#'that's nice bro now where's my sandwich' energy
tiredassmage · 1 year
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the nathema conspiracy.meme
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years
Super Mario Bros. Isekai!Reader (Bowser x Reader) (2/3)
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There were exactly three more weird encounters with Bowser that stuck with you.
He seemed to be even keener on taking you down after the first encounter. It kind of scared you. Actually no, it really scared you.
You actually have a target on your back now.
But that didn't stop you from having a fun time around the kingdom.
You traveling around the kingdom started this whole series of encounters in the first place.
The first encounter…
it was at the mushroom fields where you were having a small picnic by yourself after Peach told you to have a break.
you picked a nice spot to set your basket and blanket and took in the scenery.
The weather was so nice out today, it was a perfect time out. It kind of made you want to sleep outside on your blanket after you ate.
You guess.... shutting your eyes for a few seconds wasn't going to hurt. It was your day off. It was so peaceful that it was a crime to not relax. Just a little-
You opened your eyes to see a large Fireball heading in your direction.
You were able to move out of the way fast enough to save your basket. Your Blanket and nap area was burnt to a crisp.
"My Blanket!!" You said shocked to your core. You look at the person responsible for this and turned out to be none other than Bowser. Steam was still coming out of his nose as he glared at you
"What was that for?"
"You Know EXACTLY What That Was For, Pipsqueak. You're Going To Pay For What You Did!"
Uh Oh. You don't have the energy to fight him again. Not that you really wanted to fight but still. There must be something around here!
"Think Fast!" You throw the first thing you had with you. A sandwich.
It splattered across Bowser's face, blinding him. This is your chance to book it. You can as face as you can.
"YOU BRAT!!" He quickly wiped off the mess on his face so that he could burn you to a crisp.
He couldn't find you, however. you could run fast if you wanted to. He stomped around for a minute until he came across a goomba. It looks like it's one of his.
"You! I'm looking for a Brat! Have you seen her?"
The goomba said nothing but nodded his head in a different direction. Bowser followed the direction the goomba pointed to.
"Hehe..I can't believe that worked." You take off the goomba hat and chuckle to yourself. The goomba mask always worked in video games, but you didn't think it was going to work in real life.
Let's run back to the mushroom Kingdom before he notices.
Second Encounter…
You were napping in the forest. Why? You don't know. It just felt comfortable underneath the tree.
you could get used to this. In your old world, you had so much stressful work to do, and naps were little to none, as it felt shameful to take a nap sometimes. This, however, felt nice. this world had little to really stress over.
"Grrr!!" You opened your eyes and saw A FIST COMING INTO YOUR DIRECTION!
You quickly moved away before he came in contact with you, creating a large hole in the tree.
okay, almost little to stress over.
"You won't get away this time!"
"HEEEEELP!!" You ran as fast as you could.
the good news is that you were not far from the Mario Bros. House.
Luigi was peacefully doing the laundry outside when he heard yelling. He turned around and saw you.
"What? WOAH!"
You had the Mario Bros. take care of that one for you. That's how you were able to escape the second time. Cowering in their house.
Third Encounter……
This time you were picking fruits from trees in a forest. You planned to take some back to the mushroom Kingdom and bake with Peach. You currently have bananas, apples, and peaches.
hopefully they will be enough for some delicious desserts.
While you were lost in your train of thought, a fireball comes your way. You were able to jump out of the way before you were hit. Deja vu.
You turned around and saw the one and only Bowser. He was beyond angry. Veins were popping out of his head. and steam seemed to come from everywhere. oh boy.
"This.ends.here! Stop running away!"
You ran anyway. He wasn't far behind.
You still had one trick up your sleeve. You reached into your basket and pulled out the only weapon you had. A banana.
Throwing it to the ground, you ran faster as he slipped on it. This made him roll over on his back, making him unable to get back up.
"You annoying pipsqueak! Get back here!!" He yells, struggling to get back up.
This is the perfect time to get back to the kingdom......but.
you can't just leave him like this. well, you can, but you didn't want to. It didn't feel right, no matter how scary he was.
you went behind him to push him back on his feet.
"H-Hey, What are you doing?!"
"Getting you back on your feet!" He was really heavy. you were kinda struggling a bit. But you knew you were close, just a little more push.
"I don't need your help!"
'Almost...Got It!" With a huge push, you successfully got him back on his feet, your arms feeling like jelly while you did so. He's as heavy as he looks.
He turned around to look at you. Slightly glaring at you as you look like a quick puppy. You were a little too tired to run and couldn't put up much of a fight. You'll have to accept your fate.
But he just turns back around and stomps away, with a scowl on his face.
"Count your luck. I decided to spare you. Get lost!" He stomps away, leaving you confused.
That was weird.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. 2
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time (I say while making at ton of random comments at the restaurant. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
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Eddie is just like me in the last months of school fr fr.
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Mood, chicken. Mood.
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✨Deja Vu.✨
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We get to see Buster's expenses list! He's bought two sandwiches and cookies, but I'm way more interested in where in the world he found printer ink for only $15!!!
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Actually, I am a 100% sure that is not how prosthetic eyes work.
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Top ten anime moments before disaster (could apply to like 99% of this movie tbh).
(Don't have a screen shot but update: The Lance puntable moments counter is now at 6.)
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Ok, Johnny having to jump to reach the door handle is adorable. He's so small. Like it's obvious one of his family members opened it so they can clearly reach that, and yet Johnny's over here channeling his inner bouncy ball to reach.
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Friendly reminder that at this point, we have no proof of Johnny's dad disapproving of a music career besides Johnny hiding the flyer. So I'm sticking with my theory that he has no problem with it and never has, Johnny's just terrified of disappointing him (starting strong with the queer allegory here aren't we?) and how his dad sees him changing.
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RIP Rosita's house phone. You will be missed.
(PS: If anyone makes or has made a gif of Buster poking his head out of his drawer like a meerkat right before the auditions start, please send it to me, it just is so cute and yet so so goofy.)
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His first reaction was to succeeding call Eddie, that's bloody adorable.
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OK OK OK, ADORABLE HEADCANON. Some of Rosita's kids have skateboards guys. Like after they meet Johnny, they beg him to teach them tricks and how to skate better and he does. They follow him around the skatepark like duckings.
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They are the mother-son duo of the series, just look at them, so cute!
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The lesbians are back + a rare sighting of a 13 year old who says "bro" all day.
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The face of "I'm gonna become a father figure to a scary teenager wether she agrees to this or not".
Lance puntable moments counter: 8
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Writer 1: Hey, which kid should we call the rebel?
Writer 2: I was thinking Johnny.
Writer 1: Oh! You mean the kid who actively told his dad when he was leaving to singing auditions and came back within a reasonable amount of time?
Writer 2: Yeah, that's the one!
But seriously, he doesn't even sneak out. He legit tells his dad when he leaves that he's leaving. He doesn't say the location of where he's going but still, worst rebel of the century. He doesn't even have to sneak out!
Also, Marcus and him are clearly close enough and Marcus trusts Johnny enough for him to leave to go who knows where for hours at a time. They're nice to each other and (besides the singing instead of robbing bit) they seem to communicate with each other really well. Father-son duo of the year everyone.
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I completely forgot Rosita was stuck in line behind Mike. The poor thing. Rosita, you have my sympathies.
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Who is this and what have the done with the evil mouse man???
Also... Mike puntable moments counter: 9
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This is giving me Toddlers & Tiaras flashbacks. 😬
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The bestest boy. So awkward, so sweet, such wet cat stumbling over it's own feet energy.
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Mike, this is what NOT to do when a teenager is having a panic attack. I feel so bad for Meena here, really, She did not deserve Mike being an absolute tosser in the slightest.
Also... Mike puntable moments counter: 17 (I don't like bullies)
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Hat Man!!!
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I completely forget that four whole members of the troupe were not first round picks. Johnny, Rosita, Gunter, and Meena all were either picked second, afterwards, or fell into the role eventually. Buster did not originally plan on having Johnny and Meena in the singing competition at all even.
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Number 1 supportive boyfriend right there, love him.
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Ok, this moment. This is the exact moment where Eddie suggests that Buster and him do something together instead of the theatre. His exact words are "i don't know, maybe we could do something together."
... Look at that face. There is no heterosexual explanation for saying that with that face.
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Eddie coming in with the best "my boyfriend's gonna be in jail by the end of this" expression of all time.
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Yeah... Marcus, Stan, and Barry definitely know that Johnny wants to be a singer. They definitely know he was going to the theatre. Why you ask? BECAUSE IT WAS ON THE BLOODY NEWS!!!
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Lance... what to say here? Oh yeah!
Lance puntable moments counter: 14
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Street saxophone players, attention please. DO NOT DO THIS. This is how you get pepper sprayed! 😊
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Look at my boys!!! Planning a robbery as a family! Bonding! I'm so proud of them. <3
Also, in the plan they deliberately state they're avoiding the guards entirely. So no, they were never canonically violent until the second movie and that was in self defense. They don't hurt the people they're stealing from. They are genuinely good people and absolutely were non violent offenders.
Ok ok, more self restraint with the screenshots next time, I know. Be right back! - <3 Gooseless
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
Found Family pt 3
How can we not talk about family
Xingqiu: *Turns to Xenia, putting his book away* Time for school
Xenia: *Beams, dragging her bag over* I'm ready!
Xingqiu: *Grabs her bag, putting the strap on his shoulder* Shoes on
Xenia: *Smiles putting her shoes on and pushing the buckles down*
Xingqiu: *Nods and takes her hand, walking out*
When family's all that we got?
Sethos: Meggie, where are you~~
Meggie: *Leaps out* ROAR!
Sethos: AHH! Somebody save me, there's a giant monster here!
Meggie: *Chases after Sethos, laughing*
Sethos: *Laughs, running away from Meggie* The big scary monster is chasing me! Oh somebody help!
Meggie: *Giggles, Sethos grinning at her*
Everything I went through
Tighnari: *Points to her word* You wrote that wrong, it's supposed to be "And"
Sahara: *Erases the word carefully, rewriting it*
Collei: Nice job, Sahara!
Cyno: She'll become a bro in no time flat..
Sahara: *Smiles, kicking her feet, giggling*
Collei: Let's try reading practice now
Sahara: Okay!
You were standing there by my side
Lizzila: *Beams up at Mika* Big brother Mika!
Mika: O-Oh yeah! Sorry Lizz! I'll get that sandwich for you!
Lizzila: No, Lizz wants to go with Mika!
Mika: Lizz, I don't think that's a good idea...
Lizzila: Oh....sorry..
Mika: *Rubs the back of his head then perks up* M-Maybe we could just this once, I'll talk to Jean
Lizzila: YAY!
And now you gon' be with me
Wanderer: ZAGGIS!!!
Wanderer: *Lifts up into the air and takes off after him* GET BACK HERE AND EAT THOSE VEGETABLES!!!
Zaggis: NO WAY!!!
Wanderer: ZAGGIS!!!!!! GET OVER HERE!!
Zaggis: *Runs up a tree, landing behind Wanderer and taking off* SUCKER!!
Wanderer: *Turns sharply and takes idd after him* LITTLE RUNT!!
For the last ride
Enchantis: Emilie, I finished giving out samples!
Emilie: *Smiles and pats Enchantis' head* Thank you Enchantis, go ahead and let out your energy
Enchantis: *Runs around, laughing as she bounced around the shop*
Emilie: *Picks up a bottle of perfume and moves it when Enchantis ran around her!
Enchantis: *Falls over fast asleep, curled up on the ground*
Emilie: *Picks her up chuckling* All tuckered out~
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @teddymochi @albedomestic-airline
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91percentpynch · 4 years
the cut that always bleeds - kevaaron au pt 3
kejerejean stans? this one is for you. no seriously this one is out of jean‘s point of view? cuz honestly i love that hoe so much. as always get your tissues ready guys. this is actually kinda long? and a mess? and no one beta read it so if there are mistakes or it doesn‘t make sense i‘m sorry!! this is not that sad? tw: mention of murder, mention of physically hurting someone, mention of stabbing, mention of the nest, mention of trauma
check this out to find the other parts:)
Jean has always been a light sleeper. He had to be in order to survive the horrors of Evermore.
So naturally the sobs - as silent as they might have been - woke him up. His eyes opened at once, he sat straight up. Almost automatically he got to his feet and left the room to get to Kevin.
After all, comforting Kevin was like breathing to him.
Jeremy followed Jean, because he would always follow Jean. Jeremy was like a moth and Jean was the light. Wherever he went Jer would follow.
So they went to Kevin‘s room. The striker laid in his bed, curled up, phone in his hand, uncontrollable sobs escaping his mouth.
„I see you took the call this time“, Jean said, surprisingly gentle.
„I wanted to end it. I wanted to have a clear cut. So tell me, why does the cut still bleed?“, Kevin whispered, his voice barely audible.
„Because it‘s a cut that always bleeds“, Jeremy told Kevin as he came closer, carefully and ever so gentle placing his hands on the other boy‘s back.
„He said he wants me to come back to him“, Kevin whispered while holding onto himself as if to try to stop himself from falling apart. „He told me he misses me. That he only gets high when he misses me“
It was quiet in the dark room, shadows were dancing, just as Aaron and Kevin used to dance in the dead of night underneath the night sky.
„You did the right thing Kev“, Jean replied in French while he got into the Bed behind Kevin. Just like they used to do in the Nest.
When Kevin was in his arms he began to hum a French lullaby into his ear.
Jeremy joined them after a second of admiring his beautiful boyfriend and the broken boy in his arms.
„Dude, do you want something? Hot coca? A special Knoxian hug? Us to get Andrew to gut that bastard? Wait, hold on. I forgot. Twin brother. Well, I can gut him for you? Andrew and this is a word by word quote told be once ‚You‘re like a little unicorn in a world full of wolfs with razor sharp teeths, learn to gut the wolfs, stay safe‘, so he taught me how to stab someone? Yeah okay that is not the topic right now, I can still gut Aaron though. I mean Andrew would try to hurt me, but then again I‘m his best friend so he does not have the rights to gut me, right?“, Jeremy offered him a toothy grin, while his hand wandred to his neck rubbing it nervously.
„Can you please not gut him? First of all: Andrew already tried to choke me once when Josten was in danger and I told them where he was, cause apparently yOu DoN‘t KeEp ThOsE tHiNgS tO yOuRsElF yOu FuCkInG mOrOn. I think you do keep those things to yourself if the other option is to get fucking murdered by the mafia??? But what do I know, am I right? After all I‘m just a narcistic, Exy-obsessed asshole without a personality. Bonus I have anxiety, panic attacks, probably depression and I‘m unlovable“, Kevin mumbled into his pillow, the voices of the other foxes, of the other teams inside of his head.
„Did they tell you that?“, Jeremy asked, not quite able to hide the sadness and pain in his voice.
„Doesn‘t eveyone think that?“, Kevin asked. „I mean I think they tend to forget that the woman who gave birth to me, the last woman who geniuely loved me besides maybe Abby, invented the job. I think they tend to forget that the fucking mafia killed her when they found out I‘m not theirs by nature, so the only solution was apparently fucking murder. Then they kidnapped me, brainwashed and tortured me to the point where all I knew was Exy. Oh and maybe they also tend to forget that Ravens were only ever allowed to do Exy, if you were privilegded enough sleep, and do more Exy“
„Kevin you are so much more than that“, Jean whispered into Kevin‘s ear while pressing him against his chest. Just as they used to do in the Nest. „I might be mad at you, because you left me alone with those psychopaths. I used to think you didn‘t care about me. But you were just like me, okay with less scars and less you know. However I cannot say I wouldn‘t have done the same. I understand you now, Kevin. And please, please stop saying those things. And now let us cuddle you and let Jer go through his ridiculous post break-up list. We‘re gonna cuddle you and all you have to do is trying to fall asleep. Used to help me when I was alone at USC. Could only sleep properly when someone held me. Well, Jeremy. Tomorrow we‘ll shove unhealthy food down your throat and watch Downton Abbey or whatever those historcial dramas you love so much are called. While stroking your hand or whatever you‘re into big boy. Afterwards we‘ll take the dogs out and force you to watch the fucking sunset. And I‘ll hold your fucking hand“
Kevin supposed the middle of the night was the time of long lost truths. „Okay“, he mumbled while he moved closer to Jean. Replacing his smell with Jean‘s. It took him a while to fall asleep but he managed.
At the same time Jeremy said „Mi amor, I love you, I really do, but that was literally the most romantic thing you said in the past two years? That is way more romantic than ANY date you ever planned for me? Rude? The audacity?“
„Moi soleil, you don‘t have the ‚cult kidnapped me and tortured me‘ card you can pull, you get the bonus treatmeant of any other people. Besides I literally have matching tattoos with you? I drew you like multiply times? I wrote like a dozen poems and at LEAST one short story? I wrote you a fucking lullaby? You have no right to complain right now, or you‘ll loose your kissing privileges and I give them to Kevin“
„Eww gross“, Kevin mumbled.
„I don‘t remeber you saying that back in the Nest“, Jean replied, poking his cheek.
Kevin didn‘t have the energy to answer. It was a long day. Sleep could have him for the day. Death’s little sister might claim him for the night.
This night he dreamed about Aaron. Strong arms around his waist. Golden eyes locking with smaragd ones. They were on some lonely beach, kissing lazily while the water kissed their feet. It was a beautiful day. Not as beautiful as Aaron, but then again nothing would ever be as beautiful as this specific piece of art. Everything was alright. Everything was good. Why couldn‘t it be the real Aaron and the real Kevin on that beach.
At about noon Kevin woke up to a drooling Jeremy on his stomach and the smell of waffles and soft French swearing in the kitchen. Softly Kevin woke Jeremy up.
„Sorry I always end up on weird angles and drooling on random guys. Jean used to get so mad when I fell asleep in his lap. But you can‘t take him serious when he looks with you with heart eyes trying to be Mad, can you? Anyways we should probably go to him and help him? Oh wait hold on a hot second there. I‘m banned from the kitche, so we can sleep? Right? Right?“
„I hate to break this to you Jer, but it‘s noon. So, no we cannot sleep. You can choose my clothes, though. I know you love going through my stuff and playing dress the doll, Kevin Day edition“, Kevin almost smiled at Jeremy, when he looked up at him pouting.
Then he remembered another blonde boy, pouting at him when he told him no. Another constellation of freckles around another, straight, perfect nose. Sinful lips softly turned up, trying to look mad. Hazel eyes instead of ocean blue ones. Messy blonde curles, instead of soft badly dyed ginger ones. Strong arms instead of lean ones covered in flower tattoos. God, Kevin missed his Aaron.
No, not his. Not anymore
„Okay, but you have to wear to fab outfit I‘ll throw in your face“, Jeremy gave him another easy, toothy grin.
Slowly the other boy got out of bed and went over to the cabet. Slowly Jer went through Kevin‘s cloths. After a while he slowly turned around, holding a jersey that is obviously by far too small for Kevin in front of his face. „What is that? Why do you still have his jersey? Babe, you gotta get rid of that, rather sooner than later“
Jeremy had the weird habit of calling his friends babe, baby, dude or bro. Before Jean he called his boyfriends bro or dude as well, but Jean was so confused by it he quickly stopped doing it.
„First of all: I‘m a weak ass bitch, it smelled of it. And secondly maybe I wanna stab it once I‘m over the phase where I‘m like madly missing him?. I‘d just put it into a pillow, stab at it like a maniac and then set it on fire. I didn‘t grow up with a psychopath as my supposed best friend for nothing Jer“
„Okay? Well I got your clothes. And you‘ll look amazing, cause it‘s the FOX ONSIE I GOT YOU!!! I‘ll wear my onsie as well, and I‘ll force Jean to wear his one as well!! Much fun!! Much wholesome!!“
So that‘s how Kevin Day, queen of Exy, landed sandwiched between his childhood crush and long life crush on their couch, watching Downton Abbey with a plate of waffles on his lap. This was nice. He might had actually enjoyed it, if this wasn‘t his and Aaron‘s show. They used to watch it, cry over it together, make out while watching it.
Thank God didn‘t actually touch him while watching Downton Abbey, he was good at daydreaming. Kevin would just had preteneded that it was Aaron and he thought him breathing Aaron‘s name was the last thing any of them needed today.
After their Downton Abbey marathon they ordered pizza, against Kevin‘s better judgement. Another traditon Kevin shared with Aaron. At finals Aaron would often forget to eat and Kevin was too big of a mess to be bothered to cook so he would end up ordering something every single day and feeding it Aaron while he studied on the floor. Occasionally he would earn a soft kiss, growing hungrier when the night grew darker. God Kevin missed the soft lips on his own.
Kevin would have enjoyed the beach, wouldn‘t he be dressed in a fox onsie, holding hands with a 6“5 guy who looked like he both could and would kill you in a unicorn onsie holding two tiny dogs in his other hand and with a 5“4 dude in a matching unicorn onsie with two dogs that were almost bigger than him.
At least this didn‘t remind him on Aaron.
Well, actually. The way the ocean softly kissed the sand, reminded him of his dream. And of the endless trips to the beach, sleeping in the car, Aaron on top of him. Lazy kisses and warm hugs. It was the first place Aaron took Kevin after their rehab. It was the first night they spent together, as sober men. Well, not sober per se. But drunk and high on each others love. It might had been the most painful memory of the day. God he missed those strong arms around his waist.
Nontheless the pain got less, he felt almost numb. Kevin liked feeling numb. Nothing hurt when you feel numb.
The sunset was beautiful. It reminded him of golden hairs, freckles standing against golden skin, soft lips at his ears, his neck, the corner of his lips.
„Aaron you‘re supposed to look at the sunset, you shithead“, Kevin used to smile down at him. „But I‘m already looking at the most beautfiul thing this world has to offer“, Aaron replied smoothly, locking eyes with Kevin.
When the moon took the place of his long lost lover they decided to go back.
It was safe to say that no one dared to think that someone would wait for them there. Especially not the one person they tried to avoid by all means the entire day.
„You said to stop calling. Never mentioned face to face conversations“, a husky voice said. And Kevin‘s world stopped.
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fallingstarnovel · 3 years
Chapter Five
The rest of the day just kept going and going. Someone called the paramedics for the cut on his leg, and he had to be taken to hospital to get stitches. The nice woman who ran over to him took his student ID and went over to the exam room to explain that he couldn’t make it. He had no idea if the university would let him re-sit the exam later. He sure hoped so.
"I have to sit my exam," he said anxiously as he waited for the paramedics to arrive. "I can't fail my module. My grade average is already ruined."
The lady shook her head. "You're just going to bleed all over the carpets, and the shock will hit you soon, and then you'll fail anyway. Now give me your ID."
He meekly gave her the ID.
The police questioned him, and he tried to explain what happened, but it sounded weird and muddy to his own ears. How could he explain what happened when he didn’t even know if it was all a hallucination or not?
After all, stress made people do and see weird things. He hadn’t seen Ruth again after that first time. And there was no way he could say to the police that he was rescued by an angel who called himself Ruth.
Maybe he hit his head. Maybe he was hallucinating.
He asked the doctor at the hospital to check his head for injuries, but she said he was incredibly lucky and was completely unharmed. Even the cut on his leg wasn’t too deep.
One taxi ride home, and he was sitting in his living room. Alone.
There wasn't really anyone he could talk to about this. He didn't want to bother Aliya, because she thought he was the fun, good vibes friend, and he didn't want her to think he was a bother. Obviously he didn't have anyone at home he could call. His housemates had all abandoned him. Not intentionally, but still.
Evan sat by himself in his quiet living room in his empty house and kept his hands to himself, and wondered.
There was only one person left, right?
> hey ruth so um...
> weird question. did today happen
Which part? <
> the part where i almost got flattened by a truck?
Oh. Yes. <
Are you feeling alright? <
> yeah um a bit shaky and just weird uhh
> you know when you just Feel Weird
> i'm feeling it
Make sure you eat something sugary and wrap up warm. Do you want to call? <
Ruth was always so nice. The familiar guilt was building at the back of Evan's brain, reminding him that he needed to stop being such a burden on other people, but technically this wasn't him looking for support.
He just wanted to confirm that this guy was actually an angel, not a hallucination. That was all.
He did see those glowing white wings and that sunny halo lighting him from behind like some kind of Renaissance painting, but that could just have been random neurons firing in his brain. Right? He needed to check.
> that would be nice
> call me whenever
A minute later, his phone started vibrating. He answered quickly.
"... Ruth?"
"Evan. Are you sure you're okay?"
Evan looked down at his injured leg, which was bobbing up and down rapidly. It hurt, but he couldn't stop it from happening even if he tried. He felt cold. "Hmm. Still a little weird."
"Go get some food. I'll still be here," Ruth said gently, and Evan obediently got up and went to the kitchen to make himself a jam sandwich.
"Ruth..." he said hesitantly, putting his phone on speaker. "Now. Correct me if what I'm saying sounds insane. But did you..."
"Did I...?"
Evan shut his mouth. It sounded too insane to say "hey, bro, did you grow a pair of wings today?". "Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for saving me again. This is like, the third time, right?"
"I'm not keeping count," Ruth replied earnestly. "I'm just glad you're safe."
So, so nice. Evan felt even more guilty. He didn't know what he had done to deserve this kind of kindness. "Well, anyway, I was really lucky that you were around."
"Maybe. I don't really believe in luck."
That was definitely something an angel would say, right? Angels flew around doing good deeds with big white flappy wings, didn't they?
"What do you believe in?" Evan asked without thinking, before catching himself. "Wait, I'm sorry, that was weird. You don't have to answer."
"No, it's alright," Ruth replied. He laughed, and his voice was low and melodic, pealing like church bells on a Sunday morning. "I believe... I believe that we hold a lot more control over things like luck and fate and coincidence than we believe. I would go so far as to say that we make our own luck."
Could angels make luck? Maybe they had a lucky energy field around them. That would make sense. They were supposed to be good. Evan hummed thoughtfully.
"What happened today... do you think that maybe... it was because of the bad luck curse mark?"
"It's very possible," Ruth said.
"Shit. Really? But it almost killed me! That was more than bad luck! If you hadn't saved me, I would have died!" Evan heard his own voice getting a little hysterical. He was allowed to be hysterical. He almost got turned into meat paste. "What if it happens again? What next? What if I'm walking along and a piano drops out of the sky and kills me? What if I choke on a peanut?"
"Don't eat any peanuts," Ruth said, which made Evan burst into incredulous laughter.
"No. But if you're scared... I can come with you next time you go out. To keep you safe. From falling pianos."
Was Evan scared? He wasn't sure. But for some reason, hearing Ruth say that eased some of the tense feeling boiling in his stomach.
There was a comfortable silence. He felt like he had a little more space to breathe now, somehow.
"Thanks, Ruth. I feel a lot better now after talking to someone. And eating this sandwich."
"Are you going to be okay by yourself?"
Evan snorted. He had to be okay by himself. It wasn't like there was anyone here to take care of him. "Yeah, I think I'll manage to tuck myself into bed with a hot drink and a blanket."
"No, really," Ruth said, "if you need someone. Any time, anywhere. You have my number. Just give me a call, and I'll answer."
"... Sure. Thanks."
"It's alright."
Evan sighed. "I'll be okay. For real. You don't need to worry about me."
"I will anyway. Good night."
"Good night."
After they hung up, Evan once again wondered what happened that night when Ruth brought him home. It was mortifying to imagine what he might have said and done when he was black out drunk, but clearly it wasn't a deal-breaker for Ruth, because he was still around. Being nice.
Being angelic, even.
Evan cleaned himself up for the night. He did his usual check of the house, making sure the windows in the empty bedrooms were closed and all the doors were locked, before settling into his bed.
He switched off his light. On the ceiling, a galaxy of glow-in-the-dark stars lit up with a soft green glow.
There was so much he had to worry about. There were exams to rearrange. He got blood on his lucky socks. He had to book an appointment with the neurologist to check for damage. He still had a bunch of group projects he needed to work on.
When he closed his eyes to sleep, all he could see was the side of the truck tipping sideways, hundreds of pounds of steel that would have smashed him into tiny little chunks of meat.
He opened his eyes again.
He was fine. He wasn't mincemeat. He wasn't in the hospital morgue. He was in his own bed, safe and sound, with only a slight scratch on his leg to show for it.
Evan rolled over and tried to sleep, but the accident played in his mind again.
That black cat had shown up at two accidents now. He couldn't remember if seeing a black cat was meant to be good luck or bad luck – he had heard both from different people. Was it trying to warn him about the accidents coming up? Or was it a terrible omen of death?
It was probably just a cat.
But then again, he thought Ruth was just a normal guy until recently.
When Evan went to sleep, he dreamed he was saving endless black cats from being run over by runaway trucks on a busy highway. Eventually, he dreamed of soft whispers and someone carrying him high, high up in the sky, tucked against someone's chest as the stars passed overhead one by one.
Over the weekend, Evan usually did chores. Today he needed to go food shopping, so he picked up his bags and left the house.
It was a long walk. He didn't realise how sore his leg was until now. It hurt every time the fabric of his trousers rubbed over the bandages on the cut on his leg. But he needed food, and nobody was going to buy it for him, so off he went.
He passed by the burned out church on the way there. He didn't know how it burned down, but it obviously happened a decade or so ago. The windows were empty and the church was completely hollow inside. In between the rubble, weeds and long grass were poking up. It was surrounded by tall buildings on all sides, hemming it into a claustrophobic box.
Evan wondered why it hadn't been knocked down and turned into flats yet.
After he finished getting all the food he needed, Evan had just left the shop when he recognised a familiar face across the car park. It was his lecturer, the one who always rambled for ten minutes at the start of class about different things he was interested in. He was an older man with grey hair and a goatee, like some kind of mad scientist. Evan supposed that when you were clever enough to teach atsrophysics at university, you were allowed to look however you wanted.
The lecturer spotted Evan. His eyes widened, and he walked over.
"It's you," he said as he got closer. "The student that almost got hit by a car."
"A truck," Evan corrected him politely. "Hello, Professor Bridgers."
Professor Bridgers' eyes widened even more. "Ye gods. A truck? How the hell are you still standing here?"
"It missed, sir."
"It missed! You're lucky!" The professor shuffled his shopping bag to his other hand and gave Evan an appraising look as if searching for hidden injuries. "Not a scratch?"
"Well, the storm grate scratched my leg when I was pulled out..."
"Storm grate? Pulled out? Your leg is hurt and you're walking on it?" The professor held out an imperious hand. "It's bad enough you had to miss your exam. Let me carry this home for you. You shouldn't be walking on an injury, or you'll end up missing my lectures, and I cannot abide a student skipping class because he was stupid enough to walk on an injured leg."
No matter how much Evan protested, the professor insisted. He ended up handing over his shopping bags, and together, they started walking back to Evan's house.
As they walked, he took a surreptitious glance at his lecturer. When he taught his classes, the professor dressed up in formal shirts and ties with extravagant waistcoats. Well, Evan thought he dressed up, but apparently that was just how the man dressed normally too.
Today his waistcoat was bright pink and covered in embroidered rainbow sheep. Evan rather liked it.
"Suppose they're sorting out your resits and whatnot in the administrator's office," the professor said suddenly. Evan nodded.
"They said they were going to arrange it for next month instead of the summer due to exceptional circumstances."
"Generous of them. They're probably used to lazy students making up hangoveritis symptoms – not used to boys being run over on their front door step."
Evan laughed. They lapsed into silence as they passed by the burned out church again. Feeling a little awkward about walking in silence with his teacher, Evan decided to make some conversation.
"Do you know how that church burned down?"
"What, you don't know?" the professor barked. Evan shook his head. "Really? Was the most interesting fire of the century. It was taken out by a meteor."
Evan stood stock still. He stared at the professor in shock. "What?"
"How old are you? You look about twelve. Were you old enough when the meteor fell over the city? Small thing or we wouldn't be here today. Was the luckiest set of coincidences in the world. Broke up as it hit the atmosphere, most of it burned up, but one teeny tiny little fragment landed right smack bang in the middle of the church. The heat of the explosion caused a raging fire." The professor looked thoughtful. "Lucky it was in the middle of the night and not a Sunday morning. Wouldn't have left a single survivor in there."
"This meteor..." Evan said slowly. "Was it about twelve years ago? And it made a huge noise... you could see it for miles..."
"So you do remember it," Professor Bridgers commented approvingly. "That's the one. Just before I started teaching. I was on the team that had to report to HQ that there was a non-zero chance the huge ball of rock rapidly approaching our atmosphere would wipe out half of Europe. Took us all by surprise. We tend to track all the asteroids that pass by in case they orbit around again and fall into our field of gravity. Plenty of near misses in the last few years. But that one came out of nowhere. Turned my hair grey overnight."
"Near misses?"
"Oh, plenty. Well, I say near, but that's still thousands or even millions of miles away from us. But near compared to... everything else."
Evan stared at the church for a long time, until the professor got impatient and started walking away, and he had to jog to catch up. He kept looking behind himself at the blackened walls and the empty windows.
"Professor, what do you think would happen if a bigger one hit us and it didn't break up in the atmosphere?"
The professor was silent for a moment. After a while, he said, "well, you better pray you're one of the lucky buggers standing under the blast site of where it hits."
"What? Why?"
"Bigger asteroids do more than destroy churches, my boy. You should already know this. Think about the dinosaurs."
Evan thought about the dinosaurs, and pressed his lips together. He felt stupid for forgetting. "Oh. I see."
When they got to Evan's house, Ruth was standing outside the front door, patiently waiting. He raised his eyebrows when he spotted Evan and his professor walking side by side, shopping bags piled into the old man's arms.
"Ruth? What are you doing here?" Evan asked, dumbfounded.
"I was worried about you," Ruth replied, as easy as breathing. It made Evan's face turn pink. "You shouldn't be walking on that leg."
"Finally, someone sensible," the professor said, handing the shopping bags over to Ruth.
Evan turned and thanked him over and over. The professor waved it away and walked off, but not before making a joke that if Evan got a bad mark on his resit exam, he knew where he lived.
Ruth stared after him as he walked away. "I told you you could call me if I needed help."
"I just ran into him and he wouldn't leave me alone," Evan said jokingly. "Look, I'm fine. Thanks for checking in on me."
Ruth turned to stare at him then. His eyes were unreadable, until he finally spoke up.
"I'm going to cook you dinner tonight."
"What? I can cook! My arms still work!"
"You should be resting. You had a terrible shock. Now let me inside."
Laughing and rolling his eyes, Evan decided to let Ruth inside, if only because he didn't have anything else planned for the evening.
Evan sat to the side as Ruth bustled around the kitchen. He pulled random things out of the drawers and started digging through Evan’s shopping bags, pulling out different vegetables and ingredients he had bought.
Evan watched him, feeling strange. Ruth had waited outside for him to come back. He didn’t even know where Ruth lived, and yet here he was, surprising him because he was worried, and now making a meal for him like it was nothing.
He couldn’t help but feel disconcerted. It wasn’t normal to be this nice. Nobody cared this much about a person they only just met. Evan rarely trusted people who were too nice to him - he didn’t understand why they would go out of their way to treat him well.
After all, he wasn’t anything special. He was a failing student and a lazy kid. He wasn’t especially interesting. In fact, Evan would describe himself as distressingly pedestrian.
There had to be some other motive at play here. Maybe Ruth was casing him out as a potential robbery victim. Maybe coming to his house and making friends with him was a long con, designed to lower his guard until - boom - Ruth whipped out a gun and demanded all his money in the bag, right now.
Well, maybe not.
Maybe Ruth was just lonely too. Maybe they were both two lonely guys who wanted an excuse to hang out together.
He just wanted to know what Ruth wanted from him.
“You know...” he began hesitantly. “You said that you liked helping people. I was just wondering... is that really why you keep hanging out with me? I just don’t want you to feel obligated to follow me around or anything...”
Ruth looked up from where he was chopping carrots into rough chunks. He gave Evan a winning smile, his dimples popping and giving him a very cute expression. “I don’t feel obligated. I like it. As long as you don’t mind me following you around sometimes, then it... it makes me happy."
"Following me around makes you happy?" Evan laughed in disbelief. "You must be the only person on Earth who can stand the sight of me. Give it a few weeks and see how you feel."
That cute dimpled smile froze. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing," Evan said, immediately feeling awkward. "Just kidding. Um, are you sure you don't want help cooking?"
Ruth had begun to chop potatoes. The trouble was that he was cutting them into lumpy, uneven shapes, unpeeled, and he had left all the little eyes and marks in the skin.
It was an unconventional way to chop potatoes.
"No," Ruth said eventually. He kept throwing glances sideways at Evan. "Why did you say that? Before, I mean."
"Just forget it, really. I was just joking around."
Ruth put a large pot on the stove top and lit the heat. Evan noted with some consternation that he didn't actually add any oil or water to the pot.
"Um, Ruth... what are you making...?"
"It's a surprise." Ruth shuffled in front of the pot to hide the contents. "Don't worry about it."
It didn't take long before the smell of burning carrot filled the kitchen. Evan opened a window before the smoke could set the fire alarm off. Just as he turned back, he saw Ruth pour a whole packet of pasta into the pot.
Speechless, he pretended he didn't see anything. It was incredibly difficult to remain silent. Ruth still wasn't adding any water. What kind of experimental god tier cooking technique was this?
"Stop peeking," Ruth said quickly. His face had turned pink and there was sweat starting to bead on his forehead.
Perhaps this wasn't a god tier cooking technique after all. In fact, Evan was beginning to suspect that Ruth had no idea what he was doing.
No, he had to have more faith! This would turn out great!
He forced himself to look away from the cooking process. "Alright, I won't peek, I won't peek. Just let me know if you need any help...?"
Ruth shook his head, making his curly hair bounce wildly around his face. "It's all under control."
The smoke alarm went off.
[ruth voice] you let this man carry groceries for you??? you IGNORE ruth and solicit weird old men for help with your household tasks?? oh, pasta for evan! pasta for ten thousand years!
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saethepaperclip · 4 years
My friend’s opinion of the obey me bros
-Happy Holidays Everyone!!-
-sorry this got kinda long, i put a cut to help-
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“My bish is like 60 years old I know they’re demons and are probably immortal but what happened to him. Can we talk about his feet? Like those are some ugly feet sir. the coat im kinda digging tho. He kinda reminds me of a villan in like a Disney movie that all the girls had a crush on. OMG, i got it he looks like a human version of like Scar or something, maybe curella de vils dog in the live action movie that is really small and mean. He got big d*ck energy, he probably is the oldest and the head of all of them, ima take a wild guess and say hes the oldest but idk anything about this game”
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“Is he gay? Hes gay, ok now that we have established that he is definitly that one gay that every girl had a crush on because hes so pretty, i like the sassiness of the pose. The hair is kinda messing me up tho. Hes a middle child, but like an older middle child, and probably talks crap about 1 brother, but just 1 tho. I KNOW WHY HE LOOKS SO GAY! its because if you take all of the Yuri on Ice characters and mix them together you get him. Hes definitly a huge flirt, he still flirts with women even tho hes gay. Those nails tho idk how to feel about them.”
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“ hahahahaha, his motherfricking hands! I can’t i’m dying! He got really big shoulders and can’t cook for shizz, can’t decide if hes a tsundere or a jacka*s, probably had a one direction phase, it takes his hours to do his hair but hes like i just woke up like this bish no u didn’t don’t lie you didn’t, hes definitely not emo but definitely not happy just sad a lot, hes definitely touch starved, very serious, a tiny bit gay like sir look at that nail polish, he probably has multiple snakes, you know how in the last one i said that mammon bullies one of his brothers, well this is him. Yeah, definitely. He is the next child after mammon, but since mammon is an fboi leviathan has to step up. He probably has a daddy kink let’s be honest here. Hes a secret brony, always talks about how much he likes wine and white wine is his favorite because he wants to be quirky but he secretly likes red wine, the type of person where they feel like they are always being shown up by their siblings, the way to his heart is to validate him, he prolly got some ugly toenails tho. Like he has really nice feet but those toenails are so gosh freaking ugly. 3 out of 10 im not into tsundere like bish just tell your feels im not gonna be playin this and the toe nails are a deal breaker as well.”
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“I love this man, hes a narssisistic a**hole but i love him. Those eyes are beautiful, that ombre under the shirt, beautiful. The confidence to wear that green cardigan, immense, the shoes, THE SHOES! The jacket matches everything and im living for it, the belt i would 100% wear, the pants are the only thing i would change but his beauty can pull it off. He is definitly flamboyant, was probably the first person to flirt with mc, an actor/superstar, was featured in Hanna Montana when he was like 8. He gives everyone gay nicknames just to piss them off. He gives me 22 year old vibes, lives with the delusion that he has a fat a*s but he flatter then tooru oikawa. He is asian, you can not tell me he isnt asian. Was a super cool preschooler. So gay he straight. Has a million wigs and just flips it around, I give him an 8/10 i would have given him a higher score but i need more of dad material not daddy material, but minor details.”
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“This is Hisoka’s long lost cousin, that hair is working for him tho. The gayest thing alive, makes James Charles quake. You know he wears corsets to look snatched. Hot topic, I think yes. Red isn’t his color, but pink sure is. I don’t have much to say as i kinda described him in the last one, but I do have a bone to pick with those cuff things on his pants, like sir no just stop it looks stupid and you will never get a boyfriend that way.”
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“Oh, oh no. Ok so is there a word for a furry but like a bug? Cause that is him, his neck makes me uncomfortable, but he is thiqqqq. Very agressive and emo, but like mad emo not sad emo. I really hate his belt. He for sure has a size kink. His man boobs are huge. I would only marry him for his jacket, that’s it. This man has pet cockroache. I give him a 2/10 I really don’t like his design and I can’t deal with those wings like boi what are you 3? Hes probably soft tho.”
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“OK now onto Belphegor, first of all I love his name. He give off questioning his sexuality vibes. Favorite movie was Titanic. A fricken pro at eyeliner, like sir teach me your ways. He definitely started a cult when he was 15, OH MY GOODNESS!! he was that kid that wouldn’t eat his sandwich unless the crusts were cut off and it was cut into triangles. He just learned how to tie his shoes like last year because he always wore Velcro sneakers. He needs to turn that frown upside down. Does this man have freaking hip dips? KYTCKG I can’t he has hip dips, omg i love him lol. He is very relatable. Actually pretty smart, isn’t super out there but will catch you off guard by flirting with you out of the blue. I don’t really like his vibe but I would for sure adopt him. 7/10 i really like him a one of my children, but i wouldn’t date him but 100% make his lunch for school. I do get slight cow vibes tho.”
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
In the end, cleaning wins.
Percy x gn!reader
Summary: Percy and Y/n are trying their best to be adults. Between work, school, being a demigod, and keeping up the apartment, something or someone was bound to snap.
A/N: Bro I’m always so bad at writing fight scenes since I’m such a peacekeeper lmao. I try to avoid conflict often so rip if this isn’t good.
Being an adult is exhausting. 
No seriously, it is. Percy hadn’t slept in over 26 hours at the fault of his new job at the aquarium. It held unusually odd hours, the only upside being a nice pay and working with sea creatures. He loved it, but the position and people he had to work with were obnoxious in many ways.
He stayed up all night trying to cram for a chem exam coming up, but he would’ve slept an hour at least if he’d known the bullshit coming his way. He left home yesterday morning for his bio lecture where he zoned out for 2 out of the 3 hours. Unfortunately, homework was assigned based on the day’s lecture. Amazing. Then, he was called into work directly after because the opening manager flaked out. Also amazing.
The school was across town from the aquarium so he figured he could catch some sleep on the subway, but before he even boarded, a group of dracaena ambushed him. He took off running, hoping that maybe he could lose them instead of having to fight. If he fought in this sluggish state then he’d probably screw up and shish kebab himself.
 He could probably just run to the aquarium from here, take a few back alleys and shake off the slithering psychos. He turned to check if they were still following and to his surprise, they were right on his heels. Pretty fast for creatures with no legs. Or would having the ability to just… glide be faster? Like being on skateboard?
Now really wasn’t the time to be thinking of dracaena with skateboard bodies.
He turned sharply and took the fire escape three steps at a time. He wasn’t sure where this was going, but he was fairly certain that in the prospect of jumping buildings, the person with legs had the upper hand. He could hear the dracaena hissing out things like “get back here, sssson of the sssssea god” or “come here, child”. How the Hades are they still behind him?
He saw the edge of the building approaching and realized that maybe it was a little too far of a jump. But he was already flying over the gap and praying that his ankles don’t snap like twigs when he lands. 
Luckily, he made it. He hit the ledge with his chest, his arms pulling him up. He scrambled to his feet, ready to turn and fight if that jump didn’t shake them. Turns out that it did work, because he’d the pleasure of seeing the failed attempt of the hissing heathers falling one by one into the gap between the buildings. He heard them yelp out curses on the way down, but wasn’t sure if they combusted into dust or not. 
He decided to roof hop for most of the way to work, one because it was a little faster this way and because he had less of a chance to run into bored monsters. Man, he was glad that he didn’t have a manager to answer to this time, they’d probably just be glad he showed up.
Percy prided himself on being a pretty chill person both at work and on the regular. However, there wasn’t a day that passed where he wondered if he should just hop in one of the tanks and pretend to be a fish. The sea otters seem pretty stress-free.
He was exhausted and running on energy drinks he’d bought from the gas station a little ways from work. What was supposed to be a 6-hour shift on his one day off turned into him working from 11:30 am to midnight after the evening manager decided to leave early. Percy was never one to complain when others went home before him, in fact, he usually chooses to go last unless he has homework due at 11:59. But when Cooper decided Percy could handle closing the aquarium by himself, he lost it. 
He took the last bus home, thankfully, his trip home was quieter than his trip to work. He sat in the back, head tilted toward the window as he tried to calm the headache that tortured him. He was pretty sure that Y/n would be asleep by now, they had an early morning and he didn’t expect them to wait up for him… but tonight, he really hoped they did.
The promise that Y/n would be there, asleep or not, was comforting enough to him. He wanted nothing more than wordless cuddles and a deep sleep right now. 
Walking through the building door he noticed the hall light was off– correction, it was blown. No biggie, Percy had found his way in the dark multiple times, but the stairs seemed to be a different story. He tried so hard to be quiet on the way upstairs, but he managed to trip over the ledge. He swore quietly, fumbling for the railing and hoping his neighbor was dead asleep.
Ronnie often threw fits over the amount of noise the couple made, even if it wasn’t much of a ruckus, Ronnie always claimed that his keen ears could hear everything. He still hadn’t forgiven Percy for the quip he made about maybe turning his hearing aids down, but he will. Hopefully.
Somehow he made it to the apartment door in one piece fumbling for his keys and unlocking the door. He took note of the darkened place and figured that maybe Y/n really did go to bed. It’s alright, Percy was ready to crash and catch a few hours of sleep.
But the lamp was on in their bedroom and the door was cracked open still, so… are you up?
Percy kicked off his shoes and dropped his book bag by the door, trudging over to the bedroom and nudging the door open. Sitting upright in the bed sat Y/n reading a book he’d bought for your birthday. Percy smiled, you looked so cute bundled up in his old uni t-shirt. 
Your eyes shifted to him, crinkling with happiness, “You’re back?” You didn’t move though, clearly comfortable under the heavy duvet. 
He nodded with a small smile, moving over to your side of the bed and placing a quick kiss on your forehead, “I’m gonna take a shower and grab something to eat, you go ahead and get some rest.”
After he turned to leave you heaved a sigh, not sure how to bring this up when he’s as tired as he is. Maybe this could wait until tomorrow? Then he’d be less tired and maybe… no, you already put this off long enough. He’ll be tired regardless of when it’s brought up, might as well get it over with.
So you sat there, not really even reading the words on the page anymore, your thoughts wandering from the universe the author had written about. It really shouldn’t have been this nerve-wracking. It’s a basic thing that needs to be done in every house and you were getting tired of doing it every single time.
Cabinets shutting brought your attention back to the present. Reluctantly, you pushed the duvet back and shuffled towards the kitchen, Percy eating a PB&J sandwich coming into view. He looked like a little kid, leaning against the counter in his black sweatpants and a graphic tee, munching on a small sandwich he made. You grinned and leaned beside him, ignoring the confused glances he gave.
“You miss me that much?” He joked, mouth full of food.
You snorted and looked down, something you tended to do when you got nervous. He seemed in a good mood despite whatever may had happened today, so it’s now or never.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something,” you mumbled, “And I know you’re tired but I feel like this is only going to get worse if we don’t talk about it now.”
Percy blinked and continued to eat, his silence a cue to continue. He didn’t really want to talk about anything right now, he just wanted to eat his sandwich and go to bed. But it seemed important so he figured he’d survive a little longer.
You studied your sock-clad feet closely, “I know we’re both really busy and it’s hard to find time for certain things like time with each other, time to study, or cleaning. But it’s something we have to find time for, y’know?”
Percy hummed, “I can ask off on Saturday if you want? We can spend the day together, we haven’t had a whole day in a while.”
You gave a small smile because while that is a concern, that’s not what you were talking about. You won’t say no though. You stole a glance at him, “I have missed being with you, I guess.”
“You guess?” Percy said a little louder, poking your stomach teasingly, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You chuckled, swatting his hand away, “Be quiet! Ronnie will be at our door in a second, you know that.” Just do it, he’s in a good mood! “I was actually talking about the cleaning…”
At that, Percy took a look around. The dishes weren’t overflowing and the laundry wasn’t piling up, it didn’t look like something needed to be addressed. He finished the last of his sandwich, “Okay? What needs to be done?”
“Well between the two of us there is hardly any time to do anything else right? Well, it feels like I’m the only one taking care of the place-”
“But I do take care of the place,” He interrupted, “I pay the bills and I pick up after myself so-”
“But you don’t.” You spoke exasperated, “You don’t always pick up after yourself. Look, you left the bread and the PB&J out!” A fight isn’t what you wanted so you tried to approach it a different way. You took a deep breath, “...I understand you’re busy, I am too. I just want you to make a conscious effort to put things away where they belong.”
He scoffed, a disbelieving smile on his face, “I’m not a kid anymore, Y/n. I know how to clean up after myself, my mom made sure of that.”
“Then why don’t you? You used to be really good about helping me out–”
“I’m exhausted Y/n, what do you want me to do?!” 
“Fucking help me, that’s what!”
It went quiet, staring the other down and wondering who would back down first. It was silly honestly, but you were tired of picking up the slack. The work in the apartment used to be equal but lately its looking a lot like you do 88% and Percy does 12%.
You relented, huffing and shaking your head, “Okay then.” You turned on your heel, going over to the front door and putting your shoes on along with a jacket. You needed to calm down, a little fresh air to maybe come up with a different way of approaching this. 
The convenience store across the road might still be open. You could grab one of those bottled iced coffees for tomorrow morning, maybe a small snack too. Hopefully the small errand would be long enough for you to think of another approach. Maybe one where Percy was less of an ass, or less tired, whichever one really.
Percy followed you around to the door, his crossed arms dropping to his sides when he noticed what you were doing. He furrowed his brows, “Where are you going? It’s past midnight.”
“I’m well aware of the time, Perseus.” You hissed, “I’m going out to grab a few things.”
He shook his head, his black hair still wet from the shower, “You can wait until morning for that, come on!” he spoke lowly as he approached you, “let’s just get some rest...”
You pulled from his reach and twisted the door knob open, walking out without another word. You closed it behind you and padded over to the stairs, hopping down the unlit steps like you normally did. 
Unluckily, your foot narrowly missed the next step and without the light to see where you could potentially catch yourself, you fell. Yep, you hit every step on the way down. If Ronnie hadn’t heard the argument you just had, he had to have heard your swears as your body fumbled down to the 1st floor.
Percy flung the door open, the light from your apartment lighting up the dark stairwell. His footsteps thundered down the stairs and there he sat in front of you, words flying out of his mouth so fast that you didn’t even know what he was saying. The fall caught you so off guard that you weren’t sure what was happening right now.
Ronnie threw his door open, profanities slipping out his mouth at the noise, “And this is why I never rent to young couples!” He shouted, but the threat of his words were tame without his dentures to help him spit it out. He turned his head to the bottom of the stairs where Percy leaned over your confused figure, fumbling over his words and oblivious to Ronnie.
“Well shit...” Ronnie muttered, backing back into his apartment quietly.
You snapped out of your daze, noticing how much your ankle actually hurt. Okay you’ve definitely dealt with worse, but the pain was still annoying. You started to push yourself off the steps and into a standing position, using the railing to steady yourself on your good foot.
Percy’s hands slid up your body, settling on your waist and attempting to help you back up the stairs. He kept his mouth shut on the way into the apartment, knowing that you’re probably even more irritated now.
Once you were sat comfortably on the couch, he rushed off to grab a bag of frozen peas to put on your ankle to stop the swelling. You did appreciate the thought, but you were not dealing with this any longer than you had to.
“Percy, there’s some ambrosia in my dresser, bottom drawer on the left.” 
He blinked and wandered off to the bedroom, shuffling through your stuff before muttering, “It’s not even in here.” He spent a couple of more minutes looking around for the Ziploc bag you had, but clearly wasn’t really looking.
You hauled yourself off the couch, chuckling and shaking your head at his antics. Hobbling into the room you saw that he was looking in the night stand, not the dresser like you told him to. No wonder he couldn’t find it. 
“Kelp head, I said the dresser not the night stand.” You laughed, limping over to the dresser and lcoating the bits of ambrosia. Percy was by your side in an instant, leading you back towards the bed and helping you situate yourself there comfortably. You said nothing as you opened the bag and nibbled on one of the pieces, a warm feeling washing over you.
You could feel the pain in your ankle easing off slowly and hopefully it would only be a little sore by morning. Percy took the bag from your hands and set it aside wordlessly, he muttered something about closing the front door before leaving the room.
You could tell he felt awkward about what just happened and he probably felt a little guilty about the argument you just had, even if it wasn’t all that serious. The two of you have had worse fights about worse things, but this is the first time in a while. It was bound to happen.
He came back in right as you shifted under the blankets, turning the light off and slipping underneath with you. He didn’t snuggle up to you right away, waiting to see if you were still pissed at him, but you didn’t make a move to kick him out the bed.
“I’m sorry for being such a dick, Y/n.” He whispered, “I didn’t know how much it bothered you and I’ll try to clean more often. I swear.” 
Nothing was said, for a moment, Percy thought you’d fallen asleep, but you turned slowly to face him, eyes scanning his face in the dim light from the window. You brought a hand up to his face and traced his jawline gently, “That’s all I wanted you to do, stupid.”
He huffed and inched closer to nuzzle your nose with his, “And all it took was a sprained ankle for me to figure that out.”
You laughed and knocked your forehead against his, “It’s my fault for being so deadset on grabbing coffee for tomorrow morning. I should’ve just gone to bed.”
“Do you want coffee now? I can go grab it–”
“No, I’m not getting up tomorrow. Go to sleep, fish brain.”
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patriciasage · 4 years
Author: Patricia_Sage
Fandom: The Adventure Zone - Balance
Taako sighs and takes off his hat, wringing the rim of it in his dark, scarred hands. Lup dissipates some of her aggressive energy at the sight of his walls coming down. It’s sibling honesty time.
“I understand why Lucretia did it. I respect it and I respect her.” He stares at the kitchen tiles. “I don’t hate her. I just can’t forgive her.”
posted in full under the break but you can find me on A03!!
Merle’s house isn’t big enough for all of them, especially with the addition of Kravitz, Mavis and Mookie, Killian, Carey, and Angus. But the weather is so nice that they spend most of their time on the beach, anyway. Lup’s on her way to the kitchen to grab another beer for her and Barry when she hears sniffling coming from the living room. Oh no, that won’t do, nobody cries on a Reunion Day.
As she rounds the corner, ready to tackle someone or give a spectacular pep-talk, she sees that she is not needed. Lucretia is sitting on the couch, wiping her tears on a dark handkerchief. It hurts Lup to see her friend look so worn down, so much older. The elf knows from experience that Lucretia doesn’t respond very well to aggressive comfort, so she’s happy to see Merle sitting on the couch too. Merle and Lucretia always had similar energies, and Lup can see that the cleric is grounding Lucretia in her moment of vulnerability. Lup quietly backs out of the room before they notice her.
But Lucretia speaks before Lup is out of earshot. “He told me he can’t forgive me.” Her voice is an awful combination of heartbroken and resigned. Lup’s curiousity and concern holds her in place. Her heartbeat stumbles when she hears her brother’s name from Merle’s lips.
“You know Taako. He’s stubborn, but he’ll come around.”
“I don’t know if he will.” Lucretia sounds so fragile in that moment. Protectiveness blooms in Lup’s ribcage and she storms to the kitchen.
Taako is delicately placing garnishes on a plate of little sandwiches. His “Kiss the Cook” apron protects his flowy, white shirt from any stains. The shell earring that Merle gave him is tangled in his braid. And Lup loves him more than she loves anyone else on any planet, but she is so pissed at him right now.
“Hey, asshole, stop being so mean to Lucretia.”
Taako turns around. With Kravitz’s encouragement, he no longer casts Disguise Self every day, and Lup is only just getting used to his new, average looks. “I’m not being mean to Lucretia.”
“Well, she’s not crying in Merle’s living room right now because that’s a fun beach activity.” Taako’s mouth tightens and he looks genuinely sad. “I know what happened was brutal, but she did what she thought was right, Taako. That’s no reason to hate her.”
Taako sighs and takes off his hat, wringing the rim of it in his dark, scarred hands. Lup dissipates some of her aggressive energy at the sight of his walls coming down. It’s sibling honesty time.
“I understand why she did it. I respect it and I respect her.” He stares at the kitchen tiles. “I don’t hate her. I just can’t forgive her.”
“Ever?” Lup asks. She leans on the table next to her twin. “Don’t you think that’s a little harsh, bro? She’s been through a lot.”
Taako mumbles, “She put me through a lot, too.”
Lup snatches his hat out of his hands and tosses it onto a nearby chair, ignoring his half-assed protest. He finally looks her in the eye. “I lived in a fucking umbrella for over a decade. Davenport forgot everything but his own fucking name! If we can forgive her, why can’t you?”
Taako’s dark eyes are sharp and bright like obsidian. “With all due respect, pumpkin, you don’t know what it’s like to live without you.”
There are a few breaths where they just look at each other. Lup remembers how awful it felt to be trapped in the Umbra Staff, watching and listening to her brother and her friends in trouble, unable to help them, unable to connect with anyone. But she had her memories. She had a purpose. She had hope.
Taako continues to speak, his voice rough and breaking more than usual. “And when I say, ‘live without you’, I don’t mean missing you, babe. I mean living without awareness of you, without any memories of our life.”
This isn’t news to Lup. She knows what Lucretia fed to Fischer. She knows that Taako and Magnus and Merle and Davenport were extracted from their old lives. But she doesn’t like to think about it too hard because empathy reaches for her heart and squeezes. Imagining a life without Taako is sickening and almost incomprehensible.
“I was so alone, and I always felt like something was missing, but I thought I was just fucked up.” Taako laughs humourlessly. “I mean, I am…just a little bit. You know that. We both are.” His smile fades. “But not having you in my life was as if someone used Hole Thrower on my fucking soul.” She reaches out and holds his hand. Their hands are the same size and they’ve always fit perfectly together. “And then I remembered you. And you were still gone. And I could have been looking for you the entire time! You literally spelled it out for me. But I didn’t even know…”
They don’t usually do hugs. Sure, when Lup finally got her corporeal form Taako wouldn’t let her go for a full three minutes. But that was an exception. Usually, their physical affection consists of fist bumps and braiding each other’s hair. But Lup wraps her arms around her brother and squeezes hard. They both need it. Seems like they’re siblings who hug, now.
“I care about Lucretia,” Taako says into her shoulder. “I don’t want to punish her, that’s not what I’m doing here. But she hurt me in the worst way anyone ever could.” He gently steps out of her embrace. “So, I can’t forgive her.”
Lup’s heart is heavy in her chest as Taako grabs his hat and leaves the kitchen, tray of sandwiches in hand. A few moments later she hears Angus McDonald on the front porch. “Welcome back, sir!”
“Hey, Agnes. You hungry?”
When Lup returns to the beach, Barry asks her if she’s okay. “Yeah, I’m fine. Oh, shit, I forgot the beers.”
“It’s okay, babe.” Barry doesn’t ask her any more questions, but he wraps his arm tightly around her waist. She’s grateful for the grounding contact, grateful for her sweet Barry.
Lucretia and Merle walk down from the house and sit on the sand next to Magnus and Carey. Magnus finishes carving a dolphin out of a piece of driftwood and hands it to Lucretia. She smiles. The hours pass lazily on their perfect day.
Almost 60 feet away from the group, Taako stands ankle-deep in the water. He’s a tiny, solitary figure, staring out at the vast horizon. Lup hates seeing him alone and it’s almost as if her co-worker hears her thoughts because suddenly Kravitz is wading in the water, his pinstripe pants rolled up to his knees. Lup watches the Grim Reaper kiss her brother on the back of the neck and hold him, and the phantom grip on her heart loosens.
Taako will never be alone again. She’ll make sure of it.
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fieldfullofbangtan · 5 years
bts hc: while traveling ep. 1 - airport
a/n: since they are all on vacation right now i was inspired to make this. imagine how fun a vacation with these seven would be <3_<3
gotta keep up the worldwide handsome status
like child you are going to sit on an airplane for 10 hours
why are you so dressed up
and security fkn hates him because he put on all his bling
“oops sorry my watch”
“oops sorry my necklace”
“oops sorry m-”
has energy for some reason even tho everyone else is dead
“comon’, smile! we’re going on vacation!”
“hyung it’s 6am”
drags everyone to duty free
doesn’t even buy anything he just wants to ✨ browse ✨
has snacks for everyone in his bag
your local snack-dealer
banana milk? he’s gotchu
chocolate? he’s gotchu
cupcake? he doesnt have you at the moment but he’ll happily track it down for you
what kind of hyung would he be if he didn’t feed his bros?
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travel leader
handles check-ins and stuff
makes sure the others don’t forget to pack anything 
has everything under control
until they arrive at the airport and he realizes he left his luggage at home
*everyone yells his name in unison*
“oops... hehe... well I told you guys being 45 minutes early would come in handy!”
the youngest three stress him out so bad
for him it’s like traveling with 6 toddlers
“HEY don’t wander too far from the gate”
“do you know how overpriced the food is here?! that’s why i brought sandwiches!”
as if they can’t afford it?
after a while he gets too tired to give a shit
just sleeps at the gate while the others try to kill eachother
“i really need this vacation...”
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is still asleep 10 minutes before they leave the dorm
his packing is a mess because he doesn’t give a shit
he just wants to get out of here
really needs a vacation
*gives whoever is yelling the finger*
is somehow ready to go before everyone else
while everyone is frantic to make sure they’ve got everything he just sits in the cab
“hey, dO yOu WaNt Us tO mIsS tHe fLiGhT”
does not enjoy the airport
or flying
gets through security like a boss
just looks forward to napping at the gate
and on the plane
will take up a row of seats at the gate just to nap
lowkey very happy because 🔥VACATION🔥
*cough* i mean uh vacation~
he’ll let it show every once in a while by just smiling out of nowhere
and being nice to the other boys
“did Yoongi just wake up from a nap and smile...?”
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how many people can genuinely say that they’ve been happy while at the airport
hoseok can
gives the paparazzis something to look at
skips around the airport
rest of the members think he’s on acid
“the fuck is up with him?”
just overall in a good ass mode because 
talks way too much with the airport staff
obviously they don’t mind because he’s so damn charming
security forgets to do their job because hoseoks distracting them
accidentally becomes a security risk
every 5 minutes he shoves his phone into one of the members face to show them some famous spot or random fact about their vacation destination
yoongi: “somebody please slip him some valium before i strangle him”’
dont do drugs kids
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treats the airport like a catwalk
flips hair
adjusts glasses
you’d think he just walked onto a red carpet
he needs to pipe down
“Jimin are those leather pants really comfortable to fly in?”
“ok no but do you see these pictures they took of me? i look flyyyy”
its true tho
have you ever seen an airport photo of him where he doesnt look BOMB
puts pressure on the rest of bts so now they all have to look fly thanks to him
puts on a show during airport security
takes of his belt *wow*
takes of his expensive watch *wow*
takes of his glasses *wow*
takes of his shoes *umm... wow?*
for people who have a thing for feet *WOW*
though as soon as he boards the plane he goes from *moan* to hihihihihi
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looks fly
but tired as all hell
doesn’t enjoy the stress of the airport
but he’ll still be very exited because it’s soon relaxation time
you think he’ll be less goofy when tired?
he’s just goofy to the point where nobody understands him
“hey guys, what did the airplane say to the airport?”
“Choo choo!” *dies from laughter*
*nobody gets it*
just constant wtf is he talking about
sudden bursts of energy
runs around with jungkook
messes with jimins outfit
spends way too much money at duty free with jin
ends up passing out at the gate with yoongi
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a boss at traveling at this point
and he enjoys it
so exited for vacayyyyy
*packing his suitcase and taehyung starts to mess with him*
 “do you think this is a joke?
yall know the lifehack gifs when they just hold two edges of a t-shirt and do some magic maneuver and suddenly its just perfectly folded?
thats him
organized chaos
i dunno if everyone has realized yet but this boy has become an edgelord when traveling
black on black on black
does some cute shit for the fans and papz
as soon as they pass security he just sits at the gate drinking banana milk and playing games
he’s the one who actually has everything under control but nobody notices
“jungkook your bag is kinda heavy...”
*everyone needs to pay for overweight except for him*
“hyung im right behind you...?”
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missholoska · 5 years
Can we have a sequel to Undertale - Swap MH meetups where Classic Sans and Noodle, Classic Undyne and Axe, etc. (Basically the character taking their place) meet up (With the exception of Frisk and Chara ofc since you tackled those already)? I'd love to see what Papyrus would think of a version of his brother that's, you know, not lazy
absolutely you can that’s even more my jam
UT Sans & Noodle:
chill skells eating garbage food together :’>
despite the weirdness of seeing their own personality in each other and still expecting this version of their brother to start shouting and running off somewhere like they’re used to, they still end up treating each other as brothers (UT Sans being the older bro, of course).
it’s just a nice goofy hangout until UT Sans starts punning and then Noodle’s like “alright i’m out you can have him back now”
UT Papyrus & Neptune:
UT Papyrus is the more surprised of the two by his brother’s counterpart - a version of Sans who actually does things? incredible. meanwhile Neptune is less surprised by UT Papyrus’ usual energy since Noodle has his energetic moments too, but he’s very excited to meet a Papyrus who’s like that all the time!
UT Paps is still annoyed by the gratuitous bad puns, but clearly something would be wrong if a Sans hated puns so he can put up with it. they’d spend the time rushing around being cool dudes, sparring together and generally being good bros (again, Neptune being older) until Neptune inevitably runs out of energy and has a nap while UT Papyrus carries him. some things are universal constants.
…honestly though Neptune might be a little bewildered by the hotpants. his brother does not tend to show that much femur
UT Alphys & Sci-Fi:
one minute the cutest geeking out together, the next a lot of intense nerd rambling about bad anime sequels and Top 10 Shows That Made You Believe In The Power Of Friendship Again
there will be no cross-universe cheating in my house but neither can deny that seeing a version of their girlfriend in glasses is adorable
Sci-Fi and UT Alphys working together would be a Scientific Dream Team and they’d create the coolest gadgets :D
“S-so, um… b-buff girls, right?”“Oh my god buff girls are great.”
UT Undyne & Axe:
meeting a strong version of her favourite little nerd is just the cutest and coolest thing to UT Undyne very relieved that this even more intense version of Undyne doesn’t have access to dangerous chemicals.
Axe isn’t surprised to see UT Undyne still uses spears (again, she’s just glad they don’t explode with poison gas on impact), but UT Undyne’s reaction to Axe’s, uh, axe? damn that’s a cool weapon
they gatecrash their friends’ other meetups just to see who can lift all of them the easiest
UT Undyne plays piano and Axe loves her anime theme songs, so they’d also have a duet where UT Undyne plays piano covers of anime openings while Axe sings the lyrics~
UT Mettaton & Swap MH Napstabot:
like I mentioned in the previous meetups ask, MTT would be so excited to meet a version of his cousin with a robot body. admiring the gadgets on their gauntlets, love this hairstyle darling, floaty legs?? and they’re monsterkind’s beloved music star? he could not be prouder.
Napstabot is much more surprised to meet Mettaton, still instinctively calling him ‘Happs’ at first but they adjust to his new name immediately. they’re still a little shyer about sharing their music compared to MTT showing off his brand, but his compliments double their self-esteem that day.
the show these two put on together would go down in the history books :’D
UT Napstablook & Swap MH Happstablook:
a very… familiar meeting for the both of them :’> it wouldn’t take long for both to start treating each other like cousins, just like when their own respective cousins were still ghosts.
a quiet hangout consisting of eating ghost sandwiches, UT Napstablook working on a new spooktune remix while Swap MH Happsta writes in his diaries, and chilling with the snails.
occasionally one of them has a moment that surprises the other by how similar they act to their robotic version they’re used to, and neither draws attention to it but it warms their ghostly souls.
I did not expect to have this many Emotions about ghost cousins help
UT Asgore & Orchid:
in a word? tense.
UT Asgore would be quietly shocked to know a version of Toriel could do the same things as him, given how against all that UT Toriel is. Orchid would be very quick to mention it was never her choice, but that anger would just as quickly turn into self-hatred knowing she’s no better than him. she’d at least acknowledge that this version of Asgore had the guts to stick to his decision.
and this meetup sounds so miserable even the characters themselves would notice, so UT Asgore would try to say something meaningful about second chances on the surface. but he’d probably word it some goofy way at the end and that’s what gets at least a hint of a smile from Orchid.
UT Toriel & Dandelion:
UT Toriel would still take issue with knowing Dandelion made the call to kill humans, but her opinion of him would definitely be more positive than how she feels about UT Asgore ahah
Dandelion would be quite glad to meet a version of Toriel whose life isn’t as consumed with grief as Orchid’s, and like the previous meeting of Toriels I think they’d end up talking about both their past and present children. also probably a mention of their respective door pals?
…I swear I was just gonna leave that last sentence without going off about Soriel but I had a thought I can’t not mention: in Swap MH’s post-pacifist Orchid and Neptune get together a few months earlier than my headcanon for when UT Toriel and Sans start dating, so if UT Toriel isn’t already with her Sans at that point then Dandelion just quietly sips his tea with his eyebrows raised knowingly at the way she talks about her skeleton friend.
“…What are you smirking at me like that for?”“Ah, nothing, don’t worry about it. }: )”
UT Flowey & Swap MH Temmie:
Swap MH Temmie probably just assumes UT Flowey is another identical Flowey from the village at first and just keeps up her act. UT Flowey is much more suspicious about this living plushie Temmie but tries to figure them out with his usual friendly facade.
if they meet post-pacifist and therefore aren’t still trying to be antagonists, maybe they’d actually talk openly? they’d both be pretty surprised to know who the other used to be, and very curious to know about how the living version of their respective human sibling is doing.
oh also, UT Temmies meeting Swap MH Floweys: a bunch of weird creatures repeatedly yelling “Howdy!” and “hOI!” over and over and calling each other their best friends. anyone witnessing this just walks away in silence. their mind will never know peace, forever confused and haunted by whatever the Heck was going on there.
UT Monster Kid & Swap MH Asriel:
I’m not sure if UT MK really knows about Asriel and the significance of seeing him alive? they might just be like “hey, you’re a kid too! you kinda look like the king and also my teacher :D”
Swap MH Asriel on the other hand - he knew Swap MH Monster Kid before their death, and wasn’t inseparably close but they were still part of his family. so he’d be a lot more sentimental about meeting them :’>
Swap MH Asriel wouldn’t tell UT MK that they died in his world though (that’s just weird), he’d simply appreciate getting to spend time with them again. they both talk about the cool adults they idolise and practice magic together.
“Hey, MK, do you wanna guess how old I am?”“Um… 10? Maybe 11?”“Close! I’m 113. :3”“???!?? YO????”
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nyxdelanuit · 5 years
A  Dream In Red Ch3
Kirishima’s arm felt tense under your hand. The two of you joined the remainder of the students in the middle of the gym and you reluctantly released his arm. Wait, reluctantly? You chided yourself, you had just met him and even though his toned arm felt nice under your fingers, you really- wait. You were doing it again. A swift shake of your head banished your current thoughts. Luckily, Kirishima stood quietly beside you, still seemingly frozen of embarrassment
Fatgum had followed momentarily, greeting the class with a below.
“Welcome to Stamina Training! As most of you already know, I’m Fatgum, the BMI Hero! MY quirk depends on me conserving my stamina and converting any energy stored into attacks. If I use too much energy, my body will revert to my smaller form, and my quirk becomes near useless. That’s why I have been chosen to help all of you figure out how to use your quirks efficiently! Today is going to be more of a laid back day, at least for me! I want all of you to pair off in teams of two and spar using your quirks. I will walk around and speak to you one on one about your quirks as the class goes on. And break!” Fatgum shooed the class away.
“So Y/N! Wanna wo-” Kirishima had turned to talk to you before a sharp man interjected himself between the two of you.
“Kirishima, you didn’t tell me you met such a cutie! What’s your name? I’m Testutestu Tetsutetsu! Why don’t we spar together? I’d spar with Kirishima, but our quirks are too similar.” The silver-haired man started to guide you away from Kirishima as he talked. You peered over your shoulder to catch Kirishima’s eye. He shrugged abashedly and mouthed ‘sorry’ at your retreating form. You shook your head with a chuckle before focusing on the blabbering man beside you.
“I’m F/N L/N!” You interrupted Tetsutetsu with a smile. “So what’s your quirk then? I didn’t quite get to ask Kirishima.” His eyes lit up as a metallic sheen overtook his skin. “I can quite literally steel my skin!” He cheered. As he tried to show off his quirk, your eyes roamed again to the redhead across the gym. He had paired up with a taller boy, and by the way they were interacting, it looked like they had known each other before. The sight made you miss Inasa, but Tetsutetsu interrupted your nostalgic thoughts.
“So what’s your quirk?” he excitedly peered at you, his face a little to close for your liking.
“Oh, I can make things with my mind and, um, I can kinda sense emotions and some thoughts if I try.” You were a bit nervous about disclosing this part of your quirk, as some people in your past had considered it intrusive.
“THAT’S SO RAD!” he cheered. His metal skin overtook his body and he slid seamlessly into a fighting pose. “Let’s do this!” With little preparation, the silver boy rushed towards you.
You knew you couldn’t let him get close, and you felt a fuzzy length against your hand. In your mentorship, you had worked tirelessly on calling specific weapons to you without much thought. One of your favorites, the lance, had begun to materialize for you. With a sharp thought, the lance became heavy in your hands, and the blade narrowed to a razor’s edge.
Tetsutetsu seemed to pause for a moment in surprise as he watched. Then with a sharp grin, he continued forward, determined. His skin met your lance with a shower of sparks. Despite your tireless training with the weapon, it soon became clear that your lance alone would not be enough to pierce his skin. After your last parry, you focused your energy behind Tetsutetsu, forming a war hammer to materialize behind him. The hammer’s head fell in an arc behind him, as if the handle was held by an invisible hand. It struck his back with a thundering clang, forcing Tetsutetsu to his knees in front of you. You charged in with your lance, but his arm still deflected your blow. Frustrated, you focused your will to all the heavy weapons you had learned to call, forming them one by one in an arc around Tetsutetsu. With a rapid succession of hits, Tetsutetsu’s metal started to chip. You cheered internally at the sight, maybe you would win this?
Then Tetsutetsu had started grabbing at the weapons, and with your cheerfulness distracting your focus, the weapons started to dissipate one by one. With a heavy thump, you were thrown to the ground on your side, Tetsutetsu had you pinned quickly, with a knee between your shoulder blades.
“That was something else Y/N! Way cool!” He cheered above you. You wheezed out your thanks, and Tetsutetsu quickly removed his weight from your torso, helping you up. As you stood and regained your breath, you felt a welcome breeze flow through your hair, and you turned to see Kirishima hardened and taking blows from the tall boy. At least you assumed that’s who the blur around him was. The boy was moving so quickly that your eyes struggled to keep up with the flurry of hits landing on Kirishima. You wondered how Kirishima could keep the wide smile he had after so many hits in such a quick rhythm. Kirishima suddenly struck out, sending the quick boy skidding back, and your eyes widened in surprise.
“Y/N! Get on over here so we can see how to train ya.” Fatgum called to you from a table off to the side of the gym. He waved you over, and you tore your eyes away from the now head-to-head fight to speak with him.
“Alright, I’m ready!” You cheered, sitting across the table from the BMI hero. “Tell me what we need to do.” He returned your enthusiasm with a smile.
“Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, let’s discuss your quirk a little bit more.” You nodded and Fatgum proceeded to quiz you about the aspects of your quirk. As the two of you spoke, your eyes drifted back to Kirishima, who was still sparring. Kirishima looked sharper and more angular than you had seen before, and the boy sparring with him seemed to recoil from every hit he landed on your new friend.
Fatgum followed your eyes as you slowly stopped answering his questions. His own eyes lit up when he saw that you were ogling his very own mentee, or at least his sparring ability.
“He’s pretty cool, huh?” Fatgum smirked as your attention snapped back to the table. “Ya know, I trained him myself. I remember the first time he used Unbreakable in a fight.” He drew a finger up to his eye and sniffled dramatically. “They grow up so fast.” You chuckled and tried to fight the color from your face.
“Yeah, I just met him in my previous class, but he seems really cool!” You allowed yourself another peek at the redhead and managed to catch his eye. He immediately seemed to perk up and waved at you before receiving a supercharged kick to the face.
“Aw come on Iida, that was so unmanly!” You hear from across the gym. You snickered as you returned your attention to your teacher, who was shaking his head at his protege.
“Alright, back to business. You said you can tap into people’s thoughts to a lesser degree. That may help in reducing the strain on your creation abilities.” Fatgum’s face seemed to change as he spoke to you, now looking more like a pro-hero than the goofy teacher moments before. “Ya can use your mind tricks to an advantage instead of mass producing weaponry. Try tapping into their fears, maybe visions of things they care for. Ya might wanna look into trying to communicate through their thoughts too, maybe auditory hallucinations? Either way, it will take some of the strain of holding forms with mass, like the weapons, and ya should be able to focus on your defense so ya won’t get taken down so easily.” You sat, wide-eyed and nodding.
“Sort of like mental warfare?” You couldn’t keep the giddiness out of your voice. Your mother would love this.
Fatgum sent you away with homework- to start trying to apply these new techniques. You sat on the edge of the gym, stretching out your arms to try to relieve the tension between your shoulders. Tetsutetsu sat beside you, instantly chatting about himself and his various accomplishments from when he attended UA High. Your conversation turned towards the first-year Sports Festival when he first went up against Kirishima. He told you about how bitter he was about his introduction to the fight, and how it made him and Kirishima out to be doppelgangers by how similar their quirks and fighting style were. As he regaled you with the epic conclusion to their match, a double knock-out, Kirishima walked up to the two of you.
“Hey now, you better not be leaving out the part where I beat you in arm wrestling and won the match!” Kirishima smirked, sitting on the other side of you.
“Yeah, yeah, but now we’re bros!” Tetsutetsu leaned over you to fist bump Kirishima, sandwiching you between the two hard heroes-in-training.
“So, did you like watching me and Iida?” Kirishima’s eyes lit up as he looked to you, all embarrassment from earlier forgotten.
“Yeah, it was really cool until you took a shin to the face.” You giggled, poking at a still-forming bruise on his cheek. His face grew warm as he looked away.
“Yeah, well Iida’s really fast,” he whined.
“And you got distracted by a pretty girl.” Tetsutetsu peered over you with a smirk. “Come on bro, you know better than that.” His teasing hastened the redness spreading over Kirishima’s face. Once again, the familiarity of the two made you miss Inasa’s presence, and you hoped it wouldn’t be long before you felt closer to your classmates.
The three of you started discussing your meetings with Fatgum, and the boys seemed enthralled with the new techniques you would be practicing.
Tetsutetsu grabbed your hand and somberly looked at you. “I would be happy to be your guinea pig in this, Y/N.” Not to be outdone, Kirishima grabbed your free hand.
“Y/N, we’re friends. You should practice with your friends right?” You giggled at their dramatics and tried to pull your hands out from theirs, but their grips were tighter than you expected.
“Boys, don’t worry! I’ll make sure to mentally torture you both.” They seemed to flinch at this, suddenly remembering what that would entail. Before either could rescind their offer, the tall boy, Iida, walked over to your trio.
“Hello, my name is Iida Tenya. It’s nice to meet you.” He quickly introduced himself, “Sensei has told me to dismiss those he has already talked with, so we are free to go.” He spoke very politely, but without much emotion. He swiftly left after informing your group, walking up to the next congregation of people. With that interruption, you were able to slip out of the grasp of Tetsutetsu and Kirishima and hop up.
“Well, I’ll see you boys later.” You winked at the two of them and started jogging to the door. They quickly scrambled up from the floor and followed you out, playfully pushing each other out of the way. They fell in step beside you, and you started chatting with them about their schedules.
“Next I have Trauma Recovery and Emotional Wellness with Ms. Joke.” Kirishima read off of his schedule. You gasped and turned to look at him, smirking.
“Stalker!” You jokingly accused the redhead. Once again, he vehemently denied, as Tetsutetsu read your schedule and lamented that none of your other classes overlapped his. You laughed at the antics of the boy before a fierce gust of wind swept you above their heads. A booming laugh echoed across the common area you had wandered to, and a sweet smile stretched across your face. Kirishima seemed to be scurrying underneath you, assuring you he’d catch you, while Tetsutetsu gawked at you floating in a whirlwind above him.
The wind gently carried you away from the boys and into Inasa’s arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck as the wind subsided. “Inasa! How has your first day been?” You hair settled against your face and your cheeks had reddened from the wind blustering around you.
“Good!” His smile seemed to overtake his face as he looked down at you, and he set you down gingerly before looking behind you at the two flabbergasted boys.
“Oh! I made some friends!” You cheered. You quickly turned away from Inasa to grab the two boys by the hand and drag them over. Inasa seemed to frown momentarily as he watched you grab their hands so amicably. “Tetsutetsu, Kirishima, this is my friend from Shiketsu High, Inasa Yoarashi! This is Kirishima Eijirou and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.” you smiled broadly at the three of them.
“Hey, I know you!” Kirishima pointed at Inasa, “You were at the licensing exam!” he smiled. “It’s nice to see you again! You sure scared me when Y/N when flying into the air.” Inasa’s face fell even further as he was reminded of his licensing failure.
“I am very sorry about my attitude that day, I hope you can forgive me.” Inasa’s voice grew louder as he spoke, and he began to bow towards the ground in classic Inasa fashion. Before his head could hit the ground, you placed your hand on his forehead.
“Now, Inasa, I’m sure Kirishima doesn’t mind. That was sooo long ago, right?” You looked over to Kirishima, who nodded quickly. “See Inasa, it’s not as big of a deal as you think.” Inasa stood up and dusted himself off before he nodded. He quickly reverted back to his cheerful self.
“Now, we can all become close classmates!” he declared before picking you up once again. “Let us get lunch in solidarity!” Kirishima looked away abashedly from his blatant affection, while Tetsutetsu tried glared at Inasa’s hands around your waist. Inasa set you down and you started to lead your group to the cafe. As you walked, you remembered your new homework and tried taking a glance in the heads around you. You looked at all three, and as you walked into the cafe, the sour taste of jealousy was thick on your tongue.
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zizeschmizes · 5 years
that familiar feeling. | solo
WHO: lauren zizes (& the zizes bro squad)
WHAT: a post-thanksgiving dinner hangout, with bonus chaotic sibling energy.
WHEN: 11/28; evening
WHERE: zizes home; new orleans, la.
The last guest was long gone, and the cleanup had been, as always, a family effort. Everyone doing their part to return the house back to some kind of order. Everyone had a job, and Lauren, stickler for organization that she was, had been tasked with putting away the leftovers in a reasonable and tidy manner. 
It was a wonder there was any food left; her mother, as per usual had gone overboard. But it was for good reason. As tradition, their dinner usually included some of her brothers' teammates, the guys unable to travel home for the holiday, for whatever reason. There were five of them this year, nice guys who complimented the cooking and talked football with her father and charmed her mother and younger brothers. At least they'd been expected, their places planned for at the dinner table.
If anything she was the anomaly. The interloper, the surprise guest showing up unexpectedly. After landing at the airport, she'd taken a Lyft home, laughing at the look of surprise on her father's face when he opened the front door. She hadn't discussed her plans with anyone; staying at Ginsburg had been the idea...until the drama, most of it not hers, but the small part that was, it was enough to convince her that a break was necessary. Feeling tired, overworked, and wanting to be in a setting that felt familiar seemed too good to pass up. 
The food was packed up, the kitchen was clean, the guests were gone, her parents had retired to bed, and Lauren could finally change into comfy clothes and settle in a favorite spot. In the den, on the massive sectional, sandwiched between two of her favorite people. Her younger brothers had been especially excited to see her, nearly tackling her in a combo hug, towering over her in a way that made her chest ache because she missed them so much. They stuck close to her, surprising considering the last thing most 15 year old boys wanted was to be babied by their big sister, but here they were. João, taller than she'd remembered, sprawled on the sofa, body taking up a good amount of room while his head rested on Lauren's lap. 
He kept dozing off, unfocused on the show they were supposed to be watching, his content state heightened by Lauren's fingers combing through his dark brown curls. Matheus, however, was the total opposite of his twin, squished beside Lauren and talking animatedly about the show, which had been his pick and Lauren had to admit she was more focused on his commentary than the actual plot. Matty had a way of making everything feel more elaborate, injecting a streak of dramatic flair typical in the Zizes household. Lauren missed it. The noise and nonsense she'd grown so familiar with, different from the college atmosphere that had been her reality for the past few months. 
Their chatter was interrupted by Gabe, yanking the remote from Matty's grasp and tumbling over the back of the couch, nearly landing on top of the younger boy who luckily had the good sense to roll out of the way, landing on the floor between the coffee table and the couch. 
"Seriously?" Lauren glanced over at Gabe, who managed to balance a large bowl in the middle of his chaotic entrance, never spilling a chip as he stuck his landing. 
"What? He moved. That Zizes instinct comin' through." Matty seemed no worse for wear, making a comfortable spot on the floor and accepting the bowl of Doritos when Gabe passed it down, his gaze never leaving the television screen. 
Lauren rolled her eyes. "Y'all are ridiculous. You could’ve broken his damn neck.” Her grumble was cut short when, out of nowhere, a hand came whizzing by. João, reaching overhead, past Lauren to grab a handful of chips, shoveling them in his mouth with a loud crunching noise. “Dammit, Jojo! You almost hit me.” 
His ‘sorry’ was muffled by chewing and Lauren scowled waiting a beat before bopping him on the forehead. 
“Next time just ask for the bowl, dummy. How are y’all still eatin’ after all that food?” 
Gabe shrugged and sank lower in his seat, enough to prop his sock covered feet on the coffee table. “I’m a growing boy. I ain’t wanna dig around in all those bowls. You got the fridge locked up. Chips was easier.” He offered her the bowl as a peace offering and despite her glare, it didn’t stop her from swiping a few. Dark eyes, much like her own glanced at the screen and he frowned. “What the hell are y’all watching?” 
“Matty picked. I think it’s some Star Wars thing?” 
There came a huff from the floor, and Matheus lifted his head from her knee. “It’s ‘The Mandalorian’, Lo. I said that twenty minutes ago.” 
“Okay, so I was right. It was a Star Wars thing.” 
Gabe snorted beside her. “Turn it off, I haven’t watched the first ep yet, I don’t wanna be spoiled.” 
Lauren reached for a few more chips, grabbing a handful and pointing with her pinky at Gabe’s lap. “You have the remote, genius. Just switch it to something everybody wants to watch. Don’t put on those NatGeo docs, bout to put everybody to sleep.” 
Matty laughed. “Jojo’s already asleep.” 
“No I’m not!” came the sleep-filled reply from her sweatpants-covered lap and Lauren looked down at her little brother, who was busy wiping crumbs from his face. “Lo, you’re getting Dorito dust on me.” 
“Yeah well that’s what you get for almost smackin’ me, we’re even.” She rubbed her fingers together, laughing at his grumbling because despite it, she knew he wasn’t moving. “Where’s Nono?” she asked Gabe, who was still busy browsing through Netflix and vetoing Matty’s suggestions. 
“Think he’s still talking to Zara on the phone. Makin’ plans to link up after practice.” Gabe tossed the remote to Matty, and turned his full attention on Lauren. “You stayin’ for the game on Saturday? Watch us bust some Aggie ass?”
Lauren nibbled at her bottom lip. She'd forgotten about the possibility of a football game. Already figuring it would be a reality for winter break, in her haste to get away from Ginsburg for the holiday, it had slipped her mind. 
"My flight back to school is Saturday," she replied, unsure if she was relieved or annoyed. At herself. More than likely at the situation. Dinner had been spent literally surrounded by football, her brother teammates piled into the large dining room they only ever used for holidays and big parties. And at first, Lauren had completely disappeared amongst the talk of plays and stats and names, occasionally cracking a smile at a stray joke, her grin growing when her eyes happened to catch her father's. Her parents seemed happy to see her. Her father clutched her tightly and kissed her forehead, the warmth behind it making her feel most at home. 
And she supposed her mother, with her busy to-do list that involved ordering the rest of them around with chopping and shopping and cleaning and organizing didn't have much time for her usual spiel. Again, the surprise drop in was good for something. She'd managed a quick kiss to her daughter's cheek and promptly sent her on an errand. Lauren figured come Christmastime, she wouldn't be so lucky. 
For his part, Gabe took the news of her departure easily. Then again, that was his way. Of all her brothers, the two were more alike, in looks and temperament. Where Antonio was the quiet, responsible type, Gabe was loud, the center of attention and quick with a joke. The two of them bumped heads, but never really outright clashed, trading snarky comments back and forth until a peace offering (usually food) was suggested. 
“There’s always games,” he replied easily. “You’ll catch another one.” They turned their attention back to the television, where Matty had found something else to watch (Black Panther) and managed to snatch the bowl of chips from his older brother, setting it beside him so he could share with his twin. 
“Thanks, for not giving me shit about it.” 
Gabe shook his head. “It’s just football, Lozinha. I realize sayin’ that’s a cardinal sin ‘round here. But you haven’t been into this shit since we were in high school. It’s cool. Although…” he turned to his sister, big grin on his handsome face and Lauren knew it was bound to be something that would no doubt annoy her. “If you did show up, I know of at least three dudes who’d be pretty hype about that.” 
She made a face. “Please don’t push me off on your football pals, it’s so weird. Not to mention unnecessary.” 
“You say ‘unnecessary’, I say Cameron was staring hard and it wasn’t the turkey he was eyeballin’.” 
Lauren rolled her eyes, her annoyance only rising at Gabe’s loud laughter, but smiled when the twins both shushed him. She had noticed Cameron, catching her eyes whenever she looked up and making sure they were seated beside each other at dinner. 
He was sweet enough, a junior linebacker studying sports medicine with dreams of being a physical therapist, and he listened attentively while she talked about Ginsburg and her major. Their conversation had been pleasant, but it was a typical dinner talk: polite and surface-level and though she enjoyed it, hadn’t thought much more about it, especially when she had other matters to attend to, mainly cleaning. A total gentleman, he bid her goodnight and leaned in for a hug, a one-armed gesture that ended with a gentle squeeze of her hip, which...okay that might’ve been forward...but she didn’t dwell on it, simply brushing it off as friendly.
“Yeah, that’s not happening. He’s nice but he lives here. I’m at Ginsburg. Plus I’m not really looking for that right now.” 
“Uh-huh…” Gabe trailed off, studying his sister’s profile. “Soooo, is that ‘cause you already have something? And when are you gonna let me talk to your crew? Do they know you’ve got a hot single brother? Like come on, what good is having a sister if I can’t hit on your fine ass friends?”
“That is a lot of stupid happening in one sentence,” she replied, laughing. “I’m not letting my friends anywhere near you. Besides, you already got a school-full of folks you can charm, get outta my friends list.” 
“Jeez, be selfish. But you could be keeping me from the love of my life. I hope you’re happy.” 
“My one mission’s to make your ass miserable so yep, I’m pretty content right now.” 
Gabe snorted. “It’s possible you came back a bigger pain in the ass.”
“It’s a required Gins elective. Bad Bitch 101.” Lauren flipped her hair, laughing when João grumbled about being jostled. She ruffled his hair, letting her fingers linger to card gently through his curls. 
“Are you two done?” Matheus grumbled from below. “We’re tryin’ to watch something here.” 
“Yeah whatever,” Gabe said, leaning forward to bop his younger brother on the shoulder. “You’ve seen this like a million times. Gimme the chips and put on something we all wanna watch.” 
“I don’t mind watching it,” came a voice from behind and Lauren looked up to see Antonio entering the den, tumbling over the back of the sectional much like Gabe did, settling beside his brother, and throwing an arm over the back of the couch. 
“Are y’all incapable of sitting on the couch like regular folk? I mean, damn.” Her question was met by a chorus of boos and Gabe, having recovered the chip bowl threw a Dorito at her, which she promptly caught in her mouth. 
“Nice. Learned that from one of those Ginsburg’s electives?” 
Lauren shook her head. “Nah, just that Zizes instinct comin’ through.” Grinning, she leaned her head on Gabe’s shoulder, finally focusing on the Wakandian action on-screen as her brothers passed the bowl between them, feeling completely at ease in the familiarity of it all. She really missed this.
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kittysukagasterfics · 5 years
Love Never Sleeps
Note: Thank you for all the notes and support on the last fic. It warms my heart knowing people love reading them. Onto the fic!
Handplates belongs to: @zarla-s
Requested by @randomstuff7739
Summary: Gaster has a lot of work to get done but due to sleep depravity, passes out during an important work report! With no way to wake him up, the Human takes it upon themselves to get his work up to schedule. Will they be able to handle the workload while also looking after the brothers?
    “Yes, Alphys. I am aware of our tight deadline. Some things just came up that interrupted my schedule. No, I’m alright. I’ll get that report finished today, I promise. Yes, send the King my regards.”
     Hanging up the phone, Gaster rubbed his ‘temples’ in irritation. It had been a stressful week, to say the least. He was behind schedule on his work, the Subjects’ tests scores weren’t up-to-date, and now he had to finish up a report for Alphys before the day was over. To say he was tired would be an understatement. Even after a multitude of coffee, he was exhausted and completely drained. Normally he would blame the Human for constantly distracting him, but unlike other times, they were actually being very helpful.
     The Human would bring him coffee whenever they thought he looked tired. They brought him small snacks so he wouldn’t be hungry. It also seemed like they still had access their dimensional box as they were always providing cigarettes as well. The Human would also keep watch over the Subjects so they wouldn’t bother him. Of course, they also tried to get him to take a nap or at least take a break from working.
    “*You tell Gaster he looks tired...”
    “I’m fine, Human...”
    “*You remind him that it’s not healthy to overwork himself.” “*He dismisses your concern.”
    “Human, I can reassure you that I’m...functional.”
    ‘*You honestly doubt that...but there’s not much you can do...”
     Walking to the kitchen, the Human opened the cabinet and got out one of the many gifted mugs they gave Gaster. As they waited for the coffee to brew, they put some candy hearts in a small baggie to give to him as a snack. What he really needed though was some rest. Even though the Human knew he was stubborn already, this was a bit much even for him...or...maybe he always does this. Hopefully, they can convince Gaster to sleep before he inevitably passes out.
      The coffee machine beeped and the Human poured some into the mug. They walked back to Gaster with coffee and treats in hand. He seemed to be still hard at his work. Putting the items on the table, they put a hand on his shoulder.
    “*You tell Gaster he NEEDS to take a break, even if it’s just a small one...”
    ‘*He’s not answering you...you gently shake him.’
    ‘*Oh...he’s asleep.'
     Breathing out a sigh of relief, the Human grabbed a blanket and covered him so he could stay warm. They switched off the light and left the room where the brothers quickly ran up to them. 
    “yea, we’re hungry.”
     The Human smiled and nodded. The three of them headed to kitchen where they made sandwiches for the brothers. As they ate their food, the Human looked up at the clock. Gaster should be well rested now and ready to finish up his work. They told the brothers to stay put and went to wake him up.
     Entering his work room, The Human walked up to Gaster and shook him gently.
    ‘*You try to wake him up...but he still continues to sleep.’
    “*You tell Gaster he needs to wake and finish Alphys’ report...still he sleeps.”
     They would’ve been happy to hear him talking about them in his sleep if he didn’t have something important to do. The Human continued to call his name over and over hoping that he’d wake up, but Gaster just slept through it. They gave a sigh as they thought about what else they could do. Could they possibly...finish his work for them? It wasn’t that crazy of an idea. Even if they didn’t understand science that well, it wouldn’t hurt to try. Of course, the Human needed to keep track of brothers as well. This was going to be a challenge.
     Reaching over Gaster, the Human picked up his schedule and read over it. It was written in Wingdings but luckily they used what they learned last time and translated it. It was mostly about reports and feeding and testing the brothers, nothing that seemed too hard to do they hoped. Grabbing a pencil and the report paper, they walked out to see what they could get done. 
     Sitting down at the table, they looked over the report sheet. He had only written the outline of it, but it looked like he was trying to write about the study of something. Seems like he fell asleep before he could write what the study was about. Well, he did have a lot of strong opinions about humans, so it’s possible that he would want to study them. Mimicking his handwriting as best as they could, they began to writing, mostly from personal experience with Gaster. Just as they finished writing the report, the brothers walked up to them.
    “hehe, yea. he also said somethin about you, i think...”
    “*You ask them what he said.”
    “umm...i think it was somethin like ‘...so sweet, human.’...but that’s about it.”
     The Human honestly didn’t know what to say. They were usually the one giving Gaster compliments and it wasn’t exactly like him to say such nice things about them. But considering that he’s revealed other things in his sleep, it’s possible this is just another one of those times. However, the Human also wasn’t used to compliments in general.
    “*You find yourself blushing really hard. The brothers noticed on top of everything...”
    “their face is all red, bro. are they hurt?”
    “oh, that makes sense, i guess.”
     The Human quickly got up, picked up the report paper, and walked back to the work desk. They were already embarrassed enough. The paper was placed back on the desk. Picking up the schedule, the Human saw that it was time for the brothers’ tests. They took the brothers to the testing room where they were understandably confused.
    “can’t we take a break today? he’s still sleeping.”
    “*You tell them Gaster’s behind schedule and needs their tests scores.”
     The brothers didn’t understand about the schedule but since the Human was the one doing the tests today, that means it could be fun. They were a bit unsure about what kind of tests to do, but giving them math problems seemed right. After giving each of a couple of math questions, they wrote down the results on Gaster’s clipboard. Now they were stumped on what other tests to do. The brothers could play with the cube but would that really qualify as a test? Well, the Human needed the tests scores so it wouldn’t hurt to let them play with it.
     The Human gave the brothers the cube and wrote down results. They would usually take turns with the color cube though, sometimes they would argue over who’s turn it was to play with it. Getting the tests scores, the Human placed the clipboard back on Gaster’s desks. It was about lunchtime, now so the Human took the brothers into the kitchen to get them something to eat. As they looked over what ingredients he had, Subject 2 began to tug on their shirt.
    “please? we won’t tell him you did.”
    “*You tell them that you’re not allowed to give them sweets.” ‘*They look disappointed.’
    ‘*It wouldn’t hurt to give them one piece...would it?’ 
    “*You tell the brothers they can have one candy piece each.” ‘*They are delighted.’
     Giving the brothers their candy, the Human found some pasta and began cooking. They boiled the water and placed the noodles in the pot of water. Draining the water, they put a serving of noodles on two plates and carried them to cells for the brothers to eat so they wouldn’t make a mess in the kitchen. Subject 1 & 2 began to gobble down the pasta as the Human watched over them. Suddenly, the workload and stress from today caught up to them, feeling exhausted and out of energy. They tried to keep their eyes opened, but eventually fell asleep.
     Gaster blinked himself awake as he let out a groan. It wasn’t long before he suddenly jumped up in a panic and grabbed his papers and bag. He quickly ran out of the Lab, not even bothering to tell the Human and the Subjects.  He must have accidently fallen asleep after finishing the report. No matter, all he needs to do is give it to Alphys and he’ll be up to schedule on everything except the Subjects’ test scores.
(Sometime Later)
     The Human was petting the Subjects when Gaster returned. He looked more collected and well-rested than this morning. It seemed like his meeting with Alphys went well.
    “*You ask him how the meeting went.”
   “Hello, Human. It went relatively well, though I’m wondering if you can answer some questions for me...
    Pulling the paper out his bag. he began reading things they both knew he didn’t write. The Human grew more and more nervous as he continued to read. When he stopped reading, Gaster gave them a stern look.
   “Are you going to waste both of our time by trying to deny this or do I just assume you admit to doing this?”
   “So I’m guessing you chose the latter...am I correct?”
   “*You tell him he is.”
    At least they’re only going to reprimanded for one thing.
   “I also noticed that the Subjects’ tests scores were a bit higher than normal and I don’t remember testing them today...”
    Well, it’s probably not going to be that bad of a lecture...
   “Another thing I noticed is that there two empty candy wrappers in the cell and...”
    This was going to be a very long scolding...
Note: Thank you everyone for the wait and reading this fic and thank you @randomstuff7739 for suggesting this adorable and hilarious prompt. This was the last request I had in my inbox, so if you want to send one in, feel free to! Thank you so much reading! Requests are always welcomed! Stay tuned for more.
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Horrortale and Horrorfell Headcanons
After making some Horrorswap and Horrorswapfell headcanons, I decided to try my hand at Horrorfell and Horrortale hc’s!
(this is slightly edited and revised as of 02/07/2020 so if things seem different than before, thats why)
Horrorfell Papyrus (Voss)
- Years of struggling to survive have tempered his ego and grandiose. He doesn't have the energy to loudly trumpet his own greatness anymore.
- Fights with unruly Snowdin-folk have left his teeth oddly-spaced, cracked and crooked, and a collage of small cracks along his bones and skull.
- After Undyne became queen and began her tyranny, she and Pap got into a terrible fight, which lead to Sans's cracked skull and the loss of Papyrus’s hand. The loss made surviving that much harder, but makeshift prosthetics certainly helped.
- Still the responsible one. (When they’re Underground) he cooks food for himself, Sans, and Snowdin. Sets up very gorey and deadly traps to capture humans. Motivates Sans enough to keep him from dusting. Reports to Undyne daily. Keeps her wrath out of Snowdin.
- Once, when he caught a particularly fierce monster trying to steal food, he attempted to dust them, but the monster fought back and punched a section of Pap’s jaw. Those bones, being too weak from malnutrition, shattered, leaving only half his jaw, only one cheekbone, and vision in only one of his eyes. Talking was very painful for him afterwards, and even when he does get a prosthetic jaw, he never says much, and rarely if ever yells.
- The injury caused blindness in one of his eyes. He was already partially-blind in the other eye from a scar, and with this new jaw injury, it left his vision so poor that he’s legally blind.
- Generally very serious. Resting face is just (눈_눈). After all he's been through, not much can faze him. Rarely ever smiles or laughs, and is easily irritated. He may not be able to yell anymore to express that irritation, but boy does he have a glare that could turn you to stone.
- On the surface, he's still the one taking care of him and his brother. 
- Gets his teeth fixed with braces on the surface--even though he hates how stupid he thinks he looks for the entire 2-year process, he has to admit he’s happy that he’ll be in less pain soon.
- Is given a seeing eye and therapy dog to help him and his brother. Voss says he doesn't need one, that's he's perfectly fine, but he can't deny that it makes his life easier and a heck of a lot nicer. Paps is also pleasantly surprised when the dog comforts Sans when he dissociates, and himself when his thoughts start spiraling and the dark days catch up to him. 
- Both of them try to train it into being a guard/attack dog, but attempts have been unsuccessful (i.e. the dog is sweet as heck and doesn't have a mean bone in its body.)
- While he's not particularly fond of humans, he doesn't outright avoid them like his brother does. But he is, however, the king of passive aggression, and with his irritability, there’s no telling what untoward comments or petty revenge he may hoist upon an unsuspecting human.
- Loves filling out sudoku and crossword puzzles. They’re a nice way to unwind and stretch his brain muscles. It’s almost frightening how fast he can complete them. And he has a shockingly good track record for getting them 100% right almost every time!
- An amazing cook. Can make a gourmet meal out of food scraps. But he doesn’t enjoy it much anymore. It’s just a duty, like everything else. Before the famine, he loved cooking; it was his passion, but then it was... soured for him.
- Despises not being productive, so he works a lot, at the job that makes him happiest: a plant nursery! Weeding, watering, planting trees, etc, it all seems so very mundane but it’s just... such a nice reprieve from the stress he’s used to. He loves helping things grow and flourish instead of destroying them.
Horrorfell Sans (Rem)
- Will eat anything. A N Y T H I N G. Even if it isn't edible. He doesn't go out of his way to do it, but there were times during the famine when there wasn’t any choice.
- Basically a big ol' teddy bear. His closest friends will receive unexpected tsundere cuddles. He’s fluffy no matter how hard he denies it.
- Feels very awkward generally. He doesn't know what to do with himself on the surface. He also tends to says all the wrong things at all the wrong times. Also occassionally blunt and straightforward. Almost rudely so. Doesn’t care much about people’s feelings, he just wants them to know the facts.
- Doesn't make friends easily. Basically ignores most humans on the surface until his brother makes Sans get off his ass and be a contributing member of society. Is openly hostile to humans at first, but after a few years he relaxes around them more.
- If, by some miracle, you actually befriend him and his brother he'll defend you within an inch his life. He doesn’t take friendships and closeness lightly, and if he trusts you enough, he won’t let anything bad happen to you.
- The underground was very aggressive, and you could get attacked at any time, so napping was a no-go. On the surface, however, once he feels safe, he will nap. ALL. THE. TIME. There is no waking him before he is ready.
- He's not in the best state of mind, so he probably won't ever get a full time job, but he'll probably do odd jobs once in a while. Something easy with heavy lifting or where he can slack off.
- The hole in his head gave him memory problems worse than HT Sans's. If you tell him something, Sans could very well forget it almost 5 minutes later. Gets lost often and forgets where he is, so his brother tags around with him a lot to help keep Sans on track.
- Luckily writing things down is a pretty good solution to that, so he keeps a lot of pencils and notebooks around for when he needs to jot down notes to remember.
- Much like Red, Rem adores video games. The former prefers horror and competitive games where he can whup the asses of anyone he wants, whereas the latter likes more casual stress-free games like Candy Crush and Angry Birds -- Rem’s had enough stress for one lifetime, he doesn’t want any more of it. So the more casual ones are his favorites. 
- Collects objects! Mostly little knickknacks and trinkets he finds, like marbles, tickets, stamps, even slow globes! His otherwise sparse room is filled with these and he loves every one of them.
- After Undyne smashed his skull in, it took a part of his eye socket too, so he's blind in that eye now. His other eye is bright red and dilated just like HT Sans’s eye.
- Thinking is so hard sometimes... so he doesn’t talk much anymore. And he still loves puns and jokes but making them is harder these days because of his injury. The easiest ones for him are knock-knock jokes, so he has a set of bone-themed ones that he memorized a long time ago to shoot off whenever appropriate.
- Has occasional episodes where he depersonalizes and derealizes. The world around him gets fuzzy and its hard to think and react. Those moments are... distressing. Once in a while, he’ll also have black-out fits of rage, mostly triggered by the site of heavy bleeding -- but his brother can usually talk him down from those. 
- Like all the others, the famine left him really messed up. He doesn't like thinking about it, and even though he doesn’t regret doing what he had to to survive, the guilt still eats him up sometimes...
Horrortale Sans (Mars)
- Quiet and observant. When he gets to the surface, he doesn't talk much, and when he does it's usually some sassy joke or observation. Usually talks the most when his bro is around, but generally he’ll just let Pap steer the conversation instead.
- Doesn't remember much from before Frisk left. The majority of his scientific knowledge has disappeared. He knows he used to know these things, and it frustrates him endlessly that he can't understand it anymore. He tries to read scientific studies once in a while, but always ends up just throwing his phone/book across the room in frustration.
- Not very hostile towards humans, just ignores those he can. Often people stare at him and it gets... very annoying after a while. So he just ignores them and keeps doing his thing.
- Often dissociates, he spaces out and loses himself. Occasionally during these moments he’ll forget that he’s on the surface and he’s safe. So his bro made a list for him of things to remember during these, when he’s not around to comfort Mars in person. The list includes like Frisk is gone, they can’t hurt anyone; humans are good; they’re safe and well; they're not going back underground. It’s ver comforting to Sans.
- Has a weird fascination with dark jokes. They simultaneously make him uncomfortable yet he loves them. He won’t say them too often, most of the time just to unnerve someone he dislikes. (Pap groans and chastises Sans whenever he makes them, but secretly deep down, he finds them funny too.)
- On the surface, he’ll often wear a beanie or his hood to cover up the hole in his skull. Having it exposed to surface air, especially high winds, felt similar to strong winds whipping against your face, so the beanie helps with that. Eventually though, he gets a prosthetic mold that perfectly fits into the hole, so it’s all covered and he doesn’t have to worry about it anymore. Mars is a lot happier with it.
- Hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and gets everywhere like his joints and head hole.
- Loves sandwiches. Passionate about them. There’s just so many possibilities to them. Makes them out of everything so that they usually end up being at least 3+ inches tall. Yet he can’t open his teeth so how can he eat them...?? Truly, it is a mystery.
- Likes listening to instrumental songs. Especially the relaxing kind. They’re such a nice reprieve from the constant, deafening silence of the Underground.
- Post-it notes are a life-saver. He has terrible memory, so he keeps a bunch of them in his hoodie and scattered all over the walls of his house so he can write down stuff before he forgets.
- Ver affection-starved. He secretly loves affection but doesn’t get it enough (from anyone other than his bro). Is surprisingly soff for cuddles and petpats. Feeling your soft touch on his bones always makes him so soft and happy.
- When Mars got to the surface, he discovered all these insanely cool weather phenomena and fell in love. They never had anything like that underground, so seeing it all for the first time, in all its chaotic, unpredictable, majestic glory left him starstruck. It’s one of the few things hes genuinely interesting in, and his face always lights up whenever he talks about the different types of tornadoes and lightning and! the aurora!! It's so awesome, he loves all of it.
- Loves watching livestreams of the sky and weather-events. Usually it’s so chill and quiet to him, even if there’s something not-so-chill-and-quiet being recorded. It’s ver relaxing to him.
- Befriending Mars is a task and a half. He assumes anyone who tries to get close to him is up to no good. But with a combination of puns, friendliness, and persistence, he will eventually trust you. Once you get past his aloof exterior, he’s a pretty nice and chill friend to have. 
- Hates to think about the famine and his time underground. Even though he’d do it all over again to save him and his brother, he’s still haunted by the memories of what he had to do. Barely ever entertains the idea about doing so on the surface.
Horrortale Papyrus (Jupiter)
- Fashion icon. Like dang, can this skellie put an outfit together. If you ever need fashion tips, always go to Paps. He’ll use the opportunity to show off his wardrobe and all his cool embroidered leather jackets and boots. He even offers to embroider your clothes too so you can look like him!
- Like canon Papyrus, Jupiter is charmingly eccentric. Not crazily so, just in that usual Papyrus way. But he’s also a lot chiller, too. The famine sapped his energy, so it got harder to proclaim his cool greatness, but he still likes thinking he can still be cool and great after all these years.
- An excellent cook. Can make a buffet out of scraps. Ever since he got out from the surface, now that he has all the ingredients he could ever want, he’s taken up cooking as a serious hobby. He’s even won multiple local cooking contests! Only ever cooks vegetarian meals, but with the power of tofu, he always makes them taste succulent and delicious.
- Baking, however, is still a bit of a challenge for him, but Pap is determined to master it just like he did cooking!
- Has a giant collection of small succulent plants in his house. They’re everywhere, on the windowsills, the bookshelves, hanging from the ceiling. He loves them and their simple beauty; seeing them throughout his home always makes him smile.
- After he arrived on the surface, he almost immediately got braces to fix his teeth. The fancy kind with colorful dots! They’re kinda painful to wear, but nonetheless he’s psyched the entire time that his teeth will be better soon.
- Gets helpful glasses on the surface. He loves them; not only do they allow him to see-- which had been progressively harder underground as he became increasingly malnourished-- but they look cool too! They even fade into being sunglasses when he goes outside, so every time the sunny rays hit his face, he becomes his Ultimate Coolness Form!
- It’s... it’s harder to believe sometimes that with everything that’s happened and with the way he looks now that he’s... cool. But! He always has Sans’s and his therapist’s encouraging words to rely on when he feels down, which is always a big help to him.
- Loves wholesome memes, and will send them to you all the time. He especially likes the drink water ones, mostly because he thinks it’s an important healthy reminder. “YOU NEED WATER, HUMAN! IF YOU DON’T DRINK WATER, YOU MIGHT TURN INTO A PRUNEY, DEHYDRATED RAISIN AND DIE! AND THAT WON’T BE A FUN SITUATION FOR ANYONE. SO PLEASE DRINK YOUR LIQUIDS!”
- His favorite activity is! Picnics!! Especially in the park and with other people! They’re so much fun, he loves nomming his delicious foodstuffs on a comfy blanket while the warm sunlight shines on his happy face. It’s extra fun when there’s clouds in the sky for him and you and anyone else to find cool shapes in!
- Still gets panic attacks from time to time, when the memories get too strong and he feels like he’s still underground, starving to death... He goes to counseling to deal with his trauma. The famine really did a number on him, and even though he puts up fronts and says he's fine, it’s hard to deal with the memories sometimes.
- Really cares for his brother and always makes an effort to be there for him. The famine, even though it led the bros to be closer than ever before from seeing each other in those desperate states, put a strain on their relationship. But on the surface, after everything’s said and done and they’re getting the help they need, it’s steadily improving.
- Jupiter is hard of hearing. He has difficulty differentiating certain words, and talks loudly to be able to hear himself better. On the surface however, he gets treatment so his hearing is far improved! Apart from getting a hearing aid, he takes up learning sign language (mostly so he can be cool in more than one language!), and likes it and talking to people with it so much that he eventually becomes a sign language interpreter! It’s a great job and he loves being able to help people this way.
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write streddie being soft uwu
Stan: *is doing a puzzle like a quirky kid*
Richie: *is trying to help at said puzzle but failing*
Eddie: Richie you just took my piece!!
Richie: Well it was in the wrong spot!!
Stan: *doesnt pay attention bc P U Z Z L E Y U M Y U M*
Eddie: what do you mean?! It fit into the other ones!!!
Richie: No it didn’t!!
Stan: *almost finishes puzzle yum yum*
Eddie: DEAR LORD- IM SORRY STANLEY BUT THIS IDIOT DOESNT KNOW HOW PUZZLES WORK....but it looks very nice to *smiley boye and kisses his forehead*
Richie: *>:(* Edward bullies me
Stan: *finished puzzle :D* Look it’s done!!!
Eddie: awe that looks very nice Stanley!! And Richie you know I love you to death *kiss*
Richie: I feel unloved- let’s watch a movie, boyfriends
Stan: Can we watch a scary one?
Eddie: I swear you two hate me sometimes- *sits on the couch*
Stan: Nooooo *also sits on the couch* *cuddle part 1*
Richie: Eddie is literally a bully *sits next to edward* *leeches to boyfriends part 1 and 2*
Eddie: you guys know I hate scary movies! Last time I peed myself!!
Stan: It wasn’t even a scary movie-
Richie: It was scooby doo
Eddie: *crosses his arms* and?
Stan: You could just not watch the movie with us?
Richie: *puts on the hip movie uhh poltergeist yeah lmao that’s scary*
Eddie: okay peace out! *runs to his room*
Time: kachow
Richie: EDWARD
Stan: Eddieeeeeee
Eddie: *is sleeping in the other room*
Stan: *finds the b0y* *:0* *sits next to eduardo* *Q U I E T*
Richie: *:0 part 2* *plays with edward’s hair oop* *Q U I E T*
Eddie: *wakes up but is v v v tired* oh hi guys *yawn*
Richie: aloha *continues to play with edwards hair*
Stan: *stan* hi
Eddie: *is like half asleep* you know I love you guys
Stan: *uwu* *leeches to the eduardo* yeah we know
Richie: we love you too, dork
Eddie: *hugs the Stan and falls back asleep*
Stan: *sleep oclock*
Richie: *sleep oclock part 2*
Time: kachow
Rain: kapow
Eddie: *wakes up and it's dark out* Stanny?
Stan: *sl33p*
Eddie: hhhhhhh *sits up but cannot bc thy Roach*
Thunder: KACHOW
Eddie: *screams bc of thy thunder*
Richie: *literally falls* FUCK
Stan: *awakens* What-??
Eddie: sorry guys- I'm not the best with thunder storms-
Thunder & Lightning: A
Richie: *roach* *hugs edward*
Stan: *hugs edward part 2*
Eddie: you guys are gonna suffocate me *giggly boye*
Richie: good *teehee giggly boye part 2*
Stan: noooo!! *giggly boye part 3*
Eddie: wow thanks Richie *kiss uwu*
Richie: yeahhh i’m tired- *sleep lmao* *also leech tho*
Stan: *pat* it’s really late
Thunder: ahaha H
Eddie: I know...I'll try to sleep
Stan: good! *kiss úwù* i’m going to sleep *sleep oclock*
Eddie: *falls asleep cuddling the Stan*
Morning: peenids
Stan: *sleep sleep sleep*
Richie: *sleep sleep sleep*
Eddie: *is in the kitchen making breakfast* richie! Stanley!! Breakfast!!
Richie: *aWAKENS* F00D *falls into the kitchen ouchies* ouch
Stan: *awakens* *walks like a NORMAL PERSON* i’m tired *stan*
Eddie: *runs over to Richie* are you okay?
Richie: probably *ouchie there’s a bruise on his arm lmao* *s t an d*
Stan: you’re such an idiot
Eddie: yeah but he's our idiot *hugs the Richie from the side*
Richie: *kisses the edward uwu* thank you both for calling me an idiot
Stan: *hugs the b0yfriends* no problem idiot
Eddie: I love you guys so much but GOD DAMMIT THE EGGS ARE BURNT
Richie: you look like a burnt egg
Eddie: sit down on the couch or something- I'll have to remake breakfast
Stan: Alright *sits on the couch*
Richie: okay my guy *sits on the stan*
Eddie: Richie- you're going to crush Stan
Richie: too BAD
Stan: iM FINE-!
Eddie: I'm still confused about how you two like each other
Richie: *DRAMATIC GASP* Excuse you Stan loves me!
Stan: I do that’s a fact right there
Eddie: I'm so offended
Stan: Dont burn the house down, Eddie
Richie: *l33ch*
Eddie: I won't burn the house down, breakfast is done! Come eat before it gets cold
Richie: *l e a p s off stan and goes to the kitchen 😔👊*
Stan: *stans into the kitchen*
Eddie: *gets his own breakfast and sits on the couch*
Richie: *gets f00d and sits on the coffee table*
Stan: *gets f00d and sits next to edward* Rich, what the hell are you doing
Eddie: richie what the actual hell- *picks him up and puts him on the couch*
Richie: nooooo *goes back on the coffee table*
Stan: right, okay- can we go to the zoo today?? i want to see the bIRDS
Eddie: sure Stan- we can go see the birds
Stan: cool!!
Richie: can we get food there teehee
Eddie: sure Richie! And Stan I cant wait to Christmas so like *gives him a pet bird*
Richie: thats a sexy bird- where the fuck did you get money, Eds?
Eddie: I've been saving it up!
Richie: nice job, my guy
Stan: *birdbirdbirdbird* *:D*
Eddie: *kisses the Stan*
Stan: *kisses the edward*
Richie: ewww get a room
Eddie: you guys have literally made out on front of me before
Stan: you WATCHED??
Richie: ewwww eddie watches porn
Eddie: what!? No! I was watching tv
Stan: how did you know then?? we were like- in the other room??
Richie: no we weren’t dumbass
Eddie: it seems like every time I kiss one of you and other one makes fun of me!
Richie: calm yourself my guy *kisses the edward owo*
Stan: what he said minus the my guy part *kisses the edward after roach*
Eddie: hhhhhhhhhh *hugs the roach from the side*
Richie: *leeches to the edward* your hair is soft
Stan: include me you dorks *also leeches*
Eddie: watch me fall asleep again-
Stan: you better not because then I’ll fall asleep
Richie: and I’d get time alone and who wants that ew
Eddie: *yawns*
Richie: *kisses the edward’s forehead* wow what a cutie
Stan: I know right?
Eddie: stop it *hides under a blanket*
Stan: noooo come back *s natches edward*
Richie: *:(*
Eddie: *is in the Stans lap now*
Richie: *kisses the stanley and the edward*
Stan: *hugs the b0ys*
Eddie: *kisses the Stan for like 2 minutes*
Stan: *O W O* *y e e h a w*
Richie: gET A ROOOOM
Stan: *red intensifies* i don’t know-
Richie: HAHA GAY
Eddie: *v v v v v red boye* i-
Richie: you two are cowards, if i was in stan’s position right now you’d have to go to the doctor from all the bruises
Eddie: R-ICHIE)!!-
Richie: I’m just telling the truth
Stan: *red x28338383*
Eddie: *yeehaw to the Stan* I'm sorry-
Stan: *AHHH* *R E D*
Richie: god get a room this is classified as porn
Eddie: oh shush Rich *kiss uwu*
Richie: *Y E E H A W BR O* rekt amirite
Stan: *dYing*
Eddie: Richieeeeeee *hides and hugs him*
Richie: *hugs the stanley and the edward* you two are nerds
Stan: *red flavor*
Eddie: *cuddles up to the Richie* cold
Richie: *plays with eduardo’s hair heehaw*
Stan: *sleeps bc this is too much red is bad*
Eddie: *falls asleep with the Stan*
Richie: *also sleep heehee*
Phone: kachow my guy
Stan: ughhh *awakens to answer the phone*
Eddie: Stanny what's wrong?
Stan: shhhh phone call *answer phone* oh hi *phone talk*
Eddie: okay...*goes back to sleep*
Stan: *phone talk for an hour wtf* ok bye *phone hang up* *lays back down with the b0yfriends*
Eddie: Stanleyyyyyyy *lays on top of him*
Stan: oh- hi- *holds the edward and the roach’s hands bc owo*
Richie: *probably fuckimg— hibernating*
Eddie: *gives him a kiss but he's like v tired*
Stan: I’m tired bbbye *sleep oclock*
Eddie: *falls asleep on the Stan*
Later o’clock: hola
Richie: *awakens to make a grilled chhhheese*
Stan: *sleep?*
Eddie: *still sleep on stan*
Richie: *sits next to the b0ys and eat a good and cool sandwich* *uwu energy*
Stan: *aWAKENS*
Eddipe: *nuzzles the stan in his sleepp*
Stan: *pat pat* what time is it?
Richie: how should i know? we slept all day though, it’s dark again
Eddie: *wakes up but is very sleepy* huh
Richie: *s andwich* look who finally woke up
Stan: *quiet clapping*
Eddie: oh shush *nuzzle uwu*
Richie: *cough cough* gAy *cough cough*
Stan: you’re literally our boyfriend shut up
Eddie: I'll attack you with affection young man *jump on the rouch*
Richie: OH SHIT *falls over ouch* *giggly boye teehee*
Stan: *witnesses*
Eddie: *is on top of the roach behind the couch*
Richie: wow this is pretty gay
Eddie: oh so you don't like me being on top of you?
Richie: no, i’d rather be on top of you *teehee kiss owo*
Eddie: *big blush man*
Richie: *yeehaw x22*
Eddie: Stan helppppppppppp
Bev: *walks in* OH JEEZ
Stan: Hi bev- theyre fucking don’t mind them
Richie: nO WE ARENT
Eddie: *runs and jumps on Bev* HI BEV
Richie: shit dude don’t do that *stAnds*
Stan: nooooo
Bev: oh- I came over here to ask you guys if you wanted to come to the mall with me! I got my driver's license very early for some reason but yeah!
Stan: Oh sure!!
Richie: bro the fuckimg mALL?
Bev: yes the mall idiot!! Okay who wants to carry this thing *points to eddie*
Richie: I don’t know I think he should walk beside the car, honestly
Stan: hmmm maybe
Eddie: wow yall are so nice
Stan: oh shut up we love you
Richie: accurate
Eddie: *puts on his purse (bev got him it) and runs out the door* GET IN LOSERS WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!
Richie: what the hell why
Stan: uHHHH
Stan: oh god- *car*
Richie: fucking christ *car*
-at the mall-
Bev: i dont know- Hooters?
Richie: I’m gay
Stan: I’m also gay
Bev: Yeah okay but they have good wings-
Eddie: oh I have a friend that works here! We can get free wings
Richie: is it your mom? i want to see her working at hooters
Stan: no what the fuck rich
Eddie: Richie-!!
Richie: what i’m just telling the truth
Stan: oh my god
Eddie: *holds Stans hand*
Stan: *:D*
Richie: *insect*
Eddie: *kisses the Stans cheek*
Homophobic couple: we. That's just not right! You boys are way too young
Stan: *>:”0*
Richie: eXCUSE YOU don’t INSULT my BOYFRIENDS *>:(*
Homophobic couple: there's 3 of you?? A couple is only 2 people, a boy and a girl! And that short one already looks like a girl so I guess it's fine
Richie: I will fuckign fight you *>:(*
Stan: no richie calm down *holds back the roach lmao*
Stan: Richard calm yourself good lord
Homophobic couple: ugh whatever *pushes the Eddie and walks away*
Eddie: oh well *flips his imaginary long hair*
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