#( connection. / && pops sullivan. )
thelostsullivans · 1 year
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ROBERT “POPS” SULLIVAN. Luke, Bullet, Frankie, and Reggie's grandfather. City councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted Frankie and Bullet in their later teens; didn’t approve of his son Kelly’s marriage to Bullet's mother Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. Favors Frankie over Bullet ( most of the time ) and doesn't know about Luke and Reggie ( yet ).
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JOHN SULLIVAN. Frankie's father and uncle to Bullet, Reggie, and Luke. Eldest son of Robert. Fuck up, but not as big as Kelly. Currently incarcerated in New York.
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KELLY SULLIVAN. Father of Luke, Bullet, and Reggie. Only knows for certain about Bullet. General criminal, currently incarcerated in New York, but getting released soon. Asshole.
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FLORENCE ( nee DARCY ) SULLIVAN. Mother of Bullet and estranged wife of Kelly. Con artist and thief. Currently incarcerated in New Mexico. Turned Kelly in to get immunity in an unrelated case.
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RIVA DARCY. Maternal aunt of Bullet. Looks out for her when she's in town. Personal hero of the younger redhead. Hates the Sullivans. Tried to adopt Bullet when her sister was thrown in the clink until Robert got in her way.
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MICHAEL “MIKEY” SULLIVAN. Younger brother of Frankie. Perished in an auto accident. Honestly was Frankie’s heart; they loved that kid. It’s difficult for Frankie to speak of Mikey now, but if they do, it’s all glowing.
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DONNY WILSON. Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand. Had no business messing around with Bullet at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things. Bullet calls him her first love, but that ain't it.
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LILAH BECKWITH. Bullet considers her her first girlfriend, though she was Frankie's at the time. Broke Bullet's heart and really just pissed Frankie off.
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SARA JAKOB. The one who got away for Frankie. They have a tattoo of her name in a heart on their chest and they refuse to get it removed. Very, very sore subject.
------------------ ...to be continued...
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deke-rivers-1957 · 1 month
Fun In Acapulco Review
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Elvis Presley never set a single foot in Mexico. And yet he was deemed a persona non grata due to a controversy involving quotes Elvis made that legitimately never happened. Unfortunately, because of this official status disallowing Elvis from entering the country all on site shooting had to be done with a body double. Elvis himself filmed the rest of the movie entirely on a Hollywood studio.
This movie marks the beginning of the rivalry between Elvis Presley and The Beatles. Beatlemania had taken hold in the UK in 1963 with the US quickly following behind it. While their appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show wouldn't be until another few months, Elvis' place on top of the pop culture pyramid was being challenge. Does this movie put those fears at ease, or is this an early indication of Elvis' irrelevance? Let's find out.
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"Fun in Acapulco" is surprisingly low key and pleasant. It genuinely gives you vibes that you're waking up in Acapulco at a resort by the beach. Then you see Elvis on a boat as a small group of Mexican singers come up and immediately realize none of his scenes will be in Acapulco. Instead, we're stuck with very obvious rear screen projections and Hollywood soundstages throughout the whole movie. There's a small moment of humor when Elvis just yells at the top of his lungs for the Mexican band to be quiet. It's not loud at all but you can tell he had to project to be heard.
Meanwhile we get a very uncomfortable interaction where a heavily implied teenaged girl named Janie is flirting with Mike Windgren. I don't like this plot point especially when we get a male gaze shot of her skirt as she walks away. Again she's heavily implied to be a minor and even in the movie it's seen as being inappropriate for an adult to show interest of any kind. It simply feels unnecessary to include that and doesn't age well at all given what we hear about Hollywood.
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Mike goes to a Mexican tavern to meet up with the musicians wearing the ugliest shirt I've seen. Usually the wardrobe does a good job of making amazing outfits, but this is personally a miss. Along the way he meets a young Mexican boy named Raoul in an act of foreshadowing about the relationship they're going to have. "Vino, Dinero Y Amor" and "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here" are both ok. This is when you realize the main goal of the movie is to sell a soundtrack. Mike also meets Dolores for the first time and I think this was a great way to establish their character dynamic since you easily believe that she's just looking to have fun while she's in town. It's also incredible how so many people smoked back then, to the point where the whole room looks hazy.
Before they get too involved in their dance, Mike sees Janie at the tavern drinking alcohol. I have no idea what the drinking laws in Acapulco was in 1963, but everyone treats this as being illegal. Janie's dad sees her at the tavern despite having no idea that she'd be there. She blames Mike for bringing her there and buying her the drink and of course gets him fired because that's the most obvious set up in the world. There are so many issues with this scene I won't take the time to explain it all. It's just so pointless to even have this plot point since we literally never see anyone outside of Dolores' camp ever again and only exists because we needed to have some reason to have Mike leave his job to team up with Raoul.
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Raoul informs us with something that will never lead to anything important plot wise. Mike would need to have a very specific VISA to work in Mexico. This actually makes sense given that Mr. Harkins isn't a Mexican citizen and therefore didn't require Mike to have a VISA. But since Raoul has an insanely high amount of connections he's able to get Mike a singing job while he fills in for a singer we literally never see in person and is always "out".
The logic of this surprisingly works since it's clear Raoul has genuine connections with numerous businessmen, but I'm just bummed that we never see who the actual singer is since it could've added conflict. You would think that the conflict would involve Mike working without a proper VISA and his rival planning to reveal that fact. But no, it's never brought up in a way that makes you think Mike has to worry about possibly being deported.
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Raoul picks up Mike on his bike. As much as it's cute to have them sing "Mexico" Raoul's singing vocals just didn't sound right. I know he's a pre-pubescent boy but at times you just cringe when he hits the high notes. So we get introduced to Moreno but uh oh Mike looks nervous about seeing him jump off a diving board because we need foreshadowing. Mike agrees to work as a lifeguard during the siesta so no laws are being broken. Mike gets on top of one of the diving boards and we surprisingly get a backstory. Mike is a trapeze artist and we see with no dialogue how during a performance he dropped his brother. The silent horror on his face when he saw his brother lying on the floor dead, was so well done by Elvis. It isn't realistic to have everyone react to a trauma by screaming. With Mike he felt instant shame to the point where he had to look away.
That memory was so brutal, Mike of course stepped down from the diving board feeling haunted. The worse thing about the incident is that it could've been avoided. Circuses started using safety nets in the mid 19th century, so the fact that you never saw one indicates overconfidence. Sadly when you're a trapeze artist, there are people who are so confident in what they do, basic safety precautions are neglected. In Mike's brother's case, it sadly costed him his life and Mike now has to live with that guilt. He sends a telegram to his parents and it's obvious that this is a deep trauma that he couldn't recover from at home. This should've been the focus of the whole movie because it's the only thing I feel invested in. The aftermath of someone's death, especially in avoidable circumstances, rarely gets to be the focus and this would've been the perfect way to change that.
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Mike sees Moreno and a woman named Margarita Dauphin. Moreno has a lot of issues with Mike being interested in her, and it's genuinely reasonable since they're actually dating. Mike meets Margarita and her father where he works as the head chef. I'm impressed he can cook so well knowing that he's a former Duke. We get a brief history lesson that they came from an unnamed European country (I personally believe it was Hungary since their monarch was abolished in 1946). This basically means that Mike is talking to a Duchess despite no longer having the title.
"El Toro" is a great song with an even better outfit. In a way it really honors the history of bullfighting and the bravery bullfighters have to possess. After his performance, he turns down publicity pictures. As much as it's rude, you understand why he doesn't want the attention. He's still working through his grief and doesn't want word getting out that he's in Acapulco since that would result in people asking him very uncomfortable questions. Mike runs into both Dolores and Margarita. Despite dating Moreno, Margarita is clearly jealous that Dolores has Mike's attention as well. Mike goes to see a man dive, and he's clearly traumatized from looking over the railing. Raoul organizes for Mike to sing a song at the restaurant. "Margarita" while good, is just a drag in terms of the story. Mike tries again to dive, but of course is too scared. He climbs back down and I love that Margarita and Raoul don't make fun of him. They surprisingly handle his trauma with respect.
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Mike performs "The Bullfighter Was a Lady" and he looks even better in this scene than "El Toro". This time he's specifically honoring Dolores since she's one of the best in the business. Female bullfighters even to this day are rare because of how dangerous it is. Margarita of course is jealous despite outright being on a date with Moreno. Dolores of course knows this and doesn't care. Because at the end of the day, Dolores isn't doing anything wrong. Margarita is the one who wants to 2 time with Mike.
So the two leave and we get a "serious conversation". Dolores makes it very clear that she has no interest in marriage and only wants to have casual relationships. I love that openness since for the 1960s, a career girl wasn't as well respected. "(There's) No Room to Rhumba in a Sports Car" is the clunkiest song ever. You could just cut it and nothing is lost.
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"Bossa Nova Baby" is great and there's a reason why it's so iconic. If you slowed down the playback you would see that the average person couldn't replicate this. After his performance, he wants to go see Margarita but notices Dolores is there too. Dolores is tied up with a tourist couple that I wanted to be Mike's parents so bad. Instead we never see them again. It just makes you wonder, what was the point?
In the morning, Raoul asks Mike what club he wants to work for. We see a different filming technique by showing these phone calls in a split screen which I thought was a neat touch. Mike however stalls since he still wants to get with Margarita. He meets with Moreno and Moreno things happen. Moreno meets up with Dolores manager, Jose. Jose reveals that he knows about the Flying Windgrens. Absolutely nothing important will happen because of this. Dolores arranges for a party to be arranged the next day. Margarita of course doesn't like it and makes an offhand remark to her dad that he should poison Dolores. The former Duke though has a dream to have her get married to an American so they can both get VISAs.
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This is when the movie drags. Even though he reveals his trauma to Margarita it's just so shallow because the scene quick cuts to Moreno finding the truth. That's also so rushed since as soon as he finds the newspaper article we immediately cut to Dolores' party. This is the only time we see Mike's family and it's such a waste of a good story to not see them interact with Mike in person.
"You Can't Say No in Acapulco" is pretty good for a poolside ballad. In a way it really reflects the sadness Mike feels. We see Moreno dive in preparation for his upcoming cliff dive and to entertain Dolores' guests.
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Raoul tells Mike about Margarita's desire to get a VISA, and Moreno tells Dolores about Mike's traumatizing past. Dolores becomes cold for no reason as she acts so disappointed that Mike is a "chicken". Mike despite feeling very hurt just walks away. Raoul meanwhile never leaves his side and it's pretty sweet that he does care about Mike beyond what he could do for him.
The former Duke clears things up with Mike. He explains that it was really his idea to get the VISAs. It was never meant to hurt anyone. He tells Mike that Margarita has gone to see Moreno dive for a famous astronaut.
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As he leaves, Moreno somehow knew he would be there and follows him out of the staff's kitchen. He keeps making fun of Mike for being a coward and I have no idea what this is meant to accomplish. Moreno was already a jerk so him knowing this information doesn't change anything. While I can see how it'd be him going too far, the timing is so off. Mike should've confronted him about it as soon as told Dolores.
We see Red West in the background who cameos in a couple scenes and it's amazing that he doesn't interact with Elvis at all since usually Elvis' friends had a line or two when they did cameo. They get into a fight and I have no idea why no one's stopping them. This is essentially a crowded entrance so you would think security would break it up because of the other guests possibly getting hurt from it. Moreno gets badly injured and Mike is able to just walk away with no resistance which would never happen in real life. Unable to see Margarita he goes around the club and hears from Raoul that the dive would otherwise be canceled. I understand a lot of people think this was a cheap way to resolve his PTSD, but given how the 1960s didn't really acknowledge it outside of the military I thought it was a good shot.
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The cliff scene is one of the best scenes in the movie. Mike had no obligation to fill in for Moreno, but he did it anyway. This wasn't a rash decision where in an act of heroics he stepped in. He knowingly did it with the full knowledge that it could get him killed. The near silence that comes with watching him ascend even though it's a body double for most of the scene is beautiful. Everyone watching this knows it's a risky thing to do.
Even though I'm not religious, it's very important in Mexican culture. Seeing Raoul cross himself and Mike pay tribute to the shrine on top of the cliff was absolutely necessary. Given the danger involved, it makes total sense to send a prayer. Mike had to do this before he made his jump. Symbolically speaking, he's asking for his brother's spirit to keep him safe and him diving into the water served as his baptism or rebirth. He's no longer consumed with the grief and guilt of his brother's death. He's a new man that's willing to go back to his family with his new love Margarita and his friend/manager Raoul.
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"Guadalajara" is a well deserved happy ending. Moreno at least admits he was wrong to call Mike a coward. I guess with him being interested in Dolores, his relationship with Margarita is over. The song itself is good but it does drag a bit. It's almost like they didn't know how to fill in the runtime which is so weird.
Margarita despite somehow getting back with Mike still looked a little jealous when Dolores kissed his cheek. I don't think this couple will last. Mike had more chemistry with Dolores but she out of nowhere turned standoffish. It's all boring and forced to the point where Mike has his best relationship with Raoul who's a 10 year old. I just really wish that Mike's relationship with his family had more focus. The pieces were there. It's just very unfortunate that a man expressing grief wasn't something worth focusing on back then.
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I think this is the first time reviewing these movies where I felt bored watching it. As much as I love the diving plot, the romance is a drag. It feels like the writing took a step backwards regarding what makes an Elvis vehicle interesting. Instead of making the romances engaging they're instead so forgettable that it's like they just included it because it's part of a checklist. I will say that it did do a good job highlighting La Quebrada Cliffs by making them integral to Mike's character arc since to this day it's a popular tourist attraction.
Because the diving plot gave me something to feel invested in, with the final dive providing a genuine sense of tension I give it a 7/10. If you're a new Elvis fan this should not be the first one you see since the songs can be very distracting, and nothing is developed enough to keep your attention. Now if you're a seasoned fan is it worth re-watching? Yes. I think you can watch it every now and then, but it's definitely the film equivalent of cotton candy: something you consume and forget relatively fast. Genuinely the first stumble in the road for Elvis' movie career where I didn't feel overly passionate about anything. And for someone in the entertainment industry, that's practically a death sentence.
Tagging: @thelonelyheart @whositmcwhatsit, @hooked-on-elvis, @smokeymountainboy, @atleastpleasetelephone,
@stitchlover0112, @tupelomiss, @vintagepresley, @eapep, @almightybigbrain,
@coltswael, @cieloestrelladoluna, @huhhhhsthings, @arrolyn1114, @peaceloveelvis,
@peskybedtime, @mercsandmonsters, @tacozebra051, @valloos, @ilovequeen978,
@elvisvideos, @presleyhearted, @depressedfairie, @kawaiiwitchy, @swingdownsweetchariot,
@ruggednessworld, @southcarolinawoman, @atrophyingaphrodite, @jrbrandi13, @summer56,
@elvismylove04, @eptodaytommorowforever, @lookingforrainbows, @araiarts, @fharysa,
@lett-them-eatt-cake, @fryb0rg, @wanderlustingtomboy, @slayingjd, @wildhorseinkansas,
@somethingaboutelvis, @jhoneybees, @elvisbooty76, @iloveelvisss, @presleyheart,
@anakinsvault, @illtakeyouhomeagain, @callieselvisobsessed, @50sexyshadesfashionista, @memphisflash,
@arianatheangel-girl, @madslovesmaws, @lucy114505, @presleygarden, @earthbaby-angelboy,
@nicferg068, @xanatenshi, @elvispresley1935, @iloveelvisss, @underthememphissun,
@cccayliexx, @thelonelyheart, @theelvisprincess and @ilovemyrockstarboyfriends.
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strawbubbysugar · 8 months
Hero In Shining Flannel
Y/N x June Sullivan (and hopefully Hello and Goodbye later lol)
CW: Indications of toxic relationship, mentions of bullying/harassment, as well as self-deprecating/depressive/anxious thoughts
Marshmallow🧡: Why didn’t you invite me??
A small pit forms in your stomach as you see the text message pop up on your phone. Of course you made another mistake. But…couldn’t you go to the mall by yourself? Is there an unspoken rule that you have to bring your partner with you everywhere you go?
You have no clue. Social rules and relationship rules are confusing and hard to maneuver. Sigh. You adjust your body on the edge of the fountain to a more comfortable position and text them back.
You: Sorry about that, I was just gonna do a quick purchase and leave. I know you like longer trips to the mall but I’m not feeling up to that today
The 3 bubbles pop up on your screen, indicating that they are typing. Not soon after, another text appears.
Marshmallow🧡: Dude it only would’ve been like an extra 20 minutes or something. I’m really hurt that you didn’t bring me with you ☹️
The pit grows larger. You furrow your brows at the “20 minutes” part of the text. Last time they said “20 minutes”, the two of you were there for an hour, and you almost had a meltdown right there in the mall because you needed to leave and get out of that overstimulating environment and they just wanted to keep shopping. But you were their ride, you couldn’t just leave them there. It’s a good thing you had your earbuds with you so you could ground yourself in your music. If you hadn’t had them…well. Let’s just say the trip would’ve gone a lot differently, and not in a good way. That trip only reinforced your rule of “always have earbuds or headphones with you”.
With a resigned sigh, you do the only thing you can. Your fingers shakily type out your response.
You: I’m sorry that you’re feeling hurt. I’ll invite you next time I promise.
The 3 bubbles appear again, and your body tenses in anticipation. After about 30 seconds, the bubbles disappear. You wait for about 10 seconds. Maybe the message is just taking longer to send from a spotty connection or something.
You realize after another 20 seconds that you’re probably not getting a message back for awhile. That’s bad, right? That probably means they’re really mad at you. Your stomach feels like it’s going to implode in on itself.
You hate this. You’re not cut out for this. This is just like high school all over again. Why can’t you do anything right? You should’ve known that they would see your location and want to come along. Why didn’t you invite them in the first place? You know they have anxiety about being left behind! What is wrong with you?? You’re a terrible partner. You don’t deserve-
“Hey, you alright?”
Your eyes snap up to a young blond man standing above you, looking slightly concerned. No no no, you can’t burden a stranger with your issues! You put on your best smile, hoping it’s convincing.
“Oh yeah, I’m good! Thanks for asking.” Please go away, I can’t talk to anybody right now…
The young man’s eyebrows furrow, and he looks like he’s pondering something. After a moment, he gives you a kind smile.
“I dunno if most people who are doing okay cry in the middle of a mall.” He sits down on the edge of the fountain next to you, facing towards you.
Wait, you’re crying right now? When did that happen? Great. Now you’re crying in public and making a stranger worry for you. Goddammit.
Before you can say anything, he speaks again. “Look, you don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to. But if you do, I’ll totally listen!” He taps his fingers absentmindedly. “Or maybe we could go get a smoothie or something and not think about it.”
You just look at this guy, dumbfounded. He would just…do that for you? You try to think and make a decision in the span of a few seconds. You’re now really stressed about the situation with your partner, and you were planning on leaving the mall as soon as possible to get to a safe and controlled environment. But on the flip side, this guy is offering a distraction because he saw you were upset. You get a very kind aura from him, if you’re reading him correctly. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? You know you’d just spiral in anxiety if you went back home right now, anyway. Maybe a good smoothie and talking to someone who isn’t Marshmallow will be good for you.
You can’t bring yourself to keep up the forced smile, so you let yourself just look as anxious as you feel. “I mean…I guess a smoothie sounds good. But…you’re sure? I don’t want to get in the way of your mall trip.”
The man waves his hand dismissively. “It’s no problem at all! I want to help if I can. I’d much rather make someone feel better than mindlessly wander around stores.” He stands up and offers his hand to you with a sympathetic smile.
You take his hand and he gently helps you up before letting go. He puts his hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the light, squinting and looking around. “Alright, smoothie smoothie smoothie, show me…smoothies.” He mumbles in a slightly silly voice.
You can’t help but sniffle and chuckle a little bit. “Do you…not know where it is?”
He looks at you, not dropping his smile at all. “I’m gonna be so honest with you, I don’t even know if this mall even has a smoothie place. I just assumed there is one. ‘Cause there’s gotta be, right?”
You softly chuckle again and gesture for him to follow you. “Well, you’d be right. It’s this way.” The two of you start walking down the large corridor towards the food court.
“So,” The man begins. “It’s not lost on me that I’m a total stranger offering smoothies. In our generation, that’s like, unheard of I think.” He chuckles before continuing. “So I just wanted to say here and now that if you get uncomfortable or your social battery dies, you can totally tell me to leave. The last thing I want is to make your day worse. So just do what’s best for you, alright?” He gives you that kind smile again.
You return his smile. For real, this time. Not forced. “Thanks. I appreciate that. A lot.”
“Of course!” He chirps. He suddenly sticks his hand out to you. “By the way, I’m June.”
You shake his hand politely and tell him your name. “Nice to meet you, June.”
You two break the handshake and he just doesn’t stop smiling. His positivity is infectious. “Likewise.”
The two of you walk in semi-comfortable silence for a minute or so until you make it to the food court. You scan for a moment before pointing off to the left. “There’s the smoothie place. Well, it’s not only a smoothie place. But you know what I mean.”
You look over at June, and notice he’s still staring around at the food court, and he’s finally lost his smile. Your brow furrows in slight concern. “June? You okay?”
That breaks him out of whatever thoughts he was having. “Yeah,” He shakes his head a bit and smiles again, though this time it’s a bit…sadder than before. “Just kinda reminds me of my old food court.”
He starts walking towards the smoothie place, and you quickly catch up and keep pace with him. “Oh, so you’re not from around here then?”
He shakes his head. “Nope. New around here, kinda getting a lay of the land.”
“Oh! I’d be happy to show you around.” You offer, surprising yourself. You can’t believe you just offered to do that for a total stranger. He could be dangerous, for all you know! But looking at him in his little blue flannel jacket and those headphones around his neck, the way he fidgets and speaks, and just the overall positive vibes he emits, you can tell. He’s a trustworthy dude.
June’s eyes light up upon your offer. “Oh shit, really? That’d be awesome!”
“Sure!” You smile.
The two of you order your smoothies and find a quiet table to sit at and chat.
“So-“ The both of you start at the same time.
“Oh sorry, you can go!” You say first.
June shakes his head. “Nah nah that’s okay, what were you going to say?”
“As much as I want to say ‘no, you go’, I don’t want us to be going in a circle for who knows how long,” You giggle. “So, alright. I’ll go. I just wanted to say ‘Welcome’, I guess. I think that’s what one is supposed to say in situations like this?” You look away, feeling like maybe that’s not the right thing to say.
“But like I’m not saying that specifically because I feel like I’m supposed to, I genuinely am welcoming you here because you seem cool.” You awkwardly freeze, expecting June to laugh at you or make fun of you.
“Thanks! I appreciate the welcome. And for being called cool!” He smiles. “Always nice when people boost my already overinflated ego,” he obviously jokes.
You both laugh for a few moments. It feels…really nice. “So what were you gonna say?” You ask, taking a sip of your smoothie as June answers.
“Ah, I was just going to ask what you do around here. Job, school, that kind of thing! If you don’t mind me asking.”
You shake your head. “I don’t mind at all! I work part-time at a general store kinda near here. It has a dumb name. ‘Everything Ya Need’.” You roll your eyes with a smile just thinking about it.
June snickers a bit. “Ah yeah, I remember seeing that place and loving the name!”
The two of you smile wider at that. “That’s actually really close to where I work. That new repair and parts place, ya seen it?”
You nod your head. “Mhm! Yeah, I know that place. Haven’t been ‘cause I haven’t had a need to, but I think it’s good we’ll have a shop like that around here. Do you like working there so far?”
June puts his chin in his hands and takes a large gulp of smoothie. “Oh definitely!” He nods. “Couldn’t ask for a better job or coworkers.”
“Awe, that’s so good to hear!” You smile, genuinely happy for him.
“What about your job?” June asks. “Do you like your coworkers?”
You clench your teeth and look away for a couple moments. “Um…I guess it’s not as bad now that this one dude got fired. But the store was so desperate for people that at first, they didn’t fire him even when he was literally harassing and bullying me. And you might be thinking ‘well, why didn’t you quit?’ And it’s because I was too scared to. I know my tasks there, I know the people, it’s comfortable. I didn’t want to have to do more job searching and the terrifying interview and go into the unknown where I would have no clue what to expect. Sad, I know.” You sigh and take an ashamed sip of loser smoothie.
June’s eyebrows furrow in sympathy, and he gives you a reassuring smile. “Hey, come on now. That’s not sad, I totally get it. The comfort of routine and the fear of the unknown are super valid. Even if a routine may have something that hurts you, it’s easier…and feels safer to stay with that than to risk doing something new that could…go wrong.” His voice and his smile oddly faltered a bit by the end there. His blue eyes cloud for a moment, seeming distant, as if he’s remembering something.
“Right, yeah. You get it!” You try to break him out of whatever potential bad memories he might be reliving. “Thanks for validating me.”
June’s eyes flicker back to you, and his cute smile comes back.
Wait. What did you just call his smile??
“Of course!” He says, and you hope to heaven above that your face looks normal.
“So, um…” you try to think of something to talk about before you start accidentally making yourself blush more or something. “Is it alright if I ask you why you don’t tie your shoes? At least, I assume it’s on purpose, given that you’ve had a couple chances to tie them. If that is a rude question or too intrusive, I apologize!” You try not to wince at the anticipation of him getting upset with you for asking him that question.
After June swallows a sip of smoothie, he waves his hand dismissively. “Oh, no it’s not rude! You’re all good. I just don’t like them feeling uneven.”
Your eyes widen, and you subconsciously lean a little towards him over the table. “Wait, you hate uneven shoes too?? Oh my gosh, I’m so glad I’m not alone in that!”
June tilts his head to the side a bit with a reassuring smile. “Of course you’re not alone in that!”
You look down at your slip-on shoes, just wanting to peek at them due to them now being the topic of conversation. “Well, that makes me feel better. Nobody I know has ever talked about it. I’ve been late to class a couple times because I had to re-tie my shoes like, 4-6 times to try to make them feel even. It’s so annoying. I’m very thankful for slip-on shoes, that’s for sure.”
June takes another sip of smoothie, and you follow suit. “Geez, yeah that’s rough. I’m glad you got some slip-ons, though!”
“Thanks! I’m glad that I know a fellow even-feeling shoe enjoyer now. It’s validating as hell,” you chuckle, and June chuckles with you.
The nice moment between you two is interrupted by a loud buzz from your pocket. June looks at you curiously as you tense up.
“Oh boy.” You slowly start pulling your phone out of your pocket, cursing your hand for shaking.
You take a moment to gather the courage to look at it, and…you slump down in your chair with relief when you see it’s just a text from your mom asking how your day is going.
“Oh thank fuck,” you exhale.
June looks at you curiously, but obviously seems conflicted due to not wanting to intrude on your personal life. You give him a knowing look.
“It was my mom. I was worried it was going to be my partner,” you take an awkward sip of smoothie.
June’s eyes widen ever-so-slightly, but he quickly composes himself. “Oof.” He also takes an awkward sip of smoothie.
You’re not liking the tense silence now, so you decide to move on. “I don’t really want to spill all of my relationship issues onto you when we just met, even if you’re willing to listen. Which I appreciate, by the way. I’d like for you to associate my presence with…well, not trauma-dumping, that’s for sure!” You chuckle.
June looks a little concerned again for a moment, but lets it go. “I get it. I’d probably do the same thing in your shoes. So…do you want to not think about it for a while?”
You nod your head eagerly. “Definitely. How about that tour I offered?” You ask, slightly desperately.
June shoots you a solid thumbs up while sipping his drink. “Sounds good to me!”
After the finishing of smoothies, you and June throw your cups away and start walking around the mall. You show him your favorite shops, what kinds of other shops are available, and the quietest times of the week. Luckily, June has no problem having a fast tour of the mall so the both of you can leave and explore the quieter town.
As you walk around, you two pass both your workplace as well as the shop June works at, and you end up exchanging some work stories.
“Yeah, I have a knack for scaring the shit out of Matt,” June laughs. “I swear that I try to let him know I’m there before I tap his shoulder! He’s just so easy to spook.”
You giggle at that, imagining a gruff and rugged 40 year old man jumping 10 feet in the air from a little shoulder tap.
“Poor Matt!” You can’t help but smile.
June waves off your sympathy. “Ah, he’s fine. Don’t worry about him!”
“Okay,” you laugh. “I’ll take your word for it.”
You end up telling June a couple of work stories that don’t involve the guy that harassed you, or basically just any negative stories in general. I don’t want to be a Debbie downer. I gotta make sure I’m somewhat pleasant to be around so that I don’t ruin things right out of the gate with him.
The more you walk around town with June, the more you properly forget about your partner being mad at you, and the anxiety in your stomach subsides for a while. Talking with June feels really nice, he’s super understanding, and the conversations flow so easily. You have trouble remembering the last time you had such a pleasant time with someone other than Marshmallow. You furrow your brow as you think about the fact that you don’t really spend time with anyone other than them. Even if you’re with friends or acquaintances, they’re there.
Don’t ignore their anxiety. Their last partner really messed with their head, it’s okay if they want to come with you to places. How selfish can you be?
You’re pulled out of your spiral when June says your name.
“Huh? What?” You ask, hoping you didn’t space out for too long. Ugh, June must think you’re such a scatterbrain!!
“You good?” He asks, with that concerned look again. You hate making him look like that. You want him to smile, you don’t want him to worry about you.
“Yes, thank you.” You smile and shake your head in a futile attempt to clear it. “Um, so…ah.” You gesture to the park that the two of you are currently walking past. “This park is a nice place to chill and relax, at least when there’s not too many people. It’s nice to watch the birds.”
June looks around at the park’s trees with a soft smile. “Hmm. Good to know! Love me a good birb.”
You chuckle at that, focusing on his smile. “Well,” you clap your hands together gently. “I’ve taken up enough of your time, it’s been-“ you check your phone’s clock and your eyes widen. “Holy shit, 2 hours. Damn.” Time really flew by, it felt like 45 minutes…
June holds his hands up reassuringly. “Hey, it’s no problem at all! I really appreciate you taking me around town and showing me where stuff is.”
You nod at him with a small smile. “Absolutely!” You hold out your hand to him, offering a handshake. “Well, June, it was really nice to meet you! Thank you for being kind enough to check in on a distressed stranger. You’re a good dude.”
June returns the handshake, his face looking slightly bashful. Adorable, you can’t help thinking to yourself.
“Of course! Wasn’t just gonna pass you by. It was really nice to meet you as well!” He smiles politely, but it doesn’t look forced, to your relief.
You and June let go of the handshake, and you point your thumb in the general direction of your apartment. “I’m walking this way, which direction are you going in? ‘Cause I don’t wanna do that thing where we say goodbye and then we awkwardly end up walking in the same direction.”
June laughs, and it’s a wonderful laugh. Not one of judgement, not one of teasing, but one of understanding. He points his thumb in a different direction. “I totally getcha! I’m going that way, so we’re good on that front.”
“Okay, cool. Well June, it’s been a pleasure. Maybe I’ll see you around town again sometime.” You shrug casually, hoping you’re giving the correct signal that you don’t expect him to give you more of his time, but letting him know you’re open to spending more time with him.
“Yeah, for sure! That’d be cool.” He gives you a friendly wave and gently says your name. “Take care!”
You grin and wave back at him. “You too!” You watch him walk away, and let out a quiet, contented sigh. You watch June stick his hands in his pockets, just looking at stuff around him as he walks, as if everything he passes deserves to be acknowledged and observed.
You don’t want to be weird, so you turn towards the direction of your apartment and start walking home. Instead of having anxiety again about your partner as you make your way back, you instead think about June. The way he made you feel so validated and understood. How he didn’t judge you, how he was laughing with you, not at you, and how it felt so easy to talk to him. You can’t help but feel really happy at the possibility of seeing him again sometime.
Even if your relationship never makes it past acquaintance status, even if you never talk with him again, you’re thankful for the time you got to spend with him today. He made you feel a little less alone, and made you feel better about some things you were either ashamed of or worried about.
You look over your shoulder, spotting him one last time as he grows further in the distance. Your lips curl into a small smile, your heart feeling full.
Thank you, June.
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dustedmagazine · 2 months
Bizhiki — Unbound (Jagjaguwar)
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Just under 50,000 people or about 1% of Wisconsin’s people are native American, a relatively small percentage compared to Western states like Alaska and South Dakota. However, there’s a vibrant native American culture in the Badger State nonetheless, with tribes celebrating traditional music, dance, food and storytelling at pow wows held throughout the state. Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings of Bizhiki came out of that tradition, as did his adopted brother Rainey (though in the neighboring state of Minnesota). For this project, the two of them have connected with another rural Wisconsin musical tradition, the dreamy, expansive vocal pop of Bon Iver and its offshoots. Justin Vernon guests on one of Unbound’s songs, while his frequent collaborator Sean Carey is a full-fledged member of the group.
Bizhiki’s music combines traditional native American chant with an indie electronic palette of sounds. It’s a blend that might easily fail to gel, and yet it works fairly consistently. The best cuts put the Native American elements in the foreground. The least effective slip into generic chillwave territories, a slightly more exotic version of Washed Out. It’s hard to argue with the exultant drumming and trance-inducing vocals of “Rez News,” for instance, but “She’s All We Have,” while earnest in its ecological message, sounds too much like standard-issue electronic pop. “Nashke!” gets the balance best, beginning in whispery indie guitars and vocals and building to an ecstatic, keening climax. A cool Western-style verse — Carey, evidently — blossoms into echoing group chants, and the two sides meet, not seamlessly exactly, but in collaboration.
You can definitely make out Justin Vernon’s unearthly falsetto in “Gigawaabamin (Come Through)” though the liner notes are at pains to credit Native singer Mike Sullivan as “featured artist.” Here, a dance beat thunders, a jazz bass slithers, a indie rock chorus croons in mega-pop style, but the part that hits you hardest is the vibrating, trilling, old-time chant. You could think of Bizhiki as indie pop with a secret sauce, but it’s more than that. The Native American bits are the transcendent ones. They’re a doorway into another tradition, strange, compelling and beautiful.  
Jennifer Kelly
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the-forest-library · 2 years
September 2022 Reads
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Swordheart - T. Kingfisher
Ten Thousand Stitches - Olivia Atwater
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance - For Meadows
Kismet - Lauren Blakely
The Sweetest Connection - Denise Williams
Do You Take This Man - Denise Williams
How to Love Your Neighbor - Sophie Sullivan
Lucy on the Wild Side - Kerry Rea
The Holiday Trap - Roan Parrish
The Most Likely Club - Elyssa Friesland
Nothing More to Tell - Karen M. McManus
How to Survive Your Murder - Danielle Valentine
Vengeful - V.E. Schwab
All of Us Villains - Amanda Foody
Babel - R.F. Kuang
Carrie Soto is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Just by Looking at Him - Ryan O’Connell
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken
Striking Distance - Sarah Rees Brennan
Fence Vol 1 - C.S. Pacat
Fence Vol 2 - C.S. Pacat
Fence Vol 3 - C.S. Pacat
Hark! A Vagrant - Kate Beaton
Step Aside, Pops - Kate Beaton
Sweaterweather - Sara Varon
Spinning - Tillie Walden
Lore Olympus - Rachel Smythe
If You Find a Unicorn, It is Not Yours to Keep - DJ Corchin
Coven - Jennifer Dugan
Unretouchable - Sofia Szamosi
American Born Chinese - Gene Luen Yang
Fun Home - Alison Bechdel
And Now I Spill the Family Secrets - Margaret Kimball
How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You - Matthew Inman
When Life Gives You Pears - Jeannie Gaffigan
Nine Nasty Words - John McWhorter
Resilient - Rick Hanson
Ask Me About My Uterus - Abby Norman
That Sounds So Good - Carla Lalli Music
Unbelievably Vegan - Charity Morgan
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
Lots of really decent reads this month, but the standout is once again Olivia Atwater. I think I enjoyed Ten Thousand Stitches even more than Half a Soul. Just delightful. 
I also read a bunch of graphic novels while I was recovering from surgery and finally got around to reading some that have been on my TBR forever. 
Goodreads Goal: 311/350
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads |
2022 Reads
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Find the word tag
Thank you for the tag, @aether-wasteland-s.
My words to find were sun, dark, scare, & dance.
Passing the tag to @ieppiq, @oh-no-another-idea, @harrison-abbott, @cljordan-imperium, and an open tag for anyone else who wants it.
Your words shall be shining, hold, rethink, & flight.
Sun: Empty Names - 6 - Background Checks
For all its gothic gloom during the night, Bridgewood Manor is surprisingly well-lit during the day.  Mostly this is due to Carnette having installed large windows looking out onto alien landscapes in most of the rooms and halls not directly connected to the building’s outer shell as a flex on visitors, but - much like her - that is quite literally neither here nor there at the moment.  No, Sullivan’s gaze is set on his laptop.  The vista behind him is only worthy of his attention insofar as it’s creating an annoying glare on his screen, and even that he’s pointedly ignoring.  To move from his overstuffed chair to a seat with less glare would be letting the window win, and he’s not about to concede to an inanimate object in a contest of wills.  
And so Sullivan commences his last-minute review of files with the sun shining indirectly in his eyes.
Dark: Empty Names - 9 - Test Run
There’s a soft electronic pop in Eris’s ear as Road’s headset abruptly disconnects and she, Sullivan and Ashan are left standing in the quiet dark of the hold.  
“Yeah…” Lacuna’s voice breaks the awkward silence, “they just turned their whole earpiece off.”
The muffled sound of captain Cabetha laughing some distance from her own microphone echoes in everyone’s ears.Sullivan sighs and massages his forehead.  “I distinctly told them the button was power and the switch was mute.”
Scare: Empty Names - 4 - Prince In Gold
Sullivan trails off as he realizes his friend has fallen back to sleep.  That’s fine.  They didn’t really need to hear about how he spent the night stalking and picking off everyone in the building one by one when he could have easily snuck past them.  Maybe he could have spun it as giving them all a scare that would get them rethinking their life choices when they woke up the next day - and the thought of them all waking up to the terror of finding they’d all been knocked out by an unseen assailant did amuse him - but the truth was he did it because it was a fun power trip.  Nor did his friend need to hear about the cyborg in the basement he had to disassemble because the guy didn’t have enough meat left in him to poison.  And the less said of what happened in the end with the kid and the staff the better.
Sullivan never did like lying to his friend to give stories clean and happy endings.
Quietly, so as not to wake them, he gets up to continue his nocturnal pacing.
“Goodnight my friend,” he whispers from the doorway, “and may you sleep without dreams.”
Dance: Empty Names - 12 - Houseguests
Trembling, he pulls down another book at random.  Whispers of the Sun: A comparative study of pyromantic traditions.  This one seems safe enough.  No hints of double meanings in the subtitle to indicate the sort of assault on the senses contained within the last several volumes.  As he cracks the tome open he feels the tingle of a tripped ward just in time to turn the book away from him and direct the burst of flame from the pages safely out over the balcony and into empty space.
This is far more like what he had expected to find here and that eases his frayed nerves.  The book itself is warm but undamaged by the fire it just expelled and an ashy aroma fills Ashan’s nostrils as he flips through the pages to skim the contents.  Comparisons of flames summoned from other planes with flames born from an attunement with nature and drawn from one’s own body.  Theoretical extrapolations of a lost formula whose only remaining record is a photograph of a back-covering tattoo that was half-destroyed by burn scars.  Steps to a dance choreographed from the flight of dragons.  Teleological implications of phoenix rebirth cycles.
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saturnintransit8 · 4 months
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as an fyi, i'm remaining anon on purpose. my alias henceforth is saturn8!
i included modern astrology in the description because that's the easiest way to describe what astrology i study. BUT the names of my branches of choice are humanistic astrology and psychological astrology. humanistic astrology came first. it was created by dane rudhyar, an avid theosophist (*slight, but noticeable cringe*) after he attended a few carl jung lectures. dane rudhyar founded it based on the dharmic principle - that we each have a "job" to do in life; we have a purpose. additionally, that we are each products of our environment and that our purpose is a culmination of the efforts of humanity that lived before us. that we evolve and change overtime. so the rudhyar system of astrology is oriented around helping people understand what they need to know to grow and change within the context of their physical environment and natal chart. he emphasized that fate-ridden astrology is outdated and that a person-centered astrology must emerge to accomodate the more self-aware man. we do have the ability to make choices and choose our futures. this shift from fated astrology to free will astrology is why dane rudhyar is referred to as "the father of modern astrology".
psychological astrology was birthed from humanistic. pioneers include liz greene (a claimed jungian analyst), erin sullivan (she passed in spring 2024; may she rest in peace), and jeffrey wolfe green (most known for his evolutionary astrology tho). it looks at the birth chart as a map of personality, psyche, and unconscious. psychological astrology aims to delineate potential growth opportunities as well - but from within. in the words of carl gustav jung, "until the unconscious becomes conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate." it really aims to help the querent understand themselves so that they can develop themselves. psychological is more popular largely due to the early enthusiasts ability to attach it to something tangible; to psychology. pop astrology (you know, sun-sign astrology, co-star, and horoscopes) is a derivative of psychological astrology.
in additon to astrology, i'm deeply interested in holistic healing modalities such as western herbalism, chinese medicine, ayurveda, and jungian/depth psychology. other interests include alchemy, gnosticism, henri bergson's philosophical approach, cycles, understanding the nature of reality, mythology, sociology, climate change... & others.
i have sooo many things that i want to write about! i'm constantly connecting astrological principles to my life and want to express those thoughts somewhere in a casual way.
thanks for your time!
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colleenmurphy · 7 months
"I swear to God if I see you around my daughter again I'll have your balls. You understand me, boy?"
Flashing the oyster shucking knife at the impossibly pimply teenage Romeo, who not a month before had called her such vile names and pushed Sarah down a flight of stairs but not before he kicked her books away from her when she tried to get up. He was a Matsek through and through and Colleen added him to the 'hate on sight' list steadily growing to include almost the entire clan, save five that had moved away and made something of themselves. Going so far as to change the spelling if their last name to cut ties.
"Sarah...you ok?"
Studying her mother with wide blue green eyes Sarah burst into tears as Colleen pulled her close and stroked her long dark hair.
"He told me I'd better make sure I lock my doors otherwise...he'd.."
She didn't even have to hear her daughter finish her sentence, she'd remembered his body language as she'd found him backing her into a corner on their own front porch. He was still walking up the street Colleen noticed almost begging for her to come after him so he could make a spectacle. She wouldn't allow that, instead she'd give him a taste of his own medicine.
"What's his first name?"
What an unfortunately fitting name for such a little creep. It was somewhere between the set of his jaw and the color of hair that Colleen first noticed a few things. It hadn't taken long or any deep digging detective work on her end to figure out that this little thug was Dave's progeny with the Matsek bitch that had tried to make her life a living hell when they were growing up. Jealousy had gotten the best of her from the get go in kindergarten until Kelly's Dad, Paweł had popped up missing after a few unpaid debts at the OTB parlor down the alley of the bar owned by Murphy, the flower and corner grocery owned by Starling and the butcher owned by Flannery.
His mother was one of Dave's best customers when it came to back room buying and various calls for 'extensions'. It sure as hell wasn't at Colleen's salon these days, she was a Bargain Mart bottle blonde for a cool $10 for 2. Sully was currently out on business, making a contact in Columbia and then making his way to Mexico to pick up a new strain of flower. The Sullivans had made a name quietly for themselves over the years thanks in part to her own Father's dealings with the Flannery family, her first marriage into it, that one wasn't even a year and then Frank Flannery had gone missing only to turn up in a New York harbor. Colleen was the one with the connections and the brains. Dave was just the figure head while she held the power.
"You sure you don't want me to just go in for you, Colly?"
Colleen shook her head and patted Jackie on the shoulder. She fought the urge to kiss him dead on the lips but she knew that would lead to other things. She needed a clear head.
"Nah, I got this, babe."
Only she and her best friend knew Sarah's true lineage was the result of Col's free spirited youth when she hitch hiked to an artists colony down south and met a slightly older man who was home from the war. He'd come from the city but was looking for something new, he'd probably end up down further south somewhere he'd mentioned. After they traveled for a few days and made it to the tiny town of Sloughbridge he left her quietly one evening just after sunset. She'd always remember that his eyes were the same color as the sky on a cloudless day. He was a pilot, a Treetop Flyer. Jimmy had been truly pissed off but more worried than anything else but upon discovering that Colleen was pregnant with his first grandchild he hurried to marry her to finally seal a business deal and to stop the small town he virtually owned from talking about his hippie new age daughter. The eldest Flannery boy, Frank , hadn't been the brightest bulb and had a bit of an anger issue until Colleen had taken things into her own hands. By then every piece of paperwork of signed, sealed and delivered and all the business i's were dotted and the t's crossed. Mary Colleen Murphy-Flannery was a very wealthy not to mention connected woman about town as well as abroad. She fell into Sullivan's lap due to another piece of family business, this time on her dearly departed mother Minnie's side. The Sullivan family owned the McGuire's a significant amount of money due to a loan to purchase their orchards and the town dairy, Col still received a check every now and again from a far flung Sullivan relative whose turn it was to make a payment. Money and material things never mattered to her, she was trying to raise Sarah to live simply, be aware and open to others.
'You're the very best thing that's ever happened to me...do you know that?'
She'd whispered nearly every night to her daughter since she'd come into the world, probably even before. It didn't matter that her child had no true father, this little girl was hers to raise, fiercely and unafraid of the world.
It took no time for Colleen to scale the lattice to the second story and slide the window open.
"Jesus Christ this woman's fucking insane...My mother never did anything like this for me."
Jackie said as he shook his head and lit a cigarette watching as the dark haired woman slipped inside nice and easy. She must have been a cat burglar in the her past life. They'd been hot and heavy for a minute a few years ago but that had tamed. Dave did some under handed things with a dancer a county over and Colleen had put a stop to everyone's fun, her own included and he understood.
Landing quietly on the carpet below the window Colleen found Eugene slumbering deeply. She knew Kelly was down at the Murphy's Tavern trying her damnedest to turn Dave's ear with a sob story. Col had to give Dave that, he was a stand up guy when it came to Sarah and Colleen's happiness. They hadn't wanted for anything material but as far as spending actual time with either of them he was always off on business or making a sale or moving a shipment. The carrier pigeon would be in this evening he'd assured her and he'd already given her an alibi, she was home going over the books. So now was the time to deal with the threat her daughter had been under.
A swift kick to the bed and he was awakened, dazed by a punch to the face and then his head shoved into a black sack. Moving quickly he tied his hands behind his back. Grabbing him tight she nudged him to the car.
"What the fuck....oh christ my mother never did this for me..."
Jacking muttered as he yanked open the backdoor to the Toronado. The silver flash in the moonlight let him know that Colleen was certainly taking after her parents. Jimmy was the level headed one whereas Minnie McGuire had been a wild one, god rest her soul.
"Is she seriously using Minnie's pistol for this?"
A solid thus sounded as the car rocked slightly. Dingus Matsek had smacked his massive squared forehead off the top of the car because Colleen hadn't corrected him. That stopped his babbling for his mother. She motioned for Jackie to move over because she was the one driving this one.
"God help us, kid what did you do to piss her off?"
The engine roared to life as the lights came up with the flick of a switch. Thundering guitars and bells filled the car as the drum beat thrummed.
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives, Nobody's putting up a fight, I got my Bell, I'm gonna take you to Hell
A squeaky scream muffled only slightly by the black sack over his face. Slipping on the safety she brought her arm back and cocked the noisy little shit right in the mouth with the butt of her gun.
"You're going to be taking a neat little trip far faaaar away my dear little bastard stepson."
Jackie had now had his interest peaked. The way she took side streets worried him for a moment. Just how Colleen learned to drive was a mystery as Jimmy hadn't allowed her to do much.
"I went fucking missing for three months. I'm a quick learner. Just hang on and shut up and if you have to throw up roll the window down."
Was what she had said the one time he'd called her to pick him up after a night of drinking years ago. Whoever had taught her had instilled a need for careful speed and tight turns. She also drove on the defensive and always drove a stick.
"I know Dave's been cutting checks for years to pay your mother for your upkeep. He's not listed on your birth certificate but there's no doubt you're his. Still sneaking around with your mother too."
Thundering down the road they turned and Eugene went sliding along the leather with a shriek.
"What's happening?! That doesn't...my mom..."
"Is a lying whore who's the town doorknob and your Dad's a piece of shit too. I know kid. Now get out of my car."
Yanking him out by the hair she walked him along the tarmac where the strip looked completely dead.
"Who are you?!"
Yanking the bag off she let him face her and stare directly into her eyes.
"The mother of a young girl who you had no right to bully. You're nearly twenty and still a junior. She's a freshman and newly fifteen. But you can call me your nightmare."
"Mrs. Sullivan?"
"Right-o. Now, here comes your absolute worst nightmare."
"She-she doesn't have a Dad..."
"It wasn't an immaculate conception, I assure you."
Holding up a slim hand she shushed him. All three of them stood there listening closely as as thunderous road fell from the sky. In an instant a hulking plane appeared on the tarmac.
"There he is, right on time."
It was Jackie's turn to be amazed into a stupor
"Oh hell no..."
He muttered as he dropped his lit cigarette from his lips. That deep rose red and cream paint job gave it away as Treetop. His weed man for damn near close to sixteen years. How the hell had he met Colleen?
Maybe the world should take her more seriously.
He thought to himself as he watched the scene unfold.
The engines cut out as a hulking figure emerged from the cabin of the plane. To Eugene he looked big enough to blot out the very sun if there had been one. A shiver went up his spine as he fought to keep his composure. This woman was insane, her bodyguard was just standing there and now this hulking dude that knew how to fly a fucking plan looked like he wanted make Eugene swallow his own teeth. He never should have targeted Sarah Murphy. But he hadn't known, his mother pushed him to find fault with her when in reality there hadn't been anything wrong with her.
"You like Thailand, boy?"
Completely unsure of what to say his brain defaulted as this man held his gaze. Something about his awake the need to run.
The flush in his face deepened as he heard Mrs. Sullivan cackle upwards toward the moon. A deep chortle was heard from her two cronies. A warm rush something ran down his pants and into his shoes. Eugene David Matsek was nearly legal drinking age and he'd just managed to piss himself in front of absolute strangers.
"Get in the plane, piss pants."
"What...what about my mom?"
"She'll be joining you soon enough. So will Dave. Think of it as a fresh start. You can get a start on the hut."
With a wave the long dark haired woman gave him a cold little wave.
"Don't ever fuck with my daughter ever again."
Was her final warning before she kissed the pilot dead on the lips and gave him a wave.
"I'll meet you next week. Let me know how this goes..and if he pisses you off too badly send him out the door with the parachute."
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stayliquidarchive · 1 year
closed starter for @eulcgizeme !!
muse. sawyer bettancourt, for sir grumps.
plot. a night the band gets to sleep in a hotel, but instead of partying sawyer ops to keep to herself to mess around with songs she never meant for anyone to hear, especially sullivan who judged anything she did music related.
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Her whole career had been spent under a microscope. From girl group to pop princess to rock band, each step had been closer to independence. Or so Sawyer had thought. Now, she had Sullivan with his scrutiny and hatred toward everything she said and did — unless they were skin to skin, to contend with. Her image was still not her own. Caught between displaying something she thought her brother would be proud of, only to be slapped down by his other half at every turn. Sharing the inner most thoughts scribbled in her journal was not an option, but they nagged to be turned into something real. "You're a match and I'm gasoline, we just burn too fast." The strum of the guitar couldn't be lowered, but the lyrics were practically whispered to a hum. "It's hell and it's heaven with you." Fingertips brushed abruptly against the strings at the interruption, as Sullivan stumbled through the door connecting the suites between their hotel rooms. A million thoughts rushed through her mind in regards to the intrusion. "What did I do now?"
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thelostsullivans · 1 year
          ROBERT’S SECRETARY COULDN’T STOP FRANKIE from storming past her desk and straight to his office, knocking loudly three times with the side of their fist before entering. “Pops… Pops, we have a bit of a situation…”
Brown eyes glanced up from the papers in his hand, scrutinizing quickly before going back to work. He turned to retake the seat he’d rose from just moments prior. “I told you to kick the habit, kid. I don’t wan—”
“I’m not high, Pops! This shit is serious.”
The elder stopped with his back toward his grandchild, paused, took a moment to himself before rounding his desk, intent on getting himself a drink from the credenza behind it. Dropping the papers, he grabbed the crystal bottle, poured himself a glass of bourbon, considered providing Frankie with one, and ultimately decided against it. Recapping the bottle, Robert finally pivoted and propped himself against the piece of furniture, drawing a long sip of the brown liquor before continuing. “What shit is serious?”
“She knows. Mia. She knows somethin’,” Frankie blurted after plopping down in a chair across from the desk.
The glass, halfway through its return to its destination, stopped and Robert’s eyes narrowed. “What does she know?”
“I don’t know! Somethin’! She was drunk as fuck the other night when I came home from the club, said she came to see you—- God knows what the fuck for. She said she overheard somethin’, that you weren’t a good man—-”
Robert raised his hand, a silent demand that his grandkid stop speaking. Frankie obliged. “I told you that girl was trouble, did I not?”
“Yeah, but you sa—”
“Did. I. Not?”
Frankie’s lips formed a line and they nodded, pushing out a softer yes.
“I told you that she was trouble and that she would get in the way. I warned you, but just like your idiot father and uncle, you didn’t listen.” He let that hang there, eyes on the other until he let his gaze drop to his drink. Robert took a breath in, abandoned the glass, and moved around to the front of his desk, to stand in front of Frankie. “You didn’t listen, Francis, and now we have a problem on our hands, don’t we?”
Blue eyes peered up at him, frightened, confused, whatever they were. Robert only registered how pitiful they looked, how pitiful Frankie looked.
“I can fix it. Don’t worry. I can— I just need a coup—” Frankie stammered, trying to think fast, grasping at every possible solution that entered their mind.
“No,” his grandfather responded sharply, bending down to meet their eyes at the level they were at now. “I can’t trust you to clean up your own mess, so I’ll do it.” Just as he’d done for his own sons. Robert straightened, smoothed out his suit jacket, and waved a hand toward the door. “Go say your goodbyes, if you must. I’ll get word to you once a clean-up plan is in order. Tell not a soul or you just may find yourself in a little accident too.” His fingers wagged toward the exit, a little more impatiently this time. “Now go.”
Frankie, with their head hung, nodded, rose, and started off. They didn’t get to the door fast enough before hearing their grandfather grumble a little more about how much of a failure they’d become. “Is Pearl truly the only smart one among you?” Echoed in their ears as they left.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
Wibble this is 100% not from an analyst perspective, just from a fun-post-going-around-tumblr-based headcanon—idk if you saw the one where owens was being proclaimed an “ally” bc of that tiny moment where he assumed Max was a boy & his expression when he corrected himself? & basically the assumption he MIGHT’VE been making that max & el were a Thing, & then in the reblogs there were comments ab him having experience with tiny gays bc of mike & will in season 2.
And that was,,, really cute? Like. In theory. So slay of him. & for a hot minutes there i was like—owens as an ally. That could maybe work. Loved his emphasis on consent in season 4, and how he’s better to El in comparison to Brenner & the way he continues to neglect the “informed” part of ethical consent, & the way will got None Of This support in season 2.
Basically im curious about how you arrived at your conclusions ab owens as a conversion therapist!! & your thoughts on the headcanon ig but not really?? Bc i Cannot get a read on this man & my feelings on him are Mixed.
(Also your post on Nancy & Mike and how that conflict’s being set up??? Yeah. I honestly am incapable of being normal about them, and I’m really looking forward to seeing your analysis on the coming conflict)
(Sorry to pop in your ask box again lol. Hope you’re having a good day!!)
i actually answered that here!!! it mostly boils down to his long-standing relationship with brenner that can be traced back to at least the creel murders because of owens’ rose symbolism during his conversation with the general about chrissy and the way his passive attitude works with his grid imagery compared to people like brenner and virginia who are associated with spiders (predators).
the relationship with brenner is important because the lab is heavily implied to be a place performing conversion therapy before henry is captured and experiments turn towards the MKUltra stuff and it seems like brenner and owens were partners. owens was never brenner’s subordinate, but his passive attitude makes it come off that way. brenner actually seems to have a bit of a reliance on owens when we look at how owens was entrusted with his lab even though he was alive and there was no real reason for him to be hiding, seeing as how the government can cover insane shit up. his only fear was el. he relied on owens to get NINA set up, it was a project they worked together on. the way owens talks to brenner is very direct and he isn’t afraid to show his hatred and frustration when they’re alone which is unlike owens, who tends to be more consolable when faced with authority figures like hopper or general sullivan. he gets frustrated with hopper and sullivan, but with brenner he’s stronger in his beliefs. not perfect, but stronger.
he’s got a long history with brenner and the lab. he’s got connections to the creels. i personally believe that owens may have been the one who recommended brenner to virginia, seeing as we don’t know where the creels moved from and it was the 50’s, so getting your hands on possibly out-of-state information about a conversion therapist in buttfuck indiana probably wasn’t easy.
there’s some other stuff regarding grid-imagery and peter and ruth, nevada which connects to some of stephen king’s books (the dark tower universe lore is a Hot Mess)
as for the hcs, i could actually see it being a very realistic growth for his character!! if his son died somehow related to his actions, he would’ve failed his goal; saving him. his conversion therapy doesn’t have the effect he hopes for so he’d likely have to come to terms with the fact that he can’t save people by forcing them to be someone they aren’t and losing his son would be a huge wake up call to that!! with mike and will it would hit even harder because they’re so reminiscent of peter and henry when they were younger
(I’m really excited to talk about it!! Also, never apologize for sending in asks like this I love stuff like that :) )
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reachingforthevoid · 2 years
Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders
I rewatched this serial on 26 February 2023. It’s another one that I’ve watched quite a few times during my life, thanks to the ABC’s repeats during the 1970s in Australia.
Anyways, the tale opens with interspersing scenes of Mike Yates in civvies wandering around a mansion and stumbling across a group of Buddhist chanters and the Doctor and the Brigadier, also in civvies, at some kind of stage show. Turns out, the Doctor is intrigued by a real-life clairvoyant, who dies from fright at the images conjured by the return of the Metebelis Three blue crystal. Jo has sent the crystal back because the people they’re with in South America don’t like it. Meanwhile, Mike has enticed Sarah to the meditation clinic for a story about something sinister. We get quite a lot about Tibetan Buddhism, which delightfully doubles as an explanation for regeneration. 
The spiders appear, chasing after the crystal. We leap to Metebelis Three, which is a little different from when we last saw it. Time, eh. There’s lots of factions and factions within factions. The spiders are despotic rulers, unsurprisingly; yet in that lies the seed of their own destruction, as well as the Doctor’s death.
And so we say farewell to Jon Pertwee as Dr/Doctor Who (both are used in the end credits throughout his time on the show). Colour, and the related TV production changes, marked quite a difference in approach to the show that’s now finishing its first eleventh season. The Pertwee serials also really laid on the newly invented mythology of the show, with loads of Time Lords popping up everywhere and the Doctor’s physiology being demonstrably alien. It’s fun that this serial includes a wonderful James Bond style chase as send off to Pertwee’s love of vehicles and gadgets. 
Fun facts: we first hear the name Doris in connection to the Brigadier, and learn of a UNIT Medical Officer named Sullivan. The regeneration of K’anpo Rimpoche neatly foreshadows the Doctor’s next regeneration.
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greensparty · 26 days
Talking with Jim Sullivan
In the Boston music scene, Jim Sullivan has been quite a tastemaker for decades. He began writing about music and pop culture for The Boston Globe in 1979 and remained there until 2005. He is still in touch with national and local music today, writing for WBUR's The ARTery. He has been a fly on the wall for so much great music and rubbing elbows with so many rockers over the years. Last year saw the release of his books Backstage & Beyond: 45 Years of Modern Rock Chats and Rants Vol. 1 and 2, which were just released in paperback editions and in an E-book all-in-one version with some added chapters not featured in Vol. 1 or 2.
The books are a collection of encounters he has had with a number of musicians over the years notably David Bowie, Lou Reed, The Kinks, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Alice Cooper, The Clash, The Police, Talking Heads, and U2. There is also quite an emphasis on Boston rockers The J. Geils Band, The Cars, The Pixies, and of course Aerosmith!
I recently caught up with Mr. Sullivan via phone. We have been connected on social media for a while now and have a ton of mutual friends in common, but we hadn't actually talked until now. When I mentioned that I read his articles in the music section of the Globe as a teen, he said "So I have both influenced and damaged your life". Ha! That's one way of looking at it!
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author Jim Sullivan
Me: What's cool about these books is that it's like a compendium of your "greatest hits" in a way.
JS: In a way it is. It sort of expanded and shifted perspective a bit, and certainly if I had talked to an artist over an expansive time, the stories kind of merged together. The other thing I did was put myself a little more in the story to set the scene and what the relationship with me and the other person might've been. And through the inside details that would not have shown up in a newspaper type story.
Me: These books are really a who's who of music history. But is there any musician who you never got to meet or interview that you always wanted to?
JS: I guess my standard answer to that is either Mick [Jagger] or Keith [Richards] back in the day. When the Rolling Stones were creating more new music. I guess they are now as well, so I guess they would be now as well. But when they talked it was with my partner at the Globe, Steve Morse, he kind of did the inside track on them. He would handle anything Stones-wise. Whereas I would handle mostly The Who, The Kinks, Bowie, Roxy Music - a pretty good list, so I wasn't that sorry that Steve took the Stones. But from a personal point of view, it would've been fun to do that.
Me: Let's talk about Aerosmith. I'm a lifelong fan, I've met them, and I've seen them live countless times. You have a chapter on guitarist Joe Perry. You have actually become friends with them, including bassist Tom Hamilton, who you golf with. What's it like to hang out with them, not to do an interview but just to hang out, golf and talk about life?
JS: One of the best hangs we had - Tom and Joe were both there - was at the Hollywood Vampires show in Boston last year. It's funny because I golfed with Alice [Cooper] during the day and then said "Hey, I'll see you tonight" and we had backstage passes (my wife and I) and we went back before the show. Joe was in the band, so he was there, and then Tom showed up and their wives too. It was kind of a family affair. It was nice, we had plenty of time to talk. It was fun, off the record, just talking to Joe and Tom about life itself. Also fun stepping back to watch Joe and Tom interact, which was really quite sweet. They've been together off and on, it's not a steady line (as you well know) from the beginning to now. But to see that that friendship still existed and that easy camaraderie they had there, it was great to just observe. Just realizing that these guys have been through a lot and at the end of the day they've remained friends and just enjoy each other's company. Nice to just kind of watch.
Tom joined our little golf gang a few years ago. He has been a fairly frequent participant. It's fun because Tom is good and bad like the rest of us. He does not come off in any rock star kind of way. He dresses in black, which I tend to as well. But there's no way anyone on the golf course would say "Hey, that's Tom Hamilton of Aerosmith". I mean if somebody does recognize him, he's fine with it, take a picture or something like that. For him it's a good escape, like it is for us. Reality doesn't exist for four or five hours. You get to hammer away at something you sometimes succeed at and often fail at. Tom, like the rest of us, smiles when he gets a good shot and curses like a sailor when he doesn't. [laughs] Joe is kind of interesting too. During the COVID-19 shutdown, we sort of formed a bit of a bond over the phone. I did stories on the shutdown, did stories on Aerosmith. There was one time in particular I remember where he rang up, out of the blue, said hey. And I said "Is this an interview" and he said no, but I asked if I wanted to tape it and anything good came out of it, you good with that? and he said "Oh yeah, sure". We talked for about 45 minutes or so. Good things came out of that. We've spent some good time together. It doesn't extend to dinner parties in his home, but it's certainly a good relationship both personal and professional.
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book covers
Me: I was actually at that Hollywood Vampires show (see my concert pics here). In terms of these 2 volumes you released, could there be another volume with more interviews and stories?
JS: There could be. There's a few possibilities I've written down. We've talked about doing it, but we'll see.
Me: In your chapter about Peter Wolf, you asked him why he stayed in Boston after getting famous. I wanted to ask you a similar question: Did you ever think about leaving Boston and covering music in another city?
JS: Only slightly. I mean, you're aware of what's going on in other cities, pre-internet, getting tips from people living in other places. But I got in at the Globe pretty early when I was 22 as a freelancer. The Globe was a great paper and at that point and time especially and for quite a while when I was there, the Globe had a lot of space to fill and it was making money hand-over-fist, so they could afford to send me places even as a freelancer to L.A. or Minneapolis or Chicago, Detroit or wherever. So there was a lot of freedom to both travel and get stories and a lot that came in to Boston. Anything that came to New York, be it from England or anywhere else in the U.S., if they played New York they were going to play Boston. So even if New York was a hotter scene overall, Boston - I thought - was pretty damn close, so the overlapping bands was probably 98%. I felt I could cover as many of those groups as I wanted to here as any place. Also - the Globe was great. It was a very supportive environment and good editors. Long way of saying, I liked working in Boston and then, of course, friendships, etc. that I made over the years.
For info on Backstage and Beyond Vol. 1 and 2
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jcmarchi · 10 months
LIFT Program helps Cambridge youth become tomorrow’s changemakers
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/lift-program-helps-cambridge-youth-become-tomorrows-changemakers/
LIFT Program helps Cambridge youth become tomorrow’s changemakers
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On Nov. 29, a team of young adults stood in front of a crowd at The Link coworking space in Kendall Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and presented their idea for a smart, watch-like device that monitors a user’s vitals for signs of anger and prompts them with guided breathing exercises. The device would also connect via Bluetooth to a virtual reality headset that could lead the user through conflict resolution scenarios.
Such high-tech presentations are common in Kendall Square, but the presenters weren’t a team of PhD students — they were local Cambridge youth working as part of the Lemelson-MIT Program’s Leaders Inventing the Future Together (LIFT) initiative.
In collaboration with My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Cambridge, the LIFT program offered 18- to 24-year-old local residents an intensive, six-week course covering invention, technology, and entrepreneurship. The program worked in conjunction with MBK’s curriculum on mental health coaching and challenged participants to create solutions for problems they see in their community.
“We’re trying to bring inclusive invention and innovation into our community, especially for people who are traditionally kept out of these kinds of spaces,” Lemelson-MIT Project Facilitator Michelle Sullivan said at the final pitch event. “They also just have really good ideas, and the Cambridge community is our backyard. While we’re working nationwide, we want to be a part of the local community.”
For MBK Cambridge, a nonprofit that supports local youth and parents, the partnership offered an opportunity to tap into MIT’s innovation resources and ecosystem.
“One of MBK’s goals is to provide a springboard to the 21st-century economy,” MBK Cambridge Co-president Ty Bellitti says. “So many of our young people in Cambridge are extremely dynamic, but we’re not 100 percent sold that a traditional academic setting brings out their genius. Having Kendall Square just a stone’s throw away from where these young people are growing up, it’s only right that they have access to not only buildings, but the ideas being exchanged within these buildings.”
Many of the participants said that exposure has changed the way they think about their careers.
“I wasn’t sure what to expect, but working with MIT has been amazing,” Cambridge resident Khalib Dollin Dottin said. “I’ve been hearing about this school my entire life. Being able to work with them has been a pleasure.”
A program with a purpose
The collaboration began when Tony Clark, the other co-president of MBK, worked with Lemelson-MIT in the spring as part of a program with local high school students.
“Tony would come tell me about it every week,” Bellitti recalls. “He was saying, ‘What these kids are doing is incredible. It’s really opening their mind to the possibilities of invention.’”
MBK was already planning a mental health coaching program this fall, so it teamed up with Lemelson-MIT to incorporate a curriculum on inventing technologies to help with mental health.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m., Lemelson-MIT would work with the students, equipping them with skills like identifying a problem, prototyping, and getting feedback, and on Wednesdays MBK would conduct its mental health coaching program.
“Learning about mental health can be challenging because you’re learning about your own mental health and where you stand with anxiety and depression, and often times things pop up for you because you see it in yourself or you see it in friends and family,” Bellitti says. “But it’s also been great watching young people run toward the idea that mental health discussions are important. We’re normalizing those conversations.”
Participants were paid hourly for their participation, which required them to commit several hours toward the work a week. But Clark says it wasn’t about the money. He knows because the week leading up to presentations, participants were calling him late at night to get access to their center to work on their project on the side.
“We couldn’t kick them out,” Clark jokes.
Participants formed teams and Clark says there was a competitive atmosphere. But he was also heartened to see teams come together to help each other through different technical and business problems.
“It was a great opportunity,” said participant Abdul Dirir. “I’ve never had an experience like this, where I’m creating new ideas for society. It was definitely a challenging process, but my team caught on quickly and each day we just got better and progressed.”
Clark and Bellitti have come to see entrepreneurship as a promising career path for their youth.
“There are over 70 companies on the NASDAQ in Cambridge, and they all started with an idea,” Clark says. “When you talk to our young people, you realize their dreams might not be found in a typical job description, so how do they create that pathway for themselves? The recent Cambridge election was all about rent, but these young folks want to own, and part of being an entrepreneur is owning your time. That’s critically important to these young people.”
Beyond the classroom
Toward the end of the program, Bellitti brought participants to Microsoft as part of an effort to expose participants to careers in technology. As they were waiting in the lobby, MBK’s young people were discussing Raspberry Pi circuit boards and Micro:bits. A few were disagreeing over what tech they were going to use to build their drones.
“No matter what we expose our young folks to, they walk in speaking one language and they walk out speaking another,” Bellitti says. “They’re talking about getting access to makerspaces and The Hive [co-working space] and 3D printers to continue on with their inventions. It’s been a beautiful thing to witness.”
Many participants said they would continue working on their projects after the program. Dirir, for instance, came into the program thinking he wanted to be a financial advisor. The program made him think about becoming an engineer and building things to solve problems instead.
“Especially being a person of color, this program made my potential more clear,” Dirir said. “It showed me some missing pieces, like the importance of networking.”
The program focused less on making sure participants become startup founders and more on equipping them with broader skills they can use no matter their career paths. It also aimed to show them that they have what it takes to lead businesses like the ones whose skyscrapers dot the skyline around Kendall Square.
“A lot of these youth want to pursue careers in technology, and this experience has solidified their decision to enter the field,” Bellitti says. “That makes us proud because we want our young people to be in the C suites and to earn a living for themselves that allows them to live a life of their dreams. We’ve got the examples right here in their own city. They don’t have to go far to find it.”
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parkerbombshell · 10 months
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Tuesdays 11am  EST Join your host Nicky G as he takes a deep dive into the world of melodic, hook-filled Rock and Pop from the 1960’s right up to today.  Both familiar and obscure Power Pop, Soft Pop, Brit Pop, Garage Rock, Sunshine Pop, Mod and even some Psychedelia from around the world are presented on each show.  Nothing is out of bounds on “Poptastic Sounds!”, where the focus is always on the music!  In the late 1950’s, Nicky connected with rock and roll - primarily Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry.  As a toddler, his mother used to serve him his dinner every day in front of the TV as “American Bandstand” served as his babysitter.  Through the show he was exposed to not only rock and roll, but R&B as well.  The template was established.   Then, around 1964, a strong wind from “across the pond” changed Nicky’s life forever - it was called The British Invasion!  It became his “ground zero”.  From that moment on, he became a “sponge”.  Almost every waking hour was spent listening to Top 40 radio, absorbing where rock and roll co-existed with R&B and pop music and watching TV shows like “American Bandstand”, “Shindig!”, “Hullaballoo”, “Clay Cole’s Scene ’70”, “The Lloyd Thaxton Show” and “Where The Action Is!”, along with weekly variety shoes like “The Ed Sullivan Show”.  Almost every penny he had was spent on records - 45’s in the beginning, eventually graduating to LPs - a habit that continues to this day (but not with every penny)!  Ever the “sponge”, he takes great pride sharing his lifelong, curated “collection” and his knowledge with the world! Read the full article
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smallmxgic · 1 year
jaymi sullivan
FULL NAME: jaymi sullivan NICKNAME(S): jay AGE: 24 DATE OF BIRTH: october 13th ZODIAC SIGN: virgo PLACE OF BIRTH: dunsmuir, california ETHNICITY: white NATIONALITY: american GENDER: cis male SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: aromantic (as far as he’s concerned) RELIGION: atheist OCCUPATION: hitman LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english ACCENT: western american
FACE CLAIM: oliver stark HAIR COLOR: dirty blonde EYE COLOR: light blue HEIGHT: 6′2″ WEIGHT: 185lbs BUILD: muscular TATTOOS: a wolf paw on the inside of his right bicep PIERCINGS: none DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: birthmark over his left eyebrow
POSITIVES: protective, will do what needs to be done, determined NEGATIVES: very little remorse, self-reliant, coercive LIKES: his brother, causing trouble, solitude, control DISLIKES: people,
FATHER: dennis sullivan (deceased) MOTHER: marie sullivan (deceased) SIBLING(S): jordi sullivan (twin brother) PET(S): none FINANCIAL STATUS: lower middle class
life was not kind to jaymi or his brother starting from the second they were born. their mother died in childbirth, their father was the leader of an off-the-grid anti-government magic-fearing militia commune. all of that on it’s own would be bad enough for any kid, but add in the fact that their mother was a shifter, thus passing her magic onto the twins, nothing good could’ve come of it. jaymi’s abilities manifested first, which meant their father’s unmatched hatred & anger towards that reveal was thrown directly at the younger twin, resulting in jaymi being even more fucked up than before (to put it simply). he quickly & easily became a puppet & tool to their father’s manipulation, that control only growing stronger when jordi’s magic started developing, & jamyi was determined to protect his brother from their father, knowing firsthand just what he is capable of. when they turned 17, jordi got himself into unintentional trouble, which resulted in their father openly considering just getting rid of the kid for good. refusing to let that happen, jaymi ambushed & killed their father, grabbed jordi, & the brothers ran. unfortunately for jaymi, the damage was already done to him, & no amount of time free of the commune & their father will fix him. he was a killer for their father, & it’s the one thing he’s good at, & is willing to do so (but now, for the right price. gotta earn money somehow, now that they’re on the run.)
v;; can’t control me now (shifter)
free from their father’s control, jaymi & jordi travel wherever they want, more often than not without a destination in mind. once in a while, when a job opportunity pops up for him, jaymi will split off from his brother long enough to take care of it before meeting back up somewhere new. the longest the brothers have been apart since leaving dunsmuir is a month, jamyi taking on a series of connected jobs that allowed the two to live comfortably for a year or so before having to go searching again.
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