#(side eyes shiro's dragon)
since im trying to get back into the swing of posting may i present to you..
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she is the wings of voltron version of Ina!
sadly, i cant find where i got her base from, but full credits to the owner! if i find the base i will reblog this post with the base link.
also a note: for her venom, it isnt like decaying things level of damage, more like hot oil/water level of damage. Thought id clear that up!
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kayssweetdreams · 5 months
The Perfect Finale Ch34
Meanwhile, Back in Wonderworld...
Yin smiled as he was able to replicate both the Perfection Pills, AND His Purifier. In the meantime of waiting for the pink haired brat and the waste of space replacements to return to Wonderworld, he figured that he would just move on with his plan. He got his powers, and was back in Wonderworld. He might as well use it to his advantage!
He glanced back at Prim, who was still sitting silently to the side, not in touch with what was going on. However, he knew that if the girl came back, then the "replacements" would also be there as well to "protect" her. Gaining a twisted smile, his eyes glowed red once more "It's been a while since I've done this...why not see if I've lost my touch." He said in a dangerous voice.
Focusing his returning energy, Yin created a large red glowing ball that began to take the form of a very large Dragon, covered in Negati swirls. It gave a low growl as Yin cuddled it like a newborn child. "Ah. I see I've still got it." He said in twisted glee. The red Negati bowed its head submissively in front of Yin as the Banished Maestro continued to create more...laughing in madness as he did...
Meanwhile, Back in Timeville...
Cal had returned back to the other inhabitants with Prim's cure, while Mei and the girls had returned with Jett "We got the cure!" Cal said "And we got Jett!" Emma said. "Now all we need is a way back into Wonderworld." Rebecca said. "I hope Kaylo's doing alright..." Trisha Jane said. "I don't know, she does have the heart of Wonderworld in her still." Yuri said.
A loud blast was heard, as well as a few screams from the Barnum Naka Auditorium. "I'd say that answers our questions l." Lora said. The group ran to the auditorium, only to see that it was in complete chaos. Various costumes were hiding behind seats, the Tims and Negati had hidden behind various props and boxes, while Balan and Lance were currently trying to keep a floating and spazzing Kaylo under control.
"You need to calm down!" Lance shouts "Think Happy Thoughts!" Balan yells. "I CAN'T!! IT'S TOO MUCH!!" Kaylo screams at them, blowing them both into a wall. "BALAN! LANCE! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Fortie yells, while also trying not to get thrown back. "KAYLO'S BEING OVERWHELMED BY THE HEART! ITS TOO MUCH FOR HER!!" Lance yelled. Suddenly and without warning, the small burst of magic stopped, and the auditorium returned to its original state, with Kaylo shivering on the ground.
"This isn't good. If we try to get back to Wonderworld now, these random bursts of magic are just like placing a giant target on Kaylo's back." Mei said "We know. We've been trying to help her control it, but it's too much for her to handle." Lance said, standing up again. "Well we have to figure out something...I don't know how much longer we can last out here..." Balan said
Rebecca gave the maestros a worried glance. "What do you mean?" She asked. Thats when Shiro gives a exausted chirp while Kuro is struggling to keep his eyes open "Kuro? Shiro? What's wrong?" Mei asked, going to pick up the Tim, only for her hand to phase right through her. The kids gasped in panic...they were fading...
Mei, Kuro and Shiro belong to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Jett belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
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littleshysheep-at-da · 5 months
Hello, I hope you are well. Can you please share some headcanons and canon reflections about Karnatia and Schlain? I really loved the ones that you did for Wrath. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for the well wishes! I’m still VERY ill but have a support system trying to get me help ☺️ so we keep chugging! Still won’t be super active here but I LOVE answering these asks 💕
And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE VALIDATION ❤️?! Like I am so incredibly happy people enjoy my ranting and want to hear/value my opinion, it’s wild and super enjoyable.
Still considering just posting my whole current Kumoko Headcanon (I have expanded some points from previous Kyouya/Wrath one too haha) but it’s suuuper long and I am CONSTANTLY adding too it. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Kyouya is def my fav so I have waaay more for him but I do have some for Katia and Shun (probably more on Shun just cause we get more from his perspective in the Novel)! As a massive Shipper again most of them revolve around my OT3 (I have no shame there haha).
Heads up for Spoiler Warning (I think I give mostly vague Spoiler for the entire series but except the Kumoko/Wakaba thing is directly said).
(Again I’m ripping this from my KumoDesu Fanfic ideas Doc so if some of the wording is wonky that’s why because it’s older and I write this just to get my thoughts down).
Trans Katia: Update: 16 novels we get two chapters from Katia’s perspective but I think there is one or two more shorts from her perspective in the Ex-Ex2. Okay so far in all 12 novels we get one (1) chapter from Katia’s perspective so there’s not a lot to go off but Katia was definitely closeted/uncracked egg Trans Girl in her past life fight me. Cracking the egg/getting outed via isekai lol. Out of roughly 30 reincarnations Katia is is the only one that switched gender and it’s explained (aside from Oka which D did just to cause trouble) the system puts them in bodies that best fit their soul this being why some characters reincarnated as not humans and why Katia is a girl. So the only characters who changed gender or race are Katia, Fei, Sophia, Kyouya, and Oka who doesn’t count in this. Shiro was always a spider thus why she is a spider. Kyouya deeply agreed with the Goblin’s mentalities and morals. We see later that Fei’s personality and morals really fits with the dragon's code of conduct. Sophia being a vampire isn’t super explained and more how people viewed her. So like failing in line Katia must be a Trans Woman basically.
Katia Anxiety: I think Katia is very protective of her boys. It’s kinda obvious when she meets Shun again and then when they get in dangerous situations. She’s so scared of losing the people she cares about (I think she’s often the most aware of how different and how dangerous the fantasy world is compared to their previous lives). I think the realization Kyouya probably isn’t on their side (because of how Oka kept avoiding the topic) probably hurt her a lot, because she doesn’t want to abandon him but also is too scared about losing Shun as it is (and I feel like when she puts everything together after the fact she feels super guilty for not pressing more). It kinda seemed she really didn’t have many people she was close to in her past life and the fact that Shun (and I’m gonna Headcanon here later Kyouya) still accept her despite everything that’s “different” (cough cough eye cracked) is huge to her. I’m glad in the Novel Shun always does a very good job conveying how much he appreciates, relays on, and trusts her because god she needs it.
Shun and Julius: The fun part about Shun as a Character is he is painfully aware how much of an NPC he is and that he doesn’t fit the role of Hero. Which is why I think he looks up to Julius so much and later on tries to emulate him. He quite frankly knows he has NO IDEA what he is doing and wants to be as level headed and smart as Julius. I think that his idol-like obsession with Julius comes from his own insecurities.
Shun, Katia, and Kyouya are Weird (aka Poly):“They're weird about each other” is one of my favorite Shipping reasons because it’s so true. I mean Shun and Katia are pretty solid in Canon and I would say I’m just adding Kyouya to it to make it an OT3 but also once I see it I can’t unsee it. Just the fact that all 3 of them single out their “Friendship” as something special. I don’t think Katia super had other friends in her past life (being an uncracked egg will make that hard) but Shun and Kyouya did and they never really mention it. Shun was peak NPC and was not super close but friendly to most of the guys but he NEVER mentions it until running into them again (apparently he was on a soccer team and just, never thought it was important or that big a deal). And it’s Shiro who mentions it seems like Kyouya and Shinobu were friends in their past life, Kyouya barely mentions it even after seeing him again. Just the “you're weird about each other” being a way of saying “that’s a little more than a friendship I think” basically.
Polyamorous not having Legal Marriage: So at the end of Volume 16 they mention that nothing is know about Shun’s love life, which might mean he never legally married. Now I like think Shun and Katia legally married and then Kyouya is their lover (they have a non-legal marriage for the 3 of them in private). But I am just saying this can support my Ship because Polyamory isn’t really that accepted publicly so they keep it secret (open secret among their friends though). It’s sort of an AU but I’m just saying.
Shun Salaryman: So it says at the end of Vol 16 Shun goes back to help his Brother and all I can think is he’s finally becomes a Salaryman. Imagine he helps with all the paperwork instead of decision making. And he’s really good at it to the point of everyone’s surprise. He finally realized JUST how lost he was trying to be a Hero (he always sort of knew but now that he’s found his calling it’s super obvious to everyone else as well).
Shun’s Accidental Rizz: So we see that Shun is always ridiculous earnest about his feelings and has no qualms expressing his appreciation (we see this most to Katia early on where he always thanks her for helping him). So I like to think for my OT3 he accidentally says the most romantic shit to Katia and Kyouya all the time unprompted because he’s just being honest about it (Kyouya Bluescreens because he’s so unused to verbal affection (he likes it he’s just used to the Demon Army’s brand of nonverbal love) and Katia goes Tsundere Mode when flustered).
Shun Perception Check: Shun is both really perceptive and an idiot at the same time. So he is able to perceive all sorts of little subtle tells that others can’t but at the same time has no idea how to process what they actually mean.
Shun: Shun is an Emotional Support Dumbass. And anyone who hates him (usually people who only saw his botched Anime version) can meet me in the pit. I also think his general easy going-ness probably helped both Katia and Kyouya a lot in their past lives (because it seemed like neither of them had the easiest home life’s and then they have it rough again after being reincarnated rip).
And that’s all I have at the moment! I’m always adding more though haha. Feel free to keep sending KumoDesu Asks I love them!
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black-reaper-arc · 1 month
⚠️OOC | Introduction Post⚠️
This account is a new account for @the-black-reaperarc
We wanted a new start on a fresh account and that'd require deleting most things on it and that's a hassle, so welcome to @black-reaper-arc!
Pinned Post, Updated When Necessary!
Read under the cut; all information is under the cut because this is long and sey don't want to clog tags!
About CC -
CC is used to refer to Content Creator/Blog Ppl.
CC often talks in 3rd person!
CC refers to self as Speaker, Creature, CC, Jasper, People/Person, Creator, or Writer. (sometimes others, see above)
We use neopronouns beyond just 3rd person. (lower)
Re are Genderfluid/Xenogender and Queer, pronouns change almost constantly; look at tags
Is German and Russian. (Please correct if; spelling things wrong or inaccurately reps. something.)
Si is alterhuman.
Snip speaks English, German, Russian (learning), and non-human languages. (Niltothese/Kathilka and more.)
Trill goes by the names Ripper and Reaper
Re use contradictory labels and are a physical alterhuman. Si literally do not care. Do not try to start discourse with us, it will be treated with entire seriousness if not tone-indicated. /srs
Ripper is okay with asks about it's therianthropy, otherkin/otherkith, headcanons, kemonomimi, fursona, original species and characters, etc!
We do not give a fuck about picking sides in "are Tulpas/Endos valid", "is self diagnosis valid", "are contradictory labels valid", "are physical alterhumans valid" and stupid shit like that! They literally are not harming anybody/-ies so shut the fuck up, not your brain or body not your choice >:(
Pronouns! -
We are not diagnosed with any form of Multiple Personality Disorder, but that's not to say we're not plural. We use plural pronouns because it feels right, not because si want to "take away from mpd people" but because it again feels right. Awaiting Diagnosis.
feel free to ask (in asks) for full sets!
3rd Person; he/him, she/her, they/them.
Plural/-selves, aux they/them/theirselves.
It/Its, Growl/Growls, Purr/Purrs, Trill/Trilling, Bark/Barks, Hiss/Hissing, Meow/Mrow, Mew/Mews, Snip/Snap, Roar/Roars, Fae/Faer,
2nd Person; you/your.
Plural/-selves, aux prns /ques. you/your?
Thou/Thee, Thy/Thou,
1st Person; I/me.
Plural/-selves, no aux prns.
We/Our, Si/Sey, Re/Rem,
#~felid chirps~ -> small and domestic cat related things (small cats = serval, domestic, cheetah, etc.)
#~felid chuffs~ -> large/big cat related things (big cats = jaguar, tiger, snow leopard, etc.)
#~canid barks~ -> all canine/canidae related things (fox, wolf, maned wolf, coyote, etc.)
#~dragon growls~ -> all dragon related things (wyvern, eastern, lung/long/noodle, leviathan, etc.)
#~dinosaur trills~ -> all dinosaur related things (Indoraptor, oc, extinct, etc.)
#~ripper makes noise~ -> ambiguous, undetermined, etc.
⚠️OC Introduction⚠️
#~reaper reblogs~ or #~ripper reblogs~ -> any/all reblogs
If something is hashtaged as "~{insert nickname here} answers!~" it's is from a person listed below! /pos /lh
Ask Box Stuff!
Feel free to ask abt them! We love them all to bits, they have different tags to address them in asks the [-{word}] is it!
Otherkin? | Lucifer Dragonling, 23 - Genderfluid, It/Fae/Growl/Claw/Wing/Trill. Long black hair, vibrant red eyes with slit pupils. Digitigrade stance, half-ghoul/half-kakuja, rinkaku/ukaku. It's kagune is black at the base then fades to red at the tip, which is heart shaped. [-Luci or -Lucifer]
Fictionkin. | Kaneki Haise, ??- Genderfluid, aux they/he and it/growl/purr/trill/hiss/snip/fae. Long, curly, white with a mullet-like haircut, red eyes with slit pupils. Digitigrade stance, half-ghoul/half-kakuja, rinkaku with an ukaku subtype. [-Kaneki, however you can specify who/time i.e Shiro/W-H, Kuro/B-H, Reaper/Yamii, King, Ryuu, etc]
Fictionkin. | Ripper, 19-23 - Genderfluid, It/Fae/Growl/Claw/Wing/Trill. Long, curly black hair, red-pink eyes with slit pupils. Digitigrade/Quadropedal, half-ghoul/kakuja, rinkaku with a bikaku subtype. [-Ripper]
Fictionkin. Alterhuman. | Kaneki Kennedy, 19 - Agender-fluid, It/It's or any animal-like pronouns. Long curly white hair and gray or red eyes with slit pupils. Digitigrade/Quadrupedal, half-ghoul/half-kakuja, rinkaku with chimera subtype. [-Ken, -Capt., or -#240]
Lumi-Aspen Northcoat, 16 - Genderfluid/Agender, It/Growl/Purr/aux They or any animal-like pronouns. Long, curly white hair, red eyes with slit pupils. Pale-gray skin, blue undertones and many scars. Digitigrade/Quadropedal, Feli-deer Hybrid as a result of experimentation, Russian and RSL/ASL. [-Aspen or -Lumi]
Opium Northcoat, 12 - Libraboy, He/They/It. Short, wired, white hair, icey blue eyes with round pupils. Pale with blue undertones. Digitigrade/Quadropedal, Feli-opossum Hybrid. It's Aspens' brother, German/Russian and ASL/RSL. [-Opi]
Aestas Faecrest, 16 - Cisgender, Any pronouns. Short, wavy, golden blonde hair w/ white highlights, blue left/green right eye. Tan, orange undertones with freckles and vitiligo. Digitigrade/Quadropedal, Mutt Hybrid. Golden Husky, South American/Greek and Greek/Asl. She's Aspens' boyfriend! [-Aestas or -Fae]
Beatrix Hernandez, 8 - Brazilian/Venezuelan, Italian/Portuguese. He/She, Honey-coloured eyes. Short, straight, black hair w/ brown highlights. Tan, bronze undertones. Bat Hybrid, Pygmy Round-Eared Bat. Friends with Aestas. [-Bea or -Trix ]
Larin Canis, 13 - South American, German. it/squeak/tail/paw or aux he/they, it's bigender and allo/ace-spec. Hazel eyes. Medium-length black hair w/ white shaved sides. Bronze undertones. Semi-Digitigrade/Quadrupedal. Lemur Hybrid, Ring-tailed lemur. Younger creature of Luna. [-Lar or -Larin]
Luna Canis, 14 - South American, German. it/bark/howl/paw or aux he/they, pangender and allo/aro-spec. Light brown eyes. Medium length, straight, red hair w/ two black chunks of hair in the front. Very tan w/ red undertones. Digitigrade/Quadrupedal. Wolf hybrid, Maned Wolf. Older creature of Larin. [-Luna]
DCEU {1:0}
Okay Stuff;
Tone tags are needed! [Tone Indicators!]
Questions about rem! (As long as it's not too personal, i.e; address, legal name, etc.)
Headcanons [your's or ours]
Alterhuman questions [us or you]
Letting rem know if something is offensive!
Not Okay Stuff;
Hate ("-blah blah- isn't valid!", "you're not valid!", "alterhumans aren't real", etc. etc.)
Invasive questions (address, legal name, etc.)
Just generally don't be a dick [Unless; Dick Grayson; headmate/alt, alt.hu, fictionkin, etc. /lh]
⚠️Basic DNI criteria⚠️
[Please note; we are not going to post asks about donations, unless we know you, we are sorry! We were peer-reviewed for autism/asd, lexicon/language processing disorder/lpd, sensory processing disorder/spd and more but are dx for adhd, apd/auditory processing disorder, c-ptsd & multiple sclerosis]
We block and unfollow freely.
Don't judge us, won't judge you.
Anything untagged with necessary tw/cw!
Gore/Corpse/Death, unless tw/cw correctly
Anti-mspec lesbians/gays (multi-attraction/mono-attraction)
Anti-mascspec lesbians/anti-femspec gays (she/her gays, he/him lesbians, inter/inter, etc.)
Anti-mogai, Anti-microlabel
Zoophilia, Pedophilia, etc.
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chaoticstrata · 9 months
Finished End of Dragons
So I finished End of Dragons' main campaign last night. And I have to say I rather like the journey so far. I know I didn't do this for Path of Fire or anything else, so I'm gonna lump that in here too.
One of my favorite things with the story is how my character's voice has evolved (Sylvari Male). It pretty much went from bright eyed and bushy tailed to exhausted/just done with it all. There are, of course, upbeat and hilarious moments but during season 3 and Path of Fire, every time he got a call from one of his guildmates it sounds like he's saying 'What now? -sigh-' It then turns a bit less exhausted going into EoD, and a little more 'Commander-esque'.
Mounts are fun, I like there are different ones for different tasks. Griffon is probably my favorite so far--if only because it was a pain in the ass to unlock. I'm holding judgement on the skyscale if only because I have no masteries unlocked for it. Base flying is...painful.
Path of Fire (and the season leading up to it) was amazing. I loved almost every minute of it. Aurene is a sweetheart! The landscapes were beautiful! And going back to Elona was so much fun. Especially since there were things I recognized! Like Livia and Koss! The third sassy comment from the mysterious Shining Blade person you helped with Eye of Jathir I knew right away who she was. And I was stoked! And poor Koss! Although it was hilarious that he was so annoying with his sass and backtalk that Joko ordered him to stay in the cave. XD (On a side note, Fuck Kormir. It should have been Koss.)
Season 4 and Icebrood saga. Can I say Emotional Damage much? ;-; But it hurt so good! The whole thing with what happened to Blish. And then Taimi. Taimi was like ripping my heart out--my friend who's also playing has not gotten to this part and he adores Taimi. Like 'Must protect Taimi at all costs' type adore. I'm keep mum about it, but ooh boy, I'll know when he gets to it. (He's getting to the part in Season 3 where we find out that killing the dragons like we are is not the best thing for the planet.) And then there's Braham, with everything he'd been through. ;-;
I loved having Canach with us during PoF, little sad that he wasn't in EoD as much--but it's understandable. I'm still on the fence about the new VO, but I think Matt does a good job at bringing the sass. I do hope I get to see more of him for SotO
End of Dragons was...it was ok. I liked all the characters from it. The story had it's moments, but the story overall was kind of meh for me. Just my opinion, obviously. Rama was a gem, and I'm glad to see we get some more of him going into the extra content. It was awesome to see a lot of the places from Factions and hear about a few people from then. Actually, I wonder if there are any extra dialogues for Revenants, especially if they use Shiro as a stance. Would be interesting to see.
One thing I really would like to shout out is the representation ArenaNet has put in the game. Jory and Kas. Caithe and Faolin. Yao. Hell, random NPC conversations. Nothing is made a bit deal bout any of it (except some people getting their panties in a twist, but they don't matter). They just exists, like anyone else in the world. I really could go on and on, but this post is long enough as it is. lol
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pellaaearien · 1 year
WIP Word Search
Okay @cuubism​ AND @landwriter​ tagged me in that WIP word search game that’s going around and since they are two people I love and respect I shall oblige, despite the fact that I only have one WIP - for Sandman. And there’s currently only one unpublished chapter.
So here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to do one word from each WIP in my docs folder. Whichever one gives the best results. And you all shall see my secret shame. 
cuubism’s words were: eat, world, run, blood, glass
EAT - (ffxiv) a snippet of my oc x Aymeric that I wrote inspired by that video where a man wakes up from anesthetic and hits on his own wife
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, with utter sincerity. Eyn’ara could feel a flush rising to her cheeks. “How did I get so lucky?” He leaned back, sighing dreamily. Eyn’ara bit her lip to keep from laughing, torn between amusement and concern. 
“Just take it easy, love,” she soothed. “Eat your biscuit.”
Suddenly, he lifted his head again, intent. “How long have we been married?” 
Smiling helplessly, Eyn’ara shook her head. “I’ll tell you if you eat your biscuit,” she said. 
Aymeric looked at the biscuit like he’d forgotten it was there, and took a delicate bite, staring at her as he chewed expectantly. Eyn’ara’s heart swelled with love for this ridiculous man. 
“Four years,” she answered.
WORLD - (dragon age) fenhawke fic 
Fenris looked to Hawke in hope of seeing that look. Cold. Merciless. Righteous. Stealing over the face of the habitually jovial Hawke, it did not look out of place. Its rarity merely heightened its significance. It was the look he imagined an avenging Andraste might have worn. Seeing it directed at slavers reminded him why he'd sworn his blade to her. Times like these reassured him he'd made the right decision.
“Not a chance.” Hawke's voice was thin ice on a winter's day. He could feel it in his chest like a breath of frigid air. She met Fenris' eyes.
Had he not been buried wrist-deep in a slaver's spleen, the world might have melted away around him. He'd be a regular attendee of the Chantry if this was the god he was praying to.
RUN - (sandman) Another Word for Ache (you won the jackpot!)
Death sighs. “Our sibling,” she says.
That word again. “Would this be the same sibling who tried to get Dream to spill family blood?”
Her eyes widen. It’s a natural enough expression but it sits uneasily on her face and Hob gets the impression that not much shocks her.
“He told you about that?”
Hob shrugs. “I think he was trying a new tactic, trying to see how much information would get me to run away.”
“That does sound like him,” she says, shaking her head ruefully.
BLOOD - (voltron) sheith fic
If Keith was smart, he would have disengaged, tried to find some way to get through to the automaton bearing down on him, but some defensive instinct of his own has been triggered and the chance passes him by. He’s already hurtling off the edge of too far when Shiro leaves an obvious opening and Keith lunges for it, hearing the telltale hum of the Galra mechanism powering up as he does, bright purple light flashing in his periphery. 
He lands a solid hit against Shiro’s side but it’s already too late because Shiro grabs his arm with his flesh and blood left hand and twists and the next thing Keith knows he’s on his back, looking up into that implacable, beloved face, the prosthetic humming an inch from his throat.
GLASS - (doctor who) Locum Tenens
At last, she reached a door at the end of the hallway. The song in her mind swelled, and Rose could tell that behind the door was the music’s source. She pushed open the door, and walked through it into a field of deep red grass. The sky above was a burnt orange. Rose looked around herself in wonder. In the distance, a gilded city marked the horizon, shimmering under a glass dome. There were two suns in the sky.
landwriter’s words were: pale, hope, lips, ache, laugh, morning
PALE - (ffxiv) my oc x Aymeric, hurt/comfort fic
“...Very well.” The words were a sigh of defeat she tried not to read too much into. Slowly, as though the motion pained him, he uncrossed his arms, peeling back the layers he was wrapped in.
She tried to steel herself not to react, but her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t help it. The first thing to be revealed was an angry scar across his throat, the burn of a rope pressed into his pale skin. She clenched her fingers around the pot of salve to keep them from balling into fists and held back an angry hiss. They hurt him. She abruptly wished they were all twelve — thirteen — of them alive and in front of her so that she could kill them again, slower this time.
HOPE - (lucifer) deckerstar fic
“Are you certain? You needn’t even take your eyes off the building.” 
It was indicative of the kind of week she’d had that Chloe even entertained the thought. Thought of his clever fingers dipping south, slipping beneath the button of her jeans… 
“No, Lucifer,” she said, in what she hoped was a quelling tone. 
He lazily removed his fingers from her skin, no trace of repentance in his movements or his expression. “But you considered it, for a moment. I think that’s a win.”
LIPS - (doctor who) kidfic
“Listen, Doctor. I’ve got… I’ve got something to tell you.” His lips twitched, but he remained silent, allowing her to continue. “I lied to you,” she said in a rush. She’d been waiting for so many years to say those words it was almost a rush to finally say them aloud. “On the beach, on Bad Wolf Bay, I said the baby was mum’s, but it wasn’t. It was mine.”
ACHE - surprisingly nothing, given one of my fics literally has it in the title
LAUGH - (ffxiv) my oc x Aymeric, Shadowbringers fic
He laughed louder. “No, indeed. Sometimes I long for the days when our problems were so simple.” He stretched leisurely, and Eyn’ara took the opportunity to let her eyes trace the slim length of him. “Our problems are now of the negotiating table, and though I would be the last to dismiss your labours, cannot be as summarily dealt with.”
Eyn’ara snorted. “I could still try to hit them with my axe.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
MORNING - (ffxiv) my oc x Aymeric
Aymeric sipped, wishing he could be as certain. He knew Eyn’ara’s life was frequently unpredictable, and it was entirely possible that she had gotten pulled away with no time to inform him of the change in plans. It was the risk they’d taken by choosing to arrive at the event separately. Without her, the evening ahead of him stretched on interminably. Even without the noble harpies circling around him to deal with, her teasing voice that morning via linkpearl had promised him a surprise, and ever since he’d been able to think of nothing else. He was only mortal, and he missed his wife.
I’m not tagging anyone because everyone’s been tagged and I’m ashamed. Do not perceive me
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Here's a link to the previous post:
Battle ahead.
Red Bodyguard
Blue Bodyguard
Green Bodyguard
Preselected characters:
Wakan Tanka
Selected character:
Story (Chapter 1 Part 3)
You feel a little groggy at first, but you get over it quickly... You open your eyes.
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Candyland, it's been a long time.
You spot your friends closeby.
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So this is the land of dreams! It's a foodie's paradise!
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You haven't seen anything yet, Ryota. They have stations were you can make your own sweets.
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Really? I should give that a try. What about you, Shiro? I heard you made wonderful sweets last Valentines.
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Let's save that for later. We should take a look around here.
Maria: Alright.
Shiro: (happy and whispering) Thank you.
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Hey, did anyone see where Mr. Boogeyman and the others went?
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You're right. Weren't they just with us?
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Look out! Here I come!
Everyone: Holy shoot!
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Ha ha ha ha ha! I am sorry. I couldn't resist.
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Y- You idiot! You scared me half to death! What kind of teacher are you?!
Boogeyman: (still laughing) An elementary school teacher.
Kenta: No doubt about that.
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Now that we're all here, shall we get started. (takes out his staff) Since we're all in a virtual world, the App is pretty much already open. So we can do the spell right here and now.
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I'm ready, Bigfoot.
Lupin: And me. And the rest of us.
Bigfoot: Then let's begin.
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Role of the Wanderer, Rule of Guidance, engrave mine name, Bigfoot of the Snowy Mountain Tribe, unto thee.
Begin my spell!
Like before, Bigfoot strikes his staff on the ground and Wakan Tanka Infinity is wrapped in a glowing green cocoon. After a short time, the cocoon vanishes... and Wakan Tanka emerges.
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(gasping a bit) Wow, it's so good to be this form again. I almost forgot what it's like.
Lupin: (very happy) Same here.
Shiro: It's so good we could be here today.
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And what a day it'll be since it'll be forever to us in this world. So, what do you guys wanna do first?
Boogeyman: I suggest fighting a dragon in the forest. Or maybe swimming with the merfolk.
Lupin: I think just a nice picnic in the valley should be fine.
???: Just a picnic? Now that's not very exciting.
You are all shocked by some mysterious intruders that suddenly appear.
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We're in a world of magic and wonder where aging practically doesn't exist. You have to do something way more spicy.
Maria: (upset) Hakumen?! What are you doing here?
Hakumen: Oh, just a little game for your little birthday party.
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I'm sorry, Itzamna, Quetzalcoatl. Though we are from El Dorado, my loyalty is first and foremost to Lady Hakumen. The same to you, Lady Maria. Men, onward!
Many guards started marching through the gingerbread village and began taking sweets and treats from the visitors saying that if they want them, they either have to pay up or swear loyalty to Hakumen.
Boogeyman: This doesn't look good. If this keeps up, there's no telling what will happen. We need to put a stop to this before things get out of hand.
Alp: You put so much work into this world, Boogeyman. We can't let the Tycoons ruin it. I'm in.
Bigfoot: I'll lend a hand, too.
Lupin: And me.
Wakan Tanka: (laughing) That's My Lupin. Always wanting to help... Alright, I'll fight, too. Not a bad way to show everyone that even in this form, I still got it.
Lupin: I'm so happy we can fight side-by-side again.
Wakan Tanka: Then let's do it!
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The battle begins.
To be continued...
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ardenrabbit · 2 years
Thanks for answering my ask.....if you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Please don't apologize! These are fun :D I hope you can find something you like in my replies! 💜💖💜
I'm realizing that I don't ship a whole lot of things, but I get really invested in a handful. I deeply want more involving women, but I sadly just haven't found a lot in media that I relate to or find compelling?? :( I have more women in relationships in my OCs, but all of the following are m/m.
1. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, from MXTX's Mo Dao Zu Shi, canon: These guys are individually such fundamentally good and selfless people and express it with wildly different impacts to their reputations. Extremely different personalities while alike in all the right ways. The longing. The gentle care and appreciation for one another. Also unfathomably horny. They have a cute house and pet rabbits.
2. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, from MXTX's Tian Guan Ci Fu, canon: So. SOFT. Just. The gentlest and most unrelenting devotion. Eight hundred years of longing. It is unfair to compare any other slow burn to these guys. Hua Cheng is batshit insane but we forgive him for being a stalker and a zealot because he is so unhealthy levels of in love, and I am such a sucker for it. They are unfailingly so kind to one another and it murders me.
3. Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang, from MXTX's Mo Dao Zu Shi, possibly one-sided canon? Def not requited: Okay so this isn't a ship I'd go down with by any means, but I just enjoy how fucked up it is. Xue Yang is a psychopath, liar, and literal serial killer and Xiao Xingchen is a saint who deserved better than what happened. I'm just fascinated by Xue Yang's horrible little brain getting attached to the one person who ever showed him real kindness, and how he was never going to be able to redeem himself or even acknowledge his mistakes in a way that they could ever be together. Xue Yang is a bad person and the narrative neither forbids you from caring about him nor tries to absolve him. Just really well-written tragedy.
4. Keith and Shiro, from Voltron, not canon but we all agree that canon shafted everyone: Okay yeah I still love them. The anti thing was new and spooky to me when I first joined the fan community, so I was a secret sheith fan for a while, but these two are just special to me. They never give up on each other. That's a whole Thing. They actually get each other's dumb adrenaline junkie hobbies and their deep senses of justice, and they complement and support each other in the mature ways they need to grow as people. The stupid, unwavering devotion thing. The Eyes. The soft way they say each other's names??? Kills me. For me, canon feels like it was truly built on the foundation of their relationship.
5. Keith and Lance, from Voltron, not canon but we all agree that canon shafted everyone: I started out only posting Keith/Lance on AO3 because I was new to like, Talking to People and didn't want to get jumped by antis, and klance was the anointed, schoolboard-approved ship at the time. These two are sweet in that competitive boys way, and they gradually grow and become friends who actually support each other. It takes them a minute, and canon doesn't do it justice and then kind of uncomfortably forces it, but they get there.
6. Fenris and Hawke, from Dragon Age, canon depending on playthrough: Wow. Again, the Devotion. Fenris is a character that Hawke can really help heal from his past. They actually make a profound difference in each other's lives. The puppy eyes. Fenris's very real and nuanced trust issues and his efforts to navigate them. Hawke having opportunities to truly Support him. They can have great conversations and affect each other's perspectives on important issues. Love them.
7. Kvothe and Bast, from Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles, unconfirmed as of yet but at least one-sided canon as far as I'm concerned: A pair of fucked-up people. One is an unreliable narrator with possibly a case of megalomania + self-loathing, and the other is an unhinged Fae prince with a hero-worshiping crush on him that is dangerous for everyone else in the vicinity. Bast is scary. I am obsessed with him.
8. Lu Qingyun and Liu Jianghe, from Saved the Public Enemy by Mistake, canon: Please please please read this manhua. It's ongoing and incredible. It has six fics on AO3 and I want to talk to people about it. Dark wuxia story with spooky cultivation, a surly doctor, and an unpredictable genius maniac who isn't really the bad guy. These guys are ridiculous, and it's confirmed that they get together in the future and have a soft, happy ending, but for now their relationship is delightfully strange?? They have deep trust and respect for each other, and it's THERE once you see it, but the narrative does a great job of not showing it too much on the surface. Very cleverly written. I have a feeling that Liu Jianghe has been in love with Lu Qingyun from before the start.
9. Shion and Nezumi, from Atsuko Asano's No. 6, canon: Chaotic revolutionaries in a post-nuclear fallout dystopian utopia. Both simultaneously very intelligent and so stupid. Melodramatic bastards. Shion is the idealist and Nezumi is the one who just wants to burn it all down (he doesn't). They open each other's eyes to a lot of things, emotionally and existentially. My favorite blend of very different people with ultimately similar values, but different ways of going about them. They also can call each other out on their bullshit, which is important.
Having trouble thinking of anyone else 😂 All of these are ones I've cared enough to dabble in fic about, whether I've posted it or not, which I think is a decent metric. I'm nice to myself so I tend to lean toward canon stuff.
Thank you again for asking! Have a great day! 💕💐✨
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somacruising · 1 year
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A White Future, Volume 2 Episode: Ion, Sync, & Florian Translation Part 6
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Last episode on Dragon Ball Z Shiro no Ashita, we got to watch as Sync had a breakdown in a little shed that Van was keeping him in. Now, we get to see Ion’s response to hearing that his original has passed away, as well as how Anise first met him.
Fair warning, Ion’s thoughts are surprisingly dark. 
* * *
Ion opened his eyes, forcibly pulled out of a shallow sleep.
This was not a pleasant awakening. But this was always how he woke up after being tuned by a fon machine.
Ahmed had explained to Ion that this would be the last time they did this. The original Ion was barely ever conscious anymore and he would soon be replacing him.
“You can get up now.” Ahmed's assistant helped Ion to his feet.
“Thank you,” Ion replied. Ion then heard footsteps rushing into the facility. Most likely, it was one of the Oracle Knight soldiers. Ion heard them speak from the other side of the door.
“I am here on an errand for Grand Maestro Mohs.”
“Ah, please wait there.” Ahmed slipped out the door so the soldier would not be able to see what was going on in the room. When he returned, he had a letter in his hand.
“How could he tell me this way? I suppose it must be Yulia’s will,” Ahmed muttered to himself as he walked back over to Ion.
“Fon Master Ion, I have just received news that the original Fon Master Ion has passed away,” Ahmed informed him.
“Is that true…? I’m so sorry for your loss.” Ion gently lowered his eyes.
“From this moment on, you truly are Fon Master Ion. It feels strange to congratulate you, but…” Ahmed hesitated before bowing his head and continuing, “I must leave you now. We will never see each other again after this.”
“Why won’t we ever meet again?” Ion sat on his bed, looking dazed. “I wanted you to keep teaching me things.”
“This was Mohs’ idea. I’m probably going to be sent to live in a remote monastery somewhere. Not just me, but everyone who knew the late Fon Master will be replaced in the next few days. This is how things are supposed to happen. So, please, don’t worry about anything,” Ahmed explained, his expression falling at how they would have to act like none of their time together had ever happened.
“I am very thankful that you were able to endure the short amount of time we were crammed in here without a single look of disgust on your face. With all due respect, I've never seen a replica like you…” Ahmed choked on his words. “If I could, I would serve you as you are.”
“Thank you, Ahmed. I’m glad to hear you say that. If I live long enough, I will call you back when the time is right.” Although Ion smiled, he didn’t really feel attached to Ahmed, he simply wanted to express his gratitude. If everything was planned out, not only for Ahmed, but also for the everyday people, for time, and for his duties as a Fon Master, then there was nothing that he could do about it.
He would serve the moment to the best of his ability, and when the appointed time came, he would simply end his life. There is no room for any particular feelings.
Ion doubted that he could live up to the expectations of those who created him, nor did he think that one day he would get used to being a Fon Master and forget that he was a replica. For a replacement lives as a replacement and never feels inferior or superior.
Ion got up to return to his private room. ‘Here we go. I am Ion, the Fon Master who recovered from his illness.’
The smaller the knot between the two strands, the better.
Ion wondered if there would be a third string, but then quickly concluded that it had nothing to do with him.
* * *
“N-Nice to meet you. I’m Ionion sergeant Anise Tatlin!” said the girl, leaning forward in salute, perhaps because of her obvious nervousness. She’d just entered Ion’s office.
“This is Anise, she’s going to be your new Fon Master Guardian, replacing Arietta,” Rayold said. He, too, was a young man who had been recently assigned to the new Fon Master by Mohs.
“I look forward to working with you, Sergeant Tatlin.” Ion smiled and the girl's expression softened in response.
“Please, just call me Anise, Fon Master!” Anise chirped, burying the tips of her index fingers in her cheeks. Mohs, who was standing at her side, clears his throat.
“I'll do my best.” Anise instantly bowed her head and decided that was all the greeting that was needed.
‘I'm not doing so well with Mohs breathing down my neck...’ Anise sighed as quietly as she could so no one would notice it. ‘I'm glad that I'm going to get a little pay raise by replacing Arrietta as Ion’s Fon Master Guardian, but I'll still have to…keep an eye on Ion, and that means I'll be under constant surveillance, too, right?’
More than a decade ago, when Anise’s good-natured parents were struggling with a huge amount of debt, Mohs took over for them. Since then, the Tatlin family has been just another one of Mohs’ assets.
‘My mama and papa are working for free, and now I'm Mohs’ contact, too...’ Anise thought as she stole a glance at Ion’s face.
‘This is my first time seeing him up close...but he doesn't seem like a bad person.’
“What are you grinning about?” Mohs interrupted Anise’s thoughts.
Seeing Mohs’ sour expression, Anise returned to her senses and shrugged her shoulders.
Once she’d left Ion and walked through the fonic circle into the hallway, Anise let out a sigh of relief. But at that moment, her name was called in a sharp tone.
Anise nearly jumped. It was Arietta.
“What is it, Arietta…what do you want?” she replied curtly.
Arietta gripped Anise's arm and started shaking it.
“Give back my Ion! Come on, give me back my Ion!”
“Are you stupid? I didn't steal him!”
“Then why am I not his Fon Master Guardian anymore!?”
Anise lost her temper at this point.
“I've told you already, I don't know! It's our job. It's not something I can decide. You know that, too!”
Arietta's big eyes filled with tears in an instant.
“Uuh... They wouldn't let me into his room because he was sick. And now that he's better again, I can't be with him anymore... That's mean!”
‘It's so that Mohs can keep him under surveillance,’ Anise almost said, but she restrained herself.
“Ion doesn't like you, Anise. Ion is my Ion!”
Anise let out a wordless shout of frustration. “You’re such a pain, are you sure your name isn’t ‘Gloomietta’?”
Arietta blanched when Anise teased her.
“Anise, that's mean! I'm not gloomy! I'll never forgive you!”
“Let me go, that hurts!”
Anise tried to rip Arietta’s small hand off, but the other girl was stubborn and held on. As they were struggling, a lone Oracle Knight appeared.
“Hey, you’re making a scene. You’re being too loud,” Anise said, assuming the Oracle Knight had come to mediate between the two of them.
Instead of that, the soldier turned to Arietta and said, “Third Division Commander, I have a message from Chief Director Van. It is past your scheduled time and you are to come immediately.”
“Oh, that’s right.” Arietta practically threw Anise’s arm and ran off.
“What’s with her?” Anise rubbed her tingling arm, cheeks puffing out. “Ouch.”
‘Why was she called by Commandant Van? Did Mohs toss her out and make her his problem?’
“…I have to go back soon,” Anise muttered to herself.
She wondered just what kind of person Ion was, that Arietta was so enthralled with him. “Arietta likes monsters, so even if Ion doesn’t look it, maybe he has a wild side to him…no, that can’t be true.”
Anise thought about the calm face of the Fon Master, who didn’t seem to have an ounce of malice in him, and stepped back onto the fonic circle.
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celibibratty · 9 months
Músicas de 2023
💗bratz - strong enough
💜nu pagadi - sweetest poison + instrumental version
💚mohombi - do me right
❣️tzusing - balkanize
🧡raVaughn brown - gladiator
🧡barbie - work it
💙ericdoa - broke my car radio(slowed + reverb)
💔hi-fi rush OST - test chamber
💛turtles - come on
❤️the cross - for you
🧡lexy feat psy - aesong
❣️prodby668 - prolly my spookiest beat(slowed + reverb)
🧡jang woo hyuk - sun that never sets
❣️tevvez - legend
❤️rooney - when did your heart go missing
💛asian monkeys - kiss me again(slowed)
💔nothing me - friendly fire
💙hugel feat amber van day - wtf
💗allstar weekend - a different side of me
🧡holly valance - kiss kiss
🧡boa - girls on top(korean + english + chinese version)(trust me i listen to all)
❣️offer nissim - alone
🧡ayesha erotica - hard(slowed)
💚ahzee - go gyal(out now)
🧡natalia kills - nothing last forever
❤️311 - amber
💚alexandra joner feat mohombi - bottoms up
💛smile dk - hummingbird
💗jordin sparks - s.o.s.(let the music play)
💔the joy formidable - whirring
🖤alex g - mary
💗school boy humor - camerashy
❤️cido dos teclados - arritmia
💗liz phair - why can't I
🧡sarah connor - from zero to hero(robots OST)
❤️little mix - mr.loverboy
💜sunna wehrmeijer - promise
🧡ayesha erotica - girl next door
💛cansis - kiss me
💛calvinlovemail.ver - kiss me
🧡kevin vasquez - only boy(in the world)
💔we came as romans - plagued(nightcore)
💔disturbed - stricken
🖤soan - les z'anges
❤️chris brown - under the influence(slowed)
❣️DJ nk3 - automotivo super mario world 2
💗high school musical 3 - the boys are back
🧡pink - you make me sick
💔dead fish - destruir tudo de novo
💙Metro boomin feat coi leray - self love
💙girl friend - tragic on the dancefloor
💗starset - telepathic
💗written by wolves - to tell you the truth
💗the veronicas - hook me up
💛toy-box - www.girl
💔point north - dark days(nightcore)
💔tetrarch - i'm not right(nightcore)
💔manafest - nemesis(nightcore)
💔bloc party - keep it rolling
🧡ayesha erotica - i'll do it
❤️tsukiko amano - kugutsu
💔helia - alejandro
💔tsukiko amano - black beauty
💔tsukiko amano - NOIZE(english ver)
❣️party addict x hotel room service
❣️kets4eki - party addict(slowed and sped up)
🧡Jiafei feat cupcakke - gimme more
💔bad religion - punk rock song
💙kali uchis - moonlight
💔garbage & screaming females - because the night
💔heavenly - p.u.n.k girl
❣️dion dugas - ifeelsick
💙bayanni - ta ta ta(sped up)
🧡Like that edit rock audio
🧡ayesha erotica - s&m
💗honey revenge - distracted
💜shiro sagisu - fate
💚INNA - more than friends
💛solveig - suddenly
💛charli XCX - speed drive
💔Kellin quinn - undefeatable(sonic frontiers OST)
💔La canción de alicia(lost media)
💔richardvox - under the stars(canción de alicia cover)
💔PAIN - shut your mouth( + russian version video by bluedion)
🧡Kumyoung - eat you up[originally perfomed by boa]
💙kewnit music - closer(dj version)douyin divine comedy
💙doja cat feat konshens - wine pon you
💔bad religion - you
❤️kagayaku sono hi - certain dragon
🧡cupcakke - cpr(slowed, reverb, Bass boosted)
💓dayeene - is this love?(compusex)
💓rapid design - falling in love with manequins
❣️Grimes - shinigami eyes(edit audio)
🧡Cupcakke remix feat jiafei & shenseea - swalla
💙odetani - look don't touch it(sped up)
💙akiaura - sleepwalker
💗vanessa cariton - sway
❤️lana del rey - say yes to heaven
🧡monster high - electric fashion
❤️miraculous o filme - você é ladybug
💙sonikku feat miss madeline - lipstick stain(slowed)
🧡Akon, hamsika iyer - chammak challo(film version)
❣️trxveler - treinamento de força
💓nanobii x axmo - euro fever(slowed)
💙loona - flip that
💙girlfriends mourning(feat bliss) - sheMonster
🧡James(urban) - work that body
🖤razorlight - golden touch
❤️silent hill - lisa theme(not tomorrow)
❤️silent hill 2 - wishful thinking
🧡ne-yo - because of you
💙arthur pirozhkov, klava koka - khochesh(slowed)
🖤the hoosiers - a sadness runs through him
💙sophie aboud - fuel the fire
💙sonikku - sweat(sophie remix)
🧡cassie - kiss me
💓SNAP! - rhythm is a dancer(slowed)
💔naete - la canción de alicia(under the stars)(cover)
💗paula toledo - how long
💓magic affair - omen 3
💓Culture beat - mr.vain
🧡4 minutes x get back(Mashup)
💔heidi - yutopia
💔heidi - suisou
💔heidi - narufue
❣️dj fku & enzyyphonk - demoníaco mano
💙poshlaya molli, eldzhey - Dom perin'on(satomic remix)
🧡sean paul feat keyshia cole - give up to me
🧡nick epic - Wonderland (natalia kills cover)
💔raimundos - mulher de fases
0 notes
senterya · 3 years
TL;DR of the 2nd elite specialization beta preview
They gain access to the "Legendary Alliance Stance" - utility skills will flip between belonging to Archomorus (red) or Viktor (blue) when used. Archomorus' skills will be more offensive and Viktor's will be more defensive/supportive. F2 ("Alliance tactics") will flip all your skills to the other side.
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They want to be in bigger fights, as they have aoes and wide cleave with greatsword.
Access to only one dodge, but with a longer evade frame and with a "charging up" aoe implying where you will land, and with impact damage.
Not intended to be a boon support, but can offer a few boons to the team.
"We might actually get some spirit bickering" between the Shiro and the new legends, according to Indigo.
The gunsaber uses amber bullets mined in Echovald Forest and is based on Kurzick tradition.
Gunsaber is your second weapon - meaning weapon swap in combat is not possible, you can only swap between the gunsaber and your first weapon set.
Adrenaline is changed into "flow" - it starts building up passively as you enter combat (not granted depending on you hitting the enemy).
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F2 turns on "dragon trigger", a stance that changes your 1-5 skills on gunsaber, consuming flow and filling up the upper ammo-like "charge" bar. The more charged the bar is, the higher damage your gunsaber's 1-3 will deal. Skill 4 gives aegis and 5 gives you a small teleport while you are in dragon trigger.
Pistol will come with damage and mobility.
Utility skills are a new type called "Armaments". Most of them have two charges.
Elite skill will reload all ammo-type skills with +1 charge (tradeoff for it are longer cooldowns on most skills in the bladesworn kit).
Invokes imagery of celestial beings.
Melee and mid-range dps specialization - "Hammer is the new melee bruiser weapon". They were careful to give it skills that make it a little different from dagger/dagger.
Hitting enemies charges up the Jade Sphere - your new F5. Works similarly to gyro, you can place down a pulsing aoe with it that changes depending on which element you are attuned to.
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Hammer skill 3 (in each attunement) summons a circling orb around the Catalyst that deals damage - switching between elements and using skill 3 again refreshes the duration of the already existing orb(s) and adds a new one. Recasting the skill fires the orbs at the enemy.
Fire and air are mid-range and high damage, water and earth are melee and more defensive.
(won't go through all 20 skills it's too much and I was too excited to take proper notes hhhhhhh).
New utility skill type called "augments": duration-based buffs basically, all related to different elements.
I'm not covering traits to keep the post at a reasonable length, but keep an eye on the GW2 reddit if you are interested in those as people usually screenshot and post every tooltip and traitline from the stream!
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rollflasher · 3 years
Another Sonic ramble
So once again I’m here with one of my rambles about my incredibly subjective view of how the Sonic series should be handled! *Beat*
So, one of the more recurring opinions on the fandom is that Sonic games should be written by Ian Flynn, I have talked before about the gripes I have with his writing and why I disagree with this but this post is not entirely about him, but rather a more general topic that has been bugging me for a long time.
The other day I was watching a video speculating about the upcoming Sonic Rangers, there’s not much to write home since it was pretty well made but there’s a particular part that inspired me to do this post and talk about it with other fans to discuss it.
See, at one point the video critisized the fact that Sonic Forces was written by a Japanese writer because they have to re-write the script in English and that can cause problems with localization, and that it would be better to have western writers from the get-go since Sonic’s main demographic comes from there, while making an off-hand suggestion that Ian Flynn could be a main choice. While I can see where they’re coming from, my response was a simple:
‘‘Absolutely, not’‘
See, I have a lot of issues with this to put it bluntly and I’ll try to break them down and explain them the best I can since they’re pretty subjective in nature, but I’m bringing this up because I want you guys to share your thoughts as well.
So, why does it bug me so much the idea of Sonic being handled by western creators?
In my case, the main reasons are because Sonic loses a core part of it’s appeal because of this, the fact that SEGA of Japan seems to have a better grasp of the franchise’s tone and characters and there’s the very subjective point that, in my eyes, American versions of Japanese franchises were always nothing more than dumbed down products of the source material.
To start with my first point, whenever someone talks about Sonic’s creation, a lot of people are quick to point out that our favorite blue hedgehog and his games were inspired by western pop culture and cartoons, and that is true, however oftenly they forget to mention a core thing that not only inspired, but also formed part of the core identity of this franchise.
Sonic is very inspired on anime, and at heart this franchise is a shonen.
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(This image by The Great Lange expresses more clearly what I mean)
Generally, the most acknowledgement anime gets on it’s hand on Sonic is the mentions of Sonic being inspired by Dragon Ball, particularly the Super Saiyan, but there’s so much more than that, as Sonic blatantly takes inspiration from Studio Ghibli films specially in games like Sonic 3, which draws a lot of inspiration from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, this great post shows proof that this is not a coincidence.
And it doesn’t stop there, Shiro Maekawa himself has stated that SA2′s story (and in particular, the characters of Shadow and Maria) draw a lot of inspiration from the manga Please Save My Earth.
Even Sonic’s character design resembles shonen protagonists moreso than the main characters of silent cartoons, don’t believe me?
Sure, Sonic has a cartoony anatomy, no one can deny that, but he also exhibits a lot of traits from shonen characters such as spiky hair/quills (?), dynamic posing, a confident, courageous and energetic personality and most importantly, fighting spirit.
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If you compare Sonic’s personality and more specifically, his abilities and moves to, say, cartoon speedy characters like the Road Runner, there’s a pretty big disconnection between him and western cartoon characters. Hell, this disconnection is even just as present if you compare him with a character like The Flash from DC.
Simply put, Sonic acts, moves and more importantly, fights like a shonen anime character. He doesn’t just go Super Saiyan and that’s it. Here’s even a quick comparison if necessary.
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And this is important because this doesn’t apply just to him, but the whole franchise as a whole and when it takes a more western approach, all of these details are kinda lost or more downplayed, of course this depends on the artists and there’s YMMV at hand, but I think my point is clear.
My second point is...SoJ has consistently proven they have a much clearer grasp on how Sonic’s world and characters are compared to SoA.
Hear me out, yes, Sonic 06 and ShtH exist and yes, SoJ is not perfect by any means. But hear me out...when did the characters start to get flanderized and turned into parodies of themselves? In the 2010s...and when did SEGA move from Japanese to western writers in the games?
Of course it was more then that since there’s a whole tone shift that came with this decade and the new writers, but it’s not a coincidence that when writing in Sonic started to decay, western writers also happened to get on board with the games.
Besides that, SoA has a wide history of not getting Sonic’s tone and characters, from how they made media without much of Sonic Team’s input, to altering how characters are seen in the west. (Such as how they amped up Sonic’s attitude in their media or how the English scripts of the games featured things like Sonic seemingly barely tolerating Amy while the JP scripts portrayed this as Sonic just not understanding girls all that well instead, or for more recent examples, the addition of the ‘’torture’’ line in Forces). Not only that, but even ignoring obvious infamous writers like Ken Penders, even the ‘’best’’ writers from the western side of Sonic are still not above of giving us Pontaff-esque gems.
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Like this one.
Or alternatively, I feel like sometimes western writers on Sonic rely a bit too much on their personal vision about Sonic which may or may not be a good thing, clear examples of this are Ian Flynn himself and Pontaff.
By contrast, while SoJ has it’s own share of notorious inconsistencies when dealing with writing (The 2000s era is a big offender), it seems that for them Sonic hasn’t changed much and this is visible not only on the JP scripts of the Modern games which are for the most part better than the ENG ones, but also things like the Sonic Channel comics and the recent one-shots they made with Sonic interacting with the cast show that for all intents and purposes, the Japanese’s staff vision of Sonic is much more clear and consistent compared to the west. Because of this, I’d rather have a good Japanese writer on Sonic games with the localization being focused on being faithful with the original script than have a more western writers dramatically changing the characters. (I don’t mention the tone since either way, SEGA is the one in charge of that and the writers have to follow that)
My last and very subjective point is that, at least for me, everything SoA does with Sonic involving the writing and canon feels like a dumbed down version of the source material. One of the reasons it bugs me so much that in the latest decade Sonic has taken a more western direction is because a lot of what I pointed out gets lost as a result, even if some of those elements are still there, you can tell they’re more downplayed with products like the Tyson Hesse shorts having a more predominant cartoon direction. If any of you have been following my blog for a long time, you should be aware that just because I prefer the Japanese Sonic content doesn’t mean I won’t give the western products a chance, my enjoyment for Mania, the Tyson Hesse shorts and the movie should be a testament of that, but at the same time I can’t help but being sour about the fact that because of these products, we don’t have stuff like a new anime for Sonic or even a serialized ‘’main’’ manga as an alternative for the comics, and my hype for these products is generally more subdued as a result since I’d wish SEGA rather spent that money and resources on more Japanese content than just merchandise.
In particular, because Sonic is a Japanese franchise with a notorious inspiration from anime, what I get from this is a pretty big contradiction. I know Sonic is much more popular on the west but...is it really necessary for his game or products to be handled by western creators to keep their appeal?
For instance, imagine if Dragon Ball’s manga and anime got replaced by western comics and animated series because of it’s world-wide appeal, would that really be the same?
Or imagine the same thing with Fullmetal Alchemist, a pretty aclaimed anime that has a lot of western influence. Would it really not matter at all if it’s Japanese products were replaced with western ones?
At least for me, it wouldn’t.
And what I said about American versions of Japanese franchises being nothing more than watered down versions of the source material? I have that view because of countless examples.
Mega Man and how the English manuals removed a lot of important information about the story of the Blue Bomber’s game and world, causing a lot of plot holes in the process.
American remakes like Godzilla 1998 or Dragon Ball Evolution being an in-name only version of the source material.
Or the many censored anime English dubs from the 2000s, for instance, whenever I see the Yu-Gi-Oh! dubs, I only see a very dumbed down and childish version of a show that was originally a shonen.
And I know that all of these things don’t have to necessarely get lost since every creator is different and there’s franchises like Avatar which are made on the west but draw a lot of inspiration from anime and I’m aware of that, and I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to say that American writers are not allowed to work on Sonic, what I’m trying to say is that inevitably there’s always gonna be some culture dissonance and clash when writers from another culture handle a foreign franchise. And even with examples like ATLA, I think being made by one culture while being inspired by the other is actually a big part of these franchises appeal and it’s something that can’t simply be replicated by handing it to creators from that specific culture they draw inspiration from.
I think James Rolfe’s quote about the same thing with the Godzilla franchise sums up how I feel about this.
‘‘It’s like champagne, anybody can make their own and call it champagne, but unless it’s from Champagne France, it’s not real champagne’‘
So, this last part was very subjective, but I think this post in general sums up why I dislike so much the idea of Sonic having western writers specifically in the games or just focusing more on that side in general.
But what do you guys think? I guess I am too biased so that’s why I wanted to ask for opinions and discuss this topic.
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ashen-crest · 3 years
The Stray Spirit: Duet
Blame my husband for this one. He specifically requested it.
Synopsis: Post book-1 climax. The Karic kids are stuck inside and demand a song. It devolves into Loving-Cal-Breslin hours. Honestly, I should’ve just named this “Emry ‘Heart Eyes’ Karic.”
Word Count: 704
TW/CW: alcohol mention, snow mention
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It was another snowy night in Senne, and Tessa Karic had begged her children to stay inside for once, if only to soothe her nerves. So naturally, they all chose to drape themselves over various bits of furniture and complain loudly.
  “We don’t have any ale in the house.” Georgie sat upside down on a couch, swinging her legs. “Why don’t we have any ale in the house?” She pointed at Cal. “Cal, did you drink the rest of it?”
  “You know I didn’t.” Cal smiled over her book. She was the only one sitting normally in the room. “Aspen must have.”
  “Not me!” Aspen was out in the hall, hanging from the banister for fun. “I can’t even drink, you know that-”
  “We know, silly.” Marley batted their dangling feet as she walked by, then poked at Emry’s head, which lolled off the side of the armchair by the door. “I’m bored, play me something.”
  “Oh, am I in the employ of the court of Marley Karic, now?” Emry swatted at her hand, but she dodged him easily.
  “Always and forever. Now, play me a song.”
He feigned a prolonged sigh and reached down for the lute at the foot of the armchair. 
  “What would you like to hear, Princess Marley?”
  “Hmm.” Marley collapsed onto the other end of the couch and snuggled up against a throw pillow, squinting at the ceiling as she thought of a title. “What about Morning Rose?”
Emry grinned and sat up.
  “Oh, so you’re volunteering to sing with me?”
  “I didn’t say that!”
  “It’s a duet, Mar, who else am I going to sing with?”
They both looked to Georgie, who glared.
  “I’ll kill you.”
They twisted their heads to look at Aspen, who somehow managed a shrug while hanging from both hands.
  “I’m sorry, I don’t know that song.”
Their gazes landed on Cal. She bit her lip and focused very hard on her book. Mar smiled.
  “Can Ms. Breslin sing?”
  “No,” Cal said quickly.
  “Yes,” Emry corrected. “She’s just shy about it, is all. I’ve only heard her sing a handful of times myself.”
Marley grabbed another throw pillow, hugged it, and peeked up over its corners with large doe eyes. On Cal’s other side, Emry propped his chin on his hand and tilted his head, batting his lashes at her in a dreamy, loving gaze. Cal worked hard to fight back a smile.
  “I told you, I can’t sing, I’m not good at it-“
  “Emry disagrees,” Marley said.
  “I disagree,” Emry said. “I love your voice almost as much as I love you. And have I mentioned how much I love you? I love you so much-“
Georgie slapped her hands over her face and groaned.
  “Cal, please sing before he continues, please, for the love of Shiro and Hara and-”
  “All right, all right!” Cal laughed, slid a ribbon across her page, and set the book side. “Morning Rose, you said?”
They all settled in- Marley resting against her pillows, Emry sitting back in the chair, Aspen dropping from the banister and leaning against the doorway.
Cal was quiet at first. Though Emry kept his voice and the strings soft, they could hardly hear her over him. But as the first verse passed, then the second verse, her voice gained confidence. It wasn’t deep like Ella Sorman’s, or clear like Emry’s, but it was light and steady. Like listening to a friend read a familiar story. The first time Emry had heard it, he wanted to capture it somehow, so he didn’t have to stop feeling so…warm. It was almost unfair, he thought- that voice, paired with that face, paired with that mind- gods, and she had chosen him, of all people-
The song was over before he was ready for it to be, before anyone in the room was ready for it to be. Emry heard Aspen sniffling somewhere behind him.
  “That was really nice,” the spirit mumbled, trying to hide the tears tricking down their face. “I- I like it when you sing together.”
Cal’s cheeks flushed, and she gave Emry a modest smile that made him melt all over again.
  “It’s easy when you have such a good partner.”
TSS Taglist: @crystallized-ink​, @little-boats-on-a-lake​, @semblanche​, @theramwrites​, @wordsbycreed​, @pretend-im-normal​, @mel-writes-with-her-dragons​, @wildswrites​, @ladywithalamp​, @ettawritesnstudies​, @mj-is-writing​, @cecilsstorycorner​, @write-your-own-stories​, @chayscribbles​, @storytracks​, @lightningmastertrilogy​, @magic-is-something-we-create​, @authortango​, @thegoldenseries​, @lunewell​, @vellichor-virgo​, @writeblrfantasy​, @blindthewind​, @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables​, @bronwennjames​, @akindofmagictoo​, @pheita​, @talesfromaurea​, @a-wild-bloog​, @starryeve88​, @the-finch-address​, @alexwritesfiction​, @47crayons​, @jadeywrites​
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
So i got this idea literally 5 mins after i watched a video about couples kissing when the kiss cam showed them on screen ,But in Harumo”s case its you know.
It was a clear sunny afternoon, here in Shinjuku Central Park,You,Ryota and Kengo just got out of the grocery store to deliver the ingredients to Shiro back at the safehouse, because he’l be preparing to dinner for tonight,While Agyo and Moritaka are busy cleaning the safehouse,Toji however could not make it because he was needed back at the shrine.
Harumo: Why would Shiro need this much ingredients? It literally looks like he’s planning a feast.
Kengo; You better eat everything that you put on your plate,!
Ryota; No problem,This will be a breeze,i wonder what kind of food Shiro will e making for us?
Harumo: Well if Shiro’s going to be cooking,Then, it will be very delicious.
Kengo;Yeah,But why so many anyway?, its not like today is something special.or anything.
Ryota: Special or not,its going to be so much fun.
While you three are carrying a lot of grocery bags,You see someone very familiar infront of you, You call out their name,They were surprised that you were infront of them this entire time and they didn’t notice.
Gunzo: Oh Hi Harumo!, i didn’t notice that you were there.
Harumo: Hi Gunzo! Nice to see you again!.
Ryota: Hi Gunzo! its nice to see you.
Gunzo: Nice to see you too Ryota,Kengo!
Kengo: Yeah, great to see you again.
Gunzo: Y-YEAH!.anyhow i was going to ask you about something?
Harumo: OH!.were you going to ask me on a date?
Gunzo with a red-faced expression from what you said,Gives you 6 tickets for a rugby game today at 5:00 thats being held at  Shinjuku Stadium.
Gunzo:Uhm,,,,I was wondering if.....you could come to watch me play and im really nervous because its my first game at a stadium.And if you’re there it might.uhhh.
You break off Gunzo’s awkward speaking by saying you and your friends will be cheering you as loud as they can to give you the confidence you need to play.
Gunzo: Really?! GEE! THANKS HARUMO! i swear im going to do my best if you’re cheering me on,Thanks .....i really mean it Harumo..
Harumo: Anything for you..
Gunzo: Y-YEAH! anyhow,I’ll be going now i have to prepare for the match i’ll see you there,BYE!
You,Ryota and Kengo wave at Gunzo, And quickly rushed to the safehouse to tell Shiro and Agyo about the game that you and your friends were invited.
Your group have just arrived at the safehouse,Agyo opened the door for you as well helped you and your friends put the grocery bags at the table,And later told Shiro,Agyo and Moritaka about the news.
Harumo: Shiro! great news,We just got tickets to go to Shinjuku Stadium.
Shiro:WHAT?! thats a surprise who invited you?
Harumo: Gunzo invited all of us to go and cheer him on.
Agyo: OOOHHH! That sounds fun, I’ve never been to a stadium before.
Moritaka:Neither did i,Its amazing that Gunzo went all the way to graciously invite all of us to watch the game,
Shiro: Hold on!,Gunzo gave you six tickets right?
Shiro: That’s quite suspicous don’t you think?
Harumo: WHHAAAT! No way! Gunzo will never do something that will hurt someone.
Shiro: Im not saying he’s planning something like that,But why would he give you six tickets that all of us could go,Maybe he knows of our wherabouts?
Harumo: HMMM, Maybe he doesn’t want me to feel lonely on the seats.
Kengo: He doesn’t look like the type that will cause trouble.
Ryota:Maybe he just wants us to be there, Its going to hurt he’s feeling if we don’t show up,And he went all the way there just to give us tickets,
Harumo: Yeah, i promise that i’ll be cheering him on,the stands,Please,can we go Shiro?.
Kengo: You’re treating Shiro like your own mother! Cut it out!.
Shiro:*Sigh* fine, Would it kill you to practice some caution,
Ryota and Harumo: HOORAY!.THANKS SHIRO!.
Agyo: You too need to stop acting like little kids.!
Shiro: Then its settled,We’ll go to Shinjuku Stadium to cheer Gunzo on,
With Shiro”s agreement,you all are very excited to go,
[5:00 outside of Shinjuku Stadium]
You and your friends have arrived punctually at outside of Shinjuku Stadium and are later to devoured by the large amount of people going inside,While there are a lot of food stalls outside,to provide food and drinks for everyone before going in.
Harumo: Wow, rugby matches seem to be very popular today,with all of this many people coming to watch.
Moritaka: I know,this is my first time to attend the stadium,Its humangous.
Agyo:Whoah! there are so many people here and that building is so huge!.
Shiro:Everyone! stay together or else will get lost in the crowd.
Harumo: You heard him,everyone.
You all stayed together,to prevent getting lost in the crowd,Shiro made sure that Agyo would not get lost,since this is he’s first time to be in a crowded place,Nonetheless you all made it to the entrance and hurried excitedly with food and drinks you all are holding, At first you all struggled to find good seats to watch Gunzo and he’s team in perfect view,
But luckliy,Thanks to Shiro’s brilliance and your trust in his skills and believing in him,The summoners have finally found a perfect view,To watch the team play in the field.
Ryota: Phew!, We’ve got a nice view at the field thanks to Shiro.
Moritaka:Indeed, We could clearly see everything in perfect view.
Agyo: Oh my gosh!, Its even more huge than it is on the outside!. And there are so many people out here.
Harumo:Thanks to Shiro!,We’ve manage to find a good view on the field,
Shiro:Haha!,Thank you for believing in me Harumo, But i must say,This is quite impressive, Gunzo’s team is going to be representing Yoyogi Acaddemy,I bet they are feeling a lot of pressure.
Harumo: i can’t wait to watch them play, i hope all of his hard work will pay off.
Kengo: What the?
Kengo was looking at the crowd and spotted a certain group or two.
Harumo:What is it?,Kengo?
With a look of shock being shown on Kengo’s face,He doesn’t here you,Curious of what was he so shocked about,You looked at the direction he’s looking and then both of you were quite surprise  when you saw a group of people that stand out in the thick crowd.
Ryota,who was seating next to you,wondered what was wrong.
Ryota:Uhm?,Harumo,Kengo?,whats wrong,why’d you look so surprised all of a sudden.
To answer his question, Kengo pointed where, and then Ryota followed where he was pointing,He was surprised to see, the  AOYAMA GUILD.sitting inside a room with windows that look like only VIPS could only enter,But thats not all, You three see Arsalan,Zabanniya,Gabriel,and Maria along with the....TYCOONS.
Inside the VIP room,decorated with luxurious furniture along with a bar filled with expensive drinks,There sitted on one of the chairs that feel like you’re sitting ontop of a cloud,Sit Ophion and behind him is Aizen and next to him are Lucifuge,Hakumen and behind her is Xolot,, Along with the guildmaster of the Roppongi Guild Licht and beside him is his faithful servant,none other than Melusine.
Licht: Well,it seems like everything is going really smoothly,don’t you think everyone? 
Ophion: if only my spouse were here to be at my side,it would have been perfect.
Hakumen: If only my liege were to be here,it would have been excellent.
Xolot: Mistress Hakumen,Would you like some expensive wine?
Hakumen: Oh, Yes,Its a good thing you’re really useful.
Xolot:Thank you Mistress Hakumen!.
Arsalan, who was sitting on the left side of the room,seems to be surprised about the two,wishing there beloved to be here.
Arsalan:*whispers to Maria* it seems the young cub,has some sort of charm to these two,don’t you think?
Maria: Well,Harumo does have a way to charm anyone he comes into contact with.
Licht:Aish,These two really want Harumo to be here, I mean it makes sense.Its a good thing Lucifuge is it really worried about i-
Lucifuge: Oh! i wish my shining star to be here!
Licht: You’ve got to be kidding me!.
Melusine: It makes a maid blush when these three act like that.
Ophion leaps from his seat,With excitement,due to seeing something among the crowd that caught his eye,The others offcourse were surprised by the dragon’s sudden burst of happiness,They could’t helped but wonder? why
Lucifuge :Ophion!, You startled me, why are you so happy all of sudden?.
Ophion: Its nothing!,i just saw something worth paying attention at,
Licht: Wait, Is that, 
Melusine: It appears so Monsieur Licht,Harumo is right there.
After Melusine said Harumo, Both Hakumen and Lucifuge were struck by a lightning of realization,And turned there killing gaze to Ophion, They question him if he’s going to secretly have there beloved all to himself,
Hakumen: You scalles lizard!, You’re not getting my liege only for yourself Ophion!....Xolot!,Quickly get him,And don’t mess this up!.
Xolotl: Yes Mistress Hakumen!.Right away.
Ophion:Aizen!,You better get to the spouse first!,You got that,or i’ll take away your sweets!.
Aizen: Yes Sir Herr Ophion!,
Both ordering their servants to come and get their beloved, It turned into a race and a showing of usefulness to their masters,And offcourse a battle of roots and fire.
{Back at Harumo”s seat}
Harumo: Lets hope they didn’t see me,
Ryota: Why are you avoiding them?
Harumo: Because 1,They will just mutter me up all day, 2 i won’t be able to watch the game,If they are just going to be distracing me,Because they wanted my attention.
After so much waiting,The time has finally arrived for the game to start, The crowd bursting with cheers as the announcer,Who by the way is non-other than Nyarlotothep,He starts off with a big SWAGGGGGGGGGG!,Is introducing the teams on each side,The east corner is team from Nagoya-shi Academy and the West corner is Yoyogi  Academy’s team.
Gunzo and his team all prepared themselves both physicly and mentally for the game that they are about to play infront of all these people,But Gunzo, seems to be really nervous of the fact that so many people have come to watch them play, He couldn’t helped trembling and shaking scared,and sweating a lot,
But he knows that this a game that he can’t be afraid of,Gunzo worked really hard just to make it to the team, so that he could become an amazing rugby player, To snap himself out being scared,He slapped both his cheeks,Painful,to the point were red handprints are visible on Gunzo’s cheeks, 
He then remembers Harumo,Whom promised to be there watching him and cheering him on with everything he’s got, Remembering that memory,He’s bursting of determination and tenacity, You could clearly see the raging fire in his black eyes,And with that reassuring thought,Gunzo tells he’s team to give everything that they’ve got in this game, To aim for the win that symbolizes all of our effort,all of sweat,grime,tears,and blood to be in this game, The one thing that we have aiming for,SO LETS GIVE EVERYTHING WE’VE GOT OUT THERE!, Words of encouragement and motivation echoed inside their room,that it can even be heard outside the hall, And then a loud cry burst inside the room,but its not a cry of sadness,but the cry of an army aiming to win the war,All of the teams eyes are filled with the fire full of determination,Their body shaking,but not from fear,Their shaking because they couldn’t wait,their bodies are full of inspiration derived from their hearts beating in acceleration.
They huddled up together and shout out their motto for their team,
The staduim is filled with cheers and words of encouragement as each team slowly appear from their corners,along with them is one person carrying their school flags,as a sign that they will represent their respective schools.
Harumo: There they are!,GO GUNZO! GO!,
Ryota: Go Gunzo’s TEAM!
Shiro: YOU CAN DO IT!.
As the team line themselves with their opponent,shook hands as a sign of sportmanship and LETS HAVE A GOOD GAME!, 
As the team’s players head to their assigned positions,The crowd goes silent,waiting in baited breath if the first kick from Gunzo’s team will make the first score, You gulped in anticipation,your friends sit silent, And then.....
Aizen and Xolotl: THERE YOU ARE!.
Harumo: WHAT THE!,
Aizen: I have strict orders from Herr Ophion to bring you him immediately!.
Xolotl: No!, You must come with me, Mistress Hakumen ordered me to bring you to her.
Harumo: Seriously!
Distracted by the two bruised and burned servants, You hear the commentor saying it was a miss.
Harumo: Ahhh i  missed it.!....UHHHH, Please tell them that i will be there in a sec.
Aizen: You love singularity!, If Herr Ophion asks for your presence,You will go immediately!,
Harumo: UHHHH.......Shiro a little help please?.
Shiro: Why are you looking at me?.........Uhmmmm, how about if all of us go with you,If they asking you won’t be able to enjoy watching the game, Hows that sound.
Xolotl: If thats what it takes to bring Harumo to Mistress Hakumen,Then i will try to convince her,
Harumo: Aizen?
Aizen: F-FINE!,If its to fulfill Herr Ophion’s wishes,Then do as you wish.
Harumo: Okay, Lets hurry !, i don’t want to miss the game.
Your party now head towards the VIP room,as requested by the Tycoons,However when Gunzo looks to where to were seated a moment ago and now gone, 
Gunzo: Huh?!,Where”s Harumo?........Did he got bored?.
Gunzo sees your empty seat, doubt and other thought stired in his mind,thinking it might be because of his lack of performance, He can’t stop thinking about it,He can’t even focus on the game, But..
Gunzo: No Gunzo, Nows not the time to be unfocused,You have a game to play,
{Whistle sounds}
As though the whistle is like a trigger, Both teams tackle,rush,runned all together, While in the VIP room,
Harumo: Hey Licht!, 
Licht: Ah, My friend,Pleasure to see yo-.
Ophion: My spouse, Fate once again brought us together again, come and sit beside me,
Hakumen:OHOHOH!,You must be mistaken Ophion, My liege!,Has to come to be on my side,so stay out of it you overgrown lizard!.
Lucifuge: Oh,my darling lightbringer, i am moved beyond tears to see you again!.
Harumo: Good to see you again Lucifuge,
Lucifuge; Oh!,Im so happy for your kind words to me,My grand overlord!.
Ryota: HI Maria!,Good to see you again,
Maria: Im glad to see you all again Everyone.
Shiro: Good to you see again Maria, is it okay to assume that The Missionaries is conducting a joint operation with the Tycoons?.
Maria: Yes, We’re actually the sponsors for this event, 
Shiro: I see,
Nyarlothotep: Oh my baby!, this is getting brutal, The teams are beginning to push each other,back and forth, with the rugby ball in Gunzo’s hands he goes for a swift side-step manuever baby!, And oh my,
He got tackled and pushed to the ground.
Harumo: OHHH, Thats got to hurt, C’mon Gunzo you can do it !.
Shiro: He can’t hear you, That glass is blocking your voice from reaching him.
Licht: Allow me my friend, I can remove this glass wall with a push of this remote i have,...And there.
 The glass wall slowly descends downward, The noise it blocked quickly pierced your hears as the wall keeps getting lower,Quick to adjust to the noise you can finally hear much more better now.
Harumo: Thanks Licht !, Gunzo you can do it, Im here to cheer you on, Give it your all.!
Your cheers fall on deaf ears as the noise from the crowd covered your cheers for Gunzo, Gunzo however seem to be a little sad, Probably from the fact that he’s friend is not there anymore to cheer him on,Thoughts full of doubt began to cloud his mind and unable to realized it, The whistle blew,Slow reaction was seen by the opposing team,They caught the ball quickly,Gunzo tried to shake it off but he can’t,because the one person he’s counting on is no longer there, With Nagoya shi on the lead as half of the game is near,Gunzo’s team is starting to struggle,Their stamina completly drain and beginning to lose hope,Their fire’s are starting to faint away,It appears his team has given up 
Harumo: Do you guys have a microphone?.
Hakumen: Here you can borrow mine my liege, Make sure to touch it with your lips, 
Ophion: You!,you backstabbing vixen,how dare you try to get an indirect kiss from my spouse.
Hakumen: OHOHOH,You snooze you lose, You were just to slow to get the opportunity.
Harumo; Thank you Hakumen.
You took a deep breath and carefully spoke the words you need to reach Gunzo.
Harumo: Gunzo!,
Your words quickly spread throughout the entire staduim,Shock and confusion spread throughtout the crowd as to who might have said that, Gunzo appears to be shocked as well,Looks around to see where,When he looked it front of him,He saw you , 
Harumo: Gunzo!, You’ve given up already, You made a promise to me to give it your all, So GIVE IT YOUR ALL GUNZO, IM YOUR NUMBER 1 CHEERLEADER!,
Everyone in the enitre staduim as well as people watching it being broadcasted heard your cheer to him, The crowd are both laughing and inspired by your bravery,That the people behind you are also shocked beyond belief as though they have not witnessed you doing this crazy type of stunts before,
Gunzo realizing he’s cheerleader is there infront of him all this time and thinking, Why did i thought about of you leaving me? man that was stupid of me.
Harumo: I know you can do it Gunzo ,i’ve believe in you!.
After you inspired Gunzo and possibly something else,Gunzo signals he’s team to huddle up and him as leader.With the role of leader of the team,He quickly fulfills he’s role as captain as he gives he’s team the backbone to keep playing.
Gunzo: Alright team listen up!, I know i’ve not been fulfilling my role as captain,But this time its going to be different! Im going to fulfill to promises and one is win this game with my team!,So please i need all of your help.
Gunzo bows to plea for his teamate’s cooperation,And in a shocking turn.
Teamate num 2; You have my cooperation captain!, 
Teamate num 5; Im gonna give this my all captain so you could count on me!.
One by one the other members are starting to retain their fighting spirit.
Gunzo:Everyone.........Alright then HUPP!.
The unison of their shouts are like a battlecry,An army of hungry warriors ready to devour everyone,Nagoya shi seems to be unintimadated by their fighting spirit,Little than they know Nagoya shi is going to be surprised.
Nyarlothotep: Well looks like Yoyogi Academy has retain their fighting spirit!,Could that cheer just now lit their flame back or is it something different,But enough of the details for now....The game has resume...And the kick off is Yoyogi Academy but with Nagoya shi in the lead can they turn this ga- Oh my BABY!....
With the kick off the kicker kicks the ball all the way to Nagoya shi’s goal...And with that everyone cheers for the point.
Moritaka: Seems like that outburst you did ignite their flames Harumo,
Agyo: ooooooohhhh this is getting exciting, Lets go Yoyogi Academy!.
Harumo: Go Gunzo!.
Kengo:Man,You’ve got guts partner,
Harumo:What do you mean?
Kengo:You just yelled infront of a huge crowd like this!
Ryota: He only did that,so he can cheer Gunzo on,i mean its pretty gutsy
Ophion:My spouse,you never ceased to amaze me,how bright you shine!.
Nyarlothotep: OHHHHHHHH!Thats going to be it for the 1quarter, With the score of 18-9,Nagoya shi has the lead, This is here ladies and gentlemen is going to be the opening for the fun thats going to happen so stay tune,
Gunzo: That was a nice play team, If we keep this pace up we can turn this around,
Yoyogi Team: Yeah!.
Harumo: Whew,Gunzo’s team are amazing.
Ryota:Yeah, You really inspired them Harumo,
Moritaka: I must say,i never knew a rugby could get your blood pumping like this,They’re really amazing.
Agyo: Yeah, Gunzo and his team are good at defending their goal, They get 100 guardian points for that.
Arsalan:Hahah, Well,nothing beats a good leader who has his teamates support on them, 
Maria: Yes,Everyone is doing very well,I just hope they’ll won’t injure themselves.
Licht: But if they do our medical staff will heal them up real quick so don’t worry about it.
Shiro: However,Yoyogi is down to half a margin, I wonder what strategy they’ll come up to turn it around.
Harumo: Don’t worry,I believe in Gunzo,Im 100% sure he’ WIN!,
Ryota: i knew you’d say that, I believe in Gunzo too.He’l win 
There was no doubt in your mind that Gunzo won’t lose this game,Your words carry such emotion that Lucifuge is crying buckets of tears from your determined words. 5 mins have past and the game had resume,Nyarlothotep the commentor, brings a surprising guest to his side,to join him in his “commentating”
Nyarlothotep: Now we’re back at the game,And im join by non other than our most powerful ruler, ALL HAIL  AZATHOTH!.
Azathoth: HEHEHEE, this game is really startig to get interesting,they better have save file for this.HEHEH
Shiro: If Azathoth is here then, The Genociders must be present then,
Harumo: Really?!, Where? i hope they’re enjoying the game.
Meanwhile The Genociders sat on the left side of the stadium, Babalon,Surtr and Arc watch the game in excitement.
Babalon: My my, They better play nice with each other, as a caring mother i still feel anxious seeing children get hurt like this.
Arc: Mother its okay,no will get hurt in this game, If they do then the medical staff will take care of them.
Surtr: Ahhhh, nothing more exciting than an amazing bout, This should be shown to the children of Muspell.
Arc: Another thing is,Harumo is here as well,
Babalon: Yes, i was moved to tears for his bravery, Nothing could make a mother more proud than to see her child shine through.
Surtr: I am indeed impressed by his bravery,he really is my child.
Babalon: Arc when this is over get Azathoth quickly,before “IT” happens again.
Arc: *HOLDS CHAINS TIGHTLY* i’ll make sure he never does it again.
With Arc possible dragging Azathothe back once the game is over, Everyone in the VIP room watch the game unfold infront of them as Yoyogi and Nagoya give out every once of energy that they have on the game, You watch the game feeling nervous and excited while looking at Gunzo being covered in dirt, from the times he’s been sliding,tumbling,and falling on the ground, You are amazed by his determination and spirit, 
Harumo: Wow, Gunzo is really amazing.
Moritaka: Im amazed by his fighting spirit, He’s got the face of a warrior.
Ophion: Now my spouse, Sit on my lap to have a magnificent view.
Harumo: YEY!,Alright here i come!.
The moment you’re jumping to his lap,you were quickly taken away by a mysterious grabber.
Harumo: Huh? what?
Hakumen: Ohohoh, Good boy Xolotl,Now my liege i want to be sitting on your lap now.
You are sitted on Hakumen’s chair decorated for a queen as well as the comfiest pillow in the enitre world. Ophion however.
Ophion: How dare you!,Snatch my spouse away from me, You’l pay for this.
Hakumen: What you want a FIGHT!?
Ophion and Hakumen: HRGH!.
Both stared at each other with eyes that are out for blood,Their stares are so intense you could literally see lighting between them as they argue for your attention.
Harumo: Please don’t fight over me guys......Pleaseeeeeeee. Alright then you two leave me no choice then..
You showed them the one trick that will knock out even the most ferocious beast will find themselves defeated by it.and ITS non other than 
Harumo: Secret Tecnique: Puppy eyes!.
They look at your eyes shaped like a begging puppy,your lips upwards, Both of them stared at you with a expressions that look like they got a heart attack, Hakumen almost fainted for the cuteness displayed that even she could not resist getting charmed by it,Ophion looks in astonishment to see he’s spouse looking more beautiful in whatever expression he takes.
Nyarlothotep: GOAL!,GOAL! BABY. what  a twist, Yoyogi is starting to reach Nagoya shi,what a twist of fate,oh my stars,Now what do you think? our grand overlord.
Azathoth: HEHEHE,they’re reaching the final level,ahhaha
Nyarlothotep: With the score of 24-18,Nagoya shi still holds the lead, Yoyogi is starting to make their comeback,
Gunzo: Alright team !, Lets keep the pressure on them!,
Team Yoyogi: YEAH!.
Nyarlothotep: And thats it for the first quarter,The score is 24-18 Nagoya shi still holds the lead,And Yoyogi is somehow making a strong comeback. YEEEYEEYYYY!.
Harumo: Yeah!,Go Gunzo’s team!,Keep up the pressure!
Shiro: Looks like they catching up, I wonder what will they do next ?
Ryota: They’re really giving them a run for their money, Wonder if they’re hungry?.
Kengo:  They’re hungry for blood Ryota, This is gonna get real good once the 2nd quarter begins. 
Moritaka: This game is like a battlefield, Who knew this kind of sport existed.
Agyo: Yeah, This wasn’t even invented in the Land of Wa.
Harumo: See guys! i knew Gunzo will keep his promise.
Shiro:We have no reason to doubt you.
The noise from the crowd drops as the battle is halt to a pause,Which gave Babalon some breathing room, Gunzo’s team rested on their area,tied there laces again, and drink energy drinks to hold on during the game, The captain of the team is strategizing for the 2nd quarter,Unaware this is the moment where everything will change.
The crowd cheers for him for the fact they are going to be doing there favorite pass the time game and its none other than...
Nyarlothotep: You all know this, Its the one and only KIIIIISSSSSEEEEE.........CAMERA!.
Harumo:Kiss Camera?. 
Shiro: Uhmmm...Let me explain..
Just as Shiro was about to explain it to him,The loud commentator got ahead of him..
Nyarlothotep: As you all know, We have cameras all over the stadium.All of it is connected to the giant screen,now for the fun part, one of the camera will pick a lucky couple and then all they have to do is smooch the person next to them..And they will be shown at the screen. Alright everybody ready?.
Harumo: Please pick me..please pick me.
Zabanniya:{Already kissed him.}
Everyone waits in bated breath as the camera views around everyone on the entire staduim looking for a couple that looks like a couple and then it stops,the screen is connected to every camera and it flashes an image of a certain person, non other than,
Harumo:WHOAH! THATS ME! and....
Summoners and Tycoons: WHAT!
Nyarlothotep:Oh my stars, looks like we’ve got ourselves a fine looking couple here.Now kiss him up!.
You look at your soon to be smooching partner, and the person can’t hide their embarrasement ,as it was visible to everyone looking ,even though their entire face is turning red from the emotions their feeling.you waik slowly to him with your lips pukering up,already in a kissing stance,your smooching partner takes a deep breath and close their eyes and slowly but surely closes the gap and slowly both of your lips are coming in contact with each other,
Everyone behind you panics except the Aoyama Guild, The summoners braced themselves and some watch in awww 
Agyo:What are they doing?
Agyo: What the.. Hey i want to see!.
Shiro: Will explain it to you after.
Agyo:Awww, But i want to see. 
 as they are so jealous for the fact everyone wants to kiss Harumo,which Harumo loves, and possibly after this is done everyone is going to kill that person or maybe torture them, The Tycoons watch angrily and jealousy, for they also want to kiss Harumo especially Ophion,he grits his teeth so much that even a nutcracker will be considered second -rate in this situation, since he’s spouse is about to kiss the LUCKY BASTARD!, he tries to calm himself down with some help from his loyal servant Aizen, by bringing him one of the most luxurious wine they have at the bar behind them, but the more the gap closes everyone stares at them wide open and angrily, and Hakumen is well, the most angry of them all,Xolotl is very worried and scared since he hasn’t seen Hakumen this angry in his enitre career,but neverthess he tries his best to calm the angry vixen down by giving her the most relaxing massage in the entire universe. though it appears to working just a little,Xolotl tries to restrain her,but that is the worst move he could hve ever pulled in that kind of situation, in his mind that is, Xolotl thinks carefully on how to calm the angry fox down,he then brings the one thing that will instantneouly calm Hakumen down and that is WINE!.Xolotl brings the most elegent wine that even the wine that Aizen brought will seem inferior to the smoothness and deliciousness the wine Xolotl brings,he quickly pours a glass with it and gave it to Hakumen and hoping for it to work. 
And it worked like a charm, Hakumen is now calming down and her tails have finally calmed down with its embers fainting,this serves as a lucky sign for Xolotl has he can breath easily now,knowing he did an excellent job in handling the situation, Lucifuge,well is taking it really well even though his mighty overlord is literally about to kiss someone infront of him,even though Zabanniya has already kissed Harumo back at the battle of Otemachi, he watches in aww as the gap closes,
Harumo: So...... we’re actually doing this?...... Ryota.
Ryota: Uhhh.......Yeah....lets do this Harumo!
Harumo: Pucker up!
Your lips touch with each other,as you put your hand on Ryota”s back and slowly caressed his hair. The crowd watches your public display of affection and so those everyone watching, including kids that parents have to cover their eyes for reasons. everyone awwws and cheers for you two as you both kissed each other infront of a massive crowd as well as it being broadcasted. But that doesn’t stop there, both of you are still kissing each other unaware of everyone still watching your public stunt. 
Licht:Uhm...Harumo?..i think.
Shiro:Uhm you two...
it has finally ended,both of you stopped kissing and stared at each other,smiling and laughing at one another as both of you have shared an incredible moment infront of thousands of people watching you right now.
Harumo and Ryota:Hahahh!
Agyo:Hey!, what did i miss?
Shiro: Will tell you after.
Moritaka: That was gutless you two!, 
Kengo:Yeah, you smooched while everyone is everything literally everyone in the entire stadium. 
Ryota: What!?
Harumo: Hey its us on the screen Ryota.
The screen of the stadium records your stunt and replays it in slow motion. 
Nyarlothotep:Well isn’t that sweet, they’re kissing awww,.....WELP BACK IN THE GAME!
After a long so called break,the game finally resumes and made its way towards the 2nd quarter of the game. Everyone’s focus is glued at the game like they just forgotten about the entire INCIDENT. some are still jealous and some however.
Gunzo: Harumo........
23 notes · View notes
nerdwaifuu-stories · 3 years
The Proposal
Happy (belated) Ninjago Oc Day! Ik I haven’t posted much on this account, but I figured it would be the perfect time to post something about my OCs.
Ig some basic info:
Word count: 4,966
Oc basics: the main two are Hisashi and Emon. Hisashi was a samurai/soldier who I have made Ronin’s (dead) uncle. Emon was a criminal who worked for Chen (although Hisashi doesn’t know about that. He just knows that Emon has previously done crime in his youth), but started to lose interest over time due to several factors. Another oc that’s mentioned is Lex. They are a friend of Hisashi and Emon’s, and they are actually an Oni.
Summary: Taking place roughly 25-30ish years before the Ninjago series, Hisashi is coming home from a mission. Since he and Emon have been together for some time, he figures it’s time to take it to the next step. He is one ring purchase and a ship and train ride away from trying to reach that next step.
If you want to know more about these characters, there’s some stuff on my art account @nerdwaifuu-art.
Hope you enjoy!
Cheers rang through the village as they saw the group in green armor entering the village. The soldiers marched through the middle, many with a look of victory on their faces contrasting the scuff, dirt, wounds, and exhaustion their bodies presented: all a worthy cost for a village's safety. Eventually their march and the cheering stopped as the chief approached the group.
"Oh great heroes, thank you! Thank you for saving us from those fiends! We will never forget what you have done for us! May the Creator bring you prosperity!" The chief cheered. Once he spoke his last word, the crowd of villagers' cheer erupted again, echoing the chief's message. From there, the chief and the captain went off to chat and the rest dispersed throughout the village. Some made their way back to the ship either to rest or prepare for the journey back to the city. Others remained in the village to chat or to explore. Amongst those exploring were two young men: a stout, short dark brown haired chatterbox and a long dark copper haired, silent listener. The two strolled through the village as one chatted away and the other listened while glancing at everything they passed.
"I wonder if the captain saw our hard work out there."
"I mean we were kicking butt out there."
"We should probably go to the medics to get our backs checked from how much carrying we were doing..."
The stout man slowed his walk as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, "Hisashi, you good? You're quieter than usual, and it’s hard for you to be quieter than you already are..." He paused before he threw himself on track to a ramble, "Anyways, you just seem out of it."
"Yeah... Uh, yes, yes I'm fine, Shiro," Hisashi stumbled, "My mind's just on, uh, other things."
"Oh? Other things? What kind of other things?" Shiro questioned.
"You know... other things..." Hisashi kept scanning the surrounding stands and buildings.
"No, I don't know other things. How about you introduce me to them?" Shiro coaxed.
With a sigh, Hisashi stopped his mini search and said, "I'm just looking for some gifts..."
Hisashi paused for a second, then said, "For my nephew-"
"Ah, why didn't you say so? No need to be so secretive with me," Shiro smirked, "C'mon, let's go find him something. One of these shops should have something he'll like" Shiro kept his hand on Hisashi's shoulder as he started to lead him. Hisashi resisted the push and said, "Actually, I know what shop I want to go to... I just need to find it again..." He looked around once more and then there it was: a small wooden stand run by a middle aged woman. The stand was covered with an assortment of items: jewelry, weapons, metal decorations, toys, metal sculptures, etc. He saw it the first time he arrived at the village and knew he had to stop by it.
"There it is," Hisashi took the lead and pulled Shiro with him as he approached the stand.
"Ah, hello boys~ Do you see anything you like?" The woman greeted them.
"My friend here is just looking, but I do see something I like," Shiro said, shooting a smoldering look towards the woman. The woman giggled and the two continued to chat (or Shiro commanded the conversation and continually bragged about himself). Meanwhile, Hisashi looked at the items. His eyes kept being pulled towards the actual reason that he wanted to come to the stand in the first place—a set of two matching rings sitting in a wooden ring box. Both were made up of a thick metal band that had a space cut in the middle where the gem was, making it appear as if the gem was floating. On the band, on either side of the gem, was a dragon carving colored gold. One ring had a black tinted band with a white gem while the other had a polished, silver finish and a black gem.
The woman noticed his interest in the rings and, once Shiro had taken a short pause, she shifted her focus, "I see that you've found something you like." She picked up the ring box and placed it in the middle of the table. Shiro shot a confused look at the woman and then at Hisashi.
"Oh, sorry, I was just looking at them. They're very beautiful," Hisashi admitted.
"Haha, no need to apologize for looking at what I'm selling, but thank you. My husband's... well, my late husband's father made them," the woman sighed, "Honestly the story is quite sweet. He came to this village and set up a blacksmith shop. A woman came into the shop one day and he fell deeply in love with her. He expanded his skills from weapon making to making small metal trinkets to give to her—" the woman glanced down at some of the other items at her stand before continuing, "She loved every single one and returned his love. Eventually, he decided it was time. He went into his workshop and began on his favorite project. The next time anyone saw him leave his shop, he went directly to the woman, took her somewhere nice, and proposed with these rings. She wore one and he wore the other..." A small smile formed on her face as she looked back at the rings, "Then they passed it down to my husband to use with me, and now here I am trying to sell them," she sighed, "I have no use for them now, and, even though I'm probably making some people roll in their graves, I need the money..."
"Awww, yeah that is really sweet. It's a shame you don't have a lady friend back at home, unless you and that Lexi girl have something~" Shiro teased Hisashi. Hisashi rolled his eyes. 'That Lexi girl' he referred to was Lex, but Hisashi only saw them as a friend. Instead, he had his eyes on someone else; someone else that he deeply cared about; someone else that he actually had something with.
"Plus we're here for your nephew. I don't think he'll have any use for these rings," Shiro reminded him.
"Um, right, of course..." Hisashi watched as the woman placed the rings back to their original spot.
"Oh, a nephew? Is he into metal work? Or I'm assuming he'll like the toys if he's young or the weapons perhaps?" The woman asked.
"Ah yes, a 5 year old who's into metal work-" Shiro quietly snickered. Hisashi shot a quick glare at him.
"Oh, he's quite young, scratch the weapons then," she chuckled.
Hisashi looked around the table some more and decided on one of the small metal figures and an old pocket watch.
"Ah, I'm sure he'll enjoy that," Shiro muttered sarcastically when he noticed the pocket watch was no longer ticking.
"He likes taking things apart and making new things, so yes, he'll probably enjoy this," Hisashi defended his choice.
"Is he trying to be an inventor?" the woman asked.
"I believe he does have an interest in becoming one. He's been fascinated with all the technological changes going on in the city. I don't understand it, but at least he's getting prepared for the future," Hisashi answered, starting to take out his money for his purchase.
"I forgot Ninjago City was going through all that. All the beautiful wood and clay buildings being replaced with tall metal buildings... It's insane."
"Yeah..." Hisashi and Shiro nodded along. While Hisashi searched for the right amount of money, he noticed that the remaining soldiers started to make their way back to the ship. He glanced back at the rings and turned to Shiro, "How about you head back to the ship while I finish up here?"
Shiro nodded, said his goodbye to the shop owner and left. As soon as he was out of earshot, Hisashi turned back to the stand and asked, "How much are the rings?"
The woman stated the price and said, "So you are interested in them after all?" Hisashi nodded as he took out the right amount of money for the rings, the figure, and the pocket watch.
"So is this for someone or just keeping it for yourself?" The woman wondered.
"I have someone at home waiting for me—"
The woman leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. Before she could ask any questions, with a soft smile, Hisashi whispered, "I met h- uh, this person a while back and now we've been together for 5-6 years now... I figured I should do something special..."
"And decided it was time?" The woman asked at the same volume as him, with a large grin on her face. He nodded.
"Well, I hope the Creator blesses you both," she said, exchanging the items for Hisashi's money. He said his thanks and started to head off to the ship.
"Goodbye, may the Creator bring you prosperity and may the Great Serpent protect you on your journey!" The woman called out.
Hisashi turned around and asked "Great Serpent?"
"Oh, do people in the city not know this story?" Hisashi shook his head, so she explained, "According to some stories I've heard, there's a serpent that sleeps deep in the sea. She apparently used to rule the sea and was the reason for the waves and the storms, so people used to pray to her and give her offerings to keep her happy. Unfortunately that's all I know from the top of my head, and it's all probably just a story."
"Huh, sounds interesting. Thank you," Hisashi said before departing.
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Laying his bed, Hisashi could feel the ship rock back and forth and hear his roommates chatting instead of sleeping, excited to be one step closer to home in the morning. But none of it blocked his focus on reading. His brain refused to let him sleep as the nerves have finally got to him. He had a ring in his possession, and he was hopefully going to give it away once he got to the city. To try to calm himself down in the safety of his bed, he took out some letters he got in the past few weeks. Each one started with "My Dearest Sai," and ended with "I can't wait to see you again. Love, Emon Sharma."
It was odd to think that these letters used to be closed off with a "Sincerely" or a simple "From," and "Love" was never a closing he had seen until 5 years ago. Even though it's been years, Hisashi's heart still flutters when he sees the word in Emon's handwriting. It still feels like such a new feeling, especially when he never acknowledged that such feelings could exist in him when he was growing up. Even when his brother tried to describe them when referring to himself and his now wife during high school, Hisashi never understood. Now he did.
After rereading each of the letters, he held the paper close to his chest. He tried picturing everything that Emon described. He tried remembering each random ramble that he sent him that Emon responded to. He silently laughed at the idea of him trying to make sense of everything Hisashi tried telling him. If he tried sending similar letters to anyone else he knows, they would just skim through everything and ask about how he is and how's work, avoiding to say "please tell me more about this random thing you learned ." Emon would be one of the only people who would say that.
The chatter in the room quieted down and the remaining lights started to disappear. With a sigh, Hisashi caught one more glimpse of the contents of the letters before it went completely dark.
"I can't wait to see you again. Love, Emon Sharma."
He softly smiled, folded the letters, and placed them under his pillow.
"I can't wait either..."
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"Ah finally, land!" Shiro exclaimed once he and Hisashi got off the ship. Carrying their stuff (armor, weapons, supplies, letters, etc.), the two swerved their way through the crowds of people. Fellow soldiers were pouring out of the boat, being welcomed by their loved ones, going to a nearby inn or bar, or already beginning their ways home. Hisashi looked around at who was there, but he knew that his loved ones were in the city, which was a train ride away. He smiled at the thought of coming off the train to them, and clutched the ring box that hid in his pocket.
"Are you sure you don't want to stop for a drink? Or even for a snack?" Shiro asked, following his 6 foot friend to avoid getting lost.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Gotta make sure I catch the train," he said, glancing back to make sure Shiro wasn't too far behind.
"But the train's not going to leave for a bit," Shiro said, puzzled.
"I know, I just..." Hisashi trailed off and stopped in his tracks, leading to Shiro bumping into him.
"Oof- what's going on?" He asked, but got no answer. Shiro looked past Hisashi to see what was ahead, but it didn't click due to so many people being around. It wasn't until he saw two people: a short, medium tanned, black haired man with a scruffy beard and a towering, brown-skinned, short brown haired (hidden under a hat), female presenting person. The man noticed them and started to wave, then stopped and started approaching quickly while dragging his companion with him. Hisashi gripped the hidden ring box tighter as he started walking to lessen the distance. Once he was within a foot of the man, the man threw his arms around Hisashi and nearly lifted him off his feet within the first few seconds of the hug while saying, "It's so good to see you, Sai!"
"Woah, easy Emon. No need to break me," Hisashi chuckled, wiggling a bit to loosen Emon's grip and free his arms. Once they were free, Hisashi returned the hug and pulled Emon close while Emon buried his face into Hisashi's shoulder. Hisashi wished he could stay in this hug forever. He also wished he could just give Emon a big kiss, but he had to wait until they were in private; until they were in the city...
"Wait a minute—" Hisashi pushed Emon out in front of him, keeping his hands on Emon's shoulders—"What are you guys doing here?"
"Lex and I just figured that you deserved a welcome party as soon as you arrived," Emon confessed.
"And Emon really missed you and wanted to see you as soon as possible," Lex added.
"Yeah, that too," Emon chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. A smile stretched across Hisashi's face as he tried to hold in a laugh. His hand left Emon's shoulder and almost caressed his cheek, but he then remembered Shiro was watching from behind and they were surrounded by other people. He slowly pulled his hand back and hid it back in his pocket, trying to ignore the longing look in Emon's eyes. He then said, "Thank you, I missed you so much too. I couldn't wait to see you again..." Emon responded with a soft smile.
"Well, I missed you guys too," Shiro barged in, now standing next to Hisashi.
"Yes, it's good to see you, Shiro," Lex mumbled.
"I thought you would be much happier, Lexi," Shiro snickered. Lex's eyes were shooting daggers, but they tried to hide their gaze behind the brim of their hat as they said, "We best be going now. Don't want to miss the train." Before anyone could say anything, Lex had already turned around and started towards the train station.
"Ah what a shame. I wanted to talk with y'all more," Shiro sighed, "Well, see y'all back in the city tomorrow!" After an exchange of goodbyes, Shiro disappeared into the crowd.
"Well then, let's go," Emon said, linking his arm with Hisashi's. The two then followed behind Lex, trying to keep up.
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"What was all the hurry about Lex?" Emon asked them.
Lex turned their head away from the train window and said, "Just didn't want to get stuck in one of his rambles. You get him talking and you'll probably end up hearing too much about what happened during the mission. I'm just not in the mood to hear how he 'sliced one man's head off' or whatever."
"That's fair," Hisashi said, also looking at the passing land outside the window. He was there when all of it happened, and he didn't need to hear about it again. He only wanted his mind on one thing and one thing only.
"Speaking of which, how was the mission?" Emon asked.
"Oh, just a typical mission. The thugs were playing hard to get for some time. Fortunately, we stopped them before anything too bad happened, and we didn't have many major injuries this time around. Just some scratches here and there," Hisashi answered quickly. He took one last look out of the window before sitting up and facing Lex and Emon on the other side of the table, saying, "But, despite the mission, the place we were at was very lovely." Emon leaned closer, interested to hear more.
"It was a small village by the ocean. Whenever we had a break, it was so calming to be on the white beach and just listen to the calm waves. And the village was really lovely too. It was filled with small shops and stands, and the people there seemed nice. They were very welcoming and always closed the conversations with something about 'the Creator' blessing you." Hisashi said. Lex perked up to full attention towards the end.
"The Creator? Like the creator of the town?" Emon asked.
"Or the Realm..." Lex muttered quietly, but, when they got confused looks from the two men, they said, "World. I mean world."
"Oh right, that makes more sense," Emon chuckled.
"Yeah, they often referenced them, but I guess they have plenty of other stories too. Before I was leaving, a nice woman at a shop said something about a Great Serpent—" Hisashi then recited what the woman had told him. Both Emon and Lex were leaning in close to hear every word. When Hisashi finished, Emon, with excitement in his eyes, and Lex, looking like they wanted to say something but decided against it, looked at each other, then back at Hisashi.
"Woah, that's so cool! Bet that was fun to hear about right before getting on a ship," Emon snickered.
"Yeah, but it's merely just a story," Lex uttered, leaning back against the seat, "Nothing to worry about."
"Have you ever heard of it?" Hisashi asked them. Lex hesitantly nodded, "All I know about it is the same as what the woman told you..." Hisashi could tell that they knew more, but he didn't want to force anything out of them. He could probably try finding a scroll or a book with more information.
"Anyways, overall the place was really nice. If we didn't have work and other stuff to deal with, I would say we should go there sometime," Hisashi said, mainly glancing over to Emon when talking. The idea of just leaving the city, getting on a ship, and sailing somewhere to explore sounded so pleasant, especially if it was with Emon and even Lex. He would even want to take his nephew once in a while. Just the 3 and sometimes 4 of them on a ship, seeing what the world offered. But their lives didn't allow for that. Hisashi had soldier duties to take care of while Emon and Lex had their own responsibilities, and there was just too much they would be leaving behind. Maybe one day in the future it could become a reality.
"Yeah, that would be nice," Emon said, smiling. Then the table went silent. Lex went back to looking out the window while the other two sat silently. Hisashi started to fidget with the ring box in his pocket, only bringing back the nerves. He looked up at Emon and could see he was shifting in his seat, shooting glances at both him and Lex. He wondered what Emon could be so nervous about.
Lex turned their head and sensed the nervousness sitting next to them and across from them. They shot a "say something and get it over with" look at both Hisashi and Emon.
They both paused and tried continuing, only further interrupting each other, "Sorry, go ahead—no you go ahead—no I didn't have anything to say—no please, I interrupted you—"
With a sigh, Lex barged in, "So, do you guys have any plans for today?" The two paused and looked at each other, waiting for the other to say something.
"I heard the weather is going to be super nice today. Maybe you guys can go to the park," Lex suggested.
"You are such a mind reader. That was what I was going to suggest," Emon said.
"I was actually going to recommend the same thing," Hisashi nervously laughed. He's so glad that he wrote Lex about what his plans were, or he would've just chickened out and waited to do it.
"Hah, perfect. Maybe we can get some lunch too. You're probably starving. I know I am," Emon said with a grin.
"Sounds good," Hisashi replied with a soft smile. He turned to Lex and mouthed the words "Thank you."
They smirked and mouthed back the words "You're welcome."
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"Man, no matter how many times I come here, I always forget how good the food is," Emon exclaimed as he finished paying for the food. In defeat, Hisashi watched the check and the money leave. Him and Emon literally went back and forth about who would pay the bill only to find out that Hisashi had left his wallet at home due to him rushing to get ready and look nice for the day, so Emon came out victorious.
"I claim to pay the next check," Hisashi uttered while they got up and left the café.
"Haha, we'll see if you remember your wallet next time," Emon snickered, "Although it's not like you to forget it at all. Are you feeling well?"
"Yes yes, I'm fine," Hisashi chuckled, "Just adjusting to being home that's all..."
And just being a big ball of nerves, he thought to himself. At least he had the ring with him, or his whole plan would have gone down the drain because of one silly mistake.
"How about you though? You seemed nervous on the train," he asked Emon.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Um, yeah I'm good now. It was just being on a train. Y'know I don't really go on them," Emon said. Hisashi raised an eyebrow, but decided not to  further question him.
The two continued to chat as they walked towards and into the park. Circled by the new skyscrapers, the park sat at the center of the entire city. Full of green hills and growing trees, it was one of the few areas of nature in the city. It was still a work in progress as workers were busy with putting in new buildings, benches, and pathways, but it was still a nice place for a stroll and a proposal.
The two walked through the park, chatting and enjoying the scenery. While listening to Emon, Hisashi scanned the area, trying to find the best area. It needed to be a private area with no one around, but also needed to be a beautiful area.
All of a sudden, Emon grasped Hisashi's hand and said, "Come with me, I know a good place you need to see." He then started leading him up one of the hills, looked around, and then continued pulling him along. Down the hill, across some of the grass, and up a slightly taller hill. Once they reached the top, Emon stopped and tightened his hand around Hisashi's, looking out at the view of the entire park.
"Wow," Hisashi marveled at the view. It was beautiful... and there wasn't anyone else around... it was perfect.
"I know right. I came here all the time when I was younger. When I had no where else to go, I would just come here..." Emon's grip loosened, so Hisashi gently pulled his hand away and backed up slightly. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and took a deep breath as he went down on a knee. This was it. It was time.
"It's crazy to think that I've come all this way," Emon continued, still looking at the view, "I used to come here as a young thief just trying to survive. That's all I thought my life would be until the day I died. But you've changed that..." Hisashi watched Emon go grab something from inside his jacket, but he couldn't see what. "...You've shown me that there's more to my life. Life is not just about trying to get by. It's about learning and experiencing new things. It's about love. It's about so much more than I know, So, I took you here in hopes that I can leave the lonely, barely living thief behind and enter a new chapter of our lives. Hisashi Arima, will y—" Emon turned around, about to kneel down, but he stopped halfway. In his hands was a long, wooden box with a black finish, kept shut with a golden latch. He quickly stood up and hid the box back in his jacket, his eyes not leaving Hisashi. He ran one of his hands through his hair as his face started to flush red. "Sai, I— oh my god..." was all he could say.
Hisashi sat there frozen, unsure what to do. He had planned this for weeks, but now everything just jumped out of his brain.
"Were you about to propose..."
Emon lips formed an embarrassed smile as he quickly nodded. Hisashi's mouth hung open and he looked down at the ring box, unsure what to say. Should he just try to stick to his plan or let Emon continue?
"Forget about me, go ahead," Emon whispered, gently pulling Hisashi's chin back up.
"Um, well," Hisashi cleared his throat and took a deep breath in, looking into Emon's eyes. They had a sort of calming aura about them now. Hisashi's lip curled up slightly as he gathered his words.
"I guess to play off what you've said, you have changed my life as well. Before I really got to know you, I probably seemed like a stone cold guy whose only purpose was to work until he no longer could. You have added more purpose to my life... so much more purpose. And, despite trying to understand everything, love was never one I could get a grasp of. Now I feel like I know at least a tiny bit about it from the past few years, and I'm willing to learn more with you. Emon, I love you so much. I will love you until the day I die. Even beyond death, I will always love you..." Hisashi took a pause, trying to catch his breath from speeding up towards the end without taking a moment to breathe. During the pause, he decided to open the ring box, resulting in a quiet gasp from Emon. He glanced up at him to see the reaction. His smile was bigger, but was being slightly hidden behind one of his hands. His calming eyes started to tear up as he looked up from the ring to Hisashi.
"Will you... would you... uh..." Hisashi started, but his mind was back to blanking out. Improvising clearly took all his brain power. It was his turn to blush red.
Emon chuckled, took Hisashi's one hand that wasn't holding the box, and asked "Will you marry me?" Hisashi couldn't help but laugh along as he quickly nodded. Emon then took the polished silver ring and slipped it onto one of Hisashi's fingers, and Hisashi put the other one on Emon.
"By the way, that was my line," Hisashi joked as he gave Emon his ring.
"Technically it was supposed to be mine," Emon said before pulling Hisashi up and into a kiss with his arms around his neck. Once they both pulled away, Emon held Hisashi close and rested his head against his shoulder.
"I love you so much Sai, and thank you for the ring. It's absolutely as beautiful as you are..." Emon said, then remembered his proposal gift. He let go of Hisashi, grabbed the box, went down on his knees, and held the box up.
"This is what I was going to give you... I hope you don't mind it not being a ring..."
Hisashi took the box from him and unlocked the latch. He lifted the lid to find a ornate dagger inside. It had a pale green jade hilt with silver sheath decorated with floral motifs and pale green and red gemstones. He gently picked up the dagger and unsheathed it to reveal a silver, double edged blade.
"This is beautiful," he said in awe, sheathing the blade and placing it carefully back into the box.
"I'm glad you think so. As soon as I saw it, I figured it would be a perfect gift," Emon said, smiling.
"It definitely is. Thank you," Hisashi said, giving Emon a quick peck on the lips.
"Well, should we get out of here and start the next chapter of our lives?" Hisashi asked.
Emon took a hold of Hisashi's hand and said, "I'm ready whenever you are."
They took one more look at the view, and Hisashi started to lead Emon.
"Let's go."
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verseandrhyme · 3 years
😍 — Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
Thoughts on Love?
Mitama would argue that she does not have crushes. She has eyes and people around her are attractive. She might praise them, might entertain the idea of something further, but she does not get crushes, that is silly.
Mitama is a liar she is just very laidback about crushes.
Crushes I tend to write her having by default are Shiro, Rhajat and Soleil, though the degree of these vary depending on what's discussed with the mun in question when when have one.
For specific to TOA...I pull out my list of receipts. Celica, our previous Claude, our previous Shiro. Ferdinand is Dragons specific, at present.
There's also a whole list of muns Mitama feels fond about that could lean that way with more interactions/development but don't have any leaning that way at present.
These are all, of course, one-sided with the expectation they'll stay that way unless I've spoken to the mun directly about it.
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