#(they recovered thankfully btw)
pshiftcultureis · 5 months
p- shifting culture is most of your life desperately wanting people to believe you, and going out of our way to be nice to them just so maybe they will take me seriously, and then realizing that i don’t need the validation from others.
we are valid
we are real
we are not “crazy”
and i love to be me
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dabislittlemouse · 1 month
Finally finished this kdrama that has kept me in agony for the past few days
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official-saul-goodman · 4 months
It's so sad that jim croce died less than a year after his son was born :(
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islanddboyy · 1 year
sometimes i think about how my rabbits back legs stopped working so we took her to the vet and he said it’s old age and we took her home and she just looked miserable and depressed and then we decided to put her down so we called the vet and asked to book a euthanasia appointment and when we went in for it the vet told us no he wouldn’t do it cuz she could recover (which he didn’t say to us initially and made it seem like this was it for her) so we went back home and she got better thankfully and we never called the vet back so he probably thinks we euthanised our rabbit anyway even tho she’s happy and chasing us around the house
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des8pudels8kern · 2 years
Okay, but A League of Their Own is, like, really queer. Really queer.
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diazsdimples · 27 days
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
So, got something a little new this Tuesday. Hi and welcome to the first snippet of my attempt at podficcing. I'm recording my fic In a drought I'll give you water, mostly because @daffi-990 told me I have a bedroom voice (I still haven't recovered from that btw). So yeah, please enjoy this mostly safe for work snippet, and depending on how this goes I might share some of the smut later dsfkjhs
Tagged for Tuesday by @loveyouanyway and @theotherbuckley thanks friiiends
Fic snippet/transcript below the cut
Eddie’s not sure how long he waits for Buck to get home but he’s pretty sure it’s well after 3 when he finally hears the front door open, and it couldn’t have come sooner. The anticipation has been killing him, especially as his cock slowly began to fill out against his thigh as he thought about all the delicious things he and Buck were going to get up to. Getting out of his underwear had been the hardest part, but after much scooching up and down the bed like an inverted caterpillar, his underwear slipping further and further down his thighs with each wriggle, they were finally around his ankles and he could kick them off. The friction of them scraping over the already-sensitive head of his cock had been maddening, and ever since Eddie’s been at half mast, patiently waiting for Buck to get home. “Hey babe, I’m back!” Buck calls down the hall and Eddie feels a sudden rush of apprehension. What if he’s bought Maddie home with him? What if, heaven forbid, he’s agreed to babysit Jee and their adorable niece is currently sitting in his arms, about to be scarred for life at the sight of her Tio, tied up and erect? “I- I’m in the bedroom!” he yells back, cursing the obvious quaver in his voice. He hears Buck’s footsteps echo down the hall, and Buck starts to tell Eddie about his visit. “Maddie’s really going through it right now, apparently Jee’s learned how to open doors and is using this new skill for evil. She’s walked in on her and Chim having sex twice, could you imagine? I told her to invest in a lock, ya know, just in case and she –“ Buck appears from behind the bedroom door (thankfully sans niece) and grinds to a halt as he sees Eddie, completely naked, cock resting hard against his stomach, with pink cheeks and an almost guilty grin on his face. “Woah. You’re – um – wow Eds, that is hot.” Eddie’s damn lucky he’s tied up because the urge to do jazz hands and go “surprise” is overwhelming. “You like?” he settles for instead and feels slightly giddy as he watches Buck’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. “Jesus, yeah, you look gorgeous,” Buck says breathlessly, and he begins to slowly make his way towards Eddie, his eyes skittering up and down his body as if drinking in every inch of his boyfriend. Eddie’s not usually much for attention but when he’s like this, laid out all nice and pretty especially for his boyfriend to do with as he pleases, he fucking preens.
No pressure tagging @hippolotamus @daffi-990 (thanks again queen) @watchyourbuck @neverevan @bidisasterevankinard
@babybibuck @aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@nmcggg @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon
@epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @thekristen999 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@actuallyitsellie @idealuk @dangerpronebuddie @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @loserdiaz
@elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings
@thewolvesof1998 @spagheddiediaz @emilybahu
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
Winds of Change
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: spencer is really not good at confrontation and he realizes his profiling skills are kind of lacking at the moment. or in which reader goes through a lot and makes a choice. [sequel to riptide]
pairing: spencer reid x cyberintelligenceexpert!fem!reader 
w.c: 4.4K
warnings/content: description of hospitals; mentions of unfaithfulness & divorce; animosity btw coworkers; not as angsty as the other chapters; tw!pregnancy; details of a case that involves tw!abduction, people getting arrested and tw!someone getting shot; descriptions of nightmares, allusions do drowning; trypanophobia (fear of needles); tw!panic attacks; jemily if you squint; ah there's also fluff, i'm not a monster; conversations about future plans.
A/N: summary sucks i'm aware! that's been on my notes for far too long. i was deciding whether i should kept my old writing style or make it fit my new one but none of the options would have match the other two chapters so i kinda mixed the two. that's why "y/n" is in here.
➶ ➷
Raymond Henley and Carlos Stewart were arrested that evening.  
Thanks to the hard drive files Y/N had stored minutes before everything happened, there was enough proof of the data breach; luckily she had gotten there before Carlos could enter her office and wipe out everything.  
Aaliyah Zara was found safe and sound in an old building on a different neighborhood. When her aunt said that the girl would never run away; she was right. But the girl's father, Miron Zara picked his daughter up from school that day, as a surprise. The only reason this was never brought up during the investigation was because the cameras never got images of his vehicle — he parked strategically in a street corner with no surveillance.  The data breach was contained. Well, the FBI covered it with as much excuses as they could. Everybody knew that the money could never be fully recovered.  “How is she?” Derek asked JJ as they tried to keep their conversation as low as possible for the sake of the hospital hall creepy silence. 
“Sleeping.” The blonde replied, adding a third packet of sugar on the cup beside hers. Her lips instantly lifted in a grimace once she poured in the fourth. It wasn't for her anyway — she at least hoped this would calm Spencer's nerves down. “Her liver was fixed up, thankfully. Doctor said that if the bullet crossed an inch longer she might've lost it.” She stole a glance at her best friend. His neck in an odd position as he took a nap against his will on the uncomfortable waiting room chair and curls covering half of his face. His body was too tired so it was bound to happen, he couldn't fight it anymore. When a wave of jet black hair crossed her eyesight a few feet away JJ quickly made an excuse. “Can you take this up to him when he wakes up? I need to do something.” She didn't wait for Derek's nod to leave.  
“Family of miss Y/L/N?”  
Before Derek could utter a single word, Spencer's head snapped around to the sound of Y/N's name. A hiss left his lips at the crack his neck gave out. Derek watched Spencer carefully as they both moved to hear what the Doctor had to say.  
Emily stopped staring at the TV to lift her attention to JJ, she wasn't paying attention, her mind was griped in worry for her best friend.  
“Is Y/N pregnant?” JJ was specialized in talking to victims families, which means that she needed to smooth out the territory before revealing the awful truth, as a way to making them feel better even for an unique second. But now she didn't feel like beating around the bush. And by Emily's reaction she could tell she had been right. She breathed out in astonishment.  
“Don't tell anybody. She just found out, she isn't ready to—” 
“I wouldn't do that, Em.” JJ said softly. Emily gave her a look of gratitude. “So, Spence and her...”  
“I'm still trying to figure that out myself.” Emily sighed heavily.  
“His reaction when she got shot didn't made it clear enough for you?” 
“I knew he was seeing someone.” Emily bit her cheek, “I knew she was seeing someone, too. But I didn't know they were seeing each other.”  
Isn't she married? JJ wanted to ask but she stopped herself. This was none of her business.  
Emily stood up with her eyes glued to a certain spot. When Jenifer followed her gaze, she saw there was a doctor talking to her co-workers. So, they made their way there.  
“... also, there's no risk to the baby. They'll both be alright.” Emily froze her walking and JJ almost bumped into her back. Oh my god, she mentally yelled, studying Spencer in panic. He had a frown etched into his face. “Miss Y/L/N will only go through the usual recovery process and—”  
“Wait— I'm sorry.” Spencer cuts her off as Derek shared a look with the girls behind the Doctor. “What did you say?”  
The women raised her eyebrows, “Uh, the recovery process—” 
“No,” He interrupted again, almost losing his patience. Emily would have to intervene soon. “About the—uh, the baby?”  
The room seemed to go down to minus forty degrees when the specialist carried on. “Oh, of course. The fetus wasn't jeopardized by the wound or the loss of blood. She's still early on the pregnancy and there's higher risks on the first trimester, but there's absolutely nothing to worry about besides carrying on with the usual check-ups.” She regarded everyone that had gone quiet with curiosity. “You might visit her soon. She will be awake at any time now.”  
“Right. Thank you so much.” Emily said, dismissing the women politely. When she left, Derek still had a lost look on his face, JJ was stealing a glimpse at Spencer's reaction and Spencer was... Well, he was staring at the floor. His mind working on full strength over the past few weeks.  
Her behaviour. Literally, all of her behaviour lead to the present diagnosis.  
He even rulled out pregnancy from the mental list he'd made when she had gotten sick. She had said it was just a bad stomachache. Since he hadn't seen her nauseous or dizzy after she claimed it, he let it go.
That's because I had not seen her at all these days.  
But she had been distant this past week. Was this why?  
How could he be so fucking dense?  
“Reid?” Derek squeezed his shoulder and he blinked a bit startled. “You okay?”  
“Yes.” No.  
“Can I have a word with him, Morgan?” Emily appeared out of thin air by his side. No, she had been there all along, you idiot. It just feels like you're out of the loop right now. Get a grip.  
As soon as Derek left, Emily cleaned her throat, making him look at her. “Reid, how are you feeling?”  
He seemed to wake up at that moment, “Me?” His features suddenly smoothed out in realization. “You knew.”  
Emily opened her mouth but shut just as soon as she did. “Spencer—” 
“You knew she was pregnant and you let her go on in the case?” An indignant look took over his face as he retracted his arm from her reach. Not missing the way the hurt flashed though her eyes. “Emily, she could've—” 
“There was no imminent danger, Spencer—” 
“Yes, as we saw a few hours ago!” He snapped and stormed out, leaving her alone in the visiting room as he marched towards his girlfriend's room.  
“Go.” Derek ordered the blonde that watched the scene unfold anxiously. She turned to him, “Go talk to Prentiss.” He nodded in the brunette's direction. Derek understood he wasn't needed, but JJ was. It's always JJ that deals with a solemn Emily in certain moments, somehow, she is the only one that knows what to do. What to say. And now she was needed. Because Spencer must've said something harsh as he usually do when he's mad. Jennifer knows, she was on the receiving end of his anger once.  
•°. *࿐ 
Stop swimming.   Let it go.  
Let it go.  
Y/N didn't want to let it go.  
She was a very good swimmer back in her youth, those skills don't go away with time, do they?  
It felt like she was in the ocean. Barely keeping her head above water as her legs struggled below. Every time she tried to go forward, towards the trees, she felt something pulling her in, drowning her.  
She could only see trees. No sand, no land. Just trees.  
Not having the knowledge that you are dreaming can gift you a feeling of despair. That you don't know how you got there, why would you even be in the sea in the first place?  
Although, having the knowledge that you're dreaming can be quite terrifying. You know it isn't real. This isn't really happening. But do you know when will it be over? It can go on for minutes but it always feels like hours, days even. Dreams are deceiving. Nightmares are entrapping.  
She knew this wasn't real. And she was drowning. She couldn't breath. She couldn't see what was ahead because her vision was blurry.  
Y/N didn't want to let go. She didn't want to stop fighting. But she was tired and desperate, there was no other way out.  
She stopped swimming.  
When she woke up first, she felt nothing. It was numb. Then, itchy sheets and a distinct but strong smell. There was a heaviness on her right hand which was the first thing she actually felt. Fluttering her eyes open, she was received with light green and white. Hospital. I'm in a hospital. After her brain made up where she was, the heaviness on her hand intensified to a squeeze. She turned to the side, blinking repeadly so her sight could adjust.  
A hand grasped her own. She squeezed back still a bit confused. But when she looked up, a warmth filled her chest almost immediately.  
“Hi,” The corner of his lips turned upwards as he watched her trying to grasp her surroundings.  
“Hi.” Y/N swallowes, her throat was incredibly dry for someone that was drowning. He seemed to understand her actions as he offered a cup with a straw for her to sip the cool water. “Thanks.” She croaked out, clearing her throat. His hand supported her back as she shifted to a sitting position.  
“How are you feeling?” Spencer asked, leaving the cup on her bedside table. Y/N studied him carefully.  
“Fine. And you?” He raised his eyebrows and her forehead creased in confusion as she scanned over his features. No bandage, not even a bandaid on his face. “All that blood you had in you, Spencer." She said, lifting a hand to touch the side of his chin, turning it to the side. "How are you not in a bed right now?”  
His eyes softened. “That wasn't my blood, sweetheart.” The crease in her forehead deepened. “It was yours. You got shot, Y/N.” He gave her hand another squeeze, this time bringing it to his lips.  
It took her a while to understand that but Spencer waited patiently. She was still heavy on meds, it wasn't like he expected her to not be confused right after waking up.  
“Right.” She said, eyes unfocused. “Did you... find the girl?” 
“Yes. She's safe.” Spencer watched her attention drifting elsewhere. “Y/N?” 
“What about the—” 
“Arrested. We got them too. Are you okay?” He quickly studied her heart monitor screen to see if anything was altered.  
Y/N shifted in her position. She was feeling uncomfortable. She felt naked. “Can you take these off?” She gestured for the cannula inserted in the back of her hand, frowning as she looked at it. “I hate it.” She wanted to scream. She felt trapped. Was she awake yet? This is real, right? 
“No, sweetheart. It takes the medication into your system faster, you can't take it off.” 
“Just— just get it off of me, Spencer.” The constriction in her airways made it difficult for her to breath. Her eyes assuming a moist aspect. Taking her hands in his was the way Spencer found to grab her attention, the heart monitor going off.  
She hated needles. She hated hospitals all-together. That was one of the first things he learned about her when they were still getting to know each other. 
“Hey, hey, look at me.” He cupped her face, locking their eyes.  
Letting out a shallow breath she mumbled a tearful “I hate needles—” 
“I know.” He said calmly. It was heartbreaking but he had to be the one who calmed her down. “Breath in for five and breath out for four, okay? Can you try it with me?” he requested softly, caressing her cheek. 
She did it after a few seconds. During ragged breaths the repetition helped her chest fill up with oxygen again. Relief washing over her body.  
It wasn't long until her head was resting upon Spencer's chest once he climbed up in bed with her in a rather uncomfortable position. He didn't care. As long as she was alright with it.  
It took five minutes of idle conversation for Y/N to forget about the needles. Spencer made sure to cover her hand and forearm with the blanket so she wouldn't pay attention to it.  
“You should get some sleep.” He muttered, kissing her temple softly. 
“I was having a nightmare, I don't want to sleep.” She said quietly, playing with the fabric of his dark brown sweater vest.  
A frown etched onto his forehead, “You wanna talk about it?” She denied the request with a shake of her head, leaning further into his touch.  
Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the door and a doctor entered the room right after. The same woman that had given news about Y/N's wellbeing to the team before.  
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N. I'm Doctor Young. How are you feeling now?” She strode to Y/N's side, eyes glued to the medical chart. Spencer split apart from Y/N to sit in a chair, giving her a smile to reassure he wouldn't be going anywhere. 
“Tired.” Y/N shifted on the bed, “But fine.” Something seemed to come up in her mind. “Actually, I'd like to ask something.” She said, cutting Dr. Young off just as she was about to explain whatever was on her chart. 
Y/N then gave Spencer a look that silently said she needed to talk to the woman in private.  
“I'll go grab a coffee and be right back.” Spencer pressed his lips against her forehead, offering the doctor a tight-lipped smile as he left the room.  
•°. *࿐ 
“I need to tell you something.”  
She said as soon as he walked back into the room. God, it was hard to even swallow.  
Spencer gave her a nod, taking a sip of the coffee. That's awful. He left it aside with a sigh, moving to sit beside her bed.  
“You— I don't know how you'll react.” She said, her head working like wildfire.  
“Why are you worried about how I'll react?” 
“Because I lied to you.” Your breath stopped for a moment. “For a few days. Not on purpose, of course. I just— I wasn't ready to tell you yet.” 
Spencer leaned back on the chair, “Okay,” he said calmly. 
She surveyed his face, not being able to grasp what he was thinking. What he was feeling. He didn't let on any reaction. “Okay?”  
She hated profiles and their abilities to mask their emotions.  
Spencer let out a sigh, leaning closer. He took your hand, carefully enough to not move the wires. “I won't be upset or mad at you. I promise, alright?”  
She pursued her lips, inhaling longingly.  
“I— I got a divorce.” Y/N let out, gulping. Is that it? Really? “Just waiting for the papers to be signed.” 
Spencer hummed, brushing back her strands. “How are you feeling about this?” 
Lifting her chin, she looked up at him confused. “What do you mean?” 
“Your marriage just... ended.” 
“That couldn't be qualified as a marriage, Spence.” She rolled her eyes. “I was done with him.” As soon as I met you. “I'm happy with you, do you understand that?” 
Spencer nodded, smiling softly when he felt her fingers curl around his wrist and a tug at his arm. He sat on the edge of her bed just like before. 
“There is something else.” She whispered, playing with his fingers to ease her mind.  
“You can tell me,” He mumbled, pecking her forehead.  
Y/N stammered before speaking, but when she finally said it it was like a weight lifted off her shoulders.  
“I'm pregnant.”  
Spencer didn't move nor did he said anything, which made her flinch away from him to take a look at his face. He was smiling. Almost grinning if it wasn't the fact that he was holding it back.  
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her eyes narrowed at him. “Did you know?” 
“Not exactly.” 
Y/N stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean not exactly, Spencer? Who told you?” Who even knew? was the question running around her mind.  
“Nobody!” He widened his eyes, watching her getting worked up quickly. It really was not a good sight to make Y/N mad. A bit frightening, if you will. “Actually, Emily—” 
“Sweetheart, let me speak.” Spencer asked kindly. Y/N pressed her lips together, her eyebrows creasing. “Emily had to tell the doctor and I overheard. That was it, alright?”  
Y/N nodded, forehead smoothing slightly. “Yeah, okay.”  
"Did you know that, statistically, 97% of people have one or more secrets; which makes it an average of 13 secrets per person? Depending on what you're keeping and who you are keeping it from, it can cause damages to your well-being, like reducing one's emotional resilience or cognitive issues and— I'm rambling." He winced, cutting himself off. "Sorry." 
You chuckled, poking his cheek. "I told you I don't mind it when you do." With a clear of throat, she kept her gaze on him. "Thirteen secrets per person uh? How many of those have you kept from me, Doc?"  
"You'll never know." She snorted, rolling her eyes as he smiled cheekily. She'd have to be one of the only people that actually paid attention when he drifted away from the main subject. 
His eyes studied her for a bit before he grasped her attention again, “Why didn't you tell me? Do you know how dangerous it was for you to enter that case?” 
“I'm pregnant, not stupid. I knew what I was doing.” Y/N retorted, giving him a look. “And I didn't tell you because— Because I wasn't ready yet. I didn't even know what I wanted to do yet. Was trying to figure out my own mind.” Her eyes softened, “But I am sorry.” 
Spencer nodded understandingly, caressing her cheek. “It's okay.”  
Her face scrunched up, “If I didn't know you any better I'd say you were excited.” 
Spencer looked down at their hands, the corner of his lips lifting slowly as his mind worked with possible future images.  
“Aren't you?” When he met her eyes he realised he shouldn't have assumed what she was going to do. He didn't want to induce her on anything. “I mean... What do you want to do? I'm sorry I didn't ask before—” 
“It's fine.” She shifted on the bed, bringing her body closer to his. “I want to keep it.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes. I've thought about it.” She shrugged, messing with the small part of his tie that was being displayed. Y/N lift her chin just like the previous position to look at him. “Are you okay with that?” 
“If you are then I am,” he leaned down a bit to press a kiss against her lips. She hummed in response.  
"But it doesn't just concern me, Spence. It's- It's bigger than that, isn't it? I don't want you to regret it later. So, just- just think about it." 
He frowned, forehead twitching in confusion, "But it's not my choice, Y/N. It's yours. It's not my place to regret it or not- not that I ever would regret it," Spencer quickly added, squeezing her hand. "Just know that whatever decision, I'll be there, I won't leave your side. Never."  
That was safety felt like. Not empty bed and cold sheets.  
“I guess, I should let them in now?” Spencer said after a while of soft talk between them. Y/N frowned in confusion but then her eyes lit up in understanding.  
“Right. Is everyone okay? Did anyone else get hurt?”  
“No.” Spencer shook his head in response, brushing hair behind her ear. “Don't worry. They're all good. I'm gonna send them in now, alright?”  
She nodded, adjusting the blanket on her lap.  
As soon as Spencer left the room, a few seconds later, came in an exasperated Penelope Garcia. A grimace formed on Y/N's lips.  
“What were you thinking scaring me like that!” The blonde exclaimed, walking towards her injured friend's hospital bed. “Ms. Y/L/N, you do not get to get shot and give me a heart attack, okay?”  
“Sorry.” Y/N replied with a sad smile and quickly opened her arms in which Penelope found herself in no time. “Didn't mean to scare you, Pen.” They haven't known each other for long but in the little time they've had they clicked instantly. Especially because of their common interests.  
Sniffling, Penelope nodded against her shoulder. “It's okay. It wasn't your fault, baby. But we were so worried.” 
“You gave us a little scare there, hacker.” Derek chipped in, crossing his arms. He would admit later on that he actually took a liking to her in the meantime they were working together. “Glad you're okay. We all are.” He switched looks with the team and in the end locked eyes with Spencer, who was just watching everything quietly. “Especially pretty boy over there. He was out of his damn mind.”  
Spencer cleaned his throat, finding something on the floor very interesting. Y/N gave him a soft smile.  
Derek didn't need anything else to be said to understand what was going on between them. But he would most definitely have a talk to Reid another day.  
“So, you're feeling good?” Emily studied her for a while.  
Y/N gave her a reassuring smile and nodded, “Yeah. All good. Ready for another one, actually.” 
“You're funny.” Spencer snarked, giving her a look to which she scrunched her nose at.  
They stayed inside the room until the doctor kicked them out, because only one person per visit was allowed, not the entire FBI.  
Y/N asked for Emily to stay behind before she could leave with the others. Emily did, her serious demeanor never changing.  
Y/N knew what was going on inside her head. 
“Em, it wasn't your fault,”  
“You could've died.” Emily croaked out. Now that everyone had left she felt her will to cry growing even more. She almost lost her best friend. “Y/N, you could've died.” 
“But I'm here. It barely grazed me, okay? Em.” Y/N mentioned her to get closer, offering her hand. It wasn't truth. The bullet hadn't barely grazed her. It had punctured her body which caused a big blood loss. But that was beside the point now. The important is to complete vanish this stupid idea of Emily's mind. “It was not your fault.” She said firmly, bringing her closer so she could embrace her. Feeling a nose burying in her shoulder and her hospital gown getting wet because of tears, she carried on. “I love you. Stop blaming yourself, I'm right here and we caught the bastards.” 
They both shake with Emily's surprise laugh. Y/N is more than satisfied with the reaction. 
“I love you, too. Don't ever scare me like that again, okay?” 
“I promise.” 
Emily left the room after they had their moment, and Spencer walked in not five minutes later. He didn't spare a word before diving straight into her arms. Carefully, of course, given her injuries.  
"Oh, hello," said Y/N as a smile spread on her lips. But there was a hint of concern when he buried his nose into your neck and let out a shaky breath, "Hey, you okay, Doc?" 
His voice was muffled by her clothing. She frowned, not understanding. 
“Spencer, what did you say?”  
He turned to the side, and she could see the man with a lazy grin over his lips.  
“I said that I'm happy,” he repeated, trailing the edge of neck to her cheekbones with a finger. “I'm glad you're okay." He said, smile faltering. "I was so scared to lose you."  
"I'm right here," she said, leaning her forehead on his. "Don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon." A hum of satisfaction left her throat when the corner of his mouth raised in a grin.  
"That's good." He whispers. "Because I'm not going to let you go anywhere." Again. 
Y/N tilted her head enough so their lips could meet. The kiss was slow, safe, it felt like it should happen. Like a lot of things in her life at that moment. Spencer pulled back when she started chuckling, brows knitting in confusion.  
She raised a finger, a silence request for him to wait her laughing fit stop. Spencer studied her face with a mix of amusement and slight concern. He stole a look at the heart monitor again. 
“Are we going to be parents?” It's what leaves her mouth. Her face flushed as she recovered from the laughs. "How is this— That's insane, isn't it?" She scans his face for any trace of regret but only proceeds to find a fond gaze. "Oh, stop looking at me like that!" 
"Like what?" He tries to hold back a grin but it's foolish.
"Like you're completely in love." She says, hand hovering over his vest absentmindedly. "You're going to get bored of me soon." She lets out quietly, watching as he prepares to protest. "Even so, would you take me as I am? Stubborn, paranoid, reckless and extremely hard headed?" 
"You could say stubborn again."  
"I will stick this needle into your jugular vein."  
Spencer let out a boisterous laugh. His eyes wrinkling on the edges. There was no other reaction besides her fond gaze. She is so in love, she feels like an idiot.  
“I will take you as you are," he took her hands in his, thumb drawing circles on her palms. His amber eyes met hers. "Stubborn, paranoid, reckless and extremely hard headed." He lists on, bringing one of her hands to his lips and then the other one, without breaking eye contact. "There's nothing that I would change in you and there's nothing that would make me love you any less than I do. I felt for who you are now and I will keep falling for who you will become in the foreseeable and unforeseeable future." He pauses. "I love you. Both of you."  
Averting her eyes, she retracts her hands from his to wrap around his middle, burying her face in the croak of his neck. Vanilla and coffee and books. That's what he smells like. Home. She kissed the spot, shutting her eyes. She wouldn't dare going anywhere, this is exactly where she wanted to be.  
"I love you, too, Spencer."
➶ ➷ 
taglist: @sebastiansstanswhore 
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aliensupersyn · 2 months
258 Fight Choreography PbP and Explanation by Lightning
A play by play of the fighting in this chapter, as well as Lightning's clarification of Sukuna's barrier technique being used here!
JJ-High vs Sukuna
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After the last black flash in 257, Yuji launched Sukuna into the wall above them both!
The narrator explains that Sukuna should have been able to recover his reversed cursed technique after the black flash he landed on Larue, who seems to be dying after the experience. In the last panel, Miguel notices Sukuna's menacing aura spike in the distance.
Gege used this same visual to depict 200% Hollow Purple, and Sukuna's first appearance after the bath.
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Please check notes for a disclaimer concerning everything after this page!
Sukuna's domain possesses eyes like his mask, and two hands cradle the underside of it. Black texture can be seen upon its summoning, like that of a usual closed-barrier domain.
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Sukuna's domain expansion destroys a wide area within Shinjuku, seemingly just with its initial summoning. More black texture of closed-barrier domains can be seen here in the bottom panel. Mei Mei's birds fly away to escape Sukuna's brewing storm.
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Yuji casts Simple Domain to avoid Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine!
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Sukuna and the cast rest at the eye of the storm that Sukuna's created. The eyes in Sukuna's shrine bleed, like the bottom eye on his mask that Yuji punched last chapter.
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EDIT: Lightning made updates and I have added them in place of the outdated information.
By Lightning on Twitter:
"Essentially, this narration has two independent, separate clauses:
What Sukuna did, the open-barrier Domain (with no drop in output or range) that doesn’t separate its barrier from real space
Why a closed-barrier Domain wouldn’t work against capturing Maki In the official, it assumes Sukuna is doing not only (1) but also (2). It assumes he’s doing open-barrier, then closing his Domain. This is what I also wrongfully assumed btw"
Specific Clarifications:
"In summary, what Sukuna used is his high-level, open-barrier Domain; no closed-barrier traits involved
A closed Domain cannot capture Maki bc it “pushes” out inanimate objects from its mental landscape; an open-barrier Domain keeps Maki in bc it acts directly on the real world.” 1
This in no way diminishes either of them btw
The reason why Sukuna opted to expand his divine open-barrier is exactly bc Maki could potentially break it from outside or sneak attack him. He risked it all to give no chances to the “monkey” who could fk with his game 2
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Yuji, Miwa, Ino, and Choso all cast simple domain and prepare to withstand Sukuna's final domain expansion!
Notice the tornado.
Ui Ui likely teleported Miwa into range to help Maki.
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Yuji's SD breaks and he suffers Sukuna's slashes.
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When Yuji loses his leg from the slashes, the attacks stop, and he recovers the limb by reconnecting it with blood manipulation!
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Sukuna finally uses "fuga," or Furnace - Open!!
A little more late than I'd like to have uploaded, so I apologize. I reached out to Lightning for confirmation she'd provide her own translation, and thankfully she was already working on it. I, and many others, trust her translations and linguistic analyses more than anyone else. I wanted to make sure I was providing as much accuracy as I could.
Further analysis by Lightning, and she echoes my own!
Do note, Ui Ui has the soul swapping ability, not Yuji.
Yuji literally saved everyone's lives last chapter by making it so Sukuna could only recover one arm lol.
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ptn-imagines · 4 months
Hi, hope you're having a good day! Since you mentioned in your rules that you also do major NPCs, would you mind doing some romantic Julien and mChief headcanons? I need some wholesome content for them to cope after chapter 13 T-T Love your previous headcanons btw, you really capture the personality of each of the characters perfectly!
Here's a bone for the grieving widows out there! I do wanna note that this one kind of got away from me -- I decided to share it anyway, but if you would like me to do a continuation or a completely different headcanon set that's more in line with the original request, feel free! I promise I won't be upset.
Below the cut due to mentions of passive su*cidal ideation.
Romantic relationship between Julien and m!Chief (Julien lives AU)
The chances of Julien surviving BR-002 were about the same as the chances of a Paradeisian treating a Syndican well. So, when the news reached him that Julien had been recovered alive, the Chief couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and thank every deity he could think of.
Still, Julien’s condition after his separation from the BR-002 Corpus was terrible, and he would not wake up. Chief expected this, to a degree, recalling Zoya and BR-004 – and it was that same memory that caused him to lean on his connections a bit, convincing the higher ups to let Julien be brought to the MBCC as he recovered. He didn’t want yet another person important to him slipping through his fingers.
Thankfully, the transfer to the MBCC went off without a hitch. Chief found himself constantly at Julien’s bedside, fussing and fretting, and several times he had to be thrown out by Iron or Anne. Still, he wasn’t alone; misery loves company, as they say, and Donald was a frequent companion, as were Lavina and some others from the Drifter Camp.
It took several weeks for Julien to finally open his eyes, but when he did, the Chief was right there. Upon hearing that weak, raspy voice say his name, Chief’s heart leapt into his throat, and he was on his feet yelling for a doctor before he could fully process what was happening.
Iron shooed him out of the room while she checked on Julien, so that turned into a lot of anxious pacing while waiting for news. Thankfully, when it arrived, it was on a positive note – Julien’s condition was abysmal and he’d be stuck in the medical ward for what was likely to be months, but he’d make it.
As soon as he was allowed inside again, Chief rushed back to Julien’s side. When the architect laid eyes on him, he gave a weak smile. “There you are. Tell me, what has become of Drifter Camp?”
The conversation that followed was a bittersweet one. Julien mostly listened as the Chief filled him in, as his memory from his time as a Corpseborne was hazy at best. The Chief’s tongue felt like lead in his mouth, his heart in his throat as he tried not to stumble over his words.
When the explanations were finished, Julien was silent for a long moment, before he sighed and closed his eyes. The Chief almost panicked, but then he spoke: “So it’s… finally over then. Rustfire, no, all of the West District owes you a great debt, Chief. I… must admit I did not expect to have the chance to thank you personally, but… I am glad that it turned out this way.”
Still, there’s a certain underlying melancholy to Julien’s words that seemed to suggest that he would much rather be at eternal rest. The Chief frowned, but before he could confront Julien on it, Iron once again shooed him out to let the patient get some rest.
Chief continued to visit Julien in the medical ward whenever he could. At first, it was a lot of one-sided conversation, with the architect very rarely chiming in. Chief told himself that was fine, Julien was still recovering after all, and tried to ignore the way it made him feel like he was speaking to a corpse.
It was hard for the Chief to find a good moment to talk about that. Whenever he’d gather up the courage to broach the topic, he’d take one glance at Julien’s weary features and his resolve would shatter and scatter to the wind. And yet, that sense that Julien would rather not be here never fully went away.
The months of Julien’s recovery were slow, but Chief found himself developing tumultuous emotions towards the architect. Julien was a dear friend, yes, even if he’d done some things that annoyed Chief to no end, but lately… He felt… something more? Nightmares weren’t uncommon for him, and Julien crumbling to dust just like Earl had done a year ago was an image that was now seared into his brain, but lately it had been… more gut-wrenching than normal.
One day, when he came to visit, he found Julien out of bed, sitting in a wheelchair by the false window. He was gazing out with a slight frown on his face, and the sterile light of the medical ward definitely didn’t do anything to highlight him like rays of sunlight or anything similarly poetic and yet that was the defining moment it hit Chief:
“Shit, I’m in love with him.”
He must have fallen into a reverie because the next thing he knew, Julien was calling out to him. He shook himself and walked forward with a smile, congratulating the architect on no longer being bed-bound. Julien quipped that it wasn’t like he was going anywhere on his legs, to which Chief replied that being confined to a room is still a minor improvement over being confined to just a bed. This won him a small chuckle which set his heart aflutter.
Chief didn’t mention his newly-realized feelings as Julien moved into a new stage of recovery, but he still spent pretty much every free second he could at the architect's side. It wasn't uncommon for Chief to fall asleep in his room and wake up to one of the medical staff having put a blanket over him so as to not disturb them.
Julien would talk more now than he used to; in some ways it was like a role reversal as Chief would find himself silently nodding along as Julien talked for hours about his designs. He didn't always understand, but it made Julien happy to talk about, so he was happy to listen.
Chief did manage to finally confront Julien about the melancholy he'd noticed so long ago. Julien gave a sad smile. “It's true, I don't necessarily feel as though I deserve to be here,” he said, and Chief frowned, opening his mouth to protest. Julien held up a hand. “But lately I've found that… perhaps there are reasons for me to stick around, after all.” Now, his smile brightened, and Chief had to quickly look away to maintain his composure. He wondered if Julien could hear his pounding heartbeat. It sure felt like he should be able to.
Eventually, the day came that Chief was both anticipating and dreading. Julien had fully recovered, and no longer needed to stay in the MBCC; he'd been away from Drifter Camp for over a year, and he was desperate to go back.
Chief went with him, and when it was time for them to part ways, he found it difficult to find the words he wanted to say. Due to their responsibilities, they both knew they'd be seeing each other more scarcely from here on out. Chief had to say something…
Julien spoke first. “Well, I suppose this is it. I must thank you, Chief, for being at my side for this past year. Know that I will… never forget this kindness. You will always be welcome in Drifter Camp.”
Chief swallowed the lump in his throat. He hated the finality of this moment, but he had to say something. “Julien, there's something I need to tell you. I…”
The architect lifted a hand to stop him. “Have mercy on this poor old fool, Chief,” he said softly. “Fate conspires to keep us apart. I've… enjoyed our time together, just the same as you. But speaking those feelings aloud… I fear my heart would never recover.”
Chief wasn't able to find a satisfactory response before Lavina and others from the Drifter Camp appeared to whisk their leader away, leaving him standing there alone in the chill wind.
Chief swallowed down the lump in his throat and turned back to the car waiting to take him back to the MBCC. He'd see Julien again, he knew – the other wasn't dead, and relations with Drifter Camp would be important.
Still, the weight of a heart torn from its most beloved was a heavy burden to bear.
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junjunjunko · 9 months
Hai haven't been on tumblr much lately but I finally managed to catch up woth everything I think ( ´∀` )b
Are you ok? D: I saw you've been sick for seemingly some time and there were some anon comments with just.. a lot of hate?? It was so weird seeing something like that. Your art is definitely not just "fetishization", your art DOES have variation, and a lot of it. If some people can't see or notice that, they're obviously just not focusing on the art itself, and moreso the bigger picture.
Your designs are peak too D: your designs are some of my favorite ones along dol community, I'm much interested in dol anymore but checking up on your art or seeing it appear on my timeline still managed to make me happy, that's just how much I enjoy it 🫶
But really, I hope you're doing well recovering! Both from some ignorant people and a sickness (if you're not already healed SOB)!!
And a kind of blurry picture of one of my kitties since you seem to like them too:3
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It's really nice and sweet of you to ask! Also, welcome back!
Personally I don't see much variation in my own art which is a struggle but I appreciate it, I still however want to improve further.
I have gotten better, thankfully, although I cannot say the same about my mental health as college has taken a great toll on my whole year and, I hope I can switch college. It's really difficult although I already prepared the papers to leave it for another one. ( I would rather not talk about my mother's thoughts on it, but I must say they did really have impact on how I'm currently feeling too. )
Other than that, I'm neutral - the only reason why I haven't been posting is because of the classes and, of course, commissions. Hopefully I can finish them soon to give myself an actual proper break.
Once again, thank you for your concern. ヾ(•ω•`)o Oh and, I love ur cat btw it looks very polite.
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theatlasrealm · 2 years
—-Kai visibly Looks shorter than the rest of the ninja however he looks taller than Jay only because of his hair gel but in reality he and Jay are the same exact height
—-I said this before and I will say it again to reach kitchen cabinets or any high place kai either does one of two things :
1) airjitzu’s and sets the entire place on fire 2) becomes an Olympic gold metal gymnast
—- Kai doesn’t get bothered much that cole and Zane are taller then him bc they are older… but the fact that his YOUNGER SIBLINGS are taller than him keeps him awake at night..
—-sometimes when nya or lloyd wake up in the middle of the night, scared and shaking, they go to the same person they’ve been going to all their life for nightmares: Kai
—-kai influenced/helped Lloyd a lot. And I mean a LOT, just as much as he helped nya. hair care routine? yeha kai showed Lloyd. how to deal with panic attacks? kai helps him breathe, and taught him how to handle it in case Lloyd is ever alone. Also someone else also said this btw but Lloyd’s weapon is a sword gee I wonder why
nya: Kai if I was in your shoes
Kai: first of all my shoes are pieces of art second of all you shouldn’t even be in those shoes good lord we need to go shoe shopping I can’t have my dear sister walking around like that
—-guess who’s holding all the shopping bags when the trio goes shopping! Ur right it is nya and lloyd
“kai please stop we don’t need more clothes”
“lloyd, life is a runaway what do you mean we don’t need more clothes”
“kai that’s it we are going home if I have to carry one more bag-”
—--nya and Lloyd can’t hide crap from kai he just knows
Lloyd, thinking: I hate myself
“hey Lloyd u okay buddy??”
Kai brother instinct triggered
Kai pulls out weapon: abominable hug
weapon was effective lloyd is feeling better
—-kai is a good liar/actor to most people except nya girl sees right through his facade
nya, “hey kai everything okay?”
Kai,” yeah don’t worry everything’s fine!”
nya gently hugs kai and Kai has an emotional breakdown: a sequel
—-kai,”how’s the weather up there”
nya and Lloyd,” we weren’t aware garden gnomes could talk”
—- when any one of them is sick the remaining two know exactly what to do.
Nya is sick? Give her some soup ! Give her some space! She’s independent and isn’t a fan of being taken care of (lloyd respects that!) but yk kai….Kid isn’t scared of nyas rages 💪
Lloyd is sick? give him some soup! make him laugh! hug him! Thankfully he’s smart enough to stay in bed and recover because he knows if he does that the recovery process will be faster! the real question is if kai knows that…
Kai is sick? Code red full lockdown bro is gonna go try and discover a new species while burning at a high temperature. um kai isn’t scared of nyas rages but when she yells at him for not resting while sick she’s like ten times more scarier someone save the poor boy oh look savior lloyd has arrived oh wait nope false alarm he’s yelling at Kai too
—-they all casually share hoodies, graphic tees, etc. but for Kai it looks little too big.. um…. don’t tell him that though…..
—--if things are too overwhelming for Kai he goes to nya and Lloyd. everything seems to melt away when they look up and smile at him
—-don’t insult nya or Lloyd in front of Kai or Kai’s gonna do a full sailor moon transformation and then into a VICIOUS garden gnome.
—-whenever nya’s inventions/ideas don’t work out, she gets angry and frustrated at herself due to her perfectionist nature. Kai always manages to make her feel better
“hey don’t worry nya, you have wonderful ideas and such a smart brain! you created so many things and I couldn’t have been more proud. how about we go eat a snack and then you can come finish this project later! I’ll even help!
—-Kai is really good with ‘feminine’ stuff like sewing (he probably used to stitch up ripped clothes when him and nya were kids) and hair. he knows 7384377348 different hairstyles and does nya’s hair whenever he can. he also tried to teach Lloyd but the poor kid became jumble of confusion. he managed to teach him braids though!!!
you think this is it? naw shawty I’ve got part two coming out soon.
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katsy-kitty · 26 days
ok I'm gonna be vulnerable for a moment
I'm prescribed Xanax* and while I know it can cause amnesia when taken in too large amounts, what happened yesterday is a bit different
I took one pill in the late evening because I'd only slept for less than 3 hours the night before and wanted to fall sleep earlier and also was feeling anxious. I waited for some time and decided it hadn't done that much of a difference, so I took two more. So, three pills in total - not that much.
Well... I don't really remember going to bed, but:
I woke up in my bed fully clothed - not bad; I sometimes do that even when sober
I left the computer, music, the TV, and the bathroom light on - not THAT hard to imagine; has happened before when sober
I apparently forgot to take my daily evening medication, which is a bit of shame because it improves my sleep quality and also should be taken daily
THE MILK WAS OUT OF THE FRIDGE EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T EVEN USE IT (also it was my last one and I doubt it's still good so RIP milk...)
THE MICROWAVE DOOR WAS OPEN BUT I DON'T REMEMBER MICROWAVING ANYTHING (I WOULD have noticed because the light is on in the microwave when the door's open and I have a long corridor leading to the kitchen with the microwave at the end of it - that's how I noticed IN THE MORNING WHEN IT WAS LIGHT, so at night it would be extra visible)
I'd opened a pack of crisps, left one on the countertop and just left the rest OPEN on the countertop without eating almost any of it (I know this one doesn't seem that bad, but I'd never leave crisps wide open because they get stale)
THANKFULLY, when I checked in the morning, I DIDN'T MAKE ANY TUMBLR POSTS WHILE BEING A ZOMBIE (so all the deranged posts from yesterday are just me)
1.5 year ago, when I was doing reeeaaally badly, I took way more and then went to a birthday party of a person close to me, where I met some of his friends whom I'd only heard about before and had been excited to meet, AND I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT THAT PARTY OR THE PEOPLE I MET EVEN THOUGH I ACTED AND TALKED NORMALLY AND IT WASN'T APPARENT TO ANYONE THAT I WAS FUNCTIONALLY A FUCKING ZOMBIE. And I cannot ever recover these memories afaik. Do you know how fucking scary it is to not remember what you did the night before? What if I did something reprehensible? What if I was outside and broke the law and got arrested? What if I did something extremely reckless? I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON I WAS WHEN THIS WAS HAPPENING. I DON'T KNOW IF I WAS MYSELF AND HAD MY NORMAL VALUES AND OPINIONS OR IF I TURN INTO A DIFFERENT KIND OF PERSON. All I know, because someone close to me has told me, is that I am meaner and more egocentric. I DON'T WANT TO BE MEAN
btw for anyone wondering: amnesia IS a legitimate side effect of Xanax and not something specific to me. I'm not sure if all leaflets list it (I'm not in the US), but you can check Wikipedia for more info
*generic Xanax, to be exact, which is the same in effect btw
PS. I don't abuse Xanax anymore and even when I did, it didn't ever any feel-good effects for me; I only used it to numb myself / make myself go to sleep. I don't even see why people use it recreationally (apparently) because if I wasn't extremely anxious, like having a panic attack, it wasn't very helpful or pleasant to take.
All of the above doesn't mean that I am against Xanax. I think it's a great medicine for panic attacks because it (a) works, (b) acts extremely fast for something that's a pill ingested through the mouth.
But it's extremely important that people don't abuse it, and that's why doctors should be responsible when prescribing it and inform patients of the side effects and the harms of abusing it.
Xanax is also very addictive and the addiction is hard to break (not from personal experience this time). And abusing it can lead to long-lasting (I'm not saying "permanent") cognitive impairment even once you've stopped taking it.
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writeious-hand · 1 year
Holding Out for a Hero: Part 5
Beep Boop - I rewatched the movie on Paramount + (its an extended cut, btw) and found inspiration to continue on.
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Xenk X Cleric!OC, expanding the movie further along with Sword Coast, using dnd logic in a story format.
As always, No Beta, we die like Edgin's Wife.
IDK how to link the previous parts, I don't post THAT often so you should be able to find them on my page.
His head felt... cloudy. Light.
Actually, his entire body felt that way.
Immediately sitting upright and opening his eyes was not his best idea, however.
He could feel the tenderness of a freshly healed wound, the phantom pain that tended to linger after a wound was healed with magic.
The battle. The cursed Nor'enth. Alariel!
His last memory was of her leaning over him, hair falling from the braid to frame her concerned face. He had said something to her, but he wasn't- No. How many times had he told the same advice to recovering criminals? The most harmful lies are the ones you tell yourself.
Xenk could remember his blather, the weakness he had shown at being close to her again. Of course, he had just been stabbed in the back by an assassin, but that was no excuse. Had she noticed?
Looking around at the tent he was in, he was surprised to see the chair by his bedside was occupied by the object of his thoughts. At first, he had felt his heart jump at her open eyes, until her lack of movement or focus on him made her state of trance apparent. He hadn't traveled with many full-blooded elves since they had traveled together. Xenk had for a moment forgotten the trance of the elves, their ability to go for much longer without a full sleep as mortals did.
He had been lost in his memories, seeing her sitting there. Xenk had reached a hand towards hers, which lingered on the edge of the cot he had been placed on when there was a quiet *ahem*. Not quite sure why he felt embarrassed being caught in the situation, his hand jerked away from it's intended destination and he had trouble looking the bard in the eyes.
"If you were wondering why it's me and not say, Simon, its because we drew lots and I got the short stick."
"I would expect you to want to bask in my discomfort."
Edgin uncrossed his arms and moved to help Xenk by passing him his overcoat. "Yeah, but when Little Miss Sunshine over there stormed in earlier, she scared Holga."
"I find it doubtful that it was true fear."
"Yeah well," Edgin turned his back as Xenk finished getting his clothes together "Let's just say Holga thought her small-clothes were in a twist."
Xenk turned sharply, "Holga could see her undergarments?"
"No! No, she could just tell how upset she was. If you had been awake for the tongue-lashing you were given - and no she didn't actually hit you with her tongue - you wouldn't have been staring at her like that when I walked in." Edgin moved to his side, "What's up with that, by the way. You certainly weren't looking at her like you were the one to end the relationship."
Xenk turned back to the sleeping elleth. He could not hide the tenderness in his eyes, nor the deep sadness. Even if his oath forbade it, Xenk was a bad liar. "Weakness. She was always my weakness."
"Oh," Edgin paused with him "You didn't like feeling weak so you ditched her. At least I now know what makes Mr.Perfect-"
"That is not why I had to leave Alariel."
Edgin was egging him on, "Well if you say it like that-"
"You also know my surname is Yendar."
"Maybe you should explain it a bit more, to make sure no one gets the wrong idea." Edgin sat in another empty seat by a thankfully empty cot.
"I once gave you advice. To drag your lady... Your lady-love back to her old life is to deprive her of her new one. Alariel and I had started our journey together under the guise of traditional party members. There were others with us, but they came and went, our missions were so aligned that it made sense to stick together. Until it wasn't."
Xenk could feel the memories threatening to drown him. "But somewhere in-between that you two fell in love." Edgin looked confused.
"That's what I said."
Edgin was confused.
"So you loved her because she had the same goals as you?"
"Okay, maybe start at the beginning."
So Xenk began the tale of his engagement with Alariel.
See where this is going? Now I get to write knight fluff. :)
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vidapon · 8 days
Hey there! Even if you're still on that creative block, will you still be joining Artfight this year? I really want to make an attack on that Soroban 2000 character of yours! [My AF handle is PainterFight, btw ;)]
i'm not 100% sure just yet, but i would really like to! and it means a lot that you wanna draw them!! :'D
thankfully i'm starting to recover from my creative block, all thanks to a certain video game i've been going insane over, haha
so even if i can't say for sure right now, i think i'm definitely starting to feel more energized for the event at the very least!!
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serickswrites · 2 years
hi, i literally just found your blog so idk if this has already been done (i will be reading all of your works within the next few hours, btw) soooo here it is, feel free to ignore. i know its a monster block of text but its up to you to say yes or no. But if you do decide to write this i would very much love a happy ending for the whumpee. i always feel so sad when they can't recover and I don't think i could take it. :(
A Cashier/ barista person gets kidnapped on their way home from work. Full on yoinked off the street, into the clutches of a Whumper who is only concerned for the Whumpee's safety. You see, today the Whumpee was yelled at by a particularly aggressive customer( who may or may not be Whumpee's On again and Off again SO). The Whumper (a regular at the place where Whumpee works) Didn't like that.
the Whumper runs home and prepares a nice place for Whumpee. on Whumpee's way home from that shift Whumper shoves them in the van, and uses a syringe and takes them home. Whumper dresses them in comfy clothes, they have all of Whumpee's favorite foods ready, and they are so excited for Whumpee to wake up. They could both cuddle and watch all of Whumpee's favorite disney movies, and Whumpee would finally be safe and happy. Whumper was getting concerned about the dark circles underneath Whumpee's eyes, after all.
Hello! Thank you for stopping by! I can definitely write this, but I'm going to make a few tweaks (I'm not a fan of Whumper turned Caretaker). Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Kidnapping, yandere whumper, drugging, escape
Whumper had prepared everything to a perfect T. Whumpee would love it here. They just knew it.
They had been watching a very long time. Both at their place of work and at home. They had watched Whumpee navigate a coffee bar full of irritable customers and not bat an eyelash. Always cool as a cucumber. They watched as Whumpee dated a string of losers who didn't know Whumpee's value and worth. The latest having picked Whumpee up from the coffee shop. None of them were good enough for Whumpee.
But Whumper was.
And they knew that Whumpee was asking for their help yesterday when the customer ahead of Whumper in line--the latest loser to date Whumpee--screamed and berated Whumpee for serving them almond milk instead of soy milk.
"I said almond! God you're so dumb."
"S-s-sorry," Whumpee stammered as the customer threw the drink over the coffee bar. Whumpee had ducked, so thankfully, the coffee didn't hurt them. But still, Whumper was concerned.
Whumper was concerned when they tossed the customer out of the shop. Whumper was concerned when Whumpee sobbed to them over the counter. And Whumper was concerned when Whumpee gave them their coffee for free.
But Whumper's concerns would end today. They looked over at the unconscious Whumpee in their back seat. They had drugged Whumpee as they stepped out to walk home from the end of their shift. Drugged them and put them in the car.
Whumpee groaned. "Wha? Where?"
"It's ok, Whumpee, you're somewhere safe."
"Who the fuck are you?" Whumpee said as they sat up quickly.
"I do love it when you play games with me, Whumpee." Whumper loved how Whumpee was always pretending not to know them.
"Let me out. Now." Whumpee's voice was steady, but there was an edge.
"We're almost home, love. Then I can let you out. I made you dinner and I can draw you a bath after we watch your favorite movie." Tonight was going to be perfect.
"Let me out. Now!" Whumpee kicked out at the back of Whumper's chair. Whumper swerved as they lost control of the car. Whumpee took that moment to swing open the car door and dash out as Whumper had slowed to avoid hitting a fire hydrant.
"WHUMPEE!" Whumper shouted after them as Whumpee sprinted down the street screaming for help.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
Peopled out because someone has been here nearly everyday for a week, making home repairs for us because of thr ice storm last month. Thankfully, he was genuinely happy that I want at least three days without people here.
Seriously, this is why having a guest for more than two nights would have me snapping like an angry hyena.
At the same time, I'm lonely because Bubby doesn't wanna spend time with me. He's now nearly two months without DnD night due to the condition of thr converted garage. We still need to paint the walls, replace the carpet, install shelves on the walls, then move the furniture that's piled up in there.
On top of that, my period started today. I don't bleed or cramp anymore because uterus cauterized and tubes tied, but my boobs swell nearly a full cup size overnight. So now my boobs hurt. Explains my grumpiness though.
I'm giving myself the next several days to recover in order to prevent burnout. The quilt top is finished, fabric and pattern are pulled for the next one, and tomorrow I'm cleaning my sewing room after I out the current quilt in a frame to work on next week.
The highlights of my week: tea arrived and it was on sale so WOOT, the Throne wishlist item someone gifted me several weeks ago arrived today (box of random GF snacks), I got wool socks from a local shop (my feet sweat when cold, so hopefully these help me stay warm) and I need to wash them, my SSDI arrived early, I finished a quilt top, and one of the walls is done and ready for chalkboard paint.
Please send asks. If you read DA smut, please send a link or two to your favs. I prefer canon/near canon DA fanfics. I write explicit smut, so explicit is absolutely okay to send me. My AO3 is Chaosfay, btw. Link is on my profile. Anon is Disabled because I was receiving harassing asks.
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