#(the penultimate of these is my favorite. obviously)
astriiformes · 2 years
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May I present you all with a humble text post meme
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blairaptor · 8 months
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Drawing inspired by the penultimate chapter of @kaydear's modern AU Bad Batch fic. It's one of those wonderful moments where the writing gave me such a strong visual that I couldn't wait to get it on paper. Rambling praise for the fic (and I guess spoilers?) and lines-only version of the drawing under the cut.
I read this fic last summer and it was my favorite thing that I read that entire year (and that includes all the traditionally-published books I read as well).
I wish I could draw like every other scene, but I'll summarize by saying that the exploration of each character and the moments where they connect are so real and satisfying. What blew me away the most was seeing how Crosshair existed as a modern character in a domestic setting, without the Empire and the inhibitor chips. I guess we'll never know exactly what Omega whispered in his ear here (unless Kaydear you want to spill!) but I assumed it was encouragement to go make things right with Hunter. And I just felt the relief when I read their conversation and Crosshair finally told his secret and let go of the guilt that was obviously eating him alive.
There is a lot of fan content I've seen that extrapolates the relationship between Omega and Crosshair... this fic is one of the best. I ate up every scene that focused on the two of them.
Kaydear you have a gift, and I am blessed to experience it.
Oh and here are just the lines in my sketchbook, because I thought they looked nice:
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anodymalion · 4 months
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ok I am in fact using this as an excuse to make a long post about this thank you thank you asjksdjfaljdf
Interpreting Yuri as asexual is my very very favorite type of headcanon, which is one that 1. is compellingly coded in the source material (even if that wasn't the creator's intent), 2. is thematically relevant to what the piece of media is Trying To Do as a whole, and 3. just means a lot to me, personally, because I said so.
Coded in the source material
Yuri’s short program is “eros”, aka desire (you can interpret what “eros” means in various ways, but YOI itself explicitly refers to sexual love, at least in the English translations). Yuri struggles with this. Hard. He can’t come up with an answer when asked what eros means to him. His big revelatory moment about desire is that it’s how he feels about wanting to eat his favorite food (omg… boy). Even as the season goes on and the way he views the Eros program changes, the program doesn’t ever really embody the idea of eros as sexuality or romance (which was how the other characters expect him to interpret it) but rather as a desire to keep Victor in his life.
Like look. I’m obviously not going to say that the creator intended any kind of ace subtext to be there. I kind of doubt it was her intent. But goddamn is the subtext there.
2. Thematic relevance
The central theme throughout YOI is “love”, and especially loving people in a way that inspires you both to be your best selves: Yuri learning that the people in his life truly love and support him; Victor finding someone who makes him feel joy about skating again.
Like, Yuri’s whole skating theme for the Grand Prix is literally about him exploring what love looks like to him, even when it takes a form that other people don’t totally understand. Viewing all this through a lens of him being ace is really compelling. It adds depth to the idea of learning how to express the way you feel love even when it looks different than what other people expect. I think it’s a really delicious layer that adds even more nuance to what the show is getting at.
Besides, it’s an interesting way of viewing the criticism of the show that occurred for it not being 100% explicit about them being a couple (aka people getting mad because the kiss in ep 7 is blocked by Victor’s arm lmaooo). Like, ok, did you see the ending scene of ep 9? Did you see ep 10??? They definitely, definitely love each other, in whatever way that means for them. Their relationship takes a form that’s pretty different than the other way people in the show are going about romantic relationships, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real for them. That is very much in line with the main themes of the show.
3. Means a lot to me
In the final scene of the penultimate episode, Yuri tells Victor that they should end their coaching relationship after the Grand Prix ends. This is because he thinks he’s holding Victor back, that Victor would be happier being free to go back to skating on his own instead of being Yuri’s coach. When I watched this (and, I’ll be honest, this is completely me projecting here) I REALLY interpreted this as an ace thing. I think it’s pretty easy to internalize the idea when you’re asexual that you just won’t be… enough, for other people. In my case I ended up a strong impulse to self-sabotage relationships because I would rather be the one to end things than to let someone else tell me that who I am as a person is fundamentally lacking. Yuri destroying a connection he desperately wants because he thinks there’s something about him that is holding Victor back from a life he’d be truly happy with? Oh yeah. I can fucking relate to that.
Also: YOI came out in 2016, which was the absolute peak of hostility to ace people I was seeing on this site. It was bad here. At the same time Tumblr was going wild over this show. Everyone was watching it. Seeing a whole site of people absolutely adore a character I very deeply in my heart believed to be ace? Extremely vindicating.
In conclusion Yuri is asexual because it is fun and interesting that way, and also because of this:
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
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Katniss Everdeen: The Mockingjay
Creator Notes:
Tumblr ate my long ramble about stuff, but here is a more abbreviated version of what it said. This webweaving and the last one paralleling Katniss and Snow as defined in some ways by their actions. Obviously, the two chose to act very differently, but I like how it emphasizes the importance of agency.
Also this doesn't quite capture the dehumanizing nature of becoming a symbol (an attempt was made: 3rd quote and only showing Katniss' face once), but it does focus more on becoming a symbol/message making you larger than life. You are the message, so your actions are the message. Still, Katniss' choices and actions led to people choosing her as a symbol of the ideals of the rebellion.
Did any of that make sense? I'm unsure. This is much simpler than my last webweave, but it's been rotating around in my brain for a while!
This webweaving combines some of my favorite dystopian/post-apocalyptic media:
First and last quote Ch. 27 of Catching Fire
All gifs made by me from the Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay Part 2 films
Second quote Ch. 29 of Nona the Ninth
Third quote Ch. 3 of Mockingjay
Fourth Quote Ulysses' Final Message (Fallout New Vegas)
Penultimate quote Ch. 26 of Catching Fire
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phathophas · 3 months
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Aahhh I've been watching Sailor Moon for two months, I love this anime and I never get tired of saying the catchphrases and singing the opening song 人( ̄ω ̄;).
Even though Usagi is sometimes very unusual throughout the seasons, she gets better every day, I'm watching the last season Sailor Moon Super Star, missing the mamuru who went to study abroad (TДT )...
Of all the characters Usagi is my favorite because when I was younger I was just like her and nowadays I see myself in her internally, Chibiusa, even though she is annoying, we have to take into account that she is a child and Usagi's daughter, so obviously which would be just like her mother hahahha but anyway, I made this drawing from the penultimate season of a scene, there are other scenes I want to redo too but I'll wait for my table to arrive ヽ(=゚ω゚)人(゚ω゚=)ノ.
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becauseanders · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
ahhh hi thank you! (finally answering this!) 🖤
It Took the Night to Believe: chapterfic, complete, 100k. dragon age ii, anders/male hawke. pacific rim au. i am honestly really fucking proud of this fic, like i thought it was great even though it didn't do super well kudos-wise and i did notice that i definitely did lose readers as it went on. i truly have no idea why, this fic is fucking great. it's got angst, it's got comfort, it's got near death experiences, it's got fluff, it's got kaiju—what's not to love??
No Wound as Sharp as the Will of God: chapterfic, complete, 99k. dragon age ii, anders/female hawke. canonverse, post-da2. it took me seven years to post a second chapter of this and a total of eight years to finish it, and the whole time i was writing it after i picked it up again i was so unsure of it, but turns out i really like it. very heavy content, please do mind the tags. takes place while hawke is with the inquisition. anders positive, justice positive. a very intense, very deep, very affectionate friendship between anders and fenris is an extremely important part of the story. like, seriously, the platonic fenders is just as important as the romantic handers. a lot of angst, like so much angst, but the hurt/comfort is real. the b-plot pertains to my theory that justice cures anders of the taint. cole is there. the emotions are high and you can feel them strongly in the writing. again, be careful, but this is a good fic.
A Thing With Feathers Now, Elevate: one shot, 11k. dragon age: origins, alistair/female amell. canonverse, takes place over the course of da:o. this fic is a fucking masterpiece. another that didn't do well numbers-wise but this is easily one of the absolute best things i've ever written and is quite possibly one of the best fics on ao3. i am so fucking proud of this one. the prose, the metaphors, the handling of trauma, the found family—this one deserved way more love than it got. like, i'm serious, this fic is amazing.
It Means Tumult: chapterfic, wip, 349k (yes, you read that right). dragon age ii, anders/female hawke. modern au. okay, obviously i've got to mention this one. i have been working on this fic for eight years and i am very sorry to everyone who saw this go from updating multiple times a week and asking me how the fuck i write so fast to three years without a single update and then i think only one more in the past two years. i'm working on the penultimate chapter, i swear i am, i'm just super stuck right now. this fic is…this fic. i'm not going to lie, i don't really know if this is any longer some of my better writing, but the premise is fucking solid and i have been told more than once that it's clear this is a labor of love and that this is endearing. au where the obvious metaphors are made reality: the circles are psychiatric institutions and being mentally ill is a crime. a lot of angst, but a lot of love. pay no mind to how much better of a character and person aveline is when i write her. i also do admittedly use this fic to deal with my own demons frequently. an andrea gibson poem helped me write one chapter and i later got to tell them about it and they hugged me. this is also very heavily centered on music and has a lengthy soundtrack. please ignore the fact that when i first started writing this i used british english when i typed because i thought it looked better, as i had started doing as a teenager, which tbh i still kind of do but i also realized that's just fucking pretentious to do when you're american, and it was already so long by the time i stopped doing it that there was no way in hell i was going back to editing all of that (as i actually did do with nwasatwog). so that's just the way it is. but yeah, there's a lot of feelings happening here. also the only fic on this list that has an original title instead of song lyrics despite being the one with the most music involved, lol.
Through the Fall and the Feel: chapterfic, wip, 52k. dragon age ii, anders/male hawke. modern au. this is the one i'm working on most right because that's just where the brainworms are. hawke is a teddy bear doctor and anders goes to see him because instead of a pillow from his mother he has a stuffed cat, and she has seen much better days. this fic has a very wholesome premise but has gone into some pretty heavy angst already and i did not mean for eating disorders to be as important to the story as they have become, so be mindful of that. but this fic has a lot of heart and it's absolutely tanking, so if this piques your interest maybe go give it a look? this is also my second foray into m!handers and i am again having fun writing them. but yeah, i actually like this fic a lot and i do recommend it.
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ecargmura · 6 months
Bucchgiri?! Episode 11 Review - Confusing World Building
After watching this episode, I sighed. This is the penultimate episode and the writing is still awkward and out of place. You’re telling me that the background about Senya and Ichiya’s beef ended with them getting shot and dying due to an on-going war and we still don’t know what Ichiya’s problem is? Like, why are every important character and worldbuilding details shoved at the penultimate episode and still give very vague telling? What is this writing? This is not how you’re supposed to be writing!
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Senya explains the background between him and Ichiya. Apparently, in whatever desert world they used to live in as humans, there was a war. Ichiya and Senya were fighting and we don’t know what they were fighting about. Ichiya has a grudge against him for undisclosed reasons. Then they get shot and died. Yes. They died. Gosh, this backstory is just vague. Where did the war come from? Why were they hunting Honki people? HOW WERE THEY RESURRECTED AND BECOME GENIES? EXPLANATION, PLEASE! The only thing I got from this backstory is that the reason why guns and bullets are used to summon them is because that was what they died from. Sort of an ironic twist of fate in a way. However, where these guys are from is never explained and how the Honki people legend managed to be passed down to wherever Arajin and co lives. Please don’t tell me they’re going to explain everything next week. Will there even be time to explain all this?
Arajin still continues to be passive. He yells at Senya, which breaks off their contract. He then tries to yell at Matakara to get his shit together, but Matakara is like “Why do you care now?” And when Arajin explains that he’s going to die if Ichiya continue to possess his body, he’s like “I don’t care as long as I fight you.” This causes Arajin to avoid confrontation once again until the end of the episode when he witnesses Matakara defeating Kenichiro. My issue with Arajin is that everyone in the show aside from Mahoro treats Arajin like he’s some cool guy when he’s anything but. Like with Komao, he explained that he’s Matakara’s friend that he went to get him, but Arajin hasn’t done anything worth being called a friend to anyone and yet people expect that he’d care after all this time. Next week is the last episode and he’s finally getting his act together. Why?
Now, Matakara is acting like an ass. The part where he brutally beat Zabu was hard to watch, honestly. Zabu has always been the greatest friend to Matakara and seeing him get this sort of treatment really hurts. It reminds me of shounen angst. Kenichiro was the one to explain Matakara’s rough backstory where his parents abandoned him and the only person caring for him was his brother Mitsukuni who later went to juvie, so Matakara became lost and started fights because of the disarray in his heart. I feel like Mitsukuni is the cause of his downwards spiral. Like in the past, Mitsukuni going to juvie started a dark era in Matakara before he reformed. Now that Mitsukuni got stabbed and is or is not dead, Matakara goes into the dark side again but this time, he’s involved in crazy genie schemes that only Arajin can stop. But, if Matakara was able to reform in the past without Arajin, why does he need Arajin to reform him now? For plot’s sake, obviously.
The other characters are in the background just to note the viewers on how severe the situation is. My favorite part is Hagure slapping Jabashiri like they’re in a slapstick romcom and even going all poka poka on him. Other than that, I don’t have much expectations for the finale. I’m sorry to everyone born in April 6. Your birthday has to be the day the finale of Bucchigiri airs. Anyways, if you’re still following this show, what do you think about the penultimate episode?
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tornrose24 · 11 hours
Hello! Saw you pop up in my activity log and remembered From Fathoms Bellow (actually had just shared it with some friends a few days ago I love your fic to bits) I don't have much to add to that, love your writing and hope you're having a lovely day!! :D
That's so weird, I was reminded about it just recently.
That fic was quite a learning experience for me as a writer (there was some stuff I wouldn't have added since it dragged the story a bit), but I had an amazing time writing it, and it amazes me as to how much of an impact it had on my readers. If you write a fic that someone can remember so fondly years later and recommend it to someone, then that's a wonderful achievement.
There was so much I liked about that fic–The first time I got to write CU himself (and he's been one of my favorite characters to write for), some really amazing scenes with powerful visuals, being able to actually get a bit of revenge/karma on Krupp.... and being unable to type some names out without wondering 'where have I gone in my fan fic career?'
I also had fun drawing a bit for that fic and there's one moment from the penultimate chapter I always meant to draw (its probably easy to guess which moment) but... IDK maybe someday.
And if the series happened sooner I would have included the kids from it.
Obviously I'm not doing CU fics write now. Been mainly doing The Ghost and Molly McGee fics this year. (though the traditions of 'put the personal favorites through emotional trauma' and/or 'a main character gets injured' in my fics is STILL ongoing whether I mean to or not.) Not sure if the upcoming Dog Man movie will make me come back to those or not, but who knows.
Thank you for reaching out to me. I'm glad you like 'From Fathoms Below,' and I hope your friends enjoy it. I hope you are doing well, and that you are having a lovely day too. (And I hope your friends are having a good day too.)
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landwriter · 2 years
What's your favorite dialogue for Oaths so far? (Either chapter 10 or as a whole!)
WIP asks!
Chapter 10 has a lot of dialogue! Of course being the penultimate chapter, the boss battle, the wyrmening, etc., almost all of it is actually horribly spoiler-y. There's some biggish canon departures (not saying which canon! maybe both!) I'd like to keep a hat on for now. My favourite bit is currently written in common meter and maybe the MOST spoiler-y lines of all. There's also a bit of gratuitously poetic Middle English (a bit I've had jotted down for AGES, before I'd written almost anything at all), other meter (currently slapdash iambic pentameter, possibly to be changed to trochaic who-the-fuck-knows, lovingly absolutely the fault of @that-banhus), Big Declarations, bravado, rage, fear....all the good shit!
Anyways I've realized I don't want to share ANY of it and give even a scrap away so I'll say for Oaths so far it's obviously "Do you fuck, son of man?" mostly because it made it to a tee-shirt, but massive mentions to: Hob describing the hardships of life in Chapter 4, Duncan's first song in Chapter 2 that I was SO nervous about the reception of, that entire first multi-character convo, the first Hob/Dream dialogue that quotes the ballad, any dialogue that includes words I discovered in Dictionary of the Scots Language, the exchange in Chapter 4 where Dream says Hob is hardly a terrible man and Hob says not here he's not, honestly any of their flirting, any of the lads' banter, Hob in Chapter 5 saying he wants to be like a summer sheep, dialogue that echoes and plays with dialogue in Sandman canon, the chapter 7 tame/wild bit, Dream unraveling the truth of his curse in Chapter 8 against his will, Sande telling Hob how proud he is, any monologue (your girl loves monologues),.... i'm just gonna stop hahahaha
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ourlonelymoon · 1 year
I just want you to know that I think this is the nicest offer! Obviously, you don’t need to give us anything beyond what you have already written. However, I will say I absolutely adore that you do analysis of your own writing in the end notes! It makes me super happy to see why you do stuff and I get giggly when I notice things that you did on purpose and I’m like, “I SAW THAT!”
If you want to talk about your fic as a way of engaging with us, maybe you could answer one or more of these random questions? Literally no pressure, I’m just trying to make sure you know I’m obsessed with your story.
1. Do you have a favorite line or section so far? Why?
2. Do you have a section you wish more people commented on? If so, maybe we just missed it. What makes it something you want to discuss?
3. Do you have any questions for us, as readers?
4. If you (as yourself, just like a part of the adventure family) were on the skiff with all our faves, what would you be up to? What would you think about what’s going on with Kit?
5. Why do you write (or read) whump? (Seriously, can you break down why this stuff makes me feral. I love whump but I don’t understand it psychologically. Is it the catharsis?)
6. What do you think Kenneth thinks about all of Kits screaming? Does he care, or is he just a good boy?
Bonus Question: Can you tell I typed this without my glasses because they fell under my bed and I can’t find my glasses without my glasses? I have literally no idea if there are a million typos because I can’t edit my writing without glasses because everything is tripled and fading in and out of my left eye’s one focus spot.
I’m glad you enjoy the analysis of each chapter - I keep a list of things I want to say as I write so it’s nice to know you appreciate it! Also thank you for the questions, I’m going to answer them all while I’m bored in the car.
1. I really enjoyed the hallucination chapter from a creative perspective because there was literally no limits. It was so fun to write anything and everything that came to mind and find ways to weave reality with Kit’s experience. My favourite scenes are yet to come, both involving Kit. One is with Jade in the next chapter and the other is with another character in the penultimate chapter - I’m not going to tell you who! The fake escape attempt right at the beginning is also a favourite!
2. People have been so nice with comments and generally pick up on the main points of each chapter. Usually I’d say if something goes under the radar it’s because there’s a bigger plot point happening so I don’t mind if it doesn’t get picked up on.
3. This is a really interesting question. I guess it would be interesting to know if you have any theories on where the story is going? Or if you think that there was a smaller plot point that could have been expanded on?
4. I think I’d be pretty useless here I’ll be honest. I’m a chronic worrier, very clumsy and have not exercised properly in ages so I think I’d probably be the weak link. I reckon I could read a map? Is that helpful?
5. I think the appeal of whump for me is the comfort aspect of it, especially as a reader. Maybe that’s surprising given how many chapters I spent beating the shit out of Kit. In terms of writing it, I’ve always found it somewhat easier to write very angsty things. This fic was born because I wanted to read a Kit torture fic and there wasn’t any out there when I started it.
6. I think Kenneth remains unbothered. He’s lived with Zeb, who has been tortured by the Crone for an unspecified number of years, so I reckon he’s used to the dramatics. Besides, water is pretty good at blocking out noise.
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I don't get when people say that Emma's arc in Ridonculous Race should've been dedicated to her becoming a better sister towards Kitty because, like... That's still a sizable part of her development. I feel like people focus so much on her relationship with Noah that they don't notice what happens after he leaves. She begins to loosen up. She's shown to be much more appreciative of her sister in her strengths. She goes out of her way to compliment Kitty, like in the hot pepper challenge. In an early episode, she says she only cares that she swam with sharks instead of Kitty because Kitty would've slowed them down. In the Argentina episode, she slides down a mountain just to make sure she's okay. Even when she's scolding Kitty, their banter is a lot warmer and less aggressive, such as when Kitty teases her about enjoying climbing on the trains. In the penultimate episode, she's willing to throw the challenge just to make sure that Kitty makes it out okay and it's Kitty who insists that they don't have to do it. Obviously, the arc isn't perfectly-written (Did Emma have to be the reason Mickey and Jay got kicked off and in such a harsh way? Probably not.) but Emma and Kitty are my favorite characters to come out of Ridonculous Race so I'm just not seeing the missed opportunities that everyone else sees.
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Utsuho Reiuji:
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Utsuho Reiuji is a hell crow and my personal favorite character in this series, and thus in all of fiction. Those close to her nickname her Okuu. The name means something like "Sky Path of the Raven", with Utsuho being "Sky/void".
Utsuho Reiuji was once just one of Satori's hell crows. All of them were given jobs to do in order to keep them busy and not run off causing mayhem. Utsuho's job was managing the temperature of Old Hell. She would dump corpses taken from Orin to add fuel to the fire, or open a skylight to lower the temperature. She did this passionately and without complaint for many many years.
Until one day, that peace was shattered. A god from the surface world came down without anyone knowing, and came to her with a request: contain the power of the Sun God; Yatagarasu the three-legged crow; within her body, and use that power to make everyone's dreams come true, not just in Old Hell, but in the surface world as well! Utsuho agreed, and suddenly lost consciousness. When she awoke, she discovered her body had changed greatly. She began to wonder... who was that god, and why was she chosen for this power? ...Until she immediately forgot these questions and went straight to blowing up anything and everything with her newfound powers. She's notoriously bird-brained, you see, and would never have remembered it for long. She eventually decided to conquer the surface world and remake it as a new Hell of Blazing Fires! Of course, Reimu and Marisa showed up and defeated her in an awesome final battle and snapped her out of it.
Utsuho eventually found out that Kanako Yasaka was the one who gave her Yatagarasu's power. She wanted to create a nuclear fusion reactor, an amazing power source the outside world would never obtain for many decades, if ever. In the end, she succeeded in this, as Utsuho decided to use her power to a more productive end and work there. That said... the reactor doesn't power much, other than a really big hot tub.
Perhaps it's for the best, if Gensokyo's technology was revolutionized so fast, perhaps there would be no more need for youkai.
Her personality is fairly straightforward: She acts like loud and hammy supervillain type who absolutely enjoys using her atomic hellfire to incinerate anyone who intrudes into her reactor. However, she also deeply loves her mom Satori, and apparently even does her hair sometimes. She's incredibly passionate about nuclear fusion, and will take any opportunity to praise it and its uses. She's also pretty helpful if she doesn't view you as an intruder. She also loves a good fight, and because of this bears no ill will towards Reimu or Marisa for foiling her plans, instead considering them friends because she admires their strength.
As far as her stupidity goes, it's moreso an extreme forgetfulness and attention problems, with a fair level of gullibility, than simple lack of basic knowledge.
Utsuho's spellcards, of course, all involve miniature suns in various patterns. All of her spellcards are named after nuclear fusion, hell, or sun mythology. She can use her arm cannon and fire beams of heat from it, big or small. She can also do an attack called "Yatagarasu Dive" where she glows a bright yellow and charges right into her opponent from above.
Most famously, and unlike anyone else in the series, before each of her spellcards, you can hear a klaxon go off while CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION warnings appear on the screen. She's got several "ultimate attacks", first being Subterranean Sun, where she becomes the center of a constantly growing sun that slowly sucks in bullets while growing, and the next being Abyssal Nova, where she slowly glows a bright white until she unleashes a massive shockwave.
Utsuho appeared as the main villain and final boss of Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism (2008), and then as the penultimate boss and playable character in Touhou 12.3: Hisoutensoku (making it my favorite Touhou game, obviously). She then never appeared for around a decade, making her one of the final bosses with the least amount of screentime. She appeared in a speaking role again in the book The Grimoire of Usami (2019), where she attacked a fireworks festival Reimu had set up along with all of the other most hated youkai of Gensokyo. She then appeared as a boss in Touhou 17.5: Submerged Hell of Sunken Sorrow, with a similar role to her appearance in Hisoutensoku.
Sadly, despite her best friend and mom being the main characters of Cheating Detective Satori, she hasn't even been mentioned! However, the main villain targeting people in the order of the games, and Touhou 11 is coming up soon, so hopefully Utsuho will finally return in all her nuclear glory... and will most likely get possessed and then knocked into a coma like all the rest.
Her concrete shoe is a reference to the Elephant's Foot of Chernobyl, and it is the "Leg of Fission". The left leg with electrons orbiting it is the "Leg of Fission". Her arm cannon is her nuclear control rod, as well as a symbolic "third leg of Yatagarasu". She also has the Red Eye of Yatagarasu on her chest. Whether it's just a gemstone that's part of her outfit and easily removable or an actual eye growing on her chest is unknown. But I prefer the latter because it's cooler and most people who agree are my favorite fanartists of her, while the fanartists who think it’s removable are ones I'm not such a fan of.
Yatagarasu, the three-legged crow, is a lesser sun god in Shinto, who acts as a messanger for the lead sun goddess Amaterasu. In reality, he's a story to explain sunspots. You ever see a sunspot? That's Yatagarasu flying around the sun. He's also the mascot for the national Japanese soccer team.
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jojotichakorn · 1 year
👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻🧸💭🙄 because clearly you want me to be cancelled so you should be too <3 /j
so we could be cancelled together, how cute 🥰
👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻favorite main couple
honestly, i could probably name any main couple from my eight must-watch series, but let's go with tinngun. unparalleled, unmatched, never done before, absolutely perfect.
🧸 friends to lovers or enemies to lovers?
i am like the biggest friends to lovers advocate. it probably has something to do with the fact that i personally cannot imagine dating someone i'm not friends with first. not to mention that some of my favourite tropes are mutual pining and not actually unrequited love - i always gravitate to those stories and they work best as a friends to lovers in my opinion.
as for enemies to lovers, and this might be controversial, but i have never seen a proper execution of this trope. like, it never lives up to what it says on the tin. every time i see it, it's either not that serious and the characters are just rivals, or one of the characters is in love the whole time, and the other also feels the connection but doesn't reciprocate because of some misunderstanding. like, literally anything but genuine enemies to lovers. so i almost feel like i can't really say anything about it, because i've never truly seen it happen.
💭 something that you find annoying in BLs
this is going to raise some pitchforks, but i do not like the way most storylines with parents are handled. it's such a low-hanging fruit in the first place, and though i understand that family is obviously an important part of most people's lives, we are recycling the unaccepting parents trope for the formulaic penultimate episode break up a bit too much. and, as someone with trauma associated with abusive parenting, i do not like storylines, where characters make compromises in terms of their own identity because of how their parents feel about it. i will just never not hate that trope.
🙄 show you think is overhyped
since i went with the parents answer in the previous question, i might as well raise all the remaining pitchforks. bad buddy.
ask me something
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milf-lover42 · 2 years
Words/Phrases that instantly make me think about A Series of Unfortunate Events
Not an exhaustive list there are more, this is just ones that affect me emotionally.
Sugar/sugar bowl: I have genuinely wept over the fact that Esmé never gets the sugar bowl back, and have headcanoned that even after TPP she does not see it again because she gives up her search to keep Carmelita safe. I am an Esmé kinner through and through and have actually had moments where I am convinced I am holding the sugar bowl (it was a mug).
Location of:  "Location of the sugar bowl" is a phrase so often said that any time I hear just the first word I am on high alert.
Inordinate: Release word for Klaus' hypnosis, but also intrinsically tied to Georgina and I always think of her when I hear it.
Department: This and "Volunteer" are kind of obvious ASOUE signal words to most people, but “department” specifically makes me think of Georgina saying it in TCC and she looks SO good in that scene, so it's ingrained into my brain.
Mycelium: Obviously Medusiod Mycelium only ties to ASOUE, but I have a lot of personal headcanons regarding it and Esmé, so just hearing mycelium out in the world sends my brain off.
"as well": I say "Eswell" so much in my day-to-day life that this phrase makes me think of them because it sounds so similar. I used to say “as well” all the time, but have started tailoring my vocabulary to avoid saying it by choosing other similar phrases. If I do say it, I hesitate and enunciate the shit out of it to make it clear to myself.
Aqueous: I'm a chemistry major. We say aqueous a lot. However, I live in the US where the vast majority of people pronounce it AY-queous. Not me though. Esmé fucking Squalor is so entrenched in my mind that I pronounce it AH-queous every single time. I get a lot of weird looks.
Miserable: TMM... Any words that are book/episode titles are going to be signal phrases to most people, but just the word “miserable” will send my brain off thinking about Georgina for HOURS.
Darling: I mean yeah this one is obvious with the frequency that Esmé says it and the way Lucy Punch pronounces it. I think of it very strongly in an Eswell context though, and the fact Georgina hypnotized Gustav and had him call her darling while under it?? No one else says darling, I know she and Esmé had broken up briefly and it was her way of coping with that loss.
Opera: The night of the opera is a really devastating scene on the whole, but as a sugar bowl enthusiast and Esmé apologist, it hurts so much for me to think about it. There's so much complexity to Esmé and Beatrice's relationship that all comes to a head that night. And also because of a fic written by lesbian-in-leather, Insistent, which says that Georgina was waiting to propose to Esmé at a restaurant but Esmé never shows (which is a headcanon I have adopted so strongly I forget it's not actually canon and have incorporated it into my Eswell WIP), I think of Georgina sitting alone at a restaurant and weep any time the word opera is said.
Elevate: In the show when Eleanor says "elevate our readership"... yeah well any time I hear elevate my brain loops that audio for hours and it gets frustrating because then I'm stuck thinking about TEE Esmé for a while.
Penultimate: TPP is one of my favorite parts in the series, and also has some really important pieces for my Eswell WIP along with a LOT of sugar bowl and Carmelita and Esmé feels. Every time I hear penultimate I think of the scene I have written for Esmé and Carmelita making it out of the Hotel and it's rough.
Indeterminate: Can never go without thinking about the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender. Ever. They always slay.
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earthboundmusical · 1 year
Fun fact: there's was a scrapped song called "Heavily Armed Misery," which has since been replaced with the penultimate song which is set during the Cave of the Past.
It's basically my attempt at a real villain song, but obviously isn't just Pokey. This song doesn't have a name yet, but I hope to get it one soon!
And no; Giygas never sings with a singular voice. There's implied Giygas in some of the ensemble bits, but he will never have a single voice actor.
The song is inspired very heavily by "Nowhere King Battle," from Centaurworld
Here's some of my favorite parts of this WIP song!
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The first part is the opening of the song, and then the second image is around the end. The idea is that after the chosen four realize they need to pray, you can hear parts of all the songs before this one.
The purple text is Ness' mom, I thought it would be fitting for her to start it since she's very important to Ness!
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thunderbone · 3 months
The Shadow Hunters
Hello, today I decided to share with you a story that curiously underwent several changes over the years. As a child, I was a big fan of Monica's Gang and Peanuts. To this day I have Monica's Gang comics and I've read several Peanuts comics at the school I studied, especially the comics from the first version of Peanuts (1950), which by the way is my favorite version.
At a certain point in my childhood, I had the idea of ​​creating a cartoon when I'm adult, where this cartoon would be like Monica's Gang and Peanuts, only based on my life, where I would be the main protagonist. As I was a child and I was still starting to draw, obviously the drawings of the first versions of my story were very ugly, after all, I was a child and I didn't even know how to draw properly at the time.
From the first version to the 2018 version, all the characters were children and the intention was to be a children's cartoon, although there is a 2015 and 2016 version that was the opposite of that, where the drawings of this version presented extreme violence, gore and etc (my God! where was I thinking, since when is this for children?!). However, it was from the 2019 version that things started to change, because now the characters are teenagers and the intention is to be a cartoon for teenagers, probably for people over 12 or 14 years old.
The characters that were the protagonists of the first versions were characters based on real people, like myself who was the main protagonist (duhh), my brother, Alex (@alekizw), and my old friends who studied with me. However, it was from the 2015 and 2016 version that I started to create fictional characters, where some were also the protagonists, while the others were mere supporting characters.
When I created the first version of all, I didn't know what the name of the story would be, and as I was without creativity, I chose the simplest name of all, "Os Amigos", which in English translation means "The Friends", which curiously was the only thing that remained until the penultimate version of my story during its constant changes. In each version of my story, the characters had different appearance and visuals. But the version I want to share with you is the latest version, which is the version I created last year.
It all started in December 2022, where after I created the penultimate version of my story, I realized that that version is a shit LMFAO Yeah, the story was horrible and I soon realized that I would have to create a new version of the story that was a thousand times better.
But this new reboot would have to be the definitive version of the story, as I was tired of having to create a different reboot for the same story every time. Seriously, I couldn't take this anymore, having to redo the story from scratch, do a new drawing of the characters, etc.
One day, I was watching a video from a Brazillian channel called Vício Nerd about the most bizarre dubbing in the world. It was thanks to this video that I discovered an anime called Ghost Stories (2000-2001). The story of this anime was very interesting and what caught my attention the most was the fact that a ghost that was in the body of a cat was helping the protagonists in the fight against evil, even if reluctantly at first.
So I thought: Why not create a story about a group of teenagers hunting ghosts? I told my brother, Alex, about my new idea and he really liked the idea. However, in January 2023, my brother and I went to watch the series Supernatural (2005-2020) for the first time, where we started to marathon this series.
Man, this series is really good! The story is interesting, the characters are very good, the monsters and ghosts they hunt are very interesting and the villains so... It was an amazing series. I liked this series so much that I soon remembered my idea and thought: In addition to hunting ghosts, the protagonists could also hunt monsters, right?
When I told my brother this, he loved this new addition to the idea, because for him, the story wouldn't be so good if the characters only hunted ghosts. So my brother and I started creating this story together, where my brother suggested some ideas, but I developed most of the story myself.
Also, I decided to discard the idea of ​​the protagonists being teenagers, because besides the fact that I had already created other stories about teenagers dividing their normal lives with their lives as heroes, it wouldn't make sense for teenagers still in high school to travel the entire country to hunt monsters and ghosts. So I came up with the idea of ​​them being young adults who are in college, because since they are adults, it makes more sense for them to have the freedom to travel the country and hunt monsters and ghosts in their free time, just like it was in Supernatural.
To create this story, I was inspired by Supernatural, Ghost Stories, Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (2001) and Goosebumps (2015).
To avoid making the story too repetitive, I had the idea of ​​adding a monster or ghost of the week, just like that old horror TV series did. Like, at the end of each season, the protagonists would have to face an even greater threat, where this monster or ghost would be a kind of "main villain" or even the season's standout villain.
As in the first four seasons there wouldn't be a main story or main villains, since in the first seasons the protagonists would have to hunt all the monsters and ghosts and there isn't much to complain about because that's how it has to be, I got the idea from the last season have a main story and a main villain. This villain was even inspired by The Creeper from the Jeepers Creepers franchise and Pennywise from the It franchise.
After I created the story, I had to think of a name, because that old name, "The Friends", is rubbish. Then I remembered that two of the protagonists in my story are part of a lineage of Shadow Hunters, just like Edward Carnby in the game Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, so I thought: The story could very well be called The Shadow Hunters, right?
And no, I was not inspired by those books The Mortal Instruments and Shadowhunters (2016-2019), because my story is VERY different from the story of that books and that series and has a different proposal, where my story was created for a audience that loves horror films (that is, my story has death scenes, gore, etc.).
Furthermore, to get the idea that two of the five protagonists are part of a lineage of monster and ghost hunters known as Shadow Hunters, I was inspired by Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, which actually came out six years before the book series written by Cassandra Clare. So don't even think about accusing me of plagiarism >:(
No offense, but my story has more variety of monsters than these books LOL After I created the story with my brother, I decided not to do a new drawing of the story's protagonists, as drawing a group of characters is very tiring, as I have to draw, outline and paint the drawing and this makes my hands, fingers and neck hurt XD
As I no longer wanted to make a new drawing of the protagonists of my story, I decided to try to find someone who could draw them for me. On 08/03/2023, I asked @banenaz (also known as Banena The Sheep), a very talented and kind artist who has done a art for me before, if she could do a new art for me, which she accepted.
After many unforeseen events and 10 months of waiting, Banenaz finally managed to draw the protagonists of my story on the 7th of this month.
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This art was really worth waiting for, because I really liked the final result, which is perfect! Seriously, the art is incredible, besides being beautiful and wonderful 🥰❤️ Just look at these neat details 😍 Thank you so much for drawing all my OCs for me, Banenaz 💖 If you want to see her amazing work, click here: https://www.tumblr.com/banenaz
The characters in the art are (from left to right): Claire Parker, Pedro Giovane, Alexander Junior, Alice Silveira and Azaloth (cat and dog).
To draw my persona (Pedro), the artist was inspired by the human version of Rocky Rickaby from the comic book Lackadaisy. Furthermore, to draw the book he is holding, she was inspired by Sarah Ravencroft's book from the film Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost (1999). To draw his girlfriend, Claire, the artist was inspired by Mary Jane Watson, as well as being inspired by an outfit that Ari (@ladybugkisses' Lackadaisy OC) wears.
To draw the persona of my brother (Alex), Banenaz was inspired by the actor Jack Champion. As for Alice, she was inspired by some random photos of black girls that I found on the internet for her to draw. And to draw the kittie version of Azaloth, Banenaz was inspired by Mordecai from the comic book Lackadaisy, while the doggie version was inspired by a Snoopy fanart made by gNAW.
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In addition to the art made by Banenaz, I also have other art of my OCs.
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In May of this year, I was looking for someone who could draw the 4 human protagonists of my horror story, The Shadow Hunters. Luckily, I had the great pleasure of meeting @divumreves, a super talented and very kind artist. Divumreves was accepting art requests and I soon asked to draw my OCs, which accepted.
The art is perfect! Seriously, I really loved the drawing, I really liked the final result! Just look at Claire, she looks so hot 😍 My persona (Pedro), besides being handsome, seems to be very brave and determined 😎 My brother's persona (Alex) is so cute 🥺 And Alice, just like Claire, is very beautiful 🥰 Thank you very much for making this drawing for me, I loved it so much 💖 This is definitely one of the best drawings I've ever received!
If you want to see the wonderful work of divumreves, click here: https://www.tumblr.com/divumreves
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In May of this year, I was looking for someone who could draw one of the protagonists of my horror story, The Shadow Hunters. Luckily, an artist called @stargazer365 was still accepting art requests. She had already made a drawing for me, so I asked her if she could draw my OC, Azaloth, in the body of a cat and a dog, which she accepted.
To draw the cat version of Azaloth, she was inspired by Mordecai Heller from the comic book Lackadaisy (@lackadaisycats). Man, the drawing is amazing! Seriously, I really loved the cat version of Azaloth, he looks cute but evil at the same time XD
To draw the dog version of Azaloth, she was inspired by Snoopy from the comic Peanuts, more specifically the 1950s version, which is my favorite version, by the way. However, while Snoopy is a Beagle dog, the dog whose body Azaloth owned is a mutt, having the same size as a Dalmatian or even a Rottweiler.
Bro, he looks so beautiful and gorgeous aaaaaaaaaaaa 😍🥰❤️ Seriously, this doggie seems so kind yet threatening if someone hurts his friends. You managed to make him very imposing, making him a good dog who will do anything to protect someone he loves. I loved the drawing so much, thank you very much 💖 If you want to see her art, which is beautiful by the way, click here: https://www.tumblr.com/stargazer365
Well, now that you know the whole story behind my creation, below is the story of the current version of my old idea. Have a good read ^w^
Set in Brazil in 2012, the series revolves around Pedro and Alex, two brothers who have just moved to start a new life with their family. Eleven years ago, Pedro and Alex lost their little sister, Sophia, who died in a tragic car accident when they were children. Pedro is 20 years old, has Asperger's Syndrome – the mildest form of autism – and is the oldest brother, while Alex is the youngest brother, aged 19. Initially, after moving to the new city, Pedro and Alex had a lot of difficulty living in the new house, studying at college and making new friends.
However, their lives changed completely after they met Claire, a 20-year-old American girl who was rich and already lived in Brazil with her parents, as well as being Pedro's neighbor and student in his class. Despite being rich and living a luxurious life, Claire is not happy and has no interest in material goods, being a humble and good-natured girl. Pedro and Alex became friends with Claire, and she helped them make new friends and get to know the city and its inhabitants better.
Pedro and Alex, with Claire's help, became friends with their new neighbor who had also just moved in, Alice Silveira, a 19-year-old nerdy girl who dreams of being a writer and lives with her divorced father. However, Pedro and Alex's grandfather passed away at the age of 60, where he left them both a mysterious book, which should never be opened under any circumstances. One day, the two brothers ignored this warning and decided to open the book out of pure curiosity. However, upon opening it, the book ended up releasing several ghosts and monsters, which ended up spreading throughout the country.
Later they discover that their grandfather was actually a monster and ghost hunter, where one of his weapons was that old book, which was actually a magical book of sorcery that also served as a prison for those monsters and ghosts. Realizing the great responsibility they would have to deal with, Pedro and Alex, with the help of their friends, will have to travel across the country to capture all the monsters and ghosts that were inside the book before they hurt people. In addition to the magical book, they also began using improvised weapons that were made to exclusively fight monsters and ghosts, in which Pedro and Alex's uncle, Sergio, repairs some of these weapons.
During the course of the first season, the protagonists face various monsters and ghosts, including Werewolves, Vampires, Mermaids, Fairies, Demons, Ghouls/Zombies, Ogres, Doppelgängers, Wendigo (legendary creature from the USA and Canada that feeds on human flesh) , Amaroks (Giant wolves from Inuit mythology), Medusas (Creature from Greek mythology), Goblins, Vengeful Spirits, Evil Spirits and Supernatural Entities. Throughout the story, the different personalities of the protagonists are revealed, such as the fact that Pedro is a very nice, friendly guy but very impulsive and immature; Alex is kind, sincere, arrogant and quite cocky; Claire is humble, selfless, vain and ignorant and Alice is affectionate, brave, sarcastic and proud.
Furthermore, it was from this season onwards that Pedro and Alex began to see Sophia through hallucinations, where she blames them for her death, saying that they should have saved her from that monster. At the end of the season, the protagonists had to face an absurdly powerful ghost, who didn't want to return to life imprisoned in that magical book. They tried to defeat him using their improvised weapons which are weak against ghosts, such as a shotgun that shoots salt and iron chains. However, it was of no use, as their weapons did nothing against the villain other than tickle.
Because of this, the protagonists began to suspect him, believing that perhaps he is not exactly a ghost. After several efforts that almost resulted in their deaths, the protagonists finally manage to defeat him, as he, even though he was powerful, was still weakened and was recovering his powers all this time after leaving his prison. However, instead of trapping him in the book, the protagonists accidentally trapped the ghost in the body of Félix, a stray cat that was there.
The protagonists already knew it, where one of them played with that cat and fed it. Before the ghost can use his powers to kill them, the protagonists cast a spell on him, preventing him from using all of his powers. To prevent the ghost from leaving the cat's body, the protagonists manage to cast a powerful spell, ensuring that it remains trapped inside the cat's body forever.
After what happened, the ghost, now in the cat's body, and the protagonists make a deal: If he helps them capture all the ghosts and monsters, they will free him. In the second season, 1 year later, the protagonists are still trying to capture the monsters and ghosts to then imprison them in the magical book, with the help of the ghost, now nicknamed Félix due to the fact that he is trapped in the body of the cat of the same name.
This season, new monsters and ghosts appeared in the series, such as Bigfoot (legendary creature from the USA), Headless Horseman (Ghost from European folklore since the Middle Ages), Kuchisake-onna (Ghost from Japanese horror folklore), Jersey Devil (Legendary creature from the USA), Tiger Man/Catman (Mythological creature from various Eastern cultures, similar to the werewolf), Ahool (Legendary creature from the Java forest, originating in Indonesia) and Alraune (Legendary creature from Germany), in addition to the appearance of creatures from Brazilian folklore, they being the Saci, Headless Mule, Cuca, Corpo Seco, Bradador, Capelobo, Quibungo and Mapinguari.
Furthermore, it was from this season onwards that the protagonists also had to deal with many problems in their friendship. Throughout the season, even though he reluctantly helped them, Félix took great pleasure in seeing the protagonists in trouble, getting screwed at the hands of the monsters and ghosts they faced during the episodes. At certain times, Félix did not help the protagonists under any circumstances and saw the circus burn, but when the situation got worse, he helped them, even against his will.
At the end of the season, several hunters are mysteriously disappearing in the Amazon rainforest, leaving no trace. In that same forest, the protagonists and other students were on a college trip with teachers and forest rangers, where they went to learn everything about the animals, fauna, ecosystem, etc. In parallel to this, a group of people went to the forest in the hope of finding the missing hunters, who are their relatives.
However, both groups are attacked by Curupira, resulting in the death of some people from both groups. After being relentlessly pursued by the creature, both groups met and took refuge in an old cabin. Later, the protagonists, with the help of forest rangers and the hunters' relatives, tried to defeat Curupira. After a long battle, they manage to defeat him.
But when the protagonists were going to imprison him in the book, Curupira asked for mercy, saying that he was just trying to protect the forest from hunters, who are bad people. He explains that he attacked everyone because he believed they were a threat to the forest and the animals. Proof of this was that Curupira attacked the forest rangers and the group that was looking for for their relatives, as they were using firearms.
Furthermore, Curupira spared Pedro's life, and when he was cornered by the creature during the attack, he knelt down to pray, where upon seeing such a scene, he left him alone instead of killing him, in addition to the fact that one of the hunters' relatives killed an animal that attacked the group to defend himself and others, further increasing Curupira's fury, although he did not know that the group did not kill the animal out of pure evil, but rather out of legitimate defense.
Realizing that everything was a misunderstanding and that the forest and animals need to be protected from bad people, the protagonists spare Curupira, as he is not an evil creature like the other monsters and ghosts they faced previously. In the third season, 2 years after the events of the second season, the protagonists managed to capture half of the monsters and ghosts that were loose in the country.
However, Claire's mother passed away, where her cause of death was a severe brain aneurysm, much to the sadness of her daughter and husband. Furthermore, Félix ended up developing a feeling of protection for the protagonists, in which he gradually became their best friend during the course of the season. This season, the protagonists begin to evolve; Pedro is now more mature and is no longer a very impulsive person, Claire is no longer so vain and has stopped being ignorant, Alex is no longer arrogant and cocky and Alice is less proud and less debauched.
Throughout history, new monsters and ghosts emerged, including the Abominable Snowman/Yeti, Kelpie (Creature from Celtic mythology similar to the horse that haunts rivers and lakes in Scotland and Ireland), Strigoi (Creature from Romanian folklore, being a creature similar to the vampire), Iron Witch (Ghost from a Brazilian urban legend), Aswang (A generic term for 5 evil creatures originating in the Philippines that change shape through metamorphosis just like the werewolf, being the vampire, the viscera sucker, the Dog Man, the witch and the ghoul), Dobhar-chú (Creature from Irish folklore that resembles a giant otter), Emela-ntouka (Legendary African creature from the mythology of the Pygmy tribes, being resembling a herbivorous dinosaur), Loira do Banheiro (Ghost from a Brazilian urban legend) and Black Annis (Witch from English folklore).
In addition to facing new monsters and ghosts, Pedro and Claire began to fall in love, but both do not admit their feelings for each other. Throughout the season, the protagonists, except Pedro, had to face their personal problems; Alex had to deal with his Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Claire has excessive anxiety and is trying to control it and Alice has had to deal with racism from her boyfriend's mother.
In the Halloween special, the protagonists, with the help of some children, had to face Jack O'Lantern, also known as Samhain, a legendary ghost who gave rise to Halloween and Halloween pumpkins. Having been completely forgotten by people around the world, Jack plans to launch an attack on Halloween parties around the world in an attempt to be remembered by people again.
With that, he used his powers to make Halloween night last forever, in addition to controlling all the ghosts to order them to scare people as punishment for forgetting him. However, the only ghost that resisted Jack O'Lantern's control was Félix, much to the villain's chagrin. At the end of this special, Samhain is defeated, but is spared by the protagonists, believing that he can make people remember him without harming people, and that his intention was never to hurt people.
In the Christmas special, the protagonists had to stop Badalisc, a Christmas creature from Italian folklore who is making life hell for everyone in the city with his very bad pranks. However, at the end of the special, like Curupira and Samhain, he was also not imprisoned in the book, as he never harmed anyone and his intention was just to make fun of people.
In the final stretch of the season, several people are dying mysteriously, where some people were torn apart in an extremely violent way, while others were brutally beaten, having their bones broken and their eyes, jaw and tongue ripped out. The police believe that some wild animal is attacking people, as it is impossible for one person to have done all this barbarity. At one point, Alex's friend and schoolmate, Fábio, died mysteriously, in which his body was torn apart.
Suspecting his friend's strange death, Alex, with the help of Pedro, Claire, Alice and Félix, went to investigate what was happening. At one point, the protagonists received a mysterious link from an anonymous person. When clicking on the link, the protagonists accessed a website called Pesadelo.com.br, where they watched the site's videos out of pure curiosity. Much to their horror, the videos depict the extremely brutal rape and death of a woman.
Later, the protagonists discover that all the victims, including Fábio, before they died, had accessed the same website that they had previously visited. According to an urban legend, if someone accesses this website and watches all of its videos, the person will die within 24 hours. Coincidentally, all the victims died within 24 hours of watching those horrific videos.
Furthermore, according to Alice's police officer father, who is investigating the case, all the victims were acting very strangely, as if they were all seeing bizarre things around them, things that left them quite psychologically disturbed. Believing they have been cursed, the protagonists race against time in the hope of discovering a way to break the curse before they are killed within 24 hours.
At one point, they tried to save one of the college professors from being killed by the ghost, where they managed to trap it inside the book. However, to their great surprise, the ghost came out of the book and attacked the teacher, brutally tearing him apart in front of the protagonists. After this tragedy, the protagonists discover that it is impossible to trap ghosts that created a curse within that magical book, as the book only imprisons ghosts that do not have a curse.
They then realize that the only way to defeat the ghost is to break the curse. Throughout the story, the protagonists begin to have paranoia and many hallucinations, where most of them were apparitions of dead people, including Claire's mother, Alice's uncles and Pedro and Alex's little sister, Sophia, the latter of whom had died fourteen years ago. Initially, the protagonists believed that the only way to break the curse is to show the website and its videos to another person, making them die in the place of the person who accessed the website.
Following this possibility, Claire and Alice's friend, Júlia, who also visited the site and watched their videos, put it into practice. However, after showing the website to a friend, Júlia is attacked by the ghost, who brutally beats her and takes out her eyes, jaw and tongue, much to the horror of her little sister, who saw everything. After Júlia's sister tells everything that happened, the protagonists discard that possibility, as it implies that if the cursed person tries to cheat by showing the website and videos to someone, instead of someone dying in their place, the cursed person will be dead, having their 24 hours of life ended early.
Later, Félix managed to discover the ghost behind all this: A month ago, a woman with psychic abilities named Lindsay had been attacked by a group of men, who raped and killed her by brutally beating her, in addition to rip out her eyes, jaw and tongue. The murderers then dismembered her body, put it in a bag and threw it into the city river, preventing their crime from being discovered.
However, while she was being raped and murdered, Lindsay, using her psychic powers, recorded all that barbarity through projected thermography, creating the website's curse. Believing that the only way to break the curse is to avenge Lindsay's death, the protagonists went after the guys who raped and killed her, intending to attract the ghost to them and then take revenge for what they did to her.
While Pedro, Alex and Alice went looking for Lindsay's killers, Claire will be the bait that will attract the ghost to them, as her 24 hours of life are nearing the end as she was the first to access the website and watch the videos. To ensure her survival, Félix will protect her at all costs. Pedro, Alex and Alice manage to find Lindsay's killers, starting a chase.
In parallel to this, Lindsay's ghost appears and goes after Claire. Initially, everything was going well as planned, but to Claire's great surprise, the hallucinations intensified to a level that made her completely crazy, this being the work of the ghost in an attempt to corner her and then kill her. When Lindsay's ghost was about to kill Claire, Félix managed to save her in time, starting a fight between the two ghosts.
During the fight, Felix assumed his true form, much to Claire's surprise, as usually an individual who is being possessed by a ghost or demon does not transform into the ghost or demon's true form. Being quite powerful, "Mini Mordecai" easily defeated the ghost. After being defeated, Lindsay's ghost confronts Félix, questioning him about his real nature and what he really is, as he is too badass to be a ghost.
This further increased Claire's suspicions about Félix, as it is very likely that he is not actually a ghost. Upon realizing that it would be useless to try to beat Félix just to kill Claire, Lindsay's ghost spares her life and goes after the others. After a long frantic chase, Pedro, Alex and Alice manage to corner Lindsay's killers. At that moment, the ghost appears to kill the protagonists whose 24 hours of life have ended.
However, upon seeing her rapists and murderers, Lindsay's ghost killed them all, where the curse was finally broken for good. In the fourth season, 1 year later, the protagonists' duty to capture and trap all the monsters and ghosts inside the magical book is finally coming to an end, with the only thing left to do now is to capture the last remaining monsters and ghosts.
This season, Pedro and Claire confessed their feelings to each other, where they are both now dating. Furthermore, here we see the biggest change in the protagonists' personalities as they have now become more mature and everyone is learning from their mistakes. Throughout the season, the protagonists become more involved in their hunts for monsters and ghosts, in addition to showing significant advances in their lives.
It is also revealed that the protagonists are managing to resolve their personal problems, where Alex and Claire are managing to control their respective mental disorders and Alice, with the help of her police officer father and her mother-in-law, manages to save her boyfriend from loan sharks – who had been kidnapped by them because he owed money – causing his mother to open her mind towards black people, where she gradually stopped being racist during the course of the season.
During the season, in addition to the appearance of monsters and ghosts that they had already faced before, such as Werewolves, Vampires, Evil Spirits and Vengeful Spirits, new monsters and ghosts also appeared, such as the Kasai Rex (a legendary African creature that lived in the Kasai Valley in Congo, being similar to a carnivorous theropod dinosaur, more specifically an abelisaurus), Kongamato (African legendary creature, being similar to a pterosaur), Chupacabra (Legendary creature from the folklore of the Americas), People of Shadows (supernatural entities), Yōkai (Entities and supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore), Gator Man (Creature from New Jersey that has the appearance of an anthropomorphic alligator, originating in the USA), Yaoguai (Mythological demons from Chinese folklore) and Bloody Mary (Ghost from an urban legend, similar to the Loira do Banheiro).
Throughout the season, while facing monsters and ghosts with the help of their friends, Pedro and Claire are trying to deal with some problems in their relationship. This season, when confronted about his real nature, Félix finally revealed to the protagonists what he really is. Several centuries ago, more specifically in the Middle Ages/Medieval Era, a lovely and kind young man named Prince Adam would assume the throne, as his father, King Charles III, was very ill and on the verge of death.
However, Charles believes his son is unfit to rule, wanting his army general, Phillip, to succeed him. Upon learning of this, Adam was quite enraged, as he did not think it was fair for a man who is not even related to the king to take the throne. Determined to prove his worth and prevent Phillip from becoming the new king, Adam, upon discovering the existence of a divine angelic entity known as Ariel, who supposedly helps people solve all their problems, went to summon him.
Ariel agreed to help him under one condition: First he would have to free him from his prison, as he was very weakened and without his powers he could not help Adam. After following his orders by completing several steps, Adam finally manages to free Ariel from his prison, where that prison was destroyed forever. As promised, Ariel went to help him, but said he needed to merge with Adam's body to restore all of his divine powers.
By fusing, Adam and Ariel became one person, where Ariel is now part of Adam forever. However, Ariel was not just any angel, but an archangel called Azaloth, the legendary Angel of Death, that is, he deceived Adam all this time, much to the latter's great misfortune. Azaloth ruled the Underworld (also known as the Kingdom of the Dead), a place where the souls of the dead go to be judged before going to Paradise or Hell, where he was the head of the reapers, who went to get the souls of the people who died, as did several personifications of death created by humanity in films, books, series, cartoons, games, etc.
However, he was banished by the other angels and by God himself for defying the sacred rules, as he was quite bored and tired of ruling the Underworld, feeling that his life no longer made sense. His daily and monotonous tasks were so boring that they did not cheer him up, so he began to practice evil and absurdity as a means of entertainment, to the great chagrin of the other angels and God, who strongly repudiated his evil actions and attitudes, in which they created a sacred prison to imprison him forever.
During all this time imprisoned, Azaloth was losing his powers, where that prison was slowly weakening him over the years. Azaloth needed someone to free him, where that individual would destroy the prison created by God and the other angels to ensure his complete freedom. Furthermore, he needed to fuse with this individual to regain his full power.
After freeing himself, Azaloth, who had transformed into Adam, fulfilled what he promised him, killing Charles and Phillip, assuming the role of king. After several long years of a tyrannical and perverse reign, the inhabitants of the kingdom, who were against the king's cruelty, tried to remove him from power. The rebels then launched an attack on the king's palace, where after confronting all the guards, they finally went to confront the king face to face.
During the fight, one of the rebels manages to kill Adam by taking his head off with his sword. However, before they could celebrate their victory, King Adam was resurrected, revealing himself to be immortal, much to their surprise. He then assumed one of the dark forms of Azaloth and used his dark powers, killing everyone present except one of the rebels who had managed to escape the carnage. The other rebels tried various efforts to defeat the king but failed miserably, resulting in the deaths of several rebels.
Realizing that the king was very powerful and invincible, in a last ditch effort, the remaining rebels went to ask for help from a sorcerer known as Derkion. Using all his knowledge of magic, Derkion managed to create Darkhaven, a magical book whose function is to imprison any evil creature on this planet. The rebels manage to defeat Adam/Azaloth, trapping him inside the book. After Azaloth's defeat, a lineage of monster and ghost hunters known as Shadow Hunters emerged, whose mission was to capture all these evil beings and imprison them within Darkhaven.
A new Shadow Hunter appeared every 60 years in a leap year. Pedro and Alex's grandfather was the last Shadow Hunter and he had managed to trap all the monsters and ghosts that were left on the planet and by accident, the two brothers and their friends also ended up becoming Shadow Hunters, because like all monsters and ghosts had been imprisoned in Darkhaven and evil was contained, there wasn't supposed to be a new Shadow Hunter, but unfortunately the protagonists made the biggest mistake of their lives when they opened that book during the events of the first season.
Furthermore, Azaloth also reveals that the form he takes every time he fights monsters and ghosts is not his true form, as in addition to having the ability to take on various dark and frightening forms, his true form is literally the same true form of angels according to the bible. In the final stretch of the season, several people and animals are mysteriously disappearing, without leaving a trace. At one point, Pedro ended up disappearing too.
Upon learning this, Claire and the others went to try to find him. Later, they would discover that the person responsible for the people's disappearance is actually the Loch Ness Monster, a legendary creature from Scotland that resembles a dinosaur, more specifically a prehistoric marine reptile known as an Elasmosaurus. To make matters worse, Nessie (the monster's nickname), even though she was a female, had reproduced asexually, giving birth to several cubs that are equally dangerous and murderous as she is.
This explains why Nessie kidnapped several people and animals, as she wanted to feed her cubs, who had not yet learned to hunt, where most of the people and animals were devoured alive by the creatures. Luckily, Pedro and the other missing people managed to escape, where they took refuge by climbing trees in the forest for a few days, avoiding being caught by the cubs and their mother. Furthermore, half of Nessie's cubs have already grown into adults, where they are hunting and killing people, as well as reproducing at a rapid rate.
After finding Pedro and the others, the protagonists tried to stop the creatures from reproducing throughout the country and consequently, the entire world. At the end of the season, the protagonists manage to destroy all creatures, including Nessie, narrowly preventing the extinction of life on Earth. Furthermore, the protagonists finally managed to capture all the monsters and ghosts that had left Darkhaven, ridding the world of their threats. As they had promised, they released Azaloth into the cat's body, where he could finally enjoy his long-awaited freedom.
However, he stopped being a villain and swore to never again do evil as he did in the past, because thanks to the protagonists, he evolved, learned from his mistakes and achieved his redemption, becoming a good person. In the final season, 1 year after the events of the previous season, the protagonists are living a normal life, since they had previously imprisoned all the monsters and ghosts. In this season, Pedro and Claire are in their last year of college.
Also, as he is in his last year of college, Pedro will try to do everything he can to make his biggest dream come true: to become a film director and screenwriter. The problem is that due to his atypical mental and emotional condition, Pedro faces conflicts from his friends, college classmates and family, who see him as childish and unreliable, where the most critical are his parents, saying that he is not prepared to work, live alone and live his life without depending on them, as he does not understand anything about the outside world and its dangers, in addition to the fact that he has great difficulty expressing his own emotions and recognizing or understanding the feelings and intentions of others.
However, several children and teenagers are mysteriously disappearing in the city, much to the concern of citizens. According to the police, before they disappeared, all the victims were mentally disturbed, as if they were seeing their greatest fears having a life of their own. Furthermore, while sleeping, the victims had nightmares about their greatest fears, leaving them even more tormented. At one point, Alice's cousin, Lucas, was waiting for his mother to pick him up from school.
His mother actually showed up there to pick him up, but to his great surprise, his real mother had also shown up there. Upon being discovered, the fake mother kidnaps the boy, who takes him by pulling his hair with brute force while running quickly. The real mother tried to save her son, but it was too late, as her clone managed to escape with the boy flying into the sky with his big wings. After the incident, she told to authorities what happened.
Furthermore, she also revealed that weeks before, her son was very disturbed to the point of going crazy, as he said he dreamed of the Xenomorph (an alien monster from a famous horror film franchise in popular culture), as it was the biggest fear of her child. He also said that he saw it and was constantly chased by the fictional creature. However, no one believed her, despite the police realizing that this case is somehow linked to the other cases of children and teenagers who disappeared.
Despite this, the only person who believed her was Alice, who soon told her friends everything. At that moment, Pedro and Alex realize that they are dealing with the killer of their younger sister, Sophia, where the two brothers finally tell Claire and Alice the truth. In 2001, when they were still children, Pedro (who was 9 years old), Alex (who was 8 years old) and Sophia (who had turned 6 years old the previous month) stayed at home with the nanny, as their parents went out to to the city wholesaler that day.
Weeks before, Sophia was tormented because she was having nightmares about clowns, which were her biggest fear. Furthermore, she said that she saw these clowns and was chased by them, but her two brothers didn't believe her. That day, their nanny had disappeared after the 3 siblings went to play. When they went to look for the nanny, someone was knocking on the door. It was their parents, who had just arrived. When Alex and Sophia were about to open the door, Pedro went to answer the telephone, which was ringing at that moment.
To his great surprise, it was his parents who were on the phone, who had called to say that they would arrive in a few minutes. Realizing that it was not his parents who were knocking on the door, Pedro informed the others, who did not open the door. The individual outside, who was pretending to be their parents, broke down the locked door with brute force, revealing himself to be a humanoid monster. He attacks the kids, starting a relentless chase.
While being chased, Pedro, Alex and Sophia found the nanny, who had been killed by the creature, much to their horror. However, the monster manages to reach them and captures Sophia, taking her far away. Pedro and Alex told everything to their parents and the police, but no one believed them, except their grandfather. However, the police realized that this case is very similar to other cases of missing kids and teenagers, and the strange thing is that all these cases happen every 16 years, further increasing the possibility that all these disappearances are linked.
Furthermore, everyone in the city associates these disappearances with the legend of the Bag Man, as in addition to rumors about the kidnapper using a large bag to take children and teenagers away and that he kidnaps them to sell their organs on the black market, the parents tell about this legend and the disappearances to scare their children if they are too naughty or don't respect their parents and elders. Determined to avenge their sister's death, Pedro, Alex and the others went to summon Azaloth for help.
He agrees to help them defeat the monster, but says he needs a shell, as the cat he previously owned, Félix, is already dead. Claire offers Azaloth to possess her body, but Pedro is strongly against the idea, saying that Azaloth cannot possess someone, as that person can have a family and will be greatly missed by the people who love them, in addition to the fact that that person can die due to the various mortal wounds they will suffer when is possessed, since if the person is shot in the heart, for example, the body will die.
The person will still be alive because of the entity that is possessing them, but that does not change the fact that they are already dead. Pedro is also against the idea of ​​Azaloth possessing the body of a pet, because just like a person, the animal will also be greatly missed by its owners, who love it very much. Azaloth then suggests that the receptacle be a street animal just like its previous shell, because unlike a pet, it will not be missed by anyone, as it has no owner and no one cares about it.
Without a choice, the protagonists agree to the idea and Azaloth then possesses the body of a street dog. At that moment, Azaloth gained a new nickname, in which he began to be called Snoopy, as he looked very similar to the dog with the same name from the comic book Peanuts. When they remember that their grandfather believed in them after Sophia's disappearance, Pedro, Alex and the other protagonists find his notes in the hope of discovering something about the monster they are facing.
Back when he was a Shadow Hunter, Pedro and Alex's grandfather had a book that contained notes of all the monsters he and the other hunters trapped in Darkhaven. Pedro, Alex and the others find the last notes from the two brothers' grandfather, which were in fact notes about the kidnapper of Sophie and the other kids and teenagers. It is revealed that Pedro and Alex's grandfather began investigating the disappearance of Sophia and the other children and teenagers.
He stalked the monster, following its footsteps, in which he discovered basic information about it, such as its abilities, powers, etc. The creature takes on a human form to serve as a disguise as he is among people. He looks for people to feed on, where a part of their bodies will become part of him. However, he does not choose his victims randomly, being very careful when choosing.
To do this, he uses his victim's fear. But it is not enough to be afraid to be chosen, because in addition to fear, the person needs to have something that he likes, that is, even if someone is trembling with fear, if that person has nothing that pleases him, he will not attack them. Fear helps to exhale the smell of the victim's body or organs. When fear releases this smell, the monster feels it and analyzes whether it likes it or not, just like when a person smells food to see if it pleases them, since the smell has a relationship with the flavor.
When choosing his victims, he takes the form of his victims' greatest fears. It feeds only on children and teenagers, as the fears of a child and teenager are easier to take a physical form and consequently scare them easily (such as the irrational fear of clowns, ghosts, demons, werewolves, vampires, aliens, etc., in addition to the irrational fear of some animals such as snakes and lions), unlike adults, who are afraid of more formless things, such as bankruptcy, loneliness, what comes after death, etc.
The monster has the ability to invade the minds of its victims, where it discovers their fears, taking the form of whatever scares them most. So he scares his victims through dreams and hallucinations with the aim of making them even more vulnerable, tormenting them to the point of driving them crazy. Scaring them before devouring them is equivalent to "seasoning the meat", that is, he scares his victims to make what he likes, whether the body or the organs, even tastier.
After his victims become weakened and mentally unstable, he takes the form of the people closest to them and then captures them, such as their father, mother, brother or sister, one of their best friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc., in addition to being able to imitate their voice, becoming the perfect clone of someone closer to his victim. In addition to metamorphosis, his powers and abilities are: Super strength, super speed, highly heightened senses, large wings for flying, telekinesis, teleportation and superhuman resistance.
It is also revealed that the creature is very old, because after collecting DNA samples from the monster, Pedro and Alex's grandfather took it to an old friend who is a scientist to analyze the samples, where they discovered that the DNA is from a creature unknown to humanity until today, who lived 8 million years ago. Because of this, he believed that the monster is some kind of demon that has been on Earth for a long time, nicknaming him Beelzebub. The two brothers' grandfather discovered Beelzebub's secret hiding place and went to kill him personally.
The protagonists deduce that before he could surprise attack him, he had a heart attack, dying instantly. Furthermore, it is likely that Beelzebub burned down his entire hiding place, destroying any potential evidence of his crimes, as he had been discovered by the old hunter. This would explain why the grandfather of the two brothers was found in a burning place by people passing by, getting him out in time.
They then come up with a plan to defeat the monster in an abandoned port that night, where they will use Pedro and Alex's friend, Guilherme, as bait, as he is the next victim chosen by the villain. In fact, they manage to lure Beelzebub into the trap, but it goes wrong, starting a battle against him. The protagonists tried to kill him using weapons against demons, but failed miserably, as the creature is not a demon, much to their surprise.
To make matters worse, he managed to control Snoopy's mind, who followed his orders. Even though they know they will never be able to defeat him because he is an angel, the protagonists fought against Snoopy, who defeats them very easily. Not wanting to give up, the protagonists continued fighting against him, where after several efforts during the battle, even though they were defeated again, they managed to free him from Beelzebub's mental control by reciting an unbreakable spell that not only saved him but also prevents him from being mentally controlled again.
Snoopy then went to fight Beelzebub and spanks him by taking on one of his various forms and using all his dark powers. After Beelzebub takes a huge beating and is seriously injured, before Snoopy can kill him, much to his surprise, Beelzebub has the ability to regenerate very quickly, completely healing his injuries. He then used his mind power to move several containers towards Snoopy in order to delaying him.
The other protagonists try to stop him, but he teleports several times and at the same time spanks them, in addition to capturing Guilherme and flying into the starry sky, taking him far away. In the final stretch of the season, the protagonists, with the help of Snoopy, manage to locate Beelzebub's new hiding place, which is an abandoned factory. Furthermore, they discover that they are on the last day of hunting the monster, as it will soon go into hibernation and will only attack again for the next sixteen years, this being their last chance to try to defeat it.
When they got there being teleported by Snoopy, they arrived just in time, as Beelzebub had returned from his hunt, bringing with him yet another victim he had just killed. At that moment, he reveals his real origin and what he really is. He is actually an alien creature, created as a biological weapon by an extraterrestrial civilization with the purpose of exterminating life on entire worlds so they could be colonized.
However, after awakening from a long deep sleep, he developed self-awareness and free will, where he refused to continue with his creators' plan, preferring to live among humans. His creators then visited Earth with the intention of eliminating him personally, bringing they entire army. However, to their great surprise, he proved to be very powerful, killing all of his creators.
Despite being able to live without food for an indefinite period of time, he ended up developing a taste for human flesh, beginning his hunt for humans over the years, hunting them every 16 years. He already knew about the existence of the Shadow Hunters and because of that, he managed to stay off their map for many years, where these hunters never knew of his existence. Realizing that he is a much worse threat than imagined, the protagonists tried to defeat him, starting the final battle.
Initially, the alien creature gained a lot of advantage, as he took the form of the protagonists' greatest fears (except Snoopy), weakening them and leaving them mentally disturbed. Snoopy then encourages them not to be afraid, as apparently the villain's greatest weakness is for his victims to stop being afraid of him. Following this advice, the protagonists are gradually able to face their greatest fears, much to the villain's surprise.
After losing their fear, the protagonists regroup and realize they can stop the alien monster by exploiting the subjection of having a physical form and their perception of it. Their provocation weakens him, defeating him. However, the creature had an ace up its sleeve, because even though the protagonists were no longer afraid of him, he knew that they had another greater fear that didn't exactly have a physical form: Losing each other. He then attacks all the protagonists by surprise, brutally killing them one by one.
After killing all the protagonists in the worst possible ways, the monster went to fight Snoopy, who takes on one of his various dark forms. And so began a long and epic bloody battle between the two most powerful beings on the planet, a very fierce fight. After a long battle that seemed to have no end, even though they were completely exhausted and seriously injured, Snoopy and Beelzebub dealt their respective final blows against each other, resulting in a huge explosion that caused an earthquake of an absurdly high magnitude, devastating the entire planet, almost destroying the Earth and the life on it.
After the fight that almost destroyed the entire planet, Snoopy and Beelzebub were very tired and totally injured, where they could barely stand up, as they were lying on top of the crater caused by the explosion committed by them. Snoopy, who had reverted to the dog form he was possessing, assumed one of his dark forms again, slowly regained his strength and ran towards his enemy, brutally beating him.
The alien tried to defend himself, but Snoopy stopped him, continuing to beat him without stopping. After beating him up, Snoopy rips out the creature's heart, killing him. However, much to his chagrin, the monster was still alive, revealing to be immortal just like him. Realizing that it would be impossible to kill him, Snoopy imprisons him inside Darkhaven, finally defeating him. Despite having managed to defeat the villain, Azaloth is extremely sad for having lost his best friends.
However, Azaloth has the idea of ​​resurrecting them, but remembers that due to his dark powers, if someone comes back to life, that person will not be the same person as before, having quite disturbing behavior, becoming an evil and murderous undead (just like in the book Pet Sematary, by Stephen King). The chances of someone being resurrected and becoming the same person they were when they were alive are one in a million.
Even knowing this, Azaloth decided to take a risk to try to bring his friends back using his powers. To his great luck, Azaloth manages to bring them back to the way they were before they died. At the end of the season, now that all the monsters and ghosts are trapped in Darkhaven and the evil has been contained, the protagonists decide to burn the book, forever destroying all the monsters and ghosts they had previously faced.
10 years later, Pedro, Claire, Alex and Alice have finished college and are working, where Pedro, Alex and Alice have finally achieved their biggest dreams, respectively. Pedro is now a world-famous film director and screenwriter, Alex is an award-winning actor, Alice is a critically and publicly acclaimed writer and Claire is the owner and CEO of her father's company, who had passed away, leaving his inheritance to her.
Pedro and Claire got married and are living together, where they had 3 children, in which Pedro has finally been able to prove his worth to his parents, friends, family and college colleagues. In addition, Alice and her boyfriend are planning to get married so they can start a beautiful family, which they have the approval of Alice's mother-in-law, who has stopped being racist. Meanwhile, Azaloth is enjoying his freedom.
Well, I hope you liked the story I created with my brother and the arts 😊
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