#(it's the golden priest hat)
honeydots · 10 months
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im SO glad l!xander's abyssal accessory was this cute..... my laslow has been wearing this for over a year and will be for the rest of his life 🌟
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I totally forgot that, for sake of necessity and a one-off joke, someone who ended up being a major NPC in my last campaign canonically sweats holy water out of his armpits until it was brought up as we were comparing him to Xenk from honor among thieves in terms of the role he played lmao
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chocsra · 6 months
✧ more personal chuuya hcs !!
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✧ appearence hcs:
has a small small face
long, naturally curled, luscious eyelashes
soft and silky ass hair
very smooth, soft looking ivory skin
repping mestiso community, described as beautiful and unique
he actually glows in like any good lighting, golden hour does him best
his beauty is like majestic but gets called pretty a lot
bones did him soo wrong, he has toned sleeper build guys trust
naturally low-lided, sleepy eyes
he has really pretty brown eyes
has russet hair, NOT a ginger, he's more of a reddish brunette
slim, large hands that are really attractive
he has a few pretty freckles
old money aesthetic
90s hot.
my personal hc is that his appearence comes from some sort of european descent, be it french or spanish blood that made his features so unique
looks so unreal that he looks otherworldly or like a doll; alien beauty
his skin reminds you of porcelain; this man's skin is mad flawless
ties his hair up at home into either a manbun or ponytail
has an 8+ step skincare routine..
has a super raspy voice in the morning/night
always takes his gloves off in the cuntiest manner - either biting the fingertips off one by one or that one manga panel where he bites the wrist part
whines when he stretches and it always catches u off guard
✧ crack/general hcs:
dances like hyunjin from skz (knows how to and practices his moonwalk)
bro is a WHEEZER when he genuinely laughs, he also feels the need to say ur not funny to keep ur ego in check when he is in fact laughing his ass off
when yall are laughing ur ass off (drunk or not) just know yall will be collasping on the floor feeling the six pack coming in
rip chuuya - you would've loved making electric guitar thirst traps on tiktok
he LOVES rollarcoasters or anything with a kick to it tbh (fast car or motorcycle rides) bc he loves gravity dzuh, but yknow what he CANT take??
them seats in the movie theatre where they move according to the movie, he gets way too invested in movies and the seats moving like crazy fries his brain (IM SORRY IF U DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING AB, THEYRE CALLED DBOX)
he ofc has a weakness for dogs but if he ever tries to feed a stray cat and it runs away or hisses he gets a little sassy and hisses back
sleeps like a dying victorian child. you walked onto him sleeping once and contemplated on calling a priest
one of those people who have copies of the same clothing item, or they're like barely any different. you see his hat rack and he gets offended bc "all his hats are completely different"
he scoffs a lot
starts chasing you if you ever MENTION the times when he was 15 (has made cringy youtube diss tracks with dazai, lost the login, now that videos up forever..)
if you're short like him and tell a story complaining about how ppl call u short, he gets personally offended FOR you
likes reading books but they vary from sophisticated novels to books like "HOW TO STAND ON BUSINESS?!?!"
his spice tolerance is wild, even if he can't actually take it he still will to prove a point
since his voice is pretty guttural whenever he has a voice crack while speaking you both pause and look at each other in silence before you laugh and he just goes "shut up.. shut up.. 😒"
he likes to mock ppl (lovingly) w higher voices like higuchi (especially when shes talking ab aku) bc it's older brother vibes and their reactions are always priceless
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✧ chocsra™
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achillesuwu · 4 months
Feral over the potential of magic users’ etiquette being used once more.
Like, you remember that scene where Merlin raise his hand hand Mordred back down ? Well what if it’s actually as threatening as putting a hand on your sword to raise your hand to give an handshake ? What if they don’t lend a hand to someone who fall ? And if they does shakes hands it’s with the left one.
What if when a magic user bows they lock their eyes with the lord/lady/priest/priestess/diety/… in question as a sign of peace ?
What if they actually use pointy hat but they don’t remove it to salute someone ? What if it’s to actually allow people to see they golden eyes better ?
So many little things they do when meeting strangers that could be interpreted as bitch moves.
This could go in so many au.
Like post returns or golden age where Arthur just doesn’t know how to handle magical politics.
Different meetings where merthur think the other is uncivilized ™️ like Arthur who fell and Merlin doesn’t help him while looking at him with an unwavering gaze. Or Merlin who fell but slap Arthur’s helping hand. Merlin who salutes Arthur by very very slowly raising his hand, putting it in front of his hat to bring it slightly down and raising his chin while looking at him in the eyes which is very polite to him contrarily to that uncivilized man who tried to grab his arms (Arthur has never felt more disrespected in his ENTIRE existence)
Merlin being a court mage and being actually very polite and friendly towards some dude but Arthur, Gwen & the knights think he hates his gut and thus they are very suspicious.
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dirtnapdreamfactory · 4 months
Sweetest Sin [Part One]
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Content Warnings: Priest Kink, Breeding Kink, Corruption Kink, Loss of Virginity, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Female masturbation, Breaking Vows, Abandoned Celibacy, Etc. Etc.
Please let me know if I missed anything.
Word Count: 5.5K
[If this work looks familiar to you, it probably is. I originally had it posted to my old account that has since been deleted, so I am reposting it here.]
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The grand archway of the cathedral framed Father Astarion Ancunin, his tall figure casting a shadow against the golden light that spilled from within. Despite being a creature of darkness, he had become an integral part of the town of Emberwood, serving as their shepherd of light. His vampiric nature had initially drawn cautious glances, but the townspeople's faith in him seemed to outweigh their fear. They flocked to the cathedral and found solace in his words, a paradox that the elf would have scoffed at decades ago—a vampire spawn preaching salvation.
"Good evening, Father Astarion," Mr. Tiller called out, his voice warm as he passed by with his family. "Your sermon today was truly moving."
"Thank you," Astarion replied, his smile genuine but unable to reach the depths of his crimson eyes. "Peace be with you."
For a quiet moment, the pale elf held up the silver band on his finger to catch the light, marveling at the small miracle that allowed him to walk under the sun. This ring symbolized not just his commitment to his vows, but also to a life he never thought possible. Each day, the weight of his past sins grew lighter as he embraced his newfound purpose with tentative gratitude.
"Father?" A timid voice broke through his reverie.
"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Silverleaf." He recognized the couple instantly, their devoutness etched into every line on their faces. "What can I do for you?"
"Your words—they're a balm to our community," The man began, wringing his hat between his work-worn hands. "And…we hate to ask but…well, we've come to ask a favor, if you're willing."
"Of course. Speak freely," The priest encouraged, folding his hands before him in a gesture of openness. 
"It’s our daughter... She strays further each day from the path of righteousness," Mrs. Silverleaf confided, her voice laced with worry. "She has no care for piety or decency."
"Her soul, we fear, is in peril," her husband added, his gaze pleading.
"Would you speak with her, Father?" The woman asked. "Perhaps guide her back to the ways of the faithful?"
The couple's words hung heavy in the air, a weight that Astarion couldn't quite shake off. He knew his duty was to guide and correct those who strayed from the path of righteousness, but the thought of speaking with you, their fierce and free-spirited daughter, filled him with conflicting emotions.
On one hand, he felt a sense of obligation and responsibility towards your soul, which they clearly feared was in jeopardy. But on the other hand, the memory of you tore through his mind like a stormy sea, tempting him with desires he had vowed to renounce.
The request coiled tightly around his heart. The memory of that first night that he had laid eyes upon you surged forward, unbidden and wild. It had been a chance encounter at the tavern, where he had gone to seek solitude among the clamor of tankards and low-burning hearths. You had burst through the door, a vision of ferocious vitality, your presence so startling that even the rowdy din of the establishment had hushed for a brief moment. There you had stood, cloaked in the glory of your conquest—a deer, by the looks of your spoils—and had commanded attention with the ease of one who knew their own power.
"Talia, go fetch Lorrick! And tell the cook to get his shit together, yeah? We're having fuckin' venison tonight!" you’d declared, voice rich with triumph.
Astarion couldn't help but watch you, his eyes tracing the line of sweat that made a glistening path down the column of your neck. Each droplet reflected the light from the hearth, casting a warm glow on your skin. Your soft hair cascaded messily down your back and beckoned his fingers to explore its texture. The sight of you- so raw and vibrant - was like a sharp blade to his senses, breaking through the protective walls he had built around his chastity.
"Father, will you not try?" 
The distant echo of Mrs. Silverleaf's voice pulled Father Astarion back to the present, interrupting his thoughts. He nodded absently, his mind still consumed by the image of your mischievous smirk. Despite his inner turmoil, he affirmed to the couple that he would speak with their daughter, a wave of heat flushing his cheeks at the thought.
"God bless you," Mrs. Silverleaf and her husband intoned together, their sincerity in stark contrast to the hunger gnawing at Astarion's resolve.
"Peace be with you," he replied hollowly, his own words drowned out by the cacophony of conflicting emotions within him.
As the couple disappeared from view, Father Astarion turned back to face the sacred confines of the cathedral. Its cool silence offered no refuge from the heat that still coursed through him, memories of his struggle against temptation flashing through his mind. He had whispered fervent prayers and battled against his desires for flesh and sinew that night at the tavern.
"Forgive me," he muttered to the empty pews, unsure if his words were meant for his deity or for himself. His duty was clear - to meet with the girl and guide her towards the light. But as the sunset painted the stained glass windows in fiery shades of red and gold, Astarion couldn't shake the feeling that he was about to enter a battle for which he may never be fully prepared.
Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself and called upon every ounce of divine strength to fortify his spirit. He would offer counsel to this wayward lamb and do his best to protect her from darkness. But as he locked up the church and began to trudge his way towards your home, nestled at the far edge of town, he couldn't deny the thrill of forbidden excitement coursing through his veins, like a fire burning just beneath his skin. Though he knew that this could prove to be a rather dangerous task, one that could potentially lead him down a path of temptation and ruin...for the sake of your immortal soul, he was willing to take the risk.
The dying embers of the day cast a warm, orange hue over the town as Astarion tread softly along the dirt trail, his boots pressing into the uneven ground scattered with pebbles and twigs. The outskirts where you resided was tranquil, the only sounds were his solitary footsteps and the distant chirping of crickets. He could see your home now, a quaint cottage that seemed to be in a perpetual embrace with the encroaching forest. The air was scented with damp earth and the sweet tang of herbs that hung from an overhang, swaying gently in the evening breeze.
"Ms. Silverleaf, it's Father Astarion," he called with measured calmness, rapping knuckles against the wooden door. His voice felt strangely intrusive in the stillness. "Your mother and father bid me to speak with you."
Silence greeted him, thick and unyielding. He knocked again, a little louder, allowing authority to lace his tone. "Ms. Silverleaf, please. This is a rather important matter."
The quiet persisted, and a frown teased at the edge of his lips. 'Perhaps she is out,' he thought, but something about the soft glow from within your home suggested otherwise. He reached for the doorknob, finding it unlocked. A moment's hesitation lingered like a warning. With a breath to steady himself, he pushed open the door and stepped into the muted warmth of the interior.
"Y/N?" he ventured again, voice barely above a whisper as he closed the door behind him.
Before him, the small fire in the hearth crackled its last dance, casting flickering shadows across the room. Astarion scanned the space, noting the absence of any presence. His gaze fell on the simple furnishings, the homely touches that bespoke a life lived simply yet fully. In that moment, he felt like an intruder in your world, privy to a privacy not his own.
His ears, sharper than most, caught the faintest sound—a rustle, a breath hitched in distress. His dead heart sank. 'Might the girl have injured herself?' The concern edged his thoughts as he moved silently, his steps practiced and light. The noises grew clearer, more defined, and his pace quickened with a mix of worry and something less definable.
"Y/N," he called out softly, reaching the slightly ajar door from behind which the sounds emanated. With the utmost care, he nudged it further open, just enough to allow his eyes to seek out the source of the commotion.
He stood motionless, his hand still resting on the door, as the scene within unfolded before him.
His eyes widened, the crimson depths reflecting a scene of forbidden desire. There in the dimly lit chamber, the air thick with the scent of sweat and desperation, you writhed upon your simple bed—a vision of unbridled sensuality.
"Gods above," he murmured under his breath, unable to tear his gaze from the sight. His voice was a mere whisper, lost amidst the symphony of your pleasure.
Your small fingers danced along the slick folds of your sex, each movement deliberate and hungry. Lustful whines escaped your lips in ragged sighs and your moans pierced Astarion's heart like an arrow. You were yet unaware of his presence, lost in your own world of ecstasy.
"Y/N," he finally managed to say, louder this time, but the plea in his voice was drowned by your cries. You did not hear him, or if you did, you gave no indication, consumed as you were by your own touch.
'Stop,' he thought desperately, 'you mustn't witness this.' But his body betrayed him, rooted to the spot, drinking in the sight of you. The heat that had been kindling within him since he'd first laid eyes on you now blazed uncontrollably.
He watched, transfixed, as your back arched, your breasts rising and falling with each labored breath. The soft mounds were flushed with arousal, your nipples taut and begging for attention. Your other hand alternated between caressing your breast and pinching your rose-colored nipple, sending ripples of pleasure through your body.
"Please," you gasped, the word a prayer for release. "I need... I can't..."
Father Astarion felt a surge of protectiveness, intermingled with a darker, hungrier sensation. He knew that he, a man of the cloth, should not be standing there, should not be watching this intimate act of self-pleasure, yet he found himself entranced by your uninhibited display.
"Is this what you seek?" he asked silently, the question for himself more than you. "To be the one to push her over that edge?"
His blood roared in his ears, drowning out the remnants of piety that screamed for him to leave. There was a battle raging within him, between his vows and the yearning to step forward—to replace your hands with his own, to taste the salt on your skin, to hear his name on your lips instead of the silent gods you seemed to be reaching for.
Another whimper, more tortured than the last, pulled him from his daze. He took a half-step backward, the creak of the wooden floorboard underfoot sounding like thunder in the quiet room. Astarion’s throat was dry, his body tense with longing.
"Forgive me," he whispered, turning his face away, though his eyes betrayed him, sliding back for another glimpse that lasted far too long. "Forgive me..."
His breath hitched, a silent witness to the carnal symphony playing out before him. Shadows clung to the corners of the dimly lit chamber as the fading light of day bathed your writhing form in an ethereal glow. Your fingers, slick and unyielding, danced fervently within yourself, your movements both desperate and deliberate. The decadent chorus of your pleasure—a blend of wet, rhythmic sounds—sent involuntary tremors through his body.
"Gods... yes, just like that, please..." Your voice was broken and full of lust, a prayer for release that echoed off the walls.
He swallowed thickly, the taste of his restraint bitter on his tongue. His hands, traitorous and curious, sought the heat beneath his breeches, and he winced at the contact – a touch both foreign and achingly familiar. The sensation clawed at his resolve, tearing at the fabric of his vows.
"Ah... A-Astarion..." you moaned, your voice slowly morphing into a sinful incantation - a desperate plea to the heavens, or perhaps to the depths below. His name rolled off your lips like a sacrilegious mantra, stoking that fire within him into something unbearable.
"Gods above…," he whispered under his breath, a ghost of words lost amid the melody of your solitary passion. Envy gnawed at him, its sharp teeth sinking into his heart as you envisioned another, even if that other bore his visage.
"Please... Fuck - ruin me..." you begged the illusion, your back arching, your body tightly stretched like a bowstring. The priest within him recoiled, but the man, the primal creature lurking beneath the clerical collar, stirred from its slumber.
"Enough," He hissed to himself, his conviction giving way to carnal desire. He could no longer be a mere observer, a passive guardian of sanctity. As you called out for him, in flesh or fantasy, he felt that familiar longing within him awaken. With a growl, he shed his clerical collar and entered the room with purpose. This was no longer a soft tread of uncertainty, but the confident steps of a man who knew what he wanted. You needed him, craved him, and he... he needed this. Gods above, he needed this.
"Ms. Silverleaf," he said louder now, his voice cutting through the haze of your ecstasy.
Your eyes snapped open, bright and piercing, locking onto his deep, vermillion gaze. Your silky hair cascaded around your face as you stilled, your body drawn with anticipation. In that moment, your eyes were a tangle of fire and gold, two stars colliding and igniting a blaze that consumed you both. Your stillness was a bird poised on the edge of a branch, ready to take flight at the slightest movement. And in that moment, the question hung in the air like a forbidden fruit, tempting and dangerous: Which would it be? Salvation or damnation?
"F-Father Astarion," you breathed, a mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and something...darker. Something hungry .
The pale elf stood tall and imposing in the dimly lit room, his pastoral leash discarded and forgotten on the floor. The light streamed through the window, catching the soft curls of his silver hair and casting an intimidating glow in his intense eyes. You laid bare before him, a true vision of ethereal beauty - your pleading eyes and wild hair fanned out around you, nearly forming a halo around your glistening, desperate form.
"Tell me, my child," He began, his voice low and steady, "What manner of evil has reduced you to this? A whimpering, sodden mess baring yourself so shamelessly before a man of God?"
"Please, Father...I-I’m so sorry. Please…p-please help me," You whimpered, your voice soft as velvet.
"Of course, child," His voice was a soothing balm, yet it was wrought with an undercurrent of something depraved. "Would you have me guide you in prayer, to cleanse these wicked ideations from your soul?"
Your head shook, a silent bell tolling 'no'. His gaze never left you, sharp and probing as he began to unfasten his shirt, each button relinquishing its hold with deliberate slowness. The pale flesh beneath his priestly attire came into view - his lean, muscular body sending a sharp jolt to your needy cunt.
"Or perhaps," he continued, his tone laced with concern, "you'd prefer I summon the physician? They might concoct a remedy for your... afflictions ."
As he circled the bed, the air around you charged with unsaid words, he grazed your cheek with his knuckles, the touch feather-light yet scorching. Your skin burned under his caress, your heat evident to his discerning touch.
"Ah, you are quite warm," he murmured, almost to himself. He leaned closer, his breath fanning your face as he tenderly pushed away strands of hair that had clung to your dampened forehead. "What then, my dear, do you seek from me?"
You swallowed thickly, your body betraying your desires with a soft whimper. "I don't need a doctor, Father," you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Then what?" Astarion whispered back, his proximity intoxicating.
Your breath hitched; you bit down on your lower lip, trapping it between your teeth. In a voice suffused with shame and longing, you uttered the words, "Touch me."
Astarion clicked his tongue, a reprimand and a tease all at once. "You know that is not possible. My vows..." He let the sentence hang, unfinished, yet heavy with implication.
But desire was a siren's call, relentless and seductive. As your fingers resumed their salacious dance, the soft wet sounds that they made reached his ears, sending a bolt of raw need through him. He watched, transfixed, his body responding despite his resolve.
"Is this a habit of yours?" he asked, his voice husky with restrained passion.
"No," you breathed out, your movements unabated.
"Has another taught you such pleasures?" His inquiry was both invasive and achingly tender.
"N-no. Never," you admitted, your voice tinged with innocence and discovery.
He hummed, acknowledging your confession. "There is much to learn about one's own flesh... to understand what brings pleasure, what stirs the soul."
"Please," you gasped, your plea floating between you like a fragile leaf caught in a tempest. "Help me, Father... Show me how to feel good..."
"Perhaps," he whispered, his voice a thread of silk amidst the tension, "a slight... guidance would not be deemed sacrilegious." The words felt foreign on his tongue, like a dark incantation that could unravel the very fabric of his being.
Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, as if absorbing the gravity of what he proposed. Your lips parted in a silent plea, your desire an unspoken prayer that beckoned him closer.
With reverent trepidation, he extended his hand, the silhouette of his fingers ghosting over the valley of your chest before descending. The heat of your skin seared his palm as he cupped your heavy breast, feeling its softness yield beneath his touch. Your sharp intake of breath was both a torment and a balm to his conflicted soul.
"Ah..." you sighed, a delicate sound that underscored the urgency of this illicit communion.
Astarion allowed himself a moment to marvel at the responsiveness of your body, the way your flesh puckered against the chilled air, inviting his thumb to graze over the tight peak of your nipple. To him, it was the first transgression – a tactile whisper that spoke volumes of forbidden pleasures yet explored.
His hand trailed lower, a painstaking journey across the landscape of your ribcage, the undulating terrain of your belly, each movement deliberate, a testament to the restraint he fought to maintain. It was an artist's touch, painting strokes of fire upon your canvas of anticipation.
"May I?" The question hung between you, laden with consequences yet to unfold. His eyes sought yours, seeking absolution in their depths. Your gaze held his, fierce and unyielding—a mirror reflecting your shared hunger.
"Please," you breathed, the single word a key turning in the lock of his resolve.
His fingers, cold and steady, grazed the small of your waist, drawing your attention away from his eyes to the point of contact. You shuddered as his touch met the sensitive skin just above your hips. His fingers traced the delicate curve of your pelvis, kneading it gently, exploring your body with the reverence of a man discovering the wonders of the world for the first time.
"You are beautiful," he whispered, his fingers tracing the delicate lines of your hip. "Sinfully so, darling. But your wants, your needs... they are only human."
Astarion's eyes lingered on the curve of your hips, tracing the silhouette of your form with his gaze. The desire within him threatened to consume him whole, promising to both destroy and purify. He knew that once he crossed this line, there would be no going back. You were both aware of the weight of your transgression, heavy like a shroud about your limbs.
But your voice broke the silence, another soft plea that cracked the veneer of control he had so meticulously constructed. "Please," you begged, your voice trembling.
His fingers found you, hesitant at first, exploring the soft folds that lay between your legs. The air was heavy with the scent of arousal and anticipation, a heady cocktail that intoxicated you both. Astarion was no stranger to the touch of a woman, but this was different. This was sacrilegious. He could feel the weight of his vows bearing down upon him, threatening to suffocate him, but he persisted.
Your body tensed at his touch, the resistance only serving to heighten his desire. As he continued to explore you, he whispered softly into your ear, "You are allowed to feel pleasure, sweet girl. It's alright..."
Your breath hitched as his fingers delved deeper, your body arching against him in response. He could feel the heat radiating from your core, the pulsing life within you behind the delicate tissue that covered your being. He had never felt anything so alive, so vital, so right.
His fingers continued their exploration, sliding gently against your skin, tracing the pathways of your desire. Every touch was a caress, a promise, a confirmation that you were real, that you were there, and that he was not alone in this sin.
As his fingers continued their journey, he felt a surge of pure lust wash over him. He knew that he could not resist any longer. He needed to feel you, to possess you. He needed to experience the fullness of your passion and the sinful pleasures that awaited him.
He could feel your heart racing, your breaths becoming short and ragged as he touched you. Every touch, every brush of his fingers against your skin sent electricity coursing through his veins.
"Gods," you keened, your voice a desperate plea for release as he slowly sunk his middle and ring finger into your tight channel. Your body trembled, and you pressed yourself against him, urging him to continue.
Astarion released a long, shuddering breath. This was madness, this transgression. But the need was far too strong, too powerful.
His pale skin almost seemed to shimmer as he shifted his position on the bed. His scarlet eyes, usually so intense and piercing when preaching from the pulpit, were now dark with lust as they focused on your form laid out before him. The contrast between you was stark—him, the embodiment of forbidden restraint, and you, the very image of uninhibited desire.
"Father," you panted, your voice a sultry melody that tugged at the most carnal parts of him, "please..."
He slid his fingers deeper, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you. The sight of your pleasure, the way you arched beneath his touch, drew a low groan from Astarion's throat. He was no longer the vampiric preacher who had given his life to God and vowed celibacy; he was a man, flesh and blood, driven by primal urges he could no longer deny. Your scent filled his senses, intoxicatingly sweet, and it sparked a curiosity that overshadowed all rational thought.
"Gods, I shouldn't..." He murmured, more to himself than to you, but the words died in his mouth as his tongue dared to taste the honeyed sweetness of your center. The flavor burst upon his senses—a delectable mix of sin and innocence—and his groan vibrated against your sensitive skin. It was a sound of pure, unadulterated need.
"M-more...please..don't stop," You encouraged breathlessly, your eyes half-closed, hands finding their way into his silver curls, urging him closer.
Astarion complied, his once-hesitant licks becoming more insistent, delving into your folds with fervor. The holy man within him screamed for repentance, for restraint, but he was drowned out by the carnal beast that had been awakened. With each stroke of his tongue and curl of his fingers, he mapped out every contour of your dripping cunt, committing your responses to memory like sacred scripture.
"Ah, Astarion," you moaned, a symphony to his ears.
"Y/N," he whispered against you, his voice husky with passion, "you taste positively divine ."
As he continued to worship at the altar of your body, the church bells of propriety and oath rang distant, irrelevant. In this moment, there was only you and the undeniable truth that you were bound by something far stronger than doctrine. The friction of his fingers inside of you, coupled with the relentless pursuit of his tongue, stoked a flame within you that threatened to consume you both.
"Father," you gasped, your plea a beautiful litany, "Aah - Gods, yes.."
Your hips bucked beneath him, the fierce desire in your eyes melting into a tempest of ecstasy. The supple flesh of your sex clenched around his fingers, and the sight of it, the feel of it, sent a shiver down his spine. The moments of hesitation were a blur in the past, all that remained was the hunger between you, the natural dance of bodies, the silent pleas for release.
He felt that familiar throb of anticipation, the prelude to a world of pleasure and sin. It would be a fall from grace, a transgression of the utmost magnitude. But he knew, deep down, that his heart would break if he denied you the satisfaction you so desperately craved.
He could feel the tension within your body, the resistance slowly fading away as you came closer to the edge. Your breaths, once short and gasping, now deep and labored as you allowed yourself to fully succumb to sinful bliss.
His fingers, still buried inside of you, crescendoed their rhythm, matching the tempo of your heartbeat. He traced the swell of your clitoris with his thumb and lapped at the nectar that spilled from you, staining his lips with its sweetness.
"Astarion," you whispered, your voice a low, sultry moan. "Please, I need more."
He understood. He needed more, too. He plunged his fingers deep within you once more, eliciting a scream of unadulterated pleasure. The supple flesh of your sex clenched and spasmed around him, and the sight of it, the feel of it, drew a deep growl from within his chest.
His breath was a harsh rasp, his every sense alight with the raw scent of desire that rose from your flushed skin. Withdrawing his hand and mouth from your quivering, wet warmth, he couldn't help but admire the sheen of arousal that coated him, a decadent gloss that marked his sin as much as it did his yearning. He gazed upon you, reclined and panting, through eyes hazed with lust, finding you all the more enchanting for the sweat that painted your delicious curves.
"Look at you," he murmured, voice laced with both reproof and undeniable affection, "such a greedy little thing."
His fingers, still trembling with the remnants of your pleasure, worked at the ties of his breeches with a deftness born of necessity—this shedding of his final vestment felt like the peeling away of his last vow. The fabric fell away, pooling around his knees before he kicked them off, discarding the cloth and constraint alike into a forgotten pile on the floor.
Bare now before you, the dying light cast shadows across his lean form, playing over the muscles that tensed with anticipation. His heavy, aching cock stood proud, a testament to their forbidden ardor, twitching as though it had a life of its own, the tip shining with evidence of his need.
"Can you handle more?" he asked, his voice a low growl that vibrated in the charged air between you. It wasn't just a question of your endurance; it was a challenge to his self-control, a plea for absolution for the hot sin you were about to commit.
Your response was caught in your throat, your eyes wide as you drank in the sight of him. In your gaze, Astarion saw the war between lust and trepidation—yet when you swallowed, it not only discarded your fears but also his lingering doubts.
"Please," you whispered, your voice thick with want. "Take me... I want to be yours."
The words crashed into him like a wave, sweeping away the last of his restraint. A part of him—the man who had clung to his faith amidst a sea of past temptations—whispered that this was the point of no return. But another part, deeper, more primal, rejoiced in the offering you presented.
"Then mine you shall be," he vowed, his mind afire with images of your union, of how he would fill you, stretch you, consume your essence until there was no distinguishing where one ended and the other began.
As he positioned himself at your entrance, the head of his cock nudging against your slick heat, he felt the weight of years of celibacy poised on the brink of oblivion. His heavy balls tightened, aching with the promise of release, the need to claim and be claimed overwhelming him.
"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice rough.
"Yes," came your breathless reply.
And with that single word, Astarion surrendered, gently pushing forward and guiding himself into your tight warmth with a slow, deliberate thrust.
You gasped as his girth split your virgin pussy, your body writhing beneath him, a silent plea for more. Astarion pushed in deeper, sinking slowly into you…inch by agonizing inch until you felt his balls press against the tender flesh of your ass. The sensation was unlike anything you had ever experienced, a divine mix of pain and pleasure that sent shivers down your spine.
"Ohh, Gods above ...you're so tight, little one" he whispered, pulling back just enough to tease your entrance and admire the pink ring of your ruined maidenhood around his shaft before plunging himself into your core once more.
You moaned, your hands clawing at his back, urging him on. “Mmf! Ahh…d-don't stop, please..."
Astarion groaned, his hips bucking urgently against you. He wanted to savor this moment, to take his time, but the beast within him demanded satisfaction. He shifted his angle, his cock rubbing at that sweetest spot inside of you just right as his crown pressed rough kisses against your cervix over and over again, and you cried out in pleasure and pain.
"Ahhh - fuck ," you cried, your voice a mixture of ecstasy and anguish, "Gods, it's too much...I can't-”
"Yes you can," Astarion whispered reassuringly, his breath hot against your ear. He thrust faster, harder, his cock sliding in and out of you with a wet, slapping sound. "You're taking me so well, sweet girl. Being so very good for me..."
Your body arched beneath him, your nails digging into his back as you climaxed hard, your orgasm hitting you like a whirlwind of bliss and agony.
Astarion felt your muscles clench around him, a vice-like grip that threatened to pull him under. His release was imminent, and he knew that once it came, there would be no turning back.
His thrusts became more frantic, the need to conquer your petite body overtaking him. Each movement was a battle, each thrust a plea, each twitch of his manhood a promise. He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead.
"Forgive me," he grunted, his voice strained, his voice echoing your pleas from earlier. "I just can't control myself around you..."
You let out a needy, lustful whimper as your overstimulated body trembled beneath him, matching his rhythm as you reached once more for the edge of a new kind of bliss you had never known.
"I don't want you to control yourself," you huffed. "I want to feel every bit of you inside me."
Astarion groaned, his eyes rolling back as he plunged into you with reckless abandon, his cock twitching and pulsing within your snug hole. He felt your walls tighten around him, milking him for everything he had to offer. This was it; this was the moment. He knew that once he emptied himself inside of you, he would be lost in you forever. With a desperate cry, he buried himself to the hilt inside of your molten core, stuffing you completely with his thick, neglected manhood as his seed flooded and filled you, a substantial overflow seeping from where you remained joined - a testament to your sinful union.
As he collapsed onto you, his breathing came in ragged gasps. You lay beneath him, your eyes closed, face flushed with the afterglow of your lovemaking. You felt his cock twitching inside of you, still wrapped around him in a tight grip from your shared ecstasy.
He could feel your heart racing beneath him. This was not merely sex or desire; this was something forever altered, indelible in your souls. As your bodies calmed from their fervor, he found himself still nestled within your warmth, where he belonged.
He knew that to stay burrowed within you would be to invite temptation's final caress, but he could not make himself retreat. Not now, not ever. You were his now, and he was yours; there was no turning back...
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mossy-rainfrog · 2 months
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[ID: A digital drawing of "mossy-rainfrog's Malevolent season 4 boys", featuring a spread of designs from the bust up of various characters: Larson, Oscar, Noel, and John and Arthur.
Larson is a thin, white man with green eyes, brown-blond hair and a handlebar mustache. He has his chin tipped up and grins cruelly as he looks down, saying "Well, well." He is wearing a red suit with a purple tie. Oscar is a midsized, light skinned Black man with short, curly red hair, a goatee, and freckles. He looks right at the viewer with downturned brown eyes and an earnest, sad expression. He wears priest garments and has a cross necklace. Detective Noel is a skinny, older white man with tanned skin, greying dark hair, and dark eyes. He wears a gray hat and a gray suit with a brown tie. His mouth is set in a hard line and he looks suspiciously off to the side.
Arthur is a stout white man with short disheveled brown hair and various scars, including a scar across his throat. He has gold, unfocused eyes, and wears a brown vest over a yellow tie. John is looming over his shoulder, slightly obscured by Arthur in front of him. John is portrayed as a humanoid monstrous figure with a cracked pallid mask for part of his face. Beneath the mask and his golden-yellow hooded robe, his skin is empty blackness. The characters are all drawn against a maroon background. End ID.]
some doodles before I finish ep 40 and inevitably die a thousand deaths. I really like my designs of these guys tbh I think they're fun! I like Larson being unsettlingly young-looking and just the absolute worst. I also think Noel deserves to be old and Oscar deserves to be so kissable💘💘💘💘. also shout out to john who is pookie and my favorite jealous bitch 💛 i love podcast 💛
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the-moral-of-the-rose · 6 months
Montgomery's female characters that were not-exactly-pretty-but-fascinating-and-charming:
Anne Shirley:
"Public opinion never agreed on Anne’s looks. People who had heard her called handsome met her and were disappointed. People who had heard her called plain saw her and wondered where other people’s eyes were. [...] While Anne was not beautiful in any strictly defined sense of the word she possessed a certain evasive charm and distinction of appearance that left beholders with a pleasurable sense of satisfaction in that softly rounded girlhood of hers, with all its strongly felt potentialities." (Anne of Avonlea).
Emily Starr:
"A slender, virginal young thing. Hair like black silk. Purplish-grey eyes, with violet shadows under them [...]; scarlet lips with a Murray-like crease at the corners; ears with Puckish, slightly pointed tips. [...] An exquisite line of chin and neck; a smile with a trick in it; such a slow-blossoming thing with a sudden radiance of fulfilment. And ankles that scandalous old Aunt Nancy Priest of Priest Pond commended. [...] With all this—pretty? I cannot tell you. Emily was never mentioned when Blair Water beauties were being tabulated. But no one who looked upon her face ever forgot it." (Emily's Quest).
Valancy Stirling:
"Valancy was still leaning forward. Her little hat with its crimson rose was tilted down over one eye. Olive stared. In the moonlight Valancy’s eyes—Valancy’s smile—what had happened to Valancy! She looked—not pretty—Doss couldn’t be pretty—but provocative, fascinating—yes, abominably so." (The Blue Castle).
Pat Gardiner:
"Somehow people seldom wondered whether Pat Gardiner was pretty or not...she was so vital, so wholesome, so joyous, that nothing else mattered. Yet her dark-brown hair was wavy and lustrous, her golden-brown eyes held challenging lights and the corners of her mouth had such a jolly quirk. She was looking her best to-night with a little flush of excitement staining her round, creamy cheeks. She felt as if she were slipping back into the past." (Mistress Pat).
Jane Stuart:
"Your granddaughter is going to be a very handsome girl," a lady told grandmother. "She doesn't resemble her lovely mother, of course, but there is something very striking about her face."
"Handsome is as handsome does," said grandmother in a tone which implied that, judged by that standard, Jane hadn't the remotest chance of good looks." (Jane of Lantern Hill).
Thora Dark:
"Whenever she came into a room people felt happier. She lighted life like a friendly beaming candle. She had a face that was charming without being in the least beautiful. A fascinating square face with a wide space between her blue almond-shaped eyes and a sweet, crooked mouth. She was very nicely dressed. Her peculiarly dark auburn hair was parted on her forehead and coronetted on her crown. There were milky pearl drops in her ears." (Tangled Web).
Marigold Lesley neé Richards (Marigold's Aunt, a wife of Uncle Klondike, a female doctor):
"She had a little, square, wide-lipped, straight-browed face like a boy's. Not pretty but haunting. Wavy brown hair with one teasing, unruly little curl that would fall down on her forehead, giving her a youthful look in spite of her thirty-five years. What a dear face! So wide at the cheekbones—so deep grey-eyed. With such a lovely, smiling, generous mouth." (Magic for Marigold).
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french-unknown · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑: luffy 𝐂/𝐖: fluff, domestic 𝐖/𝐂: 1.9k+
| m a s t e r l i s t |
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𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐛𝐲 @𝐭𝐡𝐞-𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭-𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞
How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
He really likes physical contact so he shows his affection a lot with more or less restrictive touches or hugs.
Whether in public or in private, it's no surprise to see him glued to you. For example, when he's bored, he comes and collapses on your back. When he wants to have fun, he takes your hand so that you follow him or when he is happy, he gives you flash kisses. He's just by your side all the time.
What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
Always there in case of problem to support you
Always there to make you smile
Always there to bring you with him in deadly situations
You met on your home island Skypiea, more precisely in Upper Yard, where you were one of Ener's priests. Unfortunately you weren't for the right reasons because the god recruited you by force by threatening to strike down your whole family when he knew you could use the "mantra". The Straw Hat Crew hunted Ener, and therefore saved your family, so you decided to join them for other adventures.
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SOURCE | Minecraft: One Piece - Skypiea | Episódio 6
Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
He is a very clingy person and he shows it most often with cuddles ranging from slight touches to very invasive ones.
So you can either find yourself with him on the bow of the Thousand Sunny, placed between his legs with your back against his chest to look at the sky while laughing, or with him totally drunk who comes to make you a masterful tackle on the ground by jumping on you and who wraps his arms and legs several times around yours.
Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
He doesn't want to settle down. His only goal in life is to become the King of the Pirates so settling down is not a priority and, in addition, he prefers living in community with your crewmates like you do on the Sunny.
A DISASTER! When he has to wash the dishes, he breaks them. When he has to sweep the floor, he leaves piles of dust in a corner. When he has to do the laundry, he makes it reduce by 3 sizes. When he has to cook, he poisons everything. It's a real household hazard.
If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
He will do his best to hurt you as little as possible, even if it means smiling or letting you insult him and hit him freely. He won't let things drag on and will prefer a quick separation rather than postponing the breakup at the risk of you getting attached or projecting yourself too much. No matter the situation, he will prioritize your well-being over his own.
How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
Even if he has no trouble announcing that you're together and he's not interested in anyone else, he's also not into marriage. For him, what you already have suits him very well and he doesn't really see the point of changing. He won't be against it if you really want it, but he just doesn't see the benefits.
How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
He was in no way physically or mentally violent.
He is rather nice in the golden retriever way: affectionate, adorable but sometimes a little clumsy. You will therefore find yourself in situations where, while you are sleeping, he will punch you in the face while turning over. Otherwise, it will mostly be unintentional blunders that can hurt you.
Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
He therefore loves hugs a lot and does them very regularly, it's his main way of showing you his love.
His hugs tend to be quite playful: forget the long hugs, he will instead jump in front of you to hug you and, just before you have time to fully close your arms around him, he will already be gone with the shadow of a kiss on your face.
How fast do they say the L-word?
Very quickly.
He doesn't bring as much weight to those words as other characters might put to them. For him, showing his love comes down to deeds rather than words, so saying "I love you" isn't that serious to him. In addition, it seems to make you happy so why deprive yourself of it?
How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
He's not a jealous person: he has no self-esteem problem, he is not suspicious of the people he meets - even if sometimes he would have every reason to be - and he has great confidence in you. In his mind, there's no way he'll be betrayed by you. So he's not jealous when he sees you spending time with someone else.
The most he can get is mild annoyance at you when he wants your attention but you're busy with someone else. He will then become a noisy baby who will annoy you until you either pay attention to him or you piss him off.
What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
He loves flash kisses because he finds it fun to surprise you with a kiss before running away. Or to put a multitude of kisses all over your face.
He often doesn't stay in place so quick kisses suit him very well too with a slight preference for all your face.
How are they around children?
He finds children amusing, quite endearing and he tends to want to protect them. He will then have two modes around them: the "clown" mode and the "big brother" mode.
How are mornings spent with them?
He wakes up and immediately goes to eat his breakfast before being ejected from the table while collecting as many leftovers as possible. He then continues his morning with a session of cuddles with you while trying to convince you to steal food in the kitchen with him. Your part in his plan would be to take Sanji out of the kitchen and entertain him. Afterwards, whether you help him or not, he will try to break in.
How are nights spent with them?
No matter how you fall asleep, you'll always end up waking up the next morning with Luffy wrapped around you.
I'm not just talking about him lying behind you like a big spoon or lying on top of you with his head on your chest or in your neck. No. He will literally be wrapped around you with his legs and his arms which hold you like a human-sized octopus whose only goal in the sea is to prevent you from any movement other than breathing. You just have to pray that he doesn't drool on you too much.
When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
It's not that he's particularly mysterious, but he's not the type to confide on his memories if he doesn't see the point in them. For example, you discovered along with the crew that Garp was his grandfather and it was Zoro who told you that he had a big brother called Ace who was the commander of Whitebeard's 2nd fleet.
It's quite frustrating and can sometimes lead to small arguments.
How easily angered are they?
As long as you don't make remarks to him or hold him back just before he goes to eat, he will be extremely patient. He won't get angry, say one word over another or insult you and that's one of his fundamental principles.
Already as a person, Luffy is someone who is difficult to upset unless his friends are taken out, so it will be the same with you.
How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
Unfortunately, he's not really the type to remember details about you. Already he calls you by your first name and not by the strange nickname he found you on Skypiea, that's already it, but he's not the one who would remember your birthday, what you like or steps or stories from your past.
What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
He liked you the most when you were in Enies Lobby and fighting against Kalifa. You were one-on-one with the soap woman after you were separated from the rest of your group but, by some strange coincidence, he had ended up within earshot of where your fight was taking place. He heard an unknown female voice criticize him for his mediocrity.
Suddenly, he heard a loud crash from the other side of the wall between you, which was quickly followed by a moan of pain from your mouth. However, when he was about to enter the room to dismantle this person who dared to attack you, he heard a cry of surprise before another even louder crash was heard. This noise was followed by many others and then silence returned.
"He will become the Pirate King, bitch!"
At that moment, he felt a sense of pride explode in his chest so strongly that he felt like he could have died just to hold it inside him a little longer. He was deeply happy to see how much you believed in him and it made him want to love you even more.
How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
He's not very protective in the sense that he knows you can defend yourself, but he'll be ready to defeat anyone who dares to lay a hand on you.
As far as he is concerned, he is not very fond of being protected either because he considers that it tends to hinder his adventures so, if you start being too much on his back, he will try to get away.
How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
He sadly won't invest a lot of effort in birthdays, dates, gifts or everyday tasks which can create trust issues for you in the relationship given his lack of interest.
However, he is so happy around you and he is so devoted to reminding you of his love by communicating it verbally that it erases some of your uncertainties.
What would be some bad habits of theirs?
Other than his lack of investment in the relationship? His tendency to put the whole crew in danger to save an island from a dictatorship every time a child victim of said dictatorship gave him a rice ball? Or his mania for simply running towards death and pushing the limits of his body just for fun?
Probably his habit of picking his nose.
How concerned are they with their looks?
… We can say that he knows his primary colors well?
Would they feel incomplete without you?
No. Luffy's core nature is freedom as such so he will never feel incomplete because of your absence which means being dependent on your presence.
And, while his fear of loneliness is a problem for him, it's more about his friends in undefined ways and a fear rather than a way of identifying.
A random headcanon for them
✧ He did not fall in love at the first meetings or at first sight.
✧ He was very sensitive to the fact that you had become a priest of Ener for the sole purpose of protecting your family and he respected that. Especially since, even if it was your "duty", you never hurt one of his companions.
✧ He began to develop very friendly feelings for you after several adventures together on the Merry and then the Sunny. It was while you were separated in front of the Accino family that he realized his feelings.
✧ Then, surprisingly, it was while you were on the Thriller Bark that you started dating.
✧ The greatest quality of your couple is the trust you place in each other, not only in your relationship but also as individuals. He is the one who has the most confidence in your abilities and is the most convinced that you will succeed in whatever your dream is because you are you.
What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
He hates disloyalty as well as hurting and criticizing his friends.
However, sometimes, since you have a somewhat dark and bitchy humor, he is a little touchy when you make jokes or remarks about your friends' dreams or his own. It's especially annoying when he's tired.
What is a sleep habits of theirs?
When you sleep together, he doesn't understand having "his side of the bed."
If he goes to bed before you, he will go on the left half, the right half, or even in the middle without distinction. And he also switches sides during the night which leads to, since he's literally sleeping wrapped around you, you being tossed about in bed all night long.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @xomingyu
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aquagirl1978 · 11 months
Halloween with the Princes - Ikemen Prince Headcanons (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
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Chevalier Michel
"That's not much of a.... costume." The last word left your throat in a quiet whimper after seeing Chevalier step out from the dressing room.
Instead of his usual white and black cloak, he was dressed in an all-black ensemble, as if he had dyed his usual outfit. Which, admittedly, would not have made for much of a costume.
But it was the horns that spiraled from the top of his head that sent a shiver down your spine.
You approached him, your hand outstretched, lifting to touch them.
"They look so real," you commented as you ran your fingertip along its spiral edge.
"Who says they're not real?" he replied, a teasing smirk gracing his lips as he let out a small huff of air.
Your eyes met his - pale blue darkening like a storm on the horizon - as he raised his eyebrows at you.
"I'll let you find out for yourself later this evening after the ball."
And with that he exited the room, his cloak billowing in the air, leaving you standing there, speechless.
Clavis Lelouch
"Dearie me, is this where you have been hiding from me?"
You nearly dropped the book in your hand as you spun around.
There was Clavis, standing before you, dressed as a priest.
"You're kidding, right?" you asked, gesturing to his costume.
"What's wrong with my costume? Is it so outlandish that I could be a priest?" He stared at you for a moment, his golden gaze steady and serious, before bursting out into laughter.
Clavis' laughter was infectious; soon, you both were laughing, doubled over, holding your stomachs.
After the laughter subsided, and you regained your composure, you had to ask.
"Has Sariel seen you yet?"
"Of course not, my dear. Why do you think I came looking for you? We are going to see him together!"
Nokto Klein
"What kind of costume is that?" you asked, stifling a laugh.
Your prince stood in the tavern, dressed in his usual princely attire, donning an eyepatch and a rather large and ridiculous hat.
"I'm a pirate, of course! Wasn't it obvious?" he asked.
"Maybe if you wore an actual costume and not just some random items you found in your closet," Licht added passively as he walked past you.
Nokto made a sour face at his twin, who was dressed as a werewolf, complete with furry ears.
"Ignore him," you whispered as you leaned closer to him. "I think you make an adorable pirate."
"I wasn't -"
His sentence stopped short as you grabbed him by the lapels, pulling him in for a kiss.
Nokto settled on being an adorable pirate, just as long as it meant he was your adorable pirate.
Luke Randolph
Luke's hearty laughter filled the room as he watched you fall onto his bed.
"I didn't scare ya, did I?" he asked, his large frame looming over your body.
"Yes, you did Luke!" you mock-scolded as you regained your composure, your breathing returning to normal.
"But I'm a friendly bear," he said, his grass green eyes smiling at you. "A cute and cuddly bear," he added, stroking his cheek with his thumb.
Leaning into his gentle touch, you were able to inspect his costume more closely. With his furry bear ears, and small plush bear perched upon his shoulder, there was no denying that Luke was indeed a cute and cuddly bear.
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breakonthroough · 5 months
Rewatching Skypiea.
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I just recently finished rewatching the Skypiea arc and now I'm just bursting with thoughts about its significance and foreshadowing in One piece plot. I will try to summarize them briefly. And yes I'll eventually reduce all my analysis to the Donquixotes problem again, you guessed it.
I’ll say right away that I’ve already seen some of the theories in Twitter before but I didn’t really read into them. Therefore all these thoughts about the parallels, foreshadowing and Chekhov's guns that Oda generously sprinkled in this undoubtedly important and simply stunning One Piece arc came to me quite independently of existing theories. However they refers on them I think.
There will be a lot of text and chaotic thoughts that I will try to formulate into something readable. Get ready! And do not pay attention to possible translation errors (sorry). Let's go.
The most obvious foreshadowing here is primarily references to the current Egghead Island arc. I will wrote about this down below and it's about the Gear 5. There are also obvious parallels with Dressrosa. Here I was interested in seeing with a fresh look to the abilities of the priests of Enel. ''Skyrider” Shura with his "Ordeal of String" reminds me Doflamingo and the power of his fruit. Also "Skybreeder" Ohm: his barbed-wire cage made of iron clouds again reminiscent of Doflamingo and his “Birdcage”. And Ohm's flexible attacks of sword with the shape-changing cloud blade are so similar to the Diamante's fighting techniques. But priests use all these techniques without using the power of any Devil Fruits. And also they do not use the coating with Haki, using only Mantra (the variation of Observation Haki).
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Well now I just say a few words about some of the oddities of Luffy’s behavior on Skypiea and all the obvious harbingers of Nika’s appearance. I just note how impressed I was by the scene of the final fight between Luffy and Enel - how much it has in common with the climax of the Wano arc and the battle with Kaido. Here was Wyper, who like Law and Kid who have seeing the power of Gear 5 later finally believed in Luffy and his strength and so similarly was desperately shouting "Come on, do it, Mugiwara!" And here was the common people of Skypiea who also supported Luffy with the power of their prayers.
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And finally the “weapon” with which Luffy delivers his final blow to the enemy. This is still just a huge golden ball on his hand and not a real «Bajrang Gun»-fist, but it looks so much like it!
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And also the ancient faith of the Shandians in the Sun God, allusions at the mysterious connection of the heavenly people with Imu, which is reflected in the idols of Varsa. And of course the Enelface which most likely was not just a joke of Oda. Oh yes I really believe that all these strange and funny faces of Luffy’s rivals and comrades at certain moments are not just a gag, but the tricks of the insidious Oda Nika acting independently of Luffy's will.
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I won’t dwell on this too much. Let's talk about something else.
First of all I saw enough hints confirming the fairly well-known theory that Dragon (like the entire Monkey D. family) may well be connected with the Shandians. Though it is still unclear why in this case they do not have wings. Dragon himself looks very similar to Kalgara. And the tattoos (paint?) on his face - by style of patterns - are stylistically similar to the patterns on the faces, bodies and clothes of warriors of Shandora. In addition Shandian chief priest traditionally wears a hat with a dog's head on it, strongly reminiscent of Garp's headdress. Another remarkable fact is that Dragon and Kalgara are voiced by the same VA - Hidekatsu Shibata! Knowing the One Piece trend this may be more than just a coincidence.
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In parallel with this theory I can assume that Dragon may not to be the one of the Shandian race directly. He may be connected with them by some common affairs of the revolutionary army. After all his tattoos appear on his face after some incident. Possibly related to matters on Sky Island. After all when the Strawhats arrive on Heaven's Island an old lady with a camera at Heaven's Gate asks them whether the arrivals are sightseeing tourists or fighters. This means that Skypiea is visited not only by tourists but perhaps also by people with other purposes (such as revolutionaries).
In addition I noticed that the bazookas and pistols of the Shandians have a very recognizable design of the weapons of the Blue Sea inhabitants. And most likely also have a silicon mechanism enhanced by the action of Breath and Flash Dials.
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And we know two main organizations, although they have radically different goals, but are related to the circulation of weapons: the revolutionary army and... the criminal organization of the Joker (that means Doflamingo again). This may well mean that one of them could supply weapons to the Skypiean rebels, based on some of their still unclear plans. Because the Skypieans themselves practically do not use such weapons. Although they clearly know how to handle them, according to the combat skills in handling the Burn Bazooka of pretty Conis.
Next I have a lot of very questions about the god Enel. But it’s difficult to build theories about it without fully understanding what exactly the initial conflict between the inhabitants of the Sky and the Earth was. What goals Enel pursued in trying to throw Skypiea and all the sky islands off their “illegally” (in his own words) occupied places. What were his motives and reasons for destroying the sky islands?
However I am almost sure that there is again a connection with Mariejois. Firstly Enel is the owner of an extremely powerful fruit (logia and perhaps even the mythical Zoan of the deity Raijin). After all there are practically no Devil fruit users on the Sky Islands. Excluding Enel and a couple of animals that are also clearly not local to begin with.
In addition Enel does not have wings although he must to be a Birkans. We don’t yet know how he lost them, but perhaps it has something to do with the eradication of his native island Birka (by Enel? That’s also a question).
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Here I should note that the mysterious monk Urouge is similarly looks like the Birkans too, according to the images of the three winged races on the lunar fresco. And with this remaining undisclosed representative of supernovas, there will clearly still be some important story about the oppression and extermination of races and nations by people calling themselves gods. And according the way Enel organized Survival games among the Skypieans in the likeness of those games that the Tenryubito organized for fun, exterminating various races, he probably should know about this firsthand. Well in general I want to say that his story as a whole is somewhat reminiscent of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” in its symbolism. Where a fallen angel challenges God.
And here begins the most interesting part of the analysis for me.
Who is called God on the island of Skypiea? Even if he’s already an former? Gan Fall.
And who as we know are the gods in the world of One piece? Tenryubito.
Gan Fall also does not have wings. And he is clearly not a Skypiean. And he is not at all from race of the sky people.
He was clearly appointed by someone to play the role of God there. That is mean he is literally the God's vicar on Skypiea and he even calls himself a mercenary.
Well the most interesting thing is what image did Oda choose for this character???
A recognizable image of Don Quixote from the Spanish epic novel by Miguel de Cervantes. Naturally I immediately got the distinct impression that he is literally … Donquixote.
It’s no coincidence that Doflamingo already appeared in the story before Skypiea. We've already heard this name! And after that we suddenly see such an obviously recognizable image from mass culture of a new character with an unclear mysterious past.
After all Gan Fall has almost all the characteristics of this peculiar family (we don't attribute here Doffy). Gan Fall is also a little not of this world and for some reason he is similarly drawn to the ordinary peaceful life of a common man, as he himself says reporting that he voluntarily renounced the title of god.
He calls himself a Knight of the Sky. Is it possible that he is one of the God's knights like Saint Figarland Garling and one of the World Noble? May be just former, but it's still impressive. And of course he is well aware of D.
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Well in him if desired you can see some external similarities with Donquixote Homing (just look how funny his watering can is).
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Here I again remember Doflamingo’s possible involvement in the appearance of Blue Sea weapons on Skypiea, but I don’t yet know how it can all be connected into a single whole. This may seem far-fetched.
Well.. I can say that Skypiea arc is definitely underrated by some fans and incredibly significant for the plot of the One Piece at the same time. Much in it remains unclear until Oda reveals the main mysteries of the history of the Void Century, so I think that Skypiea will definitely need to be reviewed and re-read when everything falls into place. I'm sure there will be a lot more that will surprise us about her after this.
P.S. I was also very surprised by the view of the Lvneel Kingdom from the flashback story of Mont Blanc Noland. This location in North Blue turned out to be surprisingly familiar from Law's flashback. Cora and Law stopped on this island when they have received information about the current location of the Ope-ope no mi fruit from Doflamingo. This was the place where Law's illness finally and irrevocably got worse. The place where the fateful direction of their joint path to its completion was outlined.
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This once again proves how living, breathing and permeated with numerous intertwined connections is the world invented by Oda. The Kingdom historically the place of the shameful execution (so obviously similar to the execution of Gol D. Roger) of the great liar and the trickster Noland, who in fact never really lied to anyone, also became the place of a turning point and a decisive moment in the destinies of Law and Rocinante, a kind-hearted and selfless man who was forced to become a liar with many masks, sharing Law's "checkered fate" and giving his life to save a dying boy carrying the burden of the mysterious initial D.
How much is it amazing.
rus 🔽
Пересматривая Скайпию.
Буквально на днях я закончила пересматривать арку Скайпия, и теперь меня просто распирает от мыслей по поводу значимости ее сюжета! Попытаюсь вкратце их изложить.
Скажу сразу, некоторые из теорий я уже встречала раньше в сети, однако, особо не вчитывалась в них. Поэтому все эти мысли по поводу параллелей, предзнаменований и чеховских ружей, которые Ода щедро развесил в этой, без сомнения важной, да и просто потрясающей арке Ван Пис, пришли мне в голову вполне независимо от существующих теорий. Однако, думаю, будет честным признать, что они опираются на них.
Будет много текста и сумбурных мыслей, которые я попытаюсь сформулировать во что-то удобоваримое. И да, в конечном итоге я снова сведу весь свой анализ к проблеме Донкихотов, как вы уже могли догадаться. (¬‿¬) Поехали!
Очевидные параллели тут, прежде всего, отсылают нас к арке острова Эггхэд, выходящей в манге в настоящий момент. Также есть вполне очевидные отсылки к Дресс Розе. Здесь мне было интересно взглянуть свежим взглядом, прежде всего, на способности жрецов Энеля. «Скайрайдер» Сюра с его «Испытанием струн» напоминает мне, естественно, Дофламинго и силу его плода. А еще «Небесный заводчик» Ом: его клетка из колючей проволоки, созданной из железных облаков опять же отсылает к Доффи и его «Птичьей клетке». А гибкие атаки меча Ома с изменяющим форму облачным клинком очень похожи на боевые приемы Диаманте. Но жрецы применяют все эти техники, не используя силу каких-либо Дьявольских плодов. А также они не используют покрытие Волей, используя только Мантру (вариант Воли Наблюдения).
Сразу скажу, про некоторые странности поведения Луффи на Скайпии и все очевидные предвестники появления Ники я скажу всего пару слов. Отмечу лишь только то, насколько меня поразила сцена финального боя Луффи и Энеля — сколько там общего с аркой Вано и сражением с Кайдо. Тут и Вайпер, который, как и Ло с Кидом (лицезреющие мощь Пятого гира), наконец-то уверовал в Луффи и его силу, и так похоже кричащий, давай, мол, действуй, Мугивара! И мольбы простых жителей страны, наполняющие мощью и поддерживающие Луффи силой своих молитв. И само “оружие”, которым Луффи наносит свой финальный удар по противнику. Это пока ещё просто золотой шар на руке, а не настоящий Bajrang Gun, однако, так сильно на него похожий! А ещё древняя вера шандийцев в Бога Солнца, намеки на загадочную связь небесного народа с Иму, имеющая свое отражение в идолах Варсы, да и сам Энельфейс, который, скорее всего, был не просто шуткой Оды (о, да, я верю, что все эти странные и смешные лица, которые выдавали соперники и соратники Луффи — это не гэг, а проделки коварного Оды Ники, действующие тогда ещё против воли Луффи). На этом я особо останавливаться не буду. Поговорим о другом.
Прежде всего, я увидела достаточно намеков, подтверждающих довольно известную теорию о том, что Драгон, как и вся семья Манки Ди. Вполне может быть связана с шандийцами (правда, пока непонятно, почему в таком случае у них нет крыльев, если они родом из Шандоры). Сам Драгон внешне очень похож на Кальгару, а тату (рисунки?) на его лице – по стилю и начертанию – стилистически похожи на узоры на лицах, телах и одежде воинов Шандоры. К тому же, их главный жрец традиционно носит шапку с изображением головы собаки, что сильно напоминает головной убор дедули Гарпа. А ещё примечателен тот факт, что Драгона и Кальгару озвучивает один сейю Hidekatsu Shibata! Зная тенденцию Ванпис, это может оказаться больше, чем просто совпадением.
Параллельно с этой теорией я могу предположить, что Драгон может и не являться непосредственно представителем расы шандийцев, но при этом может быть связан с ними какими-то общими делами революционной армии. Ведь татуировки появились на его лице не сразу, а после каких-то определенных событий. Возможно, связанных с делами на Небесном острове. Ведь когда Мугивары прибывают на Небесный остров, пожилая леди с фотоаппаратом при Небесных Вратах спрашивала у них, являются ли прибывшие туристами (sightseeing) или воителями (fighters). Это значит, что Скайпию посещают не только туристы, а, возможно, и люди с иными целями, визита, например, революционеры.
К тому же я обратила внимание, что базуки и пистолеты шандийцев имеют очень узнаваемый дизайн оружия жителей Синего моря, и, скорее всего, также имеют кремниевое устройство, усиленное действием ракуш. А мы знаем две главные организации, хоть и имеющие кардинально разные цели, но связанные с оборотом оружия — революционная армия и… криминальная организация Джокера, то есть, снова Дофламинго. Это вполне может означать, что кто-то из них вполне мог поставлять небесным повстанцам оружие, исходя из каких-то своих, неясных нам пока, планов. Потому что сами скайпийцы подобным оружием практически не пользуются, хотя явно умеют с ним обращаться, судя по боевым навыкам обращения с Burn Bazooka милой Конис.
Далее, у меня много очень вопросов по поводу бога Энеля. Но о нем сложно строить теории, не до конца не представляя, в чем именно состоял изначальный конфликт жителей Неба и Земли, какие Энель преследовал цели, пытаясь сбросить Скайпию и все небесные острова с “незаконно” занимаемых ими мест (по его словам). Каковы вообще были его мотивы и причины уничтожать небесные острова.
Однако, я практически уверена, что это как-то связано с Мариджоа. Во-первых, Энель является обладателем на редкость мощного фрукта (логии, а, возможно, даже мифического Зоана божества грома Райдзин). Ведь на Небесных островах фруктовиков практически нет. А может и нет вовсе, не считая его самого и пары животных, которые также явно не местные изначально.
К тому же Энель не имеет крыльев, хотя является биркийцем (бирканцем). Каким образом он их лишился мы пока не знаем, но, возможно, это как-то связано с уничтожением его родного острова (Энелем ли? Это также вопрос). Тут должна отметить, что и загадочный монах Арудж аналогично похож на биркийца, исходя из изображений трёх крылатых рас на лунной фреске. А с этим, остающимся до сих пор нераскрытым, представителем Сверхновых явно еще будет какая-то важная история насчёт притеснения и истребления рас и народов персонами, называющими себя богами. И, судя по тому, как Энель устраивает игры на выживание среди скайпийцев по подобию тех игр, что устраивали ради забавы тенрьюбито, уничтожая под корень различные расы, он, вероятно, должен об этом знать не понаслышке. Ну и вообще, хочу сказать, что его история в целом, чем-то напоминает своими образами и символизмом “Потерянный рай” Джона Мильтона. Где падший ангел бросает вызов Богу.
И тут начинается самая интересная для меня часть анализа.
Кого на острове Скайпия зовут Богом? Хоть уже и бывшим?
Ган фола.
А кто у нас, как известно, в мире Ван Пис считается богами? Тенрьюбито.
У Гана Фола также нет крыльев. И он явно не скайпиец. И вообще не из небесного народа.
Он явно назначен кем-то исполнять там роль бога. То есть, он буквально наместник богов на Скайпии, и сам себя называет наёмником.
Ну и, самое интересн��е, какой же образ выбрал Ода для этого персонажа???
Узнаваемый образ Дон Кихота из книги Сервантеса. Естественно, у меня тут же сложилось отчётливое впечатление, что он ... Донкихот.
Ну, то есть, мне буквально кажется, что это абсолютно прямой намёк Оды на то, что Ган Фолл может быть представителем семейства Донкихот! Ведь не случайно в сюжете уже появился Дофламинго, и мы услышали его фамилию! А после этого мы внезапно видим настолько очевидно узнаваемый образ из массовой культуры нового персонажа с неясным прошлым.
Ведь Ган Фолл обладает почти всеми особенностями этой злополучной семьи. (Не берём в расчет Доффи). Ган Фолл также немного не от мира сего, и его аналогично, по какой-то причине, тянет к обычной мирной жизни простого человека, о чем он сам и говорит, сообщая что добровольно отказался от титула бога.
Он называет себя Рыцарем неба (возможно ли, что он один из святых рыцарей, как и преподобный Фигарланд?) И, разумеется, он прекрасно осведомлен про Ди.
Ну и в нем, при желании, можно даже увидеть некоторое внешнее сходство с Донкихот Хомингом.
Тут я снова вспомню возможную причастность Дофламинго к появлению синеморского оружия на Скайпии, только пока не знаю, как это все можно связать в единое целое, чтобы не выглядело притянутым за уши.
Что ж.. Могу сказать, что Скайпия однозначно недооцененная некоторыми фанатами и невероятно значимая для сюжета Ван Пис арка. Очень многое в ней остаётся пока непонятным — до раскрытия Одой основных загадок истории Потерянного века, поэтому я думаю, что Скайпию однозначно нужно будет пересмотреть и перечитать, когда все встанет на свои места. Уверена, нас ещё многое удивит в ней после этого.
П.С. А ещё меня очень удивил вид королевства Лвниил из истории Монблана Ноланда. Эта локация в Норт Блу оказалась удивительно знакомой по флешбеку Ло. На этом острове остановились Кора с Ло, когда узнали информацию о точном местоположении фрукта Опе-опе от Дофламинго. Место, где Ло окончательно и бесповоротно стало хуже. Место, где обозначилось роковое направление их совместного пути к его завершению.
Это ещё раз доказывает, насколько живой, дышащий и пронизанный многочисленными переплетающимися связями мир, придуманный Одой. Королевство, исторически являющееся местом позорной казни (а ведь как похоже ее исполнение на казнь Гол Д. Роджера) великого врунишки Ноланда, который на самом деле никогда не был никаким лжецом, стало и местом поворотного и решающего момента в судьбах Ло и Росинанта, добросердечного и бескорыстного человека, который был вынужден стать лжецом с множеством масок, разделившим “пёструю судьбу” Ло и отдавшим свою жизнь на спасение умирающего мальчика, несущего бремя загадочного инициала Ди.
Как же всё это впечатляет.
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yakool-foolio · 6 months
see maybe this is just me, but As A Character Designer Myself i think the rain code designs are some of komatzuzaki's best work yet. they're weird and campy and yet they work so well. i do think the characters' personalities shine through on first and second glances. I don't even usually like neon colors but I think the combo of bright neons with understated neutrals is so fascinating and memorable. no one else does it like this. a lot of the small details on the designs are actually packed with symbolic meaning (esp. yakou's - I'd love to see you unpack all that) and the overabundance of logos is evocative of the corpo-cyber-future setting. the rain code designs feel much more cohesive in terms of that setting than the DR designs do - which makes sense bc DR is more about disparate people being united by their circumstances - dialed to 11 in v3 where the designs are at their wackiest. but this ain't about her this is about rain code.
I love that characters you wouldn't expect (zange, fubuki, priest...) have weird facial piercings and tattoos. I love that the animal ears are never explained. I love desuhiko's tboy swag and yeah, the golden yellow and the dirty blonde and the neon yellow accents don't look great together - and I think the clashing colors work wonders to establish his personality. this kid dressed himself and thought it would make him look cool. you idiot. aphex's hat is stupid. zilch's ears are stupid. vivia's bandages-instead-of-clothes are stupid - and yet reading into that choice is very insightful. (he puts on a lazy air but if he was really lazy he'd just put on an oversized emo band tee instead of wrapping himself up like a mummy every day. he actually does care about how he comes across to people.)
there's a few videos about fashion YouTubers judging the DR fits, and at one point they brought in Yuma and shinigami and they hated yuma's outfit so much because it's dorky and they wouldn't wear it. but like!!! that's the whole point is that it's dorky!!!! his little trainee shorts. his stupid fkin bowl cut making him look like a little boy whose mom still cuts his hair. (which of course turns out to be a meaningful deception. his haircut influences how the audience and other characters see him to great effect.) and yet he has the coolest fkin shoes ever and when he puts his hat and cape on he's got such an iconic silhouette. teru teru bozu lookin ass /pos.
anyway yeah. i wasnt a fan of komatzuzaki's designs in the beginning but over the years ive come around. I'm a firm designer that a character design doesn't necessarily have to look good to be a good character design. I like it when they aren't afraid to make the characters look cringe - I love cringe. I eat it up. thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
Even more perspectives! I think your take of 'bad-looking designs can be good actually' is a great way to look at Rain Code's characters. To put it simply, it's unique! 'Nobody does it like Komatsuzaki'-kind of campiness. Honestly, Rain Code's designs remind me a lot of Danganronpa 2's designs in terms of color. That cast is full of much brighter colors compared to the lesser saturation of DR1 n V3's cast colors. And it makes sense cause it's a brighter game overall in terms of setting and upping the ridiculousness of the killing game in every way! Rain Code sorta follows that with its own designs by crankin' up the neons to really ride the idea home that this game is wacky right from the get-go and it's a Resident Evil game in disguise! And y'know what Resident Evil loves to indulge in? Campiness! Rain Code wears its inspirations on its sleeve, and that's totally chill.
As a sidenote to your sidenote regarding Yakou's clothing details, I have actually written a bit about how he might perceive them, but I haven't yet written about what they could truly mean in terms of how they relate to him narratively. The meaning of the phoenix patterns are painfully obvious though heh. And I also greatly appreciate the recognition that Vivia really does care about his appearance despite his 'laziness'. His hedonistic lifestyle includes his own attire, wearing whatever he pleases no matter the effort! Like I've preached before, Vivia has the energy, he just prefers to use it only when necessary.
Thank you for the TED talk *golf claps*
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cawcawkarasu · 3 months
Playing Priest
Unknown to people, the media moghul had a hobby he executed on Sabbath. Alas, it was the day when people confessed their sins the most.
“Father, forgive me for I have sinned again,” the woman sobbed as soon as she knelt.
The priest for the day glanced at her, his golden eyes noting the pentagon jade ring on the woman’s trembling left hand. She bowed her head, but the round hat was still recognizable. The wife of the popular bread store across the street, Milverton made the connection. Not a big client, but it was okay.
“I’m listening, my child.”
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angeltiddies · 1 year
bring back posts like this
wild west spn is like [a fly buzzes into a golden lit room and lands on the brim of a cowboy hat] [a man lies beneth the hat] [it's pulled over his eyes] [he's in his full gear, legs crossed low as he sleeps] [the fly takes flight] [the man awakens] [it's dean] [a whistle slurs low in the background] [spurs clink with each footstep] [there's dust in the street] [a tumbleweed floats past] [they're on a mission, tell everyone at the bar so] [dad hasn't been home in a few days, probly rode off on his horse with a bottle a whiskey] [no one's seen 'im] [a priest sits at the bar] [an outlaw] [a kid] [the moon is a stark contrast to the orange of the days] [no one talks much] [eyes narrow to communicate] [a sleek black horse left by their father] [a paint, stolen from the last homestead they passed, for sam] [sam's face is covered by a bandana, the dust bothers 'im] [dean raises his eyebrows at that] [they trek on] [a dust devil conjures up outside of town] [the colt glints in hot sun on dean's hip] [sam's tongue is dry halfway through the day] [spent too long in the city] [he's soft now] [a church rises from the red earth] [there's an angel inside] [ain't no wings to show for it] [he can fend for himself] [dean's got no sympathy for lost souls, steals what he can from the saddlebags on the horse outside] [ignores the knowing look the angel gives 'im] [there's a house they're headin to] [bobby's outside when they make it] [the sun's getting low and hot] [silhouettes lope towards some kind of home] [if cowboys can call anything home] [bobby scolds 'em on their lack of preparedness] [makes 'em rabbit stew] [asks where dean got the new blade] [dean doesn't mention the angel] [bobby ain't seen john either] [furrows his brow 'n doesn't say much else] [they sit 'round a fire] [a boot eggs the fire on] [the stars expand above 'em] [they look for an answer up there] [a harmonica lulls 'em to the precipice of sleep] [another night spent in dusty clothes] [another night without an answer]
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carleighalpha · 2 years
Promising Potential Pt 1
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Black Hat meets a girl and can’t resist her. The more he follows, the more he understands her pain and gives her a deal.
Rating: M.
Word Count: 1.8K
Imagine: Smut.
Warning: Vampirism. Transformation. Blood. Enough Said.
As Black Hat walked the streets of a small populated town of Nightshade. He can only smell the townsfolk’s blood. His plan to take the Priest’s daughter would take effect the very next full moon, however, he needed to check the first stop of the train’s passing before he could enact it.
“ This will be a good first stop for my plan to make the Church suffer.” He said as I saw a flash of some {H/L} {H/C} hair pass his gaze. He smirked. His fangs shone in the dim light of a flame that was lit. He followed her with a predatory lurking that drove him to follow the flower.
“ Where is a delicate flower like yourself going in such a lone way?” He asked as she turned to him. He saw the skin of her neck had a claw scar from a vampire most likely.
“ Nowhere in particular stranger.” She said with intent. He can smell something on her. 
“ I see no cross on you.” Black Hat said as he got close enough to her. The heart within her beat nicely.
“ As if God can hear my cries of my cursed blood, my pleasure for mercy.” She said as he saw a flash of anger in her {E/C} eyes. 
“ What do you mean?” He asked as she saw his golden eyes. {Y/N} felt he wasn’t human, but didn’t care.
“ Every day since I could remember, my mother told me I was cursed. Everyone in this god forsaken town screams it at me. ‘ Devil Child’. ‘ Devil’s Whore’. ‘Demon Spawn’.’ Bad Blood’. ” {Y/N} said with a burning hate that spat from her tongue. Black Hat was intrigued by her mannerisms.
“ Do you wish to take revenge on those who have wronged you?” Black Hat asked as he walked to her shoulder, his hot breath making her feel something deep within. Something that was deeply calling her.
“ Are you tired of being called a demon to those who worship a false god?” Black Hat said in her ear as thoughts ran through her head.
“ To be called but a mere human with no purpose.” He said as her eyes flashed of temptation.
 “ I want to sin, I want to be stronger. I want to go into my most sinister desires.” {Y/N} said in a trance-like state. Black Hat had a feeling that she would do with his plan.
“ I can grant you those desires. Before I grant you your wish, it will hurt. However, the result will be all the more worth it.” Black Hat said as he looked into her eyes and backed her into the wall. She was tempted and knew that this would be grand.
“ All you have to do is.” Black Hat said with a fanged grin. He lifted {Y/N}’s chin so she could look deep in his eyes.
“ Just ask.” He said with deep lust as he smelt her core and her pheromones. {Y/N} looked deep within those eyes that called to her. All her desires to be strong. To hurt those who've hurt her. To become all she desired was all in front of her. That handsome face beacon her. His body was those of her deepest lustful moments in her mind. All for pain and her desire would be true. She was used to the pain and suffering of all she had known since she could breath with thought.
“ I do. Please. I beg you.” {Y/N} whimpered. Black Hat smiled at this request, no hesitation coming from her. She had it all within and he wanted to taste what would be his companion. Before having her turned like him.
“ Follow me. Before we go on your request.” {Y/N} said as lust made her eyes go wide.
“ But of course.” Black Hat said as he let the woman lead him to this small cottage a little bit out of town. 
“ Before you enter. What is your name?” She asked him. He smiled at her.
“ John, but I prefer to go by Black Hat.” He said to her. She smiled back.
“ {Y/N}.” She replied before bringing him in and the two began to kiss heavily as they left their clothes upon the floor. Black Hat took his hat off and smiled. {Y/N} saw the cross that bridged his nose.
“ A Priest?” {Y/N} asked as Black Hat smiled with a fanged grin.
“ Not anymore.” He grinned before kissing her body with a ghosting effect. {Y/N} moaned as she gripped the headboard.Black Hat knew not to bite her or she would become a familiar.
“ I’m not afraid.” {Y/N} said as she heavily implied knowing he wasn’t human.
“ I won’t bite.” Black Hat said as he saw her core was untouched.
“ A virgin? But you are so beautiful.” Black Hat said as he came up and placed a hand on her cheek.
“ Devil’s whore remember. They didn’t wish to touch me.” {Y/N} replied to him. But Black Hat smiled. He aligned himself at her entrance and entered her. Tears emitted from her eyes as he gave her calming kisses to keep his own hunger down so he didn’t bite her. {Y/N} kissed him back as he knew to move. As he moved, the pain became pleasure to the both of them. Her walls were tight around him. Her smell and pheromones were all the more pleasing to him.
“ I want to be on top.” {Y/N} said as Black Hat nodded. They moved so {Y/N} was on top. It was a whole new feeling for them. As she bounced, Black Hat couldn’t help but groan as this desire to satiate this woman who didn’t judge him or run from him.
“ Oh!” {Y/N} moaned as this new feeling was arising within. Like a tightening and rushing feeling kept rising more and more.
“ This feeling, I don’t know!” {Y/N} cried as the feeling got more and more worried.
“ Let it go!” Black Hat said as the feeling was rising within. {Y/N} let go and felt herself releasing all sorts of pleasure and bliss she never knew. Sure she pleasured herself, but this was a whole new level. Her satiated cries echoed in Black Hat’s ears as he let go as well.
“ Ah!” He growled as the heat grew too much as he felt the heat expel from him and into his companion. The heat made {Y/N} moan in pure pleasure. Black Hat came up and held her so she wouldn’t fall.
“ A world of pleasure and revenge shall be yours after the pain of transforming your moral soul.” Black Hat whispered into her ear. He pulled out of her and they quickly dressed.
“ You must leave this behind.” He said to her as she grabbed a small bag of spare clothes. A {F/C} top and some {S/F/C} pants. She grabbed a pair of leather boots and placed them inside.
“ I always wanted out.” {Y/N} said as she looked for something to wear.
“ Just know you will be bitten till you are close to death.” Black Hat said as she stopped.
“ It will feel like you are passing the threshold of death.” He continued to speak as he got to her.
“ But you shall be saved after the queen’s blood will replace yours.” He said as she turned to him. {Y/N} nodded to him.
“ I go against god.” {Y/N} replied. She pulled out a white dress as a sarafice gown.
“ With my old life gone, I shall be born anew.” She said as he nodded. They traveled by the night till they reached the hive. Black Hat warded off the vampires that tried to go after her till they were at the bottom of the hive. The queen came out and sniffed the woman.
“ He said that you were the answer to my pain. I go against God and wish vengeance upon those with their false deity.” {Y/N} said to the Queen, who looked at her then at {Y/N}.
“ I’m ready to die.” She said to her. The Queen purred as she placed a hand upon her cheek then quickly pulled her in and bites down. {Y/N} screams in agony as the fire explodes within. Black Hat stiffens with fear as he recalls his transformation. {Y/N}’s cries of pain soon stopped as the glaze was beginning in her eyes, but the queen pulled off and laid the girl down. She is breathing shallow breaths. The queen moves her arm and slices into a vein as her black blood flows over her mouth. The blood drips into {Y/N}’s mouth and travels down her throat. This new fire burns through the girl's body as she thrashes about. Black Hat goes over to her and holds her as the Queen returns to her quarters. Letting Black Hat comfort his mate. He sees her grow still as her eyes go from a glazed over {E/C} to a vibrant gold color. Her k9’s had elongated into fangs that had a label to kill.
“ The pain is gone. But this hunger.” {Y/N} said weakly as Black Hat pulled her to his neck.
“ You know what to do.” Black Hat said as he exposed his neck. {Y/N} then carefully bit down on his neck and drew his blood into her. After a short while, she pulled off. 
“ I feel better, but the feeling returns.” {Y/N} said with a smile. Black Hat helps her to her feet and leads her to a hidden cave. The two of them lose their clothes and {Y/N} goes on top of him again, no more pain as she begins to ride him.
“ This is more pleasurable!” {Y/N} cried as Black Hat loved this, he began to hold her hips to control her bouncing as much as he could, her juices flowed upon his member and he loved it.
“ So perfect!” He growled with desire in his veins. He came up enough so he could finally have a taste. He bit down on her neck and she cried out in pleasure at the action. He was pulling her blood but leaving his venom in her. Claiming her as his. Like when she bit upon him after her transformation, her venom lingered in his veins.
“ I’m in bliss!” Black Hat said as he got her on her back and thrusts deep within her. 
“ Take me, my lover!” {Y/N} cried in ecstasy. Black Hat growled as he expelled his seed deep within his mate. The two of them laid on the blood covered white dress.
“ I want this more than you will ever know.” {Y/N} said as Black Hat then just smiled.
Pt 2
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breelandwalker · 2 years
heyyy, good natured question here: because i kind of think ignoring how incredible the tarot system built by waite is, just because it uses symbols from different religions is quite limiting. when i compared pre waite decks to his creation there really is s lot that doesnt quite have as much meaning. i feel like a lot of the pre golden dawn decks are more focused on mundane and fortune telling. while waites system is actually very mystical and its more of a system than what ive observed otherwise. this is just my own pbservation but i wonder what you think about it. i of course would neever propose any deck to a person who feels uncomfortable with what it depicts, especially when it concerns religions. but i feel like a lot of the new hip and aesthetic tarots kind of miss out on a whole lot of mysticism, symbolism and meaning. they become a bit watered down if you know what i mean? wonder if anyone else feels this way
Oooo, let me get my Witchstorian hat....because there is some TEA here.
The association of tarot cards with various types of mysticism goes back to 18th-century France. The decks existed in Italy before then, as playing cards for various types of trump-style games, some of which are still played on the peninsula today. A French scholar by the name of Antoine Court de Gebelin, who is considered the grand-daddy of many later occultist philosophies, published a piece in 1781 on the allegedly-ancient origins of the symbols on tarot cards. He claimed that Ancient Egyptian priests had encoded their sacred text, The Book of Thoth, into tarot cards and that if a person knew how to read the symbols properly, they could unlock all of human knowledge.
Fun Fact: Gebelin knew precisely jack shit about Ancient Egypt. The language on the ancient papyri hadn't even been translated yet when he put forth these ideas (and once it was, none of it supported his claims). But Gebelin was very popular and he was a white guy in colonial academia, so nobody was asking inconvenient questions.
The same year, another French guy wrote an essay that posited that one could map the 22 Major Arcana cards onto the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This eventually led to members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn creating the Rider-Waite deck with Hebrew lettering and the tetragrammaton, because they were Ob.Sessed. with Jewish mysticism even though none of them were actually Jewish.
The Order created the first modern standard set and the rules for reading them in 1909-1910, and these were later expanded upon by Eden Gray in the 1960s, which gives us the tarot as we know it today.
There's a lot more to the story of tarot than this, but that's the TL;DR version of how the cards became mystical and why some decks include Jewish symbols. Which, quite frankly, they shouldn't, mystical associations or no.
If you're interested in the full story, you can check out the August 2021 episode of my podcast, Hex Positive - "The Trouble With Tarot." I wrote it in response to a then-prevalent argument that tarot originated with the Romani people and that the use of the cards was culturally protected. (Spoiler alert: they didn't and it's not, but I do address the connection in the episode.)
Personally, I don't feel like artistic decks water down the practical use of the cards anyway, but I do find that people connect more strongly to some decks. I love my Visconti-Sforza deck with its' classical artwork and old symbols, and I love my Golden Nouveau deck with all the flowery, flowy paintings. And I learned to read on the Faery Wicca tarot deck, which is exactly as fluffy and ridiculous as it sounds, but I love that one too.
So really, I think it's all a matter of personal preference. If the artwork and symbolism in a deck doesn't resonate with you, that's probably going to feel kind of useless to you personally. But somebody else might pick it up and go, "Wow! This is exactly what I've been looking for!" and have great success with their readings. To each their own.
Hope this helps!
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lulu2992 · 9 months
Decoding the scripts and secret messages in Rebel Moon
Part 4: The hidden message on the Priests and Scribes’ outfits
In this final part, I will be using pictures from Gizmodo, Bleeding Cool, Insider, and Home Grown Radio.
After I noticed that the red robes worn by the Scribes and the Priests in the movie were adorned with golden letters from the Old Imperium script, I looked for more pictures of them to help me understand how the alphabet worked, but also because they clearly formed words and I wanted to decode that too!
I said in my previous post that I believed they had made a mistake, and here’s why. When I tried to decode the sentence, I found this:
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The underlined letters are doubled (and it’s precisely when I studied the robes that I understood this rule), but while “ALL” is definitely a word, “DISALLEAR” isn’t… As you will soon see, the letter P appears elsewhere on the outfit and looks exactly like what I expected it to (shape “II-5”) after figuring out how the alphabet worked, so I don’t understand why this one seems to be an L (shape “II-2”) instead. Either I’m wrong and double letters don’t work as I concluded they do, or it’s a typo.
In any case, after I had gathered a few pictures and decoded the letters (assuming the apparent double L was an inconsistency), I ended up with this:
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If you’re a person of culture (which I’m apparently not; thanks, Google), you may have already recognized a quote from the second part of the famous German tragedy Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
All that must disappear Is but a parable; What lay beyond us, here All is made visible; Here deeds have understood Words they were darkened by; The Eternal Feminine Draws us on high.
The quote is also on their masks, where their mouth is, and on their hats:
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Interestingly, on the former, the symbol we’ve seen used previously as a semicolon or a question mark is now a period. On the latter, many things look different: words are all fully spelled out, the symbol used for double letters simply seems to be part of the E, L, and S, capitalized letters are slightly taller than the others, spaces are actual spaces, and the opening brackets that usually symbolize them became other characters. It appears the font has gone through several alterations during the making of the movie, and I’m not certain which version is the “canon”, final one. In any case...
There is a secret text hidden on the outfits worn by the Scribes and Priests in Rebel Moon: a quote from Faust, Part Two by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe about the Eternal Feminine.
And… I’m done! For now, at least; until The Scargiver comes out and (hopefully) gives me new secrets to decode. Thank you for reading :)
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