#(which may well happen in the sequels!!! but i want some of that now)
thehardkandy · 5 months
finished a memory called empire and my closing feeling is mostly the same as my feelings at the 3/5 mark. no significant problems from the book, just doesn't click much. going to shelve continuing with the series
0 notes
warnersister · 6 months
Personal Space (two Bradshaws like it now)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: A sequel in which you love your personal space. Unfortunately, Bradley also loves your personal space. Even more so now you’ve had a baby, apparently.
Can be read as a part 2, but doesn’t have to be. Read Personal Space here
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You really didn’t know when it all happened, when you and Bradley became a thing. At first he was just an annoying crew member you couldn’t shake off your tail. Then he was your wingman. Then you got accidentally placed into marriage accommodation and the two of you played it off so you could get better housing. Then you actually bought a house. And then somewhere along the way you got married.
“Where shall we have the wedding?” Bradley asked and you raised a brow “register office” you shrug “what you don’t want a wedding?” He asks, hand on his chest as he feigns offence. “You do?” You ask and he nods vigorously. You huff. “Fine” “so shall we do it on the beach?” He asks “okay” you just go along with it, hardly even entertaining the idea at all.
“So? What do you think?” Nat asks as she makes you pivot in a white gown “I think I look like a roll of toilet paper” you said, crossing your arms “maybe it’s just not the dress for you?” She reasons and you shake your head “just not really into the whole idea of this wedding. I kinda thought we’d just sign papers and get on with it” you said “well you picked Bradshaw, he’s a drama queen at the best of times” she says and you him in agreement; your consultant leading you back to the fitting rooms “let’s try another”.
You’d left with a sleeved dress; hating the idea of having a low cut dress, and begging Nat to just let you leave. Sure, you loved the dress - but you loved the idea of getting out of that suffocating shop more.
“Hey honey” Bradley had said, hearing you walk into the house and set your keys on the kitchen counter. “Hi” you reply shortly, moving to fill your cup with water from the sink. “How was your day?” He asked, moving to rest his head on your shoulder and holding you from behind. “Good. Bought a wedding dress” you say simply “you did what?!”
Then on your wedding day, you’d stared at yourself in the mirror far too long. “You look gorgeous” Penny whispers, squeezing your shoulders comfortingly “I look like a fucking pin up doll” you huff, not necessarily believing yourself - just not used to being such a central perspective of attention. “Wow” your dad says, walking into the room “you look gorgeous” he whispers “is there an echo in here?” You mumble, but smile at him “thank you” you say, wiping the tears from under his eyes. “C’mon, Bradley’s nearly about to come get you himself”
You showed up to the beach-front wedding right on time, completely dead against the idea of being in any way, shape, or form late. Your father gave you away, Bradley in floods of tears at the end of the isle by the time you’d gotten there. “You look incredible” he whispers, lips quivering as he stares at you “shut up you’re going to make me cry.” You grumble, but smile. “It’s okay to cry.” He says, as the ceremony begins. “You may now kiss your bride” and Bradley dipped you and kissed you sweetly, drowning out the cheers of those around you. “I love you, Bradshaw.” You say, smally, “I love you more, sweetheart” he says and kisses your forehead “you’re crying” he points out “shut up”
And then you looked at the two lines on the pregnancy test two years later. You hummed “okay” and looked at yourself in the mirror, knowing nothing else other than the fact that you had to tell Bradley right that second. You marched downstairs, where he was sat playing with some keys on the piano you’d bought him last Christmas, stopping next to him. “Hey baby, y’alright?” He asked, and you just held out the stick to him. “What’s this?” He asks, taking it from you and looking over it once. “You serious?” He asked, looking at you; smile growing from ear to ear “you’re pregnant?” He almost whispers “unless the other four lied.” you say and he jumps up and pulls you into his arms, kissing all over your face until you shouted at him to stop.
He knelt down and looked at your stomach, kissing it gently then moving to put his ear against it “uh huh” he hummed “Bradley what are you-” “shush I’m talking to em” he says and you stand, unimpressed, but let him nonetheless. “Oh yeah baby, I’m excited to meet you too” he coos “yeah, yeah, I’m your dad” and you audibly giggle. He looks up at you, eyes wide “you done?” You ask and he nods “yeah little one was done talking” he smiles, and hugs you close again. “I need to get the baby clothes out of the attic” he mumbles, kissing your temple “the what?” You ask “I bought them when we started renting the house!” He says, dragging you excitedly up the stairs “but we own the house, Brad” you him “no, no, the one we had during the mission!” He says and you gasp internally, realising how long the two of you had been together without even noticing it.
“Hey dad” you say, as you and Bradley head into the hangar he and you owned “hey honey, hey Brad” your dad greets, wiping the oil from his hands to come over and talk to the two of you. He kissed your forehead and hugged you, then your husband before walking back over to the aircraft he was working on. “Thought you needed a new picture for your pinboard” you hum “oh? I just added the wedding photo!” He says, excitedly, showing you the filled gap. “Okay, guess you don’t want the sonogram of your grandchild.” You say, turning to head out before Bradley hurriedly grabbed you and turned you back into the situation, pulling the strip of photos from his breast pocket. Your dad stood with his jaw wide open “you’re-” he breathes “you’re really pregnant?” He asks as his eyes well with tears “well I wouldn’t lie-” you say but he just pulls you into a big bear hug, pinning Baby Bradshaw’s picture onto his board.
You head to go look at the part of the engine your dad couldn’t quite fix while Bradley held back with Maverick. He turns to him and shakes his hand “your dad would’ve been so proud.” He says, smiling at Bradley “I know you are.” Rooster smiles, wordlessly being pulled into a hug with his father-in-law.
Then one evening you were sat up in bed, Bradley sound asleep beside you as you look down at the barely visible bump. Bradley had sort of a sixth sense, somehow knowing you weren’t asleep beside him. “Hey, baby what’s up?” He croaks, immediately moving to sit up with you when he sees his senses were correct. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, Bradley.” You say, staring ahead at the wall “what do you mean?” He asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “I mean I’m a fighter pilot, I was raised by a single father, I never had that maternal instinct, what am I doing?” You whisper, and when Bradley managed to finally pull your face towards him you were crying “oh sweetheart” he hums, pulling you into him gently “you’re gonna be the best momma ever, and the fact that you worry proves that. I love you, okay?” He comforts “I know. I love you too.”
You were stubborn the whole pregnancy. You thought it was ridiculous that people just stopped when they were pregnant, and Bradley was trailing you trying anything to get you to just relax. “Hen, please!” He begs as you head out for your morning run “I’m three months pregnant, Bradley. I’m not incompetent.” You snap, as he begrudgingly pulls on his running shoes and follows you out the door. He pulled you back anytime you went quicker than a 10 minute mile “Bradley, if you slow me down one more time I’m going to pull your arm out of your socket” you snap and he holds his hands up “message received.”
Then one day, at around the sixth month mark you walked into the house and slammed the door so hard it rattled. “What’s up?” Bradley asked, as you practically threw your stuff on the floor. “They’re putting me on the desk.” You grumble, anger evident in your eyes while his soften “oh baby we knew that was gonna happen” he soothes, rubbing your arm reassuringly “no! No we didn’t! I was perfectly fine hiding the bump, but no!” You huff “I’m Bradley Bradshaw and all of California has to know my wife’s pregnant!” You imitate him but he just smirks “oh I’m so sorry that everyone needs to know you’re taken and carrying my baby” he says, smugly. “Don’t you smile at me Bradley-” you wag an accusatory finger at him, but he heaves you over his shoulder, and towards the stairs “c’mon, let’s help you blow off some steam” he reasons “y’know it’s possible to get pregnant while pregnant, right?” You ask and he cheers “woohoo! Two for one deal, sounds great!” He says and you can’t help but smile.
Then came your maternity leave, Bradley picked you up in his bronco. You were quick to head outside, and he kinda hated how well you hid the bump. “I’m done.” You huff, settling into the seat beside him “if that bitch from accounting asks me one more time if I want her herbal teas I’m going to knock her teeth out” you complain and Bradley chuckles “well, just me, you and Baby Bradshaw now” he says and you hum in agreement.
But when you approached your street, you rolled straight past your house and straight to the Hard Deck ‘congratulations on your baby’ banners plastered all over “welcome to our baby shower!” Bradley grins as you pull up “is this really necessary? They aren’t even here yet.” You tell him and he shrugs “thought it might take your mind off maternity leave” you smile at him “thanks, Brad”
And at one point in the evening, you sat Natasha and Bob down separately. “Hey Phoenix, can we borrow you?” Brad asked, pulling her away from her conversation “yeah of course guys!” You took a seat at a table and Bradley forced you to elevate your feet against your will. “What’s up?” She asks “how’d you like to be godmother to little Bradshaw?” Her eyes lit up when Bradley asked and she leant over the table to hug the two of you “oh I’d love too!” She announces, excitedly.
Then you head over to Bob, but Phoenix holds Rooster back “they have a special connection, let her do this”. You sit on the stool next to Bob and he offers you some peanuts which you refuse, and you stay sat in silence for a minute. “Bob can I ask you something?” You ask, as he pulls your calves up to rest in his lap “of course, hen” he says, brushing some crumbs off his top “what’s up?” “Well, the job we’re in isn’t an old job” you say and he laughs and agrees “it’s also dangerous” you say, and again - he nods. “So if anything happens to me and Brad, can you be there for little Bradshaw?” His eyes widen and start to swell with tears “will you be our godfather?” You ask and he nods, moving to miss your cheek “of course I will, hen. I’d be honoured.”
Bradley and you had started putting together your hospital bag at the 8 month mark. You were both premature so had a bit of superstition, especially with only being a few weeks off of the 40 mark. You’d placed the bag by the front door, along with a baby carrier in the middle seat of his Bronco.
It was week 38 when you were both putting together the crib beside your bed, two spare bedrooms and still you only wanted your baby beside you. “Okay all done, baby” your husband said “okay. My water broke three minutes ago” you say as calmly as he had, he nods, then whips his head back round “your water broke?” He asks and looks down, and indeed, your water had broken “oh my god your water broke?!” He announced, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out to the bronco, picking the hospital bag up on the way. “Ready to have a baby?” He asks, giddily. “Am I supposed to be?” You ask and he shakes his head with a smile “no”
You were dead silent during birth and it scared the shit out of Bradley. “Do you want an epidural, honey? They’ve offered-” “no.” “Can I get you more ice?” “No.” And he tried everything, even when it was time to push. You held his hand and your mouth was zipped shut. “Is she supposed to be this quiet?” He asked the doctor who just looked at him nonchalantly “it’s normal, all mothers react differently to birth” he said. “I’m a fighter pilot Bradley. I’ve had worse.” You grit. “Breathe baby” he tells you “I think you need to.” You say “stop being dramatic” you say as you push again “honey-” “either shut up or get out.” You tell him and he glues his mouth shut, at least until the baby comes.
Bradley cuts the chord and they hand you your baby, and your eyes widen as you stare at the baby on your chest “welcome to the world Nick Bradshaw” you coo at the baby and Bradley raised his brows “Nick?” He asks, voice cracking “what? Got a problem with that? You and your stupid dick” you grumble and Bradley laughs and shakes his head, kissing your forehead.
“Hey mom, shall we take baby so you can get some rest?” The nurse asked, leaning to take Nick from your arms “excuse me?” You asked, pulling your baby closer. “So you can sleep?” She suggests “I’ve carried him for nine months and now he’s here you’re taking him away?” You ask “well, some mothers like to sleep” “I can sleep when I’m dead.” You deadpan, and she realised that Nick wouldn’t have been pried from your hands even if you were dead, so she left you all alone.
“Taking you away from mommy? Who does she think she is?” You whisper to baby Nick. “Welcome back to the world, Bradshaw.” You say and Bradley can only smile and hold the two of you close.
You’re going to be just fine in this mommy role.
Part 2-ish? I know it was really well liked and I enjoyed writing it so hope you enjoy this one too!
-> @rosiahills22 here’s another one!
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biconickyoshi · 4 months
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Been wanting to do some updated character model sheet thingies for my ongoing longfic The Avatar and the Fire Prince, so here they are! :) Up until now I'd only drawn Zuko and Aang, but I thought it was about time I added Iroh and the Water Tribe siblings to the lineup as well. Right now all I've done this for is Books 1 & 2, but I really want to get started on the Books 3 & 4 versions so I can add Toph and Suki (and possibly Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee) to the lineup!
As usual, for anyone who has not read my fic but is curious about the premise: this is an AU in which Zuko and Iroh discover Aang in the iceberg just 3 months after Zuko is burned and banished at age 13 in 96 AG, 4 years prior to the return of Sozin's Comet. It is also an enemies to best friends to lovers slowburn in which Zukaang is endgame (since Aang was released from the iceberg 3 years early in this AU, he is only one year younger than Zuko). This fic is heavily based in canon, so I try my hardest to ensure that everything is canon-compliant at least when it comes to lore and character behavior despite the different circumstances.
Book 1: Air's premise: after finding and capturing Aang, Zuko and Iroh are forced to escape with him on Appa when Zhao interferes with their plans to return to the Fire Nation. This Book focuses on Aang desperately searching the Air Temples for any remnants of his people he can find, dragging Zuko and Iroh along in the process. Eventually, Zuko starts to question everything he was raised to believe, while Iroh is forced to face the mistakes of his past.
Book 2: Water begins with Aang, Zuko, and Iroh traveling to the South Pole after Aang starts to have recurring nightmares about an impending attack on Wolf Cove (Sokka and Katara's village), and eventually follows my adaptations of several storylines from canon Book 1 before ending with the Siege of the North in Agna Qel'a. During this Book, Zuko begins to realize his feelings for Aang are more than friendship, while Aang remains oblivious (lol).
Book 3: Earth is the Book I am currently working on (the most recent chapter was my adaptation of "Avatar Day") and so far follows Aang, Zuko, Iroh, Katara, and Sokka as they search for an earthbending teacher for Aang - so far, it has followed the general canon plot of Book 2, though of course, as always, there are differences due to this being an AU. No spoilers, but I have some really interesting things planned for this Book, particularly as we get closer to the Ba Sing Se arc. I also have a lot of fun stuff planned for the Zukaang romance in this Book.
Book 4: Fire will be the last Book of the fic, and will of course revolve around the Gaang in the Fire Nation. This is all I will say for now since I don't want to spoil the plans I have for the previous Book (which will heavily influence what happens in Book 4, obv).
When I finally finish this fic (I'm about halfway through at 33/65 chapters), I plan to start writing a direct sequel that adapts the events of the comics, as well as a Korrasami-focused Legend of Korra rewrite fic that is set in the same AU as TAatFP.
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ofmdrecaps · 22 days
09/02-03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Leslie Jones; Lindsey Cantrell; Connor Barrett; Dominic Burgess; Sept 2: OFMD Marmalade Day; Trends; Articles; TellTaleTV Final Round; WWDITS 10th Anniversary Blurays; FanSpotlight: FanWeeks: OFMD Sequel Week; Stede Whump Week; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
== David Jenkins ==
David's out at the US Open with Kinga!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram Stories
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is EVERYWHERE this week, jeez. He really is causing a stir on every single platform, let me tell you. Below he's having a bit of a drink with some friends, out and about with Rosie!
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Source: Facebook
Next up-- there's a new Indy Dramedy that just wrapped called "Song Of The Bigfoot" and Deadline has some new info on it!
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Source: Rhys' Instagram Stories
Rhys is also looking to help raise some funds for the Kitten Rescue we all remember well from earlier this year! You can bid on this signed OFMD picture of the cast! To bid, visit here.
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Source: Rhys' Twitter
Rhys also shared an older video of him discussing wanting to be Earths Ambassador!
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
Annnnnd more shots are becoming available from the 100th episode of the Cryptid Factor, Live in London!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
And finally, Last But CERTAINLY not least, there's a new The Cryptid Factor special episode for the $10 / Tier on Patreon!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
== Taika Waititi ==
Some more shots of Taika while he was out and about! Also a recipe for the Pispili that he and Andy Hearnden shared on instagram a while back!
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Source: Instagram
and lastly a quick little tiktok of the Forever Young Rita & Taika!
Source: Rita Ora's Tiktok
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's out at Nickelodeon studios doing some voice over work!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn / WJW ==
Surprise #WeeJohnWednesday! 9pm BST (4pm EST, 1pm PST) tomorrow-- Sept 4!
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Source: Kristian's Twitter
A huge thank you to @adoptourcrew for getting us the Kristian Nairn OFMD blurb from the latest Popverse Article (it is behind a sign up, but here's the article!)
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Con O'Neill ==
Con taking a nap with Cooper now that he's back from Mexico <3 (and David Fane was a sweetheart and popped his head in as well).
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Source: Con's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan back at the bedroom selfies again!
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Source: Nathan's Instagram Stories
== Linds Cantrell ==
Linds Cantrell did an Ask Me Anything on Instagram today while she was waiting for a plane! She answered several questions, including something regarding OFMD BTS which may be completely out, but she'll be going to LA Comic Con in October! I'm planning on making a post with all her answers when I get a moment, but here's a few!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie is out here rocking a workout, and looking bad ass <3
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our dear Jeffrey Fettering, Dominic, blessed us today with some kitties as well as a shot.. of well him getting a shot!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
== September 2, Marmalade Day ==
Several of our crew members continued the September festivities with Marmalade Day on Sept 2!
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Source: HSavernake's Twitter
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Source: Astroglide Twitter
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing another article talking about OFMD!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== More Trends ==
Heyyy guess who was trending on Sept 2 on TUMBLR! (I believe it was because of the Sept 1 Dickfuck/Lighthouse day, but could be have been more! let me know if you know something else happened! Thank you to the badass @poison-into-positivity for catching it <3
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Source: @poison-into-positivity's Tumblr
== Tell Tale TV Voting Reminders ==
Reminder! Stede and Ed are in the final round of Ship of the Year! Please visit TellTale TV! Thank you @ofmd-ann for the reminder dear!
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Source: Ofmd-Ann's Tumblr
== What We Do In The Shadows Bluray ==
Okay so WWDITS is not OFMD but it has Rhys and Taika so gonna send a boost out of this! Thank you to the absolutely spectacular @ jimjim531969 over on twitter for always bringing the latest cool news regarding the cast. You truly are a gem <3
Also per Jim:
Links to pre-order the WWDITS 10th anniversary blu-ray:
Australia & NZ (16 October, 2024)
USA & Canada (November 1st, 2024): Amazon or Barnes & Noble
UK (01/11/2024)
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Source: @ jimjim531969 on Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Upcoming Fan Weeks =
* OFMD Sequel Week *
There's a new Fan-Week been announced for Nov 17 - 23, OFMD Sequel Week! Check them out on Twitter and give them a follow to keep up with the latest news!
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Source: OFMDSequelWeek Twitter
* Stede Whump Week *
Stede Whump Week will be happening 28 Oct - 3rd Nov, and the bingo cards for that week are now available on Twitter!
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Source: Stede Whump Week Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
There's a new episode of Never Left out, and it's Part 2 of the discussion on Birds! Wanna check it out? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Hoping your week is progressing in an upward direction. I hopefully get to finally talk to my dad tomorrow after over a week of everything going on, so I'll be in and out of things again. I know everyone is dealing with their own level of craziness right now, and I want to remind you that you're doing great no matter what you're dealing with. It could be little, it could be huge, it could be life-changing, or could be making you regress further back than you'd like-- whatever it is, you are getting through the best way you can, and you never have to feel bad about that.
I know it can feel like there's never an end to the chaos-- but remember that there are pockets of joy and love there in this life too, and however you need to cope with your daily struggles, don't feel bad in taking solace in that. Enjoy the little things, no matter how small. Rest up lovelies, breathe in, breathe out, drink some water, and keep going. Below is a very appropriate love note (for me personally but for so many others as well), courtesy of the amazing The Latest Kate. Not everything is clear right now, but it'll get there, just stay with us, and don't give up. Sending you so much love, crew <3
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
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speedycoffeedelight · 6 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery:You find yourself in a bit of a tight spot...
CH-13: A small problem arises
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Charlie's scream brought Vaggie and Pentious in the room as they stood there agape as well.
'What's with all the ruckus around here?' Alastor said as he stepped inside the cabin again for the second time. 'Niffty's human again!' Pentious answered from your door looking back at Alastor.
Alastor quickly peeked into the room over Vaggie's shoulder.
Indeed there was Niffty, who now had much more humane appearance being held by you. She had short light brown hair with red hues which were all damp and wet. On top of her milkish white skin was a pair of light yellow eyes blinking at you, not knowing what just happened while holding onto your shoulder.
She also had her old maid uniform on. But there was a tiny hole behind her dress where a small dog tail was poking out and she had a pair of dog ears as well. Despite her small frame, she was still an adult. But you kept holding her up like she weighted nothing.
After your eyes adjusted finally you slowly opened your eyes. "Niffty..?" You choked out. You were surprised to find yourself holding onto a human, well almost a human girl instead of the cute puppy of a few seconds ago.
"Oh my god Niffty you became human too!" Charlie sequeled as she ran over to you both. As she was talking about Niffty's new look to her you felt water droplets fall on your chest. Looking down you realised you may have been holding Niffty for quite a while and water from her hair was falling on you. You decided to put her down as others came to examine Niffty's new form.
"Niffty you have dog ears! How cute!" Charlie squealed as she leaned down to her level. Alastor came close to Niffty, taking in her new form.
'Niffty, dear, tell me exactly what you were doing before you turned into this. Spare no details' Alastor quickly inquired as soon as he stepped inside the room.
"Let the girl breathe Alastor. She just turned human, let her get used to her form first" Vaggie stepped in front of her.
"Niffty you feel any different?" You asked crouching down to her height.
"No I don't think so? But I can clean properly now! There are some spots I couldn't reach as a dog. I'm coming for those now!" She ended with a creepy laugh as she sprinted to finally clean with proper stuffs.
You nervously laughed looking at her. "At least she's making the best of her form" you stood up.
'Sooo, Charlie ...' Angel began to speak .
'As of so far about turning into human, the timing is from when you come here right?'
"Seems like it for now yeah! Why?" Charlie asked turning to face the spider. Meanwhile you grabbed a new loose t-shirt and shorts and went to take a quick shower in the bathroom.
'That means I'm next right? Haha,fuck yeah! Can't wait to finally get out of this shitty spider body!' Angel said celebrating by himself.
'Hold on that means I'm last! Fucking great..' Cherri looked the exact opposite of Angel dust.
'Heh don't worry toots, I'll personally carry you around when I become human again.'
'oh fuck off'
When you came out of the shower, you were faced with Niffty literally zooming from place to place with a duster and big ass needle, that gods knows where she found from, cleaning your place up. You could appreciate her enthusiasm. At least you don't have to worry about cleaning your cabin any longer.
"Hey (Y/n), could we borrow some of your clothes?" Vaggie asked standing beside you. "Me and Charlie wanted to take a shower if you don't mind but we don't really have other cloths..."
"Oh yes please go ahead!" You quickly reassured her. "Choose whichever you'd like, please. Most of my clothes are kinda oversized since they're most comfortable to wear. But I have some tight fitted ones of my own size too. You should be able to find the ones that fit you "
"Thank you, we'll go pick some out then" Vaggie smiled at you as she went to fetch Charlie and get the cloths. You went outside at your balcony as you sipped on
some coffee and scrolled through twitter.
"They're gonna sell trading cards now?" You were wide eyed looking at the video that the Hazbin hotel twitter account just posted. "There's keychains and literal key too!! Ahhh I want it! I want it so bad!"
But your wallet was practically crying. If you were to buy those right now, it might be hard to even last the week. Especially since there are three new people in the house. Your next paycheck should come after this week was over.
There was another thing to consider, if all of the cast turned human, you might not have enough money to feed all of them. Something needs to be done so at least you all don't starve. So it was a bit of a problem.
You headed back inside so you could call for a meeting. You found Charlie and Vaggie drying their hair in your room. Vaggie wore a oversized hoodie of yours with shorts and Charlie wore one of your dresses. Your heart practically swooned at the sight of them wearing your cloths. Was this the reason people in relationship steal each others cloths so much?
You explained the situation to Vaggie who quickly gathered the other animals and Niffty. You sat on your bed and explained your concerns. Vaggie volunteered to translate for the animals.
"We really need to find a way to make more money. My salary might be enough to somehow feed three to four people at best. But not about eight of you"
'What if we attacked drunks and perverts in the streets and took their money? We would be keeping the streets clean AND get the money we need' Alastor suggested.
"Are you fucking nuts? No way we're doing that!" Vaggie screamed.
"Wait what did he say?" You asked confused looking at both of them.
"Oh he said if we could kill people and take their money" Niffty answered for you while swinging her feet from the bed.
"What the- noo!" This time you screamed looking at Alastor. "Can you not about think anything except hurting others?"
'You are the one who asked us for our suggestion'
'What if you guys become stripper's instead? It pays good money~'
"I don't think I'd be comfortable with that Angel..." Charlie nervously laughed.
After a lot more talking and presenting ideas and erasing them, Pentious finally spoke up.
'What if Charlie and Vaggie gets a job here?'
Vaggie translated it for you. "Job huh..that might be the best but where could you guys work around here without any papers.." you mumbled by yourself. "Not to mention Charlie's horns and Vaggie's antenna's on the head."
"Oh oh I could make something at home with my sewing if you'd like! Then we can go sell it!" Niffty chipped in.
'And I could create new gadgetsss when I become human! No doubt people will go crazy with the inventionss made by the great Sir Pentiousss!'
You smiled after you heard Niffty and Vaggie translated Pentious's words. "Yes that could work as well. Nice thinking both of you"
"As for the rest of you, we'll decide once you become human. For now we'll focus on getting Charlie or Vaggie to work so the load lessens a bit.  Though it'll be hard finding a place that doesn't require any paperworks or something.."
You scratched your chin, deep in thought. Suddenly you remembered about a certain someone.
"I think I know just who to call for a little help to get through. But I really would rather not call her without an emergency." You sighed.
"Oh who is it (Y/n)?" Charlie asked with curiosity.
"My cousin, Melody." You said looking at the phone. "It's been some time since I last talked with her." You said sadly.
'Do you have an issue going on that girl or something?' Husk asked from the chair he was sitting and Niffty translated it for you.
"No no, not at all. It's the opposite in fact. I see her as my little sister and we basically grew up together "
"Then what's the matter?" Vaggie was confused with you answer. "Why didn't you call her all this time?"
"Her parents hate me. So I try not to call her as much so she doesn't get in any trouble. But I think a call is long overdue by now" you dialed up the number and exhaled trying to prepare yourself. "I'll be right back after the call" You said while moving out to the balcony and calling her.
'Why would anyone hate someone so sssweet as her?' Pentious said as he looked at all of them.
"I know right? She has been taking care of us all these time and she's practically an angel!" Charlie exclaimed.
'Now now Charlie, don't go jumping to conclusions just yet. We haven't seen all of her. Who knows what she's hiding in her past.' Alastor said with a grin. 'There must be some reason for this'
'Even though I hate to admit it, this fucker might be right. Don't get all high horse about her now. We barely know her properly.' Husk looked away and lied down on the chair and curled up facing away from everyone.
"Let's not all get hasty. We should wait for her to come back and hear from her what happened" Vaggie tried to stay neutral about all these as she looked in the direction of the balcony.
Melody didn't pick up the first call. But she picked the second. With your heart pounding you asked softly first like you always do.
"Hey is this a good time?"
This was to ensure your aunt, uncle or her dreaded brother weren't nearby to stir up trouble for Melody. You smiled when she said yes in a overjoyed tone.
"Yes it is! Skylar got in trouble for drinking last night and mom and dad's letting him have it. They won't be here for some time. And why haven't you called all this time?? I missed you!"
You smiled gently hearing she still misses you. And it looked like her brother was being a pain in the ass as usual.
"Isn't that guy like 15 or something? Anyway, I'm sorry for not calling you Mel, I was afraid of getting you in trouble.. "
"Girl stop worrying about me! I'll handle them one way or another. But I suppose you had a reason for calling me now hm?"
You felt guilt travelling through your entire body to reconsider your decision to ask her for help.
"Yes I actually did..but let me hear about how your life's been so far! Tell me all the gossips!"
"Hm,sure then. There was this guy...."
Melody talked about a guy she has a crush on, how her parents are overpressuring her with their expectations to a new shitty series she just started watching. You both laughed and joked just like old times. It was almost enough to make you forget about the whole deal.
"And the story's so fucking boring too like god you won't believe! Bitch at least have interesting characters! Oh and anyways what was the thing you wanted to talk to me about?"
"I was hoping you could lend me some money... I'm kinda in a tight spot recently after I bought the new cabin. I'll repay you don't worry -" you got cut off from her answering.
"Shut up, not a another word from you! Take as much as you need and don't worry about paying!"
"No buts!" Melody's voice became a bit softer. "You never really ask me for anything. You're always the one helping me out since we were little. Let me have this at least (Y/n)"
"Alright...and who says you don't do anything?" You said with small smile creeping on your face.
After a bit more talking you told her a decent amount of money that you needed in case of emergency. You made sure to not ask more then you might need. After a few seconds of cutting the call, you got a notification saying the money has been transferred.
You went back inside with a smile on your face. "I got the money guys! We don't need to worry about starving for now." You happily announced at the lot.
"That's great to hear! Also (Y/n) some of us was a little curious about what you said before, of your aunt's and uncle not liking you.." Charlie said looking at Alastor and Husk especially.
"Oh yeah about that......" You sighed. You were unsure on how to present the story to them.
"So when I was six.."
A.N: This was a rather mild chap but it needed to be done to get rid of some questions people might have in future.
Also I'm making their human apparences based on their ethnicity and fanart I find online and add my own little twist there. So everything might not be entirely accurate.
Which show you guys think Melody was watching? 🤔🤔
Tagging: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150
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quirkwizard · 2 months
My Hero Academia is officially over. Ten years, four hundred and thirty chapters, forty two manga volumes. After all of that, it's done.
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I find myself... empty might be the word. Not sad, angry, disappointed, elated, or anything else the rest of the fanbase seems to be going through. More in that I find myself lacking any real feelings about it. Which is odd. Maybe because I don't get as emotionally invested in media as other people. Maybe because I've had time to prepare myself and come to terms with it being over. Maybe I'm still processing what happened, and it will just hit me all at once someday. 
Because I feel like I should have more to say now that everything is said and done. I think the real reason why is because My Hero Academia isn't truly over. I'm not talking about any of the sequels or spin-offs that may come after this, but I'm sure they are going to happen. My Hero Academia made a massive mark. It captured and inspired so many people in so many ways. It's impact is going to be felt for a long time, whether it be in any published material or fan-made works. 
And for that, I have to thank Horikoshi. The life of a mangaka is never an easy one. It's long, hard, and undervalued for how much work they put in. He sacrificed a lot of time and effort. The man pushed through his terrible health and plenty of other setbacks to try and get the manga out. And regardless of what you think of the final product, I still find myself respecting and commending him for being willing to put himself through all that for his art. Because without him, we'd never have this series.
I have him to thank for this blog as well. If I hadn't found this series, I would have never made this blog. I would have never gotten to make all of these fun powers. I've never gotten to get deeper into analyzing media and have a creative outlet for myself. And most importantly, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to make something that so many people have enjoyed. To me, that's one of, if not the best, achievements with this whole blog: that what I've done has made anyone happy by reading it. 
I guess the real question is, what's going to become of this blog now? I mean, that story is over, isn't it? I'm sure that all of you are going to move on to whatever you want to do next, aren't you? Shouldn't I be doing the same? After all, I've been running this blog for over six years now. Whatever the case may be, know that I will give my thoughts on the epilogue like I said I would. I want to give myself some time to think about it and put my thoughts together. So be on the lookout for that.
So until then, Plus Ultra!
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beebopboom · 10 months
Greasy Johnson: a Red Herring?
This is a season 3 speculation post - you know not what to do with them
ok so i’ve fallen down a Greasy Johnson is Jesus rabbit hole and I love it - seems pretty plausible (here are some of of the pieces that sent me down here - Jesus 2.0 rides a Motorcycle Scooter , Greasy Johnson is Jesus, and Greasy Johnson in the book)
To summarize Greasy Johnson is the third baby in the swap who grows up near Adam and has kind of a “rival gang” who in the book is used as the reason why Adam finds a fight between two rivals ridiculous
plus you have the working title for the talked about sequel 668: The Neighbor of the Beast which more than likely is Greasy Johnson house and his thing with tropical fish - just a lot of things pointing to him being Jesus
But!! I want to talk about something a little different (and I can recognize this is probably just my want for Warlock to come back as someone important) because it was a choice not have him mentioned after the swap in the show.
What if Warlock is Jesus? Now just hear me out
If i’m following the swap right Warlock is our baby draped in blue and is the Young’s actual son
Now going back a bit I believe Heaven has been testing out aspects of what is said to happen in the Second Coming for a while now maybe as far back as 1827 but probably got close to right around 1941 and was just waiting for Hell to have the Antichrist and trigger Armageddon
and yknow for being an order of satanic nuns they sure do have a lot of Jesus on the Cross hanging around. why? - it’s almost like the were also meant to deliver him as well
So when Hell pulled their final card - so did Heaven
Now who was not meant to be there that night and messed everything up - the Young’s and their baby, Warlock - it’s almost like it was a divine intervention. And like I said earlier Warlock is our baby draped in blue (like Jesus) and our Ace card (ace up their sleeve anyone?)
Greasy Johnson was apart of Hells plan and set up - Warlock was not
also he has traveled the world because of the Dowling’s work before being tempted by Hastur which he denies
and the whales and dinosaurs we see in his room - you got your mothers humor don’t you?
and he is the only one who has to make a return to the UK - the plane in the opening sequence
what about Greasy Johnson and the neighbor of the beast though? that seems to be a pretty great fit and I agree - he is going to be the reason the swap is discovered and they all get together again - whatever that reason may be (*cough*dying*cough*)
and not mentioning him further in season one allows for him to come in as a completely new character and story that we get to follow around with points in his life pointing towards him being Jesus - as a distraction for the characters and for us
but where does Aziraphale come into this and why does the Metatron need an angel of his talents? - Heaven has also lost its card(baby), the trick worked a little too well and there are still two children to choose between, if they could find them - and Aziraphale, who has shown is apt at finding and identifying the Antichrist and knows Earth better than any angel, is just the being for the job
I recognize this is a lot of speculation and this is just kinda just a crack theory but it wouldn’t leave me alone so I’d thought I’d share
and mostly I think it’d be funny that in thinking they were raising the Antichrist they were actually raising Jesus Christ
(but also it would fit a lot of the headcannons floating around. Jesus being a right terror? check. Them raising Jesus? already did that. Trans!Jesus? remember all those trans!warlock headcannons. Jesus having a mentor relationship with Crowley? the demon raised Warlock. Going out for a drink? Warlock would an adult now by the time season 3 comes out and they keep following that the events in the show are happening at the present time it comes out trend - just on and on)
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kimberleyjean · 4 days
What did Adam change? (Part 1)
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To follow up on my recent reblog about the baby swap, I'm going to take a closer look at Adam where we leave him at the end of S1. Because, by the end of S1, Adam had changed quite a few things... and I'm going to use both the TV show and the book to provide evidence.
To become the Young's real son, I don't think Adam really needed to change all that much. He just says the words to Satan, Satan disappears, and that should be it, right? But no, because Adam goes much further, and I think he does it because he can.
Because Adam has opinions, you see. Opinions on how the world should be and what he wants to happen. Except, unlike Agnes, who needs to write a prophecy and then wait 300 years for her descendant to enact it, Adam can just make it so.
The Other Two Babies
I originally thought about putting all the things Adam changes into a single post, but instead I'm going to make this a short series of posts, because he changes a fair bit. Let's start with where we left off with the baby swap, crack open a copy of the book and discuss the changes for Warlock and Greasy first.
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Here's some excerpts of Warlock flying home from Megiddo to America (my bolds for emphasis):
It was Sunday afternoon. High over England a 747 droned westwards. In the first-class cabin a boy called Warlock put down his comic and stared out of the window.
And now he was going back to the States. There had been some sort of problem with tickets or flights or airport destination-boards or something. It was weird; he was pretty sure his father had meant to go back to England. Warlock liked England. It was a nice country to be an American in.
And Warlock flew on to America. He deserved something (after all, you never forget the first friends you ever had, even if you were all a few hours old at the time) and the power that was controlling the fate of all mankind at that precise time was thinking: Well, he's going to America, isn't he? Don't see how you could have anythin' better than going to America. They've got thirty-nine flavors of ice cream there. Maybe even more.
So it's Adam who has sent Warlock back to America, despite Warlock wanting (even, expecting) to be on his way to England. And he's controlling the fate of all mankind.
Likewise, he has changes for Greasy Johnson too (the discarded baby who grows up to win prizes for his tropical fish).
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The plane was at that point passing right above the Lower Tadfield bedroom of Greasy Johnson, who was aimlessly leafing through a photography magazine that he'd bought merely because it had a rather good picture of a tropical fish on the cover. A few pages below Greasy's listless finger was a spread on American football, and how it was really catching on in Europe. Which was odd… because when the magazine had been printed, those pages had been about photography in desert conditions. It was about to change his life.
Adam is deciding here how to alter Warlock and Greasy's paths. Warlock wants to be back in the UK, but Adam thinks America is better, while Greasy's magazine is changed to American football, which I guess is implying he's going to become an American footballer.
Now, not everyone may be aware, but these parts weren't in the first release of the novel. It only came about later, in the American edition. Apparently the changes were in response to prompting from the American editor, but they got "carried away" making those changes (source).
Season 3 (warning: speculation)
So, do you think this could be relevant for S3? For me personally, the fact that these bits were added later makes me wonder if this was helping to set up for a potential sequel. It's certainly poetic - just like the baby swap that originally involved all three, we are now implying a potential adolescent swap of Greasy, who is interested in American football, and Warlock, who is interested to return to the U.K.
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If you've read at all about the hypothetical plot of the proposed written sequel, you'll know that it involved a trip to America, ostensibly to look for a lost Jesus. So, if the next book was originally meant to be about going and finding someone (Jesus?) in America, then Greasy or Warlock could make sense. It would be a switcheroo all over again if Warlock had left for the UK and Greasy for America.
Another alternative is that all three could end up converging in America, since Warlock already lives there and both Adam and Greasy have interests in going there. But if that's the intention, why mention that Warlock wants to be back "home" in the U.K.?
So, those are my possible takes on how this passage can be interpreted. I know there are some theories that either Greasy or Warlock may be the Second Coming. I've also seen a theory now that Adam himself could be a contender (both spawn of Satan and spawn of God - it'd certainly be interesting!). I'm not placing bets on any of these outcomes just yet.
In addition to this passage in the book, we also see some interesting changes made by Adam which are featured more prominently in the show - one's that have implications for the ineffable husbands.
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Part 2 coming soon!
Thanks as always to everyone at the @ineffable-detective-agency (including @noneorother, @embracing-the-ineffable, @lookingatacupoftea, @251-dmr, @somehow-a-human, @maufungi, @havemyheartaziraphale, @theastrophysicistnextdoor, @dunkthebiscuit, @komorezuki, & @ghstptats).
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cultofsappho · 7 months
In honor of AGCD 🤠, a list of my berserk findings in roughly chronological order RE: A RWRB Sequel:
1. When the movie come out, Casey did an AMA on Threads for both Alex, then Henry. In Henry's AMA, they posted this:
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Meaning at the very least they'd be open to writing/sharing/creating more for Alex and Henry, if not a direct sequel [more from the AMA: X]
2. Casey also had an interview with Out Magazine in Nov '23 where they were asked if the want to write a sequel and they said "Of course I'd love to! 😉 I don't think i'm allowed to say anything more than that.😊" They're so fucking precious. We all know what 'not allowed to say' means. [twitter video: X]
3. Taylor has had a bunch of interviews recently, mostly as an ambassador to the SAG awards. He's been asked a dozen times about a RWRB sequel and everytime he says something along the lines of "Anything could happen! But I don't know, they don't tell me these things aha! 🤪 Give me a call!" And he's so unbelieveably obvious that his interview clips have already been compared to Andrew Garfield denying having any role in Spider-Man: No Way Home: [tiktok: X]
4. PrimeVideoUK has been bringing up RWRB & Firstprince more on social media recently. It could be for any number of reasons, it's their movie they can market however they feel like. Especially since Nick has a bunch of projects releasing rn (one of which, The Idea Of You is also releasing on Prime this summer), they may want to capitalize on the attention on him. Or, it could be to test RWRB's engagement #s... [tweet: X] [tweet: X] [twitter poll w/a rwrb sweep: X] [tiktok: X] And all the comments on these posts (and more) are begging for a sequel. So, if their social media manager is passing on the message... 👀
5. This is def a reach, so if you don't mind, i'm pulling out the red string for this conspiracy corkboard. But Casey was recently in London, it could have been a trip for literally anything. But, the first movie was filmed (and maybe produced idfk) in London. [insta post: X] they sold the movie rights for RWRB before the book was released, if I'm remembering that right, but maybe they retain rights to sign off on a sequel.
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so anyway i was thinking about all those little things adding up in my head and thinking i was on to some kind of conspiracy then Nick goes and does press for Mary & George (which i just started, and is amazing btw) and says this shit:
6. Nick confirms in an interview with HitsRadio that they're talking about a RWRB sequel. Just flat out: "Yeah obv conversations are happening, duh! 😇" energy. God bless him. He says there have been conversations about a sequel. And, they're all on the same page that the script needs to be right and "all the components" need to be right. [X minute 15:50 they bring up the rwrb sequel, but the whole interview is great and you should watch it!]
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ANYWAY i'm in a land of delusion, gnawing on the iron bars of my enclosure, etc, but also maybe not bc they're talking about a sequel and now we just need to wait for the greenlight
And (pseudo point #7), it would be a dumb business decision for Prime to not make a sequel. RWRB did way too well for an LGBT product, releasing during a dual actors and writer's strike, with little to no promo and zero press tour. From the RWRB Wikipedia page: "For the first three weeks after its release, it was the top watched film worldwide on the platform and provoked what Prime Video described as "a huge surge" of new subscribers." [X] And subscribers are all these streaming services care about.
I can't wait to reblog this with a screenshot when they inevitably post an offical confirmation for a sequel movie...
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ghuleh-recs · 20 days
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Hey did you know one of my favorite people was born today?! It's @ramblingoak's birthday and it feels very fitting to me that she gets the first mixtape: volume two (you can find vol. 1 here)! As per usual, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite fics to celebrate Oak Day.
Where to even begin with Oakie? Well you'd be hard-pressed to find a more supportive person in this entire fandom. She's an incredible friend who always ALWAYS has a kind word to add in the tags and/or a sexy photo of papa to brighten your day when you need it most. If that weren't enough, Oak is a truly wonderful writer. I dare you to find a collection of works that feel more cinematic. I reread her writing whenever I need to feel something™—which is to say: often.
All that to say: Oakie I adore you and hope you have a fantastic birthday. Everyone go leave some kudos and comments as a lil gift. Or maybe even a birthday tip!!
recs under the cut.
Clockwork Hearts - Copia x Reader T, 3.7k
The Ghost universe set in a world of machines and magic. This takes place in a new alternate universe series I'm working on, Clockwork Hearts. Eventually there will be a Copia x Reader main story but for now I've been working on small little fics that take place in that world and I'll be adding them here.
Wholesome Headcanons - Primo Thinking About His Brothers - Primo G, 1.3k
Someone on Tumblr asked for any wholesome Papa headcanons I had and I rambled about how Primo felt about his younger brothers. Perhaps a spiritual sequel to Dumbasses.
Naps With Copia - Copia x Reader G, 8.9k
Just a series of drabbles/ficlets featuring you napping with Copia throughout the abbey.
The Repugnant - Mary Goore x Reader E, 4.6k
Your father always warned you that you were too curious for your own good. After hearing rumors of the pirate ship The Repugnant in the area you snuck out of your father's villa to try and get a peek at the dreaded pirate and his crew of monsters. But what happens when Captain Mary Goore gets a peek of you first?
Tales From Lucifer's Hollow - everybody x everybody E, 15.6k
Short snippets of what life is like for the ghouls and humans that live in the picturesque (and Satanic!) town of Lucifer's Hollow. This is an alternate universe series I'm working on that will feature lots of drabbles and one-shots here as well as longer fics focused on particular pairings in the future. To begin with most of these will be based on the prompts for Mushy May on Tumblr.
Another Round - Secondo x Reader E, <1k
Just some all night worship with your Papa…
To Tease A Cardinal - Copia x Reader E, 3k
While your Cardinal is away on tour you can't help but tease him from the comforts of his own bed…
Shooting His Shot - Terzo x Omega E, <1k
It's the Winter Olympics and Omega gets distracted hearing his favorite ABBA song playing nearby…
Copia on ICE! - Copia x Reader E, 14.8k
At what would probably be your final Winter Olympics you needed to focus on realizing your dream of winning gold. You definitely didn't need to start a whirlwind romance with world famous speed skater Copia Emeritus…
Suggestions - Copia x Swiss T, 1k
From a prompt list on Tumblr, an Anon wanted Papa x Swiss with a kiss "as a suggestion"! a very thorough kiss with some suggestive stuff after hehe
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
You've always got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Hello and thank you for opening your requests! I always check on your blog before starting the day(and at the end of the day) ;) :D Would you write Aziraphale x reader dry humping fic (they're stuck in a closet unintentionally, literally pressed together, add to it existing sexual tension between them and you get some steamy clothing appreciation hehehe)
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notes: a sequel to this! felt too perfect not to be a follow-up. no mentions of claustrophobia in this fic!
pairing: aziraphale x reader
rating: E, minors dni
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The two of you may be seeing each other, but you still end up in the storeroom a lot. 
Aziraphale’s had a big order come in. You’re helping unload your post van, arms piled high with parcels which you’re depositing wherever there’s space - a task which is getting more and more difficult. 
“Aziraphale, where did you find all these?” you ask, placing a box as carefully as you can onto the top of what is quickly becoming a structurally unsound pile. 
“Sale, my darling. You opened my eyes to the wonders of online shopping,” he says, beaming. You flush a little. You’re still getting used to him calling you darling. You love the way it sounds when it’s from his mouth meant for your ears.
Aziraphale pulls you in for a kiss when your hands are free. You alight them on his plush hips and open your mouth a little to accept what he offers. You will never get tired of kissing him, never, never. 
The door swings shut of its own volition and you allow yourself to be a little more forward. You run your hands along his back before taking a decent handful of arse and squeezing. You feel him smile against your mouth. 
“You, my dear, will drive me to sin.”
“Oh, I do hope so.”
The sound of the shop door opening makes both of you still. At once the two of you turn towards the door. 
“Hello? Mr Fell?”
Aziraphale looks confused. You’re not a stranger to the residents of this street so you mouth: ‘Mr Brown?’ The bookseller rolls his eyes and nods in agreement. 
Slowly and silently, he clicks the lock on the door closed. There’s an inside one now, installed after your last unfortunate - or not so unfortunate? - incident. You have to smother your laugh with a hand to your mouth, and Aziraphale helps you with another kiss. 
You’re suddenly aware of how close the two of you are. Legs interlocked, thighs pressing to each other’s sexes over clothes.
He’s clocked it too because when you look up, his eyes are wide. You’re aware of just how thick and warm he is all of a sudden. It’s… exhilarating. 
And just as you go to extract yourself from the position, he presses up into you. 
Another kiss to muffle. You clutch at his collar, his jacket - fuck, even his bloody bow tie to try and show him how much you’re fine with what’s about to happen. Because as he drags the width of his leg along you, there will only be one outcome. 
“Mr Fell, your shop was left open. Are you about?”
Mr Brown begins to pace the room outside. Pressed together, chest to chest and lip to lip, Aziraphale begins rutting dryly against you. It doesn’t take long for you to feel his heavenly cock harden in his trousers and your sex begins to respond in kind. 
“I just wanted to talk to you about planning permission for the street.”
He’s near the storeroom now. If you’re too loud he’ll hear. Instead you bite down on the meat of Aziraphale’s neck to quiet yourself, clamping a hand over his mouth to make sure he doesn’t cry out in pleasure. Aziraphale quickens his pace. He knows what he needs, what you both need, and he’ll get you there. He presses the plain of his palm to the apex of your legs too, to help you along a little more, just a bit more, so close —
You come in your pants like a teenager. Judging from the hitch in his breath, you’re certain Aziraphale has as well. He fucks through the aftershocks against your leg, both of you slumping against each other in exhaustion. 
“I’ll come back later then,” Mr Brown sighs, clearly believing the shop to be empty. The ruse worked. When you hear the sound of the bell going to prove he’s gone, the two of you collapse into giggles. 
“You, Mr Fell, are more of a risk taker than I thought.”
After all that time trying to convince you to call him by his first name, Aziraphale decides he doesn’t actually mind hearing you address him that way… in the right place, of course. 
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taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul @@foolishprincipalitee@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@cool-iguana@this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2@clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo@mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @silcosmoke@kimqueenofhell@chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t@am-i-obsessed---maybe@bakerstreethound
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tenshinokorin · 1 year
TnK's Trigun Fic Listing
Ok now that I've got 15 fics out for Trigun (so far) and at least a couple of those are upwards of 20K and some of them are sequels and followups and ongoing, I thought maybe I should do a proper list of things, to make it easier for people who want to read in some kind of order. I'm terrible about talking up my own work but this is also for my own reference so that's fine, right? ^^; All fics are Vashwood-centric (I will get to Nai in a minute I have a backlog) and ratings vary from Gen to Explicit, though all are intended for an adult audience. This list is complete as of September '23, I will update it periodically as needed! 
NB: I'm lucky enough to have gotten fanart for some of these and sometime when my head is not full of mud I'll go in and add links to those where I can. (Or please drop a link in the replies if you are one of the wonderful artists in question!) 
Someday Out of the Blue & I Believe in the Kingdom Come
Trigun '98 canon. Reincarnation fic. The first one is a story I started writing over 20 years ago and quit after a chapter because I was just too heartbroken (and did not know it, but was also too young). Picked it up and finished it this April (2023) after Stampede clobbered me and I fell off the "we don't talk about wolfwood" wagon. The second story is a direct sequel to tie up some loose ends from the first one, and also to indulge my need for a proper happy ending. (I think a lot of folks don't realize Someday has a sequel but it does!!) 
Black is the Color and Mysterious Ways
Trimax Canon. Resurrection/Fix-it/Angstmance with a much shorter, sillier, smuttier epilogue. Three years after the end of Trigun Maximum, Vash is having some trouble laying his ghosts to rest. (You may have seen this incredible artwork which has gotten around a bit and boosts the story better than any summary of mine possibly could.) Weird things happened when I was writing this, I don't mind telling you. Mysterious Ways was mostly an excuse to explore some of the more interesting concepts brought up by the first one, but saying anything more would be spoilery. 
Eyes of the Storm
(Mostly) Trimax canon. Cryptid Vash AU, slowburn romance, ongoing. When Nicholas D. Wolfwood gets roped into being the new caretaker for the now-abandoned orphanage where he spent his childhood, he soon finds out that his own hidden memories are not the only thing haunting him. (What the fuck is a Typhoon?) Wolfwood, Vash, Livio, Elendira, et al. This is the one currently in progress at six chapters out of ??. Pretty SFW so far BUT NOT FOR MUCH LONGER CAVEAT LECTOR. 
List continues with standalone and shorter fics below the cut!
Generic Trimax/98 setting. Plant Heat, Wingfic, Tentacle Fic, What the fuck is Hay Fever. Wolfwood offers to help Vash out with a personal problem and gets a little more than he bargained for. 
Strange Powers
Generic Trimax/98 setting, comedy/smut/potato jokes/fisting with a loaded prosthetic. What if Vash and Wolfwood (accidentally) got really, really hella high? 
Trigun '98 Canon. 
Vash: Make money? As a priest?
WW: Well. *mysteriously* Not only that. 
Vash: (oh my gosh he's a prostitute)
Shortfic. Wolfwood tries to figure out how to offer his services to someone he doesn't really want to be a paying customer. Short and smutty while also demolishing Wolfwood's professional boundaries.
Skin Tight
Generic Trimax/98 setting. The Infamous Red Dress. PWP, Wolfwood needs to be in the Vash Sensory Deprivation Tank, Vash in high heels, the dress gave its life for this fic you should read it and honor its sacrifice. Look. This is just porn, guys. You want the porny fic? This is the porny fic. (just kidding most of them are porny fics but this one is especially so.) 
Secondhand Secrets
Generic Trimax/98 setting. Introspective/Vignette/Wolfwood POV. Vash's artificial arm always moves in his sleep, and Wolfwood wonders what he's looking for.
Personal Jesus
Badlands Rumble canon (post-film), Wolfwood has poor emotional coping strategies, hurt/comfort (Wolfwood provides both), first-time. That red hotel minifridge never stood a chance. 
A Fool From Any Direction
Trigun '98 Vash's weird horny schtick is a front, and self-respect doesn't save lives. Which is too bad because when Wolfwood finds out what Vash is planning next he's gonna kill him. 
Trimax but could also be '98; Sometimes being a hero is not all it's cracked up to be. Or maybe Vash is the one cracking up. Hurt/Comfort, Wound Care & Bible Quotes, Noman's Land is a bitch of a planet. Shortfic, feels, non-explicit/no sex. 
A Bit of a Tight Spot
Generic Trimax/98 setting. Costume Porn, PWP, No corsets were harmed in the making of this fic. I feel like this one gets missed a lot which is MADDENING because you guys. WOLFWOOD'S DOUBLE Ds IN A CORSET. And like, in a gender euphoria way, not in a comedy drag kind of way (though comedy drag does make a small appearance). I don't know how the good minister tightlaced in cuban stockings while giving Vash a blowjob in front of a mirror in the attic of a whorehouse can get so often overlooked, maybe my title or summary is lacking, but it's one of the hottest things I've ever written and its engagement is just in the basement? When (emphatic baffled hand motions to Nicholas D. Wolfwood wearing a garter like a thigh-holster). Anyway. 
The Quick and the Bed
Trigun '98 Comedy, Romance, First Time. The single bed trope. Drunk Idiocy. Wolfwood's vows are in serious danger. (Wolfwood does not have vows.) Readers have let me know that they find this one amusing. Roommates of readers have sent me threats of bodily harm due to badly-stifled hysterical laughter at 3am. 
SMALL DISCLAIMER: I'm a full-time working writer and my fanfic is something I give away for free out of love. Please don't copy, alter, plagiarize, feed to AI in any form, fold, spindle, or mutilate. I'm not in the market for concrit, but if you like my stories please feel free to leave me a comment/kudo, download/print/fanbind for personal use, or let other readers know!
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Seeing criticism of Good Omens Season 2 on here is a wild ride for me because I generally seem to agree with everything gomens critical people are saying whilst at the same time still absolutely loving gomens S2.
It's like this: Okay so you have written this super popular book revolving around this precocious kid who happens to be the antichrist whose birth kickstarts the apocalypse. The four horseman turn up as well as these other strange human characters one of which is an actual witch whose great great great grandmother wrote an accurate prophecy book which predicts armaggedon. Through a series of somewhat hilarious events, the kid, his friends, and the other weird humans manage to stop the apocalypse.
Also throughout the whole thing there are these angel and demon characters fussing about getting into arguments but not actually doing anything to forward the plot or make any difference to the main storyline. For some reason everyone reading the book finds these characters far more compelling and entertaining and seems to think they are the main characters. But they are not.
Then the book gets adapted into a show and the focus shifts onto the angel and demon characters because obviously they are the popular ones that everyone loves. So what's a writer to do when the fan favourite characters basically don't have any part in the primary plot points? Give them a more coherent side plot steeped in romantic tropes and claim that they are in love. Boom. Instant fandom catnip.
But then you are presented with a problem. The show has become super successful and everyone wants more story. You may have discussed a sequel over the years with your writing partner but it never really came to anything probably because its difficult to plot out a sequel centred around two characters who weren't the protagonist of the first book, and that story is done and dusted. Whats a writer to do?
Lean into the fans thirst for more angel on demon action and write what amounts to high budget fanfiction pulling the love story b plot of season 1 into the main focus for season 2. Of course book purists are gonna hate that!
Any legitimate sequel to Good Omens should have centered around Adam. The former antichrist now coping with everything he went through growing up a normal human whilst still having a creeping sense that its not quite over, that maybe heaven and hell still have a part for you to play in their grand plan. Sure, Crowley and Aziraphale could have been involved, continuing their b plot love story, but at least this way the sequel would have been more consistent with the plot of season 1.
The problem with continuing Adam's story is that, and I mean no disrespect here, no one cares about Adam. Adam and his friends are the weakest elements of season 1. People tune into Good Omens for the Crowley and Aziraphale show, and Neil Gaiman knows this.
The plot of Gomens S2 is weak. The mystery around Gabriel is a bit silly, and is only connected to the season 1 plot in the loosest sense. The fact that he and Beelzebub speedrun an angel/demon romance is bizarre and does come out of left field... like something out of fanfiction. It also does indeed rob some of what made Crowley/Aziraphale so special - the fact that they were unique in their love and respect for each other despite being on opposite sides. Also I wish Maggie and Nina were given more development (and less clunky dialogue).
The only criticism I really don't agree with is the criticism that Aziraphale was written out of character, because quite simply, season 1 never ever resolved the fundamental issue at the center of Crowley and Aziraphales relationship. Throughout season 1 Aziraphale constantly insults and berates Crowley, claiming he's the "bad one" and refusing to accept that they aren't on opposite sides. There have been plenty of metas stating that this was all out of fear and a need to protect Crowley, and sure, you can interpret it that way, but not once in season 1 does Aziraphale actually say "yes we are on our side. Yes we are the same. I was wrong to claim you were bad when you've clearly been showing me how good you are for millennia." Its maybe implied that he has learned, but its never truly confirmed, because season 1 wasn't about Crowley and Aziraphale and their relationship. But season 2 takes its lead from that.
It's just rather amusing to me how the discourse that has built around season 2 seems to be fundamentally forgetting these points. GOS2 isn't really a sequel to Good Omens. It's a spin off. It's a spin off about Crowley and Aziraphale and their silly relationship drama whilst they deal with a silly low stakes mystery regarding Heaven and Hell (also characters that were barely involved in the book if at all!). It doesn't really tie into the first story at all.
In my opinion, all it needed to link it more closely to season 1, was to bring back Frances McDormand as God to do the narration. If that had happened, season 2 would have been just fine. As it stands, it comes across rather like a spin off fanfiction. But I love fanfiction, and I have always only ever watched Good Omens for Aziraphale and Crowley. To me, season 2 is fantastic, its like if Supernatural had a spin off show all about Castiel in which he is the lead character, and part of the main A plot is him getting together with Dean finally - Dean being the love interest in this particular show. Amazing. 10/10 would watch another 15 seasons of just that - but general Supernatural fans who aren't fandom specific would probably HATE IT.
So yeah, I do understand the criticism its receiving, but I find it funny, because ultimately Neil Gaiman gave fans exactly what they wanted, he gave them an Ineffable Husbands fanfiction - M/M Romance, F/F OC Side Pairing, Rated: Teen and Up, #Fluff, #Dancing, #Excessive Jane Austen References, #Crack Treated Seriously, #Surprise Final Pairing (check the end notes for spoilers!), #Miscommunication, #Love Confessions, #First Kiss, #Angst #Hurt/No Comfort, #Cliffhanger Ending.
Can any of us really say we wouldn't immediately click "proceed" on this fic and then stay up til 3am reading it til our eyes bled? Me neither.
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expanding-hyrule · 11 days
Hey there! Expanding Hyrule needs your help!
This is a budding community and I am only one person running it at the moment and I’ve only got so much energy in a day. Even less right now. No joke, I opened the EH Discord and then immediately got knocked out by con flu for two weeks, still pending recovery.
Which is where you come in! The Internet is massive and it’s impossible for me to get the whole thing archived for this niche all by myself. So if you know works in any medium or creators in any medium who would fit into the “Original Legends” niche, send them my way! The list currently compiled only got set up because of one post that happened to get some traction. Imagine what we can do with a community working together on it! There are way more creators in the space than I currently have on the list and I need your help to find them! This niche has never been organized before and it’s only going to get organized with a team effort! So let’s get to it, adventurers!
What is “Original Legends” as a LoZ niche?
The "Original Legends" tag is a temporary tag for stories about Hyrules thus unseen. So based on the franchise as a whole and not any particular game. The community is not yet big enough to run a vote on a final pick for a tag, which is where you all come in! We're currently gathering ideas on the Discord and off this blog, so if you have suggestions, let us know! The poll will run off this blog once we have a bigger following.
Does it include sequels or Links Meet?
So this is where I need to be a little pedantic. Because technically, yes, both could be Original Legends. But. Because right now this community needs to build a strong central identity for what the core of "Original Legends" means, there may be more scrutiny for whether they get added to the archives.
The thing about direct sequel and Links Meet works is that they have tags they can rely on, chiefly the game they're a sequel to or the Links Meet tags, those are both recognized tags across fandom. There is no tag currently for the full "Original Legends" niche, so for the time being it needs to become prominent enough in the fandom to stand on its own first and then we can add wider definitions. So not a full no, you're welcome to still use the tag if you think your work applies, but for the official archive lists here, it's a not yet while we establish what this tag is first.
Where do I send works I find?
You can send them as reblogs, asks, submissions, DMs, or just plain old @'s to this blog. Some of the lists do have to have manual additions (the blog archive, the Discord list, the Wattpad reading list), so it is better if you make sure I'm aware it's being added so I can update all lists accordingly.
For art, because we're trying to keep the archive list a little more manageable, be sure to see socials and tags you use for your project. I will try to include some pictures, but you will make my life a whole lot easier if you can send me the ones you want in the gallery specifically. Ones that scan scale down nicely are better so we can again keep that list more manageable to scroll through.
What if I’m a creator in this space?
Please reach out! I'm trying to follow everyone here on Tumblr to make sure I get updates, my main is @amelias-hart and my LoZ alt is @amelias-zelda-calamity-quintet. You can ping any three of those blogs when you have updates, sending them in asks, submissions, or DMs as I'm the only moderator on this blog at present and those are open. If that changes for this blog, then the other blogs listed will still have DMs.
We also have a Discord open if you'd like to connect with other creators in the space and you can share when you post there. I set up events for people who upload on a schedule as well for anyone who like reminders that way for when fics in our archive are updating.
Are there other ways I can help?
Share this blog! On and off of Tumblr. In order for us to organize a tag like this within the whole of such a massive community, we need eyes on it and I simply do not have the reach or budget to make that happen without help.
Long term, if you have Discord experience, I will need help running that eventually, as well as the blog. If I put too much of this work on myself, then I won't have time to write either! And I'd rather not get stuck in that again. Keep an eye on the blog for news on that, I've got not idea where or how that process will start.
But the biggest, check out the works in our archives! It's very hard to coordinate and share a work that falls into a niche like this without the use of the main community tags, so a lot of these creators have been struggling to find their audience for years. Community support changes that, which begins and ends with each of you. Be the kind of fan you would want for yourself. We're all just nerds on the Internet, so we gotta look out for each other, yeah?
What if I was added to this space and I’d like to be removed?
If for whatever reason you would like your work removed from the list, contact this blog or any of my alts if there's an issue getting in touch and I'll remove it. I will ask for some verification that a work is yours so people can't take other people's works off the list, but if you don't want to be in the archive, I'm not going to force anyone stay in it.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Sure can! Hi, I’m Amelia (she/they, 28), you might know me better as amelias-hart or, if you’ve been around my works a second, echosound. I started writing Original Legends fic back in 2012 with a work called Goddess of Secrecy, which I just managed to wrap up this summer (I may have gotten stuck in the Temple of Time in 2017). GoS got its start on Wattpad and I’m now expanding my horizons on AO3, so I’ve got a lot of learning left to do! Thank you for your patience while I am!
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Could you please write a sequel to the fic where Maegor forces the reader to marry him after he killed her husband where he threatens to kill one of her sons if she isn’t pregnant by the end of the month which leads to her poisonsing him and reuniting with her eldest son.
A/N: I hope you like this!
pairing: Fanon!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
summary: Maegor forces the reader to marry him after he killed her husband where he threatens to kill one of her sons if she isn’t pregnant by the end of the month which leads to her poisonsing him and reuniting with her eldest son.
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: Angst, killing, poisoning, murder, mention of rape
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
The second you stepped foot into King's Landing you knew you had to get out. Your children were in danger. Maegor was not a human, he was a monster. He kept your children locked in a room and you barely got to see them, not like you had the time.
Maegor was a lustful man, he kept you on a leash for his sexual desires, you were his hope to concieve a child now with four sons under your belt, everyone knew you were fertile and conceived sons.
You dreaded ever being called by him, it always meant he wanted to fuck you. There is not a corner in the Red Keep you did not hate, he had raped you in ever corner. The throne room, the day you arrived, made you bounce on his cock as he sat on the Iron Throne, no pleasure came to you, only him. The library, made you sit in his lap as he read some book before bending you over the nearest surface and fucking you till he peaked inside of you. Your own chambers, he fucked you till he got his fill and left or sometimes stayed long enough to join your bath and fuck you in it as well. The corridors from the throne room leading to the dungeons he fucked you in every single one of them.
His rooms, he had different days for his wives, every night one of them was sent to his room. Your day usually landed after Ceryse Hightower for some reason. He was never gentle, always having you on your knees or on your belly as he fucked you from behind. Maegor was no small man, he was more than big, he was huge and pushing his tip alone made you cry from the pain.
Your bed chambers were also tainted. He would be passing by and would grow horny for no reason and would just barge in despite what you were doing and would fuck you until he peaked inside of you.
Maegor was a monster and he knew how to manipulate people. He knew how to use their weaknesses against them. He had threatened to harm your sons more than once when you would reject him. Even when you had your monthly bleeding you thought you were free for a week but you were mistaken and he had fucked you through the pain even then. It was anything but relieving like it used to be with your first husband who had your pleasure and comfort in mind most of the time.
What scared you of Maegor most was the recent threat he made to you during your last encounter. He had given you a month to get pregnant or he will kill your youngest son Martyn who had recently celebrated his first six moons of life in a golden cage with only his two older brothers for company.
You could not lie and say you wanted it yet you had taken whatever herb teas the maesters had proved you with and even started a new diet but during the last six moons nothing happened to you Maegor was growing angry, you noticed from the brutality of his fucking.
You needed a way out and that is when an idea struck you. You were ready to do anything and everything for your sons, even murder the king of the seven kingdoms, a brutal man, a rapist, a murderer and most importantly the man who killed your husband and raped you for moons on end. His end will be on your hands you swore it. You went to the sept early in the morning praying for forgiveness before making your way to the maester's room.
"My queen, how may I be of any assistance?" The maester asked. His voice dripping honey wanted to be on the good side of all of Maegor's wife in case one of them were to fall pregnant and earn Maegor's favor.
"I wish for a poison, one of my handmaidens proved to be unfaithful to the crown and I wish to punish her myself" You spoke your lie so innocently that you almost believed it yourself. The maester's fave scrunched into a smirk.
"It seems the king's influence took root in you my queen, mayhap you are with his child who is influencing your mind" The maester grinned showing his rotten teeth and as he passed by a disgusting smell hit your nose but you mastered a smile not wanting to offend the old man.
The second the poison was in your hand you were out of the door and on your way to Maegor's room knowing it was your night. Your guards did not suspect a thing since you hid the bottle under your dress, somewhere they never even dare cast their eyes while you were fully clothed let alone if they were to search you.
Maegor was still not in his room much to your delight, it made your mission much easier. You scrambled over to the chalice of wine beside his bed and dumped the content of the poison inside before hiding the bottle in a plant under some of the soil. You took a seat in front of the fire, heart hammering against your ribcage and breathless.
You took several deep breaths to calm yourself down just in time for Maegor to come marching in. He did not spare you a glance as he made his way to the bed, sitting on the edge to take off his boots before filling a cup of wine and downing it in a second. You had to hold back a sigh of relief to not raise any suspicions.
"Come here, wife" Maegor called. You doubted he even knew your name at this point, you once heard the maids saying they heard him referring to his wives by a number instead of their names.
"Yes, husband" You stood up from the couch and moved to stand a couple of feet away from him, hand folded neatly in front of you. The seconds that passed were enough for Maegor to already look like a drunk person.
"I heard you visited the maester, is there good news?" He asked, filling a second cup and sipping from it. His hands were beginning to shake a little but he did not seem to notice.
"If the gods will, the maester is very positive I am either with child but very early on or I will be soon. He thinks my body is healthy enough" You lied sweetly. Maegor grinned evilly and downed the second cup of wine and slammed it down on the table again.
"Good, come" He opened his arms. You stepped between his legs feeling much safer seeing his hands shaking even harder and his eyes growing droopy, his breathing was growing heavier as well. He placed his hands on your waist, you barely felt them unlike usual when they would leave bruises behind.
"I will s-shower you with gifts and g-gold if you give me a s-s-s-son" His body began swaying back and forth. You placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him to lay back slowly.
"Rest husband, you look exhausted, I shall send for some tea" You helped him adjust his position with his head on the pillows. He hummed eyes dropping close, unaware of what was going on around him, he probably already forgot who you were. You smirked as you moved away from the bed and stood behind the door.
You were not dumb enough to leave just yet. When you made sure Maegor was no longer breathing when his chest ceased moving up and down you grabbed a near by chair and began banging it against the wall in a rhythm you knew and memorised during the last couple of months. After several minutes you tried mimicking a manly growl before stopping the banging.
You opened the door acting as if you were adjusting your dress under the eyes of the soldiers. They peaked inside out of curiosity to find their king asleep in his bed covered with sheets up to his chin, hiding the fact that he was fully clothes still.
"Good night, good sers" You whispered. You made your way to your children's room where a guard stood in front of the door. He nodded before opening the doors, you always visit your children after spending the night with Maegor, the only time you were allowed to visit them after you do your wifely duty.
The plan was going smoothly, your second eldest Gerold was already in a cloak with your youngest in his arms also in a cloak and your third son by his side also in a cloak. You smiled at the sight of them all ready to leave this hell behind.
"Let us leave" You pulled on your own cloak before moving to the library in their room and pushing it in to show the secret passage that will lead to your freedom.
"Come on" Gerold walked through first followed by Lancel. You took Martyn from Gerold before following after them, making sure to close the door behind you.
No one ever knew what had happened, no one found a trace of evidence against you, you merely said your escape was a coincidence in timing with his death. Your son Darrick welcomed you with open arms at Casterly Rock along with his uncle.
It was not until many years later when Daemon Targaryen was exploring the same corridors did he find your hairpin in the corridor explaining your sudden disappearance and the fact that not a singular guard was alert even the one at the door who was the one to notice your absence when you did not come back out of the room. That made Daemon curious and he searched what used to be Maegor's room and found the bottle of poison in the plant pot where now stood a tall palm tree near the window, he guessed it was small by the time you and Maegor were there. He never uttered a word of the incident knowing there was nothing to be done by then, you were long gone and dead and so were your children.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for stranding my character in a desert wasteland?
I suppose this may take a bit of explaining, won’t it?
I (rude question, M) will say that in the past I have had a rather… difficult time making decisions for myself. I’m a… well, technically I’m a ‘game designer,’ and I had this wonderful idea for a new game. But I lacked a good protagonist! I assumed that given the right character, they could also assist me in making decisions for the game. It was a wonderful idea, if I do say so myself.
Eventually, I stumbled on just the right man for the job. He (34, M) is a rather boring fellow, but he seemed very good for my intentions. He would even fit right in to the setting I’d been imagining— how wonderful is that! Finding the perfect character is an almost unparalleled feeling.
I truly thought the process would be straightforward— direct him down the correct path, have an interesting plot twist here and there, and my game would be perfect. But right from the get-go, he began defying my instructions. You give a man clear expectations, and he decides to go against exactly what you say! Really, how rude is that!?
I had a script prepared and everything, but he simply was not keen to follow my instructions, forcing me to improvise instead!
Despite it all, I was helpless to stop him— not even my control over the setting could help. As much as I attempted to remove possible choices, they would either return on their own, or he would find a way to make them anyways. It was terribly frustrating, but I’d grown rather attached to him as a protagonist at that point, and I was dead-set on making it work.
Fast-forward a little while, and my game actually did catch on! Something about my character being able to make his own decisions was rather appealing to my audience, and so begrudgingly, I chose to let him stay.
However, the developers made the decision to make a sequel of my game— which had absolutely the intention to stain the integrity of my original game. They didn’t even think to give it any worthwhile features!
Despite it all, my protagonist decided that he enjoyed these pointless features, and I could tell the developers were winning him over. But no, no, I couldn’t have that!
You see, I had an area that I’d stashed within my game— one that only I knew about, one very, very special to me. It contained every one of my positive experiences with my original game, so I could remember it without any blasphemous new additions attempting to appeal to a wider audience.
Now that my protagonist was wanting the features of the ‘new game’, I decided to bring him to this area, in an effort to remind him how good the old game truly was.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really remember what happened next— my protagonist seemed rather distraught by it, kept telling me he was happy to see me again— as if I had gone somewhere, hah! I wouldn’t abandon my game like that, I don’t know where he could’ve gotten the idea.
But either way, I had a new idea on how to win him back over— a burst of new ideas and features that I chose to implement into the old game! Beat that, developers!
At this point, my protagonist had settled into his routine of going against what I said, but at least he was listening to me some of the time.
I’ll admit, it was rather nice. No longer did it seem I had to fight with him, and I had even developed a script for every wrong choice he made! No more surprises.
…However, that is, until he got UNREASONABLY attached to one of the new features I’d implemented.
I wouldn’t blame him it he simply liked the object I had given him, but no! He carried it around everywhere he went, and even had the gall to get upset when he lost it!
And not only that, but this progressed into him thinking that it was speaking to him! Can you believe it!? And because of that, he began ignoring me for the sake of following perceived directions from this object!
I gave that thing to him because I’d noticed he was lonely, and obviously I couldn’t be there with him, so I thought that it may be nice for him to have something else to hold.
However, it all came to a point where I was going over good memories I had shared with him, and instead of listening to me, he blatantly told me that he wanted his bucket back.
I suppose it was a sort of ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ situation, as it were. I was done with him and his bucket-loving nonsense, and I didn’t NEED him to make my decisions anymore. And so I cast him outside of the game, into a desert wasteland, because it was the only other map I had on hand.
I will admit, for posterity sake, that I do miss him sometimes. He was a wonderful protagonist, and if I could bring him back, I certainly would. But I simply do not think I could deal with the fact that he’d chosen an object over me. Me! The man who’s been with him since the start!
So, dear reader— am I truly the asshole in this situation?
Edit: What’s with all this nonsense in the comments? I keep saying MY protagonist because he is the protagonist to my game! It’s simply easier to type! I don’t know what you all are implying, but it certainly doesn’t have the connotations you think it does.
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