#(like girl what facade. ur not even acting. what fucking facade. ur exactly as it says on the tin. you know this. they know this.)
dykedragons · 2 years
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good moment
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[The Pack Next Door] Mingi: Friends With Benefits (Part Three)
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(photo edit courtesy of @songmingki​)
Characters: Mingi x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, friends to lovers au, a tiiiiiny bit of angst, smut (very awkward attempt at phone sex, masturbation, sorta kinda dom!mingi????)
Word count: 3,306
Summary: Growing up, you and Mingi were inseparable. You’d been friends your entire life and, as far as you knew, things were never any different. But what you don’t know is that Mingi imprinted on you when he was 15 and first turned into a werewolf, and he had been trying to keep it a secret ever since. And with the awful timing of mating season, he’s hoping he can somehow keep the facade up.
Tags: @sakura-uji​​ @xummie​​ @peachy-hoon​​ @psshwa​​ @uglyratlmao​​ @uwu-yifan​
Previous | Next | Friends With Benefits Masterlist
Mingi hardly slept that night because his body was rapidly heating up and his dick was straining in his boxers. All telltale signs of mating season starting. He was panting, sweaty, and his skin was extremely sensitive by the time the sun rose and his brothers woke up for classes and/or work. Hongjoong went to check on him, seeing Mingi sprawled out on his bed with nothing but boxers on, his bedding kicked off, and his eyes closed as he groaned out in discomfort.
“Yeah,” he sighed, angling his head so he could still look at Mingi, but his order would reach the curious pack behind him, “we’re keeping _____ away from him for the next week.”
Mingi let out a strangled groan, “Don’t say her name.”
Yunho let out a deep sigh, “I’ll go get the chains.”
Mingi was sick. That meant you were going to take it upon yourself to take care of him. He may have wanted you to stay away the other times he was sick, but you knew his friends were at school today, meaning there was nobody to care for him. But you didn’t want to just waltz into their house, so you tried texting him instead.
Normally, Mingi didn’t answer his phone when he was in rut. He couldn’t really focus on anything else except how hot and uncomfortable and needy he felt, so texting or calling anyone wasn’t really something he wanted to do. But he just so happened to be already looking in the direction of his nightstand, and he saw your name pop up, and that alone sent his heart into a frenzy.
_____💕: how ya feelin bud?
_____💕: i can come over if you need me to
God, just the thought alone of you coming over had Mingi biting his lip to stifle a moan. He absolutely knew that wasn’t a good idea, but he really wanted to tell you yes. He wasn’t going to, but he wanted to.
Mingi💜: it’s fine i’ll be okay
_____💕: do you need anything?
An idea popped into his head that might be very, very stupid. But you were texting him already and literally anything from you would be good for him. He just had to be not creepy about it.
Mingi💜: you could brighten up my day and send me a selfie :)
_____💕: wow ur a simp even when ur sick lmao
It wasn’t out of character for him to hype you up or anything. He always said cheesy things about how seeing you made his day better or missing you if he didn’t see you all weekend or something. So you really didn’t think anything of it, snapping a cute picture of yourself smiling with your tongue poking out before sending it to Mingi.
_____💕: feel better butthead 💕
There was absolutely nothing dirty or sexual about the photo sent to him -- well, other than just the hint of cleavage from your loose tank top you were wearing under your flannel -- but it still made Mingi somehow grow even harder than he was before which he didn’t think was possible. His ember eyes bored into his phone screen as he stared at you, whimpering because you were so fucking cute and he wanted you so badly but he couldn’t have you. He just had a selfie of you that he could get off to.
“Can I ask something...weird?” Jongho wondered as the two of you sat in the trunk of his car at the gas station, sipping your slushies together.
“Yeah, why not?” you shrugged.
“Have you and Mingi ever like...done anything?” he asked slowly, turning his head to look at you.
“You really won’t let that girlfriend/boyfriend thing go, huh?” you chuckled.
But he didn’t smile like you were, “I’m genuinely asking. You guys are so close and you’ve been friends since you were born. Haven’t you ever felt feelings toward him?”
“What, are you snooping for Mingi?”
“No, I wouldn’t tell him anything.”
“But he’s your friend.”
“So are you.”
For as long as you’d known Jongho, you knew he was trustworthy. He never snitched on anybody, he would just kind of stand by and watch madness ensue -- but Yeosang, on the other hand would snitch to make the madness move faster. So you knew that if Jongho said he wouldn’t tell anybody, he really wasn’t going to.
“We haven’t done anything, no,” you answered truthfully.
Noticing something in your tone, Jongho quirked an eyebrow, “I’m sensing a but in there.”
You let out a sigh before you took a sip from your slushie, “I guess I kinda...have liked him for a while...?”
Of course he knew that, he knew you felt the imprinting pull, too.
“But we’ve been friends for a long time so it would be weird,” you shrugged, mostly trying to reason with yourself for the hundredth time more than you were trying to convince Jongho.
“Ah, I doubt that,” he chuckled. “You’re pretty much the only girl Mingi even brings around.”
You snorted, “Really?”
“Why do you seem so shocked?”
“I mean...he’s a good looking dude, and he’s a sweetheart so I figured--”
Even though Jongho was well aware of the reason why Mingi never brought other girls back to their house, he scoffed and said, “You’re forgetting he’s a dumbass.”
“Okay,” you laughed in agreement, “he’s kind of a himbo sometimes.”
“Kind of?” Jongho asked. “Sometimes?”
‘Considering he’s such a big, clueless idiot that he hasn’t asked you out or told you the truth since he was 15,’ he wanted to add on, but he knew better than to do that.
“...He’s a himbo.”
Jongho nodded as he took a sip of his own slushie, “Absolutely.”
Mingi’s ringing phone didn’t necessarily break him out of his slumber, but he was trying really hard to sleep for a little bit. No matter how many times he jerked himself off, nothing was ever good enough. That’s how it always was. It might work for a few minutes if he was lucky, but he’d just get worked up again. He needed his mate. He was the only one in the pack who knew who his mate was, and because of that, he needed you to actually feel satisfied while he was going through rut. But how could he ask that of you?
With a groan, he lifted his head that was soaking his pillow with sweat to see who it was. He knew most of the pack had gone out to the movies, and Jongho was out with you for the afternoon and evening, so he had to make sure it wasn’t any one of them with some emergency.
But when your name was glowing on his screen, he scrambled with shaky hands to pick up the phone.
“Hello?” he rasped out before clearing his throat.
“Hey,” you replied casually, your phone on speaker as you made yourself a sandwich in your tiny apartment on campus, “I just wanted to check and make sure you were still alive.”
Mingi sighed as he threw his head back down into his pillow. Just hearing your voice affected him, and he struggled to keep any odd noises he might make inside.
“Uh huh,” he groaned softly.
“Yeah, sure sounds like it,” you joked with a chuckle. 
Mingi’s hand inched its way down to his boxers, his hardened member hardly having any sort of relief that day. But once his fingertips grazed the outline, he realized what he was subconsciously doing and stopped himself. He couldn’t just get himself off while talking to you on the phone. That wasn’t okay.
“It’s not too bad, is it?” your voice was softer this time when you spoke; it was more caring.
His lips pressed together in a thing line, trying to keep the moan bubbling in his throat from slipping out. Your voice just sounded so nice, and it wasn’t like you would know, right? If he was sneaky, it would be fine, right? 
“Just-- J-just a fever,” he stammered out, letting his hand slip into his boxers and wrap around his dick.
“Mingi, that doesn’t sound good,” you frowned, knowing sometimes a fever could be serious.
“You do, though,” he breathed out without thinking, his eyes fluttering shut. Even though he was still stuck using his own hand, your voice definitely helped.
His eyes snapped open, “I, uh-- I-it’s cool, though. I-I’m fine. I feel okay, j-just--”
He let out a gasp, biting down on the side of his hand by his thumb before he could continue.
“J-just a fever. That’s all.”
“Are you positive?” you wondered, bringing your sandwich to your room along with your phone. “You sound like...weird.”
“Hard day,” he replied through clenched teeth.
If you knew what was really going on, you would’ve laughed at the unintentional pun.
“Wanna talk about it?” you offered, kicking your door shut softly.
“N-no, just--” the sigh he let out sounded more stressed to you, but it was actually sexual frustration. “Just need some kind of...r-release.”
“Could always fuck somebody,” you suggested with a shrug. “That’s what people do, right?”
Mingi almost choked on air hearing you say that, “W-what?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know,” you snorted. “Mingi, I’m well aware you’re not a virgin and there’s no way you don’t sleep with people. Look at you, dude!”
You believed that maybe Jongho had never seen Mingi bring any girls home, but there was no way he didn’t get around. Mingi was one of the best men on earth, hands down. Besides, his friends had already snitched on him before, telling you all the times he’d had flings or one-night-stands -- but they kept out the fact it was because he was desperate and couldn’t have you.
“I don’t exactly have a lot of f-female friends, _____,” he said in a breathy chuckle, “and I’m not in a good s-situation to go make any.”
“Just get a friends with benefits. I mean, you’re around your friends all the time and they’re single.”
His hand completely stopped as he whined your name in annoyance. His pack were the last people he wanted to think about right now.
“I don’t like guys, alright?” he huffed.
“What about your friends that aren’t guys?”
“That’s literally only you.”
You weren’t sure why you suddenly felt tingly...down there, but you tried to ignore it.
“I mean,” you began slowly around a mouthful of bread and meat, “I’d offer to assist you, bud, but--”
“Y-you would?” Mingi quickly asked.
Your chewing stopped, your entire body freezing as you looked at your phone. Were you really about to do this? If you replied how you wanted to, you might ruin your friendship forever.
Mingi heard your muffled voice like you were eating food quietly say, “Yeah.”
‘Don’t moan, don’t moan, don’t moan,’ was all he could think as he covered his mouth with his hand until the urge passed.
“But, I mean,” you spoke up after you swallowed your food, afraid that his silence meant he was weirded out by your statement, “only ‘cause we’re friends and like, I guess some friends help other friends out like that? But I can’t go there anyway because you’re sick and, like--”
“W-what if,” he cut you off, “we used our ph-phones...?”
You raised your eyebrows, “Have you done that before?”
“Yeah,” he admitted. “Haven’t you?”
The only times you’d ever done anything remotely like that was when you were seeing some college guy toward the end of your freshman year of college. He suggested the idea a few times and he’d get himself off on the phone while you sat on your couch and ate snacks and half-assed being into it and paying attention. In reality, you were watching Mulan while it was muted and with subtitles on because you really didn’t even want to be with the guy anymore but you wanted to tell him in person and he was out of town. So technically, no, you hadn’t. And it seemed awkward.
“I-I can guide you through it,” he promised before quickly adding on, “I-if you want to! Only if you w-want to.”
For once during one of these conversations, you actually put your food down and gave your phone your complete, undivided attention. Because it was Mingi.
“Y-yeah, sure,” you decided.
Mingi let out a breath of relief as his hand resumed its position around his length, and began moving up and down his shaft, “Okay, you have to take your jeans off.”
You weren’t sure how or why, but Mingi suddenly sounded much more assertive. He still sounded a bit strained and kind of tired, but he wasn’t stuttering anymore. He seemed more sure of his words.
You undid your jeans and shoved them very ungracefully off of yourself, kicking them onto the floor next to the couch, “Done.”
“Now, I want you to just tease yourself like you normally do,” he breathed. He wanted to just go easy on you since he knew you hadn’t done this before and he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable, so he figured doing something you were used to would be the best way to do that. “Whatever starts to get you more worked up.”
You suddenly blanked on every sexual thing you’d ever done. How did you normally masturbate? When was the last time you’d even done that? What even got you turned on? Yes, Mingi’s voice was making you feel some sort of heat in your lower region but you still felt a little weird and confused trying to do this.
Still you trailed a finger down to your clothed clit and started lightly rubbing circles. That was what he meant, right? God, were you actually questioning if you were doing phone sex correctly?
“Tell me how it feels,” Mingi groaned. “I wanna hear your voice.”
Had it been literally any other guy trying to do this with you, you wouldn’t even bother trying to pretend. You were the type to shut someone down and not even bother trying to humor them -- except that one time but you felt pity for the poor clueless idiot. But this was Mingi and you really wanted to help him out even if you couldn’t do anything for yourself.
“I’d rather it was you,” you huffed with more whine in your voice than you expected. And it wasn’t a lie, you really would prefer Mingi did this to you instead of yourself because you just felt awkward.
The moan he let out of your name had heat shoot straight through you, and you found yourself dragging two fingers up and down your clothed core, and it actually felt a little less weird now.
“I wish it were me, too,” he breathed, and you heard him shifting on his bed. “Pretend it’s me, okay? My hand sliding into your panties and my finger going into you.”
You did exactly as he said, putting your hand under the waistband of your underwear and inserting your index finger into your heat. Mingi heard the shaky breath leave your lips, and he let out another deep moan as his own hand sped up. 
“Your fingers are way longer than mine, though,” you chuckled lightly as you slowly pumped your finger in and out of yourself.
“Mm, so they’d fill you up even better.”
The quiet, involuntary moan you let out at his words almost made him cum right on the spot. It was one of the best sounds he’d ever heard, and he just wanted to hear it over and over again. He wished he could hear it in person.
“Say more stuff like that,” you requested as heat rushed to your cheeks.
His eyes closed as he imagined all the things he would want to do to you, and repeated it to you. How he wanted to fuck you with his fingers and his tongue until your legs were trembling and your thighs were squeezing around his head. How he wanted to work you up until you were begging him to properly fuck you. And the way he said all of that and the way he moaned between sentences and words had you adding a second finger and rubbing your clit as you rocked your hips and moaned out his name.
“Fuck, you sound so wet,” he whimpered, sounding so much more needy than he had while he was growling in his deep voice how hard he’d make you cum. “A-are you close?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, your voice higher in pitch as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening more and more and more.
Mingi was struggling so hard to hold on but it was difficult to. He wanted to cum so badly but he didn’t want to until you did. Somehow, even in this situation he was in, he was more concerned about you getting off than he was about himself.
“Fuck, _____, I’m gonna cum,” he said in an airy moan, fucking into his fist.
“Cum for me, Mingi,” you told him, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to reach your release.
That was it for him. Hearing you tell him to cum had thick ropes of white covering his stomach, chest, and hand as he let out loud moans of your name, followed by loud panting once he’d come down from his high. But what you didn’t know was that his cock was still throbbing and hard in his hand, so he continued.
“I need you to cum, _____,” he whined, sounding like he hadn’t even gotten any relief from his orgasm. “Fuck, please cum for me. I want to hear you.”
“I-- I--” you struggled with words because while you were so close to the edge, you couldn’t quite get there and it was frustrating. “Shit, I’m gonna--”
“Be good for me, _____,” his voice was airy still, but it was deeper again. “Cum for me and say my name nice and loud.”
You clenched around your fingers as you came with a loud and high, “Oh god, Mingi,” that even had him cumming right then for a second time. Hearing your moans and whimpers of his name as you came was enough to throw him into his second orgasm, which somehow was even more satisfying than the first.
Satisfying enough to make his erection go down.
You relaxed back into your couch, slowly removing your fingers from yourself as you opened your eyes and looked at your phone as if you were expecting to share awkward glances with your best friend.
You didn’t feel awkward, though, and neither did he. The haze of the moment began to wash away, and you thought you’d be left feeling uncomfortable and unable to even stay on the phone. But you both felt...the same. You felt comfortable, like you were just having a regular conversation.
“You okay?” he asked, sounding much better than when you had first called -- definitely a little more tired, but better.
“Yeah,” you replied with a soft chuckle. “You?”
The silence was comfortable as you just looked at his name on your screen over and over again. You wondered if this would be a normal thing for you now. You wondered if you would actually do that in person. Actually...
“Y’know,” you spoke up with a light tone to your voice, “I don’t think phone sex is for me.”
Mingi was silent for a beat before asking, “You wanna come over tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” you replied as if he asked if you wanted to go boarding on the beach.
“Cool,” he replied just as casually, but he was actually smiling like an idiot in his bed. “I should try to get some sleep then. I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“‘Kay. Night, dude.”
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kuiinncedes · 4 years
HI JEANNE I AM SO GLAD UR DOING PROMPTS!!! can i prompt general #24 for quinntina with some kuinn friendship maybe pls???? 🥺🥺💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗
hi rae thanks for prompting!!! <333
General 24 “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
this got longggg 2796 ish words 👀 (i edited it after pasting into tumblr tho so idk exactly :P) i think this is the longest thing i’ve posted?? i hope it doesn’t suck <3
(also small mention of homophobic parent(s) (mostly quinn’s mom) and just not great parenting... also blood and death mention warning (but like just in conversation?))
i’m like weirdly nervous about this one sdlhgkjf *screams and hits post*
“What’s wrong with Tina?”
Kurt gives Quinn a sideways look, fixing his hair in the mirror on his locker. “Tina Cohen Chang? Why are you asking about her?”
Quinn shrugs, trying to play innocent and nonchalant. “I haven’t seen her smile in months.” Because since the beginning of the year, Tina always smiled at her as she walked into their first class and the only one they share, but now she doesn’t, if she even comes to class on time at all.
Kurt looks at her knowingly and Quinn pushes his arm lightly. “Shut up,” she grumbles. “I’m serious.”
“I’ve noticed it, too,” Kurt says after a moment, following Quinn’s gaze to Tina arriving at her locker. They watch as she hurriedly puts some books in her bag and quickly walks off again, head down and giving a wide berth to everyone she passes. 
“Yeah, and that,” Quinn says, “it’s like she’s… scared or something.” She looks at Kurt whose jaw has tightened. Quinn squeezes his arm lightly and he smiles a little at her. 
“I can ask Mercedes,” he says reluctantly as he shuts his locker and they start walking down the hall. “She’d know more than me, but… yeah, I don’t think she’s even been in glee lately.”
Quinn’s barely paying attention and almost runs into another student before Kurt pulls her out of the way. “You know, it’s a little creepy that you noticed this at all,” he teases, a glimmer in his eye, and Quinn elbows him and follows him into their next class.
Mercedes doesn’t give them any new information, and then Quinn -- Quinn wants to forget about it, but she can’t. She keeps stealing glances at Tina in the halls, during class, at lunch. She knows Kurt’s right, that it is a little creepy, but… 
They’ve been around each other’s circles since the beginning of high school, and a friendly wave from Tina one morning was the only thing keeping Quinn feeling normal when the least normal thing possible had happened to her the night before. She didn’t have Kurt yet, she barely had any friends because of her work to uphold her status as the ice-cold head Cheerio. Tina was kind to her when she was spiraling after her world had turned upside down and no one was around to support her, to turn it back around. 
So she just wants to know if Tina’s okay. Because of that. No other reason.
Quinn gets her chance a week later. 
She doesn’t expect to see Tina today -- she isn’t in English and hadn’t been for a few days. Quinn tries to ignore her growing concern; after all, she still doesn’t actually know anything about Tina’s life.
When Mrs. Harrison splits them off into groups of two for a new project, Quinn is last to pick her partner and everyone else has already paired off.
“Tina’s absent today, I’ll work with her,” Quinn says airily, playing with the end of her ponytail and tapping her pencil on the desk. She acts like she doesn’t care (why would Quinn Fabray have any reaction to getting paired with a relative social nobody for a project?) but part of her is… looking forward to it. Not only because of her persisting concern about what’s going on with Tina, but also because she does genuinely want to spend time with her. So maybe this is her chance.
She tells Kurt about it at his locker between classes and he rolls his eyes and smiles fondly at her. 
It’s the end of the day when Quinn realizes she doesn’t actually have Tina’s number to contact her; it’s too late to ask Kurt or Cedes, she stayed after school to retake a math test and she’s the only one here, as far as she knows.
Except she’s not. There’s another car in the student lot. Quinn glances at it and stops when she realizes someone is sitting in the driver’s seat -- Tina. Before she can talk herself out of it, Quinn walks over and taps on her window. 
Maybe she should’ve talked herself out of it, she thinks as Tina jumps and seems to steel herself before rolling down her window. Quinn smiles a little, apologetically. A wave of warm air comes from inside the car, like Tina’s been blasting the heat even in the relatively warm spring weather.
“Um, hey,” Quinn says awkwardly. “So… you weren’t in English today, but we’re doing a project and you and I are partners.” Her voice goes up at the end as if it’s a question. She’s really doubting this now. Tina looks like she’s sick and she’s gripping the steering wheel and not meeting Quinn’s eyes. “Or…” Quinn clears her throat slightly, putting her head Cheerio, most popular girl in school mask back on. “It’s fine if you don’t. Just tell Mrs. Harrison. I’ll do it myself.”
“No,” Tina says, looking up at her finally, and Quinn thinks there’s something different about her eye color. Her smile is tight and forced. “Sounds good.”
Quinn raises an eyebrow. “You sure? Doesn’t sound like it sounds good.”
Tina clenches her jaw. “Yeah, it’s good, sorry, I’m just tired,” she says in one breath. “Here, I’ll, um -- ” She fumbles with her phone and offers it to Quinn. “Put your number in, I’ll text you.”
Quinn’s fingers brush Tina’s when she takes the phone and she almost jumps at how cold her skin is, despite the warmth emanating from the car. Even Kurt, who runs cold, isn’t nearly this cold to Quinn’s own unnaturally warm body temperature…. Her concern grows and she watches Tina for another moment, who’s closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat. 
“Are you… okay?” Quinn asks hesitantly.
“I’m fine.” 
“Forgive me for saying this? But you… don’t look fine.”
Tina gives her a sideways look. “Yeah, well.” She closes her eyes again.
Quinn enters her number but doesn’t give Tina’s phone back when she’s done. “Hey, seriously, I -- what’s wrong?”
Tina just exhales defeatedly. “I can’t tell you.” 
“Try me.”
She shakes her head.
“Your skin is fucking freezing, you have the heat on high in the car in almost 70-degree weather, you look different and not in a good way. I know -- I know we don’t talk much, Tina, but please, let me help you.” Quinn even surprises herself with the last part. It’s far from the hard facade she hides behind at school in her Cheerios uniform, even though she’s still wearing that right now. 
Tina stays still and silent and Quinn fidgets with her phone. 
“I really don’t know what to do here,” Tina says softly, opening her eyes, glancing at Quinn again then back away. “I literally… have no. Fucking. Clue.” It sounds like she’s talking to herself more than anything and Quinn isn’t sure how to respond.
“Well, I… whatever I can do -- ”
“Have you ever had something… absolutely, absolutely insane happen to you? Like… you would never believe it yourself but it happened to you and you have to fucking deal with it so you have to believe it.” Tina’s breaths come more quickly as she continues, her fists curling tighter around the steering wheel. “And I don’t know how to fucking deal with it, but I fucking have to because -- because I have to and I’m this thing now -- ”
“Hey, Tina, hey, breathe,” Quinn says hurriedly, trying to put a hand on her shoulder but the angle from outside the car window is awkward and she doesn’t know if it would be appreciated. Her mind spins with those words -- you have to believe it, I’m this thing now -- and it’s scarily similar to Quinn’s own thoughts when she first… turned, over three years ago.
But Tina can’t be a werewolf too, her skin… Quinn thinks. Thankfully Tina’s breathing has mostly gone back to normal and she just looks exhausted again, her forehead resting on the steering wheel and hands loose in her lap now. What the fuck. What the fuck am I about to do.
Despite all her instincts and rationale screaming at her not to do it, Quinn says shakily, “I think I get it,” and when Tina turns to look at her, she inhales and says in a whisper, so quiet she’s not sure if Tina can hear, “I’m a werewolf.”
Tina stares and Quinn starts thinking and thinking about how she can take it back, it was a joke, there’s obviously no such thing as werewolves, what the fuck was she saying, what was she thinking revealing this to a near stranger --
“I think… I think I’m technically a vampire.” 
Oh. Quinn stares back at her.
Some of the tension seems to have gone out of Tina’s body. There’s another silence. “Can I trust you?” Tina asks quietly.
“What -- ? I mean, yeah…” Quinn swallows. “Yes, you can. Of course. I think if there’s one person you could trust with this, it’s me.” 
Please trust me.
“Thank you,” Tina whispers, like she just has no energy to speak louder. “I just can’t think right now, I think I need… like, fucking blood, probably, I don’t know…” She looks down at her hands hopelessly. “I think I might be dying.” She laughs humorlessly. “Again, I guess.”
Quinn thinks for a moment, taking in the almost metallic pallor of Tina’s skin and the difference in her irises that she noticed earlier. “How long have you… been a vampire?” 
Is this the answer to what she’s been wondering about?
“A few months, I guess.” (There it is… Quinn wonders if anyone might have noticed something different in her for the months after her first night as a wolf.) “There was another vampire -- nicer than the one who bit me -- ” her voice goes hard and tight on bit -- “who gave me some blood for a while. But I don’t know where they are now. They said they never stayed in one place for a long time. So I guess I’m starving to death. I don’t know.”
“Can’t you, like, get blood… somewhere?”
“I can barely stand talking to you right now, to be honest,” Tina says. “I don’t think I could go near other people right now.”
Right. Quinn curses her complete lack of knowledge on vampires besides that from popular media, which probably doesn’t apply very well to this situation. This feels absolutely ridiculous, though she’s been through weirder herself… still. Her first full moon was a disaster and she doesn’t know how to deal with this either. But… 
“I might be able to help,” she says, standing up straighter and finally handing Tina’s phone back to her. Tina pauses before taking it, as if she forgot about it; Quinn has, too, for the most part. The project is definitely not a priority now. “I know absolutely nothing about vampires,” Quinn continues, “but I have my own needs as a werewolf. I know a place -- it’s where I hunt. Animals.”
Tina seems to wince at the words. Quinn vaguely remembers hearing about how Tina doesn’t eat meat, for the most part. She could probably avoid thinking about it when someone else was getting her blood, but this will be direct. This will be a change.
Quinn presses on. “You need blood. Everything in history about vampires says that -- they can’t all be wrong. Please let me help you.”
“Okay,” Tina says weakly, nodding a little. “Give me the address, or whatever -- ”
“I’m driving you. In this car. And staying with you.” Quinn doesn’t back down as Tina’s eyes snap to hers, and her mouth opens to protest. “Seriously. I’m helping you with this. And you’ll crash the car if you drive yourself.”
Her head falls back against the headrest. “You’re lucky I’m exhausted and dying, Fabray,” she grumbles. She gets out and goes around the front of the car into the passenger seat, and Quinn slides into the driver’s seat, putting her bag in the back. She instinctively reaches to turn down the heat, but remembers Tina’s freezing skin.
“You can turn it down,” Tina says. “I don’t even feel cold. I just wanted my skin to feel normal to other people, which clearly wasn’t working.” Quinn gives her a glance to make sure, but Tina is just leaned against the window, body slumped and tired. 
She turns it down just a little.
Then remembering something else Tina said earlier, Quinn asks warily, “Are you okay with me in the car right now? I know you said earlier you could barely stand it…”
Tina shrugs. “I mean, I have to be, don’t I?” Quinn doesn’t answer, and Tina looks over at her and chuckles a little. “Don’t worry, Fabray, I won’t kill you and drain your blood. Although it does sound… appetizing right now.”
“Haven’t you read Twilight? My blood tastes awful to vampires,” Quinn jokes, trying to lighten the mood as she pulls the car out of the school parking lot. 
“Is that really a thing?”
Quinn laughs lightly. “I think so, I don’t know. But that is something I’m thinking about when it comes to vampires, so I must’ve heard it somewhere.”
Tina hums. “I never read or watched Twilight. My parents wouldn’t let me; my mom said she thought Kristen Stewart seemed like a bitch.” She lets out a short laugh. “The irony.”
“Do your parents know?”
“No. Yours?”
“No.” It’s honestly too easy for Quinn to hide it from her mom and her mom’s boyfriend. They’re never home and when they are, they leave Quinn alone, which is fine by her, especially on full moons or random weird days when she needs to leave. She does whatever the fuck she wants; they don’t question it. She supposes there are worse ways to live, especially while being a werewolf.
“How am I supposed to tell them?” Tina asks, looking out the window. “I thought I’d have to worry about telling them I thought Kristen Stewart was hot, not that I had basically become her -- or, her character.”
“Well, you could lead with the first thing? Maybe that’ll make it a little easier to accept. Or you could lead with the second, and while they’re freaking out about that, just drop in that you like girls.”
“Ha ha.”
“It’s good advice, I just might follow it myself,” Quinn jokes.
“…You like girls?” Tina asks. “Or -- you don’t have to answer that, sorry -- ”
Quinn glances at her. “Yeah.” 
“Cool. Let me know how it goes, if you do follow that advice,” Tina teases lightly.
Quinn laughs harshly at the mere thought of coming out to her mom. She might’ve been able to come around about her teenage pregnancy, but Quinn doesn’t miss the tone her voice takes on when she asks about Kurt or when Quinn mentions him, when Quinn’s watching something on TV or reading a book, when she sees something in the news. 
“Well I’m not coming out anytime soon.”
“That’s fine,” Tina says, her voice soft and tired but sincere. 
“Kurt’s the only other person who knows, though, so… yeah, you know… trust thing.”
“Of course. Thanks for telling me.”
And Quinn does trust Tina, with this, with the werewolf thing… she’s wondering how Tina managed to win her trust so quickly... and friendship.
Hopefully, Tina trusts her enough for what they’re about to do.
“We’re here,” Quinn says, pulling into a dirt area surrounded by woods. She puts the car in park and hears Tina take a deep breath. She looks nervous and Quinn doesn’t need to imagine to have an idea of what’s going through her head right now. She takes one of her freezing hands in her own, holds it between them. “Tina. I’ll be here for you, okay? I’ll help you. Are you ready?”
“Absolutely not. Do you know anything about vampires hunting?”
“Is it so different from turning into a wolf and hunting?” Quinn jokes, then asks seriously, “Do you need a minute?”
“No.” Tina removes her hand to open the door and Quinn misses the contact, the… warmth, even from her cold skin. 
When she gets out of the car and comes up next to her, Tina shoots her a grateful smile -- small, but genuine. Something Quinn hasn’t seen in months. She’s missed it. 
(Shit, Kurt was right, she thinks, and if this is any indication, she won’t ever get tired of that smile.)
“Thank you, Quinn, for helping me with this.”
“Of course.”
Quinn’s hand suddenly finds itself in Tina’s again, and she can feel Tina’s hand shaking a little. Quinn gives her a small, reassuring squeeze. “Let’s go.”
small notes for after bc i didn’t want to “spoil” this before lol !!
this is in the werewolf!quinn / vampire!tina au i’ve written in before :) if u wanna check that out hehe here’s my fic tag :P 
this and this are the two that are most connected to this one tho if u want to read :3 especially the second one -- i think that’s kind of a continuation of this fic, or like the next scene i guess
no one really cares but i started out with this prompt thinking about a more canon s1 au where it was tina saying the prompt about quinn during her pregnancy but idk somehow it turned into this instead slfdkjkd
i really didn’t have many notes lmao that’s it thanks for reading if u did <3
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rikkie-jpg · 4 years
I was walking by the beach and saw Rhiannon "Rikkie" Marx! I wonder what they’re doing here all by themselves. they’re apparently creative and driven, but also flighty and a perfectionist. When I think of them, I think of menthol cigarettes, black coffee, and bruised knuckles. Well, I hope to run into them in the future! (24, cisfemale, she/her)
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she/her. lesbian. 23. ☼ aries. ☽ saggitarius. ⬀ gemini.
tw: eating disorders, depression, death, homophobia (slight)
rikkie doesn’t really like to remember just how she got here. she doesn’t like to remember the blowout fights with her parents, the stress and support of therapy programs, or the way her shaking hands once did up her school uniform, only to find stability behind the camera. but for the sake of reminding herself that she's not a cloud of smoke who doesn’t exist on this plane sometimes she has to think about it.
the chaos of her upbringing didn’t start at the beginning. when she and her brother were born, they were received by a loving home in the valentine cottages, to two exceptional parents. johnathan marx and mackenzie ess did their best for a long time. they covered the fighting, they put their kids first, they focused on the security of their family. but that facade could only last so long. it wasn’t until the was 12 that she felt that shift. her father moved back to his home town of paterson, nj, while her mother maintained the home and shop in cornell beach. she and her family left, while her mother stayed behind. back in those days, rikkie feared that her mother simply hadn’t tried, hadn’t fought for them to be together, but that wasn’t entirely true. now, as an adult, she had a better understanding of the break down of her family. even though her summers were spent in cornell, it was clear that the longer she left, the more she didn’t want to come back.
the next upheaval was when rikkie was 15. mackenzie got sick, so rikkie and her brother moved back to cornell beach and spent their summers in paterson. johnathan marx was nothing if not loyal, and he had raised his children to be exactly the same way. there were no other options, other than to go back. she wouldn’t be able to handle it if she did. but rikkie has always run like a wind up toy, and the gears were starting to slow down. she wasn’t going to be able to keep going the way she was. the hole that had always been in her chest, that had opened even wider when her family split was starting to get bigger. watching her mom suffer was hard, taking care of her was harder, and no one noticed that she was starting to lose herself in her own mind. food, calories, and exercise consumed all of her free time. she had nothing else to do to cope. she didn’t know where she was going, what she was doing, and no one seemed to notice it anyways. so she found herself on her knees in front of the toilet, praying to a god she didn’t believe in and purging herself of the chaos in her mind, and whatever transgressions she had committed to deserve this fate.
seventeen was a worse year than any had been before it. sweet seventeen was rock bottom for rikkie. her mom’s cancer became metastatic, and within six months, she was gone. her last breath like a whisper of love and light, and somehow the darkness encroached from there, consuming rikkie. destroying her from the inside out. she went back to new jersey, a ghost of her former self, and finally someone noticed her. noticed the way she had wasted away, the way she seemed to suffer. that was the first time she was sent away, truly on her own. residential inpatient program. those three words still make the hair on the back of her neck stand up. it was two days after her eighteenth birthday when her father had the intervention, just short of two months after her mother’s death. she went, she did her best, she really tried to get better. but she wasn’t ready. she couldn’t have been, or at least that’s what she tells herself. because just a year later, it felt like dejà vu all over again. another intervention, another inpatient to php to iop style program, another year lost to losing her mind. another prescription to lexapro; god, it all felt so repetitive. when she finally had the all clear to leave, she did the only thing she knew how to do. she returned to cornell beach, the town she had left behind without so much as a backwards glance, five years prior. she and her brother moved back into her mother’s old home, craving a slower pace to life than what she had back in new jersey. she converted her mom’s old office into a small music studio, a haven in the home she once knew, and hopefully, she can make this work out. but who knows? maybe she’ll just pick up and disappear again.
that wasn't to say her personal relationships didn't feel the wrath of her disappearing act. she had ghosted her former girlfriend (accidentally, but she won't admit it) during an intervention gone wrong. her father confiscated her phone, and it wasn't returned to her until it felt too late to say anything. so instead, she let her believe that she was just done, let her believe she had no explanation for her disappearing act. because rikkie wouldn't be caught dead telling her republican, fire-fighting father about who or how she loved, and she wouldn't talk about her slow descent into madness either. so she let it simmer, because what was the worst that could happen?
chaos bullet points about rikkie
don’t get her started on bagels or pizza
doesn’t like to talk money bc she doesn’t know what to do with it
mom’s from cornell beach, dad is from paterson
kind of a callous bitch. always short, keeps ppl at arms length
doesn’t do vulnerable bc she’s got a ton of issues
literally loves music too much for her own good
bumps so hard to brand new it should be a crime
favorite color is pale yellow
so gay but has no game. literally drools over pretty girls & can’t think
absolute klutz
dumb as fuck when she drinks. climbs on laundry machines, disappears on adventures, will talk in ad nauseam about vines
loves weird jokes. will laugh at literally anything
she ghosted literally everyone after her mom died & just didn't come back one summer because of program
she likes to sing n dance n play guitar bc when ur in program u have a lot of time to master ur amateur guitar skills
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eliancs-blog · 5 years
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*itzy  vc*  hey  hey  hey   !   (  i  see  that  i’m  icy  )   what’s  up,  i’m  diana,  i’m  nineteen,  and  i’m  ur  resident  girl  group  stan.  i  reside  in  the  est  timezone  &  go  by  the  pronouns  she/her.  now,  finally  introducing  …  loona   !!    jk,  her  name  is  eliana  &  u  can  read  about  her  under  the  cut   !  (  stream  norman  fucking  rockwell <3  ) 
﹤ park jiwon, she/her, cisfemale ﹥; * - hello eliana ‘lia’ wu. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you’re twenty, how you’re a european studies major, and in fact.. how you’re the face of your parents church but are hiding the fact that you’re anything but innocent---and that you got kicked out of your catholic university for having an affair with your professor. would be a shame if it got out, wouldn’t it ? so let’s play a game. * TRUTH OR DARE ?
(    𝑩𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑮𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫.   )
born on october 12th in blacksburg, virginia, eliana’s first impression of the world was a crisp autumn day
she was her parents first and only child and soon became their pride and joy. her parents both came from wealthy families and dedicated their lives to the catholic church they owned
so, eliana grew up around the church and was raised catholic. her parents made her the face of their church. she was the perfect choice, dripping with innocence and purity
eliana learned at a fairly young age the corruption that ensued behind the scenes, behind her parents backs. growing up, she often spent her afternoons at the church. while her parents were off trying to grow their following, eliana was left alone at the church to observe bribery, adultery, and so much more
she was a ghost of a girl; most of the time, people had no idea she was there. they made it easy for her to learn all their secrets
eliana was sent to catholic boarding school for all her years of schooling. at boarding school, she worked her way up the chain of command through bribery, manipulation and blackmail.
she would leave for the majority of the year for school and return during the holidays and for summer break. she would take annual summer trips to europe visiting extended family, staying mainly in italy and france. eliana grew to love europe, she wished she could live there forever
with both catholic school and the church being corrupt, eliana had little faith in the religion and most of the people who followed it. she felt like they were either hypocrites hiding behind a facade, or naively unaware cowards that needed something to believe in. she fell into the first category, while her parents fell into the second. eliana felt sorry for her parents and continued to act like the perfect little church girl for their sake (and for their money, of course)
eliana grew to be quite a selfish person, at least almost everything she did was in her own self interest. if she had nothing to gain, she didn’t see a point in entertaining things. while eliana masqueraded herself as being a charitable, altruistic person, she was quite the opposite
during her high school years at catholic school, eliana began using coke. with pressure from her parents to excel in her classes, extracurricular’s, and volunteer work, she needed something to take the edge off. it started as something she did now and then, though eventually she began to grew addicted (yes, she has the coke cross like kathryn from cruel intentions)
also while away at catholic school, eliana began to experiment with other things. she discovered she had a sexual and romantic interest in girls and guys and started to explore it. although her parents demanded she remain a virgin until marriage, eliana didn’t quite follow those rules, though she kept up the image. her sexual partners and romantic relations were kept on the low for the most part in order to maintain her perfect image
she discovered that sex was just another thing she could use to manipulate others and for her own self interest. after high school, eliana went on to attend a catholic university. during her first semester, she began to have an affair with one of her professors
usually the one in control, eliana found herself recklessly falling for her professor. for him, it was just lust, but for her it felt like more. one day, her private affair became public among some and eliana was kicked out of the university to avoid a scandal
this was bad news for eliana, who had to come up with a way to hide her expulsion from her parents and continue an education elsewhere. the following semester, eliana continued to pretend to attend the catholic university but later decided to tell her parents about transferring to UVA
she came up with a lie about the school having a better program for her major and promised to continue her biblical studies outside of class. reluctantly, her parents allowed it. they trusted her. she was their perfect daughter, after all
so, eliana continued her education at UVA after blackmailing her old school for a dazzling letter of recommendation
eliana is studying european studies, with the desire of eventually moving to france. she is enamored with the art, history, literature, cinema, and the food. honestly, eliana does not want to do anything for a living and is hoping to live off her trust fund and the money she would eventually inherit from her parents, but she loves learning and going to school and bettering her education
eliana is a libra sun scorpio moon (the rest of her placements are tbd)
if u click the link, u can read more about what that means but even the label attached to that combination itself is super fitting for her --- the ‘masquerader’
eliana is not a mean person by any means, but a lot of what she does is in her own self interest. she considers a lot of her friendships to be mutually beneficial arrangements
however, once you become her real friend, though she likely doesn’t have many, she will remain extremely loyal and do anything for you 
once her mind is set on something, she must see it through. this aspect about her can come across as being obsessive in a way (it’s her scorpio moon ok)
when it comes to relationships, eliana tends to see them kind of like business arrangements. love is kind of the last thing in her mind, but it’s definitely possible for her to get swept up into romance, as much as she hates to think so
so, eliana prefers hook ups. however, she still tries to maintain her pure image with people she does not know very well until she gets a read on them. she keeps all her relations on the low and even comes up with mini terms of agreement before getting involved with anyone. she reallyyyyy hates other people knowing her business
eliana is superficially nice on the surface. when i say superficial, it’s not to say that she isn’t friendly but it is superficial at first until she knows who she is dealing with. regardless, she is a friendly person because it does not really benefit her to be any other way. however, if you mess with her, she will find a tactical way to get you back and ten times harder
she drinks and does drugs in moderation because she likes to be in control of herself (minus her coke addiction bc u know). also does it on the down low because again, she’s maintaining an image here
her whole life is pretty much fake, so she often loses sight of herself. she doesn’t know exactly who she is but she is very good at pretending, and she even convinces herself sometimes
she’s pretty lonely tbh though she’ll never admit it. it’s been this way since she was little
her favorite books are anything by jane austen and les liaisons dangereuses by pierre choderlos de laclos, aka the book cruel intentions was based on. she also really enjoys sylvia plath, mary shelley, and virginia woolf
favorite shows: big little lies, sharp objects, killing eve, twin peaks, handmaid’s tale
favorite movies: pride and prejudice, marie antoinette, thoroughbreds, cruel intentions, annihilation, ex machina, stoker, the handmaiden, black swan, atonement, mulholland drive
her fav colors are mint, pastel pink, white and beige
pls look at the pinterest board i made for her <3
ex-fling/gf/bf - eliana could have a few of these. they could be on good or bad terms. if they’re on bad terms eliana would prob be keeping a close eye on them because she doesn’t want word really getting out. maybe the sexual tension is still there. we could plot out the details and make if fun and interesting hehe
unrequited crush -  ur character could have feelings for eliana, but maybe she doesn’t feel them. this could develop into her eventually having feelings for ur muse or not, whatever we want ! OR eliana could have a crush on someone who does not like her back. maybe that person is super non-committal, or they simply do not like her back. we could plot this out however but it would b interesting for eliana to actually have feelings for someone
current fling/friends w benefits - someone she is currently seeing/sleeping with. could be no strings attached, or there could b some feelings there. maybe they don’t want to make it anything serious, maybe one person is ready to go further, and the other isn’t.
enemies w benefits - imagine the tension!!! they started out hating each other, but ended up hooking up. maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe they can’t stop going back to each other. i think it would definitely have to be something kept super secret, she doesn’t want anyone else to know. this could develop in soooo many ways !
ex-friends - someone she used to consider a close friend, but they had a falling out for whatever reason n maybe they hate each other now. maybe they want to re-kindle their friendship but don’t know how. this could b juicy if they know a little too much about her
sibling-like friendship - someone she sees like a sibling. they’re there for each other and look out for one another, always have each other’s backs. being an only child and not really close to her parents, i would love for eliana to have a friend that’s like family !
dynamic duo - basically like her current best friend. this person is prob one of the closest people to her and might know her very well ! they could b a power duo, always looking out for each other
take care - ok i would love it if for one night, eliana lost control. she either got too drunk or high and was kind of a wreck. someone was there and kind of came to her rescue in a way, they got her home or maybe she slept at their place. after this night, maybe eliana would feel awkward (but also grateful) that someone actually took care of her and looked out for her. maybe your muse did it to have something over her, or maybe it was actually genuine to help her. this could be plotted out in sooo many ways yes i love it
confidant - someone who confides in her or someone she confides in, or they confide in each other. they don’t necessarily have to be the closest friends ever, but they get along, trust each other, and maybe they talk more in private
rivals - they hate each other for whatever reason. maybe it’s jealousy or their personalities just clash, but for whatever reason they do not get along. i love a good enemies plot. they can just b nasty to each other !!! maybe they bring out a really bad side to eliana that most ppl dont see (because she’s usually very lowkey even when she’s angry or dislikes someone)
victim of manipulation - eliana can be very manipulative. whether through bribery, blackmail, or whatever the case, i would love to have a plot where your muse is someone she could manipulate. maybe she bribes them to do her dirty work, or has something over them. she wouldn’t make them do anything too crazy, but this person would just be someone she has a hold over 
partner in crime - okay pls give me someone eliana schemes with. like imagine the powerrrr they would have. they would just plot n scheme together to help each other out or for some personal gain
dealer - idk if any of the muses r drug dealers, but if yes, someone who deals coke to her. they might know firsthand about her addiction. we could plot this however!
these are all the plot ideas i can think of for now, but i’ll prob make a plots page later on and add more stuff !
aaaaaand this is everything !! it has taken me longer to write this than i care to admit...pls don’t ask. i would absolutely looooove to plot so please hit me up on discord stream norman fucking rockwell#5522 (or i can hit u up). i cannotttt wait to start interacting and stuff <3
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harryseyebrows · 6 years
That picture of harry and Jeffrey what is the vibe it’s giving off dbsjejkejshsks I can’t figure it out I wanna know ur take liz
oh i have some Thoughts™
1. COLLEGE AU COLLEGE AU COLLEGE AU. like, american college. they’re both seniors (jeff took some time off/a gap year when he was younger that ended up being gap yearS, plural, so he’s a bit older but he’s back in school now and he couldn’t resist the charm of harry styles who, upon finding out that jeff is closer to 30 than 20, proceeded to act like a hat in heat at a party one night). jeff is a business major with a minor in economics, and of course, harry is a music major with a concentration in singing. it’s harry’s last performance of the year and the whole department is doing a big ensemble show, but harry has a fair amount of solos and has some KILLER songs and covers lined up, including but not limited to his own rendition of ‘hit me baby one more time’, a classic take on ‘mack the knife’ and an original song, ‘sweet creature’ in which he plays guitar and is backed up by his fellow music major buddy mitch on a twelve string, and it makes his mom and sister CRY in the audience. the picture is taken backstage before the show and harry is so excited that he doesnt even really have time to be nervous, but as you can see by jeff’s face, he’s nervous enough for the both of them, not because he doesnt have faith in harry, but because he’s been there for every singe one of harry’s performances since sophomore year and it never gets any easier, watching him on stage, knowing that he’s gonna be amazing but being irrationally worried anyway. they go out to eat after the show, some cheap place that does wings and pizza, and after harry says goodbye to his family, he rides home in jeff’s car with him, and they retire to his moderately sized apartment that harry is more familiar with than his own dorm room.
2. a little closer to reality but it is also saying ‘popstar harry with his quiet boyfriend from back home’ to me. they’re from some middle of nowhere rural as fuck town, and harry signed up for the talent competition just for fun and he ended up being scouted and picked up a la justin bieber style. except he acts nothing like justin bieber because he’s a good boy who was raised mostly by his mother and sister, and while some people say that the cutesy innocent act is all some big facade, its pretty true..... except for some minor details, like harry getting grounded for being caught with a girl AND a boy in his bed when he thought his parents werent home.... and being caught straddling jeff on the basement couch on his 20th birthday..... minor details. anyway, the past 8 or so years have been bizarre for everyone -- it went from harry being at home and looking into colleges a few counties over, to him suddenly being this public figure, making more money than he knew what to do with, and a new responsibility to be somewhat of a role model. and it all happened so quick that it gave him and the people in his life whiplash. there were times where he thought it was gonna be too much -- the longest amount of time he’d ever been away from home was a little over a week, when he’d go on trips with his friends families, or for something to do with school. but then he found himself away from his mom and sister, his own bed, his friends, and jeff. and they’d visit him when he was doing recording or press or even his very first shows, but it never felt like long enough when they did. and that felt selfish, because he certainly didnt expect them to drop their lives for him. it isnt until harry is 21 and really thinking about calling it quits that he gets one of the biggest surprises of his life; jeff never went to college, was always going to inherit his dads tire company, but in secret, he started taking online classes, for business and management, and he gets his degree, surprises harry on tour and hands him an envelope with his official diploma in it. harry is confused, very obviously proud of jeff for doing it, but not sure what its supposed to Mean. until jeff explains that he wants to help, that he did it so that he could be an active participant in harrys career. harry had offered before, to give jeff some type of title so that jeff could go with him, but jeff never wanted something like that handed to him. so he earned it. and he gets to join harrys management team. of course it doesnt stop people from talking, saying all sorts of things about how jeff only got it because him and harry are fucking, which they are, but what no one knows is that jeff is serious about things, has a ring that he keeps in his underwear drawer and everything (now in one of his suitcases pockets, just in case). ANYWAY, that picture is from after an awards show, which jeff absolutely Did Not walk the red carpet with harry for, because since harry’s been famous, there are exactly 6 pictures of them together that the press has gotten a hold of. but this one makes 7, and they arent even mad. popstar harry styles and his boyfriend from home who’s trying his best to mix rural and urban chic but not quite managing. he’s cute tho so its okay
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nancykali · 7 years
Yoooo all bi!stoncy is best stoncy, and stoncy +kalinancy is also super fucking cool. Consider this an open invitation to talk more about either subject if ur ever in the mood
So I really love the idea of Nancy, Kali, Jonathan, and Steve all being bisexual. I will write some hcs about how I think Kali and Nancy realize they’re attracted to the same gender.
Nancy is ten years old the first time she suspects. She loves certain female singers and starts getting obsessed with female bands and such. This goes into her teenage years. And she notices that she just loves how they look aesthetically and she never gets tired of looking at them. She makes scrapbooks and collages.
And then she never really wants to delve deeper until she’s with Steve and loses Barb. For years she wonders at the true nature of her feelings for Barb. She also thinks a lot of her high school female friends are cute, but was never close to any of them except Barb. After Barb died she didn’t want to deepen any of her female friendships, mostly due to her trauma and grief.
So after she gets with Steve and Jonathan she really wants to drown her grief in her love for them, so it’s not till she meets Kali that she seriously considers her attraction to girls again.
(spoilers for the Kalancy fic I haven’t finished) Kali doesn’t mean to show her Barb - that was actually Nancy’s mind connecting with Kali’s, when they first met (already wrote this its the first - currently only - chapter of my Kalancy fic).
Kali understands her pain more than anyone has, even Jonathan. And for a while she’s just grateful to have Kali as a friend. But then she starts getting visions, not dreams, actual visions, of the future. They always happen when she touches Kali or soon after they’ve been together. And they always have Kali in them. Kali unlocks something inside her, both supernatural and romantic. That sound so cheesy but I’m a cheesy fantasy writer at heart okay.
Kali didn’t think about attraction to anyone for a long time, she was too focused on surviving, getting through her trauma after her escape, readjusting to new life after new life.
The first time she really was attracted to someone was Funshine. It was a crush, she never let anything come of it, and he respected her far too much to even consider such a thing.
Then she met Mick. Mick is one year older than her. They had their first wlw kiss together. But ultimately they wanted to remain just friends. Mick is the one Kali would trust with her life, next to only Funshine. Axel and Dottie are good people, but Kali does not trust them as much. Not with her life. Definitely not with any deeper feelings in her heart. She says very little to Funshine and Mick as it is.
Then El comes into her life. Jane. Her lost sister, someone she thought she would never see again. And then she meets El’s family in Hawkins. Like @sapphickaliprasad said in her post on Kali, Kali is the only one who can call El “Jane”, and El wants to be called El by everyone but Kali - the way she says it in the post is perfect, totally matches my hc pretty much exactly.
So when Kali meets Nancy she accepts her just by virtue of Jane trusting Nancy. But she feels something strong between them from the very beginning. She’s curious, but definitely not prepared for how attached she’ll get to Nancy. Never in her life has someone gotten under her defenses so quickly, and completely unintentionally. What Kali was immediately drawn to in Nancy was her honestly, her courage, and her forthrightness. She never backed down, even when it wasn’t in her best interest. Just like Kali.
Steve and Jonathan and Nancy and Kali all end up dating. This is a fact for me. Kali eventually is safe to stay in Hawkins when she needs to, to see Jane. But she ends up following her gf and bfs to New York City when Jonathan leaves for college. She mostly wanted to stay near Nancy, though she does not live with them except a few nights at a time. She goes back to Hawkins every couple months to see Jane for a few days, staying in Hopper’s cabin now that Jane was free to live openly with Hopper as his daughter Jane ‘Eleanor’ Hopper (that’s my hc about how they explain her nickname to society, that it’s short for her middle name, Eleanor).
But the majority of the time she’s in New York, sometimes in Chicago, seeing Mick and Funshine and making more connections to help bring down more branches of the evil lab. As I’ve said in my first long Staloncy hc post (answering the amazing @pyromaniac-smartass), Nancy helps Kali investigate the evil lab. She starts working in a hotel with a housekeeping job, spying on government agents and lab employees who visit there (its New York City, there’s gonna be important people there).
Kali drives everywhere, or takes the bus, she never flies. When she and Nancy are 25, Kali gets a motorcycle. They love taking it out every summer. In 2017 they’re those cool 40-something ladies with tons of tattoos and long colored hair with bright highlights, riding around double on a motorcycle and kissing and holding hands like the sweet middle-aged gay couple they are.  
Kali and Jonathan would bond over music. And she and Jonathan would come up with photography projects together. Kali loves Jonathan’s calmness. He’s so soft and understanding, and their attraction to each other so straightforward, Kali loves being with him because it’s like waking up fresh from a beautiful dream every time they’re intimate with each other. Nancy and Kali and Steve all have talked about it, what it’s like being with Jonathan, and they all describe it in such similar ways.
Kali and Steve are spitfires together. So snappy and protective, but also ready to take the stress out of things for the more solemn Jonathan and Nancy. They’re the biggest risk takers. When Steve became a mechanic, Kali learned even more from him than she already knew through having to survive on the streets of big cities. They learned from each other. Both of them love to drive more than Nancy and Jonathan, and are total gear-heads. for Kali, being with Steve is like a roller-coaster, or swimming in the ocean. He’s endlessly exciting in an obvious way, but also has hidden surprises that always intrigue her. Like the way he is so easy in social situations, yet completely flustered around Jonathan when they’re even just a little tipsy, or Jonathan does something completely charming that makes Steve melt. His confidence and rakish charm isn’t an act, but Kali notices how he can drop it around the three of them. It becomes more of a lighthearted facade for him when he’s more relaxed.
Kali and Nancy are just, totally wrapped up in each other. Always. When they’re around each other it’s difficult for them not to touch each other. Even just holding hands is vital to them, unless there’s an explicit reason they have to be apart but in the same room/area. Jonathan and Steve are the only positive replacements for the other’s touch. Nancy loves Jonathan and Steve as much as she loves Kali, but it’s different. Kali knows her better than Jonathan and Steve ever can, through no fault of their own. Kali understands and knows her mind, and they feel like they are two halves sometimes, even tho they understand they are two whole people. It’s how their minds connect. Kali only had a bond like that with her mother, who is long gone. And those memories are barely there. With Nancy, everything is always an adventure, but feels like home at the same time.
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