#(Though him being a 'sub' made it into the fic here I don't think he'd escape being auto-labeled as the bottom in any ship. x'D)
red-hemlock · 6 months
Love Story with Otis (naybe someone saw their mutual Aesthetic and ran with it XD)
Send “love story with ____” for my muse’s reaction on finding a romantic fanfiction about themselves paired with that character @ratwhsprs
Oh good and glorious sun and stars, she really does have a tag. Of course she would though, it's not like the unassuming masses would know her name, she'd just be 'Hemlock' to them and nothing more... The funny things one can discover, with just a simple slip of the thumb. The problem? It looks like something in her phone is sorting these charming little stories by ship-subject alphabetically, and who should be sitting paired with her at the tippy-top of the list but one 'Otis Flannegan'.
And it's another one of those lemons.
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You know that 'feeling'? That skin-prickling, adrenaline-stirring one, where you just know there's nothing short of an absolute trash-fire waiting for you just beyond the veil; but you can't help but take the plunge and look nonetheless? That pairing returns her withering gaze with a lighthouse's brightness, and River can feel her spine tingle.
A deep, cleansing breath is taken, before the title is tapped.
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Well-... This one was slightly better-written than that one pairing her with Eddie. In terms of her character at least, she can't imagine what Otis would think if he knew some funky individual wrote a multi-chapter, plotless porn fic of them. One where they're apparently 'clearly' having a slinky BDSM-light affair in all of the shadows, and on all of Gotham's unbolted surfaces. Her on top and masks on always, of course. Apparently faceless flings are hot.
"Really now, a belled collar? Sounds like someone misread 'cat' instead of 'rat'! One of those leashed backpacks would fit him better, anyway." River chuckles.
Does Otis have Internet? Surely he doesn't have Internet all the way down there... Right?
Yeah, she's not going to send this one to him. It's ten kinds of hilarious, but the poor dear's heart might not be able to take it.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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(Kill Somebody Part Two Chapter Two)
🔪 Previous Parts Here 🔪
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, past abuse, baby fic, improper movie watch with kids, people watching, deep talks, past SA, talks of childhood trauma, mentions of abandonment, mentions of selling people, painful memories, finding alone time, smut (seriously a lot of it), d/s undertones, overtones, and everything between, dom Kells, sub Dom, grinding, fingering, spitting, degradation, desperation, self pleasure, control, begging, enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥 Rating: explicit AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom was lounging on his sofa watching a movie with his sons when he noticed his mate acting strange. It started with the omega carrying a bag of something to the kitchen where he heard the fridge open for a few moments before it closed and he was stalking back to their bedroom with a determined look on his face. The man had been napping a little while before when Punk had woken up and Blain had asked if he wished to spend some time together. He thought it was a perfect idea but the longer he watched the door the more tense he felt. He thought his lover would take the excuse to rest more.
A few minutes later he exited the room, pushing their baby’s cot across the floor. Even though the child in question was resting between the two Brits, Colson kept moving it until he reached their roommate’s room. “Wha's he on about?” The teen asked, gently easing the infant into his hold to bounce him softly. It was almost second nature already and the sight warmed the sociopath’s heart.
Dominic shrugged and they both lost interest in the movie playing out on the screen in order to people-watch the other man. Maybe it was the personality disorder they seemed to share but humans were much more interesting than television. He didn't want to be obviously spying though so he tried to carry on a conversation, he found it easier to talk to the kid than most others. “You good wiv ‘im.” He smiled, nodding to his baby. Blain grinned back happily.
“I had a really good babysitter as a boy.” He explained simply. “I were young as fuck and my parents were bloody awful but sometimes they'd take me on business nights out and leave me wiv someone. It was probably the only good example I ever got but it stuck wiv me.”
Dom sighed deep, completely understanding what the boy was saying. He'd never had the good example but he had to be one so young. He'd had a small hope that Blain at least had a good mum but of course not. Omegas rarely got that. In at least that way, his mate was lucky. Thinking of the man he glanced back down the hall but Colson just breezed past them. He disappeared back into the bedroom only to walk by again with a bag over his shoulder. Strange. “I'm sorry you ‘ad to deal wiv tha'. It weren't fairs. You should ‘ave gotten good parents first off. Wha' ‘append to ya mum?” He was genuinely wondering because they worried that someone might come after the boy to take him back. Especially since they were working to get him his father's money.
“I don't really know. She were jus' gone one day. I don't know if he sold her or killed her or she ran off or died. Didn't matter much to me. He ended up with a cycle of girls. I'm jus' glad he didn't try for me. Talked about it a lot.” The blasé way the kid sounded made the Alpha's stomach roll. It was frequent enough to seem normal to some but after being pressured about his sister it made him sick. He had to look away to cover his eyes flashing from suppressed rage but he landed on his lover leaving Tom's room again to jog back to theirs. Alright.
“You deserved protection. We all fucking did.” He growled low and the kid gave him a gentle look as he pulled the baby higher, his fingers softly raising Punk's hand to wave it.
“Um, we got it. Fanks.” He was so sure of his words it calmed something dark in the Alpha's chest. As long as his family felt safe. That's all that mattered. “Silly Daddy ain't he? Yes he is. You tell ‘em!” Blain had a higher affect to his voice when he spoke to the little one that made the older man laugh. “‘Ow bad was it for yas tha’ you can't see you already keep us safe?” He didn't normally try to push but of course he wanted to learn all he could about the pair.
Darkness swirled in the killer's mind as he thought back to his childhood. He'd watched his mate open up for their boy not long before and he knew he needed to too. “Me dad didn't like ‘ow much a pussy I were or tha’ I were sick.” He started easy but got a scoff from the kid.
“You showed him, aye?” Blain teased, he wondered how the bastard felt about his hitman son. After all, that's how the omega found him. An underground helpline website that took him on a darker path until he found a questionnaire about how he was treated and by whom. It had taken a while to realize he was ordering a hit but by that point he was too lost in the promise of safety. He hadn't imagined it would end up with him as part of a family.
Dom snorted, the boy didn't know how bloody right he was. It took him a moment to work through what he felt alright saying and what was too much too soon. “He ‘ired a doctor to blow me when I was ‘alf your age. Wanker checked wiv a ‘special test’ if I were Alpha enough or broken. It was really jus’ a pedo shoving ‘is finger up me arse.” He couldn't look at his son's as he spoke, he just kept picking at a thread on the arm of the couch. “Dad figured I were broken cause I weren't after me own baby sister or any over young omega he brought around. When I didn't pop a knot by twelve he tried an escort next. When I fought back and refused to take ‘er… He beat me ‘alf to death and let ‘er do me. I left after. Reached puberty wiv’in a few monfs and stayed gone. When I ‘eard he beat me mum dead I couldn't leave me girls wiv ‘im.” He took a deep breath and finally met the boy's eyes. He didn't want him thinking there was any shame in overcoming all they'd been through. “He was me first. Bastard doc was next. Went on a bit of a rampage after I got a taste for it. I were trying to make it work wiv me sisters until I almost got caught. We ended up ‘ere and tha’ works for me.”
Blain swallowed hard and sneakily sniffed deep his little brother’s calming baby scent. It helped that it was mixed with the Alpha's who, even upset, always soothed him. “Wha’ happened to the girls?”
“I didn't fink I was good for ‘em. I provided ‘em wiv a good school and a lovely adoptive family but every time ‘ey saw me I were terrifying I guess. Too much water under tha’ bridge.” He didn't want the kid thinking there was something wrong with him and Punk that he kept them close but sent away his sisters and he hoped that helped explain. “I wouldn't be who I am now if not for Tom and Cols. I couldn't be who ya need.”
“I call bullshite Punkers, don't you?” Blain teased as he cupped the baby's head and pulled him close before passing him to Dom gently. “You was already you. You jus' needed help wiv love.”
Dom huffed softly but he took his youngest and held him against his chest. There was almost nothing better than those bright red eyes watching him like he was all that mattered. Of course he looked forward to the baby having his own eye color and hopefully at some point a name, but he wasn't in any hurry for either. Though his mate was obviously in one. Colson came back out and finally decided to grace them with his presence as the movie was rolling credits at the end. The Alpha couldn't say what it had really been about besides murder and blood and gore. On second thought maybe it wasn't the best for two boys but at least Punk would only notice the pretty colors.
“Give it.” Kells huffed, holding out his hands for their child.
“No. It's me turn. Go rest.” Dom teased back, holding the baby against his chest.
The omega arched a playful brow down at his lover. He had to remind himself the other man didn't know what he'd been up to. Tom stepped into the room and took a seat on the other sofa but the killer just stared up at his partner. “Tom is taking him for the night.” He said simply and he watched the wheels turn in the psycho's mind.
“Tom is?”
“And not us?”
“Not us.”
“And we get…”
“Time alone. The whole fucking night.” Col smirked as his lover stood up but he didn't appreciate the one handed hold on his son.
“Boob juice is in the fridge. Cot is in their room. Blain can help if he wants, hell he can keep him all night but no one has to. I'm not about to parentify anyone. Our door is unlocked in case they can't hack it but if I left it open I think we'd break about a million laws.” Kells smirked as the realization fully dawned on the killer. “I have faith in our family. Don't you?”
Dom kissed his son's forehead and handed him off to his older one. He barely even looked as he did and he tripped over his own feet to reach his mate. They'd been close since the day the omega backhanded him and were working on working their shite out. Mostly they could only find time to wank each other off or make out with heavy petting in the shower. “Really really?” He almost couldn't believe it but he forced himself to stop a moment and check in with Blain. He cleared his throat and only turned his head, the kid didn't need an eye full of his tented pants. Bollocks. “Fank you for talking wiv me.” He smiled but the boy just threw a pillow at his back.
“If you don't get the fuck outta here! We got my bruv, go bond ya freaks.”
The couple laughed as they stumbled back to their room but the moment the door closed the Alpha was pushed against it. He'd always known how much larger his lover was than him but Col had never really proved it so blatantly. His wild hair was gripped and his head tugged back so he had to look up at the other man. He felt a shiver go down his spine that he swore ended up in his dick twitching. “I think you promised me your wet cunt. You gonna be a good bitch for me?” The way the mob boss's voice danced over his skin almost had him shaking but he didn't want to be too needy too fast.
“I fhought ya wanted me fat arse.” He tried to purr but it came out breathy and trembling. When Colson groped a handful of said ass and pulled him flush against his throbbing cock he couldn't help but wonder if he turned the omega on this much.
“Oh baby, I'm gonna wreck every inch of you. After all, we got all fucking night.”
The Alpha wasn't expecting to get led by his hair and thrown face down on the bed but when he bounced against it and tried to roll over he was slapped on the ass for his trouble. A soft yelp escaped him that he'd probably deny ever happened but Col heard it and chuckled darkly. Every vibration of the omega's throat tickled over Dom's skin like silk. The killer paused, taking a deep breath before he tried to figure out what was allowed. He could feel himself watched, his instincts were on high alert, but he didn't hear the other man moving. “Should I strip?”
“Do birds fucking fly?” Something about the way Kells spoke felt like he was making fun of the other. The last time he'd hit the boy he'd degraded him too and part of Dom had really liked it. He wasn't sure how much he could handle though.
“Some don't.” He couldn't stop the snark but he got spanked for it again. He groaned and felt himself drool against the blanket where his cheek was pressed but he got to work carefully sliding off his shirt. “You gonna keep it up on bare skin?” He asked, his voice a bit small. Was he excited or terrified or both?
Colson growled, pushing his own sweats down before gripping the back of his lover's to rip them off his legs. The move was violent enough Dom’s ass bounced and he had to stop and admire how red his flesh was. He wanted to keep going until the younger man bled but he thought that might be too much, and it wasn't his goal for the night. “Look at you. Pretty pink virgin tight pussy. All for me.”
Did Dom reply? Did he stay quiet and try to obey? There weren't any rules yet really. Instead of attempting and getting spanked again he tried a different tactic. His hands shook and he laid flat and reached back to grope his own cheeks and spread them. It felt filthy and scandalous, Alpha's didn't beg to get filled but he was never a normal one. He tried to look over his shoulder to see if he was making his mate happy but he got distracted by just how gorgeous his partner was. The boss was in his element, even if in a way that hurt the boy he still could feel it. It was all for him now and it shouldn't matter who got to experience his lover before. He always knew Kells was tall but when he was feeling his own power and looking down at Dom like a snack he seemed like a giant. His hair was falling around his pretty face, his eyes were gold and intent, his mouth was parted as if he couldn't catch his breath with his mate. He was still soft in places but so many of his muscles were so obvious, he appeared every bit the Alpha he faked being for years. Even his cock was intimidating, hard and leaking a mess of precum at the tip. The only hint of omega on him besides his eyes was the wetness between his thighs and the scent served to make Dom an even bigger wreck.
The Alpha rut his dick against the bed without thinking and got a bare palm to hole slap for it. The sound was sharp and seemed to echo off the walls. Fuck he'd be bruised later, his mate didn't hold back. “Don't even try. If I think you deserve to feel good I'll tell you what the fuck you're allowed. Otherwise you wait for my command.” It wasn't a question but there was still one hidden among the demands. The killer knew if he said ‘no’ or ‘stop’ the other would. It made him feel safe- something neither of them were used to before they met. “So desperate to get fucked. Look at you. Such a fucking slut. Pathetic.” With hissed words the omega spit over his lover's exposed hole and watched as Dom clenched for him.
The Alpha wouldn't say again how that didn't make any sense- how could he be a virgin and a slut? He knew better, at least on that. He wanted his ass slapped again but by his mate's balls, not his hand. He wouldn't get that by back-talking. Two hands gripped his hips roughly and yanked him to the edge of the bed. Col knew he was bendy and used it to his advantage, spreading the boy almost frog legged and teetering on the side of the mattress. His knees were bent and his ankles were supported but not his feet. He couldn't easily move himself without putting his toes on the floor which he was pretty sure he wasn't allowed. He just tried to keep the position held and his ass open. He couldn't help the second puddle of drool.
Kells crouched behind his partner and was happy he'd laid a towel on the floor beforehand. He was already dripping wet and with how well it was already going he predicted himself squirting at least once before the night was over. “Where's your dick?” He asked and when Dom whimpered something that sounded like ‘under’ he huffed, reaching under the other to slide his cock from his belly to rest along the side of the bed. He wasn't allowed friction. He would get off on Colson’s dick and nothing more.
When that was done Dom listened close and caught the wet sound of his mate gathering slick on his fingers. The omega moaned and he knew the bastard was fingering himself first. He tried to wiggle his ass but he couldn't move without probably hurting himself so he waited patiently and bit his lip at the noises.
Col didn't mean to but he lost himself to pleasure for a moment. He hadn't had anything inside him since before he gave birth and his inner walls were sensitive as hell. He'd meant to just wet his digits but instead he played, exploring how tight he was getting again. “Shit babe, you should feel this. So fucking tight and swollen. Hot. Drenched. Mmm fuck.” He purred, focusing on his own touch, reaching deeper until he found that little bump inside. It felt like the first night he touched himself but almost more intense somehow. He'd called his bitch a virgin but he almost felt like one. He knew he was torturing the boy but he hoped it just added to the need, he couldn't seem to stop himself anymore. His hips rocked and he fucked down on his own hand, chasing a release he hadn't meant to find yet. “Oh god- Dom- so good. You'd pass the fuck out. Oh- ohhh- fuck!” He damn well knew he was being an ass but he wasn't even exaggerating.
Dom listened and whimpered and tried to grind against the bed but he couldn't find any relief for his throbbing cock. He wasn't tied up but he didn't need to be, he knew his dominant would stop if he so much as breathed wrong. He couldn't see his lover but he could hear him and every noise was a revelation. He was happy that his partner was enjoying himself but it felt like an inner circle of hell not being able to interact.
“Fuck me your knot would feel amazing right now. I'm such a mess. Can you hear it? Shit- so good.” The omega couldn't stop his mouth even when his voice went breathy but he needed to involve his mate somehow. He slowed his hand and reached down with the other, soaking his fingers before he pulled them back up to tease around the boy's hole. The noise that left his bitch's lips made it all worth it. The poor thing sounded almost broken already. He stopped trying to fuck his own hand and instead kept his touch steady on his spot as his others slipped inside Dom’s hole. It was hard to focus on both but he was only trying to get himself off. The killer would cum when he said it was allowed.
Dominic whimpered and moaned as the other man's touch slid deeper. His nerves felt electrified after his punishment so all he could focus on was how tight he felt as Col explored and stretched him out. The omega hooked his finger and pulled just a little before he spit inside his mate and shuddered at the groan he heard. His lover was fever hot inside and his cock jerked at the thought of being surrounded by his tight silky pink walls. His own pleasure was building fast as he teased his spot hard. With every touch he swore he could feel his heartbeat in his cunt, dick, and nipples and he wondered if it would affect Dom the same. As his pleasure built he stilled his fingers inside the killer and focused on his own need. “Oh fuck me. Shit! So- oh- ohhh fucking-” His babbling stopped when his orgasm hit and he gushed in his palm and down his legs.
His dick stayed hard and in the game as he worked through his rapture, his fingers barely able to move as his cunt squeezed around them. He was panting and cursing and started rocking his other hand again until Dom was groaning and trying to cant his ass back. He had meant to go easy but his pleasure only made him need the boy more and he fucked him with two fingers until he stopped cumming so hard.
Eventually he added a third and pulled his other hand free, slapping his wet palm against Dom’s plush cheek. “Mmmplease?” The killer mumbled and the omega smirked. He didn't think he'd done enough but if his mate wanted to hurt…
“You've seen me. You really think your virgin ass is ready?” He wasn't boasting, it wasn't ego. He was thick and long. Maybe not as much a monster as his lover but still. He'd stretch him out and fuck him sloppy, probably make him bleed. As much as he craved it he didn't want to push if Dom didn't.
“Ready. Fuck me? Wanna feel yas for days. Daddy please?” That was it. That fucking word just did something to him when it came whimpered from the boy's lips. He scissored his fingers wide as he pulled them free and spit inside him again before letting go and watching the mess he used as lube dribble out to drip down Dom's skin and disappear over his balls.
Kells planted his knees better in the squishy wet towel under him, spreading his legs just wide enough to make his dick level. He curled his palm around himself and slapped his tip against that rosebud hole before gently teasing inside. The feeling of Dom's muscles wet and squeezing him tight was almost too much and he nearly broke to slam home. He wanted his lover to hurt, not be damaged so he slid back out and circled playfully again. “You sure bitch? Can't take it back.” He asked one last time. An Alpha didn't normally submit so easily but his was damn special. He'd try to show him what a gift it felt like later.
“Want it. Need you. You Cols- Daddy, please? Fuck me.” The words were nearly whined but sure. Dom needed his mate more than he needed air.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🩷🖤
So that was... Smutty as fuck. I'll just say it 🤭 The next part will be just as bad if not worse. Maybe more, we'll have to see. Eventually the plot will start plotting but for now let's just let the boys bond. Hope you're enjoying it! ❤️‍🔥🖤
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puppy-coded · 2 years
Do You Want It To Hurt?{S.H.}
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut mdni(so help me), piv, sub!steve, bondage(m), denial(m), implied masturabation(m)
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Steve Harrington x wednesday!reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.7k words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You were originally supposed to show Steve a new device but he got a little too excited with your plans.
✰ 𝐀/𝐍: Wednesday!reader but not the same universe as sunshine and moonlight. unrelated smut blurb, i'm just horny. Also, um, first smut fic so... please be kind <3
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"Do you just... take pleasure in my threats?" You asked. "You don't seem to be reacting in the way normal people do." You observed, looking Steve up and down.
Steve's eyes widened. He didn't have a suitable answer ready. At all.
He wasn't expecting it. He panicked and said, "Actually a little bit." Which took you by surprise.
He was surprised that he said it too. What surprised him even more was your reaction to his answer.
"You should come by my place then. I've been dying to use that new torture device." You deadpanned. A small trace of a smile graced your features as you thought about your new "baby" as you lovingly deemed the device. "You can be the thing I break it in on."
Steve was done for.
You did your version of "excitement" at the end of the day and Steve could tell. He was starting to want to back out of his stupidity but he knew if he opened his mouth he'd dig his hole deeper.
You walked up to him with a small bounce in your final step towards him. "Are you ready?"
"Real quick, and I'm not backing out, I swear, but... um... will it hurt?" He asked nervously. He still wasn't sure what he wanted your answer to be.
You and Steve stared at each other for a few moments. "Do you want it to?" You asked, finally breaking the silence.
"Let's... just go." Steve said, not trusting himself to lie to you.
You made a mental note of his avoidance.
He never really looked at you on the way to the manor either. Usually he'd be trying to make conversation, most times failing, but now he had his hands in his pockets and seemed lost in thought.
Until you two got there.
"Come." You ordered. Steve could have sworn he would have died then and there.
Steve thought he died and ascended into heaven. A hot girl ordering him around and about to... do unspeakable things to him?
Oh please god yes.
"Follow me. Just ignore everything that's not the torture chamber." You instructed as you led Steve down the hall. "Especially Frank's room."
"Uh... Who's Frank?"
"Don't worry about it."
Steve nodded and started to nervously bite his nails. He was starting to think he read the situation wrong and you really wanted to murder him but play with him first, like a cat.
You wordlessly pulled him into a dimly light room and led him to your new "stretchy" table. "Lay down. I'll strap you in in a moment."
You smiled when he willingly laid down and you cuffed in his wrists and ankles, as promised. "Comfy?" You asked teasingly, though your tone wasn't evident of that fact.
Steve swallowed a forming lump in his throat and nodded. "Good."
You smiled wider as you wrapped your hands around the handle that would stretch Steve ever so slightly... but enough to hurt.
Steve watched and wished that your hands were around his now aching cock. He should not be turned on by this. He shouldn't. It's not something he even dreamed of being into.
But here he was. About to be found out by you and you'd probably be unrelenting in the torture for even daring to think of you like that.
As soon as you pulled the lever you noticed Steve's... predicament and Steve let out a hiss in pain.
You leaned down next to his face, noticing his slight blush across his freckled cheeks. "Is this turning you on?"
"Only a little. Please don't kill me."
"Kill you?" You asked a slightly panicked Steve. "Now the real fun begins."
You traced your finger down his side as you walked to the other end of the table, putting a hand on his thigh. "Before I continue, do you actually want it? Or are you into the pain?"
Steve just nodded.
"Answer me."
Steve looked away before he responded. "Yes. I want it."
It was getting ridiculous now. "Look me in the eyes and answer me Steven. I won't touch you until you follow a simple command such as this."
He looked you in the eyes, clearly embarrassed by what he was about to do. "Yes. I want it."
"Yes what?"
"Yes please. Please fuck me. I need it," He whined. Oh he was a pathetic loser now, not the over-confident King Steve he usually was.
This is going to be fun.
You unbuttoned his jeans and just pulled them down. You snapped the waistband of his boxers, which made Steve gasp, before pulling the handle of the table again, this time making it go back to normal.
You finally, slowly, pulled his boxers down to his ankles along with his jeans. You wrapped a hand around his cock and smiled at the relieved sigh Steve let out.
You squeezed slightly and he just stared at you. You and Steve made eye contact, not breaking it as you took your own panties off. He stared as he watched you hitch up your skirt to get to them.
"Oh? Someone looks kinda... desperate for some... attention." You said quietly. "I know just the thing."
You grabbed some scissors from the nearest table and Steve's eyes widened. "Wha..." He cleared his throat as his voice cracked at the sight. "What are those for?" He asked, slightly shaking as you traced the blade down his jaw.
You stared into his eyes before responding. "I think... you should tell me to stop when you don't feel comfortable." You said simply. "Just a simple 'red' and I'll stop everything and uncuff you. Deal?"
"Good. Now I'm going to cut your shirt open. For fun." You told him, cutting it down his chest.
Steve shivered at the cold on his bare skin, blush creeping up his chest to his neck when he realized you were fully clothed and he was not.
No fair.
You got on the table on top of him, straddling his torso. "You're lucky. I've decided against the wax. Instead..." You bit you lip and pinched one of his nipples. "I'm going to have my fun." You now squeezed both of them until he gasped. "Understand?"
"Y-yes ma'am. I... I understand. Please just... I need it." He said. "Please. I want you. I want to feel you around me. I want-" You cut him off with your hand.
You held your hand there and put a finger to your lips. He stopped talking and stared at you, he was practically tearing up from how built up he was.
You smiled sadistically and took your hand from his mouth down to his throat. "You're so pitiful sometimes, you know that?" You asked Steve, slowly squeezing. He nodded the best he could and you dug your nails ever so slightly into the sensitive skin of his neck. "Words."
"Yes." He choked out. "Yes I'm so pitiful sometimes." He agreed. He really only said it so you would get to the sex part faster.
You squeezed a little harder for a little longer, wanting to see him squirm. Or, at least, attempted to.
"I can do this all day," You reminded him. "I'm not the one turned on by this." That's a lie but he didn't have to know that. "I will, however, show mercy on you this time." You smiled. It was a sweet smile, a smile that told Steve to mentally prepare for something. He just didn't know what he had to mentally prepare for.
You got up off the table and slowly, ever so slowly, got back on. You straddled Steve once more and hovered over his cock. "Is there anything you want to tell me before I begin?"
Steve stared at you with wide eyes. "You're pretty?"
"Cute." You deadpanned, finally sinking down on him. He stretched you out so deliciously well and you couldn't quite contain your moans. "Not what I was expecting at all Steven."
Steve kept his mouth shut, he didn't want to say anything stupid and, as a result, have you stop.
You went slowly. Slowly rolling your hips which felt heavenly. You had adjusted yourself to him and pulled off your shirt, giving Steve a nice view of your tits. Good thing you didn't feel like wearing a bra today.
Steve desperately tried moving. He tried to thrust up into you but couldn't because of his restraints.
You noticed his barely there efforts and leaned down close to him. "What do you want Steven? I can't do anything if you don't use your words," You reminded him.
"Pl-please go faster." He whispered, clearly embarrassed.
You put your hands on his stomach and he knew he was not going to last as long as he wanted. You quickly rocked your hips and accidentally hit that perfect spot inside of you.
You nearly lost yourself in your own feelings but quickly caught yourself. You bit your hand to keep yourself quiet, wanting to hear Steve's whimpers and moans.
Oh he was cute.
Both of your voices filled the chamber within minutes. You were getting so close and you could tell Steve was too. You bounced on his cock like it was the last thing you'd ever do. You just needed to get there. You just wanted to finish.
Your climax hit you and you leaned back, content with everything you'd just done. Of course you were, you just had great sex with Steve Harrington.
You got up, earning a whine from Steve. "Yes Steven?" You asked, somewhat breathless.
"What about me?" He asked.
You stared at him unblinkingly for an unsettling amount of time. "You should have finished when you had the chance." You said, knowing full well you would have pulled out the wax if he dared finish before you did.
Oh well.
You undid all his restraints and handed him his jeans. "Ask my brother for a shirt. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. If he says no then I guess you're going home shirtless." You said, putting your own shirt back on.
Steve nodded. He just went home. He practically ran to his place and locked himself in his room to finish what you had started.
. . .
✰ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @beezywriting @sw34terw34ther
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
"Seeing Starrs" ~ Argyle
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Summary: When tension is high in the recording studio, Argyle knows exactly how to relieve it… and it has you seeing stars.
Pairing: Modern!Radio DJ!Argyle x Co-Host!AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 1,975
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) unprotected piv sex (don't be silly, wrap ur willy!!) doggy style activities, spanking, hair pulling, fingering for like a second, nicknames (baby, slut; sir), maybe dom/sub dynamics? i gave argyle a last name bc why tf not, lots of beatles references oops, not beta read, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: Who would I be if I didn't write an Argyle fic for National 🍃 Day?
Originally Written: 04/20/2023
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
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To say you had the hots for your coworker… Well, that might've been the biggest understatement of the year.
To be fair, who wouldn't? From his slick, raven hair to the airiness of his voice to the intricate knowledge he held of a soundboard, it was hard to say Argyle Montoya was anything but gorgeous.
It definitely didn't make matters any better that you knew him better than anyone else. You'd spend hours every single day talking about anything you could find, in between DJ-ing for one of California's biggest radio stations of course. You felt like you'd begun to know him better than even he did.
Maybe that's how you'd weaseled your way in and found out he was currently single and very ready to mingle.
Somehow or another, he'd let it slip that he'd been particularly… lonely, let's say. And maybe that was why you'd been flashing him extra special glances while he was working, paying extra special attention to the way his hands looked roaming around the soundboard. You could swear you felt your heart flip as he flicked the microphone switch, leading back into his next segment.
The two of you made eye contact for what was most likely only a second, but felt like hours. The normal caramel shade of his eyes had faded into obsidian, and you were surprised his glare hadn't burned a hole right through you.
"That was the iconic Lucy In The Sky," he started, his breath hot on the mike. "Can never go wrong with The Beatles. Can you, Y/N?"
Your stomach turned as his gaze zeroed in on you again. "Nope," you chuckled into your mike.
"I don't know about you guys but we're huge fans of The Beatles here at 102 The Groove, which is why… drum roll, please."
"Dum dum dum dum," you improvised, forcing yourself to chuckle at the way he motioned toward you. His expressions were normal, average Argyle. But that glare… that stupidly sexy glare was going to be the death of you.
He laughed, a sound that managed to be sweet and rough simultaneously. "For a half hour, in honor of Ringo's sold out stadium tour, we're gonna be playing nothing but the best of The Beatles. Maybe a Wings song in there somewhere, maybe a Plastic Ono Band song or two. And who knows? Maybe at the end we'll be giving away a couple tickets to a very lucky listener. Here's Come Together to start us off."
You panicked, looking over your schedule. You were sure you didn't remember there being a half hour block scheduled for that hour, much less a Beatles block. Your eyes drifted along the page, examining every word, down to last syllable and-
"What are you doing?" Argyle asked, practically hovering over your chair.
You let out a strangled breath, your heart beating fast from his close proximity. "I-" you struggled, attempting to collect your thoughts. "There wasn't a half hour block scheduled."
"I know. Which is why I reiterate, what are you doing?" He eyes locked with yours, and it wasn't until that moment that you realized how close his large hand was to yours on the desk.
"What are you-"
"Don't play innocent with me," he said. All cheerfulness and light had left his voice, what he met you with was a sound as dark as his pupils."You think I haven't noticed all those little looks you've been sending me?"
Oh. Oh. "Oh that," you teased, trying to keep calm, though every inch of your body was screaming at you to jump his bones. "It's nothing really."
"Before I say anything either of us will regret, are you open to me being completely honest?"
Your stomach was doing so many somersaults, it rivaled an Olympic gymnast. "Of course, you can always be honest with me." The whole truth. You'd never be dishonest with Argyle, inside or outside of… whatever this was. And you needed him to know that you wanted nothing less than complete honesty from him.
"Do you think me trying to hide a boner from you all damn day is nothing?"
Your heart fluttered and you could already feel arousal forming in between your legs. You were sure it was a risk, but that didn't seem to stop you as you licked your lips, following it up with, "Is there anything I can do to fix it?"
"Yeah," he said as he kneeled in front of you, his tall figure still managing to be eye level with you even down on his knee. "I think fucking that look out of you would fix it. How 'bout you?"
You were rendered speechless as he lifted you from your chair, both of you standing back up to your full height. He towered over you, his brows raised as he awaited your response. You simply nodded, afraid your voice would betray you.
"Gonna need words, baby." You both cursed and commended him for being such a gentleman.
"Yes," you answered in a low moan.
His eyes flicked around the room, and you followed them like a lost puppy. "Close your blinds."
He walked over to his side of the studio, tugging down his blinds in swift, hurried motions. You stood like a deer in headlights, unsure if you could will your legs to move.
"Do you not understand plain English?" he all but growled. "Close the damn blinds."
You knew your lips would betray you at some point or another, but you didn't expect them to betray you by saying, "No."
Two letters, one syllable, and somehow the worst possible answer you could have ever given him.
He strided back toward you, one of his hands landing on your hip while the other met your hair, caressing it with his pointer finger. "Do you want everyone in this office to see me fucking you senseless?"
Your breathing sped up, and by the expression on his face, he already knew your response. Still, you shook your head, willing your hand to reach over and close the blinds.
In an instant, his mouth was on yours and his hands on your skin. The two of you pushed and pulled at each other, and you hadn't noticed you'd moved until your back hit the wall. You arched away from the foam, secretly fearing you'd damage the equipment if you were too hard on it.
His lips traveled down to your neck, nipping and sucking at the base. Your hands tangled in his hair, the soft texture contrasting the roughness of his hands and mouth.
"Tell me," he said, his voice low, "how you need me."
You could think of about thirty positions you wanted him to take you in and twenty more places you wanted his mouth. You breathed heavily, one thing prominent in your mind. "I want," you panted, "I want you to bend me over your desk."
"Oh, yeah?" he smirked, lifting you up and forcing your legs around his waist. You willed your body to hold on to him, mewling as his rock-solid erection settled against your core. "Your wish is my command then, baby."
His mouth connected with yours once again as he carried you over to his desk, untangling your legs from him. "Bend over," he demanded.
You turned, lowering yourself onto the desk with the speed of a turtle. "Yes, sir," you sighed, raising your ass slowly to meet his tented jeans.
"Sir. I like the sound of that, baby."
His hands met the waistband of your pants, slowly slipping them down your legs until your cunt was on full display for me. His hand met your asscheek, gripping the supple skin, his nails embedding dirty crescent shapes into you. "Look at you."
Your hips canted as his nails dug into you. "Marking me as yours?" you asked, grinding against him.
"Hell yeah, I am." He smacked your ass, and your head fell forward. "You like that? Making sure everyone knows you belong to now?"
"Uh-huh," you answered in a breathy sigh. You rubbed your butt against him, and you were positive you'd created a wet spot on his jeans.
His hand trailed down your body, until his fingers met your folds, your slick soaking the digits. His opposite hand moved to his jeans, undoing the fastening quickly. "God, so wet, baby."
"Only for you," you answered as you rutted against him, sinking his fingers further into you. "O-Oh," you moaned, throwing your head back.
"Not so fast," he instructed, moving his hands to your hips and lining you up with the tip of his cock. "You can have my fingers later, baby. My cock needs you right now."
He slowly slid in, and you nearly came just from the sheer girth of his dick. He pulled at your hips, beginning to create the perfect rhythm. The sounds of skin and slick filled the air, and sweat began to pool in the dips of your breasts.
He rocked into you, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive spot with every thrust. His hips slammed against yours, so hard you were sure you'd have bruises. His fingers grasped and squeezed at your love handles, and you couldn't help but whine from the pure pain and pleasure he was providing you with.
"You dirty little thing," he grunted with a particularly rough thrust. "Wanting everyone in the office to see me fucking you like this."
You moaned, fucking back onto his length. The thought was enough to have you seeing stars.
"Little slut. Oh, shitttt," he exhaled, his dick twitching inside of you. "God, I'm close, baby."
Your eyes screwed shut as you rasped, "Me too, sir." Your bodies glistened with sweat under the hot lights, creating extra friction that you craved. You moaned as his hand met your ass again, slapping you in some form of disapproval.
"Not yet, baby," he instructed, one of his hands meeting your hair. "I need to see your eyes when it happens."
He pulled your head back, and you forced your eyes to meet his. Your pussy fluttered around him as your climax built, rutting your hips against him until the head of his cock was surely hitting your cervix. He held your head up, his grip so tight, you wouldn't be surprised if he pulled out your hair. Not that you cared, if he pulled your hair any harder, you'd probably cum just from that.
With a couple more thrusts, he was spilling inside of you, and you were finishing in sync with him. Your walls pulsed around him, milking his cock for everything it was worth. "Fuckfuckfuck," he was groaning in your ear, his hand firm on your hip as you both worked through your highs.
He stayed buried inside of you until the last possible moment, making you cum three more times before he pulled out. You weren't even sure he had pulled his pants back up before speaking into the mike. "That was Photograph by Ringo Starr to close us out. Y/N, you wanna announce what number caller is gonna win pit seats for Ringo's show at the Greek Theater?"
You tried your hardest to not sound like you were recovering from an earth shattering orgasm as you said, "How 'bout caller number four?"
"I like that number. Call 213-555-9333 to claim your tickets now!"
He pulled away from the mike, his gaze closing in on you. The phones began ringing, and as he picked up, his gaze was still zeroed in on you. "Caller number four, who is this?!"
The person spoke, but you didn't hear a word he said. Your gaze stayed on his as you mouthed, "it's a lucky number, considering how many orgasms you provided me with."
He rolled his eyes, mouthing back, "How do you feel about me beating that record later?"
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @serenity-lattes
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jplupine · 11 months
Day 26: Ggio Vega ~ Pet Play
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Pairing: Ggio Vega x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~5.3k Date Published: October 26, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Ggio, Exophilia, Pet Play, Collar/Leash, Teasing, Leg Humping, Begging, Cunnilingus, Face Fucking, Praise, Bondage, Cumming Early, Throat Grabbing, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'kitten' and 'good boy' to refer to Ggio. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Wynter gets stuck keeping an eye on the feline Fracción but finds that it's not too bad with his knack for obedience.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  "You should use a taller stool."
  "I don't have a taller stool." I grunted while trying to shimmy a box off the top of a bookshelf. I was attempting to clean the office when Kisuke showed up with Ggio in tow. Kisuke had asked me to keep an eye on Ggio since he had his hands full at the shop with other Arrancar that had survived and were left scattered after Aizen's downfall.
  Ggio was one of the few surviving Fracciónes, and without Barragan around, he seemed unable to find himself to get back on his feet. At least, that was how Kisuke had put it during our phone call. So it wasn't a good idea to leave Ggio on his own for long.
  "How do you not have a taller stool being as short as you are?" Ggio's tone was condescending, and I rolled my eyes before turning to look at him.
  "You know, you can help instead of nitpick."
  "Help? Clean your home? Please." His lip curled up into a grimace as he crossed his arms.
  "Then shh." I placed a finger in front of my lips while looking him in the eye.
  "Who do you think you're talking to, mortal?"
  "A mouthy Arrancar." I retorted and turned back to reach for the box. I scooted it further over the edge little by little with my fingers barely reaching.
  "Why put something so high that you can't reach it? I would put it somewhere lower had I been you."
  "I didn't put it here, my uncle did." I heavily sighed before yelping when a book fell and hit the top of my head. Ggio burst into laughter while pointing at me, and I shot him a glare. "Look, I'm struggling here. Could you use your powers to get it?"
  "Oh? Actually asking me for help?" Ggio had a condescending smile as I stepped down from the stool.
  "Yes, I am. So could you please help me?" I leaned one hand on the stool with the other hand resting on my hip. Ggio's smile faltered when I said 'please' as if he hadn't expected me to say it. "It'll just take two seconds, I promise no longer than that. Then you can sit back down."
  Ggio didn't respond, but his golden eyes shot upward. Looking to see what suddenly caught his attention, I saw the heavy box overhead falling. I instinctively ducked while covering my head, expecting the books falling out to hit me since I didn't have time to move. However, nothing ever made contact even though I heard the box and books make impact before bouncing to the ground.
  Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up while lowering my hands. Ggio was looking down at me with an unamused expression and his hands on the bookshelf. He'd used his own body to shield me from the falling books.
  Which wasn't expected. Especially not after pointing and laughing when the first one had hit me on the head.
  "....Thank you."
  "Get a taller stool. Or ask me to do it....with that 'please'." He flashed his fangs while his nose scrunched up as if it was such a chore what he was doing.
  He took a step back as I crouched lower to gather the fallen books. Ggio looked down his nose at me as he watched me pick them up. His arms were crossed over his chest, and having him watch my every move felt different from before. It now felt like he was trying to bore holes through my head.
  Clearing my throat, I set the books on my desk before turning back to face Ggio.
  "Could you please get that one as well?" I pointed at the other box on top of the shelf. Ggio slowly looked up at the box and moved so quickly that I nearly missed him getting the box before setting it on the desk next to the pile of books. I gave a low whistle. "Wow, you really are a fast one."
  "Of course I am." Ggio gave a devilish grin. "Anything else?"
  "No, that'll be all for now. Thank you." I shook my head while opening the box to find more books inside, and Ggio's smile fell. His expression went flat as he lingered in the office and watched me sort through the books.
  At least he was quiet now even if his staring was a bit unnerving.
  Picking up a stack of books to take them into the living room, Ggio was soon in front of me with his nose scrunched in a snarl.
  "Tch. You're so weak. Can't even carry some measly books." He took them from my arms before I could even respond. "Where were you taking them?"
  "....Living room." I pointed, and he turned on his heel to leave the office and go down the hallway to the living room. I hadn't actually been struggling with the books at all and wondered what he'd been talking about. As I watched him walk away, my brows furrowed.
  "I've put them on the table by the couch." Ggio called out, and I looked down at the other stack of books. An idea formed in my head as I placed my hand on the top book.
  "Do you mind taking these in there as well?"
  "Pathetic. How have you survived this long being this weak?" Ggio flashed his fangs at me while picking up the books. He was talking shit the entire time he went back to the living room and set down the books.
  I, on the other hand, couldn't help but scoff in amusement.
  So Ggio was that type? At least now I had a clue on how to work with him.
  He returned with an expectant look on his face.
  "Thank you, Ggio." I smiled pleasantly and saw his hair move from his ears twitching.
  "You should be thankful. Who knows how long it would've taken you to do that yourself. You're as slow as they come."
  "Can you eat human food?"
  "Can you eat human food?"
  "....Yes. Why?"
  "C'mere." I waved my hand to gesture for him to follow me as I went to the kitchen. Going into the pantry, I fished out a chocolate bar and ripped it open before holding it out to him. "Here. A treat for your hard work."
  "What is this?"
  "Chocolate. It's sweet with some bitterness."
  "What are those red bits?" Ggio asked while leaning closer and sniffing at the bar.
  "Cherries. It's a fruit." I clarified since I'd heard how Hueco Mundo didn't have much of anything like the living world. I could only hope he at least knew what a fruit was.
  "And you want me to eat this?" His gaze narrowed at me.
  "It's safe, I promise. Look." I took a bite and chewed while holding the bar out to him again. He experimentally sniffed at the chocolate bar again, and his pupils slightly widened. He reminded me of a curious cat.
  Ggio then took a bite, and his ears perked under his hair.
  "This is acceptable." He then snatched the bar from me to eat the rest of it. He also had no clue that he was further confirming my suspicions.
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  It became routine for Kisuke to drop Ggio off at my house when he got too busy, but Ggio didn't truly seem to mind no matter how much he complained.
  And no matter how much he talked down to me and degraded with snide remarks, he did whatever I asked of him. So long as there was a please and thank you, he'd do it.
  I figured Ggio was so used to serving Barragan that he must be feeling lost having no one over him and would take orders from anyone- albeit, within the limits his pride allowed.
  The temptation to take advantage of that obedience was ever-present. But I never acted on the temptation to maintain clear boundaries. Ggio would always go back to Kisuke's at the end of the day, after all.
  However, I still enjoyed getting some help around the house while Ggio believed he was showing me how things 'should' be done. I could also tell he liked the praise for a job well done, so it worked out well enough.
  "Hey, can I get your opinion on this? I have a meeting tomorrow and have to look like I don't want to get fired." I rose my voice to make sure Ggio could hear me, and his head popped into my room as I stood in front of my mirror.
  "What are the standards of not being set aflame?"
  "No, fired. In this context, it means being released from duty. Which I need to avoid since this job pays my bills." I sighed while rolling up the sleeves of my button-up and turned to look at Ggio. "So? Would you keep me employed if you were my boss?"
  His golden gaze was locked on me as he quietly looked me up and down. I was in a fitted, pale blue button-up with black pants that had been tailored and dress shoes. His head cocked to the side as he crossed his arms over his chest.
  "I would not fire you."
  "Awesome. Now, hair down or should I put it up?" I asked while gathering my hair and holding it up to mimic a bun. Ggio's eyes widened a fraction as he stared at me for a moment. "What? Not good up?" I then dropped my hair.
  "These are trivial concerns." His response was quick as he looked away.
  "For you, perhaps. I, on the other hand, have to make a good impression." Going into my closet, I grabbed a couple more button-ups. "Do you think one of these would be better?"
  "The blue one is fine." Ggio rolled his eyes before his attention caught on something else in the room. As I put the other shirts back, I saw him come further into the room. "I thought you kept food downstairs in the kitchen."
  "I do."
  "Then why do you have food in here?"
  "I don't." I let my confusion show, and Ggio disappeared as he crouched beside the bed. I heard something sliding out from underneath it, and my heart began to pound. "Ggio, don't!" I rushed out of the closet and slid around the corner of the bed.
  Ggio already had the box I kept under the bed opened and a bottle in his hand.
  "What sort of drink is this? It smells so sweet."
  "That's....not a drink." I rubbed a hand over my face while heavily sighing and feeling my ears burning.
  "Syrup?" Ggio tilted the bottle while studying it. "There's another one, but it doesn't smell sweet. What is 'flavored lubricant'? I haven't seen this in your kitchen before.... Astroglide?" He sounded so confused.
  "Okay, did no one ever tell you not to get into things that don't belong to you?" I took the two bottles away from Ggio as he looked up at me.
  "What is it? Why is your heart beating faster?" His eyes narrowed. "Is this poisonous?"
  "No." I heavily sighed. "Humans use this for pleasure. Uh, sexual pleasure. The flavored one is to make things taste differently." I hoped my explanation was enough for him to understand as he silently looked at me still.
  "....How is this for sexual pleasure? It's just liquid."
  "Well, it's not usually used by itself. Look, if you really want to know, I can give you a quick run-down of human sex ed or something, but it might weird you out since you're an Arrancar."
  "So this 'lubricant' does nothing on its own?"
  "Not really. There are some types that give warm sensations, but these are pretty basic and don't do that."
  "Does it taste as sweet as it smells?" His question made me look at him again. He was still crouched by the box and thankfully hadn't dug further to find the toys.
  "Maybe. Your nose is more sensitive than mine, though." Tilting my head I quirked up a brow. "You can have a taste if you want. It's harmless." Ggio was quiet for a second as he curiously eyed the flavored one.
  "Let me taste it then." He demanded and moved to stand until I stopped him.
  "Hold on." Dropping the unflavored one back into the box, I then popped open the cap of the flavored one. "This stuff can get pretty messy, and I don't feel like cleaning it up." He watched as I poured some of the lube onto my thumb before dropping the bottle into the box. "Open your mouth." I ordered while using my free hand to tilt up his chin.
  When his eyes locked with mine, pink dusted his cheeks in a rather cute manner. I felt him swallow as the air became electrified. I smirked while still holding his chin.
  "What? Still worried it might be poison?" I licked some of the sweet lube off my thumb to show him that it was safe. "See?" I saw how his pupils widened while watching my tongue disappear back into my mouth. His lips slowly parted, and I brought my thumb down.
  As I had anticipated, Ggio was being rather obedient and let my thumb go past his lips and sharp teeth. Pressing my thumb against his warm tongue, he kept his fangs clear away from my hand as he licked at the lube. His long lashes brushed his cheeks when he blinked and looked up at me with his pupils widening more.
  "So? How's it taste?" I questioned with my thumb sliding out of his mouth and resting on his bottom lip.
  "Artificial." His blunt response made me laugh, and his cheeks became a darker shade of pink.
  "Aren't you cute?"
  "What else is in this box that you don't want me to see?"
  "....Tell you what, kitten, I'll show you if you're really that curious."
  "Ki-Kitten?! I'm not a kitten!"
  "You're as cute as one." I teased while grinning and rubbing my thumb over his lips. Taking a step closer to him, I moved my hand back to grab his braid and tug on it, forcing his head back as he looked up at me. "Maybe that's why you follow me around and do whatever I say. You're looking for a new master, aren't you?"
  "What?! If you're implying that I would seek a filthy mortal to be my master-" Ggio flashed his fangs in a snarl only to jolt when I lifted my foot. I hummed while feeling his balls against the tip of my shoe as his spine stiffened.
  "So you Arrancar do have genitals. That explains why you didn't question what sex was. To answer your other question; the box is full of sex toys and ropes."
  "S-Sex toys?" Ggio muttered with confusion while not daring to move given where my foot was.
  "Toys to aid in sexual pleasure. Some vibrate, some are just fake dicks, and my personal favorite mimics sucking. It even looks like a cute little penguin with a bowtie. Still wanna have a look?" I questioned while glancing down at the box before looking back at Ggio.
  "Mm. Curious little kitten, huh?" I smirked.
  "I'm not a kitten."
  "Of course not." I gently tapped his nose and lowered my foot before moving the box to the top of the bed.
  "What....What do you want me to do?"
  "You're propositioning me, yes? I can smell it." His eyes were now glued to my crotch. "If this is a human courtship ritual, I don't know it."
  "Are you saying you want to fuck me, Ggio?"
  "I-I will allow you the pleasures of my body to show my....gratitude for your hospitality." Looking further down, I saw how he had an erection pushing up against his clothes.
  "Then I will kindly accept your offer." I pulled a collar from the box and latched it around his neck before tugging on the leash as I leaned down. Ggio's face was so close to mine and turning redder by the second. "I want you to take your clothes off, kitten. And don't stand up." He only nodded before yanking open his top and exposing his lean torso.
  My grip on the leash loosened as I went back into the box, and he undressed beside me. Finding what I was looking for, I pulled it out and waved it at him.
  "If you bite too hard, this goes in your mouth. Understood?" Ggio eyed the gag shaped like a bone before nodding. "Good." I let my gaze lower to look at his now naked body.
  He was toned but not very muscular at all. His skin was unmarred save for a scar on his chest from his fight with Soi Fon. His dick was also thick and standing proud between his thighs.
  "You know, for someone who keeps saying he's not a kitten, you don't look much like a tiger either." I stated and grabbed his Hollow mask to tilt his head back. "But you're certainly a treat either way." Ggio bit his bottom lip while looking up at me with blown pupils. "I'll be your new master, Ggio. That's what you want, isn't it?"
  "No." His answer was sharp and quick, and I quirked up a brow.
  "No? I guess I misread you, then." I reached for the collar to undo the buckle, but Ggio grabbed my wrist to stop me with his gaze averted.
  "Yes." His voice was barely over a whisper.
  "Yes, I misread you?"
  "No. I...." Ggio swallowed. "I didn't expect things to develop into this. But I do not dislike it."
  "Mm. Then say it." I rolled my hand to wrap the leash around my knuckles. "Tell me that you want me, kitten."
  "I-I want you." He whispered.
  "I want you."
  "Try again, kitten."
  "I want you, master."
  "That's it." I grinned and tugged on the leash to pull him closer. "Now show me how badly you want me." Putting my foot on the floor between his thighs, I stood up all of the way to look down at him.
  Ggio was so pretty with his cheeks flushed and his cock hard as he kneeled on the floor for me. His golden eyes dropped to look at my leg before glancing up at me.
  "Go on, kitten. Do a good job, and I'll give you a treat." My tone was nearly a purr, and Ggio's ears twitched. He swallowed before hesitantly bringing his body closer to my leg. I felt his hard cock brush against my shin as his hands grabbed the back of my thigh.
  He began to slowly grind his hips against my leg. I heard his breath falter from the friction, and he brought his body even closer. I kept hold of the leash while watching Ggio hump my leg like a needy animal.
  With his cock trapped between his torso and my leg, he dropped his hips a little lower to also rub his balls against my shoe. He bit his bottom lip while grunting with his eyes closed. Breathing more through his nose as his grip on my thigh tightened, his face drifted closer to my groin.
  One of his hands grabbed my belt as he buried his face between my thighs and deeply inhaled.
  "You smell so good." He groaned into the fabric of my pants.
  "Focus or this is all you get, kitten." I slightly tilted my foot up to put more pressure against his balls. I heard a whine come from the back of his throat.
  "Do you plan on just standing there?"
  "Watch the attitude. Only good boys get rewards." I grabbed the back of his head to grind my pussy against his face through my clothes. Ggio groaned before he began to purr. "So will you behave?"
  "Yes, master."
  "That's what I like to hear, kitten." Ggio picked up speed while rutting against my shin. His grip on my belt tightened as he continued to breathe in the scent of my arousal. His purring rumbled deep in his chest, and I began to feel claws against the back of my thigh.
  Tilting Ggio's head back, I checked his face to see red stripes forming on his cheeks as his ears pointed enough to barely peek out of his hair. His pupils were so wide, leaving his irises as thin, golden rings.
  "Are you really that needy, kitten?" I smirked while observing the changes to Ggio's body as it became more feline. "How long have you wanted this to not even put up a fight?" He bit his bottom lip without answering. "Oh? Has it been a while? You poor thing."
  Ggio growled at my tone, but I only smiled and tugged on the leash to make his head hit my thigh as a warning. The growl gradually died.
  "Good boy." My free hand reached up to undo the top button of my shirt. A few more came undone to expose part of my chest and collarbone, and Ggio's hips bucked as he purred again. He leaned up to bite my belt buckle and tugged with his fangs sinking into the leather. "Ah-ah." I thumped his nose, making him recoil with a hiss. "This is my good belt, Ggio. Don't bite it."
  With him leaning back now, I could see his swollen cock had smeared precum against my pant leg and his stomach. I hummed while lifting my foot to press my shoe against his balls, watching how he jolted and made a soft sound like a mewl.
  "All right, pet." I undid my belt with one hand while maintaining eye contact with Ggio. "I just want you to do a couple more things before you get your treat. Okay?" Pulling the belt free from the loops, I was smiling down at the Arrancar as his cock twitched.
  Ggio only nodded while softly panting, and I moved my leg away from him. He tensed when I dropped the leash and sat on the edge of the bed.
  "Take them off." I ordered as my shoe rested against Ggio's chest. His breath shook with his hands hesitantly rising. "I thought you were faster than this, kitten." My words sped him up as he undid the laces and pulled my shoe off. I was busy unbuttoning my shirt while he worked.
  When we both finished our tasks, I stood up again and undid the button and zipper of my pants as Ggio was still on his knees in front of me. He was watching my hands with predatorial eyes, waiting to have what he craved revealed. I pushed my pants down my thighs along with my underwear and let them pool around my ankles.
  "C'mere." I grabbed Ggio by the collar and shoved him against the side of the bed. He looked up at me with confusion until I grabbed his Hollow mask to push his head lower. "All right, kitten. Now stick out your tongue." Ggio made an animalistic groan that was mixed with a growl when I stood over him and he could see my dripping pussy.
  He leaned forward only for me to push him back against the side of the bed.
  "I said stick out your tongue." My tone was firmer, and he did as told with a soft whine. "That's it, pet. And watch the teeth." Bringing my hips closer as my other hand wrapped the leash around it, I held his head in place.
  Ggio's hands came up to grab my ass as he groaned from tasting me. His tongue made broad strokes over my core, lapping up the arousal that had accumulated.
  "How's it taste?" I smiled while looking down at him through half-hooded eyes. His response was a groan and a slow, deep lick. His tongue dragged over my clit, and I took in a sharp breath. Ggio did it again as his grip on my ass tightened. "Just like that, kitten. So good."
  The praise made Ggio purr, sending vibrations to my pussy through his mouth. My hips bucked as I bit my bottom lip and grunted. The teeth of the skull stuck to his head pressed against my skin while his tongue rolled over my clit.
  "Didn't I teach you manners? What are you supposed to say after being given a treat?" My voice was breathy and lower, and Ggio barely made enough room to speak before diving back in.
  "Thank you, master."
  "Good boy." My eyes closed as my head fell back, feeling his tongue dip into my core as his top lip hit my clit. His claws pricked my ass as his tongue went deeper. "Just like that. Fuck, yes." Ggio moaned into my pussy as he lapped up my arousal and drove his tongue as deep as he could to taste more.
  I could hear the wet sounds from him sloppily eating me out mixing with his purrs and whimpers. Slowly looking down at him, I took in a deep breath while readjusting my grip on his Hollow mask.
  "You're pretty strong, aren't ya, kitten?"
  "Nnn." Ggio nodded without taking his mouth off me. I thrust my hips forward, pinning his head between the side of the mattress and my pelvis. He made a sound of surprise but didn't fight having me ride his tongue in a rougher manner.
  My clit slid over his hot tongue as I rocked against his face.
  "Fuck~!" I panted while going faster. My hand with the leash coiled around it grabbed his head as my other hand planted firmly on the bed. I was just fucking his mouth as he whined and whimpered into my pussy.
  His purring added more vibrations, and I wasn't ashamed to say Ggio was becoming my new favorite toy. His warm mouth felt so good as he ate like he was starving. I kept thrusting my hips to grind against his face and tongue.
  Ggio didn't seem to mind how his head was pinned. In fact, he seemed to like it as he pushed against my ass to aid every thrust. He sucked my clit into his mouth and moaned, making my hips buck as I groaned.
  "Looks like I found a new way to make you stop talking, kitten." I chuckled and panted before feeling his fangs as he sucked more. I moaned again from his tongue swirling over the tip of my clit. He had the bud throbbing more as I fucked his face and forced his head into the mattress.
  I grabbed the blanket so firmly that my knuckles turned white. I was so lost in the pleasure that I forgot to let him have a chance to breathe. I just kept thrusting to feel every bit of pressure and friction I could.
  Ggio's low whine proceeded my orgasm, and I was cumming in his mouth while moaning and trapping his head against the bed. The tension in my muscles gradually relaxed as I slowly came down from the high. I came back to my senses and licked my lips before leaning back.
  The poor Arrancar was panting with his chest rising and falling heavily with each breath. Ggio's face was a mess and wet all around his mouth with drool and slick dripping from his chin. Streaks of wetness were even going down his neck to his chest, and he looked blissed out already.
  "Mmm. You did so good, kitten." I purred while swiping my thumb over his chin to help clean his face. Ggio, without hesitation, licked the mess from my thumb as I sat down in his lap. "How cute. Do you really crave me that much?" I smiled as he leaned toward me and was still panting.
  "More. Give me more."
  "That's not how you ask." I stopped him by grabbing the saber fangs of his Hollow mask.
  "P-Please, master." Ggio's voice was breathy as he grabbed my hips.
  "Good boy." Pulling him forward by the saber fangs, I kissed him. I could taste myself still on his tongue as he whimpered. I brought my body closer to his, feeling his hard cock against me. Ggio jolted before purring and rocking his hips.
  Tilting my hips, the slick and saliva on my pussy smeared along his dick. I felt him shudder as a soft whine came from the back of his throat. Pulling away from the kiss, I raised my hips and tugged on the leash.
  "Go on, then." I tilted my head while looking down at Ggio. He bit his bottom lip and grabbed his cock to line it up with my entrance. His face was flushed and his eyes dark, looking so cute as he held himself.
  Lowering my hips, I sat back down in his lap in one swift drop. Ggio moaned while hunching forward. His eyes fluttered closed and his breath shook.
  Pulling on the leash, I forced him to sit back up before draping an arm over his shoulder.
  "You're pretty sensitive, huh? I didn't think eating pussy would do that much for you." I smiled while having my face only inches from his. Ggio shook his head but said nothing with his mouth left hanging open. "No?"
  My nose brushed against his as I lifted and dropped back down. He whined through clenched teeth, his claws digging into my hips.
  "Does it feel good?"
  "Good. So good."
  "Should I keep going?"
  "Yes. Please, master. Please."
  "Mmm. You're too fuckin' cute, kitten." I kissed him again while riding his cock. He whimpered into the kiss, but then he bucked with his voice pitching an octave higher. I wasn't entirely sure what happened since only a few seconds had passed, but then it dawned on me when I looked at his face and felt cum dripping from my core.
  Ggio didn't look at me as I studied his face.
  "Did you just cum?" My question made him swallow and look embarrassed. "You've barely been touched."
  "So?" His tone was sharp as he snapped at me. Taking in a deep breath, I grabbed him by the throat and pinned his head against the side of the mattress. My face was only centimeters away from his as I looked down my nose at him.
  "Watch your fuckin' tone, kitten. I'm not opposed to training some manners into you." My voice was steady, and Ggio's eyes widened as he swallowed. "Hm. I wonder if you'll still have that attitude when I'm done."
  "What?" Ggio whispered, making me gain a devilish grin.
  "Oh? Did you think that was it?" Raising my hips, the mix of bodily fluids were making it easier for his cock to slip in and out of my pussy. Riding him harder and faster than before, Ggio cried out as his back arched.
  I happily took advantage of his stamina as an Arrancar, but his sensitivity was heightened since he'd already cum. His claws were digging into my hips more, making me hiss from the sharp sting. Grabbing his wrists, I wrapped the leash around them to pin them together. His hands were now bound close to his collar, making every movement of his hands a tug on his collar.
  Ggio was bucking and writhing beneath me, mewling and moaning with his fangs bared.
  "Master! Master, please!" He whimpered as his paws kicked. "I-I don't-"
  "Oh, pet. I'm sure you can keep up with a pathetic human like me, right? Surely an Arrancar like you wouldn't crumble so soon."
  "I-" He moaned with his thighs shivering beneath me. He was drooling and purring uncontrollably.
  "That's it, kitten. Give me all you've got." I cooed as his back arched again. "Cum for me." Ggio's voice broke as he moaned, his cock twitching as it pumped more cum deep inside my pussy. The hot liquid dripped down over his balls and was no doubt leaving a mess on the floor.
  However, I was still far from done with him.
  "Let's see how many times you cum before I do." Ggio shivered at my tone and was an absolute mess. Pulling on the leash, I captured his lips in a heated, hungry kiss.
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levok · 2 years
So, about the Wilmon sex headcanon, let me just make it clear that this is my headcanon, but I'm sending it because I'd love to read your opinion about it (and your followers' too, of course). Also, this isn't about top/bottom (that is another conversation, though I honestly don't think it's something anyone can deduce, so unless it actually makes it to the show, either shown or told, we can't really know - not to mention people are allowed to change their minds about this too). But I digress...
My headcanon is about dom/sub dynamics (not necessarily in a BDSM way, mind you) . I've seen a few fics where Simon is more dominant and Wilhelm is more submissive and, although there's nothing wrong with that (and the fics were pretty good), I tend to think of it as the other way around. See, Wilhelm has been told what to do his whole life. He doesn't have much agency in what he does, and sure one could argue that's likely to change with time, but what we have seen so far is him constantly being told what to do, where to go, who to talk to, what to say. It makes sense to me that sex is when he'd turn the key, where he'd take charge and dominate, where he'd retake control. Plus, in the scenes we got in the first season, both the sexual ones and the ones where he's "just" chasing Simon, he seemed pretty confident to do so and taking charge - moving the blanket off, taking Simon's clothes off, embracing him in the fish scene (he's insecure about not being straight and about whether Simon likes him back, but once he knows that's the case, he's all in).
Now, about Simon. Again, from what we've seen he seemed pretty happy in letting Wilhelm take charge. He teases and he sometimes starts them off (like in the first kiss or telling Wille he likes him too), but that's when he thinks Wilhelm needs a little push (and he does). Simon is kind of opposite Wilhelm here, in which he ends up sort of taking charge of things in his life, like his family, because of his desire to help and protect everyone else. Simon takes care of everyone, all the time, so again, I think here's where he'd let go and allow himself to "be taken care of", allow Wille to do with him as he pleases. And we know Wilhelm would be so, so willing to do just that, to take care of Simon in all ways possible, including dictating what they do in bed.
I'm not sure this made much sense (and sorry it's so long), but I hope it's comprehensible enough. And once more, I'd love to know what other people think about this.
First of all I need to confess, that I have never seen Simon being portrayed as the sexual dominant one anywhere, but if it’s a fic thing, it might explain it.
I do think they both have a lot of responsibility put on their little shoulders, but in completely different ways, but you’re right that wille experiences very little control over his own life in general.
Only taking the footage we see into consideration, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Wille is the dominant one who is in charge when it comes to physical pleasure. Simon on the other hand was always in charge when it came to the vulnerable/taking chances/emotional part (hand holding/first kiss). And I think both is very clever and beautiful details.
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iovelore · 3 years
summary and word count: a certain fae can’t help but find amusement in the youngest elfhame’s prince‘s frustration. wc — 1493
pairings: the cruel prince!cardan greenbriar x fem!reader
contents and warnings: jealousy, hinting of threesome, mentions of knife (nothing extreme), suggestive content, mutual pining-ish, fluffy?
a/n: i used tcp cardan because i couldn’t see any context of y/n being used in a fic in the other books (i also need it for the next part </3). i tried my best to include the tail bit since it didn‘t come out right, ill add it in either part 2/3. cardan is a bit ooc (i made him a bit idk how to put it besides: sub?man whore. because i believe that’s what he is 😁). and y/n resembles jude just a little bit with the blade thing, but only a little because jude is neither very flirty or open up about her sexuality (more so in the first book) and that’s what i made y/n like.
also, since this was more in y/n’s perspective, next part will be more so cardans <3
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Y/N's legs crossed as she leaned her head on locke's shoulder, while Poppy, a half-faerie: who Locke has shown great interest in— for all the wrong reasons — sat before them and told them of the mortal tales her father would recite to her every night or the ones she gathered on her own from her adventures back where the humans lived.
Y/N found them odd: how they all were almost nothing compared to the people here; they were fragile, but she found similar enjoyment in them all nonetheless — and perhaps she had the eldest duarte to blame for her obsession with all things mortal, and Poppy's tales weren't helping either — which has unfortunately gained her the harsh scowls from the youngest prince of Elfhame.
Though that was no surprise. The boy had never been kind enough for her to realise that his treatment towards her was almost cruel — not that it had mattered, because to Y/N it was a show; she knew where his feelings lay, and it was nothing but amusing. To everyone with eye sight as clear as day, he'd never liked her, but when in class, when he believes her to be ignorant of his stare or his wagging tail; she has a classmate whisper every move his body makes, and it fuelled her heart all too much.
"It's not quite normal there, unlike here, if anyone decided to walk around with it they'd get humiliated till they're six feet under," Poppy snorted, covering her mouth with the back of her palms.
Locke turned to stare behind him, catching sight of the prince and Nicasia — both pouting miserably (one much too obvious than the other), and at that, he smiled. "Oh you’re right, tails are quite odd aren’t they? More so on a prince,"
Y/N shrugged at that, "It's alright, I do think Cardan makes it quite, charming? He’s always wagging it around like some...was it a cat you called it?"
"Yes a cat," Poppy shook her head positively, "though don't say that out loud, I doubt he's as clueless on mortal knowledge as we think he is."
Locke hummed, a smirk growing on his lips as he kept his eyes trained on his friend, Y/N following suite of his gaze and sultry grinning at the boy from afar, ignoring Nicasia — causing his eyes to widen momentarily, before the scowl found home on his face once more.
"He's never quite liked you has he?" His words were soft against her ear, his lips landing gently beneath her ear-lobes, kissing it tenderly as he kept his eyes trained on his flaring friend — who if one squinted, could perhaps see smoke escape his ears, if they ignored the immense swinging of his tail.
Y/N smiled, a small amount of malice lacing her intentions, "hatred I'd say, though he doesn't think I'm that foolish does he?"
Poppy, who now stared at her feet, hands tugging the grass with a blush coating her tanned features, "he's looked like he wanted to murder Locke."
Y/N snickered, a sickeningly sweet one at that, as she lowly muttered, "it’s all working then, sweetness."
Later on, when Y/N was left with no one to keep her company — as Locke found himself adorning Poppy and Nicasia's presence, alone — she took notice of the emptiness of Locke's home. It was beautiful, nothing as extravagant as Hollow Hall, yet she found herself admiring the interior all the same.
And as her hands traced the designs etched on the walls, as if it were a reminiscence of her first time staring upon them, a deep, and rather annoyed cough fleed her from her thoughts.
she stayed in position, her back facing Cardan and only gripping the knife resting on her waist, "now what would the prince need at a time like this? Should he not be in his humble abode by now?"
"Should you not be with your lover boy? Or is it that you enjoy using people like he does?" His tone was hostile as he spat his words, however the light softness that rippled around it was evident and Y/N couldn't help her lips tugging upwards.
She turned around, staring at him — where he leaned cooly against one of the walls — with squinted eyes, faux contempt present in her stare, and he shifted in his spot at her gaze.
She swiftly walked, her steps careful as to not trip on her dress. And when she reached him, she, boldly, placed her hands on his chest, dragging it downwards firmly — and his thumping heart beneath his rib cage could be faintly heard from the short proximity between them.
Y/N titled her head when he clenched his fists, but found a smile etching on her lips when his eyes were lightly fluttering. "Do I really threaten you that much that your hatred towards me is the only thing that keeps you going? It's pathetic truly, especially for a prince."
Cardan gulped, mind hazy at the contact and his body was supported by his tail, that was wrapped roughly around one of his legs. He could not utter the next words without stroking her ego, and it was then he'd wished — though he'd never admit out loud — that he were mortal, because he needed to lie if not keep his mouth shut.
More so with her trapping him, her knees coming forward and slightly spreading his legs, so that the entirety of his body leaned upon the wall. And despite him towering over her due to one of her legs bending in-front of the other, he could not move, catching sight of the shiny blade securely placed on her hips and her rigid grasp on them.
She had been around a certain mortal for too long, he thought, and at that his sneer was present again.
Y/N gently bit her tongue to stifle the giggle from escaping her, "what, cat's got your tongue?"
His lips were tightly sealed, and though he already knew the effects she displayed were affecting him, greatly, he refused to acknowledge her — especially that any movement could cause his legs to move slightly forward and brush . . .
She shook her head with a light hearted laugh that had his heart beating just a little bit faster, just a little bit. Her hands releasing the grip she had on her blade, before placing it on his cheek and patting him smoothly.
"You're quite humorous you know, would be a shame if you wasted all that energy on 'hating' me when it could be used for something else, you decide, my prince." she said, her tone sensual and low, before gradually stepping away allowing room (only a small amount at that) for the boy before her to breathe, she let one of her fingers crawl delicately on his hollow cheek bones, that though looked sharp, were as soft as anything could be.
Cardan's eyes widened ever so slightly, now registering her words, "are you flirting with me?" He asked. The space between them now slightly obvious, and he hated it — almost as much as he pretends to loathe her.
Y/N raised her brows, crossing her arms in an unlikely childish manner before nodding, "you're quite oblivious you know? Yes."
"Well," the confirmation enabled a smirk to appear on his face, only to be dismissed by her voice, again.
"Well? Is that all? Because I have things to do, and if my offer does not interest you then I'll gladly leave and find another willing volunteer," she purred, ignoring the way his brows harshly and quickly furrowed, creating a crease, "how about Locke? We are reasonably close, and he does not have a tail — which looks a bit foolish, don't you think?"
He was blushing crimson now, red sparklings littering his pale cheeks, but then his lips curled up — however, he does not look as frighting as he's expecting to be, he knew that, especially with her knees still resting between his thighs (which is all he's trying to drift his mind from at the moment).
"I don't see anything off with it, I've been told it makes one interesting. You've spent too much time with mortals and those alike." Cardan's jaw clenched and his chest was rising a lot more than it was a few minutes before.
Y/N pursed her lips, "Well then, show me how interesting one can get." She leaned forward, her breath fanning atop his lips and he found his own hitching.
His eyes were wandering from her eyes, which he secretly adored, to her lips, and he subconsciously nodded, leaning forward.
Only then, her hands rested on his chest, pushing him away slightly and his head came in contact with the wall yet again, and he had to bite his bottom lips in hopes that she had no idea how much he’d needed her, all of her.
Y/N stepped backwards, finally standing straight. Her hands on her side once more and she gave the prince an alluring smile, "I'll see you later, cardan."
He glared at the spot she had been standing in once she’d left, and he knew that it was a silly game she’s playing.
And what is a game if it involves one player?
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geminil0vr · 3 years
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"lists" | ron b. weasley (part one)
read part two here !!
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summary; you and your boyfriend ron are both completely inexperienced, but one day he asks you what you like in bed. lucky for you, you actually made a list. and he's happy enough to play a few of those fantasies out.
tagged; @weasleyssupremacy
word count; 4.6k
content; smut, fluff, banter, making out, embarrassment, shit ton of blushing, mentions of kinks, mentions of teasing, mentions of hitting, mentions of choking, mentions of sex, mentions of praise, mentions of degradation, cursing, grinding, finger-sucking, spit, cum swallowing, first time foreplay (male receiving oral, female receiving oral), fingering, handjob kinda, orgasms, teaching/instructions, relatively realistic, no aftercare included but you know damn well ron'll take care of you, not really a specific dom/sub dynamic, inexperienced/house-neutral fem!reader, inexperienced boyfriend!ron, think that's it but lemme know if i forgot anything !
a/n; holy shit this took me hours !! in this fic, ron and the reader are sixteen years old. i'm from the uk, where the legal age of consent is sixteen — more specifically, in england, wales and northern ireland, a minor is considered a person under the age of eighteen. and i do not want to write smut about minors, i will never do that. so i did a little more research, standard wiki shite, and in scotland (where hogwarts is) that age is sixteen. sixteen year olds and up are no longer minors in scotland. i know many of you are from different countries and therefore may feel uncomfortable with this age because it doesn't reflect the definition of minor/non-minor in your respective countries, and that is perfectly okay !! i completely understand, hope this made sense bc i'm too fucking exhausted to tell. feel free to scroll by and find another fic to read, please put in a request for any of the harry potter characters if u wish, and have a lovely day :))
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you hadn't done much with him.
just kissing, really. some grinding here and there. you were comfortable in each other's grasp, sure, but you both never quite went over that line, of more than kissing, of more than light touching.
didn't make you insecure. nor impatient. it was a comfortable kind of middle ground.
and in that middle ground, you were seated on his thighs, legs either side of him, kissing gently, tenderly. these were tepid, lukewarm, waters, just bordering on more, just bordering on scalding hot, and you didn't mind it. you didn't mind it at all.
pulling back, lips not too swollen, just pink, you smiled softly down at ron weasley.
"you okay?" he asked. you hadn't meant to start kissing, you were just talking, just hanging out, him levitating a marble in his empty bedroom, you reading a book and making sure he didn't try and levitate a lamp — that never went well. not with ron weasley. but he got bored, and your eyes wouldn't focus on the pages, and you'd forgotten your reading glasses and he'd kissed you sweetly, and you'd kissed him back and now... now, you were snogging. you didn't care much for that word. it sounded weird, and heavy, and hot. and things with ron (so far, at least) weren't weighted, and hot, they were warm, and soft, and him.
you took the time to rifle your fingers through his red hair. he'd been letting it grow, just a little, down to the nape of his neck. "yeah, you?"
he grinned cheekily, nose and cheeks flushed already. of course, this was the usual. one kiss from you turned him pink, not out of awkwardness, just passion, you supposed. it was rather cute. and he pushed you further up in his lap, not too close, but closer. you grinned back. you kissed. and you pulled away again, just to look at him.
he took in a sharp breath, before blurting out something he’d wanted to ask for the longest time, "what do you like?"
"hmm?" you tilted your head.
he swallowed. “what do you like?"
"i'm gonna need some context here."
"in bed." now you felt as flushed as he looked. to ask that question, it must've taken a lot of courage. he was a gryffindor after all.
even starting a sentence caused your breathing to pick up. "well, you know i've never done anything before..." that was true. but you'd done your research. you'd actually made a list of what you thought you might like, which was idiotic in retrospect, and quite childish, but you'd done it, and it sat in your bag with a burning prescence.
"but surely you know... ya’ know, what you might like?"
you settled back, more comfortably in his lap, arms still around his neck, but you were less close. "why're you asking?" you teased.
"you know why!" ron groaned, burying his head into your shoulder, and he felt your shoulders shake with nervous laughter.
"well, i guess, i have — well... nevermind." he moved back, face burning, with an eager smile plastered on his face.
"go on, tell me! i want to know."
"it's embarrassing!"
"i won't make fun."
"yes, you absolutely will."
"just tell me."
you swallowed and chewed nervously at your lip. "i've made a list."
"alright, tell me." if he said 'tell me' one more time you would strangle him. speaking of choking, and all that —
"promise you won't judge?"
"well it's more of... well, it's not a mental list. i've written it down."
a grin broke out on your boyfriend's face, and you smacked his bicep.
"oi, you said you wouldn't judge!"
"i'm not judging! it's just cute, 's all." his smile faded a little. "so, about that list... why don't you go fetch it?" he said, with a sideways nod of his head.
"fetch? i'm not a dog."
he made the excited face he always had before he told a bad joke. for fucks sake. "aw, well, i figured pet play would be on your list —"
"shut up, shut up, shut up!" with each 'shut up' you punched his chest and he crossed his arms over it to protect himself.
"hitting, is that your kink too?" well, you weren’t exactly opposed.
you groaned and swung your leg over him, "i'm gonna go get my fucking list."
getting up and 'fetching' your bag, you searched through it and found your little, blue notepad. as soon as you'd returned to the four poster bed, ron reached out to grab it, and you quickly pulled back.
"no, i have more than just 'kinks' in there. and i don't wanna tell you everything."
"why not?" he was genuinely confused. that was the problem with these weasley boys: no boundaries.
"if i tell you everything about me then what secrets will i have left?"
"secrets are overrated." he stared blankly at you, shrugging, but still wrapped his arms around your waist comfortably as you swung your leg back over to sit on his thighs. as you flipped through the pages of the notepad, you found what you had been searching for. 27 pages in, hidden between random pencil scrawls, was your list. you'd learned about sex from books, and your friends' experiences, and being a sixteen year old at what is technically a boarding school. and though that wasn't the highest form of education, you knew enough to keep safe, and to feel good, and ron knew enough, too. "so, start reading!"
looking over the first line, your cheeks burned and you shook your head. "i can't say that!"
"want me to turn around?"
"no, i — no. i'm just gonna..." you slid all the way up his lap, ron attempting to ignore that you were right over his crotch in a pair of pretty blue jeans, and hid your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, embarrassed by your childish ways.
"c—" ron's voice broke, and you fought a smile, "comfy?"
"yeah. i'm ready now." you swallowed, breaths shallow and voice shaky as you brought your list up to your eyes. "um, well, i've heard about, uh —" he rubbed a hand up and down your back. you couldn't see him, but he was grinning and biting his tongue in anticipation. "pet play."
"you bloody liar, tell me the real list! don't be a pussy."
"fine, fine. no pet play. but i, uh, think choking sounds hot." your voice was slightly less shaky as you kept your flaming cheeks out of view. ron was bright red, too.
"uhuh. what next?" his voice was quiet and trembling now, grip on your waist tighter. the atmosphere of his dorm room had completely shifted.
"and, um, teasing. 's hot." your eyes flitted to the next word, trying to keep your composure as ron's grip on your waist tightened even more, keeping you still on top of him. "i like being praised, but being degraded is — it sounds... good."
ron had to fight the urge to groan, not out of frustration, but pure lust. you were by no means innocent, in fact, you tended to make a sex joke every day, or comment 'that's what she said' at every euphemism, but he never expected to hear those words actually slip from your lips. he couldn't speak, his voice got stuck in his throat, and he knew if he even tried his voice would break and go all high-pitched.
"then, hair pulling. hard sex, soft sex." both of your hearts were beating so fast, and you squeezed your legs against him. it was a nervous action, but you didn't expect him to let out a high gasp, and you certainly didn't expect him to grow firmer beneath you. "spanking, breeding, maybe, we'll see." he closed his eyes and let out a low exhale that he’d been holding in.
you pressed your hips harder down onto him, and his nails dug into your thighs. you'd been in this position before, while kissing, but this felt like pure filth, you telling him what you wanted him to do to you, and him just listening, and him getting hard. i mean, he'd been hard beneath you before, on top of you even, but it never led to anything more, and you didn't think you'd ever felt him this hard.
"i — i think i like biting. anywhere, really. not too hard. you have to be gentle with me." you had pulled back a little now, eyes still glued to your notepad, head turned a little so your lips were almost touching his ear. tentatively, you looked away. the tips of his ears were burning hot, and red. you took the lobe between your teeth, biting softly, tongue darting out just a little. his hips bucked up into yours, and you both moaned quietly. "and licking." you slid your tongue over his warm skin, just below his ear, then curved your spine to lick further over the expanse of his neck, causing him to let out another breathy moan.
"and, spit. i think it's hot. i've thought about it, about you, before. i dunno." you kept your tone unsure, in hesitation. you had more on your list, just things you found hot, situations you found hot, but you closed it and pulled back, unwrapping your arms from around his neck and fiddling with the notepad between your fingers. that was enough, for now. ron was breathing heavily. you were breathing heavily. everything felt hot, and heavy, and it wasn't the norm, not with ron, but you liked it.
"th— that was... good. a good list." he choked, hands still on your thighs.
a tense silence settled between you, until he wrapped one arm around your waist, hand slipping up your back, the other in your hair, and brought you into a feverish kiss. you grinded down on him, moaning into his mouth feeling the reminder of how hard he was, chucking the list to the side and sliding your hands up his shirt as your tongues explored each other's mouths. it felt good. really good. better than you could have expected.
ron gently nibbled at your bottom lip, before pulling away and moving his focus to your neck. you tilted your head to the side, hurriedly moving your hair to the side to give him better access. he licked teasingly up your neck, and you dug crescent moons into his abdominal as he began sucking and biting at the skin beneath your ear, and your pulse point, and soon your collarbone, and before you knew it your sweater was pulled off and he sucked and licked against the skin right above your breasts. this was the first time he'd seen you without a top on, just in a plain, black bra, and he was damn well going to savour it.
you tried to hold back moans, but it seemed impossible when he was burning beneath you, so you did what was natural. you grinded against him and whined as he trailed wet kisses all over your chest, and after a while of you arching your chest into his mouth, you realised what he was doing.
your voice came out breathless, almost breaking. "you're teasing me."
he stopped his trail of kisses to move his face back to yours. "what, you thought i wasn't listening?"
"well, stop." you whined, scratching your nails over his abdomen once more, earning a shallow moan from him.
"i thought you liked it." he tilted his head, almost smirking.
you swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, chest heaving, as you took your hands from under his shirt. "just touch me. please." ron took a moment to take his own shirt off, and you admired the freckles dotted over his pale yet flushed chest and shoulders until he wrapped his arms around you, unhooking your bra clumsily, fingers shaking with lust. you gripped his shoulders, fingers gliding over each mole as your eyes darted over his features.
"so fucking pretty." he licked and kissed underneath your right breast, cupping the other one in his large hand, and your mouth dropped open, brows furrowed in pleasure as he took a nipple into his mouth, looking up at you as you grinded down onto him.
"ron, fuck, i'm too sensitive."
you watched him grin as he slowed his movements and instead licked softly once over your nipple as you threw your head back. you were the hottest thing he'd ever seen. well, he'd only ever seen his brother's porn magazines so there wasn't much competition. but he could say without a doubt that you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, your back arched, your head thrown back, your chest flushed. so pretty. but if he didn't speed things up he was sure he would cum in his jeans. you caught his lips in yours once more, struggling with the buckle on his jeans. you knew you wouldn't have sex, not today. but other things were always possible. that thought made your head spin with anxiety and need.
after a little while, you resorted to quickly tugging off your own jeans, ron doing the same, and soon you were back in the same position, except you could really feel him against you. you both looked down at the sight of you in your panties on top of him in his blue boxers, and both laughed breathlessly, kissing once more before you slid off and between his legs. if you'd stayed any longer, he might've felt how fucking wet you were.
"it's okay, i want to do this. do you? we don't have to." he nodded his head, bottom lip between his teeth. "okay. just tell me what to do, okay? tell me what you like, ronnie."
‘ronnie’ didn't think he'd last that long when your hands were gripping at his thighs and you were on your knees, in only your underwear, between his legs. "okay. yeah."
you cautiously slipped down his underwear, pausing for a second as his flushed and red cock smacked up against his stomach. fuck, he was big, and already dripping precum. you were almost mesmerised with him before you remembered that he might be self conscious, so you proceeded to slip his underwear all the way off, throwing it off the side of the bed and coming closer to him, laying on your stomach and trailing a finger soothingly up and down his thigh. "so pretty." you teased, mimicking him from before, but as you looked up at his desperate face, mouth open, cheeks red, brows raised slightly, you decided that maybe teasing wasn't the best decision in that moment.
so, you wrapped a hand around his cock, feeling it twitch in your hand as ron moaned, head thrown back just like you had before. "that feels good."
"i haven't even done anything yet." you chuckled, looking up at him expectantly until his blue eyes met your own. "tell me what to do."
he gulped. "right, so you just wanna... make your hand wet. spit in your hand. you should like that." he couldn't believe he was saying this to you, or even joking in this moment, because right there, he was totally and utterly at your mercy.
you removed your hand from him, finding your mouth already salivating, and instead of licking your hand, you gathered your spit and let it drop from your tongue down onto it. he groaned as you looked up at him. fuck, he definitely wouldn't last long if you did more shit like that. taking your slick hand, you guided it up and down his cock, hesitantly dragging it over the tip, making him buck up into your hand and drip out even more precum. "fuck, uh... be careful with the tip. it's sensitive."
"sorry." he went to tell you not to apologise, but then you avoided going directly over the tip, collecting more of the precum, and the amount of spit and slick on your hand was creating lewd, wet sounds. if he tried to speak now, he’d probably just whine. testing the (now, scalding hot) waters, you dragged your tongue up his shaft, and he moaned even louder. he seemed to like that, so you did it again, and again, then put the tip in your mouth, pushing your lips down onto it until you got scared that your teeth would graze him.
"fuck, just like that, y/n, you’re so good."
seems he took more notes than you gave him credit for. or maybe this was natural? shit, is this how he spoke normally? he would drive you insane.
and how the fuck did people not use their teeth? at this point, you wanted to hear more of those beautiful sounds coming from your boyfriend's mouth, but also wanted to ask him. so you slowly took your mouth off, making him look down at you in concern.
"ron, how... i'm worried i'll use my teeth."
ron wasn't sure how to answer that, being just as inexperienced as you were, but he tried to use what he heard his friends talking about in the boys dorm.
"i think you just, try to wrap your lips down over your teeth. or you purse your lips. like an ice pop." you chuckled, and so did he. "i guess you have to make your tongue flat and then cover the top ones."
"okay, i'll try..." but before you went down again, he spoke once more.
"and, don't swallow the cum. doesn't taste great."
you nodded, and he watched you as you tried the technique, getting down even further, causing him to grip at your hair. he didn't push you down, just needed something to hold onto other than the bedsheets, that was all. and after all, you did quite like hair pulling. you moved his thick cock in and out of your mouth, wrapping your hands around the parts where your mouth couldn't reach, and looked up as ron's grip tightened on you. you didn't bother touching his balls — that was an experiment for another day.
"fuck, i'm gonna cum," you moved your mouth to just the tip, as more groans left his lips. "y/n, shit, don't swallow, just take your — fuck, take your mouth off."
you were stubborn. so stubborn in fact, that you kept suckling at the tip of his cock as he jerked up into your mouth, body freezing, as you swallowed load after load. you just wanted to please him. and thank merlin you'd done all those water (and to be honest, butterbeer) chugging competitions with lee, or you'd have been absolutely done for. he was right, it didn't taste good, at all. it was salty, and bitter, and as you took your mouth off him and let his slowly softening dick slap against his thigh, you almost winced at the flavour.
ron's chest was pink and flushed with perspiration, head thrown back against the headboard and eyes firmly closed, recovering. "fuck. told you."
"'s not the worst thing in the world. i'd do it again."
"don't say that or i'll get hard again." he reached for his boxers off the side of the bed, awkwardly slipping them on in a sitting position.
you chuckled, reaching to his bedside table to gulp down some water, head fuzzy and chest warm with the accomplishment of pleasing your boyfriend. he wiped a hand over his forehead, taking the glass out of your hand to take a big sip himself before putting it down.
"well, that was exhausting." he groaned.
"tell me about it. my bloody jaw hurts." you grinned, and he smiled back and rushed to peck you on the lips firmly, sending you to fall back against the covers as he hovered on top of you. "what're you doing?"
"don't think i'm done with you just yet." he grinned, but faltered. "unless you don't want to. i don't want to force you or anything, just tell me if —" you shut the clumsy boy up with another kiss, clasping your hands behind his neck and grabbing at his soft hair, wrapping your legs around his waist. you clenched around nothing as you felt his soft cock beneath his boxers against your soaked panties.
"it'd be my pleasure." you muttered against his lips. and he grinded into you once more before moving you so your head was against the headboard, and him between your legs.
"oh, how the turn tables, hmm?"
"shut it, loverboy." you shook your head, biting your lip and looking down at him as he trailed his nails down your inner thighs, making you arch your back a little. "and what did i say about teasing?"
"that it's hot." his crooked smile made your stomach clench.
"that you should stop." your complaints were ignored as the humour in the room dropped, and he looked at the wet patch seeping through your underwear. he seemed transfixed, swiping the pad of his thumb over it, before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulling them off, tossing them to the side.
taking his middle finger, he swiped it through your soaked folds, making you whine. "you're dripping." his voice got much deeper, and his throat felt dry, but if he opened his mouth he was sure he'd drool. "did it turn you on, sucking..." he cleared his throat. "sucking my dick?"
you didn't reply, just bucked your hips up into his touch as he paused.
he pressed on. "so?"
"yes, it did." you were so desperate that you actually pouted your lips. seeing ron talk so dirty, despite his hesitance, was the second reason you were dripping. you didn't know he'd be like that. though you should've expected it.
but his shyness hadn't left just yet. "can you... can you tell me what to do?"
you tried to catch your breath, his finger was still over your clit, not firmly pressing, just there. you got distracted for a second, looking down and subtly pushing your hips up, before you bit your lip, swallowed, and met his eyes again. he seemed to be amused by that. "uh, so... you just get your fingers nice and wet, first."
it even surprised ron when he removed his finger from you, and held up his hand to your mouth. your breath hitched. "you're probably wet enough anyway, but go on, then. 's what you like, right?"
you nodded nervously, taking his wrist and putting three of his fingers into your mouth. you sucked them in, making sure to get enough drool all over 'em, before messily removing them and letting spit string down to your tits. ron watched it all, dick growing hard again. he was sure now. you would be the hottest thing he'd ever see in his entire life. you let go of his wrist as he let the rest of the spit drip onto your pussy, the air leaving you cold as he spread it around with his fingers, up your folds, circling your hole. the avoidance of your clit made you throw your head back, as he teased you. he knew exactly where the clit was, frankly, it was pretty clear to see, all red and swollen and big. he was doing this on purpose.
"please, ronnie." you whined.
"okay, okay. what next?"
"you need to touch my... my clit. and maybe put a finger in, but, be gentle, please?"
"you've never fingered yourself before?" his voice broke.
"i tried, just one, but, it's not really comfy when i do it. too tight. fingers aren't long enough, maybe. i don't know." you swallowed nervously. speaking about your personal sexual experiences was embarrassing. ron found it hot.
he took your advice, slick fingers brushing over your clit, then paying more attention to it, playing with it, even pinching it, turning you into a whimpering mess. figuring you were prepared enough, ron gently dragged his middle finger over to your hole. "gonna put a finger in, now. ready?"
"yeah, please."
you gasped and gripped his arm. he eased in slowly, and fuck, you were tight. you'd broken you hymen before, probably by either walking, riding your bike, or simply experimenting on yourself, so there was no resistance as he reached his finger all the way in, just a slight discomfort on your part. he almost began to start moving, but you tightened your grip. "just a second, ron. your finger's bigger than i'm used to." that sentence made him rut into the bed, as he followed your instruction and stayed still. your body relaxed, and he even felt you begin to unclench around him, your ridges less restricting. "it's okay now, you can — fuck."
he'd started sliding his finger in and out, slowly, as soon as you gave the 'okay', and this was definitely better than you could have ever done to yourself. you weren't sure you could come just from this, but you didn't care, it felt good. you'd heard one way to make it better, though.
"try curling up your finger — oh." if this boy could only give you a chance to breathe. that change in movement was hitting a spongey spot inside you that made you clench your thighs together, which he fixed by using his elbow to spread one, and his free hand to hold down the other. you brought one foot up to his back, needing some kind of stability. "you okay?" he asked, which was a loaded question considering that his thumb accidentally brushing over your clit made your entire body jerk, and you weren't just okay, you were bloody brilliant, the blinding pleasure bordering on pain.
"fuck, touch my clit, please." you moaned, head thrown back as he did as you said, making your entire body spasm. you were so close, so fucking close, and you practically rode his fingers as you thrashed up and down, tits bouncing. you were just about to tell him you were gonna come (though with you non-stop clenching around his one finger, it was pretty obvious) when he decided to try something, removing his thumb from your clit and instead sucking onto it.
he'd heard about eating girls out, and it was something he'd always wanted to do to you, to drive you crazy, and if he couldn't do it now he was going to at least include his mouth into some of the action. he wanted to taste you.
with this surprise, you came hard, the heel of your foot pressing into his back, his hand working hard to hold down your other thigh, stomach clenching and eyes rolling back. you were moaning so much and so loudly that you were glad almost everyone was out at hogsmeade. as you came down from your high, ron removed his lips from your clit and slowly removed his finger, your aftershocks trying to suck him back in. your back, forehead and chest were sweating, your entire mouth dry as your eyes stayed closed. ron rubbed his hands soothingly up your thighs as your body spasmed again, and brought himself up to kiss your forehead, a grin that you couldn't see playing at his lips. he wrapped his arms around you as you sighed and leaned into him.
"fuck." you sighed, opening your heavy eyes and glancing at ron who licked the rest of your cum off his fingers, looking up at the ceiling. you were still clenching around nothing. that was the hardest you'd ever came, even better than the showerhead — oh, ron would have an absolute riot if he knew you used the showerhead. "thank you."
he gave you that dumb fucking grin, the one he always had before making a bad joke. "orange you glad you read out that list?"
"shut up and kiss me. idiot."
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kayluh1915 · 3 years
More Than Anything
Words: 3,813
Pairing(s): Pedro Pascal/Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ Only!
While enjoying a long awaited drink, you find yourself entertained by the young bartender with horrible jokes. Pedro, however, doesn't see the humor in the situation.
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This fic is a part of my "Pedro y su Abeja🐝" series. You don't have to read the previous stories to understand this one, but they're there if anyone would like to give them a glance with your peepers. I write them as a reader insert, but they can also be read as an original character. It's up to you.
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok if you'd like. I'm pretty boring but I try. You can also checkout my Pedro Pascal Masterlist if you'd like to read some more Pedro works by me.
Read on AO3
Additional Warnings: Daddy kink, dom/sub undertones, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, hair pulling, vaginal sex, and creampie.
London was beautiful.
Maybe a bit too cold for your tastes, but beautiful nonetheless.
It was your first time ever in the city… actually, it was your first time out of the States period. You always loved to travel, but never had the time or the money to invest in it. So, being in a new city and a new country was extremely exciting.
Big Ben was gorgeous, the London Eye was romantic, and Buckingham Palace was elegant. So many new and exciting sights all around you and yet your only focus was on Pedro, holding on tightly to his arm as he escorted you down the red carpet.
“Okay?” He asked, turning his attention towards you for a moment. You smiled up at him and nodded, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you did so. The red carpet still made you incredibly uncomfortable, but you had gotten better at it since Oscar night. It’s not something you enjoy, but you didn’t mind it as long as Pedro was there for you to follow and hold onto.
“After I finish presenting, we can head to the afterparty if you want. There’s really no need to stay if you’re not feeling it.” He offered once you were finally away from the blinding cameras.
“That sounds great, actually. I could use a drink."
"Yeah? What're you feeling?" You pondered for a moment.
"Honestly, I'm not really sure. Maybe something with vodka or bourbon."
"Bourbon, huh? Are you homesick?" You scoffed playfully and rolled your eyes with your tongue stuck out at him, earning a deep chuckle as he placed a kiss on your temple.
He teases you about that every time bourbon is brought up.
After the usual press interviews and greetings with Pedro’s peers, you were finally able to take your seats, getting as close to him as possible while he draped his arm across the back of your seat.
Before meeting Pedro, you loved award shows. It was an excuse to get off your ass with friends and shit on the biased bastards who clearly chose the winners on other criteria besides which film had been best crafted.
Now, you fucking hated them. Having to sit still in a seat and listen to these rich snobs drone on and on about nothing important for hours on end with no booze or idiotic friends to laugh with made it damn near unbearable for you. Pedro knew this and picked up on your fidgeting about 40 minutes into the show. He placed his hand on your bouncing knee, gently rubbing his thumb over it.
"You can go on to the party if you want, Abeja. I still have a bit before my presentation and I know how restless you get with these things.” You shook your head, going back to bouncing your knee, but a bit gentler this time.
“Nah. I want to stay here with you and show my support.” He chuckled.
“You don’t have to prove anything to me and you know that." A split second of silence fell between you as you weighed your options, but he wasn't having it.
"Go. Have a drink and loosen up a bit. I’ll come find you after I present and we can watch the clip together on YouTube later.”
Normally, you wouldn’t listen to him and would tough it out. Pedro lit up like a kid on Christmas anytime he was on camera and you loved to see it, but he was right. The video of him presenting would be on YouTube within minutes of it being aired so you’d still be able to see it.
"... Okay. I have my phone if you want me to come back." You offered.
"Alright. I’ll see you in a bit, honey." You exchanged a quick kiss, bunched your dress up in both hands, and nearly booked it out of the theatre, more than happy to finally be away from all the formal shit.
You were the first one at the party, rushing over the bartender and ordering some Jim Beam and Coke. Pretty basic, but it was just something to get you started.
"Your accent is lovely." The bartender complimented as he slid your drink to you.
"Oh, this ugly thing?" You gestured to your vocal chords. "I respectfully disagree, but thank you. I’d much rather have one like yours. Sounds much nicer than deep fried hick." The young man laughed, resting his elbow on the bar.
"Where you from?" You took a sip of the concoction before answering.
"Kentucky. Born and raised." The bartender looked at your drink and then back at you.
"You're not a little homesick are ya?" He asked, gesturing to your drink. You groaned, rolling your eyes and laying your head on the bar.
"Why does everyone ask me that? I just like bourbon, okay?" The bartender laughed again as you took another sip.
"Yes ma'am. I apologize. I'm Brice." He held his hand out for you to shake. You did, giving him your name in return. "So, this your first time in the UK?"
The afterparty had a lot more people now, the three drinks you've had relaxing you and tinting your cheeks blush red. It wasn't enough for you to ditch your filter, but it did make you quite giggly.
Brice especially found your giggle fits endearing. He had been talking to you the entire time you’d been there, only leaving to serve the other guests before coming back over to you. He'd lean on the marble bar as you spoke and he started telling you bad jokes just to get you to giggle. He seemed like a pretty cool dude.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked, watching you closely as you down your shot of whiskey. You put the glass back on the bar with a clank, letting out a sigh as you felt the liquor run warm down to your stomach.
"Sure. What's on your mind?" You answer. Brice takes the glass from you and washes it quickly, drying it off with a towel as he seems to ponder on how to say what he's about to say.
"You know, you're pretty awesome and I would love to get to know you better away from all of this." He started, gesturing around the party atmosphere. "So, I was wondering if you would like to exchange phone numbers? Maybe socials as well?"
Ah Lord. You were nowhere near drunk enough to deal with this shit. Brice seemed like a cool guy, but you didn't think you were coming off that way and immediately felt terrible for leading him on. You opened your mouth to say… something. You weren't really sure, but it was going to be better than dumbass silence. However, you didn't even get a word out before you felt a familiar hand on your back and Pedro’s voice right by your ear.
Perfect. Just in time to be used as a gentle decline.
"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." You spun around to come face to face with Pedro, your face instantly lighting up as soon as you saw him. He looked you over with a smile, noticing your flushed cheeks and drunken giggles.
"I see you've had your drink." You nodded, holding up four fingers. "Oh, four. Excuussse me."
Pedro looked over to Brice and ordered his own drink. He noticed that the young man had a melancholy look to him, his blue eyes shifting right back to you as soon as he acknowledged his drink order.
"Is he bothering you?" Pedro whispered, not taking his eyes off of the bartender as he made his drink. You gasped, pretending to be offended.
"Nooooo! Brice would never!"
Pedro wasn't usually a jealous man, but something about the current situation was making his blood boil. He concealed it well and thanked "Brice" when he handed him his drink.
"I'm going to go say hi to some friends. You wanna come with me?" You groaned, not really wanting to put your formal face back on, but your desire to be around Pedro as much as possible outweighed all of it.
“Fiiinnee. I’m not talking, though.” He held his hand out for you to take, helping you down from the bar stool before placing his hand on your lower back. He gave the bartender one last glance, trying his best not to feel the pride swell in his chest when he saw how devastated the poor guy looked.
About an hour had passed when you returned to the bar for another drink, Brice apologizing for being forward as he slid you your shot.
“I didn’t know you were with someone. I’m sorry.” You fanned your hand at him, downing your shot in one go.
“It’s no big deal. I didn’t say anything so you couldn’t have known. For what it’s worth, I think you're an awesome dude and would love to exchange socials with you. You have a discord?” Brice’s eyes lit up as he nodded, grabbing a pen and paper to write his username on.
After exchanging little scraps of paper, you continued chatting with him and ended up getting giggly again from the shot. Brice noticed and started telling his horrible jokes again, but your drunk ass still found them fucking hilarious. You were still sober enough to keep the filter, but you were talking and laughing pretty loudly.
Brice was in the middle of a joke when you felt Pedro’s large and warm hand wrap around your upper arm. You melted into him with a fit of giggles, Pedro laughing at how cute you were as he brushed a few strands of hair out of your eyes.
"C'mon, honey. I think it's time for us to turn in." Pedro said, a groan leaving your lips.
"Let Brice finish this last joke and then I'll come okay?"
This time, Pedro didn't hide his rage, looking up at Brice with the most intimidating look he could muster while he had you drunk in his arms. It definitely worked, the poor dude shrinking in on himself as his eyes widened with fear.
"A-actually I'll send it to you on Discord, okay? I think you should go with your boyfriend." Brice stuttered out, clearly intimidated by your sweet teddy bear which you found hilarious. So hilarious that you didn't even question why he was angry in the first place.
Pedro was satisfied with Brice's answer and deep down felt terrible for being such an asshole, turning his attention back to you leaning on him and still giggling.
"C'mon, Abeja. Let's go."
The door to your shared hotel room had barely shut before Pedro had you cornered, his eyes dark and the smell of his cologne dancing under your nostrils. You had sobered up a bit on the drive back to the hotel and was starting to feel tired.
You whine pitifully, mildly upset that he was keeping you from your plans of peaceful dreams.
"What is it, P? M'tired." You groaned. Pedro scoffed above you.
"Am I not enough for you?" He growled. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and look up at him.
"Huh? What're you tal-"
"Is this old man not enough for your little pussy? Huh?" You froze and swallowed hard, now understanding where he was going with this and you very much liked it, your exhaustion instantly forgotten.
"N-no… You're perfect." He chuckled darkly, leaning down to trail his lips gently over your neck. You moaned quietly, feeling his stubble tickle your sensitive skin.
"Really? Then why would you waste your time with that... boy?”
Ooohhhh. Brice.
"He-he was just being friendly. He seemed like a pretty cool guy an-"
Pedro interrupted you by slamming you against the door, pinning your wrists to the cold steel as he got close to you, his lips only inches away from yours.
"You have no idea what you'd be missing." He snarled, your pussy clenching hard from just his words and voice alone.
"... Show me, then.”
Pedro growls low in his throat and pushes you harder into the door, now holding both of your wrists in his left hand as he caresses your face and lifts his knee up to your clothed cunt.
"Gonna fuck you so good. Your young little pussy won't be able to take it all." You whined quietly, grinding yourself down onto his knee.
"Please..." Pedro's breath hitched, his grip tightening on your wrists.
"See, look at you... You're already coming apart and I've only given you my knee. That boy wouldn't even get you this close with his inexperience. Only I know exactly what you need." You were squirming at this point, your juices already starting to soak through your panties.
"Please, Daddy… Please..." You begged as he pressed his knee even harder into your dripping heat.
"Patience, my sweet Abeja. Daddy will give you everything soon."
He jerked your wrists forward, pulling you close as he let go of his hold to grab your ass and hoist you up. You quietly squeaked in surprise, wrapping your arms and legs around him as he quickly carried you over to the bed. He threw you down on it, the springs protesting lightly from the sudden weight as Pedro began to strip.
He almost had his undershirt unbuttoned when you sat up and tried to unzip your dress, but he stopped you by pinning your wrists to the mattress.
“Only Daddy’s allowed to take that dress off, baby girl.” You whined, another gush soaking your already damp panties.
He let go of your wrists again and continued to undress, looking over your body hungrily as he did so.
“I bet you’re soaked already, aren’t you, pretty girl?” You nodded rubbing your thighs together as your pussy clenched again. He parted your legs and haphazardly lifted your dress. He groaned at the sight of your heather gray panties darkening in color as your arousal continued to seep.
The stylist had highly advised you to wear sexy underwear with the dress, but you didn't care. You'd take comfort over looks anyday and Pedro didn't seem to have a problem with your choice of underwear.
He took his right pointer finger and ran it gently over the darkening patch, the bulge in his boxers twitching and somehow getting harder.
"Fuck, look at you. So shameless." He wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you to the side of the bed while getting down on his knees. You impatiently began to fidget, knowing exactly what he was doing. He pulled your panties aside, the sight of your glistening pussy spurring him on as he yanked you closer and licked you from your opening to your throbbing clit.
“Daddy…” You sighed, your hands instantly tangling in his hair. Pedro groaned, the vibrations and his facial hair feeling heavenly. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and threw them over his shoulders, pulling you even closer and pressing the pads of his fingers into your smooth skin.
“MMmmmm.” You whined, the sudden movement causing your pussy to clench around nothing. You spared a glance down to Pedro. You could only see his eyes, but that was more than enough, his dark chocolate orbs staring up at you with a dizzying mixture of adoration and lust.
Pedro loved how wreaked you looked, your mouth hung open and your eyes hooded. He took pride that he was the one making you feel this way, knowing that he was the only one who got to see you like this.
He’d had plans on taking his time with you, slowly bringing you to one orgasm after another with his tongue, fingers, and cock; but the sight of you losing yourself just on his tounge alone drove him crazy and he grew impatient.
He pulled away from you too soon for your liking, his lips and chin glistening with your arousal as he yanked off your underwear in one swoop. He discarded his boxers as he stood up, pinning you to the bed as he drug the head of his cock through your slick folds a few times.
“You’re mine, understand?” You nodded quickly, wanting so desperately for him to get on with it. “Say it.”
“I-I’m yours, Daddy… Please….” You begged.
“Please what?” Your mind was so fuzzy with arousal, that you could barely process the words he was saying, let alone compose some of your own, but Pedro wasn’t having it. He grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked it, the delicious mixture of pain and pleasure only making your neediness worse.
“Answer me.”
“Fuck me!” You whined, your voice hoarse and weak, but still loud enough for him to get the message. Pedro let go of your hair and caressed your face, the gentle gesture a far cry from how he’d pulled your hair barley seconds ago.
“Good girl.” When he finally pushed himself in, you both made noises of pleasure, Pedro wasting no time. "God, you feel so good, baby." He groaned, starting to thrust into you faster. Though you both were inpatient and did very little foreplay, you were still absolutely soaked.
“You hear that?” He gruffed, his facial hair tickling your jaw as the sounds of your wet pussy squelched almost musically. “That boy could never get you this wet. You’d probably have to- fuck- have to use lube just to get started.”
You were already close. It’d been a hot minute since you’ve seen each other, your music classes revving up for concert season and his schedule getting booked by the day. It was hard to be away from one another for so long, but this… this made it worthwhile. No toy or vibrator could ever top the way Pedro made you feel.
"Pedro…" You groaned.
"That's it. Scream Daddy's name, baby girl. Show the boys who you belong to."
His cock repeatedly rubbing against your g-spot sent waves of tingling pleasure all throughout your lower half, the intensity of it building higher and higher as he continued.
"Don't stop, Daddy. Please don't stop." You whined, your voice getting higher as your orgasm grew closer.”
"Cum on Daddy's cock, Abeja. Let him feel you drip." Like a rubber band being pulled too tight, you snapped, your back arching off the bed and your toes curling. It hit you hard, your pussy drenching his cock and throbbing relentlessly with wave after wave of chilling pleasure.
“Mmm, Daddy’s gonna cum, baby girl. Whe-where do you want it?” He panted, his movements slowing for a few seconds while he waited on your answer.
“Inside…” You whined, your orgasm still wreaking havoc as he sped back up.
“Gonna fill you up, baby. Gonna… gonna…” He thrust his cock into you one last time, his own orgasm tearing through him with the same intensity as yours. The feeling of his cum warming your insides and his throbbing cock brought you to the peak for a second time. It wasn’t very intense, but getting filled up always made your orgasm even if they’re small.
Pedro collapsed onto you, his lips colliding with yours in a slow, passionate kiss. You laid your head back with a sigh on pleasure, Pedro chasing after you to gently kiss and nibble at your chin.
“I know you like me to stay in for a bit after we finish, but can we please make an exception this time? My back is killing me in this position.” You snorted.
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking old.” Pedro pulled out slowly, the feeling of his cum seeping out dazing you again for a moment. He smugly smirked at the sight, his hand gently caressing your upper thigh as he watched it trail down your folds.
“You weren't complaining about it earlier.”
A little later, you were laying on Pedro’s chest as he played with your hair, both of you just enjoying each other's company and the silence after a night of constant noise.
"Since when do you get jealous?" You finally asked, breaking the peace as his hand stilled in your hair.
"M'not… not usually anyway." You traced small circles on his chest for a moment.
"What was so different this time?" He sighed deeply, the silence returning as he thought of an answer.
“I dunno. I guess I just…” He sighed again, running a hand through his hair.
“There’s just... so many people out there… people who have their entire lives ahead of them, who doesn’t have back pain, who doesn’t have gray hair and wrinkles, and who doesn’t sound like rice crispies in the morning and…” He paused, his arms tightening around you.
“... Someone who has the time to give you all the attention you deserve. I feel so guilty knowing that I can’t wake you up with breakfast every morning, that I have to leave you alone for months and months at a time, and that you have to face so much scrutiny because of my age. When I saw you with Brice, you looked so happy and it made me think of all the things that I can’t give you…”
He was choking up at this point, his eyes glassy and brimming with tears. You sat up a bit to face him, your hand caressing his face and gently scratching his facial hair as you stared into his watery eyes.
“Pedro… don’t say things like that. You are more than enough for me. You’re so kind and smart and oh so sweet. You’ll come take care of me when I’m sick, you respect me and treat me as my own person, you spoil me even though I beg you not to, and you love me for who I am.” Pedro sniffled as you rested your forehead atop his.
“You are hands down the most amazing man I’ve ever met and no amount of scrutiny, grey hair, or rice crispy joints is going to change that. You may think that you can’t give me everything, but you give me more than enough and I love you more than anything on this Earth.”
Pedro smiled a small smile, bringing up his left hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and caress your jaw as a tear fell down his cheek.
“I don’t deserve you…” He whispered. You wiped the tear away with your thumb and leaned down to kiss him for a bit.
"That, and you're such a DILF. I mean, did you see yourself in Narcos?" He laughed, wiping his eyes with his wrist as he got up to take a shower.
"Alright, bye. Your fangirl's coming out." You got up as well, hoping to finally take off that stupid dress and join him.
“You know you love it.” His arms suddenly wrap around you from behind, his lips pressing gentle kisses on your shoulders.
“More than anything.”
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A birthday fic to correct the awful event Mammon got!
Countdown to Your Special Day
Mammon x Yuki (My MC)
Pronouns: Zie/zir, they/them. If it's easier to read, feel free to sub in they/them for the main pronouns
Tags: Light-hearted romance, fluff/comfort, slight misunderstandings, agender MC, self-indulgent
Words: 4436
[2 months and 1 day away]
-Yuki was curled up in the corner of the couch, concentrated on zir D.D.D. Zie had an open notebook next to zir, the pages filled with calculated numbers and final prices with names of potential websites beside them, some scribbled out and some circled.
-Mammon's birthday was coming up in a couple months, and Yuki had started late in saving money for the surprise zie had wanted to plan for him. He had mentioned it last year as an ideal day, and zie really wanted to make it happen, especially considering all zie did for him was write a bunch of heartfelt letters. Zie wanted to give him something to really experience this time.
-It was just a bit more expensive than zie had realized. Rentals next to a lake were nothing to sneeze at.
-So absorbed with zir phone, Yuki hadn't noticed Lucifer as he entered the library where zie had gone to avoid nosy demons.
-"What are you doing in here, Yuki?"
-Startled, zie dropped zir phone and reflexively covered the notebook. When Yuki realized it was Lucifer, zie relaxed and slumped back against the couch. "Oh, it's just you. Don't scare me like that."
-"That was a bit of a reaction. Are you doing something I should be aware of?"
-"No," was zir immediate response, but then zie reconsidered zir answer. Yuki had been fumbling numbers and trying to make a decision for hours. Zie wanted to do this zirself, but zie'd never done something like this and probably, reluctantly, needed some aid. "Actually, yeah. I need your... help."
-Lucifer blinked, surprised. He hadn't expected this stubborn human who actively tried to make his life harder to ask for help, but Yuki seemed genuine in zir request. "Alright. What is it?"
[1 month and 23 days away]
-Mammon was by the entrance to RAD, waiting for Yuki to come out so they could go home together. Zie had been preoccupied with Lucifer this morning and hadn't left with the younger brothers like usual.
-His day had felt off with Yuki's absence but walking home with zir would make up for it.
-Fiddling around on his D.D.D., checking his sells and ignoring demands from the witches, he occasionally glanced up when saw movement coming out, but it was never Yuki. Hearing familiar voices when the doors cracked open, Mammon took his attention off his phone. It was only Levi and Satan, but maybe Yuki was trailing shortly behind.
-"Mammon, what are you still doing here?"
-"Yeah, I thought you'd be long gone by now after the way you rushed out of the classroom."
-"Shaddup. What's it to ya?" He paused. "I was waitin' for Yuki. Did ya happen to see 'em in there?"
-"So honest. Just say that to begin with," Levi muttered.
-"I think Yuki left earlier with Barbatos."
-"Yep, I overheard Barbatos mention that Lord Diavolo wanted to talk with them about something."
-"What?! Yuki didn't mention anythin' about meetin' with Lord Diavolo to me."
-Satan quirked a bemused eyebrow at Mammon's response. "Why would Yuki need to run it by you about meeting with Lord Diavolo?"
-"LOLOL, it's because Yuki's been avoiding Mammon for a week now. He's been acting like a stray dog without Yuki around."
-Mammon bristled at Levi's comment but didn't rebuttal. He pocketed his phone and walked away from his brothers, darting through the courtyard to leave RAD.
-It was true Yuki had been distant-like the last few of days, but Mammon was sure it was temporary. Even he got tied up in circumstances and important events he couldn't squirm out of. Sometimes it couldn't be helped.
-It wasn't temporary.
[3 weeks and 5 days away]
-"Hey, Yuki--"
-"Sorry, Mammon, I'm running late for my shift. I'll talk to you later!"
-With that as a bye, Yuki was out the door and gone.
-Yuki was usually lackadaisical about any jobs zie took unless one of the brothers worked with zir or if the job required zir full attention. Mammon was usually the first to know if zie had to work, but when--
-"When did Yuki pick up a job?"
-"Jobs," Satan corrected. "Yuki is working at The Fall tonight."
-"The Fall?" Asmo questioned.
"Hold on, what do ya mean 'jobs'? I ain't heard Yuki say anythin' about picking up jobs willingly," Mammon stated, a bit annoyed. He was getting tired of hearing his brothers be more informed about Yuki than he was.
-"When was the last time Yuki actually talked to you, Mammon, that wasn't in passing?" Levi teased without bothering to look up from his game.
-"Hey! We've talked plenty!"
-"Sure, if you want to call those conversations."
-Mammon wanted to argue with Levi, but he really couldn't. He wasn't wrong. Yuki had been absent, and whenever Mammon did manage to talk to zir it was about short and trivial things. It made it hard not to be concerned about the situation of their relationship when Yuki, who was usually glued to his side and spent so much time with him, was suddenly avoiding him. His life had become a bit lonelier without Yuki around.
-"Anyway," Satan interjected, "they've been picking up a lot of shifts from different places the last few weeks. I'm surprised neither you or Asmo knew, considering the network you both have."
-"What the heck does that mean?"
-"It means you're gossiping normies," Levi jeered.
-"Is that s'posed to be an insult?"
-"Besides all that, I'm shocked Yuki picked up shifts at The Fall. I'd love to see the outfit their wearing," Asmo mused. "I'll have to visit them later! I'm sure Yuki will feel completely refreshed after seeing my lovely face."
-Oh, that's right. If Mammon visited Yuki during work hours, zie'd have no choice but to talk with him. He could finally ask zir what the hell has been going on and get an explanation. At the very least just see zir.
-"Well, I'm goin' too! So don't get any funny ideas!"
-"You're not going anywhere, Mammon. You have three extra credit assignments due soon, and you haven't started a single one. Have you?"
-Mammon jumped, frightened by Lucifer's sudden presence behind him. A nervous chill tingled down his spine, so he could only guess the scowl that Lucifer was burning into the back of his head. He tried searching for an excuse, but he was coming up dry.
-Dammit, Lucifer, any time but now!
"W-Well, ya see, dearest big bro--"
-Irritated, Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He could feel a headache creeping on him. "That's what I thought. Mammon, my room. Now. I'm going to watch you finish your assignments, even if it takes all night."
[6 days away]
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-Mammon simmered as he walked the hallway to Yuki's bedroom. Yuki had seen his messages, but zie was hardly responding to them, if zie did at all. The thought that he had unconsciously done or said something to offend Yuki teased his anxiety, but Mammon quickly squished it. Zie'd just been busy with work and had no off days, but according to Satan, zie only had one more shift.
-One more day that zie would be busy, but then after that zie'd have tons of free time. Yuki will be back by zir favorite demon's side, and then everything else will fall smoothly back into place.
-It was absurd how empty Mammon could feel with Yuki missing from his daily routines. It was worse than when zie had left, when all he could think about was zir where ever he went. Yuki was here though, so he didn't miss zir physically, not like when zie returned home.
-He missed talking with his human, about anything. He missed expecting to see zir when he turned his head. He was missing a piece of a puzzle, and it was aggravating when it was just in grasp, hiding from him.
-Yuki was going to receive a real earful. He deserved that much of complaining after how he'd been treated.
-That could wait though.
-It had been a while since Mammon and Yuki had gone out on a date, and he had just gotten paid from his latest photoshoot. He was confident if he met with Yuki face-to-face and invited zir out zie wouldn't say no.
-That had been the plan until he saw Yuki coming the down the corridor, walking with a purpose. An antsy feeling stabbed him in the gut.
-Yuki froze mid-stride as Mammon approached zir. "Mammon."
-"Yeah, me! The Great Mammon has decided to bless ya with his presence since ya keep ignorin' my messages. Anyway! Guess who got paid today with a bonus? And guess who's gettin' treated to whatever they feel like tomorrow tonight?"
-"Sorry, Mammon, I can't. I have to go to the human world with Lucifer."
-"What'd'ya mean? I didn't hear nothin' 'bout Lucifer havin' to go to the human world."
"Regardless of what you did or didn't hear, it's true all the same. Yuki and I have an appointment in the human world and won't be back for a couple days. Your plans will have to be postponed for later."
-Why was something always blindsiding him lately?
-"What?! Well, if Yuki's goin', I'm goin' too!"
-"Absolutely not. I don't need you causing havoc when I take my eyes off you for more than a second. Don't worry, though, I'll need your company next week for a special trip to the human world."
-It had been quick, but Mammon had thought he had seen Yuki flicked zir eyes at Lucifer.
-"Mammon, it's just for a couple days. Do your best to tough it out. We'll hang out plenty after, okay?"
"Ya better keep your word."
[The Night Before]
-"Mammon, don't forget you're accompanying me to the human world tomorrow morning," Lucifer announced when everyone had sat down for dinner.
-"Yeah, yeah, I remember," Mammon replied. He wasn't the least bit interested in being ordered around doing paperwork and errands. Catching movement from his peripheral, Mammon noticed Yuki trying to look at him without being obvious. He just got zir back, and they had hardly spent any time together. He didn't want to leave, even if it was just a day. More than anything, he wanted to stay with Yuki. "You should definitely come too. You agree, don't ya, Yuki?"
-Yuki barely had the chance to open zir mouth, let alone formulate an answer, before Lucifer answered instead. "No, Yuki has other affairs to attend tomorrow. It's only a day, Mammon. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it, so don't complain."
-There wasn't any further comments about the trip, but Mammon made it obvious he was still hot under the collar with the way he stomped away, taking Yuki right along with him, when dinner concluded. He had been on cleaning duty with Belphie, but Lucifer offered in his place, quelling any complaints.
-Lucifer smiled amusedly to himself as he cleared the table. If only Mammon was aware enough to know what was planned for the day.
-"I can't believe that jerk," Mammon remarked as he dropped onto Yuki's bed. Yuki rolled zir eyes in response before sitting beside the grumpy demon. "I had plans I wanted to do tomorrow, ya know? Dammit! He just came back from the human world!"
-"Did you actually have plans?" Yuki asked it with a sarcastic tone, but zie was suddenly concerned. It was his birthday tomorrow, so maybe he had made plans that Yuki hadn't accounted for.
-Mammon glared at Yuki, his cheeks a shade darker than a moment prior, either from frustration or embarrassment wasn't certain. "I did," he stated softly.
"With who?"
"You, obviously!"
"Wait, we had plans tomorrow? What di--"
-Before Yuki could finish Mammon yanked zir down next to him, hugging zir tightly. Momentarily surprised, Yuki was slow to return the embrace. Zie expected him to be a bit clingy because zie'd been unavailable to be with him for a while, but this hug felt a bit too tight, desperate.
-"You said we could hang out after y'all returned from the human world, but we ain't had much time without being interrupted or the others butting in."
-"Ah. You're right," Yuki agreed. It's funny how zie had been planning this whole affair for Mammon, but in the process has unintentionally abandoned. Zie regretted that.
-"You're warm," he muttered into zir neck. "..I've missed ya like crazy. I've been dyin' to hug you, but it isn't actually enough now that I am. I'm not lettin' you go for the rest of the night."
-A soft sting of guilt hit Yuki's heart. Zie probably could have done a better job of trying to keep the surprise a secret without leaving Mammon completely in the dark, but between the jobs and helping Diavolo and classes taking up the majority of zir time... No, that wasn't an excuse. Yuki had hurt Mammon. That was obvious.
-Yuki entangled zir legs with Mammon's and reached zir arms around his waist, holding him close. Zie took a moment to just be with Mammon, inhaling his smell, hearing his heart beat. Zie had missed him too, a whole bunch, almost too much, but hopefully tomorrow would make up for the weeks of absence and neglect. "I missed you, too, Mammon. Just put up with it for a little bit longer."
[The Day!]
-"Happy birthday, Mammon!!"
-He had heard Yuki's voice before he had actually seen zir. He was flabbergasted to see zir come out of the cabin he had arrived at.
-When Mammon had woken up and joined the others for breakfast, Yuki had already left. It wasn't long after that Lucifer and he prepared for the trip to the human world. He had dragged his feet and groaned, making a show of not wanting to go. When Lucifer had sent Mammon ahead of him to get things ready, he thought it had been a punishment for his attitude, but after coming through the portal into the human world, he realized it wasn't in the city or anywhere near the hotel they usually stayed at.
-The scenery was beautiful and spacious, open in nature with cabins lining a sparking lake that had docks and piers dividing it. Unlike the city cramped full of people and towering buildings designed with glaring windows that bounced the bright sunlight off of them and funky smells, this area was full of trees that casted cool shadows and a refreshing breeze that rustled the leaves.
-Mammon was absolutely gobsmacked.
-Yuki beamed when zie saw the awestruck trance Mammon was in. Zie was hoping he'd like it. Mammon was definitely a city boy, but Yuki took a guess he enjoyed the lure of natural scenery too, based on their picnic date and walks through the forests.
-Mammon's daze broke when he saw Yuki approaching him. "What's goin' on, Yuki?"
-"C'mon, ya dummy, think! You didn't expect Lucifer to make you go on a business trip on your birthday, did you? It was his way of bringing you up here without being suspicious. Although, I thought you definitely would've caught on last week with what he said."
-He had completely forgotten about his birthday. Mammon had been entirely focused on Yuki and zir strange attitude that he'd spaced on even the date.
-"Yeah, so," Yuki stepped back and spread zir arms out, displaying the lake on zir right and the cabin on zir left, "happy birthday... again! You mentioned a cabin by a lake as an ideal place to go, and you also wanted to rent a boat in the park, so I thought merging the two together would be a good idea! On top of that, I plan to 'spoil ya rotten all day'. What does the Great Mammon think?"
-"Ya know, I'm not deaf to the mocking tone. You're killin' the mood before it's even started, but I guess I can let it slide!"
[Final Hours]
-As the dimming daylight darkened through the pulled curtains, Yuki and Mammon lounged restfully on the couch. Mammon used Yuki's lap as a pillow as zie stroked zir fingers against his head. The tingling feeling traveled down his spine and relaxed his body. He could probably fall asleep in this position with Yuki brushing his hair with such tender touches. If they were at the House of Lamentation, they wouldn't be able to have this kind of moment without being interrupted by his brothers. Too bad the day was coming to an end.
-Dwelling on the negative thought caused him to unintentionally frown, and Yuki noticed the crease on his brow. Zie poked his forehead to get his attention, and his eyes opened to see Yuki leaning over him.
-"What are you thinking about?"
-"That we'll have to go back to the Devildom tomorrow. How am I s'posed to accept that after today? Today was too good to end like that, ya know?"
-Yuki hummed in agreement. Zie briefly looked away as a thoughtful expression morphed zir features. "Well," zie started, zir eyes focused back on Mammon, "I couldn't afford to stay for more than one night. My birthday is just a few months away, so maybe you could plan something for us, like when you rented the pool."
-Mammon felt a pang of short-lived guilt for complaining. Yuki had worked hard to save enough money to rent this cabin, even with Diavolo hooking zir up months in advance. "I still can't believe ya didn't just tell me. I was actually..."
-"Worried you did something? Sorry, Mammon. I should have said something, but I was nervous that I couldn't keep it a secret. I was too excited to not tell you, but then the jobs piled up and I promised to help Diavolo in exchange for talking the price down with the owner. I shouldn't have ignored you though. I'm sorry."
-There was a lull in their conversation, but it was only a slightly weighted silence. The misunderstandings were cleared up and today was one of the best days Mammon had ever had, spending it alone with Yuki. He would have enjoyed it even if it hadn't been his birthday and with Yuki pampering him all day.
-"C'mere," Mammon said as he placed a warm hand against the back of Yuki's neck, pulling zir down for a kiss. "You're goin' to have to take responsibility for my feelings. You're the reason I was stressin' out. The whole time you were busy workin' your ass off for this trip, I was thinkin' of you. As your first, I'm entitled to know what you're doin'. I'm gonna get my fill of ya tonight before we have to head home. I've got weeks worth to get outta ya."
-Yuki's cheeks heated as Mammon greedily kissed zir lips. Zie silently agreed that zie wanted to get the most out of Mammon while they were still alone, but one night of trying to cram almost a month and a half of time lost wasn't possible.
-"Your lips are warm," Mammon murmured as they separated. "That wasn't nearly enough to satisfy me though. I wanna show ya how much I appreciate you."
-"What, uh, what do you wanna do?"
-"Right now? Nothin'. Bein' with ya like this is enough for the moment. I love you, Yuki."
-An explosion of emotions surged through Yuki's chest to the rest of zir body, making zir giddy with adoration. Zie wasn't sure how zie was containing it, but staring down into Mammon's eyes, seeing his tinted cheeks, and him just relaxing with zir simultaneously fueled zir feelings more while also grounding zir.
-"I love you, too, Mammon."
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 45 - watching notes
I'm at this stage of fandom rn where it's really hard to concentrate on anything else 😅
Every song I listen to gets dissected for how it relates to wangxian
I need to concentrate on my thesis but instead I'm pondering how the untamed raises questions about collectivism vs individualism and how my western perception of that might differ greatly from a native chinese person or even the author's intention
Can't I just write my thesis about THAT?
Alas, I digress ...
Back to our regular programming :D
Last time one Sophie watches the untamed wwx went all Sherlock on us and used his formidable skills of deduction to expose Backpfeifengesicht's plan of killing everyone and blaming it on wwx
I've heard from several people that the next few episodes are their favourites, so no high expectations at all :D
Nobody wipes the blood on their chins away. Might be about the aesthetic
I adore detective-duo-wangxian so much!! Especially because wwx does 99% of the talking but then lwj will chime in with a single word and it's 100% devastating :D
If anyone knows any well written case-fics for these two, please, I need recs! (For after the show)
Backpfeifengesicht makes good one point and that is that jgy already is at the top of the cultivation world. So what does he gain from all this?
Or is it simply that he's afraid of wwx because he's a rebel and might act against him? (Don't answer that. I wanna find out through the show ;))
Wwx just casually revealed that he's been to cloud recess and that he handles went to the restricted section forbidden chamber. What will you do about, Lan Qiren? Huh? 😂
Oooh! Backpfeifengesicht is the ghosted faced man! I thought it was Jiggy himself!!! 😱
That makes way more sense though!
Lan Sizhui! Jin Ling! Oh you brave boys! 😭
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Someone hold me 😭
But why does he not take zidian now? He's done so before!
"You little fool!" Is "I love you" in Jiang-Cheng-speak :D
"We're done for! What can we do??" - wwx *strips*
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Bahahaha 😂😂😂
I just burst out laughing waaay to loudly for the fact that I've got people sleeping in the room next to mine
But look at Lan Qiren when he sees wwx strop to reveal anat is probably his nephew's undershirt 😂😂😂
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He's probably questioning every decision that's let him to this point :D
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This is completely inconsequential,but I couldn't keep quiet about it anymore because I every time he makes this motion, it always sends a shiver down my spine!!! Notice that wwx (or rather Xiao Zhan) is one of these people whose fingers bend in the opposite direction??? I know it's just a normal thing some people can do, but I can't watch it!! It makes my fingers hurt just looking at it 🙈🙈🙈
Is he turning himself into a demon lure flag?? 😱
Lan Jingyi 🥺🥺🥺
Also does wwx now just transfer his self-sacrificing tendencies to lwj?
Nothing is as hot as these two together in a fight scene
Jiang Cheng doesn't want to leave them behind. He does care! :') he just never unlearned how to unravel his love from his anger
Sizhui running up to greet his dads :')
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Look at them! I'm soft guys 💔
He called him Yuan!! 😭😭😭
So this is it. Any doubts I ever had about Sizhui's identity are gone
Will he finally recognize him??
Why don't you say anything lwj? This one time, I beg you!!
Sect Leader Yao still at his gossip shit even 16 years later 🙄
Lam sizhyi is seasick! Why is this so cute! 😭
Oh Wen Ning!! He recognized A-Yuan? Right?
I want to hug Lan Sizhui for his openness and kindness towards everyone he meets, no matter their status or what other people say about them! (Wen Ning now or who he thought was Mo Xuanyu the supposed mad-man) and I wanna hug lan Wangji right after for raising him to be like this :')
Oh Wen Ning! 😭
That's how I'd look at Sizhui, too, if I met him - poor unadulterated wonder :')
And just think about what that means for Wen Ning! He's not the last of the Wens! All their fight wasn't for nothing. This child, their legacy, survived 😭😭😭
"Can I call you A-Yuan" "Of Course." God I'm gonna burst into tears 😭
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I'm actually bursting into tears!!
Isn't this the dream of anyone who has ever lost someone? :')
"He's like a brother and father to me" :')
And he raised him from when he was 4 or 5? So ... A-Yuan was about 2 when the Wens died? Right? Then 5 would fit with lwj's 3 year isolation
Ob god, it's the butterfly-toy!!! 😭😭😭
Wen Nings smiling through his tears! I can't! 😭💔And he's got the one from the market!
Aww, wax isn't wearing the white undergarment anymore. Too bad
Oh poor Jin Ling ...
So much grieve that he could probably never process. There so many lost kids in this story, hurt by things they had no control over 😔
I mean, I get it. That's the person who killed his parents (without being in control, but he doesnt know that) and everyone is just talking to him as if it's normal and that didn't happen. But he can't forget,but he doesnt really understand either and he has no outlet. Of course he'd just ... crash 😥
And who would have thought I'd ever try at a flashback of Jin Zixuan's death :(
For once, it'd be nice if the adults actually acted like the parent figures they're supposed to be and explain things to their children 🤦‍♀️
I'm so thankful though, that no one even thinks of scolding him for crying. Jismg Cheng only asked who it was that made him cry (and looks like he'll kick their ass). Generally, thus show has a very healthy attitude towards tears. Most characters cry when they are faced with tragedy, regardless of gender. Men being allowed to have appropriate reactions to grieve (instead of a single men tear or just punching things) is really nice to see
Oh Yao dude whose courtesy name I can't remember, shut up!
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Thanks Ouyang Zizhen! You get me
I live for these children standing up to their elders
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Meanwhile Nie Huaisang is just on the sidelines, enjoying the show :D never change!
The Lotus Pier theme song alone is making me cry rn 😢
Why can't wen Ning come in?
Oh Sizhui!
He many times do you want to make me cry happy tears today?? :')
Little turnip-baby ❤
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But why doesn't lwj say anything ??? 😭
Lan Wangji raised A-Yuan smong a bunch of rabbits??? 😭
Now he's a turnip baby with a taste for carrots, how cute is that? :')
Holy shit, wwx and lwj are really joined at the hip these days of lwj won't enter the hall if wwx isn't allowed to :D
Lwj 😑 "no misbehaviour"
Someone. Knows. Their. Husband.
Okay sorry, but as painful as these cuts must have been and yes, while you do see scars on this prostitute's face, they in no way warrant these horrified gasps as of they had all seen a monster 🙄
Xue yang. Fancy seeing you here in this not at all disturbing sub-plot 😬
Okay that's creepy. That's really creepy
Shouldn't Jin Guangyao have a bit more compassion for these women?
On the other hand, he was born to menacingly stand behind a curtain 🤷‍♀️
W. T. F. ????
Jin Guangshan??? o___O
That's the most skin we've ever seen on this show and it's in a scene like THIS? 😬
How can you die from sex?
And then jgy made them keep going?
These poor women :/
So there's someone who set her free on purpose, right?
Bicao has really interesting eyes!
Oh wait, took me some time to catch up. This is about Quin Su and why she killed herself, right?
They were siblings o_O
They just went full game of thrones on this ...
Hey Jin Guangshan, screw you for raping that woman
Wait, is that why jgy had him die like THAT?
I'm so confused about how that happened btw
But why would Jin Guangyao merry quin su anyway? Was this some kind of political marriage that he couldn't call off?
This episode answered some of my questions but raised about a dozen more 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
5 episodes to go. I'm both happy because I can't wait to brows the untamed tag without looking for spoilers and extremely sad 🥺
Right now I'm planning to watch one episode each day until friday and then watch the last two on Saturday, hopefully quite early, so I can spend the rest of the day crying my eyes out over it, without having to worry about such trivial things as being a functioning adult or a responsible student 😅
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getitinbusan · 5 years
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My top OT7 Smut Recs!
Fic Recs in a Fic
Much love to @noona-la-la-la @tayegi @softyoongiionly @fortunexkookie @gukslut @honeymoonjin @yminie for being amazing writers!
Jungkook arrived at his wardrobe appointment just past two o'clock. He never minded coming in, truth be told he had developed a bit of a crush on his Clothing Stylist.
Her pretty smile and contagious laugh frequently caught his eye as the fashion team stood together chatting and laughing. He wondered what they were constantly amused by, happy giggles surrounded them even after long days. They were totally off limits but that didn't stop all the boys from thinking about them now and again. 
"Hey JK," she smiled sweetly, "I know we were just going to do casual wear today but your new suits just arrived. Do you want to get them all done now or do you have to be somewhere?"
Suit fitting day meant extra touching, she'd be running her hands over his chest and up his inseam. "Yeah we can get it done today, I don't mind spending some extra time with you." 
"Great! I'm just going to run downstairs and grab them from receiving, I'll be back up in a few minutes." Grabbing the rolling rack she pushed her way out the door. 
Casually looking around as he waited, he picked up the steamer and playfully shot it a few times. 
Just about to see how hot it would be on his face, he heard the distinct sound of Jimin's "Excuse me!" Puzzled, he looked around, he was still alone. Convinced he was hearing things he went back to the steamer, "Excuse me!" It was coming from a phone...her phone...sitting there unlocked. 
He knew he shouldn't look, he knew it was wrong, but when he heard "Excuse me!" again he had to look. 
✂️ Noona: I just finished with Yoongi.
✂️ Noona: Made him a blonde and fuck he looks good.
✂️ Noona: I wore a low cut blouse, caught the dirty boy looking 🤭
Jungkook's eyes got bigger in disbelief, the Noonas talked like this...about them? He couldn't resist, he figured he had about 5 mins before she'd be back. Quickly choosing select all text, he copied, plugged in his own number, pasted, sent and deleted his message once he'd heard his own notification go off. Setting her phone back down, the anticipation of reading the messages had him both nervous and excited. 
The door pushed open as she walked through it backwards tugging the rack inside of the room. "Your phone went off a few times while you were gone Noona," he said with big eyes. "Your notification threw me off a little, is Jimin your Bias?"
Her face went pale, that was the notification sound for her smutty Noona Group Chat, come to think of it he never really used the term Noona with her, what had he seen? 
"No Kookie, I'm definitely 0T7," she dismissively laughed.
He held his phone in his hand looking at the text that was begging to be read. "I uh, just got a message from Joon, emergency group meeting, I'm afraid we'll have to reschedule."
Taking his leave he headed straight back to his apartment, he couldn't wait to read these messages. 
Laying back on his couch he opened the message. The group chat was called BTS Noonas and it seemed it was between the 3 stylists heading each department.
👔 Clothes Noona ✂️ Hair Noona and 💄Makeup Noona
Licking his lips he was eager to read on. 
💄Noona: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just found this online, I told you that outfit was an abomination! Even the fans are writing about it. 
J Hope Flight 18 @noona-la-la-la
✂️ Noona: Just happened to find that online huh? You were looking up Hobi smut, admit it. 
👔 Noona: Yes, I told him to wear it. No, I didn't tell him to wear it 2 days in a row without a shirt. 
👔 Noona: This story fits...I asked him why he wore it again and he couldn't give me an answer. He's such a player.
💄Noona: I'd join the mile high club with him. I've had way too many dirty thoughts on those long flights. 
✂️ Noona:  So since we're sitting here waiting for them to finish shooting what else can we find….?
💄 Noona: Alright, I'll admit it...I've got a few saved. You know what Jimin does to me…
Jimin Fuck, Marry or Kill @tayegi
👔  Noona: Ahhh, poor little Jimin ssi, always so insecure 💔
✂️ Noona: No way, he is always the one who hits on me the most. I bet he fucks like there's no tomorrow. 
💄Noona: Agree, when he wants something he gets super aggressive. But really FMK..answers please!
👔 Noona: Fuck Kookie, Marry Jin, Kill Jhope
✂️ Noona: Fuck Taehyung, Marry Yoongi, Kill Jin
💄Noona: Fuck Jimin, Marry Joon, Kill Jungkook
👔 Noona: So if Jimin is a switch let's talk about our little subs! I think we all agree on Yoongi and Jin?
Yoongi Sugar Plum Fairy Lights  @softyoongiionly
Jin A Bonding Experience @fortunexkookie
✂️ Noona: And Dom's, we don't all share the same preferences. What I wouldn't let Taehyung do to me….💦 That boy is a freak in the sheets GUARANTEED
Tae Fun And Games @gukslut
💄Noona: But we all know Joon would be a first class lover. 
RM Sexual Healing @honeymoonjin
👔 Noona: Is he though? He probably gets lucky by tripping and falling into some vagina. Not exactly as smooth in real life as in fiction.
✂️ Noona: OR are you just completely Jungkook biased? We all know what you're thinking when you're on your knees tailoring his pants. 
👔 Noona: I'm not going to deny it! I may have gasped out loud the first time I "accidently" grazed it. This one seems accurate...
Kookie Vaunt @yminie
👔 Noona: Jungkook keeps watching us, maybe we're having too much fun.
💄 Noona: How exactly are we supposed to keep working now? 
✂️ Noona: Break time is over ☹️ back to business. If you find any other good ones post later!
👔 Noona: Fitting with my baby 🐰 today!
✂️ Noona: I've got Yoongles for hair and my best lacy bra on. 
💄Noona: Fuck I've got nothing, have fun and report back. 
✂️ Noona: I just finished with Yoongi.
✂️ Noona: Made him a blonde and fuck he looks good.
✂️ Noona: I wore a low cut blouse, caught the dirty boy looking 🤭
Jungkook couldn't believe what he'd just read. It was hard to imagine that these dirty things were running through her head. He thought only guys said, and fantasized about things like this but he couldn't deny he was turned on. 
Clicking her contact name he sent a message.
JK:  I'm sorry for having to leave earlier, can we try again tomorrow?
👔 Noona: Absolutely, I hope everything is ok?
JK: Never better, see you soon.
Jungkook came in smiling, knowing how she felt, he could flirt without repercussions. Passing him his first outfit he let his hand intentionally linger against her arm while taking the hanger. 
"I'm worried they may be too tight," he let his hand fall over his crotch and he adjusted himself, 'Yeah, it might not fit."
He could see the thoughts running through her head as he used the same words from the story she had shared. A small grin formed on her lips and a blush creeped over her cheeks. 
Getting on her knees to check the hem she worked her hand up his thigh, "Do you have enough room?" She looked up at him directly from her spot between his legs. 
He grabbed her hand, "Don't you want to feel how big it is Noona?" 
As she nodded he placed her hand over his bulge, "All you had to do was ask."
Virgin Jungkook Recs - My Laptop Died So I Used Yours
Taehyung Smut Recs - I Found Your Tumblr
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