#(( ... kind of ))
pinklemonslices · 8 hours
i just know charles and edwin would be insanely good at games like charades and password. they could say the most unrelated bullshit that has to do with a case from years ago and the other one will get it and they’ll win. crystal and niko think their advantage is completely unfair and stopped letting them be on a team together
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velvet-games · 12 hours
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@minimosquitogirl I love your mind pookie you're so correct
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azuries · 1 day
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i love every one of you
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nyxchipz · 2 days
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I don't see enough art of Casandra being a screaming lesbian disaster that girl is on the verge of combustion in her every day life
P.s. did you guys know sapphic April is borderline canon? Well now you do
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Sleeping In The Sun...
I got inspired so I wanted to try something a bit more experimental! I like how it came out, overall :]
Also, I promise to get some asks answered soon! Expect at least one later today, if I haven't already posted one by the time this queues.
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hearts401 · 24 hours
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"sometimes, after particularly gory missions, he'd get this look on his face. I could never tell is he was upset or if he was merely tired. Althoguh whenever I'd ask, he'd simply smile and act like it was never there. A guy like him seems like he'd love to be covered in blood. I don't actually know a lot about who he was before he became a harbinger, but i'm certain this is a remainder of it. I've told him so much, and yet he's told me nothing."
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zetterbabe · 3 days
this final is my nightmare scenario fr
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mychlapci · 2 days
megatron doing an exercise and putting stress on his valve which tears open and/or prolapses a bit (too soon after birth)
he can’t look weak though so he has to pretend nothing is wrong while he’s actively bleeding energon and rubbing painful prolapsed internals on the inside of his panel
Megatron would probably have this problem a lot... He can't shrink his duties just because he just gave birth, if the battlefield needs his strength, then so be it. And he can't let himself grow weak by lounging around, resting after birth either.
When his valve prolapses or tears because his frame is over exerted and exhausted, he has to push through, even as he bleeds and aches... there is no way he'll show weakness. mhmm But he certainly acts odd enough to alarm some of his subordinates... sneaking off to clean off the energon, or to massage his prolapse back inside of himself... someone is bound to catch him in such a vulnerable state one day
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sparebutton · 1 year
(Across the Spider-Verse spoiler)
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guarddogbutch · 5 months
you guys need to be normal about people who don't like penetration. people who don't get hard easily. people who finish quickly. people who participate in kink without having sex. people who don't like being touched. people who don't like giving head. people who only like penetration. people who (almost) always squirt. people who take a long time to cum. people who have a hard time getting wet. people who don't talk during sex or anything else that is not part of the way you think people or bodies should behave during sex
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dougielombax · 7 months
I wonder what the largest shellfish is?
Edit: Okay this post is getting a LOT of traction. What is going on?
Edit: Fucking hell.
This post has set off a fucking MINEFIELD!!!
What have I DONE????!!!!!
I’ve lit the blue touch paper and found there’s nowhere to run to!
I’ve summoned a wolf only to unleash a tiger!!!!! Made of fire! And nails.
Edit 2: 5,000 Notes! Good god! What the HELL do you want from me. I’ve never had a post of mine take off like this until now.
Some got close like the one about homeowner associations (fucking powertripping middle aged mediocrities!) which got at least 1.5k notes but this is the most I’ve gotten on a single post so far.
AND this post has officially gone to hell. (6,666 notes)
Edit: 8,000 notes! Holy shit!
Edit: 9,000 notes!!!
Edit: 10,000 notes!!!!!!!!!
Edit: 15,000 notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: 20,000 Notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay never mind it’s back. For now at least.
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owainigo · 2 months
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kleinergeist · 3 months
I'd like to introduce to everyone this horrid thing I created about a year ago but haven't shown many people yet (probably for the best).
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This is Baby. AKA The Monster. AKA Sight Tremendous and Abhorred, AKA Vile Insect, AKA A Thing Such As Even Dante Could Not Have Conceived, etc, etc. It's made from bits of scrap fabric I scrounged from various sources and is roughly the size of a human toddler. Its design is based on Mary Shelly's original descriptions of Frankenstein's creature.
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But that's not all! Behold!
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You can dissect this little abomination to reveal a full set of crocheted, knitted, and scrap fabric organs, all hand-stitched by yours truly!
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It has a heart, stomach, lungs, liver, small and large intestine, kidneys, bladder, and, of course, a brain! So it can ponder the horrors of its own existence!
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I used this pattern by Less Than Three for the heart. I ended up felting it because I screwed up most of the stitches (I was relatively new to crochet at the time). The result was a bit of a blobby mess, but oh well.
So yeah. This thing lives in my house now (my family hates it). I have yet to reap the full consequences of my hubris.
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punkitt-is-here · 17 days
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guess who stumbled into something fascinating last night
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wizardpotions · 1 year
Every culture in all of human history was so right about carbs and fat together being a blessing upon earth. Eating bread with butter knowing I am partaking in one of humanities biggest shared joys
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nerdynuala · 3 months
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Here, I also made it into a gif:
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Radiorose based on this video that was going around some time ago
Because they would be the two bitches that do talk shit about everybody
Anyway I love these two so much it kinda hurts. Which I'd say is a normal amount
I prefer planotic, but gimme everything there is about them and I'll eat it up in every sauce
! About reposting: please don't just repost, ask me by dropping a message or whatever. I usually don't mind but I'd like to know first
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