#(i'm calling this the jewel because that's what you see in the background...)
robo-dino-puppy · 3 months
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horizon zero dawn | the jewel 2/?
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noneorother · 5 months
There's a *puppet* show going on in the magic shop, and it looks awfully familiar...
(Insert unhealthy number of rewatches here) The magic shop in S2 is a real jewel box. There's so much symbolism and so many easter eggs, it starts to make your head spin. But I found something really weird going on with the puppets (or should I say angels) in the background...
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Here's 1941 : you can see on the left what looks like closed red curtains, and a coatrack with puppets behind Crowley here.
Where am I going with this? Well, don't those puppets look familiar?
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For my money, they really look like silly versions of Crowley and Aziraphale, with a few other familiar puppets hiding on the other side of the rack.
Now here's that exact same shot in the present. The red curtain falls away to reveal: An extremely symmetrical arrangement of truly weird puppets. The puppet in the glass case near the back is the same.*
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It probably just looks like a creepy display, with our familiar Aziraphale and Crowley puppets, until I do this:
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To me at least, this arrangement really looks like a depiction of a synaxis of the hosts of bodiless powers (i.e. angels) before Jesus. If you study European art history, you can't escape medieval religious iconography. It's kind of a big deal. I've put this example of Mary flanked by the nine ranks of Angels from a Cathedral in Exeter above, but you can find 100 examples of this kind of eerily symmetrical and hierarchical ranking of angels with god, Jesus, Mary etc... Before I break it down, you have to know that in the medieval period, and especially in religious art and iconography, the relative size and position of figures is WAY more important than realism or accuracy.
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Obviously the costumes don't match one to one, but you get enough of a vibe that once you start seeing it you can't UNSEE it. The relationships of position and size here are fascinating to me. For one, what the hell are two Crowleys doing in a host arrangement in present day? He's not even an angel. In the second row we have archangels Gabriel, the flopsy twins Uriel and Michael, and a slightly larger Saraqael head in the center. Is Saraqael actually more important here? Technically Jim is still an archangel, so he gets the mirror of the Gabriel position, but as a sad clown wearing a tartan blanket. We also have two tiny dolls (not puppets) with star name tags, one keeled over wearing brown, and one sitting up and smiling, wearing blue. I've named them tentatively Adam & Jesus for now, because that's the vibe I'm getting, but who knows. Here's the usual position of the Jesus in a synaxis for comparison.
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In the lowest row, we bizarrely have arguably the most powerful angel, The Metatron (shown here with a dark floppy overcoat hiding the fact the doll has no body) and what I can only imagine is Maggie with blonde hair and blue eyes? What? Now, the doll I'm calling God in the middle for the large size, and the fact their head is always cut off above the framing in the shot. God is clearly looming large over the rest of the host, but is in a lower hierarchy (with Muriel, Crowley & Aziraphale being fairly low ranking at this point in the show) and also has NO HANDS, a clown face and BLOOD SMEARS on their overalls. Yikes. If you take a look at the top-down shot of the dolls, you can see how they had to completely redo the god-doll's hair. This is a specific vintage English doll called "Bimbo the clown". You can see the original hair always has a fringe, and the yarn locks are usually much bigger. Compare with the new hair in the top view of the present-day shop.
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Hey. Does that hair style look familiar to anyone?
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Look. I don't want to go claiming something THIS insane from one doll's hairstyle in a background shot. I'm not trying to convince you this is irrefutable proof that there's some sort of storyline where Nina is actually God. But it's interesting they took the trouble to re-make the doll's hair (and costume) to look like Nina's, even when it is almost never seen, much less noticed. The fact that the god-doll is also a clown got me thinking of the Gabriel and Jim dolls, and that maybe there's another doll in the shop that should double with Bimbo? *Here's the only other doll with a name card in the magic shop in either time, the one in the glass case :
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Even though we barely see it, we can tell it's wearing the same outfit as the 1941 magician. Why? If this one is the equivalent of the real god, and not the sad clown version, and if it's locked up in a box somewhere, unable to free themselves, is that why we haven't heard from them in season 2....? So many questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to @kimberleyjean and @embracing-the-ineffable for additional pictures.
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
The Elites
Day 7: free day
Summary: old debts need to be paid.
A/n: mafia lucien is soo 🤤 also, I know this is pretty cliché. So what? Its just a one-shot. All that matters is Lucien is hot 😏
(should i do part 2...?)
Lucien sipped on his coffee as he read through the reports in his hand, the TV in front of him playing some news channel, the volume turned low. Not loud, but audible enough that he could listen to it.
Or his assistant could. At the moment, she was lounging in the chair on the other side of his desk, staring intently at the TV.
Something occurred to Lucien as his attention flitted to the TV for a moment. The man that was currently being interviewed looked familiar.
"Have we yet found the man who stole from my father?" He questioned, setting the reports down on his desk.
His assistant– Alice– glanced at him.
"No." She replied flatly.
Lucien nodded, his eyes not moving from the man. He grabbed the remote without looking and increased the volume, leaning back in his seat and grabbing his coffee again.
"Who is that guy?"
"Some random billionaire. He's recently became very famous. Has four daughters."
Lucien let that information marinate in his mind.
This man definitely looked familiar, and Lucien wasn't going to let that slide.
Could that be him?
"Alice?" He called.
"Think you can get me the file my father had on all his business partners? Also the file he kept on who all he had lent money to."
"Sure." She got up, fixing her skirt and shirt, clasping the few top buttons she always had open. Lucien eyed her for a moment before looking away. She always did that when in his presence, opening her shirt buttons until her chest was practically falling out of it.
"Thanks. Please make sure it's recieved by the next hour."
She nodded and left. And then Lucien pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
"Festus. I want you to–"
"You know you can call me Jurian, right? It's my name after all." The voice was cheerful, meant to be deceptive. And it could fool people if they didn't know that he, Jurian Festus, was private investigator for the elite mafia families. Lucien's family was one of those elites.
"Festus. I'm going to need you to get me all the information you can about this new billionaire. Apparently, he's recently become very famous."
"Mr Archeron you mean? Oh yeah I can get you information about him."
Lucien felt his eyes narrow. "How do you already know who I am talking about?"
Jurian laughed. "I was just researching about him for fun because I had nothing else to do. Turns out, he'd been a very wealthy man, trading in jewels and what not. He suddenly went off the radar for some years, almost a decade. He's now back, claiming he'd lost all his wealth due to a shipwreck or something. Apparently, he recently found out the ships never stopped sailing."
Jurian took a pause, then continued. "The youngest of them is married into the Night family. Has beef with the Springwell family. The second oldest is the favourite of Mister Archeron. Doesn't really give a fuck about the oldest and third daughter."
Lucien took all of that information in before responding.
"Get me all the background on him and everyone he associates himself with."
"Sure. Did you try the new drink–"
Lucien hung up before Jurian could agitate him further.
"Alice. My office. Now." Lucien spoke into the telephone.
He had recieved the reports on the Archeron father, and turned out the man really was familiar.
"Yes?" Alice pushed open the door, strutting in like she owned the place. Her shirt buttons were again undone almost halfway, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.
"Get my car ready. I'm going to meet someone."
She cocked her head. "Who is it that you are going to see?"
Lucien stood, setting the reports aside.
"You are my assistant, Alice, not my mother. I do not need to let you know of anything if it does not concern you. Do not make me repeat myself. Get my car ready."
He could see her fuming, steam practically coming out of her ears. But she nodded and turned away, walking out of his office.
Lucien pulled out his gun, making sure it was loaded before he left his room.
This was going to be a fun trip.
He found his car waiting for him in front of his house. It was a black SUV.
When he went to open the door, a hand shot out to grasp the handle. He slowly turned his head to look at the person, a muscle in his jaw ticking.
Alice gave him a charming smile.
"Were you planning on leaving without me?"
Lucien gripped her hands, tightening his hold until fear entered her eyes. "Get out of your limits again, and you'll lose your job."
The Archeron home was huge, but it was humble compared to the Cleaver's estate.
It didn't even begin to compare.
Lucien walked upto the door, his group of guards and security right behind him. As soon as he rang the bell, the sound of footsteps greeted him.
The door opened, and he expected a servant to peek out.
But he found himself looking at a woman, barely any older than him. She was beautiful, her eyes captivating as she stared at Lucien.
"How may I help you?" She raised an eyebrow.
Lucien blinked, then cleared his throat. "Uh– yes– I'm here to meet with Mister Archeron."
Her eyes roamed over his security team, incredulity taking over her features. "Alright..." She drew out the word.
"Who is it?" A firm voice asked from behind the lady, and she glanced back.
"I don't know. He says he's here to meet father."
From the slight gap over her head, Lucien could see a similar looking woman, though older, standing there.
"I'll get him. Don't let anyone in."
A few moments passed, and the woman who had opened the door inched it open slowly, leaning against it as she pulled a novel out of nowhere and began reading.
Lucien found himself studying her, and by the time Mister Archeron arrived, Lucien had memorised almost everything on her body. From her features to her clothes to the accessories she wore, everything.
"Who is it?" An irritated voice questioned from inside the house, and Lucien looked to find the man he'd seen on TV that morning walking towards the door.
"Lucien Cleaver." The man paled, and Lucien smiled, ignoring the questioning look the woman sent him. "That last name mean something to you?"
"No. Absolutely not. Y/n, why don't you go read somewhere else? Let me handle this now."
Y/n. A beautiful name. Lucien thought.
As soon as the girl was out of sight, Lucien got to the point.
"I know you know who I am, so let's not pretend. The contract will stands, and according to it, you are obliged to get our money back."
"I don't know what you are talking about. Leave the property before I call the guards."
Lucien smiled slowly. "You don't want to do that."
The man swallowed, realising he could not get out of this one. "I can't return the money. I don't have it right now."
Lucien studied the man. He knew Archeron was lying, but maybe Lucien could get something out of this facade.
"That's okay then."
"Is it?" Archeron looked at Lucien warily. Smart.
Lucien smirked. "You can have all the time you want to return the money, and in the meanwhile, you are supposed to hand over something precious to you."
"What do you want? Jewels?"
"Your daughter."
"No. You will not have any of my daughters."
"I'm not asking for your favourite Elain. I'm good with Y/n too."
The man's eyes turned from wary to contemplative. "I... if I do that, will you leave me alone?"
Lucien shrugged. "You will have her back once you return our money."
Archeron sighed. "Fine. Have her."
It took all Lucien had in him not to shoot him them and there. Lucien hated people who were ready to trade away their kids so they could have some money in their pocket.
But lucien didn't do that, because if this man was ready to let his daughter leave with someone he didn't know, then he didn't deserve to have her.
"I'll get her ready."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @lizziesfirstwife
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ddarker-dreams · 10 months
What do you consider the most important thing(s) to keep in mind when writing headcanons, scenarios, and/or fan-stories that portray(s) (a) character(s) is/are not yandere(s) as yandere(s)?
speaking from personal experience, there are two main questions i ask myself when i'm going to write a yandere version of a character:
what ideals do they adhere to the most?
what circumstances would it take for them to bend said ideals?
for the first question, i consider their moral compass within the context of the story. are they absolutely law-abiding, and if so, to which laws? do they follow their own ideals? everybody believes in something. even believing in nothing is a belief in itself. figuring this out helps establish some rough limits about what the yan would and wouldn't do. venti isn't going to go around slaughtering everyone in mondstadt that looks at his darling because he loves mondstadt dearly. scaramouche might scara wouldn't either, but for a different reason. it'd pose as an inconvenience that isn't worth the hassle. the reasoning for why they do/don't engage in certain behaviors has to connect back to their identity.
the second question mostly lends itself to characters who it's difficult to picture a darker version of. the members of the phantom troupe from hxh, harbingers from genshin, stellaron hunters from honkai; these fellas don't require nearly as much mental gymnastics. for the less morally ambiguous fellas, i look at their background and how that might influence how they go about their relationships. diluc losing his father (and in a way, his adopted brother), albedo being left behind by his creator, bucciarati watching his mother walk out on him and his father at a young age... huh. this all boils down to mommy issues, doesn't it? hm. well. those are the most dangerous kind.
finally, for the less morally ambiguous fellas, you take all this and ask yourself: how would they justify their behavior to themselves when they know what they're doing is wrong? the human brain's crowning jewel is its ability to absolve the person its cranium it lives in from guilt. characters can operate under the same logic. this list is non-exhaustive, but these mental gymnastics typically fall under these categories:
yandere perceives a threat to their darling's safety/well-being (the yan actually believes this)
yandere perceives a threat to their darling's safety/well-being (the yan kinda knows they're bsing but they gotta stick to this narrative or the guilt will eat them alive)
an unexpected threat to their relationship with their darling pops up, such as darling moving far away, seeing someone romantically, etc... (this causes their behavior to escalate where it normally could remain under their control, they make the tough call that having you be miserable is better than not having you at all)
ultimately, however, how you want to write is what matters most. this is just my way of going about things. it's not a be-all and end-all ruleset. fanfic is a hobby — do whatever you enjoy the most!
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fareehaandspaniards · 5 months
Laurence or some say Lavrushka (nobody calls him like that but I am here to fix it). Finally I am ready to share everything I have about him. A man caused my migraine when I first tried to dig into his lore. I never was his fan but I must admit he is the biggest problem in Yharnam after beasthood and eldritch horrors
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Can imagine him in no other way. Absolutely. And his sideburnsssss!! (I hope I call them right? google translate confused me ._.) <3 (hi to Gilveciy, all for you, love, I know you don't like them xD)
I tried to create couple of outfits for him and was really excited before I started create them xD I am not the one who can make really detailed outfit. I like how he looks here but not really satisfied with them ;_; But when I try to add something my head is just pooof empty and I just sit with my phone for 20 minutes. So I left them as they are, maybe I will get enough inspiration to change them later, but for now let them be just concepts.
First robe is for service alongside Choir. On his head is wreath made of Blood Gems, on his chest is his medalion (wow Fareeha was it hard to create?), cool belt with jewels, and choir-like garb under dark cape. And blood-toned tunic under all of this. Cape is decorated with flowers from Isz Chalice because there Church found Ebrietas so...
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Second one I think is more regular for him! All dark with red shoes - as a symbol of his holiness and power.
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When I was watching "THe Young Pope" with Jude Law as main hero,,,,,, I thought about Laurence. I mean I watched it long ago but now I associated Laurence with Lenny Belardo and oh my god,,,, Red shoes,,,,.. That one episode.......
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And the third one...
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*"You can leave your hat on" plays on the background*
The last outfit is for church services in old Yharnam or just in poor parts of the city, because I don't think that the most poor yharnamites would be happy to see the vicar of new Church in a gorgeous garb while they are starving everyday.
Now, time for headcanons. I... I wrote a lot about him. I wrote so much that I got lost in my thoughts. So I decided to SHOW his relationships during time with others, because it's much easier than just tell ;_;
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Firstly I wanted to depict ALL relationships between them but the scheme became so messy and unreadable that I made second variant which only for Laurence + some other characters love or hate or etc
My Laurence is a son of wealthy family from the foreign lands, maybe connected with Loran! I'm sure he would change that part of his biography to something more acceptable, since as an adult he would not want to be judged by yharnamites for his origins. His childhood consisted of solid learning, imitating his father and quietly copying the people around him. A child always needs an example, and they will look for it in those who are close to they heart, or at least give some emotions! So young Laurence took a lot from his despotic father, had almost no respect for his own mother, and was constantly listening to the squabbles and gossip of the servants of their estate, unconsciously beginning to analyze people and selecting their own approach to them. I think he would have been that cranky child, one of those who yell so resoundingly at their parents but are completely indifferent at heart - they just know WHAT will make the other person do what they want.
Little Laurence was also very drawn to creativity and dancing (something an aristocrat should be able to do), and was a very sweet child in person, but under the weight of responsibility and other people's expectations, he gradually grew obnoxious behavior, arrogance and the rest of the beauties of adverse adulthood!
I HORRIBLY headcanon Laurence as a kind of leader, "headman" among students, and also the last creep - he was bullying other students because of social class, contempt, forming a circle of "elite" around him, insults and humiliation! A handsome, talented, academically successful young man, but with a terrible character. I think he always had a combination of a "soft" gut, which strives for fun and comfort, and a strong inner core and also a cold, calculating mind, which he brought up in himself. At least, that's how I see it.
Laurence caused a lot of trouble for young Caryll, ridiculing his disability and poor health, as well as his family who sent their almost dying son to Byrgenwerth. He made fun of young Rom because of her appearance (which he actually quite liked), belittled Yurie by recognizing the vulnerable soul in her and gave her nickname "Ice Queen" which stayed with her for life. I think the only one he didn't succeed at bullying was Micolash - and that annoyed him as much as appealed. Micolash came from a poor, lower class of Yharnam, and he always looked unkempt, he stood out from the crowd of students. But all Laurence's taunts were like the squeak of a mosquito to him - Micolash was quite curious what he would think of to find his weak spot. Also, I think Micolash was very interested in Laurence's theory of the Blood. Micolash liked Laurence the way he was - edgy, egoistical, sharp and bitchy.
I headcanon that Laurence adopted this concept and the very idea of blood ministration from his father as the one thing he found useful in him, and his father adopted the theory from Cainhurst, which he sometimes visited by invitation as a scientist. So Laurence was a little ahead of his time when he shared with Willem his thoughts on the benefits of blood transfusions. It was something unusual and fresh among Yharnam's outdated scientific trends, and I think Willem marked Laurence for himself as an "unusual" student because of it.
Laurence had established himself at Byrgenwerth as a leader in the worst sense of the word, but later there was a sudden change with him. So much so that it seemed to everyone that he had been replaced. The bully and the last asshole suddenly turned into a pleasant person, and all attacks on other students stopped. All that remained was a thirst for studying chemistry, biology and scientific debates. There was a completely new Laurence - and it at first even a little scared everyone. Micolash felt betrayed (he liked his previous version :P). And the reason of his change remained unknown for many years, but everything was very simple. A very ardent and daring young man crossed paths with Master Willem's acquaintance, a wise man of years - the hunter Gehrman.
No one knows what happened between them, but I think there was a very serious conflict there - Laurence's insolence and Gehrman's integrity. I think Gehrman was able to put him in his place and break his dense layer of chitin on his soul. By talking he got to Laurence's heart and by saying many unpleasant but true things to him, he was able to make him realize that this way Laurence would only achieve a lonely old age. That's when their father-son relationship was born. In fact, Gehrman replaced for Laurence his both parents by helping him to deal with his inner problems, teaching him to communicate with people and accept them as they are. After meeting the old hunter, Laurence stopped communicating with his parents, and at the same time lost a huge weight that pressed on him and made him come from anxiety - the weight of other people's expectations.
So by the Fishing Hamlet incident, when most students were processing what had happened in their own way, Laurence was free of emotion and ready to develop his theory about the Blood. It was around that time that he met Gehrman's student, the knight Maria, who had left her home castle to learn the art of hunting (And she and Gehrman were also in love with each other). I once had a crazy headcanon with Maria's escape from Cainhurst xD It's calmer now - she was part of the help Cainhurst offered to Willem in exchange for opening the catacombs and his scientific researches.
Laurence's theory gave an unexpected breakthrough - the injection of Blood brought unprecedented results. With the blood of the Great One Willem saved Caryll from death and even let him stand once again on his legs (I can imagine the shock of others, when Caryll walked using only the cane, because standing still was hard for him. I should add that later Caryll will use his wheelchair again because effects of blood are not everlasting and he wouldn't want do more injections of such rare blood when others need help and blood too) , and also gave him his first visions of the Runes and a connection with the Great Ones.
After the discovery of Kos (and murdering her?), after a small shift in Micolash's mind, after Rom began to study the parasites of Kos and their effects on herself, Research Hall was established. The Byrgenwerth for students was over, and Willem, taking his best student with him, began to develop the idea of replacing the old Church of Yharnam with a new one - a church on Blood, Blood that cures all ills and diseases. This is how we come to the Research Hall.
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Having made an impression on the higher academic circles and having secured the support of several noble houses of Yharnam and partly Cainhurst - the Church was founded, and Willem took the role of bishop (The bishop thing is actually not my headcanon, the idea belongs to Katy. I adopted it and put it in my lore. It's too logical) and Laurence took the role of vicar. The medical Research Hall was opened. Micolash took on the role of one of the doctors, and Rom (Again, the basis was taken from Katy, that Micolash was the doctor and Rom was the patient!) volunteered herself for research, as her body didn't just take seawater and blood - every day she was diagnosed with a new disease, and the next day it disappeared, and almost no one could understand what was happening to her. However, after studying the parasites for a long time, Rom discovered something that she didn't share with anyone. She only bandaged her eyes and secluded herself on the upper floors, allowing herself to be explored.
The oath of loyalty to the Church was taken by one of Yharnam's best warriors, Ludwig, who became the first Hunter of the Church. True, he swore the oath to Willem, and the latter soon began to gradually lose his mind and appear less and less in public, examining his eyes. And Ludwig found himself knighted by Laurence. I can't say that Ludwig liked it xD He saw Laurence as a young upstart (Ludwig himself is very conservative) and kept forgetting that he was a vicar, though young, and it was his duty to serve him. Their relationship was strained for a long time. But they became friends with Gehrman's aid, who became a common friend to both of them. So they were able to get to know each other better. And Ludwig never learned that the exploratory nature of Laurence was very interested in his visions and foreign blood flowing in the veins of the knight. Ludwig was appointed captain of the Tomb Prospectors, which inevitably drove him mad and led to the discovery of the Sword of Moonlight.
Laurence gave all his time to his work, but his heart was devoted to something else... The vicar suddenly found himself attracted to Rom, Micolash's half-sister. He did not even know whether fate had punished him in this way for his cruelty to the girl in the past, or whether he had always loved her? But he could think of no one else -he needed Rom. And Laurence, between services, visited her humble room to try to talk and bring her something she would like, whether it was a treat or clean clothes. Love struck him so suddenly that while he was doing it - he didn't notice that under his nose Micolash was conducting inhuman experiments on a girl named Adelina (even though she supported them), and Damian was sneaking for him artifacts from the catacombs to study (because Micolash asked him to, and Damian could never refuse him. Even if it's about stealing. Damian has endured and suffered a lot just to be useful to the one he loved)
And beautiful Rom reciprocated, though she laughed at him, remembering the past. But the unexpectedly warm and gentle character of the new Laurence, his pleasant look and tender kisses warmed her heart. Laurence felt happy for the first time since finding a father figure in Gehrman. As their relationship began to slowly mend, despite Caryll's displeasure about it, Rom felt the Great One. Ebrietas called to her from the lowest of the low. All the parasites she had implanted in her body were synchronizing with that call.
The Choir was founded, and a little later, the School of Mensis.
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I think I have such a hard time with Laurence because his life is intertwined with ALL the characters in one way or another. So I'm going to go straight through his relationships during the sunset era of the Healing Church. Laurence himself began to slowly lose his own ideals - blood cured but people were slowly turning into beasts. The massacre of Old Yharnam had left a deep wound in the heart of the city. The Great Ones no longer seemed to be the force that led to a greater good, not at all - the humans were too weak to reach their level.
Rom secluded herself to Ebrietas and did not leave her side. When she began to change and gradually became part of the Kin, Laurence did not stop loving her. He cared for her as best he could, but here was the trouble - she didn't need any help. The process was irreversible. Laurence's little dream of a real family where everyone would love each other was shattered when Rom disappeared into her cocoon, undergoing her final transformation. He managed to visit her twice before he died himself. Both times he talked to her - had a monologue, recounting his hardships and troubles. It seemed to him that she did not notice him at all, and that the old Rom was gone. But she was glad to know that his love had not faded. Neither had hers.
Micolash took all the knowledge he needed from the Choir and left, taking many people with him to found the School of Mensis. Laurence thought his manipulative friend would have no more contact with him after that, but the School of Mensis needed the shelter of the Church. And for the sake of possible progress, Laurence let him do what he wanted. Only rare attention of Church doctors who were trying to find out what was going on in Yahar'Gul bothered Micolash. Laurence made another mistake, but he could no longer figure out what was going on at all, so he let it go. Laurence didn't live to see the Ritual of Mensis.
Ludwig had lost the last remnants of his mind. He didn't care about anything, and he seemed to have forgotten that he had a family - a wife and daughter, Ludwig spoke only to his sword. Tomb Prospectors was left without a captain, and Laurence appointed Gremia to be their captain, giving him the title "Sir" at Ludwig's (Gremia's ) old request. Laurence did not see how Ludwig later turned into a monster. He felt really guilty but his curiousity was still stronger then anything.
During his time in the Church, he had a loyal bodyguard and protector, Brador, an assassin who had sworn an oath of loyalty to him. They formed a close bond, but Laurence never knew what it really was. Only Brador, who later put his scalp on himself, knew.
Caryll, who had rejected Laurence all his life, disappeared without a trace one evening at the School of Mensis. Laurence had an unfinished conversation with him. Laurence wished that he would finally forgive him for his student years, but Caryll no longer cared for the this world. He disappeared, following the ringing bell into the darkness. His wheelchair was discovered empty, and his body was never found. No one had come out of the room where he had last been.
The Cainhurst Massacre had been recorded by the Church as an execution of the vicious Vilebloods, and Laurence preferred not to think about what the descendants of the Pthumerians had been killed for.
Laurence's almost father and mentor had found eternal life, given over to the Moon Presence. Laurence had promised him that he would come for him, for the poor old man who deserved only peace and an easy death, for he had lost the woman he loved years before, and his madness had produced a copy of her, the Doll. Laurence could not fulfill his promise, though he wanted to. I still actually don't understand why Gehrman and exactly Gehrman was given? But I think it's like a deal with the devil - to receive something you should give something that is dear for you.
Little Amelia, whom Laurence often visited in the orphanage, seemed to love him very much. She received his pendant, the symbol of the Healing Church years later, when she was grown up and able to receive the title of Vicar. They had met when she was a little girl, and Laurence secretly dreamed that someday, maybe, she would be a member of his family.
He died when everything he had done all his life had died down, when the screams of torn Yharnamites in the streets of the city became commonplace. The vicar could not bear all the consequences of his actions and endeavors. He wished only good things, and good intentions pave the road to hell.
And on this pathos words I should finish, I will add only small-small headcanons that did not fit into the text, as well as many other details of my vision of lore (+I forgor many things that I came up with...........)
While my husband and I were discussing him, we came to the conclusion that he simply could not be someone who unselfishly wished happiness for everyone and everything, wished to heal people and save them with Blood. He wished for good, but wished that HE was the cause of it, wished to be the hero and the best.
But there are also two sides to my Laurence, so I headcanon that his zodiac sign is Gemini (like mine, I know exactly what it's like to have two people in your head). He can be fun and naive - afraid for his appearance, running around Gehrman's workshop as a grown man, picking flowers for Rom and laughing at the top of his voice, or he can be a manipulative little asshole who is curious to see what happens to another person if you put him in a certain situation. And I like him like that a lot :^)
And now me and husband have a local joke - Laurence's sideburns LMAO They are so soft mmmhmmm..........
- Laurence is an excellent dancer. He was trained to dance as a child and knows how to twirl in a minuet, what a polonaise is, and can easily take a lady to twirl in a waltz (in my case, that lady is Rom)
- Laurence has an intolerance to alcohol. So he drinks mostly water, juice or something like that!
- Laurence had always loved the taste of blood. When his finger was cut, he put his lips to the wound, not so much from pain as from a desire to taste it again. He'd never taken such liberties with other people's blood. But he loved his own.
- Laurence grew sideburns because he stopped liking himself and feeling confident after some of Micolash's caustic comments about his appearance xd With sideburns he felt good and his anxiety went away, and Micolash's attacks didn't hurt so much. He was VERY proud of his sideburns, because they finally lifted him up in his own eyes and made him masculine
- He has looots of bodyhair. He is even fluffy. (It confused Brador)
-Laurence's parents wrote him letters, tried to contact him. But thanks to his connection with Gehrman, he didn't need them.
-He and Micolash were never really friends, but they always talked - they were interested in each other. Micolash mostly used the vicar as a toy, blackmailed him sometimes, but he still loved his company. When Laurence began to feel guilty about all the events in Yharnam, Micolash became completely disappointed with him.
-In Byrgenwerth he had a nickname "Laura" because of his pretty face. The nickname was created by Micolash, used only by Micolash too, but the mere fact of its existence made Laurence very uncomfortable
I am sure I missed something that I wanted to tell. But anyway. Laurence's mood:
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yaoipigglet · 1 year
I did I thing.
Inspired by certain someone who did this art work.
Please go follow them!!!
A young beautiful man wearing a soft green dress walked through a large mushroom forest. The sun shining in his crystal blue eyes, his sweet chocolate brown hair, tied back under his head scarf. His ghost dog floating next to him.
‘Little town, it's a quiet village
Every day like the one before
Little town, full of little Toadies.
Waking up to say-”
“Good Morning!”
Luigi laughed as he walked through the town.
‘There goes the baker with his tray like always
The same old bread and rolls to sell
Every morning just the same
Since the morning that we both came
To this poor, provincial town’
An old looking toad sat on his porch and waved as the young man passed.
“Good Morning, Luigi”
Good morning, Señor Jean!”
“Where are you off to?” He laughed, tapping his cane on the floor.
“To return this book to Père Robert?
It's about two lovers in fair Verona” Luigi swooned, spinning on his toes. A look of happiness on his face.
“Sounds boring,” the old man laughed, sipping his tea.
‘Look there, he goes, that boy is strange, no question!’ Other toads gossiped.
‘Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?’
‘Never part of any crowd’
'Cause his head's up on some cloud!’
‘No denying he’s a funny boy, that Luigi!’
“Good day! How is your family?”
“Bonjour! Good day! How is your wife?”
“I need six eggs!”
“That's too expensive!”
‘There must be more than this provincial life!’ Luigi sighed as walked into a building.
Walking into a small library, Luigi called out to a light green toad, putting books away on a shelf.
“Good Morning Señor Père!”
“Ah, if it isn't the only other bookworm in town!” The old one laughed, fixing his glasses.
“So, where did you run off to this week?”
“Two cities in Northern Italy
I didn't want to come back!” Luigi giggled.
“Have you got any new places to go?”
“I'm afraid not,” he sighed sadly.
“But you may re-read any of the old ones that you'd like!”
“Your library makes our small corner of the world feel so much bigger.” he smiled kindly, squeezing the old toad’s hand.
“Bon voyage!” Père smiled back as he walked off.
‘Look there he goes, the boy is so peculiar!’
‘I wonder if he's feeling well!’ Others spoke as he passed.
‘With a dreamy, far-off look
And his nose is stuck in a book!’
‘What a puzzle to the rest of us is Luigi.’
Luigi sat down on a bench, his dog sitting in the air beside him.
‘Oh, isn't this amazing?
It's my favourite part because you'll see
Here's where she meets Prince Charming
But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!!’
Polterpup barked happily back at his owner.
‘Now it's no wonder that he’s called a 'Beauty!
His looks have got no parallel’ a few female toads laughed.
‘But behind that fair facade
I'm afraid he's rather odd!’ Another smirked.
‘Very different from the rest of us!
He's nothing like the rest of us!’
‘Yes, Luigi is different from the rest of us!.’
Meanwhile, somewhere in a large ghostly castle, a tall male ghost stared at our hero through a crystal ball. He wore an old white suit and large purple jewelled crown.
“Look at him, LeFou, my future husband!
Luigi is the most beautiful man in that village!
That makes him the best!”
“But he's so clumsy and timid, while you're so athletically inclined!” His smaller minion gulped, looking at the same man as his master.
“Yes, but ever since the war against that stupid reptile!;
I've felt like I've been missing something
And he's the only man that gives me that sense of-”
“Mmm, je ne sais quoi?” The minion smiled.
The ghost glared at his servant angrily.
“I don't know what that means!”
They look back to the ball.
‘Right from the moment when I met him, saw him
I said he's gorgeous and I fell!
There in town, there's only he,
Who is as beautiful as me!;
So I'm making plans to woo and marry Luigi!
‘Look there he goes
Isn't he dreamy?
Master Boo!’ Cried some Victorian ghost women hiding behind the door.
‘Oh, he's so cute!
Be still, my dead heart!
I'm hardly breathing
He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute!’
Back in town, Luigi walked past everyone, buying food for him and his brother.
“Good day”
“Mais oui”
“You call this bacon?!”
“What lovely flowers!”
“Some cheese”
“Ten yards”
“One pound!”
“Excuse me”
“I'll get the knife”
“Please let me through”
“This bread”
“Those fish”
“It's stale”
“They smell”
“Madame's mistaken”
“Well, maybe so!”
‘There must be more than this provincial life!’ Luigi sighed to himself as he walked back home through the forest, his dog at his feet.
‘Just watch, I'm going to make Luigi my bride!’ King Boo laughed.
‘Look there he goes
That boy is strange but special
A most peculiar young man!
It's a pity and a sin
he doesn't quite fit in
'Cause he really is a funny boy
A beauty but a funny boy
He really is a funny boy
That Luigi!’
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jessicanjpa · 2 months
poison, or, Carlisle becomes a jeweler
An excerpt from this 1933 one-shot. The Cullens are taking sorta-newborn Rosalie out in public tonight, and she wishes she could have pierced ears again. Rosalie POV.
It was hard to decide which was worse, the smell of the baking cookies or the paint fumes coming from my bedroom. I finally went outside to lounge on one of the patio chairs, watching the clouds and ignoring the book in my hands. I had tried and given up on three hairstyles already, and frustration wasn't good for my thirst.
Carlisle came home early. He didn't usually work the day shift, but he had arranged to have tonight off because of the play.
"Hello, Rosalie," he said as he drew back down the garage door. "You look lovely today… a new dress?"
"Yes, Esme found it earlier this week."
He nodded absently and headed for the back door. But he paused halfway up the walk, sniffing the air and making a face. "Good heavens," he murmured. "What is going on in that house?"
"Cookies and paint," I explained, giving him a faint smile.
"I think I'll join you out here, then… as long as possible." He sat in the other chair, his eyes drifting briefly to the book in my lap. He looked awkward for a moment and then appeared to gratefully discover the pile of mail in his hands. I sighed and stared back up at the clouds. Why could we move faster than the human eye could see, but we couldn't speed up time? Each day seemed to grow longer. It was so dull sitting here in the middle of nowhere with nothing but birds and clouds for company. And I certainly didn't want to sit out here in awkward silence with Carlisle.
"Can't take the smell anymore," Edward grumbled as the back door banged behind him. He nodded to Carlisle in greeting. "I'm going down to the river for a while."
"You're all cowards!" Esme shouted from inside the house. At first I thought she was angry, but Carlisle was doing that laughing-silently-while-reading thing.
"Rosalie wants her ears pierced," Edward announced over his shoulder just before he ducked into the woods.
When are you going to learn to mind your own business?! "Never mind," I growled to Carlisle, who was looking at me thoughtfully.
"I'm sorry," he said, "but I don't have anything that would be able to pierce the skin, aside from…" He trailed off, making an uncomfortable gesture toward his mouth. I clenched my teeth and looked back up at the clouds. I wasn't going to dignify that with a response.
"Yes you do!" Edward called from the woods.
"No I… oh, yes I do," Carlisle murmured to himself. He was silent so long that I thought perhaps he had left, so I finally looked up at him again. "I could try," he told me. "I admit I've never done that particular procedure before, but… I actually do have something that might work."
I frowned. "What?"
"Something a friend once gave me, long ago…" he trailed off. His eyes glazed over in that way they did when he got lost in his memories. He stood, turning towards the house. "Join me?"
My curiosity was even stronger than my sense of smell, so I went with him back into the house and upstairs into his study. I had never been in here before. The walls were packed with bookcases, and books were also overflowing off of some smaller shelves that had been hung on the walls. Besides the hundreds of books—some old, some new, some in other languages—there were stacks of brittle, yellowed paper, all sorts of paintings covering every inch of the walls above the bookcases, and little odds and ends dotted around the room.
A huge ornate desk filled a good quarter of the room, strewn with even more books and crisp-looking medical journals, as well as a framed picture of himself, Esme, and Edward with the Statue of Liberty in the background. The air was heavy with dust and mold, as well as some sharper smells coming from a little row of vials up on one high shelf. I never would have guessed Carlisle could be so sloppy. Hadn't they only lived in this house for two years?
"I think it's in this one," Carlisle said absently. He knelt down by a trunk and flipped open its latches. It opened with a creak. After setting aside a stash of papers, Carlisle drew out what looked like a jewelry box. It was beautiful, delicately carved out of some dark wood with twining leaves and animals and stars. Tiny rubies had been set as the eyes in each of the animals, and some of the stars were inlaid with diamonds.
I couldn't begin to guess how much the box was worth. Carlisle carried it to the desk and opened it, revealing a bed of red velvet on which rested a neat row of white instruments. I supposed they were medical instruments: there were three blades, all different sizes, and two needles, one with an eye and a smaller one without, and a long hook-shaped thing, and two other sinister-looking objects that I hadn't the faintest guess about. Carlisle selected the smaller of the two needles.
"I don't know," I said, drawing away slightly. "What is that even made of?"
"Bone," he said absently, examining the needle with interest. "Vampire bone, I mean. I think it would work," he added to himself, testing the sharp point with his fingertip.
"Ugh! What kind of friend gave you that?"
"Do you remember what I told you about the Volturi? The coven in Italy?" I nodded. "Aro is one of the three who rule jointly. He was the one I spent the most time with during my time there. I found a sort of kindred spirit in his company. We differed on a great many issues, but we shared a deep curiosity about the nature of things, the sciences in particular. He has also made an extensive study on the supernatural world as a whole, both the mythical and…" he smiled. "Things that should be mythical. He has performed and compiled a great deal of research regarding our species.
"Anyway, Aro was quite amused with my desire to learn and practice medicine. Sadly, like so many of our kind, he does not share our respect for the sanctity of human life… he could not understand why I would trouble to devote myself to their care. He also had an interesting sense of humor, to say the least. When I took my leave of his coven, he presented me with this. I can't imagine how many hours it took him to fashion these." He looked back at the other instruments. "I suppose he copied their design from some of my regular instruments. He said I would need a proper set of tools, in case I ever got tired of patching up humans and decided to care for my own species."
"But why would you need these?" I asked. "You told me that we hardly ever get hurt, and that our bodies just repair themselves if it does happen."
He laughed again. "I think it was meant as rather a joke. I couldn't fathom a scenario where a vampire would require any medical procedure involving tools such as these… until today, that is!"
I twisted the silk of my skirt between my fingers. "And you think it will work on my skin? Would it hurt?"
"I don't think it would hurt any more than when you had your ears pierced before… at least not the bit with the needle. But in order for the hole to remain open, I'll need to apply just a bit of venom. I think that might sting, though it'll only be on there for a moment."
I squeezed the fabric tighter between my fingers, shaking my head. "I don't want your mouth on me again."
"No, of course not," he protested, quickly crossing the room to retrieve the black bag he took to work every day. He set it on the desk beside the carved box and drew out a small silver case. I frowned, expecting some other bizarre collection of implements, but it only contained a few cotton swabs, a small bottle of clear liquid, some gauze, and various other tools that a real doctor would actually carry around.
"What are you two working on?" Esme asked, tapping on the door as she came in.
"Making strides in vampire medicine," Carlisle announced cheerfully. "Although in this case I might be more of a jeweler than a surgeon… Rosalie is thinking about having her ears pierced."
Esme looked surprised. "We can do that?"
Carlisle went over the explanation again, enthusiastically showing her the bone instruments. She wrinkled her nose. "And whose bone is that, exactly?" she asked.
"I don't know," Carlisle admitted. "Aro always had various odds and ends lying around. Anyway, I was explaining to Rosalie that in order for the holes not to close again, I'll need to apply a bit of my venom." He flourished one of the cotton swabs, and then dug inside his black bag again, retrieving an empty syringe. "I could fill this with water and irrigate the wound to clean out the venom. If it goes according to plan, the venom will scar the damaged tissue just enough for the hole to remain open. Well, Rosalie, shall we try it?"
"I don't know," I muttered, staring at the needle in his hand and trying to imagine a dead person's bone being stabbed through my ear.
"I'll do it," Esme volunteered.
"Have you ever done it before?" I asked doubtfully.
"No!" she laughed. "I meant, I'll have mine done first. You can watch, and then decide if you want to go ahead with it."
"Oh. All right."
"You're sure, love?" Carlisle asked her. "It would be quite permanent."
"I would have done it years ago, had I known it was possible! Well, where do you want me, doctor?"
He decided that she should sit in the chair behind his desk, so that she could lay her head down on her arms with her ear up to the ceiling. He retrieved an old towel and draped it over her neck and shoulder, clearing away her hair.
"Saline or regular water for the irrigation?" he asked nobody in particular. "Saline, surely… fewer impurities that might interfere with tissue fusion…" He filled the syringe with the clear liquid that had been in the little bottle. He squirted some of it onto the needle and carefully wiped it dry with the gauze. But as soon as he brought the needle close to Esme's ear, it snapped in half in his fingers. He stood back up, staring at the rubble in his hands as though he had just witnessed a miracle.
"Fascinating," he mumbled, studying the jagged, broken ends of the needle. "I didn't expect…" He stopped breathing completely, lost in thought, and then began murmuring more long words to himself.
"Can we still use one of the pieces?" Esme asked. "Carlisle?"
He blinked and seemed to remember that we were in the room. "I have another… just the one, though. I'll be more careful this time." He cleaned the larger needle with the saline, this time handling it as if it were made of glass. "Ready?" he asked Esme.
She hummed her consent and he went to work, ever so carefully pushing the needle through the stone flesh of her earlobe. There was an odd little screeching sound, like an animal was screaming far out in the woods somewhere. Esme flinched slightly and he froze in place. "No, I'm fine; it doesn't hurt much," she reported, her voice muffled by her folded arms and sleeves. "The noise just startled me."
He withdrew the needle and immediately picked up a cotton swab, whisking it inside his mouth for a moment to coat it with his silvery venom. Esme's brow furrowed as he dabbed the venom into the puncture wound, and despite myself I leaned closer in curiosity, trying to catch a glimpse inside the torn flesh. I couldn't see much; the flesh was white inside, but the venom was already doing whatever it did. Next he gathered a handful of the towel directly under her ear and used the syringe to wash the venom out.
"Does it sting?" he asked her worriedly.
"It did, a bit," she answered. "When you put the venom in it. But it's gone now—oh!" She sat up suddenly, raising her hand to her ear. "It's feeling sort of tickly now."
"I think that's the tissue healing," Carlisle said. "We'll have to see if the venom worked like I thought it would. I don't know if I left it on long enough." We all waited, Carlisle and I watching in fascination as the miniature wound shrank somewhat. But his plan had worked; the healing soon slowed to a stop, leaving a hole that looked almost normal, if too large by a hair's width.
"Feels right," Esme said, tugging curiously on her ear. "Rosalie, would you get the earrings so we can try it?"
I dashed out and back in, and handed her the earrings. She carefully slid one into the new hole and pronounced the procedure a success. Carlisle went to work again and soon she was smiling into her hand mirror, wearing both earrings. The second time had looked easier, and it looked like the damage had been perfectly symmetrical.
"All right, I'll do it," I announced.
"You could wear these tonight," Esme said, taking the earrings back off. "They're perfect with that dress."
"But then you won't have anything to wear tonight," I pointed out, though I held out my hand to accept them.
"Oh, that will be soon remedied," she promised. "You could help me pick some out... Carlisle, when do you think she could go out shopping?"
"Shopping?" Carlisle said, his eyes darting to mine. "That's quite a jump from an outdoor concert at night."
"I'm doing well," I interrupted. "Aren't I? You've said it before. And the only way to get used to moving around people is to move around them."
Carlisle focused on the needle for a moment, carefully scrubbing it again with the saline. "I suppose you're right," he said uncomfortably. "It's just that you're doing so well that everything is quite ahead of schedule, and your eyes are still red. All it would take is for someone to accidentally cut themselves…"
"Please, Carlisle," I moaned. "I'll be careful, and I'll keep my eyes down. And Edward could come with us, or you, just in case. I just want to get out and do things again!"
"Perhaps after we've moved…" He was weakening. I was proud of my self-control, because I wanted to shout at him that it was his fault I couldn't be around people, but I didn't. He would only get that miserable look and use it as proof that I wasn't ready, and I was ready. I had to be.
"So this can be a test tonight," I offered, pleased with how calm I sounded. "If I do well again—and you know I will—then I can go out with Esme. We could wait until next week."
Carlisle frowned. "We'll see how tonight goes," he agreed. "Then we'll take it from there. If you do well, perhaps our next step could be an event indoors, but in a large space—another concert or play, where everyone is seated and we can stay out of sight."
Fury welled up inside me, all the more potent because I couldn't let it show. I smiled instead, almost feeling my stone flesh cracking from the tension as I forced it out. "Whatever you say. But I know I can do it."
"And confidence is important," Carlisle replied. "But so is prudence."
"Carlisle's right, dear," Esme soothed. "One day at a time… we have all the time in the world, after all. No rush."
I kept my mouth shut after that, afraid I would lose my shaky grip on my temper. It had been her idea to go shopping in the first place, but of course she would side with Carlisle as soon as he opened his mouth! I sat down and laid my head in my arms, refusing to wince as the needle stabbed through my earlobe with its little shrieking sound.
Carlisle left the needle in place this time while he prepared the venom, and then he slipped out the needle. He quickly applied the cotton swab, coating the edges of the wound with his poison as he spun it around.
My fingers crushed my hair as the familiar flame began to burn its way into the torn flesh. Only for a second, I told myself firmly. It won't be like before. But I could already feel the phantom flames creeping down my neck and out my arm; it seemed like only a moment ago I had been drowning in the lake of fire. My insides twisted and my breath quickened.
"Get it out," I demanded, my nails digging into the polished wood of his desk. "Get it out now!"
Carlisle hastily switched the swab for the syringe and then flooded the wound with the saline. Almost immediately the flame was quenched. "I'm sorry," he said, filling the syringe again and soaking the shoulder of my dress as he pumped more saline into my ear. "Did it hurt very much?"
"Of course it hurt," I hissed, sitting up and kneading my ear. "I'm fine. Let's get the other one done."
"You're sure?"
"I can't very well go around with one pierced ear, can I?" I snapped. But I drew a deep breath, forcing myself to look up into his wounded eyes. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry. I know you're doing the best you can. Let's just get it over with, please."
He worked quickly. The flames were smaller this time, and he worked in a blur so that the whole thing was over in less than ten seconds. He cleaned up while I tried on the earrings.
"Perfect," Esme proclaimed, giving me her warmest smile.
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writ-in-violant · 10 months
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In the opera-halls and honey-dens they're still settling on a name for her. The Fanciful Frenchwoman, perhaps; the Dignified Dilettante. Lady Celestine Lupin, she calls herself, and while nobody's sure she's really of high station, she carries herself like it and dresses well, so what's the point of arguing? In the alleys of Spite and the roofs of the Flit, though, among the criminals and some few of the devils, they use other names: Ciel, if they need a first name, or the Comely Cat-burglar, if they need a title. As for her opinions on those more secret names...well, she mostly smiles and waves off any questions. Although, she notes, she prefers weasels to cats, but that is less charmingly alliterative.
Celestine! She is most certainly not a lady, but with a nice enough dress and nice enough jewels and a good enough lie, who's to know? I pulled from some 1890s dresses for this outfit (although I'm rather downplaying the sleeves) and I'll tag for @neathyfashioncoalition, even though I want to do a more ornate Celestine outfit later.... well, we'll see.
Celestine's full background is below the cut, like with Blake.
Celestine lies about a lot, but she is in fact from France. She never knew her father, and her mother -- unable to care for the child alone -- dropped Celestine at a catholic orphanage, so her child would be raised right and Catholic even if they couldn't be raised by her.
That...didn't entirely work out. Celestine, even then, was drawn to feminine fashion and affectation in a way that was seen as ungodly; the orphanage was also underfunded and poorly-run. It was in short a shitty victorian-era Catholic orphanage, and Celestine was a troublesome young transgender girl. Celestine grew up painfully aware of the fact that the same people who treated her terribly went on to preach about kindness and charity from the pulpit, and firsthand experience of this hypocrisy led her to conclude from a young age that the world was cruel, virtues and morals are things used by the powerful to cover up their own crimes, and in the end the only person you could trust was yourself.
When she was an adolescent she stole several valuables from the parish attached to the orphanage and ran away, selling them and stealing more for money as she flitted from town from town, leaving whenever she started getting too close to getting caught. Eventually she ended up in England, which I'm willing to bet has somewhat lower scrutiny because their government is by and large underground, and set up her usual set of cons and thefts there. While there, she ended up falling in with a music-hall singer, Julianna, and the pair not only had a fling but helped each other pull off cons. Eventually Julianna and her sister Clarabelle went to try their luck in the Neath, and Celestine remained on the surface...for a time.
But when Julianna wrote of the Neath, of the ease of recreating yourself there and the riches that could be found...well. What thief wouldn't try to take the opportunity?
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pens-in-a-jam-jar · 8 months
Castlevania Nocturne's Colors Aren't Just More Colorful
I watched Castlevania Nocturne and y'all are gonna hear my Specific Ass Takes. [full video transcript under cut]
[ The whole video plays over a background of a multicolor evening sky with a shooting star, and starts with a light blue silhouette of bunnies and a lantern. When the speaker begins reading, a cartoon bunny head appears ]
I'm working on a bigger video that I thought I'd have out, like, Last Week. Unfortunately, the scriptwriting stage is giving me disproportionate difficulty. So this week, to get something out, I'm gonna be making a small dissertation on the color work in Castlevania Nocturne to all y'all 'cause I watched it on Friday the 13th this fine spooky month.
Spoilers. Obviously. But like specifically I am Not arranging my thoughts linearly, you will get no incremental building to the bigger late game spoilers, they can come at any moment.
[ The video transitions to a speedpaint of a coloring page ]
Colors are by far some of my favorite things to see being used well and played around with, and even if the colors weren't expertly planned and were used for nothing except as a way to differentiate the characters, I'd still love just how much More Colorful Nocturne is compared to Castlevania The First. Something that especially made my brain go absolutely brrRR is the weird interesting thing they did with the color pink. How Anette says Eduoard called her soul pink but her favorite color was always green (the opposite) and it zooms in on him in his fancy green opera coat, which you cannot help but relate back to the tiny jewels Olrox's earrings have in them, and how they alternate between pink and green.
All three of them have the new world in common. All three of them come from horribly damaged communities, and while the girl who refuses to submit and discovers her command over magic as a result carries the color pink in her soul, the boy who uses smooth deception and a calm demeanor as his main tool in the liberation of his community is commonly wreathed in greens, but the creature older and more weathered than them both with no soul and no mission and no community left enshrines both colors in gold jewelry and dresses in deep saturated purples. As if he understands both those things to be important, so important, but he only has his pride and his history left of all that he used to have and hold dear.
But the pink doesn’t stop here because Drolta's primary color is this neon hot pink that only poisonous things are while Maria's primary color is a light soft pastel pink; Drolta willingly gave herself over to Erzsebet centuries ago while Maria was unknowingly primed as an ideal sacrifice for her, and is only saved by her mother, who wears black from the first moment of the series because she was always marked for death. And the Abbot, too, is defined by black because faith without works is dead! This is also why even though Mizrak wears the same black uniform as the other soldiers, the symbol of his faith emblazoned across his chest is white, for it is alive! And then still so many of his shots focus on the rich maroon of his absolutely gorgeous eyes. You are regularly drawn away from the black he chooses to put on by the harmonious colors his true body is made of, and hammered home by the fact he is one of the only characters we ever see in a state of undress! And who- who could it be who we see with him in that scene, where he's covering up all his pretty colors, and what- what could they be wearing still? What could they have chosen not to take off? What jewelry might they be wearing? Hm! Hm. Curious. You don't say!
It's almost like without his faith and his mission and his devotion to a living god through a dead man, Mizrak is alone, but without his ostentatious persona and vampiric menace and regality, Olrox still has the vestiges of that which he has lost forever. Interesting!!
Drolta and Maria aren’t the only ones for whom saturation matters. Not only can Edouard no longer be green after he is transformed because he can never be of that same service to his old community; as if to add insult to injury, his previously pastel sky blue eyes are now this unnatural electric blue. Which lines up really well with how the neon saturation that defines the pinks on Drolta's color palette also defines the greens on Olrox's color palate!! Unnatural creatures do not get to have natural colors. Yes, even if you really like them. Yes, even Alucard!
Alucard is a balance of stark white and colorless black with two amber eyes to anchor him to the world around him. This same golden-ness is present in the magic Maria and Anette use and the markings on Edouard. His two small graces in his new existence are to take the form of an angel and to be marked with the same colors that mark the magic and the faith which stands opposed to all that binds him. Maria sees nothing of value in the church, because her faith lies in herself and her cause and those who support her, and the church as an institution upholds oppression. Anette adorns herself in gold, and glows amber as she calls on her canonically divine magic. A magic of her ancestors and her community's religious practices, which go against the white man's God. Edouard even in the form of a hell beast touches other people's souls with his voice, which is why the vampires (soulless evil creatures) all hate to hear it so.
Then Alucard appears as a deus ex machina in the final moments of the season framed by an eclipse halo and devoid of color but for his piercing golden eyes. He is such a different Thing than anything else we have seen in this season that the established color language *must* bend to him. God only needed to say 'I AM', and Alucard only needed to appear. He himself is all white, he has been alive for so long that the living on in the face of this relentless world defines him; the sword he uses to kill Drolta, save the main characters' lives, and repel the vampire cronies is white and silver. He is life and he protects others’ lives. Yet his coat is black and he promises immediate death to his foes. Where has he been this entire plot: we don’t know When all this dying was happening: where was he? Where was this power beneath the black? Then finally, he says with his soft voice, “I hope I’m not too late.” And he turns to properly face us and we see for certain that his eyes are the color of devotion and magic and sunlight. Sunlight!!!
Speaking of sunlight, if I might detour from colors, when Erzsebeth has transformed into a thundercat, she says she despises the sunlight because it is worshiped and beloved by these inferior humans, and restricts the power of vampires, the superior beings. Now. We know that vampires are only stunned by crosses because the geometry messes with their eyes and befuddles their predator brains, so you would think The Christian God has almost nothing to do with the repelling of vampires. However, if something is properly holy and consecrated, neither demons nor vampires can touch it without consequence. The Belmont Whip is consecrated, and has been for hundreds of years. That holy water Sypha freezes does uniquely damage the night creatures. However, vampires can enter the church in Nocturne, and hell beasts could enter the church in that town that killed Dracula’s wife that I don’t care to remember the name of. The hell beast says it can do this because that church is not a house of God, and the things the priest does makes God puke. The Abbot welcomes Erzsebeth and her ilk in as messiahs and desecrates his own church with a machine from hell. These are sacreligious places run by people who do not truly follow the faith either willfully or in blind cognitive dissonance.
Now, it is shown in Nocturne that Vaublanc is very anti-spells on the plantation despite these protective spells and spiritual songs having nothing to do with The Christian God which he so fears. He cannot escape the cage of crosses that Anette makes for him, but Anette definitively does not follow The Christian God. Yet he is burned by these crosses when he tries to touch them. Because Anette is descended from a god, and this is that god’s material. Because this is a divine act. Because Anette and her magic through devotion to her religion are holy and consecrated.
Therefore: Is sunlight only corrosive to vampires because the very concept of sunlight and the sun is sacred to all humans to some degree??? Did humanity’s collective unconscious consecrate sunlight thousands of years ago and continues to this day to do that, and that is why vampires cannot walk in it??? ‘Cause I think that makes The Most Sense Actually.
And lastly for colors, we have my boy, my beloved, my darling, my second favorite, Richter Belmont in his most distinctive deep blues like the ocean we start the show beneath, like the water he stares into and walks through. Like the tears he cries. The way once his magic returns to him, his fire and his ice match his eyes and the colors he wears because of course they match: This blue *is* Richter Belmont. His magic is a direct extension of his self. It is his soul and he dons that pure white headband he previously tucked away and didn’t wish to look at when he makes the decision to go on living and to choose love and choose these people and make them his mission. He chooses to fight against evil instead of hiding from it, he chooses to extend his love and his soul out to these people and whatever cause they support, and because he chooses that, He Is More. The screen and the vampires are consumed by blue because He Has Become More Than He Was with this choice. His soul burns blue, the second hottest color for fire to burn after white.
Of course his is the only color palette that comes close to being as restrained as Alucard's, because Alucard holds magic and devotion and sunlight in his soul (because as we all know the eyes are the windows to the soul) and simply lives and lives and lives on and on to carry those things forward to the people with whom he wishes to share magic and devotion and life and death, and he makes this choice again and again and again every new day, every new year, every new century he lives. He has lived too long to be anything else but this being of magic and devotion and sunlight and life.
So too Richter Belmont carries his love and the love others give to him forward and forward and forward wherever it will take him, because yes water travels the path of least resistance, and yes it takes the shape of its container, but that is why his choice of who he aligns himself with is so important! He finds people he believes in and he allows them to shape him, to direct him, to have his whole soul. Other characters in Castlevania Nocturne believe in messiahs and gods and power structures and ideologies, but Richter Belmont believes in the people he loves and in the love in his soul. Blue is the color of love! Richter Belmont is made from love and not fear, and he must dispossess his fear of its power if he is ever to truly live!
That scene was by far my favorite scene in the entire show. Just unequivocally. I think in part because that was the part where I expected Alucard to show up, ‘cause when looking up the voice actors I accidentally saw ‘James Callis as Alucard’ and I went ‘Oh my gosh! He really does show up! I was hoping he would show up but he really does show up! He’s obviously gonna make a big entrance!’ and so my anticipation of dear beloved Alucard meant I was very pleasantly surprised by Richter pulling a real Magical Girl Protagonist move and unlocking his magic through the power of love and overcoming your trauma.
[ The coloring page pans across the screen and the video transitions into the end screen ]
But did you know that I make these videos through the power of positive reinforcement and fits of passion? Did you also know I have a Ko-Fi page for those of you who wish not only to give me compliments in comment sections about my pretty voice and how my analysis has contributed positively to your experience on this mortal coil, but who wish to be like Raptorous77 and Random NPC Tartaglia Simp Extraordinaire who hath contributed moneys to me and my continued financial stability? I also have little incentives over there like the Kill Your Darlings Graveyard for scripts where I have waaaayyy too much to say and I have to cut stuff from for flow. I also am prepping a thing where you can chuck money at me to make screenshot edits of things like this Rolling With Difficulty/Paranatural thing I did for fun or the cover art I make for the Broadway Nepeta blog because I run that. If you wanna catch me announcing when my image edit endeavour goes up you can subscriiibe~ If I make it to a thousand subscribers by my birthday (I will give you one hint, I am a Scorpio) then I’ll, like… uhh… Make a community post where I will take requests because I don’t do requests otherwise. It’ll be fun, it’ll be a celebration~
Okay, that’s all from me, also I am definitely gonna be making a Castlevania Nocturne AMV to one of the Pretty Cure openings, mark my words. Take care~
[ There is a stretch of silence and the end screen faces out before a blooper snippet plays ]
Not only can Edouard no longer be green after he is transitioned-- … pff, after he has transitioned… He’s trans everybody! [laughs] Trans Rights!!
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altraviolet · 9 months
reader polls for Echo Garden
Every once in a while I make a poll and take the winning answer into consideration for writing Echo Garden :) Important to note that I like all the choices- I don't think setting yourself up for something you don't want to do is a good idea in a poll.
This is a long post so after the first one I'll put a cut :)
1) puns
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This is the only poll I've ever made, I think, where the answer was 100% yes xD I wasn't sure if puns were Rodimus-y or not (he hates hats, for example. his tastes can be esoteric) so I asked. This is why he makes cold puns in Ch 23, Enceladia. Poll date: Mar 28, 2021 Ch 23 upload date: Aug 20, 2021
more 👇
2) spark jewels
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I was trying to think of a scientific name for the spark equivalent of kidney stones and liked a few options, so I asked for opinions. The colloquial term used in Ambulon's dimension is "spark jewels," a phrase that Velocity does not know. He switches to the medical term, "lapides stellae," to which she replies "asterliths." I recall not being able to satisfactorily combine Latin and Greek words for "star" with scintill or spitha so I went with both options in the first choice. This scene is found in Ch 26, Fuel Furnace. Poll date: Nov 29, 2021 Ch 26 upload date: Dec 9, 2021
3) other rarepairs
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I had a secret goal (it's not a secret anymore cuz I've told you) to put as many of my rarepairs into the fic as possible. I wanted to include more of either of the above, so let readers decide. I had a feeling Nautica/Blaster would win. I'm legit surprised Bluestreak/Hot Spot got as many votes as it did. Hmm. Looking back on this, maybe I'll try to give them another little nod before the fic ends. Anyhoo, yup, sprinkled throughout the fic are little bits of Nautica/Blaster. I like what they have. It's really loving and supportive :) Poll posted Dec 10, 2021. At that time the fic had 24 chapters.
4) liminal Cybertron
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Ok ok ok, so originally, Mirage's Cybertron was a destroyed, insecticon-infested world. I actually have most of a full chapter written in this original setting- Rodimus, SW, and Mirage going back to retrieve Skywarp. I might put that scene (and other discarded scenes) up after TEG is done, if people are interested. I don't have the exact date for when I wrote the original insecticon chapter, but I was still considering it in March of 2022 because I put foreshadowing for it in Ch 29 Progress, uploaded March 3, 2022. I don't remember now what made me think of doing a sterilized world instead, and then after I thought of it, I couldn't decide which to do. I was surprised by these poll results. The poll predates when I wrote the foreshadowing chapter, so I was still thinking of doing insecticons months later... I don't remember what ultimately changed my mind, but I remember why: insecticons have been done. The chapter I originally wrote was exciting and there were parts I was sorry to put aside, but a desolate, haunting, sterilized Apple store world was appealing because it hasn't been done before (as far as I know). I think people really liked the aesthetic and horror feel of it, so I'm glad I made the change =) Poll posted Jan 6, 2022 We first see 2938 Cybertron close up in Ch 39: Firelove Part 2: The After Burner, posted March 19, 2023.
5) Most Recents Club storytime
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I honestly couldn't decide who to have tell a story at the club, Ambulon or Trailbreaker, so I had readers choose. Ambulon was chosen, so we got some of his background story in Ch 30, Distress Call. I thought his story was hilarious. I laughed a lot while writing it. I suspect readers didn't find it as funny, though, as iirc only one person wrote about it in comments xD Poll posted March 6, 2022 Ch 30 posted April 25, 2022
6) ruining a big moment
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I've posted about this one before, but I'll put it here for posterity. This refers to the use of the ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬ in Ch 43 Firelove Part 6 The Shattering. The original scene was supposed to be very heavy and dramatic. The After Burner fleeing a bursting and breaking Cybertron, everyone beat up and kinda shocked after the encounter with Megatron. But ahhhhhhh the idea of including the emoji got the better of me. I wanted to do it! So badly! But I didn't know if it would be good for the chapter! So I had readers choose, lol. People seem to like it a lot so I'm glad it went in xD Poll posted March 29, 2023 Ch 43 posted Sept 10, 2023
That's it for now! Thanks for reading =)
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kira-moonrabbit · 3 months
took a bit but that one post that i said "ten notes and i share my funy godgame cards" got the required notes. ideally i'd be reblogging said post and adding this under it but the boopometer is doing strange things to my dashboard right now.
To preserve everyone's dashboards because cards is big: READMORE! This dish contains a lot of spicy rambles of autistic machismo!
To get it all out of the way: none of these cards will enter the steam workshop. They're just funny cards for get togethers with the pals.
you will also find that i am super inconsistent with wordings and also forget important clarifications. but! that just makes the cards more fun. or less fun. it depends on how often the readers of the cards bicker, which in my case is never often. (i've only played with 2 friends thus far, but I have faith even still.)
i also cannot explain the mechanics of godgame. because.... there's a lot of mechanics. ...I mean, I can, but it's a lot of effort, especially when I don't physically have the board in front of me.
anyways here's our first card... one of my lobcorp OCs in fact!
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Denny.... she's one of the originals. She's not as funky as everyone else so she doesnt see much sun nowadays but! I can count on her to be easy to make a card for at least. As the blurb says, she's not ALL hating birds. She, like, has a boyfriend. It's just very funny to play it up for the bit. (She also is easy to rile up.)
Side Note Number One... I have formats and shit. However I dont know and dont want to learn how to work photoshop. so it's all a bunch of pngs that i layer on top of one another individually rather than some sort of photoshop type thing.
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this is about what it looks like. dont worry about what "overlay jewel office" means. i am not at liberty to explain jewel office because i didnt create it; i just invent the cards...
OK, card number 2!
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sootpy. i drew Soot (another lobcorp OC) as peepy once. i was looking in my doodles folder for an image of another guy ive got in here and i found him. I fudged this card up in about 10 seconds not counting time spend actually putting the card together.
Actual Soot might function entirely differently from sootpy. i dont think the peanut part is capable of functioning.
Okie, next caaaaard...!
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Memory Maggot! memory maggot's from my original universe type thing i call elsewhere; hence the unique background. It's a champion card, but since i'm biased and like making card backgrounds, cards from elsewhere get their own backgrounds.
originally this card had different (albeit not by much) art, but then I made my silly memory maggot pixel art and liked it better. memory maggot's a lot more than just memories, but i thought that idea for a card would be funny. and speaking of elsewhere champions...
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this is the Everywhen. he also lives in elsewhere. i designed him, but at the same time i don't hold full custody over him so to speak. he's goofy levels of busted, yes, but I think Champions are allowed to be just a little bit like that. For fun.
I don't only make cards of my own OCs, though!
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Example: these are the 01-kun, they're from yume 2kki. They don't actually have any of these abilities ingame, but I think I'm allowed to fudge things up a little bit when it comes to these sorts of things. Plus... it makes for a funny archetype.
Yes. The status icon for gay is dr pepper gay icon. I made that myself, actually. In the past I made a whole bunch of just. Dr pepper pride logos for some reason when I made drinking the stuff by the gallon my whole personality... I still have them, and I figured "why let them go to waste?"
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This is Pupula-toru, also from Yume 2kki. This one actually has some basis in how the little guy appears ingame. Even if it is a little complicated for a basic card...
See, in yume 2kki, there's this thing called Variable 44. One of the easiest ways to check the status of this variable is to visit Pupula-Toru, as they're not too far in the dreamworlds. They'll be in one of 4 different poses depending on the variable, and two of them are asleep. Variable 44 is what changes other different forms of per-dream RNG, so knowing it is pretty useful for looking for certain things. Therefore, checking on Pupula-toru has a slight rng-manipulation association in my head, hence how it works.
...Well, errors are popping up when I try to post more images, so now I think I'll just make a reblog chain, or more posts and I'll add them to this one later. There's way more cards I wanna show off..........
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sotwk · 1 year
Random Writer Anon!!
When you get this answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to answer these questions, I’ll be back with more next Sunday. 😉
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Hello Anon!
Thank you so much for initiating these WIP Asks! (I saw you drop these in the boxes of a few other fellow writers.) It's very sweet of you to give us an opportunity to discuss our works. <3
My focus is solely on one project right now, which is my Thorin fic for the Thorin's Spring Forge event. (Deadline is up next week---eeek!) I'm not going to lie; it's been a big struggle for me, mostly because my back-to-back winter illnesses have been killing whatever writing energy and focus I manage to muster. Hopefully talking about it for a little bit would help!
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WIP Title: "The Broken Shield" (Thorin gen fic)
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
This fic is important to my personal LOTR/Hobbit AU legendarium, which I call "SotWK-verse". It tells my version of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, which is obviously vital to the history of Thorin Oakenshield. But aside from fleshing out some significant points about Thorin's character and motivations, it also links his background to that of Thranduil, his family, and the Mirkwood elves.
I'm excited for The Broken Shield to shed light on some questions insufficiently unanswered by the books and movies, such as:
How does Thorin wind up hating elves so much? Is it really just old prejudice passed down by his forebears, or are there more personal reasons?
Why DID Thranduil turn his back on the dwarves during the Sacking of Erebor?
What the true cause of Thranduil's anger against the Dwarves of Erebor? (It's definitely NOT just because of some jewels.)
How did Thranduil's wife die in Gundabad (according to the movies)?
2. How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Well, I'm definitely seeing how it's SO MUCH harder to get this ambitious tale down in proper story format than it is to just imagine and play it out in my brain. But that's the case with all fiction writing projects! I don't think the story or concept has changed much since I conceived of it many months ago.
3. Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
This story also prominently features Frerin, the Elvenqueen (Maereth, my OC), and Thranduil. However, Thorin is the heart and center of this tale, and he is my favorite in it. I think (or at least hope) this story reveals the true depth and quality of his character, and helps us understand better why he behaves the way he does in The Hobbit. I believe Thorin is a much wiser and kinder king and person than his father and grandfather before him, and I really want to prove that in all my stories, but especially this one.
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Thank you again for the Ask, Anon! Wish me luck with completing this fic, my friends! Mahal give me strength! LOL.
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colgatebluemintygel · 2 years
ahh hi! can you tell me about selkie/moonlit please pleaseeee :) and a snippet if you have one!!
AHHHH yes!!! i'm soooooooo excited about this one!!! it's a fantasy au! with heists! selkie remus! :-) and background jegulus !!!!!! (yes that's right you heard it!! reggie is alive!!!!! i'm never killing him again <3333 unless…… haha)
i've gotten a little bit intense with the world building here and could honestly go on and on and on........and on........ but the basic idea is:
remus is secretly a selkie (similar to lycanthropy, this is seen as a very bad thing, and he has to conceal his identity)
he's also a thief. he's v good at what he does. best thief in these parts etc etc etc!
he's under the control of greyback, who has his sealskin :-(((( boooooo.
sirius is the leader of an infamous band of outlaws who are currently unnamed because i refuse to call them the marauders. i Refuse! and he hires remus for a rudimentary heist. he's very crafty though (crafty guy!) and steals remus's sealskin out from under greyback's nose in order to blackmail remus into working with them on something else (which sirius knows that remus would never have agreed to otherwise)
they're not fans of each other at the start. idk if i'd go so far to say ENEMIES but....... not friends! or even reluctant allies.....
anywho here's a snippet xxx
Remus moved through the tightly-packed masses, slippery and agile, like a fish in a stream. Nobody noticed his feather-light touch where their coin purse once hung, and as Remus approached the market, his satchel had become heavy with coin.
He made his way to the centre of the square, climbing up onto the ivory fountain to survey his prey. He thought of his own bronze sealskin as he perched atop a bone-carved seal and stroked its cool, smooth head. 
Everything was for sale in the city if one knew where to look: fortunes, hearts, dreams, and incantations. Remus was no stranger to those kinds of sales, to seeing nightmares traded in the sickly candlelight of the sewer.
Up top, however, everything was different, and in the place of curses and nightmares were dreams and treasures. Even the stalls were unlike anything Remus had ever seen before. On the far side of the market, he could see a stall crafted from hundreds of bells, all wound together with brightly coloured thread, tinkling lightly in the breeze. Closer to Remus was another stall, fashioned entirely from sea-glass, and as the side-ways morning sun beamed onto the stall, it gleamed rainbow light onto the adjacent buildings. 
The people were interesting too. Unlike the sewers, up top the roguish and the refined walked side by side. Distant noblemen purveyed the stalls with their chests exposed, adorned with beautiful jewels and bright, delicate fabrics. Beside them, pirates swaggered, still wobbly from the sea, their long hair crusted with salty air.
Remus had always known that everyone had a place in the city, but it was another thing entirely to see it with his own eyes. The noblemen, the peddlers, and the pirates. Remus lifted his gaze to the line of bodies hanging by the gaol. He clenched his jaw as a body slowly turned, revealing a sealskin draped over its shoulders, the silver fur marred and caked with blood.
And, of course, even the cursed had their place.
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trappolia · 1 month
do you have any of your head canons for rhys and aenea :33 or information about their relationships with other characters :0 or or choices you’ve made within each playthrough.. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I DONT UNDERSTAND 💗💗💗
i do in fact have some hcs about them !! tw once again for the long post </3
rhys is a neutral evil character !! it's why he got along so well w/ gortash (lawful evil character who could allow rhys access to many, many benefits) and crashed horribly w/ orin the red (chaotic evil). though he certainly has very violent tendences (see: his reign of terror as a child that accumulated in his foster father's death) and fantasises about gore and bloodshed more so than a regular bhaalspawn, he's actually very put-together if not provoked (or aroused, in gortash's case) — which is why he worked so well as a cog in the absolute scheme. he's a very serious character as well, and it shows in his taste (black coffee ... takes his whiskey neat ... only likes bitter food).
HOWEVER! if he has one downfall, then it is that he is horribly high-maintenance — more so than astarion, if you can even believe it. he was of noble background, so he was served by a whole team of staff all day every day until his downfall as a noble heir, and even after being taken to the temple of bhaal, he refused to sleep in that nasty, mouldy place ... stale blood is yuck, even if it is blood and gore and all the things the son of bhaal loves. scleritas fel has been mauled a few too many times for not finding a suitable place of boarding for the beloved son ...
oh, and don't even get me started on when rhys started sleeping w/ gortash. based on this post here, i love how it's basically canon that gortash spoiled durge rotten. it doesn't matter that rhys used to be cosplaying as a rich man like he was before, he's now legitimately rich. i'm talking about being gifted not only fresh corpses or terrified citizens to torment, but also jewels, fine fabrics, embroidered clothes — hell, even a whole suite in gortash's estate that is not fucking necessary because rhys sleeps with gortash in his chambers anyway. they are literally faerun's most annoying couple — but it is also vital to me that you understand this: gortash and rhys were truly, genuinely in love (even if it was a warped display of what love is) i literally think about them every day.
as for aerea ! she's a neutral good character; wyll's voicelines mention how she was generally an upstanding noble heiress growing up until any incident where her morals are being compromised ... duke ravengard has had to pull several strings to get her out of trouble, but she never got any proper scolding for it because she does have decent morals (unlike a certain brother of hers...) and so her acting out was actually called for. there have been incidents where aerea got overly attached and was unable to make a rational decision (see: gale's dilemma with the orb) but it all worked out in the end (he does not blow himself up in this playthrough, i promise).
like rhys, aerea is spoiled ... except she's really, properly spoiled. however, unlike rhys (who lacked a proper parental figure for FOREVER) she was taught manners, so she's generally better at sucking things up and keeping quiet about how she wants to be back in her estate at baldur's gate, sleeping on her silken bedsheets and feathered pillows ... evidently, she's been going through torture while on the road. she also shares rhys' love for the finer things in life, though her wardrobe palette is significantly ... well, lighter than his. she has a sweet tooth too! wyll used to sneak her sweets during lessons (they were tutored together).
aerea is also much, much more popular amongst the companions than rhys is in his own playthrough ... which is ironic because her nickname as a child was literally "the bitch princess" (reference to her general personality + her worship of the bitch queen umberlee). they adore this tiny half-drow with her odd tendencies and her self-sacrificial habits of throwing herself into the line of fire for any of them (she has known all of them except for wyll for a grand total of three days). the people's princess, truly.
but the siblings as a duo ... oh, what tragedy. rhys is canonically dead in aerea's playthrough, and rhys has no memory of aerea in his playthrough ... which would mean a blank slate for them to start anew as a proper family, if rhys had not chosen to become bhaal's special little boy and start on his rampage to massacre the entire fucking world. since aerea is somewhat exempt from his bloodlust, i feel that she'd somehow survive the shit that goes down in baldur's gate and start to gather forces to rebel against what was once her brother ... oh my god. oh my fucking god i don't even want to think about it. holds my head in my fucking hands.
but them as children !!! oh, what joy. i hc that they managed to stay together up until they were 10 or so ?? no older than 11, surely. they were raised as twins even though rhys is by right a few years older than aerea ... whether he just ages slow or she aged quickly during her youth, i haven't decided yet. but due to the circumstances of aerea's birth, they were very much attached at the hip !! it's actually the reason why scleritas fel separated them, since rhys couldn't achieve True Bhaalspawn form while his sister was nullifying his bloodlust ... bhaal's acolytes just really hate to see a decent pair of siblings (they preferred orin and her doing little lobotomies on her older brother ... fun). but before shit went down, they were so happy !! snuck around together a lot, ate snacks, played pranks on citizens passing by underneath the balcony (aerea has had to stop rhys from dropping a potted plant on their heads more than once) ... ah, bliss.
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321spongebolt · 2 months
Rio's appearance in "Rio 2"
Before the movie starts, the screen fades from black revealing Rio wearing RealD 3D glasses and holding a clapperboard in his wings. He introduces the audience to the theatrical short film, "Almost Home" (which was also shown before the previous 20th Century Fox/Blue Sky Studios/DreamWorks Animation movie, "Mr. Peabody and Sherman") and closes the clapperboard, with the screen fading to black on cue.
Rio: Hi everybody, Rio here. Keep your 3D glasses on, because before we start the movie, here's an exclusive theatrical short called "Almost Home". (Closes the clapboard and the screen fades to black)
"Almost Home" starts playing with the short variants of the 20th Century Fox logo, the Blue Sky Studios logo with Scrat holding onto the "B" in "Blue", and the short DreamWorks Animation logo. After "Almost Home" ends, the movie begins with a Samba version of the 20th Century Fox logo, the 2013 Blue Sky Studios logo introduced in "Epic" (with a logo joke where Rio lands on the "e" in "Blue" and sits until it breaks off), and the DreamWorks Animation logo, which transitions to the moon shown as a reflection from the Atlantic Ocean.
The opening of the movie starts with Rio singing the Will.I.am version of "I Like To Move it Move it" from the last "Rio" movie, this time, with Rio singing all of the opening verses. Pedro and Nico join the former king and sing with him, until the humans and birds (in separate locations) shout "Move it!". On cue, the music transitions to "I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)", with the first part sung by Rio until his "To listen" echoes. After a brief moment of silence, Rio encourages his son to sing something as Jewel and the other birds stare at him.
Rio: Well don't stand there. Sing something.
The music continues after King Blu says "I'm Blu" and repeats "Da ba de da ba die", not knowing what else to say. Ultimately, Pedro approved what Blu was saying, and everyone else continued singing "I'm Blue (Da Ba De)" as King Blu and Queen Jewel take the dance floor, with Rio singing in the background. After the musical number is over, the song repeats instrumentally with King Blu and Queen Jewel still dancing until they notice Rafael dancing with his wife. He was supposed to babysit Carla, Bia, and Tiago. Luiz dances to the king and queen telling them that Tiny is watching them.
When Rio, King Blu, and Queen Jewel return to find Tiago lighting a match and saying "Here we go!" only for Rio to land and say "Whoa, whoa whoa! Hold up there, little squirt!" Rio turns to the camera and tells the audience that that he'll be with them in just a minute. And as King Blu and Rio remind the princesses and prince the royal oath, "Birds of blue feathers have to stick together", Rio starts to feel a burn and runs around screaming while he's on fire. He accidentally lights the fireworks and frees Tiny, only for Rio to be tied to the rocket Tiny was tied to, and Rio gets launched into the air. Rio falls and land on the arm of the statue, and Blu checks his dad to see if he's okay.
Rio: That... was... (Springs up joyously) AWESOME! Let's do it again!
King Blu: (Puts his wings on his dad's shoulders) Let's not.
Prince Tiago: Oh man! How come Grandpa gets to have all the fun?
Princess Carla: Look, it worked!
The Rio family see the fireworks in the sky and watch in awe.
King Blu: Well... this year's off to a great start.
Rio: It sure is, sonny boy! And cue logo!
The title appears and Rio pauses the movie, jumping up from the bottom of the screen welcoming everyone back and discussing a brief recap of the last movie's events.
Rio: Ha-ha! I love the number two! Love it! For those of you who don't know me, my name's Rio. Hence the name, "Rio 2". For those of you who saw the last movie, I passed down the crown to my son, Blu. And so far, he and Jewel are running a pretty sturdy kingdom. But enough about that. On with the movie!
(Rio jumps down and continues the movie)
After we see the first part of Linda and Tulio's journey to the Amazon, Rio narrates the house son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren live. Jewel catches Rio doing another one of those "fourth wall breaks" or monologues (whatever you think sounds better) and asks where Blu is. Rio explains, "He's in the house. He's cooking my grandchildren some royal breakfast.". And that's exactly what happens in the next scene, as Blu cooks his son and daughters blueberry pancakes. After Blu kicks a blueberry on top of the whipped cream, Rio comes in while chanting.
Princess Carla and Princess Bia: Goal!
King Blu (While dancing): Oh yeah! I've got it. I'm good.
Rio (Chanting): B-L-U! Who's that spell? Blu that's you!
Princess Carla and Princess Bia: Grandpa!
Rio: (Laughs and enters the window) Morning, little munchkins Morning, sonny boy! (Sniffs the scent from the pancakes) And you managed to cook breakfast for yourself! (Sees the pancakes)
Rio (Dreamy): Ah! My favorite.
King Blu: Well, dig in, dad. Help yourself.
Rio: Oh, don't mind if I do. (Bows to his son) Your highness.
Tiago kicks some blueberries to Blu and Blu accidentally launches the pancake from the pan as it hits Tiago, with Rio remarking "Saved by the bird!", and Jewel comes in with a Brazil nut and Carla shows Rio, Blu, and Jewel Tulio and Linda on the news with their discovery of another blue spix macaw feather. After the discovery, Jewel feels remorseful and apologizes to Rio for how she treated him when he took her in. All in forgiven, as Rio still mentions his promise to find Jewel's family after she marries his son, which was what they agreed to. So after seeing there are more blue spix macaws, Rio feels like his end of the bargain has been fulfilled. Later, Rio goes back to the rainforest announcing that he'll be leaving Rio to see the Amazon, entrusting his wife to take charge.
As the Rio family prepare to leave, Rafael, Nico, and Pedro join them as they fly to the Amazon. And during their flight, we see how Nigel's doing during his exile by Rio. Nigel has been reduced to a bird who picks up fortune-telling cards. When he sees the Rio, we see a flashback from the first movie when Rio banished Nigel.
King Rio (Mad): Nigel, for assaulting the princess, and attempting to hurt my son, I sentence you to exile! Take it away. son!
After the scene where Nigel gets attacked by the propeller coming towards him, we see another flashback where three surgeons operate on him, announcing that he won't be able to fly again. Back in reality, Nigel angrily shouts "That blue monarch caused my misery!" and goes a rampage, resulting in the freedom of Gabi, whose glass jar breaks open. After the uncut music number, "Poisonous Love", Rio pauses the movie at the end of the song and rises up in disgust.
Rio: (Jumps up from the bottom of the screen) Ugh! That is disgusting! Although, I will give you kudos on that final note there. Ugh. Love's disgusting.
(Rio jumps back down and continues the movie)
On the boat, Nigel sees Rio sleep-singing "I Like To Move it Move it", and prevents Gabi from dropping her poison into Blu's beak.
Nigel: Stop!
Gabi: Oh.
Nigel: This one is mine.
(In his sleep, Rio thinks Nigel is Queen Rio and stands.)
Rio (Sleeping): Oh, but of course, honey. Let's dance.
Nigel: Wait. Not-not you! (Rio holds Nigel's wing while wrapping his other wing around Nigel's hip) Hey! Stop! Let-let go!
Rio waltzes with Nigel like they're a couple, with Nigel annoyed and having a hard time keeping balance due to Rio sleep-dancing and laughing while he's still asleep.
Nigel: Even when you're sleep-walking, you're annoying.
Rio (Sleeping): (Laughs) You're funny. Wanna go for a spin?
Nigel: N-no spinning! No spinning! (Rio twirls him around until Nigel stops him) Stop!
With Rio now sleeping standing up, Nigel orders him to leave, which is what Rio does.
Nigel: Leave.
Rio (Sleeping): Um, yeah. Sure, whatever you say, queen.
(Nigel gets a confused look on his face)
Though, I gotta tell ya, your voice sounds weird. Need a cough drop?
Nigel now focuses his attention to the king with a little nursery rhyme.
Nigel: Twinkle, twinkle, little Blu. How I wondered where were you? Up above the world so high, are you ready... (Unsheathes his talons) to die?
Rio (Sleeping): Die? (Wakes up in shock) Die? DIE!?
Blu (Sleeping): You have bad breath.
Nigel: Even in sleep, you mock me, just like your dad!
Charlie the Anteater gets his nose stuck in the jar and pulls it off, resulting in the foghorn blaring and waking everyone up. The next morning, the Rio family, Rafael, Nico, and Pedro continue flying as they enter the Amazonian jungle. After Rio and Blu get lost, and reunite with the rest, they see all the blue spix macaws in the Amazon. When Blu chokes on the pack of Tic Tacs, two blue spix macaws perform the Heimlich Maneuver, resulting in the pack hitting Rio's head, then being caught by Eduardo, who is revealed to be Jewel's father.
Eduardo: I've looked everywhere for you.
Queen Jewel: I'm here. (Hugs Eduardo and cries happy tears) Daddy!
King Blu and Rio: "Daddy"?
Rio: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You mean to tell me you're a king too?
(Eduardo turns to Rio confused)
If you're a king, then where's your crown? I've got a crown. (Extends his wing to Blu) And I gave it to my son. (Points to Blu's head) On his head.
Eduardo: I can see that.
Queen Jewel (Crying happily): I missed you. (Sniffles)
Jewel goes on to explain to Eduardo that Rio found him and made her a princess. Then she met Blu and became the new king and queen of Rio. Eduardo hugs the king, thanking him for protecting his daughter. And after Nico and Pedro cry, Rio tells them to suck it up and turns to Eduardo reminding him he's supposed to bow, only Eduardo to tell Rio that he's a king too, and he doesn't need to bow to anyone. Then he finds out that Carla, Bia, and Tiago are his grandchildren and tells Bia to call him "Pop-Pop". They later meet Jewel's mother, and an old childhood friend, Roberto. After Roberto sings the uncut version of "Welcome Back", Rio is moved by the end of the song and cries in tears.
Rio (Crying happily): (Sniffles) Wow! That... was the most beautiful singing... I ever heard!
(Rio breaks down into tears and cries hysterically)
Pedro: And he tells us to suck it up.
Roberto: Who's that guy?
Rio (Crying happily): Rio. (Sticks his wing out) Pleased to meet you.
(Roberto looks at Rio's wing filled with mucus and is disgusted)
Sorry. I got a little mucus on my wing. (Wipes his wing on the leaves) Call me.
Roberto: (Turns back to Jewel) Wow, you look great!
After the uncut version of the song, "Beautiful Creatures", Blu watches his dad, wife, and kids enjoying themselves with the blue spix macaw tribe. After Rio cheers, "Yay! Let's do it again! On me!", he inhales to start singing again, only for the next scene to reveal, Nigel, Gabi, and Charlie in the jungle forest. After Nigel announces his revenge (like in the teaser trailer), Roberto grants Rio, Blu, and Jewel access to his home.
Roberto: What is this crazy talk? No, you guys are staying my nest. I'm on patrol tonight. Mi casa es su casa.
Rio (Flattered): Well, thank you very much, except for Blu is the king, so you're going to have to give him royal treatment.
Roberto: Anything. Just so long as doesn't interfere with my night job.
Rio: Well, I have an entire list of things that I normally would go through when I was king. (One of Rio's former advisors pulls out a long scroll from Rio's fanny pack) So now, this is Blu's schedule. I just hope you and your servants can follow this... well...
(The long scroll unravels open while the camera follows it rolling until it stops)
Roberto: Hey, anything you say.
Queen Jewel: That's really nice, Beto.
King Blu: (Wraps his wing around Jewel) Thank you, but we're fine. Besides, our whole family couldn't possibly fit in your bachelor pad.
We cut to inside Roberto's tree and Rio, Blu, and Jewel are in awe.
King Blu: Real estate must be pretty cheap around here.
Rio: "Cheap"? It's heaven! If only I could I have more servants to fit in this place. Maybe I should've had my wife come.
Queen Jewel: Wow! This place is incredible.
Bia, Carla, and Tiago claim their bunks, and Roberto swears to Rio and King Blu that he'll always protect the family no matter what. He wishes everyone good night and flies out the tree.
Roberto (While flying): Good night, Ju-ju!
Queen Jewel (While waving): Good night!
Rio: Wait, no "good night" from your number one fan?
Roberto (Off-screen, from a distance): You too, Rio! Night-night!
Rio (Satisfied): I think he gets it.
The next morning, Eduardo take Rio and Blu out for some training. During the uncut version of "It's a Jungle Out There", Eduardo and Rio show Blu how to be part of the jungle. Now matter how hard Blu tries, he can't do anything right. And when they meet Felipe, the leader of the Red Macaw Tribe, Rio tells them that Blu is the next King Rio and they should treat him with respect. Eduardo joins Rio in telling them off and they soon see men in hardhats down below. Blu mentions finding Linda and Rio clarifies that he was with one when he found Jewel. He pulls down a projector sheet and shows Blu and Eduardo a slideshow with stills from "Rio", further clarifying the events of the last movie.
Rio (Satisfied): So there you have it, clean and simple. (Rolls the projector screen up out of view) I think I've proven my point.
Eduardo (Mad): You don't understand. You do not bring humans into our tribe. That is the only reason we're still alive. You two cannot be confused about this. Understood?
Blu begins to have a debate in his head about whose side to choose.
King Blu (Thinking): What should I do? As a king, I should just say I don't. If I say yes, he would never understand.
King Blu (Out loud): Yeah. Got it.
Eduardo: (Turns to Rio) How about you? Anything to say for yourself?
Rio: I think I get the memo.
Eduardo: Very good. Sightseeing is over.
Eduardo brings Blu and Rio back to the tree, and after we see Nigel put Gabi's poison on a quill, Rio pauses the movie.
Rio: (Jumps up from under the screen and sees the poisoned quill in the Blu dummy) "To die for"? This can't be good. Do you think we could get back to me?
(Rio walks to the right until he leaves the room, where the screen cuts back to Rio guiding a group of birds carrying a giant boombox.)
Rio (Calling): That's it, a little more! Stop!
(The flock comes to a halt)
Now gently lower it down!
(They all slowly descend until the boombox touches the ground.)
Perfect! And not a single scratch. Now, all I need is a USB cord or a Bluetooth device to connect to my iPhone and bam! Instant background music for all in the Amazon.
Queen Rio: But what about if the humans hear us? You know this isn't Rio, Rio.
Queen Jewel (While flying): Mom! (Hugs her) I thought you weren't coming.
Queen Rio: I wasn't, until I thought in my head that my husband would have been homesick without his music. And well, I had a few workers carry this boombox for days.
Queen Jewel: Boombox? Dad, you know my dad wouldn't like this!
Rio: Why wouldn't he? This is about the most harmless tool in the world. Nothing comes out but music and audio, and it's got a volume dial, a disc player, and an AUX port for your earpieces or Apple devices.
Queen Jewel: Alright, it can stay, but keep it on low volume. If the humans hear what you're playing, they'll find us and hunt us down.
Rio: …Which isn't going to happen at all. So far, no humans have seen or heard us during our trip. Except the ones in the audience watching.
Queen Jewel: I still don't know how you always do that.
Rio's wife: Never question my husband, sweetie. Why don't you check to see if Blu's doing fine. I'm sure he must be finding it hard to fit it since you got here.
Queen Jewel: Maybe I will. (Flies up to Blu, who is shown packing his stuff.)
Later that night, Blu and Eduardo debate about each other from opposite perspectives, even going as far Blu mentioning that as much as he wants to be like his dad, Rio has his head in the clouds. That night, Blu gets an idea and asks his dad for help.
King Blu (Whispering): Dad? Dad? Dad?
Rio (Sleeping): Son, no. I don't wanna dance right now.
King Blu (Whispering): Dad, this is serious!
Rio (Sleeping): Tell me in the morning, son.
King Blu (Whispering): You're gonna miss the Super Bowl.
Rio: (Wakes up) Super Bowl? I'm gonna perform in the Super Bowl? Okay.
(Rio and Blu sneak out of the tree quietly)
King Blu (Whispering): I'll be the one to surprise her. Breakfast in bed, coming up.
Rio (In Realization): Oh, a role-reversal. Okay, okay. Son, do you really wanna do this? (Points down) I've got a boom box down there.
King Blu: Okay, perfect.
The next morning as Blu looks for a Brazil nut, Blu winds up on the Red Macaw Tribe's territory, and Felipe tells the king to meet him at the Pit of Doom for a showdown. Eduardo finds out about this and tells Roberto to look for his best birds. And when he tries to look for Rio, he finds him with a boom box.
Eduardo (While flying): I've gotta find Rio.
(Eduardo finds Rio with a boom box)
Hey, Rio.
(Eduardo stares at the boom box)
What is that thing? I told you, no human stuff allowed!
Rio: But, if you please, this is actually harmless. It's a music player.
Eduardo: Music? Fine. For the Pit of Doom. And the Pit of Doom only.
(Eduardo flies off)
Rio (Bitterly): He shouldn't have to tell me what to do, I'm the king! Or, used to be. I sound like my son.
(We cut back to Roberto flying)
Roberto: Let's go, let's go, let's go! Pit of Doom, now!
At the Pit of Doom, before the games begin, Rio shouts "WAIT!", and talks to both sides.
Rio: WAIT! What about the joy of good sportsmanship? The truce between enemies? You know this is only fair play. Why, you don't even have a halftime show!
Eduardo (Confused): Halftime? What's "halftime"?
Rio: Only the greatest little show on Earth! Come on, where's your spirit? You mean you don't know what halftime is?
Rio calls out to his wife and Blu's current servants.
Rio: Bring in the boombox!
Rio's wife and the other birds from Rio arrive while carrying the boom box and set it down.
Rio: I'm gonna play you a little song. Queen, drop a beat!
Rio's wife turns on the boombox, playing an instrumental version of the JXL version of the Elvis Presley song, "A Little Less Conversion" as heard in other DreamWorks Animation films like "Shark Tale" and "Megamind". The crowd joins in on Rio's singing, and after the song ends, the crowd cheers for Rio's performance as he exits the play zone.
Rio: Drop a mic, and bam! Now you can start your game.
With Blu stuck as the waterboy, he gets jealous when his dad is picked by Eduardo to carry on the team. While no one pays attention to Rio, he eventually catches the nut with his open mouth, only for one of the other blue spix macaws to spit it out of Rio's mouth and make the score tied.
Rio (While flying): Got it!
(The Brazil nut lands in Rio's mouth)
Rio (Muffled): I got it! I got it! I got it!
(A blue spix macaw does the Heimlich Maneuver on Rio, making the nut in his mouth fly into the goal.)
Tapir Game Announcer: GOAL!
Rio: Huh! I did it! And someone gave me CPR!
Porcupine Game Announcer: We are tied in the Pit of Doom.
Porcupine Game Announcer (Off-screen): Whoever scores next...
Tapir Game Announcer: Wins it all!
(Rio sees the Brazil nut fly over his head and fall into the water)
Rio (While flying): I got it! (Dives down) I got it! I got it! I got it!
Queen Jewel (Worried): Come on, dad.
(Rio dives for the nut, only for a piranha to jump out of the water and snag it. Rio kicks it around and gets bit in the leg.)
King Blu (Shocked): Dad!
Porcupine Game Announcer: Wow! Rio is suddenly playing like a pro!
Unfortunately, Rio fired the nut into the wrong goal, and Eduardo let out a scream of anger while Rio cheers for himself.
Eduardo assaults Rio and beats him up, much to the horror of Blu, who's still on water boy duty. He could have a flashback of how Rio saved his life in the last movie, and do what Rio did to Nigel. Blu intervenes and breaks up the fight while angrily calling out Eduardo.
King Blu (Mad): LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Rio: Son, stay out of this.
King Blu (Mad): No! I'm doing this for you, dad. (Turns to Eduardo) You are not to lay a talon on my father! And whether you want me to be experienced or not, I am the king! My first order of business...
(The crowd turns to Blu and we cut to a closeup of his beak)
The crowd gasps in horror, and the blue spix macaws are saddened by the fact that Blu stripped Eduardo from his title as king of the amazon. And after Felipe talks to Eduardo about starting a nut-free diet, Blu apologizes to his father and Eduardo.
King Blu (Sad): Dad, that come out of nowhere! I'm sorry!
Eduardo (Coldly): I shouldn't have expected more from a spoiled brat! (Flies away, accepting Blu's orders.)
With the Pit of Doom emptied out, Jewel asks Rio and Blu what had happened, only for Blu to confess that he had to banish Eduardo for attacking Rio.
Queen Jewel: We should talk about this.
King Blu: Talk about what?
Rio: Son, I get it. You were trying to save my life. And banishing someone is hard. Believe me, I've been through a lot worse. It's not easy.
Queen Jewel: Blu, look around. The kids are thriving. They love being in the wild. Maybe this place is home.
King Blu (Mad): Home? How could this be home? I have done everything I can to fit in and help out, but no matter what I do is wrong. That's not home, Jewel. Maybe for you, but not for me. And certainly not for dad.
Blu takes off his father's crown and gives it back to his dad in remorse.
King Blu: I'm sorry, dad. I'll never be able to live in your footsteps.
Rio: But, son...
Queen Jewel: (Mad at Blu) You know what? You need to figure out what you want. And maybe stop thinking about yourself and think about us. (Looks down to Rio) Dad, I know what my dad did was uncalled for. I'll still talk to him about it, but you need to do the same.
Jewel flies off, and Blu, after kicking a rock, puts his fanny pack back on and activates his GPS.
King Blu: Come on, dad. We're going back to Rio. Together.
Jewel watches our titular characters fly off, and Rio and Blu make it to Linda and Tulio's campsite, only to see nothing.
King Blu: Goodbye, Linda.
Rio: Goodbye, Tulio. Thank you again for your promise. You stuck to your word.
King Blu: (Unbuckles his fanny pack and sets it on the table) Goodbye, fanny pack.
GPS: Turn around, when possible.
King Blu (Embarrassed): Sorry, GPS Lady. It's not you, it's me.
Rio: (Takes off his crown and hands it to Blu) Aren't you gonna goodbye to your... I mean, my crown?
King Blu (Confidentially): Not this time, dad. (Takes the crown back and puts it back on his head) If I want to be king, I'm gonna run things my way. Goodbye, pancakes. Goodbye, coffee.
Blu spits out the coffee, and he sees a broken radio. Then he and Rio are jump-attacked by Roberto, who calls them traitors. Rio comes to Blu's defense about siding with humans and jump out of the way of an incoming bulldozer. Blu takes charge by ordering Roberto to warn the others while Blu tries finding Eduardo to unbanish him. Rio stops Blu and asks if he should apologize to Eduardo before unbanishing him. Blu accepts on the condition that his dad hand him back his crown. Rio gives Blu his crown back, and Rio flies off until he sees Linda and Tulio tied to a tree. Rio frees them and flies up to see the horror of what the men in bulldozers are doing.
King Rio (While flying) (Worried): I wish Blu was here right now. This place is a wasteland! (Turns to the screen) I mean, just look at it, it is! Even those of you with the 3D glasses, Look at this! I certainly wouldn't want to live in this.
Back with Blu, Blu flies to Eduardo and apologizes for losing it at the Pit of Doom and banishing him, but while Eduardo is satisfied that he's no longer banished, he coldly responds, "This does not mean I accept your apology. It's gonna take a lot more than "I'm Sorry" and unbanishing me to change my mind.". While Blu acknowledges this, he and Eduardo see Roberto going crazy and telling them that Rio was with the loggers.
Roberto: The loggers are coming! And Rio is with them!
Eduardo: Rio? (Gets angry) Traitor!
King Blu (Retorting back): Hey! Don't make me banish you again!
Roberto: No, King Blu is right! Rio is trying to help us!
Queen Jewel (Shocked): What!? By himself?
Eduardo: Let's evacuate! (Turns to Blu) Blu, what should we do?
King Blu: We've gotta go after my father! He could be in terrible trouble!
Eduardo: Then let's go! Everybody move out!
(The Blue Spix Macaw tribe fly away by Eduardo's orders)
Go! Go! Go!
Queen Jewel: Dad! No, not this time. I'm not going with you!
Eduardo: You have to go with me! (Puts his wings on Jewel's shoulders) I will not put my family in danger again.
Queen Jewel: Rio is my family too! He's my dad-in-law!
King Blu: And Jewel's my family too. We're not leaving him behind!
Rio (Off-screen): And you don't have to.
Blu and Jewel turn to see Rio back, and they rush towards him.
Rio (On-screen): You okay, princess?
Queen Jewel: Rio!
(Rio hugs Jewel)
Rio hugs his daughter-in-law and he watches Blu give a rousing speech about how he knows humans as much as Eduardo knows the jungle. A crippled blue spix macaw yells "I'm with you!" and falls off the tree.
Rio: O... kay. Anyone else agree with my son?
When the blue spix macaws are lined up on the trees, Eduardo puts his trust in Blu, and Blu announces his royal oath, "Birds of blue feathers...". Rio and the other birds continue the rest of the oath, "have to stick together!", and they fly into battle. Eduardo is hit with a claw crane, and Linda shows up using a bulldozer to block the crane.
Linda: Pick on someone your own size!
Rio: (Shouting to Eduardo) See? What did I tell ya? Linda is a good person!
Tulio picks up Eduardo and throws him into the air, allowing Eduardo to fly away. Eduardo and Blu watch Linda dance victoriously, and he owes Blu an apology. He even forgives him to boot, only for Blu to tell him to hold off on that until after the war, which Eduardo respects. After the humans retreat, Blu sees dynamite tied to the trees and flies past Big Boss to remove them. Nigel tackles Big Boss, allowing him to get eaten by a snake, and Nigel chases after the king. Blu throws the dynamite into the air and Nigel and takes Blu with him as the TNT explodes. Nigel and Blu wake up, and Nigel attacks Blu's face with his wings, which actually tickles him.
Nigel: A flurry of furious feathers in your face!
King Blu: Hey, you don't have to do this!
Nigel: No, I just want to!
King Blu: Ow! Ow! Ow!
Rio pauses the movie and springs up laughing.
Rio: Okay, obviously, that should've been me. But I'll admit, (Laughing) that's pretty funny!
Rio (Laughing hysterically): That's a pretty funny fight between them!
Rio jumps down and continues the movie. After Nigel is hit with the quill with Gabi's poison on it, Rio shows up surprised that Nigel died and thanks his son.
Rio: Wow. I'd say Nigel is down and out! Good work, son.
King Blu: Um, that wasn't me though, dad.
Gabi screams "No!" in horror and tries kill herself with her own poison, only for her and Nigel to learn that Gabi isn't toxic, allowing her to actually touch Nigel and kiss him. After she drags him off, King Blu appears on the news with Linda. Tulio even has Nigel and Gabi caged, announcing that he'll take them back to Rio for a continuing observation.
The movie ends with the Amazon Untamed show, with Rio and the others singing the "Afro Circus" version of "I Like To Move it Move it" (from another DreamWorks Animation movie, "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted"), but combined with Will.I.am's version, and without any mentions of "Afro Circus". Rio raps out how to spell "Rio", which (like in the last movie) reveals the title before the list of voice talents are shown for the remainder of the song. At the end of the first set of credits, right when Rio is about to finish his theme song with his "3... 2... 1!", Pedro and Nico appear next to Rio on cue with the last note of the music when Rio says "1!". A few seconds later, Claira the Capybara appears saying "Hi, my name is Claira the Capybara, and that's the end!". She exits with Pedro asking "That's the end?" in confusion.
Nico takes his cap off and he and Pedro fly up out of the shot, leaving Rio behind as he says, "We're just getting started." while the leaves open. Now Rio can be heard singing "More" by Usher, but with Usher singing just the hook and backing vocals. After Rio's cover/collab with Usher on "More", the credits play "Rio Rio" by Ester Dean ft. B.O.B. and Rio and Blu's cover of "Alex on the Spot" (from "Madagascar 2: Escape Africa") from the last movie.
At the end of the credits, Rio congratulates the audience and gives them a reward while saying goodbye.
Rio: (Jumps up from the bottom of the screen) You're still here? I'm impressed. You must've been dancing to those songs in the credits. As a reward, here's a deleted scene we wished was in the movie. For me, I gotta get back to the Fox Studio to talk about my third movie. Enjoy.
(Walks out of the scene to the left, with his wing holding the remote extended as he clicks the remote and slides it out of the way.)
The reward is this deleted scene from "Rio 2", which plays before the closing text, "The making and authorized distribution of this film supported over 12,000 jobs and involved over one million work hours.", followed by the closing 20th Century Fox logo, the closing Blue Sky Studios logo with Scrat holding onto the "B" in "Blue", and the closing DreamWorks Animation logo.
Rio/King Rio © 321SPONGEBOLT (Me) for "Rio"
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fff777 · 5 months
watched on my youth mv behind the scenes part 1
An aesthetic
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Why...why he spankin
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At first I thought these were all staff, but I realized that these were the people standing in the background.
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Yangyang enjoying the dry ice
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They're filming the scene where the crowd scuffles lol
Getting attacked!!
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Guys making fun of Ten during that entire scene lol
Hendery shaking hands with all the guys fighting around him lol
Kun: 做咩啊 >3 That's "What are you doing" in Cantonese
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Kun: 做咩啊 Xiaojun: ... Kun: 他不理我 Xiaojun: You've done this for 4 or 5 years and I still don't know how to respond
Apparently the natural next line to 做咩啊 is 你識唔識講英文啊?
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I wonder if the people in the background ever feel awkward because they have to just stand there and watch them dance lol
Ten being chased
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I can't stop looking at the background folks because they're all dressed differently and I'm interested in seeing their outfits and styling lol
Car date :3
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Watcha lookin at
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Looks like he was finding shiny things on the ground, calling them jewels. Kun found some more and gave them to Sicheng :3
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And then Sicheng threw it away being like "it's not my style :<"
Horror Kun
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Kun: Let me check your ear
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Yangyang: I'm Iron Man
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Is it just me or are they having too much fun with the flashlights lol
Way too much fun (WayV too much fun)
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Arguing over what shadow animals Hendery is portraying with his hand
Still playing with flashlights
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Kun, again: Let me check your ear
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Get low
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Hendery doing the "yeewoo..." thing that court attendants do in Qing Dynasty dramas lol
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Kids doing the vandalism
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I don't understand what kind of scuffle they're supposed to be having on top of the car
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Glamour shots for the boys
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Winwin smash
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0 notes