#('are you ever gonna watch it' PROBABLY I JUST DON'T HAVE A BRAIN RN)
softersinned-arc · 1 year
like this for a starter! open to all mutuals, whether or not we have threads going. these will happen slowly. unless a verse is specified, this will fall in one of her main verses (vampire, witch, or modern), or a fandom variation of those main verses! multis, please specify muse (or at least give me a few to choose from).
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fullsunised · 7 months
nct dream reaction when you get drunk (i’m drunk rn watching a movie and giggling) i thought this would be cute
❝ 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ❞
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
a/n: welp inspiration randomly struck me yesterday and here it is. apologies for the inactivity, hope yall doing well!
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
he's laughing his ass off the whole time. the infamous giggles never leave him, all while he's taking care of you. he always complains about you drinking over thr limit but bro does he adore this side of you.
honestly I only see him do the laughing his ass off part more than the taking care of you and putting you to bed part. is sending videos of you being stupid to his family.
during your hangover tho, you're basically defending yourself in the family groupchat while mark is yet again laughing at your cute ass.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗡 𝗛𝗨𝗔𝗡𝗚 ❞
sighs and sighs. bro is frustrated icl. he's always telling you to not drink more than what you can take but obviously when did you ever listen to him. is complaining under his breathe, while taking care of you.
makes sure to remove your makeup off, your shoes off, your clothes off and change you into something comfortable. but at a point he'd grow so tired of it, he just let's you figure your shit out the next morning.
which is basically you sitting on the kitchen stools groaning due to the pain in your head, while he watches you suffer (makes you hangover soup)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗘𝗡𝗢 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
he most likely would stop you from drinking before you get worse, but on those days where he thinks you deserve to get drunk asf, he's a sweetie.
does every single thing for you and honestly doesn't say no to anything your drunk self asks him.icecream? yes. shower? yes. sex? yes. kisses and cuddles? yes. literally anything. bro just let's you live while he's there taking care of you, making sure you don't hurt yourself. puts you to bed, and admires your passed out self.
morning would be waking up to his kisses, going to get breakfast together or maybe going on a run to wake your brain up.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
bro is drinking with you man. he thinks it's unfair only one of you gets drunk, and the other stuck taking care of the other. both of you would be long gone messes, messing about on the streets- but there are times you come home drunk from work.
then he's honestly just letting you pass out. of course, he let's you wrap your arms around him like a koala, and snore to death. also, he's gonna click funny asf pictures, like from every angle, legit makes an album as well.
morning comes and both of you are groaning, him because his hand is sore and you because your head. you take your pills and go on about your day, except his teasing is increased.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗔𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗡 𝗡𝗔 ❞
absolute sweetheart </3 literally picks you up from the door, drops you onto the bed, brings hot water to clean you up, gives you water to drink, listens to you rant about everything and anything. is like prepared for it because you warn him first hand lol.
just like jeno, he too would agree to anything. movie watching, game playing, cooking- anything literally. coos at you the whole time, mentally saves this image of you in his head because no matter how many sides of you he's seen, this would be his favourite.
breakfast in bed, princess ;)) would get you pills, some soup, some good food all at your service. bro get me a jaemin :(
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗟𝗘 𝗭𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗚 ❞
literal menace. all he does half of the time is record. atp his phone doesn't have enough storage due to the shit ton of video and photo content he has on you. his top priority would be to laugh at your stupidity and maybe post it online.
his second poa probably would be to put you to sleep. he legit finds you so adorable and so annoying both at the same time. literally shoves your face onto the pillow and forces you to sleep. has his airpods on, scrolling and you're next to him snoring. comfort fr.
boy doesn't do shit in the morning, or so he complains but still does it for you anyways cause he loves you too much.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗜𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 ❞
literally looses his mind. didn't know you had this side in you, and honestly he loves it, but the stress dominates the love- the stress of taking care of you perfectly. literally googles shit every single time even if he has done that before.
follows every step, does everything you ask and when you finally fall asleep blud just releases the longest sigh of his life. falls next to you his arm draped over figure. kisses your forehead, and drifts off to sleep himself.
bro googles how to make hangover soup, but gives up and orders it. literally does his best every time.
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heartofwritiing · 8 months
and you just can’t say goodbye.
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paring: (zombur) William Godwinson x fem!reader
summary: Wil gets bitten, and angst ensues.
authors note: HUGE thanks to @ax-y10 for the help because originally this fic was gonna end a lot more agnsty but then they gave me an idea that was more on the happy side! I've never written a zombie apocalypse setting before so please excuse anything I get wrong. I've only watched other people play The Last of Us and I've briefly seen one episode of The Walking Dead so you can see how this will probably go. lol. The Sorry Boys zombie video is brain-rotting in my head rn I've watched it about four times now. yes. I love Zombur, so here's a drive-by of me throwing this fic at you and then skirting off with smoke from my tires. enjoy the brainrot :p (I'm so sorry this took me so long to get out, I've been procrastinating finishing it because I'm having some self-doubt at the minute but I hope you guys like this anyway even though it's a mess lol)
warnings: zombie apocalypse au, angst, death, violence, swearing, lots of kissing, characters use guns, the writer doesn't know anything about how guns work lmao, sort of happy end? super unedited!
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"shit! I'm out of ammo!"
You pulled the trigger on the handgun once more, but nothing. It was luck that you had even found one. Even so early on in an apocalypse. A month had gone by since the first day of the outbreak. Though it was likely that you should've died on the first day, you don't know why you've survived this long. you should be dead.
At first, you thought staying in your apartment was the best chance you had of surviving. Big mistake. That strategy turned south when your front door was barged in after four days of no disturbance from any outsiders. Your boyfriend Wil had grabbed everything you could carry, and you hadn't stopped moving ever since.
Now, you and Wil found yourselves trapped in an alley with no escape. A pack of infected had cornered you, slowly closing in while making menacing noises. Wil bravely stood between you and the horde, fighting them off to protect you.
"Climb up the fire escape!" he shouted back at you.
You looked around until you spotted a ladder conveniently placed on the side of the building within reach. Infected were dropping like flies as Wil's shots echoed through the air. The ladder shook as you climbed, heart pounding in your ears. You glimpsed down to check and see if Wil was following, to find he was surrounded on all sides by infected. Your heart dropped when you saw one of their mouths was too close to his wrist. By the time you called out his name, it was already too late.
'Fuck!' Wil screamed as the infected bit through his skin and charred his flesh. Blood gushed down his arm and around the infected's mouth. You cry his name as he reeled back his fist and punched the infected repeatedly until it staggered off of him, but it was too late. Your eyes were fixed on him as he quickly climbed up the ladder, gasping for breath as he did so. He seemed in immense pain as he pulled his body up the ladder, slightly struggling.
Upon reaching the roof, you found a roof access leading to a floor with multiple doors, revealing it to be an apartment complex. Wil was already feeling the effects of the infection. His skin was sticky with sweat, the bitter taste left in his mouth tasting the blood rising in his throat, and the sudden vertigo he got just by rushing down the stairs was enough to make him nauseous.
You came to the floor with all the apartment units and quickly kicked in the door of the closest one. It took a few attempts to kick the door, and then bam! The sound of splitting wood and the door bouncing off the wall made a delirious Wil jump.
You entered the small room, helping Wil through the doorway, and setting him down gently before closing the door. You searched around for something to barricade the door with. Just in case of any infected find you. The only thing that looked heavy enough was the dresser tucked into the corner. Using all your muscles, you pushed the object across the room with the bottom of the dresser scraping against the wood, grimacing at the loud noise.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you knew you were safe for now. You dusted your hands off and turned back to Wil who was slumped against the wall on the floor, clutching his bitten arm. Wincing and squirming from the heat burning through his skin spreading throughout his veins.
The room was dim, and you noticed the sweat beading down his forehead. You quickly took your backpack off your shoulders and strode over to him. Taking out the first-aid kit you had for emergencies, you pulled out the tiny bottle of anti-septic cleaning solution and the roll of bandages.
You gazed down at his wrist, which was curled against his chest, shrouding you from looking at it. The ring of teeth marks oozing out the color of maroon as black vines protruded around the area, extending over his skin. His head lulled to the side as he let out a moan of pain.
"No, baby, keep your eyes open," you tried to lure him back to consciousness. Take his hand and position it palm up in your lap. He whines like a wounded animal in response.
Unscrewing the cap, you quickly prep the cotton pads. Then you quickly realize you should've put on gloves beforehand. Muttering curses under your breath you shake your head at the thought, There was no time.
"What are you doing?" Wil's voice slurs. He sounds groggy, like something is trying to creep up his throat to escape, not him. It scares you. You refuse to look at him.
"I have to clean the wound before it gets infected," you say nonchalantly.
With the little strength he has left, Will reaches out his unbitten hand to catch yours. You stop your movements in disbelief of his actions, tears brimming in your eyes as you try to save his life, but he stops you again. You both know what's inevitable, you just can't accept it.
"Wil-" you try to pull out of his grasp. You reach out to touch his wrist again this time, he is the one who pulls away.
"Look at me," he pleads. You can't bring yourself to shift your eyes to his, knowing this was inevitable. You had to try. He had to let you try.
"just stop."
Wil tries to grab the items from your hands, but you move too quickly for his shrinking reflexes to keep up. Moving beginning to be too strenuous.
"I can't- Wil-" You struggle to fight against him, too scared to hurt him. Though he's already dying.
"Stop, honey..." he quivers.
"Just let me save you!" you cry. It echoes through the room. The air is tense, and you finally meet his eyes. His skin is sickly pale, eyes bright with red veins and glossy. Purple hues outline under his soft doe eyes as they peer into yours. He fists the hem of your shirt, inviting you closer. Your breaths mix together as he presses his forehead to yours.
The words hang between you, but you bite your tongue. You want to tell him how much you want him to stay and not give up. Deep down, you already know it's not enough.
"It's too late for me darling, leave me here.”
“I'm not leaving you,” you say sternly, shaking your head.
You were determined to stay with him, no matter how difficult things got, you were unwilling to abandon him.
“Please, I don’t want you to see me turn into a monster.” his voice wavered. Your heart sank. No matter what, he would always be your Wil. Sweet, caring, and lovable Wil. Whom you adored with every fiber of your being.
You reach up to cup his face with your hands, but they feel cool against your clammy skin. His cheekbones are slowly becoming more prominent. You stare into his eyes, but the urge to tell him to be quiet becomes harder as anger festers in your chest. However, it's not anger towards him, but rather frustration towards the universe.
Instead, you snuggle up next to him to demonstrate your lack of fear and your trust in him. You want to be by his side and provide comfort. You understand that it's unrealistic to expect him to recover from this infection given his history of being sick and having a weakened immune system. It's best to accept the inevitable outcome.
It's unclear how much time has passed while the two of you remain in that position. His arm securely around your shoulder holding you close, with your arm laid across his lap where your fingers provided soft circles against his hip bone. The room grows darker as the sun sets. The air feels eerie yet comforting all at once with Wil by your side. Nothing but the sounds of his raspy breathing and occasional coughing fit to surround you. He whispers through the dark against the crown of your head with horse words. Sweet nothings, promises that make you curl into him further so he can't see the single tear you shed.
He lifts his hand to gently cup your cheek, tilting your head to meet his gaze. Selfishly, he leans in for a soft kiss. You whine at the metallic taste in his mouth when he groans to part his lips so his tongue finds yours. It makes your head spin like a top how this man makes you feel. His lips are chapped, rough, and fast as he indulges in you for maybe the last time. You gasp and reach up to tangle your fingers in his locks to reel him closer to you. His hand finds the underside of your thigh, digging into your flesh. The mere touch of his hand sets your body ablaze and sends shivers down your spine.
It's frantic and passionate, your love for him shown physically. When you disconnect, suddenly remember you need to breathe. his eyes are hazy and his pupils are blown. You are sure you look like a flustered mess.
"I love you," he says sincerely, and you believe him.
It stings in your chest, you can't stand it.
"I love you more," you reply.
You tuck yourself into his neck, breathing in the scent of sweat and outdoors, and it's calming. Wil rests his head on the crown of your head. You neglect how his breathing has slowed as you drift off to sleep.
The next time you open your eyes, the sun peeks through the window, casting a golden glow over the bedroom. Your bones crack when you sit up to stretch from sleeping in the same position all night. You knew you'd regret it later when you had back pain for days. You turn to Wil, who doesn't stir when you move. Your heart dropped when you noticed something different about him.
Around his eyes were a darker color than the previous night. His cheekbones were completely sunken in where you could almost see the bone. his lips were a blueish color and his chest was rising and falling.
This was your fault. You should have stayed awake.
Tears streamed down your face as you called out his name, gently shaking his body, but he didn't respond.
"Wil!" you wailed, begging for him to come back.
You slumped forward, cradling him against your chest, pressing kisses to his temple, and muttering apologies against his cold skin. You felt your heart break as you realized he was gone, and tears rolled down your face as you held him close to you. You felt a deep emptiness settle in your heart. You knew you would never fill the void his death had left. You sobbed, gripping him tighter, and whispered your final goodbye. You held him close, cherishing holding home one last time. Knowing that you would never be the same again.
You're too distraught to move. You don't want to leave him here, but you don't have any other choice. The urge to keep on and survive was slowly fading now that you had no one left in this cruel world.
Wil felt heavy in your arms to the point where your arms were falling asleep, but you refused to let go. If you were to leave now, you may be tempted to never return to the person you once were. Allow your sorrow to consume you. The one good thing left in your life was gone.
You suddenly felt hands grab your lower back, causing you to yelp in surprise. Fingers gripe harshly at your skin through your clothes. Wil's chilled breath glides up your spine as he lets out a deep groan against your collarbone. He was alive? How?
His lips ghosted across your collarbone, pressing his nose directly into your pulse point. His hot breath fans across your exposed skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your body. Then, you feel his teeth nipping at your skin, and your eyes widen realizing his intentions.
You jerk away and shove him off you roughly. Crawling backward, quickly shuffling away from him, your heart pounding, until your back hits the opposite wall with a thump. You wince in pain from the impact and notice Wil gradually beginning to crawl toward you. A fixed gaze over his sheer white eyes, almost glowing like moonbeams. Chills ran down your spine as you gazed at your former lover, unrecognizable.
You froze as he approached, shrinking in on yourself. His body lazily dragged itself across the wooden floor, scrapping and groaning with every floorboard. Once he was close enough, his hand unexpectedly reached to grasp your ankle, and you screamed in fear. Nails harshly dig into your skin and create recent moon shapes that make you cry out.
He yanked you with a surprising strength until you were laid beneath him, overbearing you. You are powerless as Wil, or not Wil's body leaned over you and cadged you with his arms. Tears flow from the corners of your eyes and into your ears as his face inches towards you.
"Please," you whisper. Again, he tilts his head in curiosity at you.
"William?" Your eyes bore into his, trying to find some trace of life left in them. You observe his eyes returning to their natural color and a look of terror crossing his face as he regains consciousness. He staggers back and moves away from you frantically, clutching his chest and struggling to breathe.
You both sit on opposite sides of the room against the wall, he stares into the floor burning holes into the wood, avoiding your eyes. You just blink blankly at him in shock, knees tucked against your chest again.
Wil cradled his skull, clutching fist fulls of his hair, squeezing his eyes shut, and heaving breaths of panic puffed out his mouth. Mumbles of "I'm sorry," repeated like a mantra over, and over out shakily.
You let out an unsteady breath, His eyes quickly flicked over to you and fear flooded your senses once again.
"Darling?" he tries, his voice hoarse. He moves towards the center of the room, positioning himself a safe distance from you. “I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..." his voice trails off.
He noticed your tense reaction upon watching him inch closer to you, and it broke his heart to see you trembling in fear due to his prior actions. He could never forgive himself for causing you such distress.
"is it really you?" you asked.
"I don't know," he says honestly. "I don't feel like myself, It's like I'm trying to grab hold of a stearing wheel and fight for control right now."
Your heart sank at his words. You let them maul over in your head for a moment. It sounded like your Wil, but you hesitated in reaching out to him. So, was he alive? He didn't look it, his skin was still deathly pale and almost decayed. Nose now dripping with dried blood that ran down his lips.
His head hangs low as he silently sobs. He didn’t want this. Now he was dead and was leaving you to defend yourself. He swore he would always protect you and he’s failed. He knows its selfish to ask you to stay with him, you should just leave him here to rot. Still, he begs you.
“Please, darling dont leave me,” You shake your head and crawl towards him. He might be an undead zombie now, but you still loved him more than anything else is this life. You would do anything for him. You take his face in your hands to tilt his head up but he avoids your eyes. “look at me,” his eyes shift to yours.
“I wanna help you baby, and im sure as hell not gonna leave you, not now, not ever.” you proclaim. “So don’t you dare ever try and push me away, because im staying. No matter how complicated things get.”
You bring yourself to kiss his forehead, your warm lips making him sigh out from the touch. He holds you for what feels like hours. Eventually you both know you’ll have to leave this abandoned apartment, whether you run out of food or more zombies show up. move on, then figure things out. Whatever it takes you would stay together, no matter what.
taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @scenefaez @starsyoubreaklikesugardust @drop-of-void
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system-to-the-madness · 3 months
Watch me try (and probably fail) write a "9 times Zuko thought you were perfect and the first time he told you" with a gaang member fem!reader. (I know, usually it's 5+1 or 4+1 but my brain kept coming up with stuff).
Let me know if you want to be tagged, should I ever actually post it (I plan to, I just don't know if I have the stamina to go through with it)
Status update 24/03/18:
Finished parts: - Working on: Part 1 Words written: 860
update 24/03/20
Finished parts: 1 Working on: Part 2 Words written: 3084
update 24/03/21
Finished parts: 2 Working on: Part 3 Words written: 5850
update 24/03/22
finished parts: 3 working on: words written: 7758
update 24/03/24
finished parts: 3 working on: 4 words written: 9562
update 24/03/25
finished parts: 3 working on: 4 words written: ≈ 11300 thoughts: ngl, i'm kinda struggling here. Not so much about coming up with ideas as with motivating myself to put these kinda perfect scenarios down, bc written down, they'll never be as detailed as in my imagination and somehow that's though rn (if someone's gonna hit me with that very specific Zuko line, i might cry). on the brighter side: I'm done with the parts that are heavily leaning on the show, so i got more creative freedom from now on going forwards.
update 24/03/26 (1am)
finished parts: 4 working on: words written: ≈ 12700
update 24/03/26(11pm)
finished parts: 5 working on: words written: ≈ 15600
update 24/03/27
finished parts: 5 working on: 6 words written: ≈16000
update 24/03/28
finished parts: 5 working on: 6 words written: ≈18000
update 24/03/29
finished parts: 5 working on: 6 words written: ≈20000 thoughts: jup, i think i'll split part 6 into at least two parts
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seoafin · 6 months
Crying and sniffling falling to the ground pls u CANNOT bring up stsg getting boners from ripmc being sick around me I'm a degenerate I CANT cope w this information I literally cannot stop thinking about them cooing and baby talking and pinching and cupping her as she just lies there all stupid and dumb and takes it. too delirious to talk or fight back just humming and mewing all pliant in their arms like PLSSSSS the image of her actually being boundary-less and forthcoming about wanting cuddles and reaching up all needy and grabby handy for Geto and crawling all over him and whimpering and he's like ahahaha... i'm gonna jizz on her thigh and Gojo's just watching like this is the most Serious Shit™️ I'm gonna krill myself they're going to insta coom when they realise they can do any fucking thing rn and get away w it they could literally just be like erm ^^' say...do you think you could jerk us off and she'd just sleepyhead smile and beam at them and literally just do it and say stupid lovey dovey shit because her embarrassment filter is gone like "ahhh... these feel so nice and big and warm in my hands...? It feels like velvet... <3 Gojo, your tip is getting so cute and red... Is it okay if I touch it just a little...?" Like they'd literally just have to ask her for anything and she'd get so into it not even cus she's that horny or anything she's just like their dicks are so cute stupit brained probably starts nuzzling their cocks on her face just cus they feel nice and warm and starts deep throating on em cus her woozy fever brains like 🫵 'u starve urself this is free food' literally wakes up to Gojo or Geto's dick in her gullet just fell asleep orally cockwarming them didn't even care and probably they feel bad taking low-key advantage of her like this but it is the one (1) time they will ever have ripmc taking the initiative to squirm and nuzzle all over em like this she will never get sick again it's a one time thing she's like a roach, even tho she's suicidal even she can't krill herself she simply cannot die it's a once in a lifetime opportunity the time to diddle her and her is NOW or NEVER
as i was reading this insane ask all i could think about was that tweet where it's like "nothing better than getting head from a sick bitch" 😭😭😭😭😭😭
anyway this is so insanely hot to me just the idea of being coddled while you're too sick to do anything like push them away....combined with a lack of inhibitions on both your parts. gojo keeping you upright while geto feeds you soup. but gojo has a wandering hand and he's feeling you up the entire time while geto watches and tells you to open your mouth with a smile. checks your temperature by sticking his fingers into your mouth. you want to kiss them but you don't want to get them sick so you decide the next best course of action is to suck their dicks.
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horrorscoupes · 11 months
im supposed to be writing a term paper rn but instead im gonna explain why regulus’ listener does not need a dedicated name because ive been pondering it for like. a year
cw: the usual dehumanizing/demeaning/manipulative/etc regulus shit 👍
the biggest and most overarching theme of regulus’ storyline is and always has been a comparison of love and obsession/possessiveness, especially now that we’ve gotten some extra info on the guy they were seeing before regulus came back from the slammer. obviously there is something so incredibly wrong with him- both because he’s Like That but also because in a patreon stream erik said smth to the effect of “oh just wait until you see how he ended up like that” which to me means that something either deeply traumatizing or catastrophic led to regulus being the mangy beast he is today. <- this is supported (in my opinion) by how rampantly insecure he is shown throughout all of his videos, most noticeably in the beginning when he’s vulnerable about how he’s been lonely too (“I don’t want you to be nervous when you’re with me. I want you to feel safe. At home. Because that’s how you make me feel. You make me feel so warm inside. It’s been a very long time since I felt that way.” [Yandere Invisible Man Makes You His Forever (11:10)]). that quote among many others lends to the theory and idea that something happened to him/one of his charges/etc that irreparably affected his ability to maintain healthy boundaries. all of that is obvious tho.
i think that regulus choosing his listener as his charge (as opposed to being assigned to them as ive seen some people on here say)(“I believe they were not his official charge, but he has now kind of taken them on as an unofficial one… …They were not his-- they were never an official charge of his, but, y’know they are… He would now consider them a charge. I don’t know that they would agree.” Working on the Train Model and Hanging Out (2:34:00)) was very deliberate, since it’s very clear that for as long as he was in their house the first time, no one was overwhelmingly worried about their absence from the outside world. that isn’t to say that no one was worried at all, we still don't know how he got caught, but it’s obvious that his preying on them had to do with their predisposed social isolation. this is clear to me because he watched them for a great deal of time before he ever intervened. 
before i get to the main point i also want to chime in on the ever present discourse of how he managed not to starve to death. in my opinion, there are two equally likely scenarios for his first stint with them, with one being far more likely for the second stint. his listener had close to no mental strength before him, and certainly did have much during his stay with them, so there’s no particular evidence that could prove he Never Ever put them to sleep (or just left them magically paralyzed) and left to filter feed out in the real world for a bit. i don’t know how likely that is after he got out of prison, but i don’t think it’s entirely out of the question. the second, probably more likely, possibility is that after days/weeks/months of nonstop love-bombing, physical affection, and manipulating regulus’ listener Did enjoy being with him. not in a conscious or happy sort of way, but by way of their body and brain reacting positively to his presence. when you don’t have anyone else, even an abuser can be a point of relief.
FINALLY onto the topic that i started word-vomiting over in the first place. i think that the most articulate and correct way to refer to them is as “regulus’ listener” for one very specific reason. i think that they are purposefully nameless. he doesnt call them by petnames or by their actual name because they don’t need it. they are not a person to him, they are a possession. he wrote over their memories of their boyfriend, wiping away the way him calling them “sweetie” made them feel, because he will never call them that in any kind way. 
his most recent video gave A LOT of context to their living arrangement and the way that he controls them on a day-to-day basis (as all of my friends have suffered through hearing about lol). and i think that the context we learned is really important when set against all of the other manipulatorcore characters we get to see on there. it seems very vital that his listener has no name and no identity, but he still requests their permission to “help” them (“I can rework these memories. I can make them feel better than you could ever imagine. Mine. I can help. I can fix this. Can I help? Will you let me help? Please let me help.” Possessive Yandere Demon Rewrites Your Memories (4:03)). in doing this he offers them autonomy that he has no obligation to give, but he still won’t give them a name. because, as he calls them 52 times in that one video, the only thing they will ever be to him is “Mine.” 
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
how do you use references when you draw fanart or figure out how to draw irl characters?? it's just that i've been looking through your art and i feel like you ability to capture a character's idk essence, in vibes + appearence, are just unmatched! they're all so dynamic and like them i just <33
aaa thanks so much!! im glad to hear that since i honestly dont watch a ton of live action? i generally have done a lot more fanart for animated things so thats nice to hear haha anyways though!! i have far too many words that may or may not make sense to say so i'll put how i use references and figure out live action characters below
the main rule i like to keep in my head is that i am drawing the character, not the actor, if that makes sense?
this is all taking arthur as an example, to show what kinds of things i look for!! if i were talking about merlin any other live action character like. bobby briggs or something all the details would be super different haha a way i like to familiarize myself with a live action character at first is tracing which i must preface by saying TRACING ISNT BAD!! its a tool and it just needs to be used correctly. tracing is a great way to figure out a method to drawing things, so its really valuable in studying. im not gonna address using tracing in finished artwork rn bc thats where it gets a little dicey and i would talk about it too much.
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i dont really need to do this for arthur anymore but it was a fun exercise lmao
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sorry the images are so crunchy i always forget i work on small canvases, anyways in capturing a likeness i like to emphasize and exaggerate a little which features make the character most recognizable to me.
he's got a sharp nose which is bumped at the bridge and a little bit upturned at the bottom. when he's smiling his eyes crinkle a lot and his cheek muscle becomes more pronounced and connects into the corner of his mouth
very square jaw. his brows are thicker near the center and don't have much of an arch. his cheeks are hollowed with neutral expression and the muscles on the sides of his mouth (depressor anguli oris, if i remember correctly lol) are obvious when the corners of his mouth are downturned
the corners of his mouth fold in a lot when he bares his teeth if hes angry or agitated, its a different type of fold when hes relaxed or smiling
his masseter is rather pronounced when he's talking or agitated, and i usually connect the line of it to the line that goes down from the inner corner of his eye. i forget what the word for it is rn but its different from eyebags (though i do like to draw eyebags)
but none of these details work if whatever hes doing in the drawing isnt in character, yknow? like he could look like arthur but he wouldnt really feel like arthur if hes not acting like arthur. idk it s hard for me to put to words im sure u get what i mean enough
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body shape and language are also super important to think about, these are some things i keep in mind with arthur - hes shredded but not like marvel movie dehydrated shredded (good for him) - hes very broad and his shoulders slope down because of his trapezius muscles - he takes up a lot of space! he hardly ever curls up or sits with his feet up in his chair. even when hes sleeping hes pretty sprawled out - his "closed off" body language is crossing his arms or raising his left hand to twist his index finger ring with his thumb (worried/thinking gesture) - he moves with a lot of purpose usually and isnt often clumsy (unlike merlin lmao) - he moves his shoulders a lot when he walks (see top left image)
honestly think body language is just as important as facial features if not more, for the purpose of creating personality and character
i probably sound like i think way too much about this stuff which i. i kind of do but not in so many words i dont need this many words when its all in my brain. but yeah thats how i figure out how to draw a live action character i guess? anyways this was kind of a mess haha
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jovenshires · 5 months
You’ve probably been asked this before but what’s like your fanfic writing process?? Like how do you end up writing your fanfictions?
i actually haven't but i'd be happy to talk about it!! i'm actually writing fic right now, so here's what i've done in the past like. hour. im gonna put it under the cut bc its EXTREMELY long but if you ever wanted 'katie's guide to fic writing,' here it is!
i'm pretty easily distracted, so i've gotta make sure i'm in like. The Right Conditions. that means phone face down or away if i can (rn i've got to be on call in case my boss needs smth but you get the gist) bc i WILL just open tiktok or play a mobile game. even just now writing this answer i have picked up my phone and opened pinterest. i cannot be stopped so i try to stay off it and put it down when i catch myself!!
more and more often i cant even listen to music while i write - partly bc i tend to read my work aloud to myself to make sure it sounds right and partly bc my brain will be like "you know this song omg the words are in your brain" or "you should go look at what song this is bc you kinda like it". cannot trust myself even with sound. if i AM listening to music while i write, it's either the specific playlist for that fic, playlists with the right vibes (ex: rivals-to-lovers for iwks), OR anime openings bc. less likely to get distracted when it's not in english tbh.
(huge on all of the senses so i also usually have a candle lit. im super sensitive to smells so if there's an unpleasant smell somewhere around me i will be unable to focus <3)
all that being said about distractions, i think it's important to take breaks - dont just FORCE yourself to write. that's why i'm huge on setting goals for myself - deadlines, word count goals, timed breaks. like "okay im gonna sprint write for 10 minutes and then after that ill watch some of this danny gonzalez video" or "i'll write until 3:30 and then i should go take a break and read a book." im not always faithful to my goals but i try my best!!
as for the actual writing itself, i typically just go for it. i can usually see an image in my mind and i try my best to write that out/describe it as best i can. and then if it sounds wrong i just reword it again and again until i've got it. this is kind of where my reading aloud bit comes in - if it sounds right when you say it out loud, that generally means it sounds right in the text.
sometimes i'll just have a certain scene or just scraps of dialogue and i'll write that out and be like "okay how did they get here." i never embraced writing out of order until recently, but now that i have. no going back tbh i highly recommend it. rwylm and iwks especially had scenes WAY later down the line that i wrote first. just write what comes naturally and go from there.
occasionally i do outlines, but not super often, and when i do they're vague as hell. i think a lot of my iwks outline was just "game" and then "another game but tommy is there this time." i think outlines that go too in-depth kind of take away from the freedom of writing so. if it's for you then slay but its usually not for me
i try not to worry too hard about. the style/grammar/little things as i go. of course im guilty of this and i'll stop and edit my own works along the way sometimes but i've found it's best if you keep writing and then go back later!!
sometimes when i'm writing a new smosh cast member i'll go back and watch videos/compilations of them just to reorient my brain. i've done this a lot with chanse recently!! but i also think. it really isn't that deep too NSDKFNKNK like these are fictionalized versions of fictionalized selves and so on and so forth so don't worry about 'voice' too much im trying to kick that habit myself
EDIT: oh i've talked about this before but. as for ideas/where my fic ideas come from?? i truly try to grab from my every day life. oh i went to the grocery store today? what if smosh member a and smosh member b went to the grocery store. i watched a horror movie and you know who else could do that. otherwise i pull from music/movies/tv shows/other media and be like 'this but for smosh.' i really just be pulling from my life and repackaging it thats all. start small (haircut fic) and work your way up (homoerotic soccer epic)!
and i think that's it?? i'd like to think im pretty chill about the whole thing. (read: i am not chill in any way at all but im trying my best.) anyway, it's something i'm always happy to talk about - thank you for asking!!
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
finished reading scarlet; last thoughts and reactions and ponderings
was about to be like "ew wtf did not want r*pe in MY y/a book" AND THEN HE SLIPPED HER AN I.D. TO ESCAPE
thorne is SO real for only being concerned about his jacket despite human bites being very dangerous lol
why are these werewolves acting like vamps
it's kind of nice how cool thorne is with lunars with all the lunar hate there is - i remember when reading cinder being apalled about how she generalised them all as corrupt
NO NOT GRANNY I'M LITERALLY IN STUDY PERIOD RN I CAN'T CRY (note: i managed not to cry in study period but god my eyes burned for a while lmao)
tf i thought wolf was just being possessive in like a protective way against ran and not just a plain old possessive way. he's honestly making me nervous rn like goodness i can literally feel scarlet's fear rn. STOP WITH YOUR I CAN FIX HIM DISEASE AND RUN (note: okay he got brain fucky wucky by mind control so this isn't him)
i think kai is going delulu. i bet his office isn't bugged and he's got a spy. literally since cinder my money has been on torin. but maybe huy
omg kai's recognition of cinder's sacrifice by going to the ball <3
gotta agree with everything cinder's saying about kai's marriage because it's everything i've been thinking since kai decided to marry levana. i wish he would see how it's a bandaid for a stab wound. he's barely fixing a short term problem, which is gonna have the same long term problem regardless
the girls (all current pov characters) ARE FIGHTING. not mad tho because i'm a messy bitch who lives for drama <3
"She'd had the bridge built for herself out of very special glass, so that she could watch (...) all without being observed herself" levana YOU MEAN A TWO WAY MIRROR??? don't go acting all superior you're not special
from what wolf has described of his Tragic Backstory there is NO way he ISN'T a virgin. i'm so sorry that was my only takeaway but i'm trying to distract myself
"We met less than a week ago and in that time I've done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you" FKSDHFSDK sounds JUST like ouat rumpelstiltskin and yet he's STILL healthier than him and not toxic LMAO
wait did wolf need to pretend betray scarlet without her knowing instead of just making THAT the plan because those supersoldiers can smell hormones?? i bet they can. i reckon he needed her to feel REAL fear (note: now that i think about it it's probably just the bioelectricity crap but also ONLY the thaumaturge would be able to detect that???)
if i keep having to read "alpha female" with my own two eyes, i'm going to need bleach. marissa meyer you owe me financial compensation for the psychological distress i've been caused. 3 is in fact 4 times too many. it is a crime that it was ever thought into existence
predictions for cress
didn't do this last time between cinder and scarlet but figured it would be fun!! you guys get to silently laugh about how wrong i am, no spoilers
first off, doc erland's place in africa becomes the home base and cinder starts her training
someone tries to recreate garan's device since it will be useful for the rebellion - could be a joint effort between cinder and cress since they have the hardware and software down respectively. idk who's gonna fill the last role of like. bio stuff and the surgeries tho but we'll see
definitely more wolf pov chapters now that marissa no longer needs to make him dodgy
cress is at least a LITTLE bit delulu wackers bonkers cray z lost her marbles etc etc from being so isolated for so long. i would LOVE to get into that mindset and character voice. would make for a very interesting pov
on reading the blurb:
i'm REALLY fucking dumb it finally occurred to me that in rapunzel the hero falls from the tower and gets blinded by thorns. so that tells me exactly who carswell thorne is (rip to when i thought he was the prince from sleeping beauty cause that's embarrassing). i wonder if he gets ejected into space from the satellite and his eyeballs freeze out of his sockets or something
i wonder WHY cress would be locked up by the queen BEFORE she was even able to hack since she wouldn't have been useful then. my first thought was that glamour doesn't work on her like with shells but she's not a shell herself but that wouldn't make sense because the thaumaturges seemed surprised by cinder and michelle benoit so it can't be that. for the sake of my running joke of every fairy tale character either being related or knowing each other, i'm just gonna pin it down to her being somewhere in the family tree and leave it at that
can these people STOP getting separated from each other?? i can't handle it. from the blurb it seems like the boys got cut off from the girls??? and then kai is also separated from all of them lol. this is a prediction only in the sense that i'm trying to guess who's getting separated from who. i think it would tie well into separating everyone from their love interest like poor cinder
i wonder if this will be the book that we meet princess winter since with royal etiquette and all that her presence will p r o b a b l y be required during all them wedding preparations and what not
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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cassifictional · 2 years
If you're taking requests, because I truly adore how you write, could you ever do something for Sevika and her ex-girlfriend? Maybe they really haven't gotten over each other after a few years and they still bicker and get jealous over each other, maybe something nsfw happens too. If you don't like the request, feel completely free to ignore it ♡
It’s so nice to hear that you like the way I write! 💕 And a perfect way to get me to write your request lol, compliments work really well on me. I’m not sure whether you wanted an Sevika x OC fic or Sevika x reader so I’m gonna go with x reader because that’s what I’m used to writing!
Sorry if it’s not as good as my other works, it’s really hot where I live rn and my brain is a bit foggy. Also somehow I wrote 1.9k instead of the 500 words I was going for. Lucky you.
My request are semi-open, if you have any fun ideas feel free to leave me an ask and I might write something for it if I have the time and inspiration. I'm gonna assume requests are sfw unless specified otherwise!
Tags: nsfw: mdni please. mean Sevika, jealousy, angry sex, fingering (reader receiving).
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It’s one of those days again: cocktail night with all of Silco’s associates. Every once in a while, he rents out a place to invite everyone he wants to keep on his good side. A necessary evil, or so he says. On the surface it seems fun, but look a little closer and it’s all just one big, corrupt power game. If he didn’t insist you’d be there every time, you probably wouldn’t even bother to show up.
The air in the room felt thick with cigarette and cigar smoke, making you feel overwhelmed and disoriented. People surround you as you tried to locate a corner in the room where it was a little less crowded.
“Hey, having a good time? Can I get you a drink?” you suddenly hear a woman’s voice say as you noticed someone had walked up beside you. She had long, black hair, was wearing a tight blue dress and was adorned from tip to toe in fancy jewelry. Her dark brown eyes fixated on yours, she was waiting for a response from you.
Feeling flattered, you smiled and nodded at her.
“I’ll get you something nice. Save a spot at that table for me, would you?” she said flirtingly as she pointed to a table behind you. She winked at you before you watched her make her way to the bar. Like she had asked, you stood at the table and waited for her.
“She is so not your type.” you heard another voice say to your left. One a lot more familiar.
“I think I can decide that for myself, Sev.” you replied, annoyed at the sudden intrusion of the one person you really didn’t feel like chatting with tonight.
“Figures. Being decisive was never your strongest suit.” she taunted. Was she trying to pick a fight?
Sure, your breakup years ago had been messy. No, it wasn’t all her fault. Yes, you lost a good thing you had together, but you always figured you two had never really been meant to last. And yet, it seemed like as long you were in the undercity, you just couldn’t get away from her. In one way or another, you always found her again in the most random of places and situations, often resulting in bickering and petty arguments. Tonight seemed to be no different.
The woman from earlier returned with two drinks, one for herself and one for you. But when she noticed Sevika looming in the corner beside you, she seemed to hesitate.
“Oh.. I’m sorry.. am I interrupt- I think I’ll just..” she said nervously as she glanced back between you and Sevika, who was obviously scaring her off with her death stare.
“No, it’s fine, we’re not together.” you tried to diffuse, but the woman didn’t seem convinced.
“I really don’t want to intrude. Sorry..” she said before quickly making her way to the other side of the room, depriving you of the drink you were actually really looking forward to.
“Great. Thanks.” you said as you turned around and glared at Sevika. “There goes my once chance of having a nice evening. Happy now?”
“Just saving you the trouble. Like I said, she’s not your type.” she scoffed before lighting a cigarillo and blowing a few puffs of smoke your way, which you angrily fanned away.
“Like, what, maybe she’s yours? As far as I’m concerned, you don’t really have a type. It’s always been quantity over quality at the brothel with you.” you grumbled.
“Jealous?” she mocked. “I’ll talk to Babette, see if she’s hiring.”
So fucking annoying. She always knew how to get right under your skin. Eager to get some kind of revenge on her for scaring your flirt away, you considered your options. Empty her drink over her head? No, that’s uncivilized. Violence wasn’t your style either. Instead, in a move that was a whole lot more friendly, you reached your hand out and gestured for Sevika to hand you her cigarillo.
“Fuck you too. Let me have some.” you said as you angrily stared at her.
With surprisingly little hesitation, Sevika took the cigarillo out of her mouth and handed it to you, but not before making you reach for it a bit first. You took a few puffs, maintaining eye contact with her as you did. Even though you were still angry with her, you couldn’t help but feel some of your old feelings for her bubble up to the surface again as you looked at her. Things between you two had been amazing and intense while you were still together. A feeling you really missed from time to time. A feeling that made you doubt whether or not you had tried hard enough to fix it at the time. The constant bickering you went through together now didn’t motivate you to really try and patch things up, though. She was irritating, infuriating even. And yet. You wondered. What if it had worked out?
You took the cigarillo out of your mouth again, twirling it between your fingers for a second before you reached out to hand it back to Sevika again. But instead of handing it to her, you intentionally dropped it right into the drink she was holding.
"Oh. Oops."
Shocked, she dropped the glass right on the floor, shattering the thing into a million pieces and spilling liquor everywhere. And now, Sevika looked fucking furious.
“Alright, you little fucking-“ she growled, but she was cut off by Silco, who had noticed the rising tension and had made his way over to you both.
“That’s enough.” he hissed. “I told you to stay professional.”
Sevika gave him a death glare but didn’t reply, now realizing that she may have fucked up a bit. Silco pointed to a door nearby.
“Outside, now. Come back when you’ve cooled off.” he then turned to face you as well. “You too. Out.”
Not eager to challenge your boss and risk getting on his bad side, you complied and made your way over to the door. Sevika followed closely behind you, heavy footsteps revealing her anger.
“Like fucking schoolkids getting detention.” you grumbled as you pushed open the door. “You’re sure as hell as immature as one, Sev. And you’re- wait, this isn’t..”
“Move.” Sevika groaned as she pushed you forward into the room, almost knocking you over in the process. She quickly realized as well that this door didn’t lead outside.
“Side room.” she ascertained. “Not the exit. Dumbass.”
“No shit, sherlock. And cut it out with the insults.” you snapped.
“That last one was for Silco, not you.”
“For once.”
“So quit assuming everything is about you all the time.”
You sighed in frustration. It wasn’t uncommon for her to be mean to you, but tonight felt a little different from her usual verbal attacks. As if you had really struck a nerve with her.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked.
“I could give you a list.” she grumbled as she looked around the room for another exit, to no avail.
“I’m serious, Sev. What the hell happened?”
She sighed. “We’ve been over this. We didn’t work, end of story.”
“You used to like me.” you muttered. “I used to like you. Love you, even. Then it all went to shit and for what? Why?”
You watched Sevika as she was stood with her back towards you. Her shoulders were tense, her whole body looked stiff. The shimmer in her metal arm briefly started to kick in, but went away before it could send her into a frenzy. Then all of a sudden, she turned around and stormed towards you, only stopping when she was right in front of you. She loomed over you like a tower.
“You want me back so bad, is that it?” she hissed.
“I want to know why.” you said quietly, trying desperately to keep back your tears. “You never.. we never talked about why it went to shit. I want to understand.”
“I liked you better when you listened to me.”
“Sev, please, I just..”
She grabbed you by the jaw with her metal hand, squeezing forcefully but not hard enough to really hurt.
“Shut up. You want it to be like the ‘good old days’ again?” she growled, bringing her face close to yours.
Even though you were still angry, the urge to kiss her was greater. But once she noticed you leaning in, she moved her hand from your jaw to the back of your head to grab a fistful of your hair. She pushed you back into the now closed door behind you, effectively immobilizing your head to where her hand was.
“So fucking desperate.” she muttered under her breath as her other hand made it’s way to one of your thighs. “I remember you used to beg for it.”
“Then.. please?”
The look in her eyes still screamed fury, but behind the angry façade you could see that there was more to it. You had gotten to know her well during your time together. You could see something you didn’t quite recognize, not just yet. Lust? Jealousy? Regret?
Her grip on your hair forced you to keep eye contact with her. Without any further hesitation, Sevika moved her hand up from your thigh, straight into your underwear. Knowing there were probably people behind the door Sevika had forced you against, you struggled to keep yourself from moaning out loud.
She effortlessly found your sweet spot like she always did when you were still together. As if you had never broken up in the first place. Her movements were rough but precise, keeping you exactly where she wanted you, touching you exactly where she wanted to.
“Oh, god..” you gasped as you felt one of her fingers brush over your entrance before she roughly shoved it inside you.
“Try not to let the whole room hear you.” she sneered, pushing a second finger inside of you. “Or do. See if I care.”
“Fuck you, Sev.”
“You wish.”
“Oh, you- ah! Fuck.. fuck me.” you moaned as Sevika curled her fingers inside of you, continuing to roughly move in and out of you. Your pleas seemed to motivate her as much as they seemed to be pissing her off.
You gripped her arm tightly as she continued to fuck you against the door, surely making enough noise by now that people on the other side of it could hear something was going on. She kept her eyes on you the whole time, the look of anger mixed with unknown, messy feelings in her eyes unwavering. Maybe it had been the lack of intimacy in your life lately, maybe you had just really missed her despite all the harsh words spoken between you, but she knew exactly how you liked to be touched and she could definitely feel you were getting close. As she slowly but steadily pushed you over the edge, she moved her metal hand from the back of your head to your mouth to muffle your increasingly loud moans as you came.
You felt your legs turn to jelly but Sevika’s hand was still underneath you, keeping you upright. She briefly let you ride it out before she removed her hand from your underwear as quickly as it had found its way in. She leaned back in close you your face, your mouth still covered by her metal hand.
“Whore.” she hissed before removing her metal hand from your face.
She pushed you aside, opened the door and walked out. The door fell shut behind her. Still trying to catch your breath and compose yourself, you rested your back against the closed door again and slowly slid down onto the floor. Your eyes filled with tears as you processed what just happened. You finally got the courage to ask and she didn’t even tell you. Tell you why you ended up like this.
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Notes: angry sex, sure! But I do need to sprinkle some explicit ✨consent✨ in to feel comfortable with it. I feel like this could use a continuation. Anyone interested in that? Let me know. Poor y/n’s having a hard time.
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venusbby · 1 year
ahhh the jhumka post was so cute, i couldn't even study properly bc i've been giggling over it the whole day 😭😭 like omg having them search for their name in ur mehendi, teaching them bollywood dance moves, re-watching classics like DDLG, having pani-puri competitions, having matching kurtas, saying the most cheesiest lines to them in ur mother tongue bc ur just too shy ahhhhhhh this brain-rot is going to kill me
your 🤭 brain 🤭 is so 🤭 smart 🤭 i will eat you (with love) 🤞🤞🤞🤞 this was so fun to think about and write about !!!!!!! aaa i love you anon !!!
anyway, warning: lots of messy thoughts about this under the cut !!
✿⁠ ➝ it's actually so easy for you to put sae's or rin's name in your mehendi, like usually i've heard people put in initials but honestly putting their entire name in is so easy and when you do it, your mehendi wali didi who's drawing his name in will definitely smirk at you like "kaun hai ye, hmmm?" [translation: who is this, hmmm?]
and when you finally do it and ask sae to find it (you didn't say his name was in ur mehendi, but just told him that there's a surprise thing he should try and find) he'll be so confused— but at the same time he finds this very interesting so he'll just take your hands and let his eyes wander over your palms with a blank expression. it takes him a few minutes because the way it's written is so small, but when he does find it, he's gonna give you the most incredulous look ever followed by a light shrug to play off the fact that his heart is beating really fast !!! ♡
"cute. i don't get why you did that, though."
"because i love you, sae." you huffed, rolling your eyes. "maybe i should replace it with somebody else's name if you don't get why i—"
"don't be stupid," he cuts you off with his low voice, before kissing the exact same spot on your palm where his name is as you caress his cheek right after. "only my name."
same goes for rin, except he's so much more flustered than his brother is !!!! the poor boy will take quite a lot of time to find the "surprise" you were talking about, because obviously he knows nothing about mehendi and you really just told him to go in blind— you'd have to show him yourself. when you do, he'll kinda go stiff at first as he reads the three letters of his name, and then look up at you with this adorable expression that makes your heart race.
"....that's my name." he says, a confused yet surprised tone to his voice as he looks at you with slightly wide eyes.
"yup," you giggle, continuing to point at the tiny writing on your palm as you stare at him with loving eyes. he bites his lower lip gently, running his fingertip over the skin. "people usually hide their lover's name in their mehendi and i wanted to do it with yours." you explain softly.
his reaction is too cute. the way he can't find anything to say in response to this is enough to satisfy you and make you feel happy. "i like that. does it, like, stay forever?"
"no, baby." you laugh. "mehendi goes away in days. it depends."
"oh, okay," he nods. "makes sense, but i kinda want it to stay there forever. can you get it done again or something?" his eyes shine with admiration as he asks with a slightly smug expression. he likes the idea of his name on your skin a little too much, it seems.
✿⁠ ➝ also, teaching reo bollywood dance moves ?!? yes. he surprisingly has— makes time for it. he's all in. will definitely be a tease about it, though— especially when you're teaching him how to 'thumka' jsnshdbsjd im blushing like hell rn. he will definitely stare at you with some type of look when you do it— and he might even feel tempted to just hold your waist as you show him the move. (he probably gives in to the temptation very quickly, reo can't really control his hands that well).
"damn, i didn't know you were that good with your hips—"
✿⁠ ➝ having pani puri competitions with rin?!?!?? he would get the spiciest one and 100% tease you if you ask for sweet or medium !!!!! he will find it hot if you have a high spice tolerance i think ;) also if you're eating pani puri in general, he'd be the type to eat like two from his plate and tell the pani puri guy to give the rest to you :( ALSOOOOO oh my god. if the pani puri water drips down your chin (it's happened to me before don't judge) he would already be wiping it off for you. also he will move away annoying strands of hair that are interrupting your pani puri session. (kinda gives me easily annoyed gf and chill bf vibes) has the guy give you a sukhi puri before you can even ask !!!!!!! ⁠♡ and if you want to go eat golas right after, he's all for it !!!! you have to guide him w the flavours though, telling him like "ok we hate this flavor but this other flavor is our bestie." and he's gonna nod and try whichever one you like the most. (my bestie is kala khatta HEHE)
✿⁠ ➝ ALSO DHWNJDSKKDMF i would DEFINITELY say some things to sae in hindi. because i am shy, and also because he's so fucking intimidating that honestly i don't want to compliment him to his face. whatever you say, he'll be like "what?" because obviously he doesn't understand and after a while as you continue to speak to him and compliment him in hindi with your shy smile, he gets super super super irritated because he can't understand and he wants to know what you're saying about him so bad. he wants to hear your compliments. your voice is so sweet and soft and the way you look at him as you talk in your language makes him feel things— he wants to know !!! he would remember some words and search them up later to piece it together (but instead of making the guy do so much work, just translate, pls) when he finally gets to know some of the things you said to him in hindi, he'll have to look away to stop himself from kissing you ♡
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do you have any hc's for Eddie "The Ler" Munson finding out Y/N's worst tickle spot is their feet?
My lee brain is buzzing w the possibilities-
The way I just had to tuck my feet under my blanket while reading this??? ANON??? JESUSHCHRIST ⚰️🏃🏽‍♀️ (/lh /p) Hcs under the cut because my lee mood self is feeling rambly now ☺️ 🖤
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Okay- so, we know that whenever Eddie "The Ler" Munson finds out someone's ticklish, he's gonna have a fuckin field day finding their weak spots, but ohhhh holy shit, is he gonna have a field day if he finds out your feet are your weakest spots.
The first time he finds out, he's gonna get such an impish little smirk on his face. You know how with ticklish spots there are certain smaller ticklish spots within those that are even worse??? Yeah- like with every other weak spot of yours Eddie knows about, he's finding those- He's mentally mapped out every ticklish spot you have, so of course he's finding them 🫢
Okay- I'm feeling brave rn despite how flustered this is making me, so I'll ramble in depth. Eddie's more inclined to use teases that revolve around you being helpless and "unable to escape your tickle-filled destiny" when he gets a spot that renders you defenseless, so I wish you luck if your feet are your most ticklish spots /lh
HE USES THE STUPID (<3) SPIDER TEASE ALL THE TIME BECAUSE HE KNOWS IT WORKS AND HE GETS SO SMUG ABOUT HOW IT GETS YOU EVERY TIME HE DOES IT. Eddie Munson's electric guitar playing self knows exactly how to make his fingers move like a spider and I'm now having to tuck my feet under my blanket while typing this- (MY FEET ARE ALREADY UNDER THE BLANKET 😭 I'M TUCKING THEM IN THE BLANKET AGAIN AGSHDHDHDJ) He'll start spider-walking his hands closer and will act like he wasn't doing anything when you call him out or tuck your legs close to you. But then, when you least expect it, he's gonna snatch your ankles and pull you down the couch so he can tickle you senseless. 🫣
You know the trope of a ler using one friggin finger for tickling a weak spot? 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ He'll do that while giving you a tickle villain monologue because he is a NERD <3
Guitar. Picks. He uses those (on every weak spot but he'll be a complete supervillain with this spot. (No bc a tumblr moot told me that there are these guitar picks called finger picks??? AND- THEY LOOK TERRIFYING? (/hj /lh) AHSHSHDHDHF- I absolutely do NOT have a whole note filled with hcs about the "Guitar Pick Apocalypse /s) Knowing Eddie he's probably got at least one ring with a claw shape and he's going to taunt you with it- asshole 🥰
Eddie "Tickle Villain Monologue" Munson uses one friggin finger pick and speaks annoyingly slowly/draws out his words. Don't expect anything to distract him from tickling you either. He'll have your ankles in the crook of his elbow and will spider-tickle your weak spots while casually having a conversation with Steve 🪦 /lh
Trying to watch a movie? Don't rest your legs across his because the first spot he'd target is your feet. And then he'll have the nerve to tell you to pay attention to the damn movie when he's the one tickling a death spot. Eddie's strong and if he ever catches your ankles in the crook of his elbow you'll be stuck like that for a while 💀
Ohdeargod- (I am army crawling my way to finishing these hcs because I'm flustered and hiding my feet under my own legs AND a blanket 🥴 Haaaaaa- there's a reference there) Angry!Ler!Eddie is gonna be your absolute DOOM (<3) if your feet are your death spots. Mock sympathy + laughing/smiling angrily + ruthlessness = rest easy cause you'll be laughing yourself to death /j
The scary thing about this spot/spots, is that Eddie doesn't even look to see where on your foot he's tickling. He knows 🫢⚰️🏃🏽‍♀️ /lh
And now I conclude the hcs with this gif because it sends me spiraling into a major lee mood and whatever you do don't imagine that he's wrestling your hands away and catching your ankles before he tickles you 🥴
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Anon I'm in such a lee mood rn OMFG AGSHSHDHFHRJTJ How dare you- /lh /j /p
Thank you for the brainrot it made me giddy 😖🥴❤️ /gen /p
~ Ushu 💙
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strangeswift · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
This list is gonna be hella incomplete but my excuse is I am very sick and my brain is literally cooking itself <3 if i forgot u I still love u I promise. Also these got aggressive which i also blame on my high fever
@elekinetic is the best in the world, the only screenwriter ever. Read their scripts in their pinned post or i will kill you. Also she has edits that are fucking amazing, watch the brutal edit or else you suck. And. Check out her playlists too. And you guys don't even appreciate her enough because she's the best and sometimes i want to grab you all by your faces and say APPRECIATE ELLA MORE! Like. Her scripts are actually insane. insane. INSANE. Anyway whatever read them now.
@eightieslesbian makes the best gifsets in the world and she is literally everything to me so if you are NOT following her then you and i have a problem which can only be resolved by you following her. She has a link to her work in her description so check it out and reblog them all ok.
@finalgirlbyers sierra loveqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers is the blog ever and you need to follow her immediately or else you will have bad luck for 7 years. Every take is based, every post a slay.
@astrobei is the fanfic writer of all time ever and you should read not all the prayers immediately because it is my favorite fanfiction of all time and i am not exaggerating. It is emotionally devastating but you should read it anyway and if u don't just know that i am mentally kicking your shins so hard SO hard
@andiwriteordie hmmm the best? The best. Her fics are just 💖💘💞❤️ and she is literally so smart, comes up with the best ideas. The CEO of Taylor Swift x Byler. If you thought it was me, you're wrong. It's her. But I'm like.. idk the CFO or maybe her assistant
@quinnick best friend moot. Check him out on ao3 and at @nickquin for art things. And follow him. He is fun, the nicest sweetest person ever, has great takes. Follow him or else i hate u
@ratt-duffer CHECK OUT RATT'S FUCKING ANALYSES AND EDITS THEY ARE SO GOOD im tired of u people you all suck, ratt deserves more appreciation
@chiquitablanquita is an amazing writer and amazing person. Check her out on AO3, Things I Can't Say is soo fucking amazing and she just put out the first chapter of her Spidey Will fic!!
I probably forgot many people plus i am lazy and tired rn ok <3 byeee
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sol-draws-sometimes · 5 months
20-24 inclusive and 44
Oooo hello Anon, you're a nosy-nelly, but that's fine cause I love to talk! Tho strap in cause this is gonna be a long one! Questions can be found here!
20: What I hate most about myself
Oof starting off on a downer. I'd say it's my passiveness. Which some may say is weird cause a lot of people would describe me as passionate and on the outside I do appear very organized. But I just have so many things I want to do, that I just don't. Like, I want to learn to sew, compose music, archery, read books, play video games, watch certain shows or movies, etc, but I just... don't. Yah part of it is that there's so much I want to do it's hard to pick one. And yeah I have ADHD, aka the "I can't do shit disorder," where executive dysfunction is my worse symptom. But even if I didn't have ADHD, I still feel like I'd be like this. Also, it's not just hobbies. I had flying ants in my room, and I told my parents about it, but then I stopped pushing them about it and I just sucked it up for serval months. Or I end up going to Community College because I put off applications until the last second, and I am currently really behind on transferring applications for my BA. Or I'm not as informed politically as I'd like to be because it's stressful to me, but then I'm not acting according to my beliefs which is also stressful. That's not to say I have no initiative. I taught myself cursive and how to touch type in middle school. I started posting my art on the internet, all of my art has been self-taught. I took my mental health into my own hands and hyper-fixated on mental health for years so that I could be in a better place. It's not good to be dwelling on the parts you hate about yourself, but I do genuinely believe it's trait about myself that I want to work on.
21: What I love most about myself
Okay, something more positive! Uh, people tend to say I'm a very bright person, or that I make their day and I'm glad I make people feel comfortable around me!
22: What I want to be when I get older
Okay here's the problem, I want to do everything yet I don't know exactly what I want to be(I'm literally only 19), but I do know the average person has multiple jobs/careers in their lifetime(rn google is saying 12), so here are a couple I know I want to do!
Teacher: I've always wanted to be a teacher since I was a kid, and while many people assume I want to be a music teacher, I'd honestly love to do any subject. Preferably STEM or History, tho being a music teacher would genuinely be fun I'd love to conduct a choir. I think rn I'm more interested in learning about the world than learning about pedagogy, but definitely a job I plan to have at some point in the future
Museum worker: My twin asked me if I'd ever considered working at a museum last year, and I'd never had but honestly it sounds like a perfect job for me! I love history and science, I could still teach people, and I love going to museums. Also, the behind-the-scenes research or archiving sounds very up my alley!
Archivist: Kinda related to the previous one since you can be an archivist at a museum, but idk it sounds like the type of work that my brain would vibe with. Organizing and researching stuff. Also, it's pretty cool to be able to work with primary sources of stuff, like that's so cool! And I get to preserve information so that down the line people aren't crying about how little information there is about [insert topic]. (also haha yah, yah I like tma, hardy har, shhhh, that isn't even one of the reasons, just a coincidence)
Scientist: Pretty vague term cause idk in what field but I know I've always liked science! For a frame of reference, I would probably doing some stem major if I wasn't a musician. I had finished my science course my second year of high school, I didn't have any science classes for two years. Then at the end of senior year, I listened to Stella Firma and there in b/w sections where they had a scientist fact check the show was so interesting and made me remember I liked science and it's actually super cool! I'm hoping that next year once I transfer, I'll be able to take steps to at the very least minor in Physics and start doing some STEM stuff. Tho tbh I'm just choosing physics cause I'm good at math and astrophysics/cosmology sounds very cool to me. But finding @a-dinosaur-a-day on Tumblr made me remember my dino phase in middle school! I'm less interested in learning about individual dinosaurs and more on the big-picture evolutionary side of things, but the schools I want to transfer to don't have geology majors and I prefer physics over bio. Also, paleontology is a neat combination of history and science! Tbh, I'm still figuring out what I want to do science-wise, but I know it's something that I'd find interesting as a job!
Choir/Band/Singer/Theater: I'm a singer but I don't want it to be my main job, job, since I'm never wanted to be a super famous, but I do like singing and I'm good at it, so I could always make money on the side. Also I've also preferred singing in choir than solo rep, so if I joined a travling choir or band with an emphasis on harmony(like abba for ex), I think that would be really fun as a job for a while. As far as solo singing, I prefer musical theater so I can see myself doing that for a bit(even if it is ensemble since I like that kind of thing), and who knows, I am intrested in writing some solo music, but I haven't really done that
Composer: I want to learn how to compose music but I haven't. Oddly enough, I am more interested in composing instrumental stuff than songwriter music, tho I do want to do that. Or compose musicals, especially one in Spanish, that would be so cool. Tho I'd probably have to work with a lyricist. Even if it's not my main job, I'd love to do it on the side
Sound Design: Now this one you can blame on tma. I listened to the Q&As where they talk about Sound Design, it's absolutely fascinating to me, plus, if I learn how to compose, both could work pretty good together!
Art: Idk if I want to be an artist for a job, but once I'm good enough at drawing, I'd love to do commissions, or if I learn how to animate, working on an indie animation project would be such a cool thing! Or do a comic! I'd love to do a comic, doesn't even have to be my story! Years down the line, after graduating, I want to go back to school and get some degree in art! Doesn't need to be from an expensive school, probably will be from some local college near me at the time. Not that you need one to be a professional, but I find I learn best in a school setting and it's something I'd love to do to improve my art!
Can't believe Rusty Quill has inspired two possible job careers I-
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
Oldest to youngest! My older brother didn't grow up with me but we visted his house alot! Tbh, I'm closer to my niece than I am him. He's got some beliefs/politics I don't agree with and he can be intense sometimes, but generally I have a good relationship with him. I don't talk to him much tho. And he's homophobic, so yah, don't plan to be too close to him anyway. Next should be my other brother but he died when I was 4, and he was in Cuba so I have no memories of him, so neutral I guess. Things were pretty rocky with my older sister growing up but we're pretty good now! She's like the one "adult figure"(I'm an adult but you know what I mean) in my life that I feel the most comfortable around. Then my twin is the person I'm the closest to. Yah we bicker and stuff, and we do things that the other doesn't like, but overall I'm the most comfortable around her. I also feel like she's the person who understands me the most, I genuinely don't know how I would've been in middle school if my twin didn't exist. Idk if anyone remembers the scene in the season 3 final of Bright Sessions, but you know when Mark goes to Adam's room and they sit and silence and Mark is like"I know we both know what we're feeling but we should still talk about what happened" I feel like that's kinda my twin and I. Anyways, I love my sisters very much!
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
Kinda rocky and I don't want to get into it too much but they're immigrant parents™. However, for literal boomers, they're actually pretty good. I'd say they're good parents but there's alot about them that frustrates me. Also living with them makes problems exacerbated. They're trying their best to understand me, but they don't and I don't feel comfortable talking to them about my problems with them. I'm also not out to them, so there's always a part of me they're not really seeing. But when it matters they're there. And they've been pretty supportive of me being in the arts. My dad was also pretty present in my life, which sucks that I have to specify, but I do.
44: A random fact about anything
There are two versions of the Latino dub of Sleeping Beauty and people fight about I think. I grew up with the 2001 ver but people prefer the original 1959 dubbing. My preliminary stance on this without having seen the full 1959 dub and only some clips is that the Queen's acting is better in 1959, but the songs are bettered dubbed in the 2001 version(suck it up nostalgia is winning)
Okay, that was a lot! BUT, there are more questions so ask away!
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helleboretks · 8 months
Heads Up!
Y'all I am very well probably gonna post a fic for my new fandom tmr bc by God I cannot WAIT-
So lemme tell y'all what fandom I'm hyperfixating on rn, just to give y'all a heads up!
Anyone ever heard of Lego Monkie Kid?
For those who don't know! LEGO Monkie Kid is an animated Lego Show loosely based off the ancient Chinese Mythos, more specifically one of the four greatest classic novels, Journey to the West!
It's super fun and light hearted, but it's also got its moments where you're like 'hold the fuckin' phone, how dis a kids show????'
And like-hear me out y'all-
The TRAUMA these characters have gone through-
And I end up obsessing over the one side character that doesn't get much screen time, and LEMME TELL YOU-
It's got four seasons rn, probs gonna get the fifth on either this December or somewhere in January-
I can't-
Imma fucking implode on myself-
Not only that, but bc of how Lego Shows are naturally with character design, y'all can go batshit wild with design headcanons and shit-
If it's not your forte, that's totally all cool and shit, don't let my post pressure you into watching it =w=
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
im def the type analyzing the technical or trend side of mcyt content creation (someday i will make the bdubs thumbnail analysis) and whenever jev's content comes up i really think about it. (should be said what im describing w his videos rn isnt a jab! he talked about trying to make one-off videos hitting trendy subjects and thats exactly what hes doing, and so i want to mention what i notice)
jev stated in one of his previous HC videos that his videos were on a decline. he pointed out some things that i imagine casual watchers wouldnt ever consider, but theres some key reasons as to why jev's HC series was doing poorly. Some he points out and others are things I also realized.
people are not likely to click on videos with episode numbers because they don't want to jump into a series they know nothing about. in turn, many people have started to not put episode numbers in their series titles at all (out of HC, bdubs. but youll notice this for other kinds of non-smp videos too). So when this is done, people wont assume it is a long running series, and are more likely to click it. "One off" content implies videos that are... one-off. Think snapshot reviews, build challenges, hardcore challenges... So two potential ways to improve views/have a better time in the algorithm is to drop numbers of episodes. No, not The only solution but its a pretty important thing.
this is a huge factor imo... how many recommended/home page videos do you get thrown at you related to minecraft that have nothing to do with series (or you wouldnt know due to the title)? All I get are hardcore videos, snapshot videos, and i have also gotten loads of Joel's (smallishbeans) "i did [thing] in minecraft" which have a shit ton of views. Those videos from him are a blatant example of "one off" videos that also try to pull you in with a simple title and premise.
Now looking back at jev. he said he was going to try these more one off videos, and hes started that with things like "things you didnt know about minecraft". the interesting part to me too is noticing 'repeats' of these kinds of videos... jev is not the first person to do a video like that, so you would think "why would you make it?" well, the thing is. youtub doesnt care. its gonna throw your video around and there is a good chance your "things you didnt know about minecraft" video may come up for some random person instead of someone else. it may show up for some kid who hadnt seen someone else's and so yours is the first. (and lets be real if 11 year olds are finding it they probably wont care its another and think 'oh boy, more things i didnt know about minecraft!')
On the smaller side I just notice how different some parts of newer videos have become- for some reason its kind of a thing to use shaders, a lot. most people wont use it through an entire video but often times its the intro. some people use shaders all the time. Additionally intros almost always consist of a user in f5 mode, facing the camera. I am sure that f5 mode thing started quite a while back (in terms of new mcyt) but caring about the visuals of an intro wasn't important a long time ago, it was hardly considered lol.
every time i think about these things its like im storing it in my brain for me to use but, hell if i am ever gonna make enough videos to apply it. regardless, the trend of videos can be seen in youtubers you watch if you look close enough. but even so we have lots of 'old school' people here that don't always change to fit these trends. if they have a loyal long time following, its less likely they will. (usually if its not titles- which i think is more common now- you may more obviously see it in thumbnail styles) but theres always a potential of people shifting slightly because the algorithm isnt playing very nice.
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