#so it’s from the last campaign I played (like duh)
dawnstarranger · 1 year
Kinda wanna change my blog name on here but I’m too lazy lmao
#so it’s from the last campaign I played (like duh)#our party ended up encountering this group of rivals#an anti-us if you will#not that these rivals were bad guys#don’t get it twisted#they were just much better than us at least on paper#professional adventurers with a cohesive backstory and established friendships etc etc#we on the other hand were the definition of a ragtag team of misfits#a dwarven prince an alcoholic ranger a cultist genasi Druid#a frat bro paladin and a gnomish articifier who got kicked out of his guild#suffice to say we were both low key and high key the baddies at several points#(still saved the world tho gotta take some credit where credit is due)#ANYWAY#we encounter our rivals and they are not fucking impressed thank you very much#it kinda went back and first between working together and sabotaging each other#but anyway they had a party name from the get go (and we were very anti naming the party)#I don’t remember what it started as but every freaking time we ran into these fuckers they were calling themselves something new#order of the dawn was one of the names I remember that much#ANYWAY we added our paladin to the campaign about halfway through#and had to catch him up on a lot of shit including those assholes#mind you#we had started telling random people we were (party name) in hopes that either they’d treat us better if they thought we were legit#or we could just blame our many misdeeds on them#it wasn’t until dear Edmund really thought we were calling ourselves the Dawn Stars that we realized#we hadn’t actually stolen their name - they NEVER FUCKiNg CALLED THEMSELVES THAT#we were so awful as a collective that we made up this name because we couldn’t be assed to remember our rivals stupid team name#so we became the Dawn Stars totally against our will#we tried to drop the bit once we realized but Edmund couldn’t be convinced#so the Dawn Stars we remained#anyways thanks for coming to my dumbass Ted talk
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rowanthesorcerer · 5 months
Long time no post. here’s Last Legacy and the Arcana as DnD classes
almost all my knowledge of DnD is from Baldurs gate 3 and playing a couple of short campaigns, these are just ideas so shush
Asra- Wizard. they study magic and learn from books, just like a DnD wizard. subclass would be something along the lines of divination.
Julian- Rogue. he sticks to the shadows. i’d give him medicinal proficiency as part of his build though. subclass i’m not sure
Nadia- to me, she gives cleric vibes to a degree. Noble background of course. subclass of knowledge or life
Portia- Sorcerer. she gets her magic without studying for it. wild magic subclass
Lucio- fighter but with levels in warlock cos of the whole devil business
Muriel- either Ranger or Druid. i shouldn’t even have to list reasons but i will, he’s all nature magic and stuff
Sage- Without a doubt he’s Barbarian. all rage for his fights.
Felix- Wizard, necromancer specifically cos duh. he studied for his magic. he could also have levels in warlock, pact of the ancient because of his deal with that god thingy
Anisa- i’d say fighter for her, but she could also easily be a paladin, giving her access to spells. maybe levels in both
Rime- before his death he’d be a cleric for sure. afterwards? i’m not so sure. Sorcerer, wizard, warlock. i dunno. he’s a wild card i think
yeah that’s all for now
i can do more if y’all want more. just lemme know.
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love-kurdt · 5 months
Swooping, Sloping, Cursive Letters: 21
word count: 966
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May 17, 1989
Dear Will,
Today started out pretty rough, since one of my tires on my bike popped when I was halfway to your house. And given how quickly Hawkins has become a fucking sauna over the past few weeks (thanks, rural midwest), it was not a blast to push my bike the rest of the way on foot. Again, I could have taken my car to begin with, but I think in some way shape or form, we crave that element of our childhoods, riding bikes through the neighborhood like old times. Plus, Lucas and I are the only ones who have cars right now, so majority rules. Anyway, I still wound up at your house about half an hour early, and we spent that time trying to figure out how to patch up and refill my tire. No dice, unfortunately. But our hands brushed a few times, so it wasn’t too inconvenient.
Jonathan ended up coming into the garage at one point to grab a few tools (he’s been helping Hop out with some home projects, like a new shelving unit for your living room and a deck out back— but you already know that, why am I going on about this?) and suggested I just share your bike with you. You laughed so loudly that I thought I was gonna puke. I forced my anxiety back down and reminded Jon of how tall I am (last time I went to the doctor they said I was 6’3”– no, I’m not kidding), and he insisted that I, “just try and sit on the handlebars, or something.” I thought the idea was insane, but you seemed to be pretty entertained by it, so I shook my head with slight embarrassment before I motioned for you to mount the bike.
You swung your leg over the bar and rested your feet on either side, a huge grin on your face. “Do your worst, Wheeler,” you told me. I was so tempted to dramatically fling myself over the handlebars like a ragdoll, but then again, I didn’t feel like throwing out my back at the ripe age of eighteen. I turned so my back faced you, reached behind me to grip the handlebars, and hoisted myself up as best as I could, while you reached a hand out to hold my side and keep me steady. I must’ve looked like a fucking praying mantis or some shit, with my knees almost hitting my chin because of how I was balancing my toes on the front fender, but I didn’t care, because your reaction was fucking priceless. You were hysterically laughing, and I couldn’t help but begin to laugh as well.
Before I knew what was happening, Jonathan had disappeared and come back within record speed, and a bright flash hit my eyes as he clicked the button on his camera. I glanced back at you, and thankfully, you didn’t look fazed at all. In fact, you said to Jonathan, “please tell me I’ll get a copy of that,” while catching your breath from laughing so hard.
After that whole debacle, we actually tried riding the bike with me in front, but you couldn’t really see on account of the top of your head barely reaching my shoulders. So we eventually gave up on trying and just walked to Dustin’s to meet the rest of the Party, since his house isn’t too far away from yours, and Jon was still busy with his project and couldn’t drive us. Which I was totally fine with, because… duh, time alone with you is time well spent. We played D&D, and I kind of got a little too invested in your campaign. I think I just love seeing you so happy. I don’t think I could ever get tired of watching you in your element.
Once the session ended, Lucas gave us a ride home (I love how I just referred to your house as my home, I might’ve gotten a little emotional just now while writing it). We walked into your living room and saw Jonathan sitting on the couch with a bunch of photos spread out across the surface of the coffee table. Apparently, he’d gone and processed all of his films at Melvald’s while we were at Dustin’s; there were two copies of the photo he’d taken earlier.
He gave me one before asking if I wanted to stay for dinner. As much as I would’ve loved to, I actually did need to take care of Holly tonight, since our parents are in Ohio right now at some conference for my dad’s job. You offered to drive me back to my house, and I tried not to look too excited as I said yes.
Once we arrived in my driveway, I leaned over the center console and hugged you, telling you I had a great time with you today. You hugged me back (you hadn’t for the first few seconds and I nearly had a panic attack) and said you had a great time with me too. I went inside, holding the freshly printed photo of us in my hand.
So… I might have framed it. I know, it’s weird and frankly kind of stalker-y, but… deal with it. You’ll never actually know about this anyway. Not unless I leave the frame sitting in plain sight when you come into my room, or if I recklessly forget to hide these letters detailing where exactly my copy of the photo went, as well as the countless times I’ve talked about wanting to kiss you. For now, I’m keeping it under my pillow. 
Okay, I’m gonna stop writing now in order to stop myself from sounding like even more of a creep than I already am.
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eriquin · 1 year
The Prophetic D&D Game
I'm going to try something new and post bits on tumblr instead of straight to ao3. We'll see how far I get. Tagging @2btheanswertothequestion because she was interested.
Now with Part 2
“All right, Hellfire club, listen up. I’ve got a new campaign for you,” Eddie said as he swept into the room. He’d arrived late and looked harried.
“Yeah, duh,” Gareth said. “We spent all of last week making characters for your Cult of Vecna run.”
“No, not that.” Eddie shoved at the character sheets in front of them all. “Put those away, this is something different.”
“What the hell?” Jeff asked. “If we’re not playing Cult of Vecna then why did you give Grant so much shit on Monday about missing it?”
“Bup-bup-bup!” Eddie said, putting one hand in front of Jeff’s face as the other dropped a lumpy canvas bag onto the table. “I didn’t know on Monday what I know now. He’s still a dipshit for missing Hellfire but that just means he doesn’t get to participate in my newest bout of brilliance.”
The three youngest Hellfire members glanced at each other nervously. “Uh, what’s going on?” Dustin asked cautiously. “What are we playing instead?”
Eddie straightened up and drew a folder from his bag. “Gentlemen! I have been struck by inspiration. This new run came to me in a dream, and I spent the past two days developing it—”
“This is why you skipped?” Gareth crossed his arms. “Dude, you’re going to fail again!”
Eddie gasped with dramatic offense and clasped his hand to his heart. “Just for that, Gareth, you pick your character last!” 
Gareth rolled his eyes. “Oh, you made the characters, too? Christ, you’re such a dictator.” 
“No more backtalk from you,” Eddie said. He flailed in Gareth’s direction with the folder but didn’t hit him. He sighed and grabbed the edge of his throne to pull it closer to the table. “And I didn’t make all the details of the characters. I just started them out. You can pick what they look like and all that jazz.” He opened the folder and took out a stack of papers to pass around.
Mike, sitting just to his left, took the stack from him. “Joe the human fighter? With a spiked club for a weapon? Huh. His charisma’s awful high, isn’t it?” 
“Just share them with the group, Wheeler,” Eddie said. “I’m going to make you all roll to see who picks first, except for Gare-bear here because he’s judgemental.” 
Mike put the stack in the middle of the table and they each picked up a character to read over. The group was quiet for a minute as they read through the pages. Lucas spoke up first. “So what kind of story is it?” he asked.
“I’m glad you asked, Sinclair,” Eddie said. He stood up and started to circle the table. “A terrible tragedy has rocked your little castle town. There’s been a grisly murder, and there’s something almost ritualistic about it. The guards have someone they suspect, but this group of intrepid adventures has information about what really happened. They know that the guards won’t believe them, and they have to act fast if they want to prevent more deaths.”
“So, it’s a murder mystery?” Dustin asked. “That sounds awesome.”
Eddie grinned down at him as he stretched his arms out over the backs of Lucas and Jeff’s chairs. “It is, and it isn’t. There’s definitely something sinister and supernatural afoot.” 
“Wait. Half of these characters are chicks,” Mike said with a sneer. 
“As is half of the population, Wheeler,” Eddie said. He looked completely unimpressed with Mike’s attitude. “What’s your point?”
“There’s only three guys to pick from, and there’s five of us. Do you really expect us to play as girls?” 
Eddie gave him another deadpan look before turning to Gareth. “Gare-bear, you’re no longer picking last. Wheeler is.” 
“Hey!” Mike yelled.
“Ha!” Gareth pointed at him and grinned. “I will admit that this sounds intriguing. You haven’t answered the question about how long we’ll be playing this, though.” 
Eddie scratched his head as he walked back to his throne. “I think it’s probably only a session or two? Depends on what you guys do with it.” He steepled his fingers and peered at his players. “So, are you all in?”
There were some shrugs and a round of silent communication around the table. “I still want to play Cult of Vecna,” Jeff said, “but I didn’t really want to start it without Grant. So yeah, I’m in.” 
“I love murder mysteries, so I’m definitely in,” Dustin said. 
Lucas nodded enthusiastically while Mike let out a very put-upon sigh and threw up his hands as he conceded that it sounded okay. True to form, Eddie made each of them roll to see who went first for picking a character. He snatched up Mike’s die before it landed and tutted at him. “I wasn’t kidding about you picking last, Wheeler.” 
“Aww, come on,” Mike said. “I don’t want to play a girl.”
Lucas had rolled the highest number. He shook his head at Mike. “To be honest, I don’t want to see Mike play a girl either,” he said. “It would probably be offensive.” 
“Point made, Sinclair,” Eddie said. “Who are you picking?”
Lucas grinned and reached across the table for one of the character sheets. “Sadie the thief,” he said. 
“Really? Not going to be a fighter this time?” Dustin asked. 
“Nah, Sadie looked cool. Kind of reminds me of someone, you know?” He picked up the character sheet and set it in front of him. 
“Dusty-buns!” Eddie said cheerfully.
“One time,” Dustin muttered. “You heard my mom call me that one time...”
“You’re up next. Who are you picking?” 
“I’m gonna go for the thief,” Dustin said. “Gaten the halfling. He sounds cool.” 
“I thought you’d like him,” Eddie said. He stood up and leaned over the table to watch as Jeff flipped through the four remaining characters. “What are you thinking, Jeffster?”
Jeff hummed to himself. “It’s an investigation, right? I think I’ll go with Caleb. It says he’s a junior member of the town guard... Could be useful.” 
“Excellent choice, Jeffinald. How about you, Gare-bear? We are down to three options.”
Gareth stood up so he could take a better look at the three remaining character sheets. “Did you write one up for Grant, too? Even though he wouldn’t be here?”
“No, these are just the ones I needed for the story,” Eddie said. “I actually have a seventh PC that will be introduced later in the story, if you all make it that far. If Grant wants, he can join us.” 
“Fascinating,” Gareth said. “What do you think, all? Should I pick the fighter and make Mike speak in a falsetto for the rest of the campaign?” 
Dustin rolled his eyes. “He’s going to be insufferable if you do.” 
“Hey, I’m right here!” Mike said. 
“Yeah, and he’s already insufferable,” Lucas added.
“You guys are just—”
“Well just for that!” Gareth said loudly, slapping his hand down on the table. The freshmen jumped in place. He grinned at their reaction. “I, frankly, have no problem playing a lady. I will be Maya, the lovely magic user. Both her and Natalia seem more interesting than the fighter.” He slid the last two character sheets across the table to Mike.
Everyone turned to watch him evaluate the options. “Wait, Natalia’s an elven cleric? I thought elves couldn’t be clerics.”
“DM’s discretion,” Eddie said. “A lot of those class and ability restrictions are a load of crap. Do we really think elves aren’t in tune with the gods? That’s just dumb.”
“Yeah, you know we have some house rules,” Jeff said. 
Mike as he read the sheets some more. “Wait, these two used to be married?” 
“Engaged,” Eddie said. “Separated because Natalia was too devoted to her career. But maybe there’s something to be rekindled there?” 
Mike let out a noise of disgust. “Ugh, I don’t want to play any romance in D&D. Come on.” He sighed and picked up both character sheets. “What happens to the one I don’t pick? Do they still appear in the story?”
“Yeah, they’ll be an NPC. I’ll voice them and everything.” Eddie smirked. “So make good choices, because you’ll be dealing with the repercussions either way.” 
Back and forth, Mike’s eyes darted between the two characters. “I can’t decide!” he whined. “They’re both good fighters. Natalia is smarter and has spells, but Joe is stronger and has cooler gear.”
“Jesus, just pick so we can get playing,” Dustin muttered. He was already filling in description details for his character. 
Jeff rapped his knuckles on the table to get Mike’s attention. “If you really can’t pick, just flip a coin.”
“Okay, fine!” Mike said, throwing his hands in the air. He picked up his twenty-sided die and tapped the character sheet for Natalia. “High,” he said. Then he tapped the one for Joe. “Low.” He rolled.
It landed on an eight.
“And through the power of random probability, Mike Wheeler will not be questioning his gender identity tonight,” Eddie said as Mike handed him back Natalia’s character sheet. 
“Oh, this means we have no healer,” Gareth said with a frown. “Well, at least Mike’s fighter is a front-liner and will probably die first.” 
“And mine,” Jeff said. “I’m a fighter, too.”
“You have higher dex,” Gareth said. “Get a bow, stand behind Joe the brutal over there, and let him take the hits.” 
“So are we ready to play?” Dustin asked, sounding impatient. 
“Almost, almost,” Eddie said with a broad smile that generally meant he had something planned. “Everyone familiar with their characters? Generally happy with them? Or at least comfortable?” He got a round of nodding heads and noises of agreement. His smile turned a little bit wicked as he said, “Great. Here are the real character sheets, and all their secrets. It’ll be up to you if you want to share them.”
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ghostssweetgirl · 2 years
crazy over you ~ simon ghost riley x reader slow burn/enemies to lovers
description: y/n gets transferred to task force 141 and quickly becomes friends with soap and gaz, but her and ghost "hate" each other for the first part.
warnings: mentions of violence and death (duh), alcohol intake, smoking (at some point), nsfw (at some point), subtle flirting with soap. i'm new to writing? so don't expect this to be the greatest. this is not in line with the game campaigns or missions. the only characters i included are y/n, soap, gaz, price, & ghost. i have no knowledge of the military this is just creativity
disclaimer: i do not own modern warfare or any of its characters.
chapters: next [alone] last
A/N - short chapter, sorry! I know you guys might be mad at me for the last chapter! It'll be alright 😋
It's been a long week. No one has visited you lately, either. The nurses have been busy, so they've been behind on your pain medicine schedule. This is definitely the worst pain you've felt, so much that you come to tears every day over it. Of course, on top of that, Simon "breaking it off" helped your tears flow heavier. Seriously? All of that. You just had sex, and he's done? You really couldn't believe it. You played with the necklace he gave you all the time thinking of him. 
Finally, some knocks fall upon the door. The nurse walks in, "Hey, sweetie. Got your meds, and you have some visitors. Aww, sweetie." She notices your tears. "It'll be alright."
"Yeah, right," you scoff, taking the pill with the cup of water she handed you.
"You have some visitors today!" she smiles. "Shall I welcome them in?"
"I guess... Wait, who is it?"
"Two guys, I'm assuming from your force?" 
"I guess..." you lean back, still playing with the necklace. 
"I'll leave you guys be..." she walks out, leaving the door open for them to come in. In walks Soap and Gaz, both sighing when they see you.
Soap walks up, kneeling down beside your bed, noticing your teary eyes. "What's wrong, lass?"
You shrug, a ball of fire catching in your throat as you try to hold back the tears. You manage to choke out, "Every fucking thing."
He frowns and grabs your shaking hand from the necklace, "Hey... 'S alright, y/n. Yer tough, y'know."
"Yeah, right," you snorted. "Haven't proved myself one fucking bit. You guys probably think I'm shit at this job. Maybe I shouldn't have transferred here."
"Tha' sin bullshit," he laughed. 
"Hey, we're proud of you, y/n," Gaz chimed in. 
"Thanks, I guess," you sniffled, wiping your tears.
Soap sat up, patted your shoulders and sucked in a breath. "L.T. may act like he doesn't care, but deep down he does, lass..."
"Oh, yeah, right... He already let me know how it is, it's alright," you shrugged, bursting into tears again.
Soap and Gaz look at each other confused, but don't add to the pain. They don't want to push you any further. 
"We hope you feel better, Diamond," Gaz smiles at you. "We'll leave you alone for now, we'll be visiting between missions. Sorry it took so long to visit you."
"No worries, guys," you smiled weakly. "Do better than me."
For two more weeks, you're alone, still. Besides quick visits with Soap, Gaz and rare visits from the captain, you're stuck in the hell you call your mind, alone. 
The nurses tell you that you'll be transferred to on-base medics soon, but they said that last week, and the week before. Honestly, you didn't care right now. As long as you were away from him. 
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randomnameless · 1 year
back to fodlan, do you have any thoughts about everyone reacting negatively or lack of reaction with the immaculate one's form?
"in this game, canon is whatever you want it to be"
- Redshit, 2022
It's completely bonkers because Rhea isn't really subtle, we have Macuil on the KoS's sigil, a dragon (herself? Cichol?) on the CoS's sigil, she has herself some small figurines of dragons on her chimney, and the tenets and even those "beginning of the chapter" art + captions explain how the IO is a dragon, has "mighty wings" and helps people randomly!
A friend even noted how Seiros is called, in the scriptures, the Goddess's child :
As the goddess's child, Seiros makes emperors of mortals
Coupled with Lake Teutates's temple and how the one in Sreng is said to be there for people to "venerate a sacred beast", apparition of a Nabatean, in their bestial form, shouldn't be like, normal, but it's more like "wow it's the dragon from the legend" than "eww lizard" or "eww cruel monster" or even some fan coined "there was no word in Fodlan to describe this monstruosity"
People joked about early after the game's release, but when Rhea turns into the IO in CF, it's as if Pope Francis becomes an archangel - it isn't supposed to be monstruous, (unless we're talking about the angel looking like eldritch creatures and even then) but something that exists in legends, something everyone heard of.
Ultimately, the DLC book where some schmuck wonders how Relics works nearly name drops Nabateans, wondering something about the "Children of the Goddess" so with all those clues around, yep, while not being as common as a winged horse, Nabateans and their bestial forms are heard of in Fodlan, and not seen as "creatures" or "evil beasts" or whatever, if the CoS really has the influence some people argue it has, Nabateans in their alternate forms are "sacred beasts", not monsters.
Leonie being a country bumpkin might not know about it and react "wow a magic beast!", but Claude who became the Leader of the Alliance and apparently researches a lot, made a link between Birdie and the IO, even if was a bit surprised at the talking Birdie.
Bernie, the heir of the Minister of Religion, calling the Immaculate One - a figure and legend in the Seiros religion - a scary creature or thinking it's a monster, thought, is complete bollocks.
Nopes imo put the final nail in the coffin with the Mittelfrank script - about that human being lost in a forest, running away from a giant monster with a horn that looks like a giant unicorn, meeting a random weirdo in a forest, falling in love and most likely discovering the monster and the human are one and the same - if Adrestians can write stories or even have legends about humans shagging shapeshifters, then why the eff are Adrestian nobles (our peeps from CF) so afraid and outright rejecting Rhea's IO form, calling it something monstruous or vile or whatever?
Like, the second Supreme Leader uses Rhea's form to call her a vile and inhuman beast that needs to be put off, any random Adrestian would press X to doubt, because she's the IO, the legendary being who protected Fodlan :
"But she looks like a Monster!!! And has scales! And isn't human!!"
"Why, haven't you seen the readaptation of Liora in the mist, played by the Mittelfrank company last summer in Enbarr? I heard it was a hit, hell, Dorothea played the role of Liora!"
"But she is.not.human!"
"Well duh, Saint Seiros herself descended from the Goddess, of course she wasn't human. Just like your family, you aren't humans either since you descend from Saint Seiros, right?"
"Hubert, prepare the information campaign, those poor people need to be educated and see the truth about how they were lied to for too many years."
Granted, if CF really went through this route, we would have to see information campaigns about how Seiros rewrote history to make people believe she wasn't a cruel being who had regard for human life because of her race, thus all those stories people are using are lies ; she pretends her people aren't inherently wrong!
(but that might fly a bit too close to irl stuff even for KT)
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It's almost as if no political movement has goals anymore, rendering them completely pointless. The left and the right are closer than you think. In fact, they are deliberately working together to create a culture war to keep us distracted. That is why neither of them will ever be successful and why it's best if people stop playing this pointless game.
I hear this a lot from people who mostly just want to justify their own apathy. I gotta push back.
Have both parties failed to do anything meaningful while one or the other of them have full control of a state or federal government? You betcha. Have they also completely failed to work across the aisle when control is divided? Damn straight. But the reason isn't that they're colluding to make things worse or keep us distracted, as you say. The reason is real simple: they just don't want to do the work.
Not because then they'd lose a critical campaign talking point and not because they have lobbyists/donors in their ear telling them not to and not because they actually think it's cool that we have all these problems. They don't want to do it because it's a lot harder to actually fix shit than you think it is.
It's a little bit like cleaning out a hoarder's house. The mess is so overwhelming that you don't even know where to start with it. Yeah, the answer is to get rid of the junk but everything looks like junk when you have a mess this big and some of it is probably not stuff you want to throw away, like the resident's family photo albums or their favorite winter coat. You have to go through it all and figure out what's worth keeping and what's not but there's so. much. stuff.
So you decide that you are going to start by just throwing away all the newspapers that have accumulated over the last 60 years because how could anyone possibly need these? But then you realize that there are newspapers in every room of the house. There are newspapers under the bed. There are newspapers in the attic. There's a fucking newspaper in the refrigerator. Every time you think you've gotten them all, you turn around and see another. You could do this for a month and never finish clearing out just the newspapers, let alone anything else.
So you say forget the newspapers. Let's just work on one room at a time. The living room seems like a good place to start. There are stacks and stacks of junk in there that you can just go through one by one. Except that when you start doing that, you realize that half the house is a fucking jenga tower and if you touch anything this stack, it's going to topple three other 10 foot stacks of stuff and quite possibly crush you underneath it.
Eventually you just get frustrated because you've been working for a week and made no discernible progress. You've thrown out a metric fuckton of junk but there was so much of it to begin with that no one can tell anything is different at all. Meanwhile, the resident of the house has been screaming and crying the entire time because they don't want you to throw away that and no, no please don't get rid of this. You're exhausted and stressed out and then on day 8 the resident gleefully announces they bought more stuff!
At a certain point, you decide it's easier to just live with the mess and one day maybe someone will burn the house down for you and you can just collect the insurance money and start over.
So yeah, sure we can look at an issue from the outside - say deficit spending - and know that the answer is to spend less money. Duh. But when you start to actually look at the federal budget, it's massive and complicated and it's all patchwork and cobbled together haphazardly so every piece of it is interconnected and you can't do anything about this program until you get rid of that program and these programs should probably just be combined but they're in two different branches of government so where are you going to put the new one? And no one really wants to be the guy who tells an entire office full of decent people that they're getting laid off because their program is a waste of time and even if you did want to do that, they're going to pitch a fit and slam you in the press who will obviously take their side and then their union is going to campaign against you and maybe cutting that program just isn't worth the effort. And this all assumes too that the people we're electing even know how to read the budget, which they do not.
Is anyone ever going to fix this whole mess? Probably not. But the people we elect are the ones who decide if we keep making the problem worse or if we put the brakes on. And once in a while you even get a candidate who's willing to knock over the jenga tower in the living room so they can at least get one part of the house back to a functional state.
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1358456 · 3 months
Cynthia's Team
... It's been so long since the last time I played a Pokemon game that has Cynthia in it (pretty much every game since DP except HGSS) that I don't think I remember her Pokemon team. Other than Garchomp, of course. And I certainly don't remember if her manga team has any variance from her game team. I doubt it, but you never know. And I feel like this is important to remember for NG+.
But there have been so many champions over the years. Like... who's the champion in BW and BW2? And what are their teams? I don't remember. I think it was Iris and a pack of Dragon types for BW2 and some dude that might resemble a Solgaleo for BW? ... Anyways. ... And was there even a league and champion in SM/USM? I don't remember anyone from that generation.
So, scraping at my memories here, I would guess that Cynthia's team goes as... Spiritomb (I remember her leading with this), Garchomp (duh), Lucario (as recently confirmed), ... I remember being hit by an Aura Sphere from a Togekiss. Was that here? ... Milotic... Or was that Wallace with his Water team? And finally... er... Roserade? I remember a Gallade Psycho Cut one-shotting a Roserade, and I don't think that was my Roserade because why would I make one for a campaign run? So, I'm guessing Spiritomb, Garchomp, Lucario, Togekiss, Milotic, Roserade. ... Time to check...
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... Holy crap, I was right. Yaay. ... Though maybe it would've been better if I was wrong...
Anyways. Hmm... so then for NG+, I would have to think about how Cynthia would even get these things. She can start with a Gible and no explanation needed because... no one ever gets an explanation for their first Pokemon. ... And now there's an immediate problem.
Spiritomb. Where the hell is that in DPPt? Wasn't that some underground link thing? Togekiss... Cynthia gives you the Togepi Egg, so... that doesn't solve anything. Lucario... What's-his-name gives you a Riolu Egg and that's it, so... maybe he had yet another one. Milotic... I remember Feebas being a real pain in the ass in RSE (I did get one though), and a similar level pain in DPPt. ... Why does she have so many Pokemon that can't be encountered normally...
Well, I guess in NG+, I can make her just magically get them off-screen.
Cynthia: "Okay. I'll see what I can find out in the library, and we'll meet up at the Pokemon Center tomorrow." Red: "All right." ... (Cynthia shows up with a Spiritomb) Red: "... Where'd you get that?" Cynthia: "Um... a lot happened yesterday." Red: "... At a library??"
Then again, I don't think anyone would care if people ran into Pokemon in places that they have no business appearing in. So maybe Cynthia ran into a Feebas while walking around a park, Roselia in a cave, and a Spiritomb while fishing.
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brittlebonesguy · 1 year
season 6 thank god. whole season is going in this bitch
oh god okay. men v women. yup and there it is the immediate sexism . women can’t survivor in the wild thats ridiculous!! god am i gonna have two dud seasons in a row? kill me. the woman better thrive and stick together. because so far i hate the first two men that have spoken. “physically we’re the best” they say as that man cannot pull a nail out of a crate. the sexism in this season is crazy. feels cartoonish. this was such an involved challenge wtf. also the men were so pathetic. only a LITTLE cocky? jeff behaves in some really gross behavior. its the sexualizing the women on the show. no wonder he dated a past player. like why the hell are we going around rating the women on this season and saying whos hot and whos not
fully wrote no notes on the second episode and i stand by it because i don’t care. 
hate the sexualization of the women tribe truly. okay the mandarin really caught me off guard. no i hate the way they talk about the women. they’re obsessed its gross. the camera work is,,,,awful 
everyone is annoying, heidi will not stop bringing up that shes cute and small. please stop. also shes dense. see they don’t hate you because youre skinny they hate you because you’re lazy and you thunk you can get by with only youre looks. 
unfortunately i do think this season is more interesting than last season despite the entire tribe of gross men. jenna are you stupid. why are you telling him all this. wow a woman goes home the moment the tribes are mixed? i’m shocked. 
the different strengths in question are “you’re both young and jeanne was old and unattractive” yes heidi you did make the wrong decision, dummy. that challenge was, in fact, disgusting. wow...another woman despite a women’s alliance in this tribe. ....im shocked
heidi is making a very good point. if rodger is on the jury he will NOT vote for a woman. why did they take their clothes off. yeah sure you didn’t get outplayed rodger sure buddy
heidi to whatever the blonde man’s name is about either him going or the creepy man being voted out “well from how i see it, it’s a 50/50 shot” .......yeah heidi no duh. 
what is this 007 shit. ......deena is only 3 years older than matt? then why the hell does deena get called old but matt doesn’t. oh yeah, sexism.....
okay jeanne i feel like feeding people mold without them knowing is illegal but go off. 
honestly......rob and christy final 2....i would quite like that. despite the sexism rob so far is the best rob in survivor. he’s so pathetic which outweighs the sexism (for being entertaining on tv that is). and i like that he’s REALLY putting his all into playing the game. god i love that twist. bye bye alex. 
rob really is a snake lol. christy really should have kept her mouth shut about all that “i am in the drivers seat for this vote”.....girl.
okay so....matt isn’t winning the game after getting that car. not the camera man just filming the forest fire and doing nothing about it. jenna why the hell would you bring something that’s literally irreplaceable to survivor. okay so heidi is a hypocrite. she said she would never cross the lines rob has crossed but shes campaigning to get rid of jenna? ah yes heidi is falling into the same problem as christy. being way over confident. i do not like butch. yes jenna throw a wrench in their plans!
not the fucking speed boat this time lol. its so long winded every season. love to see women win <3. 
okay so this season was not as bad as i expected it to be. the game play was actually pretty good and it was fun to watch. the direct sexism really is what’s bogging down this season’s score. overall i will rate it 5/10. 
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Taking bestfriend!eddie shopping and you end up fucking in a dressing room
duh. and this is def you fucking him, given the context ;)
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"I'm confused as to why I'm here." Eddie mutters beside me, the happy smiles on my face not faltering as I roll my eyes, nudging him with my elbow. "I have a campaign to plan and children to impress." Linking my arm around his, he sighs, allowing me to turn him down another hallway of the bustling mall.
"And you have a best friend who is desperate need of a male's opinion." My tongue clicks as I look at the displays in the windows, stomach anxiously swirling as I turn to gaze up at him through my lashes.
"I'm going on a date tonight while you're at your DnD campaign and I realized last minute that I'm a bit, uh, unprepared." Biting at my lip, my eyes flutter up to the ceiling in annoyance as he abruptly stops walking, his eyes wide and lips parted in shock.
"A date? With who?" I can't miss the way he almost sounds disappointed, especially since I tend to go with him to watch DnD, finding his stories beyond fascinating.
"That one kid from my math class, Jeffery." Eddie immediately rolls his eyes with a scoff, lifting his hands to cover his face. I bite back a giggle at his uncomfortable confusion, watching him shake his head in denial.
"Jesus H Christ- Jeffery? Are you kidding?" He deadpans but I just tug him along, firmly grasping his hand with mine as I see my final destination up on our right. "You're stupidly out of his league." He scoffs, my cheeks warming at his compliment but I just shrug, playing it off cooly.
"Good, then maybe it'll be easy for me to get laid."
"Oh, so that's your motive behind this 'date'? Getting piped?" He looks mortified as his jaw drops, looking down at me with judgmental eyes as my brows lift, head bobbing in a knowing nod. "And you think Jeffery can fulfill your dark masochistic sexual needs?"
"Fuck you. I told you about the choking thing one time." Shoving him away from me, he quickly recoils, wrapping an arm around my shoulder with a cocky smile.
"Can't tell me shit like that and expect me not to use it against-" He pauses as I turn into the store front, his eyes practically bulging out of his head as he looks up at the store sign, then back down at me. "I am not going in there with you." He stutters, drying his sweaty hands down the expanse of his black jeans.
"What? Are you a pussy?" My hands rest sassily on my hips as his jaw grits, a bitter smile appearing on his lips as I reach over to grab a basket, holding it out to him with a pretty smile.
"Am I a- no!" Whipping the basket from me, he takes a sharp breath in as my arm links with his once more. "So help me god, if you leave my side, I'll kill you."
Eddie looks terrified as he looks around at the racks of bras and lingerie, his cheeks a pale pink and lip tucked firmly between his teeth. Every once in a while, now for instance, I catch him looking at something, eyes trailing over the material, lace or silk, his jaw unhinged and I clear my throat.
"Sorry." He shakes his head, looking away from me bashfully. Silently, I reach past him, brushing my fingers over the black nighty, lace lining the bust. Taking it off the rack and sliding it into the basket, Eddie gawks at me, not picking up on my proud smirk as I pull him deeper into the store. "Don't you think you've got enough?" Eddie asks unsteadily, referring to the large pile of undergarments in the basket that he carries, his eyes wide and desperate to get out of here. I just smile sweetly, pointing towards the dressing room signs. "Fuck, you're killing me, woman." He mutters, nodding me on as I pull him back into the empty dressing rooms. My hands soothe over his shoulders as I force him down into the cushions of the couch, watching him run his tongue along his lips. My eyes scan around the plethora of mirrors around us, grinning wickedly as I snatch the black nighty from the basket, starting with it first. I throw a wink over my shoulder as he stutters, adjusting himself not to subtly in his seat.
My breathing catches in my throat as I shut the dressing room door, wondering how on Earth I possibly landed myself in this situation. Am I really that horny and is he really that gullible to believe I'd actually have a date on the night of one of his biggest campaigns?
So, I guess we're winging it.
Slipping my clothes off, my brain wracks with thoughts as to how I'm going to come clean and tell him that it wasn't some stranger from my math class that I wanted; it was him and it's been him for years. He's a pretty confident guy when it comes to sex and making flirty comments, but seeing him clam up at the sight of lace makes my stomach churn in anticipation.
Black is a fitting color against my skintone as I smooth out the skirt, realizing it barely covers my ass as I do a little spin. The top is too big by a long shot but the lace compliments by skin nicely, just needing the straps a bit tighter.
"Hey, Eds! Can you come in here a sec?" I hear him shuffling outside the door as I giggle, holding the bra part of the nighty tightly against my chest as the door cracks open but he doesn't step inside. "Hi." I peak around the door, his eyes finding mine immediately as he tries his best not to look down at my frame.
"Hi." He whispers, gulping as I pull the door open, revealing myself to him and he blinks dumbly.
"You can come in." He quickly shuts the door behind him, flicking the lock with an anxious breath in. "I just need your help tightening the straps." I spin on my heels as I watch him in the mirror, his fists clenching anxiously at his sides. He just sends me a silent nod, brows pulling together as his fingers lift to brush against my shoulder blades. My eyes shut as he tightens the straps, his cool rings dancing against my heated skin as silence consumes us. "How do I look?" I ask breathlessly, spinning around as his eyes flutter down to look at me, taking in every curve and every exposed inch of skin.
"Beautiful." He whispers and I smile sweetly, spinning my skirt back and forth. "Jeffery's a lucky guy." A disappointed smile passes over his lips and his face drops but I just chuckle, shaking my head.
"Good thing he'll never see me in it." I snort, catching his attention as he stares down at me, confused beyond belief. He stutters a bit as my hands simply soothe up his chest and around his neck, his hands shakily resting on my hips as he scoffs.
"You motherfucker. You planned this?" My head bobs in an innocent nod, batting my lashes at him. "There's not really a date is there?"
"Nope, just wanted to get your attention." His head tilts as my lips brush against the column of his throat, his whole body trembling against me, trying to maintain his restraint.
"You have it." He whispers breathlessly, allowing my fingers to brush through his curly hair, my lips trailing up his neck to skim along his lips.
"Plus, I'd never miss sitting on your lap and listening to you tell your campaign stories." I chuckle as he gasps, eyes fluttering shut as I push him back into the chair in the corner of the dressing room. He looks up at me with wide eyes, my thighs immediately coming down to rest on either side of his, trapping him effectively.
"On m-my-" He looks up at me, his shock still prevalent as my hands cup his cheeks sweetly, leaning down to capture his lips in a brief, chaste kiss. "You're kissing me- what's going on?" He asks against my lips and I laugh, soothing my hands over his chest as my hips grind against his subtly.
"Do you want me to fuck you, Eddie?" I ask teasingly, my hands sliding down his chest, all the way to rest on the top of his jeans, fingers curling under the waistband. He nods breathlessly as his head thumps back against the wall. "Words."
"Y-yes." He whispers, a bright smile taking over my face as I quickly work at undoing his belt, watching the way his hands soothe up the expanse of my thighs, exploring and enjoying the newfound intimacy that our relationship has taken on. "Fuck." He whispers as my small hand slips in between the material of his jeans, cupping him through his boxers as he juts into my hand.
"Who would've thought you had a submissive bone in your body." I giggle, pulling his boxers down just enough to take his cock into my hand, stroking him slowly as his eyes stay locked on mine.
"Yeah, apparently it's 'learn new things about Eddie' day." He shudders with a laugh, hands resting on my hips as I lift myself up, positioning him against my entrance as I take a deep breath. With a quiet, drawn own moan, he slips inside of me, his hands gripping my hips tightly as I allow myself to relax. "You feel so good." He moans, his forehead resting against my collarbones, lips lazily dragging against my skin. My hips struggle to lift against his, the sheer pleasure raking through my body at the burning sensation between my thighs has me completely done for. "Let me help." He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to the shell of my ear as he helps me lift my hips, all while meeting my thrusts, his own hips pushing up against me as I whimper.
He feels amazing inside of me, fitting me like a missing piece of a puzzle, my heart pounding against my chest as I lean completely into him, tucking my face in the crook of his neck. My eyes close contently, just enjoying the feeling of him stretching me perfectly and loving the way his hands, that have slipped under the nighty, feel against my bare hips, dragging me against him. His moves are calculated, brushing my clit against his pelvis every time that I rock forward but he also seems to brush against the sweetest spots inside of me every time his hips push himself into me.
"Fuck-" I cut myself off with a moan, wrapping my arms around his neck as I desperately weave my fingers through his hair, loving the deep groan it pulls out of him and the stutter of his hips against mine. "You're gonna make me cum." I whisper, lips brushing against his neck as I press kisses to the marked skin.
"Yeah?" He almost sounds surprised as a small chuckle rumbles in his chest and I can picture the proud smile on his lips as he speeds up his motions, my hips now acting on their own as we both chase our highs.
"Yeah." I whine, clenching around him as his hands move to the curve of my ass, blunt nails digging into my skin as he twitches inside of me, warning me of his oncoming orgasm.
"Fuck, where do you want me to-" He starts but I cut him off, leaning up just enough to be able to capture his lips in a heated, messy kiss.
"Inside of me."
He's finished the moment the words pass through my lips, my orgasm following closely behind his as I feel him pulse against me, his ragged breathing making my thighs clench beside him. His arms wrap tightly around me as we come down, pulling me into the sweetest hug as our lips separate, his nose brushing against the crook of my neck and we catch our breaths, trying to be as quiet as we can.
"You're too good at seduction." Eddie whispers with a chuckle, fingers dancing slowly against my thighs as he lets me rest against him, tuckered out completely.
"Learned from the master, Cosmopolitan magazine." I give him a thumbs up as he snorts, folding the material of the nighty between his fingers as he tuts.
"Yeah, you have to get this. Fuck, I'll buy it if it means you go home with it."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is
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bakeryblood · 2 years
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Freaks n’ Fag*ots
Eddie Munson x Male Reader
cw: Bullying, Blood, Injury, Pining, Homophobic Language/Slurs
“I’m so pissed! Ha!” Eddie pulled at the sides of his denim jacket as he paced back and forth with an out of place grin on his face, thinking over what the newest members of the hellfire club had requested of him earlier in the cafeteria. He was irritated and when Eddie was irritated he got restless. Legs bouncing, hands shaking, his facial expressions were twice as animated as they usually were.
Y/N had tried to tell him to relax and let it be, one member down wasn’t the end of the world but to Eddie it was. After all the work he had put into this campaign the last thing he needed was for the party to feel like there was no chance of victory and let their animosity fester because that’s what teenagers do. So instead he had peeled off his leather jacket and got to work balancing a black and white composition book on his knees as he broke up the last of their combined baggy of weed, rolling one for now and one for later after their DnD session.
Y/N felt those dark eyes on him as he licked the glue line on the thin rolling paper and let his own eyes flick up to look at Eddie standing a couple of feet away from him, swinging the small tin lunchbox he’d carry his bud around in.
“‘Postpone Hellfire’..Geez…” He mocked Dustin’s lisp as he paraphrased what the boy had said earlier and made his way to sit next to you on the top of the picnic table, digging a silver lighter out of his pocket as you wiggled your handy work at him. He passed you his lighter and propped his face in his hands as he sat there pouting.
“Yup, you’re jealous.” Y/N mumbled as he held the joint in his lips, taking a couple drags off of it as the flame flared and then died down to form a cherry on the end. He then licked his finger and traced around the paper in an attempt to keep Eddie from causing a run in it like he loved to do from hitting it too hard, like a cigarette.
“Jealous? Why the hell would I be jealous?” Eddie furrowed his brows and practically snatched the doobie from your fingers before taking a couple hits himself.
“Uh, duh. Because the boys wanted to go to the basketball game instead of play tonight? You’d be the same way if Dustin said he wanted to invite Steve over to watch the game..” They exchanged a glance as he passed it back before sighing.
“Well yeah, Steve used to be ‘King Jockstrap’ of Hawkins High. Of course it would be the same. Why would they go and support those guys when they’d lynch us if they got the chance?”
“Because Lucas is their friend? And he probably asked them to get you to postpone because your campaign is so bitchin’, he doesn’t want to miss it.” Y/N grinned and gave him a weak shove, then motioned for him to pass it once again.
“It is pretty ‘bitchin’ ain’t it.” Eddie chuckles and leans back on his hands, closing his eyes and allowing himself to get the Mary Jane work its magic.
Just as the two of them finished up and Y/N had pulled his little tin box that once held some ginger Altoids out of his backpack, which now kept their stinky little resin covered roaches safely tucked away, they heard the crunch of leaves. Eddie’s hair billowed as he spun his head towards the opening in the trees that led back towards the school. Y/N peeked past the dark brown curls to see who had snuck up on them and to both of their surprise standing there nervously in her green and white cheer uniform was Chrissy Cunningham.
“H-hey uh, Eddie Munson right?” She flashed him a smile showing off her perfectly white teeth before taking a couple steps closer. Eddie rose up off the table top effectively blocking her line of sight whilst you scrambled to stuff away all evidence of the two of you smoking.
“Well that depends, do I have a doppelgänger I don’t know about?” He hopped down off the bench the autumn leaves crushing under his white sneakers and the two of you noticed the small startle reaction from the girl. She was hiding it pretty well but Y/N could tell they were anxious about something. “Actually it’s pretty good that I don’t know about them, don’t you die if you see your doppelgänger, Y/N?” He tilted his head to the side as he directed the question to you as you slipped your jacket back on and pulled the cigarette sitting behind your ear out and placing it between your lips before slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
“That sure is what they say..”
Chrissy shuffled her white cheer shoes across the dead leaves letting her eyes flicker over to Y/N who was lighting their cigarette, slipping Eddies silver lighter into his jacket pocket. “I really need to talk to you..”
“Then talk, quick, I’m a very busy man.” Eddie was now closing the distance between the two of them even more, the step away she took added to the entertainment he got from intimidating her. The grin on his face fell when she looked up again with a determined look now, her eyebrows pinched in irritation.
“I need to talk to you alone, Eddie.”
That was all Y/N needed to hear. He quickly walked past the two, his arm brushing Eddie’s as he passed and he turned to walk backwards as Eddie called out to him, his eyes begging him to not leave him alone with ‘Prissy Chrissy’.
“Someone has to go wrangle up your kids, hopefully they got a replacement like you asked.” Y/N half smirked as he turns back around and quickly made his way back to the school while he slipped the headset to his Walkman over his head, leaving Eddie and Chrissy alone.
Eddie was internally cursing. With Y/N there it was a lot easier to put on a macho show for them to laugh about later but now with her standing there anxiously playing with her hands it made him struggle to think of what to do next. He rolled his eyes and his own hands went up to push his bangs up in exasperation that he had a feeling this interaction was going to do wonders for killing his high.
“Eddie I-“
“I ain’t holding right now, so if that’s what you’re here for you’re outta luck princess.” Eddie took up a slow pace back and forth as if doing so would make everything go faster.
“What? That’s not-“
“And even if I did have anything you really think I’d sell to you? You’re probably just trying to give your narc boyfriend a reason to kick my ass, right?” Chrissy threw her head back at him cutting her off again before letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Jesus Christ Munson! Is drugs all you think about? This is serious!” Her usually sweet voice was now shrill with anger as she glared him down. She had gone out of her way to come and try to do the right thing and help this guy and his group of weirdo’s. Missing her last opportunity to practice before the big game tonight, out there supporting the love of her life. Not snitching on him.
“Then spit it out if it’s so important, Chrissy.” Eddie spit back in a mocking tone as he felt around his jean jacket pocket for a lighter.
“It..it’s Jason…” Eddie finally looked at her, having been avoiding making eye contact until then. With a raised eyebrow he took the unlit cigarette out of his mouth and motioned for her to continue, which she did. Filling him in on what she had overheard him and couple other team members talking about doing before everyone met up in the locker room before the game.
Mike and Dustin walked side by side with Erica close behind them as they slowly made their way to the A/V club room they repurposed as their game room after school. “Is it just me or does Y/N always seem hyped up before we play?” Mike recoiled at the closeness of Dustin’s face as he’d leaned in close to whisper to him.
“Dude you don’t need to whisper, he can’t hear anyone. And he isn’t ‘hyped up’. He’s stoned.” Mike held up his hand and imitated puffing on a joint with a grin as they both laughed imagining their two older friends coughing their lungs up out behind the school.
“That boy is fruity..” Erica cut in between them as she carried her stuff in her arms, having no intention on being left out of the group’s conversation if they’d felt like they needed her in this campaign so badly, badly enough to speed ride their bikes to her school to get her before her parents beat them there to bring her to her brothers basketball game.
“Erica! Y-you can’t just say that about people!” Mike tried to slow them down even more, allowing Y/N to continue on around the corner, head bouncing to the beat coming from his mixtape playing off his Walkman.
“Just the facts! He’s your friend right? Why would you all be dancing around something so obvious..” She rolled her eyes and pushed Mikes hand off her shoulder as he sighed, trying to figure out how to explain things. He knew Erica wasn’t stupid by any means, but she was the only girl to get introduced to their DnD group and the last thing he needed was her ‘smart mouth’ getting Dustin and him in trouble with the seniors.
“We just don’t talk about it alright? Guys don’t feel the need to go around telling everyone who they’re into.” Mike started the trio walking again as Erica thought what he said over and decided as stupid as that sounded, she’d silently agree to the terms.
Just as Y/N had turned around to check on his freshies and they’d rounded the corner he felt something grab him by the collar of his jacket, pulling his back against someone. His eyes scanned the kids expressions and he knew for sure by the immediate look of flight or fight, it wasn’t Eddie.
Mike and Dustin tried to block Erica from view as they watched Jason Carver use the hand not gripping the back of Y/Ns leather jacket to roughly yank the cord to their headphones out of their Walkman and in turn, also off their head. “Sorry freak. I guess you couldn’t hear me.”
Y/N rolled his shoulder, pulling his jacket out of Jason’s grip before taking a step away and fixing the fit of it. Raising an eyebrow at the trio of jocks standing around in their basketball uniforms. “You all headed to play ‘Freaks n’ Faggots’?” Dustin exchanged a look with his friend as they debated weather or not they should just go find someone, an adult to deal with this. But they both knew Jason knew exactly how to get out of trouble with that sweet little church boy façade he threw up around the teachers and friends of his parents.
“Don’t you three have some balls to be playing with right now?” Y/N quirked an eyebrow at the blonde and slipped his hands into his pockets. They were all used to getting fucked with at this point but Y/N was the only one who actively seemed eager to drag out the interactions. Instead of the usual game of cat and mouse it was more like two tomcats crossing paths in an alley.
“Where’s Munson..” Chance interjected, reminding Jason who they were actually hoping to mess with after his performance in the cafeteria that day. Jason nodded his head and the grin on his face really did something to Y/N, it was deceivingly out of place.
“That’s right, where is ‘King Queer’. You know I really wanted to talk to him about that stunt of his earlier.” He heckled and his friends just encouraged him with their laughs. Y/N kissed his teeth as started to take a few slow steps, nodding so they knew he was listening to them. “Faggots, huh…’King Queer’ now that is a good one Carver.”
Y/N chuckled and half grinned as he continued his antsy, slow pace around the man. “Coming from a guy who so frequently showers with men.” It took a second for Jason to process what the teen was getting at but only a moment later he rushed him into the tall lockers that lined the hallway. The sound of their back coming into contact with the metal echoed down the hall and Y/N snickered to himself despite the mans muscular forearm pressing down where his neck met his sternum. He could feel his heart beating against their arm as he stared into those baby blue eyes that glared back at him. “The fuck did you just say?”
“Oh, could you not hear me?” He mocked what Jason had said to him earlier as his eyes trailed up to the ceiling. “Well let’s see..smacking each other’s asses, constantly naked around each other AND group showers?”
Y/N looked back at Jason and then at his two friends, “Yeah I’d say you’re pretty qualified to be fags alright—“ His joke was cut short by the jock rearing his fist back and it making swift contact with his nose, the actual sound of it crunching was covered by the sound of the back of his head hitting against the locker from the impact.
Dustin screamed, startled by the blood that slowly started to trickle from Y/N’s nostrils down his lips and into his grinning mouth, showing how it stained his teeth. “Awh, did I hit a nerve there Carver?” He laughed and as he did the blood quickened it’s pace down his face, dripping down onto Jason’s bare forearm.
Jason gritted his teeth and pulled his arm back, prepared to give him one more despite his friends urging him that they needed to hurry and get to the locker room. But just before he did from down the hall past his group of friends, a concerned voice rang out pulling his attention in that direction.
“What. The. Hell!” Chrissy quickly jogged towards them, leaving Eddie to stand alone. Jason muttered to his friends to go on without him knowing he was going to have to try and placate his angry girlfriend before joining them.
“Chrissy, Baby, what’re you doing here?” He tried to give her an innocent tone as he let go of Y/N who relaxed a little, resting his head back on the locker in hopes to slow the bleeding down as he listened to the steps of the kids get drowned out by the couples bickering as they retreated to Eddie who was still standing where Chrissy left him. Dark eyes moving from Y/N to Jason and back again. He wanted to do something so badly, he wanted to go kick Jason ass and get the basketball game called off.
But he was so close. So close to graduation. All he could do is stand there watching, barely catching most of what Dustin was rambling off to him about what ‘he’d missed’.
“So you’re just going to throw away your scholarship is that it? The Jason I know, that I love— isn’t like this!” Jason grabbed Chrissy hands and held them, swaying softly as he gave her those eyes. The ones that always saved his ass. But as she looked down at their hands and saw the quickly drying drops of blood on his skin, it was enough for her to pull her hands away from him and take a step away as he tried to rub it off on his uniform.
“Sorry to say Chrissy..but you’re wrong. That is him, all of him.” Y/N mumbled, his voice sounding congested from the coagulated blood in the back of his throat. She looked at his bloodied face before rushing past Jason, her ponytail bouncing as she ran down the hallway towards the gymnasium. Jason turned to look at her before back at Y/N who finally pushed himself off the lockers before swinging his leg back and landing a perfect hit between the blondes legs who crumpled to the ground with a pained groan.
Chrissy stopped just before turning the corner and looked back at the group who was suddenly cutting up once again as Y/N took a couple quick steps away from Jason before looking down at her. Cupping his hands around his mouth he called out to her, “I’m sorry Chrissy! I know how much you must love those things but look at my fucking face! We aren’t even close to even!”
Before Jason could start to gather himself off the tile floor Y/N took off, running past his friends. Telling them to stop gawking and go the long way to the others, still waiting on them.
Eddie had carried on through to the climatic ending of Vecna’s Curse with all the energy his party could have asked for and then some. Coming to enjoy Erica Sinclair a thousand times more than he’d thought he would and when he heard the group asking her what she thought, if she’d like to return to play again, she shared a look with everyone before scoffing. “Uh, duh! This was a hell of a lot more entertaining than other night of watching Lucas babysit that bench.”
The others cheered her on and agreed, except for Y/N. The still blooded man had finally used all his energy and his high had worn off letting the full pain of his injury finally settle in. The throbbing in his face and the back of his head combined made him desperate for a hot shower which he thought over as he made his way to the window across the room to peek through the blinds at the buses outside loading up the away team. He knew they would probably be fine to venture out by the time the kids were ready. As if Jason would do anything with his coach and doting parents hovering him down there anyways. “Hey there buddy..”
Y/N let the blinds go and looked over at Eddie, standing there with his handkerchief from his pocket now held in his hand, moist from a bottle of water one of the others had on them. Y/N half smiled and shook his head as he leaned against the windows frame and motioned for him to go ahead. “Clean me up then buddy..” And so he did. His ring clad hand held the back of Y/N head in an attempt to keep him still, not wanting him to move too much if he hit an especially painful spot. Once he cleaned the dried blood off he could see the discoloration already forming, which would surely be much worse tomorrow.
“You can stop looking so sad Ed. It doesn’t even hurt..” Y/N held back a chuckle at the expression Eddie now had, his eyebrows upturned and his mouth slightly agape as if he wanted to say something argumentative. “Am I still pretty?” That made him close his mouth. He didn’t want to stare anymore, worried you might think he actually had to debate it with himself.
“Yup, that pretty face is what’s going to get me killed one of these days.” He looked away as you two made your way out of the A/V club, trailing behind the youngsters by a couple feet as they continued to converse loudly and excitedly. Once they reached the double doors that led to the parking lot where the bike racks were Y/N leaned back against the door as he stretched, still worn out from sitting for so long during the game and class that day.
“You need a ride home?” Eddie jingled the keys to his van at them and then pointed to it in the parking lot. Y/N let the door slowly swing closed and made his way over to it with him, opening the passenger side door and watching him slide into the drivers seat. Moving his long fluffy curls out of his way so he could look at you hesitant to get in.
“But..what if you get distracted..by my pretty face and crash?” Y/N gave him eyes full of pretend concern, messing with him because of what he had said earlier. Eddie threw his head back against the headrest and smiled, trying to very hard not to laugh before turning back to him.
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take. Now get the hell in.” Y/N sighed softly, clearing his throat and spitting the remaining blood out on the asphalt before climbing up into the passengers seat. Eddie started the beast up and peeled out of the parking lot, off towards the trailer park so he could make sure he could keep an eye on you, even if just for the night.
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tinyboxxtink · 2 years
Hey! I ADORE your Eddie x reader stuff ❤️
Ive had this idea in my head but absolutely no time to write, but the Hellfire Club is pretty obviously using the theater departments prop storage room as their meeting place… what about a theater kid!reader who desperately needs some props for their version of Hamlet or something - specifically Eddie’s throne - and it conflicts with the only date everyone could make it to the big battle in his latest campaign. (I’m happy to help with any theater or dnd refrerences if you need it ☺️)
i'm a theater kid, so I know stuff.
I modified the idea a bit, I hope you like it. [also I discarded the other ask since it pertained to this]
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You stood outside the prop room, mentally preparing yourself to go in. You could hear The Hellfire Club in the middle of a huge campaign, and you were terrified to interrupt them.Finally you heard them taking a break, and you took a deep breath before opening the door. 
Every member froze in their conversations, turning to stare at you. 
“Did you need something, outsider?” one random guy asked in a snooty voice. 
“Man, chill,” Eddie Munson hit him softly. “We’re on a break,” 
“But did you need something, Y/N?” 
He knew your name. How did he know your name? 
“Y-You know my name?” you stammered.
“I assume that’s your name, it’s all over this sign out sheet,” He picks up a clipboard labelled “PROP SIGN OUT SHEET.” 
“Right,” you nodded sheepishly, looking down. “Actually, speaking of–” you cleared your throat. 
“Yeah?” He walked closer to you, and you could smell the old weed and Old Spice wafting off of him. 
“I kinda need– you nodded to the throne that Eddie liked to sit in when they had their campaigns. 
Every other member in the club froze at your statement, staring at Eddie. They held their breath for his response; everyone knew that was his throne. 
He narrowed his eyes at you, stepping even closer to you.
“For what?” 
“A play, duh,” you answered rather snarkily, now feeling your ‘stage manager’ presence coming back to you. “Y’know that is what these things are actually meant for,” 
“Ooooooh,” the other members made noises of awe, to which Eddie quickly glared at them, shutting them down. 
“Alright Princess,” he smirked at you, licking his lips. “Take it, but return it when you’re through,” 
“Yeah no shit,” you rolled your eyes as you took the clipboard from him. 
You wrote down all the dates you’d need the throne before handing it back to him. You saw him glance over it, and his eyes widened.
“Uh, yeah no this ain’t gonna work, Princess,” Eddie shook his head as he pointed to opening night. 
“Excuse me?”  you put your hands on your hips. 
“That’s the day of our Gauntlet,” he simply said, as if you knew what that was.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” You looked around the group, who still just stared wide eyed at your exchange with your leader. 
“It’s like our playoffs,” Dustin Henderson informed you. 
“Are you serious?” you had to laugh, causing an even bigger glare from Eddie and his peons to cower in fear. 
“I need that throne for a show actual people are going to see, Eddie,” you crossed your arms. 
“Oh is that so?”  he chuckled.
“Yeah, and I outrank you in the real world, ‘King Munson’,” you smirked.
“It’s King Mason, actually,” he corrected you, using his character’s last name. 
“Wow, creative,” you laughed.
The other members watched in fearful awe at the back and forth between you and their ‘king’. THey wished they had some popcorn for something like this. 
“Listen Princess,” He starts to circle you. “I get you may be ‘queen’ of your little theater folk, but you can’t just come in here and disrespect me like that,” 
“Right…” you rolled your eyes with a small smile.
“Perhaps we can come to an agreement,” he suggested.
“Uh yeah, you agree to move your little game to another night,” you gave him a cheeky tongued smile.
The other members of Hellfire start making motions of stress and pacing, knowing you were quickly angering their leader more by the second. But to their surprise, he didn’t yell or scream. He actually laughed in amusement.
“...I like you, Y/L/N,” he chuckled. “You got spirit,” 
“Thank you?” you did your best to keep your face straight, even though inside you were secretly squealing in delight in having Eddie Munson’s approval.You’d never admit it to anyone, but you secretly had been in love with him since 8th grade. 
“Tell you what,” He crosses his arm, still smirking at you. “You get us tickets to your little show, and I’ll see about moving our Gauntlet,” 
“You wanna go to the play?” you snorted. “I wouldn’t peg you as a theater person, Munson,” 
“Well if you’re gonna be there, it might be worth it, Princess,” He winked. 
The other members were now looking at each other in confusion and disbelief. Was Eddie actually flirting with the intruder? 
That was it, you were visually taken aback, undone at his words. You could feel your face flushing hot, pushing hair behind your ears as you looked at the floor. 
“I–um, I–” you took a deep breath before looking back up, seeing he had moved closer, now inches from your face. 
“Y’know, we really don’t use this shit,” he whispered. “I just hang out here because your name’s on that sheet. I figured one day you’d come in here looking for a hat or something,” 
Your knees almost gave out from under you at his confession. Was Eddie Munson actually admitting he had a crush on you? For how long? So many things ran through your head at the moment, you could barely keep conscious. 
“R-Really?” you whispered, trying to keep composure. 
“Really,”  he looks down at your lips with a cheeky smile. 
Then without warning he swiftly backed away, as if you two had been making some sort of secret deal, keeping his image in front of his knaves. 
“I guess we’ll see you opening night then, Princess,” he bowed dramatically. “I’ll be sure to bring the Stage Manager a special surprise,” 
“O-Okay,” you giggled nervously, quickly becoming a girly mess the more he flashed that heart melting smile at you. 
You backed out of the room before you made an even bigger fool of yourself, shutting the door behind you and immediately crumbling to the floor against it in a pile of infatuated mess. 
That was, until you realized he had just conned you out of taking the throne of the room that day. 
“TIme for round two,” you giggled to yourself as you re-entered the room, ready to go toe-to-toe with ‘King Mason’.
On opening night, when you were asked to come out onstage for the curtain call, you saw Eddie and his members standing in the front row, clapping wildly. Eddie held out roses and knelt before the stage, giving you a wink. 
That was the day you became queen of Eddie Munson’s heart.
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sesamestreep · 2 years
hello I would like to inquire about “sometimes characters …that aren’t narrators…are better” and also “hbd zainab 2022” if I am allowed a second one
“sometimes characters …that aren’t narrators… are better”
this is my google doc dumping ground for all my random Raphael POV versions of scenes from The Bedlam Stacks (the title is a joke and means no disrespect towards actual narrator Merrick Tremayne, who is my baby boy forever). There’s only two entries in there now. One is a scene from before Merrick and Clem arrive in Peru, between Inti and Raphael at church. The other is Raphael’s POV on the Tent Scene™️, because duh. Here’s an excerpt from the second one:
“As he shifts on the ground, trying to get comfortable, some stray motes illuminate the scars on Merrick’s back, pulled taut as he sleeps curled in on himself.  Without realizing, Raphael has stretched out his hand to bring his fingers close enough to trace the marks. He stops himself at the last possible moment, his fingertip hovering just above the skin. If Merrick had been awake, it would have been close enough to feel, but thankfully, he isn’t and Raphael is spared the embarrassment of having to explain himself. He’s not sure he could have even if he wanted to. Merrick was casual enough about the scars that day by the river, but Raphael doesn’t like the reminder that they exist. He doesn’t like to think of Merrick in pain, of all the different ways the world tried to beat him into shape and turn him into a weapon against somebody somewhere. He doesn’t like the reminder of Markham, now dead and buried in the Bedlam churchyard, the last place on earth he probably expected to end up. Merrick said he was important, from a good family, which means there’s probably a fancy mausoleum somewhere in England that will always be emptier than it’s supposed to be. Beyond that piece of information, Merrick has hardly talked about Markham since Martel showed up, but Raphael can’t imagine the death of his friend, no matter how complicated the circumstances, isn’t weighing on him.”
“hbd zainab 2022”
Can’t believe you ranked this one second in your priorities, but okay. So, my original plan for your birthday fic was not the prompt fill I ended up posting, but instead it was Modern AU for Rogue One where the gang is playing in a DnD campaign run by Bodhi, who’s getting practice as a DM before he plays the game with his students. Definitely not based on anyone I know or anything ;) I didn’t get very far with it, but here’s a bit from the beginning:
“I was hoping you’d be willing to play,” Bodhi says. “Oh, Bodhi, I—I wouldn’t be any good at that! It’s like…nerd shit.” He gives her an unimpressed look at that. “Jyn, you love Tolkien and T.H. White and Le Guin and all that shit. You love video games. You have a Twitch, for God’s sake. You love nerd shit!” “Yeah, but I mostly have a Twitch so I can get into fights with lonely, stupid men on the internet,” she says. “Besides, I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons before!” “Which means you’ll be in the same boat as most of my students,” Bodhi points out. “And therefore your input will be very valuable to me.” “You can’t find anyone else to be your newbie?” “Well, Chirrut insists he’s never played before, but Baze insists he actually has. Either way, it was the 80s, so the rules have changed a lot since then, so he will basically be a new player. And it’s been a while for Baze too, but I know he watches Critical Role sometimes, so he’s more current on the rules and everything. And Cassian’s played a lot and been a DM plenty of times before, so he has a lot of experience—”
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biscuit-789 · 2 years
Eddie Munson - Hate
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Henderson Reader
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Eddie Munson was the bane of your existence. The two of you never saw eye to eye on anything, including simple math problems. Dustin never understood what went wrong between the two of you, so he tried his best to make you guys get along.
That brought you to your current problem, Dustin was bringing you along to find Eddie. He was apparently being accused of killing Chrissy, a cheerleader at the school.
“You know we could just let the cops take him,” You suggested.
“He’s innocent!” Dustin yelled.
“And? Tons of innocent people get arrested,”
“You’re cruel…very cruel,” Steve said, as he stopped the car at Reefer Ricks house.
You rolled your eyes at Steve’s comment before walking over towards the house. It was clear no one had been in the cabin, so the next option was the metal shed outside. Upon walking in, you scanned over the area quickly.
“Well, looks like he’s not here…time to go,” You went to turn around only to be stopped by Dustin.
“Just be nice for once,” Dustin pleaded “Eddie! We want to help you!”
You rolled your eyes at you younger brother. He didn’t understand how Eddie got on your nerves. Just something about the way he presented himself irritated you.
“Eddie…Eddie we’re here to help,” You said in a low monotone voice.
“You know go wait outside if you’re gonna be this way! I’m trying to help my friend and you’re just being a dick!” Dustin yelled.
At that exact moment, Eddie jumped out of under a tarp. He pinned Steve against the wall, a glass bottle in his hand.
“Eddie! Eddie! We’re here to help, we believe you,” Dustin said, walking towards Eddie “I swear on my mother,”
“On his mother,” Robin repeated.
“Yep, on Dustin’s mother,” Steve said nervously.
Eddie eventually dropped the bottle, looking around at everyone. His eyes landed on you last, causing him to roll his eyes.
“You brought her?” Eddie asked.
“Duh, did you not here me talking a second ago?” You snapped.
“She’s helping us, she’s been in situations like this,” Dustin explained.
“I don’t trust her,”
Everyone in the room sighed at Eddie and your fighting. It was getting old considering there was clearly something between the two.
“I’ll wait outside then,” You snapped.
“No, you won’t,” Dustin snapped back.
“Maybe she should wait outside,” Eddie said.
You rolled your eyes, walking out of the shed. It wasn’t until Dustin finished explaining what was going on, that he called you back in.
“So I just have to stay here alone until you guys figure this out? How longs that gonna take?” Eddie asked.
“Too long,” You said.
“No, it will only take us a few days…you’ll need someone to protect you though,” Dustin said with a smirk on his face.
“No, no I’m going with you guys,” You snapped at your brother, after catching onto his smirk.
“I’m with Dustin, he needs some protection,” Steve smiled as he left the shed.
Before you could make your way out to the car, Steve had locked the doors. He continued to unlock and lock the doors for each individual person. That way he could ensure you didn’t get in. Without a second thought, the group left you there.
“Assholes,” You said, walking over to a box to sit down.
“Take one to know one, sweets,” Eddie said with a chuckle.
“What’s your problem, Eddie?”
“My problem? You’ve had it out for me since Dustin introduced us!”
“I have no-“
“Yes you have. The first time I met you, you looked me up and down and rolled your eyes,”
“I did not,”
“You did too and then you proceeded to snap at me for having my campaigns on Fridays and Saturdays,”
“That’s because Dustin and I would hang out every Friday and Saturday night! When you came along, my own brother forgot about me!” You yelled at the top of your lungs.
You weren’t sure where those feelings came from, but they were out on the table now. Ever since Dustin joined the Hellfire club, he barley talked to you at school or at home. He was always invested in D&D. You had tried to learn how to play, so your relationship didn’t crash a burn, but it never made sense to you.
“So that’s why you hate me…Dustin hangs out with me more?” Eddie clarified.
“He’s my brother Eddie and we’ve been to hell and back together. We were so close before he got into high school and now it’s like I never see him,” You looked down at the floor.
“I mean you got friends, right? Just hang out with them until Dustin is available,” Eddie walked over and took a seat next to you.
“Friends? I haven’t had friends since I got to high school, Nancy ditched me for Steve freshman year and we haven’t repaired our friendship…even after everything happened,”
“You could’ve started hanging out with the Hellfire club…we always accept new members,” Eddie said with a chuckle.
“That D&D shit never made sense to me, Eddie. I don’t want to sit at a table where everyone else is speaking in a whole different language,”
“A different language? That’s a little extreme, but if that’s what you’re considering it…you won’t learn the new language if you avoid it,
You looked up at Eddie, knowing he was right. You were just nervous to join them and seem like and idiot when you didn’t know anything.
“I’m sorry for being a dick, Eddie,” You said.
“Don’t be, I was a dick too. I mean just think, if we would’ve sat down and talked a long time ago, we wouldn’t hate each other,” Eddie chuckled.
“I don’t hate you Eddie, I was just angry at the fact that my brother no longer wanted me by his side everyday. It hurts when you drift away from your sibling,”
“I wouldn’t know…how about we start teaching you about D&D, m’lady” Eddie said, jumping up to stand in front of you.
“We’re gonna be here for a while, so what the hell…let’s learn some D&D,” You smiled.
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Les Amis Modern AU: What They Wish Others Believed About Them (Part 1).
[I'll do this series in 4 or so Parts].
[I kind of wrote this in response to some general trends in characterising the Amis. There are some stereotypes which I'm not quite comfortable with. ]
• Wants people to know that he isn't always angry and uptight.
• That he can giggle for hours on end and even snort like a malfunctioning car when supplied with enough puns and Penguin videos.
•That people can walk around him without being on eggshells all the time. He doesn't like the idea of Christmas Capitalism, but that DOES NOT mean that people need to stutter "Chris-sorry-non-denominational holiday party" to him all the time.
• That he does hang out with Bahorel, Joly, Bossuet and Chetta as well. And they know he's scared of nightclub crowds, so they also find nice places to go with him. Enjolras has a photo of them in front of an amusement park carousel pinned on his headboard.
• He's also super unhappy that people think of him as a pretentious wokeboi who never accepts a different point of view. He tries too hard to undo whatever prejudices he has, and frequently cries in the shower when he thinks he has been horrible to someone. He apologizes almost instantly if he fucks things up, and tries his level best to fix the situation.
• That he likes other colours too. Enj has a blanket which is a soft shade of mauve, which he simply cannot do without at night. He also loves porcelain blue, rose gold and emerald green. He had a dark academia phase once.
• That he has had high school crushes. A few, intense ones. Except remembering them hurts him still.
• That he does like his caffeine, but he's careful enough to not overdo his coffee intake. In fact, Enj does take remarkably good care of himself and people around them. He's meticulous in following grocery schedules and house-cleaning routines, and actually enjoys them. He's a brilliant plant parent, second to Jehan.
• That people sometimes wait for him to "open up" and ultimately "reveal" his softboi self. He's what he is, not a coconut. -_-
• The Amis do know all this, and live him for what he is. Just, some others don't believe him. :(
• Wants people to know that he is not always so "put-together". That there are days when he has crippling anxiety and self-doubt and can't get out of bed, let alone shower and make breakfast. There are also days in which he can't stop himself from crying in the Musain's bathroom, for inexplicable reasons.
• He also has extremely short bitten-off nails.
• He's frustrated when people don't believe that he has ever received horrible feedback on his dissertation drafts and has a few fail grades in his school report cards. The last thing he wants is people brushing off his sadness at bad feedback because "ofc you'll bounce back, duh!"
• He's super scared of brain fart moments, or being cornered with things he's not clever at at all. Like card games. He's clever at some things, not so in others, and is NOT a know-it-all.
• His favourite birthday gifts are never books.
• His temper is actually shorter than people think it is. He can snap fairly quickly when someone is actively being an asshole. He resorts to sarcasm usually, because if he gets angry angry, he starts crying.
• He wishes that people don't look at him simply as an over-serious, nerdy, kind-of-dull Deputy Enjolras. He has a completely different style of leadership to Enj, which often helps the Amis a lot, particularly in non-protest events like fundraisers, awareness campaigns and bake sales.
• He is actually pretty good at displays of affection (even the cheesy kind), which he combines with acts of service.
• He knows when people are absent-mindedly nodding away when he launches into his nerd rants about moths, science, art and cinema. He has reduced his rants to a bare minimum, and most people think it is him being quiet.
• There are days when being the mediator/ "mom-friend" burns him out.
• He's extremely picky while shopping. He'll spend HOURS looking for the perfect sweater vest/cardigan/turtleneck and shirt combination. Even though they are almost always shades of blue, black, white and grey, they often come with neon yellow or pink accents. He DOES NOT like argyle, and barely tolerates beige.
• He has ridiculously dramatic classical music choices. Courf once found his "angry playlist" (it had Verdi's Requiem, Beethoven's Fifth, Grieg's Hall of the Mountain King, and Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries). Ferre often plays it while proof-reading his papers, or after a fight with Enjolras.
• He gets really miffed when some people infantilize him. He's the eldest sibling in his family, for fuck's sake, he knows how to take charge and be the adult in the house! And no, he doesn't break things at the drop of a hat.
• He has trust issues. He can make small talk sound like really friendly conversations, but it takes him months to trust people enough to tell them about what he really likes, dislikes, wants and opines. The ultimate trust test? When he finally trusts someone enough to cry in front of them.
• He's just as good a "mom-friend" as Ferre. Taking care of R when he's low? He's there. Applying first aid to all of them after protests? He's got it. Making sure to check on Eponine when he babysits Gavroche? Yep. Goes out of his way to look for Cosette to stop Marius's pining? Yes again. He feels a little low when the same people he had "mothered" over treat him like an overenthusiastic kid.
• He likes glitter. He isn't obsessed with it. And certainly doesn't carry bucketfuls of it, because it can get inconvenient af. His pink colour choices are oddly specific (he loves baby pink, and dislikes Barbie pink).
• He needs his alone-time to recharge. A LOT of it. He walks all around the city in those days, headphones on, blocking out the world. He likes calm classical music then, instead of his usual repertoire.
• He was really good at schoolwork. It's just that he didn't want to walk the academic path for his career. He loves to indulge in loooong, nerdy debates about anything and everything with people. And he ABSOLUTELY rips people a new one when they look at his pink denim aesthetic and try to peg him as airheaded and stupid (if the other Amis don't get to the people first).
• Marius does Courf's nails better than he does it himself. Far better. Also makeup.
• Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't randomly talk to everyone he meets. He just happens to participate in a lot of group events.
• Like Enj, Courf is extremely scared of his own prejudices and problematic sides.
• For the longest time, he hid the fact that he loves wearing makeup, dieting, watching Queer Eye and reading cheesy romance paperbacks because he was super scared that people would judge him. The Amis doesn't, so he showers them with trivia on these.
• Courf is actually really punctual, but on reaching the venue he usually finds someone needing his help, so he dumps his bag in the Musain and runs out again. The bag is evidence of his punctuality.
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paintedwarpony · 4 years
Sam letting the cast give him a haircut
The cast trying to give him a good haircut instead of destroying him
The ducky patterned hair guard
Matt Freudian Slip: Vox Machina
Storm Lord Battle Map
Travis' excitment over any Rage and Reckless
Yasha using the Holy Avenger
Matt: Now you guys know how I feel...
Sam asking for his origins and motivations
Laura: You're the OLDER version
The cast really giving it to Yasha
Laura's lightning character exploding and damaging everyone
Tempest Cloudburst the Italian Storm
The cast giving their lightning spirits more personality the longer they play them
Rage Beyond Death
Yasha fighting dead
All the lightning spirit names: Tempest Cloudburst, Cyclone, Windy, Lo "Barry" Barometricpressure, Shock Hudson...
"You are still dead..."
Yasha flying to the eye of the storm
Campaign 1 Call Back: Where do you find your strength?
"I protect."
"Hold me."
Message to Wensforth
Timeline Shenanigans
Vandran Scry
Message to Vandran
Jester's name connection to Tusk Love mentioned
The Vandran Drawl
Hot Spring Roulette
"Of all the books!"
Nekked Times
Planning at Dawn
The Nein suggesting working with Ikithon
Messaging Essek and Essek's panic and sounding like he's going to bolt
Clay Family Hug and the Clay Necklace
Veth's letter to her family
Sam coming back from the break with his new haircut ckeaned up a little
Wild Magic Teleport to Eislecross
Find the Path
To Many Maps, To Many Maps!
Hiking and Flying Eislecross
"ADD A D4!!!"
The Schwarzeneggar Storm
Almost Shakespeare
Owls vs Eagles
STEALTH CHECKS and Travis arguing about owls not making any sound in real life
Contested Grapple to use the Collar
Messages to Essek (stressed) and Vandran (awkward)
Essek: The sight of you will be welcome
Vandran on Bisaft (The Nein were there)
Last Request Chat in the Dome
Veth promises to Parenttrap the Gentleman and Marion for Jester
Jester makes Caleb promise to draw dicks in every single temple
Caleb: I don't have any other family other than you all
Molly's name dropped
No Watches Night and morning Eye Check
Mass Boulder Parchment Shears Part2
Back to the Outpost
Essek's face as they suggest working with Ikithon
Nat 1 on a Persuasion Check against Essek
Essek: I am a coward. Caleb: Essek you have chanced much.
Caduceus: Would you mind taking off your shirt?
Nekked Times Part 2
Matt's Stressed DM face as they discuss the Sending Code and Foley
Sending to Astrid
Cast Gigglefits
Crown and Kryn
Trent deemed to dangerous to ally with (DUH)
Telling Essek they trust him has a profound effect on him
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