#(the battery was dead so i didnt get to)
risingsunresistance · 9 months
while i dont like dream myself and tend to stay away from the main group he hangs out with now (whatever he's even doing these days idk i dont keep up), it baffles me when ppl are like "i dont watch (x) bc they've talked to dream / they're friends with friends of his / etc" like. do you know how many people he's talked to. do you know how many friends of friends he has. most of the popular guys are probably two degrees of separation from him at best 😭
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oatbugs · 2 years
ended up at a quebecois gay bar lol. anyway updates
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arosebyan0thername · 1 year
Tw in the tags for unhealthy eating habits bc readmore doesn't seem to work on mobile anymore
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karoochui · 7 months
What im hearing is:
Little crow feet outside my window bcs im feeding them- that’s besides the point!
Is there magic??? His shovel looks magic and they look magic
And do give me every detail you are thinking of for the series even if its in the distant future or not that relevant but you want to share
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Crows!! Cute!! Also sorry i didnt get to this sooner my laptop BROKE (still broken but usable) and my mom and i have been looking for someone to fix it. Ive been drawing with it sparingly to be careful.
YES there is magic. Of course im still working on this storywise but im getting characters designs n whatnot done right now. Dynamics n stuff. BUT i do have some refs i made before my laptop broke.
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I like to draw out certain stuff so that it helps with descriptions in the future; i have the worst memory so it helps to be able to do so. (More beneath cut)
Im so excited for moon's shadow form. Oh my god. Its probably my favorite thing right now.
Fun thing about it is that in this form he can touch you but you cant touch him. Something something you can be cast in shadow but you cant take it off yk? He's still light sensitive like this though, so if the area hes in isn't dark enough or he's hit with anything too bright he just reverts back. At that point he'd just have to rely on normal hand to hand stuff and his sand lol. The shadow form is just better for sneaking and speed. Really, he's some amalgamative idea of the sandman and boogieman. I thought it fit well with his whole "naptime attendant gone wrong" thing.
Sun's design, however, is more like if you mixed a cowboy, wizard, and gravedigger together. I made it a while ago on a whim with no intention behind it but then i ended up thinking "ykw would be so awesome".
The hat dips to cover the crescent side of his face (not intentional on his part) to symbolize his resentment towards moon and how he basically damned him to an hourglass. His eyes are easier to see bc of this which could seem more trusting (eyes are the window to the soul or whatever), but the thing is thats not normal for him (as we know) so it's meant to make him look suspicious and looming to 4th wall viewers. There's also the fact that i just thought it was cool too.
He also doesn't get a second form. Moon's sneaky and weird so i thought it would fit to give him some freaky thing iykwim. Sun, however, is a pretty "in your face" kinda guy, so his look and fight style is more extravagant and boisterous. Lots of swinging amd yelling and boom bang zap! Despite the showiness he's actually a longer range fighter. Mainly because unlike moon, thousands of years ago, he wasn't often one to get violent with his hands. His weapon is just obnoxiously large too though.
They are still one animatronic and their transformation is still triggered by light. Instead of an AI chip though (which is still in there but long dead), they live through the work of a soul. They're still physically inorganic but as far as spiritually they're as close as they're gonna get to being human. Their life and functionailty is derived from the magic itself, not the machinery. Like if for some reason they lost all their magic they'd just drop dead from a battery life long since drained.
The hourglass has a carousel-like design to it purely as reference to moon's level in Help Wanted 2.
Sorry for rambling so much but this is what i've got for you so far! I have a general idea for the plot but im tryna to make it more than what it is rn, so i dont wanna share too much of that just yet in case i change or completely toss away an idea.
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
incomplete list of weird/interesting manga-anime discrepancies
-you know the bit where they break into the girls highschool in episode 2? yea thats chapter 56. spliced into the middle of chapter 4. its supposed to go before the bit with the ghost family as a lead up to the mogami arc with mob starting to consider evil spirits as just as much “people” as living humans are. all things considered its kind of weird how well it fits its anime placement
-ritsu in the manga gets introduced in the same chapter as teru. you dont see mobs family at all for the first few chapters. infact i dont think his parents appear until like. chapter 25????? every interaction you see between mob and any of his family is completely made up for the anime
-in the manga during the claw arc instead of reigen sending them away all the lackeys just stood there awkwardly during the fight w the scars fdnjksndkjgnd
-mogami arc got GUTTED my god. the part where the fake psychics tried to murder minori got removed, shinras role in the arc got reduced to basically nothing, they move mogamiland ritsu to a bridge like 50 feet away instead of having him walk right over mob, mob only gets beat up like twice, the cat lives, the boxcutter bit is totally removed, the fight with the spirits is made a lot more abstract and less graphic. like im glad this one took the hit instead of the separation arc bc i cant imagine that arc ever being effective as one episode but wow.
-putting the “mob finding his family dead” thing at the end of the episode instead of in the middle of a chapter where it originally was was an objectively hilarious move
-rip the scene of teru outsmarting all three claw guys and saying “say old man have you ever been tortured before” unfortunately all scenes of teru being competent are not plot relevant and must die. also teru can make shadow clones
-hey remember those weird satellite people in claw keeping the viewer updated on where all the characters were in that infinite arc?
-mob with a gun.
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-mob getting briefly knocked out while fighting toichiro and dimple possessing him then getting kicked out was replaced w toichiro just throwing him out the window or somethhing???
-toichiro saying that he only kept the super five around as spare batteries and draining serizawas power getting cut was a personal affront to me
-every single emotion mob cycled through in the anime got a 100% meter. the kid was super emotionally unstable in that fight
-that old man whos house they went to whos wraith made everyone asleep that they exorcised? yea they anime team made that up. they never went to his house in the manga, he just went to spirits and such for a shoulder massage
-manga reigen got 0 money for helping the yokai dude. it wasnt on the table. also most of the stuff he was saying was lifted from a video game serizawa played which he pointed out. also serizawa thought getting arrested was a type of spell
-takenakas general meanness was significantly toned down manga takenaka was a huge bitch
-in general the alien arc was a lot funnier in the manga? like the scene where reigen crashes they had reached a dead end on an extremely narrow path and were driving in reverse while tome and takenaka were screaming at each other in the back and inukawa was 5 seconds from snapping and killing everyone in the car. these might be my favorite pages in the entire manga they as so fucking funny
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-originally when tome said she wouldnt keep climbing reigen suggested mob carry her with telekinesis (which horrified her) and mob said he was too motion sick to use his powers (obvious lie) but could carry her instead which got her to get up
-mezato asking mob to sign a t shirt for the psycho helmet cult in exchange for relationship advice got cut
-i cry every day that the sequence of ???% waking up didnt get animated it set a very different tone than the anime did. the anime was like. slow build up of dread. the manga was immediately bone deep horror i was literally sitting in my room yelling “WHAT???” over and over again at my computer as i clicked through it
-shigeo and mob conversation cut down significantly, all the references to the body improvement club being mob making a new self rather than embracing who he really is and being scared that all the friends hes made wouldnt like the real him removed </3
-the scene where reigen takes his shoes off is made a lot less somber and depressing. it feels less like “oh he knows hes going to die” and more like. triumphant? in the anime
-100% shigeo kageyama is an anime addition they added specifically to ruin my “the first time we see mob 100% is to fight dimple and the last time is to stop himself from fighting dimple” observation
-anime teru generally seems like hes in a better place than manga teru? manga teru seems very melancholy and like he doesn’t really know what to do with his life or his place in the world (which seems to put shigeo off) but anime teru is like wanna go shopping ^_^ *sips tea happily*
-manga shigeo deliberately threw the cake directly in reigens face and my fury over them making this ambiguous will last until i am dead
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ganondoodle · 2 months
you know, i had a totk thought (uh oh)
soemthign thats really bothering me about the whole "actually, ganondorf didnt like the guy appearing out of nowhere marrying a hylian and just saying yep das our kingdom now and we can mine it barren under your nose and also i got laserbeam pebbles that i totally wont ever use on anyone come join me or die just bc of all of that but mainly bc the guy brought some weird tech with him that he dont like" - thing is that ......... we see almost not a single tech thing in the past (and for that matter see nothing of the oh so perfect and peaceful paradise hyrule was before big evil desert man didnt want to join our paradise- like what is the point about making the whole point of the game be -we need to restore hyrule to this paradise it once was- when you dont even see it or get to care about anything of it)
it might sound like a weird hangup but no really, the most we see is like two servant constructs, thats it, when they 'prepare for war' im pretty sure all you see is some lightly dressed ( ... is it just me or does their whole get up look alot like native american/other indingenous people too ... i still dont know how to feel about that- kinda adjacent to some of the sonau armor, the battery one i think??, also having that look...) hylians with spears, where the heck is all that tech?? is it implied to be all down in the mines hollowing out the underground (for no real reason either bc .... theres only two sonau left and no one else seems to want use nor need the tech otherwise there should have been more traces or soemthing left of it -unless it all just magically appeared out of nowhere in mostly prime condition while all shiekah tech jsut vaporized for bs non reasons just for it to be in tha game but oh dont you see its always been there lmao- so whats the point really????)
or up in the sky as most battle constructs are and they cant get them down in time bc *gestures vaguely*
or is it intentionally kept out of view bc idk seeing an army of robots on raurus side he can send out on a whim might not make him look as oh so good and perfect as they want him to look when he already got laserbeam pebbles (most of which hes been hoarding until ONE falls into hands not under his control) ?? like it just ... feels weird?? so many battle constructs that can even be a threat to link are jsut fully functioning strolling around in the present still, why wouldnt you want to use any of them to battle gan and if they DID why wouldnt you show that (no the 3 second unicorn cutscene doesnt count bc its just .. gan and his monsters isnt it) ?? (also ... why isnt there a big like battle ground , like fine you dont have to animate an army of monsters and robots clashing but... wouldnt it be cool to have you discover a giant flat plain in the underground (that magically got put under ground like gan just decided to stroll down there to get sealed lol) and its the only mostly empty field in the game littered with thousands of monster bones and dead constructs intermingled?? just to give it all a bit of weight?? evidence that it happened?? cool ass discovery????)
(also also i cannot let go of ganondorf apparently being sooooo anti tech but then clamgan uses the shiekah stuff??? shouldnt he also be against that then or is that suddendly fine bc- oh woops sorry, forgot clamgan is actually just something, not connected to gan at all actually, i mean why else would miasma turn into malice only to turn into miasma again haha none of that is connected actually what is a calamity anyway? also im sorry to bring this up again but i just cannot let go of the ppl in the present being so obsessed with using sonau tech in every part of their life now- they just lived through an apocalypse of a barely understood strange tech but CLEARLY this other even less understood strang tech is not dangerous at all lets make CARS OUT OF IT and what theres no danger in miasma and that tech existing at the same time LIKE SOMETHING ELSE BEFORE THAT IDK SEEMS LIKE A BAD COMBO--- oh sorry forgot that ceased to exist in both the world and peoples minds for *gestures vaguely* plot reasons- why why why are monsters mining the sonanium?? they dont even work with the yiga no that is also completely disconnected we dont wanna draw and interesting connections after all- whats the point if it means nothing but to be a loot box for the player-- actually, so much of totk is just a so built around throwing you into a box of toys with no substance to it- listen i know games are kinda like toys but if it doesnt make sense and offers you nothing interesting to think about even slightly whAT IS THE POINT)
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brooooswriting · 11 months
Vada Cavell x fem!reader - reader went to Vada's bedroom and didnt notice her on her bed (cuz Vada is rly small puppy 🥺 and under big blanket). Because of this, the reader tried to call Vada for the rest of the day to find her, in the end Vada woke up and turned on the phone (before that it was dead battery) and saw that she had a lot of messages and calls, etc. The rest is up to your author's imagination :))
Where were you?!
Vada Cavell x reader
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“Vada, come on. This isn’t funny anymore. Answer your damn phone” you grumbled into the microphone of your phone. The call went to mailbox again.
Yesterday evening Vada told you that she would be picking you up at around 11 a.m at your house as you guys wanted to spend the day together. But since yesterday at around 1 a.m where she had told you that she was going to sleep now, no message was able to send. You waited for her for two hours, you called her several times but no answer. Vada was a bit chaotic and very random, that was something everyone knew so you weren’t surprised when she wasn’t at your door at 11 but by the time you decided to stop calling it was 1 p.m. you were getting restless, scared what the reason of her ghosting you might be. So after another half an hour you decided to go to the cavells house.
You walked thru every room, calling Vada nonstop and calling out loudly but with no luck. You didn’t get an answer. You walked through the garden too, but she was nowhere to be found. Where could she be on a Thursday at 3 p.m without telling you?
By now you had even called her family but they also didn’t know where she was. “Sometimes she visits the old lady next door, she turned her phone off when she’s there” Amelia told you, hoping that you’d find her sister there. You didn’t know that if you found Vada there, if you’d find it cute that she was spending time with the old lady or if you were gonna be mad that she forgot about you because of her neighbor. But due to the fact that she’s been nowhere to find for over 4 hours you decided that you’d be happy that she’s fine.
“Hello, I’m sorry to bother you. I just wanted to ask if Vada is here” you asked the nice old lady as she opened the door. You gave her a bright smile, your eyes twinkling with hope.
“I’m sorry hun, she’s not here” she told you which caused your smile to falter and the hope in your eyes to die. A small sigh escaped your lips while the woman in front of you gave you a small comforting smile. “I’m very sorry” she added hoping to make you feel better but it was no use. After she also denied having seen Vada today you made your way back to the house deciding to call other people.
When you had gotten off the phone with some of vadas friends, her private tutoring, Mia and Nick. Mia was at dance practice and promised to help you search for her as soon as she was done. Nick immediately came over, speed walking through to house but he also couldn’t find her.
“Let’s drive around the neighborhood for a bit? Maybe we’ll find her there” he suggested, unsure of where his best friend might be. “Well find her somewhere” he tried to comfort you, you were clearly freaking out. Who wouldn’t be? She disappeared before your date and now she’s gone and not answering her texts.
“What if this is her way of breaking up with me?” You suddenly asked as you sat in the car, just starring ahead. Your eyes never left the road, while nick quickly looked over to you before focusing back on driving. He was confused, scared that you weren’t telling the whole truth.
“Why? Did you guys have a fight? Y/n I swear to god if-“ he started to ramble but you interrupted him.
“No, we were fine but still. It’s suspicious don’t you think? Just suddenly disappearing, not answering her phone?” Nick had to admit it was weird. Sure Vada was a bit unreliable but never when it came to you. She loved you so this was completely new.
“I don’t think she’d do that” he only mumbled, unsure of what to say.
After another moment of silence your phone rang. ‘Vads🩵’ showing an your screen. She was finally calling. You hurriedly picked up the phone. “Vada? Hello, are you alright?!” You quickly asked as Nick pulled over so he could focus on the dialogue.
The first thing she did was yawn into the phone, “‘m alright. Why?” She asked. You and Nick started at each other in disbelief.
“You haven’t answered your phone since 1 a.m. you were supposed to pick me up at 11 a.m and now it’s 4:30 p.m. where have you been?!” You asked clearly annoyed and anxious, desperately waiting for her answer.
“Oh, I’m at home. I overslept I guess. Forgot to load my phone too” she said nonchalantly, adding a small yawn and a groan signaling that she just stretched. You were squeezing your phone so hard that your knuckles turned white, Nick doing the same thing with the steering wheel as he turned the car around. “So, we still going out?” She asked in a calm tone which made you even more mad.
You only said small bye before hanging up not answering her question. “I can’t believe this girl” you grumbled to the man next to you who called out an amen. “Gosh, I have some people to call before I can talk to her. Her family, her grandparents, Quinton and Mia” you said as you starred at your phone with a frown.
“It’s alright. You go talk to her and kick her ass while I tell everybody that she’s fine alright” he said, resting his hand on your shoulder in an comfortingly manner. You quickly thanked him before exiting the car and running into vadas house.
“Vada” you screamed again, just like hours before but this time you actually got an answer. She exited her bedroom in an oversized hoodie, your hoodie to be exact, and some basketball shorts, her hair was a mess and her face was still sleepy.
“Jeez why are you screaming like that?” She asked as she came to halt in front of you, her hand coming up to her head. Her tone quickly changed when she saw your face, it was a clear mix between anger and something like sadness. You looked like you were about to cry.
“Where the fuck were you? I’ve been searching for you, calling you and your friends, I drive around the city. You were just gone! I thought something had happened to you or you had ghosted me or some shit. And all of that because you were what? Sleeping?!” You screamed at her, pacing around the living room. Vadas shoulders sagged, she did in fact feel bad about what happened.
“Look, im sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’ve just been so tired that I forgot to load my phone and then my alarm didn’t go off because my phones dead” she said and walked up to you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders to pull you into her chest. She couldn’t hide the smile that formed on her face as she felt you relax as soon as she hugged you.
“I hate you” you grumbled into her chest before pressing a kiss to the skin there. You had been so scared for her.
“I love you too” Vada grinned and kissed your forehead. There was a moment of silence before your stomach grumbled loudly making both of you laugh.
“This is your fault. You promised to take me out for lunch, I haven’t eaten anything today” you complained, pouting like a child. Vada smiled down at you and kissed you quickly before reaching behind you to grab her car keys.
“Then let’s go, can’t have you starving can we?” She smiled and pulled you with her.
“If you do something like this again I will break up with you and make sure that you’ll never be happy again?” You threatened her seriously making her chuckle nervously.
“Okay, Let’s get you something to eat before you kill me alright?”
That night you decided to sleep over at Vadas. The moment you left the bathroom you realized that Vada was gone again causing you to groan. “Vada?” You called out to hear her grumble under two blankets and like a thousand pillows, you could barely make out her body. “Is this where you’ve been the whole day?” You asked her.
“Yeah, it’s really comfy” she mumbled with her head pressed into the mattress. You grinned before jumping on her body, or the place you guessed her body was, which made her groan out. “That’s what you get for leaving me hanging because of sleep” you smiled as you rolled off of her.
A date with Vada was never boring
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could you do companion react to sole just kissing them? like, we can assume they’re really close and basically a situation ship at this point. you’re writing is so unique and thought out and I would love to see your take!
Companions react to Sole Doing The Damn Thing
*ringing a giant church bell i should not have access to* GAGE STANS COME GET YALL JUICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cait; That's not going to go over well with Cait. Her first instinct—and her strongest—when someone tries to kiss her, is violence. Sole is getting a broken nose out of this. Though, as her knuckles connect, her brain will catch up and realize oh. But luckily, Cait has some time to process what just happened. Because Sole kinda...needs some medical attention...Sole can't tell what Cait's flustered about, the kiss or the punch. Cait says they're seeing shit and to shut the fuck up. But...she, red as her hair, will lean in, and quickly kiss their nose better.
Curie; Probably also not immediately happy...Curie canonically gets and is frustrated with people coming on to her, and her own instincts might not be murder...but Sole will be getting an incrediblely nasty look before she remembers who they are. Most likely to still not appreciate it fully after realizing. She'd rather properly discuss their feelings first before moving into anything physical. Curie is a very proper, by-the-books woman. And she had a courting itinerary! She'll take this as a cue to get started on that bucket list, but the first one was surprising Sole and ask them out...she was going to make dinner and everything!
Danse; Are you trying to kill him. The only companion to make a noise. Freezes up, goes ramrod stiff. Doesn't move, doesn't breath, doesn't do anything for much longer than is considered normal. The best course of action, here, for Sole, is to just keep kissing him and hope his brain auto-starts. It's like trying to jumpstart a dead car battery, y'know? If Sole kisses and backs away, there is a very real chance Danse will misinterpret it or convince himself he imagined it. But if they keep going...well. Nothing to misunderstand there, right? The Thoughts don't come until later. Head is EMPTY.
Deacon; stares at them for a few seconds, blinking. Flashes some finger guns with an "ayyyy" and runs the fuck away. The bitch flees the scene. Why would you do this to Deacon? This is almost as mean as doing it to Danse. Best bet is to let him run, grabbing is just going to postpone the running. He'll spend a few days in isolation like some kind of monk. Think about it, his feelings, Sole's, what he wants. Then he goes back and does the same shit to Sole when they aren't paying attention. No one surprises Freaky Deac and gets away with it. No one.
Gage; As Sole gets closer, he notices and intuits that they're going in for it...but, nah, no way. Why would they? But...but they are, right? What else could that be? No, surely—wait, are they? What are you doing? No? No. But maybe? Yes? YES? OH ITS YES, FUCK, WHY DIDNT YA MOVE YOU DUMB SHIT? Imagine Sole going in, Gage tensing and doing 3d calculations, and the Jaws tune playing. Like Deacon, don't try to keep going. Gage is recoiling and grabbing him as he's backing away triggers Fight instinct. He recoils, takes one hard look at them, and says, in that voice smooth as piss and vinegar, "Now, what the fuck was that?" Is that what he meant to say? Nope! And Gage will forever suffer the memory of basically going 'ew' the first time his partner kissed him.
Hancock; Off to the races. Think about it? About what, how good they are at kissing? And sneaking up on him, evidently? Nope! Hancock knows where to go from here. Hancock spends the next month worrying himself sick about jumping into a relationship with someone he loves dearly, without knowing if he himself is capable of upholding his end of the relationship. Ends up crying in Nick's lap about how he's ruined everything. Sole has to explain to him they've basically been in a relationship for a few months and he's doing fine, please be easier with yourself.
MacCready; I FORGOT DEAR RATBOY MacCready was married, and I have to imagine that two teenagers getting together would have done something similar...So, Mac will 100% be stumbling and flustered, but he's not going to brick like others. You'll get an awkward, blushy Bobby grinning at Sole, asking if they really feel that way? He wasn't just imagining it? Oh, nice. So, you wanna...talk, or...keep doing what you're doing? He's good with both. Real good.
Nick; Oh, we're done dancing around this? Great. If Sole wants to just get jiggy right away, will ask gently if they can discuss the Elephant first. But Nick isn't shocked or anything. This has been going on long enough, it was either happening or it wasn't. Well, now its happening. He'd blow a party favor if he had one. Anyway, he's all too happy to finally get this sorted out and started. Even happier he wasn't the one who had to bring it up. He could have, but God, that never fails to twist the guts up.
Piper; Very similar to Nick. Okay, so, are we a thing, or are you teasing? What's your angle, here, what are we doing? The longer the situationship has been going, the more suspicious she is. If Sole fails to sufficiently explain in the 3 seconds they have to, Piper huffs, leans in, and quickly kisses them back. There. Now we're even. If Sole goes back in for their revenge, great news, they've convinced her. Now how about they actually have a relationship now. Piper has done the half-on, half-off thing, and uh...no.
Preston; has too many issues to just throw himself into a relationship like that...especially if he can't pinpoint where it started. Similar to Curie, it doesn't matter how close he is with Sole, he would rather have talked about it first. I mean, he's happy, and flustered, but beneath the dopey grin, he's a little exasperated. C'mon, he had a whole conversation planned, and Sole pops that cherry with one kiss? Alright, works for him. Not complaining. But maybe give a guy some warning? Like, are they dating? Have they been dating? They really need to define this relationship.
X6-88; Haha, you think Sole is going to catch him off—oh shit they did. And...they survived? Wow, they are powerful. X6-88's reaction is the same as Gage's, calculations and all. Except, when he demands an explanation, it is exactly what he intended to say. Seriously, what is this gesture? You're supposed to do it with your romantic partner, but he's seen people do it with someone who decidedly wasn't. He's also seen family members kiss each other on the cheek, and friends. And he's heard of Curie's people kissing everyone regardless. So, what is this? Sole has to explain to him this one is romantic and I'm trying to pursue you romantically. At that point he panics and its a mess from there. Lots of internal crisis, lots of Nick banging pots and pans, screaming YOU HAVE FEELINGS, PANIC IS A FEELING.
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I apologize to all my mutuals and discord servers and discord friends for not talking to anyone for months now, and not making cc and just not being as active as i used to
Im completely burned out on socializing as its been extremely stressful irl work is stressful and home like is extremely stressful and people stomp on my boundaries left nd right and keep talking to me no matter how many times i ak them not to
My parents dont care and keep forcing me to listen to them even if i have a spliting headache unfortunately as i live with them i cant exactly leave the room when i please as that will make them hurl more abuse towards me Which defeats the point, and im not kidding but sometimes i'd be sitting on the train and people start talking to me one lady kept pulling my headphones it was so fucking stressful
Everyone is utterly miserable here (rightfully so its very hard to even live or breath cause everything is so corrupted and expensive) but weirdly lately they will not hesitate to vent on literally anyone infront of them
Yesterday i was in a taxi and the driver made a pun about my home street's name and i laughed because it was funny and like i like the small pleasantries between people its harmless but i kid you not the next words out of his mouth were him complaining about everything under the sun and he got so heated that he was banging the steering wheel left and right instead of idk guiding it normally absolutely terrifying and i did not need him to dump his problems on me like that and i kid you not every fucking interaction i have is like that i was at the grocery store looking at coffee and some really old lady was like "prices are insane huh?" I didnt reply and focused on the coffee The next thing i know shes holding onto my arm tightly and telling me about how miserable thing make her it started with prices and ended with her dead husband its all like that if you even glance at people while passing by they start talking and it always leads to an angey vent.
I understand the frustration i am too frustrated by this life but idk why is this the norm now
And why me ? The most introverted person in the world i barley even have social battery for myself for my own things and now everyone has turned to consuming everyone elses social battery for thier own good its exhausting
I know i have to learn to say no and be assertive but As i said i already am a super introverted person (and this is not an exsagration i once only left the house for about 5 times total in 2 years i jut dont engage with the world much as it exhausts me)
But untill i get successful at pushing back against people and also the bigger problem my parents im gonna barely have any energy to talk to people online or in discord im sorry i can only do so much at once 😞
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cyxnidx · 1 year
characters: scaramouche , kazuha , pantalone & tartaglia
summary: you love music, but sometimes it’s just a little too loud.
a/n: as a fellow music lover and addict, i love my music loud. It’s the closest im getting to it being in my veins.
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walking anywhere into your vicinity scared scaramouche. especially when you have your headphones — no, specifically when you have your headphones. he’d never seen anyone who wanted such loud music, and brought multiple headphones just to see which was louder, and therefore better. it confused him as well — how did you still manage to keep your hearing? was this some unknown sorcery? ironically, he stopped questioning you and your antics after asking one simple question.
“might i ask what makes you feel necessary to have your music so loud?” he asked you, removing one of your headphones once again in order to have a conversation with you. “to drown out the voices in my head, of course.” you replied sarcastically, though it seems as though scaramouche took it a bit more serious. sitting down quietly, he uttered a quiet ‘oh’ and continued reading, leaving you to your music.
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honestly didnt mind. while it did sometimes worry him with the volume and what not, he knew how much you loved music from the start. all he asked was that you took care of yourself. trying to make sure you don’t fall asleep with them, make sure you’re not consistently listening to it or too much. he’d even offer to listen to music with you occasionally, willing to find some new songs to add to his own playlist. though — there was one question that usually roamed his mind. why exactly do you usually listen to music while doing something productive?
“love,” he began, catching your attention as you were about to connect your headphones to listen to music. you planned to get a bit of cleaning done today. “why is it that everytime you listen to music, it’s to do something productive?”
you were surprised by his question. it was hard to believe you did. “guess it just keeps me concentrated..” you shrugged. “keeps all other thoughts calm.” you explained briefly. “understandable. do you mind?” he asked, pointing at your AirPod case. shrugging, you allowed him to take the other.
“what song is this?” kazuha asked, turning to you from sweeping. together, you were cleaning while listening to music. it honestly added to the mood, and added a tiny bit more peacefulness to the environment. “a new one i found..” you said, telling him the title. he hummed, smiling. “i like it.”
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gently waking you from your unconscious state, pantalone could only sigh as he saw your headphones stranded on the other side of the bed. collecting them, he placed it on the bedside table. “may i ask how on earth you sleep with such loud music in your ears?” he asked softly. sitting up, you shrugged. “hell of a lot better than hearing Ajax yell for somebody to fight him because he’s bored.” you replied sassily. you always were a blunt one. pantalone chuckled at your honesty and nodded. “yes, well, you have a point.” he agreed.
you looked at the bedside table where your headphones rested. you bet they’re dead, but you would like to check. though, you knew pantalone wouldn’t let you. you’ve had enough of music for the past 6-7 hours or so, or however long you might’ve been asleep. “no, hon.” he sighed, following your eye sight. “even if they still had a bit of battery, wouldn’t you let them charge to listen more later?” he persuaded. it made sense, and then you could finally have peace. “okay,” you smiled, allowing your husband to lead you elsewhere to let your headphones charge.
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quite frankly, he’s scared to disturb you. he knows you’re coming when he hears music, or the tune of your favorite song. he’s become adapted to telling your mood through your music. he’s also learned not to pause your Bluetooth while you’re taking a shower with music. never did he ever think you could beat him with a shower head..but you did it. though, you did have to buy a new shower head. serves him right though. who does he think he is pausing one of your favorite songs? he must have a death wish.
“you still love me..right?” ajax asked quietly, sad about how you sprayed and beat him with a shower head. again. you sighed, looking at him with soaking clothes. “if you would’ve just learned your lesson the first time.” he tilted his head. what was that supposed to mean? “yes, i still love you. but leave me alone! and you’re sleeping on the couch.” you scolded. he could only hum happily. “I’ll still come in bed later ~”
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nutzworth · 5 months
DAY 4: JANUARY 17, 2024 (i um. was a little busy. oops.)
STATS: read for ~2 hrs pages read: 860-1052. 192 pgs. reached pg 1000! wooo!!! slur count: 6 + 2 = 8 (rose narration, john. both r slur) silly count: 10 + 1 = 11 (john about roses building) piss count: 1/3
THOUGHTS: today started with jade's freshjamz!!!!!!!!! I LOVE!!! i mean dave kind of sucks at making music but jade doesnt! i love how homestuck shows the works of the characters. jades music daves blogs caliborns deviantart whatever. it makes them feel so REAL.
figured out the time differences! if we're staying at johns timezone, dave is 2 hrs ahead and rose is 3 hrs ahead. and jade is 4 hrs ahead!!!! when we were dave pov a convo with jade was at 6:30pm but at jade pov it was 12:30pm so you know.
the exiles are FINALLY MEETING UP!!!! PM!!!!!!!!! i looove pm shes what makes me want to be a mailman. what the hell are the snake worm things in pm's like structure? whats it called? with the terminal. theyre awful silly but theyre kind of freaky and i dont know what they are.
john faq i always read the faqs theyre so fun. john try not to mention your friends by irl name on public forum challenge (even if he assumes everyone else is dead lol). i do NOT understand alchemizing mostly cus i dont get binary. but whatever. maybe i will someday
KARKAT VANTAS! i think the first mentions of the trolls are here! yaaay!
dave strife theyre still strifing i didnt get to the end yet. s beatdown or whatever. always interesting to me that dave never gets sliced or anythign even though theyre fighting with ultra sharp swords. how much restraint is bro (strider) showing? the fights ARE intended to be strengthening dave. but they dont. cus hes a kid and hes passive. im a sucker for bro strider i know he sucks but ugh i love dirk too much
mom lalondes lab drives me coocoo crazy. pov youre rose you go under your dead cats big ass mausoleum and find a laboratory your mother uses. theres 1 battery unlocked just for you. theres a giant ass monitor showing sburb sessions and meteors. did your mother know? did your mother know what was going to happen? youre thirteen years old. do you know? theres bright pink kiddy furniture. did your mother use it? when did she get it? it looks pristine. did she sleep in this when she was little? did she sleep in it as an adult? why would she buy herself such a thing at an adult age? youre rose lalonde. youre thirteen and full of hatred. you dont understand anything. you wear your mothers scarf and you pick up a stray mutant cat and name it after a drink your alcoholic mother loves. youre thirteen and full of hatred and you dont understand anything and you want to, so badly. so so badly.
jade is awesome her scampering through the house rocks. i wonder if she actually believes pa harley is talking to her, or if he actually is, or if shes just pretending. it has to be because of trauma, right? is she genuine? she has to be genuine. right? fosmf if you know anything about this let me know
jack noir... midnight crew.... oh how i cant wait for the intermission.
johns various mental breakdowns (over the discovery of his dads room; over betty crocker gushers; over the drawings over his posters) are insane. he lashes out so weirdly. dave said like john never gets mad or frustrated over real big stuff and he instead funnels it into tiny meaningless problems. i wonder what that means. im not into john enough to read into it or know
jade (and dirk by extension) waking up on prospit (or derse) early makes me thiiiink. i wonder if theyd get freaked by regular normal dreams. they god tier and sleep and wake up in a cold sweat Hello? Where am i. Hello? I just slept and nothing was there. Where am i
thinking about rose + jade a lot these first few acts. i looove rose and i looove jade. i focused on jade a lot the first time i read so im trying to focus on rose more because shes AWESOME! and i want to get to know her better. she deserves it. but anyway thats enough for today sorry for taking like a 12 day break lol
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When the world ended
When the world ended there were no flames or torches. When the world ended no angels came with their scriptures. When the world ended there was not a cry nor a scream. When the world ended it was all silent.
The world ended when I was in school. Specifically the world ended when I was in the restroom in third period. Scrolling through my phone, savoring the last few seconds of silence before I went back to class. I didn’t notice, when I put my phone back in my pocket, the silence of the restroom. I didn’t note the silence in the halls as I made my way back to class. The sun was shining, it was a nice day. What I did notice however, was walking into a completely empty classroom. No teacher, no students, no nothing. I froze for a second, countless thoughts ran through my head; Did I walk into the wrong class? Was there a field trip no one told me about? Did lunch start? No, I was in the right class. There was no field trip. Lunch had not started. 
I always thought if the world ended I would at least be with my family, argue as we may they were my family. If not my family, at least my friends, at least one friend. I did not get to say goodbye, I did not get to apologize for countless screaming matches and sleepless nights, I did not get to hug them before they were gone. When my frantic thoughts had slowed and I had realized that I was in fact where I was supposed to be, the first thing I did was pull out my phone, the battery was dead, was the battery dead a minute ago? I could have sworn it was at at least 60%. I walked to my desk and grabbed my backpack, just in case. What was I supposed to do in this situation? Stop, drop and roll? Lock the door and hide in the corner of the class? Put my hands over my head and go under my desk?
They don’t teach you what you're supposed to do when the world ends, there's no drills, no warning, no lever to pull. What was I to do? I stayed in my class for a few minutes longer, or maybe many minutes longer. I didn't check the clock, if I had, I would have realized earlier that the clocks weren’t working. So I did what I thought I should, I left my class and walked down the hall. Hesitantly knocking on classroom doors and popping my head in, just in case I was wrong and someone yelled at me for walking around without a hall pass. Every class was the same, no students, no teachers, no staff, nothing. The longer I walked the worst I felt, I had no idea what was going on, and no one was here to help. I reached the entrance to the school before I knew it. Surely someone was walking the streets, driving a car, biking, going on a run. No. Cars stood still in the middle of the roads, bikes laid on the ground, empty. I toyed with the notion of picking up a bike and biking home, but I couldn't. I didnt know whose bike it was, what if they came back? They wouldn’t. The walk home was silent, horribly silent. I fought the urge to scream and cry with each step I took. Finally I made it home.
What did I expect to happen when the world ended? I wasn’t sure there would be anything to expect after the world had ended, I mean if the world ended then I wouldn’t be here anymore. That wasn’t the case, that much was apparent. The house was cold when I entered. I called out but no answer came. What did I expect? For someone to suddenly show up, hug me and tell me it was okay? What now? What now? What did I expect? What did you expect? What would you have done in my shoes? Rob a bank? I didn’t need money. Loot a store? They would still be there tomorrow. Every thought that flit through my head seemed equally undesirable and tiring. What would it mean in the end? Did it matter? There was so much never done, so much never experienced. Who could live with only themselves to keep them company? I certainly couldn’t. So many stories cut short, so many tales yet to be told. I could fill that space. Fill it with words and characters. Anything would be better than being alone. I grabbed a pen. I grabbed a paper. I would start my first story now, what better time to do it, with the memories still fresh in my mind? Fiction could come next, reality was first. That was what I needed to do, I needed to put my story out there, even if no one would read it. I wasn’t much of a writer before, but I supposed I would be now.
‘When the world ended. When the world ended there were no flames or torches.’
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Imagine: explaining to Derek your new recent family drama. Derek cannot believe it
"Eli if you dont hurry up right now! i'm leaving without you!"
Sitting at the island holding your cup of coffee listening to your husband threaten to abandon he's Son at home with you. you smiled screaming out "AND IF YOUR HERE YOU'LL BE HELPING ME CLEAN OUT THE BASEMENT!"
it was your day off and you planned to start doing a deep clean of every room in the house. you do it once a year. getting ride of things that hasn't been touched in a year, hasn't been used and help keep the house less cluttered. Derek was thankful to be stuck at work fixing a Car vs helping you. since he had super strength you made him carry all the heavier boxes.
Eli Dashed out of his room saying he was ready as Derek kissed you quickly goodbye before the boys left you to the madness that is Spring Cleaning.
One closet in the basment in, and you got a call from your grandparents about the Car they gave you in the summer.
your old Jeep finally had it. it was too experienced to Fix up, even with a great deal of having a Mechanic husband. that you decided to sell your Jeep for scraps. well, your Grandparents Heard from your Mom about you being without a Vehicle and they had a Car laying around on their farm so they gave it to you. you Figured your Husband could fix anything. so you agreed. and were thrilled to get a car that was Newer than your old Jeep it wasn't a Brand new car it was before 2015 but you were so thankful and appreciated the kind gesture.
you and Derek were told it was in "perfect" condition. which in your mind. meant it was in Perfect condition! but the moment you started the Car Derek heard a Funny sound and suggested he drive it. home and you take his truck. Derek didnt' want to cause trouble. your family had a hard time accepting him into the family. and after Five years together him and your family were finally in a good space and he didn't want to ruin it. So you took his truck.
Once Home he said you weren't driving that Car Not until he fixed it. the wheel was broken, the Seat broke, the Peddles were stiff, the aliment of the car was wrack, The Key Fob was broken.. but most importantly he was worried about your safety. you didn't think I was that bad since your grand parents said it was in "perfect" condition. Derek at that point seeing the doubt written all over your fact grabbed your shoulders giving you a reassurance squeeze.
"Babe I wouldn't even let Peter Drive this Car. it's a death trap- I'll fix it up. we can share the Truck for now"
the Shop was Busy. it was extremely busy so busy that Derke hasn't even had the time to bring the Car to the Shop to Fix. and having Only one vehicle working while you had work, he had work and having you drive Eli all around. it was exhausting. It was One day I desperately needed to go to the Store to buy milk. you were in the middle of making Cupcakes for a school function and needed milk, Derek too the car and you couldn't ask him to bring milk home cause he was working late. so you figured One little trip in your car wouldn't hurt.
well the Battery was Dead. you were warned before you got the keys that the back truck doesn't open with the "button' on the fob anymore and had to press a Level inside the Car to open the back trunk. NO problem! in theory.. the trunk didn't unhatch after you hit the level. After spending countless hours with Derek Figured. the Trunk level didn't pop it open because the Battery was Dead. so you would just jump star the Car, and get it opened No big deal!
WRONG-O! the battery for the Car is in the trunk... the back seat didn't fold down so you couldn't access the trunk that way. the Only way to access the Trunk was to press the level which didn't work because there was no battery left in the car to unhitch the Trunk. you tired putting the key in the back of the trunk door to see if you could manually unlock it that way but it was impossible!
After calling Malia to get you milk and to help with the Stupid Car. she got it enough power so you could open the trunk. then charge it. when Derek Finally had time to fix it. he realized Even more trouble. with the car. the Random. Kill switch bottom your grandpa got installed in the car, Which you had NO idea why anyone would want a kill switch in a car to Completely make the entire Car dead. Or how he used Duck tape to keep the pipe for the gas fumes up. with Duct tape and how he used Duct tape for the engine.. the Car ended up having Far more problems then your old Jeep. Derek could fix it. but ti would cost thousands. and even then. he had to order in a special piece that would fix having the kill switch option. And Derek figured it would Cost more to fix the car then what it was worth.
Derek being the supportive husband he is would have gone thru all that hassle to fix it up. and spend probably 3 months working on it every day after work. no complaints he knew how important your family was to you. and didn't want to rock the boat.
you However weren't willing to spend that much on the car. that you also learned was in a car accient that you weren't aware of. and that the inside of the Car Door.. was insulation Foam. in between the interier and the metal frame. to "pump out the dent" you were furious that your grandparents would dump this Car. a Car that was complete opposite of being in "perfect" condition onto you. clearly they just wanted it out of their yard and instead of paying the fee to get it removed. decided you could get it. since your husband is a mechanic. you didn't doubt Derek's abilities to fix the car. you knere he coudl fix anything. but the fact of the matter was.. you weren't willing to pay thousands for a old beat up car. that was in worst condition then your old car.
you went to your grandparents first before selling the car for scraps. offering them the chance to take the car back but they refused.
you happened to have found a retired man who had the exact same car years ago it was his wife's favorite car. and he wanted to fix it up as a surprise for her. you warned him all the issues but he said it was worth the time. so you sold it to him. and it was done.
Six months passed and now after cleanign the basement went out to work in the yard. it was Summer and you were sitting in the back yard having a drink after working in the yard all morning when your grandpa called.
"Hey do you have the number of the guy who you sold the car to?"
"maybe why?"
"Oh i left something inside the car and i wanted it back."
you knew personally there wasn't anything left in that car. you and Eli spent one Saturday cleaning it for the new owner and found a roll of electrical tape. when you said you cleaned out the car and found nothing. and he pushed back you should of realized that something was up... you found the guy's number and gave it to your grandpa. saying that whatever it was. even if it was in there and by chance you missed it. there wasn't a chance in Hell that the man still had it. but your grandpa was firm. and you didn't want to argue.
Less then an hour later a Police car drives up and parks in your laneway as you look up noticing it was Mr. Stilinksi . your best friends dad. you walked over whipping your hands from dirt on your pants as you smiled, "Hey mr Stilinksi... What did Eli do now?"
any time you see him it's for Eli. but he sighed heavily rubbing his face, "I'ts not- im here because of you.. did you sell a Kia 2016 Silver car to Albert Plant?"
you walked to the fench that sperated you as you spoke, "yea like months ago? why?"
"Y/n? where did you get that car from?"
"my grandparents. gave it to me in the summer- and I sold it Albert in October why?"
he sighed heavily as he spoke, 'Sorry Y/N. but i have to bring you in."
"What why?"
he softly turned you around as you heard the handcuffs Eli came home just at that time as he screamed what the fuck as you told him to get Derek to go to the police station." he quickly called his dad as you bickered with Mr. Stilinski as you were taken to the police car and drove away. being charged with grand thieft auto.
When Derek answered the call to Eli he didn't expect he's law-abiding Wife who doesn't even Jaywalk. to be arrested for grand theft auto. he said what loudly and banged his head on the truck he was right now rolled under. he cursed out.
"Dad what if she's charged and in is locked up for years? we can't survive without her.. your cooking sucks. and she's Y/n!"
Derek rolled out of under the truck he rubbed his forehead. Malia over heard the call as she asked what the fuck is happening. Derek spoke up.
"Eli- it's just a misunderstanding. you know your Mom- she Doesn't even tag the tags off the blankets cause it's a federal crime. this is just- Clearly the sheriff got the wrong person. i'll go and get her out and if not.. we will just break her out tonight and we run."
"you would do that?" Eli asked Derek could hear the strained voiced from his son that he has been crying.
"yea- cause lets face it i dont think either of us could survive without her anymore.'
Eli chuckled as Derek said he would go over and get Y/N and would be home soon. Once off the phone, Derek cursed out as he got up as Melia spoke up, "Keep me updated I'll finish up here." Derek thanked his cousin and ran off. getting to the police station to see you sitting at a table. across from an officer as Derek spoke, "She's not talking without a lawyer!"
looking up to See your husband. the moment he saw your eyes. he knew. you were furious. you were tensed up as the officer spoke, 'We aren't charging her- Sorry about this. Y/N."
you shook your head, "Not your fault.. it's my Dumb ass grandparents.. Can we GO!" there was no softness in your voice. Derek has only seen you this angry once. and that was when Scott decided to leave beacon hill abandoning a new werewolf. who was created by a wolf who was passing by. abandoning her. and he just left because he's last member of he's "pack" left. and he didn't want to stay in beacon hill anymore. So he left. you were furious you screamed him out on the phone, and then ended up going to the city and screamed at him in person calling him the worst 'True Alpha in history."
being a human you had no idea if that was true. but you were furious and you even ended up pouching a wall in frustration and you broke your hand. Derek ended up taking your pain away as he also took the kid in under his wind. and he broke away from Scott's pack.
The officer apologized again and you said it wasn't their fault again. and you stood up and grabbed Derek's hand and dragged him out.
getting into the truck you turned to see Derek as you spoke, "im going to need you to physically make sure I dont take the truck and Murder my damn grandpa."
"what the fuck is going on?"
you shook your head saying at home. you would explain. when you had a big BIG cup of kool-aid.. you wished it was some sort of liquor. with how furious you were. you could easily down a bottle of Vodka- well a tiny bottle. you dont' drink much . in your hand. getting home. Derek parked as you walked inside. to be bulldozed into a tight hug from Eli. as you hugged him tightly. kissing his head. once settled in the dining room. you took a big gulp of your drink as you spoke, "that car- that they gave us.. that piece of junk car?- remember i said yesterday they called looking for the new owners number cause they forgot something in the car?"
"Yea?" Derek stated as Eli spoke, 'what could be left in that car? we cleaned it for hours."
you nodded your head, 'I said the same thing.- well I gave them the number. cause maybe MAYBE I was wrong. and I didn't think anything weird about it- well they called Albert. and wanted him to Sell the car back to them dirt cheap like a few hundred dollars-Albert didn't and said it was he's and he spent thousands fixing it up.. then my grandpa told Him that he was sold the car illegally and he wanted his car back without hassle since I STOLE IT! from them and my inadpt husband who is- in my grandpa's words. "A incapable mechanic broke the car that badly when you were trying to fix just the steering wheel!"
"jesus," Eli called out as Derek held his palm under the table holding a fist.
you shook your head, 'So Naturally- Albert. who didn't want to give up the car- decided to call the police on Me. and said I sold him a Hot car. he wanted to deal with the police vs my grandfather.. While i was in the cells. Cause they Put me in a prison cell! My grandma. was on the phone with them. on her way to "handle the situation" told them. that I didn't steal anything it was a gift- and that her Dumb ass husband wanted the car back so they could take it on their camping trip they are going. and thought telling the man it was a stolen car would make him give it back.. at first they wanted to hear this from my grandpa- because he's the one in the report. but he refused to talk to the police because he was embarrassed! the ONLY reason I got out was because the car's last owner was my grandma. and she confirmed she gave it to me. and the car wasn't in good condition so she allowed me to sell it to Albert! It's Friday! if they didn't confess to their Bullshit! I would of been locked up till Monday when a judge could of saw me!"
there isn't many times that Derek or Eli are speechless. but listening to this. hearing it all laid out.. He was speechless.. you were finished your drink as you rubbed your face as you spoke, "She listened to him Lie about me being a mastermind thief- heard Albert say that he was calling the police. and then watched my grandpa just curse off being pissy about the car... Not Once did he think "oh what about Y/N!"
you finished your Kool-aid as you Really wished it was Rum. or sometihng that would calm your nevers.. Not Cherry Kool-aid.
"you should calm down- the baby.."
Eli commented as you sighed heavily rubbing your face. "yea- yea.. I " you were about to say you would go to the hot tub to relax. but you can't do that.. you had a list of things you can't do.. and you hated that.. you reached over grabbing Eli's hand. "pick something to order in.. I want a Milkshake." he nodded his head going up to the draw that had all the take out menus as Derek looked at you as you spoke, "we aren't naming the baby after either of them! they wont hear from me that Im pregnant. my dad can tell them- and we aren't Ever stepping foot on that property again! they are Dead to us!"
Derek didn't agree, he knew you would cool down in a few hours., the lastest Monday. it was after dinner. Eli went out with friends as you were flicking thru the channels on the tv. your Phone was blowing up. Derek took the calls. first from your mother, telling her you weren't in a good mindset to talk right now and just wanted to be left alone.
your grandfather called trying to spin the narrative in which Derek said that the police report filed on you Said it all. and that you weren't going to talk to him. he was less polite with him vs your mom.
then it was your grandma- in which. Derek was polite to say go fuck off. he talked to almost every family member on your side. before he gave up and turned off the phone.
you pulled him onto the sofa so you could snuggle him as you wrapped your arms around him as you spoke, "So instead of that big party we planned to have my entire family and yours over at the house to announce the pregnancy- I think we just have my parents and your family. and our friends. A Small gathering... and make it a No cell phone weekend. so my family doesn't Ruin it for us."
Derek nodded his head saying anything you wanted. you smiled brightly thanking him as you held him tightly. at least you could count on Derek to Not wrongfully accuse you of grand theft auto.
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waaayoutofline · 2 years
Find me under the rain.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: You are having a pretty rough day when a storm hits. With no umbrella, phone or car, you accept the fate of walking under it. But you didnt expect finding someone while getting soaked by the freezing December rain.
Warnings: None. All fluff.
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Your eyes stare at the dark clouded sky, shoulders slumped in defeat at the sight. What was once an easy-breezy rain has become a roaring storm. You were stubborn and overline irresponsible, as you had bought the vinyl record of Folklore instead of the very much needed umbrella.
More regret feels in your stomach as you see none of your study group around, all of them being at home by now. With a sigh you wait for some divine miracle, but at the lack of it, you make your mind.Make a run for it and hope that you don’t get a cold. Those final exams were not going to do themselves otherwise.
You push the library doors, grabbing your bag in hopes to make it some kind of protection from the incessant drops of water. Feet jogging down the stairs, a squeak leaves your mouth as the ice cold water of the ground soaks your feet. Great, now you have wet socks.
“This just gets better and better” You grumble. The storm seems to get intense by the second, the now dark brown coat you're wearing doing nothing to repel the chilling bone cold. Your hair sticks to your front, droplets of water travelling all the way down to your neck. Your jumper doesn’t even bother to dry them any more. The air seems to have a personal vendetta on you as it make it difficult for you to move.
The way to your house seems so fucking far. But taking a taxi on a work day at this hours in New York is less possible than winning the lottery. And you ran out of battery, so calling someone to pick you up isn't an option either.The hope of getting home without being utterly covered in water slowly leaves your body, feet slowing down with a defeated sight. You hold back the tears pricking into the corner of your eyes. This day has been the absolute worst. Everything that could go wrong backfired you right on the face.
But then the incessant heavy droplets stop. And you open your eyes, straightening your back. What the…? Heavy breath startles you slightly, making you turn around.
And suddenly it is like all the bad thoughts and feelings leave both mind and body. All the difficulties of today vanishing along the water that streams down the streets. A girl, a little bit taller than you, clutches one knee with her left while holding a deep red umbrella above you with her right. You notice the black polish, and the neat silver rings on her fingers. Her hair is a long and curly, of a brown kinda reddish colour that suits her very well with her deep, forest green eyes. Her skin seems soft, alongside her slightly opened pink lips. You blush and move your eyes.But every single thing about her seems to be equally enchanting. Your sole focus now on this mysterious woman that took your worries away just like that.
“Damn, you are pretty fast, huh?” The blush of your cheeks seems to raise all the way up to your ears, masking them burn at the sound of her voice. Your jaw slackens, and you are pretty sure that you are looking like a total idiot. “I uh…I saw you on the library. You seemed to be having a pretty rough day.” She comments.
Something in her is quite familiar, but you can put your mind to work.
“And then I saw the way you looked at the sky and… well, not that I was looking at you in a creepy way, I would never do that… but not because I don't find you pretty, because I do…” The redhead rumbles, scratching the back of her neck. You are pretty sure your brain cells must be dead by now. The goddess right in front of you thinks you are pretty? “But I’m trailing off, sorry.” She laughs. “ The point is that I would be glad to escort you home. If you want it so, that’s it.”
You think about saying the typical “I don’t want to bother you, or I’ll be fine”, you just met her after all. But something in her makes you trust her. And you couldn’t find to say no, too mesmerized by her.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You say softly, the stranger's shoulders lowering with a relieved sigh. And then she smiles. All the cold you previously felt is gone in an instant. “My house is just around the corner.”
She nods, getting closer so the both of you could get under the umbrella. Your arms touch ever so slightly, making a shiver run all the way through your system. You decided it’s because of the weather, that the erratic beating in your chest is because you ran earlier. She smells sweet, like a hint of cocoa and fresh backed cookies. Everything about her seems to make your heart beat a little faster. The adrenaline, you remind again.
“Hope I didn’t come in a creepy way” She excuses, fidgeting with her index ring.
“Well, my mother have always warned me about bringing strangers home, but she didn't mention that they were as gorgeous as you.” You smile a little shy, feeling adoration at the nervous stutter from.
“Well, the name is Wanda. So you don’t get walked home by a total stranger.” She jokes as the two of you start walking.
“Y/N, so you don't walk a total stranger home.”
You two stay silent after the pleasant interaction. But is no an awkward silence, it was a nice kind, that kind that made you feel at peace, a feeling of very much need comfort pacing the anxiety you had felt not even ten minutes ago. It was nice. Wanda was nice. You're even almost tempted to take a longer route, not wanting this pacific moment to end. Not wanting for her to leave just as quickly as she arrived. It was absurd, really, how much you have attached to her in this ridiculously short amount of time.
But as you stole glances, you had this want, almost need to get to know her.
Unfurtonatley, you two finally made it in front of your door, realizing that the storm started to cease. “Of course that it stops right when I get home…” You mumble. Wanda chuckles, closing the umbrella and stepping ever so slightly from you. And so, you to look at each other awkwardly, neither wanting this to end. Yup. Wanda stands in front of you, and you hate the idea of her leaving. So, gathering all the courage you have, you ask. “Want to come inside? I’ll lend you a towel and something to drink. It’s the least I can do after you shared your umbrella with me.”
“Oh, you don’t own me anything…-” She starts, but you just look at her.
“I know, I just want to. If you want it so, that’s it.” You say, copying her exact same words with a sly smile. Wanda shakes her head in amusement and agrees.
“Alright then.” You smile brightly and let her in, closing the door behind her.
It was awkward at first, Wanda following you shyly, waiting for you on the couch while you went to the bathroom for a change of clothes and a pair of towels for her to dry her humid hair. But then, you quickly star falling on an easy conversation, getting to know each other. And you loved every single second of it.
It’s not a heavy conversation by any means, more like silly question thrown at each other like. This is what you have for now.Se has a brother, a twin, Pietro, and they have recently arrived to New York. Her favorite colour is red, she loves cooking, sitcoms and hot cocoa. She prefers cats than dogs, her favourite singer is Taylor Swift and appreciates star gazing at night, even if in New York was impossible to do so
She also has beautiful eyes, her nose scrunches a little when she laughs, and she fidgets with her rings when she gets excited by something she likes. Not that she tells you, you just notice. You seem to notice everything about her.
Hours go by, two now cold cups left on the coffee table. You company to her door, trying to not let your disappointment show. You know it was an act of courtesy, but you feel like it was more than just that. And when Wanda finally starts leaving, that same anxiety of before strangles your heart even harder now. As you look at her like a sad puppy would, you notice. You ran fast to the living room, grabbing it and heading outside in no time.
“Wanda, wait! You're forgetting your umbrella!” You yell. She turns around and gives you a wink.
“Guess we’ll have to meet again for you to return it, then!” And just like that, she’s gone. Your mouth is slightly open, softly laughing at her smugness. As you go inside, a smile piece of paper slowly falls down, sliding right in front of you. You swear the ink was red for an instant before returning to black.
A phone number. Your cheeks are starting to hurt.
Yeah, it settled. You are absolutely infuriated with this mysterious girl.
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mlp-supernatural · 2 months
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Cant believe I didnt post my Cas pegasi wings over the years
season four, Cas had long flight feathers despite the lack of muscle mass Jimmy had, a sign of his heavenly status and his role in bringing about the apocolapse
season seven, leviathan mutation aka Godstiel, wings got longer, and the feathers drooping as if they were melting into sludge as they fell out and resembled the more bare look of a leviathan’s wings.
season nine Metatron broke Cas’s wing, the end of it got torn off in the fight, and lost all his feathers when his grace was removed
The break did not heal correctly during his time as mortal
season 12/13, gained some muscle mass from use despite being flightless still. When Jack shown him visions of having his wings restored he was eager to grab that chance and it influenced his actions towards the end of 12. After his return in 13, his feathers started growing back in partially from Jack’s subtle influence (so much uncontrolled grace and a fresh ass soul will do that to any angel, fallen or not), partially from the natural restoration of his grace and vessel, and that good old backup battery from the profound bond lmao
season 14, Cas was never one for wing maintenance with or without his grace and skipped the preening and care since his grace usually took care of it. But while Jack was mortal, he asked Cas how to take care of his wings since he didnt have grace anymore. So they learned proper feather care*, a habit Cas keeps for a long time to honor Jack and their time together
season 15, though still unable to fly, he has accepted bring grounded with his family. He has started growing flight feathers on his right wing, and while the left one is patchy and crippled, he still takes pride in his appearance and each feather he sprouts (every feather reminds him of Jack.)
Chuck is dead in my mlp AU btw, he got hit by a car or something mid season 15 and I am working on the details on how he manipulated stuff and how all his bs worked until it didnt etc
onwards, Jack wants to find a way to restore Castiel’s wing, though it is unclear if he has the power to heal an angels trueform and vessel. Once, Cas may have jumped at the chance. Maybe he still would. Thats the thing about freewill, its unpredictable. But for the time being, he didnt mind taking it slow as much as he once did and they put the wing matter on the backburner. Cas is fond of Jack and thinks it is touching for him to ask, but it is not his duty to fix things (Does Cas refuse to heal as a reminder of who he was? Is he unable to heal at all? So many questions about his situations and character!)
Sam looked into prosthetic flight wings for disabled pegasus, though not many could achieve actual flight above a hover. Dean took a look at some models and with Jack’s help they build a custom for Cas to wear for the time being (if he wanted)
While Cas doesnt wear it every day, he will sometimes wear it on hunts during the investigation to keep nosey ponies from being distracted. Its a bit of a hassle to get on and off, but Cas can fly short distances. (he is faster on foot but its the thought that counts)
*Sam and Dean know how to clean feathers of blood and monster gunk, but thats it. So Cas and Jack relied on researching online for the most part
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galaxyhanart · 2 years
Tell me about the Cabinet man. I wish to know
If you haven’t figured it out already the AU is named after the song Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon
I’ve been bouncing some ideas around with people but the idea so far is that somehow (probably something to do with Jay’s biological parents specifically his dad?) Jay ends up accidentally getting sucked into Prime Empire as a battery to power the game when he’s a kid. It happens before Unagami is aware of enough to be sentient, so he doesn’t even REALIZE that Jay isn’t part of the game, he just assumes he’s a much more lively and self-aware NPC once things get up and running
Milton Dyer also has no idea Jay is in the game bc he’d shut that down REAL quick gskshd not sure how this happens exactly I’m still working out the details
So child Jay grows up in Prime Empire and just. Straight up FORGETS he’s a person. He’s able to access his elemental powers within the game since those powers are being used to run the game
Jay and Unagami grow up as friends together until the Scott incident, and as Unagami grows more bitter and jaded over being shut down and shelved he wants Jay to use his powers to open a gateway to the real world. Jay has no idea his powers are even what’s running the game and he’s like uh. NO. WhAT you can’t take out my lightning that sounds baD AND PAINFUL. And he has to go into hiding after Unagami starts trying to hunt him down
Scott and Jay are only a few years apart (Scott being older) so he becomes an older brother/uncle type figure to Jay and the two of them basically hide out until everything starts going nuts
- Jay lives in the game as Superstar Rockin’ Jay, an “NPC” rockstar who hosts live music shows
- he still does inventing in the game because you can pry Jay being an inventor from my cold dead hands
- The League of Jay still happens but it’s more like people simping for Jay for being an idol than people thinking Jay is cool for being a ninja. Imagine if people got sucked into a video game, discovered Hatsune Miku was there performing on the regular, and started a cult in her honor. Yeah.
- Jay knows ACTUAL ninja training from Okino! Okino tries to train him to be a samurai but Jay is like NO I wanna be a NINJA. He doesn’t remember why, he just has a lingering feeling that it’s important
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