#(like when theyre. in the middle of a performance on stage you know)
yume-fanfare · 2 years
love it when akira tries to explain something with an analogy and in turn makes everything much more complicated than it has to be like none of this makes sense girl 💖 (gender neutral)
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vnl 2024 is officially over :(
italy beat japan in the gold medal match 3-1!!
happy for italy (especially de gennaro who made the game for me with her saves)
also happy for japan for winning their first meal on the international stage!! that match against brazil was one for the ages my god. im so proud of them!!!
ceremony commentary:
koga is the first member of the dream team! good for her because she is a great outside and people over look her cause they only look at japans defense but she shes good AND reliable
next up is sylla my girl. her flopping on the ground when she missed a dig was so funny and so real. funniest outside imo like i could watch her reactions to things forever
next is korneluk. one of the most intimidating blockers imo, especially with stysiak by her side i would nottttt ever test her block...
next is fahr! i thought it woul be danesi but good for fahr. the way her and sylla pretended the statues were phones was funny
KOJIMA LETS GOOO MY GIRL. im so surprised and happy shes playing in us this year im gonna try my best to go see her play!!
orro best setter. good choice! i was worried for her when fahr scratched her in the eye but she recovered quickly
egonu best opposite we been knew like one of if not the best out there rn. and she got mvp like what hasn't she won (i think the only mvp title shes missing is olympic so lets see if she collects them all)
Poland presented with BRONZE medal
poland getting bronze second year in a row! i was surprised they beat brazil tbh but they were really on it (also i really like the new young outside czyniańska, excited to see more of her in the future). stysiak is my gf and i love her and she did great as always (even tho she keeps fighting the ref like girlie youre gonna get yellowcarded one day and half the time you were WRONG, but shes just passionate <3)
lmaoooo not them having an iphone on the damn podium lolllll like there isn't already a thousand angles of this sdjkfjalkdfj the players are so funny
Japan presented with SILVER medal
ive been saying since the beginning, this team was capable of getting to finals if not a medal but everyone wanted to doubt me. this squad is so impressive, their persistance, their skill, their DEFENSE. like this is the strongest i think ive ever seen them play, call it recency bias or whatever but i have high hopes for them and it payed off
(also shoutout to japan for showing that height can put you at a disadvantage but it doesn't matter more than you're skill, and this team is amazing and deserves their medal they played 2 great matches against brazil and a great one against turkiye, AND the took a set from italy when usa and poland couldnt)
Italy presented with GOLD
I had a feeling they would make it to finals but to be honest i kinda underestimated them. after their vnl performance last year it felt like they had further to go. week 1 they did ok BUT the SECOND egonu came back it was over for the other teams. now italy definitely isn't a one player team, orro used the full squad in the offense when she could rely on egonu, the middles were on it (especially denesi), sylla and degradi being my girlies (tho they need to know how to stand up cause everytime the camera is on them theyre on the floor sjdkfdjls), antropova is also amazing it must be said, but DE GENNARO imo is one of the reasons they came so far like her, nyeme, kojima, and castillo are my fav liberos...
I had said earlier in the tournament i thought the medals would be brazil for gold, turkiye/poland for silver, and italy/usa for bronze.... (ofc also my dream of japan but i was scared to say it cause it seemed so unlikely) and look at what we got. proves that volleyball is a fun sport to watch
god its now hitting me that vnl 2024 is over :( i want it to go on foreverrrrr
like i know we have olympics next month but its not the same :(
there were so many great moments this year it was amazing to watch as always i cant wait until next time!!!
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rainstops · 1 year
rain to a flower, a song to you
omgomgomg bandmember!reader will forever be my biggest source of comfort. the title is definitely not inspired by my fav song
they watched the stage. they watched you, as your beautiful fingers glided over the strings of your e guitar, entirely focused on your solo. they were in the middle of the crowd, wearing a hat and a mask to not be seen. no one was allowed to know how much they liked your bands music. no one was allowed to know how much they liked you. the heart was beating fast at the way you moved your hands, at the way your hair moved along with the movements of your body. every single detail about you, was almost as if it was all planned out entirely. you gave the crowd your signature wink, and it almost looked like you were winking at them. they pulled their hat deeper into their face, in order to hide their red face. music was really something magical
diluc, XIAO, rosaria, arataki itto, ALHAITHAM, SCARAMOUCHE, kuki shinobu, cyno, shikanoin heizou, kamisato ayato, ei
your fingers were flying over the keys of your piano, and your eyes following just as fast. your solo was utterly fast and right in the front row was your probably biggest fan cheering for you. you played a glissando and with that your solo ended. you waved at the crowd, especially at the front row. in the mean time they were screaming at the top of their lungs, already so loud that other fans were concerned they could pass out. and yes, they nearly did pass out, but only when you gave them a tiny wave with a huge ambitious smile. they still swear that that was the best day of their life
VENTI, barbara, ARATAKI ITTO, kaveh, xinyan, yoimiya, hu tao, yanfei, kaedehara kazuha
they're not a necessarily "loud" fan. theyre in the crowd and listeningt with a spark in their eyes and cheering you on. but to be honest, youve had your eyes on them for a while now. the crowd was huge but they still caught your eyes more than a few time this night. they on the other hand, were singing along to your songs. they know all the lyrics to all your songs. they knew everything. they knew when you performed where, and what, they knew when you published which of your songs, all of the top of their head. but most importantly they knew a lot about you. you were definitely their favorite member of the band, without a doubt.
NILOU, barbara, AMBER, noelle, bennett, mona, sucrose, albedo, XIANGLING, hu tao, YANFEI, Yun Jin
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joohaz · 11 months
☆—— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's SONG JOOHA, who is the MAIN VOCALIST OF INDIGO. i’ve heard whispers that the 23 year old is pretty HARDWORKING but lowkey CLUMSY. also, doesn’t he remind you of PARK WONBIN?
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hello hello! yes it is emma (seungho, eden, & chanwoo mun) again, coming at you with a revamped child of mine, jooha! i’ve got a small stats page HERE and a pinterest page HERE that i will continue to update as i flesh him out a little more. anyway, pls love him && pls like this if you’d like to plot with him and i will come to you! okok thanks :D 
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Some stuff to know about Jooha: 
born & raised in new york. grew up in a very happy family of 6. 
he has two older sisters and one much younger sister, making him one of the middle children, but his mother made sure he never felt left out or forgotten. actually, since his sisters had such big personalities compared to him she probably showered him with a little more love to encourage him to come out of his shell. 
very bright kid. loved school especially reading & writing bc he liked the fantasy worlds he read about in books but what he really liked was to sing. he found it to be a fun outlet and often participated in school talent shows and school plays. he was always told he should pursue it but he thought people were just being kind. 
one summer he went on vacation to south korea to stay with his grandparents like they always did. during their stay their cousin planned to audition for an entertainment company. all his older sisters and him audition just so their cousin wouldn’t feel alone. it was all for funsies for them, not thinking anything would come of it......jooha was the only one who passed. 
jooha wanted to go back home. he didn’t think he’d be happy away from his family. after all, he was only 14 at the time, but his grandparents convinced him to stay. and in part he didn’t want to regret not seeing where this could lead. 
fun facts! 
hobbies include: playing guitar, solving puzzles & playing with legos, pottery
has often played guitar on stage as part of performances 
has 2 pet betta fish. he named them peanut & butter
easily flustered!!
chronically online. yes hes keeping up with all the memes and ariana drama. but is also always posting tiktoks on indigos account. think anton from riize. 
bites nails when anxious & rambles when nervous...so like all the time dkslkj
likes watching the rain. calms him down
on his free days he likes to ride his bike or skateboard around bc he cant drive :/ someone teach him pls
loves getting notifications from the gossip blog. they make him laugh...unless theyre about him. 
appearance wise i see him like THIS with longer shaggy hair. i see him putting it up in a bun or pony. i can see his stylist putting pretty clips or rhinestones in it sometimes
noticeable changes from before: 
same soft bby...just a lil more unhinged
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this is what happens when you mix an emo punk rock fan with the sonic universe-
Sonic - Lead singer / guitar (kinda like Billie Joe Armstrong or Dexter Holland) Shadow - guitar / backing vocals (Frank Iero. NEED I SAY MORE) Tails - keyboardist / synth / DJ (it's giving Cumulus from Ghost or Sid from Slipknot) Silver - bass guitar (maybe even like the Geddy Lee pedal set up too) Knuckles - drummer (with the Neil Peart drum set up and CC from BVB vibes)
Sonic: pop punk vibe!!
probably shreads too fast on the guitar and loses his guitar picks every goddamn minute so he has his entire mic stand covered with those guitar pick holders
does the thing that Freddy Mercury does where he picks up the mic stand and walks around while singing
definitely crowd surfs and tells the mosh pit to go wild
*kicks over amp* AAAAAAAA
has random stickers over EVERYTHING, guitar case, guitar, you name it
reads all of the signs in the audience and sometimes replies to them
stops the show in the middle and starts ranting about literally whatever
*trips over every wire possible* IM OKAY!!
comes up with lyrics with Shadow. sonic's better at delivering than composing
mini list of songs he would FUCK UP /pos
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) by The Offspring
The Zoo by Scorpions (him and Shadow are probably obsessed with the Scorpions bc theyre a good band with rock ballads)
Fist Bump from Sonic Forces (i hc that he sings this as a duet with Shadow. i feel like their voices would go well together)
MeMe from Miligram (i also hc that Sonic knows Japanese if it isnt canon)
In Too Deep by Sum 41
Shadow: classic rock, hard rock, rock ballads, heavy metal and EMO
he either stays in one place the whole show or runs around
Frank Iero chaotic energy i wanna see him go wild
contrasting to his introverted personality, on stage since the audience is all dark and he cant see the MASSIVE crowd the band has, he feels like he can let loose and stuff
he probably has had his fingers start bleeding during a live but didnt notice until Silver started freaking out
has probably broke down and cried on stage once but everyone comforted him and he finished the show EPICALLY
always makes sure that the crowd is staying safe. probably did that one thing that Andy Biersack did when he jumped into the crowd to personally fight this one guy
oh yeah he will also get pissed if you diss the band at their show or if you're just being an asshole and will deal with you personally
will beat you up if you assault someone in the pit
definitely a perfectionist and probably studied classical music theory. definitely a JS Bach fan and played the piano once
comes up with lyrics and melody line
mini list of songs he would do amazing on:
Mobius by HiiragiKirai cover by Meychan
The Show Must Go On by Queen (HES SUCH A QUEEN FAN ISTG)
Dragula by Rob Zombie
Infected by Bad Religion
Gone Away by The Offspring (he's def thinking abt Maria for this one) gone away lyrics yeah ouch-
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Tails: also classic rock fan but he also likes vocaloid!!
"accidentally" G notes the crowd (emos)
*plays a rick roll sample randomly*
during the parts where he doesn't have anything to do he just starts flying and tossing signed photo cards or some kind of merch into the crowd
probably manages some part of their social media as well
literally live tweeting the performance
is the supplier of Sonic's extra guitar pics and sometimes makes custom ones for him that are a bit more grippy? (idk how guitar pics work im a violinist)
honestly the most wholesome person there, everyone loves him, he goes apeshit sometimes but we love him
multi-instrumentalist and sometimes even makes his own instruments!
he plays the Theramin and nobody knows what it is but it sounds cool
makes up tracks on the spot during solos sometimes
is the one that does the mixing and stuff for their songs
personal favs he would love:
Jump by Van Halen (everyone likes this song, if you dont then ur wrong /lh)
Kingslayer by BMTH & BABYMETAL
Lost Valley from Sonic Forces (I LOVE THIS SONG SM)
Silver: goth, heavy metal, Ghost specifically
owns a Mikey Fucking Way t-shirt
probably can play the upright bass or cello as well
people from the audience give him gifts and it makes him very happy
also has a lot of stickers on his bass and it's case but the stickers are color coded and organized vs sonics random bullshit GO
i like to think that he wears fingerless gloves
is the one that stops Shadow from jumping into the crowd when someone disses the band
always makes sure that everyone in the band has like a solo area where they can just go wild because he thinks it's more fun that way
probably can do improv on the spot
gets excited when they have an acoustic live show
helps come up with album cover ideas and all of the depth in their album / song lore
Last Train To London by ELO (hes probably a big ELO fan)
Detroit Rock City by KISS (this is my dad's fav so it's mine too)
The Legacy by Black Veil Brides
Knuckles: thrash metal Slayer fan TM
can do the thing where the drumset go upside down
similar to Sonic, he throws his drumsticks bc he loves playing so much so he has a bunch of extra sticks
ties back his hair during recording bc it gets in his face
has A BUNCH of song cover suggestions for the band
probably plays the drums randomly while sonic is ranting and sometimes does a duet with tails
sings along to the songs but nobody can hear him bc his drums are too damn loud
accidentally stabbed his snare drum once and started panicking
he definitely gives a name to all of his different drum parts (his favorite is the crash symbol and bass drum)
everyone thinks he was a former band kid but he keeps denying it
sometimes people think the band is using a drum machine but they're not
Raining Blood by Slayer
1000 Memories by Bad Religion
You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi
ok and now for some random headcanons!!
Rouge is the agent or like manager for the group and helps pick out outfits for them and does stage design
ik i put in a lot of classic rock songs in my song headcanons but i feel like the band would be like a Smashing Pumpkins, early BVB, The Offspring and Sum 41 kinda vibe. and ofc MCR and Blink-182
everyone is a fan favorite, but they all dont know how to interact with fans except for Tails and Sonic
Silver and Tails sitting alone in the recording studio in the middle of the night writing a song aaaaa
sonic and shadow doing those song battles
they all play guitar hero, it's the law
they actually freaked out when MCR dropped the new single out of NOWHERE
sometimes their punk songs is just dissing G.U.N.
they have a fanart / fangift wall where they put all of the stuff their fans give them
the tour bus is like sectioned off and everyone decorates their space differently so it looks like 5 different aesthetics in one place
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
34, 38, 43, 45 for afhiri! 💕
34. How well do they deal with grief?
this is a difficult one because i dont know if theyve ever dealt with true grief .....trying to thonk.. i mean rather than experience grief afhiri will become immortal to never have to bury gale so one must assume it wouldn't be dealt with very well. but also does afhiri have the mental capacity to truly understand the complexity of grief and how to navigate it at all? would they just be sad and not really understand and just live with that until they don't? afhiri has never experienced the deaths most do in order to learn of grief as a concept. no grandparents to mourn, no pet deaths, and nothing happens in game that could trigger that in afhiri ...... after much deliberation i've come to the conclusion that afhiri does not understand the feeling, does not know the word for it (has to be taught), and deals with it in a very child like way. they understand it hurts, they don't like it, they want it to stop and they don't understand why this person, or pet, is gone, and just wants them to come back. very, why did you leave me . haha .. hurt myself now damn YOOUUU
38. What are their dreams like? Do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
ignoring the tadpole/guardian related dreams..... they absolutely have recurring nightmares of the moment in act 2 with the heart of the absolute where gale is intent on dying. see afhiri is intent on dying with him but has this nagging feeling that they could just decide to live, actually. wouldnt that be so much nicer? and i can see them repeating that moment in their head with the result of gale deciding that being alive together isnt enough and they need to die. haha this kind of falls in line with the other question doesnt it ahaha........ afhiri has grief inspired nightmares over a possibility that never actually occurred.
in General though we must accept that afhiri has the type of dreams we assume dogs to have. oh look, she's running! she's running in her sleep! is she.. chewing in her sleep ?? oh you know....very simple very happy having a good time doing her favourite things!!!! (playing the flute, hanging out with her friends, holding gales hand!!! etc etc )
43. Can they handle stressful situations?
oh yes, with incredible efficiency. (does not know theyre stressful) THIS IS A HALF JOKE. they handle many many many of the stressful situations in game extremely well because they are acting the entire time its all a performance they are doing a bit they are clownin on you right now and if anything stressful happens it washes over them because a clown can't get stressed in the middle of the bit, be a pretty terrible clown if that happened (still a terrible clown though)
however if its a serious (to afhiri) stressful situation like. boyfriend blow up time, afhiri is the type to look at their loved ones for help. how on earth can someone who can't string two thoughts together figure out the correct way to handle a situation that actually requires two thoughts. thats stressful man. someone please approach the stage and take this clowns hand. wheres their assistant !!!
it really comes down to how personally important they are to afhiri. this also means most of the games events are not personally important to afhiri and i still dont know why they let them lead???
45. Do they plan in advance or just wing it?
gotta admit i snorted thinking about this LSKDJFS
this baby hasn't planned in advance for a single thing in their Entire life i don't think their brain has the capabilities i think attempting it would cause a headache!! they act. they act . they do. they charge head first into thing and no matter the outcome its fine because thats clearly how things were gonna be anyway!! what do u mean u could think on something first and come to a different conclusion and things may be different?? no ???? their decisions in the game? made in the moment. they didnt think about what theyll do when they reach X point. the choice was made then and there immediately upon hearing the question ! this clown a free spirit through and though.. free spirits don't plan!
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zhaleys · 2 years
ACME Wildfire Tour (Constellations pt. 1) live show report
Hey guys, I was lucky enough to see Acme again after 2 years at their Constellations showcase in LA so I wanted to do a little report about it since it feels like forever since I went to a jrock concert TT A TT. It was a great time and I got a lot of cool stuff, so keep reading under the cut if you want to know more~
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I was supposed to go with a few friends to this live but most of them ended up cancelling a few weeks before so I went alone. I was a little bit worried but I have traveled to that area on my own before so I knew how to get around. I arrived in Union at 5am the day of the show ;;;;;A;;;;;. I barely got any sleep but luckily was able to nap after checking into my room for the weekend. I woke up and grabbed some food/snack/shopped in Little Tokyo (Chinchikurin is so good btw I really recommend it!)
I had never been to the venue before and looking at the pictures from Maps I was a little weirded out since it looks like some warehouse in the middle of Skid Row. Once I was close I saw the line and instantly knew where to go. I walked right into the VIP line by pure chance! but then realized I had to check in at the front so they could mark my name from VIP list. It seems it was just the right time since everyone else decided to come afterwards and the lines kept stretching around the block.
After half an hour or so they started letting VIP line go in EXTREMELY FAST?! Yeah, they barely even checked our bags which was suspicious but I guess they just didn’t want to waste time or they would be behind schedule? Since it was a lineup of artists & not just ACME, there was multiple VIP lines for the other fans and the ACME line was a little confusing to get into, but i made it in by asking some people around. I keep forgetting just how TINY they look in person. They had the black suits with the crystals and glitter all over and I immediately spotted Chisa wearing red heels (you can peep in the picture). The line was not as big since I realized later most people came for Demondice (which I had no idea who they were until that night).
The photo op went by pretty quick and when it was my turn I said thank you for coming in japanese and they responded to me in english “Hiiii“ and “Thank you” It’s cute to see that theyre practicing their English for NA fans. I wish I could’ve talked to them more, but they were already signaling me to pose and I got my pictures taken. I didn’t know I could ask for individual photos until other people went after me and they got solos with Chisa, Hal etc. I was so shook LOL, but I didn’t want to make demands if I didn’t think they would be comfortable with it (that’s also why i kept my mask on too). At the other show I saw them at I also saw people getting solos but I thought that was part of their VIP pack or that it was mentioned to them. I might try that next time xDD. I also feel a little sad since I wanted to give Chisa a drawing but wasn’t able to complete it before the concert ;; so I think I will probably send it to him on twitter later. (follow here if you’d like) This is now the second time I miss out on that LOL.
During VIP line I also talked to some people and made a few friends just geeking about them. Regretting not getting their info later TT A TT. Christina and Oscar if you’re looking at this let me know! We were wondering when we would get our VIP gift as well since we waited at merch line after getting out photos. I decided to ditch it after a while so I could get to the front of the stage before GA got let in. It was a good call since the show started not much later. The first performer was Shihori which I barely knew but I vibed to their songs. There was mic issues at the start of most sets, but the crowd was still hyping them up until everything was fine.
Next came ACME’s set and I was already super pumped and little warmed up from the last set. I could tell after a few songs that most of the crowd wasn’t their fans, but a good chunk of us were towards the front and kamite end because you could see the synchronized headbangs and furi. I’m still trying to find the set list for their show since I forget the order of most songs but the ones that were most memorable were Houkago no Shiiku, Enchanted, Zesshououka, and the final song with Shihori as special guest. I even brought my fan so I could furi to Zesshououka while most people just used their hands. I caught Chisa smiling during that one since we were doing everything in sync. It’s honestly one of the most fun songs to hear live. I took a few short videos and photos but for most of the night I barely reached for my phone since I wanted to enjoy the show. I don’t know if I was enjoying myself too much but it felt like such a short set and the fact that there was 5 other people still left to perform meant that they each got less than an hour probably.
At any rate I still stayed at the front of the stage until the end of Teddyloid’s set since he was the only other artist that I knew from the line up (and he was #5 on the lineup TT A TT) He played Fly Away and Anarchy which were the most fun for me, but still wished he had done the theme for Scanty and Kneesocks ;’(. Either way, after his set I was feeling way too dehydated so I abandoned my spot and got water from the bar then also picked up my VIP signed poster and magnet at the merch table. It suddenly felt like it got way more crowded after Demondice came out because I was being pressed against the bar and my head was ringing super loud even with ear plugs on. The whole day had caught up to me by then. I just heard the Demondice set from the back since I was too short to catch a glimpse of anything. After she was done people just LEFT the venue within two minutes. At least 1/4 of the crowd stayed after since there was a  closing DJ and/or they wanted to buy merch. I caught one of my other VIP line buddies Candace and talked a bit before finally getting some rides back. It all ended around 2am like we had imagined. I kept looking at my photos with ACME on the way back like an idiot hehe. Luckily I got more sleep that night but the headache didn’t go away until almost 2 days later.
Overall had an amazing time and I was glad that I got to be in the front row for them for a second time. Hopefully this will bring in some new fans for them in the future since I want to keep catching their NA tours whenever I can. I still think about how I missed the one in 2021 but alas. I’m a little more prepared now x). I will try to come back and update this with the set list if I can find it anywhere.
Thank you ACME!
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allamericansbitch · 3 months
can you (only if you want to and have the time) rank every single concert youve been to last year from 1-10 and maybe give a short review on why ypu liked it/didnt like it. and please be honest and dont give them a 10/10 just because theyre your favorite artist. its just because we both like the same artists and i wanna go to concerts of them but i cant spend my money on all of them so i wanna know which ones you liked the most so that i can differentiate. thank youu :)
1. Greta Van Fleet
It’s honestly hard to explain, you just have to be there, but it’s an incredible show. The flow is seamless and they just create such a loving atmosphere. Plus the talent is just insane. Every show I’ve been to (4 in total) just puts a huge smile on my face. 10/10
2. Noah Kahan
The vibes: immaculate, the stand up specials he does in between song: amazing. It’s was just so weirdly… relaxing? Like if a concert full of screaming could be comforting and relaxing. It feels like everyone is just getting something off their chest and is in a group therapy session. It’s great. 10/10
3. Paramore
I’d been wanting to seee them live for sooooo long. And the album I saw them tour is my favorite so it just meant a lot. They put on an amazing show, full of energy and the whole band is so insanely talented. 9/10
4. Taylor
I mean it’s a great trip down memory lane and fueled by nostalgia and everyone’s just so excited to be there. 8/10 (3 hours is too long sorry lol)
5. 5sos
The show was just insanely good and entertaining, they’re really funny in between songs and I’ve been wanting to see them live for forever. It’s a really unique show. Like half concert half comedy. 8/10
6. Hozier
I’ve seen him live twice, and both times I’m just in awe of his presence, it’s so commanding but not in an aggressive way. His voice is so beautiful too. His lyrics really hit hard when you see him singing them too. 8/10
7. Del Water Gap
He has great energy, just seems very comfortable on stage and he even went in the middle of the crowd during a song to dance with the crowd. And his voice is identical to the recorded version. 7/10
8. Hippo Campus
Perfect show to chill and vibe out to, just a good hang out. 7/10
9. Japanese House
Just a really chill vibe, everyone was just swaying and enjoying the moment. 7/10
10. Shania Twain
I had lawn seats and tbh I only knew two songs… plus she kinda just mindlessly talks in between songs lol 3/10
11. The 1975
Obvious reasons (I saw them before his behavior was known) and the show was just weird? Half the show is ‘performance art’ so the show doesn’t even really start until half way….. 1/10
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pencilscratchins · 4 years
S’cuse me, but I love your zukka hcs — have you got anymore you’d be willing to share?
youse all indulge me too much sksk
— zuko thinks sokka’s like the smartest person alive and his catchphrase is basically “my husband says…” “my husband told me that…” “my husband knows all about…”
— ty lee has no boundaries, so you know she just walks in while theyre making out and sits between them like “hey-- stop screaming its me-- do you think this letter from mai is giving some vibes?” 
— the thing that delays their wedding the longest is sokka trying to figure out what his official title is. prince/ king consort is so long and clunky, and like… fire lord zuko and lord sokka kinda sounds like a stutter…. and king sokka was rejected by every member of their friend group… and “that guy sokka” was vetoed by the council so they just are Stumped
— — hakoda really wants him to go by chief sokka of the fire nation but only to make zuko’s cabinet members angry
— — — i really have no preference, i guess lord sokka? anyway, you know zuko heavily campaigns for fire lord sokka
— not a zukka headcanon, but amongst the gang: they all agree that whoever is currently wearing zuko’s hairpiece is the fire lord. his assistant is like “sir please” and he’s like “i’m sorry i can’t help you :( ask fire lord aang, perhaps?”
— theyre one of those couples that have like 1000 inside jokes that they will never explain to anyone else, so they’ll be in the middle of a party & sokka will just nonchalantly say something like “oh didn’t you hear? ive decided to remove my kneecaps,” and zuko laugh so hard he’ll snort champagne through his nose as everyone else just stares
— every time zuko gets a paper cut sokka fully acts like its an assassination attempt 
— sokka braids zukos hair once it gets long enough since sokka used to braid katara’s hair, so hes like amazing at it
— sokka goes grey first and finds his first one in his early thirties, which horrifies him. zuko has no mercy. he turns to him while cuddling and holds his face all sweet then just
— —“im so glad youre spending the limited time you have left on the earth with me :)” “i dont feel safe in this home anymore”
— sokka: ah yes. bedtime with me, my husband, and my husbands fifteen foot flying dragon.
— after zuko gets comfortable with being publicly out, hes basically always holding sokka’s hand in public
— pre-teen izumi figures out that while her pops sokka wants to make her know the value of a dollar; her dad zuko was, fundamentally, a rich kid so she’ll be like “dad can i have money for a fried meat stick? its 30 gold pieces,” and zuko will be like yeah that sounds right here you go kiddo.
— — sokka does eventually find out and makes her stop though :(
— they wear the same shoe size because zuko had weirdly big feet that sokka teases him about 
— before they date, sokka mentions how much he loves poetry and zuko immediately heads to the library & accosts the librarian like “i need the most impressive poetry we have”
— sokka thinks zuko is so funny even though literally no one else sees it
— when izumi has iroh ii they are the most over involved grandpas ever. when iroh starts showing a real passion in sailing, sokka bawls his eyes out he’s so happy. iroh does ballet when he’s younger and zuko sets up little stages for him to perform for the staff in the courtyard. 
— — sokka also patently lies to him about historical events.
— — — “granddad, grandpa told me that one time, great uncle aangs sky bison was taken by a giant mushroom in the sky”
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Djhdhdjdjd ok ok so imagine this- Revivebur tries to find his darling. But darling joined Las Nevadas with fundy and is like a performer in the casino (idk what's happening currently in the lore cuz I'm so out of the loop rn but i do know that there's a casino for sure-) like they used to give like wholesome vibes but now-?
Bruh they did a whole ass glow up and they now give Jessica Rabbit vibes. And as soon as Revivebur recives word where his darling is, man practically yeeted himself into the casino, where his darling is currently all dolled up, all pretty like a newly bought Barbie doll on the stage..
(i can imagine the darling singing "Killing me softly" maybe like this? https://youtu.be/KGyTtPeP0Lw or like Kz Tandingan's version: https://youtu.be/CyPF91Qbf48
Or maybe like Jessie J's? https://youtu.be/GHyj93FGmuA
Idk i couldn't find a version that kinda gives off casino vibes id try to sing it but ehhhh ^^;;)
Basically this is the first time He hears his Darling sing, and man literally falls in love all over again. And he just simps so hard for them, and is oh so desperate to get them back, but darling is like "bitch my feelings died the moment the Wilbur I knew was gone-". (I tried to think of a more badass line but I'm tired ha-)
(Neways idk what to add more lol- i just thought of this while I was in the middle of reading an angsty Revivebur x reader ^^;;)
the darling would absolutely take no shit from revivebur. what he did during the festival broke them and they felt as if they would never get the wilbur that they knew and love back.
when ghostbur is around, the darling allows herself to feel pity for the ghost. even though they know that ghostbur isnt their lover, theyre willing to let him believe that. at some times darling even believes that ghostbur is as close to their lover that theyll ever get so they let themselves feel like their lover.
darling joins las nevadas without telling ghostbur alongside fundy. even if fundy always acted defensive towards the darling due to how step kids can be at first, he warmed up to them really quickly. he doesnt know where hed be if they werent still besides him.
enough of that, revivebur. when darling hears that wilbur was revived, their first concern was fundy. they loved him more than they loved themself so they had to make sure he was alright. when both darling and fundy process the news, they both agree on hiding in las nevadas. it wouldnt be hard considering they already lived their, but they would definitely work on limiting their interactions with others outside of the country.
revivebur is almost immediately on the hunt for you. its been forever and his memories as ghostbur are a little foggy. he asks tommy where you are, but he doesnt know. so revivebur goes around the entire smp asking for where you are. some people (cough cough eret) would refuse to even tell him if they knew or not! its skeppy that tells where you are. not only is revivebur curious about the new country, but hes also curious as to why you're working with quackity. you and him never really got along.
its at nightime when he stumbles inside the casino and he's immediately blown away at the sound of your wonderful voice (second time jve wrote that today.) he feels like hes 20 years younger! (canon revivebur is 40+. don't believe me? check tommys first stream after c!wilbur was revived.) it feels like hes falling in love all over again.
eventually you head inside a door to the side and wilbur waits until the bodyguard (lets be honest, its just sam or purpled 😭) in front of the door has looked away to sneak past. it seems to just be a plain dressing room.
you turn at the sound of the door opening and immediately glare at wilbur. you werent worried about yourself, you were worried about your son. you would not let wilbur hurt him again.
"what do you want, wilbur?" he laughs and shrugs.
"what? im not able to see my wife? come here," he teases as he tries to pull you into a hug. you immediately back away and glare at him harder.
"dont lay a hand on me. i am not your wife and fundy isnt your son. get out," you hissed as wilbur stared down at you in disbelief. he lets out a breathy laugh.
"what? what do you mean youre not my wife?"
"i mean, im not your wife," you spoke, your tone laced in venom. you were even angrier than before. he didnt even care about fundy.
"youre being ridiculous. we have never gotten divorced," he mumbled. his anger was slowly starting to show through. you had to get him out.
"get out. before i scream," you responded. unfortunately, the one thing your outfit didnt come with was a dagger.
"i dont see what your issue is. love, do you have any idea how much i missed you? no one would tell me where you were and i was worried sick! now, im here and im trying to make things right and youre just trying to kick me out?" he took one step towards you and that was it for you.
it took one shout for sam to come in. he had wilbur restrained immediately.
"will, you say we never got divorced. so, i would like to declare this our last conversation as lovers."
he gave a sharp inhale and stared you down as sam dragged him out of the casino.
he couldnt even give two shits about fundy.
this turned out so much longer than necessary. 😭
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band au question: how do dion and frazie get involved? and if you want to talk about the relationship between norma and frazie in the au because i'm interested
OH ... OH YES . Yes I Will Talk About This .. Thank You because ive been dying to bring it up somehow.
SO at about .. a quarter way through their trip there is a point where Morris introduces the band to Sasha and Milla, a duo of eclectic indie rock stars who will help them on their journey (i havent decided how yet . lmao . but theyre here) if they in turn help Them with this show they're trying to perform at a local festival.
Donatella (who has been restlessly tracking her son, thanks to Morris announcing every place they've been so far over the radio,) has finally caught up to them here, but since the festival is so big its difficult to find him. So she has the family split up and look around.
Frazie in all this has... really been looking for an excuse to have a break from the circus life. She's envious as fuck that Raz basically got to escape and run off on a little rock & roll adventure because she's the entire reason he's into this kind of thing in the first place!! she introduced him to most of the music he listens to. shes even been practicing guitar! and its not fair.
so when she ends up being the one to find him at the festival, well... she's pissed, of course, but all he needs to do is explain why he's doing it. wanting to help their nona is excuse enough for her to say "well move over, pooter- i'm coming too!" because she Cant just let her little brother run across the country without a chaperone, right?
dion catches her in the middle of ditching the family and threatens to rat them both out to their mother, but before he can bust their entire operation gisu mistakes him for a rowdy crowd member trying to start problems and ends up knocking him out lmao. frazie explains the situation and in a panic, they end up picking up his unconcious body and piling him into the van and peeling the hell out of there. Dion Is Basically Being Held Hostage The Entire Time. He's Pissed About It .
ill put the frazie/norma content under a cut because this is getting long already and i Have . Thoughts .
so frazie and norma actually knew each other before Lizzie's band gets hired to play the circus- at least loosely.
frazie and norma both have accounts on old ass 2003 youtube . Norma would post videos of her playing various basslines of songs she likes, half informative teaching vids and half like her showing off. frazie in turn posts songs she makes up on the fly on her dinky accoustic guitar ... but both of them have the cameras angled so they cant see their faces in all their videos This Is Important (mostly to show off the chords they play and such) . theyve been following each other for a Long time on there , kind of obsessively in that way where you kind of get a crush on someone that you never really intend to act on because you know so little about them lmao. they just think the others content is cool! and they comment on each others vids from time to time . they build up this little like vague 'friendship' online ...
and when the band plays at the circus, frazie sees norma on stage- and immediately recognizes her by her bass guitar. and at first shes like overjoyed- here's this person she'd made this funny little friendship with , in the flesh... she didnt get to have many friends in person because of how much they traveled, so getting to see norma is like a dream come true!
until she actually talks to her and realizes that... oh. Norma's kind of a total ass . she's stuck up and pretentious, as we know norma to be. She’s not really good at making people like her. and frazie, who is insanely brash and a little rude herself, decides not to reveal who she is at the time because she just had the worst first impression on earth and shes bummed about it.
it’s when they meet the second time at that festival that norma realizes who she is, puts the pieces together, and it clicks in her brain that ohhh god shes kind of ruined that nice little pleasantry they had going. and at first she’s ready to accept it, because in the end she ends up foiling most of her positive relationships anyway so she can focus on her education (she still goes to college because it’s what her parents want for her and she wants to be like.. worth something, she doesnt want to be a disappointment, she cant stand the thought of being useless,) and the band really only keeps her around because shes lizzies sister and they have to.
but now she’s forced to spend all this time in this cramped van with this girl she had a vague weird little crush on and her two brothers and her ex-girlfriend that she broke up with but still has sad mixed up feelings for(gisu, who she is now watching fall for dion and it suuucks) so its all this tension building up in her brain...
one night during a pit stop at a hotel room, frazie finds shes having trouble sleeping and goes out to see norma sitting on top of the band van by herself. she’s noticed that norma ends up doing this a lot, spending a lot of time by herself. So , feeling bold, she climbs up there with her. and normas surprised by it, because theyve spent all this time on the trip getting on each others nerves, but now frazies trying to talk to her again? it’s weird. but she lets her, because it’s better than spending time alone with her own thoughts.
frazie starts off small talk at first , but it blossoms into this whole heart to heart, they end up staying up all night talking about how they hate the expectations forced onto them and how frustrating siblings are, how they got into music and things they like... they get in little arguments, still, but cant seem to stop talking to one another until the sun comes up.
Frazie realizes, oh, maybe norma isn’t so bad! but all norma can think about is oh, that was nice. how long is it going to last?
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quark-art · 2 years
Hey there! I read your comic and I love where it’s heading. I noticed before (can’t quite recall what page it was on) that you mentioned that you write a script in your process of creating chapters. I was wondering if you’d have any tips on script writing for someone who can’t comfortably write a script due to all the crazy formatting required for it to be “legible”. Thanks!
oh my gosh, thanks!
and yes i do write scripts for the comic! i love that you asked this because i have a LOT to say about scripts, the most important one being:
unless you are writing a screenplay, the formatting of a script does not matter.
ive worked in theatre for a long time, as an actor, a writer/composer and as a music director, so ive seen a lot of scripts in my time, and let me tell you. every single script ive read for a play or musical is written with entirely different formatting, and the further you get from film/tv, the less it matters to have Correct Formatting.
i have seen fonts from courier new to times new roman to fucking arial, dialogue might be justified left or justified center, stage directions might start in the middle of the page, be justified right, or stretch across the whole thing, character names might be bolded, they might not, or sometimes some character names are bolded and others arent. and dont get me started about continued lines.
so if youre not writing for film or tv, forget about formatting. it doesnt matter. ill show some screenshots of my scripts in this post and you can copy my formatting if you want but you also dont have to! the important thing is about expressing whats happening, whos saying what, in any method that works for you. a script is a blueprint, not a final product. it doesnt have to be pretty.
if you are writing for film or tv, i cant help you there, im not familiar with screenwriting at all. take some classes, idk
anyway. ask yourself: who has to read this?
in theatre or film, an entire production team has to read a script to put together the final product, and a cast of actors has to perform whats written. in this case, you should anticipate the needs of whos reading it*. clearly distinguishing stage directions from dialogue is helpful for this, as well as giving room on the page for people to write things down, like the stage managers cues, or the directors blocking notes.
*this is why, whenever i write a play or musical, i try to make sure every character has a different first initial, so the stage manager can use a single letter for each character.
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("O.S." means off-stage or off-screen.)
im also giving some information to the actors about their dialogue. if i need a line to be said in a specific way, or directed at a certain person, or timed a certain way, i provide some information to help them out. words in parentheses like (To [CHARACTER].), ([Adjective].) or (Beat/Pause.) are helpful for this.
(its important not to do this too much, though, at least when youre writing for actors. actors know what theyre doing and dont need you to tell them everything all the time, and its good to leave some room for the actors to play around with the material.)
(formatting note: im writing in courier new with 12 pt font and single spacing. this way, the amount of pages the script is will be roughly equal to the amount of minutes it takes to perform. its more specific in film/tv.)
if youre writing a script for a comic, where the only person who needs to understand it is you, forget all that! you dont need to write for actors or a production team, youre just writing for yourself, the creator! you already know what you mean by everything, so the script is basically a very long series of notes to yourself. i dont even bother with margins, i write my comic scripts in notepad files, using the font i made for the comic. the only text that gets copy pasted into the comic is the dialogue, everything else is information for me to know and express via the comic medium.
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ive developed a few convenient shortcuts for myself this way. if i dont want to describe an expression, i can just type out an emoticon. to indicate separate word bubbles or panels, ill use slashes in the middle of dialogue.
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the sentence "Flynn goes >:/." appears many times in almost all my scripts.
ill still use words in parentheses in dialogue sometimes, like if a character sighs or groans, or if i need to specify that something is said a certain way.
wow this turned out a lot longer than i thought it would
to wrap this up: if you take away anything from this, let it be that scripts are not a final product, they are instructions for how to put the final product together. they do not have to be pretty. they just have to be comprehensible.
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thesnowidol4life · 2 years
what have you done 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
but yes <<<<333 i love them with my whole being <<<<333
1:What made you ship it
multiple things it was like god was forcing me to perceive them!
i was on the ao3 tag on day 2 of proseka being out bc i was that impatient about translations and ended up stumbling upon a ruinene fic there (no but its actually so funny bc not only was i not interested in wxs at the beginning, and even though i read every oc's basic description before the game came out, it wasnt until that moment that it clicked in my friends to lovers loving brain that "oh shit you can do childhood friends to lovers w them huh" . this really was the beginning of the end)
anyways it got worse as i read wxs' main story bc i realized "oh no im starting to enjoy them a lot uh ohh" (i blame things like rui only agreeing to join wxs at first so nene could have a chance to try performing again, "you have a bad personality/that makes two of us", nene being happy that rui's started enjoying doing shows w tsukasa and emu, rui snapping at tsukasa for making nene cry and tells her she doesnt have to push herself to perform anymore, etc. i never recovered from any of that i never will). then it got WORSE when my brainrot was getting enabled by my bestie. then it got WORSE WORSE when i thought about nene while listening to yuukei yesterday one day and by law if a character exhibits takane enomoto behavior i cant must get attached. so yeah now im here
2: What are your favorite things about the ship?
these two are my favorite depiction of the childhood friends trope in any piece of media (i know a lot of the things i love arent top tier writing for that to mean a lot, but also idc theyre the best)
this sounds weird on a post of me talking about a ship trope i love but i get really annoyed whenever im watching/reading something w childhood friends and a romantic aspect is applied to it bc itll always feel either like the romantic love is forced or that the platonic love feels forced. its such an easy trope to fuck up and it hurts bc its my favorite one. ruinene doesnt have this problem tho they stay winning like always
like theres a special kind of softness that comes through when they interact (using this as an excuse to remind people about how soft rui's voice gets whenever hes talking to nene one on one bc that killed me the first time i heard it). and you could look at it superficially like "it makes since they've known each other for 10 years" or smth but then when you learn more about their pasts its especially heartwarming to know that these two people who have such a hard time connecting with others were able to keep each other so close
and its even better when you remember wonder halloween showed that rui and nene did drift apart at some point in middle school which were very difficult times for both of them, yet they were still thinking about each other during that time
like even when rui was going through his depressive episode where believed he would only be able to create shows by himself forever, he still wanted to help nene after she developed stage anxiety and quit acting bc he knew that she loved singing and performing shows more than anything. hell i wouldnt be surprised if pre main story he tried multiple times to help her overcome her anxiety and main story was almost like a final try. and when nene was finally able to go on stage again SHE DID IT BC SHE WANTED RUI TO COME BACK TO WXS BC THATS THE HAPPIEST SHES SEEN IN HIM IN SO LONG AND SHE DOESNT WANT HIM TO BE ALONE AGAIN SO SHE WAS WILLING TO FACE HER FEARS AND PERFORM W TSUKASA AND EMU IN THE SHOW SO THEY COULD BRING RUI BACK GOD IM GONNA IMPLODE
ANYWAYS their comfort level is very appealing to me and i love it whenever it comes up.
also the way they get whenever the other is overcomes a problem is great, like when rui was able to make up w tsukasa in wonder halloween. nene's relieved that she could support rui during this situation bc she couldnt reach out to him during middle school and how she wants him to rely on her more bc she's his friend (the way she specifies between “weve known each other since we were kids” and “and also, we’re friends” made me cry for 10 minutes the first time i read it fr bc she wanted it to be clear to him that he isnt alone anymore and that their close friendship isnt just some old memory they were besties as kids and she's still gonna be his bestie and god im becoming more and more ridden w illness as I say this). theres also when nene is able to accomplish something difficult during a performance (perfecting her christmas solo during holy night and singlehandedly improvising her scene to save the play during mermaid) and rui just always looks like he just fell in love w her every time (this is partially a joke but also no whoever rigs the live2d models needs to answer for that shit) and afterwards he’s just very proud of her and doesnt let her forget it and ahhhhhhh stop being fond of each other it makes me lose my mind ahhhhhhhhh
theyre so funny together too. theyre both such little shits that i love watching them whenever they pull a tag team roast on tsukasa or when rui is planning some bullshit and nene just accepts having to witness her bestie's actions. this isnt even mentioning the comedic goldmine that is picnic. the fact they were out having a nice cute hike date so nene could build stamina for their shows meanwhile mizuki ena airi and shizuku are on the other side of the mountain actually in danger of dying will never not put me in hysterics
its like theyre so imperfect in their own ways and its caused problems for them in terms of how they interact w the world but at least they love each other and have for so long and its like YEAH THATS THE LONG TERM CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDSHIP EXPERIENCE THANK YOU
also this is more of a meta/gay aspect to all this but i,,, absolutely love the way they sound together in songs. out of everyone in the game they're my favorite voices. I can and will be the no. 1 supporter of ruinene duets bc whoever decided to cast machico and toki shunichi for those two is seeing heaven. the 5 second ruinene harmony near the end of miracle paint caused me to question if i was bi. the ruinene nijiiro stories alt has been my ringtone for over a year now and i have not gotten tired of it. every cover on my wishlist that i want rui and nene to get is fueled by my desire for them to get a proper cover. the most we get is bits in full wxs covers but still no actual duet/duet w a vs joining them i think that's wrong and illegal
(yes i am still salty over cendrillon i will never stop being salty over cendrillon until we get compensation and trust me there are a lot of songs they can do ask me about my dream ruinene covers i dare you)
God theres so much i love about them that i could and have actually talked about them for hours and its to the point ive wanted to write an actual serious meta on their dynamic for a year now its badddd
3: Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
once again i plan on doing a meta one of these days so i don't wanna go too in depth about this rn but I disagree w the idea that ruinene are just the average childhood friends trope and that there's nothing special about them (re: why i love them tangent).
as much as i dont like it when the units are seen as only 2 dynamics bc then other dynamics dont get to have as much content (like how a lot of vbs content feels like anhane | akitouya yeah i get bored of that), i will without guilt turn a blind eye if its ruinene content. It can be story moments it can be song moments it can be card cameos idc if it becomes unfair bc I get fed for another week and that’s what matters sry <3
oh yeah and nijiiro stories is one of the best commissions in project sekai like im talking in the top 10 if im lowballing i wont take any constructive criticism on this (i am only half joking)
anyways yeah my annoying little bisexuals i care about them very much
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zombieratt · 4 years
Alright so forewarning this is LONG as FUCK specifically because i came up with this idea in early high school and was just today POSESSEd By the Spirit Of Musical Theatre to put it to paper— er Tumblr.
So without further ado:
the beginning is the same, canon diverges just after waving through a window.
*this ended up getting written is script format? i also just sorta ignore alana’s whole exsistance bc in this version of the play she’s unnecessary*
In the moments before he talks to Connor evan decides to omit Zoe from his letter, having resolved himself to move on from her. (instead of being a hella creep.)
Connor: “dear Evan Hansen,” what are you writing letters to yourself? *he laughs*
Evan: its, uh, its for my therapist. its just a stupid little assignment that she says is supposed to help me process my feelings or— uh or something
Connor: hm. here. * hands Evan the letter*
Connor: your cast. no one’s signed it.
Evan: uh no. no one has.
Connor: gotta sharpie?
Evan: huh?
Connor: gotta sharpie? im gonna sign it.
Evan: *handing the sharpie to Connor* w- whuh uh why?
Connor: *shrugs* feels right.
Evan: i wish i could do that
Connor: what?
Evan: UH, IMEAN—
Connor: no wait- dude.
Evan: i mean uh, i meant that i wish i could just be, y’know impulsive like that.
Connor: Why Cant you be?
Evan: i uh, my heads pretty messed up, and stuff like that just, makes it worse i guess.
Connor: well theres some thing we have in common— were both fucked up in the head.
*the bell rings*
Evan: oh shoot! i missed the bus—
Connor: i’ll give you a ride.
Evan: are you sure i mean i can walk its not far-
Connor: all the more reason, i probably have to pass it on my way home anyway, cmon.
they meet Zoe in the parking lot
Zoe: I have Late practice today
Connor: whatever, gotta passenger.
Zoe: who the fuck would be crazy enough to trust your ability to drive?
Evan *being Brave*: Me Apparently?
Zoe: Uh, Evan Right?
Evan: yeah, uh, yeah.
Zoe *holding her hand out to be shaken*: i’m Zoe, we’ve met though right?
Evan wipes his hand on his shirt and shakes it: yeah, uh, nice to formally meet you, Zoe.
Zoe: i’m off, don’t kill him stoner.
Connor: i wont Princess
Evan breathing heavy: that was,, an eventful ten minutes.
Connor: oh fuck— you cool? or—
Evan: Panic Attack.
Connor: Right, uh
Connor: can you get in the car?
Evan: yeah
*car nonsense*
Connor: Can i start driving or do you want me to wait
Evan: Distractions are good,, Can Uh, Can you Talk about Stuff?
Connor: What stuff!??
Evan: any Stuff!
Connor: Is Zoe okay??
Evan: Sure?!
Connor: Uhh we don’t get along as well as we used to?
we were really close as kids, shes a huge asshole now but *fully venting now*
i kind of miss it you know? having someone to talk to and care about— and i still care about her— but its scary and i always fuck it up! not to mention the fact that our parents hate me— make her see me as some alien and not just a fucked up kid who wants to talk and — (more ranting that i dont feel like writing, but its a whole monologue bro)
Evan: Connor
Connor snaps his mouf shut: yeah
Evan: thanks
Connor: oh that, uh actually helped?
Evan: yeah focusing on your voice and whats real and stuff— it makes a difference.
Neither of them noticed that Connor was just sort of Driving. they end up at the park where in canon Connor commits Sewer-slide.
Evan: i didn’t know there was a park here.
Connor: huh, oh, yeah i guess i just sorta auto piloted, i come here to think.
Evan: About stuff?
Connor: Yeah, Stuff.
*the convo lulls*
Connor: do you have a laptop?
Evan: no, i uh, i left it at home? why?
Connor: give me a second
Connor walks to the car and grabs his back pack out of the back seat
Evan watches Quizzically from the swing-set
Connor pulls out a Sketch Pad and Pen, flipping to a clean page.
Connor: So tell me how to write one of those letters of yours.
Evan: uh, well you start like any other letter- just addressing it to yourself
Connor writing: Dear Connor Murphy,
Evan: and uh, my first one was supposed to be about my ideal summer vacation? since i started in middle school- but you don’t have to—
Connor: thats perfect.
Connor starts to sing for forever,
eventually Evan joins in there is a minor gay moment where they’re holding hands face to face.
the song ends with Connor hugging Evan.
Evan: its- its pretty late.
Connor obviously crying: just— just a couple more minutes.
Evan lets go and grabs Connors sketch book of the ground, closing it and handing it off to him: then how about this, labor day weekend- we actually go.
Connor: what are you talking about?
Evan: being spontaneous?
Connor: o-okay.
and it cuts to black.
theres a small montage here, as the set changes to Connor and Evans bedrooms
sincerely, me is a lament in this context, Connor and Evan are duetting from their respective rooms, writing to themselves.
(the lyrics are completely different and i will not be writing them here because thats too much fucking effort.
but they’re duetting from their bedrooms about making a connection to another person, feeling seen, for the first time. what it felt like and how they really want to keep it up but are afraid of making a mistake and ruining it.
its got some themes of waving thru a window, and a little bit of for forever, but its still largely the same notes just in a different key.)
after wards, Zoe knocks on Connors door to tell him dinner is ready to find him peacefully asleep.
requiem is the same, Zoe sees Connor as Dead to Her instead of actually dead, so some of the wording changes, so and so about how a monster doesn’t deserve peaceful rest etcetera.
school day happens, Connor doesn’t die, but the hot goss is that everyone saw Connor and Evan go home together after school, jared makes a shitty homophobic joke to Evan and Evan kind of tells him off about it. they argue and it culminates in Evan saying “well god forbid I’m friends with someone who isn’t YOU!” or smth like tht and it hits jared right the fuck at home man.
Connor says from the side lines: damn that was pretty hard core dude.
Evan: you have, no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that.
Connor honest to god l a u g h s, theres a number of people who hear it and lose their shit, Zoe being one of them: i have a pretty good idea, wanna get some lunch?
Evan: yeah, sure.
this general routine continues until labor day weekend, when they plan to go on their little escape. theres a short scene of Connor leaving the house with his keys and a backpack.
Connors mom confronts Zoe about his oddly upbeat attitude and hows he’s seemed differently lately Zoe Shrugs but decides to investigate his room.
she finds the letters. the first one is for forever, the theme plays as she reads it frantically, and is signed “Sincerely me (connor murphy)” so she knows its him, i f i could tell her begins but its a real duet between Connor and Zoe and at the end she resolves to try harder to connect to him.
Evan sings disappear to Connor after breaking into a formerly public park, in this context its him confessing that he broke his arm attempting su!c!de. Connor records it, for personal reference.
jared hacks Connors phone and steals the video, posting it to yt, in an effort to ruin their friendship.
Evan and Connor get in a little fight about it, and in the meantime Evan is called to the school to give an assembly because hes a phenomenal speaker and Disappear got like 1000000 views over night.
Zoe and Connor bond a little bit in a short scene before the assembly
Zoe: wheres Evan what happened?
Connor: Kleinman Did!
Zoe: what?
Connor: Why Do you care?
Zoe: because! you look happy around him!
Connor: i, i do?
Zoe: yeah? he could tell the worst joke ever written and you’d crack up. i haven’t heard you laugh like that in years Connor, maybe ever.
Connor: oh.
Zoe: Come back inside?
Connor: y, Yeah.
they all perform You Will Be Found together.
end act 1.
(no more dialogue from here i got tired)
to break in a glove is Connor’s dad trying to reconnect with him, it goes mediocrely, but Connor feels like hes being seen by his dad for the first time in years. its said in metaphors, but this is Connors dads way of saying that if Connor is willing to put in the work, so is he. they hug at the end, things are looking up. some talk of therapy is sprinkiled in the dialogue as they walk of stage together.
Only Us is Evan and Connor saying that they saved each other. its loosely romantic, as its a love song, but they don’t out right say that they’re in love or anything, they don’t know if theyre ready for that. its a promise. the song ends with Connor finally apologizing for pushing Evan over at the beginning of the show.
good for you is sung by jared only, as a power ballad, about losing people you didn’t treasure. its his attempt at an apology, but it ultimately fails, since jared is unable to take responsibility for his own actions. this is where jared and Evan go their separate ways.
Evan’s mom comforts him, as he sings words fail, which is about specifically jared, and how their rocky friendship is ruined and Evan pegs himself as the cause, instead of parents or perfect girl he uses metaphors that apply to best friends— maybe more. and talks about how he didn’t try, he was happy so he ignored that jared was hurting, and how that was really shitty of him. but instead of it being a generally somber song the end is lighter, because Connor is there— waving through his front window.
Evans mom sings So Big/So Small as Evan steps out the front door to embrace Connor and they mime talking about jared, hug and take hands. the house moves off stage in preparation for the finale.
Connor and Evan open the finale saying each others names, and sing it together as the test of the cast (minus jared) joins in, Evans mom taking his hand and Zoe Taking Connors, Evans mom the Murphys and Zoe break off to the back where Evan and Connor finish the final “all i see is sky for forever” while looking into each others eyes, and finish the musical by embracing (maybe kissing if thats ur jam).
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Dani's thingies:
So i was rewatching some old twoset roast commentary videos of agt to help deal with the shock of EDDYS LOFI TRACK WTF WE NEED BRETTS ASDFGHJKL which reminded me of the fact that china's got talent actually sent them an email quite a while back
WHICH THEN GOT MY WRITER *cough*ihaventwrittenficsorliterallyanythinginawHILEbutistillgetideas*cough* BRAIN A THINKIN'
What if they actually accepted it?
Look, i know this is an old idea with all the comments and people on reddit screaming "pEtIToN fOr bREtT aNd eDdY tO gO oN aGt tO dUnK oN tHeM" and such
Heck, even the bois themselves addressed it.
BUT WHAT IF they accepted the invitation at the time?
If i recall correctly, they were still in music uni when it was sent and their yt channel was still either ridiculously small or they havent made it yet.
Oh lol, i just watched the vid where they said they were invited and they said that it was BEFORE the agt roasting reviewing vids.
So, imagine watching chinas got talent and then seeing tHE BOIS COMING UP ON STAGE AND PERFORMING and maybe plugging their merch and yt channel lol
Imagine that this was sent to them when they were still planning the agt vids and then going "you know what, since we're going to diss on agt anyways why not show them how its actually supposed to be done?" And them on stage just SHREDDING PAGANINI
AND THEN WHEN THE BOIS READ THE SCRIPT THEYRE GONNA GO LIKE "this is bullshit, lets blow this popsicle stand" "but dude we're gonna get kicked out if we disagree" "dont worry i have a plan"
So on the day of shooting or the episode or whatever, the bois go with the whole song and dance. Eddy's on piano and Brett's just KILLING on the violin, the judges go "you guys sound like youre playing two completely different pieces but the violin guy can come back tomorrow, yadda yadda", emotional backstage moment about their LoYaLtY and fRiEnDsHiP, and brett agreeing to come back on with a zoom in shot of Eddy's tOTALLY betrayed face.
And then when its the day of Brett's performance... oH BOI.
He walks on, in a suit and tie with a mask covering his face. He doesnt say a word when the judges comment on his outfit but only waits for silence. He raises his bow... and BAM! FUCKING PAGANINI 24 CAPRICE. ITS SO SUDDEN AND FAST AND UNEXPECTED THAT EVERYONE CANT HELP BUT CHEER AND CLAP AND JUST DIE. And when the performance is done, the judges say "that was an amazing performance, we knew that the pianist was holding you back!" He smirks.
The TDLR of my coffee fueled ranting is why the fuck have i not seen any good fanfics of our violin bois destroying agt?! I mean, it might be on wattpad but hello? AO3? Where my AO3 writers at? Answer the fuckin call my dudes.
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The DNR au executions in order ✨ Dont read if it’ll make you uncomfortable :)
Murder #1: Alfred Jones is the first to kill. He’s overcome with the feeling of helplessness and can’t mentally handle being there. When Kumakuma gave everyone their first disguised motive, Alfred was pushed over the edge. His ‘motivation tape’ was a video of his parents’ farmhouse burning. It still isn’t clear if it was faked or real but that video hit Alfred like a ton of bricks. He kept up his cheery facade and decided to wait to make his move despite being desperate. He watched his classmates closely, just waiting to see weakness in them. He wouldnt go after a girl or someone bigger than him...He finally decided on Kiku. He was soft spoken and kept to himself so....He’d be easy to get to!! Around 3am, Alfred snuck out of his room and down the hall, knocking on Kiku’s door “Hey buddy uh....Look man I’m having trouble sleeping and I wanted to walk around a bit. Would you come with me? I don’t think it’s safe to walk around alone and I trust you”. Kiku is flattered and he agrees to walk around with Al. Little does he know, Alfred’s got a kitchen knife tucked into his jacket. They walk and walk, Alfreds getting fidgety. Kiku’s confused by his behavior but he understands that this place can make you feel jittery. They arrive at the second floor gate “Ok Alfred-san I think we should head back from here. I’m pretty tired, arent you-?” Alfred throws him against the gate, knocking the wind out of him which gives Al enough time to retrieve his knife and bury it into Kiku’s chest “I-I’m so sorry....I’m so fucking sorry...I don’t want this...I didn’t want to have to do this...But I need to get out of here....” he arranged Kiku’s body to make it look like he stabbed himself and runs away. Halfway back to his room he realizes that his shoes are bloody!! Shit!! So he takes them off to run the rest of the way back in his socks. He washes off his shoes and wears that same pair the next morning when everyone meets up for breakfast. Everyone realized that Kiku was gone way faste than Al expected and they split up into two groups to go find him......”Ding dong dong ding”....”A body has been discovered!!” And it begins.
Execution #1: Cannonball. Alfred Jones has been found guilty! Time for his punishment! His punishment for killing The Ultimate Gamer, Kiku Honda, is one final stunt! One exclusive show for his classmates! He’s the first to go so everybody buckle up! Alfred is stuffed into a Monokuma cannon! Wowie! The cannon is aimed at a huge target allllll the way across the room. The target is about a football field away. The canon starts to rumble...it gets louder and louder...Everyones freaking out!! And then, the floor opens! And Alfred is shot into a murky pool full of piranhas! Canonball!! His classmates are forced to stand and watch until there’s nothing left of their friend.
Murder #2: Tension rises after Alfred’s trial and execution because that was everyone’s brutal wake up call. This is very real. This is a game theyre forced to play. Kumakuma provides another motive only hours after the trial, calling everyone to the gym to present a stack of money! 20 million dollars to be exact! This is supposed to bribe the greedy ones into killing. Luciana Vargas begins to get cocky. She and Natalya start fighting. And I mean fighting. They scream, throw shit, all that! The others have to intervene most of the time too. It’s getting out of hand. And Nat can’t take it anymore!! Luciana likes to do her laundry at night so Natalya sneaks up on her...very quiet...She’s not wearing shoes, not even breathing as she approaches. And it’s all to easy. She snatched up a scarf and threw it around Luciana’s neck, brutally strangling her and whispering in her ear as she took her final breaths “You bitch...you slimy, nasty, fucking whore...I hate you...I hate you I hate you! I feel no remorse...You snake...You evil, cocky bitch...” The last thing Luciana sees is Natalya’s smiling face. Once she’s dead, Nat stuffs Luciana’s corpse into the washing machine and leaves. It takes three days for her to be discovered....Ding dong dong sing....and when she is, she’s discovered by Michelle of all people. Michelle faints and hits her head super hard on the ground, which makes this an even bigger ordeal. Everyone suspects Nat from the start since the two were fighting so much and the evidence all leads to her anyway. Luciana managed to rip out a few of Nat’s hairs so those were found at the scene....
Execution #2: Eye Of The Beholder. Natalya Braginskya has been found guilty! Time for her punishment! Her punishment for killing The Ultimate Designer, Luciana Vargas, is to face off against 10,000 bees! Natalya is placed in a giant glass bubble which is teetering on a ledge shaped like a hand. Bees are quickly pumped into the sphere! As Natalya struggles while shes being brutally stung, she makes the glass ball shift too much! And in doing so, she and the bees fall to their deaths, the glass ball crashing into the floor 4 stories below! She was beautiful! And her death made sure she would no longer be. Or...no longer...’bee’
Murder #3: it’s almost three weeks after Nat’s trial and none of the motives are working. Kumakuma has presented six motives and everyone has decided to stick to their friedship. That just won’t do. Kumakuma then decides to dig deep into everyone’s pasts, finding their darkest secrets. He slips a folder under everyone’s door...The secrets cause Francis to snap. He can’t take this anymore. Kumakuma is going to release his darkest secrets to the media in 48 hours if someone doesn’t kill. Oh god oh god oh no...Francis’s folder if full of secrets. He slept with a director, gave another actor food poisoning to take his role, drove over a coworker’s leg with a gold cart so they couldn’t perform, all sorts of awful things that he did to secure his career. Things that his poor mother didn’t know. That his sister didn’t know. No one was supposed to know any of this but...him. He couldn’t allow this to get out! This would wreck his family!!! He calmed himself down enough to draft a plan. He wrote out his entire murder plan from start to finish. It was foolproof. (Spoiler alert, it wasn’t). He caught Arthur in the hall as everyone was heading off to their rooms after dinner and guided him away where no one would see, sneaking him into the bath house. It was all coming together...This was going to work...Francis is the ultimate actor of course! He’s been working on Arthur from day one, flirting with him and being nice. He had a feeling that Arthur’s loyalty would come in handy!! Now it was time to put him to use. He and Art stripped and got in the hot tub, Fran made conversation and then offered to wash Art’s hair. Of course Art complied....Then Francis did what he had to do. He shoved Art’s head underwater and held him there. Art put up a good fight, he screamed and fought hard but in the end, Fran was just stronger and heavier so when he finally managed to sit on his head, it was all over for him. Francis didn’t bother arranging the body, he dried himself off and left the scene. He was very stealthy about his exit and he took the long way back to his room just to be sure. His downfall? He smelled like the soap from the bathhouse. That soap is only in the bathhouse. That was the one detail that got him. And when that detail was discovered, his cool facade started breaking, he’d never been so nervous before and even as the ultimate actor, he couldn’t mask his guilt forever.
Execution #3: The Stage Of Kings. Francis Bonnefoy has been found guilty! Time for his punishment! His punishment for killing The Ultimate Mathlete, Arthur Kirkland, is to put on one final performance! Francis is strapped into a chair in the middle of an ornate stage. He’s dressed as a king with the whole garb and crown. Above him are three chandeliers, one falls and hits the stage on either side of him, scaring the crap outta him and the final one lowers down....lowers down...until it’s right over his chair. And then BOOM!!! In one horrific movement, the chandelier falls on top of him and explodes!! BA BAM!! To signify the end of the performance, black and red rose petals fall from the ceiling and into the viewing area where the other students are and applause plays from the speakers.
Murder #4: Another motive has been presented. This motive is success. ‘If you kill someone and graduate, you’ll be guaranteed even more success than before. Your name will be everywhere, you’ll get many interviews and all kinds of publicity! Media coverage beyond your wildest dreams!!’. This sparked something in Berwald. Berwald has always been the rock of the group. He’s emotionally detached, intelligent and strong. He did very little in the actual trials but if he thought someone was wrong he’d say so. Berwald thought that he’d never be a suspect if he ever did commit something...All he had to do was disguise the crime scene. Plant hair. Contaminate evidence. Move things around. Anything he could to frame someone else! He had a plan. He would kill Matthias, the stupid dancer who he couldn’t stand to be around. Then he’d frame Carmen. He found a pair of the shoes she wore and took them from the supply room, keeping them for himself. It took awhile to get all of the supplies he needed. Tarps, tools from the art room, a bag of blood from the nurses office. Everything was coming together!!! This was going to work!! He could almost taste his freedom! He got too cocky. Berwald followed Matthias, who was blissfully unaware of what was happening, as he wandered around the school. He followed Matthias up to the 3rd floor and cornered him in the red room!!! But Matthias was too fast!! As Berwald went to hit him over the head, Matthias grabbed a Kumakuma bottle and smashed it over his head!! Berwald now had blood running down his face into his eyes! Matthias took this as an opportunity to snatch up another bottle, breaking that one on his head too! BAM!! After a THIRD hit to the head, Berwald fell to the ground and died. Matthias was horrified with what he had done...now he was standing in a puddle of blood, covered in Berwald’s blood...Even though this was technically self defense, he still killed him!! Oh no!!! He rifled though Berwald’s bag and managed to piece together the origional plan! He made bloody footprints with the girls shoes and dumped his own shoes (and the rest of Berwald’s bag’s contents) in hallway garbage can. Jittery and in shock, he made his way back to his room to shower. His biggest mistake was leaving a partial bloody handprint on his own doorknob.
Execution #4: ‘Dance Dance Execution!’. Matthias Kohler has been found guilty! It’s time for his punishment! His punishment for killing Berwald Ox, The Ultimate CEO, is to dance for his life! A ‘dance dance revolution’ machine is set up for everyone to see. Matthias is set up on the machine and must dance at the highest level in order to stay alive. He gets three chances, each misstep makes the machine go faster, demanding that Matthias dances faster. When he messes up the first time, buzzer rings out and strobe lights turn on. Now the his vision is obscured as he dances. The second time he messes up, he’ll hear a buzzer again and the sound of a roaring crowd is pumped into the room, making it harder for him to hear the song the machine is playing. The third time he messes up, the room goes silent, the machine stops and the lights come on all the way to reveal a giant, heavy, metal box dangling from the ceiling. The box then falls, crushing him and the ‘dance dance’ machine too.
“Murder” #5: The students have all been desperate to figure out the mystery of the school. They’ve gone to the bathhouse and student bathrooms countless times to formulate plans to sneak around. They’ve distracted Kumakuma, stolen things from different rooms, found a headmasters key tucked away in the library. They’ve been able to uncover the mystery of why there are 16 trial stands. There are 16 students. What the fuuuck???? They get ahold of Gilbert’s student file and within a day, a body is found. Ding dong dong ding!....Huh??? Everyone rushes to where they hear screams! Up on the 4th floor, slumped against the music room door is Gilbert Beilschmidt!!! The student they just discovered in the files!! His face is mutilated and a chunk of skin on his shoulder is missing. His file indicates that he has a tattoo there to commemorate his first gold medal. Everyone is now rightfully freaking out, everyone suspects eachother!! They go into the trial practically blind.
Execution....#5...?: The trial for Gilbert Beilschmidt’s murder is the most chaotic one yet. No evidence is making sense...But...One little detail. Michelle had gone to the bathroom alone that morning while everyone else was at breakfast at 7:15. And Gilbert’s death was around 7:30 so....She had plenty of time to go kil him and come back before breakfast was over at 9! After that fact came to light, everyone agreed that Michelle was the killer and...she was sentanced! Huh??? Michelle didn’t kill anyone!!! She just barely saved herself by posing the question: ‘Couldnt Gilbert have even killed by the mastermind? Not one of us?’. Everyone then quickly turned on Kumakuma, asking who controlled him. After an hour in the trial room, arguing and yelling, The real Gilbert showed himself in his true, mastermind glory! He admits to being part of the Ultimate Despair. The dead ‘Gilbert’ was just another corpse. A decoy. But the students figured him out. The trial continued long into the night as the students worked through the mysteries of the school, the tragedy, whats outside, all of it. Gilbert laughed and went along with it, encouraging despair to take over the students. “If you convict Michelle, I’ll allow you all to continue living here in peace! But if you convince me~ Well, you have to go. The second I die, the air purifiers will go off! And so will the fridges, air conditioner, water pumps, all of it! You’ll be forced to leave! Go out into that hopeless world you love so much and die there, motherfuckers~”
Execution #5: The Finale. The students all convince Gilbert, they stick together to the very end. Gilbert laughs and laughs, hitting the button to announce his own punishment. He whoops and hollers as he strides into the punishment room, happily straps himself onto a wheel with a target on it. The punishment begins! The wheel starts spinning. Slow at first then faster and faster and faster! Kumakuma robots throw knives at Mach speed, each knife hitting Gil in different places. Throughout his punishment, he laughs and hollers through the whole thing. The students think it’s worse than screams of pain....When hes dead they all get to leave....and see what’s outside...
((I hope this isn’t too rambly lmao alsoooo please don’t think I’m like....fucked up or something lmao aijssjkshdvs))
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