#( okay so im red like a tomato but not too much)
elliesmainhoe · 4 months
Hey there vivi, I think your work is cool <33 Wanted to ask what you thought of Ellie and girlfriend having IVF with both their genetics/eggs so they both have a biological child together. Know it’s not possible yet but im thinking about a Ellie with biological kid. Tmi but im ovulating so this is what im thinking ab rn. Not asking you to do a little blurb if you don’t want to, but wanted to know if you like the idea of Ellie and her kidd, ngl i think is interesting and adorable. Much love!
omg I fucking love this idea!!!! she would be so silly , I wrote some headcanons for this so hope you like it!!!!
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okay let's say- distant future, lesbians can now have biological babies (yay technology!)
when you tell her that your pregnant girlie is gobsmacked, even though you two were actively trying. (aka raw dogging every night)
goes through a crisis, buys baby books, pregnancy books, looks into a ton of birth and labour options
shes prepared for everything, goes to Joel to find advice about taking care of a pregnant woman and what to do with a newborn
stop that would be the most adorable shit ever, him sitting on his porch, yours and Ellie's babe on his chest, giving you two a break
stopppp 😭😭😭😭
anyways getting off topic-
she's literally so much more a doting loser than she usually is (which is a feat in itself)
gets you all your cravings, chocolate? done. pickles? done. chocolate AND pickles together? fuck it she'll try some too.
loves decorating the nursery in your house
the nerd indoctrination is already happening.
her and Joel make loads of custom furniture, adjustable crib, rocking/nursing chair, changing station.
the nursery ends up looking so cute, with loads of earthy tones and greens but also an array of rainbow toys.
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shed be so supportive during labour
whatever birth method you choose shes so supportive, makes you a little emergency bag just in case you go into labour
loves skin to skin
after the birth, you're exhausted of course, so you're sleeping and she's alone with a newborn baby???
honestly thinks that the baby looks a little funky
when babies come out they're squished, red and all silly looking
they're cute of course!!! but Ellie is still hoping your babe grows out of the squished tomato, potato phase?
skin to skin is her favorite thing
having the baby laid on her chest is genuinely the sweetest thing ever
she 100% cries when your baby grows out of their first onesie
she's so sentimental, keeps everything your kid does or has
old dummies (pacifiers if you're American), baby toys that the kid doesn't play with anymore, the umbilical cord? it's in a ziplock bag somewhere.
wears the baby in those baby back pack things (I can't remember the name LMAO)
when the baby starts teething she's always making jokes about how you've given birth to a feral baby.
jokingly scolds the baby when they start biting when you breastfeed them
dresses the kid up in the funnies outfits
the baby's dresser is basically a fancy dress box by now. dinosaur costumes, teddy bear costumes, pirate costume?
literally everything
I now have baby fever. kms.
not proofread
she's the best mum especially with a newborn
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luvsuperboard · 1 year
shy boy? secret kisses?
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you’re used to see him being confident when it comes to “romantic” encounters, but all of sudden when you find out about his cute habit, he becomes shy! (fluff warning!)
was your roof leaking? what were those little taps you felt going from your temple to your cheek?
“minnie what are you-“ he froze. his big brown puppy-like eyes widened when he heard you, soon stopping what he was doing while your eyes were closed. he quickly turned around, as if you didn’t clearly see he was awake.
“kim seungmin, i know you’re awake,” you said half-yawning and sitting up. one of your hands traveled to his back slowly caressing it as he was still facing the other way, refusing to see you as if he had been doing some witchcraft on you while you were sleeping and he was embarrassed now that you caught him—but of course it wasn’t anything like that.
he groaned, hiding under the blanket currently covering both of you, giving you a dry ‘what’, acting like he had been sleeping too.
you got closer, slowly pulling the blanket off him, his eyes were shut, cheeks red. “wanna explain what were you doing?” you said with a smirk, gently brushing some of the hair that was sticking to his forehead away. he just scoffed.
“pft, i was just.. i’m- you know what, you never saw that, nothing happened. go back to sleep, baby. yay! so happy, now go to sleep” he said muttering the last word and patting your head, but instead of going back to sleep you took his chin in between your thumb and index finger, looking at him directly.
you gasped. “was.. kim seungmin.. kissing y/n’s face???? on their sleep??” he was red red, like a fucking tomato, you bursted out of laughter. “oh my! kim seungmin? no this is not him, who are you? give me my cute boyfriend, who doesn’t want to admit he’s whipped for me, back!”
“you are so annoying”
you cradled his face with both of your hands “yes, very annoying. but you still love me. and love me that much you take the time to kiss my face while i’m sleeping! aw look at you, i didn’t know you were such a softie..” you traced random patterns on his skin as he rolled his eyes and just blushed as much as he could.
“SEUNGMIN LOVES ME! SEUNGMIN LOVES MEE~!” you cheered while singing.
“i guess…”
“so what?”
“AREN’T YOU GONNA ADMIT YOU KISS ME EVERY NIGHT WHEN I CANT SEE YOU AND THAT’S WHY YOU LIKE ME TO FALL ASLEEP FIRST?” his jaw dropped, his hands traveled to his face and covered it in embarrassment
“well um, i suspected it-“
“LISTEN! i suspected it. but i finally decided to stay awake and you definitely confirmed my assumptions” you said smiling. your boyfriend in the other hand was dying in the inside. how he could’ve been so dumb?
“this is so humiliating!” he whined before ruffling his hair. you rested your chin on his shoulder while he was still holding his face in between his hands and sighed, waiting for his obvious confession.
“i just- i do it because i don’t know. you look so… peaceful, when you sleep and i can’t help it but to start to kiss every single part of your face and it makes me wanna take care of you even more and keep you forev- y/n i swear if you’re laughing right now…”
“IM NOT!” you pressed your lips together, as an attempt of not letting out the loud ass laugh that was coming but it was too late. he lifted his head.
“IM SORRY OKAY? YOU’RE JUST SO CUTE! BOY IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE ABOUT TO EXPLODE!” the room quickly filled with your giggles and a bunch of ‘sorrys’ towards seungmin.
he shook his head, giving up “yea, well that’s how crazy you drive me, y/n” he whispered, looking at you with so much adoration. awww. no. because now you were the one about to scream and go crazy over the man in front of you.
“yes, yes, okay baby now can we go back to ‘sleep’? wait no i actually wanna sleep now” he laughed and nodded, leaving a quick kiss on your cheek. once you rested your head on his chest his fingers softly ran through your hair before mumbling a low ‘love you’.
“kim seungmin is a softie~”
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ambcass · 6 months
hello everypony. this is my brother. he decided to SPAM my inbox for a fanfic for his twink. as the amazing sister I am I will write smth for him (after 1.5 weeks of this sitting in my inbox) I'll make a pt.2 if u want
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"No, it can't be. You can't be *villain name*." is the same thing every guy you've dated said after you told them about your secret. The truth is, the world classified you as a villain. Everyone watching the news considered you a cold, no-good killing machine.
Being a villain with telepathy, telekinesis, fire abilities, and mind-altering powers is never a good mix for anyone! Would you kill your ex's after finding out you're a villain? No, you cared too much for them. Altering their mind until you erase yourself from their minds and everyone they knew.
This time is different. You met a dorky-looking boy with slicked-back dark hair and blue eyes on your first day at Reginald Vel Johnson High School. You two had chemistry together, and the second you stepped foot in that class, he couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were so handsome in his eyes. He told William all about you every since! Crazy how much someone can be so obsessed with someone even without mind-altering.
Did you notice at first? No. Bad as feelings as you were, you could not give a fuck about Mark. He didn't interest you in any way until one day.
You were not in a good mood that day at all. Last night you were running off rooftops, trying to escape the hero in yellow and blue. You got away by creating a firewall and going into his mind, making him forget why he was there in the first place. This stunned him and you receive plenty of time to escape. The next, you got to Chem and sat behind Mark and William's lab table. You close your eyes and rest your head on the table while using your arms as support.
"*Name*? Him? The boy behind us?" William's words caught your attention. You looked up and glared at the two. Intrigued, you pretended to sleep. Keeping out for what they were about to say. Mark forcefully turned William's head,
"Noooo. Why would it be! You're so funny! hahaha," Mark grinned awkwardly. He grabbed William's face and spoke quietly but loud enough for you to hear. "Of course it's *name* you moron! Don't say it out loud-" You cut him off.
"Will you two stop talking about me?" you asked. Mark's face turned tomato red as he sank to his chair in embarrassment. Both William and Mark would look back at you but Mark would just stare at you, smiling. "Okay. Creepy...but he's kinda cute." You smiled softly.
Time past by and you couldn't stop wondering why they were talking about you! It's not like you actually knew them. Your eyes lit up as a idea was formed. If he wouldn't tell you, then why not find out for yourself. A smirk appeared on your face. "He wouldn't mind if I just- " Focusing on Mark's mind, you wonder why he's been staring at you ever since your first day, why he's talking about you like he's got some type of crush on you.
"I really like *name* but don't know how to tell him. He seems cool and I want to be closer to him but I'm scared he will shut me out... I have to tell him how I feel eventually. Right?" You're shocked. Lost for words even. Were you flattered? Maybe. It's been a while since you've been in a romantic relationship. This might be it.
A few minutes before class was about to end, an idea came to your mind. Why not give Mark some help confessing to you? Was it wrong? Yes. Did you care? No. You focused on his mind again. First, you thought of Mark confessing to you. Then, you sent it off to his brain. Lastly, you watch everything come into play. The bell rang and you packed up your stuff. Mark was lost in a trance while William was trying to figure out what was going on.
"Earth to Mark! Hellooo? Is anyone home?" You walked past the two without saying a word but stopped at the door frame. Mark snapped out of it and sprung up from his seat with a joyous smile. William raised his brows to an overly happy Mark. "Hey, are you okay-" William was cut off,
"I think I'm gonna do it, Will. I think I'll tell him how I feel."
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hopespeakwriting · 1 year
Hi ^^ Can I please request Kokichi, Fuyuhiko, and Shuichi x reader who likes their hands. Not in a nsfw way but they just think their hands are pretty and like to kiss and hold them. If not that’s fine just ignore this!
Kokichi, Fuyuhiko and Shuichi with a s/o who likes their hands.
Kokichi Ouma:
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Totally would tease you for this.
"Ohh~ so you like my hands?! Wow, you're weird. Nishishi~!"
"Is this some kind of ki- no? oh, oki!"
Will tease you a 100%
But deep down, he thinks is really really cute!
Feels like a prince everytime you kiss his hands.
Eventually he'll do the same to you! holding your hands and kissing it more often.
You two will be just walking on the street and then, he suddently holds your hand.
"What? can't i like your hands too?"
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
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Oh boy... prepare yourself. As soon as you hold his hand he'll do a little surprised jump.
immediatly blushing like crazy.
"What did you think you're doing?!"
Plz calm him down. Explain it to him.
As soon as Kuzuryuu calm down he'll apologize for yelling and gently, very gently, hold your hand back with a soft grin.
Kiss his hand and he'll get red as a tomato.
As time passes, he gets more confortable with it. if you get lucky, he'll even hold your hand in public!
If you two are home, he might even kiss your hand back!
"you're... cute... your hands are soft too...."
Shuichi Saihara:
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Oh... this poor, poor, shy boy....
if you hold his hand he'll immediatly start shaking, blusing and closing his eyes, covering them with his hat.
"Huh?! oh- i- uhhhh- you-your- h- uhh-"
Stuttering like CRAZY.
He'll get more comfortable as time passes, but never accostumed.
Everytime you hold his hand, Shuichi blushes and hides his face with his hat.
And if you kiss his hand, his eyes widen and he'll blush and stutter like crazy.
He'll feel like the most loved person in the world.
"Uh- i.... thank you dear....! i- i really aprecciate when you do this..."
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saschax · 4 months
Hello ! Would it be possible some nsfw-fluff an Valeria and female reader?, maybe something ab how reader got home and she was tired decided to take a bath and vale followed her? 🤭
gruß (greetings), and of course. ill shall do this.
not entirely sure what fluff means, but it means happy ending (according to the internet)? so, mmm... hope this is good...
sorry for late response. and im terribly sorry if this is bad; im not used to female reader x female (and since im not a female myself, i have no absolutely fucking idea on how they say things amongst themselves)
people aged less than 18+ please skip this as this is not for you. please do not read this. i beg of you, do not.
i am not responsible if your child is reading this, as a parent- it is you who is responsible for your child's media consumption.
if you are 18 or above, feel free to read!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: nsfw, two females are in a romantic relationship
the door opens for reader, vale stands in front of her with narrowed eyes.
"where you've been, hm??" valeria hums, crossing her arms.
valeria is a bit frustrated reader came home later than planned. they were going to watch a movie when she gets home, but its too late to watch a movie. looking behind reader, it is night time.
getting no response, valeria opens her mouth- brows furrowing in anger, then- as her eyes looks up and down at reader's figure. she freezes.
reader's eyes was slightly droopy, her back hunched over a bit like she was very tired.
tired from work.
valeria softens when reader hugs her. although, valeria didn't quite like the smell of other perfumes on her.
debe haber otras mujeres alrededor de mi chica.. estúpido trabajo..
reader seems to pick up on this, so she lets go.
"am sorry- just- just work caught up to me, thats all." reader finally replies to vale's question.
it is vale's time to be quiet for a moment, reader sees vale's eyes looking her up and down.
"poor baby, you tired?" valeria said with a condescending tone. reader nods her head, "hm, why don't we go to bed? we can..." she tilts her head back at the tv. "watch the movie later."
"sounds okay," reader agrees, moving past valeria to walk to their shared bedroom.
when reader opens the door, realizing her partner isn't following her. she looks over her shoulder, only to see valeria having her arms crossed, and her foot tapping the ground expectingly.
reader's face flashes a goofy tired grin, walking back to valeria and taking her hand- valeria smiles back- and she drags her loving partner into the bedroom.
as they enter the bedroom, reader gently tugs valeria onto the bed and valeria allows the motion, laying on the bed (of course she took her shoes off).
expecting reader to sleep next to her, what she did next surprises her.
reader went into the bathroom.
valeria arches one of her eyebrows, and the next second, she hears water running.
oh? is she taking a bath?
without ME?
not a chance, valeria huffs as she thinks.
letting the water run for a moment, she swings her legs to the side and starts to walk into the bathroom, looks like reader was quick to get into the bathtub as she sees her there- well, she isn't laying in the bathrub- reader is standing, preparing to lay down.
reader eyes is wide, bug eyed. trying to cover herself with her hands (she's completely naked) while keeping her balance on the slippery bathtub.
reader feels nervous, but it looks like valeria is enjoying this- her smirk says it all.
"well, it seems like you need some help getting clean," vale said playfully, stepping closer to the tub and reaching out to turn off the faucet.
reader's face is red as a tomato at this point, still covering herself as much as possible. this is embarrassing!
valeria tries to move her hands away, only to met with resistance. with a tsk, she pulls harder, and reader relents.
"sit down." she says, humming after.
reader lets out an audible gulp, sitting. of course, when valeria wants her to move in a certain spot- she moved.
now, valeria is currently behind her- with reader showing her back to valeria.
reader's heart races as vale's touch sent shivers down her spine. they had been together for quite some time now and shared everything else - why not share a shower too?
as much as her mind scream she likes this- her body is stiffening. she's not used to this sort of touches on her body.
as vale begins running a soap-covered hand over her shoulders, gently massaging away any tension or stress from work or life in general, reader couldn't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure at the sensation coursing through her body.
after a moment of doing this, vale's hands trails lower down reader's body, slowly gliding over her soft curves and sensitive areas. she feels the heat emanating from reader's skin as she presses closer against her, their wet bodies molding together like two halves of a whole.
reader gasps when she felt vale's fingers dip beneath the water and brush against her most intimate place.
her hips buckle slightly in response to the unexpected touch but vale holds onto her tightly, keeping them both upright in the tub.
"you like that?" vale whispers huskily into reader's ear before moving lower to kiss along her neck and collarbone.
the sensation sent shivers up and down reader's spine as she moans softly at this newfound pleasure.
feeling embarrassed of her moans and soft little gasps- sounds vale happens to like so much, vale sees a hand sneaking their way up to reader's mouth- effectively almost drowning, if not, all their sweet little noises.
"no, no, carino, i want to hear you.." she tsks, using a free hand to moves reader's hand away, although slowly and gently, away from her mouth.
the noises continues, and every now and then- she hears a whimper.
god, it sounded beautiful. she'd kill to hear that sound forever.
vale's mouth moves upward, pausing her little attacks on reader's neck and instead, begins to bite reader's earlobe.
even reader's ears seems to be blushing red, and this only seems to make reader's cuter in vale's eyes.
"vale- ngh- i'm going to- ngh- cum-!" reader whimpers, the last word being said in a higher pitched when vale sped up her movements.
"si, si, come on my fingers mi amor." valeria eggs her on, and the last two words were reader's undone.
seeing white, she lets out a silent scream. the springy coil in her snaps..
vale however, did not relent. even after reader came down from her high, she kept going.
whimpers and pleads of stop is encouraging for valeria, only making her go faster and faster.
i think reader made valeria addicted to her sounds and wants to hear more...
after, with reader passing out, thanks to valeria's strength. she cleans reader, of course she had to renew the water, dressed reader, and places reader gently in bed.
all the while, reader was snoring happily away. into dreamlands.
and as valeria settles into the bed, last thing she says was..
"love you, mi amor." and with that, settles her head into reader's neck and sleeps.
what did i write
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six-eyed-samurai · 6 days
Hello ! (I’m not sure if your requests are open but I love your fics so I really wanted to try 😭) Could you maybe write a Genya x Male reader one ? Where like Genya deals with confusion and internalised homophobia after realising he fell in love with a guy ? IM SO SORRY IF YOU DONT DO MALE READERS OR SMTH LIKE THAT, HAVE A GOOD DAY !!
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SUMMARY: Genya's emotionally constipated. It's the Shinazugawa genes - but even more so when it comes to...guys?!
A/N: KYAAH Ty anon glad you enjoyed, and DW my inbox is open anytime I'm just a little slow in writing rn because of exams and I'm moving house. I have done male reader before but I'm not too used to writing gay T-T so I'm sorry if this turned out the way you wanted
WARNINGS: Male reader in case you don't read the asks and only warnings/Minor swearing
Much romance happens at Kimetsu Academy.
There's Zenitsu and Nezuko, although Genya considers it more of an obsession on the blonde’s end seeing as Nezuko doesn't openly display any signs of liking him back romantically, whatever the delusional idiot thinks. There's also Tanjiro and Kanao, the perfect epitome of friends to lovers. And whatever Aoi and Inosuke have going on.
But none of that ever happened to Genya. Sure, he thought the occasional girl was pretty or nice, but aside from the fact he explodes into a tomato just from a simple “hello” he's never been actually interested. Of course that occasionally made him feel a bit left out amongst his friends, like he was missing something great, but hey, Muichiro and him would be single pringles forever and that was fine.
(Genya's very betrayed to find out Muichiro had received a confession…and was considering accepting it.)
But it was a little unbelievable to the Kamaboko Squad that in all of the sixteen years of his life he had never had a crush, hence the interrogation they were giving him that particular day during lunch.
“Have you never fallen in love? At all?!” Genya wants to snort; as if Zenitsu would ever notice anybody else's love life but his own.
Tanjiro calmly shoved Inosuke away from a fuming Genya, smiling brightly. “I'm sure Genya has one! And we'll be more than happy to help him confess!”
“Aren't crushes supposed to be secret-”
“Then we have to figure out who it is first!” Zenitsu hollers.
“Is it Kocho?!”
Kanao, Tanjiro and Genya both look scandalised but Zenitsu barrels on. Aoi face palms. Inosuke steals everyone's food.
“Is it Kanrojii?!”
“Why is everyone you're listing so much older than me!”
“OKAY, OKAY! Uh…Koyuki-”
“Sheesh, I got it, stop yelling! That Shabana girl?”
“Just why-”
“Maybe Genya does like someone but just doesn't realize it,” Kanao offers timidly.
“That's a good point, Kanao!” Tanjiro beams, causing Genya and Kanao to flush red but for entirely different reasons.
“How am I supposed to know if I like someone?”
“If you find them cute?”
“That seems really superficial,” Aoi says disapprovingly.
“You'll get really nervous around them, like your heart speeds up. You'll probably stare at them a lot too, and want to do lots of things for them, maybe hold open doors?” Tanjiro nods wisely.
“And they're the first person you look at to see if they're laughing at a joke,” Kanao agrees.
Genya considers. “Then none of the girls you just listed, honestly.”
“It's alright, you'll find the one for you one day. There's no rush now.”
Truth be told Genya had lied.
It wasn't a lie exactly either. More of…an avoidance of the truth. He didn't feel that way about any girls Zenitsu had mentioned, or any of the girls at school.
But he did like someone, yes.
Or no. Definitely not. It couldn't possibly be.
“Oh, hey, Shinazugawa.” Your simple wave as you joined his side outside the classroom door was enough to get his heart pounding and slightly sweaty like he had just suffered an entire class with the gym teacher Tomioka.
“Thanks for holding the door!” You call out over your shoulder, flashing him a bright smile while entering the class and taking your seat. You immediately turn to start talking with your friends, something Genya's extreme thankfully for because then you can't see the tomato red that's painting his face as he's still stuck, frozen and speechless, by the door. Only Iguro-sensei’s cold “Do you plan to have the lesson by the door or something?” Shook him out of it.
You're so confusing, Genya thinks, averting his eyes when you catch his with a mouthed “oops” and raised eyebrows, because he wants to revel in your attention and hide in a hole from it at the same time.
It was a pleasant kind of confusion, though. The kind he wouldn't mind thinking about forever; it gave him an oddly warm, fidgety feeling inside like he had just drunk an entire thermos of hot chocolate and got marshmallows to top it off. Then he promptly slaps himself (mentally) because he shouldn't be thinking about this, that and you.
Not like it stopped him from staring at the back of your head all through class. He doesn't realize it until your friend turns their head around and makes a face at him, leaning closer to you to whisper something. Genya panics and ducks his head, burying it into his arms for a few minutes before he judges it's safe to look up.
And when he does you're smiling at him knowingly, as if the both of you knew something the rest don't. Oh good lord.
Your laughter is something Genya wishes he could make as well, when the whole class watches Iguro-sensei trying to tell Inosuke off, but the dumbass can't get the teacher’s name right at all. He finds himself laughing as well, a combination of that and because of you before it hits him.
“You'll get really nervous around them, like your heart speeds up. You'll probably stare at them a lot too, and want to do lots of things for them, maybe hold open doors?”
Oh shit. Check, check, check.
“And they're the first person you look at to see if they're laughing at a joke.”
And check?!
Shit shit shit shit shit-
Genya groans. He does like you after all.
But that's not right, it's got to be wrong.
You're a boy. Genya's not gay…at least he didn't think so…Then again he's never actually liked a girl. But he's never liked a boy either. Until you.
Forget it! You're not a crush, you're the reason why Genya is going to drive himself crazy right now! Hell, why did the idea feel so wrong but so right at the same time?
Genya rubbed his temples. If he was being honest the idea only seemed so wrong because…well, because he's just never considered that possibility before. It just hasn't really occured to him he might be attracted to the same gender. It's a new concept, yes, but…not really a terrible one. He got all red with girls yes but it wasn't because he like-liked them or thought they were cute.
Was crushing on a guy really going to be any different than a girl then? Genya groaned again. Judging by his behaviour these days…yeah, not really.
Okay, then if hypothetically he DID like you and he liked guys…how would Sanemi and his friends react? Would they still want to hang out with him? Would Sanemi still…consider him his brother? What would his mom think?
What a headache. What would…you think? It'd be pretty embarrassing to like you and you're straight, Genya thought. Then again was he even sure he was gay, even certain he had a big fat crush on you?
“Hey, you alright?” The voice startles Genya out of his thoughts. He lifts up his head and looks around, startled to see everyone's left. Shit, he hadn't even realized class was over. Idiot.
He glances to his left and nearly dies of fright.
You cock an eyebrow. “Um, seeing a ghost, Genya?”
“No!” He just about shouts, flailing his arms as he tries to stop himself from falling out of his chair. “I'm fine! Really! Sorry…just, just kinda out of it.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
Yeah, let's talk about how I've just realized I might be-
“It's fine, it's nothing important.” Genya notices your fidgeting however. “What about you?”
You hesitate. You're playing with your sleeves quite nervously. It's making him paranoid.
“I'm just…there's a new arcade that just opened up.”
“Sounds fun,” Genya offers. He's got barely enough brain cells still functioning from the close proximity between you both.
“I was wondering - um, do you wanna go with me? I can buy all the tokens,” you quickly blurted out and held your breath.
“N-no. Just you and me. Like on a date.” You rub the back of your neck, looking away. “No - no pressure or anything! I know you might not be into guys, you might already like a girl-"
“You're gay.”
You wince at his tone. Genya wishes he hadn't sounded so accusing. “Last I checked, yeah.”
“Sounds fun,” Genya repeats dumbly, because holy shit, you like him you like guys too he likes guys he really wants to go to the arcade with you oh thank god-
You blink. “So that's a…yes?”
“Absolutely.” Genya waves his hands frantically. “If you're still up for it! Nothing’s awkward! I - I do want to go as a date, not as friends, and, uh-"
He snaps his head away, embarrassed, but he glances back long enough to see you grinning like you've won the lottery.
"Does 2 pm work for you?"
Shit. He really does like you after all. And with the way you're smiling at him like that maybe he can deal with whatever bullshit that's going to come next.
“Hey Genya, do you want to come over this weekend?”
“Muichiro wants to go to that pizza place again.”
The Tokito twins stare at him expectantly over the usual din of the Kamaboko Squad's usual shenanigans. Now or never.
“Sorry, I'm busy.”
“With what?” Muichiro looks out off; Yuichiro frowns in surprise.
“With someone.”
The silence was so thick you could've cut it with a knife - or Zenitsu's screaming.
“Is it a date?” Tanjiro managed to slap a hand over the blonde's mouth while Aoi deals with Inosuke. The twins and Kanao's mouths hang open in surprise.
Genya picked at his food. “Yeah. At the new arcade.”
“I thought you were planning to be single forever-”
“Shut up, Mui!”
“With who?"
He says your name and again the silence is thick.
Tanjiro's eyes light up in recognition and shock. “Isn't that the new boy?”
Genya nods stiffly.
“You're…gay?” Kanao asks tentatively.
Genya nods again.
“I had no idea! I never would've guessed either.” Tanjiro shakes his head, stunned. Much to Genya's relief…he's smiling? “But good for you, Genya, I'm sure you'll enjoy the date!”
This wasn't so bad after all. It's like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders. Now it's just how well…Sanemi will take it and his family. Probably not as easy.
“I thought it was a little weird you rejected that cute girl the other day.” Muichiro looks excited. “Now I've got a gay best friend!”
“What are you, twelve?” Yuichiro grumbles, but turns to Genya. “Have a good time then.”
“THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! DON'T SHOCK US LIKE THAT, GENYA!” Zenitsu finally squawks, clutching his heart.
“Wait, what's gay?” Inosuke's lost. “Is Genma happy or something?!”
Never mind.
“Damn, I knew you were good at shooting, but basketball too?” You wiggle your eyebrows at him, pretending to throw an imaginary ball as Genya throws an actual one through the basket easily.
“Heh, this one's just easy since it's so near.” The machine flashes lights and beeps, displaying a new highest score. “And kinda short.”
“You are pretty tall,” you agreed, counting the leftover tokens. “Hey, we still have enough for that claw machine!”
So far the date's going pretty well. Genya hadn't made a fool of himself when you showed up dressed up in that letterman jacket and excitedly tackled him yelling about how you managed to get about an entire bag's worth of tokens. You both had spent your time mostly fooling around playing air hockey, shooting games (he had a moment of crisis before sitting next to you in the cramped space), he got forced to dance with you, you claimed he cheated at the racing, he won you a figurine as an apology for accidentally smacking your hand during Whack-A-Mole. Genya was kind of regretting that now, because you were now convinced Genya had amazing luck and could continue to win you more prizes. But as Sanemi said - a million times - those things were a scam, so Genya compromised by saying if only there was tokens leftover from the basketball game.
Alas and alack, he supposed, but you were already speeding towards the claw machine.
“Come on, come on, almost there, almost there!” Your chanting is barely heard over the obnoxious arcade music but you're practically breathing down his neck.
“Okay, okay, I got it, shut up for a sec.” Genya's grip on the controls is so tight he's actually afraid he might rip out the joystick by mistake like Sanemi last time…although Sanemi had done that on purpose during his rage quit and since had been banned from that particular arcade.
“Dear Kami-sama, please, please, please-”
“NOOO! So close!” Your head's tossed back in an exaggerated groan, flipping off the stupid claw that let go just a second too early. “I could've won that Hashira figurine!”
“I was the one playing!” Genya protested.
“I got the tokens!”
“I offered to pay you back! You said no!”
You punched his shoulder playfully. “Hey, this was supposed to be my treat. You can pay for the next date.”
“Next - next what-"
“Oh jeez, your face is so red now. Let's get some fresh air; I know a good dessert store.”
Genya's down bad alright.
“Where the hell have you been?”
It's already late by the time Genya lets himself into the house. His siblings should've been asleep, his mom too, so hopefully he could…uh, break the news the next day, when he's written and planned everything out, chewed off his nails and get that support you promised him earlier.
Luck had decided to abandon him since his second attempt at the claw machine however, since now he's been caught kicking off his shoes and smiling down at his phone, at the picture you've sent him of the figurine in your shelf.
>>Maybe I'll get more from you
You wi<<
He shuts off his phone quickly. Sanemi’s sitting on the sofa, arms crossed and does not look like a happy camper. Genya tries for an innocent smile. He probably looks like he has a stroke. If Sanemi were a cop, every criminal would be cracking in less than a minute under his interrogations.
“Out with a friend. Sorry I'm late, I was talking them back home.”
“Really? Saw all your friends - Tokito twins and that Kamado kid - earlier today. Try again."
“Someone else.”
“Cut to the chase, Genya, you were out on a date, weren't you?” Sanemi barks.
Genya's shoulders slump. “Yeah. Please don't be mad, I did tell Mom.”
“You should focus on studying. Your math grades are still too low.” Sanemi's expression softens, just slightly. "Who's the lucky girl?"
“I swear to god, if it's that Shabana girl-”
“It's a guy.”
A very awkward beat of silence.
Genya almost expects to be attacked when he says your name. Or mauled after Sanemi demands every detail of what went down at the arcade. Maybe thrashed while finally confessing yes, he's not straight. But not stand there while Sanemi stares at him, strangely quiet.
“You two didn't do anything suspicious?”
Nope. You'd been quite understanding when he admitted he was still kind of getting used to the newness of…all this and offered to save a kiss for next time, causing him to explode into scarlet and try to poke you with his straw. “Aniki!”
“Is this a new thing or have you been…keeping this from me?” Unbelievable. His older brother almost looks hurt by that notion.
“A new thing, I swear, I wasn't planning on keeping anything from you, I was just waiting for the right time and right thing to say and I - I didn't know how you'd react.”
“Well…” Sanemi mutters something unintelligible, eyes moving away slightly.
Genya couldn't stop his grin. “Really? Thank - thank you, Aniki, and okay, I will.”
“And don't do anything too intimate before you're married!”
You spat out your straw. “He said what?”
Genya takes a long sip of his latte, slipping his hand into yours. “I didn't make that up.”
“No,” You say, shaking your head. “That sounds like Shinazugawa.”
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kiyosw · 1 year
Man, may i request for Himeko or Kafka (or both) with a serious and profissional reader who is a sucker for affection in general. like, the reader is very professional, but just give them affection and boom! Reader will be the shyest, but happiest, person in the world. and it would be a bonus if the reader was like a teddy bear/marshmallow for hugs. if you don't feel comfortable or just don't want to write, feel free to ignore this request!
NOTE: IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPOND😭, BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST! THIS IS SO CUTE.and the fact that reader becomes a mess with just a hug is so WKWKM OKAY ANYWAY!
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Himeko always see you as a caring, passionate, and the most adorable lover that has a sweet side that is only reserved for her and only her.
It only took one glance for the people to know that you're a serious and straightforward person. Even if someone invites you to do something informal, you would always politely decline the request.
Other people often see you as a super straightforward and bland, since you don't associate in any silly happenings/shenanigans anywhere.
If someone told himeko that you, her lover is just.. too serious formal is too much, she would simply chuckle and tell them that this was just really how you are, as the red head knows you best.
Only she knows that one simple kiss on the cheek would have you completely stuttering and flustered right away.
One time at the express, she asked you to fetch her a cup, since she'll be brewing some coffee. After you quickly gave her the cup (that you got with a teaspoon), she thanked you and kissed you on the cheek. She thought you got a fever because of how red you are after.
"Oh! You even got it with a teaspoon, thank you so much as always, my dearest— hold on.. are you alright? You're so red, let me check your temperature.."
If someone came inside her room, they would only see the oh so serious and formal person with the red head, clinging your arms over her waist, while holding her hands just enjoying how her heartbeat sounds, along with her intakes of breaths.
Himeko loves hugging you. She likes too comfortably rub her thumb along your back while still hugging you. Everytime she hugs you, it's like embracing a big fluffy marshmallow that is so comofrtable and soft.
She likes the way your whole face becomed red as a tomato at the small affecfion, the red head thinks it's adorable and so cute of you. How a serious person that does not look like they are not capable of loving is now being so flustered and gazing at her so lovingly.
"Oh, my darling.. how did I even made you fall for me? You seem to just get.. more adorable every day that passes. And I love you for being like that."
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At first, she thought you're one of those boring and too serious people, as you do not engage in any unformal/inappopriate doings.
But when you two got to know eachother, her idea of you quickly changed.
After her first meeting with you, she now finds you as someone so adorable.
Just like always, this woman TEASES you to the core every single day about you being so flustered just by a single affection from her. There won't be a single day without a dozens of tease from her.
But when someone else other than her teases and makes fun of your seriousness, they would suddenly disappear tomorrow morning. Huh, I wonder why..
She likes holding your hands ANYWHERE, and she would amusely chuckle as you try your hardest not to get flustered you failed miserably, yet your face already looked identical to a tomato.
Always clinging to you, at the headquarters, on a mission, anywhere. Expect to feel her arm wrapped around your other arm while walking, as she knows you loved doing these.
WILL cling to you when you two are not on a mission. You would still get so blushy and flustered, even though she did this a million times already.
When she hugs you, she would sometimes squeeze you tightly while slowly inhaling your sweet smell, as she cant get enough of how you feel like a big, tall teddy plush. She just can't get enough of how fluffy and comofrtable you feel.
Will also call you MANY silly and goofy nicknames, like pookie wookie bear, cupcakie sugar booger, etc., just to see you get red at embarassment
"Hehe, is my pookie shrookie bear being so flustred again? You really are adorable.."
When you two finished fighting a couple of enemies from the antimatter legion, she would ALWAYS compliment you, even when it's just one of the easy types, just to see you try not to blush from the never ending compliments from her.
One time she kissed you in a secluded area, then continued to smooch you. Even when you're still flustered, you caught on and tried to deepen the kiss, almost resulting into a full make out session, not until she pulled back and then teased you for being so needy for her. You quickly looked away and find words to say while your mind is still hazy after what just happened, face red as ever.
"Aw.. you're that needy for me, darling? I was just teasing you. But worry not, we'll continue this later. Such a pity you can't see how red you are right now.."
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Can I request Stan, Kenny, Craig and Clyde x flirty reader please? Like reader loves showing affection to their partner and making them blush and all that fluffy.
Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Clyde with a flirty s/o🤩💖💖
I'm a sucker for donuts-
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🐕
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It doesn't matter how many times you make him have a cuteness overload, he will never get tired of being amazed by your cuteness.
He really doesn't mind the affection you give to him, he likes the feeling of being loved by someone who deeply cares about him. ❤️
Addition to him not minding your flirty nature either, as long as he gets to spend time with you he's okay with it.
But he would probably be red as a tomato if you shoot a big flirty comment at him. How dare you make marshmallow boy be flustered reader? >:C /j
If you keep them flirty comments up, Stan is going to be whining for attention and love all day then 💙💙💙💙
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🐁
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My dude can be flirty as well, I don't know what you want to expect 💀
Except his flirty comments will make you extremely flustered then how it works with Stan.
Que this turning into a battle between y'all to see who can shoot a flirty comment to make the other one flustered. (It wouldn't be surprising if Kenny wins most of the time)
If you manage to make him flustered with a flirty comment, it's probably because he went easy on you 🫠🫠
You're going to have to accept the fact that Kinny is the flirtatious master here /hj🧡🧡🧡
💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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Awww....that's cute. *Gives you head pats* you might have to try harder than that to make Craig a blushing mess :3
You both are basically rich with love since you guys give each other attention and affection all the time. You have made a few flirty comments here and there but none of them were able to make Craig's cheeks red as a tomato ;_;
So you decided to practice some of your flirty comments to say to him (that you definitely did not just research on the internet) if you want to make your boyfriend blush you gotta step up your game.
When you manage to make him blush, Craig would be speechless for a while before coming back to his senses. Congratulations! 💛💛💙💙
❤️ Clyde Donovan 🍂
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Please help this poor boy any interaction you do with him, always makes him flustered.
He might try to slip a flirty comment right back at you, but fails miserably and ends up making himself blush from it. :')
Too much affection with Clyde is enough to make him clingy and needy for attention just like Stan.
He probably likes it whenever you make him blush to be honest, even if he wants to hide it or deny it. He can't deny the fact that he loves the affection his s/o gives him.
He might not be able to make you flustered with a flirty comment, but that doesn't mean he can't make you flustered in another form of affection >:3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
One of your big fans here.
I love your writing style 💜
May I ask what would be your take for TR guys confessions? Like they would know they are in love and come to terms with it and they would decide to confess to their s/o.
Thank you for considering my request :)
aww baby hi!! im so glad you like my stuff <33 ofc i can! i live for these confessions :)
wouldn’t ever come to terms with it
he thinks he just likes your company
its draken that has to tell him
once he gets it through his head, he blushes every time he sees you
bro is a tomato when he sees you though-
has no clue how to confess
like.. at all
”y/n i like you.”
that’s it, that’s all you get
you can’t help but giggle as he stands there confused
”is that good?” he asks draken as the man shakes his head
”sure mikey, sure.”
much more mature so he immediately recognized his feelings
has a hard time confessing though
constant thoughts flood his mind
is that cheesy? do you want gifts? will it be awkward?
so worried over nothing
buys big flowers and all, dresses up, looks handsome and all
and you simply say “you kno, i dont need all these gifts”
he stands there in awe as you give him a small peck with a giggle
you take the flowers and hold your hand out, taking his into yours as you both walk together
he wasn’t leading this anymore, it was all you
the ultimate package
mature enough to realize he has feelings AND knows how to confess
it helps having sisters i guess
abnormally calm around you
internally he is freaking out, don’t lie
”y/n.” he says, breaking you out of your studying trance as you looked up
before you could even answer, he pushes the hair away from your eyes with a soft smile
”i like you. i’ve liked you for a while. would you be interested in going on a date with me?”
you’re done. nope.
fall over red as he peers over at you with a laugh
he’s just so.. AHH dreamy
okay so here’s the funny thing
you fell for him first
you hid it though, worried he would not like you as a friend and you hated to loose the great friendship you had with him and baji
but when he formed a liking?
ho ho ho that was a game changer
he was a whole nother person around you
“baji.. is he okay?” you asked
“y/n are you an idiot? he likes you” baji says with a desdpanned look
”baji-san! i wanted to tell them!”
he’s like a cat
if he likes you, expect him all over you
not in a nsfw way LOL
He just loves you sm
loves affection too omg
the best cuddles 24/7
buys you little gifts
he never actually confessed himself lol
it was just so natural and then it just like… happened
one minute he had his face tucked into your tummy the next you two were kissing
but he got you so it’s a win-win
“kisaki~ where is y/n?” hanma asks as he leans back in his chair
”in her office-“
”alright cya later”
loves visiting you
always comes in, whether you’re talking with someone or not, with a goofy smile
”baby!” he comes in, completely ignoring the other co-worker as he slung his lanky arms around you
”hanma, someone is in here right now. can you give me a few minutes? just sit on the couch over there please”
he sits there with a pout on his face as he glares daggers into the back of the other persons’s skull
once they leave, he is all over you again
places a few kisses on your neck, temple, all over your face as you laugh
”you know, people might think that we’re a couple, hanma”
”then let’s be one.”
has no good understanding about true love
kakucho has to quiz him in order to get to the bottom of his feelings for him
”izana, you like them.”
”what?? no way, i just think of them as a cute friend.”
”there’s no such think, you like them.”
”yes, you do.”
awkward from that point on with you
”everything alright izana?”
you were met with silence as you paused the massage on his shoulders, allowing him to fall back into your chest
”kaku says i like you. but i just think you’re cute… is that the same thing?”
you give him a soft smile and place a small peck on his nose as you nod
”yes, it’s the same thing silly”
“i- well- i guess. do I? Chifuyu… do i?!”
full on panics
what if you dont like him back?
what if you think he is a crybaby?
what if you think of him only as a friend?
what if…
”takemichi, it’s fine. I can set you up, just give her the note and run!” chifuyu says with a devious smile as takemichi gulps
in the end, he fails, forgets the note, and end up stammering over his words like a child
”i.. uhm.. y/n..”
forgets his words completely
”takemichi, look at me and say it.” you say softly
he meets your warm gaze, suddenly gaining all the confidence he needed
”y/n i like you!” he says with a unnecessary bow
“stand up silly, no need to be so formal.”
total daddy
knows what he’s doing
he’s sadly done this before with other people, all of which either cheated on him or left him alone and hurt
he thinks you’re just… different
you give the vibe that no matter what, even if it needed to be ended, you would be hurt too
”uhm.. y/n can we talk?” he says, alerting you as you turned around to meet his shy gaze
”what’s up?” you ask, setting down your things
“what would you do, theoretically, if i said i liked you..?” he says fidgeting with his fingers
“is that a confession?” you challenge with a smile
”depends” he says, joining your smile with a grin of his own
“then i would say yes, theoretically of course.”
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msith · 10 months
Pjsk boys reaction to fem! reader who is usually shy suddenly calling char cute, then pretty, then handsome, then hot.
ty love your writing <3
I'm not cute,pretty, handsome nor hot!!>⁠.⁠<
A/n: hdjsghd I don't know what to do rn and im to lazy to write since it's 6 in the morning yawn but thanks for requesting!!^⁠_⁠^ sorry I couldn't do rui!! Headcannons but change the headcannons to writing (it's now 6 pm wtf)
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ִ ࣪𖤐 bro was just going on a walk with you
ִ ࣪𖤐 just walking you to home nothing special (boring)
ִ ࣪𖤐 but you wanted to hang out with him! Of course.. he accepted because he didn't have anything to do
ִ ࣪𖤐 you suggested to go to a cafe!!
ִ ࣪𖤐 of course he was proud that you were opening up to him! Just a little bit of course
ִ ࣪𖤐 you went into the cafe and like ordered the stuff you wanted and he was looking so cute eating the ice cream he ordered.. so you reflect to call him cute uh nope pretty! Wait sorry handsome ah wrong!! Hot!
ִ ࣪𖤐 didn't process what you were saying but when he did he was so flustered omfg
ִ ࣪𖤐 might leave the cafe screaming in his head about how you called him cute,pretty and all that you said
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꩜ cutie knows affection but doesn't know how to get it!
꩜ but bro knows attention???
꩜ anyway you were on your room thinking of something
꩜ you wanted to get him a new shirt! In secret of course.. giving him the package anonymously. Yk yk
꩜ 1 week later when he got the package he was skeptical and called you so that he ensure its not a weird fan that sends him weird stuff of him
꩜ you were pretty scared that he finds out that it was you that sent it luckily he didn't know of course
꩜ you went over to his house and knocked on it. He answered it
꩜ he allowed you to come inside and like you and him opened the package
꩜ it was the shirt you ordered for him.. he was embarrassed not gonna lie
꩜ and when he put on the shirt you.. instantly called him cute I meant hot! Nope pretty! Sorry err handsome! Oh my gosh your mouth was blabbering nonesense
꩜ he eventually just blushed a bright red omfg this is cringe ik
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♬ you just wanted some time with toya your best friend!!
♬ you both had the same interest and likes going to the library and is also a library committee!
♬ ngl you were pretty shy around him bc you just stayed in your room when you were a kid
♬ you enjoyed "secretly" looking at him.. and also the comfortable silence..
♬ as usual you walked from your classroom to the library
♬ you saw toya and you shyly waved at him
♬ he waved at you too and blushed slightly cringe just like why I live
♬ you moved closer to him so that you can get some time with him.. what?! Im saying this as a friend way not a lover way!
♬ you noticed that he is wearing the jacket that you sent him!!
♬ ah you were blushing so much seeing him!! he asked if you're okay!
♬ you reflected and called him cute,pretty, handsome and hot!!
♬ bro almost had a heart attack hearing that from you ong
♬ he blushed so much you can almost make a one to one comparison of him and a tomato O⁠_⁠o
♬ bro will remember that moment everyday. EVERYDAY
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nian-7 · 5 months
HAIII!! it’s me vani from the matchup requests hehehe (if u remember…but it’s okay if u dont lawl) i really love all your writings from almost all the fandoms you write for!! i think it’s probably your writing style which makes me really like your writings alot maybe?? basically, I LOVE YOUR BLOG ALOT N YOU SEEM RLLY COOL TOO!! :3c 
also, I’d like to be friends w/ you aswell even though im literally a blank/empty blog…(;ω;) (sort of planning to probably post something soon tho, but im not sure when…)
ALSO NOW I WANNA REQUEST FOR SMTH NOW SOOO can i request letters A, G, I, K, & Q from the sfw alphabet with satsuki and anne??? thank you so much in advance! have a great day! ☆ (also love ur new theme btw :33)
HI VANI!! i do remember you, yes. i'm not that bad with names thankfully... BUT OFC WE CAN BE FRIENDS!! i'll be looking forward to whatever you post on your blog but i hope you enjoy your request!
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Anne, Satsuki x gn!reader
✧fluff alphabet (a, g, i, k, q)
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Affection (pda? how do they like physical affection?)
-Anne loves physical affection. It's always something they love to indulge in. Whether that's grabbing your face to turn it towards them for a kiss or just having their hand intertwined with yours.
Gentle (how gentle are they with you?)
-Super gentle! You're their lover after all, why would they want to be rough with you when they love you so much? Always touching you so sweetly and giving you kisses that are full of love always. They're a little playful but they're always gentle.
Impression (their first impression of you)
-I'm very certain that Anne notices your style out of everything first. Your style is what draws them to you in the first place so their first impression is based on how much they're into your style more than how you actually look.
Kisses (how do they kiss you? where?)
-Usually your cheeks or lips are preferred. They love leaving lipstick marks on your cheeks and they especially love it if you have squishy cheeks! It's always got an underlying playfulness when they kiss you but it's always full of love.
Quality Time (do they enjoy it? how do they like to spend it?)
-Of course! Lots of dates are in order when you date Anne. Usually they consist of going out rather than staying it. They love to spend time with you and they consider it all a 'date' whenever they spend one on one time with you.
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Affection (pda? how do they like physical affection?)
-Super duper embarrassed about it... Satsuki loves affection, especially from you, but he can't help but feel extremely embarrassed. PDA isn't something he always prefers and would like smaller affections when it's in public.
-In private though? Go wild. He loves it all even when he's red as a tomato. Like a sponge soaking up all the affection he can get from you. Pouts a little when you stop...
Gentle (how gentle are they with you?)
-Again, super duper gentle. He treats you like you're about to break sometimes and he becomes the biggest softie around you. He can't help it!! You're just so special to him that he can't bare the thought of accidentally hurting you!
Impression (their first impression of you)
-His first impression of you can go one of two ways, it just depends on what you want to see it as.
-Either one, he finds you interesting and/or cool and is interested in befriending you at some point. Maybe you met through a mutual friend so he was trying not to intimidate you... (if you prefer a sort of slow-burn story)
-Or.. love at first sight. Absolutely smitten by you in every way. Your laugh, your smile, your face, and whatever else he sees before he gets caught staring like an idiot...
Kisses (how do they kiss you? where?)
-Anywhere and everywhere is okay with Satsuki. He loves kissing you (even if he's too embarrassed to even initiate it...) so he doesn't even care where he's kissing you as long as he is kissing you.
Quality Time (do they enjoy it? how do they like to spend it?)
-He loves quality time. Much less embarrassing than physical touch or words of affirmation although he loves both of those things a lot. Just being in your presence is enough to make his day and he loves to go on dates with you.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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hearts4golbach · 6 months
The Night Shift.
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Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
Chapter 24
"we'll wait for more people to join before we start." he squinted, attempting to read the chat.
i sat next to him anxiously. we shared the cameras view. i also leaned in to read the chat.
'omg you two are so cute.'
'heyyyy johnnieee'
'Whats your nameee 😱'
i turned to johnnie, "Am i allowed to answer chats?" i whispered.
"Yeah, of course." he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh, "it's your Q and A."
"Oh, okay," i fidgeted with my fingers. "Well, my name is y/n."
"Send in more questions while we wait." johnnie added.
'that name is kinda ass tbh'
'whats your favorite movie y/n'
'is johnnie a good bf?'
'oo i love your name'
'opinion on sharks?'
'we have the same name!!'
"Hmm," i pondered for a moment, "i think my favorite movie is [favorite movie]. but I like a lot of other ones, too. yes, johnnie is a great boyfriend." i giggled, patting his back. "opinion on sharks? sharks are cool as fuck, i love them."
The chat went by fast.
'are you and jake friends?'
'whats ur fav color?'
'youre seem so sweet wtff'
"hi!" i responded, "yeah, me and jake are friends. my favorite color is [favorite color]. i seem sweet? thank you so much." i placed my hand over my mouth as i smiled.
'johnnie is red as a fuckin tomato rn bro is CRUSHINGGG HARD'
'not johnnie staring at her lolll'
'would you start your own youtube and social media thing?'
I looked towards johnnie, whos face was even more red after being exposed by his own fans. he placed a kiss on my lips, making the chat go fucking insane.
"i probably won't start my own youtube channel, but my instagram is @______." i pulled out my phone to show my instagram account.
"okay, i think we're good to start. im going to be doing my whole makeup routine on her and making her emo." he joked, emphasizing the word emo.
he turned my chair so i was facing him. "im scared. dont kill me, please." i teased.
he rolled his eyes. "Sometimes i do concealer, so we're going to use her concealer all over her face."
as he was blending out the concealer, i looked over to read the chat.
'im stroking my shit rn (im a girl)'
'Are you and tara friends?'
'favorite music artis??'
'opinion on spaghetti'
'Are you going to start recroding some videos with jake and johnnie????'
johnnie began putting black eyeshadow on my eyelid as i spoke. i closed my eyes, "me and tara are basically sisters. my favorite music artist is probably [favorite artist(s)]." i peeked at the chat again, "opinion on spaghetti? fire as fuck, to be honest."
johnnies finger dipped into dark red eyeshadow as i read through more comments.
'do u guys live togetherrr??'
'omg its looking so good!!'
'is johnnie lady gaga'
i squinted my eyes at the last comment, "uh, i dont think hes lady gaga," i turned my gaze towards johnnie. "are you lady gaga?"
"last i checked, im not." he mumbled, his full attention on the makeup.
"yeah, we live together. it was a weird situation," i admitted.
'i cant tell if i wanna be y/n or be with y/n'
'do you like mcr?'
'is there an age gap between you and johnnie? you look so young lol'
as johnnie began putting streaks of eyeliner under my eye, i answered, "well, im 25 and johnnie is 26. theres not much of a gap. also, who doesnt like my chemical romance? my mom always hated me listening to them, though."
'ur mom is weird then no offense'
'fav mcr song'
"my favorite song by them is probably cancer or to the end." i answered as johnnie patted my leg.
"look at the camera, youre done." he smiled.
i did as he said, looking towards the camera for all the viewers to see.
'y/n should be emo fr'
'omggg johnnie she looks so good'
"i know she looks good," his thumb rubbed my thigh.
i pulled out my phone to see myself before taking a photo of me and johnnie to post on my story. "oh my god, i actually love it."
his smile widened. "im so glad." he paused to admire me before turning back to the camera, "were busy the rest of the day, so i think i gotta end the stream here."
i was confused, we didnt have anything else planned for today. the only thing i had to do was work tonight. "bye, everyone!"
'pleaseeee bring y/n back sometime!!'
"yeah, ill bring her back, dont worry." he grinned and held up a peace sign, "bye, guys."
he ended the stream and immediately kissed me, one hand meeting my cheek, and the other snaked around my waist. i leaned in, deepening the kiss.
he pulled away slowly, "i dont want you to be too tired for work tonight."
"youre right." i took a makeup wipe and began to wipe my face off. "i should probably get some sleep."
i got up and crawled into our bed, making sure to save space for johnnie. he climbed in and laid next to me, pulling me close to his chest. i fell asleep to the rhythmic drum of his heart as he ran his fingers through my hair.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
CHAD MEEKS—MARTIN / summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: a lot more people voted for him on my poll this time around and…I’m finally getting around to doing it lol. My list is kinda lengthy for this summer so bear with me. Nothing too fancy or long but Chad’s got some heart eyes for a certain someone. Also doesn’t it bother anyone that they didn’t make “Meeks” the last name since it just flows better? Chad Martin-Meeks is way better but who tf am I? Im also picturing Morgana Van Peebles’ character from the film “You’re killing me” as Mindy’s new love interest + Andrew Spach as Alex — s/o to lifetime 😆
*GIF BELONGS TO: @scream-source
PROMPTS used from this list: 1. Violent mosquito killing claps + 2. “wanna walk on the boardwalk?”
WARNINGS: language, a derogatory term is mentioned, lots of insect talk and I think that’s it!
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Maya Evans wasn’t much of a lake person but…she was basically bullied to be here! She had Mindy Meeks-Martin to thank for that, being out here at her and Chad’s grandparent’s lake house up in the outskirts of New York was not originally how she was going to tend to the beginning of her summer.
Mindy remembers asking, “What’re you gonna do the entire summer? Shield that pretty face away from humanity inside this apartment?”
“Kinda,” Maya blinks at the short haired twenty year old.
Mindy scoffs, “I don’t think so! you’re coming with us. You need vitamin D and hopefully I’ll get you the other D from one of our not so bad looking neighbors, who mentioned he would also be there.”
Maya groans at the alluding to the overall cringe-ness of her sex life. If they were going to be on vacation, she wasn’t worried about getting laid when she did quite well if she did say so herself.
“I don’t care about any of that. I’m not going.”
“Yes you are.”
“Nooo, I’m not.”
“No, Melinda!”
A glare was instantly formed on Mindy’s face since Maya loved to challenge her, even when they were children, they could bicker for hours (especially when Mindy had one of her bright adventurous ideas) until one of the two would crack. Most of the time Maya had lack of energy to keep up with Mindy but that didn’t mean she couldn’t hold her own for awhile.
Yet she still ended up here, laying out on the docks, arms up and shielding the sun from completely burning that face of hers, while she allowed the rest of the sun to add to the redness undertone of her melanin. Maya knew she could fall asleep out here, hearing the light splashing from Tara as she sneakily tried to tip Sam over from the floaty.
The birds were chirping away and she could hear the motor of a boat not too far away in the distance of the lake. It was soothing enough, don’t get Maya wrong but she preferred to be somewhere underneath the AC but Mindy and her new fling, Kendra ruined that in one of the bedrooms.
So she was out here, ignoring Chad who also managed to get out of the house minutes before Maya witnessed the horrors of his twin’s actions, long limbs stretched out on the trampoline that his legs where hanging off the circular springboard, phone lightly held up to his sunglasses covered eyes.
“Hey Bigfoot, need some sunscreen for those legs!?” Maya called out to Chad on her why by, his head lolling to watch her.
Chad responds, “Haha, I forgot how unfunny you are.”
“What?” Maya holds her arms out as she walks backwards to the water, “I’d sell out comedy shows.”
Chad is sitting up on his elbows now, “More like you’ll need a hazmat suit for the tomatoes heading straight your way, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe.”
“Okay,” Chad smirks, “whatever you want, honey.”
With a roll of her eyes, Maya flicks her own sunglasses back over her brown hues and spins around to continue back in her path. It had been about forty-five minutes since Maya decided to give Mindy and Kendra their space by dipping her feet into the water, actually taking a swim with Tara and Sam—although she hated big bodies of water, she’ll be a dead bitch swimming if she didn’t insist on Chad teaching her how to better swim, weeks before they came out here, unknowing that she would be forced to attend.
Of course that didn’t really matter since there was a tragedy that surrounded Maya’s slight fear of water. Long story short: she watched her dad drown at the beach when she was like nine, right after he was testing her swimming abilities after he taught her in a community pool back home. She got out of the island water once it started to drizzle and sat down next to her mom to have some sandwiches until a typhoon hit, killing him and seven others that were still in the water.
Which is why she probably spent maybe only five minutes in the water with Tara and Sam before she got back on the dock to soak up the sun, like her dear friend Mindy wanted.
A clapping sound echoed through the air, waking Maya from her approaching slumber. She tucked her chin to see Tara rubbing at her neck with all eyes on her.
“You okay, girl?” Maya asks the doe eyed twenty-one year old.
Tara nods, “yeah, just a stupid bug.”
Maya nods before resting back on her towel, staring up at the sky with purple clouds, which was a nice contrast of the rising summer to what you’re typically used to seeing. This also meant the evening would be around in a few hours or so.
“Ow! Fuck this.”
Maya hears, she pulls her head back, eyeing Chad upside down, who is scrambling off the trampoline, shoving his feet into his sandals before beginning to trudge up the incline towards the home.
A laugh bubbles in her throat just as she hears the same from the girls in the water.
Sam comments with her own head thrown back, hair tossed up into a bun, floating around with her arms out wide, “Weak pain tolerance.”
Which wasn’t necessarily true considering how much they’ve been tossed around and stabbed! But it was always a little fun to pick at each other from time to time, that’s what friends do.
Come on people, it’s satire!
“Oh is that what you’re into?”
“Shut up, Tara.”
A buzzing sound is dangerously close to Maya’s ear that she flinches once she actually feels the insect touch her skin. She swatting at her ear in annoyance and just hopes it didn’t make its way down into her eardrum and decide to lay eggs on her brain or anything like that. Bugs didn’t bother her too much, she was one of those kids that had a ant farm and happily wrote that she wanted to be a Entomologist when she got older—despite the kids that gave her shit for it.
She wasn’t a fan of people who had a lot to say about her character without spending the time to get to know her. Maya wasn’t much of a shit-talker, only to Chad of course! But most of time she liked to keep to herself and not pay anyone any mind. It wasn’t until a nine year old Mindy walked straight up to her in fifth grade to sit right beside her, forcing her twin brother Chad to sit on the other side of Maya since the spot next to Mindy was already filled.
The Meeks-Martin twins made the fifth grade survivable and Maya was always grateful for their friendship. Even when Chad started acting like a butt-hole once he made the team sophomore year. Then he started dating Liv—you know what? You probably don’t want to hear all that, just know that no matter what, if the earth suddenly collapsed and the apocalypse was officially here and if ghostface decided to appear from the shadows again, nothing would really keep Maya from being friends with Mindy or Chad.
They were locked in, just like a insect on your ass. That was probably the worse analogy so maybe white on rice was better? Unless you burn your rice! You get it though, neither of the trio planned on ending their friendships in the long run. They planned to get old together with all the fight they have instilled in them.
Back to the point…what was the point?
Oh yeah, this.
A clap to Maya’s skin, had her sitting up now. Her knee cap is stinging and it must have been loud enough since the chatter between the two siblings in the water has them eyeing her now.
“You good over there?” Sam asks but that burning sensation on Maya’s skin was not pleasant.
Could it be that she just just slapped herself too hard? She thought the latter as a ring of a welt immediately began to form on her skin. Was this some sort of allergic reaction? Not likely but a smidge possible since her mother became a worry wart after Maya’s father passed so they knew most of what she was allergic to. Mrs. Evans eventually was diagnosed with hypochondriasis after being forced to seek help from her nurse maternal grandmother, who ended up taking Maya underneath her wing for a few months in her late elementary years then again from the sixth to seventh grade.
You know, good ‘ol tragedy always has something to say and of course Maya hated that.
Maya seemed to zone out for a bit, making Sam sit up in the floaty, sending a look to Tara who was already swimming her way over to the braided girl.
“Maya.” Tara gently said, reaching a careful hand out to her.
The welt was formed into a circle, almost like a stab wound she was used to seeing not only on herself but also her friends. It was the clapping that brought Maya out of her daze, blinking rapidly as she felt her eyelashes become moist.
The sound came from Sam who scrunched up her face and flicked her hands about, “Got that bastard! Ugh don’t tell me the bugs are gonna be bad out here.”
They’ve only been out here for a full day now, the group getting here late last night and scurried off to their rooms for a good nights rest. The afternoon settled on them all quite quickly and they’ve all been fine not seeing the bugs…until now.
Tara asks after turning her gaze away from Sam, “Hey, are you okay? We sorta lost you for a second there.”
“I’m fine.” Maya mutters, glancing at the mark once more but it doesn’t seem like she believes that herself.
Tara doesn’t but dips her head while she scoops her damp bangs further away from her forehead. Her eyes briefly follow Maya’s rising anxiety filled eyes towards her knee and Tara doesn’t realize she’s getting closer to peer at the mark as well.
“Shit, that looks like it hurts.” Slips out of her mouth before she registers it.
Maya blinks, looking back at Tara who meets her stare, “so you see it too?”
“Yeah I see it, it’s hard not to miss. Are you sure you’re okay? And no bullshit, be honest with me.” Tara’s tone is firm but cautious, knowing how it felt to be constantly questioned when you’re not a hundred percent sure what was happening in the first place.
Maya also slips, “like you being honest about you and Chad?”
“What?” Tara frowns.
Maya chews down on her bottom lip, “It’s nothing. I don’t know why I said that.”
“Yeah right,” Tara scoffs, “maybe it’s the sun getting to your head.”
“Or maybe it’s these fucking mosquitoes!” Maya finds herself erupting a bit as she scratches at the back of her neck now.
Tara watches Maya curiously as the twenty-one year old starts to look around. She doesn’t say anything yet as Maya snatches her shorts to the right of her and pushes up to stand.
Tara starts but Maya is grabbing her towel and holds up a hand, “I’m gonna head in,” she stares out into the scenery of the water and trees, “and maybe you and Sam should too.”
And Tara watches Maya almost jog off the dock and away from what was troubling her.
“Sam,” Tara calls out as she watches Maya disappear into the house, ready to tell her sister that something was up.
Back inside the much cooler home, Maya still can’t find the relief in that as she rummages through the fridge, mumbling to herself until she yells, “where’s the fucking ice in this house?!”
“Whoa, hey. What’s going on?”
Maya doesn’t answer Chad as she’s now scratching at her thigh and slams the fridge shut.
“I thought you said this fridge had a awesome ice maker inside of it, how awesome is it if there’s no ice?!” Maya mocks and yells at Chad who carefully places his phone on the counter.
Mindy strolls into the kitchen all grins and full of after glow as she says, “What’s up, pretty people? Not you Chad.”
“Nice, Mindy. Real nice.” Chad is sarcastic before they turn their attention back to Maya who is now holding her forehead.
Mindy shushes the taller male as she asks, “what’s the matter?”
“There’s no fucking ice!”
“Whoa! That tone was a lot,” Mindy informs Maya who begins pacing now, “there’s some in cooler on the floor next to the counter on the left there. I forgot to turn on the ice maker this morning so we have to wait a few more hours before the ice really starts to kick in.”
However Maya doesn’t even go to the mentioned cooler with wheels, she’s still pacing and rubbing at her hive covered thighs.
Mindy side eyes Chad, “what happened while Kendra and I were inside?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Chad lifts his shoulders, “I swear.”
Kendra huffs before she bites into a pear she plucks off the bowl on the counter, “Well something happened because she’s acting very r-word right now.”
Mindy and Chad both hardened their stares at Mindy’s new lover.
Mindy is quick to move herself from the brown skinned girl with Mother Nature braids, “The fuck did you just say?”
“Yeah hell no, you might as well pack your bags. If you thought you were welcomed before, you’re definitely not now.” Chad stands up straight as Kendra looks puzzled at their reactions.
“What did I say?”
“You know exactly what you said,” Chad glares, “and the way you felt so comfortable to just say that, shows you’re problematic.”
“Absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe I let you eat—
Chad gags, “Don’t finish that sentence.”
“Whatever, clearly you guys aren’t my kind of people and take things too seriously.” Kendra replies as she peeks over at Maya, “Good luck with that over there.”
Mindy starts charging at the shorter girl who is walking away but Chad yanks Mindy back by her shirt telling her, “she’s not worth it and I been told you she’s not the one.”
She yanks herself away from Chad and sighs, “I know and she’s long forgotten and won’t be mentioned ever again, got it?”
They both shake on that before they turn back to Maya who seems to be zoning out again. Chad rests his hands on the counter and gently says, “Maya babe, tell us what’s wrong so we can help.”
“Didn’t I say to not call me that, Prince Chad?” Maya also bites, knowing that nickname actually irritated her friend just as much as “babe” irritated Maya.
A twitch of smile threatens to appear on Chad’s lips but he holds back because of the jab she also just threw at him.
“Well how else am I supposed to get your attention if you’re not communicating with us, Hm?” Chad rests his cheek into his balled up fist.
Maya rolls her eyes again, “by shutting up and letting me think.”
“You might be doing too much of that, sis.” Mindy remarks with a sigh.
A small silence hits the kitchen but Maya picks up on what’s behind it. That buzzing sound that makes her itch at her aggravated knee and a clapping sound made by Mindy makes her zero in on the attack.
“What’d you do that for?!” Chad rubs at his bare shoulder while Mindy scrunches up her nose, before moving around to wash her hands.
Mindy says over her shoulder, “there was a mosquito ready to take your blood and I handled it. You’re welcome!”
“I think it might already have,” Chad answers, pinching at his skin and Maya can see from where she stands that his skin was swelling and turning pink.
They’ve all had lots of scars on their bodies due to growth and of course the trauma of running for their lives but this felt different and Maya wasn’t sure how to explain that. It’s like the feeling deep in your gut that’s aching and rolling like the waves of a storm in the sea, hinting at you that something was wrong.
Although, Maya seemed to be the only one feeling like this and was beginning to wonder if that was just her own mother’s worries running through her blood. Normally that wouldn’t be…so why was now dissimilar?
“Hey, whatever is it I’m sure we can figure it out.” Maya hears Chad saying to her, he’s standing in front of her now, back leaning against the counter with one hand reaching out to caress a thumb against the inside of her wrist.
It was one of the sensations that seemed to calm her down; especially back when they were kids. He hasn’t done that in awhile but it seems to battle against the nagging itch she’s feeling.
Mindy’s usually the quick thinker out of three, also the out-loud thinker when it comes to it. There’s no such thing as only thinking to yourself when it comes to Mindy Meeks-Martin. When she faces the two, Chad seems to let go of Maya’s wrist and she turns to exit the kitchen; pass the kitchen table and towards the window by the front door.
“Okay you guys were outside, I was inside having a grand time, there we no screams—well—that you guys are aware of but most of you were in the water. Were you in the water, Chad?”
“Nah, wasn’t really feeling it today.”
“So that leaves Sam, tara, and Maya. They were definitely in the water so that means they probably have the answers to why Maya’s like this, since it seems like we’re not gonna get any answers from her just yet.” Mindy thought out loud while Chad just shrugged his shoulders, still clueless and wincing at the pain and slight itch in his own shoulder.
Maya jumped as the door-bell sounded, making the twins share a look.
“It’s probably Sam and Tara.” Chad suggests as Maya looks over at them.
Maya is chewing on her bottom lip again, “Why would they come to the front when they can use the back door?”
“It automatically locks behind you if you close the door a certain way…pop-pop still didn’t fix it I’m guessing. And since you were the last to come in…you may have fully closed it.”
“We don’t know that for sure,” Mindy warned as Chad shook his head at the girl.
“Mindy, don’t start.”
“I’m just saying! Maya’s having a moment and now the doorbell rings? It can’t just be a coincidence.”
“Things have been normal for months now, stop it before you make things worse.” Chad hissed at Mindy, sending a reassuring smile to Maya who exhaled.
“It’s okay, you can let them in Maya.”
“I’m not touching that door,” Maya states as there’s now a knocking at the door.
Mindy looks at Chad who’s now scrolling away on his phone and she reaches over to slap his phone from his hands.
The phone clatters onto the floor.
“Hey, what the hell!?”
“The right thing to do is reveal who’s at the door but you can’t send a man to do a woman’s job, obviously.” Mindy scowls as she brushed by her brother, taking her time as she steps towards Maya who can’t see through the window who’s at the door, so she takes a step back.
Chad scoffs, “I’m not gonna lie, that’s offensive.”
Maya shakes her head as Mindy picks up the golf club that’s sitting in the umbrella holder by the door, “the right thing to do is get the fuck away from the door.”
Unbeknownst to Maya and Mindy, Chad is approaching them now as Mindy slowly unlocks the door, breathing increasing, “None of the phones rung so we should be okay, right? Right!”
Mindy coached herself as she flings open the door with a roar, making Maya hold her breath again, just for Mindy to slowly lower the golf club.
“Oh it’s just Alex, the guy I told you about, Maya.” Mindy calls over her shoulder, but keeps a steady eye on the tall guy at the door.
He shows a dimpled smile, light stubble on his face, dark blue eyes, thick curly hair tied back, nice cheekbones—basically he looked like a model.
Chad didn’t like this guy and wasn’t sure why he was here in the first place.
“Hi,” Alex smiles at Mindy which she returns before his expression turns serious as he yells out, “Hey!”
That’s when both Maya and Mindy turn to see Chad red-handed. Something flies away from Maya’s direction and out the front door, Maya hears it but doesn’t focus on it as they’re all eyeing Chad now.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“Were you about to smack me over the head? With a skillet?!” Maya eyes the heavy item that Chad finally starts to lower.
Mindy frowns, “Fuck is wrong with you dude?”
“There was a mosquito!” Chad tries to defend but Maya is heading through the kitchen and down the hall.
Mindy tells as she waves Alex inside, “A skillet though? On Maya? Not your best thinking.”
“Yeah, seems pretty violent if you ask me.” Alex adds as Chad tightens his eyes at him.
“Well nobody is asking you, Aaron Taylor Johnson.”
Alex raises his brows, “you know he’s actually playing in the new kraven movie that’s coming out?”
“I don’t care.” Chad widened his eyes and lifts his shoulders before also leaving Alex behind with Mindy.
Mindy apologetically smiles as she welcomes Alex to place the food he brought with him on the kitchen table, “You remember my idiot brother, Chad and the one trying to get away from him, is Maya.”
“Is now a bad time to be here?”
“Only if you didn’t see my shameful fling leave on your way over.” Mindy jokes with a light punch to Alex’s shoulder.
Chad is leaning in the doorway as Maya flops herself back onto her bed for the weekend. It’s usually the room his parents stayed in when they would all come out here in the winter. He’s quiet as he folds his arms, picking up on the profile of his old friend, seeing specs of freckles from the sun lingering on her cheeks, her low-set eyes, and the slope of her nose…
“Maya,” Chad calls out but she’s still staring up at the ceiling, curly braids spread out around her.
Now he’s jumping on the bed and Maya is floating up in the air but before she can collide with the ground, Chad is full of laughs before he loops a arm underneath her stomach to stop her from completely falling off the bed.
“Why are you like this?” Maya groans as Chad pulls her upright.
He’s still smiling then, “why would I be anything else?…I hope I didn’t break the bed.”
He’s shifting on it now, testing it for any new and odd sounding creaks, “Nope, I think you’re good.”
If she wasn’t, she would definitely be finding a spot in Mindy’s room or kicking Chad from the best sectional in the house, which happened to be in the basement—surprisingly.
“Are you ready to talk about what’s bothering you…or do you need more time?” Chad asks, while Maya rolls her neck around to release some tension.
Maya swallows, “I’m just being silly and it was probably just my imagination.”
Chad hums, “maybe, maybe not. But if you have doubts, you can always talk to me. Or Mindy but preferably me first, you know that right?”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course.” Maya gives a soft smile, “See? All better.”
“I can’t say I believe that, babe.” Chad tells Maya who rolls a glare his way, “but in due time you’ll let us in?”
She nods.
“Okay! Now that that is placed on hold for now, wanna walk on the boardwalk with me?” Chad pokes Maya who slaps his hand away.
He shakes his hand out, “Ow, that kinda hurt.”
Maya raises a brow, “You didn’t see that mosquito just then?”
It’s Chad’s turn to roll his eyes, “I see how it is.”
“Uh huh.” She grins with teeth, allowing Chad to see the small gap in her front two teeth that he found cute, remembering that it was much bigger when they were kids but it started to close up as they got older but the minor detail was still there.
Still Maya.
“So…c’mon vámonos!”
“I’d rather stay here than go be around other people and you for the rest of the night.”
Chad sighed, “that was mean and this fake dislike you have in your heart for me is getting old, Maya Papaya.”
“When you say things like that, kinda makes it easy for me.” Maya leans towards him with a satisfied grin.
Chad stares down at Maya and presses his forehead against her’s, “you’re a bad liar.”
Maya’s staring back at Chad with his eyes on her and now she’s finding it hard to breathe, this must be what Tara feels being asthmatic and all but surely much worse. There was no denying that Maya had love for Chad, he’s always been in her life and he was the one she didn’t mind talking shit to.
In fact he was one of her favorite people.
“And there’s no way in hell we’re leaving anybody behind here! That’s rule number one and you know that.” Mindy’s voice interrupts, making Maya pull back.
Chad sighs in disappointment as he looks at his sister, “well I wasn’t inviting everybody.”
“Oh,” Mindy places her hand on her chest in mock offense, “Didn’t you say vámonos? I thought exclusion was also off the table when it came to us monster inc?”
“It is but we don’t need the bozo with the manbun tagging along either.” Chad told as Mindy smirks.
“But he and Maya didn’t get to spend any time together.” She pouts.
“Good,” Chad scoffs while Maya tilts her head to the side, “he seems more like Sam’s type anyway.”
“Not for you to decide my twin!”
Mindy is all finger-guns and Chad is all annoyance.
“And it’s not up for you to decide to be match-maker, that is what you’re doing isn’t it?”
“Is it?” Mindy has a knowing smirk on her face, arms crossed.
Maya jumps up, “alright enough! You two are giving me a headache, let’s go to this dumb boardwalk already.”
“That’s the spirit, Maya!” Mindy grips her shoulders with a light shake as she tries to squeeze out of Mindy’s way, braids all in her face now.
Once Maya is out of sight, Mindy turns back to Chad who is now pushing off the bed with a exhale and sends his sister a middle finger who just laughs at his expense.
July’s on the boardwalk were muggy but at least there was a hint of a breeze as the night fell. Alex and Sam are leading the way, sharing small chatter while Mindy and Tara are in the middle laughing about something over cotton candy, leaving Maya and Chad behind. The boardwalk is full of noise and various of colorful lights shining through the dark skies.
“Remember when you fell trying to get this grasshopper out of Mindy’s hair in the sixth grade?” Chad brought up while Maya peeked over at him.
“I was actually trying to forget it,” Maya says, “I was the one who ended up getting in trouble in gym class over it. Just for helping out a friend, during that awful PACER test, like how does that make sense?!”
“It also didn’t help that you stepped on Jackson Horne’s stomach during it, knowing that was Mr. Sapo’s nephew.”
“He sucked too.”
“I actually didn’t mind him.”
“That because you hung out with douchebags, you weenie.”
“You’re the weenie!” Chad yanked Maya underneath his arm, ready to give her a noogie but she pinched his side, making him yelp.
Maya fans herself after getting out of hold, “I didn’t see you trying to search and get the grasshopper out.”
“She was running all over the place and why would I ever? you’re the bug lover.”
The itch was slowly starting again, “was.”
A hush falls between the two but the comfort of Chad beside Maya is all she seems to need, to not worry about that hunch that’s still sitting in her gut.
“You ever think about—
Maya starts but feels her phone buzzing from her back pocket. She stops in the middle of the boardwalk with Chad turning to her but watching the many faces that are finding their enjoyment in the summer boardwalk.
“Hey ma,” Maya starts as she meets Chad’s eyes who softly smiles.
“Hi Mrs. Evans! Maya’s safe and having fun, don’t worry!” He yells with enthusiasm, his forehead brushing against Maya’s again as he talks into the receiver.
Maya lightly shoves Chad away, his body containing too much heat, pressed a finger to her other ear and blocking out the noise while Chad laughs, “Sorry mom, what did you say?”
She’s walking a bit away from Chad now.
“I said, is this Maureen Evans?” The familiar nasal but scratchy voice says, “Oh my mistake, that Maureen is also in the ground somewhere. Now it’s my turn to make sure another Evans gets gutted from the inside out next! Those mosquitoes won’t even compare to what I’m about to do to you. So! Maya Evans, what’s your favorite scary movie?”
Took them long enough.
Maya’s eyes are searching the boardwalk now but of course everyone looks sane. Unconsciously she’s scratching at her knee cap and her breathing becomes labored with her eyelashes stinging with tears.
Maureen Evans was her twenty-two year old older cousin that she didn’t get the chance to meet. Her father often told her some stories about his niece and her dreams to be in the medical field, wanting to build artificial organs since she couldn’t stand gore (something Maya and Maureen strongly had in common) and wanted to figure out what medical problems someone may have. Maya was always told that Maureen had her head on straight and had a desire to help others when they couldn’t help themselves.
It’s a ignominy that no one helped her in her final moments.
“How long have you been watching?”
“Since last night! I honestly thought you and Pretty boy Chad would be sharing a bed but maybe he’s still interested in that little bitch Tara instead! How does that make you feel, Maya Papaya?” Ghostface quizzes.
“Fuck you!” Maya screams into her phone, causing a mother to shield her children’s ears from her outburst and others to stare but continuing carrying on in their New York glory.
“Maya?” Chad is making his way over to her now, trying to get through a sea of people.
“Wait! Before you hang up, you still didn’t answer my question.”
“And I’m not going to, you fucking nut bag.”
With that she ends the call and turns to Chad who grips her forearms. “What is it, Maya?”
“That was ghostface. I was right! They’re back.”
“No way.” Chad pulls Maya into his arms, also looking around above her head before he turns back in the direction they were going, up ahead he can see the group who carried on without them. With one hand he cups one hand to his mouth to call out to them, “Mindy! Tara! Sam!”
They don’t hear him.
“Call them.”
Chad fishes through his pocket, just to find his phone dead like they all might be, yet again. He takes the liberty of grabbing Maya’s phone and tells Siri to call Mindy as they disappear through the crowd.
The phone rings for what feels like forever until it finally picks up, “Hello Prince Chad! Isn’t it a lovely night to stroll the boardwalk and die?”
With that, Chad slips his fingers through Maya’s and tugs her along as they began running through the crowd, “who is this?”
“Take a wild guess.”
“I swear on uncle Randy’s soul, if this is that ponytail wearing fuck—
“Oh please Chad, wouldn’t that be too obvious? You’ve got to be smarter than that, or maybe I give you too much credit for having more than half a brain cell.”
“Just wait until I get my hands on you.” Chad laughs, still running.
“Not unless I get to you first.”
And the call drops just as Chad and Maya make their way to the group, who’s lingering by a Photo Booth that’s outside of the slingshot ride.
“There you two are,” Tara smiles at them but it quickly falters once she sees the expression on her friends faces, “what happened?”
“Ghostface has your phone.” Chad breathes as he looks at Mindy who pats her pockets.
“I don’t think I brought it with me in the first place.”
Maya questions, “Where’s Sam and Alex?”
Tara looks up at the ride behind them and gulps before they all take off to the operator of the ride.
“I never trusted this guy and his ugly ass hair!” Chad points at the air as he expresses to Mindy while Tara is arguing with the teen that’s operating the ride.
Mindy shifts on her feet, “We don’t even know for sure it’s him.”
“We also don’t know he’s not the killer.” Maya announces.
Mindy queries, “Well what did ghostface say?”
Maya gives Mindy the run down while Chad goes to help Tara get the kid to turn the machine off. Mindy is intently listening to everything Maya tells her and hums as actual frightened screams fill the ride. It takes minutes for the kid to slam on the big red button to stop the ride.
Mindy takes Maya’s hand and together they quickly walk to the outside of the gate, in front of them stands Chad and Tara. They all stare up at the ride that’s halted in the middle, where they see Sam lifting her head, face full of tears as specs of blood are on her cheek and with a very dead Alex slumped over beside her, blood running down the base of the ride with his insides exposed to the public.
Soft music plays in the background as the bloody scene burns into their brains:
…There's a battle ahead
Many battles are lost
But you'll never see the end of the road…
“Get me the fuck off!” Sam screams, legs swinging as others continue screaming and a crowd begins to form, some even taking pictures.
Maya feels the urge to empty her stomach but the shock freezes it in place for now. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to seeing dead bodies in front of her.
Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
Tara, Chad, Mindy and Maya all share a look of pure terror as Sam’s screams stand out to them, while the realization of everything was starting over again for the third time.
When the world comes in
They come, they come
One things for sure that they all knew, they weren’t going back to the fucking Meeks lake house tonight, that’s for sure and certain.
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win…
Maya pulls her hand away from Mindy’s the longer she stares at Alex’s body and finds the nearest trash can to up chuck into. After a couple of dry heaves afterwards, she used the back of her hand to wipe at her mouth and stands up straight just as a hand touches the small of her back.
Her elbows instantly want to go flying but she knows the touch belongs to Chad as the sound of fireworks blast through the air. They both stare up into the sky as it tosses blue and red sparks into the air, signaling freedom.
Would they ever be?
┊͙: ̗̀➛ - ̥˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ┊͙: ̗̀➛ - ̥˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ┊͙: ̗̀➛ - ̥˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ┊͙: ̗̀➛ - ̥˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ┊͙
Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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pxperplxnets · 1 month
meetings and blushes
summary: amelie goes to visit arthur in prema and meets a handsome boy named kimi.
pairing: kimi antonelli x amelie leclerc
kimi and amelie character descriptions
word count: 595
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
everytime amelie had the chance to go to one of her brother's races, she was the happiest person ever. she rarely got to go because of school or different issues, but now that she was on summer break, she would be stuck to the hip of whichever one of her brothers was willing to take her with him.
 this weekend, the lucky guy was none other than arthur leclerc. she packed her stuff and took a plane to italy, where she would be staying for a while.
  after a very emotive airport pick up -note the sarcasm- , arthur notified her that they would be going to prema to spend the day, as it was media day and he had to be there “because if not the video wouldn't be funny.” 
when they arrived at prema, everyone greeted her rather enthusiastically, except this one particular boy who she had never met before.
 he was handsome, almost dreamy. he had very smooth, pale skin and messy brown hair. he wasn't tall, but she was pretty short so he was fairly taller than her.  
“uhm, hi, im kimi antonelli'' he introduced himself shyly, and she thought she was going to melt in the spot at the sound of his italian accent. “amelie leclerc, nice to meet you” she smiled brightly, trying to get him to loosen up a little. of course, the moment had to be ruined by arthur, who loudly awed and basically screamed “look at the children having crushes” before running away from a very embarrassed amelie.
  later that day, amelie found herself in a random room, watching the guys -and hamda- record what seemed to be a truth or dare challenge. arthur had already filmed his part but decided to leave her there while he went to do some “grown up thing” that she knew was calling his girlfriend for his free hour. 
kimi and paul were answering questions and fulfilling dares, and she didn't miss the way kimi would look at her every time he had to do something embarrassing. 
“truth or dare?” paul asked the younger boy “truth” he answered “who in this room would you kiss and why?” kimi looked like he had just been asked the worst question in the universe “no, another one” he was looking everywhere but amelie and was red as a tomato “mate, you have to answer” paul was enjoying that way too much. 
“uhm, i- i don't know, there is only one girl my age” kimis voice was barely audible, so paul made him repeat it “sorry? i didn't hear you” kimi rolled his eyes, took a deep breath and decided to show confidence, even if it was fake. “amelie, because she is very pretty.” and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how amelie marie elizabeth leclerc died.
  they continued the challenge as if nothing had happened, because nothing had really happened. 
at the end of the challenge, kimi went straight over to amelie “i'm sorry if that was weird” he apologised, and it sounded so sincere amelie almost hugged him “hey, that's all right, i would have said the same thing” that took the boy completely by surprise, as his cheeks went bright red “oh, okay” she chuckled before hearing her brother calling her name “seems like i have to go, i really hope to see you around, kimi” she pecked his cheek before walking away, leaving avery flustered kimi who was most of all surprised at how good his name sounded when she said it.
authors note:
i love kimi sm, the amount of fanfiction for him is none existent.
also i feel like this is very short, but i didnt know what else to write im sorryyyy.
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iminlovewithwomen · 1 year
Could you do a romantic x reader headcanons about Ray Manchester/Captain Man 😍 (First Meeting, Spending time with reader and giving her job at Junk N'Stuff, Finding out that Ray has romantic feelings for the reader, Ray flirting with the reader, First Date/First Kiss, The reader finding out Ray's secret, the reader on a secret date with Ray as Captain Man) !
yes ofc i love him
Ray Manchester Headcannons
ok so
y'all met in like the middle of season two
you were casually looking for a job when you found the junk n stuff application
you were like
"holy shit this is perfect"
just to find the most HANDSOME man you've ever met
you work as the cashier
ray would sometimes come out of the basement and hang out with you on not so busy days
you guys would joke around and laugh and it was amazing
you eventually felt feelings for him but you hid it well
one day
henry came out of the back and was like
"yo i just wanted to tell you that ray likes you but he's too much of a coward to tell you that"
you sat there in shock while henry left and as soon as he did
ray came dashing to you saying stuff like
"i promise you whatever he just said is not true!"
you assured him that it was okay and that you felt the same but he could not believe it
yeah he was cocky a lot about how he's so handsome and yadayadayada
but he just couldn't realize why you liked him
you started dating after that
he would sometimes come up to the store just to be like
"hi, love"
everytime he came up just to see you
you were as red as a tomato
that man is so in love with you istg
as soon as he saw you he was like
"yep. they're the one"
a little while after
ray asked you out on a date and you started screaming and jumping because it had been around 2-3 months by that time and you were just patiently waiting for him to ask you out
he took you to Fred Lobster bc he wanted it to be perfect for your first date
and it was
guys this was sitting in my drafts for a month straight.
YES I KNOW I DIDNT GET TO ALL OF THE PLOTS IN THE REQUEST IM SO SORRY ANON 😭😭 i felt bad for keeping you waiting for so long
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Hi there,
i wanted to ask for a BG3 and marauders matchup if thats okay :)
Here's the stuff:
agender (afab if that matters lol)
Queer (i like men and women and nonbinary people lol but labels always feel wrong)
5'7, bit chubby, shoulder length brown hair that i usually tuck behind my ears, grey blueish eyes, black nosering in my left nostril, L and R tattooed on my wrist (yes for left and right lol). I mostly wear dark academia or cottagecore style clothes, usually dark and earthy colours with the occasional blue and red.
Gemini infp, 6w5. Im usually more shy and anxious when i first meet someone or am in a new environment, but get pretty enthusiastic and talkative once i get to know someone. Im autistic, so i can get sensory overload or just overwhelmed, and sometimes this can lead me to get panic attacks or become nonverbal. This also means that certain topics can lead me to talk for like hours, even with strangers. My love language is physical touch, i love hugs or linking arms with people, and i have a tendency to lay against someone when sitting or if im very close with someone sometimes biting them (softly i promise lol). I do struggle a lot with recognising my emotions and i dont really like fighting. I dont really talk about my feelings, mostly opinions. I am known to be very good at debates, and usually lead them at school, because i am known to be able to form logic based opinions easily. I am creative and good at analysing situation and calculating the best outcome in my head. Also im very much the oldest sibling.
Likes (at least like three things):
- books
- flowers
- music
- singing
- animals
Dislikes (at least three things):
- sweaty sticky summers
- tomatoes
- (myself lol)
Extra fun fact (this is about whoever you are describing to me):
I have a breathing problem so i basically have to tell my body to breath, it doesnt to it enough by itself lol
Woodland elf
D&D alignment:
Chaotic good
Sorry for the delay! I have been having a rough 24 hours. Hopefully, after some rest, I will be able to crank out these matchups faster again! I hope this is to your liking!
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
BG3: Loyal, Regal, Protective, and Compassionate I present to you your Baldurs Gate 3 match------
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Wyll Ravengaurd
I picked Wyll for you because his calm, relaxed demeanor will match your shyness and because Wyll, out of all the characters, is the most likely to just sit there and listen. There are numerous dialog options where he always wants to take the topic off of him and listen to someone else.
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
This man is a sweet bean who doesn't get much love and appreciation in the BG3 fandom. I think that stems from the slow storyline and questline.
However, he is just a gentleman who wants to protect and care for his people and those struggling.
Over time of knowing you, Wyll learns to love to dance again. He loves watching you spin around and enjoy time with him.
Will loves to listen. He would much rather sit and listen to you talk about anything you desire than dwell on his past. When he is with you, he desires nothing more than to listen to all the fun facts, quips, and stories you have.
Wyll is very protective of you, but he realizes he cannot always be there to protect you when times get hard in battle. So he makes duel dates and teaches you how to duel with his beloved rapier.
He is the most gentle being with you when you get overwhelmed or even have a breathing spell. He will help give you some privacy by casting Blur or Hadars Darkness (Let's pretend it doesn't cause damage).
If you have any special rituals to help you through your most challenging moments, he learns them by heart to be of the utmost help.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The group was walking through the forest on its way to Baldurs Gate. You are deemed the fearless leader because you are the glue that holds everyone together. Too bad you are horrible with directions. Not that it really mattered. You had tons of friends and your partner surrounding you to help you correct your choices. Today, like any other day, you made a few mistakes, but the drawn-on 'L' and 'R' on your hands were really helping.
As you made it to what looked like an abandoned village, everyone agreed it was time to call it a day. The crew was exhausted, and Astarion looked deader than usual, even as a dead man. Setting up camp, it became apparent there needed to be more firewood and, most importantly, food. After a quick game of heads or tails with a coin, Wyll and you became the duo to save the evening, not that either of you would complain. You remembered that you heard a stream or waterfall not too far from here. Now, was it to your left or to your right? Shrugging, you chose a direction and set off with Wyll.
You two always had a calm relationship, and nothing really changed after you started dating, either. Wyll loved to listen to you and understand the inner workings of your mind. As you moved through the darkening forest, both of you realized there was no water nearby. "Y/N dear, out of curiosity, do you know where we are?" You paused, looking between the map and the area surrounding you. "Um, yes, definitely, we just need to make a." You look down at your hands, looking at the letters, "Left here and then one more left and a right, then boom, water. See, I can read a map!"
Will laughed softly, shaking his head. Following your lead, you two eventually came to a source of water. Of course, Wyll was not going to mention to you that had you just gone straight and then left originally from camp, you would have made it here faster. No, he was going to keep this to himself, seeing as you gave him the most radiant smile that could almost challenge Shadowheart's divine light. Getting lost with you would always be one of his favorite things.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(After freeing yourselves from the parasite, Wyll and you started adventuring together. Finding new wonders and beautiful places to call your own.)
Y/N: Wyll, look over there, just over the horizon. Is that a flower field?
Wyll: Why yes, my love, it sure does look like one; care to partake?
(You nod eagerly and trek to the field. Picking a good spot, you and Wyll sit down in the field, eagerly picking flowers and making a crown.)
Y/N: You know what this flower means, Wyll. (You began to inform Wyll of every single flower and herb in the field. Wyll is just staring at you lovingly.) Hey, are you listening to me?
Wyll: (He proceeded to resay everything you had just said to him.) My love, I will always listen to you.
Alrighty, with BG3 out of the way, I have a good one as well for your Marauders Era match. They are kind, understanding, protective, and very goofy.
I match you with------
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Lily Evans
Lily Evans is a kind, loving soul. She is also brilliant and very understanding. Lilly does not judge anyone unless they give her a reason, and she is so supportive. Now, she does have quite the goofy side—I mean, she has, too—she's best friends with the Marauders.
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Lily is brilliant. Many have said she is the witch of her time. Being muggle-born didn't stop her from rising to the top academically.
Due to how smart she is she loves to debate with you healthily, even if she agrees with you 100% on a topic she wants to hear all your reasonings why.
Lily definitely has that goofy, youngest-sibling energy. Being the oddball sibling, Lily would have to comfort herself with jokes and humor.
Being the youngest sibling definitely counteracts your older sibling energy. She is the Ying to your Yang when it comes to the way you two see the world.
Lily loves hanging on to you, arms linked, walking around school, or even holding pinkies to Hogsmeade.
Though Lily isn't the biggest fan of many animals besides cats, she goes to care of magical beasts with you. She trusts you will make sure she doesn't do something stupid and let her get eaten.
Lily loves to listen to you sing. Nothing makes her happier than you two sneaking into the prefect bathroom and listening to you sing in the echoey room.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You sat by the black lake, staring James Potter down. It was you and Lily versus him and Remus. The debate today is why any witch or wizard would learn dark magic. This conversation stemmed from Sirius's quick departure not even ten minutes prior due to something happening to his brother. There was speculation that the family had begun to bring the boys into more darker things. Being the black sheep, Sirius wanted out and moved in with James; however, Regulus wasn't so lucky, you all assumed.
The debate grew heated as you debated why a family would teach their child these spells but that no family should teach them. James' take on the idea was that they were bad news if a person even thought about learning the spells. Lily and Remus interjected occasionally as you two debated; however, it was clear you and James didn't need help. In theory, you were both saying the same thing, just slightly different flavors. The natural nail in the coffin for this debate was when James repeated the point you made ten minutes ago back to you but in his own words.
This caused both of you to stop and stare at one another. An exhausted Remus said, "Lily, you owe me ten gallons. It took them eight minutes longer than you thought it would take them to realize they were saying the same thing." Lily shrugged and coughed up the money, returning to her place beside you and wrapping her arm around your waist. "Best eight gallons I have ever spent seeing my partner speak so passionately on behalf of our dear friend." James turned to look at Remus, "Don't tell me you two bet on who would win the argument-" You quickly interjected James. "It wasn't an argument. You git. It was a debate. Get it right." Lily laughed gently and kissed your cheek lovingly. "That's it, my love. Show him who's boss."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Summer had approached, and you all were staying at James' family home. The only problem was it was hot, way too hot. Luckily, James had a brilliant idea)
Y/N: If it gets any hotter, I will melt, I can feel myself melting.
James: No Y/N, that's called sweat. I thought you were smart or something. Anyway, everyone come grab your respective colored water balloon's. It is time for war.
(Everyone grabs a balloon. What Sirius did not inform James was the fact the balloons were filled with not only cooled water but coloring as well)
Lily: Alright, everyone, on the count of three....1.....2.....3.
(By the end of the fight, everyone was colored from head to toe in a rainbow of water.)
Lily: Hey, Y/N, come over here.
Y/N: What up, Lills?
(Lily leans in and kisses you gently)
Lily: Look, babe, we made purple.
Y/N: What a fantastic way to cool down.
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