all the hate. I'm just going to miss this series but still look back on it warmly.
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
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Iseul headed to Center Park to relax and take in the scenery on her walk. She came to a grassy area with a picnic bench and was pleasantly surprised to see Megan and two other sims sitting and chatting. Megan wore a yellow floral crop top, her hair loose and wavy. Iseul’s heart decided to be annoying and speed up, while her brain went into music mode and the lyrics Here comes the sun, doo doo doo popped into her head. As she got closer to say hi, she noticed how the girl looked a lot like Megan while the boy looked a bit like Megan but went mostly after his other mom. These must be her kids, she thought.
Megan noticed her first and smiled widely. “Is, hey! What are you doing here?” Megan said, and Iseul smiled. “Just taking a walk.” Iseul said, and Megan scooted over and gestured for Iseul to sit. “These are my oldest babies, Safiya and Amir.” She said, smiling as she introduced her kids. “It’s nice to meet you guys.” Iseul said and Safiya and Amir smiled at her and said hi. “Actually I sort of met Safiya already, back when I ran into her and Amira years ago but you might not remember.” Iseul said, remembering how she’d been at a local flea market and saw Amira with a kid who looked so much like Megan, and she’d politely said hi when their eyes met, which made Amira bite her lip and reluctantly say it back before they made awkward small talk of Iseul asking about Megan and the kids and Amira forcing herself to be polite and saying they were good.
Safiya nodded now. “I sort of remember. I was 3 or so and you were this cool leather jacket lady to me, and amma told me you were mom’s friend in college. Plus amma was kind of grumpy after talking to you.” She added, glancing sheepishly at her mom. “I understand, your amma and I aren’t best friends.” Iseul said, not wanting to reveal too much to Megan’s kids. “Emmy already told us you guys dated so we know the full story, plus Tess told us how you asked mom not to marry amma then because you were in love with her.” Amir added, raising a brow slightly, and Iseul blushed and looked over at Megan, who blushed too. “Yup, but Issy and I are friends now.” Megan said, automatically using her college nickname for Iseul, which made Iseul smile. “Yeah, I know it wasn't my place but I thought your mom was rushing too fast to get married at 19.” Iseul explained. Safiya nodded. “It definitely wasn't, but I get it. Mom always tells us she doesn’t regret marrying amma cause she had us but tells us not to marry too young or hastily.” She said and Iseul nodded, looking at Megan. “That’s good advice.” She said. “Yeah.” Megan said, looking away from Iseul’s dark brown eyes. Lately she keeps thinking that what if she didn’t marry Amira and ended up with Iseul instead? She feels guilty for it but wonders if in some alternate universe that Megan is as happy with Iseul as she is with Tess, and she tries to push the thought away. She loves her wife Tess, of course, and she doesn’t need to be thinking about what ifs.
Megan changed the topic now, and told Iseul how Safiya was studying communications at Foxbury, and Amir was heading to Britchester next year. “I'd considered going to Foxbury with your niece, Cam and her girlfriend/my cousin Piper but Britchester was the better fit for me*.” He added, grinning. “That’s great, I heard from Cammy that they have great programs.” Iseul said, and asked him about what he planned to study. “Drama.” He said, trying to sound dramatic. “So you go after Megs.” Iseul added, glancing teasingly at Megan, who scoffs. “Kang, he gets that from Amira, not me.” She joked back. “Sure, Liao, blame Amira.” Iseul said. "Fine, he gets my drama queen-ness." Megan sighed jokingly and Amir laughed while Safiya nodded, grinning.
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mama-qwerty · 4 months
Okay, so my husband and I were talking about this over supper tonight. Because we always get into the weirdest in-depth conversations and half the time I don't remember how we even got on the subject, but ANYWAY
Back to the Future. Fun little set of movies about time travel and messing up timelines and whatnot. All worked out in the end, right? Everyone's happy.
Except . . . the time Marty returns to at the end of number 3 isn't the timeline he started from. There are at least 5 different timelines in play throughout the trilogy.
Let's break it down. My rundown is at the top, my husband's is at the bottom:
Marty Prime blows out Doc's speakers, realizes he's late for school, laments to Jennifer about his chances at being a musician. Yadda yadda yadda. Gets woken up in the middle of the night to meet Doc at the mall. Einstein is off on a one minute jaunt forward in time. (That didn't create another timeline because it was just one minute and there were no changes made to anything). The Libyans show up, shoot Doc, Marty jumps in the time machine and gets sent back to 1955.
Takeaways from the Prime Timeline - Doc Prime is dead, Marty Prime is never seen again, and presumably wanted for murdering Doc.
Everything Marty does in '55 spawns a second timeline, where George is a famous writer. Marty Prime returns to the '85 of this timeline early, watching Marty (2) confront the Libyans as they gun down Doc, and then jumps in the time machine to go back to '55. What happens to Marty 2? We don't know, but presumably he's causing his own brand of timeline related shenanigans.
Marty Prime, relieved Doc (2) is alive, goes back home, where he essentially takes over Marty 2's life. He falls asleep, only to wake to a nice house, successful siblings, and equally successful parents who love each other. Hey, everything worked out, everyone's happy, and he got the truck and the girl.
Doc 2 shows up panicking about Marty (Prime) and Jennifer (2)'s kids. They hop in the time machine and screech off.
They're in 2015. Shenanigans happen. Marty Prime stops his future son from doing something stupid, and all is well. Except Jennifer gets taken to future Jennifer's house, and Old Biff steals the time machine while Marty and Doc try to rescue her.
When Old Biff goes back in time to give himself the almanac, he effectively created timeline 3.
Doc (2) drops Marty (Prime) and Jennifer (2) off, and this is where we discover we're in Biffworld. Doc explains the theory of branching timelines, and have to figure out when Biff (3) got the almanac from Old Biff. Marty confronts Biff, and essentially makes himself a target for Biff's anger and spite, which will presumably come back to bite Marty 3 in the ass. In the Biffworld timeline, it's said that Marty (3) is in Europe. There is a Marty in this timeline. Marty Prime has released Biff's ire on his alternate timeline's counterpart.
Marty Prime and Doc 2 go back in time to stop Old Biff from giving his younger self the almanac. By preventing young Biff from using the almanac, they prevent the Biffworld timeline from happening, but they don't necessarily erase it. That timeline is still going on, just on a different branch of the time stream.
They burn the almanac, things look good, then the DeLorean gets struck by lightning, sending Doc 2 back in time to 1885.
Now, the Doc in '55 is the Doc from the Prime universe, as he exists before any long term changes take place. BUT, theoretically, he sees how much trouble a time machine proves to be, so never builds one. Thus making that timeline a separate one from the original Prime universe. Timeline 4.
Anyway, he helps Marty find the time machine Doc 2 left hidden. They find Doc 2's tombstone. Marty goes back in time to stop Doc from being killed by Buford. He succeeds, they save Clara, and now everything's all screwed up. Timeline 5.
At the end of the movie, Marty Prime is sent back to the future of timeline 5. There's no telling where the Marty of this timeline is.
Yes, there are inconsistencies. Old Biff should have never been able to come back to the future of '15 if he gave himself the almanac in the past and thus changed things. (And I think he was supposed to fade away because he essentially erased himself when he changed his own path.) If the timeline at the end of everything is a different one from the Biffworld timeline, Jennifer theoretically should not have still had the faxed note in her pocket. (And she wouldn't be the same Jennifer of that timeline, anyway.)
Time travel stories can be a pain, and if they're more complicated than this, they give me a headache. I have a problem thinking 4th dimensionally.
My husband's take:
Part 1: The series starts with the PRIME timeline (T-prime). Doc is killed and Marty Prime shoots back to 1955 where he inadvertently spawns a second timeline, let's call it T-2.
As T-2 plays out George lays out Biff and becomes a famous writer, it's now Lone Pine Mall, and Doc survives thanks to Marty's letter. Marty then moves forward in time 30 years, BUT he goes forward from T-2 to und up in T-2's version of 1985 where, as mentioned, Doc lives, George is famous, and so on.  As Marty Prime arrives in T-2's 1985 he sees Marty-2 (the Marty that grew up in T-2) shoot off in the DeLorean.
So by the end of Part 1, Marty-2 is gone, Marty Prime is taking his place in the T-2 timeline. Doc Prime is dead but Doc-2 continues living. So we have Marty Prime and Doc 2 going about their business in T-2. Following so far?
But what about T-prime? We never see it again, but we can assume it goes on. Doc Prime is dead, shot in the parking lot, and Marty is missing forever. Nerd George and Drunk Lorraine never see their son again. Maybe he's wanted for Doc's murder, we'll never know. It's a pretty grim end for the prime timeline story.
Then Part 2 really throws a wrench in the works.
It starts where it left off. Marty Prime in T-2. Doc-2 shot off to 2015 but he flashes back in and abducts Marty Prime and Jessica-2 and takes them to 2015 where T-2 would see Marty's son go to jail. Again, time traveler intervention splits the timelines. Because it happens farther down the line let's call them T-2a (Marty Jr gets arrested) and T-2b (Marty Jr is off the hook). So far, so good.
But then we have Old Biff-2 (remember, this is Biff from T-2). Old Biff-2 steals the time machine and hops back to 1955. T-2 1955 to be exact. More timeline splitting occurs when he gives young Biff-2 the sports almanac. Now we have a NEW timeline, Timeline 3 (T-3) wherein Biff becomes rich and powerful and creates BiffWorld.
Now, I am going to mention right here that, based on how the timelines have been working so far, there is a continuity error coming up. Because Old Biff-2 created the T-3 timeline, when he traveled 60 years forward in time he SHOULD have shown up in T-3's version of 2015 - the BiffWorld version of 2015. Marty Prime and Doc 2 should never again see the time machine in the T-2b timeline they are currently in. But it's the magic of Hollywood, so somehow they get it back.
Let's recap: So far we have T-prime (Marty is missing, Doc is dead), T-2a (Marty Jr goes to jail), T-2b (Marty Jr is free, Marty-Prime and Doc-2 are visiting), and now T-3 (BiffWorld). 
So, Marty Prime goes back to 1955. Again. Presumably he ends up in T-3 because Young Biff (Now Biff-3) has the book. However, if Marty is good at anything it's creating new timelines. So Marty-Prime creates ANOTHER split (T-4) by getting the almanac back. Wait, doesn't this just reset it back to T-2? Nope. We can assume that in the T-2 timeline Biff went home after the dance and licked his wounds, but this time BECAUSE Marty(prime) is back Biff crashes his car AGAIN, something we can only assume did not happen after the events of the first movie. Thus we are now in T-4.
Now we have Marty-Prime and Doc-2 in T-4. Doc-2 gets zapped back to 1885 leaving Marty Prime to find Doc-4. By this time Marty-Prime is well and truly screwed. He's never getting back home, but since he has a real problem with thinking 4th dimensionally he doesn't know this. 
Now in T-4 (1955) Marty Prime and Doc-4 find out that Doc-2 died in 1885, shot by Buford. Thus they fix the DeLorean and Marty-Prime zaps back to 1885 where he does what he does best, splits the timeline again. This time he saves Doc, creating T-5 and now Doc 2a? Let's go with that. So in the T-5 timeline Clara doesn't fall into the canyon and Doc-2a and Marty-Prime steal the train and Marty-Prime shoots forward in time to T-5 (1985). 
Now we are at the conclusion of Marty-Prime's journey. Who knows how many splits Doc-2a made but as far as Marty, we have Marty-Prime now living in T-5. What about Marty-5? We assume that Marty-5 shot off in Doc-5s time machine at Lone Pine Mall the other night but we really don't know for sure. In T-5 maybe Doc never even built it. We can't be 100% sure. It is LIKELY that Marty-Prime will take the place of never-to-return Marty-5 but it is possible that Marty-5 is tooling around town at the very moment that Marty-Prime is talking to Doc-? in his magic train.
Hopefully one of those breakdowns made sense. 😆
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
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micechicken · 4 months
Hii! I have some OC asks. Let me know if this is too many. Have a nice day/night! :]
Seven Candles: What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Mary Ary: What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Bea Berg: How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Flick: What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Seven is a Pathfinder OC so naturally she has an arsenal. She's a Rouge with the Mind Smith archetype which means she can summon a weapon with her mind through concentration. She earned this ability during her study at the Magaambya and almost always uses it. I have yet to draw it but it's a knife of a purple hue with a watery texture to is. It also has the ability to add salt to a wound as she enchanted it with ruins that took the ability of her old weapon, a cutlass she stole from a pirate. This ability is more for flair as it doesn't' really cause damage. She also carries a short bow (with arrows, some of which are poisonous), a dagger, and her claws. Also as a stealth fighter you rarely see her coming but it will HURT (thanks to the bonuses that rouges have due to her acrobatic abilities and stealth).
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Mary is rather young so that's not a lot she's experienced. But she comes from a very large family of enchanted mice whom she's strayed from after joining the main cast. They often butted heads with her due to her adventurous nature and desire to go to the people. Her parents often reprimanded her for "seeking danger" and her siblings often find her weird or foolish. Often times she wishes to go back to them but more often is happy she found her own family who appreciates her for who she is. As the youngest of the cast (Sparky and Tiger are considered young adults as they are cats/Inkets, Mary is technically human) she struggles a lot with the difficulties that the group faces as the story goes and finds some of it rather traumatic but struggles to go to others for comfort due to her family. In other words, probably the treatment her family gave her.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Bea is rather docile compared to the rest of the cast. He has a tendency to freeze up when encountering opposition or using his words to get out. Especially at the story of when we first meeting him he's rather directionless other than caring for Mushi. Often he chooses the most peaceful option in any situation to the point he starts to be come a peace keeper for many alien species. This is a huge contrast to Chez/Charlie who is more aggressive and a fighter, often using violence or killing to get what he wants. It's not that Bea doesn't learn how to fight when peace isn't an option but it's usually the others that handle that. Over time he learns to be more demanding with what he wants, any previous instance of this is rare or an act he puts on. Even during the story his goal is mostly peacekeeping and just doing what others want from him in order to get things over with.
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
There's two main ones I can think of.
The first is to never come across Nick or to let him go when he escapes. In both variations she would stay home with her family and never learn of magic or the truth of her home. She'd still struggle with interactions with others and feel like an outcast due to bullying, but she'd be there for her mom as she deals with cancer. It's also questionable how wizards and faie will fair especially if Nick doesn't grow as a person because of Flick.
The second would to end up on Huxley's side, either through believing him or by coming across him before others. She'd instead learn magic through him and not Nick and would definitely still want to learn magic in order to help her mom get better. If things went Huxley's way Faie would go extinct, but if she felt guilt she would probably change sides. Nick would also almost immediately by captured by Huxley in this scenario as he'd be found with Flick.
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purplemys · 2 years
Inuyasha Rant/Rambling
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I think it would have been cool to see Izayoi outside of being sad, dead or a damsel in distress. She could have been given much better substance.
I would have loved to see what her and Inuyasha's lives were like pre-death. Wiki says she died of natural causes. It can't possibly be old age because discounting the 3rd movie, Inuyasha ages like any human would. (If anyone says otherwise, that would make him way older than not only Kagome, but Kikyou too.) He was 9 - 10 years old when she died. Then this would mean sickness? Would have been nice to see Inuyasha's last days with her or how her family treats her... Ya know...to make me care more...
Some alternative deaths I have in the back of my mind,
a) getting killed by a rival demon of Toga's to show that yes, she was always in danger by mere association, let alone having the child of a Demon General/King. At that point, getting murdered by a demon might as well be a natural cause of death at the feudal era.
b) The house/estate got stormed by a hate mob because she's "impure" or a major target by other demons. She was either disowned or her family legit just fell into ruins. Either way, nobody would protect her. Wouldn't it be so tragic if it was humans who killed Inuyasha's mom instead of just demons? There's so many ways to make all this (TogaxIzayoi story, InuKik,Inuyasha learning to trust humans again) so much more heartwrenching. Inuyasha rarely mentions her in both the manga and the anime. At least in the anime, he mentioned her to Kikyou once which was nice but that's about it. In the manga, she didn't even have a name or a face.
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I think it would have been cool to see Kikyou outside of being sad, undead or a damsel in distress.
No, but seriously, there could have been better ways to write Kikyou's character than what we have been given. For all the shit I say about the characters I hate (like Kikyou and Hawks), at the end of the day, I appreciate the concept/attempt. They're like stylized bottles with little canon substance in them.
Kikyou, self-insert or not, she's integral to the plot- to Inuyasha's life. Now how would I rather the story have gone when it comes to Kikyou?
A) They should have written her relationship with Inuyasha way better.
B) She should have remained a major antagonist.
C) Let the characters (who always call one another out on their bullshits mind you) call her out on her shitty actions during her redemption.
Better yet, A + B (since her being an antagonist, getting called out should be a given) or we keep the plot as is but with a bonus C!
With Option A, it should fix the major issues I have with InuKik: a)Their dynamic and how it's inherently in Kikyou's favor. b)Their mutual distrust of each other. c)The lack of intimacy outside of being romantic/sexual partners.
a)Their dynamic and how it's inherently in Kikyou's favor.
Socially: Inuyasha was an outcast from having no family (they're either dead or hate him), being homeless, and worst of all, being a half-demon. In contrast, we have Kikyo, who is a priestess of high status, she is loved, she is legendary, she is powerful (if she killed him upon their first meeting, no one would care).
Mentally: Kikyo in canon, is not only regarded as older, she is meant to be wiser. She was educated, trained, and was (supposed to be) smart. Inuyasha by contrast was very likely homeschooled, sheltered and never had any of the social interactions Kikyo would have had. Inuyasha is said to be physically 15, if said to be 200 years old. Okay. Based on what I said about his actual aging in canon, he is 15 years old. Kikyo should have known this, yes? She met this young social outcast who was hated by both man and demon and thought "Yeah, ask him to be human. That solves both our problems and we can be happy!" But would it have worked?
But before all that, why would Kikyou specifically want the jewel gone?
"She wants to be a normal woman." Okay, but what even is normal in a world full of demons, witches, and other supernatural entities? "She doesn't want to be the guardian of a jewel that grants immeasurable power, that puts her life at stake more than usual." Fair enough, but I raise you this, her life was already at stake all the time anyway simply by being a powerful priestess (Midoriko for example). Inuyasha was even helping her guard the jewel which was barely kept safe.... at a shrine in the middle of the village... why was it just placed on an altar. I don't know. I won't touch it.
Now, Kikyo has been robbed of a regular childhood just by being born a priestess. I'll giver her that. She's way too young, even by their standards, to be burdened by a life-threatening job. Which begs the question, why does Inuyasha have to bear the consequences of that? He was already helping her, protecting her and her village. She proposed the idea of him being human, leaving himself vulnerable, leaving something he was born with, just to conform with society- and what changes with her? She already admitted she's just going to live as a priestess without the threat of the jewel. That's something so heavy to leave on him -
(I had to check what she actually said and it was just "I will be an ordinary woman." See earlier point. Wishing him to be human doesn't suddenly rid her of her powers, she'd still be a priestess regardless lest they elope which was never stated or implied. I mean, she could have dropped her position as priestess ? But it was never stated or implied what she meant. Honestly that proposal between her and Inuyasha didn't feel like a proper conversation between lovers who planned to eventually marry.)
Which now leads to my next point, it wouldn't have worked.
(Disregarding the possible implications of the jewel being destroyed had they just burned the jewel inside Midoriko's mummified corpse, or if not, just sealed the entire cave with Kikyo's powers that came next to Midoriko's.)
The jewel, at least in the anime, was finally gone due to "the right wish" - Kagome's selfless wish. The Shikon Jewel got tainted by any sort of impure, selfish desire, yes? The mere inkling of jealousy, hate, and envy was enough to taint the jewel. While I think Kikyou just wanted that jewel gone and never to see Inuyasha again. I'll entertain the idea for the sake of my argument. Kikyou's supposed wishes on the jewel were (in the first case, was going to wish)
1) "For Inuyasha to be human." - The main motivations for this wish aren't inherently awful but it's still questionable at best. Inuyasha clearly hesitated and she insisted that this wish will lead to them living normal lives. Inuyasha clearly dislikes being human - being weak, vulnerable, and essentially unreliable during an attack lest he trains to be a soldier afterwards, and even then that's not going to stop demons who just know what he looks/smells like-he'd be dead. To end this point, this clearly benefits her more than it does him. That's clearly still selfish.
(Even if Inuyasha was fully into it, that wish is still by all technicality, self-serving, - a wish tainted by possible feelings of resentment and loneliness, only to be somehow "fixed" by conforming to a world that clearly hates him.)
2) Supposedly, "Kikyo wished to see Inuyasha again" and that somehow manifested into Kagome being born with the jewel. I'll lightly entertain the idea that that wish is what caused the jewel to be recreated and brought back to the feudal era. That wish is still very much self-serving. It is what she wants, after she "killed" or sealed her supposed loved one. You really can't ask for someone back after you did that to them. (This is ignoring the fact that the narrative wasn't even sure what happened back there. She aimed to kill. Then he was sealed because "she didn't want to kill him." Then the story says "she followed him to death." Which. Was. It.
This leads me to my next point, relating to her wish. Kikyo clearly had a basis of what the right wish could have been. She wouldn't have suggested that wish to Inuyasha if she didn't know what constituted as a wrong wish, right? "She wasn't sure actually, cut her some slack!" Then why would she want to test her idea out on Inuyasha, who she supposedly cared about. She knew the jewel was dangerous and likely twisted any wish the user had based on any sign of impurity.
Why use it on Inuyasha?
What, because he was desperate enough to let her.
b) Their mutual distrust of each other.
Inuyasha didn't trust her enough to know that she wouldn't just suddenly fire arrows at him the exact day they promised to seal their fate together. He didn't even bother checking her scent- very important, mind you. It's actually evident post-resurrection that he didn't even put it past her to keep hurting him. With Kagome, he always doubted if she could ever actually hate him. I think it is also note-worthy to point out that after thinking Kikyou betrayed him with those warning arrows, he never bothered to sought her out, hurt her, confront her or anything, just snatch the jewel, sack the place then run.
Kikyou didn't even bother checking the aura of the person who she thought was Inuyasha. This man fought for you, helped protect you and your people, always made the effort to get closer to you, even agreed with your questionable plan, ready to abandon half of his identity to be with you, and you didn't once think "Hey. Something ain't right."
"They were fooled! Naraku was cunning! The disguises looked real!" Naraku can't hide scent and aura! These two "lovers" lived in an era where shapeshifting demons who want them both dead were a thing and they never thought it could happen? This lack of acknowledgement ties into another point I have.
c)The lack of intimacy outside of being romantic/sexual partners.
So they didn't trust each other enough and it was barely given proper acknowledgement and introspection. What did they have going for them outside of the kissing and being social outcasts "together"?
Well, they went out on a boat ride together. Sat nearby each other whenever they were barely talking. Didn't talk about much and it was about loneliness and about the jewel. (minus the one time they had brief mention of Inuyasha's parents and Kikyou even apologized for damaging his robe.) She asked him to bathe with her once. Don't know the rest.
They could have literally talked about anything else of substance. Inuyasha's Mom, Kikyo's parents, Kaede, the villagers, places they've been,Favorite Food, people they've faced, Onigumo, The looming threat of being ambushed by shapeshifters, nasty bandits, their hobbies outside of what they do, their education, the topic of how their marriage would be, what their life would be like, where would they go- literally anything else?
"That's the point! It's tragic and sad and they didn't have enough time! It was cut short because of Naraku-"
Tragic implies inevitability of the awful thing that will happen. e.g. A forbidden relationship being found out, put to the test and despite doing their damndest, one or both of them die.
Kikyou for some fucking reason, never bothered to tell Inuyasha of this Onigumo (who lusts for her mind you). Inuyasha never bothered to be more open about not liking being human. The both of them not even bothering to try giving the other benefit of the doubt.
"That's the point! They're immature! They were desperate and needed each other's company!" That's not love. That's infatuation at best and unhealthy at worst. I wouldn't mind you know, if they (the narrative and characters) just treated it as such. Say so, they were lonely and just needed someone and it happened to be each other. Now why would you want to marry someone you're not emotionally intimate with, let alone you barely trust?
How Can All These Be Fixed:
1) Have Inuyasha and Kikyou have simple scenes of bonding outside of being angsty teenagers. Kikyou was capable of playing with kids, so she's probably somewhat fun. Apply that to Inuyasha then. Yeah, "but that's childish!" Let the young people have fun- eat together, play board games, stargaze, talk gossip, literally anything lighthearted, please. The atmosphere around Inuyasha and Kikyou always felt so heavy. Not even in a somber, melancholic way. More of "Do these people even really enjoy each other's company?"
So there was one scene that wasn't shown enough of and when I read it, I really like it: The origin of the subjugation beads. Kikyou decided not to kill him after finding out he was after the jewel. Made the beads and was about to trick him to wear them as a present but decided not to give them to him when he suddenly gave her his late mother's shell of rouge, which she likely felt touched by. Questionable, even she admitted it. If she gave it, she should have confessed to it and never use it- kept it as a necklace gift. Either way, that, that kind of moment is honestly cute. Plus, the mention of his parents I stated earlier. :)
Should have had them courting each other with presents and late night talks instead of whatever the anime gave us.
2) Have Kikyou try any other way of making Inuyasha welcome in society instead aiming for what honestly should have been a final, desperate attempt.
Inuyasha did not like being human. Simple. Kikyou should have known this, yes? Nope. Because Inuyasha never showed himself to her as a human. Never told her about. He was never around long enough for her to even come close to seeing him human. Because he didn't like being vulnerable around her or anyone for that matter. Come to think of it, their "relationship" properly "developed" because Inuyasha for once felt compassion towards her. Kikyou started the entire meeting thing because she felt confident, arrogant even, that's he's just a half demon she doesn't need to kill. Alright, fine. Standard "They didn't like each other at first because of obvious reasons." Then she felt some sympathy when she found out that Inuyasha's parents were interracial and both deceased. Okay, nice development. Then it ends there. That's the best they could do with them. Basic remorse and sympathy. For all the months that Inuyasha stayed at that village, Kikyou didn't even invite him to stay inside with her and Kaede. The attempt. The mere offer would have been nice. Kikyou should have at least made more of an effort to integrate Inuyasha into the villages (she had influence over them). Inuyasha only seemed to matter to the villagers when he's needed for a fight or when he's feared.
I would understand if Kikyou and Inuyasha wanted to be rid of their respective powers if they actually tried to be normal and the villagers just did not like them being together. But no, Kikyou tried being normal for a day, playing with kids which for some reason, she only started doing when Inuyasha was around because "she felt more human with him" or something. Yeah but why though? What's the difference with Inuyasha around and him gone, in regards to her duties at the village? Fine, say Kikyou did feel softer and kinder when Inuyasha came because it's the first time she had to actually feel sympathy for someone who isn't human. Why hammer in that Kikyou pre-Inuyasha was kind, caring, and loved by all? Wouldn't it have made sense to write her being colder to everyone except Kaede, at the beginning, feared even but she started changing with Inuyasha which could lead to the people being more accepting of half demons?
Fine- if you don't like that option and that Kikyou had always been an open-minded, kind, smart person, why not use that influence to make Inuyasha an equal. A hero. "Oh she didn't trust him enough for that." or "The society will never like Inuyasha even if she said anything."
Currently, Inuyasha's respected in the world by doing what he does best and it was helping people, slaying demons and protecting the weak. Something he was already doing pre-seal anyways. It's baffling that there wasn't even an attempt to take him everywhere as her bodyguard and to spread that positive message to all the villages that not all demons were evil.
Could they have thought she was bewitched? Probably. But it seems Kikyou's word was gospel to the lot of them. The attempt would have been good.
3) Kikyou should have died any other way, caused by Naraku.
The only way this whole ordeal felt "tragic" was because of the curse Tsubaki placed on Kikyou (weird plot-convenient curse she had there). What was her fucking plan really? Just hope that Kikyou was gonna eventually fall in love? What if she didn't? What then? Kill her? Why not do that to begin with? Kikyou knew all this actually and just vowed to never fall in love but later in the anime she managed to deflect a curse and turn it on Tsubaki? Is there no way to counter the initial curse? She's much more powerful! But the reason why this was never properly dealt with was because it would be convenient for the plot for Kikyou to just die because of Inuyasha. And he didn't even know about all this until later on , if I recall correctly.
If we took that whole thing with Tsubaki out, we would have been left with Naraku's scheme. (Which is what I grew up knowing about, I only knew of the curse now. I was just told her power would diminish when she fell in love, which is bullshit because Kagome never had that problem and Kikyo's powers didn't weaken by that much. So apparently ist was a curse. Huh.)
"But Naraku's whole M.O is manipulating and tricking people!" It's one of them sure, but Naraku is also ruthless when it came to his attacks. Should have went with that route instead of them falling for an obvious trap that pretty much proved how shallow their "love" for each other was.
In this new version, since Inuyasha and Kikyou are an actual couple, they wouldn't have been fooled by obvious trickery and Inuyasha would have known about Onigumo- this leaves the options of possession/puppetry, trapping them both in an illusion, and or just straight up killing Kikyou while Inuyasha was lured elsewhere. But if we insist that she had to have been killed while he was transformed as Inuyasha, just to fuck with her, then at least have her know that it wasn't him but someone she isn't sure of (condition being she's not aware Onigumo has a thing for her) , wishing that Inuyasha would avenge her. Inuyasha, upon finding out that he's been lured to somewhere else (something that can happen, like with Mt. Hakurei) or tricked, and Kikyou had been killed, yeah, he's out for vengeance. The way he could be sealed was if Naraku then uses Kikyou as a disguise to attack him then get Tsubaki to do the seal. With the first one, since Inuyasha knows Kikyou is well, dead, it leaves who could possibly be out for the both of them (not immediately thinking it's Onigumo since last he checked, the man was a critically injured human who has no relationship connection to either of them). With the second, Tsubaki gets to fuck with them both because she's always hated Kikyou and wanted to one-up her. There, you have your tragic lovers who deserve to be together and get revenge for what happened to them.
Option A + B
This is the one where Kikyou doesn't get redeemed. Fast forward to Kikyou being resurrected because the hag thought she could do something with that. She's bones, gravel, spite and hatred incarnate. And she should have stayed that way. I adore the idea that had Kikyou been written to be good and then upon being dug up, turned into this awful husk of a person who just resented the living.
You can't have both the likeable, kind, sympathetic Kikyou while she goes around hurting people, stealing souls, scaring kids, helping Naraku, killing someone with her powers-an innocent human at that.
She goes on resenting Kagome, who is an unwilling participant in this love triangle, a 15 y.o who actively helps Kikyou and Inuyasha. (The manga is littered with Kikyou pointing out that Inuyasha was hers to heal and keep. I'm not against the idea of Kikyou coming back as this vindictive spirit but they should have acknowledged that. Not even her sister acknowledged it. Kikyou legit went "Inuyasha's gentler now. When he wasn't with me. She's healing his heart. I should have been the one to do that." and Kaede just went "Kagome is a strange child." Maybe tell her to not be so possessive? Yeah I know she looks a tiny bit like Kikyou but damn, she was willing to murder a child.) She goes around hurting the people she used to care about (Kaede, Inuyasha), hurting the people Inuyasha cares about (Kagome, the gang) and this creates heavy impactful angst! Because if they were an actually happy couple and this happened with Kikyou, then it comes down to Inuyasha's "She's no longer the woman I loved. She's a danger to the people around her and herself. Her soul needs to be put to rest." And then you have her die once, at the end to finally give her closure with Naraku and Inuyasha. I would have cried if that was the case.
and Option C, the one where she gets redemption.
I hate the love triangle because of how convoluted it is. Inuyasha looks like a fickle cheater at times, Kikyou clearly hates Kagome, and Kagome is just in it, trying to be the bigger person for the both of them and not fucking die.
If we kept the entire story as is, the least they could have done was acknowledged how awful Kikyou was to Kagome, Kohaku, Kaede, and a lot more people.
Her bullshit plan using the jewels to give Naraku a new body and then destroying him, along with the jewel was so ridiculous, not even counting the lives ruined in the process.
Would that arc have been solved if the characters just acknowledged that she was being shitty? No. Because that also needs to be coupled with her owning up to her mistakes.
She never owned or admitted to trying to kill Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kohaku. She never took accountability for being such a liability in during battle. She never owned up to the fact that she was absolute trash to her boyfriend, trying to drag him to hell, making him for guilty for even finding happiness with another woman, nevermind not even sure if they were dating, just chalking her up to "her replacement". She always had to be right and pitied on and that was so infuriating.
I think I'm getting a headache. Lets move on.
Now to fix the redemption, with Writing A + a bit of B.
Rewind back to Kikyou being resurrected, she's spiteful and bitter and the resentment is now personal, focused on Inuyasha, Kaede and most of all, Kagome, who she views as her replacement.
Since in this version, Kikyou knew Inuyasha didn't murder her, the hurt now comes from the fact that it seems like he moved on, with her reincarnation, and he hasn't avenged her yet. Of course she would be upset, she has every single right to be. To be a memory. To be stuck in the past. I'm gonna tear up just thinking about it.
Now where does Kagome come in all this. Nothing changes. She already actively helped Kikyou and Inuyasha in canon. She had always been understanding, the only condition being Inuyasha tells her beforehand that they will meet.
Kikyou and Kagome's relationship wasn't always just about their romance with Inuyasha. There were other things to be petty and or insecure of, like their roles as priestess, rivals of Midoriko's legacy, all that.
So here we know that Kikyou lost everything, not just her life, her beloved, she lost her position, her life's hard work, and all that went to a woman from a different time period- clearly she didn't belong here.
So there, we have the angst and drama on both sides. Kagome's insecurities trying to measure up to an amazing priestess and person, and Kikyou's insecurity of being replaced by "another her".
"But that's already canon! Kagome is an extension of Kikyou! She's her reincarnation! Wouldn't that make them the same person!"
No. I hate it when people disregard the message said and told by the narrative that Kikyou and Kagome were never and will never be interchangeable. Kagome is not Kikyou's 2nd Chance to be with Inuyasha. She's Inuyasha's 2nd Chance at Happiness. Kikyou is not Kagome from the Feudal Era. Kagome and Kikyou are two very different people.
You can make Kikyou and Kagome opposites without making the other ridiculously unlikable. (With Kikyou being so unkind and unsympathetic and Kagome being "bratty and spoiled" -according to InuKik shippers.) I don't have to put Kikyou down to prop Kagome up. The writing did that all on its own.
I'm trying to put them on an equal bar while trying to keep them with their individual personality and quirks.
Pre-Death Kikyou can be the calm, collected, intelligent, fearless one. She was mature for her age, probably overworked and never got to experience all the joys of being a teenager. (One might even add some level of paranoia that adds in to Inuyasha's protectiveness towards her and why he's so special to her. )
Kagome is the impulsive, temperamental, resourceful, brave one. She's emotional, sassy, and all around a social buttefly that got all the experience Inuyasha and Kikyou never had.
There. Complete opposites without the other being so unbearable.
Now how would Kikyou and Kagome's relationship go?
Well, only in the anime, I appreciate the attempt to make Kikyou respect Kagome. The episode was called "Kikyou and Kagome Alone in a Cave."
I would have liked this more if this wasn't one episode among multiple episodes with attempts on Kagome's life, Inuyasha's life, Kohaku's... Ugh.
For this version, she can probably try killing Kagome once because she was newly resurrected and "there can only be one of us." Kagome immediately tells Inuyasha this and this obviously angers Inuyasha which Kikyou then accuses him of actually replacing her. This drama causes a rift between the two that has nothing to do with Naraku or them being gullible or selfish because that was absolutely infuriating. Kikyou then keeps looking for ways to send Kagome back to her time (which she did in the first movie, she quoted "You don't belong here. Never return." )
Kagome clearly bottling up resentment at this point, because this undead woman whose name she has to live up to hates her, wants her boyfriend back, and just sent her back to her time. We have that scene of her realizing she loves Inuyasha but wanting to be supportive. The same goes as follows until Kagome finds her again, injured and filled with miasma after her last encounter with Naraku.
Kikyou, still bitter at this point, wandering around, stealing souls to stay "alive", looking for Naraku, just sees this girl and gets defensive. Kagome, having decided to be the bigger person and be sympathetic, offers to help Kikyou. Kikyou obviously taken aback, begrudgingly accepts this.
Kagome leaves the situation with more pity and sympathy for this woman she barely knows, and maybe some perspective. Kikyou isn't immune to mistakes and getting injured. It's okay to not live up to her right away. Kikyou leaves the situation with newfound respect because if it was the other way around, would she have helped? Would she have set aside her resentment to help someone again? If she didn't, what would that make her? Was she always this vindictive beneath the surface? Without the expectations of being the mature older sister/priestess, would she be selfish? Kikyou should have pondered stuff like that in that state.
Because Kikyou is supposed to be smart and self-aware.
Maybe have Kikyou want to get to know Kagome personally-? Maybe earn her trust back?
Now what happens to their relationship with Inuyasha involved? Kikyou now having more respect for her reincarnation, should actually stick around to see her and Inuyasha in action, maybe even try to help out, see what their dynamic is like, maybe kinda see if Kagome's better than her or not. This drama is better than the constant Inuyasha running off to see Kikyou and Kagome being jealous even though Kagome stated outright that them seeing each other was not the issue, it was them going behind her back.
Okay, so I love Kagome and InuKag but this needs to be stated, they were all did dirty. Kagome and Kikyou's potentially complex relationship was boiled down to relationship drama.
How Do We Fix The Love Triangle?
Easy. It ceases to exist. Let Inuyasha, Kikyou, and Kagome have a proper friendship and talk about their situation. The common argument neutral parties have about the love triangle is that "Inuyasha cares about them both equally!" I'd believe you if it didn't feel like InuKag + Kikyou attempting to homewreck an already good relationship.
"The Love Triangle was integral to the plot!"
It was a fucking parasite is what it was.
"But what is the drama of these three if not the romance?"
Insecurities, Duties, Mortality, Regrets, Expectations, Trauma, Loss, and Competition, among other things. The feudal era is a goldmine of drama and angst and you want to settle for this weird trite?
Inuyasha's main conflict in the series was avenging Kikyou and getting a happy ending for himself and Kagome. Great. Cool. But that damn love triangle made it seem like it was a 'who did he love more' then proceeded to show that Kikyou was awful and Kagome really just was the better choice.
Now, with this version, what is the main conflict, if he and Kikyou were indeed happy and Kagome is there, the new girlfriend... well, it is letting go of the past and moving forward.
Kikyou is quite literally dead. Kaede, Inuyasha, her village mourned her 50 years ago. Next thing she knew, she was conscious- made from clay and bones. The world move on without her and that, she never had a say or fault in any of what happened- to her, it was like days ago (since Inuyasha did not age) You can't even fault Inuyasha for this if they were happy. The tragedy lies now in what they never got to and never will finish.
Kikyou's clay body maintains itself from souls of dead women. Wether she takes them or her body's just a magnet for them, up for debate. Either way that is not sustainable and she's taking souls from strangers, not letting their souls to move on and rest.
"But the relationship was supposed to be flawed and exploitable and that's tragic!"
You're asking people to care about two people who barely care about each other beyond the bare minimum.
If the goal was to make them flawed but believable why did they have to crank up the problems to 20?! If Inuyasha and Kikyou were meant to be individuals with serious deep-seated issues, why not bring that up, lets talk about that. Address it. But nah, the story kept flip-flopping between calling it an undying tragic romance and a betrayal that somehow stemed from a lack of trust. Feeling betrayed ≠ Not having any trust in that person.
"It's like enemies to lovers where they don't trust each other completely!"
First off, there's no ideology/authority that makes a human dating a demon illegal. The exception is priests and monks because they're spiritual heads who are tasked to killing demons so yeah it would be highly questionable. For the demons, having intercourse with a human isn't really unheard of because they already see humans as lesser, be it entertainment or ya know, food. They raise eyebrows when the demon in question falls in love and makes an offspring. The point I'm trying to make is that they were never actual enemies and the story never painted them as such. Their description in canon is "tragic lovers". Also, the proper taboo here is it being interracial.
Inuyasha himself has no personal grudge against Kikyou at the start because why would he? He never had the intention of hurting or killing her because Inuyasha never harmed humans out of fun or spite. Kikyou, it's just business. Her job was to protect the jewel. She did so.
End of this segment, just brought it up in case someone tries to justify why two "lovers" didn't trust each other to not get attacked by the other.
Now for my final thoughts, there was a point in time that I was a fan of Kikyou's design, her aura, all that. I even drew her nonstop at that period. Same goes for Hawks actually. But why inflate what actually happened in canon? For all the fun what-ifs, could-bes, this is what we have. This is what is shown and told to us. I'm more of a show and tell person and but if I had to choose, it should be Show. Kikyou's pretty design doesn't really mask the fact that she's underdeveloped and written like scribbles on cardboard.
Miscellaneous things to mention before someone brings it up:
1) Kagome's final wish on the jewel was selfless because of her very personal motivations at the beginning and at the end of the story. Kagome stayed to help collect the shikon shards because she felt personally resposible for it shattering. Kagome didn't have to, really. She didn't know these people, even worse, they were 500 years ago. They'd still be long gone when she returns home to her normal life. But no, she selflessly stayed to help fix the mess she accidentally made trying to fulfill Kikyou's shoes. Now, at the middle of the story, friends and all. What did Kagome specifically have to lose if she walked away from the fight, with Kikyou back to do her job? Her pride? Her job of filling in for Kikyou? Inuyasha? Yeah, true. But those are still things she started without. What did Kagome have at the start of the story that she never would have lost if she walked away- her family, and her life at the modern era. She personally had nothing to lose at the end of the day by wishing for the jewel to disappear. (The wish was anime only. The manga states Kagome will fight in Midoriko's place eventually which yikes...)
"Kagome wished for the jewel so she could stop fighting because the jewel hurt her friends and so many more people!"
Yeah. Other people. Not her, specifically. She chose to fight. She didn't have to. She had no obligation to. "She didn't belong in that era." Kagome had nothing to gain from the jewel's power- no personal vengeance, no lifelong grudge to speak of. The wish benefited everyone else the most. Which is why it was the right wish to make and why Kagome was the right one to make it.
2) InuKik would not be cute or romantically tragic if Inuyasha was a girl and Kikyou was a man- it would be way too obvious it's unhealthy at best and abusive at worse.
See my points about the disparity between social status and maturity. Side tangent: Now the rich person x poor person is a common trope and the implications of abuse of power is usually sidestepped by having the poor person secretly being rich, becoming rich or the rich person losing those riches and power to be with the other. Now Kikyou and Inuyasha don't have a class problem but it's more of a position/status in society issue. Kikyou is a priestess, someone with the authority and "pass", if you will, to exterminate demons people deem dangerous. No one would care if she killed Inuyasha on first sight because who would protect this man's right to live? He had no support system, no family, friends, nothing. That itself isn't the main issue because she spared him for vague reasons. The issue now lies with her attempt to ask him to use the dangerous jewel to make a wish. If something goes array and he hurt her or anyone else, she'd have "good reason" to hurt/kill him in self-defense. Just a thought.
Kikyou has been really nasty towards Inuyasha despite him always being the one to get closer despite getting hurt. She was possessive, making him feel guilty for her death, asking him to die for her, to abandon the happiness he got from Kagome and his friends.
Now all the issues I've mentioned here and paragraphs beforehand and then genderbend that. You'd call him controlling, manipulative, selfish, abusive, yes? Because that's what she was like.
"You're reading too much into it!"
And why shouldn't I? If their relationship was so important, why shouldn't we look at it and scrutinize it?
"You're overreacting. She did reassure him that it was all Naraku's fault! He tricked them!"
- By exploiting an already weak relationship.
"InuKik was supposed to be endgame but the author of the manga was pressured to make it InuKag."
You as the author, have the power to make your story any way you want. If you're gonna upset a bunch of fans for a pairing you've written well for, better back it up with an equally well-written pairing. Leave no room to argue. No one will give you shit if it was done right. If you can somehow make a good way to write Kikyou back in and give Kagome a satisfying ending then yeah, it would be fine. Not happy for everyobe but it would have been serviceable. I'd say, if you're gonna piss the fandom off, at least do it well.
3) I'm not a mysogynist. I'm a girl and I would like to not see someone go "Ew. You're too hard on Kikyou but give Inuyasha a pass. You're just pitting two women against each other!"
I just said how Inuyasha's character was tainted by the love triangle, along with how we can have two powerful likable women and not reduce them to romantic rivals Inuyasha just had to choose from. I appreciate the "what Kagome and Kikyou offered him if he chose them" but I can totally understand how that would come off as unfair to the other party.
4) I have enjoyed fanfics with Kikyou before.
The first one. Can't remember the title but it was a ficlet about Kikyou being a narcissist. She kissed Kagome in that one because she was so entranced about Kagome being pretty. It was so weird because I don't think it was meant to be romantic. Kikyou was supposed to be self-absorbed and unsettling. This was the same woman who thought so highly to herself and told the 15 y.o stranger that she was an extension of her. Damn.
The second. It was what I suggested, maybe have Kikyou actually want to get to know Kagome. In this fic, Kikyou, after having been saved, wanted to befriend Kagome, earn her trust back. Kagome, already nice to her by default agreed to hang out and they even had friendship necklaces! :D It was a cute ending when they finally set aside the thing with Inuyasha and just talked about being girls, school, teen stuff- because Kikyou never had that so Kagome brought her presents from the modern era and I should stop rambling omg.
The third. Kikyou post-resurrection, having been rid of her duties and mortality decided that she should be more chill and carefree. The fic was half serious, half Kikyou just flirting with guys, sleeping with everyone who wasn't taken, ugly, or a minor. The fic was just fun, because it wasn't weighed by the characters not talking about the very suffocating relationship drama. Inuyasha, Kagome and Kikyou talked, remained friends, and she was over all being friendly now that yeah, she doesn't have to be crushed by the weight of responsibilities and it wasn't like she was leaving Kagome to do the work since she decided to stay with them to help out. Also, SessKik. It was just interesting.
5) The easier and more dramatic way Inuyasha could have betrayed Kikyou was to take the jewel when she handed it to him and he secretly wishes to become a full demon and then mauling her (still fulfilling thay violent death curse Tsubaki set on her). Just a thought.
6) KagKik is so fucking odd to me because Kikyou first thought Kagome to be an extension of her and then she flat out hates her. The the story thinks Kagome was Kikyou's second chance to be with Inuyasha. I don't need to tell you why it's a tad bit weird. I swear.
7) A polycule is a weird way to solve this. That takes out the tragic part of Kikyou being dead. To each their own I suppose but this should come with the condition of Kikyou being a well-written partner to begin with and Kagome being somehow okay with a three-way with her boyfriend and his undead ex girlfriend. ' - '
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