#(i just think he's a bit of a creep and it got worse the longer it was drawn out)
hwere · 2 days
Sydney and the winds of change.
Expanding on some thoughts of mine that I mentioned here.
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Syd and Tina:
Starting with them ‘cause their friendship fills my heart with so much love and warmth.
Tina’s initial stance of animosity towards Sydney derives from the fact that not only she’s used to being the only woman in the kitchen, but the same generational fear as Richie: of being replaced by someone new, younger. When Syd arrived at The Beef, the crew viewed her as one of Carmy’s peers. While the others (Ebra, Marcus, Sweeps, etc.) seemed curious about her, Tina braced herself for the worst; she treats Sydney harshly because she believes that Syd – young and a professional chef – will either replace her or look down on her.
Sydney, though, viewed all of them as equals (except for Carmy). That is why it is so beautiful to watch Syd disarm Tina by complimenting her food and encouraging her to do better in the kitchen, instead of joining the dick-measuring competition. Syd showed Tina that there’s no need for competition; there’s room for both and they can be friends who uplift and inspire each other.
Later, we see Tina outright saying this to Ebra when he came back to the restaurant after going AWOL due to his insecurity regarding the school; passing down the lesson.
Syd and Marcus:
Their friendship has a different vibe since they’re closer in age.
Marcus feels inspired and supported by both Syd and Carmy to chase his dreams, to put himself out there, to experiment, to learn and to fail/make mistakes. Which is only possible because Syd’s goal and mindset is to provide this type of environment in the kitchen (“I think this place could be so different from all the other places we’ve been at. But, in order for that to be true, we need to run things different”).
In turn, he inspires her to be more considerate (“There was just a hat in it?”) and calm/patient (that’s the way he carries himself in general, which makes his outburst after being rejected so much worse), showing to her since The Beef that she’s no longer alone in her garage running a business all by herself, she has people to rely on now and that is fine to accept/ask for help.
Syd and Richie:
I do feel at times that he’s a bit of a misunderstood character. Of course, there’s no excuse for his actions towards Syd – that’s not even up for debate. His apology to her, as he did to Natalie, is overdue.
Like Carmy, he’s dealing with a lot: the end of his marriage and being a co-parent; the suicide of his best friend (which could be seen as some sort of betrayal, made worse by the fact that Michael left the shop to Carmy, not him); his creeping fear on being left behind, on old age and aimless existing under capitalism and all its implications (“I'm about to have this kid. I don’t wanna be wrapping up sandwiches for the rest of my life”).
He can be a massive asshole when he wants, but he’s not a bad person at his core (his strongest features are his love and loyalty). Most important: he can change. Watching him stepping up to offer Sydney help, after Carmy got stuck in the walk-in, meant a lot to me, honestly. He still has a long, long way to go, but he’s finally trying and opening himself up to learn (which doesn’t mean the road there will be clear and linear, as we glimpsed in the trailer).
It was Carmy’s idea to send him to Ever, but his growth was only possible because of Sydney’s positive influence all around them.
Syd and Carmy:
Then, there’s everything between her and Carmy. How they mirror each other at times; their parallels; yin-yang and all that jazz (I’m not about to recapitulate the entire show). The man said so himself and I couldn’t summarize better, “I couldn’t do it without you. I wouldn’t even wanna do it without you. You make me better at this.”
He wasn’t lying, though.
If Sydney never came back, of the two, one: either he wouldn’t even try to open The Bear – just use the money to improve The Beef (after all, his dream was to open a restaurant with his brother); or he would try, but for obvious reasons it wouldn’t be the same thing – with Syd around he didn’t think twice before slipping back to his old mentality and persona, imagine if she wasn’t around at all?
Carmy has spent far too many years working out of spite, chasing the approval of his brother, centering cooking as his life (something something porcupine dilemma something something the Berzatto curse). Sydney reminded him that there’s more to cooking than this (“I’d look at them like they were competition, like I’m gonna smoke this motherfucker / […] the deeper into this I went and the better I got. And the more people I cut out, the quieter my life got” vs “You love taking care of people / It is a partnership agreement, so that you can push me and I can push you”).
He gave her a second chance with The Bear and has been pushing her to be a better chef since before they met (“it was Carmy’s”) and also be more patient (both directly “Chef, it’s not ready yet” and indirectly [as in dealing with him and his bullshit]). But like Richie, he still has a lot of work to do with himself (as someone with similar mental issues: you have to put in the work to become better and you have to find healthy ways to cope with yourself and the world around you; mental illness explains some things, but doesn’t excuse them).
For their partnership to become perfect, they need balance.
And lots of love.
Sydney Adamu:
As to what makes Sydney so beautiful as a character: she’s so human and alive on our screens. She’s awkward, bit of an asshole/messy, creative and funny; eager and talented, but still harbors insecurities; isn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand her ground when necessary; although she doesn’t shy away from arguing/bickering, she’s not a conflict-driven person; her initial reaction is always to shut in, but if you know how to approach her, she’ll open up to you (as we saw so many times with Carmy); and she, overall, has such a beautiful heart (“Why can’t we put everything that we have into everything that we can?”).
As the seasons progress, we watch all those characters (both main and secondary) evolve and unravel right in front of our eyes. To me, that’s the beauty of The Bear and Sydney is right in the center of it.
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majestic-kestrel · 3 months
random ghosts opinion: thomas having one-sided beef with byron was much funnier than him relentlessly pursuing alison and they should've leaned into that more as a running gag for his character
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strawberrypoundtown · 10 days
Alright, hear me out I am thinking... Werebear. I just can't get my mind off of the idea of a werebear with his little round ears and fuzzy tail who gets disturbed while trying to hibernate (Which he's admittedly not very good at)
That's it, take it and run girly~
(OH it's just a quick one shot- sike, this was a lot longer than I planned and I had to cut some of it for another time lol I should have made it two parts, but whatevs
Enjoy the show - Strawberry 🍓)
Werebear x Fem!Reader
You move into a new apartment complex and notice your next-door neighbor being a lot more secluded and withdrawn lately as the winter creeps in. One late night, as you're walking through the hall to your door, you notice the door to his apartment is wide open...
Contains: unprotected sex, breeding kink, size kink, light free use kink (?)
You had moved into this apartment complex just shy of 3 months ago. You were still getting your bearings, having not lived completely alone before. You always had roommates or family living with you, so finally being completely alone was strange. Your apartment complex wasn't very big. There were only two other apartments on your side of the hall, yours sandwiched between the two.
The older werewolf woman that lived on your right seemed to be pretty calm and quiet, albeit a bit paranoid. She looked to be about 50-60 years old, but could be older. You hadn't seen her leave the complex property before, so you just chalked it up to her being a bit of a recluse. You occasionally grab her mail for her when she asks, and she's always grateful, giving you a handful of candy before sending you on your way.
The man that lived on your left was a very different story. You two had met lare at night when he offered to help you move a very large chair that you had bought a few days after you moved in. You were struggling to get it into the elevator after regretting that you had ordered the orc size for the chair and not werewolf of something. Damn you and your enjoyment of large furniture.
A large, burly man with a bushy brown beard had appeared behind you during your struggle. His curly golden brown hair was short and messy. He seemed to be around a staggering 7' tall, easily towering over you. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, steel-toe workboots, and a reflective vest that people used on construction sites. Of course, you assumed that he just got off of work and was getting impatient with you hogging the only elevator. You were about to apologize for being in his way and try to get the chair out of the way when he put his massive hand on your forehead, gently moving you out of the way. With a faint grunt, he easily moves the chair into the elevator. He stands in the elevator with the chair next to him and enough space for you to stand next to him. He holds the elevator door open for you as he stares at you. He notices you hesitating and looks away from you, his dirt covered cheeks turning a bit red as he looked away from you. He was still waiting for you.
"O-oh. Thank you." You said softly with a smile as you looked up at him and stepped into the elevator. You clicked the button for your floor, and he nodded in response as he moved his arm, letting the door close. "You must be one of my neighbors. I just moved in about a week ago. It's a pleasure to meet you."
He let out another grunt as he nodded once again, only glancing at your occasionally as he avoided touching you in the cramped elevator. Saying he was a large man as an understatement. You had to strain your neck to look up at him, but looking at eye level or lower was even worse. He was built like a truck with a nice layer of chubbiness. He seemed so soft, so nice to hug. You just wanted him to pick you up and hold you. It was hard to focus on anything but him as his chest was only inches away from your face. You could tell that he had a very strong build, and you love a large dad bod. He was covered in dirt and sweat, but his scent was still a bit too nice for your comfort.
As the elevator doors opened, you found yourself trying to scramble out the door and out of the way as quickly as possible. You had let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm your racing heart as he lifted the chair out of the elevator with ease. He immediately started walking towards your door.
You quickly got out your keys and jogged down the hall to open your door. He moved quickly, so he was already at your door by the time you got there. Once your door was open, you led him inside your cozy apartment and towards your livingroom. As he stepped inside, he was surprised at the decore you already had up. Pictures and posters and a few fake plants with fairy lights pinned to the ceiling.
After he put down the chair where you told him to, he noticed the rest of your furniture. It was all fairly large, at least the size for most werewolves, but all covered in pillows and blankets to make it cozy. He felt like just looking at your apartment would make him fall asleep. He needed to leave. Your heart sank a bit, following him as he immediately turned to walk towards the front door.
"Thank you for your help! I don't know what I would have done if you didn't help me. I'm sorry I bothered you on your way home-" You say, but he cuts you off by holding out his hand to you to shake. You take it gently, and he begins to speak.
"Don't worry about it. If you ever need help with anything, I live next door on your left. Apartment 400. I'm pretty handy." He says softly as he looks down at you with a blank expression. His voice was deep and intimidating, but it made you feel safe and warm. His hand was big and rough, but he held your soft hand so gently, like he was worried about hurting you.
"Oh, thank you. I really appreciate that. Um... could I get your name? My name is (Y/n)." You say with a smile, staring up at him as your other hand comes up to rest on top of his. His cheeks turn a bit red once again as he stares at your hands for a moment before looking back into your eyes.
"I-I'm Clayton..." He says shyly before pulling his hand away and taking a step back. "It was nice to meet you (Y/n). I need to go." He said bluntly, his eyes avoiding yours as he rushed off to his apartment door. For such a large man, he sure was quick. You didn't even have a chance to say anything before you heard his door slam shut. You worried you angered him, but based on his pink cheeks, you assumed that he was just shy.
Over the next month, you would start conversations with him whenever you would see him. He would always stand and listen until you were done talking. Occasionally, you would mention that you were trying to do something in your apartment and would ask what kind of tools you would need. He would tell you, seemingly happy that he could give you advice. However, he never seemed to let you take his advice, because before you could even get the tools you needed, he would be over with his toolbox ready to go.
Need a shelf put up? He did it. Need your sink unclogged? No problem. He got it cleared. Need your lock replaced because your ex found out where you lived? He replaced your entire door and got you a doorbell camera.
He never accepted any money from you, always saying he just wanted to be a good neighbor and make sure you were safe. He did, however, accept food. You always made him a big plate of whatever you were eating that night. He always seemed to enjoy it after he got home, the plates returning to your front door completely clean the next morning.
However, as the fall passed and the winter started, you saw Clayton less and less. Whenever you would see him, he'd look absolutely exhausted, and you had noticed him getting thinner. He also started to occasionally walk around with his cute stubby tail and round ears out due to how little energy he had. You had found out from your other neighbor that Clayton was a werebear, so the winter season made him exhausted all the time. You felt bad for asking for so much of his time while he should have been preparing for hibernation, so you took it upon yourself to make sure he was eating enough.
Every day, you brought a container of food over to his door and left it in front of his door. You would leave a note on the container before knocking and running off so you didn't bother him further. The clean, empty containers would show up in front of your door the next day with a note that just said 'thank you'.
What you didn't know was how much it actually meant to him that you had been helping him in return. He had always struggled with his hibernation, having been raised by a pack of werewolves after his parents adopted him. They did their best, but he was never really taught how to hibernate properly. It didn't help that he had insomnia, which was very inconvenient for the big guy when it came to his hibernation time. Thankfully, during the winter, his construction jobs slowed down a bit, but it still took a lot out of him. Cooking himself dinner at the end of a long day was out of the question, so he usually got take out or nothing at all.
Imagine his surprise when he started getting food dropped off at his door every night. He loved your food. Everything you made was delicious, and he always licked his plate clean. You were so sweet with how you helped take care of him. The smell of the fantastic food you cooked flooding the hallway was amazing, but your scent had him even more entranced.
Ever since you had moved next door, just your scent from the hallway was enough to comfort him. He had already thought you were cute when you moved in, but as time went on, he fell for you even harder. Your more domestic side showing lately had been the killer for him, though. You would check in on him and give him food, a reassuring touch, like the angel you were. He wanted to help take care of you like you took care of him. He wanted you. He needed you. He always had such a hard time leaving your apartment because of how cozy it was. The moment he would walk in, he would feel like he could pass out on the floor and still be comfortable. He wished he could sleep in your orc sized bed with you and show you how much he cares about you.
He would listen unintentionally as you would take a shower or get ready for bed. The walls were so thin, and with his hearing as good as it was, it was impossible for him to ignore your whimpers from the other side of the wall whenever you'd be masturbating. Whenever he had gone in to help you put up a shelf in your bedroom, he could smell the arousal in the air from when you had given yourself an orgasm shortly before he arrived. He struggled to hide his erection the whole time. Just imagining what you did to yourself when you were alone made his dick throb in his jeans. Being able to smell that you were ovulating didn't help.
He knew what everything meant. You were his mate. He just had no idea how to tell you without sounding completely insane. You were just a human. A very soft, sweet human that surely only had the best intentions whenever they would interact. If only he knew how further he was from the truth. You had wanted him just as badly, if not more, but didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He just seemed shy to you, and you didn't want to scare him off. For such a big guy like him, you had hoped food would win him over. Every time you had him over to help fix something you didn't understand, you would fantasize about him driving his cock into you and letting out all his pent-up frustrations. And cum.
Once you found out he was a werebear, you did some serious research. You learned about how he needed a cozy environment he could use as a 'den' and how much he needed to eat. Werebears didn't sleep 24 hours a day, but they needed at least 10-14 hours of sleep every night to function somewhat normally during the day. They tend to need to eat a lot to keep up a healthy layer of fat. They can also get very, very backed up if they don't have a mate to hibernate with as they typically don't socialize during this time. You didn't know what his apartment looked like, as he had never invited you over, but you wanted to make your home as inviting to him as possible for when he came over. Especially your bedroom.
You were happy you rented in a monster-friendly apartment building due to the fact that you had an orc sized bed from the last place you lived in. It was at least 9' long, and you were always swimming in it, so you always had it loaded with pillows and stuffed animals and soft blankets. You figured that if you got some extra large blankets for him to use, he would be more inclined to come over.
But lately, he was so tired he had let his ears and tail show, his arms and chest extra hairy as it peaked out of his clothing. He was trying to conserve energy, and you noticed him not snoring much at night when he should have been sleeping, but still going to work in the morning with dark circles under his eyes. You also noticed that as the next full moon approached, he was struggling more and more to hold it together. He was nearly falling asleep standing up and more shuffled than walked to his apartment. You started making more and more food for him to leave by his door for when he got home.
Tonight was a full moon, so you knew you had to make him a lot of food because he was going to fully tranform tonight. The containers had started coming back broken with apology notes and money attached, so tonight you had gotten some disposable containers. You made him a huge spread of various roasted vegetables and fish and put all the containers in front of his door, saying that if he needed to, he could crash at your place.
That leads you to this moment, you standing outside Clayton's door. You heard him stumble home about 20 minutes ago and growling for about 15 minutes until a loud thud hit the floor. It shook your apartment, and you instantly rushed over to see if he was okay. You noticed the door was cracked open and hesitantly pushed the door open. Your jaw dropped as you saw his living conditions. It was clean, but barely had any furniture to keep clean in the first place. All he had was a large futon in the livingroom and a TV with a gaming set up.
You hear groaning coming from what you assume to be the bedroom as you carefully creep in. You peer down the hallway to see a large furry mass in the dark. A mess of ripped apart food containers were scattered down the hallway to in front of the bed. You gingerly made your way down the hallway as you tried to get a better look at him. You could tell he was already fully transformed, and it almost sounded like he was... whining? As you got closer, you noticed that he was so big half his giant furry body was hanging off the bed. He was facing away from you, but you could hear him panting and whining as his nubby tail wiggled. He was a giant ball of fur and you slowly walked up to his face. His head was huge when he was transformed. He looked like an adorable grizzlybear, minus the giant sharp claws.
"C-clayton?" His eyes snap open at the sound of your voice. Your sweet, beautiful voice. "Are you okay?... I heard a loud thud, and your door was open..." You were so kind. He couldn't believe you actually walked in here to check on him. He didn't know what to do. He was embarrassed at how his place looked. He had been so tired lately he hadn't wanted to do anything special for his hibernation, but he was regretting it now.
He bashfully looks away from you and scoots his head closer to you. You crouch down and gently run your fingers through his fur. His fur was so soft you gently rest you head on top of his as she scratched the fur around his neck. He lets out an odd growl that almost sounds like a purr as he nuzzles into your chest. He inhales your comforting scent deeply. You smell so sweet... He had to carefully pull his face away from your chest before he tried to rip your tank top off. He had noticed you weren't wearing a bra and wanted to know what your breast looked like so badly. He caught himself staring at your chest before looking up at you with his beautiful golden eyes.
"C-can I crash with you? Please?... this is bad..." His voice was hoarse as he groaned. He regret pushing his body so much and ignoring his need for a proper den. He knew your place would be perfect based on what he had seen so far. Not only that, but he would be able to convince you to share your large bed with him. It had been so long since he could cuddle anyone during hibernation...
"Of course you can. I just need you to follow me." You said softly, and you went to stand up. He stood up with you, and you couldn't help but freeze for a moment as you took in his large form. He was nearly 9' tall, staring down at you as he breathed heavily. All he had on were some boxers that were way too small once he was transformed. You could see the outline of his thick cock through the fabric. He put one of his giant hands on your shoulder and sleepily followed you next door to your apartment, being sure to at least close his door before he leaves.
Upon stepping into your apartment, he has to use his hands on your wall to stabilize himself. Walking through the threshold of your home and being hit with a wall of your scent was overwhelming. He stumbled through your apartment as carefully as possible, trying not to knock anything over. You had to guide him to your bedroom, him ducking a bit through the doorways. As he saw your bed, he let out a sigh of relief. The mass of pillows and giant blankets looked so welcoming.
"I-I hope it'll be okay. At least better than your place..." You let out a soft giggle as you opened up the bed more for him to crawl in. He didn't waste another moment before carefully crawling onto your bed. The bed dipped under his immense weight. You thanked yourself for getting a reinforced bedframe when you got your giant bed.
"Oh fuck." He groaned out as he fully laid down, his body going limp as he finally felt his body fully relax for the first time in ages. Fully stretched out, he's just as tall as the bed, but all the pillows and blankets with the softness of the mattress are perfect. He feels like he's in heaven as he turns onto his side and closes his eyes. His breathing began to get heavier, and you assume he's already starting to fall asleep. You grab the biggest blanket you have from your couch and as you lay it over him, his eyes slowly open. He stares at you for a moment as your body is illuminated in the moonlight peering in from your window. He hadn't really gotten a good look at you yet, and it was a good thing that he didn't. He wouldn't have been able to make it over to your apartment if he noticed you were only wearing a tanktop and tight boxer shorts. He could already feel himself getting hard under the covers, your scent overwhelming as he let out a soft groan.
"Clayton? Are you okay?" You ask with a worried tone. Your caring eyes are so beautiful in the moonlight. In a flash, you were pulled under him while letting out a loud yelp. He was proped up on his elbow on his side next to you, his other hand on your hip as he leaned over you. He held your body so close to his, trying his best not to rip your clothes off of you immediately. He leans down and nuzzles his face into your neck so all he can smell is you. He was annoyed at how your scent was so comforting but wouldn't let him sleep. He was pent-up, and you were his mate that made a den just for him... he needed to do something or he felt like he was gonna explode.
He moved one of his knees in between yours as he stared into your eyes, running his hand from your hip to your thigh to guide it to hook over his leg. Goosebumps appear all over your body as you feel his sharp claws drag across your skin. As you were held there on your back, you could feel his hard cock against your thigh. Fuck you were turned on. You didn't know what to do but stare back into his glowing eyes and follow his lead. He leaned in close to your face, bearing his sharp teeth as he struggles to find his words.
"I really need your help tonight (Y/n)..." He mumbles as he moves from smelling your hair to burying his nose in your collarbone.
"Look, I'm flattered... v-very flattered, but I'm not really a fan of one night stands." You say nervously, knowing that you'd want way more than just one night with him. His large, rough tongue rakes up the side of your neck, making you let out an involuntary moan.
"Who said I wanted a one night stand?" His hot breath brushes against your neck, causing goosebumps to go down your body. "I want you.. All of you... Always." His teeth ran across the skin in the crook of your neck as he inhaled your scent deeply. "If you want me, I'll stay... please..." He pleads with a deep growl. He sounds so desperate for you. You wouldn't have thought the stoic man next door would be reduced to a horny, cuddly mess, but here you are. "My mate..." He growls as he palms one of your breasts through your thin tank top, careful not to scratch you with his claws. The pressure of his body against yours is overwhelming in the best way, every touch lighting you on fire as you couldn't help but let out soft moans.
"P-please stay Clayton..." You begged as your self-control went out the window, grinding your hot mound against his leg. Your words and actions made him suck in a breath, pausing as he stared at you. He suddenly turned onto his back, pulling you on top of him to straddle his waist. He used his claws to rip a huge hole in your shorts, exposing your dripping wet pussy. You pulled your tanktop off quickly before he ripped that off while he ripped away his boxers. His massive cock sprang to life, smacking against your wet pussy lips softly. He pulled himself up to bring you in for a kiss, groaning as he
You bit your lip before grinding your cunt down along his dick. It was too dark for you to see properly, but his dick felt similar to a werewolf's dick, but much bigger. You hadn't taken someone that big before, so you were secretly happy that you were in the middle of masturbating when you heard him come home...
"Oh fuck." He strained his head back against the bed as he moaned. His hands reached up to hold your hips in place, rolling his hips back against you to get more friction against his sensitive cock. His hands were massive, both of them nearly completely encircling your waist as he held you in place. He fought against the urge to use you like a living fleshlight immediately. He felt like he was getting high off the scent of your arousal.
You brace your hands on his soft forearms as you find your footing by his sides. His waist is too big for you to straddle normally, but you don't care. You're gonna do your best. You were getting impatient, as he could feel from how his cock was completely drenched from your juices. He raises his head up to look at you, letting out soft whimpers as you pull your heat away from his needy dick. You earn a low growl from him as you decided to grab his cock and line his dripping tip up with your aching hole. His grip on your hips tightens, and you feel his claws threaten to break your soft skin. He applauded his self control in his crazed state, although every fiber of his being was telling him to just bury his cock deep inside you now. He needed you so badly.
You press yourself down on his dick, your arousal and his precum acting as lube. His cock slides into your pussy easier than he expected, but you're still struggling to take his size. His cock was so thick it stretched your pussy to the absolute limit and you were loving every second. You had only taken him about halfway, and yiu didn'tknow how much more you could take. You were trying to hold your moans as much as possible, but the attempt was futile. You groaned out in pleasure as the shape of his cock rubbed against your g-spot with every movement.
Clayton stared at you hungrily, growl in his throat that resonated through his whole body. You could swear you felt his dick vibrate, but then again, it might have been your walls fluttering to accommodate his size.
He suddenly snaps his hips up into yours, his hands on your hips keeping you in place as he buries his cock into you up to his knot. The drastic shock to your body made you scream out in pleasure. Your pussy stung as you felt the bulge at the base of his cock press against your pussy. You feel him shudder under you as you clenched your pussy around his length. You're given very little time to adjust before he starts moving your hips for you.
"F-fuck, I'm sorry... I can't control myself right now... you drive me fucking crazy... you're so fucking tight..." He growls as he watches your boobs bounce in front of him. He may have you on top, but he's the one in control. He holds your hips so firmly it may leave bruises, using your body as his personal sex toy. He is so desperate to cum, wanting nothing more than to fill you up and get you pregnant.
He wanted you to be the mom to his cubs. You were so sweet and kind. You could teach them how to make a den much better than he could. You felt so amazing stretched out on his dick. You were just so addicting.
Every movement he made you do made you feel just as crazy as him. His cock hit all the right places, your pussy quivering around him as you felt yourself getting close to cumming. Every slight curve and bend of his dick felt like heaven as he bounced you faster to chase his own release.
"I'm so close. I'm not pulling out. I want you to take my knot and have my cub..." He grunts, whimpering as you feel his dick twitch inside you. He's close, and so are you.
"Y-yes please! I want your cum in me, please! Make me cum!" You beg him, completely giving into the pleasure. You couldn't take it anymore. You were so close it almost hurt.
"Rub your clit for me, honey." He orders and you don't think twice before one of your hands finds your clit, your fingers working your sensitive clit while he works you. It only takes a few more seconds before you throw your head back, moaning like a bitch in heat as your orgasm washes over you like a tsunami. As you begin to cum, he snaps his hips up to meet yours, thrusting his huge knot into your already strained pussy. The rough action causes you to scream, squirting all over his crotch as your quivering pussy milked his cock. His dick throbbed inside you as he let out a roar, his claws scratching your hips while he came deeper than anyone had before. He filled your plugged up pussy so much your belly bulged slightly. You both struggle to catch your breath as his grip on you slowly relaxed. He couldn't help but stare at you and your beautiful body, your sweat shining in the moonlight through the window.
"I hope you're okay... I didn't hurt you, did I?" He groans out, a bit worried that in his haze he went too far. Your exhausted giggle eases him slightly.
"I'm more than okay..." You admit with a grin. Clayton chuckles in response as he feels his knot start to go down, letting him slip his cock out of you. You whimper and whine as he pulls his cock out, suddenly feeling every empty as his cum pours out of your used hole. He lets out a relieved sigh as he turns onto his side and pulls you close to him.
"I'm glad you're okay..." He whispers to you as he stares into your eyes with adoration mixed with exhaustion. You can't help but smile as his large body and thick fur make you feel like you have a living weighted blanket. His presence was just so comforting to you.
"I hope you don't mind hibernating with me." You say. He pulls you in close as he arranges the pillows and blankets around the two of you, using his arm as a pillow for you. He finally pulls the blanket over the two of you and wraps his other arm around you.
"Honey, I don't think I could have hibernated without you..." He says softly, ending in a yawn as you both settled in to get some sleep. As you two embraced each other, sweaty and satisfied, you couldn't stop thinking about how Clayton would be a really good dad. You secretly hope his seed already got you pregnant as you fell asleep cuddled into his chest. He took another good look at your gorgeous face before drifting off to sleep himself. Both of you were soon dreaming of your belly swollen with his cub and little kids running around.
He could get used to this.
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
you want to kiss me so bad! - fushiguro megumi
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word count: 3k warnings: none :) summary: "ooh you just want to kiss me" "and what about it?" more info: aged up characters! everyone works as sorcerers for jujutsu tech, friends to lovers, yuji nobara and reader are besties with a gossip groupchat a/n: thank u stef for this idea, it was so much fun to write !!! (obvi i got carried away... classic me) but this one is ofc dedicated to u @delzinrowe here's the original brainrot ___
Normally, (y/n) and Megumi made a strong pair on assignments.  Having worked and trained together since high school and having known each other a bit longer than that, they shared a deep understanding on how the other fights, and normally this gave them a hefty advantage.  Having two capable sorcerers that could read each other like the backs of their hands was a threat to any curse.  Normally.
Or in other words, as long as one of them didn’t completely abandon their plan and start improvising halfway through a fight, they were the perfect pair.
If he gave her some benefit of the doubt, Megumi could admit that (y/n) disregarding her weapon and opting to use the sheer power behind her cursed technique actually meant exorcizing the curse quicker than planned.  
However, now she’s staggering on her feet, her blade retrieved and dangling loosely in her weak grip as she slowly makes her way over to him, grimacing at the heap of dead curse she had to sidle past.  There’s a lazy but proud grin that takes over her features as she assesses the damage, realizing her workload for filing this one would be far less than previously expected, seeing how quickly she’d handled it.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Megumi scolds her as soon as she’s in close enough proximity to hear him.  
He’s pissed.  His arms are crossed, his face is twisted into a scowl, and when he pauses after his question (y/n) thinks he might actually be looking for an answer.
“Pretty quickly, I’d say” She scoffs back at him, not taking his irritation seriously for a second.
She’d say Megumi was a friend of hers, given how long they’d known each other, but she couldn’t say he ever eased up around her.  He seemed to always be wound so tight that he didn’t even relax when they weren’t exorcizing curses.  Over time she’d grown used to his reserved demeanor, and she didn’t mind it, so long as they were still the perfect duo on assignments, she could put up with anything.
Except his attitude.  It rarely made an appearance when she was around- not nearly as much when he was paired up with Yuji- but on the off chance that Megumi got cranky, as she called it, it never rubbed her the right way, and it never went over well.
And currently, Megumi’s attitude and irritation knew no bounds.
“That was reckless and risky and you know it,” He chastised, only bristling further when (y/n) rolled her eyes back at him.  “You need to take this more seriously, you can’t just go dropping your weapon in the middle of-” 
“It was fine, wasn’t it?” She huffed out, already bored of the conversation.  “It’s done, we’re not scuffed up all that bad, and honestly, you should be thanking me” 
“Thanking you?” Megumi seethes the words back at her, and the way the corner of his snarl twitches does not go unnoticed by her.
“Mhm, you’re welcome,” She muses back at him, knowing that her little smirk was going to absolutely set him over the edge.  “I’ve pretty much scored us a half day-” 
“You pretty much just ignored me completely and could’ve gotten us both hurt…” He trails off, his features softening from their contorted angry expression for just a moment as something else washes over him.  Something that makes his face pale and his lips curl into such a deep set frown (y/n) thinks it could form permanent wrinkles if he held it any longer.  “... or worse” He finishes, a bit quieter than before.
“But we didn’t,” (y/n) shrugs back at him, and his annoyance creeps right back into it’s home under his skin.  
Why couldn’t she take anything seriously, ever? 
“We’re fine, it’s done, and we’re heading home.  Why are you holding onto this?” 
He gapes back at her, pausing long enough to give her a chance to take back her idiotic statement and actually take some responsibility for her actions, but she doesn’t.  All she does is look back at him with something akin to disinterest in her eyes.  It makes his nostrils flare.
“You’re ridiculous,” He huffs, eyes screwing shut with his annoyance.  “Seriously, (y/n), one day your lack of critical thinking skills is going to put me in an early grave” 
“Early? But you’re such an old man already,” She teases back, knowing full well she was poking a sleeping bear.  “C’mon, I’ll treat you to lunch on the way back, better?” 
“You can’t be serious for even a second can you?”
“Why would I?” 
“Oh, I don’t know, self preservation?” He snaps back at her, stepping closer so she could get a proper look at the glare in his eyes.
“My job is self preservation,” (y/n) rolls her eyes again with the dismissive comment.  “Maybe if you loosened up once in a while you wouldn’t be so cranky all the time” 
“So I’m cranky for wanting us to make it out of an assignment with our heads?” 
“Looks to me like we still get ‘em” She shrugs.
“That’s it.  I’m not taking another assignment with you until you understand why acting on reckless abandon is stupid and going to get you killed one day,” He spits back at her, and for a second, her brows raise, and she actually looks shocked by his words.  “Does that make me the bad guy, (y/n)?” Megumi hoped he was finally getting through to her, he was so close to her now that when his eyes bore into hers she could hardly see anything but angry blue oceans crashing behind them.
With another roll of her eyes and a short giggle right in her face she scrunches up her nose and gives him the greatest, wittiest line she could come up with to diffuse the rising tension.
“Ooh, ‘gumi you just want to kiss me” 
What she doesn’t expect is that with all of his anger and frustration brewing, Megumi had been pushed past a brink she’d never seen him reach before.  
“And what about it?” He snaps, brows furrowed with his anger, mouth still pulled into a frown.  (y/n’s) eyes widen at the response
So in a moment of pure vexation and poor decision making skills, Megumi’s shifting gears and muttering, “Fuck it” 
Next thing she knows his hands have seized her cheeks and they’re soft and warm but so firm as he yanks her forward while dipping his head to her height.  Is he going to kiss me? Is the first stupid thought that runs through her muddled mind before his lips are slamming against hers.
Her eyes are as wide as saucers before she truly registers how soft and warm and pleasant his lips feel against hers, and she finds herself giving into the whirlwind moment sooner than expected.  Her lashes flutter before falling shut, and it seems that she’s just as soon floating ten feet in the air, lifted by an invisible force.  One foot pops into the air, the other extending on to the tips of her toes to better reach him, sending her hands against his chest.
He rendered her breathless in the matter of instant, which she blamed on both the surprise and the passion behind his kiss.  She can vaguely make out the feeling of his hands moving from her jaw into her hair, but just as his fingertips graze the nape of her neck and she hums in delight.
That little noise was her downfall, because as soon as the sweet sound hits Megumi’s ears, he’s pulled out of his reverie and instantly pulls away from the kiss.
(y/n) has to gasp for air once they’re parted, but it takes her a minute to gather her senses and open her eyes.
Megumi’s frozen, his hands still cupped around the back of her head, his lips parted but no words or air was coming out.  All he can do is stare at her with the shock of what he’d done sinking in.
No words are exchanged.
She stares at him expectantly, waiting for something, anything, but it doesn’t come.  Megumi releases her before putting as large of a step of distance between.  If he won’t say anything, she knows she has to… but all she can do is gape as he takes another step away and quickly pulls out his phone to check on their ride back to Jujutsu Tech.
It stays silent as they wait for their car.
Even their exchange with their assigned manager is uncomfortable.
With Megumi still choosing the silent route, she’s left no other choice.
She pulls her phone out of her pocket and rapidly begins to type.
[y/n]: S.O.S EMERGENCY !!!!!!
[nocapybara]: W H A T
[yuwuji]: oh shit :D
[nocapybara]: what happened [nocapybara]: did you kiss back
[yuwuji]: was it good???
The incoming texts from her go-to groupchat for panic spamming shot up so fast she’s barely finished reading one before another appears on her screen.  At least it was serving the purpose of keeping her distracted in the tense car ride.
[y/n]: he got mad at me 
[yuwuji]: aww again??? :(
[y/n]: and then i said ‘you wanna kiss me so bad’ and he was all ‘so what?’ abt it and then he just…. fuckin kissed me
[nocapybara]: oh shit he actually made a move????
[yuwuji]: damn that’s actually such a good line 
[nocapybara]: no it’s not, megumi’s just dumb  [nocapybara]: and u didn’t answer my question (y/n/n)!!
[yuwuji]: or mine! >:3
[y/n]: i might’ve kissed back a little… [y/n]: and it might’ve been…. the best kiss of my whole life
[nocapybara]: how much is a little??
[yuwuji]: aww megumi is a good kisser <3 good 4 him
[y/n]: uhh my foot might’ve popped up like in the movies 
[nocapybara]: oh shiiiiiit so it was a KISS kiss
[y/n]: yeah. it was a kiss kiss.
[yuwuji]: and u kissed back?? are u guys boyfriend girlfriend now??
[y/n]: he didn’t say anything after
[nocapybara]: WUT???
[yuwuji]: HEH???
[nocapybara]: HES A COWARD !!!
[yuwuji]: did you say anything??
[y/n]: no!! what am i supposed to say??? he kissed me his first!! this is HIS FAULT!!!
[nocapybara]: damn right!!
[yuwuji]: no!! :( [yuwuji]: maybe he’s just shy and doesn’t know what to say
[nocapybara]: sthu he’s an adult, he can voice is widdle feelings >:/
[y/n]: i don’t think he has feelings for me.  I think it was a mistake.   [y/n]: idk what’s worse tbh
[yuwuji]: … r u sure ? 
[noapybara]: what do you know.
[yuwuji]: no nothing i just meant he’s shy and awkward
[nocapybara]: yuji ur his best friend.  u definitely know something.  spill. does he have the hots for (y/n/n) or not
[yuwuji]: hey i don’t spill secrets!!!!
With every new message, (y/n) felt her heart pounding in her chest a little harder.  She hoped the radio was loud enough to drown out the sound of it.  They were still a couple of minutes away from Jujutsu Tech, and she needed a solution by the time they got there.  She had a feeling that if she didn’t come up with a plan and fast, then Megumi would continue to ignore her, and it would never be brought up again.
[yuwuji]: well… i guess it’s not a secret that he talks about her a lot… 
It was easy to mistake Megumi’s silence for disinterest- and at first, he would say that he was ignoring the entire thing.  He didn’t have an ounce of desire to bring it up in front of present company, but after a few minutes of riding in silence, he thought maybe ignoring it forever was his best option.  It was just an accident, people caught up in the moment all the time, right? What was one little… perfect… kiss anyways? 
Suddenly watching all the trees passing by the window made his stomach twist with nausea, and Megumi had to redirect his gaze to the back of the headrest in front of him.
It wasn’t right of him to kiss her, if he really thought about it.  He’d never even confessed to her- and to just kiss her like that? Megumi could barely recognize himself.  He was never so brazen, he was always the reserved, calculated one.  He was the one that thought things through before making a final decision, he was never brash, never bold, and he would never make a move on someone without telling them properly how he felt…
His stomach lurched again.  Was he getting carsick? 
He’d never really considered telling (y/n) about his feelings for her before.  Sure, he’d known for a while that she wasn’t like the others, she was different, special, held in a different, more secluded place in his heart away from all the others.  If he was being honest with himself, he’d probably felt that way since high school.  The problem was Megumi was always realistic when evaluating his options, so when his feelings for her were fully realized, he’d weighed his options and decided that the potential of losing a friend and a phenomenal partner over a confession would be pathetic.
So he packed his feelings up in a box and left it in the back of his mind.  And that box would just have to stay there.
The ping of his phone drew him out of his spiraling, stomachache-inducing thoughts.
[itadori]: yo u kissed (y/n)?? hell yeah!!!
It felt like his heart imploded, and all of the air in his lungs was sucked out before he could try to gasp to preserve it.  His eyes nearly bore a hole through the screen of his phone before his head shot up, peeking at the front seat where (y/n) sat, typing away on her phone.  He couldn’t see who she was texting, but he didn’t need to, because the recipient of her texts just told on himself.
Now he was sure he was going to be sick.  He made a mental note to pack anti-nausea for the car rides after assignments.
When they finally got back to Jujutsu Tech, (y/n) was swift in her exit of the car and stride towards the building.  She not only didn’t utter a word to him, but she didn’t cast him a second glance.  Her eyes were glued to her phone and her walking pace was, well, she was nearly jogging away.
He could just let her walk away, accept that the both of them would mutually forget about the whole thing.
“(y/n)!” Megumi had to call after her as he broke into a light jog in order to catch up.  She glanced over her shoulder, and her speed walking slowed to a normal pace as he caught up to her.
She’s quick to lock her phone and tuck it back into her pocket.
Megumi lets out a sigh as he gives in to instinct.
“Look, I didn’t mean to do that, and I’m sorry, alright?” 
She stops in her tracks then, effectively halting him too, but it doesn’t seem like it’s because she’s suddenly inclined to focus all of her attention on conversing with him.
“Are you trying to say you kissed me by accident?” She frowns.
“Well, I guess-” 
“Because that’s not a thing,” She interrupts him.  “You kissed me, consciously, and, like, for a good minute-” 
“But I didn’t mean to, you practically dared me!” Megumi argued, only making her scoff and let out a laugh, humored by his ridiculous argument.
“Who cares? You kissed me!” She reminds him with a tilt of her head.  “Are you saying if I challenged you to jump off a bridge would you do that too?” 
“Well maybe the bridge isn’t that tall” Megumi refuted, before frowning and rolling his eyes at how stupid he sounded.  There was no taking that one back, (y/n) was already laughing.
“Just admit it, Megumi.  Some part of you wanted to kiss me, so you did” 
“Not until you admit that you asked me to, technically” 
“Fine! I did ask you to! Happy?” 
“Delighted, because I wanted to!” 
“Well if you’ve wanted to so bad then why are you yelling at me and not kissing me!?”  
“I don’t know!” 
With a simultaneous groan of frustration, the pair don’t waste anymore time arguing before acting.  She all but throws herself against him but Megumi’s just as swift at wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her off her feet and at a height that gives him easy reach to slam his lips against hers.  Every once of passion he’d poured into their last kiss is revisited in full with this one too, and (y/n) starts to get the idea that every kiss is going to sweep her off her feet all the same.
With her arms wound around his neck to better keep herself secure, she hopes that he feels every bit of electricity that she does.
And he does, he’s just a bit too preoccupied trying to balance taking in oxygen and kissing her like his life depended on it to communicate that to her now.  At least in words.  Wandering hands filled in the gaps for now.
It took them long enough, after all, there would be time to talk about it later. ___
a/n: i imagine the groupchat lights tf up after the second one :3
xoxo ~ jordie
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
If the asks are still open may I make a request. I read your cuddling headcanons for task force 141 and it got me thinking. How would they react to being cradled to their fem s/o's chest. With their fingers running through their hair, listening to their heartbeat? These boys deserve to go to sleep in comfort. Let them go into such a deep sleep they almost go into the light. If you don't feel like doing the whole squad can I just have Ghost?
task force 141 + being cradled
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: help i've been watching neymar jr/jude bellingham edits for so long my fyp thinks im a real soccer fan
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so simon's definitely more used to being the cradler rather than the cradled
he likes holding your head to his chest and feeling you bury your face deeper into his shirt
but honestly he's never been held by someone else
i mean just on size alone the schematics are kinda awkward
which is why he's sort of caught of guard the first time you pull him to your chest
the two of you were sitting in bed and he was telling you about his day
and you could tell that even though his voice was neutral he was absolutely exhausted (plus all the stuff he had to say just sounded so tiring)
so without saying anything (and a bit of struggle ngl this man is huge and therefore heavy) you manage to pull his head into your chest
he kinda stiffens and tries to get away but you hold him firm against your chest because you know that if he really wanted to leave he easily could
but when he sees how determined you are to keep him there it sorta flicks a switch in his mind that maybe this isn't the worse thing in the world
like obviously you wanted this and he's spent enough time with you to trust you
and besides you're so warm and even though you're not as big as him he can't help but feel secure in your arms so he starts to relax
and you tell him to pick up his head so you can take off his balaclava and he happily obliges
and he takes this opportunity to readjust into a more popular position so that he's more shifted on his side with one of his arms wrapped around your torso
and now he can feel the tiredness start to creep around his eyelids but he doesn't want to fall asleep because he wants to be able to savor this moment
but when you bring your fingers to his hair?
oh. my. lord.
simon melts IMMEDIATELY
he's kinda embarrassed about it but his eyes literally rolled into the back of his head
and after that point it is literally so hard for him to not fall asleep
like he is fighting demons just so he can stay awake and listen to your heartbeat longer
but with the way you're fingers are working magic on his scalp it's not long until his eyes are closing
he honestly doesn't even realize he fell asleep until he wakes up the next morning
and is he stiff as hell?
but was it worth it?
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap's definitely more chill about it than ghost
like he was the one to put his head on your chest not the other way around
he just likes how soft and warm you are and it makes him feel cozy
but he can't do it all the time because sometimes it gets to hot or he gets worried his head is too heavy
it's like being the little spoon
it's nice but sometimes you just wanna sprawl your entire body over someone else's
so he honestly doesn't let you cradle him very often
plus it's just like an awkward position for him
he doesn't wanna have to crane his neck up to see you and he has to do that when you have his head in your chest
that being said he will sacrifice seeing your face for a bit if it means having you scratch his head for him
although his favorite is when you're sitting on the couch because then he can lay his head on your lap
and then he has a good visual of your face and he gets to have you scratch his head
so it's a win win in his opinion
that being said having his head on his chest is one of his favorite positions to fall asleep in
especially when he's too tired to worry about if it's comfortable for you or not
something about your heartbeat is just soothing what can i say
kyle "gaz" garrick:
hmmm so tbh i don't think gaz is really into the head scratches
like it doesn't really work with his hair texture anyways and they feel funny to him
sorta like how some people love asmr but others can't stand it
and honestly i hate to say it but i don't really see gaz as being super into having you cradle his head and stuff
idk why i just can't see him doing that but maybe im just blind idk
like he might lean his head on your shoulder or even your head or something like that but idk he's just not a cradle kind of guy imo
he definitely loves cradling your head though
like he loves it when you're sitting in the car or on a couch and you lean your head on his shoulder and he can wrap his arm around you
definitely gives a top of the head kiss then too
maybe when he's sleeping he'll put his head on your chest
but again he'd much rather have your head on his chest
plus gaz has found that he has a very sensitive spine
(probably from falling out of like twenty helicopters let's be fr)
and so often when he falls asleep with his head on your chest he wakes up with a super stiff neck
off topic but one time he did fall asleep with his head on your chest and you moved it to his pillow once he fell asleep
and ik it sounds counterintuitive but that day gaz knew he was falling in love because the fact that you knew to do that made his heart soar
john price:
okay so price is obviously older and therefore more mature
and like the wise man he is he's never afraid to rest his head on the chest of a beautiful woman
that's honestly one of his favorite ways to spend his off days
the two of you laying on a couch watching a movie
he let you pick bc you both knew he would pass out by the thirty minute mark
i mean how could he not?
especially when he's laying on your chest and you're fiddling with his hair
twisting it and braiding it and combing through it
also you know he let's out the most guttural groan as soon as your fingers touch his head
and at that point he's more than happy to close his eyes, lay back, and relax as he listens to your heartbeat over the sound of the movie
sometimes you'll say something and he'll grunt in reply
but you both know that he has no idea what you said because he's in that perfect limbo of barely being awake and barely falling asleep
i mean he literally fantasizes about spending his days like that
alejandro vargas:
hm alright so alejandro would definitely rather have you on his chest than lay his head on yours
but also in the end his root motivation for everything is just making you happy so if you ask him to lay his head on your chest he will obey any day
i mean guys...
he is whipped for you let's be real
you say jump he says how high
he'll also never admit it or explicitly ask for it but he does love it when you play with his hair
especially when you curl it around your finger and tug on it a little
sometimes though if he's had a long day he'll come home and just lay his head down on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat
usually he'll get up after a while so he can talk to you without his words being muffled by your chest
sometimes though he's too tired and he'll just straight pass out
still in his gear and everything
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
hehehehe rudy my favorite
all right guys im sure you already saw it coming but rudy definitely LOVES resting his head on your chest
like it is his preferred position for everything
he will outright ask you to lay down so he could go rest his head on your chest
and yes he will ask you to play with his hair too
and he will sing your praises when you do
this definitely started way early in the relationship so you've had lots of time to get used to it
and it's not like you can complain because even if it does get uncomfortable at times rudy is always sure to let you know how much he appreciates it
i mean it just lets him actually sleep well for once
like as soon as his head is on your chest he is passed out
snoring quietly and drooling ever so slightly
and you know when he wakes up he's gonna have those red indent marks on his skin lol
but all jokes aside it really is his favorite thing like if he could he would record the sound of your heartbeat and play it back during missions
and also when he's on duty and has to sleep alone he definitely props up some pillows and tries to pretend it's you
it's not as good as you though
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tonkatsubowl · 9 months
love sick.
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✱ warning — the reader is the yandere.
how would the xianzhou boys react to you as a yandere?
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blade is definitely into this side of you. however, there are times where he had to calm you down. it was surprising that someone like blade even knew limits...especially when it came to necessary manslaughter.
"y/n." you ignored blade's voice, the warmth of a deceased woman's blood splattering upon your visage as you took another one's life.
this "innocent" woman in particular got a little too bold and tried to flirt with blade, trying seducing him to a form of prostitution sale. of course, he was immensely loyal to you... but he wasn't surprised for the woman's death, as he saw this coming. was he upset at you? definitely not, for he would do the same thing if a man touched or spoke to you in a disgusting way.
"y/n." he called again. "she's dead."
his hand reached towards your shoulder, stopping you in place. you breathed the fresh scent of iron, your distraught and psychotic eyes casting towards blade, and immediately your gaze had softened. decorated with blood, an innocent smile creeps towards your lips as you turn to embrace your lover.
"i just wanted to make sure she learned her lesson too." you reply, snuggling your face into blade's chest, smearing the woman's blood from your face all over his clothing.
"i'm sure she did. but now we have to bury the body."
"she doesn't deserve a burial," you nearly snap, "i'll just burn her body to crisp."
blade's gaze softens, pressing his thumb against your lips, "shh. take it easy, y/n. i'll handle it."
your eyes sparkle, but you nodded. you knew kafka didn't like seeing you in this mess, but you enjoyed it whenever you came back to the stellaron hunters and kafka had a handkerchief in hand. though, she did scold you a few times... and now blade doesn't want you to have that sort of attention from kafka.
dan heng would definitely try to find ways to not trigger this side of you. he knew you have a good heart and you would do anything to help and save the astral express team, but whenever it came to other women flirting with him and trying to seduce him... that was when you snapped.
you definitely couldn't control this side of you, and himeko and welt would continue to deeply monitor your well being whenever these sorts of things happened. there were multiple incidents where you've taken a few lives because they simply looked at dan heng's direction... but you've improved a bit? you were at least killing women and random people who decided to flirt with your lover, rather than anyone who sneezed in his direction at least.
"y/n, please..." the sounds of you ripping a woman's head apart from her body echoed through the halls, covering your body with her beautiful blood. you breathed, smiling through it all. unable to think.
but dan heng couldn't stop you. he was too late.
it was an innocent saleswoman who used flirtation to gain sales, and it was nothing more... nothing less. it was purely business related. but your jealousy got the best of you.
his voice finally snap you back to reality, your hand raised to stab her one more time came to a stop. you drop your weapon, looking to dan heng. your eyes softened, no longer were they... so psychotic. so evil.
"ah. there you are! i was looking for you," you innocently beamed, waddling up to him as if nothing had occurred.
right, this was an issue, too. you killed, and you don't remember what happened. or rather you just acted like nothing happened.
"are you okay? i really missed you," you innocently said to dan heng as you embraced him, his arms reluctantly returning the hug.
if he didn't return the affection, you would become worse.
"i was moreso worried about you, but i missed you too," dan heng said in a soft tone, "let's clean you up."
he'll have to report another incident to welt and himeko.
jing yuan has monitored your well being for a while, and has used different methods of therapeutic sessions to help you maintain this side of you... or get rid of it. he knew you had a killer instinct that's hidden inside of you that you cannot control, whatsoever. and it was... terrifying. not even yanqing or fu xuan really trusted you, even doubting their general because of you.
"get rid of them. they're going to cause you trouble." fu xuan would say to jing yuan. and boy, if you heard that? a life would be taken away. and it wouldn't be yours. you were significantly stronger than fu xuan, which was why she tends to stay away from you.
yanqing didn't want to make a comment. he knew you were always listening at one point. there was an incident where you nearly killed fu xuan because of her comments, but after some restraint, magic and a bit of therapeutic sessions, you had... improved. a bit. just a bit.
"i believe in them." jing yuan would say. "i never want to give up on them."
and even if you were currently killing some random woman right now for talking about wishing to be wed to general jing yuan, he would still love you. he would try to change you.
"that's enough, y/n."
he came to retrieve you after knowing you were headed out to kill this woman. your hands stopped as he reached out, grabbing your wrists, pulling you closer to his chest. "that's enough."
you breathed, leaning into his touch, innocently smiling faintly. you were finally "awake", no longer focused on a mere corpse. "oh, jing yuan," you cooed, "sorry, i got distracted. i was heading out to grab you a drink, and—"
"it's alright," jing yuan murmured, eyeing on the corpse. goodness, you were getting collectively worse with these murders. never had he seen these types of deaths before, even in his years on the battlefield. "let's get you back home. i'll have the cloud knights clean this up for you."
it was time for some therapeutic sessions again.
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taintedtort · 1 year
prompt ✧ their first impression of you
characters ✧ xiao, kazuha, wanderer
warnings ✧ gn!reader, kazu and scara both pining for you
a/n ✧ i have a few requests in my inbox rn, and i promise i’ll get to them.. but this popped in my head
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✧ to be completely honest, he ignored you. he doesn’t communicate well with humans and he automatically assumed you wouldn’t be any different. he had no opinion on your physical appearance because he instantly forgot what you looked like after you left. however, once you had made it very clear you were going to befriend him— wether he liked it or not— he started to notice things about you. he pushed you away over and over, claiming he had zero interest in you and your friendship, and yet you still continued to visit him. your persistence intrigued him, once he makes it clear to someone that he wants nothing to do with them they get offended and leave. but you didn’t, you stayed. this realization hit him hard and he quickly grew to crave your company (all part of the plan) eventually that craving for your friendship turned into a craving for more. he would get jealous whenever he’d see you talking to someone else, or he’d feel a sting in his chest when you called him your friend. he had a hard time placing these feelings and it only got worse when you were around, so he started avoiding you. it made sense in his head, but he didn’t think about how it would effect you. after weeks without seeing you, the feeling of needing your company got too strong and he gave in. when you were walking in town and caught site of him on the balcony, you ran up the stairs yelling his name. he finally realized the ache in his stomach as love and confessed to you then and there.
"i think i have feelings for you, what do i do?"
✧ he noticed your looks first and thought you were stunning, but when he spoke to you he found you even more enticing. he noticed you at the harbor and quickly was drawn to your character. he was sort of disappointed in himself, crushing on a stranger just because they were cute. he told himself over and over that he would talk to you, just to see if your personality was as attractive as you. he was sort of shy at first though. multiple times came around when he had the opportunity to approach you, but he kept chickening out. part of him was scared you wouldn’t have an agreeable personality, and he wanted to keep admiring you for just a bit longer if that were the case. eventually the perfect opportunity arose and he knew he’d be an idiot not to take his chances. you were helping load up the ship for the crews next trip, you saw them struggling and decided to help out. (yes you’re that nice) he approached you casually and introduced himself, asking if you were boarding the ship. he knew you weren’t, obviously, but he didn’t want to seem like a total creep. when he saw your kind smile and heard your name fall from your lips, he felt his heart race. after he witnessed your kindness first hand, he fell totally head over heels.
"it’s extremely nice to meet you, will you be joining us in our travels?"
✧ hated you. or at least he thought he did, he wasn’t sure. it had to be his brain frying from all the sleepless nights he’s had lately. yep… he was finally loosing it. he had thought that you were in his head so much because he absolutely despised you, but it was entirely the opposite. he’d never felt attraction towards someone before you, so he didn’t know what the feeling was. the feeling in his stomach felt similar to how he felt when he was looking at someone he hated though, so it had to be that. he sees you shopping it town a lot, conveniently at the same time he’s out. cannot go anywhere without seeing you and it pisses him off to no end. he knew you weren’t following him, you’ve never even looked at him, but that pissed him off even more. you don’t even know what he looks like, yet he’s memorized every curve and feature of your face. after weeks upon weeks of seeing you everywhere he turned he finally decided to talk to you. didn’t even think about what to say or have an excuse ready, he just walked up to you. he knew he probably looked mad, your look of confusion and worry before he even said a word tipped him off. took a breath a tried to relax his face a little before speaking. he actually told you he sees you all the time and questioned why you do so much shopping, which made you laugh. once he heard the noise, it kept replaying in his head over and over again. and when you finally spoke with a teasing tone he knew it was over for him.
"no i haven’t been watching you! i just happened to notice how much money you spend on such useless items, why do you even need that anyway?"
(hes lying)
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
Can’t stop thinking about cock warming soap.
After being granted "leave," Johnny has been home for hours.And spending time with his wife is the best thing he could do with his time. As soon as he got home, he gave the reader a big hug, kissed the top of their head, and dragged his bags into their master bedroom.Later, he emerged, inhaling the aroma of the food being prepared that evening. And rough houses the dog,giving it dad pats and praises. in the meanwhile.(He peggs me ass a dog guy)
He made his way into the kitchen to grab your waist and nuzzled his head into your neck.
Dinner was delicious and sweet,it felt great for him to be back home,finally able to breath and no longer stress of worrying about the well concern of your mental being.he just came back and was already dreading going back to work.All he could do as he layed up staring at the ceiling—cool breezed blowing through and think about you.He doesn’t wanna worry and focus to much on his short the time being was.he turned over to you,tucked in chest riding and falling before you open your eyes staring into his soul like a deer stunted in headlights.”ya looking at mi like you saw kelpies””well,your the one watching me sleep,you creep” I can’t help it,you’re gorgeous Bonnie” you cringed goofily reaping a silent chuckle and pushing his grinning face away with your palms.”but real question,whyre you awake?” “Same as you..can’t sleep” soap sighed and noded.you pulled down the covers reaching your leg,swinging it over to straddle his hips before reaching forward and laying down”
Johnny took a moment to adjust to the unexpectedness, traced your spine with his palm, and planted a kiss on your neck.
"You know, we haven't had any quality time together since you came back."
”What ye on aboot? We spent tonight having dinner,and cuddled by the fire. we even watched your favourite movie” he whispered a bit confused and chuckling at your statement.
“Yah know what I meant..” you said voice now low.
You reached your arm between your legs to palm his semi in his boxers.
“I meant flesh..to flesh”
That tone and your sudden interest in palming him were all that was needed.prior to his grasp of the cues.With a sly smile, he latched onto your hips, giving you the opportunity to take charge.With his body under you, you dragged him until he lined up and you sank down .He gave a rough moan.nails digging onto your plush hips before grinding you down.You gave his hands a slap.and scowled, "I can't touch?"he pouted
"No," you replied
"What's the point, bon? We just lay here,"
"Yes, precisely."
"And this is your suggestion for helping us fall asleep?" You nodded and let out a drowsy” hmmm” curling up into the warmth of his neck.
ugh not him watching us sleep 🙄🙄 he’s alright i guess 🙄🙄
he definitely would be the type to do that. and then be surprised when you’re jumpy. doesn’t help that he has the bluest eyes known to man, either.
what worse punishment for soap, than to be inside you and he can’t move?? there’s not. you’ve officially found his weakness.
and then you fall asleep before he can try convincing you to grind on him — or to at least let him do all the moving :(( so mean. but well deserved for watching us sleep.
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digital-domain · 8 months
thinkin about the absolute loml gojo who hates fancy settings but goes to one anyway because he knew reader would be there😭 like he sees them all dressed up which is a rarity and can't take his eyes (or hands wink wonk) off them. i can just see reader having to scold him for being so touchy but he can't help it, its not like he cares about the eyes that might be watching them anyway lmao. but no cus he'd probably be whispering absolute FILTH into their ear😭
this is just a basic idea, add as much spice or anything else you want🤭🤭 ALSO I LOVE YOUR WRITING<3
Ahhhh thank you so much!! <3
I LOVED this prompt so much that it ended up wayy longer than I anticipated. Around 2k words I think?? I hope you enjoy :)
Content tags: hmm I’d say suggestive but not nsfw? But Gojo is being a menace. In the best way possible.
An art gallery. Who the fuck wants to spend a Friday night at an art gallery? You, apparently. Enough to turn down Gojo’s generous invitation to a much less pretentious, much less obnoxiously-well-lit bar in the center of the downtown entertainment district. It would have been fun, pulling you out onto the floor, convincing you to dance for what he can only assume would be the first time in your life. If you’d ever experienced it, you would have gone with him. Instead, he’s here, surrounded by sculptures which seem to depict nothing in particular, searching for you in the crowd. He can’t really be mad at you for turning him down tonight. Apparently, you’ve had these plans for months - you’re friends with the artist-of-honor, or whatever you call it. He wasn’t really paying attention to the specifics. And he’s not paying attention to the art, either. The promise of free wine intrigued him, though - if only he could find a server.
There’s a dress code, too. Suits only for men (or tuxes, but he doesn’t own one of those). The one he’s got on is light blue, standing out among a sea of navy and black and grey. He absently wonders what you would have worn if you’d gone clubbing with him instead - he’s imagining a short, black dress, or maybe a sparkly one, or jeans with one of those tops that seem to just be bras in disguise. He’s never seen you show off that much, but it’s fun to picture. Maybe there’s something to that idea of “leaving things to the imagination.” When it comes to you, he has a vivid one. A sly grin creeps over his face as he thinks of what might have happened tonight - flashing lights, dark corners, a dense crowd pressing the two of you together. Inevitably. Finally. In the most technical sense, you’re still just a “friend from work,” but you both know it’s more than that. He’s not exactly the subtle type. He’s been flirting hard for weeks - and you’ve flirted back. Even almost kissed him once or twice. You’re just a little bit shyer about things than he is. A little bit scared. It’s always “Someone could see us!” Or even worse: “We can’t. It’ll make things too complicated.” Always with a strange mixture of fear and excitement in your voice. You’re at least as interested as you are intimidated – it’s not an uncommon reaction. And he hasn’t pushed you too hard. He’s been holding back. But then again…so have you. And tonight could have been just the opportunity you both needed. In fact - it still could…
His moment of self-indulgence is broken when he checks his phone. He’d texted you a full five minutes ago ( “surprise! I’m here. Come find me ;)” ) and you still haven’t responded. Perhaps you’re simply enraptured by the weird little metal ornaments around you. Or maybe - no. There’s no way you’re purposely ignoring him. He put on a suit for you. And a matching tie. And flirted with the girl at the front table so he could get in without an invitation…
Hm. Maybe you’d seen that. It wasn’t his best performance - but he was here! The methods, in this case, totally justified the means.
He scans the room for you again. You shouldn’t be hard to find - he towers over the people around him. Over in the corner, maybe? Pressed up against a wall…
Oh. There you are.
He almost didn’t recognize you at first - he hadn’t expected that little black dress he’d been imagining to become a reality. Especially not here, where most of the women he’d seen were wearing long dresses or jumpsuits or blazer sets. It’s form-fitting, short, and two little shoulder straps are all that’s keeping it on. You stand out - and just like that, the little bit of self-control he had left is gone. You need encouragement? He’s going to give it to you. He zips across the room, almost knocking over that server he’d been searching for moments earlier, then doubling back to pick up two plastic glasses of red wine. He sidles up behind you, wrapping his arm all the way around your bare shoulder, and proudly holds one of them up to your face.
Oh no.
You decided weeks ago that you weren’t going to do this. Not with him. As soon as his hand first not-so-accidentally brushed up against yours, as soon as he made his intentions clear – you’d made up your mind. Getting…involved…with Gojo Satoru would be a huge risk. He’s simply too strong. Too complicated. Too much. In terms of power, personality - everything. Everyone wants a piece of him, everyone’s watching him, and you don’t want those same pairs of eyes falling upon you. You can flirt back – sometimes, it’s impossible not to – but that’s it. It’s just simple fun. A diversion. It’s going to create issues if it becomes anything more.
However. You’ve been playing these little games for weeks, and you just find yourself getting closer and closer. And now, he’s here.
You whip around at the sudden appearance of Gojo’s hand, nearly knocking the contents of the glass in front of you to the floor. You’re aware that you’re staring. But you can’t exactly look away. He’s here, standing before you, for absolutely good reason. Although…no. You’re sure that in his mind, it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to do. But only because he’s a little bit insane.
He grins shamelessly, and casually sets the wine on a nearby display shelf, dinging the rims of the two cups against the sheer pane of glass. “Haven’t you been checking your phone?”
“No.” You shake your head, eyes wide in disbelief. “How did you even…never mind. I don’t wanna know.” His smile only grows as you narrow your eyes at him. “Why are you here?”
“I’ve developed a sudden appreciation for modern art.” He bites his lip, looks you up and down, bright blue eyes flashing over you. “Especially the kind that wears dresses like that one.”
“Satoru…” you sigh. Although you’re not unaffected by the compliment, you know you have to resist a little bit - he’ll pounce if you give him an opening. But he’s so over-the-top that it’s hard not to be impressed at his efforts. And, you have to admit - he looks incredible in formalwear. “You are…a complete menace.”
“Impossible.” He gestures down at himself. “Look at me. I’m very classy.”
You roll your eyes. “Only on the outside.”
“I wanna go outside.” He dramatically loosens his tie. “It’s hot in here.”
He’s ridiculous. The farthest thing from classy - or subtle. “No. It’s really not.”
“Well, of course you’re cold. You’re barely wearing anyth-“
He shrugs. “Sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Maybe not.” There’s a pause.
Within that pause, you struggle to force your brain back to rationality. And you fail terribly.
He points to your shoulder. “You know that strap is slipping?” You look down, and in the split second that your eyes leave his face, he darts forward to “fix it” - you’ll never really know whether it actually needed fixing. You take a step backwards, shaken out of your thoughts, caught off guard by the sudden movement. In your surprise, you nearly trip - and he catches you by the waist. The most humiliating thing is how he has to lean down to murmur in your ear, smirking all the while.
“Sorry. Didn’t realize I was gonna sweep you off your feet.” He loosens his grip - giving you an out, perhaps - but you don’t pull away. He’s never touched you like this before, never been quite so blatant, and despite the setting, you can’t help but enjoy the attention. Even as you’re embarrassed by it. Maybe that’s the real humiliation - the fact that you can’t get yourself to resist him, as much as you might want to. As much as you really should.
He’s encouraged by your reaction, and presses on: “I’m just lookin’ out for you. Did you even read the dress code?”
“It’s a dress,” you protest, already feeling the warmth spreading over your face. He’s so infuriating. And obnoxiously pretty. His eyes are even more beautiful when brought out by the blue of his suit, his body even more distracting when it’s inches away from you. He even smells good. It’s beyond irritating. “Dresses are formal. Therefore - I’m dressed formally. It’s not like I had a ton of options in my closet. I wasn’t gonna go out and buy something new -“
“Sure.” You know you sound flustered, and he clearly thinks it’s adorable. It always seems to happen so easily. And he wants more of it. He tightens his hold on your waist and drags his hand up the outside of your thigh, all the way up to the bottom of your dress, eyes flashing mischievously as you squirm at his touch. “Didn’t realize formal could be so sexy.”
You can’t respond to that - it’s far, far too dangerous. Instead, you glance around the room, suddenly very aware of the people around you - a lot of them are doing more than glancing as they pass by. “You’re making people stare.”
“Me? Pretty sure it’s you doing that.” One finger slips under the hemline of your skirt, his nail scratching slightly against your skin. He presses his lips to your ear, his voice barely a whisper. “You wearin’ anything under here?”
Your face is burning now, and you’re sure he can tell. “Yes.”
“Yeah? Cuz I don’t feel anything.”
“No shorts…just…” You realize what you’re telling him, and force yourself to shut up. “Fuck you.”
“If you insist.”
“Clever.” You’re torn. Half of you wants to slap him. The other half…well. You’ve been holding back the other half for a very long time. And you’re getting tired of it.
“Aren’t I?” There’s that grin again - the one that’s been flashing through your mind more than you’d like to admit in the past few weeks. “You should’ve come out with me tonight. This behavior would draw a lot less attention where I wanted to go.”
“If you’re concerned about that, you could just…” You squirm. “Y’know. Let go of me.”
“But do you really want me to?”
This is your last chance. You could say yes. Probably should. But it would be a complete and utter lie. And those eyes…they make all of your worries so easy to forget.
“Mhmm. That’s what I thought.” His hand brushes over your jaw, tilting your face, insisting that you meet his gaze. “I’m not concerned. About them, or about…anything else.” In that moment, you feel like his eyes are piercing you. He understands perfectly. He’s read your mind. “You’re gonna be just fine. And if you’re still not sure of that…that just means I need to try harder to convince you.”
You look up at him, anticipating his next move even as you ask: “What does that mean?”
He leans in.
Oh god.
He leans in and kisses you.
And your mind goes blank.
You kiss him back, and pay no mind as his hand slides under the skirt of your dress.
Okay. Maybe not no mind. But you certainly don’t mind. Not even a little.
Your eyes flutter closed, blocking out your surroundings. People are definitely staring, but in the moment, you suddenly can’t bring yourself to care. You’ll worry about everything else in the morning. For now…
He pulls back, hands still locked around your waist, your upper thigh, a palpably hungry look in his eyes. “You still mad at me for showin’ up?”
One more chance to walk away – but he knows you won’t. Your answer is obvious, but you spell it out anyways. He wants to hear you say it. “No. I’m glad you did.”
“Mhm. And…” He nips at your ear, his fingernails digging into your leg, the smirk broadening on his face. ��’You wanna come with me when I leave?”
You quickly nod, breathless. “Yes.”
“Good. Because I wasn’t planning on sticking around here for long.” He sighs dramatically, breathing deeply into your hair. “And I would hate to leave you all alone.”
Again – ridiculous. Infuriating. And…impossible to turn down. It’s all you can do to stay upright, and follow him to the door, his hand laced tightly between your fingers, arm still wrapped around your waist. You forget about your coat, too – it’s still in the backroom somewhere. Maybe you’ll make him go get it for you in the morning. But you don’t want to think about the morning just yet.
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beanmachine69 · 1 year
Restless- Lance Stroll
Lance Stroll fluffy blurb because I love him<3
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As tired as you were, you just couldn't get yourself to sleep. The sheets felt weird, your shirt felt weird, the room was too cold one minute and too hot the other minute, everything felt weird. It didn't help that Lance was out late and wouldn't be coming home soon. It felt so strange sleeping without him, and it was far worse tonight. No amount of twisting and turning or white noise was helping you sleep tonight. Every possible attempt was turning to be futile and it was nearly impossible to not think of him at this moment.
You got up, huffing and resorting to the last bright idea you had. Pushing the sheets off of yourself, you got out of bed and brought your plushie from the corner of the room. You were going to cuddle something- Lance or no Lance.
You fell back on the bed with a thump, hugging your little friend. It was soft in your arms and felt significantly more reassuring than you expected. It eased you more than you had hoped, and you couldn't complain. Felt childish, but still comforting.
You had just gotten comfortable when the moods started again, the room felt too hot again and the sheets felt weird and the bed was empty and suddenly no plushie was big enough to take Lances' place. You let out a loud huff of frustration and got up, picking your plushie up and going to the kitchen. If you weren't going to sleep, might as well get a snack and watch something, clearly your body didn't want to co-operate tonight.
Grabbing a snack from the kitchen, you went to sit in the lounge, infront of the huge TV Lance had gotten installed a while back. Scrolling through Netflix, you landed on something you liked and began watching. Were you paying attention? no, absolutely not, you missed your boyfriend far more than usual, and all you wanted was for him to hug you as you went to sleep.
You'd known Lance for so long, and had liked him for even longer, there was no doubt in your mind when he asked you out. You both had dated for years now, and moved in together recently. You travelled with him every time you could, always supporting him whenever and wherever you could. You missed him more than usual tonight, not for any reason, but mostly when you couldn't sleep he'd always been around to help, he was great comfort, always.
Completely lost in thought, you hadn't heard Lance walk in, quietly closing the door behind himself to ensure you wouldn't wake up. He was obviously beyond surprised when he walked in to see you on the couch, zoned out infront of the TV, with a snack in one hand and a plushie in one. He chuckled a bit at the sight, it was cute, even cuter since you were in his shirt.
He crept up behind you, closing the gap as jumped the couch from behind, sitting next to you. You shrieked in surprise, getting pulled away from your thoughts by his sudden presence. He laughed as you registered the situation, pulling you in for a kiss.
"Hi." He smiled, as he pulled away, still mere inches away from you.
"I didn't hear you come in." You giggled at the proximity. You could feel his breath on your face.
He hummed as he pulled your waist closer to him, propping you in an awkward angle on his lap, which you readjusted so you could straddle him and see him better.
"Yeah, the TVs loud," He replied. You felt his hand wander around the couch for something, pulling your plushie up, "And I've clearly been replaced."
You laughed, pulling him in for a hug. He felt so warm, and smelled so good- despite the fact that he'd just gotten home. You finally felt the comfort creep it's way back into you.
"Yeah well, I missed you and I couldn't sleep." You pouted.
"Oh? Baby, I'm so sorry, I told you I'd be out late tonight..."
"Yeah, I know, I just couldn't sleep tonight, I'm not sure why."
"Are you tired? Because I sure am."
He chuckled, patting your lower back to indicate he wanted you to move off of him, and so you did, scooching off of him and onto the couch again. He stood up, only to lean back down and scoop you up too.
"Come on, leave your snack here, I'm tired and I wanna cuddle with you."
You smiled, finally feeling like you could sleep again. His presence had an effect on you, it was comforting and practically intoxicating. He was so gentle with you, always prioritising you wherever he could. He always claimed that you meant more to him than racing on most days.
And so you both made your way under the sheets, hugging each other, with your head on his chest and his hand playing with your hair mindlessly. He seemed content and calm, like he always did with you.
A/N: sorry if this is short, been a bit swamped lol, anyways, Requests are open as usual! send some requests in and I'll write them asap!
Always open to criticism, lmk if I can improve my work, thanks!
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silver-itallics · 5 months
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Last Light
Warnings: canon typical violence, heavy angst, hurt no comfort, you guys will be mad at me
a/n: I was thinking about when Leigh mentioned in the saw commentary that someone wrote a monologue from Lawrence's point of view after leaving the bathroom and I wanted to write one for Adam
"I'm a liar?"
"I wouldn't lie to you."
Liar, lies. Seems like either way, Adam is getting screwed over.
He sits in the dark, dingy bathroom, his eyes still struggling to adjust. His throat is raw and aching from all the screaming and crying. Not even the hardest sex could have done that to him.
God, he's really gonna die having fucked one person.
All of his relationships were mediocre, even the platonic ones. Scott treated him like shit, the guy probably hasn't even noticed that he's gone.
Has anyone?
Lawrence is someone that would be noticed, he's got a wife and kids for fucks sake.
"I've got a family too, Lawrence! I don't talk to them anymore, that's my mistake. A mistake I'd like to fix."
One of the last things he remembers at the apartment is scribbling "Call mom?" On a crumpled post it and sticking it to the wall. The paper has probably fallen down by now. Forgotten.
Are his parents even looking for him?
Probably not. They probably haven't noticed either.
Everything that Adam does ends up screwing him in the end, just like this. But he can't really blame anyone but himself, can he? Not even $200 was worth being stuck in this bathroom. Doesn't even soften the fact that he'll probably be here forever.
The money was meant to go for his food. Not a camera, not developing fluid, not even that shiny new pokemon game Adam wanted. Food.
A necessity he barely even had.
"Why? Call it my need to eat."
He remembers snapping at Lawrence like it was the most obvious answer. But food is a luxury even Adam can't afford. The guy lives off of ramen noodles and sodas from the gas station. Sometimes he even wonders why he never gained any weight since he ate such shit.
His mom was never the greatest cook, but he'd take soggy meatloaf and unseasoned mashed potatoes any day.
At the thought, Adam's stomach rumbles. His guts ache from hunger, but he's not a stranger to it. That's usually how his day goes.
He can't even blame Jigsaw for trapping him here. But in all honesty, Adam has done so much self sabotaging, that he's probably done worse to himself than the man that left him here.
He's felt worse betrayal than when the dead man stood up, peeled the fake skin off his skull and left him here.
"Game over!"
Dead man. Adam squints in the darkness, trying to make out Zep's corpse. He's not even sure why. The first time he saw a dead body, or what he thought was one, he puked his guts out into the tub. Couldn't even keep down his latest meal.
He'll probably starve even quicker now.
The room smells like blood, and his fingers are sticky from the same substance. Not only is he a voyeur, he's a killer. Maybe his last girlfriend was right: he's too angry.
Adam isn't very good at anatomy, at least the human side of it. But he knows he broke through layers of skin and bone when he'd crushed through the hospital orderly's skull.
"It's the rules!"
Knowing now, he feels guilty. Awful, even. Guy probably had a family too, even if he was a bit of a creep. Where do you draw the line of deserving a family? What's so bad that you no longer are worthy of someone related by blood? Adam's probably the worst person to ask that.
He'd stormed out on his parents after a petty argument, an excuse to leave. One that he'd been wanting to have since he was seventeen. Somehow, he'd convinced himself that they wouldn't accept him, even if they let him drop out of high school and didn't even call the cops when he left. But was that tolerance or pure disinterest?
Maybe he's not a total waste of time, since his mom had called not long before he got his power knocked out the same way he was.
"Adam, your father's not angry anymore."
Lawrence had a home, a family. A good one, too. The pictures he saw of Diana and Alison made him crack a smile. At least before the one with them tied up. He shivers, probably both from disgust and blood loss.
His shoulder aches, oozing blood all over his shitty thrift store clothes. Adam understands why Doctor Gordon left. He has some place to go, people to welcome him home with open arms. Most places Adam went, he wasn't even noticed.
He kicks with his right foot in anger, the chain rattling as he does. The metal bites into his skin and the amount of pain he's in is just frustrating at this point. Adam screams, but his voice is raw and broken.
As much as he hopes the doctor will come back for him, at least he has half the brain to know that Lawrence probably won't make it. The man that he's had the first physical touch from in months is probably bleeding out in the sewers, and there's nothing he can do about it.
He doesn't even have a choice to cut off his foot like the doctor did. Sure, the blood loss will probably kill him, but Adam is sick of waiting around for something to happen. A job to drop, a phone call.
But he can't even do that.
The hacksaw he found in the toilet had snapped in half. A result of his ever consuming anger. Seems like everything he does leads back to that.
"I see a strange mix of someone who's angry, yet apathetic. But mostly just pathetic."
If Adam isn't angry at the world, he's angry with himself. He feels like a waste of space on the good days and a tumor on the face of the earth on the bad ones. At least with photography he felt like he had a purpose, even if it was supplying creeps and weirdos with material. He wasn't really helping anyone, was he? Even Tapp ended up dead.
But Lawrence helps people. Even if he thought the guy was initially a jerk, Adam admires him. Misses the man's blood stained hands as he cupped his cheeks.
"I wanted to be a vet."
That way, he'd benefit the world somehow. Even if he was pulling tennis balls out of dogs' throats or cleaning up puke every day. He'd much rather smell vomit, as he's getting quite sick of the coppery scent of blood.
"That's nonsense. I've seen kids with brain cancer graduate high school from a hospital bed."
"They got further than I ever did."
Adam has been pretty able bodied his whole life. While he'd consider it a nuisance that his body doesn't match up with his own view of himself, that's not a disability.
Maybe his parents wouldn't even mind, maybe they'd help him with the cost of surgery and injections. But he hadn't even told them. His parents barely know who he is. Adam barely knows himself.
"What do voyeurs see when they look in the mirror?"
Nothing. The answer is nothing.
He's like a leech, sucking the energy and luck out of everyone around him.
Now he's left to sit in his own grave- metaphorically and literally. He probably won't even have the luxury of being buried or cremated.
Hopefully someone will come around and put him out of his misery. Like a calf with two heads or a dog with rabies.
But until then, he's left to wait.
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Pairing: vampire!Eddie Munson x femreader
Rating: E
Words: 6k
Warnings: mention of a dead body, blood, angst, hurt/comfort, smut (unprotected, blood play).
A/N: if you know @magpie-to-the-morning or myself, you know that we are both weird girls who thrive on all things dark and spooky. So when we started hearing vampire Eddie theories floating around (yes, Emma saw it coming before the rest of us), we had to team up and bring our baby boy back (finale? what finale?). And in doing so we learned how well we work together, how we compliment each other and somehow share a weird gothy love language.
Morningstar is a fic for our fellow weird girls, our fellow outcasts. It's a love letter to them, and to Eddie Munson, who deserves the same care and protection he showed the little lost sheepies.
Beta'd by @jadore-andor without whom Alex is nothing and for whom Emma is eternally grateful.
alex masterlist | emma masterlist | ao3
Part One - A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night | Part Two | Part Three
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“You sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Your friend bit her lip, eyeing the darkness beyond her trailer’s porchlight as if its lengthening shadows would reach out and snatch you right off the concrete steps. “Hawkins is… different, since you left. It’s been worse since the earthquake.” She sounded nervous, enough so that goosebumps pebbled over the skin of your arms.
Still, you weren’t one to be daunted by the creeping feeling of dread that seemed to have gained a chokehold on your hometown.
“I’ll be fine. Besides, you know me. I like different.” You flashed her a reassuring grin and, with a wave, set out for the dirt track leading through the woods. You’d walked home this way dozens of times, hundreds - just not since you went away to college last fall. It’s what had kept you insulated from the bizarre rumors flying around town - lab experiments gone wrong, monsters on the loose, satanic cults. Even the very real and tragic deaths didn’t ring true, and you’d flat out laughed at the idea of Eddie Munson being some sort of serial killer. It was the same small town ignorance you’d fled back in September, the same gossip and petty-mindedness, albeit on a scale that had everyone feeling tense enough to snap.
It was a relief to be away from that feeling, surrounded by the familiar trees that had been the background of your dizzy daydreams as a child. Out here you had felt safe fantasizing about the things that went bump in the night without fear of what your peers would think, how they might judge you for your darker interests. Here in the woods, there was ample space to imagine werewolves and witches and vampires, and where you might fit among them. Even as you got older and your daydreams changed, it was your favorite place to lose a few hours, your headphones firmly over your ears as you sprawled on a blanket to write in your journal.
A cool breeze murmured through the branches overhead and spring peepers trilled in the distance, their nighttime chorus punctuated by the plaintive calls of nightbirds. You took a deep breath, savoring the peace, as you made your way through the woods. As you walked, you debated whether you wanted a night alone or if you would rather call Robin and finally give in to her pleas of spending an evening with her and Steve Harrington - a pair you could still hardly imagine actually hanging out together. But she swore he was cool and no longer the douchey jock you remembered before you left for college.
You were lost in your own thoughts, not noticing when the birds fell silent. Something tugged at the back of your mind when even the frogs stopped calling, but you were too busy ruminating over the empty months ahead to notice the shift in the air, the pervading sense of wrongness creeping up on you now that the sky had turned black.
Until you nearly tripped over the bodies…
The toe of your boot hit something solid, shocking you to a stop. You had assumed it was a mass of leaves, a random pile left behind by some kids. But that…that was hair, dark and ashy. And that was a hand, outstretched and pale as bone in the moonlight. Your stomach rolled, your hand covering your mouth to hold back the bile that rose in your throat. It smelled like death, you realized, like blood and sickly sweet rot. But then there was movement, just a shifting beneath the dirt that sent the leaves scattering, and from the lump of foliage, Eddie Munson looked up at you, his eyes black in the night. Andy, that creep, with his stupid curly hair and letterman jacket, lay motionless beneath Eddie, his fingers clawing into the dirt even in death.
Andy was dead. The thought slammed through your mind but you couldn’t bring yourself to feel bad about it, not even as you gazed into his lifeless face, his eyes dull as they stared into nothingness. No, you didn’t feel bad, not after what he had tried to do last summer.
Eddie groaned and it stirred something in you, snapping your awareness back into place. You dropped beside him, hands hovering over his hair, hair face, his chest. There was blood, too much blood, smeared across his mouth and jaw and you had no idea who it belonged to - him or Andy. You knew how it looked, how freakish and fantastical, and your mind began to scream one impossible word.
"Hey Munson," you breathed, pushing away the ridiculous thought. "Remember me?" You asked softly, brushing the hair from his eyes. He mumbled your name, recognition flashing across his glassy eyes, the syllables garbled as he coughed and more blood splattered over his face, little freckles of red scattered now over your neck and cheeks. "That's right." You tried to smile, tried to shove down the feeling of wrongness, of fear, that pricked up your spine. Your hands skated over his chest, fingertips softly probing for wounds. You had to get him out of there, had to get him help. He was freezing, too cold for the warmth of spring, and goosebumps again erupted over your arms.
Eddie’s fingers closed like a vise around your wrist, his rings biting into the bone, and you winced at the sudden display of strength, the cold power that snapped like a taut bowstring, thrumming through his touch. He whimpered then, a small pathetic sound that tugged at something in your lower belly.
You leaned in closer, concern creasing your brow, and startled when his grasp tightened even further, pulling you off balance and down into the leaf litter beside him.
“Eddie, what - “
He pressed against you and the words died in your throat. Your back was braced against something solid, your fingers scrabbling against the fake leather of Andy's letterman jacket. Dread clogged your throat when you realized exactly where you were, trapped between a dead man and the the most likely suspect for his murder. But this was Eddie. He couldn't be responsible for whatever had happened here. The Eddie you remembered was kind, if a little eccentric; all throughout highschool he'd always spared you a smile and because of it you had harbored a silly crush. His disdain for the "popular" kids was no secret, but he'd treated everyone else with basic kindness.
“I don’t even remember doing it,” Eddie murmured close to your ear. His voice was weak, shaken, a far cry from his usual boisterous nature. He sounded scared. Lost. “He found me in the woods, right after… I didn’t mean to.”
His eyes were pleading. For understanding? Forgiveness? Maybe just for you not to scramble up and run as far away as you could, leaving him bloody and alone. You reached out to stroke the lines of his cheek with trembling fingers. “Didn’t mean to do what, Eddie?”
Your voice shook as his cool breath fanned across your jaw, as he dragged himself over you and settled his weight on top of you. Your head spun, pulled in too many directions. How many times had you imagined this back in highschool? How many times had you thought about being brave and telling him that he was the best thing about Hawkins, aside from Robin, that thoughts of him had kept you up at night?
Again that sense of utter wrongness settled over you and the apprehension had you feeling skittish. His hair tickled your face as the wind shifted and you felt him go rigid above you, his hands gripping hard at your thighs as he fought to hold still. “To be a monster.”
You pulled back to look at him, brushing the hair from his face, hands cradling his jaw. “Eddie, you are not a monster, okay? Whatever happened here, we can figure it out. But you are not a monster.” Were you crazy for thinking so? Probably. But what you knew about Eddie Munson, romanticized schoolgirl fantasies or not, led you to truly believe that he was in no way some kind of beast.
“Then why do I feel like this?” Gone was the warm, familiar brown of his eyes, swallowed up by so much black. His gaze was locked on your mouth, darting between your lips and your throat, and when he spoke you saw the pointed tips of his canines, elongated in the light of the moon, and again your brain blared a single word at you.
Pulling in a trembling breath, your chest brushed his. You felt the air go still, the tension between you snapping. “I’m sorry,” he said with a whimper and then his mouth was at your neck, pain blooming hot and sudden. You shrieked, slapping at his shoulders and digging your heels into the soft ground, trying desperately to put distance between you. He snarled, the sound closer to something an animal would make and you realized that in this moment he might as well be a predator defending his kill.
Slowly, and then all at once, the agony shifted, becoming softer and melting into something decadent. There was a soft pulling sensation and the rasp of his tongue over your sensitive skin had you arching beneath him, all thoughts of escape floating from your mind. One of his hands dragged up your thigh and over the cage of your ribs to hold you still, the other moved your leg so he could settle more comfortably between your thighs. The world took on a dreamy sort of quality, delicate around the edges as everything began to go quiet. All you felt was Eddie’s mouth, his large hands, the way he began to grow hard against your center. The artfully ripped tights you wore beneath your skirt were hardly a barrier and you couldn’t help but roll your hips against him, moaning softly at the way he thrust forward in slow, dragging movements.
Sensation pulled at you, tendrils of want tugging you deeper into that waiting darkness. Your mind went deliciously blank, everything fading but the stroke of his tongue that matched the heartbeat between your legs. You found yourself all too eager to let go, to succumb to whatever it was that had you forgetting yourself, your nerves and better judgement. You could lie there for hours, all night, forever, but some lingering spark of self preservation flared within the darkening recesses of your mind.
“Eddie.” It was a feeble protest, barely audible over the sound of the wind caressing the leaves or his contented growls at your throat. “Eddie, stop. Not here.” When he didn’t respond you pulled yourself together as best you could and reached down, pinching the meat of his thigh. He yelped, the sound so out of place that a startled laugh burst from your throat, an almost hysterical sound. When he pulled away the moonlight caught in the fresh blood smeared across his mouth and jaw - your blood. The thought was staggering and for a moment you felt even more lightheaded, the trees above swaying as you sagged back against Andy.
You shoved away from his body, untangling yourself from Eddie and shooting to your feet. Reaching up, you touched your neck gingerly. Your fingers came away red, shining, and you lurched forward. Eddie shoved himself from the ground, his hands coming to steady you, gripping your elbows gently. He glanced down at Andy, too many emotions flashing across his dark eyes to name. You turned, placing your body between them and retreating until your back rested against Eddie’s chest. Cocking your head, you surveyed the area, taking in the details you had missed earlier.
“Animal,” you said as it all clicked in your mind, the solution fitting together like puzzle pieces.
“What?” His voice was hoarse, raw.
“It looks like an animal got him,” you elaborated and felt Eddie go tense behind you. “Hey.” You turned and took his hand. It was cold against your palm and you could feel his hesitation as you brushed your thumb across the delicate skin. “Munson, look at me.”
With a shudder, Eddie lifted his gaze to meet yours, his head ducked and his body tensed as if to run.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I know you. And you’re not an animal, or a monster, or whatever else this bullshit town has been claiming. Even with all of… this.” You kicked some leaves over Andy’s body and turned back to Eddie. “We can figure this out. Will you let me help you?”
When he finally nodded, you twined your fingers with his and tugged gently. “Come on, then. Let’s get you somewhere safe.”
You led Eddie to your parents’ house, relieved that they’d chosen this week to take the cruise your mom had always droned on about. Even with having the whole basement recently converted into an apartment for you, bringing a wanted fugitive home would have invited all sorts of questions you weren’t sure you had the answers to.
Eddie looked even more lost inside, his hair tangled and torn, bloody, mud-streaked clothing jarring against the respectable wallpaper and aggressive cleanliness of your parents’ home. He startled when you opened the basement door and a shadow streaked through it, racing toward the two of you.
“It’s okay, it’s just my cat.”
The little black creature in question trotted into the light with an inquisitive “mrrp” and wound around your legs.
Eddie relaxed beside you. After a moment he crouched down and held his fingers out for the cat to sniff. “What’s his name?”
“Jonathan Barker.” When Eddie stared incredulously up at you you shrugged. “I was on a horror classics kick.”
“But Barker? I uh, don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s a cat.”
“What’s your point?”
“… Fair enough.” He chuckled, a little faintly, but amused all the same. Your heart lifted at the sheer familiarity of the sound. Jonathan Barker rubbed his cheek against the ripped denim at Eddie’s knee but darted away when Eddie reached to pet him. “Fine,” Eddie scoffed, unconvincingly. “I’m more of a dog person anyway.”
“Be nice, he’s had a hard life. I found him by the side of the road when he was a kitten and he’s always been a little skittish.” Jonathan Barker stared at Eddie with wide eyes from his perch on the back of the couch, as if agreeing with you.
Eddie fell quiet again as you led him down the creaking stairs and into your basement apartment. It was easier to breathe there, surrounded by battered pieces of mismatched yet comfortable furniture, Joy Division and Patti Smith posters, stacks of well-thumbed paperback books, milk crates full of albums and cassettes, and houseplants crowding every window well. The conversion had been your parents’ condition when you’d told them you needed some time off school. Your mother had already turned your room into a home gym and “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable down there, dear? You’ll have more room for all your… interests.”
Part of you suspected they were a little relieved to have you neatly tucked out of sight.
You moved towards the small kitchen area with the vague idea of making tea on the little hot plate. Having a task to focus on kept your mind from racing about what on earth you and Eddie were going to do next. You busied yourself with the familiar ritual for the next few minutes, giving both of you time to think. By the time you set a steaming ceramic mug in front of Eddie, his expression was less wild, his frame less taut with that kinetic, restless energy. He wrapped his hands around the mug’s warmth and didn’t quite meet your eyes as he asked “So, what happens now?” He took an experimental sip but pulled a face. At the flavor, you wondered? Or his attempt to get something other than blood into his system?
“Well, we should probably get you cleaned up,” you said softly, taking in the shadows beneath his eyes, the blood crusted across his face and neck. Dirt clung to him like a second skin and you could see how uncomfortable he was beneath the grime. You abandoned your mug on the counter, pushing off and walking across the room toward the closet by the bathroom and pulled down a few fluffy towels. Eddie’s shuffling footsteps followed you into the little room, and he stopped in the doorway while you turned the hot water knob. You moved to face him, finding him staring straight ahead, his brows bunched in confusion. Turning, you tracked his line of sight toward the mirror, his dirty image reflected back.
“I wasn’t sure I would actually show up,” he mumbled, reaching up and dragging his fingers over his cheek.
“Silver,” you said, watching him watch you.
You shrugged. “Mirrors used to be backed in silver and the myth goes that silver is detrimental to…,” you paused as his eyes narrowed and waved your hands to dispel the building tension. “Well, you know. You’ll show up in pictures too,” you chirped, hoping to lighten the mood.
“How did you become the vampire expert?” A heavy brow rose and you fought the urge to fold your shoulders, to make yourself smaller under his gaze.
“I read a lot,” you snapped, suddenly defensive. After a long moment he nodded, shrugging off his vest. You startled when it hit the ground, heavy pins clattering against the tile, and turned to leave. His cold fingers wrapped tight around your wrist, stopping you from sliding past him.
Again, his eyes were pleading, soft and dark and lovely. “Stay,” he asked, “please.”
You thought the rapidfire emotional changes would give you whiplash, but you nodded, exhaling sharply, and reached for the hem of his shirt. He raised his arms and you pulled it over his head, dropping it to lie with his vest. Angry marks were scattered across his torso, red and welted and poorly healed. A gasp escaped your mouth as you took it in, reaching forward and gingerly trailing your fingers over the wounds. “Eddie, what happened to you?” Your voice was hushed, quiet as the steam from the shower began to cloud in the small space.
“It’s all a little blurry,” he murmured, his hands going for the buckle of his belt. He unclasped the mini handcuffs that held it together, deft fingers quickly working open the button of his jeans. Your eyes snapped back to his and you found him watching you hungrily. A chill danced up your spine at the sight, a mix of cold fear and delicious anticipation. You realized he was trying to distract you, obviously not wanting to answer the question. So you let him.
He side stepped you and you turned, not looking away and letting him press you against the door. The small of your back hit the wood and he kept coming, cocking his head as he crowded into your space. Reaching out, you rested your hands against his chest, your eyes going wide when you registered that there was no heartbeat against your palm. Eddie didn’t seem to notice as he leaned forward, a smug grin stretched across his mouth.
You wanted this. And it was obvious that he wanted it too, but it was almost too much right now and your head was spinning. “Give me your rings,” you murmured hurriedly, grasping for an excuse to take a moment and collect your thoughts. You tugged your lip between your teeth and he quirked a brow at you. “I’ll get them cleaned up for you.” His smirk softened into a smile and he stepped back, pulling them off one by one. The silver had burned him, leaving behind painful looking bruises and charred skin. You refused to react, knowing that he wouldn’t want your pity, and held out your hand for him to drop them into. They clinked together as you caught them and you pushed him lightly toward the shower. Eddie turned, dropping his pants and you couldn’t help but glance at his ass as he pulled back the curtain and stepped into the tub.
Gathering his filthy clothes, you pulled the door closed softly and padded back into the living room to toss his things into the washing machine, carefully undoing the clasps of his pins and setting them aside for safe-keeping. You set it to start before heading to the sink to get Eddie’s rings cleaned up. Soap, water, and some scrubbing had them shining again and you avoided thinking too hard about the fact that you were scrubbing human flesh from the metal. When you had finished, you flopped onto the couch and reached for the clear coat nail polish you kept on the side table next to your favorite bottle of black. You painted the clear gel over the silver, hoping it would form enough of a barrier to keep them from burning him again. His rings were as much a part of his persona as his vest and his wild halo of hair, and more than anything right now, he needed something comfortable and familiar.
To be fair, so did you. Once the rings were safely coated in a protective layer of nail polish and drying on your coffee table, you rose, stretched, and padded over to your dresser, opening the second drawer and pulling out a baggy t-shirt. You stripped, leaving your dirty clothes in a pile, and pulled the worn fabric over your head before heading for your record player. Soon, the driving synthetic beat and rough-edged vocals of the Psychedelic Furs drifted through the space.
“Forever Now? I guess that’s fitting.”
You whirled around, surprised to see Eddie leaning against the door jam, a towel around his waist and his arms wrapped around himself. Dark tendrils of hair framed his face in damp curls and his skin was scrubbed an angry pink, but he looked somewhat more settled, his brown eyes clearer.
“I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Oh, I’m just full of surprises now.” He lifted his brows in a sarcastic show of being impressed with his own new abilities, even as he wrapped his arms more tightly around himself. “I uh, seem to have misplaced my clothes.”
“They’re in the wash. That Hellfire shirt might be a lost cause but I think I managed to save everything else. Come sit.” You jerked your head at the empty cushion beside you.
Eddie pushed off the wall and dropped beside you, carefully leaving space between you that crackled with things unsaid.
“How are you feeling?”
“I don’t even know.” Eddie scrubbed a large palm over his face. “More like myself, I guess? But still…”
“Yeah.” You hated the lingering note of shame in his voice.
You swallowed but squared your shoulders. “We can fix that.”
His dark eyes snapped to yours. “No.”
“Eddie, it’s fine - “
“Jesus, no it isn’t!” You blinked at his outburst but he forged ahead. “I killed someone. I could have killed you.”
“Don’t tell me I killed more of the basketball team.”
“Eddie, listen.” You lifted a hand to cup his cheek, to turn his face towards yours to make sure he heard you loud and clear. “That guy was a dick. He was probably out hunting you with his buddies, from what I’ve been hearing. If he didn’t attack you first, he would have and believe me, he wouldn’t have lost any sleep over it.” You shrugged dismissively and added “Besides, he tried to feel me up at a party last year. Fuck that guy, you did the world a favor.”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed, his lip curling back and he opened his mouth to speak. You stopped him, pressing your fingers to his full mouth. He swallowed his reply, simply mumbling, “What a dick.”
You nodded, giving him a small smile and turning to face him more fully.
Eddie moved closer, his thigh pressed to your own. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmured, even as he raked his gaze down your throat. His fingertips brushed the hair from your neck and you shivered.
“What if I told you I liked it?” Your voice trembled, the confession making you feel unaccountably vulnerable, more exposed than even the hungry way Eddie eyed you.
“Jesus, Briar.” He shuddered and dragged his open mouth against your skin. His lips moved in a gentle kiss, a far cry from the searing torrent you craved.
“Why Briar?” It came out as a gasp as you twisted in his arms to climb into his lap.
“Because you found me in the forest. You caught me when I was spinning. Don’t let go.” Eddie’s tender hold tightened and his teeth sank into the delicate skin of your throat.
You tipped your head back and tangled your fingers in his hair. “I w-wanted this before today, you know. Always meant to say something, back in school.”
His lips still locked to your pulse point, Eddie made a questioning sound deep in his throat as if to ask Why didn’t you?
“The usual bullshit,” you hedged before adding, “I was scared.
Eddie pulled away at that, his mouth stained red and his brows lifted. “You’re not now?”
“I was,” you admitted. “Back in the woods when I found you. But then you opened your eyes.”
His eyes widened, something like awe lighting their brown depths.
His surprise would have been sweet if it didn’t wrench your heart to think someone caring for him in that way would be so astonishing. The thought snapped the tether holding you back and you leaned in to capture his lips in a kiss. The taste of copper burst on your tongue but beyond that shock it was simply him. His lips were surprisingly soft against your own, his eager mouth swallowing your shared groan, his tongue gliding against yours as he twisted and bore you down onto the sofa cushions.
He cleared his throat, nuzzling your cheek. "I don't think I can be gentle with you."
"I don't want you to," you murmured, twisting beneath him to pull him more fully on top of you. He drove a knee between your thighs and you couldn't help but grind against him as he licked a stripe up the column of your neck. His teeth scraped softly against your skin, his tongue following to lap up the thin line of blood that beaded there. Then he was grabbing you, his fingers digging into the meat of your waist and you clung to him, your nails trailing furrows down his back.
"Please," he whispered, his voice strained as you rubbed against him like a cat.
"Yes." You made sure to keep your voice steady, threading your fingers through his hair and tilting your head to the side. He inhaled, hissing your name, his breath chilly on your skin. You yelped when his teeth broke the skin once more, pain flaring through you before easing into something delicious, something sinful and indulgent. Your head dropped back and Eddie cradled the back of your neck, holding you still. He rolled his hips against you and you trailed your fingers over the expanse of his chest, down his abdomen to the hem of the towel. He growled and something in you snapped at the sound, wild, needy, and hot. You pulled impatiently at the loose knot at his hip and the towel fell away, his length twitching in your hand.
Eddie pulled away at your first stroke of his cock, red smeared across his mouth and down his chin. And when he kissed you, you tasted the metallic tang of your own blood. Your hand tightened around him and the sound he made was close to a snarl as he leaned forward and licked at the mess he'd made of your neck, trailing his hand down your body to rub against your center. You bucked your hips forward, searching out his touch and he obliged quickly, pushing your underwear to the side, finding you already wet for him. His thumb brushed your clit and you gasped, your back arching off the couch.
"More," you groaned between clenched teeth, hitching one leg higher on his waist. Two thick fingers pierced you as he placed wet, open mouthed kisses to your chest, licking at the hollow of your clavicle and mumbling your name. He pressed his hips forward, thrusting into the tight grip of your fist.
His fingers were cool against your heated flesh, soothing you even as he made you writhe and buck beneath his hand. You felt loose, wanton, and need coiled in your belly as you whimpered for his touch.
“Shit,” Eddie hissed. “You’re so fucking warm.”
You clasped the back of his neck and pulled him closer as you guided his cock where you needed it most. Both of you groaned when he fitted the blunt, swollen tip at your entrance. The stretch was delicious, a promise of even more to come and oh, you wanted him to fill you. Your fingers still wrapped around his length, you squeezed, pulling him deeper inside you. His breath fanned loud and ragged against your ear as he fought to maintain control.
At least, until you met his eyes and whispered “Please.”
With a snarl, Eddie buried himself inside you. The force of it shoved you up the cushions until you reached a hand back to brace yourself against the arm of the sofa. Just as desperate to keep you still, to hold you down and claim you, Eddie seized your hips tight enough to bruise.
“Fucking vixen,” he rasped, the hint of a smirk in his voice. “So tight. So fucking good.”
His praise lit a fire in you and you matched him thrust for thrust, moaning every time his thick cock pushed inside you, stretching you until you thought you would split apart. You realized you had never wanted anyone this much, been this aroused. It stripped any sense of shyness or hesitance away, leaving you free to give yourself over to him in whatever way he wanted.
“Oh fuck, you feel so good. Fuck me harder, Eddie please. Don’t stop, don't stop,” you chanted, babbling mindlessly. Dimly, you were aware of the arousal leaking from you, smearing your thighs and urging Eddie to take you harder, faster, more.
Eddie reached between you, his thick fingers rubbing slick, tight circles against your clit. You were so wet you could hear it and it was obscenely hot, winding you up tighter and tighter. Your breath caught in your throat and you keened, a wild, animal sound you’d never made before. “That’s it, baby,” he urged. “Let yourself go. I’ve got you.”
“Please, please, please,” you whispered, your voice ragged, unsure of what you were begging for but desperate for more, for whatever this was to never end. Eddie’s mouth was back at your throat, his teeth piercing your skin, and the sharp sting of pain threw you over the edge. Your orgasm bloomed through you, violent in its intensity and you shouted his name, biting down on his shoulder to muffle the sound.
“No, I want to hear you,” he mumbled against your throat, his thrusts deep and uneven as he fought to hold back his own end.
You whimpered his name, the overstimulation threatening to overwhelm you as he kept rubbing lazy circles against your clit. Your hands tangled in his hair, yanking his mouth to yours. Ignoring the shock of pain at your neck as his teeth ripped away from your skin, you licked into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue and moaning. He followed you over the edge, coming hot and deep with a grunt of your name, his fingers digging bruises into the flesh at your hips.
After what felt like an eternity, your heart rate slowed and your breathing calmed. You shivered, Eddie’s cool skin against the sheen of sweat that coated your body sending goosebumps erupting over your arms and legs. Nudging him gently, you moved from beneath him, but his hand caught your wrist as you stood. His eyes were soft when he looked up at you, pleading and nervous.
“I need a shower,” you answered the unasked question. He pushed off the couch and followed you to the bathroom, a shadow at your back.
You turned the water to hot, praying to whatever god that listened that it would be enough to ease the aches and knots that had started twisting your muscles. Turning to face Eddie, you gathered his hair up in a knot at the top of his head and secured it with a hair tie, a few riotous curls escaping to frame his face. He quirked a brow at you and you shrugged. “No sense in getting it wet again.”
After your shower you lay in bed, your limbs tangled with Eddie’s. Kate Bush played softly in the background and Eddie dragged his fingertips across your scalp, slowly easing the headache that had begun to pound at your temples. You were tired, exhausted even, but you were afraid to close your eyes, terrified that if you did, he would simply disappear.
“We should probably talk about, well… everything,” he said softly.
“Yeah,” you mumbled in agreement. The unsaid questions hung heavy in the air.
What the hell happened to you?
What’s really going on in Hawkins?
Do you feel this too?
After a pause, you ventured “Can it wait until tomorrow?”
You could feel the tension leaking out of Eddie, disappearing like smoke as he relaxed into your arms. “Oh, absolutely.” He mumbled it into your shoulder, pressing lazy, open mouthed kisses to any skin he could reach. You did the same, slipping in and out of sleep, drawn back by the need to reassure yourself that he was still there, to keep mapping his body in the dark.
You finally drifted off with his weight comfortably above you and your arms around his waist, each clinging to the other in a silent promise.
I’m here.
You’re safe.
I’ve got you.
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cake-by-thepound · 4 months
I‘ve been so focused on just the reunion between Rick and Michonne and him learning about RJ that somehow I actually haven‘t thought that much about Judith in all of this (like, obviously I did, and I‘m very excited to see that but yeah, ngl, it‘s not the part of the story I was focused on, you know?). It‘s all just so..sad. He was very distant with Lori while she was pregnant with Judith (listen, we all know why but I‘m just stating facts here), it took him days to be able to look at her, let alone hold her when she was born (again, we know why). Then finally all is well, that‘s his daughter, period. But he only gets a few months with her before thinking she‘s dead. Miraculously he gets her back… but only gets an additional year or two with her before he‘s ripped away from her. And obviously, during that time he lost his other kid, so he only had Judith left. Now, he also has a son he doesn‘t know exist and hasn‘t seen Judith in somewhere close to a decade. And she was around 3 or so when he got separated from his family. So she doesn‘t remember him. He‘s essentially a stranger to her. That‘s tragic anyway you slice it, but it‘s even worse when you think that Rick is a Family Man ™️ That‘s one of his defining traits. And he only got such a short, short time with his daughter. Just heartbreaking, man.
A thing that I try not to think about, but it often creeps into my brain anyway, is how Rick and Michonne have been apart way longer than they were together, even including the time before they fell in love. And part of me adores that their bond is so strong that they just needed a couple of years together to recognize they were it for each other. (And what’s seven years when you have eternity?) But yeah, the way he’s missed out on so much of his kids lives (and there’s a bit of irony in Andy needing to leave the character for the same reason) is a special kind of agony. Seven years actually does feel like eternity to/for a child. They’ll both be unrecognizable to each other. 😣
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satrs · 1 year
Can’t feel my face - bllk x fem!Reader N°3
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Shidou asked the woman on the other side of the phone, earning an unsure hum from her. "I don't know. I'm not really in the mood to stitch anyone up tonight", she stated, a soft laugh erupting from the man on the other end. "No, no. I clearly won't fight tonight. But I'm feeling better than yesterday. I went to the doc' and he said the wound was stitched up well. Thanks for that, Angel." She told him that it was no big deal, even though it kind of was.
"Sooo, I thought as a 'Thank you' I invite you to a 'kinda-date'. Whatcha think?" Y/N's face shifted into a grimace, not understanding what he meant by 'kinda-date'. "I mean, we go back to blue lock together, since I got some shit to deal with, but we could still have some fun, you know?", he explained, her now understanding what he was getting at. "Blue lock? Is that the name of the underground boxing stuff?", she questioned, Shidou giving her a 'yes' as an answer.
But was it really alright to go with that man? Half of her says no, since she just meet him recently, but the other half want to. Because if she was being honest, when was the last time she really enjoyed herself or had fun?  But going without Sae? He wouldn't be happy to hear that.
But why does she care about his opinion so much? It's not like he is her parent. She is a grown woman and can do whatever the hell she wants.
So, she decided to tag along with him. They agreed to meet at her place, since Shidou already knew where it was, he told her he would pick her up the same day at 11 o'clock.
20 minutes before 11, Shidou already waited in front of Y/N's apartment complex, leaning against his expensive Mercedes-Benz car, impatiently waiting for her to come out of her apartment. HE knew that he was there a bit too early, but he couldn't help himself. The man looked forward to seeing her again the entire day, longing to examine her features. Her beautiful plump lips, that tempted him to attack them with his own, while caressing her flawless body. His fingertips tingled, craving to trace over every single imperfect perfection of her body.
"Hey", he snapped out of his thoughts, eyes shooting up to look for the source of the voice, getting met with the young woman herself. Jumping out of joy in his head, he grinned at her, greeting her back and inspecting her beauty.
She looked lovely. Her hair looking flawless, and her outfit causing him to stare longer than he intended to. To stop himself to not look like a creep, he assisted her into the passenger seat before getting into the driver's seat himself.
Once he started to park out backwards, he placed his hand at the edge of Y/N's seat, turning his head to the back and also getting closer to the young woman, revealing a golden necklace around his neck in the process. His pink orbs carefully observing the area, so he could safely park out.
Y/N couldn't help herself to momentarily stare at the veins on his delicate neck, quickly averting her eyes back onto the road. Not long after driving, she noticed her phone ringing in her bag, pulling it out to inspect the caller ID.
Fuck. She can't possibly pick up now, fearing that the situation would be quite awkward. Declining his call, she quickly typed out a message to him.
Wsp? I'm busy rn.
Seeing the three dots appear at the bottom of her screen, she waited for his answer.
Nothing. Just wanted to check up on you.
She couldn't help but smile to herself at that, shoving her phone back into her bag, now trying to stir up a conversation with Shidou. "So, what do you need to do at 'Blue Lock'?"
"Since I can't fight tonight, I gotta come up with a replacement, or you lil' buddy Sae will end me", he truthfully answered, getting an understanding nod from the woman in return.
"It's still crazy that you got stabbed right there. Something worse could've happened", she stated, Shidou sparing her a cocky glance. "No need to worry about me, ma. We're all used to this. Pussy's like that guy always come up with some foul shit. But he didn't get off the hook easily anyway, I heard he's knocked out since yesterday."
"Damn." Y/N didn't know what else to say, so she tried to lead the conversation into another direction again. "And is it really alright for you to drive with that arm? I think you shouldn't overdo it."
"Already told you, it's alright, since I got myself a sexy nurse to fix it up." She giggled at his answer, gazing out the window again and seeing the now familiar strip club come into view. Still curious about the building choice, she questioned the handsome male about it, hoping he might know more.
He told her that the owner of the club, Mikage Reo, who owned various clubs, bars, and similar facilities around the country came up with the whole idea of a boxing establishment, but since the idea of boxing he was hoping to make reality wasn't exactly what would fall under the umbrella of legal - he made it as secluded and inconspicuous as possible, which led to it taking place under this club.
At the mention of the name Mikage, Y/N's ears peaked up. Mikage was a well known surname around the country - one of the richest - if not the richest person  in the country, swimming in an unbelievable amount of money. So it seemed that this name was not only well known at the 'normal' parts of town but also the underground.
"Mikage? Is he there too?" She was curious, if not excited. Meeting such a rich man was no common experience, maybe she could ask for an autograph - or some money?
"Depends, if 'the Treasure' is on the ring, like today then most likely yes, other than that, he barely shows himself down there. Maybe because he's creeping around upstairs, who knows?", Shidou snickered.
"'The Treasure'? What kind of corny nickname is that?", she asked. " 'The Treasure of Blue Lock', actually, he was the first in the ring, and a good fighter overall, I can't lie. Anytime he's on, the show is always hellaaaa' crazy. That guy's moves are somethin', he'd be a pain in the ass to fight against", Sae admitted, face covering in an unpleased expression.
Parking near the club, Shidou stepped out, aiding Y/N for help like he did before. His arm swung around her shoulder, "Don't go runnin' off anywhere, alright?", he told her, holding her close to himself in a protective manner.
                                                ════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Entering the place of action again and Y/N basking in Shidou's safe hold, the atmosphere of the room was as cheerful as she had in memory, even spotting some faces she saw the other day, but also new ones.
"Thank God, he showed up", Shidou exhaled in a manner of relief, guiding the two of you to the man who would replace him for the night.
He was tall - well his hair at least, styled up even higher than Shidou's, making him stand out instantly, if not also because of his exaggerating designed jacket, which had a big lion imprinted on one side of it.
His crimson eyes offering anyone near him an intimidating stare, casting off his dominance to everyone around him.
Noticing someone approaching him, he shifted his attention to the two unknown figures. "Yo, King!", Shidou greeted him, earning an irritated grunt from the man. "Why did you take so damn long, antenna head?", his deep voice, straddling the young female.
"And fuck you taking a stripper with you for? You should-", "I'm not no damn stripper, you gorilla", she cut through his words, freeing herself from shidou's hold to stare at the man in front of them, causing him to raise a brow at her bold demeanor. Before he could spit an insult right back, Shidou cut through the tension. "Alllright. C'mon, let's see who you're up against, then get ready."
Barou gave Y/N a dissatisfied look, compiling to Shidou's words. "I already checked, since you took so damn long to get here", Barou said, nodding his chin somewhere into the room,  curiosity reflecting in Shidou's eyes.
"Alright Ladies and Gentlemen!", a loud voice and confident echoed through the room, causing everyone in it to turn their attention towards the source. A neatly dressed man with purple eyes and matching shoulder-length hair spoke into the microphone in his hand, a handsome smile plastered on his face. He screamed billionaire.
"I am pleased to announce today's first, and most exciting, match! Today's main actors will be Barou Shoei, the current 'King'! Versus Nagi seishiro, 'Blue Lock's Treasure!" the people cheered and screamed, apparently very pleased with the announced fighters. "You got one hour to place your bets right now at the very front of the entrance! Feel free to go all out!", the purple haired male exclaimed.
Y/N realized who this man was at the very moment she laid eyes on him, suspicions only being proved right by his mention of 'the Treasure' being here. "That's the guy I told you about. Mikage Reo", Shidou leaned near your ear, explaining. "Mr. Monopoly ass", Barou spat out, causing Y/N to let out a giggle.
"Well ain't I got luck!", Shidou exclaimed, clearly happy he doesn't have to deal with the man named Nagi Seishiro. Shidou let out a loud laugh, slapping Barou on the back. Barou's forehead showed visible veins, due to being pissed off from Shidou's action.
Shidou tried to calm down after his long laugh ordeal, speaking up to Barou,
"You're fucked, bro!"
                                                ════ ⋆★⋆ ════
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rageagainstmymachine · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 | Edward Richtofen/ F! Reader | Fic 6
Uniform Kink
Words: 3,362
Tags: Ultimis Richtofen, perceived Nazism, Nazi uniform, unwanted uniform kink
"This has got to be the worst place we've been." You groan, letting your head roll to the other shoulder, a heavy sigh showing your great displeasure. You were in some swampy marsh somewhere in japan, you think. It was a lot like the one you went to early on in your travels, the one right after than German insane asylum.
"You say that every time we go somewhere new." Richtofen hummed, his hands busy fiddling with some strange contraption. He happily whistled some tune, obviously not the least bit concerned with your unhappiness.
"Because every time we go somewhere new its worse than the last."
"What about the moon? The moon was fun! It was the moon!"
"I hated the moon. There was no air and that fucking weird cosmonaut was chasing us."
"That what made it fun! Well, that und how the blood und guts splattered farther with the gravity und such." He waved his hand dismissively.
You groaned again, your head rolling back over. You just watched as Edward fiddled with whatever he was fucking with, examining his features. His face was pale, almost grey and had dark circles around his eyes. You were all very tired, but Edward always seemed the most tired, despite being the most energetic. You had no idea how he did it, you wondered if he was on some sort of drug. Pervatin, maybe. That could explain a lot.
"You know, a picture would last longer. Just be sure to get mein good side, ja? What am I saying? Every side is mein good side."
You felt your face heat up at the realization you had been caught staring and averted your eyes. "Spaced out."
"Awh, and here I was thinking you were admiring my handsome face und perfect body."
You couldn't deny he was handsome. Hell, he was gorgeous. He was tall and slim, but he had muscle, even at his age. How old was he anyways? Fifty? He looked fifty. Not to mention that his uniform hugged him in all the right places, his broad shoulders and small waist...
Stop it! That uniform is monstrous! It represents everything that's wrong with the world! It represented fascism! It's ugly and you should hate it! You shouldn't be fantasizing about the way the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders or how perfectly his belt hugged his slim waist...
"I can practically see you thinking. Think any harder und you might explode." He teased, standing and approaching you. You couldn't help but watch his hips sway as he approached, or the way his long legs strode towards you. "I wonder what you could be thinking of to cause such a reaction..."
He stopped directly in front of you, smirking down at you. It was unnerving when he did this. You stood up, a subconscious reaction as nervousness began to creep up your spine.
"It must be quite exciting." He hummed, getting impossibly closer. You had to crane your neck to look up at him. He was so close you could feel the heat radiating off him. 
He is coming on to you. Not that you're surprised. He has been suggestive to you in the past. Well, suggestive to everyone actually. Even a few zombies. Inanimate objects too... he was a weird man.
You hated the fact his seduction attempt was working. You could feel yourself becoming flustered. His uniform was so close. If you reached out, you could touch it. You wanted to touch it. To touch him.
You were ashamed of yourself.
He chuckled softly, leaning over and pressing a hand against the wall next to you, his body only inches away. You could hear your heart beating in your ears, as well as his breathing. "Oh, I think I know." He said lowly, his accent heavy, tone husky. "You want to fuck the enemy, don't you?"
Your breath hitched and you felt a shiver run down your spine. His eyes were lidded, a smirk tugging at his thin lips.
"You want to devour the big, bad German. And I do mean big in... multiple ways." He whispered the last part in your ear, making you let out a little gasp. Your hands found his lapels, torn between pushing him away and yanking him closer. When he didn't receive an answer, he clicked his tongue, bringing his hand up to grab a fistful of your hair. He tugged on it to force you to look at him. "Oh, you are much too prideful."
He crashed his lips into yours. You let out a muffled moan, kissing him back hungrily. This was a very bad idea. He was insane, this was his own twisted game, this was treason... But God, it was hot. It was right in all the wrong ways.
Richtofen kissed roughly, hungrily, desperately. It was messy, and you could taste the bitter iron of blood, you didn't care enough to ask yourself why. His teeth pulled and bit at your bottom lip, causing you to groan. The heat was building in your core, pooling low in your abdomen.
Your hands ran along the fabric of his coat, trailing across the embellishments on his lapels. You could barely even focus on the kiss as you touched the belts across his chest. Your movements froze when you touched something cold and sharp. Fingertips danced from one point to another, your eyes fluttering open and downwards as you realized you were touching his iron cross.
Your mind wandered to what he did to receive that metal. Did he fight in the Great War? It would make sense with his age. You couldn't be sure but you don't think you see a swastika on it, it had to be a Great War iron cross. Was he this insane back then as well? Why were you just now thinking about it?
He sensed your distraction and pulled away, fast enough to see where your eye line was. He peered down and grinned, finally noticing your hand on his medal. "You must be wondering how I got this, huh? Imagining all the ways one soldier can receive one." He said, his voice dropping an octave lower.
You couldn't help the fear appearing in your eyes as his tone became serious. It was terrifying when he was serious. He searched your face for a few seconds before his smirk returned, his tongue flicking out to lick his dry lips."Don't look so terrified, I was a field medic in the Great War"
"How the hell does a field medic get one?" You finally found your voice again, the confusion forcing your words out.
He laughed, a sound that sent shivers down your spine, whether it was in excitement or fear you didn't know. "Perhaps it's best to keep that a secret." He purred, leaning in close again, his lips ghosting over yours. "Just make sure those American hands of yours stay off the medal, ja? You can look all you want, though. It's more than obvious you have a thing for it…und the rest of mein uniform."
You swallowed thickly, looking away in shame. Damn.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Edward chuckled darkly. "In fact, I've heard before that women go nuts for a man in uni-"
"Just shut up and kiss me again, Richtofen." You groaned, grabbing his lapels and tugging him closer, crashing your lips together once more. He hummed into the kiss, his hands gripping your hips, squeezing them firmly. He unabashedly rutted his hips into yours, his growing bulge pressing against you.
He pulled away from you, leaving you wanting and needy. God, so stupidly needy. He put distance between the two of you, and you almost asked why, but soon he was smoothing down his uniform, giving you a playful twirl.
"Tell me, fraulein, what do you like about it?" He questioned. "The fabric is a bit rough und tight, the belts are always digging into me, but if you find it appealing, who am I to judge?"
"Richtofen..." You warned.
"Do tell, I'm curious." He mused. He had that grin, that stupid fucking grin that made your blood boil. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. He was teasing you and loving every second of it. He was getting off on your frustration and embarrassment.
It's the way the coat sits well on your broad shoulders, tapers down to your slutty little waist! It makes you look taller too especially with the cap, it commands authority. It's because your pants make your ass look so damn good. And the boots look ready to step on me. And god, how I want you to step on me. That white button up and tie combo makes you look professional and sane, yet you aren’t professional and nowhere near close to sane. It’s the Luger attached to your hip, ready to be pulled out and used, the belts just begging to be gripped, and whatever the hell is on your other hip! Is it a bag? And dear god, it’s the iron cross you wear. I can’t even imagine what you’ve done to receive it, I just know I want you pressed against me so hard, it leaves an indent against my breast. 
Your head spun as you admitted this all to yourself in rapid fire. If you didn’t run it through your mind, as much as you didn’t want to, you knew you would blurt it out. You had to get a hold of yourself.
Edward seemed to enjoy the silence, watching your face intently, waiting for you to give an answer. The only sign of his patience wearing thin was the tapping of his foot.
"You just look good in it, okay?" You tell him, giving him an inch. But he wasn't satisfied with that, he wanted the whole mile. You should know to never try to appease a German. Look what happened to Czechoslovakia.
He snickers, shaking his head. "Come now, Fraulein. You can do better than that." He purrs.
You huffed, chewing on your lip before glancing back to him, your resolve crumbling as you took in his gorgeous appearance."God, it's hot. Okay? It's super fucking hot."
His smirk widened, but he continued to prod.. "Why? Why is it so hot?"
"Because it shows off your broad shoulders and slim waist, and makes your ass look great… You're just a prick, but I want you inside me." You spat out, crossing your arms. "Happy now?"
"Ohohoho I'm very happy." He chuckled, removing the straps that crossed his torso. He set the satchel he carried aside, unclipping his holster and setting his weapon on the table. The way he didn't remove anything else signaled he had no intentions of removing his uniform tonight. He knew what he was doing. He still stood a ways from you, seemingly waiting for you to do or say something. You were too aroused to play these games. You relented to his wants.
"Are you going to fuck me or not, Richtofen?" You growled hoping to sound annoyed and not as needy as you felt.
"I might if you ask nicely." He cooed.
You clenched your fists.
"Please, Richtofen." You said, through gritted teeth. "Fuck me."
He grinned, stepping over to you. His hand caressed your cheek, before his fingers wrapped around your throat. You couldn't stop the moan that escaped your lips, or the way your hips rolled. You could feel his length press into you and it was heavenly. He leaned in, his nose brushing against yours. "Say that again, but this time, less formal."
"Edward, please fuck me." You whispered, and he let out a guttural growl. He released your throat and gripped the backs of your thighs, lifting you and pressing you into the wall. You let out a little yelp of surprise, your legs instinctively wrapping around him. He captured your lips, his hands wandering, kneading your flesh; pinching and grabbing. his hands were just as eccentric as the rest of him.
He didn't waste time, carrying you away from the wall to the windowsill, setting you down to begin removing your pants. You kicked off your boots as you let him, watching as he tugged down the clothing. He took your panties with them, leaving you completely bare from the waist down. You felt the urge to cover yourself, but his hungry gaze and the way his tongue darted out to wet his lips quelled that. He was quick with his own pants, tugging them down his slim hips, freeing his cock. He wasn't here for romance, or foreplay, but neither were you.
He was quick to slot himself between your legs to line himself up, pressing his length into you in one smooth motion. You hissed at the stretch, his earlier remark about big things wasn't a lie.. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you moaned out his name. He wasn't gentle. He gave you no time to adjust. He began pounding into you immediately, a brutal pace, his hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise.
"I'm just a militarized Kraut for you to get off to, ja?" He hissed in your ear. His breath was warm, accent thicker than before, "Is that all I am to you? Just a uniform und a cock to satisfy that cunt of yours?"
"F-fuck, Richtofen."
"You think of me as a Nazi, yet here I am being your personal sex toy." He purred. His hips snapped against yours, his thrusts rough and quick, hitting that one spot. The one spot that made your back arch. He chuckled, his eyes half lidded and full of lust. "Where are you democratized morals now?"
"Fuck, I hate you."
"No, no, Fraulein. The word you are looking for is love." He grinned, his eyes dark. You felt a shiver run down your spine. He was scary, and yet somehow that excited you.
His thrusts were getting sloppy, his breath ragged. You were close, so close, you just needed a little more. He must have noticed, his hand reaching between the two of you to rub circles around your clit. The added stimulation sent you over the edge. Your back arched and you threw your head back as you came, a strangled moan of his name escaping your lips.
You could feel him shudder against you, a long groan escaping his lips as your walls squeezed around him tightly. He stilled inside of you, his grip on your hips bruising. He was quiet for a moment, and you opened your eyes to find his own staring into yours. They were lidded and full of want and need. He got too close to the edge, and he didn't want to cum just yet. You could feel him throbbing inside of you, and it wasn't long before he started moving again. He was relentless, his thrusts deep and rough, his fingers digging into your hips. "I'm not nearly done with you yet."
"Give me a moment." You breathed, but he wasn't having any of it.
"Oh, fraulein. You'll take what I give you und I'll continue until I am finished."
He fucked like a man starved, his thrusts hungry and greedy. You were still sensitive, and every thrust against your g spot was a wave of overstimulation. You whined and begged for his mercy, but he would give none.
"You'll cum again for me, und then I'll consider stopping."
You cried out, clinging to him desperately, trying to find anything to ground you, anything to take away the intensity. It was too much, yet not enough. "Edward..."
"If you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to shut it for you, Schlampe." He hissed.
You couldn't stop the whimpers if you wanted to. It was too much.
Richtofen growled, seemingly fed up with your noises. Your clit got a much needed break as he removed his hand to paw at his chest. He wrapped his glove clad fingers around his Iron Cross and quickly yanked it off, pressing the medal to your lips. "Bite."
You opened your mouth and his fingers pushed the Iron Cross in. The taste of the iron filled your mouth and you moaned. He resumed rubbing your clit, the feeling of biting down hard on the cross was enough to ground you - your whines were significantly decreased. 
The way that Edward looked at you with a deeper stare made you wonder if he was getting off to watching you bite the medal he got all those years ago.
His thrusts continued to be hard and fast, but you could feel him becoming more and more erratic. The hand on your hip tightened, and his breath became heavier.
"You better cum before I do, otherwise you are in for a long night." He hissed, his thrusts slowing a bit. His hand picked up its speed on your clit, causing a moan to escape past the medal.
It was too much. The feeling of metal between your teeth, the way Edward was looking at you, the fact that he was wearing his uniform. The way he fucked you without mercy. It was all too much, and soon enough you were coming. Your body trembled, your eyes crossing as stars littered your vision. Your legs clamped around his waist as your cunt spasmed again, milking his cock.
He didn't last much longer, the feeling of your cunt squeezing him bringing him over the edge. A strangled moan escaped his lips as he spilled his seed into you, thrusts shallow and uneven. He stayed there, his breathing labored and his heart pounding as he continued to lazily pump his cock into you until he had nothing left to give.
The muscles in your jaw failed as your mouth quivered open, the Iron cross falling on your chest. It was coated in saliva and blood, which made Richtofen's cock twitch inside of you. He grabbed it, not bothering to wipe it off before pinning it back on his coat.
He slipped out of you, and you couldn't stop the whimper that left your lips. You could feel his cum dripping onto the windowsill. Richtofen didn't seem to care though, as he went about redressing himself. He was nice enough to throw you your clothes, and you took the hint. You didn't bother with panties, slipping your pants back on.
He didn't look at you. His hands were quick to fix his coat and uniform, smoothing out any wrinkles. He grabbed his hat and straightened it on his head, looking as polished as ever. Once he was finished, he finally looked back at you. His eyes held a warmth and rawness that looked terrifying on him.
"I'm not actually a Nazi, you know." He finally spoke.
You stared at him, eyes travelling down to the very obvious Nazi uniform.
He seemed to notice this and let out a snort, his gaze flicking downward. "Ja, ja. I know. But I didn't really have a choice in the matter. It's all rather complicated; Group 935, monetary needs, Maxis making promises to... certain parties. Which I strongly opposed, mind you."
"It's a lot more complex than simply being a Nazi, fraulein. Besides, do I really look like the type to be a Nazi? "
"Absolutely you do." You say bluntly.
"I'm hurt." He gasped. "Und after I went through the trouble of telling you the truth. It was quite painful too - so much emotional torment." He feigned offense, putting a hand over his chest. "I may be an insane scientist, but that's all I am, I swear."
You could help the smile that found your lips. You tried to look away fast enough to hide it, but he saw it clear as day.
"There we go, I knew there was a smile under there." He smiled, his eyes soft. "Now, let's do this again soon, ja? Aber, I am a proper boy, you'll need to buy me dinner first before you seduce me, next time."
You laughed, shaking your head. You turned and left before you tried to stay longer, leaving Edward to chuckle at the door.
"Till next time, fraulein."
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I'd appreciate it if you left kudos!
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fahatesyou · 2 years
I almost didn’t ask for this because it wasn’t anonymous haha but I left my anxiety behind now.
It would be great to read about Jealous Maxy or how does he react to Danny and George “getting friendly”
Hope you doing okay, love your writing :)
No smut but a/b/o. It takes a lot of balls to be off anon, so I'm really sorry this took a hundred years. I've been trough a rough patch but I'm trying to get back on track.
I hope it's not too late, suki! 💜
George wears the merch as a joke. 
It's funny.
Daniel is sure because the media runs with it; the fans think it's cute and cheeky. Everyone knows Russell has a girlfriend; a petite omega girl with no tattoos or scruffy beard. A young girl, George's age, nice and pretty that wears dresses and doesn't race for a living. Just like most of the alphas on the grid have at home, patiently waiting for them back in Monaco or cheering from their garages.
Still, it feels nice. 
Thanks to it Daniel gets a break from the Piastri questions and the contract talks. He can gush and joke around for a bit, let people compliment him on the merch, say good things about him for a change. 
It's mostly nice until it's not. 
"Mercedes really did a number on George, mate. Such a clown this season." 
Daniel hears it going through the garage, and then catches the laughing that comes afterwards, the smell of alphas gathering around, their familiar voices and musk. 
He feels stupid. 
The warm fuzzy feeling long gone. It's replaced by the anguish of having to recall the looks he had gotten all morning, going through them in his mind to find any trace of mockery or pity. Trying to find the missing pieces of how he got it all wrong. 
"What happened?" 
It takes him a second to realize Max is talking to him. Nowadays, Daniel feels like he's far away from him, he won't admit it, not even to Michael, but it's like Daniel is a rookie all over again.
He's not winning, he's no longer a secured driver with an uper hand to fuck around with. He's still Daniel Ricciardo, but that's pretty much it. And apparently, no longer enough. 
"Daniel," Max repeats in that croaky voice he makes when he's frustrated. "What happened?" 
He's frowning; the driver's meeting is media free and Daniel's so thankful. If Max caught something just by looking at him, it must be written all over his face. Max doesn't really look at Daniel anymore, doesn't have a real reason to.
"Nothing," Daniel brushes him off, taking off his cap to fix his hair and putting it on again, trying his best not to look at Max in the eye.
Max smells weird, and Daniel's nose gets itchy from it. It's so strong and deep that it gets kind of overwhelming for a second. Daniel takes a deep breath to get his shit together, but it only makes it worse, getting Max's frustration on his tongue and mouth, tasting the bitterness of it.
Max isn't wearing any blockers, which is not new, but still annoying. Daniel's been alone for a while, maybe too long. He knows his body and can feel himself react to Max's worry, a deep instinct growing inside him from the old memories his body holds tight. He's been working on letting those go. The most difficult part comes when he's by himself during the breaks; toys not good enough, not big enough, when he's too desperate and lonely he just wants to reach for his phone and say sorry for something he doesn't have to. When his body craves the press of Max's knot and the smell of his cum on Daniel's skin.
He needs to get away from Max before he makes a fool of himself again. 
Daniel cranes his neck in search of an escape boat but Lando is on the other side of the room, happily sandwiched between two red-dressed bodies; there's not really anywhere to hide, and it's obvious that Max just won't let him go. 
"All good, guys?" George asks, gently nudging Daniel's shoulder as he smiles at him, creeping from nowhere to fill the space between Max and Daniel.
He's saved by the bell.
George looks unaware of Max's corrosive frustration, unfazed as he massages Daniel's shoulder muscle with his thumb and gives him a friendly huff right over his ear. 
"Yeah, all good, mate," Daniel says, right over the edge, a chukle full of gratitude and relief.
George's hand is warm and firm over him. He smells like the fancy alpha cologne that Lewis wears. It's some kind of expensive costume-made scented blockers that the Mercedes's alphas get from Tommy H. It's posh and flashy but Daniel has good memories of it, of Lewis winning Championship ship after Championship as Daniel grew into his own confident self. Nostalgia maybe, but Daniel can't stop himself  from getting a hungry whiff of it. 
Max makes a noise that gets Daniel to snap back from the cloud of Russell's fake pheromones. Max's gaze burns through Daniel's skin and he tries his hardest to subtlety step away from the touch, his inner omega deeply worried of causing any confrontation.
They haven't been together for almost two years, Daniel says in his head, catching himself mid step, he doesn't own Max shit.
When Daniel left Renault and Max finally grew out of his puppy body, he had wanted to officially mate with Daniel.
He was no longer a young alpha boy, and he had grown needs that Daniel wasn't ready to fill yet. They never really broke up, because they weren't a couple to begin with. But after turning Max down and refusing to tie himself to the alpha with a mark on his neck for the whole world to see, Max left Monaco and spent his winter break in Ibiza. 
It's a small world, and Monaco is even a smaller country.
The message was pretty clear, and from hundred of miles away Daniel called his manager and they sold his old and unused aparment for a bigger one away from the sea. Away from Max.
They didn't call each other, Max didn't send flowers for Daniel's sister birthday. Daniel didn't bought Max's cats silly costumes that they wouldn't really wear but still made Max laugh when Daniel showed him.
Then Max started fucking omega after omega for all F1 to know. 
So that was the end of it. 
When Daniel looks up, he's faced with Max's blue eyes glaring at George's hold on him and the tight line of his mouth.
George messes with Daniel's hat making it point sideways and chuckling after Daniel blushes when George fixes it back, rubbing the corner of it and whispering a soft, "Cute."
It's the sour and putrid smell of rage what gets Daniel's attention back on Max.
They are buffing, Daniel suddenly realizes. There's no way George can't smell it too, even the most uneducated beta could recognize the way Max's nostrils flare when George's hand squeezes Daniel's shoulder again. But Daniel doesn't have it in him to move anymore, it's almost too fucking much, he'll probably drop to his knees if one of them asks him to. 
His stomach revolts with anger. George is fucking with him just to try and make Max snap. It's so stupid and childish; two cocky alphas puffing their chests in front of an unmated omega, fighting to see who'll give up first. 
"You can sit with me then, don't think Lewis will mind," George offers, voice so sweet and friendly you'll forget he drives a Mercedes. 
They are just kids, Daniel says to himself. Looking for the bright side to dim his own anger. They are stupid young alphas, this is the shit they do. 
It's still a hard pill to swallow, even after so many years in the paddock it burns the same; to just have to play the game like a good omega should while they compete on who's knot is bigger right in front of Daniel. Using him like a shiny prize on a stand.
Before Daniel can get his head straight and find a way to end it gracefully, he hears Max growl. 
"Fuck off," Max snarls, yanking George's hand off Daniel's shoulder, pushing him away with a hard shove that George doesn't expect and almost causes him to trip over an empty chair. "I'm talking to Daniel, are you fucking blind or—" 
"You fuck off, idiot." George growls back, standing in front of Daniel again to block Max's hand with his body. The roaring coming out of Max's chest is so loud that Daniel has to get both of his hands over his ears to not whine.
"Hey!" Someone calls, followed by a distressed whine that Daniel is almost completely sure didn't come from him. "Don't do this shit here, have some fucking respect for the omegas." 
Daniel opens his eyes slowly to find Alonso holding both alphas by their shirts, shaking them like two reprimanded dogs. George raises both hands in surrender, and Fernando let's him go, George frowns as he starts to brush off over the creases Alonso left on his polo shirt.
"He's the one being an asshole. I was talking with Daniel and he started growling at me like an idiot."  He complains, moving away from the confrontation.
"Fuck you," Max yells, not caring about Alonso's firm grip that tugs him back each time he tries to step closer to George, both of his hands a pair of tight fits and looking like a maniac. "I've told you a million times to get the fuck away from my—" 
Daniel almost drops to his fucking knees.
"Verstappen." Alonso cuts him off, pushing Max hard against the wall. "Get your shit under control, kid. You're making a fool out of yourself." 
Daniel feels like he's burning alive, hears a ring on both of his ears going off, the room starts getting smaller and smaller.
He hears a loud noise and then the flash of Lando's body being dragged out by Carlos’s possessive hold. George holds the door open for them and walks to the end of the room to stand next to Lewis, who gives him a stern look.
"Max" Alonso says again, struggling to keep Max against the wall as Max tries his hardest to push Fernando away to get his hands on George. "Max, calm the fuck down." Alonso grunts, his whole body covering Max's as he grips his wrists and snarls at him in annoyance. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Dejad de hacer el puto ridículo, tío. Joder." 
The FIA people won't take long to get here, and if they do then the whole paddock will know all about this by noon. Most of the guys keep their distance, but Max fights Alonso's hold and he almost slips away, it sets off the rest of the alphas in the room and they stand up from the seats, no longer faking to not notice what's going on. Sebastian and Pierre go to Alonso's rescue, and after some minor struggling, they have Max pinned down on the floor.  
"Daniel, I think you should go." Lewis says.
They are all looking at him. 
"No." Max whines, head raising as he gives Daniel a desperate look. "Daniel." He calls for him, making Daniel's knees go weak. He takes a step closer, wanting to give Max whatever he wants. Ready to do anything for him. 
"Daniel, leave now." Lewis orders him this time, raising his voice and pointing at the door.
Max growls something harsh in Dutch and somehow manages to push half his body up before quickly getting ganged up by George and Lewis, firmly held still.
His face is plastered against the floor, and his nostrils flare as he huffs and curses them all out, calling for Daniel again and again and making Daniel's omega instincts go off. 
"Call fucking Horner," Alonso yells to a very scared Yuki hiding in a corner. 
Max's smells so frustrated and worried at the same time that Daniel just wants to hold him for a bit, tell them to get the fuck off him and just let Max breath for a second.
His body practically moves on his own as he tries to reach for Max's hair, and the sound that comes out of Max's mouth when he sees Daniel approach makes the hard slap he gets worth it.
Charles shoves him hard and pushes him towards the door, his wild eyes looking at Daniel like he's gone crazy.
"Get Red Bull right fuckin now!," Alonso shouts desperate as Max growls, a ripping sound fills the room followed by Pierre's hurt grunt and a loud gasp of fear. "this fucking kid is going into rut!." 
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