#(i’m sure that’s probably Known but it still amazes me lmao)
abba-enthusiast · 2 years
No longer a touch starved lesbian! (Signed up to a dancing class where you are physically required to touch another person)
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hyperactively-me · 1 year
what if what if.. price is some kinda like.. commanding guard/soldier/knight in king!ghost’s kingdom..? I’d imagine they’d be decently good friends and trust each other quite a bit due to it probably having been ghost who decided to make price the commander.. Or maybe Price has already been that for years and kinda made friends with ghost when he was still a prince and price still a regular knight/soldier..?
It would be fun to see some interaction with princess!reader and price, then.. like her stumbling into price somewhere or somehow during some situation or just a normal day in the castle or outside it.. maybe she could end up having a conversation with price and price reveals smth abt ghost to her that she didn’t know? Or just.. yk. Whatever you could possibly figure out or think of, lmao. I’m just pretty invested in these things you’re writing and I’d love seeing price in one of the king!ghost x princess!reader stories you make.. unless you already have added him in it. I’m not sure if you have.. I don’t think so 😭😭
i had another ask super similar to this so here is the end result! hope everyone is happy haha :) i really liked writing this!
You move through the corridors of the palace, the echo of your footsteps reverberating against the grandeur of the walls. As queen, you had no time to dilly dally. You were on your way to another daily lesson when you turned a sharp corner, almost colliding with a man whose presence demands attention.
Dressed in the distinguished uniform of the kingdom's army, General John Price stands before you, a living legend whose name has graced the lips of courtiers and soldiers alike.
“Oh my, I didn’t see you there, I am so sorry–” you apologize profusely, a little shaken up by the collision. 
General Price, ever the embodiment of discipline, offers a reassuring smile, “No need for apologies, your majesty,” he intones with a bow, the brim of his hat casting a shadow over his weathered face. “I should have been more careful. General John Price, at your service.” 
His eyes, wise and warm, meet yours with a mixture of respect and curiosity. You’ve heard tales of this man, a figure who has shaped the destiny of Kastron more than anyone could fathom.
“How nice it is to finally meet you, General Price,” you reply with a smile and a nod, your voice carrying the grace befitting a queen. “I've heard much about you.”
A flicker of acknowledgment crosses his features, and there’s a subtle warmth in his gaze. “I hope, your majesty, that these stories are favorable.”
You giggle, intrigued by the aura of respect that surrounds him. “Yes, they are. The kingdom owes much to your service.”
"Thank you, your majesty," he says, his salute crisp and precise. “I've had the honor of serving Kastron for many years, alongside our esteemed King Simon. He’s truly grown into a confident, strong ruler.”
A spark of curiosity ignites within you. “You've known Simon for quite some time, haven't you?”
Price's expression softens, and for a moment, you catch a glimpse of the depth in their relationship. “Since he was but a young prince. I had the privilege of training him, watching him grow into the leader he is today.”
Gratitude swells within you for the mentorship he provided your husband. “I'm grateful for the guidance you provided him and for your service to our kingdom. He turned out amazing.”
“The honor has been mine, your majesty,” he replies, bowing slightly. “Simon is not just a ruler to me; he's a dear friend I would do anything for.” 
You smile at him. “Good, Simon deserves the best.” 
General Price returns your smile, a glint of pride in his eyes. “He's grown into a remarkable leader. It's been a privilege to witness his journey and contribute in whatever way I could.”
He takes a beat. 
“Simon told me that he’s going to be assigning you a personal guard”
You still for a moment and look at the floor. “Yeah, he did say that.”
Price's expression remains composed, but a glint of acknowledgment gleams in his eyes. “Your safety is of utmost importance to me, your majesty.”
You nod slowly in agreement, appreciating the consideration for your security. “It's…. a sensible precaution.”
The general's gaze softens, and he speaks with a touch of reassurance, “Rest assured, the knight assigned to you will be among our most skilled and trustworthy.”
As you continue the conversation, Price shares insights to his role as General. He highlights the meticulous selection process that will go through for your personal guard, highlighting skill, loyalty, reliability, and discretion. A mention of his second in command, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick piques your interest. 
“And, speaking of those who serve alongside me, your majesty," Price begins, “I believe you might find it helpful to meet Commander Kyle Garrick.”
“Oh, of course, that sounds lovely,” you smile, expressing genuine interest in meeting the Commander. Price offers to take you to him, leading you towards some of the military planning rooms. Maps, battle plans, and the hum of strategy surround Commander Garrick. He rises from his seat, his gaze sharp yet respectful as he greets you. He’s awfully young to be second in command of the army, but you know that he’s earned his position here. 
“Your Majesty," he says, his voice steady as he flashes a big smile at you, “an honor to meet you.” He extends his hand to yours, offering to shake it.
“How charming,” you giggle, shaking his hand firmly.
“The honor is mine, your majesty. I've heard much about you, how you’re excelling here in Kastron.” 
Your laughter, light and genuine, fills the room, momentarily lifting the weight of formality. “Oh, Commander Garrick, please, I’m just trying my best.”
“Please, call me Gaz,” he smiles gently at you, his demeanor exuding a natural friendliness. 
You exchange pleasantries, Gaz, with a nod from Price, provides a brief overview of their ongoing strategies and the challenges faced by the kingdom. His words are measured, revealing not only a keen mind but also a deep commitment to Kastron. 
“So, Commander, have you also known Simon for a while?”
“Yes, your majesty, ever since I entered the military, Simon and I have had a great friendship.” He pauses, smiling to himself. “We used to attend certain training sessions together, and from there we became great friends.” 
A fond smile graces your face as you consider the bond that unites them. “That’s so sweet, Gaz. General Price spoke highly of the friendship between you and Simon.”
In the midst of the discussion, a sense of pride wells within you. The men who safeguard your kingdom are not just military powers; they are people with an unwavering dedication to the well-being of Kastron and the crown. The way they speak of their relationship with Simon makes your heart swell with pride.
The commander nods, his expression thoughtful. “Simon is not only a great ruler but also a steadfast companion. We’re truly lucky to know him.”
As the conversation draws to a close, Commander Garrick expresses his gratitude for the opportunity to meet you. “If there is ever anything you wish to discuss regarding strategies or defense, I am at your service.”
You thank him sincerely, acknowledging the commitment that both he and Price bring to their positions. As you say your farewells, you can't help but feel a strong sense of reassurance knowing that people like Gaz and Price are among the most trusted in safeguarding Kastron.
General Price, ever the courteous man he is, escorts you back through the palace corridors. 
“I can’t thank you enough for spending this time with me,” you say to Price. 
“It’s never a bother,” he says, smiling at you warmly. “I will do anything for you and Simon.” 
Your encounter with Gaz and Price left you with a deeper understanding of the intricacies and dedication that comes with holding high ranking military positions, as well as a deeper understanding of their relationship with Simon. 
You giggle to yourself. Now, time to bother Simon about your discovery.
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elizakai · 1 year
revealing my true analyst self 😪💫
When it comes to media I enjoy I get so much brain-rot, and zuchiyeni’s idol! Au has been plaguing me, so I thought I’d share for anyone mildly interested. And I’m definitely totally not procrastinating.
these are just headcanons (?) and ideas mwaha.
I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IDOL DREAM✨ because it’s dream.
VOICE WISE , I think it’s pretty universal in fandom to imagine dream’s voice as more ✨feminine✨ (correct me if I’m wrong).
But an au that contains SINGING provides OPPORTUNITY. See, Dream’s well known , recognizable, popular, surely he is unique in some way. “Pretty voice” is Great and all, But he gives me ‘actually talented vocalist’ vibes. like. Imagine he’s got this really pretty atmospheric voice, pretty normal idea. Now ELEVATE THAT. Imagine he has the vocal capacity to be gritty. I’d ASSUME that’s not their music style typically (I have no idea what their music will be like to be clear) but just the ABILITY. To be really raw and powerful. And it comes out sometimes *ascends* that makes it more interesting imo. He’s sweet, mipy cinnamon roll. But boy could keep up with like a metal band if he wanted. That’s just equally funny and amazing.
I have example ideas but I’ll leave that out unless someone wants em so that this isn’t torture text to read hhhhh.
I just. Have brain worms at this point. If you’re still reading this, kudos.💀💫
My brain is also convinced that dream gets passionate in that way when he’s absorbed in emotions rather than performance. Like, if he’s invested in a song, he sometimes disassociates. That’s when the most impressive performances happen either way, I imagine ink and blue let it happen and just keep an eye on him. subtly snap him out of it afterwards.
He really likes Error. As a celebrity. I have an explanation I promise. Original Dreamtale Dream, according to the creator, has a respect for error. INTERESTING, right? You’d think their opposing morals would suggest otherwise?
This is ME interpreting (SIDE TANGENT)⚠️
But maybe Dream sees some of himself, or understands Error despite not interacting much. The both have a conviction, a belief, and they adhere to/ act on that. …alone. ERROR is convinced that alternates of the original world are bad, so he’s convicted to take care of it. It’s HIS responsibility in his mind. And the task is IMPOSSIBLE. he knows that deep down. But he tries, and he's all alone in it.
DREAM has been conditioned to believe that his worth/ purpose/ existence all ties back to making sure everyone is happy. That’s IMPOSSIBLE. But, he’s convicted of this as his sole purpose. So he tries. And he knows it’s impossible. And he’s all alone in it. They are both just isolated. So while dream doesn’t necessarily agree with him, specifically his erm, methods. (Cause dream DOES understand balance and probably can somewhat understand his pov) he doesn’t hate him, he has RESPECT. EVEN MORE INTERESTING IF YOU INCLUDE INK. He may align with Inks values MORE than Errors. He’s respectful towards and works together with Ink. But I think Ink has lost his respect. It’s confirmed that in dreamtale, dream and ink have some sort of falling out. There’s broken trust. Imagining inks response to dream not disliking error as much as he should is interesting. Lmao ig they both have drama with ink. (END SIDE TANGENT)⚠️
ANYWAYS. Back to applying this to Idol! Error strikes me as a more ‘senior’ idol. I’m just imagining dream enjoys watching his performances and keeping up with his fanbase, just. Happily watching interviews and listening to his music sometimes. <3 Does he entirely emulate him? no X) he just liked him. And if he takes notes sometimes, that’s his business.
ink: ‘REALLY? THIS GUY? He’s an Asshole!!!’
dream: *sighs dreamily* yeah…
meanwhile blue probably has managed to casually say hi to the guy and make friends. Dreams too shy. An interaction would be very awkward. But an colab would be an drEaM come true .(wow! So funny!) Ink half heartedly hating the guy.
also I’m JUST saying.
Error. Dream. messed up. sleep.
Insomnia. I JUST. Like the idea. *evaporates* if I count as a fan, the fans want a colab >:(
I’m going to assume we all already are guessing dream and nightmare have some sort of drama🤪. I really like the idea of the MT.trio and The Stars performing together , despite probably being rivals, but I wonder if MT.trio looking up to Nightmare would affect that. Like, depending on how the twins feel towards each other, Nm might be like ‘avoid dat biatch’ and the trio is like ‘yes yes, very bad’ 😪✨ (also if what are their FANBASES like???? Like interacting with each other?? Drama much?) also I guess this could apply to Error. Is he a rival to nightmare? Are they friendly? Either way, does he care much about nightmares opinion? If they are RIVALS him interacting with dream and crew is funny.
(I imagine blue is friends with like everyone anyway. And ink probably would tolerate him if he had to.) but If nightmare is negative towards dream, and Error is a friend of his, it’s kind of great imagining Error just being chill and aloof but mentally assessing dream when they interact, keeping in mind what nightmare has said. Next time nightmare complains about his brother errors like ‘lol ur little bro seems perfectly normal but ok hoe B)’ *proceeds to hang with both of them*
(god it’s longer than I wanted ahem.)
I NEED TO STOP GOODBYE NOW :) these are all just goofy ideas and now I need to actually go be productive at 2 am.
I like discussing silly things so like, feel free if you somehow read to the bottom💀.
Idol! Dream by @tuxibirdie
Idol! Au by/ belongs to @zucchiyeni
dead brain cells by @ me.
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re: your tags on that trek show misogyny poll I’m pretty sure you could make a poll that was like “which trek crew travelled the furthest distance” and for some reason ds9 would still be winning over voyager
I could even tell you how this argument would be laid out lmao (the wormhole to the gamma quadrant!)
But more seriously there's a definite DS9 bias right now on tumblr, which is kind of infuriating at times even for me (known DS9-biased tumblr user), but I guess it's something that developed fairly recently because it wasn't like this five years ago, when I got into tumblr Trek fandom, or not this much that I can remember in any case.
I can even understand why this happened in the first place! For so many years DS9 has been disparaged by so many Trekkies as being not real Trek, too dark, too focused on politics and too little about exploration, too difficult to follow in a syndicated tv landscape etc... and so now we're seeing the reaction to this, especially (I imagine) after the release of the DS9 Documentary, which had a pretty heavy-handed "we've been ignored for so long but now it's our time" slant.
I think thematically DS9 is also more appealing to the current tumblr userbase for many reasons, and I fell into the trap, early on, of comparing Voyager too directly with it. They're two shows that function very very differently, both thematically and on a structural level, and in order to appreciate both I think it pays off to understand that they're simply never going to be truly comparable. Not a lot of DS9 fans are willing to let go of expectations, and the same goes for some Voyager fans on the other side (this is not me being both-sides, it's just that I've seen Opinions over the years). And so Voyager gets completely dismissed even when it shouldn't.
I admit to still being a bit biased about DS9! If asked by a non-Trekkie which one to watch first, I'd probably still suggest DS9 (thought the correct answer would probably be 'start with season 3 of TNG'). But Voyager has truly amazing characters and incredibly layered relationships between them, and a story that while being episodic is still about the incredible, moving bond between this crew built over years as they survive to see another week. It deals with trauma and what it means to be a person, about what it takes to break and then mend friendships, about guilt and forgiveness, about the price paid to make life-or-death decisions every day. It's so quintessentially Star Trek, it's a shame that so many people refuse to meaningfully engage with it. I think they'd be very pleasantly surprised if they tried.
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sea-jello · 1 year
every single little detail they managed to fit into bmc
yeah there are SO MANY details in this show and its driving me crazy so im gonna amass everything into posts
ik many of these are well known or obvious or whatever but im doing it so anyone who didnt know about any of these could easily learn it all in one go without having to scour the internet or rewind and watch the background in every single scene yk (also i noticed so many of these myself and im kinda proud and its a way for me to get it all out)
i’m also going to be using @/thesquirrelqueer's be more chill archive which is amazing and frankly scary so go give em some love
edit i changed my mind halfway through this cause thats gonna take me forever so if you want to see all the visual details go check that out. its like thats the artists reference and this is the writers reference i think all the little quirks showcase their personality quite well
im gonna start all the way from the beginning so FIRST UP is 2river's "More Than Survive" (album+show, specifically the one 35 minute 👢)
im telling you its LONG so prepare yourself for that. maybe pull up the video to watch side by side so yk what im talking about (the video on yt is "this isnt be more chill" because its NOT be more chill) tiny warning for very mild nsfw mentions cause its bmc
from the first "c-c-c-cmon" up to "and now of course its time to hit the road" theres a sound that sounds like a mouse clicking to the beat in the background. i thought this was to reflect the show when jeremy stops clicking at his laptop at the line "and now of course its time to hit the road" to gets up and put his pants on, but during "but that really isnt such a change/if im not feeling weird or super strange" you can still hear the clicks. maybe its there just for repetitions sake cause it breaks off at "which means ill be uncomfortable all day" and resumes for those two lines, then you dont hear it again. you can hear this one very clearly if you watched the show, but its a little fainter in the album (i figured it out from the album lmao go me)
during the bus scene in the show when everyones going to their places, jeremy almost crashes into rich and you can hear his voice hitch
christine watches this interaction before "sitting down" on the bus to read
i think brooke is asleep during the bus ride, and gets woken up when the bus jerks forward
jake nearly drops his phone too (again this is all based on the 35 minute video on yt. im sure small things change every show, but this is all we got so im picking this one apart)
jeremy keeps smoothing his hair behind his right ear with his palm, probably a nervous gesture. he does it when they "get off the bus"
during the ensembles (i dont think thats the right word but it just makes it easier for me you know who im talking about) "c-c-c-cmon", michael loses his signal on his phone when they get to school, hence the "cmon"
chloe impatiently gestures to brooke to "cmon" and follow her (yk)
jenna waves to christine. christine puts her book down and waves back, then again just watches jenna and then people
rich messes with jenna and she goes to hit him
after the "c-c-c-cmon"s rich jumps out from backstage and hits jeremy in the nuts you can hear jeremys faint noise of pain
in the little dance break jake and jenna are dancing on opposite sides of the stage, then wave at each other (im pretty sure). jeremy looks back and forth between them while they dance and mistakenly waves to jenna when they spin around (just watch it youll know what i mean)
when chloe, brooke and jenna are gossiping, up to jakes "its a good thing i rock at pool" the "rich set a fire" tune plays in the background (something something gossip rumors) chloe is holding a textbook with the earth on it, so science or something probably. there’s a magazine article page that says “what cheating does to [i can’t see what it says]”, which i’m assuming is a reference to jake?? she also have page cutouts of hair products, straighteners, etc, and i think a picture of either taylor swift or brooke i really can’t tell 💀💀when rich writes on jeremys backpack, he pulls him up by the collar to say "youre dead", then pushes him (jeremy pushes his hair back again) into mr reyes' path where hes walking to put up the play sign up sheet. (side note gerards voice cracked on 'dont touch me tall ass" so it sounds like hes having a tantrum and will connolly looks like a meerkat and i love them both)
when jake says "its a good thing i rock at pool" chloe and brooke hide behind a pillar and listen in, then chloe does a sort of "i told you so" gesture. during the whole "i navigate the dangerous hall" scene, brooke chases after chloe as she storms off upset. rich messes with jenna again and she chases him offstage, then mr reyes follows (im pretty sure he pinched her ass) i dunno if this is a coincidence but christine runs after them offstage too. christine and jenna friendship w
jeremy genuinely sounds so excited when he realized it was a sign up sheet and i wholeheartedly believe he wanted to join the play even before christine, she was just the final push
when the ensemble comes back out before the "christiiiiiiiiine" mr reyes comes out dragging rich by the ear while jenna smugly walks behind them (read back to him pinching her ass). rich flips him off after he lets go. jake walks past chloe without looking up from his phone and chloe does a 180 to chase after him. forgot to mention michael has his hood on and bops to his music in the background of all the ensemble scenes but yk its pretty well known
oh god class scene here we go. rich and jake make the 👌👈 sign at michael. rich very aggressively shoves his WHOLE HAND into the circle and opens his hand. jenna raises her hand and mr reyes brushes her off in favor of trying and failing to get jake to stop, so he moves on to rich. he puts a hand on richs arm and sorta makes the "wtf" gesture. rich makes the "sorry about that" motion with his hand still around his wrist which is kinda funny to me (just watch it i cant even describe it) jake turns to talk to brooke, who was previously talking to chloe. jenna waves to christine again. also christine seemed really shy every time jenna waves at her, and never waves first. idk if this is a coincidence but chloe flips her hair back and brooke mirrors it right after. there’s a poster for an anime club on the bulletin board with the sign up sheet
jeremys fucking bops to his intro i love him
really quick when michael goes "and were almost at the end of this song" and does his dance jeremy bops along with him. NOW if we stretch a bit and say this actually happened then that means jeremy knew what song he was listening to/where hes at based on him dancing to it earlier they know each other so well they are best friends and possibly boyfriends in this essay i will
jeremy flops his head to the side on the beat and with michaels "how was class" slap hes so dramatic
i think i might be tripping but right after "i hate this school" and during the tore it up and flushed it thing michael in the bathroom plays very very faintly in the bg. IM NOT TRIPPING in the album mitb plays during the humanity stopped evolving thing up to "better time in history to be a loser". and THEN from "so own it" up to the christine jingle THE PANTS SONG PLAYS. you can just barely hear it in the boot too
during the first "canigula" michael waves in front of jeremys face and he kicks at him
before jeremys sign up verse michael takes his lunch tray and jerks his head towards the sheet in a "go on" motion and then ofc pushes him towards it HES SUPPORTIVE OF HIM HELLO this furthers my belief of jeremy being a secret theatre kid. jeremy looks back at him on "who cares if people think im lame" like hes reassuring himself can you hear my heart
when rich shouts "GAAAY" mr reyes points and goes after him
when they all come out to dance, jeremy first mistakenly waves to chloe when she waves at jenna, then rich when he goes to dap jake up, then tries to wave at michael but he spins away while presumably listening to his music. christine just watches chloe and brooke talk again
when they all start slowly standing up at the "go"s jeremy looks so confused
also when he jumps off the chair that is PEAK meerkat moment. then he lands and just stands there for like a solid 3 seconds its so funny to me
LORD almighty we're done that took weeks okay uhh please tell me if i should do EVERYTHING everything like broadway off broadway australia cause lord knows im the ceo of bmc australia rn also i dont want to sound pretentious but please reblog cause i spent so much time and effort on this useless fucking post 😭😭 but whatever i had fun
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bellysoupset · 5 months
i’ve been acting delulu about the whole wen+vin fight that we all knew was coming up, kinda like completely ignoring it was a thing and all your warnings bc im #notemotionallystrong and i liked pretending it wasn’t gonna happen to cope <3333 BUT AHHHHH after this last fic IM LITERALLY FULL ON SOBBING (IN PUBLIC) WHAT THE FUCKKKK SOUP😭😭😭 you’re so mean (lovingly) 😩 FR IM SO SAD I LOVE MY BABIES SO MUCH THIS IS AWFUL BUT ALSO THE FIGHT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN😭 AND LIKE SO UPSETTING AND UNCOMFY BC OF HOW REAL IT FELT idk how to explain it but it’s like hearing my parents (aka my best friends who’ve been together forever LOL) fight LMAO sobbing 😩😩😩 and also OMG I AUDIBLY GASPED AND HAD TO LOOK AWAY WHEN I READ THE PHONE NOTIFICATIONS THING AND REALISED IT WAS LEO’S TEXT like if there was a terrible way to find out it was THIS 😭😭😭😭😭 BABY GIRL THINKING EVERYONE HAS KNOWN FOR MONTHS???? AND THEN VIN SO DESPERATELY TRYING TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF???? AND JUST TALK??? (a lil too late tho buddy but also I GET IT GOSHHHH) AND THEN BOTH SOBBING GODDDD I CANT I CANT this is so devastating amazing job boo‼️
OMG AND ALSO THE OTHER FICS? i hadn’t commented on them bc i was waiting for this one to react to everything but GODDAMN????? LUKE POOR BUB all feverish spilling everything??? and their reactions🥺🥺🥺🥺 (also side note jon so worried about luke was beautiful and i enjoyed it very much🤭) and OMG leo’s guilt about not noticing the depression symptoms 😩 and the whole thing w bella and kit GOSH I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE‼️
BUT ANYWAYS GOING BACK TO MY BABIES RAAAAAHHHHH I NEED WEN AND VIN TO BE OKAY omfg IM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THIS😭😭 you’re so good at writing angst tho like goddamn i’m still crying and will probably continue to cry about this 😩😭 they need to be okay 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ also i know you said you were nervous about luke and wen’s storyline and im SO CURIOUS and excited to read‼️ im sure whatever you choose to do with them is gonna be amazing and you know we all have a beautiful love/hate relationship w angst so i have a feeling we’re gonna eat it up!! (which we will do regardless bc your writing and storytelling is always wonderful!!!)
sending a snotty sobby virtual hug to all my babies and a strong virtual punch to kit <33333
I'm actually cackling at you acting delulu because I remember I dropped many MANY hints of the Wendy/Vince break up and you were in my inbox completely ignoring them and me thinking "damn, am i being too subtle???"
Its so funny (and terrible) to be answering this late, because I can totally say the things I was nervous about. So ORIGINALLY Vin/Wendy didnt get back together, they actually broke it off for good and Wendy feeling very isolated from her friend group relapsed in her eating disorder.
But then Wendy kinda girl bossed her way into getting back with Vince, which was not planned, AND opened up to Bella, that was also not planned at all. So I scrapped that storyline! I still want to do something with her E.D, I remember I got an ask ages ago that was something like "Wendy refuses to eat because she's feeling queasy, Vince thinks she relapsed and tries to push her, only to have it come back up and he realizes she's actually sick", so I'll probably write that! A more mild version of what I originally had in mind!
And I'm SORRY i'm a terrible person but I'm sooo proud of myself for making you cry in public. I need a blog badge just for that #angster
Love you 🦦!
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mallardmonster · 1 year
I picked up the game again. Nothing had really changed from last time, I was still at that spot where I found Pidgeot. I don’t have the badge that lets you use Fly so I can’t use it to escape this limbo map unfortunately, so I surfed back to Goldenrod to talk to the Suicune some more, it’s still just standing around so I talked to it about the Pokemon I’ve found. Here’s the transcript so I don’t have to upload a million photos:
Did you know about the Pokemon: Did you know that the code here was deeply flawed in many ways? It’s amazing the kind of space you can make with some simple optimizations. Sure, the save got wiped, but I took it upon myself to archive some elements directly into the ROM whenever possible. Helps me a lot when it comes to staying around. But yes, I did know about your party members.
Where are the rest: They’re around, it won’t be that difficult for you to find them. The map is limited and I trust you to be smart enough to figure things out on your own.
Why are you being difficult: It’s not on purpose, there’s just very little I can do myself. You’re the one holding the controller, you’d be surprised just how much agency that gives you here. I’ve always been here more for the ride than to mess with you. Other kids were a fair game though
What other kids: I wouldn’t know who they were, I’ve forgotten the funny names they had for their trainers too, but I’m surprised you have. I mean the luck you had was always ridiculous for a reason, and I won’t lie I had fun crushing a couple dreams of whatever playground dominance winning at a video game gave a kid back in the day. … Might’ve been a bit of a shortsighted joy in retrospect, but it wasn’t like I was expecting things to work out the way they did.
Are you a ghost: Maybe. I don’t really know or care if I’m honest with you. I also don’t know enough about ghosts as a phenomenon to say whether I’d count as one or not, so maybe do your own research on that matter.
You’re a ghost: I guess that’s cool. Kind of unexpected, but cool.
I don’t really know what to make of this guy. Thing? Ghost?? It’s probably a ghost. Or they are. I don’t really wanna think about this too hard tbh. At least I know that there’s more Pokemon here and what they are, I've tried to like recall the ones I had and I'm pretty sure I had an Arcanine, an Umbreon, and a Magneton. I’m not sure what my last member was anymore though
Also speaking of which I did find the Arcanine at the roof of the department store (idk where all the NPCs are):
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I remember not being able to evolve this one until Kanto because I didn’t know how the phone numbers worked and didn't register any for the longest time, I wouldn’t have known which one to get for the fire stone anyway. I also taught it Dragonbreath apparently and it’s holding the Dragon Fang which is funny because that item doesn’t do anything lmao GameFreak’s at it again with the banger coding
I’m gonna keep checking places tomorrow, it’s late and I’m feeling like a real sleepy bitch rn
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the-tortured-poets-dpt · 11 months
my honest 1989 tv first impressions
welcome to new york – first listen was strange, sounded kinda “wrong” but the second time was better. still think the og slaps more bc she sounds more excited, also the intro is so different??
blank space – not really sure about it too, the way she sings “weekend” sounds a bit off, i hope it grows on me
style – i was very nervous about this song and now i’m too sad about it to comment
out of the woods – first listen was okay, second listen convinced me, still hits the way it should!! sounds so crisp
all you had to do was stay – i love EVERYTHING except the way she tone in which she sings that certain “all you had to do was stay” after the “well it could’ve been easy”, she sings it the way the last “ayhtdws” in the chorus is sung and it kind of takes some tension away?? i hope it’s understandable (i don’t think so lol it’s hard to explain)
shake it off – SLAPS 10/10 i love it, you hear differences (ofc) but it’s still as energetic as the original and it actually makes me want to listen to the song again after being tired of it for quite a few years
i wish you would – nothing to criticize here, still slaps, very similar to the og but much clearer aka rest in peace “stand back wasted” lmao
bad blood – the “if you’re coming my way, just don’t” sounds SO much more fed up lol i love it, very well done
wildest dreams – (already known)
how you get the girl – another GREAT rerecord, actually one of the best on this one i think!!
this love – (same here)
i know places – i was SO afraid of this but omg it still has the same power and still gives me goosebumps i’m hooked
clean – also well done, nothing to criticize, will def grow on me
wonderland – ANOTHER FAV it’s so good
you are in love – the echoes in the chorus are a bit too low key imo but overall still good, guess i have to listen to it a few more times though
new romantics – also not sure, didn’t quite hit the way i hoped it would at the first listen but i’ll give it time
i’m excited to read what others have to say about this awesome new rerecord and i hope i don’t sound too harsh, i know how difficult it must be to try to recreate the instrumentals and vocals from 10 years ago and overall it’s VERY similar which is absolutely respectable and amazing. also i’ll definitely get used to those differences i pointed out (except for style probably which is the only track that hurt me)
and now finally ON TO THE VAULT TRACKS
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
fic writer asks: 💞 🕯️🍭
Hiiiii Jenna!!! :D I already answered the lollipop one earlier 💞
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
Not to be a fucking gleek on main but for me, I think it’s just making sure that the characters love each other and the audience knows why they do. Like yeah it’s Kurt and Blaine and they are going to be together but I love exploring the why of it all, and getting to show that love is a conscious choice
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
(((TW for mentions of school shootings and overdose below so if that bothers you I’d scroll past the rest of this post))) ((edit I’m so sorry this is a lot and will be under the personal tag for anyone who doesn’t wanna see it lmao))
It’s definitely Sing To Me. So I signed up for the prompt reverse bang a while ago and I was SO SO SOOOOO excited to do it bc I got assigned a Zoe’s Extraordinary playlist AU and I absolutely adore that show and I had really big ideas for it and I was just so hyped to explore the idea of living grief and letting go and dealing with stuff like that
And then spring rolled around and I was coming out of seasonal depression, having to had missed Christmas for the second year in a row because of covid just a bunch of bullshit because life is fucking hard??? And literally on the day I decided to start taking antidepressants my mom called me and said that a childhood friend had overdosed and passed away.
I still get choked up thinking about it sometimes but like. It was really hard on our family because we’d known him basically our entire lives, and he was my brothers best friend for almost a decade and we’re still really close with his mom who I adore and it’s been so hard on her like I can’t even imagine
And then about a month later, the Uvalde shooting happened. For those who don’t know, I live in San Antonio Texas and Uvalde is probably about 60 miles from where I work so when that happened it hit me hard. I was fine for a few days and then I suddenly really, really wasn’t. My school district shut down two weeks early, we had to take trainings on how to stuff bullet wounds and it was all so terrible and dystopian
Sorry, I know this it like. A lot of context and feels unrelated but what I’m getting at I guess is that every time I open up Sing To Me to write, i feel myself getting pulled back into the headspace I was a year ago?? And I don’t know why. I wish I could make more headway on it, because it’s such a great prompt and my artist made an AMAZING playlist to go with it, but I think my views on grief have changed over the last year and it’s difficult to paint it in the light I originally planned to for that fic?? I’m not even sure if this is what the question was asking but it’s so hard for me to separate this fic from the shit that happened when I was deepest into the writing process for it. I really do hope to finish it, even if it turns out to be a slightly different story than I originally planned
SORRY FOR THE WHOLE ASS NOVEL??? But thanks for the ask!! 💞💞
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nojey · 4 years
feral boys x streamer!reader (separate)
genre: fluff, crack
warning(s): none
synopsis: the feral boys finally meet their favorite streamers
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dreamwastaken / clay
word count: 407
the day you met dream, you were on the phone with your best friend george, also known as georgenotfound
the day you met dream, you were on the phone with your best friend george, also known as georgenotfound
he was speedrunning on stream while you were on a discord call with him
his viewers knew who you were, not only because you were george’s best friend but also because you were a streamer too
you weren’t a big one but well known for how well you play battle box in mcc
george was about to end his stream after an unsuccessful speed run when he asked you something
“you know dream right?”
“yeah, of course, he’s one of your other best friends” you answered
“are you okay with me adding him to the call?” he asked you.
“uh sure, but aren’t you gonna end stream?” 
“no, i will after this.” he giggled
“why? are you trying to embarrass one of us?” you asked him suspiciously.
“you don’t have to worry about that.” 
you heard a ding from discord, indicating that someone joined your voice chat
“hello? dream?” george asked.
“george. why? why are you doing this to me?” dream asked.
“hi dream,” you smiled.
“uh, hi. hi (y/n).”
“george why did you add me to the call?” he asked george.
“well, i know how much you like watching their stream. and considering you’re both my best friends, why not introduce you! perfect right? anyways. i’m gonna end my stream now. let’s raid karl. and you two can talk to each other. bye now!” he left the call so now it was just you and dream in the vc
it really warmed your heart that someone with such a big platform liked watching your streams since it had been quite hard to gain a following since you started streaming
“hi dream,” you said once again
he sighed. “hi (y/n).” “i really didn’t want him to do that, i didn’t want this to be the first time we meet, you know. i just love watching your streams so much and i wanted it to, honestly, be in person. but you know, george does what he thinks he shou-”
“it’s okay dream, i’ve actually been looking forward to meeting you, considering you’re also one of george’s best friends. but i do agree, he does tend to do whatever he puts his mind to.”
after you calmed his nerves, his conversation skills skyrocketed and the conversations flowed very easily
you guys spent the rest of the night talking 
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georgenotfound / george
word count: 326
being a minecraft streamer and a hypebeast got you some recognition
you were a hypebeast model on instagram and when you had announced you started streaming minecraft on twitch you had grown pretty easily
it didn’t take you time before you were invited to join mcc
not just because you had a big following but because you were actually really good at playing
since you didn’t really know any other mc streamers you got placed in a group with people you had never met
their names were Ph1lzA, WilburSoot, and GeorgeNotFound
the first time you talked to them, they welcomed you with open arms and we so nice
“hi (y/s/n)! i’m philza but you can just call me phil,” he introduced.
“hi phil!” you responded.
“i’m wilbur, is this gonna be your first mcc?” wilbur asked.
“yeah, it is. i’m actually really nervous.” you laughed a bit, to get the nerves out.
“ah okay, well no worries. we were all beginners before. don’t worry about trying to score high, just have fun!” phil assured.
“we’re just waiting for one other person and we’ll get started on the practice.” phil continued.
“okie dokie,” you said. you put yourself on mute and wiped the sweat off your hands on your pants. 
“hello, hello, sorry i’m late. had trouble starting the server.” you heard. 
“well nice of you to join us george.” wilbur said.
“yeah, yeah. hi philza, hi wilbur, hi (y/s/n)- wait, (y/s/n)??” he stuttered
“hi george?,” you said softly.
“oh my god, i’ve watched your streams before, they’re really cool. i enjoy watching them.” he rambled.
you giggled
“well thank you,” you said, still giggling a little.
for the rest of the day you all practiced, everyone giving you pointers, but george watching carefully to make sure you understood the pointers you were getting
and if you didn’t then he knew to tell you which part you were kind of misunderstanding
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word count: 398
you met sapnap long before you became a streamer
you were a big fan of sapnap
and one day you ran into him in public
it was a short interaction but it really meant a lot to you
so you asked for a picture to remember the moment by
after you took the picture you said your goodbyes and you were extremely excited
a few weeks after than interaction you had made the decision to start streaming
you were thinking about becoming one for a long time and after meeting sapnap you made your decision 
because you wanted to be the type of person sapnap was to you
and be a person someone looked up to and meet people that felt the way about you that you feel about sapnap
you’d been a streamer for a few months when you got a raid from sapnap himself
his viewers were suggesting he raided you so he did
you freaked out, you gained a small following and the fact that sapnap decided to raid you? amazed
but what you didn’t know was that he kept watching you
after he saw how appreciative you were he wanted to watch more and he got intrigued
so he followed you and started watching your streams almost every time you streamed whenever he wasn’t busy
after about 2 years of streaming you got a very big following
your supporters were stalking your twitter and found the picture of you and sapnap when you both met
they then began to repost it on twitter tagging the both of you
you saw it and replied, “LMAO i look so small. but big shoutout to sapnap for raiding me as a small streamer and making all this possible <3″
he saw your reply and his eyes went big
he then proceeded to respond to your tweet, “we’ve met before??”
and it went back and forward
“yeah, it was before i was a streamer, we met at like.. the grocery store lol”
“i literally had no idea you were a fan of me”
“yup, i’ve been for the past 3 years”
“dude after i raided you i started watching your streams and you became my favorite streamer”
“well,, you’re still my favorite streamer ;)” 
after that sapnap dmd you asking if you guys could meet in person again
and who could pass up that offer
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karl jacobs
word count: 510
you and karl met at twitchcon
you had recently become a big streamer and this was your 2nd time going to twitchcon
1st time having a meet and greet
meeting your supporters meant so much to you 
you finally get to give each of them a hug, and it may not be all of them but seeing this many people come out to meet you meant more than anyone could imagine
but being at twitchcon also meant you could meet your streamer friends 
which made everything 10x more exciting
you decided to meet up with your friend, valkyrae and you guys were going to a creator party
when you finally got to see her you gave her a huge hug that lasted a while because it was the first time you were meeting in person
once you both reached the venue of where the party was being held you all met up with your other friends. you hadn’t met any of them in person but rae had
you saw sykkuno, lily, michael, toast, and a few other people and smiled really big, excited to see all of them
you finally got to them and pulled them into a group hug
“you guys!! oh my god it feels so good to finally meet all of you!” you said.
“it’s nice to meet you in person, (y/n).” sykkuno said smiling at you
you let go of the hug and remembered everyone else that they were with
“hi! i’m (y/s/n) but you can just call me (y/n),” you said with a smile.
“this is karl, poki, and scarra.” toast introduced.
you saw karl and poki whispering to each other while you got into a conversation with everyone else.
poki coughed and said, “hey guys! don’t we have to go to that thing, right? that thing.” hinting at something, looking between you and karl.
you’re pretty sure everyone caught on and they all agreed.
“oh yeah! that thing!”
“yeah, we should probably go!”
“yup, don’t wanna be late to that thing.”
you looked at them with an unimpressed look as they walked away, looking behind their shoulders to see you and karl standing there.
“hi, i’m-i’m karl, i’m sorry about that. i just told poki that you’re like literally my favorite streamer and i guess she wanted us to talk more? i don’t know, but it’s really nice to meet you.” karl said.
you laughed as you quickly understood your friends weird behavior
“yeah, you raided me a few times- thank you for that by the way. it helped me a lot in growing my fanbase and i don’t think i’d be where i am if you hadn’t raided me.” you smiled at him. he beamed and smiled back at you.
“yeah, no, it was no problem. like i said you’re literally my favorite streamer and being able to help you with that is absolutely insane to me.”
for the rest of the party, your friends could see both of you talking the night away
and maybe even dance together
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word count: 428
finding out what to do for stream was kinda hard when pretty much all your friends were busy
but then you got a text from karl, asking if you wanted to play jackbox with him and a few friends
you accepted, knowing you wouldn’t have anything else to stream
in the lobby it would be you, karl, dream, sapnap and a few other people you didn’t know
when it was finally time to play, you started up your stream and introduced what you’d be playing that night
“hey guys, welcome welcome, welcome. today i’m gonna be playing jackbox with karl, dream, sapnap, and a few other of karls friends.” 
you joined the vc and immediately heard a lot of boys talking very loudly
you let out a small, “hello?” 
somehow everyone heard you and stopped talking
“(y/n)!” karl yelled out.
dream and sapnap let out a “hi, (y/n)” and you said hello back.
“hi everyone, i’m (y/s/n) but you all can call me (y/n)” you introduced yourself.
eveyrone else said hi and introduced themselves
you found out you were playing with quackity, wilbur, tommy, and techno too
during mad verse city karl was going against quackity and his rap went something like this
“you talk so weird, i’m gonna need translator, next time (y/n)’s here they’re gonna be a hater, because your big crush on them i’ll see ya later”
your mouth was wide open while all the boys started teasing quackity
“what the fuck! i don’t have a crush on them!” 
quackity ended up losing that one.
after the game and you ended you stream you asked quackity to stay
“hi quackity,” you said, with an energetic voice
“... hey, (y/n)” 
“sooo, was what karl said true?” you asked.
“mm not necessarily. it’s not that i have a crush on you. you’re.. just my favorite streamer and you know. this is the first time i’m meeting you and i was telling all of them that i’m nervous because i’ve never talked to you before and i think you’re a great streamer and that you put out really funny content and i didn’t wanna embarrass myself but. karl did that for me.” he rambled
you giggled
“i think that’s really cute. thank you for supporting me. you can dm me on twitter or discord if you ever wanna play sometime.” you told him and left the vc.
you then saw all the boys you were playing with pile into the vc and you could only imagine what they were talking about.
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
oh hello!! i found your blog and i’m so amazed at what you write! i’m unsure if i’ve asked here before, or if this is my first time. how would the lords react to a young F!reader who has liquid mercury wings, and also doesn’t know how to smile (yet)? lil ‘kuudere’ mercury angel lmao. i hope this isn’t too much to ask ^^ tysm and stay safe!! 💛
Thank you! 💛 This is my first time getting this ask. I've interpreted it as more of a child/young teen reader, let me know if you envisioned it differently!
Alcina Dimitrescu
Congratulations! You've just been adopted! 🎉🎉🎉
All of Alcina's mom instincts just clicked on the minute she saw you. You're so small. So cute. She felt the same instant connection to you as she did to her three daughters.
Without even being able to really process it, you're given a room, an entire new wardrobe, and three older sisters who adore you just as much as their mom does. Honestly, it's a little disorienting.
Alcina is a little worried about the fact that you seem to have no real emotions, but she's a patient lady who believes firmly in communication. If you like something and tell her, she believes you. Some people just don't emote that well, after all. She gets used to it very quickly.
(And if anyone even so much as makes a snippy comment about your face or tone, they're straight up dead.)
She is the kind of mom who wants ALL the pictures of her darling children, and makes you sit for many, many formal portraits--some of which she even paints herself.
She likes incorporating Angelic imagery in all of your portraits, too. Your wings are beautiful, and she wants to make sure that you never have insecurities about your appearance or your abilities. If she can show even 1/10th of how perfect she finds you, she calls it a mission accomplished.
Alcina never expected you to smile for her, honestly. You had limits, and she respected them. But when she unveiled the newest family portrait--with all of her children featured prominently--to her surprise she spots a small, trembling smile on your lips.
And when you say 'Thank you, Mother'? Alcina gets really emotional, and even a little teary eyed.
She Immediately drops to her knees and pulls you into the BIGGEST hug. You are always welcome.
Donna Beneviento
But if you're baby, and I'm baby, then who's driving the bus?
Donna does not know how to interact with you. She's already quite inexperienced with social interaction, and without the feedback that she normally gets from people's facial expressions, she's left floundering.
She's really trying her best, too! It's just, your voice doesn't even have the slightest bit of inflection. Are you happy? Sad? Give her a hint she is suffering.
Your deadpan tone just CRACKS Angie up, though.
Angie bridges the gap in your relationship. She is talkative and wacky, which fills the awkward silences between you and Donna very easily.
Similar to Donna, you find it very easy to talk to Angie! She doesn't force you to smile, or talk, or do anything you might be uncomfortable with. She's playful and loud, so you don't have to try very hard around her.
Eventually you two reach a peaceful, relaxing medium. Donna slowly accepts that your words are meant to be taken at face value, and with that realization a lot of the stress between you two melts away.
Also, if you let her make you clothes? She👏is👏 LIVING👏
She loooves to make things for you, and the wings only offer a welcome challenge. She's never worked with anything like that before, and she's so excited!!!!
Angie also wants you to fly around with her in the yard! The three of you actually have a lot of fond memories of outdoor tea parties where Donna primly sits in a chair, watching with a small, happy smile on her face as you flutter through the air with a SCREECHING Angie in your arms. She's having a BLAST!!
It's the first time she sees you smile, too, and it just makes her own smile grow. She never thought she'd have another sibling, but life really is full of surprises, isn't it?
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore is SO concerned...
You're really young, left alone, with an obvious physical difference that can be spotted a mile away. Someone could target you very easily, and despite your wings he doesn't know if you could safely defend yourself. He really wants to help you out, but uh...
Kids are consistently terrified of him? He doesn't know if you would accept his help or run away screaming.
...but your clothes are so ratty, and it's so cold outside...
Moreau decides to sneakily leave you some cheese and a spare scarf on a rock in plain view. When he sees you put the scarf on and absolutely DEVOUR the piece of cheese, it steals his resolve.
He winds up leaving you a small trail of cheese pieces that lead to his home, and sets up a small separate nest like area for you. It's entirely enclosed, warm and far enough away from his room that he hopes it won't spook you. This will work great!
Little does he know, that you were only a few paces behind him the entire time, and when he finally finished with the setup, he turned around to find you hovering in the doorway, expression blank as always, and mouth full of cheese.
Moreau screamed
You seem happy enough with the new setup, though, and begin to follow Moreau around like a baby duck.
Dr. Moreau Time: He does give you the occasional exam to test your reflexes. He's worried a little bit about the composition of your wings--Mercury is a chemical that is known to cause madness and nerve damage with extended exposure, especially in young children.
He wants to ensure that you're safe from harm, both physical and mental!
One night, many weeks later, when you two are seated side by side watching a movie, you flop into his side with a small smile on your face, and fall asleep. Moreau tries not to wake you up with his overwhelmed sobbing.
Karl Heisenberg
Hello?? Child?? Why are you here???
Karl doesn't quite know what to do with you, at first. He's not bad with kids, per se, but it's suspicious for him that you just so happen to have a variant of his metal powers and were found wandering around outside the Factory.
He suspects Mother Miranda immediately--are you a spy? Another one of her victims? He doesn't know, and until he does you will be fed, clothed, and kept at arm's length.
Once he confirms your lack of involvement in her schemes, he engages with you a lot more.
Initially, just kind of baffled by the fact you don't emote, but upon further thought he totally gets it. Emotions suck, man. You don't gotta express more than you have to around him, he's cool with it.
He's more used to being a Fun Uncle rather than a dad (he's totally helped Alcina's daughters sneak out and cause mischief before this), so he only vaguely knows that you should probably have a bedtime, regular meals, and a social circle? He'll halfheartedly try to enforce stuff, but if you push back at all he just let's it go.
He, uh, will also let you help him mess around with corpses for the soldats? Definitely not age appropriate, but still, he wants to share his passion with you and teach you a little bit about metalwork.
One day, he does a little metal bending trick in front of you and makes you a flower, just to show off. Your eyes just LIGHT UP and the tiniest little smile shows up on your face, and when you reach your hands out to grab it--
Something deep in his chest just seized up all of a sudden. Shit, that's cute.
Shit, does that mean he's attached??? FUCK, WHEN DID HE GET ATTACHED??
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dienamights · 3 years
A Reverberate Lullaby | K.Bakugou
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✎ The echoing howls stalk you, a ghost hunched on your shoulders, wailing like a child calling for rescue, who cries with no tears. Chanting for a hero that is willing to pick up the pieces of its soul and being, yet it is only left to wither. For the ghost has lost faith that such others exist and can only be cured by finding them, for you are the ghost of your world and love is the only true exorcist.
✎ Protagonists: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader.
✎ Word count: 4.1K
✎ Category: hurt/comfort, Implied Mature Content MDNI, Prohero!au, Established relationship!au
✎ Caution(!): Implied Mature Content MDNI, mention of depressive state, toxic family, toxic coping mechanism, mention of reader’s weight gain and thoughts about self worth. Please keep in mind while every person’s reaction to depression is different, don’t belittle anyone’s battle when you don’t understand it.
✎ Author’s notes: Hello! Hope everyone’s taking care! Still on hiatus BUT I’m here to post my contribution to the Mental Health Awareness collab by @doinmybesthere​ ! This has been in the works for a while because I kept scarping ideas for triggering me lmao. This piece is very personal to me and I’m glad I am able to share my experience with you all, I hope that it might help anyone out there in reaching out and asking for help because I know how difficult and scary it might be! Please check out everyone’s contribution that they worked so hard for! kisses kisses take care!
OOH ALSO! Thank you so much for 900 followers aaaaaah! You’re all so amazing and if anyone has suggestions for an event to hold in June lemme know! I’ll also think of some ideas
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The morning sun barely rises and peaks through your blinds, sunshine starting to kiss at your cheeks as you squint at the light, the room welcoming the warmth that is being brought into it after the evening’s chill that made you curl tighter in on yourself, clasping whatever heat you could muster than to turn around and find it in the heating pad of a body that lays next to you. 
An alarm only just rings before quickly being shut off, followed by the creaking of the bed when the person behind you shifts, shifts again, another time, before getting up and stalking to the bathroom, after letting an elongated sigh when they sit at the edge of the bed, not acknowledging your presence accompanying theirs. The door clicking closed before the trickling of water fills the quiet room.
Your clock reads 5 am when you squint at it, and you blink at the time before you go on with your routine, setting up breakfast while your boyfriend gets ready to go to work. 
Oddly enough, you don’t really quite remember when you started working on the food, all that you could see in front of you is nothing but a scene that looks like it’s out of a broken TV - there’s just so much static. The voices are distorted, as if they’re coming from a defective radio.
“Listen, this ain’t about me, this is about you and how you-”
“What about me? Huh? That you see me as nothing but a burden? No, you can say it-”
“You wanna hear me fuckin’ say it then fine! This is about you sitting on yer ass all day obsessing over her while she wouldn’ give you the time of day y/n. When will you fuckin’ realize that?”
The scene blurs and sways, and you feel your mind run at a speed you didn’t know it could muster, and you’re unable to keep up with it. The knife in your hand shakes vigorously and barely misses your fingers when you bring it down to cut the vegetables.
The sound of the bedroom door shutting closed alerts you, straightening your back when you hear the drop of your boyfriend’s gauntlet by his chair at the dining table. Katsuki approaches you with careful steps, his still ungloved hand circles your waist before pressing his lips to your temple, a gruff greeting of a whisper laced in between.
The familiar scent of caramel mixed in with his aftershave welcomes you, wraps around you and cradles you, promising everlasting safety and happiness. Yet, your heart wrenching sobs and muffled crash of your laptop against your floor that rings in your ears tell a different story, shrieking at you, roaring about your failures, mocking your entire existence.
“Made gohan, should be ready in a minute.” you mumble back, posture stiff at the close proximity of Katsuki and you feel the curl of his lips in displeasure pressing into your temple from both not reciprocating his greeting and your choice of meal for the morning. “You don’ eat gohan,” 
“s’why I’m making it.” The quick retreat from your figure is like a slap to your face, and you barely stop yourself from reaching out and forcing his arms back around you. Because it's the bite in his voice that halts your movement. 
“You’re still going?” you finally turn to take a look at him, the garnets in his eyes shifting, bleeding from hurt, betrayal, confusion, you really weren’t sure. And by God you had no energy left to try and figure out. “Yes I’m still going Katsuki, they’re my-”
“Yer really listenin’ to the bullshit spillin’ outta ya? This isn’t about em being your family y/n, we’ve been through with it already.” the space between you two feels like endless miles, pieces of the broken bridge you both worked so hard to build the only evidence of it ever being there, the rest crumbling into the valley in between your bodies.
“No, you’ve been through with it, I just wanna make things right, m-maybe I can fix it”
“It ain’t yours to fix y/n, when will you realize that?”
“No!” there you go again, sobbing pathetically. “W-why can’t I have a family, huh? Why- why can’t I, fuck, have a family that just loves and supports me a-and just doesn’t- ” your voice croaks, not failing to notice how Katsuki stepped away from the wreck in front of him. Probably having had enough of you, had enough of how troubling and bothersome you are, probably wondering how he got roped with all your shit and got dragged into your mess of a life.
His hands feel like scolding fire when they’re placed on your shoulders, halting their shaking as you cry into the palm of your hand to muffle the sobs, a habit Katsuki has been working so hard on to help you overcome, saddened to see you try and hide your vulnerability from him.
“Because they never made an effort, so why should you?” The tugging at your heart burns, the swallowed sobs feel like needles prickling at your lungs, making breathing feel like an impossible chore. You can’t help but feel restrained whenever you’re presented with the truth, especially unfiltered and unsugarcoated like right now, you know he’s right, you’ve known he was right a long time ago, but admitting it out loud just felt borderline impossible. 
So you do what you do best, push him away, all the strength you can muster barely budges his figure, the meal forgotten on the counter as you run and lock the bedroom door on yourself.
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Your footsteps feel heavy, dreading the topics and scenes you’re bound to relive. The grip on the strap of your shoulder bag tightening as you push the glass door open. A sigh escapes past your lips again as you enter the restaurant, half-heartedly smiling at the hostess before making your way inside to look for them.
It’s always the same scenery, the kind that always makes you want to run away to the other direction instead of being dragged down into whatever hell this is. And you pause to question yourself, again, why you actually agreed to put yourself out there.
There they are, seated in the four person table, with two empty seats, one for yourself and the other for the sibling your mother always hoped to have instead of you.
Your mother’s pursed lip could be seen from where you stand at the entrance, the clicking of her tapping foot sounding as bad as grinding metals in your ear, you hate it, despise it
It’s the same clicking you learned to memorize, to anticipate, to fear, when she passed by your room, the clicking that made you smother your face in your pillows and swallow your sobs, because the sound of you crying brought her more distress and annoyance than concern for her daughter.
With another tug at the hem of the shirt you’re wearing, you approach the table, hugging your father when he stands up and nodding to your mom when she eyes your figure.
“Good morning mother. It’s good to see you.”
“What’s wrong with your hair?”
Here we go, you breathe out before tugging at a strand of hair, spitting out your words “nothing’s wrong with it.”
“Then why does it look awful like that?”
There are times like these where you are left to question your reasoning for accepting whatever invitation you received from your parents to have brunch with them after all those months, a moment of weakness deceiving you into believing it was better than to spend it in your empty apartment, with the silence that ate away at your sanity every second. The only evidence of life in it other than yours was the recently cleaned dishes and the note thanking you for the meal, the promise of cuddles and movies tonight making you gain just a little more patience, barely.
You refrain from answering, your response is to lower your head, drag the dining chair before plopping on it, a dreary sigh escaping your lips as you scoot your chair closer to the table. Your mother never changes, it’s been a while since you were able to move out of her home, and while your father tries to tell you that these brunches are a way to reconnect with them, you yourself know that it’s merely a chance for your mother to nitpick at everything you ever did or are doing since you left.
“How have you been y/n.” your father smiles at you, both of you ignoring the sound of your mother kissing her teeth when her attempted jab at you is ignored. “Uh, I uh I’ve been good, I just wrapped up with my exams and so far things have been-” 
“How is your hero boyfriend?” 
For a second, you contemplate whether to ignore her question and keep conversing with your dad, dreading the questions that are to be pushed your way regarding Katsuki, of which will be used as bragging material for when she meets whatever group of friends she associates herself with, but you know better than to ignore her with the way she gets when she isn’t fed with attention. 
“He’s uh, good.”
“Why isn’t he here today? What, too good to meet us?” your mother nags, and for the love of God, would that fucking clicking ever stop?
“No, he’s doing his job of, you know, being a hero.”
“Is he now? Well, what about you, hm?” She cocks her head as her nails tap the table. ”Did you think your father and I wouldn’t figure out you got fired?”
“How-” the gritting of your teeth is deafening at this point, your jaw clenching so tightly as you and your mother stare each other down. “Your dad pulled some strings, it isn’t that hard. So tell me, you like leeching off of him after you were done with us?”
“This isn’t, I just- I was- I, I had a lot of university work piling up a-and I couldn’t make time for my shifts and I just, it was just so hard for me to get out of bed these days and I.” why are you doing this? Why are you explaining yourself to people that don’t deserve it? Why are you feeding off of their acceptance, knowing damn well you never got it, and that thing was never gonna change. 
“Oh, I don’t wanna hear about you not getting out of bed, you’re here now aren’t you? This is all in your head y/n. You need to stop talking nonsense, what’re people gonna say about you, about me, when they hear you?” 
It feels just like yesterday, your figure standing and facing your full length mirror, your reflection eyeing you with identical vacant eyes. Fingers running through your bed head, a wince escaping you at the movement. Bringing your hand up and catching a glimpse of a slight swollen purple bruise along your wrist and the dried blood on your knuckles, the skin stretching upon rotating your wrist and causing notable pain.
Alas, that pain paled in comparison to when your mom barged into your room, blaming you for the way you were acting and belittling your reasoning. Beckoning your father over to replace your broken vanity and for your house maid to disinfect the space, the place sparkling clean and void of any evidence of what had transpired the day prior. 
The shattered glass was picked up and thrown out, the splatters of blood were wiped clean, and whenever you brought up, what your mom refers to as ‘the temper tantrum’, you’re ignored by both your parents as they continued about their day, fearing the shame it would bring upon their name if the event was to catch others’ attention. 
“Good morning! I’ll be your server for the day. What can I get you?” the foreign voice sounds more comforting than your own mother’s, and you almost laugh at the irony of it, but you only return her smile and take a look at the menu. Lighting up a smidge at the name of one of the dishes, while your parents place their order.
“Can I please get the soufflé pancake?” you look up to catch the horrified look on your mother’s face, followed by her clicking her tongue and shaking her head as if your choice of food was shameful. 
“Uh, no she won’t be having that. Get her the Honzen Ryori,” your mother eyed your figure -whatever was visible to her from across the table- before turning to face the server again “maybe cut down on the rice, God knows she doesn’t need the extra calories.” and waves her off, disregarding your protests and tapping her nail against the table top, her annoying method in demanding your silence, which you subconsciously react to, snapping your mouth shut when the sound reaches your ears.
“What was that for? You know I like having sweet breakfasts,” was fuming even close to what you are feeling? Probably not. “Yes I can clearly see that, you’ve let yourself go as well. Do you think that boyfriend of yours will stick around when you start putting on even more weight?”
At a loss for words, you turn to your father, who has been quiet this whole time, for any sense of support when it comes to his wife. But the way he presses his lips together tells you all you need to know, how just because he isn’t bad as her, doesn’t make him that great of a parent. That standing by while you have been bullied your entire childhood and well into your adulthood is just as bad as being the cause of it. 
“God forbid he realizes how much of a train wreck you really are and throws you on the side of the street, because you know damn well we won’t be here to pick you up.”
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It began as a whispering in the air. The day had been beautiful -well, as beautiful as it can be with the kind of day you’re having- and the sky was like a dome of plasma-blue. The clouds had looked like airy anvils drifting under the gleaming disc of sun. People quickened their pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky. The postcard-perfect sky started changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade merged in with the flaming orange and mesmerizing purple as the sun sunk deep into the horizon, before beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud start to form, blocking out the old-gold color of the sun.
The first splatter of rain hits you when you’re halfway across the street, dismissing the need to take shelter under the roof of the buildings like some passersby are doing, hoping to see out the shower. Droplets of moisture begin to drip onto your head, sprinkling onto you like a gardener’s hose. It was well after your meal with your parents, and you had spent the last few hours walking aimlessly through the streets, making sure to avoid those covered by your boyfriend during his patrol. Hoping, praying, that something will clear your head, will help your poor jumbled mess of a mind forget about this entire nightmare of a day.
Should’ve listened to him 
The rainfall intensifies, the drops drumming against the hood of the cars that you pass by, there is so much rain that the sound blurs into one long, whirring noise, reminding you of the blades of the fan that you stuck your finger in, that one time when you were left alone in your house when you were only five years of age. Eventually, they fade into a musical chime as you push your drenched hair away from your face and feel the vibration from your phone as it rings the ninth, maybe tenth time. 
He told me so. 
Tall apartment complex building; you couldn’t see its end from where you stand. You shiver as you approach it, the doorman - bless his heart - running and placing his umbrella to futilely shield you from the rain, and you just laugh and tell him that you’re already drenched and just waiting to go back home.
God forbid he realizes how much of train wreck I am
Not wanting to dampen the people at the elevator and make them uncomfortable, you take the stairs up to your shared apartment, you usually don't mind the exercise but with how heavy you feel after the rain and day spent up on your sore feet, all you think about is locking yourself in your room and discover what kind of new façade could you try and fool Katsuki with when he reaches home.
Just how I trick him into thinking I’m not with him to leech off of him
Eventually and with a struggle, you make it to the door, dreading the sight you might come to face, almost hoping for a black hole to emerge and swallow you whole.
What would people say about me? Do people think I’m crazy?
With a forced exhale out of your lungs, you fetch the key from your bag to unlock the door, but it’s wrenched open before you have a chance to insert your key.
“Where the hell have you been?” 
Your eyes meet the beautiful rubies of Katsuki, and despite his anger that always overcompensates his worry, you smile and throw yourself on him. The shivering ceasing when he wraps his warm arms around you and that loving caramel scent engulfs you, in spite of how your hair is drenching his shirt and how you sniff against his neck.
“You need a shower, you’re shivering.”
“Take one with me?” you look up at him through your lashes, and he blinks at your uncharacterized boldness but agrees nonetheless, helping you out of your clothes and turning on the hot water before stepping in with you.
It is a struggle to help you clean up when all you do is grab at him, whether they’re your hands on his shoulders to lower him to kiss you, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your breasts against him, or palming his hardening cock as the poor man tries to shampoo your hair.
“Would ya knock it off? I’m tryna help you here shitty woman” you frown and squint your eyes when the shampoo gets close to them. “I wanna have sex.” 
“Yea I can fuckin tell, just lemme-” you bring his arms down and press his palms to your boobs, letting go of his wrist when he starts squeezing at them. “Do you not want to?” he gulps, his dick twitching at the feeling of your soft mounds in his hands, your nipples covered up by the suds from the shampoo, as your finger traces the underside of his cock. “Yeah, I uh, fuck, I do, just- you need to wash up so you don’t get sick, alright?”
“Do you not think I’m pretty anymore?” you pout childishly, tears threatening to escape your eyes, and they burn as you close them when he washes the product out of your hair, a deep frown on his lips when you open your eyes back again. “The fuck you on about? That rain really fucked with ya?”
“Are you gonna get rid of me when you realize how much of a mess I am?” you whisper, your voice muffled under the sound of the shower above you, and you keep quiet as he helps you scrub your body, but your boyfriend is observant, he isn’t fucking dense.
“What do you want, right now?” he lowers himself to your level when he’s done, his hands stroking your cheeks as he eyes the way the water droplets cling to your lashes, but still not missing the red rimming around your eyes.
“I just wanna for- I uh, I wanna have sex.” you mumble, a plea hidden underneath your words, a plea to help you forget, to help you bury this day behind you and pretend it never happened.
What you don’t expect is the way that Katsuki pulls your naked wet body out of the bathroom and drops you on the bed, feeling your bodies dampening the bed as he hovers over you, no words are spoken between you as he kisses and nips at your skin. Marking it up and down as he all but worships your body, strands of his hair tangle between your fingers when you run your hands through it, arching your back at the feeling of his tongue tasting your slick.
He doesn’t let up until you cry out, and not in pleasure, your sobs far beyond those he loves to hear when he’s denying you an orgasm. No, they’re sobs that wreck your whole body, kicking away at his shoulders as you curl in on yourself and wail into the sheets. Sitting on his haunches on the floor, Katsuki’s eye soften at your figure, the way your shoulders are shaking and how -yet again- you’re trying to muffle your cries with the sheets this time, pressing your face against the mattress in an attempt to lower your noise, as your mother would call it.
“Hey, look at me” you feel his lips grazing your ear as he kisses it, pressing his lips against your temple, fingers unwrapping your fist against the sheet and digging into your hands and pressing kisses against the nail marks in the palm of your hands. “There she is, there’s my girl.” you hear when you lift your head from the bed, sight blurry from your shed tears but still easy to distinguish Katsuki even between billions of people.
You sniff when he kisses at your lids, groan when he chuckles and calls you ‘snot the naught’ when you wipe your nose with the back of your hand, beaming when he hears you let out one weak chuckle at the way he teases you. Still pressing his lips against any surface of skin he can reach.
“You don’t have to talk about it you know, to me at least” he mumbles to you when you’re both dressed in your sleepwear and are cuddling on the dry side of the bed, opting to change the sheet the next day. “Maybe, maybe we can get someone who can help you, you know.” you press your face deeper between his neck and shoulder, shuddering when his warm palms rub your back from under your shirt. 
“I can make some calls, get in contact with someone.” you lift your head. “But I can’t afford-” he tuts and frowns at you “None of that.” 
“Remember what I said when we agreed to move in?” you do, you just love the sound of his voice when he says it, feels like he’s making all these promises all over again. “Tell me.”
“Told ya I’d be whoever you want me to be, whoever you need me to be. I’ll be yer mom, even better than that bitch, I’ll support and love you unconditionally.” you sniff and tighten your hold against him as he presses his lips against your cheek. 
“I’d be better than yer pussy dad, you can rely on me any time and I’ll live up to all your expectations. And callin me daddy is always a plus” he tangles his legs with your own when you wiggle away from him, laughing and giving you no chance of escape, not that you are even thinking of it. 
“I’d even be yer genius fuckin nanny that taught you to tell yer mom to go fuck herself when you were four,” your suppressed giggles lights him up and he can’t help but chuckle as well. “I’ll be anything and everything you’ll ever need, baby. I’ll be your goddamn hero.”
The sun comes out again, casting slanted beams of light across the buildings. Steam rises slowly from the greenery. It rises up eerily and drifts mist-like towards the molten-gold sun, right before it escapes into the abyss. The image is so vivid that it stays with you for as long as you remember. Because on this exact day, the shrieking that follows you everywhere you go, haunting you and mocking you, suddenly is nowhere to be found. And all you can hear is the comforting sound of Katsuki as he hums you a lullaby to sleep.
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aaaah I hope you like it!
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yourmcu · 3 years
Pairings: The Avengers x  reader
It’s your birthday and the team gets creative on how to surprise you, putting their acting skills to the test.
Word count: 2,350
A/n: just a little something because,, well,, it’s my birthday *runs away* also it’s cheesy, hopefully it makes sense lmao
Warnings: uhhh brief mention of explosion? mostly fluff
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The Avengers wanted to get creative for your birthday this year. For the few years they've known you they picked up on things about you. One, you paid no mind to your birthday at all and just considered it a normal day like the rest of the 365, Tony took note that you hated parties, at least the really big ones, something that involved only the team would be good.
Okay, you sound like a party pooper, but that isn't the case; it's not a crime to just... not want to have a grand celebration, right? And people singing the 'happy birthday' song to you too while you just sit there in silence. It's awkward, you once told Natasha. It’s also awkward and hard for you to receive presents even though that’s what birthdays are all about, you’re still getting used to it since you knew someone like Tony Stark.
Well, the team think you're an amazing friend and they all treat you like family. They're so glad they met someone like you.
You're immediately called to the conference room on that day. Only to find the team arguing and pointing fingers at one another.
You kinda just slot in, sitting on the chair you usually sit on whenever there's a meeting or mission briefing. Glancing around, you try and find out what they're fighting about.
Security. Suits. Brief mention of Ultron. Rhodey busying himself with phones, probably making a lot of calls. Natasha and Clint talking among themselves, only raising their voice whenever they're included in the conversation which mainly consisted of Tony and Steve arguing.
"Suit up, get the jet ready." Steve dismisses but before he could walk out himself you raise your hand.
"Hey, sorry, I just woke up," you say sheepishly but coolly at the same time. "What happened, is everyone supposed to go? Can I read the file?" Because if this is an Avengers-level threat that required everyone, you'd want to know all about it.
His sharp and expression softens slightly when he looks at you. "No file, I'm afraid. Some of the compound's security protocols have been compromised, someone hacked in." He proceeds to tell you how they particularly had interest in Bruce and Tony's lab so the other rooms were untouched.
Apparently, they took blueprints and materials, maybe a handful of Tony's suits.
But if you think about it, those two carelessly letting the security to their lab loose? Highly unlikely...
You push the thought to the back of your mind and nod when Steve tells you to get ready. Stark tech can be dangerous in the wrong hands, after all. Let alone the Iron Man suits.
Fortunately, those things have trackers. Leaving you to wonder again why those idiots don't even try and take them off so they won't tracked?
Sat on the floor of the jet while everyone was strangely quiet but once again you didn't pay any mind, you sharpen a few of your knives. Natasha sat on a stool near you, idly picking her nails. An hour into the flight you furrow your brows and look around.
"Are you guys okay?"
"Yes," Tony states quickly and a matter-of-factly. They all share glances before he continued. "It's the tension. Sorry. My fault."
"It's not your fault, Tony," Bruce starts.
"I'm sorry, to whom were those stolen suits again?" Steve speaks up as well and you could tell it's gonna be a full blown argument again.
"Now hold on just a second-" Tony faces the super soldier to counter.
You merely blink, not expecting a simple question to turn out like this. Clint just glances from the pilot's seat and Natasha almost cracks a smile by the look of your face. If only you knew it was all fake, all planned. But what does she know? You're a spy too, maybe you've figured out what they're up to and decided to play along.
Sad to say you're still oblivious. Maybe the fact that you only slept three hours last night is one case. You wanted nothing more than your bed right now.
Heck, not one of them wished you a happy birthday but you didn't notice at all.
Tuning out their bickering you sit down next to Natasha who's the only one not in the argument.
"I haven't seen Wanda all day," you say and she turns her head to face you. "Or Sam, or Bucky."
"Probably not back from their mission." Natasha answers promptly.
You frown at that. "Steve made this sound like an Avengers-level threat, and it is, shouldn't they be here?"
You don't wait for a response, opening up a globe-shaped hologram that shows where the jet, represented by a blinking dot. Your eyes slightly widen when you see the target location which is one of the places you've been dying to visit your whole life.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. You definitely didn't expect to visit it for the first time on a mission though.
Natasha clears her throat. "Hey, have you read the book I gave you?" She subtly closes the globe up when she catches your attention.
You shake your head bashfully. "You know I'm a slow reader. Give me two months then I'll come back to you." You laugh. Natasha smiles and tells you to take your time. "Have you read the book I gave you?"
"I loved it."
"I knew you would!" You say excitedly and the next few moments you discuss about the specific book. She's just glad you didn't ask any further questions about the location.
All of you split up once you reach the base but Rhodey and Bruce stay in the jet as backup. The place reminded you so much of the old Avengers tower, only with darker themes. You're paired with Clint who you follow to the side of the building, with surprisingly no cautiousness. He just... ran in, entrance deserted of guards.
You all had a digital, tech checklist to see what was stolen including all the suit names. So far you've searched two drawers now and still no sign of any agent or guard. But it's weird since the others are clearly doing their part on their floors. Thuds, footsteps and sometimes banging sounds could be heard all around.
“Finally," you mutter when you hear footsteps behind you, spinning around so suddenly to surprise your enemy and take him down with ease. You raise an eyebrow when they don't put up a fight at all.
Clint was in front of a computer when you peek in to one of the rooms but he waves you off. "I'll meet you on the next floor. This'll take a second."
"One suit on the roof!" you hear Steve grunt through your earpiece.
"Remember to remove the arc reactor, that'll shut them down for sure." Bruce reminds through everyone's comms.
You hear Tony let out a noise. "Might have a problem with that, Banner, they're all reprogrammed."
Expecting the man with seven Ph. D's to worry, it only took him a minute to respond back. "It's your tech. I don't believe they could do that completely especially having them for only twelve hours."
"In that case," Tony sighs. "There should be a kill switch under one of their reactors."
"Which one?" Natasha grunts.
The deafening silence from Tony's line explains it.
You fight your way though the thugs which again, don't put up a fight. Sometimes you throw one punch and they're out cold, leading you to believe the intense training Bucky insisted you do worked. The only tough ones were the Iron Man suits themselves.
Ripping out the arc reactors wasn't easy. You had to use all you force. On the second one you encounter it got the upper hand and blasts you through a wall, the impact sending sharp pain to your head and back.
You hear metal thumping of a suit so you get back up and attempt to get your hands on the Iron Man in front of you.
"Hey, hey. Same team. Look," Tony grips on your wrists and lifts his mask up. "You alright?"
“Yeah," you pant, relaxing a bit. "Yeah. One of them got m-"
"We just discovered a bomb, northwest," Clint says. By ‘we’ he means him and Natasha. The redhead speaks right after. “Two and a half minutes. How many suits left, Friday?”
"Only one more suit is fully functional."
You get out of Tony's hold and sprint up the stairs. "I got it."
He smiles to himself. The plan is all coming  to place.
As soon as you enter the room you dodge a blast from the much bulkier Mark XVI. Of course they'd want to make the stealth suit more powerful. You launch yourself towards it, stomping on an arm while trying to dodge blasts from the the other one.
"Y/N! Fifty seconds!" Steve shouts in your earpiece.
You could've just jumped out, leaving the compromised suits here to be blown up but being under pressure made you panic and set your only goal to find the switch.
The suit could still set off a blast from the arc reactor so you couldn't really get your hands on it without losing a freaking arm.
"Get out of there!”
But you didn’t have enough time. So you just curl into a ball against the wall, accepting your fate.
A pop did go off. Loud, but you didn't feel yourself torn into pieces right after. You also heard a bunch of aye’s and oh’s. Redwing whirs by to your head to drop off a birthday hat.
"Happy Birthday!”
Your eyes fly open. Turns out the only thing inside Mark XVI was confetti. Natasha walks over to you to inspect and make sure you're alright.
"What the hell?" Your eyes widen at her, then at everyone. Sam and Bucky were now standing with them, smiling at you amused.
"I think she's in shock.”
“You think?”
Steve glares at Tony with a hint of amusement. "I told you it would be too much."
"Trust me she prefers something like this instead of a big party. Don't you, Y/N?"
"What do you mean?" You take off the hat and clutch it between your hands, appreciating Natasha rubbing your back as you try to collect yourself. "How is none of this real?"
"We basically faked a mission for you." Rhodey says.
You look around all the rubble. "This building, the people, suits-"
"Bought the place," Tony states. "Hired stuntmen, did a few tweaks on the suits...”
"God, why would you do that?" You bury your face in your hands, not knowing if you should be laughing or crying. "I punched those guys!"
"They'll be fine, they signed up for it."
You gently get up and brush off some confetti off your knees.
"But back at the compound... you guys were yelling at each other and during the whole thing you all sounded serious," you point out. "Was that all part of the act?"
Especially when that 'bomb' was about to go off. Steve's panicked voice made you scared for your life, only to know that it was all fake.
They all show signs of agreement, laughing.
"We'd make such great actors." Natasha smirks.
"Alright, the cake isn't going to blow itself." Clint walks up to you with said cake and you meet him halfway.
Everyone gathers around and before they could inhale to sing the stupid song, you cut them off. "You all know I hate to be sung at. Can we just get this over with?"
They all burst out laughing, you giggle in the process, blowing out your candle. You all group hug right after. The laughter makes you miss the sound of faint thunder outside.
"Look who's late." Bruce points out.
"Yes, I got here as soon as I can, my apologies." Thor smiles sheepishly.
Your ears perk up at the all too familiar voice of the god of thunder. Moving everyone of the way, you leap to hug him. "Thor!"
"Happy birthday, dearest Y/N." He grins and pats you on the head. "I'm afraid my - I mean - our gift, is with Loki at the moment."
"Enough with the formality, I’m just glad you’re here.���
Peter rings up Tony to tell him everything's set up at the huge building they rented for your low-key party. Just the Avengers. Peter, Vision and Wanda were in charge of setting things up over there, from decorations and food. Sam and Bucky also helped a bit before they arrived at the fake base.
So you all get into the jet again, this time you look at the windows in awe to see what the city's like. You also asked a bunch of questions on how they pulled something stupid but unique fake mission like that.
Once you've reached your destination, the place was simple yet big enough to fit everyone. Tony really took notes for this year. You didn't like anything too fancy or elegant, and you didn't like huge-ass parties with hundreds of people you've never met before.
Here you're with your family eating, drinking booze and playing games, generally having a good time.
You give the other five Avengers big hugs. Vision's never usually a hugger but for you he made an exception just for today. Everyone was surprised when he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
"Hugging has a lot of good benefits," Vision says when he lets you go. "Astounding, I know. It is recommended eight times a day, hopefully you've already gotten that much."
You giggle at his remark and Wanda rolls her eyes playfully. “Thank you, Vision.”
“Splendid, that means I don’t have to give you one.”
You turn around to see the god of mischief himself carefully hand you a wrapped box. Loki chuckles when you smile at him. “Happiest Birthday.”
“Loki.... you know you and Thor didn’t have to-”
“Thor? That one’s from me. I assure you.”
“Y/N!” You hear Tony call from the other side of the room. “It’s time for presents, little miss. Good lord this looks like Christmas morning.”
unfortunatley i am that extra to post a birthday fic woo hoo
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falloutmelody · 3 years
wildest dreams | tim speedle
pairing: tim speedle x reader [romantic pairing] [was written with a female reader in mind but no pronouns are used, so anyone can read it regardless of gender identity and preferred pronouns!!]
fandom: csi: miami
little summary: as the newest member of the csi team, working at ridiculous hours of the day is still very new to you. but getting to see a certain sarcastic coworker that you just so happen to have a crush on makes things a little easier to adjust to. a crush that is almost certainly unrequited. right?
content warnings: um,,, nothing major??? a guy is a creep to the reader at one point, tim is snarky as always, there’s swearing?? also bc this is csi, there’s mention of death and crime but it’s not focussed on super heavily!! no graphic descriptions or anything!! no spoilers for the show or anything either!!
word length: about 3000 i think??
this isn’t the best thing i’ve ever written lmao, but it’s a start?? idk, i’m just going through a csi phase and adore speed so i figured why not write this?? i apologise in advance to the wonderful people on here who write actually decent x reader fics for speed bc my work is gonna pop up with yours now and that’s not fair, you deserve better bc your work is amazing
requests are still open!! you can find my fandoms, rules and characters i’ll write for here!! please don’t hesitate to send something in if you want something!!!
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[fair credit, gif is not mine!! if the creator finds this and wants credit, please message me and i’ll add it in!!]
Miami never closes.
That was a sentence that you’d heard from one Horatio Caine countless times, to the point wherein it was almost ingrained in your brain. And it wasn’t like he was wrong. The city of Miami seemed to always be alive, whether it was four o’clock in the morning or eight o’clock at night.
And that was how you’d managed to find yourself at a crime scene at six thirty-three am.
There was a soft wind in the air as you got out of the now very familiar silver Hummer, the gravel on the floor crunching harshly under your feet. A cacophony of voices, radio feedback and that accursed gravel filled the air, hitting you almost immediately as you tried to get a good bearing on your surroundings. This was the outskirts of the city. A former industrial estate, home to nothing more now than distant memories of what it once was and now, the body of a dead woman.
“C’mon, newbie. Work to do.” The soft but impatient tone of your new co-worker Eric Delko brought you out of your studying, causing you to glance over at the man. You mumbled a soft apology, grabbing your silver kit box from the back seat as quickly as you could.
“Ignore him. The clubs will probably be closed by the time we’re done here, Delko, sorry.” Another male voice caught your attention, causing you to look back, seeing that you and Delko had now been joined by another member of the lab that you recognised. Tim Speedle.
Ever since you’d officially joined the Miami Dade crime lab a few weeks back, Tim had probably been the one that you’d worked with the most, due to your speciality being primarily Trace. And honestly, you liked working with him.
No, that was probably an understatement. You really, really liked working with him.
Sure, at first, you had been a little intimidated by him. Tim was pretty well known around the lab for having a personality that was more on the blunt side, after all, which was something that you’d learned very quickly. The man liked sarcasm, and there seemed to be some kind of dryness to almost everything he came out with. But you’d quickly grown to like that. It made the often rather monotonous work that you all often found yourselves doing more entertaining.
Plus, although you could never admit it, cause you were truthfully worried that it was unprofessional of you to do so and cause you’d convinced yourself from day one that you weren’t his type, he was very, very pretty to look at with those intense dark eyes of his.
So, yeah. You had… a slight crush on the man and were very grateful to see him. Not that you didn’t like Delko or anything, cause you sincerely did. It was just… nice to see Tim too. The fact that you’d have two people with you that you knew pretty well at this point helped with your slight uncertainty in your stomach that seemed to always be there when you approached a new scene.
Eric gave a small scoff at Tim’s dry remark, lightly hitting the man in the upper arm. “Shut up, Speedle. I just don’t appreciate being called out in the middle of the night. Shall we?”
After taking a quick moment to ensure that you both had everything that you needed from the Hummer and that the car was locked, you and Eric soon followed after Tim as he led you towards a large grey building that had presumably been white at one point and honestly looked identical to all the others that were around. How did they tell them apart, back when people had actually worked here? It wasn’t like there were any kind of clear, identifying markings on them.
The silence that had settled over the three of you was a little unsettling. And so, you decided to take it upon yourself to start up a conversation. The only issue was that you didn’t really have anything interesting to say, and thus, you had to settle for asking Tim one of the dumbest, blandest questions you’d ever asked.
“You been here long?”
A small amused exhale escaped from Eric’s lips almost immediately, which caused you to softly scrunch up your expression in mild confusion. Was he laughing at how stupid your question was? Or was there something else going on that you didn’t quite understand? Your gaze flicked from Delko to Speed, only finding yourself being even more confused by the small look that Tim appeared to shoot Delko before talking to you.
“Uh, no. No. Bout five minutes,” he answered. “Saw you two pull up so I figured I’d come say hi before heading in.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the slight look of amused disbelief that Eric wore on his expression, but were unable to even begin and try to guess why that was as you soon found yourself being approached by a man. A man that, from the way he was dressed and the way that he held himself, was clearly a cop. But it wasn’t one you recognised. You might not have been working here long, but you’d worked enough cases now to become very familiar with Tripp and Bernstein, who were typically the male members of law enforcement that you worked with. Guess they were busy. Maybe they were with Horatio and Calleigh, on whatever case they were currently working on. The detective soon produced his ID from his large coat pocket and flashed it at the three of you. That revealed that his name was apparently Detective Gillan, and he soon began to speak.
“Vic’s a Sara Anderson. Found by some teenagers that were looking to use the place as a hook-up spot. She’s over there with the ME if you wanna do your… thing.”
You softly nodded at this information, and the group soon split. Eric went to go and examine the main door of the building for anything useful, whilst you were paired with Speed and told to head inside to study the evidence around the body. Of course, this raised absolutely no objections from you. You merely told Delko that if he needed assistance with anything to just call you over, and made your way inside. Before long, the two of you had made your way inside. And after politely greeting Alexx, you began to get to work. A small, clearly out of place patch of glitter near the victim had drawn your attention, and so, you started there.
“Delko looking after you?” Tim’s voice brought you out of your thoughts a short while later, causing you to glance up from your current knelt-down position to look up at him. You tilted your head slightly to indicate you weren’t too sure what he meant, and thus, Tim brought down his camera from his face to continue talking. “You’ve been paired with him for the past few cases, yeah? I’m just making sure he’s pulling his weight and not making you do everything.”
Once you’d gotten over the brief internal rush of him asking a genuinely sweet question, you managed to compose your thoughts and give some kind of answer. “Yeah. Yeah, he’s nice. I like working with him, he’s very chill about everything.” That was truthful. You and Delko had formed some kind of weirdly strong bond during the few weeks that you’d been on the team, and he sincerely seemed like a nice guy. Messy, kinda disorganised, but still a good guy. “Kinda miss working with you so much though. I’ll have to speak to Lieutenant Caine about that,” you continued, figuring that you could get away with that. After all, it wasn’t an outright admittal of your feelings. It was just saying that you enjoyed working with him, that could be entirely platonic.
And although you couldn’t be too certain, due to the less than superb lighting in the place, you could have sworn that remark caused a small smile to briefly form on Tim’s lips. The man opened his mouth, presumably going to talk again, only for the both of you to soon find yourselves distracted by a noise. The sound of footsteps approaching you.
It wasn’t long before you figured out who it was. It was that detective. Gillan, or whatever it was. He was making his way over. Assuming that he had something to talk to Tim about, you didn’t speak, opting instead to give him a small, polite nod before you looked back down at the surface you were currently dusting. However, it wasn’t long before the man’s voice caused you to stop and look back at him. “So… you’re a CSI, right?”
That question sincerely caused a surge of confusion to run through you. If you had the dry wit of Speed in this moment or the confidence of Calleigh, this is when you’d give some biting remark about how obviously you were. Why would you be kneeling on the floor with a dusting brush in your hand if you weren’t? But you didn’t. So, instead, you settled for a much more tame response. After all, perhaps the guy was just awkward and trying to start up a conversation by stating the obvious. “Yes?” You spoke, that confusion that you were experiencing being clear in your tone.
He grinned at that, his smile being far too wide for the simple response you’d given, which was slightly unnerving. “Cool. I mean, you don’t really look like the type so I just wanted to be sure.” That was… an interesting comment. What did he mean by that? As far as you knew, there weren’t any huge stereotypes of CSI’s. It wasn’t a job like accounting, wherein everyone had a clear image of what they expected one to be like. However, unfortunately for you, it wasn’t long before you found out exactly what the man meant and exactly what his motives were for giving that comment. “I mean, you know, you’re way too pretty to be working in a gross line of work like this. You sure you didn’t get confused and sign up for the wrong career by mistake?”
You couldn’t help but tense slightly at that.
You were sure that he probably only meant it as a compliment. And you weren’t someone that was some kind of strict workaholic who only cared about what they were doing. If someone approached you and made light conversation, you’d quite happily talk to them. Hell, you’d lost count of the amount of times you’d gotten caught up talking to Tim, Delko or Calleigh on a scene lately. But something about that seemed off. Whether it was his tone, or the look in his eyes, you felt deeply uncomfortable. Plus, this guy just really, really wasn’t your type.
And so, in the hope that perhaps he would take the hint and just… fuck off, you gave an uncomfortable smile. “Thank you. But no. I trained very hard to be here.”
“Dedicated and attractive. Fascinating. You got a partner back at home?”
Good fucking lord. Okay. Perhaps he was more stubborn than you’d believed. How were you meant to answer that? Should you answer that? Because the honest answer was that, no, you didn’t. But if you told him that… god, he’d never go away, would he? He’d ask you on a date, and then you’d be screwed. Surprisingly though, you’d barely had a chance to try and form an awkward response before the conversation was interrupted.
“Do you mind?”
It was Tim’s voice. The attention of both you and the detective quickly moved over in the direction of your co-worker, seeing that he was stood there with a clearly unimpressed look on his face. “We’re working. If you want us to catch whoever did this, then shut up, go do something useful and let Y/N work, alright?” Tim continued in a tone that you’d heard more than a few times since you’d started working with him. It was that dry, sarcastic anger that only came out when someone had really irked him, usually by saying something stupid. Not rage, but… irritation.
Detective Gillan’s expression faltered slightly at Tim’s words, with the other man clearly having done a far better job at shutting him up than you could ever have hoped to do. Soon afterwards, he softly cleared his throat, corrected his posture and responded. “Good idea. I’ll… I’ll go and interview the people that found her. Maybe they saw something interesting.”
Tim nodded. “You do that. Have fun. Don’t rush back.”
With that, the detective shot you one last look, before finally leaving you alone. A soft exhale of relief fell from your lips the mere moment that you were certain that he was out of earshot, soon glancing up at Tim with a clear look of gratitude in your eyes.
“Thank you,” you said. “Seriously. I was worried that I was going to have to take his number just to get him to leave me alone.” You could have sworn you’d seen Tim’s expression soften at that, with the man soon giving a small shake of his head.
“Y’know, if I were H, this is when I’d come out with some smart line about the benefits of being in a team and always having each other’s backs or whatever, but… If he bothers you again, let me know, alright?” Tim paused for a moment, allowing you to nod softly in agreement before he continued speaking with a small, slightly warm smile held on his lips. “Gotta look after the newbie, haven’t I?”
Your heart rate did a noticeable spike in your chest at that remark, even though the logical part of you knew that it was only him being friendly. And it was with that comment that Speed took his moment to get back to work, making his way closer to Alexx to go and talk to her. Of course, the logical part of you just assumed it was to do with work, and thus, you got back on with your own stuff. However, about… fifteen minutes later, you found yourself needing to stop because you became aware of eyes on you.
At first, that realisation caused anxiety to rush through you. Had that detective not taken his leave, as you’d hoped and Tim had told him to? And you fought the urge to look up for as long as you could, but eventually you gave in. As subtle as you could manage, you glanced around yourself and truthfully, were surprised and relieved by the results.
Speed was clearly still in the middle of a conversation with Alexx, about god knows what. But his eyes were on you. And for reasons that you couldn’t quite explain, perhaps it was just your cliche romantic brain combined with your own crush on him, but the look in his eyes as your gaze met wasn’t quite one of concern. It wasn’t one of ‘oh, let me just check that Y/N is still working’ or ‘does Y/N need help with what they’re doing’, it was… softer. You couldn’t quite describe it, but whatever it was, it caused an undeniable warmth inside of you. Your face flushed with warmth too, causing you to need to be the one to look away first, glancing down at the floor beneath you.
In doing so, you missed the look that Alexx shot Tim soon afterwards and the little teasing shake of her head as a result of his actions.
But needless to say, the ME absolutely did not miss a chance. About twenty minutes later, you were approached by the woman in question, her case in hand indicating that she had wrapped up her work and was now going to make her way back to the morgue.
“Hello, Doctor Woods,” you greeted her politely once again.
“It’s Alexx, baby, please,” the woman warmly corrected you, with her not hesitating to kneel down beside you on the cold concrete. “Could I ask you a question?” That was ominous. Hoping that it wasn’t anything too serious and that it’d be an innocent question that you could easily answer, you gave a nervous nod and enabled the other woman to continue speaking. However, your hopes were wrong. Very wrong. “So… you and Tim, huh?”
Was it that obvious? Had your subtle, secret occasional glances at Tim whilst you’d been working really been that noticeable? Did everyone know? Oh, god, did Tim himself know? Oh fuck, how would you ever live that down? You may have just only joined the team, but suddenly dropping everything and moving to New Zealand just to ensure that you didn’t suddenly become the source of office gossip looked very appealing.
“We… We’re not… We’re just friends. I promise,” you nervously tried to correct her, pretty sure that your face had just paled. Alexx gave a soft laugh at that, the older woman’s expression soon softening with empathy.
“Sure. I buy that from the way you two look at each other.” Wait. What? What did she mean? Surely she had to be making that up. Surely she’d just misread Tim’s friendly glances as something more. Right? Your feelings were unrequited. Yes? “Just… keep him out of trouble whilst I’m gone, alright? You’re one of the few people he actually listens to. I’ll see you back at the lab, alright?”
Before you really had much of a chance to do anything besides give another nervous nod, your thoughts an absolute mess, Alexx got back up on her feet and walked off. What… What was going on? Was this some kind of practical joke? Or were you really so set in your mindset of Tim not returning your feelings that you’d somehow completely missed signs that apparently everyone else could see? You really didn’t know. Alexx wasn’t the type to be that cruel. But you just… couldn’t really believe the latter suggestion being the case. Unable to stop yourself from doing so, you glanced around yourself once more, allowing your gaze to settle on Speed on the far side of the large hall. The man appeared to be working, and so, you decided that you weren’t going to approach him about it right now.
But at some point later, you decided that you’d need to approach him. You needed to know what was going on.
And after all, figuring stuff out? Putting clues together? Well. That was a CSI’s job, wasn’t it?
AN: so that was legit the worst ending in history lmao, but hopefully you liked this?? as i said above, requests are open and i’m in a csi obsessive mood rn so, yeah!!! please do send in any requests you may have!!! i would love to write something for you!! thank you for reading ily <3
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
❝ three answers ❞ jyugo
[𖤐] it's 4am rn what did i just write....sorry about that LMAO if you want someone to blame blame sammy their the one who started all this. its all her fault. blame. them. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this all the same, for my nonexistent nanbaka fans <333
[𖤐] this does contain a mention or a pretty major manga spoiler, so read with caution!!
❧ masterlist
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jyugo has never been one to want anything; it’s a fact that deep down, he’s always known. it was never something that bothered him too much, (maybe because he never wanted to think about it) and so he never really took the time to ask himself, ‘what do i want?’.
he answered this question for the first time when he almost lost everything he didn’t even know he wanted.
even when it was all dangling right in front of his face, even when he was about to lose the one thing he had wanted, his thoughts were still jumbled with confused thoughts and questions that didn’t clear up until he saw his chance walking away. his chance. a chance. i want…
“please!! give me a chance!!”
“...took you long enough…”
in that moment, when his number plate clanked against the stone floor, he suddenly knew how it felt to have the most important thing to oneself be almost taken away. in that moment, when he was given a chance, he swore that he would never let it happen again; that he would never let anything important to him be in danger, he never wants to lose the people close to him. he doesn’t want to be the monster that he was in the past, so he’s decided that he’ll do everything he can to protect the people he could never stand to lose.
the second time he answered this question is when he fell in love.
this feeling makes him feel like every other emotion he’s ever felt was fake; they all paled in comparison to this sensation. he still isn’t able to decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing, hell, he doesn’t even know what he should do with this feeling in the first place, (should he tell you? how does he handle it? it’s times like these when he wishes he knew his parents.).
he has never needed anything so badly that he would be willing to do anything to have it, that he would reach out for it so desperately that he forgets everything around him. he never thought that he would be able to experience such a vivid emotion such as this, and now that he’s feeling it, it almost feels like an amazing ride that he never wants to get off of.
i mean, how could he not fall in love with you? everything about you was just...amazing, (he wishes that there was a better word to describe you, but he doesn’t think there’s any words he knows that would be enough to do so). you had the kindest soul he had ever seen, always there for others and putting other people’s needs above your own, (he thinks you should worry more about yourself). he admired everything about you, and yet, what was holding him back? why would he avoid your gaze whenever you would glance over at him?
you can’t have them, you know that. you’re a monster.
oh, that’s right.
he almost forgot about it for a moment there, but how could he? the little voice in the back of his head was there to help him remember it; that little voice that sounded exactly like him, (he said that he would be able to control the elf inside him, but this was the sacrifice he made to have that control in the first place).
“hey, jyugo, is everything alright?”
“oh, sorry! you just seemed kind of down, like something’s weighing down on your mind...you probably wouldn’t want to, but you can always talk to me if you need anything, alright?”
just like that, you had saved him yet again, and you didn’t even know it. each time he was drowning in his own thoughts, you would pull him back out with just a few simple words. he would cling to them every time, holding onto them with such a grip that he didn’t even know was possible; you were truly something else, and he was forever grateful for it.
when he had finally managed to confess his feelings for you, (it was by accident, and it was caused by uno, nico, & rock) his world was turned upside down. he had surely thought that there was no way you could would like him back, there was no way somebody like you could love somebody like him, and yet, the words coming out of your mouth seemed to say something different.
“I-i really like you too jyugo!”
for a while, everything was perfect. now, he had everything he could ever want, and there was nothing that could take this away from him. sure, there was still the occasional incident, but as long as you were near, surely nothing would happen, right?
he’ll be able to grow up and go to an ice cream parlor with you and experience all the wonderful things in life with you, and he’s giving you a promise ring for now, but he swears that one day he’ll take you to a pretty spot with cherry blossoms and he’ll get down on one knee and ask you to marry him, and then the two of you would get married and you would yell at rock for trying to eat the cake before he was supposed to, and then he would take you to go do everything you’ve ever wanted to do and the two of you would buy a house and you would yell at him for trying to paint the walls himself, and it would all be perfect. for now though, he was going to savor every single moment with you; every late night that he spent having whispered conversations with you, every smile that you would flash his way, every time you would lace your fingers with his, he was going to have it for the rest of his life.
oh, how stupid he was to think that it could last forever.
he’s been left alone more times that he can count, so why was he so surprised when it happened again? maybe it was because it was his fault, or maybe it was because you didn’t want to leave him, you didn’t want to go just yet. maybe it was because you were slowly dying and there was nothing he could do about it.
“h-hey, stay with me, (y/n)! you can’t go yet, i-i have so much to tell you!!” he hurriedly pulled you into his arms, his eyes frantically looking over your body, only to find the color red slowly seeping through your shirt.
“you shouldn’t...cry, i think you look prettier when you’re smiling.” how could he smile in a situation like this?!
“w-we’re going to take you to okina-sensei, and he’s going to-”
“no, he’s not. jyugo, you have to keep going, alright?” don’t say that, it’s like you’re saying you’re gonna...
“stop talking like that, y-you’re not going to…”
“there’s...so much you can do with what you have...you’re special that way, so don’t go thinking that you need me to do what...i know you’ve always been able to do.” i need you though…!
“(y/n), p-please-!” no, stop looking at him with that smile on your face.
“ever since i saw you...i knew that you were different...thank you for letting me partake in a dream...even if it was for just a little bit…” stop talking like that, you’re not going to die.
“s-someone get okina!!!” you’re going to survive this; you have to.
“jyugo...hehe, are you going to...keep your promise…?”
“what? (y/n) please…”
“you said that you...were going to marry me, right?” please don’t do this to me.
“(y/n), w-will you marry me?”
“of course...i’ll marry you jyugo. hehe, i’m so happy right now...” even with the tears sliding down the side of your face, you were gently smiling up at him, almost like you hadn’t been coughing up blood just a moment ago.
“we’re gonna get married soon, and, and we’ll have a nice wedding and…”
“i know…” your hand shakily reached up to cup his cheek, the metal of the promise ring he had given you cool on his skin. he leaned into your touch, the tears in his eyes falling rapidly down his cheeks and over your hand. there was no way this was happening, not now, not to you...
“please don’t cry...can you please smile, one more time…?” it took everything in him, but because it was you asking, he was somehow able to turn the corners of his lips up just a bit, giving you a small smile despite the flood of tears pouring from his eyes. your gentle touch against his skin brushed his bangs from his eyes, a fond look in your eyes that were also flooded with tears.
“i’m so...happy right now...thank you for everything, jyugo, i love you...so...much…” the panic that was set aflame in his heart when he felt your hand drop from his cheek and when he saw your eyes flutter closed was akin to nothing that he’s ever felt before.
“(y/n)...? (y/n)!! don’t close your eyes, please wake up!! t-there’s so much i have to tell you, you can’t go yet! p-please…!”
why was it that everytime he found something that made him happy, it would get snatched away from him? was it these shackles? was that the reason why? if only he could have rid himself of this curse, then maybe he would finally be normal, maybe he would have been able to marry you.
the third time he answered this question, it was when he lost everything, and it was the final time he answered it.
howd i do 😃
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canarypoint · 3 years
Highways and Heart Eyes
A/N: hi it’s been a while...(?) unrelated but the brie larson thing that’s going around is stuck in my head because it’s like 60% of my fyp on tiktok rn. this is inspired/based on a story my mom told me last week lmao
A/N #2 (edit): so i’m an idiot and i forgot to give it a title but if anyone noticed that before i edited it, no you didn’t.
Pairing(s): Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warning(s): none? my really bad attempts at writing flirting?
Steve can say with one-hundred percent certainty that I-95 is simultaneously one of the greatest and worst things built in his time in the ice. The potholes are concerning enough, add to it the barely-bright-enough street lights and the exhausted, largely untrustworthy drivers racing their way home at almost midnight?
He almost prefers fighting Nazis or the Chitauri.
The drive itself has been boring thus far, but he thinks it might be taking a weird turn when he finds a car sitting on the side of the highway, its driver leaning against the hood flailing their unoccupied arm around while the other holds something up to the side of their face.
Steve puts his blinker on, pulling his Stark-issued (as Tony loves to call it) car up to the parked vehicle.
“Everything alright?” he asks, wincing when the person flinches at his voice. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“I’m fine, just waiting for a friend,” the person answers automatically. They slide their phone into their pocket with a sigh, finally turning to Steve. “Oh my god, you’re Captain America.”
“Please, Steve is fine,” he answers with a soft laugh, trailing off in a silent question.
“Y/N,” they offer in return, their hands fidgeting.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?” he asks one more time; something tells him their earlier remark was a way to ward off creeps, not an actual response to his question.
Y/N looks at the passing traffic for a moment, their eyes squinting in contemplation. “Yeah, actually,” they say through a sigh. “My car’s out of gas and my phone just died…”
“Ah, I see. Let me call a friend of mine and we’ll have you back on the road in no time,” he offers with a smile, already slipping his phone out of his own pocket.
“Thanks, Captain,” they say with a mischievous smile as Steve laughs again.
“Steve,” he jokingly reprimands as he dials the first name he sees on speed dial. “Hey, Nat, I need a favor…”
Steven Grant Rogers is an idiot. A brilliant soldier, a great man, an amazing friend, a fantastic leader (usually), but he is still an idiot out of work and off the field.
He called Natasha at eleven-forty-three at night to ask her to drive all the way to the outskirts of Cecil County, Maryland from New York City, just so she could sit with a complete stranger while he drives to the nearest gas station (it’s forty minutes away, because of course there’s major traffic tonight). If she’d known he just needed to refill someone’s tank, she would’ve stopped and gotten it on the way over.
Though, the person in not-so-perilous peril is pretty cute.
“I’m so sorry,” you ramble for the millionth time. Natasha just smiles and waves you off.
“It’s fine, I promise.” She means it, just as much as the first time she said it. It’s the thirty-seventh, not that she’s counting.
“Yeah, but, you’re an Avenger and like- you probably need as much sleep as you can get and now you’re wasting your night basically babysitting me and-”
“Hey, hey, breathe. I promise this isn’t a waste of my time. It’s not every day I get to spend time with a beautiful person,” Natasha interrupts. Honestly, how you manage to say so much in so little time is baffling.
You look down, and she can just barely make out the small smile on your face. You don’t say anything after that, and Natasha finds your suddenly-flustered state adorable.
“So,” she says. Why not start a conversation? Best way to figure out if you’re secretly a threat or not, it is her job after all. Not because in the fifteen minutes she’s known you, you’ve given her a sense of peace she’s never experienced before, she tells herself. “What were you doing out so late?”
“Oh, I was visiting a friend for the weekend, I’m on my way back to New York now,” you answer. It’s interesting how easily you’ve let your guard down around her.
Natasha hums, nodding her head as you continue to ramble about your trip. She finds herself smiling the more you talk, and eventually she asks you how you and your friend met.
“We met at NYU, she was my girlfriend’s roommate our first two years. Then we broke up and she became my roommate.”
Natasha’s eyebrow raises at the first ‘girlfriend,’ but she frowns when your smile falters. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. It was what, four years ago?” you answer, your smile already back. “I think she’s on the west coast now, probably living out her dream as some old, rich, white guy’s newest plaything.”
Natasha can’t help but laugh, you sound so optimistic and innocent and yet the insult is anything but.
“And what about you? Living out your dream in the Big Apple?” Natasha asks.
You sigh almost dreamily, “Yeah, I work at a boxing club for kids in Queens. We teach them self-defense and give them a place to stay if they need it. Spider-Man actually stopped by a few weeks ago, said he was ‘in the neighborhood.’”
“That’s amazing,” Natasha says honestly.
“It was, he let some of the older kids try out his web shooters.” The redhead holds back a laugh at your obliviousness.
“I meant your job,” she corrects gently.
“Oh,” you laugh. “Yeah, I’m just trying to do my part to help people,” you reply softly. “I didn’t have a lot growing up, and my parents were never really around. I don’t want what happened to me to happen to them, too.”
“You are… something else, Y/N…” she trails off, hoping you catch on.
“Y/L/N,” you supply.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
“You too, Natasha Romanoff.” The two of you laugh as Steve’s car finally approaches.
Three days go by and you can’t get your conversation with the Black Widow out of your head. Looking back, you realize she was definitely flirting with you, and you were just too exhausted and oblivious to notice. It’s embarrassing to say the least, but you doubt she even remembers. It was probably just her way of filling the silence.
You internally sigh, refocusing on your surroundings.
“Jab,” you instruct, holding your target pads-clad hands up. Henry, one of the newer kids at the gym, throws his left arm forward, his feet sliding as his glove makes contact with yours. “Stand your ground, plant both feet down firmly.”
The kid corrects his stance, smiling when you nod your head in approval.
“Jab, again.” He hits the target, and you smile again when he doesn’t slip. “Nice job, buddy. Take five. And get some water!” you yell after him as he runs to the bench.
You take your gloves off as the front door’s bells chime, turning to greet the guest. “Hey, welcome, I’ll be right… with you…” you trail off as you make eye contact with a certain redhead.
“You wouldn’t happen to know a Y/N Y/L/N, would you?” she asks playfully. She leans on the front counter as you jog your way over.
“Maybe, anything they might be able to help you with?”
Natasha watches as a kid walks up to you, asking for help with her boxing wraps. “Well,” she watches the way you simultaneously help the little girl and watch Natasha with ease. “I was told there’s this awesome place that helps kids learn how to fight, and I thought I’d stop by and show ‘em how an Avenger does it. Plus, I heard Spider-Man was here once, and I think having the Black Widow come by would be a much cooler story to tell.”
You laugh, ruffling the kid’s hair before whispering to her that she’s good before turning back to the Avenger. “I- Thank you,” you say softly. “You didn’t have to do tha-”
“No, but I wanted to. Plus, I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee after your shift?” she says as you lead her towards a locker in the back.
“You can put your stuff in here, they’re employee lockers, so no one’ll mess with them,” you tell her when she glances around the room. “And yeah, I’d like that.”
Natasha beams, and it’s immediately ingrained into your mind forever. Maybe getting stuck on a busy highway wasn’t too bad after all.
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