#((well damn that took some character development before she would work with me))
winchesterwild78 · 2 days
The Tutor part 4
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Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: mention of cheating, mention of phone sex, separation, fluff
A/N: Just a quick idea that popped in my head. A short series, maybe 2 or 3 chapters. I don’t know yet. No disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction. Jensen has children in this, but I do not use their real names. 
Reader is a teacher and is asked to tutor Jensen’s child. Things develop between Jensen and the reader. I do not condone cheating, again, this is a work of fiction.
This chapter got a little long. Sorry not sorry. 😀 Please overlook any errors. I wrote this fast and edited it fast. 
Minors DNI 18+
Coming out of your room you were still smiling from the video call and the post Jensen made. You were completely in love with him. There was a glaring problem, you both were married to other people. You made the move to leave your husband, but he was still living with his wife. The fear of him never leaving her and you always being ‘the other woman’ was real and kept creeping into your mind. 
The next few days went pretty fast. Jensen called and video chatted with the kids every chance he could, and you would get a special, private video call after the kids were in bed. 
The night before he was due to fly in you were laying on your bed, earbuds in and having video phone sex with him. You were so into what was going on on your screen, you didn’t hear the front door. Jensen was close to his release, and you were right behind him when you heard a knock at your door. 
Your eyes shot open, grabbing your sheet, “Hello? Who’s there?” Jensen stopped and looked at the screen, sweat on his brow, panting. “Baby? What’s wrong?” “Someone’s knocking at my door.” 
“Hey, Y/N. I just wanted to let you know I’m home.” You swallowed hard, “Oh okay, Welcome home Mrs. Ackles.” You looked at the screen as you said it. Jensen’s eyes went wide. “Why is she home?” He questioned. “I’m not sure.” “Well, damn she just killed the mood, I’m sorry sweetheart.” “It’s okay baby. Once you get home we will have to continue this. When does your flight get in?” “I arrive back at 10am. God I can’t wait to see you.” “Me either baby. You better get some sleep. I love you.” “I love you too, Y/N. Sleep well and tomorrow I’ll be in your arms again.”
You smiled and nodded, “I can’t wait.” After you two hung up, you got dressed and laid down, thinking about Jensen and how the relationship would work when he got home. Especially with his wife back. You decided that would be a problem better solved when he got home. Besides, she has a lover, why can’t he? 
The next morning the house was buzzing with excitement. Jensen was due home in a few hours and the kids were so excited. His wife was less than excited. You heard her on the phone talking about his Instagram post, “No, it wasn’t about me honey. I promise. I don’t know who it was about, but it wasn’t about me. Remember I love you.” 
You scoffed as you walked away. You couldn’t understand how she could throw away such a good thing with Jensen. Sure he isn’t perfect, but there was nothing that could tear you away from him. 
She emerged from the office and greeted you with a big, fake smile. “Good morning, Y/N. How are you today? I surely hope I didn’t interrupt anything last night.” She smirked at you. She did hear you. Did you say Jensen’s name? “Oh, Good morning, no you didn’t, nothing that couldn’t be continued later.” 
She nodded, “So, I was hoping I could talk to you about something.” “Yeah sure, what’s up?” “Well, I saw a post on Jensen’s Instagram that took me by surprise. He mentioned finding the love of his life. As you know, he and I are not on the best of terms, so I know the post isn’t about me. Have you noticed any women around here when you’ve been here?” “No I haven’t, well just you and I, and the nanny.” “Hmm, maybe it’s someone he works with. I refuse to let him make me out to be a fool.” “I’m sure that’s not what he’s doing, maybe the post was about you. Why else would he profess his love publicly?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not about me. We haven’t had sex or even kissed in months. We don’t love each other anymore.” 
Of course you knew all this, but you had to play dumb. “Mrs. Ackles, I’m so sorry. That has to be hard.” “I appreciate it, but it’s not that hard anymore. I’m happy with Josh and I want to build a life with him.” 
Before you could say anything else you heard the front door open and saw Jensen walk in. Your heart leaped in your chest. The kids ran to him and threw their arms around him, “Daddy! You’re home!” “Hey my babies. I missed you three so much, were you good for Ms Y/N?” They smiled and shook their heads yes. 
Jensen saw you and his wife standing in the kitchen. He acknowledged her and you. “Welcome home, Jensen. The kids missed you so much.” “Thank you, Y/N, and thank you again for stepping in and watching them. I appreciate it.” You nodded.
“Y/N, would you please excuse Jensen and I, we have some things to discuss.” “Oh, yeah sure. Welcome home, again.”
With that you left to head to the guest house. You decided to start unpacking and get things cleaned and organized. About twenty minutes later there was a knock on your door. “Come in” you called. You looked up and saw Jensen standing there with a smile on his face. “Come here sweetheart.” He crossed the room and pulled you into a tight hug. “God I missed you.” He kissed the top of your head. You leaned back and he crashed his lips to yours. Moaning into each other’s mouths he led you backwards towards the bed. 
As you fell backwards you giggled. “I missed your laugh, sweetheart.” Jensen kissed your lips, “Now, where did we leave off last night?” “I don’t know about you, but I was so close, Jens.” “Me too, darlin’.” 
You and Jensen quickly shed your clothes. Laying under Jensen and feeling his hands on your body was beyond euphoric. He knew how to touch you and make you feel so completely alive. 
About 45 minutes and 3 orgasms later, you and Jensen were laying on your bed, breathing heavily and trying to cool down. Sweat covered the two of you. Jensen held you in his arms as you laid on his chest. “Baby, how is this going to work with your wife at home?” 
“I told her tonight I wanted a divorce.” You sat up and gasped, “What?” “Yeah, I told her I had found someone I wanted to build a life with, someone I was completely in love with, and I wanted a divorce. I don’t care what it does to my image. I want to be with you, completely and without having to sneak around. You deserve so much better than that.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat. No one had ever put you first. Jensen choosing you over his marriage and his image was a true testament of his love and commitment to you. 
“Jens, I don’t know what to say. I don’t want you to lose your job.” Jensen cupped your face, “Sweetheart, I’m not going to lose my job, I promise.” “What did she say when you told her?” “She said she was fine with going through with it. That she and Josh were in love and she wanted to marry him. I told her I wished her the best. She’s moving in with Josh today, and the kids are staying with me.” 
You smiled and kissed his lips, “I love you, Jensen.” He leaned in more, laying you back on the bed, “I love you too, sweetheart.”
“I better get dressed and back inside. We are telling the kids tonight before she leaves. It’s going to suck.” You touched his arm, “I know it is. Should I stay here or do you want me there, to help the kids?” “I’d love for you to be there, but I think it’s best if you stay here. Once she’s gone you can come in and we will help the kids together.”
You nodded, “Okay, Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. My priority is you and the kids.” “I love you for that too. I’m sure if you were in there it would cause questions to come up that I’m not ready to answer.” As he started to climb out of the bed he stopped and looked at you, “Thank you for making me believe in love again. When she’s gone I want you to come into the house.” You nodded and he got up to get dressed. 
After he was gone you laid in the bed thinking about everything that has happened in your life since you met Jensen. You couldn’t believe how fast your life had changed. When you married Jeff you thought you were marrying the love of your life, but you were wrong. Being with Jensen was easy, and you felt things with him you hadn’t felt with anyone, even Jeff. You loved Jensen deeply, and you cared and loved his kids too. He and the kids were home. 
A few hours later you saw his wife leave with a suitcase. You sent Jensen a text.
You: Hey, let me know when you want me to come inside. I don’t want to intrude.
Jensen: You can come in. The kids took it better than I thought they would. There were some tears, but I think they knew it was coming. 
You: I’m glad it went better than you thought it would, I hate they felt it was coming, though. 
Jensen: Me too, now get your cute butt in here. 😙
You smiled and you put your phone away. Walking inside the house you weren’t sure what to expect. Jensen and the kids were sitting on the floor in the living room playing. You smiled when you saw the four of them. Jensen’s green eyes looked up at you with so much love. You bit your lip as you looked at him, and you blushed. 
“Ms. Y/N, mommy left again, she’s moving in with Uncle Josh. We’re going to stay here with daddy and you.” Jensen Jr said to you. “I heard, sweetie, and how does that make you feel?” You asked him. “I guess okay. I love mommy, but I know I get to see her still.” “Yes you do buddy, whenever you want,” Jensen said. 
You looked over at the girls, taking a seat on the floor, you asked them, “How are you two doing?” Jessica looked at you and you snuggled to your side, “I’m okay. I get to live with daddy and you. I love you Ms. Y/N.” You pulled her in your arms, “I love you too sweetheart, I love all of you very much.” Her big green eyes were wide, “Even daddy?” You smiled and nodded, “Yes, even your daddy.” 
Annie sat quietly. You looked at her and then at Jensen. You saw the concern etched in his face. “Annie, sweetie, are you okay?” Jensen asked. Annie looked up and tears were in her eyes. Jensen’s heart broke. She looked over at you and back at Jensen, you noticed her lower lip quivering. 
“Annie, it’s okay, baby. We’re here for you. Talk to us, so we can help you.” Jensen pleaded. The words were caught in her throat. Jensen scooped up his little girl and held her in his arms, tightly. You ushered the other two to their playroom, giving Annie and Jensen some privacy. 
You grabbed the door handle, about to walk outside, and Annie spoke up, “Ms. Y/N, please don’t go too.” You froze in place, turned around and said, “Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere. I was just going outside so you and daddy could talk.” 
“I don’t want you to leave.” You walked over to her and Jensen and sat down, “Okay, sweetie, I’ll stay.” 
She gave you a slight smile. What she said next completely broke your’s and Jensen’s hearts. “Daddy, why doesn’t mommy love us anymore?” Jensen sat speechless for a minute, “Oh sweetie, mommy does love you and your brother and sister. Mommy and Daddy just don’t love each other enough anymore to stay married. That’s not going to change how either of us feel about you three. I promise you that.” 
She nodded and left the room. Jensen sat on the couch and let out a long sigh. “I guess I need to start telling family and friends, oh and my manager. This is going to go over so well,” Jensen said sarcastically. 
You rubbed his shoulder and took his hand, “Hey, I’m here for you, no matter what. I love you, remember?” He smiled, “Yeah, I remember, thank you baby.” He placed a soft kiss on your lips. 
Jensen stood and walked towards his office. He stopped and looked over at you and smiled. You gave him a soft smile back and nodded. He walked into his office and closed the door. 
Taking a deep breath you started to busy yourself around the house. Cleaning the kitchen and thinking about the future with Jensen and his kids. You knew you were in love with Jensen, and he was in love with you. Nothing else going on mattered, because you knew as long as the two of you had each other you could tackle the world. 
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Inazuma men when you walk in on them in an intimate position with your sister/best friend.
YES, some angsty shit again! Uhhh, I like it when it hurts xD
Characters Included: Ayato; Heizou; Kazuha; Gorou
Content: gender neutral reader; she/her pronouns for your friend/sister; cheating; hurt/no comfort; angst and drama; you walk in on them; suggestive on some parts; Gorou being manipulated; non-consent on Kazuha's part, but not explicit!!
Word count: 2,4k words
Thank you so much for giving me an angsty request. Have fun reading!
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He would think so high and mighty of himself
Like, he was sure that he was hiding it pretty damn well and that you would never find out about his little secret
you have been engaged to Ayato for some time now, the wedding due to happen soon
it has been a marriage of convinience, both for him as well as your family, yet you were relieved when you found out you were going to marry Ayato, having had a crush on him for a little over a year now
you thought that over the time he got to know you, he also developed feelings for you, he certainly did tell you so
for a long time, you were blinded by the illusion you so desperately wanted to believe, ignorant to the sad and sympathatic looks Ayato's staff would give you
You excused his long and late hours away from you, telling yourself that he was just catching up on work and that he was alright
You only started to get somewhat suspicious when you noticed one of your friends visiting the Kamisato estate rather frequently, but only ever staying for a short period of time, while she never even talked to you when here
still, you gave them both the benefit of the doubt, thinking that they might just be working on something together
Thoma, however, knew what was going on behind your back. He wanted to tell you on so many different occaisions, yet he had to think of his own job as well and how his actions could put himself at risk, as well. So, he never said a single word to you, keeping you oblivious
until one day, it was late at night again and Ayato told you he would be working late again
you nodded and let him get back to his work, but later decided to surprise him with some snacks and refreshments you wanted to bring him
you were feeling kind of giddy when you approached his office door with the tray in your hands, as you noticed weird sounds coming from behind the doors
you didn't want to believe your ears, this couldn't be happening.. not your Ayato..
so you pushed open the door slightly, enough for you to peek into the room, only to have your world crushed in front of your eyes, along with all your hopes and dreams for the future
your ears did not decieve you, Ayato was, in fact, cheating on you this very moment with the person you thought to be one of your best friends
what's even worse was that he noticed you, standing by the door, having caught them in the act
and all he did, was smirk at you as he leaned down and bit into the other womans neck to which she let out a loud moan
shocked, the tray slipped out of your hands as you turned on your heels and started running down the halls, tears streaming down your face
you passed Thoma on the way to your room who shot you another sympathetic look.
He knew it... he was in on it..
now it finally dawned on you, and it all made sense.. why everyone was always looking at you like this.. they were all in on it.. you were the only one who wasn't aware..
still crying, you grabbed a bag and took some of your most important belongings as well as some clothes, before you left this estate you once hoped you could call your home
seems like some things just weren't meant to work out in life...
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he wouldn't want to do it, but he would if he could get some kind of benefit from it
Heizou has always been a very flirty personality, even while in a relationship with you. It caused arguments on more than one occaision
he would always tell you that he would stop doing it.. that promise would sometimes last for a week, often times shorter than that, before he got right back to his usual behaviour
the worst part was, that he saw nothing wrong with this type of behaviour
as long as it got him the results he desired, he didn't care for the method he had to use
it was cruel in a way, but he didn't want to acknowledge that he could do wrong as well
when this particular incident occured was when he finally realized how wrong his attitude had been
he had been stumped on a particular case for a few days now, no new leads showing up and the trail was starting to get cold
it frustrated him beyond anything else and to top it off, he was currently engaged in yet another heated argument with you
you were ticked off by the way he was shamelessly flirting with a shopkeeper, right in front of you while on a date
he tried to explain that he just tried to get some clues out of her, but you didn't seem to want to hear it
after some more yelling, you left the house to catch some fresh air and cool off, while Heizou stayed back
he sat in front of his files again, trying to make sense of all the clues when someone knocked on the front door
he recognised your sister there and while he planned on sending her away at first, she made him an offer he just couldn't turn down so easily
spending one night with her in exchange for the missing clues he needed to solve this case
he didn't think long before agreeing to this deal
she entered the house and it didn't take long before things got heated and they both landed on the bed he normally shared with you
it didn't really feel right to do this, but he was doing it for the greater good. He's sure you would understand that
while they were in the middle of things, with her being on top, riding him, he suddenly heard the front door open and a sharp inhale being taken
he whipped his head around, seeing you standing there, looking shocked and hurt
immediately after that, you turned and ran out the door again, he saw tears beginning to form in your eyes. He wanted to get up and run after you, but.... he couldn't. He had to keep up his part of the deal. He could always talk to you the next day
when he sought you out the next day, you were refusing to speak to him.. and the day after... as well as the day after that
he was getting frustrated, missing holding you in his arms. He grew irritated without you around..
the next day, he saw you in the streets of Inazuma City, so he walked up to you
However, once he reached you, he was met with a slap in the face. It stung, and he looked at you in surprise
tears welled up in your eyes again as you turned and tried to leave again, but he quickly snatched your wrist, trying to explain his reasons to you
you stayed and listened, but your expression was hard and ice cold the entire time
"I hope it was worth it in the end, because you lost me for good now"
that was the last thing you ever said to him again before you left his life for good
and finally, Heizou understood what he had been doing wrong this entire time... and he regretted his decisions like nothing else in his life...
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now for Kazuha... he is a very honest and loyal soul
you never would have thought that you had to worry about anything like that with him, already having bad experiences from a previous relationship
Kazuha always made time for you, made you feel loved and appreciated, always told you how much he loved and adored you, whishing you would stay with him forever
you honestly felt the same way about him, already imagining a future together with him
but... we all know how easily Kazuha can get drunk.. and just how drunk he gets from so few drinks..
you were going out with some of your friends to party a bit, and you decided to invite your boyfriend along
he didn't mind it, deciding not to drink anything so he could keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe throughout the entire night
it went well in the beginning. You were moderately drinking with your friends while he was sipping on whatever non-alcoholic beverage he ordered for himself
he always kept an eye on you, but at some point of the night, he lost sight of you
while walking around the vicinity, looking around trying to find you, he ran into one of your friends, who was obviously pretty drunk at this point
she clung onto Kazuha, staying close to him, slowing him down immensely
at some point, she offered him a drink. He refused at first, but she kept insisting, promising that it would be non-alcoholic
being the sweetheart that Kazuha is, he gave in after some time, only to realize too late that she had been lying, it was very much an alcoholic drink
but it was too late already, she forced him to down the glass and then another one right after, getting him drunk
in this state, he didn't have control over his mind or his actions, he just went along with whatever she said to him
so what if she suggested to go into an isolated corner so that they could have some "fun"
in his inebriated state, he didn't realize that the person he was doing it with, wasn't you
only when he heard a gasp and saw you standing there a few feet away from him did he regain some of his consciousness back
he saw the tears forming in your eyes and he tried to run after you, but even in your own drunken state, you were faster than him, he couldn't catch up to you
the next day, he woke up again with a severe headache but still perfect memory from the events of that night
he immediately set out to look for you, finding you rather quickly
you had dark circles under your eyes and they were red and swollen from all the crying
he apologized to you over and over, telling you what had happened. He hated himself for letting this happen to him, yet he was still more worried over you
it is up to you if you want to forgive him or not, he will accept whatever decision you make. Just know that he is so, so sorry and if you choose to give him a second chance, he will make sure that nothing like that will ever happen again..
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oh, poor little Gorou..
he is soo easy to manipulate.. people can tell him everything they want, and he is prone to believe them until proven wrong
he loves you dearly, with all his heart, but he often doubts himself, fearing that he's not good enough for you
so, when someone else comes along, planting even the faintest bit of doubt in his mind about your relationship, he grows restless and insecure
you, having already a strained relationship with your family, especially with your younger sister, spent most of your free time with Gorou, so normally, there wouldn't be anything for him to worry about, right?
Well, the thing is.. your sister has always had a thing for Gorou, even before you two got together. She neve told you about it, but ever since you made the relationship official, she hated you for it
she wanted Gorou all to herself, yet you were standing in the way of that goal. She had to get rid of you somehow..
the first few months of the relationship went by great, you were both so in love with each other
yet, after that, your sister started to visit Gorou whenever you weren't around him. You could be at work or out doing something.. she would be there visiting him, leaving again before you returned again
at first, it was just normal visits. She would simply talk to Gorou, asking him how his day went, getting to know him better. Though she asked to keep this meet-ups a secret from you, since she claimed she wanted to reconnect with you on your terms alone
Gorou, being non the wiser, agreed to that
this went on for a while until she started to plant seeds of doubt in his mind. Spreading rumors to him how you were meeting up with some other guy, how the meet-ups became more frequent, that you were probably cheating on him, and so on
Gorou didn't want to believe her, choosing to trust you. But, being so gullible, he started to see things that weren't actually there. He imagined you coming home later than usual, thinking you were avoiding his gaze
he didn't want to admit it, but with every further visit from your sister, he believed her more and more, now doubting everything about your relationship with him. Did you ever even love him?
the final part of her plan came, when she convinced him to sleep with her to "get you back for cheating on him first"
it felt wrong to him, but he still went along with the idea. At some point, he did get into it, not noticing how you came back earlier than usual, flowers in your hand..
those flowers immediately dropped to the ground as you realized what you just walked in on..
and in that moment did he remember.. today was your anniversary.. 6 months togehter...
he immediately ripped himself off your sister, calling out your name, but you were already out the door. He quickly threw some clothes over himself to run after you, but your sister caught his wrist, begging him to stay
he paid her no mind and ran after you, yet he wasn't able to find you, no matter where or how hard he looked..
defeated, he returned to his place, curling in on himself.. tomorrow, he promised himself. Tomorrow he's gonna find you and talk to you..
however, the next day, he found out that you had left Watatsumi Island.. you went and found Kazuha, leaving Inazuma with him on the Alchor..
you were out of his reach, forever now, and it was all his fault.. he had no one else to blame but himself for his stupid actions.. he lost the best thing that ever came into his life, and he would never get you back...
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teyvathandymenclub · 2 years
Genshin Men - Pregnancy Reaction (P.1)
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Story: You just announced your pregnancy to your partner.
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Childe, Diluc
TW: None
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Zhongli - How is this possible? Is this a sign? A possible miracle of creation of a new archon? He was so occupied trying to be the best partner to you and this whole life as a mortal is still new to him. People and especially mortal relationships are too damn complicated. When he met you, he knew. He knew that you were destined to be together. His heart suddenly ached whenever you couldnt be together because of busy schedules. You became his sanctuary. Home and safety manifested in a person. And now he is supposed to be a father? How can his already full heart feel even fuller. He tries to keep his composure but his chest would soon burst from all the love and happiness. You bare his child. You are his lover, partner and now mother of a future archon. He will protect you like a god protecting his most precious treasure. Family is everything for him. Zhongli hugs you tightly. All the tears of happiness are only yours, he has no time to waste. His head is full of plans, arrangements to be made and preparations for the rest of your lifes. There is no doubt that you couldn't choose a better father for your child.
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Childe - It took him a few seconds to process what you just said to him but when the information hit, he started to jump around like a… Well… Child(e). Teucer will be so excited to be a big uncle. When he finally calms down, he places a protective hand over your belly because he knows first hand how dangerous Teyvat can be. He swears to himself that you and the child will be the best protected people around. He even arranges meetings for next week to make sure that he can have bodyguards looking after you whenever he has to be away. Childe will make sure that most of his work trips are dealt with before your belly even starts to grow, because he wants to be with you the whole time. Nothing is more important than taking care of you and protecting you. You will get the best care and not only from him. Childe will pay the most expensive healthcare and doctors that he can find. Not to mention his buying gifts fever. There is no day when he will not come back without another plushie. At one point you have to stop him from buying more stuff because soon your home will turn into a warehouse. 
Do you think it is a girl or a boy? 
I don't know yet. It's too soon to tell. 
Ok, I will just buy everything in neutral colors… Do you think we need a bigger house? Or the Garden? Is it safe here? What about preschool? Should we apply now?
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Thoma - He gasped. His eyes widened while he was covering his mouth. “Baby…” he whispers to himself, tears fogs his eyes. “We will have a baby.” He hugs you like never before and holds you in a tight embrace for a while. When he lets you he immediately gets down on the knees and gently hugs you around your waist. Thoma gently bares the skin of your belly and kisses it with a dozen kisses. He always loved cooking for you or with you, but now he takes it on a whole new level. There is always some music playing in the background when he is doing his magic in the kitchen, but since he found out that he will be a dad he even started dancing. Be careful to come for a glass of water, one dance together is required. Thoma is so happy to have a family of his own, he just can't contain himself. His bedside table has a full stack of books with recipes good for the health of pregnant women and even toddlers. When he is at work, he always finds some time to come by to check on you. 
Are you resting? Have you eaten? No, let it be. I will do it when I come home. Baby is in a really fragile phase of development. Wait with that into the second trimester.
How do you know about this stuff?
I was studying some books and also visited our local doula. She gave me so many tips and tricks. We can talk about them later, if it's okay with you.
He is so excited that he can't sleep for a few weeks so he just lays the whole night with his head carefully placed near your belly while thinking how he will spend his time with you both, where you will travel together for small trips whenever you are ready and able to. He will give you the world and even more. There is not a happier man on the planet.
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Diluc - He will keep his composure and one kiss is all you got. You know that he is not really into big displays of any type of affection, but still… First week after the announcement you feel sad and disappointed, because he doesn't show any excitement. You thought that he was just in shock and after some time he will be excited. But no, still nothing. You will even start to doubt if it was right to have a baby with him. He didn't tell anyone yet, but everyone knows that something is off. Diluc is suddenly anxious, walking around trying to find what he needs to do, fix and prepare so you will have the smoothest pregnancy and everything is kid friendly. After a while you realize that all he does is for you and your baby. Also your aversion to sleeping too close to each other suddenly disappeared. He used to be too hot to sleep with, but now it feels so good. Especially when he is spooning you from behind. Your sore back feels like heaven. And Diluc… That night his heart ached. Does he deserve this? To be this happy? Feeling that he needs to be close to you and to protect you is stronger than ever. Tomorrow is a special day. He can finally show you what he has been working on. He cleared out the spare room in the winery and prepared it as a nursery. You think he doesn't listen when you talk about paint colors or furniture and tomorrow he will prove you wrong. He is also so ready to babysit whenever you need or want to have some time for work or just for yourself. But now he wants to cherish this simple, but perfect moment. Laying down with you in his arms. Smelling your hair and skin. Feeling your heartbeat. And his hand on your belly carefully caressing it while thinking about a beautiful future that you will spend together.
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anxresi · 4 months
So, it turns out Chloe IS going to return for S6... this hot off the press from her voice actor... (actually from back in Jan, but who's counting?)
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...So why, my dears, couldn't I give a damn?
Probably because, as arguably the writers had no idea what to do with her in S4 and S5 other than strip her of all personality, agency & likability, what's the point in her still remaining?
*She's not going to be a hero again, Manbaby Astruc has made this PERFECTLY clear thankyouverymuch. IMHO, she's far more useful as a tool for him to take out his warped misogynist humiliations on, apparently. Why he doesn't just buy himself a blonde mannequin, call it 'Chloe' then beat it with a wooden stick whilst shouting various profanities within the privacy of his own bedroom, IDK. Maybe it's good therapy for him to expose his weird hang-ups in front of a mass audience? Hey, if it works for him... good for you, buddy! I just wish the rest of us didn't have to suffer to aid his treatment.
*As a villain, Chloe's threat level is arguably less than 0%. She is now written to be dumb as a post, no-one trusts or likes her and everything she says and does seems more cartoonishly infantile with every tortuous appearance since S3. The ONLY time she posed any vague threat is during her massively overhyped team-up with Lila where basically she was little more than a pawn to the Mary Sue Of All Lying B*tches... and those two episodes where she took over Paris as Mayor with a bunch of robots were undebately the most stupid ones of S5. Which if you've seen the competition, you KNOW that's some achievement.
*My prediction is: They're gonna rehash the same tiresome schik we saw before she got on that plane at the end of S5... perhaps they'll give us a one episode Hope Spot upon her unexpected arrival back where it looks like she's changed after attending a 'tough school' in New York/London but OH MY WORD WHAT A SURPRISE it turns out to all have been a ruse to become Queen Bee again. YAWN. She'll move straight back into her old room... Andre and Audrey will reconnect... and it'll be like nothing ever happened. In case you hadn't noticed, this show handles plot continuity or character development about as well as Marinette keeps her distance from her crushes.
*'But where does that leave Zoe?' You might ask, to which I can only respond with a succinct 'If you had the Hubble Space Telescope on full power, you still wouldn't be able to locate how little I care about that particular subject.' Maybe she'll carry on as Vesperia. Maybe she'll get a girlfriend. Maybe she'll do something halfway interesting, and give the viewership a heart attack out of sheer shock value alone. It doesn't matter to me one jot... less because I curse the ground this insipid plot device masquerading as a serious character walks on, but simply because I have no faith in the utterly abysmal writing this show has displayed for years and years now. Chloe could take over the lead role in a SHOCKING twist, they could change the name to Miraculous Queen and I STlLL wouldn't give it a second glance. The fish rots from the head-up, guys.
(Okay, so that's a bit of a lie. I would probably sneak a peek at ONE episode out of sheer curiosity, but you and I both know with HIM in charge the standard won't improve one iota. Plus, it isn't gonna happen anyway... so why am I tying myself in knots speculating about an impossible scenario?)
Anyway, I've nattered on for too long. I'll just leave you by answering Selah's somewhat disingenuous last question there about 'your favorite Chloe line of season 5'.
This implies we were watching 'Chloe'. As far as I was concerned, we weren't. Not the Chloe I fangirled for in the very beginning and got me involved in the show in the first place because I could relate so much. Not the Chloe who got so many other fans emotionally invested in her personal and familial struggles, before her character was comprehensively trashed by a ruinous creator with a grudge.
So in answer to your question Ms Victor, none. Because it simply wasn't Chloe.
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melusinealarice · 1 year
in that case… could i request a member of his team reader and house fanfic abt house realising his attraction towards reader isn’t actually just sexual (they’ve been sleeping together for some time) but he’s actually in love with them. so he asks reader on a date, but they think he’s just joking and being an ass. so house has to go on a full on rant about how he developed feelings for reader and they just stand there in shock completely flustered (pls make reader say yes at the end tho 🙏💞) either gn!reader or fem!reader
this is totally ooc for him but whateva im a little delusional 🥰 in my head he’s my silly husband
Def delulu, but arent we all, anyways here ya go
Warnings: cursing, sexual themes,
Fem reader x dr house
You had been sleeping with dr. House for a few months now. It all started when you joined his team, while his rude comments usually repelled people, they attracted you. You found him hilarious as-well as insanely hot. Him being smart was a bonus as-well. He always made sexual comments towards you wich left you flustered more than anything. It all started one night when he was staying late and you came in to find him in a bottle of whiskey. It ended with you leaving his house before he could wake up. After that you both just would have casual sex, thats all it was. You never asked for anything more, even though you desperately wanted it, because you knew him, and he would surely mock you for it.
House’s POV:
I walk out of the on-call room, not even saying anything to y/n, this has just been our routine, she figured words would just make things complicated. I went straight to Wilson. “Wilson.” I said walking in, not bothering to knock. “What is it House?” He said looking up, “i think, I think Im attracted to y/n in more than just a sexual way.” i said, sitting on his couch, “what?” He asked stoping what he was doing. “I think, Im falling in love with her.”
Your POV:
Back to work, you just finished hooking up with House and now you had to go along your day, pretending you aren’t in live with him. No problem.
After the case you all were working on was solved you stayed back in the office while everyone else left. House was there, “so how about I buy you a drink, like a date?” He said, leaning against the door, pinning you to the wall. Shit, he knows, he knows you like him and he is making fun of you for it, who told him?? You scoffed trying to play it off, “ya know just because I like you being an ass doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me.” She said, trying to find away out of the situation. “Me? An ass? Never.” He taunted, you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help how much harder you were breathing, “whatever,” you said, wiggling out of the position you were in. “Im serious.” He said, staring at you, “I thought it was just sexual, i did, and ive tried to pretend it was, but god, you are so much more than that. Ive been falling deeper in love with you every damn second, and I want you, all of you. You are so beautiful and smart, and funny. And I want commitment and I want to take you on a date.” He said, his face was straight, he wasn’t joking. You stood there flustered, “really?” You said still in shock, he walked up to you and took your hands in his, “really.” He said. “Okay, lets go get a drink.” You said smiling up at him.
The end
Ok its kinda short, but im not the best at writing fluff, and it was super hard to do it with House without totally betraying his character.
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Can You Keep Up? 🔪 | Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz Imagine
Takes place during the events of Inglorious Basterds
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Inglorious Basterds Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz x female basterd!reader (romantic), the Basterds (platonic)
Content Warnings: profanity, light angst, war, murder, blood, violence, n*zis, hate crimes | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 2.7k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: Sgt Hugo Stiglitz had a reputation long before becoming a member The Basterds. Killing Nazis and ending the war were the only thinks he cared about….until a new basterd entered the picture. One who had her own reputation in America that rivaled even some its most notorious gangsters.
“You should tell her,” Wicki mumbled in German, which would do nothing to hide their conversation since the person they were referring to spoke German. Had she been closer to the pair they surely would’ve been found out.
Hugo groaned, pitting a glare to the Austrian, “No.” Wicki rolled his eyes.
“One of these days the others are going to notice how you’ve changed in the last few weeks.”
“I have not changed!” The German defends, whisper-shouting while checking to make sure she wasn’t in their proximity. Eyes locking on her figure, he found Y/n scalping her latest kill. Quickly he turned away, the image of her tackling the Nazi down from a tree branch appearing in his mind, the stoic expression he wore faltering. It was unlike anything he’d ever seen a person do and boy did it make him feel things.
But then again, Y/n L/n was not an ordinary soldier. Hell, she wasn’t even a soldier.
A native of the city that never sleeps, the cards of a promising life were not in place for Y/n. At a young age petty crime was her ticket to surviving. Pickpocketing off of unsuspecting tourists, stealing cars from junkyards, and making quick cash by taking whatever opportunity presented itself. That was her life from childhood to the end of adolescence.
Right around the age of 21 in 1930, the midst of prohibition, Y/n found herself at the bar of a speakeasy owned by one of the most notorious mob bosses in the city. Now when one thinks of organized crime and all its associates, women never have a place amongst the ranks. It’s just how things worked—patriarchy and sexism in all.
Y/n had already garnered herself a reputation in the underground world of New York. Known by only the name, The Rose, due to the red inked rose tattoo on her neck, Y/n was listed on the top ten most wanted in the city. Doing jobs ranging from burglaries to ‘get rid of them, leave nothing behind’ as they came to her as long as they paid well. And by well, we’re talking Y/n couldn’t have a bank account open for they would be suspicious of the depositing amounts.
No eye witness had ever been able to give a detailed description for the NYPD to develop a composite drawing. Y/n was a ghost among the living. Making her dangerous and a myth to many who refused to believe a woman could be capable of the crimes she committed. A lot of the hits she was responsible for had the police believing it was rival gangs. Nothing was traced back to her save for burglaries where a witness reported, “whoever it was, I think it was a woman. There was something about their physique and voice in the few words they spoke that had me thinking it wasn’t a man.”
So yeah, Y/n was a professional criminal at the ripe age of 21. A literally hit woman who was damn good at making things appear as an accident. Becoming an associate of a mob boss was not what she envisioned, but leave it to a man who’s also a ghost to the public eye able to uncover a fellow one.
“How’d you know who I was?” The vodka from her martini hit her tongue as she took a sip. Eyebrows raised at the man beside her, dressed in an expensive pinstriped suit, she noted the two men in suits flanking him. That in itself was enough to piece together he was someone important. Then he got to talking and before long Y/n formally introduced herself knowing the jig was up.
“A man like me has his ways.”
“And I’m assuming a man like you is someone who likes to keep his presence quiet. Yet, you took a risk by approaching me. Why is that, Mr. Falcone?”
“I’ve got a job for you.” This has her tilt her head, intrigued by the proposal.
“What kind of job?”
“I’m aware one-and-done is your style,” he starts, removing his glasses and placing them in his pocket only to remove a Manila colored envelope. “But I’m willing to offer you something more permanent. It means you’ll have to stop any and all business with competing employers,” he was referring to rival gangs and families. Basically Y/n would be an associate in his ranks. “But I can assure you,” the envelope slides over to her, Y/n immediately taking it into her hands to peek inside. “any and all needs would be provided. I’m sure you’ll find the pay more than sufficient than what you’re normally accustomed to.” Inside was at least $20,000. Twenty wads of ten $100 bills stacked together. The man was right in his assumption of money Y/n obtained on a job—ranging between $3-7k depending on what needed to be done.
Y/n was quiet for a moment, finishing her martini before turning back to Falcone. “Forgive me for being so blunt, Mr. Falcone. Your offer is gracious and tempting, but I thought women have no place in the mob. Why would you want to work with me?”
“Because you’re good at what you do,” he stated the obvious, motioning for the bartender for two glasses of whiskey. “You’ve managed at such a young age to turn the boys in blue upside down over your looming presence. And they still have yet to uncover how deep your ledger bleeds in this city. They only believe you’re responsible for all those bank heists and the last person the mayor’s God awful son was seen with.” Y/n withheld the smirk threatening to form.
“But I know from whispers in the dark the number of people you’ve successfully indisposed. And I know you’ve managed to accumulate that many because you know how to work with men’s weaknesses. How they are so captivated by the rose before them, they fail to see the thorns. Why wouldn’t I want to work with someone of such talents?” Passing over one of the whiskeys, Falcone lifted his own. “What do you say, Miss. L/n? Do we have a deal?”
The clinking of glass signaled the signing of the unwritten contract penned beneath the dim lights of Falcone’s speakeasy. From that moment on Y/n was an official member of the Falcone crime family. Their hitwoman to be exact where she maintained her double life for nearly twelve years. Bathing in the riches, living the high life. All while keeping a low profile where Falcone’s dirty work was never traced back to her and vice versa.
Unfortunately, mistakes happen. Costly ones where everything crumbles in the blink of an eye.
Well it didn’t all crumble. Technically the FBI was only able to prove Y/n was responsible for one count of federal racketeering. Any other crimes—nearly 50 to be exact—they believed she did had no hard evidence.
Let’s face it, they damn well knew it was her. But Y/n was really good at her job. Only reason she got caught was her getaway driver fucked up by turning left instead of right where a squadron was waiting for them. One look at her tattoo and the feds were busting down the doors of the police department.
But dragging her ass to Alcatraz to become the first female prisoner was not the plan the feds had for Y/n. At the turn of the new year in 1942, America had entered World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Troops were sent off to Europe each week, nurses deployed, and supplies to aid the allies.
“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” Y/n choked on the smoke from cigarette, handcuffed by the wrists and staring at the agent like he was insane.
“Not in the slightest,” he blew out his own smoke. Placing his bud in the tray, the agent leaned his elbows on the table, “listen, Miss. L/n, it’s either this or prison. As much as my colleagues hate to admit it, you’d make a great spy. We’re offering your freedom—full pardon and all—in exchange for your cooperation with the OSS for however long it will take for us to win this war. The Army already agreed.”
Y/n stayed silent, deep in thought while finishing her cigarette. Go to war, become a spy for America, and try to not to die before it ends. Or waste away in a prison located on an island with no chances of escaping and remain there until she dies. “Fuck it, guess I’m going to Europe.”
Touching down in France Y/n was hauled to the OSS base camp, still chained by the wrists and ankles, where she was introduced to the General. From there the rules and regulations of her position were relayed on top of being assigned to the squadron deep behind enemy lines known as The Basterds.
One could imagine the reaction the squad had when their newest comrade was revealed to them. The only warning they got was, “bring her in,” before a smirking chained Y/n waltzed in with two soldiers flanked beside her.
“Hello, boys.”
Donny just about swallowed the toothpick in his mouth. The younger basterds wide eyed and mouths agape while Hugo and Wicki appeared confused. Then there was Aldo who was visibly flabbergasted, “What the hell is this?” It wasn’t everyday one saw a woman in handcuffs guarded by armed escorts. But despite her innocent demeanor, there was something sinister lying behind her gaze. “Who is she?”
“Your new mercenary,” the general plainly states.
“This pretty little thang?” Donny wants to laugh, earning an amused smirk from Y/n. Aldo shushes him a glare at the same moment the general does.
“This pretty little thing could make your death look like an accident, Donowitz.” The comment had Y/n roll her eyes. Now that has the Basterds intrigued…and a little concerned. Their reaction made her chuckle.
“Believe me gentlemen, it wasn’t my idea to join you on the front lines. But, the FBI said it was either this or Alcatraz.”
“Alcatraz?!” Smitty gasps. Off to the side Hugo leans closer to Wicki, whispering in German, “What is Alcatraz?”
“It’s a federal prison in California located on an island where they send the worst of the worst criminals. They say no one can escape once they’re locked within its walls.”
So, from what Hugo observes, this woman happens to be one of the worst criminals in America.
Aldo, just as appalled, follows up with, “Now what on earth did you do that would have the feds sending you to the Rock?”
“My job,” she shrugs in response.
“Which was?” There were dozens of ‘jobs’ with a one way ticket to Alcatraz. Mostly gang members and mafia bosses. Serial killers and bank robbers. Its most famous residents being Al Capone, George Kelly Barnes, Robert Stroud, and Alvin Karpavivz.
The general slaps down the file in front of Aldo, “killing people for money, money laundering, blackmail and extortion of politicians on behalf of the New York’s mob, robbing almost every bank in the city, and bombing the Wall Street Journal.”
“Now general,” Y/n tsks, receiving horrified expressions from everyone in the room. The metal from her handcuffs clanked as she held palms up, “That’s a little far-fetched, don’t you think? After all those are only accusations. None of which can be proven,” her nonchalant tone combined with the not-so-innocent smile gave indication the general spoke the truth. “Except for the blackmail one. That I did do.”
The Basterds were pretty much hesitant of Y/n up until the first time they saw her in action. Not only did she lure a patrol of Nazis to them, but she took down six of the ten with. One for each bullet in her pistol. All the Basterds were beyond amazed, but none more than Hugo.
It was like he was seeing the female version of himself when Y/n invoked her talents with a blade on a Nazi. Effortless when sneaking up behind or jumping from a branch onto their shoulders. Never missing her target when firing her pistol. The fear she produced when a Nazi recognized the tattoo on her neck. Word got around quickly among the German army of the female basterd who looked as delicate as a rose but possessed thorns unlike any other.
Hugo, a man of few words, couldn’t help but be curious of the American. Y/n noticed it too with how many times she caught him staring at her. Finally she had enough of his staring and confronted him one night when they were on watch, “Penny for your thoughts, Stiglitz.”
“You speak German?” His tone was of surprise, making her smirk.
“I speak many languages. German, Italian, Spanish, French, even Gaelic. It’s sorta a necessity for the job I do—interacting with people from all parts of the world.”
“Job….” Hugo repeated under his breath, “you are a professional criminal? That is what Donowitz was saying.”
“Oh so you believe gossip now?” She teased, though making no motion to deny the accusation. “Good to know you boys talk about me in your free time.”
“Is it true?” Hugo persisted, making Y/n straighten her posture, no longer finding humor in the conversation. The tone had shifted to a serious one.
“Will you look at me differently than you already do if it is?” Was her challenge. Not waiting for his answer she continued, “I’m only guaranteed my freedom once this war ends for the things they caught me for, Hugo. Confessing to you the ones they didn’t…..well why would I admit guilt? A smart criminal would never.”
To be honest Y/n technically confessed to Hugo she was in fact responsible for all the crimes the general had informed them of. Though vague with her words, Y/n spoke with her eyes. Showing Hugo her true nature without voicing the truth.
From that moment on there was an unspoken connection between the two. A mutual respect and understanding for each other that was different from the other Basterds. Hugo could rely on Y/n to have his back and vice versa. Never did they question the other’s decision or actions even if the Basterds disagreed. While it took a few months, they eventually considered them friends instead of mere comrades.
He didn’t know when he started to see Y/n in a different light. Maybe it was when he watched her dance in a tavern with Omar and Aldo. Or maybe it was when she shot at the nazi sneaking up behind him from her sniper's den. He found peace in the moments they would sit by the fire and not say a single word. Admiration in the way she didn’t give a fuck about what people thought of her. Held her ground and owned her mistakes. Maybe it wasn’t full blown love Hugo felt for Y/n, but there was a deep fondness for her.
Whatever it was, Wicki seemed to catch on.
Like right now when he spotted the blonde observing Y/n scalping her latest kill. Trying to get Hugo to man up and confess his feelings to their fellow Basterd was like teaching a toddler simple manners. “I don’t see what you are so afraid of, Hugo. You two are friends. And from what I’ve seen when you’re not looking, I think she feels the same.”
Hugo couldn’t ignore the slight skip in his heart at the assumption. Still stoic, the German shrugged his shoulders, “We’ve got a job to do, Wilhelm. There’s no time for—.”
“No time for what?” The two men jump at the sound of Y/n joining their conversation. Neither noticed she had moved from her spot.
“Nothing,” Hugo sputters out, placing his knife back in its holster. In his head he was hoping to whatever God she didn’t hear what they were saying. So much as catching the word ‘she’ Y/n would know it was her given she was the only woman in miles.
Tilting her head, Y/n keeps her expression neutral. “Wicki, can you give Hugo and I a moment alone.”
“Of course,” the man excuses himself, bidding a glance to Hugo on the way out. Once he was a good distance away and none of the other Basterds were in sight Y/n approached Hugo. He waited for her to speak, but instead was left stunned at the feeling of her lips pressing to his cheek.
“Wh-what was that for?” A smirk is her response.
“I think you know,” she throws a wink. “You and Wicki’s forget your voices carry.” Red flares on Hugo’s cheeks, but he manages to calm it down. Y/n only widens her smile, “Don’t worry about saying what you feel,” she gives another kiss, though this time on the corner of his lips. “I can see it in your actions.”
Spinning on her heel, Y/n starts making her way back to the others when Hugo calls out to her, still shocked by what had taken place, “What does this mean then? For us?”
“Whatever you desire, darling,” Peering over her shoulder the woman gives a cheeky smirk, “think you can keep up?”
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grey-gazania · 4 days
Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗 — @emyn-arnens
My dear @emyn-arnens, you sent this to me weeks ago, and I saw it and then unfortunately forgot to answer it, because Real Life has been kicking my ass, so I want both to thank you for the ask and to apologize for how long this took me.
My 5 Favorite Fics (Which Are Not Necessarily My 5 Best Fics)
Loyalty (yes I know this is actually a series, not a fic, hush)
In some ways this series is the bane of my existence, and in other ways it's one of my favorite things I've ever started written. I began planning it in 2011, began posting it in 2015, and, uh, still haven't finished it, whoops, because I think I need to drastically restructure the whole thing before I can proceed. But I've had a lot of fun creating my conlang, and Tókhesh/Tavoreth is one of my favorite OCs I've ever come up with for any fandom, not just Tolkien. I also really wanted to give the Easterlings the chance to be well-developed people in a well-developed society, instead of just being a glorified plot device, and I like to think that I've succeeded.
Unconscious Arithmetic
This story is by now quite old, written in 2011, but it was both my first foray into writing Caranthir and my first attempt at writing in 1st person -- a style I've since found works particularly well for Caranthir, or at least for my version of him. It was also my second story featuring Parmacundë, though she had yet to earn that epessë at the time this story is set, and was the beginning of my plan to work her into the broader story of The Silmarillion. I think I conveyed a particularly vivid picture of how I imagine adolescent Caranthir and what kind of person he might risk befriending.
The Flight of Birds
I hold great affections for the Kidnap Family, as you have probably noticed, but damn, those poor twins must have been pretty messed up by the time they were returned to their parents' people. Transitions are hard even when you haven't began kidnapped and raised by the people who tried to murder your mother, and I thought it would be interesting to explore the turmoil the twins must have felt through Elrond's eyes. I feel like Elros often ends up getting treated as the conflicted twin, while Elrond is the one who is wise and serene, but I think Elrond should get the chance to be an angry adolescent full of turmoil, too.
Root and All
This story is a favorite less because of anything I've done with the characters and more because writing it was a trip down memory lane. I spent large swaths of my summers as a child at a camp in the NJ Highlands, where we spent a lot of time hiking in the woods and swamps and learning about the nature that surrounded us. My fondness for those hikes and that part of NJ was really the driving force behind this story. I first encountered and learned about both ghost pipe and water hemlock at summer camp, which are the two plants that anchor this story.
Darkness and Light
Bet you guys were starting to think we'd get through this list without any representatives from my Woman King AU, but fat chance! The Woman King AU is my life's work, and this is my favorite installment of it. It's short, but I think I did a very good job of portraying Ereiniel's grief and pain following Fingon's death. Fingon and the shadows he cast after his death were a massive influence on the woman Ereiniel grew into, the Gil-galad she became. In some ways the Woman King AU is just as much about Fingon and his wife as it is about Ereiniel, because their choices, successes, and failures echo down to their daughter and shape the woman she grows into.
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plounce · 1 year
I am like. 70% sure that at some point y'shtola says to alphinaud that she was about his age when the exodus happened. But man the colony/mainland/exodus situation w regads to Thancred, Yda, and Lyse specifically has driven me to madness. The exodus was about five years after the conquest of ala mhigo and I feel like the Hext's could have made that journey far quicker then that- still, at the most conservative estimate Lyse still grew up in Sharlayan for ten years. What was her education like??? Yda seemed to have been working with the resistance for a while before her death, so who was taking care of Lyse? And Thancred- he seems to mostly self identify as Sharlayan? You never see him calling himself a Lominsan. Why was he assigned to Thanalan instead of La Noscea, if he knew the area better and had more contacts there? How much time did he even spend in Sharlayan before starting on field missions? (Also fun fact: Palaymo's dad is actually featured in a sidequest in Old Sharlayan! He never says it outright but he talks about having a son who followed Louisoix)
you are vindicated by @eriyu in the replies to my post!!
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i agree with you totally about the hexts. god i wish i had more - okay i went and looked at the wiki page for yda and learned more from the encyclopedia eorzea v1:
Yda fled her homeland following the invasion of Garlemald in the year 1557 of the Sixth Astral Era. She and her sister first came to the Twelveswood seeking succor, but were forced to leave after being rejected by the elementals. After moons of wandering and foraging off the land, they found their way to the Dravanian hinterlands. With the aid of her future bosom companion, Papalymo, Yda was given a chance to begin her formal education in Sharlayan proper.
fuck the elementals 2. DAMN that's a long way to go, but coerthas pre-calamity is way less hostile to life than what we see 3. thancred truly copying the hexts in terms of "wandering around dravania foraging for moons". that would be a funny conversation for him and lyse to have
iirc, the only time yda is ever actually seen in game is in the 1.0 echo visions for gridania starters? every other time we see her is actually lyse in disguise (which - i have my own thoughts on the efficacy of that plotline, since we never actually see any meaningful difference between the two hext sisters or get much yda at all, but that's a tangent for a different day). i have to imagine that lyse was living with the totolymos in sharlayan when yda was killed, and the news of her death reached them first, allowing lyse to take her sister's place fairly seamlessly? or something? i don't think this plotline will ever really be touched on since lyse's story got basically finished when stormblood did (oh, lyse. how i wish your writing was a bit better.) (fordola and arenvald have been the continuing stormblood/ala mhigo plot/theme thread characters - lyse didn't show up at all in the role quest!). oh wait apparently there's some other stuff about YDA AND FORDOLA BEING FRIENDS? i have like no memory of this and i don't see a source but here's the wiki page. this is really stream of consciousness my apologies. oh well let's keep going
with regards to lyse's education, we know she didn't get her archon's mark (since it got vanished when she took off the yda disguise since papalymo was the one maintaining the illusion of it). the encylopedia has this to say about yda:
At first, this did not proceed smoothly, given her aversion to the study of letters. All too often, she could be found sating her hunger for lemoncakes rather than books. What Yda lacked in wit, however, she made up with her amazing physical prowess, and in time would channel this talent into becoming an expert pugilist.
considering how the encyclopedia also says that yda is "mysterious", i think that it knows that our yda is lyse, because it doesn't mention her becoming an archon in the entry.
also i agree with you about thancred, and at this point i'm developing the belief that louisoix tended to put his students in situations that were initially out of their comfort zones: yda/lyse got put in the twelveswood (where the elementals rejected them), thancred got put in the city state he didn't have a backstory in (he doesn't seem to have much fondness for limsa), and urianger got sent away from home and from his best friend. "here, kiddos! grow and develop! sink or swim!"
also it's so crazy that there was extremely little time between thancred arriving in ul'dah and watching ascilia be orphaned (also it's so crazy that he blames himself for that when there are people who literally let the goobbue loose). and then he became a teenage alcoholic. for work, of course. (shakes him)
i think there's an interesting compare-and-contrast between thancred and lyse - lyse has always been pretty vocally ala mhigan, and any association with sharlayan is mostly through her association with the scions. and thancred mentions his lominsan heritage maybe three times in my memory - explaining how he holds his breath so long in stormblood, recalling how minfilia called him a "wine-sodden wharf rat", and when he's reminiscing on the lominsan docks at the start of endwalker. beyond that he's pretty sharlayan. i do have the headcanon that he is faking his fancyboy accent, so i have the accompanying headcanon that he deliberately tries to distance himself from his childhood. i do think that thancred could've easily returned to sharlayan now and again to report in person, get info, etc, since he could still teleport back then. just not very often, what with the old teleport restrictions, but his handler is friends with a guy who's friends with the wilfsunwyns, teleportation experts...!
i do think it's interesting that louisoix had three kids from eorzea, had them educated/trained in sharlayan for their teenage years, and then sent them back off to eorzea to do recon and direct action for the circle of knowing. hm hm hm.
okay that's enough rambling. every day i think so much.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: so the slow burning is already starting, trying to make everything very realistic. i'm currently on vacation and haven't had much time, hopefully you are able to trace along my imagination and with time i'll improve with these action scenes, enjoy bc next one will be a ride
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Although you weren't sure how much time had passed, you didn't believe it would be enough. You were faced with a ton of work, several weapons that were quite similar, and many that you had never even seen in person. Nevertheless, you believed that you needed to learn as much as you could before tomorrow in order to be ready for everything. Even if you received the book, your situation did not improve. Even though you hadn't said anything irrational, you still caused yourself a lot of trouble and perhaps even Four as well. You had to figure out how to fix it.
"What are you supposed to be doing?" You heard someone asking as you looked up to see Rose, the girl who made a ruckus the first day on tour. "It's a long story…" you commented without much desire to talk about it. "Are you aware that you are no longer in Erudite. Why did you choose Dauntless to end up locked in a room with a damn book?" she asked you. "It's a direct order, okay?" As you gathered your belongings, you hissed, "Mind your own business." She managed to touch on a sensitive subject for you and immediately put you in a poor mood: your clear Erudite behavior.
You were aware that if they had permitted you to, it wouldn't have been as unusual, but you didn't appreciate staying locked up while studying this with everything going on outside. You didn't mean it to end it this way, you just wanted to have some paper to back up in order to review. But it was obvious that, whether intentionally or not, you had earned it. What time would it be? You questioned as you felt your stomach grumbling as you were walking. As you walked toward the cafeteria, you noticed that the majority of them had already left. You quickly took the first thing you saw that was left and ate fast at a table that was only partially occupied. You scanned the room to see who was still present. People were chatting and laughing, and you were sitting with your book. You felt extremely foolish and out of place.
Winter and Milan yelled, "Y/M we've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing?" they asked you while you updated them on the situation. "God, you couldn't shut your mouth, you seem from Candor" Milan teased you as he took the book from you quickly flipping through the pages. "You all thought the same, it was too much information. We have a lot of pressure, I just wanted to be one step ahead even though I think I've done three behind" you grumbled as you tackled the dessert.
"Well don't worry, you were very smart, surely if you answer the questions well they will forget about it" Milan encouraged you. "Of course, you'll see" Winter said as she reached across the table to caress you. Then you realized, "You guys went to get a tattoo!?" you exclaimed, changing the topic of conversation as you grabbed Winter's arm and admired her new tattoo. "Do you like?" Winter asked you while her face lit up. "It was Milan's idea, I never imagined myself with one but I thought it would help me in with the transition" Winter spoke. "It's beautiful, damn and meanwhile I'm locked up there with all my problems, let's see yours" You asked Milan while he was showing it to you. "That's cool, this stuff really suits you, even you Winter, I already see you different" you laughed.
But it wasn't a joke; it was real. As you saw your buddies develop into outstanding initiates, a part of you was wounded, as you continued going back to your old behaviors. Why was it so hard for you to do? You were talking a little more, Milan left while Winter stayed helping you review, asking you questions and learning something else along the way. "Thank you very much, you didn't have to" you thanked her once in the bedroom preparing to go to sleep.
The following morning, you awoke a half-hour earlier than anticipated; just one person was having a shower, and the rest were still asleep. You weren't sure if this was due to nerves or for some other reason. You quickly changed into your clothes and stayed in the hallway where more light was coming in to review what you had learned. You discovered that you had learnt all the weapons that you had prioritized and that were in the armory, and that despite having numerous words floating around in your head randomly, you knew a good number of them. You hoped that would be enough.
When you noticed that there were just ten minutes left, you walked to the room to leave your things, people were already starting to get up and you went directly to the training room. Four had arrived earlier. Both of you were alone. Lucky you. You took a big breath of bravery and said, "Good morning" as you pulled your hair back in a high ponytail. He greets you with "Y/M". He appeared irate."You truly have no idea what's going to happen to you today, so I hope you're prepared," Four advised, as he greeted the next initiate to enter. You were taken aback by his attitude, which made you wonder what he was trying to warn you, but from what? Had Eric intervened? Your arrogance was going to cause them kick you out? It would be funny if you got kicked out something they're so well aware to be, however you had put yourself in opposition to a coach and a leader, thus it was inevitable that you would face consequences.
The morning began calmly. You all went to a modest training facility where you were divided up sets on the treadmills while others performed weightlifting exercises. Changing sets every fifteen minutes, increasing the pace each time while attempting to maintain it. Even though it was difficult for you, you knew that you couldn't let your guard down today, since you felt you had to make up for yesterday's incident and knew that there would be repercussions today. You also didn't want to attract unwanted attention once more.
Even though you could run on the treadmill, it was difficult for you to keep up, even though Four was being very generous in the beginning by alternating between low and high speeds to let you start to build resistance. But in the weight room, you were far worse; you could hardly lift some of the lightest weights, and you were aware that your arms would be completely devastated the next day. There were many who had it worse off, but it didn't work for you. You knew that everything would be examined, even if it was your second day, but you didn't want to push yourself to the point of exhaustion and then have a few days where you couldn't accomplish anything. You were taken aback by Milan's and especially Winter's power. Even though the Amity girl seemed like a damsel in distress since she was so shy and gentle, you could see she was unstoppable because she was able to tolerate far stronger handcuffs than many man in the room.
The only sounds were Four's voice and the machines; you had all been practicing for an hour, maybe two, when suddenly someone entered the room without muzzling the noise. "Four," yelled Eric. Four gave the command as he moved to the side to speak with Eric, "Continue with the routine as before and don't slow down." Even though they spoke softly, you couldn't help but notice Four's annoyance as he spoke and Eric's hatred as he responded. You knew you probably shouldn't be looking there, but you couldn't stop it as you raced. Eric, who exuded a sense of triumph and self-assurance, started to look at us before his eyes locked with yours. Four grumbled as he took a few steps back and attempted to breathe normally. You instinctively looked away, you knew your time had come. "Initiates finish this round and come with me" he ordered as he approached us taking the strings of the class.
It was a good thing there aren't many minutes left because the anticipation was making it difficult to focus. Your heart was about to come out of your chest and your hearing almost stopped because of the palpitations. Eric commanded, "Come on, follow me" as Four positioned himself in the back of the group keeping an eye on everyone. You sipped some water, patted the sweat off your forehead with a tiny towel, and then you followed the group. Everyone was talking among themselves, but you were too preoccupied to listen.
They moved silently out from the compound and toward the city streets while you followed them. Eric yelled, "Let's go, we have a little path," and they started to run. Even though it was your first time passing through the Dauntless district's streets, you were still too frightened to take in your surroundings. Nothing particularly attracted your eye.
It only took 15 minut run to arrive at a desert explation where a circuit had been made. You relocated to a circle, with Eric and Four in the middle. "Well, I suppose you all know about the big incident yesterday when a supposed Dauntless asked for school supplies forgetting that this isn't Erudite." Eric commanded, "Y/M to the middle, we'll see what you've learnt." Your whole body tensed, why did these things always have to happen to you? In an effort to project the confidence that everyone knew you lacked, you straightened up. You were now unable to fail. Eric started by asking you a series of straightforward questions, during which you were able to inquire about the weaponry present in the compound. Identifying parts, reasons for use and even selecting which option would be best for the supposed theoretical case that they were proposing. You surprised yourself at your retention capacity, you had always been a good student, it was not your vocation, that was clear if you hadn't stayed there but without a doubt you had learned some things in a few hours.
And although Four seemed to look at you surprised by that ability, Eric remained rigid but you couldn't tell a hint of irritation to each correct answer you gave. He wanted you to fail. Now you saw it clearly but you knew you couldn't afford it. You were afraid that if you said everything correctly they would accuse you of Erudite but if you failed to take your task seriously, you were going to lose anyway. Even so, when the far-fetched questions began, various concepts crossed your mind and your answers were no longer so clear. If you had been taught anything at home, it was not to ask, but to affirm. So you tried to answer as precisely as possible, sometimes trying to turn a question around by answering what you did know instead of what was asked, but Eric quickly corrected you and returned to the main topic of the question.
"It's not bad, know-it-all. It's clear that your book has helped you learn something, but let's see if it helps you in your staging" he challenged while throwing a weapon at you. You caught it on the fly and recognized it. It was commonly used with neurostim darts, which simulate the pain of a gunshot. "Come on, let's see if your book helps you out with this too" He said as he advanced through the group to the other side where some sort of circuit was, you followed him while you saw the faces of your companions. You didn't understand why he made them submit to watch this show, you felt bad for wasting their time like this. The angry face was noticeable in more than one. We all had a lot to learn and improve to get closer to the level of those born here and because of you they were wasting their time.
Even though the circuit was hidden, it was protected by some wood fences that blended in with the vegetation and trees. Inside, there were a number of passages that led to various zones and were separated by metal, both of which condensed the area. All roads lead to Rome or was it like a maze? You assumed that you would soon find out once inside. The circuit was wide but above all long, it surrounded the entire field in which you were so more than one thing awaited you.
"This is a circuit of weapons, it is intended for the final stages of your physical training but surely you will have no problem doing it since you know so much. It is simple, follow the path and you will find different objectives, some fixed others not so much. Don't let anything you find in there shoot you first. See you on the other side, smartass." Eric explained while you looked at the circuit concentrated. You sighed. You took a deep breath and got into the circuit in position to shoot. You didn't know you could wait in there. Fixed targets, others not, so they don't shoot me first? Who was going to shoot me first? A mannequin? Therefore, why using neurostim darts? What did they have prepared? Whatever it was, nothing good.
Your mind was racing as you made your way slowly through the grates, scanning through them for anything you may uncover. Anything might happen. Targets, animals, people. Eric called at you from outside, hurriedly, "We don't have all day" You went a little further and decided when you saw the first shadow on your right, you turned quickly and shot, a dummy. It was after shooting it that you saw that he had a target, and you had focused on the first place you saw, they had not warned you about that. "Good reflexes, but next time wait to hit the target" advised Four and you nodded your head thinking that they could have warned you before but at least you appeared to receive assistance.
You were still moving along, taking in your surroundings, when you noticed a slight movement of the rope. Unsure of where it was coming from, you turned around and tried to find it. You instinctively looked down, but you quickly realized that it might be up through the trees. In fact, there was a rope with numerous targets attached to it, all of which had marks for shooters to aim from, and they were all moving in a circle. You made two shots, one on target and the other rather close, and you continued to move to your left. More fixed targets; too simple. There was a problem. It couldn't be that simple.
Without knowing where you were firing or what you were going to find, you turned and fired out of instinct. As soon as he received the bullet, he shouted in agony. He had a gun, too, and you weren't shot from behind. You anticipated that would also be a rule. You hastily remarked, "Sorry, take the bullet out, it lessens the pain," and ducked behind a tree to hide your back. Other initiatives had been put into the circuit. You looked and saw how much bullets you had, for the supposed fixed targets and hopefully some more for some margin of error. You figured it would be better not to waste them. You took a deep breath. It was time to fight.
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arsene-ee · 1 month
I’d really like to hear about your Lone Wanderer if you’re up for it. 🙂
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING <3 (fyi she is very self insert bc I want james to be my dad too T-T) Sorry if this is all over the place my brain just goes nyooooooom
So basically her name is Briar, I'm still not sure about her last name, I don't wanna give her a weird last name but I also don't want to give her a basic american last name (I'm not from the states so i have no idea what a good last name would be)
She is a work in progress character, I may have been playing fallout 3 since may but I just kept repeating the beginning lol so I didn't have a lot of character development for her until recently.
I gave her the same s.p.e.c.i.a.l. as james bc I thought it would be adorable outside the vault so
s-5 p-8 e-4 c-7 i-9 a-4 l-3
but recently I have been thinking about lowering intelligence and perception and raising charisma and luck, because I think that would be funny.
in every playthrough I do with her she gets the child at heart perk, so yeah she's a child at heart. her favourite settlement is actually Little Lamplight because 1: it looks cool af and 2: she likes teasing Mayor Maccready.
she's bisexual, but she never was in a relationship before or really felt anything towards her fellow vault inhabitants or anyone she met outside, how she discovered it shall remain a secret to us all (it were the gronak the barbarian comics)
she doesn't have any companions because they are very annoying when it comes to sneaking around (looking at you dogmeat and star paladdin cross)
she her favorite colour is pink.
She carries the teddy (the one from the toy box in "Baby Steps") around with her everywhere, as well as a bible which once belonged to Catherine and then belonged to James until finally she took it with her into the wasteland, although she herself is agnostic it means a lot to her.
I would love to be self indulgent and give her a phobia of dogs but i'm still unsure about it, and it would add a lot to her character because the wasteland is a scary place with actual monsters and her biggest fear being dogs would be interesting to say the least.
She definitely takes like 100% after james lookswise, well structure wise some of her facial features come from catherine but for the most part she's just james' mini me.
her birthday is the Lone Wander's canon birthday 13th of July 2258.
she is very high Karma (i legit cannot be mean to NPCs, I was so upset when I got low Karma for helping that one guy impress Sienna Pretovia)
she wears Jonas' glasses, she doesn't need glasses, but it's a sentimental thing...as well as a fashion statement.
speaking of jonas, he and her were up to mischief quite a lot, he was like an older brother/cousin to her and everytime she got into a fight with Butch she hoped it was jonas that would treat her because she loves to trash talk her classmates (and the overseer) and he tolerates it. (I LOVE JONAS SO DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!)
she scored clinical test subject on her G.O.A.T., which, in my understanding, is really cynical because it would force her dad to experiment on her (I have no idea what a clinical test subject actually does), she wanted to be a pip-boy programmer, she always thought Stanley's work and talk was interesting, she was really dissapointed with her result (honestly I'm pretty sure the results of the G.O.A.T. are actually predetermined by the overseer but that's just my opinion)
she ends up sacraficing herself for project purity, not because she doesn't like the botherhood of steel or something (actually she thinks they are sus but that's not important rn) and she also doesn't want someone else to sacrafice themself for it...her family started it so her family should end it to, that's kind of her way of thinking about it.
this sacrafice is also kind part of my idea of implementing her into fallout 4 (idc about nv tbh), thank you dr. li for becoming part of the institute, I mean Madision must feel horrible first two of her closest confidants die and then their daughter sacrafices herself for their life's (???) work, that must have left her with severe survivor's guilt so her creating a synth version of briar could be kinda her way to cope I guess, but I'm still not sure about this one lol (i just want my girl to interact with the now older maccready because i think that would be funny)
Like I said she's still a work in Progress character. ALSO ALSO I WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOUR LONE WANDERER TOO!!!
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winchesterwild78 · 1 month
The Ranch pt 2
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Master List
Characters: Jensen-cowboy, single dad, x Reader-city girl moved to country to get away from it all
Warnings/Theme: brief mention of depression, angst (more like guilt), fluff
A/N: A short little story featuring our favorite green eyed cowboy, not an actor in this, lives on a ranch in Texas, is a widower with 3 kids. Reader is a city girl who moves to the country to get away from her ex and start a new life. She takes a job on the ranch and things develop between her and the cowboy. Internal dialogue in italics.
So much love and thanks to @cheynovak for the idea. ♥️ All work is my own. No disrespect to anyone, this is a work of fiction. Real names are used, but again this is a work of fiction. Got a little carried away with this chapter, sorry.  Do not take my work
Minors DNI 18+
The next morning you woke up early, showered and headed down to the kitchen. Jensen was up and was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. “Good morning, Jensen.” He looked up and smiled, “Good morning, Y/N. How did you sleep?” “Like a baby. The bed was so comfortable, thank you.” “There’s coffee in the pot if you want some, I’ve already eaten, and the kids should be up soon.”
“Great, so what would you like me to do today?” You asked as you filled up a coffee cup. “Well, the kids need to get to school today, so if you could get them ready and out the door that would be great. The bus will be here at about 6:45. Once they are on the bus, you can come find me. I should be at the horse stable.” “Sounds good, I’ll see you shortly.” 
Jensen nodded and stood. He was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, boots and he grabbed his cowboy hat. Damn he looked good. Jensen walked outside and you heard his truck start up and pull away. 
You walked upstairs and woke up the kids. JJ got out of bed quickly, the twins were a little slower. Arrow just glared at you when you tried to get her up. You smiled sweetly at her and she rolled over, putting her back towards you. You softly sighed and got up. You went to Zeppelin’s room and got him up. He was excited to see you, and he hugged you. It took you by surprise, but you hugged him back. 
You went into the hallway, “Okay guys, 10 minutes I need you all downstairs so you can get to your bus on time.” Walking back down the stairs you went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. You figured pancakes with orange juice would be a good breakfast. JJ and Zep were the first down the stairs. They came into the kitchen excited when they saw the pancakes. 
They both sat at the kitchen table and you put pancakes on their plate. You cut up Zep’s and poured him some juice. “JJ, do you know where Arrow is?” Stuffing her face she looked up at you, “She said she’s not going to school.” “Hmm, okay. You two stay here, I'll see what’s going on.” 
You walked back upstairs and took a deep breath before going back into Arrow’s room. You walked in her room and saw her still in bed. “Arrow, honey, you need to get up, it’s time for school.” “No! I’m not going.” You stepped closer to her bed, “Arrow, come on, your daddy wants you to go to school.” “No! I said, I'm not going, I don’t feel good.” “Okay, I’ll let your daddy know you’re not feeling well. It’s a shame you are going to miss the delicious pancakes I made just for you three. Your daddy didn’t even get any.
She rolled over and looked at you with her big eyes, “You made pancakes?” “Yep, and I even put out chocolate chips to go on them, but you’re not feeling good so I’ll let you sleep.” 
“Wait, Miss Y/N.” You turned and softly smiled at her, “yes, sweetheart?” “Um, If I get dressed now, can I still have some pancakes?” You walked over to her bed and sat down, “Of course you can. I’ll make sure you get some.” She smiled and whispered, “Thank you.” You stood up and walked back downstairs. A few minutes later you saw her coming down the stairs and you smiled slightly. 
When she sat down you handed her a plate with pancakes on it. You slid the chocolate chips over to her and smiled. She nodded and put some on her plate. A few minutes later the kids were fed and grabbing their book bags to head to the bus. As the four of you walked towards the end of the driveway, Zep ran up beside you and took your hand. You smiled down at him and he smiled at you. 
You looked over and saw Arrow staring as you all walked towards the bus stop. She smiled a little but then looked away. As the bus pulled up you told them all to have a good day and they climbed on the bus. JJ and Zep waved at you as the bus pulled off. 
Once back in the house you cleaned up from breakfast and you went upstairs to make the kids’ beds. Making your way to each room, you made the beds and cleaned up. You walked into Arrow’s room and started to clean up and make her bed. You noticed a piece of paper on the floor. You bent down and picked it up. The paper was a picture she drew. It broke your heart, it was a picture of Jensen, her, JJ, and Zep. In the sky was a woman with red hair. You knew from the pictures you saw downstairs it was her mother. It all made sense to you. Her treatment of you, her walls. She missed her mother so much. So you came up with a plan to help her open up, but you needed to talk to Jensen.
You walked over to the horse barn and saw Jensen inside working. He was moving bales of hay. His shirt showed off his back muscles and his biceps flexed with every movement. You bit your lip and your thighs clenched together. God he looked so good. You cleared your throat getting his attention. “Oh hey there darlin’. Did the kids get up and off without any trouble?” “Yeah, they all got up, ate some pancakes and made it on the bus. Sorry I’m late getting down here. I cleaned up the kitchen and made their beds.” 
Jensen stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead and chuckled. “They got you good this morning. They know they are supposed to make their beds.” You both laughed. “I’ll remember that.” “So, what would you like me to do?” You asked him as he moved the last bale of hay. 
“Well I figured I could teach you how to brush the horses and muck their stalls.” “Sounds good to me.” “Okay, so the first thing we need to do is brush the horses. You pull them out and tie them to the hook on the wall, and use that brush over there to brush them.” “Sounds easy enough.” Jensen grabbed the brush and pulled out the first horse, the one he rode yesterday. “This is Cinnamon. She’s my favorite.” Jensen said as he smiled at you. “She’s beautiful, Jensen.” “She was Dee’s horse. Her and I bonded after Dee died. She got so depressed she wouldn’t eat, I would sleep in here with her, keeping her company. Well, we both got depressed after Dee. We saved each other.” Your breath hitched.
“Oh Jensen, I am so sorry. Seems like Dee left an incredible mark on everyone and everything here. You know, Arrow really misses her too.” “Yeah she did, she was an incredible woman. Arrow and her were really close too. After the twins were born, I was gone a lot trying to keep the ranch going. She bonded with them and Arrow was her mini-me.” 
You told Jensen about the picture and you saw his eyes fill with tears. A few tears fell from his eyes, and you reached up and brushed them away. His breath caught in his throat. “I’m sorry Jensen, that was inappropriate.” He looked at you and gently smiled, “It’s okay. Thank you for being so kind.” 
Jensen stared at you for a few minutes before breaking eye contact. He went back to brushing the horse and showing you how to brush them. “Okay, are you ready to muck the stall?” “Sure, I still have no idea what that is, but let’s do it.” Jensen laughed, “Oh you’re going to regret saying that.” 
Jensen grabbed the shovel and large trash can and opened the stall, “The first thing we have to do is use this shovel to clean out the old hay and the manure. We throw it in the trash can. Once we get it shoveled out we spray it with the hose and scrub.” 
You grabbed the shovel and started cleaning out the stall. Jensen let Cinnamon run in the corral as he got the next horse out to brush. You were just shoveling the last bit out as Jensen’s head popped around the stall, “Looking good, Y/N.” You looked up at Jensen and smiled softly. Putting the shovel down, you grabbed the water hose and sprayed the stall and scrubbed. As you were rinsing the floor, you slipped. You braced yourself for a fall that didn’t come. When you looked up you saw Jensen. He had his strong arms around you, he caught you as you slipped. 
Your heart beat wildly in your chest as the two of you looked in each other’s eyes. His arms were wrapped around you tightly. You both were breathing heavily. “Jensen, thank you for catching me.” He helped you up, “You’re welcome, sweetheart. These floors get slippery when they are wet. Be careful.” 
The two of you stood there inches away from each other, you could feel his hot breath on your face. He reached up and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. You blushed. Your lips were inches away from each other. You could hear your heart beating loudly in your ears. “Jensen, I um.. I don’t think this is a good idea.” You bit your lip, not believing what you were saying. 
Jensen backed away, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t know what came over me.” You touched his arm, “It’s okay, I understand.” He ran his hands through his hair and walked away. You grabbed clean hay and put it in Cinnamon’s stall. You moved to clean out the next stall, and saw Jensen out in the corral with Cinnamon. He had a saddle in his hand. Jensen put it on Cinnamon and climbed on. You watched as he took off on her. 
You sighed loudly. “Great, just great Y/N. He was about to kiss you and you screwed it up. What the hell is wrong with you!?” “You okay there sweetpea?” You jumped when you heard a gruff voice behind you. “Oh yeah, sorry I was just talking to myself. I’m Y/N.” “Yeah, I figured, I’m Clif. I saw Jensen take off on Cinnamon.” “Yeah, um I’m not sure why. He was showing me how to take care of the horses and the stalls, then he left.” 
Clif sighed, “I know where he’s going. He’s going to talk to Dee. He does that from time to time. He’ll be okay.” You nodded in understanding. “Well, Y/N when you finish here, come find me at the other barn. I’ll show you what to do there.” “Okay, Clif, it was nice to officially meet you.” “Yeah, you too, Y/N.”
Clif left and you continued cleaning the stall. The last horse was larger than the other two. He was a beautiful gray and white horse. You were able to get him out of the stall, brushed and in the corral. You cleaned his stall and put in fresh hay. After you were finished you cleaned up the equipment and went to find Clif. 
As you approached the barn you heard talking. You saw Cinnamon in the corral outside the barn. You heard Jensen’s voice, “Yeah, she slipped and I caught her. Clif, I almost kissed her. I don’t know what came over me.” “I do, you’re a man, and she’s an attractive woman. You’re allowed to be happy again, Jensen. Dee would want that.” “I know, I just feel like I’m betraying her.” Clif put his hand on Jensen’s shoulder, “I understand, but just know you’re not. It’s been 2 years, it’s okay.” 
You walked up to the barn and opened the door, trying to make enough noise so they knew you were there. “Hey, Clif, are you here?” You called from outside. “Yeah, in here.” You opened the door and made eye contact with Jensen. “Hey Jensen.” “Hey, Y/N. Did you get the stalls clean?” “Yep, sure did. Came down here to see what I could help Clif with.” “Well, there isn’t much here today. You’re more than welcome to head back up to the main house if you want.” Jensen told you with a soft smile. 
“Oh, okay. If you’re sure.” “Yeah, I’m sure.” “Okay, well I’ll head back, take a shower and make y’all some lunch.” Clif and Jensen smiled at you, “Sounds good, thanks Y/N.” You nodded, smiled and walked towards the house. 
Great. Now things are weird between you and Jensen. Why didn’t you just let him kiss you, you know you wanted him to. I guess I need to start looking for somewhere else to live. He’s not going to want me here anymore. Maybe I should just go back to Alex. 
You sighed as you walked and thought to yourself. You made it to the house and went to your room. Grabbing clean clothes you walked into your bathroom. Showering felt amazing after cleaning out the horse stalls. You washed your hair and body, getting out you dried off and pulled on clean clothes. 
Walking into the kitchen you decided to make sandwiches, chop some fresh fruits and vegetables and make a fresh pitcher of sweet tea. You had just finished when you heard the front door. Jensen walked in the kitchen and smiled at you, “You clean up good, sweetheart.” Your heart fluttered. “Thank you. Lunch is ready if you’re hungry. It’s not much, just some sandwiches, fruits, veggies and some tea.” “Sounds great, thank you.” 
Jensen walked over to the sink and washed his hands. Grabbing a plate he put some sandwiches, fruits and veggies on it. Then he grabbed a large glass out of the cabinet and poured himself some tea. He sat down at the table and started to eat. 
You grabbed some food and started to head outside. Jensen looked up at you, “Where ya going sweetheart?” “Oh, I was going to eat outside, give you some space.” Jensen looked shocked. He stood up, walked over to you and grabbed your plate. He set it down on the table, taking your hand and looking in your eyes. “I’d rather you eat with me, if you want to.” You nodded yes and sat down beside him.
The two of you sat eating in silence. “Look, I think we should talk.” Jensen said, interrupting the silence. You looked into his green eyes and took a deep breath. Here it comes, he’s going to ask you to leave. “It’s okay, Jensen, really. This was supposed to be a trial basis. I can pack and be gone before the kids get home. Really, no hard feelings.” 
Jensen sat stunned, “What?! No, that’s not what I want. Wait, is that what you want?” You put your head down and whispered, “No.” “Okay, good. What I was going to say is I’m sorry I tried to kiss you. You just got out of a relationship and I’m still a mess. I like you, but I don’t want to push you into anything. I don’t want you thinking you have to be with me to keep this job either. I saw the horse stalls and they looked incredible. You do amazing work, and the kids love you already, especially Zep.” 
You smiled, “Yeah, they are great kids. Jensen, I like you too. I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to jump in your bed and replace your wife. I’m not. I think we should just take things slow.” Jensen smiled, “I agree. Let things happen naturally. No expectations, no pushing.” You nodded in agreement. “Great, now that we have that out of the way, thanks for making lunch, Y/N. It’s delicious.” You smiled, “Thanks, it’s not much, I’ll cook something really good for dinner.” 
“Oh, I wanted to ask you something, Jensen.” “Sure, anything.” He looked up at you. “So the picture Arrow drew, where she had Dee in the sky, had me thinking. I want to do something special for her and the other two. Do you happen to have any pictures of Dee holding each one, just the two of them in the picture?” “Yeah, we should have some in the photo albums in the living room.”
“Do you mind if I look after lunch? I want to have copies made of each picture and give them to the kids to put in their room. That way they can see her and talk to her whenever they want to. It’s something my mom did for me when my grandmother died. It helped me grieve.” Jensen smiled at you, placed his hand softly on yours, “I think that’s a great idea, thank you for thinking of my babies like that.” 
You looked at his hand on yours and smiled. Clif came in and grabbed some lunch, just as you were finishing. “Jensen, could you help me find the albums?” Jensen stood, “Sure, I’ll be right there.” You nodded and left the room. Clif smiled at him and Jensen smirked, “Stop it Clif.” They both chuckled.
Jensen walked in the living room and pulled out the albums for you. “They should be in one of these. Would you like some help looking for them?” Jensen asked as he handed you the albums. “Sure, that would be great.” The two of you sat on the floor and looked through the albums. He laughed and showed you different pictures telling you about the day they were taken. 
Clif heard you two laughing and walked towards the living room and watched you two interact. He smiled and looked over at Dee’s picture that hung on the wall near him, “I’m trying Dee. He’ll be okay, she seems good for him.” Clif whispered to her picture, like he was talking directly to her. 
Jensen was able to help you find 3 different pictures that were taken not long before Dee died. Jensen stood up and walked over to where you were sitting and offered you his hand. He pulled you up, you stumbled forward and landed flush against his chest. 
You looked up at him and he looked down at you. Your breath caught in your throat, your heart racing again. You licked your lips and Jensen’s eyes were focused on your lips. You leaned forward, and so did he. You both took a deep breath as his lips were inches from yours. 
Closing your eyes you leaned forward until your lips touched. The kiss sent electricity through your body. Jensen’s hands cupped your face, and then his fingers went into your hair, pulling you deeper into the kiss. His tongue licked your lips and you parted your mouth allowing him access. Your tongues fought for dominance, moving together in an intricate dance. You moaned a little into his mouth and he pulled you closer. 
The two of you finally pulled away and were breathing heavily. You looked at him and blushed. He ran his thumb over your cheek, “You’re so beautiful.” You blushed, “Thank you.” He kissed your forehead before letting go of you.
“Jensen, what time do the kids get home? I want to have the pictures ready and go to the grocery store before they get home.” “They should be home about 3:30, do you mind if I go with you? I have some things I want to pick up in town.” “No, not at all. I’d welcome the company.” “Great, let me go shower and change. I’ll be back shortly.” You nodded and Jensen left the room.
You sat down on the couch and thought about the kiss. The two of you had decided to let things happen naturally, I guess once the pressure was off things just happened. You weren’t sure what the kiss meant, but you knew you couldn’t wait to kiss him again. 
Waiting for Jensen you pulled out your phone and noticed you had a message from Alex.
Alex: Hey, you’ve got some mail. Where should I send it?
You: I’ll find out if you can send it directly here or if I need to get a PO Box.
Alex: Why can’t you just tell me where you are?
You: It’s not my house, Alex. I don’t want to just give you the address without asking my boss.
Alex: You live with your boss? Are you sleeping with him too?
You: What the hell Alex, No! This is a live-in position. I help take care of his kids and I work on the ranch. 
Alex: Okay, well if he tries to sleep with you, then you can sue him.
You: Alex, he’s not like that. I’ll let you know where to send my mail.
You let out a frustrated sigh and tossed your phone to the side. Jensen stepped in the room and saw, “You okay?” “Yeah, just my ex being a jerk.” Jensen’s jaw clenched, “Sorry, anything I can help with?” “No, not unless you can go back in time and tell my younger self not to date him.” You chuckled and Jensen smiled. 
“Are you ready to go?” Jensen asked. “Yep, ready when you are.” The two of you headed out the door. His hand instinctively went to the small of your back, leading you outside. He opened the truck door for you and you climbed in. Jensen walked around to the driver’s seat and got in. 
Before too long, the two of you were pulling into a parking spot at the local grocery store. Jensen told you they had a photo lab inside where you could make prints. You grabbed the photos and walked towards the store. Inside, Jensen led you to the photo lab and helped you make copies of the pictures. 
You picked out three nice frames and put them in the cart. Jensen smiled at you, he was in awe of your kindness towards his children. You continued shopping together and loading up the cart, picking out things for dinner and other groceries the household needed. As the two of you rounded a corner you noticed a tall man, with dark hair walking towards you two. 
He was smiling and approached you and Jensen. Jensen looked up and smiled. “Hey, Jay! I thought that was you. How ya doing? How are the rugrats?” “Hey, G! We are doing good. Oh where are my manners? G, this is Y/N, Y/N this is G, well Gino. He’s Dee’s brother.” You extended your hand, “Nice to meet you Gino.” “You too, Y/N. So how do you two know each other?” “Oh, I work on the Ranch. Jensen just hired me.” Gino nodded and looked at Jensen.
You noticed the shift in energy, and it made you a little uncomfortable. “Jensen, I’m gonna finish getting the things I need.” Jensen shifted a little, “Yeah, sure. I’ll catch up.” You nodded, “It was nice to meet you, Gino. Please excuse me.” “Yeah, you too, Y/N.” 
When you walked away you let out the breath you’d been holding. Not exactly sure why, but you felt a twinge of guilt now for kissing Jensen. Gino turned towards Jensen, “Dude, what is going on? Are you two a thing?” Jensen’s eyes went wide, “No, she works for me. She helps take care of the kids and does things around the ranch.” “Listen, Jay, I’m sorry if I’ve come off as anything but supportive. It’s been 2 years, Dee would want you to be happy, I want you to be happy. Just remember it’s not just the two of you who could be hurt if anything goes wrong.” Jensen shifted and rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I know. She’s really good with them, G. Especially Arrow. That little firecracker gave her a bit of trouble this morning, but she was able to break down a bit of her wall.” “That’s great Jay, just promise me you two will take it slow.” “We are, I promise.”
The rest of the day went pretty fast. The kids came home from school excited about their day. You helped them with their homework as Jensen finished working. As the kids played you cooked dinner. You were excited to give the kids their pictures and figured after dinner would be the perfect time to do it. 
Jensen came into the house shortly before you finished cooking. He walked in the kitchen covered in dirt and sweat. “Smells good. I’m starving.” “It’ll be ready soon. Why don’t you go take a shower and change.” You smiled at him. Jensen walked over to you, he was about to kiss you when he heard the kids. He pulled away and offered you an apologetic look. 
You whispered, “it’s okay” and he nodded, walking away. You knew the two of you had to be careful with this relationship. Agreeing not to move too fast. This wasn’t just to protect the two of you, it was for the sake of the kids too. 
About 20 minutes later, dinner was ready and the five of you sat around the table. Laughter and conversation filled the air. Your heart warmed at the sight. Looking up you made eye contact with Jensen. You blushed, and he offered you a soft smile. 
After everyone had their fill of dinner, you went into the kitchen to clean up. Jensen walked in with some dishes from the table. “Hey, Y/N, thank you for cooking dinner. It was amazing.” He pulled you into a hug and you inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. “You’re welcome, Jensen. I’m glad you liked it.” You handed him the towel, “I wash and you dry?” You smiled. “Sure, sweetheart.” He chuckled and took the towel.
A little while later Jensen called the kids to the living room, “Okay guys, Miss Y/N has something she wants to give you guys. Go ahead and take a seat.” You were a little nervous. Especially with Arrow. You’d been trying to break down some of her walls, you were afraid the slightest thing would build them back up. 
“So your dad and I were looking through some pictures today and I found some I thought you three would love, so I had these made for you.” You handed all three kids their own framed picture of them with Dee. JJ and Zep were off the couch quickly and threw their arms around your neck. JJ looked at the framed picture, “It’s me and mama. Is this mine?” Jensen looked at his oldest daughter, “Yes baby, it’s for you to keep in your room.” “Forever?” Her voice small. You looked at her, “Yes, JJ, forever.” 
JJ and Zep ran to their rooms to put their pictures beside their bed. You and Jensen noticed Arrow hadn’t said a word, or reacted. The two of you exchanged looks. Jensen sat next to her, “Sweetie, you okay?” Arrow didn’t answer. 
Panic filled your body and you looked at Jensen with fear in your eyes. Arrow just sat on the couch, looking at the framed photo. Her eyes flashed up and met yours. You smiled softly at her. She looked back down at the picture then back up at you.
She leapt off the couch and threw her arms around you with tears in her eyes. You let out the breath you were holding and hugged her tightly. Jensen’s eyes filled with tears. Arrow let go of your neck, grabbed the picture and went to her room with it. Not a single word was spoken. 
A few hours later, after showers, brushed teeth, and bedtime stories, it was time for the kids to go to bed. You and Jensen made your way around telling each of the kids good night. Zep and JJ had their pictures on their bedside tables, when you walked into Arrow’s room you didn’t see the picture. 
“Good night, Arrow. I hope you have sweet dreams.” You said as you kept looking around for the picture. “Good night, Miss Y/N.” Her voice was so soft. You smiled at her and turned to walk out. “Miss Y/N?” “Yes, sweetie?” “Thank you for my picture. I love it. It’s my favorite picture of me and mama.” You crossed the room and sat on the bed beside her, “Oh sweetie, I’m so glad you like it.” Looking down, you noticed the picture was in her bed with her. Your heart soared.
You leaned down and softly kissed her forehead, “Good night Arrow, and good night Dee.” You didn’t know Jensen was standing outside the door and heard the whole conversation. Before you walked out he slipped away. His heart warmed in his chest. 
With the kids in bed you went to your room and slipped into your baggy t-shirt, and sleep pants. You threw your hair up in a messy bun, grabbed a blanket and your book you had been reading. Stepping out on the balcony, you settled in one of the chairs and pulled out your book. 
You heard a soft knock on your door and got up to answer it. Standing there in a t-shirt, and gray sweatpants was Jensen. His hair was slightly messy, and a relaxed look on his face. “Hey, sweetheart, am I interrupting?” You shook your head “no”. Jensen licked his lips and looked at you. You stepped to the side and let him in. As soon as he was inside the room, he closed the door and his hands went around your waist, pulling you into a searing kiss. 
Your mind was racing, heart pounding and your body began to respond to his touch. The kiss was different from the first one, it was full of passion and need. The two of you finally pulled away, gasping for air. A blush formed on your face.
“I love it when you blush, you’re so beautiful.” “Jens, not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” “You’re an incredible woman. You put my kids’ needs before anything today. You’re helping my baby girl come out of her shell, and I heard you in her room. When you told Dee good night. I can’t ever thank you enough for what you’re doing to help my babies, or me.” 
You touched his face and smiled, “Jensen, you don’t have to thank me. The four of you are hurting, and rightfully so, I’m just showing kindness, nothing more than kindness and sympathy.” “You’re doing so much more than that, you’re fixing our broken hearts.” 
Your breath hitched. You’d never seen Jensen’s eyes so brilliantly green. You smiled at him and he smiled back. 
There was a comfortable silence that fell over you two. Just sitting on the balcony, looking up at the stars. The rest of the night was filled with stolen glances, soft kisses, and falling deeper for each other. As Jensen told you good night and placed a soft kiss on your lips, you felt yourself yearning for him. You knew keeping that feeling inside would be difficult, but Jensen was worth it. Little did you know he was feeling the exact same way. 
Part 3
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
HIIIIIII PRETZ! which of your ocs would fit "the tradition" by halsey? really interested to see who...
HEY BLUUUUUU, SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG- O had to get in the mood for new music and finally inspiration struck. SO
First of all, this somg is fucking amazing?? Why did I take so long to actually listen to it??
Anyway this turned out longe than i expected so to the depts of the "read more" it goes
Going off of voice alone, I could very well see this as a voice claim for Juni- but the song doesn't fit her. It actually made me think of Emma!
I'm still working on her sheet, but in short, before Emma ended up with her current family she did have some troubles in her past; with her biological family, former relationships and life in general.
"Oh, the loneliest girl in town is bought for pennies of prize
We dress her up in lovely gowns, she's easy on the eyes
Her soul is black and it's a fact that a sneer will eat you alive
And the buyer always brings her back because all she does is cry"
Right off the bat I knew this song would fit her. Emma was born to a wealthy family around the 1900's, all of which were magic - except for her, so she always felt that loneliness. She dressed up pretty, to be shown off by her dad, but at the end of the day she was very very miserable. She felt like the main attraction of a circus whenever her dad would show her off-
She grew out of it tho, and so did her powers as they developed! (By almost burning her half brother alive by accident but oh well. Sometimes tou gotta blow up un flames at the dinner table) and then she became more confident in herself and her ideals.
"So take what you want, take what you can
Take what you please, don't give a damn
Ask for forgiveness, never permission
Take what you want, take what you can
Take what you please, don't give a damn
It's in the blood and this is tradition"
^ the last line makes me think of her magical-pureblood lineage, and how she was seen as lesser because she didn't have powers for so long.
Ok, funny thing is. Emma was a thief for much of her life after she ran away from home (away from that family). She lived in the slums of France for a couple years as she took upon herself to try and get a chance to get away from Europe (her plans were to travel to Brazil, so she could study the magical plants found there; she was on her way to be a Magical-herbologist)
... But as First World War happened she saw herself having to deal with it and her plans were cut short. She decided to enlist as a nurse ans so she did, until she found herself falling head over heals for this stupid haunted soldier man who needs a name but i'm a lazy shit :> (and they were hunted down by the Creatures of Shadows until they were found and rescued by Miss Seagull but that's besides the point)
"You can take it back, it's good as gone
Well, flesh amnesiac, this is your song
And I hope what's left will last all summer long
And they said that boys were boys, but they were wrong"
From my interpretation of this bit, I can connect it with her brief (?) relationship with The Guy (nameless bitch), as in- she was so so in love and he. Fucked Off one day,,, left my baby there to feel sad and alone again (yeah she had the other peculiar children with her but It Wasn't The Same).
She was stuck there on a Time Loop for all of about 80(?) years. 80 years of everyday being the same summer day, unable to move on from her love until the loop colapsed and they were forced to flee- and her mind came crumbling down on her because while she was stuck, he mooved the fuck on and grew old and fucking died (this bit here was inspired by MPHFPC, so yeah,,,)
Anyway she's still a thief :3 but now she gets paid to do it :3
Here is my analysis of the song + character- i'd say it fits only past Emma, as she's now over it (fucking finally-), but its still Emma nonetheless
Tumblr media
Here, have this doodle of Emma Crying Over A Man and Ottilie being so done
Ottilie the Olorotitan is the official psychologist. She can't take it anymore-
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beauzos · 2 months
Books I read this July
Something I've been wanting to do but kept forgetting so here we are!! An overview of all the books I've read this month!! I don't know if anyone really cares but I love talking about books, so here we are. We have a couple more days of July, but I just started an 800 page book so no shot it gets done this month. I read 10 books this month, and I'm rather pleased about that.
The Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides | 4.5/5 stars
I started this in June but finished in July so I'm counting it. One of my favorites this month. I could conceive of it being slightly better or detailed at some parts, so it's not a 5/5, but it's damn close. Sides has a great and engaging nonfiction style that this makes book incredibly approachable for anybody. It's very well-researched and does a great job unveiling the final journey that Captain Cook took before his death in Hawaii.
I loved this book because it clarified a lot of things about Cook. Something I thought was interesting was how rarely he ever judged the Native peoples he came into contact with. Because of that, you actually get such an intimate feel for who these people actually were at the time because he just accepted their practices, religion, and so on. He's still a colonizer, don't get me or this book wrong, but I've never really seen a book about someone like Cook where they didn't immediately hate the people they encountered or tried to "fix" or proselytize to them. I found that to be a very interesting dynamic.
It was such a unique historical experience reading this book because he just observed and impartially participated in their goings-on. I've never quite seen anything like it.
I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Two Old Women by Velma Wallis | 5/5 stars
This one I loved. This is a telling of an Alaskan Native legend about two old women who were abandoned by their tribe in the winter due to famine, and how they fought to survive, eventually returning to their tribe and helping them survive in return.
Really short, very simple. I don't have a lot to say, I just thought the story was great and had really solid emotional impact for its length. Easy to breeze through, can read this in an hour or so. Definitely recommend checking out.
Antelope Woman by Louise Erdrich | 3.5/5 stars
I read this one after my best friend told me Stephen Graham Jones took inspiration from it for The Only Good Indians. I only read Tracks by Erdrich and that was back in 2017 and I did not love it, but I liked her style. I think this one is better. Something about it doesn't fully work, and I wish honestly the book had been about the family story that gets rushed through in chapter 1, but the premise is super interesting and Erdrich's style is incredible.
She writes in a way that makes everything feel incredibly mythic. The characters are interesting and the story is pretty good. I love Sweetheart Calico as a character and I see how she could've inspired Jones for Elk Head Woman in TOGI.
The amount of incest was a bit strange though.
Close Range: Wyoming Stories by Annie Proulx | 3/5 stars
This one I have mixed feelings on. Annie Proulx has a great style but I had trouble getting into a lot of the stories. A lot of the stories feel kinda samey with all the cheating, rape, and sexual harrassment. The best of those stories is the one about the rodeo bull rider, that was legitimately a great story. My favorite of the set overall is Brokeback Mountain. It stands miles above the other ones and is what makes the book 3 stars instead of 2. It by itself is a solid 5/5.
I would revisit some of these stories but I just struggled to get into the book overall. Not bad though.
The Heart in Winter by Kevin Barry | 2.5/5 stars
Oh, brother. This one. I was really excited for this one because it's a new Western that's been getting a lot of buzz and then it was nottt good. Extremely rushed pacing early on, insta-love romance, terribly developed romance. Why would I even care about these two-levels of bad development.
The prose is fine. Very casual, kinda reminds me of a mix of Annie Proulx and Cormac McCarthy. It carries the book because there isn't much to get attached to otherwise. The ending renders the entire book pointless. If I care about their relationship then maybe it'd mean something.
Mid as fuck. Beginning is the worst bit but if the ending had stuck the landing it could have been 3 stars.
The Art Thief by Michael Finkel | 3/5 stars
This was the non-fiction pick at Barnes & Noble for July. I picked it up because this is new in paperback, and it came with sprayed edges, yellow with bats printed on the side. I read it, and it was fine. That's about all I can really say. There's something missing from this book, but as to what it is, I have no idea. It's readable and the story is interesting enough, but I guess I'm just more interested in hardcore history non-fiction books.
But I'd never heard of this guy before; he stole over 200 pieces of art from museums across Europe with his girlfriend and kept them all in his bedroom. The ease in which they managed to steal these artworks is incredible.
It's not my usual kind of non-fiction read. But it wasn't bad. It's interesting, it's a wild story, and it was fine.
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton | 3/5 stars
This one turned out better than I expected. I read it because I had a weird dream about being super moved by Edith Wharton's writing and then found out she did a novel on Gilded Age New York so couldn't pass it up. First half of the book is painfully boring. I don't like Edith Wharton's style of narration, but eventually, the characters start to carry it and you get invested in this stupid rich white people drama. I kinda loved the ending, though it also disappointed me-- but I think it was brilliantly done and I couldn't ask for it to be changed.
Newland Archer is so despicable at points yet terribly sympathetic as a protagonist, I find him SO interesting because of that. I really loved Ellen Olenska and Catherine Mingott too. The cast was honestly pretty solid. I'm glad I didn't give up on it, but it didn't wow me.
But it was enlightening to see the culture of the NYC elite during the Gilded Age. it's what I was there for. It's white people drama, and that's all, really, but it's good stuff.
West by Carys Davies | 2/5 stars
I found out about this one after seeing a customer come up with it in my line a while back. Found out it was a Western and ordered it for myself. Real itty bitty book, only 150 pages, and honestly, I think the book would be improved by being a full-length novel-- or, that it is to say, about double the pages, at least.
I thought the premise was interesting but it doesn't really go anywhere. The father goes West to find proof that giant beasts exist after dinosaur bones are discovered in Kentucky, searches fruitlessly for a year, then dies, and that's it. I wanted an actual journey, I suppose.
The way the daughter's half of the story veers into multiple pedophiles preying on her was weird as hell and I'm not sure it contributed very much beyond the ending. I think the inclusion is fine, it just feels super underbaked in a short novella like this and needs some tweaking.
It just kind of ends with a whimper and that's that. Woefully underdeveloped, but I didn't hate it. I just finished it and went "huh." and that was it.
Navola by Paolo Bacigalupi | 2.5/5 stars
Man what the fuck.
The book is both really bad and really good. Really boring, hard to get into, pseudo incest subplot making me want to DNF after the story started getting through. But I'd already read 300 pages, so I forged on and finished it. The book gets really good at the end, but at what cost to my sanity?
I did a whole review of this before. Look at it here. I don't feel like repeating myself. The book would be 3 or even 4 stars without the pseudo incest or the boring start.
President Garfield by C. W. Goodyear | 3.5/5 stars
This one took me a while to get through because I got sick in the middle of it. It was a bit dry, but not dense, but still took me over a week. I thought it was very interesting and informative-- Garfield's era reminds me, in some ways, of our current situation, so it's always neat to compare. He was a very interesting man, and I wonder what could've been had he been able to carry out his presidency; he died only six months into his term. Pretty good. Close to four stars but not quite. I felt some things could've been elaborated on more, but overall, it was well written.
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris | tba
I have no shot at finishing this by the end of July, the fucker is 800 pages. But Teddy Roosevelt is one of the most interesting people to ever become president, so I look forward to learning more about him.
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milkywaygg · 1 year
The Cosmas REWRITE (Chapter 1)
Disclaimer: The FOP, its content, and most of it's characters belong to Butch Hartman. I do not claim ownership of the show or intend to use it for monetary purposes. The is purely fan work.
Nora Cosma’s mother’s words echoed in her head as she rushed down the blizzarding, December streets as the wind rushed harshly down her cheeks. Trying to keep the tears from spilling, Nora reached out of her letterman jacket’s pocket and grabber her phone out, frantically texting her boyfriend as she sought temporary shelter.
Arthur, are you awake??? Having an emergency right now.
Hoping to receive an answer within a few moments, Nora felt floating until she left her neighborhood and crossed the street onto a city center, where several café’s illuminated the streets. Though most of the shops were either closed or beginning to close down, Nora was thankful that the one closest to her block, After-Stars, stayed open until 3 AM most nights. Walking inside, she took a seat in a booth with velvet, purple seats, longing for food as this was the 3rd night in a row she was deprived dinner, before settling for a cup of black coffee, unable to eat.
She took out her phone once more in hopes to get a response, but was disappointed to find nothing other than a text from her mother, sending her a picture of the last family photo they had taken before her father, Warner, had passed in a magic accident that Nora was somewhat involved in. Ever since then, her mother, Mary, had somehow transformed from the person Nora wanted to be like most, into an empty shell of a woman, so pathetic that she was almost solely dependent on beer bottles to even get out of bed in the morning.
 Most days, Mary wasn’t so intolerable. She’d often hide herself in her room while Nora was at school, and would sometimes cry as he looked through Warner’s things and photos. Some nights however, much like tonight, it seemed as if all the alcohol rushed through her body as she lost control, screaming and cursing as Nora had to dodge her attacks, only succeeding sometimes.
Fifteen minutes flew by as she sipped on her black coffee, not even a typing bubble from Arthur on Nora’s message. Sighing, she dialed his number and held it up to her ear, barely getting by 3 rings before the automated voice told her to try again later. In a failed attempt to keep all her emotions bottled up, she couldn’t help but let out a small whimper as small tears fell on her face.
“Excuse me? Nora?”, a soft, male voice asked, making Nora jump slightly. She quickly wiped her face and looked up to see a green-haired boy holding a few Child Development and Psychology textbooks stand near her table, his matching eyes looking down at her with a sorrowful expression. He also wore thin, square-lensed glasses, and the green sweater and tight black jean-pants outfit helped Nora identify Linnie Clearwater, one of her classmates in Advanced Literature. He smiled gently as he held a comforting hand out, only drawing back as he saw Nora’s shoulders square up and her body push itself somewhat backwards.
“Um…I-I just couldn’t help but notice you here by yourself. I-Do you mind if I sat with you? O-Of course if not, that’s fine I mean. I’m sorry, Nora. I know I shouldn’t be disturbing you like this.”, Linnie stuttered softly as he twiddled his fingers nervously, “I-I just…I’m sorry dear. I just wanted to see if you were ok.”
“I-I don’t give a damn.”, Nora sniffed, after one last call to her boyfriend failed once more, this time barely past the second ring. “Not like anyone does these days.”
“Well…do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help..”
“Help? There’s not jack shit you could do for me!’, Nora snapped, earning a squeak from Linnie. Seeing his cower back a bit however, Nora sighed slightly, “Look, I’m…well I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but you’re not who I was hoping for tonight. Quite frankly, I’m surprised you’re even here at all. I mean, this doesn’t seem like your kind of place.”
“Well, I don’t come often.”, Linnie smiled slightly, “I didn’t get any babysitting calls tonight sadly, so I’m only here to catch up on some homework and have some coffee as a treat haha. I’ve had a bit of a rough day myself.”
“What happened to you?”
“The little girl I mentor in my child development class accidentally shrunk me with Mr. Langston’s wand. You know how he’s always losing things. A-and right before he turned me back, I got cornered by the big roach.”
“And you’re still taking that class? I would’ve beat that child’s ass and gotten kicked out.”
“O-Oh goodness no! Why would you say something like that?”, Linnie squirmed, frowning deeply at Nora. Nora shrugged.
“I mean if I was acting a fool, that’s what my folks did to me, and I turned out fine.”
“Well I personally don’t see what that solves. That just makes the poor dear afraid of you.”
“Well if I recall, I don’t remember asking you.”, Nora snapped, taking another sip of her drink, “Listen Linnie, I know you’re just looking out for other people but I really would rather be alone right now.”
“Well..alright then, but can I ask what’s wrong first.”
“It’s not really any of your business is it?”
“Of course not, but I-I don’t know. I’m sorry. It just seemed like you needed some help.”, Linnie shuffled through his lime binder and grabbed out a pencil and sticky note, making Nora raise an eyebrow. Didn’t I tell this bitch I wanted to be alone? So why the fuck is he trying to study here right now? Upon future inspection however, Nora saw Linnie write his name and a collection of numbers on the sticky note.
“Here, for whenever you’d like to talk. I-I’m so sorry to have disturbed you tonight, but I just want you to know that I’m here if you need anything.”
“Yeah yeah..”, Nora mumbled as she took the note while Linnie got up from his seat, collecting his textbooks. After Linnie had waved goodbye to Nora for the evening, she saw a small, blue glow in the corner of her eye; Arthur’s name finally appearing at the top of her phone screen.
Sorry Nora. Was asleep. U ok?
I wouldn’t have been trying to blow up ur damn phone if I was
Woah, someone’s in the mood tonight. Where are u? Are u home?
I’ll explain in the morning. Right now, I just need a place to crash.
Right now.
No, in like 10,000 fucking years, Sherlock. Yes, now. Would your folks mind if I spent the night?
Well, they’re asleep right now so I dunno if they’ll know you’re here, but they are pretty light sleepers. Wouldn’t want to disturb them.
Trust me, I’ll be quiet. It’ll be fine. I’ll just leave extra early for school in the morning or some shit.
Once again, Nora felt the lingering delay of Arthur’s text, except the response bubble would occasionally pop up. Nora felt her heart race every time she saw it, but disappeared after two minutes. Finally, tired of the waiting game, she sent another message.
Please Arthur? I don’t have anywhere to go tonight and I’m struggling, bad. I wouldn’t be asking this of you if it wasn’t important.
You know what, sure. How long until you get here?
Prob about 15 minutes. Damn, I wish I would have paid more attention in teleportation. Wouldn’t been useful right about now.
Hehe well..gives me a chance to straighten up. See you in a few then.
Nora tossed back on her leather man jacket and pocketed her phone, making the way towards Arthur’s house past the city center, and into one of the neighboring areas. Though not by much, Arthur’s subdivision was nicer than Nora’s; litter didn’t plague the sidewalks like her street and the houses seemed slightly better kept. Finally, towards the end of the street, Arthur’s double-floored house stood cozily in front of Nora; the navy-blue roof complimenting the matching door and white walls alongside the neatly trimmed yard. Hoping that Arthur was wise enough to unlock the door for her, Nora jiggled the brass doorknob before entering the house, closing it gently behind them as the darkness engulfed her. She slowly made her way up the stairs, drowning Arthur’s parents’ snoring as she found his room, barely able to see.
At long last, Nora felt her eyes get heavier and heavier as a bed was closer in the reach. Finally allowing her eyes to shut, she threw off her letterman jacket and blue jeans off to the side; throwing them onto a pair of pink, women’s underwear with the name, Willow, written on the back.
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babeczka415 · 1 year
Trap of Lies - Chapter 5
⚠️⚠️TW - Alcohol, Sex, Prostitution⚠️⚠️
A/N: Written and originally posted by Rae
I can hear the drunks hollering out in the bar.  Some are even singing loudly in their revelry.  It is always like this on nights when the ships come into harbor.  Lonely men with gold in their pockets out looking for women and booze.  I supply both.  I would have to go back out there to keep an eye on things.  Honest help is not something you find to hire in a tavern like mine.  It is best for me to be present to discourage thief or laziness.  I am not one to be cheated out of my due.  But hell, I deserve a brake.  I take another swig of the bottle of rum on my desk.  The pleasant sting and bitterness coating my tongue and throat.  The heat of the alcohol only fanning my flames of desire further. 
I don’t even know this wench’s name, but they are all the same anyways.  Just a warm place to bury my cock and get some relief from the boredom of life.  Her skirt is bunched up around her waist as she bounces up and down for my pleasure.  I wrap my fingers into her chestnut hair, gripping tightly, before pulling her head back.  Hell, the way that causes her to arch her back is a beautiful sight.  “You want to touch yourself, don’t you love?”  She gives a small nod.  “Go ahead, love.  I’m not a cruel man.  Go on, enjoy yourself.”  Quickly, her hand disappears under the front of her dress while the other continued to hold  onto the desk tightly for support.  
Letting go of her hair, I burrow my left hand into the front of her dress, squeezing the soft flesh hidden there.  My forearm, crossing her chest, holding her firmly upright in front of me. My other hand digs into her hip guiding her harder and faster along my length.  I move my mouth right next to her ear and as my hot breath hits the sensitive skin there, she moans in pleasure.  “Scream for me, love,” I demand, pinching her nipple hard to elicit the response I desire.  That pushes me over.  A low grunt escapes from my throat as I fill her deeply with my pleasure.  My head nods forward resting on her back as I work to catch my breath.
“Phillip!”  The man roars as he throws open the door and storms into the room.
“Damn!  Don’t you know how to knock,” I yell back.
The lass quickly pulls off of me and lowers her skirts, before scurrying out of the room.  I stand, tucking myself back in, as I eye the man before me.  At least he had the courtesy to turn his head and look a bit embarrassed.  Not that I care.
“Jake,” I say walking around my desk and extending my hand, “To what do I owe this pleasure?”  I can’t help but chuckle smugly.
He looks down at my hand, knowing full well what I have been up to recently, and declines to shake it.  He looks straight into my eyes, his icy blue ones sharp and penetrating, before he speaks.  “They took her, Phil.  They took MC.”  
"Who? Who took her?" I asked as realization of the situation hit me.
"That is what you're going to help me find out," he replied.
After the events of this evening, I am not sure who I can trust.  Well, trust is the wrong word.  I don’t trust anyone, only myself.  But to gather secrets, I  had to develop contacts.  I would like to think these relationships were all cold and calculated.  Just an understanding of the character of people and how they would act.  Using them while keeping up a mask of friendship.  That worked for most of my life, but after MC appeared I knew that I had softened.  I had let my carefully constructed mask develop cracks and those closest to me began to seep in.  Now look where that softness got me!  They had take the only one that I truly loved.
Were there other spies and saboteurs among the guild ranks? I had been so careful who I let in, vetting them carefully over time.  As the guild grew, I had compartmentalized tasks so only those of us at the top knew the full pictures.  We have hundreds of informants and those who gather information for us.  They are our eyes and ears, but not members of the guild.  Within our ranks, I established a hierarchy to limit knowledge.  I am the only true Master of Secrets.  The only one who knows all and controls everything about the guild.
The closest I got to trust was the with the man before me.  It had been cold strategy that lead me to develop contact with him.  As a tavern owner, he is in the perfect position to gather intel.  Liquor loosens lips.  Much is learned from the ramblings of the drunken.  Add to that the other pleasures offered in the upstairs rooms and this is a den of debauchery and also of knowledge.  His “employees” are the perfect network for finding secrets.
I didn’t like the man at first.  He oozes charm and charisma.  That works on others, but not on me.  I have always seen it for what it is, a carefully constructed personality to fool, deceive, and greedily obtain what he wants.  It is his mask.  Perhaps I saw through it so easily because it reflects my own so well.  Perhaps that is also why, it seems like it was inevitable now, we get along.  Each of us knows the other’s mask and sees what lies beneath.  We are more similar than I would ever have wanted to believe went I first constructed our contact.
We are no longer in his office having moved to a more private room where we can talk away from others.  A bottle and two glasses are set on the table between us.  I have already drunk enough to calm my rage, but not enough to dull my mind.  Rage just won’t do.  I have to be cold and calculating about this.  The rage has to be pushed aside until I can act upon it.  First I have to find the secrets.  I have to discover who and why they are behind this kidnapping.  And I have to do it quickly.
Phillip Hawkins sits across from me, his long dark hair, which had hung with sweat, is once again combed and tied neatly back.  He is composed sitting there, now the cunning man of business once more.  I can see he is deep in thought about the situation at hand.
“Phil, I need you to follow up on leads here.  Try to track down who is involved and where they took her,” I explain. “I have to go check out the country branch.  It needs to be me, in person.  I have to learn who this Rogers is and how he got on our payroll.  He has been around for 3 years now; but has never made it into the guild.  Of course, I have the final say on who joins our official ranks, but his application has never made it to me.  Someone else must have been blocking his inclusion too.  I need to find out who and what they know.”
“I think you’re right.  A visit from you is the best way to get answers from them.”  It surprises me that he agrees so quickly.  He continues, “I will track them here, find out what this Richy fellow has been up to since coming into the city, and piece together where they took her.” He paused before looking me dead in the eye, “We will find her, Jake.  And all the devils in hell will be in awe of the brimstone we will rain down upon those bastards who took her.” The cold fury in his eyes along with the way he clenches his jaw left no doubt that he meant it.
I hastily change out of my dress clothes, throwing on my worn black trousers and boots followed by a black shirt and cloak.  Stopping by the local stable, I stride to the stall where Midnight was chewing his hay.  His head rose, his large dark eye looking me over, before whining and shaking his mane.  He huffed and stamped his front foot.
“Aye boy, we are going for a ride.  It is going to be long and we need to travel fast.  But you’re up for that, no?  It has been a while since we could really run,” I spoke to him while stroking down from his forehead to his muzzle.  Turning I begin to prep my horse for the journey.  Holding his reign, I walk to the edge of town before mounting my sleek black steed.  I put a scarf around my nose and mouth before placing my hat on my head.  I spur Midnight forward and the two of us, horse and rider dressed in black, disappear into the darkness of the night.
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goldensmilingbird · 8 months
I have been watching the presentation on Runes that I mentioned before. It's the kind of event meant for people working in animation to share their experience, so they're going through explaining the whole development and production process. And man, there is a lot of amazing art.
One of my favourite kinds of concept art is just kids hanging out and having fun. And some (the one with warriors in the sky and the one with Alice standing near a river) remind me of paintings, like something I've seen before. The atmosphere in these is amazing.
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More character/expression sheets!
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So William/Hugo wears the same shade of blue as a noble that Neel does, interesting...
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Some great storyboards from the first episode. They mentioned that the channel actually didn't accept the first version, so they had to change stuff. Now I'll be wondering what was changed 🤔
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And these drawings I'm pretty sure they said are by Jean-Louis Vandestoc, he is the director and also the creator of Lolirock (you can see his webcam in the corner of some of these). Love the expressions!
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And here they made DND-like sheets for the characters. The corner of Turstin's page is cut off by webcam, so I actually don't know if he's older than others 😔 But Hugo and Alice were aged down a couple of years. I love that she's listed as the leader of the group. The inspiration section at the bottom took me out though. You got Andrew Garfield's Spiderman, Merida from Brave and Asuka from Evangelion and then young Dwayne Johnson fjjdkdks
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Hela, my beloved <3
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This whole spread is amazing. I love the image of Hela and Ulrich drinking together, and he's just all grumpy and worn out while she's having a great time
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But damn, that design on the right is so cool!! I'm kinda sad they discarded it. The design notes are... something? "I'm not for the tomboy side, I would like her to be attractive and for Turstin to be shocked when he discovers that she is evil. She has to hide her symbol from the start to do the reveal :)" So I guess Turstin was supposed to have a little crush on her? And what's that about a symbol? I have no idea.
"I think it's so grilled (??) that she is a villain from the start. Normally during development of the story Hela shouldn't put on appearances, it's hard to trust her from the outset :)" Okay, that makes sense.
"The idea would be for her to be pretty and for no one know who she is really. Her hair in a braid will hide her symbol, and she would change her look to be more snakelike and evil". She changed so much, I literally can't imagine current Hela looking "snakelike". Maybe her original personality was way different as well.
And here's my man Ulrich, he looks mostly the same, but the design on the left kinda looks like a younger version of him. I also love the little Neel reaching out to him
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And here's some other stuff
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I'll finish the video later, I'm about an hour into it and there is still an hour and a half left.
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