#(pt 1)
tipsygnostalgix · 11 months
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stalgivc · 2 months
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A year of stalgivc ; collection digest of reblogs & posts
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scraggscribbs · 2 months
Posting my series for the Chosen by the Red Chain Au PT 1 Basically the main cast in Pokemon Legends Arceus is bonded to a legendary Pokemon
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Akari - Arceus ^ Obviously, Akari was not a willing participant in the event of PLA I wanted to draw her literally caught off guard
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Irida - Palkia Adaman - Dialga I wanted to draw them in that moment at Spear Pillar where they have the Palkia/ Dialga speaking through them
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sweetdayspng · 4 months
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Lush Green Sunny Botanical Shop pt. 1
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glittervame · 5 months
We'll find out soon enough
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I think we've found out just how interested we are Pt.2
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over the lush grass, teams of young demigods, their hearts racing with anticipation, gathered at Camp Half-Blood for the annual Capture the Flag competition. Luke Castellan, son of Hermes was a veteran of many at such events. The air crackled with tension as they both led their teams to their respective flags, readying themselves for the game to begin.
Luke, dressed in his red team uniform, stood at the edge of the field, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the enemy. He adjusted his cap, making sure it was firmly secured on his head, before letting out a deep breath. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building up inside him. This was his first time playing against Y/n, and he was determined to win. Not just for the glory and the prize, but because he was absolutely, completely, and utterly obsessed with her.
Y/n, on the other hand, was the captain of the blue team. She moved with a grace that belied her athletic prowess, her long, curly hair flowing behind her like a crimson cape. She glanced over at Luke, noting the way he watched her, and felt a blush creep up her neck. She'd had a crush on him for as long as she could remember, but she knew that today was not the time to dwell on her feelings. There was a game to be won, and she intended to lead her team to victory.
He glanced down at his hands, flexing them into fists. He'd never been one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to physical activity. He let out a sigh, rolling his shoulders to loosen them up, before turning back to the girl. There was something about her that made him want to impress her, to prove himself to her. Perhaps it was the way she moved, or the authority she seemed to exude, but whatever it was, it had him feeling… strange.
The referee blew their whistle, signaling the start of the game. Luke's team spread out across the field, strategizing their plan of attack while the other team readied themselves at their flag. He spotted the girl at the center of her team, her eyes scanning the terrain, her focus unwavering. She was smart, he'd give her that, but he was sure he could outmaneuver her.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the woods into an eerie twilight, Luke squinted through the haze, searching for any sign of the enemy flag, crept silently through the undergrowth. His eyes darted left and right, searching for any signs of movement.
He could feel the weight of his team's expectations pressing down on him, their eyes fixed unwaveringly on his every move. And then, in the distance, he caught a glimpse of it: the blue flag, swaying gently in the breeze, just beyond the reach of his team. His heart raced as adrenaline surged through his veins.
His breath hitched as a cool breeze rustled the leaves above him. Suddenly, he heard a twig snap nearby, and he ducked instinctively into a nearby thicket. Peering through the dense foliage, he saw Y/n, her eyes glinting in the dim light, crouched just a few feet away. For a moment, they locked eyes, and Luke felt a strange thrill run through him.
The tension between them grew. They circled each other like predators, each time they crossed paths their movements becoming more aggressive. He knew they were supposed to be enemies, but there was something about her that drew him in. Maybe it was the way she moved so gracefully, or the way she seemed just as determined as he was to win this game. Whatever it was, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her.
And then, it happened. Luke made a move for her flag, dashing through the trees with all his might. But she was faster, her agility unmatched, and she tackled him to the ground before he could reach it. The breath whooshed out of his lungs as they landed in a tangle of limbs.
For a moment, they were still, their bodies pressed together, their hearts racing. Luke could feel the heat emanating from her, could feel the rapid beat of her heart against his chest. He stared into her eyes, feeling a strange mixture of anger, desire, and admiration.
And then, without warning, she smiled. It was a slow, sensual curve of her lips that took him completely by surprise. Her gaze never left his, and Luke felt a shiver run down his spine. Suddenly, he realized that he was no longer angry with her. Instead, he was overcome with a desire to know more about her, to understand what made her tick. As their breathing slowed, she reached up and brushed a strand of hair from his face, her fingers grazing his cheek.
Luke's heart hammered in his chest, and for a moment, he couldn't think of anything but the feel of her skin against his. The air around them seemed to crackle with an electric energy, and he found himself wanting more. He leaned in closer, his lips just inches from hers, when she finally spoke. Her voice was soft and husky, and it sent a wave of heat through him.
"So," she said, her gaze still locked on his, "you're pretty good at this, huh?"
Luke couldn't help but smile back. "I've had my fair share of practice," he replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie begin to build between them. "But you're not so bad yourself."
Y/n blushed slightly at his compliment, her cheeks flushing in the dim light. "Well, thank you," she said, her voice still soft and alluring. "I've just always been good at strategy, I guess."
Luke chuckled. "Well, you've got me there," he admitted. "But you know what they say, right? Strategy alone won't win you a game. It's all about skill, too." He gestured to himself, as if to emphasize his point.
Y/n smiled back at him. "I'm not denying that," she replied, her green eyes sparkling in the dim light. "But there's something to be said for being able to anticipate your opponent's moves."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" he asked, feigning mock surprise. "And how would you know what I'm going to do next?"
Y/n grinned, her teeth flashing in the dim light. "Oh, I have my ways," she said mysteriously. "But I suppose we'll find out soon enough, won't we?"
Just then a whistle rings out through the woods and then a cheer quicky follows after it, the blue team had won, Y/n's team had won. Luke sighs softly as he and Y/n break apart, each standing to their feet. Her eyes meet his once more, and then she turns away from him and walks into the trees.
He watches her go, feeling a strange mixture of emotions swirling inside him. On one hand, he's disappointed that they lost, but on the other, he can't help but feel a sense of relief that they're no longer so close to each other. He wipes the sweat from his brow and takes a deep breath, trying to clear his head.
As he walks back towards the group of people who had been cheering for them, Luke can't help but glance back in the direction she went. He's not sure why he's so drawn to her, but there's something about her that he just can't shake off. Maybe it's her confidence, her intelligence, or even the way she moves. Whatever it is, it's strong, and it lingers in the air around him like a phantom.
He tries to focus on the task at hand: leading his team back to the starting point. They exchange words of encouragement and congratulations, but Luke can't help but feel disconnected from them all. His thoughts keep drifting back to Y/n, wondering what she's thinking, what she's feeling. He wishes he could just approach her again, to learn more about whatever it is that makes her tick.
As they near the camp, he sees her talking animatedly with a group of her teammates. She's gesturing wildly, her eyes shining with intensity. Luke can't help but be drawn to her, even from a distance. There's something so captivating about her presence, it's as if she's lit up the night sky.
He walks over to where she's standing, feeling a nervousness in his stomach that he can't quite explain. "Hey, Y/n," he says, trying to sound casual. "Good game out there."
She glances up at him, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks, Luke," she replies. "You did a good job too." There's a pause, and then she adds, "I mean, you lost, but still." She laughs lightly, and it's contagious, he cracks a grin.
"Thanks," he says, feeling a little more at ease. "I guess we'll have to try harder next time." He gestures around them.
Y/n nods. "Oh, don't worry too much about it," she says with a dismissive wave of her hand. "It's not like there's any real prize for winning or anything." Her voice is teasing, but there's an undercurrent of something else there. Luke can't quite put his finger on it.
He chuckles, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "Well, maybe there should be," he says with a shrug. "It'd give us something to aim for." They stand there in silence for a moment, the sounds of the woods and the camp around them filling the air. Luke can't help but feel drawn to her, even though they're not from the same team.
He steps a little closer to her, his face closer to her. "So, what do you think the prize should be?" he asks, his voice low and husky. He can feel the heat emanating from her body and it makes him want to step even closer.
Y/n looks up at him, her eyes meeting his. There's a sparkle in them that he hasn't seen before, and it takes his breath away. "Oh, I don't know," she says, playing with a strand of hair that has fallen out of place. "Maybe the losers have to do something embarrassing?" She tilts her head to the side, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Luke feels a shiver run down his spine at her words. He's not sure if she's teasing him or if she's serious, but either way, he likes the idea. "Oh, really?" he says, feigning surprise. "And what kind of embarrassing thing do you have in mind?" He takes a step closer to her, his heart racing in anticipation of her reply.
She tilts her head back slightly, her eyes never leaving his. "Oh, I don't know," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe the losers have to wear something…ridiculous?" She pauses, a sly grin spreading across her lips. "Or maybe they have to dance for the winners?"
Luke feels a mixture of anticipation and nervousness surging through him. He knows he's playing with fire here, but he can't help himself. "That sounds intriguing" he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
There was a pause.
His lips brush against hers, soft and gentle at first, before he deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding against hers in a dance of desire. He can feel her respond, her arms wrapping around his neck as she presses herself closer to him.
As their lips move together, he can taste the sweetness of her mouth, the softness of her skin. He's lost in the sensation, the way her body fits so perfectly against his own. He's never felt anything like this before, and he knows he doesn't want it to end.
Y/n moans softly into his mouth, her hands fisting in his shirt as she pulls him closer. He can feel her warmth, her energy, surrounding him like a blanket on a cold night. He wants nothing more than to explore every inch of her, to lose himself in the heat of this moment. He gently kisses his way to her collar.
As he nuzzles against her neck, he can feel her pulse racing beneath his lips. The sound of it, the rhythm, is intoxicating. He presses another soft kiss to her skin, his teeth grazing ever so slightly against it, and she lets out a small gasp, her hands tightening their grip on his shoulders.
He pulls back just enough to look into her eyes, their pupils dilated, their gazes locked. "I think I'm starting to understand what you meant," he whispers, a wicked grin spreading across his lips.
She bites her lower lip, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. "And what is that?" she asks, her voice barely more than a hoarse whisper.
Luke steps back, his hands moving to her hips, and then sliding up her sides, over her ribs and finally cupping her breasts through the fabric of her shirt. He can feel her nipples harden against his palms and a shiver runs down his spine. "Well," he says, leaning in close to her ear, his breath hot against her skin, "I think it means that we're both really competitive…and maybe just a little bit interested in each other."
Her eyes widen, and for a moment he thinks she's going to pull away. But then she takes a deep breath, and her hands slide up his chest, over his shoulders, and around his neck, pulling him closer. She presses her body against his, their hips grinding together in a slow, sensual dance. "Maybe you're right," she whispers, her lips brushing against his ear. "Maybe we should find out just how interested we are."
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manonspook · 5 months
remember that comic i teased?
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ok so here’s part 1 <3
i apologize for the quality
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howboringislife · 10 months
Aot boys' reaction learning you're injured pt.1
With: Levi, Erwin and Reiner
Part 2 here with Armin, Jean and Bertholdt
Warning: mention of injuries, fluffy
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Levi will keep an unbothered and calm façade as he always does but secretly will absolutely PANIC.
Are you okay? Will you survive? How? When? Why? All those questions keep running in his mind as he asks calmy where you are now.
Once in the nursery, will immediately check you up, looking for any important or serious injury. If he sees that you are safe and sound, will let out a subtle sigh of relief.
100% sure that he will hold your hand if you are both alone in the room, only if you are alone. He doesn't show much affection.
"You scared me, brat. Don’t do it again" His voice will be stern but soft as he caresses your cheek. If you apologize, you will be able to see one of the rare smiles he keeps only for you
Will keep an eye on you for the next mission, don’t you dare put your life in danger again, this man will do anything to keep you the safest possible.
Levi will protect you from anything that could be a threat for you.
Understand him please, you are the most important person in the whole fucking world for him and he won't let anything take you away from him. He already lost too much in his life and you are probably the reason why he is still able to keep going.
At first the Commander won't say anything, he probably didn't even heard Hange talking, too absorbed by his paperwork.
Is known for keeping a stoic face no matter what people tell him but when the reality that you are in danger will sink in, he will freeze completely.
"Y/N is what?" He will ask, wanting to be sure that he heard well. "No, it can be true." He will deny the fact that you are between life and death.
Will rub his temples to stay calm and collect. Is going also ask to see you even if he's doing something important. Your life=number one priority.
He will put everything on his fault. He shouldn't have sent you on this mission, what was he thinking? 100% will blame himself for your injuries so please, tell him that it's not his fault
This man will try to visit you as much as possible between his paperwork. You can see in his eyes that he's tired, tired of work and worrying for you.
He will be scared to touch you, like if he could break you so easily. "I'm not made of glass, Commander." You will say with a soft smile, teasing him anytime you can. Just seeing you smile will be enough to make his heart secretly melt.
Erwin will keep you safe for the next few months by prohibiting to go on any mission. He's the Commander, he takes the decisions. And honestly, who will blame him for wanting to keep you safe?
Will learn the new at the mess hall while eating. He was already a bit nervous as he didn't saw you since you left for the mission. Going to choke on his food for sure.
"What?! Uh- I mean, I'm sure Y/N will be fine." Try to keep a strong facade but inside will be in a total emotional damage.
Reiner will force Bertholdt to come with him as he visits you at the nursery. He's too insecure and scared to go there alone.
When will see you, he will have to bite his lip to contain his emotions, his hands will shake a bit but he's gonna hide it.
The poor boy will be such a loss for words that the only thing he will be able to say is: "Are you okay?" How ironic when half of your body is covered in bandages.
After a few minutes will ask for Bertholdt to leave you two alone (cause it's kinda awkward) and then you will see the REAL Reiner, the one you fell in love with.
He will take your hand in his, pressing his lips against your knuckles. "You scared me so much, I thought I've lost you forever." The tough soldier will become a scared and helpless boy.
You can even see a tear rolling down his cheek before he suddenly hugs you strongly. "Reiner... my ribs..." You say with a muffled voice, wincing a bit in pain but you know he didn't mean to hurt you.
Ps: he will immediately let you down and apologize at least 5 times for hurting you, even if you told him that it was okay 😣
By the way, if you want another character, just request it! (I do only boys)
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punkcheeks34 · 3 months
feelings/ pt 1
eren x reader, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, drunk confession
you knew eren before you knew him. his mom and your mom were the best of friends in highschool, and a friendship was fated from the start. from family barbecues to birthdays, you two were always together. “inseparable” is what carla describes us. eren always scoffed when mom would say we would get married one day. my eyes would brighten at the mention.
eren was always the outsider growing up, the rebel. he grew his hair to his shoulders, didn’t get along with the popular crowd, got an illegal tattoo at 16, and religiously wore band tees. as we got older, i noticed him more and more. we were around each other so often, so close. when his voice got deeper and his arms became toned, i couldn’t help fighting my feelings. to him, we were friends. to me, he was more. i knew he never saw me the way because he slept around. he smoked and wasn’t afraid to break a few laws. hes the personification of the boys your mom will tell you to watch out for, because their mystery is so alluring that you won’t be able to resist, and that in the end, they will break your heart. mom would never see eren in another light though. nothing other than her best friends adorable, sweet child.
as i’m about to fall asleep, my phone buzzes on my bedside table and reach for it quickly.
R u awake
it’s 2 in the morning and i know what he’s been doing.
what’s up eren?
i wait anxiously.
Im sorru it’s so latew but can u pick me up from Jean’s please?
i immediately get up and throw on a zip up hoodie. i grab my keys and hurry out of my window. god, the things i do for this boy.
the first time i felt something for him was 6th grade. for a while, he had been trying to slum it with the popular boys, reiner, jean, flock, and zeke, in our class. it didn’t work. he was a puzzle piece that didn’t fit, but he tried and i watched. i watched him try biking every day after-school with them when i knew he preferred to go skating with me. i watched him try to salvage his failing math grade from constantly attempting to meet the demands of these boys, their constant hangouts that eren didn’t really look forward too, telling me how unfunny he thought their jokes were. i watched eren and the popular boys talk to the popular girls. seeing eren laughing with historian reiss made me fume. who was she to even speak to him? she doesn’t know him like that? she doesn’t know him like i do!
it was all jealousy. historia was beautiful, popular, and i knew eren thought so too, because i would see them drinking slurpees at the quick zip every friday after school. i fumed even more. there were rumors that they had even kissed. stupid me thought and dreamed that maybe he secretly wanted me, and maybe he secretly wanted me to be his first kiss. hearing the rumor crushed me. i was heartbroken, but i could never be mad at eren over some dream that would never come true.
but suddenly eren withdrew. historia and him never hung out on fridays and the popular boys treated eren like he were a plague. jean still spoke to him though, even with their bitter rivalry that he would never tell me stemmed from what. me and him were already attached at the hip by that point, but he stuck by me like glue from then on. i didn’t question it. i didn’t care too because that he wanted to spend time with me, me.
we spent the rest of our middle school and high-school years together. always turning around to make sure the other one was behind. always picking the same classes to take so that we’d be together. always going back to my place after school, sitting on my bed to talk about everything the world has to offer over and over again. i would always help him with math, and he would always defend me against the popular guys that pursued me, warning me that he knew their motives. that they didn’t want me for the right reasons. i understood and i kept away. but they didn’t.
junior year, after our AP physics class, the ringleader of the group, zeke, cornered me in the stairwell and confessed how long he had been wanting me. how much he needed me, and that i should come over sometime with his friends. and from that, i already had an idea that this was what eren was talking about. i tried to get out, but he wouldn’t let me. eren pushed him to the wall and fought him. jean and armin had to pull eren off of him. eren got suspended because he broke zekes nose, and he had to get surgery to fix the damage.
during erens suspension, we spoke.
“i don’t like how the guys are,” he starts, fixing the pink pillow under his head,” they get me so fucking mad.” he’s been staying at my house ever since he got suspended. his parents are mad.
i look up from the book i was reading. “it was only zeke who really pushed it? why are you so pissed about the whole group?”
erens eyebrows furrow. “y/n, they’re guys. i’m a guy, and you’re not. i know how guys like them are!” he suddenly looks uncomfortable. “it’s disgusting.” he mutters, “and i don’t like that zeke wanted you to come over.”
“but still?” i argue, “just because you have something against zeke doesn’t mean you should hate the whole group with a passion. i know they’re obnoxious, but don’t let them get to you.”
“of course i have something against zeke and his friends! he forced you into the corner and told you how bad he wanted to fuck you!”
i cringe at the honesty. “i meant that you’ve hated him since middle school. like.. obsessively hate.”
eren lets out a laugh at the idiocracy. “first of all, i am not obsessed with zeke fritz.” he takes a deep breath like he’s preparing for the finale of a grand speech. “and second of all, he’s always pissed me off.”
“even when you hung out with him and his friends?” i tease.
eren grows silent. “i don’t want to talk about it.” and i dropped the conversation.
i pull into the round-about where jean lives. i’ve had to pick eren up a few times from here, but lately, the only reason he’s been here is to get drunk at jeans college parties. jeans parents are loaded, lawyers who travel for work, which leaves him at home with way too much freedom.
the music is vibrating the ground from here. i wonder when the police are gonna show up to shut down this party for the noise disturbance. i need to find eren, soon. i open the front door and see people leaning on the walls with drinks, talking, joking, some making out. i look away and try to find eren. i don’t see him anywhere.
after scanning the entire first floor, eren jeager is no where to be found. i head towards the stairs and start walking up, hoping to find him upstairs.
where are you? i text.
as i’m walking down the hallway, i hear a familiar voice.
“In here!”
i walk toward the sound of his voice, the last door of the hallway that has the name “jean” written in bright blue letters. i open the door and see the unexpected.
well, not fully unexpected. i see eren, his almost- shoulder length hair pulled back into a bun and his body adorning grey sweatpants and a navy hoodie, who i was expecting to see, laying down on jeans bed, smiling at the ceiling like a weirdo. yep, he’s one drink away from blacking out. but what i didn’t expect to see was historia reiss, sitting at the end of the bed, picking at her split ends and chewing her gum with her mouth open. my stomach turns at the scene, but i force down my feelings.
“hey!” i say. historia turns to me with a look of disappointment on her face and eren lifts his head and laughs drunkly when he sees me.
“uh,” i suddenly become uncomfortable under historias arrogant stare, “sorry i didn’t knock, i’m here to get eren.”
she looks at eren and then looks at me, saying, “okay..” condescendingly and walks into jeans bathroom. she wasn’t wearing any shoes. erens not wearing any either.
“heyyyy,” eren slurs as i walk over to him. “i didn’t know you partied!” he jokes before bursting out laughing
“you texted me. how much did you have to drink?”
he looks dumbfounded at the simple question “what?”
“i said, how much did you have to drink?” i repeat. i can barely hear my own voice over the booming music.
“uhhhhh-,” he replies after a few seconds, “i don’t know.”
“okay, cmon. get up eren. we’re going.”
“yes ma’am.” he says, giving a military salute. surprisingly, he can stand just fine despite how drunk he seems. i make sure he has everything
and we leave jeans house. we walk over to my parked car and i put eren in the backseat incase he pukes all over my dashboard again. i don’t want a repeat of the last time i picked him up.
“there’s a plastic bag in the right pocket if you need to puke, eren, just letting you know.” i mention as i pull out of the round-a- bout.
“okay, mom, thanks” he scoffs.
i pull unto the main road, stopping at the red light.
“so,” i start,” historia, huh?” my voice filling the silence.
“huh, what’re you talking about?” he says in a genuine, drunk confusion. “did something happen”
“i just didn’t know you guys were really friends.” i reply. and i murmur, “obviously more than that though.”
you’re eyes are fixed on the road, but erens eyes are dead fixed on you after that snide comment that he definitely heard.
“yeah,” he rolls his eyes, sarcasm and the presence of alcohol in his tone, “we had so much fun, y/n. you don’t even know.”
i look at him through the dash cam window and he’s staring at me with a smirk and an indepipherable look in his eyes, testing me. i grip the stealing wheel and drive faster. i know he’s joking, but i can’t tell if he’s hinting at the truth or just telling a lie to get a reaction out of me.i just want this conversation i started to be over with.
“uh, so, how’s jean?” i change the conversation.
“what, you like him or something?”
“what! no!” i deny. “i never said that, eren?”
eren leans back into the seat, head resting on the head rest as he looks up. “whatever.”
unlike eren, there’s no alcohol in my system, but i’m feeling bold today. “what do you mean whatever, eren? you think i like jean?”
“uhhh, haven’t you always?” he states like it’s the obvious. “i saw the way he looked at you in art class.”
“just because he looked at me once or twice doesn’t mean i want him to fuck me or something.”
erens eyes narrow and his brows furrow, lifting his head in interest. “what the fuck did you just say?”
“what the fuck are you saying?” i fight back. “i ask you how jean is and you act like i’m begging on my knees for him. god damn.”
now he’s fully attentive, elbows on his knees and leaning in as if he’ll learn more by his upright posture. “i don’t like the idea of you liking jean,” he states, the slurring of his words still audible , “aaand i don’t like the idea of jean liking you.”
my heart races. “why?”
“maybe it’s the same reason you don’t like seeing me with historia.” and suddenly, he sounds sober.
my heart stops. he heard the comment i made under my breath.
“eren, i don’t care who you see.” the lie is evident in my tone, but eren is so drunk that i don’t bother to hide it. “you can hook up with historia for all i care. have fun with mouth herpes.”
“see, this is what i don’t like,” he slurs out, “did it really not bother you when you saw me and historia in the same bed?”
“why would it bother me? we’re just friends.”
“is that what you want to believe?”
“is that what i shouldn’t believe, eren?”
eren sighs and leans back again. “you remember when i hung out with zeke, flock, reiner, and jean like way back?”
“that entire time. all they talked about is who would get you first. who would be the first to- fuck. fuck!” he slurs “i never wanted to tell you that!”
my mouth is to the floor. “seriously? that is so- why woudlnt you tell me?”
he looks out the window, “because i was scared that if i told you they liked you, you’d like the attention and shit, and then you wouldn’t be mine.”
my heart is beating out of my chest. “my god, you’re so drunk. eren, you’re speaking nonesense.”
“i’ve been in love with you since the 6th grade.”
“eren, stop.” tears brim my eyes. in the morning, when he’s sober and remembers this, he’ll regret his drunken lies and i’ll have to pretend like this drunk, fake confession didn’t mean the world to me.
“i left the digusting group for that. i hated that me and those annoying dogs had something in common, wanting you.”
“you never wanted me, eren!” i snap, “ you would fake a gag every time our moms shipped us together! and what about historia, huh? don’t act like you two haven’t been sleeping together since highschool. oh, and what about mikasa? you and her-”
“i don’t care about them! all i want is you y/n! i thought you already knew how bad i had it for you” he cuts me off.
“fucking lies.”
he grows quiet for a while.
“i pretended they were you everytime,” he admits,” they didn’t turn me on. i had to pretend they were you, ” he leans in, “and honestly? i still do.”
his words send butteflies rushing to your stomach, but you know better. “eren. you’re drunk”
he pulls his hair out of his messy bun and puts his hood on. “drunken. words. are sober. thoughts!” he enunciates before laughing.
we pull into his house driveway.
“i’m sorry for teasing you about me and historia tonight.” he apologies, and i smell beer from his breath. “im really sorry.”
“i thought drunk words were sober thoughts?” you retaliate with hurt in your tone. you didn’t want to argue, but you didn’t want to not stand your ground.
“i just- wanted to make you jealous. im sorry, y/n” he hugs me, arms wrapping around me tightly as he fits his head into the crook of my neck and sniffs. “god, you smell so good..”
“eren.” you warn.
“your perfume. it drives me insane.” he whines and starts peppering kisses down your neck.
you blush and your heart stops before you push him off of you. he stumbles back, having to regain his balance due to the alchohal in his system. he’s drunk, he’s drunk and he’s so fucking drunk.
the look in his eyes are nothing short of hurt. “y/n..”
“we’ll talk in the morning” you breath out. “go sleep this off.”
“i’ve already tried,” he replies as he walks up the stairs to his room, “why do you think i get so drunk all the damn time. seeing historias face sober every weekend makes me remember that she isn’t you.” he gets to the top step and disappears behind the wall.
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chihuahuawashere · 8 months
ZoLu head cannons !!!
They both have MAJOR oral fixation problems
Luffy: bites into stuff or people when he’s excited/ he eats all the time
Zoro: sword in his mouth all the time/ a booze bottle in his all if he’s sword isn’t in there already ( one day he gets REALLY drunk and tries to find out if he fit both) (( I’ll expand more on that later))
So when they finally get together they literally can’t keep their mouths off of each. Basically like two horny teenagers (which they are). Their kissed biting and leaving hickeys anywhere they can get their mouths on. At some point their practically trying to eat one another alive.
After hours of tongue boss fighting they come out of the boys quarters and they look like they came out of a fight. Hickeys look like big baseball buries from head to toe. Big deep bite marks that might leave a faint scar and lips that look like they tried to the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge.
At first the crew makes fun of them for it but after a while Zolu doesn’t care where their make out sessions are and will just randomly start tongue fighting one another and the crew is dying from it.
They basically looked like this
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I will give you guys the crew’s reaction to this later I promise
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cycoekiller119 · 3 months
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buttercup 🌼 lps 2612 x fluttershy
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just-some-jam · 10 days
YOU au Hanma shuji x reader
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“Hanma can you open the door for me please” a voice echoed through his head. It sounded like a soft melody in the distance. Something far off that he couldn't quite reach, so close yet so far.
“Hanma help me please. I'm holding the baby, I can't do both at once” your voice whispered from behind the door. Rocking the infant back and forth.
“Hanma help me please im holding the body, I cant do both at once” you had said simultaneously. While both versions of you holding a body and a child flew through his head. But it finally landed on just one. One that he had not expected.
“Hanma, are you deaf or something get the door Im holding the damn baby” you finally snapped at him. Knocking the man out of his state of unawareness. His thoughts still circling through his head, mixed between last night and now.
“Okay, okay stop your bitching. I'm coming woman.” hanma growled as he walked over towards the big white door that he hated. In the big fucking window like house that he hated even more, in the quietest most boring neighborhood in the whole city that he hated more than that. Hamna hated everything about his new life with you. From the supermarket that didn't sell the type of coffee that he liked, down to the dumb neighbors who would always comment. when they heard you two even seem to be rasing your voices at each other. But like the good loving husband he was he would just put up with it. No matter what the draw back was and you were one of those. You were a draw back, everything that you did was a draw back. When he opened the white door he didn't just open it for you and your child he opened it for himself too. So that he could see the outside world far away from his trapped life. In a home that he hated, in the one part of town that he hated even more. And yes finally surrounded by people that he hated the most.
“Hanma hurry grab her feet” you screamed with the voice of a whisper more afraid of waking the baby then getting caught with a body. You were and still are a draw back, and it always came down to situations like this. When you go off the rails and do stupid things, going off a very small claim that he had cheated on you. With the mail woman of all people. Cliche much one would think but you though it was very much real.
“Im grabbing her legs but could you be more quieter” hanma had yelled back at you with his brows furrowed very hard. Showing the sweat that was gliding off of his almost pail face. Everything could end here and now just by one person spotting them. One person waking up at fucking 2:20 in the morning. To see the atrocity you both have now committed.
He took over now at this point, Hanma was no stranger to violence. No stranger to hiding bodies and covering up crimes. You had married a criminal after all. But you were inexperienced, so bad that the action that was committed a mere few hours ago. Had already incriminated you both, even If you hadn't gotten caught yet. The woman fell limply into the back of the car as hanma tried to slam the trunk as quietly as possible.
He paid no care to the fact that his wife was running back into the house. Grabbing his son and a fully packed diaper bag. Jumping into the front seat of the car as he did the same. A small infant in the back sleeping only a seat away from his mother's crime.
"you just had to bring the baby." He muttered putting the car in reverse.
"what were we supposed to do huh? leave him there?" She retorted back. Watching said boy from the review mirror asleep. As he drove off twords a string of new houses being built at the opposite end of the culdesac. Down as far as the street reached. Settling on a newly dug up foundation that was set to have cement poured that next morning.
Hanma got out of the car now being able to take out his frustrations loudly. Slamming the car door as it echoed off the vancent houses. Reaching around the back to open the truck of his obnoxiously large soccer mom car.
What had you done to him truly. What had you done to his life. Hanma shuji had run from his original crimes for as long as he could. Deciding that he would never senselessly kill again unless he had to. And now you had broken his own personal rule. Throwing the man straight into yet another crime.
What did you do to me?
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nevermorehellhole · 11 months
Montresor: I poisoned someone’s drink but I forgot which.
Prospero: *spits out drink*
Ada: wait whAT-??
Will: huh??
Annabel: With the way this dinner is going I hope it’s mine.
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meta-library-blog · 2 months
A master post of OG trilogy related metas/thoughts:
Just some metas/analyses and thoughts I'd like to put into a post. (Especially because I keep coming back to them but the Tumblr tagging system is seriously lacking.) If you have issues with seeing your post(s) here, let me know. (These are in no particular order.)
◆Why did Loki lie to Thor?
◆Loki's reaction to Thor's banishment / x / x
◆Thor and Odin's interaction in TDW
◆Loki's conversation with Laufey
◆Thor and his fear of failure
◆Thanos' influence on Loki
◆Loki having been tortured / x / x
◆Loki's heat signature / x
◆Loki's/the W3/SIf's reaction to Thor's actions / and his banishment
◆“I’m not your brother”
◆"Il'l hunt the monsters down and slay them all"
◆"break their spirts"
◆"the Jotuns must learn to fear me"
◆"I don't have it." / x
◆"Are you ever not going to fall for that?"
◆"always so perceptive about everyone but yourself"
◆“You and your father cast large shadows”
◆"No more illusions."
◆the Dark Elves
◆Loki's "trial" / x / x / x / x / Thor's banishment & Loki's "trial"
◆Thor's apology
◆Thor and Loki's conversation before Thor's coronation
◆the glorious purpose
◆the trip to Jotunheim & Loki keeping an eye on everyone / x
◆Loki always being shushed
◆Loki's reaction after Odin falls into the Odinsleep
◆Lady Sif and Thor
◆Loki / The Other interaction
◆just some thought about Thor
◆just some thought about Loki
◆the sceptre's influence
◆Odin and the Casket
◆Deleted Jotunheim scenes at the beginning of Thor 1
◆the group's tactical formation demonstrating their dynamics and strategy
◆Loki realising in Jotunheim / x
◆Loki's sleeve
◆TDW ending scene
◆Thor's lowest point
◆Asgard's population
◆Asgard's atmosphere
◆The Rainbow Bridge's lenght
◆The palace
◆Loki and Frigga's conversation before his coronation
◆Loki having had power over the people working for him in NY
◆Loki's costume
◆the servant laughing at Loki / x
◆TDW Prelude Issue #2
◆Why Didn’t Loki Tell?
◆the broken bridge scene
◆Loki and the Casket
◆Loki's combat style
◆the vault scenes symbolism
◆Thor seeing Loki after his banishment
◆The scene in the tavern in TDW
◆Heimdall's attack on Loki
◆Odin and Loki talking about Jane
◆Loki being the second best
◆Loki stabbing Thor
◆The Hulk cell scene
◆Loki / Sif interaction in TDW
◆Asgard / Jotunheim
◆Loki's perspective (Thor 1 master post)
-Part 1: Childhood  -Part 2: Before Coronation -Part 3: Coronation and In The Vault -Part 4: We’re Going To Jotunheim -Part 5: The Bifrost -Part 6: Jotunheim Negotiations -Part 7: Jotunheim Fight -Part 8: Thor’s Banishment -Part 9: The Aftermath -Part 10: Am I Cursed? -Part 11: The Odinsleep and Loki’s Ascension -Part 12: On the Throne -Part 13: Visiting Midgard -Part 14: Back to Jotunheim -Part 15: Heimdall Confrontation -Part 16: Buying Time -Part 17: The Destroyer -Part 18: The Master Plan -Part 19: The Final Battle -Part 20: After the End
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lighting-ninja · 11 months
⌇ sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴛᴇᴀsᴇ
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❥ semi-public, Almost getting caught, bratty sub shigaraki, overstimulation(?), Sex ropes(?), Pet names, dirty talk(?), Masc reader, jealous shigaraki
Pet names ; brat, pup, cum slut,
❥ apologies for not knowing some of.. these?
❥ might be long so.. pt, 1?
❥ I'd might forget to use one of them from the warning so, sorry!
Working for the league for a while was quite...
Only needing to be there when they need back up, sometimes you would catch an eye from the leader or so the second leader, hearing from one of them is that 'All for one'. But back on track you always seem to notice him staring at you from time to time, whenever you caught him, he would either look away or just stare at you before looking away with a grunt seeing light pink across his face, even though it's covered. Anyways you were all call into a meet-up, about plans for their next move on the hero's, once you got there you notice one thing. The certain blue hair leader wasn't there, odd but you ignore it as your eyes linger somewhere else. Getting a few flirty comments from dabi here and there, as he sat next to you, who was unbothered by him. You know him for a while after joining the league, so knowingly he's just playing you would add a compliment back. Seeing his face flush made you chuckle. After the meeting everyone went back to what their doing, living their "normal" lives, as you were about to head out, you were call to kurogiri the misty man with yellow eyes that shine brightly, in a suit.
" Shigaraki tomura wants to see you, if you don't mind. He says he has something important to say to you in private."
Looking at him confusedly, but nod then head up the stairs, every creek the stairs you made, after every foot-step along the way, finally making up the second floor. Heading towards shigaraki room were kurogiri told him, next thing you new being pull inside than slam against the door. Letting out a hiss, before you could speak, you felt rough but soft lips to yours, shock by this but stick to trying to fight back for domination, easy than you thought, he lets you slide right in but eagerly pulls you down by the neck.
" Fuck~"
You groan out, you were push on the bed him sitting right on your bulge, pulling you into another kiss. You began to move up his shirt, caresses his body into your hands as if it were a trophy, making his breathes hunch?, Than whimper from your touch as he humps against your clothed member, you notice his pants were soat with pre-cum..
Next thing tomura knew he was on the bed moaning, ass up, scratching the covers of the sheets feeling you inside him, deep, warm, hitting his special spot got him almost to scream. Almost. He thrust his hips backwards into [ Name ], wanting more, more, MORE. But once he tried, he was stop by [ Name ] hands on to his hips, making him whine really trying to get that last thrust to release.
" don't be such a brat, we have all night~ so why don't we take our time doing this?"
Hitting that spot again, moaning into the pillows tomura tried to keep quiet refusing to be loud, as he had next door mates, meaning he *had* to be quiet as is, but it wasn't working to well as he thought-
" tomura? Are you alright."
Giving you a warning look before calming his breathing, thinking you'd stop.. but you had other plains~
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cosmiclaugh · 10 months
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early Adam Ant
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itachi86 · 3 months
when barry tells oliver he's gonna die and oliver just goes no
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