#(thank you anon XD!)
mischefous · 2 months
There’s this fic series I read and can’t remember the name of but in the first one I think Warriors passes out because of pain from an old injury and Time catches him and he can’t figure out what’s wrong with him, maybe u could draw something like that for ur whump art request?
first request LETS GOOOOOO! thank you Anon!
hmm, I've read a lot but this one doesn't ring a bell
but I tried to do your description justice! hope you enjoy! i apologize if i completely missed the mark on this one XD
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one with the words and without hehe
EDIT! @articuno13 found the fic series this Anon was talking about!!! GO GIB IT HEEEEEAAPS OF LOVE!
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
Gustavo and Pizzahead in the same room, what would happen?
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He will soon cease to exist
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solomon couldn't stand your pact marks.
well, no, that wasn't the right way to put it. he was proud, even jealous of your pacts. they were one of the many admirable things about you! he just hated... looking at them. he knew what other people thought when they saw them.
when one would see those marks on your skin for the first time, they would be able to get a glimpse at your relationship with the brothers. one of trust and respect, gathered from just a glance. meanwhile, one would have to be told about his and your relationship. one look at you couldn't decipher all the time you two have shared together, filled with chatting between classes, practicing magic for hours, and endless love.
at first, solomon tried to mitigate this with his own marks upon your skin. wearing lipstick as he placed a kiss on your neck, a few stray bite marks from your time together at night. but those, while fun, were temporary. and solomon needed something permanent.
why not a ring?
(Hope you don't mind me adding on, anon. Thank you for the delicious meal! Literally so honored to read your beautiful work! 🥹)
Getting the ring was the easy part. Getting you away from the brothers long enough to propose...was not.
The lengths Solomon went through to be able to have a private moment with you might put him in a record book as the three realms' most whipped man. With the mask of his "shady" persona secured, he lets his silver tongue weave him through these seven obstacles, the sin of each dripping from it with only you on his mind.
Swallowing his pride, breathing in greed, spitting out envy...his wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth. A vicious rinse, repeat until he's either buttered them up or grated them down until they finally gave in. But he did it. With the day cleared of any interruptions, his plans were set in motion.
He decides to have a redo of your very first date, flying you up and walking in the sky amongst the stars. It's just the two of you against the ever inky black sky of the Devildom, a place that has become synonymous with your presence. Only this time, there are no surprise gales, no surprise drones -- just the surprise of a velvet heart-shaped box in the inside pocket of his coat.
Solomon brings up fond memories of your time together as you both near the spot he's picked to pop the question. He's filled with a giddy glee that soon you'll have something that binds you to him, something to show the world you're his.
Still, there's a little voice in the back of his head reminding him that you could say no. That perhaps he's not worthy. Does he deserve to have matching rings adorned on his and your fingers forevermore? Does he dare stand by your side as your equal when you are, in fact, so far above him?
He decides it's best not to dwell on such thoughts as this is meant to be a happy occasion, as long as all goes well.
Your feet touch the ground once he lowers you both on top of a cliff that overlooks the Devildom, the moon hanging brightly above. As you take in the magnificent sight, he lowers himself on one knee behind you, waiting with bated breath for you to turn on your own volition.
The moment you do, he knows he'll have to keep this memory stored away with his magic, just staring in awe. The moon is angled just right that it shines right behind your head like a halo. Your eyes are as wide as saucers while your jaw is slacked. With the way you look, he truly wonders if he's in the Celestial Realm.
Nervously, Solomon begins his improvised speech after clearing his throat, "my dearest apprentice, it is with great honor that I'm knelt before you tonight. I have dreamt of this moment more than I'd care to admit, yet I never thought it'd come true. But here I am, willing to give you all of me, if you're willing to give me all of you. You are the sun to my moon, the air in my lungs, the very reason why I believe I've lived so long. I was always meant to find you and work side by side to protect the human realm together. And most importantly, to love you. So, please do this old sorcerer a favor...by marrying me..."
He pulls out the ring box, opening it to offer you the ring within. The blessed box is shaking as he trembles, waiting patiently for your answer.
Happy tears spring from his eyes once you say, "yes." The ring is carefully slipped onto your finger, and a single word comes to Solomon's mind.
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jeeaark · 3 months
Hey I updated my game to patch six but Greygold still isn't a companion? Clearly it's a bug.
Oh, that's because companion Greygold is busy hunting down all the bugs
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And there's a lot of them.
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Submitted by anonymous
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nightwonder7 · 2 months
I loved your last comic! Honestly Norton’s trouble with duo faction is always funny to me lol But Luca being the only one smiling and treating him like normal was the cherry on the top to me it was like he’s just as sure that Norton is a survivor as Norton is. So cute and funny xD
Hrdgcjfxhxhfgjchf oh gosh I haven't thought about it that way XD them both being equally oblivious is so funny 😭
And then afterwards the others are like "Wow, Luca, good job tricking him into thinking he was one of us. You were really convincing."
Luca: "??? Who? Did I miss something??"
And thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it! >v<
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thenightfolknetwork · 3 months
Ok so, I'm not...supposed to exist?
I am—er, well, was an imaginary friend. My "brother" was a lonely little boy who was quite neglected looking back, and he wanted someone to spend his time with, a "sister".
So he dreamed, and I came to be. Now, even as a child he wasn't the most imaginative sort, preferring to imagine things he could see and wonder about what was rather than make something new completely from scratch. So, in his mind, his sister looked just like him, just with longer hair. I think that's one of the reasons i'm...like this.
Most children describe their imaginary friends as fantastical, with great glittering wings or neon spots and the like. Most children stop talking or believing in their imaginary friends around a certain age. Most children cannot see someone else's friend. No one, outside of the child, can see an imaginary friend.
Until now? I think? These are all observations I've made.
I remember only existing when my brother was around. We would play and "go on adventures" and just have fun. When it was dinner time, I would sit beside him and eat... but couldn't eat. I would say things to make him laugh, but no one else would acknowledge I was there. I didn't think much of it at the time since..well, I couldn't think. I wasn't real.
As he grew, he must have imagined me growing as well. As he learned, I did, too, and must have adjusted accordingly. Unlike his peers, he was convinced that I was a person and was angry when people told him otherwise.
We got older and he got more insistent when suddenly, people started to play along. Pretending to see me and talk to me when it was clear that they couldn't. I think this was when I started to...feel things? Think?
We fought, my brother and I. He was graduating secondary and heading to Uni. I asked him why he still imagined me when it was clear he didn't need me anymore. He said he did need me. I didn't believe him, we argued, and he left.
I was still there.
Before, time almost seemed to...skip? Think cutscenes from those video games everyone seems to like playing. The day ends, I blink and it's morning, no sleep needed. Brother was distracted? Time skips until he addressed me again.
I've never not been without him before. I panicked. I collapsed against the wall and I felt it. The cool wall, the tears streaming down my face, my brother's hug when he came to apologize. I don't know how to handle it.
When we sat down for dinner, his mum and dad addressed me and asked if I was alright, as if they had always known I existed. They could see me and my distress. I tried to explain, but everyone looked at me confused. They told me that of course i existed, I always did.
But I know the truth. There are no pictures of me in this house. There are no school records of me or medical ones. I have no bedroom or clothes of my own. I did not exist.
I don't know exactly when I became "real" but I am now. I just...I don't know what to do? I wasn't real and now I am and everyone calls me crazy for thinking otherwise. How does one exist? My brother is leaving for Uni soon and everyone expects the same of me, as if I've been accepted into one. I haven't, I've checked.
Why do I exist? Why does no one acknowledge that I never did?
I'm scared.
I'm so glad you've written in, reader. Quite apart from the existential questions your situation raises, there is also rather a lot of paperwork involved.
It is possible to live in the UK without being part of the civil bureaucratic system – indeed, there are certain isolated genuses whose right to do so has been fiercely protected over the generations. But it's a tremendously difficult way to live if you have any intention of engaging with the economic, education or healthcare systems.
The Bunbury Institute of Manifested Personages should be your first port of call to tackle the logistical and legal difficulties presented by your case. They'll be able to get you sorted with all the documentation you need to prove your existence, including a Certificate of Corporeal Incarnation, which will stand in where others might use their birth certificate.
Once you legally exist, you'll be able to open a bank account, apply for a passport, and essentially make whatever choices you want to make about how to spend the rest of your existence. Which brings me to the real heart of your letter – the emotional impact of your change in circumstance.
Sudden onset incarnation is a profoundly disruptive experience no matter how, when or to whom it occurs. Even if your family were able to understand the situation and support you through it, it would still be an extremely difficult situation to navigate. As it is, the nature of your previous existence and the way your incarnation has taken effect means they're just not able to.
You ask why nobody acknowledges your previous non-existence. Generally speaking, most people find it extremely difficult to the point of near impossibility to really understand divergent realities. It's not that your family are trying to undermine you – they are literally, psychologically and biologically, incapable of understanding how you have come to be.
I strongly recommend you find someone to talk to about this issue as soon as you can. Without your legal paperwork in place, it will be difficult to access mental health support either privately or through the NHS. However, the Bunbury Institute and other such charitable organisations may be able to put you in touch with support groups for others like yourself.
What's important is that you know, you're not alone in this. Whatever your family may believe, your experiences are real and valid. And, now, so are you. It's going to be a big adjustment, figuring out how you want to live in the world now you're here. Try not to get too overwhelmed. Take things one day at a time, try to keep an eye on the positives, and give yourself the grace and time you need to process the negatives. In time, I feel sure you'll be able to build a life that feels right for you.
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springbon-t-art · 11 months
Hello! I was wondering if we have your permission to do fanart of Aurelia? She’s so lovely! also, do you know the Relationship charts? do you have one for her as well? so we could understand her connections with the neighbors better! have a nice day!
Hi :D
Of course you can! i’m so happy people like her design ^^ although i wish i didn’t draw her with so many details LOL but yes you can c:
…Oh the relationship chart! i completely forgot about it, here it is:
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(template by @/cloudysunflowr)
Is this what you meant? i hope i did it correctly XD
This is fun! i have never had many questions about an OC of mine, i will try answering all of them whenever i got a bit of free time again 💖
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ladytauria · 7 months
The prompt list. Listen. I think Jason deserves a kiss to the thigh. Whoever you want to give it to him
nonny you are SO right
i went with jaytim bc i'm predictable like that~
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Tim challenges anyone to find a more comfortable pillow than one of Jason's thighs. (Well---alright. They actually come in at a close second to his chest, while his stomach sits at a narrow third. But---still.) There's nothing like reclining on the couch, his head pillowed on Jason's lap while the TV plays in the background.
Tonight, Tim's foregone his laptop. For once in his life, he's had enough of numbers. He just wants to relax with his boyfriend.
Jason's hand drops into his hair, stroking idly through the strands. Tim's eyelids droop. He raises his hand, wrapping it around Jason's knee; thumb pressed to the back of it. Jason's leg shifts to accommodate him.
He smiles, humming softly. He turns his face, pressing a kiss to Jason's thigh. Jason's fingers pause in his hair for a moment, and then continue; the gentle scratch of nails against his scalp making Tim wish he could purr, pushing into his hands.
Jason laughs; a soft huff of air that turns Tim's insides soft and fuzzy. "Overgrown kitten," he murmurs.
Tim's mouth twitches. "Meow~"
Jason snorts, flicking his ear. "Hush, I'm watching a movie."
Tim nips him through his sweats, earning a light tug to his hair. He heaves a put-on sigh, drawing his blanket higher up his shoulder.
Then he settles, letting the low murmur of the television and Jason's fingers in his hair lull him to sleep.
[ sultry prompts list ]
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Remus calling virgil sugartits
Is this a thing?
It is now
You’re welcome
- Vee 💜
Anxietitties Your Honor
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zoomimal · 3 months
In your opinion what are the most important areas F1 needs to work on to be more inclusive to omega drivers? ~ Luci
Ah a very serious matter, and one I am passionate about.
First off, I believe stewards and FiA officials should receive training in reading omega body language and how to properly accommodate non-disruptive behaviors. Currently the only training they receive of this sort is for conflict de-escalation between alphas (and the fact that alpha ‘accommodations’ are focused almost solely on their potential for aggression is a whole other rant I could go on but will not here). Better awareness of omega non-verbal cues is badly needed, and we got yet another clear demonstration of this after quali in Jeddah. As you yourself said, it was incredibly distressing to witness Charles being dragged away from Max like that, and all for what? To make sure the schedule was adhered to? To keep up the laughable facade that Max and Charles aren’t bonded just because they haven’t spelled it out on instagram yet? Charles was clearly so upset by it, and Max was visibly distressed about it too! Yet the official seemed to have no concept at all of what he was doing beyond ‘come on silly omega, you’re holding things up and need to be elsewhere’.
This actually brings me to my next point - the blanket ban on publicly visible scenting in the paddock is atrocious, explicitly anti-omega, and should be done away with.
As we all know, scenting, especially casual light scenting, is such an integral part of omega social interaction, hormonal/instinct regulation, and emotional well-being. (It is of course important for alphas too, but again, that’s another discussion). Using this latest incident with Charles as an example again, both he and his bonded mate had just performed incredibly well in front of thousands of people, of *course* he would be keyed up and his instincts would be screaming at him to reenforce their bond after that. Just a light scenting to calm his instincts and Charles would have been settled and ready to move on to the next thing, but because of the ban he couldn’t do that and instead had to resort to more extended proximity and eye-contact to settle himself enough to comfortably leave Max’s side (which then of course also got interrupted because anti-omega bias is systemic in F1 just like it is in many other settings)
Yes I do acknowledge that there have been instances in the past of scenting being arguably taken too far for a professional setting, but anything that crossed the line could be covered just fine under the injunctions against disruptive behaviors. Even in countries with strict ‘decency laws’ the FiA could, if they cared to, easily provide a space for omega drivers to step aside for a moment to quickly and discreetly scent with a mate or pack member as needed. (And before the ‘Alpha Rights’ crowd starts whingeing about this being somehow unfair - yes of course this should be available for alphas to use as well if they want to!)
I have even more thoughts (like how the restrictions on nesting in drivers rooms in the name of ‘professionalism and preventing unfair advantage’ are both infuriating and archaic), but this answer is already fairly long so I’ll leave it off here for now.
( @charles-leclerc-official I finally finished answering your ask! XD)
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kasagia · 24 days
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Dear anonymous... I hope this stays between us...
But I officially wanted to congratulate you for being the first person who solved the mystery of why the reader did what she did in Part V of Right Hand. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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You can go to sleep now. Seriously. Do it. Otherwise all my plot creation will go to hell. And here I thought that I was a Mastermind xDDDDDD Just joking. Love you! 😙🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤
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jeeaark · 4 months
Greygold's so godsdamned precious! I love them, you're honor.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
no way to explain it without sounding insane, but jesse is the literal embodiment of a bendy sheet of metal, to me at least <3 .
you shake him around and he goes FWUBUWUWUBEWUEWBEWEBWE yk? also they tend to look flimsy (specially while wobblibg) but theyre actually pretty sturdy
idk,anyways yea, love that guy asdghdsdhfghs
Rare Screenshot of Jesse found from the show:
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(but that is SUCH an apt description of him honestly, insane or not hfgdfgdhfgd)
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pokimoko · 8 months
Simon Petrikov
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Anon-Orbo wants that Canon-Blorbo obliterated.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
can you show off your K collection?
The whole collection, you say :D I have a lot, so under the cut so as not to clutter up everyone’s dash.
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First: figures. The large military figures are from Alter and the slightly smaller Fushimi one is from Union Creative. The Alter ones are better quality but honestly I like the more dynamic pose of the UC figure better, there’s a matching Yata that I don’t own largely due to lack of space that’s very cool (however the UC Fushimi also has a truly terrifying alternate face…). The larger chibi figures are lottery prizes, I bought them separately in order to be sure I got what I wanted. I like the winter ones best, someday I need to get the Munakata from that set. The smaller figures are a Niitengo Deluxe set, I actually have a couple duplicates from this because I bought two sets. The ‘regular’ set had Mikoto and then there was a special set — I think it was an Animate exclusive? — that had Munakata along with alternate Fushimi and Yata figures. Then I have the teeny Shiro, Fushimi and Hisui which are keychains, I picked those up at a con (they didn’t have Yata which is why I ended up with Shiro and Hisui in there). 
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Also on the figure end I have these little guys: K nendoroids! Wait, you may be wondering, I don’t remember any K nendoroids. That’s because we have no official ones (still mad about that!) so I had no choice but to make my own by modifying parts of existing nendoroids. The clothes were purchased from various places online.
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Next is my full set of K nuis. It took a while to get all these, because when they released the ‘clansmen’ sets I only bought the Blue clan and then regretted it. And no, they didn’t make an official Niki nui, since I had extras I modified them. Hidaka, Benzai, Niki and Douhan are my own customs.
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More plushies. I believe the larger ones were Sega prizes? I found Munakata and Fushimi being sold as a set online and then hunted down Yata later. The chubby birds are from the Chun Colle line, and of course I had to buy them their own (love) nest. The Saru cat had the clothes sold separately, I think the original listing showed them with a white cat but the black was all AmiAmi had at the time so I have black cat Saru. The Sarumi nuis are from the second release around ROK airing, they’re a bit different than the first release — a little less chubby with more scruffy hair. I have Munakata too, as you can see he’s…busy on top of my desk. 
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Standees, because everyone needs a little anime boy on their desk. As you may notice, one of these things is not like the other. That’s right: Yata’s wearing bunny ears! Also Kuroh is there. At the time I bought the little Fushimi with the drink the cheapest one on sale had both Fushimi and Kuroh being sold as a set, so he’s here too. 
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Speaking of standees, here’s a few more along with other lotto prizes. These were all from the specific Fan Clan lotteries, you had to be a member to draw. The big Fushimi picture and the water bottle were both grand prizes that I managed to win, so I got to choose my character for those (…don’t  ask how much I spent….). The Fushimi picture has hardware in the back that you can use to stand it up but it’s mostly hanging out hidden by my drawers because I don’t have space to display it right now. 
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A few miscellaneous things. The Sarumi plate is official goods, the Akiben cup is a fan made product. The glass has Fushimi on one side and Munakata on the other though it’s hard to see, this was I believe also a lotto prize but I got it as a free gift from a shopping service. The pillows are also both official, the one on the left is the Kotobukiya dream cushion and yes I did buy the whole pillow just to use the Fushimi cover. The incredibly gay pillow featuring Fushimi touching himself while looking at a photo of Yata he’s pinned to his pillow is also, amazingly, 100% official merchandise.
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Jumping around to some more official stuff, these are all my physical media. Missing Kings is actually the Japanese release, which has subtitles but no dub. It released before the US version even had a release date on the books so I bought the Japanese version instead (I don’t dislike the dub but dubs are also not something that’s a dealbreaker for me). I also have three stage plays — fun fact, the US and Japan are in the same region for blu ray — these are not subtitled. 
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Novels (and a couple CDs). From the top left, we have the All Memories book, Case Files vol 2, Lost Small World, Idol K, the little short story booklet that came with the pre-MK S4 drama CD (with the glasses drama on it), the three anime adaptation books, the aforementioned drama CD and the Idol K CD. 
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Next, manga. The top left corner is the K Poe Backs book, which has a bunch of mini first person comics of the cast seducing ‘you’ the reader. The top right is the K Maniacs book which is an official doujinshi book, it has no pairings but a lot of older Sarumi doujinshi artists are involved and Fushimi and Yata definitely dominate the book. I have the special Animate of editions of Gakuen K volume 3 and Missing Kings, because I liked the covers. The LSW books are all the special editions as well, the little booklet on the bottom right came with the final volume. The booklet between the two volumes of Days of Blue also came with that second volume and has the special Cherry Blossom Viewing chapter. (Meanwhile I just realized I don’t have Return of Kings….I need to buy that, I like the art.)
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Some more random goods. The purse, hat and watch are all from Super Groupies collabs. I have the Super Groupies S4 wallet as well but it felt weird to take a picture of my own wallet (incidentally, if anyone sees the Super Groupies S4 earrings let me know, I didn’t have my ears pierced when they came out so I didn’t buy them and I want them now). The necklace was for Fushimi’s birthday, there’s a couple Yata ones that were made as well and another Fushimi one that’s blue but this is the only one I bought, it has a tiny S4 logo. The two tins are official teas that were made, the Homra one is my favorite of the two and is a pretty red. 
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Some more clothes. I skipped most of the Super Groupies collab clothes for sizing reasons but these all fit and again, all are official. The shirts are from a collab with the brand Avail, they did shirts based off Shiro, Kuroh, Mikoto, Yata, Munakata and Fushimi. I have the Yata, Munakata and Fushimi ones, the puzzle piece S4 logo that’s Munakata’s is my favorite.
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My wall o’ keychains. I actually have a lot of keychains on various purses so this is not all of them (I may have mentioned before that I’m also into lolita fashion so I have lots of purses, forgive me for not digging up all of them for keychain pics). The wall is missing a lot of Fushimi keychains though because they’re on my Fushimi ita bag. 
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I’ll probably redo this at some point (I don’t really like backpacks so this doesn’t get worn much) but here’s a lot of my Fushimis that aren’t on other purses. I also have some new Sarumi ones I just bought, these are for the Sarumi ita bag I have in progress. This covers most of my collection, I also have a lot of posters and some magazines that aren’t convenient to get pictures of. This doesn’t count my, uh, extensive doujinshi collection either, just know that the bottom shelf and a half of my bookshelves is 90% Fushimi-centric doujinshi. I may be ever so slightly obsessed. 
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