#((and so i scoped it out at their recommendation; and i've been very happy with it!))
theheadlessgroom · 9 months
At this, Dorian and Beau couldn't help but exchange little glances, both touched and amused by the girlish glee that came over Emily at this question, her delight at recounting such an important moment in her and Randall's courtship, the moment where she made her feelings known, and the two officially became a (private) item.
(Just as well that Emily was so forward in that moment. Something told Beau that Randall-sweet, shy, humble Randall Pace, who in some ways seemed unable to believe his best friend was so unfathomably wealthy and sometimes worried about stepping out of line when spending time with him-would not be so bold, no matter how much he loved her, and Dorian was inclined to agree.)
"Well, I offer you both my deepest congratulations on your engagement," Beau nodded with an earnest smile, before turning a touch melancholy as he looked at the pair, asking, "And, on a more dour note...please, tell him I send my deepest condolences, in regards to the passing of his mother. She was...a lovely woman; hard-working, kind, a good friend...she was an admirable woman, who raised an admirable son."
Though Mrs. June Pace didn't work at Gracey Manor as long as she would've liked (having found the pay worth it if it meant getting to tend to such a beautiful, sprawling garden day in and day out, as well as see her one and only son finally have a friend beyond his teddy bear), she and Beauregard Ghast got along very well in the time she was in the Gracey's employ, her expressing gratitude at Beau looking after her son, treating him no different than Dorian, while he openly admired her resolve, her sense of humor in the face of adversity, and her skill with all things that grew. She was a lovely woman, and Beau would've liked to have gotten to know her better.
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writingwithfolklore · 10 days
Answering your Questions/Concerns about Free Editing
Thanks for sending in your questions about my free editing service! Here are some of the ones I've gotten so far:
I feel like I’d be taking advantage of you because it’s free:
              I don’t like the assumption that I’m a pushover. Okay just kidding, I appreciate this instinct, but you’re not really taking advantage of me given I’m offering the work! I also ask you to trust me that I can set my own boundaries and let you know if the scope of the project is too much for me to take on.
              Of course, if you’d really like to give back to me in some way I always accept tips, Instagram follows, or reblogs of my editing post/recommendations to your writing friends, but none are necessary!
Okay but what do you get out of it?
              Experience—I can put ‘freelance editor’ on my resume and back it up with examples. I can also log my hours as volunteer hours which will help me get scholarships to pay for my schooling. Lastly, I hope to build strong community bonds with you all and genuinely just want to help out—I’ve been very lucky to have formal training and mentors throughout my writing career, and I hope to provide that to those of you who haven’t had the same opportunities!
Will you look at fanfiction/non-original work?
              Of course! As long as it was written by you (and not AI-generated).
How do I know you and I will click style-wise?
              I work with writers of all different styles in my regular job, so editing styles that aren’t my own is something I have a lot of experience in. If you’re really worried about it, I will let you know right off the bat if I think I would be a good editor for you or if you should try someone else.
What if you hate my work?
              I won’t tell you, and I can still do my job as an editor to improve it without tearing it apart. I believe good editors can take any piece of writing and see its values and what it’s doing well in addition to its flaws. My job is to bring out what’s already working in your piece. Essentially, I promise I won’t be mean to you or your work no matter what I think about it.
Can you help me get published?
              I can certainly help guide you through starting the process, but I’m not an agent and can’t reach out to anyone for you. However, if you’d like to send me proposals or queries to look at, I’m happy to edit those as well!
Can you help promote my work/blog?
              I’m happy to reblog or share any of your projects or writing that I’ve helped you out with, for sure!
What if my work isn’t good enough?
              No judgement here! I’m happy to look at your first draft, your final draft, and every draft in between. The whole point of editing and getting another set of eyes on your work is to improve it, so send me anything, no matter what state it’s in!
Check out the guidelines here:
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Hiiii 😊😊😊 you just came into my recommended and I'm SO excited did you know Joseph Watmough is my stepdad!!! I've watched him do a bunch of the concept pieces you've posted!!!! eeeeeeee!!!
Wow no way!!!
Thank you for your ask and thank you for sharing your personal relationship with your step dad's art!
I'm honestly in low-level shock rn, it is such a pleasure to hear from you and your happiness with this blog 😊
It's always been my hope that TES artists would come across this blog and perhaps not interact with it, but silently appreciate that there is a community of people out there who *love* their work and are trying to ensure the broader community knows the names of the artists who make TES.
I can't believe I never considered the possibility that the family of the artists could also come across this blog!
Thank you for helping me realize the scope of who might see and appreciate the art and artist credits provided here!
I'm sure you know, TES artists are often so undercredited or not credited at all. It's been unfortunate to see how often their work gets shared without their name being provided alongside the art. It always drove me crazy!
That frustration is why I started this blog and try my best to find and provide the name of artists whenever possible.
My grandfather was a well known artist and I come from a family of artists as well. While I'm not an artist myself, I have seen and know how important it is to give proper credit to artists and how much of a positive impact giving credit can have on an artist and their family. On a very personal note, my grandfather died before his time, and I've seen my mom literally cry from happiness when people talk about how much they loved her father's work.
Growing up, seeing all the different projects and art from my family was a huge influence on who I am today.
If you don't mind me asking, are there any anecdotes or special memories you have of your stepdad and his art? From everything I've seen online, he looks incredibly busy!
Thank you again so much for your ask!!!
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thirdtimed · 3 months
👁👁 what's orv im intrigued <- fruityghast (sideblog)
smiles at you so serenely. i'm unimaginably delighted to have been asked and on a completely unrelated interest sideblog nonetheless LOL thank you for indulging me!!
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so, what is orv?
omniscient reader's viewpoint, in it's most functional definition, is a behemoth of a korean web novel spanning well over 500 chapters. this admittedly makes it a little difficult to describe in full scope. if you'd like a more detailed post explaining it & its main appeal i recommend ot3's post!
but here's my attempt at a shortened summary for you:
orv is about a down on his luck office worker, kim dokja, who indulges in web novels as the only means of escape from his brutally mundane daily life. his utmost favorite web novel is a long winded, complicated, and incredibly boring story that no one else has the time or patience to read, leaving him as its sole reader. despite this, the novel has continued to update for the past 13 years, even if seemingly only for him. one day, after more than a decade of single-handedly reading and supporting this story, the author gives out a notice they'll be concluding the series at long last. but before dokja can read its last chapter, the world shifts and changes, and the novel itself comes to life a la reverse isekai. the world has become the novel. and as its sole reader, dokja has now become one of the only people to know the world's future. he spends the rest of the story trying to guide the ensuing chain of events in a more favorable direction than the one he read-- all so he can finally reach the end, that final chapter that he never got to finish.
i think at its heart orv can be best surmised through its main refrain: "this story is for that one reader." it's an action packed shounen fantasy death game adventure story BEHEMOTH; but at its heart lies one of the most sincere love letters to the art of storytelling i've had the chance to read. it loves cliches and cheesy tropes and mary sues and everything else we're told is "bad" about fiction unabashedly, because it loves you, the reader, for taking the time to read it regardless.
i talk about it within the context of life series watcher lore mostly because they share metanarrative elements and because i as a person am kind of always ambiently musing about orv, but otherwise they are two very different media. I'm really happy to have gotten the chance to ramble about this though!
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okay, so how do i read it?
if youre still interested, i tentatively recommend starting with the webtoon adaptation before jumpping into the web novel. i personally found the english translation of the web novel clunky and hard to read at first, and thus neglected to finish orv for the longest time. that is, of course, until i reread the webtoon and got left on a cliffhanger so bad that i finished all 551 novel chapters within the span of a week.
there's problems with the webtoon adaptation of course, but i think its translation is slightly more accessible & its visuals make it an easier read than diving headfirst into a novel. but do consider making the jump to the novel earlier than later though, it's an incredibly gratifying read if you do make it all the way to the end.
okay im done thank you for this ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! explodes into a million particles
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catboybiologist · 8 months
Hello, I've heard from a few trans women that their transition made higher education impossible I wasn't sure if they were talking about college or grad school, but since you're a woman in a PhD program I was wondering if you think transitioning would make getting a higher education harder.
Someone who might be trans that wants to pursue a master's
Hm. This is weird to answer. Unfortunately I can't offer TOO much insight here. I'm very much a baby trans (~1.5 months HRT) and I present as a man day to day without issue (seriously, y'all have NO idea how masculine I look outside of my pictures). When I do finally socially transition, I'll probably have more thoughts.
With that out of the way, here's my personal experience so far:
I don't think I would have transitioned if I was NOT in academia/pursuing my PhD. I think most of the issues people run into can be divided into three categories:
1. Financial difficulty with acquiring HRT or other gender affirming care
2. Closer ties (financially and emotionally) to family and being seen less as an independent adult means greater pressure to not transition, and consequences if you do
3. Academic stress and pressure while you're undergoing emotional changes that may make things difficult short term.
Personally I was able to dodge most of those issues.
A huge part of this is because I spent a lot of time meticulously ensuring a lot of aspects of my life are in place before I started HRT. I waited until I was out of undergrad, which has weirder finances, I scoped out options at my student health center vs in the community, established queer community, waited a year to start in a good lab and establish there, scoped that lab out for queer acceptance before I joined, and in general became more financially and emotionally secure. Also, while I'm still in good terms with my parents, I'm not financially or emotionally reliant on them anymore- so if that changes when I come out, it won't affect me as much.
Looking back, it's hard to say whether I would recommend doing things this way. During the time that I was "figuring things out", I was dying. I was depressed and aimless, and I couldn't make happiness or contentment my baseline emotion. Starting an online femboy account was my only outlet for a while. Also, my results are going to be less drastic now that I've waited until I'm 25 to start.
Obviously, I still have the stress of a PhD to worry about while my emotions and body are changing. But to be honest.... My PhD has been kinder to me academically than my undergrad. All of my goals center around two or three long term, overarching projects instead of a million tiny assignment and study snippets from a million directions. I personally think this is easier to manage even if it's more work overall.
In return, the academia environment has been good to me about my queerness. There's a gender care specialist on campus via student health where I can get HRT, queer organizations and events are much easier to come by in a university environment, and people on average are far more educated and open minded towards LGBT issues than the general public. I have a role in the main queer graduate student group here, and it would have been hard for me to find explicitly supportive friends without that.
I'm gonna throw an additional paranoid note your way: a master's degree is hell for everyone. While the exact ways in which this is true vary from program to program, but in general, they feel like the worst of both worlds from undergrad and a PhD. You're locked out of or have less of a chance for the financial stability and employment positions of a PhD position, but you're also locked out of the financial aid and support of undergrads. I'm very biased from a miserable MS experience, though.
So yeah. I think my experience has been different than a lot of people, but I hope there was some small insight there!
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gorgeousundertow · 4 months
Fandom Trumps Hate
Heyyyyyyyy soooooo
I signed up!
CorvidCordelia - FTH 2024 Contributor Page
Feb. 27th, 2024 10:07 am
See CorvidCordelia's works here and here!
Questions for the creator? Reach out to them via Discord (corvidcordelia_47921)!
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it's best to contact the creator before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
CorvidCordelia's offerings:
CorvidCordelia Auction #1
Organizations this auction benefits: Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center *, Middle East Children's Alliance *, Sherlock's Homes Foundation *, Environmental Org: Coral Restoration Foundation * (See full list. * denotes an organization that accepts international donations.), Kahea Environmental Fund
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): HBOwar, Sherlock: BBC Sherlock, Marvel: Doctor Strange Highest rating: E Length/scope: More than 50k words. Minimum Bid: $5
Especially interested in: For Sherlock, I'm interested in writing an action/adventure AU. For Marvel, I'm interested in Iron/Strange. For HBOwar, Winnix, Brad/Nate. I tend to write fairly character-exploring fics, with some humor, heavy on the feeeeelings (not that any of these guys like to actually talk about their feelings).
Unwilling to address: General squicks include watersports, noncon (dubcon okay). No underage.
Other notes: I'm happy to try and meet your needs as much as possible! If there's something specific you'd like to see, let me know, and we can work as closely as you like! Alternatively, if you're feeling uninspired, I have a list of fic ideas I've been playing with in the queue...
Auctions run from 8:00AM EST, 5 March 2024, to 8:00PM EST, 9 March 2024. Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted. If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the creator's bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! We will NOT notify you if someone outbids you. If you would like to track changes to this bidding sheet, select Tools -> Notification Settings. Email notifications may not be immediate, so we do not recommend relying on them near the end of the auction period. Bookmark this sheet so you can check it manually. FTH will only notify you if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
fandom: hbo war,
fanwork: written,
fanwork: written: fanfiction,
rating: e,
username: corvidcordelia
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galaxywhump · 9 months
Please yell about Return of the Obra Dinn
Obra Dinn is a 2018 mystery game, which for me was very much a case of "third time's a charm" because I gave up the first two times I tried to beat it. I finally finished it a few days ago and I'm so happy I did, and I've been thinking about it pretty much nonstop since.
It's super unique - you play as an insurance investigator sent to investigate the Obra Dinn, a ship that suddenly appeared with no-one on board. You have a pocket watch, which you use to travel back in time and view scenes from life on board, and a book in which you have to determine each of the 60 people on board's identity and fate. It's hard at times, but extremely satisfying to figure out.
The game's graphics are also fascinating:
Tumblr media
(via the game's official site)
I'm gonna put yelling containing spoilers under a read more, but before that I think I'll share an idea I've had for a while now? Basically I love hanging out with people while playing games, and I thought I could make a Twitch account and link it here, and maybe play some games there. I'm curious if anyone would be interested 👀
Anyway, warning cause the game is pretty brutal.
I think my favorite thing the game does is that at the very beginning it doesn't reveal the full scope of what you're going to be dealing with. You go through the first few scenes and the deaths are pretty mundane, but then all of a sudden you jump into a different scene from a different scene and KRAKEN is just there. And sure, while determining the fates of the people in the first few scenes you might have noticed causes of death such as "torn apart" or "spiked", and "beast" is a possible culprit, but the Kraken scene makea you realize exactly what you're going to be dealing with.
I thought I wouldn't grow attached to the characters, because you mostly look at still scenes and only get some bits of dialogue, but boy was I wrong. There are moments when you witness the characters in normal circumstances, just living their lives on the Obra Dinn, you see what they do in their time off, who they hang out with, and that makes the more tragic fates so much more painful later on. I'm still emotional over a couple of characters in particular, like the three midshipmen.
Now some smaller things:
- a few characters can only be recognized by their footwear. Holy shit.
- the only Polish character was voiced by Piotr Adamczyk, a very popular Polish actor who's mostly known for playing in shitty rom-coms and also playing the Pope. I find it hilarious.
- took me until I started browsing the game's wiki to learn that one of the characters died on the toilet. Poor guy.
- you can choose the captain as the culprit in every single fate to get the achievement "the captain did it".
- even the reveal of how Obra Dinn, well, returned, was shocking - as was the reveal that the being responsible for it was still around.
- so many people disappeared in "THE DOOM" that it's become an inside joke between me and my sister. If there was a character I couldn't remember the fate of, they probably disappeared in "THE DOOM".
- the introduction of the "SOLDIERS OF THE SEA" chapter is incredible, and the chapter's track makes it even better.
I think that's it? Thanks for giving me the opportunity to yell :D I can't recommend the game enough.
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harlivycentral · 1 year
Just wanted to say thanks for breaking down the comics that lead to Ivy’s series. I read some of it before but I knew I was missing something so your post is super helpful. Also I’ve been loving the Kate/Maggie posts as well I’ve been meaning to read more batwoman. 🙏
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I'm glad you've been enjoying it! It was really kind of a pet project for me, since I was in the same boat as you for a long time & wanted to archive for myself the complete backstory. I think seeing how they built up Harley's interest in being a hero for multiple years was really interesting, plus I loved a lot of Ivy's storylines!! So it makes me happy to hear people are appreciating it :)
In 2019, I was a very casual Harley Quinn fan--much more into other comics & hadn't read most of her stuff. I was living in Seattle and going weekly to this awesome comic shop that's since closed (RIP 😢), so I picked up & read all of the limited-run Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy. After that, though, I didn't really keep up with their main storyline. I prefer to read things physically, and I'd buy certain single issues I was interested in (I bought single issues of Joker War and Catwoman: Fear State that I read online had more Harlivy content specifically), but I was always slightly confused/wanted to know the full scope of it. When they finally gave Ivy her own ongoing series, that's when I was like, okay, I'm fully diving in!
(Just a side note, midtowncomics.com is awesome for buying cheap back issues physically. Although I have temporarily subscribed to DC Universe just to catch up on the full backstory & decide which comics I want to own physically. I also hoped excerpting stuff from them would help other people decide which arcs they wanted to read in full for themselves! I can definitely give my recommendations if anyone is interested.)
And I definitely had to do some digging on like old reddit posts and random comic reviews etc. to figure out which comics had their complete storyline over the past few years, so I was like, okay now that I've put this all together, let me put it one place for posterity. There's definitely parts of their storyline I think are way better written than others (though I've tried not to editorialize too much except for Heroes in Crisis lol). I was on vacation last week & had a dental emergency this week (which turned out to be fine as of yesterday woohoo!), but I'd love to make some more text posts with my thoughts on stuff (separate from just archiving it). And I would definitely love to hear from my followers any of their thoughts on specific Harlivy storylines/comics/writers/etc.!
Glad you've been enjoying the Kate/Maggie posts too! I have such mixed feelings about that Batwoman run. It is truly like, sigh, the amount of canonical gay women that DC makes former army or current cops is truly abysmal. And it also definitely has more running themes of violence against women than I expected/wanted (obviously outside of villains physically fighting Kate, I mean, as that's to be expected). But the art is TRULY gorgeous, the storytelling is engaging, and it does represent a lesbian relationship and center a lesbian superhero in a way I haven't really ever seen anywhere else. I love DC Bombshell's version of Kate SO much (the art is also gorgeous for that & her backstory is WAY more appealing to me personally), but sadly they were more focused on including a breadth of characters in that comic than diving deeply into any one character's storyline, including Kate (after like the first six issues). Anyway, I won't go too in depth on my Batwoman thoughts here lol.
But yeah, I was in the Batwoman tag and it was mostly Batfam memes. Which, understandable to some extent, since her last solo comic ended a few years ago, so that stuff is probably just buried. But I was like, well, since I'm reading this anyway, I would like more of the art & relationships from her actual solo comic to be in the tags, at least on my blog for my own reference.
Anyway, sorry, feel like stuff has been running mostly on a queue for the last two-ish weeks, and now I'm back and energized & your ask happened to spark this rambling. Lol thank you for dropping in to my inbox, hope you have a good one!
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nenekiribookwyrm · 1 year
CWs: mention of death.
March 2023 Update!
The weather continues to get warmer and my scales are thankful for it. I've had a massive case of cabin fever lately and been itching to go out flying in weather that won't freeze me into a dragon popsicle. Here's the update on what's been going on around the castle this past month.
Firstly, I had a death in the family about halfway through the month that knocked me off-balance in terms of getting things done. Add to that finishing up an intensive project at work and it might not be a surprise that I didn't get much done creatively this month. I'm trying to be patient with myself as I move through the grieving process, but being creative is a big part of how I like to spend my free time. So the last half of March has been a blur and I'm hoping that next month I'll be able to pull myself out of the funk and start making things again.
If you didn't see me talk about it last month, I was recently published in Happy Howlidays: A Furry Short Story Anthology which has a bunch of holiday themed stories and features my story "One Last Winter Ride". I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out and hope that you'll check it out! https://thurstonhowlpub.storenvy.com/products/36440494-happy-howlidays-a-furry-flash-fiction-christmas-anthology
I joined a werewolf themed game jam at the beginning of the month and while I haven't worked on my submission as much as I had anticipated at the beginning of the month, I am still excited to submit whatever I have done. I think I'm going to need to pivot my project into something with a lot smaller scope if I want to submit something complete, but I have a few ideas that might work for that. It's just making sure that I make the time to get those ideas written down. If this sounds cool to you, please check out the list of games once everyone has submitted theirs and play them: https://itch.io/jam/werewolf-jam
The current deadline is April 6th, which is the next full moon, so howl with us as we play some fun indie werewolf experiences.
We're in the middle of Furry Awards Season and the window to vote on your favorite furry books and short stories is closing fast! The Ursa Major Awards close at the end of the month, March 31st and the Coyotl Awards close voting on April 15th. Make sure that you vote and make your voice heard:
Twitter is going through another death gasp, and with the proposed changes being implemented soon I figured it was a good idea to mention I am other places. You can find me at the links over here: https://nenekiribookwyrm.carrd.co/
It feels like Tumblr and Cohost are going to be the places I post a lot of stuff should Twitter fall, so be sure to check those places if you want to keep up with me on social media.
Contact your representatives! If you live in the United States, there are a ton of anti-trans bills that are being pushed through right now and we need to call our senators and house members to let them know that won't fly. There's also the matter of the Tiktok ban bill, also termed the RESTRICT Act, that is much more than a proposed ban on Tiktok. It has a lot of wide reaching applications that could make privacy on the internet much more difficult in the future. I would recommend reading up on the bill and then calling your reps to let them know how you feel. It's a rough time for LGBTQ+ folks, especially trans people, and we gotta stick together through it.
I've been catching up on reading and as such, I'm posting reviews over to my Goodreads account: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/97223644-nenekiri-bookwyrm
Of note this month was Rafts, the debut book from Utunu which I enjoyed quite a lot. A very sweet gay love story that touched me.
That's about everything I have to share for this month. Here's to healing and a better state of mind the next time I speak to y'all.
Curl up with a good book and be kind to yourself
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covenlegacy · 1 year
I'm sorry that i make coven blog some exchange of messages with others but i don't want to talk via messages with anyone, including coven because I had very bad experience with it plus everyone would attack me then. So that's why I use this method here sending anon replies. I agree with you too, anon. I guess that when my opinion wasn't loaded with negative emotions, especially about JK, more people would understand and reply this way before. But I'm only human with emotions that got the best of me. But just like you said. It's exactly this way. I treat coven as confidant who's in this topic and knows about this general obession over JK between fans so that's why it's a relief to spill the tea. But people act offended like it was about them. Maybe it is. But generally many Army's react this way. Idk maybe they don't fight back in rl and that's why they look for fights online. I already said it's some projection from their side. I also fought with others online when I had stesssful day but now i try not to do this. You're right. I've been fucking fighting for four years to not to think about JK. I used to think it's being in love but it's just attraction and fascination that is difficult to get rid of. Sounds like karmic lesson. So imagine how annoying it is when after seeing only one shit on Tumblr like gifset, he haunts my thought for hours. I actually felt happy when I saw him on vlive, especially with Bam so it's good but I'd like to not to think about it later. Like really, not think about him that often and randomly. Maybe avoiding everything related to him would be good but I get recommendations and he's really everywhere so I'd need to delete all of my social medias then. But I guess there would be some hot topic on Tumblr one day or elsewhere and I'd randomly saw him anyway. I guess it will pass but it just takes long. I'm sure it's some karmic lesson and i still need to learn something. I hope that I'll meet my spouse soon. I'm curious if he's my type. I'm a bit worried because my 7th house in vedic is ruled by Mars and astrologers say it symbolizes domineering, agressive, sporty, competetive spouse. If someone who knows astrology well, could tell me something more about this placement, I'd be grateful.
I get that you're very hurt. And it's okay to like a celebrity like JK. He represents alot of things at the same time. He is one of a very few number of people who backs up being this popular. Talent, looks and a lot of things in one. He is very easy to admire.
Anon, I know how bad it feels when people who are supposed to be your strength end up being the exact opposite and that's why I think people should calm down. At the end of a shitty day all you perhaps want is someone who shares a little bit of sympathy and not just be in an attack mode. So whenever you are deeply sad you vent out by saying stuff about him because you know that it won't affect him. By your posts I know that you know that you don't see him in your life and that's also proof that you are not delusional.
Don't mind me saying this but I think you feel good when all his fans attack you so that you have somebody to say things to. By this kind of fight you can say things that perhaps you won't in real life to the people you have real problems with.
Coven is cute that way. She gets the gossip for the blog and still she protects you because she knows what you feel and it's a win for you both.
Your crush and obsession is not really that. It's just that you don't like that people like him have the scope and opportunity to do things that their heart desires whereas someone like you has to fight for the smallest things.
I don't hate your messages and you don't have to apologize for this behavior because we all lose it sometimes but we are all not surrounded by people who won't judge us like that or admire us deeply for being soft and vulnerable.
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drgreg · 2 years
Dr Greg Hough Facebook
Kyle is such a fantastic and very expertise advisor. Been serviced by him since I registered my firm in 7 and I have been a really happy and content shopper ever since. Well carried out guys for such an excellent and efficient service. It has been very good to belong to this service portal. The service he offered was glorious as a end result of he all the time updated me concerning the progress of my order.
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I could not make it this time but certainly will be there for the subsequent. Such trips tick all of the bins and are also an excellent private learning expertise dr greg hough facebook. Flock to Marion was an incredible nature lovers journey along with their fund-raising, need to win. Sorry we couldn’t make it this time, amazing dedication by Birdlife and MSC to make it occur.
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Each individual on such trips turns into an ambassador for all times for the conservation of those birds. Well organized and the audio system have been glorious. Birdlife SA is unreservedly committed dr greg hough facebook to protect and improve the situations for birdlife on this nation. By doing this, they're bringing guests from all over the world, and boosting tourism.
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They gave us what we wanted and in less than the time promised. We will certainly recommend you. I was beneath the impression that registering an organization is going to be a nightmare, but Philasande & the Team made it so seamless. I tried doing it by myself and battled to handle.
The cruise was an absolute deal with ! The birding lectures had been completely amazing. The guides have been completely absorbed and keen to share their information & sightings. I learnt a fantastic deal…..might nicely turn out to be a bird enthusiast myself. I was sad to miss out on a wonderful experience judging by the comments of those that did take part.
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cherrykamado · 2 years
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interacting with this post means that you agree to my rules. please respect them!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLast updated: 04-24-2024
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minors, ageless & blank blogs.
if you glorify EDs.
discourse or drama blogs.
if you propagate any kind of violence.
if you let minors interact with nsfw.
if you have a problem with dark content.
if you have a problem with aged up characters.
if you cannot separate fiction from reality.
➤ AGE OR INDICATOR IN BIO PLEASE ! anything so that i know that you're an adult.
➤ CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP TO THEIR MID 20S , no matter the context.
➤ YOU WILL FIND LOTS OF SELF-INDULGENT AND SELFSHIP FICS HERE. i am very enthusiastic about my f/os, ocs and selfships. i am a yumejoshi. i tend to bounce from one to the other quite often. if you're not comfortable with that, don't like sharing if we have the same f/os, feel free to softblock/hardblock at your own comfort. no hard feelings!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
➤ I will only write CHARACTER X FEMALE READER. Aside from that, descriptors / physical features that reduce scope of reference of the reader will be avoided, unless stated otherwise.
➤ DARK CONTENT AND HARD KINKS will be tagged as [topic] tw. I will also use [topic] cw.
➤ I DON'T WRITE OR DRAW REQUESTS, SORRY ! i'm all over the place so i seldom have the braincells to fulfill them. however, thirsts, thoughts and more are very much appreciated at any time!
This includes: art, fics, gifs, layouts, self-made dividers.
Do not repost my works, do not recommend them on any platform. If you see them under any account that isn't @cherrykamado on tumblr, or on ao3, it means I've been plagiarized. Please let me know!
I try to make my little corner my own, be it my basic things, my aesthetic, my selfships, my layouts or my themes. — the way i do things, basically.
broke the rules. | discourse. | plagiarism. | i was uncomfortable. | i made a mistake and didn't realize — this happens quite often so if you think i made a mistake please let me know!
➤ PLEASE, BE KIND ! please treat others the way you'd like to be treated.
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wannabegwenstacy · 3 years
Eden's Favorite Fic's (BTS Fic Recs)
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Updated Version: Here!
Note: In the past I haven't indulged in tumblr fics often but I recently (past 3 months) have been reading quite regularly & am planning on branching out a bit. To keep track of the ones that I have enjoyed & the ones that I have even came back to I'm making this list. Again, I haven't been digging into the tumblr fics world for long so for right now its a very short list. I'm hoping with time I can get more fics of different types on here (btsxbts, some gender neutral xreader ones, & more ones that I genuinely like)
About me to understand what's going to be on here:
Age: 21 (99' liner)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Ult Bias: Yoongi
Trio: Rap Line
I am OT7. I do enjoy smut but don't think it is necessary to FF. Overall I just want a well-crafted plot that makes sense. I read for entertainment & to escape. But I still need some form of realism (just me personally) to follow the trail of events. PSA: I'm trying to find a broader scope of writers I like but for right now I don't have many. There are gonna be some repetitive writers for now.
Kim Namjoon:
- Librarian Namjoon Universe by @jungshookz
Beauty & the Bookworm (I love this concept SO MUCH)
Pairing: Cute, Good Boy, Nerdy, University Librarian Namjoon x Bratty, Semi-Popular, Procrastinator, University Student Reader
Word count: 20.8k
Summary: You're a procrastinator big time and you may or may not be failing. To get some extra credit you begrudgingly take the library assistant opening where you work under strict dorky Namjoon. Passive aggressiveness, cuteness, fluff, & some smuttiness arises.
Jealous-Boyfriend-Librarian Namjoon (Drabble)
Pairing: Jealous Boyfriend Librarian Namjoon x Oblivious Cute Girlfriend Uni Student Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: You take an Art History Course and end up needing a tutor. Joon offers to tutor you but he doesn't know shit about Art History so you end up getting tutored by an ArtHoe Taehyung that may or may not like you but you are oblivious to this and Joon gets super jealous.
Kim Seokjin:
- Hockey Player Jin by @ve1vetyoongi
Pairing: Sweet Hot New Hockey Player in Town Jin x Ex-Figure Skater (who has a history with jin) Reader
Word count: 20k
Summary: After a fall during figure skating practice dashes your dreams of competing at nationals, you vow to hang up your skates for good. That is until you cross paths with Kim Seokjin, captain of the ice hockey team, who is determined to get you back out on the rink and melt the ice in your heart. (Jimin is a bully in this and their other k-pop idols as characters. Very Very Fluffy and Hallmark Christmas Movie-ish so be aware of that. Overall, it's just cute :) )
Min Yoongi:
Note: these are all but one by the same writer @jungshookz & are written from the pov of a female reader. I'm gonna try to find some gender-neutral fics but for now, if you are female-identifying I really enjoyed these! :)
- Mechanic Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Baby, You Can Drive My Car (My favorite AU Fics I've read so far on Tumblr!!)
Pairing: Tatted, Mic Drop Era, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Spoiled Rich, Inexperienced, University Student Reader
Word count: 24.6k
Summary: Welcome to Min Mechanics - What can I do for you today, doll?
Maybe She Can Drive His Car
Pairing: Oblivious, Hot, Boyfriend, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Adorable, Spoiled, University Student, Jealous Girlfriend Reader
Word count: 11.6k
Summary: Yoongi's ex is back in town for a visit and you would be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of a) how knowledgeable she is about stupid cars and b) how well she gets along with literally everyone.
- Uni Yoongi x Nerdy Reader (mini series) by @jungshookz
Note: these are all drabbles I'm gonna link my favorites in the series. I'll probably add more later.
Cocky Uni Student Yoongi x Nerdy Reader:
^^This is the start of the mini-series, recommend you read it first!^^
The One with the Scrunchie:
Contains: smut, a super cute scrunchie turning into a kink of sorts, slightly insecure Yoongi, experienced Yoongi, slightly inexperienced reader, shy about their own body reader.
Yoongi always had an Overactive Imagination:
Contains: talking about sex, implied smut, reader trying to be productive while also being horny, Yoongi being super distracted and horny.
"I'm gonna need you to shut up now please"
- CEO Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Suit&Tie (First Fic in the series)
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Wordcount: 21k+
Summary: Young Intimidating Hot CEO Yoongi, Clumsy Secretary Y/N who loves Sugar, Best Friend Jimin. Funny Awkward Meeting that sets up the whole plot, was like reading a Kdrama in book form.
The One Where Augst D makes a Comeback (Favorite Fic in the series)
SPOILERS READ PRIOR DRABBLES TO CATCH UP!! (I recommend The First Date, The One Where Yoongi is Just a Little Jealous, The Proposal, The Wedding, Baby Makes Three, Baby Min's Timeline, The Birth of Baby Min, Daddy's Little Girl, Who the Hell is Augst D.
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Word count: 6.5k
Summary: Yoongi finds out you faked an orgasm and he's going to gi-give it to you more ways than one.
- Demon Yoongi by @jungshookz
Hellish (I got some feelings for incubus Yoongi not gonna lie)
Pairing: Bratty, Super Sexy, Sex Demon, Mint Min Yoongi x University Student, Non-Supernatural Believer Reader
Word count: 22.1k
Summary: Jungkook is your clueless, energetic best friend. Wonho is a character in this fic, You are dragged into summoning a demon one night by your overly excited to be summoning a demon? best friend Jungkook. Spooky but Kind of Sexy Shit Happens! (This is probably my second favorite Yoongi Fic I've read!)
- Basketball Captain Yoongi by @jungshookz
Basketball Captain Yoongi
Pairing: Cocky, Popular, Charming Captain of the Basketball Team Min Yoongi x Water girl University Student Reader (who has been crushing on Yoongi hard for some time)
Word count: 18.4k
Summary: Jungkook is your athletic bro of a best friend that signs you up to be his replacement as the water boy (girl in this case) after he makes the team. You have had a pathetic schoolgirl crush on Yoongi for a while and is basically the only reason you agreed to be the water girl aside from spending time with Jungkook. It's fluffy & smutty!
- Android Yoongi @jungshookz
Technologically in love (..I cried! but I also smiled a lot so you know this is well written)
Pairing: Personal Assistant Prototype but SUPER Lifelike Android Min Yoongi x Messy, Junkfood, & Cartoons Loving Reader (basically your early 20s living alone kind of vibe)
Word count: 24k+
Summary: You live in a Detroit Becoming Human type universe but prior to a lot of the advancements. Androids are already a thing but not to the level the M1N Y00NG1 is yet. You are best friends with all the boys and they happen to be engineers which is how you ended up with Yoongi in the first place. Namjoon created Yoongi as a personal assistant prototype android & you are told to live with him. Things get fluffy, SUPER ANGSTY, and super smutty!
- Listen Closely by @avveh
Listen Closely ( sexiest Yoongi fic I have read so far, I kept wanting to go back and read again)
Pairing: Tsundere Office Worker Min Yoongi x Hardworking Office Worker Reader
Word count: 12.2k
Summary: Unintentionally, you stumble upon something that makes you view your coworker Min Yoongi in a whole new light. (SMUT 18+: Masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, breathplay, spanking, degrading names.)
Jung Hoseok:
- Secret Boyfriend Hoseok by @kpopfanfictrash
Keeping a Secret (this took me places...Idk about you but I have trouble finding really good Hoseok fics and this one was perfect. One of my favorite fics on this website)
Pairing: New Relationship Dom Hoseok x New Relationship Tease Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated? SMUT!
- Studio Sex Hoseok by @joonbird
Pairing: Boyfriend BTS Hoseok x Girlfriend Reader
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Hoseok is stressed about his upcoming mixtape, so you decide to swing by his studio and help him relax. (Hobi being the beautiful glorious sexy man he is and putting those ungodly hips to use!)
Park Jimin:
- Jimin and His Pregnancy Kink by @boymeetsweevil
Pairing: Sweet Caring Domestic but Horny Jimin x Pregnant Hormonal Reader
Word count:~3.7k
Warnings (aka what to prepare for): everything is graphic and gross lmao, blowjobs (face f*cking), boob job (not the one w/ silicon inserts), cunnilingus, dom!jimin if u squint, cumplay if u squint again, dirty talk/degrading language, penetrative sex (doggy style), unprotected sex, PREGNANCY KINK that’s a big one
Summary: You’re pregnant and Jimin is…happy about it (If I remember correctly this one is 25% cute domestic Jimin trying to calm his hormonal pregnant partner and 75% pure filth aka Jimin having a pregnancy kink and trying to hide it but not well at all. This is however my ultimate fav Jimin smut I have ever read!)
- Crush/Neighbor Jimin by @sketchguk
Lover to Lean On: (I absolutely adore this fic. Overall it's just really well written and I felt like I was watching a show in my head rather than reading a short Tumblr fic. Highly recommend it!)
Pairing: Cute Customer & Neighbor Jimin x Florist Reader
Word Count: 19.9k
Summary: For months, you can hear your no-face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. Above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. You’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course, you’re bitterly single. But one day, the apartment is radio silent. And one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. So on Valentine’s Day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other.
Kim Taehyung:
-Roommate Taehyung Universe by @jungshookz
Stuck with You
Pairing: Frat Bro bit of an asshole Roommate Kim Taehyung x Clean Organized bit of a Pushover Reader
Word count: 37k
Summary: Kim Taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things to ever happen to you. Librarian Namjoon is your Best friend and ex-roommate. Frat bro Jeon Jungkook makes an appearance. There is so smut and implied smut.
The One with the One Year Anniversary (Drabble)
Pairing: The cutest domestic boyfriend Kim Taehyung x girlfriend reader
Word count: 4.6k
Summary: NO SPOILERS! so I'm going to give you a quote: "well, um, look! I made breakfast for you. f-for us!" Also, SFW
Jeon Jungkook:
- Gamer Jungkook by @softyoongiionly
PRESS START (this is the cutest fucking smut type fic I have ever read! it is so pure and is the exact type of relationship I want! IT MADE ME SIMP SO HARD!) gender-neutral I believe!
Pairing: Night owl Gamer Domestic Boyfriend Jeon Jungkook x Witty Domestic Cutesy Relationship Reader
Word count: 5.5k
Summary: A night in with your boyfriend Jungkook includes all kinds of things: anime, witty banter, snacks from 7-Eleven and, you know, sex. (GREAT READ!! I AM A SIMP FOR THIS FIC!!)
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alkalinefrog · 3 years
hey, so, I had an art related question... if all of this is too much, feel free to ignore it.
the backstory is that I've had the same laptop since early high school but recently I had a birthday (I'm 28 now). my parents got me an HP laptop, and my friend got me a tablet, which she bought off of an online friend for $30. the problem is that I haven't had new technology like... ever? none that was actually mine anyway, and certainly nothing that could handle me using it for art.
and this is especially a problem when it comes to the tablet. my friend helped me get firealpaca onto the laptop, and get the tablet set up with the right drivers, aaaaand... I cannot make one line that looks good using it. I've been using pen and paper for so long and I have a really light touch, and it feels like I have to jam the pen down to get it to register, at which point I might as well have not set the pen sensitivity to anything at all because the thickest line is the only kind I can make?? any lighter and it won't show up on the screen at all. like I can ctrl+z and it doesn't even go back a step, the line didn't get drawn. there's like a 20% chance that any line I try to put down won't actually register. and tbh this isn't really what I had wanted... it's a huion tablet, which is the brand I wanted, but I was gonna buy myself one where you can see what you're drawing on the screen of the tablet itself. not just due to coordination issues, I think I could get used to that part, but because I feel like I wouldn't be having this specific problem with getting things to register. every single line I make looks like crap with this tablet, it makes me feel like I might as well be drawing with my feet, and I've been fidgeting with settings, and it doesn't seem like anything helps. I also still don't have a mouse for the laptop yet, so I can't click and drag anything very well because it has a trackpad, so messing with sliders is already aggravating.
I feel so lost and overwhelmed, and like if I buy anything else, I'm just going to end up with more unusable stuff because *I'm* probably the problem. I just don't know anything, and trying is mentally fatiguing me so quickly... my brain knows what I want my art to look like, and my hands can do it with a real pen. I just have absolutely no clue how to make this machine produce anything.
so I guess my questions are stuff like, what equipment do you use? are there tablets that will register a light touch or am I really going to have to be this heavy handed in order to work with one? what resolution/canvas size do you usually work on? any recommendations for what program to use?
overall, I'd really like to get myself something that feels more intuitive than the tablet... honestly, I was finding some success drawing with just my finger on the touch screen of my phone at one point. there were still a lot of problems with that, but the nail in the coffin was that my phone's memory space filled up and I had to get rid of the drawing app to make it functional again (it's an iphone, which is why). maybe I should just get an ipad or something...? though, one more thing on the mountain of potential options is the last thing my crumbling ADHD brain needs. I've been taking a break from art in general because I've still maintained my 40-hours-a-week work schedule through the whole pandemic... I do 10 hour shifts and work overnight, so I technically have free time since I only work 4 days a week, but the type of work I do leaves me with no energy at all. so I've been in an art slump and I've been wanting to get out of it, but this is just making art feel impossible, even though the whole reason why I've always wished I could draw digitally is so that I can color digitally. I had been drawing things in pen and scanning them to color in photoshop, but cleanup takes so long that I literally can't produce finished work anymore. I'm out of options that aren't prohibitively labor intensive and frustrating.
this was probably way too much information, but if you have any advice I'd be really grateful.
Huh, well first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!! Congrats on the sweet new tech (even if it's been a bit frustrating) and well-deserved celebration!
From the sounds of it I think the main issue is probably your tablet (this is pure speculation on my end though, so you know, grain of salt and all). You're right in that you shouldn't have to fight against your equipment. I have a really light touch too and I've never had the same issue. I personally don't have any experience with huion tablets, but if you're having trouble getting your lines to register then it might have been worn down by the previous user. It's not so much about buying a monitor (the screen one) vs. tablet so much as getting working equipment.
An iPad is a great alternative!! I've played around with the apple pencil and procreate and it's a super intuitive program with (obviously) super easy set up! You get the drawing on the screen AND really nice pen pressure. I'm really happy seeing it opening up new doors for more people to get into digital art!
In terms of your current laptop/tablet situation:
My set up rn is pretty pricey ngl; I have a PC desktop computer with a 16 inch Wacom Cintiq. Getting started in digital art doesn't mean you have to drop a bag on a ton of equipment right from the get go though! If you're looking for a safe small investment, I'd recommend getting a Wacom Bamboo pen tablet!
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This lil' baby right here is what I started with!! I think cost-wise it floats around 70ish bucks, but that's exponentially more affordable than buying a huge monitor. One of my friends who's also a pro artist uses a similar small tablet because it works great! That's an alternative that might be worth looking into.
You can also get free trials on other drawing programs (clip studio paint is a great one!) To test and see if it's a software issue with firealpaca.
You could also try checking online forums to see if anyone else is running into similar issues, or watch some YouTube videos of people reviewing different tablets. I know this might be even more overwhelming, so I'd try and narrow the scope to focus on one thing at a time.
My best advice right now would actually be to get a mouse, or any other accessories you need. I've also been in your shoes where I was completely overwhelmed, and I can say that checking off all the small easy things makes a HUGE difference! It makes you feel more in control of the situation, and even if you're still having trouble with digital art you can at least get more comfortable using your laptop in the mean time.
You got this dude!! I believe in you!!
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Thanks @wooliebirds!
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daggersandarrows · 2 years
I'm about to say some things that I'm fairly sure *someone* is going to hold against me, but ehhh, I'm saying it in good faith, I hope this will help someone.
I've seen plenty of sentiments about how it's perfectly okay to just stop watching or reading or engaging with a piece of media when it becomes more upsetting than enjoyable, and that's a really good thing to know. It's the reason I've left a lot of fandoms over the years and it's vastly improved my mental health.
However. I think it's also important to know that it is okay, and a lot of times even beneficial, if you can be self aware about it, to consume media that upsets and/or triggers you. I know that's a weird statement up front so let me give some examples.
That bit in c1 where Vax and Scanlan are scoping out Whitestone, and Vax pretends to be Scanlan's abusive father? Automatic nope. I had to stop watching. Vax is a comfort character and to put it extremely simply, it was just plain upsetting for me to see a character (and actor) I loved so much very accurately portraying something so cruel. And the thing is, it's not too difficult to acknowledge, once I'd removed myself from the situation, that the reason it was so upsetting is because Liam's a great actor. On top of that I can acknowledge how it speaks to Vax's character--it's one of many examples of him being straight up fucking ruthless in a way that's not always called for when someone close to him is threatened in a way that comes back to bite him (Rakshasa anyone? Also Matt's NPC being genuinely shocked and upset in the given example).
Keyleth has an uncannily similar speech pattern to someone who was very cruel to me when I was a kid. That's why you don't see much meta about her here--it's still not something I'm over, and while I'll defend her to the ends of the earth, she's not really a character I can fully engage with at the moment. I'm not in a good place for it. And that's okay. I can acknowledge that without character hate. There's nothing wrong with her speech patterns or how Marisha plays the character. This is a me issue.
One of the main cast members has a name belonging to my abusive sociopath ex boyfriend. That's actually why, despite having been recommended the show for a long time, it took me months to actually start it. Once I did start it, though, I made a conscious effort to replace my association with my ex with the association of the cast member, and I'm happy to say that while sometimes it is still triggering, most days, my ex doesn't even appear in my head when I hear the name.
It's okay to be upset by things. It's okay to be triggered. Voluntarily learning to cope with what upsets you is a great thing and honestly the reason cr has taught me so much about myself. And that's not to say that I haven't reacted badly to some stuff because I definitely have, especially in the heat of the moment, lashing out or placing blame where it wasn't deserved, but the more I consciously self reflect and the more I poke at why a certain thing upsets me, when I'm in the place for it, the better I cope the next time around. The better I feel in general. The more I know myself. And yeah some days I definitely have to just tap out. Some days I'm caught off guard by something I didn't know or didn't realize would be such a huge trigger and I end up having a panic attack and muting the episode. That's also okay.
Idk, fiction is just such a good place for self exploration if that's the sort of thing you're into when you consume fiction, and I feel like a lot of that is wasted if we don't acknowledge that it's okay to be upset.
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heart-forge · 3 years
Sorry if you've answered this before, but what made you want to do IFs? Were your stories regular format that you then changed to IF format, or did you plan them as these games from the start? Do you think you knew what you were getting into, or has it been more intensive than you anticipated? Do you think it has been worth it? Sorry again, I've just been thinking about trying my own hand, I guess. I'm kind of a very big fan, so thanks for your games!
I’m glad you like my games !! And I answer this in bits and pieces every now and again so no problem !! Also, highly recommend trying it out !!
I did a publishing major in uni and it wasn’t until my third year (of four) where it occurred to me that I didn’t have to do books. Doing books intimidated me and I’d kind of resigned myself to editing (although the idea of resigning myself to having a job is laughable now because, well). Third year was when I was like oh...people have to write video games. Before that I mostly did fic, but that was because uni mostly sucked me dry of all motivation and love for writing and reading. Half the reason I got into video games was because I couldn’t stand to sit and read anymore.
I mostly knew what I was getting into and I was happy to learn code. The hardest lesson in making games from any perspective is that of scope. I still struggle with scope in writing: there’s a hundred small scale games that I’ve wanted to make (to have complete games in my library and to do stories that are mostly episodic or don’t contain large scale plots) but I really, really struggle with...how to write something like that. How to convey small atmospheric details without huge lore dumps. It feels extremely silly to me to do like, Star Wars style “jargon writing” where I just let the reader learn through immersion: I always feel like I’m taking people by surprise if something isn’t well established, and so my writing balloons.
So, I guess the moral of the story is that everyone is going to struggle with different things so there’s no real way to like quantify an objective scale of book writing vs game making. My only experience going in to making games was extensive writing though, and I think ultimately coding is easier to learn than how to write.
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