#'reese did you open the computer and get back out of bed to make this post' YES
flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
bitch shut up this is absolutely just because of the insomnia exhaustion and stuff but the fucking. frank’s fucking torture scene in 112...........the heavy references in tone and motivation to punisher: born.
frank ‘sacrificing’ his family (memory thereof, the implied peace in/after death and reuniting with them) to choose to go back to the mud and the blood and the violence. the comic had the heavy implication that he had a (literal? metaphorical?) deal with the devil in nam that resulted in the park massacre.
frank and micro spending the whole season like bickering husbands, perfectly translating their pre-max comic relationship,
jon bernthal in a tank top covered in blood
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page-doctor-bekker · 3 years
Human Error (transfemme!sarah)
(A/N) this really doesn’t actually have anything to do with sarah being trans, it just takes place in the same universe. this is literally just an event that happened in this au written out so i can write about effects surrounding it without people being confused lol.
“Reese, we’re slammed, any chance you can take treatment four?” Maggie pointed at Sarah Reese, and then at the fourth treatment room. Sarah looked up from the computer, before grabbing her tablet and heading to the treatment room.
“Hi, Mr. Nearling? I’m Dr. Reese, what seems to be the issue today?” Sarah pushed for hand sanitizer, rubbing her already-dry hands together until the gel had absorbed.
“Trouble breathing…” The man took a few labored breaths, “Cold sweat… I’m shaking, I can’t breathe-”
“Okay, I see, when did this start? Does your chest hurt at all?”
“I… I had a big meeting today and it just happened suddenly. I guess it hurts a little bit.”
“Can I take a listen to your heart?” Sarah asked, already taking her stethoscope off of her neck. The man nodded, and she pressed the drum to his chest. His heart was racing.
He started talking fast, “Are you going to be able to give me a doctor’s note? I’m going to lose my job…” He started breathing faster.
“Has this ever happened before?” Sarah asked, lifting the stethoscope from the man’s chest, “Any history of anxiety or panic disorders?”
“Never like this,” He choked up and coughed a bit, “But, I had social anxiety as a kid.”
“Do you have any family history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure? Do you smoke, drink?”
“No, none of that,” The man waved his hands, “I’m a healthy guy. A vegetarian, everything- everything is fine! I’m perfect, I can’t-”
“Mr. Nearling-” He was hyperventilating, and Sarah grabbed one of his hands, “Mr. Nearling, I think you’re having an anxiety attack,” Dr. Reese let go of his hand, and hung her stethoscope back around her neck, and tapped on her iPad, “I’m going to give you something to calm you down, then we can talk about coping strategies and I will refer you to outpatient psychiatry to continue care. April, push 1.5 milligrams of Ativan.”
April pushed the medication through the patient’s IV line, and Dr. Reese pulled up a round, spinning stool to the bed and sat down. April nodded at the doctor, and left the room, pulling the curtain shut.
Mr. Nearling calmed down noticeably, which Dr. Reese took as a success - Panic attack subsided. Dr. Reese smiled, “It’s normal to have some residual physical symptoms, mild tightness, shortness of breath, but as the medication works you’ll calm down more and more. Have you ever had a panic attack before?”
Mr. Nearling shrugged, “Maybe? I’ve never gone to the hospital for it.”
“After a severe panic attack you may have more panic attacks in the coming days or weeks, so I’m going to call in a mild benzodiazepine in case you need a bit of help,” Dr. Reese typed that into the tablet, “When you feel the anxiety and panic start up, you definitely want to try coping mechanisms before you take medication for it. The medication is just for if those coping mechanisms don’t work, which sometimes happens and is to be expected every once in a while.”
Mr. Nearling nodded, taking a deep breath. It was shaky going out, but residual anxiety can do that.
“So, a good first step, whenever you’re having a panic attack, is to recognize that you’re having a panic attack. If it doesn’t work to say it in your head, say it out loud,” Dr. Reese tapped the tablet against her leg with each coming syllable for emphasis, “I am having a panic attack.”
“I am having a panic attack.”
And just like that, it was no longer a panic attack. Mr. Nearling went limp, and the monitors started going crazy. Dr. Reese held two fingers to the man’s neck, and yelled out, “I need a crash cart!”
Everything moved fast after that. Sarah was pushed out of the way by two ED doctors, who started barking out orders.
“He’s in cardiac arrest, page CT. Reese, get on his chest-”
Sarah could feel blood pounding in her ears, and she clasped one hand over the other and started humming. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive. Stayin’ alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive… No matter how much CPR she performed, she still needed the song to keep her on beat.
“-Milligram of Epi.”
Ah, ha, ha, ha…
“Hold compressions,” Dr. Choi barked, holding two fingers to the man’s neck, “Clear!”
The man’s chest lurched as he was shocked, and Sarah’s heart jumped into her throat. Dr. Choi held his fingers back to the man’s neck, “Another milligram of Epi. Charge to 200.”
Sarah resumed compressions. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’...
Sarah held her hands up, shaking. This never got easier.
“Asystole,” April sighed out, preparing another milligram of Epi. She knew exactly what Dr. Choi was going to ask for next.
“Another milligram of Epi.”
Sarah reached to resume compressions, but Dr. Choi swatted her hands out of the way and did CPR himself. Dr. Choi did it slightly faster than Sarah did. He knew the man was dead.
Sarah squeezed her clammy hands together, shaking like a leaf.
Dr. Bekker rushed in almost immediately after Dr. Choi stopped compressions, and was floored when Choi called time of death.
“Alright, why wasn’t this patient taken to the cath lab as soon as his heart attack was diagnosed?” Ava’s tone was stone cold.
Everyone looked at Sarah.
“He uh… He presented with…” She cleared her throat, “With shortness of breath, mild chest pain, cold sweat, shakiness, and extreme anxiety as well as a positive history for social anxiety. He did not-” She cracked her knuckles, “Um… He also displayed signs of work-related stress and no- Uh, no risk factors for heart attack. I determined he was having a panic attack and ordered 1.5 milligrams of Ativan and started talking about coping strategies with him.”
“Whenever a patient shows up with chest pains they should receive a FULL cardiac workup REGARDLESS of history and risk factors,” Dr. Bekker took a step towards Sarah, and grew louder, “If YOU were in the emergency room with CHEST PAIN, would you be anxious?!”
“I- uh-”
“You did NOTHING you should have. ANXIETY is NOT a contraindication for a heart attack, and now this man is dead. Leaving him to die in the waiting room would be more effective,” She spat out, her tone venomous, “Psych residents, I swear. God, isn’t anyone in this hospital competent?”
Sarah was out of the room before she even knew she was moving. Her feet dragged her away and her heart was practically leaping out of her chest. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and she started chewing on her tongue to avoid letting them go. She clenched her fists as Dr. Charles called her name.
“Dr. Reese! I was paged to the ED, something about you?”
“I need to use the bathroom,” She pushed past him, and he grabbed her arm.
“Sarah,” He whispered, “Go sit in my office when you’re done. I’m going to finish rounds. We’ll talk when I’m done,” He started to walk away, before turning around, “You’re not in trouble, Sarah, I just want to understand what happened.”
Sarah pushed open the swinging door to the women’s bathroom, bolted into the nearest stall and slammed the door shut. She sat down and started sobbing.
I’m in love with her.
She choked on her own snot, and ripped off a piece of toilet paper to blow her nose.
I’m in love with her, and she hates me.
She let out a wail.
i’m in love with her, she hates me, and I failed her.
The bathroom door opened.
Sarah held her breath, pulled her knees up to her chest to avoid making any noise.
“I don’t think she’s in here,” Sarah heard April, a gentle voice amongst the madness.
Sarah heard a pager beep.
“Ugh, I have a heart transplant. Whatever, send a note to Dr. Charles and let him know I was looking for her.”
She wants to yell at me some more. She wants to hurt me. She somehow knows about me and I’m going to get fired. I’m going to get fired and be all alone. She knows about me and she’s going to hurt me and I’m going to get fired.
They left, and Sarah let out her breath and let her feet fall to the floor. She blew her nose again, and took a deep, shaking breath. She stood up, and leaned her forehead against the stall door. She took her hair down from it’s low ponytail, and shook it out. She grabbed a piece of her hair and started absentmindedly braiding it - an old anxious habit.
A few minutes and three braids later, she opened the stall door and stared into the mirror in front of her. She wiped away her tears, approached the sink, and splashed water on her face, soaking one of her messy braids in the process. She dried with a thin paper towel, took another shaky, deep breath. She grabbed a helping of hand sanitizer on her way out of the bathroom. Force of habit. Even leaving her bedroom at home she sometimes tries to push the sanitizer button, even though it isn’t there.
Sarah practically ran to Dr. Charles’s office, hurriedly taking her braids out and running her hands through her tangled hair.
She unlocked Dr. Charles’s office door with her key, and closed the door behind her. She did not turn the lights on. Instead, she made a beeline for the couch. There was a throw blanket stored under one of the cushions, and she pulled it over her after grabbing it. She covered her face with a pillow, and screamed into it.
She forcefully uncovered her face, before relaxing once she saw it was just Daniel.
“Sarah,” He inquired, sitting down at his desk, “What happened today?”
Sarah sniffled, “I misdiagnosed a heart attack as a panic attack,” She choked out, “Mid-30s male presenting with shortness of breath, mild chest pain, cold sweat, anxiety, healthy weight, vegetarian, panicking with a history of social anxiety, currently experiencing work-related stress, no family history of heart disease, nothing.”
Dr. Charles sighed, “Common mistake. Hardly something to have a-”
“He died, Dr. Charles,” She cried, “He’s dead.”
Dr. Charles’s face hardened, “I see,” He faltered.
“And- And Ava, God, Ava…” She pressed her hand to her forehead, “She yelled at me in the middle of the ED, and she said I was incompetent and-” She choked out a sob, “She hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Sarah,” Dr. Charles’s tone softened, “She’s just… She’s just angry. She won’t be angry forever.”
“I just really messed up today,” Sarah swiped her tears away with trembling hands.
“You did,” Dr. Charles agreed, “You did mess up today, but-”
“I’m going to get sued-”
“I’m going to lose my residency and I don’t have a fallback plan, I’m in so much debt and so much trouble-”
“Sarah, you’re not going to lose your residency,” Dr. Charles yelled, and Sarah fell silent. He took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for yelling at you, but you’re not going to lose your residency. Every single doctor has a misdiagnosis in their career, it’s just part of the job.”
“But he died. And it’s my fault.”
“Sarah, you are going to lose patients. And sometimes it’s going to be your fault,” He reasoned, “You’re a good doctor, Sarah, you’re a good doctor who made a mistake. You want to know what happened during my residency? I diagnosed a teenage girl experiencing vomiting and lack of appetite with bulimia,” He raised his eyebrows at Sarah, “She died of malnutrition. Autopsy showed she had ulcers all along her digestive tract,” He shrugged, “She was in too much pain to eat! But all I saw was a sickly thin teenage girl that was vomiting and couldn’t eat.”
Sarah stayed quiet.
“The point is, things happen. Death happens. Sometimes, conditions disguise as one another. Medicine is hardly ever an exact science,” Dr. Charles pointed out, “Human error is expected, you’re not going to get fired, and you’re probably not going to get sued. Mr. Nearling presented with no typical risk factors of a heart attack, and all the typical risk factors and symptoms of a panic attack. Did you purposefully ignore Mr. Nearling’s heart attack?”
Sarah shook her head.
“Boom,” Dr. Charles threw his hands up in front of him, “You had no malicious intent. You made a mistake, a common mistake, on a patient that didn’t present typically, and it had consequences.”
Sarah nodded.
Dr. Charles sighed, and looked at Sarah with a look of sympathy, “And now it will never happen again, right?”
She nodded.
“You’re going to take complaints with these symptoms more seriously?”
She nodded.
“You’re not a bad doctor, Sarah, you’re just a human,” He said, “In med school they always teach you what someone who has a heart attack looks like, just like they taught me what someone who has an eating disorder looks like. You just have to learn to get past that phenotype and look deeper.”
Sarah stayed quiet.
“Look... This is hard. I get it,” Dr. Charles sighed, “Just... go home, Sarah. Take a breather.”
“Go home. Come back in a few days. Take a break.”
“Yes sir,” She said, quietly, before standing up to leave.
(A/N) thanks for reading :) i’m going to build on this at some point and write a follow-up to this one shot. hope you enjoyed! this is a foundation for the parts i want to write, so it doesn’t have too much about sarah’s actual transition. i am so sorry for making ava be mean :(( EDIT: If you liked this, check this out bc I am continuing it!
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themirokai · 3 years
Too Much Butter - A Person of Interest / Rinch Fic by MiroKai
When I watched Critical I got kind of stuck on the fact that John was criticizing a specific bakery for using too much butter.
So I wrote a very short fic about it. Read it under the cut or on AO3.
Without looking away from the computer monitor, Harold reached for the almond croissant, continuing to type with his right hand. As he brought the pastry to his mouth it was suddenly snatched away from him and he was surprised into an undignified squeak. He swiveled his shoulders to peer at the culprit. “Mr. Reese! What on earth are you doing?”
John dropped the pastry back into the box. “I’m going to get you another one.”
“What?” Harold narrowed his eyes, failing to comprehend.
“This isn’t good,” John said. “It’s too dense, and not laminated properly. They used too much butter.”
“None of what you just said makes sense,” Harold frowned. “The croissant tastes nice.”
John shook his head. “It’s not good enough. I’m going to Laudrée to get something else.”
“And waste perfectly good food?” Harold asked.
John quickly pulled a knife out of his pocket, picked up Harold’s pilfered pastry and cut off the piece Harold had bitten, then did the same with his own. “Nothing’s going to waste,” he said, and clicked his tongue at Bear who immediately sat up on his dog bed. John tossed the scraps of pastry to the dog who caught them easily and swallowed them with a wag of his tail.
Harold’s jaw dropped. “Mr. Reese! His diet!”
John gave him a rakish smile. “Bear’s tummy will be fine. And the rest of this,” he said, closing the box with the pastry inside, “I will drop off with Geraldine who lives in an alley between here and Laudrée. Unlike you, she could use a little extra butter.”
“Are you calling me fat?” Harold tried, and failed, to sound offended.
“No, Harold, I am calling you ‘not homeless,’” John replied. “I bet you I can be back with a decent pastry before you find a name and address for our new number.”
“This is completely ridiculous,” Harold sighed.
“It’s not,” John said, completely serious. “You deserve only the best.”
Harold’s mouth dropped open for a moment before he recovered himself. “John, I-”
John put the rakish smile back on his face. “Besides, it’s not like I can work until you’ve found out who our number is.” He pointed at the array of screens. “Get back to work, Finch. You won’t even notice I’m gone.”
Harold rolled his eyes and turned back to the computer.
Harold was still absorbed in his search for any information about the number when a plate was placed by his left hand. He looked up to see John taking a chair a few yards away. The smell of sugar, butter, and chocolate reached his nose and he glanced down at the pastry. It was a perfect golden brown, with twin spots of dark brown chocolate on each side. He picked it up and discovered that it was still warm. The outer layers had a satisfying crunch and the inside was delicate, the individual layers of pastry almost melting on his tongue. The chocolate was dark and the perfect combination of sweet and rich with a hint of bitterness. Harold couldn’t have contained his “mmm” of pleasure if he’d wanted to. When he looked up he saw John watching him with a huge grin on his face. Upon being observed, John cleared his throat and turned his eyes to the book in his hands.
“The - uh - pain au chocolat was just coming out of the oven when I got there. Figured you wouldn’t mind the switch.”
“Far from it,” Harold said before taking another bite.
“You like it?” John asked, his unbothered tone clearly feigned.
“It’s the best I’ve ever had,” Harold told him sincerely.
“Good.” John turned away, but not before Harold saw his wide smile.
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lamesiscanon · 4 years
Pine Tree
Day 8 coming in 6. DAYS. LATE. because someone's computer decided to just not work anymore :( Anyways, thats my excuse so please enjoy. (prompt list by @remus-john-lupin )
The morning chill was almost enough for Remus to tuck his feet back under the blankets and succumb once again to the comfortable lull of sleep and a warm body tucked against him. Key word: almost. Remus hadn’t set his wand alarm this early for nothing, and he was going to stick to his plan. With great effort, he swung his legs out from under the blankets and over the edge of the bed to quietly get ready for a cold morning spent in the snow. 
Lemon raised her head from her spot on the sofa when he came downstairs. If she was curious why Remus was awake so early, she didn’t show. Instead, she licked her paws a few times and laid back down again to go to sleep. Reese’s was another story. Her wagging tail hit Remus on the shins a couple of times as he leaned down and tried to pet her. He was able to calm Reese’s down by pouring her an early helping of food in her bowl, and Lemon’s too, just to be fair. The dog and kneazle best friend duo ate side by side as Remus prepared his morning tea as quietly as possible, and then he’d be out of the house. 
Reese’s came to the door with him after she was done eating, tugging on her leash hanging from a hook near the back door. They rarely used it, but it was her way of showing that she wanted to be outside. Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to have her with him, Remus opened the door for the both of them to venture into the expanse of trees they were lucky to call their back yard.
The morning was light, but there was not yet any rays of sun to warm him through the three layers of coats. Remus took Sirius’ sweatshirt as his first layer, and then wore his own jacket as a second, and finally, Lyall’s old flannel coat was bundled tightly over the whole of it. Still, Remus was looking forward to either the sun rising, or getting back to the cabin. Which ever came first. 
Reese’s walked ahead of him, diving under the fresh powder of the forest and barking at random tree branches. She disappeared under a pile of snow for a couple of seconds before coming back out with her tongue out and tail wagging happily. 
The search for the perfect pine tree was tougher than Remus was expecting. It was easy to completely disregard the few aspen trees scattered here and there and focus on the green pines, which were tall and plentiful. But that was exactly the problem. Remus was trying to surprise Sirius with the perfect real tree to put in their living room, and everything he’s spotted so far was either too tall or too bare.
Reese’s started barking again, though this time she was out of Remus’ sight. He gave up on the tree he was looking at now, which wouldn’t have been too tall if he just cut from the middle but it wasn’t full enough. Instead, he followed the sounds of Reese’s’ barking and found her facing the most beautiful pine tree in the world. It was the perfect height with the ideal amount of branches. It wasn’t bare in the slightest, but it wasn’t too full that Sirius could decorate it if he chose to. It was exactly what Remus was looking for when he came out into the forest at the crack of dawn.
In hindsight, he should’ve realized that there would’ve been a completely different reason for a dog to be barking at a regular pine tree, but Remus had it cut with his wand and levitating behind him as he made his way back to their cabin home. Reese’s was still barking at the tree when they arrived on the back porch, so Remus left her outside to get some of her energy out while he set the tree up in it’s stand in the corner next to the fireplace. When all was said and done, Remus went back to the kitchen for another cup of tea and to get started on a proper breakfast for him and Sirius. 
Halfway through cooking the hash browns, a pair of arms made their way around his waist and a chin was resting over his shoulder. 
“Hey.” Remus greeted, leaning his head against the one resting on him for just a moment before focusing back on the food. 
“Hey yourself. Would you mind telling me why there’s a pine tree in our living room?” Sirius’ voice was still groggy with sleep and his tone was accusing, though his arms didn’t go anywhere from Remus’ waist. 
“Hmmm, well if I remember correctly, I’m pretty sure I went out and cut it down this morning.” Remus took the pan of hash browns off the heat and turned around in Sirius’ arms to face him. “Since you wanted one, and all.” 
Sirius squinted his eyes up at Remus for a moment before his face broke out into the widest of grins and he leaned up to kiss him. “I only mentioned it in passing, you know. You didn’t actually have to wake up this early just to get me a tree.” 
“No shit?” Remus asked, trailing his hands up and down Sirius’ arms and relishing in the warmth that was brought back to him after his frigid morning. “I wonder why I did it anyway... hm, could be that I’m in love with you.”
Sirius kissed him, a quick peck to the lips before he was dragging Remus away from breakfast and into the other room to look at the tree.
In the living room, they found Lemon in her same spot still snoozing on the couch. One look told them Reese’s was outside the window on the back porch, no longer barking but staring intently at the tree. Remus paid no mind. 
Sirius walked around the tree, trying to look contemplative but was betrayed by his own wide grin that took over. Remus watched him, content with the peaceful moment of the beautiful morning and with himself for finding such a beautiful tree, and nothing had even gone wrong. 
“Remus?” Sirius spoke up now, standing behind a branch where Remus couldn’t see him. “Why is there a hedgehog in our pine tree?” 
Remus hurried over, putting Sirius behind him as an act of protection and getting him out of the way so Remus could get a look at whatever Sirius had spotted. Indeed, there was a little creature nestled on the branches of their pine tree. 
“Oh.” Remus reached out to the animal, looking at the branch it resided on and was careful to keep his voice low. “It’s not a hedgehog, it’s a Knarl. Similar to a hedgehog in looks and behavior, but their quills have magical properties that can be useful in potions. They are cautious creatures, but will take to you almost immediately just by avoiding eye contact and not making so much noise. They don’t like loud things, but they don’t like quiet, either. You can talk to them quietly, but usually humming a song will do the trick.”
Remus was busy trying to convince the Knarl into his open palm and did not notice Sirius staring at him until he was turned around with a tiny creature in his palm. He was smiling to himself and softly petting the animal with two fingers, completely immersed in Professor mode.
“The females are larger in size and have a darker color in quills. Males are smaller, but the unique thing about them is their quills often have a gradient change in color. More often than not, a male Knarl’s quills will start at a darker color closer to the skin and get lighter at the top. Based on the size and color of this one, she’s a fully grown female.” Remus looked up then, and Sirius reveled in the moment Remus remembered that he was at home with his husband, not in his classroom at Hogwarts.
“How do you even know all of that? You’re the DADA professor, not Care of Magical Creatures.” Sirius asked as he came up to pet the Knarl with his own fingers. Remus smiled. 
“I’m just smarter than you, that’s how.” Remus admitted, watching the Knarl curl up in his palm and sniff his fingers. “Any questions?” He joked. 
“Hmmm. How did I get so incredibly lucky?” Sirius asked, but Remus’ only answer was a roll of his eyes. Sirius hummed to himself now, a Led Zeppelin song that had played on the radio yesterday. The Knarl looked up at Sirius, who was careful to avoid eye contact just like Remus said. The creature deemed Sirius a worthy candidate and made to move from Remus’ palm and into Sirius’.
“So, what are we naming her?” Remus asked, beaming at his husband and the way he was marveling at having the Knarl in his hand. 
Sirius’ head snapped up, though he was careful to not jostle the girl. “We can’t keep her, what if she doesn’t want to stay here?”
Remus looked out the window for a brief moment to see Reese’s tail wagging and no longer staring at the pine tree in trepidation. It made sense now, that she had barked at the tree the entire way home and took up guard duty at the window before Remus or Sirius knew that they had another pet on their hands. Reese’s probably deserved a few extra Christmas presents this year. 
“We’ll let her leave if she wants to,” Remus shrugged, “But I did sort of cut down her home on accident, so maybe she’ll want to stay. I’ll name her, you can charm the tree to stay alive, and if she still wants to leave then we’ll allow her to.” 
“Wait, why do you get to name her? You named a Kneazle Lemon!” Sirius asked, careful to still keep his voice down as the Knarl crawled over his arm and explored his jacket. 
“Because she’s yellow and white, it made sense! You named a black dog after a candy that is brown and red so therefore, I get to name our new friend.” Remus stuck out his arm when the Knarl crawled to the ends of Sirius’ fingertips. The Knarl hopped onto Remus’ arm to scurry the whole way up his arm and settle into the flop of greying curls. 
“Oh Merlin, that’s just too precious. Look, Moons, even the animals know your hair is a nest!” Sirius hurried away to find their camera, and Remus was too amused in the situation to be mad. Sirius came back, snapping a picture of Remus looking up towards his hair with a dopey grin on his face while the Knarl snuggled into the curls. 
“So? What’d you decide for the name?” Sirius asked as he put the camera away and sat down on their couch. Lemon woke up and moved herself onto his lap to receive affection. 
“I thought we’d keep the food theme going. She looks like a Cocoa, don’t you think?” Remus took a seat next to Sirius, grabbing his book with his right hand and holding Sirius’ own with his other. The whole time he was careful not to move his head too much. 
“Cocoa? You had an opportunity to call her Carl the Knarl and you went with Cocoa?” 
“Well she doesn’t look like a Carl to me! She looks like a cocoa.” Remus defended. “And you don’t get to say anything about my naming choices since you named our dog after a peanut butter cup.” Remus settled back into the couch, indignant about not being able to settle into his book. 
Sirius let him be for a moment, still holding his hand and petting Lemon. Reese’s had been let in before they had sat down, and she took to running circles around their new pine tree. From the soft breaths coming from on top of Remus’ head, Sirius could tell that Cocoa had fallen asleep. Sirius was struck with the sudden clarity that this was his family, and he felt like he belonged. 
“Hey, Remus?”
Remus didn’t look up from his book, but he hummed in acknowledgement to show that he was listening. Sirius wanted to tell him how he had never before felt so happy, that his best moments were these ones spent with Remus doing almost nothing together. He wanted to tell Remus that he would do anything for him, just like Remus had got up early to go out and get a tree just because Sirius had wanted one even though they didn’t have any ornaments. Most of all Sirius wanted to tell Remus that he was truly, madly, deeply in love with him. Remus knew all of this, though. As much as they said it aloud to each other, they said it through actions, like getting a pine tree for their living room. And so Remus already knew.
“Thanks for the tree.” Sirius told him instead, but he knew Remus heard what he had meant anyway, and beamed.
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nyisles · 5 years
Magic In The Hamptons
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part one | part two | part three 
Player: Mathew Barzal 
Words: 3.2K 
Warnings: language, questionable steam? - tryna keep this pg 13 because i’m not a smut writer. 
Notes: thank the LORD the writers block has passed. Lmk what you peeps think (i crave validation), of course she isn’t edited so yeah just uhh enjoy. 
         Deep breath, you reminded yourself. It was hard though as you looked around the room you were in realizing this definitely was Mat’s place. The pictures of him and his family on a bedside table, and a hockey bag in the corner of the room. What did you do last night, (Y/N), you thought to yourself. You laid in bed for another two minutes before realizing you couldn’t just hide here, as comfortable as it was. This wasn’t even your apartment. Sliding your legs over to the side of the bed, slowly bringing yourself up, a pounding headache came on like you knew it would. You cursed yourself to never drink again, especially never a drink that Mat Barzal makes. Padding down the hall, you found yourself in the living room, the only place in Mat’s apartment you’d ever seen before. It was all nicely decorated, barely looking like a bachelor pad and something a bit homey-er. Much to your surprise Mat was curled up in a few blankets, sleeping quite peacefully on the couch. Had you kicked him out of his own bed after… well… after maybe what you think might have happened. “Mat.” you whispered. No response. “Mat.” you whispered a little louder. No response. Suddenly you found yourself going over and poking him square in the chest. “Mat.” 
         His eyes fluttered open, and a sly little smile came across his face. It disgusted you, well not really, it disgusted you how much you loved it. “Ah, glad to see you’re alive this morning. I was a little worried.” He said in the raspiest morning voice you’d ever heard in your life. It felt like your knees might give in, his morning voice was just that attractive. Do something gross, you said internally trying to challenge him. You just sighed, throwing your head down doing a little bit of your best mopey charlie brown impression. “I literally had to throw you over my shoulder after the uber, force you into the bathroom to change and then you had the audacity of saying the sweatpants i gave you were scratchy so you made us swap right then and there.” Sliding his legs over so you could sit down on the couch, you let out a sigh. “I am...so sorry.” was all you could muster up not even looking at his face. The embarrassment was far too strong. “(Y/N), you have a killer ass, I am not sorry.” 
         Your face turned the brightest shade of red in the whole human existence, you were truly a tomato, not even... You were a fire hydrant. “Jesus, Mat.” was all you could mutter before giving his legs a little push as he tried to stretch them out across your lap. In all honesty you couldn’t even make eye contact with him, so you just had to watch him from the corner of your eyes. “Honesty is the best policy, and to be fair that is all I saw.” He said throwing his hands up in the air to prove his innocence, hard to believe he was all that innocent. Deep down you were slightly pleased, and completely relieved that’s where it ended. A subtle showing of the ass was something you could live with, or at least learn to get over in a few months, maybe days. “And maybe next time you can let me at least have half of my bed instead of telling me I had to stay on the couch. This shit is going to mess with my back, have fun telling all of Long Island you’re the reason I’m out due to undisclosed back issues.”  Rolling your eyes you, picked the pillow off the back of the couch behind you whacking his body with it. He let out a little groan as he decided to sit up, as he glanced over at the clock on the wall. “You’re joking, (Y/N). It’s only 6:30.”
         “Then go to your real bed, I should probably go home, pop an advil, and try to sleep this off.” Mat rolled his eyes, standing up then taking your hands and standing you up off his couch. “Advil is in the bathroom cabinet, I’ll see you in my room.” He said walking off down the hall from where you’d come from, not giving you a moment to even think or respond. To be fair, you felt obligated to stay, you didn’t even know where your clothes were from last night, how could you leave? It was only 6:30 anyways, you doubted that there would be any real ubers driving around and it was way too early for Reese or any of your other friends to pick you up. So you walked yourself to his bathroom, popped an advil and almost immediately found yourself back in Mat’s room. He was already laying in bed, scrolling through his phone. 
         Pulling the sheets over, you snuck yourself into bed trying to give Mat some personal space. You had no idea if he was a cuddly guy, or just thought you both deserved a little bit more rest. Glancing over you saw him now shirtless, you were too nervous to move any of the blankets further seeing what else he had on. You were aware it wasn’t that weird, most boys liked to sleep shirtless and in boxers. Hell, if you were home alone you’d rip off these sweatpants and sleep without pants. Mat glanced up from his phone looking at you practically hanging off of the edge of the bed. Instead of making some sort of comment, he tossed his phone on the side table next to him and grabbed the waistband of your sweatpants gently tugging you over to him. “You were so into me last night, and now I have to drag you over here to cuddle. I thought you were an affectionate kind of girl.” He said softly as he closed his eyes, “It’s not fair.”  
         “So needy. I thought you wanted to sleep.” you said now cuddling into Mat, trying not to overthink this. “Originally sure, but there’s a ton of things we could do here.” Mat wiggling his eyebrows as you, as you gave him a small smack on the chest. Wincing, Mat get out a laugh, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, in this moment, life was pretty good. It’s almost like your hangover had disappeared. You were perfectly content laying next to this seemingly perfect guy, but at the same time Mat did have a point. Your feelings of wanting to go home with him last night hadn’t changed, now you were just sober with a less forward attitude. Tilting your head up planting a kiss on Mat you figured there was no better time to go for it than right now. Sliding your leg over his body, you found yourself in his lap, slowly grinding yourself down on the boy continuing the makeout, pulling away briefly. “Alright Barzal, whatcha got?” You said with a cheeky smirk. He didn’t dare speak. It’s like the green in his eyes turned dark, and his hands found your waist flipping the two of you over so he was on top. And the good news was, you would definitely remember this.
- - - 
         You spent the next weeks floating around on a cloud. Mat’s training had picked up since the season was soon to start, and work was a bit more demanding, but the two of you had managed to keep up, sometimes he’d even call you when he was ‘bored’ before some preseason game and couldn’t nap, and he’d slept over your apartment twice claiming your apartment was ‘closer’ to the rink when in reality it was just about the same distance thanks to Long Island traffic. It felt like any fears or doubts about Mat disappeared. He’d thrown you into a group chat with Tito, Emma, and Derick and made an effort to get to know your friends. Your girlfriends were constantly hounding you when you two would define whatever it was that the two of you were doing, though you ignored it knowing you couldn’t push it with him. Every conversation about that made you think back to when you’d originally met some of the wives at Sydney’s wedding, who made it seem like you couldn’t force a hockey player into anything, they’d just spite you with way girls who were way prettier. The last thing you wanted to do was push Mat to Whitney. It was funny because she’d even requested to follow you on instagram, though you left her request pending. You never brought it up to anyone besides Tito who just laughed it off and told you not to accept it. 
         It was hard not to find yourself daydreaming at work as you typed away on your computer, but the buzz from your phone brought you out of your thoughts. Looking down you saw Mat’s name across the screen. It was hard not to smile a little bit, you glanced around the workplace making sure no one would be pissy you answered a personal call. “MB” you said softly into the phone, “you trying to get me fired?” 
         “Would that mean you’d be free this Friday night?” 
         “I can be available even with a job this Friday night, why what’s up? Big plans to fall asleep on my couch five minutes into a movie?” you joked trying to poke fun. It was far too easy, and you both had a solid flirty banter to keep up with. “Actually no, it’s opening night. I wanted to know if you would support your favorite hockey player. Derick Brassard.” You couldn’t hold back the laugh, as you took another glance around your office noticing that no one really cared who you were on the phone with. “(Y/N), this is where you say, of course. I’d love to watch my favorite hockey player and Mat on the ice at the same time.” 
         “I hope Emma doesn’t get too jealous, but I’d love to go.” With that you got little butterflies in your stomach. This felt like a pretty big deal, being invited to the opening game of the season as Mat’s plus one? Or person? Or female friend? That was all very much up in the air, but it felt as if things were headed in a good direction. “Cool, cool.” Mat said so casually, but what you didn’t know was how excited he was and how ‘cool’ he was trying to play it on the other end of the line. “Listen, I’m gonna go run some errands, but I’ll talk to you later.” Within five minutes you had been added by Emma to another group chat, this time assuming it was the other girls since you were welcomed with a warm text from Grace. 
         Grace Lee: Isles bitches, pregame in the coli parking lot on Friday. I expect everyone to be in their best orange and blue. Chipolini sangria will be flowing, so drink up for me, #preggers. 
         A small squeal escaped your lips, your dumb ass was too drunk the last time you saw her to even realize she probably wasn’t drinking. You sent back your best ‘congrats and can’t wait to see you all’ like all of the previous texts were starting to read. All of the ‘who is the xxx number’ texts came pouring in and before you could type back. 
         Grace Lee: (Y/N) scored the elusive MB13 tix and that’s the number. Our baby has arrived. We have been waiting for you in the gc.
         You could only love her message trying not to draw too much attention to yourself, but it was like Grace was the big sister you needed to show you into this world. Emma did a pretty good job at helping you out, but she was still new to the isles wags and basically the same age as yourself. She, maybe, had known these women for as long as you had. Derick was still new to the team. 
- - -
         The next thing you knew it was 2:30 on Friday, skipping out of work as early as you possibly could to get ready to be in a parking lot with girls who were practically models at 5pm for a 7pm game to which you were still incredibly nervous for. Your nerves might’ve matched Mat’s. He had sent you at least three different pictures of suits lying on his bed asking which he should wear. It felt super domestic, and you loved telling him how you thought the black velvet suit jacket would be cute, especially with the grey tie. He was also kind enough to let you borrow some clothing, he didn’t know it actually, but you’d managed to steal a white islanders t-shirt and one of his plaid jackets, that honestly you looked better in. Paired with a pair of jeans that made your ass look fabulous, how could the day go wrong?
         It didn’t for a while. Grace had gifted you with a pom beanie that had the number 13 blinged out on the front in orange sparkles. The rest of the girls and you were laughing, having fun and genuinely enjoying each others company in your matching beanies. They showed you all the cool places they’d watch the games. Sometimes in a box, sometimes down low if they were actually wanting to watch the game. For tonight they settled on sitting in one of the boxes, wanting to celebrate the start to a hopeful new season. This time you had learned your lesson and made all of your own drinks. Your buzz was only light, and you were able to enjoy the game. 
         The first period was fun, the game was tied 1-1. It was in between periods as you and all the girls just sat around chatting about what it’d be like this season. They filled you in on how fun a win was, and how miserable a loss could be. Hockey talk didn’t last long as you quickly moved onto Grace’s baby, to what other events you all could do together since it was a ‘fun group of girls.’ The group almost didn’t notice the door to the box open and slam shut, but it was like the girls had seen a ghost. A different kind of silence came across the room. With your back being towards the door you turned around, and immediately your heart had dropped. Your hand immediately ripping the stupid sparkly 13 beanie off your head, not caring if it left your hair looking a total mess. “Ladies!” a girls voice exclaimed. You’d studied her enough to know it was Whitney. Fucking Whitney. “I’m so glad Mat left my ticket at will call. My flight got delayed and you know how much traffic was on the expressway.” 
         You couldn’t even speak, you just felt your throat close up, as Grace who was sitting next to you on the couch gave your arm a gentle ‘i’m here for you’ squeeze as she was the only one brave enough to open her mouth. “Whitney… I didn’t know that Mat invited you. We haven’t seen you in a while.” She said trying not to be too direct. “Matty always leaves me a ticket.” She quickly came across the room finding an open seat across from you as she grinned. “And we have a fresh face, and who are you?” she said playing dumb as if she hadn’t requested to follow you on instagram, or as if she didn’t see the stupid hat laying in your lap. 
         “(Y/N) is a good friend of ours, Whitney.” Megan Bailey came to your defense. Not wanting anything to get more uncomfortable than it already had been, you noticed the game starting to pick up again. “Oh… guys, game’s starting.” you managed to say in a soft voice trying not to get yourself worked up. Your brain was running a mile a minute. Did Mat bring you here to embarrass you? He invited two girls to the game. Did he really think that both of you would show up, were you just supposed to be the backup? This girl had flown in from Vancouver for him. Surely he had to have some idea that this chick would be here. The next 40 minutes of the game came and went and you were honestly to paralyzed and in your feelings to move yourself off the couch and out of the box. It didn’t help that the boys ended up losing by one goal and honestly having an okay game, at best. 
         “You’re not fucking leaving.” Grace whispered to you, gripping onto your wrist. “You’re going with us to meet the boys downstairs outside of the locker room and you’re getting an explanation.” She didn’t have you in that tight of a hold, but you were still too shocked and in your own head to do anything. Thoughts were running a mile a minute. The girls put distance between you and Whitney as you all made your way down to the spot where you would meet the boys. Originally Sydney had planned a surprise dinner for the whole group, but now you weren’t feeling like you could face the boys. At least you were being brave enough and not crying.. At least not yet. 
         Hearing Anders tell the boys it was only game one, and it was their year was kind of sweet and brought a halfhearted smile to your face as you watched the boys come out of the locker room, freshly showered and honestly not looking as depressed as you might’ve thought. Mat was one of the last boys to walk out of the locker room with Tito and it’s like you didn’t even have a minute to approach him before Whitney was throwing herself in his arms. His face seemed shocked, it disgusted you, he probably didn’t even think he’d get caught in having two girls come as his plus one to this stupid game. “Whitney…” he said awkwardly. “Thanks for leaving the ticket. I missed the first period, but I heard you played great.” She quipped back not letting him even finish speaking to her. His eyes glanced around the group until they found your face. You handed your hat back to Grace. “I don’t want this anymore. I’m sorry, I’m just going to go now.” You said feeling your eyes watering up. 
         “You’re a tough cookie, don’t let him see this shit hurt you.” She said softly as the rest of the group tried to act normal as wives and girlfriends met back up with their significant others. Anders came over giving your back a gentle rub, “If it means anything, we like having you around.” You put an awkward smile on your face giving him a nod, as you found the nearest exit. The cool October air hit you like a ton of bricks as you pulled Mat’s jacket around you trying to find more warmth but it only made you more upset. Luckily there were taxis just waiting to take home fans and you quickly found one not lingering around the coli any longer. 
         (Y/N): don’t contact me anymore. you’ve embarrassed me and you know it… in fact block this number.   
         You sent Mat a text as quick as your fingers could type it out, as you let tears just fall from your eyes in the stupid taxi, looking like some sort of crazy girl. 
         (Mat Barzal):  (●●●)
         You watched the little dots come and go. No text ever came. You were relieved.
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ohhey1293 · 4 years
Take Me To Church (0)
A/N: Hello Tumblr world! 
Warning: Language
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“You wanna tell me why we’re here again?”
I rolled my bruised eyes, thankful that the sunglasses were covering the purple skin from the world’s view.
“I don’t have time to be spilling my feelings about our marriage to some quack who’s charging me by the minute.” I watched as the cigarette flicked from his fingers onto the ground, smothering under the weight of his expensive shoes. “I have work that needs to be done, Mac. This is fucking ridiculous.”
I stayed silent as I walked close behind him. Ever since I brought up the idea of going to couple’s therapy, it had been a nonstop rant of complaints and curse words. I guess you could say that I made the situation worse when I mentioned it in front of his family, earning a death glare from my once loving husband.
“It won’t kill you to attend one session.” I finally spoke. “She’s supposed to be the best around.”
“Yeah, best at taking my damn time and money.” Reggie scoffed.
It wasn’t always like this.
Believe it or not, there was a time when we couldn’t get enough of each other. We were inseparable, almost to the point of being annoying. The first couple years of our relationship was magical. I know how corny that sounds but it was true. We were so wrapped up in each other that I never thought our relationship would end up where it is now.
“What floor is it, again?” Reggie spoke, cutting me off from my thoughts.
“5th.” I slowly removed the sunglasses that were covering my eyes, rubbing softly at the skin.
He quickly pushed the button, stepping back, pressing his back against the elevator wall. I could feel his eyes move up my body, locking on my bruised face. “People are gonna think I did that to you.”
My eyes shifted to meet his, “Your actions were the cause of this.”
“My fucking actions?” He stood up straighter. “My fucking actions caused you to start beating some poor, defenseless girl to a fucking pulp in the middle of a nightclub? Are you that fucking deranged, Mackinley?”
“You were all over her, Reggie! You two were basically having sex in the fucking booth in front of God and everyone in there.”
I watched as he hastily ran his fingers through his short hair. After being together for almost 10 years, I learned that he did this the most when he was frustrated, especially with me.
“You’re a real case, you know that?” He spoke. “You could have been arrested if it weren’t for me getting you out of it.”
“Yeah, I’m so thankful that your friends with the police commissioner and basically fucked that girl so she would drop the charges. You’re a real Prince Charming, Reggie.”
By this time, the elevator doors had opened, revealing us to those in the waiting room. I can’t tell you how long the doors had been opened but I’m sure the patrons heard most of our conversation.
I quickly pulled my sunglasses back on, walking ahead of my pissed off husband.
“Mackinley and Reggie, here to see Dr. Browerd.” I spoke ahead of the receptionist.
She quickly started typing our names into the computer, clicking around a few times. “I have you both checked in. Please have a seat until your name is called.”
I silently thanked her before turning toward the lobby seats. Reggie was already seated, his body rigid with anger from our elevator exchange. I took the seat across from him, not wanting to be next to him at this time. I could feel the stares of those around us, probably judging without even knowing the full story. Hell, if I saw two train wrecked people like us come fighting into the lobby, I probably would be looking at them a certain way as well...
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“Are you gonna say anything?”  

I stayed silent, my head leaning against the cool window. The frozen window helping the pain that flooded through my face. After the night I had, I wasn’t planning on speaking to him for a long while.
“You’re really gonna give me the fucking silent treatment when you’re the one who came in there like a bull in a china shop. Where the fuck is your head, Mackinley?”
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, “Can you just stop talking to me.”
“Are you serious, right now?” Reggie’s voice boomed. “You want me to stop fucking talking. You’re the one who needs to be talking, Mac.”
I carefully wiped away the tears that has broken loose. “I have nothing to say to you.”
Silence took over once again.
As we neared our home, I swiftly removed the seatbelt, ready to make a quick exit into the house. I didn’t want to be around him any longer. Once the car was parked, I removed myself from the vehicle and sprinted towards the door. I unlocked the heavy, wooden structure, making sure to shut it before Tom had a chance to get out of the car. I made my way up the stairs and into our room, gathering my pajamas, along with my pillow and a blanket to sleep with. He could have the bed. I’m sure he shared it with the girl from the club or any girl for that matter.
I brought my things into the guest room, locking the door behind me. At that moment, the walls broke and my emotions took control. My face was pounding with pain, the salt from the tears seeping into the cuts on my skin. “Fuck.”
I carried myself into the bathroom, flicking the lights on, only to be met with my current reflection. She really did a number on me. Luckily for me, she was looking worse once everything was done and over with. Growing up, my dad taught my sister and I how to fight like boys. He didn’t want either of his girls to be wimps. He taught us the basic moves but also those used to  get heads snapping. When the first punch was thrown tonight, my dad’s voice flowed through my ears.
“Don’t let her catch you off guard.”
“Cut to the left; Don’t curl your fist up so much.”
“Don’t let her get you first.”
I want to say that my father would be proud of me at this moment, but he would probably shake his head with shame seeing as I was fighting over a man, a man he had grown too despise as the years trekked on.
I reached into the medicine cabinet, retrieving the bottle of peroxide. I cleaned the cuts up one by one, my bruised eyes staring back at me tiredly. “You really did it this time, Mac.” I spoke to myself. “All this over that asshole...”
“Earth to Mac.”
Reggie’s fingers snapped in front of me, cutting me off from my thoughts. 
He leaned back in his seat, the lobby now empty of the patrons that were there before. “What’re you thinking about?”
I shifted in my seat, pulling at my cuffed jeans, “Who says I was thinking about anything.”
A smile formed on his handsome face, “I’ve been with you long enough to recognize when you’re thinking, Reese.”
My heart fluttered at the sound of the nickname he used when things between us were good. Reese was my maiden name and a name Reggie much preferred over Mackinley. He always said that Mackinley was too masculine of a name. Reese was more feminine, much softer. He was the only one who called me by that name, but as I mentioned, only when things were good between us.
Before I could say anything, a woman dressed in a pants suit entered the lobby. She had to be the therapist just by the way she was put together.
“Reggie and Mackinley, I presume?” She smiled.
I glanced over at Reggie, his face showing no interest at all. “Yes, ma’am.” I stood up.
“Please, follow me.”
I followed her lead, giving a kick to Reggie’s leg as I passed him, telling him to get up and follow.
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We ended up following her into what I figured was her office. Medical degrees and various awards were hung on the light colored walls. A vibrant plant of some sort hung out in the corner of the room and two chairs were situated in front of the large oak desk.
“Please have a seat.”
Reggie and I followed her directions as her watchful eyes studied us. This was my first time seeing a therapist and I was scared shitless. I knew that things were going to get intense between Reggie and I but maybe that’s what we needed. Everything needed to get out and onto the table before we ended up killing each other.
“Shall we get started?”
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
reese-with-her-spoon [ksj x reader]
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👾 warnings: really shitty writing, honestly not my best work. :-((
👾 word count: 4.5k
👾 genre: fluff!!! crack!!! all the good shit!!!
👾 A/N: kicking the week off with some fLUFF to prepare you for the ~spook~ that is arriving soon. hope you enjoy this! why do i feel like i have to mention joon’s bonsais in every fic
main masterlist. spooktober masterlist. 
👾 synopsis: in hindsight, attempting to get back at the biggest prankster you know during halloween was probably not your most stellar idea. 
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“Kim Seokjin!” You screech furiously, pacing outside his ridiculously large cottage-style home. Passerbys worriedly look your way, but you cannot bring yourself to be embarrassed. The house stands still. Nobody seems to be moving, much less rushing to get the door, despite the fact that you’ve pressed the doorbell countless times already. 
“KIM SEOKJIN!” You yell again, glaring at the house as if your steely gaze will force him to come out. “What the hell could you be doing?” You mutter to yourself. “It’s not like you have a life or anything.” You reach out, stabbing the doorbell again. 
“I can hEAR the goddamn bell ringing inside come get the dOOR JIN!” Someone on the inside is stomping down the doors and you hear a scuffling accompanied with whispers. Smirking satisfyingly, you bang the door. “Good, now come out, you coward!” 
The door opens… to someone that is not Seokjin. Kim Seokjoong stands on the other side, quizzically raising an eyebrow at you. 
“Y/N, hey- wow. He did that?” Kim Seokjoong is Seokijn’s older brother, a self taught coder who basically spends every waking moment of his day on his computer. Come to think of it, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him out of the house. 
His eyes are fixed above your eyes, and he smiles, quietly giggling to himself. You pull your hands back, reminding yourself that you need to save your temper for the real culprit. 
“Would you just-” You point inside, not meeting his eyes. “- let me in?” Seokjoong nods, stifling a laugh. You glare at him, and he promptly shuts his mouth. “Aren’t you supposed to be in university now, you unemployed leech?” Seokjoong flinches and mumbles something about how you’re supposed to respect your elders. 
“Here, come in.” He says, sighing. “Just don’t murder him in the house, okay? Mom’ll get mad.” Seokjoong stands aside and lets you in, looking around outside and shutting the door, putting a finger to his lips. “He’s been upstairs cackling his ass off since you started screaming and pounding the door twenty minutes ago.” You look up at the ceiling, only to wince at the screaming picture of a witch stuck on the ceiling. 
The Kim household during Halloween season is quite- festive. Pumpkins, witch hats, ghost cutouts and much more are scattered and adorned all around the house. You just know this is Jin’s doing… the doctor printout with cat ears on the wall that reads ‘I’m A Purr-amedic!’ gives it all away. You squirm when you have to pull away fake cobwebs out of your face to go up the stairs. 
“So, how are you going to do it this time? Sneak attack, retaliate? Do me a favour and don’t douse him with a bucket of syrup like you did last time. He was sticky for weeks, and we had an ant infestation.” Seokjoong pants and follows you up the stairs, questioning you. You stalk up the stairs, gripping the handrail tightly.  
“- Okay you’re starting to look scary now. Please don’t kill him.” He says, and you don’t bother giving him a response. 
“Which one is he in?” You eventually say, looking around the closed doors in the hallway. Seokjoong turns to look at you, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“You’ve been up here thousands of times, Y/N.” You flick his forehead and he lets out a cry of pain. 
“No, that’s not what I mean. Which room is he hiding in?” You ask. He hesitates and you, exasperatedly, point to the top of your head. Guiltily, he points to the furthest door to the right, looking up at the ceiling and fiddling at the hem of his shirt. Muttering a rather curt ‘thanks’, you stomp over to the purple and orange decorated door that is labelled “SPOOKY SUPPLIES.” You pause to sigh at Jin’s stupidity, then you fling the door open with a bang. 
“AHHHHHHHHHHH-” As expected, Seokjin is inside, wearing his worn out black hoodie and sitting on a pile of Halloween decorations. You put your hands on your hips and glare at him, but his screaming slowly turns to laughter, which just makes you even more mad.
“- Oh my god hAHHAHAHAH! You look hilarious!” He yells, slapping his thigh and laughing in his obnoxious, window wiper-like voice. “It turned out better than I thought it would!” He marvels through his laughter. Your glare turns meaner, and you stare straight into his eyes, shutting him up. 
“Kim. Seokjin.” 
“... Yes, my love?” He smiles innocently, batting his eyelashes. You resist the urge to slap him. 
“Care to explain to me why the hell my hair is bright red?” Jin, not able to hold it in, bursts out laughing again, burying his face in his hoodie, attempting to muffle his laughter. It doesn’t work very well, and he comes back up for oxygen, taking a large breath. 
“In my defence,” Good luck with that, you think. Nothing would be able to help his case and keep you from murdering him. “- I didn’t really think it would work this well!” He takes one more peek at your hair and chokes back another laugh. “Oh my god, you kinda look like a pumpkin!” 
This time, instead of holding back your violent tendencies, you grab a foam pumpkin from the ground of the supply closet and hit him on the head. Unfazed, he just looks back up, still infuriatingly giggling. 
“Don’t worry,” He says. “It’s not permanent.” You huff, secretly relieved. “... Well, it should be temporary. I think. Probably.” You lift the pumpkin foam decoration and hit him again. “Hey! Why are you hitting me? You look good in red! Now you can be Ronald Mcdonald for Halloween!” You raise the pumpkin (Who you have begun to affectionately call ‘Jin Hit Pumpkin’ in your head) to hit him again, but he squeaks and covers his face, so you put it down. 
“I swear to god, Jin,” You scold. “If this doesn’t wash out of my hair, I will sue.” Jin looks sheepishly up at you before ducking his head down and walking out of the storage closet. He glares at Seokjoong the second he steps out, who is apologetically smiling at him. 
“Traitor.” Jin mutters, stabbing a finger in his older brother’s chest. 
“I’m sorry!” Seokjoon defends. “She’s real fucking scary with the red hair!” You turn over to glare at them, and the two brothers recoil, murmuring apologies. You point at Seokjin, locking your eyes with his while walking backwards down the stairs, at the exact same time. 
“You. Watch your fucking back, Jin. I’ll get back at you for this.” You slowly disappear from the brothers’ eyeline, and they hear a door slamming shortly after. Seokjoong sighs and places a hand around Jin’s shoulder. 
“You have weird taste in women, bro.” Jin pushes his hand off his shoulder, rolling his eyes and retreating to his room, grumbling something that Seokjoong didn’t manage to hear. 
Kim Seokjin is a force to be reckoned with, even you have to admit. For someone who claims to be an unoriginal copycat, his pranks are pretty creative. You would never ever tell him this, of course, but you keep a list of the pranks he’s played on you. 
It’s not much of a list, actually. More like a three notebooks’ worth of practical jokes. And after all these years, he’s somehow never repeated one of his pranks. Only the stupid, small ones, but that’s inevitable. You can’t count how many times you’ve sat on a whoopee cushion. 
But also, who the fuck still uses whoopee cushions? You’re almost convinced Seokjin has a lifetime supply that he’s just trying to use up with the amount of cushions he has to go through every single year. You tap your pen against an empty page of a notebook, frustratingly chewing on your lip. This prank is a new one. Jin’s never done anything to your hair before, so should you do something to his precious hair? 
Come to think of it, how on earth did he even manage to sneak into your house and replace your shampoo? Maybe you can charge him for breaking and entering. You tap at your computer and groan when Google says that a minor will mostly likely get a fine for breaking and entering. The most they can get to one year of detention punishment. 
A year is hardly enough of time away from Seokjin and his stupid pranks. How much time have you wasted stressing over his jokes? You wonder. Last year, you didn’t sleep well for a good two months when he managed to stuff a walkie talkie underneath your bed. 
He made creaky chicken noises while you were sleeping for two whole months before you managed to find out why the hell chicken sounds were coming from your bedroom every night. Begrudgingly, you have to admit that that one was pretty smart. But you aren’t too mad about that incident. He lost just as much sleep as you did by making those goddamn chicken noises. At the time, you asked him why he didn’t just loop a recording or something similar, but he just grinned and quipped that he didn’t think of that. 
You got back at him a week later by posting a particularly ugly selfie from his middle school days on instagram. It had nearly 8,000 likes before he found you and forced you to take it down. You also got a week of detensions when he tattled on you for sharing photos without the owner’s consent, (Which is the most bullshit thing you’ve ever heard,) but it was pretty worth it. 
Sighing, you run your fingers through your hair, scoffing and whining when you realise again that your hair is now fucking red-! Faded red, but it still looks horrible. Maybe you should dye his hair red, just to match. Seokjoong would probably let you in if you bribed him enough- with cookies, obviously. But he’d probably look good in red hair, that insufferable, good-looking idiot. What could you do… What could you do? You drop your pen onto the notebook, and a huge grin slowly spreads on your face. You might just have an idea.
Halloween night. A time for budding teenagers to make bad decisions. Or alternatively, a time for Seokjin to go absolutely insane. You don’t know how he does it, but his parents go away every single year for the week of Halloween. He throws the craziest costume party every year, and always tries to come up with the craziest costume. 
Last year he was a ‘waist of time’. Completely shirtless, he wore a belt with a watch looped around it. Not his best idea, since he had to go around the whole night explaining to people what he was dressed as. The year before he was a ‘hipster vampire’. Completely shirtless, he wore fangs with fake blood with circle sunglasses with a jet black cape wrapped around his neck, with the words ‘SAVE THE BEES’ embroidered on the back in yellow and white. 
Yeah, there’s a little bit of a pattern. 
“Soo, what are you doing for Halloween this year?” You sweetly ask Jin, who is walking through the hallway after slamming his locker shut. One of his hands holds the strap of his backpack, and the other hand knocks at your head. Pulling back, you stare at him weirdly. 
“What are you doing.” You ask. He doesn’t respond. Seokjin leans in, curiously looking at your face. You blush, pushing him away, but he continues to look at you, tilting his head and humming to himself. “What are you doing?” You say, moving further away from him. 
“You haven’t gotten rid of your red hair yet?” He says, reaching out and stroking the red hair. You slap his hand away and he retracts it, still smirking gleefully. You had spent the entire weekend before attempting to watch the red out of your hair. The result was a faded berry-black dye that’s been stained in your hair. You scowl, turning away and smacking him in the face with your hair just for good measure. 
“How could I get rid of it? It won’t fucking wash off, dumbass! This is all your fault!” Jin hums thoughtfully to himself, scratching the underside of his chin. He looks like a premature grandfather recalling his days in wartime. 
“Damn,” He swears under his breath. “I guess my prank backfired.” 
“Backfired?” You stop in the middle of the hallway to face him, and he slowly turns around to do the same, quizzically raising an eyebrow at you. “Don’t you mean your prank was a success? I thought you’d be ecstatic to know that my hair now looks like a rotten strawberry.” 
Jin shakes his head with a slight smile. “No, it backfired.” 
“You look really good with red hair. This prank probably affects me more than it does you.” He says nonchalantly, turning away and walking down the hallway. Your eyes follow him, watching as Taehyung, Jin’s friend and the school’s resident art hipster launches himself on him and koala hugs him, cackling when Jin screams and starts yelling at him. 
“What… What? What did he just say?” You say to yourself, blinking blankly. 
Maybe your plan backfired too. You approached Jin with the intent of sabotaging his Halloween night, but what you walk away with is neither an evil plan or a satisfied smirk on your face. You spin around in a daze, heading to your calculus class with a bright red blush lining your cheeks and the beginning of a daydream starting to form in your head. 
You practically collapsed in your seat, not listening to the teacher, who is currently scolding you for being late. You nod, blurting out an apology, even though you didn’t hear 90% of her rant about the significance of education and time. 
“Psst!” Namjoon, the only friend both you and Jin share hisses at you, jabbing the head of his pencil into your side. You hiss back, smacking his pencil back. “Why is your hair red?” You glare his way. 
“Don’t ask.” You grumble. 
“... Okay then. Why are you late?” He asks. “I was going to wait for you after homeroom, but you didn’t didn’t come to your locker so I left without you.”
Disregarding his question, you lean over, propping your head onto your hands. “Are you going to come to Jin’s Halloween bash on Saturday?” Namjoon snorts, turning back to the teacher to make some quick notes in his notebook. 
“Of course. Do you know how much shit I’d get if I didn’t show up? He gets so pouty and pissed about his Halloween obsession. And now I have to come up with a relatively creative and funny costume to satisfy his requirements for the stupid costume party he hosts!” He complains and whines at you. You laugh, and can’t help but agree. You’ve been forced to attend every single Halloween bash too. “You know what I came as last year, right?” He asks. “I came as a bonsai tree, and he got so mad! Said that I put “no effort” into my artistic choices. I spent like two hours glueing those leaves onto my shirt!” Namjoon huffs, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“What do you think I should go as?” Namjoon shrugs. “You can wear whatever you want, it’s not like he’ll care about what you’re wearing. As long as you show up, he’s happy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, frowning. Namjoon immediately shakes his head at you, smiling slightly strangely. 
You stare at him suspiciously, but you don’t comment further. Namjoon’s just weird like that sometimes. “Hm. Can I bounce some Halloween ideas off of you then?” He nods, shrugging to say he doesn’t mind. You lean in and whisper something into his ear with a mischievous glint in your eye. Namjoon bursts out laughing in the middle of the empty classroom when he hears what you have to say. 
Another thing to add to your neverending list of things Kim Seokjin can do; Throw a party. For Halloween night, the household gets even more festive, if that’s even possible. Every inch and every corner of the front yard, interior and outerior is plastered with some kind of Halloween themed merchandise. 
There’s even a large hand drawn sign outside that says ‘NO TRICK OR TREATERS PLEASE.’ Not that any sane child would ever come within a mile of this place. You could hear the blasting music from three blocks away. You wonder how long it’ll take for somebody to call the cops this year. But then again, it’s probably more likely that the police would join the party instead of arresting the partiers. God knows the police have better things to tackle on Halloween night anyways. It’s the major season for crime and stupid desicions, of course. 
In your humble opinion, Halloween is the most useless holiday out of them all, with Valentine's day coming in at a close second. What’s the point of celebrating a large westernised holiday? The main purpose of Halloween is literally so children can get free candy and for college kids to get wasted and pass out on the lawn with a slutty cat outfit on.
You don’t see the point, but if you even voiced your thoughts aloud within a five mile radius of Jin, you’d get murdered. That man lives, breathes, and eats Halloween all year long. He complains about it not being October yet constantly, puts ghost stickers everywhere when September begins (For his “pre-celebration”), He’ll even buy anything that has the words ‘pumpkin spice’ on it. You’re slightly worried sometimes that it’s an actual addiction. 
Hallow-diction? You’ll work on the term. 
You already regret your choice of wearing heel when you trudge through the grass of Jin’s front yard, covering your eyes from the couple who is basically having clothed sex against the wall outside Jin’s home. Who knows how many blisters you’ll wake up with tomorrow morning? At least your legs look amazing. 
The sky is dark and dreary, a rather fitting night for Halloween to be on, but inside the house, it’s loud and you can already hear people getting drunk and dancing. Taking in a deep breath, you push open the door.
You don’t know what you were expecting, but if anything, the inside is worse than the outside. You’d rather go back to the couple having clothed sex. People dressed in outrageous costumes are dancing on the floor to some rapper you can’t recognise. You can already spot five sexy cats, at least 5 witches, and too many angels for you to count. Maybe this is a bad idea, you think. It’s not too late to go back home, you reason with yourself in your head. The sweaty bunch of people drunk dancing and screaming is already sounding off all the SOCIAL ANXIETY QUICK RUN sirens in your brain. 
But before you can turn around and give into your instincts, a hand clamps onto your shoulder and pulls you into the house, leaving you longingly staring at the front door, the only chance of your freedom taken away. Namjoon spins you around to face you and nods appreciatively. He’s dressed as a ‘french toast’, a striped shirt, mustache and barrett accompanied with a slice of bread costume slung over his shoulders. 
“Hey, you look good!” You giggle at the praise. The only good thing about tonight is how great your outfit looks. “Aw, man!” Namjoon whines. “Maybe I should have gone as an angel! Then we would have matched!” You laugh, the sound drowned out from the blasting music. 
“Angel and devil? That’s hilarious!” But you spin around anyway, showing off your bright red bodycon dress with lace cutouts. A pair of embellished devil horns sit on your head and you personally attached a spiked tail to your dress just this morning. All topped off with a cropped leather jacket that you already have the urge to take off. 
“Yeah, you look super fucking sexy, wait until Jin sees this!”
“Hm? I can’t hear, it’s the music-!” 
You spin around, looking left and right throughout the house. You can’t seem to find Jin anywhere, but that’s alright. He’ll find you soon enough. You still wonder what sort of shirtless, punny, dad joke style costume variation he’s managed to come up with this year though. 
“What happened to your sabotage plan? I was surprised when the whole house didn’t explode in stick bombs… or something worse.” Namjoon shudders in his toast outfit. 
“Eh.” You shrug, shifting uncomfortably. “I just thought I should enjoy Halloween, you know? Try not to make Jin miserable for once.” 
“Well, looks like you ended up pranking him anyways,“ Namjoon gestures down your figure. “Whether you meant to or not.“
You have no clue what Namjoon is talking about, but you were originally planning to come armed with all the sabotage tools: toilet paper, stink bombs, elephant toothpaste… the works. But you ditched the idea after a bit of thought. What’s the use of getting back at Jin on Halloween anyway? He’ll just get back at you, twice as hard. Your hair is already red- you couldn’t risk anything else. 
An off-putting, familiar voice speaks from behind you. Looking up, Namjoon is already gone, which means- 
“Speak of the devil.” You mutter. “Oh, hey!” You chuckle at the accidental joke. “Speak of the devil, because tonight I’m the literal devil, haHahhahHAH I’m so funny-!” 
“y/N, you’re here!” Sure enough, Jin stands behind you, completely- shockingly, in a turn of completely unpredicted events- shirtless. His abs should be outlawed, you think. They shouldn’t be allowed to be just hanging out. He should at least come with a warning sign. ‘WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CHEST AND STOMACH MAY CAUSE SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND DEATH DUE TO THIRST.’ 
At first sight, he just looks like an average frat boy, with loose sweatpants dangerously hanging down at his hips. But after squinting, you notice he’s holding… a spoon? And a packet of reese’s cups? 
You slowly turn around, and Jin’s eyes widen comically, his jaw physically dropping. He drops his metal spoon on the ground, but doesn’t seem to notice. 
“I- Y/N! I-? Wha- ? I- wah- wow. Wha?” If there was a human expression equivalent to ‘??!!!?’, Jin’s face would provide the perfect definition for it. He chokes, and coughs back, leaning over the counter and clutching at his chest. 
“Woah- Are you okay?” Jin, holding a finger up, swallows down some phlegm and continues to ogle at your costume. 
“Okay.” He says, after he finished coughing. “When I told you that your costume had to be creative, I didn’t mean- this.” 
“What do you mean, do I look bad?”
“No, trust me, you don’t. But there are so many pervert guys out here tonight who would take advantage of you, so be careful. Stick to me.” You look up and down at him, from his abs which are completely on display, to the sweatpants that would definitely get him arrested for public indecency. 
“Are you talking about yourself?” Jin leans down to pick up his spoon while you speak. “What are you supposed to be anyway? A frat boy from the 90s? An ex-con who just got out of jail? A college dropout?” Jin frowns. 
“Why is nobody getting my costume tonight?” Holding up his Reese's pieces to his face, he smiles brightly and explains. “I’m Reese,” He lifts up the spoon. “- With her spoon!” You stare at him. He sighs and stomps his foot against the floor. “I’m Reese Witherspoon.” Your mouth opens in an ‘o’ in realisation, nodding. “Not my best idea, but still smart. I never fail to amaze myself year after year.” Clearing his throat, he spares another glance to your dress and tears his eyes away straight after, averting his eyes and bringing his hand up to the back of his neck. 
“Uhh,” He says, awkwardly. “Devil. It fits you! You know, with the red hair.” You nod, thankful that he’s actually acknowledging the effort you put in your costume this year. Last year, you showed up as a powerpuff girl- Blossom. He got angry and ranted for hours without end about how Bubbles was clearly the superior powerpuff girl. 
“I know, right!” You say cheerfully. “Your stupid prank actually gave me an idea, so I guess I should thank you.” Jin looks at you expectantly, and you shove him back. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to actually thank you, jerk. You still dyed my fucking hair red.” 
“Fuck,” Jin curses. “I did this, didn’t I? Goddamnit, I told you this prank would end up affecting me more than you!” 
Jin continues to curse at himself, pinching the bridge of his nose and deeply regretting his life decisions. From behind him, Min Yoongi is calling him to join for a game of spook-pong (A game Jin invented; It’s like beer pong but with mystery drinks), but he ignores his name being called. He so quickly averts his eyes down at your chest again, blinking and drawing back like he saw a ghost. 
“Anyways,” He says, pulling you around to place his hand over your shoulder, forcing you to press into his slightly sweaty chest. He walks you over to the spook-pong table. “Don’t wear this again, okay? You’re going to give me a heart attack.” He looks over at you when you begin to laugh. “Don’t laugh, I’m serious! I can’t look at you right now without- ugh. This was a bad night for me to choose to wear sweatpants.” He steps away from you and buries his hands inside his pants pockets, clearing his throat in a moment of strange seriousness. For a split second, you think he might have something important to say, but he just breaks out into a signature Jin grin, smiling toothily at you. His face is too cute to match his bare chest, you think to yourself. 
“Have a nice Halloween, Y/N. Call if you need anything, okay? I’ll come find you after I smash this game of spook pong.” You nod and he goes off running towards Yoongi, who is already complaining about what took him so long. Jin laughs and snatches a ping pong ball from him, already screaming about how there’s no chance the inventor of the game could lose. 
On the opposite end of the table, Jimin and Jungkook are making faces at him. You smile and break out into a laugh. Halloween night is rather fun, you suppose. You sigh. Maybe if you stop spending Halloween as a way to get back at Jin’s stupid pranks, it would bump Valentine’s day up as your most hated holiday. Namjoon appears by your side, shaking his head at you for no reason. 
“You still don’t get it?” He asks, gesturing to Jin. You stare blankly at him, moving away when his toast costume accidentally smacks against your devil tail. 
“Get what?” Namjoon continues to shake his head, smiling in a one-day-i’m-going-to-kill-you kind of way. Men are so confusing. 
(At the end of the night, you draw dicks and other incriminating things onto Jin’s back with the help of a distracting Namjoon. It was his fault for being shirtless- and besides, you can’t let Halloween night go completely to waste.)
👾talk to prankster!jin! add yourself to the taglist!
TAGS; @extremeobsessions101​ @bishuthot​ @stonyiscanon​ @jksbbyfacebunny​
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punksarahreese · 4 years
I hope your friend’s okay!!! and I feel like you haven’t talked much about la douleur exquise 👀 or you might have when I was asleep but anyway. any thoughts about that you want to share? 👀👀
Thank you 🥺 I hate that I’m so far away from her right now but I know she’s strong so she’ll be okay 💜
And I actually haven’t talked about it so 👀 okay leggo
CW: blood, vomit, internalized homophobia, hanahaki (obviously)
So it’s set in canon med but like,,, obviously still an au because hanahaki isn’t real
I figure everyone knows what hanahaki is but just in case someone doesn’t it’s a fictitious disease that’s the physical effects of unrequited love where the person in love has flowers grow in their chest and it slowly suffocates them and can only be cured by surgery (which would kill the feelings they have), returned love from the other person, or the patient’s death
And in this AU it’s a real condition and it’s like, not common but not abnormal or anything
Soon after Ava came to Gaffney, Sarah regrettably caught feelings
They were working on Robin’s case together in the beginning and she didn’t like the snarky surgeon at first but also she couldn’t help but think she was very cool
Because Ava just seemed so good at everything and so sure of herself
Not to mention she didn’t let Connor or anyone else push her around
Sarah wanted to be like that
And Sarah wanted to be with someone like that
Not to mention Ava is absolute gorgeous and that accent is to die for y’know
But Sarah was also kinda dealing with internalized homophobia at the time so she’s very :// about it
She realized how charming and charismatic Ava is and she hated it because she doesn’t want to admit how much Ava had grown on her and how much she admired her
Especially not when she was kinda always dismissive of Sarah
She was just a resident after all and Ava didn’t have time for residents who thought they had a valid opinion :/
Albeit Sarah was one resident Ava didn’t hate because she saw that she was competent and intelligent and not a bumbling idiot
But she just didn’t have time to play games with the “baby doctors”
She’s definitely not one for teaching or hand holding I guess you could say
So Sarah tried to push her feelings aside as we know Sarah does and just tried to forget about it
And it did work at first because once robin’s case was basically wrapped up there was no need for her to see Ava every day
They didn’t cross paths much unless they had a joined consult or there’s a big trauma that means Sarah gets to be a real doctor lmao
So Sarah just pushes everything out of her head
She tried to go on dates (with shitty men 🤢) to get Ava out of her mind and keep any gay thoughts suppressed
CJ making sarah endure more comp-het 🤡
Eventually she gave up on that though and just focused on work
And she was okay
As long as she tried to forget about how Ava’s low, accented voice always gave her butterflies and how even the thought of the surgeon made her chest clench
Because she shouldn’t feel like that
But she couldn’t help that she still admired Ava from afar 🥺
All on a professional level of course
Time goes on and Sarah developed a bad cough but she just assumed it’s a virus and takes some cold medicine
She definitely shouldn’t have ignored the clenching chest pains she started getting soon after the cough showed up :/
She’s fine
Until one day she passes out at work
And the ED staff called a CT consult because Sarah had major tachycardia (like 160 BPM) and Nat was confused about the weird fuzzy sound in her lungs
Ava comes to the ED and Sarah immediately asks for Connor instead
Ava was like ??? Connor’s not here just let me treat you
Sarah refused though and argued that they just let her go home and rest
Eventually they do, against medical advice, and she took a few days off work
And maybe Sarah should have been a bit more concerned when she woke up unable to breath that night
Especially when she started coughing up flower petals??
But she just flushed the bloodstained purple petals down the toilet and went back to bed 🥴
Sarah Reese you absolute walnut
The next few days off were spent on her computer, a million tabs open as she poured over articles and forums
Hanahaki disease
Unrequited love... pain... loss...
...Surgery to remove it
And then Sarah knew what it was and who caused it
And she knew she should immediately see a specialist and get the flowers removed
But a part of her brain was screaming in protest at the thought
Why didn’t she want to just fix it right away? There was no way Ava Bekker would return her feelings, so why let herself suffer?
Maybe some part of her mind was insisting she deserved this as punishment for liking another woman
Or maybe she didn’t want to kill these feelings for Ava because it was the first real love Sarah had ever felt and knew was real
Even if the feelings ended up killing her in the end <3
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aricazorel · 4 years
N7 month prompts--Day 16 Friends
(this takes place on the SR1 during the Broken Road timeline in 2183)
“So you have managed to remain aboard a ship for more than a few weeks,” an elderly feminine voice noted with a hint of amusement through the laptop’s speakers.
Lt. Kora Reese huffed as she sat cross legged of her bunk aboard the Normandy. The crew quarters was currently empty which provided her an opportunity to call home. Joker’s movie night was usually a big hit with everyone, herself included but this time she just didn’t want to go.
“Gran, I am perfectly capable of keeping a posting for more than a few weeks,” Reese protested indignantly. “My work with the development of the Normandy was nearly a year.” 
“And that, my impatient granddaughter, was not aboard a spacefaring vessel on a mission with the first human specter,” her grandmother noted with a grin. 
“I can’t tell you what the mission is, Gran. You know that,” Reese said. “I am here because—"
“You want to be,” she older woman said.
Reese shook her head. “Anderson talked me into staying…”
“As much as you look up to him, we both know even he cannot talk you into something you do not want to do,” she observed, the same shade of grey eyes meeting the Lt.‘s with a knowing gaze. “You are where you belong again, Kora.”
“You think I belong in space?”
“You have a wandering spirit, child. Just as you parents did. It was why they left Earth. Your mother was the first of our family to ever go into space,” her grandmother explained. “You want to explore, to discover, to challenge yourself. But most of all, you long for a place you feel at home. This ship, the Normandy, has become that for you.”
“Gran, I—"
“I have not heard you speak of your crew as much as you do now in an awfully long time. You know them. And I dare say they have come to know you. You have shared with me their names and their likes and dislikes. You tell me of things you do with your crew during your free time,” she went on, pride in her voice. “You are opening up to these people like you haven’t done in a long time. I am so glad you have found a place where you feel you belong.” 
Reese knew she had to be blushing as she muttered, “They still think I’m a pain in the ass.” 
“As it should be,” her grandmother replied. “If you were not, I would think something were wrong…Now I seem to remember that a Lt. Alenko was his name? He has been especially friendly with you.”
“Gran! Don’t get any ideas!” Reese protested a little too quickly as the door to the crew quarters opened up to reveal the man in question. She rolled her eyes as she added, “We are just friends.”
“I said nothing to imply that Lt. Alenko was anything other than that, Kora,” her grandmother said as Kaidan glanced over at her confused. “You are the one who thought otherwise.”
“Gran,” she said in a wary tone as she attempted to discreetly wave off Kaidan as the door shut behind him. “He is a friend. Don’t get ideas.”
Alenko arched an eyebrow as he mouthed, talking to your grandma? Reese tried to make a face to keep him from approaching but her grandmother with her sixth sense knew something was up.
“Kora, is he there now?”
She groaned as she hissed, “Yessss.”
“May I speak to him, please?” 
“Kora Dawn Reese! Quit being defensive. I am asking politely.”
“Yes, ma’am,” the Lt. murmured as if she had been scolded. She motioned to Alenko to come over beside her bed. He obliged, granted he looked as if he were a deer caught in the headlights doing it. “Gran, this is Lt. Kaidan Alenko, head of the Normandy’s marine detachment amongst other things. Lt., this is Autumn Walker, my maternal grandmother.”
“Ms. Walker,” he greeted politely with a nod of his head as he knelt down to the level of the computer.
Autumn Walker gave him a kind smile. “I won’t keep you long, Lt. I simply wished to thank you for being a good influence on my strong-willed granddaughter. She does not trust easily with good reason. For her to heed your words and call you a friend is no small thing. I pray you and your crew have a safe journey and maybe one day I will meet in person. Until then, I will bid you and Kora good bye. I believe I have embarrassed her enough for the time being.”
Kaidan stared at the screen in stunned silence as he nodded while Reese said, “Good bye, Gran. I’ll try to call again next week…”
She glanced at the silent Alenko and sighed. “Lt. Alenko says bye too.”
Walker grinned as the screen went black. Reese shook her head. “Did my grandma break you or something?”
“What?” Alenko asked shaking his head as if to clear the fog. 
“It’s not like you to not give a proper, polite goodbye,” she noted with a half grin.
“I—Well in my defense, I wasn’t expecting to talk to your grandmother when I decided to skip the movie,” Kaidan replied as he rose to his feet. “I thought I’d come and see what you were up to…”
“Well, you saw it,” she commented as she closed the laptop and placed it back in the bunk’s shelf.
“You skipped Joker’s movie to call your Gran in peace. I get that,” he said as he leaned against his own bunk across the aisle. “What I don’t get is why you got so weird when she implied we were friends.”
Reese glanced up at him not sure what to say. Instead Kaidan kicked the deck plate with his boot. “I thought we might actually be friends and that wouldn’t be anything to be weird about.”
She glanced at her bed and then began slowly, “I’m not exactly…Well I don’t go out of my way to get along with people. You may have noticed that.
“I have,” Kaidan replied with a smirk as he crossed his arms.
She glanced up at him. She wanted him to understand. It was weird to her to want that. But her Gran was correct. The Normandy felt like home and Kaidan was a big part of that. “I don’t make friends easily. I don’t trust easily. But I do trust you.”
“You do?” The sentinel asked with no hint of sarcasm.
She nodded. “Yes.”
He smiled broadly as he asked, “So that means we’re friends, right?”
Wary of where he was going with his line of questioning, she simply replied, “Yes.”
He quickly sat down on the edge of his bed as he leaned towards her, “You don’t have to tell anybody that if you don’t want to.”
Reese met his steady gaze. The offer was genuine. His whiskey colored eyes didn’t hint at an ulterior motive, just simple honest Kaidan. She could keep it a secret, but he deserved more. He had put up with a lot from her yet he still came back for more punishment in her mind. Yeah. He deserved better.
Reese shook her head. “Nope. I don’t think I’ll do that. This is…different.”
“Yeah. It’s complicated like most of my crap is.”
“We’ve got time,” Kaidan noted as he mirrored her cross-legged position on his own bunk. “Jokers movie still has almost two hours.”
She found herself smiling as she shrugged. Maybe sharing a little bit of her past wouldn’t hurt. At least with Alenko that is. As she began telling him small things she realized how right her Gran had been. The Normandy really was the first place that had felt like home in an exceedingly long time and her friendship with Lt. Alenko played a large part in that. A part she was only starting to see and understand as she wondered where it would lead.
Maybe this time it could be different. Maybe this time home and friendship could be real.
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1dfangirls35 · 5 years
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Voir Dire- N.H
A fake dating AU about contracts, soulmates and risking it all for love.
Masterlist // Tell Me What You Think!
A/N: I’m back!! The past month and a half has been craziness! My ER rotation had me working ALL THE TIME. But now thanks to coronavirus, my rotations have been cancelled at least for the next three weeks (maybe longer) and now we get the stress of wondering if we will get to graduate in December. So for the next few weeks I’ll be listening to Heartbreak Weather on repeat and (hopefully) updating Voir Dire!
Kelsey checked the time. Again. The numbers glared at her from the brightness of her phone screen. 
The results were supposed to be sent out at 3.
Did she not get registered? Had they lost her test? Had she given them the wrong email? Kelsey's mind was racing through a million reasons as to why her LSAT score wasn't coming through her inbox at this precise moment.
Two weeks ago, Kelsey had sat in front of a computer with a hope of redeeming herself. Unlike the first time she'd taken the LSAT, this time she had been calm and collected. She had started the morning off with breakfast in bed and a large cup of coffee courtesy of Chef Niall, himself. He'd walked her to the door as she left his house, holding her in his arms and whispering in her ear "You've got this". And that morning she did. She felt like she had it.
But as another minute ticked by on the clock, she began to doubt that she'd "got this" all over again.
Kelsey refreshed the page again. Still nothing.
"Refreshing that page fifty million times isn't going to make it load any faster darling," Niall said sternly, placing his head into Kelsey's shoulder a little further. Kelsey had told Niall several times that there was no need for him to be with her when the results came in. She could handle the relief or disappointment all on her own. But then he reminded her that she'd been with him on his big night, the least he could do was return the favor, and he "didn't even have to change out of the sweats" for it. And she had to admit, leaning against Niall's chest as she refreshed the page for the tenth time was kind of nice.
"They should be up by now, it's..." Kelsey watched her screen refresh once more, this time a new email popping up. "Oh my god it's here." She felt her heart begin to race, and shoved the phone into Niall's hands. "Open it."
"It's your score, you should open it," Niall argued back, trying to push the phone back into Kelsey's grasp.
She shook her head adamantly. "I can't do it Ni, please." Niall looked at Kelsey's pleading eyes, they are filled with a fear he hasn't seen across them in a while.
He knew she was nervous. She'd worked so hard for this over the past year. He had tried his best this morning to rehearse what he was going to say if it all went south. He hoped it wouldn't. And as stood in front of his mirror, coming up with all the wonderful things that he hoped would make Kelsey realize she was so much more than a test score, he realized how silly it all was. Because she was going to pass. There wasn't a doubt in his mind.
He sighed. "Fine." He clicked open the message, taking his own deep breath before reading.
Kelsey tried to read Niall's eyes as he opens the email. But he kept his poker face strong, which only antagonized her more. "Well?" she asked.
Niall raised an eyebrow with a smirk as he watched Kelsey squirm in her seat on the couch. "172, that's great Kels!"
"172," Kelsey repeated slowly, hardly believing her ears. "Are you sure you read that right? It's not like a 127 or something?"
"Kels," Niall said, bringing the phone in front of Kelsey's face. "It's a 172. You killed it."
Kelsey read the numbers for herself, seeing that Niall was indeed correct. "I'm going to law school," Kelsey breathed.
"You're going to law school Kels. I never doubted it for a minute." He planted a kiss on her forehead, wrapping his arms around her in an almost smuggling embrace.
"I did it. I DID IT," the volume of Kelsey's voice raises with each word she said. She stood up from her place on the couch, pacing circles in the living room. She didn't know what to feel. Relief? Excitement? Pride? A mixture of the three?
Kelsey knew it might seem premature, celebrating a test score when the actual admission was yet to come, but she also couldn't help but feel like she'd overcome the biggest barrier. A barrier that had plagued her for over a year, reminding her of all the things she'd been through and just how fragile her life had been. She had doubted herself so much over the past year, her self-confidence had vanished, and this- this score, was proving to her that she wasn't a failure. Her life wasn't a complete mess. And maybe she was coming out of a valley. Maybe she could be at a peak for a while.
"We've got to celebrate," Niall exclaimed, breaking Kelsey away  from her thoughts.
"I've got a bottle of wine in the fridge I've been saving. And I guess Becca has a bag of peanut M &Ms..."
Niall stood up next to Kelsey, placing a finger to her lips before she can even finish her sentence. "Forget the wine and the M&Ms darlin', what's the one thing you want to reward yourself with at the moment?"
"Honestly I could go for some chocolate ice cream. I can text Becca and have her pick some up on her way home..."
"Well let's go get ice cream then," Niall stated. 
Kelsey looked at Niall cautiously, because she couldn't have possibly heard him correctly. "Go get it? Niall you know we can't be seen."
"We can drive through and pick it up can't we? Or I can get out of the car?"
Kelsey gave Niall a questioning look, still unsure of this suggestion. Of all the things to go out in public to do, this seemed like the least important thing on the list. But Niall is unwavering, pulling out his keys from his pocket and dangling them in his hands like a treat. 
"This is a special occasion Kelsey. I don't care what you say we are going to get that ice cream. Twenty minutes there and back. No one will be the wiser."
Kelsey sighed, knowing that this was one thing that Niall wasn't going to change his mind about. She reached out and grabbed his hand, following him to the door. She locked the apartment behind them, as Niall headed down the elevator to grab the car. 
Kelsey couldn't tell if she was high on excitement because of her LSAT or because she was riding in the passenger seat of Niall's car for the first time since they had "broke up" in the eyes of the label. No longer hidden behind the blacked out rear windows of a sleek black escalade, Kelsey felt on top of the world. Nothing could be better than her hand intertwined with Niall's as the LA sunshine warmed them through the windows and Niall's album played softly in the background. 
Kelsey began to wonder what she had worried about when they pulled up to the ice cream drive-thru. There are no other cars in sight, and no one paid a second glance to the messy haired brunette with the thick sunglasses pulling up to the window. Niall ordered a hot fudge sundae with extra fudge, Kelsey a chocolate malt with Reese's. 
"Mmmm," Kelsey said taking a bite out of her treat. "This was a good choice."
"Told you to just trust me," Niall smiled, setting his cup in the center console as they pulled away. 
"I'm so proud of you," Niall said, gazing at Kelsey in a way that made her heart flutter. 
Kelsey smiled. She was pretty damn proud of herself too. 
The second Kelsey saw the email from Mr. Alan Michaels she knew they were in trouble. There was no subject, but somehow without even opening it, Kelsey knew exactly what it was going to contain.
The contents were simple.
Miss Benton,
If you know what's good for him, you'll meet with me tomorrow at 10 am sharp. I trust you''ll keep this meeting to yourself. I would hate for another party to become involved and complicate our resolution.
Alan Michaels 
There was one attachment. But Kelsey didn't need to click the image to know what they'd been caught doing. Suddenly, she wished she hadn't been craving ice cream yesterday after all.
"What's wrong love?" Niall asked, as Kelsey quickly exited out of the message. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Nothing," Kelsey said, trying her best to form a fake smile and grabbing his hand again. "Now tell me more about this set design."
Niall began rambling on. About lights, guitars, set lists and which songs he was most excited to play live. But all Kelsey could think about was the email sitting in her inbox. 
Her mind began to race with all the things that this could mean. What exactly could his label do? Niall had warned her once before that the music industry could be a brutal environment. She knew that there were consequences to every action, consequences that could ruin careers if certain rules or agreements weren't followed. 
Kelsey wanted to believe that she wasn't scared of these people. She wasn't in a contract with them, and therefore, she had no obligation to even entertain the idea of meeting with them. She owed them nothing. And she certainly did have to play by their rules. 
She thought about showing the message to Niall. But each time she went to bring it up, something stopped her. She knew what that something was.
Niall would take the fall. He would risk the loss of his music, his tour, his livelihood, all for Kelsey. Kelsey knew it. But she wasn't going to allow that to happen. She wouldn't allow him to sacrifice what he had worked so hard on, the career that he so loved- for her. 
"Kels," Niall nudged her his elbow at Kelsey, whose gaze was fixated on the corner of the room. "What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing," Kelsey replied quickly, snapping her gaze back to Niall and shooting him a smile. "Just tired." She rested her head on Niall's shoulder. 
"You sure you're okay?" Niall asked again. Kelsey had been acting off over the past few hours, and he couldn't figure out why. She wasn't the best at hiding her racing thoughts. 
Kelsey turned, placing her hands on either side of Niall's cheeks and staring into his icy blue eyes. "Niall, I'm great. I've got the LSAT score of my dreams and an incredible man who I love more than anything and who loves me. What more could I need?"
"I love you," Niall replied, planting a kiss on Kelsey's lips.
"It's just been a long week for me. A good week but a long one," Kelsey mused as she snuggled deep into Niall's arms. She inhaled deeply, basking in musky, cool scent of Niall's cologne. She didn't want to think about what their relationship might look like if she attended the meeting tomorrow. Or what it might look like if she didn't. 
When Kelsey got back to her apartment later that evening, she poured herself the biggest glass of wine she could find. Kelsey knew Niall had found it odd that she was leaving his house so early in the evening, but she brushed it off as needing some rest. She couldn't bear to tell him the truth: that every minute she sat in his apartment her anxiety about just what would happen at the meeting tomorrow was growing exponentially. 
Kelsey tipped back her glass of Moscato, gulping it down like a housewife at a dinner party gone awry. Becca walks into the kitchen at that precise moment, giving Kelsey a side-eyed smile. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Kelsey answered quickly. The word was slipping off her tongue easier the more times she said it. 
The email had been explicit: no outside parties. Plus Kelsey already knew what Becca would say. Becca ask why Niall was even considering negotiating with the label when he had the power of his fanbase and the media to shift the story. A story of forbidden love? According to Becca, people eat that shit up. 
"Hmm let's see," Becca scratched her forehead, leaning over the kitchen countertop. "You're back from Niall's before 10pm, you are chugging a glass of wine like its a magic elixir, and you keep glancing at your phone like its going to jump out at you. There's a lot more than nothing going on, so pour me a glass and spill."
Kelsey sighed, grabbing another glass from the cupboard and pouring Becca a glass and herself a refill. She clicked open her phone to the email and slid it across the counter to Becca, watching as Becca's face turns from a sly grin to a face of concern.
"Well for starters, Niall needs a new agent," Becca said, clearly trying to lighten the mood. "But this is messed up Kels. Seems like more of a threat than a suggestion."
"More like blackmail," Kelsey replies with a roll of her eyes. She makes her way into the living room, sliding down onto the couch before taking another lengthy sip of her wine. 
"What did Niall say about this?"
Kelsey stayed quiet.
"Kelsey..." Becca stared her down. "You didn't mention this to him?"
"The message didn't exactly sound like they wanted him to know about it."
"And so you thought he didn't need to know that his label is basically blackmailing you to break up with him?" Becca responded. 
"Niall," Kelsey began, taking a deep breath. "Niall thinks with his heart. I didn't want to tell him and have him make a rash decision based on what he was feeling. Especially with something like his career."
"But you don't even know what they want Kels," Becca argued. 
"I'm pretty sure what they want is for me to not see Niall anymore. They made that very clear the first time we met with them." Kelsey's mind flashed back to the last time she visited the Capitol Records office. It wasn't a memory she looked back upon fondly. Her heart raced just thinking about being in that situation again.
"Are you going to meet with them this time?" Becca asked.
"I think that whatever they tell me at that meeting has to be a far better alternative than if I ignore the meeting in the first place."
"What's the worst thing they can do to you Kels? Being in love with their musician isn't illegal," Becca reassured. "Besides, Niall already released his music. He's a former member of One Direction, no one's gonna pass up on the opportunity to sign that moneymaker to their label."
Becca had a point. The worst Capitol Records could do to Kelsey was a slap on the wrist and a warning that she shouldn't see Niall again. A lot of bad things could happen to Niall because of this, a cancelled tour, a loss of his contract...but maybe none of that was career-altering. For a moment, Kelsey thought that she's made up her mind. That maybe going to this meeting was doing exactly what Capitol wanted her to do. They wanted her to be scared into being their pawn.
But then Kelsey remembered what Niall told her back in the beginning. About the music industry be far more connected than you would think. About being blacklisted from every record label in the country. She thought about Niall sitting on his couch strumming his guitar to a melody that had just surfaced in his mind. Or the way his blue eyes glowed when he told her about the feeling he got hearing an amphitheater full of people singing the words he wrote back to him. 
Becca could tell Kelsey was still deep in thought, and so she stood, walking to the kitchen and placing her now empty glass in the sink. "Whatever you decide Kels, I'm here, okay." Becca walked towards her room. As she reached the doorway, she turned around, meeting eyes with Kelsey again. "Besides now they have to come after both of us."
Becca's comment turned Kelsey's lips into a small smile, even if just for a moment. Kelsey made her way to her bedroom, sliding under the grey comforter and burying her head into her pillow. Her mind racing with a million thoughts.
She loved Niall. More than she had ever loved anyone before. The selfish thing would be to not go to the meeting. To be defiant and keep Niall to herself. But the world needed Niall Horan and his music. And Niall Horan needed his music more than he would ever need Kelsey, even if he didn't know it. 
So she would go to the meeting. And she would listen to the terms. And if it came down to dating Niall and his music career, well, she would pick his career. Because he wasn't going to pick it for himself.
As she lay in bed, her phone buzzed with another notification: an email. 
Tomorrow. 10 am sharp.
Tag List: @awomanindeniall​ @ihearthemcallingforyou @niall-is-my-dream​ @stylishmuser​ @thicksniall
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Survey #260
“better think twice; your train of thought will be altered.”
Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? I believe Nicole and I did as kids sometimes? Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Always. Wear your goddamn seatbelt, folks. Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? Generally indoors, but it does depend on what I can do outside as well as the weather. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. I really can't remember if *I* ever kissed Girt. Do you just feel awkward when you dance? YIKES YUP, even when I was a dancer. Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Yes. Can you get over people easily? MOTHER OF FUCK, NO. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No. Do you like to have long hair or short hair? SHORT. Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? Ugggghhhh, yes. Especially cuddling while falling sleep in the rain is everything. Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Many times. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? Well, to a degree. I have artwork in here that I'm just self-conscious of others seeing, but I wouldn't DIE if my mom found them. They're not even really "hidden," just covered. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Strawberry. Do you like hot-dogs? I wish I didn't. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? A fuckin hot leather, spiked choker with chains draped across it. It's just a bit tight on me now. Worst injury you’ve ever had? I skinned the shit out of my knees on the road as a kid, wound up with cuts near the bones. It was not, NOOOOOT pretty and took literally years for the scars to totally vanish. What song do you want played at your funeral? Probably "Life is Beautiful" by Sixx AM. How many keys are on your key chain? What do they go to? Just the one to the house. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? Not in the traditional sense. Before surgery, they obviously had to be sure via a urine sample, but otherwise, no. Would you rather live in a mansion or a small cozy home? Whew, the latter, easily. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? Nah. Do you get your eyebrows waxed, or do you pluck them? Neither, really. I just don't care; mine aren't awful, and it's too time-consuming and "required" too frequently for me to bother. They're just eyebrows. Do you and your last ex hate each other? Not at all. Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Well yeah, we're best friends. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? I was literally a madly in love teenager, you can guess. How do you handle people who are overly enthusiastic all the time? "I don’t 'handle' them, they’re actually pretty cool to be around. I appreciate having that kind of energy around me because I don’t generate a whole lot of it myself and I want it to rub off." <<<< Exactly this. Do people say you look like a certain celebrity? Nah. Who do you think you look like? No one I know of. Ever loved someone who didn’t love you back? hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGALS;KDJFA;LKJEW Ever done karaoke? Did you like it? Nooooo sir. Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Yep. It was an occasion where I had to practice serious self-discipline to keep my mouth shut. :x What was the last piece of candy you ate? Miss Tobey brought me a Reese's yesterday morning so that. Nice breakfast lmao. Do you curse a lot? A real fucking lot. It's not intentional, it's just so ingrained in me as normal diction after being at Jason's so much when his mother is the definition of an Italian New Yorker and thus her son has a mouth too lmao. Personally, I don't believe in "profanity" in the traditional sense so it doesn't bother me in the way of "oh I'm saying too many bad words," I just know my dictionary is wider than "fuck" and "shit" oof. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Probably like Kiara. Be a hot princess lion with a hot lion boyfriend and chill lion parents WOW am I a furry yet. Are you wearing anything of any sentimental value? Describe? Yeah, my friendship ring with Sara, a bracelet from her as well, and an ovarian cancer bracelet for my mom. Then tattoos, if you consider myself as "wearing" them. To you, what is especially distracting? The sound of TV when you're trying to sleep. What are some things that are important in your life right now? My mom's health, my mental health, job searching to at least get ideas for when transportation is easier, keeping the house clean, keeping up with Sara's health. When was the last time you did some major cleaning? A couple weeks back when I detail cleaned out both my shelves. Who challenges you the most? In what way?  My psychiatrist, but not in a bad way. He pushes me to keep improving with things. What was the last opportunity that you passed up, and why? I should know this, but I don't. Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Oh no, I couldn't live with the guilt. Who do you know that gives very sound advice? Sara is great at that. What do you think makes a person weak? The will to drag someone down just because you're feeling that way. What makes a person strong? The determination to not give up. Who do you go to when you need comfort? Mom more than anyone. Where is your favorite place to get fries? BOJANGLE'S. You cannot live to your fullest potential until you've received the seasoned blessing of Bojangle's fries. What is the most recent article of clothing you’ve purchased? I think underwear. Have you ever made your own pie from scratch? No. Are there any waterfalls nearby? Definitely no big ones. Hell, maybe even no natural ones. There are lots of dams, but I don't think they count. What are your earliest memories of going to see a doctor? My first time getting my blood drawn and consciously understanding what was about to happen. Freaked the FUCK out, bolted from the room, and clinged like a monkey to a column while sobbing. It literally took multiple adults to get me off of it, and I was very little. And then when I actually got poked, apparently I just said, "... That's it?" Oh, little me, you'd take needles for hours later on in life in the name of art lol. What is your favorite condiment? Maybe ketchup. Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? Well, all the mental hospitals I've been to included addicts seeking recovery, and I befriended a few. For people more in my personal life, I think so. Would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? I am ridiculously picky. Have you ever slept in a car overnight? I'm quite sure no, not a full night. Has someone close to you died of murder? No, thankfully. Does your school offer driver’s ed? My high school did, which is where I took it. Have you ever done volunteering work abroad? No. Do you have a shower stall or a bath tub? A tub. Why do you do these surveys? I'm bored most of the time with absolutely nothing better to do. Sometimes it helps me contemplate some things about myself. Do you like shopping? Eh, depends on what I'm shopping for. What’s a show you wish that was still on air? MM IS COMIN BACK, FUCKERS. Do you like hip hop? Nooo. Do you like pretzels? I do, especially soft ones. You want your next pet to be what? It's probably going to be a tarantula. I'm not being sarcastic lmao. It just depends on if I can convince my mom. Do you like coconut scents? Sure. Would you spend 20 dollars on a candle? Hell no. What is a dessert that you DON’T like? Pie. And one that you love? mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM ice cream. Would you rather be a vampire or a mermaid? Vampire, ig. Being a mermaid genuinely sounds boring. Where the fuck's the WiFi. Are you happy with your physical features? Bitch no. When you doodle, what are you usually doodling? Meerkats. Do you eat salads? Not enough, but I like them w/ regular lettuce and I'm open to different dressings. Favorite thing to do on your phone? Play Pokemon if I'm actually in a spot to get fckn balls. What magazines do you like? I don't read any. What is your favorite thing about Christmas? The feeling of really being a family. Do you prefer white or black electronics? Black. Firm pillow or soft pillow? S O F T Who was the last person you rode in a car with? Mom. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? Thank fuck no. Are there any people you don’t like for your significant other/crush to talk to? I’m single and don't have like... an "active" crush ig? What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank? I had a bombin' sangria for my birthday @ Olive Garden. Has one of your boyfriend’s best friends ever tried to get with you? Again, single, but for previous ones, no anyway. Are you 100% over the last person you kissed? No. Have any of your friends ever overdosed? I think so, but none died, thankfully. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Ummmm probably something for school. How many friends on Facebook do you have? 118. What age is the oldest you would date at the moment? It'd take me seriously liking someone to go slightly beyond 30. Do you want to be single? I don't know. I don't really know if I'm "fit" to be in a relationship right now, like I know I gotta figure shit out, but I think it's natural to want that companionship some days. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Well, I guess it depends on the emotion, but honestly, I don't think so, in most cases. Who did you last share a bed with? Sara. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? Not in an ambulance, no. What are you listening to right now? An '80s-ish/synthwave cover of "Disturbia" by Rihanna. I've been on a total binge of this kinda stuff lately. Ever been on a golf cart? Ye. Do you have trust issues? Yep. Do you own something from Hot Topic? I think most of my shirts are from there. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? No. Do you have a little sister? Damn, not so little anymore. Turned 22 a few days ago. Have you ever been to New York? The state, yes. City, no. Do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things? Nope. Did you have a lot of birthday parties when you were younger? If so, did you invite everyone in the class? I mean, define "a lot?" I did once every year... and no. I was selective. Have you ever participated in one of those “guess how many jelly beans, mints, etc. are in this jar!” contest? If so, have you ever won? PTSD is fuckin weird. I have, and I get anxious and uncomfortable just seeing them. The very last time I hung out w/ Jason was at his brother's wife's baby shower, and something like that was there. Shitty fuckin day. Can you juggle? No. Do you live on an avenue, road, drive or something else? Road. What are your school colors? N/A Have you ever taken a picture with Santa when you were little? Yeah, I think my sisters and I did that every year? What is the population of the city you live in? Google says around 5.5k. Do you like Nerds candy? Yeah man. What’s your favourite flavour of soda, pop or whatever else you call it? Blue raspberry. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at? It's on about 70% during the day, and I lower it to about 20% when I'm about to go to bed. Have you ever attended a religious or private school? My previous school was a private & religious college. Do you have any pets and are they cuddly? My cat is STUPID cuddly. Absolute attention hog. My snake seems to enjoy attention, though I wouldn't define snakes as "cuddly;" their brains don't know what affection really is, which I think is mandatory in that definition. She does love to lie against me on the bed, though, when I take her out to let her wander. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? All three of my jobs have sucked, but considering I lasted in a deli not even two hours, probs that. How many cars does your household own? One. Are there any cracks or scuffs on your phone? No. This shit is literally a Tracphone yet is incredible man, I've dropped it a good few times and it's a great phone. What’s your favourite meat? Out of most forms, probably pork, which I really wish wasn't true. I adore pigs. Or maybe chicken. Which I still feel bad about. Do you need glasses to read or drive or need them all the time? I always need them. Is the internet fast where you live? It's fine. What is your favourite meal of the day and why? Breakfast has the best options and makes me look forward to the morning lmao. Do you like long surveys or short surveys better? Ha ha, obviously long, seeing as I compile shorts ones into these larger ones. I do it because I feel individually posting with EVERY one I pick out would get annoying. Have you ever been to a cocktail bar? No. What’s the best amusement park you’ve ever visited? Disney World. Do you keep the cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom organized? More so in the kitchen. Have you ever had a romantic fling? No. Are you a very forgetful person? To a frightening point. Are your parents married or divorced? They're divorced. Do you believe in Heaven? Not the Christian one, but I do lean towards there being some peaceful existence after death. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? That's obviously the best part. Do you read blogs? No. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I pretty much have before? Worn guy's pants and unisex or men's shirts before, I'm sure. Ever been involved with the police? No. What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap? Idk, I'm just very used to Suave. Their body wash smells amazing. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? HELL NO. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden is GOOD SHIT. Have you watched Tiger King yet? Christ, no, and I sure am tired of seeing it everywhere online. Do you try to do something significant and meaningful every day? It's quite clear I don't, even though I really, really want to. What is your favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Chance. What color hair did your first crush have? Brown. Does anyone know who your first crush was? yeah. Who was your first celebrity crush? Whew, Jesse McCartney, lads. Have you ever had to use an epi pen? No, thankfully. What color was your first phone? Navy, I think. Do you know anyone with Down’s syndrome? Not anyone personally. How much do you weigh (only answer if comfortable)? I'm not comfortable. Have you ever been overweight? I have been since 2016. What color is your Christmas tree? Green. What color Christmas tree do you want to have in your house someday? UGGGGHHHHHHH give me a black one with fake snow on it. Omg. What color house did you grow up in? Uhhhh... I think it was white? I should know this. Have you ever been baptized? If so, how and where? Yes, when I was a baby at the Catholic church I grew up going to. What type of wedding do you want? Give it a gothic vibe ok. Are you taller or shorter or the same height as your mom? We're the same height. What is your heritage? German, Irish, and Polish. Are you excited for the upcoming summer season? Ugh, no. Not at all. At. All. Do you like crackers with your soup? No. Which ex of yours means the most to you? Depending on which way you mean, Jason or Sara. What is something that never fails to make you feel accomplished? Do a decent amount of cleaning. How do you feel about nudity, in person? Uh???? What exactly do you mean by "in person"???? I guess it depends on who, the situation, and location??? Have you taken prescription medications that didn't belong to you? Pain medicine, yes. Do wooded areas freak you out in the evening or night? I mean, to a reasonable degree, I guess. Obviously being in the wild in the dark is dangerous. Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle? No. Do you iron any of your clothes? No. Can you sleep in an unmade bed? Yeah. Did the house you grew up in have a big yard? It was p good. What has been the most difficult class you’ve ever taken? Probably Latin. What was the last website you were on, before this one? I was on Facebook. Is your hometown famous for anything? No. What are some things a house would need to have for you to purchase it? I'm personally very serious about a dishwasher and laundry room. Other than that I'm... kinda blanking? Like I'm not that picky as for what the house HASSSSSS to have, besides those. Well, two bathrooms would be great. What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? A pancake+sausage on a stick thing for breakfast. When was the last time your internet stopped working? It was having a temper yesterday. Did you ever watch Phil of the Future? Not very much, and never really by choice. Nicole would watch it sometimes though. Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? No. What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Vanilla. Do you have an online game that you play often? None at the very moment because my personal gaming laptop has been kaput for well over a month now. Maybe close to even two. Is there a trash can near you? No. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the opposite sex without anything steamy happening? No. Is there a fan going in the room you’re in? Yeah, beside me.
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renywrites · 6 years
Old Habits Die Hard
Keith and Lance’s New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Eat less sweets
2. Work out every morning
3. Go to bed early
4. Organize the basement
5. Spend more time with each other
Lance was very weak when it came to sugar. And of course, Keith had put ‘cut back on sugar’ at the top of their resolutions list, like some kind of monster. Maybe it would be better at the bottom of the list? Or in the middle? It was kind of insulting that he had put it at the top! And that knowing little look he’d given Lance? Ugh.
Keith’s unreasonable request was the exact reason why Lance was in the kitchen at 2:43am, sitting on the floor and halfway through a carton of rocky road ice cream. He was eating it out of spite. His boyfriend was being ridiculous, and Lance was not going to stand for it.
In retrospect, maybe eating a carton of ice cream just a few hours before he had to wake up and get ready for work had been a really bad idea. Lance groans, burying his face in his pillow and clutching his stomach.
“Should I stay home?” Keith frets, checking his forehead for the millionth time. “You seemed fine last night…”
“No!” Lance says quickly. Keith did not need to see him drown himself in pepto bismol and Sprite. Also, there might be a couple empty ice cream cartons he needed to dispose of. Just a couple. “No, go to work… I’ll be fine. It’s probably just a 24 hour thing.”
His boyfriend gives him an odd look, then rolls his eyes. “Does this have anything to do with the empty ice cream carton in the freezer?”
His blood freezes in his veins and he swallows very loudly. “No?” He says, very convincingly. Keith was going to be so convinced.
There’s a soft scoff and then a hand ruffling his hair fondly. “I knew it. I’ll call your work and let them know you caught a bug. Want me to have Hunk bring you some crackers and Sprite?”
“Please…” He moans, clutching his stomach as another wave of nausea hits.
“Will do,” Keith chuckles, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. “And tonight when I get home, I’m getting rid of anything sugary we still own. I’ll find that secret stash of yours, McClain.”
There’s a sense of finality in his tone that both makes him nervous and turns him on a little. “Okay.” He mumbles guiltily, settling in to deal with his horrible mistake.
“I don’t want to.” Keith groans, pulling the blankets up over his head.
Lance puts his hands on his hips, huffing. “Keith Kogane, you were the one who decided it would be a good idea to get up at the ass crack of dawn and go to the gym.”
“We did that yesterday.” The Korean whines petulantly.
“The list says every morning, so we’re going.”
The covers are pushed back slowly, revealing a mop of messy black hair and amethyst eyes narrowed to evil little slits. Surprisingly, Lance was the early bird in this relationship. It drove Keith absolutely nuts, which was why he had decided that if he was going to be disturbed by his boyfriend in ungodly hours of the morning, he might as well make the most of it.
But this morning, he was not having it.
Lance is unprepared for the sudden attack, squawking as his boyfriend launches himself at him, yanking him gracelessly back into the bed and aggressively koala hugging him.
“No.” Comes the verdict.
Lance almost wants to struggle, but then Keith presses a line of kisses over the exposed skin of his neck and tucks the warm blanket around them, and he’s weak. Leave it to Keith to play dirty.
“Okay.” He sighs.
And there went their second resolution.
“We should go to bed.” Lance yawns, rubbing his eyes and looking at the clock. It read 10:38pm.
Keith glances up from his computer, where he’d been playing Poptropica for the past three hours, hoping lance hadn’t noticed (He had). “Can’t we stay up for another half hour? I’m almost done with this isla- uh… thing.”
Lane throws him an amused look, picking up the book on the coffee stable he’d been meaning to read. “Yes, finish playing Zomberry Island. We can stay up another half hour.”
His boyfriend gives him a sheepish, grateful little smile before turning back to his screen. The two settle into comfortable silenced, the sounds of clicking coming from Keith’s computer and the rasp of pages against fingertips filling the room between them.
Time flies past, neither of them really keeping tabs. Keith finishes Zomberry Island and starts on another one, completely engrossed in the screen. Lance loses himself to the plot of his book. Neither of them notice the time.
Well, not until Lance’s phone buzzes angrily, letting him know that it was well past the time for it to be plugged in for the night. He passes a hand over his face and marks the page, sitting up to see what it was fussing about. He freezes when he reads the time.
“Keith,” Lance says, staring in silent horror. “Babe, I think we should go to bed.”
“But I’m almost…” He trails off, falling back into his hyperfixation.
“No, Kogane, it’s bedtime.” Lance walks over, gently pulling his hands from the keyboard and stealing a kiss.
Keith gives him a dazed look, then glowers. “Hey, I was focusing.”
“I know.” He says, amused. He turns his phone on, then shows him the time. Keith’s eyes widen. “But it’s seriously time for us to go to sleep.”
Keith’s mouth twists into a wry smile as he lets Lance pull him from the chair and towards their bedroom. “We’re really bad at this whole resolutions thing, aren’t we?”
“The worst.” Lance laughs.
“No.” Lance says stubbornly, standing at the top of the basement stairs. “Absolutely not.”
Keith kicks a box out of his way, wading into the piles of random and useless crap and the sea of boxes. “But we said that we’d do this.”
“The Lance that said we’d clean this monstrosity was also drunk and considering dying his hair bright pink. I am not that Lance anymore, Keith.”
The Korean lets out a snort of amusement, looking up at a stack of boxes that was taller than him. “Well… somebody’s gotta do it.”
Lance crosses his arms, leaning against the banister. “That somebody is not going to be me. And knowing you, you’re going to get through half of this and I’ll find you at four in the morning sitting in a pile of old clothes and covered in dust because you found an old toy and you’re playing with it.”
Keith gives the boxes a reproachful look, but even he can’t deny that. “Yeah…”
“We can bribe the Holts and Hunk to do it with pizza and beer.” Lance shrugs.
“Yeah.” His boyfriend nods, hardly taking a second to agree. “Yep. Okay. Let’s do that.”
“C’mon, mullet.” Lance chuckles. “Get outta there before I lose your short ass to dust and spiders.”
“Spiders?!” Keith shrieks, immediately jumping away from the boxes and bounding up the stairs.
“You fought intergalactic space monsters and you’re afraid of spiders?” Lance laughs, switching off the light and closing the basement door.
“It’s different, Lance! They have too many eyes and legs!”
“Whatever you say.” Comes the amused reply as they leave the messy basement to debate arachnids.
“So I bought all of the movies you texted me because I couldn’t pick. Also I got Mike and Ikes, licorice, Reese’s, Twix, and a shit ton of other stuff. And Chinese.”
Lance looks up as Keith dumps the haul down on the counter, smiling fondly and nursing his cup of tea. His boyfriend looks up, then walks over and tips his chin up, giving him a soft kiss.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks quietly, his amethyst eyes searching Lance’s.
The Cuban gives him a wobbly, wet smile, shrugging. He’d forgotten a dose of his anti-anxiety meds and had called Keith at work in the middle of a panic attack. Keith had immediately packed his things, talking to Lance as he headed to the store to pick up things for a relaxing evening.
“C’mon.” Keith says, his tone soothing, leading Lance to the couch. “You relax and I’ll put a movie in.”
Lance settles himself on the couch while Keith slots a disney movie into the DVD player, bustling about to get their food and snacks ready for the night. It was going to be a long one. Keith was determined to calm his boyfriend down so he could sleep easily tonight.
The two settle into a cocoon of food and drinks and blankets, ready for their night.
“Thank you.” Lance says quietly as the opening credits of their movie start rolling.
“Of course.” Keith gives a soft look and an even softer kiss. “We’ll make Friday nights movie nights, okay?”
“Okay.” Lance whispers, pillowing his head against Keith’s shoulder, smiling to himself.
Maybe they were bad at keeping trivial resolutions, but they excelled at the ones that meant the most. And, really, that was all that mattered.
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styomi · 6 years
Fifteen study dates | 15-day prompt challenge | Sweet Pea/OC | Day 2
AN: Here is the next part of the series for you guys to enjoy :) Keep in mind that these are spread out weirdly over the timeline. Hence, there are moments which come before Sweet Pea and Ruby are in a relationship and those that are after they start going out :D
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Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Sweet Pea/OC Rating: T Word count:1625 Chapter count:2/15
             How to prepare for a study date (?) like a proper gentleman
“It’s a date,” Toni told him pointedly, her eyes widening as she was making her point.
“No, it’s not,” Sweet Pea brushed her off with a huff. “We’re just going to study.” Fangs choked on his sandwich, Toni hitting his back lightly to help him breathe again.
“It’s a study date,” she shot back at Sweet Pea. “In the end, it’s a date, regardless. You’re supposed to treat it accordingly.” Fangs was now giggling uncontrollably, which was an odd action for a bulky teen such as himself. Yet, it was a bit too familiar to his two best friends.
“What, should I bring flowers or something?” Sweet Pea shot back in a sarcastic tone. Toni didn’t back down, though.
“Or something,” she scolded him. “At least kiss her and be prepared to do a little more.” Fangs choked on the next bite of his sandwich again, helping the food go down with a swig from his soda can.
“Sure, sure,” Sweet Pea dismissed the whole thing with a casual shrug. But, his two friends could see the color on his cheeks, regardless. “I’m always ready to a little more, she isn’t.”
“You have to set the mood, man,” Fangs abandoned his sandwich in favor of advising his friend. He didn’t want to choke on it for the third time. It had obviously been bad luck to buy it on the Northside or something. “Get her something she likes, cozy up to her and then, you know, keep going.” The teen mimicked an action of running his hands over an invisible female figure.
“Yeah,” Sweet Pea’s tone was sarcasm in its purest form. “’Cause that sounds like something Ruby would appreciate. She’d kick my ass, dude.” Fangs shrugged as if saying that he’d tried to help.
“Ruby would like it,” Toni interjected. “The two of us have had plenty of girls’ nights, you know. She isn’t frigid like you’re obviously thinking. Just be smooth on the date.”
“For the last time, it’s not a date,” Sweet Pea grumbled. “We don’t date. We hang out. And, I don’t think she’s frigid.” Toni’s hands shot up, before she groaned, sighed and gave up.
“I tried,” the girl said to no one in particular, in absolute exasperation. “I really did. You can’t be helped, Sweet Pea.” But, in the end, Toni and Fangs had helped. Their little squabble hadn’t left Sweet Pea’s mind as he got ready to head over to Ruby’s place for a study session, session, not date, and he took his sweet time choosing an outfit.
The one thing Sweet Pea really liked about hanging out with Ruby, even after their friendship had turned into something more, was that he never felt like he had to try hard and work for it. It all came naturally. She came naturally to him, like breathing or eating. Kissing her wasn’t a chore he dreaded and prepared for. It was a natural reaction to something she said or did. Texting her to go somewhere together was as easy as gathering the younger Serpents to head out to the quarry on a summer afternoon. Ruby was a person he enjoyed. In every sense of the word, completely and effortlessly. So, standing in the mirror and re-dressing a few times had definitely been a first for him when it came to a study session with her. After all, it wasn’t the first time they’d done something like that. But, it was the first time they were doing it since they’d had their number of kisses and more than friendly hugs.
Finally, Sweet Pea settled on a pair of dark jeans that fit comfortably and a grey loose shirt. He slipped a flannel button up over, leaving it unbuttoned and then tugged his Serpents’ jacket over it all. With a final check in the mirror, he decided that it was as good as it was going to get for a small study date. No, session. Because it wasn’t a date. It was a study session.
On his way to her place, he wondered if he should heed Toni’s advice and bring Ruby something she liked. Flowers would’ve definitely been over the top, but he knew one thing that she loved even more than life itself. So, smirking at his own brilliance and hoping that he wouldn’t be late because of the small stop, Sweet Pea turned his bike right, instead of continuing straight over the tracks, and headed for the convenience store he knew would still be open.
He arrived late because the cashier was a new kid who fumbled with his receipt and had to enter every single barcode into the computer. But, his backpack was heavy with more than just his books. Chili, Ruby’s grey Stafford, greeted him with barking and happy jumps at the iron gates of the Wolfe property. He managed to get the dog to back away so that he could roll his bike in, and they walked to the top of the driveway together, Chili sniffing all over his legs. Petting the dog in an attempt to get him to calm down, which didn’t work, the tall teen rang the doorbell.
“Coming!” Ruby’s voice sounded from inside, muffled. Then, the door swung open in a quick motion. The girl looked a bit out of breath like she’d flown down the stairs of her house, instead of walking. And, she probably had. “Sweet Pea, hey,” he noted that she looked like she had put on make-up. Ruby usually didn’t bother with it, so that was a bit odd. Her lips were glistening and her eyes seemed bigger. Yes, she’d definitely put some make-up on. “Come in. Chili, no.” The dog seemed dejected to be left outside, but his ears soon perked up at a sound coming from their yard and he tore down that way.
“Where’s he off to?” Sweet Pea asked, entering.
“Probably a mole,” Ruby sighed. “We’ve been having some issues with them and Chili loves playing with them. He won’t kill them, but he will play. Dad’s been going crazy and threatening to buy a hammer to play whack-a-mole. They’re ruining his gardening attempts.” The image of Ruby’s father, the former SEAL, with a hammer, seemed positively terrifying in Sweet Pea’s head.
“We’re in the living room?” He asked, trying to shake the chills off. Jo Wolfe was scary as hell and loved his daughter. Sweet Pea still thanked God that the man hadn’t been too bothered with the two of them doing… whatever it was that they were doing.
“No, my room,” Ruby grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs. “Dad’s having some friends over later and forbade me to make a mess downstairs.” The Wolfe house was as massive as always, making Sweet Pea feel out of place. Being in the family for a few generations, it had been built in an old, Victorian style, with two stories. Ruby’s room, which he had only visited with Toni and Fangs twice, was on the upper floor and straight down the hallway.
“Should I get lost before the guests arrive?” Sweet Pea asked as Ruby opened the door of her space and entered, not noticing how he awkwardly lingered in the doorway for a second.
“Nonsense, I told dad you’re coming over for a study date.” Date. She’d said it. Not Toni or Fangs. Ruby had said it. Suddenly, Sweet Pea was very much glad that he had made a stop on his way.
“Alright.” He decided that sitting on her bed wasn’t safe and opted to go to the window seat next to it. After all, Ruby’s books were already there.
“Do you want some snacks or something to drink?” Ever the polite host, the girl asked. She took his jacket when he shrugged it off and tossed it on her bed. On the teal and white covers, it looked somehow exotically out of place. Yet, it was like staking a claim over the bed, which brought warmth to Sweet Pea’s chest.
“I’ve got snacks covered if you’ve got drinks.” Sweet Pea opened his backpack and pulled out his notebook, the only study material he ever had, before flipping the bag over the window seat. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, M & M packets, Hershey’s kisses and chocolate chip cookies, Skittles, Snickers and various other packets of chocolate-based goods fell out, filling the seat and falling to the soft carpet on the floor.
“Holy. Mother. Of. God,” Ruby’s eyes were wide and filled with pure adoration as she stared at the pile. Sweet Pea’s chest filled with heat completely. He’d done the right thing, apparently. “Are you trying to seduce me, or something?” She cheekily asked him with a smirk pulling at her lips.
“Maybe, short stuff.” Sweet Pea replied with a grin of his own. This was a game he knew how to play. He was comfortable doing it, too. He’d had this kind of push and pull with Ruby since day one.
“Consider me willing and able, then,” she bounded over to him, taking the lapels of his flannel shirt and pulling him down for a brief kiss. Sweet Pea was a bit surprised to feel her deepen it, exploring his mouth gently with her tongue. That was usually something that he did, and more than often it got her to pull away. Obviously, he had done everything right that evening. “I’ll get us some drinks and then we can start.” Ruby left him, a little breathless, standing in her bedroom. He felt comfortable for the first time since his talk with Toni and Fangs. Chocolate was, apparently, the way to Ruby’s heart. Or pants. Either way, Sweet Pea considered this study date a success already. Yes, the study date.
That’s all for now, folks!
I hope that you enjoyed it and do let me know if you want to be tagged in the future posts :D
Day 1: A way to memorize Day 3:  With proper motivation, anything is possible Day 4:  PG13 PDA sugar can be good motivation Day 5: Autumn time is picnic time  Day 6: It’s best when we can compete Day 7:  Master of procrastination and his jailer Day 8: Take me anywhere, everywhere, away from here   Day 9:  Dirty French for beginners   Day 10:  I need… sleep?… no, you…   Day 11:  Delirium   Day 12: Stay still for me   Day 13:  Debate? Apparently, a turn-on   Day 14: Two-seater and Chinese   Day 15:  Unintentional intentions  
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thedipinthebed · 7 years
day two
i’d decided to go to bed early, at around 11pm, in hopes that my friend would come earlier.
but he did not.
it was 12:30 when i felt the bed dip beside my feet and a warm voice greet me with a “hey, reese.”
“hey, buster,” i say quietly, “is it okay if i call you that? since you never tell me your name?”
“buster?” he chuckles softly and looks down to his hands.
“yeah, buster. i call you buster all the time,” i shrug, “like your nickname.”
“sure,” he nods, “buster. buster ‘n’ reese. best buds.”
“i’m your best bud?” i raise a brow, my eyes still shut.
“mhm,” he hums and looks up from his hands, “why do you think i visit you every night?”
i shrug again. “because maybe i’m funny?” then buster bellows out a laugh and i hear him slap his knee.
“you really think that’s the only reason i’ve been coming back for so long?” he asks as his laughter dies down. “you’re very funny, reese, but i enjoy you for many more reasons than that.”
“like what?” i fought the urge to roll over and look at him.
“how was your day?” he gives me a grin, i could feel it, and i sigh.
“boring. nearly the same as yesterday, though my school computer was acting weird today. i almost didn’t make it to math because it was taking forever to load the page,” i think for a moment, “oh, and i did get a good score on my health essay. mrs. meyer called me a blessing. she’s my favorite teacher.”
“didn’t you say she was your favorite last year too?” he brings a leg onto the bed.
“mhm,” i nod once, “she’s the nicest one. she calls me kiddo.”
“teacher’s pet?” he raises a brow at me.
“maybe,” i crack an eye open to glance at the clock.
“anything else happen today?” he looks down some.
“um…we learned about the holocaust in history class today. it was sad. i didn’t like it,” i sigh, “so many people died.”
he looks back to me and reaches over to rub my calf at an attempt to comfort me. i didn’t need comforting, though, but i didn’t tell him that.
“i’m sorry it was sad,” he says softly, “i wish you didn’t have to be taught sad stuff and just feel happy.”
“i wish that too,” i nod and he takes his hand off me, “how was your day?”
he sits in a surprised silence. “my day?”
“oh. i don’t do much all day. pretty much wait for night to come so i can come talk to you.”
“that’s all?”
“because it’s my favorite part of the day,” he shrugs.
“what did you do before you started talking to me?” i raise a brow.
“talked to another person. his name was micheal,” he smiles sadly, “he passed away the night before i started visiting you. i was visiting him from the moment i knew how.”
“is that what you’re made to do? visit people at night?”
“yes. i help the lonely be not-so-lonely,” he glances to me, making sure he didn’t accidentally offend me.
“oh. i’m sorry michael died,” i say softly, wanting to reach over and comfort him, “he didn’t deserve it and you didn’t either.”
“thank you,” he falls silent for a moment, and the only thing still letting me know he’s there is the dip in the bed.
“can i sleep now?” i ask once the silence grows awkward. “it’s late.”
“of course, reese,” he nods and pats my leg twice, “goodnight. sweet dreams.”
“goodnight, buster.”
he stands and i know he’s gone as soon as he does.
i have no dreams that night.
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phirephox666 · 7 years
Weekly Fic Recs - POI
Wednesday has come around again and with it more fic recs. This week is Person of Interest, all Reese/Finch. There’s a few more recs this week cuz there wasn’t enough to split into two lists. Happy reading, y’all. 
Weekly Rec Lists
Sympathy for the Hellhound (and the Broken Winged Bird) by RyuuzaKochou
Reese/Finch, Supernatural Au, Bamf Reese, Bamf Finch, Angst, Humor, Complete, 24k
Finch surveyed the room again through his glasses, but it did not become any less overbright with harsh fluorescents, it did not become any less damp, cold, concreted, stuffy or stale, the chair he sat on became no less roughly wooden and he, alas, remained absolutely, totally naked.
Life choices, the grim voice of his common sense cut in. Think on them.
Two men meet under the most dire of circumstances and must rely on each other to survive - and rise. Inspired by Macx's superlative Firewall series, with a twist, and a twist, and a twist.
Blind Men and Elephants by KRyn
Reese/Finch, Humor, Complete, 24k
"It occurred to me that I have been remiss in offering you options in continuing education, Mr. Reese. Studies show that employees who are given the opportunity to sharpen their skills prove to be more content and successful in their chosen fields."
John stared at the ceiling for a moment, trying to parse the reason this particular bug had gotten under his partner's skin at this--godawful early--hour. No answers were forthcoming from the textured surface, so he sat up, tossed back the covers, and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
"I've already been to spy school, Finch."
The Most Important Meal of the Day by CaseyM
Reese/Finch, Complete, 12k
John rolled to his knees. And suddenly there was finely tailored wool right in front of him, navy with a slender gray stripe over a small but perfect ass, and Harold said, “Stay down. I’ve got this.”
John and Harold's relationship is complicated. Something as simple as coffee cake shouldn't lead to a breakthrough. But sometimes a little home cooking is all it takes.
Proximity by therienne
Reese & Finch, Friendship/Gen, Backstory, Complete, 9k
Sometimes intuition is just a form of higher reasoning we cannot yet parse.
Catch a Boat to England, Baby (Maybe to Spain) by leupagus
Reese/Finch, Pre-Canon Au, Different First Meeting, Complete, 4.3k
The car door opens and one of the soldiers slides in, almost braining Harold with the butt of his gun. "Sorry, sir," the soldier says, breathless, "I thought you were in the other car — but you weren't — so I had to jump out and—"
"Who are you?" Harold says, but the soldier's familiar; the tall one who'd looked embarrassed.
And who still looks embarrassed. "Oh. Sorry, sir. Um. John Harris. Private Harris? I'm your um, assigned unit. Sir.” He sticks out a hand.
Orbital Motion by callmecathy
Reese/Finch, Complete, 4.2k
John barely remembers what it is to be loved.
(In which some things come easily, others don't, and John thinks they're what Harold might call a 'work in progress'.)
Truth and Lies by TimelessDreamer2
Reese/Finch, Complete, 2.7k
When Finch told Reese, he would never lie to him, he meant it. Harold Finch cannot lie.
Far From the Tree by wonderble
Reese/Finch, Complete, 8.6k
Newton's law in the form of John, 9.81 m/s and gaining force until impact.
Or, Harold used to like apples. John pushes at meaningless boundaries.
Moving On by tiranog
Reese & Finch, Complete, 83k
John and Harold get a little more than they bargained for when they go out to dinner.
Blinded by the Light by tiranog
Reese/Finch, Complete, 11k
Sequel to Walking in the Dark. Mornings after are never what you expect them to be.
Part 1 of Walking in the Dark Series
Threads by KRyn
Reese/Finch, Complete, 26k
"When we were forced to abandon the Library, I managed to destroy any digital trace of our activities that might offer a means to track us, even in our new identities. Nonetheless, we left behind a treasure trove of clues that offered certain...investigatory options for Samaritan to pursue. I thought it best to keep an eye open."
In the fourth season opener, Greer queries Samaritan as to the status of its efforts to hunt down Finch and Company. The response--'ongoing.' "Threads" is a series of short stories, each chapter a stand-alone, exploring some of the ways Samaritan might attempt to draw our heroes out of hiding.
You don't like me (You just want the attention) by illuminatedcities
Reese/Finch, Tailor Finch, Project Runway Au, Crack, Complete, 3.8k
“You really think it’s that bad?” John asks, tugging at the sleeves of the pantsuit he’s been working on.
“What were you thinking, this hasn’t passed ‘bad’ all the way to ‘hideous’ yet, I’ll just put a fleece jacket over it and give it a final shove?” Shaw asks. 
Project Runway!AU.
The Raven of Odin by Dien
Reese/Finch, CIA Au, Spy Au, Complete, 8.2k
In an alternate universe, Nathan Ingram created IFT on his own, and his college friend joined the CIA instead....
The Warlord Prince of York by Azar
Reese/Finch, Reese & Finch & Carter, Black Jewels Au, Black Jewels Fusion, Complete, 18k
As the influence of Dorothea SaDiablo begins to spread through Terreile, Prince Harold Finch hatches a daring plan to save his home Territory of York. The only problem is, he'll need the help of York's most dangerous Warlord Prince to pull it off.
A Lifetime For A Day by eyeus
Reese/Finch, Bakery Au, Fluff, Complete, 9.3k
“Your Danishes appear dry, over-flaked, and uninspired,” the man informs him. “I don’t doubt the rest of your creations are in the same vein.”
John blinks. This is new; no one’s ever eviscerated him quite like this before.
Part 1 of Of Croquillants and Apple π
All I Know Is Flight by hedda62
Reese/Finch, Complete, 3.7k
Not that the Library is only a workplace. It has atmosphere and beauty and dust and shadows; it holds lingering echoes of lightning keystrokes and reluctant smiles; it's where he meant when he told Carter he wanted to go home. It's the place he works with Finch, and therefore it's like nowhere else in the world.
And now they have to leave it behind.
Miracle on 56th Street by thisstarvingartist
Reese/Finch, Fluff, Complete, 14k
The incoming Christmas season brings along with it a storm the likes of which New York City has never seen; snow stands over four feet high on every street corner, buildings two hundred stories high are invisible through the torrential downpour of snow and hail. Every business and company has been shut down for the foreseeable winter season; not a soul dares wander through the desolation.
Not one, aside from a man with a shovel and a rather cheerful Belgian Malinois.
(Or: The worst snow storm of the century lays waste to New York as Christmas season draws near, leaving its inhabitants stranded in their homes. Harold Finch suffers a severe bout of claustrophobia. John, as always, comes to the rescue.)
An Unstoppable Force by giandujakiss, iteration
Reese/Finch, Female Finch, Feelings, Complete, 28k
John is still trying to figure out this little mouse of a woman who’s hired him, who can do anything with computers and has more money than God and who can barely walk and yet somehow always manages to evade him, who won’t tell him anything about herself but who says she knows everything about him – and he knows that can’t be true, it can’t –
When he realizes, she’s actually attracted to him.
Snow Days by Jo (jmathieson)
Reese/Finch, Fluff, Snowed In, Friends to Love, Complete, 21k
During New York's 'Blizzard of the Century', Finch feels trapped in his own home. Reese and Bear walk across New York in the blizzard to come to Finch's rescue. New York is without power, so the machine is blind. At Finch's house, Finch and Reese talk, play chess, and talk some more. They each share some of their past, and some of their feelings.
A More Conventional Life by x_art
Reese/Finch, Kid Fic, Complete, 17k
Because children changed everything. They always had and they always would.
Discretion by JinkyO
Reese/Finch, Slice of Life, Friends to Lovers, Complete, 34k
After Finch and Reese are forced into hiding, Professor Whistler and Detective Riley try to make a life together.
An AU Canon Divergent imagining of the events between Season 3 and Season 4.
It's a Dog's Life by manic_intent
Reese/Finch, Fantasy Au, Complete, 9k
Six months, no yellow cape, and one and a half thankfully harmless gun accidents after, Harold and Nathan had settled into a routine. The Machine would send them a number, and Harold would try his damnedest to resolve it through a computer. Usually, this endeavour would end in failure, because despite the advent of technology, the idiocy of certain members of humanity was so fundamental that not even computers could provide any sort of real solution.
This meant that Nathan often had to intervene. Sometimes they hired help: which had worked out with varying degrees of disaster. Sometimes they tipped off the police. Sometimes Nathan and Harold ventured out, bickering all the time, and the success rate of this latter tactic was usually at around 24%. It also usually served to further erode Harold’s already falling opinion of humanity.
Machine Language by manic_intent
Reese/Finch, Cyborg Au, Sci Fi Au, Complete, 8k
Snow had rambled halfway through the brief before he realized that John wasn't paying him any attention: as he trailed off, Kara's gaze jumped from Snow to John, then to the inoffensive, quiet-looking middle-aged man who had followed Snow into the briefing room only to sit in a corner without a word.
"Something on your mind, Agent?" Snow asked irritably.
"Sorry, Mark," John drawled. "It's just that I've never seen a cybrid before."
Dangerous If Unbound by astolat
Reese/Finch, Finch & Ingram, Telepathy, Dom/Sub Au, Complete, 24k
The Texas sun beating down was merciless, almost a physical weight on his shoulders. John couldn't move even to change the angle: the collar was tight, the cuffs were tight, and the chains had been pulled to their limits.
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
Reese/Finch, Kid Fic, Complete, 15k
"We're not looking to make friends, Harold," John said. "We want our neighbors to classify us and then avoid us. Being the scandalous gay couple down the street is a good option."
Walking in the Dark by tiranog
Reese/Finch, Complete, 16k
Even superheroes get lonely. John Reese asks his enigmatic partner to accompany him to a ball game.
Technical Support by astolat
Reese/Finch, Different First Meeting, Complete, 14k
The IFT Plaza security team wasn't what John would have called the brightest stars in the firmament. (Written for the tech support AU prompt.)
Home Run by astolat
Reese/Finch, Backstory, Complete, 3k
They caught the 7 train heading to Flushing. Looking around at the crowd, dotted with caps and shirts and grown men wearing face paint, John raised an eyebrow. "I thought you weren't a Mets fan, Finch."
Harold blinked at him. "I'm not, Mr. Reese," he said.
Love And Marriage by astolat
Reese/Finch, Humor, Complete, 4.7k
"Harold," John said, "are you asking me to marry you for your money?"
"Well, Mr. Reese," Harold said, "given how much of it you've spent already, I don't really see how you can complain." 
10 notes · View notes
shootwinterfest · 7 years
Gift Wrapped
For @thetwelfthbunny
It was Christmas Eve, and all through the secret, underground subway headquarters of one team of courageous individuals lead by a super artificial intelligence…no one was stirring. Except for an admin in his three-piece suit quietly taping on his computer keyboard and a primary asset in his crisp white shirt cleaning his guns; they were just settled in for a long quiet afternoon. Until one petite primary asset and one analog interface entered the subway headquarters arguing and making such a clatter
Root and Shaw both walked into the subway with scowls on their face, not looking at each other. The Machine had reported back to Finch that Root and Shaw had saved several reindeer at the zoo. The Machine had recently started a new algorithm so now they also received animal numbers along with human numbers. They were all little surprised how many hits go on dogs and sometimes cats.
Tension filled the subway once the two disgruntled women joined Finch and Reese in the main cab of the subway; as they walked in close proximity, a mildly unpleasant odor permeated the air around them.
Both men turned to look each other, both failing to hide the twitches in their noses. Root and Shaw smelled like a heavily fragrant barn or perhaps a few litter boxes that needed changing. There was something else along with the foul smell, both women vibrated anger and were only exchanged glares at each other; instead of Root’s normal adoring eyes for Shaw and Shaw’s annoyed returned eye rolls. Normally the stoic men just ignored the sexual tension between the two women, but today this pissed off slightly hostile tension was actually even more uncomfortable. The smell was hard to ignore too.
Root and Shaw had been in a big argument all day. Root was upset with Shaw for upsetting the Machine. Now Shaw was angry because how do you upset chunks of metal? As she argued, it’s just nuts and bolts, basically. Shaw was pissed, mostly because something that doesn’t have feelings can’t be upset. She had that on good authority – her own. She thought Root was projecting, so she didn’t have to talk about her own feelings. In fact, they hadn’t talked at all recently, no innuendos and trademark cute, sexy comments. Shaw was starting to suspect the hacker might actually be mad at her. She never knew how much she would miss Root’s stupid come-ons until the perky psycho started being all Eeyore on her.
Shaw broke the uncomfortable silence with a surprise outburst.
“She can’t get upset, Root. She’s a Machine. See, she doesn’t even have a real name. You call her the Machine, not… Carol or Tina.” Shaw stood next to Finch with her arms crossed defiantly against her chest and huffed out a deep breath while glaring at Root.
Finch decided to try and change the conversation and steer it back to important matters.
“Were you able to save all eight reindeer?” Finch asked cautiously. “It smells perhaps that you were successful.”
“No. One wasn’t there,” Shaw replied back while still watching Root, “She has a side job at some fancy store uptown.”
Root turned to Finch. “Harry, maybe we do need to have a talk with her and see if there is a name she would like to use instead of the cold unfeeling implication of the Machine.” Root gave a hard glare to Shaw. 
Finch turned his head slightly to look at Root who was still staring intensely at Shaw. He glanced at Shaw and decided he wanted no part of their conversation or debate. Or to have Ms. Groves or Ms. Shaw’s barnyard odors latch onto his suit.
“Excuse me, I’m making tea…in the other room,” Finch said nervously. He stood up and hurried out of the subway car as fast as he could, searching for peace and fresh air.
Reese was cleaning his guns with his head down, praying the two women didn’t speak to him.
“Reese, help me out here,” Shaw demanded, turning to him. “She’s a machine. She doesn’t have feelings. Hence the name ‘Machine.’ Am I right? Or am I right?”
“Which reindeer has the side job?” Reese asked in hopes of ending the argument. It was Christmas after all, he would prefer one day with some small amount of peace. “Was it Comet?”
“It was Cupid,” Finch had walked back in with his tea. “The Machine is reporting there is a still a 78% chance that Cupid is in danger.”
The two men looked to each other, then they watched Root and Shaw who were clearly having an unspoken war shooting glares and side eyes at each other.
“What did you do, Shaw?” asked Reese, his face scrunched slightly as he glanced from Shaw to Root. His nose was scrunched too, he had no idea wrangling reindeer was such a smelly job.
“That part isn’t important,” Shaw said quickly back to Reese while Root shot her an annoyed look.
Reese looked over to Root who shot him a slightly murderous look, “I’m guessing it’s important a little.”
Finch walked back into the subway car. He looked back and forth awkwardly between his teammates and decided to change the subject in hopes of diffusing the situation, “The new number’s name is Gus Chasseur. He’s a thief and he just scored his biggest heist yet today…”
Before Finch could finish Shaw interrupted him. “Then why don’t we just get Fusco to arrest him and call it a day?” asked Shaw with a questioning look to Finch. “So I can take a shower and stop smelling like a rodeo.”
“Despite that today is Christmas Eve, there are several sets of people after Gus to kill him. If he doesn’t lay low for the next 24 hours, he will most likely end up dead either on his own, or dead on the streets, or dead in jail, during this holiday season.”
“We get it – dead. So where do we find him?” Shaw sighed and resigned herself to an overall crappy day. “And what? Just babysit him at a safe house for the 24 hours?” Shaw was annoyed with this whole day and apparently night. And smell, she couldn’t wait to take a shower.
Root started walking away, heading towards the exit of the subway.
“Have fun with that, Shaw. Later Reese and Harry and… uh, yeah…Merry Christmas,” Root waltzed towards the subway exit.
Shaw rolled her eyes, watching the hacker walk away. Fine, she thought, she didn’t need to see Root later today or tomorrow despite whatever day the calendar said it was. She walked over to the subway lockers and started gathering some supplies.
“What? Why?” Root said loudly, stopping in her tracks. She turned around, her face annoyed, and headed back to the subway car. She sighed so loudly and so dramatically as she approached the team in the subway that her performance was Emmy worthy. Actually, it was an automatic win.
“She’s telling me that I have to help Shaw with this number,” Root glared at the monitor as she crossed her arms; she stared down the Machine directly. She didn’t know why the Machine was insisting she help Shaw when they were both mad at her. Yet, she was a little sad she might not see Shaw for the rest of the day or tomorrow.
Shaw slammed a locker shut. Okay, so this was definitely how the Machine was getting revenge Shaw thought, forcing her to work with Root while they were fighting on some silly ass holiday day. Shaw would hope by now the Machine knew she never needed help. 
“I don’t need help, especially your help. Tell your robot girlfriend, I got this.” She went over to one of the lockers to get some guns, making sure to open and slam all the doors extra loud.
Reese and Finch looked to each other and silently agreed to stay silent.
Root let out a dramatic sigh.
Root and Shaw laid face to face tied up together by a massive amount of tinsel, colored string lights, rope and even holiday paper binding them into one big gift wrapped present; the only thing missing was the bow. They were on their sides on a massive display bed in a storage room for a high-end department store. Both women huffed and snorted several times as they struggled to break free against the restraints.
The storage room was packed with stuff everywhere, clearly this was the place all the old holiday decorations came to die or more nicely put, retire. And for some bizarre reason all the electronic decorations were turned on, there were plastic reindeers, Santas, elves, Snowmens all lit up or moving in a rickety fashion like broken robots. Plus, multi-colored string lights hung up in the storage room, zigzagging across the ceiling and walls, illuminating the storage room with a comfy, cozy feel. Cleary, a lot of the overworked retail staff took breaks in here and made it a fun, festive place to relax for a few minutes before facing the harshness of holiday shoppers.
Shaw to admit, if she weren’t so pissed, she would be impressed with Gus’s wrapping skills. The charming thief actually made it difficult for them to escape thus far.
Even though it was cold in this secluded back part of the store, they were warm due to their combined body heat. The two of them together did make a cozy temperature, while so far not setting off any alarms.
Root and Shaw didn’t know quite what happened with Gus; everything seemed to have escalated pretty quickly. First, they were babysitting him and, the next thing they knew, they were helping him in a small jewel heist in this high-end department store. Three of them had snuck in one of the side entrances posing as zoo employees arriving to pick up a reindeer used for the Santa Workshop display. An actual live reindeer was helping the store Santa listen to snotty kids and their Christmas wishes. Now, they found themselves gift wrapped and held as hostages in hopes of bargaining more time for Gus. Turns out that Gus is safer in this department store than out on the streets anywhere. And for some big picture reason, the Machine said it would look better if Gus had hostages in the event he had to negotiate his way out the store. So since the store had emptied out and it was the wee hours of the morning, only two people won the roles of hostages. And one reindeer. At least they found Cupid and she was safe and sound somewhere roaming the store.
“She’s telling me that we have to go along with anything that Gus says or does,” Root had said in a rather annoyed tone to Shaw hours earlier. No matter how talented a thief Gus was, there was no way he’d get the drop on both a primary asset and analog interface; unless of course they were instructed to let this happen. 
After a few tense silent minutes of their gift-wrapped bondage, they both squirmed a little trying to see how they could break free. There wasn’t one inch of their front part of their bodies that wasn’t touching. They had been in this situation a few times before, of course it was always consensual and with less clothes; well, maybe not quite like this, this was more like intense forced cuddling or spooning. Every movement by one of them resulted in the other feeling it. They avoided making eye contact with each other as best as they could, but since they were tied up facing each other, their faces were only a few mere inches apart. The only part of their bodies not completely smashed up against each other were their legs, so Shaw started using this advantage to swing her legs over the side of the bed. Their legs kept brushing up again each other.
Root thought to herself, at any other time she would be more than excited at rare opportunity to be bound together with Shaw; yet today she was actually mad at her petite primary asset.
Shaw huffed and then broke the awkward silence. “She talking to you now?”
“She was always talking to me. She doesn’t want to talk to you,” Root squirmed more, trying to move her arms. It was no use. She could move her hands, but they were bound straight against her and Shaw’s body; the only thing she might possibly grab onto was Shaw’s pants and, well, they were both not in the mood.
“What? Did she go off crying to her teenage room and start blasting emo music while painting her fingernails black?”
This time it was Root’s turn to huff.
“Maybe if you apologized to the Machine she would get us out of this,” Root said coldly, bringing her eyes up to glare at Shaw. 
Shaw rolled her eyes. The whole thing was ridiculous, she thought; she was fighting with a super artificial intelligence. And by proxy Root, her…uh, teammate. She didn’t want to think about any other connections between the hacker and herself or words to describe their uh, affiliation with each other. They hooked up occasionally when Root was in town or if they had a joint mission that was all. Except ‘occasionally’ had turned into ‘frequently’ over the last few months and they were exclusive now so it seemed in some unspoken thing. Shaw thought, judging by her current predicament, wrapped up like a Christmas present with Root, that she was definitely losing this fight with the Machine. And Root.
Root loved any chance she got to physically close to Shaw, however in this circumstance was a bit challenging. And smelly. She knew fundamentally their argument might be seen as silly, yet it was the principle. This was not how she had hoped their first Christmas would go being together. Well, she thought being together was a strong phrase to use, whatever they were doing. She didn’t want to admit to herself how deeply she was falling in love with Shaw; she had a feeling the Machine knew though. Why else would they be stuck together on Christmas Eve. She had to smile despite herself.
Root started moving, trying to free her hands tied to her sides; her movement caused her to rub up against Shaw repeatedly.
“What are you doing?” growled Shaw, uncomfortably shifting as Root rubbed against her, pulling at the rope, tinsel, and brightly colored Christmas lights wrapping them together.
“I’m trying to get out of this gift wrap hostage situation,” Root snapped back. Although, the hacker found herself losing her anger because her body was betraying being this close to Shaw, like it always did. She felt her insides getting very warm and fair amount of throbbing emerged below her belt.
           “Stop that,” Shaw was angry and she didn’t want any of her body parts betraying her and going off another tangent while she was still mad at the hacker. She hated to admit it, but if Root kept moving the way she did that she was going to have trouble concentrating soon. Shaw cursed at herself for being so completely attracted to the annoying hacker.
“Move your body, c’mon Shaw.” There was a slight harsh edge to Root’s voice; she actually sounded irritated with her favorite primary asset. Although, she was just annoyed with herself for wanting nothing more to kiss Shaw senseless; however, Shaw had offended her god/best friend so she was trying to hold onto her anger despite her constant lust for Shaw winning.
“Start rubbing me.” Root said with a low serious quality to her voice; there was no way to interpret her voice as sexy innuendo at all. This was an all business voice. It was really weird to have not any innuendo thrown in sentence with the word rubbing used.
“What if Gus comes back?” asked Shaw as she looked around the big empty department store.
“I’ll just say we’re being affectionate.” Root smirked at Shaw, the first thawing sign. 
“Tied up in a department store with an armed, crazed criminal possibly lurking around and a petty super artificial intelligence who’s having a toddler tantrum watching our every move who in her pissy state would probably broadcast anything embarrassing we do for the world to see. And the fact you smell like a herd of sweaty cattle.” Shaw spat all out in one breathe. She took a big gulp of air then added, “She’s definitely in her tween years now, she jumped right past those cute years between drooling to angsting.”
“Just reach down and grab the tinsel there and pull it on it. I know you can tear practically anything; I’ve got a tattered wardrobe for proof.”
Root stopped moving around and sighed loudly.
“I can tear better with my teeth. Do you see me being able to stick anything in my mouth?” Shaw glared at Root and with their faces almost touching it felt immediately intimate. “Do not respond to that, especially with your mouth.”
“Like I would want to kiss you right now,” once again Root stole Shaw’s trademark eye roll.
“You always want to kiss me; it’s distracting to always have to deal with it when I’m trying to work,” Shaw snapped back.
“Can we talk about this later?”
“You’re actually deflecting this conversation? You are?” Shaw stared at Root with wide eyes.
“Hey, you pissed off the Machine. That’s important,” Root stared hard back at Shaw.
“Oh, because I pissed off your robot girlfriend, you don’t want to talk about how you sexually harass me all the time.”
“Sameen Shaw, and I quote from our first meeting, ‘I kind of enjoy this sort of thing’.” Root threw her head back as she exclaimed loudly, then returned her intense glare at Shaw.
“I ‘kind of enjoy’ whatever you were going to do to me in that hotel room. Not corny sex puns, endless innuendos, unresolved infuriating sexual tension at inappropriate times…” Shaw growled while reaching down and tugging on the restraints to free the both of them, “…shameless eye lusting and the general horndog vibe you give off whenever you’re around me.”
Shaw stopped a little breathless and stared at Root; she didn’t mean to lick her lips after her last statement, it just subconsciously happened whenever she was around Root sometimes.
“The unresolved part is all yours. Not to mention, you said the kissing was distracting, not me. So, really, wanting to kiss me…” Root licked her lips, tracing her eyes over Sameen’s mouth, “…is a distraction for you.” She knew Shaw had a certain weakness for her voice when it was slow and deep. So Root went very slow and lowered her voice very deep.
“That’s not what I said or meant about…” Shaw became very aware that their lips were almost touching, “…kissing.”
Shaw didn’t like to admit to herself how much she always wanted to kiss Root. She already kissed Root more than anyone in her life and she was angry right now, but she really wanted to kiss her. She was mad at herself that she never seemed to tire of Root’s lips or her kissing ability. She wanted Root’s mouth on her mouth, even though she did smell like a barn.
They stared at each other’s lips, breathes mingling.
“Was someone in the Christmas spirit this morning?” Root smirked while she asked Shaw the question.
“What? No, why?” Shaw shot back quickly and defensively.
Root leaned in even further and ghosted her nose around Shaw’s mouth, inhaling deeply.
Shaw tried to lean her head back and then found herself leaning further into Root like some magnetic force pulling her in.
“Peppermint mocho latte?” Root licked her lips and once again cursed herself again for being absolutely powerless against Shaw. And flavored coffee drinks.
“Its just coffee,” Shaw replied back with her eyes still focused on Root’s lips.
“Christmas coffee,” Root replied back with her eyes focused on Shaw’s lips. “I bet it tastes good.” Now Root really wanted that peppermint flavored Shaw tongue in her mouth.
Shaw shook her head to try and shake out of the trance of Root’s lips. They were still working a mission, even if it was some revenge plan of the Machine’s.
“Why did he have to tie us up together like this? What did you do to arrange this?”
“Sameen, why would I convince him to kidnap us then tie us together like this? For one of my bondage fantasies?”
Shaw gave Root a look said, ‘probably yeah, I could you see pulling something like that with the Machine.’ Root in return just smiled back to Shaw.
“I’m guessing you’ve got a huge boner right now,” Shaw said as she struggled against the wrap, but got nowhere, no matter how hard she pulled.
“I do.”
“I know.”
“Can you feel it from my pants?” Root squirmed and started rubbing her body against Shaw again; pushing harder if that was possible to loosen the restraints. Yet, also to relieve some of her mounting desire.
Root rubbed up against Shaw and with the way they were tied up included almost every inch of their joined bodies.
“Am I poking you too hard?” Root asked with a sly grin. She had to admit her anger was almost gone now and replaced with that horndog vibe that Shaw described. It was almost Christmas after all and sex would make a great stocking stuffer. Also, a great main present too. She thought to herself that Christmas sex with Shaw would probably be her favorite present that Santa could ever deliver.
Shaw rolled her eyes, worst line ever; even super terrible by Root standards. “Yeah, cause your clit is that big.”
“It is for you, Sameen,” Root smirked. She knew that line was particularly bad, but she didn’t care. She was still a little mad at Shaw, so she wasn’t going to give her the best lines just yet.
“So, all of sudden, you’re not mad anymore?”
“Well, it is Christmas and we are gift wrapped together…” Root smirked to Shaw. And Root had to admit, it was fun being tied up with Shaw. Even if the Machine was mad, she had a fun way of getting back at Shaw.
“Which doesn’t mean anything…”
Shaw squirmed hard against Root, she tried several other tactics such as puffing out her chest and trying unsuccessfully trying to move her hands up but they could only reach Root’s belt buckle. 
Suddenly, Root pushed her hands between the two of them and started trying to unfasten Shaw’s pants.
“What the fuck, Root?”
“That is the idea, Sameen,” Root smiled at Shaw who just rolled her eyes.
Root succeeded, of course, as she wiggled her bound hands to clumsily unzip Shaw’s pants and slipped both tied hands inside at a very awkward angle. Her stomach got that magical airy feeling when she felt how turned on Shaw actually was.
“Feels like someone is excited, either for Christmas or being tied up” Root breathed into Shaw’s ear.
“It’s the friction…it’s uh causing that amount of secretion,” Shaw wouldn’t make eye contact with Root. She wasn’t exactly embarrassed how wet she was, but she didn’t want to make a big deal about it.
“I love it when you play Dr. Shaw,” Root whispered as she lowered her lips and bit down on Shaw’s neck.
“It’s just vaginal mucus,” Shaw leaned her neck back to grant Root better access, despite her limited movement.
“You know how to excite a girl.” Root sucked harder on Shaw’s neck.
“Produced by bacteria,” Shaw mumbled this out, completely distracted by what Root’s hands and lips were doing.
Root stilled, her hands and lips. “Does this bacteria have carbs? I missed lunch.” She smiled lasciviously at Shaw.
Shaw rolled her eyes, “Nerd…get back to work.” Shaw ordered to Root.
“You’re the one that described being wet as vaginal mucus and I’m the nerd?” Root smiled at Shaw.
Shaw couldn’t hold down a small gasp as she rolled her eyes back in her head as Root’s fingers added more pressure and started up their heady task again.
“Root…that is not cutting it…give more pressure…” the ‘s’ all came out in a hiss as Shaw’s eyes slammed shut.  Root was definitely teasing her, probably revenge for the Machine.
“Sometimes you just have to be patient…or see another side of an argument,” Root said with a sly grin.
Root continued to be very slow in her ministrations, deliberating only applying light pressure on certain spots the petite primary asset wanted and needed it at the most.
“Root…” Shaw started breathing heavily,
“I love it when you say my name.”
“I’m five seconds away from head butting you…” At this point, Shaw would never admit it, but she might not have been above begging.
“You say the sweetest things,” Root cooed back to Shaw.
Root paused her ministrations. Shaw growled at her. Root then pushed hard against Shaw. She alternated between soft and hard strokes. She really wanted to be inside Shaw, but the restraints were preventing her going any further down Shaw’s pants. After a brief pause she pushed hard against Shaw, which caused a massive gasp and moaning that got louder and louder. The moaning echoed throughout the big department store storage room.
Then Root stopped again.
“Root…I’m going to shoot you,” Shaw gritted her teeth and glared at Root.
“Sameen…count to 30,” Root said very firmly.
“Root bite me…”
“Gladly,” Root replied as she bit into Shaw’s neck. The hacker was satisfied when she heard Shaw fight back a moan, which turned into incoherent mumbling. “Do you want this harder?” Root bit Shaw’s neck deeper which elicited another loud guttural moan, “Or this harder?” Root applied pressure and a circular motion that caused Shaw’s head to fall into Root’s neck.
“Both.” Shaw didn’t even care how ragged or turned on or desperate she sounded at this point. She didn’t care if Gus walked in or the Machine was recording the whole thing or even if an army of Christmas shoppers marched through the store right now. Since they were tied up together so tightly it was hard to tell where one body started and the other body stopped.
Root’s hands stopped completely. “Count to 30, Sameen.”
“Why?” Shaw spat back to Root.
“Sameen, you know the difference between a climax and an orgasm right?”
Shaw gritted her teeth and stared at Root with intense dilated eyes.
“The longer you delay gratification...” Root placed an open mouth kiss on Shaw’s jaw, “…the better orgasm…” she ran her tongue down her throat, “…the stronger the climax.”
Root pulled back her face to stare into Shaw’s lustful eyes.
Shaw breathlessly started counting to 30, “1…2…3…4…5…67891011…” she continued the labored breathing and counting as best as she could while being so frustrated she couldn’t stop herself from wiggling. She was being undone by Root even though she stopped moving her hands in the most infuriating teasing way and was just staring at Root’s lips while she counted, “…121314151617…”
“Slower…or I’ll make you start over,” Root demanded with a fire in her eyes.
“…18…19…20..21.21222324….ROOT…ahhhhh…25…2627…28…29…30.” When Shaw finally got to 30, Root pressed hard into Shaw who in return bit hard on the hacker’s neck. Root pulled back roughly and smothered Shaw’s mouth, sloppily kissing her hard and capturing her tongue hostage.
Root stopped both her hands and Shaw broke off the kiss to glare at her with dark, lustful crazed eyes. Shaw would never admit verbally, but Root was right – she did enjoy the hacker’s brand of torture. 
“Go to 30 again,” Root demanded, she loved seeing the libidinous challenged, bordering murderous glare from her petite primary asset.
“Okay…fine…” Shaw growled through her teeth and stared intensely into Root’s eyes, “…I’ll buy a freakin stupid Christmas present for the Machine.”
A huge smile spread across Root’s face that was almost as bright as a whole street decorated with thousands of Christmas lights twinkling.
“Did you hear that?” Root nodded then leaned in and kissed Shaw gently and deeply. She pulled back breathless after a full minute of kissing Shaw senseless. “She’s very excited.”
“I can’t believe I’m buying a robot a Christmas present.”
“She’s not a robot Sam,” Root moved her lips to Shaw’s neck and lightly brushed her lips up and down, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind that Shaw would later deny.
“Now…just stick your hand further down my pants nerd,” Shaw demanded of Root. She kissed Root’s neck and with that coverage, she then softly mumbled against the warm skin, “I need you inside.”
Root pulled her head back and with big soulful eyes, “Actually, I can’t get my hand any further down your pants.” She struggled against the restraints.
“You two are the worst,” Shaw tilted her back in frustration. “And you smell really gawd awful.”
Root did have enough leverage to start up some small satisfaction for Shaw. “Feels good though, outweighs the smell.”
Shaw unconsciously nodded her head and responded. She later blamed the awful smell had made her dazed and confused. “So good. Yeah…so good…mmmm,” Shaw bit her lip while she let out a little moan. “Mmm…the best.”
Shaw had her eyes closed, as the intensity of the orgasm finally swept through her body. Root had rolled them over so Shaw was on her back. She found herself actually sleepy, being cocooned up with Root was helping lure her asleep as well. She then just realized what had escaped her lips, what she had said out loud to Root. Her eyes went wide open.
Root could sense her eyes water from hearing Shaw say either she was the best or it was the best sex she had ever had. Either way, it felt like some kind of confirmation that maybe Shaw did care for her in some way.
They both stilled and remained frozen, a long awkward silence.
“You mean like a good steak?” Root asked with a tentative, shy smile; half her face hidden by her long hair flowing down onto Shaw’s face. She thought she might try and lighten the mood. “A T-Bone?” Root whispered into Shaw’s open mouth.
“Uhhhh…no,” Shaw thought she might need to back pedal. If she confirmed T-bone that might be the equivalent of saying I love you to Root. “Tri-tip…maybe?”
“What about a Tenderloin darling?”
“Stop, I’m already hungry enough as it is,” Shaw leaned in and kissed Root to shut her up.
Shaw got even with Root; she managed to pull her hands up and down into Root’s pants to torture the hacker with a round of counting to 30 to see how she liked it. And then Cupid the reindeer wandered into the storage room and started chewing on their rope.  While Cupid was cute, the smell and audience squished any more Christmas Eve gift-wrapped sexy times.
Reese and Fusco finally found them an hour before the store opened, thanks to the Machine orchestrating an elaborate escape for Gus. Both male teammates were completely confused seeing the two women wrapped up in Christmas decorations in a storage room in the department store; they almost looked as if they were a part of a demented holiday display with Cupid the reindeer asleep next to them.
The guys cut through all the tinsel, rope and string lights to finally free the women. Reese and Fusco looked to each other and backed away as the two women finished pulling off all the restraints. Fusco lured Cupid off the bed with a bag of chips.
Finally, Root and Shaw disengaged from each other and stood up, leaving behind a very crumpled up bedding display. They separated from each other fully and being pressed up against each other for hours, it was almost like peeling each other off one another. They tore off all the tinsel and crap. As they pulled off the string lights, they both tried to zip up their pants discreetly.
“Why are both of your pants unzipped?” asked a perplexed Fusco. “How did you undo your pants, but not the restraints?”
Fusco looked between the two women who were breathing hard through swollen lips and staring at each other with dark eyes, completely ignoring him.
“And why do y’all smell like when Bear needs a bath?” Fusco waved his hand in front of his nose to dissipate the smell coming off Root and Shaw.
Reese watched his teammates and just smirked.
“We gotta go. The Machine already gave Root a new number that she needs backup for…so…” Shaw continued to pull tinsel out of her hair and throw the silly Christmas decoration down on the ground in distaste. She was almost tempted to stomp on it.
“Is there a number in your pants?” Root whispered to Shaw so no one else could hear.
Shaw glared at Root and started walking away through the department store, passing by an enormous Christmas tree in the center.
Root smirked so hard it almost hurt her face. The Machine had not contacted her about a new number, which could only mean that Shaw had appointed herself as Root’s new number. Root’s face split in a grin and she turned to the boys. At this point she had a huge wattage smile spread across her face.
“Merry Christmas, boys,” Root gave Reese and Fusco a pat on the arm and quick pet on Cupid’s head, before following Shaw out of the store, but not before grabbing one of the Santa hats off a mannequin. “Ho ho ho, Shaw.”
from @hufflepufflovespizza
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