#(you used an animated icon so I'm using one too :D )
grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice: Beast IV L
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if anything's getting my icon blurred out, it's this one. anyways!
it's that time of the month once again, and this time I feel like an absolute beast. well, to be more accurate, y'all felt like getting an absolute beast. a beast (fgo definition) that summons beasts (D&D definition). I'm sure this won't be confusing at all.
as usual I highly doubt this build is even remotely balanced for actual PvE play, but beasts are supposed to be world ending threats, so that shouldn't be a surprise.
the build itself will be under the cut, because hoo boy there's a lot to go over.
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first up, beast IV can show up in her standard Koyanskaya form, which is the one primarily used when outside her lair. this is effectively a suped-up version of Koyanskaya of Dark, with access to unlimited weaponry and NFF-brand grenades, all of which work like standard "weapons of <x> slaying" do in D&D- they deal extra damage to humanoids, and can knock humanoids prone.
the big addition here aside from standard high-level-boss resistances is her Add to the Collection ability, where once per day she can try to forcibly plane shift a non-humanoid creature into a demiplane of her creation, basically putting them in suspended animation. this will be important for later.
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form two is effectively Koyanskaya's big shadowy fox form. I didn't make any hard and fast rules about how these forms connect to one another, but I would probably say her masked form can turn into this combat form once a day, probably for a couple minutes at a time.
the gimmick for this fight is her Seasonal Cycle, which both reduces the number of legendary actions she gets to actually attack people each round, but also gives her buffs. I tried to keep this close to her lostbelt-based buffs in her final fight, but I also changed the names to be less FGO-centric if you want to use this build in a game. there's not a ton to say about this one that isn't regurgitating the seasonal cycle, it's just Masked Form with a bigger focus on kicking humanoid ass.
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The big nipply form shown in the build picture has a lot of text, but I'll do what I can to break it down. This is Beast IV's final form, and it's the one that sets up the Tunguska Sanctuary in the first place, so there's a lot going on. Once again her humanoid-slaying effect grows larger, but she can only take this form in her lair, plus her speed is cranked wayyy down at this point. I just. cannot imagine that thing moving any faster than a crawl. if you need something done fast, that's what your lackeys are for.
speaking of lackeys, let's Reveal the Collection. this is a ten-minute ritual, which upon completion can summon copies of creatures that were stored by the Masked Form. The higher the CR of the creatures being made, the less you can make at a time, and the shorter your range is. there's also a lesser version of this you can do as a legendary action, and it's restricted to one creature at a time, of up to CR 10.
but of course, you need a place to put all those creatures! that's why she's got Regional Effects too! it's a whole lot of text, but it basically boils down to making a life zone and a death zone around her lair. half of your collection will tend towards the life zone, and half towards the other. in the life zone, the area is choked by plants, slowing down all humanoids in the area, and also healing effects targeting non-humanoids are more powerful. the death zone has extreme heat, and humanoids have disadvantage on saves against it. also, all summoned creatures in this region have double their normal perception distance when it comes to perceiving humanoids.
So overall, this build isn't a world-ending threat like Tiamat, or an orbital laser like Goetia, but she's not supposed to be a full-grown beast yet, so I'd cut her some slack. plus, if your party includes non-humanoid players you can make a dozen clones of them to fight the party which sounds like a really fun time. that being said, I do pity any DM who as to keep track of her seasonal buffs in a fight.
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doodles-of-a-nerd-kid · 9 months
Were there any specific media/cultural inspirations for your OCs? Ones like Polka especially stand out to me, really neat design!
If you used any picture references those would be neat to see, too.
To keep it short and sweet so you can stop reading here:
I am very heavily influenced by anime and video game character design. When I'm creating a character, I try to cram lots of different references that are slightly consistent ^^" Funny you bring Polka up though, she's the best example of this!
I put this whole chart together to sort of visualize my erm... creative vision/inspirations I suppose:
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...Let me attempt to break this down a bit ^^"
It probably isn't too obvious, but Miss Polka here is actually a Cave Story fan character!
So for you who do not know, there is an old witch woman named Jenka present in Cave Story. Her name is very interesting because:
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and I was like: "Alright, I'll name my witch character off of a traditional dance/song as well because that would be really funny huehueheuheuheueu xddddd"
And that's how I ended up with Polka's name! The polka is also a folk dance, and has a cute outfit for the dancers~ So i took some inspiration from it when designing her outfit ^^
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Polka is a young witch... and Misery's apprentice. So Misery unsurprisingly was a really big influence when I was designing Polka. I tried to keep as many things as I could from Misery, like her hair and accessories... but I mostly took her color palette lol
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Also hey!! Sue's here, what's up with that??! Well, that's a bit of a secret~ I can't tell you, hehe! But just know that she helped out lots when trying to decide personality traits for Polka and bits of her design as well :>
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So guys idk if you knew this but I am a super duper weeb
Anime/JRPG stuff has a chokehold on me, a lot of my artwork and characters are influenced by it
Some of the inspirations at the top of my head for Miss Polka are things like Genshin Impact (kill me) and the Sailor Soldiers (the CLASSIC magical girls, they're too iconic to not think abt >:D)
There isn't too much thought between the tail capes, ribbons, fingerless arm warmers and her... skirt... tuft... thing...? I just think they're really neat and gave some more detail to the design :]]
BUT the skimpiest part of her outfit is well,,, y'know-- the swimsuit aspect. This is because Polka can use hydromancy, so I just thought it would be a cute nod to that, lol
I think that's about all of it! I had a lot of fun answering this one, hope that answers your question~ Polka actually has gone through the most redesigns outta all my characters, so that's prolly why she's the most interesting visually! I am def happiest with her current appearance, and I can't see myself making any changes too it anytime soon--
Hopefully this wasn't too much of an infodump, I just love talking abt my characters in detail >///<
Thank you so much again, Anon!
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skrelpson · 5 months
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It's that time of year- time for skrelp to revamp his entire blog lmao
Howdy! Call me skrelp, skrelpson, Elliot, Apollo, Citru, or Honeyloupe! I like using She/He on here, but I'll pretty much pick up anything you put down.
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Current interests:
(Favorite Gens are 2, 6, and 3!! Favorite characters are Bugsy, Cilan, Erika, Jasmine, Sonia, and others :0)
-The Legend of Zelda
(Favorite games are Minish Cap, OoT and MM!)
-Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
(Anime watcher mostly, but I'm trying to get my hands on the manga too!)
-Ace Attorney
(All of the games, but The Great Ace Attorney especially!)
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Things I Have Passive Interests In!
(Meaning I don't talk about them as much (or know that much abt them), but I still think they're cool!)
-Sailor Moon
-Deltora Quest
(If you give me a copy of the DS game I'll love you forever and ever/hj)
-Pokemon World Tour United
(have not listened to it in a bit)
-World of Horror
-Wings of Fire
(Mostly leftover info from my middle school days, lol)
-Kingdom Hearts
(also mostly leftover information from my obsession in middle school)
-Professor Layton
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Currently Playing:
-Not Much!
Currently Reading:
-Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
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Anything Else?
-Feel free to tag me in things!* And send me reccomendations for shows and games!
-Due to my hip and cool(/s) anxiety, I tend to overthink and panic about a lot of things. So I may be slow to reach out! But! I do wanna talk!
-If I ever reblog something/say something offensive, please tell me! It's never my intention to hurt anyone.
-Basic DNI ig? Just don't be mean 😎👍
*for like, fun ask games or cool art you think I'd like! I don't participate in 'reblog if you think X is a valid thing', etc. They stress me out. Similar situation with chain asks(?) (is that what they're called? lol) also due to anxiety.
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Tag List!
Skrelp Speaks - posts of my own creation
Apollo's "Art" - posts featuring my own drawings
Queue - ...my queue. I couldn't think of anything funny
Elliot's Extraordinarily Late Escapade - my playthrough of Pokémon SwSh's DLC, five years late
Blog Mention - [title] - whenever a post mentions one of my sideblogs
My queue is backed up way into the year ajfgadjlf but I'm going to get better at tagging fandoms and stuff! If you'd like anything tagged just lemme know :D
Ao3 Link
Pronouns Page
Credit for Dividers
Credit for Header Gif
Credit for Icon
Daily Click !
(Pokemon IRL Blog info is under the cut! (✿◡‿◡))
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If you're a Pokemon IRL blog and wondering why I followed you, that's 'cause I got a few of my own! Here's the list:
@pkmnnursecass - A Nurse Joy Aide, working in the Crown Tundra! Semi-Active, very cool, you should check it out (if you'd like) :00
@blueberry-gills - A student at Blueberry Academy, with a love for Alcremie and a penchant for breaking into tears/lh! Very Active, also very cool, you should also check this one out (if you'd like) :000
@chamomilepetaldance - A blog run by Erika and Sabrina, the Gym Leaders from Kanto! They're just here to chill out, be gay, the usual. Slower in activity, but still really fun! You may also check this one out if you so desire :)
@loaded-dice-enjoyer - technically a supplemental blog to blueberry-gills! Another BB student! He's got a penchant for "gambling" and using metronome. No stakes at all, just here to be silly
@snacksworth-real - Snacksworth real. No real activity here. Made it for the bit.
@fallcity-folly- An attempt to liveblog my (first ever!) playthrough of Shadows of Almia! Very fun!
@milkyway-myosotis - A blog for not one, but three URS Rangers! Living the dream, out in space. Though one of them looks...kind of familiar....?
@millennium-matcha-gotcha - A blog for a guy who goes by Fable, exploring the world and collecting stories and myths! Plenty of cool (in my opinion) lore, and an excuse for me to reach out to more blogs :]
(I have others, but those are incredibly low in activity or abandoned! Or it's @santalune-swords-dance, which is a part of a group thing!!)
UH OH! YOU'VE ENTERED THE Pryce and Chuck Zone (doesn't fit the blog theme anymore but i thought it was funny still)
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That's all now go drink some water u deserve it <3
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So I got asked by @fangomango what some of my favorite end credits scenes are (it was on my main Shadowbanned blog, though, so Tumblr is rude and won't let me answer it there ;-;) but yes, I am so excited to answer this question, because I've wanted to make a full post on my favorite end credits scenes ever since I asked @drawthethingdoppelganger about her favorite end credits scenes:
--One of my all-time favorites is Candy Cane Moose because it's so flipping catchy somehow despite only consisting of a few lyrics that are repeated over and over. Also, seeing the Belcher kids are lil' babies makes me 🥺 I actually screamed when I saw this one for the first time because I was not prepared for the cuteness:
--Of course, I also love Pesto in My Pants, because Bob and Tina's dancing is glorious, and it's just so iconic:
--99 Red Balloons is hilarious, I adore the animation in it as everyone is pelted with water balloons:
--Turkey, I Need You Beside Me makes me sob because it makes me think of my dad 😭 And Bob and Gene are just so cute in it, I can't:
--You Make Plumbing Fun makes me feel so 🥹 IT'S JUST SO ADORABLE, CAN YOU HEAR THE ADORATION IN THEIR VOICES AS THEY SING?? (And Gene's lil' dancing is the most precious thing):
--I love Beyond the Sea as a song, but Larry Murphy's cover of it as Teddy is fantastic. He's actually a really talented singer! And the visuals for this one are so much fun:
--God, I love I Love U So Much (It's Scary) so much. It's so wholesome seeing the family singing and dancing together and eventually getting Bob to join in as well 🥹. I know I made a post saying that Pesto in My Pants is more iconic, but really, this one still holds a special place in my heart (and that post by far got a ton more notes):
--The Wonder Wharf two-part Season 4 Finale is one of my favorite episode sets in the entire show and this end credits scene is absolutely fantastic. John Roberts absolutely kills it, and the visuals are *chef's kiss*:
--I'm choosing Street Life because it's so catchy for some reason?? I also need John Roberts and Larry Murphy to sing together more often:
--Tina's Spanish Song (I forgot the name) is the most hilarious thing ever, I wheeze uncontrollably every single time I listen to it and remember it exists. It's the end credits of the episode where Gene has a ukelele that he never uses again, and the episode where Gayle and Mr. Frond get together:
--Twinkly Lights is such an absolute banger, and I adore the message about diversity in it! It's incredible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TpZHJvpMWo&list=PL_c9X60eyied1UKYCo48cNW25KXFWgres&index=97
--The TSA Musical outro is so cute, and Gene's lil' bouncing 🥺: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyTzxGnOJ9g&list=PL_c9X60eyied1UKYCo48cNW25KXFWgres&index=102
--Best Couple Friends is so addictive ("Like Heroin? :O" "YES SON, LIKE HEROIN >:D") and it's just so much fun. And it's a Boblin end credits scene!! What more could I ask for?: https://youtu.be/_mOc3oS5fcw?si=O81ioknHi3LByfIy
--The Burobu end credits song is way too catchy, I adore it as someone who was really into Pokémon at one point: https://youtu.be/lsJ4hQQoh-k?si=Qis-ASt8aQgDq4YS
--The Right Number of Boys is awesome. It's so cute and catchy, and Tina's lil' dancing at "How 'bout seven?" is adorable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TIqEiJ2qFU
--Doot Doot Doot (Means I Love You) was the first ever piece of Bob's Burgers media I ever consumed, and I fell in love fast. Yes, this outro was the one that got me into the show in the first place: https://youtu.be/kbAYu-0JdHw?si=GIaR8QF0HD68DdPu
--It's Halloween is so catchy and funny, and Gene's lil' dancing near the end gets me every time: https://youtu.be/aA37bcLABj8?si=efrPQTTgX0EOW2Wl
--Nun of Your Business is so iconic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdJKiDEnIlM
--Me and My Spider is so catchy and sweet, I can't handle it: https://youtu.be/UDn7ZrKGI38?si=cZwmbTpsFSmZmYuF
--And finally, I have to put in I'll Be Around because I wanted to make sure to include a Mr. Fischoeder song. It's so good. And it has Boblin dancing!!: https://youtu.be/ep0Hyw9Ajeg?si=nNOeZVxRYXmjYRqO
Okay, this ended up being way too long, but I just have a ton of outros I adore!! I know there are some that I wasn't able to include, because there are just that many good ones. Do yourself a favor and listen to all of these. Oh, you have?
Listen to 'em again.
Okay, I have so many on this list, but if I had to pick an all-time, absolute favorite??
I really can't.
But it might be either Candy Cane Moose, You Make Plumbing Fun, or The Right Number of Boys.
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vivianvixen · 1 month
Preface: I'll only be covering the TV shows I've seen at least partically, plus one other thing.
What's With Starfleet's Uniforms and Color?
There seems to be this odd trend in the uniforms on Star Trek to gradually reduce the amount of department-identifying coloring. Exhibit A:
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Here's the one from the original and animated series. Good classic look, somehow just the most spaceman-looking getup they ever had in my eyes. Like I look at this and just go "yeah that's a guy who goes around in space." It might be because it reminds me of the Space Lego guys I had as a kid, because I'm entirely too young to have watched the original show as a youngin'. Notice how the shirt is entirely in command gold (actually chartreuse!).
Exhibit B:
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Here's the original one they had on The Next Generation. I kinda like this one better than the one they switched to later, dig the piping on the shoulders, and it feels more spacemanny. But I get why they changed to the other one because this one was causing back problems because it was so tight. Same basic design, though. Never quite figured out why they swapped the colors between command and ops, maybe because the movies with Kirk & Co. made red such an iconic uniform color? But most importantly, notice how the shoulders are black, as are the sides and a bit of the tummy? It's still clearly an update on the TOS style, though.
Exhibit C:
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This one originally appeared on early seasons of Deep Space Nine, apparently meant to be what they wore on starbases as opposed to starships, though they then also used it on Voyager and graudally phased it in in Generations. I like that it's a more seamless jumpsuit as opposed to the shirt and pants they had in late TNG, again making it somehow more spacemanny (yes that's an important quality). But what's with the almost reversal in the color? Now it's just the shoulders that are in department color!
Exhibit D:
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This one was used in the post-Generations TNG movies as well as later seasons of DS9 and you have got to be kidding me! They swapped the colors of the shoulders and the undershirt, so now you can only see the department color around the collar!
Exhibit E:
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Continuing in linear time, this is the standard uniform style from Star Trek Online, seen here worn by one Captain Nog. The department color is barely noticable. This is a travesty.
And finally, Exhibit F:
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I have nothing bad to say about the uniform from Enterprise. Where the TOS one screams "spaceman," this one says "astronaut." And that's awesome, it's a really nice midpoint between, like, NASA and Starfleet. And look at all those pockets! So handy! I love this one, and while the department color is minimal, at least it's back to the original ones!
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cursedvibes · 6 months
Happy holiday.... What do you think that made Yuuji is so likeable as a character? I've only been in the JJK fandom for a year, and I've seen a lot of other JJK characters' stan. But one thing in common, they all love Yuuji and mostly will include him in their top 5 fav JJK charas (including me :D)...
Also, extra kudos cause your blog is anti-gojo. Most of my moots love him and can't stop talking about him. I already tell them that I don't really like him (actually I hate him), they're okay but still so into him. So I'm so happy when I found your blog.
What do you think that made gojo so famous? Is it the pretty face and bad personality (I'm still confused until now)....? I dislike gojo kinda like I dislike dazai from BSD. They're both called "The one who stole the spotlight from the protagonist" (by my animanga group)....
Happy holidays to you to, hope you had a good time
I think it's pretty hard not to like Yuuji. Even if you aren't that interested in his character, due to his friendly personality and plenty of cute moments it's hard to hate him. I think this Pure Sunshine Boy interpretation (that I don't entirely agree with) is the main reason fans are drawn to him. The suffering he has to endure and how he continues to grow from it is quite fascinating to witness as well. What I personally like about him is also how he has a darker side to him, that pure hatred he has reserved for Sukuna and Mahito, but which we also saw when he beat up bullies as a middle schooler. He's not just sunshine and rainbows, he has a quite serious and lonely side to him he often hides from others and that is the reason he used to not have many friends until recently. Fits with his morbid obsession with death and how he is prepared to die and wants to die to pay for everything he's done despite being so young.
Looking at fan interpretations of him, I'm not sure that's why he's in the top 3 of the popularity polls, but it's what I like about him. The main criticism I see of him is that people think he's too weak to be the main character of a shonen series and isn't the centre of attention enough, but I think that's pretty stupid and thankfully it's only a (loud) minority of people who think that. I'm glad he deviates from the shonen formula there.
Now for Gojo, I first have to say that I wouldn't consider myself "anti-Gojo". I often think he's annoying and recent developments in the manga led to me complaining about him a lot, but I don't actually hate him, not the way I do with Geto, Yuuta or at times Choso. His fans can get on my nerves a lot and I think he was written very badly after being released from the Prison Realm, but usually I don't care about him. I like his high school self actually, before he got so overpowered, his faults were more interesting there.
I think the majority of his popularity is because he's a pretty white-haired anime guy with cool powers and part of a popular yaoi couple, i.e. you got some dramatic feels mixed in there as well. That seems to be the gist of what I see online as reasoning for why people like him and what made him famous when the anime started airing. There are deeper reasons too (best ask a Gojo fan for those), but his looks, iconic blindfold design and relationship with Geto seem to be the main things people are drawn to. Things like that are often what's most important in making a character popular.
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p-receh · 5 months
Ooo wait are your thoughts on the two boboiboy movies?
Wah, Nice one!
I've had nostalgic memories when I rewatched movie 1. Particularly because it was the last entry I followed before I went on hiatus. ... 8 years ago I think?
Whereas I watched the second one during my marathon session this year.
Due to 'my messed-up order of watching' this series, I ended up knowing big spoilers about The movie 2 and I forced to give up my 'anti-spoiler' act before I watched it. Kinda of a bummer for the general view, but you know what? It made the scene more fascinating to watch!
"Oh this is Retak'ka? THE Retak'ka?"
"No wonder why Adudu is so into martial arts now."
"So that's how Ice got his bow eh?"
"Oh Fu-Yes! The debut of Fusion Elementals!!!!"
From a general technical standpoint, they stepped up their game drastically. Of course, it's for movies after all. They went bold for expanding the areas, improving the graphics, increasing action scenes, and also adding more music as well.
At the same time, they also upgrade Boboiboy and Kokotiam gang's power so it's making it a 'bit' op for the sake of spectacle. It's not that bad in a negative way, I understand that because the enemies themselves were hella strong as shit. (the first one used a black hole and the second one used all-in-one power hunger fest that could also destroy the galaxy. Logically the earth's supposed to be gone by now :/).
I loved what they did to the lighting and hue for both movies. it's like watching smash bros ultimate but in the movies(weird reference I know but hope you get the idea :/)
The details! Holy- IT'S SO PRETTY~~~
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Both of them were also establishing the expansion power of elementals and what they can do about it. The first one was the fight with all elementals showcased and the second one was the alternative way of fighting by combining two elementals.
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Alsoooo both finally managed to properly introduce the one and only .... Boboiboy Hatless! :D
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I'd say they had a fair share of hiding it perfectly well. Cleverly teasing the audience to grasp 'Why the hell do they keep hiding his hair with that particular angle?' Because... If I'm not wrong, Boboiboy was one of the characters that falls in the same category with Upin&Ipin: limiting the haircut for animation efficiency during the first production.
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So when his hat does let off, It is always an impeccable scene to watch. That trick never fails to amaze me. (like Professor Layton's hat case :3)
Now I wonder how much screen time his hat is off for the movie 3? I'm sure it takes a lot more than the previous one since his 3rd tier is pure hat off(and dyed hair).
If I want to say from my opinion. Movie 1 has its standout over Movie 2 and vice versa. Both have ups & downs yet they are equivalent to each other. For instance: the timing to add their theme song was a bit out of place in movie 1 so the latter fixed that, whereas the Fang and Ying banter in their language was lacking in movie 2 when the former had this iconic scene (sound on recommend) :]
Oh speaking of Music, my god their theme songs are epi~~~c
I remember how hyped I was when one of my fav local band, D'masiv, created a credits song for Movie 1 AND Galaxy season 1. But heck all movie themes in order are wholesome af!!! 'Masih Disini' - 'Dibawah Langit yang Sama' - 'Fire & Water' are in my repeat playlist recently. So overwhelming that I actually cried? The montage during Fire & Water played was not a sad moment but heck I cried because it's soo touching for no reason.
Oh yeah, I forgot it's a family movie so they have rights to not make any deaths scene. I can understand why yet I'm still disappointed.
I cried. HARD when I saw Tok Kasa collapsed. It portrayed emphatically well and worked for new characters that was introduced a bit short.
Then, not long after that, we got this
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(I guess they didn't want to do another httyd 2 moment. It's too painful for kids to watch)
So... There's my review. Honestly I don't know what goes on for movie 3. It could be anything after season 2. But if I may guess...
It's between father and son now...
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greenbeany · 10 months
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [keeps dragging it out]
wanna recommend your favorite mcyt animatics? :3c I've seen a few really cool ones since last time and the artists are insane
THERE IS NOOOOOTHING I WANT TO DO MORRRRE THAN TALK ABOUT MCYT ANIMATICS. Most of my animatic knowledge is towards the DSMP side of MCYT so I hope you're not looking for anything hermit related 😅. I'm assuming you've seen the SADist animatics, but if not, those are your starting point before ANY of these. Gogogo.
Innocence by LateAugust
One of a six part series with absolutely beautiful colours that tells the whole story of the DSMP. Uses music from two of my favourite artists (Madeon and MISSIO). This one tells the story of the first season and is also how I ended up finding out the lore. I highly recommend all 6.
Vibrant Eyes by CG5
It's a CG5 song (he's the fnaf music guy) about Ranboo, the only blorbo ever. The animation is by Shyshui who destroys me :D. CG5 has a few really good ones, like Lonely King, but this is my favourite.
I Know Who You Are by Knp!
Knp is the artist of all time and they have way more flashy exciting animatics than this (like 'I'll never die' and 'Ashes') but this ones my favourite because of the song choice and the characters. It's to the song Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos and it's about the guy of all time, Tubbo.
100 Days by Cryingwyvern
Absolutely nothing to do with the DSMP, this is a super new one about Charlie Slimecicle's video of the same name. Sososo iconic and dramatic and honestly the talent with this one is insane.
Theseus by Iopichio too
This won't make sense without context, which honestly makes it funnier to watch. You'll understand once you're ten seconds in.
Your (obedient) servant by Linktoo
An iconic one in the fandom for its psychocompetetive nature. Hope you like Hamilton.
Creature by WolfyTheWitch
Again, this one's not about the DSMP, but rather about Philza's hardcore Minecraft world. The art and scenes in this one are DELICIOUS. I really recommend this one to anyone.
Cool thats my animatic starter pack for MCYT. If you're looking for Hermitcraft animatics, Life series stuff, talking animatics rather than music stuff or Fanfics and Artists to follow, send me another ask <3
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hollowsart · 2 years
Hey Hollow, I have a (few hundred) question(s)! Do you think that Mysterio puts glitter in the smoke that he uses? Also if he did do you think he would use edible glitter? Honest questions all around.
(also another question that is more so for Aceida, does she wear different costumes for different times of the year/weather?)
((okay one more, because I know that I will forget but I've wanted to ask this question for a while, Aceida. How did you come up with her, why, and what do you think are the most important things to have for Aceida))
Thank you for answering any of this, it's just that sometimes I'm shy and then.... KABOOM lots of questions that may or may not be useful or worth your time. Anyways! Love what and who you are and I'm proud of you!
Sorry, I need to get this cursed thing out of my system first:
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OK ANYWAYS, to seriously answer your questions!!!
1) Does Mysterio use glitter?
Well, I would be disappointed if he didn’t LOL
Special biodegradable glitter that is a-ok for the environment is definitely something he’d use! Mostly for his entrances and exits tho, just to add that extra bit of flair to his performance. He thrives on the melodrama.
Edible glitter would also be good, just in case someone inhaled it by accident when he makes his grand appearance or get away. I mean, he’s not a killer, he’d actually be upset if someone innocent got hurt during his “performances”, someone he wasn’t intending on hurting in some way.. He’d feel horrible about it and, if given the opportunity, he would apologize.
But yeah, this man absolutely uses glitter! :D (despite my loathing of glitter that isn’t sealed to prevent it from transferring to other things, I’d so totally hug him still regardless of the risk of getting glitter on me for days after)
2) Does Acedia have seasonal outfits?
[I will post these by themselves shortly for better viewing!!]
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Been meaning to design some alterations to the Sloth Suit, and this gave me the motivation to do just that! Enjoy my seasonal hero wear!
3) How did you come up with Acedia?
I originally thought about joining everyone during the initial big spidersona bang when Into the Spiderverse was first released and everyone was making their own. I saw a few people talking about spider crab based spidersonas and wanted to join that but, well.. that was too difficult and I never was able to come up with anything cool.
sometime down the line I was initially interested in the anime My Hero Academia (thank heck I never watched more than barely the full first season, knowing all the drama and junk that’s happened, I dodged a bullet LOL) but I did come up with some oc’s for it and even a ‘quirksona‘ that was sloth based named Acedia, basically myself, but more sloth and also not as cool as I wanted:
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You can see where I’m going with this lol
nothing came of that character so cut to years later, this year, I recently rewatched Spiderverse and started to get into the Spiderman side of things again out of the blue after watching TSSM and falling in love with the show all over again, and doodling Doc Ock, too. I thought back to my old failed attempt at making a spidersona, so I decided to try my hand at that again.
I remembered Acedia’s design and tbh I really did love the design so I reworked it and made adjustments to better resemble a sloth and better resemble Spiderman’s iconic appearance. On top of that I did also just make the character under the costume ME with no real changes at all. And thus, Acedia, The Cryptid Crawler was created:
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although the ref sheet has since been updated and changed from this^^
Anyways, that’s the story behind Acedia’s creation!
I just really like sloths.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “most important things to have for Acedia“ but I hope some of this answers that? maybe? you’re free to elaborate on what you mean by that and I can do my best to answer!
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red-panda-agere · 1 year
Little Mera icons
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(Icons are free to use with credit)
What if
Out of nowhere
I post about a character that I'm not even super obsessed with rn.
!!!Diaper/Pullup Mention!!!
Little Mera Salamin
Age range of under a year - 3 (very small baby)
Indus is her caregiver (Dada)
Very sleepy baby, most of her little time consists of naps or just making comfy little 'nests'
She uses a bunch of pillows, blankets, and stuffies to build up her little nests.
Her favorite 'nests' to make, are in the living room where Indus helps her build it infront of the couch. He puts a few pillows in a circle (sort of); lays a big, soft, comforter over it, making sure to cover the middle too; and finally setting out a few miscellaneous blankets and stuffies.
Indus puts everything little Mera colors or draws on the fridge or in his special binder for little Mera.
Her favorite stuffed animal as an Arctic fox she named Gwennifer (after her fursona) that they got at the zoo together.
Really likes Beanie Boos
Indus is always very very gentle with her, and they never play rough or even really do much other than just staying in one cozy spot.
Because Mera is at the hospital because of her Epithet alot, Indus has a special 'little bag' they always take there with them. It has a pacifier, sippy cup, a few coloring books, some crayons (Mera prefers crayons because even if she doesn't have exact shades of certain colors, she can just color a little lighter or darker, or even blend them), a story book or two, and fidget blanket they bought special for hospital trips.
Gwennifer goes everywhere with them anyway, so they never worry about forgetting her or not having her incase of emergencies.
She doesn't like being left alone AT ALL. Almost all of her childhood, after discovering her epithet, consisted of lonely, long days, locked away in her room. She watched the children outside play, wanting that for herself, but she was never allowed. Indus tries to give her the best he can in that aspect, letting her play and go outside whenever she wants to.
If Indus even leaves the room for a moment, he has to tell Mera where he's going and roughly how long it will take.
She cries over the smallest things...even if it's just coloring outside the lines a bit in her coloring book, she whines to Indus, asking him to fix it.
"Princess...I don't think there's much I can do for your coloring. I'm sorry baby." Indus says softly. Mera hugs his arm gently, hiding her face in her hand in embarrassment, knowing it's a dumb thing to cry over. " 'm sorry!" She sniffles. Indus very very carefully wraps her in a blanket before lifting her up and setting her in his lap. He gently cuddles her until she feels better, assuring her it was okay to be upset.
She's very embarrassed about it, but when she's in her headspace, especially when she's not even a year, she sometimes has accidents. Indus doesn't mind having to buy diapers or pullups for her. He understands that even when she's not regressed, her epithet makes her very weak and 'fragile' in every sense of the word. Whatever makes her happy and comfy.
"D-Dada!" Mera sniffles, her face a bright red as Indus picks her up out of the bath tub, patting her down with a towel, very carefully. "I've got you princess. Dada's here." Indus spoke softly. "'m sorry Dada! Didn't mean to!" She cried. Indus wasn't upset at, not minding the cleanup at all. "Dada knows you didn't mean to love. He's not upset with you baby girl." He placed gentle kisses to her forehead before helping her into one of her diapers and a purple snap up onsie. "All clean little princess...all better. It's okay sweetheart." He lifted her up, covering her face in kisses, trying to make her stop crying. "You didn't do anything wrong princess..." she snuggles into his shoulder, nervously chewing on his shirt collar out of habit.
She's really self conscious about her fear of ducks, since it's usually seen as a dumb fear. So when she goes to the park, walking around with Indus, she feels really dumb when someone laughs at her for hiding behind Indus when a duck wanders onto the path for a moment. Indus ways assures her it's okay when they're alone.
Her favorite pacifier is a purple paci with moon decals on it.
She has a collection of teething rings because they make her feel really little and comfy. Her favorites are the ones shaped like keys.
She loves being called "princess"
Onsies make her feel very safe, especially the ones that cover her legs and feet.
Baby bottles > sippy cups. She loves strawberry milk.
Indus feeds her sometimes if she feels too little to eat by herself. She usually just asks for 'finger foods' because spoons and forks are for big kids. Mera is much too little.
Indus learned how to put up ponytails and braid Mera's hair, Mera liking her hair being brushed and played with.
Blankie burrito baby
She has terrible nightmares, especially about her training in the desert. She hated the training in the desert so much.
Her favorite book is Goodnight Moon
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filipinosamflynn · 8 months
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Below is my review of book 1, I'll go into spoilers. After this, I'm either gonna move onto a different book or try to find golden son. Not sure which one will happen.
But yeah, great book, 4 stars, or 8/10! Definitely just set up for things to come in the trilogy, but also a really good setup & story.
PREFACE: This is from the perspective from somebody who DOESN'T read books for fun too often. Red Rising was the first book in a long while I chose to read for fun since Harry Potter in 1st year high school (I didn't even finish the series, I stopped at the start of Half Blood Prince). So you're dealing with one of the most casual guys who went into the series. Another thing: I came into the series thinking it would be similar to Nimona (2023) or Sylas's story from League, since I brought up these two things when I first asked for book recs, so my expectations were HORRIBLY wrong (kind of, sylas's lore is pretty similar and the only difference is that sylas gets STRAIGHT into action but also his characterization sucks). So my perspective is strange, is what I'm saying, and I am far from the most valid person to be seriously reviewing this book. I'm just sharing this for fun lmao :P
I'm just writing the first few things that come to my mind, so stick with me people! These are messy, unfiltered thoughts.
This book is rough, really whumpy at the start of the book, but it's good whump. It's just setting up and establishing what's to come and to make all the payoffs feel better by showing us the insane suffering Darrow goes through. But also? Damn. That was rough. it felt like grimdark (this is coming from the perspective of a guy who actively avoids all things grimdark - with the exception of whump fanfics on ao3).
And then we get into the institution, and I just went, "oh. This is hunger games harry potter." I was a bit disappointed to be honest, I know the book is called "red rising" and it literally means "the slow rise of a red" so he still needs to prepare himself for what's to come, but also... eh?????? Someone in Reddit called this segment "pierce brown kidnapping fans of the hunger games when it was at the peak of its popularity", which ✨️iconic behavior✨️ but I was a bit confused as we took this academy stuff seriously. But slowly, I grew into it when the characters started interacting. I liked it when Darrow was interacting with others since the first half of the book felt so isolating. I liked every single scene Sevro shows up since he brings so much chaos and fun to a story that had so much downtrodden underlying sadness. The chapter 9 reveal is still hitting me, like "damn FUCK THESE GUYS BRO, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS PLANET HAS ALREADY BEEN TERRAFORMED???" Also because sevro's fucking awesome, but that's besides the point. The same goes for Darrow's scenes with Virginia and pre-sword fight Cassius, but they aren't as iconic as Sevro.
Darrow is a super compelling protagonist for the story he's in. Making him this power fantasy fulfillment guy makes things feel all the more liberating when he beats the shit out of a guy, it's sort of like a shonen anime protagonist, I guess (i don't watch anime btw). Bro talks about Eo a bit too much though 💀 it got to the point where it got a bit funny, but some moments do hit... before virginia came into the picture as the better love interest since she's girlboss and eo is seraphine from league of legends.
Most of the characters are well written or awesome! The proctors are real loveably hateable pieces of shit I wanted 200 feet below the dirt, and I loved seeing them get beat up. Except you Fitchner, you are iconic, and you gave us Sevro. I love you. Antonia, Cassius & Jackal are just set up here, and it's mildly disappointing? I am super happy the finale ended up being "FUCK THE PROCTORS" but also that stole time away from finishing off the inter-student conflicts. Yeah those will 100% be explored in the rest of the books with more time to do so, but damn :/ the last time we see Antonia, I think she just stands there at a castle to remind us she exists??? Whatever, watching the proctors get shit on was exactly what I needed to want to see more out of this series.
I was a bit disappointed when Darrow ended up being the only red we explore in this book. I was kind of disappointed when Darrow just speaks with a gold accent the entire time, I hope later in the series he speaks like a red again because I have a red bias and hate fancy ass shit. From a book called "red rising", there aren't too many reds after part 2 which I found odd for a revolution story about a red taking control over the system. Titus? Ohoh! FUCK HIM! why did they write him to be this rapist guy, and he just exists to let darrow know he isn't the only fake gold at the institute. I was mildly hoping we would get to see another red-turned-gold team up with darrow as a 100% trustworthy ally since I felt like we needed it after all the loneliness Darrow goes through, but sadly no :(
OH AND THE ACTION SCENES HELL YEAH!!! Reddit wasn't kidding when they talked about how bloodydamn GOOD the fight scenes are. I got spoiled that "Clang! Clang! Clang! Confess!" means something, and I don't even know who is fighting who, but I want to read the whole series just to get to that point because it sounds badass.
But uhhh this series came to me at a rough point in my life. It was hard to read some parts of it and I took a few breaks. Yeah, I read the whole thing in 2 weeks, but also just to fill myself with some sort of closure when I felt sad. I felt good coming out of it, but during? UHHHHHH-
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These disorganized thoughts are getting messy, if you have any questions about specific things, comment them for me to answer. I might. 🥰
Story: 7/10, just set up but good set up
Characters: 9/10, bloodydamn good, almost all of them. I can tell, despite my initial disappointment for some of them since I know this is a book SERIES, so we will be seeing more of them soon.
Personal Enjoyment: ????/10, felt too sad at some points, absolutely adored this book in others.
Quality: 9/10, amazing writing, I want to buy all the books JUST to support Pierce Brown, I'm not even sure if I will be reading them, I just feel like throwing money at him.
Overall Score: 8/10, scared to continue, but damn I want to continue.
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cyberkevvideo · 4 months
The Dragon Ball Z TTRPG -- Yes, an Official One Does Exist
Before I go into the game itself, I want to talk about the creator of the franchise.
Yesterday, the world learned of the loss of the great Akira Toriyama. He was so incredibly influential to so many of us, and like many others, I was absolutely gutted by the tragic news. He was far too young.
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Dragon Ball was a big part of my life growing up, and it's what helped me create bonds with so many people who became good friends. Other people online have written poetically about how much each of his series and creations have touched their hearts, and I don't know that I can do the same justice. I'm not wordy like that.
I grew up during the start of the NES era so I knew about Dragon Quest, but at the time I had no idea that the iconic character and monster designs were thanks to him. When the SNES came out and Chrono Trigger was released, I immediately recognized the style of art. Dragon Quest VIII is still my favourite, if only because it's cool to see the characters go pseudo-super saiyan. In 1995, the original dub of Dragon Ball hit airways here, and a few months later Dragon Ball Z was released. It was surreal to watch kid Goku and adult Goku every week, simultaneously. Seeing the flying nimbus, but not seeing the Power Pole, and not knowing who Piccolo or Krillin were, but recognizing Master Roshi and Bulma, and finding out Goku was an alien the whole time. It was jarring at times, but seeing references to each series like the Kamehameha Wave and capsules, helped. Then there were all the Budokai games for PS2. I practically broke my dual-shock controllers trying to win those beam battles.
This is going to get long, so I'll put a separation bar here.
When the internet finally came out publicly and schools had access, I looked up Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, discovered what anime was, learned of Akira Toriyama and how he had a comedy series called Dr. Slump, that the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z anime were considered separate stories, but the manga kept it as Dragon Ball, etc.
Heck, when the cards came out, I was one of the first people to buy Ani-Mayhem's DBZ set.
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What's really great to see is people discovering the Dragon Ball manga for the first time, hearing their thoughts on YouTube videos (namely Merphy and TotallyNotMark), and how original and groundbreaking the fight choreography is compared to others series, and how much his style has influenced current day shounen manga. And that doesn't even include how Team Four Star and DBZA has influenced people.
But, let's get into the rest of this post.
When the TTRPG came out in 1999, DBZ was such a phenomenon that our local bookstore was having trouble keeping it in stock. My gaming group ended up having to pre-pay for a copy of the TTPRG. DBZ: The Anime Adventure Game from R. Talsorian Games was a little rough around the edges when it came to balance, and how powering up worked compared to the series, especially when that system was revised in the Frieza saga book. Still, it was nothing any of us had experienced before. Up until that point, we had done AD&D, Rifts, Toon, Shadowrun, and Marvel Super Heroes.
The person who usually ran the games, ended up being the GM and we did two campaigns. I had an absolute blast. Unfortunately, I was kind of alone in that. The TTRPG doesn't leave a lot for social interaction, which a number of our players preferred doing. This is closer to a war game. As such, we never played the game system again after the two campaigns. In fact, we never even finished the second one. I still picked up all three books as they came out though, and the GM from that group still has his original Saiyan Saga book.
The first thing that made me happy, as I didn't have nearly the dice collection I do now, was all you needed were 6-sided dice. That made my life so much easier, and for the Shadowrun players, they had tubs of d6 ready to use.
When it came to the contents of the book, what I really enjoyed was seeing all the power levels, and the character art.
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These power levels updated with each book, and the lore and special abilities would also update.
If you kept the game to Dragon Ball levels, you felt that you could keep the campaign going for a very long time. The character sheet was extremely simple, and there were tips on what you could build a campaign around, as well as basic suggestions on trying to keep the "main character" complex to a minimum. The Star Wars RPG systems have a similar concept where the GM is told that either everyone's a Jedi, or no one's a Jedi. Same thing for ewoks since they were so limited for weapon proficiencies (they literally could never learn how to use tech, ever, which I find ridiculous). Basically, for Dragon Ball, namekians should look at fushions to power up, or everyone should be a saiyan or half-saiyan, especially if you're bringing in the super saiyan transformation. Otherwise, no saiyans in the game at all. This way everyone stays about the same level and can't be a spotlight hog while everyone else is forced to sit back and watch the game instead of participate.
If you'd like to read a full review of it, you can check one out here. Barnabas did a great write-up.
Personally, I find it kind of wild that there's literally zero stats for dinosaurs or other prehistoric animals. Where's the T-Rex and sabertooth tiger? This feels like a massive oversight given that people live alongside dinosaurs and other extinct-in-our-world beasts.
Overall, it was original in what it tried to accomplish, and I appreciate that. We've since seen other game systems that can replicate this fairly well. I prefer BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth), and any edition works, but I know others really enjoy doing DBZ using FATE, which I can see working. I've seen people try to pull off DBZ characters using 3.5e, Pathfinder 1e and 2e, and 5e, but you'd need to homebrew your own class from the ground up, and it likely wouldn't be balanced. At best, you could maybe get something close with a 20th level character.
If you find a copy somewhere, I definitely recommend it for a one-shot, if nothing else. Maybe you can run it at a convention. I'm considering doing that. It'd be a nice send off. And this year's convention is dinosaur themed, so maybe I'll have the mission be to teach a dinosaur how to ride a ball.
In closing, I'm so grateful to Akira Toriyama for giving us the stories and designs that he did. I can not convey in words just how important the Dragon Ball franchise was for my friends and I to even have met one another, and then Chrono Trigger brought us even closer and we'd go to one friend's house every lunch (he lived across the street from school) and we'd watch him play because we were so immersed in the story and with the characters...
So much respect and admiration for him. Akira Toriyama, thank you for everything. In Eiichiro Oda (One Piece mangaka)'s words: "I wish that heaven is as jolly of a world as the one you imagined and drew."
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ikemen-trifecta · 30 days
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
YAASSS MYSME AND HAZBIN FAN !! >v< and ahh right back at you!!! 💕💕💕 Seeing MysMe getting new fans and more people joining the RFA family makes my heart dance!!! >w<
AND THIS GAME HAS ETCHED ITS MARK INTO MY SOUL <33 my head snaps around faster than the little spaceship zooms to the bag of Honey Buddha Chips when it’s ready if I hear anything MysMe related >:D
Ah! And for the song: Gabriel Brown, also known as Black Gryph0n, is not only the creator of the song: he is also Alastor’s Pilot Voice Actor!!!!
Anndddddd for the other amazing voices-!!!
Elsie Lovelock as Charlie, Michael Kovach as Angel Dust, (HIS VOICE WILL ALWAYS BE ICONIC AND WAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST REASONS I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIS CHARACTER 🥹) Krystal LaPorte for Cherri Bomb and Michelle Marie as Niffty!!!
It will always hit me right in the feelsssss TTWTT
Also!!! This song’s themes and the feelings it brings reminded me of a Mystic Messenger fan animation I know!!!:
This is the link T^T it makes me sob my heart out every time I hear it without fail no matter how long it’s been ;w; THEY ARE MY FAMILY FOREVER AND EVER AND I LOVE THEM 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕
I USED TO BE SO OBSESSED WITH THIS SONG AND I AM INCAPABLE OF BEING NORMAL WHEN HEARING ITTTTT- it means everything to me and will always have a special place in my heart 🥹
- Mod Astraea 💕💕💕
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dafukdidiwatch · 9 months
One Piece - Episode One
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Yo Ho Ho yall (fuck that's cheesy lol) Well the Live Action One Piece came out a few weeks ago and I've only just started to watch it. I love One Piece. I 100% believe that One Piece is Classical Literature and Classical Story Telling. Like it will stand the test of time it is that good. And since I'm in love with the anime and watching the new series, I've decided to give like a mini review of each episode I watch.
Major Spoilers Ahead: I haven't caught up with the anime (like holy shit no I haven't) but I have rewatched the beginning seasons/arcs many many times. So this is honestly might be more of a comparison between the adaptation and the original source material. So I'm going to go over a lot of plot points of, well, everything.
Here we go!
Overview: Episode One follows Monkey D. Luffy on the start of his journey to become the King Of The Pirates on the open ocean. He faces against The Alvida Pirates and takes rescues the Cabin Boy Koby from her iron clutches. There they travel together to a nearby Marine Base to take find a map of the Grand Line, and we get the introduction of Zoro the Pirate Bounty Hunter and Nami the Thief and Catburgler. Shenanigans force the group together where they face off against Marine Captain Axe-Hand Morgan and retrieve the map together. Leaving Koby behind to follow his own dream, the trio sets off on a stolen boat and sails onto the next episode.
Initial Thoughts: I feel like I have to break up my review into so many categories because My God, they cram packed SO many things into this episode. Every minute there's anyone easter egg, another name drop, another scene where I go "Oh! It's That Part from the Anime!" I don't think it's going to be possible for me to look at it strictly on it's own merit, because a lot of what I like about it is going to be colored by the anime. Specifically what they kept, changed, and adapted to fit a live action setting. Because honestly, I'm blown away. They did an insanely good job with this series.
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I have to start with some of the plot here. Not just the overview I mean like a Deep Dive into how this is a lot of people's first introduction to One Piece.
I like how they have the first scene be the Gol D. Rodgers backstory. His death and final words, as stated in every episode, "drove countless souls to the sea." His legacy is the driving point for the show, so having it at the beginning is a great way to set up the exposition and expectation for the series. This is Pirates. Government vs Pirates. The King Of Pirates Treasure created more Pirates.
I also like how at every Pirate's Introduction we see a wanted poster fly by and cover his face. The bounties are used as a "power level" marker in a way. Higher Bounty = More Dangerous. It's a nice visual cue to show they are key players.
They also kept a lot of the iconic scenes and moments from the anime too. Nami drifting in the boat. Shanks getting beer smashed onto him by the bandits. They actually kept in some manga only moments too: Luffy stabbing himself in the eye for example and the reveal of his Gum Gum Powers. Not shown in the anime. So the Live Action series is faithful to both anime and manga.
Then the show even expands on some moments that were sort of glanced over. It actually shows Zoro being recruited for Baroque Works instead of Zoro mentioning it one that happened off screen. Which was a really cool badass visual to show rather than tell why Zoro is epic. Leave the myth/legacy/stories for Gol D. Rodgers. If the guy is on our crew, we gotta see why he's cool enough to be on the crew.
They also added in a lot of new mashups in here too. It makes since, Episode One covers about the first 5ish episodes of the anime. So you have to smash what you can when you can. Nami never interacted with Luffy or Zoro until the next island. They never were all together in a bar/tavern (which, ha, classic bar meet up). And there were new combinations of how other characters interact with each other. Morgan and Zoro never met prior to Luffy's bullshit. But damn, that was a pretty interesting interaction to just flex on their characters.
Speaking of...
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I'll get into main cast specifics afterwards, but I have to say that the show is perfect with capturing the essence of each character. No matter what actions they take or how the story changed, the show stayed true to the core of the characters. Luffy's childlike wonder went everywhere he went asking questions about everything. Zoro's sassy to everyone and honorable in battle. Nami self-reliant and sneaky and can handle her own. Morgan's self importance was shown with self-portraits. And this is for Everyone. Even the background mooks and randos. The crowd immediately going to sea as soon as Rodgers gives his Pirate Blessing for his treasure. Nothing is missed. Everything is well, exactly how and why we love these characters.
Luffy, well, I wasn't sure if I could like at first. It's the voice. I have a thing where if I know a character for a while, sometimes I can't vibe with another iteration because I am too invested in the first version. The voice was still high pitch and casual, but it just felt different. Between that and just how calm he was acting I wasn't sure if I liked Luffy. But the more I saw him the more perfect he was. He is happy, go-lucky, a gentle airy voice with a tinge of excitement. Terrible liar, a little bit more clever perhaps but still a well rounded dumbass. He's really the perfect Luffy.
Zoro was a bit of the same way too. I don't know if it was just the monotone but he was a bit like the same with Luffy. But then he opened his mouth and was just as so flipping sassy and snarky. Then we see him fight and kill a man on screen which yeah, he does that. And wow he's still super bad ass. I'm just sort of waiting to see more of his flaws in the next episode, and I'm actually surprised that Zoro had embraced the "Pirate Hunter" moniker when he couldn't give less of a shit is still serious and stoic, can't tell if he's more competent or not just yet.
A little surprise that Zoro wasn't on the crew yet. But I think they changed it so it would feel more like Zoro was willing to join rather than a "choose: join up or you'll get killed"
Nami was also as badass as I hoped. We see her on the job. On the clock. Taking one problem at a time. She would give Lupin a run for his money. Like her scoping out marines in the bar to steal the clothes, that was a brilliant move! A lot better to show the lengths she would go than just tricking some rando pirates. And we get her animosity immediately with Luffy. She really is super clever.
Shanks actually feels more parental here. Like a dedicated dad type. He felt easy going, but more in a mature adult way. He still cared for luffy in the anime don't get me wrong. But Anime Shanks absolutely laughed and teased Luffy. For example: Live Action Shanks was concerned and worried when Luffy showed his devil fruit powers for the first time. Anime Shanks was worried and called Luffy a dumbass for doing a stupid thing like eating random fruit. I get why they wanted him to be a more serious parental figure in the live action, just a bit different.
It actually is interesting because there is a distinctive change with Shanks and Buggy. Shanks as noted above went a cool older cousin to a parental figure. Buggy is cloaked in insanity and danger. He is menacing, which is important. He's the first major main antagonist. But his goofiness has been pulled back a bit and turned into crazy. He's still ruthless but it's more like Joker Crazy instead of just wacky clown. Granted he's only just introduced at the end of the show so there was no time to flesh it out. So we might have more silly wackiness coming our way. But it isn't a bad change.
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I can't believe how accurate the setting is to One Piece. Like, first they kept all of the weirdo gadgets like the Transponder Snails and those goofy looking seagulls. And yeah the CGI isn't like technically the best or detailed, but it feels like it was pulled straight from the manga.
Speaking of being pulled straight from the manga, the costumes are insane. How long did the costume department just stare into the anime and just bring it to life. Everyone's outfits are colorful, iconic, it perfectly fits the character and their designs. Same with the island, the ships, every location it just felt so real. So vibrant. It just breathes life!
And there's Violence! Honest to god Violence! In One Piece! Oh sure we have fights and battles and deaths in the show and manga. And it isn't shied away from at all. But now there's Blood. There's actual Canon Death. Point Blank from the beginning this is the Pirate Era and they are Ruthless by just killing a man off screen and forcing the wimpy boy to clean the mace. The show is not playing around.
Vibes: It's weird to say but overall, the vibes I got from the Live Action One Piece is the same as a Bollywood Movie. Bollywood is Big, Bombastic. It's silly and exaggerated but open and honest with everything. No matter how crazy or ludicrous it is, it's played straight in the movie. There is no lampshading or "jk" moments. The story is earnest in what it's doing.
That vibe 100% fits perfectly with the One Piece World. EVERYONE is a weirdo! That's the point of how the characters are introduced or treated or act. If they were written as weird, then they are more memorable by the audience. Not only that but everything is played straight no matter how goofy it is. Luffy's Rubber Devil Fruit is a useful power to have! He also can stretch his face and dodge like a 1920s cartoon. It's weird but it works. Mr. 7 and Buggy the Clown are dressed like madmen crazy people. But they are still set up as dangerous. Their villainy is still threatening no matter what the getup is. And it works because the show doesn't make fun of them for it. It isn't trying to wink at the camera and go "Take a look at this clown boy am I right?". We aren't taken out of that immersion of the world to mock the characters regardless of how ridiculous they are.
But importantly, it captures the central themes of One Piece: Adventure, Freedom, Dreams. The show doesn't try to tone down these things, it embellishes it. It is honest with the determination of the cast, their dreams and plans. I keep coming back to the word earnest because it fits so well with One Piece and Bollywood. No matter what happens, they both keep the sincerity of these themes and that's why it works. It is faithful not just in storytelling and plot points, but in spirit too.
Overall I really need to stop gushing over this one episode lol. Because it was just ONE Episode. I still have 7 more to go! What the Shit! This show is just already amazing. It's faithful to the source material. Faithful to the characters, the plot, the story. It puts in future plot points for the live action audience to pick up on that doesn't feel rushed or forced. It's just, a wholesome adventure story when it comes down to it. 100% 10/10 will watch everything
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badassbarmaid · 11 months
mun is superior, pass it on.
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Name: Emily, Em
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Food(s): Pizza, chocolate, chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, skittles, ramen
Drink(s): Coffee, apple cider, hot chocolate, orange soda, cranberry juice
Book(s): Warm Bodies
Favorite Author(s): Issac Marion
Song(s): I'd be here all day so defer to the musicians section below xD
Movie(s): The Crow, Titanic, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead (OG), far too many horror movies to count, Wreck it Ralph, Hairspray, Beetlejuice, a bunch of different 80s movies
TV Show(s): Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, a fair amount of anime :D
Band/group(s): My Chemical Romance, Djo, P!ATD, FOB, Lindsey Sterling, AFI, Gackt, HIM, cKy, Linkin Park, Elie Goulding, Lady Gaga, a lot of 80s and 90s bands and artists
Best Friend: I'm lucky to have two! One is @thegreyfacedbutler, the other isn't on tumblr.
Significant Other: is a delightful and special bean
Siblings: one
Dream Job:  Cat sanctuary owner or an author
Tattoos: MANY (I think I'm at 12 so far)
Piercings: Just ears!
Languages: English, Some spanish and some japanese
Reason Behind URL: I wanted something short and easy to remember. It just kinda stuck and I've never changed it.
Reason Behind Icon: I use ones that I think are nice and illustrate Tifa well
# of Posts: 68,937 (that's nearly 12 years on here will result in!)
Why You Joined: I wanted to write and met other rpers on here back when it was a baby site. Haven't looked back since!
# of Blogs: Three that are "active" including this one. Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) and Alice Abernathy (Resident Evil)
tagging: Anyone who wants to do the thing
tagged by: @maddmuses
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jupitercl0uds · 11 months
hi! i'm ash
they/them/xe/xem • panromantic • asexual • non binary • autistic (with suspicions of having adhd) • english • atheist quaker • a tad bit silly
been on the tumbler since 2021 so i know my way around here but i dont get every little reference (i get most and for the ones i dont i just nod and smile along). i am still a teenager so some Classic Posts are older than me and most are from when i was in primary school.
i dont really have a sophisticated tagging system, but if it helps, spouting to the void is my text post tag. i dont even strictly use it for text posts tbf
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blogs i run:
this one (obviously)
@blues-amazing-blog - oc blog (currently on hiatus)
@wswe-autism-fic - fanfic blog (for waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular). i also treat this as an alt account for fandom stuff sometimes
@knuckles-with-a-keyboard - silly little blog where i pretend to be boom!knuckles (i really really love this blog its so fun)
@jupitercl0uds-art - my art blog (shock horror)
@nonbinary-sticks-the-badger - my sonic blog
external links (whoops forgot to add this)
maybe one day ill set up a linktree idk
twitter (i only use this for posting from my switch now)
spotify profile
dm me on discord: jupitercl0uds
i think thats it
click this link for more external links including some of the above ones but specifically how to contact me if i cant use tumblr
omg i love so many things its not even funny. a few important ones are waluigi (special interest), sonic the hedgehog (special interest AND hyperfixation (omg please kill me)), art (like, as a general thing, but particularly visual) and you WILL find me randomly posting oh-so-passionately about something ive never even mentioned before.
i do animation and illustration but that's over on my art blog. also all my animations are WIPs. you probably won't find anything other than a few weird lip syncs from when i was like 11 (i got into animation because of gacha life and animation memes). most of my art is sonic atm lol.
i also read and write fanfic! my wattpad and ao3 is jupitercl0uds :D
wattpad is mostly old stuff, crack and occasional reposts of my ao3 stuff. ao3 is mostly whatever is on my mind at the moment and WSWE.
occasionally i get all heated up about actually important stuff. that's usually sandwiched inbetween my regular goofy goober behaviour. for the basic gist of it: very left wing, the tories are cunts, vote green, free palestine. you also need to understand the weight of that sentence because i hate swearing.
i have other socials too but i dont really use them that much. got bored of twitter and i forget about all my other accounts. only ones i use now are whatsapp (lmao), tumblr and i guess ao3 and wattpad. theres no real point in linking something i havent used in months
anyway, have a nice day and please go to bed on time!
faves (non-exhaustive)
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AUTISM BOY!!!! ANXIETY GUY!!!! MILES 'TAILS' PROWER!!!! he's been my favourite sonic character since i was little!!!! except for that brief period where it was amy because i found out tails was a boy and i, as a 7-year-old girl who had just learned about misoginy, decided amy was better because she was a girl. and that briefer period where it was cream because she had confetti in sonic dash.
my favourite iterations of him are scu tails, classic tails and sonic boom tails!!! i h/c him as autistic, having anxiety, low self-esteem but also being really cheerful and nonchalant about a lot of stuff. i enjoy trans tails of all kinds, but i believe in cis gnc tails.
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NON-BINARY ICON!!!! TOP SURGERY GUY!!!! WALUIGI!!!! call me thomas jefferson cause i have an entire binder on this guy. waluigi is THE blorbo from my spin-off-party-shows. i got into him because 'hahahaha! it is the funny garlic man's funny rose partner!' and that became 'they could marry me and i'd say yes on the basis that we'd get to see each other everyday, even if i only love him as a friend.
im very passionately hateful about 'hot' waluigi. shut up. waluigi is perfect. i hope he can be canon one day <3 i h/c him as autistic, transmasc non binary and really into gothic lolita. i interpret their relationship with wario as romantic partners and waluigi being super super poor. also, wlw mlm solidarity with rosalina!!!!!
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dr starline i love a bisexual icon as much as the next person but starline is not it. i want him to Suffer. which is why i then go on to make loads of fanart of him where he's crying over something. in the one shown above, i have just kicked him in the balls (full image). i also would love to be a VA for him because that'd really piss him off. good style tho. you go girl.
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manjimutt (sorry but i only have 1 image of him)
hello to the other living yokai watch fan out there. i hate manjimutt. when i was younger i felt sorry for him, cause i was like 'oh, poor guy, always going to jail!!!' no. die. i do not like him. i hate manjimutt. i do like saying his name tho. MAnji-mutt! i think i hate him more than starline, because at least starline has redeeming qualities. the only redeeming qualities manjimutt has is pity because hes not actually committing crimes. thats it. hes not a nice person. hes just a guy. hit him with a wooden plank (har har).
that poor poor poodle though
posts i like
idk posts on my own blog i like a lot. idk if thisll be A Thing because im literally only doing tthis because of the first post on the list
recognising a url and the chaos that followed
stuff about my lgbtq+ identity idk
can you call me that slur?
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