#(unfortunately for him)
radiance1 · 8 months
@puppetmaster13u You called Danny a space whale in the tags of one of this post.
Now what if that was literal?
Hear me out, Danny outlives his friends, parents, sister. Danny becomes a literal whale.
Well, not a literal one because he's a ghost, but he takes the shape one of at the very least. He's just a giant, glowing white whale that looks pretty divine not going to lie.
Danny leaves earth. It wasn't safe for him anymore, what with the GIW and all that as even the ghosts found it not even worth anymore to visit the mortal world.
Except for Desiree and Spectra, but that's besides the point.
But Danny doesn't retreat to the zone, he's always longed for space, but because of his new half humanness he doesn't get believe he could've ever gone because, well. Yea.
But Danny goes fuck it and goes anyway. His form shifts from human to that of a giant whale, and he swims out into the vastness of space.
Years pass, and Danny does start getting bigger as he aged. He explored the vastness of space, marveling at many things, the different planets, the stars, the formations of rock and other things.
Then he encounters someone he never though he would've.
Well, he knew Vlad was left behind in space by his father but he didn't think he would find him again and Vlad seemed... different, from what he remembered.
For one thing, he didn't even know where Vlad began and space ended. He got only see those red eyes that even hinted at it being the man. His body was void black and filled with stars upon stars, all glittering from his body and Vlad barely even seemed to notice him, or if he did, he didn't seem to care at all.
So, Danny took him.
He was both curious and felt a bit bad about what happened to Vlad, even if he didn't know exactly what happened, and he couldn't just leave him there either.
So on his back Vlad went, and his travels continued.
It seemed to be the correct decision, really, because slowly overtime Vlad seemed to be regaining his awareness. Then slowly, tentatively, started to speak with him through ghost speak.
Vlad only seemed to vaguely remember what he was before space. He remembered hating a man, loving a woman, wanting a son, loneliness and a boy with white hair and toxic green eyes.
Even though Vlad was his former enemy, his nemesis, and someone who took the world hostage.
He couldn't help but feel pity for him.
Then their travels continued.
Years pass unnoticed, when in space, with Danny slowly getting bigger and bigger as the two travel throughout. They've come into contact with various civilizations, some hostile, some peaceful, some neutral.
The hostile ones never lasted long, even if Danny never lifted a flipper to do anything most of the time, Vlad made sure of it.
They came at went as they pleased, and Danny believes that they've gained a bit of a reputations over their adventures, but neither he nor Vlad knew exactly what they said. It did prove useful in some cases, however.
A few more years, and Danny feels that this system is vaguely familiar. Which happens sometimes, considering he's been travelling for so long. He then finds out why it was so familiar.
He came across Earth and, oh. When was the Earth so small?
Well, not small really, but when was he just only a bit smaller than it?
Did it shrink when he was away? Or did he just grow?
That doesn't matter though. What does, is the fact that currently seemed to be an invasion going on, on his home planet thank you very much. He did not like the fact that there was a massive fleet parked right outside his home.
So he spoke to Vlad, expressed his displeasure, Vlad responded back knowingly and went off to make the source of his displeasure disappear. That doesn't Danny was idle either, the fleet was big and, well.
It's been a while since he's stretched himself in a fight.
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
dp x dc prompt #34
Everyone always says that having a good reaction time is a great thing in a town where ghosts attack daily. Nobody ever warned him that sometimes it’s a bad thing to punch first and ask questions later.
Danny gets startled by Bane while wandering around Gotham, and punts him four blocks into a brick wall. Danny scrambles to get gone before anyone notices, but unfortunately for him, Gotham has eyes everywhere. And one Red Robin cannot believe that a twink of a guy just sent one of their physically strongest rogues flying like it was nothing.
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imasexypotato · 5 months
Curt: Listen, You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?'
Crosby: Didn't Major Cleven take your advise the other day?
Curt: ....
Bubbles: Yeah, and didn't the situation Escalate into a huge fight?
Curt: ....
DeMarco: Oh yeah! Bucky threw a chair at that guy Buck said that to, didn't he?
Rosie: Can you blame him? The guy tried to kiss Major Cleven after he asked him that....
Curt: ....
Curt: This trick doesn't work for Buck, I'm afraid
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
this is megumi. he is very angry😡😡😡😡
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cosybunny · 3 days
Anyway I like to think I'm hilarious, so I'll share this bit I've been trying to write satisfyingly for like, a whole fucking hour. Words are hard. It's like writing in soup. No it's not. I think I fried my brain trying to keep up with Dabi's sarcasm.
I wonder what sandwiches Twice would make. Double deckers?
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tumblr hit the image quality with a car last summer and made a vow not to tell anyone. click full image to see it in all its glory.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 10 months
At some point this afternoon, a knife-wielding child broke into the tower. He managed to subdue several guards by the time word got back to Kinn, who was - confused would be an understatement, in terms of how he felt about Chan's report.
"Who's kid is it?" he asks.
"We don't know, sir," Chan replies.
They're on the way to the child's last known location. Apparently he holed himself up in the residential wing, not far from Kinn's own rooms. Was this some kind of bizarre assassination attempt? That didn't make any sense. None of this made any sense.
When they reached the room, Kinn found it guarded by a host of bodyguards. Apparently they'd decided on a containment measure.
"He hasn't attempted to leave," reported one of the men. "He was demanding to see Khun Kinn, but it's been quiet for the last ten minutes, now."
"Are you sure he's still in there?" Chan asks, and the guard shifts, his guilty look an answer.
Kinn sighs.
"Alright, let's see the situation, then." He gestures for the door to be opened, and lets Chan enter first.
At first Kinn doesn't notice anyone in the room. It's empty; has probably been empty for years. Still, he waits for Chan to clear the room, a gun in his hands as he roots out every darkened corner where a feral child might be hiding.
They find him in the bedroom. Curled up on the ground between the bed and the wall, clutching his knees to his chest. He can't be more than twelve or thirteen. He looks sullen, and beneath that, scared. He looks like-
"... Kim?"
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Hellcheer AU: Titanic
Facing a marriage to a man she doesn't love in an attempt to regain her family's waning status, Chrissy Cunningham is desperate for some sort of salvation. She finds it in the form of Eddie Munson, a penniless artist who shows her a whole new side to life. But will their love survive the tragedy that awaits them?
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clouseplayssims · 6 months
I feel the need to share that there's an "anti-woke" dude in my Pathfinder group who decided to try and tell me how medieval buildings are structured. He picked the absolute worst person to do that with. When he was losing ("You're saying medieval kitchen, but the medieval period was extensive. Do you mean something based on 500AD castles, or 1500s?") he then decided to argue it was a fantasy game with magic and it didn't matter.
Well then building according to how Game of Thrones puts a castle together shouldn't matter either you nitwit.
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arsenicxarcana · 1 year
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"see! lucio has no top surgery scars, he can't possibly be trans!" wrong!
maybe the wyrm of pestilence took his tits, but because it was magical/demonic in nature there was no evidence left behind
part of him is very mad about this bc scars are cool
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Although Théodule’s decision not to say anything about Marius’ visits reflects his obedience to a different authority (the “discipline” of the military), it also highlights continuities between old and new orders. His respect for death may be religious or spiritual, but his respect for Georges Pontmercy as a colonel and his desire to salute him stems more from his own military rank. He’s likely a royalist if he cares about politics at all because of his family, but he also feels connected to Marius’ father as a soldier. The government may have changed, but the French army is, in some ways, the same, and for him at that moment, that tie took precedence.
It’s also fitting that M Gillenormand’s curiosity is what actually harms Marius. Mlle Gillenormand doesn’t have a lot of power in the household, and Théodule really couldn’t care less what happens there. M Gillenormand has all the authority here, so his opinions are what determines Marius’ security. Mme Victurnien and the woman from the Gorbeau House were either in a place of authority (as the one watching over the house) or could report to one (like Mme Victurnien did); Mlle Gillenormand could have behaved like Victurnien, but she would have risked M Gillenormand’s rage, not been praised by society for revealing a scandal (especially given M Gillenormand’s reverence of Marius). 
He’s so dramatic about it, too, using his assumptions as another opportunity to boast of his past affairs and making sure he does so with an audience (his daughter):
““For this evidently is a portrait. I know all about such things. That is worn tenderly on the heart. How stupid they are! Some abominable fright that will make us shudder, probably! Young men have such bad taste nowadays!””
As distressing as this chapter is - Marius has been cast out of his home for his political beliefs - it still has some humor because Marius is a bit of a disaster. The fact that his calling cards were what definitively exposed him is a little embarrassing, and his confusion over which king to denounce is hilarious (he has the spirit! He’s just catching up to the present in his reading). 
That being said, this is a really tragic outcome. Being away from Gillenormand can only be good for Marius, but having to leave with nothing is horrible (especially given that his father sacrificed his time with him to guarantee his financial security! Which he now lacks). Mlle Gillenormand’s treatment worsens, too. M Gillenormand’s absolutism (both in terms of his politics and his attitude toward people who disagree with him) shattered whatever semblance of care they all had for each other.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
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So much joy
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psychlocke · 5 months
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LMAOOOO mithrun does NOT give a fuck about kabru
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formulaonedirection · 3 months
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bruce springsteen's babysitters club
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zglib · 3 months
Some of the cast members of guess the build, as portrayed and built by the cast members of guess the build
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lucidpeech · 4 months
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girls pool party!
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egophiliac · 3 months
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WAIT when did he get FANGS
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