#(yes... yes I named her too.)
alluralater · 3 months
one time i got hit on by my urgent care doctor for like 15-20 minutes straight like between her checking me out (medically) and she ended up mentioning that she was gay and that she wished she’d met me somewhere else. i’m thinking about her now and listen— she was married and she was probably 15 to 20 years older than me (maybe more?) and i can’t stop thinking about all the things she said and especially ESPECIALLY when she had her hand on my jaw and had me say ahh to check my throat (cause i was coming off a cold) and she rubs my lower lip with her thumb and she kinda pulled my chin up so i was looking up at her and she’s like “mmm very good” THEN tells me i have very pretty eyes. i understand how it’s not okay like professionally to do this stuff because oooOoo what if i wasn’t into it, but you’re hilarious if you think i wasn’t into it. she was gorgeous and tall and my best friend was literally IN THE ROOM the entire time, so it’s not like she was doing it privately and in some creepy way. it was insanely hot and i had to ask my best friend if i blacked out and dreamt all of that because i had never been flirted with so intensely by a woman over twice my age and my best friend was like what the fuck that was insane she was hitting on you like the entire time. i’ve never felt so subby in all my life because she had SUCH a dominant vibe like i cannot explain it (i can but i don’t wanna ramble about this forever) and the way she spoke i almost wanted to give her my number but it felt like inappropriate but now im realizing she probably was wanting ME to give her MY number because her asking for it would possibly be illegal. i told her what bars i go to a lot and where i usually hang out and if she ever saw me to please come say hi and she was super into that but oh my god the sound of slight disappointment in her voice— you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to purposefully disappoint a woman i’m attracted to. i want her so bad. she did a LOT of touching me all over and it was hella unnecessary but i was really into it and it was incredibly hot. im not saying i have a total kink about this but im sorry, i have absolutely done doctor roleplay before with people. it was NOWHERE near as hot as what this woman was doing. i’m sick over this and the fact that it went nowhere. “you’re going to pride? maybe we’ll see each other and we can hang out afterwards” YEAH WELL WE DIDNT AND I STILL WANT YOU SO BAD. anyways
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popfizzles · 1 month
Eeon is awesome and 2018 tumblr did you wrong. we're ready for her now
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thank you 🥺 im glad today tumblr loves her
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hairscare · 4 months
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i am an eternal 12 year old ben die hard fan forever simply because its funny as hell
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fumifooms · 8 months
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Kaka compilation
Because everyone is sleeping on him. Witness his greatness!! First two Kaka colored icons were colored by me, lineart by Ryoko Kui though!
Kaka & Kiki are kinda like Laios & Falin… Kaka being stoic and giving repressed energy like early Laios, Kiki being cryptic and always smiling and kinda soft-looking. Autism siblings 2, ostracized and othered as kids and have a deep bond due to sticking together through it all, though unlike with Laios their parents are very loving so Kaka developed family as a big value more than Laios (bc asides for Falin Laios doesn’t care much about it).
In the gnome festival comic you can see Kaka is more emotive than he seems! Full with a :3 face, and he’s the one crying at the end. He’s insecure about his legs and being tall… It really got to him. Conceal don’t feel. In the gnome festival comic you also see him sensing others’ gaze on him and that something is off unlike Kiki, again Laios-like in the way that judgement from others gets to him more than her.
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nattikay · 1 month
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OC lineup! All the characters that currently exist in this "story"
#oeyä ayskxawngtsyìp#some small details may be subject to change#others might also be added to the “story” later#for example a while ago I was thinking maybe Rolukx and Se'txelu also have a sister because why not#tentatively named her Mingal and she'd be a teenager in the default timeline#(for reference at that time Se'txelu and Neynari are in their early 20s and Rolukx in his late 20s)#but she doesn't have a particular design yet and I haven't decided on many details#me being me i will also prooooobably give Neynari and Se'txelu some kids of their own at some point but again so specific ideas just yet#maybe even give rolukx a love interest#for personal reasons i can't decide whether it would be more cathartic to give him one or to not give him one#idk we'll see#also btw since this is chibi style don't take it as a 100% accurate height comparison lol#fwiw on that front I think Seylana and Neynari are a bit shorter than average#Rolukx is slightly taller than average#and everyone else is pretty solidly Average™ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#also for those who didn't catch it in my previous post about these guys: Awlun is Lunaya's aunt (Awlun's brother is Lunaya's father)#hence the shared surname#also Seylana is not naturally blond; she started coloring her hair after Neynari was born to match her daughter#(there are canon Aranahe characters with hair like this such as Sa'nop and Nilngan)#(and yes I suspect it's artifical color because the tail tufts are still black. hence Seylana's tail tuft still being her natural color too#ANYWAYS#yeah#my art#neynari#se'txelu#rolukx#seylana#vontxu#awlun#lunaya
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Bruh fam yall I just had this idea instead of exiting the shower!
Danny and Dani are never seen together. Like ever by any other Hero.
It starts off as just Danny working with the others and then he goes home to tell Dani all about it. Or OR Dani really wanted to tag along with Danny to meet the others but hearing about how Superman was Danny is worried for her safety so it’s a “you can’t show yourself but you can come. If you promise me to stay hidden the entire time. Please” so she agrees and tags along. They both are probably very worried about the Justice League (since the ecto acts and the League aligned with the government)
Danny doesn’t join up per-say but he is like on call if they truly need help. Though normally he just shows up if they need him. They have no idea how he knows. Cut to one day Danny is unable to go so Dani goes in his place. Shes always gone with him so she knows everything he does right? Lord is Danny super worried about her, his protection obsession going into overdrive. He trusts her though and she goes.
Thing is shes also a bit worried about the League. She just shows up and tries her best to stay out of their way and get the job done. Then it happens. Shes called over with a “HEY! Phantom!” A deep breath to calm herself and she flys over. ‘It’s ok Dani they haven’t attacked Danny once. You ate gonna be fine’ kinda deal. Shes putting up a mask or smiles like Danny always does. She has seen him interact with the League tons of times so she can imitate his behaviour with them to a T.
This of course caused some confusion among the League “are you a girl?” And just like that she gets an idea. A great Idea! If they don’t know that there are two of them then one will always be able to save the other. Plus it would be funny. So she goes full ham into the bit. “Oh yea hehe its just how i feel.” Time to put on the sheepish Danny act of rubbing the back of her neck and looking away “I uhh hope you guys don’t mind me being a girl”
Bam they all bite. Saying stuff about being who you feel you are or whatever. Accepting her on the spot. Well accepting the fact that Danny can be whoever he feels right being. At least they aren’t complete assholes. Though The Batman is giving her this look. She decided to use that to her advantage. Better the team think the bat is homophobic than to get on her case. It works of course. If she learned anything from Vlad it’s how to put on an act. As she flies off she can even still hear the team berating The Batman for his old fashioned backwards ways. Takes everything she has not to giggle as she goes, can’t have Superman hearing that.
When she tells Danny about it he just giver her a wicked grin. It’s been ages since the gremlin duo had this kind of fun.
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ophernelia · 2 months
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@brookie: “i hate when short girls date tall men” just say you want my man atp ho
beginning | next
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omaano · 4 months
Hi! If you're still accepting requests for the poly poses!! How about IH for Obi-Wan, Cody and Satine? Because yk he has two hands 🫡🥹
He does indeed have two hands, and both of them should be occupied at all times :3 Thank you for asking @lightasthesun 🥰
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Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching
and the other drawings I’ve made for them (I am halfway through all your lovely requests for reals this time!!)
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wafflesex · 1 year
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Have a doodle of mama Leech because I still can't decide how I want her to look!! ✨
Also have some headcanons I created for her just because:
Name: Viridia Leech Age: younger than she looks Height: ~7ft in human form, ~14ft in mermaid form Likes: her family, negotiating, high fashion, spontaneity Dislikes: shrimp Appearance: Elegant, charismatic, but by no means delicate, she is a gorgeous mermaid with olive eyes and long, wavy teal hair. As a human, she stands just under a half foot or so from her husband and prefers to wear long dresses, pant suits, and sun hats when on land. Her nails are always sharp and lacquered, her lips painted red, and on both ears is a pair of studded sturgeon scale earrings to match with her boys. Personality: Described as a bit of a worrier, Jade and Floyd's mother keeps in contact with her sons every day while they are on land. Her messages are often brief (except on birthdays) and in her refined manner of speaking, she even refers to her sons as "Mr. Jade" and "Mr. Floyd" (for security purposes). It is clear she misses Jade and Floyd dearly and frets over their well-being, though of course she has every reason to given the nature of their family's work. To Viridia, her children are her "treasures"; every bit as rare and precious as the gems they were named after (fluorite and jadeite, respectively). There is absolutely nothing she won't do to ensure not only their survival, but also their happiness. She notoriously spoils them with luxurious gifts, expensive clothes, and fancy accessories the likes of which most merfolk never see. To that end, Viridia is a fiercely protective mother and while she trusts her son's abilities, she won't hesitate to rip apart anyone who dares to lay a hand on them.
Similar to Jade, Viridia's kind exterior belies her manipulative nature; she is excellent in communicating and connecting with people and therefore adept at learning their weaknesses. Sterling, her husband, often relies on his wife's approachable demeanor when handling his most complicated clients. Patient and poised, she acts with the precision of a surgical razor to get what she wants.
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kandigored · 3 months
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the mirror pool
so ive been thinking about this au ive wanted to make inspired by the incredible pogd au by @beluvbug for a while !!
this is a very self indulgent au based on pinkie dealing with the conflict of wanting to be taken seriously while also playing themselves down constantly as a way to please others, especially when it come to their identity as nonbinary and their disabilities
i was going to make the first post about this au a little comic but ironically the disabilities have made that a bit hard and i wanted to post something for it
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for extra context, please refer to the fic i wrote in my head :)
(under the cut is a close up of cole 😉)
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her 😍
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daydreamerwonderkid · 25 days
Finally watching Madoka Magica for the first time and I'm so desperate to know why Honumura (I think that's her name) was so fucking deadset on killing this cute thing :3
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Like, I'm aware that Madoka Magica is the "edgy magical girl anime," but there's something kind of lowkey hilarious about watching an anime emo girl stalk this marketable plushie like it stole her fucking lunch money and pissed in her cereal XD
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chiquilines · 12 days
more.. more shokoyuki.. pleekk..
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Ask and ye shall be given
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crazy-ache · 1 month
Cat!Elain WIP Snippet
Sharing because @sad-scarred-sassy reminded me of a vision I am currently working on
Rhysand skimmed his violet eyes along the room in silent judgment until they landed on Lucien. Elain stood up on her four small legs in attention at his arrival, and in turn, Rhysand did a sudden double take, as if he had just registered her tiny presence in the room. 
They focused entirely too long on Elain. Her wide eyes blinked at him. He blinked back in confusion.
Then a nearly feline grin spread across his face. Elain would know, being a cat and all. 
Well, well, well. Isn’t this an interesting turn of events?
Rhysands voice entered her mind with a low drawl and laugh. 
"Get me out of here! I’ve been turned into a cat. He doesn’t realize—" Her desperate pleading only came out as high-pitched meows.
But Rhysand had turned away from her to lazily look at Lucien, ignoring her chittering. It made Elain tense every muscle in her small body in anticipation. This was it! Rhysand would tell him and he could get Tamlin to shift her back. She would finally be free! She had never thought she would miss her Fae body so much until now.
“I’m here to happily report that Elain has been found," Rhysand told Lucien. The red-haired male straightened his spine, narrowing his eyes at the High Lord of Night.
Elain jumped to the carpet, ready to practically prance around joyfully. She began smoothing her white coat with a quick lick as if in preparation for being transformed back any moment to her normal self.
“She was found elsewhere. She’s back home. Safe and sound.”
What the hell?
“Where? How?” Lucien asked. Thank the gods somebody was able to ask the right questions.
“She was found in Day. Outskirts of the Night Court. Accidentally winnowed herself there. She’ll be fine.” Rhysand did not even bother to look in her direction which infuriated her more.
Elain’s claws instantly unsheathed themselves in anger. 
I think this will be good for you. You couldn’t be in better hands than with your mate. I'll check back in...later.
His laugh echoed. 
“Is Elain alright?” Lucien's voice was tight but concerned.
“Oh, you know what they say. She’s much like that cat right there," Rhysand jerked his chin at Elain's form. "She lands on her feet wherever she goes.”
You bastard! You bastard. You are going to regret this. 
But he wasn’t in her mind anymore, already sauntering to the door. And she couldn’t speak. So everything came out as a low, drawn out hiss. 
“Lady, stop it. I’m sorry, she’s never behaved this way before—“
“I’m not particularly a cat person," Rhysand smirked down at her.
It was the way he was looking at her, entirely too pleased. She couldn’t control the way her muscles tensed, her little behind swaying back and forth before she launched herself at his arm. Oh, he’d pay. 
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doubleedgemode · 2 months
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Happy summer, everybody!
This has been a big project to take and while there's stuff to improve I'm pretty happy with it. Be sure to zoom in the big picture for details and read the comic from left to right. (Needless to say, please don't try A.B.A's behaviour.. For your safety)
Bonus doodle:
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#a.b.a#paracelsus#slayer#guilty gear#I almost forgot slayer's shirt pattern! I was also supposed to draw his cape floating over sharon to shield her from the sun but...#this whole drawing collection took roughly a month to complete and I forgot. I'm too tired right now#speaking of. it's my first time drawing sharon I hope she's okay!#yes slayer carries and wears in the nose his 200 spf sunscreen from xrds treasure hunt animation :)#as for the big main picture. it left me quite exhausted and I know the lighting leaves a lot to be desired but I'm proud! learnt a lot#first time drawing blue para too. I hope his metallic sheen is alright#more than aba's skin sheen for sure. I'll improve it in the future! btw tweaked a bit her attire's palette from last time and made her keep#the headband cause trying to figure out how her hair would properly fall was a hassle lmao#fun fact: the bird is an european herring gull#the crab is an edible crab and the palm trees are coconut palm trees with no fruit lol#I wanted to draw fan palms which are a kind of palm tree that deserves more love but the leaf shape was so difficult to draw#I did struggle a lot with these two.. they look more like feathers but again. that can be studied and improved in the future#despite all the lows summertime can have for me whenever it's a nice day and we can go to the beach I feel everything is worth it and will#be okay. hope I could translate that here. hi new people I tend to ramble a lot in my post tags#art tag2b named#sharon
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lepusrufus · 3 months
Hear me out
What if Malus was an older evil woman
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