#I don’t remember what it started as but every freaking time we ran into these fuckers they were calling themselves something new
dawnstarranger · 1 year
Kinda wanna change my blog name on here but I’m too lazy lmao
#so it’s from the last campaign I played (like duh)#our party ended up encountering this group of rivals#an anti-us if you will#not that these rivals were bad guys#don’t get it twisted#they were just much better than us at least on paper#professional adventurers with a cohesive backstory and established friendships etc etc#we on the other hand were the definition of a ragtag team of misfits#a dwarven prince an alcoholic ranger a cultist genasi Druid#a frat bro paladin and a gnomish articifier who got kicked out of his guild#suffice to say we were both low key and high key the baddies at several points#(still saved the world tho gotta take some credit where credit is due)#ANYWAY#we encounter our rivals and they are not fucking impressed thank you very much#it kinda went back and first between working together and sabotaging each other#but anyway they had a party name from the get go (and we were very anti naming the party)#I don’t remember what it started as but every freaking time we ran into these fuckers they were calling themselves something new#order of the dawn was one of the names I remember that much#ANYWAY we added our paladin to the campaign about halfway through#and had to catch him up on a lot of shit including those assholes#mind you#we had started telling random people we were (party name) in hopes that either they’d treat us better if they thought we were legit#or we could just blame our many misdeeds on them#it wasn’t until dear Edmund really thought we were calling ourselves the Dawn Stars that we realized#we hadn’t actually stolen their name - they NEVER FUCKiNg CALLED THEMSELVES THAT#we were so awful as a collective that we made up this name because we couldn’t be assed to remember our rivals stupid team name#so we became the Dawn Stars totally against our will#we tried to drop the bit once we realized but Edmund couldn’t be convinced#so the Dawn Stars we remained#anyways thanks for coming to my dumbass Ted talk
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joequiinn · 3 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 1
[chap two] | [all chapters here]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: Was I the only one who turned 18 a month into their senior year and then proceeded to spiral and become The Worst version of themself possible?? Well, this fic is semi-inspired by that shitty part of my life lmao. Reader figure skates though. I can’t figure skate, hurts my feet lol. I never expected to write a fake dating story, but Eddie Munson has had me bewitched for nearly 2 years now, so here we go.
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Chapter One
The idea came to you during a student council meeting as the class president was droning on about the ‘85 homecoming preparations: you needed to do something crazy, something completely and utterly out of character.
Maybe it was because of your ex breaking up with you just weeks before school started. Maybe it was that senior year itch. Maybe it was the realization that you were turning 18 next week. Hell, maybe you just woke up that morning with a strong sense that the things in your life were no longer satisfying you.
Whatever the cause, since the start of your senior year, you’ve just felt so off.
Your ex, Duncan, breaking up with you right before school started was a low blow, and an absolutely shitty feeling - you didn’t date much, but when you did, it was never the guy that ended things. It wasn’t shitty because you were in love and oh so heartbreak, it wasn’t shitty because you saw a future with him. It was shitty because of how goddamn embarrassing it was.
To your peers, you were a couple that made sense, and in fact people had been urging you to go out for a while. And, obviously, you had grown to like him, considering that you were in a relationship for six months - you never would have put up with him for that long if you didn’t actually like him. But the fact that he broke up with you, and not the other way around, left a sour, spiteful taste in your mouth.
So, perhaps it was that break-up that made you feel different this entire month. Or maybe it was your impending 18th birthday, which made you realize just how close you were to legal adulthood. Whatever the cause, every single aspect of your life up to this point suddenly came under your deep scrutiny. You just weren’t… happy?
That made it sound bad, but what were you enjoying right now? What got you excited every day? As you sat in the student council meeting, zoning out since the very start, you came to think that maybe you had nothing going on right now that you genuinely wanted in your life.
Hell, you weren’t even on the student council because you enjoyed it, Janet just dragged you into it back in your sophomore year. You figured she loved the sense of importance it gave her. She and everyone else in the council probably got off on how important they felt, the dictators of Hawkins High School.
You always ran in this crowd, and before you never questioned it. The popular kids, the rich kids, the successful kids. You don’t remember ever choosing these friends and acquaintances - if anything, it seemed that these peers were all a constant, as if they’d always been there from the very start. You figured it was the natural state of the world - as the daughter of one of the richest men in town, you were predestined to end up here. Not here as in the student council, surrounded by other spoiled rich kids debating the difference between turquoise and cyan. But here in an even broader sense - in a finely curated life, in all the “right” circles, on the path to either greatness or becoming the trophy wife of greatness.
Up until now, you’d never questioned it. Yes, mom and dad, you were a popular kid whose free time was fully booked between college prep, figure skating, student council, dates with a cookie-cutter boyfriend, and everything else under the sun. Yes, mom and dad, you were doing everything they all told you too because it would look great on your college applications, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, because that’s how things have always been done.
It started to dawn on you maybe a week or so into the school year just how mundane you were - you never questioned your time spent skating or on extracurriculars, you never went against the order of things as dictated by only the most popular of your peers. That’s just what was done, what was always done. But after your ex dared to break up with you, you came to realize recently that maybe all of this wasn’t what you wanted - maybe it was time to start making some choices for yourself instead of worrying what your parents told you or what your peers thought or what to do to keep your boyfriend semi-happy.
So, you started to consider what exactly it was that you wanted. And that proved to be more challenging than you anticipated, which probably would have sounded extremely pathetic if you had said it to any of the people sitting next to you.
Did you like figure skating? Of course, it was your idea after all. What you didn’t like was the pressure from your mother to train and become an Olympian, a feat that was never your intention when you took up the sport at six years old. Besides, you told her, you were way past the age for trials, you’d never get in (or, at least, that’s what you told her, because how the hell would you know whether or not there was a cut off age).
Did you like your friends? You thought so - you’d known them virtually your entire life, so you never questioned your relationship with them. But proximity didn’t necessarily go hand-in-hand with likeability. Maybe some of them you actually liked, but the rest? No, they were just around because they always had been.
Did you like your relationship before Duncan broke up with you? No, probably not. Of course, your opinion of him and that entire relationship was soured now, but even at the time, you were probably just going through the motions, doing things that couples do without any real heart in it.
So… What did you want? What did you actually like?
It was jarring to realize that your entire life had been dictated and finely tuned for you from the moment you were born, that even the things you wanted had been molded into new shapes by your parents or your peers or your teachers.
Once you realized how little of your life was in your own hands, you couldn’t get it out of your head. You always saw yourself as someone who was in control, as someone who couldn’t be told shit. And yet, you came to realize that that was far from the truth. It was as if suddenly everything about your life was something you hated. You hated your classes, you hated your friends, you hated running in the same circle as your ex, you hated all your obligations. Through the first few weeks of senior year, all you felt was frustration, disinterest, and absolute boredom with everything around you. Something had to change. And during the bullshit student council meeting, you became determined to make it happen.
So, over the course of that boring as all hell meeting, you tried to figure out what you wanted, and how you were going to get it. You set a goal for yourself, silly but helpful considering the structure you were so accustomed to: you’d set your plan in motion on your birthday. New year, new you, right?
Once you gave yourself that deadline, you then had to think about what exactly you were trying to accomplish - yes, you wanted to make some major changes, you wanted to, in a way, become a new person, but how were you going to do that?
You settled on four key things to keep in mind:
You wanted to piss off your parents big time - your dad barely acknowledged your existence and your mom coddled you, so actually upsetting them would be a feat unto itself. You had to become so awful that even your mother would stop making excuses for you.
You needed to drop your friends - the more you thought about all the people you grew up alongside, the more you realized that you weren’t particularly interested  in relationships with any of them. Whether you made new friends or not wasn’t a priority, in fact you kind of liked the idea of just being left alone.
You had to figure out what you actually enjoyed - outside of skating, you had no idea what really interested you, what you would like to do with your life and your free time. You figured it was time to do some self reflection and focus on finding things that you’d actually enjoy.
And, most importantly, you had to get back at your ex. Yeah, it was stupid to be motivated by a boy, but nothing would make you happier than seeing him worked up and frustrated. Your focus wasn’t on trying to win him back or anything like that - you wanted to piss him off, to exact some kind of revenge for making you look like an idiot when he broke up with you at a party that all your friends had attended.
How you were going to accomplish these, however, was yet to be determined. But they were a damn good starting point, and they got you motivated to become an absolute nuisance to everyone around.
The Friday following the student council meeting, you decided to first experiment with a little something, satiate a mild curiosity. To anyone else, it was probably the most mundane thing in the world, but to a high schooler who thought graduation was life or death, doing anything out of the ordinary felt nail-biting.
You were going to sit at a new lunch table.
You had just two days left until your birthday, until you’d officially set your plan in motion, so you still had a little more time to come up with something. So far, you couldn’t think of shit. You were already someone who was blunt and commanding and mean, whose thoughts and feelings were always on your face, so people were used to you being bossy and a little miserable - you couldn’t start being meaner or blunter, you just knew that wouldn’t be enough. Maybe you could start skipping class, maybe you could start flaking on friends, but somehow none of that felt like enough, like it wouldn’t make a statement. You had to really make an impression, to really set yourself up for a total ruination of your social status, you just hadn’t figured out how.
But a new lunch table was as good a starting point as any, right?
You chose a table at the far end of the lunchroom; customarily your group of friends, acquaintances, and ex sat centrally, surrounded by the jocks on one side and the academics on the other. The new table you chose was only occupied by two other people, a dorky little couple who looked at you funny when you sat as far from them as possible. In turn, you gave them an icy cold glare, prompting them to look away quickly, like you were a Medusa who could turn them to stone.
Your stupid little lunchroom plan was a bust, though. Five minutes into your peaceful lunch, your two closest friends, Amelia and Janet found you, each looking perplexed and put-off by your seat of choice. They looked around before lowering into the seats around you, their expression full of something akin to disgust, as if sitting at a different table was that offensive.
“What are we doing over here?” Amelia asked judgmentally, eyeing the couple at the opposite end of the table. Across the lunchroom, a few people (including Duncan) from your usual lunch table looked at you funny, “It’s like we’re exiled or something.”
So dramatic, you thought while staring harshly at her.
“Change of scenery.” You answered plainly, stabbing at the food in front of you. Amelia hummed in acknowledgement, but still made it quite clear that she didn’t agree with the decision.
“What, does this have something to do with Duncan?” She jabbed, receiving another nasty look from you, “So, he’s a jerk? Get over it.”
You should’ve known this idea was too simple to work. Of course they’d just follow you like the lemmings that they were, just as unable to make their own decisions as you were. Yeah, you definitely needed to try something bigger to scare them off.
Briefly, you thought that you could maybe tell them, just say point blank, “Amelia, Janet, I hate being around you and this friendship is done.” But, again, you figured that wouldn’t be good enough, that they’d laugh at your mean sense of humor even if you reiterated yourself. In this crowd, being mean was never enough to make your point, because all of you were nasty, not only to each other but to virtually everyone you met.
And despite your well-known attitude problem, you still cared about Amelia and Janet, flaws and all. These were the girls that you’d known since you were five years old, of course you worried about their feelings at least a little bit - nearly 13 years of friendship would do that to anyone. Guess you had more of a heart than you gave yourself credit for.
You definitely needed a foolproof plan to get out of this friendship, this social circle, this popular bubble that you’d always been trapped in. The friendship had to end without you saying so. You had to push them out until they finally gave up on you. Make it seem like it was their idea, that would definitely work on them.
As you schemed, Amelia and Janet chatted around you. Various acquaintances stopped by the table, all with the same question: what the hell were you guys doing sitting all the way out here? Even Duncan was amongst those that asked, trying to ignore the way you glared daggers at him. Amelia and Janet gave various responses, all of which put blame on you as if this simple little decision meant their utter ruination.
As Duncan was preparing to walk back to your usual lunch table, a commotion rose out in the hallway, the echo of rapid footfall drifting in through the doors. Multiple heads turned to face the cafeteria doors with curiosity, some people peeked out into the hall to check what the yelling was about, scurrying back to their friends to report what they’d seen. You, Amelia, Janet, and Duncan all waited silently, sharing raised brows and curious looks.
Not even a minute later, Eddie freaking Munson came crashing into the lunchroom, a look of total glee on his face as he cackled, not even remotely fazed by all the eyes on him. As he tumbled through the cafeteria doors, you jumped a little at the burst of sound. Eddie’s disruption turned everyone’s heads now, the lunchroom silent in shock and loathing as the resident outcast ran between tables, heading for the set of doors at the opposite end of the room. Your gaze was locked on the shit disturber as he blew past your table, carelessly running into Duncan in the process, but even that collision didn’t slow him down. Duncan yelled at him, but Eddie was focused on one goal, and if this were a cartoon you definitely would have seen dust kick up behind him from how quickly he was moving.
Not too far behind was Coach Miller, a look of absolute rage marring his puffy red face as he pursued Eddie. It didn’t even seem to cross his mind that he was making a fool of himself in front of the entire student body - his only focus was stopping the offender of whatever shenanigans currently pissed him off.
Your gaze turned back to the excited Eddie, an undeniable curiosity rising in you - what the hell did he do to piss off Coach Miller this bad? Sure, the coach was always pretty damn temperamental, but you couldn’t recall ever seeing him look quite this upset before.
Eddie paused at the cafeteria doors to turn and pull a mocking face at the coach before darting from the room, as if nothing in the world could touch him and he was unstoppable.
As Coach Miller disappeared after Eddie and students returned to their usual conversations, albeit with an air of awkwardness, you stared at the cafeteria doors thoughtfully.
That’s when an idea began to form.
You needed to take a page out of Eddie Munson’s book. If anyone in this school knew how to be a thorn in everyone’s side, it was him. So, you spent the remainder of your lunch brainstorming, trying to figure out how to channel even a sliver of Eddie’s energy; you only chimed into the conversation when someone spoke to you directly.
In the middle of fifth period, you still weren’t quite sure what your game plan was, but you at least had a vague starting point. While your history teacher rambled on about some significant European war that you couldn’t begin to care about, you tapped your pencil as you thought about Eddie Munson (a sentence that very nearly grossed you out).
You’ve known about him since your freshman year - at the time, he was a year ahead of you, but since then he’d been held back. People always sneered when talking about him, as if Eddie was the most offensive thing they’d ever encountered, as if he was some kind of plague. He went against all social norms you’d learned up to that point, he was contradictory to everything you’d ever been taught about social conduct and likeability - he wore ratty clothes, listened to scary music, acted out in the most theatrical ways possible, and never seemed to give a shit what anyone thought.
You had never spoken to Eddie personally. Through the years you’d had a few classes together, including your math class this year, so you’ve witnessed some of his antics. But really, you knew nothing about the guy. Just the things that everyone else told you, and those things were nothing good. Whether or not Eddie was as bad as people said didn’t matter to you. His reputation was shit, and in this instance that’s exactly what you needed.
So, how were you going to ruin your senior year with the help of Eddie Munson? Well, at the very least, maybe you first had to have a conversation with him. It would be pretty stupid to walk up to him and go “hey, Munson, I know everyone here hates you, how about we chat and you make them hate me, too!”
Maybe you needed to find a way to hang out with him? Pretend to be friends long enough that the rest of the student body begins to ostracize you? With a little amused huff, an even worse thought crossed you: maybe you needed to pretend you were interested in Eddie Munson for a while, that was sure to piss just about everyone off. Especially Duncan.
But then the idea gave you pause.
You could not pretend to flirt with, or even date, Eddie fucking Munson. No chance in hell that would work. No way he would go for it, and no way you’d be able to tolerate him long enough to convince anyone that you were even remotely into him.
But… maybe?
Shit, what a stupid idea.
Or maybe it was a brilliant one.
You mulled it over a few minutes longer - if you were going to, somehow, convince Eddie Munson to pretend to date you, you needed to offer him something in exchange, that was obvious. You needed to give him a good reason to help you out, or this plan was never going to work. Its chances of success already seemed slim to none.
You had one idea, though you weren’t entirely certain if he’d go for it.
Your Uncle Tom was a cop, had been with the force your entire life - and you’d bet he’s probably had at least one run-in with Eddie. Maybe you’d tell Eddie that you could get cops to leave him alone, to stop watching him wearily whenever they were around. You couldn’t promise him too much, of course, but you knew at the very least that you could get your uncle to leave him alone. Or you could even take the fall here and there for whatever trouble Eddie inevitably lands himself in - what cop was stupid enough to arrest the niece of a cop and the daughter of a man who owned half of Hawkins?
It wasn’t foolproof, and you knew there were flaws to be found, but it just might work.
So, with your mind made up, you rip a scrap of paper from your notebook and scribble out a quick message:
Let’s make a deal. Sunday. You pick the time and place. Locker #436
You’d hoped that Eddie would be smart enough to realize that you wanted him to write you back, to drop his own stupid note in your locker so you could meet up and tell him your stupid, crazy idea. God, this better work.
You swiftly raise your hand in the air, giving a small impatient wave when your teacher didn’t acknowledge you right away, instead trying to focus on his lecture.
He rolled his eyes when he spotted your hand in the air, pointing at you and saying in an annoyed monotone, “What’s so important that you’re interrupting?”
Without any hesitation, you state bluntly, “Lady troubles.”
The teacher looks shocked by how plainly you stated it. But because it was you that said it and not someone else, your peers didn’t dare laugh, although a couple boys seemed to choke in surprise or amusement.
“Go, go…” Your teacher waved you off before continuing his lecture, wanting to forget the small interaction entirely.
You exited the room and roamed the halls confidently. Eddie’s locker wasn’t hard to miss - he was one of the students that decorated the metal with crude permanent marker sketches, and the school was too cheap to care about replacing or painting over it. As you approached Eddie’s locker, you checked around to make sure no one spotted you; it wasn’t as if you were committing a crime, but you didn’t need anyone wondering what you were up to in case this plan didn’t work.
So, you slipped the note into his locker, returned to class, and waited impatiently for the final bell of the day to ring, hoping that Eddie would actually stop by his locker and not just leave school without ever seeing your note.
When the end of the day came, it took everything in your power not to rush back to your own locker - just in case, you didn’t want him spotting you there. Why all the secrecy, you sure as hell didn’t know, but you nonetheless continued it.
So, you waited, stopping into the bathroom to check your makeup, walking with Amelia and Janet as they stopped at their own lockers. As the three of you exited the building and walked into the parking lot, you pretended to remember something, telling them that you needed to run back inside. You said your quick goodbyes and went back to wandering the halls, finally opening up your own locker.
It was stupid that your heart leapt when you saw a crudely torn piece of paper resting on top of some of your belongings.
You opened it quickly, eagerly reading the metalhead’s response:
Picnic table behind the football field, 4.
God, what were you getting yourself into.
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eomayas · 11 months
all the rumors are true • bbh
pairing: idol!baekhyun x f!idol!reader
genre: fluff & angst
synopsis: your secret relationship with baekhyun getting revealed, and what comes after.
warnings: none!
a/n: very self indulgent lmao i had this thought a few days ago and needed to get it out! the ending is a bit choppy i ran out of thoughts. heavily unedited and not proof read 🫣
“yes, i take care of all of them,” you laugh, nodding at the radio show hosts question about if it’s hard being a leader to a group of 4, including yourself. “especially our youngest.” you say, glancing over at sunny, the baby of your group.
“what’s the age difference between you and her?” the host asks.
“six years,” you say, making the host gasp.
“ah, so you’re 28… that means she was 16 when you debuted?” the host looks between you and sunny, both of you nodding. “wow, so you probably have had no time for dating since even before debut!”
you laugh, though it’s 90% true, which sucks. “yes, because she was so young when we were trainees—we all were—i was always with them to make sure they stayed out of trouble and weren’t around strange people,” you say, your eyes sliding over all of your members. “so, no, there hasn’t been a lot of time to date. but i’m not mad at that because i was taking care of my babies.” everyone chuckles at the last bit and mingwa puts her head on your shoulder.
“y/n needs somebody to take care of her!” heejin, the second to youngest member shouts. you smile and shake your head at her words, though they’re unbelievably true. if only the public knew that you were, though. that instead of laying your head on a soft pillow every night, you lied down on a hard chest and let strong arms hold you tight, while soft kisses on the top of your head lulled you to sleep.
“girl, i’m your candy,” sunny sings quietly. you don’t cut your eyes at her immediately, but the panic bubbles in your chest. nobody mentions her singing, or sings along, but sunny and mingwa share a quick look that freaks you out, makes you paranoid that in a few hours when the video recording of this session is posted, speculations will start.
you glance at sunny, hoping to catch her eye, but she’s engrossed in what the host is talking about. you can barely hear above your heartbeat in your ears, the blood rushing through so quickly it’s starting to give you a headache. you try to discreetly regulate your breathing, trying to remember those videos talking about square breathing that you found online. nobody seems to notice, except mingwa who taps your forearm and looks at you with concern that you brush off.
you manage to make it through the rest of the interview as normal as possible. you start talking a lot less, letting your members share more about themselves and the group, and nobody except for mingwa clocks that you were mentally somewhere else.
saying your goodbyes, the four of you get up and shuffle out of the radio station and into the outside world where dozens of cameras await. the shutters fly at rapid pace, and the flash on some of them are nearly blinding, but you and your group smile and pose, despite the chaos happening.
shuffling into the car, you let the three others get inside first. you take the last seat in the sprinter van and buckle yourself in, resting your head against the headrest. “y/n, are you alright?” mingwa asks, concern clear and evident in her voice. you let out a breath and sit up, turning around to look at sunny.
“why did you start singing ‘candy’, soojin?” you ask, using her full name. she looks at you with wide eyes at her government being called and holds her hands up in surrender. “do you know what people are going to say?”
“sorry, mom,” she shoots back, giving you an incredulous look. “all they’re going to say is that i’m acting exactly like how the youngest person is supposed to be acting—interrupting you and singing over everybody. nobody is going to say anything about you and baekhyun.” you press your lips together, stumped because she’s most likely right, even though you have an inkling in the back of your brain that somebody is going to take notice, and make something out if it.
“well, you don’t really want people thinking you go around interrupting everybody,” you chastise. sunny rolls her eyes at you and sighs dramatically.
“we are quite literally the perfect group—i don’t know why you are so worried about our image all the time,” she says. you decide that the conversation is over, and sit facing forward again. sunny doesn’t understand that everything, at the end of the day, falls on you. people look at you like you birthed these girls and raised them up yourself. if one of them screw up, it falls on the entire group but rests on your shoulders to clean up. your image is so important to uphold, because there has only ever been one scandal to your groups name at the beginning of your careers that you did everything possible to stop the public from shaming you and the girls. it’s not easy to do that.
the ride is silent, save for their nails tapping against their phone screens. you sit with your eyes closed and your head leaned back, ready to dive into bed and maybe call baekhyun. maybe.
“would it really be that bad if everybody knew about you and baekhyun?” sunny asks, cutting into the silence. you open your eyes, but don’t turn around. the hair on your arms stands up at his name being mentioned so loudly, somewhere that isn’t the safety of your dorms.
“yes,” you reply. you think about the uproar it would cause, and what it would do to your career. his would be fine, of course, because the dismissal is never the same for men as it is for women. your group would probably have to disband, or you’d have to leave. it would look terrible, especially since you are the leader, if this was public news. “it would be awful, sunny. i cant lose my career over a man.” and while a nasty pang of guilt rips through your chest, it’s the truth.
“but… you told me you think that you love him. that’s not enough?” when she says these words, it’s like she’s 16 again, asking you why the world was mad at your group for a rumor about heejin. her voice is small, naive almost, and it reminds you how far apart you two really are.
you can’t help that your eyes start to water. “soojin, can we talk about this later?” you ask, blinking back the tears. you swallow thickly and pull your headphones out of your pocket, turning up your music loudly to block out any thoughts of you and baekhyun, and the public finding out.
getting back to the dorms, you head straight for your room. you close the door behind you and pull out your headphones and sigh, your head pounding. flopping onto the bed, you bury your face in the pillows and close your eyes.
you’re disrupted by a knock only moments later, and you let out a breath before telling whoever it is to come in. “y/n?” sunny’s voice calls from the doorway.
“yeah?” you roll over and sit up on your elbows to look at her. she gives you a sheepish smile and comes over to your bed, crawling in bed next to you like she used when you guys were trainees and she kissed her family.
scooting over, you make space for her to rest her head on your shoulder, your arm wrapping around her. “sorry for earlier. i guess i’m just trying to see the positive side to it,” sunny says.
“it’s fine,” you sigh. “i’m just super paranoid.”
“is baekhyun?” she asks.
you shake your head above her. it’s amazing to you that he seems to have no qualms or fears about your relationship becoming public. he’s fine with it being a secret or being news, and it makes you feel like shit, like it looks like you’re afraid of being seen with him. though it’s far from that. “no, and i guess that’s what makes me more stressed out. because he’s too chill about it, and doesn’t seem to be worried.”
“he’s old,” sunny snorts and you chuckle. there’s only four years between you and him, so she’s technically calling you old too, but you don’t say anything. “are you gonna tell him you love him?” she asks after a beat of silence. you still against her and she lifts her head to look at you.
it’s a sensitive subject—you and baekhyun haven’t said it yet. you won’t say it, because you’re afraid it’ll open a dam of bad things starting to happen. like once it’s out in the open, the worst possible thing could happen to your relationship. “maybe. i don’t know. probably not,” you ramble.
sunny gives you a sad look and squeezes you into a hug. she doesn’t say anything, and neither do you, but enough passes between the two of you. i’m here for you, she says. i know, you say back.
baekhyuns hands are on your ribs, holding you firmly and pressing you flush against the side of his car as he takes you into a nice, soft kiss. your arms snake around his neck, your fingers playing with the ends of his hair at his neck.
his lips move slowly against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease. your chest burns with adoration and want, and him tugging you closer to him only makes you throb. pulling away, his mouth chases yours and you let him kiss you again, this time letting him tilt your head back so you’re practically lying against the car.
it’s risky to be out in the open like this, but the parking garage is secluded and for residents of his apartment only. you would see and hear anybody coming through, but so far you haven’t in the last seven minutes.
you pull away from him again, and stop his advances by gently pressing your fingers to his lips. “baekhyun,” you say softly. he kisses your fingertips and then your cheek.
“yes?” he says, looking into your eyes with an intensity that makes your knees weak, so much so that you rest your weight against the car.
“can we go inside?” you ask, your fingers dancing on his cheek. he nods and kisses your palm before grabbing it and taking you to the elevators. baekhyun wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side, kissing your temple for a long time, all the way until the doors open, and then pulling you down the hallway to his apartment.
he helps you out of your coat and hangs it up. “what do you want to eat?” he asks as you step out of your shoes.
“bold of you to assume i’m hungry,” you tease, but you’re always hungry around him, and you are hungry right now. baekhyun rolls his eyes at you and repeats his question. “i don’t know. chicken? ramen? rice? whatever you want.” you say, kissing his lips. he holds you close for a beat before letting you go so he can get something started for the two of you.
you bound to the living room and sprawl out on his large couch, turning the tv onto one of the many shows you two have started watching together. you get comfortable and pull a blanket over you, snuggling into the cushions while he busies himself with the task of making dinner.
baekhyun comes into the living room with two bowls of food a few minutes later. you sit up and thank him as you accept the dish, crossing your legs and resting the bowl in your lap. “what did i miss?” he asks, and you catch him up on the show in between bites.
you two eat in a close and comfortable silence. he’d probably have his arm around you if it wasn’t uncomfortable while you two were eating. the close proximity is enough though, your knees touching and his right arm lightly bumping into your left.
you set your bowl on the table, ready to get up to get a drink but baekhyun gets up quicker than you, already knowing what you want. he goes into the kitchen and comes back with two glasses of water. it feels like the world is slipping beneath your feet, and you could cry because of him.
this is the taking care of that heejin said you needed. you finally have it—he’s always like this with you, feeding you, making sure you’re well rested and fed and just okay. he takes whatever worries you have and throws them on his back and just lets you be.
after dinner, you and baekhyun retreat to his bedroom. you lie on his bare chest, a hand resting on his stomach and your ear against his heart. baekhyun mindlessy plays with your hair, his fingers digging into your scalp soothingly. your eyes can’t help but flutter close—there’s no point in trying to fight sleep. you’ll wake up with him tomorrow.
the speculations didn’t start the next day. no, everybody thought it was so cute and funny that sunny blurts out random things while her older members are talking. there were compilations made from your groups content; interviews, your group vlogs, and more. it was funny, honestly, that they adored her disruptiveness.
the speculations started four days later. and when the news broke, the internet nearly stopped working because there were pictures and videos. so many pictures and videos, that it felt like somebody may have been stalking you. there were pictures of you and baekhyun kissing against his car, of you two in his car, of you two getting out of his car, of you two going for a late night walk near the han river.
and then there were videos—albeit, mostly can made—that served as proof that you two really are dating. there’s the longing looks shared at award shows, zoomed in videos of you two standing next to each other on stages, hands brushing. the other videos are just more reasons to believe that you two are dating; heejin saying you need to be taken care of, and then clips of baekhyun taking care of his own members. videos of you talking about your ideal type, and clips proving that you must have been referring to baekhyun, or jaír got really lucky that you found him.
it’s overwhelming.
when the pictures surfaced, you and mingwa were in the practice room dancing to your debut songs. the alert popped up on your phones at the same time, but mingwa grabbed hers first. you heard her gasp and ran over, thinking she might’ve twisted her ankle, but instead were met with her guilty eyes and her perfectly fine ankle.
you didn’t know what to do when you saw the photos. your heart stopped and your felt sick. your head started pounding, and it felt like a rug was being pulled from underneath your feet. you didn’t know what to do, so you started crying, falling to the floor in a heap. you weren’t sobbing, but your were audibly crying, and mingwa wasn’t sure what to do. you managed to get yourself together, and excused yourself to your room, avoiding any staff members on your way.
and now you’re on the phone with baekhyun, trying not to burst into tears as he keeps telling you everything will be ok. “baekhyun, this was such a bad idea!” you cry, pressing your forehead into your hand.
“what was? dating me?” he asks, slight offense in his voice.
“yes!” you shout, but you don’t even believe yourself. “w-we shouldn’t have gotten involved.” you’re adding fuel to the fire, hoping he’ll just break up with you so you can say those photos aren’t real, and that you’re not longer dating so everybody can leave you alone.
“you don’t mean that,” baekhyun says, his voice soft on the other line. it makes you feel like shit. “do you?”
you shake your head, though he can’t see you. “no,” you say meekly. “but we- y/n, you knew this could happen even before we started dating.” he interrupts, shutting you up. you press your mouth into a thin line. “don’t try to push me away now, y/n.” the overuse of your first name makes you feel like you’re being scolded by an elder.
“okay, i’m sorry,” you say, sighing. baekhyun parrots you and you press your body into your mattress. now would be the ideal time to tell him you love him, but it feels like it would be a poor bandaid to apologizing for saying that you should have never agreed to date him. “i don’t know what to do.” you mumble.
“let our companies handle it. you just get some sleep,” he says. you chew on your bottom lip, wishing that he was here with you.
“okay. goodnight, baekhyun,” you say. i love you, you want to add.
“goodnight, y/n.”
when you wake the next morning, your group, managers, and baekhyuns team are all in the dorm lounge. you freeze when you see him, ready to jump out of the nearest window because you know exactly what is about to happen. “we need to release a statement,” your manager says, beckoning you over to everybody.
gingerly, you walk over to your girls, sitting next to heejin at the end of the sofa, the furthest you can get away from your boyfriend. “so, i assume it’s true? the rumors about you dating? you can say no, but i’ve seen the pictures,” baekhyuns manager says, looking over at you. you nod, and when everyone keeps staring at you, you pipe up and say “yes”, your voice hoarse.
“great. how long has it been?”
“seven months,” baekhyun says, his eyes flicking to you. heejin gasps beside you, grabbing everybody’s attention.
“oh, sorry!” she says, waving everybody off. “liar!” she whispers. you told her that it’s only been four months.
both of your guys’ managers read from what looks like a checklist of things, asking you questions and scribbling down answers so they can formulate each of your statements.
“are you happy?” your manager asks, not looking up from the sheet. it’s an easy questions, and you both answer ‘yes’ with ease. “are you in love?” the question lodges your heart in your throat, and the room gets eerily silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop in the next room.
you don’t know what to say. you don’t want to lie, and look terrible, but you don’t want to tell the truth and further complicate your relationship.
you glance over at bakehyun, and find him already looking at you. you know what you’re going to say the moment your eyes meet, and you feel your stomach flip on it’s side. your heart melts like goo in your chest as you say, “yes”, admitting after many long months the one thing that’s been clawing at you in the back of your mind.
your manager scribbles down your answer and turns to baekhyun. “baekhyun?” he asks. his eyes never leave yours, and it feels like you’re the only two people in the room, despite the fact that there’s about 10 feet of distance between you two.
“of course,” he says it so sincerely that you drop your gaze to your lap, your face turning red and a smile overtaking your lips. your group members giggle and elbow you in your side, equally as happy to hear the news.
you feel over the moon, and your past paranoia is put away and shoved into a box that you choose to ignore for a moment. both of your teams curate statements, and they’re sent out less than an hour later. you and baekhyun take the rest of the day for yourselves, driving out far to the beach and hanging there all day until it gets dark, and your teeth start clattering because of the weather. and when you get in the car, he kisses you and you quite literally feel the love has for you, and your brain goes fuzzy to the point where all you can remember is his name, everything else being put to shame.
the responses you get to your relationship are much more positive than you expect, and of course there are negative comments, but not nearly as many as there are of the positive comments. people cnat help but gush at how you found your person, and are finally getting to get taken care of.
but, of course, cameras are on you more heavily than in the past. and now, when you go on variety shows solo, they want to know about your personal life before knowing about the group. you learn to get used to it, giving way to basically nothing, and sometimes sharing more than people expect, when you want to.
like, when you go on a variety show alone with a bunch of other idols, the same show baekhyun had been on in the past, they bring up an interview moment where baekhyun says that you’re the better dresser of the two of you. you’re asked the same question, and you answer baekhyun, and follow up with admitting that you’re wearing his clothes at that very moment. that makes the internet go crazy, searching high and low for pictures of baekhyun wearing the same item, comparing how it’s massive on you but fits him snugly.
or, when you attend the end of the year award shows and exo performs, the camera is on your group more often than you’d like to admit. there are fancams dedicated to your reaction of his groups performances, everybody focused on how you react to baekhyun specifically. of course, the same thing happens to him with you, and he’s a lot more shameless about his support of you.
you group responds well to your now public relationship. you’re able to get all five of you together more often, and they look at him like a bigger brother. sunny often tags along on your dates and asks about baekhyun and genuinely treats him like her uncle. she makes a lot of jokes about the two of you, mainly on camera. like, when you’re filming content for you groups vlog, she asks how baekhyun asked you out, and then sings the bridge of ‘blooming days’ by CBX, and does the dance too. the internet eats that up, constantly sharing the clip because it truly was funny.
despite the public news of your relationship, though, you and baekhyun manage to keep it private. besides what you choose to share, you can easily dodge questions about your private lives and keep the mystery alive. it does help your relationship now that more people know—there’s no threat of getting caught, or the constant feeling of breaking the rules. it’s easier now, and better than ever.
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sugarsfics · 1 year
Eddie My Love
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Trope: Virgin!Eddie x reader 
Warning: 18+ please, cussing, making out, kissing, some touching, use of y/n, talks of fighting, bullying and pda. 
Word count: 3.0k 
Summary: Eddie is laying in bed thinking about your relationship with the way it started, how it was and how it is going to move forward. 
A/N: PLEASE READ Hiiiii so this is based on my Virgin!Eddie headcannons here. So, this one shot goes from past to present the present is in bold and the past is not italicized, means it is their thoughts. Thank you and enjoy:) 
Ah Eddie thought dreamily he stared at you while you slept today was the day, he was going to ask you to be his wife. He caressed your cheek you made a little whimper sound a scooted closer to him then sighed of contentment. His heart fluttered and brought you closer, if that was even possible. He started to think about how he came to this point in his life how you chose him. 
Eddie was on “babysitting duty” at the arcade with the younger members of the Hellfire club, he would normally saw no to taking them anywhere, but you worked there. He has had the biggest crush on you since he moved to Hawkins in 6th grade. Your beauty took his breath away, you were the one who would pick him up after a fight, in 78’ you punch said bully. He would watch you from afar because he was already branded for the moment he stepped into the town. Every parent knew about his dad they all grimaced at the name Munson so when they heard he was moving back into town with his son the word got around quickly. Their kids would hear their conversations during play-dates or when going to the store with their moms so when role call came that warm Monday morning “Eddie Munson” all kids turn to see who see the face was they should avoid. Eddie was very observed when it came to lunch the kids would cover up the open spots he heard the whispers, it went like this for every school he went to, why did he think Hawkins would be different. 
Even years later, finally senior year, you were a sight for sore eyes “Would you stop being a creep” Erica said “I am not being a-a creep” Eddie said with a voice crack “You always stare at her whenever we are here just go talk to her” “What I can’t just go an-” “Y/N-“ Erica screamed but was quick silenced by Eddie’s hand “Could you not” Eddie whispered she smacked his hand away “Could you not cover my mouth again” an idea popped in her head “Well since you don’t want to talk to her I will just let Josh do the talk” “Josh who is Josh” Eddie asked in a panic “Oh you know Josh Grover he lives across the street from me and would always be outside or ask my mom if he needed any yard work done conventionally would come out when y/n was babysitting me so I think he got an eye for her” she smirked “Please don’t I-I want to talk to her b-but I just can’t” “Why not” “I just can’t” “Come one it’s not that hard to talk to her” “Maybe not for you but me fuck I can’t even get out one word without stuttering and who’s want to date a stuttering freak” he sadly said. The first time he talked to you is when you punched David Green in the face for fighting with Eddie, he couldn’t even say thank you he just sound like a baby learning their “T’s” and he ran away. He was pulled out of his memory when he heard Erica yell “Y/N!!!!”  Eddie did what he does best, he ran. 
If he is being honest with himself your next interaction was a blur, all he remembers was seeing you at the store, then Erica pushing him into you and somehow left with your number. He called you the moment he got home. He thanks whatever god that was on his side that day because not only did he get your number he got a date for the coming Friday. That was the slowest week of his life, every day went longer than the next and didn’t get him started on the day of the date it felt like time was going backwards. But at last, 4:00 came around when he started getting ready, he ran out the door at 4:45, his van roared to life and Judas Priest blasted through his speaker, and he was on his way to you. You both met at the town diner, Eddie insisted on picking you up but you lived passed the diner and didn’t want him the back track, he knew Wayne wouldn’t have approved but he followed your request. He pulled in the parking lot of the diner he didn’t see your car yet, so he double checked myself in his mirror he fluffed his hair, readjusted his pins, he was looking at his teeth when he heard a knock on the window he jumped and was met with your face. He stepped out of the car “h-hey um how long have you been standing there?” he asked “Long enough” you answered with a giggle he faces turn red. You touch his cheek “Don’t be embarrassed it was cute” you told him his whole body grew hot to your touch when you took your hand off to start walking to the door he stood frozen he hover over where your hand was he could still feel the warm softness “Are you coming” you asked breaking him from his haze “Yes coming” Eddie cringe at the memory of how he acted he looked down at your sleepy body how did she stay with that dork he thought. 
You must of really like that dork since you both went on more dates after. On the fourth date, that one was his favorites, you invited him over to your house. He swore he fell in love when you opened the door, you had an apron on your hair up in a bun with a smudge on your cheek “Hey Eddie come on in” he followed you in he looked like one of those cartoons characters floating following your scent with heart eyes. He brought him into your living room “Here sit give me a minute to freshen up” “Ok” he said watching you disappear into the hallway. He looked around and smiled at your baby pictures along the fireplace. About a minute later you came about “Hey sorry about that you ready” he jaw dropped you had a beautiful red dress on “Close your mouth before you catch flies” you said giving him a wink, he shook his head getting out of the trance you put him in “Sorry I-I- It's just that you look so beautiful” “Come on” you laughed “let's eat” He swear that he died at went to heaven after taking the first bite “Wow y/n oh my this is wow” you laughed at his reaction “Why thank you Eddie I tried my best” Dinner was amazing you were both talking about anything and everything you can think of. Once the plates were empty you grabbed them and took them to the kitchen “Wait let me help” Eddie said “No I got it you are guest just sat there and look pretty that shouldn’t be hard for you” you said in a flirtatious way with a wink. Eddie looked down to hide his obvious red face. Gosh my face must have been so red shot my face still gets red to this day when she flirts. You came out a minute later with a cake covered with strawberries “I hope you didn't mind the strawberries they are my favorite” “It looks beautiful y/n” you cut each a slice and served, Eddie took a bite “Gosh you are just a kitchen Goddess wow” this time you blushed “So Eddie I have something I want to tell you” “Yea tell my anything” he said with a mouth full of cake. You wipe the frosting from his cheek and said “Eddie I really really like you our dates have been amazing so I wanted to know if you wanted to be together like my boyfriend” Eddie’s world stopped you the girl of his dreams wants to be with him “Yes!” he cleared his throat “I mean yea yes would love that”  
The next campaign Eddie ran to Erica and gave her a hug. “Thank you Thank you THANK YOU” “Get off of me you nerd now what are you thanking me for” Erica said in her sassy tone “For pushing me literally into y/n we are together now like I am able to call her my girlfriend” he said excitedly “Well you are welcome” she said patting his back “But if you ever tell anyone that you hugged me I will ruin your life” 
Eddie was beyond excited, even with insults being through at him walking down the halls he had the biggest smile on his face. He finally has a girlfriend; you were his first girlfriend let alone the first girl to talk to him willingly. Eddie was at his locker when he saw you, somehow his smile gotten times bigger you walked up to him and gave him a hug “Hi” you mumbled into his chest, but Eddie was stiff his hand were straight to his side. “Eddie is everything ok” “You hugged me” “Yea sorry I will ask next time I just thought-” “I have never been hugged by a girl before I was just surprised" “Oh” you giggled “Do you want to try again” “Please” he said quickly you wrapped your arms around his waist and he whispered “What do I do now” you whispered “Put your arms around me” he placed his arms around your lower back “I-is this ok” he asked “Yes” after the confirmation Eddie melted into you. Hugging you was now his favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, the bell rang meaning Eddie had to end the hug. “Can I walk you to class? That is what boyfriends do right?” Eddie asked, “Yes you can” You both walked shoulder to shoulder to class you wanted to grab his hand but after the hug he needs time to get used to affection you thought. Eddie had the same thought but a little differently he wanted to grab your hand, but you were in a crowded hallway. Would you want to hold hands with him? In-front of all these people? But you just hugged him? It would be ok right? This time Eddie took the initiative “y/n?” he asked “Yes” “Can I hold your hand” “I thought you never asked” your hand intertwined perfectly like to piece of a puzzle. Your smile matched walking down the hall. 
It has been two months since you and Eddie started dating you have yet to kiss not that Eddie didn’t want to kiss you because God did he want to, but he was scared because you would be his first and he and no clue what to do. It was Saturday and you were at the trailer with him when you brought it up “Eddie?” “Yes princess” “We have been dating for two months already and we haven't kissed do you not want to kiss me?” Eddie’s eye widen “No No I mean yes I mean” he lets out a sigh “I never kissed anyone before and I’m scared to do it wrong” “Oh well don’t worry I could teach you” his ears start turning red “Really” he said shyly “Yes if you want me to” “Yes” he said eagerly “Can we do it now please” he asked. You sat up straight and he mirrored “Ok” you moved closer “Just follow me ok” he nodded. You grabbed his face and brought him closer “I’m going to kiss you now” he gulped and nodded when you pucker your lips, he puckered your lips met and Boom! Firework! You pulled away and Eddie chased after your lips “Wow” “You say that a lot” you giggled “Well because you are so wow” “Can we do it again please” he asked. You pulled his face to yours and kissed Eddie eagerly and opened his mouth, but he opened too big and ended up swallowing your lips. “Oh, my I’m sorry” “Its ok we are practicing did you want to go furthermore tongue?” “Please” he breathed out “Ok let's start” After many bites and awkward lip eating he finally got the hang of kissing and making out. Now look at me I’m a pro he says kissing your sleeping body  
After that teaching, Eddie cannot keep his lips off you. He uses his big brown eyes you love and a “Please” like how you can say no. His leg starts to shake with your lips meet his it’s the cutest thing. 
Over time Eddie got used to the whole dating thing. When you guys first cuddled in it was awkward you laid on his chest and his hands hovered over your body “Do you need help pretty boy” you asked. He blushed at his new nickname and nodded you place his hands where you wanted “Is this ok?” You asked if he couldn’t form words, too many emotions flowing through his body he nodded. During the cuddle his hand accidentally slipped and touched your booty he said sorry almost a thousand times, you had to grab his face and tell him that it was ok. After that he is a cuddle bug whenever his hands go lower, he always asks if its ok.  
“No way” Gareth said “Yep my babe is smoking” Eddie said. He was currently bragging to his friends about how hot your body is. I did this knowing damn well I had yet to see her body let alone see her in a bathing suit I kept my eyes closed while she was changing up till our 4th year of dating. Eddie felt your hands wrap around his waist, the hellfire members laughed watching their big and scary DM melt in a puddle over the slightest touch. “So, y/n are you coming to our gig tonight” Jeff asked “Yes I finally was able to get off work” you said Eddie was beyond excited to have you at his gig. He had been preparing for weeks with the perfect song. The boys were setting up, while Eddie kept on looking at the door “Man relax she is going to be here” Matt said “I know but-” Eddie didn’t get to finish he sentence because you just walked in the door he jumped off the stage running towards you “WHIPPED” Jeff screamed at Eddie he flipped them off before hugging you “Hi baby” he said into your hair “Hey my pretty boy rockstar” Eddie face obviously red already. “I um saved you a spot” he said rubbing the back of his neck “Aw that’s so sweet” “Let me take you” he said grabbing your hand he leads you to a table right front and center “Here you are M’lady” he says in an accent bowing down “Why thank you” he returns back to the stage with a smile on his face, the boys look at him with a knowing look “Shut up” Eddie says before they could say anything. About 10 minutes later their show starts. They begin to play a familiar tune then Eddie voice comes in “You got me runnin baby You give me somethin’ way beyond revenue” My Kinda Lover by Billy Squier one of your favorite songs. The beginning was going get then he looked at you, you looked so pretty sitting there is mind wonder he ended up messing up a few chords he had to look away before anyone noticed. Every time he looked at you either his voice squeaked, or his guitar did. Fuck that was embarrassing he thought but you never said anything you only looked at him with love in your eyes telling him he did amazing every single time. 
One day at lunch you were walking up to their table, Eddie was in a middle of one of his passionate speeches hyping the boys up for the campaign, when you notice there was no seat and Eddie’s lap looked inviting you have been dating for 6 months and been doing a lot of things so what's the harm. So, you sat in his lap, the moment your scent filled his nose and your bottom hit his lap all thoughts left his brain and were filled with you. He started to stutter in his speech the hellfire members smirk as the master was crumbling right in front of their eyes. Out of all the members Dustin was in love with your guy's relationships and Erica but she would never admit it.  
As the one-year mark was approaching Eddie was way more comfortable touching you, he stopped asking to hold your hand but sometimes asks out of habit. Eddie never wants to leave your side he always has a body part touching you.  
Now on your one-year anniversary you had a sleepover at your place. You had snacks galore with all your guy's favorite movies you even bought matching pajamas. The amazing night ended with you and Eddie cuddled up, limbs tangled together in your own love bubble. That was Eddie’s best sleep ever. He woke up early and was able to watch you peacefully sleep protected in his arms. What Eddie didn’t plan for was the night after, he was tossing and turning cuddling into his pillows and blankets, but nothing felt like you. Eddie looks at the clock the time read 1:37 “Fuck it” he put on his shoes and drove to your house. You were woken by Eddie falling through your window “Oh my god Eddie what are you doing” you whisper screamed “I can’t sleep” he said sheepishly. He looked tired and somehow still the cutest thing ever “Come on” you said opening your blanket he happily took off his shoes and jumped in bed with you. He cuddled into you with a sigh “So much better” within 3 minutes baby boy was out like a light.  
Eddie was brought back to reality, feeling you move. “Good morning love” he said kissing your forehead “Good Morning pretty boy” he still blushes at the nick name “Come on get up with got things to do” “I don’t remember planning anything” you told him. He smirks “Hm welp just get ready” “Well what should I wear” “Anything” he kissed your lips “You always look beautiful” he continued. He walked into the kitchen giving you privacy he pulled out the ring in his pocket and admired it “Yep she's the one” he whispered, he heard the door open and quickly hid the ring “You ready” you asked “Always” he said taking your hand leading you out the house knowing when you come back thing will be different for the good.
Tag list: @venuslayla23-blog @thefreak0fhawkinshigh
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robocoplesb · 10 months
hope you don't get mad, nikki sixx. [2/2]
[★] part one
warnings: mention of labor, your daughter's name is ethel, fatherhood insecurities, anxiety, heather serving.
author's note: sorry for the delay🥹 hope you like it, work on it during class lol. good read<3
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chapter two
vince ran to every corner of the hotel, cursing nikki every minute he went by without finding him. he didn't understand what was going on, but by the desperate way heather told him to get nikki and take him to the hospital, he assumed it was something urgent. he found the bassist at the back of the hotel, sitting on the hood of a car that definitely wasn't his and smoking.
“— nikki!” — he yelled as he got closer. when he got in front of nikki, he was panting and sweaty, which made the dark haired man laugh.
“— man, you look like shit.” — he said and then offered the cigarette to vince, who just took it and threw on the floor. “— what is your prob-” — vince interrupted him.
“— heather wants you at the hospital. now. i don't know, i think it's something with y/n. i saw her sleeping in tommy's car before they left.”
nikki felt all of his resentment go away in the same second, replaced by pure euphoria, even without having taken anything in the day. he saw vince's confusion grow even more as he started to run out of there, grabbing the blonde's jacket sleeve.
well, at that moment nikki didn't remember that he and vince had their own cars, and that they could have gotten to the hospital much faster. he didn't remember many things actually, causing him and vince to almost get run over several times.
“— IF YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON, I’M GETTING THE FUCK OFF THIS TOUR.” — vince said (screamed) to nikki. he felt a little left out, as if everyone knew something that for some reason he didn't. he had information that you were sleeping and were probably already in the hospital, but he still didn't understand why.
nikki thought he was the dumbest human in the world. he thought that was obvious enough. he didn't want to answer, being too busy thinking about the way he treated you moments before you went into labor and hating himself for it, but he knew that if nothing were cleared up, vince really was going to “get the fuck out”.
“— YOUR NIECE IS BORN, ETHEL IS FUCKING COMING” — it was enough to make vince shut up. a rumbling silence full of concern for you, that was the only thing that existed for them at that time.
it wasn't like heather had said which hospital they were going to, but on that tour all members and assistants were notified of how they should if you go into labor. that is, everyone received the address of the nearest hospital and tips on how to deal with you in this situation.
the aforementioned hospital was twenty minutes away, if you were driving. tommy got there in ten, but only because he went over the speed limit more than you can imagine. then, vince and nikki arrived within thirty minutes, both out of breath and vince thought he had stopped feeling his legs. they were greeted by a very suspicious receptionist, presumably thinking they were a couple of drunken freaks from the street.
“— my...my wife is...here” — nikki took a deep breath before continuing talking. “— y/n sixx, she's having a baby, our friends brought her here.”
“— sixx? hm, your friends tommy and heather, right?” — she asked
"- YES! Yes, Tommy and Heather, now please let me in. you need to let me in. my wife is having my fucking daughter, can you understand?” — and he would have continued to make a fuss in front of all the other patients if vince hadn't pulled him away from the woman, squeezing his arm.
“— sorry for my friend, but we need to see her now.”
they were shown into a waiting room, occupied only by a tommy who was nearly pulling his hair out and a heather who was just trying to calm him down. before they realize nikki and vince were there, a doctor appears in the doorway. tommy was quick to run up to nikki and hug him, who didn't know how to react. he didn't knew what to do or say, it was like for all that time there wasn't a single thing in the world that mattered more than you. and for him, it really didn't have.
“— this is nikki?” — the doctor asks, turning to heather.
“— yes, it's her husband, he's the father. our friend picked him up while we brought her here. how is she?”
“— she's taking it well. will you go see?” — he asked for nikki.
he didn't know how to respond. yes? no? usually the father was together at the birth of the child, right? but did you wanted to see him? was he even prepared? he knew this was not the time to think about it. damn, the child was already being born, but he still didn't know how to deal.
“— well, i don't know what that means, but the room is over here, if you want to go...” — the doctor said after some long ten seconds of silence.tommy pushed him towards the door, and then he just followed the man to the door of the room you were.
he heard a few squeals and muffled voices from nurses uttering encouragements for you to push harder. and that's when the desperation really hit him. that's when all the scenes of that night flashed through his head, in a cruel combination of several memories from his own childhood. he felt terrible for implying that you would not be a good mother when he couldn't even walk into that room. how could he? how could he get into that child's life, when he just didn't knew how?
he didn't feel the tears, but they were there. he didn't realize he was crying until he heard heather's voice from beside him.
"- so? what are you waiting for?” — she said with a clear tone of irritation.
he thought a little about what to say “— i can't, heather.” he murmured to her.
heather let out a wry laugh and pulled nikki into an empty corner of the hall, pushing him against the wall. “— what the fuck is your problem, sixx? did you freaked out? i heard what you said to her. practically the entire hotel, so, if you feel guilty or something like that, why don't you take the fucking responsibility for putting that kid inside of her? or do you want to end up like your father? you love that woman and that child, and they love you more than anyone in your life. if you don't do this shit, fuck it, but then you can bet i'll make sure you never hear about them again. never.”
it was like that, with those words, and with that woman's finger pointed in his face, that nikki realized that any insecurity would be useless. that he couldn't just give up.
heather pulled away from him slowly, and stared as if she could kill him. “— go." — it was harsh. nothing else needed to be said.
you don't remember nikki talking to you during labor. you remember he held your hand until the end, and whenever his screams got worse, he started kissing your face, as if he could help in something. he asked you once if you got mad when you saw him in the room, and you laughed your ass off before saying that your biggest fear that day was that he wouldn't show up.
ethel was named by you shortly after you found out you were pregnant. he didn't know exactly what the meaning was, but he agreed as soon as you suggested it because he thought it was so sweet. you said it meant "noble" or "honorable". that's how you felt. at every moment next to your daughter, you could only feel things as simple as these. nikki understood after a while, because that's how he felt too.
that night, you lay on his chest, and ethel in your midst. you clasp your hands over the girl's, and you remember falling asleep while listening to nikki humming something.
then a few months later that melody finally goes to the studio.
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Best Friend Pt.2🍂
Summary: Being best friends for years turned to y/n being left wondering if she did something wrong, why Seth left her alone after all their years of friendship
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The glowing yellow eyes stared back at me and I didn’t know what to do, it’s eyes were wide with what I hoped was shock and not hunger
It walked towards me until it was so close I’d be able to reach out and rub its fur, it sniffed me and it’s tail swayed behind, it was happy and I was glad I wasn’t going to be a chew toy tonight…hopefully
I slowly reached out and ran my hand through its fur and it allowed me as it laid itself down with me following quickly
“You’re a big boy aren’t you?!” I said as it laid its huge head in my lap, I’ve never seen a wolf this size here before but he was beautiful
I continued to run my hand all through his fur feeling comfort, it’s warmth reminded me of Seth and all the worries returned, tears brimmed against my eye line
“I miss him, I don’t think I did anything wrong…maybe he realized how much better bella was and got sick of being around me” I sighed as I laid my body over his trying to calm myself
“I know you don’t know what I’m saying,I know he’s not sick though, whenever he’d be under the weather before I’d always got over and help so why would this time be different, and it hurts the most today, you see…every Friday we have a movie night and we’ve never missed it once…ever, and now here I am alone with a wolf in the woods” I cried just missing my best friend
I heard the wolf whine under me, maybe the wolf could sense how I was feeling he was like my support wolf in a way I suppose, he was making me feel better, getting all these emotions of my chest
I started feeling tired and the next thing I know is I’m seeing the trees above me and the dark night sky swaying above me then I was drifting off again
I woke up in my bed confused, last time I checked I was in the forest and now I’m here
I walked down stairs to see dad and Bella eating some breakfast which was rare to see from Bella
“Hey do you know how I got to my room last night?” I asked as I poured myself a glass of water
“Ya Seth came to the door last night carrying you, he said he found you asleep in the woods, he brought you up to your bed and left” dad said as he sipped on his coffee
“Oh really? Weird” I said as I left to go change in my room before school
School was a drag and thankfully it was finally over, I decided to go back out to the woods and maybe I’d find that wolf again and he’d help me forget Seth
I knew he was lying, if he was sick why would he be out in the woods and be able to carry me home
I dropped my backpack off when I got home and headed straight through the woods to the cliffs only to find Seth and a bunch of other people like embry, Jacob, Sam and more
“So you weren’t sick” I stated and they all turned to me
“Y/n…I….just let me explain”
“Seth you left me, alone, you missed our Friday night, did I….did I do something wrong?” I asked
“No you did nothing wrong and I’m so sorry, it’s me…I couldn’t see you things have changed” he said walking up to me he looked like a sad puppy
“What do you mean things have changed? Did you meet someone? Is that the reason?” I said feeling my lips quiver
“Oh god no, it’s just…” he turned to look at Sam and he nodded but I was confused at the interaction
“I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to freak out okay?”
“Um okay”
He stepped back and took off his shirt then his shorts
“You remember all those stories I’ve told you, about the ancestors of our people?”
“Ya I do”
“Well they are true” he said then he shook and the next thing I see is the wolf from last night and everything made sense
I threw my arms around his neck and buried myself in his fur
“Seth why didn’t you tell me”
“He couldn’t, it wasn’t safe for him to being around others at the start, plus I told him he couldn’t see you and he can’t disobey” Sam said
“But why are you telling me all this”
“You’re his imprint”
Part 3?
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f10werfae · 2 years
The Winner ☁️
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Pairing: Husband! Chris Evans x Famous! Reader
Word count: 1,144
Summary: Chris is Y/n's number one fan, there’s no doubt about it
Warnings: none
Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Your skin is lookin' good hun” Grace my makeup artist said, applying on my moisturiser,
“all thanks to you” I said back, making eye contact with her in the mirror. Today was the day we carried out the photoshoot for my newest movie, the premise of the movie was that i’d portray a spy on an extremely important mission of discovering where a virus began.
One of my most exciting pieces.
“You excited for the shoot today?”
“Well yeah, but this latex suit is freaking annoying with all the sounds it makes every time i move” I shifted uncomfortably in the chair, the friction from the latex making an unflattering noise.
“Well you look sexy as hell girl, don’t even worry bout it”
“I guess so, i’m jus hella sweaty right now”
With the conversation growing quiet, Grace continued with applying my makeup, with the occasional instruction to move my head in a certain direction. My hair was styled down, just with added volume and waves, kind of like an 80s type of do.
“All done Mrs Evans, now get your ass out there before Lindsey kills me because you’re late”
“Thank you so much Grace, catch up later yeah?”
“Of course, of course”
Heading out of the dressing room, I carried my black boots in my hand as I was intending on putting them on in the actual shoot.
“Alright Y/n you ready for your shots?”
“As ready as i’ll ever be babes” I called out, struggling to pull my boots on due to how secure they are.
“Now remember, your movie is being called the movie of the year, we wanna wow them with the advertising and merchandise”
“Yes ma'am, just make me look good please” I smiled back playfully, getting in front of the backdrop.
“Oh please, you are a stunning woman, all I need to do is press the button”
(15 minutes later)
“Right i’ve ran out of poses” I breathed out, the summer heat getting to me in this suit, multiple people rushing over to me to touch up my makeup.
“Well let’s see what we have so far then”
Walking over to behind the camera, Lindsey shuffled through the collection of photos she had acquired.
“Ok that one is a winner Y/n, people will go crazy over this one” Lindsey said pointing at a photo of me, I was standing facing forwards with one hand on my waist, my hand was holding a gun in the air and my hair was falling perfectly behind me.
“Yeah I like that one a lot actually” I said looking closely at it, a playful smirk on my face on the photo.
“If that doesn’t shout A-Class Hollywood star, then I dont know what does” Lindsey said positioning the camera back onto the tripod.
“Ok we can take a 15 minute break everyone, I know it’s hard in this heat”
With everyone dispersing to do their own thing, I was about to walk over to the table with my phone on it, when someone suddenly pulled my waist back towards them.
“Gotcha bub” A voice spoke into my ear, their breath fanning my neck.
“Chris?” I said, pulling the arms from around my waist and turning around to face him.
“What are you doing here?” I asked confused, he told me this morning he had an interview with A starting point.
“Got to make sure you’re well fed” He replied holding up a McDonalds bag with a smile on his face.
“What would I do without you, my dear husband” Pulling him back towards me, I cupped his face in my hand caressing his beard softly with my thumbs before pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
“I would love to continue this kiss babe, but I am starving”
I said reaching for the bag by his side, “you are unbelievable Y/n Evans” He smirked, his hands settling on my waist.
“You gonna join me in my dressing room or what?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice” He said wrapping his arm around my waist, already heading in the direction of my room. Only to be interrupted by an excited Lindsey coming out of the room herself.
“Y/n good news, agency are thrilled with that one photo of you, you’re free to go”
“Wait really?”
“Hell yeah girl, told you it was a winner”
“What? I wanna see” Chris butted in,
“Ohhhh wait till you see this Chris, it’s monumental” Lindsey said walking towards the computer screen and clicking onto the photo itself.
“Holy G- is there anyway I can get like, a massive print out of that or something?” Chris asked seriously, his eyebrows furrowed in desire.
“Babe stop it” I laughed grabbing onto his bicep
“You think m'jokin but i’m being serious baby, I want copies of that”
“I think we can arrange that” Lindsey replied laughing, giving me her email so that she’d be able to send the pics to us later on.
“You are crazy” I said to him, walking to my dressing room, the open nugget packet in my hand.
“What you’re telling me that you’d pass the opportunity to get a photo like that if it was of me”
“Well no-“
“Well then I don’t want to hear it, why would I not want a poster of my hot wife. D'ya think they’d let you bring that suit home with you?”
“Why?” I quirked, already unzipping this latex cage.
“I like the look of it, that’s all” Chris said back innocently, although the look in his eyes said a completely different story.
“Uhuh sure hun, actually I do think this suit was customised to fit me so I kinda might have to take it home”
I said turning around and putting on some sweats and a hoodie, only to turn around to see Chris folding up my black latex suit and packing it into my duffle bag.
“You’re that into it bub?” I asked teasingly walking over to him.
“I’m into anything you’re in baby, it’s the fact you’re in it”
(Time Skip - A few weeks later)
Thank the heavens, promotions for my new movie were over, these past few weeks had been exhausting. Opening the front door to the house, I was met with silence although I could hear the slight sound of thumping coming from the upstairs.
Beginning my trek up, I could begin to hear Chris talking
“What d'ya think Dodge, should we put your momma this way or over here?”
'what the hell is he doing' I thought, opening the door to Chris turning around immediately looking like he’d been caught doing something atrocious
“NO WAY CHRISTOPHER, WE CANNOT HAVE THAT PHOTO OF ME BESIDE THE BED” I exclaimed watching him starting to hammer nails into the wall,
“Yeah but baby, it’s on my side of the bed”
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Day 28 | Mirror sex - Scaramouche
Kinktober Masterlist
AFAB reader
18+, yandere reader, noncon, obsessive reader, kidnapping, bondage, gagging, breeding, vaginal sex, this got pretty dark
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You have no idea how you lived without him. From the moment you saw him, heard him, you couldn’t get him out of your head. It was near impossible to do anything without longing panging in your chest. You needed him. You needed to be around him. To love him. To be loved by him. For him to pay just a crumb of attention to you.
Finally, you gathered the courage to tell him. You proclaim your love to him. Your pure, genuine love. And he shot you down. Everything went crashing down. Your whole world ended. You stood there in silence, wondering how this was possible. You loved him. You loved him. More than anyone else, more than anything else. He- he was perfect for you. He was meant for you. He was supposed to love you. He did love you.
The pain ripped through your body and mind. You couldn’t live without him. You couldn’t be without him. You wouldn’t let there be a world where he wasn’t yours.
It took forever, but it was worth it. You got him. All it took was some planning and now he was asleep and tied up in your home. All safe and happy. You even found a way to prevent him from using any harbinger tricks without your permission.
You stare at him while he sleeps. Resting your elbows on the bed. With a big smile you couldn’t keep off your face even if you wanted to. You run your fingers on his arm and cheek. You could see your dreamy expression in the mirror you set up.
Finally he started to open his eyes. They fluttered in a way that made you giddy and happy.
“Good morning, sweetie. You’re finally awake.”
“Where am I?  What-?” He looked down and his pupils shrink at the sight.
“You’re home. Where else would you be?”
You rustle his hair. He jerks away and does everything he can to retract from your touch.
“What are you talking about?” He struggled against your hard work. “What did you do, you psychopath!”
You recoil as if struck. A terrible pang goes through your heart. You bite your lip.
“That’s not very nice.” You slowly stand up. “Why would you say that?”
“Let me go, you freak,” he demanded. The bed frame rattled against the wall.
You walk away and get some kind of cloth. You didn’t care what it was, as long as it could be tied. You made your way back to him. It took a few seconds longer than you wanted, but you managed to shove it in his mouth and tie it around the back of his head.
He was still loud, but it was muffled. And you couldn’t make out what he said.
You smile. “There we go.”
You reach down to pat his head. He moves away. Your expression darkens in the mirror. You seize his neck and hold him in place to pet his head. Your smile returns and you let go.
You ran your fingers along him. He jerked and thrashed, but couldn't move away. Couldn’t reject your love.
"This is all for you. Remember? You love me."
He shakes his head. So hard that the bed rattles again. You bite your lips and your fingers curl.
"You will. You just don't know it yet."
You let your fingers hook on his pants and drag them down. He makes muffled sounds and shakes.
"Shh," you hush him. "Let me take care of everything."
For the first time since you saw him, you ignored his face. Watching as you revealed more of his skin. Slowly working the fabric off of him. You drank every bit of him in. You lick a line up his cock and he shivered. You look up, he had been looking into the mirror, but squeezed his eyes shut and looked away. Your grip on his pants tightened.
“Watch,” you tell him.
He doesn’t listen. Your eyebrows dig into your eyes. You let go of his pants at the knee. You crawl up onto him, until your on your knee, him between your legs. His eyes open and his gaze rapidly switch between his bare skin and you. He wasn’t angry anymore. But he wasn’t happy either. He looked like he’d seen a monster.
You grab his face. Pushing on his cheeks and skin so hard you could feel his jaw and teeth. You pushed his head to it’s side.
“Watch.” The word hissed out of your mouth, with more cruelty than you intended.
You position yourself over him. His tip catches on your hole. He violently tries to shake his head. You slam yourself down on him. He cries out from under the cloth. Your mouth opens in a loud moan. You couldn’t believe you had to wait so long for this. Almost immediately, you start bouncing on him. Sounds of pleasure tumbled from your mouth. He felt so good. He pressed against your walls so perfectly. You knew you were made for each other.
"See how much I love you? How much you love me? You wouldn't be so hard if you didn’t want me."
His eyes were wide and glossy staring into the mirror. Watching you force him inside of you over and over again. With your hand on his face he couldn't look away. Only watch.
You slam yourself down on him faster. You were so hot.
"And you would never cum if you didn’t love me, right?"
You push your hips against his more. The flesh ripples from the impact. A look of panic washed over his face. He starts squirming and shaking.
"Don’t you want to get me pregnant? Then we'll be a big happy family." You smile at him.
He fights against you. Shakes his head. Thrashing as much as he possibly could. All it did was adjust the angle he went in you and you clenched around him tighter. You were in too much bliss to even be mad.
He violently fought. Panic settling in his face and jerky movements. His hips twitched and he let out a loud groan. You could feel the hot ropes squirting into you. You quiver from  the sensation.
He was still after. Tears leaked from his face.
“There.” You lean down to lick his cheek and catch a tear. You placed a kiss in the same spot. “Was it that bad?”
He only stared at you. There was no love or happiness in his eyes.
“You’ll love me. You’ll thank me someday, you’ll see. You’ll learn that a life without me, without us, is no life at all.”
You lay down on top of him. Squeezing him so tight you’re sure your fingernails created crescent moons in his skin. Your body cages him in. You finally had everything you ever wanted.
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mlove44lh · 1 year
Don’t hurt yourself
Chapter 1 - Intuition
Warnings: Mention of possible cheating, mention of relationship neglect
Words: 2.372
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“I tried to make a home out of you, but doors lead to trap doors, a stairway leads to nothing. Unknown women wander the hallways at night. Where do you go when you go quiet?
It's a cold day, the heater is on, and I’m wearing more layers than necessary, but I’m still getting goosebumps. I might even start chattering my teeth if I gave in to what I'm feeling. But I don't think it's just because of the cold, It's less than 8 degrees outside, but the heater is doing a good job here.
I haven't looked at her in a few minutes, I sit in the chair by the window, and the only view I have is the bustle of the city below me.
“The view of Monaco from this window is beautiful. It's a great location.” I remember that was the first thing I noticed when I stepped here for the first time five years ago.
“Y/n…” The woman stares at me while sitting in her armchair in the middle of the large room. “Why are you avoiding this matter?”
“I'm not avoiding it.” I still don't look at her.
“I think you are. You ran away from me as soon as I mentioned his name. And it's been 10 minutes that you don't even look at me.”
I take a deep breath before taking my stare off Monaco and back to her.
“What do you want me to say?”
“We don't need to talk about it. But every matter we start leads us back to him. Did you notice that?” I can barely look at her. Susan always calmed me down, and that's the reason I started doing the sessions with her. I always enjoyed our conversations. But not today, today I just want this to be over so I can get away from here.
“As it should, he is a very important part of my life.”
“Of course, he's your husband. He is the person quoted by you in every session of ours. But not in the last month.” She wears a friendly half smile, and her hands are resting on top of her crossed legs. She doesn't have her notebook today, which is unusual, but it doesn't bother me, I never like to see her taking notes regarding what I say here anyway.
Another 15 minutes and I'm out of here.
“What happened in the last month?”
Her voice comes out almost like I'm underwater. My thoughts are so loud that I can't focus on anything else. I need a few seconds to understand what she just asked me.
A humorless laugh seeps from my vocal cords.
Where could I start? For the part where he completely changed in such a short time? Of how overnight, Lewis was someone else? A cold person, who stopped calling, stopped with the flowers, with all the caress, with the dozens of “I love you” said every day? That I don't look like a wife anymore but more like a roommate? Or maybe I should talk about the times he came home at four in the morning and woke me up when he was almost inside me, desperate for some relief, desperate to release whatever God knows who put it in him? From the reclined car seat or the cheap feminine perfume impregnated in the seat belt. Which of these things should I open up and tell her about now? And how do I do that without feeling like an idiot, without the huge guilt monster that's inside of me creeping out again?
I shrug as I feel my throat burn with the painful memories of the last few weeks.
“Maybe I'm just too insecure. Or dramatic. Or both.” I don't talk to her anymore. My spoken words are more like external thoughts.
Susan doesn't say anything, she looks at me as she waits, and the silence makes me want to talk more and open up.
“He's in one of the worst moments of his career. There's too much going through his head, I know that. I can't freak out thinking he's having an affair just because he is distant, right? It doesn't make any sense. I can't be that cunt.”
“Do you think he's having an affair?”
“No. That's the point. He wouldn't do that. He's too good to do that.”
Susan shifts her position and leans towards me. Her gaze doesn't stray from mine for even a second.
“The real Lewis wouldn't do that or the Lewis you created in your head wouldn't do that?”
I look at her and the confusion is clear on my face.
“Don't you think that maybe you put more into him than he gave you? That you created a version of him that doesn't really exist?” My heart is pounding like it's going to jump out of my chest at any second. I want to look away from her, but I can't. I need her to finish her reasoning. I don't want her to think I'm not ready to hear this, so I keep still as I wait for her to continue.
“You've always tended to romanticize things, which is understandable with everything you've been through. But maybe that led you to believe in some things that were almost not there while letting other important things pass right under your nose unnoticed.” Now it's my turn to lean to her. “You told me once that you always dreamed with a fairy tale, and that when he appeared, it showed you that it was all real, with butterflies in your stomach and vows of eternal love, everything as in your biggest dream. You fell head over heels in love with Lewis. So I ask you Y/n, which one wouldn't do that to you? The real Lewis or the one in your imagination?”
I try to assimilate what was said and play her words over and over in my head. For the first few seconds, it sounded almost like a joke, it was so ridiculous. But the tightness in my chest got bigger, and suddenly some things started to make sense.
“Think about it this week.” Susan gets up and walks slowly to the door.
That's the cue, my cue to get up, thank her for the session, and leave this room. But I can't move, I'm still sitting in the chair staring at the Buddha-shaped figurine that rests on her coffee table as if it's going to come to life and tell me what I need to do.
“Y/n.” I feel Susan's hand on my shoulder, and I come out of my trance. I turn to face her. “I didn't mean to say that what you live is a lie. But sometimes we do this kind of thing. We intensify what we feel and put a lot of feelings into things without even realizing it, so we can convince ourselves that something we really want is really happening. But that doesn't take away the shine and beauty of any of it. It doesn't take away the fact that everything you feel is real to you. For everything you tell me here, I'm sure you have a beautiful life with him, and that kind of thing doesn't go away. My job here is just to try to show you the things that are clear around you, what you're going to do with it, no one can tell you. Because no one would know how.”
I continue to look at the woman in front of me for some time. Trying to assimilate everything.
“We're done for today, okay? It was all very intense, and anything we talk about now won't have any effect anymore.” I nodded to her. “I'm going out to take a break, but you can take as long as you want here, Y/n. Take your time. Everything is fine.”
“Thank you.”
I watch Susan leave the room behind me, and as soon as the door slams, I'm back facing the city. I could stay here for hours, but I know I have to move and face what is waiting for me.
I don't even know how long I've been looking out the window, I'm only taken out of my trance when I hear the notification noise coming from my phone. I check the device quickly before getting up and grabbing my purse.
“I'm waiting for you down here ;)”
All the way to the outside of the big building, I feel weak, and numb as if my movements are being commanded by someone else. A thousand worries in my head, until my stare met his. Even though he is the biggest cause of all the chaos in my life at the moment, at the same time, he manages to remain my biggest font of calm.
“You didn't tell me you'd come to pick me up.” We are already very close to each other. There is no need for me to try to get closer because Lewis does not take a second to pull me closer to him.
Lewis join our lips in a quick kiss, and that shocked me. It's been a while since he last showed any interest.
“Where did that come from?”
“Can't I have missed my wife?” I feel uncertain, and I know it shows on my face, he barely looked at me in the morning, and now he acts this way. It is an unfair and single-player game. “I saw that you left your car in the garage, so I deduced that you could use a ride.”
We live two blocks away from here.
I've been walking back for five years now. It's almost like part of my therapy walking down the beach to get home on the way back.
I wish I didn't feel like something was very wrong, but I can't. After these last few days, everything he does sounds suspicious to me. And living that is like a living hell.
I push away any negative thoughts and smile at him. He seals our lips quickly before opening the passenger door. I settle back and take a deep breath before facing him again, who's now sitting next to me.
He's too good to do that.
Not a second after he turns on the car, Lewis takes his hand to my thigh and squeezes it lightly. I look at him who already has his gaze glued to mine. I can't help but smile at him. He let his hand rest on top of my thigh as he takes speed with the vehicle.
“Mercedes will organize a charity dinner on Saturday.”
“Cool. Here in Monaco?” I was already expecting something like that, another day without him, I guess.
“Yes. It will be the usual boredom with investors. But it would be nice if you came with me. Are you up for it?”
I look away from the street and look back at him. There he is, the man I've been looking tirelessly for the last few weeks. All of this is so confusing that suffocates me. Change so much in just a few hours, it's almost scary. But I decide to hold on to this moment and believe that I have my husband back.
Lewis smiles before removing his hand from my grip and placing it on the steering wheel. I look away from Lewis when I notice the car pull to a stop. Only then do I realize we're at a gas station.
“I'm sorry, I need to fuel up. Otherwise, I don't think we're going to be able to get home.”
“No problem.”
“Do you need something?” He says while opening the door to get out of the car.
“No. I’m good. Thank you.”
He slams the car door, and I watch his figure make his way to the inside of the convenience store.
Maybe it was just a bad phase, and as usual, I tried my best to become something about myself. Thinking about it, everything could have a good explanation.
I'm an emotional person. I tend to overstate all my feelings, and almost always this leads to a bad place, which hurts me. As the masochist that I am.
I have no reason to imagine such a thing. Lewis wouldn't do that to me. I know who I married, and I also know that we've changed and grown together long enough that we can't do that to each other.
Maybe I was too over the top to think and doubt him and my trust in him. Maybe.
I try to turn on my phone screen, but the only thing that comes up is the low battery icon.
I open the glove compartment to look for the charger cable while still looking at the device in my hand, when pulling the white wire, I hear the metal falling on the floor, and only the low sound emitted is enough to make me worry. I close the glove compartment calmly before taking my hand to the floor to pick up the object.
I can identify what it is as soon as I pick up the small object. My stomach drops. I don't remember leaving any jewelry here. I bring the piece to my vision and stare at the small bracelet in my hand. A bracelet that isn't mine.
I snap out of orbit as I stare at the object. There's nothing else around me but me, this ridiculous bracelet, and my wedding ring burning on my ring finger.
No. No. No.
He's too good to do that.
He wouldn't do that to me.
The real Lewis wouldn't do that to me.
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thevelria · 1 year
The day I met you (Future Trunks x Reader)
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Author's note: This story contains swearing and some soft lemon. Because I think Future Trunks would be a softy in the bed anyway ;)
When did this madness start? I didn’t even remember anymore, all the pain, fear, bleakness washed the memories away. Dead bodies everywhere on the street, buildings still on fire or totally ruined to the ground. 
I was trying to make my way to a safe place I heard of the other day. That was my only goal at that moment, reaching a place where a saiyan was hidden as well. I might have a tiny bit of a chance to survive, if he would have been around.
-Where in the hell do I have to turn left? -I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember what the man said to me, while explaining the direction -This corner, I suppose -I took a deep breath, but regretted my decision in an instant. 
Seeing Black fighting with a lavender hair colored man frightened me to death.
-Wrong corner, wrong corner! -I panicked, trying to stay invisible. But Black spotted me easily, smirking at me with that disgusting devilish smile on his face. I couldn’t understand how such a good looking man could be such a freaking prick.
-Shit! Shit! Holy shit! -my eyes popped wide open as I made eye contact with the villain- Okay, that’s it. I’m going to die now on this filthy street, no one ever will remember me -thoughts rushing through my mind rapidly.
-Watch out! -I’ve heard someone yelling, grabbing me by my waist, flying me up high in the sky just the second before a huge blast slammed into the spot I’ve been standing a blink before. 
-Oh my God! -I grabbed the man's hand hard, digging my nails into his skin, drops of blood forming and starting to run down on his arm.
-Auch! -he hissed out loud.
-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry -softened my grip, looking still shocked- Please don’t let me fall! -I closed my eyes, my whole body shaking in fear.
-Don’t worry, I hold you still -he murmured in my ears. His warm breath slightly caressed my skin.
After a few minutes, at least it felt like it, we landed. His arm slowly was pulled back from around my waist and even if I felt the solid ground under my feet I still kept my eyes closed.
-You can open your eyes now -he giggled- You are safe.
-Oh, yeah, sure -I carefully opened them, blinking a few times to make my sight clear.
-I’m Trunks -he held his hand to me, smiling.
-I’m Y/N -I stared at him, while accepting the offered hand. His figure mesmerized me immediately, his beautiful blue eyes, the lavender hair, that handsome face and perfectly toned body. I felt blush rushing through my face, so I turned away in an instant.
Trunks smirked as he noticed how I reacted from seeing him. 
-Come inside! -he said- You’ll be safe here.
-Thank you -I looked at him again- For everything -I sighed deeply- I would be dead by now, if you didn’t save me from that maniac. 
-And that would be a shame. You are too beautiful to be dead -he winked at me and chuckled as he saw me blushing from head to toe one more time. 
6 months later:
I got used to the safe place and tried my best to be a useful member of the community. Since I was a nurse before it all started I mostly handled the injured soldiers, who were lucky enough to come back alive after a fight with Black. 
-Oh my God, Trunks! -I screamed as I saw the saiyan badly bleeding from several wounds all around his body. His face was covered with cuts and bruises, his bottom lip was ripped, just as his right eyebrow -Let me help you! -I ran to him, spinning my hand around his back to give him the opportunity to lean on my shoulder. 
Mai appeared in front of us and pushed me away immediately.
-Help the others! -she hissed at me- I will handle him myself. 
She never really liked me, because she was madly in love with the saiyan and hated the fact that Trunks didn’t feel the way she wanted him. 
-Don’t be rude to her! -Trunks gritted between his teeth, he hated the way Mai treated me and had an argument with her every single time. Now, on the other hand he was too injured to be able to stand up for me. At least I thought so.
-It’s okay -I smiled at Trunks- I will help the others -I spun on my heels, about heading to the opposite way. 
-No! -Trunks shrugged Mai’s hand off of him- She will be the one, who’s going to help them -he said with a cold tone, strictly. 
-Fuck you, Trunks! -Mai’s eyes widened, clenching her jaw and storming away. 
-Sorry, it’s going to be uncomfortable -I poured some alcohol on a cotton ball, pressing it gently against the cut on his lip. 
-Uhh… -he hissed.
-I’m trying to be as gentle as possible -I smiled awkwardly.
-I know -he put his big hand on mine, squeezing it softly.
After I took care of all of his wounds, bandaged them well, I was standing in front of him, staring blankly.
-What’s wrong? -he wrinkled his forehead, sitting on a chair.
-This eats me up alive -I sighed deeply.
-What do you mean? 
-I don’t know how much longer I can do this…Being terrified every single time you go out there to fight that bastard. The single thought of you not coming back frightens me to death -I clenched my jaw.
-Hey…hey come here -he held out his hands, grabbing mine, pulling me into his lap- Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. Goku and Vegeta must arrive soon, they will help us to end this madness. And then we will be able to live a normal life. I will be able to take you on a proper date as well -he smiled at me, blushing slightly.
-You promise? -I caressed his face gently.
-I promise -he rested his cheek on my palm.
-Deal? -Mai asked Black with a devilish smile on her face.
-Hmm…I will consider your request, however tell me one reason not to kill you right here, right now.
-Because if you kill Y/N as I asked you, I will lead you to the biggest safe place we have in the town. And you can finish more than 200 people at once. I think it’s totally worth it.
-Well, alright mortal. But if you try to trick me… -he smirked at Mai- Death will be the most wonderful thing you will desire.
-Don’t worry, I’ll keep my words, just vanish that freaking bitch out from this world.
-Why do you hate her that much? -Black raised an eyebrow, trying to understand the situation more.
-She…she is just an annoying brat -Mai clenched her jaw- All was perfect til she showed up one day and ruined everything between me and… -she stopped mid sentence.
-Oh… -Black laughed out loud arrogantly- It’s about some kind of meaningless human feelings? You mortals really deserve to be exterminated. 
-Whatever -Mai shrugged her shoulders, heading back to the safe place.
-Y/N! -Mai ran to me in panic, totally freaked out-Y/N, you need to come with me. It’s Trunks! He got into a fight with Black and he’s barely alive. You are the best nurse here, you need to come and save him -lies were spluttering from her mouth. 
-Oh my God! -my eyes widened, as my heart was about to jump out of my body.
You can call me naive, but I would have never thought she could be this mean. Lying about Trunks being in danger, knowing I would never refuse to help him. 
The way she tried to hide her smile made me suspicious. I started to think she might have tricked me, but I had no idea how.
-Where is he exactly? -I asked following Mai into a questionable area.
-This way! Here…hurry! -she kept mumbling- We are almost there.
-But it’s not the place Trunks told me he was heading to before he left the safe place -I stopped walking, folding my arms in front of my chest.
-So what?  -Mai was getting impatient- They fought around and they ended up here. Don’t you want to help him or what? 
-No, of course I will -shaking my head slightly, following her again. 
-There we are -she smiled widely, spotting Black at the top of a building.
-What the fuck? -I looked terrified- Mai?!
But she didn’t answer me, while walking in the direction of Black, who landed on the ground in the meantime. 
-You bitch! -I yelled- You fooled me! I’m so going to kill you for that -my eyes were burning in fury.
-Well, good luck with that -she pushed her long black hair behind- It will be difficult, though…since you will be dead in a few minutes -she laughed maniacally.
I gulped hard, thoughts were running through my mind, trying to find a solution which could have saved me from this fucked up situation. Mai was chatting with Black, smiling at him, pointing in the direction of the safe place. 
-No way, she’s giving up everything -I hissed, fisting my hands in anger- What the fuck is wrong with this stupid bitch? 
-Alright! -I heard Black low voice- I keep my word and kill that meaningless mortal for you.
I froze and stood still. Running away? Hiding somewhere? But where? I sighed and took a deep breath through my nose, thinking of Trunks. I wanted him to be my last thought before I was seemingly going to die within seconds. 
Black didn’t use any blast or energy ball, he landed in front of me and grabbed me by my neck, pulling me up in the air, my legs waving in panic as I kept hitting his fist around my throat. 
-Please… -I tried to form words, feeling the air slowly disappearing from my body.
-Such a weak, useless body this is -he tilted his head slightly, examining my look as I was fighting for my life.
-Let her go! You fucking bastard! -I’ve heard Trunk’s voice behind.
-What? -Black hissed, dropping me to the ground hard. As I gasped for air, massaging my neck I looked back above my shoulder, seeing Trunks in his fighting stance, holding his sword tight. 
-Bitch, you lied to me! -he looked Mai in the eye, who now became more terrified than me. 
Trunks and Black started to fight, giving in everything, flying up high in the sky. Punches here and there, cuts and bleeding bruises started to cover them both up. When finally Trunks had the chance to cut into Black’s chest deep and hard. The villain screamed in agony, trying to land at the top of a building. 
Mai in the meantime was about to escape, running away, hiding from Black, because she knew exactly that the man wouldn’t believe her. He was going to think she was the one who let the saiyan know his whereabouts. And that was exactly what happened.
-Stop running, you sneaky little brat! -Black shouted, blinded by anger- You really thought you could have tricked me -sending a huge blast in the direction of Mai, which killed her instantly. 
Trunks used the situation to land next to me, grabbing me hard by my waist, flying away immediately. He didn’t even look back.
-Trunks…I think Mai told Black where the safe place was -I tried to collect myself.
-WHAT? -he yelled- I’ve heard them talking about a deal. If Black kills me, she tells him where the safe place is. But I didn't hear her say it out loud exactly.
-I don’t know… -I started to cry, the whole situation was so freaking overwhelming I couldn’t control myself. 
As we landed in front of the place, Trunks blinked quickly, trying to figure out what to do. 
-I wounded him pretty badly -he finally sighed- He will need some time to recover. One or two days maybe. Let’s go inside, we will find out something.
-Alright -I nodded- I will need to take care of your wounds, he harmed you pretty well, too.
Trunks didn’t say a thing, but let me guide him into one of the nursing rooms.
-I still can’t believe Mai was able to do this -he shook his head in disbelief.
-She loved you, Trunks -I pressed my lips together as I was taking care of his cuts on his chest. His shirt was torn apart, revealing his muscled torso. 
-That doesn’t mean she had the right to try taking away from me the woman I love -he said, slowly looking up into my eyes.
As I didn’t say a thing, he grabbed my waist slowly, pulling me into his lap, resting his face on my chest. 
-Trunks… -I took a deep breath, running my fingers through his silky, lavender hair.
He stood up, pushing me gently against the table and pressed his lips against mine passionately. We have never ever shared a kiss before, hence I was craving it from the first time I saw him. I kissed him back, throwing my hands around his neck as the kiss was deepend.
-I was waiting for this moment for so long -he smiled into the kiss, breaking it afterwards.
-So I was not the only one craving it? -I smirked at him, which made him smile devilishly.  
When he started to unbutton my shirt I felt the tension rushing through my body, I wanted him so bad. I grabbed the bottom of his jacket, which he pulled down immediately, tossing it away. After I looked at his already torn shirt, which he ripped off of him with one move, sliding it aside.
-Damn…you are so hot -I bit my lower lip, staring at his abs, at his perfectly muscled torso.
Trunks didn’t say a word, licking his upper lip, while eagerly unzipping my jeans. Pushing it down, guiding me to step out of it and leaving me standing in front of him, only wearing my underwear. 
-Fuck… -I moaned as he stepped closer, massaging my breast with one hand, grabbing my ass with his other hand, licking my neck with passion.
I felt his hand wandering down from my breast through my body until he reached my penties. 
-Can I? -he looked me in the eye. I gulped as I nodded yes slightly.
-Oh, Trunks -I threw my head back, when his finger slipped in my pussy. Moving the tip of his index finger on my clit made me wild.
I eagerly grabbed the buckle of his belt, trying to free him from his trousers. He smirked at me, while pulling me into a passionate kiss, still moving his finger in my now wet pussy.
-Damn…- he growled, breaking the kiss as I started to rub his bulge through his boxers. I felt he was already hard, ready to take me anytime. His eyes widened, when I slid my hand into his underwear, gently pressing my palm against his hardened shaft 
-Y/N -he murmured- you drive me crazy. I won’t be able to control myself -he breathed heavily under my touch.
-Then don’t… -I whispered, which made him wild, pushing his boxers down, grabbing my penties, ripping it off, turning me around, so my back faced him.
-Oh my God, Trunks… -I moaned out loud as I felt his huge cock entering me.
-You are so tight -he growled as started to thrust me gently with a decent speed.
When he slid one of his hands down to my pussy, slipping a finger in, I lost my control. I pushed my hip backwards.
-Fuck… -I panted- fuck me hard, Trunks! Please! -I begged and he obeyed. 
Speeding up, pounding me faster and faster from behind. The tension he made me feel sent shivers down my spine, I felt my climax could burst out in any minute.
-Don’t stop -I whined- Please, don’t stop, I’m so close -I grabbed the edge of the table hard.
-Come for me, darling -he murmured into my ear. 
He kept kissing my neck, while I was riding out my orgasm under him. When I finished he immediately pulled out. Turned me to face him, pushing me down on my knees. He didn’t have to ask anything, I automatically started to stroke him, massaging his balls gently.
-Yes…right there! -he threw his head back- Fuck, I’m almost there -he hissed, releasing his hot semen on my breast. I stroked him twice more, before I stood up smiling, trying to find something I could clean my chest with. 
-Sorry! -he chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
-It’s okay -I smiled, wiping the cum off with a towel. 
-Trunks -I looked at him seriously, while getting dressed.
-Yes, Y/N? 
-Will we survive? -I took a deep breath.
-I’m going to kill Black and I will take you on that date, I promise -he pulled me into one more passionate kiss. 
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princess-schez · 9 months
Fic: Sweet Dreams, Beautiful Nightmare - Chapter 10
Warnings: Some language. Just Bill being Bill. Genre: Bill Cipher/Reader fanfic Summary: The Reader has been plagued by violent nightmares for as long as she can remember. Deciding to move to Oregon for a simpler pace of life, it is there she meets the dream demon himself and begins to unravel a mystery connecting them both. Notes: Bill is such a little perv, but we love him so...
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Chapter 10.
You heard the front door opening downstairs, and you hurried out of the tub, drying yourself off and throwing on your clothes as quickly as possible. You had no idea how long you were out for. Everything felt like a blur. Time had slipped past, and you weren’t sure if it was day or night. You sat down on your bed, taking a deep breath. There was something about this town and the ability it gave you to have some of the most vivid dreams ever.
“If you can call them that,” a voice said.
Startled, you looked around to see who was talking to you when a now-familiar yellow triangle appeared out of nowhere. “What?” you asked, feeling like the universe was playing a joke on you and this was just the start of a horrible punchline at your expense. The triangle smiled, or at least that’s what you thought it did, given you had few facial features to work with.
“Are—are you gonna kill me or something?”
The triangle—Bill—actually seemed somewhat surprised at your statement. His eyebrow lifted as though taken aback. “I may be a demon, but I would never harm a hair on your beautiful head.” He bent in an almost bow, reaching for your hand to kiss it.
You swallowed hard, unsure whether to believe him or not. “What do you want?” you asked, pulling your hand away.
“To see you, my love.”
You blinked, surprised by his antics again. “So... how do you know me, exactly?” you asked.
“You still don’t know?” He seemed almost disappointed. Saddened. 
“You already said that to me before!” You didn’t mean to be so cross, but if this was a joke at your expense, then you missed the punchline. And you were getting tired of it.
“Maybe if I showed myself in the van?”
Your heart stopped as an icy chill ran down your spine. “That—that was you?” Your voice began to rise as panic and another emotion you weren’t sure of began to fill you. An invisible triangular demon groped and edged you in a van. If it weren’t for the fact that it felt so strangely good, you would have almost been completely disgusted.
“Or maybe in the bathroom? That show you put on was brilliant. Beautiful. The moans you made—” He gave a chef’s kiss before he wriggled his eyebrow and made an obscene gesture with his hand as though pumping himself.
You stopped, locked eyes with it as his words registered in your head, and your voice rose with each word until you practically yelled. “You fucking, perverted, little freak—”
You hadn’t realized how loud you had gotten or that Ford threw the bedroom door open, with Stan and the twins behind him looking bewildered. 
“What on earth? Are you okay?” Ford asked, eyes wide as he took in the sight before him. Bill was hovering close, maybe a little too close to you, his tiny hands raised placatingly. 
“Whoa, no need for the cavalry,” he laughed, snapping a finger as the door shut again. “We’ll need a little privacy if you don’t mind.”
“No,” you said, stomping your foot like a petulant child. “You’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on. Right. Now.”
You could hear Ford on the other side of the door, telling the others to start touching up the Bill-proofing of the Shack as Bill rolled his eye. He seemed unfazed as he sat next to you on the bed.
“Maybe I went about this the wrong way,” he said thoughtfully, with no hint of emotion in his voice.
“You think?” you replied, eyebrows raised. “It’s not every day someone gets felt up by a geometry problem.”
It was Bill’s turn to shoot you a look. You returned an equally blank expression to him as the demon sighed. “I was hoping you’d remember. You’ll have to forgive my wandering hands; I haven’t seen you in a very long time, and a demon has needs, you know.”
“No, I don’t know,” you sighed. You couldn’t help but notice that his very being seemed to light up every time he spoke. It was almost... cute. In a strange way. “But you seem to know me, so why don’t I know you?”
Bill sighed. “It would be easier to show you than to explain it.”
“So show me then.”
“It’s—not that easy. The quickest way for me to show you, I—I have to do something I swore I would never do to you.”
“What’s that?”
“Possess you.”
You watched the tiny being beside you, eyebrow furrowed as though the thought caused him turmoil.
“Possess me?”
“Take over your body to liberate your memories, if you will. But for me to do that, you have to make a deal with me.”
“A deal?”
“Yes, a deal. Red tape, it’ll drive you nuts, believe me. So whaddya say you let me get reacquainted with that bod—uh, mind of yours, huh?”
You opened your mouth to reply but stopped and listened, the unmistakable sound of a drill whirling to life. Ford and Stan were preparing to dismantle the door to get inside. The demon looked up at you, all cockiness aside, and you could have sworn his eye was almost pleading with you. 
“We don’t have much time. If you want to learn what exactly is going on, you’ll have to trust me.” Bill floated in front of you, hand extended. Bright blue flame engulfed it, and you looked at it warily. 
“It won’t cost me my soul, will it?” you asked with some trepidation. “And you’ll leave my body afterward?”
“No, it won’t cost you your soul,” Bill said softly, as though he were talking to a lover. “I just need permission to enter your mind. That’s it. I’ll leave right afterward.”
You could hear the sounds of a drill making contact with the screws holding it in place. It wouldn’t be much longer before they would be in here, and you didn’t know what would happen afterward. Especially to Bill. Biting your lip, you mulled it over. You wanted to discover why and how you were connected to this, with the bizarre dreams and all that. If Bill had the answers, could it really be all that bad to make a deal with him? 
Bill looked anxious as the voice of Stan and Ford grew louder. You had maybe seconds left…
“Okay!” you said, taking his hand as the flames engulfed yours. Right then and there, the bedroom door tilted to the side, enough for Ford and Stan to fit through as Bill laughed.
“Too late, suckers!”
You felt a painful burst in your head as Bill took over your body while his turned to stone and fell to the ground in front of you with a loud thump. At that moment, the two men rushed over. Their looks of complete horror were the last thing you saw before you passed out on the bed. _______ Chapter 9 / Chapter 11 AO3 / Wattpad
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carnationcreation · 2 years
Secrets and Fights (Gareth Emerson x Cunningham!reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in! 
Pairing: Gareth Emerson x reader
Prompt/summary: After her sister's death, reader witnesses Jason’s spiral out of control, and tries to protect the people she cares about.
Warnings: fist fight, mentions of blood, mentions of chrissy’s unaliving, S4 spoilers? Lmk if I missed any!
Authors note: Two imagines in one week? Holy shit I’m on a roll y’all!
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My older sister, Chrissy, told me everything. 
I was only a year younger than her, but she still told me every detail of her life as I told her about mine. We just got each other. We got each other in a way other people would never understand.
I remember when she got her first boyfriend. Her eighth grade year, my seventh grade year, and her first year on varsity cheer. She swore me to secrecy and I covered for her sneaking out in exchange for food money at football games. She got more of an allowance than I did anyway. And even when they broke up before my freshman year, I never tried to tell her she was wrong about him. She loved him, but sometimes love doesn’t make things last.
I knew Jason was trouble, but he made her smile in a way I hadn’t seen in a while. They started dating during my sophomore year, her junior year. To all outsiders they were a match made in heaven. The ‘it’ couple at Hawkins High.
For the first time in my life, I kept two secrets from her.
One, was that I hated Jason.
I saw what he did to the ‘freaks’. Anyone he deemed beneath him would know how much he disliked them, and somehow my sister was oblivious to it all. The first fight I ever witnessed in high school was Jason and his gang jumping a poor kid from the school paper. To this day, I’m not even sure what he did to deserve it, but regardless I helped pick up the stacks of scattered papers without even a thank you from him. He was scared shitless.
I wanted to tell Chrissy, but part of me didn’t want to be the one who broke her heart. I guess it didn’t matter much now. 
Now I tell my secrets to a gravestone on the southside of town.
After her death, all hell seems to have broken loose. 
Jason was angry. After her memorial at the school he had stomped out to the parking lot, only stopping to answer my question of where he was going.
“I’m going to make those freaks pay.”
I knew who he meant. My heart sank. I didn’t believe that Eddie Munson was responsible for her death, I knew Eddie before she went to get something to help her sleep from him. I think it was something in her nightmares that got her. Not a monster, but something bothering her. Something she kept a secret from me. I don’t know if it was another boy… or something else. But I knew in my gut that it wasn’t Eddie.
That didn’t stop Jason.
The second secret I kept from Chrissy? 
I had a crush on a freak. A guy in Eddie’s band.
Gareth had jumped in to help the same day Jason jumped that kid. He helped me stack papers and get the kid to his feet. Gareth was a sweetheart, and becoming friends with him means that I knew Eddie. Hellfire wouldn’t do something like this, even though Jason wants to say they did. I knew if I had told Chrissy about my crush, her relentless teasing towards me would mean getting more attention from Jason put on them. And as much as I loved my sister, I couldn’t do that to them. 
I tried to protect them, but even now they’re not safe from his rampage.
I didn’t know who to go to. But as Jason left the school parking lot I knew I had to warn them. 
Warn Gareth.
He had a two minute head start on me, but I grabbed my bike and took a shortcut to Gareth’s house. 
They needed to find Eddie, before Jason did.
I got there before he did, somehow. I threw my bike down at the edge of the driveway and ran into the garage. All but crashing into Gareth’s arms as he stood up from his drum set, “Woah, (Y/n). You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“You guys-” I gasped, trying to catch my breath, “You need to hide. Jason- oh god, he thinks you guys are responsible for Chrissy’s death.”
Jeff placed a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me, “What?” 
“Jason thinks Eddie killed her, so now he’s coming up here after you-” I was cut short by Jason’s car skidding to a stop at the end of the cul de sac. “Guys please hide.”
Gareth tightened his grip on my arm, pulling me behind him, “We’re not going to hide. We didn’t do anything.”
“Gareth please,” I pleaded, but my warning fell on deaf ears as Gareth approached the garage door.
“You’re a little early fellas, the shows not till next week.”
Andy snorted, “Oh, so that was music you were playing?”
Jason locked eyes with me, making me hide behind Gareth once again, “We’re looking for Eddie Munson. He’s in this band, if that’s what you can even call this.”
“Why do you care?” Gareth said, jaw clenched in anger.
“That’s our business,” Jason said, “Let’s go (Y/n), your mom told me to drive you home.”
Gareth caught my arm as I was about to brush past him, “You have eyes, don’t you? Eddie’s not here.”
“Let her go,” Jason growled.
I sunk back behind Gareth, “She’s not going with you man.”
Jason nodded, and for a split second it looked like he was about to turn and leave. Gareth stumbled back from the force of his punch, Jason grabbed him by the collar, “Where is he?”
Jeff tried to lunge forward, but Andy grabbed his arm to hold him back, “Hey man!”
“Where is he?” Jason yelled into Gareth’s face.
“I don’t know!”
My body finally came out of shock. I threw myself in between the boys, trying desperately to get Gareth out of Jason’s grip. Jason drew his fist back for another blow, but as I finally managed to push Gareth out of the way I felt a sharp pain in my temple. 
I stumbled. The ground seemed to come up to meet me as I heard Gareth shout. 
I heard a crash and saw the drum set fall beside me. Jason now had Gareth pinned to the ground with his shoe pressed into his hand. I heard the crack of his knuckles as Jason continued to press down, “It’s gonna be hard to play drums with a broken hand.”
“Gareth, just tell him!” I shouted. 
Gareth screamed as Jason’s shoe pressed down harder, “Dustin! Dustin Henderson.”
I sighed in relief, Jason pulled his foot back but didn’t take it off.
“Yeah, he- he was calling around looking for Eddie. Maybe he found him?”
I got up, trying my best not to stumble against the pounding in my head and pushing Jason back. He fell back to the ground, “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Get out of here Jason, before I call the cops!”
Jason only smirked as his friends ran to the car, “I’ll deal with you later, for protecting these freaks.”
I waited until his car was pulling out before I finally turned back to Gareth. His lip was split and bleeding, and he cradled his right hand.
“I don’t think it’s broken man,” Jeff said, “Just sprained.”
I bent down, trying to examine his hand when Gareth brushed my hair out of the way to look at my face, “It’s already bruising.”
“I’ll be fine, should we get him to a hospital?” I asked Jeff.
“Not if the swelling goes down.” Jeff pulled Gareth to his feet, “Holy shit man, you just punched Jason.”
I looked at him questioningly before Jeff elaborated, “After you went down Gareth went for him man. God I wish I had recorded that.”
Gareth sighed, “Let’s go get some ice for that bruise.”
He led me inside and pulled ice packs from the fridge. He went to hold one against my temple before I took it out of his hand and started icing his now swollen knuckles, “You shouldn’t have punched him. It made things worse.”
“Eh, he needs to know he’s not invincible. And that he should never hit a pretty girl like you.”
I blushed under his gaze, hiding the smile that still peaked out as I examined his hand.
Gareth grabbed another ice pack and rested it against my now aching bruise, “You should really let people take care of you. You’re always protecting other people.”
“I don’t need protection like other people do,” I said.
Gareth sighed, “Well, maybe you don’t need it.”
“But you’re gonna do it anyway?”
Gareth nodded, smiling as he brushed my hair back again. The cold ice against my skin did nothing to hide the warm blush on my cheeks. 
“Do you remember when we first met?”
“Yeah, after Eddie-”
Gareth chuckled, “No, it was before Eddie.” I looked at him questioningly, “It was back in… fifth grade I think? I had just buzzed all my hair off, and when I came into class Andy Pollier kept rubbing my head saying it was a magic eight ball.”
I chuckled lightly.
“Well, after I slapped his hand away he cornered me after school. You saw, and instead of running to get a teacher you walked right up to him and kicked him. Right in the balls.”
“Oh yeah,” I chuckled, adjusting the ice pack on his hand, “I think I do remember that.”
“I ran off of course. Too scared, but also in awe of the fact that a pretty girl just kicked someone in the balls to keep me from getting jumped.”
I smiled, and when I looked back up at him he was smiling too. At me. He was smiling at me.
“Maybe that’s when the crush started,” he said, and with those simple words my heart stopped. “Or maybe it was when you helped that poor kid from the school paper. But I knew it definitely started before you defended me against Jason and got yourself hurt in the process.”
I shrugged.
“That was amazing,” he said, making me meet his eyes again.
“You’re amazing.”
I said it before I could even process the words coming out of my mouth, and part of me wanted to slap myself.
Gareth smiled widely, bringing his injured hand up with mine on top of it to gently kiss my knuckles. 
“I hate to kill the moment,” I sighed, “But how are we going to find Eddie?”
Gareth furrowed his brow, “I don’t know. But we will.”
“Just don’t go get in any other fights. I don’t know how many more hits I can take protecting you,” I smiled.
Gareth chuckled, “Don’t worry darling. I’m ready this time.”
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Last Chance
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Felix Volturi x SwanReader(slight)
A/N: this is for all of you girlies always asking me for swan reader insert. This is the first and last swan insert because I don’t like Bella.
The Fictober prompt today was “Adaptable, I like that.” I know it’s coming out a little past the due date but I will have a long headcanon to make up for it 🤍
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“I cannot believe you dragged me into this.”
“You could have stayed home. I needed Bella.”
“If you had kept your mouth shut any maybe minded your own damn business this wouldn’t be an issue.” You spat back.
“Y/n it’s fine.” Bella squeezed your hand, “not like we had much choice anyway.” She mumbled under her breath. You were proud of the progress your sister made. It had been a long winter, but thanks to Jacob you had been able to get her to start being happy again. And of course Alice had to come and ruin everything. As much as she hated you, you both knew she wouldn’t push you too far. At least Bella hadn’t seemed too happy to see her old friend either, to both your and Alice’s surprise. She had left you and Jacob in the truck ready to scream at whoever dared to be waiting in our home.
The guilt trip happened after you and Jacob followed her in. Alice explained that she saw her cliff jumping, which yeah not her best move. You knew about the hallucinations that still popped up every now and then, she told you that she was trying to finally get it to go away. Be able to live her life without having to worry about Edward lingering over her. You left a note to your dad saying you were taking a road trip to lift up Bella’s spirit. Charlie loved the improvement but he trusted you, especially when you had helped Bella so much already. Stupid Alice. Stupid Cullens.
You and Bella sat together on the plane ride over, much Alice’s annoyance. You knew why she didn’t fight you too much, the secret had been eating at you since Bella came to Forks. Why Edward made sure to stay away as much as possible, complain as he might he relied on his gift for everything. And you…you alone threatened the very nature of his being. He claimed he was a protector of the family but you knew better. He heard your thoughts and ran.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What’s wrong?”
You started choking up, “you remember when you woke up at the hospital? After the whole James thing?”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I shouldn’t have let you go to that stupid game by yourself.”
“It’s not your fault y/n. I shouldn’t have gone without you.”
“Yeah but… I wasn’t allowed.”
“I thought—you said you hated baseball.”
You shook your head “No the day before. When we went to the cullens… They had told us Alice can see the futures…”
“Well when you and Edward left I asked Jasper and Alice about their gifts, and Alice was like ‘I bet I can tell you exactly who you’ll go to prom with and what you’ll wear. As of right now you want to go to school for—‘ and it freaked me out because I don’t want to know my future. I asked her not to tell me.”
You still remember everything about that day. How everyone had kept their distance but began as Alice blinked in confusion. Her tilted as she stared you down. Her anxiety must have been high because Jasper began worrying asking her what was wrong, seeming rather frantic himself.
‘I—nothing. I just…I think I need a moment.’ She disappeared with Jasper following a second later. Carlisle said that her visions sometimes are more like puzzles and it takes time to figure them out. You had nodded feeling uncomfortable at the small talk until Edward and Bella returned. When he began glaring at you the second he walked in you begged Bella to go home. You remember her panic at the desperation in your voice but she agreed and the two of you were dropped off. Edwards icy glare never left you. You felt it until you closed the door behind you.
The two of you weren’t supposed to meet his family until the game, but because Bella wanted you to go with her. The next morning Bella was working on cleaning out her truck, you had been reading and were about to go help her when Edward and Alice appeared in your room. You had already warned Edward you would scream if he came in yours and Bella room again after she told you he watched her sleep. He had threatened you then and you warned him you would eat him out to Bella and she would never think of him the same. He played it off then, you had told her if anything happens to you at night or she finds you somewhere then it was Edward. She had assured you he would never hurt you but she gave him an earful over it apparently. He’s apparently never had the upper hand because he’s hated you since. Alice immediately began saying that you three need to talk in private.
‘Give me back my visions!’ Alice yelled as quietly as she could.
‘What are you talking about??’
She crossed her arms and looked at Edward, ‘she has no idea Alice.’
‘Well she needs to figure it out.’
‘And you two need to tell me what’s going on before I yell for Bella.’ They acted as if you weren’t in the room, and in your own home? You were furious.
‘You know we are more than able to stop you.’
‘Edward I don’t have my gift and even I can see how badly that would turn out for us. Think about Carlisle.’
He must agreed because a small growl seemed to emit from his throat, he cleared before talking to you in saccharine tone, ‘Y/n. We need you to stay here for the baseball game today. I need to be able to protect our family and you possibly getting rid of my gift could hurt everyone.’
‘Please. The only ones who protect your family are Emmett and Jasper. I wish you didn’t have your gift either. Maybe then you’d be able to figure out how to actually interact with people.’
His eyes grew wide, and he got dangerously close to you. ‘Take. It. Back. Take it back NOW!’
‘Hey Bells?’ You said as loud as you could. She opened the door downstairs a few seconds later
‘Y/n, did you call me?’
Edward looked as if he could have kill right then. But he took a few steps back, ‘yeah just wondering if you still needed help. I got caught up in the book I was reading.’
‘Yeah sure that’d be great! I’ll meet you out here.’
‘Guess this conversation is over.’
Alice and Edward looked at eachother. Alice glared at you, ‘Don’t ruin Bella’s fun today. Let her enjoy the game, okay?’
Something about the way she said made it sound like a threat to Bella. And no matter how much you had a distaste for Edward he’d been nothing but respectful to her. At least that’s what she had told you. You worried about your sister, you had been separated since you were little. If anything happened to her—
Bella took your story in silence. “I’m sorry.”
“I should have listened to you from the beginning. I thought it was my fault when he left.” She not her lip and shook her head, “You and Jake were right. But I’m not letting him get off easy. We’re going to save him because he deserves to live with whatever guilt he has.”
You hugged your sister. You forgot how much of a fighter she was at times. She had been so determined to save you she was ready to run to Florida scream at Charlie. You had managed to get her to calm down enough to explain. Edward appeared in your room and said if they had their gift they may be more able to help. You saw Alice outside waiting for the couple she’s the only one .you thought could help. You made Bella apologize and told her you would come up with an excuse for Charlie. This time you left a note for Charlie saying that you and Bella needed to take a breather from the accident and took a road trip up down the coast. You knew he wouldn’t be happy but he knew you were trying to keep Bella’s spirit up. Jacob had only helped the two of you.
“So…y/n did Edward ever get his gift back?”
“Yeah, while you were in the hospital he basically begged me to give it back. I gave it back once everyone got together after you got better.” You didn’t mention that this was after you had a breakdown when Bella was on the run and told Rosalie and Esme what had happened with Edward. Rosalie had told you Esme and Carlisle gave him a stern talking to. And apparently it had changed their view as favorite child. You had made sure to try and give his gift back after Esme had talked to Carlisle. Apparently it worked because it looked like he had seen a ghost.
“Should I take it back again?”
“Can you do it from here?”
“No but when I see him maybe.”
“What about Alice?”
“I never tried to take her gift away on purpose. I should have though because then we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Bella chuckled before getting a serious look on her face
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to but he showed up the second I went outside and invited you out to baseball. Then you got hurt and I was going to tell you then but you kept saying how he saved you and you were so happy. And then after our birthday you were panicking and I didn’t know if you candle anything else. And I’m sure you know why you didn’t say anything after they left.”
“I get it but what about when we were with Jacob and found out about why they didn’t like the cullens.”
“Honestly…I just wanted you to realize they weren’t as nice as they seemed on your own and you told me about hearing him. I didn’t think you were over him.”
“To be honest I don’t think I was at first. But after a while I think it was more of him scolding me like a child. He never took me seriously. And I started looking for the adrenaline rushes to spite him. And they did make me happy.” Bella shrugged and the two of you leaned against each other and fell asleep until you landed in Italy.
The three of you sped off in a sports car Alice decided to “borrow.” She had tried to explain herself to Bella but she just looked out the window. You finally arrived at the festival the town of Volterra was having. You hated running but you also had to make sure Bella didn’t fall before she made it to Edward and crack her skull open.
You both saw him at the same time. You tried to make your “gift” work. Once you figured out you could mess with Edward you would often try to stop his mind reading during lunch. You thought it was a fair deal since he was the reason your sister broke her leg. You hoped this would work. Maybe get him to notice something was weird while Bella.
He seemed to falter a little bit.
Edward, you idiot she’s alive. Look up!
Bella a managed to stop in front of the fountain. God you hoped she wouldn’t make a scene. The whole point was Edward didn’t show himself to the crowd. You bought the two of you enough time to get his attention. He took a step back, and the two of you ran up to him. You looked around, a little girl was staring at the three of you. You were sure you had seen the tiniest bit of reflect when you saw Edward and you wonder how much she saw. You didn’t have much time to question before Edward dragged you and Bella into the alley.
He cupped Bella’s face but she moved his hands away, “you were going to kill yourself?”
“Bella I can’t live without you.” He sounded pained she was surprised
“Didn’t you leave her in the middle of the woods?”
“I was trying to save her.” He snarled at you
“Great way of showing she almost died. again. Thanks to you. If it hadnt been for Sam who knows what would have happened.” You made sure to think of Bella being carried to your house
“Bella. Why didn’t you return home?”
“Are you serious right now?” Bella asked, he opened his mouth to say something before his head turned down to look at two dark figures heading your way. Suddenly his voice changed into the annoying fake politeness he treated everyone else with.
“Greetings, gentlemen. I don’t think I’ll be requiring your services today. I would appreciate it very much, however, if you would send my thanks to your masters.”
God his tone was so condescending, it was clear that neither fell for it. The taller of the two spoke, “Shall we take this to a more appropriate venue?”
“I don’t believe that will be necessary.” His cool tone was now, gone and replaced with an icy retort, “I know your instructions, Felix. I haven’t broken any rules.” Suddenly you were furious again. You wished that he couldn’t use his gift again. And instantly his anger was directed at you
“What are you doing??”
“Keeping your mouth shut. They obviously aren’t asking. So lets just go and get this over with so no one gets into any trouble. Yeah?” The tall one, Felix tilted his head. Seeming somewhat amused at the scolding you gave Edward. Not that you could see much at this distance
The shorter one chuckled and came close enough to see his face, “Felix merely meant to point out the proximity of the sun. Shall we seek better cover?”
“I’ll be right behind you.” Bella, go with Y/n. Why dont you two enjoy the festival.
“No. Bring the girls.”
“I dont think so.” Edward looked like he was ready to attack but if your history lesson with Carlisle served you, he didn’t stand a chance. He honestly looked like Alice would be able to take him. You were so tired at this point.
“For Gods sake. Edward you look like your about to crumble into dust. You’re not winning any fights. Bella?” You offered her your hand, “Come on, we knew the risks.” Bella grabbed your hand and you waited for the two men to show you the way. Edward sulked behind you. After a couple minutes Alice glided in.
“You don’t mind if I join, right boys?” The two continued to walk, with you and Bella close behind.
Alice caught Edward up on Bellas life. Her reasonings for cliff jumping. Not that it was any of his business. Your group ran into another much smaller vampire, but by the way everyone reacted you could tell she must have been powerful. They called her Jane, Bella squeezed your hand. A silent exchange passed between the two of you as you saw her disappear into what seemed to be a storm drain. You squeezed it back letting her know it would be okay. Alice went first, I suppose to catch our fall. Bella went first. You hesitated only because it was Alice that was going to catch you. Felix suddenly went down before you, I guess since Bella was down there, there was no reason for Edward to leave. They’d probably find him anyway.
Demetri gestured for you to follow, you called out into the darkness “You’re going to catch me right?”
“Dont trust me y/n?” Alice joked
“No.” You were most definitely not joking.
You heard a chuckle then Felix’s voice, “I’ll make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
Good enough for you, you jumped down preparing for a much harder impact. Felix caught you and gently began to place you down. He leant forward as he let your feet hit the ground, “Adaptable. I like that.” He whispered
You found yourself chuckling, “wouldnt want to break anything too close to this many vampires, right?”
“SUre.” he smirked. You went to grab Bellas hand again, you could barely see her in the darkness but you felt like she was raising her brow at you, questioning what she just heard. You simply shrugged and waited for Edward, and then the other vampire, Demetri to join you. Immediately the light was gone and there was no way you would be able to see anything. Edward offered to guide Bella but she pulled away again. You heard some kind of sigh before your other hand was placed in the crook of someones arms. Felix. You felt your face get hot and you hoped their eyesight wasnt good enough to see the redness surely creeping up on your face. You found yourself disappointed when you reached the hallway and the lighting was bright enough for you to see again. 
The only time Bella talked to Edward was about the secretary you passed on your way to the most spectacular looking room youd ever seen. You knew it was called the throne room but the name didnt justify the grandeur of the architecture, not just in this room but the main building you had walked through. You felt as if you had gone on a very private tour you would never be able to afford. Everything was slowed down. You barely registered anything anyone was saying, if you were going to die at least this was a pretty place to do so. You felt the need to curtsy once in front of the three leaders of Volterra. The leaders of their kind. You slightly bowed your head as they eyed you. You realized the people who had come to collect you had gone and taken their place in respective areas of the room. You and Bella clung to each other as the one you would find to be Aro began to speak, you continued to dissociate until you heard your sisters name.
“And Alice, Bella, and Y/n too!” This is a happy surprise! Wonderful! I do love a happy ending.”
You zoned out again as he began to praise Alice. Ugh, it was her fault we were in this mess to begin with. You found yourself staring at Edward, he was becoming more and more frantic as he realized his “gift” hadnt returned. Aro eventually asked to read his mind. Only then realizing what I had done. You debated doing the same to him but you felt eerily calm. This man was of no threat to you.
“Interesting. A girl who is immune to your powers Edward. And another who seems to be able to take them away.” This got the attention of Caius. Who suddenly seemed interested.
“May I?” He asked Bella. She held her hand out and Aro laughed as he found he could not read her mind either, he turned his attention towards you and you simply outstretched your hand. “Interesting, truly fascinating. A first. I wonder if your abilities are immune to our other talents.”
He called for Jane, Jane glared at Bella but Edward tried to be a hero and doubled over in pain. Once Edward was subdued she looked at Bella again. Nothing. You could tell she was upset, she was young no more than 11 it seemed and it was clear she wanted Aro’s approval. She looked at you. You begged whoever was out there for her gift to not work. You were lucky, so very lucky. Aro placated the child and asked Edward and ALice if they would like to stay in Volterra. They promptly declined when he turned to you and Bella, you were both stunned. Caius said the Cullens had broken the law, humans are not supposed to know about them and he was right, Edward made it clear everyday how he hated what he was and would never wish the same on Bella. We had no choice, either we turn or we die. Alice offered to change Bella but you both put together that this did not include you. You squeezed her hand before stepping forward.
“I’ll join. I just--our father...is there anyway you all could stage an accident. If he thinks we ran away he will never stop looking.”
“Bell you’re free to make your own choices. But I’m not ready to die because your boyfriend is an idiot.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” she grumbled, then she straightened and walked next to you and placed her hand in yours. “I’ll stay with my sister.”
“Bella. You dont know what youre doing.”
Bella began shaking, all the sadness she had felt for those first few, terrible months had turned to anger once you and Jacob began bringing her out of her shell again. She was done listening to him, “You lost the right to worry about me when you left me for dead in the woods. I’m staying.”
“How exciting!” Aro clapped, “Felix, would you take Bella and y/n to the room next to Heidi’s? She’s about to come and we wouldn’t want to make a bad first impression on our guests.”
Felix nodded and walked you two out of the rom. You looked back at Edward who was still clenching his fists. You hope neither of them ever got their gift back. He apologized before grabbing both of you and dashing to where you were to stay until they were done feeding. Apparently Carlisle was on his way as word of this whole debacle was just reaching him. You both cried. Realizing your life was over and you hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye to your dad. Bella continued to apologize saying she should have let Edward go through with it and you apologizing for giving in so quickly. You tried to recount the events of today.
“I didn’t think I had any feelings left for him.” Bella said quietly after the two of you had been sitting alone for some time.
“I’m sure you had a lot left to say to him. It makes sense.”
“Should I have let that Felix guy-“
“No. Empathy is not something to apologize for.”
“Speaking of. Anything you want to tell me?” She offered you a smile so genuine it almost made you cry again.
“He seems nice.”
“Sureee.” You smacked her arm and after a bit more talking about the chances of what would happen to you now that you were here. It didn’t take long for the two of you fell asleep. You woke up to the knocking first
Aro and two women walked in together. Bella woke up slowly but quickly sat up when she realized what was happening. “Already?”
“Not to worry, we won’t turn you for a while until you are ready. This is my wife Sulpicia and this is my sister Athenadora, Caiuss wife.”
“Nice to meet you.” You both kept your head down. Aro explained he would try and change us around 25. Which meant you would be changing first. Renee had chosen Bella because she wasn’t in her terrible threes when she left. You had around 5 years left.Bella had 8. Bell tried to insist she would rather get it out of the way now but you begged her to wait until she was at least 21. Aro laughed at your bickering. Sulpicia and Athenadora explained how Heidi would help the two of you settle in. Get clothes, books, decor for the room. Supposedly she had a real knack for it. They also told you that while you would be sleeping together for the first few nights you would each have supérate rooms until the both of you had changed. Athenadora insisted that you two get separate rooms that connect together so you could continue to hang out as sisters. This made Bella tear up, you were both expecting to be painfully changed and now everyone had been nothing but kind. You wondered if Rdward had actually met Aro or anyone in the volturi. Temporary pajamas were brought by Heidi and Bella collapsed immediately. You were too excited to sleep and found yourself pacing in the room wondering what you were going to have to do, you were going to need to know who you could talk with. You were going to need support. Felix and Demetri seemed nice. Your thoughts lingered on Celis and you felt the corners of your lips perk up. You jumped at the knocking at your door.
“Hello, y/n are you getting settled?” Felix. You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming
“Uhm hi Felix. It’s okay for I suppose.”
“Can’t sleep?”
“Not really…”
“Hmm that won’t do.”
He shook his head, “would you like a tour?”
You looked behind you at your sleeping sister, more at peace than she had been in a long time. You didn’t have to worry about her falling backwards anymore, you wanted to be happy too. You looked back up at Felix and looped your arm in his, “I would love a tour.”
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Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @heartrise @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @quartly @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx @jelly-fishy-babie
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questforgalas · 3 months
Who Needs a God When I Have You?
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Notes: This is how I cope with my uterus throwing a tantrum: Rex being so soft.
Also, this is the first time I've actually put down on paper my OC, Kandri Kendra. She's been in my brain since I was probably a teenager (I'm in my 30s now for context) and to actually be sharing her with you all, even if just a snippet, is both exciting and terrifying. I may bring her out some more, but I hope you enjoy this little tidbit with her
WC: 2.7k
Characters: Rex, OC Kandri Kendra
Tags/Warnings: Menstruation, description of pain (menstrual related), mentions of throwing up (menstruation related), dry heaving (menstruation related), swearing, so much freaking fluff
Tay's Masterlist
For those who prefer Ao3
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Kandri Kendra was not a religious woman. No god or gods hung over her head attempting to guide her through life or miraculously providing the answers to the questions swirling around in her head. She never gave the Maker a second thought since she passed through the temple doors all those years ago she doesn’t remember. But as she dry heaved into the toilet once more, she was starting to think maybe she had it wrong. 
“For the love of the force,” she pleaded into the bowl as spit dribbled past her chin. “Maker, if you make this stop, I promise I’ll give you a baby next month.” 
Lies. Pure and utter lies. The idea of a child made her shutter more than the pain stabbing below her stomach, but the Maker or the force or whoever else anyone wanted to believe was out there listening didn’t need to know that. 
As if detecting the desperate deceit of her words, another sharp pang ripped through her lower abdomen, and another surge of nausea rolled through. Another valiant attempt by her stomach at emptying its contents, but it ran out of ammo five tries ago. 
“Ugh, not you too,” Kandri groaned down at her traitorous uterus; the cool metal of the toilet a comfort on her sweating forehead. “We go through this every month. It’s not happening. You don’t have to throw a fit every fuckin’ time.” 
Deep breaths. 
Then out. 
Please for the love of the force.
Then out. 
I���ll sneak an extra ration from the mess tomorrow, I promise.
I will cut you out myself, I swear. 
Then out. 
Time passed. How much, Kandri wasn’t sure. She gave up checking the chrono on her vambrace after an hour of cramps with no end in sight, and that felt as far away as the creche at the temple. Oh, what she would give for those years again. Beautiful, pain free years when her own body wouldn’t throw a tantrum every month. When she could sit there and say, “Hey body, swell day we’re having, huh? Not going to throw any wrenches in it, are we? No? I trust ya!” 
A thought that reminiscing about her pre-pubescent years while her cheek rested against a toilet seat may fall under the category of “New Low'' flitted at the front of Kandri’s mind, and she decided now was probably the best time to try and make it out of here. Dredges of energy laid dormant in her muscles. She called on the force, digging past the exhaustion and the pain, and clambered from the spot on the floor. She half expected to see an imprint of a butt in the tile flooring. 
Another cramp flared to life forcing Kandri to grab onto the edges of the sink beside her. Focus on your breathing. In through the nose. That’s it. The rise of the chest. Slow. Slooow. Out through the, oh force. Oh, that’s awful. 
An unsteady hand grasped the empty glass sitting on the corner, and the mere seconds it took to fill it with water were almost too much for the fried nerves and muscles hanging on by a thread. She didn’t bother looking up into the mirror. She didn’t need to see the sweaty wreck her rosy hair was or how deep the bags under her green eyes were. She could feel it all. The sweat sticking to her shirt. The throbbing in her lower back. The muscles cramping up and down her legs. The desert in her mouth. 
Lukewarm water took care of one discomfort, and maybe there was a higher being watching over this poor performance of a human in a tiny venator fresher because suddenly Kandri found the energy to drag her stone limbs back to her wall alcove of a bunk.
Nearly there. 
The standard issue blanket seemed like a luxury duvet in her eyes, ready to wrap herself and fall into whatever blissful sleep her body would allow. Just one more step and she’d be curled in…
Knock. Knock. Knock.  
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Kandri pounded her fist against the wall. She glanced over. Her chrono read 0300. “Who the fuck could that be? I swear-” She shuffled toward the door. “If that’s Skywalker, I’m putting my lightsaber right through his stomach and slashing him in-” 
The door to the sleepy halls of the Resolute swooshed open.
“Please, no lightsaber stabs. Especially in my general,” Amused honey eyes greeted her. “The paperwork would be a nightmare.” 
Kandri wanted to cry. No, sob. No, completely breakdown and let her body crumble and feel every cramp and pain it has thrown her way the past hours because she knew the man in front of her would catch her before her knees even buckled. Because she knew the arms and hands and fingers that would wrap around her and hold her to the warm body wrapped in his military blacks were the safest place in the galaxy she could be. Would ever be. 
“What are you…?” Kandri trailed off, still stunned by the miracle in front of her. 
“I could feel you,” he simply answered. “Well, not how you can feel me. At least, I don’t think so. I just woke up and knew you were in trouble.” Honey eyes glanced all over her, taking in every inch. “Are you injured? I swear, Kandri, if you hid another injury-”
“I didn’t hide another injury,” Kandri interrupted. “I promise, Rex,” she added on when he quirked an eyebrow at her. “It’s just the joys of being-” her explanation was cut short by a stab in her abdomen that caused her to double over, arms wrapping around her middle as a feeble attempt to stave off the pain. 
Immediately, her space was crowded by Rex’s presence as he smoothly put one arm behind her knees and the other against her back, effectively scooping her into his arms as if she wasn’t six feet tall and rivaled most of his brothers’ muscles. “Shh, it’s ok. I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” he mumbled into her hair. 
Force, he was warm. Warm and comfortable and home. Kandri nuzzled into the soft crook of his neck, near whimpering at the ease merely his presence gave her. Gently, he lowered her onto the stiff mattress of her bunk and wrapped the blanket around her. “Stay here, ner cabur. I’ll be right back.” 
Ner cabur. My guardian. 
“You can call me your personal guardian, Captain,” she’d quipped at him years ago, at the beginning of the war, while she smiled down at him with an outstretched hand and a squad of droids in pieces around her. The squad of droids that had been on the verge of overtaking the captain. The captain who had been laying on the Felucian ground as he grasped that hand held out to him. 
“Nice to meet you, guardian,” he huffed back. 
It became their personal joke. Rex’s guardian having his back whenever Kandri joined the 501st. Rex’s guardian laying droids to waste around them.
Rex’s guardian finding him alone in the barracks, listening as he mourned his brothers. Rex’s guardian laying her head on his shoulder as she cried in the cargo hold. The war went on. Missions passed. Over time, Rex’s guardian protected more than his back on the field. Over time, she protected his heart as well. 
His guardian. 
Kandri didn’t have time to protest as Rex placed a kiss to her temple and walked out of the room. His strong back clad in black retreating away. The venator hummed. Her body ached. Her mind begged for rest. Not long after, dim hallway light flooded in from the doorway once again, and Kandri could feel the tears pricking at her eyes at the sight. 
“Mine should be a little bit more comfortable than the reserves used for the guest quarters,” Rex offered as he held up the long rectangle in his hands. “But before I tuck you in there, do you want a shower?” 
“I’d rather sit through an entire council meeting than move right now,” Kandri answered.
“Alright,” Rex chuckled. The low light of the room did nothing to dim the warmth in his eyes. “Let’s at least change your shirt, yeah? You don’t look too comfortable.” 
“Say that to my uterus.” 
“I’m afraid I can’t change your uterus.” 
“And I thought you clones could do everything,” Kandri teased.
“I’ll happily add it to Kix’s training if you’d like.”
“Sounds reasonable.” 
“Very.” Rex gently kissed her temple again. His favorite spot. Well, one of them. “Be right back.” 
The harsh light from the fresher briefly blinded Kandri, causing her to blink through it, squinting at the offending light. Rex searched the solo cabinet unit for a moment before a victorious “Ah!” left his lips, and he produced a small cloth in hand. The sound of running water drifted through the space before cutting off, and then Rex appeared by her bedside once again, cloaked in darkness with a wet cloth in one hand and a fresh shirt in the other. 
“Alright, off,” he gestured to the current shirt drenched in sweat while he placed the clean one on the end of the bed. 
“If you wanted me naked, Captain, you could-”
“Must be bad if you’re trying to crack jokes at 0330.” 
“They distract from the constant thought of wanting to carve my uterus out.” 
“Not dramatic in the slightest.” Kandri wished she could bottle Rex’s laugh and keep it for eternity. “You may not be up for showering, but you’re covered in sweat, and you can’t tell me you’re comfortable like that. Now, come on. Up and off.” 
“That’s what-”
“If you don’t want my clothes off, you know you shouldn’t use the captain voice.” Slowly, Kandri disentangled from the flimsy cocoon and lifted the clinging shirt over her head. An unceremonious toss landed it near the pack on the floor. 
Rex started on her neck, the wet cloth a blessing against her heated skin, and with soft, reverent strokes, he wiped away the grime. Kandri watched, transfixed by the adoring look fully displayed in her favorite honey eyes. She never cared for the comments that these men were just clones. Never listened to anyone who said, “They’re all just the same.” Because they were wrong. Because they didn’t notice that Kix tanned a little easier or that Echo’s eyes were a whiskey, not a honey, or that Fives’ hair curled a little more on the sides than his brothers’ did. They didn’t notice that Wolffe had a mole on his shoulder or that Cody’s smile quirked to the right. 
They didn’t notice how Rex’s brow furrowed the same way while forming strategies as it does while he watches holoball. They didn’t notice the way Rex preferred sunsets over sunrises. They didn’t notice how the sun turned his honey eyes into gold. They didn’t notice the relief in his shoulders whenever he spotted her across a battlefield, still up. Still breathing.
But she noticed. 
She would always notice. 
“Did you have your cup on you?” Rex asked as he finished wiping the top of her thigh, finger gently tapping against the knee while he patiently waited for an answer. 
“Yes. And the cramps woke me up before the flow started, so no cleanup necessary,” Kandri answered, the soft smile on her lips matching his. 
“One less thing for you to deal with.” A soft kiss pressed against where the finger had tapped. The cloth joined Kandri’s old shirt in the corner, and Rex reached for the clean shirt waiting at the foot of the bed. “Arms up,” he instructed. 
“Rex, I can dress myself,” Kandri laughed. 
“Just, let me take care of you. Please.” 
Well, how can I say no to that face?
“Better?” Rex asked when the hem met Kandri’s thighs.
“Better,” she answered. 
Rex rested his hands on the mattress, leaning in until the tip of his nose brushed against hers. “Good,” he murmured. A whisper of a kiss touched their lips. Soft. Caring. Adoring. Matching the quiet of the room around them. Kandri would trade every relic in the Jedi temple, every treasure in Coruscant’s treasury, every trinket in the galaxy for her life to be filled with moments like this. With the quiet and the stillness where she can practically hear Rex’s heart beat in the darkness. Where they have the luxury of just being, of drinking in each other’s presence. Of ignoring the realities beyond the door. 
Where they know they’ll see each other at the end of the day. Each day. 
Where they know each goodbye is a “See you later” not a “Please come back to me.” 
But such is not the reality for a clone and a Jedi. 
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” Rex interrupted, each movement of his lips causing them to bump against hers. “But we have a briefing in two hours.” 
“Nope. War’s over. Dooku retired.” Kandri would hold onto this for as long as the galaxy would let her. 
“Is that so? Anti-climatic if you ask me.” 
“Lazy, really.” Kandri brushed her lips against his. 
“And Grievous?” 
“Fell into a bottomless pit.” 
“One hell of a pit.” He brought a hand up, cupping her cheek, brushing his thumb against the skin. “General’s going to be pissed he didn’t get all of the glory.” Honey eyes looked into green.
“Skywalker will get over it.” She held the hand against her cheek, sinking deeper into the feeling. “You’re not leaving, right?” 
“Need any pain killers?”
Kandri shook her head. “Already took some and have extras in my pack.” 
Honey eyes crinkled. “Then no, I’m not leaving. Scoot.” 
Gingerly, stiff muscles and a cramping abdomen scooted to the wall along the bunk. Once Kandri found a position that didn’t irritate the pain more, she looked up at Rex with open arms. “Snuggles.” Grabby hands followed. 
That chuckle she was addicted to escaped past his lips. “Such a hard demand.” The warmth of Tattooine was ice compared to that which was in Rex’s eyes. 
The standard issue blanket draped over Kandri’s body once again, followed by a larger, thicker one. Kandri near purred. 
Finally, Rex lifted up the blankets’ corners and slid in perfectly beside her. “Come here,” he said as he snaked one arm under her waist and the other over, resting his palm between her shoulder blades. “This ok?” 
“Can I slot a leg? The cramps like that angle tonight.” 
“Of course.” Rex maneuvered so Kandri’s leg slid perfectly in between his. Her knee hooked over his calf. “Better?” 
The venator continued to hum. The room remained still. Peace settled around them. A soft hand rubbed up and down along Kandri’s spine, occasionally kneading into the muscles stiffening along her lower back. Relief audible in the breaths puffed against Rex’s tan neck. 
“Thank you,” Kandri whispered into the dark. 
She felt the gentle tap of a finger under her chin. A command. A plea. “Look up.” And she obeyed, as she always did with him.
“You never have to thank me.” He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Taking care of you is an honor.” 
“Still.” She brushed her lips to the tip of his nose. “Thank you for taking care of me.” Her lips brushed his temple. “Thank you for choosing me.” Lips brushed his cheek. “Thank you for loving me.” Lips brushed his. 
“Ner cabur.” Whispered in the space between. Just for them. Always for them. “You are the greatest gift this galaxy could ever give me.” 
Their lips met. Slow. Unhurried. Savoring. 
Time stood still, the galaxy pausing around them. As if their love was enough to stop it all. To stop the war. To stop the bloodshed. To stop the missions separating them for weeks at a time. To stop the worry and the panic when their com channels remained silent. To stop the frantic check for injuries before each embrace. To stop the “Please come back to me”s. 
“I love you,” Kandri spoke when their lips broke apart. 
“I love you too, ner cabur,” Rex responded. 
Kandri Kendra was not a religious woman. But in the arms of the man she loved, her head nestled into his chest, legs intertwined together, she could certainly believe.
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secrets-of-everwich · 13 days
07-1 Xavier’s Statement
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 18th October 2021. I’m here with Xavier Hewitt, who has finally agreed to give a statement.
So, to start with, do you remember taking Asher down to the basement?
You’re still on about that? Okay. I do.
[A pause]
Care to expand upon that?
What is there to say? I took Asher down to the basement, cause there was something weird there.
Yes but, how did you know something was there? Why Asher? Why not me, or Rin, or Emilia? Why that day?
I’d found the key to the basement a few days before, and I went down there late at night. I thought I’d been dreaming, so I wanted someone else to confirm.
Why not you? You were locked away in your bedroom literally every free moment I had. Talking into this recording thing. And I wanted to wait to show you.
Asher wasn’t going to judge if there was nothing there. [Sigh] I know he likes me, so if there was nothing there I could just admit I liked him back.
I’m sorry, what? You like Asher?
Not anymore.
Wait, what? Why don’t you anymore? What made you like him? How did you te- Nevermind. This isn’t relevant.
I liked him at the time, but now there’s someone else I like. But my thought process was, if there was nothing there and I took Rin in, she’d be judgemental like usual, and if I took Emilia in, well. She’d been acting strange.
I picked that day because us four were at the manor anyway. That’s all?
Can you give me your recount of what happened when you went down there the first time?
I found the key lying behind a plant pot outside. It looked like it had recently been placed there. I picked it up, it said ‘Basement’. I knew where the basement entrance was, so I went over to check it out. I went downstairs, there were lots of cobwebs. Small spiders too. I opened the door, and I saw something moving in the shadows. It freaked me out, so I dropped my torch and ran.
Okay. And now the time with Asher?
It was basically the same. Except it was Asher that dropped the torch. We went down, and we joked about how it’s obvious that Rin and Em like each other. Asher kept nearly fainting, even though all was there was spiderwebs. I didn’t realise he hated spiders that much. Then he dropped the torch. Yelled at me a bit. He left. I picked up both torches, and left after him.
Hold on, he yelled at you? Asher didn’t mention anything about that.
He told me I don’t care about him or his feelings, I never have, and that I should stop treating him like a baby.
God… And was there anything that, I dunno, Asher saw?
He might have seen whatever made the shadow, but I wasn’t looking in that room.
Right, thank you… I think that’s all, thanks.
Hold on, didn’t you want a statement about the incident a week ago?
No, no, I’ll save that for another episode.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
[A pause]
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Okay, well, this has been an interesting statement! Thank you for listening to this Secret of Everwich.
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oksana-moods · 1 year
Queens of Promise - Part 8
Summary: The search for the unknown has proven to be harder than one previously thought, however you had gone too far to back down now. From your search or from Wanda. A/N: Hey guys, sorry to leave you hanging for this part. There were some changes that I wanted to do, and I was also trying to decide on some details. Hope you like it! Thank you for all your love, it means a lot.
Warning: Violence, gore, mentions of blood, mentions of death – you know the drill by now.
Previous parts here
"Have only just begun"
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Wolfgang City – Sokovia
The air reeked to smoke and spice as it would in every single closed place in this city. Their wine was one of the finest, even the cheapest ones, but people still prefer to keep their warmth by inhaling the smoke of their thick cigars.
And the spice? Well, everything had spice. Cigars, wine, food, clothes, women. Spice, after all, saved Sokovians banks through their darkest times and they were the paramount seller of the world. If the gold mines ran out of its material, the red and green powder would make the gold come to their hands.
The man you were after stood several feet from you, enjoying the pleasures of life. You and Barton had been doing this dance for weeks now, and you’ve been trying to take him down for a chat for days, but you’re yet to be lucky.
Every day a different commotion gets in the way of your plans, however, tonight, he’d be the commotion.
Soon, the man started to cough and looked at his cigar as if it were the cause of it. He gasped for air and his companions started to run erratically around the brothel while the woman keeping him company dragged him into a room with clear, open windows so he could breathe properly.
The room you were at.
An hour later, the man woke up and, much to his consternation, he was strapped into a chair. He swallowed hard and looked around the room as if trying to remember where he was and how he ended up in this situation. Then, he saw you.
Comfortably seated across the room, there was you, patiently waiting for your time to shine. You saw his eyes assess you and by the wicked smile on his face, he didn’t see the threat on your pose, on your expressions or in your eyes.
‘Men, why do they always underestimate a woman?’  You mused to yourself while closing the distance between you and your prisoner.
His smile never waved, if anything, it grew wider as you approached him. “Never seen you ‘round ‘re, doll.”
You punctuated his sentence by punching him hard in the face. His chair almost toppled over to the side such was the force of your jab. “Don’t be a freak kinky.” You spat at him as he tried to gather his bearings.
“I thought we agreed I’d play the bad guard this time.” Barton’s voice filled the room as he walked out of the shadows, and you looked at him.
“He pushed his luck too early for my taste.” You growled and Clint chuckled at your short fuse.
“Who ‘re ya?” The man asked, eyes darting from the man to the woman standing in front of him. Now visibly concerned about the situation he found himself in.
“I am your friend.” Barton pointed to himself and grabbed a chair so he could take a seat, then pointed at you. “She? Not so much.”
Though, Clint barely gave the man time to sink in what he had just said, for he continued. “You see, we were told that you’d know where Harv Krickitt is.” The man looked at him as if terrified by the name, so he asked. “And would be wise of you to tell us where he is.”
The man grunted and howled in his chains as if he could summon the strength of a god to set himself free, but nothing happened. The gods wouldn’t hear him now.
“I will tell you nothing.” He bravely snarled at Barton, and you rolled your eyes. Soon, his face turned sharply to the side after another punch found his jaw.
“You know, she can do this all day.” Clint said, patronizingly, pretending to be bored already.
However, before he could do or say anything else. The man started to contort again, but this time, only his head. A second too late, Clint realized what he was about to do, but when he reached the prisoner, it was too late.
“Hail Hydra.” Were the man’s last words.
Out of anger, you kicked the chair closest to you and it hit the wall nearby with impressive force, as it shattered on the ground, you shouted. “Again! We’ve been chasing him for days and now he’s dead. Just like the others.”
Lord Barton was more than used to your short temper that seemed to fade shorter with every passing day without answers. After the first lead they received from Romanoff, they started to trail their own way of investigation, but every time they reached another dead end. Literally.
Harv Krickitt was the artist who produced the lion pendant that was used both as target setting and payment for your head three moons ago. Therefore, he was the one who could point them in the direction of who asked for his services about the necklace.
Once they knew who had asked for the jewelry, they’d find the trail of the conspirator and the conspiracy itself. The only problem was the artist had gone missing and his family didn’t see him for a while now, hence the interrogations. Though they always ended with a dramatic hail to hydra.
The only positive prospect of this mess was that someone from the Noble House of Hydra was meddling and working from the shadows to keep things out of the spotlight. The question was why someone from Hydrarr Realm, let alone from such important family, would go so many lengths to interfere with Sokovian politics?
As the night advanced, they got rid of the body and returned to their “house” for this mission. However, as soon as they entered the brothel, something seemed off.
The ladies seemed tense, the men and women attending the house were forcibly enjoying their evening in a way that verged the suspicious. Then, you saw a blade and another. Before you could warn your friend, he was already drawing his sword and attacking the closest person his metal could find.
“Get him, I’m sure he’ll make a nice slave. As for the girl, you may have your way with her, then kill her.” A man with broad shoulders and thick beard spat orders to his goons as he strolled towards Barton, drawing his sword.
‘The nerve of him’ You mused angrily. ‘Do all men in this city underestimate women?’ You attacked the person closest to you, which happened to be a woman, but she never stood the chance. Nor your next opponent who tried to use a double hand sword in a place full of furniture.
Really? This was combat rules 101. Small blades for small places.
One single movement of your sword and the man was no more. You jumped over a sofa when two men tried to strike at the same time, the first lost his arm and the second his life.
From the corner of your eye, you kept track of Barton’s whereabouts, and saw him struggling with two opponents plus the big, bearded guy. The leader of this attack.
“Greygov!” Someone shouted and the bearded man turned just in time to block your attack. He laughed rather maniacally when he parried your sword one more time.
He invested, and with a start, you knew you couldn’t beat him in this sword game. So, you stepped to the side, grabbed his extended arm and climbed through his body using his leg as step and pressed your own legs around his neck in a chokehold.
Two heartbeats later and the man fell. Quickly, you pulled your sword again and rested your blade on his neck, while your hand kept a firm grip on his collar. He knew you had his life at the palm of your hand.
You had Greygov kneeled in front of you, his back pressed against your front, and you were about to slice the life out of him when he spoke. “You didn’t mention you were a weirded, fighter woman.”
“Conversation was short, if I’m not mistaken.” You supplied and he laughed, more like growled, louder than someone in his position should.
“Do it, girl.” He basically asked you to end his life.
What was wrong with these people?
Regardless of your intentions in conceding his wish, a clap of hands filled the room that death had recently claimed, except for you, Barton and Greygov, who was still kneeled.
The source of the sarcastic applause was the one and only Wanda Maximoff, who waltzed into the destroyed saloon with all her glory in a crimson red gown. Her hair cascaded down past her shoulders and framed her face flawlessly and her lips, they had never looked so red before.
She was a walking masterpiece.
For a second, your hand with a death grip on Greygov’s collar faltered. It’s been almost three moons since you last saw her, yet she was still the epitome of perfection. If anything, she seemed almost ethereal to you.
The intensity portrayed by her eyes were like a punch in your stomach, but you held her gaze, nonetheless. This woman did things to you without even trying and she didn’t even know the power she had over you.
Or maybe she did know and did it on purpose.
You wanted to smile but you bit back and remained stoic. Your face would not betray your heart.
“When I heard about two outsiders leaving a trail of corpses, never in my life I’d guess that it was you.” Wanda spoke solely looking at you as if her eyes could devour your soul right then and there.
“And here I thought we were being subtle about it.” You didn’t know whether her comment was coated with sarcasm or not, but yours surely dripped with it. Every single body was a message to the next victim.
“Why are you here?” She demanded but you wouldn’t back down.
“Could you show some manners, Princess? This is our house and these fine gentlemen decided to pay us a visit, though I must say we partied too hard tonight.”
“Enough.” She yelled and you blinked. She was tense and you could see it.
“Romanoff, take Greygov and whoever was left alive. I want answers this time. Remove his teeth if that means he’ll live long enough to share some of his memories with us.” Wanda’s eyes were dark and the man by your feet whimpered lightly when her gaze fell on him.
You couldn’t blame him, though. Few people wouldn’t cower under such scrutiny, for Wanda’s eyes were filled with pure power.
“I already took a few, but one could never be sure.” Your sly smile came to your lips almost involuntarily. You knew this would rile Wanda and the hell if you loved her hatred directed at you. Somehow, she was even more beautiful mad and angry.
If you couldn’t have her, at least you’d have her attention. Because there was something about her that made you desperate for her attention and you knew how short her patience was when it came to you doing or speaking infuriating things.
“You, outsider. Follow me.” Wanda commanded and, though you were about to throw a remark, you realized that she didn’t use your title. She didn’t reveal your true identity. So, you followed her.
On your way out, you saw Bishop already offering some bandages to Clint so your friend could patch up some of his wounds. When you locked eyes, you nodded at him.
Outside the two-store building that you and Clint were residing in for the past weeks, you saw two horses ready and waiting to be mounted. Two other guards were guarding said horses. The night was pitch black and there wasn’t a single soul walking the streets.
Though, one could never be sure, especially in this neighborhood.
You watched as the redhead mounts her horse, and you pick the other. The woman doesn’t even spare you a glance, so you silently follow her. Several minutes later, you’re walking on a different neighborhood, not that you knew which one, but the houses were bigger, fancier.
Then, Wanda drops to her feet and walk towards a specific house. The exterior was imposing, vibrating colors and the riches promised outside were indeed founded when you followed her inside.
The room you were at was rather small but beautifully decorated with paintings and tapestries. The details of the furniture screamed Essos design and, though you didn’t climb to the second floor, you knew the room above would be just as elegant as the one you were in.
The place was warm and inviting, especially after riding a horse in a cold night. For a stance, there isn’t smoke or spice impregnating the place. It was warm without using the common subterfuges.
“What is this place?” You asked, after taking in every single detail you could from the room you’re standing in. “And please, don’t say it’s a house.” You added mocking an annoyed tone.
“This is the type of answer you should expect from someone like you.” Wanda spoke, closing the door after giving some orders to her men. “I’m educated; therefore, I’ll clarify that this house belongs to the crown. Dignitaries or emissaries from other realms stay in places like this if they wish not to stay in the castle.”
“Fancy house.” You reply, still looking around. But this time you do so to avoid the weight of her eyes. There was an energy emanating from Wanda that you couldn’t put your finger on, but it was starting to feel overwhelming. “Does this mean I’m now your prisoner?”
“What?” Wanda tilted her head to side, brows furrowed.
“You took me from the brothel and brought me here. What do you want?” You asked, now looking directly at her.
“What do I want?” She snorted, exasperated. “Are you mad?” It’s possible to see her face turning red with anger.
You knew there were some flags about her stance, but you stood your ground. Wanda Maximoff could be stubborn all she wanted, for you were just the same. “I’m afraid I don’t follow, Princess.”
“What were you thinking?” She shouted, patience waning little by little. Wanda couldn’t, for the life in her, understand how you could be so blind. And stupid. “Coming into Wolfgang! Don’t you see how dangerous this place is for you?”
The northern princess shakes her head, it’s unbelievable how reckless you were. “Want to get yourself killed? To enrage your mother so she can march with the whole south until she’s breaking our necks with her bare hands?”
“Look, you don’t need to get so worked up. Barton and I were keeping a low profile, the corpses were there, but no one really knew that we were the culprits.” You rested your back on a table behind you, but your arms were crossed on your chest as if to protect you from her energy.
“You can’t parade around my city leaving a track of dead people behind. What do you think this is?” Wanda snarls, and it was plain to see that she was annoyed at your actions. But you couldn’t dwell on her wellbeing right now, there was too much at stake.  
“We were investigating, Wanda. Don’t know if you forgot, but last time you and I were in the same room a fucking assassin tried to kill us both. To kill me.” You shouted back, patience long gone. “Someone is playing with us, and I want to know who the fuck is.”
“And you think I’m not aware of this? But someone is bound to learn who’s behind this creepy investigation of yours. You won’t do this anymore, I demand you.” Wanda’s tone was enlaced with an emotion that you couldn’t grasp, her eyes burned but it wasn’t hatred anymore.
“Why not?” You ask simply, ignoring her demand. You wanted to get to the bottom of this, but you couldn’t if the princess kept interfering with your business.
“Don’t you see how dangerous this is?” She repeated, louder this time, frustrated with your lack of perspective. “You pulled off with Greygov’s men because they didn’t know who you really are, but they won’t hesitate in kill you.” Her eyes turned soft for the first time that evening. “And by the gods, if they ever learn who you really are, I don’t even wanna know.”
“What’s the matter?” You shot back. Her worries ignited some sort of fire in you, yet you didn’t have a name for it. The air was impregnated with some sort of tension that could be sliced with a sword; it was suffocating.
“What’s the matter?” She repeated your words, exasperatedly. “Are you insane? Or just can’t see past your reckless ass?” Wanda ran her hands through her hair, now beyond angry.
You smirked, internally, at her choice of words, the Wanda you knew from the past would never use such mundane words. Yet here she was, speaking freely like a commoner as she always claimed she’d never.
“If I get killed is just a win-win for you, isn’t it?” Your eyes were harder than obsidian, death never frightened you. Failure does. “One less lioness to kill. Don’t need to act like you care about-”. You could never finish your sentence, for she cut you off before you could continue your little speech.
“Only I care.” Her voice went from full power to small, devoid of strength, yet it lit the flames in your heart. “I wish I didn’t, but I do care about you.” Her green eyes bored into you with the same force as thousands of horses would.
They were limpid, crystal clear. She meant every single word.
Once more, everything was Wanda.
You lunched your body forward and kissed her fiercely. You poured into a searing kiss every emotion you’ve bottled up inside your chest and oh you saw heaven when she laced her hands behind your shoulders, pulling you closer.
“You’re stupid.” She muttered between kisses, and you smiled at her.
“I know.” You replied right before leaning in for another round of pleasure obtained through her lips. Then, both pulled back a little for air and Wanda rested her forehead on yours, eyes closed in a bliss.
“I’ve missed you.” You whispered, as if afraid of speaking any louder could startle her and she’d flee back to the walls she keeps around her heart. As if any louder could break the moment and you’d realize it’s nothing but a dream. Again.
Apparently, you shouldn’t have spoken at all, for a second later, Wanda pulled back as if your skin was setting hers on fire. You watched as she took few steps back, shaking her head lightly the same way one does when they need to focus.
“This is a mistake.” Her words pierced through your skin sharper than any blade.
“Wanda-” You try but she cuts you again.
“No.” This time, her eyes are sad, and she’s long gone back to the walls she built around herself. “You are the Princess of Taharr, and you’re not supposed to be here or doing what we just did.”
It’s plain to see that she speaks as if trying to convince or remember herself of the situation you were in. You wouldn’t forget your duty but couldn’t deny your feelings towards her either. There should be a way of doing both.
“You don’t believe that.” You tentatively try, heart pounding on your ribcage.
“I- I do!” She asserts, but you caught her light stutter. She’s afraid of something. The same thing that’s been holding her back since Fury Valley and your first kiss. “I hate you.” She vowed.
“You just kissed me.” You snorted, slightly confused at her sudden change of heart. It was easier to follow a whiplash than the woman in front of you.
“So what?” Wanda snorts but you see right through her. Trying to hide something, she derisively retorts. “Who said I can’t kiss someone just because I hate them?” The redhead flashes you a smirk but it’s all for a show.
Squinting your eyes, you ignore her snide remark for the moment and try to see past her words to grasp what was behind it. Her eyes, her stance… everything felt like it was backwards. She wasn’t just fooling around when she kissed you. You felt how she meant it, for her passion still burned your very own tongue.
You take one step towards her and try again. “What are you so afraid of?” Your voice was soft, you had never felt so vulnerable before as you do now.
“You.” It was your turn to be startled by her voice, or by what she had just said. “I- Yo-… I don’t understand the things I feel when I’m around you. Or with you.” Wanda voices, for the first time, out loud, part of all the trouble she’d been guarding inside her heart.
“Well, I do.” You take another step and lock eyes with the goddess standing in front of you. “I know that I never felt this way for no one and whenever you’re gone I just can’t-.” You search your poor brain but there aren’t words to express what you feel. You too don’t quite understand, you’re so new to this.
You’re so new to love, because all this time you’ve been doing war. Up and down. Left and right. Even the one thing that could resemble to love in your life was, in the end, part of a ploy. Politics.
“Can’t?” The Scarlet Knight asked, and her voice brought you out of your head, out of your search. Wanda looked at you curiously, and genuinely waiting for you to explain something that you couldn’t.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” You said, finally, and you saw the ghost of a smile gracing her lips, only for it to fade back into a thin line.
“You’re my enemy.” She says one more time and were you counting, you’d have surpassed the number of the stars in the sky with how many times she tried to remember herself or you of that little important fact.
“You sound like a broken tune, Maximoff.” A dashing smile comes to your lips as you remember the last time you spoke that exact same sentence to her. It felt like a lifetime ago, but her scent still invaded your nostrils.
Just like now.
Once more, you were one step away from her and you could see her eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. Searching for something that only the gods could know. Yet, you stood there. Waiting.
“You know what I hate the most about you?” Her eyes narrow, but you catch a hint of humor on her rhetorical, what makes your grin go wider. “I hate your perfect teeth.”
Your laugh filled the room entirely. You loved the passion seeping through every single word coming out of her mouth and you knew she meant it. Wanda never lied; she just didn’t understand that hate didn’t fit in it anymore.
“If you really hate me would be so much easier for you, wouldn’t it?” You ask shuffling closer to her, without taking a proper step. Wanda, much like a wild mare, tended to see danger on the slightest of movements. Or words.
“Who said I don’t really hate you?” The redhead dropped her hands to her hips, consternation covering her like a coat. The action made your knees weak, her beauty verges the unholiness.
Boldly, you grabbed her cheeks with your hands as to lock her in place. “If that’s so, look into my eyes and say it.” You defied, there was a confidence present in your words that you didn’t feel it in yourself.
But after so many years practicing to hide your fears and let people see what they expected to see, hide your true feelings was now an easy feature or accessible tool whenever you needed it. Like the exact moment you were in.
Your eyes focused on hers, and this close, they were bigger than the moon. Certainly, they could swallow you inside her pools without sparing you a second to think if you knew how to swim. Right then and there, they invited you to dive in without a promise that you’d ever come back.
As for Wanda, she felt as though her heart was about to jump out of her chest and every inch of her skin burned, a very good and pleasant burn, where your hands touched her. She could feel the softness which you held her despite your calloused hands.
She could see, written in your eyes, just how scary this was for you. It was scary, indeed. All Wanda had come to know was hate, yet she hated how fast her heart beats whenever you flash that smile, whenever your eyes tried to pierce her soul.
She hated how physically gut-wrenching her jealousy was the second she learnt that you were in a brothel, with so many women at your disposal. She hated how, whenever you were around, nothing else mattered to her.
She hated, foremost, how desperately torn she felt when, right after touching your heavenly lips with hers, she thought she’d lose you. Wanda Maximoff was scared that she wasn’t good enough to protect you. From the world. From herself.
“I- I-.” She tried, but again, the words faltered. Wanda closed her eyes, suddenly, too tired to keep trying to fight back the emotions hidden, buried in her chest.
“I hate that I adore you.” The statement seemed to resonate on the walls and lingered.
The redhead felt a pair of oh so soft lips touching her forehead tenderly, then your hands leaving her face. She had to physically stop herself from whining at the loss of contact, but soon your hands were back, this time picking her up bridal style.
She let her head fall on to your shoulder as you climbed the stairs. The bedroom was even more beautiful than you expected, but you didn’t have eyes for anything else other than the beauty resting in your arms.
Carefully, you lowered her and laid Wanda on the bed. You could see how tense and how tired she was. She deserved to rest. You brushed few strands of her silky hair out of her face just so you could engrave her perfection on to your mind, then, kissed her one more time and left.
Though, you couldn’t have gone so far but the door until her voice echoed throughout the room again and stopped you in your tracks.
“Where are you going?” She asked, already climbing off the bed.
“You’re tired.” You reply matter-of-factly as if this could explain your absence when the real reason was that now it was your turn to be scared. The things you felt for Wanda went beyond your imagination, but you knew you didn’t want to mess things up and treat her any less than she should be treated.
“Don’t leave.” Wanda asked, now closer to you. So much so that goosebumps shot up and down your spine. “Please.” A hand – her hand reaches, tentatively, for yours and it’s so tender and so warm that it hurts.
She makes you turn to look at her and, once you do, her eyes sparkled in the poor light coming from the fireplace in a way that was utterly unfair with your heart. She slips one hand over your cheek, and you lean into her touch as if touch-starved for centuries.
The thump of your heart was so loud in your ears that you thought she’d be able to hear it too. However, she rested her other hand over your chest, and she did feel the thundering going on beneath her soft palm. Her eyes trailed from her hand to your eyes in that inquisitorial way without saying any word and by the gods, you were metaphorically on your knees for Princess Wanda Maximoff of Sokovia.
Smut Part Part 9
Taglist: @californianwhiterabbit
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