#(I'm honestly unsure which it's gonna be yet)
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week March 2023
The Godfather meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer in...
The Incubucks
The Santorini mafia is a crime syndicate made up of seven head families. Each have a son who is expected to take over once their fathers are gone, but these young men are pushed into the fray before their time as their consigliere is abruptly replaced. The new one  - who simply goes by Comet - is enigmatic and strangely young for the job but Rudolph, heir of the Santorini family, finds out that he is actually a demon who buys and trades information with otherworldly entities, and uses that intel to advise Mr. Santorini - which has resulted in them nearly tripling their earnings overnight. And at the request of Mr. Santorini, Comet grants Rudolph and the other heirs the arcane and enticing magic of an incubuck - an incubus buck - and tasks them with protecting their own from other forms of supernatural harm prowling the streets. Being thrust into gang violence at a young age doesn't do well for anyone, but there's no harm if it's for the sake of your family, right? ... Right?
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coming of age
overcoming societally enforced internalized bigotry
toxic masculinity and comphet
the burden of dealing with the mess your parents' made
(in a sense) child soldiers
grudges and vengeance
Current Stage in Writing Process
This idea came to me 4 months ago and in that time I was focusing on my main project, Goddess Gang (when I wasn't scrambling to finish up my degree), so this is a very much a zygote of a story.
Content Warnings
internalized homophobia
more TBD
Thank you @moon-and-seraph for organizing this pitch week!
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lesbian-kyoru · 1 year
skip and loafer chapter 55 thoughts
this chapter was so poignant but one aspect that stood out to me was all it told us about mika & mukai's dynamic so far!
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mukai followed along on a whim & subsequently ended up witnessing a lot of vulnerability on mika's end, someone who he still doesn't have a good grasp on yet—after seeing her worst + being surprised by her capacity for kindness, his perception of her is continually being challenged & muddled. we've seen already how mukai is a very logical, cut & dry person in his thinking, so imo mika's Layers are both confusing & intriguing to him.
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at the same time i thought it was interesting how mukai realizes that mika ALSO doesn't have a clear perception of him—though their scenes always feel very Intentional, they actually have not interacted a ton within the context of the friend group, esp given their rocky start.
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so from there, we get this juxtaposition within mika & mukai's relationship where they are v unsure of each other and yet there's an odd sense of trust there. it's definitely not an ACTIVE trust, but something more peripheral; mika doesn't mind mukai being there while she talks to nao because, in her mind, mukai already knows abt this insecurity so she isn't revealing anything new to him. after opening up to nao, she apologizes to mukai for getting him caught up in her venting; despite this, it really struck me how this felt like such growth for her to simply move on rather than carrying the feeling around shamefully. it's like a weight lifts off mika's shoulders & it's cathartic for this to happen in front of mukai, who was the accidental catalyst for her confession to shima. mukai, in contrast, seems more unsure than ever.
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he's puzzled to realize that mika's confession to shima wasn't fueled by a desire for reciprocation but rather the courage it took her to express her feelings openly, instead of always attempting to hide behind a facade & never experience the vulnerability in risking rejection. we know that mukai's experience of romantic confessions is almost entirely filtered through shima, since he's never been confessed to himself—and it's interesting how mika's confession to shima directly flies in the face of how negatively shima feels about being confessed to.
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for shima, girls confessing to him has always been a sign of what's expected of him, people wanting something specific FROM him rather than liking him as a person—now that mukai knows how drained that makes shima feel, it's interesting that he learns mika's reasons for confessing & how they're entirely different, motivated by a desire to be brave rather than expecting something of the other person. nevertheless, this leaves mukai with a lot of conflicting thoughts in his head about how a confession should make you feel. again, he's very logical, so the ambiguity is confusing to him! (and all of us honestly)
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but then, back at the house, we see mika through mukai's point of view—she shoots him a look!—at which point he decides that he couldn't think of being confessed to as "not that great." i'm just gonna let that sit there :)
so with that!! i loooooved all this chapter gave us to work with in the development of these characters, esp mika & mukai's dynamic!!!! with a character like mukai who spends so much time as an observer, it's so fun to see him start to actually reflect on his own point of view within the story, like he feels himself going from being the background character in everyone's lives to really developing his own outlook—and it's all thanks to girl of all time mika egashira who inspires EVERYONE to think nine million thoughts trying to understand her.
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stop-talking · 7 months
I am soooo excited for the rest of your Derek fic your Mike fic was so good!!! It was everything I want from enemies to lovers so I can't wait for more 💕
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (pt. 2)
Derek Danforth x fem reader
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Word count: 3.1k
Tags: 18+, Derek x fem reader, no use of y/n, angst, enemies, enemies to lovers, fluff, (very) slowburn, sass, banter, misogynistic & violent undertones, (Derek is a prick), suggestive themes, mentions of drug use, withdrawals, rehab, overall mature content.
Part 1 Part 3
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Derek is pulled from his deep, trance-like sleep by the sound of someone calling his name.
He sits up in bed, blinking and swaying slightly as he adjusts to the light pouring in through his windows.
"Derek? C'mon, wake up."
Who the hell is knocking on his door? Everyone knows not to wake him unless it's urgent.
He stumbles to the door, nearly tripping over his own feet. Why is his head pounding? Is he hungover?
"Fuck d'ya want?"
Derek opens the door, ready to chew out whoever is on the other side. He stops when he sees you, and suddenly remembers everything that happened last night.
Beach house. Three weeks. With you. Sober.
"I was thinking we could have breakfast?"
Derek blinks at you, unsure what to even say. He wasn't used to being woken up like this, and his head was still pounding. God, he wanted his vape already.
"Umm... sure. Let me..." He looks down at his clothing, a simple t-shirt and some sweats. He feels... naked.
"I'm gonna change." He mumbles, closing the door before you can fully take in his disheveled appearance. He doesn't like letting people see him without his usual clothing. Which, honestly, was anything but usual.
Today, Derek decides on a floral print button-up, and a nice pair of green slacks. He doesn't bother with a jacket or blazer, it's too hot for that. He finishes the look by adding a belt with a chunky gold buckle, and his staple, snakeskin boots.
After getting dressed, he moves on to his hair, putting a small handful of product into his curls. The frosted tips are relatively new, and Derek smiles at his reflection. He looks pretty damn good, all things considered.
"Morning." You nod to Derek as he makes his way into the kitchen.
"Morning..." He mumbles back, taking a seat on a stool next to the island.
"How're you feeling?" You turn away from the breakfast you were beginning to prepare, just a gathering of ingredients really, and look him over.
He looks... tired. He's dressed in his regular clothes now... well, regular for Derek. You can't help but notice the way his leg bounces nervously, how he repeatedly reaches into his pocket, only to take his hand back out immediately.
"Fine." He answers flatly, turning and scratching at the back of his neck.
Hm. He sure didn't look fine.
"You know I'm here to help you, right?" You decide to take a risk and verbally prod him a little, just to see if he opens up.
He doesn't.
"Shouldn't you be cooking me breakfast?" He sneers, narrowing his eyes at you as you lean on the counter across from him.
Okay, that's enough sass.
"If you want to eat breakfast, you can help make it."
Derek scoffs at that.
"I don't cook."
"So you've said."
The two of you silently stare at each other for a few moments, Derek's eyes narrow while you remain calm and serious. Finally, he relents.
"Fuck are you even making?" He grumbles, shifting in his seat to peek over your shoulder at the ingredients you've gathered on the counter behind you.
"Pancakes." You step aside so he can see the box of pancake mix, and do your best to muster up a smile. He's grumpy, yeah, but not truly angry yet. Better not push him if an argument can be avoided.
"So... do you want to help me cook breakfast, or do last night's dishes?"
Derek looks back and fourth between you and the sinkful of dishes, frowning.
"...You said pancakes?"
Derek grimaces as a bit of pancake batter splashes on his silk shirt from his sloppy whisking. How did he get roped into this? Cooking? Seriously?
"Is it supposed to look so... lumpy?" He asks, frowning as he lifts the whisk and watches the weird goop plop down into the bowl.
"Yeah, that's normal. Keep mixing, and scrape the bottom. You're doing great."
He sighs, but continues to whisk, more carefully this time. It's... not that hard, actually. Even if it looks lumpy and weird.
After a minute or so, you apparently decide he's done enough, and take the bowl from him.
"So... am I done?"
"...do you want to eat raw batter?"
"Then no."
Derek scowls, watching as you spray something on the pan.
"Then what am I-"
"Just wait. I'll explain."
He lets out a rather dramatic sigh, then leans against the counter and eyes you. As annoying as you are... he can't help but admit you're attractive. Just a little.
Soon, you're pouring batter into the pan and walking him through cooking a pancake. He's only half-listening. It should be easy. Let it cook on one side, flip it, let the other side cook. Right? Even he couldn't fuck that up.
"You ready to try?" You ask, giving him an eager smile. Damn. Okay, maybe you're more than just a little attractive.
Derek just nods and takes the bowl from you, pouring some batter into the pan, trying to mimic what you did. Unfortunately, he overshot his pour, and it spread out to fill almost the entire pan.
"It's okay." You assure him. "It'll just be a big one."
He resists the urge to make a stupid joke about his "big one", instead deciding to just shrug it off and move on.
"So.. how do I tell when it's ready to flip again?" He asks, shifting awkwardly as you both silently wait for the pancake to cook.
"When it starts bubbling at the edges. Look, there's already a few."
You point, and he leans down to watch it more carefully.
"...can I flip it now?"
"Yeah, go ahead. Just like I showed you."
Derek accepts the spatula you hand him, gently sliding it under the pancake. Okay... just flip it. No big deal.
He completely fucks it up. The oversized pancake folds in half over the side of the pan, batter splattering all over the stove. He jumps back in shock, then straightens himself and scowls when he hears you laughing.
"It's not funny." He glares at you, then turns his attention back to the sorry excuse for a pancake. It's half-cooked, dripping down the side of the pan and onto the stovetop.
"No, no... It's not. I'm sorry..." You choke out between wheezes.
"Make breakfast yourself." Derek huffs, throwing the spatula onto the counter and storming off.
After taking a minute to calm yourself down from the laughing fit, and several minutes to clean up Derek's failed attempt at a pancake, you finally convince him to come try again.
"Here, I'll guide you through it this time." You place a hand over his as he holds the spatula, standing directly behind him and speaking in a soothing manner.
He glances back at you and shifts slightly, looking... nervous? No, no way. He's probably just still grumpy from earlier.
"C'mon, you only messed up last time because there was too much batter. You'll do fine." You assure him, giving his hand a light squeeze.
"Yeah... alright." He seems to stiffen from your touch instead of relax. Odd.
When it's finally time to flip it, you count down from three, then help guide him through the motion. This time, there's no mess. A perfect flip.
"See? You did great." You nudge him playfully with your elbow, giving him a grin.
"Yeah... I did." He mumbles and turns away, suddenly extremely interested in the bowl of batter.
Is he... blushing? You can't tell for sure, with his head turned, but the tips of his ears look a little... pink.
"Wanna make a few more, master chef Derek?" You tease him, leaning over to try and get a glimpse of his face.
"Calling me master already, sweetheart?" He quips back, turning to face you with a smirk of his own. Whatever blush you thought you saw is gone now, replaced by his usual cocky demeaner.
Of course he'd respond like that. Asshole.
Derek remains relatively quiet throughout breakfast, focusing mainly on stuffing his face.
He chews slowly, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. So many emotions are running through his head right now that he hardly feels his throbbing headache.
The way you smiled at him. How you didn't give up on him when he messed up. Fuck, you even held his hand. Well, you put your hand on top of his while he held a spatula. But still, that counted, right?
"So... what's the plan for today?" He finally asks, looking up at you from across the dining table."
"What do you mean?"
"Like... what are we gonna do? Sit on our asses all day?" He scowls, and stuffs another bite of pancake into his mouth.
"If that's what you want."
"Itths noht." Derek shakes his head, mumbling through a mouthful of food.
"Gross. Chew your fucking food." You give him a pointed look, then take a bite of your own breakfast.
"Whatever. Seriously. If I have to stay cooped up in this house for THREE WEEKS, I'm going to go insane."
"You're already pretty insane."
"I'll get worse."
You laugh at that, and Derek frowns. It's not funny. He's completely serious.
"Well... if you're that eager to get out, how about we walk down to the beach for the afternoon? Spend the day in the sand?"
"Yeah... that sounds nice."
He quickly finishes up the rest of his food, eager to get out. And maybe also excited at the prospect of seeing you in a bikini. Just a bit.
Around half an hour later, you walk downstairs, sporting a new bathing suit.
You study Derek, who's changed into swimming trunks. Cheetah print, obviously. Pfft. With the mullet and the animal print, he reminds you a lot of that one guy. What does he call himself? The... tiger king?
The thought makes you laugh, and Derek frowns.
"What's so funny?" He asks, eying you from the couch as he lounges with his feet up and his hands behind his head.
"Nothing. You look... nice." You nod to him, and give his body a quick once-over with your eyes. Definitely not checking him out. Not staring. At all.
Derek does the same to you, studying your choice of swimwear. You chose a one-piece swim dress, pink with a little pair of shorts built in under the skirt. It would be considered modest, if it weren't for the plunging neckline and the panel cut out of the back. Speaking of which...
"Hey, can you get my back for me?" You ask, holding up a bottle of sunscreen. That seems to break Derek out of his trance, and he sits up and pats the spot next to him on the couch.
"Sure, If you'll do mine."
Derek is a little disappointed about your swimsuit choice at first, but then he takes in the low neckline. And the skirt... damn. He knew there was probably something under it, but he couldn't help but imagine there wasn't, just for a moment.
And now you're asking him to rub sunscreen on your back? Holy shit.
"Like this?" He asks, applying a generous amount of the cream to your back.
He takes a little bit of liberty and gets your shoulders as well, gently rubbing your skin and tucking his hands under the straps of your swimsuit to make sure every inch is covered. He has to restrain himself from letting his hands roam further.
"Here, do mine for me." He drops the sunscreen bottle into your lap and turns, his back facing you.
Christ. Your hands on his back feel... heavenly. He bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from letting out a groan.
"There. You're all covered." You finish by giving him a quick pat on the shoulder, then standing up and stretching. Derek can't help but stare as you do, and suddenly, he wishes his shorts weren't so... thin.
He shakes himself and stands as well, heading for the door. As long as he has his back to you, you won't notice just how much he likes that swimsuit of yours.
Unfortunately... you don't fucking leave him alone. Of course.
"Wait, did you get the rest of your body?" You ask, grabbing the little beach bag you packed and scurrying to catch up with him.
"I'll be fine." He answers, shrugging it off and walking a little faster to stay ahead of you.
"That's stupid. You want to burn everywhere but your back?"
"I'm not going to burn, sweetheart. I just tan."
"Derek. At least get the rest of your torso. And face. Please?"
He winces as you finally catch up to him and grab his arm, but he's mostly calmed down now, so he just sighs and nods.
"Fine. But I'll do it myself."
You two walk down a wooden path that eventually gets buried in white sand as you approach the beach. It's beautiful, open and empty, untouched by anyone other than the Danforth family.
Derek sloppily applies sunscreen as he walks, slathering it on his torso, neck, and face. When he's done with his half-ass job, he turns to you and scowls.
"There. Happy now?"
"Hold on, you didn't rub it in all the way..." You gently swipe at his cheek with your hand, smiling.
"Stop that." He mumbles, pressing his hand to his cheek in the spot you just touched.
"Stop what?"
"Treating me like a child."
You seem taken aback by that answer, because you don't respond for a minute, trudging through the sand in silence.
"I'm not trying to treat you like a child. But your mom did task me with taking care of you, so..."
"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm a grown man and I have a goddamn babysitter." He growls, though he can't really find it in himself to feel angry. Being taken care of... doesn't sound too bad right now.
"Oh, boohoo. Come on. Lets go swim."
"Uhh... I think I'll stay here." He mutters, sitting down in the sand and watching you make your way over to the ocean. When you had suggested spending the day in the sand, he'd assumed you meant... well, literally staying in the sand.
You turn and frown as Derek plops down on the ground, refusing to budge.
"What? You scared to get a little wet?" You tease him, shouting to be heard over the waves. The cold water crashing over your ankles makes you shiver.
"No." He pouts, settling back against the beach bag you packed.
"Just... don't wanna."
That makes you even more confused. What's his deal? First he complains about being cooped up, then he refuses to go for a dip?
You trot back over to him, kicking up sand.
"Derek. Come on. I didn't do all this just to get blown off. Come swim with me." You tug on his arm, and he reluctantly gets up.
"I guess I could get my feet wet..." He scowls, looking at the ocean with disdain.
"You'll do more than that." You scold him, linking your arm in his and practically dragging him over to the water.
He makes a scrunched up face when the first wave hits him, washing over his feet and sinking his ankles into the sand.
When you try to tug him along further, he doesn't budge.
"I'm not getting in the water."
"Why not?" You finally ask, exasperated.
"I... I can't swim." He mumbles something, but the wind carries it away.
"I can't swim." He groans, pulling away from you and burying his face in his hands.
This makes you pause, but only for a moment.
"Okay, then don't swim. Just come sit in the water." You make another grab for him, and he doesn't resist this time, letting you take him a few steps further. Once the water is about halfway to your knees, you lower yourself, and Derek sits beside you.
"This okay?" You ask, turning to look at him.
"It's cold. And wet."
"Yeah, that's... kinda how the ocean is."
You sit in silence for a few moments, until you finally clear your throat and speak up again.
"How have you gone this long without learning to swim? Don't you, like, host pool parties?"
"I mostly stick to the shallow end." He grumbles, shrugging the question off.
"Why not do the same here? Wade into waist-level with me?" You prod him with a finger, poking his side in a playful manner.
That just earns you a scowl.
"Because. There isn't a fucking shallow end in the ocean. It's... weird." He visibly shudders as he stares out into the endless waves, and shies back a bit.
You can tell this is a touchy subject for him, so you just sigh and let it go. Whatever. You can swim alone, right?
"Well, I'm going to go a little further in, you're welcome to join me."
With that, you stand and wade into the water, your walk turning to a paddle as the ground drops away beneath you. The ocean feels freeing, the gentle rocking of the waves lulling you into a trance-like state.
When you finally glance back at Derek, you see he's already sitting in the sand again, positioned so the waves can just barely reach his feet. Hm. He must really have a thing about the water.
That night, Derek lies in bed, tossing and turning as he tries to fight away his many thoughts on the day's activities.
He thinks about cooking breakfast with you, how you held his hand and praised him for his efforts.
And oh god, your touch. He can practically feel your hands on his back still.
Then at the beach... you hardly reacted to his lack of swimming prowess. Though, he was still a little bitter you fucked off without him and left him to sit in the sand.
You made up for it tenfold at dinner, letting him help you in the kitchen. He didn't want to admit it, but he genuinely enjoyed learning to cook. Even if it did feel so... domestic.
He can still hear the words you spoke to him ringing in his ears as he shuts his eyes tight and tries to sleep.
"See? You've got it. Just like that."
"You're a natural."
"Keep going. Almost there."
Fuck. He couldn't squander his thoughts of you, no matter how hard he tried.
And that wasn't even his worst problem. You'd managed to distract him pretty damn well throughout the day, always keeping him busy with something.
But now, alone in his room, his head was pounding again, and all he wanted was a hit of his vape. Or maybe a shot. Or some blow. Just anything to get rid of the goddamn headache.
He groans and sits up in bed, and moves to do the only thing he can think to do. Go see you.
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Author's note: Oh man. I dunno if I'm gonna be able to keep doing this whole "posting one chapter a day" thing for much longer. I originally intended this chapter to be 2k words, maybe 2.5k at most, but sheesh. It grew into this... and I wanted to write more, but stopped myself. It's currently 3am and I've worked on this for around 6 hours today.
Also... why did I make Derek unable to swim? Idk. Tertiary plot? The man doesn't have many personality traits in the cannon other than "douchebag rich brat with mommy issues". I'm trying to keep him in character, but it's hard when the character isn't all that fleshed out to begin with, so bear with me here.
ANYWAYS, hope y'all enjoy! Now is your time to send in Derek Danforth requests... cuz I'm writing this as I go along. Who knows? Maybe your suggestion will make it into the next chapter. & thank you to the anon who sent the kind words <3
Part 3
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mellowwillowy · 1 year
A Mouthful of Boobs
GN! Reader (who has no shame of playing Childe bcs that's me) x (Subby, Pervert) Childe (a bit of yan tendencies if you squint)
Just a drabble so it's REALLY messy
"Huaaa, just once, just one chance, please rail meeee Childeeee"
You cried as you replayed that one scene where Childe showed up in Fontaine's trailer. Hell, you didn't even watch the front and just skipped to his scene alas you didn't know what the other characters' names were.
Your PC stayed on with Childe standing, idling in front of you while you kept on kicking the air, biting your pillow.
What you didn't know is that, ekhem, SAGAU.
Childe internally screamed inside while still doing his game idles, honestly, he gotta thank Hoyoverse for only letting his dick boink during his weapon trance. But the way you kept on begging to be railed by him, especially with his delusion? No, you even went as far as spouting, "Please rail me in your foul legacy form just once!!". Gosh, were you not aware of how it won't painfully fit you? Buttttt.... who is he to not grant you that one wish and stuff you full?
"Oh Childe, my orange cat, if only you are real and breathing." You coo at your PC screen while poking it. Well, firstly on his face, then his chest, then his... whole pack down there (dick).
Childe screamed internally again, he even stuttered a bit in his idle but you didn't notice it.
"Please please please, let me kill some slime, or better yet, respawn me with an egg." He thought to himself.
Respawn, and spawn. What a pair.
(I really am not in the mood to go to great lengths for this)
You opened your eyes and saw the white ceiling above you. Looking to your left, you checked the time. Afterward, you tried to reach your phone which you failed at so you tried to get up.
No luck, you couldn't budge, what the fuc-.
Oh what in the actual fuck.
Your right arm, yes, was tucked into someone's hold. Someone ginger, someone larger than your frame, someone you recognized.
Tartaglia. Childe. Ajax.
In the flesh.
The ginger only grinned at your reaction as he let go of your arm.
"Yaaah~ I'm Tartaglia, in the flesh!" He said as he brought your hand into his manboobs (chest). Unwilling to miss this only one chance that's probably only happening because you were still dreaming (nah, you deluded yourself, aware of how dead your right arm was), you grabbed his tits and played with it, willingly.
"Gosh, it really is Childe's tits, in the flesh!" You drooled internally as you pinched his nipples which earned a whimper from the orange cat. Childe's face was soon filled in red, his breath getting raggier.
"Haa- Khuhkh! So eager, ahh, so, eager~"
"Of course I am! Better yet, let me milk it out!" You took a mouthful of his breast, (I have no shame aaa) your tongue swirling around it while your teeth bit it later on. You could clearly see your bite mark on it, and it felt good looking at it.
Your fingers went to give them a tease, flicking them up and down before pinching them. Childe's moan pitched from you playing with his nipples, his hands awkward, unsure of where to be placed. On your body? No good, he didn't deserve that (Said the one who watched you sleep with your right arm in his hold).
"So good for me~~, Gosh, I think I'm gonna save up for your cons instead of waiting for Pantalone (WHEN? WHO KNOWS 4444). Childe's head perked up at your words. Really? You're going to give up on Pantalone for his constellations instead? Oh Archon, no, Oh You (God), he could have sworn his dick twitched for a moment (why). God, it felt great hearing that after shooting death threats toward that refrigerator (Regrator) from the release of the harbingers trailer until now.
Childe gasped, looking down, he saw your hand grabbing his... manhood... (dick). Ah....
well, that's a story for another time, (peace out innocently) they had a good time, that's for sure.
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kamiko1234 · 3 months
I am currently at the end of chapter 3 of The Titan's Curse and oh man, do I have some thoughts. So first things first. I do not like Artemis. Like, at all. She's currently inhabiting spot 2 on my "I hope Luke wins because of you guys" RIGHT after Ares himself. I REALLY don't like the whole "anti-boy" thing she and her Hunters have going on. Like, okay- I get it to some degree. Chasity and maidenhood is like- her whole thing. But honestly, at this point, it feels almost fanatic. I'm a girl myself, and it makes me genuinely uncomfortable how they act and what they say. It also weirds me out how.... pushy they are to Bianca ? Especially how they seem to disregard Nico in all of this. It was stated that Bianca and Nico are their only remaining relatives. Percy brings up a very valid point in the fact that Nico cannot become a Hunter. Bianca would leave her only brother behind, her brother whose only family she is. And in response Artemis and Zoe just- blow that whole concern off ???????? Saying that they would become Bianca's new family. It could have worked better had this decision only attempted Bianca- BUT IT DOESN'T. What about Nico ? Who would become Nico's new family !? Well APPARENTLY Artemis and her Hunters COULDN'T CARE LESS because he was born with the wrong gender. Sorry kiddo though luck ig 🤷‍♀️ And then that nasty comment when they talk about Nico going to camp with "that's all boys are good for" The fuck Artemis????? I know DAMN WELL ur ass didn't just insult the ONE relatively safe place for demigods where those kids are trained up to do the shit YOU AND YOUR FAMILY are too lazy to do !? Like I have my problems with Camp, not gonna lie. I still think it's still unsafe (even if it's better compared to- well, everywhere else) and their teaching methods are a bit questionable (how has no one thought of organizing some damn therapy for these kids !?) BUT ALSO !?!?!?!? Bianca who JUST said she was still thinking about joining the hunters only to then immediately make up her mind and join ? Naw I'm calling foul play. At this point I'm not putting ANYTHING past ANY god. I would fully trust Artemis to manipulate Bianca's mind or something. I swear to god with every chapter I read I become more and more of a Luke apologist. He went off the deep end for a good freaking reason and he has every right to personally decapitate every god to ever walk the earth. But also, ANNABETH BABY ARE YOU OKAY !? ARE YOU GOOD GIRL ??? WHERE'D YOU GO !? God I am PRAYING it ain't Tartarus or anything- atleast Artemis said she'd search for her so I suppose Mrs. "Human rights for men ? Who needs that !" isn't TOTALLY useless beyond ending my nerves. Poor Nico by the way, he seems like such a nice kid ! A total nerd and drok which honestly ? Stan. As someone who's a nerd myself (although I'm more in the Anime and history department (weird combo ik)) I can stan him. But also MY POOR BABY. That child basically lost his sister to something I'm not yet convinced isn't some weird cult RIGHT AFTER being attacked by a literal MONSTER.
That must hurt. As for Thalia.... yeah not sure about her. She seems to have some bad blood with the hunters of Artemis and that Zoë girl which makes her immediately more likable to me. But also I was sort of thrown into a loop with how suddenly the book started into the story, I would have liked a bit of a slower start with more build-up to get to know her better.
She seems to have a pretty confrontational personality , which is the main thing that makes me a bit unsure about her. But other than that she sems pretty cool so far ! Hope to see more. One thing however made me worry a bit.... that mist thing. Where Thalia was able to manipulate the mist, and upon Percy's questioning asking if "Chiron didn't show you that yet". How it's treated to be nothing special....... listen if I wasn't a bit iffy about the whole system of the Camp I am now. Why didn't Chiron show Percy that ? It doesn't look to be some special ability reserved for children of Zeus. Infact, why didn't Chiron show that EVERY demigod !? I am hoping to god that an explanation for that's gonna come up later to explain this. Otherwise I'll just have to assume that Chiron is refusing to teach those kids a valuable and also kinda important skill just because.
(Also on an off note, y'all remember that one "Who's Jason Theory" I had a while back where I concluded he's either from Roman North Korea or a Rome fanboy ? Yeah I got it confirmed from a friend a while back that he's from Roman North Korea. Holy fuck, so apperantly The Democratic Demigod's Republic of Rome exists canonically. And apparently they are the East Germany to Camp Halfblood's West Germany. Yikes. Don't know much more tho than it existing and apperantly being well, Roman North Korea. So please no spoilers there ^^)
(Please mark any spoilers in your replies/reblogs so I can avoid them, thank you )
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swoonbots · 1 year
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Eddie: Mail Time Mishap
Summary: Reader bakes a cake with Eddie after accidentally destroying a cake filled packaged.
Eddie's worst fear came true. He accidentally squshed a package! Opening it, he found he had destroyed a beloved cake! Unsure of what to do, Eddie descended on to your doorstep in the middle of the night.
You were annoyed at first. I mean, anyone whose beauty sleep was interrupted would be, but then you heard Eddie's begs for help. And .. you couldn't say no to his pleading eyes.
So here you were, middle of the night, covered in flour trying to remake a mystery cake.
To Eddie's dismay, you ate some of the squashed cake.
"Y-You can't do that! It's not ours!"
"Respectfully, Eddie, how else are we gonna figure out what this thing is?"
Eddie gives into the temptation and eats some of the ruined cake. It'd be a shame to let it waste.. right? At least that's his reasoning.
He listens to you talk about how the cake was thrown together willy-nilly and ho imow you'll make an even better cake to blow the recipient's socks off.
Then, after an hour, it's finally done baking. Eddie sighs a breath of release.
"Don't relax yet, mailboy! We still gotta frost this thing in the morning!"
"Morning?! Why can't we do it now?"
Eddie reaches out to the frosting the two of you made. To which you swat his hand away.
"Oi! We gotta wait fer it to cool down first! Or well the frostings just gonna melt! That's simply just cake basics."
Eddie mumbles out an apology, rubbing the back of his neck with his giant hands.
Eddie felt a warmth bloom in his heart. Seeing you stay up so late, just to help him..
He wanted to hug you right then and there.
"Thank you, neighbor, for helping me."
"Hm? But we aren't done yet?"
"I know, but... I was really scared when I crushed the package," Eddie admits, eyes dashing to the side, "I honestly almost cried. I'm the only postman here.. everyone's relying on me and I just! .... Don't want to disappoint."
You sigh, turning to face Eddie. You hold his hands, his engulf yours.
"Eddie.. no one would be disappointed. I'm sure they would've understood, but you're welcome anyways. You can always rely on me, okay Eddie? Because I love you."
Eddie smiled, "I love you too."
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1986harrington · 2 years
i would die for #28 with steve lmao
Steve Harrington x fem!reader Prompt: #28 - I hate that you're mad at me but you look so hot right now Summary: When Steve doesn't show up on time for your date, he ends up on your bad side... Word Count: 1.3k
There were a lot of things you loved about Steve Harrington. 
You loved his honey-brown eyes, his good soul and his lionheart.
You loved the way he made you feel so seen; as though everything else was a haze to him and you were the only thing perfectly in focus. 
You loved his wild hair and the scratch of his stubble and the warmth of his skin. 
You loved the smell of him on your pillows, the way he never stopped making you laugh and the way he loved without abandon.
What you didn’t love, however, was his inability to be on time for literally anything.
It was 7:45pm on Friday night. More specifically, the night of the Hawkin’s High Snow Ball. All the kids were going - the boys donning ill-fitted suits and too-big hair, whilst the girl’s were swamped in glittery fabric and poofy tulle - and you and Steve were supposed to be chaperoning, per Dustin’s request.
Steve was working until five-thirty, so you both planned for him to pick you up at six-fifteen and head to the school for seven.
Yet here you were, over an hour later dressed in a floor length, strapless, shimmering dress - respectable enough for a school dance in that all your vital parts were covered, but tight enough that it didn’t leave much to the imagination - and your boyfriend was nowhere in sight. 
You had already removed your shoes a while ago, the straps of your heels uncomfortable even whilst sitting. You watched as the clock ticked by, eyed the phone on the wall and waited for it to ring.
At first you were simply annoyed, convinced that he'd lost track of time chatting to some old highschool friends at the video store, or that he'd simply forgotten what day it was and where he was supposed to be. But as the time passed by and he didn't call, a worry started to gnaw at your insides, settling uncomfortably in your chest until you felt your palms grow clammy and you grew restless, pacing around the living room as your dress swept along the carpet. You pressed a palm to the back of your neck, exposed from the way your hair was pinned up in a messy yet elegant up-do, perfectly waved strands loose around your face.
You tried calling the store, but by now it was after eight and they were closed for the night. You tried Robin's house next, but her mom said she was out with Vicki, with no mention of Steve.
You were just about to head upstairs to change into some sweats and head out to look for his car - which you were now imagining overturned at the side of a dark road or wrapped around a tree - panic rising in your chest and tears nipping at the back of your eyes, when you heard the rumble of an engine and wheels on the gravel outside. The headlights shone through your front window, causing your dress to glimmer like a mirage and when Steve finally tumbled in the door thirty seconds later, he looked at you like you were one.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I-" He panted, out of breath and bent over, hands resting on his knees before he lifted his head to look at you.
"Wow," He said, standing up straight, eyes raking over you, jaw hanging slack.
"Don't you dare." You warned, voice breaking slightly as you blinked, and the tears you'd been staving off finally fell, perfectly in sync down both cheeks.
You shouldered past him on your way to the staircase, gathering the length of your dress in your hands so you could climb the stairs without stepping on it.
"I- I was only gonna tell you that you look-"
"You were going to tell me I look beautiful," You finished the sentence for him, spinning around when you reached the top of the stairs. He stared up at you from the bottom step, with a look that suggested he was unsure if he was to agree or stay quiet.
"And honestly, Steve? There's nothing I would have liked to hear more from you. Two hours ago, which is when you were supposed to be here!"
You burrelled around, heading for your room as Steve followed you up, taking the stairs two at a time.
"I know, alright? And I'm so sorry, baby, I am." He pleaded, and you kept your back turned to him so he wouldn't melt you on the spot with those eyes of his. You reached the dressing table in your room, placing your hands flat against it as you heard him follow you in.
"I wanted to be here on time, I swear. But my shitty fucking radiator blew halfway home from work, so I had to walk to a payphone to call a mechanic, and after I called him, I realised I didn't have any quarters left to call you. And then the guy took forever to show, and he couldn't fix it on the road so he had to tow me to the garage and I'm sorry we missed the dance-"
"I don't care about the stupid dance, Steve!" You sobbed, turning to face him and he could see the remnants of fear still in your eyes. "I thought you'd been in an accident! That you were hurt somewhere, and I didn't know where the hell you were, and I called the store and then I called Robin-"
You were ranting now, breathless and panicky, words running into the next as Steve crossed the room to you, placing both warm hands on either side of your face.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay. I'm right here." He soothed, his forehead coming to rest on yours as your eyes fell closed. Your hands found their way into the front of his polo, knotting themselves there as you pulled him in closer until you were chest to chest and you could wrap your arms around him.
He huffed a laugh into your hair as you bear-hugged him, squeezing so tight that his breath caught in his throat.
"Hey now, careful or you'll pop a rib." He spoke against your temple, pressing a kiss there before you pulled back.
"I'm still mad at you." You declared, glaring up at him with a furrow in your brow, but the tears had stopped.
"Oh I'm sure."
"We missed the dance."
"Thought you didn't care about the dance?"
"Well I didn't when I thought you were potentially dead at the side of the road."
"Charming," Steve muttered affectionately, but you pointedly ignored him as you kept speaking.
"But now that I know you're alive, I very much care that we missed it. The kids are gonna be so disappointed and I spent all this money on a new dress and-"
"Can I just say one thing?" Steve asked, cutting you off mid-rant and you huffed, crossing your arms with an expression that told him to go ahead if he must.
"I hate that you're mad at me, but you look so hot right now."
A grin split wide across his face, reaching all the way to those caramel eyes of his as they roamed their way across your dress. You wanted to push at his chest and tell him he was a shameless dumbass, but for some reason - even after all the time you'd been together - his words still caused a flush to climb up your throat and color your cheeks his favorite shade of pink.
"This old thing?" You asked, half-turning to give him a better view of your ass as you glanced over your shoulder at him. "I was actually just about to take it off."
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suikamelon6 · 1 year
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So yesterday, @moderndaylestat and I attended the Newsreader S2 premiere event and got to meet Sam Reid in the flesh.
It was surreal because first I didn't know until the day before that Sam wasn't in Prague. I thought the premiere would be attended by Newsreader Melbournian' actors. We got confirmed tickets after midday so before that it was unsure that we would even get in.
Afterthoughts about Sam and the event:
I've not been in big indoor gathering for a long time (health related). So I had a mask on, CO2 monitor in my bag etc… and was glad I went. It felt safe and as for Sam related content, it couldn't have gone any better honestly. I've never met a celeb before. And never was motivated to go meet one. Nervous, shy… Would most of you know what I'm talking about?
The Newsreader Q&A was very interesting! Emma Freeman & Sam are like best buddies. Sam really appreciates how she was like an encyclopedia of what everyday of the shoot gonna look like. All the info kept in her head. I feel so excited for Emma's IWTV S2's! We are so lucky!
I got Emma to sign my manky old copy of IWTV book. She was so nice and surprised that I wanted her signature. So I said you are gonna give us two full episodes of IWTV S2! Of course I want your signature. She said she's so excited about that. And will go to Prague soon with Sam and crew members. (I don't know together or not). Sam and Emma seem to be such good mates, giggling on stage a lot!
Then it was our turn to talk to Sam. He asked if we liked the ep 1 of S2 of The Newsreader. Of course! Then he signed my old book, which he flipped around appreciating that it's a 20 yo yellowing copy!
I gave him 3 printed arts one of them of Lestat and Amel (like below but in the art print version it didn't have the speech bubble). He asked, "Is this book Armand?" I said "No, it's Amel actually." And he was like "OH! Amel!" Like happily surprised, didn't expect that.
I love him for being the biggest VC nerd who needs no explanation who Amel is!!! And I know he knows which books these scenes are from as well. We got so lucky to have Sam as Lestat. He really loves VC.
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I said my wish is to see all these scenes with him in them. He said "That'll be a few years yet." So I said, "Yes, good luck with S2 and keep going!" I don't know what I was saying honestly.
#SamReid smiles a lot. When he knows it's your turn, waits and looks at you to come over with these deep blue eyes, talks to you like he's not in a hurry, looks he's elated that a single fan likes his work. His voice makes you relaxed.
And #SamReid is so polite and doesn't come too close or initiate hand shake or hug unless you do. A gentleman. Says thanks and nice meeting you like he means it. Takes photo without fuss. A dream of celeb. I don't know what others are like but he's so sweet.
Looking back, I wished I ask him why he looked so sad in that giant poster! I hope when the IWTVTWT moots here get to meet Sam and the boys, you have the intelligence and sense to write down your questions first!
After Sam left, @moderndaylestat and I had fun talking about writing fics and how it sucks 6 hours of our lives or the whole weekend without noticing… how beautiful it is in your head, but to get it on paper is something else.
Also we talked about Helen, Dale and ____'s possible threesome? Obviously good behaviour didn't last. We talked about top/bottom and totally makes sense for Helen/Dale/___ poly relationship!
Sorry about the incoherent thought vomit, hope some of this make sense.
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alevicke · 11 months
Hi! I hope your morning/day/evening is going good! Can I please request a Gangle X Female!Reader with the two having their “first time” after confessing their feelings for one another? Basically Reader is G’s best friend and after another tragic Comedy Mask breaking episode(with Reader fixing the mask for the billionth time), G finally tells the Reader her true feelings(which in turn leads to their first kiss and, ahem, some spicy scenes).
I honestly headcanon that while Gangle doesn’t have a regular human body, she can still experience orgasms and the like(I’m sorry if I’m rambling. I’m tired lmao)
Also yes the reader is 18+. Gotta keep everything fun yet safe!
Hi! Sorry it took me so long. I'm not gonna lie, this was so hard to write for me and it's far from perfect or even good ;^; but I did my best 🫡 it was also my very first time writing NSFW... So don't be too hard on me please 🫠 still hope you enjoy it and like it! Also sorry if it's too long 🙏
Gangle x f!reader - Confession and first time 💖
Tw: use of her ribbons as hands, reader is female with vag, rubbing clit with ribbons, insertion of these. Gangle can orgasm, don't ask how that works I'm unsure myself even after writing it
🔞NSFW minors DNI! 🔞
As you gave the final touches, Gangle approached your side, seeing how you meticulously fixed her mask, once again, for the third time that week. It was only Thursday. But that was usual, and Jax was being kinda annoying again against Gangle so it was expected for her mask to break even more often during that week. You already tried to defend her against Jax and most of the times you could, but sometimes her comedy mask would just break for the bare minimum. It was a really weak mask in your opinion. But it made Gangle happy and at the end of the day that was the only thing that mattered for you.
- Here you go! - You said as you handed Gangle the fixed mask.
Thanks to everything being digital, the fixes weren’t even noticeable.
Gangle picked the mask with the end of her laces, as she used them as hands, and extended them while looking at the mask smiling, tears still in her eyes though.
- Thank you so much! I love it! As always you do such a great job… I really wish I had something special or good to give you for all your work… You’re always by my side no matter what.
Gangle tried to smile, although you could feel some sadness in those words. You gently smiled and approached her side, softly caressing the side of her mask, her cheek. As time passed, it was usual for you both to be so close to each other sometimes, but it was just seen as “gals being pals”, described by Caine.
- Gangle it’s alright, for me what matters is to see you smile, really. I’m happy the mask is fixable so it’s no biggie. Besides, whenever I need a favor, you’re always there, and if I need someone to talk to, you’re there as well. You do so much for me I don’t know what I could do without you! I- I think I would kind of go insane- you quickly chuckle, trying to take some importance off of your own words. You didn’t mean to seem so serious about being around Gangle.
- Well… I like being by your side - Gangle smiled, a more simple but soft smile - I would feel pretty lost without you too if I’m honest… I- I’m pretty sure I would be completely alone and-
Gangle seemed to bite her tongue off to cut herself mid sentence, which raised some preoccupations on you. Gangle saw your eyes locked on her so she knew she had to continue, but perhaps it was the right time. You probably didn’t tell anyone something so serious or close as going crazy without them, right? She hoped it meant something more…
- I… I just… - Gangle kept struggling with her words, fidgeting with her laces together until you softly grabbed one, looking directly at her eyes. She took a deep breath and continued - I think I like you… Well not, not think? I know? I know! And- I didn’t know how to tell you or even if it was appropriate! But- If there is a chance I’d like to know… Living in the darkness, in the uncertainty is pretty sanity consuming as well. And we cannot really afford that luxury here.. And I don’t know if you would accept me but I want to hear from you…
You could feel all feelings bottling and pushing all at the same time through the door of your mind. Not a single one being coherent, just a bunch of screams trying to process the information. Gangle trusted you a lot to be open about her feelings in general, but never even gave a hint about having romantic feelings for you. But god were you glad! You weren’t the only one there who wanted you two to be more than gal pals!
With her lace-hand still in yours, you softly caressed it with your thumb, trying not to sound too nervous despite the chaos murmuring in your mind.
- I’m honestly so happy you’re starting this conversation… I- I have been thinking about feelings for you for quite some time as well but I never dared to say anything. I mean- We spend a lot of time together? But I never got any hint that you wanted a relationship with me and I never knew if you would be ok with this, if you would love me, if you would even find me attractive, if you would feel comfortable for a relationship, if you- As Gangle noticed you got yourself into an endless loop of doubts, she built up the courage to finish all your fears and leaned in against you, softly pressing her mouth in her mask against your lips.
The feeling was… Unusual for you, Strange. There were no lips to connect yours to. But your cheeks still heated up. It was more than the sensation, it was everything in between. Gangle decided to jump out of her comfort zone to kiss you and prove to you that she loves you!
You kissed her back, the best you could. It was obvious none of you really knew how to handle the situation nor how you would do it but you both wanted that kiss more than air. Gangle was so relieved that you didn’t push her away and you felt the same.
The longer the kiss lasted, the more comfortable you both felt in it. You softly moved your fingers tracing caresses along the ribbons of her body, sometimes gently tangling in them. That seemed to cause Gangle to blush harder and make some soft pants escape.Every breath of pleasure she gave was music to your ears and no matter how lost you both felt, it also felt like the right thing. For once it felt like you were doing and going the right direction, together.
You pulled Gangle on top of you as you laid in bed, a soft squeak coming from her due to the surprise but not a negative one. She almost tried to avoid eye contact since she was so nervous but she still smiled and leaned closer to you in another kiss, this time with better experience, longer, sweeter, warmer somehow…
Your fingers kept trailing caress around her ribbons as they started to tangle against your arms and legs as Gangle kept herself closer to you, part of her shyness fading in the kisses. You could feel the ribbons tease and get tighter against your thighs, slowly getting closer to your heating core. Now clothes were nothing but annoying. But to be fair, Gangle seemed to think the same as her laces struggled against your clothes. They were touching softly on top of them, tempted to take them off but not without your permission.
You saw this question in her eyes and you nodded. Her laces tried to free you from your clothes but to be honest, without fingers it was quite a hard task so you helped her, slowly disposing of every fabric that was left between Gangle and you.
Gangle gently leaned back to admire your naked body. It didn’t matter it was a persona in a digital world, she loved you, every part of you including your new body in the digital world. If you accepted her despite her body being just a few shiny fabrics she would love you no matter how you were.
- Y-You look so pretty… This still feels like a dream… - Gangle muttered under her increasing heavy breath.
- It’s all real, I promise, it’s our reality -you smile as you pull Gangle back into a kiss.
Her laces tight against your body, once again, her one used as hand reaching for your inner thigh caressing until getting to your clit already needy for some attention. It did help how wet your folds already were for the lace to softly rub, making you give a soft squeak and whimper that felt like sugar for Gangle.
Her ribbon kept caressing and even gently stroking the clit until it moved down against your inner folds. For a second she seemed to doubt, worried about being able to give you enough pressure, but feeling your heavy breath in desire for more sure was a good inspiration to continue.
While sure, her ribbon wasn't as thick as a tentacle it was strong enough for her to insert and look out for your sweet spot, that one that made you arch your back, moaning in pleasure as she wrapped herself around your naked figure. A smooth whimper made the way to your ears as she seemed to find the delight in your body and movements against her.
The pace started slow, making sure you were comfortable all along and enjoying yourself with her, but eventually the kisses became way more heated as she pumped in and out of your core against your pleasing point. Her other lace reaching back to your clit, delicately stroking it and rubbing it again to add more to the already almost overwhelming pleasure.
Both your moans and fast, heavy pants loathed the room in a steamy hot invisible cloud, wrapping and capturing you both in your own world of sensations and new feelings discovered. It only took for a bit for you both to fill the room louder as the satisfaction grew.
Your voice slammed between those walls as Gangle gave a few final thrusts and you felt the sweet relief of the climax around her ribbon.
Gangle, however, followed just in a matter of seconds, whimpering loudly as her laces grew stronger and then trembled her tightness around your body. It could be confusing, but it was obvious she reached her orgasm by your side, her body around yours rubbing and feeling your skin.
In a few minutes, all that could be heard was the lowering breaths that were slowly recovering. Gangle looked at you, a smile in her mask with tiny tears on her eyes, at least, from pleasure and happiness…
You softly caressed her mask while she cuddled against you and whispered.
- I love you…
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meowunmeow · 8 months
Undead Unluck Characters and Their Puns
This is gonna be a very long post so please bear with me, guys. I love languages and this is my domain so.
I will only add the appropriate information for the puns depending on how simple or complex it is.
List will be based on their negation ability reveals (or introductions, I'm inconsistent) up until the latest chapter so anime-onlys be warned!
Fūko Izumo (出雲風子, Izu-mo Fuu-ko)
Unluck (不運, fu-un)
Her pun is rather simple. The kanji 雲, meaning cloud, can be read as "un", while 風, meaning wind, is straightforward in the fact that it sounds similar to "fu" as in 不.
Simply put, her name can be read as "Fu-Un" just like her ability!
There's also the bonus cloud + wind combo.
Andy (アンディ, Andi)
Undead (アンデッド, andeddo)
This one is already explained by Fūko lol.
Void Volks (ボイド・ボルクス, Boido Borukusu)
Gina Chamber (ジーナ • チェンバー, Jiina Chenbaa)
Unchange (アンチェンジ, anchenji)
Hers is actually a really fun one. It got my head scratching until I read the manga in Japanese lol.
Simply reverse it into "Chamber Gina" then cut out the first syllable of each name. "Chen" and "Ji", which becomes "Chenji" as in "Change"!
Rip Tristan (リップ • トリスタン, Rippu Torisutan)
Rip as in the "rip-air" in "repair".
Top Bull Sparx (トップ • ブル • スパークス, Toppu Buru Supaakusu)
Tatiana (タチアナ, Tachiana)
Untouchable (アンタッチャブル, antacchaburu)
"Tachi" in "Tachiana" is a pun for "Tacchi" as in "Touch"!
Chikara Shigeno (重野力, Shige-no Chikara)
Unmove (不動, fudou )
His is also very fun, I only noticed it during the undercover high school arc where his name was written in Ryo's notebook and Nico held it up.
The kanji for move is 動 which consists of the kanji 重 from his surname and 力 from his first name.
This one is really smart, actually.
Akira Kuno (久能 明, ku-nou akira) / Un Anno (安野雲, an-no un)
Unknown (不明, fumei )
His first name of "Akira"'s kanji (明) can be read as "mei" as in "fumei".
Un Anno has already been explained within the story, it just sounds like "unknown".
Sean Datz (ション • ダッツ, shon dattsu)
Sean looks like "seen", that's the whole pun. But the "depre-sean" and "damna-sean" jokes really get me lol.
Lucy (ルーシー, ruushii)
Unhealthy (アンヘルシー, anherushii)
Still debatable if it was a joke or she's an actual negator. But considering how she can astral project and see other's astral projection, and Nico (when his ability hasn't manifested) couldn't, it's more likely she is one.
"Ruushii" from "anherushii".
Nico Vorgeil (ニコ • フォーゲイル, niko fougeiru)
Vorgeil sounds like Forget.
I honestly thought he was named Nico as in "Nicotine" because he smoked a lot. Turns out he was named after Nikola Tesla. Oops.
Ichico Nemuri (イチコ • ネムリ)
I love hers so much. Her name is written entirely in katakana instead of kanji, which means it can be read in multiple ways.
The "Ichi" in "Ichico" can be read as "one" as a counterpart to the "Ni" in "Nico" which can mean "two". Add them together, and you can get "three", which can be "Mi-tsu" and the "Mi" as in "Mico"!
Nemuri on its own can be read as "眠り", which means "to sleep" but it can also be read as a combination of "nemu" (sleeping) and "muri" (impossible/unreasonable) which means "unable to sleep".
Backs/Bunny (バックス, bakkusu)
We don't really have much info but it's obvious the "backs" is from "back".
Phil Hawkins (フィル • ホーキンス, firu houkinsu)
Unfeel (アンフィール, anfiiru )
Phil. Feel. Mind blown.
Tella (テラー, teraa )
Characters I haven't figured out the pun yet or unsure about:
• Shen Xiang (シェン • シアン, shen shian) - Untruth
I'd say it's because it sounds similar but not really to "shin" as in 真 meaning truth?
• Mui (ムイ) - Untruth
It could be "mu" as in "none"? Because she's not a negator or... Something else.
• Juiz d'Arc (ジュイズ • ダルク, juizu daruku) - Unjustice (アンジャスティス, anjasutizu)
I guess it's because of anjasutizu?? Not sure.
• Creed Deckard (クリード • デッカード, kuriido dekkaado) - Undecrease (デクリーズ, dekuriizu)
My best bet is "de" from his surname and "kurii" from his first name, but then that makes it "dekurii" instead. So idk.
• Sadako Kurusu (来栖 貞子, Kuru-su Sada-ko) / Kururu (クルル) - Unchaste
I really don't know. Except maybe the "kuru" in her name means "arrive" as in her targets rushing onto her?
• Yusai (友才) - Undraw
Exposing myself as a fake fan because I have no idea.
• Isshin (一心) / Haruka Yamaoka (山岡 春歌, yama-oka haru-ka)
I might be stupid.
• Billy Alfred (ビリー • アルフレッド, birii arufureddo) - Unfair/Unbelievable
The only possibility I could think of is because readers were told that his ability was "unbelievable". I can't really find a connection between his name and "unfair". Unless it's the fact that his name doesn't have a pun, hence breaking the status quo of having name puns, that makes it unfair. But maybe I'm just reaching.
• Feng Kowloon (ファン • クローン, fan kuroon) - Unfade
I keep on accidentally reading his name as "fan clone" and I can't figure out a pun (if that was even one) other than that...
• Latla Mirah (ラトラ • ミラー, ratora miraa) - Untrust (アントラスト, antorasuto)
It could be the "tora" in "ratora" as in "torasuto". But I'm not really sure.
• Enjin (円陣, en-jin) Unburn
Enjin sounds like "engine", yeah, but I can't really see the pun.
• Victor (ヴィクター, vikutaa) - Undead
I'm not even sure if there is a pun here other than "victor" as in "victory" as in "winner".
The logo for "Under" is literally just the 不 kanji flipped upside down.
Idc about Ruin.
If any of y'all know any new info, feel free to add on in the tags!
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rayofmisfortune · 5 months
Throwing this ask over for if you ever want to ramble about Bendy ✨/nf (we are getting fed lately, 3 more games??? A movie??? Ink demon at a rave??? What???)
We are SO getting fed! I can't wait for what the games have in store for us. With The Cage supposed to release some time this year ANS THE MOVIE??? OH DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT!
I love the Bendy series to bits. Like actually
I've been keeping up with it since chapter 3 of BATIM- haven't read any of the books sadly but that can be excused right???
The Cage is supposed to be a look behind the scenes at what happened on the other side of things while Audrey was busy explaining the concept of personal space to Wilson, if I remembee right? Also supposed to be darker and gorrier SUPER EXCITED FOR THAT
Then... in Secrets of the Machine we get teasers for B3ndy and Bendy Silent Town...
I hope B3ndy's gonna pick up on where BATDR left off, Gent taking away the Ink Machine to GOD KNOWS WHERE??? With Bendy now being out in the real world... it begs the question of who the role of big bad and smiling (traumatized, very much traumatized) will fall on... As for who we may play as.... maybe it could be this Riley Wells (hope I got the surname right) character we found out about in Secrets of the Machine? They ended up being a GENT employee so it's not completely out the question? They were employed at Joey Drew Studios before but- got fired because their ideas were too grotesque and dark for Joey's liking (EXCUSE THEM for having trauma you entrepreneur a-hole).
As for Bendy Silent Town... I feel like that game may be a look at mayhaps the genre of Bendy cartoons Riley had scripted? As I said, their ideas were dark. And what is Silent Town? A complete turn to the left at what Bendy games are. Unsure if the hand in the teaser image is Bendy's but- the char has a revolver named Alice FJFJ does that say anything? I dunno! Fjfjfj Getting to shoot cartoon bad guys in a cartoon tho? Aw heck yea! I suck at shooters but I'm willing to try my hand at one if it's Bendy
This is getting long lmfao
AH I haven't realized, but Secrets of the Machine came out on 4/14 (cuz- not american, use a different date format heh) which is the last loop that took place before Wilson or Audrey right? Some significance there
Oml I'm gonna fall into rambling about Bendy and the Ink Demon aren't I?
When you break all the cutouts in Secrets of the Machine, you get instakilled by the Ink Demon. Which. Deserved. I ended up doing that a lot cuz I didn't KNOW what I was supposed to do??? And destroying the cutouts was the quickest way out nfjfjc sorry Benders I promise it wasn't personal.
Anywho- yea it's been over a year YET I'M STILL NOT OVER HOW THE INK DEMON LITERALLY HAD BEEN TORTURED BY THE KEEPERS??? Like- YOU CAN'T JUST THROW THAT AT ME AND NOT EXPECT ME TO WEEP LIKE A BABY- My man's gone through literal hell even before he's been carelessly thrown into the machine "because he was imperfect" my ass, I bet the worst he ever did while in the Real world was walk around and be curious about everything while the only thing decisively threatening about him was his appearance... WHICH ALSO he had nothing to do with??? That's all on Joey and GENT for fucking up and only looking at the outside and not the inside. Is it obvious how much I need this guy to have a happy life?? He has a chance for that with Audrey now which I'm honestly so damn glad for nfnfnc Poor guy had been forced to follow a predetermined script where he was cast as the villain... tbf.. wouldn't anyone end up embracing that role when they've had to go through it for hundreds of loops?? I'd grow tired of trying to change anything as well.
Can... can you imagine? A little scene with Audrey and Bendy in B3ndy where they're just hanging out with eachother in Audrey's apartment.... PLEASE
Ah this got long hehe nfnfjfb
ALSO still not over Henry. My favorite father figure. Pls be a dad to them I beg
I STILL DUNNO WHAT THE RAVE IS ABT 😭😭 Haven't seen anything abt it YET- BUT AYYYYY
AND OML YEA THE MOVIE PLEASE GIB SOME BEFORE THE INK WORLD SNIPPETS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?? Could you imagine? Just- getting to see how the studio was before it all went to hell??? I- GETTING TO SEE THE PROGRESS ON THE INK MACHINE??? MAYBE EVEN BENDY'S CREATION????? And and oml SAMMY before he went "My Lord, My Saviour, coocoo in the head" THE VAST WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES
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amybizarre · 3 months
Priest (Room For Rent P1)
(No angst in this one. Priest is just being a wholesome guy, who's always happy to help a college student. :)   ) ________________________________________
You were both: Distraught and angry. Perhaps you were also greatly disappointed in society and the people you were supposed to call superiors. It has been proven to you, that even ididots can make their way to high-ranking positions. Through an epic failure of course.
Perhaps the biggest failure in all of college-organizing history. Well, your personal history at least.
You had applied for a college course in literature and creative writing in this town. Which meant you had to move out of your parents' house. Buuuut you didn't have the money for an apartment yet, so a dorm room at college would have to do.
Except some useless twat had fucked up your papers and the organization. In your acceptance letter they had promised you a dorm room at campus. But when you had arrived at your new college, luggage in tow and excited to start the next day, the staff had told you there was no room available under your name. First you had thought it was a simple spelling mistake, which rendered them unable to find your name. Sadly that hadn't been the case. They downright forgot you. And all dorm rooms were full. No capacities for you.
Now here you were. In a strange town, on the street with your heavy suitcase. Not enough money for a hotel room. And the sun setting behind the buildings.
Honestly, you wanted to cry. Instead you forced yourself to stay calm as you called your mom for advice. Otherwise the poor woman wouldn't understand you through your histerical sobbing and call the emrgency hotline for you. The phone rang a couple times, before she picked up.
"Hey honey! Did you arrive well? Is your college room nice?"
"No! These idiotic fools forgot to give me a room!" So much for staying calm.
"I'm on the fucking street, mom-"
"Don't fret, love. Get a hotel room for tonight," she advised.
Unfortunately you had thought of that already.
"I already called the open ones in town. They're all too expensive." Your voice wavered a little, threatening to break.
"Oh no-," was all she could say, followed by a beat of silence. You heard her fumble with a few things.
"Honey, there's a church in town, right?"
"Yes..?" You were unsure about where this was going.
"Try ask them for assistance. They're usually very hospitable."
Your jaw almost hit the floor. Of course she would suggest the church! She always had been a very religious person.
"I'm sorry, what? The church is probably closed by now! I'm not gonna find them-"
"Now, now, honey. Each church has a rectory. If the priest isn't in the church, he'll be there."
"Is that, like... His home then?" You felt incredibly awkward just thinking about knocking on a stranger's door, asking for a place to stay.
Your mother hummed in confirmation. "That's right. A rectory usually holds the offices and living quarters for the church staff. Try talking to someone there. If they can't help you, call me again and I will pick you up and get you home."
"Ermmmm... I dunno about this one, mom..." You chewed your lip nervously. You rathered her to just pick you up either way. 
"You'll be okay honey. Give it a try now, before it becomes too late. Love you." With that she hung up on you.
You lowered your phone and stared at it in disbelief. Okay, not the best thing your mother has ever done. You sighed in exasperation.
What now? Should you actually follow her advice? Church staff usually is very friendly, right...?
Thankfully you wouldn't have to search for long, because the local priest was coincidentally strolling down the street you were loosing your mind on. He was just on a casual evening walk, when he saw you on the other side of the street, suitcase by your feet.
He wondered why you seemed so distressed. Being the helpful citizen and responsible priest he was, he crossed the street to talk to you.
Noticing a stranger approach you, you looked up alarmed. You eyed the man cautiously, subconsciously grabbing your luggage just in case. He was dressed entirely in black. First this was alarming to you, but then you noticed his dress shirt had this typical collar priests wore. Plus: There was his golden necklace with a pretty elaborate looking cross on it. You raised an eyebrow at him. He however just smiled patiently and introduced himself.
"Good evening, my dear. My name is Wally Darling. I'm the local priest."
Yeah, you kinda guessed that, based of his appearance. Then again, you could never be sure, if you ran into a fraud or not. Trying your best to be polite, you also introduced yourself. Mr Darling nodded and smiled.
"You have a wonderful name, dear. It suits you well."
You smiled back at him. Maybe he wasn't so bad. "Thank you, sir."
"I noticed you were looking a little stressed out here. And I thought I'd come over and talk to you to see if you need any assistance?" He tilted his head slightly, a worried crease appearing between his eyebrows.
You sighed before telling him about your dilemma and how you would like to strangle the collage staff right now, guesturing along to your explanations. He only got more worried as you did so. Especially at the strangling part.
"That's a.... Very infuriating situation to be in," he admitted after you were done, shifting his weight onto the other foot, "And your mother advised you to ask me for help?"
You nodded with a solemn expression. "Yup. Sooo... Got any ideas on what I can do-?"
He thought for a moment, tapping his chin. "Mh... In terms of theoretical advice... Not really. In terms of practical help? Maybe? Depends on how comfortable you are with my suggestion."
"Go on..." You prompted him, honestly growing a little desperate to get out of this misery of a day you were having.
"I have a guest room at my house, that's always free for people in a pickle like you. It's not much, but cozy. You could sleep there for tonight or as long as you need to."
Housemates with a priest, huh? Sounds like a reality show waiting to happen, you thought to yourself.
Naturally you weren't keen on sleeping at a stranger's place. Then again, what other options did you have? Going back home and missing the first days of college? Hell nah. You were way to excited for this course.
Mr Darling noticed your hesitance and quickly held up his hands. "Look, I know this sounds a little sketchy. How about this? I can show you my home and said room. You can take a look and back out at any time you'd like. I promise I won't feel offended!"
You squinted your eyes at him. He seemed to be genuine... With another sigh you agreed to his offer. "I guess taking a look won't hurt."
He smiled and his shoulders relaxed.
"Wonderful, dear. Come now, it's not far." He began leading the way.
You grabbed your suitcase and followed him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw you struggling with it.
"Ah, my bad- Here, let me help." He offered to help you with your luggage, which you accepted.
"Thank you, Mr Darling."
"Oh dear, please! Don't call me that. Wally will do just fine."
He had to assure you multiple times, that it was okay, before you reluctantly gave in.
After roughly 30 minutes of walking, the two of you reached a cozy looking house. Sure, it was a little "old-timey" and on the smaller side, but definitely had its charms.
Also, the church was right across the street.
Okay, noted.
Wally went up the steps to the front door and fumbled around with his keys. You found yourself wondering what a priest's house would even look like. Would there be religious items in every room? Or just a couple?
Your unspoken questions were answered soon, when Wally unlocked and opened the front door for you. Helping you with your suit case once more, he beckoned you inside.
Curiously, you entered his home. The interior was as old fashioned as the exterior. (Meaning it reminded you of your granny's house.) The dark, wooden floors and floral wallpaper, coupled with vintage furntiture and plush carpets however, gave off a very homely feel.
You liked it.
Didn't seem to be the kind of house, where people got kidnapped in-
"Your house is very nice," you complimented the space, while taking off your shoes.
This made Wally very happy. He practically beamed as he closed the door.
"Thank you, dear. I'm glad you like it. This house has been in my family's care for generations now. Not every visitor is appreciative of its style. So, I'm relieved that you are!"
You smiled back at the happy priest. Behind him, you saw a cross right above the front door. Ah, there's the religious decor you've been wondering about. He followed your gaze and chuckled.
"Yes, this house is protected by our loving God. Home."
"Home?" You asked in return. "Haven't heard of him yet."
"Ah, no shame in that, dear. We are a fairly small community after all." Wally waved it off. "I could tell you all about him though, if you're interested?"
You shrugged. "Sure why not? Just... Later, maybe?"
He nodded. "No problem at all. I should probably show you your room first, hm?"
Wally brought you upstairs, where the bathroom, master bedroom and guest room were. You stepped into the guest room and inspected it, with Wally watching you curiously from the door.
The room's style fell into the same category as the rest of the house. All complete with a bed, bedside table, lamp, desk, closet, a plant and a shelf. The window looked out at the church. Perfect opportunity to stalk the church goers on Sunday mornings, you noted with a chuckle. Another thing you noticed was the lack of religious decor. Probably to keep anyone comfortable, who wasn't religious.
"What do you say?" Wally asked after a few moments.
"I like it." You admitted. "And it's really okay if I stay here for now?"
Wally smiled once more. This time with a warm glint in his eyes. "Of course it's okay, dear. As a priest, I am always happy to help those in need." He told you, placing a hand on the cross around his neck.
"Right. There's just two last things I'm worried about." You glanced at him sheepishly.
He nodded, a bit more serious now. "Tell me about it. I'm sure we'll be able to find solutions to each problem."
"Well, first of all, I'm not religious at all."
"And, uhm, I'm not sure if that poses a problem to you..."
He scratched his neck. "Well... To me it's not a problem. I cannot and will not force you to participate in my beliefs. I will however carry out my usual prayers and routines in my house. I guess the question is if you have a problem with that?"
You quickly wave your hands in front of your chest. "Nono! Not at all! I'm fine with that!"
"Then we don't have a problem, dear." Wally concluded.
You were relieved.
"The second thing I'm worried about is rent. How much do I have to pay you per month?"
Wally hummed. "How much would your dorm room have cost you?"
"1.200 bucks a month."
His eyes widened. "1.200?? Per month? For one measly room?"
"Yep. And it would have been a shared room, so the college would have earned  double per room and month," you deapanned, making Wally shake his head.
"That's hardly acceptable!"
"Tell me about it."
He sighed. "I'd say we keep it simple, but calculating this won't be simple for me. If you want to stay here, we just split the bills and I'll be happy."
"Soo, that means means half the costs for electricity, water and food?" You asked to make sure.
"Yes. And you help me with household chores every now and then."
You pondered the offer for a little, before nodding. "Sounds fair to me. I'm in."
Both of you shook hands and it was a deal. You officially moved into a priest's house and were his... Roommate? Housemate? Housemate. You were his housemate now.
This surely would be an interesting experience to make.
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constelationprize · 6 months
you can totally ignore this if you want but i'd love to hear more about #5
especially attic wife kevin and miserable gardener jean's relationship before and after jeremy gets there
And I'd love to tell you more about it!
I really really love gothic romance, and due to a personal original project of mine, I have read a ton of classic gothic lit this past year. This au has vary sligth influences from some of my favorite works, namely Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, and Rebecca (and it's possible original version A Sucessora but that's another can of worms), and a heavy influence of my favorite tropes in general. I also am of the personal opinion that Riko has the makings of a great gothic villain and honestly he deserves the stage to be properly dramatically evil.
The setting is vaguely victorian, but since I love myself and don't want to bother with all the logistics for a silly little au, it is a historical work in vibes only.
Kevin and Jean's relationship is a bit hard to describe without giving the plot away or just rehashing canon, but I'll try. In this AU, Kevin, Jean and Riko know each other since very, very young; Jean was born to servants of Evermore, Kayleigh died in childbirth, and Kengo sent Riko away when he was still being breastfed by a maid because he suspected him of being a bastard. Life in Evermore was not as harsh as it was on canon, but it was still not good. Tetsuji was a very bitter, cruel man, obsessed with legacy. For reasons related to inheritance and his own weird attempt at rewriting the past, he always planned to have Kevin marry Riko when they were of age. What he did not plan on was the two of his servants would rob him and run away, leaving their young son behind and him in charge of a third, commoner, useless ward. Jean was made to work at Evermore as a sort of indentured servant ever since, but when he was a child, the staff took pity on him and put him to smaller tasks, ones that would put him in more direct contact with the other children of the house. Kevin always saw Jean as a friend, but to Riko he was more like a toy, and Jean was often the butt of the jokes and the target of their more cruel games. As they grew up, Kevin and Jean stayed close even as their interactions started to be considered improper. Kevin always mistankely believed that Riko had grown out of his childish distaste of Jean, but that wasn't quite true; Riko had just started tormeting him behind his back, and Jean wouldn't confess for fear of who he'd choose. Tetsuji was just about as cruel and punishing to the boys as he was in canon, he just had less of a reason to keep a close eye on them and so was more of a distance presence in their lives. However, a important distinction is that in this AU, he truly did see Riko as his son and heir and spoiled him a lot in the name of conving Riko to follow his goals. Riko is less obssessed with the father who abandoned him than he is with what he was taught was his birthrightm which includes his perceived ownership of Kevin, who always saw him in more platonic terms even as he knew they were going to be engaged. Jean and Kevin start a secret romantic relantionship when they were around 17, when Jean was moved from doing general tasks to being Riko's personal valet. They are 19/20 when Tetsuji dies and instead of things being better when Riko becomes master of the house, they take a turn for the worse shortly after.
Jeremy arrives at Evermore when he is 25, and Kevin and Jean are 24. In the years since Riko inheriting the estate, the staff has diminished way beyond what was actually necessary to mantain the house in good shape. There remain only his new personal valet, a couple of cooks, the now-groundskeeper Jean, and the chief of staff (who is Thea! I'm unsure wether her function in the house is more like a housekeeper or a butler so she doesn't have an official job title yet. But she does give Jeremy many ominous warnings and clues. The rest of the staf are also gonna be Ravens, but who is who is tbd if any of Riko's goons are properly named in TSC, which I suspect they will). ANYWAY! When Jeremy arrives, Kevin and Jean have not spoken (or exchanged any kind of communication) in years. They only know of each other what Thea thinks is safe to share without risking Riko finding out, which is not a lot. They would like it to be different, but both have lost hope of ever getting out of Evermore by this point. Fear not, however! Jeremy, as expected of a gothic heroine, will not leave well enough alone and will do his best to reunite him and free them. And it might even work out!
As my parting words, I can tell this project has a title (acronymed BNTB), will probably have three to five chapters, and I have made this moodboard for it:
Tumblr media
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marc--chilton · 5 months
i have a more angsty au in the back pocket but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say some more general and positive au stuff (positive being "adam lives and lawrence isn't an apprentice" i.e. incredibly safe happy au)
adam didn't really see himself being a parent due to his financial situation (read: broke as hell), not thinking he'd be a good one, not finding anyone right for him, etc, but overall didn't really think about it too hard. until lawrence. they didn't hook up right out of the hospital, but they did move in together after the gordons' divorce, which in turn means diana visiting on the weekends. and oh wow. even before they're together, seeing lawrence be a sweet dad to diana really. did something for adam. to him, too, honestly.
once they do get together, adam sometimes cracks jokes about lawrence getting him pregnant to fluster him -- which it does most of the time. it gets worse around heat/rut -- and to.... test the waters in a way. lawrence only reacts negatively with regards to the timing of these jokes (adam whispering it to him while they're walking and lawrence just sternly going "adam.") but never the subject matter itself.
they don't really talk about it beforehand. adam's still a little unsure and lawrence doesn't assume anything about the jokes, just chalking it up to adam's strange sense of humor + even if he does want another pup (he loves being a dad sooo much and he has No Doubt about adam being a good parent) he doesn't want to make adam feel pressured by broaching the subject seeing as he'd be doing the hard part of carrying the pup.
but they do finally talk about it when after one heat adam starts having symptoms. morning sickness for him is especially bad (and lasts through the majority of his pregnancy) yet even after throwing up so hard he pisses himself, lawrence still finds adam smelling good (omega biological defense mechanism, pregnancy pushes soothing, attractive notes into their scent to entice people to staying close and keeping them safe), which is what has them both sharing A Look. like. oh. this might be big.
lawrence reassures adam that whatever he decides he wants to do, he'll be behind him 100%. yes, he might be a little sad for a bit if adam decides to terminate, but it wouldn't break them up or anything drastic like that. and honestly that seals it for adam: they're having this pup.
yes they are incredibly shmoopy about it. lawrence can't purr but oh my god he can happy-rumble. he kisses all over adam's face so much that adam almost chokes on his own purr laughing.
the anxiety adam had about taking care of diana by himself when lawrence had to leave (he tries to spend ALL his time with diana while she's there but life happens) is nothing compared to adam's nerves about raising a pup "from scratch". lawrence has to reassure adam so very often that he's gonna do just fine, no, you will not drop the pup nor will you accidentally press on the soft spot and kill them. how easily adam got himself to quit smoking is a testament to how attentive and GOOD he'll be, actually, even when the withdrawals making him moodier on top of the hormones.
speaking of hormones! even after lawrence sits with him and tends to him through the morning sickness (he is late nearly every day he has to work because of this) once he leaves for the hospital, adam very bluntly says "so you hate me". the first time it happens lawrence is so caught off guard he's not even hurt, just completely baffled. and adam is so confident in this assessment, and lawrence is late enough as it is, so he just leaves him be. lawrence is so ??? the entire day as it was just so out of the blue, with no logic in the assumption -- which is unlike adam, who while he can get pretty angry, always has some reasoning behind it. of course, adam is mortified within an hour (if that) of lawrence leaving, so when he gets home that evening, adam has a hard time meeting his eye. lawrence reassures him he's not mad, just worried. adam mutters, "hormones. sorry." and that's the end of that.
after they talk it out (if. you can call it that) those "you hate me" moments still happen, but lawrence simply replies, gentle but firm, "no, i don't hate you, sweetheart." adam doesn't apologize verbally but his regret is still obvious in his body language, like tucking into lawrence's side, curled and small, and purring much softer than his normal motorcycle purring to show he's sorry.
the worst part of all the changes for adam is the mood swings. they are brutal. he emotionally exhausts himself every single day and has never been more thankful to be able to take naps whenever he wants. anger is one he swings to most often as it's the emotion most familiar to him, only this time the anger scares him. it's not as reliable as it once was. there's a nightmare he has after blowing up at lawrence where he's back in the bathroom, killing zep again. he keeps going and going, blinded by the blood in his eyes, until the cistern lid is reduced to gravel. but then he wipes his face and sees blond hair among the brain matter.
on an entirely less upsetting note, adam has never been as regularly horny in his LIFE up until that point. especially the further along he is. the best part is that the knowledge that adam is carrying his pup gets lawrence almost as hot. in fact, lawrence hits three separate ruts over the 9 month period, all of which making him the STUPIDEST he's ever been, much to adam's delight. to his own embarrassment, lawrence has slurred out pleas to get adam pregnant in both systems (adam is trans. obviously) so he'll have a litter. they both have insane breeding kinks, is basically what i'm trying to say here.
anyway. adam also manages to get away with eating more junk by blaming his cravings. lawrence prefers a minimal fast food diet but if adam insists it's a pregnancy craving for wendy's, he'll cave. adam does get cravings, of course (his big one is shrimp. HUGE on shrimp) so he's not lying about it ALL the time at least :3c just like half the time :3c
adam and diana get even closer somehow. she warmed up to the idea of a little sibling fairly quickly for a slightly babied only child, and once lawrence tells her the pup can hear them -- diana is very inquisitive and asks about the development in that sweet child way every time she comes over -- when she first comes in on the weekends she never fails to say hi to adam's belly. it's so incredibly darling. before adam didn't like to intrude on gordon father-daughter time, but after he gets pregnant he's drawn in to the domesticity with incredible ease.
oh my god does that pup kick. absolutely ROWDY fetus. adam once complained that it's something they get from lawrence and lawrence just deadpanned, "adam. do i look like the type to kickbox" while gesturing to his prosthetic. got his ass. it also gets more active when lawrence talks, which when pointed out, made lawrence a bit smug. "seems like they got that from you, actually." adam can barely even argue that, he loves him. got his ass x2.
the actual birth day was...... an endeavor.
the first time adam held their pup was lifechanging. he was transfixed. he even tuned lawrence out for a bit just..... processing it all. holy shit, they have a baby. "lawrence..... we have a pup together." "we do." "we're parents now." "i'm a little ahead of you there, but yes." "oh my god."
within an hour of their pup being born, adam had grumbled at lawrence to "stop lookin' like that." lawrence, who had been babbling like a total goofball to them already, chirped out a questioning noise, adam clarified. "lookin' all dadly. gonna get me pregnant again." lawrence tried to hush him but he had flushed and chuckled so it was just another win for adam that day
my GOD that is the most spoiled pup. adam surprises lawrence by taking their pup out to the park, or the store, or the photo place adam's made some friends at, when before he usually preferred to stay at home. adam's friend circle is a bit chaotic now that he's associated with lawrence and has cut ties with scott but he wants to flaunt So Bad. he buys so many baby clothes despite lawrence's gentle reminders that babies grow fast so they'll be grown out of before they know it. to adam this just means he can shop in 🔥a different section of baby clothes at the mall🔥
lawrence still has some hangups about using a wheelchair even when it's the best option for him on bad days (doctors are terrible patients) but adam has talked him into using more after they have their pup. "use the chair, you can hold the baby and i'll push you along, c'mon it'll be easier lar" and lawrence will grumble about it a little but it's still nice admittedly.
this is everything i have for now (for this au) i hope it satisfied some of that craving in you, dear anon (how fucking long was i writing this. oh my god it's been 2 hours)
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moe-broey · 8 months
My "Not a full thought" post about Emblems now being able to exist in Askr and the potential of timeline fuckery is coming back to haunt me.
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@iamdarkness BUT I really did wanna reply to this more in-depth esp to have context on the Engage side of things as well! And tbh it could be a really interesting thing to dig into, I just feel a bit out of my depth about it (the FEH autism does not extend far past Askr. If I'm entirely honest 🧍)
Hoping to clear the air on some things! Such as, Elyios (Engage) is separate from Askr/Zenith (FEH)! All the Emblems have their own "domains", in the form of a paralogue/map that's modeled after the respective Emblem's world. For story Emblems, you unlock these as you collect the rings, and for the DLC Emblems, that's how you recruit them. Unsure what this says about Elyios itself, if these maps are like. Pocket dimensions that are replicas of that Emblem's world or what. Given what I vaguely know about Emblem lore I'm gonna say replicas.
This is Askr's!
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Which, is interesting that it Is Askr, because it's Emblem Veronica's domain.
But honestly I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself, because even before the DLC came out, I was under the impression that Engage took place after all FEs were said and done, timeline wise. Given the nature of the Emblems, and the set up of the story starting off "1000 years ago" (and that was just to set up the story of Engage! So it has been A While).
One thing (that feels very loose canon-wise) that made me feel Engage is after FEH is because, not only are there Bond Rings of the Askr trio, but their weapons are here too! This was a promotional thing, but. It's There
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Something worth noting, is that Bond Rings are different than Emblems. They don't have a spirit in them, that's as animated as the Emblems anyway... they give small stat bonuses, and are of characters that are related to any given Emblem (so, Corrin has a collection of Fates characters for Bond Rings, ect). This Does have an interesting result where there's an overlap between some DLC Emblems and Bond Rings. Cases being, there's Emblem Camilla and a Camilla Bond Ring that's connected to Emblem Corrin -- and, this happened to Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude too! Each of them having Bond Rings connected to Byleth, and also becoming their own Emblems in the Get Along Bracelet LMFAO (all three of them are in there. It goes about as well as you'd expect.)
But I am. Getting a little distracted.
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One line that stands out to me is Alear (named Milo here) saying he hasn't heard of Askr before. But like if I think about that too much my head might explode and also Alear was previously comatose for 1000 slutty slutty years. So. Take it or leave it, whatever this is implying
Also, interestingly, she takes the form of her post Book 6 look -- but there's some odd inconsistencies, like her personality being more young Veronica, and also, mentions of Bruno as if he was still missing in action and not. Well. You know. (I'd have to dig further into Bond convos for examples, which tbh may be a worthwhile endeavor! But for now Take My Word For It Please this is already so all over the place 🥲)
But the main reason I wanted to emphasize that dialogue (aside from it being interesting, to say the least), is how Alear doesn't know about Askr as a whole. And, in Alear/Alfonse Forging Bonds:
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WHICH.... AGAIN.......... MADE ME FEEL LIKE. With everything going on in Engage, the Bond Rings of Alfonse/Sharena/Anna, their Respective Signature Weapons (feels particularly damning) and Emblem Veronica. It felt like, what happens in Elyios is something that has Yet to Happen. And that, Askr as we know it, has been long gone.
But then...... everything with the Katarina/Kris FBs............ how Kris was only able to be summonable because Katarina and Marth told their story............. and how it's just the Emblems that are specifically mentioned as Not Having Info on, not Alear herself or her friends. My head hurds so bad.
LIKE...... I GUESS???? My initial thoughts on "Oh yeah that makes sense the Emblems don't exist in Askr" was that they Didn't Exist Yet. Aughh but then ...... in-universe, wouldn't the same be true for. Anyone from "the future". Or does it just apply to ghostly jewelry apparitions. Because we KNOW that option isn't true, it's shown/stated that Kiran comes from a modern world like ours, and there's also the Tokyo Mirage Sessions idols. Maybe the Emblem thing WAS just a Kris case, but that feels SO ODD. Like the Emblems are intrinsic to Elyios it seems. Why wouldn't the Askr library, chock full of information about the various worlds and lives of Heroes, Not Have That Info??? Especially with royalty like Lumera (Alear's mom) having close ties with specific Emblems (Sigurd). And also off the top my head that's a REOCCURRING thing, that the royal families in Engage Are entrusted with specific Emblems that are passed down/protected across generations. Celica with Céline/Firene, Lyn with Alcryst/Brodia, to name a few. It just seems SO strange, because it Feels Like it would be basic information about the world of Elyios.
My head hurds so bad. Net zero information. I'm so sorry. I hope this helped!!!!!!!!! 😇🫡
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estbela · 5 months
ur my hero fr…. can u maybe tell me more about serbro + bul’s dynamic 🥺
Noooo, you are my hero!!!!!
(Tho this post is kind of a mess sorry)
You see, Ro & Bul are very good friends, and so are Serb & Ro, but Bul & Serb have had...rather tumultous relations over the years, sometimes being friends & allies, sometimes rivals, sometimes even enemies(also had some wars in the middle ages and probably modern era too I think), and they probably met when they were kinda young children, which in nationverse would be the (early) Middle Ages.
Anyway RoBul date for some time(like. Hundreds of years), then break up, for a bunch of reasons, one of the reasons for this being Serbia in a way?(well they argued bcs of him sometimes). Its way more complicated than that tho
Tbh sometimes Bul was basically the third wheel in his own relationship as Serb & Ro got closer over the years and his relationship with Ro got more strained.
Anyway tho I'm gonna talk less about history and more about their general dynamic! (Mostly cause I dont feel like constantly checking every historical fact i say atm)
Imagine. That couple that is so annnoyingly affectionate and also really chaotic (they might have commited several felonies together) and the most depressed pathetic guy with the soul of an old man who complains all the time yet keeps hanging out with them.
And the guy is kind of their ex too!
That is them!!
Even if he complains at every turn they keep Bul with them cause he has that pathetic whimsy and can be just as chaotic as them.
And Bul keeps hanging out with them cause next to Serb & Ro he appears Normal. And cuz he still loves Ro and might like Serb too
cue him being kinda sad and just,,,,,,thinking about the fact the Ro has moved on while he has trouble doing so right as idk. Serbro is doing fun couple stuff (although what they consider fun couple stuff might involve setting someone's house on fire)
Tbh Ro doesn't like the fact that Serb & Bul don't always get along but he knows he can't like. Force them.
An in a perfect world he'd never have to choose between them. In the past, thought, he would have chosen Bul, bcs of how close they were and how much they shared.
But as time went on, he grew unsure of his relationship with Bul and in the end, he sort of choose Serb, or at least, that's how it felt for Bul.
So there's that too.
There are probably more things I could say about them but my brain isn't cooperating at the moment 😔😔😔
Anyway 10/10 dynamic I think they could be so fun but I honestly don't think about them a lot like this kfjddjdkd (in most of my stories all 3 of them are in some weird dysfunctional polycule or robul is officially dating but both of them have some thing going on with Serb more or less lmao) but just serbro dating and Bul also being there is so interesting to think about thank you lili for asking me this!!!!
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