#* ﹡゚    ━━━  RESIDING PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (  visuals  )
nebulousfishgills · 1 year
I could just be a dumbass who came to this conclusion after everyone else did and I just don't realize it, but I was mindlessly drafting a one shot and the thought occured to me.
There's a lot of mystery around the Massacre of Hawkins Lab and Henry's past that I think we're all trying to piece together. Weird inconsistencies, time gaps, missing information, and the like. I don't really have a coherent way of saying this cleanly, so I'll just dump it out.
I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of us in the "The Mind Flayer Was Behind It All" camp, but we all end up looking like Pepe Silvia in "It's Always Sunny" because of those missing pieces we're trying to drag together. I'll probably sound the same way, but here we go.
What I think is part of what's going on is that the Creel House is just a location in Hawkins where the barrier between both worlds is extremely weak, like how some haunted locations are more prone to paranormal activity than others. One might argue that Hawkins Lab is another one of these weak spots, but I wanna focus on the Creel House.
The Mind Flayer had always existed as a shadow-y soup of chaos for god knows how many years and as we can see, it's what connects the Hivemind together. It's like Bluetooth, really.
It's an entity on its own and I think it's goal is to control all things, in the Upside-Down and in the Overworld. What I think happened was that it was looking for a vessel to get into the Overworld it's been locked out of. Henry comes along, already disillusioned and dissatisfied with society for probably several reasons that we can't yet confirm nor deny, yet are implied (is he gay, is he neurodivergent, both, who knows).
These things will probably reveal themselves in The First Shadow, one of many reasons it's going to be a very important piece of lore...
The First Shadow... Shadow... Shadow Monster... Mind Flayer.
The Shadow Monster started to invade Henry's mind, stoke his worries and hatred to eventually link itself with him. That's how Henry's powers developed. It's a tired parallel at this point, but it's easy. The Flayer is Emperor Palpatine, Henry is Anakin Skywalker (and El is Luke). "Join me and together we can rule the galaxy/world, here are cool powerups to boot."
Once Henry's taken to Hawkins Lab, he's separated from the weak barrier that his house was, but the Mind Flayer has still infected his mind.
"The particles went inside them" is what Murray said about the Demo-creatures in the Russian prison, and I think somehow the Mind Flayer got particles/its influence/Bluetooth into Henry. He's constantly simmering, just waiting for the day he can escape and take his revenge. Which is where the Massacre comes in.
I can't explain every weird detail or inconsistency, but I can explain two things:
-I don't remember who said it, but I completely agree with it: Henry's monologue makes so much more sense if we look at it like someone possessed by an ancient evil eldrich being.
-Henry *absorbs* his victims. Remember how in Season 3 the Meat Flayer *absorbed* residents in Hawkins to grow stronger? I think the Massacre started as Henry clearing a path so he and Eleven could escape, but eventually the Shadow overtook him, telling him to keep going, keep killing, get him/it stronger by absorbing everyone, all those kids with powers like his.
I think the same thing happened at dinner in 1959.
I don't know what Henry's beef with Alice was or why he killed her, and I don't think he knew either. I think the Shadow Monster clouded his mind and judgement so he would kill everyone unimpeeded. His mother went first, the sticking point. The Flayer promised Henry it would help him deal with her, but once he did that, it was essentially Doctor Faustus signing his soul to Mephistopheles (if you'll excuse the too-appropriate reference). Too much power comes at a price, and that price is Henry's autonomy.
Oh, the Mind Flayer lets Henry shape it into the spider-like creature he'd visualized oh so long ago to let him believe he's the one in control, but he's not. The Shadow keeps poisoning him, his mind. How else do you think Henry decayed so throroughly?
I expect if you were to banish the Mind Flayer from Henry like they did Will in season 2, everything would go back to normal. He'd be human again. Powerless, sure, but he's no longer a pawn with his distaste for humans exacerbated to the point of serial murder. It would take effort, but I think it's possible.
Show Henry that he was loved as a child. Victor loved him, Alice loved him, Virginia... tbd. Eleven showed him kindness in Hawkins Lab, that kindness she showed and those past memories might be the key to ending this...
Oh wait!
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Chris' Void powers explained
We used to have an Outsider NPC based on the actual canon Outsider from Dishonored. We have a Void but we don't have a Heaven or a Hell (or we do and we just aren't aware of them or something) so the souls of the dead end up in the Void and such. Anyway, after Jerome's hostile takeover where he killed the NPC Outsider, Jerome himself became the new Outsider and now he's the one fueling all of our Marked people's powers, including Chris'. The mark itself changed too, like, visually. There's no real point in me talking about Chris' powers since it's a system thing and not a writing thing but I felt like it so now you have this post.
Shadow/Darkness Manipulation — In the past, with the previous Outsider, Chris had smoke mimicry as his mobility spell similarly to how Corvo has blink and Daud has his transversal. After Jerome dethroned the previous Outsider, this power changed to be an affinity with darkness and shadows instead. Think.... Zed from League of Legends? Clone/portal creation, teleportation, darkness attacks, shadow erasure/generation, shadow camouflage/cloaking, shadow marionette (like Shikamaru from Naruto), and other such powers. Chris became one with the dark and honestly he's having more fun with it than with the smoke mimicry.
Mediumship — The ability to perceive and communicate with spirits. Chris already had this power before and it stayed despite changing patrons. It's funny that he has this power at all because after growing up on horror movies and games as well as personally going through the entirety of the Resident Evil canon as a semi-fictive Chris developed a rather avoidant attitude when it comes to ghosts in a "don't interact with me and I won't interact with you" kind of way because they give him the heebie-jeebies and yet! He can still passively perceive paranormal activity that's happening around him AND have said paranormal activity perceive him back. He does NOT vibe with this power AT ALL.
Spectral Sight — Not only can Chris see ghosts of dead humans but he can also see angels, demons, the true form of shapeshifters, the invisible, auras/souls, and other such entities/spiritual qualities of living (and non-living) beings. He retained this power as well which is like an extension of his mediumship.
Vehicular Mastery — Chris is a master of operating a variety of different vehicles innately, from cars and motorcycles to aircrafts and even locomotives. It's a power he gained after Jerome's takeover and he likes it very much because it meant he could get the car (and bike) he always wanted and just skip all the studying and tests completely. This does not mean that he drives safely however, or that he abides traffic laws. Unless he's got passengers with him he drives like a psychopath.
Enhanced Archery — Chris possesses superhuman proficiency and skill with the bow and arrow, being able to launch multiple arrows with one shot, use the bow as a melee weapon, reload the bow rapidly and efficiently, and other such skills, even with heavy mechanisms like the crossbow. Chris' personal favorite is the compound bow and it's another power he retained.
Enhanced Agility — Chris possesses agility beyond that of peak human potential. He can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do backflips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic, and martial implements with little to no effort. His close quarters fighting style has been compared to Jill's (from RE) while she is under the effects of the P30 drug. Another power he retained.
Melting Touch — Chris is able to melt matter through touch but the thing about this power is that he cannot always control it. There have been times when he completely liquified objects which were in his grasp without meaning to (like his phone for example) simply because he got pissed, and even times when he burned people accidentally because he got too emotional while having his hands on them. Think Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3 but not as a default state. It's another power he retained but there have been speculations voiced by the rest of the system about whether or not this power could be developed into proper firebending. No attempts have been made as of yet.
Omnilingualism — Chris can speak any and all languages, even dead/nonhuman ones. He can basically understand and communicate with anything and everything that exists or once existed. This is technically another power he retained but in the past it was granted to him through a ring he had to wear in order to possess it. With the previous Outsider's death the ring lost its power and Jerome made it so Chris will be able to stay omnilingual without it.
Contaminant Immunity — You know how Daud is immune to poisons? So Chris is immune to poisons/toxins/venoms AND viruses/bacteria/parasites/pathogens/allergens/etc. which is extremely appropriate for him as a RE semi-fictive. This is a power we think he didn't have before but we aren't entirely sure.
Arcane Bond — Finally a power that actually comes from the Dishonored universe, huh? Basically Chris can choose to share some level of his own supernatural powers with other people who become bonded with him through arcane means. It's a power he certainly did not have before and is now coming in handy for him as the leader of the Nightshade unit. As far as we know people who are bonded with Chris possess some degree of his shadow/darkness affinity, some degree of his spectral sight, better agility, and the immunity to some contaminants but not all.
Chris completely lost his ability to cast a time bubble and the rest of his physical prowess (like his enhanced strength and senses) comes from the fact that he is a wolf.
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alexconkleton · 8 months
The Many Faces in the Cellar
As we digitise and artifisicse, we dehumanise and desensitise ourselves to the world of life in which we resonate; what it really means, what is contains, what it can really be, what we are in the ether and the resonance of those around us now, before and in the future. We blind ourselves to the universe of existence, in which we exist and can only see through faith, belief and soul. All fades when you move away from them in.
I exist in that direction and move toward.
On a recent visit to Germany, I was in the ancient town Gorlitz and I went into a house built in 1721. A house that should remain anonymous to protect that which reside there and not to sensationalise truth that many can not or will not understand
With 320 years of history, in a town dating back to the Roman via Regia, in a street frequented by Templars and a place with a secret ancient hidden church and secret legacy, this house has stories or life.
The house is very large and spacious. As you enter you first see a coat of arms that symbolises a secret society or cult that may focus on the occult (I'm currently researching this).
We started our tour on the ground floor and then went down to the cellar. This route was preferred because the cellar is the most unusual I've ever seen.
You enter down a flight of stone steps into a rather regular 18th century German stone floor and walled cellar, with rooms leading off a central corridor. Then through an arch at the end the wonder begins down a flight of stone steps into a support free, square chamber on 10m squared or more and a 5m high ceiling.
A single door in and a single door out, down to another similar sized chamber, although in here the floor is earthen and soft. It's challenging to image why these large cellar chambers are built in this way or for what they were used over the 320 years, several wars, the atrocities and a secret society local legacy.
As we left the lower cellar, I was last out, pondering the purpose. As we left the upper chamber I felt a sudden urge that I should be taking images of such an unusual and intriguing place. The urge was unusual because we were considering a purchase of the property and I can remember the basic required for this and wondered when we would ever look back at the image of a basement. However, I stopped, turned and took an image of the entry point to the upper chamber.
We continued the tour to every floor of this incredible and interesting property. The viewing was a success to ignite interest.
As many of you will know I enjoy posting images to Instagram and Twitter and when I'm on holiday i have time to post more, working through my camera line image by image when I have a spare moment.
A few days later and I opened the image from the basement and found one of the greatest images I've ever taken. Genuine, unfiltered, random and real; an unparaleled image of paranormal activity. The like of which I have never seen in comparison.
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My experience immediately picked out the interest of three orbs and I zoomed in for a closer look; first at the orb in the center of the image:
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I see a face with wide open mouth, hollow eyes and a button nose, with the centre of the orb light in the centre of the skull.
I zoomed in on the second orb to the right and before I centred the image I saw:
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A hand, back facing the camera, holding the post.
I centred to the orb and knew then that I have captured a remarkable image:
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A clear face, with a deliberate look of intent from a detailed eye. The more I see this image the more I see the powerful manifestation it is:
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The detail and intensity of the right side eye and the additional face within the surround of the left eye.
Whilst studying the image I realised that the face an hand are likely and well positioned to be one manifestation:
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This realisation in isolation is an indication of a spirit of incredible power, a correlation of visual manifest from one being, clearly observing my presence. Every time I look at this image I feel the presence and my skin crawls, I'm drawn to eye contact and thought attachment.
Every time I view it I move on quicker, as it feels as though it reaches through to me. I see sometimes an inquisitive look, sometimes a deliberate stare and on my last view just now I see the mouth opened wide in a scream with sharp teeth in the upper and lower, squared jaw.
From this I had to study the image in detail and I found image on image to support the immense spiritual activity that exists in that basement.
A close up on the second, smaller orb reveals another face, up turned and mouth agape. The sharpest of the light orb shining from the centre of the head, above wide hollow eye sockets.
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Above the foreground wall lamp, a large cranial head with black eyes narrowing into a small grimacing mouth. The centre of the right side eye holds a spark of light.
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A screaming face in the edge of where the floor meets the wall:
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A concentrated look from the wall with large hollow eyes and a downturned mouth:
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A face looking up from the floor, with fleshy features and a small, pursed mouth:
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To equal the power of the gate post face I noted the face of a spirit behind the gate. Strands of hair cascade over the left side eye above clear lips and a flash of teeth:
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It was later that I realised that light shapes at the base of the gate look like lower legs:
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This are proportionately placed to the face above and a midway light like hand; a whole standing spirit:
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Wide, lizard like, Demon eyes in the floor from an upside down face:
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A face in the gate, with horns, small round ear and an upturned nose:
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Above the figure behind the gate is what may be a white mist manifestation:
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This may be from the main figure or the sheer power of multiple manifestations of sprit face, at least three faces appear within the mist. Here's three forming, particularly in the lower right corner with a human, demon blending.
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There is a wide variety of states of manifestation, some are more subtle, although may also be blends of different spirits, making each viewing of the piece of the image different and enabling the viewing of multiple faces.
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This view was clearer of a the side of a skull like face.
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This face has a broad smile.
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Some are forming from ethereal mists.
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This myriad of manifestation across the image are juxtaposed and perhaps all connected to the energy forming the clear demon face, arm and hand with other stronger images like the spirit rising itself from where the floor meets the wall.
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This discovery, the incredible spiritual activity and that face haunt me with intrigue to understand and learn more.
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dalight02-blog · 9 months
Scary Events Caught on Camera: A Terrifying Glimpse into the Unexplained
In our modern age of ubiquitous surveillance and easily accessible recording devices, we have been given a front-row seat to the unexplained and the eerie. Scary events caught on camera have become a staple of internet culture, captivating millions with their spine-tingling mysteries and unsettling visuals. In this exploration, we will delve into some of the most chilling and inexplicable occurrences ever captured on film.
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The Elisa Lam Elevator Incident:
The Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles gained infamy due to the mysterious death of Elisa Lam in 2013. However, it was a surveillance video from the hotel's elevator that sent shivers down the spines of viewers worldwide. The footage shows Lam behaving erratically, as if she's interacting with someone or something unseen. She presses multiple elevator buttons, steps in and out, and even peeks her head out of the door, seemingly checking for someone. Eventually, she exits the elevator, and this is the last time she was seen alive.
Lam's lifeless body was found weeks later in the hotel's rooftop water tank, adding to the mystery of how she got there. To this day, her bizarre elevator behavior remains unexplained, fueling countless theories and speculations.
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The Dyatlov Pass Incident:
In 1959, a group of experienced hikers embarked on a trip to the Ural Mountains in Russia. What should have been a routine expedition turned into a chilling mystery when their bodies were discovered in a remote area. The scene was gruesome, with the hikers' tent slashed from the inside and their bodies scattered in the snow, some with severe injuries.
The most perplexing aspect is the bizarre photographs found on their cameras. Some show their campsite, but others reveal eerie orbs of light in the night sky, adding an otherworldly element to the tragedy. The exact cause of their deaths remains unsolved, with theories ranging from avalanches to military involvement to extraterrestrial encounters.
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The Phoenix Lights:
On March 13, 1997, thousands of residents in Phoenix, Arizona, witnessed a series of mysterious lights in the night sky. These lights appeared to form a V-shaped pattern and were seen by people from all walks of life, including then-Governor Fife Symington. Despite initial explanations of military flares, the event remains an enduring UFO mystery.
What makes this case even more unsettling is the abundance of amateur videos and photographs capturing the event. The sheer number of witnesses and the consistency of their descriptions defy easy dismissal, leaving many wondering if we truly encountered something not of this world.
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The Skinwalker Ranch:
The Skinwalker Ranch in Utah has been a hotbed of paranormal activity for decades. Numerous eerie events have been reported on this property, including UFO sightings, strange creatures, and poltergeist-like phenomena. One of the most disturbing pieces of evidence is the collection of videos captured by previous owners and researchers.
These videos include inexplicable lights in the sky, strange creatures lurking in the darkness, and even bizarre injuries sustained by livestock. The unsettling nature of these events has led some to believe that the ranch is a hot spot for interdimensional or extraterrestrial activity.
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The Black-Eyed Children:
The phenomenon of the Black-Eyed Children has become a chilling internet legend. These sinister-looking children with pitch-black eyes reportedly appear at people's homes, asking for help or entry. Several security cameras have captured these eerie encounters, showing the pale, emotionless faces and inky black eyes of these supposed children.
While skeptics argue that these sightings are hoaxes or urban legends, the videos and accounts of those who claim to have encountered these beings continue to send shivers down the spines of many.
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The Ghostly Hitchhiker:
Ghostly apparitions and haunted locations have been a staple of paranormal investigation for years. However, few events have been as captivating as the footage captured by dashcams and surveillance cameras. These cameras have documented unexplained apparitions, shadowy figures, and eerie occurrences in supposedly haunted locations.
One example is the footage from a dashboard camera that captured a shadowy figure appearing on a dark, desolate road. The figure, described as a hitchhiker, seemed to materialize out of thin air before disappearing again. Such incidents challenge our understanding of the natural world and invite us to consider the existence of entities beyond our comprehension.
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The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel:
The case of Anneliese Michel, a young German woman who underwent a series of exorcisms in the 1970s, remains one of the most disturbing and controversial cases in the history of possession and exorcism. The chilling audio recordings made during these exorcisms provide a spine-tingling glimpse into the depths of her torment.
>>>>Watch this scary video>>>>
These recordings capture Anneliese's guttural, inhuman voices, violent outbursts, and the desperation of the priests attempting to rid her of the malevolent entities they believed possessed her. Regardless of one's beliefs, these recordings are deeply unsettling and raise profound questions about the nature of evil and the human psyche.
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The Ouija Board Possession:
Ouija boards are often associated with paranormal experiences, and some videos seem to provide eerie evidence of their power. One such video shows a group of people using a Ouija board to communicate with a spirit. As they ask questions, the planchette moves erratically, spelling out chilling messages.
The video takes a terrifying turn when one of the participants becomes possessed by an unseen force, exhibiting unnatural movements and a disturbing, guttural voice. The video serves as a stark warning about the potential dangers of dabbling in the supernatural.
In conclusion, the advent of cameras and recording devices has given us unprecedented access to the unexplained and the terrifying. Scary events captured on camera challenge our understanding of reality and invite us to contemplate the mysteries that lie beyond our comprehension. These chilling moments, whether paranormal, extraterrestrial, or simply unexplained, continue to captivate and haunt us, reminding us that there are still realms of the unknown waiting to be explored.
>>Watch Scary Events Caught on Camera>>
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jefelen-presents · 1 year
“Half Dead Fred” (2023)
Thursday, March 16th, 2023 (20:02) JEFELEN was pleased to have served as Co-Producer on "Half Dead Fred", a comedic modern-day film-noir supernatural mystery written and directed by Bron Theron, which sees general release today!
A mystifying murder has taken place in Flint, Michigan, and medium detective, Freddy Nash, is on the case!  There is a valuable treasure to be found, with paranormal activity that cannot go unseen. Years ago, Fred was victim of a traumatic near-fatal incident that left him with the otherworldly ability to commune with the dead.  In this life, he is assisted by an old friend from Alcoholics Anonymous, although he has himself been off the wagon for years. With the spirits of the departed as witness, this is a case that will turn out to be much more than a mere murder...
Produced by White Ninja Productions™, this feature-length whodunnit with a difference is now available to buy or rent through the follow streaming avenues:
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6SBQKKR
Prime Video™: http://www.primevideo.com/.../0FOYQ3UIJKTPF1T5TJ7NJR5NWT
With more viewing options to follow in due course...
#HalfDeadFred  #WhiteNinjaProductions  #XAlwaysMarksTheSpot  #EveryHouseHasAHistory  #DeadOrAliveEveryoneIsASuspect  #AvailableNOW
Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 (21:12) Full disclosure: I should have announced this much sooner, but with everything I've personally had on my plate these past couple of months, some of my professional responsibilities have admittedly fallen by the wayside, regrettably.  Suffice it to say, for those who reside within the Los Angeles city limits, the following mobile promotion may have been spotted in traffic over recent months (with truck supplied courtesy of City View Marketing™, customised with flair thanks to Loop™).  Keeping this publicity campaign street, yo!
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Thursday, May 18th, 2023 (02:20) In my haste to make up for lost time, I inadvertently neglected to upload the intended image for a moment there... but now having done so, here's an additional video substantiating some of the artistic effort that went into preparing our branded Isuzu Commercial Truck™:
Still cruising the streets of L.A. -- Angelenos should remain on the lookout!
Friday, May 19th, 2023 (12:21) Rolling on with the "Half Dead Fred" 'street cred', the theme track, "GMD" (which would stand for "Ghost Medium Detective", for the uninitiated) has been dropped by L.A. rapper, Abstract Rude, complete with official music video:
There are ever-so mild spoilers in the visuals, as the clip utelises footage lifted from the movie, but if you're chill with that, get it all up in your face... or at the very least, give the dope beats a spin.  As far as this commentator is concerned, anyone who rhymes "senile" with "speed dial" is straight-up LEGIT!
Saturday, May 20th, 2023 (10:01) Resharing, this time via Vimeo™ rather than YouTube™, in the hope of procuring greater exposure for this release and its source material:
http://player.vimeo.com/video/798846094?hd=1&rel=0... The prospect of a full soundtrack album is unlikely, with the current outlook, but one can only hold out hope for the future...
Sunday, May 21st, 2023 (01:10) Speaking of Vimeo™, here's an alternative, longer trailer for "Half Dead Fred", which provides a little bit more insight into what to expect from this movie, if you've not watched it as of yet:
More streaming options for the full feature to follow...
Monday, May 22nd, 2023 (22:22) "Half Dead Fred" now has aggregated listings on the following streaming services:
Apple TV™: http://tv.apple.com/.../umc.cmc.4yv9uij6g8gtd5y1hdu2g27tt
Roku™: http://www.roku.com/whats-on/movies/half-dead-fred...
I'm unable to personally verify the latter, mind you, as that platform happens to be region-blocked in my part of the world, but there you go...
Friday, September 22nd, 2023 (12:21) I've since come to realise the nature of my obvious error regarding Roku™, and accordingly present the following amendment:
The Roku Channel™: http://therokuchannel.com/.../a5a5a352663060b2b128f4d91cf...
In addition to this, "Half Dead Fred" can now also be found listed here:
Reveel™: http://www.reveel.net/programs/1300967/1300967
With more streaming outlets to follow...
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 (11:11) "Half Dead Fred" is available to be streamed in multiple territories via Tubi™ for FREE:
It will only cost you ninety-eight minutes of your time.
Wednesday, May 24rd, 2023 (20:02) Mometu™ is a relatively new streaming service, having launched in August of 2022.  Much like the aforementioned Tubi™, content can be watched legitimately for FREE, but is only (currently) available in the United States.
"Half Dead Fred" was to have been the second of my affiliated productions to be hosted by this emergent service, but delays involving the rollout of that other project have ultimately lead this this one being bumped up in the release list!  Why not use this opportunity to take a look?
Thursday, March 14th, 2024 (21:12) 2024 UPDATE: I'd just like to quickly put it out that, in addition to the previously mentioned streaming platforms, "Half Dead Fred" is now available on Cineverse™:
There's also a listing on Plex™:
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authree · 6 years
* ﹡゚    ━━━  TAG  DUMP !
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motivebehindthemask · 2 years
Youtube Recommendation
Despite there not being many “documentaries” on Scream and horror movies in general, there are many Youtube channels and videos over-analyzing the franchise, its characters, their personalities, and their motives. One Youtuber I watch often to learn more about Scream, is Zack Cherry. Cherry is a Canadian Youtuber who has been making videos on popular horror movie franchises since October of 2019. He has a total of 88.3k subscribers and has produced 81 videos, with 49 of them being related to Scream. His other videos touch on other popular franchises such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Child’s Play, Paranormal Activity, and more.  
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Photo Source: The Slashstreet Boys: Parody of the Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way”
Back on December 29th of 2021, Cherry released a new video titled “30 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About Ghostface.” When I first saw the title of this video, one fact I was hoping would be on this list is why Stu Macher, played by Matthew Lillard, teamed up with Billy Loomis, played by Skeet Ulrich, on his murder spree to terrorize Sidney Prescott, played by Neve Campbell, as well as the other residents of Woodsboro, California. Unfortunately, this was not really touched on, there was one point in the video where Cherry danced around the question, but did not answer my question. 
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GIF Source: Stu Macher (Matthew Lillard), after revealing himself as the second killer in Scream (1996).
This list consisted of some facts that shocked me, and some I realized from re-watching the movie so many times. The first fact stated was that Scream was based on a true crime. I knew that Scream was based off of true events, but I wasn’t aware that it was inspired by the “The Gainesville Ripper” Danny Rolling. Rolling was a serial killer who murdered five students in Gainesville, Florida, back in August of 1990, six years before the original Scream was released. Another fact I had heard before was that Ghostface was originally designed to wear a white robe along with his famed mask. This was later changed for obvious reasons as it had visual similarities of the Ku Klux Klan. Changing the robe to black also helped the mask stand out more. One fact I did not know was that the mask was actually created by a costume store before Scream was written, directed, or produced.
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Photo Source: Book of the Gainesville Ripper, which gave inspiration for the Scream franchise.
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Photo Source: Ghostface white robe prototype. Changed to the black for obvious reasons...
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anhed-nia · 4 years
This movie is extremely special to me. Actually, it is so special that it’s a little scary to write about; how could I ever deliver a final word on something so monolithically important? I sometimes remark that it is my favorite movie of all time, although the meaning of that statement is somewhat complicated. I'm not necessarily claiming that it is a superior achievement in the whole history of cinema...although I often feel that way. But, even eschewing its substantial formal virtues, I am affected by the fact that it manifested itself to me through mysterious means, at the time of my life when I had my closest contact with death. I cannot overstate the rarity of encountering a movie in the way that I met with Michele Soavi’s DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE, otherwise known as CEMETERY MAN.
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It was 1994, the year before my mother died. I was 13. At that time she was too sick to occupy herself with anything active, and so she finally relented in her war against cable television. Our household taboo around TV, which was seen as mentally degrading and morally contaminating by my hippie parents, had turned me into a media junkie early in life, and I was immensely excited by the arrival of cable in our home. I would race home after school and abuse the remote in attempt to tune into the forbidden channels we weren’t supposed to get: HBO, Cinemax, or that object of every kid's fascination, the X-rated Spice Channel. Most often, a scrambled channel came through as streaks of color in snow, or black and white distortion, through which you could only guess what the image was supposed to be. But, one day after school, I beheld an astonishing spectacle. The image was crystal clear, but in photo negative, and sometimes even upside-down. What actually took place on my screen was beyond anything I had ever imagined. It was erotic bordering on pornographic, and explosively gory--but it was also dripping with gothic pathos, and teased by a deranged, often juvenile sense of humor. I just couldn't imagine what it was, and I had no way of looking it up. I came back every afternoon to catch glimpses of this mystery film, featuring scenes of brooding despair jarred by hopelessly hokey jokes, steamy sex that spun out into orgies of zombie violence, dadaist insanity like the wedding of a demented hunchback to a severed head, and other such mind-warping visions. It would be seven years before I was able to identify the film, or even watch it right-side-up in its entirety, when a screening of it was hosted by my college’s "Nihilism Club" (don’t ask). But, by that time, I was already changed by it as thoroughly as Max Renn was changed by Videodrome. This movie reached out to me as if from the beyond the grave, and I have spent the rest of my life responding to its call.
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Michele Soavi's adaptation of the work of author Tiziano Sclavi is so unique as to be incomparable. Based on Sclavi's novel Dellamorte Dellamore ("of death, of love") and his popular comic book series Dylan Dog, the film combines a literary propensity for philosophic allegory, with a pulpy, cartoonish visual language befitting its sources. The novel concerns graveyard caretaker Francesco Dellamorte, searching for love in strange places against the backdrop of a zombie uprising; in the comic, Francesco is reconfigured as Dylan Dog, a sort of paranormal investigator who was designed specifically after rising star Rupert Everett. Gianni Romoli's screenplay meticulously amalgamated these disparate elements, and under the direction of Soavi, who had been Dario Argento's assistant director and helmed a few semi-psychedelic thrillers of his own, DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE was destined to become a work of pure cinema.
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Rupert Everett did us all the favor of embodying Francesco Dellamorte, the disaffected caretaker of the Buffalora Cemetery. Custody of this boneyard comes with a special challenge: For some reason, some residents come back to life seven days after their death. Not all of the deceased are affected, and a few even return on a different timetable, but Francesco isn't bothered by these anomalies; he's just grateful to be working, and so he keeps this grim secret to himself. He and his peculiar assistant Gnaghi (french actor and rock musician Francois Hadji-Lazaro)--monosyllabic, bestial, and bald as a baseball--stalk the cemetery at night, smashing the skulls of errant corpses and returning them to their graves. Francesco's comfortable stagnation is interrupted by the arrival of a woman credited only as She (the pneumatic Anna Falchi), with whom he falls instantly and madly in love. His attempts to consummate his passion for Her lead him through a series of psychotic misadventures that blur, and then obliterate the line between life and death.
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If you have ever seen this movie, you must understand how actually mind-bending it was for my teenage self to watch it in non-linear 20 minute snatches at a time, always having to abort before my parents caught me. The story itself defies rational thought. Francesco's encounters with Her test the strength of his feelings, as well as his understanding of reality. She arrives as the implausible widow of an elderly man, and is quite graphic about his potency when Francesco comes courting; this aligns Her with death ipso facto, an alignment that is exaggerated by Her strange ability to stir moldering skeletons to a violent arousal in the cemetery's fabulous ossuary. Her tryst with Francesco is interrupted by Her zombified husband, who apparently kills Her; She later revives, whereupon Francesco dutifully kills Her again--only to realize later, when She awakens for the third time as a dramatically rotten corpse, that She wasn't really dead when he shot Her. Unfortunately, love isn't through with Francesco; he will suffer again at the hands of Her reincarnation as the Mayor's virgin secretary, who can't bear the thought of the male member--and yet again, when She emerges from the streets as a sleazy jezebel whose professions of romantic love may be no more than slick merchandising.
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Francesco’s first kiss from Her is handily illustrated here by Twitter user Appunti di Fine Secolo. Although stills don’t do CEMETERY MAN justice, this gives you a pretty good idea of what it is like.
This chain of devastating encounters with Her--alive, undead, a reincarnation, a murder victim--all challenge the small-minded Francesco to acknowledge the vast and prismatic quality of the world around him. What he embraces instead is a singular obsession with an idea of a woman, a singular ambition to possess Her, and a singular flattening of the world into a monotonous continuum between life and death, a kind of moebius strip that loops back on itself, dissolving any meaningful polarity. Francesco's monomania comes as no surprise, as he thinks of the mystifying zombie plague only as a source of employment, and does not question the fact that even the seven day resurrection “rule” is annoyingly inconsistent. His only friend is much like him: the similarly-named, similar-looking Franco (Anton Alexander), who works in Buffalora's comically overburdened bureaucratic offices. Where Franco keeps track of the lives of the living through a kafkaesque labyrinth of paperwork, Francesco anticipates the arrival of the dead by studying the phonebook, which he considers to be fine literature akin to the Bible. These two peculiar twins share dreams of leaving the suffocatingly tiny, unchanging Buffalora behind, without having the slightest idea of what the rest of the world looks like. Francesco speculates that perhaps the rest of the world doesn't even exist.
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The Town Hall of CEMETERY MAN versus the limbo-like Missing Persons Department of BLACK ORPHEUS (Marcel Camus, 1959)
The idea of life being confined and defined by records and numbers has a deep resonance in modern times. We have all felt the anxiety of being forced to serve the systems we create, though these systems were created to serve us. Our reliance on documentation to define us as real people presents a very real, physical peril, where the procurement of such basic needs as shelter, employment, and medical care are concerned. Civic offices make for a fine metaphor for the boundary between life and death; Soavi knows this, as did Marcel Camus when he directed BLACK ORPHEUS in 1959, a contemporary Brazilian update of the Greek myth about a man who must rescue his beloved from the afterlife. Seeing these otherworldly office scenes in BLACK ORPHEUS for the first time, long into my love affair with CEMETERY MAN, gave me a little bit of vertigo.
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CEMETERY MAN’s rotting boy scouts versus the killer dolls from Roger Vadim’s BARBARELLA (1968)
I don't know if Soavi was thinking of the Camus film, or if both directors plucked this vision of hell from the collective unconscious. I tend to think of CEMETERY MAN as being entirely sui generis, but its seeming reference to BLACK ORPHEUS isn’t totally isolated. When an entire undead boy scout troop shambles after Francesco with their loudly chattering teeth, I couldn't help thinking of the scene from Roger Vadim’s space-age sex fantasy BARBARELLA, in which the titular astrovixen is bitten nearly to death by a horde of sinister baby dolls with gnashing metal fangs. Certainly the sound is quite the same in both films, but also, it's reasonable to see Francesco as his own version of Barbarella: a gorgeous bimbo, searching for love but finding only perverted sex and mortal violence in a world he doesn't understand. We don't know what will happen to Francesco, and neither does he, though he mindlessly pursues only the course that is most familiar to him: that which leads to death.
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One of Francesco's many shaky presumptions about life lies in his understanding of Gnaghi as a loyal pet and beast of burden. When Francesco refers to outdated phone books as "classics", we realize he isn't actually very bright--but his contrast with his unfortunate assistant gives him a superiority complex. "He's got a real passion for dead leaves. He hates it when the wind blows them away," Francesco observes of Gnaghi's fruitless attempts to rake the littered cemetery path in a stiff gale, without considering that Gnaghi is purely performing his janitorial duties. Francesco doesn't even cotton to the fact that Gnaghi has a girl in his room--the severed head of the Mayor's teenage daughter Valentina (Fabiana Formica), who has been living with Gnaghi in conjugal bliss ever since she was decapitated by the same outrageous accident that slaughtered the boy scout troop. On the sidelines, Gnaghi is actually on a much richer journey toward meaning than Francesco, who remains fixated on the limited subject of his own sexual satisfaction. Gnaghi forms a successful relationship with a woman's brain while Francesco remains fixated on a shape-shifting female whose only consistent feature is an astoundingly beautiful body. The test of Gnaghi's love is also more brutal and senseless, in some ways, than what Francesco endures; his happiness with Valentina is shattered when her father the Mayor arrives (Stefano Masciarelli), hoping to pose with her exhumed corpse for a high impact campaign poster. What happens next is beyond description, but suffice it to say that this is the moment in the film when, even as its biggest fan, I start to ask myself...Wait, what is this movie actually about? What is even happening right now? At the end of the catastrophic scene, the Mayor’s photographer snaps a shot of the carnage, and I had to laugh at the idea that this photograph--something considered better than an eye witness statement--couldn't even begin to explain what has transpired, or to pin a crime on any of the present suspects. I think of this riotously absurd sequence as the signature stretch of the film, and one that best demonstrates Michele Soavi’s special talent for giving a scene a fairly innocuous starting point, and then before your very eyes, whipping it into an escalating frenzy that concludes with an unpredictable disaster of operatic proportions. You could almost build a drinking game around how many times he succeeds at this incredible stunt within the running time of CEMETERY MAN.
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But, shortly before Gnaghi is deprived of his other half, he does something very interesting. While Francesco is distracted, Gnaghi takes a crack at a project his boss has been working on: a 3D puzzle of a human skull. Gnaghi is making terrific progress, but when he hears Francesco returning, he hastily undoes it. Francesco laughs, remarking that assembling this skull is "the most difficult thing in the world," something beyond his own capacity, and far beyond what he thinks are Gnaghi's mental abilities. This is where the film's attitude toward consciousness begins to shift, using the skull as a signifier of human intelligence. It becomes clearer that Francesco, who appears more like an ordinary adult on the outside, is simply running on a tightening, self-annihilating loop. Meanwhile, Gnaghi's mind is expanding; he's smarter than he appears, he is capable of more complex social relationships, and he is beginning to learn about the ephemeral nature of life, whereas Francesco is always looping backwards, trying to pull his ideal woman out of the past and keep Her from being consumed by the future. When Francesco announces that he is about to marry the latest version of Her, Gnaghi is unimpressed. He knows what will happen.
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This particular episode in Francesco's love life is especially bizarre. Throughout the film, an unseemly theme develops regarding Francesco's virility. He is harassed by local bullies who revel in the rumor of his impotence--something Francesco confirms in a conversation with lawman Straniero (the hilarious Mickey Knox). When She shows up as the new Mayor's secretary, who has a crippling phobia of phalli, Francesco assures Her that he doesn't even have one--a claim that is repeated by the town doctor Vercesi (Clive Riche), who asserts that this is common knowledge among their neighbors. These “facts” are proven false when Francesco is (frequently) sexually active, even after he receives a chemical castration from a novelty-sized syringe to please Her, in the movie's single most hard-to-swallow moment. The metaphorical meaning of Francesco's disappearing-reappearing penis is, er, difficult for me to grasp, and perhaps better addressed by a reviewer who owns and operates male genitalia. What I can make of this Schrodinger’s Cock bit is that it contributes to the characterization of Francesco's existence as a collection of polarized conflicts: life-death, impotence-virility, innocence-guilt. This complex of contradictions is essential to unlocking the meaning of CEMETERY MAN, which is about the collapse of boundaries and its impact on one’s ability to establish a sense of purpose.
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The aforementioned Marshall Straniero plays an interesting role in this framework. Mickey Knox plays the cop to hilarious perfection, contrasting his hardboiled posturing with a perplexing paternal deference to Francesco. He shows up time and again to accuse Francesco of murder--often rightly so--but always concludes his visit with the reassuring promise that he will never accept Francesco's guilt. Francesco first becomes a murderer by accident, killing Her, and then killing another woman who has come to visit her especially unruly undead lover. But, Straniero continues to overestimate Francesco's decency even after his activities become calculating and cold-blooded. Francesco's mental state takes its final turn toward permanent darkness when he receives a spectacular vision of the Grim Reaper, in what is truly one of the greatest visual effects in horror history. The Angel of Death instructs him to start killing the living outright, if he ever wants to stop reburying the living dead. To the tune of Beethoven's Ninth, forever associated with madness and murder by A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, the half-conscious Francesco goes on a crime spree in his Ted Bundy-like VW Beetle, dispatching the thugs who impugned his manhood in the town square. Later, Francesco expands his criminal repertoire by killing the final manifestation of Her when She appears as a student hooking Her way through college. Unable to tell whether Her professions of love are the real thing or a premium service, he burns Her and Her roommates alive.
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Like many violent men, Francesco hopes to establish a sense of his own importance by acting as the judge, jury and executioner of others, but we know by now that he is doomed to anonymity. This is forecast from the very beginning by an elderly cemetery visitor (Claudia Lawrence) who insistently mistakes Francesco for an engineer (an affectionate reference to Carlo’s dotty mother in PROFUNDO ROSSO), despite his relentless protests. Straniero also insists that Francesco is something he isn’t, deflating Francesco’s ambitions toward infamy by informing him that his old friend Franco has confessed to all of the murders, and now lies in an irreversible coma following a suicide attempt. Francesco is outraged that his friend has "stolen his crimes", and begins a new rampage in the hospital. Seeing him with the gun, Straniero remarks obtusely, "Good, now you can defend yourself!" As Francesco cries out a confession of guilt, the room spontaneously empties; no one is around to hear him. It seems he is afforded the benefit of a doubt that society still extends to many average young white men on the verge of insanity, but for Francesco this is not an out but a burden, as his transgressions were supposed to give his life definition.
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Since his doppelganger Franco has ruined his attempt to gain distinction through notoriety, Francesco finally tries to do what Franco could not, and leave Buffalora. The Grim Reaper reappears to warn Francesco that escape is meaningless "when you haven't yet understood the difference between life, and ME," but Francesco foolishly ignores him. He stuffs Gnaghi and their few belongings into the car, and careens toward the mountain tunnel that leads out of town. On the other side, as Francesco once surmised, there is simply nothing. When he slams on the brakes to avoid the literal end of the road, Gnaghi appears to have been killed by a head injury. However, moments later, he revives, and speaks his first full sentence. He tosses Francesco's gun into the void; what is the meaning of such a weapon, in a world where there is no appreciable difference between life and death? Then, Gnaghi implores Francesco, "Take me home, please!" Francesco replies in Gnaghi's monosyllabic language, uttering only a blank-faced "Gnah." Agency and consciousness have now fully transferred between the superficially normal Francesco, whose egotistical myopia blinded him to any sense of meaning, and Gnaghi, whose open-minded innocence allowed him to absorb the grim lessons of his experiences. Many great works of art are identified by their life-affirming quality, but CEMETERY MAN has a special way of making you feel grateful that, some day, you are definitely going to die.
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maskedpeach · 4 years
RPG Maker Fever Hero & Issues
Warning: This article may contain spoilers and the content inappropriate for children…or may not contain.But get the children away from the screen just in case.
Five little authors went out to write. One little author has missed the deadline. Four little authors didn’t pay him much mind. Three authors are left since fourth drank the lye. Three little authors are bursting with confidence. One overworked himself and other two ignored his absence. Two little authors try to finish hard task. Teddy bear hugged one and one stands at last. One little author is left all alone. He hung himself on the chandelier and then there were none…Then who has finished this article? And why this teddy bear is giving me a weird look?
1. Walking on a Star Unknown
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Walking on a Star Unknown is the latest game made by Segawa and most heartwarming out of her three games (while End Roll was more heartbreaking than heartwarming, and Farethere City is somewhere in-between). Game  tells a story of two alien siblings, whose ship has crashed on the unfamiliar planet, where they decide to participate in the cooking tournament to get their ship fixed. Gameplay is simple yet very fun - most of the time you gather ingredients, learn new recipes, do side-quests and make friends with the planet inhabitants. Game has memorable cast of characters with their own interesting stories and  bright and stylish visuals. As previous Segawa’s  games Star also has some disturbing themes and some areas are dark and creepy, but overall tone of the game is bright and optimistic.
2. Witch’s Heart
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Actually I wrote the detailed review on this game few posts ago, but  I’m still including WH in the article for those who are lazy to read that enormous wall of a text. The most notable part of the game is its plot (which is interesting to follow and full of good twists) and memorable cast of well-developed characters. Along with it WH has  entertaining  gameplay (mini-games included), great presentation and catchy soundtrack. Overall it is one of the best games I’ve ever played, so if you like rpg-horrors I suggest to at least give it a try. Game is still unfinished, currently only one ending (out of four routes) is available, but even in the present state it means about 15-20 hours of gameplay.
3. The Mystery Files of Detective Inaba No. 1, 2, 3
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Here goes a game trilogy about Sogo Inaba-a tsundere detective with adorable side and Nina Arimura – his energetic assistant, together they solve various cases, some of the cases are pretty normal, and others are somewhat paranormal. First game of the series is a detective with minor supernatural horror elements – some rpg-horror typical puzzles and minor chasing sequences included. Second game is purely realistic and much more simple gameplay-wise comparing to the first game. Stories in first two games resemble Agatha Christie’s detective  novels mixed with japanese psychological horrors. Third game of the series is closer to pure survival horror with minor detective elements and plays like many other rpg-horrors . To be honest, the third game is my personal favorite, since it is the most polished game out of three and the good conclusion for the Inaba and Arimura’s story. All three games are about 2 hours long and have great presentation (like quality art-style and great in-game music).
4. Asadoke no Majo
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Asadoke no Majo starts with our protagonist  Yui arguing with her father and as a result running away from home to …another country, where resides their old family mansion along with dark family secret and a handsome guy managing the estate as a bonus. Game is about 2 hours long and has pretty simple puzzles, minor jumpscares and several chasing scenes (but a final chase is the only frustrating one). Despite being pretty typical rpg-horror Asadoke no Majo leaves very positive impression thanks to bright cast of characters (the Nogi guy here is something else), good story and atmosphere along with well-chosen soundtrack. Currently game is available in japanese and russian.
5. Hero & Daughter
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H&D is a dungeon-crawler made by tachi (Headless Prisoner, Moonlight Ghost, Hello?Hell…o?), which mocking famous fantasy cliché “hero defeats a dark lord”.Our hero Ralph get his level reduced to 1 because of his arrogance, and with this permanent level 1 he is tasked to defeat the Demon Lord. Again. That’s where Ralph’s friend of the haremancer class comes to rescue. This guy can summon pretty girls (including heroines from previous tachi’s games like Erina and Akari) to help Ralph in his quest. H&D is fun and entertaining, battles are fast-pacing, dungeons are complex, visuals are nice, also game has enormous level-cap and loads of optional content and many playable characters. Plot may be simple, but H&D has good humor and characters ( even generic Ralph got a nice personality). If you like quality role-playing games I highly recommend to try it out
6. Ai korosu yori, Ai korosaretai
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An ordinary (alright, maybe a bit eccentric) family moves into new house. Soon after that their daughter Lucy falls with high fever.When she gets better, she discovers that her parents are gone  and various weird phenomena is occurring in the house. To find the missing parents Lucy will have to search the house and learn about its history full of mysterious disappearances and tragic events. AiAi has very interesting story (good mix of horror and sci-fi) and entertaining gameplay with interesting puzzles and action cut-ins. Also beside proceeding the story you can also do some optional stuff  like gathering collectibles and later saving runaway cows. If you like quality horror-adventures I highly recommend to try this game out. AiAi is currently available in japanese and russian.
7. Escatpade
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Here goes another quality game for those who is tired from horror and tragedy and wants something warm and relaxing. Escatpade  is about the girl who falls into the pit and finds herself in the weird place full of adorable talking cats. Game is nice and fun, have a bright, adorable designs and simple yet elegant puzzles. Also some items in the inventory can change appearance of our heroine (like clothes, glasses and stuffed kittycats).
8. Tower of Feles
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ToF made by the author of Escatpade and also full of adorable cats. But unlike Escatparade this game is slightly more challenging. ToF is an action-puzzle where your objective is save your little sister from evil witch. In order to do so you have to climb on top of the tower, solving various puzzles and avoiding witch’s servants in the process. Every floor has a time limit, and if either time runs out or your health drops to zero you’ll have to start the floor over. Game is a bit tricky and very fun to play. If you have beaten Escatpade and want more cats and cuteness- Tower of Feles is what you need. 
9. Twilight Epic
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Twilight Epic is a sequel to Amayado Bus Stop. This time the main character is Akane’s and Akari’s cousin Akino, who  receives a call from unknown girl, who tells him about certain “promise” and right after that he finds this girl’s dead body (or not quite dead). The boy decides to find out the truth and grown-up Chitose and Akari are helping him out. Game is far more simple than its predecessor-puzzles are mostly gone and chasing scenes are pretty straightforward, but still the game is very enjoyable, since story is good and heartwarming. Also game has quality art-style and skit system similar to one in Tales series. Twilight Epic is currently available in japanese and russian.
10. Peret em Heru: For the Prisoners
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Peret em Heru is survival horror with rpg-elements about a group of tourists, lead by an archeologist, professor Tsuchida, exploring  ancient  ruins underneath the Great Pyramid of Giza. Needless to say, that these ruins are filled with deadly traps and Tsuchida’s intentions are far from mere scientific interest.  Gameplay resembles Sweet Home and Corpse Party –Rebuilt-, but more simple and straightforward – you play as one of the tourists,  fight monsters, grind levels,  and save your teammates from booby traps. Overall Peret em Heru is a nice game with stylish old-fashioned visuals and good music, game is about 3 hours long and have one ending, which varies depending on how many of your teammates have survived.
11. The Object
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You awake in the dark room in the unknown place and find out that not only your memories are gone, but your head is gone as well. On top of that  you can attach literally anything to an empty place where your head once was. Now your goal is to regain the lost memories along with the head and leave the house. Game consists from exploration and simple yet elegant puzzles, which you solve by swapping  your heads. Game is pretty interesting and  has five endings , to get all of them  you’ll  need about 30 minutes.
12. Colors: Lost Memories
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This time you play as a little girl who finds herself in the colorless world inhabited by talking animals. To get back home she must return this world its colors. Colors have stylish visuals highly reminiscent of old GBC games as well as unique puzzles based on using various colors you get during the game at the right places. First you can use only one color (for example red is needed to light or put out fire), later you will be able to activate up to three colors at the same time.Game is cute and fun to play, approximate time of the playthrough is one hour.
13. Nemoral
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Nemoral is a short game about two cops who end up in the abandoned mansion while chasing the cult followers, assuming that they have something to do with the recent disappearances of children. And this mansion hides pretty dark secret about a project based on the famous fairy tale. Nemoral is quality action-horror, where both visuals and gameplay is somewhat resemble very first Resident Evil (in the good way of course). The only con of Nemoral is anti-climatic ending (game was made for the contest, and author was short on time). But even in present state the game is still enjoyable.
14. B*x. Colorful.
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I’ve decided to unite both games in one mini-review, since they are both made by the same author and both are very short. B*x is about lonely girl in bunny outfit, who lives with her boyfriend, the only person who cares about her. But it seems like he’s hiding something from her. Game is about 30 minutes long and have few easy puzzles. Colorful is only 10 minutes long and have no puzzles at all, and more depressing than B*x. In Colorful you just listen to the story and watch pictures. Both games have very nice art style.
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My Top 10 Favourite Horrors
Within this top 10 list, some will include the prequels, sequels and any other follow ups as 1 ranking number. Some may be considered thriller, sci-fi, suspence etc, however, I do regard these as horrors myself.
I have take many aspects into account, such as videography, actor quality, SFX makeup quality, soundtrack, directors, CGI etc.
Note : this is my personal opinion. You do not have to agree with it, though if you haven't seen these, I highly reccomend them.
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1. The Conjuring
(1 & 2)
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The Conjuring 1 :
The Perron family moves into a farmhouse where they experience paranormal phenomena. They consult demonologists, Ed and Lorraine Warren, to help them get rid of the evil entity haunting them.
The Conjuring Trailer :
The Conjuring 2 :
Peggy, a single mother of four children, seeks the help of occult investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren when she and her children witness strange, paranormal events in their house
The Conjuring 2 Trailer :
My Opinion :
The Conjuring was the start of an incredible series of horrors that beat any other horror to the ground. It is absolutely fantastic and I basically worship these films. James Wan is my favourite director and he never ceases to amaze me.
Paranormal horror is my favourite and as someone who actually believes in the paranormal and who has had paranormal experiences, I can confirm that The Conjuring is much more realistic than any other paranormal films, which just makes it extra spooky.
The actors, camera angles, music, sfx makeup and storyline is just - chefs kiss -. I've been waiting for the 3rd one for so long, but they keep extending the release date. (R. I. P)
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2. Annabelle
(all of them)
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Annabelle :
John and Mia Form are attacked by a Satan worshipping couple, who uses their doll as a conduit to make their life miserable. This unleashes a string of paranormal events in the Forms' residence.
Annabelle Trailer :
Annabelle Creation :
Samuel and Elle embed their daughter's spirit into a doll, only to realise it is a demon. Years later, they open their home to a nun and six orphan girls, one of whom finds the doll.
Annabelle Creation Trailer :
Annabelle Comes Home :
Judy and her babysitter are left alone in her house after her parents leave to investigate a case. However, an unexpected guest sets Annabelle free, unleashing demonic activity in the house.
Annabelle Comes Home Trailer :
My Opinion :
Another great film series that was birthed form The Conjuring. Definitely less realistic, with many more jumpscares and spooky characters, which is appreciated in the horror world. Many people find dolls far more creepy than ghosts, myself included, so that's another perfect aspect that adds to the suspense.
I prefer Annabelle 3 over the others, mainly because I found that one to be more scary overall, even though Daniela is an idiot and she makes me so frustrated 😂
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3. Saw
(all of them)
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For the totally unindoctrinated, the Saw movie franchise revolves around the Jigsaw Killer (a.k.a. John Kramer), who tortures victims he believes are complacent or guilty, in order to make them appreciate their time on Earth.
All Saw Trailers :
Obviously I'm not going to list every Saw movie, because there are 7 (Jigsaw aka number 8, does NOT count. It is a disgrace).
My Opinion :
A classic for horror and gore lovers of all kinds. Of course I need to list this as number 3. I simply adore these movies. I even have the DVD set, so I am definitely a long term fan haha.
The obstacles and creativity regarding Saw as a whole needed a lot of thought put into it, plus it has a happy little side note of "make sure you don't cause harm to others in life and don't take anything for granted" which some may have not even noticed while being overwhelmed by the amount of fake blood.
Yes, a lot of characters are annoying, but that just makes us enjoy seeing them tortured even more (shh it's not real). Some of the blood doesn't look very realistic, the sfx can lack attention, BUT... It's still great and I can overlook these few flaws to appreciate the movies to the max.
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4. Blair Witch
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A young man and his friends venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mystery surrounding his missing sister. Many believe her disappearance 17 years earlier is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch.
At first the group is hopeful, especially when two locals act as guides through the dark and winding woods. As the night wears on, a visit from a menacing presence soon makes them realize that the legend is all too real, and more sinister than they could have ever imagined.
Blair Witch Trailer :
My Opinion :
I love the camerawork. Not because it's perfect, because it's the opposite. It's a documentary style and this makes it feel more realistic, as if you are within the film yourself. I enjoy how they skip to the action at just the right time after a mild buildup.
The visuals are great as well and there were definitely some parts where I was disgusted and claustrophobic, which is good to experience while enjoying these types of films.
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5. Under The Skin
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Disguising itself as a human female, an extraterrestrial drives around Scotland attempting to lure unsuspecting men into her van. Once there, she seduces and sends them into another dimension where they are nothing more than meat.
Under The Skin Trailer :
My Opinion :
I would classify this as horror, but many won't. Either way, this is an amazingly artistic film with beautiful imagery and silent awe. It definitely makes you feel the suspense in a calming manner and it has some really dark moments. Without reading the description, one might be confused as to what is going on, but how art is supposed to be interpretated is by the imagination of individuals.
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6. Veronica
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During a solar eclipse, young Verónica and her friends want to summon the spirit of Verónica's father using an Ouija board. However, during the session she loses consciousness and soon it becomes clear that evil demons have arrived.
Veronica Trailer :
My Opinion :
A Spanish masterpiece, to put it simply. It's hard to find proper horrors like this in English. I really enjoyed this one and I watched it subbed not dubbed, because I feel like voiceovers tend to ruin the art of the original film. The buildup is perfect and unlike many horrors, it barely shows you the face of the "monster". That leaves it to the imagination, which in general makes it far more scary.
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7. Underwater
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Disaster strikes more than six miles below the ocean surface when water crashes through the walls of a drilling station. Led by their captain, the survivors realize that their only hope is to walk across the sea floor to reach the main part of the facility. But they soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when they come under attack from mysterious and deadly creatures that no one has ever seen.
Underwater Trailer :
My Opinion :
This movie was released quite recently and I didn't know what to expect. I was definitely blown away by how good it was. Being trapped underwater gives most people a sense of anxiety. Add being trapped underwater and being hunted by creepy sea monsters and you've got yourself a good horror. Kristen Stewarts general anxious personality definitely suits this film well.
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8. Split
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Kevin, who is suffering from dissociative identity disorder and has 23 alter egos, kidnaps three teenagers. They must figure out his friendly personas before he unleashes his 24th personality.
Split Trailer :
My Opinion :
An incredible film with phenomenal acting on the part of James McAvoy. You can get lost within his character and almost feel as if you are the character itself. Suspense is built up slowly and the climax of the film is released rapidly. People I know who do not enjoy horror, love this film themselves, which is saying something. It's definitely one of the best modern films that draws you in from the start. 
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9. A Quiet Place
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A family struggles for survival in a world where most humans have been killed by blind but noise-sensitive creatures. They are forced to communicate in sign language to keep the creatures at bay.
A Quiet Place Trailer :
My Opinion :
As you can tell by now, I love anything alien related. This film has some of the most amazing looking aliens I've seen, I was honestly in awe by how great they looked. Another silent film, but in a different sense to the previous one. Instead of being the hunter, this family is being hunted and this adds more to the fear factor.
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10. Unfriended - Dark Web
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When a teen finds a laptop with a cache of hidden files, he and his friend discover that the previous owner has access to the dark web and is watching over them.
Unfriended - Dark Web Trailer :
My Opinion :
A modern take on horror. Involving the actual dangers of the dark web and the use of technology and turning it into a horror was a magnificent idea. It definitely had me at the edge of my seat.
Due to another film type that is not often explored (thus being that most of the movie is equal to what it would be like to look at your computer and video chat), it makes it different and therefore more compelling than the usual videography styles.
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Thank you for reading, if you've made it this far! Feel free to share your top 10 in the comment section, I am definitely interested in your opinions and finding new movies to watch myself. Any questions are also welcome.
Until next time, take care and stay spooky!
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garbagegrimoire · 3 years
#31daysofhorror day 3: Demon House, 2018
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I came into this with a fairly low opinion of Zak Baggins & a vague recollection of watching this particular film at some point in the past.
But I had things to do & because of the actual recording/release schedule I ended up marathoning the first four picks & about halfway through the film, I became unreasonably annoyed that I was watching this instead of doing almost anything else. & as time wore on, I became annoyed that I exist at all.
Let’s start with Baggins. I’m reluctant to admit I’ve watched all the major network ghost hunting shows at some point in time & a lot of what Youtube has to offer as well. Baggins & Ghost Adventures is some of the least compelling & engaging content out there. Your inability to get your emotions in check is NOT evidence of paranormal activity my dudes. It doesn’t matter how interesting the locale is, I often end up turning his shit off because it devolves into a bunch of shoddy camera work & weird bro rage.
I will give him credit for the artifacts show because although it is corny the production is way more focused on the story behind the object rather than the idiotic reactions of Baggins & his buds.
Anyway, Baggins opens the film by claiming he’s an expert on paranormal stuff & I guess you can argue having a show running around old buildings & yelling is credentials -- he specifically says that he has demonology credentials & then proceeds to say some absolutely insane shit with no basis in any research I’ve ever done (I have zero academic credentials, but I read & write in paranormal & occult genres).
The biggest clue to me though was the fact that out of all of the people that interacted with the house -- the really bad immediate physical harm seemed to only befall those connected with Zak & his alleged investigation. There was a man who was murdered which that sucks but it’s not necessarily paranormal, a kid who was supposedly possessed, & a few cases of bad luck connected to people who were in the house or involved with the previous residents.
But nobody was mysteriously struck blind or went into sudden organ failure after a day in the house. The organ failure dude made me legit wonder if there was some sort of environmental containment at play.
Eyeballing the house, I’m guessing it was built in the early 20th century. There are plenty of potential environmental issues such as high em from unshielded knob & tube wiring, mold, lead, asbestos... Not to mention potential contaminants brought in by squatters.
Additionally the shit found in the dirt below the stairs? Nothing screamed spellwork to me tbh. Yeah, there were some personal items that could have been used as elements in spellwork but typically you’re going to see some sort of like magical artifact created containing the different components of the spell & yes, sometimes spell boxes, jars, poppets, w/e are buried. & if we’re talking about demonolatry the components don’t even seem 100%.
In the end this boiled down to a rich fuck buying a CHEAP house & blaming it for a bunch of shit on a grift & then bulldozing it. This “documentary” was some bougie, fake bullshit that didn’t bother being entertaining or even remotely close to compelling & I simply didn’t have time for it.
The ranking is a pretty easy call again:
Sea Fever
Demon House
& I'm hoping to come back & do a crisper, digital version of  the drawing but for now all I've got is my hand drawn sketch.& I went real low effort this time because I was bored & annoyed with this movie & there really was very little in the way of compelling visuals.
See you tomorrow!
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The REAL Story Behind Sinister (2012), And The 11 Scariest Pagan Gods That You Don’t Want To Bump Into
It’s damn near impossible to find a really good horror film.
No, I mean a really good horror film.
You know, where the plot is winding, and unravels oh so gently until it snaps us back into its web, leaving us tied up in the lair of a monster as it inches closer and closer towards us.
Most horror films simply don’t make the cut.
But in recent years, there is one that does just that, twisting together an incredible plot, a truly terrifying monster, and the subtleties of gore that have you promising yourself you will never purchase a lawn mower again:
Sinister (2012).
That being said, this story of an unforgiving Pagan god and the innocent families that stumble across his path shouldn’t be shaking you to your core - it’s the real, historic legends that inspired this film.
Bughuul/Bagul is based on 3 Pagan gods, bringing the events behind the camera outside of our TV screen. But the thing is, it turns out Moloch, Baal, and Tlaloc are far from the only holy entities you don’t want to cross paths with.
Bughuul might just be more real than you’d like to think.
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What Happens In Sinister (2012) And Sinister 2 (2015)?
Before Bughuul was conjured up from the darkest corners of our nightmares, and before Ellison Oswalt - the main character in the film - even signed the lease on his new house, was an idea.
Sure, the real Pagan gods inspiring Bughuul might be enough to keep you awake at night, but C Robert Cargill, the writer of the film, was inspired by something else at first:
It was a nightmare after watching The Ring (2002).
From here the fundamental building block of the plot was set in place: a supernatural entity spreads itself via films that need to be created and then passed on. The thing is, this being doesn’t channel as much sympathy as we all harboured for Samara.
The starring role of the Super 8 movies in this flick is taken by a far more terrifying being that doesn’t stick to such a rigorous time scale.
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Our story follows a true-crime writer attempting to uncover an unsolved murder case to propel himself back to his former fame. But his distant family and obvious alcoholism are about to be the least of his problems when he accidentally unleashes a Pagan god.
You can’t find a Citizens Advice leaflet on that.
The tale begins when the author, Ellison Oswalt, moves into a new home. The thing is, he has a nasty habit of picking houses nearby to the cases he researches - only this time, he’s shacked up in the house where a whole family was murdered in the backyard and the youngest child went missing.
Nothing creepy here, right?
Oh, there’s a box in the attic with a Super 8 film projector and reels of film which display the murder of several families in their own horrific way.
Our new favourite true crime writer decides to team up with a lovable police deputy who does some digging around the murders. He discovers these murders took place from the 1960s up to present day, and occurred across the entire US. But what connected these murders - aside from that creepy figure in the background of the clips and the symbols - is that a child from each family went missing after the murder.
One quick Skype call to an esteemed occult professor later, and hey presto he’s realised he’s encountered a Babylonian deity known as Bughuul. But you can call him the Eater of Children, a nickname that caught on when they discovered he likes to consume the souls of children.
In case you can’t do the maths, Bughuul likes to have families murdered, and spare a child as a light snack post-murder.
Throughout this process of unveiling the truth of Bughuul, the paranormal activity begins. The steady climb in the supernatural peaks however when he hears the projector running in the attic. He checks out the situation, and realises all of the missing kids are enjoying a movie night - think less Netflix, more bloodthirsty Pagan god - when Bughuul rocks up via an unnecessary jumpscare.
Oswalt then makes the executive decision to burn the film and projector, and then swap this murder house for his previous residency.
Three cheers for common sense!
The thing is, Oswalt didn’t do his reading on basic horror movie monsters - ghosts haunt places, demons haunt people.
(Rooky error.)
Unfortunately Oswalt learns this when he’s mid-unpack of his old house. The professor then gives him a ring and lets him know that it's images of Bughuul that serve as a gateway for the deity to enter our mortal world. But it’s when kids come into contact with the image that they can be possessed.
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That’s right - it’s the kids that do the murdering, the filming, and then the pissing off with Bughuul.
Shortly after this bulb lights up, our lovable deputy also gets on the blower, and lets him know that each family that was murdered did the exact same thing:
They realised their new home was haunted by some presence, shacked up at a new location where there were no Super 8 movies included in the rent, and then were killed by their child.
Yep - our favourite true crime writer has only gone and set off the exact chain of events he attempted to investigate.
(Rooky error.)
Just as he realises he’s been played by the B-man, he passes out. He’s just been poisoned by his daughter. He wakes up moments before being slaughtered with an axe.
The film ends with the child being carried away by Bughuul and teleported into the film with him.
Sinister 2 picks up the plotline several years later, following around the lovable police officer as he takes matters into his own hands; he attempts to destroy the houses that continue Bughuul’s spread across America.
But in this film, we actually get a behind-the-scenes view of Bughuul’s process of encroaching on children. And it turns out the possession is actually peer pressure from the missing children - but instead of trying a cigarette outside the back of the local Lidl, you’re being forced to murder your family in your very own brutal way.
And if this exclusive preview into our favourite Pagan deity wasn’t enough, Bughuul also upskills and learns to utilise a radio to spread his message.
*Deletes BBC Sounds App*
So - Who Is Bughuul?
Found footage is a difficult genre to break into.
Bughuul, however crashes into it, reviving the boring clips that dragged The Blair Witch Project into horror movie infamy and sent the Paranormal Activity viewers to sleep.
Sinister plays with the horror genre in a whole new way, using silent, grainy Super 8 movies to leave the viewers convinced they might awaken a long dead spirit by listening to their favourite murder mystery podcast.
But the visual horror - whether of the gory deaths we witness or of Bughuul himself - confines the movie to the streaming platform you chose that evening.
It’s the unnervingly real concept of Bughuul which allows the events concerning Oswalt to haunt us on a whole new level.
In the film we are told that Bughuul is a Babylonian deity - a Pagan or early Christian demon, if you will - who can possess children, is transmitted through images, likes to murder entire families, and then make do with a child’s soul.
You know, the basic stuff.
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Whilst the finer details of Bughuul is not mapped out in theology, the fundamental building block of the body horror in this movie - that of sacrifice in horrific ways - has been practiced throughout history and devoted to 3 specific Pagan gods that the writers drew inspiration from.
And the first is called Moloch.
This Canaanite god was associated with many things, including agriculture and fertility, and sacrifice and fire, all of which are firmly represented in the movie. Whether it's the films’ focus on children, or its the spontaneous combustion of the Super 8 movies and the victims that do not conduct his bidding, Baghuul directly mirrors this entity.
Well, maybe ‘mirrors’ isn’t the right word.
Baghuul has the lookbook of a modern horror monster, from the Slender Man inspired suit to the smokey eye only a 13 year old could pull off. Moloch, on the other hand, is often depicted as a Bronze statue of a humanoid bull sitting down.
And it’s his statue form which lets you in on his preferred method of worship:
The statue would be heated with fire, and victims thrown in as a form of fiery sacrifice.
In fact, in both the 1920s and later in 1962, it was discovered via excavations of the ancient Carthaginian civilisations that both young people and animals were often the most popular victims, forging a link between the youth we saw on our TV screens, and the ashes left in the urns that were found.
This link was even addressed by the writers of the second film, with the promotional poster claiming Bughuul was the brother of this brutal god - but this isn’t the first time Moloch has appeared on the big screen.
Remember that episode in Buffy, you know, the one about online safety cause you won’t run into a paedophile but a glorified demon that wants to become a physical beast and wreak havoc on the world and is going to use you as a source of power?
Yeah, that’s the one.
In fact, Buffy stuck to the same premise, claiming Moloch was unleashed when an ancient text was scanned into a library system.
Sinister had less broody vampires, though.
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Our next contender for coulda-been-Bughuul is Baal, a demon which has actually featured in a few other horror flicks of his own, so far. The Rite featured this ancient god who focused his attention on fertility, just like Moloch.
And, just like Moloch, archaeological evidence of sacrifices was discovered, but in a region of Egypt from which he was worshipped.
Amongst the sacrificed infants found was a collection of animals and prostitutes. Even the ancient texts detailing their powers and premise suggests a sibling-like link: Baal Hammon was worshipped by the Carthage people as a supreme god, just like the former entity, and instead of bearing the body of a bull, he appears as a ram.
Yet despite sharing both a ritualistic and physical approach with Moloch, it’s Baal’s backstory that brings us even closer to Baghuul.
Too close.
Legend has it Baal was considered more powerful than his father, suggesting children overpowering their own family is a vital premise of this god.
Our final contender for Baghuul-but-without-the-eyeliner is Tlaloc. And, once again, this entity is just like the previous gods, but belongs on the other side of the globe.
This Aztec god is the god of rain, water and fertility, and despite his rather more peaceful and popular worship today, historically things have been a little, uh, sacrificey.
The remains of war captives have been found near his statues, but this only hints towards his association with death; it is said that he was essentially the destination in the afterlife for those that died from a variety of ailments.
And one of these ailments was child sacrifices.
Think back to the Sinister movies for a second.
In the short Super 8 films we see Bughuul make cameo appearances (like Stan Lee in Marvel films, only he’s a wholesome old man and isn't going to gobble up Hugh Jackman’s soul when the credits roll). This suggests that Baghuul not only enjoys a hobby of snacking on innocent children, but also takes pleasure from the sacrifices of the other family members, and appears at their time of death.
Unfortunately, according to historic worship, Tlaloc prefers his sacrifices a little more niche than just dead parents. Typically he likes his sacrifices to have their hearts extracted from the corpses, and collected in a bowl by the temple.
If you thought Sinister was grotesque, be thankful you didn’t witness a 7 year old stabbing their mother in the chest with a cheese knife.
The 11 Other Terrifying Gods You Don’t Want To Encounter In Your Attic
Paganism is an incredible thing.
It’s a religion that puts the believer at the centre of a huge selection of gods, demons, and deities to choose from. Even modern paganism doesn’t follow any rules.
Simply choose an entity, and get worshippin’!
But there is a downside.
We already know that three Pagan gods are enough to have you avoiding your 5 year old nephew at the next family dinner. But unfortunately, Moloch, Baal, and Tlaloc are far from the only deities that will make you left eye twitch when you see so much as a polaroid camera for fear Bughuul might have taken a #vintage selfie.
There’s 11 more terrifying deities that you don’t want to know about but I’m going to tell you about anyway!
#1 Chinnamasta
Self-sacrifice and sexual restraint sounds like values we should all practice, but when a Hindu goddess tells you to do it - and she has no head - you might be more reluctant to listen to her wise words.
The legend claims that a group of Hindu gods and demons churned the ocean in order to extract an elixir of immortality. Chinnamasta took a sip, swallowed the entire share for the demons, and chopped her own head off to prevent them from reclaiming it.
An alternative version tells a different story: Chinnasmasta and her crew were bathing too long and realised they were hungry. So, she satiated their hunger by decapitating her own head and allowing her attendants to drink the blood spurting from her neck.
And so, her image is immortalised by three fountains of blood coming out of her neck, and her attendants gulping back the liquid.
#2 Pan
As well as being one of the most famous gods to date, this Greek deity is also one of the oldest. And whilst he he is the god of nice, wholesome things like cosy forests and flocks of cute animals, he would be deemed a sex offender today.
Pan would try and have sex with anything - yes, anything - that moved. And when one of these things tried to run away, such as the nymph Syrinx, he chased her down, and then turned her into a pan flute.
And when another nymph also turned him down, he had her murdered by his minions.
Fact is, you can choose which gods you can believe in, but the real horror in the world - sexual predators - will always exist.
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#3 - Ishtar
Most gods are known for their brutal acts, whether in the name of justice, or for selfish purposes. The thing is, this goddess has a thing for gore.
And rightly so.
Having been raped by a gardener as she slept underneath the shade of his tree, she got her vengeance by punishing the Earth. She made the rivers flow with blood, she tormented the planet with storms, and she cast disease over our lands.
And similar to the gods already mentioned, she too has a habit of sacrifice. But she doesn’t want people to be sacrificed to her - she prefers to do her own sacrificing of her own lovers.
#4 - Cronus
Next up is the leader of the Titans. But his attempt to eat his own children to prevent them from completing a prophecy and overthrowing him doesn’t get a mention here - it’s what he did to his father.
He scythed off his genitals.
And if that wasn’t enough, he then chucked ‘em into the sea, spawning the goddess Aphrodite.
#5 - Teutates, Esus, and Taranis
Christianity’s got Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Paganism on the other hand has its own trio. But these guys rely on routine human sacrifice. But what really sets them apart is that each individual god has their own preferred murder method.
Teutates likes to drown his victims headfirst in ale, Esus likes to have his sacrifices stabbed, hung from trees, and left to bleed out, and Taranis likes wickerwork figures that are set alight to contain his victims in a fiery death a la Nicholas Cage.
Squad goals?
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#6 - Tezcatlipoca
The second Aztec god to feature in this post continues the trend of these deities preferring bodily organs. But this deity sets itself apart by craving a far slower ritual that culminates in a sacrifice.
A priest would select a prisoner who was to impersonate the god. Luxurious shenanigans would ensue, including 4 maidens dedicated to his every need. Unfortunately, his needs wouldn’t last too long.
He would have a year of this god-like life, walk up the steps of a temple, and have his heart ripped out.
#7 - Huehueteotl
He was the god of death, hot, and cold. And he liked his sacrifices to have experienced all three at the same time, apparently.
The process of sacrifice would include drugging the victim, roasting them alive, ripping out their heart, and then burning the remains again.
According to other accounts, the victim could simply be drugged, and then dragged with hooks to platforms for the ritual. And then the heart would be cut out and tossed into the fire. And then the rest of the bodies would follow.
Your choice, I guess.
#8 - Toci
Life must’ve been hard back then.
You know, the constant fear that you - yes, you - might be the next victim to be tossed to the flames of fiery sacrifice, or an organ of your deity’s choice was to be placed into what can only be described as a ritualistic olive bowl.
But at least you’d have an inkling of what’s to come. The worshippers of Toci weren’t quite so lucky.
Toci was the goddess of healing and a patron of midwives and healers. But rather than wanting to celebrate life in all of its glory, she actually preferred dead people as gifts.
And so, women were dressed as the goddess, told they were going to see the local ruler, climb the temple, and be met with a priest with a knife. The unlucky woman would be beheaded, her heart removed, and skin flayed.
The priest would complete the ritual - yep, it doesn’t end there - by wearing the skin of the victim.
#9 - Chac
When we discuss sacrifice in the name of a god, it is often assumed that the act took place many years ago, and that the traces of the murders have long since decayed and disappeared from our world. But it turns out that you can actually visit the location of 2 wells in Chichen Itza where sacrifices took place in the name of Chac, the Mayan god of rain, water, and lightning.
But aside from casting storms over his worshippers, he encouraged human sacrifice.
And so, his worshippers obliged by tossing their young children into their wells; they believed Chac resided at the bottom of sinkholes, and wanted their human sacrifices to be as close as possible to him to ensure safe delivery.
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According to the film’s lore, Baghuul lives inside of the images, and uses the pictures, the films, and any other form of media as a gateway to our realm.
In that case, God only knows what this article may have unleashed.
Traumatised? Afraid to turn the light out and turn in for fear of hearing Bughuul filming his YouTube outro in your attic? The you might as well check out my other articles in the mean time…
And while you’re there, why not hit follow and see a new real ghost story everyday?
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tlbodine · 5 years
A Decade of Horror Recommendations
With 2020 approaching, we’re reaching the end of a decade that has been uncommonly good to the horror genre, especially the last few years. Here’s an overview of some of the stand-out titles and my recommendations. Feel free to ask me about any of the titles on this list and I’ll happily share my more in-depth thoughts on them! 
Note that, of course, I have not seen every movie that’s come out in recent years, so I’ve probably missed some titles -- feel free to jump in with your own recommendations! 
Also this post is really long and has gifs, so I’m putting it under a cut. Sorry for the dash spam, mobile fam. Tell Tumblr to fix their shit. 
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2010: Supernatural Horror Starts Making a Comeback 
Some stand-out films: 
Insidious: An important film for modern horror history, helping to usher in the new wave of paranormal/hauntings/demon films. It lays the tropes for a lot of the films that would get big in upcoming years. I thought it was pretty solidly decent. 
Devil: A clever script about being trapped on an elevator with the devil. It’s a bit too ambitious and doesn’t quite live up to those ambitions, but it’s solidly decent and refreshingly original. A hidden gem for the year. 
Black Swan: Maybe the height of Darren Aronofsky’s career as a household name. Not my favorite of his movies, but a pretty solid psychological suspense. 
Frozen: No, not that one. This is a clever movie that embraces a narrow scope: some teenagers get stuck on a ski lift and have to endure the elements and some hungry wolves below. Not a great movie, but worth watching as a study in what you can do with limited resources. 
Black Death: Quick shout-out for a dark and grisly historical horror involving witchcraft and torture. It’s not a fun movie to watch, but it’s got Sean Bean and Eddie Redmayne, and I feel like both original screenplays and historical horrors are rare enough to warrant support. 
2010 also had its share of predictable franchise tie-ins (a Saw movie, a Resident Evil movie, remakes like I Spit on Your Grave and The Crazies, etc.) The Horror Renaissance was a few years in coming. 
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2011: The Year of the Predictable Remakes 
So many franchises getting flogged to death this year -- tripe like SCRE4M, Final Destination 5, Human Centipede 2, a Hellraiser reboot literally no one watched, and Paranormal Activity 3. Blech. BUT. 2011 also brought us a couple of my favorite movies ever: 
You’re Next: I would credit You’re Next with re-defining the “final girl” in horror. Also it’s a damn good home invasion movie with buckets of gore and a smart script. 
Cabin in the Woods: This one’s a bit divisive -- some folks really hated it I guess -- but it’s such a loving deconstruction of horror, and it’s wholly original even while being comfortingly familiar. Also it’s hilarious. 
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2012: A Few Important Titles
I feel like 2012 was full of movies nobody has actually ever seen or talked about. But some of the good ones that I’d recommend: 
Sinister: Like Insidious in some ways, but maybe better.  Also, “Snakes don’t have feet.” Honestly just a very good, solid demon/haunted kid movie. 
V/H/S: A must-watch for horror buffs. It didn’t invent the found footage genre, but it did refine it and really show off what it could do best. 
Smiley: OK so like. This is not really a great film, but I think about it a lot and recommend it a lot. It’s stuck with me quite a bit somehow, and in some ways it feels very much ahead of its time as a creepy prediction of what internet culture would be like at the end of the decade. “We did it for the lulz.” Seriously, watch this movie today, and remember that it was made eight years ago, and see if it gives you chills too. 
I guess I should also mention Prometheus here, which lots of people liked. I was not one of them, but it was a heavily talked-about film I feel like and of course an Alien franchise tie-in. 
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2013: The Year the World Remembered It Liked Horror 
This was a big turning point year, launching some new franchises instead of just re-treading old ones: 
The Conjuring: I personally hate all of these movies, but they are huge and you can’t swing a dead cat in the modern horror fandom without encountering one of them. The first Conjuring film was at least decent. For extra credit, watch it as a triple feature with Insidious and Sinister and do a compare/contrast. 
The Purge: Not only the start of a successful franchise but also a pop culture phenomenon and a damn good movie to boot. 
Mama: I love this movie. I have this movie on DVD. It’s kind of bittersweet and may not completely follow through on all of its promises, but it’s still quite good and has some lovely performances. 
Warm Bodies: Not really a horror -- kind of a romance -- but it warrants mention here because zombies were a hot item in 2013, and that’s a current special interest of mine on account of having a zombie book of my own coming out that is more than a little influenced by this story. (the film is a pretty good adaptation of the book, although honestly you could just skip the movie and read the book and get a better experience.)  
Willow Creek: I feel like I recommend this movie a lot, but that’s just because I think it’s very good and a very smart use of its own resources. A found footage mockumentary that actually manages to make Bigfoot frightening. Totally worth the watch. 
Mr. Jones: Here’s another hidden gem, also in found footage style (I feel like that was a prevailing theme in the years after V/H/S) but it’s surprisingly fresh. It’s a folk horror piece that doesn’t go at all where you might expect despite its thoroughly well-trodden ‘couple in secluded house’ setup. 
A bucketful of remakes and sequels this year too, including an Evil Dead reboot, V/H/S sequel, Insidious sequel, etc.  I should also probably mention World War Z, which was not actually very good and also had nothing in common with the book of the same name, but does mark an important moment in the mainstreaming of the zombie revival, especially considering it came out the same year as Warm Bodies. 
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2014: Fuck Yeah People Actually Like This Shit Let’s Make More 
I feel like maybe our current horror renaissance started this year. Some recs: 
The Babadook: No surprises to anyone who follows my blog, but I love The Babadook and I will defend it to the bitter end against its detractors. It is one of my favorite horror films of all time and one of the best of the decade. 
It Follows: Ok confession, I actually did not like this movie at all. I thought it was ridiculous and over-hyped. But it makes the list because a lot of other people really, really loved it, and I accept that they saw something in it that I didn’t. Watch it and make up your own mind (and report back with your findings). 
As Above, So Below: This may be the most claustrophobic film ever made, and it deserves to be studied on that merit alone. It’s also pretty creepy and I suspect a lot creepier for folks who are unnerved by Christian horror/mythology (I am not, but I know lots of folks really are). 
Housebound: A hidden gem from New Zealand, this one is worth a watch because it takes a familiar haunted house premise and gives it a surprising and honestly delightful twist. 
Jessabelle: Not a great movie, but deserving of a spot here because it’s a Southern Gothic and features a main character in a wheelchair, which I think is neat. 
13 Sins: I feel like I’ve written about this movie for the blog before, and I recommend it a lot. But it’s clever and is a great early example of the “killing game” genre that has become increasingly prevalent (I mean, aside from the Battle Royale/Hunger Games version). 
It was neat to see so many original horror stories (as opposed to reboots/franchises) coming out, and that’s a trend that would continue (and is something that makes horror one of my preferred genres - there are more original stories in it than in many other types of film). 
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2015: Hell Yeah Let’s Ride This Horror Train 
So many excellent movies this year! Ahh! 
Crimson Peak: Guillermo del Toro’s love letter to the Gothic. What I love about this movie (aside from Tom Hiddleston) is it plays all the tropes straight. It’s not trying to be a new spin or reinvent the genre or break all the tropes. It’s just a gothic horror story, told exactly like what it is, by a guy who makes damn good movies. I felt like that was really brave and surprising at the time. 
The Visit: M. Night Shyamalan had basically made a joke of himself after a string of awful movies, but this movie was enough to earn back a bit of respect in my book. It’s a clever premise and a smart use of found footage. 
The VVitch: Creepy-ass slow-burn supernatural historical horror, sign me up. I actually don’t like this movie as much as a lot of people (see above: religious-themed horror doesn’t push my fear buttons much) but it’s beautifully made, thoughtful, and artistic in a way that makes people sit up and pay attention to just how good the horror genre can be. 
Krampus: This movie is extremely silly and I love it. A holiday favorite I watch every year now. It’s hilarious, and imaginative, with some really creepy visuals and a thoroughly satisfying conclusion. 
The Invitation: For me, some of my favorite horror movies are the ones where the film is uncomfortable to watch before the actual horror stuff starts up. This one has an almost unbearably tense build-up and pays off in an incredibly satisfying and creepy manner. 
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2016: Horror Goes Hella Mainstream
I feel like 2016 was another year of just...lots of kind of fun unique premises tossed out like spaghetti to see what would stick. And I am here for it. 
Don’t Breathe: Home invasion gone wrong is a great trope, and this one gets extra points for having the single most disturbing sequence utilizing a turkey baster I’ve ever seen in film. 
Hush: Speaking of home invasions. This one is pretty standard fare -- homeowner fights back! -- but the deaf main character is a neat twist. 
Lights Out: It’s pretty cheesy at times and the plot sort of falls in on itself, but the opening sequence is genuinely frightening and the movie almost literally killed @comicreliefmorlock so that’s a commendation I guess? 
Train to Busan: An Asian take on the zombie survival story. It’s a really good movie (if horribly bleak) and it does such an excellent job of making you genuinely care for all of the characters. 
The Autopsy of Jane Doe: A really neat premise with some wonderful slow-build horror. The storyline kind of goes off the rails, and it asks a lot of questions it doesn’t answer, but it’s quite good regardless. 
The Forest: I was disappointed with this one -- it just failed to live up to my expectations -- but it’s decent, and it’s a good attempt at capturing the creepiness of Japan’s Suicide Forest. 
Before I Wake: This one was sad more than scary, I thought, but it fits so neatly into a certain aesthetic that I am always a sucker for -- dreams and nightmares bleeding into reality, yes please. 
Split: Say what you will, I thought Split was amazing, and James McAvoy deserves a goddamn Oscar for his performance in this movie. 
The Monster: A hidden gem that’s worth watching to see how well it delivers on its premise: two characters stuck in a car with a monster outside. It’s not amazing, but it’s neat, and sometimes it’s nice to have just a straightforward creature feature with a bit of emotional heft for good measure. 
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2017: Did Somebody Say Blockbuster? 
In hindsight, they’ll probably say 2017 was the start of the horror renaissance, but we’ll all know they’re a few years too late. Still, this was another great year: 
Get Out: Funny, dark, deeply uncomfortable and with some real meat to it -- Jordan Peele knows how to make a great movie. This absolutely deserves all the awards. 
It: Not a perfect movie, but a good adaptation of a difficult-to-adapt book. The kids are great. Pennywise is menacing, but that fucking flute lady is the scariest part. 
It Comes At Night: I didn’t like this one much, but a lot of folks did so it makes the list. See above re: It Follows. 
Gerald’s Game: Everything that’s wrong with this movie (ie, the ending) is wrong in the original story, so where this movie fails it’s a matter of sticking too close to its source material. But the premise is truly, genuinely horrifying, and the degloving scene almost made me vomit. So that’s cool. 
Happy Death Day: Another horror-comedy, with a healthy dose of self-awareness. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, and that’s what allows it to be fun. 
The Babysitter: This movie is hilarious. It’s also super bloody and clever and clearly made by people who love slashers, and the affection shows. 
The Ritual: So-so in the acting and pacing, but the creature design is A+ and the concept is really neat. Seriously just watch this one for the monster, it’s super cool looking. 
I should probably mention Mother here, but I can’t speak for it as I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet. It’s a very divisive film. One of these days I’ll watch it and let you know.
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2018: There’s More Where That Came From 
If 2016 was the year of filmmakers just trying stuff for the hell of it, 2018 was the year of talented filmmakers and studios realizing that, oh shit, you can make really good horror movies with mass appeal. 
A Quiet Place: I’m glad I caught this one in theaters, because it really deserves to be watched in a dark, quiet room where no one dares to make a sound. The ending left a lot to be desired, but it was a clever premise. 
Hereditary: The best horror movie of the year imo. Painfully uncomfortable - I’m not sure I could watch it again - but highly recommended. 
Apostle: Watch this one in a triple-feature with The VVitch and Hereditary. A really good period piece with a character you actually want to root for. 
Bird Box: I didn’t like this movie much, but it was hugely popular. I bought the book recently and suspect it is much better. Still, it’s worth a mention for its impact on mainstream viewers (lots of people who don’t like horror really liked this movie). I won’t budge from my initial opinion that it’s just A Quiet Place meets The Happening, though. 
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What Does 2019 Hold? 
We’re only halfway through the year, so we’ve got some time to see what is coming down the pipe. Lots of things to look forward to! But some solid titles so far this year that I’d heartily recommend: 
Us: Jordan Peele is at it again. It may not be as good as Get Out  -- there’s some plot holes where the internal logic of the world is at odds with the message it’s trying to send -- but it’s thoughtful and gives plenty to chew on. And there are places where it’s just unbearably tense and creepy. 
Brightburn: I had high hopes for this movie and was not disappointed. This is a super (ha, ha) good film. 
The Wind: A Gothic on the American frontier. It accomplishes what I think It Comes At Night was supposed to do, but more effectively (for me anyway). Bonus points for being written and directed by women. Double bonus: Caitlin Gerard, the main actress, is also the lead character in Smiley. 
I have not yet watched Velvet Buzzsaw, Ma or Midsommar this year, but I really want to. I’m also looking forward to the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark film despite having some reservations about the whole concept. 
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CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 25 Evoking The Infernal Fortress Of Protection
It is an obvious fact that there are time when the Practitioner of the Black Arts will find themselves under some form of Magickal Attack or Psychic Attack, many people come under such attacks daily that are not even involved in Occult Practices . . . periods of unfortunate events, illness and other misfortune put down to bad luck are often the result of such Attacks as are certain events put down to Paranormal Activity. Those not involved with Magick just think they are have a particularly bad run of ill fortune and will never be able to end such ill favoured runs due to their ignorance regarding Occult Workings and Magickal Power. The Satanist however is well equipped to protect themselves from such malicious Magickal assailants and should always be prepared to do so! The following Rite is designed for the purpose of protecting the Satanist's homestead from Magickal or Psychic Attack calling upon the combined powers of Satan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia to forge a protective fortress around their abode. The only additional requirements upon the Altar shall six Sigils inscribed upon Parchment, these will be the individual Sigils of the aforementioned five Demons and The Bound Sigil Of Fortification which harnesses the Names and Power of all five Demons merged as one. The Satanist should place the five Demonic Sigils at the points of the Inverted Pentagram upon the Pentacle - Satan at the left upper point, Beelzeboul at the right upper point, Asmodeus at the left point, Sargatanas at the right point, the final Sigil of Satanachia should be placed at the bottom point of the Pentagram - The Bound Sigil Of Fortification should be, for now, placed to one side of The Satanic Pentacle. The Satanist begins with reciting the following passage:
"Here before the Sacred Altar of My Infernal Father Lord Satan . . . I seek to fortify my homestead against the forces of Magickal Attack . . . the forces of Psychic Attack and against all other forms of Spiritual machinations worked against me and those loved ones  who I share this abode with . . . I call upon your ineffable Power Lord Satan . . . and the Power of your Infernal Demons Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia . . . to aid me in Protecting I and those I love from the forces directed at me by the Enemies I have within the Arcane Arts!"
The Satanist meditates upon the five Sigils placed at the points of the Inverted Pentagram upon The Satanic Pentacle for a short time and then continues:
"Before me Satan and Beelzeboul . . . at my left hand Asmodeus . . . at my right hand Sargatanas . . . behind me Satanachia . . . their Sigils charged here at the points of the Pentagram upon Satan's Majestic Pentacle . . . I Conjure the Infernal Pillars of Fire of each of these Grand Spirits to be erected about this homestead . . . I drive forth the Power of this The Satanic Pentacle that it may rise as the Macrocosm of its Power . . . stretching out before and around this Altar . . . forming the Pentagram Of Gestation around myself and this abode to repel all Magickal assailants against this place and their Occult machinations . . . Ave Satanas!"
The Satanist visualizes the encircled Pentagram upon The Satanic Pentacle reproduced beneath them upon the ground stretching out before and around them, the Red Circle around the Pentagram setting the perimeter of the Working area, the two upper points of the Pentagram reaching out before them. Then the encircled Pentagram is seen stretching beyond this outside of the abode itself and five Pillars of Infernal Flame rising from each each of the points of the Pentagram . . . when ready the Satanist recites the following:
"The Infernal Sphere of Protection is erected . . . the Five Pillars of the Grand Beings Satan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia are erected . . . and the Inverted Pentagram is manifest to seal this Infernal Fortress from all attack!"
The Satanist now takes The Bound Sigil Of Fortification and places it at the center of The Satanic Pentacle saying:
"Behold The Bound Sigil Of Fortification . . . containing the Power of the Five Infernal Spirits summoned here . . . behold that it draws the energy from the Demons of the Five Grand Demons of Protection and becomes as one defending against all who would assail this homestead . . . hear now the Incantation of Fortification . . . Ave Satanas!"
Placing each of the Demonic Sigils one on to of the other upon The Bound Sigil Of Fortification the Satanist now issues the Incantation of Fortification:
"By the Power of Our Lord Satan, Grand King of Hell . . . by the Power of His most loyal Servant Beelzebub . . . by the Power of the Grand Demons Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia . . . The Infernal Fortress of Protection is erected here . . . as a defense against all forms of Magickal, Psychic or Spiritual Attack . . . may all such attacks sent here be vanquished . . . may all Magickal assaults be banished . . . let the Servitors summoned of these Five Grand Demons immersed within the forged fiery fabric of this Fortress . . . defeat all Summoned Entities sent here against this place . . . let ever Magickal Attack be thwarted and the negative energies sent to harm those who reside in this abode be repelled tenfold back upon the assailant . . . casting upon them the hate and malicious intentions of their attack . . . by the ineffable Sigils of the Five . . .  and The Bound Sigil Of Fortification that harnesses their forces . . .  may all strikes against this homestead in all forms . . . be rendered futile and the those who forged such strikes be the victim of their own intentions . . . Ave Satanas!"
The Satanist takes up the six Sigils and places them within the Black Pouch and places it upon The Satanic Pentacle saying:
"While the Sigils are forged as One then so shall those in this homestead gain protection from those who would seek to move against this abode . . . Ave Satanas!" ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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The Demonic Legion Of The Kingdom Of Shadows
Here we concentrate upon the Demonic Legion of the Kingdom of Shadows ~ Satan, Lilith and the Demonic Beings that reside in Hell. The Spirits Of Hell are given with their Gender M(Male), F (Female) and A (Androgynous) and beneath each is given information on the areas of influence they have power over. This information is important as it is useful when deciding on which Demon’s power to Conjure to aid the obtaining of certain objectives or in completing work for Our Lord Satan. SATAN (M) Occult Knowledge, Success, Possession, Desire, Lust, Wisdom, Eliminating Enemies, Protection, Seduction, Magickal Power, Black Magick, Witchcraft, Bravery, Power. LILITH(F) Seduction, Stillbirths, Infertility, Miscarriages, Lust, Wrath, Psychic Power, Destroying The Pious, Avenger Against Misogyny, Female Power, Seership, Bloodshed, Menstruation. BEELZEBUB (M) Warfare, Power, Bravery, Authority, Rulership, Leadership, Influence, Controlling Those In Power, Conflict, Military Tactics, Victory, Defeat Of Enemies, Destruction.   ABADDON (M) Misery, Torment, Torture, Isolation, Depression, Madness, Terror, Desolation, Misanthropy, Binding Another’s Magick, Hexing, Cursing, Death, Loss. AGALIAREPT (M) Seership, Teaching, Guidance, Wisdom, Knowledge, Gateways, Scrying, Divination, Black Magick, Doorways, Portals, Realms, Prophecy, Tarot, The Black Mirror, Initiation. ASMODEUS (M) Seducing Women, Carnal Pleasure, Sexual Prowess, Ouija Boards, Desire, Lust, Seducing The Religious, Protection, Protection Against Magickal Attack, Fornication, Wanton Behaviour.   NAAMAH (F) Fornication, Lust, Seduction, Fertility, Fertility Of Land, Sexuality, Sexual Excess, Nymphomania, Blasphemy, Wrath, Adultery, Seduction Of Men, Beauty, Female Power. BELPHEGOR (A) Invention, Creativity, Love, Friendship, Ideas, Science, Attracting Love, Crafts, Alliances. LUCIFUGE (M) Prosperity, Wealth, Money, Inheritance, Good Fortune, Fate, Success, Business Deals. ARIOCH (M) Revenge, Justice, Retribution, Wrath, Death, Anger, Rage, Vengeance, Persecution Of Enemies, Karma, Pain, Punishment, Destruction, Cursing. ALASTOR (M) Violence, Death, Destruction Of Enemies, Inciting Homicide, Destroying Others, Assassination, Wrath, Bloodlust, Bloodshed, Pain, Hatred. RIMMON (M) Healing, Health, Healing The Self, Medicines, Diagnosis, Healing Others, Medical Knowledge, Science, Recovery. MEPHISTO (M) Pacts, Death, Revenge, Trades, Deals, Commerce, Liberation, Success, Extravagance, Pride, Demonic Pacts, Contracts, Sexual Liberation, Communication. ADRAMALECH (M) Destruction, Hate, Blood Sacrifice, Death Of Children, Sacrifices, War, Death, Plague, Disease, Pandemic, Desolation, Wrath. UNSERE (F) Healing, Fertility, Childbirth, Protection Of Children, Healing Of Children, Pregnancy, Herbal Healing, Safe Birth, Beginnings, Initiation, Female Beauty. BEHEMOTH (A) Greed, Sloth, Sin, Debauchery, Gluttony, Obesity, Blasphemy, Avarice, Indulgence, Possessive Behaviour, Laziness, Lewdness, Inciting Gluttony, Inflicting Obesity. RIBESAL (A) Storms, Violence, Seership, Dangerous Conditions, Bad Weather, Lightning, Sadness, Destruction Of Property, Rage, Wrath. SONNEILLON (F) Hate, Wrath, Conflict, Dividing Lovers, Causing Divorce, Dividing Friends, Ending Partnerships, Revenge, Grudges, Mental Torture, Disagreements, Discord, Torture. FRUCISSIERE (A) Necromancy, Passing Of The Dead, Paranormal, Ghosts, Ouija, Mediumship, Dark Arts, Paranormal Research, Psychic Phenomena. EURYNOME (A) Misery, Depression, Inciting Suicide, Inciting Self-Harm, Loneliness, Isolation, Loss, Apathy, Pacts, Death, Melancholy, Futility, Hate. LEONARD (M) Voodoo, Sorcery, Tatrism, Hexes, Spellcraft, Curses, The Occult, Witchcraft, Black Magick. DELEPITORAE (F) Lust, Glamour, Sex, Seduction, Beauty, Enchanting Men, Captivation, Obsession, Desire, Sex Magick, Seduction Spells. BALBERITH (A) Deals, Wisdom, Knowledge, Contracts, Success, Authority, Influencing Those In Authority, Allegiances, Alliances, Pacts, Power. AGRAMON (A) Terror, Nightmares, Paranoia, Fear, Insecurity, Trepidation, Uncertainty, Inciting Fear In Others, Insanity, Conspiracies. HUICTIIGARA (A) Dreams, Nightmaes, Insomnia, Rest, Dream Prophecy, Dream Travel, Astral Travel, Meditation, Peaceful Sleep, Convalescence. LUITHIAN (M) Learning, Knowledge, Study, Teaching, Literary Excellence, Understanding, Aiding Study, Aiding The Learning Process, Writing, Literature, Poetry, Wisdom. NYBASS (A) Luxury, Harmony, Prosperity, Festivals, Entertainment, Desire, Satisfaction. BECHARD (A) Tempests, Rains, Floods, Drowning By Flood, Winds, Tornadoes, Natural Disasters, Accidents, Weather Magick, Elemental Destructive Power. SURGAT (A) Opening Locks, Solving Problems, Entrance, Other Realms, Theft, Entry Into Forbidden Places, Revelation, Opening Magickal Gates. BALBAN (F) Apparitions, Mirages, Illusions, Hauntings, Fear, Nightmares, Paranoia, Insanity, Mental Imbalance, Delusions, Uncertainty, Depression. PYTHIUS (A) Deceit, Cunning, Commerce, Manipulation, Compulsion, Untruth, Concealment, Injustice. AGRAT (F) Harlotry, Inciting Women Commit Adultery, Seduction, Nymphomania, Prostitution, Seducing Men, Lust, Desire, Sexual Promiscuity, Harming The Pious. BALTAZO (M) Punishment, Misery, Boredom, Inciting Boredom, Inciting Apathy, Inciting Addition, Pain, Mental Anguish, Schizophrenia, Mental Diseases, Starvation. MELCHOM (A) Money, Promotion, Inheritance, Legacies, Financial Success, Business Success, Wealth. XAPHAN (A) Pyromancy, Protection From Fire, Divination By Ashes, Defeating Fire, Commanding Fire. VERDELET (A) Witchcraft, Pathworkings, Visualization, Illusions, Paranormal Activity, Elegance, Tact, Astral Travel, Dreamwork. CLISTHERT (A) Apparitions, Mirages, Psychic Ability, Disturbances, Astral Storms, Illusions, Fear, Terror, Astral Attack, Psychic Attack, The Paranormal GULAND (A) Disease, Inflicting Malady On Another, Causing Wounds To Putrefy, Accidents, Plague. FRIMOST (M) Seduction Of Other Men’s Wives, Lust, Desire, Seduction Of Virgins, Seduction Of Younger Women, Passion, Fornication, Sexual Virility. EISHETH (F) Seducing Other Women’s Husbands, Infidelity, Adultery, Seducing Pious Men, Destroying Pious Men’s Reputations, Exhibitionism, Fetishes, Sexual Obsession. CRESSIL (A) Sin, Libertine Behaviour, Lust, Desire, Lewdness, Greed, Obsession, Fascination, Material Obsessions, Decadence, Inciting Libertine Behaviour. BALAN (A) Diplomacy, Politics, Tact, Understanding, Charm, Wit, Communication, Popularity, Passion, Manipulation, Empowerment, Influence Over Others, Oratory Skills. UKOBACH (A) Fire, Destruction By Fire, Death By Fire, Causing People To Burn, Pyromancy, Immunity From Fire, Spreading Fire. KOBAL (A) Intellect, Perception, Learning, Study, Communication, Friendships, Diplomacy, Creativity, Understanding, Comprehension, Eagerness. SIRCHADE (F) Communicating With Animals, Commanding Animals, Magickally Aiding Animals, Languages, Nature, Protection, Linguistics, Empathy. ARDAT (F) Succubi, Draining Men Of Their Sexual Energy, Possesion, Causing Infertility In Men, Lust, Wrath, Causing Pain, Destruction Of Hope. MULLIN (M) Magickal Knowledge, Occult Wisdom, Ritual Magick, Divination, Tarot, Hermetics, Alchemy, History, Black Magick, Hexing. ARPHAXAT (F) Possession, Obsession, Fixation, Blasphemy, Desecration, Enchantment, Spells, Hexes, Manipulation, Sexual Manipulation, Witchcraft. ANNEBERG (A) Accidents, Suffocation, Wounds, Death, Mining, Excavation, Injury, Tragedy, Injustice, Disaster, Natural Disaster, Mass Death. CLAUNECK (A) Wealth, Employment, Promotion, Influence At Work, Success, Prosperity, Financial Acumen, Victory, Financial Stability, Investment. SATANACHIA (F) Protection, Safe Travel, Astral Travel, Magickal Protection, Seduction, Sexual Captivation. AYPEROS (F) Spellcraft, Image Magick, Synchronicity, Sorcery, Sympathetic Magick, Witchcraft, Charms. VERRIER (F) Healing, Herbal Healing, Natural Remedies, Healing Others, Curing Disease. BIFFANT (M) Possession, Obsession, Cruelty, Blasphemy, Fornication, Inversion, Debauchery. SHABIRI (F) Causes Blindness, Causes Deafness, Disfigurement, Birth Defects, Paralysis, Destruction Of Mental Health, Hearing Loss, Illness. RAHOVART (A) Punishment, Revenge, Hatred, Vengeance, Grudges Fulfilled, Karma, Justice, Death. MELCHIRESA (F) Terror, Nightmares, Fear, Madness, Mental Breakdown, Coma, Death, Fright, Phobias. ALDINACH (A) Earthquakes, Natural Disasters, Tsunamis, Flooding, Devastation, Destruction, Death. PHILOTANUS (M) Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Protection, Bravery, Insight, Intellect, Power. MOLOCH (M) Power, Authority, Knowledge, Sacrifice, Endeavour, Fortitude, Blood Sacrifice. HIEPACTH (A) Finding Those Who Are Missing, Finding Missing Items, Revealing Of Truth, Justice, Insight. MINOSON (A) Gambling, Fortune, Winning, Luck, Fate, Games Of Chance, Money. KHIL (M) Earthquakes, Disasters, Disturbances, Storms, Floods, Astral Storms, Turmoil. BRULEFER (F) Love, Alliances, Attracting Love, Peace, Reconciliation, Marriage, Engagements, Matrimony, Friendship, Partnerships, Binding Friendships. HUMOTS (A) Literary Knowledge, Discovering Books, Lost Manuscripts, Libraries, Archives, Study, Knowledge, History. SEGAL (F) Hauntings, Apparitions, Causing Hauntings, Contacting The Dead, Automatic Writing, Phantoms, Illusions, Paranormal Phenomena. SERGUTHY (M) Influencing Women, Enticing Women, Seduction, Lust, Desire, Deviant Practices, Fornication, Adultery. ELELOGAP (A) Death By Drowning, Storms At Sea, Shipwrecks, Tidal Waves, Bodies Of Water. CARREAU (A) Strength, Bravery, Power, Fortitude, Strength Of Will, Determination, Perseverance. ANSITIF (A) Desecration, Decadence, Sin, Lust, Adultery, Desire, Blasphemy, Indulgence, Wrath. ASAFOETIDA (F) Bind Friendships, Bind Lovers, Bind Spouses, Reconciliation, Marriage, Partnerships, Tact, Understanding, Instilling Compassion, Love. VERRINE (F) Healing, Health, Medicinal Knowledge, Fertility, Witchcraft, Healing The Aged. MULCIBER (M) Creativity, Architecture, Scholarship, Imagination, Invention, Craftsmanship, Structures, Mathematics, Buildings, Longevity. ELMEK (M) Knives, Swords Bladed Weapons, Battle, Death, Death By Blade, Violence, Battle Fever. BAALZEPHON (M) Wisdom, Creative Thought, Liberation, Free Will, Resistance, Strength, Learning. VETIS (M) Revenge, Evil, Blasphemy, Desecration, Destruction, Hatred, Death, Inflicting Pain, Inflicting Loss, Poverty, Illness. SVENGALI (M) Revenge, Retribution, Bloody Nightmares, Terrifying Visions, Hallucinations, Hate, Anger, Wrath, Defeat Of Enemies. PICOLLUS (A) Nightmares, Sacrifice, Storms, Tempests, Disruption, Chaos, Death, Necromancy. TEZRIAN (F) Conflicts, Warfare, Capturing The Souls Of The Dead, Battles, Courage, Mass Death, Betrayal, Battlefields, Omens, Augury, Victory In Warfare. RASHOON (F) Compulsion, Compelling Another Against Their Will, Seduction, Lust, Enchantment. MORAIL (A) Invisibility, Remaining Unseen, Hiding, Concealment, Deviousness, Avoiding Discover, Disguise, Independence, Survival. BLISARGON (A) Cursing, Bindings, Hexing, Black Magick, Obstruction, Delays, Injury, Pain, Loss. ROSIER (A) Love,  Marriage, Courtship, Etiquette, Inciting Love In Another, Binding Love. JEZEBETH (F) Deceit, Lies, Illusion, Cunning, Seduction,  Manipulation, Fabrication, Stealth, Secrets. MERSILDE (A) Entering Other Realms Of Being, Astral Projection, The Inner Sight, Seership, Prophecy, Protection On Journeys, Protection. SUCCORBENOTH (M) Gateways, Portals, Mirror Magick, Scrying, Jealousy, Deceit Envy, Openings, Knowledge. MUSISN (A) Influence Over Those In Power, Authority, Control, Mastery, Compulsion, Hauntings. CARNIVEAN (A) Debauchery, Adultery, Excess, Exhibitionism, Sexuality, Possessiveness, Hate, Envy. NYSROGH (M) Provides Servitors, Protection, Provides Familiars, Influences The Decisions Of Others. (c)copyright2018 Montespan.
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solaciummeae · 5 years
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Name: Trey Riado Age: 26 Specialty: Of the traditional gifts: Telepathy but quite a gifted Telekinetic as well; his skill with telepathy is only slightly stronger than his telekinetic ability. Abnormal abilities: Healing Living Organisms; in humans both mental and physical Heritage: Synergist Home: New York Organization{s} Associated With: International House of Homosuperiors, Paranormal Defense League, Free Paranormals Society Allegiance: Bellamy Riado[@deadbeatcentral], Genevieve Knight, Marshall Quade[@deadbeatcentral], West Coast Underground/East Coast Underground Special Talents: digging deeply into the thoughts of others, reading the most difficult to recall memories even those the individual may not be able to reach themselves– blocked, repressed, or otherwise; manipulation of emotions and thoughts, ability to cause verbal & visual hallucinations so realistic the person affected believes it’s actually happening, multiple powerful balled up energy blasts for concentrated hit on several targets at once, extreme tolerance/endurance with telekinetic heavy lifting, telekinetic fine motor skills; able to break apart and put back together complex objects with his mind, healing living organisms; plants, animals, and in people both mental and physical afflictions - this ability is a mutation in his genes caused in part by things his mother– a powerful witch– did while pregnant with him, furthermore as a witch himself– gifted in an alchemy that only homosuperiors are capable of
Trey hails from a wealthy and influential family of homosuperiors. His father, Xavier, is an active member of international organizations that operate well beyond the borders of the United States. It was on some such business trip to this country that he met and fell in love with Trey’s mother Laila. She gave his father a reason to stick around and poke into the interests of the, then only beginnings of what would become Ultra.
By the time Trey was a young child, Ultra had started to rise in force. There were horror stories about young breakouts being taken from the streets-- some of them utilized as agents while others had their powers stripped altogether. For this reason, Xavier-- knowing his son would grow up to be just like himself and his wife, moved their family back to London. He was sure that they would be safer there, what with all the connections he had-- especially those longer since established and grander than the organization based in New York.
As time went on and Trey got older, his abilities came into play around the age of thirteen-- young to be sure, but for good reason. Laila Smith herself was a witch, and a damn good one at that. She was well versed in the arts of alchemy that only Tomorrow People were capable of. When she’d been carrying Trey, she’d worked some powerful magic to ensure that her child would be safe and able to protect himself when the time came.
For this reason, after Trey broke out, it became quickly apparent that there was a mutation within his genes. He exhibited an ability to heal living organisms. It started with animals, but once known, he exercised the ability to heal people as well. This gift was kept quiet, should the outside world seek to use his abilities for their own ends.
Ever wanting to help others, to make a difference in their world-- just after his eighteenth birthday-- Trey traveled back to New York where he’d been born. The dangers of the city were ever present, but being well trained, he managed to stay concealed. He kept largely to himself until by chance coming across someone like himself on the street-- one Bellamy Riado who’d been using telekinesis to steal a pineapple.
He followed him into an alley where it became quickly apparent to the other man that they were of the same kind. More than that even-- as when their eyes met a large head rush seemed to come over both of them, forced to lean over until the sensation ended. When he finally straightened up and took in the other homosuperior again, it was as if he couldn’t keep him out of his mind. Even things that he tried so desperately to hide seemed painfully obvious in his thought processes. Likewise, he found himself undeniably linked to the other’s thoughts-- as if everything were there plain for him to see.
Frightened by the turn of events, he was desperate to teleport away from the spot, even as the man-- whose name he’d come to find was Bellamy-- invited him back to his apartment. He was quick to deny the request, teleporting out to his own apartment. Yet somehow, despite the distance-- he found Bellamy still inexplicably lodged in his mind. He could see everything he did, feel his every emotion.
Trey tried everything to keep his mind elsewhere, utilizing countless distractions to seemingly no end. Finally later that night, he decided to go see him. Not knowing where he lived he, focused his energy on him, about to reach out his thoughts to ask where he was. But in that moment, his body teleported out and landed directly in Bellamy’s living room. After talking for hours, the older man insisted he stay for the night-- they were adults, they could share the mattress on the floor. This seemed fair until upon waking the next morning, Trey found himself completely wrapped up in the other, holding his sleeping figure close to himself.
This was only the beginning for them. It soon became apparent that they couldn’t stay away from each other-- and moreover that Bellamy had no desire to. The other man wasn’t like the other Tomorrow People of the city that hid in the shadows for safety. In fact, it seemed that Bellamy was entirely out of the know about the dangers for their kind. He was very much a public figure, a musical artist who performed regularly in front of large crowds.
Again, he’d insisted that Trey accompany him on some such night. But as the younger watched from the crowd, and long after at a private after-party-- he began to realize just how little he fit into Bellamy’s world. While he had plenty of his own connections-- Bellamy’s lifestyle was far different than his. He felt out of place, inadequate even. And so he excused himself to go back to the artist’s apartment where he’d been staying more often than his own for reasons he couldn’t quite flesh out.
When Bellamy returned that night it was clear that he’d had far too much to drink. He immediately picked up on Trey’s plan to leave and put whatever distance he could between them. Regardless of whatever this connection they shared meant-- he had no place here. The older homosuperior broke down, begging him not to leave, telling him ardently of just how important to him that he was.
The bond that they shared did him no favors, able to feel every ounce of pain Bellamy felt, the sheer desperation for him not to go. As such, Trey couldn’t bring himself to leave. He stayed that night after all, worried over the consequences of the binge drinking that had happened that evening. That night he watched him sleep for a long time before his mind was set that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to leave now. And so he didn’t.
Their profound connection served only to strengthen what they felt for each other, a deep-- seemingly timeless-- love forming between them. They were rarely apart for long, and always present within each other’s minds. And as fate would have it, two years later, they would be married.
However, as happy as they were together, the outside world still held its dangers. Bellamy didn’t seem as concerned about it as Trey did, but that quickly changed. A couple years later, Trey was approached numerous times by a seemingly mysterious ally-- a former top agent of Ultra who sought to keep their kind safe from the organization. 
John Young urged Trey to see reason-- that his life with Bellamy not only above ground but in the public eye was putting them both at risk. He pleaded with Trey to talk sense into his husband, that they’d be safer underground with him and those few that he’d recruited into hiding.
The couple was forced to seriously consider their options, deciding for a time to take up resident with the underground in the lair. Trey became close with John, sharing what he knew about the other organizations his family were a part of outside of the states. His every intent was to utilize those connections to help their people, despite still being so young himself.
Bellamy however, couldn’t just give up his career, having made a name for himself, even among the homosapiens. He often broke the rule of keeping ties to those outside of their small community and for that reason, the couple returned to the surface. Trey kept in touch often with John, helping him to recruit others and bring in breakouts. He was an avid member of their team, offering whatever resources he could.
When Jedikiah and the Founder began waging war on the now growing lair dwellers, Trey pooled his own connections in an effort to help the cause. However being that he was a mere 21 at the time, and with the due process of the other organizations, there wasn’t much he could do.
That is, until a year later when the Founder made an attempt to wipe out all human life. When word reached them, the were forced to consider action, but were too late to do much. Hugh Bathory’s defeat and death were met with much relief from all parties involved. The International House of Homosuperiors and Paranormal Defense League both stationed operations in the city immediately following his demise. 
They aided the ever growing population of paranormals flocking to the city after the beacon had been sent out. As the underground returned to the streets, setting up safe houses, and councils-- both great organizations did their part to make sure that the Tomorrow People here, had what they needed to make for a new life.
When Jedikiah rose up to start his super soldier program, they again, worked from the inside to put a stop to his agenda. Being that he held such strong ties to the community, Trey was given a place of leadership in both organizations. Reporting directly to the higher ups, one of which was his own father, Xavier.
Since then, he’s continued as one of the members of the high council among the community, now able to access all of the resources at the disposal of the organizations his family has long since been a part of.
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