#( connection. / && dom brennan. )
r3dvlvet · 3 months
The PCs within PCs are all some sort of heightened version of their regular selves and I can’t wait to see how it plays out:
Paula- this was pointed out in the AP for the first episode but she’s playing the detective and she saw Liv’s stolen nail polish and thermometer. I wonder if Jack Manhattan will somehow also help her learn to move on from her ex husband via a lover Jack can’t let go of (he’s so passionate about his work! He has no time for love!)
Liv- Also a fairly obvious one. She’s seeking the thrill of stealing something and becomes a crime lord in the film world. Might be a wake up call for her about what that might mean, possible an avenue to explore why she doesn’t want to leave Lake Elsinore (perhaps expectations have been placed on her to perform at a certain level and it’s tiring, which is why she’s stealing).
Wendell- The small snapshot we see of his life is his siblings out riding around while he’s inside working and trying to talk to this girl he likes. There’s also mention of his dad microwaving dinners. There’s a clear parallel to Vic who is non copy right infringing Dom Toretto who is infamous for talking about family (Vic’s focus is on siblings). Possible exploration of sibling dynamics (a betrayal perhaps???), what it means to leave them behind, willingness to move on.
Russell - Loner in his real life with a lot of affection coming from past jobs and unsaved numbers, while Jennifer behaves similarly in that she works alone. Hey did you know that the pack has a better chance of survival than the lone wolf? Wonder if that’ll come up at all. Also possible exploration of gender as that’s something Ally loves to play with in their characters.
Dang - We know that he’s into music, has a number on a poster on his wall that seems to imply that he could easily make some kind of connection about it but hasn’t. He’s also living with his uncle (Russell) at the moment so there’s likely something there too. Greg Stocks is a James Bond type character, suave, high profile, fancy suits, cars, casinos, the whole nine. Also a bit of a loner though likely with far more connections than say someone like Jennifer as he’s working through legitimate channels though takes a less legit approach where needed. Not totally clear what Greg might show Dang about his own life, but they are polar opposites which is going to be a fun thing to watch. He’s already shown though that he has a decent grasp on what Greg is capable of.
Usha - This one I’m so curious about. Usha is all hand drawn spreadsheets and inability to plug in a phone while G13 is a hacker - the two could not be more opposite and I love Rehka for it. I have to wonder if her husband dying when he was super young (27?) effected her in a way that made it hard for her to move on and learn new things? Maybe she started working just to get out and experience life, not realizing how difficult it would be? I think this one might be about moving on and looking towards the future rather than existing in the past.
This is all obviously speculation based on the first episode. A lot of the times the PCs have something to gain throughout the season and the sort of heightened state of an action film will help them uncover things about their own lives. Per Rehka in the Adventuring Party though, Brennan isn’t worried about them “hitting their marks” as much this season - which basically means like intended story beats I would imagine? So it’ll be interesting to see how that affects that overall narrative but allows the players a certain level of freedom that isn’t held back by hitting a particular arc.
I’m very excited for the rest of the season!
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miz-chase · 1 month
🍉 🍑 🍋!
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I tend to write in the 1.5-3k range because it's long enough to Do Something, but not so long that it consumes me. Usually I struggle with keeping track of multiple stories at the same time, and if my brain has moved on to a different story before I'm done writing the first, it ends up a mess / I get bored
Also I work a job that lets me set my own hours, which means if I'm intensely into a long fic sometimes I sorta.... blow off work. For multiple days at a time. Which can be bad. So again, it's better if I write shorter things. I'm bad at being a grownup.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I'm going to pass over the obvious Jane joins the FBI or B&B get a case in Boston Bones/R&I crossover. Obviously I'd be into that.
Also passing over the Rizzles Gentleman Jack AU. Also too obvious.
So this AU I've been sitting on since before the pandemic, even before I started to get back into crime procedurals, comes from a shuffled mix of NK Jemisen's Broken Earth trilogy, a little hint of Dragon Age (which is just BE with shittier politics lbr), and Meliso Caruso's The Tethered Mage. They all deal with magic as a slave caste under full control by politico-religious authorities. BE & TTM especially deals with the complicated, often hostile 1-on-1 bond between magic users and their Guardian/Falconer controller. Mages are a living tool used by their Guardians to enforce law, solve crimes, whatever. Can you see where this is going?
I'm interested in the tension of Booth and Jane using Brennan and Maura as tool-object-persons. Having authority over them, directing their talents, while also polite-society-pretending the relationship is consensual and equal. Meanwhile Brennan and Maura to a degree don't care / aren't putting up a fight / are happy to have a bond / just want to get out and do the work. They share an arguably autistic-flavored focus on doing their science, such that they care more about doing the work well than they care about the political system they are feeding, and how they are being used. How do you build a functional (or even healthy?) partnership when power is unequally distributed? How do friendly, even flirty, social interactions play out between the controller and the controlled? How do you confront "I love you but I could never free you. It's not safe for you or me."?
I like that it takes an undertone, unaddressed dynamic from the source material and amplifies it to an extreme. It's fucked up and messy and discomforting, that's what makes it fun >:3c
(usually it ends with the controlled escaping and making their own way, which forces the controller to confront their feelings and the system they're upholding and then they fight to support the mage revolution blah blah, you know, high fantasy tropes)
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
I'm gonna go with.... praise kink/praise-based dom. "You can take it." "You're so good for me" etc. Pushing extremes while being affectionate and supportive and maybe a little condescending, rather than hostile or degrading, is fun to play with!
ALSO! Bad sex!! It's fun, its funny, it's real. Let them be messy disasters, let them work through shame and trying too hard to be perfect and the mishaps of life
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saingirl101 · 1 year
Mentopolis Episode 3 Liveblog as Gifs (SPOILERS)
THE SAGA CONTINUES. Tonight looks to be a jam packed episode but the real question is what iconic moment will Dan Fucks have vs. Conrad tonight.
Anyway as always spoilers are beneath the read more
Seeing the new game mechanic the Pressure Mechanic:
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Hunch Curio's conspiracy theory about Elias putting something down his pants in advance of going into danger:
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Danny at any point about Conrad:
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Reading Elias' memory book and finding out the secret behind gobstopper industries:
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Imelda seeing a special key in the memory and realizing its not based of her key:
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Anastasia connecting this key to what was on the body of Norrell Ojicle and that its the psychometer:
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Anastasia realizing that theres a central keyhole at oblongata station and its her key that can work:
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Conrad continuing to try to get turned in and danny continuing to agree he should:
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The Fix's emotional speech to convince conrad to stop trying to turn himself in:
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Dan realizing that the other keys might belong to the flight, fight, freeze, and whatnot:
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Imelda seeing anastasia's sad 'old' lady apartment:
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Imelda managing make the 8 dc for the sneak check and managing to hide using trilbys and newspapers:
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A. tension managing to fool the police that she hasnt seen her cousin:
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Danny getting the info on the 4 Fs:
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Conrad somehow getting a 28 with a natural 20 sneak:
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Hunch immediately walking into the fight arena and the gang lying about hunch being a fighter:
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But dan somehow salvaging the situation with a 15 slick check to sweet talk the bouncer:
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finding out that the competitor called SD is self doubt:
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Conrad meeting ivana popov (aka fight):
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Conrad punching fight and her spitting up her key:
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Brennan bringing out the box of doom after freddy tries to get justification to bet all his savings on hunch:
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Conrad remembering that he has the occulous viewfinder and showing Ivana the big guy is in danger. Ivanna's reaction:
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The pressure gauge moving up again:
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THE WHITE KEY APPEARING BEFORE THE FIX and coming to slash his throat:
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Brennan every week:
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faciletechnolab1 · 11 days
A Comprehensive Exploration of 10 .NET 8.0 Enhancements Transforming the Blazor Ecosystem
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Dive into the future of web development with our in-depth analysis of 10 .NET 8.0, dissecting the groundbreaking improvements that have revolutionized the Blazor framework, propelling it to new heights of performance and functionality.
The latest release of .NET 8 brings significant additions and changes to ASP.NET Core. The most notable enhancements for this release of ASP.NET Core are related to the Performance and Blazor alongside the updates regarding the AOT, Identity, SignalR, Metrics and many more features.
Microsoft announced that ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 is the most performant released version so far, and as stated, when compared to .NET 7, ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 is 18% faster on the Techempower JSON benchmark and 24% faster on the Fortunes benchmark. Brennan Conroy wrote a blog post about Performance Improvements in ASP.NET Core 8 and readers are recommended to take a look into this.
1. Enhanced Navigation & Form Handling
Say goodbye to clunky page reloads! Blazor now intelligently updates the DOM with server-rendered content, resulting in seamless navigation and form interactions that feel like a native single-page application.
2. Choose Your Render Mode at Runtime
Need more flexibility? .NET 8.0 lets you dynamically switch between server-side and interactive render modes for individual components, giving you granular control over your app's behavior.
3. Streaming Rendering Preserves DOM
Blazor now paints components progressively, preserving existing DOM elements and avoiding unnecessary refreshes. This translates to blazing-fast performance and a more responsive user experience.
4. QuickGrid
Say Hello to Data Tables Made Easy: Forget about writing tons of boilerplate code for data grids. QuickGrid is a new built-in component that handles sorting, filtering, and pagination out of the box, making your life easier and your tables prettier.
5. Improved Authentication
Integrate authentication into your Blazor apps with greater ease thanks to built-in support for OpenID Connect and improved integration with Microsoft Identity Platform.
6. Razor Component Result
Generate static HTML content with your Blazor components! This opens up new possibilities for pre-rendering content and improving SEO.
7. Sections
Modular Layouts Made Simple: Define flexible content areas in your app layout with "Sections" and dynamically fill them with components. This promotes code reuse and keeps your layouts organized.
8. Jiterpreter for Blazor WebAssembly
Get ready for faster Blazor WebAssembly apps! The new Jiterpreter improves component execution speed, making your WebAssembly apps feel native and responsive.
9. Enhanced Routing with Named Elements
Route to specific elements within your Blazor pages using URL fragments, providing finer-grained control over navigation and deep linking.
10. Cascade Query String Values
Pass query string values directly to your Blazor components, simplifying data transmission and making your development workflow more streamlined. Bonus: Blazor Server Interactivity in Web Apps: While still in preview, this feature opens exciting possibilities for running interactive logic on the server for Blazor WebAssembly apps, potentially bridging the gap between the two models.
Ready to get blazing? These are just some of the amazing improvements that await you in .NET 8.0. So, upgrade your projects, explore these new features, and build the next generation of web applications that are fast, dynamic, and simply delightful to use.  
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lostsullivans · 4 years
new tag drop, pt. 5
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findmyblood · 5 years
tags, pt. 8 – connections
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marcasivers · 5 years
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[MARCAS IVERS] shares our delusions. They are [261], they are a [SELKIE] who looks just like [MICHIEL HUISMAN]. They are a [SPONSOR]. While they might be [KIND-HEARTED], sometimes they get  [NAIVE]. They are a [SUB] in bed, and [BISEXUAL] They are into [EXHIBITIONISM AND SENSORY DEPRIVATION] and want a [DOM/SWITCH] partner.
Well hello, hello, it is Cate again, back at it, this time with Marcas! I just have such a thing for the skeletons! Anyways, if you want to read his full bio, you can find it here, I just haven’t fully sorted out the pictures and things so the page my look a bit wonky. But here’s the tldr. 
Marcas was raised by his grandmother due to the fact that his mother married and had him with a human. According to her, it was a miracle that he came out a selkie and he was told never to deal with humans. 
He did pretty damn well with this and only had a problem once. A man named Brennan saw him changing from seal to human, which he didn’t notice the first time, but once he did notice, he freaked. 
But, Marcas likes to believe in the best in people, so he got to know him and it was nice! Until his grandmother saw them together. When he went home she was like “the fuck you will live with me, gtfo” 
He went back to shore and when Brennan arrived, he told him what had happened, they kissed and the latter professed his love. They began living together.
Things seemed great for a few years until one day his seal skin went missing. He had always kept it tucked away and safe but then it was gone and he essentially tore up their shared house looking for it. Brennan assured him it would be alright, they would figure out what happened to it, but he was still upset. 
Over time he got pretty depressed and ended up finding a usually unlocked chest at the end of their bed, locked. When he found the key and popped it open, he found his skin. He put it on and never returned. 
Marcas swam all the way to the coast near Folie a Deux. He didn’t know it at the time, and ended up just collapsing on the shore. Someone must have found him, because he woke up in New Hope. From there he found a sponsor. 
After a while with his sponsor it was decided he would become a sponsor himself and he loved it, loved helping others.
Zara was the hardest. She really did not want to take a sponsor, but he convinced her everything would work out if she did. A while after she became his rescue, he shared his memories with her, prompting her to want to get to know his old rescues, his old sponsor. He had thought it meant she was just getting out of her shell.
Yeah, no. He woke up to find her gone and ran out looking for her only to find blood on his front step. V quickly he realized they were all dead, his rescues, his sponsors, everyone.
The meeting to kick Zara out of Folie, he was barely paying attention, but then she was gone and he had almost no one. He had failed. For the first time, he couldn’t help her.
Now it’s been a few years since he’s taken a rescue and he knows that he needs to. He needs to help another rescue again, but he just doesn’t want to fail. 
Possible Connections/Interactions
Anyone who’s been in the city for a while. I figure they’d at least have met. Marcas is v willing to get to know others and so for the 150 years or so that he’s been in the city, I feel like he’d have some acquaintances.
Someone who wasn’t close to him, but was still his friend. Zara had taken out everyone who’d been a rescue of his and his sponsor, but luckily they weren’t the only one he was friendly with. Maybe this person is trying to get him to see it wasn’t his fault -- he definitely needs that.
People who think he’s crazy. He was always taking the difficult ones. Maybe your character thought he’d been getting in over his head and that this is just what happens when you play with fire. Maybe they think he should end it and just become a resident maybe they think he should just stick to the easier ones. 
Rescues who might want him for a sponsor. He is v sweet! We can definitely talk about this. 
Lovers, enemies. Like I said, he’s been in the city long enough that these relationships can be well established!
Someone who knew his old sponsor well! I want him to have someone to reminisce with. 
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shesboundtolose · 5 years
Lou Wolfe’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Lou has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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STANLEY WOLFE - Father ( largely an awful force in her life )
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IDA (SNYDER) WOLFE - Mother ( deceased in almost every verse )
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DANIEL WOLFE - Uncle ( Lou has never met him in almost every verse )
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LEIF SNYDER - Uncle ( worked at the juvenile detention center Lou was sent to; helped make life rough for her as a way to get back at her father )
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OLIVIA “OLLIE” IDA WOLFE / SULLIVAN - Daughter ( verse dependent; very similar to her mother, though she doesn’t like to admit it. Would fight God for her family. )
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THEODORE “TEDDY” MAXWELL JOHNSON ( CONLON ) - Son ( verse dependent; reminds Lou so much of her mother at times that it’s difficult to be in his presence. )
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GERTRUDE “GERTIE” JOHNSON - Close family friend ( worked with Ida’s mother, was like a second grandmother to her. Took Lou in when she left Greenville and helped her establish herself in Brooklyn. The closest thing to family Lou has. )
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LEONA (BRENNAN) CONLON - Family friend / Shaun’s mother ( tried desperately to be there for Lou as much as possible. Loves her like a daughter. )
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SHAUN PATRICK CONLON - Best friend / that first love / first serious boyfriend ( assumed deceased in most verses; father of Teddy in others )
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EDWARD “EDDIE” JAMES ARMSTRONG - Best friend / Guy she should be with / patron saint of patience & broken hearts ( Lou left him back in Greenville to spare him; she spared no one. Moves back to Queens with her brother and eventually, accidentally, reunites with Lou. )
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FRANCIS “FRANKIE” JOSEPH SULLIVAN - Douche bag / Big mistake / Punishment ( most verses – in a few, he is the father of her daughter Ollie )
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CHARLEMAGNE CLAUDIUS CHRISTOPHER “CHRIS” MACKINNON - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( strictly business )
Lou has, in general, some sort of friendly acquaintance with pretty much all of my other muses in a smattering of verses.
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JACOB MICHAEL STACK - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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CHARLES “CHARLIES” PHILIP ARMSTRONG - Asshole / cop who’s loyal to Stanley / Protective older brother ( can’t stand Lou for many reasons; also has the wrong idea about her. )
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PEARL LEE “BULLET” SULLIVAN - Cousin to Frankie ( verse dependent; her jealousy blinds her and she winds up hating Lou fairly irrationally. Lou is somewhat apathetic in return. Distrusts her anytime they’re around one another. )
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DOMINIC “DOM” BRENNAN CONLON - Protective older brother / suspicious bastard ( never trusted the kid of a cop, and thought Lou was too much trouble for her worth. )
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BRADLEY “BRAD” LINCOLN - Friend of Frankie’s / just likes to poke the tiger ( verse dependent;  he really just tries to ruffle Lou’s feathers upon Frankie’s request. )
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djhamaradio · 7 years
R.I.P Combat Jack
I came on Podcasts at a depressing time in my life. Working a dead end job, living in the societal grey of the immigration blues. While living this bleak existence I came upon the Adnan Sayed Podcast, called Serial, and I was hooked. Podcasts became salves that healed pain and inspired in the form of podcasts like WBEZ Chicagos’ “This American life” and WNYC’s  “Radiolab”, I got all my laughs from Neal Brennans’ “Champs” Podcast which thrust you into the world of comedy, entertainment and race; Then my go to Hip-Hop content came from Hot 97′s “Juan Epstein” which was equal parts funny equal parts Hip-Hop nerd-Dom. Then on the other end of the spectrum you had combat jack which while being a Hip-Hop podcast was very inspiring covering in-depth the street and managerial aspects of Hip-Hop. Combat was also big on unpacking negative trends that infected the Hip-Hop body politic and trying to redirect people from these trends. His death from Colon Cancer yesterday hit me like a bag of bricks. His Mogul Podcast was so inspiring, transgressive, sad and worth celebrating, as a Peabody worthy piece of radio broadcasting.
People like Combat connected us to the history of the artform, the possibilities of the artform and the problems of the artform. Rest in Power
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lostsullivans · 5 years
Bullet Sullivan’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Bullet has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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Kelly Sullivan - Father ( generally imprisoned in New York with his brother John; bestower of her nickname. )
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Florence (Darcy) Sullivan - Mother ( generally incarcerated back in New Mexico; main perpetrator of how and why Bullet uses her looks to get what she wants. )
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Robert “Pops” Sullivan - Grandfather ( city councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted her in her later teens; didn’t approve of Kelly’s marriage to Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. )
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John Sullivan - Uncle ( Stuck with Kelly in prison. )
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Riva Darcy - Aunt ( Looks out for Bullet when she’s in town; personal hero; detests the Sullivan clan. Tried to adopt Bullet herself until Robert got in the way. )
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Francis “Frankie” Sullivan - Cousin ( son of John; kept Bullet alive during their teen years; he is much more like an asshole brother to Bullet than cousin and it shows. )
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Ruby Lee Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Penelope “Penny” Faith Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Donny Wilson - Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand ( had no business messing around with Bullet Sullivan at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things )
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Bradley “Brad” Lincoln - Friend / associate of Frankie’s ( Friend too, more than lover, but                                             they have a complex relationship. )
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Shaun Patrick Conlon - Son of a Sullivan associate ( Assumed deceased; Frankie set Bullet up with the idea of seducing and distracting Shaun. It didn’t work the way he hoped. )
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Edward “Eddie” James Armstrong - Best friend to Shaun ( For fun while she was in town. She liked how sweet he could be to her. )
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Charlemagne Claudius Christopher “Chris” MacKinnon - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( verse dependent. business and fun. Bad things. )
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Lilah Beckwith - First ‘girlfriend’ ( actually Frankie’s girlfriend at the time. Oops. )
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Raymond “Ray” Walker - Friend ( tries to keep neutral, and keep her out of trouble )
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Kotone “KT” Mori  - Long-suffering employee at The Blue Lounge ( mama hen type. Looks after Bullet as best she can. )
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Murphy “Murph” Taggart - Bar owner/Perpetual fuck-up/Sullivan associate ( These two have a weird relationship, but it’s friendly overall )
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Lochlan “Loch” Taggart - Brother of perpetual fuck-up/reluctant Sullivan associate ( Treats Bullet like a human being, so of course she’s a little sweet on him. )
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Jacob Michael Stack - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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Louise Danielle “Lou” Wolfe - Completely unaware of reason to feud ( verse dependent; Bullet irrationally (and maybe sometimes rationally) despises Lou; Lou is generally apathetic in return. )
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Dominic “Dom” Brennan Conlon - Protective older brother / son of an idiot ( refused to be swayed by Bullet’s charms )
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t-baba · 7 years
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#322: What's New in HTML 5.2, A Performance Checklist for 2018 and CSS Grid Explained
Frontend Focus
Issue 322 — January 10, 2018
What’s New in HTML 5.2?
HTML 5.2 became an official W3C Recommendation (REC) a month ago, but what did it introduce and change?
Ire Aderinokun
CSS Grid Explained in 7 Minutes (with Diagrams and Code)
A quick and easy high level introduction to the main concepts of CSS Grid given by Morten Rand-Hendriksen at Wordcamp Europe 2017.
A Front-End Performance Checklist for 2018
A front-end performance checklist with everything you need to know to create fast Web experiences this year.
Vitaly Friedman
Introduction to Vue.js with Sarah Drasner
Get up and running in a hurry with the Vue.js JavaScript framework. Learn how to build and maintain complex applications quickly and efficiently in this practical guide to Vue.js by Sarah Drasner.
Frontend Masters   Sponsor
New Flexbox Guides on MDN
Eight new guides covering the real use cases of Flexbox, looking at where Grid should be used instead, and clarification on how the spec works with Writing Modes, Box Alignment and ordering of items.
Mozilla Hacks
Stimulus: A JS Framework for The HTML You Already Have
Rather than replace your HTML or rendering mechanisms, Stimulus augments your existing HTML with functionality. From the creators of Ruby on Rails.
Browser Mitigations Landing for New Class of Timing Attack
You’ve probably heard of Meltdown and Spectre, two timing attacks that can affect modern CPUs which can also be taken advantage of from browsers..
Mozilla Security Blog
How to Recreate Medium’s Article Layout with CSS Grid
If you’ve not played with CSS Grid yet this is an accessible example-led study of what it makes easy.
Per Harald Borgen
CSS Grid Layout Secrets Revealed
Dig into the CSS Grid Layout specification to uncover some features you might have missed – and some coming soon.
Rachel Andrew
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In Brief
What Spectre and Meltdown Mean For WebKit news An explainer on how Spectre and Meltdown affect existing WebKit security mechanisms and what short-term and long-term fixes WebKit is deploying to provide protection against this new class of attack. Filip Pizlo
Improving URLs for AMP Pages news AMP pages will now show a page’s original URL, instead of using the google.com/amp URL scheme. Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
Making CSS Animations Feel More Natural tutorial Brandon Gregory
Better Web Typography with Font Variants tutorial Learn about a wide variety of font-variant- CSS properties. Jonathan Harrell
Robust Client-Side JavaScript: A Developer’s Guide tutorial Mat​hia⁠s S​chäf⁠er
Animating With Minimal CSS and SVGs tutorial David Brennan
Be A Full Stack Expert. Learn MongoDB Free in M001, MongoDB Basics  MongoDB University courses are free and give you everything you need to know about MongoDB. mongodb  Sponsor
Permissions On The Web Suck opinion “there are uses for push notifications, what we really need to fix are the permissions” Phil Nash
Web Design Trends 2018: What Could Make an Impact This Year? opinion Oliver Lindberg
11 Things I Learned Reading the CSS Grid Specification opinion Ohans Emmanuel
Chrome Only? Careful Now opinion Chris Coyier warns developers not to build web experiences that only work in Chrome. CSS Tricks
Introducing Heroicons: A Set of 104 SVG UI Icons tools Steve Schoger
Real-Time Error Monitoring, Alerting, and Analytics for JavaScript 🚀  ROLLBAR  Sponsor
Uppy: A Powerful, Modular JavaScript File Uploader code Transloadit
headless-devtools: Perform Chrome DevTools Actions From Code code Johnny Cowchimp
element-ready: Detect When an Element is Ready in the DOM code Sindre Sorhus
Popmotion: A Functional JavaScript Motion Library code Mix tweens, physics, and user input actions to create elegant Web-based interactions - all in 11KB. Popmotion
Save Time with the Best, Fastest Angular Spreadsheets & UI Components  GrapeCity JavaScript Solutions  Sponsor
by via Frontend Focus http://ift.tt/2COFU3X
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