#(you know the feeling
lusinzak · 1 month
Not me becoming part of a fandom with traumatized, gay characters that have a found family. Again... Yep, definitely not me.
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getawayfox · 1 year
There aren’t any salacious headlines about Harry and Malfoy, but the evening Prophet does run pictures of them in the booth, Hermione laughing while Pansy looks triumphant and Malfoy takes a sip of his beer. Harry’s face isn’t visible because he’s turned to look at Malfoy.
Harry catches himself waiting. He feels like the women in the paperbacks Aunt Petunia used to read who were always sitting by the phone, listening and longing for a ring. Harry’s house doesn’t have a phone, but he wonders, ludicrously, if he ought to get one. At least, then he would know what he was waiting for.
You Know the Feeling by @sorrybutblog (Drarry, M, 12k)
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Everytime we Biscayans have to choose our province online and find this:
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*proceeds to scroll all the way down to find "Vizcaya"*.
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dewitty1 · 11 months
You Know the Feeling
iota @iota
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley Additional Tags: Background Luna Ginny Greg Dean Seamus etc, Getting Together, Fuckbuddies To Lovers, Bathroom Sex, Harry is a terrible communicator, and don't get me started on Draco, Pining, Hooking up, while the Slytherins and Gryffindors become friends, idiots to boyfriends, Harry really is a mess, H/D Wireless 2022, Jealousy, no one knows what they are feeling while they are feeling it?
Harry waits, but the hex never comes. In the mirror, Malfoy’s eyes dip shut, and he lets out a soft sound that goes right through Harry, heat rising in his body, pushing out against his chest.
Malfoy turns slowly, careful not to dislodge Harry’s hand. He swallows, Adam's apple bobbing, then speaks, his voice low. “Don’t start something you won’t finish.”
Harry’s not sure why he’s started hooking up with Malfoy. Boredom, or the heat of the summer, maybe. Whatever it is, it’s nothing too complicated. Right?
Malfoy turns slowly, careful not to dislodge Harry’s hand. He swallows, Adam's apple bobbing, then speaks, his voice low. “Don’t start something you won’t finish.”
There’s only a foot between them. Closing the gap takes nothing. The warm, dry push of Malfoy’ lips against Harry’s is chaste. Harry wants more. He licks into Malfoy’s mouth, chasing the flavor of something familiar on his tongue. Malfoy’s hands find Harry’s waist and Harry kisses his cheek, then the hinge of his jaw.
“Gin and tonic,” Harry mutters against Malfoy’s skin. “You were drinking a gin and tonic.”
Malfoy grips tighter at Harry’s waist. “So what?”
Harry kisses him again and bites hard at his lower lip, slipping his tongue inside again when Malfoy yelps a little in surprise. Definitely gin and tonic.
“It’s a Muggle drink,” Harry says, the corners of his mouth turned down slightly.
Malfoy rolls his eyes. “I ordered it at a wizarding pub, didn’t I?” He tilts his head with a questioning look, sliding his right hand around to the front of Harry’s jeans where Harry’s been hard since he first touched Malfoy. Malfoy squeezes and then takes his hand away when Harry bites off a groan, pushing his hips forward. “I should have known you would be like this.”
“Like what?” Harry asks, breathless now, grinding up against Malfoy as best he can, everything trapped and sensitive against the rough cotton of his boxers, the zipper of his jeans.
Malfoy ignores the question. He narrows his eyes and asks, “Are you going to come in your pants like a horny sixth year?”
But he’s betrayed by his own erection, hard and insistent against Harry’s stomach, even through the layers of their clothing. It only takes a few moments of fumbling before Harry has a hand wrapped around Malfoy’s cock, thumb stroking the soft underside, then gathering the wetness at the tip. His mouth waters. He considers, wildly, whether he wants to get on his knees in a public loo.
Before Harry can decide, Malfoy crashes their mouths together, more teeth than lips, and says, “Move, you idiot,” so he finds a rhythm, working Malfoy’s cock over and over until he’s shuddering and spilling onto Harry’s hand.
In the aftermath, Malfoy breathes heavily, his face slack in the dim light of the loo. Harry presses at his own erection, now painfully hard, with the heel of his palm. He thinks Malfoy is about to reach forward when the door starts to creep open, busy sounds from the pub filtering in. Malfoy jumps away and Harry shoves his hands into the sink, turning the tap on high.
Malfoy squeezes out the door as an unfamiliar wizard comes in. Harry keeps his head down and hopes to Merlin he won’t be recognized. He holds his breath and counts backward from ten twice, until his heart rate becomes manageable enough to return to his friends.
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yourmoonmomma · 6 months
Idk if it’s stress/anxiety, or if maybe i have covid, but holy fuck i cannot breathe
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I believe this look is called ‘waking up after a 14 hour “nap” to discover you got your period’.
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storybookprincess · 9 months
reading this fic isn’t enough—i need to transmute it into a liquid and roll around in it like a pig in a mud puddle
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outoutdamnspark · 1 year
Well hello there, Discouraging Thoughts.
Might I ask you to shut the fuck up? 🥲
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disengaged · 2 years
i've wanted to cry all day today. it's like i've just been carrying around this blooming feeling in my chest, in my shoulders. & im surprised no one else can see it
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dont you love spending a night alone in your room listening to songs you want to play and know you’ll never quite be able to reach isnt that a fun time
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thethreedeadkings · 1 year
Life's going too well. Shit's gonna hit the fan any second now..
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specialisthyena · 1 year
You done fucked up Boy
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fifisworld212 · 2 years
You know the feeling
There are times in which you know the feeling when something bad is about to happen. When there’s something going around in your head and you don’t know what it is but you know its going to happen. When you have a bad day at work and your gut is telling you your going to get some bad news; then you get it and its like a slap in the face. 
I know I got bad news yesterday as I knew that it was going to go bad. I cried all night with the news I got and it was so unexpected and unfortunate and I know this news comes to everyone in their life but when your least expecting it that’s when it hits you like a ton of bricks. 
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colourofoctober · 2 years
Remember how you feel when you rub your eyes with a towel just as you step out of a super hot long shower 👌🏼 Worth sticking around for.
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transmascfrankiero · 2 years
i finished fantasy high and i feel the same way i did when i was a little kid whenever i’d finished off a dense book i read all in one day
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queridachristina · 2 years
Here I am looking at a screen,
Stuck in daydreams.
Writing down my poetry,
When all I want to do is scream!
Written by QueridaChristina
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