#like bitch shut the fuck up!!!! shut up!!!! everyone fucking cares about you!!!!! the sun is fucking shining!!!!!!
dykedragons · 2 years
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good moment
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amymbona · 2 months
No wishing bad stuff to anyone but imagine that Patrick Zweig is after an injury, like a really fucking bad one, and his lower half doesn't work properly. There was something wrong with his spine and spinal cord and has to spend like half a year bound to a wheelchair, needing a 24/7 assistance. And you're a good, young medic, specializing on people like Patrick, providing them care. So it's only natural that you move to his place to assist him fully.
He hates you at first, fucking despises you, because you're all smile and sunshine. He's so pissed at the positive energy you bring, how you keep taking care of him and being all nice and kind. Every other meal you cook, Patrick just pushes the bowl down the table and lets it shatter. Each time you attempt to excercise with him, he keeps complaining and not putting his whole effort in - even though he fucking should - and then, ironically, gets anger when there's no progress. Obviously, he can't stand up within days. But Patrick Zweig is an impatient man.
He hates everything and everyone, hates the whole fucking world and he hates you the most. Stupid, naive girl. If you were a magician, oh, maybe he'd buy you that vintage moped you keep babbling about to get you to heal him. But you're not. You're just a girl who never shuts up, keeps banking him stupidly sweet pies and gently touching his legs every day at four in the afternoon in his small house gym (not that he can really feel it). You wash him too, you hold his hand when he's in pain even though Patrick would love nothing more than to twist your wrist so hard that you'd cry. He wishes it was you who could cry instead.
Patrick is genuinely at his fucking worst. He's lost all hope of ever healing even though his prognosis is not that bad at all. But Patrick is a drama queen, he's a bitch, a menace and all the other words, but you never dare say that to his face. Not until he throws a childish fucking tantrum at lunch one day, throwing his glass in your direction and almost hitting you in the head. This time, you don't reach out to hold him, to drive him to his room, you don't even smile.
Instead, you yell at him. For the first time ever, your voice raises. Significantly. You yell at him for good ten minutes, calling him every name under the sun, calling him out for his constant complaining and childish behaviour. He's a grown man, for god's sake, you tell him while standing up and slamming your delicate hands on the table. And then, as you walk around the table, you say you're not gonna leave him, but you won't accept his behaviour either. He hears you cry later that day.
Ever since this encounter, he doesn't dare say a single word against you, against this treatment. It's evident you're angry with him, mainly from the harsh way you keep handling him suddenly. No more nice girl. You keep twisting his ankles, bending his knees the way he used to bend girls during sex, completely silent with a single crease between your brows. At one point, you really push too hard, so hard that Patrick gets a cramp in his calf - the first distinct hint of regaining the lost feeling - but he never tells you, not when you're pissed at him. That night, he cries in his room.
One day when you go out, as one of your colleagues offers to look after Patrick for the afternoon, you're wearing the prettiest floral dress. And at that exact moment, Patrick's dick twitches, he gets fucking hard the sight of you. As if magically regaining all the feeling in his cock. Your colleague is terrible, by the way, absolutely unable to care for Patrick the same way you do. When you come home in the evening, Patrick tells you that you're really pretty. As the time goes on, he begins thinking you might be his guardian angel.
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hushedlover · 2 years
Screaming and Crying Part 2
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader
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Summary: Part 2. You're recovering from the hurt Xavier caused. You've avoided him at all costs, but how long can it go on?
A/n: Here's part 2! I had so much fun writing this. Isabella is based off of one of my best friends who helped me proof read this lol
Requests are open! Send anything in!
The sun was setting by the time you made your way back to the school. Your phone had gone off multiple times with calls and texts from friends questioning your disappearance. You ignored them all. You couldn’t find it in you to care. The blood had long dried on your knuckles, not until after you had finished punishing the poor tree more. Your arm hung limp at your side, your wrist had swelled and was throbbing. Probably sprained or broken. You couldn’t find it in you to care about that either.
You were sure you looked crazy, your hair a wind blown mess, face tear stricken, and blood covering your hand. You walked through the quad and ignored the people who gawked at you. It was very few due to the late hour, dinner had passed so you just made your way to your dorm. Isabella, your roommate, would be pissed seeing as you had ignored every worried attempt she made to reach out to you. You were correct in your assumptions. The minute you swung your door open she was bolting to her feet.
“No, no she just came in. Yeah I'll call you back. Okay bye,” she hung up the phone and sighed. “That was Enid. We were worried sick about you! What happened? Oh my gosh your hand! Bitch, what happened?”
You surprised both yourself and Isabella when you broke out laughing at their outburst.It was odd, the rush of adrenaline you had gained from the situation. You felt floaty, like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. Isabella stood there, gaping at you. This caused more laughter to flow out of you due to them looking like the human embodiment of the stupid emoji everyone uses. She almost looked afraid of you. When you finally calmed your fit of giggles, they spoke.
“Girl, what the fuck. What is happening right now?”
“I don’t even know man. I’m... I'm so tired. And boys are buttheads.”
“You say that like that's something new. I’m telling you, women are just better. But what happened? Was it that blonde beanstock you’re always with? What’s his name? Tarzan?”
You laughed again,” Xavier. And yeah it was him. It was him and his infatuation with that Wednesday girl.”
“Oh my god,” Isabella dragged out the last syllable, “I can’t blame him girl she’s so fine!”
You just glared at her and moved to go to your shared restroom. You wanted to wash the blood off your hand and inspect the damage done.
“Way to rub salt in the wound, thank you. So much,” you muttered over the sound of the sink running.
“Listen. Here me out on this. Please, plEAaase,” they whined from the doorway.
“Just grab me some pajamas, will you? I think I need a shower to get all of this off. My plaid pajama pants please.”
You heard rustling and heard Isabella call out to you.
“Not to ruin the good mood or anything, but shouldn’t you be having a mental breakdown right now? You haven’t even told me what happened, but I feel like there should be more tears.”
“I think it’ll come later, I’m kind of-,” You cut yourself off to take the clothes she had gathered from them. “Thank you. I’m kind of numb right now. I think it’s shock. And adrenaline. I don’t know. Can I explain after my shower?”
“Fine, but hurry up. I wanna know what my reasoning is going to be for kicking Tarzan’s ass,” and with that they shut the door behind them.
You slipped into the shower, the warm water relaxing your muscles. The silence without music would usually bother you, but tonight it was welcomed. Your head was finally quiet. Thoughts of Xavier and Wednesday kissing and holding hands long forgotten. You were just looking forward to the weekend now.
It had been 2 days since that night. Isabella had kept you sane and occupied all weekend. You had shit talked and stuffed your faces with all the junk food you could find. Isabella had also confiscated your phone, claiming that “We can’t risk you being a pussy and giving into your problem.” So if anyone had tried to contact you it went unanswered. Bianca and the twins, you and Isabella’s friends, knew to take her if they needed something.
It was Monday morning now. You really, really did not want to go to class knowing you would have to see both Xavier and Wednesday and all your mutual friends, but Isabella forced you. They told you to “women up” and be a bad bitch. But you really didn’t feel like a bad bitch. You felt a bit pathetic. Isabella threw a pillow at you, startling you from your thoughts.
You flipped them off and then slipped out of bed and went to get dressed. Due to the weather being so cold the rules on uniform were a bit more lenient so you slid on some leggings and your Nevermore crewneck. The sleeve stuck to the brace you had around your wrist, luckily you hadn’t broken it, but it was sprained pretty bad. Isabella was getting ready too, but when she saw you in your comfy outfit she paused.
“Tell me you are not planning on wearing that.”
You looked down, confused.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Girl! We get the chance to dress how we want, be cute!”
“Says you,” you grumbled playfully but went to change anyway.
You threw on some jeans and a long sleeve top with a t-shirt over it. Then you threw on some shoes and walked out of your closet.
“Is this better,” You raised your arms in question.
Isabella nodded in approval and then they shoved your bag and phone into your hands.
“Let’s go, Bianca is waiting and I’m hungry. You took too long.”
“What?,” You yelled as you were pushed out the door and towards the stairs. “You’re the one who made me change! I was ready!”
The two of you continued to bicker all the way down to the quad, where Bianca and the twins were standing there waiting for you. When you approached them, Bianca wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug. You laughed softly at the action. It was odd, your guys' relationship. She was Xavier’s ex yes, but before that you had all been friends. And that didn’t stop despite the conflict between the broken up couple. You had always trusted Bianca, and though it was a bit awkward at first, you remained close no matter the circumstances.
When you pulled away Bianca held you by the shoulders and smiled at you.
“He’s a dick who doesn’t know what’s good for him. You’re amazing and you’re so much more mature than him.”
You smiled at her, and kissed her cheek.
“Thank you, Bianca.”
“Guuuuuyyyyys, I’m hungrryyyyyyyyy.”
Your group all laughed at Isabella’s complaints. You all agreed to have the twins grab the food and then they’d meet you guys back at the table to eat. It was nice to laugh freely with your friends. A weight was lifted off your chest. When the twins returned you all dug into your food. You were all joking and bickering amongst yourselves. You almost forgot about your conflict with Xavier. Almost.
The thought of him still lingered in your brain. It stayed there through breakfast and while you were walking to class. You were so lost in conversation that you forgot that you had your first class with him. You remembered when you walked in the doorway and saw him sitting in his seat, the one next to him empty where you would usually be. You froze in your spot, your heart palpitating painfully. Isabella stopped next to you with a puzzled look.
“Why’d you stop in the middle of the- Oh.”
They cut themselves off when they saw where you were looking. He hadn’t noticed you yet, too enamored in his drawing he was working on. You looked up at your friend next to you, your eyes wide with panic. You didn’t know what to do.
“Hey hey hey, don’t cry please. I don’t do well with crying. Here, you’ll sit with me. I’ll be your new partner,” She was already guiding you to your new seat.
When you got there you kept your head low, afraid to look up and make eye contact with Xavier. You sat next to Isabella and they struck conversation with you easily until the teacher walked in. When you heard the footsteps walk in the room you instinctually looked up, and you wished you hadn’t. Your eyes drifted across the room to where Xavier sat, the seat next to him now occupied. The sight of him and his new partner made your stomach drop. It was Wednesday sitting next to him. Of course it was.
He must have felt your eyes on him because he glanced over at you. When his eyes met yours and widened, you quickly hardened your gaze and looked away. You didn’t want him to see the hurt you still felt. Straightening your back you focused your attention on the lecture, you wouldn’t let him get to you.
The lecture felt like it went on forever, so when it was finally over you were extremely relieved. You and Isabella parted ways at the door, they would go to their next class and you would go to chemistry. With Xavier. Your chest tightened at the thought. You sped up your pace as you walked towards the class, hoping if you got there fast enough you could find any seat away from him. But the universe decided to give you a huge middle finger today. When you arrived at the class there were only 2 open seats. Right next to each other.
You sighed. You were too tired for this. Maybe you could just ignore him and he’d leave you alone. That is if he even wanted anything to do with you. You didn’t have to wait long to see his reaction. He walked in not long after you, his eyes darting between you and the chair next to you. You continued to look down at your paper, refusing to meet his eyes. You heard him audibly sigh before he dropped his bag and sat next to you. You could feel him burning holes into the side of your head, but you didn’t dare look over.
Class started and things were going smoothly. The class was mostly notes, so there was no need to talk to the boy next to you. That didn’t stop him from bothering you though. As you concentrated on the board ahead of you, you felt something land on your hand. Looking down, you saw a butterfly perched on the back of your hand. It was a dark gray, clearly one of Xavier's drawings. You felt your heart pick up at the thought of him trying to get your attention. Immediately, you shook your hand, and your head, slightly to clear the butterfly and your thoughts. Xavier sighed again and then looked back at the board.
After that there were no incidents. The day continued smoothly and by the end of it you were exhausted and ready to flop on your bed. You did just that when you arrived at your dorm. Throwing your bag to the ground, you ran and fell face first on the plush covers. Not 5 minutes into your silence, the door burst open. In came Isabella and Bianca, talking loudly before they saw you.
“Y/n,” Isabella called out. “What are you doing? We’re going down to Weathervane in like 10 minutes?”
You grumbled back, your words being incoherent. You didn’t want to get up. But you also wanted coffee.
Slowly you rolled off your bed and to the floor, and then looked towards your friends. Isabella looked confused, Bianca looked concerned. You reached your hands out towards them and pouted.
“Help please,” You wiggled your fingers at them.
They looked at each other and sighed before walking to you and pulling you to your feet. Then they dragged you out the door, leading you on the bus that was going to bring kids down to town. When you arrived in the cafe you practically ran for the counter. No one was there yet, but you knew the boy who worked here most days, Tyler. You guys had met at one of the festivals in town before his whole argument with Xavier. You had been pissed with him over what he did to Xavier, but after he apologized and explained himself you had become civil once again. Now you were more acquaintances than friends, but you loved the way he made your coffee so you were kind to him.
You dinged the bell on the counter obnoxiously while Isabella and Bianca made their way into the shop. You heard Tyler yell something from the back before he came into your view, clearly frustrated. You gave him a sickly sweet and innocent smile.
“Hi Tyler, did you miss me?”
“Oh so very much,” he smiled back at you. “The usual I assume? You want to put theirs on your order too?”
He pointed at your two friends behind you, who he had seen come in with you hundreds of times before. They had already sat down and were chatting idly.
“Yes please, I’m treating today,” You said, pulling out your wallet.
As you fished for the right amount of cash you heard Tyler speak again.
“What about his?”
Your head snapped up, your brows furrowed. You had been so focused on the money that you hadn’t heard the door open. When you glanced behind you, you saw the last person you wanted to see. Xavier.
“No, uh. He’s not with me- us today,” You tripped over your words, hands now shaking as you tried to hand the cash to the boy in front of you.
Tyler quickly took note of the way you trembled and how your eyes were watering. He quickly grew concerned. You two may not be close, but he cared enough to know he didn’t like seeing you this upset. He made eye contact with Bianca, who had been watching since Xavier walked in, and waved her over. Then he placed his hand over yours.
“Hey, Y/n,” He dipped his head trying to make eye contact with you. “Hey, why don’t you go sit down? Bianca or Isabella can help me okay?”
You just nodded slightly, feeling Bianca take your shoulder gently and guiding you to the table. Isabella was finishing the transaction with Tyler, both of them looking over at you with worry occasionally. You glanced around the shop in panic, not being able to find the boy you were so desperately avoiding. That was until he was standing directly in front of your table, just next to where Bianca sat.
“Y/n, can I- Can I talk to you, please?,” Xavier stumbled over his words.
Your friend tensed and got ready to get up and give him a piece of her mind, but your hand on her arm stopped her. Xavier saw you whisper something in the siren’s ear before she slid out of the booth, giving you room to slip out too. You made brief eye contact with your previous best friend, before turning on your heel and walking out the door.
You continued to walk until you were in the grass across the street from the cafe. You knew he was following you. Like a love sick puppy. You scoffed to yourself. When you decided you were far enough from the shop you stopped and waited for him to approach you. You felt him stop behind you, but you didn’t turn.
“Y/n, please would you look at me? Look, I know I messed up. I was a total dick and I’m so sorry. I just was so excited about Wednesday, I mean I really like her. I haven’t liked anyone this much since Bianca and I-,” He cut himself off when he noticed your arms wrapped around yourself, your shoulders shaking.
You still had your back to him so he couldn’t see the tears streaking your cheeks, but he knew you were crying. You never cried. And he made you cry. Oh shit. Why were you crying? He rushed forward and turned you gently. Grabbing your cheeks, he made you look up at him. Xavier’s thumbs brushed along your cheeks, concern filling his eyes.
“Please talk to me. I don’t think I can handle you being quiet anymore. You’re never quiet with me and these past couple of days I've been trying to give you space but it’s so hard. I miss you. I miss my best friend.”
He whispered the last part, resting his forehead on yours. You furrowed your brows and sniffled. Then you pushed him away, hitting his chest. You punched and pushed and hit and Xavier took it all because he knew he deserved it.
“You idiot,” You yelled at him. “I have supported you for years! I’ve been your best friend, no matter how much you’ve pissed me off. No matter what you have said to me. And you know why I did that? Because I love you, you moron. I have loved you since we were kids, and I haven’t done anything because I just want you to be happy. But whenever any other girl comes along, you throw yourself at her! You ignore me! I’m tired Xavier! I’m so tired.”
Your shoulders slumped forward and you sighed. Xavier was a few steps in front of you, shock written across his face. His eyes were watering, his cheeks flushed. You wiped your face and felt that you had been sobbing the entire rant. Xavier took a step forward and you took one back.
“You… love me?,” He asked, like he was afraid he would scare you off.
You shook your head and glared at the grass below you.
“Only since we were 8.”
“Y/n… I don't know what to say,” He started.
“Don’t say anything. Go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone. I don’t want to hurt anymore.”
As you turned to walk away, Xavier’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. His mind was racing, he was panicking. He couldn’t let you walk away. Not when he found out you loved him back and every stupid this he’s done in the past year was for nothing. So he panicked and said the first thing that came to mind.
“Wednesday is a lesbian. She likes Isabella.”
You froze. You tried to process the information the tall boy had just blurted but you couldn’t. Not fully. So you burst out an incredulous laugh and collapsed to the ground. Xavier wasn’t expecting it, and with his grip still tight on your wrist he was pulled down along with you. He landed half on top of you, his arms on either side of your head to keep him from crushing you. His long hair tickled your face and you scrunched your nose at the sensation. Then you realized the position you were in. You blushed, heat rushing to your face and looked everywhere but the boy on top of you.
Xavier on the other hand could only see you. He could only focus on your eyes, the freckles that dotted your skin, the way your lips pulled into that beautiful little frown. He gently reached down and ran his thumb across your eyebrows, trying to soothe the harsh lines there. Then he cupped your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. What he did next made your heart completely start and restart in your chest.
Xavier had leaned down, pressing his lips to yours carefully. He pulled away quickly, not wanting to overstep. Before you could question him, he spoke:
“I thought you only saw me as a brother. That’s what Rowan and Ajax, my parents, everyone told me. They told me I couldn’t ruin our friendship. So like the moron I am, I listened. I pushed away my feelings for you and I went after other girls because I thought it was the only chance I had at staying in your life. Sure, I liked Bianca and Wednesday. Maybe I had a crush on them. But I wasn’t in love with them like I am with you. I am so sorry, Y/n. I never should have said what I did. If I could take it back I would. But because I can't, I'll spend my entire life making it up to you.”
You were in shock. What the fuck was he thinking:? He could just apologize and confess his love and everything would be fine? No. You smiled up at him and then you slapped him. Hard. His face turned with the impact. And then you grabbed his face and kissed him. Hard.
“You owe me so many things, the list is at least a mile long,” You said as you pulled back and then kissed where your hand had met his face. “But we have all the time in the world for you to complete that list.”
Xavier leaned down to kiss you again and then pulled away with a frown.
“That hurt,” He whined.
“You deserved it and you know it,” you kissed his cheek once more before gently pushing him off of you. “Now come on, we need to get Isabella a girlfriend. Maybe she’ll finally stop making me watch anime with her.”
Tags: @555stargirl555 @weasleylovers @wrenwastooshort @justanotherkpopstanlol @lovurryy @rainehatepage @ghostlycrystobalove @bambi-munson @hershey2813 @karslyn @nothingbeatsthebeautyofthemoon @parkersmyth @multistangirl07 @emilykolchivans
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wystericwoes · 1 year
Sukuna x reader Drabble
implied smut/fifthly language
A Drabble I just thought of where sukuna spews pure gutter filth into yuujis ears about all his sexual fantasies. Since sukuna can’t actually do anything about it, he’s gonna make it everyone’s problem as well.
GN reader, cursing, vulgar language and partial smut/dirty talk but nothing physically happens
Something about you particularly had him riled up though…
You had just transferred as a new teacher and you were just so cute.
“Go on, keep looking at that sweet ass. It’s nice isn’t it?”
Yuuji suddenly drops his pencil during lecture and you turn around just for him to get so flustered he can’t look you in the eyes as you so sweetly ask what’s wrong.
“Ha. Perv.”
Sometimes you would hear Yuuji muttering to himself, he was an odd but good kid so you gave him the benefit of the doubt, plus he had gone through so much..
Little did you know if not for yuuji a demented beast would have taken you by now.
Anytime you walked by him in the halls, you were so blissfully unaware- and sukuna found that absolutely fucking delicious.
“Did you see the way their nipples were poking through that shirt?Just imagine biting down on them, I want to suck on them until their crying from the sensation. Until theyre battered and bruised.”
One day you were in training gear, tight shorts and a tank top sparring with the other teachers as demonstration to the students
Poor yuuji had to sit there helplessly as Sukuna forced his eyes into your legs. The sweat dripping down your legs leaving them glistening like stars in the sun, heaving breaths and flushed face.
“That’s gonna be how they look when they’re fucked out., drunk on my cock.”
Yuuji had to look away and shut his eyes. He respected you, and he didn’t appreciate the devil in his ear speaking profanities about his superior, someone he admired and looked up to.
One particular move you did left your legs spread and little to the imagination. He could see the shape of you perfectly, the curvature of your ass into the place between your legs, the way your body was so hot your clothes were stuck to it like magnets.
“I’d have to tear those off. When you get that worked up and sweaty clothes are a bitch to remove.”
Sukuna manifested a physical mouth onto yuujis face, and as quickly as it happened yuuji slapped his hand on it which created such a loud SMACK sound that everyone turned over to him
“aH! Sorry! Mosquitos..!”
He tried laughing it off as his peers looked at him strangely.
Everyone had seen a change in his behavior.
But specifically you, had noticed the most- considering he was totally and completely avoiding you. Had you done something wrong?
Yuujis walking to the dorms when he’s intercepted by the last person he needs to be alone with.
You’re all flushed because you had just gotten back from a mission. The sun was setting and it perfectly made you skin glow.
“Hey Yuuji, I was hoping I’d run into you I wanted to talk with you. Do you have a minute?”
He visibly gulped as sukuna began to whisper profanities into yuujis head
“Maybe that teacher x student fantasy porn you watched might come true!” He said mockingly
Everything you said flew over his head as he awkwardly smiled
“And I guess what I’m saying is you can always talk to me. These years in your life are important and I care about you, yeah? You’ve already gone through more than anyone else should especially at your age-“
“Give me 10 minutes and I’ll have them creaming all over my cock. I might even let you watch since you’re such a disgusting desperate pervert.”
Then all his thoughts were silent when you placed a hand on his shoulder
He had been spaced out and was just staring intently at your face
“Huh? O-oh… yeah sure thing!”
He tried to turn around and leave
He cowered and awkwardly turned his head around to you.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Sorry… guess I didn’t catch it… haha…….”
“I said, are you ready for our mission tomorrow?”
You said with such a cute smile and a chuckle
All night he spent tossing and turning trying to get any semblance of sleep as sukuna tormented his poor mind.
“Did you see the way that shirt squeezed everything? I bet they know what they’re doing. How long do you think it’s been since they’ve had a good dicking do you think?”
Yuuji held a pillow over his face and audibly groaned into it
“Shut up pleaseee! I’ll do anything at this point.”
He shouldn’t have said that.
“Except let you take over!”
Sukuna scoffed.
The next day sukuna was saying words yuuji didn’t even know. (Or WANT to find out.)
What the hell was “reverse cowgirl” or a “facial” …?
You two were sent on a mission to fight a high grade curse, this mission was really to see what Yuuji was capable of, and to have someone strong like you to stay with him in case things went wrong. You volunteered, hoping to get to know yuuji better and maybe fix this weird tension between you two. You hoped he didn’t secretly hate you, he was clearly avoiding you
You two walked through the remains of a building, it was dark with the exception of streaks of light poking through holes in the ceiling and walls.
The fight was harder than you thought. The curse ended up being special grade. That’s what you get for letting gojo brief you on a mission-
Yuuji was struggling to keep up, and several times you had to get in the way of him taking a blow while also guiding him on what to do.
This was supposed to be an in an out thing to help yuuji use his cursed energy, you were supposed to be there just to keep watch.
No one was coming, you were weakened, and yuujis head wasn’t on right.
“Yuuji! Focus!!” You put your forearms up to eat another blow from the curse
He was spacing in and out… one second he would be responsive and the next he would be totally out of it.
Was he high? No way. He’s a good kid, right?
You had whipped your head around to grab yuujis attention again but in that split second, your instincts were dull as you grew tired and the curse landed a heavy blow right into your ribs.
You were knocked onto the ground as all the air left your lungs and you tasted a metallic sting in your mouth.
Note to self- when gojo says “a light and easy mission, basically a baby could do it.” He’s referring to how it feels to him, and not the average sorcerer.
You were left on your knees, one arm desperately clinging to your injured side as you tried shakily to get up
You knew that was the end of it for you until you could get to some place safe to heal yourself. You didn’t have much time to react before the curse tried to land another blow on you, luckily yuuji blocked it.
“Yuuji… we need sukuna.”
That sure as hell woke him up from whatever daze he was stunned in
“What?!” He shouted at you and whipped his head around
“I can’t help you right now and you can’t help me! I’m making an executive decision here!”
“What about what goj-“
“Fuck Gojo!”
He was taken aback by your sudden bluntness.
“I know! I know what he said. That arrogant asshole doesn’t think enough! I’ll take the blame, just do it!”
You were desperate as blood dribbled from your mouth between desperate breaths.
You tried not to blame yuuji for this but you were at your wits end. Worst case scenario Sukuna hurts you, but you know he would still kill the curse in the end. and you really just wanted the people around you safe. There were civilians outside- and if you and yuuji were immobilized who knew how long it would take for help to come? How long would that curse be free roaming?
Yuuji gave you a fleeting glance and almost an apologetic look as you watched him close his eyes and begin to morph into something else…
His eyes shifted from sweet to sadistic. Black markings appeared all over his body. With a deep breath inward he went into hyper focus and with inhuman speed began to attack the curse
His movements were sharp and wild. Like an animal
You could barely keep up with him watching the way he dodged hits just as quick as he attacked
Your body began to succumb to its injuries as the last of adrenaline from your fight pumped itself out of your system.
You collapsed onto the floor half conscious. The room was spinning
I guess you had taken more blows than you thought.
You watched as two yuujis stood above you.
Your vision was going in and out of focus as you felt strong arms lift you effortlessly
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, y/n.”
He said with a sick grin.
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thenighthekate · 1 year
Heyy, I love all you write!! Would you please write something with the song ‘without me’ by halsey, maybe one of them cheated on reader and now it’s trying to come back, but reader it’s playing hard to get, making them suffer a little. Thank you
Tell the truth ( t.k. )
Would you care if we quit talking? Would you care if I went walking? I need to know how you feel so I know how to deal.
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The past few weeks she felt numb, angry, confused at the man who fucked her over. She never thought something like this was bound to happen, she thought they were happy together. Memories fade, anagapesis lingers, a love once cherished now lost in the rivers.
The environment around her buzzed with a sea of people, some dressed in suits rushing to get their coffee break, others sitting with families and friends at the tables. She was comfortably seated on the patio, sun shining above her as she sipped on her latte, her fingers wrapped around a pen scribbling in her notebook.
She felt calm. After days spent crying in the comfort of her own bed she finally got the courage to go out, breathe fresh air and possibly even socialize.
Her eyes were shielded by the glass of her sunglasses, her mind turning gears to make the words on her paper rhyme. The girl was focused on the task in front of her; she didn't even notice a shadow looming over her figure, the visibly tall person soon taking a seat at her table. Her eyes shifted from her notepad, a look of confusion forming on her face before it melted into nothing. No emotions were revealed as her eyebrow twitched to question the person.
Silence indulged the two as they stared at each other, the girl yet again slowly taking a sip of her coffee. " I haven't seen you in a while." His voice was oddly soft, laced with sweetness as it showed none of his true intentions. An uninterested sigh left her lips, her focus soon turning back to writing. " Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what-"
" Don't want to hear it." She dragged out her words with a fierce tone, like a mother grounding her disobedient child.
" No. Listen, it was a mistake and a total misunderstanding." He was slightly crouched, his eyes for a brief moment closing shut as he shook his head.
" So stealing my ideas, my lyrics, then fucking some other bitches is a misunderstanding to you?" Her finger wrapped around the brim of her sunglasses to slide them down, fire swirling in her irises as she shot daggers at him. Suddenly she placed the paper down along with her pen, Tom getting a clear view of everything she had written down. " You could be a bad mother fucker," she paused, looking him directly in the eye before continuing, " but that does not make you a man." Grabbing her stuff she slid out of her chair, standing tall on her high heels she was ready to disappear from his life forever.
It happened quickly, his hand reached out to wrap around her arm before her palm collided with his cheek, the loud sound and sensation traveling all over his body. " Don't touch me," her arm flailed out of his grip, her manicured finger pointed directly at her chest, " I put you up there, and you decided to abuse that power. It was me who made you what you are," her tone shifted, a shield of glass broken, replaced by glistening tears, " you used me."
" I'm sorry." Tom's expression matched hers, his eyes searching for her own. " Please. What can I do?"
Yet again it was quiet. She softly licked her lips while slowly shaking her head, her mind not believing what he was saying. " How about you tell the truth, to everyone. The guys and the media included." She turned to leave before muttering under her breath, but loud enough for him to hear. " And drop every single one of those bitches."
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novelcain · 2 years
So about mafia! SWK, I seriously cannot get it out of my mind that whilst the golden cudgel is an accessory, Wukong still uses it when shit gets real and he gets real pissed. Like,,, sure it's modern times and he uses guns since killing with them is quick, easy, and mostly clean,,,, but there are certain occasions that need a point to be made.
So imagine, Wukong falling for florist/baker! reader and they're already courting,,, somehow that information is leaked. A rival mafia, maybe one that's small enough to be disregarded/fly under his radar, or maybe one that's in alliance with him but hates his guts,, kidnaps the reader and holds her hostage to gain leverage against him.
Now, here's a reason why Sun Wukong isn't just the Monkey King, but also the king of the entire underground crime scene.
But maybe people have forgotten that fact and this little rule he has, it's been a couple centuries after all.
You don't mess with him.
And if you do, well, you're gonna wish he used his guns instead.
I absolutely LOVE violently protective bitches so this really made my brain go brrrr
CW for descriptions of violence, gore, and torture below!!
I just imagine him learning that the little baker he's been smitten with has been kidnapped by a small up and coming gang with dreams of toppling the Great Sage Equal to Heaven and taking the place of his gang. And that just won't fucking do.
It would seem that in the past hundred years that he's been mostly under the radar people have become rather bold. They seem to think that he's gone soft. That he's become weak. Well, he supposed they needed a little... reminder of just who the fuck he is.
"P—" sob "P-Please! Just l-let us go! Y-You'll never hear from us again. I swear!"
The ginger monkey demon raised a single gloved claw and the men and women beating the three demon leaders stopped and took a few steps back to allow the Dragonhead room to speak.
"Ooooohoho, you've really done it now~," Macaque chuckled from his spot in the corner without looking up from the game on his phone.
There was a moment of silence across the room as Wukong gently ran his ungloved fingers through your hair while you were passed out in his lap. By the time his gang had gotten there, you had been beaten to unconsciousness. Luckily, the damage wasn't too bad but you'd certainly have a few cuts and bruises—along with a nasty black eye—for a couple weeks.
"Humans are so... fragile," the Monkey King spoke in a soft voice while not taking his golden eyes off of your limp form for even a second. "I learned this a long long time ago. And because of this knowledge, I'm careful about which buttons to push and how hard to push them. Because like I said. Humans are very fragile. And if you push them too hard or too fast... they break."
Wukong carefully shifted so he could lift you bridal style without jostling you before carefully handing you to his adoptive son, MK. The young man immediately took you and left the room to get you somewhere safe to be healed.
The Great Sage reached into his pocket to put his other glove back on and watched as his heir left with you in tow before turning his attention back to the morons who dared cross him.
"But you wanna know something else I learned a long time ago?"
He approached the three demons. Looking down his nose at them while removing the cudgel from his earing.
"Everyone's fragile when compared to me."
With that being said, his staff grew to its normal length and slammed down onto the leg of the leader's righthand man, completely severing it at the knee. The weasel demon shrieked in agony as his companions looked on in horror.
Wukong then effortlessly lifted his staff and struck the demon in the head, instantly ending its misery. The other two flinched back as much as their current injuries would allow and the Dragonhead could see them both trying to grasp the concept that their friend was simply dead now.
The Monkey King flicked his staff to dispose of the some of the blood marring its surface and watched with malevolence as it splattered across the faces of the remaining two leaders.
Wukong then turned his attention to the Dragonhead of the small gang and merely lifted the cudgel and let it drop onto his skull, cutting off his scream and nearly splitting him in two down the middle.
The last executive was now openly ugly sobbing at the viscera of his fallen friends and Wukong just propped himself onto his staff and watched until the man calmed down enough for him to speak.
"Now," the Great Sage paused as he slowly shifted down into a crouch like a predator preparing to pounce on its prey, "You're probably wondering why you're the last one left."
Wukong pressed his cheek to the side of his staff as though this were a normal conversation as he waited for the other to quit sniveling and respond and once the tiger demon finally could he asked, "B-Because you're going to let me g-go?"
Wukong threw his head back as he let out a loud barking laugh. "Wow. You guys really didn't know who you were fucking with did you?" He menacingly leaned closer and the others in the room maliciously giggled at ignorance of the executive. "Allow me to enlighten you."
The monkey fiend flicked his wrist once more but this time to balance his staff on a single claw as though the mighty pillar weighed nothing more to him than a pencil.
"I am the Monkey King."
He spun the staff.
"I am the Great Sage Equal to Heaven."
He spun the staff again.
"I am THE Sun Wukong."
He let the staff fall into the palm of his leather clad hand.
"And I don't. Leave. Witnesses. I leave bodies."
The tiger demon whimpered as Wukong casually pointed the golden end of the cudgel at his chest and there was a tense moment of silence between them before Wukong pulled the staff back to him so he could lean on it once more as if nothing had happened.
"Guess again."
"I-I don't know! I swear I d-don't! H-He was the head of our gang, n-not me!" He nodded to the now deceased lion demon. "It was his decision to go after your girl!"
Wukong sighed and ran his free hand down his face. "You think I didn't know that? Ugh!" He sighed once more. "What did I expect from someone stupid enough to try and take me down," he asked himself before returning his focus to the tiger demon. "Fine. I'll make it easier for you and ask you one last question... Whose idea was it to go after my girl?"
The tiger demon's eye's widened as Wukong's golden one's narrowed. "N—" he gulped "No. You're... mistaken."
"Oh, really!?" A six eared grinning shadow poked out of the wall beside his head, peering down at the tiger in challenge.
"I—. I—."
"You—! You—!" Macaque mocked the shivering gangster. "You should just shut your mouth if you're gonna lie. I hear everything~."
Macaque's shadow then sunk back into the wall with a laugh and he stepped out back where had been previously, except this time without his phone, so he could watch the show that was about to unfold.
Wukong hummed in false contemplation before he once more held the staff over the tiger, but this time the tip of the iron rod hovered over the demon's leg. Right over the center of his thigh.
"Ya know... I understand that my stories aren't as widespread as they used to be. But—" he paused to chuckle "you'd think that if someone were to try coming after me! Then they'd at least read a fucking book, so they could grasp the kind of power I have at my disposal. For example!" The monkey tossed the staff a few feet in the air and letting it spin a couple times before flawlessly catching it just before it made contact with the tiger's leg, making the fiend flinch. "Did you know that this staff of mine roughly weighs a little over eight tons? Do you have any idea the kind of damage something like this would do from simply falling on you?"
He glanced to the crumpled remains of the tiger's leaders and the tiger's gaze followed.
"That's why I did that. To give you a taste of what's to come for you."
And with that, Wukong slowly let the staff slip down and watched in sickening glee as it sunk into the tiger's flesh like butter.
Holy shit this ended up way fucking longer than I meant for it to be but dats fine it just kinda took a hot minute lol
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drunkdumbfucker · 5 months
Yearly reminder that yes, Jushiro is still enjoying his quiet days in the countryside as a retired Gotei 13 captain™.
he still lives in Ugendo because after all he was the one who built these quarters and there's enough room for all his family to chill at his side on random days now that they can barge in at any moment without any care about any third seat's wrath
and it's far away enough from the thirteen squad barracks that he doesn't feel like intruding, but if anyone ever has any need of his advice they can knock at his door or leave a note, even dozens of years after he retired
he's learned to bake pies.
tons of pies, tons of flavors, but tooooo many pies.
I'd like to imagine Jushiro with tons of nieces and nephews at his side, they're his most fervent listeners even though their parents have all warned them that he's full of shit. they won't believe anyone, Jushiro's the most serious and nicest of adults. (they're all at least 500+ years old but boy oh boy are they naive when it comes to Jushiro's quiet wrinkled smile and serene walk around the pond) and most of all he's the most generous of all (he gives so much food and stuff because the nieces and nephews all have kids of their own and oh my god those are the most spoiled)
if anyone visits Jushiro in Ugendo on any given day, there'll always be a kid bouncing on his knee, enamoured with the beautiful white braid resting on Jushiro's shoulder.
then somehow Shunsui will appear
"no no no I don't have any meeting my dearest!!!! what do you mean you have read my schedule?? haahaha it's a fake schedule anyhoo let me hold this wonderful face of a papoopeepoobaby!!!"
and yes Shunsui WILL appear at any given time! because Jushiro's grand-nephews/nieces are his own too and
Shunsui is Captain Commander but everyone knows he's been wanting to retire for years too, and it's always been about temporarily filling the spot Yama-ji left empty
and he's been more and more less here, slowly preparing everyone for the moment he'll step down. Everyone understands the situation. Who gives a shit about responsibility, nobility, logic? Shunsui's payed his debt to a thousand, and he shall pay it to the end of his days because one does not step down from being Captain Commander just like that. He'll always be there for the Gotei.
But all in all, everyone knows, it's all about Jushiro, and how even Jushiro pays away his debt by attending captain meetings or helping out squads in need of urgent back up or even holding classes at the Shin'o Academy. It seems everyone understands deeply how their origin can't even be found etched in stone, the first tales of their deeds have disappeared around drunken murmurs and apologetic rumors. Time set it all on fire, bits by bits. So much knowledge dusted away, and only the mirth in their glances will hold witness of such existence.
So of course, if any newcomer dares comment on the way the 13 Squad's former captain has no place in the current affairs of doing, because it's none of their business now that he's retired, of course they'll receive an informal spanking and will instantly be taught respect.
AND of course if anyone dares criticize Shunsui's laziness, they'll be laughed at because haha hahahahaha the Captain Commander's the least lazy person in the world so who the fuck are you to even say that??
I need the entire shinigami population to finally recognize that these two bitches are old and deserve some rest. They deserve to enjoy quiet days in the sun, eating juicy strawberries stolen from a sibling's garden, shutting off the entire spiritual realm's pressure so they can cloudgaze and pick at each other's perfect lips.
Jushiro's retirement's just an excuse for Shunsui to join retirement too.
I need them to spend so much fucking time babysitting everybody's kids because they are the best and they enjoy kids so much, it's not even a chore gosh oh my good look at this fucker Jushiro she's walking look look LOOOOK!!!!!!
and "ah I'm sorry my love you're feeling a bit tired let me hold her, is everything alright?" and yes of course everything's perfect because they're together and they're still alive and they can finally rest easy now that the Seireitei's safe and in good hands so no worries if Jushiro's a bit tired and will nap all afternoon because now there's no obligation for him to stretch himself thin. It's all good.
the kid will fall asleep too and that's it
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Day One of @steddie-week - hunger / pining / somebody to love
Eddie’s having a smoke out by the old bleachers. It’s a warm day out, the sun’s shining down and there's a cool breeze that drifted through his hair to cool the back of his neck. It was nice. He wished it could be a little nicer, though. 
Tommy Hagan, the stupid oaf that he was, had just attempted to utterly humiliate in the middle of his English Oral on To Kill A Mockingbird, and despite his shocking grades, Eddie was actually very good at English and dissecting a text. He focused the main part of his essay on the prejudice themes within, granted he could understand and relate to them in one way or another, and pulled out a bloody brilliant essay if he did say so himself - though, he knew that he’d be coming close to a fail again, because Ms Click had it out for him and she hated his ‘vulgar language’ and ‘woke themes’. Bitch. Tommy had picked up on how Eddie reflected his own experiences to the text, and decided to start heckling him. You feeling a little left out, Munson? Gonna have a cry because you’re at the bottom of the food chain? All stupid shit that didn’t even make much sense because he’s pretty sure Tommy didn’t actually do the reading. 
Eddie gave him a grin and kept going until he just wouldn’t shut up, and Eddie was about to run out of time and he still had a whole paragraph to go, and so he just turned to Hagan and said, I know you can’t go three seconds without everyone's attention on you, Hagan, but don’t you think it’s a little pathetic how desperate for my attention you are? 
He got thrown out of the class instantly, and a big ‘F’ stamped on his essay. 
Eddie didn’t care for all the attention he got. I mean, sure, he’d get up on tables and stomp around, preaching his shit and making a fool out of himself, but he only did that on the good days. The Confident days. The days he had something to say. Every other day, every other minute, he wished to go unnoticed. To blend in with the crowd and just live it out until graduation. But there's never a moment of peace with these jackasses. They’ve always got something to say. 
For a group of people who always like to tell Eddie how unimportant he is, they sure do take up a lot of their own time talking about him. 
It’s kinda funny, actually. 
Either way, Eddie was sick of it. He just wanted to get up there, give his oral, sit back down, and get on with his school day. He had a campaign to host tonight, and then band practice after that since Gareth was going up to Florida to visit his grandma on the weekend. So he was kind of thankful he got kicked out of class… maybe he was asking for it, he didn’t care. Now he could stand out here and smoke in peace, rather than getting balls of paper with studpid drawings or dumbass notes thrown at his head for the rest of class. 
Okay, scratch that, Eddie would prefer the bullying right now. 
From here, he had a clear view of the outdoor basketball courts. They were shitty and dinged up pretty well, the hoop no longer had a net on it - save for a singular ratty old string hanging down - and there were marks all over the backboard. The courts were mostly used by the freshman during lunchtime for dumb basketball, and as a safe ground for the science class when things were too dangerous to stand near or if they’d swell up and explode. 
But there, on the shitty courts, were Hargrove and Harrington. Two of the biggest dicks to ever grace the fine halls of Hawkins High. Eddie found their petty rivalry absolutely fucking hilarious. 
One minute ‘King Steve’s sitting all high and mighty on his throne, pretty girl on his arm, and then in walks Billy and threatens everything he stands for. 
Comedy fucking gold. 
Though, Eddie did start to feel a little sympathy for Steve about it. After having his first real interaction with Billy - a quick deal at his own goddamned school locker - he realised how much of a cunt he was. And jeez, for Steve to be Billy’s main target, he’s gotta be going through it. And not only that, but it seemed to be getting worse after Steve got dumped by Nancy Wheeler. God, that was the talk of the school for weeks. And now Steve had lost his crown and was like… nobody. Steve was actually getting heckled in the halls now - nowhere near as much as Eddie, but still. 
Yeah, maybe the little homoerotic rivalry between the two ‘Kings’ of Hawkins High wasn’t as funny as Eddie thought. 
Eddie hated when people noticed him when he wasn’t actively seeking attention, but he kinda wished Steve would. He didn’t even look at Eddie when he’d jump up on cafeteria tables anymore - which is definitely not the reason why Eddie has made this a tri-to-quater-weekly occurrence or anything - nothing. He wouldn’t pay him any mind. 
And yeah, okay, this was stupid. God it was so fucking stupid. Eddie knew that. He knew that better than anyone because why on fucking earth would the universe decide that Eddie the Freak had to trip and fall head over goddamn heels for Steve motherfucking Harrington? 
What had Eddie done - in this life or the last - that was so horrible to have deserved this fate? 
He hadn’t a clue. However, he did know it must have been utterly terrible because he’d been sporting these dumb feelings since Harrington's freshman year. Four years. For long years. 
And for what? 
He’s pretty sure they’ve spoken a total of (give or take) twenty words to one another in that time, and most of them would have been Eddie apologising for ‘accidentally’ bumping into Steve in the halls. 
Okay, the crush was dumb, super fucking dumb. Steve was a popular straight jock. But at least Eddie didn’t fall for one of his bullies. Sure, Hagan gave him a hard time just about every day, but Steve didn’t give him a word of it. He’d either just stand there with a bitchy look on his face (which Eddie often thought about when daydreaming in class… or other times), bored out of his mind, waiting for Tommy to finish, or, he’d be standing there with the girl he’d claimed that week and would either talk to or suck face with her. 
Eddie hated that last one. 
A lot of the time Eddie would zone out on Hagans ranting and stare oogily at Steve kissing whatever girl it was and imagine Steve would just push her away and storm over to Eddie and just… just fucking grab him and slam their lips together. It’d be like in the movies, you know? With… with some dramatic love song like Dream Weaver or some shit playing in the background, and there'd be cartoon hearts in Eddie’s eyes and stars floating around their heads. And maybe Steve would shove him up against the lockers and kiss him like it was the only thing he’d know how to do, and then they’d peel away and look at Tommy and just laugh at him - because Eddie can definitely see that Tommy’s feelings for Steve ran a little deeper than the best friendship he claimed it was. 
But that would never happen. 
Steve has never- and would never kiss Eddie, passionately or not. 
So now all he could do was stare.
He stared off at the basketball courts as Steve tried to steal the ball from Hargrove, watching the way his thick thighs moved in those tiny little shorts, the way his ass filled them out when he’d bend over, the way his biceps flexed when he’d managed to grab the ball and shoot, the way his hair would flop over his pretty eyes before it’d get swept back by his large hand that Eddie has also thought about… a lot. 
When Hargrove shoved at Steve's chest (like a good damned toddler who didn’t get their way) so hard he went skidding to the ground, Eddie had to fight the urge to just run over there and punch Billy’s lights out - though, if he were to do that it could be justified with about a million other reasons, but he wasn’t looking for another detention right now - and cradle Steve in his arms. To check if he was okay. To kiss all the parts that hurt. 
Lord, Eddie was so far gone over nothing. 
Absolutely nothing. 
He sucked on his cigarette and celebrated quietly to himself when Steve got back to his feet and shoved his shoulder aggressively into Billy’s before running to get the ball. He watched them fight over it again, and couldn’t help his smile as Steve made one of those goal things. You know… the one that’s made from the middle of the court. The big one. He couldn’t help the little blush in his cheeks as he watched Steve do a little happy dance, the wriggle of his hips as he shook his fists like he was holding maracas. Billy was not happy, and that seemed to make Steve even more proud. 
It made Eddie proud. 
Why was he so set on this asshole? 
Why couldn’t he like someone a little more in his own league? I mean, he still probably wouldn’t get them then either, but he’d at least have a chance. 
You know the worst part about this is Steve's tendency to be a little bit of a whore. Because like, he gets around. Skull Rock - that was once Eddie’s escape and eventually smoking spot - was only deemed the ‘hookup spot’ after Steve took multiple girls there within the span of a month. So, like, Eddie has to see him with girl after girl after girl every week, and know that he’d never be one of those girls. 
He was a little ashamed to know that he’d spent a good few nights crying himself to sleep over it. 
It was hopeless, this crush. It was helpless too. Steve was beautiful. The most handsome man Eddie had ever seen, and always had been, and yeah he was an asshole - so was Eddie - but he wasn’t a cunt. 
Eddie didn’t understand why it stuck around so long. 
He sighed and sucked on his cigarette again, blowing the smoke out as he smiled at Steve's little happy dance one more time. Right as he was crushing the butt of his cig with his sneaker, Steve turned his head and looked at him. 
The smile that still lingered on Eddie’s lips dropped in an instant, and he swallowed the lump in his throat and ground his sneaker into his cigarette one more time so Steve would know he was out here for a smoke and not to perv… even though he definitely was.
Steve flashed him a small smile, the smile that he flashed teachers or past hookups or casual friends or just people he knew in the halls, and nodded his head once as a sort of ‘hey’, his hands perched on his hips as it was happening, his hair flopping back down over his eyes. He flicked his head back to clear his vision again, and then he turned back to Billy without so much of a second thought and crouched into ready position to get the ball again. 
That’s why. That’s why Eddie’s crush had never ended. 
Because every so often Steve would give him one of those ‘I know you, hey’ nods, or a tight lined ‘I just realised I was walking past someone I know’ smiles, and Eddie would melt. 
Eddie would melt so much because no one with Steves status would give those to Eddie. And he knew he was scraping for crumbs right now but that… oh, he recognised Eddie and he said hey, and- Oh, fuck! Eddie didn’t do it back… again. 
Jesus, he never fucking does. Always too distracted by Steve’s pretty features and the fact that he noticed him. 
Maybe Steve did notice him, sometimes.
Eddie just wished Steve would see him too. 
super late submission but whatever :) it's in before it's over and that's all that matters to me rn lol.
read Day Two here
\/ a dodgy art piece for this one \/
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achy-boo · 1 year
Cast of Replace? We don’t think so.
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Quote #1: “Don’t talk to me if you just want to spill bullshit out of your mouth.”
Quote #2: "Only a fool will see OUR (name) as a replacement.."
Name: Sun Hi (Sun Hi Marques is his real name but he never says his last name)
Titles: The Mysterious Boy, The Fashion Delinquent
Nicknames: He goes by Sunny or Dull Boy (Tho Sunny is only you,his family, Dawn and the people he trusted can call him that)
Age: He’s 25 years old
Species/Race: [Redacted]
Personality: He is the embodiment of ‘I don’t give a fuck’. He is intimidating and can come off as disrespectful and cold. Sun Hi is distant and very intelligent. Even though he may look scary at first, he is actually a sweet heart. He always put others before him and like to make the people who pissed him off regret it deeply.
Likes: Sun Hi likes being alone most of the time, his loved ones, he had a crush on you even since you introduced yourself to him and friended him, going out clubbing, reading and music.
Hobbies: He tends to watch the rain or walk in the rain. He likes to bake and cook tho not everyone know this.
Dislikes: Eva(The exchange student), Lucifer(Lucifer always annoyed him for some reason), Mephistopheles(It’s a mutual hate they both had), He..can’t stand Solomon for some reason.
Sexuality: This boy is closeted Pansexual
Fun Fact: He also had a crush on Dawn, Mammon and Beelzebub
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Quote #1: “Oi (name). You wanna hang out with me and the others?”
Quote #2: “Would those bastards shut up already?”
Name: Dawn Libya
Nicknames: Moonlight and Black rose(There is a good reason why Dawn is called the Black Rose)
Titles: The Missing Twin of the Libya Family
Age: 19
Species/Race: [Redacted]
Personality: Dawn is considered by others as a rebel with intelligence and violence. She is cold and snappy at others, always skipping class but always turns her work in on time. Dawn is a daredevil even goes far as pissing off a demon to get a thrill of risking death. Dawn is never the one to follow rules but she had to bc of Sun Hi and Mc
Likes: Smoking weed, DJ and bartending,she likes skipping class and school. She likes dramas unlike SunHi, cute things, music and likes to party as well. She had a crush on you(Mc) when you protected her from harsh rumors of her by few of your classmates.
Dislikes: She can’t stand hypocrite and arrogant people. She sometimes tolerate Asmo. She despises Belphie. School tho she suck it up. She never like Eva nor Solomon. She hated it when people bully others for fun.
Sexuality: This girl is Polysexual
Fun Fact: She acts fruity towards her friends and SunHi. Though she does not do that often. She used to have a crush on Eva (It died down very quickly)
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Quote #1: “Why would anyone love a person like (name)?”
Quote #2: “Why (name) had all the attention from others including Dawn and SunHi!? NO FAIR!”
Name: Eva Mcelain
Nicknames: Eva, Attention Seeking Bitch (SunHi), Dead Crush(Dawn)
Titles: The Girl with no sympathy, The Bitch with lust for money and love and This is both SunHi and Dawn’s favorite: The Cheating Student.
Age: 23
Species: Human
Personality: Eva..is..something. Eva is what most of her old peers call her an unforgiving and selfish person. She is always dishonest about her actions. She is ego-Centric and a narcissist. She is a bit caring but unfortunately, she never does much good to save her life. A bully and an attention seeker. Is there any good thing about her? NOPE.
Likes: Attention, Getting away from trouble, the brothers (expect Mammon and Beelzebub), Dawn and SunHi (They do not like her in that way), bullying MC, partying with Asmo, spreading false rumors.
Dislike: everything about MC, Not getting her way, her parents, not getting Dawn and SunHi's time and attention, seeing MC happy, Dawn's hatred for her.
Sexaulity: questioning
Fun Fact: She had a huge crush on SunHi and Dawn since middle school but the said people does not like her. They never do.
Note about Dawn, SunHi and Mc:
-Dawn and SunHi knew each other since birth even before Dawn went missing
-Mc,Dawn and SunHi are childhood besties. (They all have met in 2nd grade while SunHi is in 3rd grade)
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littlelesbinonny · 10 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 34:  In Which The Harbinger Brings More Questions Than Answers
!::TW::! this chapter contains mention of a gun, not use of it, but mention. just fyi.
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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You were missing Alcina fiercely.
It was going on day five of not seeing her and you were, as usual, restless. It didn't always feel this way when she was gone, but the long absences always had you on the edge of your seat; the anxiety and unwanted worry of something being wrong was always poking your mind. You didn't really doubt that most things that involved the underworld and whatever happenings went on there very likely included shit of the dangerous nature, so, you could only give your brain and intuition props for somehow feeling it. Even though it bugged. 
You remembered all too well what Alcina's body had looked like after the more than week-long absence from you. What the fuck she fought with you still don't know, doubted you ever would, so what other information did your mind have to work off of to try and blindly put puzzle pieces together. Yes, you told yourself time and time again she could take care of herself. But. What if one day she couldn't? What would happen if she just stopped coming to see you altogether? Would Angie at least come tell you what happened? Would you just be left to wonder what happened to the woman you loved more than anything for the rest of your days, never to have an absolution? 
And then, there was the matter of that dream you'd had a few nights back. It still sprinkled shivers down your spine. Alcina, tall, gaunt, covered in blood, baring her teeth and telling you she'd kill you too; she was a monster after all. 
A big sighed took pity on you and helped pull you from your funk.
The office was pretty quite today luckily but you were itching to get out of there. Another bit of luck ended with an all-hands meeting for your department cutting short after one of the big-wigs stopped halfway through a sentence, put his palm to the side of his head, complained of a searing pain, and left with a migraine. You don't really remembered what he was drawling on about either, you were focused solely on how much you couldn't stand to listen to him talk and how badly you wanted him to shut the fuck up, therefore you couldn't help but chuckle when he was forced to. No one liked that asshole anyway and everyone was relieved to get cut loose sooner than later. 
Finally the 4 o'clock hour rolled around and you excused yourself early for the weekend, internally wishing you would see Alcina tonight, or at least briefly this weekend. God you missed her.
Today was a calmer, less than frigid bitching bitter cold day. The sun was out and gave everything a little lick of its warmth before disappearing behind the glass and steel columns of the cityscape.
And, there again, was that feeling that something wasn't right.
Caught your attention from above.
"Malka! Malka!"
Here came one of your crow friends, Ebony by the looks of it, swooping around and by you, finally perching on a fence next to you.
Was it saying Malka?
"Awk, awk - Malka - Malka!"
There was no way in hell this bird was shouting 'Malka'.
It began to hop and flutter its wings, dashing to and froe on the sturdy rock ledge, eying you, bobbing its head, cawing and without a doubt saying Malka's name.
"No," you muttered as Ebony took flight into the air, swinging around you to land once more on the fence, "Malka?" you repeated back trying to understand the whole of this.
Ebony cawed long and hard and finally took flight towards that end of the street where Malka's shop resided.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me," was all you managed before you took off after the bird.
The unnerving feeling from before became stronger and stronger as you were approaching the shop, and your mind immediately let your intuition take charge and instead of running around front, you took a sharp turn into the tiny alley behind it and to the back entrance. You keyed in the passcode to the number lock and let yourself in as fast and silently as possible. 
Nothing looked out of the ordinary in the storage room, but suddenly a shout echoed its way through to you. It was a mans voice, no doubt, and carefully you slinked your way from the back to Malka's station behind the counter.
From the doorway and tinted glass, you could see three teenagers on the other side of the counter from Malka; two had knives, one, had a gun.
The utter rage and protective instinct inside of you seemed to emerge from your very veins like a hatchling of a million spiders - you were crawling with energy you couldn't control, everything darkened around you, all you could see was a gun in Malka's face and the three cretins of chaos in front of her.
Fire was not how you would describe this feeling, perhaps the sensation of frost bite would be more accurate of the sensation on your face and in your fingertips. It was as hot as it was freezing cold. It was spreading, covering you from head to toe.
You had lost all control over your body as you began to step from around the barrier, your eyes locked on the teenagers in a blink-less stare.
Each one of them suddenly became impaired, fighting from doubling over, dropping their weapons as they grabbed for their heads and groaned, pained yelps now filling the space that had otherwise been void of all noise at all around you.
By the time you'd stopped not 5 feet from behind Malka, they were screaming and haphazardly trying to run out of the store, knocking several shelves and cases over as they did. 
Malka dropped her arms and turned to find you there still as a statue, face void and eyes paralyzed from any movement or emotion.
"Oh dear... ketzeleh," she sighed, reaching for your arms, tugging at you, "honey, look at me - focus - come back, come back slowly."
You were completely frozen in time, like you were dumbstruck from sleep and barely able to respond to what was happening. You could see Malka, though she was fuzzy, and you could hear her, though it sounded as if you were under water. But when she grasped your hands there was a cool sensation that now washed down your system that seemed to brush off the remaining faded reality you'd been caught in.
"M-Malka," you sputtered, blinking your vision clear, "a... are you alright?"
She nodded knowingly and wrapped your hands up tighter, "yes, yes, come now, sit."
"W-wait, wait, we need to call the cops! We need to get those little fuckers reported!"
The bitterness of the night had now settled in as the two of you spoke to the police. Malka, the quick thinker she was, told them your surprise visit had scared them off, causing them to drop their weapons and run. Even the cops didn't seem to buy it, but trying to explain whatever the fuck had really gone down didn't seem feasible.
As you were pulling your coat around you just a bit tighter, you noticed your family of crows now perched in the tree adjacent the shop. All warm, beady little eyes watching the whole situation. You couldn't help but nod at them gratefully. Had Ebony not come, you'd hoped the worst that would have happened was Malka getting robbed. Another shudder ran through you.
"Alright, well, we'll get their descriptions out and we'll keep you posted," an officer said, "you two ladies get home. We'll take it from here."
Malka brushed them off with a flick of her wrist and grabbed for you, "come, tea upstairs."
You were still caught in a funk. You whole body was just vibrating. You felt calm and energized and anxious and like you were about to spin out of control all at once. It wasn't totally pleasant.
There was a hot cup of tea placed in your hands. You had nestled into the cushy forest green couch and Leo was immediately in your lap, his purrs and mews softening your overall confusion and bafflement as he began making very gentle biscuits on your thighs.
Everything was pretty much a blur. Though as time seemed to creep on it began to become slightly clearer. You remember much more now the physical sensations that ran through you; the burning, the overwhelm, the paralysis, the rage, the need to protect. You remember how something inside you took over, what that something was was about as clear as the rest of it. It was almost as if Alcina herself had imbued you; the protective instincts you'd always had came flooding forth with vigor; blooming, blossoming, pluming, all encapsulating, and it took charge. It felt so similar to her love and protection that it was  like she was there, all around you, helping you, controlling you even. But that simply couldn't be. And it was too familiar to never have felt it before. None of this made any sense. Did you, whatever happened to you in that moment, did you make the attackers crumble and fall away? Run like their lives depended on it? What the literal fuck was going on?
Eventually gazing over to Malka who had perched on her own little rocking chair, you took a small sip and noticed she was watching you very, very closely.
The silence was deafening.
"I uh... don't suppose you know what happened tonight, do you?"
Her eyes glittered, "not all of it."
Not all of it.
Oh. Ok. 
The fuck did that mean???
You slumped further into the couch, "do you know something about me that I don't?" you blurted.
Malka, ever cryptic but warm and knowing, set her teacup down on the saucer and locked her eyes on you, "specifics, no, but you are special, ketzeleh. I knew from the moment I met you, you had a gift; little sparks of an olde world deep inside of you just begging to be shown the light."
There wasn't really any stopping the furrowing of your eyebrows. What the fuck did that mean?!
"Could you please stop speaking on riddles?"
She tsked, "I'm a mad, old Jewish woman, that's my job!" she jested with a grin, "what fun would it be if I spoke as dully as you minnealala's anyhow."
Malka took another sip of her tea nonchalantly and you just stared at her. This afternoon was a bit earth shattering for you and she was sitting there as if it was just another day, just another totally normal incident to have three goons hold her at gun point and the little neighbor gal come by with some sort of witchy powers and send them running off with their tails between their legs.
"Please, for the love of god Malka, what is happening to me?"
She considered your question with more sobriety and placed her teacup on the coffee table as she came to sit next to you, her face softer as she grasped your free hand, "I don't know exactly."
"You said you knew I was special, what does that mean?" you pleaded.
"Let me tell you something that I think you're ready to hear..." Malka began, her voice low yet calm, "I am a mystic, from a long line of Jewish Mysticism; the olde magick, that's what I come from. And we... we sense, we know things, among much much else. And you my dear, I felt your magick from the moment you walked through my shop door for the first time."
"Magick?" you repeated, "what do you mean magick?"
"Do you remember what I said to you the other night?" she asked, waiting for your nod, "your gifts, which I do not know specifics, are finally coming through."
If you hadn't already been in a spiral, you sure as hell were now.
Magick? Gifts? Did this explain so much of the weird ass shit that had been happening to you recently?
"You know," Malka continued, "I have felt your power grow stronger through the last several months... is that when you began seeing this person?"
Your eyes, which had been fixated on the coffee table while your thoughts were going apeshit in your brain, now jerked to look at the old woman next to you and your jaw hung loose.
"How did - ?"
She chuckled, "I know things, remember? Though you all but admitted it to me the other night, I am more or less just curious."
You had to swallow your words as they felt like they were all about to fall out of your mouth, "Uhm, yes... I - I met her in the spring," you managed to say with a breath.
Malka hummed even more knowingly and stroked her thumb over the back of your knuckles, "she is the one you came to get pasta for, mm?"
"N-no, she doesn't - uh - " oh right, how the fuck were you supposed to tell her you were dating a vampire in any sane timeline, but without your permission your big mouth continued, "she doesn't eat. She cooked for me."
The rise of her brows was undeniable even though you had looked away. 
This was absolutely unreal. How was this conversation even happening? But, nothing about life had had any semblance or normality since meeting Alcina, so why should anything following her coming into your life make any more sense than that? Malka was a witch, sure ok, a Jewish one at that. You'd never heard of such a thing. But sure, why not you guess. And you, you were now apparently a witch or some other gifted magickal creature? WHAT. WAS. HAPPENING.
"I see," Malka pondered, "she is...?"
No. No, don't ask me that. Please do not ask me that. 
You plopped your cup on the cushion next to you and rubbed your face with your hand, baffled beyond words what to say, if you should say it, and why the fuck not to at this point.
"She's a vampire."
You could not believe yourself. You said it. You actually said it. Out loud!
Malka didn't even seem bothered by this, in fact her lack of response made you look at her with a begging for some reaction. She simply pursed her lips and nodded like it was a normal answer.
"Please say something," you broke the overwhelming silence with, "please?"
Her eyes focused back to you and she tilted her head, "you're frightened, aren't you?" she asked in the most genuine manner you'd ever heard.
Again you swallowed, "I'm terrified. I don't know what's happening to me."
"Ehhh, ketzeleh," she cooed, grasping your hand with both of hers, "there is no need to be frightened. I'm here, I see you, you will be alright. You will come into your own in due time, there is no need to fight it or be scared. This is who you are inside."
"I don't know what that means! I don't know what or who I am! I'm just some friggin' orphan who has been lost her whole life - I - I don't know what I'm doing."
Malka placed a comforting palm to your cheek and looked into your eyes, "you listen to ol' Malka; you know who you are. You are you every day. You grow, you learn, and you will make 'you' more 'you' as you live on. What is inside of you well help, as scary as it might be. These changes are part of you, let them guide you, let them teach you, let them mold you and you mold them. I don't know what exactly you are, my ketzeleh, but I know you are special and you cannot fight that. I will be more than happy to be with you every step of the way, though, as your bubbeh, it is my joy and honor."
You hadn't been on the verge of tears yet, but Malka's genuine words made you feel warm and safe. There was no denying something was changing inside of you, you'd felt it since you met Alcina, and maybe it wasn't so bad, even if you were more unsure about everything than you'd ever been before.
As you sat on your couch, staring blankly into the night, you combed through Malka's words from your conversation over and over. Relived the events of this evening; felt it, saw it, breathed it. What a thought to have; you were special, gifted. Whatever that meant.
Your crows had followed you home, keeping eye and watch over you as you walked much slower than normal, and you half thought that perhaps they were a perk of these 'gifts'. They saw you like Malka did. Felt your power like she did. So then, did Alcina feel it also? Was that was had drawn her to you to begin with? Did she know something about you, too, and not mentioned it?
Fuck, you missed her.
You leaned your head back into the couch and closed your eyes, felt the heaviness of the day blanket you and something akin to sleep began to wrap you up.
You saw her then; Alcina, in all her glory and beauty. She was seated at a desk, one side of her raven hair falling around her face, the other tucked behind an ear as she studied something on the dark red wood. A map, it seemed. She was pensive in thought. Her red lips were pursed ever so slightly as she rummaged through another stack of papers by an old, antique rotary phone, and an ash tray with a smoking cigarette. You couldn't help but smile at this vision, real or not. She was so beautiful. The blouse she wore was the creamiest color you'd ever seen, the fold of the collar sharp, the V-cut of the front was held together by buttons of pearl, giving way to just the bare minimum of cleavage and how you wished you run your hands over her shoulders and pry it apart. But then, something caught your eye; she looked tired, worn, stressed even, as she went back and forth between paper and map. Suddenly her eyes snapped up and at you, and you woke with a start.
Groggy was putting it gently. You felt absolutely drained from today. Rising gingerly you made your way to your bed and flopped down onto it, wishing you had your vampire next to you to fall into, curl up in her arms and feel the safety and love you dreadfully desired in this hazy area of wake and sleep.
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aajjks · 4 months
mommy issues!JK
ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck: WHY DID YOU TELL HIM THE TRUTH?!!! his reaction is more emotional than angry but he’s definitely not happy. despite the gentle grip he had on your face, his tone is far from gentle. he can’t believe you lied to him about something as important as this and it was straight to his face.
you’ve never, ever lied to him so what made you think keeping this a secret was okay? are you forgetting that you lost your job because of her? the threats she sent him? the pictures? his so-called relationship with her, did you forget that? and now you’re telling him that you’ve considered working with that fucked up family.
it’s like you don’t care about anything he told you regarding the jang’s. it’s like you don’t care about him and what those people have put him through and then you lied about it.
“So… to you my trauma means shit right?”
“what? n-no. of course not—,”
“you actually don’t give a fuck whether she does anything… you don’t care!”
“i do care, jungkook!“
“Y-You don’t care! You don’t care about my feelings or my trauma! Y-Your whole existence in my life is conditional- your care for me is conditional- o-oh my God”
“jungkook, look at me. please? look at me~ i’m sorry, okay? i swear to you i would have told you. i just…i thought it wasn’t that serious and i could finally work again. what i did was inconsiderate and i wasn’t considering how you would feel about it. i didn’t tell you because i didn’t want you freaking out but i made it worse by lying to you. i’m sorry, okay? i’ll do anything to make you forgive me but don’t say i don’t care about you because that’s not true”
you look at jungkook with tear-filled eyes and hope. you’re hoping he’ll forgive you and move on. you’re hoping things will be okay between you two and you guys can move past it but when jungkook leaves the bedroom and slams the door shut behind him, you realize just how bad you fucked things up.
you get up from the bed, ready to follow him to wherever he’s going and beg for his forgiveness but he probably doesn’t want to be anywhere near you and you can’t blame him. you just ruined everything again, like you always do.
you’re up very early the next day since you barely slept last night and decide to go outside and clear your mind a bit. you throw on some gray jogging pants, a gray hoodie, and your new balances before tip toeing out of the apartment.
since everyone’s asleep, leaving was pretty easy. usually, you’d call chaeyoung and ask what she’s doing but you burned that bridge a long time ago. alina is probably still asleep, so calling her would be futile. guess it’s just you, your music, and the morning sun to accompany you on your walk around the complex.
what are you going to say when you go back to jungkook’s apartment? what are you supposed to do? it’s hard to focus on clearing your mind when all you can think about is last night and the consequence of your decision.
after walking for a little while, you take a rest at a nearby bench and remain there for a few minutes, an hour or two. you’ll go back in a little while but right now, you just want to be alone.
His head hurts like a bitch, sleeping on the couch was painful, his body was obviously aching last night and then the bomb you hit him with?
And now that he’s awake? You’re not home, he looks everywhere for you and his heartbeat quickens.
“Yn????” He goes to your shared bedroom, but no sign of you. Did you leave him? Oh he scared you away didnt he?
Just as jungkooks looking for you, he feels tiny arms on his legs. “Daddy? What are you doing, where’s mommy?” Seol’s voice brings him out of his panic mode.
“O-Oh just looking for yn.” He turns around to look at Seol, he rubs his eyes and nods and then goes back to his bedroom. “No Seol come on Let’s get ready. you have to go to school!” Jungkook goes to grab his son before he can run away.
Just as jungkook is about to take him to the bathroom to bathe him, he hears the door unlocking.
He tilts his head so fast to look at who’s there and a huge smile breaks out on his face as he sees that it’s you.
“Good morning yn.” He greets you politely and Seol immediately runs to you. “MOMMYYYY!” Jungkook lets him go and inhales a deep breath.
He had a lot of time to think last night, even though he’s still feeling a little angry at you for choosing to lie to him, he can’t lose you.
You are a human being, obviously you’ve always been independent and you need a job, Jungkook can’t hold you back because of his own demons.
“Okay Seol come on let’s bathe.” Jungkook approaches you both as you pepper seol’s face in kisses and that’s when he realizes that you’re his happiness and he can’t rob himself of that.
“Yn. We need to talk. Seol will you go to your bedroom I’m coming okay? Daddy has to talk to mommy.”
Seol nods and runs back to his room, and you look nervous, he’s a little unsure about what he’s going to say, Jungkook takes in a long breath, and looks at you.
“You want to work for the jangs right? You can have the job.”
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sab3rto0thed · 6 months
next time, instead of worshipping another cunt, i'm going to become a devout christian with a bible tucked underneath my arm and a cross on my thigh.
my boss jokes that if he ever sees me like that, he'll know it's really over for me, because i'd have started worshipping a straight boy with a cross on his arm and a folder of dick pics. i had to laugh with him, before i remembered we are both meant to look miserable. misery does love company, though, so i laugh anyway. he doesn't know that it's been over for me for a long time.
when i was in high school, i met the girl that would become my metaphorical virgin mary. the one in the background that somehow stuck to the front of the photo, whose name everyone said reverently. she was more of an anarchist than a catholic, but she had a smile that would kill and a way of balancing opposites. misery loved to keep her company, or maybe it was the fact that company loved to keep her miserable.
i can never be a christian because one very important feature of christianity is forgiveness. i know this as a fact―everyone close to me that goes to church has had to forgive me at least three times. this isn't the point, because i have a way of avoiding those. i can never be a christian because they're all about forgiveness, and i could never forgive this girl.
she was my god as soon as i laid eyes on her. she was only a year and a half older than me, an august baby, which meant she was a virgo. according to the internet, this means she was hardworking and reliable, lovely and modest. she wore doc martens like they were wings. she had eyeliner smudged on her thumb and a layered septum ring, like a miniature sun coming out of her nose.
she had everything that i didn't, and i tried so hard to fix that. i smudged eyeliner all over my thumb and bought knockoff docs from walmart. i made my hair choppy, gave myself a semi-decent bleach job with my aunt. what i didn't know was that none of this would matter. there was something fundamental about her that i simply did not possess.
maybe i was too loud. they would let her climb in the shed and they wouldn't let me, because i would get splinters in my palms and laugh about it. i cried too often―she never cried, and if she did, she always had company. no one ever wanted to see me cry. after she moved to los angeles and i was forced to let her go, i broke down on the ferris wheel the first time i went out with my new friends. that's the kind of fundamentality that i possessed―she would never do that. she reeled you in first. i was shit.
i just wish―oh, god, i don't know what i wish. i wish i hadn't told her about the suicide attempt. i wish she hadn't hugged me in the dead of winter. i wish i hadn't said a word about her to another soul. i wish i could be decent about something in my life. i wish i didn't shut the hell up whenever i was in the car with her. i always said―i always thought, oh, she's done with me. she never had me to begin with. you can't be done with something you never really cared about in the first place.
i was in love with her ex-boyfriend. he hated it when i interrupted them at school. i was a public nuisance. five years later and we are neighbors. i see him every six months and i wonder if she would ever be jealous. i would still give my life to protect him, even though he only gives a damn about me for one month out of six. she sucks his dick to get vape pods. i would suck his dick for free―that's why her other ex tried to rebound with me. i am the cheap knockoff version of that bitch. we call this the full-circle drama club whore―she is getting fucked in the backseats of cars and i start crying after i sleep with anyone, so we still can't figure out who the whore is.
she had everything i ever wanted. she never even offered me an edible. i cried so hard in my bedroom, the kind of sobbing that makes you gag. she didn't love me. none of them did. it's not a big surprise―the only person i have ever had sex with was my friend's ex-boyfriend, which is wrong on at least three counts. i may as well have committed murder. everyone knows, and that's fine―let them spew the narrative. i just have to remain unapologetic.
that was the thing about this girl. she never, ever flinched. i wish i could be that apathetic. i wish i didn't care about others the way she cut me out when i needed her the most. maybe i would be more successful. maybe i would be less hurt when i'm lied to about little things. maybe i would be better.
i can never forgive her, and that's why i can't find religion. i hold on to my spite like a second skin. i push too hard in groups even when i haven't spoken to her in three years. i make sure everyone knows i'm there, because i cannot be the ghost in the backseat of another girl's car. i just can't. it's better if i spew the narrative. i can't shut my mouth―she always stayed quiet. well, good, then.
i have not been raised with anyone. all of my friends ditched me for drugs and los angeles and new cars and decent parents. no one ever stays long enough to kiss me on the mouth―if they do, oh, god damn, they learn fast. i will get through another winter, survive another night of being hacked open in my nightmares. i will get out of this room. maybe i will not cry after sex, and maybe my partner won't leave. i held his hand. i knew it was wrong. i do all the things wrong.
i am always waiting for something to give. i push the ones i love away before they can examine my organs and find the nasty thing in my body―the thing that is fundamentally wrong with me, that scares people away. i'm afraid i will never be able to sit naked with a boy again because he will see the history of who i have let touch me. i can't bring friends home anymore. i try not to ask for other peoples' time.
i am a decent liar. sometimes, i feel like i should be better. more often than that, i feel like i should work on being worse. she was full of lies. i could never hate her. i think i have to forgive her eventually―she was only seventeen. seventeen is a very difficult age. i think, maybe, if i can start by being better to the shape of her―maybe i can be a little better to myself, too.
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oddballwriter · 2 years
MH Guys w/ a Vampire S/O
Warnings: Mentions of vampires, drinking blood, and biting. Brian’s part is a bit spicy, watch for the bumper.
Author’s Snip: Like I said in the EMH version of this. I have vampire brain rot on this fine after noon and I also don’t see much posts if at all where the reader is a vampire so I’m gonna be one of the chosen few.
Notes: I also mentioned in the EMH version that you still have humanity unlike the post I made a while back where it was just HABIT.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Okay I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that since you still have your humanity, you hide that fact that you need to feed on blood for basically everyone. So he wasn’t in the know
Neither is anyone else for both this and the EMH post
So when he finds out he flips the fuck out with good reason
He’s worried that you have a thing similar to Operator disease, and he’s already in the 9 rings of hell and then some with his whole deal 
He probably genuinely runs and tries to stay clear of you cause he’s so scared shitless 
However, if you can get it through to him that it’s not really anything like the tales and movies then he’ll calm down
Once he calms down then he probably sort of feels leveled with you in a way because you have “a thing” and he’s got “a thing”
You guys can have “a thing” together he supposes
He then asks questions about how it happened and what it’s like, to which he tells you about his “condition” 
It’s kind of sweet because you guys are opening up to each other about things that you two would never tell anyone else
It still freaks him out when you just straight up drink blood
I’m sure anyone would need time to get desensitized to their partner just drinking from blood bags like its a capri sun
He gets a bit worried when you’re near his neck though
But at some point he realizes that you have no plan of getting a bite 
I have a feeling that he’s so used to paranormal shit being a part of his life that he just gets used to some of the weird stuff about you and maybe even forget that your a vampire in the first place
“Tim, you have to invite me. I can’t-” “Oh. That’s right. Sorry.”
“Do you maybe wanna take a walk around town?” “The sun’s still out. maybe in an hour?” 
He honestly doesn’t wanna know where you get your supply of blood... just... don’t make a mess
He doesn’t really get freaked out
Maybe he gets a little cautious of you once he starts thinking and believing that you might be a blood sucking creature of the night
Btw, in these posts, you not the undead kind of vampire
Once he feels like he has enough proof that he can pull up, he just kind of corners you and asks you
If you try and deny it then he’ll just be like “No. You are. You do all these things that a vampire would.”
Once you admit it he asks what exactly you do
At some point he gathers that you aren’t a threat at all and that this is just what you are
He doesn’t really ask much questions like how you became a vampire just in case it’s a touchy subject
He more so asks what is true and what isn’t
It sounds like he doesn’t care but he kind of does. He’s just cool with it
He secretly its not really much of a secret thinks its hot
▄▀▄▀ This is gonna be a bit spicy MINORS GET OUT ▀▄▀▄
If you offer to bite him and he is aware that it does turn you then he says yes a little too fast
He thinks it’s hot okay, some people think vampires are hot as fuck don’t judge him
If you wanted to bite him while getting a bit frisky then he won’t be mad at all 
He’s lowkey into it
Honestly I hope you have restraint when you drink blood cause he’s letting drink as much as you want
We saw him being a dumb ass all through the whole series
He’s gonna be a dumb ass now my guy
He’s probably so fucking clueless the entire time up until he probably catches you straight up drinking blood from a blood bag and then his bitch ass acts surprised
He probably tries to run off but comes back as soon as you say “I can explain” cause it’s Jay and he trusted Alex one too many times 
(Before you say it, yes I know it was because he got memory lose but just let me dunk on him a bit for fun)
 But hey, at least you get to explain
Once you explain pretty much everything and all the things you can and can’t do, the only thing he says is “Okay that’s fine... I guess. Just don’t drink any of my blood, okay?”
He probably doesn’t even have enough to fill you with how fucking pale he is /j
He’s honestly weirdly cool with it and might help you hide the fact that you’re a vampire a bit
He was very calm about everything in MH so why would he he frek out about this once he got his answer to wtf is wrong with you
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fixed-signs · 9 months
Marzana, Marzana
Marzana, Marzana - Chapter 1
Pairing: Josh x original female character (you read that right if you come back up here halfway through this chapter)
Warnings: NSFW MINORS DNI, drinking, weed, implied sex
Eventual pregnancy and angst, we got slow burn, we got fluff
Word count: 2.7k
Hadley took one look back at the brick apartment building, the last plastic milk crate of records in her hands and a guitar slung on her back. She exhaled, cheeks puffing out, and feeling slightly uncomfortable in the warm Tennessee October. 
She watched the leaves, still attached to the trees sway like the licking flames of a fire. She felt no desire to take anything else. She didn’t need any of it really. Everything in that apartment no longer served her or this strange— constantly parting stage of her life at the moment. 
“What an asshole.” She spoke into the phone tucked between her shoulder and ear as she drove into a parking spot. 
“Hadley….” Sara on the other end cooed. 
“He tried the ‘I was hurting too’ move, which like, yeah buddy because it was you who was gone all the time taking care of your dying mother.” 
“Pfft, did you tell him that? Like oh yeah, sticking your dick in someone else really screams empathy to me. Oh God! Was she there?!”
“No, no, she wasn’t there….and I let him do most of the talking or groveling or whatever you want to call it. I think she might have realized what a piece he was well before I ever did. But like good for her, ya know?”
“I enjoy your feminism in this situation. He didn’t make a huff about your stuff, did he?”
“He certainly didn’t help me load it up, but clearly I’m all about girl power… The only thing he got in my face about was me taking back the guitar. He was all ‘that’s a gift, you can’t take it back. ‘Mweh’ to me about it.”
“God fuck him.” 
Hadley, stared out the windshield of her car. The glare from the sun making every piece of dust on her dashboard apparent.
“Yeah…” There was a silence, then Hadley gently pulled the phone from her ear while Sara settled a barking dog in the background. “I gotta go.”
“Ok, I’ll see you later.” 
“Oh, no yeah, I just decided to get a hotel room.”
Hadley sipped her nearly overflowing double of bourbon and coke and looked at the banner framing the entry way of the patio “Gibson Anniversary Celebration”. Music was blasting, she saw plenty of selfies being taken— She didn’t recognize most of the celebrities smiling on demand next to her coworkers. Hadley subtly danced through the crowd to the some tables to find a seat. She didn’t feel quite up to dancing and figured coworkers were still too starstruck to find any of them on the dance floor quite yet. 
“Ok, but would you rather-“ Sam stood at the end of the table, and shouted, “Ahem, would you rather-“
It didn’t matter, Danny was taking a picture with someone, Jake was busy observing everyone and frankly, was over Sam and tonight, and Josh was trying to scoop a piece of ice on his straw. 
“You know, this is the best ice. The tube kind.” He declared when he managed to thread one on the end of his straw. 
“Josh, shut up!” Sam whined. 
“Yeah, its crushed, fuckhead.” Jake added. 
“Basic bitch-” Josh humored between crunches of ice. 
“Would you rather—“
“Have you heard that chewing ice says something about a man’s sexual prowess?” Josh continued. 
“What on Earth would that have to do with anything?” Jake slid his sunglasses down and proceeded to crunch loudly on piece he scooped out with his fingers from Sam’s drink.
Sam stomped and his eye were about to bulge out of his head. 
Danny sat back down at the end of the booth, knowing he had to intervene without any context, “Ok, what’s the would you rather?” 
“JESUS, I’m getting to it.” Sam squawked, “You know what, no, no, I’m getting another fuckin’ - stronger— drink.”  
The boys booed as Sam left the table. 
Sam was moving gracefully through the large crowd until he was shoved, seemingly out of no where. Before he could catch himself or even glance to see who had pushed him he was on Hadley and Hadley was covered in her drink. 
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry. God- oh here,” He helped her stabilize her footing again. Her platform boots slipping a little in the puddle under her. 
“It’s good, what even happened, are you good?” 
“I’m fine!” Sam began shouting as another song started playing, seemingly louder than the last one. “What were you drinking. I can get you another. And some napkins!”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Hadley shook her head.
“Don’t with that. Was it a rum and coke?” 
She crinkled her nose, “Bourbon.” 
He smiled and Hadley held a hand to her cheek, trying to calm the red flush she felt all over. Luckily most of the drink spilled on her shoes and pants, leaving no truly uncomfortable stickiness on any exposed skin other than her hands. 
“Look who I ran in to! It’s Hadley!” Sam announced as he herded Hadley to the table with the rest of the band. 
“It’s you!” Danny played along with the joke. 
“It’s you!” Hadley pretend fawned over Danny. “It’s been so long!” 
“Hi, I’m Josh,” Josh held out his hand. 
“I know, we go way back.” She played along and shook his hand anyways. 
Jake quietly chuckled, observing as Sam pulled up another chair on his side of the table for her. 
“How did you get dragged over here?” Jake piped up. 
“I spilled her drink, and I’m being a gentleman.” Sam answered quickly ending on defensive. 
“Oh well, that’s good, I thought you had just wet your pants. Urination as the professionals call it.” Josh said. 
“Where the fuck are you from? What is that accent?” Hadley quipped back.
Danny shook his head, “English isn’t his first language—“
“We only let him learn his English by watching Jackass.” Jake popped another piece of ice in his mouth, Josh silently mocked his brother’s crunching face, it all was getting entertaining for Hadley. 
“We’re from Michigan.” Sam announced. 
“Oh well…did you- did you know that trade routes from New York brought that accent to Michigan- but no one else here sounds like that…so why do you sound like that?“ 
“Yeah really Joshua? Can you believe we are identical twins?” Jake plucked his sunglasses off and hooked them on his shirt collar.
“Yeah he sounds normal,” Hadley pointed a thumb at Jake, “That explains even less.” 
The table laughed. A new song started Sam and Danny locked eyes. They both began to stand and dance at each other. Danny mouthed the words between sips of his drink. 
“It’s a bop.” Sam and Danny said in unison, clearly an inside joke, and they left to the dance floor that was slowly filling up. 
“So who are you now?” Jake asked. 
“Marzana Hadley.” She held out her hand to Jake, a playful sarcasm in her voice now, “luthier extraordinaire.” 
“Oh? Jake Kiszka,” Jake saw her eyebrows knit together, he gave her hand a light squeeze. “Lead guitar. Of Greta Van Fleet.” 
She avoided eye contact with Jake, as if it’d hide the bashfulness suddenly overcoming her. She’d heard of them— this man’s face was in several pictures around the office and headquarters. Hadley glanced at Jake again, a red light coming from the dance floor haloed in his hair. Josh was already spurting as their equally calloused hands slid from each other.
“Josh Kiszka, yes, Greta Van Fleet’s lead sing-er.” He emphasized for humor, “What do you do for Gibson?” 
“Yeah Marzana, what do you do for Gibson?”
Hadley cleared her throat, her body still flushed from embarrassment, “It’s Hadley. The rockstars interviewing me? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Am I getting the rockstar treatment??”
They both chuckled, “Sorry, no no.” Jake apologized. 
“Did you know,” Josh mimicked her from earlier, “The throat is the 5th chakra. Yours sounds very blocked.”
“You must know all about throat health being a sing-er. AndI just- wow, thank you. The best most heartfelt compliment I’ve gotten in weeks.”
“That’s not nearly as interesting as her linguistics analysis of your annoying ass.” Jake said after a sip of beer. He shook it and listened to any liquid sloshing. Empty.
“Any other esoteric traits you’d like to criticize? I’m a sad Pisces, so go easy.” 
“Ah, well I think your Sanpaku eyes are wonderful. What has you so weary in this life?”
“Josh….” Jake huffed as he stood, “What the fuck man.” 
“Was that a pick up line? Because it’s a bad one.”
“It wasn’t, but I’ll work on it.” 
Hadley rolled her eyes, but was startled as someone abruptly grabbed her shoulders. It was a coworker, who was clearly tipsy and giggly. 
“Hey girl!” The girl hugged around Hadley’s shoulders, pinning her in an awkward sitting-side-back-hug. 
“You sound like you’re having a good time.” Hadley smile, but pleaded for help with her eyes at either of the boys.
“This is Mike from Iowa I’ve been telling y’all about.” her southern drawl was thick as she held out her hand for everyone to see, “Covid love.” 
She hummed and opened her eyes, focusing way too hard on Hadley. It was the alcohol, but it was still jarring compared to the vibe of the rest of the table. 
“Most romantic of pandemics. Spanish flu has nothing on you guys.” Hadley chattered, it cause Josh to choke mid sip of his drink. 
“What? Anywhose, I’m so sorry about your mama and her cancer and all. God, and your breakup? I’m sorry girly. What a year for you.”
“Uh…yeah…..thanks…..” Dread was all over Hadley’s voice— no her entire being. 
Jake and Josh looked at each other. Jake silently was screaming ‘I told you so’ behind his eyes as Josh, unneeded as Josh felt like a true asshole for calling this stranger sad. Hadley just wanted to sink into her chair and not have to pretend the niceties, albeit genuine, would stop. As if manifestation was real the friend realized who the twins were. 
Hadley slinked away with her drink to find obscurity with Sam and Danny- well really anyone who didn’t truly know her, on the dance floor. 
Jake and Josh slipped away after some photos and were in line at the bar. Josh bobbing along to the music in his spot, Jake swaying and shifting weight between his feet. He regretted wearing brand new boots.
“You should make a move.” Josh looked towards his friends and Hadley on the dance floor. 
They were having a dance off with cheesy dance moves mixed with square dancing moves. All laughing uncontrollably at each new move the other presented. Cheering and clapping. 
Jake looked at his feet, “I don’t know, man. She’s cool.”
“Yeah she’s fucking cool, dude. I know it’s been a while.” 
“Not since Jita.” 
“So a year?” 
“It’s only been 9 months and it’s not like you’re out there making moves either since-“
“I don’t do rebounds like you.” Josh smacked Jake in the chest.
Jake’s body flinched and he managed to stop his arm from coming up and delivering a swat back, “I don’t ‘do rebounds’ either. Jesus.” He made air quotes. 
Jake took another look at Hadley, now doing the Macarena very off beat to the music while Sam pretend lassoed Danny. 
“How the hell is Sam the only one with a partner out of all of us right now?” Jake muttered. 
“I dunno, but it’s fucked up.” Josh agreed. They clinked drinks.
“Shit,” Hadley groaned standing in front of the hotel as the uber pulled away behind her. 
“What’s up?” Jake was already sweating. 
“I- I was moving today and I didn’t have time to get all of my stuff out of my car to my room. Do you mind if I—?”
“Not at all, I can help.” 
Jake followed silently behind Hadley to her car. She popped the trunk and Jake’s eyes widened at the collection of records sitting there. 
“It’s like a lot, it’s just bad to let them sit in changing temperatures and it’s already like 20 degrees colder than when I left. It’s find if you don’t want—”
“I- I get it.” He smiled and began to stack two milk crates. 
“Thanks for the cab, by the way.” Hadley pushed the hotel luggage caddy, now full of records to her room; Jake holding on the back and watching for any runaway items when they took turns out the elevator and down hallways. 
It was actually much simpler and less mortifying to slip out of the party with Hadley. Sam had left to FaceTime his girlfriend after her show. Danny and Josh seemingly vanished, almost an Irish goodbye until Jake got a text saying ‘Joshua and I are meeting Alex and bar hopping’ from Danny. 
“No worries. The least I could do after you flamed Josh like that.” 
She let an airy “ha” spit from her lips while she waited for the light on the doorknob to turn green. Hadley pulled out her key card and held the door open for Jake to push the cart in.
“Speaking of flaming people, did you see Slash dancing?” 
They both erupted in laughter. Jake gently shut the heavy hotel door behind him.
He scanned the room: your average beige walls with an overly bright accent wall, a grey-blue bed spread, but the wall with the TV and mini fridge was stacked with even more vinyls and two guitars. One was in a case leaned against the wall upright while the other was laid across the arm chair at the very corner of the room. 
“Do you want to listen to anything?” Hadley offered as she balanced on one foot un-doing her boot. 
“Sure.” Jake grinned and parked the caddy.
“Cool, I’ll set up.” 
Jake flipped through the contents of the collection. Hadley had opened a box and was now on her hands and knees trying to reach an outlet near the bed. She had placed a record player on the night stand, cords trailing out the back to two speakers. Hadley stood back and admired the work before going to her purse and opening a cigarette case. It held several skinny and neatly wrapped joints. 
“I’m gonna- do you-“ She said voice creaking, mechanically, nervously. 
Jake shook his head yes, Hadley nodded and dug out a lighter from another pocket of her bag. She cracked a window, a joint now hanging lazily out of her mouth. Hadley walked over to Jake, she lit up and the familiar herbal smelled wafted to him.
“You decide on anything yet?” 
“This,” Jake held a record between them. In a smooth exchange Hadley took it from his hands and he took the joint from her lips. 
“I wasn’t expecting this.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with the Arctic Monkeys.” Jake wheezed after a drag, the record player hummed and scratched before a heavy, slow beat filled the room.
Hadley sat on the foot of the bed and flicked ashes into stout white coffee cup from the desk. Jake slung the guitar without a case over his shoulders, the joint was passed back to him as he placed himself next to her. The mattress sinking slightly with his weight. Jake strummed and fiddled on the instrument, tuning a string, then strumming a few notes, matching the song. 
“Did you make this?” Hadley nodded at Jake and watched his hands fiddle along the neck, “It’s beautiful.” He said, pausing and staring at Hadley. 
She was blushing. Taking the joint out of Jakes mouth delicately between her pointer and middle finger, “One of the first ones I ever made.” She said after exhaling smoke. 
The room fell quiet between songs, a deafening silence. Hadley flicked the ashes into the cup one more time, her head spinning as the high was starting to hit. She offered the joint back to Jake, holding it near his face. His eyes were heavier than before. He gazed at her faded lipstick mouth he grabbed her wrist out of the way and they both crashed into each other at the same time. 
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wendytestabrat · 11 months
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alright let’s do this shit. this is a continuation of the post analyzing the sp character’s big 3 go read that one first. YOUR BIG THREE IS YOUR RISING, SUN, & MOON. THE THREE LAYERS OF AN ONION. YOUR RISING IS HOW YOU APPEAR, YOUR SUN IS WHO YOU ARE, AND YOUR MOON IS YOUR DEEP EMOTIONAL SIDE. and yeah i’m pretty sure all of their sun signs have been confirmed by the show bc their birthdays are all floating around on the internet LOL.
yeah jimmy is a LEO rising. there's no doubt about it. the amount of ego and superiority this one kid has is fucking insane. he's a stubborn shithead who thinks he's always right and wants to lead and be in charge. he has rizz which is why he fools all the citizens of retroville into thinking he's a brave hero even tho all the problems he fixes HE fucking caused. but yeah he's actually a pisces sun bc jimmy is an oversensitive baby who runs on his emotions for fucking everything. his imagination is out of control and he gets all of these wildass ideas to make stupid ass inventions in retaliation bc a girl was picking on him at school without making an effort to actually have the inventions work for real LOL classic piscean nonsense (which is why i hate them). and down to the final layer of the onion the boy is an aquarius moon...i mean come on do i even need to explain why? even tho jimmy is an overly sensitive beta male he still sucks at relating to people emotionally and is way too fucking logical and aloof abt shit. all he cares abt is science. if he had the choice between some pussy and some physics formulas he would choose the latter.
carl is honestly so boring i couldn't give two shits about him bc he has no development outside of being a comic relief. but bro is a cancer rising. carl comes across like a whiny ass baby that's gentle and fragile af but yeah he's actually just double earth. he's a capricorn sun bc carl is like realistic and down to earth af especially compared to jimmy with his retarded delusional ass pisces mind. carl can be the voice of reason sometimes when jimmy wants to do some dumbass shit and he'll caution him abt it & keep him grounded. carl likes to play it safe which is also why he's a taurus moon bc all bro wants to do is stay home and eat and watch the llama channel.
yeah sheen is a gemini rising he talks way too fucking much about random ass shit LOL. he always has something interesting or witty to say and sometimes he'll just reference something out of nowhere. he also has way too much fucking energy and is ADHD af. but sheen is actually a scorpio bc he's rlly passionate and focuses really intensely on his ultra lord and action figure collecting hobby. he's also rlly caring & loyal af to the people he cares abt (like libby or his dad) and brave too and willing to put himself in dangerous situations to help his friends. in my personal experience i've noticed that scorpio sun tends to bring out the more lighthearted, caring, and sensitive side of scorpio while scorpio moons and scorpio mars are the more fucked up and vengeful types LOL. and yeah he's a sag moon bc sheen is SUPER fun, enthusiastic, and optimistic and always up for an adventure. he can be brutally honest too and there are a lot of moments in the show where he roasts the shit out of another character over some dumb shit they're doing. (yeah sheen is actually way smarter than he seems he just sabotaged his brain with cartoons and sugar as he said in that one episode LOL)
yeah cindy is an aries rising which was honestly the easiest fucking rising sign to pick LOL. she comes across EXTREMELY aggressive and physically strong. cindy is competitive af and has to be #1 at everything. but yeah she's a gemini bc that bitch is the world's biggest smartass and likes to be smarter than everyone and she runs her mouth constantly and never shuts the fuck up LOL. she’s a two faced bitch who pretends to hate jimmy to be cool even tho she’s obsessed with him. cindy’s intelligent af and always has something witty and clever to say and she can charm and manipulate the shit out of anyone bc of this. and she’s social af and has like 58389392 interests and hobbies and wants to be good at everything. but yeah cindy is actually a scorpio moon bc she’s sensitive AF and rlly caring deep down in an obsessive scorpio way and the bitch WILL fucking bite back at you if you slight her over something small. she’s possessive AF and gets jealous easily too like a typical scorpio too LOL.
yeah libby is DEF an aqua rising bc the bitch is weird af and she comes across super aloof and in her own little world. i mean the bitch has headphones on like 90% of the time and is always listening to music and then when someone finally does get her attention she just rambles on abt some random shit no one cares about like how she's related to cleopatra or how she loves some random ass hip-hop group LOL (no wonder her and sheen ended up together). but yeah she's actually just a sag sun bc libby is EXTREMELY outgoing, fun & adventerous and she also has a temper if u mess with her and she doesn't have the patience for fake stupid bullshit like how she calls cindy out on her gemini ass for pretending to hate jimmy when she likes him. and then she's a libra moon bc libby is like the voice of reason sometimes in the group and the only sane sensible one LOL. she mediates A LOT of conflicts like when jimmy and cindy are fighting or sheen and carl are fighting.
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sweetbbyshion · 2 years
HII KORA! ship your moots please👀
@crybabylisa - who else if not Ran? He's a menace and a bitch but you ground him and keep him in his shoes so that would make you the cutest couple ever. He needs someone like you to tell him no from time to time. But he also needs your love and sweetness to bring light into his life. 10/10 best couple
@minoozi - I have to ship you with the other Haitani. You and Rindou would make such an adorable couple. He's a little gremlin and you're there to bring him back to earth.
@mekiza - HEAR ME OUT! Wakasa would 100% sit there and listen to you talk about clippy smut for hours. Will he make fun of you? Yes but it's everything out of love. He indulges in whatever you're rambling about and will tease the fuck out of you but it's what keeps things interesting in your relationship. (read that betty boop smut out loud to him and watch him groan and try to make you shut up)
@benkeibear - OBVIOUSLY BENKEI. You guys just have that type of relationship everyone wants to have. He's so sweet and caring of you, always making sure you're okay and will make everything in his power to help you if something's wrong. Such a gentle giant, give him all the kisses in the world and watch him get all shy and flustered.
@knchins - I wanna say Draken. Such a respectful guy, will love you unconditionally but won't be like all over you if you don't like it. Any boundaries you set, he'll respect them no matter what. He'll do anything for you, without even thinking twice.
@littleoanh - I think you need someone that will take care of you and Chifuyu will do that. I'm not saying you need a man to be able to function but I feel like, sometimes, you just need to let go and fall and my man Fuyu will be there to hold you and take the lead if you need a break. He's not usually one to be in charge but he will make you sit down and relax while he takes care of things. Buuuuut he might show up with a new cat every week.
@dark-mnjiro - the man, the myth, Sano Shinichiro. I know you looooove Mikey but I think he's too emotionally constipated and wouldn't give you the world like his brother would. I can just see both of you together and Shin would be so sweet. So clingy too so if you don't like that, just set your boundaries and he'll respect you like the gentleman that he is.
@i-am-tiny-sun - omg I'll have to say Ryusei!!! Just imagine how much of a menace you'd be together. Chifuyu's worst nightmare I swear. Gonna burn something down? He's there cheering you on. Kick men? He's your personal cheerleader.
@nanamis-wifey-reye - I feel like you need someone mature by your side so I'm saying Kakucho. He's also very caring and loving, notices right away if there's something wrong and will instantly find ways to fix it. He would also be sooooo good with your kids, I just know they would love Kaku. He's their best friend.
@mikeysbabygirl - I HAVE TO SAY Kokonoi because you deserve to be spoiled. He'll give you anything, he'll do anything for you. Truly. He wishes he could buy you the world, moon and all of the stars because you deserve everything. Koko would treat you like royalty.
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