#( interaction: answered ask )
ween-kitchens · 4 months
im annoyed and a little pedantic so can i just say as a blanket statement
queerbaiting is when the promotion for a FICTIONAL STORY intentionally hints towards two characters having a romantic relationship, without any intention to follow through in the show, in order to get queer people watching without discouraging the homophobic enjoyers of the show
queerbaiting is NOT:
a celebrity who you think is queer because theyre gnc or they have a 'vibe'. that is a real person and they cannot queerbait
two friends of the same gender pretending to flirt with each other for fun. those are real people and they cannot queerbait
a show with two characters of the same gender who are canonically friends that YOU PERSONALLY think would be better in a relationship. that's not bating, that's shipping, and subject to opinion
there are more but those are the main examples of people misunderstanding what queerbaiting is and being mad at something that isn't actually a problem
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
Tumblr is being mean and not letting me post the actual video here but this is what I've been doing the last week or so :D Very excited about it lmao
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chiscribbs · 7 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
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He came this close... 🤏 (Thank you! Congrats on making it into the main bracket! Good luck in the competition! :D)
More @tmntaucompetition shenanigans!!
[Grown Apart AU] [INTRO]
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tsukii0002 · 3 months
Imagine suddenly two or three demons gets periods on the same time 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣 IT WOULD BE SO COMPLICATING!!! N
Omg, R.I.P Mc 😂😂😂😂. It was nice to meet you.
I guess there are two options… Either explode from stress or get help from the others. Since before confronting them they will assist each other on the sly. Now there is nothing to hide… Theoretically. But this situación still be a chaos.
Mc: *gathering supplies for Levi's period*
Beel: Mc!! it seems that the Asmo cycle has begun.
Mc: …
Beel: …
Mc: Are you like mammals???? Your periods have started to sync up now that you're taking care of yourselves????!
Beel: Erm, maybe?
Mc: *sigh* Anyway, go take this to Levi and tell him I'll come after I've enchanted Asmo's flowers.
Beel: Got it.
Mc: *talking to themself * Please don't synchronize Lucifer and Satan's periods, that's all I ask…. *shaking fist upwards* You could help me take care of your children god!!!!
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arrgh-whatever · 3 months
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womenstruation · 5 months
One of the biggest ways young girls are exploited in the global South is via the “house girl” culture. I’m speaking on how it works in Nigeria as that is my experience but I know it happens all around the world.
“House girls” are domestic servants, usually late teens though I have seen girls as young as six or seven, employed by middle and upper class families. They do everything from cooking and cleaning to caring for the elderly and young children and get very little wages. Most times these girls never see a penny of their wages- it’s all sent to their families. In Nigeria, these girls tend to come from very impoverished families living in border towns and often times do not speak the language before being sent to these families that exploit them.
Due to their young age, lack of any family nearby or money, poor education, and Nigeria’s legal system, these girls are overwhelmingly subject to sexual abuse at the hands of their male employers. In fact there is a common trope in media of the “husband cheating with the house girl and replacing the “madam” of the house. And when these men impregnate these girls, they are sent back to their villages in shame while the cycle continues.
They also face lots of other abuse. One of my mother’s friends was a “house girl” in the 70s when she was just thirteen and she was only given mouldy food and left overs to eat for most of her childhood. she once told me of a time where she was so thirsty, she drank the dirty water her abusers had used to wash their hands. I have also seen “house girls” physically beaten by their abusers and subject to horrific punishments- once as a child I saw a very young girl forced to ride in the boot of a car while all the employers children threw their imported backpacks at her.
There have also been situations in which families immigrate and arrange to bring their house girls with them. They continue to abuse them and when these girls manage to break free, they face deportation and further exploitation.
Of course such experiences are usually less common but the hiring of house girls is not viewed as the exploitation it is. Some people, my parents included, seem to view themselves as saving these girls from their lives in the village where they would get married young and live in poverty with lots of children. But how is it saving them to deprive them of education and enslave them? It is said that it is easy to recognise a house girl: shaven heads, old and dirty clothes and a scarily small stature. They look nothing like girls who have been saved.
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whatevahwhatevah · 8 months
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Sorry for disappearing again, have some more kyman
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shanastoryteller · 7 months
Happy Valentines Day Shana!! 💕💕 Sybok and Jim contiuation? I wanna see more of Sybok teasing the shit out of Spock for his oblivious crush
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
It's rude to speak in a language not everyone present speaks, however Sybok became immune to social niceties around the time his father stopped bringing him to official functions. He switches to High Vulcan to say, "We can tell her I picked you up off an Orion slave ship."
Uhura's right eye twitches.
"She can understand you," Jimmy says. "She's a xenolinguist."
Bones's eyes narrow. He's so much more indignant in person than in the background of Jimmy's video calls. "What are you going on about now? I hate when you do this. I always feel like you're planning how to dispose of my body."
Jimmy had told him that Bones had started studying Vulcan. He'd also told him that he was incredibly bad at it, but not everyone can be Jimmy, which was realistically probably for the best.
He drops down to standard Vulcan to say, "Ah, so you have a talented tongue," since there's really no way to say that in High Vulcan that's a double entendre. It doesn't help that most of their potentially risque phrases are hand rather than mouth oriented, but he's learned to make do.
Spock turns an unhealthy shade of pale as his eyes widen the tiniest amount in abject horror.
Uhura raises her eyebrow in a way that reminds him of his brother. "To master a language is the study of a lifetime. I would be most appreciative if you were to give me a hand in achieving this endeavor."
Spock's skin flushes and he looks around like he's seriously considering running away from this conversation.
Sybok is delighted.
"Uhurua!" Jimmy shouts, hands on his hips. "Come on! I say that to you and you don't even let me buy you a drink, but you'll just proposition Sybok in the middle of the hallway?"
"She did what?" Bones hisses.
That is one possible interpretation of her words.
"I might have gotten around to propositioning you too," she says, "if you hadn't gotten your ass beat."
"Okay, I think I did okay, actually," Jimmy argues while Bones's face morphs into an expression eerily similar to Spock's.
He loves Earth.
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albaake · 2 months
Are you tired of the small old cats and lambs? Looking for something with a new spice~? Something with a new edge? Well look no further as the-
Okay jokes over, it ain't that kind of show lol.
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However, Crowne is here to answer all you're diehard questions~! (Or desires, it depends if he's feeling up to it).
Crowne somehow gained full reign of the ask box and being the nosey crown he is, will be checking it occasionally. He noticed he has a little fanbase since his arrival and will happily greet his adoring fans, so be sure to reblog the news to everyone~
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magnoliamyrrh · 27 days
that post about how traumatized people are expected to censor their own experiences reminds me of how when people with visible deformities or scarring post selfies, people will get mad at them and go “this could be triggering!! tw body horror!”
people need to develop a sense of shame for their own hypersensitivity and sheltered coddled lives. being shielded from the realities of other peoples lives is not a human right. if you dont wanna see scarred people then avoid looking at photos. if you dont wanna know about peoples life experiences don’t talk to them. I hate this shit so much. “You owe it to me to hide the evidence of your suffering because thinking about it makes me bummed out!!” I lived through the actual experience, I think you’ll survive witnessing the fact that I survived. jesus christ
sry for late reply but this is so damn real i still think abt this all the time. "i lived through the actual experience, i think you'll survive witnessing the fact that i survived" bars tbh. very well put into words
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Ha melon bug
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Been having a craving to draw them as a lil beverage 😔💔🥄🥄
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
TWST Ask Game!!
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
2. Who is on your homescreen?
3. What does your guest room look like?
4. Who is on your main team?
5. If you could have any unique magic / signature spell in the game, which would you choose and why?
6. First SSR? Most recent SSR?
7. Is there an SSR you really wanted but never got?
8. Is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
9. What changes would you like to see implemented in the game?
Favorites and Least Favorites
10. Top five favorite characters?
11. Favorite character from each dorm?
12. Least favorite character from each dorm? 13. Favorite NRC staff member? 14. Favorite non-NRC character? 15. Favorite dorm?
16. Favorite character design?
17. Favorite overblot design?
18. Favorite dorm uniform?
19. Favorite event?
20. Favorite book from the main story?
21. Favorite R card that you own? Favorite SR? Favorite SSR?
22. Favorite relationships? (Romantic or platonic!!)
23. Which dorm would you be sorted into? 24. Which character(s) would you get along with the most? 25. Which character(s) would you actively avoid? 26. When did you start playing TWST? 27. What drew you into TWST? What made you stay? 28. What is the TWST related content that you've produced that you are most proud of?
Wild Card
29. What is your opinion on [any character you like!] 30. Make up your own question!
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teastarfall · 5 months
Hear me out-
This image but with Six and the hunter
(Ya don't have to draw it, just so you know)
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lol ik you said i didn’t have to redraw it but it kept making me giggle,,, i had to,,
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cits-kirby-brainrot · 11 months
Sailor dee or Bandee please
The Wawa Siblings
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moonlight-taylor · 4 months
ADE YOU ALIVE WHERE ARE YOU ???? - @t8yl0r-8
i died, dead and buried.
no im actually just in that one abandoned warehouse, you know the one. i actually just found out there was a basement, uh, cant go in it though since there's hella stagnant water so fuck that-
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Yes peanut?
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