#(also this prompt is from like. March. wasn't kidding that i keep them for later!)
ariadne-mouse · 1 year
Silly writing prompt: Asmodeus trying to be hot af in front of Zerxus, in any context you prefer.
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"Trying" is the operative word - redux on the canon scene from EXU: Calamity. Asmodeus rolls to seduce, but Zerxus is rolling perpetual Nat 20s on actual parental mode
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ieatadoptmepets · 1 year
I meant to make this forever ago but here are my gay titan headcanons for pride month
Dick Grayson
The man is definitely bi. Growing up with bruce, he never got a chance for any kind of meaningful relationship and wasn't like other kids with internet access (or however that worked, I mean he's around my mom's age and her generation all had like flip phones in highschool or whatever) or "the talk" or really anything pertaining to sexuality. And instead of not realizing it until adulthood, he kinda just took it as it's completely normal because he never saw anything special about it. Bruce was always supportive of any pride marches going on which made him feel safe but they always had this mutual understanding that didn't make anything need to be said out loud
He may look sexy as fuck all the time but it's all a show, he's so asexual. I've always kinda took this as canon even though nothing like that was mentioned or shown, and he slept with kori pretty early on but nevermind that. He's not out to anyone because he didn't know asexuality was a thing, but more on that later with another character I headcanon as ace :-)
When he does figure it out though he comes out publicity rather quickly and the internet goes wild, leaving his teammates to find out through twitter
Conner being the sweet guy he is congratulates him
On Tamaran, no one is really aware of sexuality as a society, but just that a princess needs her prince and things like that (I don't know much about Tamaran, I could be wrong in canon but this is headcanon) but they do have the capacity for sexuality. Kori comes to earth and discovers human sexuality and doesn't really understand any of it and tries to figure out what she is but comes to the conclusion that it's VERY confusing but by god does she love dick grayson
Gar Logan
He's very much pansexual. He's always struggled with coming out to people, half of him thinking 'it's so obvious but they never said anything so they must be homophobic but deal with me for titans business' and 'they think I'm straight and I should come out' but rachel helps him, they are mspec solidarity
He comes out officially to the public during pride month which causes the rest of the titans to come out and make their statements which makes the world go crazy
He comes out to the team by donning a bunch of pan pride merch and hanging up a flag in his room and eventually they take notice and ask what it's about he makes a big show out of it and kori makes him a pan colored cake with the help of rachel because he was so excited about it
When he and rachel officially room together, they fold their pride flags in half to combine them on the wall
He is also asexual. I don't get sexual attraction so almost everyone is asexual. Like me he doesn't get the hype around it so he doesn't make a big deal about it like his pansexuality. He comes out because jason makes a joke about him and rachel now sharing a room and he just goes "huh? oh, no, me and rachel don't do that. I'm asexual :D" thus prompting dick to talk to gar in private and explain to him, and he doesn't show it but he's very excited and goes to tell kori
Rachel Roth
She is so bi without a doubt. When she comes out with the titans, people give her a lot of shit for being in a committed relationship with a man while being bi but she responds to all public backlash just getting increasingly more obnoxious with it. Think like aggressively chaotic videos in response to trolls to Lady Gaga songs and hanging pride flags from the tower every June
Jason Todd
Look at this man and tell me he's not bi. You can't. I know I've headcanoned like everyone as bi but that's because I'm projecting
He gets a boyfriend and thinks he's keeping it a secret but he's really bad at it
He acts like he's going out with a girl but has no idea how to act with a guy, so he asks the titans very obvious advice that just gets worse the more he tries to cover it up
Bruce knows it from the start pretty much because he's always acted like a tool who only cared about showing off everything batman and titan related when he dated girls but he actually appears genuine, so it must mean he's gay
One evening he tells the titans he's going on a date and rachel goes "with your boyfriend?"
Then they convince him to take his date to the tower to meet them which ends up being the best date he's ever been on
Conner Kent
At first he has no concept of sexuality because he starts out when he broke out of the lab with the emotional mind of a toddler
As he "grows up" he learns more about sexuality it kinda confuses him and finds he's unlabeled
Sexuality is hella confusing for him because all his pre existing knowledge comes from Clark Kent and Lex Luther and it's not like he inherited their sexuality and he never got to grow up and experience life
He's one of the titans who isn't exactly out about their sexuality, but that's because he doesn't label himself and currently that's only a concern to komand'r
His girlfriend is unlabeled too for the same reasons as kori and Conner has the biggest himbo bi wife energy despite being the smartest human-ish alive
I kinda gave everyone the same headcanons but please reblog with your headcanons I'd love to see them <3
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luminari-mc · 3 years
Mulberry Dyes and Christmas Sweaters (300 Followers Event Prize)
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Mammon x Named!MC
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Mammon and Jesse come back home after running errands for the rest of the family, and the demon is very insistent on taking care of dyeing his partner's hair himself.
A/N: This is the prize for the winner of my 300/400 followers event, @rads-newspaperclub, who requested a fic of Mammon and their MC! It took way too long for me to finish it, but in the end I had fun combining their prompts and exploring the dynamic between Jesse and their demon. :) Enjoy!
It had been a smart move to go do some shopping right after lunch. Since the majority of the other demons would mainly come out at the start of the evening, the stores were all relatively empty, and empty shops not only meant faster errands for the demon of greed and his human, but also less chances for said human to encounter any problematic demons who would be bold enough to attack them while being in the company of one of the seven most powerful lords in the Devildom.
“I mean, you could have at least let me grab one or two more.” Mammon pouted, a plastic bag full of groceries hanging from one of his hands, the other too busy holding onto Jesse’s. It was one of the exclusive moments where the demon would allow himself to show his affection towards them, since none of his brothers were close enough to butt in or tell them to “get a room”.
“We’re on a budget.” Jesse shook their bag to remind him of the money Lucifer had handed over to them before leaving the house. “I don’t think anybody back home would appreciate it if we came back with twenty cups of your spicy noodles instead of… I don’t know, the usual stuff we need to buy every week?”
“Hey, stop exaggeratin’!” He let out, a blush of shame appearing on his puffed cheeks. “And it wasn’t twenty, but eighteen!”
Jesse chuckled. “That’s exactly why Lucifer never lets you do the groceries on your own, Mammon.”
“Yeah yeah, I heard him ask you to keep an eye on the stuff I put in your basket before we left.” He groaned, frowning yet keeping his hold on Jesse’s hand. “Seriously, how old does he think I am? Five hundred? It ain’t like I need some sort of guardian to watch my every move, I’m not a kid!”
“You clearly do need constant supervision, though.”
“Hush.” Mammon grumbled, earning a nudge from Jesse’s elbow on his arm.
“Well, I don’t mind accompanying you every time if the excuse is just to watch over you.” They offered him a smile once they noticed him glance their way. “After all, it allows us to be on our own, right?"
"I guess." He rubbed the back of his head, the flush on his face increasing slightly. As much as it was hard to openly admit it, even when it was just him and Jesse out, getting his weekly chance of doing such a simple activity as buying groceries with his partner was something small, yet that he wouldn't afford to miss.
He didn't mind receiving the occasional "no" from them whenever he would run down the store's aisle towards them with his arms packed with his favorite food, even after pulling out his best attempt at his infamous "puppy-dog eyes". Jesse always had their way of gently refusing his begging- one that was obviously way different from the ones he'd receive when he tried to pull the same move on his brothers. 
Sometimes they would try and bargain with him that if he were to put the food away, they'd watch a movie with him later. Sometimes, it was a simple date that would take place further into the week- which was Mammon's favorite reward since he would immediately go and boast about it to the others' faces. And there were the rare times, like today, where Jesse would lose against the puppy eyes, and permit him to carry home some of his precious noodles. Lucifer would call out on them being too soft with him, but luckily, there wasn't much he could do about it. Mammon always made sure to give it back to Jesse afterwards, anyway.
As the two of them continued to march on within the Devildom streets, Mammon glanced down at the bag he was carrying. The see-through plastic allowed him to see the vibrant colors of the spicy-flavored noodles' cups, along with Jesse's own products. The mulberry color of their usual dye was a color he had grown to love, and ever since they had first asked if he wanted to try dyeing their hair for them, the demon always looked forward to these private moments. Not only did he have the excuse of not allowing anyone in the bathroom during that time, but getting to watch them close their eyes as he moved their hair to apply the dye, just knowing that they trusted him enough to do such a precise and careful handling of their color… He wouldn't allow anyone else to do it in his stead.
The sky was just starting to get covered by heavy rain clouds by the time they stepped through the front door. The roar of the thunder echoed in the distance as Mammon let Jesse in first, before closing the door behind him.
"We're home!" Jesse announced their presence to the rest of the inhabitants before hanging their coat on one of the hangers. "Mams, I'm gonna go and change my shirt before we get to dyeing."
"Aight. I'll just put the groceries in the kitchen and wait for you by the bathroom once that's done." Mammon closed his eyes as Jesse placed a quick peck on his cheek before darting to head to their room. He grumbled lowly from the lack of warning, but before he could say anything, Jesse had already disappeared behind a corner. With a sigh that made him drop his shoulders, he mimicked the hanging of his coat next to theirs, and went to quickly shove the groceries into the fridge and cupboards. He would have just thrown it on the table and call it a day, but the last thing he wanted was for Beel to find the newly acquired errands, and make a quick feast out of it. And then who knows for how many hours he'd be strung from the ceiling today?
In the hallway, Mammon had just enough time to lean his back against the wall and take his DDD out before the figure of Lucifer appeared from out of the library. 
"Hey." He said, quickly returning his attention on his phone. "Groceries are done. Hidden from Beel. Jess has to do their dyeing."
"You'd sound clearer if you actually focused and raised your eyes from your phone, Mammon." The eldest sighed as he walked to his brother. "And 'dyeing'?"
"Yeah, you know. Their hair color." He pointed his index at his own head. "That thing takes quite some time to do though, so we'll be stuck in the bathroom for a bit."
"I see." Lucifer blinked, just as Jesse stepped out of their room, now wearing a plain black shirt.
"Hey Luci!" They quickly raised their hands before trotting towards the two. "Groceries are done."
"As I've heard. I'm grateful." Lucifer nodded, dismissing the nickname that he knew was an attempt at annoying him. "I hope you bought everything off the list I gave you exclusively, and not anything deemed unnecessary."
Jesse only smiled big in response. "Nope! All your precious money went into the house's food rations, as promised."
They suddenly grabbed Mammon's arm to pull him away from the eldest brother and towards the bathroom, earning a doubtful look from the latter and a squeal of surprise from the former, who nearly dropped his phone in the process.
"Jesse?" Lucifer asked, about to demand the truth, but the human had already opened the bathroom's door and was waving at him.
"Sorry Lucifer, dyeing takes time and I want it to be done before it's my turn to cook tonight! We'll take the bathroom now!"
Obviously, as one would imagine, Lucifer knew exactly that once again, Mammon probably had been allowed some extra purchases courtesy of his human. But trying to pull the truth out of either of them could wait. And if anything, maybe Jesse was messing with him, and actually telling the truth. One demon could hope.
“Don’t make a mess.” Lucifer simply warned them as he watched Jesse enter first, grabbing the plastic bag containing the dye that Mammon had been holding since they had come back home.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Mammon rolled his eyes before entering and closing the door behind him. 
“Soooo." Jesse put the bag next to the sink to retrieve the boxes of mulberry dye. "Do you remember how you did it last time? It’s been a while since I last let you apply my dye.”
“Of course! It ain’t that difficult. Now prop your butt on the chair and let the Great Mammon work so he doesn’t mess up.” He opened a drawer and took out a pair of latex gloves while Jesse pulled a chair from a corner of the room in front of the mirror, sitting on it with their hands on their legs.
Once Mammon took out the usual necessary tools- brush, clips, conditioner, he grabbed a spare towel and flicked it over their shoulders, making sure that it would cover enough of their shirt on the front and back of it. Jesse felt a corner of their lips rise at the sight of his pinched eyebrows, before he turned his back to them to take the contents out of the boxes.
“You alright? You ain't cold? You sure you washed your hair?” He glanced over at them.
“I'm all good.” Jesse let their raised thumb poke from under the towel. "I'm at your entire mercy, Great Mammon."
“Good.” He took their glasses off their nose to settle it next to the rest of the items. "Then you can relax. I'm taking care of it."
It felt rather nice to have Mammon take care of their color since the last time he had done it. Jesse kept their eyes on his reflection in the mirror in front of them, seeing his tongue poking out, and being hyper focused on what his hands and fingers did while separating their strands of hair with the clips, mixing the dye and applying it gently yet almost professionally with the brush. They could almost find it comical, how much he tried not to make any mistake during the process. Yet the more they watched, the more they knew they were in good hands. This was Mammon after all. Once he was settled on doing something for them, no matter the challenge, he would do his best to succeed.
Another reason why they admired him so much.
"You have pretty eyes, you know." They took advantage of him applying the color near the front of their head and the closeness of his face to tease him a bit. Needless to say, Mammon reacted rather quickly- his eyes opening wide under a frown, and his cheeks turning darker.
"Wh-- A-Are you serious? Do you want me to accidentally dye your forehead?! Because that's how you get dye on your forehead!"
"Just because of a small little compliment?" The smirk they offered him did nothing to calm his poor heart from the surprise their words had caused.
"Yes!" He eyed them, watching as Jesse bit their lower lip to retain a laugh. They knew how easy it was to pull reactions like these out of him, but always found it too funny not to give in to the temptation. With a huff, he finished applying the dye near their forehead- luckily none of it had actually gotten anywhere on their face-, and moved to their side to get a better angle.
"... Hey." 
"Hm?" Jesse asked, looking at him through the mirror.
"How much yarn did you buy earlier?" 
They raised an eyebrow at his question, wondering why he would suddenly be interested in this topic.
"Hmm, about a dozen balls. I wanted to have a stock that could last a while, since the weather is announced to be bad for the next few weeks. Why do you ask?"
"Well…" He moved the brush near their roots with precision. "It's almost Christmas."
"Yeah, it is." Mammon glanced over in the mirror for a few seconds as he caught Jesse smiling in their voice, before turning back to his work.
"There's that thing you humans do around that time. It's a weird trend that I never got but I wanna try it. You know... those weird sweaters?"
It took a couple of seconds for Jesse to understand what the demon was talking about. They chuckled at the realization.
"Wait-- Pff, Mammon, do you want me to make you one of those ugly Christmas sweaters? Really?"
"Only if you make one for yourself!" He instantly replied. "Also, they may be ugly, but some of them aren't that bad. And if you also make one, then at least everyone will know that you belong to me even when we aren't next to each other."
Jesse hummed, keeping their head still as they felt him holding it, the feeling of his fingers still sending tingles through their scalp. "Any excuse to be twinning, huh?"
"Shut up, it's not twinning..." He mumbled, before forcing their head to the side and catching them off guard by placing his lips on theirs.
"Stop teasin' me. Just say you'll consider it."
Now it was Jesse's turn to have new colors added to their face. Judging by the way he was looking straight at them, Mammon was pretty serious about this demand, huh? In a way, they found it cute, how despite the blush spread from ear to ear, he was basically demanding them to give him something handmade as a present. It wouldn't be the first time they'd make him a sweater… but maybe knitting something just for fun could be nice, too.
"I will." They smiled, offering a quick peck on his nose as long as he was still in reach. "How about I try to make Goldie for you, and your pact mark for me? And I'll add some of those fancy Christmas lights and lots of other patterns to make them extra personal and ugly. Even if Asmo takes in on the challenge, there's no way he'll be able to beat our sweater team."
"I like the sound of that." He grinned. "Its a deal." 
. . . . . . . . . . . .
When the evening came, and the time for dinner was over, Mammon made sure to steal Jesse away from the others as soon as their plates were washed, no matter how many complaints he received behind his back as he guided them to his room. Once the door had been secured, and snacks and drinks had been carried inside, the lights were turned off. Comfortably installed in his couch, with a movie playing on the big screen of his wall, the demon pulled the human closer to his side, making sure to bring the majority of the blanket over them so he wouldn't feel them shiver during the night. His hand ran through their newly-colored mulberry hair, making Jesse sigh in content. He felt their body lean more against him, and he allowed himself to rest his cheek against the top of their head.
Moments like these were his favorites. Ones where they didn't have to do anything special, as long as they were with each other. Whether it was just doing errands, taking care of the appearance of the other, or watching a movie and sharing a bowl of popcorn and snacks. Yes- moments like these were the most precious in his eyes. No matter the amount of money, or the tons of treasure he'd be offered. Their presence alone was worth more than anything in the entire world.
And the treasure tonight happened to be just him, them... and the impatience of receiving that Christmas sweater they had promised running through his mind. Christmas really couldn't get there any sooner.
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jdeck306 · 2 years
April 3rd: Talk about jobs and/or school as an autistic person.
Well, quite a lot to tell. Lots of negativity, which I won't dwell on, and loads of positivity, especially in the recent few months.
Let's tackle work first.
The only jobs I've had were part-time, when I worked as shelf stacker. Order & precision of products were crucial, which was quite nice and satisfying. These two jobs were a few years apart, for the first, contract wasn't renewed after two years, so I was let go. The latter, I was heading to University, so I put in my two weeks notice & left on a positive note.
Leading from this: school, education, and what I'm doing currently.
Primary school, I hadn't been diagnosed. Wouldn't be until years later, after I turned 15/16. Was always a well-behaved kid, never acted out and was as respectful as possible. Unfortunately, being kind & positive, combined with the way I acted - as myself - made me quite a target for bullying…
Out of the 8 grades, (or years, or forms, unsure of the term,) I skipped the 6th form, and was way younger than others in my class. Being that young around others, was more of a target. One person, who had failed that grade a number of times, and was 4 years older than I was, was especially horrible. But that, and them, aside.
Middle school, Gymnasium level, still younger than others, still a target. Was so bad, it was part of the reason I had to redo the second year. Fortunately, this landed me along people my age. Was in that class group for 4 years, then had to redo the 5th form because of struggles with the ancient language classes and philosophy - was more a fan of mathematics, physics and such.
When I redid the 5th form, I met another person who was also autistic who had similar interests as me. Made good contact and I still see him weekly, when I pick him up to head to Shakespeare theatre rehearsals, also via school.
After I graduated, at 19, I headed to Technical University to study Applied Physics, but it wasn't to last. Just 6 months after I started I had to quit due to serious mental health struggles. Just a little while later, March 2020, the first quarantine started, giving me much needed time to go to therapy, find medicine that helps, and got loads of help to find a path that fit me.
Now, doing way better. The study I found (and mentioned the last two days) is leading me towards Cyber Security Specialist, and everything about the study is so, so nice. Small classes, a calm location away from business, and it's genuinely specifically focused on autistic people. I've had a two exams already, failed one and succeeded in the other!
The teachers are so very helpful too. They've made it really clear they're not there to help us pass the exams, but to help us towards a job, which is the ultimate goal of the organisation; to help autistic people towards a sustainable job in one of a few fields, which, for me, will be Cyber Security.
Communication is so much nicer too! Actually able to make and keep contact with not just classmates but the teachers and coordinators too. They keep in touch, check in how we feel both before and after exams, and they plan a weekly talk to check how things are going and to let us vent some small things, if we feel like it.
I'm super glad I've managed to find this study. The name of this organisation is 'ITVitae', located in the Netherlands. Unsure if there are many other organistations like it.
Hope everyone is doing well! Feeling quite good, definitely want to keep up with this prompt. Please remember to stay safe & take good care of yourselves.
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