#(i act in physical theaters so it’s different but still)
me looking at the fact that the only disabled characters in the atla la were cast with abled actors (as far as i know):
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it just really hurts to think about how actors who are in wheelchairs, and even actors who are like me (not in wheelchair but still are actually disabled and have trouble walking) feel about this.
like how many disabled actors auditioned and were so excited to finally have a chance and have a roll but some abled guy got cast instead, i don’t even have a wheelchair yet and im upset, i can’t imagine how they feel. (i’m not upset at the actors for this, im upset at the directors and other people in charge of casting people)
i probably shouldn’t have put so much faith in netflix to cast things like this well, but still. i don’t even have the energy to be upset about things like this anymore, im just. tired.
(also if either of these actors are actually physically disabled, please tell me, i really hope i’m wrong)
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I had this idea for my 8th year fic (that I have mostly dropped bc I felt like this storyline was making the fic too complicated) about the muggle studies class doing a play and Ron and Draco are playing the leads bc they’re the best actors in the group but the leads happen to be a married couple so they have to (petition to of their own volition bc it’s not in the fucking script) kiss onstage.
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ed-wwarren · 1 year
When Ed said he loved sports that might have been an understatement. For him, there were three things in life and they were God, fixing cars, and sports. Not necessarily in that order. Growing up, he didn’t have the easiest home life. His father, the asshole, was verbally abusive and liked to dabble in the physical abuse when he got drunk so his mother, the angel, would make sure Ed was out of the house as much as she could.
So, when he wasn’t at school or working at the local theater, he was volunteering at church, at practices and games, or fixing people’s cars for free just for the fun of it.
But while he was still in high school, he was going to live up the sports. He would be able to work a job, volunteer at church, and fix cars the rest of his life but he knew after high school, sports were over so he dedicated a lot of his time to that. He was smart but didn’t have a desire to go to university so this was it for him. His senior year.
He had a sport for every season too. In the fall, he was a football guy. In the winter, he was all about the swim meets, and in the spring he was always outside playing baseball.
The funny thing about it though, he didn’t consider himself to be a jock. He understood what the word meant and he knew that’s what the whole school would refer to him as, but he didn’t think he fit into that stereotype. He had friends that absolutely did but they weren’t his close friends. Especially not the jocks who acted like jocks. The ones that would bully other kids or just be arrogant assholes. It made him sick.
School was already underway and it was getting towards the end of winter which meant there were only going to be a few more swim meets before they got into the spring and started baseball. Ed was at his locker getting books for his next class when he saw Natalie, one of the cheerleaders, making her way over to him. He sighed and stuck his head back in his locker pretending to be looking for a book. He was not the biggest fan of this girl. She was constantly hitting on different guys at the school and when one wouldn’t pay her any attention or she got bored, she would moved onto the next. It never ended.
“Hey, Ed,” Natalie cooed with a grin, moving close to him. “I can’t wait to see you at the swim meet today,” She said slowly, her eyes traveling bluntly down to his crotch. What she meant to say was, she couldn’t wait to see him in the tiny speedo they had to wear.
Ed slowly looked over at her and gave her a small smile. “Hey. Yeah, it’ll be umm…kind of weird. It’s my last one ever.”
“Oh,” Natalie said with a pout. “Well, I’ll be cheering for you. I hope it’s a good one.”
As she walked away, she brushed her hand along his arm and grinned. It made Ed shiver but not in a good way.
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bambi-kinos · 6 months
I really enjoy your meta and look forward to more mclennon analysis. Out of curiosity, you mentioned that you think they started being physical in 1964 - is there a reason why that year specifically? Personally, I've always thought they started sleeping together in 1963, and my reasoning for that is they seem much closer in videos/photos, not to mention it was the year they "broke through", so to speak.
Would love to hear your thoughts on that!
Hmm well I guess it depends on how they, and we, define their sex life. John and Paul were sexually intimate starting since they were teenagers because John brought Paul into the group wanks. (tbh it's a miracle Paul didn't brain John with something heavy thanks to all that Winston Churchilling.) There's really no telling how it progressed from there, anything is possible with these two. Until Paul tells us the details (and I do not put it past him) then he and John could have been hooking up at literally any point in their relationship. When I think of them getting physical with each other, I'm thinking of them getting each other off with intent and purpose, and considering the style of the time this would mean penetration. Everything else can be handwaved away.
I pick 1964 because of this post: https://www.tumblr.com/got-ticket-to-ride/739464905120497664/its-the-anniversary-day-of-john-and-paul-in-paris?source=share
It's just something about it, y'know. John and Paul are in their city. They stayed up all night and well into the morning and then slept deep into the afternoon, almost evening. And then as GTTR says, "And then they emerge from their hotel room looking like a newlywed couple."
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Well, there's just a certain satisfaction radiating off them isn't there?
But I do see your point: why wouldn't they be hooking up earlier? Why wouldn't it escalate physically before this? Why would they wait until Paris 1964?
I have a few reasons, they are admittedly flimsy but since we are all just making shit up then it's fine, right?
Julian was born in 1963. I've read bits and pieces of Beatles 1963 by Rees and that book is full of little chunks about John running home to see Cynthia and the baby (usually not even for a full night/day because he was so busy.) Their schedule is also packed, they are constantly on the move especially during the night because this is where they had to start being smuggled out of theaters and such. So I genuinely think that John and Paul did not have the time or the space to have sex with each other. I know I am saying this when they had time to hook up with groupies between shows but considering who John and Paul are, and what they mean to one another, I just struggle to imagine them acting that way with one another. They would want to take their time with one another and get it right. They're hopeless romantics at heart, they're both deeply enamored with the idea of "you're special, you're different" so I genuinely think they would want to take their time with each other physically and do it right. I don't think they had that time in 1963 with the way they're running all over the UK.
Then there's the Absolute State of John and Paul's relationship in 1963. Remember that the halcyon days of Paris are way in the rearview mirror at this point. In 1962 Stuart died, Cynthia got pregnant, and John had to get married to save her reputation. I can't imagine Paul reacting well to any of this though I'm sure he put his cheery stoic mask on. Then in 1963, Julian is born. Barcelona happens and John seduces Brian to get the songwriting credit that he wanted and screws Paul out of their deal. Considering this is something Paul is still angry about to this day, I can't imagine how he blew his fucking top at John when he found out that May:
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I don't think Paul was in the mood for any hooking up in 1963. John has a baby with a woman, is married, then he fucks off to have a gay experience with their manager and then when he comes back he's screwed Paul's side of the business on the downlow? I would be on the fucking six o' clock news lmao, John would not have escaped my wrath. It's really no wonder Paul made a specific point of hooking up with Jane Asher isn't it? He was making a point to John specifically and John seethed about it.
However I do think that something happened in 1963 that healed the rift in the Lennon-McCartney relationship:
Paul got sick from the gastric flu and he fainted dead away in the dressing room. John was very upset and was seen pacing the room when the doctor arrived to check on Paul. This is how we know that Paul actually fainted for real, if he was just feeling feverish John would be concerned but maybe not like that. @james-winston has a pair of really fantastic posts about the aftermath of the fainting incident that I have taken as gospel and I fully apply this to any McLennon analysis I write about this period. The key point though is this:
I have a headcanon that Paul being sick caused something to happen between John and Paul that left them both feeling awkward around each other. I don't think it is was sexual, I think it was more likely that John (who thought he was cursed to have all the men he loved die on him) was afraid something might happen to Paul, and reacted emotionally to it.
This all took place in November, after the Wooler thing, after the burn from Barcelona has had a chance to soften, after they both have had time to get used to the idea that Julian exists and has a place in their lives now. I think this was enough to mend things between them. And you know what else happened the night Paul fainted? Brian secured The Beatles their spot on Ed Sullivan:
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So once Brian comes back and tells them the news, John and Paul flip right back into the honeymoon phase. The wounds of the past are forgotten (for now) and they're right back in each other's pockets. I think it's around this time period that Paul was taking photos that now make up Eye of the Storm.
TBH I can imagine John and Paul hooking up at this date. If someone looked at this and said "well this looks like a prelude to sweet love making to me" then that's perfectly reasonable. There's some suggestive photos in Eye of the Storm where Paul is taking John's picture from what looks to be a bathtub while John makes faces at him. It could have been then, absolutely.
But I like the idea that Paul wanted to wait until the next year. 1963 was rough on all of them and he and John are both big on getting new starts. Wait for 1964 to roll around. Brian says we're going to Paris in February. I can wait until then.
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And just this once, it was worth it.
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fancyfeathers · 1 month
I love your blog! Your darlings are so well written, you want to be mad at them for accepting their fates but their backstories are so complex that you actually cant get mad?!
And Eloise is my favorite of the kids.
In one of your posts you compared the noble boy she meets to a Young Vincent Phantomhive… but how messed up would it be for the Moriarty plan if she met O!Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian instead… Eloise is very smart - O!Ciel is too, as well as very determined and a manipulative little shit (which we love).
Good luck Moriarthree dealing with this Queen’s Watchdog and his pet demon.
I know black butler is not in your possible requests but I found the idea pretty entertaining.
Keep up the gr��ât writing!
*Turns to Kitty*
“Wanna help?”
“Oh yes I do.”
Co-writers on this one baby!
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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While this would definitely be an AU but it is definitely fun together, if they ever met it would be during the public school arc and I imagine even through it is a boy’s school that all the children in the Moriarty family would be sent due to them needing to be away and safe during a particularly dangerous mission that could take awhile, the girls’ enrollment is managed through Albert and William pulling a few strings with a few friends who work there, along with Eloise’s high IQ, Hyacinth’s high literacy level, and Madeline’s and Marguerite’s high physical performances.
Andrei would be placed in Red House at age seventeen, Hyacinth in Purple House at age fourteen, Marguerite and Madeline in Green House at ages fourteen, and Eloise in Blue House at age sixteen which would place her in along with Ciel.
Due to the the special circumstances I believe one of the members of the crime gang would be keeping an eye on the children, James Bonde and or Miss Moneypenny. Of course Eloise’s circumstances would draw attention especially because she is a lady, but not just a lady but a lady with an insanely high IQ, and any stupid welcome house traditions will be stopped immediately by James Bonde who is posing as the caretaker of the Moriarty children due to their special circumstances which is another curious thing about this family.
Both Sebastian and Ciel notice her lack of effort in her classes and personal studies but still having extremely high marks even in the most difficult of studies. When Sebastian checks up on her as housemaster during quiet time she is reading her own personal fiction literature, and Mr. Bonde has to explain to him that little Eloise had always excelled since she was a little girl, studying Shakespeare and advanced sciences when she was barely five years old, and her cousins and sister were just as talented but in different ways, her sister Madeline of Green House being a top tier fencer and mathematician, her cousin Marguerite of Green House being a skilled markswoman and equestrian, her cousin Hyacinth of Purple House being a talent in the theater along with having a deft hand in sewing and art, and then her eldest cousin Andrei of Red House being the heir to the title of Earl of the Moriarty family and being skilled in the psychological sciences.
When Ciel is late to tea, he spotted Eloise and and Andrei in the gazebo as well which quickly shows the quick favor the Moriarties had won from the prefects. That evening when Ciel is complaining to Sebastian, Eloise comes knocking with her little charming smile but when the door closes her little act fades away.
“You have no actual intentions as a student here do you? You are up to something and that is painfully obvious.”
“How did you-“
“Know? You have no idea what my family life is like, you learn a thing or two in the Moriarty Estate. I have a proposal for you, I can help you if you help me eventually, and need I remind you I have a relative in each of the houses. So do we have a deal?”
“I will let you sleep on it, it is the only fair since I am your senior. You can let me or Mr. Bonde know, or perhaps Miss Moneypenny… but she is looking after Hyacinth in Purple House.”
So the next day when Ciel goes to speak to her, he catches her at a time where Mr. Bonde is at her side, but speaking to her in a tone in much more of a scolding than his usual tone to her, showing that he is no servant of the Moriarty family that he was led to believe, much on how Sebastian is not an actual housemaster.
“Eloise, you cannot have others dragged into the affairs of your family, your father and uncle sent you lot here to keep you safe.”
“I am sorry alright, but something is not right about any of this, that Ciel boy is not hear for school, something is clearly wrong-“
“Stay out of it, or else I will alert your father, do I make myself clear?”
When Bonde steps out, giving Ciel a smile as he walks off to check up on the other Moriarty children in the other houses. Ciel steps into her room and sees her in pure anger.
“Who is your father exactly-“
“And who is your butler? It seems we find ourselves in a stalemate of secrets.”
After the incident with Cole, I think Andrei would be the one to take his place due to his high level of manners and being the heir to the Moriarty name. Putting more Moriarties in Ciel’s radar, and honestly why he does not really need help from Eloise anymore, he is now curious about what she wants and who exactly her family is. So when speaking to Andrei one day and bringing the topic of Eloise.
“Number one, my cousin is far too old for you to court if that is what you are after, but then again she is already being courted by that gentleman at the university. Number two, if you are trying to find out about our family, we would be fools to tell the Queen’s guard dog, now wouldn’t we? Leave family affairs to the ones who bear the Moriarty name.”
Then he tries his luck with trying to talk to shy, little Hyacinth, but she just hides behind the other students or Purple House.
Then with Madeline and Marguerite in Green House but the two of them refuse to give him any of the answers he seeks.
Their family is so secretive is as if they were related to the Lord of Crime himself
(Both Kitty and I doubt Eloise and Ciel would be friends, rivals at best, enemies at worst since their personalities would clash rather easily)
(Kitty honestly had the idea of Ciel meeting Eloise’s lover and immediately remembering his father and also the idea that her lover could be the reincarnation of his father but that really wouldn’t work because of their ages)
(Also just imagine when the Moriarty kids are all at the gazebo and their father’s pay them a visit and the bunch all just are surprised and slightly yet clearly worried and distressed at the sudden visit, Eloise especially)
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joe-spookyy · 1 month
What is the Gay subtext between David Kissler and Jack Goodman ?
so the subtext in this one is not super overt like it is in like. reanimator. but it’s definitely there. first i’ll start with the basics. full essay under the cut.
now, the werewolf is one of the easiest classic monsters to read as queer. i mean, it’s right there. someone who walks among “normal” people, who are completely unaware that this person carries a “dark secret” that sets them apart from everyone else. i could be talking about this person’s status as a werewolf. i could also be talking about their queer identity that they choose not to disclose. the idea of living a sort of double life and hiding part of yourself is prominent in werewolf media and also in depictions and the real lives of queer people. additionally, the transformation aspect is something many trans people find easy to connect to. the point is, it’s pretty damn easy to read lycanthropy as a metaphor for queerness of any kind.
and 80s werewolves have it even queerer. just like 80s vampires, they’re a monster that spreads their disease through physical contact. a bite. a scratch. and of course. usually a lot of blood. what else was big in terms of blood in the 80s? yeah. you probably guessed it. the aids crisis! i could write a whole different essay on this but the fears that came with the aids crisis are, just like most other societal fears, reflected in the horror films of their time. here’s a snippet from the AAWIL essay book that comes with the arrow dvd release.
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so, even though the aids crisis wasn’t quite around when the film was released, it still had a connection to the culture, which adds to the potential for a queer reading. and it’s quite interesting that director john landis chooses specifically to compare david’s affliction to aids. also if you want proof on this point just check out how many werewolf and vampire movies came out during the 80s and the aids crisis. it really makes you think.
okay. now we’ve covered the basics. but what is it exactly about an american werewolf in london, and more specifically, jack goodman and david kessler, that reads as queer? well. let me tell you.
first of all a little more on the aids point. david’s condition is, like aids, infectious. and it affects almost exclusively men - david only has one female victim from his first night of “carnivorous lunar activities.” and you know what else disproportionately affects men? aids. and it’s also quite interesting that his victims are predominantly men with the idea of lycanthropy as a representation of his queerness - his preference for men in his nighttime activities can certainly be read as representative of something other than being a werewolf.
now, my favorite point and the one that i find most compelling. as we know, david and jack are on a little trip when jack is killed in front of david, and jack then returns to haunt david throughout the movie to encourage him to. yknow. kill himself. so what about that is queer? i’m so glad you asked! if you pay a little extra attention, you’ll notice that every time jack shows up, it’s after david’s just had a heterosexual experience. when he appears the first time, david’s just been flirting with his nurse, alex. when he comes back, it’s right after david and alex have just had sex. in fact, jack and david have a conversation here while david is fully naked. neither of them even bat an eye about this. and finally, jack and david have their last big talk while inside a very loud and very heterosexual pornography theater. kind of odd, right? it’s almost as if something other than jack’s ghost is haunting david. he can’t shake off visions of another man while he’s with his woman? here, jack could easily serve as a reminder of david’s sexuality, and he acts to rip david from his attempts at returning to normalcy after the attack. he just keeps coming back to tell david he’s a werewolf, and if we, as above, read lycanthropy as a metaphor for queerness, it easily reads as a blatant reminder for david that he is out of the societal norm (either in his existence as a werewolf or his queerness) and can’t go back now that he knows it. so, he’s reminded of this fact every time he tries to push himself to move on and be with alex. the final scene with the two of them in the porn theater is an even bigger nod to this idea. he’s literally in a pornography theater with a naked woman massive and on the big screen and all he can focus on is the fact that jack’s there, and of course, the fact that he is indeed a werewolf - permanently different from everyone around him, and, as far as he’s been told, dangerous and not deserving of life, which is a sentiment i’m sure many queer people can say they’re familiar with.
there are a few other nods to the idea of queerness in the film. of course, they’re not taken terribly seriously or presented as anything but jokes, given that it’s an 80s horror movie made by a straight man, but they do sort of add fuel to the fire of a queer reading of this movie. most notably, when david wakes up naked in the zoo after a night of werewolfing, he just kind of runs off with the nearest unattended clothing item. this piece of clothing happens to be a long women’s coat. bright red, with fur trim. wearing nothing but that, david almost looks like he’s wearing a dress, and it certainly doesn’t make him look more masculine. as he’s waiting in line for the train to return to alex’s, we’re shown all the men staring at him with disdain, as he whistles and makes small talk like nothing at all is off. david appears perfectly comfortable in the situation - it is just the judgement of others that makes him seem out of place. the coat emasculates him, and now the people around him are reading him as queer, whereas in his typical clothes, no one would look twice. later on, in an attempt to get himself arrested, david hurls obscenities in a public park, most notably (imo), “queen elizabeth is a man! prince charles is a faggot!” queerness is the butt of the joke here, of course. but if you squint real hard you can read david as queer and just decide he’s allowed to say the f slur. cause he can reclaim.
also, the film takes an interesting route - rather than “defeating” david’s otherness, by somehow returning him to a human state and saving his life, and thus allowing him live out his days with alex, they let the werewolfism win. david ends up tragically dead, despite alex’s please and love confession. in this film, heterosexuality Doesn’t win. now, i’m not necessarily saying queerness wins. it’s not like david gets to live happily ever after with jack. however, we as the audience are fully aware this is the only way things could have gone. david’s condition was permanent (as is queerness), and there was no way to change him. no way to make him fit that societal norm. instead he goes down, just like jack did. in a way, i guess they are presumably together in the end. i don’t really know the afterlife logistics in this universe, but they’re both dead and presumably at peace and not walking the earth, since david’s death broke the curse.
so! there’s a little rundown of most of the queercoding in an american werewolf in london. it’s a bit late so forgive me if anything doesn’t make sense. i’ll take follow up questions. peace and love.
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pippinlvr · 2 months
a little rant <3
so this is completely random but i've gone into a panic about the school year, especially with the talks about colleges picking up this year. i've always wanted to do something with theater. originally, it was acting but honestly I've really fallen in love with the idea of directing a musical show or even a movie. but there's also always been a passion of math and physics and computer science- significantly different from what I'd be doing in the theater world. there's so many people (including myself if I'm honest) telling me that I need to pick something stable- like an engineer or something like that. I go to an "academically challenging" school where they mostly produce doctors, lawyers, or other high-earning careers. i'm just so fucking scared of being the one that ends up not doing anything right and wasting my hard work in school for something that won't get me anywhere. I can't be stuck with my parents forever (there's just a bunch of reasons that I won't get into lol) and I honestly also want to make them proud. it's really heart breaking when I tell people (specifically my family) I want to be a director and they tell me that should just be a hobby. but I also get their point.. like should it be something I do at a local theater or wait till I'm older to pursue?? I genuinely have no idea. and that's what scares me the most. that I have no plan. and the other thing is: if I do end up getting a job in theater, will it ruin it for me as a fan? like will I want to continue to watch shows if my whole life revolved around it?? my brain is just spinning at this point, and I know it'll all be okay in the end and I'm still very excited for what the future has in store for me <3
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AITA for being upset when excluded from food related to an activity i declined?
weird title, sorry.
i(15fm) have mixed feelings about leaving the house. i have a relatively low social/'being-away-from-where-i-sleep' battery and my willingness for physical(especially outdoor) activities really just depends on my mood. i'm also involved in some after-school activities (theater tech + debate club + the occasional school event) which can cause plan conflicts and drain my batteries by the time i'm home. for more context, i sometimes walk home for exercise(or just when lacking a ride) and this is a 2 mile trek. (roughly 2 hours + it leaves me a little achy the next day if i walk nonstop)
my family likes to go out for activities all the time: things like taking walks, eating out, and light sports(frisbee, minigolf, swimming). i'm always given an option to come or not, and we have a bit of an unspoken rule where if somebody opts not to come nothing from the activity is guaranteed for them afterward(leftovers, prizes, etc). this is fine and i accept this rule wholeheartedly.
on this particular occasion, i was aware a few days beforehand that my family planned to play frisbee. i made the choice not to come, then learned that i had tech responsibilities anyway that would 100% interfere with frisbee. i communicated this. once i saw these through my family was already on the way there, which i was prepared for and chose to walk home.
what i wasn't aware of, was that after the activity they went out to eat at a favorite place of ours as a family. the only communication that really took place was me calling my mom when i got out of school(to figure out if i needed to walk), then texting her when i got home safe(which got no response).
when i learned about the food i mentioned that i didn't appreciate it(both the act and the lack of communication), but i tried not to express anger because it's an issue we've had before then had a talk about. my uncle and mom both slightly ribbed me for my saying that, telling me it was my fault i missed out. we came to a compromise where my mom did buy me some fast food to sort of compensate, and while i'm still snacking on those fries i'm not totally *angry* over it but i guess a little frustrated, and want to know if it's still warranted.
i did mention before, this is an issue that's happened before and been seriously talked about - the family would leave for one activity then end up elsewhere afterwards. i've missed out on, like, 3 separate expensive purchases that my little sisters each got(that i know of), plus the one time they genuinely were the AHs and chose to eat out on the morning of my birthday while i was sleeping in. final tidbit of background that is relevant but i'm genuinely still skeptical about, my dad and older sister both think that i'm treated differently by my mom and her side of the family - that being, they're all step family minus 1 half sister. but i don't remember a time in my life before these people were my family, my mom married in when i was young(+ a lot of adoptions and fostering on that side that suggest non-blood-related family), so i don't think they have any reason to treat me differently.
(can't wait to forget that i submitted then perhaps be jumpscared by an insecurity that's kinda haunted me since that birthday i briefly mentioned)
What are these acronyms?
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t34-mt · 3 months
hi, i hope you don't mind this question, but what sport does nau'stikah exactly play?
surprised an anon knows he plays sports, i don't remember if i even mentioned it on my blog honestly? also no i don't mind character asks im just shy :>
organized combats in the style of southern momui'oma region, specifically Nuinuk colony, which is the biggest momui'oma colony and holds the biggest festivals of the region. Some would argue out of every coastal group that Nuinuk festivals are the best to attend to, a must even. The main sport nau'stikah practices are organized theatrical combats, usually taking place during the renowned festival month where they're presented several times a week, the schedule being quite tight sometimes for the actors.
although theatrical combats are held all year, but the most prized and memorable happens at this month which is momui'oma's new cycle celebration. Other combats will be held for small festivities of the colony and do not attract so many voyagers. Passing by people will be here sometimes because of Nuinuk being a big colony in general. other sports are mainly a hobby because he enjoys physical activity (and showing off but that's a detail he wont admit). One of them being wrestling which is a sport born in northern regions, believed to have been started in polar maanul groups. It was imported in Nuinuk via northern immigrants. the wrestling is different and incorporates things from the southern continent theater standards thus creating its own sub genre in momui'oma. It works quite close to staged wrestling we have!
organized combats are mainly staged, wearing gears that look closer to a festival costume but still have the required padding on the stomach area to endure talon kicks. While the talon kicks wont cut them, they still can get out of here with nasty blue marks if the combat was intense. The shows are over the top, and incorporate almost dance-like performances too. Since they happen during the theater play acting is part of the sport too. The combat recreates either folklore or mythology tales, or made up storyline between fighters! The combatants are seen as popular sports figures among colony but the favorites will hold an almost "unbeatable near living diety status. Which is what nau'stikah immigrated here to achieve, and he did! he did acquire his own unique title as many fan favorites do. His being "fire catcher".
talon kicking combat is a thing worldwide, with different rules and gear worn, and levels of dangerosity in it. For example talon kicking in plateau region inside the mountain range is quite violent. little to no gear worn, they're short, around a minute or less but quite damaging. They firstly originated from a plateau kyhuine courting practice, where "female" members would fight violently for the prettiest "male" (i put " " because the way their concept of gender works there isn't through assignment via birth sex like humans generally do) as a show off of their capabilities, and while that practice is still alive it also derived into a sport with rules. But the intensity of it is still very present.
babbling -> i still want to develop one that requires swinging (not throwing) an instrument. But at the same time, i have to make a diagram of arm movement and how far they can move them around. since their arms arent on a ball socket joint, they can't do a full circle rotation. they can move it up to a certain degree and rotating it backwards is very limited. I think id be enough for what i have in mind though. Their butterfly joint is limited but not bad though. Also if they ever had sports that require throwing it would be thrown like a frisbee, again using the butterfly joint instead.
people forget this often but humans are like little freaks that are extremely good at throwing things and other primates arent able to do it as well as us. a lot of our sports when you think about it revolves around running around and throwing things, which are the 2 things our bodies excell at. and i think its fun and cool, humans are cool in their own ways ok. anyways, for maanuls and kyhuines their sports generally will also revolve around running around, length jumps and talon kicking
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knox’s teacher AU
David is a principal.
He scares all of the students because of his scheer size and general scariness of him. However, the moment a student comes up to him with an issue, he is doing everything in his power to help them. He is secretly a softy. His office is actually quite comforting.
additionally, Angel is the secretary that everyone likes, they have candy in a bowl for anyone that comes in. David acts like he is irritated with them, but they are secretly engaged (they wear the ring on a necklace). The students keep trying to set them up.
Asher is the Physical Education teacher.
He is specifically the one that everyone likes. Class with him isn’t a competition. It is a matter of not sitting on the sidelines. He makes it a safe space for all people of all types. Asher goes and argues the fact that “benchmark testing” in gym is beyond idiotic and has no measurement on how much a kid improves. He refuses to do any tests related to that. preac
Milo is the tech ed teacher.
He without a doubt refuses to go by “Mr. Greer”. He specifically tells the kids to call him Milo. David isn’t pleased with that, but when Milo says that “Mr. Greer” sounds like his dad. David doesn’t argue after that point. He lets the kids have creative liberty over their projects when they get to a certain point in their skills.
Lasko is an English teacher.
Lasko teaches specifically creative writing. He has lamps all over his room because he understands that LED lights trigger headaches. He has one of the aesthetic, cozy rooms. He constantly has kids in there hanging out and making themselves at home. He has a drawer full of a variety of drinks and snacks for his kids. He wants them all to be aware that he is a safe space.
Huxley is an Environmental/Biology teacher.
Hux is the kind of science teacher that is able to explain the different concepts in understandable ways. Rather than explaining it in the long winded terminology, he does projects and experiments to better cement his lessons in the classroom. He isn’t judgemental and has the most easy going personality. Every school in the area has tried to get him to transfer at some point. Not a single one has been successful.
Gavin is the health/anatomy teacher.
Okay, everyone knew that this was happening. However, he is honestly the best to fulfill this role. He would be able to handle it without making it uncomfortable. Gavin goes over consent, in fact it is the first topic discussed within his class. He teaches inclusive sex ed courses, as well as actual sex ed and offers ways to be safe. He is blunt about it, but he still makes jokes about things to lighten the mood. I wish I had him for sex ed instead
Damien is a math teacher
He likes definite answers. He likes certainty that comes along with math. There is rarely more than one right answer while everyone is scared of him at first, they realize that he is a lot like David. They seem so harsh at first and rough, but once they open up they are just big softies. He focuses more on the impact he has on his students and providing a positive role model rather than following the curriculum. Makes deals with his students for movie days for good grades on exams.
Guy is a theater teacher.
Tell me where i am wrong with this? I dare you to tell me I am wrong. He is the most qualified to be licensed drama queen and teach his students how to do it. He is not a theater kid, he is a kid in theater. There is a difference. He also plays the most fun acting games, not the uncomfortable cringy games that makes everyone hate acting classes. I would love him. He would have fun projects too, he would make options because not everyone wants to be in theater. He would also be super open and just tell his class every little detail. He would always have a coffee too.
Geordi is the on-campus therapist.
Offers so many actually helpful things not just “have you tried drinking water?”. Offers a safe space for students, allowing them to speak out without any sort of judgment. Would offer hugs if the kid is okay with it, because you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t be so comforting. He is close to the students’ age and is able to relate to them all with some of the experiences and actually gives good advice, is willing to sit down with parents/teachers to sort issues out. Checks in on students, plans fun events.
Elliot is an art teacher.
He loves clay and making non traditional things. He teaches the basics, but then he loves to see what the kids create. He does not grade based off of skill, but instead on how much effort they put into their projects. He also loves a good laugh with projects, and has students pick the music. At the end of the year, he presents the spotify wrapped so they are aware of the really interesting music taste that they all have. He is like a big brother to most of the kids.
Sam is the school nurse.
First of all, he has a room dedicated to those students that are sleep deprived. Would take so many classes to make sure he is up to date on different medical information as well as different signs for bad situations. Has protection in his office to give out in order to prevent teenage pregnancy. Has so many things for periods too because he understands how much those things are and he knows that not everyone comes prepared. He always looks so cozy. No judgment passed.
Vincent is history teacher.
He makes it interesting, like he sticks to the curriculum, going over the basics and vital information because he has to. However, he also has “Weird History Wednesdays” where he teaches events in history that are really weird. Makes it into a game, where he groups up the students and they have to guess what happens next. The prize is opting out of an homework assignment. He spends hours setting up teams. Has an organized spreadsheet. Yes this is based off of Puppet History. Don’t judge me.
Avior is the physics and astrology teacher:
He loves space, would take field trips to the nearby observatory. He would be the teacher that even the “outcasts” because he is able to make it such a fun environment. Refuses to give individual tests, instead gives group projects and group tests. He makes sure that everyone participates and ensures that it is a safespace. He teaches classes on the stories on the different constellations as well to break it up from the more serious class work.
if you want to read more of what I’ve written, you can find my masterlist here!
if you want to ask for something to be written, you can find my guidelines here!
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 25 - I’m Home
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Izumi: Can everyone see everything okay? Is the sound working too?
Citron: “It is a-okay for me~!”
Sakuya: “I’m good too!”
Tsuzuru: “Sakuya, where are you right now?”
Chikage: “Isn’t that the Edo period?”
Citron: “Are you a time graveler!?”
Tsuzuru: “It’s time ‘traveler’.”
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Sakuya: “Ahaha, when I told the supervisor about our remote rehearsal, he kindly lent me the theater’s stage to use for it.”
Izumi: I’m glad to see that you all seem lively. It’s kind of a relief since it’s been so long since I’ve seen your faces.
Tsuzuru: “For us, it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long since we’ve been talking on BlooCha.”
Izumi: Oh yeah, you did mention that you were going to try using that. Is it different from LIME?
Sakuya: “Because of our time zone differences, there’s a lot of times when we barely manage to bump into each other, but it’s still really fun. It’s kinda like a message board or collective diary.”
Tsuzuru: “If we get our timing right, it really does feel like we’re all in the same room.”
Masumi: “And you’re all just as annoying as ever when I’m trying to study.”
Tsuzuru: “That reminds me, when are you getting your temps, Masumi?”
Izumi: Huh, you’re getting your license?
Masumi: “I’m in driver’s ed right now. I’m just about to get my temps. I can’t wait to have you in the passenger seat, Director.”
Citron: “Leave the backseat to me!”
Sakuya: “You seem like you’d be really good at driving, Masumi-kun.”
Chikage: “I guess we’ll hand over the role of Spring Troupe’s designated driver to you, Masumi.”
Masumi: “I’m getting a two-seater.”
Tsuzuru: “You really only want Director riding along with you, huh?”
Izumi: Seems like Itaru-san is running a little late. Let’s go ahead and start warming up without him.
Izumi: The purpose of today is to prepare you for when you all come back next week and pick up rehearsals again, so just take it easy, okay?
Izumi: If you can move, move. If you don’t have the space, just run through your lines.
Izumi: I’ll let you know of any changes in direction as things pop up.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: --Alright, let’s stop here for a moment. It’s been a while for all of you, but you’re all doing a great job of remembering things.
Sakuya: “This is the first time we’ve done remote rehearsals, but it was kinda refreshing.”
Masumi: “We’re further away than when we’re in person, so it’s kind of like we’ve got to rely on your memory to know how everyone else’s acting goes.”
Chikage: “There’s still a bit of a timing delay due to our mode of communication, though.”
Citron: “I cannot wait to practice with you all phase to phase again~!”
Masumi: “Face to face.”
Tsuzuru: “By the way, Sakuya, your sword fighting really has improved a lot.”
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Sakuya: “Huh, really!?”
Sakuya: “I’ve actually been really practicing my sword fighting skills for my current performance so I can apply them to when I play Romeo.”
Izumi: I can really see the results of that.
Tsuzuru: “Ah, right--.”
Itaru: “Sorry I’m late.”
Izumi: Good work today.
Sakuya: “Good work!”
Citron: “You are just in time!”
Izumi: Let’s start with the scene with Mercutio, Tybalt, and Father Lawrence.
Itaru: “Roger that.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: You guys were a little stiff at first, but once you started getting a feel for practicing remotely, you really managed to get back into the swing of things.
Izumi: It’s reassuring to see that Spring Troupe’s atmosphere hasn’t changed a bit.
Sakuya: “We’re still able to act together even when apart.”
Tsuzuru: “Even though we’re physically in different places, it’s nice to feel like we’re all still connected while standing on the same stage.”
Izumi: Alright, I’ve given you all my direction-related feedback, so let’s call it here for rehearsals today.
Masumi: “Do you have a minute after this then?”
Izumi: Sure, what’s up?
Masumi: “I just sent you a plan proposal on LIME. Can you take a look at it?”
*Phone notification*
Izumi: …A promotion plan? Huh!? Did you come up with all of this, Masumi-kun?
Izumi: (This is incredible, it’s got as much detail as a real corporate-level proposal…)
Masumi: “I’m doing an internship with the promotion department right now, and this is some of the stuff I’ve learned.”
Izumi: I see… I think this is really well organized and put together. I’ll be sure to discuss the contents of this with Sakyo-san.
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Masumi: “Am I being useful?”
Izumi: Of course! It couldn’t have been an easy task for you to put this all together on your own. Thank you so much!
Masumi: “It’s nothing. I’m glad that I got a better understanding of just how hard you’re always working.”
Masumi: “So I want to help you from now on, too.”
Izumi: If you’re sure, then I’m glad. You’ll be a huge help.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Sakuya: “I’m back home!”
Izumi: Welcome home. You’re the first one back.
Sakuya: I was actually planning on coming back tomorrow, but the supervisor was nice enough to arrange for me to have today off…
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Sakuya: I really wanted to be the first one home so I’d be able to say “welcome home” to everyone else.
Sakuya: It made me really happy to have everyone else say that to me when I went on my solo trip…
Izumi: I see. I’m sure you can’t wait to see the others.
Sakuya: Yeah. I want to practice with everyone as soon as possible. I’ve been thinking about my acting plans a lot while I was away.
Sakuya: Thanks to all the motivation and knowledge I got from the other theater company’s performance, I was able to come up with a lot of different ideas…
Sakuya: So I’ve got so much to talk about while testing out new things.
Sakuya: Actually--I’m gonna head to the practice room for a bit!
Izumi: Huh? Right now?
Sakuya: I just really feel like I wanna move right now!
Izumi: Ahaha, don’t tire yourself out too much, though.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: One, two, three, four…
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Sakuya: (This will always be the most relaxing place for me to be. It really makes me feel like I’m back at home.)
Sakuya: (That reminds me, I wonder where all the other guys are right now. I’m guessing Citron-san and the others who are overseas right now have started making their way back…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
tsuzuru has entered the chat.
tsuzuru: Morning
tsuzuru: I’m packing things up to start heading home now
Having some trouble because I don’t have enough space for souvenirs
tsuzuru: I wonder if I’ll be able to make all the souvenirs for everyone in the troupe AND my little brothers fit somehow
tsuzuru: Ah, right, better not forget my laptop
I’m gonna be working on stuff until the very last minute, so I need to remember that
Curry has entered the chat.
Curry: i’ll remind you about your laptop tomorrow
tsuzuru: Thanks, Masumi, what would I do without you
TorORo has entered the chat.
TorORo: i am jsUbt about to eatb Breakfasrb. i will beh heaDifn to the Airportb around noon. i caNnot waiite to Be surrounded by everEyone
UC has entered the chat.
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UC: I’ve got a connecting flight, so I’m about to catch a plane to Narita. I’ll probably be back to the dorms around tomorrow afternoon.
Saku has entered the chat.
Saku: I got back a day earlier than I thought I would. I hope you all have safe trips back!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: (Itaru-san’s rarely in the chatroom. He must be really busy…)
*Door opens*
Tsumugi: Welcome home, Sakuya-kun.
Banri: Welcome home.
Sakuya: I’m home!
Tenma: Practicing already? I’ll join you.
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Sakuya: Thanks! Would you mind being my sword-fighting partner then?
Sakuya: I was just gonna take it easy, but I just get extra eager the moment I step foot in this practice room.
Tsumugi: I can understand that feeling.
Tenma: I’ll hang around until you’re satisfied.
Banri: Aight, I’ll help ya out with some of the direction-related stuff.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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destinyc1020 · 13 days
I think the point is that many Tom fans are tired. For example, Z has Dune, Euphoria and now The Drama lined up, while Tom only has Spider-Man. It's as if we're living in a loop. We have no confirmation of any other projects that look promising, absolutely nothing, not even a glimpse of a new character or an interesting movie. And I know he's just done a play, but it's not the same, not everyone was able to see the play.
For those of us who are fans and don't live in London, it's as if we've been waiting forever to see only Spider-Man again, and that's the frustrating part. 😩
And I hate the way most people on Twitter treat Tom and now we're back in the same place, with people comparing his career to all the other white boys in the industry today, but this time there's no defending it, because in a way they're not entirely wrong. 😭😭
I understand your frustration Anon, but try to keep things in perspective here:
True, we haven't seen Tom filming a big screen movie since SM NWH, but most of us saw NWH in Dec 2021.... AND in Jan 2022 (let's be honest, we didn't just see the movie once lol 😏), then, right after that, we had "Uncharted" come out in Feb 2022.
We also JUST had Tom's series TCR come out last summer, where we saw not just 2 hours of footage of Tom (like a regular movie), but 10 episodes of the series, which is essentially like 10 HOURS of Tom footage... which basically equals out to him being in five 2-hour length films.
He also decided to take a much-needed and much-deserved break last year, which was ironically also the same year that a LOT of actors weren't allowed to film anything or even promote any of their films due to all of the strikes going on. 🤷🏾‍♀️
He just did a play run in London, and while most of us didn't see it, he was still keeping busy, and he also has SM4 coming up. I'm not sure what's going on with the FA biopic and whether or not it's still going to be smthg he's attached to, but I'm excited to see him take on that role as well in the future if it comes to fruition! 😃
Sometimes, some of these filming projects take TIME. There are also a lot of factors going on bts beyond the actor's (and even director's) control, so if there's a delay, then an actor just pivots, just like Tom did, and goes on to do smthg else in the meantime! 🤷🏾‍♀️
We also don't know what Tom might have going on in his personal life. He might be deliberately slowing down on some projects because he has some things he wants to do on his own. I just learned about Tom and Harry supposedly starting up their own production company last week lol 😆 We really don't know all the facts.
Some actors go 2, 3, even 4 years in btwn a filming project. Leo is notorious for this. I don't see his fans complaining. 😕 They just know that he takes his time, and they will be there in theaters to support him when another one of his films come out. Maybe when Leo was younger he was doing more back-to-back roles, but he's now pushing 50 REAL hard, and maybe he's just slowing down a little, or wants to work with specific directors on very specific projects. He can afford to do that.
Same with Tom! 🤷🏾‍♀️ If he can afford to take long breaks in btwn roles, then that's fine! Spiderman is a very physical role. It can take a lot out of your body. Plus, he's doing a lot of his own stunts. He might need breaks in btwn from those types of roles.
Another thing.... STOP ✋🏾 🛑 comparing Tom to Zendaya. They are two different people. They are two different actors. Just because they are in a relationship with each other, it doesn't mean that they have to have the same exact career journey.
Zendaya's acting journey is her own. Tom's acting journey is his own. Fans don't need to compare them both. I've never seen people compare both actors in a romantic relationship with each other in my life.
If you're a fan of both Tom and Z, then when one has some down time, you can enjoy whatever the other has going on work-wise on their end. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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batbeato · 14 days
Sharing some Umineko stageplay EP4 thoughts/impressions. To comply with theater restrictions this will be text-only.
I really enjoyed the stageplay and you can watch the stream archive online for about a week here. You'll need to have a (international?) credit card:
The stageplay this time, instead of being one big performance split into two acts, is split into two separate stageplays: Untruth and End Me.
Untruth is slightly shorter than End Me, and is primarily about Ange (her time at St. Lucia, the first section of her 1998 journey) and also deals with the first section of the gameboard, pre-twilights/murders. End Me deals with the rest of Episode 4, including the Tea Party.
What stands out to me most in the cuts are:
No depiction of young Ange / Eva interactions
1998 Ange summons the stakes again while on a boat (iirc) to Nijima, rather than in a hotel room
Shortens the conversations with Nanjo's son / Kumasawa's son
Cuts out the conversation with the Witch Hunter
Sakutarou doesn't appear in front of Rosa during the fantasy sequences with MARIA killing Rosa
The 'loser flags' extended fight/joke is cut, though Krauss still beats up some goats
The Beatrice/Battler phone conversation is shortened
Battler's "test" is shortened to just remembering his sin (no "I love you, Beatrice", etc.)
Something of note about this stageplay is that it takes a lot from the manga version of Episode 4. This is notable because the manga version of Episode 4 is decently different from the visual novel, both in its ordering of things and in the emphasis it places on certain aspects of Ange's story.
The stageplay also lifts directly from the manga for inspiration: Battler with a blank face, child Battler holding Asumu's hand (Rudolf not included, with Battler to Battler conversation), the cubes with the episode numbers (I think they look silly but they did their best to make it work).
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I feel like a lot of the complexity of Ange and Eva's relationship was lost in the stageplay, with much more focus on Ange's experience at St. Lucia, especially with regards to making the bullying there much more overt and physically violent. I don't particularly enjoy this change and appreciate how the visual novel primarily keeps the bullying non-physical and verbal.
However, they did add an extended Amakusa-Ange chase/fight sequence. Amakusa even princess carried Ange and used her feet to kick someone, haha. He also did a jump kick at one point. I also really liked this section of the chase where they went behind a panel, and they had the classic gag of coming out with the wrong person (one of the people chasing them). Amakusa had to go back for Ange and she slapped him. Adorable little interaction.
They even added a moment where Okonogi showed up in disguise (hat, glasses, even a coat...) to help out.
Since they didn't have a child Ange actor, they depicted one or two childhood Ange sequences with these tiny little puppets. They did have a child actor for Sakutarou, though, and he and Maria were so cute together... (They break my heart.)
Another really cute addition for Untruth was that for the 'Beato thinks Battler is super down and comes to cheer him up' sequence, they had the ensemble actors and Beato do this dance with golden pompoms. It was adorable.
For End Me, since they used One-Winged Bird for the opening sequence in Untruth, they actually used the original Umineko VN opening for End Me. It was incredible.
They also had more of Lambda and Bern showing up here and there and being really cute - the Lambdadelta actress absolutely embodies Lambda's pop-cute energy but can still be menacing when need be, and in the stageplay(s) they put more focus on Ange debating whether or not to accept Lambda's offer of remaining in an eternal game with Battler, which was a really nice touch.
Speaking of acting: both Ange and Beatrice's actresses are incredibly talented. I really love Beatrice's acting during the 'sin' sequence; she plays the Beatrice on the board, while they have a body double in the meta with her face turned away (not sure if lines are delivered by the Beatrice actress and played over the speakers, or prerecorded). On the board, you can tell she's completely heartbroken and desperate for Battler to remember. It's really incredible delivery.
Maria's actor also did an amazing job!! She had a lot of screentime this episode and some really intense and emotional scenes with Rosa (which made me tear up), but she pulled them all off beautifully. She also seemed happy about becoming a witch this episode, ahaha.
I believe the current Beatrice actress is leaving, so the curtain call/remarks were very emotional. The Beatrice and Battler actors even came out again (unscripted, I believe?) to say one last goodbye...
Battler also did a princess carry with Beato during the curtain call, it was really cute~
Overall though I had some criticisms of how they adapted the material, the actors were all incredible and it was wonderful to watch them act out this episode. I also found that with live actors, the Stakes were super lively and fun to watch, especially Mammon's dynamic with Ange. And the finale with Beatrice and Battler broke my heart.
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pureanonofficial · 26 days
hey op where did you get that photo of a blonde freddie in aviators and black and white for your chess valentine’s day cards. i cannot for the life of me figure out what production it’s from. thank you so much have a lovely day.
So I'm going to go into far more detail than you asked for, because this relates to one of my favorite Freddie actors of all time!!!
The photo originates from the San Jose Civic Light Opera/American Musical Theatre of San Jose production in 1992. I pulled it the facebook page SJCLO AMTSJ Alumni. The theater group is sadly no longer around, having declared bankruptcy in the early 2000s, but it's still well-loved due to having passionate former members, particularly one who uploads the theater's proshots on youtube. Including a proshot of this Chess! The shows are generally very good--a shining light in regional theater! You know you'll get a competent show with them.
Below are a couple of links and the photo in question!
The Freddie pictured is Kim Strauss, and he is my very favorite Freddie of all time.
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Now, there is a proshot of him in the aforementioned production!
I would not recommend watching him first in the aforementioned production, as it is Kinda Bad. The set design is really wonderful, one of the best in Chesses, and Strauss is very good, but the script makes more baffling choices than usual, and the rest of the cast isn't that great. However! What you should watch him in! Is LONG BEACH CHESS!
This! Is one of the best Chesses of all time! It's one of the most coherent, well-directed, and well-cast versions. If you're not familiar with the Broadway version of Chess, this is an excellent place to start with that plot! And this bootleg is subtitled! Even better! The Florence in this production is Jodi Benson (of The Little Mermaid and Broadway fame) and she is maybe my favorite Florence ever. She's so passionate and intense in the role. She's just my platonic ideal of the character! So hurting, so fierce, so alive and human--I can't describe her Florence any better than the casting description for Broadway Chess does--"She is clever, theatrical, touching, vivacious, volatile." That's her Florence!
To gush a little more about Kim Strauss -- he really is my favorite Freddie. And he did the role at least four times in different productions throughout the 90s, so clearly 90s Chess productions agree with me. XD His Freddie is such a deeply awful person and yet horribly pathetic and sad at the same time. His Freddie is deeply possessive of Florence, controlling both physically and mentally, and yet utterly driven to convince himself he does not need her. Yet he reaches for her hand before the first chess game in a quiet asking for reassurance. Yet he kisses her before Pity the Child in a desperate bet of maybe this will work. Yet he stares at her throughout all of Endgame, winning almost in an act of spite against her, yet it is still abundantly clear that it's all hollow because he does not have her. And he has this really interesting, needy tenor that works so well for the character, as well as the MOST Chicago accent that I cannot imagine Freddie without now. And he's got such a great physicality to him. His Freddie is always antsy, always fidgeting, almost always hunched over or running his hands over his face or something. He's never still. I just love his take on Freddie so so so much. He's a really fucking bad man, like he does not let you get away from the fact that Freddie is a terrible person, and yet he's still interesting to watch!
Also his Pity the Child is my favorite performance of the song ever, and I have linked the bootleg below at that point, because if nothing else, you need to see that!
I'm sorry for all this excessive detail anon, but if you are interested, GO WATCH LONG BEACH CHESS.
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pjsk-headcanons · 2 days
got this done really fast...woohoo we all say in unison globe anon is not dying we chant hshssshsshhhshjjhsh
house SEKAI - midnight dream|space
-formed by entire group
-starts with miku and KAITO
-if you wanna leave, there are physical alternatives other than pausing the "untitled" track. you can leave through the front door (forgot to mention this for theater SEKAI, whoopsie daisies)
-each member has their own respective room
-day/night cycle. you can only tell by the windows though, and there are not smooth changes (day->night, no sunrise or sunset). it gets cloudy if someone is upset, and it will rain depending on which member it is.
miku: acts like a loving sibling? comforting and cheery. depending on the member, she'll act like a younger/older sister (for kanade, she'll act like an older one). doesn't specifically specialize in doing anything, but she can catch on pretty quickly. hair is darker (like...like #00679a colour check it out) and goes to her waist.
rin: unfocused and childish. she can get jealous pretty easily (silly). likes doing household chores with her brother to calm down or just chill. part of shiho's feelings. joins the SEKAI post ~1st anni.
len: quieter than rin, but still immature at times. feels responsible for rin, so tries to take any blame. sounds like an adult at times. part of tsukasa's feelings. joins the SEKAI pre ~2nd anni.
luka: overreacts and likes being dramatic. sees all the "not fun" chores (whatever you think) are fun. always takes jokes seriously (silly)? part of akito's feelings. joins the SEKAI post ~2nd anni.
MEIKO: kind, but can get a bit awkward at times (really bad at understanding feelings.) probably the closest figure in the SEKAI to a mother. part of kanade's feelings. joins the SEKAI pre ~1st anni
KAITO: hello niigo KAITO fans! he is still here! just thought his canon character was too good to leave out. he's just a bit more considerate if someone looks like they're about to cry.
where is fox anon when we need them ong that nasake/shiho analysis was so fun to write and hshhhhhh i am jumping thinking about hinomori/shinonome event... more about that in a different ask but YES AKITO DOES SPORTSSSS HE DOES SOCCERRR ITS HIS MAIN HOBBYYY (other than mds but you get it) i'll answer the questions from the last ask later today or tmrw (if you have anymore PLEASE say them i cannot stress this enough)
have a great day mod!! think im going to chill now though oopsie daysies
🌐 anon
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theguardianace · 10 months
things of note that i think are fun.... nene and rui had major questioning phases pre-wxs about being aroace. i'd imagine nene being really confused why everyone around her seemed so interested in dating and romance and the whole amatanormative feel of dramatic media and such. it's in so many plays, and people get in so many shipping wars/draw suggestive art for games. it's hard to ignore as a theater kid and gamer. she didn't get it and felt isolated. she came across the term aroace online but had a hard time accepting that she might be that, but eventually silently embraced it. rui on the other hand knew full well he was not like other people. he's not the kind of guy who would pick and choose a crush that isn't there. being aroace and a middle/high schooler made him feel even more lonely and alienated from his peers. he agknowledged the fact he was aroace pretty easily, but it took him a lot longer to accept that isn't a bad thing at all.
emu and tsukasa had NO clue they were aroace. did not occur to them at all. emu had to be told it was a thing and she went "huh? OHHH THATS ME !!!! :D". skipped teh entire questioning/am i broken stage and went right to "hehehehehehe". (though other people don't believe her that often. emu is so full of love. how could someone like her not fall in love with other people? she's too young. she hasn't met the right person yet. it's just a phase. her siblings started off as ignorantly aphobic, but then realized the fault of their ways and learned.). my hc for tsukasa is a bit different than other peoples, but i am fully convinced he thought he was bisexual for teh LONGEST time. "guys and girls can both be good looking, so i must be bi! yeah the extent of my feelings is "they're cool" ... what do you mean that's not what a crush is". it was a shocking revelation to him that people actually want to kiss/have sex for real. he's accepted being aroace and actively embraces it, though he still feels connected to teh bi label. he'd like the concept of tertiary attraction and probably label as bi aroace, to honor both.
i like to think that tsukasa accidentally came out first (accidentally meaning he simply forgot to tell them and then was surprised when they were all surprised). emu was like !!!!! omg samsies and nene laughed and came out, too. wxs were the first people rui ever said the words "aromantic asexual" out loud to.
i personally think aroace polyshow never actually labeled themeselves as such, but BOY do tehy act like they're all married. they just care about each other soooooo much. its platonic its queer platonic its romantic its everything all blended together. if its them, they can do anything. with the shared knowledge of being aroace, they all also sort of feel more comfortable being openly affectionate, yknow? there's no risk of misinterpretation of intent- they love each other. they love each other in a way that they cannot describe and most people wouldn't understand. they are tied by their love of shows and their love of each other. emu is really physically affectionate and they all feel safe cuddling with her. rui lightheartedly flirts and half the time i dont think he even realizes he's doing it, the other half he's just trying to be silly. nene excels in the silent acts of love, making sure the stage is clean and there's always a few snacks backstage and honeslty just being there for everyone.
they have game night/sleepover every once in a while, usually during planning stages of shows. there's also a high likelyhood one goes to another's house at least once a week for some reason.
oh also they never do romance plays ever. it was a revelation tehy only came to after coming out. it just... never occured to them to do one. and now that they all know none of them can fall in love they actively try and avoid it. they've re-written fables to be about the power of friendship, or re-imagined the tale to the point romance wouldn't even be on anyone's mind. it's not a theme the audience ever picks up on, but at the same time they do? they don't realize the pattern but nobody ever comes out of a show with that interpretation. their shows are a hit every time, too. ("story" doesn't mean "romance", after all).
wonderlands x showtime isn't a romance. it's a love story.
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