#((I love these two sm y'all have no idea <3))
revrads · 2 years
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More John and Lisa friendship dynamic doodle I did while doing one of my midterms!
Ending where they run away together :)
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
On The Road To Eternity
Three times Paige and Azzi fall asleep together and the one time they stay awake
(In which a kind writer gives y'all the last dose of real fluff before committing to angst for the next few months)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Words: 4.0K
TW: Light swearing, alcohol, Azzi's ACL injury
A/N: Hello my lovelies! So I know you're all waiting for something else and I promise I am working on it too! But I had a couple of requests I wanted to get through first and the easiest thing as always, was to combine some of them into one fic. So for anons who wanted the plane convo, injury-related comfort and more Miles and Sienna content, this is for you! This is set in Eternity-verse but you obviously don't have to read either of those to understand this. The editing in this might actually be non-existent but I hope y'all forgive me anyways. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see in the future. Enjoy the fluff lovelies, we're in for a bumpy ride next time <3
the playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks
Paige’s mouth is running dry. She’s been babbling on and on for almost two hours and the girl next to her has barely spoken two sentences. In Paige’s defense, she’s not really fully in control of her word vomit right now. Her brain is currently in the grasp of her nervous anxiety and the fear that if she lets silence linger between them, the brunette next to her would realize too quickly that maybe Paige’s brilliant idea to switch their seats so they could be next to each other, wasn’t such a brilliant idea after all. 
This feeling is foreign to Paige. She’s always been the epitome of confidence, always so sure of herself, always convinced that the person in front of her must want to be her friend. But something about Azzi Fudd is different. It’s not like Azzi’s been cold or anything, but she seems immune to Paige’s charm, eyes always a little weary of what ridiculousness Paige is going to get herself into next. But really, Paige thinks, it’s Azzi’s fault that the blonde had been up to one too many shenanigans during USA Basketball. Because if every time Paige pulls off a trick, Azzi’s going to smile like that, like Paige is the funniest human being in the world, then she’s going to do it over and over again. 
“You um-,” Paige looks down, fiddling with her thumbs, “you can tell me to shut up you know. I get a little too excited about basketball sometimes.”
“I think you get a little too excited about most things,” Azzi says and when Paige looks up at her, there’s a teasing grin playing on the younger girl's lips. 
“Life’s too short to not be excited about things,” Paige says solemnly. 
Azzi raises an eyebrow, “what book did you steal that from- actually never mind, I doubt you read.”
“Hey, I do read!” Paige shrieks in mock offence and Azzi bursts out laughing. And Paige barely knows this girl, doesn’t even know her middle name yet, but she thinks that Azzi’s laughter, like wind chimes ringing through the mountains, might be her favourite sound in the whole wide world. 
It takes Azzi a second to compose herself, before she looks at Paige with earnest eyes, “I like listening to you talk.”
“Be careful Fudd. I might never shut up,” Paige smirks cockily but inside, her chest feels a like it’s bursting at the compliment. Five simple words and it feels a little bit like all of Paige’s insecurities are being soothed over, a sense of calm washing all over her. She doesn’t understand the butterflies in her stomach and she definitely doesn’t understand the fluttering in her chest but she knows that she likes this feeling, knows that she likes Azzi. 
“You say that but you’ve already gone quiet on me Bueckers,” Azzi cocks her head, “whatcha thinking?”
“I’m thinking we’re gonna be great friends.”
“You think so? I'm a little picky about my friendships.”
“I know so. I'm gonna be the best friend you've ever had," Paige vows.
And when Azzi smiles, it’s not a smile that Paige has seen in the last week. It’s one that’s entirely different, one filled with something both of them are too young to understand and it’ll take years before either of them realize that it’s Azzi’s Paige smile. It'll take years before they realize Paige has her own matching Azzi smile.
This time as Paige starts up a conversation again, Azzi has more input. Time seems to stop and speed up all at the same time as the two girls cover every topic imaginable, occasionally getting annoyed shushing looks from other passengers when they giggle a little too loudly. All that does is make them share conspiratorial smiles and laugh just a little bit harder. It’s almost three-quarters of the way into the flight when their voices start getting scratchy, sleep inching its way onto their features as they slowly fall into silence. 
Paige will never admit this but she’s a little scared of the quiet. Well, actually, she’s scared of being alone, and the quiet feels a lot like solitude. Her whole life she’s tried her best to keep herself surrounded by chaos, by noise, filling up the space with her own voice if nobody else wanted to talk. And if there was nothing, at least there was the sound of a basketball being dribbled on the hardwood floor. The whole plane is asleep and all she can focus on is Azzi’s soft breathing next to her as the brunette falls deeper and deeper into her dreams. And for the first time in her life, Paige doesn’t mind the quiet. 
Azzi stirs awake to the cabin crew announcing they’re only a couple of minutes away from landing. She cricks her neck, feeling a heaviness on her right and when she turns to look, there’s Paige Bueckers. Blonde hair sprawled all over Azzi's arm as the point guard uses Azzi’s shoulder as her own personal pillow. Her eyes are shut tight, mouth a little ajar with drool pooling at the corner of her lips. Azzi blinks down at her, unsure why her heartbeat is erratic, unsure why she thinks Paige might be the most beautiful creature she’s ever seen. 
Azzi wills herself to stay deathly still, convincing herself that it’s because she doesn’t want to wake Paige up. After all, they’d had a long week and the point guard deserved a break after having done everything in her power to make sure the team won gold. But really, the truth is Azzi doesn’t want Paige to wake up because then Paige will move away and Azzi’s beginning to realize she quite likes having Paige asleep on her, she's beginning to realize, that maybe she just likes having Paige with her.
2. the lingering question kept me up, 2 am who do you love 
“And then Coach made me run laps for an hour. AN HOUR,” Paige says animatedly, placing her phone on her pillow, as she flips herself to lie on her stomach, “and now I’m sore everywhere.”
“Aww you poor baby,” her best friend’s voice mocks through the facetime call that’s been running since midnight, “maybe next time you should just try and practice well.”
“Who’s side are you even on?” Paige guffaws. 
Azzi laughs, her head leaning back against the headboard as she gets comfortable, “his duh. After all, he could be my future coach. Gotta stay on his good side.”
“What do you mean could?” Paige narrows her eyes, “he will be your coach.”
“I dunno dude. The way you’ve been complaining about practice since you got there, I don’t know if I wanna be a part of that.”
“Don’t think you can handle it?” Paige smirks, knowing exactly what buttons to push as she watches Azzi’s calm expression turn to one of fierce competition. 
“I would kick your butt at practice,” Azzi says determinedly and Paige’s smirk widens. 
“Well you should commit to UConn and find out.”
“May I w-” Azzi stops, groaning as she realises what Paige is doing. 
“Go ahead and finish that sentence for me.”
“Fuck off,” Azzi whines, grabbing a pillow to bury her head into and it’s ridiculous the way Paige is so endeared by it. But then again, she’s endeared by most things Azzi. 
“I didn’t do anything,” Paige sing-songs, “that was all you bro.”
“You tricked me.”
“I did no such thing. I am a woman of God. I would never.”
“Don’t bring God into your deception Paige,” Azzi chastises as they both delve into laughter. That’s their friendship in a nutshell. Conversations well past midnight, filled with bickering and giggling. And the truth is, that all throughout the day, as she goes through the motions of UConn life, this is what Paige looks forward to. Coming back to her dorm, falling into bed, picking up the phone and finding Azzi on the other side. And even if doesn’t do nearly enough to soothe the ache of how much she craves Azzi’s physical presence, at least for a while she can close her eyes and pretend, just by the sound of her best friend’s voice, that she’s here with her. 
“You’d fit in really well Az,” Paige says after a moment, chewing at her lip, “I know your game better than anyone and I know you’d thrive here.”
Azzi sighs, “I don’t feel like doing this tonight Paige.”
They’re balancing on a thin rope when it comes to Azzi’s commitment. As the deadline approaches, the younger girl, also known as the most indecisive person Paige knows, has gotten more and more tense with every day. What had started as Azzi rolling her eyes whenever Paige pushed a little too hard, had begun to delve into Azzi shutting down the moment Paige brought the topic up. 
“I just think-”
“Stop thinking,” Azzi bites out harshly before she lets out a deep breath, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that I just- I need everyone to stop talking to me about it.”
“We’re just tryna help,” Paige says slowly, lying on her elbows as she props her phone up against her side table. 
“I know. I know. But I just need y’all to trust that I know what’s best for me.”
I’m what’s best for you, Paige thinks but she can’t say that out loud, not when it’s veering just a little too close to the biggest reason why Paige wants Azzi at UConn, one that has absolutely nothing to do with basketball, one that has everything do with that scary fucking l-word Paige isn’t sure she’ll ever be ready to confront. 
Instead she gives her best friend a soothing nod, “you know I trust your judgement.”
“You should,” Azzi smiles and Paige feels warm all over, “it’s definitely better than yours.”
Paige rolls her eyes, “you say the sweetest things to me Azzi Fudd.”
“I try,” Azzi whispers before a loud yawn escapes her, as she rolls over to lie on her side.
“You abouta fall asleep on me bro?” Paige raises an eyebrow. 
“Of,” another yawn, “course not.”
Paige shakes her head, mentally counting down in her head as she watches Azzi’s eyes start to blink. For her part, the younger girl tries to keep talking, mumbling something about some tv show she’d watched that day. Paige barely registers any of it, too busy admiring how pretty Azzi looks in the dim glow of her night light. She can feel her own body starting to drift away as well, giving into what’s basically become routine. And maybe their phones only have enough charge for them to get a small glimpse of each other stirring awake before the call unceremoniously. But it’s enough. For now, even if it’s just through a screen, falling asleep to the sound of each other breathing, and waking up to those precious few seconds of each other being the first thing they see in the morning, is enough. 
3. now i’m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door
The music roars around her as Paige lets herself be immersed by the dancing crowd. It’s a Thursday night, but after a decisive win over Maryland by the women’s team, all of Storrs is partying like it’s already the weekend. While the bar was always an option, the team had decided to throw an impromptu party in one of the apartments instead and word seemed to have spread a little too quickly throughout campus. 
Paige is distracted as she dances with KK and Aubrey, eyes constantly drifting to the door in anticipation of her girlfriend. Azzi had reassured she’d show up after the Fudds, who were helping Azzi decorate for Christmas, left but the clock is ticking closer and closer to midnight and there’s still no sign of the brunette anywhere. 
“Has Azzi texted any of y’all?’ Paige tries to yell over the music, after checking her own phone and finding nothing. Both KK and Aubrey shake their heads and Paige sighs, concern flooding into her brain. Out of the corner of her eye she notices Caroline beelining for the door and call it instinct, but Paige immediately knows it has something to do with Azzi. 
“I’ll be right back okay,” she says to her other teammates, before following the Massachusetts native.
She’s not sure how Caroline did it so easily, but it takes Paige far longer than it should to get through the crowd and out the door.Azzi’s apartment is eerily quiet by the time Paige reaches it. The newly setup Christmas lights around the living room have been turned off and even the fairy lights on the Christmas tree are set to a dim setting. For a second, Paige wonders if maybe Azzi isn’t even in here and then she hears it, a heartbreakingly familiar sob. As she walks towards Azzi’s door, Paige feels her own heart start to crack. 
When the injury had happened in practice, there were two people who had immediately known what it was. The person it happened to and her person who’d just been through it. Azzi had taken it shockingly well from the moment it happened til the doctor had confirmed what they’d all known, but still hoped to be wrong about. A steely determined look had covered her face, as instead of mourning another setback, she’d thrown herself into planning out her recovery. But Paige had always been able to see through Azzi’s façade and she’d known it was only a matter of time before the inevitable crash. 
Paige stops outside the door, unsure if she should go in as she listens to the sound of Azzi’s tears and Caroline’s soothing “it’s gonna be okay.”
“It’s not,” Azzi breathes out between sobs and it feels like a shard of glass is being used to puncture Paige's soul, “I can’t do this again Carol. It’s too much. I can’t keep doing this again and again. Why does this keep happening to me?”
“I know,” Caroline whispers, sounding as helplessly defeated as Paige feels, “I’m so sorry Azzi.”
“No, I'm sorry. Fuck Carol, you should be down at the party-”
“I should be here with you because you need me,” Caroline hesitates, “but I also don’t think it’s me you need.”
“Don’t,” Azzi’s voice is firmer now and Paige can picture her wiping her tears as she gives Caroline that patented don’t push me look. 
“Did you see how happy she looked after the game? I can’t ruin that for her. She was so good tonight and I’m so proud of her and I can’t- I won’t ruin that for her. She’s been through so much this year and she deserves to celebrate without- without me there ruining her moment.”
You stupid silly girl with your heart of gold, Paige thinks, shaking her head as she throws the door open. 
“Oh thank god,” Caroline mutters under her breath, moving a little so that Paige can see all of Azzi’s, sitting rigidly on her bed with her legs hanging off one side. Tear tracks stream down the younger girl’s face, her hands fisted in her laps as she stares at Paige with watery eyes. She’s still dressed in her tracksuit from the game, the sticker Paige had placed over her heart, still exactly where she’d put it. An air of fragility clings to Azzi’s frame and Paige wants to bubble wrap her girlfriend and hide her away from this cruel world that seems to test their strength at every step of the way. 
“For someone so smart Azzi Fudd, you say the dumbest shit sometimes,” Paige whispers, crouching down in front of the brunette, and uncurling her fists so she can hold her hands, “you think I can celebrate without you?”
“I didn’t wanna be a buzzkill,” Azzi mumbles, eyes looking anywhere but at Paige, “I don’t wanna be a burden.”
“Baby,” Paige breathes out, bringing Azzi’s knuckles to her lips, “was I a burden to you last year?”
That gets Azzi to look at her, as a fierceful protectiveness clouds the other girl’s eyes, “of course not P. You could never be a burden.”
“Then how the fuck, did you ever think Azzi, that you could be a burden to me?”
Azzi’s bottom lip trembles, a fresh set of tears threatening to fall from her eyes. And then she’s falling off the bed, straight into Paige’s arms, hands tightening around the older girl’s neck as she buries her face in her chest. 
“I’ve got you baby,” Paige whispers into her hair, her own eyes stinging as she runs her hands up and down the shaking brunette’s back, “I’m right here. I’ll always be right here.”
She doesn’t know how long she sits on the floor, tank top a little soaked from all of Azzi’s tears but she doesn’t move until Azzi stills herself in her arms, having basically cried herself to sleep. Paige gets up slowly, trying her best not to wake up the girl in her arms, as she somehow manages to manoeuvre both of them onto the bed. Azzi lets out a quiet whimper, snuggling further into Paige’s side. 
Staring down at the vulnerable girl in front of her, Paige finally lets her own tears fall, biting her lip and almost drawing blood, to keep herself from making a sound. A lot of things had gone wrong in the last year but it was all supposed to have been worth it this year when they’d finally get to live out the dream they’d been dreaming since they’d first met, the dream to play together. And now that's gone, for now at least. But as Azzi subconsciously runs a hand down Paige’s arm, her sixth sense alerts even in sleep that her girlfriend needs comfort, Paige thinks, at least they have each other. Because as she lies down next to Azzi, pulling her girlfriend closer to her chest, she knows she’s never letting go. 
4. this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends
Paige swears she’s only closed her eyes for 10 seconds when the baby monitor goes off again. Loud screaming fills the entirety of the master bedroom, as she groans into her pillow. For the most part, her twins are angels on earth. Except when the clock passes 3 a.m and they seem to get possessed by demons that make them scream bloody murder until one of their moms picks them up. 
“Azzi,” she whines into her pillow, reaching over to lightly smack her wife’s arm, “your children are awake.”
She doesn’t need to see the younger woman’s face to know that even with sleep in every corner of her eye, Azzi is currently shooting Paige the most exasperated glare possible. 
“Suddenly they’re my kids? Gosh Paige I wish you’d told me that before I put your name on the fucking birth certificate,” Azzi quips as she rolls out of bed and Paige immediately missed the warmth next to her, “if you’re not up in five minutes to help me with this, I swear to god I will divorce your ass.”
“How are you awake enough to threaten me like that right now?” Paige mumbles, sighing to herself as she separates from her beloved bed. The tiredness hits her the moment she stands up and she almost keels over, until a strong arm wraps around her waist. And despite the ridiculous time, despite the noise that is still echoing throughout their room, despite the fact that she can barely see her in this darkness, as soon as Paige can feel Azzi’s skin underneath her fingertip, she can’t help but press her lips against her wife’s. Paige almost, almost loses herself in the kiss until there's a shriek, too loud to ignore. 
“What if we didn’t put a baby monitor in their room anymore,” she mutters against Azzi’s lips, eliciting a small laugh from her wife as she entwines their hands together, practically dragging Paige from the master bedroom into the twin’s shared nursery.
Miles and Sienna are both standing in their cots, facing each other and screaming their heads off as if they’re in some sort of who can ruin our moms night better competition and if Paige wasn’t one of the moms in question, she’d probably find the scenario a tad bit more amusing. Shaking her head, she walks towards Miles as Azzi goes towards Sienna and it’s a little bit ridiculous how quickly the cries begin to subside. She’d never admit it but secretly Paige loves how quickly the twins calm down as soon as they see their mothers, even if it is after yelling at an ungodly hour in the morning. They’re too young to be able to say the words, and so Paige is pretty sure this is their way of making sure Mommy and Mama know how much Miles and Sienna love them. 
“Hey buddy,” Paige coos as she picks Miles up, his tearful face breaking out into a magnificent grin, “didn’t feel like letting us sleep again huh kid?”
Miles doesn’t say anything, just smiles as he makes grabby hands for Paige’s face. She’s learned it’s one of his favourite things to do with her or Azzi, reach for them and use his tiny fingers to caress their faces. It’s like he’s memorising how they feel and Paige can’t help but lean into his touch. Behind her she can hear Sienna giggling and when she turns around, she’s not surprised to find Azzi pressing kisses all over their daughter’s face. And she doesn’t think she’ll ever get tired of seeing this vision, the love of her life interacting with their kids. 
“Muh,” Miles manages to spit out the minute he spots Azzi, jostling in Paige’s arms, clearly eager to get to his other mother. The sound gets Sienna’s attention and her face widens as she spots Paige. Laughing, Paige and Azzi share a secret smile as they swap children. Miles immediately buries his face into his favourite spot in the crease between Azzi’s neck and shoulder and Sienna’s immediately enamoured with Paige’s blond hair, chubby finger combing through it as she looks at her mother in awe. 
“You’re wide awake aren’t you Si-Si,” Paige whispers, laughing when Sienna nods. She walks them over to the couch, Azzi and Miles following behind. As soon as both Paige and Azzi are seated, Miles and Sienna are reaching for each other, babbling silly nonsense and giggling. Paige doesn’t know a lot about babies but she’s pretty certain her twins have their own secret language they speak to each other in. 
Their family of four settles into the couch, that’s bound to be dented soon by the constant weight of all four of them on it every night. It’s unlikely any of them will return to their own beds, unlikely Paige and Azzi will even get any more sleep tonight. Over the top of the twins' head, Paige eyes meet Azzi’s. They’re droopy with sleep, but crinkled from the way she’s smiling and Paige is still as much in love with them now, as she was an eternity ago. 
“I love you,” she whispers, just because she can. 
Azzi’s smile widens, one hand navigating through their children between them to hold Paige’s, “I love you more.”
“I love you the most,” Paige counters and Azzi shakes her head as she squeezes Paige’s hand. 
It’s a silly little thing but they wouldn’t be Paige and Azzi if they didn’t bicker over it just a little bit. Because at the end of the day they both know, there's no one they’d rather fall asleep with, no one they'd rather stay awake with, no one they’d rather be on this journey of life with, other than each other. 
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mariaace · 2 months
Sweet things they do as your boyfriends (Haikyuu!! Setters)
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A/n:I love hq sm y'all don't get them like i do okay? Also these are just half of the people i wanna do, so keep in mind this might have a part two and three💜 i just don't feel like writing these days love y'all<3
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Type: headcanons
Pairings: Kageyama, Oikawa, Kenma, Atsumu, Shirabu, Akaashi, Semi, Sugawara
Windbreaker version
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Kageyama Tobio
Brings you to his practice. He says he 'can concentrate better' when you are around, even tho it's the exact opposite and he is even more distracted because you're there and he doesn't want to mess up. When the leaves and Yachi, he and Hinata stay for tosses he physically makes you stay too. (Show off). He also likes to answer absolutely any questions that you ask him about his tosses and the sport in general.
Oikawa Torū
He always mentions you when some of his fangirls ask about something. Like he would casually slid it in the conversation like the topic wasn't about him instead of you and then the whole convo becomes about you and your interests, habits and hobbies. At this point instead of you the media and his fan girls, come to ask him about you.
Kenma Kozume (x f!reader)
When he is playing a game with a female character he writes your name for them. Yeah, people might think he's a girl, but who cares. If you also like to play games, he would totally like to play on multiplayer with you, and he usually zones out if you are playing next to him, but he would never tell you that, of course.
Atsumu Miya
He would tell his team that he actually isn't very clingy, even tho no ones from the tram actually believed him and the moment he sees you in the audience in the matches, after it's over he's jumping onto you. And that also happens when you two are at school. The teacher needs to separate you two so you can breathe, after that he's pouting all day.
Shirabu Kenjiro
Shirabu likes to do your make up, especially your eyeliner. He's a med student, so his hands are trained to be very still. So whenever you do to do it, he immediately asks to do your eyeliner. Pop onto this boy's lap and hand him the eyeliner, and let hi mdo the magic. You can also ramble about your day while you're at it, just keep your eyes closed, okay?
Akaashi Keiji
He loves reading out to you. Whether that be after a long day that you are tired of, because you just want to finish a book, but you're too lazy, or just if you want to cuddle with him while he's reading. If you also mention some book that you wanted to get, oh he will go out of his way to get it for you. He will sit in a chair and pretend to be reading it until you actually see it in his hands and ask about it.
Semi Eita
Semi recreates your favourite songs. We all know he can play the guitar and that he's a musician in the time skip, so he recreates some songs that you like in different variations and lets you listen to them. If you have any Ideas about how he can do them, even better. Tell him at the second you think of it, he loves your ideas.
Sugawara Koushi
Sugawara can cook like no one else. And no one can change my mind about that fact. As nd he loves doing it with you, it doesn't matter if you know how to or not, he still wants you to be there if you have the energy. He sometimes even puts music as a background and when you two are done you end up dancing in the kitchen together.
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© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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chaileaf · 2 years
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part two of anonymous bidder
› featuring: med student!shuntaro chishiya + fem!reader
› word count: 2,674 words
› synopsis: it had been three years since you last seen shuntaro chishiya after graduation. suddenly, a fateful interaction brings you two back together. the question is: will you forgive him?
› rating: nsfw, +18
› cw: vulgar language, explicit content, sex on camera, angst, brief rough sex scene
› setting: after college au where reader is interning as a biotechnologist in a hospital and chishiya is a medical student doing clinical rotations
⤷ chai's note: hey y'all! i really appreciate all the love i received on anonymous bidder so i decided to enlogate it into four to five parts. i know this is a bit short (and extremely less smutty) but i hope you still enjoy it! (also dw pt 3 is gna be way more explicit) i haven't been able to write much because i've been away at medic training for the army (long story) but i wanted to get part two to you guys asap. if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know! anyone who's in my tag list will be tagged in all of my future writings so if you'd rather be tagged in only anonymous bidder update, please lmk! i love you all so much! thank you for allowing me to create beautiful pieces for you guys. i appreciate everything. much love, chai !!
⤷tags: @poetrieshouse @tungstenorc @mackjestic @seraphvm @naegisimp @fishisahappydog @parkersmyth @huachengsbestie01 @chlooooop @bxcndd @kowzs @sleepysnk @luuminou ily guys sm for supporting my writing, you have no idea how much i appreciate it 🫶🏻
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your fingers flipped the pages of your notes while your eyes scanned over the material. “let’s see… test subject a responded to chemicals a and e very well. that’s a good sign.” you whispered to yourself, highlighting the text with your pink pen. “but chemical b and c did not react well. that could be detrimental when putting it into certain med-”
“y/n? is that… is that you?” a somewhat familiar voice questioned from the breakroom door you didn’t even realize opened. your eyes widened as you turned to face chishiya shuntaro, cheeks going pale and mouth propping itself somewhat open.
“y/n? is that… is that you?” a somewhat familiar voice questioned from the breakroom door you didn’t even realize opened. your eyes widened as you turned to face chishiya shuntaro, cheeks going pale and mouth propping itself somewhat open.
“chishiya?” you said out of shock more than actually questioning it. you never thought you’d see him again after college graduation, thinking he’d go to some hot shot hospital for his medical rotations. instead, he was still in shibuya. the hospital was nice, sure, but there were better options for the school’s valedictorian.
“how’ve you been? it’s been, what, almost three years?” chishiya asked with a chortle at the end, crossing his arms against his chest and leaning against the countertop with his hip. he looked nearly the same as he did when you’d seen him last. his silky blonde strands were still touching his shoulders. the brown eyes that had a habit of scanning everyone in the room were glistening with judgement. his frame looked bigger, as if he’d been working out in his free time. yet, something was off. he wasn’t the same chishiya. his presence seemed softer, as if he was less intense. could it be working with patients made him more susceptible to empathy and sympathy?
“i’ve been good!” your voice sounded excited and somewhat exasperated, as if you were holding a breath before speaking. “i started an internship here under the lead researcher for the hospital so work has been… draining?” you questioned, not sure if that was the right word to use. “but i really like it here! everyone is so nice and welcoming, surprisingly. i thought biotechnologists were snarky assholes.” the last sentence was whispered with a laugh. chishiya stared at you intently, causing the smile that creeped on your lips to fade. “is… is something wrong, chishi-”
“you just look as beautiful as the last time i saw you.” chishiya cut you off. the words were simple, but everything in your brain scattered as if the things he’d said were a complex math problem. you gulped, feeling a familiar crimson rush to your face. the room seemed about ten degrees hotter, causing your breathing to increase ever so slightly with your heart rate. his face was plain, but it felt like he was staring straight into your soul.
“i-” you tried to speak after a few moments of silence to kill the awkwardness. it was to no avail when the words decided to get stuck in your throat. you brushed the strands of hair coming out of your ponytail behind your ear out of embarrassment. “thanks…” your voice was so soft that he almost didn’t hear you. chishiya let out a small laugh, shaking his head. the almost-silver strands fell to cover his face, but you could still see his smile. he was definitely a softer version of the chishiya shuntaro you knew in college.
“you don’t have to be embarrassed, y/n. it’s just a compliment. relax.” you let out an exhale you didn’t realize was trapped in your lungs at the end of his statement. an awkward laugh escaped your mouth as you turned back to your notes, pretending to focus on them instead of letting memories of the past seep in. “anyways, we should go out for lunch today. you down?” he asked. it didn't seem malicious, but you couldn’t help but think that he wanted something else.
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your body was pinned under his, hands wrapped around your wrists as you screamed out of pleasure into the pillow. your back kept arching into him with each stroke of his thick cock. “you love that, don’t ya? fucking whore…” the last two words were mumbled under his breath as he continuously kissed your g-spot with the tip of his member. chishiya uncuffed a hand from your wrists and went to the locks of hair by the nape of your neck, pulling your head backwards to where his lips were pressed against your ear. “i wanna hear you scream my fucking name. show them how much you want me, pretty girl.” he relentlessly pounded into your cunt as you moaned loud enough for the camera to pick up. “show them you’re mine.”
it had been two weeks since the library incident, and you were absolutely needy for chishiya shuntaro. your pussy ached every time you seen his face around campus, as if it was made for him. your avoidance didn’t help, but instead made everything worse; especially since you watched him every time he livestreamed as k1ng0fd1am0nds. eventually, he cornered you in the dorms the same way he did in the library. one thing led to another until you were yet again underneath the beautiful man that was chishiya.
‘friends with benefits’ was what he’d call the situationship that lasted up to graduation. it was a wonderful experience, to say the least. chishiya was a very selfless person in bed and always made sure you got off multiple times before he did. you even gave in to his requests to perform with him on his cam streams. it was an anxiety inducing situation, considering nearly the whole school found out. it was the talk of the town for an entire two weeks, with some teachers even giving you a side eye. by the time everything went back to normal, graduation was nearing closer and you could see the finish line.
being done with chishiya was bittersweet. on one hand, you could finally be free of his grasp and actually try to find a real relationship. on the other, you knew you’d miss him. he was genuinely a fun person to be around whenever you weren’t at school. chishiya knew how to crack a good joke. he would pay the tab no matter where you two went out to eat. he also did his best to calm your anxiety whenever you were studying; in some cases, giving you head or fingering you while asking questions and stopping whenever you got the answer wrong.
at the end of it all, he didn’t seem bothered. chishiya didn’t even say goodbye. his dorm was empty and cleared out before you could get the chance to wish him well in his future. for some reason, it made your heart ache. you thought about it for a month straight trying to figure out what you might’ve done wrong. he never answered your texts or calls. he disappeared.
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“no.” you stated before closing your notes. chishiya scoffed in disbelief, and he must have thought you were joking with the smile that was still plastered on his face.
“oh, you’re serious.” chishiya’s mouth downturned into a frown as his eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “i don’t get it. it’s just lunch, y/n.” you almost felt bad. almost. you continued to pack your things into your satchel bag and put it over your shoulder. looking at him in the eyes hurt too much, so you focused on the wall above his head to make it seem like you were staring at him.
“chishiya, if you want to fuck someone, go find some other girl for your cam show. we ended things three years ago, let’s keep it that way.” the words flowed out of your mouth before you could stop them. you could tell they stung by the way chishiya was looking at you with skepticism. the emotional poison he’d given you three years ago was finally out of your body and returned the original snake.
“y/n-” chishiya started, but was soon cut off by your own voice.
“goodbye.” and with that, you left the breakroom with a slam of the door.
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your heart was racing as you walked into work the next day, terrified that you’d be face to face with chishiya shuntaro again. you knew your words hurt, but you didn’t care. he hurt you. isn’t it fair?
guilt started to pour into your chest and made it feel heavier than usual. you did your best to shake it off on the way to the elevator, but it was to no avail. you wanted to apologize. you wanted to scream. you wanted to disappear, just like he did. all of these thoughts clouded your mind and you just wanted peace.
the doors to the elevators opened and hospital staff fled out as if they’d been in there for hours. you let out a deep breath, walking in after everyone cleared out and pressing the button for the lab. the doors shut quickly, leaving you alone with your thoughts. you clutched your satchel bag to your chest and rested your chin on the top. “i’m so fucking stupid…” you whispered to yourself while tears dared to well inside of your eyes.
the sound of the elevator brought you out of your thoughts and you leaned sideways on the elevator walls, facing a different direction than the entrance to hide the emotions that were slowly appearing on your face. “y/n?” chishiya’s voice felt like a burn to your ears. you closed your eyes and muttered a desperate ‘fuck’ under your breath. “are you okay?” his concerned voice was followed by the sound of the elevator creaking, causing you to look around with a somewhat panicked expression until the noise stopped and the elevator kept moving.
“yeah. yeah, i’m fine.” a sigh escaped your lungs as you leaned your head back onto the wall, ready to get this interaction over with.
“y/n, listen.” chishiya began, trying his best to speak before you could intervene. however, you weren’t about to let that happen.
“i don’t want to listen, chishiya.” you opened your eyes and positioned your head to where you could look him dead in the eyes. your gaze was nearly piercing his skull with every second you looked at him. “you disappeared, why can’t i disappear? why-” your voice became shakier with each word. you took an extensive inhale before letting it out and continuing. “why do i have to feel guilty for expressing my feelings in the breakroom yesterday? why do i want to apologize to you when you were the one who left me!” the tears that had left you returned at full force, dripping down your cheeks like a small waterfall in a forest.
the creaking noise of the elevator had gotten louder, but your frustrations drowned out every sound except the words coming out of your mouth. chishiya was staring sorrowfully at you, as if his own heart was breaking listening to you. his face was the least of your concerns as the elevator came to a halt. both of you grabbed onto the railings placed on either wall of the enclosed space, a thud bringing you both out of the current conversation. an automated voice rang through the elevator speakers, replacing the jingles that were playing prior to the sudden stop.
“please hold tight. assistance is on the way. do not panic.”
“jesus fucking christ.” you said with nothing but exhaustion and irritation. your head leaned against the wall again with a thump. this is not where you expected to be when you played the day’s events in your head this morning. “just my luck…” you mumbled, opening your eyes only to roll them.
“y/n, i didn’t want to do that.” chishiya started the conversation back up, walking closer to you in order to get you to look in his direction. you tried to back up, only flushing yourself further into the wall, as you stared him down. he stopped in his tracks. his body was clad in light blue scrubs and a white doctor’s coat. his hands came up and adjusted the lanyard and stethoscope around his neck out of what you presumed was anxiety. “do you want the honest answer, or do you want to keep going on hating me with no answer to why i disappeared?” chishiya quizzed, crossing his arms the same way he did when he was in college. his shoulder length hair was meticulously placed into a ponytail with only his bangs left out to frame his face.
you stared at him, waiting for him to continue talking instead of cooperating with a nod. chishiya inched closer, standing next to you against the wall so that you both were facing the elevator doors. he let out a profound sigh and began again. “i knew that i had feelings from you after the first time in the library, even before that, i knew.” he confessed, leaning his head against the wall as if to mimick you. your head turned to watch him as he spoke. “i didn’t want to accept it. i thought that i could keep you at a distance but everything kept telling me to go to you. i’d see you in the cafeteria and wave. you always avoided me, so i never even had the chance to tell you how i felt.” chishiya’s voice was lower now, almost as if he was embarrassed. “when i finally got you alone, we had sex. it was wonderful, don’t get me wrong.” he laughed to himself, causing you to chortle. the sentence almost made you blush, but it felt so natural to hear him talk like this. “anyways, i didn’t think that it would be the best impression if i asked you out after that. even when we were friends with benefits,” chishiya put air quotes around friends with benefits, making you stifle a laugh. “i didn’t want to ask you out. why?” he shook his head, strands of his bangs moving with him. “i have no idea. it would’ve been perfect. but part of me didn’t feel good enough. you deserved better. a clean slate of a relationship where it starts out as a relationship, not a fuck in the library. so i left.”
the end of his explanation came far too soon. you sat in silence, staring at his face that was focused on the elevator flooring. you wanted to feel guilty, but you didn’t. you had no reason to apologize since your feelings were valid and justified in this situation. his explanation was not an excuse. but… “i forgive you.”
the words were like an alarm to his ears, making him perk his head up and look at you. chishiya’s expression was that of a puppy you just asked to go for a walk. “what?” he questioned as if the words didn’t register into his brain.
“i forgive you.” you stated calmly with a profound sigh. “i understand that it might’ve been hard to come to terms with your feelings, so you did what you knew how to do. you closed yourself off and left. so, i forgive you.”
you both stood in the elevator for what seemed like an eternity of silence. the only sound present was a drowned out beeping noise from the elevator’s alarm system. it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, nor was it awkward. you couldn’t help but feel as if you both were healing from the past wounds with each other's presence.
“so, y/n...” chishiya said with a cracked voice before clearing his throat. it made you chuckle, as an unconfident chishiya wasn’t exactly usual. “would you like to go on a date with me?” his eyes veered over to yours and you retained the smile from your previous chuckle, nodding your head slowly.
“yeah, chishiya. i would.”
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gingerjolover · 9 months
can we prioritize jb controversially young gf pleaseeeee i vote yes
to ease y'all into it, get ya warmed up, here's a little appetizer (courtesy of my friends @boywithpinkcarnation and @ever-siince-new-york aka the loves of my life)
julien w a controversially!young gf
okay i have an (unpopular) opinion that i don't think julien would date someone controversially young not because there's something wrong with it but because she will get so existential and I feel like she would feel bad if your brain wasn't fully developed lol
however!!!! this aside, lets continue
I don't think it would be a best friends little siblings scenario or like the kid of someone on her team or the bg team
young!gf is probably a writer or an artist of some kind and julien is either a fan or is at a charity event or something similar and she meets boygenius and they all instantly love her sm
and jules and young!gf really hit it off and so julien leaves with her number but doesn't find out shes young until like 3 days later
has an absolute crisis about it, especially because she doesn't want to hurt you or change you
thinking young!gf is 20 about to be 21, like just old enough that some people will be like um??? but also you're a whole-ass adult so you can do what ya want
but julien and young!gf have a very serious convo bc they are both feeling the vibe and julien just wants a healthy, mutually beneficial, safe, and loving relationship
but anyways
lets get right to it, phoebe and lucy and MUNA love you
like the love u sm but they also love teasing julien
julien could be getting up from a chair or like be laying on the floor and phoebe is yelling "life alert" to you, a glare pushing its way onto jules's face
phoebe is the biggest instigator, always snapping photos of you both candidly and adding them to her photo dumps
I had that phoebe buys young!gf a t-shirt that says I love milfs but @boywithpinkcarnation said a shirt with I <3 cougars and its iconic honestly
phoebe will 1000% caption a photo of you sitting on jb's lap and be like "sugar daddy vibes🤑" or one of jb sitting on your lap with the caption "jb is taking babysitting wayyy too seriously" (@boywithpinkcarnation)
they all call you baby and they mean it
katie is the second biggest instigator and right after that is lucy, then nomi, then jo
katie always teases about "respect your elders"
lucy will post a very wholesome photo of the two of you but caption it "spend time and cherish your elders, they aren't around forever❤️" (straight from social queen @boywithpinkcarnation)
eventually young!gf gets into it and starts making jokes like kelli tiktok vibes (@ever-siince-new-york)
she gets asked in a day in the life vid or a live a question about jules and shes like "I'm not sure really...i just with her for the money," and julien is in the back like that interview when lucy says they're breaking up like "baby! don't say that! it's not funny!" and she's groaning coming into frame, her hand on young!gf's head, "they're gonna start to believe you, ya know?" like all sassy how jb gets🤓☝🏼
PRIVATE BUT NOT SECRET VIBEZZZZ @ever-siince-new-york, carlena said and i quote, "like they're not lovesurging on tiktok but if the paps get jb giving hickies on film... oh well😁"
they are also STOKED for you to turn 21, since most of them are sober the idea of getting you drunk is so appealing
and jb is SO protective, like already jb has her hands on young!gf all. the. time. like in the dip of her back or on her hips or hand on the back of her neck, jb is always making some type of physical contact
BUT especially in the club or at a bar
they do get freaky on her 21st bday hehe
maybe the day after bc young!gf just lets joi keep giving her shots and julien is just standing there jaw dropped because who knew their sweet baby girl was a mf tank
but lit katie, molly, kelli, jo, nomi, lucy, and phoebe LOVE you sm, like yes you're young and everyone is pushing or already 30 but young!gf is so profound and mature but not in a way that's not acting her age, she just has a very old soul and enjoys rest and knows what she likes and what she wants
and julien loooooves this, like jules doesn't want to groom you and mold you into something you're not, she wants you to act your age and like she doesn't isolate you or make you act 28 because everyone is around that age. like she fully supports if you wanna go out and party or like do something kinda childish or if you wanted to stress about school or be homesick, julien lets you just vibe and doesn't pressure you to grow up faster, she truly just wants you to grow up without the age gap looming over you
back to the daddy!jb antics, without infantalizing you, jb handles ALL of the "adult stuff" like y'all def split bills if you live together but she manages all of the subscriptions and pays all of the utilities and makes sure your car has gas and is always maintained like takes it to get inspected and stuff
if young!gf is in school than that's your biggest priority in jb's eyes, like yes focus on school or your work and then when you graduate we'll start to divvy up the household stuff
jb just loves to care for you, like she always has an extra hair tie on her wrist and its your scrunchie like the one you love
before you live together, jb is stocking her house w your stuff to make you comfy
your fave snacks are in the kitchen, your fave drinks in the fridge
jb buys a full size of your fave perfume and body wash, she has you pick out pajamas for her dresser and puts a jewelry holder on her dresser just for you (@ever-siince-new-york 🥹)
if you're in school, jb def has a desk set up in her office or music room and its one she built and it has cute pens and stationary and a pretty keyboard and a comfy chair where you can cross your legs and then under it is built in storage for some of your books and crocheting/knitting/crafting stuff
when you move in, jb designs (w the help of lucy and Katie) your own office where you can write and paint and it has the best sunlight in the whole house
julien also gets really anxious leaving you at home, not because you're not capable but she grows so attached and is like "you'll be a different person when i come back:("
always sending flowers and dinner and gifts while on the road (@ever-siince-new-york)
not smut but smut adjacent
julien is sooooo nervous to have sex w young!gf
maybe she hasn't done it before or julien just feels a lot of pressure to take care of her
and she has to be like "do you not like me?" kinda insecurely because julien is treating her like shes glass
and jb is like "oh my god sweet girl, no no no, i- of course i- i love you!"
and she's like "you WHAT??"
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
reaction to the lipstick trend (pt.2) ㅡ park hanbin, junhyeon, kamden
boys planet trainees x gn!reader
genre : fluff
pt. 1 here
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• P.Hanbin
at first, hanbin bring that trend up as a joke... but he didn't expect you to be so hyped up about it and to run to find the lipstick. he's not complaining tho, he thinks you're cute when you're excited about something. even more if the something is peppering his face with kisses.
when you came back, you had two different colors. you plopped on his laps, sitting sideways, as you showed both of the colors.
"which one do you prefer?"
an idea bloomed in hanbin's mind. you know, there are basic principles for an healthy relationship. one of the main point is to trust your significant other. however, you made a mistake by trusting hanbin, because he was literally going to scam you in order to get more kisses.
faking hesitation, hanbin chooses the pinkish one.
you fell into his trap with no problem, applying the lipstick on yourself with hanbin telling you when it was good since you had no mirror with you.
your attention went back to him, and with no hesitation whatsoever, you started planting soft kisses all over his face. they were longer than a simple peck, to make sure the stain would be visible enough.
hanbin closed his eyes, a shy smile that he tried to refrain on his face. you started with his nose, then moved down to his chin, back to his cheeks. he savored the feeling of your soft lips on his skin as you kissed his jaw. your kisses ended up going to his forehead and you finished, looking at his pleased face.
hanbin didn't open his eyes yet, thinking you would kiss him more. when he felt one of your hand ruffling his hair, only one of his eyes popped open.
"you're already done?" he asked.
"yes! i think you have enough marks on your face."
"could've let you kiss me all day" he muttered inaudibly as you grabbed your phone. it was okay, he had a plan anyway.
"should we record now?" you said and he nodded.
you recorded the video the same way it was done on tiktok, and you sat with him to review it, making sure it was good enough to post. you loved it. hanbin loved it. but it isn't about love right now, it's about being a fraud. hanbin was a fraud but that is a okay, because scammers also deserves a love story!
"i think we should do it again because the color isn't suitable with the light of the room. it's not pretty enough with the color of my hair neither. when i think about it, maybe we should try again with your other lipstick."
everything goes according to plan because you were completly oblivious to his stratagem. you simply grabbed something to wash away the stains on his face and the color on your lips. he let you cup his face while you softly brushed a tissue against his skin to take off the previous kisses. that's how hanbin, a mastermind, succeeded in making you do that trend three times in a row in order to have more kisses.
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• Kamden
"i would rather stand naked in alaska cornered by a hundred people than do this."
you felt like your jaw dropped to the ground when kamden replied this to your request. sure, you knew he would be reluctant, but not that much! he just couldn't take this seriously, the whole concept sounded stupid to him.
"so. you want me to sit here in front of a camera while you reapply lipstick but you fail just for the sake of failing and i use my finger to do... whatever they are doing on that tiktok and then i have to look at you like i'm.... yeah no. do it with your teddy bear or something."
you whined at his brutally honest opinion, a bit shocked considering the fact he spit his venom with a straight face.
"what? it's cute, right?" you insisted, sure he was going to change his mind for you. he looked at you as you gave him dejected puppy eyes. kamden scoffed, looking away. there was no way he's falling for this. no, he was stronger than this. in his opinion, intimacy was supposed to stay... intimate. why would people on the internet have to see this kind of content from you two? plus, it just ruins a moment to turn on a camera while he's with you. it's staged. it's not natural.
you sighed in defeat, realizing there was really no way in hell kamden would do this.
"right... that's okay, i'll ask a friend to do it with me."
"yeah, just do tha- what?"
an alarm has been triggered in kamden's brain. if you did this with a friend, wasn't it weird? and what friend were you going to do it with?
"what friend?"
"you mean 'who'?"
"yeah, who?"
"i don't know, maybe jay."
it was enough for kamden to change his mind. he pointed his finger at you, with a new found energy.
"bring that damn lipstick." your face lit up at his words.
"we're doing it?" you exclaimed.
"yeah, only if you don't post the video."
you nodded frantically. after you went to grab what was need for the video, you sat next to him. "you're ready?" you asked, "yeah, whatever".
despite his grumpy attitude, you weren't oblivious to the way he played nervously with his fingers when you planted the first kiss. you weren't oblivious to the fact that he was biting his inner cheek in order to not smile, either. you knew he liked it, otherwise you wouldn't have done it.
kamden knew he liked it as well. but how could he show it? it would be embarassing after all the fuss he made not to do the challenge. you guys filmed the video, and you respected your promise by not posting it online, keeping it to yourself. this was the day kamden realized he loved cheek kisses the best, and he waited for you to sleep to send himself the video secretly.
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• Junhyeon
you literally asked the wrong person. yes, junhyeon accepted your request, but there was something about him you forgot. junhyeon would combust if he didn't create a mess each day. even a little one, it was fine by him, but this menace could not go to bed happily if he didn't participate into chaos.
"how about i apply the lipstick on your lips for you?" he proposed. you didn't think about it twice, handing him the makeup supply. you felt the makeup on your lips as junhyeon was putting it for you. at first he did it right, but you noticed that little by little, a smirk appeared on his face and he started to go overline. pulling your face away, you jokingly hit his arm.
"what are you doing" you said, acting like you were mad even if you find the joke funny.
"what? isn't overlining the lips trendy?" junhyeon responded, acting innocent.
"yeah, act like it wasn't one of your jokes" you rolled your eyes still pretending to be annoyed.
"you were so pretty i couldn't stay focused, that's why" junhyeon explained in a dramatic tone.
you made an exaggerated grimace after hearing his cheesy words, hitting him once again. junhyeon's laugh ringed through your ears while you were catching a tissue to clean up your lips. he looked at you from afar, a smile on his face. junhyeon got up from the couch he was sitting on and went to backhug you. you put your hands on his as you felt his lips planting soft kisses to your jaw.
"i'll do it properly this time, if you still want to do it" junhyeon said, resting his head on your shoulder.
"is it another joke" you answered with a straight face.
you whined while he started laughing once again. hearing your complaints, he didn't let go of you to make you turn around and face him. then, junhyeon leaned in to kiss your lips quickly. "i'm kidding, i'll be serious this time. i want kisses too."
after that, junhyeon got kisses from you indeed, but not because of the trend.
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d4rkdi0rrr · 4 months
First off I just want to say I LOVED you’re other Leo x reader writing 😭
Could you write a sort of enemies (they just argue a lot lol) to friends to lovers with Leo on the Argo. Like maybe he’s blasting country music like 24/7 while he works and the reader hates it (sorry to any country music lovers lmao). Or like the reader is one room down from him and she just hears the power tools going all night. And maybe the reader ticks him off too because she like keeps breaking her weapons, or starts playing loud music to retaliate idk. But then one day they are paired together for night patrol or cleaning duty. Leo’s like “dude why do you hate me so much??” and the readers like “who said I hate you??
(Sorry if this is long I’m horrible at explaining things lol 😭)
he hates me, he hates me not
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(im glad you liked the leo x reader fic and thank u sm for this request! it was a little rushed so i apologise in advance but it was rlly fun to write <3)
leo valdez x fem!reader
cw: arguing, enemies to lovers, swearing, reader cabin not specified, not proof read
Leo Valdez was infuriating to say the least.
You had agreed to join the quest, thinking that you and Leo could become good friends. What was there to dislike? He could be funny (at times), cared about his friends and had a nice face (something you would never admit out loud). But boy were you wrong. He held some sort of personal vendetta against you, ticking you off on purpose, making your life a literal living hell. You had no idea why he hated you so much.
"Maybe he likes you," Piper giggled, fanning her freshly painted nails. You two, along with Hazel and Annabeth were in Piper's room, having a girl's night.
"Me and Percy were like that before we got together too, y'know," Annabeth agreed, grabbing a cookie from the box that was sat beside your position on the bed.
"Oh please," you scoffed. "You guys know how much he pisses me off. It's too bad he has such a pretty face - oh shit." Realising what you'd said out loud, you immediately covered your face with your hands. "Please forget what I just said."
"Aww, someone's got a crush!" Squealed Hazel, throwing a pillow at you, "we are never letting you live this down."
You rolled your eyes at her. Just as you were about to grab the last cookie, the door flew open, along with the sweaty grime-covered bane of your existence.
"Pipes, have you seen Buford? He ran off with my tool belt. Are those cookies?" He reached an arm out towards the cookie box faster than the speed lightning, and before you could stop him, he'd taken the last cookie. Darn it. He looked around the room before his gaze fell upon you, to which he wrinkled up his face. "I wasn't aware that we let aliens in on this ship."
"Fuck off, Valdez," you grumbled. You weren't in the mood to argue with him right now. He'd taken the last damn cookie and now your evening was ruined. "Says the abominable fuck face. Buford isn't here. Go away before I punch your face in."
"Alright, alright, good night to y'all." Leo winked before saying, "except for you, Y/N, of course." You threw a pillow at the closing door.
It was currently 1 am on the Argo, and Leo had been tinkering away in his room beside you. To be honest, the occasional sounds of the metal clinking and clattering was quite relaxing. It was the loud country music blasting, making you want to crawl under your bed and stuff cotton in your ears that was truly insufferable.
You weren't about to let go of the absolutely appetizing thought of sleep escape you, so naturally, you got up and knocked loudly on Leo's door.
"Come in!" you heard over the loud music. You entered his room and looked around, disgusted. The ground was absolutely trashed and looked like the equivalent of a war zone. "Oh, it's you."
"Can you please turn this horrible music down?" you tried to yell over the obnoxious music. "I'm trying to sleep."
"No can do!" he yelled back. "It helps me concentrate. Get out of my room!"
You huffed (which Leo thought was absolutely adorable) and slammed the door closed.
Back in your own cabin, you accepted the fact that you were going to wake up looking like a sleep deprived rat. However, maybe you were hallucinating or delusional but you swear you heard the volume lower before drifting off to sleep.
"Not you again," you groaned as you saw the first locks of Leo's curly hair from the top of the ladder. "I thought I was on duty with Frank."
"We're stuck with each other I guess," Leo shrugged cheerfully, plopping down next to you. The night breeze was cooling on your face and you felt like the main character in a movie as the wind gently kissed your hair. For once, you actually didn't mind his presence. Then: "Dude, why do you hate me so much?"
"Hmm?" you hummed, unsure of where he was going with this. "What do you mean? I don't hate you."
"We can't stand each other!" Leo protested. "I'm always insulting you, and you're always insulting me back. This is probably the most civil conversation we've ever had!"
You were starting to feel defensive. Wasn't he the one that'd always started tormenting you? You'd only wanted to get back at him for everything he'd done to you. "You start all of it though! I wanted to be friends with you but you just wouldn't let me! I tried, Leo, I did but you were just so infuriating with your jabs and pretty face and pretty everything and- "
"Wait, you think I'm pretty?" Leo looked starstruck by your words. He was gazing at you with the softest look on his face. "Can I tell you something?" You nodded. "I acted like I hated you because you were too beautiful, definitely way out of my league. I'm so sorry."
You grew flustered at the sudden proximity between the two of you.
"Can I kiss you?" He breathed softly.
He leaned forwards and placed a hand around the back of your head, the other finding yours and intertwining your fingers together. His lips were slightly chapped against yours but you felt like you were in heaven.
Breaking apart with a small giggle, you mustered up your courage and asked, "Can we do that again?"
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today is Iida's birthday !!!! maybe some drabbles/headcannons about what it would be like to celebrate with him :3?
headcannons and drabbles 😜
for everyone else who has requested stuff and I haven't replied, I'm so sorry 😭 I just moved 4 states away from home by myself and I've been busy ASFFF but I'm finally starting to get some free time again so pls be patient with me, I appreciate it 🙏
Okay so this first one is oddly specific, but every time I go on my own personal Tenya Iida bend, I alwaaayyyss think of this. My fav "perfect gift for him" idea is a pair of glasses (stick with my now), but not just any pair, a pair with his hero name
engraved in the side‼️ It may seem kinda dumb cause hes got like, idk a bagillion pairs of glasses, but these are perfect for special occasions and we all know he prefers the finer things in life so I think he's love this 😌😌 (possibly sheds tears bc he loves his brother like it's nobody's business and he feels the weight of this gift in his soul, ong)
My favorite gag gift ideas all come down to one thing, oranges. (ifykyk but de I will still explain) So, as a lot of Tenya fans know, his quirk uses oranges/orange juice as the fuel for his engines (no I'm not lying, it's random ik, his family has so many random traditions and small details thrown into the show, I love them sm 💞)
Like many people, I love gag gifts, and I would have a field day with this. I'm talking sunglasses shaped like oranges, bottles upon bottles of assorted orange juice, Sunny D merch, the whole nine yards. While this HC is made to be a gag gift, I think he would actually lose his shit over this, like best gift he's ever received type shit. He'd keep a specific shelf on his bookshelf for all things orange you get him (like a shrine or sm shi 💀) It def weirds ppl out when they don't know the story behind the shelf, but he loves it 😌👍
Another gag gift idea I love 😋 (okay so rq)
fun fact Abt me: I'm in mechanics and I js know bro would eat up auto mechanics related gag gifts Soo much 😭😭
Like cleaner for his mufflers, car oil (strictly for shits and giggles) js dumb shit like that 😭 Again, definitely has a stash/shrine for all this stuff, everytime you tell him he can get rid of it
"it was just a joke tenya, you know you don't have to keep it right?"
"well dear, it could come in handy one day! You never know ☺️"
Spending the Day Together 💞
Bros prim and proper, if your lucky, you wake up before him. It's no secret that appreciates the finer things in life (and the small things, atp he appreciates literally everything. Tenya is an angel sent from heaven and don't you forget it ✋) But if you decide to wake this man up to some bomb ass breakfast, I'm talking bacon, eggs, possibly pancakes, and ofc a big ass glass of orange juice he WILL tear up. I know deep in my soul he's an emotional (or at least dramatic) gift reciever.
I feel like his birthday would actually be a pretty average day, other than the morning and night. He ofc wants to have breakfast with you, whether it's cooking or the two of you going out, but he makes a NIIGHT out of his birthday. Y'all are doing it all don't even play ✋ Anything he could think of that you would also enjoy, is going on the list. (ofc there's a list, this is Teny Iida were talking Abt 🙄🙄)
There happens to be a festival near by? ✅
Oh your in a town known for it's street foods? Take a wild guess where your going. ✅
Open Business Shack street strip? You're walking that thing about 50 times. ✅
Art Museums. Movies. Live Music. Wining and Dining. Walks in a Park. Walks on the beach. Hero conventions. Literally any event near or on his birthday y'all are going to. You can try to plan all you want for him but he's got things mapped out before you ever thought possible. Something to be grateful for though, he doesn't mind it. He doesn't mind planning all of these things for HIS birthday because making you happy in the process is more than enough for him to get by (selfless baddie).
At the End of the Day 🌆
As much as I'd like to think, and we'd all like to think, that Tenya gets in a good amount of alone time with you at the end of his birthday, it just doesn't happen (ikik trust the process 😔)
After a long day of walking around the town, eating great food, spending way to much money on entrance fees to museums, gift shops, and that great food I mentioned, bros pooped (sry guys I'm js a girl and idk how else to word that with equal humor to that phrase 😔)
The second you walk through that door bags are crashing into the ground, shoes are being thrown across the room (not rly tho cuz u leave ur shoes by the front door 👍), clothes are being scattered across the living and bedroom. All bro wants to do is crash into his bed. He barely has time to out his night cap on 😔😔
It's slightly mundane but sweet because trust me ✋ After a day like the one he has planned y'all's bed sounds like heaven. I mean you can swear you hear the angels themselves singing to you once y'all slink into bed together, and honestly he wouldn't have it any other way. Spending an amazing day with his amazing partner, then getting into an even more amazing bed with said partner at the end of his lil adventure 💞
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this is kinda on the short side, but it's late ash where I'm at and I'm tired asff BUT I FINALLY WROTE SMT AGAIN 😍😍 (praise God life was getting so boring) I hope y'all enjoy! I haven't been an iida girlie for awhile now but y'all are bringing it back 😜 (not to mention that one scene from the anime where it's class 1-A vs Deku and bros looking extra yummy) (slay) (pls don't come for me I'm 18 and have been watching this show since I was 12)(I'm also asexual so I'm not being weird I swear)(ik some of my reposts say otherwise but guys good writing is good writing what can I say 😭🙏)
Hope y'all have a wonderful night!
Lots of love 💞
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
Flower Goes Floral
Type- Fake Insta ;)
Verse- Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!Y/n
Warnings- None, just fluff <3
Description- Harry at the Brits, wearing an iconic dress suit, styled by none other than his girlfriend, Y/n.
A/n- I want to post slightly regularly this year, and because I'm busy writing a few other fics which I'm yet to finish, here's a small fake ig for y'all. Hope you like it! <3
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Liked by Masaba, AnthonyPham and others
Y/Ig/n Harry Styles (aka my partner), wearing a custom Gucci Black Peplum Blazer and an oversized flower blazer. Both were designed and styled by me, yours one and only.
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HsFan1 I just KNOW that he was absolutely THRILLED to wear this
Masaba No lies I'd be smug too if I had designed this
↳Y/Ig/N There's no bigger fan of you than me. Thank you very much, this has altered my life.
HarryStyles Looking like a devil, aren't I?
↳HarryFan0 WHO PUT THAT IN HIS MIND ↳MitchRowland I beg your pardon, @HarryFan0. I had meant it as a joke.
Y/nFan1 Both of them ATE and left no crumbs.
Y/nFan2 Can we talk about how surreally she said 'aka my partner' in the brackets??
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Liked by Zayn, TaylorFan1 and -others
HarryStyles Thank you for having me tonight, @/Brits. I had an amazing time wearing both of my outfits, styled by the icon, @Y/Ig/N.
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TaylorFan1 Alexa? Play Gorgeous by Taylor Swift.
Y/Ig/n Why, thank you, Darling.
ConanGray Please I'm ready to sell you my hair just collaborate with me too
↳Y/Ig/N What you want me to spoil the surprise, don't you? ↳ConanFan1 A Y/N AND CONAN COLLAB?!?!? WHY IS EVERYONE SLEEPING ON THIS OMFG I'M FREAKING OUT
KatyPerry Looking just like the charming man you always do
Y/nFan16 She really said watch my flower go floral
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Liked by Lizzo, Adele and -others
Y/Ig/n Happy Valentine's Day, @HarryStyles. You truly are a devil in disguise.
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Lizzo *Heart-shaped eyes (towards the pizza)*
Y/nFan5 lmaoo not her bashing him through his own comment
HarryStyles Happy Valentine's Day, lover
Y/nFan11 I love them sm it hurts ...but in like- a cool way ;)
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Liked by NiallHoran, TaylorSwift and -others
HarryStyles I have no idea what I would wear without you, @Y/Ig/n (and your lovely team too). Thank you for agreeing to go out for a glass of wine with me on that already industrious and bustling day. And oh, Happy Valentine's Day.
View all 28,305,567 comments
Y/nforeva This woman never rests, does she?
GemmaStyles Exactly. Thank you for agreeing, @Y/Ig/N
Y/Ig/n Literally one of the best nights in my life.
↳HarryStyles I agree ;)
JamesCordon You two are disgustingly in love
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Liked by HarryFan02, Y/nforeva and -others
HarryY/nAlways Happy Valentine's Day to THE BEST COUPLE in the whole industry. (Y/n uploaded these on her ig stories with the caption 'Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.' Exactly. A Hozier song. Goodbye.)
View all 95,64,589 comments
Y/nFan3 She IS goofy, she just doesn't show that side of hers on the camera that often.
Anne Best Duo!
Y/nFan5 No way is gonna have a vase big enough to fit all those roses in but then again, she's THE @Y/Ig/N
HarryFan1 He is SO Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!
YourMum These two never fail to make me smile. Just imagine the sunburn on their cheeks because they are so careless and in love.
↳Y/nforeva Y/n's mum literally loves them so much, it's ADORABLE
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOCHES!!! Hii darling !! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
ohmigosh i swear whenever you respond to my asks, my brain exploded with ideas its crazy and i love u sm for it <33 but anyways this kinda tied down to my recent brainrot b4 this, so since fragile!reader was in a coma for hundreds of years, the first time they probably tried getting out of bed and walking on their own two feet was probably an absolute failure 😭 fragile!raedrr probably looked like a baby deer learning how to walk for the first time. to say it was cute but also embarrassing is an understatement. also THATS SO TRUE! reader would literally beg Zandik and every single clone to go outside to see Snezhnaya, but since their health is so fragile it’s such a huge risk that they can’t take :(( so they’re usually just looking out the window to see if they can even catch a glimpse of Snezhnaya’s city. also adding onto Zandik being more mature and different from the Akademiya, reader probs has so so many questions on what happened while they slept, like what do you mean he has power that can match even the gods?! fragile!raeder would probably be so amazed but also scared that their own lover, THE Zandik, the outcast from Sumeru, turned to become the 2nd Harbinger, and have so much strength. ALSOOOO lifting up his mask and seeing the new scars littered on his face </3 reader would probably be so worried and ask “does it still hurt?” AHHHH it’s past 12 AM but this man has had such a grip on me the whole day. Currently sick rn, hopefully I’ll get better. But ANYWAYS I love you so so much smooches make sure you take breaks and stay healthy in college I know it must be really stressful. Just know I’ll be giving you a bunch of chu chus. <33
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon ౨ৎ
HI 🎐 ANON!! <33 I'm so glad I inspired you wabdbedbdw that's so cute ily more ❤️❤️ And RELATABLE 🎐 ANON i can't go a day without thinking of this crazy doctor man smh,, and omg i hope you feel better 😭 i'm responding a bit late but hopefully you feel better by now!! Make sure to rest a lot and don't push yourself okay? Staying up until 12 AM isn't good for you!! 😤🥺 Thank you luckily I've been coping well in college, it's just that is SO!! hot and walking to class has me sweating hard unfortunately 😅 Anyway- MOVING ON TO DOTTORE!!
I didn't even think about that- poor fragile reader would have to relearn SO many basic things. At first you'd be stubborn about accepting help - because well... obviously you feel embarrassed and upset that you need help doing something that should be easy to you, from a man as powerful as Dottore nonetheless - but... eventually you have to. At least baby Zandy holds your hand the whole time to steady you ❤️
YEAAA the clones and Dot probably can guess what you are about to say with EASE when you come up to them with a pleading "🥺" expression. They really do feel bad about rejecting you, especially when your shoulders droop and you let out that little dejected sigh that they've gotten used to hearing... You just want to know about the world outside, to explore just like how you once used to in the Akademiya... to venture into the unknown with your beloved. At least there are some really pretty picture books of Snezhnaya, and they always bring you souvenirs from their expeditions <33
Reader would be literally bouncing off the walls in excitement when they hear all of the stories Zandik has to tell 🥺 They want EVERY piece of the story down to the most minuscule detail. I mean, how could you not want the whole story when he went from this random guy in the Akademiya to a HARBINGER? In the Fatui? Those same people who used to watch y'all in the desert and forest?? 😨 And now you're saying this whole lab and space belongs to you too? Zandik, we have hundreds of years of catching up to do and you're not letting him go until he recounts everything <33
OH MY GOD THE SCARS😭😭 TEARSSS I didn't think about how he'd get the scars after you fell asleep- you would be wondering why he wears that mask nonstop until he finally relents and lets you take it off... :( your heart would just break as you softly kiss the scarred skin and trace it with your fingers. It probably doesn't hurt anymore but it aches when you touch it so tenderly...
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lyrichi · 9 months
I know that this account was suppose to turn into a shitpost headcannon account but y'all I fucking love chemistry so much I can't even
Like sometimes I wish that there were fics of MC in obey me verse just doing chemistry with Solomon
For one I'm down bad
Like my fucking chem final is in a few hours and we get to make one paper of a cheet sheet
so I fucking crammed last night and did all of the imporntatnt chapter shit from my notes and the textbook
Back to om for a sec tho I'd totally write a fic abt MC just loving chem as much as I do but like idk the chem in devildom is dif for some reason so they have to relearn shit but also teach people human chem
Like bro I love chem sm 😭😭
I already have some ideas about what could be dif between the two realms;
The periodic table could be different because of exposure to different substances and elements, which in turn makes the organisation different
Like the transition metals are larger, the man-made elements don't exist, the F block is way smaller/larger because of the exposure to different substances,
Exposure to elements are higher - for example, exposure and access to elements like Argon and ones w higher atomic masses and such are easier to find and use in experiments
The safety protocols are WAY dif, like in chem classes they don't even have the fuckin lab safety thing doesn't exist (because they're fucking demons) so things are a lot more reckless
Labs tend to be -- bigger? Like more combustion and danger involved, rather than labs that'd be seen in high school chem classes (mixing Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate for example)
Yeah man idfk I just love chem
Ooh here are some little snippets 😍
Solomon and MC get paired together in a chem class with not very many instructions, only being told to make an explosion with the least amount of substances. So what do they do? Pour Lithium into water
At some point after MC decides to really live-in their room in the HoL (cause like really they're sleeping in the fucking hotel guest room) they receive some chemistry equipment from Solomon. One night they don't come down for dinner and one of the bros (you choose who) comes to see what's up and they just find MC hunched over their desk trying to organise substances without cross contaminating anything, which is very hard when most things come looking like cocaine
Alternatively, it's the middle of the day and they're doing some experiment involving having to force copper to oxidize, and somehow they make the air in their room extremely explosive (think that one scene in The Martian book) After realising this, they leave their room and sit outside their door while trying to air out their room. (Fan on high, windows open all the way, door open, etc) They get questioned, yadda yadda yadda, they get banned from doing experiments in the house
Fun one; they make elephant toothpaste for Luke after he asked about what they do
Super fun one; they pull a Nile Red and do some crazy shit like make paint thinner into soda and have one (or more) of the characters drink it and half way through them drinking it MC just goes "it's actually paint thinner"
MC correcting the shit out of a teacher in RAD and somehow ending up teaching the class. Then there's a video found online of MC teaching the class and they become the resident chemistry nerd and get paid to do other people's work (before Lucy shuts it down 🙄)
Yeah uh
I don't know man I wrote like half of this at like 7 in the morning before my chem final and my brain is still on chem
I'm on break now so I can do whatever I want now but yk
Oh yeah here are some clarification things for those who have no clue abt terminology 😭
Transition metals are the columns in the periodic table between column 2 and 13, it's the metals like silver, gold, copper, tungsten, etc
The F block is the elements shoved underneath the rest of the table that realistically start in column 2
More for curious people; mixing CaCl2 and MgS gives you a precipitate (solid) and liquid - more specifically MgCl2 and CaS (this is without balancing them)
Lithium explodes in water - don't listen to google when it says to wash it off your hands with water
Oxidizing copper will basically change its color and make it rust
You make elephant toothpaste by mixing dry yeast, warm water, dish soap, and 3% hydrogen peroxide
wooo ok
Yeah that's it idk I love chemistry it's so fun
If anyone's interested in my chem cram sheet lmkkk <33333
drink your dihydrogen monoxide <3
Here's my cram sheets for those who want it
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chuluoyi · 10 months
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“can i go where you go? can we always be this close, forever and ever?”
a little thank you from me to you—for all the love and interactions for my silly little blog during two months of me being here!
[ status : closed ! ]
. . .
NOTE ok first thing first, this is long overdue already bcs now i've gone past 1k—it's now 1.5k! thank u sm aaa <3 i never expected this. i still think my writing is kinda average and all but thank u for all kind words and interacting with me!
so what is this event? simple. pick your fave, prompt, setting, add your idea—then send it straight to my askbox!
how does it work? let us get a move on...
i will write 7 fics, ranging from 2k ~ 5k words, and mostly made up of angst, fluff or a combination of both
i will choose from what’s been sent to my askbox. so it’s possible for me to combine two similar requests or drop it (sorry!)
each prompt and setting can only be used once. i'll regularly update this post to cross out prompts and settings that are already taken!
anons are allowed, but since this is a followers event, i’ll prioritize the ones who choose to be off anons—i appreciate you for doing so!
with the speed of my writing, as always, please kindly expect delayed releases. there are still weekly series and regular requests—ah, you just have to make me reach 1k now, don’t you? :')) and now it’s 1.5k… really, love y'all!🫶🏻
now on to ordering...
HOW TO ORDER the format: character — prompts — setting — additional ideas
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✧ pick your character ! for this event, the character roster are limited to:
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✧ pick your prompts ! rules: max up to 3
1. “nah, i’d win.” 2. “i can show you incredible things.” 3. “i just have to ask. will you go out with me?” 4. “you don't deserve to be unhappy. and i don’t want to be unhappy, either.” 5. “i will protect you.” 6. “why did you do that?!” 7. “we are getting a divorce.” 8. “shut up and kiss me.” 9. “you have been kind of obvious.” 10. “if you feel safer with me being here, then i’ll be here.” 11. “it’s me and not him!” 12. “i suck at telling people my feelings, but i love you. i still do.” 13. “i can't do this anymore.” 14. “don't act innocent when we both know what filth come out of your mouth just five minutes ago.” 15. “tell me the truth. what are we?”
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✧ choose your setting ! rules: max up to 1
♡ happy marriage: you are married to the love of your life♡ married on purpose: marriage of convenience with your enemy seems to be what would solve your problems right now ♡ lover’s quarrel: fights, words you don’t mean—is this what it takes for your relationship to end?
ah i ran out of ideas. i’m opening the last four slots to cater to your desired ideas—give me your best!
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✧ lastly, shoot it right to my askbox! please tell me it’s for the event so i won’t confuse it with the regular requests! add your own idea too while at it, it'll be waaay more helpful!
if you want to use the available setting:
e.g. “for 1k event, gojo — prompt x and x — married on purpose — and i have an idea: yadda yadda yadda
if you want to suggest your own setting:
e.g. “for 1k event, megumi — prompt x — and i have a suggestion: yadda yadda yadda and it should be yadda yadda yadda
end of the word, thank you again for 1.5k!🫶🏻 if you have any questions regarding this event, feel free to ask me! hope you'll enjoy the 7 upcoming fics from this event!
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newestq · 2 years
i love your p1harmony writing! could you do first dates with the members?
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️ p1harmony | more here!
synopsis — first dates with p1harmony.
author's note — n/a.
wc > 1.070k , genre : fluff , gn!reader – fem!reader for theo
⊹ keeho
doesn't act like it, but he's really nervous
he hasn't been on many dates and he just wants to make a good impression
his leader mode is an instinct and he ends up ordering for you
"i could've ordered myself," you smile towards him, handing the waitress your menu
"oh–right. sorry, i'm so used to ordering for the guys," he laughs awkwardly
you both talk a lot about your hometowns. since both of you are foreigners, you connect with the feeling of being away from home
shopping was the next thing y'all did after y'all finished eating, and he spoiled you to the max
anything you wanted, he bought it for you—even if you could afford it, he was buying it
by the end of the date, you and keeho had matching outfits and matching earrings 😛
the two of you have been talking for a few weeks now, and are yet to make it official, but keeho can confidently say he'll be taking the next step after this date
⊹ taeyang : theo — gender specific
sets up a cute picnic date for the two of you
is really nervous, and ends up going to keeho for help
"what do girls eat? like is there something specific or..?"
"taeyang, be so for real right now."
yeah... he's a mess.
him and keeho end up buying an assortment of foods since he couldn't just decide on one or two things to base everything off of
poor baby tried so hard on everything, just for it to be ruined by the bees and the weather
he was really sulky when the two of you had to cancel the picnic date, but you didn't mind
brings you to the dorms to watch a movie, which was a bad idea because everyone was at the dorms and were interrogating you two
"do you know he doesn't wear chapstick?"
"intak, shut the fuck up"
"she needs to know!"
⊹ jiung
you had been on a few dates with people before you'd gotten with jiung
he had asked what the dates were like, and you had told them that they were all pretty much the same: movies, dinner, golf...
he had made it his goal to make your first date together something you'd never done before
so hiking was the plan.
you'd expressed how much you wanted to go hiking to him before, and he never found a good enough opportunity to bring you. but with his schedule clear for a few days, and your vacation from school, it was perfect.
ends up enjoying it more than you do-even though he fell a few (lot) times
"jiung, baby. can we please take a break?"
"a break? right now? but this is way to fun."
he eventually listens to your whines, and y'all sit in a spot that gives y'all the best view
"thank you for this. best first date ever."
"it better be. i busted my ass for you."
⊹ intak
definitely will take you to the beach
buys cute matching swimsuits, and brags about it to his members non-stop
"okay you're better than me at smash bros, but do you and your partner have matching swimsuits? that's what i thought"
"intak, i'm single."
"cry about it."
jongseob: T-T
anyway, he also stays up the night before creating a playlist for the ride
titles it something cheesy, like "pov: beach trip with yr baby" or something
takes SO MANY cute pictures together
like he cant post them but he will show everyone he can
shows up to rehearsal talking bout
"hey pd nim wanna see what me and y/n did this weekend?"
he's actually infatuated
y'all are so that couple everyone sees in the water at the beach and gets jealous of fr
snowballs on the beach &lt;3
probably rents a golf cart and drives around while listening to the playlist he made with you
he just loves you sm
⊹ shota : soul
shota actually didn't plan y'all date, taeyang did
they had time off and decided to go to an amusement park
you and shota hadn't seen each other in some time, and taeyang suggested shota bring you along for some quality time
you happily agreed
one thing about shota, however: he loves the extreme rides
haha you're definitely not pissing yourself while waiting in line for a rollercoaster! that's childish! haha..
laughs at you while you're literally crying your eyes out
he feels bad afterwards though and buys you a lot of food to make up for it (well he uses keeho's money)
goes on the rides you want to go on, and he secretly takes pictures of you and sets them as his lockscreen &lt;3
poor jongseob is third wheeling
once y'all left the park, y'all go eat out and jiung makes you and shota sit at a separate table to talk (much to keeho's protests)
"what if they do something they aren't supposed to??"
"like what?"
"like something adults do."
"keeho, he just turned 18."
⊹ jongseob
you plan the date, since he's in your hometown, and decide to go kayaking
he's never done it before and it makes you really excited that his first time kayaking his with you
he gets a little scared when trying to get in the kayak and it takes him a while before he finally sits in it
while laughing at him trying to get in, you fall out of your kayak. he's so shocked and he starts laughing too-which causes him to fall out
screams like a girl while falling
eventually y'all are just laughing so hard while drifting in the water
y'all get yelled at for being in the way of other kayaks, so y'all take a break from something y'all didn't even start and eat ice cream
there's a lot of other things to do at the place you brought him, so y'all venture out and go on water slides, play with water guns, feed alligators, (which he's never seen before and almost shits himself), and end it with eating seafood
when you're both dry, he takes pictures of you with his camera and posts one on weverse, even though he isn't supposed to
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mariaace · 4 months
HELLO. It's me, of course.Can you write dating headcanons for Geto😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗😗😗🫠😗🫠😗😗😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗🫠😗😗😗😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰🥺🥹🥹
A/n: It was about time i get to this request anyway (this is 16 yo Geto btw guys)
Warnings: mention of injuries
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Now now now
I luv Geto sm y'all have no idea
I was just thinking about him ugh
Now let me start sorry
Starting as how you two got together. I will assume you are a sorcerer and that's how you met and he confessed to you while you were coming back from a mission like it's to the most normal thing ever. Like "Yeah it did went good, oh by the way i very much like you, would you be my girlfriend/boyfriend".
Love language i would say is act of service and words of affirmation
Like yes he would do anything you want him to, just ask. You sometimes don't even have to ask. He just knows what you need okay?
Words of affirmation are a MUST. This man worships you and the ground you walk on, no other choices.
For dates i feel like this man is veryyyy romantic. He'll always think about something that you like and somehow turn it into a date.
Let me say this man is PROTECTIVE. Like a lot. His hand is usually around your shoulders or waist when you walk together.
He lets you play with his hair and he does with yours too. It most likely happens after one of you have been on a rough mission and need peace, one of you just lays on top of the other, talk, listen or do whatever the fuck you want to do.
Speaking of mission. When you get injured on missions he is the first one to go right to Shoko to ask how are you. He is so stressed oh my god, my poor Geto
He also liked to pick you up (show off you know?) He feels like this is something that you love (you probably do) and he gets to hold you close AND see you smile. What more could he possibly ask for?
At first he refused to train (spar) with you, because he was scared to hurt you in a way, but after a bit (a lot) of reassurance you'll be okay he gives in
Would listen to you talking for HOURS litteral HOURS. Like the lalala and okokok thing on tt. And he would remember every single thing you said. "Btw what we you saying about that one your friend?" "Geto that was a month ago-"
Lovely bf ngl
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© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy translate steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
@dazailoveschuuya <3
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svltzmans · 1 year
Hii I love ur work :) if it's ok with u could I request for what it would be like being Lizzie Saltzman's bestfriend and dating hope? If it's ok with you!
being best friends with lizzie saltzman and dating hope mikaelson headcanons <3
a/n: anon this is such a cute request!! i love these two so much and i love writing for them <3 thank you for submitting, i hope you love it!!
warnings: none! :) just my silly unedited writing
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you and lizzie had been close since... practically the dawn of time
and you truly confided in her about everything in your life, and she had been your number one fan
(god i love her sm)
but when you started having feelings for hope, you decided to hide it from lizzie
for one thing, you weren't sure if hope felt the same way about you
and you knew that hope and lizzie's friendship was complicated
the last thing you wanted was for your friendship with lizzie to get awkward
but when you and hope actually started dating, you knew you had to tell lizzie
so you two would be hanging out as usual, probably at the mystic grill eating lunch and chatting
and you would tell lizzie that you've been seeing someone
and she would get SO excited and start asking a million questions
and eventually you'd just spit out that it was hope you were seeing
her first reaction would just be "why" 😭
but when you started telling lizzie about how well hope treats you, and how much you really like her
she softened up right away and was like "i hope you know i will be joining you on your dates from now on"
and sometimes she did, but only during the times you and hope were just hanging out
not like if you were on an *actual* date
if you and hope showed any kind of physical affection lizzie would be like "you guys are gay"
(she's a lesbian btw, i don't make the rules)
hope and lizzie started to grow closer and formed a close bond
which you loved watching, especially after how complex things were in the past between them
the three of you would have sleepovers and watch movies all the time
if you could actually decide on a movie that is
bc y'all would argue about it for hours
you and hope would cuddle and lizzie would be like "scoot over"
when you went out hope would hold your hand and lizzie would happily walk alongside the two of you
she grows to love your relationship so much and she is happy to third wheel sometimes
even though she playfully rolls her eyes at you guys
lizzie would definitely play personal photographer for you and hope
she would walk behind you and take pics of you guys just doing couple things 😭
if you and hope ever fought (which is rare)
lizzie would be the mediator and force y'all to make up QUICKLY
and hope would ask lizzie for gift and date ideas for you, because she has known you so long and knows exactly what you would love
overall, this is lizzie:
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lovelybee666 · 8 months
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Random drawings!(Dogday, Bobby Bearhug, Ganyu, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi and ocs!)
Random drawings!(Goldie, Mafuemu, Emu Otori, Bobby Bearhug x Dogday + Hoppy Hopscotch, Yandere!Catnap x Reader)
Nothing here!
GIF Nightcord at 25
Random stuff
1. Starting to go crazy
2. Finalizing requests after hours
3. I take a nap and wake up with 100 likes
4. I forgot Bubba Bubbaphant existed
5. I accidentally deleted requests
6. being a typewriter machine
7. I need Dogday x reader content
9. Imagine yandere Catnap
10. I need more Craftycorn requests
11. I'm not the only one who thinks Mommy takes care of the Smiling Critters like children, right?
12. Smash
14. Ranking yandere Smiling Critters
15. Moving forward with requests!
16. I have a theory...(I'm just delulu)
18. Maybe Bobby is alive
19. 100 followers!!
20. I'm starting to get TOO fond of Bobby Bearhug
21. Bobby Bearhug x Dogday
22. "I love your pfp"
23. Catnap :3(plus, Bubba)
24. I want to upload content from project sekai
25. Random screenshots I took playing pj sk
26. Fluff alphabet Craftycorn
27. Fanfic complaints i have
28. I got Rilliane
32. i'm so dumb
33. TWIN??
34. I hate my internet
35. Poppy playtime ranking
37. Yandere!Catnap picking his S/O
38. 100 publications
39. Swapverse(underverse)
40. I need fanfics of Muffet and Papyrus😭
41. They're kinda...😍
42. Y'all must see this beautiful drawing of Catnap
43. When i write for Bobby and Crafty i think of them
44. Little reminder(Xtale Papyrus)
47. I LOVE SDRA2💗💗
48. WHY??
51. I'm about to finish 3 requests
52. Ideas(Bobby x Dogday)
53. She's called "Daddy"
Favorite Smiling Critters(closed)
Who should I make a fluff alphabet for?(closed)
Favorite episode of Poppy Playtime (closed)
Who should do fluff alphabet after Dogday? (closed)
Poppy playtime favorite feline(closed)
Opinion about Miss Delight(closed)
Who do I continue with the fluff alphabet after Craftycorn?(closed)
What was the worst death(closed)
Favorite character from chapter two of Poppy playtime?(closed
Catnap deserved to die?(closed)
What's your opinion about the episode 3 of Poppy playtime?(closed)
Do you trust Poppy?(closed)
Should I write for Yandere Simulator?(closed)
do you prefer Dogday or Catnap?(closed)
Favorite Huggy?(closed)
Opinion about Catnap?(closed)
Opinion about Dogday?(closed)
Will you celebrate Valentine's Day?(closed)
How was your Valentines Day?(closed)
Opinion about the Prototype?(closed)
Do you trust Ollie?(closed)
PJ or Dogday?(closed)
PJ pug a pillar(closed)
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