#( i was genuinely happy to have finally moved out and finally get more rabbits but now im stressed im going to go back to square one )
wclfstrife · 1 year
so uh.. i really don't know how to address this and really hate having to resort to it but we are in a bit of a trouble..
we are at risk of losing our house. many situations of the year as led payments to be severely behind. as a result, the owners who claim the property are planning to sell the house on nov 28th in order to satisfy the debt owed unless we come up with some way to get caught up enough that we can continue living there. we're trying to explore all possibilities that'd help us with it but all the updates i get, those odds seem to be against us.
we are genuinely stressed and scared at the thought of losing everything. it took me years to finally move out, but i'm afraid of moving back to my parents where i might have to get rid of some of my animals ( as i don't think they have a space that will accommodate three rabbits and a rat ), and being mentally/emotionally abused by my 'sister' again while my parents do nothing about. i really want to do everything i can to help, i even offered to pay ~$1,000 if it'd help but my roommate didn't want it to stress me out, even if it could help.
i wish i could do more but like most jobs, especially animal care, pay like shit. so i'm asking for help, which is of no pressure to those who can't! but we could really use the help. whatever helps, helps. if needed, i can provide the paper -- with permission -- essentially stating the same thing regarding the debt we owe: $17,540. ( roughly ). i'm not sure if they're expecting the total amount within 3 months or at least half of it; enough that we can keep the house.
i can do small graphics for themes & dash banners for $5-$10+ i can show examples of what i've done throughout the years, including my most recent ones if you'd like to see. or, i'm not great at it, but i can draw you wolves ( i used to draw elemental wolves growing up so if you want a custom one -- that can definitely be something i can do ), dogs, rabbits, pet portraits -- like current or passed away pets you want to a memory of -- which i can also show a portfolio of.
for my personal arts or donations:
cashapp for donations: $WolfyBun.
Chime for personal arts: $WolfyBun.
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silkwormsilk · 10 months
I know it’s over (Charlie walker x reader)
Summary: the end of a relationship that never really happened?! Charlie Walker thinks he’s in love with reader. Reader is in love with Charlie
warning: sexual topics, cursing, power struggles, lack of communication/ boundaries, friends with benefits, toxic relationship , smoking, brief drug consumption
You made your way to the brunette’s window. Trying not to wake him as you slid open the delicate frame. Finally lighting the cigarette you held in between your lips for the last few minutes.
You sigh in relief. Smiling as you felt your lungs warm up.
You felt at ease in the boys room, happy to be around him.
You’ve liked the boy since you first laid eyes on him. Your brain quickly idealizing the boy that slept gently beside you. Light snores escaping him ever so often.
Rubbing your face softly to keep warm from the cold air. Letting ash fall off your cigarette trying not to make a mess inside.
Hearing silent bed creaks. You put out the cigarette. Placing it into the ashtray the boy left out for you weeks ago.
“Hey, you alright?” He asked, his voice husky from his deep slumber.
You nodded stretching a bit before climbing into bed again.
His eyes were closed, a tight smile plastered onto his plump lips as he makes more room for you to lay aside him.
The boy feeling relieved as you settle down beside him.
He smells the cigarette off of you. Smiling harder realizing he’s become accustom to the strong odor. Taking a liking to it since physically being with you. Cigarettes and expensive perfume.
“Charlie?” You say.
“Hmmm” he quietly hummed.
“Why don’t we ever hang out at school? I know you said your friends wouldn’t get me, but can’t i just say hey, or something like that?”
He rubs his face, trying to find a way to nicely explain how he doesn’t want you hanging out together publicly. He wants you two to live together in your room or his (like tonight). Like a dream he and you only share.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing person. The people who I consider my “friends” I don’t really know if they’d like someone like you. You’re different, they wouldn’t understand what we have” he says hoping you won’t question his motives.
“Oh” you say too tired to argue with Charlie.
“I would love to be with you at school” he continues.
You turn your head towards him before speaking again.
“You always say that” you giggle trying not to cry, tired of the boy constantly saying the same thing over and over again.
“I know, I’m sorry you feel stuck. I’ve told you why it wouldn’t work for us” he tells you reaching for your hand.
Gulping down whatever fight you had left in you.
“Doesn’t it make you.., I don’t know. Sad?” You curiously question.
He sighs to himself, still drowsy from you two fucking like rabbits. He takes a few seconds to answer.
“Yeah, it makes me upset. I try not to think about it, helps me sleep” he lie’s trying to play cool. Making you even more frustrated with the situation you share.
You nod your head, not knowing why you constantly find yourself laying with the boy.
You thought he genuinely liked you. He’s the only boy you’ve ever been able to hold a conversation with for hours without getting bored of each other.
Or so it seemed that way at first. He’s playing you hard and you know it. You deserve better, but your heart is attached to the long haired boy.
“Y/N?” You hear.
“Mhmm” you now hum.
“Don’t be mad. I know it’s difficult to understand right now. We have something special” he insists, squeezing your hand even tighter.
“Yeah, special” you sarcastically repeat turning away from him.
He huffs, moving closer to you. Both of you sit in silence. An uncomfortable tension growing in the air.
“I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to make you understand I only care for you” he tells you.
“Hold me. Call me yours, just say you like me for fucks sake!” you angrily shove the boy.
He smiles, amused by your desperation. He knows he genuinely likes you, just not enough to be with you. At least not at the moment. He was so close to scoring with the girl of his dreams. He just feels it, any of these days the blonde would be his.
“Shhh, my parents might hear us” he laughs knowing damn well they left for a short vacation together and wouldn’t be back anytime soon.
“Charlie!” You whine
“I like you. You should know this by now” he says his hand reaching for your face tracing your features.
You give in to his soft embrace falling asleep as he held you.
Charlie watches as the waitress refills your cup with coffee. Your second cup, doesn’t understand how you can drink it without any milk and little to no sugar.
He doesn’t question you, just assumes you like to torture yourself.
You look at the menu in front of you. Overwhelmed by all the options available at such early hours.
“You know what you want already?” you ask the boy in front of you, eyes still looking at your menu.
“No, not yet” he says. Watching you intensely scan the laminated piece of paper in front of you.
“I.., I’ve been meaning to ask you something” The boy says.
You look up, your eyes cold showing no emotion.
He gulps.
Not knowing how to word this.
Both of you nervous in what the other has to say.
“Have you’ve been seeing anyone else besides me?” he asked.
You want to laugh at such a ridiculous question. He knows you’ve only ever been with him.
“No, what makes you think that?” You ask.
“I’ve been seeing someone” he announces searching for some type of reaction from you.
You nod: “okay, are you fucking them too?”.
Your demeanor is calm. Words hitting the boy like ice.
You can feel your heart pounding trying to focus on your surroundings other than the boys confession.
“Does it matter?” He asked, trying to break you.
“I mean, yeah It kinda does matter. You didn’t wrap it up last night. Kinda just fucked me raw” you tell him seriously.
He sighs.
“No, I’m not sleeping with her” he says looking around.
“So, what do you want? What are you trying to say?” You begin cross-examining the boy in front of you.
He rolls his eyes a bit stopping himself before making you upset.
“What am I trying to say?” He hums annoyed.
You groan.
“Yes Charlie. What are you saying? Are you telling me you want to end things between us. That’s fine, that’s up to you. I’ll leave if that’s what you want. You want me to stay around like some emotional punching bag like you always do? What is it?” You profess slamming your palm onto the table in front of you two.
He squints his eyes at the noise. Coffee spilling over the table.
You exhale. Raising your hand to get the waitress attention.
Asking for a towel to clean the mess you just created.
“Thanks, he’s ready to order” you tell the older woman.
She nods her head taking the warm damp towel from you.
Charlie sits in silence. Watching the sun rise through the window. Watching your figure slowly disappear into your car. You left him stranded at the diner.
“You look awful” the blonde tells Charlie.
“Yeah, I know” the boy laughs.
He can feel his stomach erupting with emotions.
“Didn’t sleep well?” She asks.
“Yeah, something like that” he tells her rubbing his face recalling the last few days he spent with you.
“Bummer” she says continuing to work on the project in front of her.
Charlie gulps, he’s gotten used to you questioning everything he has to say.
“Yeah” he mumbles.
He turns looking out the small window on the classroom door. He could have sworn he saw you passing by with your group of friends smiling as the last period was coming to an end.
He’s felt love sick since you left him at the diner, missing whatever you had to offer him.
Doesn’t matter if you wanted to yell at him maybe even chop his head off for being such an asshole towards you.
All he wants is for you to pay attention to him again.
“Fuck!” He shouts.
The blonde is wide eyed at the boy’s sudden outburst, the whole classroom is.
“Mister Walker, what’s wrong?” The teacher questions.
Charlie shakes his head shoving his belongings into his bag.
“I gotta go” he manically says, a hand running through his hair.
“You can’t just leave we still have 15 minutes till the bell dismisses u-“ Charlie briefly hears the teacher saying as he let the door shut behind him.
He’s panicking, not sure if you were around. He rushes towards the schools exit hoping to find you or your friends.
“Y/N?” He’s shouting.
You hear the faint callings, ignoring the familiar voice you longed for.
Leaning against your cars door smoking a blunt you passed around with your friends.
“I swear I hear someone calling your name, like it’s not just this talking” your friend laughs.
You shake your head making yourself small so the boy wouldn’t see you.
You just can’t get yourself to look at him. You need time to collect yourself, he’s taken so much from you over the last few months together.
“Eww, it’s the film nerd!” another friend squeals.
You want to hide from him, your friends, everyone.
“Y/N! I’ve been calling your phone all week” He says panting obviously exhausted from his search for you.
You’re looking at him, embarrass for whatever he has to say.
Your friends are hysterical over the boy even knowing your name.
“Do you even know this guy?” Your friends giggle.
Looking at him , then back to them.
“Yeah. I’ve been fucking Charlie for the last six months” you admit.
Your friends are shocked, they feel betrayed. Why didn’t you tell them? You’ve always told them everything.
“Wow, isn’t that great! You’re a real piece of shit aren’t you” one friend says leaving you to be with the boy.
“Whatever” you say as they all start walking away.
“I’m so sorry, for everything. I’m sorry for playing with your emotions. For using you, not paying attention to your wants and feelings. Shit I’m sorry about your friends, you’re not a piece of shit, I made you do it. I forced you lie to everyone. Why’d you let me ruin your life?” he practically vomits out.
You sigh listening to what the boy had to say to you. You’re feeling distant, almost as if you’re floating in and out of yourself.
“You want me to forgive you? You want me to take you back into my room. You just want to sleep with me, you don’t even like me Charlie” you softly tell him.
“You’re not listening. I never asked you to forgive me, I just want you to know I’m genuinely sorry in how I treated you. Don’t you get it Y/N? I’m in love with you” he says.
You roll your eyes, sighing at the scene the boy has created.
The parking lot is full of commotion as school is out for the day. Eyes turning to you two every so often.
“You’re interested in someone else, remember?” you spit out. Frustration consuming you.
You don’t know why you’re still listening to the boy talk, should have just got into your car and left him like you did the other day.
“I was wrong!”he cries out.
“Wrong about what?” An unfamiliar voice asks.
You grunt to yourself once you realize who it belonged to.
Kirby Reed, the girl who actually held Charlie’s heart.
“Kirby?!” The boy nervously gulped.
The boy looks terrified as if he was caught stealing.
You decide in that moment it was your chance to escape.
You don’t say anything, gently pushing the boy away from your door.
“Y/N, wait! Please it doesn’t have to be like this” he tells you ignoring his friend besides him as you drove off.
“Why are you talking to Y/N Y/L/N?” Kirby curiously asks unaware of the situation between you and Charlie.
Charlie shakes his head, his hand vigorously running through his hair.
“i.., I’m in love with her” he coldly admits.
Almost glossy eyed over the broken connection.
“Oh?” The girl responds. She thought Charlie liked her.
“I’ve been sleeping with her for months now” he continues unaware the pain he’s causing the blonde next to him.
It’s not like Kirby likes him? She just loved the attention she received from the boy.
“She’s pretty, we had gym together freshman year” she chokes out.
He shakes his head, leaving everything behind in that parking lot.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
So... so far my thoughts on Help Wanted 2 are that yeah probably playing as Cassie's dad or the conspiracy guy from SB. I'm weirdly not too interested honestly? We seem to have maybe given Vanny some revenge in allowing her to kill Glitchtrap with Princess Quest 4, which is interesting. Interesting to know that's where the fourth game is too.
Moon and Mystic Hippo saying "what makes you so special?" is interesting too like??? Honestly? This feels like the player is the one that got away. Like we survived something, when no one else did, or we just chose this path despite no logical reason and no logical connection to anything at all. Maybe we're Luis here to save Vanessa? Maybe we're Cassie's dad trying to save her, and in doing so, leave nothing to prevent Cassie from joining us in the dark? Or conspiracy guy from SB that just knows something is wrong and has figured out that someone is trapped by the games, with this being their final attempts to do something about it?
Or perhaps, we're one of Mimic's (or Vanny's?) victims, the only one to get away in a massacre and have returned for one reason or another? That does happen twice in the books, so maybe that's applicable here too and we're the one that got away and sealed it away? Such as one of the construction workers for the Raceway that went down there and never came back? Maybe we're there, now trapped underground (since you can't go into the pizzeria in Ruin) hoping Cassie will save us or stop the Mimic?
Mystic Hippo also tells you to really look at our hands which is interesting. Maybe to remind us we're in VR or something? I dunno. Interesting though. There's all those little things like Roxy's plushie being in the dark in the bowling alley, Mystic Hippo asking when we are, all the Glitchtrap stuff happening, the lack of anything Mimic related, the Maskbot having rabbit ears and whatever else... It's all really interesting I guess. Maybe we're the spirits that possess Tangle, or Vanessa or someone, I dunno, maybe Jeremy? Beats me. This is thinking for another day.
I fucking LOVE the DJ levels and the carousel. DJ's animations are gorgeously done, he looks amazing and so full of life and character, and the music is fun, he's just so cool. The carousel?? Fucking opens with Sunny complaining that if he was programmed to fix it, it'd be fixed by now lmao and then Moon is just coming at you while you get the three rows of characters moving again. Then suddenly it's on fire. And they added another fucking daycare attendant called Jack-O-Moon that looks dope as hell but I'd bet is making the tags even more inhospitable than before, so thanks for that Steel Wool lmao
I love that Chica is such a nuisance too. Like, they say they're looking into DJ's bugs but not Chica's. Nah you can handle her! She's just going to eat everything ever! Honestly, I'm convinced your job is less preparing food for customers and more preparing food as a Chica Distraction lmao. She's got a massive presence in the game. She's in every food prep stage, the last Fizzy Faz stage, the wild west Fazerblast game and the log flume ride, and she's a really big part of all of those too. This is Chica's game I guess??? Or perhaps this is to show us that Chica is an absolute menace to every staff member ever lmao good for her honestly
Roxy's game is eh. You need to keep watching her or she kills you and if you make too many mistakes she will also kill you which yeah that's fair. Why is her model so dirty though that's what I wanna know. Honestly, her intro speech, like a few others, all feel hugely reheresed like she's sick of saying it over and over which is neat. Foxy has the same thing going on and so does the carnival nurse (who I adore oh my god that happy "I QUIT MY JOB!" thrown in the middle I love it sfdsfsd) but what's interesting about it is the comparison. After the first introduction, Roxy loses that stilted way of talking. She sounds genuinely annoyed that you aren't paying attention to her, and of course in the Ruined version, she sounds in genuine distress the whole time. I dunno, I just think that's neat!
The fact you're using the parts of everyone else on her is interesting too. That's what Gregory did with Freddy, and now someone is doing it with her and she doesn't accept it at all. It just makes her more frustrated with us until she demands a mask. I suppose the thing here is that of course nothing is working for her. She can't see what she looks like and thus, has to go off of how these things are making her feel, and none of them are making her feel better, only worse. Cause of course it would! The other animatronic parts being stuck onto her face obviously aren't going to make her feel better. Her own snout isn't making her feel better because she just wants her god damn eyes back off that thieving kid and everything will be okay again... Hence why she gives up on this and goes back to trying to figure out where he's gone again. Interesting stuff on that one
And sddfsdd Freddy freezing himself in place in cold storage like a dumb. And the fact Circus Baby gives you ice cream and plays games with you like you're a friend and not killable? Interesting! Cool! Sunny being so bossy and stuck up about artwork and the carousel? Hilarious. I love it. Why's the carousel on fire though...
I believe there are still some gamemodes we don't have access to yet, so that's probably where Monty's at. Shame we don't see him at all here but I'm sure we'll see more of him soon.
WE GOT TO SEE MORE OF THE MINIS THOUGH!!!! I love them oh my god. Their model is all YIPPEEEE!!! and I love that for them. They just wanna make music with DJ too! It's so unfair!
And those are my current thoughts on the game. Would love to hear how other people are finding it!
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asm5129 · 1 year
RWBY V9 Thoughts & Analysis: E7 - The Perils of Paper Houses
So I thought there were new images of the blacksmith in the opening of this episode on first watch, but a friend told me they were always there and i checked and he was right. Oh well. Moving on
From the first shot we can see the creativity put into the design of the town with the paper lantern acting as their "sun"
Yang and Blake appear to have slept directly next top one another, which is adorable. Yang's also a snorer, because naturally.
Jaune...literally sleeps in his armor. Yikes. that's not a good sign.
And then Ruby...Ruby, you poor girl. I desperately hope you weren't awake all night stewing in your negative thoughts while staring at CR. Honestly though, considering what comes later, i wouldn't doubt it--we'll get there.
"I'm late!! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" As others have noted, Jaune holds allusions to the white rabbit
"You can fix it. You always fix it." Ooh boy, that's not a good sign.
"Ruby, where's your weapon?" Ruby dismisses this as her being tired, but it's clearly hinting at her actually not wanting to pick up Crescent Rose again.
"Hurry, people are counting on us!"
Ruby needs a break, but she's expected to be able to fulfill the role of Hero at any given moment. No time to rest, there's a new crisis to deal with!
btw I'll be talking more about Weiss' role this episode--and honestly, this volume--when i get to the final scene
Love this bit of foreshadowing--the vocal performance of "Three cheers for the Rusted Knight and his White Rabbit" is extremely flat and inauthentic. I noticed that the first time, but i wasn't sure what it meant. Now i know.
In fact, nearly every single moment with the Paper Pleasers gets new context on rewatch.
For instance, blatant disregards for their own (presumed) safety, like "Hello water, how may i serve you?"
Oh so Alyx did leave Jaune to die. It was a lethal poison. I stand by my theory that Alyx genuinely thought of the Ever After as make believe though, not to mention that it's quite possible she thought would Ascend--especially if she had topped believing he was actually from Remannt
Jaune's spent decades literally putting out fires whenever one pops up. He runs himself ragged, but as he says--at least the crises in this village are "predictable"
Oh no. He named the Paper Pleasers after everyone he feels like he failed. Oh no.
Ooof, Yang and Weiss accidently feeding the idea that Jaune is a failure through their tone about him not having any leads. This whole episode is "hurt people hurt people"
I won't go in depth here, but i highly recommend reading through Jaune's to-do list. It's wholesome and heartbreaking and a great look into his psyche at this point in time. I'm really happy they actually filled it out and gave us a good look, they easily could have made it squiggles or something.
So...hot take: I actually think Jaune's plan isn't that bad. But I also get why WBY are hesitant to take him up on it. From their perspective, this absolutely would feel pointless.
"This isn't crazy...I'm not crazy..." Poor Jaune. he's genuinely terrified he IS crazy, that he's been driven mad by isolation and pain, which is why he was so angry when CC implied it last episode.
"We can be frustrated later. Right now, Jaune needs us."
Ruby hasn't talked at all since they sat down, and she's not looking too good. and Little is noticing.
"Who does that leave us with? It's obvious we need someone to guide us"
Ruby speaks up for the first time "Well if that's how everyone feels--"
and gets cut off. If she hadn't been, I think what happens later would have happened here. She was already getting genuinely angry, clearly feeling like her team was saying they had a problem with her leadership. Except, maybe it wouldn't have been quite what it was in that final scene. Maybe it would have been more manageable. We'll never know.
So here's the thing. Arryn's great, but this isn't a town of "suicidal origami." The Paper Pleasers have no wish to die. If they were suicidal, they'd want to get eaten by the Jabberwalker. The problem is, Jaune doesn't understand that Ascension isn't death. I know to us and to him it sounds like it's indistinguishable from it, but it's been made explicit that to Afterans it is not the same at all. If they were the same, there would be no reason to worry about getting eaten by the jabberwalker. No, Ascension is a continuation of life to them. We may not understand it, but it's simply their reality. And that's why what Jaune has done is so awful.
To be clear, I'm not demonizing Jaune. I have deep empathy for him. He was desperate, and in pain, and isolated, and again, to him Ascension is death. But his own trauma and trust issues and subsequent willful ignorance about how the Ever After works ended up pushing him to craft a fantasy where crises can befall the people he loves (or stand-ins for them, anyway) and he can save them, again and again and again and again and again, forever.
Yang is totally right-- no one has the full story, not yet.
"he's clearly not...all there"
"Is that what you think?!"
There is a surprising lack of empathy for Jaune from Weiss and Yang in particular this episode--and we see the direct consequences of it right here.
"We're not listening to [the cat] We're listening to the Afterans"
Someone mentioned this somewhere and i think it's right--this is Blake's social justice side coming out in the aftermath of the visit to the herbalist. Listening to those with the authentic lived experience, rather than accepting the biases that come with her own.
Oh Jaune. Your trust issues are so deep.
"Then why do you care so much about this village?"
Ugh, my heart. Refer to my paragraph about Jaune creating a fantasy here
Again, they aren't suicidal, otherwise they wouldn't be running in fear from the walkers
"then we won't run this time"
Ruby stays back for a couple seconds, but as always there's no time. She has a responsibility, right? She's the hero. There's no choice but to fight, no matter how much she doesn't want to, because that's her role.
Weiss and Jaune acting like partners in this fight while Ruby stands off on the sidelines, ugh. And that look he gives to Ruby when he notices she isn't fighting? ouch.
I hope i'm not misusing the term, but what's happening to Ruby here certainly seems like PTSD flashbacks. And the way they're animated and visualized and framed really puts us in ruby's headspace, it's heartbreaking. Plus that shot of Salem? Yikes
It was literally going to eat her and she was just...paralyzed.
Yeah, so yang's weirded out--definitely more than a semblance evolution here.
Regardless, Neo's closing in. I expect a lot of her tomorrow, but we'll see.
Meanwhile Jaune is lashing out, framing her paralysis as cowardice and selfishness, yet Ruby can't even hold Crescent Rose, the thing she once called her "sweetheart".
everyone knows that's a big deal, but hey--there's another crisis! There's always a crisis.
Clear mirror to the fall of Atlas.
"I was supposed to save them, and they're dead." -Jaune
Explicit spelling out that they're gone, but not dead
And here it is. THE scene. Let's break it down
"Why are you asking me? Because I'm the leader? Because I'm just supposed to have something to say? Cuz i don't. I mean, why do I have to be the leader anyway? Why do I have to be the one who always picks everybody up? What about me?"
Everyone has always looked to her for inspiration, because she's damn good at it. But it's waaaay too much pressure. It's funny--Yang once said something ruby desperately needed to hear, but she said it in one of her worst moments and Ruby didn't know how important it was.
"Sometimes bad things just happen"
And the thing is, without intending to, a lot of people--people who genuinely love her--relied on her to make that not true. To make every bad thing seem manageable, or to mean something.
They relied on her to make the world more like a fairy tale, because they didn't know how to cultivate the same spark she seemed to have.
Ruby's pain was always quiet. Actually, funnily enough, a lot of the audience fell into similar assumptions--that if Ruby's development wasn't loud, didn't get the spotlight, that it didn't matter. But it was always there. And just because not everyone's pain is loud and obvious, doesn't make it not real--If you were paying attention, you could see the groundwork being laid for this in every volume, including the ones that get the most gripes for doing her dirty.
But, the thing is, WBY and co aren't the bad guys for not being able to help her. She wasn't able to be helped, and they had their own baggage to deal with. Everyone can do their best, and someone can still get extremely hurt. WBY did the absolute best they could, and Ruby was still hurt. Those can and do coexist.
To Weiss: "No time, right? Gotta get home! Gotta help Jaune! Gotta find someone who isn't going to screw everything up!"
So, i personally take this line as coming from Weiss' behavior in this volume--the complaints about the Ever After, the blaming of team RWBY for the evacuation plan going wrong, being "tired of leaving places in ashes--having been internalized by Ruby as remarks about her failures.
Remember, Ruby blames herself for getting everyone stuck in the Ever After, so every time someone expressed frustration with the Ever After, or impatience over not having gotten out yet, she would have internalized that as slights against her.
When Weiss' frustration about the Ever After comes out, Ruby hears it as "You got us stuck here, you lost my home, and I'm miserable because of your choices. and you aren't even able to get us out."
I ALSO think it has a lot to do with her behavior in volume 1
the FNDM talks a lot about the impact of Oz's words on leadership on Ruby, and for good reason
But i think we overlook just how much of an impact v1 Weiss likely had on Ruby's psyche
Ruby came to Beacon riddled with insecurities
She was worried about making friends, worried about being a leader, worried about not deserving the skip to Beacon Oz granted her, and worried how people would treat her because of it
And Weiss hammered at ALL of those
Hell, Ruby only got that awful advice from ozpin because she wanted reassurance that he didn't think weiss was right about her inability to be a leader
Again, not demonizing Weiss. We know why she was like that, it wasn't her fault. But i think it's something we oughta talk about more.
To Yang: "Gotta stay positive, right?! Smiles all around!! Maybe even get our feelings sorted out!
We've seen Yang very explicitly put Ruby on a pedestal multiple times. Most obviously in volume 5, but a bit even as far back as volume 1.
in volume 1, Ruby is expressing her desire not to be seen as a freak or imposter for skipping ahead two years, saying she doesn't want anyone to think she's special, while Yang piles on the praise telling her she is special
in volume 5, she stays to fight Salem after learning about all of Oz's lies and explicitly states it's because Ruby is doing so and she "always knows the right thing to do"
In volume 7, despite her hesitancy around lying to Ironwood, she tells Ruby they'll follow her lead
in volume 8, she says "We said we'd follow your lead when we got here, and that hasn't exactly worked out", unintentionally laying the blame for Ironwood's fall and all the other Atlas crises at Ruby's feet
Again, not demonizing Yang. She gave up her childhood for Ruby to be her parental figure when Tai was in his depression, but that doesn't mean she knew how to be a mother, not at that age. She would have no idea how to deal with with the complex and messy emotions of someone the age Ruby was when she was raising her, and Ruby herself would have felt pressure not to make an unfair job for Yang even harder.
To Blake: "Good for you, by the way, we're all so happy for you!"
RUBY IS NOT BEING HOMOPHOBIC. Can't believe I have to say that. She's not even genuinely unhappy for them I'd wager, she's just resentful that she didn't get to be happy too.
The thing is, there always seemed to be time for everyone else to slow down and sort through their feelings, but to Ruby that meant that if they needed that time she had to pick up the slack. That's why she went to Haven. It's what happened with the Apathy. If everyone else has fallen apart, someone has to hold it together and save lives. Someone has to hold it it together and lead. And she could, so she should...right?
"i'm sorry is this a bad time? Are we supposed to be mourning Jaune's make believe friends?"
and then Jaune goes on to blame her for everything she's already blaming herself for, and ooof that painful expression she makes, it breaks my heart (RWBY facial expressions are such an underrated part of the series btw--they're so good)
Jaune was her first real friend at Beacon. He gave her his hand in support for no other reason than that she needed it. I'd say that they genuinely might be best friends. They were always there for each other.
Hearing these words would always be painful, but hearing it from Jaune cuts straight into Ruby's soul.
He immediately apologizes. "I'm sorry, I know I'm not okay, I know I'm not right.... but how am I supposed to be?"
That bit of self-awareness is what could save you Jaune. Hold onto that.
"I've been alone for so long...Here...on that bridge...I was the only one that could do it, i was the ONLY ONE. And now I have to live with that forever. In here or back home." I think he's talking about killing Penny.
"Guys, i know things are bad but--"
"Shut. Up.
Don't do that. Just...don't."
When you know all the right words to lift people up, but you've stopped believing them, hearing them from others feels...almost insulting.
God what a brilliant episode. Im excited for what comes next, but also utterly terrified. I'm not sure any other story has affected me quite as deeply as RWBY. I'll have to do some RWBY meta on why that is at some point, but right now I've already spent far too long on this.
Good luck everyone! We'll need it 😅
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gayhoediaz · 2 years
12 and 29? 🫶🏽
12. how many wips do you have in your docs for next year?
oh, it depends on what we're considering a wip. if we're talking stories that have actually been started, but won't be finished until next year then it's two! one of them is an explicit three chapter story exploring their sexual hang ups, and figuring out the best way to communicate their needs. the other one is a patrick x richie fic that i work on whenever my looking hyperfixation comes back around - it might not even be up in 2023 tbh, we'll see. most of that fandom has moved on, so i'm just writing it for myself. (except for @dickley-buddie who i dragged down the rabbit whole with me this year and i'm very proud of that mwah) i'll post it when it's finished, for sure, but we'll see when that might be. if we're talking planned or outlined wips, then it's a lot more. i'm finally gonna work on that private chef au i promised everyone like six months ago. i haven't forgotten about it, i just want to have enough time to dive into it, because i'm really excited to write it!
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
oh god. i need you to know that once i post a fic, i don't remember anything about it. and i have written a lot this year, so i genuinely have no idea. that being said, i am partial to this entire scene in grow as we go:
“You look very pretty, by the way,” Buck says, eyes wandering over Eddie’s face, and up to his hair, his hand soon following - but Eddie flinches away, putting his own hand up in between them as a barrier. 
“Hey, you’re gonna ruin it - she’s very expensive,” he says, barely getting through the words before they’re both laughing - warm, bright chuckles bouncing around the room. When they start to trail off, Buck bends his arm a little bit more, tugging Eddie closer, as he places his other hand on the side of his face, nudging their noses together. 
“I’m very sorry.” 
“You better be,” Eddie hums, right as Buck grins and goes in for a warm, languid kiss - not too much, just in case they’re interrupted, but certainly more than a peck. He pulls away, only to be tugged back in for another one - and then a third, Eddie’s arm coming to rest around his waist. 
When they part, Buck stays right where he is, leaning his forehead against Eddie’s temple, listening intently to the sigh that leaves his lips. 
“What?” Buck asks quietly; Eddie brings a hand to his hair, resting some of the strands in his palm, looking down at them for a second before he turns to meet Buck’s eyes. 
“You think she’s gonna be mad?” 
“Yes,” Buck says without a single second’s hesitation. “She’s six. She’s gonna be mad at you,” he nods, as he tucks a strand of it behind his ear (making very sure to stay away from the butterfly clips.) It’s long now - really long - past his waist, in fact. Eddie could probably have cut it a little bit at some point, but Buck knows that he would never do that - this was never really about having long hair, as much as it was about not cutting it. Once he cuts it, he’s cutting it. 
Eddie huffs a laugh, teasingly knocking his temple against Buck’s. 
“Maddie can take over your chair, Jee’s getting too old for butterfly clips,” Buck shrugs then, only to have Eddie turn his head, a deep frown line developing in his forehead. 
“Too old for butterfly clips?” he asks, an extremely dramatic look of offense on his face. “Excuse me?” 
Buck tilts his head back with laughter, Eddie’s soon joining in, bouncing against the walls of their happy home. 
ao3 wrapped (writers edition) 📝
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moonchildlix · 7 months
TMNT PIA: Character Introduction - Splinter
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Splinter’s real name is Hamato Yoshi. Before being mutated into a rat, he was a human male from Japan. About 20 years before the story officially begins, Yoshi and his fiancé Teng Shen would move to the US and settle in New York. The reason behind the move (I’m being as vague as possible with the details because it’s a HUGE spoiler) was due to a crime Yoshi had committed and wanting to escape the consequences they fled.
Once in the states Yoshi and Teng Shen befriended the O’Neil’s. They were kind to them and helped them find their place in another country where they didn’t speak much of the native language. Teng Shen would eventually get married and they hey would then go on to have a happy, if trying life in the States with their four more children and the pet rat and turtle. Five years after they moved however, Yoshi’s dark past finally got its revenge on him.
In this iteration, the turtles are actually Splinter and Teng Shen’s biological children. They were born human, but were all mutated the same night their father was.
One night, three armed men broke into the Hamato’s apartment. During the struggle, Teng Shen was murdered right in front of Yoshi, moments later another one of the armed men smashed a canister of strange, glowing green liquid over Yoshi’s head. Yoshi was able to fight back but the men fled from the scene, he held Teng Shen until she took her final breath. Yoshi would soon forced to flee from the scene with his children, when his body began to transform into that of a giant rat, highly resembling his pet rat Splinter. Due to coming in close contact with the ooze on their father’s clothing, the children too would mutate into that of turtles, due to the last thing they touched being the family’s pet turtle.
Yoshi and the children would be forced to live a shameful life in the shadows of the sewers of NYC, hiding from people, trying to figure out what to do and scavenging for food. Overtime, they managed to find a way to adapt to this new life, continuing to love as the family they were always meant to be. At least that’s the story he always told his sons…
Overall, Splinter is a laidback single dad in his mid 40’s, who may not always get it right, but he loves his kids more than anything and is trying his best given the circumstances.
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Facts about the character
Actually good parent who really does love and care about his kids more than anything in the world. He’s really affectionate with them and takes genuine interest in their interests.
The turtles will usually refer to him as anything along the lines of ‘Dad’ or ‘Papa’, with ‘Otou-San/Tou-Chan’ also being commonly used titles for him. But in the dojo, when they are training, they strictly call him ‘Sensei’, ‘Master Splinter’ or ‘Father’.
He raised the turtles to be fluent in both English and Japanese. Sometimes he’ll have entire conversations with them in just Japanese for hours. He also tried to teach them some Mandarin as this was Teng Shen’s first language, but he himself isn’t fluent in the language so what he could teach them is very limited. (Leo and Mikey know a few basic phrases, Raph knows just a bit less than enough to be considered fluent, and Donnie is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Standard Chinese)
As is almost always the case in other iterations, Splinter knows ninjutsu because he is descended from an ancient clan of ninja’s, known as the Hamato Clan. Because of this, he was trained in martial arts and ninjutsu from a very young age, and was also taught the sacred history of the clan.
For a voice actor, I actually had a difficult time picking someone, I just knew that I wanted Splinter to be voiced by someone who is Japanese, since that’s only ever happened once, Mako Iwamatsu, who voiced him in the 2007 movie. Eventually I settled on Yuki Matsuzaki, who’s not particularly known for his voice acting roles, but he was in 2012 TMNT, TMNT Shredder’s Revenge and even Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, as the same character, Usagi Miyamoto.
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kurowrites · 4 years
That Boy.
So, as the start into the new year, have Lan Zhan getting hounded by his brother’s groupies and despairing over Wei Ying’s compulsive flirting. :)
“Hello, handsome,” the woman said, smiling at Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan looked at her, and tried to remember if they had met somewhere before. She was carefully styled, wearing a tight black dress and high heels, with long hair and equally long red nails. She looked somewhat out of place in this cosy coffee shop, more like she was on her way to a fancy event than looking for a cup of coffee. It was certainly someone he would remember, if they had indeed met before. She was, however, entirely unfamiliar to him.
And if that had not been enough of a hint yet, there was a certain gleam in her eye that immediately put him on edge. Her smile was friendly, but there was something about her that made her feel not unlike a predator, smiling at her prey before she opened her mouth and swallowed it.
Lan Zhan sighed internally. Another one of his brother’s fans, he assumed.
He was happy about his brother’s success, and he would always support Lan Huan, there was no doubt about that. But ever since Lan Huan had his big break as a pop musician two years ago, right after he left university, Lan Zhan had found himself constantly hounded by fans of Lan Huan. Some of them genuinely confused Lan Zhan with his brother and were thrilled to meet a pop star on the streets. Others confused him with Lan Huan, but also hit on him in the process, trying to shoot their shot with a celebrity. (Which would never happen, Lan Zhan thought uncharitably. His brother was better than that.)
The ones that were possibly the worst, however, were those that had done their homework, realised that Lan Zhan was not his famous brother, and still decided to go after him. Those were usually the ones that were the most difficult to get rid of, and they came in all shapes, sizes and genders.
Frankly, Lan Zhan was getting tired. He was getting tired of people hitting on him in general, but he was particularly tired of people hitting on him because he was the brother of a celebrity who also happened to look very similar to said celebrity.
He glanced at the woman who had accosted him while he was drinking his tea, and tried to figure out which category she belonged to. And, of course, how he could get rid of her quickly and efficiently.
He wanted to drink his tea in peace.  
She did not seem to be cowed by his critical glance, and gestured to the empty armchair across from him.
“Are you here on your own?” she asked. “Do you mi-”
Before she could finish her words, there was a mad scramble, and with rather more noise than necessary, a large cup of coffee was unceremoniously dumped onto the small table between the two armchairs, and one Wei Ying dove onto the empty armchair across from Lan Zhan, throwing his bag under the table as he did so.
“Sorry, m’lady,” Wei Ying said as he pushed his hair, messy from his athletic stunt, out of his face. He smiled at her broadly and in a way that showed that he very much was not sorry. “This place was reserved for me. I fear you have to look for another seat.”
The woman stared at him in disbelief. She opened her mouth, presumably to lodge a complaint, but Wei Ying could not be bothered. Ignoring her, he directed his gaze towards Lan Zhan.
“So Lan Zhan,” he said loudly. “I heard that you got engaged. Congratulations, I have to say. Took you long enough. Where you failing to find the perfect engagement ring or what?”
Without another word, the woman turned around and walked away in a huff.
Lan Zhan was not sorry to see her go. Still, he felt his face twist into a frown. Wei Ying’s words made no sense to him. What engagement was Wei Ying talking about?
“Wei Ying, I have not gotten engaged.”
Wei Ying laughed loudly, his face shining with mirth.
“Lan Zhan! Of course you didn’t get engaged! I just said that to make her leave! You should have seen your face when she descended on you, like a small, helpless rabbit! Of course I had to help!”
He sighed dramatically and reached out to take hold of his overly large coffee cup.
“I know Lan Zhan is handsome and irresistible, but the nerve of that woman. You were obviously not up for conversation! It’s your strictly scheduled tea break! Which is why I will drink my coffee in silence now, so you can meditate over your tea or whatever it is you do.”
He took a big gulp of his coffee.
Lan Zhan considered Wei Ying for a moment. He was obviously grateful for Wei Ying’s unexpected help, but it came with two problems: First, Wei Ying never did anything silently. Second, Wei Ying himself flirted with Lan Zhan incessantly, calling him handsome and whatnot, so in all fairness, he was hardly better than any of the overenthusiastic Lan Huan fans that approached him.
There might also have been a third problem, though Lan Zhan did not admit to that. He definitely did not notice Wei Ying’s handsome face, brightened by his irreverent, sparkling smile. Neither did he notice his long, deft fingers, carelessly tapping out rhythms on the coffee cup, nor the way he was slouched on the armchair in a way that should have looked sloppy, but instead ended up looking artfully draped.
After all, it was only Wei Ying, irredeemable and obnoxious flirt, and there was nothing for Lan Zhan to notice.
“Thank you,” Lan Zhan said, because he was grateful. “I think she mistook me for my brother.”
Wei Ying raised his eyebrows, an incredulous expression on his face.
Lan Zhan could divine the meaning of that look. After all, Lan Huan was the friendly, approachable one out of the two of them, and he was also a pop star. Certain physical similarities aside, no one with eyes in their head should ever mistake Lan Zhan for his smiling, gentle older brother.
Wei Ying was evidently of the same opinion.
“Haha, Lan Zhan, don’t worry about it,” he eventually replied between two sips of coffee. “I could hardly have looked on while the impeccable, incomparable Lan er-gege was in distress.”
There we go again, Lan Zhan thought to himself, trying to suppress an eyeroll. Incorrigible.
It was not often that Lan Zhan went out with his brother, considering that his brother was a very busy person, so of course they had to run into Wei Ying when they did the next time.
Oh no, Lan Zhan thought to himself when he saw Wei Ying’s eyes flit back and forth between Lan Huan and himself.
This, he would have wanted to avoid. Permanently.
It had been his biggest fear, ever since he had met Wei Ying. Wei Ying was bad enough with Lan Zhan, when he could hope for nothing and had no encouragement. How Wei Ying would act once he had the encouragement of a friendly disposition in addition to Lan Zhan’s oh-so-handsome face, he had never wanted to know.
And now they stood in front of Wei Ying, giving him a truly perfect opportunity to compare and judge.
What the judgement would be, Lan Zhan already knew.
(It would never be him.)
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying chirped once he was apparently finished with his thorough analysis. “Is that your brother?”
“Lan Huan.” His brother stepped forward and introduced himself, always a little bit better at being polite than Lan Zhan. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
Wei Ying smiled at him, and Lan Zhan quietly begged Wei Ying not to say–
“Nice to meet you, Lan Huan,” Wei Ying said. “I’m Wei Ying, one of Lan Zhan’s university friends. Did you know, Lan Zhan staunchly refuses to talk about you? But actually, I think he’s really proud of you, and he’s just careful to not spread private information.”
Lan Zhan was so surprised about these words, he could only stand there and stare.
That… was not what he had expected from Wei Ying. After all, when it came to Lan Zhan, Wei Ying couldn’t open his mouth without saying something flirty or suggestive.
And know he looked Lan Huan in the face and managed with a simple ‘nice to meet you’?
“Thank you,” Lan Huan replied with a small, but genuine smile, completely unaware of Lan Zhan’s current internal crisis. “I’m proud of him too.”
Suddenly, Wei Ying perked up.
“I know, right?” he asked excitedly. “He’s such a good, serious student. And so smart! And also ha-” he interrupted himself and coughed once. “Well. You are handsome, too. And he’s your brother. So I guess you know.”
He twirled his hair around his finger and pulled once.
“Well, I guess you have things you need to get done,” he chirped. “And I do too. Have a good time! And see you at university, Lan Zhan! Don’t be a stranger!”
With that, he hopped off, quick as a fox.
Lan Zhan just stared after him, not understanding what had just happened.
You are handsome, too.
When had Wei Ying, of all people, learned moderation?
When he turned back to Lan Huan, he found his brother smiling at him widely, and it put Lan Zhan on the defence immediately.
“What?” he asked, rather more harshly than he had intended to.
“Oh, A-Zhan,” Lan Huan said, his smile becoming smaller, but also more intimate. “I’m very happy for you.”
Lan Zhan frowned. Why would Lan Huan be happy for him? Because one of his university colleagues had finally managed not to embarrass themselves in front of Lan Huan? Because Wei Ying had managed not to completely expose himself? Because he had somehow survived this encounter without getting his heart smashed to tiny pieces?
Of course, there was no good way to ask these questions.
“I think you should move fast, dear brother,” Lan Huan observed, continuing the conversation without needing any input from Lan Zhan. “He’s very handsome, this Wei Ying, is he not? And smart. You might have some stiff competition if you’re not careful, so you need to be quick.”
Lan Zhan stared at Lan Huan, uncomprehending.
What, exactly, was his brother talking about?
“A-Zhan,” Lan Huan sighed when he saw that he had lost Lan Zhan. He reached out and squeezed Lan Zhan’s shoulder once, a quick, familiar comfort. “That boy only has eyes for you, and absolutely nothing else. I don’t think I have ever seen someone more in love.”
His brother let him go and walked away, leaving Lan Zhan standing there, as if he had not just dropped a bombshell of truly earth-shattering properties on him.
That boy only has eyes for you.
That boy.
Only has eyes for you.
 Wei Ying??
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beomglocks · 4 years
nervous ; c.yj
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summary : do i make you nervous?
pairing : bf!yeonjun x reader
warnings & other: suggestive?, just something in between requests, tiktok is mentioned, some language?, idk what this is but ive been seeing a lot of those tiktoks abt seducing men & here we are
w/c : 876
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“hey yeonjun could you come here really quick?” you call to your boyfriend sweetly. you knew what you were doing adding a higher pitch to your voice.
ever since you saw that one tiktok about how to seduce men you quickly fell down the rabbit hole of the aptly named “#seducehim” tag. you just knew you had to try some of the techniques out on your boyfriend to see if men really were swooned as easy as they say.
yeonjun walks into the room with a clueless yet curious expression on his face. you almost felt bad for how flustered you might get him. he had no idea what was coming to him.
“uhm..” you bite your lip, looking around the room for an excuse to get close to him without making your intentions obvious. “yes baby?” he asks. damn it, might as well just go all in.
you get up from your spot on the couch, making sure to take your phone with you, and walk up to him casually. he watches you the entire time and you don’t stop until you’re a couple centimeters apart.
phase one was getting him close. “yeonjun..” you sigh. he hums in response, a little bit confused but curiousosity is his main emotion. you reach for his sleek black gucci belt and pull him enough to you that your chests are practically touching. you doesn’t question the action at all, thankfully.
you smile up at him innocently, trying your best to come off as oblivious as you can. he smiles back, simply happy to have you this close without him trying. “i just had a question,” you start. he nods once in acknowledgement, resting his hands on your waist.
“do i make you nervous?”
“do you make me nervous?” he repeats with a smile. he breathes out a laugh and you’re so close to him that you can feel it hit your face. his eyes flit back and forth between yours before answering with no.
now your chance! , you think to yourself. you place your free hand on his chest, close to where his heart would be located at. despite his response, his heart rate seemed to be increasing the longer your hand laid on his chest. thankfully, yeonjun chose to wear a thin tee shirt so you figured you had more of an effect.
“no? then why is your heart beating so fast?” you say. he raises his eyebrow at you and you feel his grip slightly tighten on your waist but what you don’t expect is a chuckle to tumble from his lips. “that was... corny,” he says. apparently not since i got you so worked up, you internally roll your eyes.
that didn’t work so now you decide to go with your plan b.
you let your phone slip from your hands and it falls on the floor near his foot. “whoops,” you casually say as if you could care less about the phone.
“i got it,” he removes his hands from you and almost swoops down to grab it for you but you stop him quickly. bless his heart for being such a gentleman but in this moment that would ruin your plans. “no don’t worry about it!” you assure.
you let him stand straight again before putting your second plan into action.
as slowly and seductively as you possibly can, you bend down nearly all the way to grab your phone. you grab onto his upper thigh to lean on him for “support” but really it’s just a ploy. you want to smirk as you feel his muscles tense. you can’t deny this for long choi yeonjun.
“got it,” you say looking up at him from your position. you see his lips being caught between his lips as he looks down at you.
you take your sweet time getting back up to stand straight. as you lean back up, you let your fingers lightly trace up along his body, finally stopping back up at his heart area.
you want to gasp at how fast his heart is beating, you genuinely think he might have a heart attack. you smirk at him though. “are you sure i don’t make you nervous baby? at this rate your heart might explode,” you ask with a laugh.
he grabs your wrist and moves your hand away from his chest. you watch him lean close to your face almost teasing to kiss you but he doesn’t do it. “you’re not slick at all,” he says lowly.
“im not doing anything,” you defend with a light chuckle. “if you wanted to get fucked you could’ve just said so,” he rolls his eyes.
he leads you to the bedroom slowly, pushing you backwards towards it. “after this i was gonna go back to chilling but getting dick isn’t too bad either.” you shrug.
“what was it this time?” he asks. “i wanted to see if i could seduce you, you’re too easy choi yeonjun,” you scold him playfully for giving in so quick.
“what did you expect it’s you, of course ill go down quickly,” he laughs, pecking your lips once.
“mm but let’s just go because now you got me all worked up,” he groans, pushing you quicker. “sorry?” you laugh.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Sorry to bother you! That yandere brat piece was very good! I was wondering if in the future you would be interested in creating a part two? Again, wonderful work, have a nice day!
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Tw: slight nsfw, obsessive/possessive behavior, abuse of authority, non - consensual touching, implied non - con
Two months had passed since Gabrielle manipulated you into dating him and as much as you hated the entitled snob, being his girlfriend had its perks. People seemed to show more respect towards you, maybe even fear, knowing that you had managed to tame one of the most dangerous bullies on the campus. And of course you always got what you wanted with as much as one look, be it clothes, jewelry, makeup or someone’s quick and painless murder. Some of the girls envied you for catching the eye of the rich, handsome heir, most of them wished you’d be gone so they could stand a chance with the blonde.
They were so foolish in the way they believed you were genuinely happy with your “lover” and as dreamy as your situation looked to the others, the cold reality was much more sinister. You hated seeing the awe in your colleagues’ eyes every time you passed in the hall with Gabrielle’s hand wrapped around your waist. You despised his stupid little gifts and public acts of affection, it felt shiny, fussy and most of all fake. But what had caused you the most heartbreak was the look on your best friend’s face once he realized you had chosen the enemy that had tormented him for months. Still, it didn’t matter, it shouldn’t have, you couldn’t approach him anyways with your loving, doting boyfriend following your every move closely.
You had tried to get some help early on while you still had hope that you could get away from the obsessive man. You had spoken to the principle, opening up about the events from the past few months, told him all about the party incident, the constant harassment and stalking, all up to the point when the blonde had threatened you into staying with him. In that moments there were tears glistering in your eyes and you were shaking during the whole conversation yet you managed to spit out the bitter words stuck at the back of your throat like a hard, heavy stone. On top of reliving the nightmare once again trough your memories, you were met with silence. With fear. The principle was not only a coward kissing up to Gabrielle’s father, but also a snitch. That night your boyfriend took you for the first time.
It was the middle of the night when his cold piercing voice woke you up from your deep peaceful slumber. The only time you caught a break from the blonde was in your sleep and now he wanted to take this away from you too. You felt the man’s weight on your body and opened your mouth in a desperate attempt to shout but his palm quickly covered it, successfully turning your screams into muffled whimpers. You lifted your head to look at him pleadingly, silently asking to be spared, but his gaze fixed upon your squirming frame was so stern and intense it almost forced you still. You hadn’t seen the male so angry since the night he cornered you against the wall and confessed his feelings.
“You are so fucking naive, bunny.” Gabrielle growled in your ear, your back breaking in cold sweat. In the next moment his lips were trailing the sensitive feverish skin of your neck, his teeth digging into the flesh until the drops of fresh blood dripped down your collarbone. “Such a silly little girl.” He whispered in a deep patronizing voice, a note too condescending to sound caring or sweet. His warm breath was hitting your abused spots, love bites and hickeys, his tongue wet and hot over the nasty possessive marks. ”You really thought that the principle wouldn’t tell me about the pathetic little stunt you have pulled this morning.” The male continued, his heavy gaze pinning you further into the soft mattress. You wanted to defend yourself or maybe even try to talk your way out but the blonde suddenly pushed two of his fingers down your throat causing you to gag. “I don’t want to hear your excuses so save your breath.” Gabrielle spat out with venom and pulled his digits out of your mouth wiping the saliva on your flimsy white t-shirt. The heir stared at you from above, his face pale and hesitant. He was thinking about something.
“I wanted to be gentle with you.” The man admitted softly yet huskily as he reached out to stroke your tear – stained cheek. “I really don’t enjoy seeing you so scared of me. It doesn’t suit you.” The snob sighed in frustration, obviously conflicted by two different feelings, and narrowed his eyes. “But you proved yourself incapable of making decisions on your own.” Part of him wanted to break you completely and the other wished to hold you close and cherish you forever. Unfortunately for you, at the end the evil prevailed and his gaze hardened, his blue eyes dark and chaotic, cruel in the way they resembled a thunderstorm a lot more than a clear sky. “The moment I leave you alone, you try to run away from me like a frightened little rabbit.” The male muttered under his breath, the pitiful expression of heartbreak written all over his pretty face. You couldn’t help but brace yourself for what was to come because despite not knowing what it was, your gut feeling was eating at you, the panic suffocating you. “I am going to make you mine tonight.” The blonde finally stated in an eerie monotone tone, devoid of any emotion other than empty desperate anger, the type of rage you experience only when you desire something you can never truly get.
Gabrielle easily slipped his cold hand under your t-shirt and cupped your breast, smiling at the warmth radiating from your soft skin. He circled your areola and gently teased your nipple until it stood at attention. You wanted to force his prying hand away from your chest but the shock was too paralyzing to leave enough room for any courage. After all Gabrielle had never gotten this far before. “P-please stop! I’m sorry for what I did, I will never do it again, I promise.” You begged the man who had taken your freedom to spare the only thing that still fully belonged to you – your innocence. The bully simply chuckled in response and caressed your hair in a fruitless attempt at comfort. Perhaps the man didn’t realize his touch could never be comforting to you, but he couldn’t help himself when you looked so cute and repentant in your meaningless struggles. “Darling, this isn’t meant to be a punishment.” The blonde looked you straight in the eyes, a sly teasing smile on his full red lips. “This is me showing you exactly who you belong to.” The hungry kiss that followed after burnt your tongue more than any of the poisonous words you wanted to spill.
You weren’t sure whether your heart or your body was bleeding out more. At the end it didn’t really matter as neither were yours to control. Not anymore.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Johnny smut#4
Hello lovely anon. Thank you so much for this request, again, i’m sorry for the long wait but i didn’t want to write this when i didn’t have much motivation and then have it turn out any less than perfect. I hope it’s worth the wait for you and that you enjoy it.
Also a lil A/N for everyone: To everyone who has requested, i’m gonna get back on it and try and get at least 2 or 3 out per week if possible. I lost motivation for a hot minute but i’m back. I love you all so much. Also, part 7 to only love can hurt like this will be up sometime in the next week or so. I’m still working on it but i already can’t wait for you all to read.
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Johnny Storm x Fem!Reader
Prompt #4: “You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught”
Warning: Smut, explicit content, sexual intercourse, hair pulling, choking, mouth covering and swearing. 18+
Word Count: 5,160
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @mcustarks go check them out❤️
Best Friends Brother
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As your eyes glance around the beautiful garden filled with white chairs either side of the aisle with flower arrangements all the way to the alter. You can’t help but feel utterly enchanted by the scene, it’s stunning. However, you’re in the wrong place right now, Sue specifically asked you to meet her out back to help her get ready but as soon as you turnaround to head there, you bump into Johnny of all people.
To put it simply, Johnny isn’t exactly your favourite person and you’re not his either. Well, that’s a lie. When around others you don’t get along, you don’t hate each other you just don’t really have much to say since he’s always so cocky and you’re his older sisters best friend. But behind closed doors, the sexual chemistry is off the charts and you’ve spent too many nights tangled up in his sheets to count on two hands.
No one knows about your late night rendezvous though, especially Sue. And she can never find out. It would hurt her. You’re her best friend and Johnny is her little brother. So it’s a secret and it will always remain one.
“Wow” his lips curl up into a genuine smile as his eyes take in your figure in the floor length  dark purple bridesmaid dress you have on “you look, great” he says as he tugs on his bottom lip with his teeth, clearly unable to stop those dirty thoughts running wild in his head.
“Just great?” you ask, brow raising slightly before you chuckle and move to walk past him but he grabs your arm just in time to stop you from going anywhere “not just great, but gorgeous. In fact if this wasn’t my sisters wedding then i’d say you were the best looking one here” he turns his head in your direction, his dreamy blue eyes meeting yours, both filled with lust and need. But you can’t do this here. Today is Sue and Reed’s day.
“Johnny” you whisper lazily, the feel of his skin on yours makes you shiver with desire for him to fill you up, kiss you and make you cum around his cock multiple times but that will have to wait. You really need to snap out of this. So you do, you blink and look back up at him before slowly pulling away from “Sue needs me now, i have to go” and just like that he’s behind you, watching as you walk away. Mostly just to watch the way your ass moves in that dress. You can’t say you blame him though, your ass does look good.
The second you step foot indoors you hear Sue moaning about anything and everything to who sounds like Alicia.
“Your saviour is here” you announce and Sue turns around, beaming at you and you can’t help but stare at her. She looks absolutely breathtaking and her dress is the most beautiful you’ve ever seen. She looks just like a princess.  Alicia then leaves to go and check on Ben, leaving you two to it.
“Sue, you look amazing” tears brim in your eyes, drowning out your vision, she spots it immediately, rushing to hand you a tissue “don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup”
You take it from her, dabbing underneath your eyes before taking the eyeliner from her to re do what couldn’t be saved in time “i can’t believe you’re finally getting your big day” you finish zipping up her dress before helping her out with her veil.
“Well i’ve waited long enough” she laughs as you finish up and you turn her round so she can look at herself in the mirror.
“Now, i just need to finish my make-up. Help a girl out?”
You don’t even bother to respond, instead you start helping, picking up her bag of products. Her foundation is done so it’s just her eye makeup and lipstick that’s left to do. You go with a nice subtle smokey eye with a little silver glitter on top. Then to finish it off you apply some nude lip gloss to her lips before leaving her to do her own mascara, you would hate to mess it up after all.
“Oh i forgot to check with you, is Johnny outside?”
Even the mention of his name has an obvious effect on your body and it’s something you’ve never been able to control but instead of letting it show, you put your poker face on, clearing your throat and mumbling a quick “yes” and thank god she doesn’t catch on or say anything. You must have hid it well.
“Right, ladies the guests are arriving now and Reed is helping them all to their seats so are you ready?” Johnny pokes his head into the room and Sue nods, letting out a deep breath.
He glances at you before Sue walks over to him to make their way to the other room in which she’s going to be leaving out of to walk down the aisle, leaving you standing there sighing.
Guess it’s time for you to take your own place too. You follow closely behind them and then you and Alicia wait for your queue to go, she goes first, then you. Flowers in hand, smiling around at all of the guests, every one of them dressed up in bright colours, wedding hats galore. And as you take your place next to Alicia at the side of the alter, you watch your best friend walk down the aisle with pride. She means the world to you and if there’s one person who’s the most deserving of happiness, it’s her.
Reed wipes away tears as she stands next to him and you feel your heart melting, more tears forming. Johnny watches you from across the way, wiping your own tears of joy before his focus shifts to the vows.
Sometimes he gets urges to ask you out on a date but as quickly as those urges form, they fade. There’s not a chance in hell of you saying yes to him and he knows it. He’s just a hookup and he’s no stranger to half platonic relationships. He’s never particularly been one for commitment anyway but something about you changes his mind. Since you’ve been Sue’s best friend for god knows how long now, he’s watched many guys come and go in and out of your life. He’s watched and even listened to the many times Sue has held you whilst you cried and to tell the truth, he’s never been able to fathom why anyone would ever want to hurt you. Why anyone would ever cheat or leave you. He always had the biggest crush on you and it’s never left. 
Hence why one day he made a move, giving you his best cheesy pick up line at a party Sue threw one weekend. But you ignored him, it was only 2 hours into the party and you weren’t drunk enough to be taking him seriously. However, multiple drinks and shots later, he tried his luck again, and he hit the jackpot. You took him up on his offer. Whilst Sue was in the other room trying to clean up after her guests, you were in Johnny’s room, stripping off in-between heated open mouthed kisses.
It’s pretty obvious where that lead and the next day, you were so mad at yourself for letting it get that far. You cursed alcohol and your stupid brain as you quickly re dressed, repulsed at yourself and your actions. That’s when Johnny shot up, trying his best to make you stay, shutting the door as you tried to open it and standing in the way. You made eye contact with the player and he kissed you. You can’t recall anything else other than feeling captivated by him. His lips moved in sync with yours like they were always made to touch and you couldn’t control the way your body yearned for more.
And the rest is history. Since then you’ve been late night texting and meeting up whenever you could to hook up. Johnny eventually got his own apartment too which only lead to more often than not, the pair of you fucking like rabbits.
It hasn’t just been hookups though, as much as you’d love to lie and pretend that it doesn’t mean a thing, it does. You like Johnny, of course you do. He’s actually the only guy that’s ever been able to make you cum. The only guy who isn’t completely selfish in bed. He makes it all about you, every dam time and you feel torn when it comes to him. A huge part of you knows the two of you feel something deeper and more than just sex. You feel something more intimate. It’s definitely not love but it could be, one day.
Before you know it, you’re ripped from your Johnny themed thoughts as everyone starts cheering and clapping. You join in, watching Reed kiss Sue passionately before the two of them walk back up the aisle. You, Alicia, Johnny and Ben all follow behind with the guests joining in.
The reception is just inside and as soon as you all enter, the music begins. The real old school music. You’re The One That I Want from Grease. The DJ really has a way of luring everyone onto the dance floor right away. Usually at weddings, everyone sits down drinking and chilling before the buffet food comes out but not this wedding.
Sue grabs your hand and the two of you re enact the classic Sandy and Danny scene, overly dramatic though of course and unbeknownst to you, Johnny is watching your every move, unable to stop himself grinning like a cheshire cat. It’s very clear you’re having the time of your life and all he wants is to be able to dance with you.
Once the song is over, you walk around the room to look for the table that you’re going to be sitting at until you hear “over here” and you know that voice anywhere. You turn around to find Johnny sat down, a large glass of wine next to his beer. He ordered for you? Why?
“You’re next to me, hope that’s okay” he stands up, helping you into your chair and tucking it in for you before taking his seat again and sliding the glass of wine to you.
“White wine is still your favourite, right?” nerves fill his voice as he keeps his eyes locked on you “yes, it is. You remembered. Thank you” you waste no time in taking a big gulp of it, you can practically feel yourself getting aroused just by sitting next to the man and to think you’re going to have to deal with it the whole day is torture.
You press your thighs together, trying your hardest to stop whatever is happening in its tracks.
“You not going to dance some more?” he asks, sitting back in his chair, one arm draped round the back of yours “maybe in a minute, i’m still recovering from the first one” you giggle nervously, scared of being seen with him. Sure, you were put with him by Sue herself but what if your farce comes apart now, after all, he is being nice to you and the resting bitch face is missing instead a happy expression has taken its place.
Maybe no one will notice since it’s Sue’s big day, that could be the excuse you use if anyone says anything but then again, why should you care to make excuses? If you enjoy his company that shouldn’t be an issue. Maybe Sue won’t care. She’s always wanted Johnny to settle down with someone nice and you’re nice, right? She’s also wanted you to find someone too. But her best friend and brother getting together probably isn’t what she had in mind.
The song Crazy In Love by Beyonce comes on and Sue practically summons you to the dance floor, so you down the rest of your wine before you rush over to join her. Skipping the regular moves, you and Sue both start dancing like it’s just the two of you. No move off limits as you both grind your hips in circles, shaking your asses and laughing your heads off. She is the only person in this world that can make you laugh like that and you feel incredibly lucky to have her and to be here for her big day.
As your moves get more risqué you catch Johnny adjusting his cock in his dress trousers before drinking more of his beer.
The tension is building within you and you’ve never had to fight temptation so much in the whole year that you two have been doing this. You’re usually very good at waiting and making him wait for it but right now, it’s too hard. The next song that comes on is Check On It by Beyonce, again.
The more of the song that you dance to, you notice the lyrics surprisingly match your situation and a wave of confidence drenches you like rain.
If you got it flaunt it, boy I know you want it While I turn around you watch me check up on it Oh you watchin me shake it, I see it in ya face Ya can't take it, it's blazin’, you watch me in amazement
You continue to show off your best assets, making sure you tease and wind him up more before you make any kind of move which is what you usually do. Any time the two of you fool around, you make him wait and earn it, but it’s one of many reasons why he loves hooking up with you, you’re not easy, you know your worth and you’re 100% worth the wait.
The song finishes leaving yourself and Sue breathless almost. Reed stalks closer, handing his bride a drink and you head over to the bar to get another for yourself before sitting back down again. The buffet will be available soon and you’re desperate for something to eat. Peckish isn’t the word.
“Hello again” Johnny beams and you sip some more wine, a rather big sip yet again before you respond “hello. Are you gonna sit here the whole night?” you question with genuine curiosity, he only really danced a little when the Grease song was on but that’s about it and you aren’t oblivious to the other women checking him out.
“No i intend to dance i just need to be drunk enough for it first”
“I see, maybe then one of those lovely ladies will get a chance to dance with you” you say, observing one in particular who has been staring non stop.
“Please, i’d rather dance with you”
Your heart skips a beat and dare you say it, your vagina develops one. He’s such a sweet talker.
“You looked good out there, y’know” he motions towards the dance floor as if you didn’t already clock on to what he meant and you can’t deny the way your cheeks start to heat up as you thank him shyly.
That’s when he leans closer to your ear, his arm round the back of your chair again as he rasps “and that ass of yours in this dress, baby you got me so hard” his breath fans your neck as he returns to his normal sitting position but he doesn’t miss the way your breath hitches at the dirty comment. He knows all too well the effect he has on you and you know the effect you have on him.
In the past all it’s taken for him is for you to bite your lip and stare him down for him to get hard before. You’re his weakness.
Before you can even go to respond to him though, he clears his throat, tapping away on his phone as he stands up “anyway, if you’ll excuse me, nature calls” he slips his phone back into his pocket, walking away towards the toilets which just so happens to be right behind the DJ.
Your phone buzzes and you check to see a message from him ‘You coming?’ the text reads.
And that alone is enough for you to choke on your own saliva. You quickly sip your drink before standing up yourself and making your way over to the mens toilets. Thank God no one saw you.
“Johnny” you whisper yell until one of the cubicle doors opens, the bigger one at the end. He winks at you as he appears in the doorway and you strut over to him, allowing him to pull you in and lock the door. Your body is flush against his as he starts to kiss your collarbone first. If Johnny is anything it’s a man who loves to savour the moment. He hates quickies and loves to take his time with you.
You’re obviously not the first woman to fall victim to his touch but you’re the only one right now and you’re glad that he’s had experience, it’s clearly made him all the more sensational  in the bedroom.
“Oh” you throw your head back on a quiet moan, hoping not to be too loud despite music blasting outside making it impossible for anyone to hear you.
“Every time you dance, you drive me crazy. Shaking that perfect ass of yours in this dress, making me want you so bad” his lips hover over your sweet spot, his breath fanning it just like it did before.
You wrap your arms loosely round his neck as your back arches and his lips attack your neck like a man possessed, everything about this moment should feel wrong and yet it feels so right. The thought crosses your mind that everyone is out there dancing and most likely eating now all while Johnny is playing with your dress, lifting it up to reveal the new panties that you brought for today. Purple lace to match your dress.
“Oh baby” he groans, tugging on his bottom lip at the sight as his fingers wonder down and slip inside. His cold palm cups your sex making you shiver in surprise before he makes you forget all about it by spinning you around so that you’re pressed against the wall. Caged in by his muscular body as he towers over you.
He presses a chaste kiss to the back of your neck and heat starts to rise to your cheeks, you can’t contain the flustered feeling that fills you. He’s always had a way of being so dominant and stealing all control from you in an instant, since you’re so used to the roles being reversed in your life, he was more than into changing that. And to tell the truth, it’s one of the many reasons that you keep coming back. He pushes you out of your comfort zone in more ways than one.
His fingers play with the flimsy material of your new panties, grazing over your clit multiple times until you’re poking your ass out into his hand. “Someones keen, huh?” his low, raspy and taunting chuckle fills your ear sending shivers up and down your spine and causing goosebumps to form all over your hungry body.
“Please, Johnny” you beg pathetically, once again pushing back against his hand in hopes that he’ll get a move on and touch your properly. Which of course he does. You know he can never resist your charm. All the more reason why he’s slipping your panties to the side now so that his fingers can circle your arousal covered hole, almost dipping into your honey pot but holding back.
“Beg for it” he growls, taking your right earlobe between his teeth and biting down lightly “beg like the good girl i know you are” he continues and you gasp before breathing out a quick plea “p-please touch me Johnny, i need it” as your hands find purchase on the wall.
The feel of his knee spreading your legs apart gets you all the more excited for what’s the come and that’s when he gives you all that you’ve been craving, slipping two thick digits inside of you, coating them in your juices as they hit that spongy spot. He’s never had much trouble when it comes to finding your weak spots, he knows your body inside and out at this point and there’s not a time where you don’t cum when you’re with him.
“That good baby? My fingers getting that little cunt ready for my cock”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head in reaction to the pure filth leaving his not so innocent mouth and just as you go to let out a near enough pornographic style moan, throwing your head back too, the restroom door opens making you stop yourself. Footsteps make their way to one of the cubicles that just so happens to be next to the one your in.
Johnny then takes it upon himself to pull his drenched fingers out of you, reaching his hand in front of your face and shoving them into your mouth for you to suck on, using his free hand to undo his belt and now you know that you’re done for. You know exactly what he’s about to do. His cock rests at your entrance, staying there for a second before he slides in. Your walls welcome him in the best way, wrapping around his cock as he splits you open, stretching you beautifully yet again just like he does every time. The all too familiar feeling consumes you.
“You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught” he mutters in hushed tones, switching it up so that his hand is fully covering your mouth, suffocating you as he drags his cock along your warm velvety walls deliciously. Obviously you don’t want to get caught but right now the anticipation of what could happen is enough to make you clamp down around him, earning a hiss.
A noise that obviously catches the attention of whomever is next door to your cubicle since the unsuspecting gentleman speaks up “are you okay in there, man?” shit. It’s Ben. You feel a wave of shame wash over you as Johnny picks his pace up slowly “yeah, everything's fine” he chirps, as if he has all the time in the world to converse when he’s buried balls deep inside of you.
“If you say so” Ben responds before flushing, washing his hands and then leaving the room. Now it’s just the two of you again. Johnny takes full advantage of the alone time by pushing you right up against the wall, your cheek squished against the tiles, his calloused hands splaying across your ass cheeks now and spreading them apart. Only so he can take a good look at the way he disappears into your tight chanel with ease.
“Doing so well baby, taking this cock like a fucking pro” he grunts, wrapping his hand around your neck and pulling your head back with the help of his other hand grabbing a fistful of your hair at the scalp but keeping your whole body pressed into the wall.
Sinful moans escape your mouth and at this point you’re way past the point of caring or trying to be quiet. Unless someone walks in then you’re going to let go and revel in the feel of him. The way his body traps you in makes your clit pulsate, you love being manhandled and you always have but only by him.
Anyone that takes even so much as a look at Johnny, they think ‘player’ and they’d be right but they’d also think he’d never be the type of man to be as filthy as he is in reality. Not only has he got a foul mouth on him but he’s kinky not to mention skilful in more areas than one. Dick and tongue game on point as well as those magical digits of his and the way they dance across your sex both delicately and brutally all at the same time.
You’re certainly not complaining though. 
“Fuck, Johnny” your back arches even more so than it was before as you shakily cry out his name with the kind of want that only he can spur on “what is it baby?”
“Don’t stop, i’m so close” you whimper desperately.
His pace is now rendering on animalistic as he fucks you into the wall with such vigor, wanting nothing more than to feel you come undone all over his cock, something he’ll never grow tired of.
“Come on then baby, give it to me” he eggs you on, keeping one hand wrapped around your neck still, tightening as the seconds tick by whilst his other hand smacks down on your exposed ass cheek, making it wobble a little which earns him a satisfied hum.
The two of you go crazy with you pushing back to meet his thrusts and him spanking your ass, both of you hungry for that release.
All of a sudden though the blaring music coming from outside stops. Making you panic. Johnny on the other hand is so close to reaching his peak and he knows you are too, so he doesn’t bother to stop.
But you hear the faint laughs of the wedding guests before what sounds like the DJ addressing everyone. Fuck. This better not be the speeches. You had one planned and so did Johnny.
He continues to fuck into you, grunting, growling and panting in your ear, driving you closer and closer to that edge. You can feel the coil twisting and turning in your stomach, on the verge of snapping at any second and you don’t think you’ll be able to hold back the noises when it happens.
“Gonna make you cream all over this cock baby and best believe i’ll be filling this sweet cunt up with my cum”
You rest your hand over his around your neck as your whole body starts to shake. You clench around his cock some more and just as you can taste the orgasm, the addition of his fingers pressing down on your clit push you off the edge and your head drops back onto his shoulder. The music starts up again, allowing you to really enjoy this. Your mouth hangs open whilst you scrunch your eyes closed, seeing stars as you fall into a pit of ecstasy. You can feel your legs shaking and threatening to give way but luckily for you Johnny moves his hands to your waist, wrapping around you so he can hold you up whilst he comes close to reaching his own end.
“Fuckkkkk, squeezing me so good baby”
You do it again for good measure and sure enough, he twitches inside of you, his hot cum painting your walls just like he said and a fucked out spent smile forms on your face making him laugh when he sees.
He rides the two of you through your highs before his thrusts come to a halt and he slowly pulls out. He then grabs some tissues, dropping to his knees and pressing yet another chaste kiss to your clit this time before cleaning you up. He can see that you’re struggling to stand so the second he’s done he rises to his feet, pulling you flush against him and then proceeding to push you up against the wall.
The two of you stare deep into each others eyes for a couple seconds, both of your chests rising and falling as you try to normalise your breathing. That was certainly an adventurous, dangerous and thrilling experience, one that you won’t be rushing to partake in again anytime soon. But it was amazing to say the least. The way he’s looking at you right now makes you want to throw caution to the wind and kiss him. So you do. You crash your lips to his, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck and as expected, he kisses back. His grip tightens on your hips, pulling you even closer if that’s even possible.
“What was that for?” he asks as you come up for air and you shrug, not even sure of what it was yourself. But all you know is you like him and this isn’t just some fling to you, some form of messing around until the two of you get bored. There is a genuine connection there, one that you can’t wait to explore some more.
“I don’t even know” you giggle, pecking his lips again.
Silence falls upon the two of you before he finally blurts out “go out with me” as if he’s telling you rather than asking.
“What?” you furrow your brows in confusion.
“Go out with me, on a date”
“I thought Johnny Storm didn’t do dates” you quip back, raising your brows with a smirk to match “i don’t but i’d like to try if it’s with you” and that alone warms your heart. The same heart that’s been crushed and broken so many times before and it’s almost like he’s mending it. Not that you’re complaining.
You take no longer than a second to think before you’re agreeing and kissing him some more. That’s when the music stops and you both look at each other.
He quickly zips up his pants, doing his belt up again and shrugging his jacket back on before turning back to you. With you both now looking decent again, you get him to check your makeup, he wipes the stray bits of mascara that smudged before kissing your forehead.
He lets you leave first whilst he waits an appropriate 2 minutes before he heads out too. No one suspected a thing and now it’s time for the speeches.
This is definitely going to be a wedding to remember...
Me and all my hoe personalities after writing this one: 
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General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferous @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @kaminorogers @yassspose @randomsevans 
Just Chris & His Characters Tags: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina @janeyboo @evansphnx12 @whxre4cevans
LMK if you wanna be added to my tag list...
489 notes · View notes
danddymaro · 3 years
Conflicted | Vincent Sinclair x Reader
Fandom: House Of Wax
The reader wants to run away, but there's just one thing that stops her. (She's conflicted, hence, the title )
Thoughts are in italics and quotations // ‘ Example,’
Flashback are all in just Italics
Word Count :1407
He'd underestimated her, unaware that beneath the softness that lay beneath the (s/c ) flesh was well-hidden strength that was both raged and brute.
She was quick in movement, and if it weren't for the annoying pain that pushed him back every time she delivered a strike, he might have watched in more wonder and surprise.
The massive man was then put down, somehow landing on his back as he was given a slingshotted fist to his right cheek.
It had been her last blow before she decided to flee, but during then, his hand caught her wrist, which ended with him pulling her, forcing her to stay while restrained by an iron grip that shook.
It was an angered force, one she shuttered at, because she was certain that it was brought forth by his intent to kill.
The thickened air of the room became suffocating as the bursting adrenaline that had fueled her to take action no longer ran through her threads of scarlet. It all left her at the unfortunate moment, and she was left like a devastated rabbit, knowing of its demise and terribly afraid, but left motionless in wait.
However, in spite of the devastating hold, there was no violence that fueled him, but rather, fear.
She was strong, he'd give her that, but nothing hurt more than the panging in his chest as he realized that no matter what he did, she would never want to stay.
- Not with him.
Not with a hideous monster who hid behind a crafted mask that now crumbled like brittle, decayed leaves of the autumn season within a closing palm.
' Don't go.
Don't go
Please...don't go. '
He lamented, all while lingering in the same silence he had all his life.
He held onto her tightly and as he expected, she thrashed. 
She continued to resist against him, but rather than hold the same certainty that had surged her before, there was now a clear as day panic and fear that drove her, forcing her to move like an animal dragged into imprisonment.
And throughout the entire struggle, he could see the fear that swirled within her pretty (e/c) colored eyes before the sentiment manifested into heavy globs that rained upon him.
He suddenly felt the tiny specs touch his flesh, and it was only then that he realized that the blank mask was no longer, becoming just a mess of pieces that decorated his knotted, crow-colored hair as it lay sprawled beneath him.
- And his heart stilled, his body shivering as he watched her face register his disfigurement.
He watched her wide, panicked eyes somehow open up more, all to a point he was certain it must have hurt.
" You…" she breathed as her body suddenly melted, soon becoming subdued and weak, and he wasn't sure what she felt most, whether fear or disgust as she processed the sight, because the wide-eyed gaze held a range of emotions that all merged together into a muddled blend.
' This...This is what you've been hiding,' she thought to herself, staring down at the scarred flesh, wondering what had been the cause of it, and much more, if he felt any pain at all from it.
She continued to cry as she watched him, and although he had only one eye visible to return the look, it was a large enough window to his soul that showed her all of the instabilities that lay within the man.
She had not seen sunlight in what felt like an eternity, knowing nothing but silence and the man who accompanied it throughout the entire time. All she had come to know was the quiet man who brought her meals, the very same one who petted her and gazed at her for long hours without end. 
She wanted to escape, to run far and never return, and yet, all the same, she began to feel warmth by his caresses.
She'd quickly become expectant of his gaze, and was more than happy to sit in silence with another individual that seemed just as content as she was by the simplicity of another human's presence.
And she wondered if it was strange to feel so... comfortable and serene during the nightmarish imprisonment.
'Is it really a nightmare?' she then wondered, her sentiments similar to that of a caged bird. 
She was stared at with awe, tended to with a care that was soft and genuine, and yet, she lacked the ability to spread her wings. 
She missed the outside world. 
She missed her freedom, but she relished within his worship. 
' No...No' she thought herself. ' I have to get out of here,' she reasoned, sickened by the warped nature of her mind, all for romanticizing such a sickening truth.
Her delicate smile twitched with uncertainty, all while his fingers threaded through her (h/c) hair, gently weaving through knotted bits that formed in her sleep.
' What's wrong with me?' She went on, her stomach clenching at the shutter that was performed as his hand then found her flesh and the surprisingly soft palm caressed her face.
Her eyes fluttered close, and she inhaled a low breath that picked up her thudding chest, all in hopes to calm the unsteadied and wild beat.
She soon opened her (e/c) colored eyes and stared right at wax lips, her own true ones trembling as his thumb lightly grazed the pouty flesh of her mouth.
' This is sick,'  she went on, feeling her legs tremble as the towering man dared to come closer, gravitating closer with a tilted head that was cocked out of interest that had been peeked by her breathy, trembling state.
 ' He's a monster!' She inwardly cried as she looked on at the blank mask, trying hard not to think of how somehow, his single eye managed to glow and express so much more than any other man could with an entire face exposed out to the world.
Sadness and sorrow, loneliness and longing were all silent messages that were sent to her through the dim, yet sky-colored beauty and with a longing glance to them, the woman regained the consciousness needed to return to the present time.
She recalled just why she'd become so feral, and just how she ended up in the position she was now,
straddling him, crying and trembling, and locked eyes with the single blue orb.
- Fear and abandonment, she could read it them both, and she hated how hard it was for her to draw back.
She could see it all clearly, and it was then that her body completely gave in, falling onto him suddenly. 
" What's happening to me?" she breathed brokenly, her aching chest becoming unbearable. 
Her shaky breaths fanned over the flesh of his neck, each warm exhale heating his flesh in a way that made his body shudder.
" Why do I want to stay here?"  She said in a small, waved tone, "Why…? She asked again, wanting an answer. 
"Why do I keep thinking of you?" she breathed, "Why is it that when I think about running far away, my heart practically bleeds at the thought of leaving you behind?" She said through grit teeth, already well aware, but not wanting to accept it just yet.
Warm droplets rained on his flesh, and silently, he looked up at the ceiling, not quite ignoring her, but rather, taking in all of her troubles. 
As she continued to cry, holding him dearly with a shaken conflict, he continued to stare up at the ceiling, processing it all.
His chest then vibrated, and little huffs left him as he slowly understood it the only way he could, and it was that somehow, she'd become just as connected to him as he had with her.
"...I don't want to go," she finally admitted, and when she said that,  his soft breaths became more hearty, and for once in his life, true laughter fell past him.
Through his disbelief that was invaded by merriment, he then looked up at her, gazing at her as she watched him with the same distress.
"Stay..."  he finally rasped out, begging in his unused voice. 
The salted shower continued to fall, uninterrupted even as she fisted his clothing, holding onto him tightly as she moved to press her lips to his. 
The last of her resistance was washed away with the single touch, and soon after, she only presented him with give.
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garrothromeave · 3 years
mcd garroth + laurance headcanons for the sake of me posting something while working on my long-ass post, also happy birthday blaze ily, 
garroth - total momma’s boy. seems obvious, but it’s true -- back in o’khasis, he was practically glued to the side of zianna. whenever she had to leave for a few days when he was younger, he’d cry if he couldn’t go with her. when he left for the guard academy, he wrote to zianna on a daily basis. to put it simply, he had separation anxiety. the hardest thing about faking his death was not being able to see or talk to his mother. - incredible piano player. his father made him take lessons when he was younger for quite a few years, but he was naturally very good at it. he never mentions this skill to anyone. while they were at malachi’s castle and were looking for materials before they left, garroth stumbled upon an old piano and played something. he got really into it, and laurance ended up stumbling on him playing. he made laurance swear to never tell anyone about it. - when garroth was around eight or nine, his stutter was so bad that garte didn’t let him speak in public or around any people other than the family out of shame. vylad and zianna used to help garroth with his stutter.
- garroth is very sensitive to the saying “oh my irene.” growing up in the ro’meave house, it was taboo to use irene’s name in vein. or anywhere in o’khasis, really. nowadays he’s still very caustious whenever he says it, because he thinks that someone is going to yell at him. - horrified of getting hurt. back during the days of training in the guard academy, while he was very good with technique and fighting itself, he had a very bad flinching problem. overall, for the longest time, wounds and pain made garroth very uncomfortable. because of this fear of getting hurt, he has a bit of a stubble because of the one time he hurt himself while shaving.   - 6′4, because 6′11 is unbelievably tall and i honestly don’t even think that it’s canon? s’yeah. he seems 6′4 to me.
- garroth often sees new things and (internally) has this very child-like wonder response. he was sheltered for the entirety of his childhood and teenagehood. and after the guard academy, he stayed put in the same village for 5 years -- so he hasn’t experienced very much. he often wants to ask dozens of questions, but because of his shyness, he tends to just observe anything new very closely. which leads me to my next headcanon,
- because of o’khasis’ intolerance to many things, he was not very commonly exposed to magick’s users. the first magicks user that he directly met would be zoey, and he was very nervous when talking to her the first time he met her. when garroth gets to know her more, she catches on that he’s curious about a lot of things, and offers to tell him about things. he declines, and he regrets that decision to this day.
- as stated before, o’khasis isn’t very tolerable of things, which caused garroth to develop incredibly bad internalized homophobia. when aphmau comes along, he gets a very strong desire to protect her (little do we know, this strong desire comes from his connection with esmund) and confuses it for/tries to convince himself that it’s romantic love. it is in fact love, just platonic. so basically, this man’s gay as hell.
- garroth has more freckles than any other ro’meave family member. he’s mildly insecure about his freckles, seeing them as a ‘childish’ trait, which is why he wasn’t very bothered with the idea of hiding his face with his helmet. 
- his hair is super curly. it used to be more tame, but as he got older, it got more curly. it’s usually a mess because he doesn’t know how to take care of it, but it somehow looks hot as hell. (no homo ofc.)
- garroth is allergic to blueberries. 
- raven was garroth’s first genuine connection since he left o’khasis. zenix was his second. he loves raven a lot, and hates that he can’t see him as often as he’d like to.
- garroth is a total cat person. don’t get me wrong, he loves dogs, but if he were to choose between having one or the other, he’d choose to have a cat. he had a pet cat when he was little that he still thinks about a lot. (probably named sprinkles, just for the hell of it.)
- because of how he grew up, garroth’s actually a very picky eater. while he’d never admit it to himself or anyone else, he misses the more “rich-people” food he was spoiled with. 
- garroth isn’t actually that stupid, when he first arrived at pheonix drop, he had a name in mind that he wanted to go by (to better hide his identity). however, when his name was asked by someone, he panicked and “garroth” accidently slipped. he beat himself up for the longest time after that. the only reason he finally let go is because no one had ever pointed out how/seemed suspicious he had the same name as the deceased first-born son of o’khasis.
laurance - his hair grows decently quick, so even after cadenza cut it for him, it only took about 4 months for it to grow back just past his shoulders. he prefers it having some length to it anyways, and usually ties is back into a ponytail. after the irene dimension, he would let nekoette braid his hair. - has a very lanky body type. naturally has long limbs, and would often get called a ‘stick’ when he was younger. he’s about 5′11. but don’t confuse his thinner stature for weakness, he matches garroth’s strength easily.
- bi icon. fuck that “you were my first kiss” bullshit he gives aphmau, the list exists and while it’s stupid and weird, according to it, garroth was his first kiss. which is fuckin funny as hell if you think about it.
- laurance is very good with animals. more so rodents and smaller creatures, like squirrels, birds, rabbits, etc. cadenza was convinced that laurance could talk to animals for the longest time. he even had this little mouse that would pop in his house. however, on the contrary, larger animals -- not so much. he’s shit with horses and cows, especially. 
- incredible singer. has serenaded aphmau on multiple occasions, and has even gotten her to sing along with him from time to time. he sang for malachi to help him fall asleep every night since the day they met him. this caused him to start singing for levin at night as well. when laurance saw malachi again after the 15 year jump, within the first few days of his return, malachi asked for laurance to sing for him again just like he used to. which brings me to my next headacanon,
- laurance saw malachi as his own child, and treated him as such. they were very close, and malachi was the most heartbroken over laurance’s disappearance since he saw him very much as a father. it wasn’t that laurance favored malachi over levin that created this bond, it was the fact that laurance first-hand saw a child in need of a home and someone to love him, and it reminded him of when he was small. 
- he’s a sucker for bets. gambles, wages, anything like that. while he’s not directly a gambler, if someone offers he’s sure to accept. he’s a risk-taker, and ends up getting really into it. this also branches into his competitive behavior. he’ll be really upset and possibly a bit petty if he loses. why else do you think he still hadn’t given castor the 5 dollars he owes him?
- slingshot master. you give this motherfucker a slingshot he can kill someone with his impeccable aim. he’s also very good with a bow and arrow or any sort of projectile, but he’s the best with a slingshot. when he was younger, he hand-made slingshots from materials that he’d find around the forest.
- speaking of the forest, laurance is a very nature-loving soul. when he moved to meteli when he was adopted, he’d often go and explore the forests nearby. he and cadenza would use their imaginations and play all sorts of games. laurance and her especially loved to climb trees, and would jump from branch to branch. this helped laurance become very flexible. this is also how he met sasha, she was sitting in his favorite tree one day and they just hit it off from there.
- after he was rescued from the nether, laurance frequently had nightmares that would lead into sleep paralysis episodes. the first time it happened garroth had been looking over him (since this was around the time when laurance first got back and garroth had allowed aphmau to go do her lord tasks while he watched over him) and when he had the ability to move and speak again, he started freaking out. garroth had to calm him down and assure laurance that he’d talk to zoey about what happened. garroth and zoey are the only ones that know of laurance’s sleep paralysis, mainly because he didn’t want to worry aphmau or anyone else. zoey often gave him ways to cope with it. it didn’t happen every night, but it did occur at least 5-6 times a month. his sleep paralysis stopped the moment he entered the nether for the second time. 
- the first time laurance heard he’d made the list for the jury of nine, he felt honoured. when he was oblivious to how corrupt it was, he saw it as a huge opportunity. after learning about it’s true nature, he was still glad that he’d made the list -- because him being on the list prevented another person from risking being on the list and being chosen to be apart of the jury.
- yes, laurance can cook very will in this universe as well. it’s not that he was taught, it’s more that he can look at ingredients and just throw them together to make great combinations. zoey also taught him a few things.
- laurance does not know his real birthday. malachi does not remember his. since cadenza had “given” laurance a birthday, he offered to let malachi share his unofficial birthday with him. malachi accepted. 
garroth + laurance
- laurance began referring to garroth as “pretty boy” after seeing his face. he continued to call him that for the first month of their friendship. garroth hated it, and that’s the only reason laurance eventually stopped.
- laurance and garroth are both very good story tellers, but after one incident where garroth was telling levin and malachi a story, he started stumbling a bit over his words and couldn’t articulate correctly, so laurance picked it up and continued it. from there, they took turns with the story and occasionally interrupted one another to add a detail or plot point, and after that, malachi refused to listen to garroth or laurance separately when telling stories, because their collective minds came up with the most fascinating shit.
- garroth isn’t the best at coming up with insults because he’s simply too nice, but laurance loves to make fun of garroth (in good fun, of course). however, there is one thing that garroth could hold over laurance; and that was their height difference. whenever laurance would mess with him, garroth would just bring up height to piss laurance off. 
- when laurance regained his sight, him and garroth sparred very often. that’s when garroth realized how much strength laurance actually had, since he’d originally underestimated him. laurance, in all honesty, was equally surprised. their spars were pretty evenly matched.
- while these two are best friends, the amount of arguments they’ve had is insane. most of them were light-hearted and were more so disagreements, but sometimes things escalated and would result in yelling. that’s because laurance always took it a step too far. that, or garroth would try to disregard what they were talking about, which only made laurance more heated. but they’re both incredibly quick to forgive each other. once they had a really bad argument and didn’t talk for an entire hour afterwards, but once they saw each other again it was like they’d never fought. 
- since garroth grew up with everything and laurance often had to hunt and shit, garroth wasn’t amazing at it. laurance found out, originally teased garroth, but gave him tips and took him out and taught him how to hunt. garroth’s still shit at it when he does it alone, but when he does it with laurance he’s pretty decent. 
- garroth doesn’t drink. laurance does. laurance once tried to convince garroth to drink, but he refused -- which laurance respected, but garroth had to deal with drunk laurance for the rest of the night at the guard station. he learned things that he really wish he hadn’t that night. 
i had more for garroth and laurance’s relationship, but uh, i don’t really have time to write them down, so take these for now! i hope y’all enjoy them as much as i did writing them :]
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
WONDERLAND MASTERLIST ⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
CHARACTER LIST: White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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"Teach you what?"
"How to be a better man, how to have mercy, and compassion."
Unbeknownst to you, a little purple and pink cat watched every step you took. Of course, it wasn't because he cared. Cheshire (unlike many other Wonderland villagers) genuinely wasn't affected by your presence, or lack there of, but the Hatter had asked him, in exchange of a hefty reward, of course, to keep an eye on his beloved Y/N.
While watching over you Cheshire just did a whole bunch of growling and nose scrunching. He hated the sight of the King, and even worse, was the sight of such a man in love.
"Such a shame to be the bearer of bad news dear friend," Cheshire said, not at bothered by the fact that he had bad news to tell "but it seems as if Y/N will be our new Queen."
The cat twirled a strand of his coloured hair around his index finger, as he fell down onto one of the many chairs along with the Hatter's never-ending table.
The Hatter's eyes widened and so did his toothy smile.
"She's carrying on with the plan! She will decapitate him herself and become our Queen! Oh but I'm so happy I could dance the Futterwacken again!"
He clapped feverously and suggested a toast, clearly missing the meaning of Cheshire's words.
"I'm afraid you missed what I meant, Hatter. She will be our Queen, because she will be marrying the King."
The atmosphere suddenly became silent, eerie even. The Hatter's green, sparkly eyes transformed into an ugly, rage-filled, yellow. The man gripped the teacup on his hand so hard it broke, but the rage, disappointment, and growing heartbreak fogged his brain to the point where he didn't even notice the pain, nor the blood trickling down his palm.
The Hatter was rarely angry, but when he was, it was enough to scare poor Cheshire, who didn't hesitate in disappearing into thin air. Or he tried to. Before every bit of his body could be gone, the Hatter grabbed Cheshire's hair, making the cat groan in pain, and threw him on the ground.
"What has he done to her!? Was it a curse!?"
Cheshire caressed his head and stood up to look at the Hatter.
"It wasn't a curse Hatter, she fell in love. After you deceived her and the King showed her nothing but truth and love, the choice was pretty evident."
The reasonable explanation seemed to calm down the Hatter, whose eyes morphed back into their greenish colour. However the dread and panic in his face were still evident. Cheshire, still quite upset at Hatter's tantrum, could see on his friend's face an expression of someone about to spew a terrible, terrible idea.
"We must get her away from the Palace. It's gotten into her head. Let's get her back to us!"
The man-like cat floated back to his usual place in the air, twirling in the process. He chuckled audibly, showing his sharp canines in the process.
"Hmm yes, let's steal her away from the man she's come to love, so she could be with us, the people who lied to her for our own benefit. Sounds like a party if you ask me..."
"A party!?" Haigha exclaimed, his left eye twitching as he smiled widely at the mention of his favourite hobbie.
"That's where the King's behaviour comes in our favour," the Hatter said, patting Haigha's head so he'd sit back down "once he sees her take her beloved Queen away, he will show his true colours, Remember how scared and freaked out she was last time we saw her? She said he seemed really sweet while talking to her until he eventually snapped. Once he snaps, he will freak out and bring out the tyrant's behaviour and scare her away."
It was hard for Cheshire to admit, but his mad friend's plan wasn't so mad after all. It was possible to accomplish what the Hatter suggested, and there was nothing to lose, you already hated them anyway.
The Hatter slapped his thighs and stood up, fixing his big top hat in the process.
"Shall we go?"
Haigha was already standing up from his seat when Cheshire stopped them.
"Perhaps we should discuss the plan further... Something tells me we might need some help from Absolem and Bayard..."
Sneaking you out past the Card Knights would take a lot of help, and Cheshire had already worked out in his head the escape plan. It would take a little pressure on Absolem, as he managed to care even less about the people around him than Cheshire did, but the cat was sure he could get a shrinking cake out of the blue catterpillar. After shrinking you and hatter down to the size of a strawberry, Bayard (the loyal dog friend of Hatter's, that Cheshire tried his best to keep a distance of) would bring you to the White Rabbit's house, as it would be too obvious to come back to the Hatter's cabin.
The cat had no intention to help you, but he did like to see some drama and commotion in Wonderland once in a while, and this was his chance.
Whilst all of the furious planning went on on the greenlands of Wonderland, in the Palace you and the King sat opposite of each other on his bed, gossiping like two high schoolers.
"And then my best friend at the time, Anna, slept with my boyfriend and said it was 'because of a dare'. I forgave her because we had been friends for so long but then she told my crush that I smelled so I stopped being her friend."
The King nodded along and listened attentively (trying his best to cross his legs just like you, but failing miserably) to your story.
"Hm yes, yes, I understand. My best friend ate one of my tarts so I cut off his head."
You couldn't help but scoff at the way he compared the situations, although you reprehended him right after for the heartless act.
He had asked to know of your previous life, how it was back in your world, and so you sat there reminiscing your past for hours on end. Most people in Wonderland came from other places, but Seonghwa had never been elsewhere, as he was born in the Kingdom.
"So this establishment you call 'school', was it like a club you went to where you reunited with your peers?"
"No, no. School was a mandatory thing for all kids, we went there and a bunch of teachers taught us about different things."
"Hm, but all you've told me so far were anecdotes about these friends of yours, what were these classes like?"
You blushed slightly, realizing that in fact, you didn't remember shit from school, aside from past dramas.
"Well, they told us many things about earth, about what makes the world move, about how society works, and what makes things work. We learned about gravity, about numbers, about stars-"
The King's eyes lit up as if he was a child whom you had promised ice cream to.
"Yes, stars. Why?"
Seonghwa stood up from the bed in such a violent manner, he nearly fell. The man ran over to his closet, from where he retrieved an old book. The hard cover was beginning to tear, and the once white pages had become a weird mix of brown and yellow, but you took it in your hands nevertheless.
"This book once fell into the Wonderland when I was a child. I was alone most of the time, so it kept me company. I can tell from the images it talks about the stars, and I think I learned a lot from it since I stared at them a lot, but I cannot comprehend the alien language."
The King leaned against the headboard, and you laid beside him, placing your head on his chest, so you could hear his now nervous heart beating fast from the contact. Out of instinct, the King placed his arm around you and pulled you closer, as you opened the book.
You chuckled slightly, after seeing the author of the book and opening its pages.
"Seonghwa this isn't an alien language, it's Italian. Well, I guess it's an alien language to you, but it was funny that you said it that way... The person who wrote it was very influential back where I'm from, he taught the people of Earth many things about our space."
The male listened carefully as you tried your best to explain the things in the book as best as you could.
"This here is what we call the Solar System. It has nine planets, but only one of them has people, this one, where I live." You told him, pointing towards Earth.
Seonghwa noticed how your posture changed, after you remembered once more that you would never return home again, and panicked for a second. He disliked many things, but your tears had definitely gone up to his number 1 on the list.
"How about I ask for a picnic to be arranged in the garden, and at night we can watch the stars."
You turned to face him and smiled as you nodded. Seonghwa's thumb caressed your arm, and you couldn't help but to place a soft kiss on his lips, as a 'thank you'. No matter how many times you did that, the King never seemed to get used to it. He would always feel butterflies in his stomach and fireworks exploding on his chest. Sometimes you felt perverted, thinking of how he'd react if one day you decided to take it... further. You imagined how pretty he'd look... But you decided to take your time. Baby steps...
The King couldn't wait for dinner time, and you could tell from the number of times he had gone up to the window and pushed away the blinds to see if the sun was finally setting.
As he was staring out the window, you came behind him and wrapped your arms around his figure.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
Seonghwa looked around, to make sure no one was nearby eavesdropping. He wouldn't want your secret to being known.
You tiptoed so your lips could be leveled with his ear.
"You're adorable."
Once you got back down and looked into his gleeful eyes, you smiled.
"Let's keep this secret between us!" He joked along.
"Yes, I wouldn't want the other ladies to know and steal you away."
Seonghwa held your face and lovingly placed a kiss on your forehead.
"The other ladies don't stand a chance next to you princess."
Your cheeks heated up and you slapped his chest out of embarrassment. The King's face grew worried and confused.
"Why did you hit me? Have I done something wrong? It was meant to be a compliment I'm sorry I compared you to-"
You grabbed his face and squished his cheeks, making him form an adorable pout with his red lips.
"Seonghwa, it was a good thing. I slapped your chest because I was embarrassed, I was really touched by your compliment."
Once you let go of his face, the King tapped his chin with his index finger, in a pensive manner.
"I have much to learn about our future interactions, I do not understand many things."
You just chuckled and took his hand in yours.
"We have many years ahead of us, you will learn someday."
The small acknowledgment of your future made Seonghwa very happy. Never in his pitiful life had he even thought of being this happy over small actions... Last week the only thing that brought him joy was the sound of a traitor's head hitting the concrete floors of the palace's main area, but since you arrived, a smile was all it took for his cold heart to start beating again.
It didn't take long before one of the frogmen knocked on the door to inform the picnic was ready. Seonghwa didn't let go of your hand as you walked outside, to sit among the red roses.
You had finally come to terms with Wonderland's weird food. You had no choice really...
"Have you never been attracted to anyone, Seonghwa?" You asked as you munched down on a sandwich of... whatever it was.
Seonghwa's expression faded a little.
"Once. I had just become King and I thought that the next step would, logically, be the find a Queen. Every woman displeased me. All but one. She was beautiful, hair as dark as the night sky, tanned skin from the sun, and a beautiful mole under the eye. But she was cold, evil... I thought that it was a perfect match. After all, I wasn't the most caring person. But she would treat me like a servant. Our relationship was purely to serve a purpose to the Kingdom, nothing else. We slept in separate rooms and spent the day apart. We only dined together, but since I saw the same behavior from my parents I thought that that was love. Our wedding had been scheduled long before she moved into the castle, we were simply waiting for the preparations to be finished. Everything was custom made, from the clothes to the flowers on every table. The day before the wedding I walked to her bedroom and found her laying with a servant of mine. You know, back when they weren't... Frogs. I had them both decapitated, of course. And I swore off love forever. That is until you came along."
You flashed him a sad smile and set down your food. He looked awfully confused as you climbed onto his lap, but he didn't protest.
You brushed his dark hair away from his eyes. Both of them. He suddenly felt very exposed and insecure, but you kissed his cheek, reassuringly.
"Ever since I came down here you've shown me nothing but love, and honesty. You didn't try to sugarcoat who you are, or what you've done, and I appreciate your honesty. My place in Wonderland is with you."
The male smiled, and kissed you, a little more passionately than all of the previous times. The male's hands trailed down your ass, and pulled you on top of his growing erection.
"For someone who has never been with anyone you're quite good at this."
"Well I... I lied. I had a fiancé after all, and we laid together but we didn't get far. There was no kissing involved, she just wanted to get it over with since I was the one who suggested we should... do it. But she made fun of me for not being good at it and I became... insecure. I was insecure and for the longest time I've wanted to try it with you, because you give me those special butterflies but I was afraid I'd disappoint you."
"What a cold, heartless bitch!" You thought to yourself. No wonder he was so bad at human interactions, every relationship he had was a trainwreck!
You grabbed his face and placed a long kiss on his lips.
"Well then, let me lead at first. If you start feeling more confident, you can take the lead, if not, I'll stay in control, okay?"
The King simply nodded and kissed you once more. This time deeper than he had ever kissed anyone. Tongues fighting so intensely the King nearly missed the way your hand expediently undid his trousers. Your hand slipped inside his boxers and took out his length. You looked down at the dick in your hand and widened your eye.
"Well aren't I a lucky girl."
You spat in your hand and kissed him again, as your hand worked up and down his shaft. The King was surprisingly very vocal, and he didn't try to hide or suppress any of his pretty moans (and for that you were thankful.
You stopped your hand, right as he was getting riled up.
"Ready for something better?"
The King watched you strip from your panties, and he cursed the frilly dress that covered your womanhood, but as soon as you sunk down on his cock, all of his worries and anguishes washed away. It was automatic, the way he gripped your hips and made you bounce on him as he snapped your hips against yours was something he did naturally as if he truly knew what he was doing. You brought out something different in him, and the King was simply doing was his body was telling him to do.
You gripped his shoulders, overwhelmed with the feeling of having him inside you.
"S-shit Seonghwa, you're good, r-really fucking good."
"Oh yeah?"
He flipped you two around, so he could pound into you with all the strength he had. Your words of encouragement were all he needed.
Your consistent (and loud) moans got him on the edge quickly, and he knew he wouldn't last long.
"Y/N forgive me, but I don't think I can last much longer."
Your hand reached down and began circling your clit, so when he came inside you, filling you up with his cum, you came right after, with a loud cry for his name.
Seonghwa laid on top of you, his face nuzzled on the crook of your neck, trying to regain his breath. You ran your hand through his hair as you did the same, looking up at the sky.
"The stars sure look beautiful today."
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after-witch · 4 years
White Picket Fence [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Title: White Picket Fence [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Synopsis: You’ve been with Kai Chisaki for three years. Your life is quiet and cozy and soothing. But what do you do when you realize you want more?
For request: Anonymous said: i love the way you write overhaul!! may i request more of him, please? what would he do if reader develops stockholm syndrome and wants to do the things which normal couples do, even wants to marry him or have kids? thank you!
Word count: 2200-ish
notes: yandere, stockholm syndrome
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You should really ask Kai to get a new sofa for his office. His current one, the leather one which used to be shiny and pristine and rather intimidating for someone used to sitting on ratty chairs pilfered from curbs, has definitely seen better days. 
The seats are lumpier, now that you've spent years--3 years, one month, 3 days, but who's counting--in his life, sprawling on the sofa. Reading, napping, doing endless hobbies. Snuggling, when he was in the mood. An endless parade of legs and limbs, pillows and books, growing tiny scratches etched with your fingernails that you sit on to cover them up.
His entire office has your touches, now. The blanket you asked for last Christmas, a big fluffy bright purple affair, is draped over the back of the couch. He keeps your framed embroidered pieces on his desk, because--you assume, but he won't confirm, because he thinks it will hurt your feelings (it won't!)--he can easily stow them away when he has meetings to hold. You don't embroider much, anymore, but it was fun to take on a new hobby.
Kai is kind like that, to give you new hobbies to do. He doesn’t even mind when you get bored of them and move on to something else.
Your books are not as easy to stow away in case of guests, you think. They're scattered here, there, everywhere. In stacks, on shelves. You know there's one stuck under the sofa but you didn't really like the first book in the series and you've decided it should stay put as a result.
Bookmarks, some handmade, others handed over by Kai as a gift for this or that, sticking out of the well-worn pages. Once, you snuck on YouTube during your highly limited, highly precious tablet time (earned, as it were, over the past 2 years) and stumbled on a DIY for making resin bookmarks stuffed with trinkets, glitter, flowers, ink. You’ve yet to broach the subject with Kai, because one, it would mean admitting you snuck on YouTube but two, you don’t think he’ll let you work with resin. But, still. The seed has been planted and when it sprouts, you’ll get the nerve to ask him.
Your sleeping bag is in the laundry, wherever the laundry happens to be, but on colder days you like to spread it on the floor and have reading or hobby marathons while he works. It's childish, but he humors you. He always (mm, no--usually--he did shoot down requests for the dog, the cat, the fish, the rabbit, and the lizard) humors you. You appreciate that about him.
And you appreciate this moment, right now. You're curled up on the sofa, half of the soft blanket in your lap to keep you warm. A book is in your hand, something new from the best-seller list that Kai brought home in a tidy store bag. He brings lots of gifts, and you appreciate every one of them. Although Kai does make you declutter every month. If you didn’t, your room would be simply stuffed with gifts. You don’t begrudge him this, since he lets you keep anything that’s especially precious to you. It’s a fair trade--you’re precious to him and he keeps you, after all.
He's typing away on his laptop, the sound so familiar that it's practically white noise, and you sit on the couch and read. It's quiet. It's comforting. It's... domestic, really.
And it makes you sad.
Lately, sitting in Kai’s office--these quiet moments, these nice moments, just make you sad. You don't know why. Things are good right now, but you just feel weighted down, heavy. Lost and bored and aimless.
But it shouldn’t make you sad that you’re enjoying a new book. Maybe you’re sad about something else. You can’t remember having a bad dream. The outfit Kai picked out for you this morning was cute enough. You didn’t stub your toe getting into the tub. Kai didn’t tug on your hair when brushing out the knots. So… what’s wrong?
You turn your attention back to your book, trying to shake the feeling, shake the obtrusive thoughts that sometimes find their way to the surface now and then. But the words don't want to leap off the page, weaving a story in your mind that takes you into someone else's life and narrative and world for a few precious hours.
And here, again--you don’t know what’s wrong. It’s an interesting enough book, as books go. It's a domestic novel about domestic squabbles, a husband and wife who are 15 years and 3 children into their marriage; living in the pristine suburbs, tired of working and parenting and painted fences and tired of each other.
Maybe the book isn't clicking because you can't really relate. You would never get tired of such things, you think. To have a fence! Oh, to have a yard. Or maybe even have little children, with lives to manage and nurture. Wouldn’t that be nice?
You don't have those things. No--you can't have those things, can you? Your world has been shrunk down to a few rooms. Your bedroom. The bathroom. Kai's office. The clinic. You've made those rooms cozy and comforting. With things and time. But how could you have a toddler, a fence, a dog that barks too much in these limited walls, in this limited life?
And… how could you have any children running around when Kai has never expressed an interest in that sort of life with you. Oh, you've kissed. A few times. The memory of them makes your cheeks hot and you squirm, just a little, on the couch. You like to take those kisses with you at night, under the covers. But it's never been more than kisses, than light touches, than holding hands or feather-light strokes of your neck.
He's never gone further, never so much as asked. You also take this realization with you at night, though by morning the thoughts are gone. Now, in the daylight, they hit you hard and you can’t sleep to make them go fuzzy and grey.
Does he not want you in that way? You're not a virgin, and you don't know if he is, or isn't. But you thought you were attractive enough to... want. You kissed, he did kiss you, he does still kiss you now and then, but why not something more?
Maybe you were ugly. Maybe he felt pity for you. Maybe the kisses were just to keep you from going stir-crazy inside these walls and this life that never went anywhere. He was never going to want anything more than occasional touches, was he? And this was going to be your life, embroidering and reading and fussing about sleeping bags until you were old and grey and useless. A life wasted, a life slipped through the cracks. Your chest hurts and you wish you could fall asleep to make yourself stop thinking.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Kai asks, keyboard silent, laptop humming.
Oh. You've been staring ahead this entire time. You feel cool tears wet on your cheeks. You do this sometimes, drift and stare and cry, and never seem to realize it. So you wipe your cheeks, and you smile. You don't want to worry him. He has so many things to worry about, things he won't tell you, because he knows best--you couldn't hope to understand his work. You are too naïve and kind, and he's got what your 90s-era self help books (you had a phase for reading them last January) call "street smarts."
When he doesn't resume his work, you try again. "It's nothing," you say, light and airy. "I was just thinking about a book."
Instead of typing, he shuts the laptop and your stomach immediately feels like it's going to float away. No, no, no, you've distracted him. He said he had a lot to do today, he said that! Why couldn't you just read your book and be good. Now he'll be upset and distracted and worried and it's all your fault.
You instinctively move over to make room as he sits down on the couch. You don't want to look at him, but you don’t want to not look at him. So you force yourself to smile, force yourself to look--not too happy, but, pleasant, and keep your eyes focused on his shoulders. He rests his hand on top of yours. You look up at his face--it’s only polite, it’s only kind--and the instance your gazes meet you immediately crumble. You cry. Ugly cry, the kind of crying you really hate to do. His look of surprised concern makes your heart twist. You really are bothering him.
But you have to know.
"Why don't you want to marry me?" Your voice is soft and hoarse and aching. Through your tears you see his look of genuine confusion, surprise--and even something sadder, something akin to hurt.
You want to explain. You want to explain how you've just realized that you'll never have kids and a nice big yard and he'll never come home from work to a good meal and kids running on hardwood floors to greet him. You'll never have a wedding with a fancy dress and tasteful invitations. You'll never argue with neighbors about your dog getting into their yard. 
You'll never learn to cook anything more than the shitty microwave meals you ate before you met him, because you've never even seen a kitchen in this place despite being here for years. You’ll never have any of it, except what you read about it books. How do you explain that you’re jealous of a bitter, old married couple because at least they had a life together?
The hand resting on top of yours squeezes and you finally feel the blustery courage to let it all spill out. The words come tumbling fast and thick and laced with a froggy hoarseness.
"Why can't we have a normal... a normal life? I can't have," you swallow, and take a shuddering breath. You're open, you've learned so many lessons to be open with Kai, but expressing these thoughts makes you feel queasy. What if he gets mad? 
“I can't have kids and a big yard and a dog that the neighbors don't like, because I'm here, in these little--these little walls and little rooms, and how can we have kids if we're not married, and how can we be married if you've only kissed me a few times? Why don't you want to be with me? What's wrong with me?"
You're hyperventilating now, and there's an old tingle that you've suppressed, the fear and rage and helplessness that once made you scream and throw and punch walls. You think about the book under the sofa and hate it so much for being there. You think about your embroidery sitting prettily on Kai’s desk and you want to rip out every single thread.
You think you really break open, about to grab something and just destroy it, when suddenly Kai’s gloved hands are on your cheeks and his mask is gone and oh, his lips are on yours and is that tongue you feel--it is, it definitely is--and he’s never kissed you like this, deep and warm and soft and wet.
He pulls away and you’re dumbfounded and you must look dumb, too, because Kai wipes away a stubborn line of drool on your bottom lip and chuckles, low and light. He leaves the ugly, thick tears that have stained your cheeks.
“Do you really think I don’t want to be with you?” His thumb strokes your lips and the seam of the glove tickles and sends a hot thrill shooting down your stomach. “Do you think I haven’t imagined our… future?”
His touch is soft and his words are soft and his gaze is familiar and comfortable; the look that makes your stomach do fumbles, the look he gives you when he’s letting you know that you’re being silly again.
“I… I don’t know,” you say, your shaky breath ghosting over his thumb. “It’s just--”
He presses his thumb on your lips and you quiet down, and you listen.
“I’m waiting until you’re ready. You know that I know what’s best for us, what’s best for you, don’t you?”
You nod.
“Then you know that we will have all those things--” you ignore the voice inside you, so small and silly now, that’s insisting you-won’t-you-won’t-you-won’t--- “but only when you’re ready.”
He smiles, and you smile, because you know that he’s right. You wipe away your own tears and grin, sheepish and feeling so ridiculous for having a fit right in the middle of the day like this.
You let yourself be tucked in, let Kai drape the soft blanket over your legs. He presses a kiss to your forehead and your lips tingle with envy. You watch as he goes back to his desk and sits down, as he replaces his gloves and his mask. All is well, all is back to normal.
Kai starts typing, and you let the white noise soothe you as you pick up your book and flip open to your bookmark. Maybe tomorrow you’ll ask about the resin.
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fallen-gravity · 3 years
Intellectual Adequacy
Stan hates to start any unnecessary conflict, especially when there’s a very real chance that Ford will be moving to California next year, but he knows deep down that if they don’t talk about this now then he’ll never have the courage to bring it up again.
“Wait,” Stan shouts to Ford, and he stops dead in his tracks.
Notes: In which one little plot bunny that was preventing me from getting any work done becomes its own rabbit hole.
I genuinely cannot believe that in the six-seven years I've been in this fandom, I've never tried my hand at the fix-it-fic where Stan and Ford just talk it out as teenagers, just like they should've in canon. I've seen a lot of different approaches, but I feel like I've yet to see one that tackles it from the perspective of Stan's own battle with his self-worth, rather than the actions he or Ford have already taken.
Stan hates the principal’s office more than anywhere else in the world.
He swears, he’s called down every other week for something that’s not even his fault. He punched Crampelter in the nose for harassing some poor freshman? Principal’s office. He talks back to a teacher calling his classmate stupid for forgetting an “obvious” geometry equation? Principal’s office. He accidentally drops his pencil during an exam and bends over to pick it up? He must be cheating. Principal’s office.
If you asked him, the whole idea of sending kids to the principal’s office is pointless to begin with. Oh, you did something bad, and now we’re gonna make the big man in charge tell your mommy and daddy? How old do these people think they are?
Stan wishes he could say that this time is okay because they’re not even talking to him. They’re talking up a storm to Ford in there about another college scholarship and all the reasons why he and he alone would be the perfect candidate for some random school all the way out in California
But it’s not okay, because the longer Stan sits in the dumb waiting room the more he’s starting to feel like chopped liver. They’ve been in there for at least five minutes with no sign of stopping anytime soon, but every time Stan asks the secretary if he can just go back to class already she dismisses him with a wave of her hand and it’ll be your turn soon, sit back down.
He’s thinking of just sneaking out the next time the secretary buries her nose back into her magazine. It’s simple: just wait for her to pull it out from her desk, sneak by as quick as he can, and slip out the door and back to class before she can even notice he’s gone.
He stands from his chair, pretending to stretch and preparing to execute, but freezes solid when he hears his name being spoken from within the principal’s office.
“…What about our little free spirit Stanley?”
It’s Ma, and whatever it is they’re talking about in there, she isn’t happy about it. Frowning, Stan glances over at the secretary to make sure that she isn’t staring at him, and presses his ear to the office door to listen to their conversation more carefully.
The principal laughs in response. “That clown? At this rate he’ll be lucky if he graduates high school”
Stan’s taken aback by the harsh choice of words, but if he knows Ford, then he won’t just sit there and let the principal talk about him like that. He presses his ear further into the door, waiting for Ford to interrupt the principal’s rambling about how he’s never going to amount to anything with you just don’t know him like I do, or something along those lines, but it never comes.
Not a single interjection that…anything he’s saying is wrong. Not from Pa, not from Ford….and not even from Ma.
They don’t…all really believe that, right?
There has to be something else he’s missing. He bets they’re defending his honor right now, and the reason they’re not making a big scene about it is because they’re in public.
He’s got nothing to worry about.
He peeks into the window, expecting to see Ma glaring daggers into the principal, or Ford silently cursing him out behind his back, but what he’s met with is so much worse. Ma and Pa are exchanging warm smiles, and Ford is frantically shaking hands with the principal, beaming brighter than Stan’s ever seen in his entire life.
Matter of fact, Stan’s not sure he’s ever seen any of them look so happy in his entire life.
He’s worthless, he’ll never go anywhere, and they’re all smiling about it.
Stan’s heart drops to his stomach, and he slides to the floor to join it.
Is this some kind of cruel joke? Were they expecting him to listen in on their conversation? Is this their cruel workaround of telling him he’ll never amount to shit?
He sighs.
He stays there on the cold tiled floor for what feels like hours, contemplating all the times he’s been called dumb, or stupid, or a terrible influence on his brother. All of those times when he could brush it off just because it was coming from someone he didn’t care about.
But worthless?
Behind his back, spoken directly to people he loves, and they won’t even bother to defend him?
That one’s new, and if Stan is going to be completely honest with himself, it’s much harder to brush off his shoulders than all those other times.
Stan doesn’t even notice the office door opening until it nearly smacks him in the back of his head. He quickly jumps to his feet and brushes himself off, pretending the best that he can that he wasn’t just eavesdropping on them for the past ten minutes.
“Stanley!” Ford comes bursting out of the room, his grin threatening to split his face in two. “I just received the most incredible news! The admissions team at West Coast Tech heard about my science fair project, and-”
The beam suddenly slips from his face, replaced with some sort of mix of confusion and concern. “Is...Something wrong?”
Stan rubs at his eyes to make sure he hadn’t started tearing up without realizing it, but no, his eyes are bone dry.
Curse Ford’s stupid ability to read his mind.
Stan covers up the gesture of rubbing at his eyes with a yawn, and stretches his arms in the air. “Nothing except you taking forever in there” he flashes a fake smile easily. “Talk about a blabbermouth, am I right?” Stan gestures towards the principal with his thumb.
Ford laughs, and returns his gaze to the pamphlet in his hands. “I don’t know,” he says. “I don’t think he’s so bad”
Stan opens his mouth to quip back, but Ford doesn’t seem to be paying much attention anymore. He’s just staring at that dumb pamphlet, his grin slowly but surely returning to his face again.
Instead, Stan shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs, turning his gaze to the floor. “Yeah, I guess you’re right”
Stan feels like he’s in a haze for the rest of the day. Even when he tries to focus on class to take his mind off of things and redirect it on anything else, he can’t get his mind to stick.  Not even final period gym class can save him, which is really saying something, because the gymnasium is usually the one place where he thrives.
The word won’t stop bouncing around in his skull, hitting him where he’s most sensitive.
It doesn’t help a thing that Ford is dead silent on their walk home from school. He’s usually chatting up a storm to Stan about stuff he doesn’t really understand, and under normal circumstances Stan can’t wait to get home so he can bury his head in his pillow and drown out the sound of Ford’s babbling.
But today he’s not even looking in Stan’s direction, just burying his nose in the West Coast Tech brochure with stars in his eyes, and now Stan wants nothing more than to hear Ford babbling on about his advanced physics classes.
It’s almost insulting.
Stan sighs, and lightly taps on Ford’s shoulder to catch his attention. “Can we talk?”
“Hmm?” Ford blinks, like he needs a few moments to readjust to reality. “Oh! Of course. I was actually planning on asking you the same thing” he places the brochure in his pocket. “Same place as always?”
Stan nods. “Same place as always”.
It’s a quick change of direction and a shortcut to the beach before they find themselves on their old swing set. By now they’re both too heavy to use it properly without a risk of snapping it, but they still find it’s a good place to go when they just need to get away and talk.
“You’re not really thinking of going to that stuffy old school, are you?” Stan asks as soon as Ford sits on the swing beside him. “They’ve gotta be crazy if they think four more years of essays and exams are better lookin’ than tanned babes and gold chains. We’re so close to finishing up the Stan-O-War. Soon as graduation rolls around we’re outta here, just like we always promised”.
Ford chuckles. “That is a nice thought, but…” he pulls the brochure out of his pocket again, and unfolds it for Stan to see. “You have to understand that I can’t just pass up an opportunity like this. Maybe I don’t need a degree from any old state school, but this is West Coast Tech we’re talking about!” he beams, the stars returning to his eyes. “They’ve got cutting edge technology and multidimensional paradigm theory”
Stan rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but admit to himself it’s nice to have his brother back again after an entire day of radio silence.
“Beep boop, giant nerd robot oncoming” Stan punches Ford in the arm.
Ford’s grin only widens. “I figured you’d say that, but it’s too late to change my mind. The head of admissions already flew in this morning, and with my go-ahead they’re going to check out my science fair project later tonight and let me know then and there if they want me at their school”
“Well that seems kind of harsh” Stan quips. “What if they say no?”
Ford shrugs. “Well, then it’s like you said. If they don’t want me, you and I sail off on the Stan-O War and never look back”.
Stan frowns at the strong emphasis on if. He really thinks he’s going to get this, doesn’t he? Stan can’t exactly blame him when he’s been the reigning valedictorian of their class every year since they were kids.
“And if they say yes?”
Ford grins. “Well, then you better visit me on the other side of the country” he punches Stan in the shoulder, and stands to his feet without saying another word.
Stan can’t bring himself to join him. He knows that Ford didn’t mean anything by it, but he can’t help feel wounded by his brother’s implication that while he’s off in California having the time of his life, Stan’s still gonna be stuck living with their parents in New Jersey.
It’s just like their principal said. He’ll never amount to anything anyway, so why wouldn’t he stay in New Jersey? Where else would a worthless piece of shit like him end up?
Stan shifts on his swing and watches as Ford walks away, and he can’t help but wonder just how much of the principal’s tangent that Ford believed.
All of it?
Some of it?
Had Ford even been listening to what he said at all?
As he continues to watch his brother walk away, he can’t help the feeling in his gut that he has to know. He hates to start any unnecessary conflict, especially when there’s a very real chance that Ford will be moving to California next year, but Stan knows deep down that if they don’t talk about this now then he’ll never have the courage to bring it up again.
“Wait,” Stan shouts to Ford, and he stops dead in his tracks.
“Yeah?” Ford says, turning around to face him. Stan suddenly finds himself very aware of his heart loudly pounding against his chest, but he forces himself to squash that down. He’s never felt shy or anxious about asking his brother anything, and he sure as hell isn’t letting that start now.
“You don’t…uh,” he swallows. “You don’t think I’m…worthless, do you?”
Ford looks appalled. He neatly folds the brochure back into his pocket and starts walking- no, jogging, almost sprinting back to the swing set. He pauses in front of the empty swing beside Stan for a moment, like he’s debating whether he should sit down or not, but eventually he shakes his head and sits down anyway.
“What on earth makes you say that?”  There’s a hint of anger to his tone, but Stan’s not entirely convinced it’s directed at him. “Why would I think you’re worthless? You’re my twin brother! What could’ve possibly put the idea in your head that I thought that?”
There’s a tiny voice in the back of his head screaming at him to back out, brush it off with a joke and have this conversation later, but there’s an even louder voice shouting at him that it needs to be had now.
Stan sighs. “I…overheard everything in the principal’s office today”
Ford blinks, like he doesn’t understand a word that Stan just said. “About…West Coast Tech? Is this because you’re afraid that I’ll get in, but you know you won’t because you’re not even interested in applying anyway, but you know you’re going to miss me, and you’re not sure if you can handle-”
“About me, Sixer!” Stan shouts, and tries his damn hardest to ignore the waver in his voice. “He practically called me a useless piece of shit directly to Ma and Pa and neither of them said a word about it!” He scrubs his hands down his face because he’s not choking up, not over something so pointless and stupid. “You’re going to travel the world and become the smartest person the scientific community has ever seen, or whatever, but me? Apparently I’ll always be stuck here in New Jersey to pick up after everyone else’s messes, because that’s all I’m ever good for”
Stan buries his face in his hands. He hadn’t meant to blow up, and he certainly hadn’t meant to direct his anger at Ford, but he just feels so hopeless, and he’s the only one around who’s willing to listen. He wouldn’t be surprised if Ford returned with anger of his own, or told him off for being selfish, or even if he just decided to stand up and walk away from him for being such an embarrassment.
The silence that follows is thick and heavy. Stan is so convinced that he must’ve driven Ford away that when he feels a hand on his shoulder he nearly jumps a mile out of his skin. When he finally pulls his hands out of his face to meet Ford’s eyes, his face is flushed pink and he looks…embarrassed.
“Stan, I had no idea, I…” he awkwardly pulls his hand away and grips tightly to the chain of his swing. Stan can see Ford’s face shifting through about a dozen different emotions at once. “I…must’ve been too focused on everything else to realize he was saying those things about you.” He shakes his head. “I know it’s not an excuse, but…” he sighs. “I’m sorry”
There’s another bout of silence between them. Stan’s half-expecting that to be the end of it, and for Ford to walk away without another word.  
But Ford breaks the silence with a sigh, and when Stan glances over at him he’s staring down at the ground.
“If it’s any consolation...you’re much smarter than me in a lot more places than you realize”
Okay, now Stan has to laugh. “Okay, now you’re being too nice to me. You don’t need to lie to make me feel better”
“I’m serious!” Ford’s cheeks flush pink again, and he adjusts his glasses before returning his gaze towards Stan. “There’s actually been a fascinating number of studies about intelligence lately, and, well…” Ford’s face is turning redder by the minute, Stan swears. “It turns out that…there’s more than one type”
Stan raises an eyebrow. “You’re losing me here, Sixer”
“Well, you see, I thrive in academic intelligence. Math, science, history, you know, school stuff. That’s the most commonly known type of intelligence because a lot of our formative years are based on it”
Stan doesn’t say anything, just raises his eyebrow even further.
“But,” Ford continues quickly, “They’ve also made discoveries about the existence of social intelligence”
“Social?” Stan blinks, suddenly finding himself significantly more interested. “You mean like talking to people and stuff?”
Ford nods. “Precisely. They say people with high social intelligence are much better at picking up on social cues, and can make friends with others much easier than those with lower social intelligence.” Ford kicks at the sand. “The reason social intelligence hasn’t been recognized is because it’s often mistaken for having a friendly personality”.  His face flushes pink again, like he’s afraid he said the wrong thing. “Not that a person can’t have both, but…”
Stan smirks, nudging at Ford with his elbow. “Stanford Pines, are you calling your good-for-nothing brother intelligent?” He teases, but can’t help the genuine smile creeping to his face.
“Think about it!” Ford throws an arm into the air, the other one tightly gripped on the swing to prevent himself from falling off. “Every time Ma and Pa leave us in charge of the shop so they can go to Atlantic City for the weekend, who’s the one bringing in all the customers? Who’s the one selling out our daily stock less than two hours after we’re open? You are, Stan, just by being yourself. You know how to persuade people into buying our stock at ten times the listed price.”
“You can’t learn that from twelve years of public school. They can try to teach you, but at the end of the day it’s all about your ability to connect with people” Ford rubs at his arm. “I’ve tried teaching myself those kinds of tricks for years, but at the end of the day…” he shakes his head. “I’ve never been able to catch up.” He smiles. “I raise my white flag to you, Stan. You’ve outsmarted the smartest brother in the world”
Stan chuckles. “Try telling that to Principal Comb-over. He hears you saying the so-called dumbest clown in the entire school system is smarter than you and he’s going to cart you away to the loony bin”
Ford laughs. “You know, now that I think about it, there may actually be a way to tell him off for what he said about you and get away with it scott-free”
Stan raises an eyebrow. “Yeah? How so?”
Ford smirks. “I think you should try to graduate out of spite”
Stan’s not sure he follows. “Whaddya mean?”
“I mean, think about it” Ford stands from his swing and begins to pace back and forth. “The principal called both of us down even though he only wanted to speak to me, and then he talked shit about you even though he knew you were sitting right outside his door?” he pauses in his pacing. “Stan, he knew that you could hear him. Maybe he didn’t intend for you to listen in when he was talking to Ma and Pa about my scholarship opportunity, but he knew you’d be listening the moment you were brought up in the conversation”
That’s…true. Stan was just about to sneak out before he heard them say his name.
“He’s expecting you to fail, and he wants to put it in everyone else’s head too. He thinks it’s the easy way out, because if you choose to fail out on your own than he doesn’t have to take responsibility for being such a shitty educator. It gives him the chance to say look how he didn’t even try instead of look at how we failed him.”
“But if you proved him wrong? Imagine the look on his face when he has to be the one to place that diploma in your hand. Imagine him having to look you dead in the eyes and tell you he’s proud of you. You’ll know he’s speaking bullshit, but he knows he can’t talk shit about you anymore without making himself look bad.” Ford smirks. “Matter of fact, imagine the looks on the faces of everyone who’s ever doubted you walking across that stage. Pa alone is gonna have a heart attack”
Ford’s smile softens. “I already know that you’re much smarter than you’re given credit for, and I think it’s about time that everyone else recognizes that too”.
Stan’s cheeks burn red, and he shyly kicks at the sand. “Heh, thanks. I appreciate it.” He says. “But even if I did manage to graduate, what am I supposed to do with a high school diploma? Every job application I’ve been skinning through recently says college, college, college”
“Well…” Ford taps at his chin. “Then why not go out for college?”
Okay, now he’s taking things too far.
“Pardon?” Stan mocks, because if Ford thinks that Stan’s going to willingly take four more years of classes than maybe he should be carted away to a loony bin.
“I’m serious!” Ford blushes. “Maybe not a high intensity school like West Coast Tech, but college is so much more freeing than high school, Stanley. It’s not class after class on subjects that other people tell you to take. It’s personalized. If you hate science class so much, you never have to take another science class again”
Ford’s blush darkens. “I know that school is a big drag and all, but if you asked me?” he averts his gaze. “I think you’d really benefit from business school. Charisma and social intelligence is the number one thing that big name businesses are looking for, and I know you’re filled to the brim with both. Ultimately it is your decision, but…” Ford fiddles with his thumbs. “Just…just consider it, okay?”
For a brief moment, Stan just wants to burst out into hysterical laughter. Ford’s been offered the opportunity of a lifetime at one of the best schools in the country, and he’s still taking the time to help out his good-for-nothing brother who’s been cheating off of his exams for the past ten years.
Instead he settles for a roll of his eyes. “Alright, Professor Poindexter, I’ll consider it”
Ford giggles at that, and for a few moments neither of them says anything, watching the waves gently lapping on the beach in the short distance. It’s a comfortable silence, a reassuring sort of feeling that Stan hasn’t felt in a long time.
The frantic beeping of Pa’s wristwatch interrupts them, and both boys flinch at the sound in unison. For a moment Stan is worried that Pa’s standing behind them having heard every word, but when he glances over at Ford, he sees him rolling up his shirt sleeve to reveal that he’s the one wearing the watch, and clicks the alarm off.
“Pa made me borrow it so I wouldn’t be late for the presentation with the school board” he rubs awkwardly at the back of his head. “I’ll probably give it back as soon as I get home tonight”
Stan smirks. “You still hate the sound of that thing too, huh?”
“I can still hear it in my nightmares,” Ford exaggerates, his eyes going wide, and the twins burst into laughter as they both stand from the swings and stretch their arms and legs to wake them up from sitting for so long.
Ford wipes at his eye as he fidgets with the wristwatch. “So…do you think you’re going to be okay?”
That in itself is a pretty loaded question that could take him all night to answer, but all things considering…
“Yeah,” Stan smiles. “I think I’ll be okay”
Ford smiles back, and gestures with his thumb towards the direction of the pawn shop. “Then I’m going to head home and get ready for my presentation. You coming?”
Stan shakes his head. “I think I’ll stay out here and just…watch the ocean for a little while longer”
Ford’s smile softens, but he doesn’t say anything else. He turns heel and walks back towards the house, and it feels as though a giant weight has just been lifted off of Stan’s chest. He glances back to watch Ford go, but finds comfort in the feeling that he feels nothing at all.
Nearly five hours later, Stan sits at home, watching television on the couch to pass the time. Just out of the corner of his eye he sees Ford slip into the kitchen and gently click the door closed. Stan shuts the TV off, and spins around on the couch to face his brother.
“Well?” Stan asks, though he knows he doesn’t even need to bother asking, given that Ford looks like he’s about to burst. With a shaking hand, Ford reaches into his pocket and pulls out a glinting white envelope.
If he’s trying to keep an air of mystery about it, he’s doing a really bad job, because all at once his composure breaks and the smile that spreads across his face looks as though it could burn out the sun.
“They loved me!” He shouts, excitedly pacing the floor. “They told me they’ve never seen anyone else like me!”
His smile is so contagious that it hurts.
Perhaps another day, in another timeline, Stan would take offense to Ford’s excitement to bounce off to the other end of the country without him. Perhaps he’d even lash out, or do something he would’ve immediately regretted.
But here and now, Stan couldn’t be happier for his brother if he tried.
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candreloup · 3 years
I started to read your work and I absolutely love your writing! So I wanted send a request you could maybe do: A timid and shy hero is sent to fight a rather known cruel and flirty villain. But when the villain sees the hero is afraid of them the villain tries to be a bit more softer maybe even going so far as to comfort said hero who terrified of them.
Thank you so much! Also- HOLY MOLY MY OTHER POST BLEW UP AAA- um, thank you guys so, SO much for all the positive feedback and thank you so much to all the people who re-blogged my post! (I woke up and saw that shtuff and went AaaAAAA) Anyways, here's this ask! ('tis a good one :D)
Villain was sick and tired of waiting. If they were going to send someone to confront Villain, they should have just sent them. It made them angrier than they should have been. Maybe it was the fact that they couldn't have a life because of those so-called "heroes", or maybe it was just that Villain was so tired of being so one-dimensional. Of being whispered about, hated and scorned for something that they weren't. The creepy, sadistic villain sitting in their cold stone lair, waiting for the next victim to be sent in.
Villain was still a human. Not some monster to be taken down and killed, not some corrupt evil genius that only lived to harm- they were a human. But everyone seemed to lose sight of that fact.
A knock startled Villain out of their reverie. "What is it," Villain snapped, bracing themselves for the inevitable blustering "hero" bursting through the door, spouting nonsense about how they were going to take Villain down "once and for all". Instead, the door only creaked open a crack, and a timid voice called, "H-hello?"
Villain couldn't help but be surprised. After all, hadn't it been just yesterday that they had received a message telling them that they were "Finally getting what's coming to you" ? Hadn't they seen over and over the brand of person being sent to them, heard the countless rumors and criticisms being spread behind their backs? But this was different. The shy, quiet voice- albeit rather frightened- was new. Sent to take you down. Ha! Hero didn't seem like they could take down a rabbit. Of course, Villain had learned not to judge by the first impression. Who knew what they had hidden under their sleeves; who knew what could happen if they let their guard down. No, for now Villain would simply wait and watch, letting their instinct guide them.
"U-um, I think... I'm supposed t-to be here?" Hero stammered, still peeking through a tiny crack in the door. Villain sighed. Seems I'll have to be the initiator. Hero cracked open the door a touch more, making a small sound of surprise when they saw Villain striding towards them. "Uh, well- um- I d-don't know w-what I'm su-supposed to b-be doing here..." Villain didn't stop. Instead, they made the final steps to the door, forcing it open despite Hero's desperate attempts to keep it closed to reveal a small black-haired head and wide brown eyes, staring up at Villain in fear.
"Come in," Villain growled. Perhaps a tad too aggressive, as Hero shrunk back even further. "Come in," they said again, this time more gently. "I'm not going to hurt you." Hero looked up at Villain's face again, obviously trying to figure out if Villain was telling the truth.
God, they were so transparent it was almost a joke. Villain could almost see the gears turning in their head, see the thought process of "should I trust them?". "Well, don't just stand there," Villain said, getting frustrated with holding the door open. "Come in." When Hero still remained in place, Villain sighed in frustration and pulled Hero into the room. "I told you, I won't hurt you. Here, I'll leave the door open. There. Happy?" Hero's eyes darted nervously around the room, observing and finally landing on the open door. "No. You,"-Villain pointed at Hero- "There." Villain gestured to a couch. "Let's talk."
It was only after a few minutes of Villain talking and too much awkward silence that Hero finally spoke up.
"So... what are you here for? And don't say you don't know. I know you know why you're here. You can't fool me with your feeble attempts at lying."
"Well, I think... they told me to just, uh, come here? And um, well..." Hero glanced nervously at Villain, clearly afraid to finish their sentence. Villain just gestured at Hero to continue. Hero gulped nervously and finished, "They told me to try and kill you." The last words rang out in the empty room, echoing into silence.
"And what do you think?" Villain said softly.
"W-well, I think... maybe you're not such a bad person? And, I don't really know... why? I-I mean, I've heard lots of bad things about you... But, you don't, you know, seem... that bad...?" Hero trailed off, looking down at their feet.
Villain didn't know what to make of Hero. They were so strange, so... different. They came into Villain's lair like a frightened bunny, shaking and stammering and hiding behind doors. They were transparent, naïve and innocent. How the hell did they end up working for the organization? And yet, the change was a welcome one. It felt good, to be finally recognized as something more than just a "villain". To be finally acknowledged as maybe a little more than just a 1d caricature of a person. It was refreshing. And made Villain feel too possessive than they were comfortable with.
Villain looked up at Hero again.
"U-um, sorry- you weren't... talking a lot... Did I say something wrong?" Hero looked concerned. Yet another surprise. Villain stared at them for a second before bursting into laughter. Loud, clear laughter that filled the room and lasted for much longer than it should have. "W-wait! Why- Why are you laughing? Villain?"
As Villain's laughter died down and they wiped away tears, still having small bursts of chuckling to themselves, they noticed Hero's clearly confused face. "Um... Why did you laugh? What was so funny?"
"Ah, nothing, nothing." Concern. What a joke. As if a hero coming from the organization could be concerned for the person they were going to kill. That they'd met literally a few minutes ago. The thought made Villain want to laugh again. But for some reason, looking at Hero, the concern felt genuine. They could almost believe that Hero was actually concerned. Almost.
Don't let your guard down, Villain. You never know.
"Villain?" Hero hesitantly raised their hand as if to try and touch something. Then put it down again. "Um, Villain?"
Villain was instantly on their guard, preparing for some sort of attack. "Yes?" they asked warily, waiting for Hero to completely change personality or whip out some sort of secret weapon. Instead, what Hero said caught Villain completely off-guard.
"Um, could I... touch your hair?"
Hero went into overdrive explanation mode. "Uh, I know it's a really weird request but, I mean, I just thought- your hair looked- I mean, I think your hair looks really soft, and I just kind of- I mean, maybe I shouldn't have said that but-" Villain cut Hero off.
"Sure." Hero froze for a second. Villain couldn't help but laugh to themselves at Hero's dumbstruck look. I don't even know honestly if they can kill me, even if they tried. "You can touch my hair."
Hero reached out a hand hesitantly. "A-are you sure? I know it's a really weird question..." Villain grabbed Hero's wrist and pulled it towards their head.
"I told you, go ahead."
Hero reached out, softly patting Villain on the head. Villain had a thought as Hero started to touch their head with both hands. What the fuck am I doing? Am I a cat? But that thought left their mind as Hero started to move closer, playing with Villain's hair.
"It's so soft," Hero said, mesmerized. "Um... can I braid your hair?"
A few moments later Villain was lying in Hero's lap as they braided Villain's hair. How did I get here? Seriously... Oh well. Hero's gentle touch and their warmth made Villain drowsy, all suspicious thoughts driven out of their head. If they really wanted to try to kill me, they would have done it a long time ago. Anyways, it felt good, letting their guard down in front of someone. Even if they died here, it would be worth it. This little bit of peace felt heavenly, the soft sound of Hero humming sending Villain slowly to sleep. It was worth it.
The room was cold, full of the quiet sounds of technology working. In the screen in front of them they could see Villain's face, eyes slowly closing. "Who knew the mighty Villain could be taken down so easily by such a simple trap?" A voice echoed through the room, coming from the figure sitting in a chair in front of the large control panel taking up much of the space. Who knew indeed. All along, the only thing they had to do to completely take Villain off their guard was that fool of a Hero, so stupidly naïve and innocent. It was so easy it was almost laughable. Villain, lying in someone's lap and letting them braid their hair? Ha! And yet, a little bit of stammering later and they had exactly what they wanted. God, they were both so predictable. So easy to manipulate. So stupid.
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