#(still saved the world tho gotta take some credit where credit is due)
dawnstarranger · 1 year
Kinda wanna change my blog name on here but I’m too lazy lmao
#so it’s from the last campaign I played (like duh)#our party ended up encountering this group of rivals#an anti-us if you will#not that these rivals were bad guys#don’t get it twisted#they were just much better than us at least on paper#professional adventurers with a cohesive backstory and established friendships etc etc#we on the other hand were the definition of a ragtag team of misfits#a dwarven prince an alcoholic ranger a cultist genasi Druid#a frat bro paladin and a gnomish articifier who got kicked out of his guild#suffice to say we were both low key and high key the baddies at several points#(still saved the world tho gotta take some credit where credit is due)#ANYWAY#we encounter our rivals and they are not fucking impressed thank you very much#it kinda went back and first between working together and sabotaging each other#but anyway they had a party name from the get go (and we were very anti naming the party)#I don’t remember what it started as but every freaking time we ran into these fuckers they were calling themselves something new#order of the dawn was one of the names I remember that much#ANYWAY we added our paladin to the campaign about halfway through#and had to catch him up on a lot of shit including those assholes#mind you#we had started telling random people we were (party name) in hopes that either they’d treat us better if they thought we were legit#or we could just blame our many misdeeds on them#it wasn’t until dear Edmund really thought we were calling ourselves the Dawn Stars that we realized#we hadn’t actually stolen their name - they NEVER FUCKiNg CALLED THEMSELVES THAT#we were so awful as a collective that we made up this name because we couldn’t be assed to remember our rivals stupid team name#so we became the Dawn Stars totally against our will#we tried to drop the bit once we realized but Edmund couldn’t be convinced#so the Dawn Stars we remained#anyways thanks for coming to my dumbass Ted talk
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ilikedetectives · 4 years
Hi, did you play every AC game? If yes, in term of game plays which are the easiest? For someone without much experience in games, ty!
Not every AC game, because I can handle only so much of cookie cutter games at a time. Before I say more, lemme get this out of the way first: I played the Ezio trilogy back in 2018 because Da Vinci’s Demons was cancelled and I wanted more Da Vinci content and the white and red hoodie looks cool. In other words, I didn’t play the game because it’s called Assassin’s Creed.
The AC games I played so far, by the order of which one I play first. I’ll rate gameplay by my personal preferences (because it’s the only way I know how).
Ezio’s trilogy (AC2, AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, played in 2018): decent parkour, minimal grind (just invest in the villa and you’re a millionaire in a day or two), very story focused (perfect balance of historical and modern plots). Decent combat. The golden years of AC and I agree.
Unity (played a few months after Ezio): good parkour, medium grind (bigger map and more items to upgrade, you still get to invest in properties so it helps). Time-saver items are on sale for real money aka MTX (ew). Combat is ok, not much difference since Ezio. Historical story is meh (I don’t care for Arnold because Elise’s story is more interesting) and they completely ditched the modern plot (you think Odyssey has little modern day plot, try Unity). Buggiest AC game I encountered and I played this game 4+ yrs after launch (hold on to that thought, keep reading). Ubi spent all of their time and budget doing the interior design (which is gorgeous btw) that they have none left to fix the bugs.
Black Flag (a few months after): chasing flying papers is my favorite activity to NOT do. Grindy af (no property investment). I can’t tolerate the controls for the ship so I hate everything that involves ship in this pirate game, except for sea shanties. You’ll have more fun playing this game as a pirate than an assassin. Combat feels the same since Ezio. Other mechanics are like Unity (understandable). Modern plot is minimal, but it makes bloodline irrelevant and there’s a....soul inside a computer server that wants to possess a human body, meanwhile said soul’s husband is a maniac who has unlimited reincarnations (realism, I know). Black Flag is the gateway game that convinces me that I should stop wasting my brain cells in “what kinda bs realism is dis?”
Odyssey (a month after launch, bought solely because of Kassandra also when I heard Odyssey is set before the creed, oh fuck yea I don’t need to sit through another rehash of Creed crap or at least minimal anyway): oh gods a breath of fresh air from the old controls where you have to hold R2 whenever you want to run and my fingers hurt sfm. Climbing is the best because the protag actually moves where you want them to move. MTX (ew). Grindy but because the combat and movements are smooth, best combat so far; I don’t see Odyssey as grindy because I enjoy my time playing (also Kassandra); I platinum the game on PS4 at around 130 hrs I think, could’ve been earlier but photomode. Fun quests that I giggle whenever thinking about them (I don’t remember shit about any quests in any other AC game, but then again Kassandra). People bitch about no parkour but who parkour in the 450BCE?!?!? Full disclosure: I never cared for parkour and never will. I stop caring for modern plot after how Unity and Black Flag handled it. Playing Odyssey makes me realize that I enjoy AC games more if idgaf for the AC aspect, rather, I play for the fictional historical tourism aspect. Just ditch the AC and voila, blue sky and fresh air. Playing Odyssey also makes me realize that I want a spin-off IP that focus on the Isu so we can go full fantasy. Do I need to say how pretty Odyssey is? lol
Origins (planned to play Origins first, but Kassandra. Also, I remember Amunet from AC2, but somehow we play as a dude in Ancient Egypt, I’m not too eager to find out, despite I prefer Egyptian mythology over Greek and I’d like to thank Yu-gi-oh for that): combat is clunky, heavy, and slow, though no need to hold R2 to run so phew. Grindy af. The bow mechanics is a decade outdated (Horizon Zero Dawn came out the same year and oh boi the difference is night and day, oh yea I played HZD before Origins. I get it the bow isn’t the focus but does it have to feel like Skyrim in 2017?). I’m glad I play this game for the Ancient Egypt (which is beautifully designed *chef kiss*) aspect and no more. 
Syndicate (I play this along side of Origins, still haven’t finished it though. Literally bought the game for Evie and I nut over Victorian fashion): combat is no different from Unity. Grindy like Black Flag and Unity. Story is meh in both historical and modern plot so far. Evie is the only reason I’m still trying to play this game. At least the Helix outfits are included in the Gold edition of the game. Victorian London is gorgeous tho.
Valhalla (only care for this game because Eivor. Tbh after God of War and Hellblade, idc for another Viking game): game is buggy af, buggiest AC game I’ve played. Combat is like Origins but worse: the only saving grace is the finishing move & the bow mechanic hasn’t been improved since Origin; I honestly would rather have combat from the Ezio games over whatever-this-is. You have to toggle a button to run now, which is dumb af because I miss Origins and Odyssey automatic run. They bring parkour back (because Vikings totally dig parkour back in the Dark Ages) as well as the-character-doesn’t-move-where-you want-them-to from the older games. Chasing flying papers from black flag is back, no thx. Looting enemies is useless, but hey you get to run around to look for a key or two or THREE to get some minimal amount of materials; so imagine if 2/3 of every chest in Origins and Odyssey are locked. Oh! You have manually pick berries/food to heal, no healing potion, wtf is this half-ass RPG shit? Side quests, oh sorry World Events, aren’t tracked in an open-world game (guess who hasn’t been doing these bitches?). Grindy af. I’m wasting my time looking at the skill points interface (you have 99 lv in Odyssey, 55 in Origins, 403 power in Valhalla. A game doesn’t feel like grindy if you level up every 2 quests for 403 times, does it? lololol). The useless SP tree is so massive that I just don’t use the skills I acquire because it takes too much time to find out which buttons to push to locate the 10 skills in this 403-dot clusterfuck, but the astronomy design is beautiful (gotta give credit when it’s due). Scummy practice from Ubi: releasing “time-saver” pack AFTER reviews are published. Also, who wanna bet there will be more mtx outfits than in-game outfits? Don’t worry, Ubi makes inventory management cLEaNeR for you *hands over 8 outfits for an RPG game*. The free event bugs tf out of your already buggy event, but hey, you’ll get a free outfit that’s a reskin of what you already have, teeheee be grateful. Eivor is amazing but by the gods playing this game is a chore. Tbh I only play Valhalla if I don’t feel like playing Ghost of Tsushima that day. Lastly, why is England so yellow like it’s Ancient Egypt?!?!? And why the sunlight moves faster than Eivor’s running at full speed? Which parts of this game does realism count?!?!?!?
Unsolicited opinion: GoT is an example of how an AC game should be and how DLCs should be handled, but with Ubisoft it will never be and I’m so fucking glad that it is Sucker Punch Prod which handles feudal Japan with utmost respect and realism. See how “honor” is handled in both games and compare the writing. Ubisoft should have announced ding dong AC is dead and create a new IP, but AC is their most financially successful franchise so expect more of this MTX, I mean, grindy RPG approach with minimal narrative. 
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|Chaos makes a muse|
hi! is it possible for me to request a horror au oneshot with jb where the reader gets kidnapped or something and she gets hurt then when he finds her he gets rlly protective and realizes how much he loves her with a fluffy ending? Have a good day :)
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It has been five months since Y/N and JB were seeing each other, apparently their relationship was getting stronger by everyday. However Y/N was working in a bakery shop that Jaebeom used to visit most of the time. 
12 pm 
You were still busy serving customers when you felt your phone buzz into your pocket, quickly heading to the employees exit door you answered the call. 
‘Y/N we need to talk, come outside.’ JB said in a serious tone.
With a deep sigh you told him to wait a few minutes, you went to the locker room to apply some lip balm and fix your messy bun. Thus, you had a really long day and all you wished for was to see him, obviously he was your everything, so lately with all these family reunions barging about their daughters getting married to rich guys and them being lucky to do so, you grew sick of hearing the same stories all the time you’d visit your parents. In fact as much as you hated these stereotype fairy tails you became interested, starting a family with JB has become one of your goals. Nevertheless you were unable to discuss this matter with him.
You checked your reflection on the small hanging mirror one more time before you made your way outside the bakery shop. Tiny drops of sweat were running down your chest due to the high temperature outside, you smiled widely once you caught his good looking sight. You slowly approached each other.
“Babe I missed you.” You attacked him with a hug.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. “Uh yeah me too, listen there’s something I need to tell you.” 
You curved an eyebrow and nodded. 
“You know that you mean the world to me and I’ve enjoyed your company all these months....but I don’t think we’re gonna work out like this.” He held your hands in his.
Your heart aches when these words left his mouth. “What do you mean we’re not gonna work out? what about all these months we spent together?”
“I don’t know but I might move to the US to run my father’s company it’s just my life’s a mess right now, you deserve someone better than me y/n.” His face show unhappiness. You dryly swallowed feeling a lamp in your throat. 
“But I really want to be with you, we can face struggles hand in hand..” You tried your best not to cry. 
He cupped your face with both hands. “I know baby girl, but it’s best for us to stop seeing each other.” 
With that being said, you pushed him away. “Alright, if that’s what you think...don’t ever come near me again, I don’t wanna see your face.” 
He tried to grab your wrist but you yanked his hand while running back inside. Once you made it to the locker room your broke in tears. 
-One hour before the end of your shift-
After your little argument with JB you decided to wipe your tears and move on with your life, you thought that all you have to do is live the moment and work hard for a brilliant future. Apart from all that being done, you and your work mate Elena were the only ones left in the shop performing your final duties before closing. 
“You good?” Elena asked with full concern. 
Forcing on a fake smile you say. “Yeah thanks.”
“Come on I heard you crying earlier...you can tell me about it instead of bottling it inside.” She patted your back. 
You shook your head. “Me and JB are no longer- omg behind you!” 
“What? who’s behind me?” Elena’s eyes widened once she turned back. “Aaaaah!” she panicked once she saw a group of thugs holding their guns to our direction. 
You forget to breath for a second when they surrounded the two of you leaving  no space for you to escape, you held each other with fear and stood still. 
Your heart beats were going unstable, yet you decided to bravely stood up for them. “You want money? okay have it! but don’t hurt us.”
A tattooed dude with men bun approached you while laughing. “How about you shut your dumb ass mouth before I shut it for you, we are here for her but since you are a witness.....” He licked his dirty lips while eyeing you up and down. “We can’t leave you behind.”
“I promise we won’t turn you out to the police, just take the money and let us go.” You stuttered. 
He scoffed. “Bitch shut your fucking mouth, one last warning.” Gritting his teeth he grip Elena’s neck while she yelled, you tried to help her but another man held you back. “Let her go you scumbag.” You yelled. 
“Long time no see mami, you thought our deal’s over? that you can run away without paying your debt? well you’re wrong muffin.” He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
She cried. “I swear I don’t have the money...please I’m sorry I will pay you back your money...this is between us let her go she has nothing to do with this I’m begging you.”
“Of course you don’t have $200,000 that’s why I came here today, both of you are coming with me tonight.” He sniffed Elena’s hair. 
You looked at her surprisingly, you never imagined that she that kind of person who would do illegal stuffs just for money now look at the trouble she caused. 
With a deep breath you say. “Listen I...I have some savings...I can give you my credit card details.” 
“How much do you have shawty?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
Clearing you throat. “$250,000.” Elena shook her head in disbelief.
“Your credit card now.” He raged at you. 
Bringing your wallet from the locker room one of the thugs went with you, cursing under your breath you pretend to search inside your bag but instead you were dialing 911, unlucky you it was on speaker so you got exposed. 
“You slut pray for your life now, move!” He grabbed your hair tightly dragging you down so you were pulled through the floor. You screamed at the top of your lungs. “Boss she called the police.” You were thrown at their boss’s feet. 
He cursed in Italian. “You think you are smart?Ah I’m gonna have to ruin your beautiful face sadly.” with that being told he slapped you making your bottom lip bleed. “Take them to the van now!” he outraged. 
-No where to be found-
You woke up to Elena’s whimpering, to your shock both of your were tightly tied to separated chairs with tape on your mouth. Thus, your wrists were hurting due to the rope’s sharp material, trying your best not to cry you shut your eyes hoping this was all a bad dream. How your life turned upside down within a minute after JB gave up on you, now you wished he was there for you to end this nightmare. 
“Now ladies we’re gonna have some fun.” Their boss says while holding a leather whip. 
One of them took off the tape from your mouth letting you have a few sips of water. “Good girl.” 
“Since y’all can’t pay back the money, you’re gonna have to chose other payment methods...Elena knows already.” He sent her a death glare. 
They untied your wrists and forced you to stand up. “You’re gonna strip for our boss.” 
At this moment your blood starts boiling, temperature arising your hands formed into fists. “Okay..” you whispered while approaching his ugly figure sitting on a chair. 
“Let me see what you got.” He smirked. 
You made a disgusted face and say. “This.” with that being said you kicked him off the chair and spat on him. “You’re the definition of disgust.” 
In a blink one of his men forced you on your knees while gripping your hair. Their boss finally went back on his feet with an angry face, you gulped in fear regretting the moment you thought you’d smarten up, now you’ll end up being hurt. “Tie her arms back facing me NOW!” He shouted at his men. Them doing as told, you tried to fight them but they were way too strong, you gritted your teeth when you felt the back of your shirt tore apart letting the cold air hit your bare skin. You could see stars when the whip came in contact with your skin, and that being repeated forcefully creating more pain.
“That’s what you get *whip* you think you’re smart? *whip* Imma teach you a lesson that you’ll never forget *whip* you dumb bitch.” He yells each time he hit your skin with the leather whip.You on the other hand was slowly loosing it.
-Jaebum’s P.O.V- 
After y/n and I had our argument that day I haven’t heard from her ever since, which has got me worried about her, I was being a coward when I pushed her away from my life, didn’t know what has gotten into me that day more likely my father was putting a lot of pressure on me asking me to give up on her and move on to the US. Yet he was wrong, from now on I’m gonna follow what my heart wants. 
I was staring at a diamond ring that I bought a while ago for y/n, deeply thinking  before my phone ringtone shook me off my thoughts quickly answering, hoping it was her. 
“Hey.” I said.
“JAE! It’s me Elena...please you gotta help us! they are hurting y/n.” A crying female’s voice caught me off guard. 
I panicked while asking her too many questions. “Wait..hold on what happen? where are you now? calm down okay...can you describe the place you are in?” 
Jogging to my car I called one of my friends to help me track their location through the phone call, driving in a high speed my whole focus was on rescuing her, tho I had no clue what was going on, but one thing I was sure about that these motherfuckers were gonna pay for everything.
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Not so long I received the location, biting my lip from frustration. “Hang on babe, here I come.”
-End of JB’s P.O.V- 
Back to you, Elena was getting punished when they found her using their phone. Tears were running down your cheek, feeling a sting in your heart because you were unable to help her. “I’m so sorry..” you mumbled while keeping eye contact with her. The room was filled with cries and sorrow.
“Now who’s gonna save your ass?” The thug says while laughing. 
“Well, that’s gonna be me.” A familiar voice caught you off guard. Your heart beats fastened when you figured who it was, Jaebum. 
“Who the fuck are you? get him!” 
Hopefully you the rope was a little long so you twisted your arms just to see the love of your life. A wide smile formed on your lips when you met his gaze. 
“Right I haven’t introduced myself..” Jb itched his eyebrow with one hand, his other was behind his back. Quickly pulling a nail bat he hit the thug’s face hard. “I’m your worst nightmare motherfucker.” 
JB hurried to you with a worried face while untying you, once your wrists were free you fell into his arms. “Easy there sweetie, you’re gonna be okay.” He kissed your forehead. Wrapping his hands around your back you whimpered in pain and backed away from him. “What’s wrong y/n?” He reached to you but you yanked his arm, this time he didn’t back away in fact he grabbed your wrists and slowly turned you to back face him. “Oh my god...” 
“Who did this to you!?” JB held both your shoulders while gritting his teeth. “It’s him..” With that being said, JB jumped on the same guy that was hit throwing punches on his face. “She’s just a women asshole!!!” 
As much as you wanted the jerk to pay for what he did to you, it wasn’t fair to watch him die under your lover’s hands. “Enough Jae!!!” You yelled. 
Apparently JB weren’t buying any of this, he was getting more aggressive. Holding his nail bat he kept hitting the thug’s back till he bled. “No one hurts her and gets to live!” Other scumbags were coming at him but he eliminated them with each smack on the face. Not too long the police came and took the criminals away, and provided first aid service. 
-A week after-
After the incident you stayed a few days at the hospital till your wounds fully recovered. Everyday JB would bring you rose bouquets and chocolate, sometimes he would stay the night while holding your hand. 
At the moment you were staying at his apartment since he insisted on taking care of you. You appreciated everything that he did for you yet you was still mad at him. Laying down the sofa you were eating ice cream while watching a tv show. 
“Hey y/n come with me.”JB said with a slight smile. 
You pouted cus you couldn’t finish your ice cream. “Where?”
“Trust me, it’s a surprise.” He held your chin slowly leaning in. 
You knew he was going to kiss you but you placed your finger on his lips. “You’re not getting any kisses just yet.” 
“Oh why not? don’t I deserve sum...”He narrowed his eyebrows. “It’s alright lets go bae.” 
He led the way to his bedroom, once you walked inside your jaw dropped.
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 You turned to face him but he bent on one knee holding a ring box. You gasped in shock. 
“Yeah..I know it’s too late, I almost loosed you..I realized that my life without you is useless...so um haha...Will you marry me y/n?” He says in a cheerful tone. 
You laughed at how cute he sounded, tears formed in your eyes due to happiness. Finally your wish came true. “Yes.” hearing your answer he stood up to spin you around. “Oh you’re making me dizzy haha..”
“Sorry...I love you so much.” He caressed your hair.
“I love you too, now...” You whispered before you planted a kiss on his lips. 
He made a pouting face. “Oh man finally I get to taste your cherry lips again.” 
“Don’t be dramatic.” You suppressed a laugh before you crawled on bed. Following after you he rubbed your back gently. “Do they still hurt?” 
“A little.” You hummed. 
“I could kiss all your wounds babe, you’re safe and I’m always by your side.” He assured before kissing your lips again. 
*Happy ending Yay!* 
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~So I hope you enjoy reading, always feel free to request. 
(Gifs not mine.)
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bthump · 5 years
madchen replied to your post “Let's say Griffith was kinda aware of his feelings. What kind of...”
omg the razing falconia one... these are all so good especially the fact that griffith would have cliche dubcon fantasies about enemy warlord guts fucking him. like he wants it but he wants guts to take it from him so he doesn’t have to make that choice, and irl guts would never do anything like that to griffith which is why it’s so good. and griffith would try so hard to not bring emotions into it but he’s def finished once while accidentally imagining guts telling him “i love you”- and it fucked him up good afterwards. doooo you have any thoughts on like flip side guts fantasies involving griffith? like canon, post eclipse, au where they get together, any spin really? i think guts is way more like, sweet and vanilla in his imagination than griffith (tho griffith is vanilla too just more active imagination) + idol more basic? but man…he’s just so canonically focused on griffs physical beauty and says some romantic ass shit it’s gotta be saccharine and ridiculous sometimes griffith def fantasizes about like, calling guts to his tent and complimenting him on being an Excellent Soldier or whatever and “rewards” him via a blowjob. or like corny gay porn scenario where griffith makes that “wow what a big sword i wouldn’t be able to handle it” comment he makes in the ovas that leads to like griffith jerking him off of w/e
God like I wish I had the ability to start and then finish a fic because I feel like Guts and Griffith’s fantasies about each other would make a great series of character studies lmao. Like Griffith coming when he accidentally thinks about Guts telling him he loves him and then being out of sorts all day, that’s solid stuff right there.
Also ngl that “it’s an amazing sword, I could never wield it” line (which is also in the manga actually, tho the ova adds a suggestive sword movement so credit where it’s due) is such a perfect cliche porn intro, it would be tragic if it never featured in either of their fantasies.
As for Guts’ fantasies... during the Golden Age honestly I don’t think his fantasies would’ve ever got further than imagining leaning in and brushing Griffith’s hair back during the staircase Zodd conversation, or something like that. Coming back from his dream journey, meeting Griffith again as his equal, embracing him in a manly fashion, aaaaaand then his mind trails off and he gets moody and scowly for no apparent reason. It’s really hard for me to imagine him as self aware about wanting to fuck Griffith back then.
Tho maybe in the very early days he’d think about it, yk not long after he asked Griffith if he was gay, offered sex as stakes for the duel, and got all “commander Griffith, are you trying to seduce me” before the naked waterfight. But I don’t think he’d make the connection between wondering about it and wanting it at that point. And I feel like once he started considering Griffith his friend those thoughts would mostly fade. And if the question of sex with Griffith popped into his head again later on it would be with a bit of exasperation and bemusement, rather than any longing (that he’s aware of). So less a fantasy and more of an occasionally recurring stray thought that he doesn’t want to consider too closely.
He would’ve started thinking about sex as a real option, at least one he could’ve/should’ve pursued in the past, about 20 minutes after realizing he shouldn’t’ve left at the end of chapter 71, but then the Eclipse happened and he had other things to think about lol.
But I think Guts definitely, like honestly very nearly canonically as far as I’m concerned, started fantasizing about him properly after NGriff’s resurrection.
Like you’re gonna look at this page and tell me Guts did not jerk it while picturing this that very night?
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Please. Let’s be reasonable here.
Throw in the Beast of Darkness’ taunts about Guts dreaming about Griffith and longing for him and Guts’ urge to get “closer and closer to Griffith” through a sexual act, and I consider this reading a pretty easy sell lol.
Anyway at this point Guts’ fantasies about Griffith would be a wildly confusing and painful mashup of regret and longing for the past and just replaying moments with Griffith in his head imagining actually going for it and kissing Griffith and having sex with him and never ruining anyone’s life, and like dark and violent fantasies about NeoGriffith. Like lbr here we already saw eroguro shit with Casca thanks to the Beast of Darkness, that style of dark is a shoe-in.
To get more detailed wrt the former, at this point I feel like Guts is aware that Griffith loved him. It’s not something he often wants to think about because it makes him sad and confused, but he knows it. A dude doesn’t destroy his own life and spend a year in a torture chamber after you leave him just because you’re his bff. He knows that there’s a good chance if he kissed Griffith back then, Griffith would’ve wanted it and everything else Guts could give him.
Guts would imagine kissing him during a night of like victory celebrations or w/e and having tender emotional sex in one of their dark tents. He’d imagine kissing him and sucking him off against a tree after the ‘do you think i’m cruel’ conversation to demonstrate exactly how he sees Griffith. He’d imagine bending Griffith over the desk in his study, lying together with him as Griffith reads one of his books, bathing together and getting playful in the water, fighting back to back and fucking after emerging victorious, Griffith saving his life and then kissing him passionately in a thank-god-you’re-alive way. Griffith lying on top of him, leaning down to kiss him with his hair falling around Guts’ head like a curtain. Griffith telling him about Gennon and telling Guts how good and unlike him or any other monster he is.
Not realistic but yk emotionally true, maybe strolling right up the Promrose Hall steps and kissing Griffith in front of Charlotte to directly and smugly challenge his speech, leaving him dazed and needy and staring at him like he’s the only thing in the world. Guts would imagine that focused gaze a lot in hindsight, after missing its significance at the time.
Ooh and Guts would have a few fantasies of Griffith watching him and jerking off to him. Like he’d fantasize about Griffith fantasizing about him. “I found someone I really wanted to have look at me,” come on. He wants to be wanted so bad.
Oh and speaking of that, a lot of his dark present-day fantasies would involve forcing NGriff to look at him and acknowledge him. And like, that could easily veer into sad angst too, imagining seeing glimpses of his Griffith through NGriff’s mask while he’s fucking him and/or stabbing a sword through him or whatever else, that kind of thing.
Liiiiike Guts is a giant mess at this point of the story, it’s perfect for cramming in all this wildly emotional stuff lol. He’s having a bad time psychologically and this mix of tenderness and regret and painful emotional truths and neediness and loneliness and rage and violence and hatred and love, man, it could all manifest through this longing for Griffith.
Oh and finally in like, say an AU where they got together during the Golden Age and lived happily ever after, a lot of the human Griffith fantasies would still apply like yk Guts getting off to Griffith getting off to him, life-saving, fighting together, etc.
But I think Guts in that situation would also have some possessive fantasies as well, especially if he’s feeling a little neglected while Griffith pursues his dream. Leaving mild marks and bruises so Griffith thinks about him throughout the day, fantasizing about teasing him so he’s uncomfortably turned on before a meeting with nobles or something, maybe more out there, unrealistic fantasies like having the ability to touch him from a distance or being invisible and (consensually imo) caressing him while he’s socializing at a ball until Griffith’s poker face breaks (but no humilliation kink, that wouldn’t be Guts’ style, the fantasy would just end at that point imo), yk that kind of thing.
Also if he hasn’t heard the Promrose Hall speech, after a while of having regular sex with Griffith I think he’d probably be somewhat into the idea of v mild d/s with Griffith giving orders. More praise kink than anything, like Griffith telling him exactly how he wants to be fucked or blown in a moderately commanding way, and Guts doing it and Griffith being very vocal in his appreciation, telling him how good he is. I feel like I just described a sex scenario more than a fantasy, but yk Guts could imagine it for a while before doing it, and I feel like Griffith would actually not be into that so it might stay a fantasy.
And he’d fantasize about Griffith fucking him for a while before he got the nerve to ask him to.
Ok that’s all I got for now, ty for asking and giving me the opportunity to write another giant post about griffguts sexual fantasies lol. lmk if you have any more thoughts on this!
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