#(you plan it and take your time and such aaaa that's. what I'd need)
factual-fantasy · 2 months
31 asks! Thank you! :}} ☯️
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Now I'm gonna be totally honest, I DO have a favorite twin and its Ingo <XDD But I also fully understand and support your point!
What makes Ingo and Emmet so fun and interesting to me is their bond! How they mirror each other, how they interact, their strength as a team! Sure separating them for the angst is great an all- but truly showing them together and more importantly as equals is where the good stuffs at!
This is also why I usually try to wrap up their separation arcs in my AUs, and also don't really enjoy reading any Legends Arceus content.. seeing Ingo alone is not only heartbreaking,, but its also just not as fin. Ingo and Emmet are stronger together :)
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@sallychaosaura (In response to this post)
Miiiight be a bit too late for that <XDD
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Thank you! :D I'm glad :))
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Sorry, no can do! <:( Also thank you! :))
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(Post in question)
(It was very intentional! :}) He's stressed. 😔
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Ugh.. well, thanks for letting me know.. and at least the commenters know I don't consent to reposts..
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@soulful-rodent (Post in question)
Well in-game we was traded to a friend and back so he'd evolve..
Buuuut lore wise, without a trainer..? <:D No idea-
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Probably somewhere around 100 <XD
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Absolutely terrifying! Next question XD
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No, no, aaaaand poorly, XD I'm doing fiiiiine won't worry! :)
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I can imagine when he first gained the ability to hide in peoples shadows, he probably gave many people quite a scare without meaning to <XDDD
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Thank you! :DD And Their stories are kind'a vague when I take out my trainer..
I'm thinking that somehow, Midori met Gloria in their first evolutions and became friends. Then they found Grim..
later on Midori found Anastasia after she had run away from a battle. She tried to hide but her shiny gold color made that impossible.. Midori took her to Gloria and they took care of her.
Afterwards they met Sylvester..
Beyond that, I don't have any details in mind.. 😅 Sorry!
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Typically I prefer horror games/movies, but ONLY when they're being played by or watched by someone else in a YouTube video XDD
Some of those YouTubers being Elvis The Alien and Markiplier! :}}}
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@fragmented-ghost (Pokémon Violet team master post)
AAAA I'm so glad you like them! :DD I plan to draw them more at some point, but atm I kind'a got sucked back into the Violet grind XDD I'm just about to beat the main game! :0000
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I have! :DD I like it quite a lot an have drawn some things for it here and there! Though I never got around to completing the game..
Someday I'd like to go back and beat the game. I can imagine I'd jump right into the fandom afterwards if I did XDD
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XD Probably!
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I don't remember talking about that.. if you had a link to the original post maybe I could remember with context..? <:0
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@tallchest13-blog (Post in question)
XDDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDD All of those titles made me laugh! And I see your point, but I have a few counter points to this ask..
For 1, to keep with the theme, I would want to/have to make this cape IRL in order to add it to my sona. Now if the last 4 quilts have shown me anything? Its that I'm not super great at making quilts <XDD
If it was that challenging to make it on a smaller scale? I cant imagine how much trouble I'd have trying to make a full size one! <XDD Plus buying the materials... having to physically get up, go buy the stuff I need and make it. With these health issues I've been battling, that's not something I wanna do atm.. 😅Not to mention with how hot its been lately, I don't think I need a quilt anyways-
And then lastly- I'd have to draw myself with it every time! I like my sona being a simplistic blob that has minimal colors and not much of a model to keep too. I worry a quilt might take that away.. :(((
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XDD I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the potential! :))
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I have a few times here an there. Just to hang out with some friends :)
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I mean, I don't know the history between you two... But my advice is to leave them be. If they ghosted you, they probably want space..
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I altered the story of Welcome Home to make my version of Sally a teenager. So I was thinking she could be bluish-white to look like a young star..? But looking back I don't like the blue.. For story purposes she might stay a teen, but I think I'll keep her yellow <XDD
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Yoo! :DD She's so colorful! And that black shadowy arm is so spooky.. Does she have a story? 👀👀
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(Pixel art tutorial in question)
I'm glad it helped! Happy pixeling!! :}} 👋👋
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XD Don't worry its fiiiiiine!
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I've wanted to draw evil Grim and Sylvester again in general, but I don't really have any ideas for them yet.. 😅
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
HI HELLO I'M BACK AGAIN. I've been so full of energy the past two days because it's been weirdly slow at work (Calm before the storm ig, grand opening celebration this weekend 😭). Like I spent an hour each on t shirts and yarn on Tuesday, and today I meticulously (?) recovered craft paint, ribbon, and consolidated two displays?? Plus I made a new end cap display?? I WAS BORED OUT OF MY MIND FINDING THINGS TO DO
anyway I'm here to talk about silly things, today being the dinner rotation at the HoL. The retreat in season 1 feels like the first time MC cooks for them?? But seven days in a week, do you think MC took over Belphie's day? I'm assuming Lucifer did at first, or it was used as a punishment to have extra dinner duty.
I feel like Beel and Belphie always cooked together on their days. Like they have their twin telepathy, they're probably passing things back and forth in the kitchen and able to keep each other on task pretty well. Belphie holds his hand out and Beel wordlessly hands him the salt. Belphie knows when to give Beel samples, while also making sure Beel doesn't eat everything. Beel will keep Belphie engaged and on task so that dinner doesn't get burnt. They've got their routine DOWN.
It makes me wonder how MC learned to cook Devildom dishes. Were they shadowing the brothers? Was Lucifer teaching them simple dishes? Were they given a cookbook? (Imagine Satan annotating it with substitutions if an ingredient wasn't human safe.) A list of ingredients that were human safe and told 'good luck'?
Imagine Beel comes into the kitchen on Belphie's days, even after the exchange program starts and MC has taken over. If MC was given a list of ingredients, Beel could probably think of a number of dishes and guide them. And MC would probably be letting Beel sample a ton to make sure they're doing it right.
Maybe this turns into Beel and MC cooking dinner together on their days! MC who wants to learn more dishes, and Beel who wants company. God he's such a sweetheart, I love him so much 😭 Brothers Under A Pact group will always have a special place in my heart.
I've had this idea planned for like three asks ago, but then I had other things I was dying to ramble about. I am currently fighting the parasites (have you heard that audio on tiktok?) to ramble about my mammon x solomon x mc crack ship. and also just in general about mammon (i feel you on the writing essays about your faves) !! i was daydreaming scenarios for both of these things, the second one involving my mc singing along to music AAAA
okay okay I'm done, BYEEE, I hope you have/had a good day!!!
- ✨ anon
Welcome back, ✨ anon! It sounds like work is going well, I hope things go well for the grand opening too!
Oh I'm loving this idea about the cooking rotation... I agree that it seems likely that Beel and Belphie would cook together on their days. And then Beel just shows up when MC takes over because he's so used to it. And then later, when Belphie is there, too, they both spend their time with MC in the kitchen...
I've thought a lot about how MC learns to cook in the Devildom. Because I'm not a terrible cook, but I tend to go with my gut on most things. Like I'll buy a bunch of random ingredients because they sound good. Then I'll follow my heart and make whatever I want.
But I feel like I wouldn't be able to do that if I don't know what the ingredients taste like or how they cook? And like... I've made food for multiple people before, but I've been cooking for one for years, so I think it'd be hard for me to make sure I have enough for seven to eight people!
If they have some ingredients that are basically the same, I could probably get by. But I think I'd have a stretch of time where I would struggle. I'd be like, listen if you guys want edible food, I'm gonna need lessons or a cookbook because otherwise you're getting trial and error until I figure this stuff out.
I really love the idea of Lucifer teaching MC how to cook simple Devildom dishes. That's such a Mom thing for him to do and I think it'd be really cute. I also love the idea of a cookbook annotated by Satan. Like I'm just seeing him scribbling out some ingredient like DO NOT USE THIS IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, MC followed by a list of human safe substitutes lol.
After that, it's all Beel telling MC about dishes he likes and sampling what MC makes as they go. I love that, it's so sweet. And it probably helps him when he's missing Belphie during season one. Aww and then when they're all together, it's just bonding time~
The other brothers probably show up from time to time for MC's cooking shift just to add their own ideas and instructions.
They sometimes get together so they can deliberately obtain human world ingredients to bring MC for their cooking day. Like maybe every time Beel is there (which is all the time lol), he asks MC about their favorite human world dishes. And MC just tells him all about the food they used to make at home. Beel won't forget what MC talks about, so he can tell the others. I'm sure Barbatos has a human world food supplier he uses or something.
Then they leave all the human world ingredients in the kitchen for MC to find 'cause they want to try something that MC would've made in the human world.
Feel free to ramble all you like, you don't have to hold back any parasites! (I had not heard this audio, as I'm not on TikTok a ton, but I went to find it and was entertained lol.) I'm definitely not one to judge about long rambles, that's like every post I create.
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unfortunatelycake · 10 months
20 Questions Writer Meme
Tagged by @snarkivistfic ! Thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3? 173 across 3 pseuds
What's your total AO3 word count? 3,600846
What fandoms do you write for? At present, mostly TGCF with a little MDZS. Previously One Punch Man, boueibu, plus random other anime
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Anon One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated M Genos has feelings for his sensei, and blogs about it 100 First Kisses One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated E Like it says on the tin. This one's 100k. Found in Silence, These Things Unheard One Punch Man, Genos/Saitama, Rated M A getting together fic, based around Genos coping with temporary deafness. Foolish Pretenders Heaven Official's Blessing, Feng Xin/Mu Qing, Rated E Fake dating with added idiocy. Begin Again Tokyo Ghoul, Hide/Sasaki + others, Rated E Hide happens to see Sasaki, and is certain he's Kaneki. Set during canon and written whilst the manga was still being published; this is my 'I fucking called it' fic because certain plot points ended up actually being canon lol
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Comments bring me life! The way I see it, if someone takes a moment to leave a comment - be it an emoji, a few words, or an entire essay, in any language - there's no reason I shouldn't take the time to show my appreciation for that by replying.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Love is Over Boueibu, Akoya/Arima, Rated T It's not all that angsty in comparison to angsty scenes in other fics I've written, but it's the angstiest ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? No idea. Most of my fics have happy endings lol
Do you get hate on fics? Only once. I ignored it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes if the plot needs it. It isn't very good smut lmao
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've only written one-- Love is Not a Subroutine! Boueibu/One Punch Man crossover, Genos/Saitama, En/Atsushi, Io/Ryuu, Rated T Genos and Saitama get zapped into the Boueibu universe, where they have to fight monsters with the power of love, rather than fists.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone asked to translate one of my fics once but I never heard anything about it after that. So no, I guess.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Started one with @anonymousedward but it kind of fell by the wayside and we both fell into different fandoms. It was a banger of an idea though!
What's your all-time favorite ship? This changes according to whatever fandom I'm in, so I'll pass on this question lol
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There are 31 files in my 'abandoned wips' folder. I would very much like to finish all of them, but that's unlikely to happen. I guess I'd most like to finish a OPM soulmate AU, it's just a huge project and I haven't found the right kind of writing mojo to continue working on it.
What are your writing strengths? No shortage of ideas, I guess?
What are your writing weaknesses? They aren't always the right ideas. Also lack of discipline. I make a plan and don't stick to it. And many one-shots have ended up as multi-chaptered fics lmao
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't do it.
First fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite fic you've written? Aaaa I don't know. I was pleased with the vibe of Nightmare for All Seasons (Lost Souls, Steve/Ghost, Post-Canon, Rated T) and I have a soft spot for a whole bunch of my MDZS and OPM fics, but I was also super proud of Love is Sung in a Minor Key (Boueibu, Io/Ryuu + Akoya/Arima, Post-Canon/Bandman AU, Rated E) because I ended up not just writing fic, but lyrics too lol ...Neither of these fics are really good examples of the shit I usually write hahaha
Tagging: @mostlikelytofangirl @anonymousedward @batneko @rayadraws @10holmes @km-birdie @butterfliesandresistance if you wish to do it, no pressure though!
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themistressdomme · 5 months
good morning!! (Afternoon, evening, whichever) I have very little plans today, HOWEVER, I’m going to the gym later tonight and I need some..extra motivation if you will. It’s the first time I’ll be wearing the new workout shorts I got in public so I’m a little nervous. They are very form fitting and as a person with a lot of curves it’s so so nerve wracking. I know I’ll be okay, but mommy what if leering eyes stare a little too much?
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Hello my darling little feather!
Oh doll, I bet you looked absolutely perfect in your new form-fitting gym shorts! How did you end up feeling, angel? I hope you didn't get too many unwanted, lingering glances, darling. If you did, just let Mommy know, and I'll come sort them out right away 😤 No one looks at my handsome feather if they don't want to be looked at.
OH MY GOODNESS. YOU DID WHAAAT?! Those are such impressive numbers, angel! Oh my! I'm so, so proud of you!! 🥰 Keep me updated with your gym activities, if you'd like! I'd love to know your progress! I would absolutely feel on top of the world too, darling!
Eeee, I'm so so glad to hear that you were feeling yourself!! There's no better feeling than that 🥰 I must add, Mommy would have been respectfully (or disrespectfully if you wish) staring too 😘 Soft mascs are so valid 🤗
Aaaa, it makes me so happy to know that you had such a good session! My little feather.
Adrenaline, hm? I wonder what you did to take care of that since Mommy wasn't able to help out with any suggestions? 😈😘
Hope you've been well, love!
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seelestia · 2 years
dw he can always come home and rest in my arms after dealing with all the, uh, interesting people, throughout his day lol-
sweat is just. evil. icky. yucky. ew ew get it away from me D; it's unfortunate that i can't get away from sweating every time i'm outside here. tropical country whyyyy ;w; so far no plans for another vacay anytime soon sobsob we'll see... it'll have to be next year for sure :c hbu??
lmao i don't think he finds my jokes funny enough rip 💔 it is!! that's why i did try to pull for him despite having too many polearm characters already ;w; oh well.
xiao: "don't talk nonsense, my power is meagre compared to morax." // me: "yeah no shit i still haven't built him yet-"
you bring him so much entertainment and that's one of the things he just loves about you lolol al haitham looking back at you skeptically like 'what in the world is this little creature barking about...'
hskdhfjsdhf the way you're cheering on us pls that's so cute ;w;
omg you're a genius yes yes i can totally see you walking around with a few dogs ;w; ayato made sure they're trained so well too (flashback to that one time when you first got them, they were untrained and almost made you fall down the stairs bc they're just a bunch of excited balls of fluffs), always walking by your side and never tugging on their leash (altho the moment you unleash their harness they just zoom about everywhere). v v cute <3
ayato and lia having a mini friendly debate session hsdhjs thoma is so used to bringing you tea while you're in the middle of doing this and he's always so amused (he might even cheekily add in his two cents too) hehe
I HAVE SEEN IT YES and gosh i love love love it so much, the colors and shading and lighting is just sosososo gorgeous ughghghghghgh ;w;
i'll let you know when i finish them archon quests ahhhh i did finish the events but i need to start on them sllsdjflksd
us indulging and screaming about each other's selfships 🤝
also your birthday is tomorrow yes? :) hehe. hehehehe >:)
give 👏 the 👏 man 👏 some 👏 rest <//3 if not for the obstacles he had to face as the geo archon, now he has to deal with unique people after he retires LOLLL as a hu tao kinnie, i am afraid i might not be able to help alleviate his suffering. (/lh)
the continuous summer 😭 it's like can't we get more creativity in terms of seasons here?? me eyeing the orbit 🤨 (/j) aaaa, you deffo deserve to go on more vacay trips! they're so therapeutic <//3 i'm not sure about me either, but the highlands have a special place in my heart, so we'll see! expect strawberry-related pics if i do >:)
WAIT, YOU'RE RIGHT. *squints at zhongli and xiao* it's either your fav weapon is polearm or you just happen to like people who like polearms JFWKDKSK dw, rin jie, more characters to pull for soon! it's either tartar sauce or angy shortie now 👀
in alhaitham's eyes, i'm just a puppy trailing after him angrily <//3 whatever do you see in him, my dearest cousin? is it the iq? the brains? his voice? but alhaitham's could never compare to your hubby's (/j)
lia walking with kins of her kind is a sight to see 🤫 we need more fanarts of ayato with animals, i will cry 😭 the power of fanarts over us is smth else <//3 and true, thoma just got himself a ticket to a live debate show in the kamisato estate! he'd put down the tray in ayato's office and just comment on how 'spirited' the both of us are LOLLL ayato isn't vv fond of work, so i might as well do smth to help him get thru it easier, hehe. iirc, in his voicelines, he expresses ironic (?) shock if you tell him that some people who treat their work as a hobby. he just goes "how... exceptional." HELPFKES i think paperwork traumatized him (/j)
I KNEW YOU DID 😭 i just knew you went thru the artist's page and honestly??? so valid because i did too 🤝 if i come across more zhongli fanarts, i'd definitely trip and run over to you in an instant! >:)
YESYES lmk! and take your time~ i love how sumeru is going thru a crisis while mondstadt is just 💃🍃🥂 ✨ LOLLL but i wasn't expecting how the wienlesefest event just went straight for those with parent issues HELPFKWK i thought this was supposed to celebrate wine and autumn... OUCH. 😟 but at least, we got pieces about crepus, razor's parents, amd even kaeya's father. and angst
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Darling anon (i feel a bit less stressed and kinda find that being my tag name kinda amusing to me but it’s mainly to identify as the same person etc.) (feel free not to answer this but this is just a response msg rather than leaving it open so you know I’ve read it)
I appreciate you taking the time to reply and thanks for also understanding, a lot of people might’ve gotten angry over me mentioning stuff like that though I didn’t expect you to as I enjoy the blog as I said, seems like a safe space, and you seem like a kind person.
I also rationalised with myself about how it could just be that as a woman you hadn’t considered anything like that off the bat as you perhaps weren’t used to it, or don’t experience it etc. so it wouldn’t of been actual judgment, just simple inexperience.. though I thought I’d set it straight as well as I also didn’t want to leave you feeling weirded out either and it didn’t sit right considering the intent of the ask was to send get well vibes/check in you’re alright as sometimes people just need that.
(I don’t hate you for role playing a gay guy, anyone should be allowed to RP anything as long as they’re sensitive/respectful to real life people as well, I only would’ve felt unhappy if it was that you RPd a gay character but weren’t understanding/got funny about real life behaviours or more intolerant to irl gay peoples behaviour/speech/all that, just as some women I’ve come across treat real gay people very different to their favourite gay characters, even if it’s positive obviously there’s such thing as positive homophobia as well, and I needed to understand what was happening.)
Hi again dear~, and i know you said i haven't got to answer this-- but, in turn i wanted to do so just so you know i've seen and read your message as well-- (it just took me a bit to reply this time as i was waiting until i had my laptop again)
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Anyway though, i'd like to open this reply with a small apology for if i've misinterpreted/misunderstood anything from both this and your last message, given that sometimes my comprehension can be a little iffy-- But aside from that, i'm still glad to hear that you enjoy my blog~ and still think i seem like a good person even if that initial ask gave an impression i wasn't aiming to give--
Seeing as i do try my best to be an understanding person, and even in moments when i might not fully understand, i'll try my best not to treat anyone without at least a little kindness-- (unless they've done something to deserve otherwise, but that's another issue all together--)
And yes i do admit that thanks to both my status as a woman, and in part thanks to my background as well, i may not have as much experience/understanding of things in a gay/queer space-- i again try my best to be understanding about things i may not know much about, and hopefully plan to learn more about these things in the future… I do appreciate you trying to be understanding with me in return about that, though~ and very much still appreciate the good vibes you originally came to send💕
(aaaa i'm glad to know you don't hate me for soemthing like that-- as i agree, anyone should be allowed to rp whatever they like, so long as they're respectful and such to those irl it may deal with or effect-- because i 100% don't agree with anyone who would treat, for this example, someone gay in real life differently than you would any other person-- even if you do so in a way that's seemingly positive, but like you said, instead ends up being positive homophobia-- because to me, regardless of who a person is, so long as they treat you kindly/with respect they deserve the same in return--)
And to close out this ask, i apologize if i didn't touch on all your points-- But for now this is the best response my brain can give me, so i hope it covers things well enough ; w ;" Tough i'll also close with wishing you well, and hoping that you're having a wonderful day~
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cqtlatte · 3 years
ahhh ur art is absolutely gorgeous!! do u have any advice on drawing backgrounds? /gq
AAAA Thank you so much anon!
Tbh I'm still learning myself so I probably can't expand on areas like messing around with perspective etc. etc., but I can definitely give you a few things that helped me start out.
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1. Study images, photos, screenshots, etc.
2. Rule of 3rds
3. Study color
When I started to dip my toe into painting bgs more seriously, I heavily relied on Genshin Impact screenshots. At around that same time, I became a Genshin content creator, so I wanted to learn how to draw places in Teyvat! The more I practiced, the less I needed to rely on screenshots. I still do use screenshots and Pinterest photos of rooms and stuff for inspiration tho.
All in all, if you're focusing on a more realistic style, it's mostly recommended to study from real life stuff when you're learning fundamentals.
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When it comes to the composition itself, I usually like to apply something I learned in a photography course I took when I was still an art undergrad called the 'Rule of Thirds'. It's a great general rule of thumb so your backgrounds look nice and well planned!
I'm terrible at explaining these sorts of things well, so I pulled this explanation from the Adobe website. (lol)
"What is the rule of thirds?
The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open. While there are other forms of composition, the rule of thirds generally leads to compelling and well-composed shots.
If you imagine dividing a photo, or even your camera’s viewfinder, into nine equal zones using horizontal and vertical lines, that forms your rule-of-thirds grid — a setting you can select on most cameras and even on your phone.
“This might be a generational thing, but if you think of The Brady Bunch intro where you have the nine identical rectangles,” Ingersoll explains, “they’re all the same size and it’s three by three — three rows, three columns.”
That means the corners of the central square are the intersection points in your grid where you want to place the focal point of your shot. It’s called the rule of thirds, but you can think of it as giving you four crosshairs with which to target a shot’s important elements. This will help you balance your main subject with negative space in your shot to nail an effective photographic composition that will draw the viewer’s eye."
source: https://www.adobe.com/ca/creativecloud/photography/discover/rule-of-thirds.html
Personally, when I'm dealing with my backgrounds, as you've probably noticed before, I'm absolutely OBSESSED with painting skies, landscapes, and all that good stuff. My professor who introduced us to the rule of thirds had us practice this by taking picture of a tree, and wanted us to have 2/3rds of the grid rows with sky, 1/3rd with the ground and vice versa. He also advised against taking pictures where there's half sky and half land (i.e. directly in the middle of the grid), because it could look boring!
Of course this doesn't have to be followed religiously, but it's a good way to avoid stressing about how you want to arrange your background. After a while of practicing that, it's something that unconsciously becomes a part of your workflow.
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Color is.... a really gray area tbh (lol). If you don't understand how to work with it, it can be one of the reasons why painting backgrounds could be very painful. I couldn't really grasp how to color well until I took a painting course (also when I was still an undergrad student), and I was forced to face coloring head on with acrylic paints. My prof taught us some great tips to jump off from that I kept applying even after I dropped out of the program.
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I'm sure you're probably familiar with color schemes! (complimentary, triadic, and analogous), and if not, here's a great resource on it https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel/
But the tip that helped me the most was 'depth by color"! Here's some slides from the ppt to give you an idea (I'd send the whole color theory ppt. cuz it's really useful, but I don't think I should since it was class material, so here's the three slides.
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So yeah! When I wasn't sure which colors to pick for my acrylic paintings, I referred to this method of creating space through colors, and was able to get a better understanding of how to use them in my bgs. I don't follow this method as often anymore cuz after a while of using set palettes, you're able to know what feels right and what doesn't.
This is also kind of unrelated, but if you use Clip Studio Paint, it has this really useful menu called 'approximate color', which is also pretty great for picking colors as well.
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I usually have it set to "red" and "saturation", but toy around with the settings to get some color options you prefer!
Anyways, I hope some of these tips will be of use to you. A whole bunch of the learning process on making quality bgs revolves around a lot of learning and a lot of practice. Let's all do our best!
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catcze · 3 years
catte my love !! idk if u have already posted a kokomi build (id u did i am SO sorry for asking again 😭 feel free to ignore this) but i'm planning on pulling for her soon, and i was wondering which artifact set would be the best for her in your opinion? i know that ocean-hued clam was made for her... but would heart of depth be worth it for a little extra dmg? aaaa i'm not sure if it's worth going for any dmg and just try for healing (even tho it would be nice for her to do some dmg, i'd love to main the pretty lady ;;;) i'm just not sure what would suit her kit best
I HOPE U HAVE BEEN HAVING A WONDEFUL TIMEZONE !! i bet u r at least a lil hungover from last night tho 😭😭 sending lots of water ur way SDKFJHSDF 💗💗💗💗
Curse!! My love hi :D Hope you’ve been having a wonderful timezone too !! I had a bit of a hangover earlier but it’s nothing too bad HAHA tysm for the water :DDD  Also omg don’t worry I haven't posted my build yet so you’re fine HAHAH
I talked a lot bit utc, so TL;DR: while HoD is viable for DPS Kokomi, OHC is overall better due to its flexibility + the damage the bubble can do, even at a mid-level investment. As for whether it’s worth it to go for damage, that ultimately depends on how much you’re willing to invest in her. She’s perfectly fine as a low/mid investment healer, and it’s easier to build her like that, too. But if you plan to main her!! I can honestly say that it was so worth all the effort, and I don’t regret the grind for my Kokomi at all <3
Okok so with the summary up top, here’s the full rundown from my own experience HAHAH 
Regarding the damage-dealing, HoD and OHC both have their uses, but imo OHC is more flexible, so that’s what I’d recommend. Bc like the bubble honestly does p decent damage in both a dps-centric and a healing-centric kokomi build–– I’m talking, like, on a mid-investment kokomi, a bubble from her E’s healing alone can probably do 8-10k AoE damage every 3-4 seconds on a lower-end estimate. 
It can be viable in both a team where you just use Kokomi for pure healing via her skill and just want extra damage to help your main DPS, or in a DPS Kokomi team where you use her AAs within her burst and want bigg extra damage (my in-burst kokomi does around 20k ish per bubble, which is on the below average end for DPS Kokomis lmao) 
HoD isn’s bad, though, if you already have that prepped! It’s just that it’s not as flexible as OHC since it mainly shines when Kokomi uses her burst, and not so much passively in the way that OHC does.
Regarding whether or not damage is worth going for, honestly i’d only recommend going for a damage dealing kokomi if it’s something you’re willing to invest in? Because frankly she’s not one of the highest damage dealers, right, and she’s perfectly viable as a low-investment healer, who uses either thrilling tales or prototype amber, paired with 2pcs millelith/maidens/clam (or a 4pcs millelith.)
Resin is super scarce and artifact rng is shit, so you have to be efficient about how you use it, and farming for a decent set that’s got what Kokomi needs does take time. But if you happen to get a good OHC/HoD set passively just from farming blizzard and husk, then that’s great! If you do decide to make her your main, it’s honestly so fun because your team will literally never die and she can legitimately kill shit super fast in the right team comps, and it’s super satisfying to make a character who people said could do damage do damage, yk?
Either way this got too long again i am so sorry holy shit akjnsd But I wish you all the best in pulling for her Curse !!! :DDD I really really hope you get the fish princess <33 
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musubiki · 3 years
okay so like. I just wanna say how validating(??) it feels to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't know everything about my own characters yet/haven't decided on smth. like if I didn't follow you here I'd probably assume that you had like every little detail planned out but I love being able to sort of see "behind the scenes", like even if there's spoilers/potential spoilers, it's always so much fun to read about them and the lore
like I have one character who's very developed (even her own worldbuild), but the rest are just kinda,,. existing lmao. will I ever end up knowing what their favorite foods are? who knows
(sorry if this is ramble-y/hard to read/has mistakes/veers off topic, it's almost 5 am and I had a very long night at work :''D)
aaaa thank you im glad it helps you out!!!! yeah i hate having to sit down and put pressure on myself to figure everything out RIGHT NOW, cuz im gonna have to force some things and rush other things and its always so much better to just leave things alone.,..
like if you have things decided, then great!! mochi likes cats and pink things!! lime plays baseball!! but other things like lore, mechanics, etc...its better just to take your time!! itll come to you eventually as you absorb more media and experience more things!!!!!
and also sometimes you just cant answer things and thats okay!!1 not everything needs to be known ir have an explanation, sometimes it just fits so much better to be like "i dont know and at this point no answer is good enough so we will leave it like this" (the merchant)
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zims-left-shoe · 4 years
I'd about this stuff but zim x reader where reader has to introduce zim to family and its awkward and fluffy?!?! Did I do that correctly??
AAAA yes!! This prompt actually works perfectly. Ily bby!! I really need to get back on Insta and Snap so we can talk more lmao.
Romance. What even is it? You could never say for sure, and yet you had been playing the courtship expert for about a month or so. What else were you supposed to do? Not only would he not take no for an answer, it was a fine way to kill your boredom. He had zero expectations, which was what made it great. You could tell him anything and he would believe it. Boyfriends were supposed to do their s/o's homework for them? He never questioned it once. To be completely honest, he was the only reason you were passing chemistry and calculus. 
That being said, at the end of the day, it was all one big game. Wasn't it? All he had asked of you was to be his 'lovepig' in a romantic experiment he was conducting. You had nothing else better to do, and hell, it wasn't like you needed to be keeping your options open. You were just as unpopular as the alien freak himself. So, why not? Wasn't it just some mutualistic dynamic? You both benefited from it. He got 'data' (the accuracy of it questionable) for his Earth infiltration, and you got to have some fun. Plus, there was the fact that you haven't touched a homework assignment in weeks.
These were all things you had told yourself. You had managed to explain away all the times you had defended him from Dib and your classmates as being all part of the experiment. If there was a deeper reason, like real feelings perhaps, you didn't want to consider it too much. This relationship was intended to be one big joke after all. 
"Y/n? Hello?" A hand was waved in front of your face, ripping you from your thoughts and reflections. 
"Huh? Did you say something?" You tore your gaze from the plate of uneaten food that sat before you, eyes dragging up to meet those of your father. The man next to him groaned; your other father. You loved them both, but they were both staring at you with slightly annoyed frustration. They particularly disliked when you would space out while they were talking to you, which apparently they had been.
"Yes, I did. I said, when do we get to meet the boyfriend?" The one you called Father spoke; he was your biological sire, and the one you tended to get annoyed with the most. Genetics, you supposed. You were too much alike, and thus you butted heads often.
"Zim? I dunno." Shrugging, you picked at the dinner on your plate with your fork. It was a response that you hoped would suffice, despite knowing full well you had no intentions of ever introducing the Irken soldier for obvious reasons. Having lived with you for so long, they both knew what your response meant. At first, you assumed they'd only sigh and move on, but that wouldn't be the case. 
"We really want to meet him. We've given it a month, but I think it's time that we finally see him." Your father spoke again, voice firmer than the last time.
"I know you said he's...er, unique, but we promise we won't think anything of it. So long as he's good to you, it doesn't matter." The one you called Dad chimed in, a kind smile on his face. You knew he wasn't just saying that, and that he meant it. He was probably the nicest person you had ever met, and you were thankful to have him in your life.
That being said, you couldn't help but scoff at what was said, particularly the last line. Good to you? Zim was probably the most selfish person you had ever met in your life. Still, he did provide you with a source of entertainment. And if you worded things the right way, he would do anything you wanted him to. He was surprisingly easy to manipulate. 
"What's so funny?" 
"Nothing, Dad. But, no. I don't think you'll be meeting him." You expected that to be the end of it, bringing a forkful of dinner to your lips. 
"Y/n M/n L/n, you will bring your boyfriend home within the next week or else you won't be seeing him ever again." Eyes widening in surprise, your fork clattered against your plate as it slipped through your fingers. You would never have predicted your father to become so agitated over this. On some level, you supposed he was just looking out for you, wanting to make sure that Zim was a decent guy and all that. But at the same time, it was annoying. Did he not trust you to handle yourself? Plus, you were almost certain they wouldn't be satisfied upon actually meeting Zim. 
You remained silent. What you should have done was once again shrug your shoulders and say, 'fine'. Your relationship wasn't even supposed to be real, just some experiment that didn't matter too much to either of you. So why should you care if they forced you to break up because you wouldn't bring him home? And yet...you found yourself devastated at the mere thought of that. Was it because you enjoyed the absence of boredom? That had to be it. It couldn't possibly be because you had developed feelings for the little roach...no way. 
"You either bring him home for dinner Friday night, or-" Your father pressed, and you slammed your palm on the table before he could continue.
"Fine, okay!" Glaring at your food, you were no longer hungry. You just wanted dinner to be over. "May I be excused?" You asked, voice still seething with attitude. They both waved you off, so you took your plate and covered it, putting it in the fridge for later. Storming off to your room, you supposed you shared more similarities with your 'boyfriend' than you'd like to admit. You both had quick tempers for one thing, but you both liked being in control for another. You were about to get a rude awakening soon enough; you weren't keeping your feelings and relationships in check as much as you thought.
(more under the cut)
There were several ways your peers, if asked, would describe you. Nice, however, was not particularly one of them. It wasn't that you weren't a good person deep down. You just preferred to make yourself your number one priority, even if it turned you into a little bit of a bitch in the process. It was much easier than taking the risk of offering yourself up to others. After all, who really wants to deal with untangling the mess of emotions? Ignoring everything was the safest thing to do. Considering that, it wasn't surprising that you and Zim had been drawn together. They say opposites attract, but you found it to work almost the same for those who are similar. 
After all, Zim was also a big supporter of suppressing all emotions, so much so that you were sure he forgot he even had any. And maybe he didn't. You didn't think it was possible, considering he was still pretty much a person, but at the same time, you never asked about Irken psychology.
Not only that, but Zim seemed to care only for himself at all times. Even in the times he would do anything that vaguely resembled an act of love, it still had everything to do with his own personal motivations of gaining human courtship data. 
With all of that on the table, plus the fact that you weren't really sure what the status of your relationship even was, you weren't expecting you would be bringing him home for dinner Friday. What you envisioned happening was for him to call this whole thing off once you gave him the ultimatum, claiming that he had enough research so you would be through.
And again, there was that small wave of anxiety that passed over you. For whatever reason, you didn't want to lose whatever it was the two of you had going on. You had grown used to having someone to talk to everyday, even if the majority of conversation was listening to him drone on about his evil plans to conquer the Earth in the name of the Irken empire. Frowning, you glanced down to whatever toxic food substance was sitting on your tray. 
The surrounding cafeteria was filled with the chatter of your classmates, all rambling about mostly unimportant things. You had your popular kids laughing and running their own psychoanalysis on Dib, who in turn ignored them from across the room while his sister played video games by his side. You also had your social outcasts, sitting by themselves and discussing whatever they liked to talk about; well, Gretchen wasn't exactly talking. She chose to occupy her time by staring at Dib, who in turn ignored her too. Same shit as always. 
The din of irrelevant voices and clattering plates barely did anything to mask the forceful footsteps approaching your table, ones that could only be brought about by a soldier's march. Whether it was because you had grown so used to the sound or you were so wrapped up in your mind, the noise didn't register with you until a tray was harshly dropped onto the table.
"Why do you look like that?" The alien now sitting across from you asked, with a hint of something that at first you thought was distaste, but later recognized to be Zim's version of concern. Which was strange in itself, concern for others was always an afterthought for him, sometimes not even a thought at all.
"Like what?"
"All shmoopy." You narrowed your eyes, about to give a remark of denial, but whatever words died in your throat as you instinctively straightened up from your slouch, lips straightening from downturned into a neutral expression.
Breathing out a sigh, you decided to just get straight to the point before he would go off on a tangent about whatever thing Dib said in class that offended him. "Look, Zim. You need to come over for dinner Friday night, or else our relationship, experiment, whatever the hell it is, is over." Zim opened his mouth to say something, but you continued on before he could get even a single syllable out. "I know you don't want to, and believe me, you embarrassing yourself in front of my family is the last thing I want, but my parents are demanding to meet you. And if they don't, they're forbidding me from seeing you again or whatever." 
The Irken stayed quiet for a moment, thinking this over. To you, you guessed that his silence was him formulating some great break up speech in his head, so you braced for it. Why you even cared was beyond you, but it was still not what you wanted. "First of all, Zim will not embarrass himself!" You fixed him with a disbelieving look. There was no chance in any of the infinite parallel universes that he would not make a complete fool of himself. "But FINE! Zim will conquer this...interrogation."
Rolling your eyes, you attempted to fight the grin tugging at your lips. "It's not an interrogation, roach boy."
He disregarded your comment, clearly no longer listening. Instead, he hopped up onto the table, heeled soldier boots striking the tabletop, the sound echoing off the cafeteria walls. "Zim will be the best love-mate your parental units have ever laid eyes on!!" He yelled, throwing his fists in the air. Shrinking into yourself, you covered your face with your arms, face burning from the heads that were all turning in your direction to stare.
"Please don't say it like that." After a moment, Zim climbed back down and into his seat on the bench. Your classmates quickly lost interest, as these outbursts were commonplace. Eventually, you came out of your self cocoon to lay some very specific instructions on him. "Okay, cool. I need you to listen very carefully."
"Eh?" He snapped his attention back to you. Groaning, you reached across the tabled to grab his hand, your go to move to make sure he listened to you.
"Come over Friday at six. The whole time, just smile and nod. Don't say anything more than necessary. Just get by with the bare minimum, and then go home. Do you understand?" You looked to him with an intense look in your eyes. You knew that if you were not explicitly clear, the night could end in disaster. House-exploding, alien death battle kind of disaster. 
"Of course I do! Don't worry your stinky head, Zim has it under control." He dropped your hand, waving you off, overconfident as always. 
"Alright...I'm trusting you." You didn't trust him in the slightest. But there was really nothing you would be capable of doing. You had instructed him, very specifically you might add, and that was all you could do. And hope. You would be hoping too. With one last relenting sigh, you had no time to process the relief that came with the surprise of not being broken up with. Whatever relaxation you had briefly felt was immediately replaced by dread for Friday.
You laid sprawled on the couch, staring at the ceiling and drumming your fingers on your stomach. You really hoped that Zim would take your advice and behave himself over the course of the next few hours, but in the back of your mind, you knew that to be impossible. The house had been quiet, save for the clanging of pots and pans in the kitchen as your dad worked on dinner. Meanwhile, your father was just finishing tidying up the house, despite you telling him that it didn't matter. You told him that Zim wouldn't care, but the real reason it didn't matter is it probably would end up in worse shape regardless. His response had been to ignore you as he continued to wipe down surfaces you forgot existed. 
Right at six o'clock on the dot, your doorbell rang. You bolted up right, scrambling to reach the door faster than your father. Unfortunately, you weren't quite quick enough to match his long-legged stride, and he threw open the door just as you had the doorway within your sights. You had to skid to a halt in order to stop yourself from slamming into your father's back. 
"You must be Zim." Your father's voice was firm, but not threatening. At least not yet. You peered around him to get a good look at Zim, who, to your relief, was smiling and nodding. You stifled the laugh that was brought on at the sight of a simple black bow tie that was tied very incorrectly around his neck. It was a strange sight, considering it didn't quite fit with the standard invader uniform he always adorned. 
Your father stepped aside to let him in, sticking his hand out afterwards, prompting the Irken to shake it. Zim gazed at it quizzically, apparently not understanding what to do. Just as you were about to bestow a helpful hint, his face brightened as he kicked his leg up, resting his foot in your father's hand. He still seemed to be processing the motivations behind Zim's actions, but before he could respond, you grabbed ahold of Zim's leg, yanking it back onto the ground. The invader stumbled, and before he could fall, you threw an arm around his shoulders, pulling him in close and poking his cheek.
"Oh, Zim, what a jokester! Anyway, we'll be off now, call when dinner's ready-" You tried to drag your alien counterpart away before he could do anything else stupid, but unfortunately, your father had other plans.
"No, I don't think so." Although his voice was less than pleased, you knew he was just trying to put up an intimidating front. He wanted to scare Zim at least a little bit. Groaning, you turned around. "So, you think this whole thing is one big joke, huh?"
"Father, please-" You rolled your eyes, knowing that Zim was too dense to actually be pressured by your father's act. 
"You do drugs? Ever been suspended?"
"I thought you said this wasn't an interrogation." Zim muttered to you, and although it was intended to only be heard by you, Zim is physically incapable of speaking under his breath, and thus your father heard it too. You thought he was more fazed by Zim being unaffected by his grill attempts than what was actually said. 
"What's with the...you know?" Your father decided to ignore Zim's comment and go right for the green elephant in the room: Zim's appearance. In all honesty, it was a rude question. But, Zim was used to it by now.
"We talked about this! It's a skin condition!" You sighed in exasperation, just wanting to get through this night with your sanity intact. "Also, you can't just ask people that." There was an awkward pause between everybody, and you almost wished Zim would start screaming about something not even relevant.
Luckily, you didn't have to stew in silence for much longer. "Dinner's ready, come get it or don't!" Your dad called from the table. You gestured for Zim to follow you as you shuffled after your father, whose strides were quick and long, making it hard to keep up at a normal pace. Both parents had sat down, you following suit across from them. Zim, however, stayed standing, eyes fixated on the plate and glass of water resting on the table in front of the chair next to you. You hoped he was sensible enough to just ignore the food and sit there politely. 
"You can sit down, you know." Your father eyed Zim skeptically. The invitation to take a seat seemed to snap Zim out of his trance, as he sat down so fast he bumped the table, making the silverware shake. He finally appeared to take notice of your parents, and pointed a clawed finger across the table.
"It's like my Tallest!" His grin was wide, and his contacts portrayed his excitement. Your parents, on the other hand, looked to be beyond confused. You didn't exactly blame Zim for the association, considering both were tall males, and his comment made you notice that they were coincidentally wearing hues of red and purple. "I didn't know you had your own Tallest." 
"Who?" Your dad asked, eyes flicking between you and your uninformed alien boyfriend. You gave Zim a swift swat to his thigh under the table, intending to convey the message of 'what happened to smiling and nodding?'. He seemed to understand your intention, and answered your dad's question by cracking a smile and nodding furiously. Internally, you were smacking yourself in the face as both parents stared at you as if they were wondering whether or not Zim was higher than a fucking kite. The dinner so far was going fantastic. At least he hadn't caused any physical damage yet.
Your father cleared his throat, deciding to move on. "So, Zim...what are your plans after high school?" Thank god, a subject change. That being said, your relief only lasted about a half a second before you realized he didn't have any answers to this type of question, and he was horrible at bullshitting. 
"Um...oh, you know...stuff." Zim took a fork and began to experimentally stab at the food that was on his plate. "Sciency stuff." He tacked on those words, sensing your father not being satisfied with his original answer.
"Like what, doing an internship at Membrane Labs or something?" Your father continued to ask questions, but at this point you were helpless to stop him. Zim was on his own. 
"Yes!" Your father seemed to not believe Zim's confirmation, so you decided to help him out.
"Yeah, he's actually really good friends with Dib. You know, the Professor's son." You offered, albeit a stretch of the truth. The two knew each other very well, and, well, enemies after enough time are basically friends anyway. 
"Yes...the Dib-worm is my best friend." Zim spoke through gritted teeth, and you prayed that your parents wouldn't pick up on the venom seeping into every syllable. 
"You have any siblings?" Your dad asked, gaze less critical than the man next to him.
"No." His answer was short, almost as if he was attempting to speedrun the questions to get this dinner over with faster. Unfortunately, your parents would only fill it with more questions. Any attempt to stop them would be futile. 
"Where are you from exactly?" 
"Somewhere that isn't here. Eh, uh, er...it's very far. You wouldn't know it." Your father raised an eyebrow, growing tired of Zim's evasive and nonspecific responses. In a shocking turn of events, Zim was actually able to read the room for once in his life, picking up on your parents' distrust. "Wow, is this good food or what?" Before you could squeak out a single sound, Zim began to shovel the food on his plate into his mouth as fast as he could, washing it down by chugging the glass of water.
This of course sent you into a panic. You reached out an arm, to do what you weren't sure, but you never made contact. Instead, your hand hovered in the air as you gawked at Zim in bewilderment. He wasn't smoking, flailing, or screaming. In fact, he was taking it quite well. Everything seemed to be okay, and even he seemed to be surprised. His face relaxed into a smile when he realized that nothing was trying to kill him from the inside. Which, if that was what he had expected, you weren't quite sure what his plan had been in the first place, but you knew better than to question him. Questioning Zim only led to long rants that no one had the energy or the willpower to listen to. 
"Thank you-" Your dad's gratitude was cut off by Zim's ear piercing shriek as he dropped to the ground, knocking aside his chair in the process. He thrashed about like a fish out of water as he clawed desperately at his throat and face. Apparently, the delayed reaction had kicked in. His ear-piercing screeches were chopped up by choking and spluttering as he continued to kick and flounder his limbs around wildly. Looking up from the Irken rolling around on the ground to your parents, you noticed that they looked absolutely petrified. 
"He's fine! He'll be fine!" You waved your hands desperately, despite knowing full well they would never believe you. As if to accentuate the incorrectness of your statement, Zim howled out another cry of pain, the sound twisting your face into a cringe. At once, your parents clambered out of their seats, stumbling over each other to get to your side of the table. Your dad kneeled down next to Zim and tried to help him, completely at a loss for what was going on. Meanwhile, your father grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you off around the corner to the kitchen.
As you're being hauled away, you hear a distant "Should I call 911?" from your dad. 
As soon as you were out of ear shot of your suffering boyfriend, your father whisper yelled at you. "What the hell is wrong with him?!"
Again, you felt the need to defend him. It wasn't his fault that his alien biology couldn't handle Earth food, and that he didn't understand Earth culture too well. Okay, maybe that last one was his fault considering he's been on the planet for about four years and blending in was kind of his job. But still! "Look, I promise he's a decent guy once you get to know him."
"He's strange, Y/n! Not in the good way, in a concerning way." He hissed to you, never dropping eye contact. 
"He's just a little different is all!"
"A little different?! He's dying in our dining room!" Suppressing the urge to say, 'you mean our die-ning room?', you took a deep breath, preparing to explain away the probably traumatizing situation your parents were witnessing.
"He has a biological condition that makes it to where he can't a majority of foods." You thought that maybe that statement would calm him down, but it only seemed to worry him more.
"Jesus, Y/n, you couldn't have told us about the dietary restrictions before you brought him over? We almost just killed him!" Running a hand through his hair, he watched as you cast your eyes toward the ground, wringing your hands together. You knew he was right. It was something you should have thought of saying beforehand, you should have just told Zim to bring some Irken food along. But you had expected him to not even think about touching the food. And yet, you had just watched as he scarfed down almost the entire plate and a whole glass of water. 
"Sorry! But...would you please just give him another chance?" You pleaded, voice sweeter than you had ever sounded in your life. 
With a heavy sigh, your father nodded, waving you in the direction of the dining room. "Fine, if he doesn't need to go to the hospital, he can stay for the movie if he wants to. Just go hang out upstairs while we clean up" Your smile displayed your thanks as you made your way back to the scene of the accident. Things seemed to be alright now. If anything, your dad was more shaken up than Zim was. The Irken was standing again, pretending as if nothing happened.
"C'mon." You said nothing more as you took him by the hand, pulling him towards your room. He didn't protest, glad to be away from your dad who had been continuing to fuss over him. As you shut the door to your room behind you, the solace that came with knowing he was okay completely drained from your body. "What the hell was that?!" You smacked him lightly on the arm. He should know better than to consume food that would cause his insides to sizzle and smoke. Apparently, he seemed to still think that had been an ingenious idea.
"Zim was trying to show them that I am a good candidate for your love partner!" Your eyes widened, astonished on multiple levels. He really was a special kind of clueless, wasn't he?
"That was not the way! And why do you even care? I thought this was just some stupid experiment? Why should you care if this whole thing ends, you can just find someone else!" Throwing your hands up, your voice raised in volume, fire licking every word.
"Because Zim doesn't want someone else! Zim wants you, Stinky...Stink-worm." His voice had matched yours in loudness at first, but near the end of his words he grew quieter, arms crossed tightly against his chest, eyes averted in curt sheepishness. If Irkens could blush, you were sure he would be.
Any follow up argument you possessed had fled your brain, the only thing replacing it being the slight heat that flushed your cheeks. "Zim...are you saying that you actually...like me?" You were surprised, but pleasantly so. Now that you had to force yourself to think on it, you had realized that somewhere along the way, you began to like the roach boy more than you care to admit. It was a bit irritating to dwell on, considering this whole arrangement was, in the end, supposed to be no strings attached. He got his data, you had something to fill your time. Life has a funny way of panning things out, regardless of your intentions. 
"Zim is saying nothing!" His eyes were shut tight, a sign you could interpret as confirmation to your question. Neither of you would admit it, nor ever wanted to. That was the unfortunate downside to both sides of the equation having destructively low EQs. 
Even if you wanted to press him more, you were interrupted by your parents calling you for the movie. Sighing, it seemed you would have to shelve this conversation for a later date, which was fine by you. Feelings were messy and complicated anyway. "Let's go, roach boy." Zim followed without complaint, and as soon as you both came into view, your parents hit play on the film, which you instantly recognized as E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, something you had seen a million times. It had been your movie of choice as a kid. "Topical." You murmured under your breath, directing Zim to the couch. 
Your parents seemed impressed to see Zim alive and well, acting as if he hadn't been borderline dying on the dining room floor less than twenty minutes ago. "We've seen this about a hundred times, we know how it ends. You two have fun." Your father smiled to the both of you. Apparently, he actually listened to you and was giving Zim the benefit of the doubt.
"But not too much fun." Your dad added helpfully, but of course the implications of his comment flew right over Zim's head. 
"Anyway, if we don't see you before you leave, it was nice to meet you, Zim. Sorry for almost killing you." Your father didn't wait for a response--which he most likely wouldn't have gotten anyway--before heading to bed with your dad, most likely to watch something of their own. Your parents flicked the lights off as they exited, leaving the room dark, save for the light being thrown from the TV, as well as a soft glow coming from Zim's PAK. You had never noticed that before, but it made sense, considering this was the first time you had seen him in the dark before.
"You might like this. It's about an alien who comes to Earth. Well, more like gets stranded on Earth." 
"Hmm." Zim peered at the screen with interest, but began to frantically rub at his eyes, blinking repeatedly. Before you could even ask if he was okay, he snapped a tired response. "Contacts are bothering Zim." 
"Just take 'em out." He attempted to fix you with a distrusting stare, but it was broken by another stint of scratching. "They won't be coming back out, at least not before you leave. You'll be fine." You sank into the couch cushions, the darkness and familiarity of a favorite movie easing you into a contented state.
"Fine. But Zim is blaming you if you're wrong, Stink-worm." With speed and skill, he peeled the lenses from his eyes, stowing them in his PAK, which didn't seem all that sanitary. He blinked a few more times, but seemed comfortable. You directed your attention to the TV screen, but it was snapped away again at the feeling of weight settling on your thigh. Looking down, you saw Zim's head casually laid on your leg, eyes fixated on the movie. "Say anything and I'm replacing your organs with space squids." Zim grumbled, still not looking at you. 
"That's not very nice." You snickered through your words. You knew his threat was empty, and you weren't exactly a stranger to outlandish warnings yourself.
The Irken groaned, still not moving. "Ugh, fine. Say anything, and I'll, eh, lick your face or something." You said nothing more, arm resting lazily on his side, hand hanging near his own. Out of his own volition, he intertwined his claws with your fingers, almost daring you to say something. You didn't.
As the movie progressed, you could tell Zim was a hundred percent into it. That being said, when it came time for the scenes of Elliot and E.T. dying and being treated by the government, you felt Zim grip you a little tighter. You were beginning to wonder if you should turn it off. You were only encouraged in that thought when you felt Zim's back tremble, and although you couldn't see his face, you believed him to be crying.
You reached out your free hand for the remote, but stopped at the sound of Zim's uncharacteristically shaky voice. "Do-don't." You drew back your free hand, the other hand being tucked closer into Zim's chest. A sigh slipped past your lips, and you lifted him up and set him on the ground while he swiped at his eyes so you could kick your legs up and across the couch, reaching out to grab him and lay him on top of you before he could even begin to protest about being moved.
"You okay?" You asked, expecting a fight about being placed in this position. 
To your amazement, he didn't squirm off of you at all, instead, saying a simple "Yes." He even cuddled into you, head resting on your chest as he watched the film. This was the calmest you had ever seen the normally high-energy alien. A hand began to absentmindedly stroke his back, the texture of the fabric of his uniform unlike any you had ever felt. At first you were at a loss for what the rumbling against your chest was, but after a moment you were able to place it. Purrs were rising from Zim's throat, and although it was reminiscent of a cat, it was still a sound that was distinctly alien. It was a noise you had never heard before.
"For the record, I like you. A lot." You murmured quietly, hoping he was too enthralled by the movie to register what was said. Regrettably for you, Zim only seemed to listen when you wished him not to.
"Zim also thinks you are quite tolerable...for an Earth-worm."
"Gee, thanks. I feel so special." Despite your words, there was still a smile in your voice. At this point, the movie was past it's tearjerker moments, and the kids were all trying to get E.T. back to the forest. "So, do Irkens have a thing like E.T., where they connect with someone?" The syncing of Elliot and E.T.'s biological functions, emotions, and thoughts was a main plot point in the movie, and it got you wondering if maybe there was some accuracy, if not with Irkens, perhaps with another alien race?
"Sort of." His answer was unfocused, still drawn into the end of the film. You guessed this would be his new favorite Earth movie, which meant he would most certainly be demanding for you two to watch it together at least twice a month. 
"What do you mean, ‘sort of’?"
"We mate for life." He paused while you were still processing his statement. "But I don't think that was the connection you were asking about."
"Oh brother." You mumbled, deciding to toss that information out the window. Good to know that you wouldn't be getting of the roach anytime soon...or ever. 
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byakuyasdarling · 3 years
HELLO HI HEWWO !!! Happy Anniversary🎉 to one of the greatest ships I've ever seen !! 🫂💕💕 It's incredible how much effort and passion you put into developing their relationship;; Their dynamic is so complex and well thought !! They are a wonderful couple and I'm so happy I got to met them. Their love is so inspiring. I just know that Byakuya is as grateful as you are that you two met and became so important to eachother. I can't think of any questions right now, but if you've got any headcanons you'd like to share I'd be super happy to listen !! ♡♡
And for the ask game!! Maybe ✧ and ❖ ? I wish you two a lovely day!!💓
Aaaa oh my gosh, thank you so much for your kind words, Flake!! You always make me so, so happy <33 I’m so glad to know you like them so much, it’s super fun writing all the details of their relationship and how they understand and love each other. Byakuya means a great deal to me, and I struggle seeing myself graduating high school next year while not calling him my F/O (fingers crossed guys!!! <33).
As I recall, I think yours and Taka’s second anniversary is coming up in January? I absolutely cannot wait for that!! I really adore your ship too, and you’ll always be one of my artistic inspirations (and, of course, my friend <33).
Anyway, answers to the ask game are under the cut :)
✧ - Do you prefer to plan dates out, or do you prefer to just go with the flow and figure things out a you go?
Both of them are MASSIVE planners. S/I is definitely the more willing one to go with the flow; just Byakuya’s company alone is enough for her to be happy. Byakuya, however, doesn’t quite understand that she’s just happy no matter what, causing him to excessively plan dates to give her a perfect experience he thinks she deserves.
Most of them are at night too. I like to think Byakuya enjoys cold nights the most as it tends to be the time the least people are around (it also gives him an excuse to make her huddle close to him ‘for warmth’ when in reality he just uses it as an excuse to be close together).
Most of their dates are at the night café and are recognised regulars there, ahaha. S/I often wants to socialise with the shopkeeper and the occasional passerby, enjoying all of the fantastical stories unique individuals get to tell. Byakuya of course despises this, wanting S/I to himself in the back corner. While she talks, he occasionally will fit his coat around her if she shows symptoms of being cold, or holding her hand under the counter protectively.
He has been called out by the waiter a number of times for his coddling of her and how bad of a job he does at keeping his love for her on the down low. He has been called ‘the overprotective jealous type’ too many times to count. Overall, they both enjoy being there at late nights. When seated in the plush seating in the corner of the café though, S/I is very prone to falling asleep on him, often needing to be gently rocked awake and carried into bed once they’re back at the mansion.
I ended up drawing this silly little idea today [here!]
❖ - Surprise! Your f/o is going to treat you to a special day- no budget, no restrictions- how do you spend the day?
Byakuya isn’t the most fond of — well, going outside to public spaces. He just REALLY doesn’t like people. But, he does treat her occasionally (just because he loves her so much). Byakuya isn’t the most fascinated by the planetarium, but it’s a place S/I shows great exuberance to go to — so, naturally he takes her there.
Also, a big shopping day is pretty much inbound. Poor S/I always needs his help with zippers and such -_- he’d make a few snarky comments concerning how much she needs him for everything, but he does genuinely love caring for her and feeling needed (because as I’ve said, Byakuya needs her too, he just doesn’t want to admit it).
Funnily enough, they mostly prefer to just be with each other in the mansion, alone. Byakuya’s a private man, and both their love languages is quality time (I’ve justified that in another post sksksks); they really just love being in one and another’s presence.
They might play music together though. Byakuya has a lot of perfectionist tendencies, so its a bit hard for him to refrain from critiquing everything — he still loves being able to create something with her though and it’s a very precious experience. He can’t draw super well or is proficient at any other artistic mediums, but his musical side is a very sensitive thing he doesn’t really trust anyone else with outside of the more soulless piano performances he does to show off. But creating his own music? It’s something special to share with her. Especially when he sings, that’s only for her.
(he says (in canon) he can play all standard instruments — voice is an instrument, so I’m just saying he can sing to an extent but it’s not his forte by any means)
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boy-above · 4 years
Please, anymore thoughts on Kokichi?? I'd love to hear you infodump :) love your content btw
aaa omg :0 it’s a little embarrassing infodumping publicly aaaa but i’ll do it, here’s some thoughts abt him.
for starters! i think kokichi is locked into position of antagonist very early on and doesn’t really have a chance to fight it. this is partly his fault of course, i believe the reason he’s so rude and hostile is so he keep his distance from people as he doesn’t trust any of them. he reiterates many times that this is a game of suspicion and he will not let himself fall victim to someone by trusting them. he doesn’t want to appear vulnerable either so he doesn’t allow anyone even a glimpse of his true feelings most of the time, he lies so much so even when he does express true feelings, you’ll never know if he’s being serious or not.
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but this also means that no matter what he does during the game, even if it’s an action that has good intentions or is for the better of the group, it will be met with hostility because everyone assumes from a very early point that he does not have their best interests in mind. this means he would literally be unable to redeem himself in their eyes because they’ve already decided that he’s a bad person no matter what. even if he started acting nice and doing everything right, people would continue to think hes scheming and is up to no good.
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for example, kokichi reveals to everyone that maki is the ultimate assassin, but the others kind of treat him like an asshole for it. kokichi was doing the right thing here! everyone deserved to know that there was a professional killer among them, someone who was guarding an entire room full of weapons!! but he’s vilified for doing this. also, something big that always makes me upset, is the fact that people routinely disregard kokichi’s safety and well-being. someone he just outed as a murderer is standing there strangling him and nobody does anything to help him. then of course there’s the scene where he’s busted his head and is covered in blood and very obviously woozy and not okay, but everyone is just annoyed with him and nobody helps him. he doesn’t deserve that. everyone hates him so much.
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and it comes to a point where kokichi weaponizes everyone’s hatred and mistrust of him against the mastermind, by trying to convince everyone that he Is the mastermind in his plans to hopefully end the killing game. and everyone eagerly believes it because they’ve already all got huge hate boners for him, it seems obvious to them. everyone is willing to believe he orchestrated the whole situation they’re trapped in and that he’s a remnant if despair, despite the fact that there’s actually very little evidence for it. everyone except shuichi, who later goes out of his way to prove his suspicions that kokichi isn’t the mastermind nor a remnant of despair to clear his name. which brings me to! why kokichi hates kaito and why he feels that he can trust shuichi.
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kokichi is a very logic over feelings type of guy, and feels that blindly trusting people just because you think they’re your friend is a very dangerous mindset to have, in this situation at least. this is why he butts heads with kaito a lot. kaito is someone who even got mad at shuichi for accusing gonta in his trial, even though gonta Was the culprit and everyone else would be executed if they voted incorrectly, all because kaito’s belief in trusting others was so strong. kaito is very feelings over logic. kaito has a very firm stance on what he believes is right and wrong and he’s Stubborn as fuck about it. that’s part of the reason i don’t really care for kaito, he can get very preachy at times and let’s his feelings get in the way of finding the truth. he seems to feel morally superior to people in a game where morals are simply not black and white in the way he thinks they should be.
which brings me to why kokichi feels he can trust shuichi and only shuichi!
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kaede was shuichi’s closest friend in the game and he did not let his feelings get in the way of naming her as the culprit. if he had blindly believed in her and refused to name her as the culprit despite all the evidence pointing towards her, everyone would have died. it completely tore shuichi up inside to send kaede to her death, it absolutely devastated him, but he did it for the sake of the group. it’s this moment where i think kokichi started taking an interest in shuichi. this is someone who understands the game and understands what has to be done to protect everyone. you can’t get everyone there killed just to protect one person, no matter how close with them you are. i think it’s from here that kokichi slowly started gaining a crush on him as well. i headcanon that kokichi didn’t have much interest in him before he actually saw him in action during the trial, when he entered “detective mode” and got all serious.
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i don’t think this is a complete lie! i don’t think he’s saying he’s in love with him or anything, but i do think it’s true he likes shuichi most out of everyone there. he thinks shuichi is the most interesting and trustworthy and probably does think about him a lot. he does a lot of thinking, the gears in his head are always turning, i get the feeling he doesn’t get a lot of sleep with how much he’s always thinking. it honestly makes me pretty sad thinking about him staying up all night thinking about his situation and trying to plan how he’s going to end the game, all while being super isolated from everyone else and not having any true friends.
which takes me to another point!
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kokichi ouma is a super tragic character. i don’t care what anyone says, i don’t believe having this interpretation of him is “woobifying” him or anything similar. this right here? he’s telling the truth. nobody would care if he died, and nobody Did care when he died. everyone was sad about kaito, there was hardly any talk about kokichi. kokichi died a sad, lonely, unceremonious death. nobody cared when he had blood oozing from his head, nobody cared when maki was strangling him, nobody cares about him.
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he was right. kokichi was always alone, through the whole game. he died alone. and i do think that this coming from shuichi probably hurt. shuichi was the only person there who he thought he could maybe trust. and kokichi did get what he wanted, he needed Everyone to hate him so they’d all believe he was the mastermind if he wanted his plan to work, including shuichi. but i don’t think he was prepared to hear shuichi say this specifically, i think it really hit close to home which is why it shut him up the way it did. and remember, kokichi Did try to ask shuichi to be in on the plan!! during chapter 4, as they were exiting miu’s vr world, he did attempt to ask shuichi to be his accomplice in a very roundabout way, but shuichi ignored him and exited the program. there could have been a world where kokichi and shuichi worked in tandem to try to end the killing game.
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which brings me to why i ship saiou. i love saiou a lot. it’s my comfort ship and it makes me very happy. part of it is that kokichi is my comfort character and i project very heavily onto him. as ive mentioned above, i think kokichi trusted shuichi, was interested in him and he was kokichi’s favorite. i think he had feelings for shuichi and it’s very comforting to imagine shuichi returning his feelings and kokichi getting to be happy. i love aus where kokichi has friends and people actually try to know him and see through his lies, don’t accept them for face value. that’s also why i think kokichi liked shuichi, everyone else took him at face value and didn’t try to look below the surface at all. shuichi was interested in kokichi, interested to know what made him tick and why he did the things he did. he cared enough to want to find out. towards the end of the game shuichi did get very tired and couldnt find any logic in his actions anymore, and ultimately did give up, but once kokichi was gone his conviction to know kokichi’s true intentions came back again.
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I think overall kokichi actually was lonely and wanted someone to care about him. i know the ftes aren’t technically canon but they Are canon compliant and are in character. kokichi’s feelings for shuichi are obvious. kokichi wants to spend time with shuichi and do silly things with him like playing yugioh and having tea parties. kokichi played Rock Paper Scissors against shuichi One Hundred times and shuichi kept playing. and at the end when kokichi got all giddy when shuichi was bandaging his cut, i think he was so excited because someone cared about him. someone cared about him enough to bandage his cut and just that little thing is enough to make him bashful and happy because he isn’t used to being cared for. that’s why i ship saiou, i just want kokichi to be happy and shuichi can make him happy. out of everyone shuichi tried the hardest.
anyway i think that’s all i got! please nobody @ my about my interpretations lol
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stimmypaw · 4 years
stimmypaw reads the apprentice’s quest, a blog post
A big one, just a bunch of thoughts as I’m reading it, of course, lots of spoilers for the first book in the Warrior Cats series A Vision of Shadows. This will be covering just the first book tho, it’s all in the Read More, let’s gooooooo!!!!
Vision Of Shadows time
Lots of new cats!!! I don't remember these guys as kits or anything wrow!!! I like their names but itll take a while to get used to them
Also cant believe they printed stormcloud's dead name
Omg there's a cat named beepaw
I love these cats all of them so much im going 2 cry
All new names are perfect
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I'm glad leafpool smokes weed
I love reading from Jayfeather's point of view, his grumpiness hasn't grown on me ever but thats just me, I still enjoy it lots he's great and its fun
Firestar and Leopardstar's characterizations are On Point i love it
OOF i feel so bad when jayfeather is mean to others, poor kestrelflight, I love those two
Lovely Jayfeather moments now its time for the first chapter
I like this duo! Also I didn't think I'd ever say this but shut up squirrelflight one can have fun AND learn with their mentors
Sparkkit sounds nice she makes jingling bell noises when she walks around
Alderkit is chadphobic /j
I can see Alderkit taking deep breaths to relax its rotating in my mind its beautiful
God this first chapter feels so good and comfortable, like eating noodles and chicken nuggets. I am so so deeply in love with it, its gorgeous!
Sparkkit is so perfect too, and Graystripe remembering Firestar aaaaaa
DUSTPELT SAID WHAT? PHDHAHAHHA OH NOOOO I don't remember their relationship much, must have been fun, I love young little creature squirrelflight I MISSED HER SO BAD WOW
I started reading the second chapter and died, I think ill take a break now 2 sleep heehhee
I love them describing twoleg stuff its always so fun and alien, like watching an animal planet show about funny sea creatures.
Also I have determined sparkpaw is my favorite, might be my favorite cat ever next to hollyleaf??? I really identify with her and also she's autistic i have decided that
Alderpaw baby noooo hhhh their mentor at least is trying to show its okay, he seems very emotionally distant so far and alderheart feels very emotionally needy, actually both of them do, did I mention I love Sparkpaw??? I might be imprinting myself 2 much on her
I love how like, its clear both of them are absolutely anxious and worried about others opinions on them, which is clearly something they got from being Firestar's grandkids, deputy kids and leader kids. And bramblestar too, I recall him being quite the anxious lad ahhah. Sparkpaw will be showing confidence and being loud but the second anyone isn't approving of her or she does something "wrong" she gets small and quiet, and she ended up setting a high bar for herself by being good at hunting and fighting so I'm curious to see how that will go. Also there's nothing wrong with being guided through a crowded place to meet others Sparkpaw!!! I bet the two of them would be stuck without not knowing how to talk to others had Needlepaw not shown up. I love them, my gf is mocking me saying I'm a Sparkpaw kinnie.
Apprentices will like learn about a thing and tell everyone about it all the time and assume its always true in every situation and thats valid I love kids like that. Also in my head Needlepaw kinda looks like a porcupine. Oh boo she's fatphobic >:(
I love apprentices they are so fun and silly, just making fun of the leaders like its nothing. The way they are clearly learning and absorving everything their warriors say and do like sponges its just ***chefs kiss***
Omg shadowclan is just full of 12 year olds help
And then the old person said "it sure is hard being old!" And everyone clapped
Shout-out to pretty Riverclan apprentice #481977 I love her
Leafpool: 👁👁
Alderpaw: I knew it im cursed and awful and terrible and I will never amount to anything
I wish the cats didn't seem to be giving up on him so easily though
Ah yes the classic thunderclan move "you suck, into the medicine hole you go"
The way sparkpaw changes the things she says and how she does when it isn't the status quo around her oooooooooooooyeaaaaaaa I love 1 autistic cat
Alderpaw considering your problems lesser than other cats won't help you deal with them better bro
I love Needlepaw's excitement about Alderpaw being a medicine cat apprentice, and her sarcasm, she feels like a preppy teenager
Ahhh this is so good, I am so thirsty for family moments like this, just Alderpaw bonding with grandma, I’ll definitely want to draw this one it’s so sweet.
Oh to be young and silly.
I really am enjoying like, Alderpaw’s struggles to seeing how he fits in the clan, how he fits in himself, how he wants to be seen and what he wants to be, it’s really good. I Am Engaged(tm) With This Plot.
SPARKPAW NOOOOOOO but also Yes I want her to be shown vulnerable and weak please 
POP, god watching this stuff always awful, the cats must have thought he broke her ahahah
Also, really great that they learned from Dovewing and now like leave choices and discussions about prophecies between adults
And plus Brambles seemed to take the time to explain stuff to him, seems he wont be going alone either the 1 thing is that he will be the only one knowing what the journey is really about, why though??? I didnt read Firestar's Quest or whatever why does Skyclan need to be secret??? Seems quite silly really!
I could feel squirrelflight nearing explosion here, this was very fun, i wish they werent hiding this though!!!
The secret thing is showing to be a plot point so I am once again Very Engaged
Also, wonderful dialogue bit, someone asked Bramblestar why an Elder is going and:
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Lovely perfect perfect
I miss you dovewing
Oh boy this is it
Traveling book moment
Graystripe: Soooo you're excited to go on the journey to the old territories and Skyclan?
Sandstorm: Yes! It's been ages and-
Graystripe: I'm sure the tribe will love the visit too
Sandstorm, groaning: Oh noooo I forgot about how the tribe is in the way of every journeyyyyy noooooo they're such a racist caricature, please tell me you have a plan
Graystripe: Yes don't worry about it the writers forgot about the tribe in my comic book so you can just use the excuses i did to actively avoid it
Sandstorm: Oh thank Starclan
Sparkpaw's desperation to prove herself oof, her anxiety with understanding the prophecy, oh boy, and Alderpaw feeling too overwhelmed by the questions and not managing to talk!!!! I am so glad they are both autistic
Hoping "Being Leader" wont mean theyre putting nonsense responsibility on the apprentice again
Ah good Sandstorm is on the lead again, as she should, she should have been leader she would have been great
I can't believe Alderpaw thinks I look stupid and diseased :( /j
Everything about this twoleg scene was scandalous I loved it, Sparkpaw just toppled over a trash bag and they are eating from it, iconic, also did those twolegs throw out a whole turkey? Damn
Its not that Sparkpaw is freakishly good at hunting she is very hungry and constantly on the watch for things to eat
BRO Ive never been in a road where the drivers are this wild, throwing bottles out of the car????? Ive seen Fruit being thrown like once or twice, what the fuck!!! I'm glad they are going to wait until the morning to continue
Okay I was not expecting Needlepaw to show up this girl is chaotic I love her
Needlepaw is like Rono from Bambi 2 if he wasnt a mean bully and thats very epic
Very curious character though, how come her mentor isnt teaching her the warrior code properly? Is that an issue with all apprentices?? Is the clan overwhelmed by 12 year olds and they won?
Having lots of fun trying to play the game "what animal are they describing this time" the erins made here, im glad they're in a farm. Worried about Sandstorm though :c
Fuck im worried about sandstorm a lot, her wound hurt on Me
Yeah water is good youre right sandstorm
Aw man I hope she's okay let her at least survive to meet skyclan please
I am so sad
Alderpaw denying it, Starclan shining upon their vigil, everything crushed me i cried
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Alderpaw considers Nihilism
Haven't seen a cat thank starclan for prey in a while its
Oh look they time skipped a journey! They don't tend to do that thats nice
I'm so excited to be meeting The Skyclan that everyone in the fandom knows now
So far they seem kinda mean but thats most clans at first glance really
Okay somethings up
I uh have heard of Darktail pretty sure he's a bad guy so yeah something really bad happened to Skyclan
Am worried
Darktail sounds like an evil himbo* i may be enjoying him actually
*himbos are usually nice by default so he's just evil and stupid and strong
Does needletail know these cats already?????
Oh okay fuck
I've been quietly reading the rest because I am just concerned and I want them to be okay as quickly as possible
Waterfalls are a classic nice
Oh boy time for our unlikely duo of Alderpaw and Needlepaw to get out of a Mess!
I did not expect this to end up with the two of them journeying into parenthood, but I'm happy it did
Well actually I'm very unhappy theyre so lost and there's no sign of Skyclan I am very worried for everyone involved Sparkpaw must be feeling awful!
Twigkit is a great name
Yeah this ended terribly
Overall! Frigging loved it this book was GOOD and a great start for the series I am very excited to read the rest, SO WORRIED ABOUT SKYCLAN THO AAAA the characterizations were great the characters were great the pacing was fun and I didn't get bored once!
I think o only wish I had read this sooner really so I could look up others thoughts without getting heavily spoiled about the last books, I can watch a few videos already though thats a start ahhaha. But yeah it was great and it felt very good to read, haven't swallowed up a book so quickly in a very long time!!! Very happy I finally got my hands on this 💕💖💕💖💕💖 cant wait 2 start the next one
If you read all this, hope you had fun hahaha, ill be making more of these cus theyre fun and I like talking about warrior cats thats just my thing
Til next time
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evesbeve · 6 years
Exactly one year ago, I posted my first Ninjago fanfiction on Tumblr
(Yes, this is one of these big and personal posts, but bear with me for a second ^w^)
I've already talked about how much Ninjago means to me, and what a positive impact it has had on my life, but to celebrate a year into this fandom, I'd like to focus on its community here on Tumblr.
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I've always been into Ninjago. In fact, I started watching it back in 2011, when it first came out!
Later on, I discovered fanfiction. It was like a dream come true, to read original stories about my favorite ninja, and to write them myself too! Eventually I began posting them, and I must say... They weren't good XD
But hey, I loved writing them! So I did just that - I kept writing and writing, until... Well, I grew out of Ninjago when I reached 7th grade.
But last year, I decided to rewatch the entire series during Christmas break. It was like falling in love with my favorite ninja all over again.
And who would have thought there would be an active fanbase here on Tumblr?
I remember scrolling down the tag and smiling at every single artwork and piece of fanfic (+ memes, of course. Who can forget about memes?) that I found.
(And bruh, discovering bruiseshipping? Holy FSM, that was truly a Christmas miracle.)
On December 28th of 2017, I made my first Ninjago Vocal Cover.
The feedback I got was incredible. I had never, ever received such positive comments before, and the encouragement to do more helped me get out of the bad mental state I was in.
So I got writing again.
If I was going to post Ninjago, I was going to post Pixane.
So I did do that, and on January 1st of 2018, I posted my first Ninjago fanfiction in years.
Did I post it as soon as I finished it? Yes!
Had I beta-ed it? ... No...?
It was still a huge step for me though! Once that story was up, I was on freaking fire.
To make you understand, I published a total of 30 Ninjago related stories (and that was just the stuff I made public!)
I have never produced this much content before!
If that wasn't enough, I picked up my YouTube channel again, occasionally made some art, and heck, somehow I got motivated to clean up my room to make space for LEGOs.
I even had the pleasure of hosting a collaborative project with around 30 people! (Yes, the new one is on the way, we're all still working on it :D)
Suddenly I was motivated to do stuff, I wasn't sad all the time, I made new friends!
All that is because of YOU.
I'm just a random girl from Greece that happens to like a bunch of LEGO ninja. Yet, you've treated me with so much kindness, and made me feel like so much more than that.
I'm not oblivious to the fact that I am known inside this fanbase. I just want to make sure you know that you made my voice loud.
And for that, I am greatful.
I am greatful for the joy you've given me, and the memories I was able to make because of you.
I've always wanted this blog to be a place of positivity. It makes me so incredibly happy that you can seek to it to get away from everything else, that it makes you happy.
This blog, is our blog.
So I'd like to take a moment to personally thank a few people from this community that played an important role in my life in 2018. If you don't want to go through a big thank you list, that is totally understandable, so I'll put it under the cut. To those of you who are leaving this post now,
Happy New Year!
Before I start, I'd like to say that it would be impossible to include every single person I know into one post. If you're not in here but you're still relatively active, chances are I don't know you personally (but I have probably noticed you!) OR I accidentally forgot to include you, in which case I'M SO SORRY, AAAA!
Without any further ado!
Thank you @diamantdrache, for drawing me like three times without me even asking, holy crap ;w; You're so amazing dude, I'm always happy to see you around. Keep being awesome!
Thank you to @strawberryhipster and @kunoichi-of-fangirling for always screaming with me about Pixane!
Thank you @i-am-the-bluejay for making me laugh through your amazing bruise fanfics! They never failed to cheer me up :D
A special thanks to @parachutingkitten, for, gosh, everything. Discovered your fanfics during a very hard time, and trying to solve the mystery behind them kept me going. You're so kind and sweet to me all the time, and I'm so happy we ran into each other!
Huge thanks to @volzorra for dropping by my inbox to tell me the randomest of things! I adore everything you do, keep it up!! :D
Thanks to @panwitha-plan, @purplerose244, @monstriframinerva and @ninjago-rewritten for making me giggle whenever you pop up in my feed and notifications! You guys rock 💜
A big one to @ninjakitten1699 for coming up with such amazing scenarios featuring the one true mastermind of Ninjago - Dr. Kitty Saunders! Not only that, but somehow you always remember what stuff I like, and tag me in funny posts (and angst bc I live for that) and making my day! Thank you so much for everything!
Thank you @coco-jaguar for being a mom to all of us in the fandom, and organising such cool events like the Secret Santa!
Thanks to @loud-quiet-and-fragile for going through 100 of my posts at once and commenting at every single one! You're just so fun to be around, and my mood instantly improves when I see you!
You knew it was coming, @nightlybirdie! Thank you, for always responding to my yelling about your art, and for yelling on my content as well! You're one of the sweetest people I know, I'm seriously so happy we met!
Thank you to @kara-is-so-ninja!! For not only having such an amazing AU, but for spreading joy everywhere you go! I admire your work so freaking much, but I admire you as a person even more. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face 💜
Thank you @ninjagojed, for being so easy and fun to talk to! I enjoy your company to death!
HUGE THANKS TO MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER @lindsey-chr-not-found!! I've known you for so long and, its amazing we found each other again! Thanks for screaming to me about our ideas, and, well, for letting me adopt you XD
A big thanks to @echojulien for being such a supportive friend, and always there when I'm in need of our boy Echo!! :D
This is where it starts to get really difficult to fit things into a single paragraph...
To @hottchoco, who is basically one of the reasons I started shipping bruise in the first place, thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you for being that one person that is somehow into all of my fandoms at once, and screaming to me in random about them. Thank you for, even though we have different tastes sometimes, being respectful no matter what. Thank you, for being my shoulder to cry on when I need it. Thanks for everything dude :D 💜
Thank you @spinharmony, for creating a server where I made such amazing friends, and for BEING one of those amazing friends. It's so easy to talk to you about anything. You're always there, whether it's screaming about our misunderstood favorite characters, or talking about our problems. Thank you so much for just being there. I am so lucky to be able to call you my friend 💜
Thank you @hollsheadcanons!! You were one of the first people I met in this fandom, and definitely someone I was comfortable with since day one. We spend so much time just meming and yelling, that I literally feel like there's nothing to be afraid of when I'm with you. You make all my problems disappear, but you're also here to comfort me when I'm in need of hugs. Words are not enough to describe how much you mean to me. You're one of my best friends in the entire world, and for that, I thank you. Love you so much Holls!!💜
And finally, @clumsinessinperson and @ninjagoruinedmylife. You two, it feels wrong to talk about you separatedly because we're always together! I don't even know where to begin with you guys, I just love you so freaking much. No matter how upset I am, you always lift me up. You're so understanding of how I feel, and I know I can always count on you for anything. I just can't believe how close we are, and how many things we've created and been through together. I want you to know that you mean the world to me, and I love you so much. Thank you for being my friends. I love you 💜
To everyone reading this, regardless of being in my list or not, thank you so much for being part of my year, and for being part of my life. Thank you for everything 💜
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luvdsc · 3 years
helloooo it's autumn ! (ur fav anon 😉) i'll answer all the questions u asked me last time ! as for my job, i'm what's called a "youth encourager" meaning that i give advice, encouragement, and inspiration to people my age and younger. i started last monday and i'd say it's going well ! as for my bday i plan on going out to eat, having way more ice cream than i should, having a sleepover with my one of my best friends and my older brother, playing video games... ill send another ask :)
(autumn continued 😄) and i'm very excited for it! now it's in 11 days! as for junior year i have to get used to being in person again. i definitely need to catch up with my friends and figure everything out but im definitely more excited than nervous. also for classes, im taking: art, avid (college readiness class), english, environmental systems, geometry, culinary arts, principles of agriculture, and u.s. history. im really looking forward to art and culinary arts especially! sending another >
(yes this is autumn again so sorry the word limit is killing me 😤) i'm so happy ur getting to spend time with friends again and that ur doing well ♡ also u acting like a mom is so cute lol it's always so nice to hear back from u it's like having a distant older sister 😂 (and yes anatomy is just uGH straight up nasty) anywho hope u continue to be happy ! talk to u again soon (yes ! i finally beat the word count 😌)
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hi, honey bee !!!! 💓 how are you doing? how's your weekend going? and omg that sounds like such a lovely job 🥺 are you enjoying it? have you been speaking with a lot of people? do you get assigned an age group / grade level or do you connect with people at random? i'm glad to hear that it's going well!! 💘 and yesss ice cream is so yummy omg what's your favorite flavor to get? will you be going out to eat your favorite food? and aaa sleepovers are so much fun !!!! i hope you have a good time celebrating with your best friend and older brother 💛 and what's your favorite video game to play? :o
omg aaa your bday is so close now, right? 3 more days if i calculated it correctly?? it's gonna be so much fun now that school is in person again!! and junior year means prom and all that fun stuff too 🌸 will you be hanging out with your friends more over the summer now that it's safer to meet with other people? and omg omg you're taking art?? 🤩 will you be doing a specific type of art like painting or drawing or ceramics or will it be a class where you can dabble in all sorts of art? and culinary arts !!!! aaaa cooking is so much fun, pls tell me all about it when you take it and what sort of recipes you'll learn 💖 hearing about all your classes is making me feel so nostalgic :')
lsjdflakjsd yeah i think the word limit still exists on the website, but it's not there if you use the app 🤧 and thank you so much!! 🥺💗 one of my best friends came to my family's bbq today and i'm really happy i got to spend time with my friend 🥰 asdfhalkjsdf omg is this what being an older sister is like? i'm the youngest in my family, and i have an older sister, so i never got to experience what it's like to have a younger sibling 🤧 (anatomy is long gone now, no need to waste anymore brain cells on it 😤) and thank you so so much, lovebug, i hope you're doing well and are happy too !!! i hope to talk to you soon, sweetpea 💜💜
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izzyizumi · 6 years
( ... I miss RPing ... ... ... . ) ( /tags rambles about past RPing Koushiro ofc ) ( /basically @ all the cute Digimon RPers on my dash STOP BEING CUTE ) ( also this is what I love about the fandom too aaaa seriously stop the cute )
#izzyizumi tag rambles#izzyizumi rambles#izzyizumi text#izzyizumi commentary#izzyizumi text post#(I tried to RP Koushiro once ... once ... way back ... like in 2010 .....)#(but I couldn't find more of the Chosen to RP with bc it was pre-tumblr days and such... ;;)#(and then. things. happened. a lot of personal things orz)#(and I had to stop RPing since...)#(BUT I'M SEEING A LOT OF CUTE LOOKING RPs ON MY DASH FROM YOU ALL AND YOU'RE ALL SO CUTE aaaa)#(but then again I don't think I could keep up even now ... ... ;;)#(I'd probably die if a Taichi ever wanted to RP though)#(JPN canon compliant would be preferred but . still)#(before trying Koushiro I was also involved in various other fandom RPs elsewhere aaa.... ;;)#(really though I need to work on the other Chosens' voices too but . . . the energy needed. sob)#(ok seriously though I'm dying from the cute RPs I'm seeing STOP BEING SO CUTE)#(does anyone else remember the term used like ... PSL iirc? 'private storylines'? where)#(you plan it and take your time and such aaaa that's. what I'd need)#(but then also. shy. way too shy)#('what if I tried more actual n s f-----')#('---------------------------------------------')#(<- basically)#(also my Koushiro has like a million issues bc the worlds really hate him ala Repeat)#(.... he's more like the pre-Repeat Koushiro of the old OC fic storyline though aka 'original Repeat')#(unfortunately for him)#(anyway random tag musings as I lurk while watching THE WAY TOO CUTE RP ON MY DASH)#(SERIOUSLY STOP BEING CUTE)
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