#(my dad was tall and dark-haired XD)
unhonestlymirror · 9 months
My favourite song
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cgcgs43046 · 30 days
"Learn about Blitzø's new and improved backstory with his new and improved childhood-to-midteens-to exes-to rekindled kinda relationship best friend! :D"
So... I kinda hated the way they did the childhood friends trope for Stoliz since you can't have a long-lasting friendship after just one day of a forced playdate between two, frankly, abusive adults and Stolas just expects Blitzø to remember him after a decade and a half;-; which is weird so I built up on that idea/refined it a little on their part in the rewrite (they won't be endgame! I PROMISE!) Honestly, the episode was horrible but I kept it and I'll later add a dramatic twist to it maybe...
So for BlitzFizz, I think the show handled it a bit better but could use a little more refining and actually show them as good/strongly-tied friends since if Fizz was really Blitzø's friend, wouldn't he try to be a bit defensive of him instead of being Cash Buckzo's lapdog/golden goose, idk maybe the whole circus was toxic except for Barbie and Tilla XD
In short, I love the childhood friends trope but if it's DONE RIGHT!
So I decided to create my own partner for him which was my OC, but don't worry, they won't have an exclusive closed-off conservative relationship.
Full backstory ft. Blitzø's POV under the cut ;) (Heavily based on the Anne and Marcy backstory with a few changes to fit the worldbuilding)
The story goes that I grew tired of performing on one of our shows at a pier in the Envy District in The Pentagram. So, I quietly left the tents, made my way to the beach, played in the water, and noticed a young girl. She had skin as pale as the Earth's moon, hair as dark as the night, and was sitting by herself constructing a large sandcastle…small wings folded behind her. Nearby, a tall man with red sunglasses, curly hair, and a top hat adorned with a big, eerie smile was watching over her.
I invited her over to splash in the waves, but she'd rather stay high and dry, working on her "masterpiece" in the sand. I laughed at first, then it caught in my throat as I saw what she'd built. A stick in her hand traced out a literal blueprint, not just any drawing - a detailed scale model of a castle from her favorite video game (the name escapes me again, you've been obsessed with it since you were, like, six years old? Still the first thing you mention to new people, well, since the last time I saw you…). Right, it was C&C, Vagabondia Chronicles, and some dark and spooky tabletop games on the side along with..."classic" fairytales. I may have been lost in translation, but the passion burning in your eyes for this game and the castle homage was crystal clear. Even as the waves rolled in closer, I knew I had to defend your masterpiece from the watery demise before it was complete. You were getting flustered, so I grabbed your hand, met your gaze, and declared with all the seriousness a kid (even me) could muster: WE WOULD DEFEND YOUR CASTLE TO THE BITTER END! That part, at least, I remember clearly. Your dads apparently saw us valiantly "attacking" the water with our little shovels. It was a doomed battle, for sure, but we went down swinging, tripping over each other in a fit of laughter and getting soaked to the bone. We lost the castle, yeah, that part sucked, but hey, we found each other. And damn, if that didn’t make all the chaos worth it.
Damn it, Darc, why did I have to push you away?! If only I hadn’t been so stupid to think our relationship could cause a war. I had a chance to escape from the shitty drama in my life earlier, from my shitty circus, from my shitty dad, from my shitty family. I would’ve planned for Mom to get cured, and maybe bring Fizz. I wish things were different, but they’re not. And, I’m sorry I had to make you go through this… but you’re strong, I’d think you’d be the only person who’d move on and not excessively hate me like the others did. One day, I’ll come back for you and I can finally sort out the shit we’ve done to each other.
Anyways, you can leave questions in the comments but if they need a longer answer from older lore-dumps, just go to my asks! ASKS ARE OPEN EVERYONE!
Bye~! :)
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svperluminous · 2 months
Some ideas from my Space Pirate Finnegrin AU
The premise of the story is that Callum needs to go somewhere or is looking for something (I still haven't figured out what he wants actually) but he's a prince and he doesn't want his parents to know what he's planning (both Harrow and Sarai are alive) so he hires an infamous space pirate who is known as a skilled pilot (one of the best pilots in the system, actually) and smuggler.
His crew are three of his crew from the show (the purple haired ram horned Earthblood elf I named Salma, the red curly haired human I named Rudy and the green haired tall and muscular Earthblood elf I named Theo) plus Elmer. Finn is more like their friend than their boss and he calls Elmer by his real name.
Thus begins their unlikely alliance. They do argue a lot in the beginning, Finn's ship breaks down at one point, they get attacked fairly frequently xD
At one point Callum's life is in danger because another pirate is pointing a gun at him and Finn shouts "you don't wanna kill 'im! He's [name]'s nephew!" and the person he name-drops is a pirate no one wants to cross. Finn later calls her and asks for a favor to pretend to be Callum's aunt. She's a Katolian and doesn't have any kids but her brother has some and no one actually keeps track of how many he has. She's not happy about it but she agrees. They later contact her brother, just in case. He immediately recognizes Callum as the prince of Katolis and gets super mad at Finnegrin for 1. getting Callum in trouble and 2. creating this whole charade. Finn doesn't understand why he's angry. Only later is it revealed that this is Callum's bio dad. He knows Callum is his son but for whatever reasons could not take part in his life.
One time they stumble upon a freshly killed Startouch elf and Finn's eyes see money! This universe still has magic and dark mages would pay looooooots of money for a fresh Startouch corpse! He puts it into the stasis chamber of his ship but Callum complains the whole way that this is wrong and that the body needs to be returned to their family. Finally, Finn caves in and agrees to bring the body to the closest Startouch embassy.
In this universe, Startouch elves live on a remote station and act like a sovereign nation. Aaravos lives on Earth, on the Xadian continent and is known as an eccentric rich guy. He doesn't like other Startouch elves but no one knows why (yet).
So it's the middle of the night and Finn and his crew, accompanied by Callum, are carrying the body wrapped in a rug through the sleepy streets xD well, Elmer is doing the carrying. They place the body at the entrance and are about to leave, when the door opens and a Startouch woman looks at them. They all freeze, Finn reaches for his gun but she tells them not to panic. She introduces herself as the dead elf's sister and tells them she saw them coming here in a vision. She knows they didn't kill her brother and she's just happy to get his body, so she can say goodbye and bury him.
She wipes her tears and invites them inside. Finnegrin is absolutely against it but she offers tea and cookies and Rudy and Theo just run after her. Finn follows them grumpily xD
The Startouch elf tells them how and why her brother was killed as well as about a conflict yet to come. A conflict in which they will take part. She breaks off a piece of her brother's horn and gives it to Callum, saying that he might need it at one point.
In this universe, dark magic is not necessarily evil and Aaravos can't control dark mages. If an ingredient was given willingly and the castor's intentions are good, then there's little to no damage from casting a dark magic spell.
I don't have everything figured out yet but the conflict is basically a Startouch civil war that Aaravos starts and our heroes just land smack into it and somehow help stop it xD Finnegrin learns to be less selfish by following Callum's example.
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dyad-of-fate · 5 months
Are Thorne and Kestrel's character designs done yet?
You have... no idea how hard this made us laugh, thank you X'D
And for the most part Kestrel is done, yes~ The only thing left for them is a few tattoos, and those will just evolve as I get to them. But since these are on Kestrel's back (most likely), I'm just calling them done. Really the only big thing I want to draw is Kestrel with their hair down but I know what that looks like.
Now Thorne's design may just continue to evolve and change until we get further in the story- or maybe it will just have small changes until we actually finish haha. But this is the most up to date version and there are key features that are locked in place: long and lanky, delicate, lil snaggle tooth fang poking from his mouth, monochrome pallet with dark skin, kinky-curly hair, heterochromia with one dark eye and a light eye, and freckles. His patterning may change a few more times, tattoos are a hope but those aren't designed, we knoe he has a few accessories but not sure what exactly yet, he has family scarification (cultural thing) but those aren't designed yet- we want to do our research and make sure we don't use a real culture's practices incorrectly... but yeah! Yarne is pleased with what his face and body type looks like. And he actually looks like his mom and dad's kid now, so that's a nice bonus.
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Here, enjoy their canon height difference. For context, Kestrel's about 6 feet tall (183 cm). Which means their dog half is about the size of a large pony. Thorne's actually not terribly short for a wolf :)
Oh I guess that one thing will be redrawn on Kestrel, now that I'm looking at this. That shirt is not in line with the fashion of the Wall, so they probably wouldn't wear that unless they made it... overall fashion in story is more like 1920's meets 1940's - 50's era (from various places around the world). Clothing design isn't a strong suit though, so I just draw them in whatever my heart desires at the time XD
Thorne's jacket is canon though, it's his dad's old coat.
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katyspersonal · 10 months
18 for Gehrman and 22 & 25 for Laurence!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
We only really have Laurence, Maria, Doll and Moon Presence because whereas Willem, Djura, Eileen and Ludwig are addressed there is so much to headcanon about them that it probably evades "in canon" category... :') I really love the depth and the sadness of both his bonds with Maria and Laurence, regardless of whether they're romantic or platonic. I am a little antsy that they've left some lines suggesting a much deeper bond with Laurence in cut content realm, but I am reusing everything I physically can, sooooo xD
There is also Paleblood Hunter which I love to think is sort of reincarnation of Laurence ( x ), but this one, again, either falls back into Laurence category or there isn't enough to develop during just one night.. 🤔 Final product suggests that Gehrman loves all hunters equally, including us, which is still sweet!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Hahaha, tough luck, I only read fanfics from either 1) people that are unreachable and would never interact with the fandom or 2) people I trust deeply as friends! Reading fanfics became way too important emotional experience for me to mentally manage feeling rejected by the writer as a person. But in the AU where I am a normal person without such deep insecurities, I say everything regarding his story is good! Byrgenwerth era where he only starts picking interest in holy blood? Good. Early Healing Church? Good. His last days where he can't save himself anymore? Good. Whatever time of his life you take will be interesting, because HE is interesting! I definitely adore how Laurence is included in your fanfic, both his personality and his actions!
I do not know the state of Bloodborne fanfics well enough to judge, so I think my general turn-off applies; romantic/sexual fanfics that have such little character-specific or lore-specific context that if you detach the characters from the source material no one will notice! Good ship fanfic is the one that specifically applies to these characters, not just a random fantasy with their names attached! Easiest cheat with this problem is having characters reminiscise or address some prior events in canon, especially if they led to... uhhhh, the """interaction""", but really, there are various ways to bind them to the setting 🤔
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
YEEEEES YES GOOD QUESTION!!!! My first exposure to Bloodborne cast was getting recommended a compillation of boss themes with images attached on Youtube, so I just saw a BW image of his beast form without any context paired with his theme. For some reason I thought he was some wise, serious, dignified monster found (fought?) somewhere in library-like place, and that he could talk too!
I was yet to discover how feral this form of him really was, or that he even used to be a human to begin with! I thought this videogame just had monsters x) Now I am also aware how dirty his hands are, when I thought he was a morally grey character until [player] would disturb him for some reason. He is very complex and deep. Love him for that, but the guy is so heavy that memeing about him is easier dfshfhds But I was right on the money with 'dignified librarian dad' impression, after all! *spoon-feeds you my "Laurence is a son of Cainhurst librarian and quite a bookworm in general" speculation for 700th time*
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^^^ This is also the closest I can get to my first mental image of his human form after I've learned he had one and was a scholar in Byrgenwerth! You can see dark hair and buttchin were always there, but he used to have green eyes and less facial hair... Also his glasses were exclusively for reading. And he was tall and less "cute". I agree the "handsome" beta Laurence is a bit better than my final product <:3 He feels more... laurence-y xD If I am to ever create something 'serious' for Bloodborne, like maybe a large comics, I might roll back to this image more, but for now it is all little kitten Laurence for me.
Thank you for asking!
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icarian-carrion · 8 months
omg super late to the party (blame it on time zones not my inability to keep up with tumblr) BUT if you're still doing that 'if they had a kid meme'... I nominate the Vision Girls™ aka Tisha and Evelyn (alternatively Banksy and Snowden if the other doesn't work xD)
You are never too late to any meme ever I will accept any of them from you at any time don't even worry also I'm doing both.
Name: Daniel Adeke-Whileaway Gender: Male General appearance: Dark hair and eyes, he takes after Evelyn and is quite tall - he's thankful every day Tisha's short ass genes were not a factor for him. Quite fit because he did inherit Tisha's love of rugby. No tattoos, but he has a nose piercing. Personality: The Laughter Hides The Pain. Extremely funny and easy to get along with, but has always struggled with his visions, even with the support his mothers give him. It’s made him extremely empathetic and sweet, he’s first one to jump into any situation to help. Special Talents: Poetry, prophetic visions, has taken a bunch of first aid courses. Who they take after more: Tisha Who they like more: Evelyn Personal headcanon: Eventually goes into business with his mothers to open up a safe haven coffee shop where all kinds of supernatural folks can rest on neutral ground. Tisha carried him but Evelyn is his mother genetically, really loves to pretend it’s the other way around, or that they used magic and they’re both his parent genetically, anything to mess with people. Face claim: Eli Goree
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Name: Justino Whileaway da Silva Gender: Male General appearance: Shorter than he looks (thanks mom) and has his mother’s nose but his dad’s eyes. Was his dad’s mini me as a grade schooler. Personality: A royal pain in the ass, because what else could he be? Dude was raised on radical politics and with a distinct lack of respect for authority. If anything he’s determined to be even more of a shit disturber than his parents. He’s a lot of fun to be around, and a genuinely nice guy, but he’s got a lot of fighting to do. Sometimes physically. Special Talents: Lockpicking, good with tech, and very good at charming people into telling him things they shouldn’t. Who they like more: Neither (Rafael) Who they take after more: Both (Tisha) Personal headcanon: Got arrested for tagging a corporate bookstore when he was thirteen. Rafael talked him out of the charge and then took him out for ice cream and Tisha took him shopping for new paints. His Portuguese is waaaay better than his Tamil. Face claim: Dino Morea
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Tagged by @saranios (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
1. are you named after anyone?
Yeah actually! I don't know em, but my middle name comes from someone on my dad's side of the family
2. when was the last time you cried?
Literally last night 😭 I was watching America's Got Talent videos and crying from inspiration and crushed dreams. Also cuz I'm an empath xD
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play / have you played?
I also played Tennis! I had so much fun with it, I only wish I played all four highschool but unfortunately depression 🙃
5. do you use sarcasm?
Most of the time :3
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
Their hair funny, which I didn't realize until I thought about it. Only to be followed by their voice because I'm in online social spaces (cough Vrchat)
7. what's your eye color?
Brown! Dark :3
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings 🥺
9. any talents?
I sing~ pretty good *coughtiktok@Dramana_22cough* and my Art is at a pretty good place to be considered a talent uwu
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
Aside from singing and drawing, I also like to write stories, act, do photography, stream games. I also uncommonly sew, play guitar/piano, dance (Just Dance games really)
12. do you have any pets?
No :(
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
I'm a theater kid :3
15. dream job?
God what I'd give to make singing my career
I have a copy-paste of the questions if y'all don't wanna type out all the questions hehehe
tagging: @thecornedbin @zymple @cringeroyalty-rain @alexs-moon-garden @theshiningdiamond @ihfridays
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crowandmoonwriting · 1 year
Character Inspo Tag
Rules: List your OCs and the characters that inspired them!
Thanks for tagging me @writernopal!
I’m leaving this as an open tag, so if you see it, consider yourself tagged!
For the characters from On Crimson Wings:
(Spoilers for Tolkien’s Silmarillion below, oddly enough lol)
Maedhros and Maglor, The Silmarillion: I love to suffer, okay? And therefore I love The Silmarillion. Aderyn’s appearance is inspired by Maedhros (tall, red-haired, handsome, excellent swordsman), but his temperament is more like Maglor (gentle and melancholy, after Maedhros’s death he wandered up and down the beach singing laments).
Marion/Sauron, The Silmarillion/Lord of the Rings: I love him so much it’s not even funny. For those who haven’t read The Silmarillion, Sauron was once called Mairon, and he served the gods as a blacksmith, the most talents of all, before he was seduced by the dark one, Melkor.
Frodo, Lord of the Rings: okay hear me out, I know Sauron was the cause of his suffering, but he is a perfect character to me. His journey in the book, his endurance, his fall, his pain, it’s absolutely part of my conception of Aderyn and his own journey. Frodo my darling 🥺
The Usurper
Melkor/Morgoth, The Silmarillion: so I have an incredible weakness for villains, especially tall, dark, handsome and impetuous chaos kings like Melkor. Also the Lord/Lieutenant thing he has going with Marion? The corruption arc? Perfection ❤️
Aragorn, Lord of the Rings: we love a reluctant king/horse-girl hybrid
Damen, Captive Prince: Hot? Check. Himbo? Check. Big muscles and bigger heart? Triple check. (Pls read Captive Prince)
Joffrey Baratheon/Lannister, Game of Thrones: ummm…. Well. He’s a brat and vicious, and he clutches his crown with both fists. ‘Nuff said.
Caranthir/Curufin, The Silmarillion: noticing a pattern here? Lol anyway. Like Caranthir, he’s quick to anger, and like Curufin, he’s his dad’s mini-me.
The Regent, Captive Prince: now the Regent is just about pure evil, and Milian isn’t, but he is the primary antagonist, and he is fighting in dirty underhanded ways for the crown.
Henry VIII, English history: vibes more than anything. As a historian, I have to say, Henry VIII has rancid vibes for me, and Rhudd has the same type of vibes. Not as many wives, though.
Feanor, The Silmarillion: so much to say about Feanor, but let me just say this: he caused allllll the problems, and the man died so angry that he exploded into flames.
Caterina Sforza, Italian history: the Tigress of Forlí! When her children were taken hostage, it’s said that she pulled up her dress, pointed to the space between her legs, and said, “Kill them! I have the means to make more!” And that, if true, is some cold shit. And very Entha.
Queen Ravenna, Snow White and the Huntsman: I picture her very much like Charlize Theron, lol. Like Ravenna, Entha is ruthless in pursuit of her power, and desperate to keep her crown. You could see her as the wicked queen to Aderyn’s Snow White, I suppose XD
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cybernightart · 1 year
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals Tagged by @nitewrighter Were you named after anyone? funny story actually! I got my name because years before my dad met my mum, he had a dream about having a child with my name, and he was dead set on naming me that to the point he made sure none of my cousins were called the same name! When was the last time you cried? Like 2 days ago, I stumbled across one of those sad grim reaper comics with the animal spirits and those make me sob every time istg Do you have kids? Nope Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, but I'm very obvious about it. I struggle when other people are sarcastic, I'm very bad at picking it up, so I try and make it easy for others when I do it What’s the first thing you notice about people? In person, it depends. Maybe what they are wearing or their hair if it dyed a funky colour. But usually I get a vibe about a person, like a gut instinct whether I think they are going to be a good person or not, and I'm right a majority of the time, but I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Online though, same sorta thing. Except i get the gut feeling about the way they type or in general talk with people, and how they have their profiles/blogs decorated (if i look, which isn't guaranteed) What’s your eye colour? Dark brown! Scary movies or happy endings? I wish I could watch scary movies, but I can't handle them, though I love gore art and horror stuff. I just can't do scary games or movies. I love happy endings though, a sure fire way to make me hate a book or movie is to have a sad or otherwise bad ending. Even if I love the rest, if the ending is bad, I hate it all. I watch movies to feel good. I don't wanna finish a movie feeling worse then when i started it! Any special talents? I can do the clover thing with my tongue, I can roll my stomach, other than that I don't really know? Most of the things I can do are “special talents” I didn't know they weren't normal until someone told me. Where were you born? Scotland! Though unfortunately i lost my accent, as i moved somewhere else a few years back What are your hobbies? Apart from playing games and drawing, it really depends on my current hyper fixation. But I have done things like knitting, crochet, painting (water/acrylic), sculpting, collecting things, baking, jewelry making and more (wish I was better at writing though, I'm 90% sure I'm dyslexic and have a really hard time reading/writing, and it's very hard for me to get my thoughts into text. My brain goes 500x faster than I can type and I have the bad habit of jumping around when I'm telling a story or writing something out, on top of the hard time with attention/ regulating focus part of my Adhd) Have any pets? I have 1 fluff ball of a dog called Maisy, she's a shih tzu bichon frise! What sports do you play/have you played? The only time I decided to sign up for a sports team, was in March of 2020, for a badminton team. The day try-outs were going to happen was the day we shut down for the pandemic. I now semi jokingly say that was a sign from the gods to never play sports XD How tall are you? I am an absolute giant, a towering giant behemoth of a human being at my incredible height of 5’4 ( 162.56 cm) XD Favourite subject in school?
Art all the way! But that was followed up by science and la depending on the unit/assignment Dream job? Video game character concept artist! Or concept artist in general but i love character design sm more then designing objects or scenery Tagging (i don't have 15 moots so cant do 15, but i do have these wonderful people!) @reaphantom @fr00tzcat @cyberbirb-arts @genjishimada @cloud-amiibo and anyone else who’d like to participate :D 
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smallphoenix13 · 2 years
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I posted 16,907 times in 2022
34 posts created (0%)
16,873 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,907 of my posts in 2022
#kingdom hearts - 187 posts
#twewy - 166 posts
#ntwewy - 90 posts
#joshua kiryu - 78 posts
#food - 71 posts
#sora - 66 posts
#neku sakuraba - 56 posts
#riku - 52 posts
#ntwewy spoilers - 51 posts
#for later - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and every single website i found was like ‘autismparenting.com’ ‘as a parent of an autistic child it’s a struggle to see them exist. here’s
My Top Posts in 2022:
ok but like it also sucks that twewy never got super popular because a twewy hot topic line would go SO hard
78 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
a list of my favorite kingdom hearts x disney headcanons:
1. no one questions why sora is traveling with an anthropomorphic duck and dog bc donald’s magic disguises them as human. they all see donald as a very short man and goofy as a very tall man. some people (like the keyblade wielders) can see through it they just don’t care. what you’re seeing in places like atlantica, the duck/octopus hybrid and the dog/turtle hybrid, is only half of their magic. the other half completes the transformation, so ariel and co. just see a disney-ified octopus and turtle. this is also why no one questions why ven is mouse-sized. they just see him as a mouse.
2. after the events of reverse/rebirth, mickey illegally adopted riku. one day he gets home to disney castle and he’s like “hi minnie the love of my life i love what you did with your hair oh by the way i adopted a child this is our new son riku.” and at first minnie is like “what.” but then she’s immediately ride or die for this random goblin child that mickey just picked up somewhere. the only perk this gives to riku is the fact that he can now use mickey and minnie’s names, not just their titles. at one point riku accidentally calls mickey “dad.” he’s mortified, but mickey is super touched and also never lets him live it down.
3. the reason why rikus hair looks so ragged in DDD is because he tried to use his keyblade to cut it like mulan and it obviously did not work. he was gonna get it touched up professionally but then he was called for the mark of mastery exam and so he had to put it off.
111 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
i had a dream the other night that there was a kingdom hearts disney xd show that was basically just a nonsense-of-the-week roommates au where sora riku and kairi got a house together and shenanigans ensue. there was one episode where maleficent showed up at the door like “i don’t wanna be evil anymore i wanna make friends” so they kept trying things to make her more non-threatening but nothing worked until they got her into pop music via kate bush and were like “here’s something not scary that you can use to bond with people” and now i want this show more than anything
152 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Reblog this post and add all the dark/weird things that happen in love and shining nikki! When I tell people this game is weirdly really dark no one ever believes me so I want help compiling a list of every messed up thing that happens in these games
I’ll start:
everything about Lilith but especially what she did to get a new family
Oh yeah also lunar getting IMPALED at the end of volume 1
172 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the crowd screamed “pussy” with the fervor of a child allowed to say one (1) swear word
975 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
Your Life
name: Megan. sex: Female. occupation: Admin assistant. favorite people: My boyfriend, my Mum & Dad, my friends, Jon Moxley xD favorite place to be: NYC. favorite color(s): Purple, green, blue. three main interests: Wrestling, video games & music. your house is: Two stories, part of a complex of 21 with a gate, two bedrooms, right at the end of the complex. describe yourself in four words: Talkative, funny, kind, bubbly. best sex: Uh... any with my boyfriend? Haha xD
most memorable memory: Oh, so many! worst memory: Getting hit by a car. favorite word of all time: Mox xD first best friend ever: Anna. first sex: I was 14.
love is: Great. are you in love: Yes. love or lust?: Love. when love hurts, you: Get upset but then work it out. true or false: all you need is love: False, it's great but you need more than just that.
Preferred Sex
turn ons: Good sense of humour, likes wrestling, likes to go out and have fun, has a car, dark haired, tall, nice ass, nice muscly arms and shoulders, goes to the gym. your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: Not particularly, but my parents love my boyfriend, so that's nice. the sweetest thing a member of the preferred sex can do for you?: Surprise me with something small they know I'll like. tall or short: Tall! I'm short, so most guys are taller than me xD looks or smarts: Both. are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers?: LOL no.
Picky Picky
best pets: Cat for sure. short or long hair: Depends on who it is - for myself, longer hair. sunshine or rain: Sunshine. ink or piercings: On myself, neither. On other people, I like a few tattoos. hugs or kisses: Both. favorite drink: Water or Starbucks frappe. snail mail or e-mails: Email. playstation or nintendo: Nintendo. car or skateboard: Car. sing or dance: Both.
More About YOU!
if you were a crayon, what colors would you be?: Purple. ever OD'd?: No. what's the next CD you are going to buy?: I don't buy CDs anymore. what's the last drug you took?: None. what's the best advice ever given to you?: Always have fun, but be careful. what's the stupidest thing you have ever done?: Don't even ask. how many kids do you want to have?: None. plan on getting married?: No. what are you most scared of?: Spiders. how many TV's do you have in your house?: Two. The one in my room is broken though, I'm getting a new one for my birthday xD vegan, veggie or carnivore: I eat both vegetables and meat lol. who do you dream about?: Lots of people. who do you tell your dreams to?: Depends. your boyfriend/girlfriend is: He's great and I love him. your parents are: Amazing. your body type is: Slim, mostly. eyes: Green. skin color: White. in school: No. prejudices: None that I know of lol. pet peeves: Migraines, slow internet, cold rainy weather, hypocrites, when I can't fall asleep etc.
10 bands and singers you've been listening a lot to lately: 1) Madison Beer 2) Blue 3) Ayumi Hamasaki 4) Five 5) Girls Aloud 6) Namie Amuro 7) Taylor Swift 8) NewJeans 9) Spice Girls 10) Charli XCX
09 things you look forward to: 1) Weekly wrestling 2) Eating out 3) Hanging with my boyfriend 4) Traveling 5) Weekends 6) Going to the gym... most of the time lol 7) Getting paid xD 8) Buying Converse 9) Watching anything Jon Moxley does
8 things you like to wear: 1) Converse 2) Yoga pants 3) Wrestling shirts 4) My Mox hoodie 5) Short shorts 6) Tank tops 7) Flip flops 8) Push up bras xD
07 things that annoy you: 1) Migraines 2) Slow internet 3) Cold rainy weather 4) Hypocrites 5) Not being able to fall asleep 6) Idiots at work who don't understand that things can't be done immediately and take time 7) When I get stuck on a video game and can't keep playing it
06 things you say most days: 1) Haha 2) LOL 3) Hello, you've reached [name of company I work for], my name is Megan, how I can help? 4) Mox's name lol 5) Yay 6) Sure
05 things you do everyday: 1) Listen to music 2) Watch YouTube videos 3) Watch wrestling of some kind 4) Play Pokemon Go & Sleep on my phone 5) Waste time online
04 people you want to spend more time with: 1) My boyfriend, always 2) Ngawari 3) David 4) All my other friends
03 movies you could watch over and over again: 1) None, I'm not a movie person
02 of your favorite songs at the moment: 1) Angelina Mango - La Noia 2) Clea - Stuck In The Middle
01 person you could spend the rest of your life with: 1) My boyfriend
ABOUT YOURSELF name: Megan gender: Female height: 5'3" haircolor: Blue & purple eyecolor: Green location: NZ fears: Spiders, clowns, ladders, deep water
HAVE YOU EVER peed your pants: Not that I know of lol cheated on someone: Yes fallen off the bed: Yes fallen for a relative: No lol had plastic surgery: No failed a grade: Yes had your heart broken: Yes done something you regret: Only small things
CURRENTLY wearin: Black yoga pants and a Seth Rollins sweatshirt listenin to: Nothing chewin: Nothing feelin: Tired readin: Nothing in particular located: In my room chattin with: Nobody watchin: Nothing
DO YOU brush your teeth: Twice a day like anybody: Of course have any piercings: No drive: I only have my learner's believe in santa claus: No ever get off the computer: Yes lmao
LAST PERSON YOU… hugged: My boyfriend gave e-props: ??? IMed: Ngawari talked to on the phone: Someone at work yelled at: This guy on the phone at work, he was bugging me about his case and he wouldn't stop going on and on so I actually had to yell to get his attention cos he wouldn't STFU xD fell in love with: My boyfriend tripped: Nobody
PERSONAL what was the worst day of your life: Day I got hit by a car what is your most embarrassing story: Prob when I knocked over the light at the Warrior Wrestling show lmfao do you have a boyfriend: Yes if you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them: On the back of my head what you usually think about before going to bed: Depends
FAVORITE movie: None song of the moment: Angelina Mango - La Noia group of the moment: Blue store: Converse outlet store relative: Mum & Dad sport: Wrestling vacation spot: NYC ice cream flavor: Cookies & cream fruit: Banana candy: Gummies holiday: Christmas day of the week: Saturday color: Purple magazine: None name for a girl: Cheryl name for a boy: Nathaniel aka Nate
DO YOU like giving hugs: Yes like walking in the rain: No sleep with or without clothes on: With prefer black or blue pens: Black dress up on halloween: No have a job: Yes like to travel: Love it! sleep on your side, tummy, or back: Back want to marry: No have a goldfish: No have stuffed animals: Too many lol
ARE YOU single or taken: Taken simple or complicated: Both law or anarchy: Law mtv or bet: Neither 7th heaven or dawsons creek: Neither sugar or salt: Salt silver or gold: Silver tongue or belly button ring: Neither chocolate or flowerz: Chocolate color or black-white photos: Colour m&ms or skittles: M&Ms rap or rock: Rock stay late or sleep in: Stay up late tv or radio: TV hot or cold: Hot taller members of the opposite sex or shorter: Taller sun or moon: Moon diamond or ruby: Ruby left or right: Left 10 acquaintances or one best friend: One BFF kids or no kids: No kids cat or dog: Cat half empty or half full: Half full mustard or ketchup: Ketchup but I love mustard too newspaper or magazine: Magazine spring or fall: Spring give or receive: Both rain or snow: Neither a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: Friendship happy or sad: Happy wonder or amazement: Amazement mcdonalds or burger king: McD's mexican or italian food: Italian lights on or off: Depends... duct tape or scotch tape: Duct tape candy or soda: Candy a house in da woods or city: City Converse or DC: CONVERSE!!! <3
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
430 of 2022
How many years have you been making this world amazing?
How tall do you stand?
180 cm, 5′11.
What’s your current mood?
Content, I’d say. Good music around.
Anything on your mind that you’d like to share?
My cats meow in Dutch.
If you could change the color of the grass, what color would it be?
I wouldn’t. Unnatural colours of things give me anxiety.
Do you like Thanksgiving or Christmas better?
I see no reason to celebrate Thanksgiving as an European.
Do you like the show Grey’s Anatomy?
Never really watched it.
Anything bothering you?
This survey already XD I didn’t know only Americans were allowed to take them :P
What time did you wake up this morning?
7 something.
You’re at your favorite restaurant, what are you ordering?
Probably that pasta dish called Kenny’s Revenge (yes, it’s a real name).
How many pets do you have?
Two gremlins that meow in Dutch and sleep through the day.
Are you addicted to myspace?
Is that even still a thing?
What is the last song you sang out loud to?
My Indigo - Out of the Darkness. Beautiful song, I must say.
How many people are in your family?
Me, my husband and two furballs. (Yes, we consider our cats people.) That makes four.
Do you have a hot tub in your backyard?
My backyard is two meters long, what are you on about.
How about a trampoline?
You crazy? Typical Belgian koertje doesn’t have space for such things.
Do you like socks?
Yeah. They keep me warm.
Are you hungry right now?
Not at all.
What are you doing today?
Being lazy. I had a productive Saturday.
What movie did you last watch?
I don’t waste my time on movies.
What did you think of it?
N/A, movies are boring to me.
Do you feel sick right now?
No, why would I.
When was the last time you felt like punching someone?
Long ago. I don’t even bother.
What color is your keyboard?
Do you have a laptop or a desktop?
A laptop. We have a desktop PC, but it’s not mine.
How many texts are in your inbox right now?
Not more than 10, it’s a new phone.
Are your lips chapped?
A little bit, like usual.
Do you care what people think about you?
Not at all. Unless they’re my friends, then I value their opinion.
Which is better, sunset or sunrise? Why?
Sunrise, hands down. Sunsets give me anxiety.
If you could be an animal, what would you be? Why?
Cat because I’d be a lazy parasite, but at least I would be cute.
What are you thinking about at this exact moment?
I’m having some very gay thoughts, but not about myself.
Do you like anyone?
I love many people.
Does anyone like you?
When was the last time you changed your myspace?
Never had myspace to begin with.
What color is your hair?
Very dark, but not black. I guess dark brown.
Will you fall in love in the next month?
Am I a prophet? XD I’m already married and guess what, I love my husband.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
8 or 9, but with breaks.
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
Yeah, my husband. When I was at the hospital, he’s been visiting me every day.
Have you kissed the same person more than 5 times in ‘09?
Damn that’s so long ago XD I wasn’t into kissing when I was 19... wait, I’m still not XD
Your phone rings, what do you say?
Nothing? I only pick up when I’m expecting a call.
Are you dating the person you texted last?
He’s my dad, that’s creepy.
Ever licked someone’s cheek?
No? I don’t see the point. Stay away from me please.
What do you currently hear right now?
Music, apparently.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Probably snoring in bed.
Is good grammar attractive?
It is, but it’s not always easy.
Do you currently have a hickey?
No, but I’ve had one not that long ago.
What woke you up this morning?
Nothing particular.
Has anyone ever called you a bitch?
No, but someone called me an asshole because I disagreed with them. Such is life.
Ever kissed someone starting with A?
Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
Possibly. But I’d miss it.
Will you be a strict parent one day?
I won’t be a parent, ever.
Can you go in public looking like you do?
I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure no one would want to see me in my underwear only, plus it’s cold outside.
Are you an alcoholic?
No. Alcohol abuse and epilepsy are not the best friends.
Think back to June 2008, were you single?
I was. I didn’t want anyone in my life. I was just 18 and had different priorities.
Is it easy for someone to make you smile/laugh?
Too easy. I try so hard to keep serious, but sooner or later I will burst out laughing.
If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
Summer with no doubt. Warm weather and, more importantly, long days.
Are you picky about who you give your number to?
Very much so. No strangers whatsoever.
Did you have a good birthday this year?
Same as usual.
What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?
If you had one super power, what would it be?
Teleportation so I can travel the whole world. Easy.
Strawberry Milkshake or Banana Pancakes?
I know both, but strawberry milkshake is The Thing.
Last movie you saw in theaters?
I don’t waste my time on going to the cinemas. Sounds like a torture to me.
Ever dated a blond-haired, blue-eyed person?
Yeah, Nielsje. He’s really good-looking to me, but he has many advantages, too.
What is your current annoyance?
It’s too early to sleep yet.
Are you afraid of roller coasters?
Quite so.
0 notes
stellartales · 2 years
Hello! Can I requests headcannons for Zhongli’s kiddo? I liked the headcannons for pregnant s/o and I was wandering how you’d think they’d look like, traits they’ll inherit from him, other character’s opinions on them and just general stuff! (Anything you’d like to think of, also I can’t help but picture that Zhongli would have a daughter-)
Thanks for reading <333
thank you for such interesting request! i'm glad you enjoyed the headcanon :3 for those wondering, anon here is referring to this headcanon here. The content relating/answering to this ask would not really be formatted in the same way as I've written my existing headcanons tho.
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HEADCANON: what would his offspring be like?
I don't know how or why but I understand what you meant by you not being able to help picturing our Geo Daddy having a little girl — it somehow clicks with me too as I read your req?
It's a little hard to say since the mother is...well a reader (basically anyone who read that headcanon), which means i don't have clear picture of how the child would look accurately.
But his child would definitely inherit his tall genes, maybe get his eyes as well — meaning the same bright and sharp look he carries, possibly the goldenish amber eyes.
since he/she came from Zhongli who is obviously not human, ahem, god/adepti, his/her hair would be the same as his; dark brown hair which fades to amber brown at the tips. if it was a daughter, i'd imagine her to have long hair, and if it was a son, his hair would look a little unruly, similar to Zhongli (Idk why but imagine his son with a hairstyle like Chongyun's but in Zhongli's color)
Okay I had to dig around and study Ganyu and Yanfei for this. Cause I wasn't sure whether do they inherited their parents' adepti powers or not XD From what i've read, their powers (as we all know. duh) are from Visions like any other characters in Genshin.
...so based on this, Zhongli's child probably wouldn't inherit Geo power from her/his dad? their powers mainly be from Visions just like Ganyu and Yanfei. (...but again, Zhongli is a god right? maybe it's different?)
but one or two things I'm sure of would be immortality. (definitely able to live as long as thousand years).
she/he would probably have like super good endurance, strength, able to withstand harsh climates, maybe shapeshift like him. Has a good knack at weapon mastery and combat since Rex Lapis was known to be the strongest Archon who won a seat during the Archon War — he was known by many names...God of War, God of Stoves, God of Contract etc.)
Most combat abilities she/he gained are from Zhongli himself because they would favor the polearm over other weapon types after watching how lightning fast their father fight using one.
with ZHONGLI himself:
definitely close to his child. Likes to bring child around Liyue, telling the stories behind the different ruins or areas. Child loves watching the Chinese opera with him and listening to stories at teahouses but in their opinion, Zhongli is the best storyteller (like c'mon even i'd love to hear him talk all day; can't blame them). One of the child's favorite thing to do is listen to bedtimes stories from their father, always gets lulled to sleep easily.
the child is his greatest treasure alongside his s/o. Zhongli is protective over them (duh) but at the same time, he would not overbearing and let them the space to learn, struggle and pick themselves up; a bit like how he had looked over Liyue quietly as Zhongli the incognito Archon.
The child could certainly always count on their father to give them the best advice and the best listening ear.
idk why but when i thought of them living in the city, my mind went straight to this girl haha
Child is definitely intrigued by Hutao but Zhongli wouldn't trust to let them be alone with the director, afraid they would start learning strange things from her HAHHA — he learnt this the hard way:
one incident when he had to leave the parlor for a while to run a quick errand, only to find that she had put the child inside a child-sized coffin to let them take a nap when there was a cushioned bench to lie on. on their way home, Zhongli gets pestered by the child to buy a coffin, wanting make one their bed. dear archons, the route back to their home seemed painfully long that day — Zhongli had a hard time trying to help his child understand why a coffin cannot be used as a bed and what was the purpose of it.
that day, he swore never to leave Hutao alone with his child ever again.
Xiao would be fiercely protective of this child — it is afterall Morax's offspring. He would feel like it is also his duty to keep her/him safe. Xiao is definitely not a people person, much less a person who knew how to interact with kids so he would prefer to watch over the kid from afar.
if Zhongli had to leave it up for someone to watch over the child when he or s/o couldn't, and there was only Xiao — Xiao would be rather reluctant, voicing his concerns about the karmic debt he carries harming the child. if it was really up to him to watch over the child, he would still do it while keeping the child literally one arm's length away. He would put in a lot of effort to place a small distance between him and the child.
— due to this, Xiao would be dubbed "the weird older brother" by the child. (yes older brother. not uncle, cause the child is calling him based on Xiao's youthful appearance.)
as written in the headcanon that Madame Ping was quite involved in the life of the child since he/she was in their mother's womb, she is practically a grandmother figure to the kid. Definitely would be the first person in mind to help look after the child if Zhongli and s/o couldn't. Similar to Zhongli, Madame Ping have many stories to tell about Liyue to the child. I'd say the kid likes to hang around in her abode too cause it's tbh quite interesting don't you think?
anddddd this is all i can think of.
thanks for requesting and reading :)
313 notes · View notes
cas-kingdom · 4 years
A/N: Thank you to my anons for helping me come up with some perfectly Geralt-like explanations of parenthood. <3
Despite the summary, Geralt doesn't outright call Akela his daughter in a couple of these, but the point of the story is to show how he can call her that without actually saying it, if that makes sense. Still fluffy and (dangerously) sweet! Also a nice little Yennefer-Geralt scene here.
While writing number 4, I listened to 'Scared' by Jeremy Zucker.
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Title: Dad
Summary: Three times Geralt called you his daughter, and the one time you called him ‘Dad’.
Words: 4607
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“I knocked it off the cart.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Why would I try to steal something I have money to pay for?”
The old man’s face turned sourer, if that was at all possible. “Oh, you have money?” He expectantly stretched his hand out, palm up as his fingers twitched. “Pay me, then!”
You rolled your eyes. “But I’m not buying them!”
“You tried to steal them!”
“I did not!”
“I saw you!”
“What you saw,” you spat out, leaning forward, face the picture of anger, “was me bumping against your cart and knocking a couple apples off—which I apologised for.”
A noise somewhere between frustration and rage spewed from the man’s mouth and he shot his arm forward like a snake striking to attack, grasping the front of your tunic and tugging you forward. “Listen here, girl—”
You clenched your fists and readied to bite back, but before you even had a chance, the man’s hands were ripped from you, and he was shoved away.
“Get your hands off her,” a stony voice ground out, voice brooking no argument. Geralt stood tall and menacing in front of the hunched old man, head tilted slightly to the side as he glared at him. He knew you were often capable of looking after yourself, proven clearly when you stepped beside him and a look of smugness appeared on your face, but he also knew that that would likely never change how much the anger flourished inside him when he saw someone lay their hands on his child in a way such as this.
The old man pointed a shaky finger at Geralt. “You stay out of this, Sir!”
You scoffed, and Geralt spared a glance down at you, briefly raising a brow. “What, exactly, am I supposed to be staying out of?”
“The little bitch tried to steal my produce!”
“I didn’t!”
“The little bitch,” Geralt said, holding out an arm to stop you from lunging, “is my daughter. And if you ever speak in that manner to her again, you won’t be able to speak another word.”
The man looked ready to respond with vigour, but at the last moment his eyes averted to the sword and the daggers at Geralt’s waist, and the cogs in his brain began to turn as his vision wandered up to the white hair and the amber eyes. He shut his mouth and stepped back, resigned.
“Forgive me,” he said. He appeared as though he was ready to run before he grabbed one of the apples you had knocked off his cart and pressed it into your hands, a forced and nervy smile showing on his lips. “Here, take this!”
Your eyes lit up and you smiled victoriously, taking a bite from it and turning to walk off as you called back a quick, “Thank you!”
Geralt sighed deeply and hummed, giving the man a final glare before following after you. “He was right. You are a little bitch,” he remarked.
You grinned and tossed the apple in the air, the sunlight glinting on the green fruit as though in triumph. You handed it to him and watched as he relented with a roll of his eyes and took a bite. “Waste not, want not!”
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“What’s it like?”
Geralt lifted his head to look at Yennefer. She was lying on her side opposite the fire, her head resting in her hand, and she seemed contemplative. Curious, in a way, which was odd for her, though what could he really say about that? It wasn’t as though he’d known her long.
“I’m sorry?” he asked.
Yennefer jerked her head in the direction he’d been staring in for the majority of the past ten minutes, where you were fast asleep, curled under blankets, head beside Jaskier’s, who was wandering in the land of dreams himself.
He looked at you a moment longer before turning back to the mage. A hint of his own confusion danced in his eyes, but she spoke before he could open his mouth to question what it was that she meant.
“Parenthood,” she clarified, her voice softening. “What’s it like?”
Geralt rose an eyebrow, briefly floundering for words at the, quite frankly, surprising question. For a woman who was all invulnerability and strength, it was something he hadn’t expected to come from her. Not to mention he didn’t often think about what she’d asked.
He glanced away and shook his head. “More trouble than it’s worth,” he told her with a short breath of a laugh.
The corners of Yennefer’s lips drew upwards. She fidgeted with a stone on the forest floor. “I’m serious.”
His other eyebrow shot up. “So am I,” he assured her. “She may seem sweet, but underneath it all is the monster I’m most afraid to go up against.” He offered her a rare smile, which she returned, and for the first time in a while both mage and witcher felt peaceful. It was blissfully quiet—the only sound being Jaskier’s snores and incoherent mumbles—and it was dark, giving the two the serenity they needed after the trials of the previous days.
“It’s… hard,” he said seriously, despite the fact he was admitting that he, the infamous Geralt of Rivia, found something difficult. “You learn new things every day.”
“What kind of things?”
“Everything. About yourself, about her, about the world in general… you make decisions you probably would never have thought about before. You have responsibilities you wouldn’t have believed would ever be associated with you.” He let his eyes wander over to your sleeping form. “You don’t know what the hell you’re doing most of the time. You can feel so… so lost at it, right until you start to realise the only thing that’s keeping you grounded is the same thing that gave you the title of father. It…” He paused, leaning forward to poke a stick into the dying fire. “It gives you something to live for, and at the time I found Y/N, that was what I needed most.”
Yennefer’s lips curled into a smile as she slowly sat up, tucking her legs underneath her. “It sounds tiring,” she said, glancing down for a moment, and Geralt nodded.
“It is. But the rewards outweigh the difficulties. It’s something you’d give up everything to keep.” He looked across at her, noticing her loosened shoulders, and realised for the first time that he took his title of father for granted. Yennefer’s mutations had made her sterile, and though he was the same, he’d still somehow found a way to get past that, even though he’d never once pondered on the possibilities of it before he’d found you. Yennefer hadn’t been so lucky, and as he looked at her, he found that that reflected perfectly in the eyes he now viewed as… sad.
“You’ll feel that someday,” he said without thinking, and when she glanced up, he nodded in your direction. “When you have your own.”
Yennefer gazed at him, violet eyes piercing the amber of his. They stared at each other for a moment, no words passing their lips but every meaningful word being said nonetheless, until Jaskier snorted in his sleep and the both of them ripped their eyes away, returning to their stone and their stick.
“Thank you, Witcher,” Yennefer spoke up a moment later, and Geralt nodded once.
“You’re welcome, Mage.”
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Geralt turned his head down to look at you. You were standing beside him, absently tugging on the neckline of the dress you’d bought from a market that very morning. You were clearly irritated, sighing in annoyance and muttering under your breath every so often.
When you noticed him looking, you shook your head, face every bit unhappy. “I don’t want to be here,” you ground out.
He rose an eyebrow. “Clearly.”
“Why are we here again?”
“Lord Lyon invited us.”
“And how do you—” You scratched at the back of your neck, the foreign material rubbing it raw—“know Lord Lyon?”
Geralt glanced down again and frowned, slapping your hands away from your red neck. “I saved his sister from a werewolf,” he said, instinctively tucking a few strands of hair that hadn’t made it into your plait behind your ear, “and he insisted my attendance at his feast tonight.”
You rose an eyebrow at that, finally relenting in your fiddling and letting your arms hang loosely. “Your attendance,” you picked out. “I could have stayed at the inn.” He ignored that, as you expected, and you sighed, shoulders slacking. “You never usually care for extra repayment,” you said. And it was true. He didn’t. He preferred to do his duty as a witcher and not stick around to see the aftermath of his hunt, except to accept his money. He didn’t care for physical shows of thanks. It was better that way, for you and for him. But he’d, for once, genuinely been concerned for the lord’s sister, so he’d accepted the invitation with the intention of only staying long enough to gain information on her wellbeing before leaving.
Geralt lifted his chin as he noticed a familiar man enrobed in silk and jewels walking towards you. He took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the conversation ahead of undoubtedly mindless babble about his life and anything else the lord wished to ask him.
“And you never usually say no to free food,” he remarked quietly to you before forcing a tight smile at the open-armed, freely grinning man when he stopped in front of him.
“Geralt of Rivia!” he greeted, and you turned your head to meet him, only just refraining from raising your brows at the sight that met your eyes. You weren’t used to seeing royalty or regality of any sort, so you were never one to shy from your overly dramatic opinions of how these people dressed and carried themselves. You were quite certain all the clothes on your body wouldn’t amount to the price of a single ring on his finger, even though you’d had to beg Geralt for weeks to buy you the new leather boots on your feet now, just about hidden by your long dress.
Geralt had made an attempt to dress nicely, too. He’d washed and brushed his hair—and made several mock lunges (and one actual one) for you when you’d continued to tease him about it—and was wearing clothes that, though giving him an extremely regal look of his own, seemed unfamiliar to you. You much preferred him in his loose tunics and trousers, hair muddy and tangled in knots that he wouldn’t give a shit about until he needed to (which was barely ever, unless you were counting surprise and sudden invites to feasts such as this).
“Lord Lyon,” Geralt said with a small nod. “How is your sister?”
The lord reached forward to clap him on the shoulder, and this time, you did raise a brow, knowing your witcher’s dislike for such actions. Sure enough, Geralt’s smile grew tighter, and you could see the lines on his forehead become more pronounced. Perhaps in different circumstances—definitely in different circumstances—you would have laughed at his predicament, despite his clear discomfort, nevertheless this time you had to do with quickly turning your head to the side and stifling a grin.
“My sister fares well!” Lyon told him, not removing his hand. “She’s been asleep since you returned her safely to me, but the healers assure me she will make a full recovery. Thank you again for your unforgettable help, my friend!”
“Thank you for inviting me here tonight.”
Lyon stepped back, finally letting his hand drop to his side, and the corners of your lips twitched when Geralt subconsciously rolled his shoulder. “Well, this is the only other way I could think of repaying you when coin did not seem enough. A good meal!” It was at this moment, when you were shuffling from foot to foot in boredom, almost reverting back to your scratching and tugging, that Lyon noticed you, and he rose both eyebrows, glancing between you and Geralt. “And who might this be?”
“Y/N,” Geralt introduced, stopping you with a firm hand to your shoulder. You looked up at the lord, offering a smile. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought her.”
Lyon tilted his head slightly to the side in obvious interest, disregarding Geralt’s last sentence with a wave of his hand. “You mean she’s yours? Your daughter?”
You continued to stare at the man in front of you, unbothered. You were well used to being called his daughter—it was easier for him to agree when people asked if you were, and you sometimes wondered when exactly he’d given up on correcting people. If he’d ever corrected people in the first place.
“Your daughter?” Lyon repeated at Geralt’s lack of response.
“I thought… well.” He looked a little sheepish, but Geralt was all too aware of what was coming. “I was always told that the trials witchers underwent made them—”
Geralt interrupted him before he could continue. “They did. I am.” He squeezed your shoulder. “She’s not mine by blood. But she is mine.”
Lyon stared a while, thinking to himself, before he abruptly smiled in acceptance. “Very good. Though I would never have taken you for the parent type.”
“My apologies,” Geralt said, inclining his head, “but you don’t know me well enough to make that assumption.”
A soft smile graced your lips and you glanced down to the ground, your heart swelling with love you could only ever feel for him.
“Quite right.” Lyon was clearly apologetic. He opened an arm out and motioned for the two of you to follow him. “Come, let us eat. You can tell us all exactly how you killed that werewolf!”
The hilariously dismayed look Geralt sent you after that made you snort.
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How had it come to this?
“Geralt?” you whispered, daring to edge closer. He looked so pale, even in the short rays of moonlight radiating down. His skin was pallid, white hair muddied and hanging in knots around his face. His eyes were shut, his lips were set in a straight line, and even as you shook his shoulder, he did not move.
He did not move.
Geralt always moved. He had long since trained himself to wake at the first sound or touch that did or didn’t come from you. And yet now, even as you doubled your attempts and shook him so hard you were sure he’d be disorientated were he awake… he remained still. Still and silent. Completely dead to the world.
Your heart soared, not for the first time, and you sat back on your haunches for a moment, staring with eyes as wide as the yellow moon looming over head. It was almost as though your unconscious mind was waiting for him to wake up. Willing him to wake up. Because you knew good and fucking well that without him, the point of remaining in the living was completely lost on you.
Reluctantly, your mind swiftly hurled you back. Back into damn memories of the swings of his sword and his shouts of exertion and pain as he fought with the monster that had suddenly stormed where you’d been resting. You should have stayed behind the rocks as he’d ordered… you shouldn’t have listened to the clash of metal hitting sturdy skin and bone… and you certainly shouldn’t have jumped up from behind the rock and screamed his name, leading him to whirl around in panic and giving the beast time to throw him against a large boulder. You could still remember the sickening crack of his head hitting the solid stone. That would have been the perfect time to scream his name, but you’d found that no words had been able to escape your clenched throat. You’d felt like you were being strangled, and your heart had stopped beating for the longest second as you’d watched with absolute terror…
He’d been telling you a story. You’d been lying beside him, exhausted eyes staring up at the starry sky as his voice lulled you to sleep. You couldn’t even remember what the story had been about, all you’d been focused on was the comfort his voice offered, and for that reason you had not registered at all when he’d abruptly stopped speaking. He’d waited a moment, eyes narrowed, before quietly standing to his feet, picking up his sword as he went. All his senses had been alert, and were he an animal, his ears would have been pricked up and forwards, listening for any noise that sounded at all abnormal.
He’d taken calculated steps forward, hands tight around his sword’s hilt, boots making no sound as he stepped over fallen leaves and twigs. And then he’d stopped, standing completely still, save for his eyes, which roved the area in front of him. He’d turned his head the slightest bit and harshly whispered your name, but it had not been enough to rouse you, and you’d stayed sleeping until less than three seconds later when what you now believed to have been a kikimora burst from the cover of the trees, screaming raucously and lunging towards Geralt. You’d bolted upright and he’d yelled at you to hide yourself as his sword came clashing down on the thing, not waiting to see if you’d done as was asked before moving to attempt to lead the monster away.
That had been only three minutes ago. One and a half minutes ago, he’d been thrown against the boulder. One minute ago, he’d managed to use the last of his strength to pierce the beast’s hide with a cloying crunch, mixing with both his and the kikimora’s shrieks of agony. You had looked on with trembling hands as it fell to the side, completely unmoving, and watched, waited, for Geralt to stand to his feet.
When he hadn’t, you’d taken one trembling step forward, hands cold and in fists at your sides, before running the rest of the way, not caring in the least that there was a possibility the monster might still be alive. All you’d cared about was the possibility that Geralt might not be.
You stared at him now, hopefully waiting for his eyelids to flicker, or a finger to twitch… but there was no movement.
You shook him again, harder now, but it didn’t work, and with a desperation you had never felt before, and your breathing quicker than ever, you hurried closer towards him, grabbing the sides of his face and shaking him, slapping him, hitting him… anything that had a chance of waking him.
“Geralt!” you shouted, voice cracking. You slapped him again, pausing only when you felt something wet and sticky coat your right hand. When you pulled it back, the sight of red met your eyes.
You stared at it for a moment, hands shuddering, before the red and the blackness of everything else melded into one as tears filled your eyes. A tightening of your throat and a short intake of breath was all that was heard before gut-wrenching sobs tore through your chest and you fell forward, clutching your bloody hand to your chest and squeezing your eyes shut as your grief poured from you in an onslaught of irrepressible tears.
“Please, please, wake—wake up!” you choked out, your forehead resting against his chest, hands gripping his ragged tunic. “Please! I can’t—I can’t—Please! Geralt! You can’t die! You’re a witcher! Witchers don’t die! Wake up!”
But he didn’t.
You harshly breathed in with as much effort as you could muster, and the smell of blood overpowered your senses… yet, at the same time, there was still that hint of forest and greenery which made him Geralt. The scent that was often the only thing that could make you fall asleep. The scent that you only had to catch for a moment before you immediately calmed. The scent that, even now, amidst your hiccups and sobs, caused the briefest feeling of serenity to swirl through you before it vanished as the new, metallic aroma abruptly tickled at your nose.
Another sob racked your body when the scent disappeared and you shook your head. “Daddy…” It came out as a mewling whine, so broken and utterly devastating that it would have made even the heartless cry along with you, but there was no other sound… no other noise in the darkness of the forest around you except the guttural cries wrenching from your throat.
It was the feeling of being alone which scared you the most. The feeling of… being without the one person who’d ever made an ounce of sense to you. The one person you loved more than life itself and who probably loved you even more than that.
You would rather die alongside him than live in a world you knew he no longer walked in.
A moment passed, and you sat there, hunched over with your head on his chest and your tired hands slowly slacking in their hold on his tunic. Your eyes were red and swollen, cheeks wet and tracking the mud and blood which had inadvertently transferred from his clothing to your face, and you were shaking so much that when a slight tremor rippled beneath you, you took no notice of it whatsoever.
At an exhausted yet almost incoherent groan, you blinked, opening your eyes despite it doing nothing against the blackness of you face pressed to him. You tried to silence your cries as much as you could, holding your breath, not quite willing to believe it but hoping more than you’d ever hoped before all the same.
And you bolted upright, your eyes blinking against the blurriness. You wiped at them, your heart thumping, blood pulsing through your distraught and exhausted body, and looked on with shock as Geralt—yes, Geralt!—slowly raised his arm and brought his hand to the back of his head. His eyes squeezed tightly shut as his brows furrowed in obvious pain.
“My fucking head,” he rasped out, and you let loose a noise of relief, suddenly and without warning bursting into tears once again. You launched forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his chest. He groaned and finally opened his eyes to peer down at the mop of hair in his line of vision.
He gulped down the sickly feeling in his gut as best he could, trying to make sense of his surroundings, and after a moment the memories returned to him, causing him to shut his eyes once more at the force of it. He returned his attention to you, lowering his hand to place it on the back of your head.
When your sobs grew, his frown deepened and he tried to lift his own head, swallowing back bile when the throbbing ache increased. He felt nauseatingly terrible and instead dropped his head back to the hard rock below him. “Hey…” he whispered. His voice was hoarse and he didn’t really trust the words coming from his mouth. “It’s alright.”
You shook your head. “N-no! It is-isn’t! I thought you were dead!”
He sighed unsteadily and moved his trembling fingers through your hair, trying his best to block out the discomfort (which was a nice word for agony). “I’m not dead,” he told you, and you finally lifted your head, showing him the extent of your hysteria. You looked as though you’d been bawling for years, and he shook his head softly, raising his other arm to wrap around you and pull you back towards him. His head was pounding, he knew he was bleeding in more places than one, but to be perfectly honest, he was simply happy to be alive, and to be holding his child in his arms, however much he would be covered in tears and snot by the time he finally gathered the strength to push himself up.
“I thought you were,” you croaked out, and he rubbed his thumb across your temple. You reached up, grasping his hand, and he narrowed his eyes, blinking at the sight of blood coating your own.
“Is th-that yours?” he asked, the words feeling funny on his tongue as he stumbled over them. You sniffed and glanced to where he had turned your hand over in his.
“No,” you said, “it’s yours.” At that open revelation and reminder, you lifted your eyes, haphazardly wiping your hair from your face and blinking against the tears that still didn’t seem to be stopping. “It’s from your head. Does it hurt?”
Geralt’s face contorted into one of pain yet again as he reached his hand to his head, bringing it back and intaking a sharp breath once he saw the blood. “Damn,” he grumbled. “Yes, it hurts. Like hell.”
You unconsciously bit at the inside of your cheeks and watched him as he lowered his arm and shut his eyes. Your heart continued to pound and every so often your ragged breaths were interrupted by a hiccup. “I’m sorry,” you muttered after a short while.
He blearily opened his eyes to look at you. “Why?”
“I called your name,” you told him, “and you turned around.”
He nodded faintly in remembrance. “Why?” he repeated.
“I don’t know.” You swallowed thickly, tears fogging your vision again. “I was stupid. I just… got so scared, and I didn’t—I didn’t want you to… to…”
At your rising distress, he pulled you down to his chest again, ensuring your ear was conveniently placed over the left side of his chest. His heart was slow—perhaps a little faster than normal yet still slow all the same—but in the silence of the forest he knew you would be able to hear it and let it soothe you.
It worked, and the two of you stayed there for a while. Geralt fixed his attention on his own breathing, trying to match yours as he felt your pulse through his hands. He wondered briefly how far the nearest village was and if he could risk asking for medical help. Perhaps he could reach Triss in Novigrad, and both he and you would have a safe place to recuperate.
His muddled mind was interrupted when he turned his head and noticed the kikimora for the first time, lying in a rotten clump on the ground a couple feet from him. He swallowed the knot in his throat and shut his eyes, remembering all too clearly what had happened and, more importantly, how close it had been to getting you. Unconsciously, his hands tightened around you, and he slowly breathed out, calming himself before he let his emotions reign over him. You didn’t need to see that.
“It’s alright,” he said softly, more to himself, but it assured your all the same.
“Next time, I want to fight with you. I don’t want to watch. I’ve been trained for these moments.”
“We’ll talk about it later.”
“I thought you were going to leave me.”
“Leave you?” He shook his head. “No, no, never…”
He shut his eyes. He knew that the day he left you would be the day the stars burned out and the world became shrouded in darkness. To leave you would be to leave his heart, and that was the one thing that, no matter how battered and bruised, he would hold onto and keep safe with every fibre of his being.
It was his duty, after all.
As your father.
Witcher Masterpost
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Ze girls
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Mal is naturally around, lets say 5ft 8 (she kinda tall have you seen her mom?) with the boots its +3 so she would be around...5ft 11, yeah, she tol. Evie issss probably around 5,5? i think thats how tall sofia is soooo plus 3inches shes 5ft 8, yeah that sounds about right idk but lets say it is. XD 
also, you can see Mal is standing pretty...awkwardly, she aint human, she dont know how to do human so she stands weirdly and her eyes arent human (she can do this freaky stare that legit makes people walk away cuz its weird, they also are reflective, imagine going into the kitchen and then suddenly two eyes in the darkness are just staring at you like a cat) she doesn't blink alot...yeah...gurl got fangs too. this Mal has a pretty hard time processing human emotion, she is not human so she doesn't exactly know how to deal with their emotions but shes learning (at first thanks to Evie, Jay, Carlos, and then Ben helps her not be...not-empathetic around human emotion) yeah girly is weird but shes tryin lol
Evie, of course, is that classic pretty girl who is more than meets the eye, she; of course, is a witch and makes many types of potions and has a grimoire along with a mirror that can tell her where anything is at anytime in any place. Evie is a very naturally kind girl, even if her mother tries to teach her otherwise, Carlos (who will be redesigned and posted soon) is her very first friend after years of solitude (which is not at the prompt of mal, who didnt even know what a birthday party was and had no interest in it, EQ was just weird with Evie) and then befriends Jay, and lastly Mal, who tipped Evie off as a bit too weird and stayed away from her until Mal (multiple times) saved her life.(either from random gang members or the fated retrieval of the dragons eye (WHICH; mal did NOT plan to have evie grab, Mal doesnt exactly get why her mom wants to just be the worst but mostly mal kinda just...chills) 
Evie teaches Mal how to human (or at least be an okay person) and Mal helps Evie create spells and potions for her wip grimoire. their friendship is still a work in progress but one day they’ll be very good friends and while they do have some trouble with each other, they dont doubt their loyalty to each other and their boys. (under the cut is more info about them)
their personality's are both drawn from and unlike their canon selves, Evie is strong minded, smart, witty, just the tiniest bit bitchy (but in the best way) and kind. but she is not a push over and refuses to stand down from her opinion unless she sees it is in the wrong. and while she is kind she is not someone that will take on someone elses problems, metal or physical, it must be worth her time and self for her to step in, she is empathetic but she's also aware that no-one is worth destroying herself over. queen of chemistry, has made several poison's on purpose. plans to be head of the fashion world, while also reclaiming her mothers original kingdom (i think eq had her own kingdom??? SHE DID, she was the queen of another kingdom but married snows dad to stay in power! Evie is a full on princess?!?! holy shit!!! ah!? Evie my gurl you have a full on claim to a throne!) needs no prince just a man treating her like the queen she is. can fight very well, skilled in knives and daggers, has used her heels as a weapon before.
Mal, as ive said, is weird. she is slow on uptakes, takes a minute to understand things, just doesn't understand sarcasm, metaphors, things like that. is a very logical person, sensory issues, she is pretty smart , but she is the epitome of “all points in intelligence but none in wisdom” Evie and Carlos have the wisdom points and both have intelligence. Mal and Jay are just kinda vibing, tho Jay is very statically smart (helps with tourney.) she is immensely loyal, once you have her trust you have it forever, but once you break it you will never get it again, protective, accidently snarky/sarcastic (when Evie snickers at Mals deadpan mal is just like “?????”) verrrrry food drivne, always hugry (her metabolism is so fuking high, Evie is like ‘HOW DO YOU EAT A FIVE THOUSAND COURSE MEAL AND STILL BE HUNGRY?!’ meanwhile Mal is eating her fifth set of poptarts) head bonks, Evie and Carlos get gentle ones (Carlos does go for the hard ones tho, he is still an idiot teenage boy *affectionately*) while Mal and Jay just full on slam their heads into each other, Evie calls jay thick skulled becuase he somehow doesnt get a concussion from this, he has broken his nose tho. if mal isnt reading a book shes drawing, or playing with Evie or Jays hair.
uh, this somehow turned into a whole “what they would be like in my rewrite” somehow sooooo yeah, the boiz are next, probably gonna do the s3 too idk okay
oh and evie is inspired by @harriyanna​
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mae-haha · 2 years
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This is a story that I’ve been working on for the past month. Let me know any critiques you have because I’m always trying to improve my writing! Also the ending of this fic could go anywhere XD
Warnings: none
On the Eve of New Years Day the weather wasn’t particularly easy. The moon hung high, hidden behind foggy clouds. The light barely poked through, resulting in an emotional tone hanging over the night.
Avoiding the puddles on the old brick road, you skipped clumsily through the crowd of people standing in front of the venue. Ivy tugged roughly at your wrist, urging you to keep up.
“We are going to miss it! Hurry!!”
In all honesty, you could really care less about this concert your friend begged you to go to, but you couldn’t turn down the opportunity to go watch live music. The venue hall was filled with people of all backgrounds. Smoke of both kinds hung in the air in a haze. It was loud with chatter of excitement and drunkenness.
As Ivy and you finally found the entrance of the pit, your belly swelled with anxiety. The crowd mixed with teenage girls, emo boys, and middle aged rock dads. The lights were already off indicating the beginning of the show. Ivy pushed past as many people she could in order to reach the barricade. It truly was a miracle you made it to the gate.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe we made it!” Ivy screamed. She had been adamant in telling you everything about the rising band. She lived and breathed for this band and you were just happy to see the moment when she finally hears them live. Ivy was tall and lanky with a black wolf cut and bright green eyes. She had the confidence of a rockstar and the ideologies of a hippie. You had been best friends since middle school, going through all the awkward stages together.
The rising adrenaline from the anticipation settled over your body. You’d never done well in big crowds and this was a big risk. In the end, you were just happy to be with your best friend. “I’m so excited for you Ives!” She smiled warmly at you in return.
“You are going to love this band! They are so kickass!” Ivy grabbed your hand with a intense squeeze. You’d just hoped all this was worth it. Every inch of your body was pressed to another person. As soon as the first string of a guitar sounded, the crowd pushed roughly towards the stage. Your ribs smashed into the gate causing you to lose your breath.
The stage lights beamed and the band was in full sight. Wasting no time, they began their first song of the night. The tune reminded you of the music your dad listened to when he was alive. The music would travel through your entire house, filling up the air with Fleetwood Mac, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Led Zeppelin.
You immediately look to your friend. Ivy’s whole body was shaking as tears filled her green eyes. She was in shock and absolutely speechless. Your heart warmed at the sight. Ivy had been waiting months for this, buying her outfit the second she got her tickets.
The lead singer had a voice that could hook anybody listening. His whole being made for the stage as he hopped around stage. He had on an Elvis-esc jumpsuit that had visions of renaissance paintings littered about. His skin glowed in the light and his shaggy curls bounced with every step. The bass player, barefoot and shirtless, had an androgynous air to him. His long, wavy brown hair hung just below his shoulders. His mouth tweaked with every strum. The drummer methodically and vigorously slammed against his instrument. His wild, black curls flew around as he head-banged to the beat. His shoulders were broad and muscular.
The guitarist caught your eye the moment they appeared. His pants were black and white striped. His vest laid against his bare chest with layered necklaces. His already damp, brown hair swayed back and forth as he rocked. He had an identical face to the lead singer, but he had a dark essence about him. His eyes pierced yours once his solo began. Your heart instantly fell, this felt odd. They were like daggers, falling harshly against you. He moved towards the front of the stage and attacked his riff, all the while locking you into a trance.
Trying to take a step back, your body was met with a brick wall of people. The room began to spiral and you had to grip the barricade to stay up. Ivy took notice of your dizziness and reached her arms around you. “Hey are you okay?! Do I need to get you out of here?” She whisper-yelled into your ear. You were starting to lose consciousness as you tried, “I don’t feel too goo-“
Your body went limp in Ivy’s arms. She struggled to keep you standing and called one of the security to help. They instantly lifted you and Ivy over the gate and rushed y’all back stage. The guitarists hesitated in his solo and watched as they took you away. He simply looked to to the others and finished the rest of the set.
When the light finally pierced your eyes, you sat up rapidly. “Oh my god! Are you okay?!” Ivy practically screamed. You took in your surroundings, eyeing the couches and suitcases that laid about the room. You steadied your breath when Ivy took your hand, grounding you back to reality.
“Yeah I’m okay. What happened?” Ivy shook her head, “I don’t know! One minute we were enjoying the music and the next you’re passing out on me!”
You tried to search your brain for anything you could remember, but the only two things you remember was being smashed by the railing and
His eyes
His deep brown irises pulled you in. His hands talked to you. His tune luring you into a false state of security. His essence glowing, you couldn’t tear yourself from his gaze. The last image you saw was him smirking as your world went black.
You looked to Ivy in fake confusion knowing that this was bit much for you, let alone her. “Can we please just get out of here?” You pleaded. “Yeah let me just go grab a security guy!” Ivy jumped towards the door, running down the hall. You sat in silence, trying to collect yourself before facing the crowd. You were lost in thought when the door clicked open. Your eyes shot up, expecting it was Ivy coming to get you.
His eyes locked you in once again. All four members of the band entered. The curly headed one rushed towards you, making you flinch back. He kneeled before you, looking at you eye level. His face contorted in guilt. “We saw you faint! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
You looked at him in shock. You nervously shook your head.
“We wanted to come make sure you were alright.” He spoke.
Your eyes followed from his beaten up Chelsea boots to his striped pants to his sweaty chest to his alluring eyes. He had moved from his place at the door to right behind the singer. His presence demanded attention, his voice was smooth and kind of slurred.
“I promise I’m okay. I not sure why that happened.” You looked to the ground in embarrassment. ‘How pathetic’ you thought to yourself, ‘of course you would get yourself into this kind of situation.’
“I’m josh by the way!” The singer greeted you with a joyful handshake. The other two members took the opportunity to come by your side to meet you.
“I’m Sam and this is Danny!” The bass player introduced, Danny added a small hi.
“It’s nice to meet you all!” You smiled.
You looked to the guitarist with question. He simply took you by the hand and kissed your knuckles. “I’m Jacob.”
You were stunned in the moment and it took you a minute to realize they didn’t know your name.
“Oh! I’m (Y/N), but everyone just calls me shy.” You kept eye contact as you spoke. “It is a pleasure shy.” He said lowly.
Ivy burst through the door then stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes went wide with pure excitement. “Oh my god! Hi!”
In unison, the band replied with a small hello. Ivy raced to stand beside you, looking you up and down to search for any injuries. “Are you ready to go?” She looked like that was the last thing she wanted to do given her favorite band standing right there.
“You don’t have to leave so soon!” Josh spoke up looking at Jake. Jake giving him a death glare. You watched the interaction getting the hint that it would be smart to leave.
“I should probably go lay down, I’m still feeling a little dizzy.” You watched jakes face have a twinge of sadness flash over it. He took a step closer to you and grabbed your hand once again. He lifted it to his lips slowly, taking his time. His warm, soft lips met your ring finger. You felt his had shove something into yours and you clamped your fingers around it. “I hope you feel better soon.” His eyes looked into your soul and spoke to you there.
They next thing you knew, you were sitting, buckled into Ivy’s red Honda Civic. What just happened? Was that real? His eyes.
You remembered your gift. Looking down at your hand, you unfolded the piece of paper.
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