#i know it wont last but thats okay i always look for this feeling in the mundane things... good to know it can catch up to me like this!!
dykedragons · 2 years
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good moment
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
Wayne Men For Life
“This isn't fair.” Jason complained for the fifth time. “Dick doesn't have to go to some stupid rich people party.” Bruce grinned, fixing his sons tie. “The horror you must now face.” Jason scowled. “Its not funny Bruce!” the 13 year old pouted. Bruce chuckled, standing and reaching out to tousle his kids hair. “Jay bird, buddy, dick had to go to so many of these things when he was your age. And before that. Be happy you only have to go to three this year. Dick would already have been at twelve at this point and have fourteen more in his future. You don't.” he tweaked jason's nose. Jason frowned. “Still not fair.” he muttered. Bruce chuckled, shaking his head. “To you, probably not. Dick must find it even more unfair.” Jason just scowled at the carpet. “Hey. Bud, look at me.” Bruce squatted in front of his charge. “Just do this one night, only two hours, okay? Then we can buy ice cream and watch movies until sunrise aright?” Jason lit up like a firecracker. “Really? Benny's ice cream?” Bruce laughed, standing and swinging his son onto his hip. “Of course! Like i would buy any other!” Jason smiled too. Bruce swung his son in a circle before throwing him up in the air and catching him again. Jason giggled. “Master Bruce!” Alfred reprimanded, walking into the parlor. “You will get Master Jason's suit messed up! Along with your own.” Bruce waved him off, swinging jason onto his shoulders. “Thats alright alfie. I don't mind. Jay bird doesn't either, do you Firecracker?” “nope!” Jason called, beaming. Bruce laughed and Alfreds lips twitched in a smile. “Very well. But i do believe the public might.” Bruce could almost feel Jason wilt on his head. Alfred noticed it too, but it was to late. And besides, he was right. Bruce sighed, gently lifting jason off his shoulders and placing him on the ground. “Alrighty bud. Heres what we’re gonna do alright?” He tipped jason's chin up so the young boy was looking him in the eye. “You're gonna cough really loudly when the chauffeur comes to pick us up, okay? And then ill pretend to really worried and touch your forehead and say you're burning up, and then alfred will take you inside and ill go to the Gala. You can stay here with Alfie and watch some movies and ill be back soon. Okay buddy?” Jason sniffed. “What?” “i believe, Master Jason, what your father is trying to say, is that you should pretend sick to not have to go to the ‘rich people party.”’ Bruce smiled in thanks at his butler. Jason frowned. “But- then you'll go alone.” Bruce smiled. “Thats okay bud. I've been to these before.” he made a throw away hand gesture. Jason nodded. “Okay. But hurry back.” Bruce laughed, leaning to hug his son. “I will. Be good for alfred. And eat some ice cream for me.” he winked and stood, tousling jason's hair one last time. “See ya kiddo.”
“Hey jay bird, no gala after all?” Jason looked up to see his older brother standing in the doorframe, wiping his hands on a towel, shirtless and sweaty. Jason shook his head. “No. Pops said i should fake sick and went without me. What have you been doing?” he looked over at dick who came over, stretching out on the couch. “Training.” Dick answered, closing his eyes. “For what?” jason asked. Dick cracked a smile. “Nothing. Just staying fit. Dad did build an entire jungle gym for me when he took me in. So i figured id try it out again. Try to keep my mind off tonight you know?” He shrugged, sitting up and wiping his face. Jason's brow furrowed. “Why keep your mind off tonight? WHats tonight?” Dick shrugged again. “Just the Gala. But its the first one i wont be attending since Bruce took me in. It feels, kinda weird. Don't get me wrong, i hated those things,” he laughed. “But, a part of me will miss being at Dads side all night, being fawned over.” he laughed again, but it was sadder. Jason frowned. “The first? Didn't pops ever offer for you to fake sick?” Dick nodded. “Oh yeah. All the time. But i never accepted. I always wanted to go with him anyway. Even if i hated the galas.” he shrugged. Jason looked over at the now melted bowl of ice cream he had set out for Bruce. He had planned on eating it, so he could eat some ice cream for his father the way Bruce had said to, but hadn't in the end. “Is it-” he hesitated. Dick looked at him. “Is it what Chum?” Jason looked at his older brother. “Is it too late to go now?” Dick smiled.
“Yes yes, thank you.” bruce smiled cheerfully at the group of people who passed then turned and his face immediately dropped. He was so damn tired. He was glad jason had decided to stay home, the Gala was even more boring than usual. Selina hadn't showed up either, so the night was looking drab for Bruce. “Omg, who is that?” Voices started to pick up but bruce ignored them, choosing instead to grab a refreshment. He hated the drama and gossip that flowed at Galas, although it was always good to be informed. Sighing, he turned to where everyone was looking, and almost dropped his drink.
“Dick.” Jason whispered out of the corner of his mouth. “They're all staring.” Dick flashed an easy smile at the guests, resting a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Let them stare. You are a Wayne. They have every reason to.” Jason had known he was adopted. It had been a whole court deal. And Bruce called him son and everything. But, strangely, having dick just casually mention that he was now a Wayne, along with Bruce and him, it just made him feel so much more accepted. Made the whole thing real. Jason straightened. “Yeah.” he said confidently. “Okay.” They made their way down the stairs to the main room and Jason tried not to listen to the whispers that followed them. “Oh my gods, are those the Wayne brothers?” “holy shit Grayson got hot.” “aw, look at the new charity case.” Jason's ear burned at the last comment and Dicks hand on his shoulder tightened but he didn't turn around. Jason kept his head up and his stride confident. Until he spotted Bruce. Bruce was gaping at them, but the pure elation on his face had Jason breaking away from dick and running to him, throwing himself in bruces arms. “Hey buddy!” bruce greeted, hugging him tight. “What are you doing here?” “Got tired of icecream.” jason murmured into bruces suit. Bruce laughed, tousling his hair. “Well, im glad you came. This party was getting boring without my favorite people.” Jason smiled and heard dick laugh as the older boy came nearer. “Hey B.” Bruce smiled, one arm hugging his oldest son. “Hey chum. Nice suit.” Dick grinned. “Thanks.” Bruce nodded to jason, who still had one arm wrapped around his leg. “I see you thought Jason could use the wardrobe change as well?” he asked dryly. Dick chuckled. “You know old man.” Bruce rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Thank you.” he said softly. Dicks grin faded into something softer. “It didn't feel right?” Dick said, but it was more of a question. Bruce shook his head, wrapping an arm around dicks shoulders. “No. It didn't. But,” he smiled, reaching down to place a hand on jason's shoulder. “Now it does.” Dick smiled as well. “Yes. Now it does.” “Wayne Boys for life right Pops?” Jason asked, grinning up at Bruce. Bruce choked on air. “Where’d you hear that?” he asked, but dick winked at him. “Right Jay bird. Wayne Boys for life.” “men.” Bruce corrected. “Please. Wayne Men, for life.” Dick laughed, wrapping his arm around Bruce. “Alright old boy. Wayne Men.” the three of them grinned at each other. “Wayne Men for life.” 
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wonuwrites · 5 months
OT13 Seventeen’s Reaction to you being a Swiftie during “The Tortured Poets Department” release date.
A/N: It’s been an emotional 24ish hours because Taylor Swift gave us 31 fucking new songs and they all hurt so good. Expect some angsty things from me based off some of these songs soon LOL. Side note, this wont be perfect because it’s 1:30 am and I’m feeling feelings. I hope y’all enjoy regardless.
Warning: minor angst, major fluff, mentions some alcohol stuff, The Tortured Poets Department is an emotional roller coaster and has some heavy topics. Listen at own risk but also hear the tea LMAO
P.S dedicating this to @lavnderwonu bc yup. #wow
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✫ S Coups
Seungcheol walked through the door at 2 am and saw you sitting at the kitchen table with a worn out look on your face. He noticed in front of you, ice cream that had been half melted waiting for you to take another bite. He knew that you were waiting up for Taylor Swifts new album and from what he had heard from you, this potentially would be the saddest album to date. Yes, even more sad than Red. He stood there for a while unsure what to say which made you look up at him.
“Babe… she released a double album. We’ve been clowning a double since 1989 era back in 2014 and she finally did it.”
He raised an eyebrow at this and sat next to you, “well thats good right? Your clowning was finally successful?”
You scoffed before rubbing your mouth and looking him in the eyes, “I mean yeah, but like. It’s so fucking sad. I can’t believe he did this to her.”
Seungcheol just softly smiled while taking the spoon from your hand so he could scoop himself some ice cream as well. He didn’t know much about Taylor lore but he did think she was a talented artist. “Well I got a few hours, show me the album.”
✫ Jeonghan
Jeonghan found your love for Taylor to be precious. So when he found out in February she was releasing a new album he asked if there was anything he could do to help prepare you for the album release.
That’s when you decided to do a Swiftie 101 with Jeonghan and told him all the lore behind whats been going on since the Reputation Era to now. At first he was skeptical at having to need to know that much background information but he learned to love watching you talk about something you cared about so passionately.
When it was time for the album to be released, he was ready. He wrote down questions he had while you both listened to the album because he didn’t want to interrupt your experience of listening to the song for the first time. He held your hand when “So Long London” came on and coo’d when you cried during “loml” while wiping a tear from your eye. He made a mental note to thank Taylor Swift if he ever met her for being able to give his partner and him a bonding experience.
Hell, Joshua was with you on the couch and clowning with you while watching the Grammys. You were positive Reputation (Taylor’s Version) was going to be announced at the Grammys and tbh Joshua believed your assumptions were right as always.
When Taylor announced her new album instead of Reputation TV, both of your mouths dropped. It was a new era. You both then decided to start planning on spending time with each other that night. He knew he was pushing it just a bit because Seventeens album was coming out the next week but he also knew he wanted to be there for you in case it was emotional. Which, was pretty much a given it was going to be because it was called “The Tortured Poets Department.”
When the day finally came, you both made friendship bracelets and ate some snacks while enjoying the mastery of her pen. You both found the album to be extremely well done.
Jun was not sure what to expect when you had become a bit distant the last few weeks. You were talking to him less and less and it honestly was causing him some concerns. Did he do something wrong? Were you dying? Were you okay?
He decided to do what anyone would do and come over unannounced with flowers and your favorite Take Out. He was not expecting to see you sobbing on the couch with smeared eyeliner and mascara as you were reading the lyrics to a new song off of Taylor’s new album called “The Prophecy.”
You didn’t notice Jun standing there awkward as your heart broke into a million pieces as you thought about how you were before you met Jun. You were so blessed to have him in your life but you just felt sick that Blondie was feeling that way. Once the song ended you finally saw Jun and started crying harder and that’s when it hit him.
Album release day.
Similar thing had happened after Midnights dropped and you heard “You’re On Your Own Kid.” He then brought over your food and listened while you babbled to him about “The Prophecy” and why it was the saddest song you had ever heard.
“Hey Soonyoung I have a question for you,” you asked him while spinning Ramen around in your bowl. This made your boyfriend look up worried. One because you called him his real name and not “baby” and two, he never could tell what type of question you would ask.
He cleared his throat while giving you a concerned look which made you giggle. That giggle made his fears increase but he decided to humor you. Maybe you were finally going to ask him something simple like: “would you still love me if I was a worm?”
However, he just wasn’t that lucky.
“So Taylor Swift’s album “The Tortured Poets Department” is coming out soon and I was wondering if you could break up with me before it so I can feel it.”
Soonyoung was absolutely flabbergasted and shook his head no quickly. This made you while and pathetically try to beg but Soonyoung stood his ground and crossed his arms.
“Baby, you’re going to have to use imagination for that because I can’t ever break up with you. Just thinking of doing that hurts me.”
“I know baby, but hear me out, this album is rumored to be about her breakup of 6 years. I wanna cry with her.” Soonyoung shook his head no again with his lips pursed. He knew you loved Taylor but he loved you so much more. He’d do anything for you but not that. Even if it was temporary or fake.
✫ Wonwoo
Similarly to Jeonghan, Wonwoo got the Swiftie 101 class except yours happened while y’all were snuggling before bed randomly one evening.
Therefore, he knew the drill and knew how to be a supportive Swiftie boyfriend. Did he have your favorite wine? Check. Did he have tissues? Check. Did he have a shoulder to cry on if you needed it? You’re in luck, he has two!
He poured you both a glass of wine as you pressed play on Fortnight (which he was looking forward to because Post Malone is the man.) After a few songs you had already downed your wine and he quickly refilled it making you blush and thank him quietly. You both then listened to the remainder of the album and he’d give the famous wonu smile whenever you were guessing who the songs were about. Heck, after a while, even he joined in on the guessing game.
Unknown to you, Jihoon had pre-saved TTPD and listened to it in his studio within a minute of it coming out. While he didn’t know about the lore or any behind the scenes things about Taylor Swift he focused on the lyrics and production of the songs and was impressed. He made little notes to talk to you about them when he got home.
Once he got home at about 3:30 am, he noticed you were sitting with your legs against your chest still listening to the album. He smiled at you and sat beside you. You leaned against him sighing as he wrapped his arms around you to cuddle. He knew you felt sad because of the album and honestly it was sad so he didn’t blame you one bit.
“So she released an additional 15 songs,” you said after awhile which made Jihoon raise an eyebrow. He only listened to the first 16 songs and suddenly he didn’t feel as prepared.
“Damn… well iI got notes on the first 16 songs if you wanna talk about those.”
This made you sit up with a smile which made Jihoon smile as well before leaning in to kiss you. “Deal.”
✫ DK
Like Jun, Seokmin had witnessed Midnights album release with you along with the Taylor’s Versions of both Speak Now and 1989. He thought he was mentally prepared for this Album but he was so wrong.
Y’all had just finished “My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys” and when “Down Bad” started he officially felt his heart break.
It was as if Seokmin and your tear ducts were synced as tears fell down both of your faces. At that moment, Seokmin made an oath to you he would never put you in a situation that Taylor unfortunately had to endure.
Once you finally got through all 16 songs and both were ready to fall asleep, Taylor announced and additional 15. Seokmin just looked at the announcement in disbelief before sitting up and saying “okay baby, lets cry some more.”
✫ Mingyu
To be honest, Mingyu loved doing the scavenger hunts that Taylor and Taylor Nation had the swifties do. He found it so interesting the little clues and everything they had that he was a bit jealous they didn’t have something like that with Seventeen. It was a brilliant idea and a great way to bring some excitement to the table for a new album.
Watching you bite your lip as you looked through older songs of hers on Apple Music to find the clues was so attractive to him and he’d look into your eyes as you shared theories on what Tortured Poets would be about.
He just found you so precious and loved these little moments together with you and was happy to be there.
✫ Minghao
Minghao promised to listen to the new album with you but he couldn’t help but feel upset at what was being talked about.
It wasn’t that he didn’t think it was good. He was just so disappointed in whoever Taylor was singing about because of the infidelity, lying, and just treating her like garbage. His heart then hurt when you innocently told him the lyrics were relatable.
Minghao knew you had a rough relationship prior to yours and it made him sad that he wasn’t able to be there sooner so he could help you overcome the hurt. He tried his best to hide the rage and hurt he felt empathetically to you in hopes not to ruin the album for you. However, you knew. You knew how he felt and while you never would tell him, you fell more in love with him at that moment. How beautiful it was to finally have someone who you know could never hurt you like that again.
✫ Seungkwan
Similarly to Joshua and Wonwoo, Seungkwan stayed up to listen to the album with you. It was a tradition you both did for your favorite artists. You had done it a month prior with Beyonce’s “Cowboy Carter” and now it was time to stop yeehawing and time to cry.
Even though you were more of the Swiftie between you two, even he couldn’t help but feel emotional while listening to the album. When you both first listened to “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart” you both had to pause before going to the next song.
You paused because you felt horrible for Taylor meanwhile, he paused because he could relate to the lyrics so much. Seungkwan couldn’t help but think of his hiatus last year and how he felt after coming back. When he started to cry you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him and cry with him.
✫ Vernon
Hansol walked into your shared apartment and saw you lying on the floor disassociated and couldn’t help but find you adorable. He had given you a day to listen to the album per your request and from the looks of it, it fucked you up.
He decided to lay next to you in support while holding your hand which made you instantly squeeze his hand three times. “Guessing the album was good?”
“No, it was great. Just so sad.”
He hummed and pulled you closer to him and petted your hair. You took it as an invitation to tell him all about the album. You couldn’t see his face but he had a sad smile on his face. He felt bittersweet. Bitter because he knew you were hurting but sweet because he found it enduring that you trusted him this much to be vulnerable with him.
✫ Dino
You decided that you would listen to the album by yourself the first time around. Chan was respectful about it and waited patiently to hear the outcome.
After you listened to it all you made your way to Chan and curled up in a ball next to him. He instinctively wrapped an arm around you and pressed a kiss to your temple. “So what did you think?”
“There were two songs that made me think of you.”
This made him worried because from what you told him this album was rumored to be about the end of Taylor’s 6 year relationship and he thought that y’all were golden. Y’all hadn’t been fighting and everything was okay.
The look on his face made you laugh before pressing a kiss on his lips, “listen to them before you worry.”
You then put on The Alchemy and So High School for him and his heart felt like it exploded with happiness and relief. He kissed you before cheekily asking, “So… I’m your Travis Kelce?” You nodded with a smile, “and I’m your Taylor Swift.”
He laughed before giving you another kiss, “then I’ll make sure you constantly stay bejeweled.”
A/N: this was so corny but im kicking my feet. Check on your Swiftie friends. We are not okay 🥺
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stuffeddeer · 10 months
hello deery, back like i promised lmao
as much as i love silly goofy buddy dazai, deluded possessive and lowkey scary dazai is my fav 🙏 he's such a silly guy with reader, then turns right around and destroys their entire life. then hes like :O omg thats so horrible, so what im hearing is you have more time to spend with me? seeing as all your friends left for reasons unknown, your family wont even look at you. but dw, i'll never leave :)
BWHAHA im not good at this stuff, but your characterization of dazai is my fav in general, such versatility, we love to see it
have a great day :D
-🩵 anon
HES MY least FAVE TOO ugh 🩵anon you get me
“I’m sorry, lovely. That’s so horrible…” Dazai’s knuckles softly rub against your jaw, his skin soothing you as you try to halt your tears.
“It just— ” you hiccup, “ —just feels like everyone’s leaving me!”
The brunet pulls you closer, practically sitting in his lap as his hands move around your torso. “Shh, shh…” He gently wipes away your remaining tears, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
You let out an embarrassed chuckle before nodding. “You’re the only one. Not even my boss wanted me around, I can tell. It’s like she was waiting for me to mess up so she could fire me.”
“That’s not true…”
“How would you know?” The words were genuine, like you were looking for him to explain that it was the work of fate or your shitty coworker you always complained about.
Well, it's because Dazai was the one to get you fired. Your boss was too fond of you, something he simply couldn't have. Plus, work hours always took up your time, time that should be spent with him. Honestly, you didn't need a job, anyway: Dazai would be happy to provide for you and make you dependent on him.
Instead of explaining any of this, he pressed another kiss to your head before pulling you in for a tight hug. “You’re a hard worker. And you’re a wonderful person. If none of your friends want to be in your life, well, I do. So I guess you’ll just have to spend time with me.”
It’s his attempt at lightening the mood, you’re sure of it. A chuckle passes your lips before you can stop it, shifting in his hold so you can hug him back just as tightly. “You’re all I have, so now you’re stuck with me.”
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
oh he’s the worst i need him
he’ll cradle you so sweetly, telling you alllll the good things about yourself!!!
n when you get all confident and hey! maybe you are good enough, maybe you should look into making new friends! ones that won’t leave you so easily 🙄
he’s there to remind you just how heartbroken your last ones left you. your very own flesh and blood cut you out so easily! maybe dazai is the only one who can truly love you for who you are.
he’s not saying it to be mean! he just wants you to know what you’re getting yourself into. he’s always been so smart, too…. well, you guess he’s right.
if you’re a bit more stubborn or masochistic, maybe you don’t gaf!!! put you back in the ring you wanna try again!!!!!
ugh. okay. i mean, dazai did so much for you... y’know, when you lost your job and he insisted let you move in with him, dazai was trying to be a good friend, but... whatever, if you don’t need him anymore than you can just get your own place. oh, you still haven’t found a job? well, since you’re so sure of yourself, you can just get a new one. you can be out by tomorrow, right? you know dazai would’ve liked to go out and make friends during the time he’s been working to keep a roof above the both of your heads and keeping you company after everyone left you. maybe he’s starting to see why they did, since you’re so selfish— 
you decided not to go out!
that’s probably when he realizes he should begin moving your relationship along a bit quicker. he’ll flirt with you in the exact way he knows you respond to best (whether that's words of affirmation, teasing, physical touch, etc); he'll bring you back pastries and cute trinkets he saw on his way home from work… his courting is a little eerie, bc he also acts like you two are already dating???? "you're staying in my home, of course i assumed we'd be having dinner tonight. i even learned to cook your favorite— " like he 100% just assumes shit but it always works out bc . well, what else were you doing?
this includes sharing a bed btw. he probably started w having you take his and he takes the couch (a true gentleman) and then maybe he gets another bed and makes a guest room for you... but, well, since you both are so close and it's so cold in his apartment, maybe you can just spend one night with him? It Was Not One Night
if you catch on and reciprocate, oh he's over the moon!!!! his love giving him affection? oughhh.. you're staying in his room in his arms and he's just breathing you in, reminding himself you're still there... it'd be actually kinda sweet if he didn't orchestrate this whole thing
if you catch on (or don't lmao) and deny him? .............
desperate times desperate measures or whatever they say
he locks you in his room for mandatory cuddles, will not give you food if you stick to one side of the room and refuse to let him hold you, he starts pulling away and spewing words he knows will hurt you so you feel so alone and unloved only to turn around and love bomb you.... it's horrific tbh
i'm so sorry . just... go along w it for now pls ❤️
also i mentioned that he'd bring up how you don't have a job and he's the one working hard to pay for your expenses but he's just being a brat. he caught you looking at help wanted ads one time and pretty much cried in your lap about how upset he is that you don't feel his care is adequate enough and only stopped when you promised not to get another job
he's gross :( get out of there
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stevie-petey · 8 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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prettiestboyreid · 2 years
fics that have altered my brain chemistry (eddies/joe qs version)
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okay so ive been in an adhd brain rot?? where im just fucking HORRIBLE at reblogging fics that i enjoy and honestly it was my whole reasoning behind making this blog FOR GIVING WRITERS THE LOVE THEY DESERVE i just wanted to give a shoutout to these writers (and stories) they’ve made that just fucking messed with my brain (and in a good way okay??) over these last few months. please check them out and give them all the fucking love they deserve
like a poem (FINISHED series, but sometimes if you ask nice enough she will throw a blurb in there) - im so very fucking biased because i love her to the moon and back, but she writes the best fucking stories of joe that will keep you up all night having you rethinking all of your life choices. IT WAS VERY HARD FOR ME to pick out a story that i wanted to highlight in this post, but the whole reason i fell in love with her writing was because of bookstore!joe and he will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. love you boo
plot: “Joe finds solace in a quaint bookstore, your bookstore, from a hectic situation in the streets. But, you’re closed. But then also, it’s Joseph Quinn.“ from the authors page
echoes (FINISHED, series) - again im so very fucking biased because she is the sweetest person you will have the pleasure of knowing BUT THATS BESIDE THE POINT - she writes so fucking beautifully she will literally have you CRY and this will forever and always be my favourite fic of hers. she deserves all the love she gets, and then even more so read it!!!! (she will make you cry its not on me tho)
plot: “When she laid her emotions out for her best friend, the last thing she expected was for him to turn around, walk away and never speak to her again. Years after, they meet again - different people, different feelings. Or are they?” from the authors page
the hideout (FINISHED, oneshot)- this was one of the first fics i read and fell in love with. it was in that timeperiod where all i could do 24/7 was read eddie munson fanfics and this was one of those fics where i went “holy SHIT??” and honestly i dont think there will ever be a time where this isnt just some % on my mind??
plot: “Eddie Munson made it big. Now, when he returns to Hawkins for a hometown concert with his band, he is reminded of the girl he’s been in love with for the past 6 years when Steve Harrington calls.” from the authors page
vintage reeboks (FINISHED) - this is one of those fics where you’re like???? holy shit i wish i’d come up with that?? i remember reading all of this in one day (summertime, sweating very fucking much) and its just?? holy shit its perfect?? the way eddie is in this??? and its something i could never think of would be this perfect?? i swear i think of this fic at least once a day??
plot: “The gate at the bottom of Lover’s Lake was meant to spit the quartet out in the Upside Down. Steve, Nancy, and Robin were meant to be there. He wasn’t meant to be alone. But when Eddie comes to on the shoreline, you’re there. It’s not the Upside Down. It’s not Lover’s Lake. It’s not 1986.” from the authors page
twenty four hours (STILL GOING) - the way this has me in a chokehold?? im a fucking sucker for when fics have a nice layout??? and this is just so pretty to look at?? like whenever i see its been updated my whole body is SHAKING?? i dont even know what to say?? this is just so amazing and the whole?? will they wont they?? i love them?? i want them both to fight with me all night long??? i CANNOT wait to see where this ends
plot: “in which eddie munson and you absolutely hate each other's guts. what happens when your friends make a bet that you can't spend more than twenty four hours consecutively together?” from the authors page
to know you’re mine (FINISHED) - i saw someone talk about this in the “eddie munson x reader” tag, and DEVOURED the chapters that were up in one whole day?? the way eddie is so fucking soft and nice and the best fucking gentleman in this?? and also?? the relationship to steve in this is amazing??? but THE RELATIONSHIP TO EDDIE IS EVEN MORE AMAZING?? such a fucking fantastic author please go EAT all the chapters right now
plot: “You know the rules. You'd been there when your boyfriend, Steve Harrington, discussed them with the others. There are only two.Number one: Only play when everyone's together. Number two: No finishing inside each other's girls.You'd agreed to these rules, same as Chrissy. Same as Eddie.But then there's rule number three, and though it remains unspoken, it's by far the most important. And you have that feeling again, like when you propped yourself up against the barstool, straining to see him on that stage, craning for a glimpse as his husky voice reached inside you. Now, his dark eyes are doing the same thing: pulling at something buried deep, tugging it into the light where it can't be hidden. And, sure, of course, you didn't intend this. But what are intentions in the face of such things? Needless to say, every rule gets broken.” from the authors page
the customer’s always right (STILL GOING) - hehhehe im a hoe for cutie virgin eddie??? but they way she always manages to capture eddie in her fics?? fucking amazing??? and her writing??? yes PLEASE so do yourself a favor on this fine friday AND READ THIS AMAZING FUCKING SERIES because eddie will make you fall in love in this???
plot: “eddie munson is a virgin and doesn’t want anyone to know (because being an adult who’s never fucked anyone is a total reputation ruiner). but you, his favorite customer, are more than willing to change that.” from the authors page
sincerely yours... (STILL GOING) - like i’ve told her before - her eddie is fucking amazing and so very much to the point!! im so excited for this one and cannot WAIT to see where eddies teasing will make him end up!! the last fucking part of this??? amazing
plot: "Untouchable, is what he called you. Dating Jason, the captain of the basketball tea, most would call you the same. Living your holier than thour life, something else he said, you can’t seem to swallow the need to prove him wrong” from the authors page
burn one (FINISHED) - this is just the perfect fucking combination of smutty and sweet??? like this is just how i imagine eddie and this is so fucking sweet and perfect?? had me thinking about this for WEEKS UGH
plot: "When you move to Hawkins to start over, your new unexpected friendship with your weed dealer next door is your saving grace. It was never your intention to fall in love with him though.” from the authors page
Disjointed (STILL GOING) - this fic has me feeling ALL the feels in all the chapters?? makes me GIGGLE, makes me CRY!!!, i’m in love with all the chapters and i CANNOT WAIT to see them live happily every after
also now that i’ve finished, i’ve just realised this is a lovepoem to my favourite authors on this app heheheh im sorry but i DO love you guys. please do go and read their stories, and send them all the fucking love in the world!! they do have so many amazing stories on their masterlist you will not be able to sleep tonight!!!
authors mentioned in this post THAT YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT!!: @icallhimjoey @ghostinthebackofyourhead​ @inknopewetrust @storiesbyrhi​ @ghost-proofbaby​ @blue-mossbird @lovebugism​ @plumxwrites​ @loveshotzz​ @boomhauer
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 11 months
shes wearing jeans and a tank top. theres blood on the carpet. she says so, you want to be a werewolf? you say yeah. she says just so you know your claws and teeth wont be any sharper than a humans. im not allowed to give anyone any weapons. condition of my parole. you say thats fine, not ideal but fine. the two of you start talking details between sips of your coffee. when shes asking you about fur color she pulls out a swatch like they have at paint shops. all the fur on it feels real. it also feels warm. and the swatch itself is soft and yielding underneath the fur.
zero, two, or eight boobs? zero you say, but eight nipples underneath the fur. she says that works, do you want the knot? you say yeah. she asks how long you want it to last after cumming and you say half an hour. she says you know that means you and your partner pretty much wont be able to move thst whole time right. you say yeah. she shakes her head and says your funeral.
shes finished her coffee and started smoking. you say arent you worried about your lungs? she laughs. she says nah my Amy will fix me up if i get cancer. she says any other requests? you say just so we're clear, i want this to be actual lycanthropy. she says huh? you say you want to actually transform on the full moon. she considers that a second. she says hm i think i can do that. the transformations will probably hurt like a bitch though. you say you dont mind. she says she needs you to sign a waiver for this one. you say okay. she says give me like fifteen minutes to write one.
get the fuck out of here she says. she says who the hell gave you my address? she says fuck off before i show you what im really capable of. you say whats the problem? she says i dont DO cape work. she says im full rogue these days. she says i only take clients who arent parahumans just to be sure im not complicit in anything. you say youll go. she says go faster or she'll get your body to show you what a teratoma is.
you start describing your fungus colony idea but shes already shaking her head. she says sorry. says she would if she could but shes not allowed to do anything that can propagate itself. she says her parole agreement says she can only give reproductive organs if the resulting offspring would be baseline human. you say thats stupid. she says she doesnt disagree. how do they even determine baseline human you ask? she says shes pretty sure they use dna testing if theres any doubt. you say damnit. she says i can still make you a mushroom person i just cant let you be sporing. you sigh and say okay.
shes more animated than youve ever seen her before. youve been here a few times, requesting monsters be made for your haunted house. shes tried directing you to a colleague of hers, the Goblin King or something like that? you always tell her that her creations have a certain je ne sais quoi. she always giggles at that.
this time you came to ask her for a skeleton. the idea excites her. shes pacing around. a skeleton, a skeleton. you say shouldnt this one be easy? she says you still want it fully autonomous right? you say yeah. she says right so i have to give it muscles and nerves but i cant make them too obvious. and the bones, where is she gonna get the bones? you say you just want a human skeleton, whats the issue with the bones? she says that is the issue. says shes not allowed to use human remains anymore. she'll have to get some sort of animal bone and sculpt it. she says maybe Amy can help with getting them to look right. but that still doesnt solve how to make it walk...
you say sorry, what do i owe you for this commission? she waves you off. she says this ones interesting enough that she wont charge. she pulls out a set of colorful glitter markers and starts doing anatomical sketches on the back of an old pizza box. she says you can go now. she says ill call you when you can pick it up.
six fingers she says. you say yeah. and thats all she says? you say yeah. she says sure no problem but like, why? you say so earth aleph has this tv show called Gravity Falls
she says im so so sorry. she says i wish i could help but this isnt my field. you say its ok, but you cant hide your tears. she says no, no, dont cry! she hugs you. she smells like sweat and smoke and blood. its still a good hug. she says i dont know many mechanicsl tinkers, but ill call the ones i do know, ask around. she says we'll find somebody who can help give you a working electrical outlet pussy, i promise. you say thank you. youre still crying. shes so sweet.
ok, she says, so i can do that with some caveats. you say shoot. she says im allowed to give out wings but not allowed to give anybody the ability to fly. you say why?? she says it counts as giving out parahuman abilties and thats against my parole. you say thats so stupid and she nods. she says do you still want the wings? some of the angelkin ive done this to say they actually feel WORSE having the wings but not being able to get off the ground with them. you say thats ok. you say youre not angelkin, you just want them for kink reasons. she says ohhhhh. she says so how sensitive do you want them
she says i can do that but have you REALLY thought about it? youll be totally dependent on a third party. like what if your partner breaks up with you and you can't find someone else who "gets it"? you say im willing to take that risk. she says ok. she says so let me make sure ive got this right, you want detachable skin that laces up in the back and has to be washed out every night?
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klausysworld · 2 years
Hey there, amazing person! I just broke my elbow and had to go in for surgery. I am now in a lot of pain and could use a pick me up. Could you do a fluffy Kol x reader where the reader is super freaked about the surgery and even though he doesn't know how any of the stuff works, he still stays as long as he can to comfort her. Then when she wakes up Kol is super sweet and stays the whole first night even though she keeps him up cuz she's in pain. Please 🙏 I need this in my life!
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I’ll always stay
You woke up in the hospital with immense pain shooting through your body, your face was stained with tears as you brought your hand to touch the source of your discomfort
“i wouldn’t do that darling, it’ll only hurt more” you whipped your head round to see Kol in the chair next to you, he was leant forward and looking at your arm
“it’s broken…you have to have surgery” your face paled as he spoke those words and tears spilled over your cheeks when you shifted and felt your elbow move. A choked cry left your mouth as you stared at your arm
“no no…oh it hurts Kol! it hurts!” He was on his feet in an instant and gently held your hand that wasn’t attached to your injured arm.
“We’ll get some more pain stuff okay? NURSE!?” he started screaming for the nurse repeatedly
“I NEED A NURSE! DOCTOR! SURGEON!??” you couldn’t hold in your little laugh as he waved his arm around like a mad man to capture the attention of a doctor
“YES! you. here now please, we need drugs so she feels better…like not in pain better not like high…unless you think that could help i mean-“
“Kol…i don’t think he’s gonna let me get high just cuz i broke my elbow” the doctor stood there in silence as Kol tap on the button that gives you pain medication
“sir, she’s at the max medication, I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait till the surgery, its very soon and then when you wake up it should start feeling a little better” you nodded and the doctor looked at your elbow
“you’re not going to be able to do some things for a while…”
“thats fine i can do everything for them, cook, clean whatever the need i got it, you can go now” he responded quickly and ushered the man out
he turned back to find you trying to get comfortable, Kol sighed and sat beside you and gently rubbed your legs
“well..surgery isn’t too far away…i can read to you? well i’ll just tell you a story…maybe from my past? i don’t have a book on me but, you know its fine i’ll wing it” you offered a smile and he kissed your forehead before beginning his story
“okay we’re going to count to ten and we need you to just take deep breaths, you’ll start to feel tired, that’s normal and it’s a good thing. The surgery wont last too long and when you wake your pretty boyfriend will probably still be here okay?” you followed the instructions and fell into a sleep like situation
Your head lulled to the side as you felt your body shift, you noticed an arm around your waist and then saw Kol snoring with his head on your stomach as he barely hung on the end of the hospital bed making you giggle and pet his hair listening to him mumble in his sleep. You went to move your other arm but the sharp pain stabbed through you again and you gasped a cry. Kol’s head snapped up at the sound of your stress and he fell of the bed
“what in the- oh crap- are you okay? does it still hurt you want me to go get-“ you cut him off by shaking your head while he scrambled to his feet and pulled the chair over to you
“no it’s fine i just, just stay please”
“i’ll always stay… i managed to download Netflix on my phone if you wanna pick something” his brows were furrowed and he tapped on the screen before shimmying over so you could both see the range of films and shows
you watched as he scrolled through the different genres with a concentrated expression and you found yourself smiling fondly
“you look cute when you’re serious” you told him and his eyes darted to yours as a smug smirk tugged at his lips
“mm and you always look cute my darling, could just eat you up” you laughed at that and leaned towards him, he entwined your good hand with his and pressed play on your favourite film. He would stay, you knew he would, he would always stay, for you.
(i know it’s short but i really hope it still lifts your spirits a bit, i hope the pain decreases and you start feeling better soon. I wish you the chance ti find your own Kol Mikaelson and a better rest of 2023 🤍)
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plantwriting · 4 months
hello! you wanted your askbox full! :D
i'm sure you've posted about most of them already, but any chance you have kian/jrwi headcanons you want to share??
!!!!!!!!! Yeah ive probably posted most of them but. Theres always more…
Post being revived, kian still has some leftover bug instincts. Like even though hes not a bug just having memories of being one and specifically memories of being part of the hive leaves him with bug things in his head. Being around rolan makes them stronger whenever rolan acts bug, like if rolan’s clicking kian just has the instinctual need to click back at him, rolan at some point starts just building a nest out of blankets and stuff and whenever kians not feeling good he feels the need to just go to the nest (blanket fort) to be safe, his hair being groomed makes him feel incredibly safe and relaxed and loved because social insects groom each other as a bonding activity, etc etc
Kian’s afraid of a lot of “embarrassing” things and he tries to hide it but that. Wont work forever. Hes specifically scared of flying, the dark, needles, deep bodies of water, being alone, and post revival hes scared of music in general for a while and the feeling of things going down his throat :(
Kian has like. Really nice handwriting. He spent forever practicing making it look as nice as possible as a kid/teen. In contrast rolan has like.. extremely average looking handwriting, and rand’s handwriting is horrible. (I am rand in this situation lol)
Kian’s really wanted to try drag before, but never really had the chance to. He couldnt afford it (since you know makeup and clothes and everything expensive) when he was younger, and he could have afforded it after becoming a stockbroker but he kind of just.. gave up on doing any performing. Or just really having hobbies in general outside of going to clubs and sleeping around. He didnt feel like he deserved any kind of positive attention that being on stage might have brought him since he’d failed to become a rockstar :(
Okay happier one! Kian hyperfixated on mythology and constellations at some point either in his teens or as a young adult. He really likes stargazing with rand and rolan and explanaining the different constellations and such to them :)
Really likes sour things! Bro would eat a whole lemon if you let him (projecting)
Partly because autism, partly because horrible childhood, he has a lot of trouble like. Reading the signs his body gives him. Or even noticing that there ARE signs. Like hell be exhausted and feeling like shit and just brush it off until he realizes that wait its been like 12 hours since hes eaten. Or he hasnt slept in three days. Or when was the last time he drank water?? He just. Forgets that those are things he needs.
He loves collecting funky earrings :) i mean i feel like its implied by the earrings he has in canon but. Yeah. Hes got so many of them
He gets really clingy and emotional whenever he’s really not feeling well (sick or very tired etc) and he TRIES to hide it but its. Yeah. Rand will like make him soup or something while hes sick and hell just break down in tears
Kian with chronic fatigue save me.. chronic fatigue kian.. save me constantly exhausted but trying to fight it kian…
Specifically to actually explain the last one his body is like. Not the same after coming back. Like being brought back from the dead took a lot of energy and hes also sort of just.. in low power mode? I guess? Like his body doesnt generate as much energy as it should because it just doesnt work like it used to anymore. He really doesnt like it because it makes him feel like a burden :(
Uhhh yeah thats all i can think of for now!! Thank you for giving me an excuse to go crazy about him lol
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cowboinifaggotini · 4 months
okay, look far too many people are saying that Blitz was in the wrong here so here are some reasons about why I think Stolas handled this terribly and he is actually in the wrong and not Blitzø (even though both of em are in the wrong)
1. Before we even get to the actual meeting, the fact that Stolas had not prepared Blitz for what was about to happen at all, like he went 'hey come over to have sex'. This is the first thing that makes me feel like even if Stolas deeply cares for Blitz he does not consider his feelings at all. It is just saving a lot of hurt in situations like this to just say "hey come over, we need to talk about something, nothing bad I promise". or anything similar.
2. The fucking book thing. God the fucking book thing, like I don't know how much of Blitzøs emotions Stolas understands but this scene was very much meant to be obvious to him. Like Blitz is convinced he is loosing his job and everything he worked for and the guy he likes (even though he wont fully admit the last one) and he is ranting and begging and tearing up. And. And Stolas is just allowing him to do that. He is like walking to get the crystal and after that explain that everything is going to be okay while Blitz is following him literally begging. For what? For the Dramatic effect? For the grand gesture? What? Like again my issue with all of this isn't that Stolas does not care for Blitz but that he considers his feelings so little that Blitz is getting hurt.
3. The "Why are you giving me this, am I not fucking you good enough? because I can always-I can always do better" getting completely ignored. My man says that he wants for this to continue regardless of the book, and Stolas just acts like this was never said and goes on with his monologue. So when Blitz falsly assumes that he is fucking with him and its all a role-playing sex thing (because a.thats what he was prepared for- sex. and b. lets face it the boy has issues) thats all that Stolas hears, and yes it is one of the most hurtfull things Blitz has done to Stolas so far but is he wrong to assume? Like as blind as Stolas is to how Blitz feels that was something that at least has been hinted to him, in s1ep7 "Ozzies" Blitz literally tells him "our relationship is just you wantimg to fuck me" and does Stolas not reflect on why Blitz might feel that way? What he has done to make Blitz feel that way? When Blitz does the role-playing thing Stolas just stops him thanks him and goes to leave.
4. "the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex" I'm sorry?? I'm sorry???? Whose fault is that? I am so upset about this, 2/3rds of their adult relationship is him sexualising Blitz and he gets upset that Blitz internalises it? Like just no self reflection about what he has done wrong in the relationship.
5. Somebody here said that he wasn't victimising himself. He was victimising him self. Like Blitz finally gets a turn to speak after this entire emotional roller coaster of 'lets have sex-am I loosing my job-I have feelings for you- thats cant be real is this about sex?-oh this this wasnt about-more feelings- you dont care about anything but the sex-' and he gets upset, in my opinion rightfully so, considering that what he says is that Stolas cant treat people like this. Stolas has yet to realise how his position of privilege is affecting his relationship with Blitz, but he also didn't realise how he had a privileged position in this entire conversation, I feel like this entire part of the episode where they talked is a representation of Stolas's and Blitzs entire relationship. And after all of this Blitz is upset and he tells Stolas that he used him like his "little butler" (witch he was doing in season 1) and now he is dismissing him without giving him a moment to think about how he feels. He makes it clear to Stolas that this is about class and privilege- and yes he calls him a rich pompous asshole- and he tells him to get to his level-to actually argue with him and not just monologue- and what does Stolas do? say "I think so very highly of you, I didn't realise you think so low of me". This scene, I swear to god. I got ptsd from my almond with this scene. Is he hurt? yes, ofcourse, but once again he completely dismisses Blitzø and all the feelings he just expressed and he says "I love you, you dont love me". That is victimising oneself, if you have been raised by parents that have a tedency to shut down arguments where you tell them they hurt you by saying "oh Im just a terrible parent, I guess you hate me" you see how Stolas reaction is him victimising himself. And then just fully dismissing him and ending the argument because he just wants to even though Blitz still has stuff he needs to say.
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my3rzs · 2 years
Hii! Welcome here :) I would love to ask you for some comfort?? Haha, maybe like reader and Xavier being like enemies, but then some day another student was making reader really uncomfortable so Xavier like stood up for reader, maybe like pretends to date reader so the student would leave them alone , xoxo love you ))
thank you.
xavier thorpe x reader
warnings: swearing, someone making reader uncomfy (i think thats all but pls tell me if i missed anyy!)
you woke up and yawned, scoffing while getting ready for your first class. you didnt feel like going to school today, you were having a bad day.
botany class was your first class. which is one of the classes where u sat next to xavier. you didnt feel like arguing with him ‘cause you were already having a bad day.
you were walking into class, then you stopped when you saw xavier leaning against the door waiting for you, you rolled your eyes as you saw him with a mischievous grin. ''lets get this over with'' you sighed. you walked again and tried to avoid him but he grabbed your wrist “dont try to avoid me, sweetheart” he said.“xavier, i dont have time for this. i just wanna get to class, and please dont call me that?” you said getting out of his grip and going to your seat leaving him with a confused look.
the rest of the class was boring, you just listened to bianca and wednesday’s rivalry while xavier tried to tease you or catch your attention by drawing spiders or butterflies but you kept smashing them into dust.
as class was finally over, you grabbed your bag and walked out of class walking into the quad and finding a seat. until you see one of the werewolves, cole. he always made you uncomfortable and it was so annoying. “what do you want cole?” you scoffed. “don’t act like that, babe.” he said as he placed a hand on your thigh. “what the fuck cole! don’t touch me!” you screamed so loud some people turned your way. “why are you so dram-“ he got cut off as he got pushed to the ground by a tall boy, you looked up to see who it was.. xavier? what is he doing here.
“don’t touch my girlfriend, asshole.” he said as he pulled cole’s collar and pulled you away to go to his dorm.
it was silent so you decided to speak, “thank you” you whispered blushing because he called you his girlfriend. “you’re welcome, y/n. it’s no big deal. i’m sorry about the whole ‘girlfriend’ part.” he said scratching the back of his neck. you gave him a slight smile, “im also sorry, for being rude from the start of the day, i was not in the mood and stuff.” you sighed. “y/n, can i tell you something? and promise it wont change anything between us.” he said stuttering saying the last part, “yes, promise.” you promised, curious about what he’s gonna say.
“i-i’ve liked you since the first fucking second i saw you, actually, i fucking love you! i was just saying fucked up shit so i could get your attention, ajax is so tired of me talking about you and my feelings i have for you, y/n. i just want you to be mine only, because i was always yours. i just want you to know that i fucking love you y/n! i always have and i always will.” he lightly gasped as he realized what he said cursing himself in his mind. “it’s okay if you dont like me b-“ you cut him off by smashing your lips into his wrapping your hands around his neck as xavier grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him.
you broke the kiss to catch a breath “i love you too xavier” you said kissing him again
a/n: im sorry this is so bad, this is rushed and this is my first time writing in a few months, but i hope you like it anon :’)
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
Always Jes
Jesper cant remember if his mother eyes were warm, caramel brown, or a soft chocolate brown. He cant remember if her grip was firm yet gentle, or gentle yet firm. He cant remember, and he hates it. He hates it. He hates that hes here, in this shit hole of a city, while shes rotting underneath a cherry tree somewhere. He feels sick. He hates that shes dead. He hates that she died today, years ago. He hates that he cant tell anyone because the last thing he wants is pity. He hates that Kaz hasn't given him a job in a week, which means the only distraction he has today is gambling and drinking. And he hates doing that today. But it cant be helped. He cant think of her. Not today. “Gimme the dice.” he slurs to the dealer. The dealer raises an eyebrow, but he isn't one to deny business, even from one of his own, and hands over the dice. Before Jesper can throw them, a hand lands on his shoulder. He tries to shrug it off, return to his game, but the hand only tightens. “Let go.” he growls, whirling around ready to fight, when he comes face to face with Kaz fucking Brekker. Great. Just who he was trying to avoid. Almost as much as Inej. “lets go.” Kaz growls at him, not allowing him a chance to respond before hes dragging him away. Away from the tables, from the booze, away from all the noise and people, up and up and up the stairs until they arrive at Kaz’s office and he kicks the door open, dragging Jesper by one arm and dropping him on the couch. Theres an impatient tap to Kaz’s steps, but also something that feels frighteningly like concern in the way he looks at Jesper. “Fuck off.” Jesper rasps, trying to get that damned look off his face. “Fuck you.” Kaz responds without missing a beat, and shoves a glass of water in his hands, along with a plate of something Jesper can’t tell what it is. “Eat. Drink. Sober up.” Jesper drops the plate. The glass shatters on the floor a second later. Kaz stills. Looks at him. “Don't wanna.” Jesper murmurs, curling up on the couch, pulling his knees to his chest. He doesn't care that he just disobeyed a direct order from Kaz Brekker. Doesn't care that he ruined his floor. Doesn't care that Kaz has killed people for less. Doesn't care doesn't care doesn't care. Maybe death will be a mercy. Then he can see his Ma. Then she’ll finally tell him how disappointed she is in him. Jesper curls tighter. A shape moves in his periphery and suddenly Kaz is squatted next to him. “Jes.” The word is soft, gentle almost. “Jes.” “leave me alone.” Jesper chokes. Kaz sighs. “Sleep it off Jes. Just- sleep it off. Okay?” “Job. gotta- job tomorrow.” jesper slurs. Kaz sighs again. “Don't worry about that right now. Sleep okay?” “I- don't leave.” Jesper whimpers. He doesn't care that its Kaz. Doesn't care that he sounds pathetic. Doesn't care doesn't care doesn't care. But Kaz just nods. “Okay.” he voice is so soft. Jesper closes his eyes. “Okay Jes. Ill stay. Sleep. Ill be right here.” Jesper nods, cuddling deeper into the couch. His couch. Kaz’s couch. It smells faintly like him. His couch. Jesper feels a light touch, and a blanket is draped across him. “Sleep well Jesper.” Jesper smiles, reaching out blindly. His hand wraps around Kaz’s wrist. He can feel Kaz’s pulse. Feels it elevate. “Thanks Boss.” He slurs. Kaz’s wrist twists, and suddenly Jespers wrist is the one being held. Kaz’s voice is quiet. Soft in a way its never been. Jesper is so drunk. He knows he wont remember this in the morning. And maybe thats why Kaz says it. “Always Jes. Sleep. Ill be right here.” And Jesper doesn't care that he wont remember it in the morning. He sleeps. And feels safe.  
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xhanelia · 8 months
Could I ask for Sova x reader with fear of needles? The reader will try to run away and will cry during the actual needle play (totally not me after getting my COVID shot😐)
Okay okay my tumblr is now allowing me to edit my ask box so, HELLO DEAR! I hope im not too late! If so, im so sorry. I swear i want to write but this shitty app is against it so much istg. I wrote this fic platonic in any case. Anyways, hope you like it!
Sova x Reader who is afraid of needles
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How did it came to this? You have no idea.
It was a mission day like always. But the thing was that the rain, pouring like the goddamn zeus just broke up with his wife and lost all of his children.
Ofcourse nearly all of the agents went to this mission came back soaked wet. But no one worse than you.
Your part was outside. Watching out for any threat that might come. There seemed to be no threat other than the natural ice bucket challange for you.
When the team finally arrived to the HQ, you were trembling all over. Holding your arms with your hands, you try to warm up but it did not helped. Your body was sore all over and your nose was running.
Sage noticed that and gave you afew days to rest your body from the mission you just finished. Hopefully you'd recover from this little illness and relax but your body had other plans.
After afew days, Sova got worried and went to check up on you. Knocking afew times and entering inside your room, he saw how you were curled up in your bed with red cheeks and tissues all over the room. He got so worried about you.
Just as he was going to get Sage, he remembered that she went to a mission with Skye that will last for about a week or two. With dissapointment in his face, he thought about other choices he had.
Then it hit him. Maybe Viper could be able to find a solution. She was a former doctor nevertheless.
He picked you up and went to the doctors office. Viper raised a brow when she saw the two of you. Sova explained your situation. She gave a nod with a hand on her chin then looked at you. Examined you for afew minutes then went back to her desk.
You looked at Sova, trying to imply that this was not a good idea. Sova gave you an assuring smile to keep your hopes high like he always does.
You looked back at Viper. She took a syringe and took some kind of liquid that looked like water. Then carefully inserted a needle on top of it and flicking the top to get rid of the airbubbles. The fear ran through your veins as she turned to you.
And thats how you find yourself in this situation. Crying in Sova's arms while the two was trying to convince you.
"You wont even feel it, besides, im here for you." Sova tried to calm you down with his warm tone like always but this time was different. You were really scared and his reasuring words were not helping for the first time.
"Theres no other choice. The HQ is so far away from the city. We cannot go to a hospital. And theres no other healers left in the HQ." Viper spoke. "You either let me do this or you'll suffer untill Sage and Skye come back from their mission."
You screamed as she tried to get closer. She knew to not go over your boundaries so she looked at Sova. Hoping that maybe he could find a way.
Sova got the hint and turned you to face him. "Look at me." He said with the same warm tone as he took your forearms into his hands to make you keep looking at him. Viper understood what he was trying to do.
"I dont want you to get any worse than this. You are very dear to me and it hurts to see you so weak like this. I know that everyone has their fears inside them but theres nothing we cannot overcome. See?"
He smiled at you while Viper wiped down your arm with a piece of cotton. As she turned away and tossed the needle and the cotton into a thrash bin, you looked at Sova with a confused face. He laughed at your reaction and wiped down your tears with his hand.
"The effect of medication will show in an hour." She smiled. Truly a rare occation to see Viper smile. "Dont underastimate my skills." She said. This little trouble reminded of her the times when she used to be a true doctor.
When you both walk back to your room, you crossed your arms. "I hate you." Sova laughed. "Alright, alright... im sorry. But you feel better already. Dont you?" You scoffed. "But im still mad at you." Sova giggled. "I'll win your heart later. I promise." And you know that he always keeps his promises.
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cumulo-stratus · 11 months
hey pookie!!! I saw your requests are open and I know you’re doing flufftober but I would adore you even more (idk if that’s even possible) if you would write something about reader coming out as genderfluid to Spencer? Maybe they just got together and they are nervous about what he’ll say? Just tons of fluff!!! Love you 💋💋💋💗🫶 xoxo
Like We Always Do
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Request: Yes/No
Pairing: Fiancé!Spencer x Genderfluid!reader
description: after Spencer proposes to his partner they decide they have to tell Spencer what they had been thinking about for months- and Spencer is always ready to support his partner
Warnings: fluff, possible swearing
A/N: Thank so much for the love/support ma biche!! this is such a cute idea i love it sm! just wanna let you know since on top of school and fencing im still catching on flufftober it wont be super quick, but ill try my best additionally, im going to mostly have reader be presenting/using masc/gn pronouns. Also pls let me know if there any inaccuracies since im not gender fluid myself- and I'll try to fix them right away! (Again im litteraly fucking obsessed with this idea it's so cute)
Spencer given y/n an absolutely wonderful day- they had a relaxing morning book shopping at spencers favorite local bookshop- but as the afternoon approached Spencer became more and more nervous.  he had planned every moment in his head, and had been running through them continuously. Now spencer knew y/n would probably say yes- he had the statistics to back him up but he couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming anxiety creeping through him. The train finally pulled to a stop at their station and the screeching of metal on metal and the ambient hum of people starting to shuffle off, startled spencer out of his pensive sort of trance. Knowing Y/N’s aversion to crowded spaces he took his hand and led him to another exit on the other end of the carriage- placing a small kiss on his boyfriends knuckles eliciting a small giggle from Y/n 
After they made the last leg of their journey to the beautiful park where the couple  nhad their first date- spencer led y/n a  small path in the forested area, surrounded by bright orange and yellow and red trees. The autumn colored leaves swayed softly in the gentle breeze- causing an ambient rustling. Y/ns hand still grasped tightly in spencers they started their way down the path. They walked for about 30 minutes- conversation drifting everywhere from books to politics to work, and even a little bit of work gossip from y/ns job. 
Finally they reached a spot that looked over a small pond- the sun starting to set and reflecting onto the water below. 
They came to a stop and Spencer took y/n's hands in his- looking into his eyes. When y/n noticed Spencer's intense gaze they looked at him worriedly. Spencer couldn't help himself- the combination of the weight of the ring in his pocket, and y/ns caring gaze. Before he even realized what he was doing he was down on one knee, looking up at Y/n.
This caught Y/n completely off guard and they gasped- finally understanding what spencer was doing. And tears came to y/ns eyes as spencer asked them to marry him. 
“Y/n, we’ve been together for 2 years- and it’s been some of the best 2 years of my life. Ive laughed, I’ve smiled- but most of all I’ve loved, and i want to love with you for the rest of my life…”
at this point y/n had tear tracks all over their cheeks and spencer looked up at y/n expectedly. And when y/n nodded yes excitedly spencer shot up from his kneeling position to pull Y/n into an extremely tight hug, at one point even picking them up and spinning them around. Finally spencer let go of his now fiance and looked them in the eyes, but thats when he noticed that y/ns face had fell. Spencer was immediately worried and took Y/ns hands in his again asking “love, is something wrong? are you okay?” Y/n only looked down, almost as if embarrassed or shameful. 
“spence. I- i cant…”
"You can't what? Do you not like the ring? We can get another one!"
Y/m chuckled dryly at Spencer's worried demeanor and said
" No- I love the ring- I just can't accept it without telling you something..." he looked slightly relieved, but still concerned for his partner. 
“love you can tell me anything, just go ahead”
y/n shut their eyes tight, bracing themselves for what they were about to do.
“i think im genderfluid..- ive been thinking about it for months now but i didnt tel you because i was scared of what you’d say but if we’re taking the next step i need to know you’ll accept me..”
At this point y/n was rambling, still avoiding looking at spencer. His gaze softened as y/n explained their thoughts. And spencer couldn’t help but take y/ns face in his hands, forcing them to look at him. And when they made eye contact, y/n trailed off. This gave spencer his opportunity to once again pour his heart out for the person in front of him. 
“oh y/n.. i will always accept you. Regardless of your gender identity, your pronouns, how you dress, you’ll still be the same person thats gonna laugh with me, is gonna kiss me and is gonna hold e when i need it the most. Becuase that’s what you do y/n!” Spencer laughed a little when he said it, before continuing “you care for people endlessly..- and thats what makes you you. Not how you identify or what pronouns you use. So I’ll always accept you.. okay?” 
Spencer looked into Y/ns eyes intently as he asked this, making sure y/n understood that he would love them eternally. y/n just nodded, to speechless at spencers response to form words. Finally spencer took y/n in a deep, passionate and loving kiss. And when they finally pulled away for that pesky air- spencer spoke again. 
“I dont know exactly how it’s all gonna work-“ because despite spencers vast and encyclopedic knowledge, he didnt know much about being gender-fluid. “But we’ll figure it out together- like we always do.” Y/n looked up at spencer with complete love and adoration in their eyes and responded simply with 
“Like we always do..”
The end 
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ewyband · 5 months
explaining HRT to my parents and acceptance
hello everypony, if you don't know, im non binary. im gonna be really vulnerable here for a hot sec but i just wanted to share my experience because its something ive found very difficult to write about in musical form.
gender has always been super confusing for me and whilst there were signs of me being trans when i was younger, its only something thats become apparent in the last three years. i wont bore anyone explaining my experience of where i stand with my gender but i wanted to share my experiences with HRT and the process of telling my parents about it.
i started seriously considering HRT around around a year ago and decided to take the plunge around two months ago because every time i looked in the mirror, i noticed more chest hairs, thicker body hair, broader shoulders and a squarer jawline -- this all makes me extremely dysphoric and i hated it. the conclusion i came to was, this was all going to continue to intensify throughout me aging and so the main question was: do i want to age on testosterone or estrogen? once i started estrogen i felt so much better about myself, almost instantly (as in, within the first few days). my mood has drastically increased and i have 'breakdowns' way less now which is great!! one thing i was scared about was chest growth and the day before i started estrogen, i was very tired from a long day and had a breakdown because i was quite literally mourning my freedom. i never really have been more confident shirtless or anything but i mourned swimming in the sea, in lakes, in rivers and in tarns on the mountain tops -- the sense of freedom you feel when you're fresh out of an ice cold tarn on a mountain is indescribable. however, now i have responsibilities, i have a career i have to make work, i have people i need to please and for some reason i felt not being able to be shirtless was another freedom i could potentially have snatched away from me. when i told my mum about me starting HRT she said 'well, i'm sure you've made an informed decision so i'll just tell you the same thing i've said about weed: just be careful okay' which was a genuinely pleasant surprise when my dad found out, my mum called me saying 'just in case you get a call from your dad, he's really worried and he's been losing sleep over it. if he calls you, please dont argue with him, just agree with him for now for our sake' my dad did end up calling me and i explained everything and any worries that he had. he had a lot of questions but i managed to answer everything without getting too upset. towards the end of our call i thought he said 'i just needed you to understand' to which i replied 'yeah i understand, its okay to be anxious, because i definitely was' and he replied 'no, i said "i just needed to understand"' im really grateful for my parents being so accepting and its genuinely strengthened our relationship. even though they're pretty hit and miss with calling me my correct pronouns, they still love me and havent disowned me and im really grateful for that.
anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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neville-is-my-husband · 2 months
Friends with benefits.
Discription: y/n struggles with finding partnars that accualy treat her well so ofc she askes her 2 best friends for help.
Warnings: smut,pet names, cussing,p in v.[tell me if i missed something]
Sorry idf my english is bad lol
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before u continue u should know that i didnt finish the story if ur wondering why read the last par. Sorry to disepoint u.
Y/n is sat in the middle of steves bed while eddie and steve are sitting in the arm chairs by the window passing a jolt between them.
Y/n is writing in her diary... she always does in the noon.
"Watcha writing their sweetheart?" Eddie auddenly askes.
Y/n cheeks burn, they always do when they call her pet names.
"Private stuff" y/n mumbles. "Can we see?" steve asks "yea, can we?" Eddie says.
"No..thats what private means, only i can read it." Y/n respons.
"Do ya' not trust us or somethin sweets?"Eddie says.
Y/n hesitates.. ofc she trusts them its just..what she is writing is abt them. Its abt how she never have had a boyfriend that has treated her well and she wants someone she trusts to pop her cherry since she's the only one who has it in their year!and ofc that someone is steve or Eddie. But prefereble both.
"Uhh..i" y/n dosent know how to explain to them that she dosent want them to see it bc she is scared that it will fuck up their friendship..
"Come on sunshine,u can trust us. We wont get mad"steve sais when he sees the nervusnes on ur face.
Y/n hesitates"promise?"what the worts thing that could happen..
"Promise" steve and Eddie says on the same time.
"Well okay ig" y/n hands them the book.
Steve and Eddies eyes skimt over the page with hearts and curved letters. Then they look at eachother. Y/n dosent know if it is a good look or a bad look but before she knows it Eddie and steve are at her side and steve it tuck7ng her hair behind her ear.
"Shit sweetheart, why didnt u tell us sooner?" Eddie askes.
"Idk.. ig i was scared of what u would say.." she respons.
"Hey, can we tell i a secret" steve says.
"Suree"y/n respons."we have thougt of it aswell" Eddie says."yk, fucking u" steve adds.
Y/n heart flutters" fr? Is this a joke?" Y/n asks.
"no sweets,not at all"Eddie says."soo,u up?" Steve asks.
"I..i-i mean yea ofc i would love to!"
Eddie slides the strap of y/ns dress down.
"Good couse we've ben waiting...for a looongs time sweetheart"he says."fuck yea" steve responts.
Y/n cheeks are BURNING i mean she's sure they'l catch on fire...
"U ready sunshine?" Steve asks."yea" y/n responts.
Eddie guides y/n on top of his lap."there ya go, just like that" steve moves closer"it this your first kiss aswell?" He askes.y/n nods. Eddie gently guides her so she is sitting side ways and facing steve. "Its really easy sweets, all u gotta do is close your eyes and relax." Eddie whispers in her ear.y/n does as she is told."good girl" he says.
She can feel steve getting closer."u ready?" He asks.
"Mhm" is all y/n can say. "Alr here we go"steve says as he leans in.
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u can feel hos soft lips against yours as Eddie gently rubs your back for comfort. Steve pulls away and u open your eyes."was that okay?"steve askes.
"That.was...amazing" y/n responts.
"Good" he says " couse we plan on doing it alot more.."
Eddie suddenly picks u up and lays u on your back.
"Damn, sweetheart you fucking hot"he says.
"And so adorable at the same time" steve adds.
Eddie pulls his shirt of and u cant help but stare youve never really seen any of them without clothes before so this was quite a sight.
U looke up and se eddie starring at you and u look away and blush"its alright sweets, u can stare all u want"
"Can we take this off?"steve asks motioning to your dress.
"Mhm" is all u can say.
And steve slowly starts removing your dress.
"Damn sweets were have u ben hitting these" Eddie says while starring at your chest.
The blush creeps back on your cheeks.
Eddie slowly leans down, looking at u for permission. You nodd your head and not even a second later u can feel his lips on yours.
When u pull apart u notice that steve isnt wering his shirt anymore.
U feel an unfimmiliar heat between your legs. Steve and Eddie looks at eachother, when u rub your legs together.
Your hand slowly travels down Eddies chest and stops at hos belt."pls take them of?" U shyly asks Eddie."ofc sweets" Eddie says as he unbuckels his belt. He slides his pants down his legs and throws them on the floor with your dress and their shirts.
Steve starts kissing your neck and butterflys aroupt in your stomac.
"Could you?" Eddie gestures to your bra.
You smile and reach back and unclip your bra.
Eddie slowly removes it "fuuuuuck" is all he says.
He reaches up to palm your tits. U let out a little whimper but u imeadeatly close ur mouth."hey its okay. U can make noise, we would love to hear u" steve says. "O-okay" u respont.
[Help i lost motivation again]
Okay ive decided that im not a writing girl it constanly stresses me that i have to write so i might contintue this story another time i am so sorry! if others want to continue the story pls tag me i would love to read it!
Im ofc really sad that i cant live up to ur guys expentations but hopefully i made a right decision.
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