#( reggie. / && connection. )
queenbeekb13 · 6 months
Rewatching jatp for the [redacted] time and thinking about how Rose was the last person to talk to the boys before they died which led me to think about the fact that she must have bedazzled the Sunset Curve shirt afterwards.
She would’ve been there when the show got canceled since they didn’t come back and then found out what happened. But she bedazzled in anyways. Not only did she keep that shirt for 25 years but she personalized it, poured love into it. Rose saw the boys perform at a rehearsal once and talked to them once and still saw something worth not only remembering and preserving in a representation of their music but something worth making her own in order to showcase that brief but vital connection they all had.
I’m still so unwell about this show
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ace-with--a-mace · 11 months
weather is starting to feel like i need to rewatch jatp
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dovand · 10 months
P.G. Wodehouse characters on panel shows
Because I had A Thought in the jerver (Jeeves x Wooster server) and had to expand it to Many Thoughts, owing to my normalness about both Wodehouse and britcom :)
Long & incredibly niche post (x"D) under the cut!
Preface: Characters covered vary and I may not be entirely accurate as I have not consumed as much Wodehouse as I'd like. Polite discussion entirely welcome (and, in fact, desired)!
Jeeves would do well fact-wise but, owing to the fact that he does not watch the show and thus does not understand the format, would, on attempting to make a joke, be klaxoned to hell and back (possibly via goading by Alan). Unless he very carefully managed to dodge the goading he would not win and would be very bitter about it
The Elves would absolutely adore him btw. There'd be a behind the scenes photo of him looking puzzled/slightly scared while the Elves who are there on filming days all pose around him and grin at the camera
Would never forget to use his buzzer (regardless of how embarrassing it is) because he feels bad about interrupting. Would be very much unnerved by Stephen (obviously) and perhaps a little intimidated by how flamboyant he is. Aisling Bea would like him I think
Wooster would have no idea what was going on but would be endearing enough to make up for it entirely. Sort of like Johnny Vegas. He would have to be stopped forcibly from going on long rambling anecdotes a la Gyles Brandreth. If the host is Stephen he will not be paying any attention to anything being said the entire evening. Might win entirely by accident because he's saying nothing remotely relevant & thus is never klaxoned. (Though tbh he might have a heart attack before even starting the show on account of seeing a man who appears pretty much to be Jeeves wearing colour!)
Would get along well with Bill Bailey I think—agents of chaos the both of them. Alan would make fun of Wooster for being posh (a la the way the panel usually makes fun of Stephen). Would do very well on live demos. Stephry would adore him & he would not know what to do with it ("why is campier Jeeves so enamoured of me?"). Sandi would LOVE him. Might bring a blue whale plushie along for emotional support
Ukridge (and here my Wodehouse knowledge starts to thin) would very confidently be very incorrect but would be so charismatic about it that the Elves would forget to klaxon him until he was done speaking. Almost Rhod Gilbert-y levels of accidentally-on-purpose annoying (see: Rhod claiming that it gets totally dark at night in Denmark for like 5 minutes). Gyles Brandreth-levels of ability to talk at length. He starts spontaneously filibustering in the middle of the episode
(A.K.A. 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, but the full acronym is so much more fun)
Jeeves wins. Obviously. He would be guest team captain I think, and he would absolutely carry. Jon would be awkward the whole episode because he's being outperformed by this weird posh guy. The jokes about Jimmy being weird and non-expressive and android-like would be redirected at Jeeves and he would just kind of stare blankly at them
His mascot would be something very simple or something very strange/non-humorous (like. Not even a lucky fancy pen, just a fancy pen that writes well that he can use for the working-out). He'd get the conundrum immediately
If Joe Wilkinson was on to do A Bit you'd be able to see him looking confused in the background the entire time
Wooster is hopeless. Maybe if he's on a team with Jon or Jeeves he'd be able to scrape some points but, realistically, he's drawing on his paper the whole time. He takes to the mascot-ing with abject glee & does very well with that. Panel is not sure whether to make fun of Jimmy or Wooster for being posh. Russell Howard would like him
Would be delighted by a Joe cameo. Would be very polite when requesting his letters and/or numbers. Would delight Susie Dent
Ukridge is in Dictionary Corner fucking shit up. If he knows how to work PowerPoint then he's got a PowerPoint to back up his little bit of standup; if not he's got hand-drawn posters. Nobody is quite sure what he's talking about. There's something about ungulates in there. Possibly a mention of cellular respiration. He spends the whole episode asking Jimmy for money. He gets on with Joe.
Corky, for reasons* that go entirely unexplained sits quietly next to Ukridge in Dictionary Corner for the whole episode. He is not mentioned by name once. People in the YouTube comments are asking who the weird silent guy is & if anyone else can see him & if it's some avant-garde Bit that they're doing. Someone says they wish that they'd've tried this Bit out with Jimmy
(*He's emotional support)
Archie Moffam starts crying
Mock the Week
Wooster is entirely unfamiliar with current events. Lends a Milton Jones air to the whole panel. Dressed similarly to Ed Byrne; they are both made fun of for wearing waistcoats
Jeeves is not asked onto the show because he would start doing actual fully-fledged political commentary and being so good at it that nobody would feel comfortable interrupting him
Ukridge would have either Egg Scramble (i.e. Ed Gamble) or Milton Jones vibes for reasons I cannot explain. Would get distracted by the flies & start trying to catch them in his hands
Corky is too soft-spoken to get a word in edgewise
Would I Lie To You?
Jeeves has an excellent poker face & ability to distinguish truths from lies, rendering him excellent at parlour games. Unfortunately he does not understand what there is to be enjoyed in them & as such is only invited on for one episode. He does get into a good little argument with David about something horribly pedantic, though. Also Rob makes fun of him by doing his O.O face into camera and Jeeves entirely misses it
Wooster is great at telling stories but horrible at lying. Everyone loves having him on because he tells a captivating story but it's so so easy to tell when he's lying. Might team up with Lee to annoy David. Rob really likes him. Starts spinning on his chair when they're doing pick-ups, distracting everyone
Ukridge is pretty good at playing. His comedic rant abilities rival David's, except he's not actually really trying to be comedic. All his stories end up being about Schemes & he writes them down during the episode planning to try them. People think this is a bit. It is not.
Only Connect
Jeeves is far too literally-minded for the connecting board but he does remarkably well on the rest of it. Victoria pokes fun at him the entire episode for being posh. He does not notice
Wooster's mind works in such mysterious circuitous ways that he's actually rather good at the connecting board. Unfortunately he is bollocks at the rest of it
Big Fat Quiz
Jeeves does not do very well. Too much pop culture for him
Wooster also does not do very well. His mind is like a sieve except the sieve has very big holes. Or maybe even no holes tbh. So basically his mind is like a sieve if you took the mesh out and all you have left is the metal loop around the top. Essentially he remembers nothing about anything. He brings homemade* sandwiches for the snacking segment. He is goofy & delightful enough that he does quite well be he is not invited back on account of performing so terribly. He does wear a spiffing outfit for the occasion though
(*i.e. Jeeves-made)
Ukridge does surprisingly well. He does start talking about his schemes though. He tries to get Jimmy in on them. He does not succeed
Corky is apparently the only chap who reads the newspapers. He does quite well!
Reggie Pepper also reads the newspapers but he is too busy being inexplicably hot while phoning people from bed so he only gets the barebones of most stories
(I don't know if this really counts as a panel show, but what the hell.)
Jeeves takes everything literally and is very polite to Alex during all of the tasks. His prize tasks are almost all underwhelming except for one that is accidentally genius. He is so single-mindedly focused during studio tasks that he looks like he is about to murder someone the entire time. Surprise tasks/extra rules that he didn't notice prompt him to stare blankly into the middle distance. Greg is baffled by and attracted to him in equal measure throughout the season. The fanbase is very starkly divided on him. He probably wins the series but not many episodes
Wooster is a sort of Mike Wozniak figure. Endearingly baffled the entire time. Moves in an odd but captivating manner. Committed to the bit. Starts telling anecdotes while he's meant to be doing tasks. Absolutely delights Greg. Is probably lifted up in a studio session at least once (a la Jacaster)
Archie Moffam continues crying
Ukridge wears his mackintosh to studio sessions. He is overly familiar with Alex, who looks despairingly into the camera every time he is manhandled or asked to help with a Scheme. Every prize task is either an opportunity to get Greg in on a Scheme, or to offload things he does not need from previous unsuccessful (i.e. all) Schemes. He gets second place and is pleased as punch about it
That's about all I have at the present moment. Perhaps I'll update with more characters once I've ventured further into the House of Wode. Tootle-pip for now!
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missing jatp everyday but missing it harder today!!
I'm always thinking of how jatp would've kept going, so lets dive into those thoughts today.
Julie is supposed to grow up. and the boys aren't. That's awkward for them i suppose lol. my idea is that they wouldn't make the inside universe of jatp last five years, i guess they could last like two, at best. I do think they have potential plots for 4+ seasons, what i would've like seeing would be:
Julie's friendship with Flynn getting even more screentime
giving Flynn more background
a redemption arc to Carrie
a closure for Trevor and the phantoms (idk man just erase him from my sight) along w some more insight into Sunset Curve and its dynamics. (I want the angst of luke calling his childhood best friend a traitor to his face)
Caleb's past and destruction.
A bigger villain. to also get destroyed. (like having villains is not their biggest problem here)
More ghost powers!!!
A rival band (who could also be read as a villain)
Willie's past
A girl ghost (bonus if she becomes a regular character.)
Alex getting another boyfriend and having drama with Willie (owen said it'd be cool and i agree) but Willex endgame.
Alex's sister. (I really dont care abt his parents, they can just be dead)
Reggie's family (how cool would be if Reggie found out his brother had a son?)
And last, but not least, Julie and The Phantoms as band. I want band tour, band interview, band shenanigans, more songs, alex and reggie singing more songs. (I need my reggie's country album)
As for the ending. I think alike Jeremy Shada when he said that the ending should go with all of them parting ways and here's how i think it should go.
For Luke, they should go with the ghost magic with no explanation and bring Luke back to life, no, i dont care if its tacky or cliche, i just want a happy ending. would also be really funny if julie and luke only got together at the final season when Luke comes back to life.
For Alex, i imagine him and Willie remaining together as ghosts and turning the old hgc club in a ghost community and look for new ghosts to help them through the after life. Alex once said the after life should come with instructions, what's better having a ghost commune where they can have ghost powers lessons, ghost therapy and support for unfinished business? it'd also be Alex and Willie's little happy never-ending.
For Reggie. Baby is crossing over. After watching his brother heal from the storm of their parents' relationship, spend some quality time being part of Julie's family, having at least one fling, playing with his one chosen family and becoming a legend, Reggie could decide to crossover. and come back as a puppy. (Bc it'd be funny)
For Julie, she's carries on being a star, plays with different bands through her career and if anyone asks her abt her mysterious band as a teen and where those guys went, she plays a joke of "oh, they don't even live here anymore."
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arcadekitten · 2 years
That one piece of art you made with lyrics from hold it in has me wanting to know- if Reggie did ever tell crowven that he liked Mary would crowven spill the beans?
I'm gonna use Cemetery Mary real quick as an example for this!
Let's say, hypothetically, Crowven met Reginald under neutral circumstances and even saw him more than a few times, especially if either of them were already hanging out with Mary.
Reggie wouldn't even have to tell him, Crowven would pick up on it and know. I think it's much more obvious to people who aren't Mary.
And Crowven would "tell" Mary in the sense that he teases her about it constantly. Mary would tell Crowven she's going out to meet with Reginald that day and he'd be all "Oh, Reginald? Your boyfriend?" and she'd get embarrassed be all "Crowven!!!! >_<"
And then, similarly, if they were to all hang out together he would tease them both about it too. He'd make jokes like "Oh, I'll sit on this side. I don't want to get between the lovebirds after all!" or "Y'know Mary, it's a bit weird to invite me on your DATE" and it would cause both Mary and Reginald to get very flustered and embarrassed because it somehow always catches them off-guard. They're not particularly mad about it, though. It's all in good fun.
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wingsmadeforflying · 1 year
Welcome to: this brush had paint on it, and should not have been in my mouth.
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The things we do for references, folks.
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
i literally miss jarchie so much like objectively not the worst thing about the season but i wish they still hung out :((
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thelostsullivans · 1 year
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ROBERT “POPS” SULLIVAN. Luke, Bullet, Frankie, and Reggie's grandfather. City councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted Frankie and Bullet in their later teens; didn’t approve of his son Kelly’s marriage to Bullet's mother Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. Favors Frankie over Bullet ( most of the time ) and doesn't know about Luke and Reggie ( yet ).
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JOHN SULLIVAN. Frankie's father and uncle to Bullet, Reggie, and Luke. Eldest son of Robert. Fuck up, but not as big as Kelly. Currently incarcerated in New York.
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KELLY SULLIVAN. Father of Luke, Bullet, and Reggie. Only knows for certain about Bullet. General criminal, currently incarcerated in New York, but getting released soon. Asshole.
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FLORENCE ( nee DARCY ) SULLIVAN. Mother of Bullet and estranged wife of Kelly. Con artist and thief. Currently incarcerated in New Mexico. Turned Kelly in to get immunity in an unrelated case.
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RIVA DARCY. Maternal aunt of Bullet. Looks out for her when she's in town. Personal hero of the younger redhead. Hates the Sullivans. Tried to adopt Bullet when her sister was thrown in the clink until Robert got in her way.
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MICHAEL “MIKEY” SULLIVAN. Younger brother of Frankie. Perished in an auto accident. Honestly was Frankie’s heart; they loved that kid. It’s difficult for Frankie to speak of Mikey now, but if they do, it’s all glowing.
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DONNY WILSON. Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand. Had no business messing around with Bullet at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things. Bullet calls him her first love, but that ain't it.
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LILAH BECKWITH. Bullet considers her her first girlfriend, though she was Frankie's at the time. Broke Bullet's heart and really just pissed Frankie off.
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SARA JAKOB. The one who got away for Frankie. They have a tattoo of her name in a heart on their chest and they refuse to get it removed. Very, very sore subject.
------------------ ...to be continued...
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scover-va · 2 years
Brainrotting on Reggie again anyways did you guys know I give Reggie and Lionel the same coloured eyes
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moonlit-typewriter · 2 years
Not Ready To Make Nice by The Chicks is an Alex song and I would like to talk about it.
The whole song is, in my opinion, a perfect way of talking about Alex's experience with coming out, specifically the reaction he supposedly got from his parents.
Kenny Ortega has said that Alex is a proud gay man. He has no regrets about coming out, he knows who he is and he would never feel ashamed of it. This is why I love NRTMN for him.
Let's go through some of the lyrics real quick:
Forgive, sounds good Forget, I’m not sure I could They say time heals everything But I’m still waiting
First stanza, first verse. I personally think that Alex is a "be the bigger person" type, a "sure whatever it's fine" type. But with this, it's a little different. He shakes it off, sure; he doesn't let the things his parents said get in the way of being proud of who he is. But their words always stick with him. Even after he dies and 25 years pass, the words still hurt, there's no question to that. He can move past the things they said when he shared this huge part of himself with them, but he's never going forget it, no matter how many years pass.
I’m through with doubt There’s nothing left for me to figure out I’ve paid a price And I’ll keep paying
Second stanza, first verse. It's exactly how the song puts it. Alex has no doubt in his mind about his identity. There's nothing for him to "contemplate", no way that it's "just a phase", nothing else aside from complete confidence in who he is. He did pay a price for it though, it cost him his relationship with his parents and most likely a lot of other people who were in his life until that point. But if that's what it's going to cost for him to live life to his truest, he's willing to give it all up. He has a chosen family who loves and supports him and that's all he needs.
I’m not ready to make nice I’m not ready to back down I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round and round It’s too late to make it right I probably wouldn’t if I could ‘Cause I’m mad as hell Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
Chorus. Do I believe Alex safeguards his emotions??? Absolutely. Do I think it makes logical sense for him to be genuinely angry at his parents for not accepting him??? Absolutely. And it's not just his parents it's their friends and their church and people at school. Alex is mad at them for being able to destroy a [x] years relationship over loving someone differently. He's angry that his parents and the church for being so hypocritical as to tell him they'd love him unconditionally only to scorn him on a dime. But despite all this, he's not backing down. He's proud of who he is, and always will be, and he's not going to waste his time trying to win back the ones who cast him out. And he's not going to debate the issue either. So many times, his parents listed reasons why being gay was a sin or wrong and tried to convince him to retract his words but he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of playing into it. He's got things to do, and a life to live and he doesn't need to go around in circles.
And now, now it's too late to change anything. Alex is dead, and his parents never have to see him again. But even so, if they're not going to accept him, if they weren't willing to support him during such a difficult time in his life, then they're not worth it. So he wouldn't try and make it right. They showed their true colors when it mattered and it told him everything.
So he is mad. Mad at the way everything went down but not mad at himself and so he's not going to apologize to them. He didn't do anything wrong. He's not going to try and make amends with them if it means he has to be anything less than his whole self, no matter how many people say things like "Oh but they're your parents" or "don't you think you're overreacting???"
I know you said Can’t you just get over it It turned my whole world around And I kind of like it
Second verse. I have a hc that the Mercers were this almost nuclear family, a picture-perfect group. So when news of their son's "confession" started to spread, people probably sought Alex out. Even if they weren't outwardly hateful, they'd tell him how much he was "breaking his mother's heart" or that he should "bring it up with the pastor, he'll help set things right", etc. Most people, especially adults, sided with his parents. They refused to understand why Alex was "making such a big deal about it". But the guys do, they not only understand Alex's anger, but they're also angry for him. This is their best friend, their brother.
As for the last 2 lines, Alex coming out completely changed things. Even if he wasn't actually kicked out, his parents rarely spoke to him, barely even looked at him anymore; he was a stranger in his own home. But it also changed his life in so many other ways that made all that worth it. He got to be himself. He didn't have to hide who he was anymore, he had people in his life who truly loved him, and he was getting to live his dreams as a drummer and a person. So while it did hurt, the way his relationship with his family and his church crumbled, he loved everything else that resulted from it.
I made my bed and I sleep like a baby With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’ It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger And how in the world can the words that I said Send somebody so over the edge That they’d write me a letter Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing Or my life will be over
Bridge. THIS ONE FUCKING HITS. There's so much to unpack in just these lines. First of all, again, Kenny Ortega confirmed that Alex isn't ashamed of his identity, he doesn't regret coming out. He's making his own path to living life the way he wants and he's content with that. But with the part that starts on the 3rd line, Alex isn't just expressing his anger at his parents, he's expressing it for the world in which he lives where homophobia is a rampant thing. He cannot fathom how just a few words could make someone who doesn't know him very well - maybe who doesn't even know him at all - decide that he is less than they are. What kind of parents will teach their kids, especially the ones from his church, who constantly preach that G-d loves everyone, that there are people who deserve to be treated like less than dirt because of who they love. To Alex, his being gay doesn't affect anyone but himself, but other people choose to take it personally. What happens when people find out and it starts affecting the band??? When people tell him that, as a musician, his job isn't to "cause trouble" or "be political." Honestly, some of them care less about him being gay and more about him being open about it. They tell him "you're an entertainer. That's your job. That's it. So you either shut up about all of this gay stuff and you play your music, or else."
Imagine that he pretends it doesn't bother him. He just clenches his jaw and keeps moving forward but sometimes, especially when no one else is around, he just breaks down. Because he just doesn't understand why people take such offense to who he is. Why do they say such heinous things to a person they've never sat down with???
So no, he's Not Ready To Make Nice to those who were never nice to him in the first place. He has no obligation to his parents, who decided that his love for men instead of women was enough to throw away 17 years of life before that. The parents who told him they loved him but forgot to tell him that that love was contingent. That it has strings attached to it and those strings could be cut with 2 simple words. And he has no obligation to the people who never really knew him, whether they were the people at church, the ones at school, or the strangers he'd never met.
He was never ashamed of who he was, but that doesn't mean that he was never hurt by who other people turned out to be.
Congrats and many thanks if you actually read this far. Love ya <3
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reggiecristal · 1 month
My mom having the DNC on all night just...
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ultravioletbrit · 25 days
“Italy” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 333 words
Regulus has his suitcase packed and he’s almost out the door when Sirius stops him.
“Where are you going?” Sirius asks him.
“Italy.” Regulus almost growls.
“Why are you going to Italy?” Sirius asks ignoring Regulus’ tone.
“He asked me to marry him, Sirius!” Regulus says through gritted teeth.
“Yes. I know.” Sirius tells him.
“YOU KNOW?” Regulus is yelling now.
“Yes, of course I know. That still doesn’t explain why you’re going to Italy.” Sirius questions again.
“HE ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM, SIRIUS!?” Still yelling and getting louder.
“Reggie, I still don’t see the connection here.” Sirius says, but before Regulus can answer, James walks out of their bedroom.
“James, Reg is going---” Sirius starts.
“To Italy. I heard… He’ll be back.” James says casually.
“No, I will not!” Regulus says firmly at the same time Sirius asks “What?!” as he looks at James confused.
“He just needs a bit of time to process.” James shrugs, still very calm about the entire situation.
“Why are you not freaking out?” Sirius asks a bit frantically.
“I freaked out when he went to France when I asked him to be my boyfriend, but then he came back a week later and said yes. So, I didn’t freak out when he went to Greece when I told him I loved him. And then he went to… Spain?” He questions and looks at Regulus.
“Yes.” Regulus grits out.
“Spain, when I asked him to move in with me. Italy sounds like it will be nice. Have a good time.” James tells Regulus and gives him a kiss.
“I am not coming back this time, James.” Regulus says very definitively.
“Okay, love. I’ll see you in a week.” James says as he starts to walk towards the kitchen. He pauses and looks over his shoulder, “You have the ring, right?” He asks Regulus.
“Yes.” Regulus says as he walks out and slams the door. 
Regulus is back in a week with the ring on his finger.
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I’m dead-set on finishing this (currently untitled) ROTTMNT post-movie fic, but I could use some friends to bounce around ideas. In the meantime please enjoy some of chapter 1. (And I’m not kidding about bouncing around ideas. PM me if you’re interested, I need some COMMUNITY!)
Reggie was no conspiracy nut, but there were two things she firmly believed: aliens existed, and mutants were a thing. 
The invasion proved her right about the aliens. She had officially won the bet with her sister, but there was no time to gloat when she was running for her life. In fact, at the rate she was going, Reggie doubted she’d survive long enough to collect. 
These alien fuckers were scarier than anything from the movies. Within minutes they’d pushed back the National Guard, corrupted the human weaponry, and used it to demolish her neighborhood. Helicopters with teeth were sure to star in her nightmares, assuming she lived long enough to sleep again. 
Reggie had kept up with the screaming masses for a while. As fires raged and smoke choked her lungs, however, she’d been forced to take cover long enough to find her inhaler. In the time it took her to get her breathing under control all the stragglers left her behind. 
She was alone, and more scared than she’d ever been in her life. 
Reggie had run for seven more blocks before she had to stop again. Most of the buildings around her were in ruins, but the fires were downwind and she’d found a dumpster to hide behind in a stable-ish alley. It would have to do until she could catch her breath. 
There were still no other people around—a bad sign for sure—but there were no immediate threats, either. Reggie took another puff from her inhaler and risked a moment to find her water bottle. She couldn’t drink much; she only had half a bottle left, and she’d bet her salary that the water lines were down. She’d have to take a sip or two and keep moving. 
Then the light show started, and moving was out of the question.
Reggie watched with terror-laced awe as a Michael Bay-worthy sci-fi battle raged before her eyes. Gold chains of fire, purple rockets, and blue portals of light zipped through the air, working in tandem with a red-lit giant. Debris was still falling, but most of it was over the water now, so she did the one thing she’d sworn she’d never do during a disaster.
She pulled out her phone and started filming.
Monique, you are not gonna believe this.
All things considered, Reggie had a good angle. She saw the red giant—which she could swear was a turtle—fall and crash-land across the bay. She saw the explosion as the spaceship was cut in half, and ducked behind the dumpster as the blast wave rushed past. 
And she saw a katana, still glowing blue, fall from the sky to land in the street.
Within five minutes it was over.  
She hit stop and wondered what the hell she should do now. 
Casey had never felt more lost in his life. 
They’d saved the world, right? He’d done what Master Leonardo had told him to do. He’d found the key. He’d stopped the Krang. 
But now he was here, in this strange world he didn’t recognize, with a family that was so familiar but wasn’t his, and after everything they’d done? Everything his masters had sacrificed to get him here? 
He’d still lost Master Leonardo.
No. Not Master Leonardo. Not my sensei. Just… just Leo.
Did that make it better, or worse? Either way Casey wanted to cry, but he couldn’t give in to grief, not yet. Not while the Sister Krang was still a threat. He could mourn after she was dealt with. Until then he would tamp down his feelings like the soldier he was.
But then… then he saw Leo’s katana, fallen just like his master. 
His hockey stick fell to the ground with a clatter.
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vinylfoxbooks · 1 month
August 22 - Dare | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 860 Slightly suggestive
“Truth or dare, Reggie?” Barty asks, practically falling over his best friend with his intoxication.
“Oh come on!” Evan pushes, both figuratively and literally as he shoves Regulus’ shoulder, “You’ve said dare for the past several rounds.” 
Regulus, not nearly as drunk as his friends, rolls his eyes, “That’s because I know that you guys will have me do something stupid or shameful and I’d rather keep my dignity.”
“You’re just not drunk enough,” Barty pushes, “And that’s the entire point of dares. I’m gonna give you a dare.” Barty squints for a second while he’s thinking before he straightens up, “I know! I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Potter.” 
Regulus sneers at the idea, “I didn’t even choose dare.”
“And my question was a courtesy,” Barty replies, “I was gonna dare you no matter what. Now do it, lover boy.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Regulus murmurs to his best friend before reluctantly standing up and watching James with a glare as they stand up themselves. One of the Gryffindor girls lead them to an empty closet near the common room and shout that they’ve got seven minutes. Regulus leans against the wall nearest to the door while James crosses to the entire other end of the closet, and it sounds like they sink down to the floor. 
They don’t talk for a while, they have nothing to say, until James starts tapping his foot. 
Tap, tap, tap.
“Can you stop that?” Regulus snaps, “Merlin, can’t you sit still for even a couple minutes?” “Sorry that I have fucking issues.” James sneers back, “Can’t you learn to keep your mouth shut for five fucking minutes instead of being an arse?”
“Oh, I’m the arse? And what about the way that you fucking act around me and my friends.”
“I. Don’t. Like. You.” James says, slowing down their words, “I’m nice to everyone else around me, but I don’t like you or your stupid ass boyfriends. The only reason that I put up with you is because Sirius likes you, though I don’t see why.” 
“I’d rather you hate me than be all over me the way that you were Evans. I’m honestly shocked at how she ended up wanting to spend time around you in the end. You’re a fucking twat.”
“At least I have friends, oh and I can apologize and take accountability for the shit that I do.”
“Oh get off your high horse.” 
“Says the person that thinks they’re better than everyone because they dress formally and do well in school.”
“I am better than you. At least I can sit still and do schoolwork on time.”
James scoffs, “I’m mentally ill, I literally can’t do that sometimes. I literally can’t stop moving sometimes, it’s called mental illness, medically. Despite that, I do just fine in school, just not in the same way as you.”
“Oh,” Regulus falters. He may be an asshole, specifically to one James Potter, but he’s not going to make fun of someone for something that they can’t help but he also didn’t know this. Nonetheless, he doesn’t back down, only changes his approach, “Doesn’t give your massive fucking ego an excuse. You think you’re so hot and that no one can touch you.”
“Oh, so you think that about me?” James asks, and it sounds like they’re standing up, “I sure don’t think that about myself, I just go about my day, as the person that I am. It’s wildly telling that you think that.”
“Please,” Regulus scoffs in an attempt to recover from the counterargument. He can feel his cheeks warming and he forces himself to believe that it’s anger -- not the fact that James is getting closer to him in a dark, enclosed space away from everyone, their voice growing more… 
It’s hatred, it’s anger that makes Regulus’ cheeks hot, and James can’t see it anyway, “You’d be stupid to not realise how everyone looks at you, I’m just relaying popular word to your arrogant arse.”
James laughs cruelly before they’re standing chest to chest with Regulus and one of them is surging forward to connect their lips, but Regulus doesn’t know who it was that made the initial move.
The kiss is… intense but in the way that only two people who hate each other’s guts can be intense, fiery and constantly fighting for control of the kiss, they’re grappling at each other but with nails and digging into skin to hurt instead of to cause any form of pleasure -- although Regulus takes a minor note of the way that James groans at one particular spot that Regulus digs his nails into, purely for… blackmail.
The door swings open before either of them are able to pull away and Sirius is the one that’s standing just outside the closet, “I fucking knew it!” He shouts, “I knew that you two were head over heels for each other!”Regulus pulls away, cheeks flushed in a way that he can’t deny it being because of James, and shoves out of the room, but not before he hears James hiss, “We’re fucking what?” To Sirius.
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thelostsullivans · 1 year
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sunrisesfromthewest · 3 months
First Encounter Part 3
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|Notes:Y’all boy getting a little jealous and my man Reggie did his thing💓💓,Things get a little more steamy in part 4😏😏 |Warnings:None |
Here's all the parts I have so far: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Wanting to clear your mind from the previous interaction with Armando, you walk over to Dorn who is scrolling through files on his computer hoping to find something for the situation. Pushing his head playful you asked if he had any luck yet, while stealing a folder to look through. "No, I found a few emails and a file but nothing that could lead us to who is doing this,” he says sighing.  
Giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, you say, "Don't stress yourself to much over this, I'm sure something will pop up eventually.” Turning in his chair he looks up at you, with a boyish grin.
Screwing your eyebrows together you say “What?", setting the file you were going threw down. "Y/N, I can’t stop thinking about how fast you dropped to the ground earlier," pausing to laugh he continues, "that's the fastest I seen you move besides running from bugs." Watching him laugh about the incident from earlier, you smack your lips and push at his head again.  
"You know good and well you would’ve drop like I did too; I’ll be damned if I let a bullet take me out." Seeing him really start to tear up, while laughing, you watch as he holds his stomach doubling over.”Aye, not too much asshole!” you say chuckling a bit at his reaction. Sitting up he grabs your arm trying to regain his previous composure but failing when you give him a deadpan look. 
Continue to watch your friend have his little laughing session, you smile to yourself at his goofiness. As your about to scold him some more, you're abruptly interrupted by Armando who cuts into you and Dorns space. Forcing you two to break apart, to make room for him as he rudely asks Dorn to pull up a photo for him.  
Seeing his jaw flex, he sends you an intense glance, but looks back at the screen as Dorn zooms in on the photo. Glaring at him you say "Well, that was fucking rude, you could’ve asked nicely." Dorn hums in agreement. 
“Lo que sea que digas princesa,(Whatever you say princess)” Armando says brown eyes staying locked on the screen. Pausing you scan over his form trying to figure out why he had an attitude all the sudden. Letting out a gasp, you begin to laugh, realizing that he was jealous of Dorn.  
Glancing behind Armando muscled form to look at Dorn you see him shoot you a look with a smug smile confirming what you're thinking. Shaking your head you move closer, pressing your chest against Armandos toned arms, and whisper, "Don’t worry he’s with Kelly, ". Watching as he turns his face in your direction, pretty brown eyes glancing down at your breast. 
 He firmly whispers back, "I know, he needs to keep it that way." Biting your lip you smile, at his small show of dominance, his gaze returns back to the screen. 
Unconsciously, you stay close to his warm figure, as he leans forward, eyes evaluating the photo before he says “I seen this guy before...... can you do a facial scan." Hearing this Mike, Marcus, and Kelly make their way towards you guys watching each screen as loads of information begins to pop up. 
 "His name is James McGrath, looks like he was a former DEA Agent until he was tortured by the Cartel...... Captain Conrad mentions him a few times on some of his notes.” Pausing Dorn looks up, waiting to see what his superiors might have to say.  
"This has to be him he's the only with connections to the Cartel, it could be why he has been able to pull all these stunts......” pausing in realization Marcus ask if he could pull up the surveillance at his home, looking at your father with surprise you asked why.  
But before he could answer Mike cuts in and say, "Because were the only one that has proof that the Captain is innocent and he needs leverage." glancing at his son Mike pulls out his phone calling his wife. Widening your eyes in shock you quickly run to the couch to grab your phone, immediately dialing your sister.  
Bouncing slightly as you hear the phone ring for the third time, you yell to tell your father that she’s not picking up. Watching your father call Reggie with urgency, you look up to see Armando watching with concern. Hanging up you let out a frustrated sigh returning back to where everyone was viewing the monitors intensely. 
Shaking from nerves you feel Armando brush his hands against yours, staring up at him you see worry in his eyes. Wrapping your hand around his he gives it a light squeeze, trying to calm you down.
Just as Dorn alerts everyone that theirs movement outside the home you hear Reggie pick up. As your father explains the situation quickly, Reggie springs into action, moving your mom, nephew, and pregnant sister to the pantry. 
 Watching him reach up to retrieve the gun that's stored in their as well, you watch in amazement as your brother-in-law kick ass.”Damn,I didn’t know he could do that.” your dad mutters shocked.
Everyone lets out a few comments in agreement. Watching Reggie causally body 15 attackers, had your blood rushing in adrenaline. After confirming that the house was safe, he quickly moved the family out the house but not before saluting at the camera. 
“Yeah, baby that’s how we do it in the Burnett family! "You say hugging Armando with relief and excitement after what you just witness.
Standing in shock Armando moves to embrace you as well, but looks up to see everyone watching you two like a hawk. Clearing his throat, he watches you look up at him confused, nodding his head to the side you see everyone staring. 
Breaking away from him you avoid their gazes sheepishly saying sorry. 
Before anyone could comment Mike asked Dorn to pull up his security footage after not having any success, in reaching his wife.
As everyone eyes return back to the screens with concern, you feel Armando wrapping his hand around yours again, lightly running his thumb against it. 
 Mike let's out a sigh as his wife finally picks up, but it’s too late because not even a second later you hear screams and scuffling. Frantically, your eyes search the monitors, watching as men infiltrate Mikes home. 
Glancing away from the screen you look at Mike, who has an uneasy expression washing over his face. Just as he was about to speak, a deep menacing voice cuts in, 
“tss.tss.tss.... I think you have something that belongs to me Mike......” 
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