#(do they even have a ship name?)
tinytiredturtle9 · 4 months
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These two still have a vice grip over me h e l p
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ashshmee · 4 days
ok so there is nothing i would love more than a challengers jegulily au but may i also propose a challengers lily x reg x barty au?
like lily is tashi and rev is art and barty is patrick
idk i feel like bartylus is a better match for the dynamic of art and patrick, not to mention the individual characters themselves. barty as patrick would make more sense as to why he is pursuing a career outside of what his parents want for him (just like canon) and reg as art makes sense because he is attempting to live up to what other people expect of him (also just like canon). i can’t imagine bartylily as anything other than toxic and self destructive so that checks out, and reg being secretly conniving and manipulative to begin his relationship with lily, believing he will finally be happy if he has this thing only to be dissatisfied with himself still also makes perfect sense
in conclusion, i need some barty x lily x reg action and a challengers au is the perfect place for it
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siriuslytruee · 8 months
I recently read a rosekiller & jegulus fake dating fic and now I am ready to sell my soul for more fics with james/evan pairing. They just made sense.
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artandfail · 6 months
Taylor and Eric - Power Rangers
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Taylor and Eric from the Wild Force crossover episode, because I love them!!!
Comissions/ /
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annaskareninas · 1 month
New fic just posted!!
Two For The Show - 5 chapters of sexy smutty Azriel/Lucien/Elain + dating, flirting and banter, Lucien and Azriel being oblivious to their feelings for each other, and did I mention lots of sex? Enjoy!
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lucky-fydraws · 4 months
Debated a little bit on whether or not to share those thumbnails, but hey! It’s my blog :3c
Winged Lion x Laios, gore/vore (well, as gore as a thumbnail can be LOL)
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I know the horns are wrong! I only looked at a ref at the end of sketching.
+ another thumbnail (the third actually) I wasn’t happy with. Pose too boring, not dynamic enough. Couldn’t see the Winged Lion’s face.
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 2 years
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(Fr tho, these two were so freaking cute)
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an0n0 · 1 year
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Nic and Fiona Fox art, along with a doodle I drew today
Its a shame their friendship didnt get that explored in the comics, considering how important Nic was in Fiona past
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almoststedytimetravel · 9 months
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They really are everything to me.
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platadesangre · 5 months
y'all sleeping on jesus x mary like COME ON
she cares about him, he lets her take care of him, she gives him what he wants right here and now. he defends her, she sings him to sleep. he falls into her arms for comfort, she sings an entire song about her feelings. she's there when peter denies him. he's kind to her even at the hardest of times. she loves him, and wishes they could start again.
their love is pure and tragic.
i know doomed yaoi is cool but can we have a bit more recognition for jesus and mary?
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crumchy-olives · 9 months
Okay so not to be a theatre kid or anything but like a production of Wicked where Glinda and Elphaba kiss RIGHT BEFORE the climax of defying gravity would fix me I think
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@dbhrarepairs week, day 2 - Trust
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Markus came here to find some peace and quiet. What he didn’t expect to find was Josh.
Maybe they are both here for the same purpose.
“You know,” Josh starts when he notices Markus’ presence. “I haven’t just… looked at the city since I arrived to Jericho. I used to see it all the time from the university.”
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And Markus wants to ask; he wants to know more about Josh, but he knows he shouldn’t push for it. There are things that should stay in the past. But if Josh offers the information, he’s going to listen.
After all, that’s why they’re here, right? To make it better for their peers, so they don’t have to go through the same things they had to.
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Slowly, Josh rises from the plank and turns around to face Markus. “Things are going to change, no matter what we do today. Detroit won’t be the same place as before.”
“No, it won’t,” Markus agrees, and watches as Josh sits down heavily on the ratty armchair. Markus wonders if he’s finally ready to stop fighting off change.
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“I’m aware of what this can escalate to,” Josh says. “I was teaching history. At the university.”
Against his better judgment, Markus asks, “What happened?”
Josh hums, and looks out to the city once more. But before Markus has time to apologize for the intrusive question, he starts speaking.
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“It was late; I just finished my last class. I was about to go back to the other building where the android storage area was.” He shakes his head. “Funny, how I never thought about how fucked up our situation was. Anyway. There were three guys. They were drunk. They just wanted to pick a fight no matter what, and I was right there.” He unconsciously smooths a hand over his chest, where – Markus guesses – there’s still a scar or a dent under his clothes. Suddenly, Markus feels an impulse in his wires; he’s overwhelmed with the want to reach out. He doesn’t.
“I’m sorry,” he says instead, which doesn’t sound right, and it doesn’t change what Josh had to go through anyway.
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“What about you?” Josh’s dark, intense eyes are back on Markus, and he couldn’t look away, even if he wanted to. “You haven’t said much about yourself since you came to Jericho.”
And Markus knows what Josh thinks as they look into each other’s eyes. Androids don’t come with heterochromia. There’s still a phantom pain behind his eye where the bullet went through. He thinks it’ll never cease.
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“I was caring for an old man… he was like a father to me. He died in my arms.” The painful images of that night flash on Markus’s HUD, uncontrollably. “The police thought I did it. They shot me. I woke up in a junkyard. I thought I was going to die.”
He can never forget; never forgets the pain he woke up in, the fear he felt, but something was in him. He wanted to live, desperately so. He thought he was going to die, but he never felt so alive before.
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Josh steps closer; so close that Markus is able to detect the steady rhythm of his thirium pump. Cool, tentative fingers touch his hand, asking to open a connection.
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And Markus lets the synthskin recede from his own hand and lets himself to be seen for the first time in his life.
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dravenxivuk · 10 months
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Look at these two! Look at them!
My crack ship is gaining momentum.
What are we calling this ship anyway? Iortho? Lerveth? What do we think?
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raindear-a · 1 year
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A ghost ship? Idk, but I love their dynamic so much
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morninggloryworm · 2 years
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They would be too powerful together, that’s why RGG never gave them a chance
The strongest power couple 💪
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the-iron-general · 7 months
Uzi x J is such an underrated ship because it’s the only Uzi ship in the entire show where she’s not the biggest loser
I mean sure, Uzi might be a literal femcel with no friends. But she would rather be caught dead than work unpaid overtime for a night shift-unlike J.
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