#(Priority for Fixing Tracker)
magicalheirponsol · 3 months
Continued from: [x] @lured-into-wonderland
[✧・゚ *♚*・゚✧ ]
Ponsol was quite pleased to see that Nunnally enjoyed the bouquet of flowers that he’d prepared for her. The custom of gifting something a month after valentine’s day was simply a custom that his mother had taught him and his brother from early on and it was something that continued into his adult years. Even if it was a custom that most Euro-centric people weren’t aware of, he would still continue the custom. Who didn’t enjoy surprise gifts, after all?
      ❝Excellent, we can decide on a time in the future. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the sight.❞
While he mostly didn’t care for others apart from how useful they could be for networking purposes, he’d always had a great care for plants. If one were to ask him if he thought his plants or humanity was more important, he’d easily answer with his plants. They were his companions and his confidants. They respond well to his care and they gave him a sense of fulfillment to see that they were growing so well under his care. Well, it wasn’t as though he alone tended to them all. He did hire specialists to help him manage all the plants in the greenhouse.
Still, he was the one who planted the seeds, designed their care routine, and also decide where to plant everything to fit his aesthetic vision. On the topic of bringing her painting supplies or drawing his flowers, he nods in response. He too has taken the time to make art of his flowers, so he wouldn’t be surprised if she were to be struck with inspiration upon gazing upon them and wish to draw them for herself. He had a green thumb, he was intelligent, he was charismatic, of good lineage, handsome, artistic, and so much more. Truly, he was that grand of a specimen if he could say so himself.
(Well there was one person who did exceed him in certain aspects, but he wouldn’t dwell on that for long.)
      ❝I do enjoy many flowers, but I do have a strong preference for Jasmines. I also like the cute flowers that bloom from the common spider plant. That one, I raise in my home. Her name is Matilda.❞
It was very rare for anyone to come to ‘meet’ Matilda as Ponsol was quite protective of that plant in particular. Even his elder brother was usually met with a stare of scrutiny if he wished to see the plant.
      ❝Oh? I’m honored by the invitation, I would very much enjoy to see what you’ve created to show in an art exhibition. I do dabble in some art myself.❞
Charity events were also a good way to make more connections with other people, so he would be remiss to miss out on such a chance. Seeing her style of art was also an interesting way of trying to understand her better. Did she have a more simplistic style? Complex? Did she make art more with feeling, or did she prioritize mastery of craft? Perhaps she was abstract? There was much one could extrapolate from how they go about making art.
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fightingthetides · 5 months
@whiskeysmulti { ☁️ }
《𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓵𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓭》
The Cloud Guardian rolls his eyes, not intending to spare Gokudera any of his feelings should he feel offended by the act. The aloof Cloud was hardly the one to be considerate of anyone else’s feelings- much less if they were in the perceived wrong.
As the saying goes, ‘old habits die hard,’ and this one had one hell of a habit. Having taken in the yellow avians under his wing, they’d been repurposed to patrolling the streets of Namimori, serving as Hibari’s eyes and ears. An hour prior, he’d been alerted to a certain resident bomber getting involved in an altercation of sorts and would be in need of assistance.
With the intricate network of yellow avians answering to Hibari’s beck and call, the effort exerted in locating the bomber who had since relocated himself from the initial site of the alert being made was minimal. The coast was clear and Hibari looked down at the injured right hand of the pesky Sawada Tsunayoshi.
Loathe as he may be to associate himself with the lot, the fact remained thus: He was one of them. Whatever reason Gokudera had for getting into a fight was of little concern to the man at current. The truth would come to light in due time as a yellow bird had been tailing some of the runaway assailants who managed to run away. The others who had fell to Gokudera’s attacks were whisked away by Kusakabe.
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【Best find the answer soon.】
Taking hold of Gokudera’s arm, he hoists the injured guardian to his feet. Albeit a bit rough, Hibari wasn’t one to be overly accommodating. From his initial visual assessment, Gokudera would be fine. A bit battered, but that was nothing the silverette couldn’t handle.
【Every injury you sustain, remember who would be concerned.】
Everyone within the Vongola would be concerned to know that Gokudera had been injured in battle. Though the reasonings may vary somewhat from person to person, the fact remained that his pain would be a cause of worry for the Vongola 10th generation. One could only imagine how the usually tame and complacent ‘herbivore’ would bare his fangs upon receiving the report.
An aggravated sigh.
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【Be considerate of those who must console your girlfriend should the worst happen to you.】
Another jerk of the arm as Hibari starts escorting Gokudera to seek medical attention. Admittedly, he may be treating Gokudera rougher than necessary as he’s irritated. No one enjoyed to see their friends hurt, and in his eyes, Gokudera was doing just that each time he was reckless and Hibari was often the one tasked with breaking the news to her. He was normally the one who had to face the brunt of her panic and hurt.
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queenharumiura · 4 months
Continued from: [x] also referencing [x] @arealmunited
Haru smiles at him, glad that he was welcoming to her company. Haru Miura was ever the friendly person who liked making friends at every turn, so trying to reconnect with a friend wasn’t that difficult—but it could be a bit awkward.
Mostly if the other party felt awkward around her. She could understand why there was some distance between everyone, but she wasn’t very good at keeping her distance from people if they haven’t done anything wrong to her.
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As far as she’s concerned, he was a friend. He was a bit different from how she remembered him last—but surely she’s changed since them too, so how is it any different? “What was Yamamoto-san doing here by yourself? Haru wasn’t interrupting something, was she?”
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fangsofdestruction · 6 months
Moved from ( ☾ ) || @blossomingbellflower
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Kikyo’s consideration and patience was one of the big reasons why the two could work so well, as she understood that he had much to consider on his own being the one with the lifespan that was expected to far outstretch her own and that of their hanyou children. He understood that it wasn’t such that they both wouldn’t be wrought with many trials to struggle through, but he was the one who would have to live through the pain brought about by their choices for longer as Kikyo would likely pass on before any of their children. He too would outlive them and perhaps even their grandchildren.
Ultimately, he loved the woman by his side, and if being a mother to their children would bring her joy… he wished to bestow that opportunity upon her. He believed that much like how her passing would hurt him, the happiness and the pleasant nostalgic memories they shared as a family unit would far outweigh any thoughts of regret that may pass over him. With that logic in mind, he only needed to resolve himself emotionally and mentally for what the future held for him.
       ❝In due time, we can decide the proper timing to attempt bringing life into the world.❞
Of course, it was not opportune to do so now. It should wait for their marriage, and certainly after Kikyo had met his Mother. There was a proper order to things, and it would set his mind at ease to have introduced the important women in his life to each other and hope that they could be on amicable terms. He dare foresee that his venerable Mother would at the very least find Kikyo fascinating at the minimum. Anyone who could thaw his icy heart was worthy of being thought of as an exceptional being who defeated all odds.  
       ❝My Mother would be entertained by the thought that her son had finally found spring. After so long without a sign of pairing with another, many theorize that I’m simply incapable of love.❞
It was rude of the hushed whispers that reached his ears over the centuries, but it wasn’t without some truth, as he couldn’t find himself falling for any women who had attempted to catch his attention. They had either found a way to digust him, or he’d compare them to the female figures in his past that he had a stronger emotional pull to.
Even if his Mother wasn’t the most affectionate in the overt sense, he had a firm understanding that he was precious to his Mother, and he’d met not one mother who didn’t enjoy bragging about her children given the chance.
       ❝Surely she would enjoy the opportunity to speak to my future intended about my past.❞
As embarrassing as it may be to recount some stories of his past, he couldn’t deny how entertaining the thought would be to learn about a time you weren’t privy to. He unfortunately could not enjoy the same privilege as Kikyo’s parents have already passed on, and he wasn’t sure if or when he’d ever meet Kaede to request her to recount stories of their past to him.
When they’d finished their meals and had moved the trays aside, he welcomed Kikyo coming to his side. Effortlessly his fur had moved to create a cushion for her to sit upon and an arm and drawn her closer to him in a warm one-armed embrace. He hadn’t forgotten that she was still afflicted by monthly woes and knew that being warm was quite the effective remedy for the pains.
       ❝I will make note of that for the future, should your presence be needed.❞
It certainly would be in the future as the future missus of the Gumi, and with Kikyo by his side any wayward eyes who were aiming too high for their means would have to think otherwise. Some things were better left to his future wife to deal with.
       ❝Likewise, being by your side is what soothes the weariness of a long life. Tell me the date of the event later so I can make arrangements to my schedule.❞
He nuzzles his nose into her neck gently, enjoying their gentle skinship.
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etfrin · 5 months
❝ꜱᴏᴜʟꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ❞ — chapter nine | coriolanus snow
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「ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:」 SFW | Coriolanus, hints of somnophilia/non-con [spoiler! Coriolanus steals some kisses while reader is asleep, and reader kinda does the same] | lmk if I missed anything
「ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ:」 young! Coriolanus Snow x fem! Reader
「ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:」 Coriolanus leaves you to check out the arena, the night before the games and... WELL... WELL... you find him!
「ᴀ/ɴ:」 for those who asked, i tried my best to deliver, please give me your feedback and reblog! Thank you!
Beta read by the FABULOUS @nowitsmissing
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Coriolanus Snow left you alone. He had to sneak out and check out the arena. The Hunger Games would continue forward. He needed any leverage he could get. Even if it meant to leave your side for the night. He found his clothes in the same bag that you had kept empty of food in. He changed into them.
He bites his lower lip to distract himself from the pain. This was of higher priority. He could rest when he wins. At least, that's what he tells himself as he finishes buttoning off his shirt. Before he could walk out of the room, he leaned down. Your eyelashes were big up close, and so, so enchanting. He felt annoyed that he noticed such a minuscule thing. It was not of importance how long or short your eyelashes are, they added to your beauty.
He couldn't talk himself out of it, he pressed his lips to yours. Your lips were soft. Your lips were perfect. Your lips were poisonous, and addicting because how could he ever stop himself after he already had a taste? So he pressed another kiss to your lips, a bit harder than the previous peck. He pulls away with a gasp and swallows his shame roughly.
“I'll be back,” he whispered to you before he pressed another kiss, unable to stop himself. There was nothing friendly about this. This was a man at the edge of the cliff, one more step and he would fall into a pit of obsession. Nobody can drag him out of it. He barely stops himself from stealing another kiss from you. He forces his legs to walk away from you, it pained him more than any of his physical wounds.
The security around the arena was nonexistent, each peacekeeper in guard sleeping. He slipped right in, checking out the debris. The middle of the arena had huge blocks of fallen pieces of debris, all the weapons will be placed there tomorrow. He checked out around the area and found tunnels to go under and even a vent to hide in.
He turned around ready to leave and relay all of this to Lucy Gray Baird. However, an uncharacteristic yell leaves his lips as he sees you. Your arms are crossed in front of your chest and your face in a frown. So unlike how he left you on the bed resting. He swallows and wonders briefly if you informed anyone of his breaking. He was also curious about how you found him.
It's not like he has a tracker on him, right?
“How did you find me here?” He asked, nervous and tried not to fidget too much.
“I just thought ‘What is the most stupid thing Coriolanus can do?’” your voice turns sarcastic, “Surprise! It led me here.”
“Very funny,” he mutters, not amused at all, “And it's Coryo now.”
“You lost your ‘Coryo’ privilege, Snow.”
Guess he will just have to earn it back.
He pouts, knowing exactly why you were mad. But certainly, you could see the reason why he had to leave despite being freshly injured. He had to survey the place! Get leverage! He has to win at all, otherwise, what's the price of his life?
You walked up to him, pulling him down by his shirt collar. His breath hits your lips. And he could kiss you again. Of course, he didn't. He wanted to steal another kiss so bad that a soft nearly audible whisper of your name fills the air.
“You didn't even leave a note or a warning or anything.”
“Sorry,” he whispered, hoping that apologizing despite not regretting his actions would fix everything. Or at least get his nickname privileges back.
You scoff, “You don't even mean it, Coryo.”
You called him Coryo again, he didn't need to mean it. He would take the win. He gives you a small smile. “I am sorry,” he repeated, trying to put some heart into it.
“A liar and a thief,” you whispered, your eyes glinting with an emotion he couldn't decipher, “Truly one of a kind you are, Coriolanus.”
He frowned. He understood the fact he was indeed a liar. But where did the talk of being a thief come from? Before he could question you further about calling him a thief. You begin to drag him back into your car on the cold night. He sits at the window seat in the front, you beside him. He didn't ask if you had a driver's license. He felt like he was better without knowing.
“Was the Zoo the next location?” You asked your tone on edge with leftover anger over his actions.
“Yes,” he replied with the gentlest tone possible, not wanting anything to trigger an eruption. He fidgeted with his hands, wondering why he had come here when he could have used the night to steal kisses instead. When he could have slept with you, his arm around you and your heartbeat matching his. Such an ideal night, and he ruined it.
“So what did you find, pretty boy?” You asked.
He blushed at the nickname you called him. He doesn't give attention to his heated cheeks as he replies rather enthusiastically about everything (not everything, he kept some places a secret, only for Lucy Gray's ears to hear) and strategies (again not all of them).
You even add some pointers along the way. And he enjoyed the conversation thoroughly. He never thought he could connect with you like this, but he couldn't deny that he was happy about it. His lips stretched in a grin as you both discussed plans for Lucy Gray to win.
“Don't you care about Jessup?” He asked, the chain of conversation interrupted because he wasn't the only one with tribute. So why were you helping him?
You looked at him briefly before looking forward again. “You and I both know that poor boy is as good as dead,” you said, your voice hard, “I would rather let you win instead if I am out of the games.”
Coriolanus nods at the answer. That was understandable. “I am sorry,” this time he meant it, “I should have woken you up,” he looked at the window, ashamed, “It was a foolish thing to do to leave you alone without warning.”
“I am glad you have the brains to understand what you did wrong, and the guts to admit it,” you said, and he felt proud like he got the hardest question in an exam right. “You're forgiven as long as you don't do it again.”
He nods but doesn't make any promises. He did what he had to do. He will do it again, and take you as company the next time. That way he's not fucking up.
Soon, the car reaches its destination. He gets out of the car and you decide to stay, parked in front of the zoo gates. He quickly decided to only tell the key points to Lucy Gray because he refused to let you be alone for too long at night.
He walked into the zoo and reached the cage where he called out the Songbirds’ name. Lucy Gray appears before him with a concerned look. “Is everything alright?” She asked.
“Yes,” he confirmed and began to explain. He said not to run towards the weapons first and go to the hiding place. He tells her to wait it out and a few more strategies so she has better chances to survive and he has better chances to win. He doesn't notice Lucy Gray's tears but a sob catches his attention.
He's annoyed because it's time to listen to him and not be a child if she wants to survive tomorrow. Instead, he gives her a handkerchief he found in his pants pocket and hands it to her to wipe away her tears. He softens his tone and speaks slower. Even using easier terms to make it look like child's play.
Lucy Gray nods and agrees to his plans. She returns the handkerchief and he stuffs it back in. “It's going to be fine,” he said, “You're going to win, Lucy Gray.”
“I can pray, Coriolanus,” Lucy replied, her voice vulnerable in a way that reminded him of the fact she was a teenager like him. She even had a soulmate, Sejanus Plinth. And she loses it all if she doesn't win tomorrow.
“You will win.” He will win.
And with that, it's goodbye and Coriolanus leaves the zoo. The ride back home is quiet. You don't ask what he and Lucy Gray talked about. He doesn't offer any information either. It was a comfortable silence that he needed. He went to his old habit of stroking his soulmate's scar. Was it just him or did the scar seem to be healing?
He couldn't check it out in front of you. Within minutes you parked in front of the penthouse, and he wanted to ask you inside. There's no way he wanted you to drive alone at such late night.
But inviting you inside would mean revealing his secret. The secret that he kept for a decade. The secret was his motivation for everything. The secret that could ruin him.
Was ensuring your safety worth revealing it? He could ask you to call his landline when you reached home, but each minute until you called would be nothing less of hell for him. His mind overthinking possibilities with the result of you being hurt. He wasn't sure his poor heart could take it.
Both of you step out of the car. He can't make up his mind. He opens his mouth to invite you in or say goodbye he doesn't know. You speak first instead. Your eyes meet his blue ones.
“How many kisses did you steal, Coryo?”
He wants to lie. He knew in his mind that it wouldn't do him any good. He feels his palm sweat, his fingers itching to touch the scar to calm himself down. He was sure that he was going to have a heart attack in the next minute or so.
“Three,” he answered, ready for whatever curses and punishment you would give him for his sins. He would go on his knees for you, let the cold street scrap his skin and crimson stain the spot if it meant your forgiveness. He would grovel, and beg, strip himself of his pride for you.
Or he could manipulate you. Fill your mind with lies that it's what friends do. Being district, he doubted you had many friends of Capitol culture. He could lie, lie, and lie. It's what friends do.
As his mind fights to choose his next course of action. You flash him a vixen smile, and whisper, “You didn't have to steal them.”
He couldn't even process what you meant before you pressed a kiss on his jaw. His eyes closed and let out a shaky breath. He gasps softly when the next press of your lips is so close to his lips.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, please, kiss him.
You don't. You pull back and grin. It takes him an embarrassing moment to come back to reality. His ear burning, and his lips parted waiting for the third kiss you never gave him.
“It's what friends do,” you shrugged, lying to yourself and him. Both of you had to, there's no other way around it. Coriolanus knew why for him, but what about you? Were you simply playing with the strings of his heart? He would allow it for now.
For after the Plinth Prize, you will be his.
“Come with me,” he said, “It's not safe to be traveling so late at night.”
You agree with him without much protest. He noticed your discomfort as both of you walked up the twelve flights to reach his broken, shameful, secret home. He grits his teeth, awaiting your reaction to the truth of the Snow family.
You don't say anything. “Show me where I will be sleeping, Coryo,” you yawn instead, not even disgust on your face from the rotting wallpapers.
He is surprised and grateful. He feels an uncontrollable urge to hug you, and barely keeps himself from not wrapping his arms around you.
“I suppose you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me,” he said, quietly, not wanting Tigris or Grandma’am to wake up. You nod in affirmation and he shows you his room with a bit of confidence. It was just as horrible as the rest of the house but it was his.
The bed in the corner with clean bed sheets. The stack of books and finished assignments on his desk. His wardrobe, the wood old and chipped. But all of it was his.
You immediately made your way to the bed and made yourself wholly comfortable. Like it was yours. And in a way, everything of his is yours. He would give it to you if you asked nicely enough, maybe throw in a kiss or two.
You pull the covers up and wait for Coryo to sleep in. Usually, he would wear his pajamas, but right now he couldn't bring himself to care. He lays down, mindful of his injury. He turns towards you. His eyes searched for yours, and the air mixed with both of your shared breaths. Not even an inch apart were both of you due to how small his bed was.
He closed his eyes and whispered goodnight. He doesn't get a reply. He fills his mind quickly falling back to the darkness as his actions catch up to him, taking away whatever strength he had left.
The last thing he feels, which surely is a dream, is a press of your lips against his. Stealing a kiss. And he hears you whisper, unsure if it's a dream or not but he will remember the words until he dies.
“I have you now, Coriolanus Snow. I won't let you go.”
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I’m on some weird side of TikTok that hates Gwen for some reason and I’m terrified of looking on tumblr and seeing if that’s just the majority opinion, but anyways my thoughts on it:
So most of the videos I’ve seen on hating Gwen are about her “not being there for Miles” and because “she didn’t tell him”, and I don’t think those people watched the movie because
1.) Gwen joined an organization. An organization with rules. An organization with rules with tracking technology. There’s no way that they would’ve been okay with her just visiting Miles. Yeah she visited other Spideys, but those Spideys were a part of the organization.
If they had caught her visiting Miles for no reason, which they would have most likely noticed immediately, if not because of the tracking technology, then because of Jessica checking in on her often as her mentor that vouched for her, she could have been kicked out of the organization. Which for Gwen meant going back to her universe where she’d either be homeless and on run from the law, or just in jail.
There was no way she could have just visited beforehand, and they most likely had her on strict rules on not contacting him too (because this is an organization that tries to prevent the multiverse from breaking down, there’s no way they didn’t have strict rules), but the second Gwen was able to go to his universe, the very first thing she does, is stop by his house.
In fact, her mission is a second priority to her, she just leaves a tracker where the Spot is going to be, and then focuses on spending time with Miles.
2.) She tells him, then what? Either he accepts it, and just,, waits for his dad to die, knowing it’s not an event that he’s allowed to change (to their knowledge), or he fights against it, which would be the natural instinct of a 15 year old hearing that a loved one they’re close to is about to be killed, which would then put his entire universe at risk.
You heard them, they can fix Pavitr’s timeline “if they’re lucky,” most likely if Miles saved his dad and his universe started collapsing, they might not be able to save it, then he doesn’t just lose his dad, he loses everyone (if they let him join the society, would he be able to if his universe goes or does he go with it?)
Yeah some of the Spideys have some suspicions on whether or not interfering with the canon actually does cause a universe to collapse, but the only for sure facts they have is that Miguel fucked with a universe’s canon and that universe fell apart, it’s too risky to test it out on a hunch, and y’all wanted her to still risk it? knowing that there’s a 50/50 chance Miles still tries to save his dad and accidentally takes down his whole universe???
Now we as the audience have different information, and we’re pretty sure Miguel is wrong about the canon events, but you gotta think about what the characters know in universe, and what Gwen knows is that a Spidey wouldn’t want to just sit back and let a loved one die, and that screwing with canon might cost someone waaaay more than just one loved one
So Gwen not telling Miles anything and not visiting him wasn’t actually her flaws in the movie, yeah we felt betrayed that she did that, because it’s from Miles’ pov and Miles felt betrayed, but just because we wished she had done something different, doesn’t mean that her actions were wrong
Tragically, knowing what she knew, her mistake in the movie wasn’t “not being there more for Miles,” it was actually being there for him and visiting him, instead of avoiding him and focusing on her mission to capture the Spot, because if she had done that, then she could’ve stopped him before he started screwing with the multiverse
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celtic-crossbow · 9 months
A Sting in the Way You Kiss Me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Early Alexandria
Warnings: Poorly written, raunchy smut, Dom/sub dynamic, p in v, fingering, oral sex (f & m receiving), prostate stimulation
Summary: You and Daryl take the next step in your relationship. And it’s a big step.
A/N: Lawd, this took forever! I’m not 100% happy with it but happy enough to call it complete. I think I like Sub!Daryl. I’m sleepy now so I’ll proofread and fix errors tomorrow.
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Daryl Dixon made you feel powerful. 
Given his nature, you could never be sure if it was intentional. From day one at the quarry, he was rude, standoffish, and vulgar. You found him difficult to tolerate, but hey, you didn’t get to choose the people with which you had survived an apocalypse. It was a random twist of fate that had brought you all together. Better to just make the best of it. 
So, you did. You made it a priority to get to know everyone in your group, saving the Dixons for last. Merle, you quickly surmised as a lost cause. Women, to him, were meek and fruitless, destined to die without a big strong man to ensure they were protected, fed, and bred like cattle to repopulate the earth. 
You found Daryl to be a tad more reserved. He only offered his opinion—usually loudly and to include several swears—when the conversation revolved around an important topic that would directly affect him or his brother. He otherwise attempted very hard to keep to himself. So when you began to follow him around, he naturally bucked against the idea. Still, you saw potential there and persevered. 
You took an interest in the things he was doing, namely hunting and trapping. He was a skilled tracker and a marksman with his crossbow. You started small, asking how the weapon worked. He had been skeptical and scrutinized you for sincerity, all with a glower in the span of five minutes. It was only uphill from there. 
When Daryl began to teach you his trades, he made sure you learned by doing. His only praise for getting something right was usually a curt nod and a “that’ll do.” By giving you weapons, having you track a buck that would feed the group for days, spear a fish, and skin and clean your own kills, he had put power in your hands. He had single-handedly molded you into a force that could survive in the new world. 
When it came to walkers, Daryl somehow knew things that others didn’t. “S’gotta be the brain! Don’t ya’ll know nothin’?!” You knew. Thanks to him. You had spent a lot of time in the woods, the perfect place to learn how to take down the undead. It was virtually impossible for them to sneak up on you. Too many ways to make noise if you weren’t actively trying to be silent. Once again, a weapon had been placed in your hand and you were thrown to the wolves…erm…walkers. The difference between this and hunting, you noticed, was that Daryl was never too far away with his own weapon ready. He knew how to make you feel independent without wagering your safety. 
The months and tragedies continued to pass slowly, each profound in their own way. Surviving was top priority and to continue to do so as time marched on became more and more of a victory. You lost people and homes, each leaving a mark on your soul that would never be erased, chipping away at your humanity bit by bit. Surprisingly, it was Daryl who kept you grounded. 
By the time you arrived in Alexandria, things between you and the archer had evolved into something just short of a romantic relationship. You had been sharing space with him for months now, falling asleep warm in his arms every night. You would show him affection in front of your friends and, though he scowled and grumbled, he accepted it. Kisses alternated between slow and passionate and long and needy, each accompanied by intimate touches that never seemed to go far enough. 
Today, you had been helping him with the bike Aaron had gifted him to keep him busy. He had shown you back at the prison how to make repairs, along with the correct name and function of each part. He was sitting beside you while you both diagnosed what could be causing the thing to sputter and die randomly. Your eyes were drawn to his muscles when he would tighten a bolt, and more than once, you had caught his gaze roaming up the length of your bare legs until he reached the hem of your shorts and quickly looked away. 
It was becoming a problem. An absolute dilemma that was resulting in a pulsing, wet need between your thighs. You chose to ignore it and focus your energy on the task at hand. Daryl, however, decided that he needed the wrench that just happened to currently reside between your lower thighs. When he reached for it, you were unprepared and reacted instinctively. You smacked the back of his hand before you even realized you had moved. He pulled back the limb with surprising quickness, wide blue eyes zeroing in on the red welt that began to form just below his knuckles. 
“Shit! I’m sorry!” The words tumbled out of your mouth as you grabbed his hand to inspect it yourself. He let you pull it closer even though it meant he had to lean forward awkwardly. Your fingers brushed over the irritated flesh and before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to the mark you had left. A chance look from under your lashes showed he still wore the wide eyes, but the brilliant blue was merely a thin ring around his dilated pupils. 
‘Oh.’ Could it really be? You had honestly thought Daryl just wasn’t into sex since the world ended. He had never made a move, never given you any indication that he was waiting for you to make one. Sure, your make-out sessions would get pretty heated, but honestly, things were always too hectic or dangerous for anything more. Maybe, just maybe, now that your family was safe behind the walls here…
You knew Daryl had lovers in the past. It was a topic of conversation once during a night watch before the prison had fallen. Your head was on his shoulder as you recounted — in more detail than he had liked, if his growls and grunts had been anything to go by — your average-size list. When it had been his turn, he hadn’t been as forthcoming as you but you at least surmised that he knew his way around a pussy if ever the opportunity presented itself. 
On a whim, you flipped his hand and let your lips whisper over his wrist next, drawing up your legs to sit on your knees. He still didn’t stop you while you moved up his arm with hot, open-mouthed kisses and kitten licks. Eventually, you needed to skip over his clothed shoulder (for now) and his neck became your next target. He leaned back slightly when you threw a leg over both of his to straddle him, unleashing an onslaught of attention over his carotid pulse. His breath hitched, his palms hovering over your hips but seemingly not yet willing to touch you. You would use that to your advantage at some point. 
Salt, smoke, and earth were mingling on your tongue. “I like how you taste.” You whispered in his ear, smiling against his skin when you felt him shiver. You leaned back to bring your face in front of his, fingers grabbing his chin when he started to look away. “I think we need to go to your room.” He swallowed hard, his Adam's Apple bobbing. 
You stood straight up from where you were on his lap, leaving your feet on either side of his hips and the apex of your thighs directly in front of his face. Once again, he tried to look away. “Don’t.” You ordered before you thought better of it. To your surprise, he stopped short and turned back, even as he scowled from being bossed around. ‘Oh.’ The things he told you without saying a word. “Don’t keep me waiting, Dixon.” You stepped back and then over, swaying your hips more deliberately than usual as you exited the garage. 
You didn’t turn to see if he would follow. If you were reading him right, he would. 
And you were about to have the time of your life. 
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Entering the home you, Daryl, and Carol shared, you passed the staircase that led up to your room and stepped into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. You probably had a good ten minutes before Daryl would stop pacing the front porch and actually come inside. 
Descending the stairs from the kitchen, you opened the basement door and flipped the light switch. Even though you had separate rooms, you spent more time in his room than your own. The things you used most were down there. You slept there. Nothing was really going to change if this happened, right?
Pursing your lips, you shook the thoughts away and placed the water on the nightstand, twisting the switch on the small bedside lamp. After you turned off the overhead light, satisfied with the subtle glow left behind, you grabbed the bottom of your shirt, pausing just before you were going to lift it over your head. No. You’d stay dressed for now. Your boots came off, along with your socks, and you sat on the edge of the mattress and waited. Sure enough, after a little less than ten minutes, you heard the slow, heavy footfalls descending the stairs. 
He must have needed another moment because there was a silent span of about fifteen seconds before the door slowly opened and Daryl entered, already gnawing on his thumbnail. 
“Hi.” You beamed, crossing your legs and leaning back. The bowman nodded minutely, looking so adorably uncomfortable that you came close to calling the whole thing off. You did need to ensure this is what he wanted. If it wasn’t, you could live without it. You had him and he would always be enough. 
When he closed the door and didn’t take another step, you rose to your feet and walked toward him, adding that extra sway to your hips. It was a pleasure in and of itself to watch him watching you. When you were close enough, you started by pushing the open vest off his shoulders, smiling when he dropped his hand from his mouth to let the garment fall from his arms to the floor. 
“Daryl.” You purred his name, and his eyes found yours instantly. “I need you to answer some things for me, and I need you to use words.” You worked at the buttons of his shirt agonizingly slow. “Can you do that for me?” He nodded. You shook your head and tutted. “Words, Dixon.”
“Yeah.” He answered immediately in a quiet tone. 
“Do you want me?” A button came free. 
“Do you know that I want you?” Another. 
“Will you let me be in control tonight?” Your fingers paused when he hesitated. “You don’t have to—”
“Yeah.” He may have hesitated but his answer sounded certain. 
You smiled. “I’m going to give you a safe word. If at any time, you’re uncomfortable or you need or even just want me to stop, do you promise me you will say that word?” Another button opened. You had zero intention of going very far, but it would never hurt to establish rules when you wanted so badly to play with him. And he was letting you. You feared getting carried away in the heat of the moment, and his safety and comfort were the most important thing in the world to you. 
Daryl inhaled sharply and nodded, following quickly with a mumbled “yeah.”
“And if at any time, you can’t speak and want me to stop, will you double tap somewhere on my body to let me know?” 
“Good boy.” You felt his sharp inhale beneath your fingers while you finished with the buttons, opening the shirt but not removing it. You could see a few of his scars like this. Not wanting him to grow self-conscious, you stepped into him, tracing one with a gentle fingertip only to follow with your lips. “You’re beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?” Daryl shook his head. “Daryl.” 
“No.” He whispered. 
“Well, you are.” You let your finger continue upward to stroke his jaw before abruptly turning away. “First thing’s first.” When you reached the bed, you turned back to him. “The safe word is chupacabra.” A flicker of annoyance was immediate in his eyes. “Say it.” Your tone remained no-nonsense.
“Safe word’s chupacabra.” He drawled, trying not to sneer. 
“And what do you do if you need to stop and you can’t speak?” 
“Tap on ya twice.” The archer replied almost immediately. 
You cocked a brow at him. “Good. I need you to understand that I will never be upset or disappointed if you need things to stop. Ever.”
You smiled at him fondly. “Good. Now, come over here and undress me.” There was that hesitation again as his eyes raked over your body, pausing at every curve just long enough to let you know he was appreciating what he saw. Finally, he stepped toward you. Once he had reached you, he again paused. You let him. He had touched every part of you before through your clothes. This was the first time he would see you bare.
After a few moments, he reached for the bottom of your shirt while you raised your arms above your head. The garment was pulled from you and tossed aside. Your bra wasn’t anything special. Something you had grabbed on a run a few months back; white and at least one cup size too small. You decided to do this part for him, unfastening the clasp at your back and removing the thing yourself. Daryl didn’t seem to mind, his gaze lingering on the newly exposed skin. Men and boobs, a tale as old as time. 
“Shorts.” You stated simply, a smirk firmly plastered on your face when he snapped out his daze and met your eyes. There was a slight tremble to his hands as he reached for the button, his eyes narrowed. You watched him and he watched what he was doing. Button open, he dragged down the zipper, and his eyes flickered up to yours. You gave him a nod. 
His thick fingers dipped inside the waistband at both hips, but just as he started to pull, you interjected. “Panties, too.” You heard the shaky inhale as he adjusted his hold to grip your underwear as well, lowering to one knee as he pulled both garments down your legs. They were quickly shed and kicked to the side and your hand found the top of his head when he made to stand. “I think I like you there.”
Daryl tilted back his head to see you, taking the hint and lowering his other leg so he was fully kneeled. 
“Good boy.” You breathed, feeling a pulse between your legs. You had wanted to do a few other things with him before really jumping into the fun bits but your needy cunt simply would not be denied. The mattress dipped as you sat in front of him, spreading your legs in an obscene display just to gauge his reaction. The blush that crept across his cheeks should have been adorable but only served to stoke your arousal. “Come here, Daryl.” A few feet separated the two of you, so it was only natural for him to assume you wanted him to stand. 
That isn’t what you wanted at all. 
“I didn’t say get up.” 
The archer paused halfway. The look he sent you had you wondering if this was where he would end this game. He’d say ‘fuck this’ and do things his way, pounding into you until you were red and sore and screaming his name through your release. The thought was appealing. 
You arched a brow when he lowered back to his knees, a quiet curse on his lips. Would he do it? The minute he leaned forward to place one palm against the floor, you thought you might cum then and there. Daryl Dixon was crawling toward you because you told him to.  
He stopped just short of your spread knees, one of your legs coming up to rest on his shoulder. He looked over at it but quickly turned back to you. 
“Closer.” As soon as you could, you started digging your heel into his back, urging him onward until his warm breath was wafting over your core. You bit your lip, reminding yourself of the role you were playing. Your first instinct was to beg him to touch you. No, not tonight. He’d have his turn. The thought of Daryl taking charge sent another sharp pang of arousal straight to your center, your cunt clenching around nothing. The way his eyes left your face and focused on the wet mess between your legs confirmed that he had noticed. You had to reel this in if you wanted to continue. Clearing your throat, you placed your other leg across his other shoulder. “I can’t decide if I want to feel your mouth on me or those fingers inside of me.”
You tapped your chin, feigning deep thought. You had every intention of utilizing both of those delicious options. Dropping your hand, you rested back on your elbows. “Let’s see how good you are with your tongue first.” Daryl gave you a look that would have melted your panties clean off had you still been wearing them. Goddamn, he was handsome, even more so when he was showing some confidence. 
Before your mask had a chance to slip, you felt his fingers spread you open but dare not venture between your lips. Blue orbs stayed on you when he leaned in and pressed his tongue flat against you, dragging it from opening to clit before pulling back to repeat it. The second drag ended with the tip swirling around your bundle of nerves. Sparks of pleasure jolted from where he touched you. You could feel it coursing through your veins like lightning, burrowing deep in your lower belly. 
He paid special attention to your clit, taking his sweet time alternating between flicks and swirls of his tongue to gentle sucking to grazing his teeth over it with just enough pressure to make your head fall back and your fingers tangle in his hair. Then he moved down, lapping at your opening with the same attentiveness, the wet slurps and appreciative hums pulling the knot inside you tight. When he dipped his tongue inside, pumping in, out, in and then wiggling it against your inner walls, you were already close to orgasm, panting and pulling against his scalp helplessly. 
He was moving back toward your clit and you knew if he made contact, you would spiral. Not a satisfaction you were ready to relinquish to him. “Stop!” You ordered breathlessly. He almost didn’t, the brat. His breath hit hard against the sensitive nub but he didn’t touch it. “I want your fingers inside me.” You kept your head back, staring at the ceiling. “Nowhere else.” Your climax had receded but it wouldn’t take much to call it back. 
You never had a problem cumming from penetration only, but it took time and effort. It would give you a moment of reprieve to gather yourself and draw this out a little longer. 
Or would it? 
You were wet enough for his middle finger to easily slip inside, the feeling of your walls pulling him in further earning a drawn out moan from somewhere deep in your chest. You raised your head to look down the length of your body. Thank whatever deity that Daryl was watching his digit move in and out of you instead of meeting your eyes. He felt so fucking good. 
Your legs pulled toward you, leaving your ankles balancing on his shoulders and your thighs opening further. You couldn’t fucking help it. “Another.” You demanded and he immediately obliged, drawing his finger nearly all the way out so that his index finger could join the onslaught. “Mmm, so good,” You praised. Your hips began to roll in time with the slow thrusts of his hand, the hot coil that was low in your belly getting tighter and tighter. 
The sounds that filled the room were a testament to just how soaked you were, and they were only becoming more prominent. It was no longer about how long you could keep this up. Your body ached for release, your mind too clouded in a euphoric fog to care. 
“Make me cum.” You looked down again and his eyes met yours as he lowered his head, drawing your clit into his mouth. He sucked the swollen bundle and flicked it with the tip of his tongue, his fingers curling each time they pushed inside of you and tapped that sweet, soft spot that had your toes beginning to curl. 
“Yes, yes, right there. Don’t stop!” And he didn’t. He increased his efforts, humming around your clit. “I’m gonna cum!” You had no more than uttered the words when the coil inside you snapped and released wave after wave of intense pleasure; a wildfire of sensation burning through you while you cried out his name and pinned him against you with your thighs. Daryl didn’t let up, collecting all you offered as your cunt pulsed around his fingers. 
“Shit,” you murmured, your body going limp. Fingers carded through the archer’s hair while he pulled free from within you. He directed the digits toward his lips. “Let me.” The command came out breathless and shaky, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Daryl appeared almost sad that he was losing that last taste of you, but he did as he was told and leaned forward to press his fingertips to your bottom lip. You sucked both digits into your mouth, your eyes fluttering closed. 
Your eyes peeled open to find the bowman watching you intently, those blue pools brimming with desire. You smirked and made a show out of opening your mouth and letting your tongue sweep across his skin, gathering every drop of your nectar. The man looked as if he was going to jump your bones. He was trembling from restraint, among other things, you were quite sure. With a hum, you pulled your mouth away. 
“Stand up.” The authoritative tone was back now that you were focused on a new goal. Daryl blinked, arousal replaced with irritation. His scowl deepened but once again, he obeyed. Rising up onto your elbows, you watched him stand, flexing his fingers at his sides. Using the ball of your foot, you pressed into his groin, against his obvious desire. The archer hissed through his teeth but he dared not move. 
“Take off your clothes, Daryl.”
A smile crept across your face at how quickly he began following that command. His shirt was shrugged off in seconds and you couldn’t even be sure when his boots and socks had been removed, but you pressed your foot into him again when he reached for his belt. He stopped with a grunt. 
If looks could kill, you’d soon be a walker. His hair blew away from his eyes with each hard exhale through his nose. Once again, you wondered if this was where your fun would end. And once again, he surprised you and began to follow your instructions. Your foot fell away once he had worked the belt loose and popped open the button. Your eyes tracked the downfall of the zipper, only barely concealing your excitement. 
His pants fell first and the regret of not demanding he remove those and his boxer- briefs simultaneously was immediate. Though his underwear left very little to the imagination in his current state. You met his eyes for a moment and raised a brow to urge him onward. 
“Don’t get shy on me now, Dixon.” You teased. Moving up onto your knees at the edge of the mattress, you barely waited until the last garment was kicked aside before your hands were on him. You wanted this experience to be positive for him, and while you had so, so much planned for him tonight, taking a moment to just appreciate how stunning he was wouldn’t hurt. Your lips found the skin just above his clavicle, sucking gently. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” You whispered before dragging your tongue up the length of his neck to his jaw. “Sometimes, I can’t believe you’re real. And you’re mine.” Your hand wrapped around his cock just as your mouth pressed against his, allowing you to swallow the delicious whimper he offered at the new contact. You kept your grip loose, pumping him at a tortuously slow pace. His mouth fell open and gave you the opportunity to delve inside with your tongue, tangling it with his when he responded to the advance. His breath between the intricate dances of your mouths had begun to pick up, an excellent moment for you to pull away completely. Your cunt clenched in response to the whine he emitted. “Be a good boy and sit down for me.”
Daryl moved a little more slowly now, almost cautiously, watching you when you crawled up to the top of the bed to grab both of your pillows. Your feet met the floor just as he sat down. You circled around to stand in front of him, lifting your foot and wedging it between his knees. “Open up, pretty boy.” The archer snorted quietly as he complied. The pillows fell between his feet with a quiet sound, and then your knees dropped onto them. You wiggled a bit to get comfortable and looked up to find him watching with his head tilted and a dark brow arched. “What? I’m shorter than you.” 
His mouth formed a silent “oh” and he nodded. The adorable moment almost had you forgetting your role, but you were able to rein in your adoration just before the giggle could bubble up. To bring things back into perspective for him, you raised your hand and whispered the tip of your finger along the vein winding up the underside of his cock. There was a choked off sound, his hands balling into fists on his thighs. You splayed open the fingers of the same hand across his chest and gave a gentle push. 
“Lie back.” 
There was a deep, steadying breath and then he did as you ordered. Your fingers laced through his on both hands and moved them to the mattress, out of your way but still within sight. 
“These stay here.” You commanded without a single centimeter of room for argument. You felt him shifting and just knew he was nodding. “Words, baby boy.” You chose that exact moment to wrap your soft palm around the base of his dick. 
“Yes.” He finally answered in a rush of breath. You weren’t certain if he was responding to your words or your touch but decided to forego clarification. He wasn’t going to last long, so you were ready to play with him through that first release. Then your needy cunt could finally get its fill of him. 
“So good for me.” You purred. You pushed yourself away from sitting on your heels, bringing you just where you wanted to be. You released him quickly, rewarded instantly with him rising onto his elbows to see what was happening. The urge to reprimand was forced down. This was your first time with him and his first time allowing this. If he felt better watching, you’d let him. 
For now. 
Palm open, you dragged your tongue from wrist to fingertip, your lustful gaze never leaving his face. The way he watched you sent a surge of wetness dripping from your core. God, you couldn’t wait to fuck him. First thing was first, though. Your hand met his cock again, warm and wet and stroking from base to tip, a twist, and back down. He couldn’t watch you after all. You nearly laughed when he collapsed back onto the mattress with a groan. 
Movement in your peripheral had you looking to find his hands returning to where you had placed them. He must have realized he had moved them when he sat up. As a reward, you pumped him a bit faster. When you saw his chest heaving but heard nothing more than the harsh breaths, you found yourself pouting before remembering the power you had. 
“You’re so quiet, baby. Don’t you wanna let me know that it feels good?” 
He didn’t respond at first, and you wondered briefly if pushing him would be the right thing when he was such a quiet person to begin with. He had taken a lot of shit from you already and this just might be the straw that broke the camel’s back. So, you just moved on with your delectable torture. 
Your pace slowed significantly. There was no time for him to investigate, though. Your lips were immediately wrapping around his tip, sucking lightly and lapping at the opening to gather the sweet little drops of pre-cum. Oh, were you rewarded for that move. 
His fists white-knuckled the sheets, a guttural moan working its way past his lips. It was the absolute sexiest sound you had ever heard in your life. You closed your own eyes in restraint, almost cumming on the spot. You had to keep moving. Sudden pauses might have him second guessing what he had just done and you most certainly did not want that. He needed to make that noise. Often. 
Swirling your tongue around the tip, you pulled him back into the warm cavern of your mouth. This time, your hand slid down the length of him, followed by your lips. He pressed against the back of your throat and had you cursing your gag reflex when you couldn’t hold him there long. It didn’t matter to him, apparently. The simple move had his back arching and his cock twitching against your tongue as you dragged your way back up. 
You bobbed your head several more times, delighted in the way he began to writhe and twist the sheets in his fists. You gave him no warning and pulled off with a wet ‘pop’. There was that whine again that had your nethers pulsing. 
“Look at me.” You ordered with an authoritative edge to your tone. Daryl lifted his head, still panting through parted lips. “I want to try something. I hope it will make you feel good. But I need you to know that if it doesn’t, you can stop me. Remember what I said. I won’t be upset. Okay?” 
He nodded but followed it with a breathless “okay.”
“Such a good boy.” You kissed the weeping tip of his cock, parting your lips to pull him back into your warm wetness. With your hand and mouth stroking him at a steady pace, you knew he was ready to fall apart within moments. His cock began to twitch every few heartbeats. His breathing was uneven and shallow. He was a complete mess and you couldn’t seem to get enough. 
You used your other hand to cup his balls, not remaining there long. They were a marker so you could find just the right spot. Starting at the base of his scrotum, you applied gentle but firm pressure, dragging the pads of your middle and index finger back and forth to massage his perineum, stimulating his prostate from the outside. Every ‘ah, ah, ah’ he fed you in response to the new sensation was a sound straight to your pussy. He definitely liked what you were doing.  
Once again, however, your greedy little cunt couldn’t be ignored, begging to be stretched and filled. You hollowed your cheeks and sucked hard, your mouth squeezing him all the way up and off. Your tongue slithered out to break the string of saliva that stretched from your lips to the head of his dick. “Mmm, I think that’s enough of that, pretty boy.” 
“Y/N.” He whined, keeping his hands right where you had placed them. 
“You’ve been so good for me, baby. Move to the middle of the bed.” He complied in eager yet jerky movements, lust blown eyes on your every move as you followed him up. You stopped with your hot center hovering over his groin. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of me and you.” You lowered, grinding against and soaking his cock with your slick. “I want you inside of me. Would you like that?”
“Yeah.” Daryl reached for you but thought better of it and put his hands back on the mattress. 
“Look at you. Wanting your hands on me so badly.” You moaned as the tip of him slid over your clit, providing the friction you so desperately craved. “But waiting for permission. Would you beg for it? To be inside me?” 
His lips pressed into a thin line. Had you found the limit to how far you could push him? You drove your hips down harder, shifting back and forth, and he pressed his head into the pillow with a hiss. 
“Beg me for it. Beg me because I want it just as badly as you do, but you have to be a good boy.” His heart thudded wildly beneath your palm as you caressed the muscular plane of his chest, his muscles twitching and contracting when you scraped your nails over his abdomen. “Beg and I’ll let you touch me.” You dipped toward him, letting your hard nipples touch his heated skin while your lips sucked at the hollow of his throat. “I want to feel you moving inside me, filling me up, Daryl. Isn’t that what you want?”
You sat up, going completely still. “Then beg.”
You watched as the defiance left his eyes, replaced by pure, unadulterated need. His fingers flexed in the disheveled sheets, his jaw clenching and ticking with how hard he ground his teeth. You smiled as desire beat out pride. 
“Fuck, please, Y/N. Wanna touch ya. Wanna—wanna fuck ya. Need ya bad!” His expression morphed into something akin to desperation. “Please!”
“You can touch me.” 
He didn’t wait, large hands grabbing your hips; spreading his fingers as he dragged calloused palms up your sides to cup your breasts. You couldn’t help the hitch in your breath when he pinched your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. 
“Wanna be inside ya.” He breathed, one hand traveling upward from the swell of your chest. For a moment, you thought he might wrap it around your throat. The thought of him choking you was delicious, sending a warm gush of arousal from your cunt to coat his groin. He groaned and pushed his hips up into you. 
“No.” You breathed. “Be good for me and I’ll give you what you want.”
“M’good—let me fuck ya. Please, Y/N.”
You hummed, more than satisfied, bending forward to drag your tongue from his chin to his lips. He opened eagerly, his own dipping into your mouth to taste you with abandon. You reached between your bodies, keeping your mouths connected, and positioned him at your entrance.
“Let me take care of you, baby.” Every syllable was spoken against his mouth, your cunt stretching around him inch by inch, drawing him into your fluttering, wet walls while you swallowed his desperate groans and panting breaths. “Fuck. You feel so good.” You made sure to move slowly, inch by agonizing inch, taking several heartbeats before you had taken all of him. 
“God, Y/N.”
“I know, baby.” You were so full, stretched nearly to the point of painful but longing to feel him moving within you. He wouldn’t last long, but you wouldn’t either. You lifted your hips, feeling the drag along your insides in such a way that you needed to bite back a cry. “Oh, god, Daryl.” 
His hands settled in a bruising grip on your waist but he didn’t try to move you. You had promised to take care of him and he was letting you. But you couldn’t take it anymore. You began to ride him in earnest, bouncing above him with your head thrown back. 
“Goddamn!” He keened through gritted teeth, his eyes screwed shut. 
“So—so good.” You felt the heat twisting low in your belly, pooling toward your clit while he throbbed within you. “Touch me, Daryl. I wanna cum with you.” His hands squeezed your hips before he brought one of them to where he was splitting you open, sucking in a sharp breath when his fingertips brushed his cock slipping inside you. He barely had the coherence to drag through your slick up to your clit, but the moment the rough pad of his finger pressed against you, you saw stars. 
“M’gonna,” he panted, “gonna cum.”
“Me too.” You leaned forward, shifting into a brutal grind against his pelvis. “Fuck, Daryl!” The logical part of your brain screamed for you to move off of him, that you couldn’t risk him cumming inside you but you were both too far gone. 
Your vision whited out just as you heard him shout your name, his finger pressing against your clit harder than you were sure he meant to, but it was just what you needed: that perfect amount of pain to send you toppling over the edge with him. You barely registered the warmth flooding into you with each pulse of his cock. Or the way his hips jerked up while his hand squeezed your hip so tightly that his fingertips turned white. 
When you could see, could breathe again, his arms were around you and holding you against him while he struggled to catch his breath. 
“Oh my god.” You whispered against his collarbone. You were both covered in sweat, trembling. He was still inside you, drained and softening, when his arms fell away to the mattress. You sat up with a great deal of difficulty, your thighs burning from exertion and your cunt deliciously sore. You’d be feeling this for at least a day or two, and the thought was exhilarating. 
You lifted your leg to move away, feeling the mixture of you and him begin to drip out of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Obviously, he didn’t either, his eyes tracking you until you curled into his side. Sated and tired, you smiled and reached up to brush the damp strands of hair off his forehead, watching his eyelids grow heavier and heavier. 
“I’m gonna get something to clean us up, okay? And then we’re gonna drink some water. Then you can go to sleep.” When he didn’t answer, you turned his head to face you with a gentle touch against his jaw. “Are you okay?” Daryl took a deep breath, almost as if he had forgotten to breathe before it. “Use your words, baby.” You kept your tone soft, no longer playing a role. It was just you and Daryl now.  
“Yeah, m’okay.” He gave you the smallest lopsided smile and you knew he was still floating in that space between reality and euphoria, absolutely fucked out. You couldn’t stifle your chuckle. 
“Alright, just stay awake for just a few more minutes.” You patted his chest and then climbed out of bed to fetch a damp cloth. Daryl struggled but he managed to stay awake. He was silent as you worked, wiping away the mess on both your bodies. The sheets would need washed but that was not a problem you’d solve tonight. “Okay, baby, just drink some water for me and we can go to sleep.” If he had any objections to the pet name being used outside of sex, he didn’t voice them.
It took him a moment and a bit of struggling but he managed to rise up onto one arm, letting you tilt the water bottle to his lips for a few long swallows. Then he collapsed back onto the mattress. You drained the bottle and placed it on the bedside table, climbing out of bed one last time to fetch your pillows. The archer was out by the time you returned only a few short seconds later. 
You grabbed the duvet and pulled it up over both your bodies before curling into his side, smiling when he unconsciously pulled you closer and pressed a sleepy kiss against your forehead. He was done for then, breathing deep and even, sound asleep. 
You watched him until your own eyes could no longer stay open, a muttered “goodnight, pretty boy” before you fell asleep to the thoughts of next time, when he’d be in charge. 
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megumi-fm · 1 month
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26th to 30th Apr; doa🚲 complete!!
hi. gah. okay. here's my wrap up for the month
📝 prepped for and completed the last set of internal tests for this degree [2/2] (which I got through after much cribbing and whining and quite literally projecting study topics onto my blorbos 👍 ) 📝 started GRE prep!
🎓 got some gradecard related paperwork done 🎓 spoke to my prof regarding my internship deliverables for uni—report format, certificate requirements, etc etc
📥 I voted! it was the first central elections since I turned to an adult and the whole experience was quite interesting
💻 completed a bunch of tasks for my internship
💻 made like a super extensive flowchart about all the work done at my internship which took me like a total of 20+ hours T-T 💻 finished preparing my Uni Internship presentation! 💻 submitted the presentation to the assistant guide, waiting on her response to make changes atm
🍶 7+ glasses of daily water intake 🎵 svt's new single is out and I've been going insane about it and thus this challenge comes to an end... I had started this off as an 18day daily habit tracker but then it kind of grew out into a challenge for the month. Special thanks to Yumi the loml <3 (@thelastneuron) for starting the Days of April challenge (Yumi idk when you'll see this but i miss you and I hope you've been kicking ass during your hiatus). also massive thanks to Zip (@zipstidbits) for leaving the kindest comments/tags on my post during the past week and to Tanishka (@booksbluegurl) who is literally the sweetest and has been sending in asks and keeping me company during this challenge <3
there's a lot more i wanna yap about in regards to how the month went but I'll leave that under the tags xD goodnight besties <3
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month end brainrot
april started off with dips and more dips but by the end of the month it feels like I've caught up. productivity is a wave so as long as I keep riding at it i'll be okay.
also. progress is cumulative. even the seemingly inconsequential completion of daily tasks has lead to an overall improvement through the week. things add up
I spent a lot of time this month (and moreso this past week) feeling dejected that I've been leaving my tracker posts (and my digital planner entries) incomplete... but like. the whole point of trackers and planners (and this studyblr) is to get work done. work is the priority and the tracking is a means to an end. so if im getting work done that is already a win. yeah... i've had to keep reminding myself that
there is no one-tool-fix for tracking and journalling. what works for planning out one task will not work for the other. I need to strop trying to fit all my plans into one formulaic strategy box
on that note. it's time to return to handwritten journaling. digital journalling (notion + YPT + discord + tumblr) was fun while it lasted <3 but my brain needs novelty again so it's time i switch back. I think I finally have an idea for a system that could be sustainable for me... although I say that every time I switch to a new form of tracking. but hey. as long as it helps me get work done for whatever duration of time, it's good enough
using kpop and kdrama references to make notes and study really paid off. ngl I only did it cause I was super desperate but incorporating stuff I couldn't understand with a topic I really like paid off. It also gave me the motivation and momentum to study for much longer than I otherwise would have
last but not least. my water intake has been really good this month! I've also been eating healthy and I've been cooking more my phone usage has also been reduced by a lot. sure none of them have had a perfect streak but i started at zero and it feels like I've levelled up quite a bit. the exercise component has been a bit difficult to maintain given my workload :/ i need to figure out what to do about that...
yep. that's it for now. this month really tired me out, I think im gonna lay off daily challenges for a while. For now I guess I'll stick to my (bi?tri?)weekly tracker posts xD
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elvenbeard · 11 months
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"You're the son of Kousuke Ezaki, right?"
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"Hm. Got a feelin' he'd be disagreein' with ya on this..."
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After Vince returned to Night City in 2071, Jackie introduced him to another of his many "friend-of-a-friend"s - the owner of a Valentino-adjacent (but not officially affiliated) car repair shop in Heywood. The guy had been desperately looking for a tech-savvy helper, and Jackie figured it might be something Vince could be good at with his knowledge, skills and an interest in cars.
Vince did not exactly jump at the opportunity, but he did not have too many other choices at the time, if he wanted to keep a roof above his head. There were better jobs, but also much worse, and so he agreed to give it a try.
Turned out, he had a knack for cars, and after some initial reluctance from both sides, "V" became an important asset to the small repair shop in no time. He learned to enjoy all aspects of the work, from fine-tuning ECUs to fixing electrical damages, all the while improvising with the often limited resources at hand. Still though, not a Heywood-native, Vince always remained the odd-one-out among his coworkers, as with their love for cars their common interests ended. Vince learned to prefer it this way, as it gave him the freedoms to set his own priorities, work on side-projects while the others were out for lunch for example. Also, he would not get too attached to a workplace and coworkers he knew he did not want to stay around forever.
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The repair shop's clientele largely consisted of locals, gangers and "normal" citizens alike (even if the lines tended to get blurry occasionally). But there was also a handful of regulars of a bigger, much better-paying caliber, that Vince initially wasn't even allowed to look at, let alone touch their cars.
Word-of-mouth recommendations had led a certain Arthur Jenkins to Heywood one fateful day, his request so simple that Vince was allowed to tackle it. The first time he was trusted with a "special" customer on his own. The task: "correct" the milage of the suit's car, easy as pie. Vince had mastered similar feats as a teenager already.
What should have been a quick-and-easy job though uncovered something Jenkins did not like at all - a well-hidden tracker following his every move, and had it not been for Vince's experience with these things, it would have remained undiscovered most likely. Jenkins left the shop satisfied but also curious... How come a low-life street-punk like that knew so much about Militech tracker signatures?
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A few days later Vince was intercepted by Jenkins on his way home. Initially not too impressed by the corpo throwing around random facts about Vince's not-so-secret past that anyone with too much time on their hands could have uncovered, Jenkins had an ace in the hole. Vince was confronted not only with a part of his past not even he himself was aware of at this point... but also an offer too intriguing to pass up...
Vince through the years (4/9)
Fun fact: I'm fully abusing this little project to showcase all the hairstyles I almost gave Vince when I first made him in CC XD This wasn't my second or third choice, but I considered it! It's just so funky-looking with the two colors, super bold, and it does really fit him during that time in his life where he doesn't give a fuck about anything at all anymore. He goes a bit more wild with his appearance, dares to experiement more and grows into his own person... only for Jenkins to show up just in time to ruin everything, the bastard (affectionate).
I don't want to spoil too much about what exactly it is that Jenkins knows about Vince's past that made him eventually follow him into Arasaka's loving embrace, cause I still wanna write this scene out in detail in my background fic for Vince :3 It isn't just one detail or one thing either, it's a multitude of factors, promises, secrets, opportunities, combined with Vince's hunger for more than being a little part-time mechanic in a sleazy auto shop, more than a roadie or retail worker, just more... because he knows he has the potential for it, and Jenkins is holding all the keys to unlock it in that moment.
And yes, this is all one hell of a fateful coincidence, but it's those that make a good story. As for the task Vince was given with resetting the car's mileage: he had done similar things to his mother's car as a teen, when he "borrowed" it late at night to go on joyrides with his "friends" at the time and she was not supposed to notice. His mother also had connections and friends at Militech that supplied her with little tracking devices to keep her unruly child in check, and once Vince noticed that he learned to spot and disable them as well.
Also, tiny detour to/ easter egg for "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar", if you've been keeping up with that!
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The car in the background of the upper pic and more prominently in the second with Jackie is Vince's first car, a pale blue Archer Quartz. The (almost) same model Mr. B provided as a getaway vehicle in chapter one of my post-ending fic, that Vince has to abandon at an auto repair shop :3c Oh, how could Mr. B have known these details of Vince's past...
Speaking of Vince's past and the quote I put at the very top of the post! Vince isn't hiding the fact that he's trans, it's a part of his story and he's proud of his identity. So, when Jenkins wonders if he's Kousuke Ezaki's son, Vince reacts the way he does because for one, by the time his father had died he hadn't realized himself yet that he was trans. And secondly, even if he had, he knew his father well enough to know he would never have accepted him the way he is, for a variety of reasons.
In this moment he learns an important thing about Jenkins: that he's a manipulative bastard trying to tug on his heartstrings, but he only has outdated, surface-level information - or is at least willing to reveal only that for starters.
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imtrashraccoon · 8 months
Been a long time coming but here are a couple of headcanons for my Horrortale boys. I wanted to come up with more but haven't just yet.
Baston: Horror Sans
- He changed his name at some point after leaving the Underground to have a fresh start of sorts. The name he chose is a word that refers to a baton, a staff, or a cudgel.
- While he doesn't prefer blunt weapons, in a pinch he can and will use anything at his disposal if it means coming out of a conflict alive. He prefers to use a weapon that is akin to a large axe or cleaver since he can't use much magic after his injury.
- He is a kind soul deep down, although he is rather guarded and has become jaded from the things he's gone through in his life. Generally, his priority is to keep his brother and himself safe, and he is rather hesitant to extend that same kindness to anyone else. He will go out of his way to help someone though if he thinks they need it and wouldn't take advantage of his or his brother's kindness.
- Baston is generally the calm and stoic type, but he can carry conversation, just doesn't prefer to. He spends much of his time alone and other than his brother, almost never interacts with anyone else.
- He wouldn't do well in large crowds as he gets pretty anxious around so many strangers that could, potentially, attack him. While his anti-social tendencies are natural from spending so much time away from society, the deeper reason is more psychological and stems from his trauma in the Underground.
- Baston is a woodsman as well an expert tracker and hunter. Despite his size, he moves deceptively silent. However since he is a monster, animals are more comfortable around him in general, but he has an extreme amount of patience and can stay still for hours on end which also aids his super stealth. He can and will track potential prey for several days at a time, slowly wearing it down, until he sees the most opportune time to strike.
- His senses are much stronger than any human's and he can pretty much follow his prey at such a distance where they would have no idea he's even trailing them. Of course, this means that most creatures would have no idea he's nearby, unless he wanted to make his presence known.
Hemlock: Horror Papyrus
- He chose the name Hemlock after leaving the Underground for the same reasons as Baston. Hemlock had a particular fascination for all the different types of trees on the surface and for this reason he chose his new name. It refers to the types of conifers in the Tsuga genus although there is also a plant called Poison Hemlock.
- He is the kind of person who will show unconditional love to anyone he meets and will go above and beyond to help them, even if they don't need it. This can be detrimental since he has the bad habit of neglecting his own needs just to help someone else. He's gotten better since leaving the Underground, but it is very difficult for him to not act like a mother hen if he believes someone isn't looking after themselves properly.
- Hemlock is a bit more social than his brother, although he pretty much never talks to anyone else either. Although, he will gladly talk your ears off once he gets comfortable around you, especially if you share similar interests as him.
- Large crowds aren't a good idea for him though as he would likely get overwhelmed rather quickly. He's pretty traumatized as well, although he tends to ignore it rather than repress it like Baston does.
- Hemlock doesn't hunt like Baston does, mostly because he has a difficult time moving for long periods of time over uneven terrain. His area of expertise is with elaborate traps, although he is quite capable of making them nearly invisible to anyone but himself. Generally, he leaves the task of checking the traps to his brother but he will fix broken traps or devise new ones on his free time.
- His preferred hobby has to do with botany though. He is an expert at identifying edible plants from poisonous ones.
- He also likes to look after plants inside since it's far easier to look after them than a garden. He does grow a garden in the warmer months, though he often has Baston do the heavier work. Hemlock also has a lot of knowledge about trees, but mostly local varieties and he knows which ones are best used for various purposes.
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savingthrcw · 2 months
okay, I need to make a list because it's the easiest way for me to stay on top of things, since I keep getting distracted, and these things will get priority over all others (with long pauses when my body says it's time to rest):
-fixing Janey's bio and make links and pages (I thought her name was Jane! I thought Janey could only be a petname! No!) and if @hqlfbloods gives me some Cooper-Janey interactions I'll cry forever (and that goes for other rpers too, even if it needs some plotting to be fully OUCH as a reunion) << somehow I've already done this
-answer asks from hqlfbloods, IF ANYONE ELSE sent me one and I didn't answer, I didn't get it! Feel very free to send me more so I can get used to my new characters as well as re-used to the old ones!
-tried to determine which replies to my answers are going to be kept by my rp partners so I can put them in the thread tracker ?!! < adding them when I get a second reply
-plot with @misfits-of-zaun as soon as possible and check out new blogs to decide who to follow (I will read rules, bios because like I say in my rules I have a HARD time saying no so I need to know if they can work BEFORE I follow, I will check out your threads and blah blah) << I checked out the blogs
-starters for @protectxthem and @aamusedly and @brckensteel, IF ANYONE ELSE ASKED FOR A STARTER please let me know, I think I'm all caught up but I could have missed one! << done some of these too plus some extra starters
-send 'hey let's plot!' messages to new people, probably, if I don't lose my energies at random again << done this too
-maybe make a separate Fallout page for my oc Emma at @smiletimeisrunningout instead of keeping it in the sci-fi section? and answer to asks there too!
-drafts! on all blogs! and a bunch of icons for a commission and possibly study some math at some point today?
-reminder everyone that I'm basing my Fallout characters on the TVSHOW only because I only have vague memories of the games, as much as I liked them, and I certainly didn't complete enough question to know all NPCs, because I don't want you guys to get disappointed! I can't replay if I'm roleplaying here! For Lucy rpers, also, my Fallout OCs and AU characters for now are only Stella and Janey respectively.
if I'm missing something, hit me up!
Also I'm making Maximus icons on the side, if you want let me know if you think they are whiteashed or okay or too dark:
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slf-tnd · 1 year
Looks like your Brother
Part 1
1st Draft for the 2nd Chapter! Still part of the Prologue tho, lol
I will upload the edited Version on Ao3 in 2 or 3 Days.
Starring into those wild eyes, Donnie thought back to when everything went wrong. Not even two days ago had he last seen Mikey, his bright little brother, unharmed and safe. Now, his little brother was wildly clawing at him, jaws biting down hard on the tech bo he had been able to put between himself and his attacker (and just how painful that thought was). Those seemingly glowing white eyes glared down at him, hissing furiously at him from behind the tech bo, and started to bite down even harder. Donnie’s eyes widened when he saw cracks forming from where Mikey was biting. Seems like his behaviour was not the only thing different.Steeling himself, Donnie twisted his tech bo in different directions, Mikey’s head unwillingly following his lead. New sharp nails were scratching blindly at him but Donnie persisted, pulling most of Mikey’s upper body off of him and rolling them, now with Donnie on top. Pushing the tech bo down, white eyes widened in panic, the body under him wiggling incessantly and limbs flailing in an attempt to throw him off. Like a cornered animal, he mused absentmindedly. “Mikey,” he called out to his brother.
Why did he do it? What did he think would happen? That Mikey would magically be okay? Calm down? That wild white eyes reveal the ones he desperately wanted to see? HISS!But it did not work. It did nothing. It was just Donnie and this feral animal looking like his little brother, deep within the sewers. The wounds he received felt fake; painless in comparison to his emotions inside. Pushing everything down, he pulled out something he did not think he would need. The struggle died down quickly after Donnie used the knock-out dart he rarely ever gets to use. Now, he was alone. Hunching over the body, his eyes unwillingly scanned it. Every new injury and any new change. Cuts and blood. Markings and appendages. This was his brother. It was not his brother. He slowly got up and picked up the body, ignoring how blurry his vision was. He can fix this. He cannot fix this.
His first instinct was to bring the… Mikey to his lab but he quickly doubled back to the Medbay, where he did the best he could. Cuts, bruises, lacerations - they all pale in comparison to the spiderweb-like cracks adorning the carapace. In the end, his best was very little against those injuries. Nothing life-threatening yet, but the shell was a problem he decided to look into later. He left Mikey bound to a bed, laying on his plastron to keep the pressure off of the carapace. While the plastron was not left untouched, the small chips were less of a concern to him at the moment.
Donnie sighed when nausea hit him hard. Noticing the time, he could guess why. All appetite left him after he noticed his brothers’ disappearances, so he has not eaten since lunch on the day he last saw them. Weird to think that it has already been three days. It felt simultaneous like it was yesterday and forever ago. Assuming that fainting should be avoided, he should probably go eat something. Giving himself a moment (which involves groaning loudly for a minute straight), he got up and shuffled his way to the kitchen.
While waiting for the leftovers to heat up, Donnie did a rare thing (for him) and let his mind wander aimlessly. Fixing the other two trackers is important, but doing some research on cracked-shell care takes priority; letting it heal wrong would be bad in the long run. Also finding out what happened to cause their disappearance is a must. Looking at Bio-Data, to find out what caused the physical changes, from Mikey will only get him so far. Taking out the food from the microwave, he barely paid attention as he ate.
Chewing, he hummed thoughtfully. Mikey is probably going to be hungry once he wakes up. Should Donnie…bring him something? Mikey should be still unconscious from the dart, so he could leave him something to eat, uncuff a hand and wait until he sleeps to cuff it again- all without the risk of getting bit. The food would have to be something simple and easy on the stomach after, presumably, not eating since initially leaving the lair. Putting the dishes in the sink, Donnie went and opened the fridge, his eyes roaming its content. Nothing hard or heavy, a fluid being the best choice. Taking his state and their biology into account, something closer to their species’ diet would be better. Taking out two items, Donnie set them down on the kitchen counter, looking at the two in consideration.
Yoghurt and Applesauce. Yoghurt would be ideal and he could possibly put in some berries, but without knowing how much Mikey’s Biology has changed, with the more animalistic behaviour he has portrayed, he should avoid feeding him dairy. Maybe another time, when things are not as uncertain. Putting the yoghurt away, Donnie went to grab a bowl. Before hesitating and grabbing a plastic bowl. Before thinking better of it and grabbing a paper bowl. Donnie was still repairing his tech bo from Mikey biting it, so he can guess how much power is behind that bite. With his current unpredictable behaviour, Donnie is not taking any chances. Besides, once Mikey is back to normal, he will have Donnie’s head for breaking one of his “favourites”. Honestly, Donnie has the suspicion that Mikey does not have a favourite and is only messing with them. Not that he will voice this to anyone else. The fear on Leo’s face when he accidentally cracked Mikey’s “favourite” mug was hilarious.
He chuckled softly at the memory, ignoring the sting in his chest. Sighing, he opened the door and- he froze. Wide-eyed, they stared at each other. Donnie, rooted in the doorway, and Mikey, bound and cuffed to a bed, straining to look at him from over the shoulder. Mikey was awake. How was he awake?! Could it be…The physical changes? An increased metabolism or resistance to drugs, perhaps? White eyes bore into him, the intensity behind it almost flooring him. Mikey seemed calmer than before. Coolcoolcoolcool- just, be calm about this. Forcefully adopting a relaxed posture, Donnie tried to be as unthreatening as possible.
“Mikey,” he greeted in a measured tone. His brother just blankly stared at him. “Hope you feel better.” No reaction. Okay, small talk isn’t working. “I brought you food…” Oh, it was a useless endeavour. He could tell that what he was saying was flying over the other’s head. It was like talking to a wall. Or an animal-
Churrr…Donnie blinked, ripped away from the more pessimistic thoughts, and looked surprised at Mikey, who was clicking and chirping. It was slow and hesitant, he looked at him with less of a blank expression and more with expectation. The weight of the bowl reminds him of his purpose in coming here. Carefully approaching him, Donnie extended his hand with the bowl, bracing himself for a possible bite. But that never came. Instead, Mikey focused on the mush in the bowl, sniffing curiously at it. Giving it a tiny lick, he chirped delightedly and devoured the little Applesauce that was there.
It was like his brain bluescreened. Mikey was not inherently aggressive towards him. The aggression could be written off as survival instincts kicking in. Alongside the injuries and hunger, Donnie’s appearance was just unfortunate timing then. Or unfortunate circumstances? Everything Donnie observed pointed towards that the mental changes made Mikey act more animalistic.
Their family was not unfamiliar with some of their animal characteristics, them being heterotherms (cold-blooded (Turtle) and warm-blooded (Human DNA)) as one of the more obvious biological traits. Chirping and hissing are also not new but these (Turtle) noises are rarely made. It is an instinctual and unconscious thing, nothing they can force or suppress (unfortunately, there were a few embarrassing instances involving them). Splinter mentioned that when they were Turtle Tots, they used to make them a lot but grew out of it or forgot how to make them consciously. So hearing them now? It was weird. The chirps he heard from Mikey before were happy, excited, affectionate- obvious and simple to understand. These chirps though… It feels like he should know what it means, that a part of him should know. And on some level he does…? The ones Mikey just made were so much more complex and meaningful; like a language, he once knew so well but long since forgotten.
Chirp!Donnie cursed himself for getting lost in his thoughts again. What was up with him today? Looking down, he saw Mikey look up at him quizzically, using his beak to push his hand. Was he still hungry? “Oh, I don’t have more food. You haven’t eaten for three days so we have to go slow with the food.” He explained. His brother stared at him for a second before huffing, again paying more attention to Donnie’s hand that was holding the bowl. Not knowing what to do, he just let it happen. Mikey curiously observed the appendage: sniffing and even giving a tentative lick (what a weird texture). Recognising the pattern, Donnie was about to pull back to avoid the bite but Mikey beat him to it. But instead of a painful bite, he simply nibbled a little, his teeth (they feel sharper) gracing his scales. And Donnie…let it happen. He was not a fan of the experience, but the entire thing seemed, almost fragile in a sense. His little brother went about in such a gentle way, mindful of his teeth even when he was experimentally biting, his bite was very light.
Donnie was kind of in a daze when Mikey pulled back, looking back at him. Neither spoke or made a move. But this time, it felt more like a companionable silence, devoid of an underlying anxiety it had before. Unconsciously, Donnie’s other hand moved toward Mikey- why, he did not know- but stopped when he saw how the other flinched away from it. Moving slowly, Donnie stepped back. Things were… not as bad as he thought. Mikey was not incredibly friendly but also not outright hostile. They were on neutral terms. Maybe even slightly positive, if he thought about the whole hand thing.
He should leave for now. His guts told him it was better to go at this slowly, that he should not test his luck. And he did make some progress, he supposed. He was further than he was before leaving the lab. Walking out of the infirmary, Donnie did not bother to hide his small smile. Feeling a little lighter than he had the last few days.
It was the food, wasn’t it.
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vekoocare · 15 days
Be Your Pet's Best Advocate: Online Resources for Understanding Common Pet Health Issues
Bringing up an animal companion is a highly fulfilling experience. Everyone would agree that our pets bring us immense joy and add meaning to our lives. As pet parents, we have a huge responsibility to ensure that our fur babies are in peak health. Although visiting the veterinarian’s office should be the first priority in any health issues, it might be useful to have some online resources handy for quick fixes or alleviate concerns about certain behavioural or physical symptoms. Moreover, visiting the pet clinic can be stressful for the animal and every responsible pet parent should have first aid information to prepare for every emergency. That’s why in this article, we are looking at some reliable online resources for pet healthcare. Let’s dive in.
Understanding Pet Health Issues
To make the best use of online resources, it is imperative that you understand the common health issues that pets face. It is important to keep yourself informed about common ailments and their cures so that you can identify behavioural patterns and detect health issues early on. There are various resources that can provide crucial information to understand your pet’s symptoms.
Dental health
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is a not-for-profit association representing more than 105,000 veterinarians in the US. The AVMA provides information resources about pet care, emergency care, responsible pet ownership, preventive care for dental health and more.
You can resolve queries through FAQs about pharma medicines, prescriptions and first aid tips.
Skin allergies
Looking for pet healthcare advice about allergies from verified vets? PetMD is your go-to source. Come on this website to answer queries about all kinds of pets, insurance and more. You can also subscribe to their newsletter for pet health tips. One of the best features they have is the Symptom Checker. Just type in the external symptoms your animal friend is showing and PetMD will list out possible causes. 
You can also chat with their licensed vet team for free if you have specific questions.
Nutritional issues
The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) website has a dedicated page for resources beneficial for pet parents. You can filter the articles by animals, topics and more. Although they only have information on cats and dogs, you can also find veterinary information and different trackers such as canine life stage calculator, diabetes management guidelines to help you stay informed and make conscious decisions when it comes to food and nutrition.
If you want to have a thorough understanding of parasitic infections and infestations, look no further than Pets and Parasites, a comprehensive website led by the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) to create guidelines for controlling pet parasites.
Keep in mind
The internet has vast resources and we are quick to whip out our phones for every inquiry or question we have. But as we all know, online resources are not always reliable. Misinformation is prevalent everywhere in online space. Off the counter advice in animal pharmacies should also be taken with a pinch of salt and always verified. Make sure that the resource you consult is authentic, correct and credible. Refrain from taking a recommendation as final before cross checking for correctness.
Be aware that every animal reacts differently to medication and might have a different recovery time or process. Consulting a vet, especially someone who has a clear idea of your pet’s health history, preferences, allergens and other details, is always recommended for any health issues or concerns.
Veko Prioritises Health
The vast reaches of the internet afford us the power of information right at the tips of our fingers. But with great power comes great responsibility. When it comes to pet health issues, we should never take things lightly. That’s why as an animal medicine company, we at Veko Care take great pains to ensure the correct dissemination of information related to correct measures, dosage for animal pharmacy products, and care for our animal companions. Veko organizes animal awareness campaigns, rabies vaccination drives to promote knowledge about animal welfare, safety and disease management.
Not only this, we make sure that our products have the correct information on their labels and we train pharmacy owners or managers about various first aid knowledge to empower them to impart correct instructions to buyers. Choose Veko Care for holistic animal health management!
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fangsofdestruction · 1 year
( ☾ ) Moved because the thread got wonky and wouldn't let me cut. Not havin' that.
It would be unwise for Toga to be querulous towards the young pup’s disobedience and stubbornness. This was no act of rebellion nor is it a provocative attempt to undermine his authority both as the youngling’s father and the Lord of the West. Merely, a pup whose loyalty and preference resides more at his mother’s than the absent father. Patience would surely be something that should triumph in this endeavor. 
Without sound, the elder dayoukai merely leaned past the barrier and took hold of the young pup by the scruff of his neck. Lifting the smaller dog demon up and off the walls, a subdued growl before diving past the clouds and onto the skies. 
Given that this would indeed merit a squabble behind closed doors, he had planned to make the entire journey as humbling as possible. Not to mention, one that would rile up his wife a little too over the edge for reasons he would rather not dwell in.
As they soar through the skies, he had thought of dropping Sesshoumaru to test if he had gotten around the skill of flight without the safety of plummeting onto Kimi’s opulent gardens or servants rushing to ensure the young prince is unharmed. 
Jaw now slowly unhinged, he peered down at the pup to elicit a reaction that would determine the next course of action. Whether to drop him through a confident response or be swift enough to catch him should the very second he’d hear him whine in fear or worry.
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There was wisdom found in the notion that patience was a virtue, especially for in the case of an absent father. Sesshomaru had been told many things about his Father, how wonderful and powerful he was. How he was an excellent general, and that Sesshomaru had big shoes to fill in. Of course, there was pride to be found in having such an exemplary Father.
This and disobeying his Mother’s direct orders were a different matter. As the parent who had more presence in his life, he would listen to his Mother. Not only that, it was normal for most children to be obedient to their Mother, as it was important for survival.
He’d been picked up by the scruff and the pup tensed, his body curling like a cooked shrimp when his feet no longer touched solid ground. Sesshomaru was quite upset by this, but the subdued growl heard behind his ears prompted his ears to be pulled back, tight against his head. It took no genius to know by body language that he was nonplussed.
Now past the barrier, despite Sesshomaru’s obvious actions to not go past the barrier as per his mothers directives, Toga had taken it upon himself to do as he pleased, without so as much as even explain his thoughts. All he’d done thus far was to vaguely speak and leave Sesshomaru questioning and theorizing what was going on.
When he felt the jaw holding him loosen slightly, Sesshomaru made no move to react, still quite stiff. He wasn’t quite sure what was Toga’s intent, but he was schooled enough to know that remaining calm and collected was paramount to keeping yourself safe and levelheaded. Whatever Toga had decided to do, he’d come to find out.
The question has ever been the same for the past while: was Toga ready to accept the outcome for all the actions he’s decided upon thus far?
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biglybt · 2 months
3.6 Release
There are lots of new features, enhancements and fixes, as you can see from the various beta release posts: https://biglybt.tumblr.com/tagged/BiglyBT3600
Windows users please read https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT/wiki/Installation if you have SmartScreen installation issues.
For summary, here is a list of the new features:
Added tag constraint variable "file_count_selected" and "count" function Added "trackers" variable to Tag Constraints Added Tag Overview "tag sort auto" column Added "trackerPeers" and "trackerSeeds" Tag constraint functions Added tag constraint function "pluginOption" Allow comments in tag constraints Support empty constraint expression Added method to add torrents to SimpleAPI plugin Added progress indicators for SimpleAPI torrent download Added SimpleAPI plugin method to set download plugin options Added option to automatically create a sub-folder for simple torrents Option to set files to high priority when pieces remaining Added global setting for file priority pieces remaining Add "completed" to generated feed Make banning of HTTP seeds download specific Added "test mode" to "search for existing data files" Added an "Archive" toolbar item Support tag/category filter matching in subscription results Added country chat sub-tab in Peer views Added option to remember response to "add separate download" prompt CTRL+a -> select all in progress report window Added "Close View" file menu item in sidebar view Support additional launch helper for "show file" operation Added option to control side bar double-click pop-out type Added option to disable UI updates when minimised Added blocked icons for up/down speed when disabled Separate seeds/peers columns for subs/search results Option to reset all table views Added option to set table column defaults for new views Added "grabbed" column to subscription results Show entry limit in title Add "select all" to column header menu Show byte size in tooltip
0 notes
do vpn cliet always get different ip address
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do vpn cliet always get different ip address
VPN client IP address rotation
VPN client IP address rotation is a feature that enhances online privacy and security by periodically changing the IP address assigned to a user. This technology is implemented by Virtual Private Network (VPN) providers to prevent third parties from tracking a user's online activities based on a static IP address. By rotating IP addresses at regular intervals, VPN clients can maintain anonymity and make it difficult for malicious actors to monitor their internet usage.
One of the key benefits of VPN client IP address rotation is the ability to bypass geo-restrictions imposed by online services and content providers. By changing IP addresses, users can access region-locked content and websites that may be inaccessible from their current location. This feature is especially useful for individuals looking to stream geo-blocked content or access restricted services while traveling abroad.
Furthermore, VPN client IP address rotation can help prevent online tracking and profiling by marketing companies and internet service providers (ISPs). By changing IP addresses, users can avoid targeted advertisements and minimize the collection of their personal information while browsing the web.
It is important to note that VPN client IP address rotation does not guarantee complete anonymity or security online. Users should still practice safe browsing habits and take additional measures to protect their privacy, such as using strong encryption protocols and enabling kill switches on their VPN clients.
In conclusion, VPN client IP address rotation is a valuable tool for enhancing online privacy and security. By periodically changing IP addresses, users can mitigate the risk of surveillance, bypass geo-restrictions, and safeguard their personal information while browsing the internet.
Static IP vs dynamic IP VPN
When choosing a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service, understanding the difference between static IP and dynamic IP can be crucial in determining which option suits your needs best.
A static IP VPN assigns you a fixed IP address that remains constant each time you connect to the VPN server. This offers stability and consistency, making it ideal for tasks like remote access to office networks or hosting websites. With a static IP, you can bypass certain security measures like IP-based authentication. However, since the IP address doesn't change, it may be easier for websites and services to track your online activities.
On the other hand, a dynamic IP VPN randomly assigns you a different IP address each time you connect. This enhances privacy and anonymity, as your online footprint constantly changes, making it harder for trackers to monitor your behavior. Dynamic IPs are also more cost-effective for VPN providers, as they can serve multiple users with a pool of IP addresses. However, dynamic IPs can sometimes be blacklisted due to abuse by other users sharing the same IP range, leading to access issues for legitimate users.
Choosing between static and dynamic IP VPNs depends on your specific requirements. If you prioritize stability and need to access specific online resources regularly, a static IP VPN is the way to go. On the other hand, if privacy and anonymity are your main concerns, a dynamic IP VPN offers better protection against tracking and surveillance. Ultimately, weighing the pros and cons of each option will help you make an informed decision based on your individual needs and priorities.
VPN server IP allocation
When using a VPN service, one important aspect to consider is the allocation of server IP addresses. VPN providers have a pool of IP addresses assigned to their servers, which are then allocated to users when they connect to the VPN network.
The allocation of server IP addresses can impact the user's online experience in several ways. Firstly, it enhances privacy and security by masking the user's actual IP address with one from the VPN server. This helps users remain anonymous and protect their online activities from prying eyes.
Moreover, the allocation of server IP addresses can affect internet speed and performance. When a user connects to a VPN server, the speed and reliability of the connection can depend on the location and load of the server, as well as the quality of the allocated IP address.
In some cases, VPN providers may offer dedicated IP addresses, which are assigned to a single user and are not shared with others. This can be beneficial for activities like online banking or accessing geographically restricted content. However, dedicated IPs may come at an additional cost.
Users should also consider factors like server location, protocol support, and encryption strength when selecting a VPN service based on IP allocation. Overall, understanding how VPN server IP addresses are allocated can help users make informed decisions and choose a service that meets their specific needs for privacy, security, and performance.
Consistent IP addresses with VPN
Having a consistent IP address when using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) can offer several benefits and advantages. When you connect to the internet through a VPN, your device is assigned a new IP address that masks your original one. This not only provides anonymity and privacy but can also help in accessing geo-restricted content and securing your online activities.
One of the key advantages of having a consistent IP address with a VPN is enhanced security. By using the same IP address every time you connect to the VPN server, you reduce the risk of being flagged for suspicious activities associated with frequently changing IP addresses. This can be particularly useful for users who engage in online banking, shopping, or other activities that require a stable and secure connection.
Furthermore, a consistent IP address can help maintain access to certain online services or networks that require a recognized IP for authentication purposes. This can be beneficial for remote workers, businesses, or individuals who need to access specific websites or servers regularly without facing access restrictions.
In addition, having a fixed IP address with a VPN can result in a more stable and reliable connection. Some websites or online services may block or limit access to users with dynamic or shared IP addresses to prevent spam or unauthorized access. By using a consistent IP provided by the VPN server, you can bypass such restrictions and ensure a seamless browsing experience.
Overall, maintaining a consistent IP address when using a VPN can improve security, accessibility, and reliability for your online activities, making it a valuable feature for users seeking a more secure and stable internet connection.
VPN connection IP variation
Title: Understanding VPN Connection IP Variation: Enhancing Online Privacy and Security
In today's digital age, safeguarding online privacy and security has become paramount. Virtual Private Network (VPN) services offer a crucial layer of protection by encrypting internet traffic and masking users' IP addresses. However, within the realm of VPNs lies a concept vital for maximizing anonymity and security: IP variation.
VPN connection IP variation refers to the practice of utilizing different IP addresses when connecting to the internet through a VPN server. This variation offers several benefits, enhancing both privacy and security for users.
Firstly, IP variation strengthens anonymity by making it more challenging for third parties to track online activities. When users connect to different VPN servers across various geographic locations, they effectively obscure their digital footprint, preventing advertisers, hackers, and even government agencies from monitoring their online behavior.
Moreover, IP variation enhances security by mitigating the risks associated with IP address blacklisting and geo-blocking. Some websites and online services impose restrictions based on users' IP addresses, blocking access to content or services from certain regions. By utilizing different IP addresses through VPN connection IP variation, users can circumvent these restrictions and access geo-blocked content or services seamlessly.
Furthermore, IP variation reduces the likelihood of targeted cyber attacks. Hackers often rely on obtaining users' IP addresses to launch attacks such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) or phishing attempts. By constantly changing IP addresses through VPN connection IP variation, users can thwart these malicious activities, adding an extra layer of defense against cyber threats.
In conclusion, VPN connection IP variation plays a crucial role in enhancing online privacy and security. By constantly rotating IP addresses, users can bolster anonymity, bypass geo-blocks, and mitigate the risks of cyber attacks. As internet privacy concerns continue to escalate, incorporating IP variation into VPN usage is essential for safeguarding digital identities and data.
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